#love that I've been able to hang out with these characters for this long <3 and that people are enjoying them!
hpowellsmith · 3 months
Three-quarters through drafting Honor Bound wooooo
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sillyandquest · 5 months
Y'all know the cardboard cutouts in Poppy Playtime?
I like to think that they're a small glimpse in those characters personalities, and what they would've been like if we'd been able to interact with them in-game. The cutouts also seem to indicate the sanity level of each Smiling Critter.
This'll be a long one, I'll see you at the end of you wanna read!
Anyway, that means Bubba Bubbafant would've been outwardly friendly, yet still resentful of the player. He also might've been losing his sanity quickly, probably due to CatNap's gas.
"Hey! I remember you!.....An elephant always remembers!.......Want to know what I remember about you?........*Devolves into hysterical laughter/screams/glitches.*"
Had he been in the game as a Bigger Body experiment, I doubt he would go out of his way to help. He might've just hidden himself away like Kissy and Poppy, or fully lost it before he could try to help the player and got killed off.
Next is Kickin' Chicken. He's different in that he seems like he would've provided encouragement to the player, maybe even try and protect them.
"Wanna go outside and hang out?.... I've never been outside before.........Will you come with me? I'm scared.......Here, I'll step out first......*screams/glitches.*"
He also seems to have been killed off early, maybe he was even the first Critter to be killed. (He's embracing his inner Chica now-). I say this because, aside from DogDay, Kickin' Chicken seems the most sane in comparison to all the Critters.
CatNap's cut out doesn't have much other than breathing noises and snores that devolve into glitches.
Picky Piggy sounds sane, but I think she probably ate some of the other Critters. Probably Bubba Bubbafant, Kickin' Chicken, and Crafty Corn. If she could interact with the player, I think she'd be friendly at first before showing her true colors.
"Roast beef? Delicious!......Grilled chicken? Down the hatch!......Seared Elephant! Yum!......Flayed Unicorn? Mmmmm!.......Still hungry.....Hey, what do ya say you and I be friends?"
She definitely wouldn't have been helpful, and would've absolutely tried to eat the player.
I think Hoppy Hopscotch could've tried to help as a Bigger Body experiment, maybe a little pushy and impatient towards the player. Probably because she's desperate to escape.
"Wanna try hopping to the moon with me?.....On three with me!....1, 2, 3!...Heh, didn't get very far, did we?.....Listen, this won't stop until we make it to the moon!.....1, 2- No,no, don't look at your feet! None of that matters! Again! Again!.....Jump! JUUUU- *glitches out*"
She seemed to have a good heart and wanted to help but was likely taken out while escaping. I'd call her sane enough to be trusted, just desperate.
DogDay is certified best boy and definitely would've wanted to help you, even at the cost of his life/freedom. He knows this is a terrible place to be in and wants the player to leave as soon as possible.
"Go, go! As far as you can!......Why are you just standing there?.....You can't be here, you can't stay......*screams/glitches.*"
He knows he can't leave and encouraged the player go. He sounds sad when he speaks. Would likely be the last Critter to stick by the players side no matter what.
Crafty Corn up next! She seems very focused on painting and almost definitely killed someone because she was out of red.
"Pass me the blue please!.....Thanks! Now can you give me some red?.....Out? But we can't be out..... You're hiding more red from me......I know you are.....GIVE IT HERE *glitchy screams*
Yeah, I wouldn't really trust her. She'd be fine by herself or if the player gives her all the materials she asks for, but Crafty would've probably gotten agitated and attacked quickly.
Finally, Bobby Bearhug! She comes across as super loving, but also clingy and desperate for an escape. Sounding a little unhinged at times. If the player could've interacted with her, she might've clung to them, possibly even protected them if they convinced her that she could go with them.
"I love you to the moon and back!..... I'm crazy about you!.....I'm lost without you.....I've been lost a long time......Please, take me with you this time?.....You won't leave me, will you?!."
She sounds like she's lonely and craves companionship. Her cutout is actually the only one that doesn't end in glitches or screams so I think the player could've trusted her. She might've had a fragile mental state, but I don't think she would've tried to kill you.
Thanks for reading til the end! Stay safe!
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Hello! I noticed your account has open requests and I've been searching for a while to find some twst writers lol! I really hope you don't mind this request and I like your works :3
A request about Leona and/or Ruggie realizing that this “naive“ m!reader is actually the king of sunset savannah's entertainer/court jester (you know how kings hired court jesters to entertain them in parties or whatever, I haven't done much research). They can insult Falena and the guards wouldn't beat his ass (since it's literally part of his job) PLUS it pays REALLY GOOD. The beastmen just recently found out because of the reader saying a comment about the King, saying something like “His hair reminds me of a tomato.“ “King Tomato Furry (Falena) said that I'll get a raise lol“ just randomly and went back to work.
A lovers Jest
Your brain is so big, anon. So very big, I love this request so much, you don't even know!! In Leonas part the M!reader is mentioned, but in Ruggies it isn't exactly mentioned, since i didn't want to unnecessarily cramp it in, I hope that's okay! Also Leona finds out during a festival, since i thought it would be funny- Also, I'm sorry this took so long, and thank you for the kind words!! Hope you enjoy :) There are way to many "Also's" in this Intro-
Finding out their crush is the Royal Jester
Characters: Leona, Ruggie
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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-How did he not know earlier about you being his brothers Jester? well, the man was to busy sleeping to partake in any of the royal festivities 
-How you could be so seemingly naive was a mystery to him, it really stunned him at times, but nonetheless you seemed to grow on him, so, you two started to hang out often
-He liked how, behind the closed doors of his room, you're even willing to joke and make fun of his brother. Falena is usually held in high regards by citizens of Sunset Savanna, not that he really minded. That is definitely why you two started hanging out so much (definitely not because he is slowly developing a crush on you, nuh uh)
-He would tease, how, as the second prince, he could report you to his brother and the guards, because of your jokes, only to get a laugh in response for from you. Truly, how naive could you be to not take threats seriously? let alone make jokes so carelessly about the king?! 
-Well, he was quick to find out, when he eventually was forced to go to a royal event! It's Chekas birthday, and the little man was very insistent about having his beloved uncle there! So, reluctantly, he went, no matter how little he wanted to. He did show up late though
-And when he did arrive, he almost immediately sees you. Well, the prince's birthday was commonly celebrated by the entire kingdom, he supposes it wasn't to weird you're here.. But why is there a crowd around you? and why are you standing so close to his brother?! And then, once he got a bit closer, he could finally hear what you were saying 
-"Why, your majesty, King of tomatoes may just be a better fitting title for you!"
-Oh. Oh no no no no no- he just came to terms with having a crush on you, and now you practically throw yourself into prison?! He knows you're naive, but to openly insult the king?! Even as the second prince he won't be able to save you from prison!
-Leona is panicking to say the least, just as he is about to try and intervene and stop you from being thrown into prison for the rest of your live, he suddenly hears his brother..laugh? The guards stand in their place, a few people in the crowd giggling, as his brother and his sister-in-law are full on laughing.
-He just stands there shocked, till Falena finally notices him. "Leona! how nice of you to finally grace us with your presence! I believe you have yet to meet my Jester?" Jester?! It would explain the situation.. "No, we have met before.." 
-respond to his intense stare with a smile, and suddenly he is looking away and blushing ever so slightly
-Suddenly your 'naivety' makes so much sense. You aren't naive, you just love your work so much, you continue to do it outside of working hours
-The rest of the night he spends silently observing you, while having to deal with chekas antics 
-You best believe, that the next time you two hang out, he'll be confronting you, very much wanting to know why you didn't tell him- You probably thought he already knew, since, y'know, he's part of the royal family and all
-This, along with his crush on you, gave him a great Idea. As a second prince, he isn't required to marry a woman, since he doesn't need an heir.. So not only is he free to marry you, he would get to take his brothers favorite Jester from him. For once, he'd be the one to take something from his brother, instead of the other way around! 
-Of course, that isn't the only reason he wants to marry you, dear reader, this lion is head over heels for you- he's just to stubborn to admit it :)
-You and Ruggie have probably already been close for a while, maybe you even have already gone on a date or two!
-And yet, he has yet to know what you do for work. But he does know that you make A LOT of money! He wouldn't just like you for the money, but if you're the kind of person to use at least a small amount to help those in need like himself by giving to charity, or paying for the meals he takes back home for the kids of the slum during the holidays, then that is a definitely one of the reason he fell for you
-He did notice how openly you insulted the King, and he can't say he minds, that man has so much money, and is supposed to take care of his kingdom, and yet there are still kids growing up the way he did. 
-Nonetheless, he usually stops you when your 'naive' enough to Joke about the King in the open, he doesn't need you going to prison, you pay for so many of his meals! He is genuinely in love with you, but just like Leona, too stubborn to admit it
-Until one day, he once again stops you from Insulting the king in public and you reply with a simple "Why? King Tomato-head even said I'd get a raise for that Joke!"
-"Wait what? What do you mean by that??" - If you translated Ruggies expression into words
-"Oh yeah, I'm the Royal Jester! Did I never tell you that?" No, no you did not- but it does explain a lot to Ruggie, why, no matter how much you joked in the open, the guards never went after you, why you were willing to insult the king at all.. You weren't naive, you were just doing your job!
-...Do you think you could also get him a job as jester? He knows a court usually has more than one Jester, and apparently it pays well!.. But that would mean he would spent his holidays at the castle instead of with his grandma and the slum kids. Yeah, he'll leave the Jesting to you
-But suddenly, instead of stopping you from telling your jokes, he'll help you come up with them! He knows, that the funnier a Jester is, the more they'll get paid, and you best believe he's making sure you bring home that bag!!
-...Also, maybe if you have a holiday off, you'd be willing to come with him to the slums and perform for the kids? He can only imagine how exited they would be to see the performance of an actual jester. 
-If you say yes, he'd literally be willing to marry you on the spot, he's already picking a venue
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Tbh, not that proud of Leonas part, the words didn't wanna word- But I'm still pretty proud of myself nonetheless ngl
Also, two posts in one day, I feel so productive-
I hope you enjoyed! Feedback is welcomed, just be nice :)
Have a lovely day/night!
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ayyyez · 1 year
Could I ask for Itachi, Madara and Tobirama with a reader that wants a big family? Like REALLY big. Like 5 or 7 little ones😂 Asking our boys 'wanna make a baby?' all the time haha🤣 Love you!
A/N: omg this made me laugh lmao just bc I imagined my own response being 'absolutely not.' 😂(to someone asking me that question not the request) hahah but dw it's not necessarily theirs. I can do this for you 😂 ily <3
TAGS: family headcanons, reader wants baby, big family, fluff, Itachi's has more suggestive content, Madara being a little shit, Tobirama being soft
CHARACTERS: Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju
Depends on which Itachi we are talking about. If it's canon Itachi who is dying and you ask him for a baby or family then he's like absolutely not. He can't leave you on your own with a child and he also doesn't have the time left to give you a big family.
So lets just pretend that doesn't happen. Itachi doesn't get ill and he doesn't die.
You two have been together for years at this point (I feel Itachi needs a few years in this to be able to jump into such a commitment. He can see himself being with you forever at this point)
The two of you of you are sitting outside on the veranda, drinking tea, legs hanging off the side. The warm, summer breeze is blowing through creating a sense of ease. This is when you first think to broach the topic. To ease him into the idea.
'Hey Itachi, I've a question.' You ask, turning to see him bring his cup to his lips.
'Mm?' He asks, absentmindedly taking a long sip of tea, eyes still looking toward the scenery in front of him.
'Do you want to have kids, with me?'
Itachi chokes on his tea, spluttering a little as he brings his cup down. The recovery his quick and smooth as he turns to you quickly, eyes wide. 'What?' He asks, more questioning if he'd heard you correctly than what you had said.
'Kids.' You repeat. 'Is it something you'd consider ever doing—ehrm well having rather—with me that is.' You smile, scratching your cheek at the attempt to smoothen out your sentence.
'Oh.' He says blinking, animately. 'Oh.' He repeats like he's not quite sure what to make of the question.
'I've put you on the spot.' You shake your head.
'No.' He assures then shakes his head into a nod. 'Well, yes but no.' Itachi cringes at himself. 'I mean, it's something I—oh gosh.' He runs his hand over his face. 'Sorry.'
You observe him noticing his face his rather flushed? And you realise you've never quite seen him so flustered before. You had flustered him! Flustered Itachi Uchiha!
'It's alright. It's not something I need an answer to right away, just something I wanted us to consider.'
'I want to consider it!' He says quickly, a little too quickly. He bites his lip, groaning to himself and takes a deep breath. 'I really do.'
The next time it's brought up is during a heated make out.
Itachi's hands are on your waist pulling you toward him. Your hands are in his hair, tugging him further into the kiss.
Your body is on fire as is your want. Your need for him to be closer to you. His lips move from yours to your cheek. Peppering kisses down your jaw and down your neck.
You moan, pushing you body flush against his. You swear it pulls a growl from him. Especially since your fingers are buried so deeply into the roots of his hair, tugging.
'Mmm Itachi.' You say, high on the moment. 'I want more.'
'Yeah?' He says, lips moving across your chest. 'Tell me what you want.'
'I want you to touch me and ah—'
He bites down on the sensitive skin of your chest just above your nipple. He sucks down then pulls off. 'What else?' He asks.
'I want you inside me.'
'Mmm.' He hums, continuing to bury himself down the flesh of your abdomen. Kissing and sucking to his hearts content.
'And I want you to cum inside and make a baby with me.'
Itachi freezes against your stomach.
Your eyes snap open.
You totally let your want run away with you on that on.
'Yeah? You want a baby?'
'Mhmm.' You say, daring to meet his gaze. 'I do if you do.'
When you see his dark brown eyes looking back at you, pupils fully blown with want that you know he's no longer afraid. He wants this too.
'I do.' He says pushing a kiss to your skin.
'Yeah?' You say, trying to crush the emotions welling up inside you.
'How many kids you want me to give you?' He asks, slowly kissing down, down, down.
'Ah— I want a big family.' You say, biting back the moans. 'Maybe 5. Maybe 7.'
Itachi presses his face against your core. 'You're trying to kill me.' He groans. 'We better get to work.'
Okay this little shit (affectionate) is probably the easiest to convince in theory but he's also a pain in the butt about it lol
Madara is the biggest simp when it comes to you so he's willing to do what you want and honestly if the two of you are having kids by conceiving together then he's like yay that means we get to do it aye aye (wiggles those eyebrows) punch him honestly.
The thing is when you first tell him he's also of two minds about it. He wants to hurry up and have lots of sex and babies with you because Madara also wants a big family. Big fams are what the Uchiha do.
HOWEVER he's also a bit selfish? Wants to wait a bit and keep you all to himself for a few years more. Wants to have your undivided attention and not have to share you with his children yet. He knows it has to happen one day and is happy to let it happen. He's just... not sure he wants it to yet!
There's still so much couple one on one things he wants to do! So he makes a deal that while the two of you are trying (if you don't want to wait) the two of you have to do a bunch of couple things together.
It's honestly win win because you get to do a lot of relaxing things like trips to the hotsprings. Date nights. Just lots of time with him spoiling you and him being absolutely obsessed with you.
Now the whole conversation itself when you did ask him to have a baby with you was a whole thing lol. It's probably pillowtalk because that's where all your deep and important convos with Madara happen.
The two of you are lying in the bed, sheets draped haphazardly over the two of you. Your bodies are facing each other, limbs are wrapped around and lost beneath the sheet.
Your hand finds his face gently stroking his flushed cheek. His finds refuge in the small of your back, pulling you even closer.
'Hey.' You say.
'Oh hello.' He says all smug. 'I didn't see you there.'
You playfully (gently) smack his cheek.
'You were pretty sure of my presence a few minutes ago.'
'Ah, yes, yes, now it's coming back to me.' He grins. 'Perhaps we ought to go again just to be sure the memory doesn't fade.'
You pinch his cheek.
'Ow, ow stop hurting the love of your life in such a manner.'
'I can think of worse things I could pinch, believe me.'
'Okay okay I concede!' He nuzzles his forehead against yours. 'I'm listening.'
'Good, I wanted to run something by you.'
'Oh? So serious. This I have to hear.' His tone maybe playful but he gives you his full attention. He always does.
'What would you say to having a baby?'
He takes a deep breath. 'Wow.' He exhales. 'I guess it depends who with because that can really be a dealbreaker.' He starts laughing.
You smack him but can't help let slip a smile.
'Ugh, why are you making this so difficult! I meant you having a baby with me! Us! Together!' You huff, pouting a little.
'I know, I know I'm just keeping such a serious conversation more joyful.' He says, wrapping his arms around you. 'I had to take advantage of your phrasing. I'm sorry.'
You huff again. 'Look if you don't want to just—' You move to roll around in his arms but he stops you.
'Oh no, no, no. Nobody runs away from Madara Uchiha. Not even you!' He grabs you and turns you back to him.
You try to keep a scowl plastered on your face but it's hard when his smile is so damn genuine.
'Of course I want to have children with you! I think about having tens of children with you! It's all I can do but stop cumming inside without protection.'
This makes you snort. 'This is not a romantic or charming conversation at all.'
'Oh, please I exude charm, baby.' He kisses your nose. 'Just tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. I want it too.'
'I want to have your children. Lots of children.'
Madara hums. 'The more the better, right?' He kisses your lips. 'How about we just enjoy ourselves a bit longer first. Just us?'
You roll your eyes. 'Fine.'
This man is the hardest one to convince of the bunch. I personally don't see him really having kids and if he does it's on the lower number rather than having the bigger family.
It's got to do with the time period he's in, just coming out of the warring era and seeing so many children die and the self sacrifice he makes to dedicate himself to the village. Even though they technically have some peace in their era it does not last long.
He's not around a lot at home in the first place and feels guilty if he has to leave it to you or others to raise his children so it's going to be a big decision to have kids.
That being said if it's something you really want he's not going to say no because deep in his heart, having kids is something he would like to have. Having someone he created with you that is (for a time) untouched by war and without that burden? A dream.
It takes some years of convincing to do it though. It's not a one time conversation. It's several conversations over the years. Negotiations and understandings. He needs to make sure you understand he can't always be there. Even if he wants to be.
Tobirama will also want to be able to train them to protect themselves whether they become shinobi or not. He won't be able to sleep at night not knowing they have some sort of protection.
The thing that helps ease Tobirama into it as well is Mito and Hashirama. Their kids and seeing how they fair help sway his opinion. You helping out Mito and seeing how you are with children helps enourmously too.
Him seeing you with children always did something to his heart, tugging at those heartstrings. You just always softened? around children. You were a natural caretaker.
Tobirama couldn't bear being the one to keep you from that.
Conversations during the evenings after dinner. You take the plates over to the sink then join him over at the kotatsu.
'Have you given any thought to our conversation?' You ask, taking a seat behind him with your arms on his shoulders.
'Which convseration are you referring to?' He asks.
You begin working his shoulders, massging them gently at first, working out the tension he's worked up in the day.
He grunts but pushes back into your touch.
'You know,' you whisper against his ear, 'that conversation.' You run your lips over the shell of his ear then down his neck.
He shivers a little and you see his eyes close.
'Oh, that conversation.' He says, softly.
He hasn't dismissed it right out. That's progress.
You keep working his shoulders and alternate between kissing his neck and cheek.
Tobirama relaxes and becomes undone beneath you. He melts entirely at your touch until he merely falls back against you.
Your hands come around him, resting on top of his arms. Fingertips gently tracing his cool exposed skin.
There's a comfortable silence, one you can hear him gathering his thoughts.
'I want to give you what you want.' He says, breaking the silence.
'But, I just need a little more time.'
A small smile finds your lips. 'Okay.' You press a kiss to his temple. 'I only want this if you do too.'
Tobirama grunts. As if to say he could ever be made to do something he doesn't want to ever.
The conversation is broached a few times after that but it isn't long until it's agreed upon. And the two of you begin trying to a baby.
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cowboybrunch · 4 months
writerblr intro
i've been around for a minute but i never made one of these so
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hi! i'm sav (she/her). i'm a twenty-something poet turned fiction writer. i have two WIPs that I post about regularly: a supernatural romance and an urban fantasy drama. i also write poetry (posted under my general writing tag).
i spend most of my free time writing (or thinking about writing), but i also love to crochet, play video games with my love, or hang out with my dog.
i mostly write character-driven stories with unreliable narrators and complex villains. if that sounds like your kind of thing, hop in!
i love tag games (please tag me please please) but it might take me a while to get to them
feel free to say hi! let me know what you're reading! tell me about your WIPs! and my final demand: have a great day!
WIP Intros:
Burden of the Reluctant Death (revising)
I do not want to kill the boy. The blood underneath my fingernails and the wet, labored breaths bother me less than the incessant tug low in my gut, the hunger that calls to the monster that I pretend not to be. I’ve spent the better part of three centuries rejecting Death, as all things do, and she has spent three centuries teaching me the futility of that opposition. “One soul before sunrise,” she commanded, “or I’ll replace you as easily as I created you.” If she’s bluffing, I’m not brave enough to call her on it.
Character Introductions
Judas Wept (finished)
A prequel to Burden of the Reluctant Death that follows Elias as he tries to balance loyalty, love, and duty.
He does not remember his first thought after he dies, likely something so inane that even white-knuckle sifting through his wretched brain leaves him with nothing but a resounding headache. He does, however, remember his second thought: Christ alive, that sucked, and his third: Why is there a beautiful woman straddling me?
Posted here
Dust to Dust (first draft in progress)
A murder mystery with necromancy, ghosts, politics, and an absolutely non-sentient skeleton.
The rattling of bones warned her approach. She kept the skeleton with her when she was nervous, and she was nervous more often than not, try as she might to deny it. Nobody else would’ve been able to tell; her anxiety manifested as bursts of irritation, often lashing out at whoever (or whatever) was nearest. Robbie had known her for far too long and was not fooled. Most thought her immature and youthfully rebellious, a phase she’d grow out of— or not. It was of no consequence. She was not the heir, only the younger sister. Her fits did not matter. She also had greater necromantic ability than the crown prince. This did not matter either.
Posted here
Untitled Vampire Story (first draft in progress)
“You are exactly how he described you.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a neatly folded paper, extending it towards me. “The prodigy. Nicolai’s assassin.” “In the flesh.” I take the paper from her, unfolding it and skimming over the names. Seven, and none that I recognize. I pocket it. “Any special requests? Parting remarks, items you’d like me to leave, messages you’d like me to relay?” She grins, fangs glinting in the dim moonlight. “You’re not one for small talk, are you?” I don’t reply, proving her point. “Start at the top and go down the line. I want them to know you’re coming. I want them afraid.” She laughs suddenly, cruelly. “Your dagger in their heart will be enough of a message, don’t you think?”
chapter 1 part 1 / part 2
chapter 2 part 1 / part 2
chapter 3 part 1 / part 2
Poems/Journal Dumps
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peterman-spideyparker · 4 months
my tears ricochet (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader) 5/5
Author’s Note: Hi! I've put these two through enough. It's still sad, but the ending makes up for it, I hope! Enjoy!
Summary: Out of the hospital and on the mend, you finally make your way to Clinton Church to try and make sense of the grief for the man you loved who has been out of your life for ten years.
Warnings: Angst, grief, PTSD, unresolved feelings, canon-typical violence, wound recovery (reference to pain from wound/surgery, reader is using a cane in recovery), recounting of the end of The Defenders/Season 3 DD, emotional damage, absent parents/friends, mentions of death, fear of loss, reconnection, fluff, hopeful ending
Other Characters: Father Lantom, Sister Maggie
Word Count: 3,162
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You hum in pain as you sit down in the pew, the short walk taking a lot out of you. It smells like incense and old wood, and you can hear everything both in and out of the church from where you sit, the echos loud and all-consuming. You wonder if this is what Matt felt like all the time—hearing sounds reverberate and echo like church bells in the mountains, never finding a moment of quiet or solitude, condemned to listen to everything all the time. Never knowing peace.
“I don’t know what to do anymore,” you breathe into the empty church after a few minutes. “I hoped you’d give me a nudge in the right direction if I came here. I know what this place meant to you. I . . . I’d like a sign.” You look up to the ceiling, looking at the images staring unblinking down on you before closing your eyes and hanging you head. Why are you even trying? What does it even matter? Matt’s gone—he was long gone a decade ago.
“New to the city?” a new, older voice says. You look over, seeing a man in all black approach you down the aisle. “Or in need of some guidance?”
“I needed somewhere quiet,” you admit with a sigh as the elderly priest sits down next to you. “I needed a way to try and find peace. The last few months . . . they have been too much to bear.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. If it helps, I’m a friendly ear that’s willing to listen. At least you’ll be able to get it off your chest. Sometimes, that’s half of the battle, just letting it out,” the priest says. Father Lantom. You remember him from when you came with Matt to a service one Christmas and a few other times.
You dip your head and let out a sigh. “About a year ago, my husband passed away. It was . . . fast. Unexpected. He didn’t suffer.”
“I’m sorry.”
“The worst part was, I didn’t feel sad like someone should when their spouse passes away. I was sad, but . . .” You let out a long sigh and tilt your head back. “He was good to me. Kind. He cared. But it wasn’t love, at least not the kind of love that should lead two people to get married. But I got through it. And then a few months ago—.” You wipe away your tears and sniffle. “This was his church. I went with him a few times when we were in college together.”
“Who? Your husband?” 
“No, an old friend.”
“I’ve been here for a long time. I’m pretty good with names and faces. I think it’s because I’ve got a connection upstairs.”
You give a small smile at his joke. “His name was Matt. Matt Murdock.” You wipe away a tear. “I was in an accident, and I was in the hospital when he died.”
The priest lets out a long, low sigh. “Do you mind me asking how he passed?”
“That building that went down, Midland Circle? I guess he was around it, got crushed under the debris. Matt and I, um . . . We lost touch for about ten years, and then by chance he came back shortly before my accident and before he . . .” You can’t bring yourself to finish the sentence. It doesn’t sound right saying that he’s dead—it coats your mouth with a bitter taste. But why? You shouldn’t feel like this. He left, he completely cut you out. You tried to get in touch, but he still walked out of your life like everyone else. But yet you still have this feeling. “I didn’t think I’d ever see him again, when he ghosted me in law school. I guess that some part of me always held out hope that he’d come back. At some point, I made peace with it—that our lives took us down separate roads, that it was probably the best for the both of us. But seeing him a few months ago dredged up feelings and reminded me of how happy I was with him, having him in my life, and how unhappy I am right now. How unhappy I’ve been for a long time. And now he’s not even around to help me sort through all these feelings—he’s the reason they’re all swirling around now, it’s only fair he help settle them. And he had the gall to die.”
You don’t realize that you’re crying with your voice raised and body shaking until the old priest hands you a bag of to-go Kleenex. You open them, wiping away your tears, desperately trying to collect yourself. You’re not supposed to behave this way, your parents taught you better, but you just can’t help it; you’ve never been able to act rationally or control your emotions how you were taught to when it came to Matt. And that’s how you know you really, truly loved him.
“I don’t know where to go from here,” you croak. “I’ve already lost my husband. And now I’ve lost the first man I’ve ever loved. None of it makes sense. None of it feels right. There wasn’t even a funeral. A-A-And now I’m here feeling hurt and abandoned by the only person who I felt saw me for who I was, not who he wanted, begging for there to be a way to bring him back. To take me instead. For me to feel something . . . because now I feel like the same lost girl finishing law school.”
“Grief and loss . . .” Father Lantom lets out a sigh. “There’s no easy way to go about it. Saying that everything happens for a reason or that it’s all part of God’s plan doesn’t always help, either. Sometimes, things just happen. And it really sucks sometimes. But every time we go through it, we become stronger. That doesn’t mean we can’t feel sad at everything that could have been, though. How things could have turned out differently if not for one thing.”
“Your connection with the Big Guy upstairs can’t give me insight when this hurt will stop, can it?”
“Unfortunately, no,” he sighs. 
“I figured I’d at least try.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I caught your name.”
“(Y/N),” you say, extending your hand for him to shake.
“(Y/N), do you have a moment to spare? I think there’s something that you should see. It might help with this grief you’re feeling.”
“Oh, I—.”
The sincerity in his voice gets to you, and you give him a gentle nod. He helps you stand with your cane, holding onto you to keep you upright and steady as he can tell walking is still a rather tender movement. You both slowly make your way down the basement steps, the sound of your shoes echoing against the stone.
“Stay here for just a moment, please,” he whispers with a gently hand on your shoulder.  “I need to confirm that what I want to show you is actually still here.”
“O-Okay,” you say, confused and concerned. How could something in this basement leave? It doesn’t exactly seem like a lively place; it’s cold, dark, and frankly, a little spooky. But from what you remember about Father Lantom, he only ever wants to help, so, whatever is down here must be worth it. Matt trusted him, put his faith in him. That’s enough for you.
“(Y/N)?” he calls after you softly as he come back to your side. “May I?”
He takes your hand and slowly leads you into the large, open room, light streaming in through small street level and stained-glass windows. There is nothing in the open space, and you turn to give the elderly priest a questioning look as he starts to move out of the basement. 
“F-Father, I—,” you start, but he raises a gentle hand. You turn back to facing front and you’re startled when you see someone step out from the shadows. You take a half step back, afraid of what is emerging, but a voice in your head tells you to relax. Despite what popular culture has told you about spooky basements, you listen to the voice in your head. He wouldn’t have brought you down here if it wasn’t safe. Walking closer to what looks like a makeshift bedroom, you carefully look around to see what is moving. It’s probably just a rat— you don’t think churches are exempt from New York City rats. But the next movement you see is decidedly larger than a rat.
“Matt?” you say, barely audible. It can’t be him. Foggy said he died. Foggy wouldn’t have lied about that—the pain on his face was too real, too raw. A building—a full-on skyscraper—went down on him. But he’s here, right in front of you, real as ever. When Matt’s lifts his head, your heart nearly stops. It’s him. Beaten, bruised, and a scraped up, but it’s him. It’s Matty. “No . . . What?”
“(Y/N/N),” he breathes, groaning in pain as he stands and walks toward you. The silence is deafening as your heart races in your chest, and it just doesn’t feel real. “It’s so good to . . . Are you okay?”
“N-No,” you whimper, your voice trembling as you drop your cane. “I-I . . . You’re alive. I thought you weren’t. Nobody does. I . . . I don’t know what to think or do.”
His hand reaches for yours, his calloused fingers brushing against the palm of your hand, his thumbs running against your knuckles. You want to yank them away— you don’t want to give him the luxury of holding onto you, but you just can’t pull back. Not when he’s here, not when he’s alive. “I . . . I thought I was going to die. I don’t know how I didn’t. I should have. I deserve to be dead.”
“How could you say that?” you murmur. 
“It’s how I feel. People would be better off that way. No one needs me. You don’t need me. You were better off without me, both in Columbia and a few months ago. I’m the one that brought you pain.” 
“Matt, I do need you. No one understands what happened on the roof. They tell me it’s going to take time, it’ll get better, but it doesn’t. I keep having these nightmares. They’re all from that night. Sometimes it’s just me reliving the memory, other times, our roles were reversed—me standing on the other side of the roof, you kneeling on the ground with a sword to you . . . watching a blade cutting through your stomach, hearing you cry out in pain, holding you in my arms . . .” You sniffle and wipe away tears. “Why’d you disappear?” you whine. “Why’d you leave me?”
“I almost got you killed,” he breathes, his voice low and gravely with emotion. “I had to.”
“No, Matt. Why’d you leave me in law school?” His face is one that looks similar to a scared child, fragile and anxious. “We were so close. And then one day you were just gone. I know you were with her, but, why couldn’t you keep me in your life? A call, a note, something. Anything. Why’d you have to leave?”
“I . . . It just happened. A door opened to a life I never thought of, one where it all seemed easier. It was a chance to forget all the baggage, all the pain and trauma from my past. After everything, it sounded nice. And it was, for a while.”
“Matt . . .”
“She died that night on the roof,” he swallows. “I mean, I thought she did. But s-she actually is now, and . . . She was so involved in everything that happened months ago, and you almost died because they grabbed you just because they saw us talking. I felt like I was poison. I am poison.”
You hold back tears, running your fingers through his hair. “You were the air in my lungs at Columbia,” you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. “It was so much harder to breathe when you weren’t around.”
“But you survived.“
“I was unhappy. 
“You survived.”
“Surviving isn’t the same as living.”
“You weren’t hurt. You didn’t have a sword sticking through you. You were safe far away from me.”
“I wasn’t me. I only ever felt like me when I was with you and Foggy. Without that in my life . . . I was a pawn in a game of the wealthy. Foggy, you . . . you only ever wanted me.”
“I did. But I’m not what you deserve. I’m damaged goods.”
“No you are not,” you say sternly. “Yes, you’ve been through things, but you are not damaged, Matty.”
He closes his eyes, letting out a long breath while tears roll down his cheeks. “You were the first and last person to call me Matty after my dad died. It always made me so happy to hear you say it.”
You're crying with him now, and you don’t care that it hurts your wound. “You were the first person to call me (Y/N/N)—you’re the only person to call me (Y/N/N). I mean, besides Foggy, but . . . It makes me feel like myself. Just me. No expectations to live up to, no labels attached.” You sniffle, swallowing hard to keep it all together. “My husband didn’t even call me (Y/N/N). It was always my full name or the abbreviated version my parents use for me, and I couldn’t stand it. The formality, the rules, the masks—it made me feel like I was a child again getting told what to do at a function, getting scolded for not behaving how an Upper East Side daughter should.”
Matt lets out a wet chuckle as he rests his forehead against yours. “Do you remember when that happened in Intro to Constitutional Law? I thought you were going to jump up from your desk and deck the professor when they called you that.”
You both laugh at the memory, holding onto one another closely, basking in a touch neither of you ever thought you’d get to have again.
“I don’t want to lose you again,” you breathe. “I’m not strong enough.”
“I don’t want to lose you either. But I don’t think your parents will care for you hanging with good-doing hooligans from Hell’s Kitchen. And if it’s not them that’ll pull us apart, it’ll be something else.”
“I honestly don’t care what my parents think anymore, or what anyone in their sphere thinks of me. They already had me. I’d like it if you had me now. If I could stay. The life I dreamed about, the one that we talked about at school, that’s the life I know I can have with you. I want that, and I want you.”
“(Y/N/N).” He lets out a sigh as he swallows hard, the muscle feathering in his jaw. "I hear your scream every night. It’s terrifying. It haunts me—it kills me. It’s the only thing I can hear, it’s louder than anything in the city.”
You wipe a tear from your own cheek. “Every time I close my eyes, I see the look on your face when you held me in your arms. I’ll never forget it.”
“My life is dangerous. What I do—.”
“I’m not looking for easy, I’m just looking for you. I just want you, Matt. I didn’t know how badly I did until I saw you at that event. I want to be in your life again. Any way you’ll let me, I want to be there.”
“I’d like that,” he breathes. “I can’t tell you how much, angel.”
“Then let me in, please.”
Tears stream down his face as he does his best to control his breathing. 
“I’m afraid,” he breaks. 
You give his hands a firm, reassuring squeeze. “I am, too. But if we have each other, we don’t have to be. Or, at least we don’t have to be afraid alone.”
“There’s this man, (Y/N/N).” He pinches his eyes shut and shakes his head. “Until he’s taken care of, I can’t be close with anyone. If I am, they’ll be targets, they’ll get hurt. You’d get hurt, again, because of me. And I couldn’t live with that. I’d never forgive myself. Not that I forgave myself for letting you get hurt in the first place.”
“It’s not always on you. You don’t have to shoulder any of this alone.”
“I can’t lose you again.”
“Matty . . .”
He lets out a sigh, resting his forehead on yours. 
“It’s dangerous,” he repeats softly. 
“I know.” He nuzzled his nose against yours, desperate for more of your touch. “But I promise that everything will be alright. I’m not going anywhere. Okay? We can start back slow, but I’m not leaving you alone. It’ll take a lot more than dying—real or fake—to shake me.”
He nods lightly. “I promise I will do absolutely everything I can to keep you safe, and I swear there won’t be a day that I let pass without letting you know how much I care about you. I-I know that I messed up. I know. Leaving you, that was the biggest mistake of my life. But—.”
“When are you gonna stop apologizing and just kiss me? I think we’ve both waited long enough.”
He just smiles, closing the space between you so your lips finally meet in a soft kiss. You hum happily, sliding your hands around his waist, accidentally irritating an injury under his shirt. You gasp and pull back, just enough to look at his face. 
“Sorry,” you breathe.
“It’s okay,” he hums. “Occupational hazard.”
“Well, maybe I can help make it better.”
He smiles dreamily, giving you a gentle nod before leaning back in, only for the clearing of a throat to interrupt your embrace. Looking over, you see one of the nuns standing by the steps, and you're quick to create some space between yourself and Matt.
“Looks like things are starting to look up,” she hums. “I think that’s the first time he’s smiled since he got here. Can you get him to dress like he’s ready to rejoin the land of the living instead of skulking down here?”
“Well, I can only do so much,” you respond, blushing deeply, taking your hands off Matt’s torso. “Lead a horse to water, and all.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice—especially with this one. Stubborn as a mule.”
You turn back to Matt. “I’m glad you’re not dead, but don’t you dare disappear on me again.”
“I won’t. I promise. When all of this is over, the first place I’m going is into your arms. And this time, I’m not leaving.”
You press a kiss to his cheek, giving him a small smile. “You better.”
Matt leans in for one more kiss on your lips. “It’s a guarantee, sweetheart.”
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once upon a time, over 10 years ago, just a few months after the announcement that Motorcity was officially canceled...the creators of the show took pity on their heartbroken fandom and gave us several glimpses of what season 2 might have been like. they saw how much we loved Motorcity and gave us every scrap of info they could at the time, so that we could use those scraps to imagine our own personal "Season 2" - whether it continue on in our fics, our fanart, or simply our own heads.
I'm making this masterpost so that none of this material will be lost or forgotten, and so any fanartists/fic writers still hanging around today can use it for inspiration. if there's any related material I've missed, PLEASE feel free to add it in a reblog or let me know in my inbox! I want this list to be as complete as we can make it! :)
The Season 2 That Never Was: A Comprehensive List
Motorcity Season 2 Rough Intro "Scratch audio by our very own Chris P." (x)
-> backup download
Season 2 Writer's Wall posted (and later deleted) by @chrisprynoski on twitter, and shared on tumblr by @peopleofmotorcity, these pictures of the writer's wall showed us a "rough sketch" of what could have been, and gave our imaginations SO many fun theories and possibilities to play with. every blurry sticky note was a treasure to us. :')
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-> original tumblr posts: x x x x x x x x x x x x -> image masterpost -> google drive folder
Chris Prynoski's Fan Interview + Tumblr Q&A's this whole interview on youtube is a delight to listen to, and Part 2 in particular has some interesting bits about season 2. (skip to 17:10 for some good stuff about Texas and Chuck's backgrounds!)
-> Part 1 -> Part 2
Chris P also answered several juicy season 2 questions on tumblr. sadly his blog is deactivated now, but you can still read through all of them at the links below!
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-> image masterpost -> google drive folder
Capri Chilton - Mike Chilton's long lost big sister! I can't remember where or when it was first revealed that they were considering giving Mike a secret older sister, and I haven't been able to track down the origin. that being said, when it was revealed, the fandom loved the idea so much that they begged the creators to make it canon. Chris P busted out the "magical canon stick", gave us this delightful concept sketch, and "Capri Chilton" was born!
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The Motorcity Series Bible "To help you all understand what it is you are reading, this is the material that Titmouse used to help pitch Motorcity, and it was also a tool for writers to use when coming up with episodes to help understand who the characters were before there was any other reference. That being said, this was one of the very first documents about Motorcity, so many things have changed or evolved from these early concepts." (x)
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-> original tumblr posts: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 -> image backups -> PDF download
EDIT: the COMPLETE series bible has now been leaked by Lost Media Busters on X (Twitter) and helpfully shared by @waksworldrebooted!!
--> here is a google drive download for the full PDF file!
Motorcity Series Bible - Redacted Version (Pages 1, 2, 17, 19, 20) funfact: @peopleofmotorcity was the official? unofficial? tumblr blog for Motorcity, and it was run by a guy named Mac - an animator for the show who loved to tease and joke around with the fandom. before revealing the actual first 13 pages of the series bible, he posted this censored version as a prank - a mix of truth and trolling! it's up to the fandom to decide which is which. ;)
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-> original tumblr posts: 1 2 17 19 20 -> image backups -> PDF download
MTV Era Motorcity Masterpost a fantastic collection of glimpses into the original pilot/pitch trailer that would evolve into the show we know and love today, found and compiled by @waksworldrebooted. "In 2000, Chris Prynoski pitched a cartoon called Motorcity. He made a card and a website promoting the show, which wouldn't see the light of day until the Walt Disney Company got their hands on it."
--> tumblr masterpost (including wayback links to the old website) --> twitter sources from Chris P himself :)
Motorcity Unaired Pilot - 2009 Disney Version Originally aired during Comic Con 2012, the pilot was recorded and then posted on YouTube by Allison Simmons in July of 2012, later being privatized in 2022. The video was re uploaded onto VKVideo 22 days after its original posting to YouTube and is still currently available to watch online. (x)
--> backup download --> also viewable here!
if I find more material, I will add it here! :)
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justicerikai · 1 month
End of the road. Oatscurry! (but like, fr this this time)
First of all:
Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Final translation for Charisma House has been posted! Woohoo! Yay! Good work me, clap clap clap, I'm soooo cool! Clap clap clap.
What a road this has been, yep yep. I already made some dramatic post when I quit the first time, and then an other when I came back, and honestly I forgot what I said in these, lol. But I will spare the theatrics, maybe.
Either way, what a long road it's been! One with ups and downs for sure, but definitely a rewarding one. Especially seeing how far my translations have reached people...! I'm still trying to process my impact, which honestly scares me, so I don't think I can ever truly comprehend it, but hey! That's how things are in life. It's not my quote, but something something about how we all carry things from each other that form us as people, no matter how big or small said pieces are (maybe I am making this up). If I was able to be a 'piece' of that through my translations, then I am more than satisified with what I did here.
After all, it is why I translate! To share what I love!
But that's the problem!
I love too many things!
That's right, I discovered something new I want to put all my time into, which comes with a sacrifice. But said sacrifice isn't only because of this. I am making the steps to pursue translating as a genuine career. I'm unsure how life will look like for me going forward, if I'll even have the time for translating season 3.
Which is why I will be stopping with translating Charisma House as a whole.
In order to not burn myself out from fantranslating too many things once again, and in order to also prioritize life stuff. Season 2 is my final contribution to you all.
Also, I'm more than happy enough to let official-kun take over, even if we have our personal grievances with the subtitles (or they are simply not as cool, witty, clever and funny as me <- for your information, I'm jesting.)
So yeah, that's all I had to say I think. I yapped enough. Of course, this isn't all you'll be seeing of me. If you're wondering about other corners of the internet I'm hanging out at, catch me at @82mitsu on here, or on Twitter. There I'm continuing my translator endeavors for 18TRIP! A mobage with a rather colorful cast of characters and interesting setting!
If you're wondering what I'm doing outside of translating, uh... I don't know, if you're playing FFXIV you can find me AFKing in Limsa somewhere, lol. I'm genuinely not that much of an interesting person, so I don't think you gotta know me outside of what I do.
As closure, I once again would love to repeat a quote I had first mentioned in my graduation post:
“The world is filled to the brim with nice things… and all of them are carrying someone’s intentions and feelings.
When those feelings get across and manage to make someone happy… I gain little pieces of confidence,
that I’ll gather together and carry with me as I move on.”
Thank you for reading all my translations.
Thank you for being able to find enjoyment in what I do.
Thank you for using the time of your day to get to know Charisma House through my work.
Thank you for all the kind messages I've received up until now.
Thank you for your patience.
But most importantly, thank you for getting into Charisma House.
and one last time,
Ah, but do remember. I value a good, sweet translation that encapsulates everyone nicely. If official-kun's crimes are so, so bad, in Season 3...
I will be back, with pure vengeance.
I've mentioned it before, how the difference in translation interpretation has made me interested in this field to begin with.
What I never mentioned is that it was fueled by spite.
And we all know how that is the greatest motivator to mankind.
justicerikai, signing off! o7
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fyorina · 1 month
“there’s a lecherous smile on Albatross’s face as he leans against the frame and looks at you, glasses hanging off the bridge of his nose. ‘Damn, if you weren’t the boss’s girl…’” awww stop it you’ll make me blush
THE SCENE W DAZAI FINDING US NOT READY YET “It’s not silly if it has you upset,” kisses on the nape of the neck and then kissing our ankles & buckling our heels >>>>>> “I’m sorry that I’m not a good enough man to do what’s right and let you go.” hey so what if i started violently sobbing. “but if fate brought us together, then far be it from me to deny the one thing in this world that has ever made me happy.” HEY SO WHAT IF I STARTED VIOLENTLY SOBBING.
“Still, he wants to gouge their eyes out.” if my man doesn’t want to gouge out people’s eyes just for looking at me, i don’t want him ‼️‼️
“My, Dazai, possessive, aren’t you?” “Very,” Dazai agrees idly. “Be sure to remember that.” bringing his hand up from your waist to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip as he murmurs, “That’s my girl, always so smart.” blushing giggling kicking my feet twirling my hair
“Fyodor Dostoevsky. A pleasure, truly.” oh no. oh no no no no no. that’s not good.
one more thing, i noticed that you kinda like made up your own characters (which was super cool and really creative btw!!) could you explain how/why you chose the specific authors you did? and i’m assuming you got their group names from something they wrote, any reason you chose those works in particular? (these are the ones i’m talking about: Mishima Yukio of the Sun and Steel, Nabokov’s Pale Flame, Leo Tolstoy’s Three Deaths, Cao Xueqin of the Red Chamber, Kitazawa Michihiro of Fuji Electric)
ty for listening to my ramblings once again ily !!
albatross is truly her no1 fan in this fic and she adores him <3 dazai is so not unsubtly jealous of him whenever she talks to him. gets all side eyed and irritated and then has to hide it whenever she looks at him LOLLLLL meanwhile albatross is just pleased that dazai is no longer an emotionless brick wall with a quick trigger finger
WHEN I TELL U THAT SCENE WAS ACTUALLY MY FAVORITE EVER i actually struggled so much writing it not because it was hard to write just because i was yearning so terrible for him LOLLLLL HAHAHAH
</33333 we all need our own beastzai truly life is so unfair he's so perfect
OMGGGGGGGG actually thats my favorite part of writing series/long one shots. i adore being able to build up new characters and organizations. usually i pull them just from some of my favorite authors/works (i cheated with the one electric company its actually just a real company because i got lazy) BUTTTTT mishima is obviously my go to just because there's lowkey already been reference to him and his works in the series but no mention of him, so he's my favorite to build and explore. and then i dont know why but i always have the russian underground divided by three (tolstoy, dostoevsky, nabokov) and usually in a constant territory struggle. of the two ive built up, nabokov is usually the one i use the most because ive hced that he worked with the previous boss pretty often before things went to shit. but i've actually built tolstoy's organization more than his - the three deaths is led by a triumvirate of tolstoy, gorky, and cheknov who were all contemporaries and had were associated with each other. and actually fun fact, i plan on doing a fic with a reader who takes the place of cheknov as one of the three deaths so we're going to see more from them. cao xueqin wrote one of the 4 great classical novels of chinese literature. my fyozai fic i've also built a new organization for - they're based in italy and are in constant conflict with the clocktower, but i don't wanna give anything away because u shall see when i finally post that
maybe one day ill do a whole little page for the organizations ive built & their references in my fics for u guys to look at if ur interested!!
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I just went through like... almost all of your posts. And loved all of them (mostly pnf and mml, haven't seen the other one yet).
But I came to ramble to you about a specific pnf character.
Stacy Hirano
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Like. She's Candaces' best friend, down for anything, and doesn't get mad (much) when Candace goes to bust her brothers. Loves hanging out with Phineas and Ferb. She dated Coltrane, a band member, who barely appears again (I think, I remember him in like, 3 episodes (it has been awhile since I've watched it.))
She binged Sherlock books in a night with Candace. Tries to help bust Phineas and Ferb with and for Candace. Becomes president of... someplace.
Canonically knows Perry is a secret agent. Has helped Vanessa out in that one Halloween episode.
Just. Stacy.
I noticed you going through my stuff today and taking a break from my long day to look at someone appreciating my stuff certainly helped make my day!
And yes. Stacy is AMAZING. She's honestly such a wild character in her own right and its kind of hidden behind the fact that while she is Candace's best friend, she's not quite a major character in her own right the way Phineas and Ferb's friends are, and that honestly the kids side of things tends to be a bit under appreciated to begin with. So she mostly exists as an auxiliary character to Candace, but Candace being well, Candace, that leaves a lot of room.
On first glance Stacy seems like she's just Candace's cooler best friend. There to provide contrast on what a normal teenage girl is. Stacy's generally more fashionable, more chilled out. She's Candace's straight man. But like any of the characters she has her own moments.
We may not have seen any Candace levels of stuff from Stacy. But Stacy is pretty capable herself. Being a good skater and a Disco Miniature Golf Queen, being able to keep up with Candace on some level in some of her escapades, and handle the obstacle course. But also her just accidentally surviving the pharmacist apocalypse. She's also rather smart, somehow becomes President of Uruguay, puts together an elaborate home entertainment system. Though that said its kind of anyone's guess what she knows on a given subject, horrendously bad at geography, but has been shown to enjoy documentaries, reading Sherlock Holmes and knows when hieroglyphs were deciphered. She is at least able to keep calm in situations that others may freak out in, such as when she got bit by a spider and when Doof broke into her house she was relatively calm about the whole thing. Also relatively calm about the whole being on a ship in turbulent water fighting a shark thing.
Stacy has been Candace's friend since they were 5. As in they've been friends longer than Ferb and Lawrence have been in Candace's life. And they will continue to be friends into the future, truly a lifelong friendship. While we have seen Stacy get upset with Candace before, for prioritizing her brothers and her boyfriend, Stacy all things. Stacy does generally get the short end of the stick, such as in Run Candace Run. I think Stacy provides a sort of frame of reference for Candace's new relationships, with Jeremy and Vanessa in particular. They are people she thinks are cool and wants to impress. Stacy already knows she's a disaster, but is one that Stacy appreciates.
I LOVE her and Jeremy's relationships, what little we get of it. Jeremy is madly in love with Candace and Stacy is her long suffering friend. Both care for her a LOT but it manifests very differently between the two of them, but also very much the same. Jeremy finds a lot of Candace's flaws cute and endearing, Stacy calls her out. Jeremy encourages her in a sort of overly saccharine sort of way. Stacy hypes her up in a more "you're better than this" sort of way. But both sort of tease her with the same sort of fondness. The comfortableness they display with each other is nice. In Nerds of a Feather they call each other to ask about Candace. In the Curse of Candace where Jeremy teases her about taking Candace to a movie, both fully aware of how Candace sometimes dials things up to 11. I also adore the CATU scene with the two of the, where Stacy teases Jeremy about LARPing. Stacy is also the one who told Jeremy about Candace being Queen of Mars which also implies they talk outside of Candace which I love.
I don't think it's unfair to say that Candace isn't as good a friend to Stacy as vice versa, but I think this just has to do with the framing of the show, where Stacy doesn't have any huge wants. But when we DO see Stacy want something: for instance a trophy, Candace does so without hesitation even if she doesn't have the complete context. Also, Candace never holds it against Stacy for failing to do what she wants. I think it is also sort of sweet that by the end of the show that Stacy will just do her own thing if she can't get Candace to do what she wants, even in a normal friendship that's a sign of not being a priority.
With Stacy finding out about Perry's secret identity she really has found herself in a position to understand all sides of the mysterious force. We haven't really seen it come to fruition, but Stacy knows a lot. And I think this is great. Now, mind you, I am a firm believer that all of the teens are quite close to cracking the situation open, Candace I believe knows subconsciously, Vanessa just has to actually be invited over to the Flynn-Fletcher's once, and to a lesser extent Jeremy has taught guitar lessons to Doof and Monogram.
I've seen the idea of Stacy being like another older sister to the Flynn-Fletcher boys floating around and I buy it. Stacy is very often Candace's extra set of hands, attempting to bust Candace's brothers on her behalf. Stacy accompanied the Flynn-Fletcher's to England, and was Candace's Tree House Fight buddy. Stacy being an older sister herself also means Stacy GETS it, maybe she doesn't get Candace's exact situation. But she gets the "overly talented younger siblings who admire you for some reason even if all their attempts to get your approval really just makes you feel bad" thing.
Also besides knowing Perry's secret, the fact that she is Ginger's sister has allowed us to see more of Ginger outside of the Fireside Girls, which kind of puts her in a position of having a sort of connection to both the Fireside Girl plots, the Candace plots, and the Perry plots. No direct connection to the boys plots, but the fireside and Candace plots both intersect enough. She's kind of in a position to get to understand the whole mysterious force situation better than anyone else, aside from Perry, which I think might be interesting.
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Abby x reader head canons?
I will say may not be the best representation for her character because I've only watched (many) play troughs and not played the game yet cause I no longer have my play station :( but I am absolutely horrendously down bad for her ngl so here we go (also abby is closeted wlw in this sorry guys)
warnings: repressed sapphic feelings, gets a little sexual at the ending but nothing major, jealousy, mostly just fluff here cause im easing myself into her character
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I feel like she's not particularly into pda? not anything egregious but she'll have an arm around you is enough, maybe a hand in the back pocket to give you a lil bum squeeze but even that's pushing it. She doesn't want to be obnoxious like *those* couples (she does actually) but she wants people to know your hers.
connecting to this I feel like she gets jealous pretty easily. Not from a place of seeing you as property but from her own insecurities and worrying that you'll find somebody "better" which means sometimes she'll give a snide little comment when you've been hanging out with somebody else that makes you pull back and go "excuse me?" often leading to her either talking herself into a corner or going silent and passive aggressive until your able to pull the truth out of her, often times after the anger has fizzled out hours later and she slips into your room with a soft mumbled apology when you tell you that you love her and only her but that doesn't mean she gets to be an asshole to you for it. (she makes it up to you though. all night long in fact)
braid her hair. please braid her hair. It's a small sign of love that makes her go absolutely crazy. The feeling of your nails gently scritching her scalp has her stretching out like a cat in a sunbeam on a lazy sunday afternoon. She'll set her head in your lap while you undo the braid and run your fingers through her soft locks until she slowly drifts off to sleep because she just feels so at peace with you that she's comfortable letting her guard down and falling asleep
even if you have very short hair, you probably end up wearing one of her hair ties on your wrists because she tends to lose them + its a little part of her to keep by your side :') (i will say its interesting that in the show, it seems like ellie keeps her hair tied back with a hairtie that seems to have been cut, so she has to wrap it around and then tie a knot which makes sense because i'd gather that elastic isn't that easy to come across post apocalypse yknow. I think it'd be cute if you like. found a scrunchie or smthn for her that even though its not her style she's still wear it cause its a gift from you :'))
that being said? i imagine after everything she's been through she's a pretty light/paranoid sleeper so if you slip from the bed for any reason be ready to see her padding after you, squinted eyes and grumbling with sleep still in her voice as she mumbles 'where you goin'?' because babygirl woke up without you by her side and it caused her to panic :(
confident in her body. She's worked hard on her physique and she knows you enjoy it, so don't be surprised to see her not-so-subtlety flex if she catches you eyeing her up. You'll roll your eyes at her peacocking but it doesn't stop that lovesick smile from growing on your face that makes her feel all giddy. Bunch of goofballs in love right here <3
idk why but she gives me a bit closeted energy growing up. I feel like she probably got plenty of shit for being a tomboy and she gives me the energy of those girls who are like "women can be masculine and straight you know >:(" but so incredibly gay lmao (knew countless gals like this god bless them all) but yeah she'll huff and puff because just because she's not girly doesn't mean she's gay but also likes it when you sleep in her bed and you guys tell stories and fall asleep in eachothers arms, sometimes she'll stay awake so she can watch how peaceful you are and maybe maybe think about kissing you and how soft your body would feel in her hands and the little noises you'd make and that makes her feel something owen never did. but yknow. she's still super straight
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mosylufanfic · 15 days
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @rifle-yes, the fool
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
See answer #3 below, but the short version is that I started writing and posting stories at the Derbyshire Writer's Guild, a Jane Austen fanfic site. And it's all been downhill from there.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Oh boy. Hang on. This is a hard one because multiple of my fandoms are like, within a larger fandom? So there's a good amount under the Star Wars umbrella, and a bunch of Jane Austen, and a lot of DCTV. Going back and counting the major fandoms (the ones I remember being really into and doing several fics for, as opposed to just one or two to scratch an itch), I think it's seven. If you do count the one-offs, it's more like 12 or 15. Look, I've been on many fic sites and I'm still trying to get off my ass and archive everything on AO3. It's hard!
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Pretty much since forever? I remember writing Little Mermaid fic in fourth grade, although I didn't really have that word for it at the time. And there was an epic (and epically bad) Star Wars sequel that I worked on for years in my tweens. I started posting fic online at 19 when I realized that was a thing I could do (see #1). So in terms of writing fic that I shared with other fans, 24 years.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Definitely read, although there are times where it's a close run thing.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I think my worldbuilding has improved over the years. I never did it on purpose, but I see a definite uptick in how deeply I think about the worlds I'm writing in and the various implications of that for the characters.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh so many things! I freaking love research. I think the most morbid (and mathiest) was trying to estimate how much air a man had available in a 10x10 space buried underground.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
This is like asking what kind of cake is best, but I do love the ones that pick up on something I didn't even realize about the story. I had one recently that pointed out a shift in language that signaled deeper and more focused intimacy in the course of a smut scene. And I was like, ". . . huh. Well, I'll be. That sure did happen."
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I think probably the Space!Paperwork in Lost & Found was the fringiest thing I've ever done.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Oh, man, longfics. I often come up with an idea and I just know from the shape of it that it's going to be a a monster. And then I have to decide if I want to go through all the work of plotting and writing thousands and tens of thousands of words. That's why I have so many one-shots that are basically "pilot episodes" for longfics that will never be written.
10. What is the easiest type?
Modern AUs, especially high school AUs. There's so much there that's already known to the readers that I can just laser-focus on the part that's interesting to me.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I do a lot of my writing on Gdocs. I know they're the devil, but I might be settled down to work on four or five different machines throughout the course of my day, and half that time is on the public floor where I have to look available to help people. So to me, it's better to be able to quickly sign into a website and tap out that quick scene than to try and hide my phone under the desk and write on that horrible little keyboard. (I'll do that too, but only when I have no other option.)
Longfics get ported into Scrivener when they get too unwieldy for Gdocs, but I'm still more likely to write scenes in Gdocs and paste them into the Scrivener file when I'm done.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
Probably some of the longfics that are knocking around in my brain, especially the ones that concern areas of the Star Wars canon that I never really got into.
13. What made you choose your username?
It's a nickname my mom used to call me when I was a teenager, and when I was picking my AIM screen name in college, that's what I went with. Actually, I had another one first that was objectively cooler, but I forgot the password to that account and either I was too dumb to reset it or there wasn't functionality for that. So mosylu it was. I also decided at the time that it would be my Internet Identity, and it still is.
Tagging @andorerso, @hedgiwithapen, @incognitajones, @colleybri, and @youareiron-andyouarestrong
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minnieposting · 9 months
Tell me about your Sun Haven character then. What's their favourite skill tree? Who are they romancing? How do they spend their days?
omg!! thank you for asking about my SH chara im OBSESSED WITH THEM...
this is noel!!
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ignore the writing on here, i've developed noel a lot more since drawing these. especially "shapeshifting demon", they actually aren't a demon at all, just a shapeshifting Thing(tm). they still live in withergate and work at the arcade though!!
in general, noel thinks that in order to fit in as a demon around withergate, they need to act tougher and way cooler than they actually are. they are genuinely wild and love to play pranks and scare people with shapeshifting. but they're also curious and out of touch with their new environment. noel isn't from withergate originally and used to live in the forest for SOOOOO long until stumbling upon the town one day.
originally i wanted them to date wesley and i had a whole story in my head until i realized donovan fits sooo much better with noel T_T <3 i really like to think about them adventuring through the sewers and finding fun stuff to do around town all the time. they're always hanging out at the arcade together too! their dynamic is like. noel trying and failing all the time to look cool and impress donovan while donovan thinks noel is cute regardless. noel has a huge crush on him that's why lol... they think he's suuper cool.
i also still think about a romance with wesley. i imagine that maybe a LOONG time into the future he would eventually visit withergate? or maybe nelvari opens up and curious demons would want to take a peak? haven't though that far ahead tbh it's just a vague explanation for how noel can specifically meet wesley while still in withergate, because i also thought about how noel can meet him in nelvari! it's by shapeshifting. idk if they'd be able to get past the "friend of the forest" barrier but WHO CARES they're successful because i say so. i'm not really sure what their dynamic would be like tbh, i've been mostly focused on donovan, but i just know that a common ground wesley + noel share is their connection with nature. cuz fun fact, noel could communicate with the forest they used to live in, and it's like they're "one" in a way.
as for that skill tree question, i feel like that doesn't really apply to noel. they're not my actual farmer oc and all they can do is shapeshift + communicate with nature. i'm still working on them so who knows lol. if anything they'd probably be really good at fishing and fighting things. they're rlly good at dodging and finding weak points
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taeraeszn · 1 year
Hi hi! I really love your works, and I just read your latest one-oh my heart!
Can I request something very soft and comforting with Ricky? I've been in a bad headspace recently, and we all know Ricky is a lover at heart. Something sweet and goofy would be nice. ❤️🥺
not alone - shen ricky
characters: ricky x gn! reader
description: ricky is always there for you and shows it, even when he's busy as a member of zb1
genre: fluff + angst
word count: 1k
warnings: more angsty than some of my other writings, but lmk if there is anything you want to add as a warning!!
a/n: hi luv! thank you for requesting <3 CAN U GUYS BELIEVE THEIR DEBUT IS TOMORROW WTF??? time goes by so fast!!! i love writing for ricky as he's genuinely such a sweet person and is the perfect type of bf hehe
also no fear everyone! the reactions will be back! i just want to finish all my individual requests before i continue my reactions so please wait for that!
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the past week has been stressful to say the least, your studies crammed in with personal issues have made it hard to feel enthusiastic about anything. but you never projected how you felt onto other since you didn't want them to worry about you, especially ricky.
ricky was your boyfriend and someone you've known for a long time. but since ricky was busy promoting 'in bloom', you never wanted to worry him about you.
one day when you were sitting at your desk, yet again studying for another night, you got a call from ricky.
you needed a break anyways and picked up the call, on the other end you heard his sweet voice say your name.
"(name)! can you believe it?! our song ranked first on the melon chart!" he exclaimed. you heard his members shouting in the background.
you smiled, "yeah, congrats ricky!" but he could tell from the tone of your voice that something was up.
"is everything okay?" his tone changed to be more concerned sounding.
"uh...i guess. it's just a lot of stress, you know, studying and managing personal issues." you didn't know why but you felt scared to open up to ricky about this, but you knew he would never judge you.
"ah, i see." he began, "do you want to meet up and we can talk? maybe to get your mind off of things?" he suggested. your eyes lit up at him saying that, you haven't been able to see him in a while and he was taking time out of his schedule to meet with you.
"really? you can do that?" he chuckled, "i can do anything baby. i'll ask our manager and see if we can have time to meet up." suddenly you were so thankful you ran into him at the park where you two first met.
"thank you so much ricky, you really know how to brighten my day."
"of course, i'll see you later okay?", you didn't want to hang up but knew he had other things to do, "yeah, see you. i love you."
"i love you too. bye!" and with that the call cut.
that same night ricky texted you and said that you two could meet together the next day at the park where you first met him. your heart was fluttering at the memories of that day. when ricky approached you and tried conversing with you, despite being obviously shy and stumbling over his words when he saw you.
the next day, you put on your best outfit and walked to the nearby park. it was pretty busy with locals and their pets hanging out. some kids were running around and laughing.
you were going to look for a spot to sit and that's when you spotted him. there was ricky sitting there with a picnic basket and pink blanket! he was looking around the park trying to find you!
what made it even more special was that he was sitting at the same place you were those years ago.
you called out his name and his eyes widened as he grinned, waving at you. you quickly ran towards him and pulled him into your arms.
"i missed you." he giggled and held your hand gently when you pulled away. "me too. i wanted to make this day special so i brought some homemade food."
you gasped, "you made this for me?!" he nodded then took out some of the food. there was some sandwiches with snacks included. the sandwiches included cream and strawberries inside.
"well not just me, gyuvin and matthew offered to help." you saw how the strawberries looked a bit smushed and ricky quickly defended himself, "that was gyuvin's."
you pressed your lips on his, "even if it is smushed i appreciate your hard work in doing this for me. i couldn't have asked for someone better."
ricky softly put your head on his shoulder. "i'm glad. i hope this helped you take a break from everything..."
"just having you with me is a reliever ricky. i'm so thankful you did this for me."
the silence was comforting. the sound of the trees moving and people chatting made the aroma better. after speaking to ricky about what has recently been going on in your life with him continuously holding your hand, you indulged in the sandwiches (you had the one that ricky made since he insisted you eat his) and drank his homemade milkshakes.
just having him listen to your worries and letting you rant with no interruptions was all you needed. this was what you needed all along and ricky was the perfect person you could be completely honest and open with.
when the sunset approached, you decided to walk home with your boyfriend. it was then that you had to go separate ways but you didn't want to escape ricky's warm embrace.
"hanbin hyung is going to scold me if i don't make it by eight." ricky joked, opening his phone to see the group chat bombarding him with questions of where he went.
"then if you're going your own way, i want to say thank you ricky. all my stress has worn away by being with you. you seriously have made everything better. i'm so glad to call you mine."
without words, he closed the gap between you two and kissed you directly on the lips. your hand went to cup his cheek and his wrapped around your waist.
you didn't want to pull away but ricky's phone buzzed causing you both to jump and release from the kiss.
"it's hanbin hyung." you pouted, "promise me you'll invite me to go on another date when you have free time?" you put your pinky finger out.
he interlinked your pinky's and kissed you on the cheek, "for sure."
ricky left first, waving at you the whole time until he was out of sight, you sighed but began walking home on your path.
though he was always busy, he was always there to comfort you. you were not alone today thanks to ricky.
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constellaj · 7 months
hey do u have some kind of list of the major variants in your multiverse au? It’s super cool and I really like it :3 (btw I am the original anon who asked you about it and the anon who was praising your Gwen, Courtney and heather art lol. just call me spiral anon)
also do u have any like, horror variants. Not horror necessarily, more so just tragic ones (the sillies have been through the trenches). Thanks :D
OOH I've been meaning to get a list of my favorite multiverse guys together and this is the perfect excuse!! thank you spiranon!! I tried to trim this wall of text down best I could but it's SO LONG. buckle up!! as always mega thanks to @crystalfloe for developing and brainworming these fellas with me!!
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I'll divide them up by the original character, and clarify their pseudonym; because the 'verse is populated with the same characters over and over, many end up choosing pseudos for themselves that they go by! I'll also elaborate on the ones that have some particularly horrifying aspects, but off the top of my head some who have really been through the ringer are ZombieMike (haven't given him a pseudo yet), Two-Inches-Taller Trent, Indigo (Jose), Mortal Bat Heather and Sea Bridgette. please note that I loooove duncan (and also dunhar) so a lot of these fellas are, well... dunhar :)
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LOTS of Duncans! Let's get started! (duncans pictured above are not any real multiverse duncans) Zero rules the Duncan Underground with an iron fist. He has the power to up the "asshole levels" of any Duncan, spreading it like a zombie virus.
Declan comes from an Actor AU dimension, and has to rapidly adjust to a world where all his coworkers' fictional characters are real. He manages to settle down with a very stereotypical Courtney, and they're so mushy-in-love it's like a Hallmark movie.
Concorde is also known as "Normal Duncan". He's so abnormal that he actually spends most of his time hiding out at Club Vaquero, an underground nightclub exclusive to the multiverse's "weirdos". (more about club vaq later!)
Helix or Badger is also known as "Cop Duncan". He works with some powerful multiversal agencies to lock up and detain dangerous immortals. He has the ability to generate handcuffs and chains out of nowhere. He's an asshole and nobody likes him.
Fox is our newest addition to the multiverse! He's your standard Duncan, except he's accepted his soft side and lets it play out alongside his more punk-rock edgy end. He's got a huge multiversal network, with Bridgettes and DJs bringing him orphaned baby bunnies every other day to look after.
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Harolds: Harlow Princeton Orange is the other side of our newest multiverse addition. An actor on Camp TV before he was thrown out into the multiverse, he thinks of everyone as an annoying coworker who won't ever break character.
Samurai Bloodshed is the platonic ideal of a Harold. He ran the Harold Hub-City with his epic anime powers, until he was cursed by a Justin to be... a jock. Stripped of his nerd swag, he's now doomed to wander the multiverse as a mere shell of his former self. (or IS HE???)
Matrix, aka "Punk Harold", is another frequent patron of Club Vaquero. He hangs out in the dirty punk scenes, plays awful music, and causes problems everywhere he goes. The only person who might be able to stand up to him is... Concorde?
Invisible Harold is Harold, but invisible. That's it I just think he's neat.
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Alejandros: Siren is, well, a siren. With the help of Sea Bridgette, he flooded the entire Alejandro Resort, and turned it into an underwater, mermaid-filled utopia we're calling Alelantis. Unfortunately, he forgot to return a favor to Sea Bridge, so she turned her curse on him next. Transmuted into a scaly sea monster to match his powers, he ran (swam) away to hide in shame. Fortunately, this didn't perturb Marathon Tyler, who offered him a place to stay...
When most Alejandros were forced out of the resort, Silk fell into an open dimension (Angel Lindsay's dimension). Stranded in the empty wastelands below the angellic clouds, he's resorted to manipulating any other immortal who falls in on accident.
Naturo (yes we know that's not a real spanish word, we just think it sounds cool) controlled nature itself, using that power to enslave dimensions and threaten a total overtake of the multiverse. At least, he used to! His incarnation was killed, and he reset into someone we affectionately call Autistic Alejandro. This incarnation of Ale was carefully monitored since birth to prevent another Naturo situation; monitored by someone who he thought was his brother... (more on Indigo later!)
There's one more important Alejandro to mention! That's the Alejandro who's one half of Vaquero, the owner of Club Vaquero. Vaquero himself is a living fusion between an Alejandro (he's a pairhunter, more on them later!) and a Geoff. Yes this is the alegeoff fusion I've been drawing all along!!!!!! I fucking love Vaq!!!!!
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McLeans: Gold lives in a massive penthouse in the bougiest part of the multiverse, living his ideal celebrity life, with his fake and real Gemmys so thoroughly intermixed you can't tell which is which. He's not a bad person per se, but he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Silver (no relation), on the other hand, lives on a cursed island and is a classic whistle-blowing camp counselor. He spends his time recruiting multiversal campers onto his island, to compete in death-defying challenges. Seems nasty, but if you win, you get the ultimate prize; he has the ability to grant wishes.
Meanwhile, out on True Wawanakwa, something very bizarre is happening. Chrises coalesce on this island, all fighting for dominance over a place they're convinced is "theirs". Every week, each Chris's team competes- and the losing Chris has to lose one of his carefully cultivated cast members. One of these Chrises is Lake, a granola-crunching, ADHD-ridden, dadbod-having hippie. Lake never executes members of his team, and instead hides everyone in a mystical glade; everyone on his team actually treats him like a genuine team dad. Just, y'know, be careful when dealing with him on the full moon-- he is a vengeful lake spirit, after all, and sometimes he loses control. I mean, how do you think Geoff turned into that tree? (Don't worry, Bridgette pours a cold one onto the roots once a month to keep him healthy.)
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Everyone else! These are characters that we really only have one or two instances of.
Mildred (Blaineley) is a bit of a horror villain shut-in. She keeps pocket dimensions full of contestants and harvests their essence, essentially selling it on the black market.
Carmine (Blaineley) is another horror villain, but more composed and some would argue more sinister. Her facility allegedly works to rehabilitate former dangerous immortals, but what she actually does is manipulate (and if she has to, mind-control via magical contract) them into working for her. Indigo (Jose) had this unfortunate realization after he took her up on her blackmailed job offer. Autistic Ale's original Jose was removed from the dimension and locked in a cryo chamber, while Indigo encouraged Ale to avoid nature, making his own decisions, and saying no. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the exact right mix of traits to allow Carmine access to the nearly omnipotent Naturo...
Rehab Hatchet runs a small island full of lost and confused McLeans. He wields a magical machete that can cut open your mind; it helps him perform reconstructive brain surgery, but it's fucking terrifying.
Shadow Gwen is a loner with a sentient shadow. Well, she used to be a loner, until a mermaid Lindsay and an annoyed Noah show up explaining how she might be the only person who can save Alelantis from crumbling away forever. Will she accept the hero's call??
Sea Bridgette, unfortunately, is paired with an Aftermath Geoff. Pairing is an obscure but dangerous concept. Two magical beings with their auras intertwined; this makes them both more powerful, but also more vulnerable. She's a mutant fish person, and he's at the peak of his asshole arc and only cares about appearances. Siren offered to humiliate her pair on international TV, and she was thrilled-- but then he was a no-show.
Angel Lindsay and Bat Heather are two halves of a coin. Lindsay reincarnated as the only magical immortal in a dimension full of mortals. When Heather betrayed her on the island, Lindsay let out a burst of magic that split the world in two. Above the clouds, in a polished city, all of the "nice people" with beautiful fluffy angel wings. Below, in a wasteland without food or water, all of the "mean people" with dragging, scraggly bat wings. While Lindsay lives her life as Her Hotness Admiral Princess Angel Lindsay, Heather is left to scrape together a band of post-apocalyptic survivors, and try not to think about the friend she lost.
Two-Inches-Taller Trent is a Trent who is slightly taller than the average Trent. He lived a happy mortal life being best friends with Mike-- until he was ejected out into the multiverse, sucked through a rift in spacetime that traumatized both him and Mike. Separated from someone he had nearly paired with, Trent became what's known as a pairhunter; an amorphous, unstable ball of energy that can't survive without their pair.
ZombieMike is the collective term for a set of alters who, at one point, hated each other so much that they physically split apart from each other to form their own dimensions. Mike, Vito, Mal, Manitoba and Svetlana each led their own individual lives (as different supernatural creatures)-- until they were pulled back out into the multiverse, and slammed together into the same body.
Contract Titan Courtney is desperately pretending she's not a pairhunter. So desperately, in fact, that she lures Duncans into signing autonomy-overriding contracts, pretending that her pair never left. If the contract breaks, though, she snaps and enters titan mode...
Mirror (Dawn) works for a containment agency, and has a very skewed view of how to treat people. She genuinely thinks she's doing you a favor, molding you into your ideal self, but in actuality she's warping you and shaving off anything that makes you unique.
Evil Zoey is, well, Evil Zoey. Sent to an immortal jail alongside a Mal who didn't know why he was there, she tried to manipulate him into being even worse... and then the two ended up breaking out together.
Punk Courtney sings lead for the cover band Court's in Session, and she mostly sings about how much she hates everyone. She has a massive following of Gwens... I wonder why?
Marathon Tyler is a recurring Tyler who is just, always out on a jog throughout the multiverse. His jogging route encompasses every location you could possibly imagine. I'm not sure he's ever completed a run.
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CONCLUSION: This isn't even a fraction of the guys we have LMAO so sorry for the long list and the long paragraphs. I've cut it down as much as I can so if you have any questions about anyone, please ask-- I probably left something out!
Also feel free to ask if there's any variants of [character] I left off-- I'd be more than happy to ramble some more!!
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
hello sorry if this is long and no worries if you’re not interested in doing it hopefully you can write it though but i’d like to request a natasha x reader or wanda x reader whoever you prefer where they’re dating and hanging out in the compound and one of the avengers makes a comment towards reader in a joking way and everyone laughs including nat/wanda and reader gets all sad and insecure over it and then later on in the day reader is in their room crying and thinking negative thoughts over the comment and nat/wanda whoever you choose hears her crying and like if it’s wanda hears her thoughts cause they’re so loud or if it’s nat catches her in front of the mirror or something and they fix it and apologize and reassure reader sad angst that ends in soft fluff this is my mood right now and would love to read this
Making Up | Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 1.7k
Thank you for the request! I'm sorry it took so long but here it is :D I hope I've been able to fulfil what you wanted <3
For most of your life, you had found yourself hiding behind a mask. Not one made of rubber or plastic, not even a mental one, but one made of various beauty products that lined the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic shops. Having been a rather insecure person from a young age, you had gone with what most other kids your age had picked up: testing out make-up for fun and becoming an ‘adult’. Whatever the hell that meant.
It wasn’t even something that you were really into as a passion like some of your friends were, who when you had sleepovers with would always want to practice doing cool designs, or making themselves look like characters, sometimes even special effects make-up. But you just weren’t into it as a way of entertainment or a silly thing to do when bored.
After a while for you it became survival. With how people in the media were being presented, giving many young girls a false sense of reality and plummeting self-esteem, you found that plastering on that extra layer of your face became a need, not just a want.
The looks that you gave yourself never went overboard, it all looked rather natural, to the point where some people couldn’t even tell that you wore it. That was mission achieved in your books. The worst part of the day was when you had to take it off, which you never did in front of anyone else, not trusting them to make comments on what you really looked like, which in actual fact wasn’t far off from how you presented yourself. It was just an unfortunate fact that your view of yourself was skewed thanks to beauty standards, something that you were not alone in, a whole generation of young people were being fed lies on the daily.
Every time you removed the layer of paint that acted as your shield against the world, you were reminded that your pores were too big, your acne too noticeable, the dark circles of your under-eye far too dark, and the natural blemishes of your face too red.
For many years you carried on like this, taking the extra time every morning to do the same routine over and over again, not having anyone in your life to ease your worries and remind you just how beautiful you really are. Until you met Natasha.
Natasha…the woman who had become your rock in life. Vividly, you remember her concern when you had become anxious when sleeping in the same room for the first time together. She invited you to take your makeup off with her in her small ensuite, thinking that the situation would be cute and rather romantic.
Instead, it had caused you to feel like the air around you suddenly had no oxygen, her concerned gaze settling on you only worsening the fact.
You felt small and weak, Natasha was ethereal. She was a goddess, and you were… well you were you, and you felt as though you couldn’t compare. Getting lost in your own head you hadn’t even noticed the way she had gotten so suddenly close to you and how her hand reached out to gently brush your arm. What should have been a gesture that calmed you once again seemed to push you over the edge, not that it was Natasha’s fault. When the brain has entered a fight or flight survival mode any little thing can set it off, which is why it’s so scary.
As tears began to brim your waterline, Natasha’s concerned gaze only intensified, making you feel like you were shrinking. Feeling embarrassed, you tore your eyes away from the only ones that could usually make you feel safe. Tearing your eyes away from her broke you in more ways than you could imagine, making your bottom lib wobble ever so slightly.
You didn’t understand why you couldn’t just look at her.
Nat’s heart followed suit with yours as she guided you to sit on the closed toilet seat. You were always so happy and bubbly, you were her bright light, a beacon that guided her back home - guided her back to you. But at that moment you were dimming.
“My love”, Nat spoke softly, failing to gain your attention as she crouched down next to you, instead gently pressing the pads of her fingers underneath your chin to tilt your gaze back to her.
When your gazes met again you could see her eyes shining brightly, a smile on her face at being able to see you again, “Hi”. You tried your best to conjure up a small smile in return, God knows she deserved one for how patient and gentle she was being with you, even though she didn’t know the reason for your breakdown.
She didn’t need to know though, she would be there with you for whatever you needed, even if she didn’t know what you needed quite yet.
That night was spent with her comforting you and making you feel the best you had felt in a long time. Your confidence was still nowhere near high enough to be able to conquer going out with a bare face, but with Natasha staring at you with eyes full of pure love, you were able to remove the mask.
Now you knew that there was no need to be afraid of being you in front of Natasha.
She peppered your face with kisses after she had seen the true you for the first time, telling you how beautiful you were. How lucky she was to have you.
For the first time, you allowed yourself to believe her as you wrapped your arms around her waist, muttering a string of thank yous.
Months went on and the confidence you had around Natasha only continued to ascend, along with how comfortable she made you. So much so that one day after waking up in her arms again, you followed her to the kitchen of the compound to get breakfast without even thinking about putting on a layer of makeup first.
It hadn’t even been noticed until you neared the kitchen and heard the many voices from your teammates and family. Though this morning, you couldn’t find it in you to care. How could you when you were walking hand in hand with your anchor?
You walked into the kitchen with Natasha with your head held high and a bright smile on your face as you greeted everyone. That smile soon got wiped off of your face.
“Woah Y/n, you look exhausted today, did Nat really wear you out that much last night?”, Tony joked with a smirk. Of course, it was Tony.
The skin of your face turned beet red as you felt embarrassment flood through you, first and foremost from the comment about you, but secondly from the innuendo. Your heart plummeted to the depths of the deepest ocean when everyone in the kitchen laughed heartily at the joke, not realising the impact it had on you. But what really hit the nail on the head was when you heard the familiar laugh of your girlfriend coming from next to you.
That one stung.
Swallowing dryly, your lips twitched upwards slightly, trying to join in on the joke, but your heart refused to let you. The laughter caused by your family trying to embarrass both you and Natasha soon died down, and Nat let go of you to head over to the coffee pot, promptly pulling two mugs out of the cupboard to have your morning coffees.
But when Natasha turned to ask you which flavour of syrup you wanted in your drink that morning, she was met facing an empty space where you had been standing. “Where’d Y/n go?”, she turned to face the people at the table who shrugged, you had slipped out of the room expertly.
Worry spread through Nat, it was very out of character for you to make an exit without making it known to her, especially in the mornings. Before breakfast, you were incredibly clingy, which she absolutely adored.
Without thinking, she sped towards your shared room and hastily opened the door, sighing with relief when she saw that you were in there. She tried not to jump to conclusions, but when it came to your safety she always did without fail.
The sigh of relief soon turned to her breath hitching in her throat when she properly took notice of your demeanour. You were sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of a floor-length mirror, hugging your body tightly as you stared at the mirror, the corners of your lips tugged down - a similarity that you shared with her sister whenever you were upset.
“Sweetheart?”, she approached and reached a hand out to touch your shoulder, but stopped abruptly when you flinched slightly. For the first time ever, she really didn’t know what to do. You had never flinched away from her before. But in the time that she was trying to figure it out, you found the courage to talk.
“You laughed”, she heard you say with no emotion in your voice, not matching your solemn expression at all.
Sighing you tilted your chin up to meet her eyes that were boring into you in the mirror, her face looking slightly pale as her own anxiety increased. “Tony said that I look exhausted, and you laughed”. Her face dropped at your again emotionless explanation, and she hurriedly bent down to be level with you as it all clicked in her head.
“Hey, hey, look at me please”, she pleaded gently, and when you complied she cupped your cheeks with her hands, seeing the pained expression in your eyes that you were failing to hide made her curse herself. “I promise I wasn’t laughing at you, none of us were”, she wanted you to believe her because it was true, but you seemed to want to interrupt in defiance. “No, I promise, we were just laughing at the joke, I was just laughing at the joke”, she interrupted before you could.
You wanted so hard to believe her, you really did, but it was the one time you had gone out bare-faced, it couldn’t have been a coincidence. “You’re so beautiful, I promise you, you really are. I’m so sorry for making you feel otherwise”, she whispered with cracks in her voice and sat down properly before tugging you onto her lap and giving you a tight hug that deprived you of oxygen.
You hugged back just as tight. 
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Natasha Romanoff Taglist:@diaryoflife@unlady-like-12-25-36
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