#love hate relationship honestly
jeireilostt 2 years
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Don鈥檛 know why I鈥檓 doing this but I thought it鈥檇 be fun to put headcanons based on this stuff. Tell me some other stuff to put in here!!
[1. How they feel about crocs馃悐]
1. Luther Hargreeves
He indeed wears these instead of slippers. He鈥檒l wear a robe with a random pair of red crocs.
2. Diego Hargreeves
Dislikes them for some reason. He鈥檒l rarely ever wear a pair. Only time he鈥檒l wear them is if they鈥檙e 1. Black and 2. Going on a walk at midnight (so emo). Something about them tics him off.
3. Allison Hargreeves
Wears them while getting mail and sitting with a cup of coffee watching TV. She usually goes bare foot rather then wear any footwear but it鈥檚 either that or slippers. Depends which is closer. (Has like two hearts pins on her crocs)
4. Klaus Hargreeves
Literally never wears them unless his slippers go missing (he has like- 10 pairs of slippers) which is rare. (Lot of pins.)
5. Five Hargreeeves
Strong dislike for them. Nobody would catch him DEAD in them. The only way he鈥檇 do it is if you find a way for them to look at least DECENT with the outfit he wears otherwise it鈥檚 a nah. Man is all about class 馃拝
6. Ben Hargreeves
He鈥檚 a sock person with slides but he does own a pair of crocs (leave canon ghost out rn) that he鈥檒l wear if he can鈥檛 find his slides or he鈥檚 rushing and picks them up instead.
7. Viktor Hargreeves
Oh yeah he wears them. Only when walking outside for a walk or just to lazy to look decent in the morning. (Has a few music notes and a violin pin in the holes.)
Bonus: Lila Pitts
Does for the soul purpose to piss Diego off and put her foot in his face. Also she enjoys putting pins in them.
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lwiann 7 months
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fall from grace
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kkoct-ik 1 month
i dont think i will ever forgive what the internet did to DID because please explain to me how "your sense of self is so torn apart you think youre multiple people" turned into "youre actually multiple people"
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do you understand what i mean? please understand what i mean
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ruler-of-thorns 10 months
Malleus having older sibling trauma. Malleus resenting how Lilia is able to openly express being Silver's parent but had to keep Malleus at arms length because of their roles. Malleus having to know someone who was presumably initially very cold and softened only as he was growing older while Silver had a very openly loving father immediately. Malleus being the child who taught Lilia how to parent and love. Malleus never feeling like Lilia truly loved him after seeing how he was able to love Silver. Malleus loving Silver because they're brothers and at the same time resenting him for having the father he always wanted.
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sandstworm 10 months
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random cherik sketch for setting up tablet purposes
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bonefall 3 months
Did Brambleclaw actually disown the Three when the secret is revealed? I don't remember this happening (then again, it's been a while) but it does bug me how all three go "Poor brambleclaw :(( He was such a good dad to us and he has to learn we're not even his biokits :(((( poor guy" while simultaneously shitting on Leafpool and Squirrelflight despite them showing them more care and affection before AND after the reveal. If he does disown them, then.... WOW is the double standard real here.
In-canon? It's something you have to approximate. They don't seem to have a concept of ""disowning"" because blood relation is taken as such an insurmountable, FUNDAMENTAL fact of life. He doesn't write them out of his little kitty will and testament, but his actions ARE disowning.
It's as if the fact he is not their biological father is an automatic disowning. From the reveal onwards, he is immediately cold, distant, and the "betrayal" is mentioned often. The Three also explicitly don't blame him for his behavior, like it's just to be expected that he's Not Their Dad anymore.
Lionblaze in particular stares longingly at him several times, really missing him. And like... that's kinda what gets my goat so much
I do believe Brambleclaw is entitled to his feelings of betrayal. I believe Squilf was ultimately in the right to lie, actually, but he's still allowed to be upset and angry that she didn't trust him enough to tell him something so important. THAT SAID, YOU ARE NEVER ENTITLED TO TREAT OTHERS POORLY.
And that's what GETS me. He isn't upset that it was all revealed in such a painful and embarassing way when this could have been avoided, or that his lover struggled with this lie for so long without him, or that he feels he's lost his children. Squilf points it out in The Last Hope-- He's so ANGRY at Squilf that he will THROW HIS FAMILY AWAY
Lionblaze seems desperate to be his son again. Hollyleaf is gone for months, and Brambleclaw is still huffing about the secret when she comes back from the dead. Squilf is fawning in the hopes it makes him talk to her again. Doesn't matter. Brambleclaw Is Upsetti Spaghetti so the narrative will never examine his role in hurting this family he apparently loved so much.
(Narrative seems to understand full well that when Squilf lies for a good reason, that doesn't invalidate the hurt Brambleclaw felt... but when Brambleclaw is upset for a good reason, it actually DOES validate what he put her and his kids through)
In BB it is explicitly a disowning. He cuts them off as his children, and they reciprocate. BB!Lionblaze does so in a ball of fury, vowing that he has ONLY a mother.
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Oh i forgot to post this one. Ahhhh
Went down a rabbit hole reading The Final Indignity聽
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diseaseriddencube 5 months
normal people: alastor is aggressive with lucifer because he's actually under the control of lilith and needs to keep him away/help charlie or sth
me: alastor is aggressive with lucifer because he saw someone with two ounces more power than him, someone who could help charlie more than he has and show him up as worthless, and he Is Not Having Any Of That anyways do you wanna hear my npd headcanons and why he is actually me and
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milkymooshi 17 days
Nygmobblepot is such a good ship to me not only bc it has a lot of layers that I love reading about and picking apart but also because it鈥檚 just two guys who decided they couldn鈥檛 live without each other so the rational option is so obviously kill each other
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the-crimson 7 months
It kinda always makes me sad when people talk about arospec characters on the qsmp and only talk about q!Jaiden and q!mike without mentioning q!bbh :( like honestly q!bbh鈥檚 relationship with q!forever and how ambiguous it is is 100% an aromantic experience I鈥檝e had.
People assuming my relationship with my partner is romantic when it鈥檚 not - at least not in the way they imagine - or assuming it will eventually turn romantic as if what we have isn鈥檛 good enough and I hate seeing the same thing happen to q!bbh
Idk I鈥檓 just sad and tired of q!bbh鈥檚 arospec identity being erased or forgotten or valued less than q!jaiden and q!mike because he has such a popular ship and complicated relationship with another character even tho cannon 4halo is incredibly aromantic/queer platonic in of itself :/
(Also q!forever is arospec/lithoromantic as well so in general their ship is incredibly aromantic/queer platonic from like every angle
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velvetjune 2 months
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i like that rose specifically wants to be friends with both alan and alice in the first game. like yay! parasocial relationship also extends to the wife!
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autism-swagger 5 months
I really think that a lot of Batfam fans that are mostly/entirely fanon (and honestly just Batfam fans in general, because Stephanie Brown is woefully mischaracterized, but that's a conversation for another time) do not understand that Steph is not one of Bruce's kids. He is not her father, he has never been and will never be her father. Their relationship is not good, and if it's depicted as good then that's stupid because he treated her like shit before her death (once again, conversation for another time).
Batfam fans I am on my hands and knees begging you to stop mischaracterizing her.
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smuggonifico-lmao 10 months
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Holy shit you actually made me google and semi-study what magazine pages could look like and what layout is good and what isnt- Im- ehm happy dtiys? anyway!!!! Happy 5k holy shit thats incredible @tangledinink, incredibly incredible even!!!! You deserve it
(also if the quality is shit, i apologize. Not only did my technology put it through the wringer while i was tryna edit some stupid mistakes out, tumblr also decided to make it worse smhhhh)
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uncanny-tranny 6 months
I love giving advice, apparently, so if you are a newly pierced person or are planning on being pierced, here are some of the things I found helpful, as somebody who isn't a professional piercer but has had six plus piercings on my face and body, and multiple ear piercings (which I don't count, since I DIY'd them):
Normal bath towels are your enemy, proceed with caution after bathing. NEVER wipe moisture away from a fresh piercing, always pat it dry
You will hit a new piercing and it will hurt. This is inevitable, just know that you likely haven't destroyed it. Feel free to cry, though, it hurts like hell.
If your piercer gives you instructions, heed them. If you're on restrictions, please take it as seriously as possible
When you're going in for a piercing, please eat or drink something - at least what constitutes as a snack for your body. It really helps
If you're getting an oral piercing, make sure you size down after the healing period - I hadn't sized down for my last oral piercing when I first had the chance, and it was... so annoying to have too-large of jewelry
Not all jewelry is made equally. Do your research on materials, threading, and sizing. I've found that titanium jewelry is really nice for me, and I like it, but that isn't the only option. Make sure you think about your body and its needs and preferences
Close your eyes while being pierced (I found this really helps me)
Don't over-clean a new piercing, twice per day is usually a good place to start
The completed healing period is a very average suggestion - you may heal slower or faster. Try to adhere to that suggestion, though, especially if you do not feel you're healed enough
Personally, I have found that I am completely healed when my piercing feels like just another part of my body, even when it is touched. When my piercings start to feel as though they are foreign when they never do before, I know I likely need to clean them
While I have DIY'd piercings, I personally do not recommend it, especially if you are either not using sterilized equipment, or are piercing a very dangerous place (like the tongue). If you are absolutely positive about committing to the DIY mindset, please try to do due diligence in research at least
Tip your piercer. Body mods are a luxury service, and it takes years to even become a piercer, much less to be proficient at it. Tip your piercer, ESPECIALLY if their prices feel too good to be true - they likely are. Unless you are directed otherwise by your piercer, just assume that you will be tipping them for their services and budget accordingly
Make sure you understand how your piercer wants you to take care of your piercing, and ask questions. There is no question too "dumb"
If you are getting a body part pierced you are insecure about, realize your piercer has most likely seen HUNDREDS of different body parts of various sizes, shapes, and oddities. Your body is not uniquely bad, nor would a good piercer make you feel unwelcome or uncomfortable with your body. If they do, however, DO NOT go through with the piercing. You should feel safe being pierced by somebody, and, indeed, that is the bare minimum.
If you use saline wash to clean piercings, you can DIY it. You will go through NeilMed like no other, and with it being $5USD a bottle, that price can rack up quickly. Make sure you use distilled water and non-iodized salt, though
If your piercing is infected, please don't be too ashamed to seek help. It's in your best interest to make sure you don't get ill or your site gets nasty ("nasty" as in painful)
These are just some of the things I've learned being a pierced person! My piercings are something I absolutely needed, and I do not for a minute regret having them. I want that same happiness to befall you, and that happens when you are able to understand a bit more what goes into piercings. You are, essentially, getting a new body part installed by a pro, and so I don't want you to not be ready for that.
Again, I am not a professional piercer, but am rather a body piercing enthusiast with many different types of piercings. I don't have every piercing, though, so please look at this critically for the piercing(s) that you want or have. At least, treat this like a soft suggestion or ways to help you brainstorm what you will find helpful.
More tips are obviously welcomed, especially if you yourself have more insight or expertise. Good luck to every pierced person or future pierced person reading this馃挍
#body modification#body mods#piercings#body piercing#long post#honestly i love having a professional relationship with my piercer and i feel so happy to be pierced by her#i think the client and piercer relationship is a very important aspect of getting a piercing#and i don't think people talk about that part much. you should feel SAFE being around your piercer#they are literally creating a new hole in your body with a needle. that is a very vulnerable position to be in#but i'm honestly shocked at how cheap my piercer is...#...so my last piercing was only $50USD and that included the (nice) jewelry. i feel that in that cast tipping 60% was worth it...#...i know that can rack up the cost of the piercing but especially if you LIKE your piercer (like i do) - try being as generous as possible#i personally LOVE tipping my piercer and it's the best way i can show her that i LOVE her work even when i tell her#love having a personal blog that i can be autistic about piercings!!!!! I LOVE THIS ANCIENT TRADITIONNNN#one of my profs let us write about anything as long as it was an essay and i went Insane writing about historical piercing practices#LOVE ALL TYPES OF PIERCINGS especially ones that are used to 'scare' outsiders <3#when i was a kid they used to tell us about the Mystical African Tribes that STRETCHED THEIR LIPS (scary!!!!)...#...if it isn't obvious i hate that the lip plate especially practiced by the Mursi and many others have been used for frankly rascist ideas#i brought up the lip thing because i learned a lot about iirc the Mursi practice of lip plating and it's given me more appreciation for it!!#it's ENDLESSLY fascinating and i wish i hadn't been shown the negative bias against them first
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spiral-thing 9 days
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did this extra special one for a friend. 饢弓
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buddiesmutslut 2 months
One thing I hate so much about 911 is the LACK OF APOLOGIES.
Bobby shoves Buck against the wall in s1 & it鈥檚 written off as acceptable bc Buck is being nosy, like being annoying is a good excuse to put your hands on an employee.
Buck apologized for the lawsuit & not being around in s3, but Bobby never apologized for holding him back (& lying about it) & Eddie never apologized for screaming at him in the grocery store.
Chim assaulted Buck in his apartment before going after Maddie, and it was never addressed. (Also, does anyone remember if Chim apologized for keeping the Daniel secret from Buck but not the bomber in that one episode? I genuinely can鈥檛 remember, I haven鈥檛 watched the first seasons in like, a year.)
Also, does Maddie ever apologize for telling their parents about Buck being in therapy? I know they fought about it, but it was also tied in with the Daniel secret (which was fucked but they talked about that) and I can鈥檛 remember, but that was kind of shitty, too.
Buck maybe purposefully gets rough with Eddie and definitely hurts his ankle during the game. Sure, we see him feeling bad about it & Maddie scolding him, but no actual apology to his best friend, not even a mention of one.
Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head, & idk man, people are flawed, and I know that these characters aren鈥檛 perfect, but part of that is apologizing & making amends when you鈥檙e wrong. So much stuff is just glanced over to keep the story moving, and I get it but I鈥檓 not a huge fan of it. They all have this great, family bond, but how sustainable is that when you鈥檙e not owning up to your mistakes and making it right when you hurt someone?
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