#love grows where my unicorn goes
mapleleavesart · 11 months
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Welcome to Love Grows Where My Unicorn Goes Episode 1 Pt 1!
When i get a master post up I'll link it here, and the next part will be here
I'd like to thank a few people that gave me inspiration, motivation, or just helpful tips that lead to me making and posting this!
@somerandomdudelmao for inspiring the art style and making me realize that comics don't have to look perfect in order to be good
@tapakah0 for getting me a little bit more into Tumblr and giving me someone I could interact with without fear
@cokowiii for indirectly teaching me that just because something is based around a main character x OC doesn't mean people won't like it or find it cringe (seriously, HOW did Cali get so popular and well-liked?). It was that little push that helped me decide to go through with this project.
@kathaynesart for giving me (a nervous anon from a week or two ago, hi it's me you told me to tag you when/if i got this up, hello 👋) some tips about starting/writting/making comics and for encouraging me forward
Seriously, thank you all! I wouldn't have taken up this project if it weren't for all of you inspiring me with your wonderful works.
And lastly but not least, @hihopelessromantics my irl friend, for helping me with the title name, proofreading, editing, and just generally giving me second opinions 😅
Hope nobody minds being tagged by some rando with like 3 followers lol 😅😅😅 if you do I'm sorry 😅
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zzoguri · 5 months
serene (it’s what i hope for me) ➵ eric sohn
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non-idol!eric sohn x reader
you should’ve known that eric wouldn’t be the one.
genre/warnings ➵ angst no happy ending, exes au, gender neutral reader, unedited, lowercase intended, shift between past and present to represent waves (hence the italics), the chilling realization of your suspicions always being right
word count ➵ 845 words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel @stealanity @deobi0412 @blue-rainydays @maessseongs
playlist ➵ california and me by laufey // you missed my heart by phoebe bridgers
a/n ➵ on my period and in my eric feelings :’) inspired by “california and me” by laufey. please listen to it! it genuinely resembles the feeling of ocean waves, hence the constant shift between past and present :3 and no, the ocean waves pics have no relation to this fic i just love ghibli aesthetics for the banner. i hope you all like this drabble! don’t forget to reblog and leave feedback!
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it’s not summer where you are, but you stand where the season lives; sand in between toes, sea meets the shore. you bask in the sunlight as you look at the expanse of blue while the breeze comes and goes.
it’s serene here, beautiful—but it’s lonely; not a single sight of another person here to appreciate where summer continues to live amidst all seasons.
“i’m sorry.” those are the words that first leave eric’s mouth once you two arrive at the han river, the first words to confirm your suspicions of tonight.
you hold your breath. “w—what?”
“i know, i—”
“did i do something wrong?” your glossy eyes shine like stars under the moonlight; you almost hope they’re enough for eric to take those words back.
“no, no!” he attempts to reassure you but they’re meaningless after what he told you. “it’s not your fault. nothing is your fault.”
seagulls flap their wings, croaking out sounds of their whereabouts, finding their flock they may have been separated from. as you hear a similar sound in the distance, you watch the flock rush off.
the ocean runs to kiss the land every time it has to go, regardless of how long the two are kept away from each other. the deep blue rushes to bathe the pale cream, reassuring they will always return.
and while the beach is heaven on earth, you grow bitter. surrounded by instances of one coming back—choosing to reunite with the other—you wonder if that’ll ever happen to you.
“i—i could call you every night, or morning! maybe i can—”
“y/n, no,” he cuts you off. “we talked about this before, remember? we can’t do long distance, we’ve always hated it.”
your lips tremble. “you don’t even want to try?”
silence settles between you two.
“i would try to make it work for us, but you wouldn’t?”
a sigh leaves him. his hand reaches to rub his temple. “but it wouldn’t be fair to us.”
your phone rings. you look at it to see your best friend calling, so you answer it, putting it against your ear.
“y/n, i have to tell you something.”
a chuckle leaves you. “i know.”
“huh? but how? he only posted that picture an hour ago,” chanhee points out. “do you still follow his instagram?”
you only hum in disagreement.
“did you check his profile again?”
as you look down at your feet that’s consumed by the sand, a sigh leaves you.
“i thought we agreed to not look at his socials anymore! do we need to talk—”
“no, chanhee,” you cut him off. “i didn’t look at any of his accounts.”
“then how do you know? you knew exactly what i was referring to. how?”
you close your eyes, letting the heat of the sun and the coolness of the breeze consume you whole. “i just know.”
you look away from eric, allowing your eyes to take in the sight of the river stream continuously flow as it reflects the luminescence of korea—city lights and stars all together.
such a beautiful sight, but such a shame that it’s been soiled by his words.
“you’re right,” you find yourself saying. “we’ve talked about it before, we could never survive in a long distance relationship.”
you look back at eric. his go-to smile and the sparks in his eyes—all vanished in one night.
“i just wish we could.”
“i know. i do, too.”
your eyes peel open, greeted by the sight of the serene once more. you wish it could stay like this—tranquil, lasting.
“i hope you’re okay,” chanhee says on the other line. “i’m sorry that this is happening.”
you bite the inside of your cheek. “it’s okay, i’ll be okay.” it sounds convincing to you but not to your best friend. “i’ll call you later, okay?”
he hums for a moment. “okay, i’m here for you.”
you drop the call. you stare at your home screen for a moment until you decide to open up instagram.
you shouldn’t be doing this, especially after chanhee’s reminder, but your best friend's words have cracked the dam that held the water from pouring out.
you type his user like a password—discreetly, one you still know by heart.
in a matter of seconds, you see his profile pop up as a top suggestion. your thumb hovers over it, unsure if you should proceed or save yourself from reality. but you remember that it won’t change anything—nothing will change if you decide to look or not.
so you click on his profile, and your eyes land on the most recent post. from the preview in his profile grid, you already know that you were right. a bitter smile settles on your lips.
you shut your phone close and shove it into your pocket. your eyes land back to the ocean, glossy once more like that one night. it’s still a beautiful sight, but it’s a shame that it’s been soiled by one post.
in the same way the waves come and go, he always goes back to her.
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I Forget Where We Were
1.4k/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Five: She Treats Me Well
Now I’ve got a woman at home, she treats me well
what to expect: Sundays spent with the Millers. Joel officially asks you to be his girlfriend. 
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, slight daddy!kink, sooooo much fluff
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After the best sleep of your life, you woke up intertwined with Joel. He was awake and watching the news on mute on his TV. You snuggled into the crook of his neck, and he dragged you on top of him.
‘Sleep well darlin’?’ his raspy voice turned you into putty, as he tucked your hair behind your ear and flipped you over onto you back.
He kissed you hungrily, before patting your thigh and jumping out of bed.
You whined as you held out your arms for him to join you again, and in the same second, Sarah ran through onto the bed like a tiny hurricane and snuggled into you.
‘I had the funniest dreams’ Sarah giggled. ‘Daddy played dress up with me and we turned him into a princess.’
‘I could just imagine him as pretty as a picture’ you giggled. 
You burst into a fit laughter as
Joel wrapped the duvet round his hips and gave a twirl. ‘Now what do the real princesses want for breakfast?’
‘I need to get home and shower, should we head back to mine and we’ll eat there? I’ve got groceries to get through, and I know a certain curly haired baby would love to come and see where I live!’ You tickled Sarah and tilted your head at Joel. Sarah clambered across the bed and held onto Joel like a koala, you leaned forward into Joel’s hip.
‘Let’s get ready to go then Roo’ Roo was Joel’s nickname for Sarah, affectionately after the way she bounced round and round. 
You made the bed, and went downstairs to clear the dishwasher and organise Joel’s house quickly.
Dressed in Joel’s joggers that sat low on your hips, and a tucked up gym top, you went to check on Sarah and Joel, and found Sarah in her unicorn backpack and bright pink tutu dress. Joel was dressed smart in black Jeans, a tightly fitting black flannel shirt and his silver watch sitting on his wrist, above his small hand tattoo. His curly hair was slicked back, and you could smell the heat of the hot shower mixed with his mint shower gel and toothpaste, and your favourite aftershave of his.
You stared a moment too long, when Sarah held your hips and shook you asking to go and see your house. Joel placed his fingers under your chin and picked your jaw up.
‘It’s rude to stare’ Joel lowered his voice and remarked gruffly into your ear.
You swallowed dryly, and averted your gaze as you tried to distract yourself by gathering the Miller’s out the house back to your place.
     · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You let Sarah have full access to your apartment, and she went straight to the flowers growing on your balcony. Joel stood in the french doors, his silhouette distracting you. He sipped his black coffee from your ridiculously oversized pastel pink mug, when he crouched down to let Sarah whisper in his ear. He crouched down and nodded, then looked at you and smiled. He looked back at Sarah ‘Yes I’ll ask her later baby’. You were itching to find out what Sarah whispered, but had a pretty good idea. 
You laid breakfast out for everyone, and watched with adoration as your small apartment now felt like home. The idea of having Joel’s babies crept into your mind. What would that be like? Heaven, you thought.
After breakfast was finished, you let Sarah pick her favourite Disney film and hopped in the shower and got ready for the day. 
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‘What are we doing today then?’ You entered the room. Sarah was on the balcony with an orange juice, flicking through an old book of yours. You chuckled at her, and Joel turned around and pulled you in. His hands held your hips, and you felt his huge arms envelope you.
‘I want to go to the arcades’ Sarah squealed with her hands in the air.
‘Ask nicely!’ Joel said sternly.
Sarah looked over at you and said please as many times as she could. 
‘Arcades it is then, Miss Miller’ Joel agreed, ‘You up for it, darling?’
‘I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do, Mr Miller’you grinned at Sarah.
Joel grunted and gave you ‘that look’.
‘Will you paint my nails for me first’ Sarah asked, bouncing around like a Duracell Bunny.
‘Absolutely baby. I’ll send Daddy on a mission to the store and we’ll finish getting ready’ you asked, emphasis on the eye contact with Joel when you said Daddy.
He clenched his fist and banged it on the counter jokingly, and asked you to write a list. You conspired with Sarah and gave Joel a list:
-Sour Patch Kids
-Sourdough Loaf
-Bottle of Rosé
-More Sour Patch Kids
-Reese’s Pieces
-Dr Pepper Zero
He scoffed at the list, and warned against the excessive sugar content. You assured him it’d be a sugar crash by night time, and that’s why you wanted sugar free Dr Pepper- to compensate!
You and Sarah ran to your vanity and Joel went to the store.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The heat scorched, as you found relief under the air con in the arcades. Sarah had stuffed teddies bigger than her, and your purse was 
full of pointless prizes from arcade machines. Joel carried the tokens. 
Sarah asked for an ice cream and a final go on the dance machine.
You and Joel sat next to eachother waiting to take Sarah home.
‘Do you still love me?’ Joel nudged you.
‘From the moment I met you’ you squeezed his thigh.
‘Will you be my girlfriend? I’m not sure people ask anymore, but I’ve been waiting for this moment all my life.’ Joel blushed and you kissed him. 
‘How could I ever say no?’ You scrunched your nose up and held his hand, ‘I love you, Mr Miller.’
Sarah sprinted over yelling ‘I want to go home.’ You envied the abruptness that kids could get away with. You wouldn’t be able to shout I want to leave in your office job and have people find you funny and endearing. 
You all held hands and headed back to the truck. 
‘Are you and Daddy having another sleepover tonight?’ Sarah fluttered her eyelashes and didn’t want you to leave.
‘No babygirl, I’ve got to work tomorrow’ it wasn’t clear who was more disappointed at your answer out of Joel and Sarah. They both shared the same gooey puppy dog eyes.
‘How about we go and pick her up from work tomorrow? You can finish school, Daddy will come and get you, and then we’ll head there’ Joel was desperate to keep you all for him and Sarah, and would do anything to be with you every second of every day.
‘You’ve got yourself a deal, Mr Miller. I’ll see you tomorrow night Roo’ you kissed Sarah’s forehead and she twirled around you and climbing into the backseat.
Joel was left listening to the sound of you both softly snoring on the drive home, clearly reaching that sugar crash you talked about.
His heart swelled, and he thanked his lucky stars. Both of his girls.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Joel dropped you home and tried to wake you without making you grouchy. You tried to not be sad and keep in high spirits for Sarah and Joel. Even though you’d see them in less than 24 hours again.
You started your Sunday reset regime, changing your bedsheets, even though they smelt like Joel still and wrote your weekly plan. Although, how productive really was the to do list of : kiss Joel, think about Joel, hug Joel, fuck Joel.
Your phone chimed with a text about an hour later.
Sarah’s in bed, finally crashed😴 she said she already misses you and wish you didn’t have to ever leave.
She’s the most precious angel- I miss her too. Big hugs and kisses tomorrow xxx
I miss you too. Can’t believe you’ve got this old man head over heels again. I love you, baby.
I love you. Can’t believe I’m a girlfriend, I feel like a changed woman.
Get some sleep missy, don’t let the honour get to your head😉
Mr Miller… don’t start something you can’t finish.
Oh I’ll finish everytime.
Gross- get gone. Night baby.
You finished your chores and got yourself clean and to bed. You sprawled out, smiling to yourself and sleep came easily. 
You wished you were at work already so you could be back in Joel’s arms. 
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Moments like this- 141+ König
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GN!Reader, fluff, romantic! Relationship, civilian! reader
Based on a request: Do you think you could write some hcs (for 141 guys and konig ofc hes my fav<3) where the reader has really long hair?.Just for some inspo: I'm thinking ghosts love language entails him helping brush, wash, care for his s/o hair. And Johnny and konig love playing with their s/o hair, braiding it, learning how to do hairstyles etc...thank you🩷💖
A/N: as soon as I read the request, I thought of Rapunzel when in tangled she gets her hair done by the little girls lol
This man grew up with only brothers, but he was more of the kinder one, so when it came to you and your long hair, he watched tutorials on how to braid and care for hair.
It was new to him, he hadn't done this, like ever.
But, when he came home after a long and stressful day, he would go to you. Who was already in the couch waiting for him.
He couldn't talk, it was as if his voice had just given out. So what does he do? starts running his fingers through your hair.
Which calms both of you, he someway, somehow fell asleep. And it was definitely the best he's had so far.
So, this become a thing, you dont ask questions and neither does he.
All you do is wait by the couch or in bed and he drops everything and combs through your hair, slowly drifting into sleep.
I like to think he asks Kate and her wife on how to do a pony tail, and although he tries, he gets so frustrated, he ends up giving up.
I whole heartedly believe he grew up with sisters, with that said, he knows how to braid your hair.
I am talking a master at braids, when he isn't in the mood for too much, he brushes your hair, and when he just needs to relax in a warm bath, he drags you in and washes your hair.
There was one time where you were sick, and he knows that if you stay in bed for longer, you won't feel better, so...he washes your hair, putting all the right products in, massaging your scalp and overall being such husband material.
Lots of kisses for sure, he makes sure you get at least 10 kisses per day. And as he brushes your hair, he kisses your forehead.
He even asks his sisters what kind of oils he can use on your hair type to help it grow healthy and strong.
At times when he does come home super late and he is very tired, all he does is crawl into bed and cuddle you, but best believe he is brushing your hair slowly and delicately.
Like Price, it soothes him to brush your hair, makes him sleepy and all. Thats why when he cant sleep, he brushes your hair with his hands.
This man also grew up in an all women household and I will not be told otherwise. So, when you and him start dating, and you let your hair down more often, he likes to sits down by the porch and to braids on you.
One time, mainly because his niece made him watch Tangled, he places flowers on your freshly done braid. He even took pictures of you, and best believe that picture is now carried everywhere he goes. I am talking wallet, vest pocket, phone wallpaper, and has drawn it on a lot of sketch books.
He also loves messing with you, and because you trust him so much with your hair, he gives you a literal unicorn horn, which makes you two cry so hard from laughing.
He also drew that in a sketch book. When his nieces are around, he brags on his skills. And to demonstrate he is good at doing hair, he makes you sit on a pillow on the floor as he does your hair.
Messy buns are a no at times, because he loves to see you in his hair dos.
There was one time where you were so drunk but it was the same day you had to wash your hair that he did it for you. There was a mess everywhere, but he did the job and there is definitely no complaining.
This man is awkward and sometimes weirded out by physical touch, so to make you feel better he started to follow influencers that taught him about the importance of hair care.
He tries so hard at times, but it's the intention that matters. One night, while you were sad, brushed your hair and hummed a tune.
And slowly he realizes this could be his way of showing his affection towards you, so he does it everyday now.
When you wake up, there he is , waiting to comb your hair. At night after a shower, he is waiting by the bed to comb your hair and listen to what you did all day.
After deployments when he comes tired, he lays on the couch and you lay on top of him, he, like price and gaz, falls asleep as he combs through your hair.
Your hair at times is untamable, which bothers him, but it teaches him patience, so he goes for the long run and slowly but surely does your hair justice.
At times when you two, have rough sex, he gets mad at himself for making your hair a mess. But not to worry, that one of his ways of aftercare is to comb your hair.
We all know this man is a gentle giant, it's a fact at this point. Anyways, his love language is physical contact, so when there are days you don't feel like hugging or just being touched in the slightest by him (rarely happens im sure) he combs your hair.
I also like to believe he is the only child, so like the golden retriever energy kind of man he is, he adores when he can do other activities with you, like your hair.
Before him, it was a mess, you'd wake up, comb it and give yourself split ends and now, it's so smooth and nice and puffy, it's just so perfect.
I know for sure at night when he can't sleep he is watching YouTube tutorials for different kinds of hairstyles.
One time he ran out of hair gel because for a whole week all he did was try weird and definitely funny hair do's.
Best believe like Ghost, after a night of fun, his form of aftercare includes him coming your hair.
He reads on how braiding your hair can help it grow, so, everynight since he braids your hair and makes sure it's not pulling your hair, just so you can get a nights rest.
If you use a bonnet, this man will literally learn why that is and also ask around with his female comrades.
A/N: I did this in such rush, so if I did get a few wordings wrong...sorry not sorry..
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oh-stars · 4 months
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Guiding Hand
Love is about a hand reaching out to you so you don't get lost.
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1156 words | CW: PTSD | Rating: T
Thunder roars in the distance. It’s faint, barely noticeable over Eddie’s chords as he practices on his acoustic. “I’m off my game today,” Eddie groans, scrubbing at his face with one hand, the other cradling the neck of the guitar still. “It sounds so out of tune even though I’ve…” 
Steve hums as he grabs the candles and flashlights from under the entertainment center. 
The rains picking up, going from a pleasant steady rhythm, to a downpour as the storm grows closer. He’s thankful for the rain, a constant companion to the thunder and Steve’s biggest reminder that they’re in the right side up. It eases some of his anxiety, but the remainder is still too loud. 
“I think you should kiss me.” 
The thunder seems a bit closer now. He grabs the pack of batteries and the matches, his lighter already in his pocket. He hasn’t used the flashlights since the tornado watch two months ago, the last time the lights flickered. They should still have enough juice, but you can never be sure. 
“Can we get a horse?” 
Steve checks out the window; the rain’s flooding the driveway and soon they could swim through the lake of his front yard. At least its already late, so they can stay home – and if Eddie tries to go back to the trailer, he’s not afraid to tackle him. 
“Do you think Henderson could find us a unicorn?” 
They haven’t eaten dinner yet, should Steve heat up something before the storm gets too bad? In case they lose power for a while? The storm is coming quickly though. It’ll take too long to make something and he needs to pick up more canned goods. Do they have enough leftovers?
“Stevie, I’ve grown an extra head, but it’s not mine.” 
He heads toward the kitchen and pulls out the casserole he made last night. There’s plenty. Hopefully Eddie doesn’t mind. He goes to ask, but a clap of thunder cracks through the air. 
Steve drops the lid to the tupperware – it clatters to the floor as Steve jumps. 
“Steve,” Eddie says, his hands on Steve’s hips, pulling him in close so he presses against Steve’s back. 
He glares at Eddie over his shoulder. 
Eddie raises his hands in defense. “Don’t get mad at me. That’s your name.” 
“Not to you.” Steve turns around and crosses his arms. 
“I’ve been trying to get your attention for a while, baby,” Eddie says softly. He puts his hands back on Steve’s waist, their hips flush together. “Are you okay?” 
Steve shrugs. “Just making dinner.” 
Eddie keeps his face neutral; Steve cna see how much effort it's taking him. 
“Are you okay with leftovers?” 
“Sounds great,” Eddie sighs. “Can I do anything?” 
Steve shakes his head and turns back to the cold leftovers. Eddie’s hands stay on his waist as Steve dishes out two healthy servings for their plates. 
Another thunderclap and Eddie’s grip tightens. Steve’s entire body feels tight like he’s preparing for something. Which is just bull. He’s making dinner during a thunderstorm. There’s nothing happening. He’s being foolish. 
A soft kiss to the side of his neck has Steve letting out a breath. Was he holding it? “I’ve got you,” Eddie whispers. 
Steve leans back into him as the first plate heats up in the microwave. He closes his eyes and listens to the rain, to the soothing sound of Eddie’s breathing accompanied by the little gusts against his skin where Eddie’s nose is pressed to his skin. 
For a moment, all is well. 
With their dinner reheated, Steve takes their plates to the living room where the flashlights and candles wait for them. 
“Dinner on the sofa?” Eddie gasps as they settle in. “What would your mother say, Steven?” His smile turns into a grimace. “Not feeling it?” 
Steve leans into Eddie’s side. “I’m sorry.” 
“Baby,” Eddie says, “it’s okay. I just want to see you smile.” 
Well, that does work. 
They’re able to eat as they watch Golden Girls reruns in companionable  silence, with Eddie crossing his legs over Steve’s. It keeps him grounded as the thunder rolls on. 
When the episode ends, Steve takes their plates to the kitchen and starts to clean up. Eddie’s right there with him, talking about the show like he’s gossiping about their neighbors. “And where does Blanche get off saying that shit to Rose?” 
“I don’t kno–” 
The lights flicker. 
Steve shoves Eddie behind him, into the cabinet, as he reaches for the knife block. 
He grips a steak knife so tight his knuckles pop. His senses are attuned to the world around them as Steve stands guard. They’re frozen in place, time still as they wait for… something. 
No bulging walls. 
No flapping wings. 
No scratching nails. 
All he can hear is rain, thunder, Eddie’s breathing and his own ragged breaths. 
Then the lights go out all together with the next flash of lightning. 
“Shit,” Eddie hisses. 
Steve holds his breath until the next round of thunder has passed. “C’mon,” Steve says, reaching back for Eddie’s hand. 
Eddie laces their fingers together with a self-deprecating laugh. “You’d think I’d get over this fear of the dark at my age.”
Steve squeezes his hand. “Kind of hard when you’ve seen what we’ve seen.” Carefully, he walks them both out of the kitchen toward the coffee table. “Don’t let go.” 
“Right. Can’t be getting lost in your McMansion,” Eddie quips, as if he isn’t actively cutting off Steve’s circulation. 
He kicks the coffee table and uses his leg to put some space between himself and the table to set the knife down. Then he makes quick work of lighting the candles with his lighter, flicking it closed once he’s done. 
With that, he drags Eddie to the couch and sinks into the cushions. He’s too tense still, nerves frayed and muscles still fired up to jump into action. Eddie’s hand has eased, though, thumb running over Steve’s knuckles. Soon, Steve knows that his presence, his touch, will spell all of his built up tension – even with the thunder still going overhead and the rain still pelting the windows. 
The walkie that lives on the side table clicks on, crackling to life as Max’s voice asks, “Does anyone have power?” 
“Zoomer, you’re supposed to say, over. Over,” Henderson says. 
“Answer or don’t, curly fries. I don’t have time for this,” Max huffs. 
Steve raises an eyebrow at Eddie, only to find him looking back just as confused. 
With their hands still linked, Eddie grabs the walkie, holds down the button, and holds it up to Steve’s face. 
“Roll call, nerds,” Steve says, then with a sigh, he adds, “over.” He leans against Eddie, tucking himself under Eddie’s arm. He feels anchored, safe in the bubble of candlelight he’s made for him and Eddie. 
After everyone else has checked in, Eddie presses the button again and says, “Babysitter and Banished, all clear.”
Thank you @lady-lostmind!
Ao3 Link
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newvegascowboy · 8 months
Look, I'm not necessarily mad that izzy has died, but the WAY he's died is so unsatisfying I'm just baffled.
I said it in the tags of my previous post, but Izzy dying doesn't actually make narrative sense imo. The narrative goes to grea lengths to show us that Izzy is a survivor, firstly, and secondly, he has people and things worth surviving for. His suicide attempt and metaphorical death + rebirth was SO impactful because it shows us an Izzy who is finally living for something other than Ed, who if finally making choices for someone other than Ed. If shooting him in the storm was supposed to be their breakup, that's where it should have ended.
So much of S2 was devoted to showing us what Izzy is like without Ed around and growing in to a life he thought was unreachable. In a lot of ways, I think Izzy mirrors Ed's belief that he's unlovable. While Ed's storyline is primarily driven by a romantic relationship, Izzy is surrounded by, loved, and accepted by the crew of the Revenge. He's their Unicorn.
Having him die in Ed's arms undercuts the entirety of the storyline they wrote out for him. Not only that, but having him claim to WANT to die? You can't tell me that's anything other than a bold faced lie. Izzy has so MUCH to live for, and this is repeatedly shown to us in his interactions with the crew, with Stede, and other people.
If Izzy had to die, he should have done it surrounded by the crew of thr Revenge holding his hand. If he had acknowledged that he didnt want to go, that would have made his death so much more meaningful. Instead, we get Izzy once again throwing out his own agency for Blackbeard and minimizing the entirety of his arc for S2.
Izzy SHOULD have left blackbeard behind, but he should have gone on to captain the Revenge and not. That.
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fauxraven · 1 month
The Time Paradigm [VI]
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pairing: Dream of the Endless x fem!reader
summary: the death of a Dream, the anguish of another
warnings: gore, Dream’s endless (but hot af) anger, character death
word count: 2.9k+
Enter the Dream, weary traveller
Chapter VI: Mutually assured salvation
GaiaPrime-57, Londinium, Half the Lifetime of the Universe,
A window snaps shut.
A droplet drops.
A zipper zips shut.
Zips open.
Chipping nail polish cracks further with every slide of the zip. Zip up; zip down. Zip up; zip down.
The suitcase slams on the floorboards. A frustrated groan leaves the chipping nail polish.
‘’Yes. Yes, I understand that too, Mr. Harris.’’ Up and down and up and down again until it jams. The phone gives a groan under cheap nail polish and exhausted fingers. ‘’Pedro, come—hop on my suitcase.’’
The curly head of a child pops around a corner; small, for his age, smallest of his class, in every aspect. He holds a soft toy that’s half bunny half elephant and about 5% extinct species. He hops on the suitcase silently.
‘’No, obviously, I don’t expect you to hop on my suitcase, Mr. Harris.’’ The zipper draws back, jams again. ‘’Pedro? Remember the Chuck E. Cheese ball pit?’’
The child throws himself onto the suitcase. The zipper is still stuck.
‘’Yes, I know. But the lease said—just one really. Yes, the other intends to stay. I don’t know, a few months. Yes, just me. She’ll stay. Yes—yes! Perfect, thank you, so much!’’ The phone drops on a red faux suede beanbag. ‘’Kid, this isn’t working.’’
‘’It was zipping a bit funny when Aunty Anna tried it too.’’
‘’Anna was within a file-mile radius of my suitcase?’’
The half-elephant half-unicorn dips a head of a cotton into a nod. She pulls him up and throws the suitcase open.
‘’You have got to be kidding me!’’
A pink garment falls to the floor. Followed by a white veil and a cable knit stitch the colour of ebony. Footfalls draw closer with every piece she plucks from the intestines of the suitcase.
‘’Pizza’s ordered. What? You said healthy; veg—what the bloody hell are you doing?’’
‘’You tell me. What part of ‘going there for work’ do you not understand?’’
‘’I understood perfectly! Blimey, I even packed you nice professional clothes.’’
‘’Lingerie? That’s what you call professional?’’
‘’Pleasure and business. Precisely in that order,’’ a lacy thong drops, adding to the growing pile forming on the floor. The child has gone away, thankfully. ‘’What if you meet a hot and loaded British bugger? What then? You’ll be glad I packed the essentials, that’s what.’’
‘’It’s a job in a quiet countryside house; the closest village is eight miles. The only guy I’ll see is pushing ninety and I’ll spend my days wheeling him around—passionately.’’
‘’Just loaded then?’’
‘’Business. I’m going there for business. I’m not like you, Jo. Hell, how many did you—okay, who needs this many thongs?’’
‘’That one’s a stray, actually.’’
On cue, the top layer of the unholy pile shifts into a ginger Tabby cat.
‘’Tell me you did not keep that thing.’’ Johanna snags in a beanbag, hissing at the cat when it tries snuggling up against her leg. She plucks a magazine from the coffee table and starts thumbing through gibberish. She isn’t really paying attention to the words; she isn’t paying attention to anything.
‘’I let you keep the kid!’’ The woman fires back, sitting on her haunches.
‘’Kids aren’t strays, love. Besides, this one’s just using ya for food and free snuggles, hope you know that.’’
‘’Since you’re missing the point, I’ll just cut to the chase—where did you find a whole kid? Where are his parents?’’
Johanna spares her a coy look over the magazine. ‘’Don’t you mean when are his parents?’’
‘’No, I really just mean where are his parents, the people who are supposed to care for him and report him missing should you decide to keep him any longer than you already have.’’
Johanna opens her mouth, tongue fit with a quick retort, but a zipper zips shut and a bell tolls; and life goes on. Without her. Always without her. She ought to move on too.
A sharp snap! rescues her from grim thoughts. A luggage handle is drawn and a decision is made.
‘’Looks like I’m all set. Walk me to the door?’’
‘’Promise to visit for Bommy Night?’’
‘’Sure. Why not Christmas or Easter or any other normal holidays?’’
‘’I want you on Bommy Night.’’
A suitcase is wheeled over the threshold of a small London flat. A dream leaves through the door.
‘’Hun, it happened four hundred years ago, think you can let it go, eventually?’’
‘’Bommy Night?’’
‘’Bommy Night.’’ She sighs. ‘’And do clean up while I’m gone. This place is a mess.’’
A door shuts behind an idyllic picture, a semblance of normalcy, a modicum of love.
In all her lives, Johanna Constantine has never particularly enjoyed loneliness. But loneliness far outweighs death, grief, sorrow, work. So she lets it go. She lets love overflow. She lets her only friend forge her own path through the world. A world cleansed of any demons, ghouls or whatnots that come bump into the night.
Still, she hangs onto the knob. Still, she pauses before the door. Still, she glances at the quiet flat.
A piece of paper and a mess of clothes strewn about a dust-covered couch.
All that’s left of her.
There’s a child in there somewhere, but she doesn’t bother finding him. She knows it won’t last. She knows nothing ever lasts.
An orange cat pushes its head against her calf, purring lightly through her bones.
She might take that gig at Saint-Anne’s. She might blow up the Houses of Parliament. She might phone Rachel.
Endless possibilities.
⌛︎ ⌛︎ ⌛︎
GaiaPrime-57, Edge of the Worlds, Mytikas Peak, Two Millennia Before the End,
He isn’t sure she is breathing.
Granted, his kind do not need to breathe, but nearly all living things do.
In the beginning, breathing was surviving.
Breathing was new, invented by some higher power, meant to be the latest trend in a series of many; holy gifts bestowed upon humanity before it even became humanity.
But in humanity breathing has found meaning.
One’s breathing tells a tale of life—of life and of love and of sorrow and of pain.
In times forgotten but not forgiven, he’d relish in the steady breath of sleepers.
He’d watch the ephemeral rise and fall of a passing chest with great fascination, overcome with a strange mixture of relief and indifference when the fleeting moment inevitably ended.
He’d listen to the soft thrumming of a laboured breath fanning across his own lips, bodies tangled, hearts mingled, minds miles apart. He’d pour his heart into everything that he was and everything that he wanted and he’d breathe them all into his arms… and they would always end up drowning. He’d choke the breath right out of them.
His sorrow was great; but his love was suffocating.
To add insult to injury, evolution has made breathing mandatory; essential.
But she has defied every rule, every law, every principle and sacred promise from day one.
So he is almost certain she is not breathing at all.
And he needs her to breathe.
He isn’t sure why—perhaps because she’s got a kind smile and she’s happy and she’s wounded and she’s saved his life.
A debt he can never repay, to his dismay.
He cannot stand between a flying sword and her lovely face. He cannot mend her wounds with a flick of his wrist. He cannot call out her name so sweetly and stir something buried within the depths of a blazing nova.
But he can save her life.
The hopeful thought digs, and soft golden grains of sand guide him to Chiron’s bedchambers.
He finds the Centaur reading. He calls to him, nearly falls to his knees.
Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, Oneiros, the Shaper of Form and everything he has ever been and ever will be—is utterly devastated.
Strangely enough, nothing gives the King away.
Nothing on the hard face, the wild hair nor deep eyes, nothing in the dark billowing robes and the shining ruby; it’s a feeling in the air, a rapture through time itself that tells Chiron something dreadful has happened.
That, and the dying girl in his arms.
For his usual aloofness, Oneiros proves to be very cooperative.
He lowers her to the cushioned table, per Chiron’s orders and stands aside to let him work.
He watches, powerless, as the doctor tears through fabric and blood-marred skin and frowns.
‘’What is it?’’ His voice is cutting, demanding, that of a sovereign hanging onto his crown with one hand. In the other, lie his wants and desires. Duty warring against something barely blossoming. Something deadly. Something very nearly dead.
‘’The stitches hold still.’’
‘’Is that not a good thing?’’
‘‘Terrible. Very terrible, Milord.’’
Gilded scissors cut deeper, digging into raw flesh and crusted meat alike, dragging unintelligible pained murmurs from the victim’s throat.
‘’She’s coming to, my lord.’’
‘’Not quite. Faster.’’
Scissors chop away, blood bursts everywhere, screams rip free, golden liquid bearing the smell of spoilt milk leaks through veins.
‘’By Zeus—’’ The Centaur curses; the Dream Lord hears it—neither moves an inch.
‘’What is that?’’ Oneiros rasps, anger lacing his even tone as he stares deeper into the leaking wound.
‘’Adiona—‘’ Chiron stammers, wide eyes burning a hole into a gaping canyon. ‘’Go, find Adiona, and any servants and willing gods.’’
Oneiros does not move. His star-filled gaze has darkened; the stars are slowly dying as they gawk at the trickling drops of blood and the large puddle of liquid gold pouring from the wound.
‘’Oneiros, go!’’ Chiron calls to him, they share a glance over the woman and then his eyes sweep over her fevered form again. A pale hand he hadn’t noticed falls from a limp grasp. He is gone in a swirl of sand.
What happens in the split second of his absence is a secret kept between the doctor and the universe.
But for clarity’s sake, the scene is as follows; this tale is not for the faint of heart.
Blood pours.
As a doctor, surgeon, centaur, son of a ruthless beast, he has seen blood. Some might say he is used to the sight of it. Blood and pus and bodily fluids, all fascinating in their diversity. After its inevitable loss, the human body can produce nearly one liter per day. That's two gallons full of pungent blood. He fears she might fill up five pitchers of wine with her blood alone.
But the blood doesn't bother him. It is terrifying.
Blood pours, pours.
Vicious droplets gushing from a gaping wound—a Sunday to him.
He'd operated during the Dhorian Invasion and all that followed humanity's first brush with extraterrestrial forces. He'd served as a soldier for a time, a nurse, a brother, a friend, a gravestone. He thought he'd seen all the world had to give and take.
He hadn't.
He probably still hasn't.
Blood pours pours pours.
Red splotches dot his skin—her skin, the difference is hard to tell anymore.
He reacts mechanically, his body switching to auto-pilot. His arm lifts, a hand reaches and nibble fingers dig through shining flesh and golden remnants of bone. He knows what this is, this gilded ambrosia spreading through her veins. He knows what it is and he knows what it does, so he carries on, hands digging through her entrails as her screams overpower the wet squelching of his crass ministrations.
He digs and he digs until the voice that comes from her throat is nothing but a distant echo carried by a Roman breeze, a flutter of a butterfly's wings.
By the time the doors to his antechamber burst open, he's elbow deep into the angry flesh of her.
A flurry of gods and goddesses and servants stand arrayed about him, gawking eyes narrowing at the sight of the carnage.
''Chiron,'' a voice calls to him, and then two, and then three and a thousand and one. They pierce through the silent spell in the room and noise comes back to him at once, a moist, most disturbing noise.
He carries on; acutely aware that somewhere along his ministrations, she had stopped screaming.
''Chiron, there's too much blood.''
''Is this all from the... inside?''
‘’I could not find Adiona.’’
‘’No matter. Hold her hand.’’
Wordlessly, he gives commands. A world of gods and servants obey, gathering tools and knowledge, changing bandages and spoiling cloth after cloth with dried pungent blood. It just never stops, the flow keeps pouring, rushing over all of Mount Olympus. The rivers of blood spread like gossip on Haloa, splitting into narrow paths, designing warped veins on the pristine floors. The irony.
The servants still the traveller. It is useless. The violent writhing has subsided, only slight tremors remain, faint whimpers and an assembly of gods.
Hephaestus beats her chest repeatedly with brawny arms.
A Cherub's small rounded fingers are pressed against her pulse. With every passing second, they press harder still.
Calliope, ninth daughter of the Hecatae, is sponging up blood and gilded pus from a corpse.
A painting that will never make it to a museum.
Oneiros knows she is no longer breathing. Her hand lays slack in his palm.
Chiron perseveres. Delicate fingers pry him off the body carefully.
The stranger-traveller-lover-of-dreams is... dead?
''It's alright, Chiron. You did your best.''
''You were very admirable. As was she; she shall be remembered as such.''
''Really nothing you could do.''
''Try again.''
A death knell drops. A pipe organ is playing somewhere deep within the bowels of the palace. The eerie melody cannot reach them. Nothing can save for sorrow and grief and the Dreamlord's quiet anger.
''My Lord?''
''Try. Again.''
Chiron holds his haunted gaze. The ninth daughter of the Hecatae raises a graceful hand to the side of his face. ''Oneiros—''
''Save her.'' he repeats, rasping voice never changing in tone. ''You owe her that much.''
''Do I?'' The doctor's eyes sweep over her form again. Just a moment ago she'd been laughing, mocking his customs and reminiscing gibberish. Just a moment ago, she'd been carried in by the prince of stories for whom she obviously harbored a strong inclination. ''Do you?''
Just a moment ago, she'd been more than a cold lump of meat on a decorative table.
''I know when to admit defeat, Dreamlord. Please, forgive me.''
''Oneiros, he did all he could.''
Cold, starless eyes barely brush against some ninth daughter. Under his stare, she feels smaller than a grain of sand.
''No,'' Chiron says before the Dream Lord can retort. ''No, I did not.''
His shoulders deflate, turning away from Calliope's comforting touch. ''She came to see me this morning. After the feast.''
''Well, what did she want?'' a rough, gravelly voice asks. The Cherub hops on a corner of the table, bare legs brushing over the tip of her dead sandaled feet. She is a corpse now, everything about her is dead, expect, perhaps, her heart. It shall live endlessly.
''She asked me to check the wound. I had to remove the bandage and cut her up, I'm afraid.''
The temperature drops, the air turns crisp, burning the doctor's lungs when he draws a deep breath and looks into Morpheus' eyes.
''Tell me, is this your doing?''
''I wish,'' he surrenders, summoning all the strength left in him. His hands are covered in blood, his arms reek of death and his scalp is as damp as that of the victim. The blood has gilded vein-like streaks stretching across his arms. ''This—this is something else. Something impossible.''
He orders the blood-covered servants to leave. As they fill out wordlessly, he watches, scrutinizing them one by one. The doors close on blood and fabric and a forbidden glance.
To the remaining world, he whispers one word.
''Poison?'' Calliope echoes, frowning. ''It cannot be. Zeus had all the hemlock shrubs removed after the Phaedra incident.''
''Only this isn't hemlock, Calliope. This is something else. Something new.''
''Could it be lethal to us?''
''Of course not, dimwit! Why would you even think that?''
''Look what it's done to her, Anteros! A powerful beauty, was she? I mean no disrespect my lord.''
Hephaestus considers himself a man of bravery and honor.
He isn't anywhere near as obnoxious as Plutus, or inconsiderate as Aergia, and twice the man Anteros pretends to be. But he must admit that the tendrils of pure darkness sprouting from the Master of Dreams’ shadow make him a tee tiny bit frightened.
They expand, licking across the polished floors, continuing their creeping journey toward the foot of the table, snuffing out all light and life from the closest particles of this plane. The shadows grow, shape, de-shape and reshape in a senseless and endless twirl.
Calliope has always been braver than him.
She turns and in one graceful twirl places herself between the tendrils of darkness and her half-brother. Between the god and the Endless. She stares him down. He stares right back.
The tendrils tremble around the edges.
Chiron pinches the bridge of his nose wearily. A cherub sucks a thumb into his mouth, watching the game with bright amused eyes.
A shadow stills, the air turns sour.
A gasp is breathed, a heart is released.
A stranger-traveller springs from a table, cheered on by a collective shriek. A toddler tumbles from her table. A palm is pressed to her cheek, lovely brown eyes coming into view. Shadows retreat into the darkest parts of an ancient soul.
She breathes. She lives. She cries.
''Please, please, don't send me off on a burning boat.''
A/N: yes I am alive, no, I’m not sorry (a tiny bit still).
Also… finally introducing the premise, how do we feel about that ;)
Gotta sort the rest of my drafts before I update again, but I’m currently working on a Sandman x DBD crossover so updates on this series might take a while. And since the algorithm seems to be against me, I'd recommend a follow to be sure not to miss them!
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pointdointy · 10 months
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Recently been binging the whole of the MLPFIM series after realizing that as a kid, I only watched up to S4A because I hated where the series was going, and despised Twilight being an alicorn + The School of Friendship, which goes against the message of the entire show.
With that, I made my own mane six 'reimagine' sheet and AU. I stuck to the original designs as close as I could, except for Fluttershy's lmao. These designs really just enhance the previous designs, as I wanted to toy with their silhouettes and the characteristics they had in the show, and to make designs more appealing to look at, albeit horrible to animate lol
Read More on the AU + Design Thoughts below :)
Twilight Sparkle - A gifted unicorn with ancient heritage. She spends most of her time studying, and fixating on various books, topics, and magic itself. She is the top student in her school, and hopes to get a degree in Magic, and later become a Magic Professor. In this AU, while she studies under Celestia, she is not her protege. Celestia, worried over her favorite student, sends her to a day trip to look over the Summer Sun Celebration, where she meets her future friends show-style. Her design is heavily inspired by The Last Unicorn, and medieval portrayals of regal, feathered unicorns.
Pinkie Pie - A super duper party pony who takes her job very seriously. She works at Sugarcube Corner as a part-time party planner, part-time baker, and is well loved by Ponyville's townies. Before Twilight coming to Ponyville, and later moving in, she knew the other four quite well, and enjoyed organizing Applejack's family reunions. For her design, I really wanted to lean in on her chaotic nature by adding more colors, and confetti perpetually stuck in her curly mane. At first, I thought of changing her species into a pegasus, but I enjoyed her magical properties as an Earth Pony too much to remove them. Instead, I headcanon that she, and other Earth Ponies have magic inside of them, which can be manifested in different ways. For Pinkie, that is harnessed through Pinkie Sense, and high energy, only being enhanced by her small size.
Applejack - Rancher, and apple farmer, Applejack is the head of Sweet Apple Acres (with Granny Smith and Big Mac/ Orchard Blossom's help). The business is the foundation of Ponyville, and without it, the town would go into economic despair. Apples are very important to horses, I guess. I wanted Applejack's design to reflect her massive strength, and of course, the Apple-Family genes. She is a work horse, either a shire or clydesdale, and is used to hard labor on the farm. Thinking about it now, I should've given her a few healed scars, but maybe in future art of her! I made her mane and tail shorter, as I thought her in-show counterpart would have a tough time working on the field with sticky, sweaty long hair always getting in the way. Like work horses in real life, I made it short so it would be out of the way while she did her job.
Rarity - An inspiring trendsetter fashionista, Rarity owns the Carousal Boutique and makes clothing for a living. She frequents town meetings, and has a seat in the council, often advocating for the repair of town parks, or old buildings that need refurbishing. She wears an ascot for that particular flourish a mare always needs. Being a unicorn, she trims the hair that grows down along her back to keep herself prim and proper, as she says. She finds unicorns that don't to be messy and dirty. She dare not fathom of how easily sweat and dirt gets in one's mane when so long and unkempt. Down her back, she still has a stripe of purple where her mane grows. Her design was heavily inspired by the one she has while making dresses, and the NightmareMoonverse manestyle. Like Twilight, she is also based on medieval unicorn portrayals, however, with some liberties of course.
Rainbow Dash - A daring, brave cloudbuster, working as part of the weather team in Ponyville to keep the weather on check for events and crops. However, she has bigger dreams to become on of the Wonderbolts, the most awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping fliers in all of Equestria. RD would bask in the fame, adoration, and praise like a reptile in the hot summer sun. Other than training, hoping, she can never muster up the courage to apply. While she show-boats and gloats about how awesome she is, RD suffers from severe anxiety, ADHD, and fear of rejection. In her design, I wanted RD to look more masculine and stream-lined than she does in the show. Her design never really spoke 'fast' to me. I still don't think this design truly did my vision justice, but I enjoy it for what it is. I darkened her mane colors a touch, and gave her feathered, colored hooves to make her look more like a bird instead of a pony with wings stuck on it.
Fluttershy - Shy, and rather fearful pegasus pony, Fluttershy boxes herself in close to the Everfree Forest, away from ponies who mock her appearance and lifestyle. She is part deer, and with the high separation and xenophobia of Equestria's ponies, she never could fit in. She looked far too deer to fit in with Ponyville and looked far too like a pony to fit in with her mother's herd. Instead, she chose an inbetween, only going into town for supplies and nothing else. It wasn't until meeting Twilight and the others, did she learn how to grow confident in her own skin, with lots of support of course. She finds great friendship and connection with Zecora, the zebra pony who lives in the Everfree Forest, and Discord later on. Her design is the only one I didn't really like in the main cast. It says soft, but it feels too safe for me. In my redesign, I leaned more heavily on a softer, lankier look. I made her wings fluffier, like Pipp's in G5, and gave her deer markings, ears, and hooves. I thought the brown block of hair was nice, but it could've used some dimension, and so I added a streak of yellow to tie it all in.
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arvadthecursed · 1 year
not to continue being an emotional bitch on main but I was thinking about The Last Unicorn (the film, mostly, as it was Baby's First Hyperfixation) and how it is a film about growth and grief, at its very core, and that's why it resonates so strongly.
At the end, the unicorn says, "I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, although I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die. I am not like the others now, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but I do. I regret." And I wanna focus on those last lines.
There comes a time in all our lives, I think, where we experience that loss of innocence, and it feels like the first time it's happened in human history when it's happening to you.
This isn't a story I've told many people but I'll share it with you now. When I was 12, my grandmother, who I was extremely close to, died of cancer. It had spread to most of her body, including her lungs and brain. Her last days were spent in a hospital hooked up to a morphine drip.
The last time I saw her, it was in the hospital, and she was begging my father not to leave. We had to return to our home to pick up my mother for the impending funeral. And I just remember my grandmother crying out for my dad, telling him not to go, and I remember how utterly crushed I felt in that moment. Death was inevitable. I couldn't escape it, not when it was directly in front of me. At my grandmother's viewing, I could hardly look at her.
For years, I was severely thanatophobic. Death has always kind of hung over my life. My maternal grandmother, only a few months after I was born. My maternal grandfather, when we went to his apartment and found him dead. My grandmother's friend, who we found dead in his house. My grandmother herself.
That was over ten years ago. I've grown quite a bit, and I think working in a nursing home has given me a little more of a "unique" perspective, if you will. Death is just part of life. It happens. And sometimes, it is merciful.
But the grief remains. There are times I'm 12 again, and a scared little girl, watching my grandmother, who could hardly recognize anyone, cry for my dad not to go. I feel regret for not being able to look at her body at the viewing.
And even beyond death... I grieve the girl I lost to abusive boyfriends. I feel this lingering regret at the loss of my innocence, not that I could've stopped it. I think of the sweet little girl I was, and I want to cry for her, but I can't. All I can do is look to the future and try to grow and be better for her.
It's a human experience. We don't like to admit it, but grief is quintessentially human. When it happens to us, it feels like the first time it's happened in history.
And then we grow. We have to keep getting up, and going about our lives, and trying not to trip on our grief. It doesn't go away, but it tucks itself into a corner, where it'll catch us off guard when we least expect it. Then it goes back into hiding.
I think The Last Unicorn is a really beautiful example of all these ideas coming together. The unicorn must come to grips with the fact that she is not innocent anymore. She has grieved, she has loved, and she knows the bittersweetness of regret. Her journey is self discovery, but a tragic one, one that we all go through at one time or another. It's a film that still resonates deeply with me because the notion of grief and growth has always been present in my life.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Was just thinking about it quite a bit today.
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lexy0108 · 1 year
Your perfect Boyfriend (Part 4)
Joe Quinn x fem reader
Warning ⚠️ adult content
"So I'm going to wear something coxy, right?" You ask.
Joes eyes grew bigger as they already are, you can see the questionmark in his face. "What did you just say?"
"Comfy and sexy, coxy!" You say with a cheeky grin and a wink. "Coxy? You did just make up that word, didn't you? But yeah, why not, coxy sounds great." Joe says. "I have something in mind, something new that you never saw on me...wait a few minutes, babe."
You bought black paperbag pants that make you butt look the juiciest ever, perfect opportunity to show them to the world and Joe obviously.
You add a new thight top to the pants which is burgundy colored, Joes favorite color. The top is short and has a deep neckline in order to show a little skin to your perfect boyfriend. You put the clothes on and a little bit of make up. You look at yourself in the mirror and you think "yes, definitely coxy".
You step into the living room where Joe is sitting on the couch, switching through the TV channels. You step in front of the TV and Joe imidiately starts staring at you as you turn yourself around. His eyes grow bigger and bigger and he already has the biggest brown eyes you have ever seen without them growing bigger. "What do you think, babe?"
You ask.
Joe answers: "I'm not sure..." you become sad as he goes on "...if I can resist you looking like that for the whole evening." You smirk:"Oh come on, Babe. You can have me all night long after the mysterious evening with Jamie." Joe stands up and steps in front of you. He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses you hungrily. His hands move slowly from you back to your butt. You deepen the kiss as Joe lifts you up, his hands still on your butt. You giggle. He leans your back against the wall. A quiet moan escapes your mouth. You're starting to forget about your evening plans as Joes phone vibrates in his pocket. "Didn't know you have a toy in your pocket, babe. You're full of surprises." You say with a wink. "We should definintely try that, sweetheart. But I'm afraid Jamie is already waiting for us." Joe says.
"Oh shit" you jump off of Joes arms as you remember your "date" with Jamie. You run into the hallway, leaving a confused Joe in the living room.
You say loudly: "Move, babe. Don't like the idea of Jamie waiting for us." Joe shakes his head with a smirk and says:"Seems like you love Jamie more than me." You step back into the living room till you stand in front of Joe und say:"Don't be silly, Babe. You know that I love you more than anyone else. Don't be jealous." Joe makes a silly smirk and says:"I know my darling, but it's always nice to hear it. I love you, too." He kisses you carefully.
You two left your apartment and get in an uber. You still don't know where you're going which makes you excited. Joe plays with your hand the whole ride. The car stops and Joe says: "Here we are!" You get out of the car. You look around because you still don't have a clue where you are and what you'll going to do this evening.
You see a bubble tea bar, a fast food restaurant and an ice cream parlour, so still no clue.
Joe takes you hand and guides you to an inconspicuous bar in front stands a small panel on which is written "karaoke night".
"No way! Karaoke? We're going to do karaoke? With Jamie?" Your eyes shine like you just found out that unicorns are real. Joe knows exactly how much you like to sing karaoke. He's perfect, you think.
Joe just gives you a wink and quick kiss on your lips.
"Let's go inside, sweatheart. Jamie is already waiting." Joe says. Without a further word you follow him inside the bar. Inside the bar was very rustic but comfortable.
Jamie is sitting on a table, next to him, his brother, Sam who you know from their further Band which you loved a lot. He jumps up as he sees you and run into Joes arms. "Hello loves, so glad you made it. How big was the surprise, darling? Joe told me how much you love to sing and I just wanted to check out the voice of one of my biggest fans."  Jamie says with the brightest smile. You lay your hand on Joes shoulder "The surprise is amazing and my man here is the best." Joe blushes a bit and pulls Jamie into a hug. Afterwards Jamie hugs you and you can see a little bit of jealousy in Joes eyes which makes you shake your head and smile.
You follow Jamie to your table and greet Sam. You don't waist a moment sitting, you imidiately choose your first song, 'it has to be something that you're really good in' you think. But then your current favorite song catches your attention, no way you're sing another song at first. "Jamie, you want to join me?" You ask. "Sure, why not? Just show me which so you chose...oh, okay. That's kinda sexy." He replies. The last words catch Joes attention, his face turns into a bold smirk. You give him a wink as the song starts. "Whats your thoughts about religion? Are you close to your mother?..." your voices sound great together. Joe knows the song too well, because you told him about your favorite song when he was away working. It's "Baby said" by Måneskin. You like the line best that says "you can talk between my legs" for obvious reasons, because of course you love Joe talking between your legs.
As you sing the line Joes throat turns dry, he gets imidiately hungry for the centre of lust between your legs. He needs to swallow that thought and keep it for later. Singing with Jamie is so much fun, just like a dream comes true and you're very concentrated, so you don't mention Joes hungry eyes.  Joe trys to distract himself with choosing his all time favorite karaoke song which is "Forever young" by Alphaville and he asks Sam if he wants to accompany him singing. As your song finishes Jamie and you go back to your table, where Sam and Joe had already stand up. Joe grabs your hips and pulls you tight against him. He turns both of your bodys around and kisses you carefully. He lets go of you and goes to the stage. You sit down and enjoy Joes performance. As Joe and Sam finish, they turn back to the table. You laugh a lot and sing one or the other song as the night goes by.
Jamie and Joe are so great together, you can fully understand why the fans call them "Jomie". Jamie says:"Your voice sounds really great, I would love to record a song with you, Joe told me that you write songtexts but that you have trouble with the instrumental part. I could help you out with that. We can meet and jam together a bit if you want to, love."
Your cheeks begin to blush because that's more than you ever dreamed of. "Yea, I'd love to." You say shyly. Jamie continues:"I have to go back to the US in two days, but you can send me some texts and I'll get them through my mind. We can meet again when I'm back in London or when you accompany Joe in the US. What do you think?"
Your paralysed and unable to find more words than: "Sounds amazing"  You look in Joes eyes, he is standing right beside you. You bury your face into his chest and murmur "Thank you, babe. You're simply the best thing that ever happened to me..."
Joe pets you head with one hand and kisses your forehead. "... I wanna show you how thankful I am." You continue with a devilish grin. Thanks god you are about to say goodbye anyways. You hug Jamie and Sam and so did Joe. You two leave the bar, your head is spinning and you don't know if it's the fresh air combined with the cocktails that you had during the evening or if it's the great anticipation for what's happening once you're home.
Joe quickly gets you a taxi. He takes your hand and helps you into the taxi. You sit right next to Joe, cuddling up on his side. Your hand moves slowly from his knee upwards. His breath is getting heavier as you tease him. He grabs your wrist and looks at you with a devilish grin. You can't wait until you're home, so you kiss Joe passionately. He deepens the kiss, your tongues dance with eachother. His hand reaches you hip and slides upwards to you boobies. A low moan escapes your mouth. He is kneeding your breast through your shirt first. Your hands reach his curls and play with them, slightly pull his curls. A louder moan escapes his mouth, it was louder than he wants it to be. You stop the kissing and laugh at Joe, he joins in. The taxi stops it's ride, that means that you're home, finally. You jump out of the car as Joe pays the driver. You run up the stairs as fast as you can. Joe follows you and tries to catch you. It takes a little before he succeeds.
He throws you over his shoulder and carries you the last few meters to the door of your apartment. You're squeaking and laughing loudly, the neighbours might hear you.
Somehow he manages to open the door. He takes you to the bedroom and throws you on the bed. Joe starts to tickle the spots above your hips. You can't stop giggling and he loves it so much. You are perfect for him, he thinks. Just as you think he's the perfect man for you.
To be continued...
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Blood. Where it comes from. Where it goes. Who gets it. Why it's important. What it does. Anything about blood.
time for another round of 'i have so many of these already', blood prompts collected (most of them), here u go:
A siren lived on the mountain. I saw her on a morning hike once, pruning her feathers, mouth caked in blood.
She always blamed the night shift. For her bloodshot eyes. The feathers on her floor. The scars that ran like fault lines across her back.
Death took his most bloodthirsty soldier out of commission. He placed him on earth, wiped of all memories, for rehabilitation. 
It felt wrong to call them vampires. They were dumb and fragile looking, their wings paper thin and delicate. They would drink blood from any living thing.
Something was killing nixies. I found one covered in duckweed and blue blood, and took it home to recover in my bathtub.
My blood heals anything and everything it touches. But with every drop, my heart grows colder, and no one knows what I’ll become when it runs out.
Blood Wine didn’t have anything to do with real blood. Well, not technically.
No one knew what would happen if you ate a blood berry, red and swollen. No one was brave enough to find out.
I was born with silver blood. No one knew what kind of creature that made me.
“Darken your lips with the blood of a loved one. This will allow you to enter the Court.”
Monster blood was great for human illness. The hospital did a roaring and very illegal trade in the basement.
The unicorns were made of stone, loud and unforgiving, stained with the blood of misfortune and sacrifice alike.
I met a half ghost on the midnight bus. An errand boy for death, he was shotgunning energy drinks, and cleaning blood out of his nails.
My family has magic in its veins. Plants watered with our blood come to cure any illness.
The well was full of blood. “That can’t be good,” said Uncle.
Spill a single drop of blood in the forest, and the tree roots will tear you to shreds, twisting and tangling as they scramble for their piece.
Rain Bringers slept a lot, when they weren’t harvesting clouds. Their eyes held no color, and their blood was barely red, so thin rumor said you could drink it and escape a thirsty death.
Our fight was already bloody, the scent of death heavy on the air as we fell into the freezing river together. Everything changed that day, under the ice.
We have six moons. To one, we offer opals, another, pearls. Three of them want nothing in particular, and the last asks for blood.
The potion is midnight blue, a consistency I know well. “Whose blood did you use?” I ask, as my throat grows uncomfortably hot.
Wherever my blood spills, a delicate black flower grows at once. I always eat it, which annoys mother, who would like to see them dried and pressed.
Blood Bags are stains upon the earth, rank and starving by nature, okay to exorcise on sight. But this one has a baby with it. A human one.
An alchemist comes to take my blood once a month. Red dye stains her hair, her tongue, red thread sewn into the lines of her face and hands.
A drop of my blood sizzles on the gold, until the smoke clears and reveals plain iron. “I am here to train,” I say, putting the knife away, “as an alchemist.”
The House of Red Glass sits behind a towering gate. They say your reflection talks to you in there, all distorted by the strange blood colored walls.
“If I’m the vampire, how come you’re the one always taking my blood?” I ask, a sad and desperate attempt to flirt with the medic.
The city has veins, strange red cords that run deep underground and pulse with ichorous blood. Something is drinking from them, and it is my unfortunate job to find out what.
His bathtub was covered in blood and feathers.
When I went to receive the results of my blood test, they told me they were classified.
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Dear pjo fandom
I just read the sun and the stars and i was so happy to come here and see all the little cute fan arts and what i find is a bunch of adults complaining about a child books series istg this fandom is one of the most toxic ones out there.
Now i could tell you that if you want to consume a product whatever it is movies,books,tv shows ecc that's explicitly for kids/preteens you have to approch it with the right mentality which is letting your inner child enjoy the product if you're 20+ something, cause of course the adult you won't feel the same wonder, and sure kids products don't have to be bad or bland and there are other things out there aimed at kids that are better than tsats BUT it's not a bad book, mark oshiro did such a good job at portraying healing and trauma, they also did an amazing job at presenting to middle schoolers the idea of romantic relationships being not all roses and flowers and unicorns, human relationships are hard no matter the kind, it's something difficult to accept and to deal with especially when every single fairy tale you read as a kid teaches you that there is a happily ever after, that after adversities everything gets solved and goes fine, when you grow up you learn that nothing is further from the truth than that, i could also tell you that of course the concept is extremely simplified but again it's a book for kids/preteens, i could tell you to not go for something you know it's not targeted to you if you want approch it in a cynical way, i could give you as example that reading tsats and wanting maturity out of it is like going to watch a disney animation movie and then complaining they sing too much. Cause now you have to tell me when rick riordan has been mature or not cringe in the whole entirity of the pjo saga? He literally wrote a dam joke after killing off a 12 years old, added a judo flip to a romantic reunion of two characters that haven't seen each others for almost a year, wrote a romantic declaration from a 20 years old something to a 16 years old girl, wrote about gods falling for the stupidiest shit said by teenagers demigods, made percy at 12 years old won a fight against the fucking god of war and i could go on so if that has been ok with you till now what is even the point? The truth is y'all are not complaining cause the book feels immature/cringe/ooc ecc y'all are complaining cause you hate will and you hate him cause you ship nico with percy,jason,leo or who knows who and that's ok you don't have to like will or solangelo you can ship whatever you want (i'm an "anomaly" in this fandom i never shipped percabeth, i started prefering percy and rachel and i ended up loving the idea of annabeth and piper, still i can be objective enough to read a whole saga where percy and annabeth are the main couple and not shit on it just cause i don't ship them together) of course you can complain about this book but at least make an effort and think of valid reasons. The real problem is why did you decide to buy and read a book that focuses as one of the main plots on a relationship you hate so much, if you can't stand them as a couple why did you read it in the first place? This book is not perfect it lacks things and there are topics that needed to be handled better sure, but it's not bad,ooc or cringe, cheesy maybe but not the kind of cringe you are trying to make it pass. The real deal here is you don't really care about any of those things you just hate the ship the book revolves around and again that's fine but just be honest it's way more respectful than taking away the work af a queer author that tried to settle more the idea of a queer couple being normal and equal to a straight one to a group of young people who are living in a society that still is against queer people.
Damnit shut up, do it for the gay kids
A former kid (still queer tho)
(if i made mistakes forgive me english is not my first language)
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moonstone27ls · 1 year
Unicorn Warriors Eternal ep 9
Not giving spoiler warnings either. I’ve had a rough week too tired.
Sooo... a LOT has happened.
So physically Seng hasn’t aged (as far as I can tell) mentally or spiritually he has because of the cosmic plane or whatever.  Still part of me is convinced Morgan is in the “evil” because it goes after Melinda a LOT. 
While a part of me is okay that Edred put his feelings aside for the bigger picture. I’m gonna be honest not still sold on Winston being part of the team.
Again its not earned. Its just there for plot convenience if you read my views from ep 8. Whatever the reasons (writing/time crunch, etc), Winston in my opinion hasn’t earned it.
I thought we’d get an interesting ep where he’d have some ACTUAL character development. Have to fight being a monster. But the factor that he’s literally vocal under a short amount of time, just makes me think. “Dude you feigned that whole “Oh I’m a monster” just to get into Emma’s pants”. Before shippers or lovers bash me for even criticizing precious Winston. I’ll make it clear. I don’t hate the guy.
Separately on their own I’m actually okay with Emma/Winston. Whats bothering me is that this ridiculous love triangle is still going on. So with no real development other than to give drama, Winston just still annoying to me. Still acting like this is an outing (closest to him being serious was when he saw Melinda fight), I mean I’ll be honest his pompous attitude rubs me wrong. He’s like “Oh I’m a whiz at chess.” and “Oh I know ALL about science fantasy from my books”. I dunno its either the tone or again I REALLY hate love triangles. So for this to drag on makes it tiresome.
Ironically I feel little feeling for Winston. I’m more sorry for Edred. He’s literally given up his home/identity/ life/ and he’s finally transitioning into the factor that Emma is sharing duality with Melinda. And more importantly, the woman he sacrificed it all for... either doesn’t remember him or isn’t there.
And I’ll also say again I don’t believe Melinda has feelings for Winston. I’ve seen enough of her character. She’s literally the stereotypical tough character(I wanna say like Raven but that feels too simple). I feel like if she was in there she’d be annoyed with Winston just as she was with Emma.
And I’ll admit the duality shared here is... confusing. Its not Melinda, but its not fully Emma either. Its like watching Aang had to share his body with the previous avatars and they were all tug of waring for control.
I do give Winston points for trying to be accepting? I say trying cause again to me he still feels out of place. And the guy will only apparently be useful every full moon... sooo heh. 
But I also think this is hard for me because Tartakovsky kinda .... I don’t wanna say fails but he’s kinda... meh on romances. If this series continues I REALLY for the love of all good want the love drama dropped. 
That being said... still wonder whats the endgame in regards to Edred? I know  Tartakovsky said Melinda’s his favorite and that this story is focusing on her. Which I don’t mind, I just kinda don’t want to see Edred fallen to the waysides.
I wanna think that Edred’s love for Melinda(and vice versa) is genuine because he keeps showing us all these flashbacks with them. I feel like that’s there to solidify their relationship. And the final shot is with HIM seeing Melinda (not counting Emma cause she’s more the vessel. I know he’s not really in love with Emma) get separated. 
Now onto Melinda/Emma. I do like their story arcs. This story is shaping Melinda more out. On the exterior yes she seems the tough/warrior like sorceress. But her flashbacks from her childhood and with Edred. Show her vulnerability and the trauma thats affected her from losing her mother.
Their...duality or amalgamation is confusing me a bit. But I constantly remind myself that this is part of Tartakovsky ‘s plan and that its a metaphor for growing up.
And Emma herself I am happy with. She’s matured a lot from this experience as from the beginning. She fought this. But now she sees the bigger picture. Its bigger than her or Winston. She’s needed to help Melinda and the others fight.
Anything else.... kinda feel those incarnation descendants are probably going to be the ones to help her get to the others. Cause I don’t see any other way how she would8B. Sooo good luck next fight.
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mapleleavesart · 11 months
Hi there! This will be the masterpost for me and my comic series, "Love grows where my Unicorn Goes" or LGWMUG for short.
This comic series is completely self-indulgent and will mostly deal with my OC and developing relationships with canon characters. I will update this when I have more to add and as the story progresses.
There is no posting schedule at this point
If this is ever outdated or broken, please tell me and I will update it as soon as I can!
References/sneak peeks:
Staff Members Ref/Rough Designs
Episode One:
Part 1
Part 2
Episode Two:
Part 1
NOT COMIC RELATED THINGS- let me know if there's something missing you'd like to see here!
Headcanons: What they'd call their romantic partner
Poem: Leonardo's Lament
Headcanon: If the turtles wore human disguises
Leo as a provider analysis
Short Story: Dumb-Dumb Cocaine
Short Story (not tmnt): The Library
My AO3 is here!
maple leaves art - for art I make
Mapleleavesart - stuff I'm involved in somehow, asks to another person, etc
Maple requests - request related stuff
Maple leaf writes - writing related things
Wyllow and Oreo - puppy pics! Or other stuff but it's probably 99% pictures. Go check them out they're adorable
Sakura Kamagati - anything related to Sakura, the tuxedo cat, Rottmnt OC
Mei Tian - anything related to Mei, the qilin/kirin yokai. Also a Rottmnt OC
Art Masterpost
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deerydear · 1 year
I want to say this, even though I'm deeply, totally aware of how a person like my old-self would react...
Listen, a flower doesn't grow without the rest of the plant. It comes from the roots, leaves, stems, the brain of the plant. It is a gift.
I don't know, I feel like writing for myself here is better than just pretending like... well, I don't know. It depends on so much more than just the words that someone says.
There was a time in my life, in which I kept choosing to make myself small, and dependant-upon. There were some things which would make me feel so angry, disgusted, or else fearful and nervous; and those were the things which... I think that I needed to try to understand the most. I think everything in life is either growing, or atrophying. I kept wanting to choose the latter. There was a reason for that, and it was mundane. It's something that I think a lot of people have to deal with, when they are children... but maybe I'm wrong, maybe it isn't normal, and that's why people looked at me like I was a freak. Maybe there's multiple reasons for that, not just one. I'm figuring this out while I'm writing.
I love to learn on the job. I love to do things, and get better as it goes on.
I like to do things the right way --- the respectful way.
You know what's funny about being a fucked-up person? You would take respectful behaviour as a disrespect. "Oh, I know how to live my own life... Don't tell me!" ...Don't tell me what I already know. "I WANNA MAKE THE WRONG DECISION! I WANNA LISTEN TO THE LIAR! I WANT TO CONTROL THE TRUTH! I want to make it okay, without having to risk." Risk is life, life is fun!
I already said something about feeling like........ Well, I feel like I would personify my mental processes as different people interacting. I honestly believe that everyone is like that, but maybe either it isn't something they need to be aware of... ....or I've just let my two fish bite eachother. (Thus, the duality becomes apparent, rather than peaceful.) There are dualities everywhere: The ground and the sky, fire and water, man and woman, human and animal... What's funny to me about Human and Animal? Well, I used to be really like: "ANIMALS ARE PEOPLE, TOO!" But of course, every animal has a need to recognise other animals that are like it, for sexual reproduction.
So I could rename that one Same and Other... It's all about your place in the world. I feel like ex-christians would get really offended about that, because I've read the beginning of the bible, so I know it says "humans are above animals", and I think that's where that whole "animals are people, too" outrage comes from........ but I was raised as an atheist. I was brought up being told that "everything that christians believe is total horseshit". This past decade, I think I've been working to understand... why? There are reasons that people wrote these things in a millenia ago, and there's a reason for everything. It doesn't have to be judged as a 'good reason', but understanding is powerful. Understand the human mind. I find a lot of joy in it. Understand evil, and the need to control... Understand peace. In every molecule, there is potential for evil and good. They can both grow in the exact same position. The Eyes of Evil would see Goodness as an extreme evil. It is a threat, after all.... Maybe it really is all dependent upon your position. My mom was an atheist, but even then, she always said I was the Spawn of Satan....... Yesterday, I realized: that would make her Satan. Do you have sympathy for the devil? Do I? Of course, because I am of her. She is a part of me. I am her. I know what it is to be looked at as Satan himself. I know what shed blood tastes like.
Before I became more open-minded, I always believed in Demons and Creatures of the night... and all that, but I also believed in unicorns. There is something primordial... I think most people who are anti-christian are against the church, and the way the church explains 'god'... because in my head, it makes a lot of sense, primordially........ When life lived in the ocean... I fucking love the ocean. We're living, NOW! NOW!! NOW!!!!!
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seanborca · 1 year
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Cool Animals on my Property
On my property that is located in the back country we see a lot of animals. One of the reasons that it was appealing to me is that it is not too far away from the city, but there is ample wildlife. Another nice thing is that the property is across from the Jack Links Ranch, which means that it is pretty much undisturbed woods. I think that they use it for hunting and fishing so that it is almost like being a preserve. 
I set up a bunch of night vision cameras and some feed to see what different types of animals would come out and visit. We got the cameras from Bass Pro Shop and we were getting feed from Tractor Supply Shop. We set up two cameras on the property and then would set out some feed. The deer would come in and then you get an alert on you phone and the pictures start pouring in. 
A part of me was tracking the deer and animals because I would like to go hunting and its always good to know what is on your property. However, since I am just about ready for hunting, hunting with the camera was almost as good. 
Here are some of the pictures of the deer that we saw. Below is a group of does. We noticed that the does were not with the bucks as often as you would think. 
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A Buck who goes super close to the camera, or maybe it is a buck that lost its horns. They shed them once a year.
One of those rare photos where you see a buck, a yearling and a doe. The camera had 58 pictures loaded from this feeding. Then it sends them to me and I picked the ones I like best. I always like the pictures where you can see the buck. It is also really cool when you see the same buck every couple of nights. You get to know them and give them nicknames. 
What a great photo. There are two bucks. I believe one only has 1 horn, a cute little guy. But check out the handsome 6 point. I would love to one day have a nice open plot of land with plenty of foraging grass for the deer to grow big and get fat on. There is also a pretty doe. Do you wonder if they hear the camera snapping the pictures?
What an incredibly handsome buck! I love this picture. Male deer really are majestic creatures. This buck is about 3 years old. A deer starts off the first year as a 2 point. The next year they generally get 2 more and so one. Deer will get to have 10 points or 5 to 6 years old. 
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Here is an example of what I was talking about with the deer. You have a buck that is probably 4 years old. This one you could see would be a 8 point at least. However he lost one of his antlers early in the year. Maybe he was fighting with another male or maybe he lost it when he was rubbing his antlers against a tree. However he got a nickname from me and that was UNICORN, The buck with one horn. At least you know next year he will get a bigger more beautiful rack, and the fact that he lost one of the horns make it less likely that he will get shot during hunting season.
Wow what a cool buck on the property. This ghostly fellow must have come on a foggy night. HIs rack is asymmetrical which means not as sought after. He is a 7 or an 8 point. Sometimes deer will develop an extra point or nub on their rack. Some hunters like these while others do not. It is a point that is really up to the aesthetics of the hunter. Older deer who are beyond 6 will have very interesting and gnarled racks also when a deer does not have proper nutrition they may not be able to grow their rack to its full potential. This is why some feed will include minerals to help the bucks grow their racks. Think about deer antlers like toenails! Tiki-toenails.
Here is a magnificent buck who was visiting first thing in the morning. Deer are nocturnal, but I have often seen them at dawn and dusk. Some animals are called Diurnal this means that they are primarily active in the day and at dusk. As you can see from the muddy cam, the deer are mostly out a night but this is one of the rare morning photos that the camera snapped of them.
Another day photo here the deer are foraging on grass. This is a muddy cam photo of two doe on the edge of my property. 
We also have a neighbor who has a hog stand. You can shoot hogs at any time in Florida as they are pests and they tear up your lawn and your property. We once dug a post hole and came back after a week and a baby piglet had fallen into the post hole and couldn’t get out and stunk up the property really bad. The neighbor is a butcher and so we have also gotten beef jerky, deer pepperoni, and various other cuts of meat from him, which is awesome. He has a trailer set up to bleed, butcher, and dress the animals.  
Can you believe the amount of hogs there are. You can see at least three big ones. A couple of medium ones and some piglets. When these guys come and root up your yard they cause massive yard destruction.
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#seanborca porca
What are these long legged beasts? Why, they are turkeys of course. Turkeys roost in trees. They can fly up into the trees and yet they also seem to graze. I wonder what they find so delicious to eat on the property. Oh I know, I laid some grass seed down. I bet they are eating all my seeds! Argh! Those turkeys will get you every time. By the way, turkeys are very hard to shoot.
Here is another turkey shot. This one is pretty cool because it is so close to the camera. Turkeys and chickens are such interesting creatures because the males are so interesting looking. They have really regal feathers. Here I left some of the information from the Muddy Cam, notice it has the moon, temperature, date,  and time. These are all useful features if you are going to try to hunt or if you want to log different animals and feeds. It is pretty awesome. The top of the camera has a lot of information but mostly related to electronics.
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Wild Florida Hogs on Our Property
Sean Borca
Sean Borca - palm coast, Florida | about.me
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O'le George I shot in Iowa with the 300 Winchester Mag-On the Wall:-)
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