diverse-hearts · 1 month
@lovelornings asked:
❛ everyone who ever helped me is dead. i don’t want that to happen to you. ❜ ( To either Diluc or Yuuki from Yumi ? )
𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
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The comment seemed a little on the dramatic side, but given his own family complications, he knew better than to judge someone or try to guess what type of life they'd maybe experience this far. Instead of leaving her, he knelt down by the girl's side and carefully examined the cut to her knee, a small shake of his head given. "Well, I have no plans on dying any time soon - but I couldn't just leave you here either...that looked like a rather nasty fall", he glanced back towards the stairway she'd just taken a tumble on, wondering if she was perhaps being chased? She certainty looked as though she'd been in a hurry, "Is there somewhere I can help you get to?"
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everglow-synth · 1 month
Continued - @lovelornings
❥- Either he didn’t understand what she was saying, or he didn’t believe her. Though the anger and injustice had swelled up inside of her long enough to give her a burst of defiance she’d never had before now, the dread of doing something so wrong and out of line came to haunt her moments later. She moves her hands to cover her face, as if anticipating retaliation. She trembles and waits - but the blows never come. 
I don’t want to hurt you.
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“I swear, I didn’t know. I knew something was wrong with her - but I never thought - I didn’t think it was this bad-!”
Yet the guilt still torments her - racks her body as she lets out an unexpected sob. Because it might as well have been her fault, shouldn’t it ? She hadn’t done anything. She hadn’t even tried. Maybe if she’d had the courage to defy Mother, she could have saved someone by wandering into that basement. 
“No, no…you’re right. It’s my fault Kita-kun’s dead. I’m the one who didn’t listen. I might as well have killed them.” 
She admits defeat, never being one to put up a fight. Even if the blame of the deaths wasn’t hers to take, she should still share the responsibility she had for it. Her head lifts, and she takes his hand - still shaking.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
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Matthew was silent as she spoke, taking in each word. Something... wasn't quite lining up with her attitude. He had expected something different, more of a fight. Maybe not an outright brawl, but at least for her to resist him... but she was going quietly. There was a pit in his stomach that just wasn't comfortable with this situation at all.
But, regardless... his tracking and research had lead him here. He had to take some kind of action. Taking a deep breath, he takes her by the hand. It was shaking. It didn't feel like the shake of a criminal who had gotten caught.
It felt like a victim caught in the middle of something much bigger than herself.
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Even from behind the mask, it was obvious that he wasn't too pleased about this situation. He looked down at her as she took his hand.
"...Alright then," he soon speaks up. "I'm going to take you in. It'll be easiest for the both of us if you cooperate. Just know that whatever I do is out of protocol, not malice." With his free hand, he pulls a set of cuffs from his belt, clipping it around her wrist. It's snug, but not enough to hurt. With that, he moves to slowly clasp the other cuff around her other wrist, trying to be gentle enough not to scare or agitate her.
He doesn't want to be doing this. He wants to figure out just what exactly is going on, why she is doing this... if she is doing this... but the fact remained that he hadn't inspected the room yet. If she was planted here as a decoy, as his gut was starting to warn him to the possibility of, then there were any number of other things in the room that could have been there. Surveillance equipment, bombs, anything.
The sooner he got her out, the sooner he could feel more comfortable getting to the bottom of things.
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ciderbitten-a · 2 years
It was a difficult line to walk. Yumi was clearly overwhelmed by too much freedom - wherever she was before, it wasn’t good, and she’d clearly been kept on a very tight and controlled line. It was a shame that her baseline for normalcy was so warped against her; she was a perfectly lovely girl, and part of him worried it was because she was afraid to be anything else.
The solution to that, however, obviously was not recreating what she was used to. Between the flinches, stammers, small self-corrections and everything else, the terror she carried with her was evident in almost everything she did - of course, he’d had a long time to learn how to recognize the horrific.
Perhaps structure could serve as a healthy middle ground. He kept a rigid schedule himself; maybe forming one for her might anchor her a little, give her something safe yet familiar to hold onto.
“Yumi,” he said as she came in, “once you’ve got your coat and bag put away, could you sit down with me for a moment? I’ve an idea I’d like to discuss with you.”
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electricea · 26 days
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@lovelornings sent - "i didn't mean to interrupt you." ( From Yumi ) ( Prompts For First Meetings - Accepting! )
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"That's okay, go ahead, sit down!" He pats the empty spot next to him, his demeanour as chipper as ever. "Some company is always nice, anyway!"
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inseparableduo · 1 month
@lovelornings replied to your post “I struggle between not wanting to come off as...”:
In my experience, showing love for someone else's take and/or creation never seems to come off as annoying, at the very least. And that tends to go for appreciating people as well ^^ )
​honestly I needed to hear that so thank you!
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smokes-and-bullets · 1 month
❝ i have confided this in you, please do not betray that trust. ❞ ( From Misato )
The blond stares at her with a slight grimace at her words. "Who do you take me for.. Almost an insult you would think I'd betray a person who trusted me enough to confide in me."
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People had a tendency to do that, take the information given and twist it for their own gain. It wasn't anything new so Francis understood where Misato came from.
"My point is don't worry, lips are sealed with your words. I may be a huge fucking asshole but I'm not two faced bastard."
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murrrays · 2 years
                                        @lovelornings​  🤍'd.
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poppet had always been lacking in the art of concealing things.  herself, specifically.  what her brother could veil with only a wave of his hand, she needed symbols and charms to accomplish.  even then, their strength wavered under harsh daylight and perceptive gazes.
such was a gaze she found herself facing now.
she ought to admit defeat, shouldn’t she?  an array of monochromatic ribbons and tarot cards tied around a fence would be even harder to disguise now that it was spotted.  poppet managed a smile, though her posture was quite far from comfortable.
“hello,” she said, fingers still tangled in ivory velvet.  “ah... can i help you?”
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loliitacomplex · 2 years
starter for @lovelornings​   (  misato  )
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yuzu didn’t really have anything to do after school and, as much as she knew she was supposed to go home right after to change out of her uniform  —  solely due to her new step-sister’s nagging, of course  —  she didn’t really want to.  there was no particular reason, but really  —  going home felt like an activity for later.
that decision was only further validated when she spotted the other girl  —  one that she’d seen plenty of times before, even if it was only ever on the glossy pages of fashion magazines and the like  —  certainly never in person.  so of course she wanted to say hello and maybe get a selfie  —  after all, misato was one of her favorite models  —  one of because there were too many to choose from, of course.  not that yuzu’s style was modeled much after what misato was usually seen wearing in her pictures  —  her allowance was nice, but it certainly wasn’t that of a girl who came from riches.  besides, she preferred the cuter things rather than elegance.  but misato always looked younger than a lot of the other more high fashion models  —  like, around yuzu’s age, if she were to guess.  not that she’d looked that far into it beyond thinking she was pretty.  her suspicion was confirmed, though, when she saw the school uniform the other girl was wearing.  unless it was cosplay or something, it had to be true!
she barely considered whether or not it was a good idea before she practically skipped up to misato with her signature blindingly bright smile  —  “ hey ~   you’re sanada misato, right?  sorry to bother you,  but i totally love your looks!  it’s kinda cool seeing that sort of stuff on someone that’s, like, my age, you know?  not that i could buy any of it, but it’s super pretty. ”
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keulixeutin · 2 years
Lovelorn & Laughable
a/n: tried something more casual and shorter.
summary: it’s laughable that your friends think that bakugou, of all people, is dangerous to you. bakugou x gn!reader.
cw: fluff. established relationship. mentions of drunkenness and alcohol. mentions of friends being afraid that reader is in an abusive relationship (they're not).  gender neutral pronouns used.
wc: 986.
You’ve been dating Bakugou for eight months, and your relationship with the infamous explosive hero is a confusing case among your friends.
However, you don’t know how confused they are until Uraraka pulls you aside one day to ask if you’re okay—read: to ask if you’re safe.
You almost laugh in her face, but you’re able to keep it together in front of her honest expression.  It’s surprising how little they know, and it’s hilarious how wrong they are (which is wild to you, because aren’t they close with Midoriya who considers him one of his closest friends?).
It’s laughable that they think Bakugou, of all people, is dangerous to you.
Bakugou, who gives you his credit card three months into the relationship.
Bakugou, who changes his phone background weekly because he can’t decide on one favorite picture of you.
Bakugou, who searches for your hand to hold even in his sleep, who jerks awake whenever he feels you shift too far away in bed, whose frantic fingers search the sheets for you in his half-sleep.
That Bakugou.  Right.
Though you have enough self control to not laugh, you do let out a wicked snort.  You tell her to watch carefully next time you’re all together, and even when she tries to tell you that she has been, you shake your head and repeat it—watch carefully.
At the next group outing at a pop-up carnival, you arrive arm-in-arm with Ashido, Bakugou following close behind.  Midoriya’s the only one who eagerly greets your boyfriend, though you wouldn’t say the others give an unkind welcome.  You grin at the ones you know are worried—Asui, Iida, and Uraraka—though they don’t find this as funny as you do.
Watch close, you mouth to them.
And they do.
At first, they think you’ve got some mild form of Stockholm Syndrome; they think that you must be used to trauma and that you can’t tell your relationship is a bomb ready to go off.  All they can see are his scowls and shouts.  All they can see is the angry child who grew bigger, stronger, and more powerful than he was a decade ago, a man who must be utilizing all of his strength and anger to keep you trapped.
Watch, you tell them again when they try to pull at you for a quick intervention.
They’re still doubtful, but for you, they try again. 
This time, they see things—they see Bakugou, maybe not the way you do, but different than how they used to.
They see how his shoulders always touch yours when he’s seated, how he accompanies you to the food stall so he can pull his wallet out, how he always glances back to see where you’re at as you linger at each stand.  They see him scowl with cheeks colored pink as you fix his hair in the whipping wind.  They see him lean into your ear and whisper something that makes you laugh as he points to an ugly pig plush prize.  They seem him pull you away from the group and sneak off into the crowd when he thinks no one’s watching.
Still not fully convinced, they finally approach Ashido about your relationship, about whether or not you’re truly safe and loved.  She’s first taken aback because she thinks they’re making a dumb joke.  Then, when she sees that they’re genuinely concerned, she doubles over in laughter, cackling so hard and so loud that there are hot tears in her eyes and painful cramps in her stomach.  She gasps out in between giggling and snorting about how incredible it is that they could believe something so obviously impossible, ignoring their expressions of irritation and shame.
Well, Bakugou doesn’t drink around you guys, so that’d probably help, huh, she says when she’s finally calmed down, wiping at her eyes.  At their confusion, she explains that he’s needy when he’s drunk.  I’ll give you a sneak peek, she smiles conspiratorially.
Pulling out her phone, she opens up the folder created specifically for sentimental Bakugou photos.  Ashido shows them a picture of him passed out on the couch, face resting against your lap with a firm grip on your calf (This was last week when he was plastered after four drinks!), another of him with you up on his shoulders in the pool, fiery smirks on both your faces (They beat me and Denki in Chicken, ugh!), and finally, a picture of him kissing you around a corner, which was immediately followed by a blurry photo of Bakugou swinging at the camera  (I don’t remember this one, actually, but this happens pretty frequently!).
Perhaps they hadn’t been watching closely after all, they think.
Ashido shows them several more photos, each with Bakugou sappier than the last, and she ends it by cooing about how cute the both of you are.  She says she’s surprised that neither you nor Midoriya have shown them anything, and Midoriya stammers out something about privacy, and they mention that they hadn’t expressed their horror in full until recently.
Horror, Ashido repeats, and then it turns into another full-blown cackle in public.
When you and Bakugou make it back to the group, you take one look at your friends and grin, seemingly aware of their newfound understanding.  They look back at you, abashed, but you’re too preoccupied with your bag of souvenirs and the ugly pig plush in your arms to be mad about their misconceptions.  Anyways, the pig was bought, not won, and you’re excited to share the story with the others.  Bakugou is on his phone again, subtly leaning against you; when Uraraka passes by behind him, she sees that he’s not scrolling through his apps but deciding a new background photo, stuck between one of you throwing the camera a kiss or laughing in the sunlight.  She watches him pick one and then favorite the other one.
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horribluh · 6 months
hilarious mpreg zosan thought, sanji has a kid that has green hair but its not zoros kid. he has in fact never disclosed who the other father was (choose ur own adventure dead beat dad edition) and his siblings already have amazing technicolour hair so its not outside the realm of possibility for his biological children to also have weird hair colours. but when the kid pops out with green hair everyone immediately connects the dots that hey, doesnt the strawhats first mate that sanji famously doesn't get along with also have green hair? is this why sanji never said who the other father was? hes a fucking dead beat! get his ass!
this misconception integrates into everyones mind bc it makes too much sense to not be true and everyone is suddenly deadset on "protecting sanjis honour" and making zoro "take responsibility"
sanji is screaming crying throwing up disgusted bc no!!! the shitty mosshead is not the father!!! stop saying that!!!! but since he still wont say who the actual father is, everyone is just like its ok sanji, you dont have to defend a deadbeat even if he is your crewmate and sanji has no choice but to kill himself and also zoro for daring to have green hair
when the strawhats show up for sanjis baby shower they also unanimously come to the misunderstanding that sanji and zoro totally boned. franky goes as far as to call the kid mini marimo. brook makes a hundred innuendos, chopper is upset at the implication of them having unsafe sex, and robin alludes to "knowing all along" in a very ambiguous way. usopp is the only one who refuses to connect the dots and he is sanjis favourite strawhat fr. jinbei pats sanji on the back and says he hopes they work through their differences for the sake of their kid. sanji is dying, youre killing him, you're killing your cook
even more shenanigans ensue when zoro shows up 3 whole days late to the baby shower and is gaslit into thinking hes the father by everyone in attendance despite being Pretty Sure that he and sanji never fucked. zeff gives a pretty good shovel talk and nami gives an even better one (debt increment is involved) while zeff nods approvingly behind her and then luffy slingshots in all parents should be married right? and doesnt wait for an answer
anyway, like 2 hours later zosan find themselves standing at a makeshift altar on the thousand sunny, saying their vows. sanji insists to the very end that zoro is not the father so they dont need to get married but alas luffy isnt giving him a choice in this (he wants to eat wedding cake)
to sanjis eternal despair, the kid grows up to really like swords
additional zosan thought, sanji does not help things by shouting "this is all your fault!" the moment he sees zoro. zoro is futher gaslit
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
Edwin holding both of Charles' hands in his and telling him, "You cannot hurt me in any way that matters."
"I have been hurt beyond imagining and you have witnessed it firsthand, Charles. Do you remember it, as I remember it—clear as day? That was the worst agony imaginable. Unspeakable. Insurmountable. And you were wounded tenfold at the sight of it. You cannot hurt me in a way I will ever hold against you. And moreover you will not. No—don't look at me like that—I know you will not. Because you would sooner destroy yourself than cause me an iota of intentional pain. Your soul revolts against the thought of hurting me, does it not? Just as mine riots against the thought of you in pain. You saved me from hell—and Charles, you must not consign yourself to one of your own for fear of hurting me. Not when I am here to love you. Our love is not without risk, Charles, but it is a risk that is worth the reward."
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ohgaylor · 11 months
lovelorn and nobody knows? gay experience if I’ve ever heard one
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flore01 · 3 months
*fans saying Lestappen ended because Max is a gossiper who believed Charles should be penalized*
Charles Leclerc on his IG: look, we're still together, although Max is going to sleep on the couch until he learns not to gossip about his boyfriend behind my back !
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adharastarlight · 11 months
Short marauders fluff, enjoy :)
James always says "I love you" to Regulus. He'd pepper every conversation with it, sometimes not even consciously, he ends every call with it, every time he leaves the room. James says "I love you" all the time, and Regulus says it back, sometimes. But more times than not, he'll say "I trust you"
It confuses James for so long, but he never questions it because he doesn't want to seem ungrateful; he knows it's hard for Reg to say anything emotional or vulnerable. It confuses him for months, until he walks into Sirius' apartment and hears him and Remus just sat and talking on the sofa. "I love you," Remus whispers. "I trust you," there's a pause before Sirius continues, "that means more than 'I love you', you're safe, I trust you."
James completely forgets about the match he was supposed to watch with Sirius and runs home. Regulus can't help but squeal and break into soft, lovesick laughter when he's lifted into the air and then tugged to James' chest in a hug that is his home.
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thisismynamenowxpoetry · 11 months
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inseparableduo · 2 months
@lovelornings replied to your post “Ok tentative starter call bc I may not follow...”:
( Could I request your mean girls with my wanna-be mean girl Misato )
​Absolutely! I may come to you for plotting details if rubbing my two brain cells together does no start a fire
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