lordoftherazzles · 6 months
Ohh, id love to hear about "Lead Only By The Stars please?"
Thanks for the ask, Goo!! I am very excited for this one!!! (just as I am excited for all of them, really...)
This one was from my 2022 plot bunnies event, and it'll finally gain some life here soon - rip to all my plot bunnies that have gathered dust since then, WHOOPS. Anyway!!
When S.H.I.R.E. operative Bilbo Baggins teams up with extraterrestrial fugitive Thorin II Oakenshield and his company, a race across the galaxy to destroy the Arkenstone-Prototype begins. Bouncing between planets, the duo must face hardship from Thorin's home planet, and find a way to destroy the stone without destroying Thorin in the process - for the Arkenstone is quite literally the heart of Thorin.
I've talked a little bit about this one here and there, and I'm thinking for this ask, we jot down some FACTS from the fic!!
Space!Dwarves don't have normal hearts, they're gemstones
The Arkenstone takes place of Thorin's former heart, after near fatal injuries in battle.
Along with the Arkenstone, Thorin has other attributes about him that separate him from other dwarves - a mechanical arm, eye, and other parts of his left side. He's been through a lot.
Bilbo is a second generation SHIRE operative, following in the footsteps of his mother.
Thorin is a fugitive of Erebor, having escaped, with his most loyal companions - and they're being hunted by Ereborian soldiers, as well as bounty hunters hired to bring the Arkenstone back. (Note: they don't gotta bring Thorin back...)
Bilbo is essentially forced into the quest to destroy the Arkenstone, but warms up to it, and the dwarves eventually.
I'm so excited for this SPACE QUEST YEAHHHHHH
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conkers-thecosy · 6 months
Ohh, they all sound so good, could you share about "The Prince and the Botonist" please?
Hullo! 💛
Okay, so The Prince and The Botanist is a murder mystery/romance! I started writing it last January as an original story. Here's a snippet!
“Tea?” Dante asked after a long moment.  “Thank you,” Lucien nodded. “Was that all you wished to say to me before we begin?”  “Actually, there was something else,” he admitted, organising the cups and saucers with slightly shaking hands. “There’s something I’d like to ask of you, if I may.”  “You may ask,” he said noncommittally.   “My students are all commoners, you understand. They come from poor homes and poor families,” Dante explained, lifting up the teapot and starting to pour, but missing the cup and splashing into the saucer slightly.   Concerned he might scald himself, Lucien nudged the tea tray a little so that the tea was squarely in the cup. Dante’s eyes went wide in surprise, and he stared at the now cleanly pouring tea like it was somehow extraordinary.  “Yes, I understand,” Lucien said, when no further comment followed. “Local families from the lower city, I’m told?”  Dante poured the second cup without saying anything, this time without spilling any. He then replaced the teapot, and picked up the cleaner of the two cups, offering it to Lucien politely.   “It’s important that they feel comfortable here,” he continued, then offering Lucien milk and sugar, which he silently refused by holding up his hand. “Which is why I ask to be called by my first name only.”  “Lord Dante,” Lucien began, picking up a teaspoon and gently stirring the fragrant, hot liquid he had been served. “I can’t possibly…”  “Your Highness, I really must insist,” the younger man said firmly, some of his original energy returning. “At least within the confines of my home and gardens, I would ask that you call me Dante. We’ve all worked very hard here, and overcoming the fear they had of me simply for our various backgrounds has sometimes seemed insurmountable. I will happily answer any questions you have, I will cooperate with you and your enquiries of course, but I will not have my students and apprentices disrupted.”  Lucien turned this over in his mind, slowly considering his words. It would be a breach of protocol, certainly, and to him it felt hugely disrespectful, especially to a young noble of his standing. Still, he had to admit that what Dante said made a certain amount of sense, and to request it only within his own home was a fair compromise.   “Very well,” Lucien agreed at length. “However, I must stress that you continue to address me as a Prince of the realm, no matter where we are.”  “Oh of course!” he agreed readily, as though that hadn’t even crossed his mind. “I wouldn’t dare suggest otherwise, your Highness.”  Lucien nodded. There was a moment of silence again, and Dante offered him the plate of biscuits without a word. He maintained the quietness, and accepted one graciously.  “That was all I wanted to say,” Dante told him, taking a biscuit for himself and sitting back in the wide, winged chair. “Thank you for hearing me out.”  Lucien sipped his tea and was immediately intrigued by the delicious, floral taste. The tea was a pretty, bright yellow, and somehow tasted of sunshine. 
Thank you for asking about it! It's a little over 50k words right now, and I'm toying with the idea of rewriting the plot as a bagginshield fic! (I deliberately chose this passage because it reminded me of Them a little!)
Thanks so much for asking about the project! I hope you enjoyed my answer!
Conkers 🌰
WIP List Here
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niennawept · 3 months
Oh, this one 🍄 (Its the mushroom, in case my tumblr still isnt my friend!) I love HC's and im so interested in one of yours.
Hiya, friend! And it came through!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Mmm - for Tolkien, one of my favorite ships is Celebrian/Elrond. I think that Elrond needs to sleep more than elves normally do, because of his mortal heritage. Most elves ignore it or treat it like it's an inconvenience, but Celebrian just makes sure there's a hot cup of tea on his nightstand when he wakes up, so that he has something warm to greet him. Sometimes she leaves flowers or little notes with it.
Thank you for asking! <3
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fellowshipofthefics · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Hobbit - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company, implied, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield Characters: Bilbo Baggins, Dwalin (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Sad, Most of the Company are dead, after the Ring War, After the Battle of Dale, Bilbo is an old hobbit, Bilbo is a sad hobbit, bilbo loves his dwarves, and he loves Thorin, Bittersweet Ending Summary:
Bilbo is a sad, lonely hobbit in Rivendell. What is left of The Company, his friends, his Family find him there. There are less then there should be.
This is Bilbo's last meeting with the few remaining dwarves he adores. Until they meet again, when th eworld ie remade, hopefully.
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meteors-lotr · 6 months
How do you feel about people writing fics based on your ideas? With credit ofc. Because that Bard thinks Bilbo and Thorin are married sparked something in my muses.
I’m always up for people writing and creating shit based on what I made. Just credit me, and you’re good to go 👍
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loopyloo2610 · 6 months
The Anglish LOTR fic please? Ekkkk!
@fishing4stars also asked for the Anglish fic, so I've dropped her a tag here.
My Anglish fic will be written entirely in Anglish. Which is how Old English may have developed if the Normans hadn't taken over in 1066. Rob Words has a really interesting video on this.
I feel like this would fit in perfectly in Rohan, so this will end up being an Eomer/OC fic, I have a loose idea regarding marriage for love vs duty, but nothing concrete yet!
I'm hoping for this to be one of my crowning pieces, and I shall be working on it more once I have completed Apples in Winter.
If anyone else would like to ask about my WIPs, the list can be found here.
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lucigoo · 4 months
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My first year doing FTH and im so very, very excited. I am LuciGoo and I am so excited to be involved in this years FTH event. A fun, exciting event for so many worthwhile causes. I am so excited to get to work woth someone and write a prompted fic. My main ships are Bagginshield and Wolfstar and im just as excited for either.
You can find my fics and writing here on A03. Here is the webpage for the browsing tht goes into detail about what I will and wont right. Its mostly character based, as in it has to be end game Bagginshield or Wolfstar cause im a sucker like that. Anyway, Im excited to be a part of this and looking forward to working with someone. Auctions run from 5th - 9th March, see you on the other side 🧡
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smolestboop · 8 months
Thank you for joining Bagginshield-tober!
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I cannot express how much I loved October and being able to see everyone's art and fics for Bagginshield-tober! I'm so glad this prompt list has gotten everyone's creative juices flowing and sharing love for our favourite hobbit and dwarf! Here are some mentions (with links) of the lovely works we got from the prompt list! (Please go check them out, they are cool people who deserve more eyes!) Bagginshield-tober fics! 🌻 Stealing Moments, Moments Away by @conkers-theficwriter 🌻 Bagginshield-tober Series by @lucigoo 🌻 Barrels Ficlet (slightly steamy) by @sinisterbug 🌻 Bagginshield-tober Series by @wolfsbane-and-nettles 🌻 Company Ficlet (and others!) by @lingeringmirth Bagginshield-tober art! (check out their blogs to see their other art!) 🍞 Breakfast and others! by @bubblus 🍞 Breakfast by @fey-woodlands 🍞 Braids and others! by @morningnoodles 🍞 Gemstones by @the-eggplant 🍞 Tail by @twixycookie15 🍞 Retire + Flowers (and others!) by @lonicera-edulis
If there is anyone I missed, feel free to reach out to me and I'll include you in the list. Again, thank you so much for joining and I hope October was a fun month for you as much as it was for me! But wait! October may be over but there's no rules to any of this so use the prompt list whenever! Farewell and tea is at four!
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sunnyrosewritesstuff · 4 months
FTH Tolkien Creators
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Check out these awesome creators for Tolkien works for @fandomtrumpshate! You can bid on them starting 8:00AM EST, 5 March 2024, to 8:00PM EST, 9 March 2024. All the money goes to nonprofits! Also feel free to check out their full summary here!
Adwen (@captainadwen)- Fanfic for The Silmarillion; Specific pairings mentioned: Russingon
Allium-phyrzz (@allium-phyrzz)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies)
Alruin- Podfic for Lord of the Rings (books/movies) and The Silmarillion
Alsephina (@hobbityalse)- Fanart and Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies) and Lord of the Rings (books/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield, Frodo x Sam, Kili x Tauriel, Faramir x Eowyn
Augenblickgotter- Fanart for any Tolkien work
Forelevenses (@forelevenses)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies) and Lord of the Rings (books/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Sam/Frodo, Legolas/Gimli, Merry/Eowyn, Sam/Rosie/Frodo, Bilbo/Thorin, and Bilbo/Bofur.
Isclanel (@isclanel)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bilbo/Thorin, Bard/Thranduil
Khorazir (@khorazir)- Fanart for The Hobbit (book), Lord of the Rings (books), The Silmarillion, The History of Middle-earth, and Unfinished Tales
Lalaith_Quetzalli- Fanart for The Hobbit (book/movies), Lord of the Rings (books/movies), and The Silmarillion; Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield
LordOfTheRazzles (@lordoftherazzles)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield
Lucigoo (@lucigoo)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies), Lord of the Rings (books/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield
Sandalwoodbox (@sandalwoodbox)- Video for Rings of Power
SunnyRose- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield
Swordbreakerz (@swordbreakerz)- Fanart for Lord of the Rings (books/movies)
Tathrin- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book), Lord of the Rings (book), and The Silmarillion
Temporoyales (@temporoyales)- Fanart for The Hobbit (book/movies), Lord of the Rings (books/movies), and The Silmarillion
Treescape (@treescape)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bagginshield
Xenomorphic (@xenomorphic-warrior)- Fanfic for The Hobbit (book/movies) and Lord of the Rings (books/movies); Specific pairings mentioned: Bard/Thorin, Bilbo/Thorin, Tauriel/Thorin, Beorn/Tauriel, Eowyn/Faramir, Boromir/Eomer, Aragorn/Arwen/Boromir
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elvain · 3 months
At The Heart Of Time
            The first thing that most young Hobbits were taught was how to grow things. It was, of course, the most important Hobbitish activity: to grow and nurture new life. Bilbo himself had been six years old the day his mother took him to plant new roses in her garden (which would later become his). He still remembered, years later, the satisfaction and pride and joy that he had felt in watching those small plants turn into rosebuds, then roses.
            But they had died one day, as all living things tended to do. It was the way of the world for things to come to an end before one was ready. And Bilbo had not been ready. He had sobbed and cried and dug into the dirt of the garden with his bare hands until his father had stopped him and pulled him close.
            “Bilbo,” Bungo Baggins had said solemnly. “All things must end in this world. But there will always be, too, a new beginning, because the world keeps turning, and the road goes ever on and on. Do you understand?”
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read the rest on AO3. it's been a long time since i updated this one, so reblogs are appreciated/encouraged!
taglist below. please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
@brw @lordoftherazzles @mirkwood @makeminemarvel @glamdolf @hobbitwrangler @lucigoo @gondolindon
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lordoftherazzles · 12 days
Ohh, Razzy. For the ask game, what's your fav thing you've written?
Hey, friend!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I did already answer this one, but I’m gonna go with the honorable mention that I didn’t include in my initial post.
I posted that “Dragonhearted” was my fav thing, but I think I have to include “May Your Forge Burn Bright” - it was my first multichapter fic I’d ever started writing, and while it took me ages to finish, I’m still so proud of it. It helped launch me into all these stories and friendships that I hold near and dear to my heart!
Just as the fic is dear to me 💖
✨Fanfic writer inbox game!
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conkers-thecosy · 2 months
Five Fic Feedback!
Tagged by: No one! Seen this floating about a few fandoms, and decided to bring it over to bagginshield!
Rules: Pick five fics you've written, then tell us about how you feel about it vs how readers have received it!
1 - Bad Blood
My Thoughts: This one is way bigger than I meant it to be! It was going to be about 5k words and the only scene I had in my head was Bilbo biting the elven guard, haha! Readers: People really seem to love this one! I feel like feral Bilbo is always a crowd-pleaser, and this fic got much more attention than I ever expected it to! - 2 - Soldier My Thoughts: I'm really proud of this one. It was my first bagginshield fic, and it was after a loooong break from writing. Even though it's a bit weak in places, I have such a soft spot for it. Readers: I ended up re-posting this one after some harassment kicked my confidence down the toilet, but since then the reception has been very positive! - 3 - Poet My Thoughts: I'm sorry to say it, but this is probably my least favourite fic I've written. If it wasn't so popular I'd have removed it and altered the end of Soldier so it was just one fic! Readers: This fic seems to be very popular, and was the first time someone made art of my work - and more than once! I remember posting the first chapter and not expecting very much, only to come onto tumblr and see random posts where folks were super excited to see it was updating! It was such a lovely feeling! - 4 - My Ego Dies My Thoughts: I genuinely love this one, I think it's probably my personal favourite. I really enjoy playing about with the idea of "forgiveness" between Bilbo and Thorin, and this fic really scratched a particular itch for me! Readers: Probably my least popular fic - statistically, at least! I've found most folk weren't into it for one reason or another, but the people who love it, really, really love it! -
5 - Stealing Moments, Moments Away My Thoughts: I wish I'd taken more time with this one in some ways, but in others it really is the reshirement fic I wanted to tell. Again, I got to tinker with that "forgiveness" trope, and have a good look at what survival might realistically have meant for Thorin. Readers: This one is a quick read, and it's soft and fluffy, so I think readers enjoy it for that reason, though I believe some found it a bit boring. It was being updated almost daily, and the folks who were invested came back to comment and read practically every time I updated, which was just amazing to me! - 6 - Backs To The Wall (Sorry, I've written six, so I wanted to do all of them!) My Thoughts: I wrote this because it was something I wanted to read, and couldn't find. It's been amazingly fun, and I told myself when I started (knowing it was going to be fairly long - even if I didn't realise quite how long at the time, haha) that I wasn't going to take it too seriously, and I was really only writing this for myself, as the most self-indulgent kind of nonsense, ever! Readers: I can't begin to tell you how utterly blown away by the response to this I've been. Like?? It's just crazy to me how much folks are enjoying this, how excited and supportive everyone has been! I've been so grateful for everyone reading, and genuinely shocked down to my bones, haha! 💛 - No pressure tags for: @fantasyinallforms @lucigoo @lordoftherazzles @domesticgoddesswriter @thatfancygirlinwhite @lauramkaye @sass-y-squatch @mintedwitcher (and honestly anyone else who sees this and wants to do it, *waves a wand* you are Tagged!)
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brandileigh2003 · 2 months
Tuesday snippet
Ty @heartofspells for tag ❤️❤️
--this will be in universe for my silence between us series, soon to be edit and posted... Let's not talk about what soon* really means. Could be an hour, could be a month 😂
“Sirius, it’s blurry, I can’t see right,” Remus croaked and Sirius felt a tear roll down his cheek. He knew how much Remus hated to talk, and he could tell that he was freaking out. And that made two of them. Sirius grabbed a shirt from nearby, wiped off Remus’ mouth and stroked the side of his face. He’d known what Remus was signing, and it scared him. Remus’ eyes were unfocused and squinted in concentration when he had been trying to sign back and had the phone up for Lily to try.
I'll tag @just--vi @mollymarymarie @abz-coralsunset @lucigoo @blitheringmcgonagall
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hpknotfest · 4 months
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HP Knot Fest 2: Knot Again Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who participated! The collection can be found on AO3 here.
Lavender's Plan by @herochicklyrrie007 - Hermione/Fred
Just as You Are by @puuvillaa - Remus/Sirius
Ustulation by @badhairred - Dorcas/Marlene
Tell Me Anything by @crescentcitytorchwood - Remus/Sirius
Toying with You by @heartofspells - Remus/Sirius
I'll be livin' in heaving when I'm inside of you by @ducky1783 - James/Regulus
Are You A Werewolf by @lucigoo - James/Regulus
Needy by @effiepotterisamilf - Lesbian James/Regulus
Knot Just Roommates by Thorned Huntress (ao3 & Instagram) - Hermione/Draco/Theo, Draco/Theo
Harry Potter's Bedroom Tips for Snake Animagi by @xalandrix - Harry/Draco
Call it Magic, Call it True by @stopme - James/Sirius
Bigger Problems by @orange-peony - Harry/Draco
Riding Out the Family Curse by @midnightlumoswrites - Hermione/Draco
Bad Dog/Good Owner by PigeonOnACloud - Sirus/Regulus
Love and Black Madness by @charmstwit - Sirius/Regulus
A Little Discretion by @alissiawrites - Tom Riddle/Harry
Good Grief by @fiendishfyre - Orion/Alphard
Knot Your Average Coworkers by @thecouchsofa - Harry/Draco
To Hold You in the Earth's Unholy Din by @hoko-onchi-writes - Harry/Draco
An Embarassment of Witches by @thesnapeofwater - Hermione/Various
What Are Friends For (if knot this) by @sillywives - Draco/Pansy
Alcoves in the Library by @shewritesmaybe - Sirius/Hermione
Purchasing an Alpha by @stars-of-a-wolf - Remus/Sirius & James/Regulus
Wait, you're the wolf? by @lucigoo - Remus/Sirius
to live for the hope of it all by @the-houseryn - Draco/Ron
Weird Werewolf Sex Things by @phantomgrimalkin - Remus/Sirius/James
Down the Hall by @gaeilgerua - Hermione/Blaise
You can have my everything by @berserkerrose - Bellatrix/Rodolphus
[COMIC] - This is Love by @pato-roldnart - Harry/Draco
Between Her Alphas by @articcat621 - Remus/Hermione/Fenrir
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ladiesofhpfest · 7 months
Friday Fic Recs
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It's time for Friday Fic Recs with the Ladies of HP Fest! This week we've got eight recs written for our monthly minis focusing on our favourite Muggleborn red-head, Lily Evans Potter!
Fic Recs for Friday the 17th of November, including part of the summary from the author. Come join us on Discord for more!
I'll Be There For You by @midnightstargazer Leading ladies: Lily Evans Potter, Mary MacDonald, Dorcas Meadowes, Pandora Lovegood, Marlene McKinnon, Petunia Evans Dursley. T, 1.7k words. Summary: Five girls who were there for Lily when her friendship with Severus Snape came to an end.
Red and Gold by @saintsenara. Leading ladies: Petunia Evans Dursley & Lily Evans Potter. Not Rated, 800 words. Summary: Today, even though we're looking at Lily, the perspective is someone else's: her much maligned and often overlooked sister, Petunia.
Idolum by @kay-elle-cee. Leading lady: Lily Evans Potter. T, 1k words. Summary: Idolum: Noun. A misconception or fallacy. Lily Potter hated being wrong… and she’d been wrong quite a few times in her life.
Bits of Magic by @thecasualauthor18. Leading lady: Lily Evans Potter. G, 1.1k words. Summary: The first bit of magic that Lily Evans ever performs is making a flower– her namesake– bloom in the winter.
A Desert Lily by @nena-96. Leading lady: Lily Evans Potter. G, 2.0k words. Summary; A few glimpses of Lily Evans throughout her lifetime.
Mummy Loves You Harry by @lucigoo. Leading lady: Lily Evans Potter. T, 1.5k words. Summary: Lily knew, she knew there was something wrong with that knock on their door. She had known this would be her end, but she swore to anyone who was listening that this would not be Harry's end.
The Many Names of Lily by @nena-96. Leading lady: Lily Evans Potter. G, 661 words. Summary: Lily Evans has been called by many names throughout her life.
Blank by @merlinsbudgiesmugglers. Leading Lady: Lily Evans Potter. M, 554 words. Summary: Lily Evans is bright, she's clever...She's completely head over heels for James Potter.
We would love to receive recs in the ask box or in the rec channel on our Discord server. Almost any fic that is female-centric is welcome (exception: fics that feature explicit underage sexual content). We look forward to sharing more recs with you!
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multiimoments · 5 months
Fanfic AU Wishlist Tag
What are 3 AUs you'd love to write/draw/etc & 3 you'd love to read? And with which ships?
[Optional: Tag 6 or more friends whose AU dreams you want to learn about!]
✏️ The Holiday (2006) x Marylily and Wolfstar [Outlining!]
✏️ Kate and Leopold (2001) x Panville
✏️ Our Flag Means Death (2022–23) x Wolfstar (and others)
📖 The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern x Dramione
📖 Anastasia (1997) x Jily
📖 Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo x Marauders (all of them, pls! especially Dorlene and Jegulus!) [note: I did learn today that one such fic exists!]
I was super excited, so I made some moodboards for IG! (I have learned how to use Pinterest, finally 🤌🏽)
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Tagging everyone I can think of (and anyone else who wants to do it! 🥰): @emjayeingray @badhairred @dahlliiances @just--vi @toofadedtofight @wolfpadx @brigid-faye @heartsoncover @kat-m-toast @tigrrliily @spookeart @spookymoonie @cloaksnidget-3745 @imsiriuslyreading @howmanyfrecklesdoyousee @yourfriendlygryffindor @lavenderhaze @siriusly-sapphic @sleepstxtic @lucigoo @eurhythmix @summax2o @cancerravenclaw @the-noblehouseofblack @mochafrappiccinolatte @thisliminalspacedaydreams @kaaaaaaarf @thebibutterflyao3 @fiestylilmetalbendingqueen
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