#madam red x child reader
bouqetofmemes · 1 year
ew, pedophile
Warning: pedophilia here
Y/n and Ciel were riding in a carriage heading to the townhouse in London
You ignored the small conversation Ciel and Sebastian were having while walking into the house and heading upstairs You opened the door to see madam red, Lau, and grell looking for tea "I'm going to take a nap..." Y/n walks out and goes to her room
"Y/n, Y/n, wake up, we're going somewhere.." Ciel shook Y/n awake "Alright, alright, stop shaking me so roughly." Y/n swatted Ciel away
"Sorry my boy, I'm afraid a crime scene like this is no place for a child." "Now why don't you just run along home." "We're here to see the victims body." Ciel said "The body! Surely your kidding me?" "Abberline!" A detective walked towards them "Well, if it isn't Lord Phantomhive." Y/n then walked from behind Sebastian to clutch onto ciels arm "And Lady Phantomhive." "Now what are you doing here?" The detective put his attention back on Ciel "You know these kids, sir?" "We're here to help sir Arthur." "Seems your investigation is dragging a bit." "You know who sent us of course." Ciel then held up a letter Ciel then snatched the papers to look at the clues "It seems you haven't found any major clues yet." Y/n then took the paper to see the details Sir Arthur then snatched the paper from Y/n's hands, giving her multiple paper cuts "We at Scotland Yard are more than capable of handling this case, I assure you." "There no need for you to interfere." "Splendid. Shall we go Y/n, Sebastian, let's go put something on those paper cuts yes?" Ciel said holding his hand out for y/n Y/n then took his hand and walked with him
"Now what dear?" Madam red asked Ciel "Now we go see someone who may be of useful." "My lord! You mean—" Lau said shocked "Yes, indeed."
"So, where are we?" "You don't know? Then what was that all about?" 'I'm starting to get a headache.' Y/n then went to get comfy in a chair and dozed off
Y/n got woken up by the undertakers loud laughter "SHUT THE BLOODY HELL UP, IM TIRED!" Y/n yelled, then she fell back asleep
Y/n then woke up in madam reds lap, being cradled like a baby She then saw Sebastian open the door, then leave "He's know that we're moving right!?" Madam red asked
"Sebastian will take care of it for now." "We can head home and have a cup of tea while we wait."
"The viscount druit." Sebastian started "He graduated from medical school but has never gone into practice." "Lately, he's thrown several parties at his home, but behind the scenes these are the soirées are secret gatherings only his intimates may attend." " I've heard that he's into black magic and those occult sort of things." "So your suspicion is that he's holding these parties is to perform ritualistic sacrifices of local prostitutes?"
"Tonight is the last party of the season." A gentle man opened the door and took your hand to help you get down, then did the same for Ciel "Which means this is our last chance." Y/n said
"Ciel and Y/n will be my nieces visiting from the country, and Sebastian will be their tutor." Madam red said happily "And just why do I have to act like your niece?!" Ciel asked "Because dear, I've always wanted girls!" Madam red replied "Your kidding me!" "Well then, that's one point for me." Y/n said, flipping her hair off her shoulder "You don't want them knowing your Phantomhives, now you do?" Madam red asked, leaning towards you both "Besides I've heard that lord Druit has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt, and we do want to catch his eye right?" Madam red asked "By any means necessary. You do remember saying that, do you not sir."
"First things first we need to locate this murderous viscount." "Atleast Elizabeth isn't here." Ciel said "I would never want her to see me like this."
"Oh, that dress is so adorable!" 'I'm going with madam red...' Y/n thought, not wanting to be bothered by Elizabeth's words like 'your so beautiful, I have some more dresses that can make you even more beautiful!'
Ciel and Sebastian came over to see that you were getting kissed on by the hand and madam red
Y/n was the most beautiful thing in the room, catching almost everyone's eye Like a diamond surrounded by rocks
'Ciel is near the viscount Druit, I need to get there quickly.' Y/n walked away from madam red and towards Ciel
"Brother, you look exhausted, are you alright?" Y/n whispered "Yes I am, don't worry about me." Ciel said, standing straight
(Clapping) "Your dancing is exquisite like a lovely little robin, my sweet lady. And you are the most beautiful thing in the room, almost everyone is jealous of you, my gem." Said the viscount Druit
"Young mistresses, allow me to fetch you something to drink." "Uh, good evening, my lord Druit." The viscount walked towards you both and held both of your hands "I do hope your enjoying the party, my little robin and gem." "Oh, it's just lovely, everybody is just dashing, it makes me quite jealous." Y/n said, covering for Ciel
"But, my lord, we've been waiting to speak with you all evening..." Ciel said, rubbing a part of his skirt "Oh?" "We're bored to death by dancing and eating." "What spoiled princesses, you are my little robin and gem." Said lord Druit, holding you both by the waist "Looking for something more entertaining?" Asked the man, letting his hands slide down to your hips
"You know of other amusements. We'd be most interested." Ciel asked "Of course. I'd be happy to show them to you, my robin, and gem." Said the man, grazing his finger on your lips "My sweet little things." "Oh, really? Like what?"Y/n and Ciel asked "You want to know?" "Yes, we're simply dying to my lord." Y/n said, clutching onto the viscounts arm "You both might be a bit young yet." "Oh, please, we're lady's not little girls my lord." Said Y/n, pressing herself against the viscount more
Then Sebastian announced the magic show would begin
"My lord we've seen more than enough parlor tricks." Ciel said, batting his eyelashes "Can we go?" "Please?" Y/n asked, caressing the viscounts shoulders "Yes, anything for you my sweets." Then you guys headed to a room
"We're going somewhere I'm sure you both will find very amusing." "I know I do. Please." When you both walked in, you both fainted on the spot and woke up in a cage, blindfolded
"Their eyes are both different colors, but that will add to their unique attraction." "The one in blue is surely beautiful and will make a fine toy." 'Am I being sold off?' 'Where's Ciel? I don't want to be sold! I just want Ciel! Where's big brother?!' Then someone removed your blindfold You opened your eyes to see people already bidding for you both
When you looked at the crowd the Prices immediately went up "30,000!" "50,000!" "Sebastian, come get us now." Ciel ordered
Sebastian came and knocked everyone out He then opened your and Ciels cage and you ran into Ciels arms
"Oh, brother, I thought I was going to be sold off for good and would never see you again!"
"Don't scare me like that ever again!" You said, hugging Ciel tighter "I won't, don't worry, as long as your my sister, nothing will change." Ciel caressed your head
"Jack the ripper strikes again?!" You can Ciel we're shocked 'How, I thought he caught him yesterday?'
So I got bored and was like, hmm, Y/n will be able to make demands too 😈 So Ciel ordered Sebastian to make a contract with you, and yes he will take your soul like he will take Ciels, and you have the contract on your eye but it shows mostly on its own and when your near Ciel
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burts-baked-bees · 9 months
OPLA Sanji x Fem!Reader
{masterlist for OPLA Sanji ongoing story}
Tags: Slight angst to fluff, slight pining, Sanji and reader are close friends and have truama bonded, Sanji has no clue he's in love with reader the poor sap
CW: Launguage, mentions of abuse, slight WCI spoliers, mentions of drinking
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“I swear I’m one shift away from throwing myself in the godforsaken ocean.” Sanji huffed angrily as he threw himself down in a nearby booth. The Baratie had cleared out for the night leaving the cooks to clean the line and the waiters to clean the dining room, but halfway through the dreaded cleanup Sanji had both metaphorically and physically thrown in the towel. The dish cloth he had been holding went flying across the room as he put his feet up on the booth he was in and groaned indignantly.
“That old shitbag won’t so much as let me breathe on the line! I’m a cook! Not a fucking waiter!” He yelled, turning his head back towards the kitchen, as if Zeff could hear his complaints.
“You think maybe it has something to do with the fact that you call him an ‘old shitbag’?” A voice came from the other side of his booth. A small smile curled his lips as he sat up some and peeked over the rounded edge of the red leather seat.
“Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt your nap time madame?” Sanji laughed as he took in the sight of Y/n laying on her back with her eyes closed in the opposite booth. “So sorry for the inconvenience, but aren’t you meant to be cleaning tables?” He teased as Y/n cracked an eye open and glared at him.
“Aren’t you?” She asked with a sly grin, earning an eye roll and angry huff from the blonde.
“Seems the only thing I’m meant to do is slowly die from boredom in this trash heap of a restaurant.” Sanji sighed as he fell back into his seat, pulling out his lighter and messing with the lid. Y/n laughed softly before sitting up and resting her arms on the dividing seat. She placed her head atop her arms and looked at him with a mock pout.
“Awww is the best chef in the East Blue all bummed that his dad doesn't like his cooking? Again?”
Sanji snapped his lighter closed and raised a finger at Y/n, pointing aggressively at her with a snarl.
“I am the greatest chef in the East Blue. Even if that geezer can’t see it.” He stated, earning a chuckle from Y/n as she sat up and raised her hands in surrender.
“Easy now, no need to shout at a lady.” She cooed as Sanji chuckled and gave her an angry smile, hanging his head.
“How dare you throw my own principles back in my face.” He chuckled as he began fidgeting with the silver ring on his finger. Y/n sighed and rested her chin on her folded arms again, smiling softly at the mop of blonde hair in front of her. She reached over the divider and brushed some of his hair from his face, earning a soft hum from Sanji as he closed his eyes.
“I think we both know he’s only doing and saying these things because he wants the best for you. Though I’ll be the first to admit, his way of going about it is absolute shit.” She laughed as she watched his lips curl into a smile. He looked up at her, her fingers brushing against his cheek as he moved.
“Yeah, I know…” He sighed as he leaned his head back against the wall. She pulled her hand back and looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “But you're a stowaway as much as me.” Sanji joked, “And yet I’m the one being treated like a sniveling child every fucking time I step foot in that kitchen.” He huffed as he looked over at her through his bangs. She chuckled as she hung her arms over the back of his booth and cocked her head to the side.
“My dumbass thought I could be a pirate and got stuck here paying off a debt cuz’ my ship damaged the hull of this ‘trash heap of a restaurant’.” She fired back, using his own words. He opened his mouth to speak but soon closed it again as he shook his head.
“Yeah that was pretty dumb.” Sanji joked as he pulled his jacket off and tossed it to the seat beside him. Y/n gawked at him before laughing and reaching forward to hit him softly on the shoulder. He leaned away from her and shouted
“Oi! Don’t damage the goods!”
She looked at him with mocking wide eyes and barked a laugh,
“Both Patty and I would have to disagree with you on that one, lover boy.” She snarked as Sanji rolled his eyes. A calm silence filled the space as Y/n sat up on her knees and looked at Sanji. She could see something was going on inside his head, and she knew him well enough to infer that he wasn’t going to say a damn thing. She studied the way his brow furrowed and noted how his eyes seemed more gray then blue in moments like these.
There was a profound sadness in him that she had only caught glimpses of in her three years aboard this ship. A profound sadness that he had more or less shared with her one drunken night in the bar when they should have been sleeping. A profound sadness that she wished every single day she could lift from him. The two sat in silence as the ship rocked softly under them; Y/n felt compelled to speak, to do anything that might help ease his overactive mind.
“Still, knowing what I know, having Zeff treating you like this can’t be good for the ole’ psyche…”
Sanji tensed up slightly at her words and Y/n mentally kicked herself for making that insinuation. She wanted to help him, but after the words left her mouth she felt a heavy guilt fill her bones. She watched as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath before smiling ever so slightly.
“Trust me, love. I may complain like this from time to time-”
“Almost ninety-five percent of the time."
“Ooookay. Almost ninety-five percent of the time, but nothing is worse than… what I came from.” He gave her a somber smile and pulled out his lighter again, flipping the lid open and closed in an almost rhythmic pattern. She returned his sad smile and pushed her baby hairs from her forehead.
“Sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned that.” She spoke softly as she looked out at the empty dining room; the tables were cast in an eerie candle light and the china adorning the tables glimmered like stars. Sanji looked at her, as her attention was placed elsewhere, and smiled fondly. He felt a warmth rise in his chest as he took in the curve of her profile. The slope of her nose, the length of her eyelashes, the round of her cheeks. The candle light of the empty room cast dancing shadows on her face that made her look otherworldly; he felt his smile, and eyes soften as he looked at her.
“Y/n I wouldn’t have told you about my shitty past if I didn’t trust you to check in on me like this every now and again.” Sanji spoke softly as Y/n turned her gaze back to him. She was almost stunned to see the expression on his face. The look in his eyes was, most of the time, reserved for the elegant ladies that entered the restaurant day in and day out. And yet here he was looking at her like that. She brushed the fond gaze off and swayed her head back and forth while giving him an apologetic look.
“I know, but it’s still not my place to dredge up old memories of abuse when I don’t even know the full story.” She responded, playing with the ends of her uniform shirt.
Sanji smiled at her and leaned forward in his seat, one hand braced himself on the seat top while the other reached forward and pulled her towards him. Y/n closed her eyes as she felt his lips press against her forehead.
“I appreciate you checking on me. It shows that you care.” He said softly, his words muffled seeing that his lips were still connected with her forehead. She smiled softly as he placed a loud exaggerated kiss to the skin there before pulling away and holding her face in his hand. “Okay?” He asked with a huge smile. She laughed at his theatrics and moved to stand up, leaving Sanji sitting alone in his booth as he looked up at her standing form.
“Whatever you say-” She began as she reached out a hand to help him up. He took it with a laugh and allowed Y/n to pull him to his feet. “-My favorite Baratie waiter.” She finished as she dropped his hand and started walking away from him, stifling her laughter. Sanji stood there with his jaw dropped as she walked away from him, his shock soon turning into a smile as he watched her shoulders shake from holding in her laughter. He let a chuckle slip out as he pushed up his sleeves and made a beeline for her.
“How DARE!” He yelled as he grabbed her from behind and lifted her off the ground slightly laughing as she yelped and then dissolved into laughter when she broke free. She began running to a nearby table to put distance between herself and him as she pointed at him,
“Not fair!” She yelled, watching as Sanji pointed back at her.
“Don’t you dare get me started on ‘fair’!” He responded as he laughed.
Zeff stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching as Sanji ran around tables with that wannabe pirate waitress. He observed in silence as the pair laughed and threw dish towels at each other instead of cleaning tables.
The small boy he once knew, terrified of making connections with those around him due to some dark past he kept to himself, was smling and laughing as he chased around what could only be discribed as a friend.
A small smile curled his weathered lips as he shook his head and walked away, the sounds of youth fading into nothing.
“Not bad, little eggplant… Not bad…”
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darkshelbyfiction · 8 months
forced to serve (p.1)
Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning: Smut, Forced Prostitution, Dub-Con, Butt Stuff, Ass to Mouth
Written for and with my sexy wife @queenshelby, luv you bae
Summary: Your husband forces you into prostitution and your client is Thomas Shelby 👌
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After you were told to prepare for your first client that evening, you found yourself nervous about what would come. This wasn't how you wanted things to turn out - not by a long shot! It was your very own husband who forced you into prostitution and desperate times called for desperate measures, right? You somehow had to feed your young child.
Dressed in your most provocative attire, your heart raced when you heard someone approaching your door – it was him. Tommy Shelby. A man whose reputation preceded him. From stories whispered around town, he always demanded something different and intense from those he interacted with. He enjoyed intercourse that was rough and forceful and demanded complete submission from those who served him.
He paid well and he was informed by the madam of the house that you would be obedient and allow him to penetrate you in whatever way he wished, for at least two hours.  
It was all part of the deal you had made before entering this world where men like Tommy Shelby roamed free, dictating others' lives, desires, destinies.
The moment he entered the room, he immediately began taking off his shirt, exposing himself without shame or embarrassment. His muscular body gleaming under dim lights only intensified the raw power emanating from him. There was no mistaking whose presence filled the room now.
"Get on your hands and knees and crawl over here, my pet!" Tommy commanded without bothering to formally introduce himself.
"You want me to crawl towards you, on the floor?" you asked hesitantly, unsure whether you really understood his request correctly.
"Yes, Love," he barked back at you impatiently. "And don't ask questions. Just do it."
Your heart thumped rapidly against your ribcage, adrenaline coursing through your veins, heightening your senses. As you scrambled across the floor, getting closer to his towering frame, a strange mix of fear engulfed you.
"Good pet", he growled softly, taking notice of your compliance. Then, gripping your wrist tightly, he pulled you up onto your feet and led you towards the bed, commanding you once again to get on your knees, facing away from him.
Without waiting for your response, he spanked your bottom harshly, sending a shockwave of pain throughout your entire body. As tears welled up in your eyes, you felt a sudden surge of anger rise within you.
"Your safe word is red. Use it when you can't take it anymore and I will stop," Tommy spoke, his voice hoarse with lust. "I am not going to be gentle. In fact, I am going to hurt you, but this is what I am fucking paying you for, eh?"
As he roughly grabbed your hips, lifting you off the ground and positioning you into a standing doggystyle, you couldn't help but feel utterly overwhelmed by his brute strength. With one hand firmly grasping your waist, he used the other to pull your skirt higher, baring your bare behind for him to see. 
Your stomach twisted with nerves as he swiftly removed his trousers, releasing his enormous erection from its confines. It stood tall and proud, almost taunting you. 
Tommy reached forward and, without warning, he pushed your head down onto the mattress. "Open your legs wide and stick out your ass, sweetheart," he ordered.
Reluctantly, you did as instructed, feeling humiliated and afraid of what might happen next. Toying with your tender flesh, he slapped your ass repeatedly until it stung fiercely. He then took hold of your waist once more, pulling you further into the position he desired. Your face flushed crimson with anger and shame, yet your resolve remained unbroken. If anything, these brutish acts fueled your determination to endure. Tommy leaned in close, speaking directly into your ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps along your neck.
"Don't worry, love," he whispered huskily, "This won't last forever." He punctuated his words with a sharp slap to your ass cheek, eliciting a whimper from you despite your best efforts to suppress it.
"Now tell me how badly you need my cock inside your cunt, little bird," he said in a low, threatening tone.
"Please, sir..." you murmured, trying hard to maintain composure. "Just please make sure it doesn't hurt too much…"
At this point, his expression changed, morphing into pure malevolence. He knew just how far he could push you without crossing the line marked 'red'.
"That's my good pet, eh" he snarled approvingly, rubbing his cock against your still dry entrance. 
Realising that you were not ready yet, he removed his cock temporally and spat some saliva onto his fingers and pressed them against your moistening hole, massaging and stretching it slowly while occasionally glancing at you with a look of hunger. You clenched your teeth together, fighting back the urge to cry out from the burning sensation spreading through your insides.
Finally, he stopped and held his manhood upright, his gaze fixated upon yours. "Are you ready, love?" he questioned with anticipation evident in his voice. You nodded mutely, unable to find the courage to speak aloud.
Unable to bear the intensity of the pressure building inside you, you finally gave consent, letting out a soft whimper that seemed to excite him even more. Grabbing you tighter by the waist, he thrust violently into you, causing you to gasp involuntarily.
Despite the initial discomfort, the familiarity of the rhythm gradually allowed you to become accustomed to his size. However, you struggled to regulate your breathing, hyperventilating as you tried to keep pace with the increasing speed of his movements.
Clutching the sheets tightly, you winced every time he drove deeper into you, the pain shooting through your loins growing stronger with each thrust.
Tommy loved watching his partner squirm beneath him, submitting to his every desire. 
"Isn't this what you wanted?" he taunted, pounding into you relentlessly.
Tears rolled down your cheeks as the intensity continued to increase, leaving trails of salty residues on your skin. Each stroke felt like an invasion, deepening the connection he sought.
You bit your lip, determined not to let your cries escape. Instead, you focused on counting the number of strokes, trying to block out the searing pain with numbers. Your throat became parched as sweat trickled down your forehead, making it difficult to swallow.
"You are married aren't you?" Tommy suddenly interrupted your internal struggle, his heavy breath echoing in the silence of the room.
"What makes you think that?" you managed to choke out, trying to hide your feelings behind innocuous indifference.
"The ring on your finger gave it away," he replied smugly, continuing his thrusts, groaning loudly.
"Y-yes, sir. I am married" you mumbled weakly, your whole body trembling slightly from the assault.
He paused briefly, admiring your vulnerability before continuing mercilessly.
"Tell me Love, does your husband fuck you like this?" he crooned, driving his hips harder into you.
You cried out involuntarily, overcome by the intensity of his movement. Your legs quivered with fatigue, your arms shook as they supported your weight precariously on all fours.
"Answer me, love," he growled, pushing deeper inside you, his member pulsing against your wall, filling you completely. Your throat burned with the effort of holding back your cries.
"No," you whispered hoarsely, causing Tommy to smile maliciously as, unexpectedly, he started to probe your anal opening with his finger while continuing to thrust into your sore pussy, 
"Does your husband ever touch you here?" He breathed heavily into your ear, his warm breath tickling your sensitive skin.
You closed your eyes, struggling with the urge to both answer him honestly and to deny him altogether. 
"Answer me, love," he repeated forcefully, pushing his index finger into your anus with such precision and ease that it surprised you greatly. You cried out in astonishment at the sudden intrusion.
"No," you answered eventually while crying out loudly. 
His laughter resonated around the room, causing goosebumps to prickle your skin. "So, has anyone fucked your ass yet? Tell me, sweet thing."
You cringed internally, mortified that he would ask something so personal, but knowing it was part of the game, you mustered enough courage to respond truthfully.
"N-no," you stammered quietly, the word nearly escaping your lips before you could catch yourself.
"Well, we'll rectify that today, shall we?" He purred menacingly, slipping two fingers into your wet, gaping anus, stretching and teasing you slowly. 
Your muscles contracted involuntarily in response to his fingers penetrating your rectum, making you writhe underneath him. Your mouth opened slightly in surprise, emitting silent gasps.
"Good pet," he whispered, withdrawing his fingers slowly and methodically from your anus. 
"I think your ass is ready for my cock now," mockingly, reaching for the bedside table and retrieving some Vaseline. 
Fearful and hesitant, you lowered your head submissively. He ignored your reluctance and quickly covered his cock in the creamy substance. 
Without waiting for your permission, he positioned himself over you again, guiding his engorged tool toward your aching anus. His grip on your hips was ironclad, refusing to allow you to escape or resist his assault. You writhed helplessly underneath him, struggling to accept the impending invasion. Despite your protests, your body refused to comply, betraying your resistance as he slowly inserted his length into your rear passage.
"Remember your safe word love," he whispered softly into your ear. You bit your tongue, willing yourself to remain strong.
As his full girth filled you up, he began moving within you, his powerful hips bucking against your own, his hands pressing harshly against your shoulders, pinning you in place.
The world around you blurred, and the only sound you heard was your labored breathing combined with his savage grunts of pleasure. Your tears flowed freely down your cheeks, unnoticed by either party involved in this perverse act.
"It hurts, doesn't it? Having my thick cock in your smallest hole? I can feel how much it aches you when I slide in and out," Tommy gloated cruelly, his breath ragged and heavy against your shoulder. His cock throbbed steadily inside you, reminding you of his sheer power over you. It felt like he had no regard for your limits, your needs – he simply possessed you, taking whatever he wished, whenever he chose.
"Tell me, do you like feeling my massive rod buried deep inside your bowels?" He asked playfully, his voice carrying a sinister undertone that made your stomach turn.
Swallowing nervously, you managed to gather enough strength to utter a faint yes. It wasn't a complete fabrication though, as you did enjoy feeling full. This admission served as further encouragement for him, prompting him to continue his brutal attack.
With each new entry, his pace increased incrementally until you found yourself lost in a haze of desperation, pain, and arousal. Your walls seemed to close in on themselves, creating a claustrophobic environment where you could neither scream nor beg for release.
In this moment, Tommy realized that he was approaching his peak - the culmination of his dominance and control over you. Increasing his tempo exponentially, he used his considerable strength to propel himself deeply within you once more, ignoring your frantic attempts to pull away.
His hardened pelvis rubbed against your tender entrance, forcing you to succumb to the waves of pleasure coursing through your body despite your best efforts to maintain distance.
Every thrust reverberated throughout your entire frame, sending shockwaves of ecstasy coursing through your system, making it impossible to hold back your orgasm. As you approached climax, Tommy increased his vigor, grasping your hips firmly, rocking your body against his rhythmic pace.
With every thrust, your moans grew louder, feeding off one another. Tommy couldn't help but be proud of his mastery, reveling in your submission. You were a delicious treat he didn't want to end too soon. Your breath quickened, and your nipples hardened under his gaze. As your excitement reached its peak, the walls around you disappeared, replaced by the intense heat of passion. The sensation of his hand cupping your breast brought forth a surge of electric energy, heightening your already spiraling awareness.
The rhythm of his thrusts intensified, mirroring the rapid beat of your heart. With each motion, you could sense the pressure building within, threatening to erupt and consume you entirely.
Your nails scratched furiously at the sheets, seeking some kind of anchor amidst the storm of emotion and physical stimulation consuming you. The taste of salt lingering on your lips only added fuel to the fire, and you found yourself begging for him to take you even further.
"Please, please don't stop!" you pleaded. Tommy laughed triumphantly, a devilish glint dancing in his eyes.
"Do you truly wish for me to push beyond your limit, my little pet?" He taunted, grazing his teeth along your neck, sending shivers racing across your flesh. Unable to suppress your desire any longer, you nodded fervently, meeting his challenge eagerly.
"Then open your mouth wide, my dear," he instructed, loosening his grip just enough to grant you a brief reprieve as he pulled his cock from your ass and pushed you onto the floor.
"You are going to swallow my cum without spilling a drop," he commanded sternly, towering over you.
Feeling violated and humiliated, you dropped obediently to your knees and took his rigid erection into your hungry mouth. Tears streamed down your face as you performed this degrading task, your pride battered and bruised beneath his feet.
Despite the overwhelming shame and embarrassment, you tried your utmost to satisfy him, hoping to regain even the slightest fragment of dignity that remained intact.
His manhood twitched visibly in response to your efforts, provoking him to grab your hair roughly, pulling your head closer to his groin.
"Keep it up, open your throat," he threatened gruffly, reaffirming his absolute control over you. Panicked, you obeyed without question, not wanting to anger him further. Every caress of his fingers through your strands sent shudders of fear down your spine, yet you continued to service him dutifully.
His member grew heavier in your mouth, swelling impossibly larger still as you worked harder to accommodate its size. You fought the urge to gag, concentrating solely on staying true to your promise to him. The struggle became evident in your reddened eyes and quivering jawline. Desperate to avoid his wrath, you tightened your grip on his length, sucking harder, and increasing the intensity of your movements.
Tommy let out a low growl of satisfaction, pleased with your performance.
"Here it comes, love. Feast upon my essence, my precious pet," he said, allowing his seminal fluid to pour forcefully into your awaiting mouth. The salty liquid flooded your palate, filling your mouth completely. The bitter flavor caused your lips to pucker. Still, you valiantly kept your mouth closed, determined not to defile his command.
Still holding your hair tightly, he allowed you to come up from your knees, bringing you into a standing position.
"Open and show me your tongue, I want to make sure you swallowed it all." Obeying, you extended your tongue to meet his inspection.
"Very good, my pet. Now get back on to your knees and clean off my cock properly," Tommy ordered coldly, releasing his grip on your hair. Observing his reaction, you hurriedly knelt before him, carefully opening your mouth to receive his cock once more. His phallus emerged from your mouth, wet and sticky, leaving behind traces of his seed.
"Lick it clean, come on!" he demanded brusquely, eyeing you critically. You complied immediately, not wanting to upset him anymore today. Swirling your tongue around the sensitive tip, you meticulously cleansed it, paying special attention to any lingering residues.
"That will do," he conceded finally, stepping away from you. Exhausted, you sank down onto the floor, feeling a wave of relief wash over you as the events gradually subsided.
Looking up, you noticed Tommy surveying you with a mixture of admiration and contempt.
Clearly satisfied with your obedience, he smirked, wiping the remaining evidence of his domination from your lips with a smile.
"You did well tonight, pet," he admitted grudgingly, turning to leave. "And I cannot believe that your husband would share someone as divine as you are, sweetheart. I certainly would not share you with other men if you belonged to me, which makes me wonder what sort of man he is..." Tommy leered at you suggestively, his tone oozing confidence and superiority. You flinched involuntarily, unsure whether to feel insulted or intrigued by his brazen assessment. Feeling emboldened by his apparent interest, you sought to learn more about the enigmatic Mr. Shelby. "My husband... He is quite peculiar, sir," you hesitated, casting your eyes downward thoughtfully, without telling him that he was forcing you to do this for money. 
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huramuna · 4 months
downpour - oneshot.
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modern aegon ii targaryen x nanny reader minors dni, you will be smited.
this is for @targaryen-dynasty sleepover challenge 🤭 i got the babysitter au + the prompt 'why so shy?' i had so much fun with this, modern aegon is a menace and also a sopping wet cat.
word count: 4.5k
content: smutty smut smut (specifics under cut), aegon being a little shit (we love it), saltburn spoilers (lol), allusions to drug / alcohol abuse and rehabilitation, mullet aegon, jaehaera and jaehaerys are hel's kids but they have an unnamed / unrelated father, gratuitous use of song lyrics, probably a touch of power imbalance because of her job
murder on the dance floor - sophie ellis-bexter
warnings: oral (m receiving), face slapping w/ cock, degradation, dirty talk (this man never shuts up), face fucking / deepthroat, cum on face
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“Jaehaerys! Jaehaera! Please don’t run in the house with muddy boots!” you called fervently, trying to collapse the umbrella with one hand, two teddy bears slung in the other. 
“We won’t!” they both called in unison, followed by the unmistakable sound of muddy galoshes squeaking over the marble floor. You suppressed the urge to groan as you entered the exquisite home through the french doors that led to the backyard. 
“Boots off, little ones!” you called again, kicking off your own shoes in a haste to catch the gremlins before they tracked grime all over madam Alicent’s home. You had been working at the Targaryen estate for the better part of a year as a live-in nanny for Lady Alicent’s two grandchildren– twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. It was a wonderful job for the most part, as the twins were a delight and you had grown to have a strong friendship with their mother, Helaena. She was a bit dreamy-eyed and wistful, but was a wonderful mother nonetheless, even if she did have her melancholic days. 
The estate was huge and ancient, passed down from generations through Helaena’s father’s side, which was apparently a near royal bloodline from days long foregone. Viserys Targaryen, the father in question, was hardly ever home. He managed the family business (whatever it may be, you didn’t find it in you to ask– all you knew is that they were dirty rich) with his other daughter, Rhaenyra, from his first marriage. He had four children with Alicent, Helaena being the only one of the brood to still live at home.
 You’d met two of the others as well; Aemond, a lawyer in the family business who was, in short, all business and no play. He never regarded you, really, besides a quick glance or stiff nod. He had, however, slipped you a eight-thousand dollar bonus at Christmas time with a simple card that read;
Thank you for taking care of the twins and my sister. And keeping my mother sane.
- A.T
The other sibling, Daeron, was the youngest of the bunch, visited usually during holidays, as he constantly was studying abroad. ‘Sowing his wild oats’, as Helaena had put it. He was cordial to you and very much had a boyish charm, and Helaena loved to joke that he had a crush on you. When he had come home for New Year’s, he brought you a souvenir from Iceland, an authentic lopapeysa sweater, made from wool and sewn with a beautiful geometric design. 
“Awh, Daeron wants you to stay warm, lovey,” Helaena teased. 
“I-It’s just– her hands are always so cold, a-and the wool is supposed to help keep warm! The inner layer is insulating.” Daeron had stammered, the tips of his ears growing red. 
“Uncle Daeron has a brush!” Jaehaera squeaked, her words whistling through her tooth gap, she’d lost her first baby tooth just the week before.
“A crush, he’s got a crush!” Jaehaerys corrected softly. 
Alicent thought the whole thing very amusing.
That left one child you hadn’t met. You didn’t know much about him aside from small bits of conversation you’d picked up on between the rest of the family. Aegon. The eldest of all of them, and apparently the troublemaker of the bunch. You knew what he looked like from the portraits– blonde hair like the rest but with severely more bags under his eyes. Upon entering the home, one would see the chronological order of family portraits. 
It starts with Viserys, Alicent, and baby Aegon; the latter of whom is happy and chubby and bubbly. 
Then, it moves to the three of them, plus baby Helaena, with her wide blue-eyed stare at the camera. Aegon is still happy.
The next one adds the addition of baby Aemond– there is a glint of sentience in Aegon’s eyes, but he hasn’t experienced the crushing blows of reality yet.
You weren’t exactly sure, but as he got older, he became more morose– more bags, less light in his eyes. Then came the ear piercings, the tattoos, the head shaving, the bloodshot in the whites of his eyes. The portraits ended with this past year’s Christmas photo. Aegon was noticeably missing from it. You’d heard during one of Alicent’s phone conversations with her father that Aegon was in rehabilitation for a myriad of issues, and looking at his photos, you could only guess which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
A particularly harsh clap of thunder broke you from your thoughts, coming back to yourself. You scooped up Jaehaera before she stepped on the carpet with the muddy shoes. “C’mon, let's get cleaned up for lunch, yeah? What do we want for lunch today, lovies?” 
“Grilled cheese n’ tomato soup.”
“No! I want mac n’ cheese.” 
The squabbling ensued, the twins arguing back and forth for a few moments before you butt in. “Alright, how about– whoever gets the floor the cleanest and puts their galoshes by the washroom the fastest gets to pick?” 
The twins squealed in delight as they absconded from your sight, effectively going to do your bidding for you. You would, however, just end up making both meals anyway. As you moved to the kitchen, the sound of the doorbell rang. You bustled to the door, not sure who to expect– there weren’t many roving visitors in and out of the estate unless Alicent was explicitly expecting company– which you had triple checked the calendar when you woke up that morning.
You opened the door, expecting to see a debutante or someone of Alicent’s social circle– ‘twas not the case. You recognized him immediately, seeing his mother’s face in his own. Aegon. He was muddy, dirt flecks splashed on his face as he stood under the stoop trying to get away from the pouring rain. His face was a bit healthier than you’d seen it, the dark circles were still there, but not as prominent. It was like a gloomy day, rather than a full blown storm under his eyes. He had the wisps of a beard starting on his jawline, and his hair was cut into a makeshift mullet, longer in the back.
“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, hands in his pockets. 
“Erm– the… the nanny. For the children.” you stammered, his tone catching you off guard. You glanced behind him, seeing a beat up dirt bike caked in mud– that was probably how he got here. 
“A nanny? You’re a bit young for that, yeah? My nanny’s were all wrinkly old prunes.” 
“Oh– uhm, come in, Mr. Targaryen.” 
He perked a brow at the name, but didn’t say anything. He beat the bottom of his boots on the doormat, which didn’t accomplish much. He immediately began to track mud on the floor. “Mum home? Hel?” 
“Lady Alicent is… upstairs,” you offered, following behind him at a quick pace. “Helaena is taking a nap– the storm–” 
“Yeah, I know ‘bout Hel’s issues with storms. Don’t need to tell me twice. So, you got a name, or are you just the nanny?” 
You gave him your name as you glanced at the clock– it was almost time for the children’s lunch and you hadn’t even put it on the stove yet! 
“Got any food around here? Fuckin’ famished.” he added then as he nosed around the kitchen, hands still in his pockets. 
“I’m just about to make lunch for the twins– uhm, I can make you something too if you’d like.” you walked past him, quickly putting some pots on the stove and starting the gas. You and the twins were on a strict schedule, and if they didn’t get their lunch on time, they would turn into hellions. 
“Sure. Whatever the kids are having. I’m not picky.” Aegon waved his hand behind his head as he disappeared from the kitchen and clomped up the stairs, likely to speak with his mother. You fretted for Alicent’s mental state once that was done, and you felt even guiltier for not giving her a heads up.
As the tomato soup heated on the stove and the water began to boil for the macaroni, you unlocked your phone– you were curious about Aegon and why he’d come back, exactly. Well, of course, besides the fact that he lived here (or did, at some point) he was still supposed to be in rehab for another three months. You went to instagram, rolling your eyes as you saw that his profile was on ‘suggested for you to follow!’ 
You clicked to his most recent photo, the first that he’d posted in over a year.
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“Jesus christ,” you muttered under your breath as you put down your phone on the counter to stir the soup. 
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Aegon teased behind you. When the fuck had he gotten there? “Soup n’ mac and cheese?”
“Tomato soup and grilled cheese for Jaehaera, mac and cheese for Jaehaerys.” you responded plainly, trying not to notice that he was practically breathing down your neck. You glanced over as he leaned on the counter, where you had left your phone. Unlocked. Like an idiot. On his instagram page.
“Curious about me, are you? I’m surprised you haven’t heard enough about me from my mum.” 
“I don’t like to pry into Lady Alicent’s affairs–” 
“I wouldn’t consider myself an affair, more like a one time fling, eh?” Aegon snorted, grabbing your phone. It took every fiber of your being to not break all sense of decorum you held to snatch it back from him. “You’re not following me– let’s change that,” he mused, beginning to scroll through your page now. “Lots of pictures of the kids here– ooh, a trip to the seaside. There’s no pictures of you on here, eh? Only of… my family n’ other stupid shit, like the ocean.” 
“I’m a live-in nanny, sir,” you grit out, stirring the soup with more force than necessary. You consider yourself a patient person, and have become accustomed to how people in the Targaryen’s circle made their jabs. High society and filthy rich people had their own language of insults– ones that you wouldn’t realize they were insulting you until much, much later. It was like a game with a slow burning poison. But Aegon, apparently, was different. There was nothing meticulous about his jabs, no filter, no slow burning poison. It was all punch and sting, like a bite from a rabid dog rather than a viper. “I usually attend family trips.”
“Live-in, huh?” he drawled, his arm leaning over the counter in such a laissez-faire manner that you could feel yourself scowling. “Don’t get much action then, I take it? Let’s see if there’s any nudie judies on here, then…” 
“N-no!” you broke then, all sense of manners flying out of your body as you struggled to take back your phone.
“Why so shy? Got something on here you don’t want me to see?” he staved you off, a hand planted firmly on your shoulder as he scrolled through your photos, making all sorts of gaudy faces. You didn’t really have anything overtly scandalous, maybe a few lingerie shots for an old boyfriend.
“Aegon, leave her alone. Give her back her phone.” Alicent’s voice cut through the room like a knife, stunning both of you.
He sheepishly gave you back your phone as she crooked a finger to her son, ushering him to a room on the farther side of the house. 
As you fed the twins their lunch, you overheard some yelling, arguing and heated voices. You only saw Aegon later when going to your room to get ready for bed. His eyes were teary and red. 
The next few weeks went by with some normalcy— everything was as usual, except it was like you had a third child to care for; Aegon. Except this child didn’t listen at all and had terrible habits. He was constantly flirting with you, but also would weave in jabs at the same time— you couldn’t quite tell if he even liked you or not. Not that it mattered, anyway.
You were sneaking in your own lunch one afternoon, eating scraps from the twin’s lunch while they napped— basically just the crust you cut off of the grilled cheese and the small bit of soup left in the pot. 
“You eat like a mouse.” Aegon said, always managing to be there to annoy you. 
“Too much food makes me tired— I won’t be able to keep up with them if I’m sluggish.” 
“Could always drink a red bull or a monster, instead.” he offered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it in the kitchen. 
“You shouldn’t do that inside. It’s bad for the children’s lungs. Lady Alicent says—,” 
“Well, it’s my fuckin’ house too, innit? I can smoke in here if I well and bloody like,” he growled, exhaling a puff of smoke into your face. “My mum must be paying you extra to be my nanny too, then? The way you’re up my ass all the time.” he flicked ash in your direction. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest. He was goading you, baiting you into a reaction. He was being insufferable on purpose. You could tell by his pearly white smile he currently had plastered to his face, like a smug little— 
“Never had a nanny so pretty, though,” he continued. “If I asked real nice, would you feed me soup? Dress me up? Give me a bath if I’m real dirty?” he got closer and you could smell him— the smell of marlboro reds and cheap aftershave that had become synonymous with Aegon blew out your senses until it was all consuming.
Your mouth parted as you tried to think of some witty response, some barb, some jab— but nothing came out. You just huffed and turned away from him in an attempt to hide your red cheeks. Why were you blushing? 
You could practically hear the cockiness ooze from him, his mouth perked into a cheeky smile as he stole one of the crusts. He knew he’d gotten to you. 
It’d now been over a month since Aegon moved back home and the building tension between you two hadn’t let up a bit— you constantly felt trapped and elated all at once. When you saw him, your chest fluttered slightly in anxiety and anticipation. What was wrong with you? 
It was a dark, gloomy day. The seasonal storms were in full swing, pelting the estate in rain and hail. Alicent, Helaena, and the twins were out on an escapade to Alicent’s father’s house— you guessed Aegon hadn’t gone. But, it was a huge house, so surely you could enjoy some of your time off without seeing him? 
A rumble of thunder shook the house, rattling its constitution— and then the lights flickered. Flickered… flickered… then… out. It was dark, then, even with your window shades open. You turned on your phone flashlight and tiptoed out of your room, going to see if perhaps you could smack the backup generator into working. 
You hadn’t expected to work today, nor see anyone, as Alicent had given you the day off. So, you were subsequently dressed in your pajamas— a hilariously oversized Bass Pro Shop shirt (a gift from your dad in America) and cat-patterned sleeping shorts. Your toes cracked and creeped on the floorboards with each movement, and to your chagrin, as you passed Aegon’s door, it opened. He was wearing a shirt that said “MILF: Man I love Fishing”, with just his boxer briefs on, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. 
“Oh. You’re still here.” 
“Sorry, thought you were gone with the rest. Sad, I can’t do the Saltburn thing now.” 
“The… what?” 
“The Saltburn thing? Dance around the empty mansion to myself with my cock out.” 
“What.” you responded with the most deadpan tone.
“Dance… with my cock out?” he repeated.
“No– I know what you said– but why?” 
“Why not?” 
You rolled your eyes, shifting the conversation. “So, the power is out– uhm, do you know where the backup generator is?” 
“In the wine cellar. Nifty, huh?” 
“... the… wine cellar. I can’t say I’ve been down there yet.”
“I know it like the back of my hand, c’mon then. I’m sure I can kick the old gen in the nads and get it to work.” Aegon said with surprising confidence, turning on his phone’s flashlight and half blinding you. 
You followed behind him, to which he hummed ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ while doing a half-assed dance, apparently from some movie that was definitely something you hadn’t watched– you don’t remember the last time you watched a movie that wasn’t geared towards the twins. 
“So basically… he had the whole mansion to himself, and then he dances through it with his cock out, hanging massive brain, y’know? It's murder on the dance floor, you better not kill the groove,” he imitates the dance, sprawling his arms out in the doorway to the wine cellar and shaking his bottom a bit, which was, admittedly, nicely fit in his snug boxer briefs. You felt a strange heat flush to your cheeks.
“And this… is a… what? Comedy?” 
“Well, categorically no– I’m not a film aficionado. I guess it could be considered a psychological thriller, but I thought it was pretty funny,” he stopped before continuing into the cellar. “It gets pretty hairy in here, so stick close, okay? Ever seen The Conjuring?” 
“... yes, actually. Horror movies are kind of my favorite.” 
“Ah, a girl after my own heart,” he mused. “Well, think of the basement in that movie, but instead of a bunch of old useless shit, it’s a bunch of old wine.”
“And… instead of ghosts?” 
“Oh, there’s definitely ghosts.” 
“... what.” 
“Yeah, estate is haunted. You haven’t noticed?” 
“Shut up.” you murmured. You were a huge fan of horror movies while simultaneously being a huge chicken shit when it came to scary things– you were prone to hiding your face before the big jumpscare or running up the stairs from the kitchen when it was dark, just in case something was chasing you– and your feet had to be covered by the blanket at all times when sleeping.
“Aww, you scared?” Aegon teased, turning to you.
“I mean– ghosts are scary. Of course!” you offered sheepishly, pulling up the collar of your oversized shirt to cover your nose and mouth in an almost hiding manner– a nervous habit of yours. 
“I’ll keep you safe, love, no worries about that.” 
“... that’s what they always say, right? Then they totally leave behind their girlfriends to get stabbed by the killer or… eaten by the monster.”
“You my girlfriend now?” he asked, that stupidly annoying and somehow charming smug energy exuding off of him in waves. 
“Shut up.” you grumbled as you both approached the generator. It was covered in dust and hadn’t been touched or tended to in a long time, it looked like. “Do… you know what you’re doing?” you asked Aegon tentatively, watching as he inspected it.
“Me? Oh, fuck no. I never know what I’m doing, honestly,” he shrugged, giving the metal box a kick and haphazardly pressing some buttons. “No dice, sweetheart. ‘Spose you’ll have to dance in the dark with me for a bit longer, huh? But, if there's a ghost, you'll be... ghost food, or whatever.” 
You pinched your brow in annoyance. “I don’t understand you.” 
“What’s there to understand? I’m a pretty open book, you know.”
“No– you aren’t. You flirt with me but also… insult me? I don’t get it.”
“It’s called teasing– picking? Picking on? Getting the goat?” 
“What? So, like a little boy pulling a girl’s pigtails on the playground because he likes her? That makes absolutely no sense, Aegon.” 
“If you spend your time trying to find a reason for it, you’ll go insane. Why not just enjoy the point of it? I like you.” he breathed, suddenly very close to you. He set his phone aside on top of the generator, flashlight up. It illuminated the walls of wine and cast shadows of cobwebs and dust all around the both of you.
“Are you deaf– I. Like. You.” he repeated, his knees bumping yours as you were practically glued together, your back now against the ancient stone wall.
Your lips parted as you inhaled a breath– okay, you weren’t exactly expecting him to say that, or even like you at all– you figured the flirting was all hot air, a defense mechanism, something for fun, not… real. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you became all too aware of the fact that you hadn’t been touched since you got this job, maybe even before that– and your previous boyfriends never made you feel… flustered like this. You couldn’t form words as he, uncharacteristically cautiously, put his hand on your cheek. He was so close, so close– his body heat mingled with your inherent coldness and warmed you instantly. You weren’t sure what came over you, but you leaned forward, slotting your lips against his. What the actual fuck were you doing– you were kissing your boss’ son, her notoriously bad mannered, foul mouthed, sloven slob of a son, and you liked it. Your hand instantly went to the back of his head, fingers grazing through his choppy curls– even giving them an experimental tug, which he seemed to enjoy, by the indication of something poking you in your thigh. 
His lips moved against yours like a dance, and you couldn’t get the fucking song he was singing earlier out of your head– It’s murder on the dancefloor– you grasped at his hip, it was fleshy and pleasant, the tips of your finger slipping under the elastic of his briefs– But you better not kill the groove– his hands were exploring, too, under your stupid Bass Pro shop shirt, groping at your breasts with reckless abandon – If you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong – the heat rose in your body until you couldn’t take it any longer, the two of you were practically eating each other alive in this dank, dusty cellar and it was undoubtedly the hottest experience of your life – I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along – your lips parted for a moment, still connected by a string of saliva, bridging the gap between the two of you – Hear me when I say, hey –
“On your knees for me, love?” he asked, his voice suddenly so deep and husky, his thumb skimming over your collarbone. 
You fell to your knees for him so quickly– how pathetic. He wriggled down his briefs, already leaking at the fat tip of his cock. He wasn’t overly long, but he was girthy, like a beer can. Your eyes widened, which he must’ve noticed, as his face was plastered with a shit-eating grin. Your mind immediately went to an image of a so-called ‘American delicacy’ (your father’s words, not yours) called Beer can chicken, in which a can of beer is shoved in the ass end of a chicken and grilled. It is apparently as delicious as it is horrifying. Your throat bobbed as you surveyed it, a tentative hand around the base. He shook his head, prying your hand from him.
“Nope, mouth only. Open up, be a good girl.” Aegon muttered, looking down at you, the light of his phone flashlight illuminating him from below– he looked like a God. Or maybe a devil. 
Your mouth parted as his hand guided you forward. You wholly expected him to nestle in your mouth, but he surprised you with a slap to your face with his cock. It didn’t hurt, just caused you to yelp in surprise. He smeared some of the pre-come across your cheek, then slapped the head of his length on your waiting tongue. It was somewhat degrading, what he was doing– but it lit a goddamn fire under your ass, the neurons of depravity in your body, wherever they may lie, were alight with each nasty little gesture Aegon gave you, before he finally slid home. It stretched out your mouth, prodding at the back of your throat. 
“What would everyone else think, hm? If they knew you were such a fuckin’ slut.” he growled, gathering your hair in his fist like it owed him money, beginning to fuck himself into your mouth, careful to pay attention to your body language to make sure he wasn’t working you over too much. He made sure to be extra careful with his toys, rather than break them.
Tears welled, spilling down your face as you let him use you, degrade you– and yet, he also praised you.
“–such a good girl for me–”
“–you can take a little more, there you go–”
“–prettiest throat I’ve ever fucked–”
You felt like you were on fire, set ablaze by arousal you’d never experienced before– was this what they sang songs about? Dirty, borderline pornographic songs but the point still stood.
You had to chalk it up to the barometric pressure of the storm, right? Aegon wasn’t your type— your type was… well-adjusted, non-addicts, non-bad boy, non-troublemakers. Aegon was the antithesis of what you were into. 
And yet— you were into him. You were into him in a pathetic, pitiful way. It made you cringe to think about but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes, nor could you forget the way he was whimpering— fucking whimpering! You squeezed your thighs together slightly at the sound of it, at the blurry-eyed, teary sight of him looking down at you on your knees, eyes half lidded. 
He pulled out with a particularly throaty grunt, painting your face in his unnaturally warm seed, somehow careful enough not to get it in your eyes– small mercies. Your lungs inflated with oxygen once more as you caught your breath, trying to gather yourself. You felt the swathe of cloth over your face as Aegon cleaned you up with his ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing’ shirt, which he had apparently taken off. 
“You good?”
You nodded slowly as he helped you to your feet, brushing off your knees with the clean part of his shirt. 
“Um– so,” he still held onto you, as if he was afraid you’d run away. “Do you want to watch a movie with me later, when the power is back on? Like, actually watch it– I won’t fuck your face, I promise.” 
“... are you asking me on a date?”
“Umm… yeah. I think.”
“Maybe we could watch Saltburn?” you offered with a shrug.
“Your mum texted me,” you whispered. “The bridge is temporarily washed out from the storm, they won’t be back ‘til tomorrow.”
“Do you know what that means?” Aegon said, suddenly giddy. You both had just finished watching Saltburn, and you finally understood what the ‘Saltburn thing’ was. 
“You know your mum has like ten security cameras set up around the house, right?” 
“Okay… and?”
“I’m not dancing naked in the hallway, Aegon.” 
“How about just in my room? Please?” 
You gave a sigh, beginning to take your clothes off.
“Siri, play ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor.”
‘Okay. Now playing ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, as featured in Saltburn.’
It's murder on the dancefloor!
But you better not kill the groove, hey-hey, hey-hey!
It's murder on the dancefloor.
But you better not steal the moves.
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down.
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269 notes · View notes
girlystories · 8 months
L'appel du vide (The call of the void)
— pairings: Henry Bowers + Patrick Hockstetter x female/daughter of a cop/new student reader
Summary: after your parents divorce (because your mom is kinda crazy) you move to your dads hometown, back to Derry, and your cousin richie. Additional warnings: refrences of past child abuse Words: 4.1k
next chapter here
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Chapter 1: Back to Derry
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑 slowed down as it stopped at a gas station. The driver's door opened, which caused [Name] to wake up. She raised her head, which was earlier rested on her palm. She blinked her eyes, trying to make out what her father was saying to her. 
"I said, do you want me to get you anything?", he repeated, his hand on the door as he slouched and his head under the car, waiting for her answer. 
"Uh," she slurred her words, yawning as she stretched her arms, a satisfying feeling passing through her body to wake her up while the sun was making it difficult for her to think of what to say. "Just some water please."
Her father gave her a thumbsup before turning around. 
"On second thought, I'm kinda hungry. Can I have a sandwich?", she called out from the rolled down window. 
Her father made his way inside, as [Name] shifted in her seat, her arms laying comfortable under her head. She sighed as she stared out the window, not focusing on anything in particular, yet caughting a glimpse of a man filling his car. 
She and her father we're making their way to Derry, Maine, back to their relatives. Despite feeling excited to see her cousin again, she didn't really approve on moving so suddenly. She would miss her friends, her school – heck, even the grumpy teachers and lousy neighbours. 
There was no way of changing her dad's mind, however, since he was so eager to start a new life. She couldn't blame him, though. She and the poor guy couldn't handle the decrease in her mother's sanity any longer. She only grew worse day by day, and it was final once she laid hands on her. Her eyes were unrecognizable, wide and furiously red, as she had her fingers wrapped around [Name]'s throat, squeezing it tight with demise. 
Luckily, she was shoved back and restrained by her father, who later called the police on her and she was taken into court when found out she was abusing drugs, finally filling a divorce and in the end she was send to an asylum. 
This made [Name] wonder if that woman even loved her in the first place. As she thought about it more overtime, she recalled the times her mother gave her the cold shoulder, or the nasty remarks she hissed – tasting like venom on her tensed dry lips. The glaring looks she gave her, feeling like piercing needles ready to strike. 
[Name] instantly wiped some tears that were forming on her eyes, placing a smile on her face as her dad made his way back, bringing with him the stuff he bought. 
He closed the door as he sat on the driver's seat, holding the bag for [Name] to take. "As you ordered, madam. Sandwich and a bottle of water," he teased. 
She chuckled. "Oh, why thank you, kind sir," she said before taking a big bite of the chicken sandwich. "Man, I'm so hungry."
"Well, you should've prepared some food from home for the ride," he said, taking a cigarette out of his new pack, placing it on his lips, and turning the engine back on – which roared back alive, going backwards and on the road back to Derry. "I told you in the morning but you ignored me." 
She rolled her eyes, not in the mood for bickering at the moment, instead changing the question. "So like, you gonna be working as a cop at Derry now?" 
"Policeman, not a cop, [Name]. And yes, I've taken care of it on the phone," his eyes were focused on the road, taking a turn. "A guy of mine was kind enough to brag about my services back home."
[Name] hummed, not particularly interested in listening to the conversation, instead taking a moment to appreciate her hunger decreasing, savoring the chicken in contrast with the sauce and the variety of spices. 
She looked out the window, trees passing as they were now driving through the dirt road. The wind blew through her hair, a breeze filling the car. 
Her father remained silent for a moment and he sighed. "Listen, sweetheart, I know it's hard for you moving away and all but I'm sure you'll have a great time there and settle down nicely," he smiled as he recalled memories of his hometown. "Besides, you'll catch up with little Richie again." 
"Well, I'm sure he's not little anymore. How many years has it been? Like five, six?", she tried to count, licking her fingers in doing so. "How old is that little prick now anyway?"
"[Name], watch your language please," her father said and she giggled in response. "I think he's about thirteen or twelve. Three years younger than you." 
"I'm sixteen, dad." 
"Thirteen then." 
"Oh my god, dad. Did you really not remember the age of your own daughter?" 
He lifted his fingers holding the lighted cigarette off the wheel in defense. "No, I didn't forget your age, honey. I'm just, really tired at the moment." 
She shook her head in disbelief. "Yeah, right."
"I mean it." 
"Whatever you say can't save you now, dad." 
He chuckled. "Really now?"
"Yes," she replied blankly, now finishing her sandwich. 
   Finally arriving, she took out one of her earplugs and pausing her music, raised her head to look around her new "home". Crippled narrow roads filled with puddles, with short trees that looked hardly standing by the constant floods and hurricanes. She almost cringed at the almost rundown looking buildings. 
What eased her nerves were the stores here and there, them being: Brew & Chew Café, Doughy Delights Pizzeria, and Smile N’ Delight. Her eyes also caught a glimpse of the arcade, and she was sure Richie would probably spend his time there, playing aimlessly like his life depended on it. Not like she planned on going there, but still. It proved the existence that people lived there and it wasn't as deserted as it seemed. 
"Are we there?" 
"Sure are," he answered, searching for his sisters house. He smiled, "nothing has changed a bit."
"We haven't been gone that much for anything to change. I mean who even comes here anymore?"
Her father ignored her remark, taking a turn and slowing down as they reached that all familiar house [Name] hang out to when she was younger. They came to a stop and he got out of the car, while [Name] did the same, yet not so eager. 
"Wentworth! How long has it been?", her father said as the front door opened, her uncle grabbing his palm and patting him on the back. 
"You tell me," her uncle replied. "You were the one who decided to move out." 
He chuckled. "Well, [Mother Name] wouldn't stop pressuring me and all. You know how she was." 
This made [Name]'s aunt's smile fade, feeling somehow remorseful. "Ah, I'm so sorry about that, [Father Name]... We couldn't believe it when you told us all about it on the phone," her eyes looked at [Name], making her smile widely, her eyes wrinkling at the sides as they widened. She exclaimed and she walked over to her with raised arms, squeezing her cheeks which made [Name] groan slightly. Yet she didn't mind it much, always appreciating her aunt's weird ways of affection. 
"Little [Name]! Ah, I can't believe how much you've grown. You're basically a lady now!", she noted, placing her palms on her shoulders and taking a better look at her, taking her time to "fix" her shirt and hair. 
[Name] chuckled awkwardly, not knowing how to respond. "Hey, missed you too, Aunt Maggie. Uh, is Richie home?" 
"Oh, yes," she turned around, "Richie, get your ass here!"
After a few annoyed grumbles, a boy with dark hair came down the stairs. [Name] noted his increase in height and glasses who seemed to be thicker than how she remembered, making his eyes appear way bigger. He still had a couple of freckles drawn on his slighty chubby cheeks – even though he had a relatively slim figure. She threw an arm over his shoulder, snickering at his annoyance and trying to get off her hold.
"How's my little blabbermouth been?", she remarked and forced him into a hug. He groaned in response, mostly by the nickname but returning the hug happily. 
"You haven't changed a bit, asswipe," he replied with the same tone. Still, his grip tightened around her. "You were still missed, though. As much as I hate to admit it." 
That made her smile, and she let go of him, "Aw," she cooed. "I'm flattered, but it's very much expected," she replied proudly. 
"Ha ha," Richie stated, his tone linked full of sarcasm. "Just make sure you stay this time," he scoffed, "I remember when you had to leave last time you were crying your eyes out. Your nose was full of snot and stuff. Gross." 
[Name] narrowed her eyes, raising her brow. "That's not true. I don't ever recall that happening."
"Well, I do," he rolled his wide eyes behind his thick square glasses, smirking. "Right, mom?" 
"Huh? What did you say, sweetie?", she asked, not listening to him in the slightest, too absorbed in the conversation with her husband and brother. 
"Nevermind," Richie rumbled. "Say, you wanna join me and my friends? Oh – I forgot to mention – remember Bill? Well, we are now in a group with two other guys and we call ourselves The Losers Club, and it's freaking awesome!" 
[Name] couldn't help but laugh. "The Losers Club? That sounds... pretty lame." 
"That's the point, genius," he rolled his eyes again. "The thing is, you gotta join us, we always have so much fun and stuff." 
"Maybe another time, kiddo. I'm pretty tired and I gotta start unpacking and I need get ready for school tomorrow. I've missed enough as it is."
Richie groaned. "Fineee. But you will come with us one day, I'm telling you." 
[Name] ruffled his hair. "Okay okay, I get it!" 
"Augh! Not the hair, man! Not cool", he tried to push her hand away, but to no avail as she wrapped an arm around his neck and continued in forcefully ruining his curly locks. 
   The next day [Name] was woken up but her father, completely ignoring her alarm clock at 6:30 am. She groaned and placed a pillow over her head, trying to block out her father's cheery but annoying voice through the kitchen. 
She had to get up, though, when her father made his way into her bedroom and forcefully throwing the covers off her – much to her dismay. She raised her upper body, holding her weight with her elbows. Her eyes were puffy and red, a trail of drool beginning from her bottom lip and ending at her chin. A sight Richie would definitely make fun of, but he was in the same spot, as her dad did the same, but instead chose to grab Richie and spin him around, just like the way parents played with their month-old babies. 
Richie – fully confused, and instead of cheering like a baby would – almost shrieked, his legs swaying back and forth, looking for a sturdy ground to balance himself and his arms trying to get a tight grip on his uncle. Without wearing his glasses, he wasn't able to see clearly, screaming: "What the hell is going on?!" 
[Name]'s dad, not reducing his speed in the slightest, continued, "Wake up, big guy! You're gonna miss school!" 
Richie, steadying his breath, replied, "Okay okay, I get it! Just get me down! For the love of—" 
Just as he requested, his uncle complied, a satisfied smile on his features. He slapped his nephew's back lightly. "Come to the kitchen quick. I've prepared breakfast." 
[Name] still in her bed – but not daring to lay back down, (in fear of her dad shaking her awake again) stared blankly at the wall, ignoring the commotion from Richie's room completely. She rubbed her half closed eyes, and dragged herself out of bed, choosing a simple and convenient outfit for the day, since her stuff and wardrobe hadn't been delivered in their new home fully yet. She grabbed her almost empty backpack, which contained only her pencil case and a couple of notebooks, and she slowly made her way to the kitchen, dropping on her seat feeling like a zombie. She tried to rest her heavy head on her palm, yet it fell on the table sharply. 
"Ah ah," her father scolded. "Wake up, sweetie. It's your first day today." 
She groaned in response. 
"I'll give you a ride to school, so eat quick. I have work to get to," he explained further, flipping an egg from the pan. 
"I'm sorry but how can you be so excited so early in the morning, uncle? I mean, no offense," Richie asked from the table, rubbing his glasses with his shirt. He turned to [Name], "is he always like this?" 
She grabbed a toast from the table, which was applied with butter smoothly, and took a bite, her eyes still half closed. "Yes."
   After a quick – and not so satisfying breakfast, Mr. [Last Name] gave the both a ride and went to work. For the first time Richie wasn't late. A rare occurance, mainly because he took ages to get ready but also because both his parents weren't able to drive him to school because of work. 
"Well, I guess I'll see you later, asswipe," Richie held up his palm for a high-five. [Name] looked at him unfazed, almost rolling her eyes, clearly not in the mood so early in the morning. Still, she didn't leave him hanging and groaned under her breath. 
"Remember, don't steal food from the cafeteria."
"Don't you mean, don't do drugs – or something?" 
[Name] walked pass him, pushing her body on the school's front entrance. "Whate—", before she could finish, she felt a heavy force colliding against her. She yelped in response, being shoved backwards.
The person groaned in annoyance, also surprised by the sudden force. "What the fu—", the voice suddenly paused. [Name] took a moment to study the person. He was tall, his blonde hair messily styled in a mullet. His blue eyes were staring back at her, also studying her. His seemengly muscular built wasn't as apparent under his t-shirt which was being covered under his denim jacket, his sleeves being pushed high above his elbows. It was more of a fashion choice than an affect to keep warm in the cold weather of October. 
She didn't know how long they kept eye contact, but it came to a stop as his features furrowed, pursing his lips. He shoved pass her, his shoulder bumping into hers while he mumbled under his breath: "Get outta my way." 
She scoffed in response, raising a brow and walking into the halls, Richie following quickly behind her. "Oh my god," he gasped. 
"What?", she questioned, looking around for the principal's office. 
"You just ran into Henry Bowers!", he explained. 
"I didn't ran into him. More like he bumped into me." 
He quickly shook his head. "That's not the point, dumbass," he walked in front of her, making her stop in her tracks to get her attention. "The point is that he and his lovely little friends have been making our lives hell for how many years now. I'm honestly surprised he didn't murder you just now."
"He what?", [Name] asked, her eyes finally widening since this morning. 
"Yeah," Richie said, beginning to walk again with her by his side, passing the other students in the halls as they chatted among themselves. "They're all complete psychos."
"How did you say his name was? Henry Bowers, was it?", she asked and slowed down when she noticed the principal's office in the corner. "Where have I heard of it before?" 
"Man, I don't know. But I'm telling you. Just don't make him mad. Ever." 
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, big guy," she said, shifting her backpack as the school bell rang. She made herself a new goal for the year. 
Richie raised a brow. "What do you mean? I don't like that look," he noted. 
"Just, go to class, okay? I'll see you guys later," she shoved him softly, and he stumbled a bit, glancing back at her with a bit of worry, but made his way to class. 
She didn't know how and why that guy seemed so familiar to her, but she didn't care either. No one is allowed to make fun of her cousin. No one. Except maybe her, but they were family. It's understandable. But him? Who did he think he is? 
She decided to keep an eye on him and his stupid mullet. 
[Name] was about to knock the open door but stopped when she saw a lanky guy staring at the principal blankly, his mind wandering off and not paying the slightest attention to him. The principal sighed, his hand waved towards the door, dismissing him as he finished, "that's about it. If you and Bowers get send here one more time, I'll have to take drasting measures. You'll get a pass this time. Mainly because it's your first time, Hockstetter. Now get your ass to class." 
The guy in question – Hockstetter, as he was mentioned – fixed his posture at the statement, the corners of his mouth forming into a smile. He left without question, his grey-green eyes meeting [Name]'s as he walked pass the door, twinkling with curiosity. She swore she saw him lick his bottom lip just as he left. 
"And make sure Bowers actually goes to class this time!", the principal shouted and [Name] wondered if his orders even reached the guy's ears. 
So this guy is one Richie's bullies, [Name] noted. 
She decided to keep that in mind later as she walked inside. The principal held the bridge of his nose, sighing. When he noticed her, he grasped his hands together as he tried to recall her name. He remained with only parted lips as he failed in figuring out who she was. 
"Hello, Mr – uh," she trailed off, trying to remember his name that her dad mentioned on the ride. "Mr. Corbin, I'm the new student. I think my father spoke to you on the phone." 
His features softened, bringing a hand on his grey and combed hair. "Ah, yes! Mr. [Last Name], I believe. Yes, I've got your schedule prepared right here," he said, rolling back with his chair and opening his drawer, taking out a paper and handing it to [Name]. "It was pretty much a hassle trying to sort your lessons, since you arrived a bit later, but eventually we managed."
She whispered a soft "Sorry" in response. 
"How very nice for us to welcome a new student. I hope you like it here. Ah, did you move here recently, miss [Last Name]?" 
She quickly skimmed over her schedule, and looked back at Mr. Corbin. "Yes. Yesterday actually."
"I see," he replied, fixing his mustache. "Well, I hope you settle down nicely. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to finish," he rolled on his chair forward, placing his hands together once again. "If you need any help, don't be afraid to come to my office."
[Name] smiled at him. "Thank you so much, Mr. Corbin," she said and walked out, looking over her schedule. She hummed, feeling not so glum about it, only groaning when she saw she had to chose an extracurricular, but also hoping there were good options to chose from at the very least. She noticed a note, written roughly with a pen; locker: 74. 
She made her own inner note to check it out later. 
Now, she hurried herself to her first period, being World History. It took her while to find the class, and she was sure she'd get some nagging from the teacher. She hesitantly knocked on the door and slowly opened it. Peeking over the gap, she noticed all the students attention being on her. She stepped inside, clearing her throat. 
"Sorry I'm late, Mr –", she looked at her schedule, "Mr. Okley." 
Mr. Okley stopped writing on the board, turning his focus on her. "It's okay, I suppose," his voice indicated his boredom which were proved by his uninterested expression. "You're the new student, yes?"
She nodded. "Yes, my name is [Name] [Last Name]."
His face brightened, his blank expression being replaced by a small smile. "Ah, [Last Name]? I know your father. We used to be classmates together. Really funny fellow, I tell you," he chuckled. "Make sure to tell him I say hi, alright?" 
[Name] smiled, trying to ignore people's stares. "I will."
"We're on page forty-three. You can take a seat over there," he pointed at an empty seat next to the window. 
"I don't have a book."
"Right," he hummed, looking around his desk for a spare book. "I can't seem to find one right now. Just sit next to Victor for now and come by my office later."
The guy in question raised his head from his palm, being shaken out of his thoughts. [Name] dragged a chair and sat next to him, who scooted to the side to make some some space for the both. 
She held her hands close, feeling awkward by the closeness between them. But she tried her best to ignore it, taking notes when she thought was necessary. 
As she wrote, her pall pen started leaving less and less ink. She pressed harder, but the pen refused to work, as if it suddenly decided to go against her. 
"Shit," she cursed under her breath. She turned to Victor, who had his undoubted attention on Mr. Okley who explained about the Rise of Rome. 
"Do you have an extra pen?"
His attention was disturbed again. He shifted in his seat, blinking like he was just woken up. "Oh, yeah," he searched his bag and held one for her. 
"Thanks," she took it, smiling warmly at him. 
"So, why the sudden change or schools?", he asked. 
"Oh, you know. The usual reasons," she wrote on her notebook, testing if it worked. It was an obvious attempt of her deflecting the question. 
Victor didn't attemt to pressure her in saying anymore, turning his attention back at the lesson. 
The bell rang indicating the end of the lesson. All the students gathered their things, chatting among themselves as they made their way outside. 
Just as [Name] was about to do the same Mr. Okley called her. 
"Wait here for a moment, I'll go and fetch your book, alright?"
With that she waited, watching the classroom becoming less and less crowded. Her mind started wondering along, when she was being shoved forward. Her shoulder bumping with an all too familiar muscular one, snickering as he made his way towards Victor. Two others followed, passing her like she was nonexistent. 
Her face soured. 
Henry and Hockstetter loud vocals filled the room, shooting at Victor about who knows what. [Name] was unable to identify the other figure. He was the most noticeable large one of the group. 
With the realization that Victor was in their little group, it made the girl's disappointment more visible. 
Mr. Okley came back, holding a thick book. "This is it," he opened it, flipping through the pages. "We've covered all of these. Make sure to study them until next week. We'll be having an exam on Monday."
She scrunched her nose, which didn't go unnoticed. 
"Now now, it's not too much," he chuckled at her reaction. "It has very vague information and it's pretty easy to grasp. I'm sure you can do it."
She wasn't convinced and he continued. "If it's too much for you, then I'll guess I could give you an extra week."
He winked. "Just don't tell anyone," he waved his hands. "Now, run along!"
She chuckled and scooted over the door, but stopped when she remembered something. She glanced over at her classmate by the window, being surrounded by the mullet asshole and the creepy lanky guy – and the guy she couldn't recognize. He was frowning at his friends, telling them to "shut up" while they joked around. 
She sighed under her breath and turned her heel, walking over to him. She looked to the ground, avoiding their gazes as she came closer. 
"You, uh, forgot your pen," she held it out for him, only locking eyes with his as he stopped his bickering. Their laughs also came to a stop, observing her from head to toe. 
He took it, and before he could answer she swung around, storming out of the classroom. Her chest was bounding and her breath was shaky. 
She meet the Bower Gang on her first day and managed to survive.
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The First Fairy Tale
ahdbalidbaidf I'M SUCH A SUCKER FOR UNREQUITED KNIGHT X PRINCESS STUFF (even if it's not clear whether or not Lilia's crush persisted beyond childhood in canon) SO. I'M WRITING THIS… 😭This fic is purposefully ambiguous about the type of love Lilia feels in the end for Meleanor. It’s up to the reader to interpret it as they please. This piece was inspired the story of Madame Red from Black Butler. You don't need to know either to enjoy, but if you do happen to know them then I think you'll appreciate it more. There’s also some references to a few Disney films besides Sleeping Beauty—can you find which ones? I also purposefully repeated some phrases and blended a few references together to give the fic a “dream-like”/deja vu feeling. There was going to be a wedding scene opening with “There wasn’t a cloud in the sky” in reference to We Don’t Talk About Bruno, but I had to cut that since the fic was getting long. Even without that and some other cut scenes, I think this is the longest fic I’ve written before. It’s almost 8k words!!
... Do you remember? I told my first fairy tale to you, my most beloved. ***Spoilers for book 7 part 5 of the main story!***
Imagine this...
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In a castle forgotten by time, a lone figure walked among the creeping thorns. The plants swallowed the grounds, yet he moved swiftly and stealthily, passing over briar as easily as water over stone. Not a single movement was wasted as he traversed the brambled floors.
His ponytail—black streaked with red—fell in his path, the slight whip of it the only trace of his presence. He had traded his battle armor of old for plainclothes long ago, but still hadn’t filled into them yet. To shed the life of a general for that of a civilian was no simple task.
The small, doughy creature pressed against his shoulder sleepily lifted its head. Upon the infant’s crown was a cap of shockingly silver hair, the same color as moonlight. The boy thrusted a pudgy hand into his cheek, delivering a soft pap to the hardened veteran.
“Tch…!” Lilia pulled away brusquely. “Troublesome little creature, aren’t you? Hold still. We’d have made it out of here by now if only you weren’t so…”
Weak, defenseless, frail, vulnerable.
An array of potential words rose to fill in the gap. He settled on the least abrasive one he could muster.
Something cute.
Children like cute, right…? Right.
“… squishy.”
The infant—no, Silver, he corrected himself—seemed curious about the response, staring up with sudden interest. Lilia’s skin prickled at the sensation. He averted his eyes to an interior that had seen better days.
Once a shining jewel to house the crown princess, Wild Rose Castle was abandoned now. The thorns had invaded, climbing the walls and digging themselves into every nook and crevice. Furniture and weapons devoured, flags and tapestries consumed, meeting a similar fate as the nation that had once proudly flew them.
Ruins entombing stolen time.
What had once been a palace teeming with history, with life, was left a barren wasteland. All that remained were shadows of the past which clung thickly to the thorns. One misstep, and they would cut into him, bringing both pain and searing hot memories.
Funny, that: how the natural forces were unrelenting and indiscriminate. Yet the trace of an enchantment in the air suggested otherwise, its telltale tingle palpable. He knew the bramble had come from magical means.
A fairy's spell lingered. Some bygone blessing or curse, told in the tattered remains of a hazy vision and a wish for more halcyon days. Parents wanting to spare their child from the horrors of war.
Lilia's grip on Silver subconsciously tightened.
What rotten luck. I return after all this time to pay my respects, only to find Wild Rose Castle in this sorry state. How the mighty fall.
Silver fidgeted in his arms, as if sensing that something was off. A bit of saliva dribbling from the corner of his mouth, a soft whine gurgling up.
“You’re fussing again already?” Lilia frowned. He awkwardly laid a hand on the infant’s back. Are all infants this incorrigible? "The journey will be a long one if you aren't able to settle."
The infant turned its head, his cheek fitting neatly into Lilia's palm. There was a coo, then a sigh of contentment.
Still shaking off the sleepiness.
"... You're so needy," Lilia grumbled, noting the drool wetting his skin. Silver blinked at him with large, iridescent orbs. "I don't understand. Do people actually find this endearing? To find such joy in raising their young is..."
He hesitated to finish his sentence.
What did a man like him have to say on the matter? Long-lived as he was, that kind of love was something he had ever experienced for himself.
A gentle, warm hand to guide him through the darkness. The love of a parent.
Yet here I am, a loveless fae robbing a baby from its cradle. Just as the humans believe we do.
What irony.
Sadness nipped at Lilia as his thoughts turned to Silver. If anything, the little one had more power to shape the world around it than he ever could.
It was for this sort of creature that the Dawn Knight made a prayer for the future. It was for this sort of creature that Baul's rigid heart shifted. It was for this sort of creature that she...!!
Lilia's fingers had clenched into a vice grip on Silver. The infant cried out, squirming uncomfortably in his new guardian's grasp.
"Shoot...!! Er... there, there. It will be alright."
He clumsily rocked the baby back and forth. It was too vigorous, for Silver bursted into tears. His wails echoed off the desolate walls of the castle, piercing loud in Lilia's ears.
The fae jerked back, holding Silver at a safe distance from him. His grasp, precarious.
This is proving to be much more challenging than I initially thought... H-How do I silence it?!
Lilia glanced around helplessly at his surroundings. Everything was encased in a cage of thorns: antiques, drapes, even the axes mounted for decoration—to liven up the room. They were impossible for him to reach, else he could swing them around to amuse the boy.
Pieces of the past far out of his reach.
It’s not an option. A human babe is not like a fae babe. Lilia’s head swarmed with stress, Silver’s sobs only multiplying his worries. What do I do? What… would she do?
The name of his princess emerged. Along with it, a scene blossoming in sepia shades.
Her, in a regal black gown and dripping in green gemstones and finery. Him, in a general's armor. A princess and her knight, straight out of a fairy tale.
She was humming while caressing a large egg, a marbled violet flecked with green, dark webbing laced the shell. It conformed perfectly to her chest, pulsating with a strange warmth as she ran taloned fingers over it. Another role she had adopted: mother.
A low chuckle rose from the back of her throat. "Fufufu Look, Malleus. Our dear Lilia has taken the time out of his busy schedule to come pay us a visit."
"It's been quite some time since I last heard you giggle like a schoolgirl. Nice to know that you remain in good spirits." He arched an eyebrow. "... But since when did you decide to name the child? I thought the medical mages hadn't even determined a gender for your heir yet."
"Oh, some time ago," she replied flippantly. Meleanor was always like a storm, unpredictable and acting on her own whims. "I don't need anyone to tell me what my child will be. I already know... my Malleus will grow up to be an upstanding, beautiful man just like my Raverne."
She had a dreamy, faraway look on her face. A slight blush to her high cheeks, a shine to her eyes, a kind smile at her lips. Completely unlike her, the tomboy who snuck out of the castle unsupervised and caused trouble for all the servants.
So utterly smitten.
For that moment and that moment alone, Lilia would have believed her a patient princess awaiting a knight in shining armor's rescue. Not him, but her beloved.
He had to bite back a terse laugh, mask it with a joke. "Your Raverne? Hold on now, you've got to share him with the rest of us. We'd simply crumble without his wisdom."
"I don't intend to share what's rightfully mine.” A teasing smirk he knew well had found its way onto her pert mouth again. “I'm a very possessive woman.”
"As I’m well aware. Alas, I serve such a cruel mistress of evil.”
She chuckled, resting a hand on her egg. "... When Raverne returns, we shall arrange for tea. The two of you can regale me with the stories of your journeys. It gets to be so dull trapped in these castle walls. Oh, and of course, Malleus will be joining us. He has yet to experience our cozy little get-togethers.”
Their group. Their trio. The three of them. And now a new member. An expansion of the family unit—no, rather, the realization that something didn’t belong among them.
His heartbeat quickened.
"There you go again, making rash requests of me. You really ought to be more considerate of others. I came all this way out of the goodness of my heart, only for you to bark more orders at me. Don't I get to take a break?"
"I am being considerate," she insisted. "I'm considering Malleus. He is invited. You cannot uninvite him."
"That's not the point. Agh, what am I going to do with you?" Lilia ran a hand through his hair. The frustration was familiar—but so was the fondness that chased it.
“My, my. Such insolence. I’m afraid you’ll be stuck with me for a long, looong time. You should be less stubborn and more kind to your princess,” she purred, her words touched with dry sarcasm. “Isn’t that right, Malleus?”
“I’m too kind to you. Too patient as well,” Lilia sighed. “… It’s you who is headstrong.”
“I must be. I have a country and now a family behind me. A scorned mother’s rage is insurmountable, you know.”
He should have said something back. Played into their usual banter. But he didn’t—couldn’t bring himself to. Lilia looked away quickly, but not quite quickly enough.
“Oh? What nerve you have to avoid the gaze of your princess.” She dropped her playful tone. “Something weighs heavy on your mind.”
“… I can never hide anything from you, can I?”
“You will inform me at once.”
“So you can obliterate what ails me?”
“So that I may put you at ease." She lifted a hand, gesturing toward him. "That is the duty of a queen to her people… and, more importantly, of a friend to another."
It stung right down to his bones, hurting more than a blast of righteous lightning. A reminder of what he was: a footnote, a supporting cast member in her grand story. Without that, he was nothing.
An outcast.
His stomach clenched. He forced down a bitter pill and spoke.
"I was just wondering what it must feel like to be in your position, Meleanor-sama," Lilia whispered. "Mother to a nation, and to a child. To wholly devote oneself to the service of others... I will never know what that is like."
At this, she laughed darkly. "I am strong. I have to be, because I have people to protect. You have that strength as well. You wouldn't be able to serve as one of my generals without it. There are just some things in this world worth risking your life for, hmm?"
"I don't understand. My loyalty will always lie with you, with Briar Country... but for a child, I cannot...!!" Lilia stopped himself, reining his emotions back to calm. "I've never known how that kind of love feels. I'm not capable of it."
Meleanor narrowed her eyes as she listened to his woes. Unwise men would think her contemplative. He knew better—she was scheming.
"... Let me tell you a secret, Lilia," she said at last. "A dragon's egg needs its parents' love to hatch. However, true love is a special spell. It's more powerful than any magic, and able to be cast by anyone. If you are able to protect me, then that alone is proof enough that you are capable of 'true love'."
"You make it sound so simple, but is it really like that? The children of man say that fae cannot tell an untruth, yet you so expertly reassure me with lies."
"You're questioning me? Laughable. I am a woman of my honor, unlike you with all your tall tales."
"They're not tall tales. They're real stories of the danger I was in. Danger that, mind you, I got in half the time on behalf of your demands."
"Is that so?" Meleanor had smiled at him then, her teeth gleaming in the dim candlelight. Long lashes fluttering against the emeralds of her eyes. "Then you wouldn't mind sharing a story or two with Malleus."
Lilia bristled at the thought, an old wound reopened. There was a burst of relief that accompanied the dull pain.
I can't sing her lullabies. I don't have her strength either. No partner to speak of, no family to look to. What I do have is...
He pressed Silver into him, keeping a hand rested reassuringly on the infant's upper back. Muffled cries and a warm wetness pooled on Lilia's shoulder. His steps slowed, coming to a steady pace.
The first words were the most difficult to get out.
"... Once upon a time, there was a princess living in this castle." His voice was slow and deep and sorrowful. Not a song, but a longing croon for days he could never return to.
They entered a corridor lined with paintings. The sound of Silver's sobbing funneled into the passage, a greeting to the dour faces of important officials portrayed in each frame. Horned, with raven hair and reptilian eyes, obsidian scales dotting their skin, milky and smooth as wax.
Lilia lowered his head to one as they passed--a woman upon a throne, scepter in hand, her pointed features dappled by moonlight.
"She was many things. Selfish, impetuous, and stubborn… but also brave, strong, and beautiful."
So beautiful.
That had been his first impression of her. A single pale rose amid a garden of thorns.
She was tiny in those days, still trotting about in small, polished heels that clicked with each step, her black dress swishing about. A scaled tail—fluffy at the end--poked out from under there, proof of dragonic heritage. Her long hair was slicked back, proudly displaying a pair of horns and the scales that crowned her forehead.
When she wailed, the skies turned stormy. When she beamed, the sun came out. Her expressions so lively as she spun around in her skirts, the fabric unfurling like the petals of a blossoming flower.
A princess both adored and feared by her people.
"She befriended an unruly ragamuffin.” Lilia's lips quirked, unable to fight them from tugging up. “He was without loved ones, so the princess extended a hand to him."
Lilia had stolen glances at her when he was convinced she was distracted. During royal processions, tending to the horses, when they crossed paths in the halls.
He never let himself stare for too long. To do so was nearly a death sentence. The guards would be upon him in an instant—or worse, she would.
But without doubt, she did.
She would look back, letting a telltale grin take shape when their gazes met.
Him, the nobody picked up by the royal family on a whim. A hopeless squire boy, a knight-in-training, a ward.
She noticed him.
Picking up her skirts, she'd made a beeline over. Grinning like a gremlin, she would inevitably set a tragedy into motion.
"Lilia, I'm sick of studying! Let's play instead."
"What? I don't want to. Besides, I have training to tend to."
"Oh, don't be such a spoilsport. That's an order from your princess, so you can't refuse!"
“And that's the way the story always goes, a princess and her knight." He passed a glance at Silver. The infant's crying had quieted, and he returned the look, eyes wet with wonder.
Lilia sighed. "... I guess you wouldn't know that, would you? Well, it’s not as though she were your average girl.
"A wicked princess, that’s what she was. There was not a day when she wasn't making mischief and pulling the knight into it with her."
She had had many games, not all of them clearly defined or with rules. Sometimes she changed them on the fly. Sometimes she played without guidelines at all.
Pretend escalated into full-scale magical duels. Scavenger hunts spanned the entire castle grounds. They’d race to see who could relieve the gallery of the most apples in the least amount of time, dig through the treasury for the biggest gems.
On particularly lazy days, a roll across the lawn was enough to amuse them. Petals were plucked, sugary honeysuckle trapped between their teeth.
"You have something stuck in your hair," she'd tease him, picking loose petals out. "Let me get that for you, my most loyal retainer."
He'd hold still, as commanded, let her take as long as she wanted tidying him up.
When the guards combed the garden for them, they’d squish into shrubbery and lay low until the coast was clear. Sometimes their lids would grow heavy and collapse—and when they roused, stars had spilled into the sky, and they’d count constellations until the morning.
Starlight dappling her noble face, her fiery spirit ablaze.
How many diplomatic meetings had they crashed? How many ancient items had they broken? How many headaches had they collectively caused?
Lilia chuckled faintly.
… Those were the good old days.
He continued down the path laid before him, the paintings seemingly chugging along in slow succession. Both people and time passing him by.
"There was another as well. A clever, kind-hearted duke who also warmed up to the knight. The three of them formed a most formidable group.”
“Are you two at it again? You never stop, do you?”
The voice came from the top of the stairwell.
"Raverne. So good of you to join us," Meleanor said breathlessly—she had been running about. She slicked back a strand of glossy raven hair and beamed toothily. It wasn't the smile of a princess, but of a dragon yet to be tamed.
He quirked a brow. "Am I joining you? Whoever said that?"
“If you’re jealous, no need to play coy," she teased as the Dragon Duke descended the stairs. "You’re welcome to join us anytime.”
"The princess has already roped me into her antics," Lilia sighed. "Why not make it a party of three? We can all get scolded together later. Misery loves company."
"A tempting offer." Raverne lazily tilted his head to one side. He always had a languid way of moving, like a curtain of night veiling the day. "I think you've got me convinced."
"Why did you agree when Lilia asked and not when your princess did?" Meleanor demanded, stomping a foot.
Raverne shrugged. Effortless, defiant. "Perhaps you're not as charming as you think you are."
Any other person would have faced her wrath. Anyone else would have been forced to tango with lightning.
Not Raverne. He was too hard to stay mad at, and too easy to forgive. His presence alone smoothed over tensions, settled storms.
“He’s a dreamer,” the dusty old court advisors would remark with disdain.
“He’s a dreamer,” Lilia would say, eyebrows raised in surprise.
“He’s a dreamer,” Meleanor would sigh, the stars in her eyes.
Now, she just smirked at him. "I'll have to demonstrate to you just how charming I can be."
She had looked at Raverne differently in that instant. Her eyes did not glint at the sight of new prey to toy with, but with keen interest. There was something else too, an undercurrent of some tender feeling Lilia couldn't quite place.
Meleanor had never looked at Lilia like that.
Only Raverne.
He shook his head.
I should have known then... I was fighting a losing battle.
"With time, they grew ever closer. Unexpected feelings arose. The knight came to love the princess.” Lilia's feet came down upon the bramble that knitted over the floor. He could not feel it through his boots, but it felt as though he was still being pierced in the chest.
Silver blinked as Lilia plodded along. The gentle rise and fall drying his tears.
It had been a heady spring day, another escapade dodging servants and sneaking beyond the gardens. The flowers had blossomed, the same as the princess. She had grown lovelier by the day, her spitfire attitude untempered.
His flower of evil.
They were crossing a brook then, Meleanor lifting up her skirts to float to the other side, Lilia hopping on rocks to cross. He could have flown with her if he tried, but he was feeling cocky, had wanted to shown off the fruits of his training.
One misstep, and Lilia went flying forward, crashing into her. Their bodies collapsed against one another's as they roll, roll, rolled into a field, blades of grass and stray petals collecting on them. When they at last came to a stop, they laid on their lacks and laughed until their lungs hurt.
Lilia had stared at her again. Her smile, a powerful spell. She caught him in the act, demanded what he was looking at.
"You have something stuck in your hair," Lilia told her as they sat up. "Let me get that for you, my most benevolent princess."
"Stop stealing my lines," she giggled back.
Only if you stop stealing my heart first, he thought. But Meleanor was selfish, and once she had claimed something as her own, she refused to return her new treasure.
Lilia reached--and produced a single white daisy between his fingers. Kneeling, he offered the token to her. "Here. For you."
"Prankster. You planted that so you could appear impressive," Meleanor chuckled, accepting it. "... However, the gesture is sweet, so I thank you for it."
She held the flower to her nose and inhaled its scent. Her lashes fluttered against her cheeks, lips brushing the velvet-soft petals of the daisy. Wind weaving its hands through jet back hair, spots of sunshine dancing across her.
The entire universe was conspiring against him, it seemed.
He remained kneeling, remembering his place. Him, the knight. Her, the princess. But if that was the case, then weren't they perfectly suited for a fairy tale?
Lilia steeled his courage and let the words he had been holding in all that time loose. "M-Meleanor-sama! I... I like you. Not just as a friend. More than that. P-Please accept my feelings!"
Rare surprise dashed her beauty. A crack of light, dawn chasing away the darkness. “Lilia...?"
Here was his weakness, more terrifying than any enemy their country had faced. One young lady, and he folded like a paper crane. His heart in her hands.
And she squeezed.
"I'm not sure if I enjoy this joke. What we had before... I liked that."
More delicate than he had ever heard her speak. Like she was afraid of breaking this.
"This isn't a joke. I'm... I'm serious about you! Please answer me!!" he pleaded. "Will you be mine?"
At once, her face fell. The daisy, and his heart, slipped from her grasp.
"Oh, Lilia," she whispered, a hand clamped over her mouth. "I'm sorry. So, so, sorry."
A resounding rejection, chased by a dreadful loneliness. It had been nothing like the storybooks had promised. Lilia almost wanted to weep at his juvenile naivete.
He hushed, the awareness of it all consuming him.
So this is love.
Love, and the lack of it. How it hurt him so, as it had from had the start. He was always alone, no matter how many people he surrounded himself with.
Was that really love then?
The thought struck him like a fist to the gut.
I thought I loved you. But maybe that wasn’t true love. Maybe I was desperate to be loved back. To have someone to call my own, when I had no one at all before. Maybe I clung to the first person that showed the slightest bit of attention to me.
Even so, my heart ached for you. Longed for you. Believed it was meant to be. Dreamt of you. I wanted to give you my everything.
Lilia tucked the infant’s cheek to his chest. Felt the child’s warmth, his physical presence. The steady drum of something buried deep in him.
There was a wobbly yawn in the silence. Silver, tuckered out from crying, awaited the next part of the story.
The breath Lilia held released. The words, painful as they dropped from his lips.
“But she had eyes for another: the duke. The knight watched as his two best friends fell in love.” Lilia’s nails dug into the cloth that swaddled Silver. “The princess and the duke were happy, so the knight, too, was happy. And why wouldn’t he be? The woman he loved the most was going to marry the man he loved the most. It was a happy ending for the trio."
He had been summoned by the princess that fateful day. Returning triumphant from the battlefield, adrenaline running high, he hadn’t even bothered to make himself presentable first. His hair was a mess, his armor stained with the remains of slain foes.
She waited for him beyond the door.
“Melea… Oh.”
His princess was seated beside Raverne. She clung to his arm like a vine on a trellis, beaming like the moon on a cloudless night. Meleanor was drunk on the Dragon Duke.
He had never seen her so happy.
“Lilia! You’re here at last,” she called, waving him over. “Just in time.”
He glanced from her to Raverne. “In time for what?”
“For our exciting announcement.” Meleanor wasn’t looking at him. Instead, she gazed adoringly at the man beside her. Somewhat shy. “Would you like to tell him? Or should I? Ooh, this is quite exciting."
Raverne smiled softly—but Lilia could sense the slight discomfort in his eyes, the way they darted to his. Guilty acknowledgement, an awareness of betrayal.
I'm sorry, he seemed to say.
Lilia’s blood ran cold.
“I think you ought to tell him,” Raverne suggested. His voice was gentle, but they felt like a slash to the throat, cutting deep.
Then Meleanor announced it, unable to contain the secret any longer. "We're getting married!!"
She showed her left hand. The flash of the silver band upon her fourth finger was unmistakable. A ring, binding them with a promise.
Together forever, those two.
Lilia’s world violently tilted. The castle crumbling, the sky collapsing around him. Yet he, the trained soldier, dug his feet in and stood his ground.
You've been bested. Admit it. Admit defeat...!!
He said the only word he could.
Lilia could make out the light at the other end of the tunnel now. The world beyond the walls and castle corridors. He knew the end of the story was fast approaching, and how it would sap his strength, his will to fight on.
Still, he continued.
“The new couple were soon expecting a baby. Someone much like yourself.” Lilia prodded at Silver’s flabby chin. “You’ll be graced with his presence soon enough. The princess’s legacy, Malleus Draconia… My responsibility these past 160 years.”
Silver gurgled.
“So enthusiastic. You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into,” Lilia softly chided. “We fae and humans…”
… can never hope to understand each other.
"We fae and humans can understand each other," Raverne would have countered him. "We can make it a reality."
Tiny hands wrapped around Lilia’s finger. His touch, fragile.
You can afford to be hopeful. It drew a bitter chuckle from his handler. Brief reprieve before the plummet into something deeper and darker than the night that guarded them.
“… In a period of great unrest, the duke went missing. The princess was beside herself with worry—yet she remained stalwart for her people, and for their child. She wished every night for her husband to come home safely.”
They had magical might, but the humans had numbers. Each battle, an exchange of hard blows, casualties high on both sides. Reports rolled in as frequently as bodies did.
The people grew concerned, and so she had donned her mask to reassure them. Stoney faced and strong atop her tower.
“We will recover the missing couriers. We will secure our land and resources. We will beat back the outsiders. Briar Country will rise victorious in the war. Man will rue the day they came upon our shores. This, I swear to you as your princess!!”
Uproarious cheering and applause for her, their sovereign. A goddess of victory.
But he, watching from the shadows, knew better than that. All those years roughhousing with her, and he knew.
The face she showed the public and the face she made in private were two sides of the same card. Princess, mother, wife, friend. So many roles, all of them she played with such strength.
Meleanor only slipped when she thought no eyes were on her. When the servants had all retired for the night, and the moon and its stars came out.
Pressing his back to the wall, Lilia shielded his candle’s small circle of light from view. The hallway was drenched in darkness again.
A few paces away, her chambers to which she retreated every evening with her egg. With her dear little Malleus.
He listened.
Soft whimpers sounded from the abyss. Sounds and sights she would not dare show her people.
A leader such as she could not afford to be weak. The same leader who clutched her child to her and furiously prayed for a happy ending.
“Raverne, where are you? Come home… Come home, you idiotic, idealistic man!!”
Lightning lit up the sky. Lilia's flame trembled before righting itself.
Her voice dropped to a devious coo. "... I'm sorry, Malleus. Did that scare you? There, there. It's alright, your mother is here. Your father will be too... and when he does, I shall give him an earful for being away for so long!!"
He listened, for he was the only one who could. He listened until his lids began to droops. He listened until he had to tear himself away.
Before he knocked upon her door. Before he could tell her he was here, to please let him in. Before he could confess, “I miss him too.”
Hold her. Cry with her. Dream with her.
Ask for Raverne back.
“I will never wish for anything more than this. Please. Please…!!”
He had listened then, but no one had listened to him in return. Not even the stars.
Cruel celestial beings, he cursed—if they would not grant his wish, then he would take matters into his own hands.
Lilia swallowed thickly. His footfalls had grown heavy, as if weighed down by cinder blocks.
Silver sleepily gummed his finger. Oblivious as to what was to come.
“The conflict escalated.”
It had all happened so fast. Flying by, a blur. Time was not a concern to most fae—a year was barely the blink of an eye. Everything blending together into an indiscernible mush, taken down with ease.
But war never became more palatable. He had simply trained to become numb to it all. The strong smell of iron, the corpses piled high. It was sensory overload, the taste of too many things at once.
A crimson-eyed demon stood at the boundary of a burning village. Inhaled the fumes, smoke and flesh wrapped in fire. Witnessed the leaping flames stretching to the sky.
Who had lived here? Who had died here? Lilia thought of neither.
Had to, or he would fall to his knees and wail.
He held a small cloth doll, long black hair and red dress. Somehow it had survived the carnage. The lone survivor of a massacre. The rest had been slaughtered or evacuated from the area.
Abandoned, just as he had been.
His gaze lidded, fingers closing around the doll. "… As if it were a day. Everywhere I go, it will be in a blink of an eye. Far Cry Cradle.”
Memories arose, pulled by the strings of magic. They exploded across his vision like fireworks. Tinted green and blue and pink.
There was a ghostly child walking among the ruins, smiling as they clung to their mother, doll in their other hand. Daily life making the rounds in the village, helping with chores and playing games. Story events on fast forward.
Then came the knights stomping in their silver suits, masked fae cloaked in black. Buildings caving in, bodies falling, the clang of weapons colliding.
Red, red, so much red.
The child horrified, dropping the doll. Staggering steps backward.
He barely cast an eye at them. Surveying the scene straight out of a hellish dream, he sought out a familiar shadow. Had he walked among them, seen the same things he had?
To no avail.
Lilia blinked, and it was the end.
He had not treaded along this path.
“… Damn it, Raverne.” He gripped the doll harder—as if to squeeze out its secrets. Making me hunt you down like this...
“General Vanrouge.”
Lilia did not turn. “Baul.”
“Sir.” He saluted to his superior. “The troops are rested. We are prepared for the final march to the Eastern Fortress.”
“… Yes, I understand. Let’s move out.”
He let the doll fall to the ground. His hands now freed, he pulled his hood up.
“General?” Baul called tentatively.
“The weather is chilly today, don’t you think?” The question, dismissive. Lilia slipped his mask back on—a beastly bat, glaring, teeth protruding.
His tears hidden from view.
Baul nodded. “… Yes, it is. I will remind the men to bundle up, sir.”
He looked away. “Good.”
Lilia firmly set his jaw. “War came knocking at their door, claiming many lives… and threatening to take the princess and her child too.”
There was something automatically off about the fortress when they slipped in. The infiltration too smooth, the corridors too quiet.
Combing the building yielded few results. There was no Raverne, no Dawn Knight. Only cowering staff and scattered humans in iron armor piloting sputtering metal monstrosities.
He cut them down the same as the rest. A mad boar, seeking a true challenge.
"Where are you?! Show yourself...!!" Lilia's demands were hollow in the empty hallways.
A demon snarling for sacrifice, the humans called him. A heartbroken dreamer, seeking the love that he had lost, his troops would whisper amongst themselves.
They found him at the end of a trail of carnage. Panting, sweating, hoarse. The lines between man and monster converged in Lilia Vanrouge.
Then the message was delivered, striking fear into the fearless fae.
"... What?"
The weapon in his hand faltered as realization ripped through him.
“Wild Rose Castle is under siege?!”
"She summoned her knight to her side.” Lilia’s voice quivered, growing small. You’re weak, he snarled at himself, so very, very weak.
Silver, too, seemed to sense the shift in him. He rubbed his cheek against the fae’s finger. Was he trying to comfort himself, or his newfound caretaker?
“The princess asked of him to take her child to safety somewhere far, far away. To forget her. It was her final selfish request for him.”
He had found her seated upon her throne, one arm curled around her precious egg, the other grasping her scepter. It was a sight so familiar, so safe, his chest lifted with relief. Lilia ran to her, calling her name.
Her arm swept out in an arc, face twisted with fury. On command, a bolt of lightning crashed down in his path.
Tucking and rolling, Lilia darted off to the side, narrowly dodging the strike. Where he had once been was a massive scorch mark on the tiled floor.
“You’re LATE, Lilia!!” Meleanor roared. "What if something had happened to me or Malleus before you had arrived?!"
"Hah. As though you would allow that to happen," he scoffed. "You would kill the Silver Owls dead if I weren't here to stop you."
It was their usual game, a playful chase, the exchange of pokes and prods. Today, Meleanor had no such humor. Her expression turned from rage to one of eerie calm.
Lilia shivered.
"They've come for us," she whispered, hugging her egg tightly.
They had always known this day was a possibility. Now it was here, so palpable it was unreal.
From the bridge that ran to the castle came ugly chants twisted with hatred. Hot, oppressive, heavy. The sound like smoke snuffing out the daylight.
“Kill the witch!”
“Seize the castle!”
“Bring me the spoils!”
Horror raced through him.
“Let’s get you to safety, princess. Quickly, before they breach the drawbridge. My men can only hold them off for so long—”
She rose from her throne, descending from her dais. Her stride was not urgent, not eager to flee—the pace closer to the kind one might set for a garden stroll.
Meleanor faced her knight with a small smile. The same one she offered right before suggesting some sort of mischief.
“I refuse to run.” Her eyes flickered like green fire. “I will stand and fight.”
Panic pulsed in his ears.
“What?! Of all the foolish, hard-headed decisions you’ve made… This is absolutely the most foolish and the most hard-headed one!! I won’t let you go out there. I can’t. You’ll be…!”
A fist closed around his throat. The word died there, half-formed.
“What is it that you wish to say? That I will be hurt? Killed?” Meleanor challenged. So steadfast, so brazen. “You think so little of your princess.”
“This is NOT the time to argue the technicalities!! We need you safe and well, Meleanor-sama. Think of your people! Think of Raverne, your child...!"
Think of me.
She bared her teeth. “What is my power for, if not to protect those I love?”
Her gaze lowered to her egg, then to Lilia. “... You must flee to Black Scale Castle. They will not be able to follow you that deep into the mountain range.”
"I won’t abandon you. If you will stay, then let me fight alongside you as your sword and shield!"
"You have already done plenty for me. Do not mean to play the role of martyr too." Meleanor straightened, looking the part of a regal ruler. “You must go. I have guests to receive.”
"Argh, you stubborn princess!! How will you fight by yourself when you have your child to consider?"
"That," she laughed softly, "is a simple riddle."
His eyes sharpened with recognition of her next scheme. Meleanor wordlessly deposited the egg into Lilia’s arms. It was warm, humming from within the shell.
A life yet to be born, wishes yet to come true.
“I am entrusting you with Malleus,” she murmured sadly. “Please take care of him in his parents' absence."
“Don’t speak that way!!" Lilia snapped.
Don't speak as though we will never meet again, as though this is the final page of our story.
“In the first place, I could never… I can’t raise this child. I don’t know what it is like to love—not the way you and Raverne do. I’ve never had parents. I can’t be one, not when I don’t understand that kind of love!”
Meleanor’s face softened. “But you love me, don’t you? And you love Raverne too.”
He nodded. Slow, hesitant. “We were young. It was a long time ago,” Lilia mumbled.
“You love us,” she grinned, “so surely you are capable of loving our child, the product of our love—and Malleus will feel that. He will respond to you.”
“I’m not…”
“You are deserving of love, Lilia.” This, Meleanor spoke firmly. “Do not let yourself believe otherwise. I shall never forgive you if you do.”
The shouts were growing louder. The castle shuddered, stopped, and shuddered again. Doors being rammed at, forced open.
“Go,” Meleanor hisses. “This is an order from your princess. You cannot refuse.”
She had told that to him many times before. In dreams, in their games. Now, it hurt to hear more than any blow he had taken from battle.
Something in him gave, and instead of stepping away, he stepped forward. Inching closer to the woman out of his reach, but never touching her.
“I’m scared,” Lilia confessed, quiet as snowfall. “What if I lose you like we lost Raverne?”
Then I will be alone again.
“Be not afraid,” she reassured him. Meleanor did not meet him in the eyes.
“Do you promise we will meet again?” he pressed. The egg felt as molten as magma against his armor. “Do you swear?”
The grounds shook—the Silver Owls had successfully taken down a set of barricaded doors.
The cries had reached a fever pitch. Boots trampling upon the sacred grounds. Louder than ever.
Meleanor’s expression darkened, turning grave. It was the look of men at midnight, alone in the woods. Hollow, haunted, unsure of their fate.
He launched himself at his princess, a hand outstretched for hers. She made no effort to reach for his.
Did not have to.
Lilia fell short, his foot snagging on something. He instinctively twisted his body, shielding the egg in his arms from the floor. His gaze tore to his ankle, where bramble has sprouted up and tangled itself with him.
More thorns crept up around him, swallowing the ceiling, the walls. They latched onto his limbs, dragging him away, away from her. He grunted, struggling against them, against his fate.
Her doing, her magic.
"... Farewell, Lilia."
Tears prickled. His voice raised, pleading with her.
"Meleanor-sama, don't do this.”
She walked past him and ahead, forever out of his grasp.
"Farewell, Malleus."
He tried again, even knowing it was futile.
The bramble was weaving together, forming a tough wall between him and her.
Through the last opening, a perfect circular window, she uttered her final words to him. That knowing, daring grin. Eyes beholding a gleam brighter than starlight.
"May the Night bless you."
And then she was lost to him forever.
Lilia laid a hand upon the ajar doors to the fallen castle. Fingers curled. At last, he had made it to the frame separating the inside from out.
“... That was the last time the princess was ever heard of. The end to her tragedy.”
He summoned his strength and broke free, entering the waiting night.
The moon, a spotlight for the two.
Silver bristled as he felt his first cool breeze. Still, he did not fully burrow into his blanket—for his glimpse of the stars stilled that instinct. That's right, Lilia thought, of course he would be enchanted. It's his first sky.
Many firsts.
"If you like that, you'll be excited to know that it's always changing. There are a number of new skies to see. It follows us wherever we go."
So we will never be alone.
The sky, so sprawling, so grand. So accustomed to everything and anything.
His small, lonely, insignificant existence was nothing compared to it.
A single tear rolled down his cheek, landing on Silver's nose. The infant stilled, feeling the wetness upon his skin.
Lilia furiously wiped it away, then rubbed at his traitorous eyes. The sadness failed to recede, the memories welling. Promises, hopes, dreams dredged up. Yesterdays calling out to him.
"... You lied, Meleanor,” Lilia rasped into the night. “You told me I would be stuck with you for a long time. So why… Why did you have to leave us so soon?”
A thousand swords stabbed into his chest. The pain radiated outward, a bloody bloom.
"It’s not fair," he sobbed, hanging his head. "It’s not fair at all. Meleanor, Raverne… You’ve gone off together to a place I cannot reach, a place I cannot run to. You’ve left me behind. How am I meant to go on like this?”
I'm scared. I’m scared of the dawn and the tomorrows it will bring. Tomorrows without her and him in them. Tomorrows I must face alone.
More tears, plip, plip. A light drizzle upon Silver's face.
The infant stared up through aurora eyes. Not understanding, not knowing anything.
"How could I...”
Lilia’s voice caught on something sharp. He took a trembling gulp.
How could I learn to love you? When your kind, your very father, has taken nearly everything from me?
"... Hey, Silver."
The child cooed, as if in recognition of his own name. More likely, just responding to the sound of Lilia's voice.
Silver, the color of his hair. Silver, the shine of cloud linings. Silver, the start of something new.
"Tell me. What should I do?" Lilia's forehead and his touched.
Silver kicked his bendy little legs at the contact. Flailed his arms.
“Please guide me. I’m lost." He choked up. "I’m… so lost.”
Be the moonlight that guides me in the darkness. When all hope is lost and the stars have gone out, there will always be a silver light illuminating the path out of the black forest.
Show me the way, Silver.
“Show me if I can truly love you from the bottom of my heart.”
Lilia hugged the child to him. Felt his heartbeat, the same throbbing warmth that had radiated from Malleus’s egg.
After all that time alone amid the bramble… He was here. He was alive.
Up until her final moments, she had been thinking of them. Of this. The people she cared for, a baby not yet born.
The love he had let go, the love he had lost, the love he was he had to learn… It slipped away from him so easily, like grains of sand sifting between his fingers.
Lilia sighed with his entire body. The wind, drying his tears. He looked again at the child he had taken.
Silver giggled when he saw Lilia’s face. The boy’s eyes were clear. An unclouded, colorful aurora.
A weight in his chest lifted.
“… Did you enjoy that sad story?”
No answer, but a bop on his nose. Unintentional, he was sure.
Lilia rubbed at the place where he had been struck. There was no wound, no mark. Just a rapidly fading warmth where Silver's small fist had connected.
“… Silly thing,” he groused. In spite of himself, a stuttering chuckle rose from his throat. “If it will keep you from making needless noise, then I will tell you as many stories as you like. You need only promise to not laugh if I shed another tear.”
Silver squealed—close enough of a confirmation for him.
Lilia tried smiling. The corners of his mouth quiver before giving up.
Meleanor’s parting words floated to him. “May the Night bless you.” With that, it was the end of her tale.
The very same words uttered anew, a blessing for the boy once blonde. A fresh chance, the beginning of a new story.
Lilia looked to the horizon.
The first rays of sun were peering through the darkness. Gold streaking black in small slivers. Dawn had arrived.
A new chapter to their fairy tale.
203 notes · View notes
blues824 · 1 year
Blue’s Masterlist
Here are my ‘rules’
If you want to become a mutual, then either DM me, flood my inbox, or tag me in a post that says you want to become a mutual.
My reblog sideblog is blues824reblogs
My smut sideblog is bluessmutifyplaylist
Last Updated: 1/2/2024
List of Requests
Tumblr media
Vil Schoenheit x Skincare Obsessed! Reader
Rook Hunt x Reader - Sway
Housewardens Realizing You Might Be Gone
Riddle Rosehearts x Reader - Top of My School
Cater Diamond x Reader - Sorry Haha I Fell Asleep
Azul Ashengrotto x Reader - Save the Last Dance for Me
Housewardens Meeting Y/N’s Family
Housewardens With Nezuko! Reader 1 2
Reacting to a Solomon! Reader 1 2
Azul Loses A Bet
Reacting to an Inosuke! Reader 1 2
Azul Ashengrotto With Rengoku! Reader
Reacting to a Mitsuri! Reader 1 2 3
Reacting to a Muichiro! Reader 1 2
Vil Schoenheit With Tengen! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Wei Wuxian! Reader
Reacting to an Obanai! Reader 1 2
Octavinelle Playing Octodad
Riddle Rosehearts With Tanjiro! Reader
Vice Housewardens With Zenitsu! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Ruby Rose! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil With Orphan! Reader
Housewardens With Charlotte! Reader
Reacting to an Oiran! Reader 1 2
Housewardens With Gyutaro! Reader
Housewardens With Jinx! Reader
Housewardens With Theater! Reader
Idia Shroud x Leviathan! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts With Satan! Reader
Epel Felmier With Sanemi! Reader
First Years With Lady Tamayo! Reader
Jamil Viper With Impostor Syndrome! Reader
Housewardens With Demigod! Reader
Vice Housewardens With Demigod! Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul With Glyph Magic User! Reader
Housewardens With Uchiha! Reader
Octavinelle With Tengen Uzui! Reader
Riddle Rosehearts and Reader Celebrate the Holidays
Housewardens + Ruggie With Yui Komori! Reader
Octavinelle/Lilia/Malleus With Morticia Addams! Reader
 Housewardens + Jamil With Eldritch Magic User! Reader 1 2
Reacting to Textile Artist! Reader 1 2
Heartslabyul Members With Madam Red! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Makes Them A Gift
Housewardens Swap Bodies With Reader
Leona Kingscholar With Giyu Tomioka! Reader 1 2
Scarabia With Dancer! Reader
Reacting to Jessica Rabbit! Reader 1 2
Octavinelle/Riddle/Vil With A Go-With-The-Flow! Reader
Overblot Crew Being Wrapped Up Like A Present For Reader
Older! Idia Shroud With Nico di Angelo! Child
Housewardens With Spiderwoman! Reader
Trey/Cater/Adeuce/Octavinelle/Vil/Rook/Malleus With Mantis! Reader
Trey/Deuce/Jack/Jade/Jamil/Vil/Idia/Sebek With Kokomi Teruhashi! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul/Rook/Idia/Malleus/Lilia With Ninomae ina’nis! Reader
Reacting to a Wednesday Addams! Reader 1 2 3
Cater/Leona/Idia Reacting to Reader Calling them Prettier than Vil
Housewardens/Cater/Ortho With Technopath! Reader
First Years With Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
Deuce/Jamil/Rook/Idia With Violet Baudelaire! Reader
Housewardens With Baker/Chef! Reader
Housewardens With Obanai/Mitsuri! Reader
Housewardens With Santa’s Daughter! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil With Dessert Cafe Owner! Reader
Reader Teaches Housewardens About Chinese Zodiac Signs
Housewardens With Fluttershy! Reader
Vice Housewardens + Malleus With Fem! Loid Forger! Reader
First Years + Ortho Go To Reader’s World??
Housewardens With Fem! Douma! Reader
Diasomnia Reacts to Raya and the Last Dragon
Reader Surprises Malleus With a Feast for his Birthday
Savanaclaw With Razor! Reader (Genshin Impact)
Reader Gives Housewardens a Gift Before Leaving for Winter Break
Heartslabyul Takes Care of Reader’s Biollante
Housewardens With Denki Kaminari! Reader
Housewardens With Barbatos! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil React to Being Called ‘Fairest in the Land’
Leona/Jamil/Malleus With Fem! Doctor! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul With Ayato Kamisato! Reader
First Years React to Reader Throwing Hands With Some Unicorns
Housewardens With Fem! Daredevil! Reader
Housewardens With Vox Akuma! Reader
Pop Music Club/Jamil/Epel Learn the Hoedown Throwdown
Housewardens + Jamil With Shy! Reader
Leona, Kalim, Vil, Neige, Malleus With Pure Vanilla Cookie! Reader
Diasomnia With X-23! Reader
Scarabia + Diasomnia With Manjiro Sano! Reader
Housewardens + Jamil + Lilia With Zuko!Reader
Housewardens + Lilia With Shylily! Reader
Riddle, Leona, Azul With Raven! Reader
Trey, Tweels, Rook, Malleus With Makomo! Reader
Vil Schoenheit With Single Parent! Reader
Housewardens With Kim Yoosung! Reader
Diasomnia With Reader Who Thinks Humanity is Inherently Flawed
Housewardens With Undertaker! Reader
Cater/Ruggie/Floyd/Kalim/Vil/Malleus With Vietnam (Hetalia)! Reader
ADeuce/Scarabia With Liquid Manipulator! Reader
Riddle/Octavinelle/Malleus With Reader Who Likes True Crime
Octavinelle With Reader Who Has Ice Powers
Octavinelle With Sirenix Fairy! Reader
Housewardens/Jamil Receive Chocolates and A Special Gift From Reader
Trey/Ruggie/Jade/Jamil/Lilia With Beacrox Molan! Reader
ADeuce/Ruggie/Jamil Receive Homemade Sweets From Reader
Trey/Azul/Jamil/Rook/Rollo Receive A Fancy Cake From Reader
Savanaclaw/Malleus Receive a Homecooked Meal From Reader
Housewardens + Ortho With Shuri! Reader
Housewardens With FBI Agent! Reader
Housewardens With Makima! Reader
First Years With Troublemaker! Reader
Diasomnia Wakes Reader Up From a Sleeping Curse
Heartslabyul With Yun Jin! Reader
Housewardens With Saiki! Reader
Housewardens With Kozume Kenma! Reader
Housewardens Receive Therapy Pokémon from Reader
Housewardens With Nobara! Reader
Lilia Vanrouge x Reader - Here With Me
Housewardens With Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
Reader is Wrapped Up Like a Present for Overblot Crew
Vice Housewardens With Marcy Wu! Reader
Platonic! Tweels With Sibling! Wee Dingwall! Reader
Housewardens With Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Reader
Housewardens With Violet Parr! Reader
Sebek/Trey With Reader Who Has a Bendy the Ink Demon Familiar
Epel Felmier With Demigirl! Reader
Jack Howl With Little Red Riding Hood! Reader
Idia Shroud With Persephone! Reader
Leona Kingscholar With Hera! Reader
Sebek Zigvolt With Half-Fae! Half-Human! Reader
Jamil/Vil/Rook With Child of Aphrodite! Reader
Platonic! First Years With Reader
Sebek Zigvolt With Lithromantic! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Has A Spotted Genet
First Years Go For a Ride in Reader’s Vehicle
Trey Clover With Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
Octavinelle With Reader - Plenty of Fish in the Sea
Octavinelle With Mary Poppins! Reader
Diasomnia With Navier! Reader
Heartslabyul With Siren! Reader
Yandere! Trey Clover With Reader
Reader Proposes to Trey
Heartlsabyul With Reader Who Gets White Bunny Ears Because of A Chemistry Accident
Octavinelle With Reader Who Gets Turned Into A Shrimp
Octavinelle With Menace! Reader
Housewardens With Demon Slayer! Reader - Robotic Baby Project
Basketball Club With Reader Who Kisses Them on the Cheek After Winning a Game
Housewardens Watch Their Disney Films With Menace! Reader
Savanaclaw With Siren! Reader
Trey/Malleus With Victor Van Dort! Reader
Trey/Leona/Jack/Rook/Malleus/Sebek With Reader Who Cuddles Into His Chest
Yandere! Vampire! Azul Ashengrotto With Reader Who Is Okay With Being Kidnapped
Trey Clover With Zenitsu Agatsuma! Reader
Trey Clover With Simeon! Reader
Ace/Deuce/Vil/Malleus/Sebek/Rollo With Reader Who Hates Big Crowds But Dotes on Them
Trey/Leona/Jamil/Idia/Malleus Being Called ‘Handsome Prince’ or ‘Ruler of My Heart’ by Reader
Heartslabyul Reacts to Trey Being Engaged to Mermaid! Reader
Octavinelle With Siren! Reader
Scarabia With Siren! Reader
Housewardens With Frisk! Reader (unfinished)
Riddle/Lilia With Scaramouche! Reader
Riddle/Leona/Azul With Asta! Reader
Overblot Gang With Kamijou Touma! Reader
Diasomnia With Light Dragon Fae! Reader Who Is Married To Malleus
Housewardens/Jamil With Scarlet Witch! Reader
Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Vil/Silver With Reader Who Has a High Metabolism
Housewardens/Vice Housewardens With Rice Shower (Ume Musume)! Reader
Ace/Azul/Vil With Philanthropist! Reader
Riddle/Octavinelle/Kalim/Malleus With Lizzie Hearts! Reader
Jade Leech With Tighnari! Reader
Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Reader - For Your Own Good
Ace/Jack/Jamil/Sebek With Reader Who Keeps Their Photo In Their Wallet
Pomefiore x Siren! Reader
Jack/Kalim/Rook/Epel With Elizabeth Midford! Reader
Housewardens With Reader Who Makes Jewelry
Octavinelle/Jamil With Short! Female! Aquatic Hydra! Reader
Octavinelle With Yelan! Reader
Housewardens With Alastor! Reader
Malleus Draconia x Reader - Once Upon A Dream
Savanaclaw With Honey Badger! Reader
Platonic! Vice Housewardens React to Nezuko! Reader Snapping
Ace/Deuce/Jamil/Malleus/Rollo Receive Chocolates and Candy
Ace/Azul/Jamil/Silver/Sebek With Gunsmith! Reader
Ace/Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Epel Get Pulled Into Their Girlfriend’s Boobs in a Hug
Yandere! Vice Housewardens With Yui Komori! Reader
Riddle/Ruggie/Malleus With Reader Who Loves Shopping
Diasomnia With Yor Forger! Reader (and Anya)
Malleus Draconia Tries Ice Cream Cake, Fried Ice Cream, and Gelato
Riddle/Jamil/Malleus/Rollo Dancing With Tomboy! Reader Who Showed Up to the Masquerade Ball in a Gown
Cater/Floyd/Kalim/Jamil/Vil/Lilia With Reader Who Used To Be in a KPop Dance Cover Group
Housewardens With Kokushibo! Reader
Octavinelle Reacts to Reader Using a Pet Name In Their Native Language
Octavinelle With Leviathan Merman! Reader
Housewardens/Jamil With Reader Who Has a Pollen Allergy
Seeing Color Soulmate AU With Leona and Malleus
Riddle/Trey/Kalim/Jamil With Reader Who Misses Her Mom
Sebek Zigvolt x Reader - What A Time
Deuce/Leona/Jack/Jade/Silver Defends Reader Who Is Being Made Fun of For Her Past Lover’s Suicide
Octavinelle With Seafood Chef! Reader
Deuce/Octavinelle/Rook/Malleus With Reader Who Is From a Dystopian World
Housewardens/Tweels With Reader Who Creates Dumb But Functional Plans
Jack Howl With Little Red Riding Hood! Reader
Diasomnia With Child! Half Dragon Fae! Reader
Third Years With La Muerte! Reader
Ace/Leona/Azul/Sebek With Reader Who Can Manipulate Time
Trey/Ruggie/Jade/Jamil Receive Loads of Sweets for Valentine’s Day 
Housewardens With Fem! Reader Who Comes From a Conservative Period
Second Years Go To Reader’s World??
Third Years Go To Reader’s World??
Ace/Leona/Jamil/Sebek With Set (Egyptian God)! Reader
Azul/Kalim/Jamil/Malleus With Queen of Mages! Reader
Overblot Crew With Reader Who Has a Service Animal for Anxiety
Deuce/Leona/Jamil/Vil/Silver/Sebek With Reader Who Calls Themself ‘Their Knight’
Pomefiore With Fem! Stubborn! Angel! Reader
Malleus Draconia x Reader - I Love You, Malleus... But You’re Not Mine.
Housewardens With Nico di Angelo! Reader
Housewardens With Mario Odyssey! Reader
Silver Reunites With His Biological Mother (Reader)
Twisted Wonderland Fluffcember Event Masterlist
Housewardens/Rollo Getting Jealous About Not Receiving Gift from Reader
Rollo Flamme With Agnostic/Atheist! Reader Who Can Heal
Trey/Jade/Floyd/Malleus/Silver With Alice Kingsleigh! Reader
Yandere! Sebek Zigvolt With Reader
Diasomnia With Astrid Hofferson! Reader
Ace/Cater/Leona/Floyd/Kalim/Lilia With Reader Who Sneaks Them Snacks In Class
Sebek Zigvolt Warms Up By Cuddling With Reader
Trey Clover Licks Cream Off of Reader’s Cheek
Sebek Waking Up Next To Reader
Tumblr media
Dateables With Nezuko! Reader
Dateables With Tanjiro! Reader
Brothers With Daki! Reader
Brothers With Gyutaro! Reader
Brothers + Royals With Ghoul! Reader
Dateables With Douma! Reader
Brothers With Douma! Reader
Brothers With Zatanna! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who is Barbatos’s Child
Dateables With Evil Cycle! Reader
Brothers With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Dateables With Akiko Yosano! Reader
Brothers With Shinobu Kocho! Reader
Brothers With Yor Forger! Reader
Comfort Headcanons With the Brothers
Brothers With Rapunzel! Reader
Brothers With Stephen A. Starphase! Reader
Brothers With Tengen Uzui! Reader
Brothers With Undertaker! Reader
Brothers With FBI Agent! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Hasn’t Celebrated Christmas in Years
Reacting to a Vil Schoenheit! Reader 1 2
Reacting to Bayonetta! Reader 1 2
Brothers With Pokémon Trainer! Reader (Platonic) 1 2 3 4
Dateables With Honey Badger Demon! Reader
Brothers With SCP-166! Reader 1 2
Brothers 1-5 With Cambion! Reader
Brothers With Teen! Reader - Are they your uncles?
Brothers With Reader Who Makes Them A Gift
Brothers With Nephilim! Reader
Brothers + Diavolo With Scarlet Witch! Reader 
Lucifer/Mammon/Levi/Diavolo/Barbatos With Malleus Draconia! Reader
Brothers With Vampire! Reader
Brothers With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
Dateables With Ronald Knox! Reader
Brothers Comforting Teen! Reader Who Walked In On Their Parents Dancing the Devil’s Tango
Brothers With Jiang Yanli! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Messes Up Their Confession to Them
Brothers With Platonic! Qiqi! Reader
Brothers With Kanao Tsuyuri! Reader
Brothers With Dante (DMC)! Reader
Brothers With Violet (Incredibles)! Reader
Brothers With Paranoid! Reader
Reacting to Power Ranger! Reader
Brothers/Angels React to Reader Being Able to See Their Angel Forms and Being Immune to it
Dateables With Amy Kirito! Reader
Mammon/Satan/Beelzebub/Simeon Comfort Headcanons
Brothers With Fruits Basket! Reader
Brothers React to Reader’s Senior Quote Being “I should have burned this place down when I had the chance”
Brothers/Dateables Walk In On Reader Singing ‘You Will Be Okay’ to Their Sibling
Brothers With Tomboy! Baker! Reader
Brothers/Royals With Black Widow! Reader
Brothers With Izuru Kamukura! Reader
Brothers With Earth Manipulator! Reader
Brothers With Eddie Brock/Venom! Reader
Brothers Receive Valentine’s Day Bento From Reader
Brothers With Leona Kingscholar! Reader
Dateables With Hiroshi Inaba! Reader
Older Brothers With Reader Who is the Adoptive Parent of Daki and Gyutaro
Thirteen With Hopeless Romantic! Reader
Angels With Platonic! Umbrella! Reader
Brothers With Lucifer! Reader
Dateables With Abused! Demon! Reader
Who Would I Cast as the Brothers’ English VA’s?
Dateables With Reckless! Demon! Reader
Dateables With Belial! Reader
Yandere! Brothers With Yandere! Zhongli! Reader
Brothers With Historia/Christa! Reader
Dateables With Frankenstein! Reader
Brothers With Diablo! Reader
Who Would Be Hesitant to Love Reader That Was Raised by Solomon?
Brothers With Human! Charlie Morningstar! Reader
Brothers React to Reader Calling D.D.D. ‘Triple D’ Instead
Lucifer/Beelzebub With Reader Who Has a Bendy the Ink Demon Familiar
Brothers/Dateables Go To Tony Stark’s Funeral
Brothers/Dateables With Reader Who Was Favored by Diavolo’s Mother
Brothers/Dateables With Drunk! Reader
Brothers With Xiao! Reader
Brothers With Wei Wuxian! Reader
Older Brothers With Fujino Asagami! Reader
Brothers Get The Talking Buttons For Sheep! Reader
Brothers With Raiden Shogun/Ei! Reader
Brothers With Reader Who Has A High Pain Tolerance
Brothers With Gilgamesh! Reader
Older Brothers/Royals With Among Us! Reader
Dateables With Reader Who Is Secretly A Demon Butler
Brothers With Ron Swanson! Reader
Dateables With Hajime Hinata! Reader
Tumblr media
Gyomei, Giyu, Mitsuri With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Hashiras With Solomon! Reader
Demons With Reader Who Hates People
Hashiras With Kevin From Home Alone! Reader
Hashiras With Kalim Al-Asim! Reader
Yoriichi Tsugikuni With Solomon! Reader
Obanai Iguro Experiences a Christmas Miracle
Hashiras With Idia Shroud! Reader
Giyu Tomioka With Fem! Malleus Draconia
Kamado Squad With Fem! Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Daki/Nakime With Jan Valentine! Reader
Demons Capture Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Bayonetta! Reader
Main Three With Leona Kingscholar! Reader
Demons With Undertaker! Reader
Uppermoons With Floyd Leech! Reader
Hashira With Plutia/Iris Heart! Reader
Uppermoons With Plutia/Iris Heart! Reader
Uppermoons With Satan! Reader
Uppermoons With Carrie White! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Yoko Tanaka! Reader
Hashira With Hanahaki Disease! Reader
Hashira React to Dead! Reader’s Last Letter to Them
Hashira With Blood Pillar! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Lord of Chaos! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Bianca Barclay! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With William T. Spears! Reader
Hashiras With Enid Sinclair! Reader
Uppermoons Capture Solomon! Reader
Yoriichi Tsugikuni With Izuru Kamukura! Reader 1 2 3
Uppermoons Capture Idia Shroud! Reader
Hashiras With Izuru Kamukura! Reader
Muzan Kibutsuji With Severus Snape! Reader
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Lords, Butlers, Undertaker, and Snake With Shinobu Kocho! Reader
Ciel Phantomhive With Smart! Reader
Lords, Butlers, Reapers, and Madame Red With Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
Claude Faustus With A Young Adult! Contractee (Platonic)
Ciel Phantomhive With Reader - Winter Romance
Our! Ciel Phantomhive With Neurodivergent! Reader
Ciel/Sebastian/Claude With A Vampire! Baker! Reader
Ciel Phantomhive With A Seamstress! Reader
Lords and Butlers With Riddle Rosehearts! Reader
Lords, Butlers, and Undertaker With Spiderman! Reader
Lords and Butlers With Douma! Reader
Yandere! Vincent, Butlers, Lau, Undertaker, Madam Red With Male! Reader Who Has His Head in the Clouds
Edward Midford With a Plus Size! Author! Reader
Ciel, Sebastian With GN! Malleus Draconia! Reader
Demons With Oogie Boogie! Reader
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Host Club With Chiaki Nanami! Reader
Kyoya Ootori With Maki Harukawa! Sister! Reader
Host Club With Diluc Ragnvindr! Reader
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Michael Afton With Lady Tamayo! Reader
Michael Afton With Yor Forger! Reader
Michael Afton With Reader Who Surprises Him With A Christmas Present
Michael Afton With Pâtissier! Reader
Michael Afton With Dhampir! Reader
Michael Schmidt (Movie) With Male! Shinobu! Reader
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Bakugo/Kirishima/Kaminari With Hinata Hyuga! Reader
Shigaraki/Dabi/Toga With Kind! Reader
Dekusquad With Spiderman! Reader
Bakugo/Shinso/Todoroki With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
Kaminari/Sero/Todoroki With Female! Dinosaur Quirk! Reader
Todoroki/Shinso/Midoriya With Male! Malleus Draconia! Reader
Kaminari/Kirishima/Todoroki With Female! Jamil Viper! Reader
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Princess Taiping/Mi Yue With Sassy But Kind Reader
Yandere! Xie Weijing/Li Shizhen/Yuan Jing With Reader
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The Remarried Empress With Female! Riddle Rosehearts! Reader 1 2 3 4
The Remarried Empress With Female! Douma! Reader 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The Remarried Empress With Female! Solomon! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Idia Shroud! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kalim Al-Asim! Reader 1 2
Navier, Heinrey, and Kosair With Layla! Reader (Genshin Impact)
The Remarried Empress With Female! Undertaker! Reader 1 2
Duke Kaufman With Female! Alhaitham! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Madame Red! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Rook Hunt! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Vil Schoenheit! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Tengen Uzui! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Levi Ackerman! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Geten! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Werewolf! Reader Who is Married to Shigaraki and Dabi
The Remarried Empress With Male! Kyo Sohma! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Yuki Sohma! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Malleus Draconia! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Malleus Draconia! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Kyoya Ootori! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Tomura Shigaraki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Leona Kingscholar! Reader 1 2
The Remarried Empress With GN! Kusuo Saiki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Black Jaguar! Mage! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Zuko! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Sebastian Michaelis! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Claude Faustus! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Child! GN! Lilia Vanrouge! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Wolf! Mage! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Emperor! Tomura x Empress! Reader x General! Dabi
The Remarried Empress With Empress! Reader Who Has A Harem
The Remarried Empress With GN! Barbarian! Bakugo! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Werecat! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Aizawa! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kaguya Ubuyashiki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Jessica Rabbit! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Tanjiro Kamado! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Dabi! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Male! Shoto Todoroki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Ciel Phantomhive! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Kyojuro Rengoku! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Izuru Kamukura! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Nezuko Kamado! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Inosuke Hashibira! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Scaramouche! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Satan! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Daki! Reader
The Remarried Empress With GN! Hitoshi Shinso! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Sonia Nevermind! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Alois Trancy! Reader
The Remarried Empress With Female! Sanemi Shinazugawa! Reader
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Steve & Eddie With Telekinetic! Test Subject! Reader
Steve & Eddie With Male! Wednesday Addams! Reader
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Razor With Inosuke Hashibira! Reader
Hu Tao With Undertaker! Reader
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Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Takemichi With Yoriichi Tsugikuni! Reader
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Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Kalim Al-Asim! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Undertaker! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Fem! Zenitsu Agatsuma! Reader
Izuru Kamukura With Mitsuri Kanroji! Reader
2K notes · View notes
juliavilu1 · 22 days
Pregnancy Headcanons - Lucerys Velaryon x Reader
I would like to dedicate this to @madame-fear. This is my first time writing something, hope you all like it. 🩷
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When you informed Lucerys you were with child, he was speechless at first, but not surprised. After all, the prince already suspected it was the cause of your illness since he had been present during his mother’s pregnancies.
Luke couldn’t contain the smile on his face upon hearing the news, though. He secretly had been craving to build a family with you. So he promised he would never leave your side to make sure you and the baby were alright.
Said and done. Even if he had other duties as a prince, Lucerys would always make sure to have time with his wife. When you were feeling too tired, Luke would ask a maid to prepare a bath for you to relax. He would accompany you on your walks at the beach, his fingers interlocked with yours. And whenever you were craving for something, your husband would happily give it to you.
One day, Lucerys would find you looking at yourself in the mirror, wearing his house colors, while you stroked your swollen belly. The sight made a big smile appear on his face and suddenly the worries of the day vanished, only his wife and baby mattered.
Arrax would get very protective of you, after all he sensed the feelings his rider had towards you. So everytime the pearl-colored dragon saw you, he would come closer, red eyes scrutinizing your pregnant belly. Then, his snout would nudge at your stomach, which made you and Luke chuckle. Lucerys admired the scene before him, never getting tired of seeing his lovely wife interacting with his dragon.
At night, Lucerys whispered words in High Valyrian to the baby as you ran your fingers through his curls. When sleeping, his arms would embrace your form and hold the weight of your belly, which made you sigh in relief every time.
Of course, Luke would pick a dragon egg for his child. He and Jace always did that with their brothers, and now the moment has come for him to choose one for his baby.
When the guards informed Lucerys that his wife had begun her labors, he’d immediately stop what he was doing and rush to where you were. Maester Gerardys would tell him to wait outside of the chambers. But before Luke could protest, your scream calling for his name echoed through the hall and he rushed over to your side.
He’d hold your hand the whole time, do massages on your back to soothe you and try to relieve the pain, press wet clothes on your forehead… Anything that was at his reach he would do.
Your back was pressed to his as you pushed with all the strength you had left in your body. One last push and the room soon was filled with the baby’s piercing cry.
It was the most beautiful sound Lucerys had ever heard. The cry of his son, his little dragon… The maid assisting the birth cleaned the baby and passed the child to you, wrapped in blankets.
Your son was a copy of Lucerys. Green eyes, dark curls covering his head…. He was so small, but his hold so strong on your finger. Luke couldn’t help but chuckle.
That night, as his wife rested in a deep slumber, Lucerys held the small boy close to his chest and swore to love and protect him at all costs.
84 notes · View notes
His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Three
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: Before you read this chapter, I want to tell y'all I am perfectly aware of how messed up this is. But if the male writers of Game of Thrones can show graphic depictions of sexual assault and get away with it, why can't I show something messed up but empowering? They literally showed sexual assault as a good thing because the trauma can "empower" a woman. How about a girl finding strength in her body and pleasure? Now, let's traumatize these men back. >:}
Also, I find it a bit humorous that the reader is wearing something like this during this entire chapter. Also, I made a playlist of songs that I listened to while writing this story. 
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Chapter Warnings: minor x minor sexual situations, CNC, we do not follow SSC here, folks. (safe, sane, and consensual.)
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Aegon led you up a dark sandstone staircase worn from thousands of years of use, turning his head back periodically with a wide grin. You knew he was leading you to the Streets of Silk, where the high-end brothels were, not the type Ma ran. It was something interesting you found with Aegon, how he chose to forgo the upscaled silken sheets with finely dressed whores that most of the High Born frequented. But he, the first-born son of King Viserys Targaryen, First of Men, King of the Andals, and Protector of the Realms, choose to sink his royal cock into the cunts of lice-ridden women. You did not mind Aegon choosing something as malapropos as that, for if his tastes were better, you would have never met him.
"Come, little one, we are nearly there," he encouraged, squeezing your hand briefly and kissing it. The simple act made your cheeks hot, a hue of red blooming from your nose to your ears as your short legs struggled to stay in step.
You felt giddy with a man's affection, a feeling you had not experienced in many years. Ma had never let you grow close to a person near your age, always promptly snatching you away and telling your acquaintances to "get lost" or deal with the consequences. No child had ever dared to become friends after that. You had only Madam and the Ladies of the House until the unsightly curly, white-haired prince made his appearance.
Aegon led you down sharp turns and uneven ground, squeezing your fist every moment he felt you got too far behind. Despite the fast walking, his legs were shaking, his knees nearly buckling under him when his shoe got caught on a loose rock. You chuckled when you helped him up. His excitement was contagious. You could not help but feel the same, your cloaks billowing out behind you.
"Where are we going, my Prince?" You asked sweetly, biting your lip in anticipation. Aegon noticed you didn't use the title as an insult this time but as a... flirtation. Were you flirting with him, he wondered.
"Have patience, little one; we are only fifty paces away," he chortled, stopping for a moment and patting your hand in reassurance.
"I find it peculiar that you know the precise distance," you jested.
Jested? Jested! Aegon nearly died from happiness at the realization. Someone, who had no incentive to be kind to him, was treating him like a friend. Like he was not the royal cunt drunk fuck-up everyone claimed he was. You were so beautiful, kind, and innocent. And best of all, you were his. None of the other Targaryen knew of your existence, other than Daemon. Perhaps if his family had known about you, bastard or not, Aegon could have been betrothed to you and not that half-wit bug-obsessed sister he now called wife.
Aegon supposed things did happen for a purpose, though. If you had been raised as part of your actual family, you would most likely feel the same as all of them about him. You were too perfect, sent from the Gods, plucked from the very clouds he prayed to and placed into his wanting, needing lap. An angel finally leading him out of the purgatory he called life.
"We're here," he stated in finality, gesturing for you to look at the building.
It was much larger than Ma's. Whereas hers was built from solid oak wood and a straw-thatched roof, this was constructed from a smooth stone. Burnt steel braziers with yellow-orange flames lit the dark entrance, dancing off of Aegon's pale, veiny hand as he knocked. A woman with deep midnight hair cascading down her exposed tanned skin opened the door, hugging the frame as her golden dress did to her curves. You could see Aegon's purple eyes blown with lust as he drank her in, unabashedly wetting his lips.
She smiled, perfectly white teeth showing through her painted lips as she did the same to Aegon. More likely sizing up the potential profit in her head rather than his appearance. Then she looked at you, her smile dropping and full black eyebrows furrowing. You didn't know whether she was displeased at another woman being here, somehow seeing you as competition, or because you seemed so young. Being sized up as if you were any predator unnerved you. You were just a daughter of a whore, raised on moldy bread and stolen apples, not someone to be seen as a rival. You hid behind Aegon, intimidated by the beautiful woman's stare, and tightened your grip on his hand.
He chuckled, more at the fact you were so intimidated by an older woman's disapproving glance you sought him for protection as if he wasn't the very thing that brought you into this situation.
"Do not worry, sweet thing; Mila will not hurt you. The bitch's bark is worse than her bite." You were surprised by his brazen disrespect for the woman who might service him tonight, but she didn't seem fazed.
"This is not the first time you have brought another with you here, your grace, but never one so young, so..." Mila sucked her teeth in disapproval, raking her eyes over what she could see, "so inexperienced." Her insults upset you, and you moved from behind Aegon.
"Do not take age as a lack of experience, woman. I grew up with the sounds of women moaning and men begging to cum. It was my lullaby."
You brushed past her, deliberately bumping your shoulder into hers as you entered the brothel. You didn't need to look at her face to know you got a reaction from her—Aegon's snickering as he followed in after you were assurance enough. He knew that small demeanor could not last long, not in his hatchling.
Music filled the brothel, and the soft murmurs of people chatting amongst themselves melted into the songs, creating a gentle hum in the air. All you could see was gold. Gold walls, chairs, lounge seats, gold pitchers, and chalices of Arbor Red and green liquid as people flited along the main room. Shiny curtain dividers of the same palette divided private rooms as you entered further, the moans and pants becoming louder. Three more women came up, all dressed in varying shades of cream, tan, and gold, taking your cloaks and giving you and Aegon goblets.
It was nice. You could understand the appeal of a man such as Aegon devoting their time to a place like this. They treated you like royalty even when you were not. You were not used to being the one dotted on, usually watching from afar before Madam snatched you away and locked you in your room.
"My Prince," the lithe blonde one said, eyes a stormy grey as she bowed. "It is a pleasure to see you again. It has been so long." She took his hand, leading him to an empty bench as the second girl ushered you close behind. "And I see you have brought a guest with you." Her voice was tight as she addressed you, pursing her lips in an almost pity-like emotion.
Aegon released a breathy laugh, moving his fingers to lace with yours, smiling. "Yes, she is my companion for the evening. I expect her to receive the same treatments you would give me, as she is an extension of my crown tonight."
The girls shared a look, expressions, and wordless conversations thrown at each other before they decided to nod and smile.
"Of course. Whatever our Prince desires shall be given," the brunette nodded. "What shall we get you started tonight, your grace? Wine, mead?" She asked.
Aegon grinned to himself, flipping through all the options of alcohol he could choose for his hatchling, then let out a puff of air with his decision. "The Green Fairy, I would like to start with that, wench."
This time, you could understand the expressions on the ladies' faces. They looked shocked, worried, and scared, even for you, at his drink of choice. They both nodded, not protesting his request, as they got the drink. When they returned, they were holding a different set of glasses. They were crystal, intricate designs that blew into the stem as they set the supplies down. The pitcher was also transparent, and you could see a deep emerald liquid. It was unfamiliar to you, having grown up with mainly bottomless red and purple drinks.
"What is The Green Fairy," you questioned Aegon, leaning closer to him so the girls couldn't hear.
"That is the common name for it, little one. It is called Absinthe, and it is absolutely delightful," he assured you. You hummed, shifting your body centimeters away from him, still nervous.
You continued to watch as the whores sorted the supplies. It was entrancing, a ritualistic setup for something as simple as a drink, gathering ornate spoons with holes in them and pouring the green contents into the cup. It seemed like something a High-Born would drink, so you were not surprised that Aegon chose it. The blonde gathered another pitcher, this one not from the same set, and asked Aegon how he would like it.
"You know how I like it, Carmilla," he retorted, and she gave a slight nod, getting a small wooden stick and lighting the tip on it with a candle flame.
She brought the stick to the Absinthe, creating a burst of fire before it disappeared as Aegon put his palm over it. You stared in awe, your mouth agape as he brought the glass to his nose, removing his hand and inhaling the vapors with a moan before swinging it back. He slammed the empty cup on the wooden table, grinning like a madman at the burn in his throat. You could tell he loved the feeling, a blush creeping up his neck to his ears from the heat.
"And how would the lady like it?" Carmilla asked, gesturing to you.
"I-" you began to stutter, but Aegon came to your rescue.
"The classic way. We would not want to scare my sweetling off from the drink, now, would we? She is not as well versed in The Fairy as I am." He playfully nudged your shoulder, making you giggle. You were sure your skin matched Aegon's, heat covering your entire face and ears with embarrassment. After you just went and said something to Mila, he said something like that.
The brunette grabbed the fancy silver spoon, placing a sugar cube as she poured the Absinthe over it, the liquid running through the holes and into the glass. She repeated the same process as she did with Aegon, grabbing a wood stick but lighting the sugar cube instead of the drink. You watched it carmelize, burning the alcohol off for a few seconds as she slowly poured water over it, careful not to go too fast. It was so beautiful, so mesmerizing, watching the browned sugar slowly melt into the cup. Drip, drip, dripping down until it was dissolved.
Aegon paid no mind to the show before him, staring intently at your whole face. Watching your mouth, brows, and nose scrunch up as your eyes danced across the scene, taking in the unfamiliar experience.
Once all the sugar was gone, you looked at Aegon expectantly, waiting for him to tell you what to do. The realization that you were looking to him-- him to guide you, made his cock harden.
Oh, his little dragon. The things he could show you.
"Drink it, little one," he urged, eyeing you with a jerk of his head. You gave him a half-hearted grin, unsure about the drink. You've, of course, had alcohol before. Most of the time, water was unsafe to drink unless collected from wells or the skies. You had it for almost every meal. Still so young, you did not like the taste but knew the necessity of it. You brought it to your nose, taking a whiff and recoiling your head in disgust, grimacing.
Aegon studied your face, watching your thoughts show themselves. It smelled like madness, reckless abandonment traveling inside your nostrils and bursting into your head, yet it was cool, calming, like the steel of a blade unsheathing from its scabbard. It is... an extraordinary thing.
He repeated the same motion, wordlessly telling you to try it anyways. Well, if Aegon could drink it without so much as a reaction, you could, too... probably.
You took a deep breath, bracing yourself as you flung the glass into your mouth, gripping the stem as the alcohol burned your tongue and throat. At first, it wasn't bad, a savory flavor hitting your taste buds, like the herbs a tavern would smell of, but then, everything else came crashing, nearly making you spit out the liquid. Your body heated in embarrassment, tucking your chin to your chest as you tried to hide. Everyone at the table laughed, the two women who were less than enthused about your presence shrieking, gaining the attention of the other patrons in the main room.
Aegon refused to let you wallow in shame as he grabbed your wrist, yanking you up as he cheered. "She's done it," he yelled, looking at the several dozen pairs of eyes trained on you. "Well done, little one!"
The others couldn't help but gather in the celebration, walking closer to the group of you and congratulating you on whatever. Most were too drunk to care, just happy to be around the excitement. You could not help but laugh along, enjoying the attention, something you never got with Madam.
"Another," Aegon shouted as the women repeated the same ritual.
What felt like moments later, you found yourself lying between Aegon's legs on a private bed, your back to his chest, his fingers playing with your frizzy hair and tracing up and down your arm. The room was hazy, but you didn't care. You were too far down in the feeling of his touch. You sighed into him, your glass replaced by some Dornish wine instead of The Green Fairy. You could not feel the burn anymore, tipping back the red drink, some slipping past your lips and down your throat. Your motor skills were sluggish, but your senses were heightened, hearing, feeling every sound and touch, nerves of fire through your body.
Serval women lay next to you, sleepy from the festivities or drunk like you were. Aegon had the tolerance of ten men. You found out after ignorantly challenging him to a duel of cups, which of course, you lost, much to your chagrin.
You hummed softly as Aegon slid his fingertips up your bicep to the base of your throat, wrapping them like a necklace. It tickled that area of your body unfamiliar with touch as you leaned your head back on his shoulder. The whites of his eyes were nearly bloodshot, staring down at your face with blown pupils. You had not realized how attractive he was until now, the yellow light from the torches shining behind him like a halo. He looked ever the prince. You lifted your arm sluggishly, trying to reach for the crown of light but stroking your fingers through his short curly hair instead. It was an acceptable replacement, you decided, closing your eyes to feel the strands between your digits.
Aegon leaned his head closer, resting his forehead on your furthest cheek, his nose poking into the other. You were content with the connection, nearly falling asleep until you felt his hand slide up your neck, gripping your jaw to be level with his. Your lips parted, struggling to breathe through your nose at this angle. His eyes flickered at the movement, then back to yours as you blinked slowly.
You realized too late that he was kissing you, his wet mouth pressed against yours, his tongue feeling it. It felt so lovely, a pleasant tingle traveling to your stomach as you slid your hand further into his hair. Aegon could feel the hot air leaving your nose faster, tightening his grip on your jaw. You whimpered into his mouth, the slight pinching uncomfortable but not unwelcomed.
Everything felt... heavenly. Aegon's touch was a gift from the Gods, one you accepted with open arms as he trailed his free hand down the front of your dress, pressing into the small space the fabric dipped between your legs. A jolt of ecstasy went through your body, causing you to part from him as you hiccuped a moan. He repeated the motion, pressing what felt like a button harder, making your eyes roll back into your head.
You knew there were ways to pleasure a woman other than penetration but did not understand the anatomy of it; perhaps this was what they were talking about?
Aegon continued pressing, now rubbing in tight circles as your humid breath covered the vellus hairs on his face, moving your hips to seek more friction. You were raised in a brothel. You knew about sex, practically an expert by the time you were ten and one, but the logistics were lost. As a child, you had a curious mind like any other, sneaking peaks through keyholes at the working girls at Madam's before she would grab you by your ear and haul you to your room. It was natural how your body reacted to Aegon, and you did not mind it.
"Aegon," you breathed against his skin, your eyes half-lidded as he kissed your neck. He hummed, nipping at the skin as you squeaked.
"You sound heavenly," he whispered, rubbing himself against your back.
"It feels..." You trailed off, losing yourself in the pleasure.
"Tell me, little one, tell me how you feel." Your back arched as a loud moan filled the small room, causing some guests to stir.
"It feels so... so good," you cried, rutting your core onto his fingers. He chuckled into your shoulder, nipping your collarbone as his free hand laced with yours.
A woman opened her eyes, disturbed by your loud noises, but she didn't seem to care, rolling onto her other side and going to sleep. You bit your lip, embarrassed that something so intimate, which was supposed to be done in the privacy of only two people, was in the middle of an audience.
"Do not silence yourself, my little dragon. Let them hear you roar."
You were lost, lost in the sea of alcohol and ecstasy Aegon had rowed you out too. The brackish waters pulled you under, and you struggled to fight them, running out of the will to do so. A tear leaked from the corner of your eye, running down your temple and into your hairline. He kissed it away, licking his lips and groaning at the salty taste.
Gods, he wanted to come so badly. He wanted to sink into your virgin cunt, tearing your maidenhead as your blood coated him, spilling his seed inside you. But despite what his family said about him-- despite what everyone said about him, he could be a good man—a good man for you.
"A-Aegon, it is happening." You knew what was coming, but not the name for it, not what this little death was called. "It-it's happening."
"Shh, shh," he brushed the strands of your dark hair sticking to your sweaty forehead, squeezing your hand in reassurance. "Let it happen," Aegon soothed, "let it happen."
You shrieked, allowing the waves to drag you under, consuming every fiber of your being with pure, unfiltered pleasure. Your crushed his grip, your hips moving wildly and burying your face in his neck while you cried. Having your senses heightened and stoked simultaneously was too much to handle. Aegon held you the entire time, pulling you out from under the ocean as air finally filled your lungs.
Your body shook, soft mewls escaping as the aftershocks wore off. You hated it but loved it. You wanted it again. You finally understood Aegon, why he sought out pleasure the way he did, for if it always felt like this, you would too.
"How are you, sweet thing," he asked, moving his hand between your legs and your face, cupping your cheek.
You couldn't respond, only groaning as your eyes closed. Aegon laughed, pulling your body on top of him as he laid back down on the sheets, head resting on the pillow. You felt yourself falling asleep.
"Thank you," he spoke quietly. You had never heard a man thank a woman for giving her pleasure. You turned your head, questioning his gratitude. He gently placed your head back on his chest, and you did not protest, too exhausted from everything that had happened.
Aegon's cock was in pain from the denial of your touch, silently begging for you. It had been problematic throughout the entire day, never ceasing the constant pumping as you explored the city. He had no idea how he managed to control himself for so long. Self-restraint was not his strong suit, but you changed him. You made him different. Aegon wanted to defile you when he saw your sticky fingers steal a bracelet off a noblewoman's wrist. 
But you were precious, his little dragon, and you could not force a bond with a dragon no matter how much one willed it. It must be the dragon's choice. 
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Master List of Series
I hope y'all don't hate me for this chapter...
Thank you for reading!
Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @alexandra-001, @buckysmainhxe, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @minttea07, @silverslive, @unclecrunkle, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @honestlyka, @graykageyama, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid
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todoroki-tina · 2 months
Waiting For a New Arrival
Um yeah..so I wrote a semi fluffy Bi-Han x reader fanfic. This is my very first fanfic so I hope you like it.
Bi-Han x F! Reader
Tags and notes: Domestic fluff, MK1 AU, Childbirth, Family Fluff
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth I guess?
Word Count: 3.137
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
There was two things Bi-Han hated: waiting and not being informed on what was happening in his home, he hated the latter more as he was the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he was supposed to know what was going on.
Bi-Han paced back and forth in the main sitting room of his quarters waiting for news. Hands behind his back, his eyebrows were knitted together, his lips formed into scowl which were bigger than usual. Every few minutes He stopped pacing, looked up at the clock on the wall then resumed pacing near the bedroom door. Being one the biggest rooms in the Lin Kuei temple, His quarters were large and spacious. Fitting for their Grandmaster to retire after fulling their duties to the clan. The room was flooded with lanterns and candles illuminated the room after the sun set long ago.
On one of the sofa in the room sat Kuai Liang and Tomas. Silently they watched their older brother pacing near the door to his bedroom. They were also worried and anxious about any news but hid it better than Bi-Han; Kuai-Laing was the first to speak up.
“Brother, I know you’re worried, but we need to be patient what can’t do anything right now but wait.”
Bi-Han stopped pacing and looked at his brother with a bit of annoyance “Of course I know that it’s just frustrating I can’t even be in there with her due to tradition.” He growled.
Kuai-Liang was not offended by his brother’s outburst, he and Tomas were long use of their brother’s impatience, but they knew this time that impatience was out of concern.
The birth to his child was happening and couldn’t be in the room to see.
After rushing to return home after getting the news, he was told he could not enter his own bedroom where you were. He wanted to be by your side, but tradition forbids it. Normally Bi-Han was the first to support following tradition in the clan, but this moment made him think not all traditions needed to continue.
Just then they heard a loud moan of pain was heard from the closed doors that broke his concentration, you have been in labor for hours and every hour that passed was torture for you. Hearing your pain was enough to hear and Bi-Han quickly walked back to his quarters to be with you tradition be dammed.
Bi-Han burst through the doors; he saw a few servants near the bed they all turned to see where the loud noise came from. They all felt his cold aura filling the room none of them spoked, fearing the anger from their leader.
Until one of them a familiar face, stepped forward.
“Grandmaster you know it forbidden for you to be here during this time.” Madam Bo spoke firmly.
“I came to see my wife and soon my child.” With a slightly annoyed voice.
Madam Bo stood her ground and Bi-Han couldn’t help but admired her stubbornness.
“I know you’re worried about your wife and child but they’re in my good hands. I have helped deliver many babies even helped your mother deliver you and your brother.”
She stepped close to Bi-Han meeting the man eye to eye. “Plus, it doesn’t help your wife when you come in bursting in making all that noise and bringing in that freezing air.” She gave the Cryomancer a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
“Trust me I have it covered, you can see her before you leave.” She gestured towards the bed.
Bi-Han walked to the bed where you were sitting. Your hair soaked with sweat, face red. Breathing hard you reached out your hand, and he grabbed it instantly. You were so happy to see him at your side. You were overcome with emotion and just let it all out, how you were scared, afraid you might lose the baby, lose your life, or both. He reassured you would be okay as much as you wanted him to stay, he had to leave. Before leaving their bedroom, He gave your hand a squeeze one more time before exiting.
He returned to the sitting room and resumed his routine of pacing.  While pacing he thought back to the day you told him you, he had an heir.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Bi-Han had just finished training for the day when you found him and told him the news. He stood in silence for a few seconds not reacting; he then pulled you in a tight embrace and kissed your forehead. Inside he was excited you were pregnant with his child; he was going to have an heir. Someone to follow his footsteps and one day received the title Grandmaster like he had with his father, keeping the Lin Kuei bloodline growing strong for another generation.
The first months passed you noticed how Bi-Han changed. He was more attentive to you, bringing your food and tea in bed, being with you during your visits to clan’s medic, and on presenting small gifts. You never saw this side of him before and thought it was sweet and but towards the end of your pregnancy, you started to feel smothered. He began assigning guards to you, limiting your visits outside the temple and finally not letting you do your previous duties around the clan. He explained that the changes was just for safety so you reluctantly agreed but kept your frustrations to yourself.
The breaking point was an incident near one of the Lin Kuei borders; a report of unknown intruders put the temple on high alert, and you were rushed off to your quarters and locked inside in for hours. That was a bit much for your liking and after the incident was over with the help of Kuai Liang and Tomas, you asked Bi-Han to give you more space. You knew he was worried, but you reminded him you can take care of yourself. Bi-Han admit he acted too controlling and pull back on the changes.
Before your due date Bi-Han was summoned for an outside mission for the Fire God Lord Lui Kang.  A few months ago, He would’ve gladly take the mission anytime to show off his skills in Kombat but with you due soon Bi-Han wanted to be on temple grounds for the day, but as Grandmaster had to follow his duty to Lord Liu Kang and protect Earthrealm from any potential threats. On the evening of his departure, you said your goodbyes to Kuai Liang and Tomas and lastly your husband. You hugged him while He gave you a kiss on the forehead and laid a cool hand on your stomach.
 “Please be careful and come back safely so you can meet our child.” You whispered.  
 “I promise I’ll be here when the time comes.” He gave you one more kiss this time he lingered a bit more then left the grounds of the Lin Kuei temple; you watch him disappeared as the giant temple doors closed behind him.
A week passed as you patiently waited for Bi-Han to return. To keep your mind, occupy you went about your days completing your duties around the clan. Which was harder than usual due to being heavily pregnant, but you didn’t want to be a burden.
On the day of the birth, it started off the same you completed your duties for the evening, you and a servant were walking to the dining hall for dinner. You mostly ate in your quarters, but it felt lonely without Bi-Han and wanted company while walking in the hallways suddenly you felt a sharp pain You keel over holding your lower stomach, when you felt something wet down your legs and realized your water broke.
It was time.
Quickly the servant helped you back into your bedroom then left to alert the midwife.
You sat on the edge of the bed keeping your breathing steady. You were in so much pain it was hard to concentrate. You really wish Bi-Han were here with you. A few minutes later the servant returned with the midwife you looked up in surprise to see Madam Bo with another midwife, and a few servants. She looked at you with concern and brushed your already sweat soaked hair from your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I know you’re scared but I promise you it will be okay.”
You smiled at her reassurance and felt a bit at ease until another contraction hit you this one more intense you grab the bedsheets tightly, squeezing your eyes shut you letting out a groan. You were told that contractions were painful but did not know how intense they were when the time came.
“Where’s Bi-Han?” you asked trembling after the contraction ended.
“He’s coming soon, they sent a messenger to alert the Grandmaster. But it will be a while before he arrives” Bo explained.
You were happy someone alerted him but still hated the fact it will take time but hoped he’ll arrive before the birth. The room became chaotic as more servants came in bringing towels, lanterns, and water. They then began to undress you and place you in a simple gown and lay on the bed doing their best to keep you comfortable. As evening slowly crept into night, the servants began lighting lanterns in the room. Hour after hour passed and you were in the worst pain you felt in your life, still no sign of Bi-Han returning.  As the contractions shortened Bo told you the time for pushing came close. You were relieved but still wanted Bi-Han with you.
You silently prayed he would return on time.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
Bi-Han was running a fast as he ever ran in his life, he could feel his heart pounding in his chest, His breath shallow coming out in a cool mist from his mask. His legs burning but he didn’t care, he had to return home as possible. Glancing over his shoulder he saw Kuai Laing and Tomas not far behind him. Not too long ago they completed their mission for Lui Kang earlier than expected. They caught their enemies by surprise close to the Lin Kuei border, saving them days of tracking. After providing Lui Kang with an update the God of Fire was satisfied and sent them back home, Bi-Han accepted and was glad to be returning home. The entire trek back he thought of nothing of you and the baby. With the mission ending early they can reach the Lin Kuei Temple by morning.
Treading back Bi-Han decided to stop and rest for a bit. After setting up camp Kuai Liang started a small fire. Once the fire was going his solders relaxed drinking water and taking warmth from the fire. Bi-Han away from everyone relaxed against a tree while observing the forest he notices a small shadow moving quickly and headed straight for them.
Bi-Han quickly stood up taking a defensive stance against the unknown intruder, there was no one else in the forest except Lin Kuei as the shadow approached, his guard was immediately dropped when he realizes it was a fellow Lin Kuei foot soldier.
The foot soldier approached Bi-Han and bowed quickly to his leader.
“What are doing here outside the temple without permission.” he said in a disapproving grunt.
“Apologies, Grandmaster but I came to give you an urgent message. Your wife is in labor you need to return to the temple right away.”
Bi-Han ’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, the time finally arrived.
“Kuai Liang, Tomas!!” he called.
His two brothers were relaxing by the fire when he called, they instantly came to his side.
“What’s going on?” Tomas asked first.
“We must return to the temple immediately Y/N is in labor.”
Both brothers “Understand brother but what about the others?” he said gesturing to the foot soldiers.
“Let them still rest and Have Cyrax take charge while we’re gone, he can manage it.”
“Will do brother.” Kuai Liang noodled he ran to tell Cyrax.
After Cyrax was notified, the three brothers quickly followed the messenger back home. Bi-Han in the lead outrunning the messenger. The only thing on his mind was you and the baby he prayed to the Elder Gods that you will be ok.
Finally Bi-Han saw the tall roofs of the Lin Kuei temple and the lights from the watch tower. They watchers in the tower alerted the ground that Bi-Han and the others were approached and open the gate. Bi-Han quickly entered through the giant gate doors and raced to the main quarters, as he entered his main chambers. but was stop by Madam Bo, hear Bi-Han entered and she informed Bi-Han that you were alright, and was about the start the delivery but he needed to wait out in the sitting room as he wasn’t allowed in the room.
“This is ridiculous as Grandmaster I demand to be in there!”
“Grandmaster or not I can’t let you come in during this difficult and stressful time. You will be able to see them in a soon just be patient.”
Before the Cryomancer could counter back, another midwife poked her head in the door alerting Madam Bo to return. The elderly lady hurried back in the room before he had a chance to speak again.
Bi-Han stood by the lock doors his anger brewing, he ran all the way back home then wasn’t allowed to his wife due to tradition. He could easily break down the doors but remember what Madam Bo said about stress, so he sat with his frustrations until they passed in the main sitting room. Tomas and Kuai Liang entered a few minutes later, after Bi-Han explain they both stayed with their older brother. Keeping him company while He grungily listened and waited patiently at the bedroom door.
・———— ・ ✦୨୧✦ ・———— ・
As Bi-Han was replaying the last hour in his mind your scream broke through his concentration one last time the room was dead silent all three men held their breath until they heard it: a small cry coming from the room. Kuai Liang and Tomas rose up from their seats and hurry to Bi-Han. They heard more noise from the room where Madman Bo exit out quickly, she walked up to Bi-Han then bow her head.
“Congratulations Grandmaster you have a healthy girl.”
“A girl.” Bi-Han thought. He has a daughter.
He was a father.
A look of relief was washed across his face.
“Thank you for your help,” he said with genuine gratitude in his voice.
“My pleasure Grandmaster you can go see them now.”
Bi-Han at last was able to enter his bedroom. As he entered the room, he saw one of the midwives holding his crying daughter over a tub of warm water cleaning her off. She was red from crying but appeared healthy, he then came over to you on the bed. You were still panting but now you also had a look of relief, and happiness across your face. Bi-Han leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Well done wife, she’s perfect and will become a fine warrior.” Bi-Han said proudly.
You laughed. “Thank you, I’m so glad you made it.”
“I told you I would be back in time.”
Bi-Han watched the midwife carefully clean and swaddle your daughter never taking his eyes off her, remaining at your side he started to Brush the hair from your face.
 Once finished the midwife brought the now quiet infant and gently place her in Bi-Han strong arms. He was surprised at how light she weighed. His hard eyes soften upon looking at her. Up close he observes she took after him. She had a full head of his dark hair and had his light brown eyes. Bi-Han couldn’t help himself and found the faintest smile gracing his normally stoic features.
You watched your husband holding your newborn daughter and you thought how gentle he was. His hands trained for combat and killing were now holding something soft and delicate.  You would hold onto the image forever. Bi-Han then left the room with her to show Kuai Ling and Tomas their new family member. While the servants began cleaning you up.
Both brothers still waiting by the doors when Bi-Han stepped out carrying the child. They stepped forward to look at their new niece. Tomas carefully touched her face while Kuai Laing placed a hand on his shoulder and gave his older brother a warm smile of approval.
“Congratulations brother, she’s beautiful. Father and Mother would be proud.”
After a quick wash change of clothes and sheets you were placed back in the bed which you happily obliged you finally had your daughter and husband together and was all you needed now. As she was packing up to leave Madman Bo informed you she would stop by in the morning to check on you. Giving you a final bow and left along with the staff while leaving Bi-Han returned with Kuai and Tomas not far behind. He sat on the edge of the bed giving you the baby to hold while your brothers-in-law gave you their congratulations and accepted them with a smile. After a few minutes of admiring and holding their niece Kuai and Tomas said their final congratulations and goodbyes for the night leaving the two of you alone.
As you laid back on the pillows, admired your child you felt the body growing tired, eyelids getting heavy, the need to sleep was creeping up in your body. The adrenaline was finally wearing off. You reached out and grabbed Bi-Han’s muscular bicep.
“I think it’s time for me to rest now.” You said gently.
He took your hand off his bicep and gave it a slight squeeze.
 “Understood, take your rest now.” Bi-Han then took your daughter. “You can enjoy her in the morning with full strength.”
“Thank you.” You whispered and lay back and closed your eyes after a few minutes your body fell asleep after a grueling day. Bi-Han still on the edge of the bed watching your chest slowly rise and fall. He did not know why he watched but just wanted to make sure you were fine. He realizes too it was time to rest; he walked over to the bassinet and gingerly place his sleeping daughter in he then quietly walked over to the large chair by the window. Letting his body sink in the soft leather. He let out a large sigh releasing all the tension from the day and evening and feeling the muscles in his body unwind. He looked out the window and saw the first sign of dawn approaching, a small sliver of light was coming up in the east.  Today was truly a new day for him he thought and soon became the last person in the room to close their eyes and rest.
Thank you for reading. reviews, edits, and suggestions are appreciated.
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bouqetofmemes · 1 year
oh no
spoilers here death, blood, and tell me if I need to add something
"Is this really the time for a game of chess?" Ciel asked
"Obsessing about won't help you solve the case." Madam red answered sternly
"Why not just leave it all to Sebastian, dear?"
"Cause he's simply our chess piece."
"Me and Y/n are the one who moves him by giving orders, but he's no ordinary piece."
"He can move as many squares as he needs to."
"Like that." Ciel said, knocking down the chess piece
"That is against the rules you know?!" madam red asked, putting the piece back
"It would be if this was a game."
"But rules such as that have no true meaning in the real world." Y/n said, getting up from her shared seat next to Ciel to go look at the rain
"There are always knights who break the rules and pawns who betray."
"If you let your guard down,... it's checkmate." Ciel said putting down his piece
"You must've had other options in life besides policing England's underworld."
"I'm sure my sister, your mother, wanted something else for you both."
"And yet after their deaths you returned to be the queens guard dog and made your sister, her butterfly."
"Is it because your trying to avenge your parents murders?"
"The need for revenge is a funny thing, it won't bring back the dead, nor will it bring them happiness."
'I feel like something bad is going to happen, but why?' Y/n thought rubbing her ring and kissing it
"I'm going to my chambers, I'll be relaxing for a little while, call me if you need me." Y/n said, walking out the door
You were drifting off to sleep, when you heard Ciel and Sebastian talking, you just stayed quiet and listened in on what they were saying
You were then woken up by Ciel and got dressed to go investigate
                   On the back of your dress was a bow, it was attached to your skirt and you wore it because why not 😋
Goofy ahh dress
"He'll show if we stake out this place, right?" Ciel checked
"You know, I've realized the murdered prostitutes has other things in common besides their profession."
"The most beautiful glossy black hair."
'I swear if he's looking at a cat right now I'm going to lose it.' Y/n thought
"But I still don't understand why he had to kill them all."
"So very lovable it could be a sin."
"And what's more I-."
"So soft."
"Ah so soft."
Ciel lost his shit
"Listen when I'm talking to you!"
'And he's petting a cat.' Y/n thought moving to were Ciel was before to stay on the look out
"How could have somebody gotten past us?!"
"Let's go."
You all ran up to the house and Ciel forced open the door but you regret looking inside
On the floor was the dead prostitute, the sight was not meant for young children like you both, but you still dealt with it
"Come away." Sebastian grabbed Ciel and jumped back, you jumped back too, but you walked in front to guard Ciel, holding a dagger
"You've made quiet a bloody mess of things in there, Jack the Ripper, or rather, Grell Sutcliffe."
"No, no, your wrong, I heard the scream and rushed to help but-"
"You can drop the innocent act, Grell."
'How, why?! He seemed completely innocent, just a regular old and shy butler!' You thought
'No, forget about that, protect Ciel, I can't let him get hurt!'
Grell's appearance was changing, she was flirting with Sebastian while you were thinking of a way to make her get away
'This is a Grimm reaper for crying out loud! I cant kill her, I'm just a human! I'll guard Ciel for now.'
Then madam red walked out, you were shaking at this point, you felt like throwing up and crying
Everything felt wrong
Ciel then starting talking about what they all had in common, how he suspected her
"My darling niece, why do you cry? A beautiful face like yours shouldn't be covered by tears, or anything at all, I knew I had to protect you from the day I saw you, you were so pretty and fragile, gentle and glowing like a diamond, yet here you are now, fierce like a tiger, holding a weapon, ready to attack your own blood and flesh. My, how you wound me..." madam red said, hugging herself
"How unfortunate this turned out to be, if you both had let it go we could play chess again..."
A chainsaw was about to strike both you and Ciel but Sebastian had caught it just in time
While Sebastian and Grell were talking, you cut the bow and your skirt came down, revealing what you had underneath, shorts and a garter belt, holding bullets, and a gun.
"Sebastian, kill them." Ciel said sternly
Y/n had put her dagger away , holding onto Ciels arm while he was holding her waist, both trying to protect each other
"You’re still the queens guard dog and butterfly, which means that I'm now your prey, but if it's hunt or be hunted,... there is only one thing I can do!" Madam red charged toward you both, scratching your arm deeply and also getting Ciels
Ciel was pressed against a wall while you were behind madam red, holding onto your arm
"Your a doctor, how could you do it."
"You wouldn't understand if I told you! Your just a child!" Madam red yelled choking Ciel
'Damn it, i stepped the wrong way and now my ankle is messed up, I can't walk properly, please, give me one last chance...'
'Or maybe this could be the last? No! Do it! Do it to protect him! You can't lose him!'
"You shouldn't have been born in the first place!"
Y/n rushed towards Ciel and held him protectively, ready to take the blow
"Stop Sebastian, don't kill her!"
"Hurry up and kill the brat already!" Grell yelled
"I can't..."
"I can't kill them..."
"I can't kill their beloved children..."
Grell was telling madam red to kill you both, rushing her
"But these dear children- they are my-"
Grell ran his chainsaw through madam red
Y/n was having trouble breathing, tears ran down her face, she could barely take a breath, she then looked down, taking out her hair stick, hair coming undone and down
She then looked back up and stared at Grell with hatred, taking out her dagger once again.
"If, you loved her so,"
Y/n started shooting at Grell, missing sometimes but mostly aiming for her legs, still in shock about the events
Then she lost consciousness...
Sebastian knocked y’all out 😍
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katsukikitten · 1 year
Warnings: Body horror, Violence, child abuse. This is a work of fiction intended to be consumed by those who are 18 or older. If you are not 18 or older dni.
Mafia Heir Bakugou Katsuki, Guard Izuku Midoriya x reader.
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The sound of a metal bay door clangs to life, shoved open by two strong hands as the gears echo their groans to the warehouse.
His lip twitches, brows furrowed as he sneers at the contents of the space dimly lit from the flickering lamps on the dock outside.
Two large shipments sit side by side, covered in black tarp sitting atop wooden pallets so fresh that the smell of pine competes heavily with the stagnant bay.
"How did those idiots forget both?!" He hisses under his breath, white paper cigarette bouncing between his lips as he pats himself down for his phone to call the more volatile buyer but before he can hit the contact the harsh fluorescent lights buzz to life overhead.
"Who the fuck-" He draws his gun but his threat dies quickly on his tongue. Mouth agape as his lit cigarette falls into a puddle formed from the neglected roof.
"Those 'idiots' didn't forget either shipment." Your voice rings out and when the goon spies you he sees you sitting atop what was supposed to be your shipment. You're looking over your claws, paying him no mind as if you were bored and seemingly alone. Although the man would have to be a fool to think that you alone wasn't the worst option he had.
"I have some questions. About my shipment." You hop down from the pallet stacked with pristine products taller than yourself. Pulling down the tarp and the one next to it that was supposed to be delivered tonight, to him.
"Can you spot the difference, Tadashi?" You give the man your back, stepping backwards and your heels clack. Echoing around the silent warehouse, "See how mine is a little bit shorter?"
Your dark eyes flash to him, close enough he can smell your expensive perfume and tonight you're dressed to the nines.
Tonight was supposed to be the meeting of clan heads by the surrounding syndicates. Your shipment was to be delivered by morning and the other was rushed to tonight.
"I don't see that. No ma'am." He can't even see any difference from where you sat on top of the heavily Saran wrapped white bricks. You were by no means a small woman either, strong in stature and you were not called Madame Morte for nothing. Your laugh catches him off guard, it's pretty, the sound contagious and the only reason he doesn't laugh along with you is because he knows exactly who you are.
But that didn't stop him from his little fuck up did it?
He swallows thickly and you smile up at him.
"Hmm that's funny then isn't it? A half inch difference is clear as day. So something must be wrong right? Especially since you take good care to make every brick the exact same weight, size and dimension." You walk over to the two shipments and take one brick off of each, holding them up where he can see the miniscule difference that he tried to pad up with extra wrapping. What's concerning is that the obvious ones shouldn't have been on the outside, he was careful with everyone else, more careful with you. Sure to wait until comfort had sat in and that the head wouldn't bother with the shipments and goons never look past the outside layers, normally that was after five shipments and this was your sixth.
"Ya know I found this one in the middle, about three layers were like this," You cut the brick open with your sharp claws the white substance flutters down onto Tadashi's shoes, "But there weren't bricks like this in the Red Dragon's shipment. Not. One. Single. Brick."
You walk back to return the brick from the opposing stack, ass swaying in that body con black dress and Tadashi tries to look everywhere but. He's seen you gouge out the eyes of anyone who lingered over your body for too long, he was sure it's why you kept those nails so sharp.
"You're a chemist right? Specializing in Bliss, especially correct?" Swiping your middle finger over the substance rubbing it between your digit and thumb, "So you know the chemical structure of bliss right?"
"Yes ma'am."
"I have a chemist as well, she isn't as smart as you, at least not according to everyone else, but do you know what she found in over half of this brick? A different structure. Baking powder." You're still smiling, still cherry sweet with the hint of deadly poison in your eyes before it turns into pure acidic venom, "So which is it? Are you an idiot or are you fuckin lyin to me?"
"N-neither ma'am." You roll your eyes and your done up lashes flutter wildly from the action.
"Liar then." You snap your fingers and a large man with emerald green curls shoves a woman and her two children into the light. Tadashi's eyes widen with horror as he looks over the crying half family.
His family.
"I'm sure since you have no issue lying in front of me, you'll have no issue lying in front of your family." You hum, cradling the woman's jaw in your hand, tapping the tip of a sharp claw to her cheek. The kids cling to their mother with tears in their eyes, their quirks flaring in their time of stress.
"Guess you weren't the smartest chemist underground after all. Pay attention kids, this is what happens to liars." Patience thin, you pull out your gun from under the thigh high slit in your dress aiming the cool metal at the goon who thought he could undercut and insult you in the same breath. The guy was getting off lucky in your guard's opinion given the fact you were electing not to use your quirk.
"W-wait! Wait wait! I can prove my loyalty." He grovels, hands shaking as he holds his palms up to you. It makes you scoff and cock your gun.
"You already did with how you handled my treatment."
"Bu-but I have this- this new product." He fumbles in his pockets, a red dot appears on his chest causing him to freeze.
"'Ts fine Zuzu." You wave him off but all your guard does is move his finger from the trigger, when you glare his way he lowers his gun.
Tadashi produces a small red capsule bullet, needle at the end when he takes off the top and it makes you furrow your brow.
"And what's this?" Curiosity melting your angry features.
"Something In development for mass production. For Overhaul. His shipment is in the back." It's obvious confidence is starting to come back to his sinful face as he nods his head to a crate behind you.
"Oh Kai? Hmm. What does it do then?" By now your gun is returned to its holster and hidden away.
"Quirk deletion." Tadashi gives a nasty smile, like he's truly proud of his work, "Ya know like Allmight's guard Eraser head 'fore he died."
"Ah well let's see it then." You smooth down the fabric of your dress a final time before looking up at him when he makes no action to move.
"Wh-what?" He stammers and it grates your nerves.
"You wanna live? You want your family to live? Silence your quirk." He shrinks under the disgust evident in your sharp gaze and shapter tongue.
"I-I can't do that." His eyes dart around looking for any sign of an out but when you play these silly little games, you always go for the kill.
"That too hard? Well pick your least favorite, silence one of their quirks instead." You gesture between the two boys that whimper at the wave of your nails.
"B-b-but." You mock rolling your eyes, "But it's insurance isn't it? Proof of your loyalty to me? Especially since you've already been lying. You know how I feel about liars, or at least bad ones."
He swallows, stepping closer to his family and it's obvious now he isn't going to choose himself. Looking between the two boys as their quirks flare, like he's deciding which one is worth more to him.
All while silently telling you he doesn't have an antidote.
"Make up your mind I'm already running late for an event." Quickly he grabs at the hair of his eldest son, pulling the seven year old up by his roots and pushing the needle into his throat. His yelp echos around the warehouse but the most malicious thing of it all is that even with his back to you, you can see Tadashi's smile pushing up his cheeks.
"There." He turns around, sniffling, fat tears brimming his eyes, who he's trying to fool you stents sure, you just know it sure as hell isn't you, "I'll have an antidote for you by next week."
He wipes at his face, coming closer to you, well within arm's reach. Red dot on his forehead but you've spared Tadashi once, he figures you'd spare him again.
Because what woman would let a seven year old go without their quirk not that it mattered to him either way. Good riddance if you asked him, his eldest couldn't control his quirk for shit and it was annoying anyway.
"So I've-" But his sentence is lodged in his throat, unable to get past your steely grip, your lip snarled up in disgust. Your eyes bored, dull and he's coming to realize why they call you Madame Morte from his own first hand experience.
There are legends around your quirk, rumors, that yours is similar to the Ashen King's, although yours was more painful.
Rot, slow and hungry. Greedy in the languid licks as it spread through his body starting from under your pretty hand wrapped around his thick throat. Claws digging into flesh that darkens with blight before pieces of it begin to fall away from his muscles and bones in thick chunks, scream scratching up his throat.
"M-mercyyyyyy." His voice comes out garbled before ending in incoherence as his tongue melts in his mouth, sliding down his throat and taking with it his scream. You lean forward, watching the life flicker in his eyes as he rots slowly, too slowly and only once it's been a moment or so that the flesh is separated from the body does it turn to dust at your designer clad feet.
"God has mercy. I don't." Holding his head as his neck separates from his torso before dropping him all together.
Your eyes flicker to the broken family, the children hiding in their mother's thread bare turtleneck. Tears tracking through her cheap foundation and further exposing the poorly hidden bruises on her throat. It was obvious they were malnourished and it makes you gather saliva into your mouth.
Producing a hissing spit before it lands onto a stray eyeball that turns to dust seconds later.
Izuku is already across the room, rifle slung over his broad shoulders, face stoic as he grabs onto your wrist gently. Taking out a towel to wipe off your manicured hand.
"Kaminari." You look into the shadows before he appears, golden eyes glowing like a cat.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Take care of this."
"Yes ma'am." Kaminari nods, helping the woman up to her feet as Izuku carefully slides elbow length lace gloves onto your arms, that thicken around your palms and fingers, concealing the skin. "Usual collateral payment?"
"250k this time." You spit in the direction of Tadashi or at least what's left of him, again. Just ash fluttering in the bay breeze. Denki nods, skull half mask hiding his smile as he ushers the family out.
"And get them a new apartment, would you? Their old one was a dump." You hiss before going on a small tangent as Izuku fixes your hair, "Can't believe I set foot in there, piece of shit stealing from me and couldn't even fucking provide. Another thing Denks, I need the name of the landlord of that apartment complex. I want it in my name by tomorrow. Tenants relocated."
"Whatever you wish ma'am, it is done." Denki calls back before he takes the family to the van he brought them in, now given orders to relocate.
"You should really stop using your gift when you're in designer dresses, ma'am." Izuku fusses, his emerald eyes flickering to your body as he scrutinized the fabric for any lingering he may has missed.
"Why do you think I always wear black Zuzu?" You give him that damn look, the one that makes his heart clench, the one he can't say no to. He's sure there isn't a person alive who could say no to you.
"Because you like to make every day a funeral." Izuku smooths over your dress, double checking the zipper. He's pulled his half mask down to settle around his throat the second he needed to attend to you. His eyes lingering over your jewelry to make sure it was still in tact until your claw settles under his chin. Tilting his gaze to even with yours even with him leaning closely to you.
"I'm fine. Really." You lean up on red bottomed heels to gently press your lips to his before you're settled back on your feet.
He gives you that pained look he always wears with the two of you get "unprofessional." Still it doesn't stop him from leaning over to kiss your cheek, lips grazing the corner of your mouth before he pulls away and draws the line in the sand by adjusting his half animal skull mask back over his face.
You always think the line is for you but really, it's for him. You live in blissful ignorance on what you do to him and what you allow him to do to you.
It's like you forget the lengths he's gone and still willing to go to protect you at all costs. Even if that means killing his idol. If you asked him he'd tell you he'd do it all over again.
"Aw Zuzu bear don't pout." You tease and his eyes crease in that fake smile he uses to make pretty girls swoon as he presses his broad hand to your back.
"I'll call the car Madame."
"No, no. I'll walk." He gives you a glare but doesn't fight it, talking over the coms to the two waiting outside.
Meanwhile Ochako stands outside in her suit, half mask tiger skull still secure around her pretty face, making her doe like brown eyes that much more deceiving. She flips her knife over and over in her hand. Playing with her quirk that she activates to send it higher before letting it fall back to her hand.
"She should be here by now." Ochako doesn't like waiting, makes her anxious and Sero sighs, more than used to his partner's mannerisms. Mask around his throat as he's hunched over to protect his cigarette he's trying to light from the wind.
"You know madam gets caught up sometimes. It's never anything to worry about." Sero says as he straightens himself out, watching pier bay 42 with the door open just half a block down. He watched the man go in, watched the lights come on but no red confetti yet.
He blows out smoke before his com crackles to life in his ear, Ochako's fingers twitch as the both wait for the command.
"She insists she comes to you." Izuku's voice rings in their ears.
"It's clear and we are on standby." Ochako answers as Sero tries to finish his cigarette while he can, otherwise he'd get fussed at by his pretty boss who chided him on how it would rot his lungs.
And how she would know best.
Once he sees you he flicks the butt, smothering the ember into the gravel under his designer shoe as you walk closer, your lap dog at your heels.
Izuku isn't the same kid that Sero and Ochako grew up on the streets with, no longer the shy, cautious boy he once was. Especially not after the three of them were forced to hop around for mercenary work before the clans popped up to take over the cities. Like a shadow government that the real one feared more than the masses.
The three of them were good at their jobs, Izuku the planner, Ochako the executioner and Sero the getaway driver. But being good, too good even, made them cocky. It wasn't until they went up against a syndicate they had no business trying to steal from did they learn their lesson.
Your father was ready to kill all three of them. They were just lucky enough you had forced your way into sitting in on this very important meeting moments earlier.
Bags torn from their faces and your eyes widened in delight when you saw they were all the same age as you at the time. The ripe age of fifteen.
"Oh Father, killing them would only be a waste of their potential." Sero remembers how you looked, how you still make that face to this day and often. Like a cat that's caught a mouse by its tail with nothing but delightful day dreams of batting it around.
"I want them to train to be my new guard. They're mine now."
"Absolutely not." Your father's voice boomed around the room, making the teens shake, helpless with their wrists bound behind their backs, "You took in that blonde stray two months ago I'm not going to allow-"
"And yet who's men did they slip past? How many layers of security did they slip through? The blonde more so than them but our shit is secure now isn't it? Besides." You hop down from your father's old mahogany desk, "Princess always gets what she wants. Isn't that right?"
Your father pinches the bridge of his nose, he made a monster of you, he truly did.
He'd be lying if he wasn't proud of it, especially after what happened to your mother.
"Fine. But no more strays. That's final."
"That's fine. I won't need anyone else."
That was ten years ago and in the past decade Sero had been treated better than he could ever imagine. He has a lot of freedom for a head of a department and you've made it clear that only the four of them had the option of getting out if they wanted. No strings attached as long as they stayed silent you wouldn't look for them.
But you haven't once given them a reason to leave.
Sero fingers the swirling ink on the inside of his thick forearm, the family crest sitting proudly on display when he's driving you around, hidden in the city so he can float throat the crowd like all the other faceless nobodies.
You're graceful, even in the uneven gravel of the parking lot, smiling genuinely as you approach two people you have and would kill again for.
"Sero, Ochako, thank you for waiting. Ochako love, I have a task for you dear. Inside is a crate that Zuzu has marked would you be a doll and make sure that it gets transferred to Momo's office immediately. I'd like for you to hand deliver it and call me once you're there." You talk as Izuku helps you into the car waiting for you to finish before he shuts the door, "And you'll have no problem keeping your girlfriend company will you?"
"No ma'am." Ochako blushes as you wear your knowing cat smile. Izuku shuts the door and rounds the car to sit on the other side. Sero turns over the engine. Ready to pull away on your command.
Ochako watches her reflection in the pitch black tint retreat as the window rolls down revealing just your eyes that sparkle with that dangerous glint.
"One more thing. If you could ask her to expedite this antidote please. I've got a seven year old waiting on it."
"As you wish ma'am." Ochako nods and watches her reflection grow this time while your eyes disappear before Sero throws the car in drive and tries to salvage some of the lost time hoping to make you no later than an hour late to the most important meeting of the year.
But you wouldn't be the Princess if you weren't always fashionably late now would you?
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ne0nic · 7 months
Our Game
₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ Wriothesley x f!Reader ₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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ִ ࣪𖤐 Word Count: 5.2k
ִ ࣪𖤐 CW: NSFW, Dom!Wriothesley, Thief!Reader, Mentions of Human Trafficking, Drugged Tea, Slight Bondage
ִ ࣪𖤐 No use of Y/N, Never use of Y/N
The game is lively tonight and you expect to enjoy it in full. 
With effortless grace, you move in and out of the shadows around the Court of Fontaine, becoming a phantom of the night. The deserted streets are a ripe playground, businesses closed, doors and windows locked, and the guards drowsy and inattentive. It's a realm of exhilarating opportunity, just waiting for you to claim.
Your destination is the side door of the antique jewelry shop, known as the last source of pride for an elderly proprietor. Your knowledge of every shop in the city is impeccable, following a mistake where you learned that it's unwise to steal from a Fatui-owned establishment; it's akin to pilfering from the Tsaritsa herself.
With a few deft movements, you manipulate the lock, and the door swings open without a sound. The shop's interior is as silent as a tomb, its owners having long retired for the evening. You enter, your eyes alight with anticipation.
You navigate the shop's layout like a child in a candy store, your gaze drawn to the glass cases showcasing a myriad of jewels, each one casting a beguiling shimmer. With nimble fingers, you open the case and select a ring featuring a sizable ruby. You slip it onto your finger, admiring the deep red luster. The ring itself is far from delicate, clearly designed for a more masculine hand – someone like…
You quickly remove the ring, tossing it into your bag. No point dwelling on such thoughts; it's time to collect your treasures and make your exit. You work swiftly, carefully placing necklaces and bracelets into your waiting bag, ensuring the displays remain untouched.
The unmistakable sound of heavy boots approaching makes you freeze in place, listening to the resonant thud of leather shoes and the subtle jingle of chains and cuffs. It's time to depart. You wrap up your mission with meticulous precision, and as swiftly as you had arrived, you vanish into the night. Peering from the safety of an alley, you remain silent, unable to spot the approaching figure. Even worse, you're uncertain of the direction from which he's drawing near.
Taking on the rooftop is undoubtedly the better choice. Climbing up the copper gutter pipe, you gain a sweeping view of the city from the high vantage point. From here, you can easily traverse the rooftops, leaping across buildings and making swift progress. As the immediate danger lessens, you descend to the streets below.
Suddenly, that distinct sound returns, the one signaling his presence. How did he catch up to you so fast? It's time for plan B. You snatch a dark cloak from a nearby stall and quickly drape it over yourself, making a dash for the nearest stationed Garde.
"Oh! Garde! Monsieur!" you implore, rushing up to the uniformed soldier. The young man, evidently new to the force, turns his attention to you with an eager desire to assist.
"Madame? What's the problem?" he inquires, clearly willing to help.
"I was just at the tavern getting a drink, and I think a strange man is following me! Please, help me!" You plead, ensuring fear reflects in your eyes.
"Do not worry, ma'am. I will take care of this," he assures, stepping around you to face the direction of the approaching footsteps.
"Oh! Thank you so much, Monsieur," you say, masking your sly grin as you slip away.
The guard stands firm, ready to protect the innocent young woman who has placed her trust in him, aligning with the oath to safeguard all citizens of Fontaine. His excitement is palpable.
A shadow emerges in the dimly lit street, advancing slowly. The young Garde stands at attention. "You there! I'd like a word with you!" he calls out.
The approaching figure steps into the light, revealing a large, menacing man. He possesses piercing blue eyes, is adorned with chains and has a pair of handcuffs hanging at his side. His coat is casually slung over his back, and a scar stretches from the base of his neck, disappearing under his clothing.
The young Garde recognizes the man and instantly locks up. "Y-Your Grace! My apologies! I mistook you for a suspect!"
"Suspect? What gave you that idea?" the man inquires, tilting his head gently.
"This young lady, she—" The Garde turns, only to find that you've vanished. "Where'd she go?"
"A woman?" he asks.
"Y-Yes, a woman. She claimed a man was following her," the Garde explains. The man, who moments ago wore a serious expression, breaks into a smirk and chuckles softly.
You've successfully ascended the tower, fully prepared to make your getaway into the cover of the night. Luckily, tonight's escape had proven effortless, and you hadn't even needed to trigger an alarm to elude the Duke of the Fortress of Meropide. He must be accustomed to your flamboyant tricks by now. The two of you had been engaged in this thrilling game for so long that you constantly had to innovate new ways to lead him astray. However, you'd come to find that the simplest tricks were the most enjoyable, especially after the sheer madness you'd put him through as you slipped away.
As you make your way toward freedom, a hand wraps firmly around your wrist, pressing your back into the wall. He looms above you, an unamused expression on his face. The way his stunning eyes seem to gleam in the dim light sends a shiver down your spine.
"Hello, darling," you taunt.
"Give it up. I'm taking you in," he declares with unwavering determination.
"That's what you always say," you mutter, causing him to grit his teeth.
"The bag," he demands, extending his hand.
"You're no fun," you pout, pulling the strap over your head and placing it in his palm. Wriothesley keeps you cornered as he opens the satchel, only to find it empty—no jewels, necklaces, or even a few coins. "Trouble?" you ask with a smirk.
"Where are the jewels?" he asks bluntly.
"What jewels?" you play innocent. He grabs your arms, pressing you firmly against the wall.
"I'm not in the mood for this today," he growls.
"But I'm completely innocent, Your Grace," you say with wide, doe eyes. "Little old me? A thief? Isn't it wrong to accuse someone without any evidence?"
"Enough!" he snaps, pushing you closer, your chests almost touching. You can feel the way his heart races, how you make him nervous. It sends a thrill through you.
"Or was there a different reason you followed me tonight, Your Grace?" you inquire, leaning forward. Your lips are mere inches apart. He tries to hide the way his breath hitches, but your smirk widens. "Did you want me all to yourself? You could've just asked. I'd never refuse." You tease him with expert precision, knowing precisely what to say and do to provoke him. You close the distance even further, his eyes locked onto your lips. Your breaths mingled so closely that your lips could touch if either of you moved even slightly. And just when it seems like he can't take it any longer, you pull away. "Forgive me, Your Grace. Sometimes I forget you're a man of the law, dedicated to your work. Surely, you're far too busy for me to take up any more of your time."
"Shut up," he snaps, closing the gap between you in an instant. He captures your lips, instantly stealing your breath away. His kisses are demanding, his desire to take the lead palpable, and you willingly submit to his commanding presence. His teeth graze along your bottom lip, eliciting a breathy, barely audible moan from you. You press your thighs together, utterly captivated by the way this man has the power to make you unravel. His longing for you has always had the ability to make you tremble, particularly in moments like these, when the game between you two reaches its zenith, when he finally catches you, and both of your desires hit you without reserve. 
His hand raises to the back of your neck, tilting your head up, giving him more of you. He's going mad. He has to be. There must be some kind of spell or pheromone that you've cast over him, that makes him need you desperately. Everytime you're before him like this, his morals fly out the window, and his lust becomes so thick he can't resist. He's well aware of the moral dilemma that plagues him. You're a true criminal, through and through, and he's fully cognizant of the wrongdoing of his actions. However, he never feels the exhilaration of the chase as intensely as he does when it's with you.
The tranquil sound of water churning brings you back to the present moment. Regrettably, it's time for you to make your exit. Your fingers slide over his vest pocket, and Wriothesley's brow furrows as you withdraw from the kiss.
"Gotta run," you murmur, slipping out of his grasp and collecting your discarded bag. Wriothesley's brows knit as you head toward the boat.
"Wait!" He attempts to step forward but is abruptly pulled back. He turns, only to discover that you've cuffed him to the service pipes. With a frustrated grunt, he struggles against the cuffs, and something falls out of his pocket. He gazes downward, finding a jewel necklace on the ground. Lifting his head to you again, you turn back to him with a playful smile.
"I had fun."
"Dammit!" He curses, his bracers materializing on his hand as he strikes through his own cuffs. Finally free, he makes a dash toward the boat. But the ferry has already set off, and he can only huff in frustration as you slip away. 
Your fingers trace over the ledger, where rows upon rows of names denote inmates at the Fortress of Meropide. However, none of them match the one you're seeking. You can't help but wonder how many trivial offenses landed people in this imposing place.
Infiltrating the fortress itself was a relatively straightforward affair. They treat their prisoners well down here, making escape seem an improbable feat. Most inmates are cowed by the mere sight of the glass barrier that separates them from the relentless ocean outside. However, gaining entry was an entirely different challenge. Infiltrating the Duke's office, that's where things get tricky. Luckily, your familiarity with the office makes the entry a minor concern, especially when you have a duplicate key at your disposal.
"I'm assuming you didn't come for tea," a voice intones behind you. His hand closes the ledger's cover and rests atop it. Veins course through his arm and hand, and his knuckles are rough and calloused. You push away the inappropriate thoughts that threaten to surface.
"Should I even ask how you got in?" he continues, but you maintain your silence, choosing not to respond. Playing along with him today is the last thing on your mind.
"Who are you looking for?" he gets straight to the point.
"An...associate of mine went missing a few days ago. I was merely curious if he happened to be in your custody," you reply. He picks up the ledger and moves to the other side of his desk to set it down.
"Associate, huh? I thought you worked alone."
"I do," you confirm.
"His name?"
"As if I'd give you that. I'm not here to further incriminate him; I need to secure his swift release."
"Then it seems I can't help you," he states.
"You've never helped me," you correct, to which he chuckles.
"I brought you more of that blend you like," you say, gesturing toward the cabinet.
"Paid for with the proceeds from the jewels?" he questions, a hint of darkness in his tone. You smirk.
"I don't recall any jewels. It's simply a friendly gift, a favor for a favor," you reply, reveling in how his eyes narrow at your words.
"And what favor have I done for you?" he inquires, already knowing the answer. He's trying to ensnare you with your own words.
"I'll prepare a cup for you, dear. You seem weary," you offer, turning toward the cabinet. He's beside you in an instant, gripping your wrist.
"I wouldn't trust you to make anything for me," he snaps, making you smirk.
"Do you truly believe I'd do anything to harm you?" you ask in a feigned tone of surprise. You notice the tension in his jaw and your gaze drifts lower to the scar on his chest, which barely peeks above his clothing, triggering memories of that fateful day. "...Anymore?"
"Go sit down," he orders, and you pull away from his grasp.
"Yes, Your Grace," you say as you step over to the table. Outside the window, the vast expanse of the ocean unfolds, with creatures moving freely, seemingly unconcerned with the curse that hangs over the people of this nation.
You can't help but envy them, particularly after the arrival of that blonde-haired traveler, which marked the beginning of a downward spiral.
"I would like—"
"Three sugar cubes, I know," he interjects, causing a subtle smile to play on your lips.
"What time will the Iudex be arriving? I'd hate to be a bother," you inquire, knowing full well that you've committed his schedule to memory. He sighs, realizing there's no use concealing it from you.
"He won't be. Monsieur Neuvillette had a sudden trial, so he's rescheduled for next week," he admits, an air of candor coloring his response.
"What a shame. That blend is best served fresh," you murmur, your gaze drifting back to the water. A few moments later, he joins you at the table, the gentle clinking of teacups and saucers filling the air. You eagerly pick up your cup.
"I must admit I only ever have tea with you," you confess.
"Oh?" He raises an eyebrow as he settles into his seat. He observes you as you bring the cup to your lips and take a sip. Only then does he feel comfortable enough to indulge in his tea.
"It's true," you affirm, setting the cup down. "I always believe tea deserves to be enjoyed in good company."
"You don't have any other good company?" he inquires.
"None quite like you," you reply with a smile.
"Your clever quips won't get you out of here, you know."
"You think I'm clever?" You tease with a playful glint in your eyes.
"I don't intend to just let you walk out of here."
"You never have, not until I was properly sore and had trouble walking the next day," you taunt, taking another sip, causing him to gulp down his tea. His hands clench as you speak.
"Enough. This... arrangement we had is over. I'm taking you in. I'll inform Neuvillette of your transgressions, and you'll face justice," he declares, his tone stern.
"And then I'll find myself right back under your vigilant watch. Is that what you desire? To keep me close? Ensure that we'll never be apart again?" You tease. His jaw tightens. "I thought you relished our little game as much as I did."
"Game?! You're stealing from people!" His anger is palpable now.
You roll your eyes, reaching into your jacket and producing a document, which you slap onto the table. He leans back, perplexed. "And what is this?"
"The justification you seek. The part of you that yearns to believe I'm not entirely malevolent, this is your evidence."
"I don't understand."
"You will," you assure him. The grandfather clock in the corner begins to chime, marking the appointed time.
"It's time for me to go."
"What?" he blurts out.
You rise from the table with alacrity. "Thank you for the tea. I had a lovely time." You begin to walk away, and he suddenly springs to his feet. However, dizziness overtakes him, and he barely catches himself as the world blurs around him. Overwhelming drowsiness renders his legs wobbly, and he finds himself on his knees, struggling to resist it.
"When?" he manages to mumble.
"It was your teacup. You always use the same one," you giggle. He exhales in frustration. You draw closer.
"Don't worry. I'd never harm you. You're just going to have a short nap."
His hand grasps your wrist. "Don't go," he pleads, his desperation evident. It ignites a spark in your heart, prompting you to sink to your knees, cupping his cheeks.
"Well, when you ask so sweetly like that, how can I resist?" you murmur before pressing your lips to his. "Listen to Siegewinne, dear. You've been appearing quite exhausted lately. But I hope you'll feel better when you awaken. And on top of that," your gaze drifts toward the document, "you might see me in a different light the next time we meet."
After a lengthy and exasperating lecture from Siegewinne, Wriothesley finally returns to his office. It appears that you were telling the truth; it was merely a sleeping drug, and by the time he awoke, you had vanished. He didn't provide Siegewinne with many details about your encounter, nor did he delve into any in-depth discussion about you.
He sinks back into his chair, holding a cool washcloth to his forehead. You had been here, well within his grasp, and yet, once again, he found himself incapable of fulfilling the very duty he had sworn to uphold. It frustrates him to no end. Every time you make an appearance, it catches him off guard. However, when he saw you inspecting his office, for a brief moment, he had hoped you were there for him alone. Alas, that's never the case.
To make matters worse, you've infiltrated his dreams. Every time he closes his eyes, there you are, bare beneath him, your cheeks adorned with a charming flush. Your hands tenderly caress his face, and he takes you with a gentleness and passion that starkly contrasts the reality of your late-night rendezvous. Normally, he's rough with you, mirroring your intensity rather than expressing love.
The thought of you alone is enough to stir his desires, and he curses himself. You had drugged him not long ago, yet he's back to square one. Removing the washcloth, he stares at the ceiling, hoping his little problem will subside on its own. He replays the recent events in his mind, striving to rekindle his anger instead of his lust.
"You might see me in a different light the next time we meet."
What did you mean by that? How could he perceive you differently? His gaze drifts to the desk, where the document you left behind rests. He leans forward, scoops up the folded papers, and breaks the wax seal. As he peruses the contents, his heart sinks.
The elderly man who owns the jewelry shop was using it to launder money from human trafficking sales. You appraised numerous items and recorded their selling prices. You even managed to gather evidence of the boats at the marina being involved in the conspiracy. Photos, evidence—everything is meticulously compiled within these documents. This alone must have taken you weeks. A small note is clipped to the last page, the page itself revealing the location where the captors are holding their victims.
Without jewels, there are no sales. I have bought you time, Warden. Do not disappoint me.
He rises from his desk, his mind racing with thoughts of what to do next.
The entirety of Fontaine's police force is mobilized for this operation, simultaneously raiding all the identified targets. Wriothesley, however, personally takes charge of the most significant arrest. With a sense of duty, he apprehends the elderly man, promptly handcuffs him, and pushes him toward the exit.
Outside, the ever-dramatic residents of Fontaine have congregated, forming a boisterous audience to witness this spectacle. The vigilant Gardes work diligently to keep the curious onlookers at bay as he escorts the man outside. His eyes inadvertently scan the crowd. 
A sudden pause overcomes him as he catches sight of you. A sly smile graces your lips as you knowingly meet his gaze, and then, with your characteristic grace, you disappear into the crowd, leaving him with a sense of intrigue. 
About a week later, following the court's verdict and the subsequent exile to the Fortress, you make a return. Leaning casually on his desk, you patiently await his arrival. As he trudges up the steps, his demeanor brightens in pleasant surprise at the unexpected sight of you. There's a trace of solemnity in your smile as your eyes meet his.
Setting his report down, he approaches you, his curiosity evident in his tone. "You've been gone for a while."
"I had some important matters to attend to," you explain. "The victims who were kidnapped are now under the care of the Spina di Rosula. Most of them are just awaiting reunions with their families. Convincing a few to testify during the trial was a bit challenging, but I'm relieved it's come to a favorable resolution. The Spina di Rosula has pledged to hunt down the buyers, and I've provided them with all the information I could gather."
"Why not have the Spina di Rosula collaborate with the Garde?" he inquires.
"You and I both know that would never happen."
"What now?" he asks.
"My job is done, and I've cut my few remaining ties. All that remains," you say, raising his cuffs, "is you, Your Grace." He takes the cuffs from you, studying them with furrowed brows. As you lift your hands toward him, he glances from the cuffs to your wrists.
With a resounding clack, the cuffs land on the desk. The gravity of this decision settles upon you, hiding within it the unspoken message he wishes to convey. Slowly, you lower your hands as he fixes his gaze on you, drawing dangerously near.
"You're making a mistake," you caution.
"I know," he responds before pulling you closer and capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. 
In a matter of seconds you both burst into his bedroom, lips locked, jackets falling to the floor. Your nimble fingers are quick on the buttons of his vest as he backs you towards the bed. He pulls your shirt upwards, his rough hands riding up your front. Once one hand finds your breast you moan into his mouth. His ice cold touch electrifies you. He rids you of your shirt and pushes you down onto the bed. His gray vest falls to the floor leaving him looking seductively disheveled in just his black button up. 
The tip of your nail fits between your teeth as you devour him with your eyes. "You're going too slow," you whine, reaching a hand out. Your fingers trail over his shirt, feeling every curve of his muscles just beneath the fabric. It has you aching for him. He reaches up, tugging his tie free from his neck. You light up, obediently offering your other wrist to him too. 
"If I didn't know any better I'd think you'd liked being my prisoner," he says, leaning closer as he ties the red fabric around your wrists. 
"Don't threaten me with a good time," you tease, leaning in as well. His gaze falls to your lips before lifting your arms over your head and guiding you to lay on your back. From there he spreads your thighs, fitting himself between. Pressing your lips tight together, you resist the urge to beg. Even a small bit of friction would be heavenly, but it doesn't come. Instead he slowly strips your bottom half, taking his sweet time to admire your panties before just snapping them off your hips. 
He sinks to his knees, lips caressing your inner thigh. Your hands find their way to your mouth trying to muffle your own weak whimpers as he trails towards your core. Where you want him the most. 
Just as his breath ghosts over your aching cunt he stops. Suddenly his hand wraps around the tie and shoves it upwards again. "Do not move them again, if you do you can forget about my earlier mistake. I'll take you in, right now, like this," he threatens in a husky voice, eyes boring into yours. You smirk, lifting your thigh to rub against his hip. 
"Like this, Your Grace? How scandalous," you tease. 
"Do you understand?" he demands. 
"Yes, what?" He snaps. 
"Yes, sir," you say, your voice growing weaker. 
"Good girl," he praises, and you know you're soaked down there. Cheeks tinged red and heart racing as he sinks back down your body. He lifts your thighs over his shoulders before tugging you in one last time. Torturously slow he gives a chaste kiss to your clit. You resist the urge to pull your arms back down as a groan leaves your lips, your body involuntarily twitching. Wriothesley smirks at the display. It's as if he's trained your body to fall apart at just his touch, something he carries with pride. 
His tongue dives between your folds, and you throw your head back with a sinful moan. The man below you is terrifyingly good with his tongue and fingers which makes his next move a damning one. 
Two fingers easily slide into you, but he makes sure not to curve them into the place you like. Instead he watches the way you writhe, almost trying to force his fingers that way, the pleasure making you dizzy. Pathetic moans and whimpers pass your lips, music to his ears. 
"Please… fuck— mh." 
"What was that?" He mutters. "I couldn't hear you." His fingers slow to a cruel rub. 
"I wanna cum. Please," you beg. 
"Really?... I don't know if you deserve to," he says, his voice dropping a few octaves. The voice change drives you, making him smirk as he feels you tighten. "After all, you didn't tell me what you were up to. You worked outside the law, you could've gotten yourself hurt. Now, that… I just can't seem to forgive." He crooks one finger up slightly, sending you spiraling. 
"I'm sorry… I'm sorry! I won't do it again," you promise. He slowly rises to his feet, fingers still deep inside you. Wriothesley leans over your trembling frame. His hand caresses your cheek with a tender touch. The coolness of his fingers on your burning cheek is practically bliss. 
"Now, how can I believe you? You've broken every other promise you've made to me," he says tauntingly. Fuck! You hate him. You know what he's trying to do, and he knows how desperate you are, enough to agree to any of his demands. He brings your diverting gaze back to his. 
"No more secrets," you agree, making him sigh. 
"Now, was that so hard?" He asks, pressing right there making your head go fuzzy. You gasp in surprise as his fingers pull you apart all over again, the familiar sensation pooling within you. Wriothesley presses his lips to yours, tongue forcing its way into your mouth so he can still hear your gasping moans. "Cum, pretty girl." Your body shudders in the wake of your orgasm, and he doesn't relent, driving you oversensitive in a matter of moments. Your hands grab his wrist, stopping him as you still ride out the end of your orgasm. He smirks and pulls his fingers out. You feel the tie release your wrists. 
He's gentle as he lifts your face, seeing the dazed, blissed out expression you wear. His lips peck around your cheeks, to your neck, to your collar, and them to your shoulders by the time your high fades. 
"Back with me?" He asks lifting your chin, you nod and he slots his lips against yours while opening your legs again. He fits himself between them and pulls on his belt with one hand, something you don't mind helping him with. He chuckles as he feels you desperately pull his pants open. His aching cock springs free hard and hot in your palm as you stroke him. His forehead sinks to your shoulder as he shudders, slightly thrusting into your touch. "Shit." 
"Hurry," you urge. Lifting himself up he positions himself so the head just barely brushes against you. You press your lips together. 
Wriothesley reaches upwards, his hand sliding down your arm until he can fit his fingers between yours. Then he thrusts. His other hand grips your hip so tight you pray there will be a bruise. He stretches you open, forcing you to take his size, your eyes roll back into your head. 
"Fuck!" You cry out as he bottoms out. He starts with slow shallow thrusts but his patience quickly wears thin. In no time he's snapping his hips forward, rocking the bed, shoving himself deeper inside you. It's predatory, the way he heaves, the way he takes, the way his fingers grip your hair and hold your head up to make you watch him fuck your brains out. 
In practically no time at all you're cumming again, but he doesn't slow down, his own orgasm approaching as he feels you clench down on him. The continued force of his thrusts sends you right into a second orgasm and he follows suit. Your cunt milks him for all he's worth. Every drop belongs to you. 
He belongs to you. 
"Just fucking be mine already," he groans. His words break through your hazy mind in an instant. 
"Fuck," he mutters. "You're gonna make me say it outright, aren't you?" He leans over fingers brushing over your cheek. "Stay with me. Be with me." 
Your heart feels as if it may beat out of your chest as he says it. His cold eyes are now strikingly warm and tender. But you don't know what to say. 
Instead you reach up, hands pulling his face down to yours. He complies easily. You kiss him sweetly, whispering against his lips, "I'm yours." 
Your confirmation makes his heart sing as he kisses you with more fervor, growing hard inside you once more. The first thrust catches you by surprise but you're loving it. This time there's nothing rough about the way he holds you. He treats you softly, like you'll break if he's any harder. He holds your body in tight to his, burying himself deep inside you, until you're seeing stars. 
The clock chimes, marking the hour as Wriothesley opens his eyes. To his dismay the spot next to him is empty. He rubs his face, already stressed that you've disappeared like usual. Unfortunately, maybe he was foolish enough to hope for something more from you. 
Sitting up he finally notices the weight on his finger. A ring, a gigantic red ruby within a thick band. The metal is dark and the design is intricate. Honestly, it truly seems like something he'd wear. 
Peering over to your side one more time his eyes widen as he sees a folded up paper. With one hand he retrieves it and flips it open. 
My secrets come at a cost, Your Grace. So, if you manage to catch me Thursday night, I might consider telling you one or two. Preferably over tea. 
I'll be expecting you. 
He laughs to himself, "So, the chase is still on, huh? Better make it interesting."  
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dearestspirit · 5 months
a note heard in heaven - 06
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mizu x fem!reader | au based on the film the handmaiden | word count: 11,078 | warnings: mdni. this series will contain sexual and dark themes, including: abuse, sex, sexual assault/harrasment, period typical misogyny, murder, allusions to suicide, and period typical stigmas against mental health.
series masterlist | previous part | next part
a/n: beginning note for context: most of this chapter is within the context of the reader going through memories of their childhood, meeting mizu, and previous events of the story that happened with mizu, but moreso from the reader's perspective. also, it has the brunt of the tagged topics (abuse, suicide) but i tried my best at writing things with only as much detail as i thought they needed to have to advance the plot. take care and enjoy!
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You’ve lived in this manor for a long time. From crying child to complacent adult, most of your memories are within the walls of the estate. Purgatorial fog covered the recollections of your haunted youth– knowing you were raised purely to be what you are now. A well; to be dipped into, whether it be for money or pleasure. To receive nothing in return. Nothing good, at least. No matter how far you go from that place, you’ll still flinch when you think of it. It’s why, even in the back of the carriage as you and Taigen are leaving the asylum, you grow distant. Strings of what used to be lingering fuzzily in your mind, as if the fear wants to eat away at you.
Just like it did when you were a child.
In that same dreary library, attending your reading lessons even then, that’s where horror first began its feast with you. It’s where you’d first hear the words ‘bitch’ from your eventual fiance. Where he had first met your skin with bruising metal beads. Your hands, your knuckles. They had stayed painfully red for weeks. He’d tell you to remember it. He’d tie the metal beads to the obi around your waist. Really burn it into your mind for any time after that you wanted to act out. What part of you had fear gulped into its belly then? And what part did it chew on when you were given your own bedroom, away from your dear aunt?
Madam Kaji had told you a tall tale that night. Your new room suffocated in deep shadows, curtains drawn to dim the glow of the moonlight. You remember begging her to light a candle in your room. Desperately, because while you knew you couldn’t ask for two, you might have a chance at one. Just one light to protect you. Any sense of security or safety in this place was scarce– so much so that you weren’t even surprised when the older woman sneered down at you, refusing. That doll you owned– the one you seemingly carried with you everywhere– was the only semblance of warmth you ever felt here. She crouched down, level with your eyesight. Pointing her lantern towards the door, she spoke in a hushed tone, telling you all about the ogre who’d burst into your room if it heard you scream or cry. How it’d smother you until you could no longer manage to make even a whisper of a sound. You thought you heard the now familiar sound of a stomach growling.
Until your aunt came through that very door, spooking both you and Madam Kaji.
She had tsked, shaking her head. “Don’t be scaring little ones like that.”
Her pointed glare towards the elder woman was obvious as she used her own candle to light your lamp, which had eased your fears at least a little. You remember her to have always been that kind. Always looking out for you, in a world where nobody else was. The first person to make you feel like maybe you did belong. That despite whatever horrific paths you’d find yourself on, you weren’t entirely alone. But those heartfelt moments grew to be few and far between through the interference of your eventual fiance. Short lived too, washing down the drain alongside what fragments of faith you had left. That man had doled out cruelty and punishments equally between you and your aunt, snuffing out any sense of joy in your lives.
You had learned a lot from the woman, regardless.
Like when she told you to hold out your hands, dropping a photo of your mother into your outstretched palms. Did you know, decades later, you’d be asking the same question she had?
“And me? Everybody says I don’t compare to my big sister.” She spoke with her head turned, displaying her side profile.
You must’ve spent hours looking at that picture after that. You never knew her, the only testament to her as a person being the stories passed down from your aunt. Tracing a finger down the slope of her nose, then your own. Perhaps you’d never compare, either. Not like it mattered, when every step of your life was decided for you. You wouldn’t have to compare, you would just have to exist. No desires, no grudges. No mind to dwell on the truth of your life. Just pieces of a blank slate hastily kept together by the desperation of the people around you greedily trying to take your wealth.
Despite any punishment, you’d still act out any way you could. You’d giggle and point at the dirty words and pictures in those books you were forced to read during your lessons. When your aunt would point and verbalize the parts of the human body across from your eventual fiance, you were to repeat them. You’d chuckle as she’d point out the lower areas– noticing the displeasure on the man’s face. He’d descend upon you and your aunt quickly, leaving you teary eyed and frowning.
It wasn’t long after that that you found out what a mental hospital was. The threats to send you away to one of them were frequent, becoming a little more real each time you acted out. You had been told that this sort of hysteria was typical in the women of your family– he had side-eyed your aunt at that particular comment– and that it’d do you good to get your lunacy treated. That they’d bury you into the depths of cold soil. Cover it up until you ‘improved’, after which you’d become a fucking dog to them. Leashed. Detailing the frightening ways these hospitals would treat their patients, it made your aunt start running. She had made a desperate attempt to get out of the library before that lever was pulled and the gate had shut in her face, much like it did to Mizu when she first tried to get in.
You wished you were brave enough to try.
You watched your aunt slowly grow sicker. Older now, and able to reminisce, you now knew the cause of that sickness. Those fucking readings he’d make her do during his bidding sessions. To an audience of men, delighting in a well put together woman voicing off lewd words. When he’d make her read the story of women getting defiled, smoking men gathered on the steps to view her. They’d have their own cushions and tables, treated with the highest regard to further his own influence among these sadistic individuals. At the end of it all one man would go home with the crass material, and your fiance would be even richer. You’d watch with a heavy heart from the doorway of the library as she finished up, dabbing at her cheeks with a folded handkerchief. That smile she gave to you– deeper with pity and sympathy than you could describe at the time.
When she’s found dead the next day, you think she took with you the last scrap of hope you had left. Her body swayed from the branch of that cherry tree outside your window. A servant had swiftly carried you away, trying to tear your eyes away from the gruesome scene.
You visited that tree often. Thinking of your aunt protecting you, as best she could, from the harsh realities of the world you lived in. Something about you swears those flowers bloomed even more beautifully– their hue a vibrant pink, fragrant and sweet. Your aunt’s soul in a rush of floral glory. Arms above your head, you’d let yourself feel the breeze and swing just like she did.
What acts of defiance did you have left in you?
Exhaustion buckled you into silent submission.
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The estate grew with you, over time. Adulthood made little change in you, but the manor morphed beyond itself. Renovations to the library changed its appearance, now seeming more opulent. Pools of clear water embedded in the tatami floor, bonsai trees, and sections of pure white sand adorned with rocks adding a scenic flair to the room. Despite all the change, you were still just as terrified of the library as you used to be. The death of your aunt was nothing to your now fiance– the ‘proposal’, if you could call it that, happened shortly after– his only concern was those books of his. Eventually, he had replaced your aunt with… you.
In your heart, you know that your aunt’s most profound regret was that she could not save you from him.
Candlelight lit the room, your hushed voice rolling through like a fog. Crude details of sex falling on perverted ears. Bondage, whips. The faces of your listeners staring into you, hanging onto every syllable you speak. Their legs begin to tremble the more you delve into the story, the peak imminent. A new man you’ve never seen before sits proudly. Not as jittery or obvious as the others, though his eyes are just as intense.
The Count. You know him now. His ulterior motives, too. In your memories, that’s apparent in hindsight. The intense look in his eye is not that of perversion, but rather, trickery.
Your performance continued that night. Men had begun to fan themselves, fidgeting. With the last word having been read, you watched your fiance stand, describing the origins of the book and how he’d gotten his hands on it. Aristocratic nonsense that’d bore you to death. The Count had chimed in to the conversation, striking a nerve within your fiance as you see him light up at whatever he said. Mentioning an author by name, you assume. The book is flipped around to the audience to show the one problem.
An illustration, torn from its place. Only the hint of it remains in the ripped edge still holding onto its bindings.
“Before the bidding starts,” His hand waves over to you, gesturing for everyone to gaze your way. “We’ll have a demonstration.”
You’d be disrobed of the extravagant kimono you had on to reveal a lighter one underneath. With the pulling of a few levers, a wooden mannequin with maneuverable limbs would be lowered from the ceiling, coming to rest in front of you. Removing the pins from your hair as you let it down, you’d have to straddle the puppet’s legs, your own obi wrapped around its waist. You’d be bound to it, this way. An unfortunately visceral feeling of eyes crawling on whatever inch of skin they could see made your mouth dry, you remember. Your fiance would set up all the ropes on the model, it eventually coming to be hoisted in the air, you still secured in its lap. Below you, you could faintly make out the image of the many men leaning forward in their seats, as if to study your form. Leaning backwards to imitate the position you’d read out earlier, you could feel your stomach begin to turn. Your mind had grown fuzzy after that, barely perceiving the suggestive speech going on about you.
Your next clear memory of that night was of you sneaking your way through the manor. Many shortcuts were riddled throughout the strange architecture. Above the library was a particular wall. From your side, you were able to slide it aside and peer into the room below. Convenient, when you wanted to catch your fiance’s wrongdoings. Sat at one of the tables was The Count, carefully replicating an illustration from a book. A forgery. Yet their discussion landed at the one topic you expected; women, and particularly which women The Count figured he could successfully lay with during his time at the manor.
He clicked his tongue. “There is… only one who would refuse me here.”
“Madam Kaji?” Your fiance raised a brow at that.
“Your former wife who you still share a bed with?” The Count scoffed. “She’d come to my door in an instant if I showed her the right attention.”
“Then who?”
“The lady…” At his words, you peered through the slots in the wall as best you could. Anticipating his next sentence with great anxiety. “She didn’t look away when she saw me. Even if I were to meet her tonight… I couldn’t. Her body is cold, and her eyes… they have nothing. I’m certain her soul is dead inside. Go easy on her.”
You had gulped at that, slumping back a bit as the two began smoking together. At that time, your fiance had just laughed at the implications of The Count’s statement.
You found out soon after that that The Count had offered himself up to give you painting lessons; something he claimed was expected of all the ladies he met in England, where he had studied. Your fiance had insisted on the two of you sharing a meal with him. A gesture of kindness he bestowed only to those like-minded to him. You were never very lucky in receiving any sort of grace from him. When he was ushered away by a servant to take care of some important matter, The Count leaned on his elbows towards you.
“He will only be gone for a little while,” He said, eyes fixed on you despite their brief glance to where your fiance had run off to. “There’s something I’ve come to discuss with you about your future. You’ll see me waiting by the stone lamp at nightfall.”
For some reason, you had decided just this once to see. Your life had been vapid and essentially pointless after your aunt had passed– your handmaidens were not kind to you, Madam Kaji was too busy to entirely get along with you, and your fiance… well, you didn’t want him to like you to begin with. It didn’t surprise you that, after going so long without it, the tiniest glimmer of hope made your chest feel like it was bursting as you waited for midnight to come. You had sent your handmaiden away, off to some other wing of the estate so she wouldn’t be privy to whatever The Count wanted to tell you. After you heard her footsteps depart, you took a peek past the curtain of your window.
And there he stood, cigarette lit in his hands gazing back up at you. Eventually he had sauntered off out of your eyesight, but you could guess where he was going. Only minutes later was there a knock at your door.
“I’m not looking forward to having rumors spread about the two of us,” You spoke through the door, guarded. Your doll sat comfortably in your arms. “What do you want?”
“Look, it was really hard getting here,” He sneered. “I don’t need any of your princess sass. I’m the son of a farmhand, and I’ve spent a long time trying to get the skills to meet you. Bookmaking, forgeries. I came here to attract you, get rid of you, and take your money, but…”
He briefly trailed off, leaving you to wonder why. He cleared his throat after some contemplation, continuing.
“I don’t think I’m the type who would be able to seduce you, to put it in plain terms.”
You had snorted at that, opening the door. “You’d be right.”
The man had then allowed himself into your room. “So, I’ve thought of a new deal. In exchange for about,” He makes a motion with his hand to imply he’s thinking. “Half of your fortune, it can be a rescue operation. We get married, I take you far away, we split the money.”
“That’s not going to work.”
“So you rather marry that old pervert and stay here than even try?” He asked.
“I’m not going to marry anyone.” You seethed, backing away from him as you let your words sink in.
“And what of your wealth if you simply die like that? It’ll all go to him and he’ll just repeat the process from the beginning.” While he makes a good point, you can’t shake the years of trained fear of your fiance.
“He’ll… he’ll follow us,” You’ve started to quiver, securing your arms tighter around your doll. “The basement. He’ll put us in the basement.”
You take a deep breath, eyes becoming distant. “After my aunt passed, I read in a book that there are certain things that happen to the body after being hanged. However, when I saw her body… none of the signs were there. When I asked my fiance about it, he asked if I wanted to go somewhere nice. He pulled up some of the tatami mats from the floor, leading me down a staircase.”
Even now, you could never forget the chill that seeped through your sock clad feet descending those stairs. How his words sunk in, that what had happened to your aunt was a consequence. A punishment for an attempted escape. The purpose of this room became more than clear to you; the variety of strange tools and objects. A lot of things that your mind couldn’t parse at the time. Your head throbbed at the lack of light, the underground room feeling like it was closing in on you.
A shiver courses through you. “I will never go back there again.”
The Count nods after hearing you recount your experience, exhaling noisily and rubbing his chin. “This,” He held up a small vial of an unknown liquid. “Is opium. If he ever gets a hold of you again, you can drink all of it and be dead within minutes.”
In your panic addled state, you grabbed for it eagerly. Before you could get a hold of it, he had swiped it out of reach.
“Not yet. It’ll be a wedding gift,” He huffs, shaking his head. “Quite a grim one, at that…”
Your annoyance was clear as you rolled your eyes, willing the prick of tears to go away. In that moment you knew you had to try. If your aunt could not save you, then you would save yourself.
“Then…” You wandered over to the windowsill, taking a seat on it. “Bring someone to be my handmaiden. We can send her to a madhouse under my name. I want… I want my name to be buried there. ‘I’ won’t exist after that.”
He agreed. Especially considering the plan to get rid of your current handmaiden would be to bed her. The repercussion of which would be Madam Kaji kicking her out, of course. With her commitment to routine and keeping everything in order, it’d be the very next day that your new handmaiden arrived.
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Unbeknownst to most people– maybe your aunt or fiance had known, you weren’t sure– that spot on your door was a peephole, facing outwards into the handmaiden’s quarters. You watched Mizu fumble with her luggage, placing it away and out of sight. In a move that shocks you, she hesitantly slid the screen to your room over, peering inside. When you looked back, you saw how the lump of your blankets on the bed slightly resembles your figure. As if you were laying there, unaware of Mizu’s presence. Gently, you thud your doll against your door, spooking Mizu into shutting the door and scrambling into bed.
“Fuck.” You heard her whisper.
Your grin widens.
Mizu is exactly what you had asked for from Taigen; a foolish girl who wouldn’t know any better. But… isn’t that exactly what she thought of you, too? You knew it, by the way she looked at you with those sad eyes when you had screamed for your mother, faking a nightmare. A bit of a dirty trick to play on her first night, you admit. Even so, that didn’t stop you from being amused at the charade of it all. Taigen had suggested that you show off all your fancy belongings to her– every finely made kimono, the glamorous jewelry. Her awkwardness was more than obvious. The fact that she had never come face to face with such expansive amounts of wealth was clear every time her blue eyes widened or lit up at the various items you showed her. She… was endearing, actually.
So much so that when you found out about the other servants stealing her shoe, it genuinely enraged you. Something you hadn’t felt for a long time. Most of your emotions had boiled down to dull nothingness after years of complacency. You found little value in feeling anger, much less expressing it. With your servants lined up in front of you, you’re sure they too could sense the unease in the air. Arms crossed tightly, you stared them down.
“Which one of you took her shoe?”
At the far end, one of the servant girls is quick to bow on the ground, tears in her eyes. She must’ve known it was better for her to concede, confessing her guilt rather than letting the information reach Madam Kaji. You nodded, feeling at least a little relief she had done so.
“If she ever runs because of something any of you do to her, I will personally throw you out myself,” You sigh. “Fuck.”
You had some inkling of an idea back then, that your feelings for her were already… complicated. Those moments you had felt her eyes on you– piercing, with heavy lids, just watching you– you couldn’t suppress the thrill you felt. Taigen had told you a little bit about her. How she had grown up poor and mostly went back and forth between either the woman who took her in or that elderly man she trained under for some time. You knew her to be strong, capable. Though, she was a bit like you, wasn’t she? Not very well acquainted with the art of social skills. She certainly didn’t know much about the way of nobles like you, so her suspecting you as being just as conniving as her was unlikely. You had never felt close to someone like this, at least not someone your own age. Other handmaidens would often cower before you, not because you had specifically done anything to them, but because of Madam Kaji’s strict standards. Mizu, though? She filled your time with genuine conversation and laughter. Maybe not the most smiles because she wasn’t exactly one to outwardly express herself, but that slight upturn of the edge of her lips– you could’ve kissed her the first time you saw it. Her entire face deserved the downpour of kisses you wished to give it. Forehead, eyebrows, the lids covering her striking eyes that didn’t scare you, cheeks, the tip of her nose often reddened by the cold rainy weather, lips, chin. You truly did think of her, late at night when your back would hit the cushioned softness of your mattress.
That bath didn’t help either. Absent-mindedly, you find your tongue running over the tooth she had smoothed down. Hoping to quell how much you missed her with whatever faint trace of metal that thimble had left behind. Hoping that, if your taste buds found that metallic tang, it could calm the way your heart pounded.
It came to be a fond memory of yours– how she had so gingerly taken your face in her hands. The pads of her fingers were calloused, rough on your own skin. You desperately wished there had been no thimble barring you from feeling her thumb trace across your teeth, your tongue. If she had asked you, you would’ve gladly closed your lips around her. Hers was a painless authority– your obedience to her was not beaten into you. You supposed… you just liked her. That notion of you being hers, and her being yours? A thread of a thought that you could barely unravel before you watch her eyes trail down your body. With how bright they are, it’s impossible to not notice the way her pupils dilate, especially when you see her throat bob as her eyesight aligns with your breasts. You had seen many, many men with wandering eyes. Impolite, sleazy gazes that made you squirm in discomfort. You wonder if her staring was a result of arousal, too? Mizu was unlike them, though. While her thoughts may have been impure, her hands stayed only where you asked them to. Never seeking out more than you wished to give. However, you craved for her to keep looking. There was almost a pained whimper from you as she peeled away, removing her thumb from your mouth. How easy would it be to grasp her wrist, drag her hand down your body until she was rolling her fingers over your most sensitive parts?
“Go ahead and finish washing.” You notice the way her voice had lowered, gotten huskier.
She sits with her back to the tub, arms crossing tensely. Behind her, you could make out the visible red tint speckled across the tops of her ears. To you, the silence is comfortable, but you’re sure that it’s agony to Mizu. Smiling, you hoist yourself to your knees, taking two movements to situate yourself behind her.
“Mizu?” Your voice is breathy, right next to her ear, that gets even redder.
“What?” She snaps at you a bit, but you pay it no mind.
“Do you want to come in, too?” If you didn’t feel it would push the limits, you would’ve planted a kiss right behind her ear.
Another on her neck below it. She’s frozen, not answering you while she’s deep in thought. Probably weighing her odds– would this be something you’d go running to Madam Kaji about if she said yes? You knew you wouldn’t, but you’re not sure how to assuage those doubts in her. Mizu turns to you, a smirk on her face that sends an arrow through your heart.
She leans in close, barely space between you two at this point. “Maybe next time, princess.”
The likelihood of you falling in love with her increased tenfold after that. Even as Taigen had told you to occupy all her time, to ensure that she thinks you’re falling in love with him at a snail’s pace. As if you’d fall in love with him at all, you wanted to scoff.
You couldn’t. You were on a nosedive, falling hard for the girl he had sent to be your servant. The one you were supposed to send away. Her presence now burnt into every joyous moment you could think of. Dinner, where Taigen had called you breathtakingly beautiful. A brief flash in your mind compared to how Mizu’s body had engulfed the rest of your memory. Dressing her, giving her those earrings to wear, having her look like a noble lady in front of you. Removing every garment one by one, too. Despite the glove in between, letting your hand follow the dips of her shoulder blades. Laughing with her after your painting lessons, or on that walk where she had cradled you so kindly. Having been deprived of true affection and feeling her palms against your cheeks as she talked you out of those bleak thoughts.
It was companionship.
When you thought of how this scheme was going, the way Mizu would never be yours if it came to fruition– you could barely fathom it. Finally, here is what you think you were made for. A woman who you would do anything to call your own, but with her came that cruel twist of fate that this would be it for you two. How hellish that you’d have to put up with Taigen’s grabby hands and crude remarks for the entirety of it, too?
That day it had rained, with the two of you back at the estate waiting for Mizu to return was one such occurrence. You had slapped his hand away from your arm, eyes going wide with annoyance.
“Ugh, you men are so simple.” You mumble.
“What?” Taigen snorts. “I’m just playing around. Your fiance’s making you read too many of those books, hm? I’m not after your body, only your money.”
He had pinched your cheek, your arm, and then your ass, which you fiercely swat away.
Mizu had gone stomping around the manor, you being unaware that she had seen Taigen so boldly touching you. You had seen her in the night, sitting straight up and sighing. Her anger was so freely expressed in those eyes of hers. When she looked Taigen’s way, her hatred of him was unmistakable.
At this point, yours probably was too.
Sitting on that rock in the forest, nearly in his lap, you had told him as much. He had insisted the two of you had to make the proposal believable. Mizu would have to see the two of you tangled together in order to truly think you had accepted. You had reluctantly agreed, though the nausea in your belly wasn’t soothed at all. He had made a comment to pretend he was that wooden mannequin, and he’d pretend you were another woman as well.
You didn’t want him to be the mannequin.
You wanted him to be Mizu.
Balanced in her lap, letting her cup your thighs in her hands. Fingers tracing upwards, creating a path of flames that licked deep into your bones. Her mouth on yours, frantic and frenzied with desire, the absolute need to be close to each other. You needed to be close to her because you loved her. In all your convoluted years of living, for once, laying with her, you had felt that first twinge of simultaneous fulfillment and heartbreak. Your heart, beating once, fed itself full on the fantasy of being together with Mizu. Beating once more, it collapsed when you heard her distressed cry for you, rooted to her spot in the forest as she saw you kissing Taigen.
With all the pain in her voice, the slight watery quality to her eyes, you could’ve never guessed that she too, was shattering.
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A cool breeze wafted through the library, chilling your skin. You cleared your throat, watching all the men in attendance for tonight’s bidding settle into their spots. Taigen, of course, is there too. The story laid out in front of you made you pause, knowing its contents by the title alone after having practiced it for so long.
Depicted in the erotic tale was a relationship between two women. Describing how one of them was given a small box– four small silver bells contained within. A gift for her and her lover. As you read aloud, you notice the room growing dimmer. Regardless of the candlelight fading, you were able to continue. The two women would take two bells inside of them. Legs parted and meeting each other in the middle, the melodic notes would ring as they moved against each other. Tongue wetting your dry lips, you try to keep your focus on your speech. The illustration portrayed in the book below has you nearly tripping over your words, a momentary glimpse of it recalling Mizu to mind. To feel her, no bothersome fabric blocking you from her bare skin. To willingly allow yourself that vulnerability with her. Feeling her weight, her heat, the bumps of scars littered across her skin that you wanted to kiss, wanting to take away every ill thought she may have ever had. Feel the roughness of her hands finding every part of you with curiosity and desire, no trace of malice or greed.
Abruptly, applause rang out in the darkened room. You had barely even noticed that you finished reading.
Even dabbing at your heated skin with that folded handkerchief, you couldn’t shake those thoughts of Mizu away.
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Your nerves had gone cold once darkness fully encompassed the estate. Were you even sure of how you got here? Mizu, hovering over you, eyes set on the rise and fall of your bare chest.
“If he sees you like this…” She’s mumbling, so rapidly you can barely make out what she said.
In seconds, she’s descended onto you, her tongue circling around your nipple. You can feel the way her hand slides to your side, nails dipping into your tender skin. A futile attempt for her to cling onto what little restraint she has left. You know she probably thinks of you as something dainty, easily broken if treated haphazardly. Bite. You wanted to tell her. Mark you so even when the two of you were no longer, you could trail over the scarred teeth marks. Bruise. Let you see the way her love erupts across you, let her pour every ounce of unabashed need into them. Rather, her lips close around you in a languid suck, dragging an open-mouthed gasp from your throat. On impulse, your fingers card their way through her hair, pulling while you try to hold onto the last shreds of your stability. You can feel her chest rumble against your abdomen right before she’s planting wet kisses against you. She travels up your body, following the natural contours of your shape until she reaches your chin. Pulling back, she looks down at you. Her eyes, somehow even brighter than the moonlight, cause your lips to part. Mizu’s beautiful. You could see her like this every night. Every hour, and still not tire of it.
Tears dot along your lower lids, partially out of pleasure as she teases her fingers around your nipple, but also out of an indescribable anguish. Mizu was not an easy woman to read. With you two playing the roles of blushing virgin and warm mentor, did this mean anything to her? Was it only because you asked her to show you how The Count would touch you, a thinly veiled attempt to seduce her? She handled you with such a sweet touch,it was hard to think that maybe it was nothing special to her.
“Will he be this gentle, too?” You asked, noticing the rasp in your own voice.
“How could he not?” Her lips are so close, tickling your jaw right below your ear. “He’ll do this, too…”
You’re lost in a heady daze of lust as you feel her fingers creep along your calf to reach the hem of your clothing. You’d let her tear it apart if it meant her touching you even a second sooner. She pauses, not moving further until you hurriedly nod, burying your face in her shoulder. The fabric of your robe slips off you with her movements, bunching up under you. As her fingers dive deep below, gliding circles over your clit, you breathe out a wanton laugh. Finally. Mizu was here, touching you, it was meant to be like this. Clutching at her arms, pulling down the straps of her underclothes to rid her of them, you think you could die. What a precious woman to have above you, clawing lines into your sides that’ll unfortunately inevitably fade. Your fingers follow their path, wanting to imprint them upon your consciousness forever.
“Keep showing me,” You can barely speak, muttering. “Do it like The Count would.”
Briefly pausing the journey of her tongue down the dips of your thighs, she nods against you, huffing out a near mindless ‘uh-huh’. Traveling upwards from the inner crease of your knee, she licks a stripe up your thighs, her hot panting warming the cool trails of saliva.
“The Count will tell you that you’re soft, warm, and…” She’s grabbing your legs, putting your feet flat on the mattress with your knees raised and spread. Her head knocks against you as she leans, eyelids fluttering when she gazes at your center. “Breathtakingly beautiful.”
You’ve raised yourself up to your elbows at this point. Her hair tie had come loose, dark locks flowing down past her shoulders. With the moonlight bathing her in a halo, you wanted to tell her. Tell her she’s an angel. Beg for her to not leave you, as pathetic as it’d make you look. Anything to make it so that just the two of you could exist together, you didn’t care where. You’d put up with every disgusting pervert in the world if it meant she stayed by you. If, at the end of the night, you could have her slip into your bed– whether your bodies met in a flurry of excitement or not, you wanted her there.
Her hesitance, though, was noticeable. While you enjoyed the stroke of her palms against your thighs, you worried if she had any intention to do this– to want this. You swipe a thumb over her cheekbone, startling her as her irises dart to you. There’s an emotion you couldn’t quite discern in them. In hindsight, you recognize it as the same way you’ve looked at her all this time.
Petting at her hair, you smile down at her. “Would The Count be staring like this, too?”
“Sorry,” The breath of her laugh washes over you. “He would.”
With her apprehension seemingly gone, she presses a chaste kiss to your clit– so charming of her it makes you whine. Her eagerness is shoddily hidden behind her subtle actions, tongue rolling over you in leisure strokes. But her hands, gripping onto the outside of your thighs to hold you down, are shaking. It’s less like she’s keeping you steady and instead trying to maintain her own sanity. The tentative lapping had soon turned more confident, Mizu becoming more assured each time you moaned or gasped. Greedily trying to push your hips up, you feel Mizu’s palms flatten over you, exerting enough force to keep your lower body grounded to the mattress. Still, in at least some way to satisfy you, she speeds the movements of her tongue, the rhythmic patterns it traces over your clit. Her eyes flutter open to peer up at you. You can practically feel her smile into your cunt as you uselessly try to halt the wobble of your thighs. Your head buzzes with the way her noisy slurping echoes in your ears, the way you feel like your very fucking existence is driven down to this singular point of your arousal, the way the tip of her tongue dips shallowly into you. She hardly ever pauses, the rumbling of her groans and heavy breaths shooting pleasure up your spine.
“Miss,” Reluctantly, she had pulled herself off of you, head still between your thighs and mouth stained with your translucent arousal. “Should I keep showing you?”
You whimper, sitting up and wrapping your arms around her waist. You gulped in doubt, wondering how to word your next thoughts.
“Mizu… I want to,” Your eyes dart down to where she’s shed her underclothes, completely bare before you. “Can I?”
You were hopelessly, unequivocally in need of it. A hunger you needed to sate, to please the most beautiful girl you’ve ever known. Taigen had claimed you a peach. You knew better, though. It was Mizu who was worth adoring– soft in the same way the fuzz of a peach is. More than anything, you wanted to partake in every part of her she’d give you. Scrape your teeth, bite and embrace her down to her innermost pits, until the heat of your humiliating starvation could finally cool. You had always been the one devoured, be it by greed or perversion– just once, you wanted to be the ravenous one.
You’ve noticed now that she blushes very easily, up her neck all the way to the tips of her ears becomes bathed in a red flush. You can’t help but chuckle at the sight, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of her lips, finding that you taste a bit of your own wetness.
“Okay,” She nods, chest falling with a heavy exhale. “Like this.”
Mizu effortlessly moves you in her arms, positioning you both so that you’re on your sides. She’s got you between her thighs and her between yours. Part of you wanted to scold her and tell her you just wanted to fuss over her. Mizu’s seemingly content though, a soft sigh escaping past the lewd noises of her tongue. If the scene weren’t so erotic you’d have laughed, told her how cute she is. You’re not sure if she would’ve listened, having always averted her attention away from any compliments you tried to give her, but she really was.
Not wanting to waste any more time, you take her thighs in your hands and part them, making space for yourself. Your breath caught in your throat, immediately latching your mouth to her clit.
She’s loud.
Practically wailing at the first suck, the way you messily circle your tongue over her, over and over. Her voice reaches a pitch you’ve never heard from her. It fuels you, fuels the way you lay the flat of your tongue against her. A wordless plea, begging to hear even more of her moans. You quickly become addicted to her– her sounds, her taste, the feel of her cunt as she tries to ride her hips into your face. You collect every pearl of slick from her onto your tongue so you can eagerly drink its sweetness, pangs of heat throbbing within you with every drop you savor. Mizu keens into you, rutting more and more the longer you lap away at her.
You think you could for the rest of your life, sustain yourself only on the wetness that drips from her.
More. The word repeats itself in your mind as you’re shifting away from her, pulling her up and into your lap. Knees firmly planted by your sides and pelvis raised, you sneak your hand below her. Cupping her arousal in your palm and thumbing at her clit, you smile up at her. Her moans are these sharp intakes of air, lustful gasps that leave your thighs hopelessly squeezing together. Eye-level with her breasts, it’s an urge you can’t resist– taking her peaked nipple between your teeth and biting. She lets out a stuttered laugh, an angelic sound that you hope the beat of your heart replicates forever, holding you by the back of your head and snuggling you closer to her. You let your middle finger swirl against her entrance, half-lidded eyes staring up at her from where you’re still pressing kisses to her chest. Mizu swallows, teeth digging into her lower lip as she nods. Laving your tongue over her, you sink your digit inside her. She writhes a little at the intrusion, welcoming the stretch regardless. She’s more than wet enough to take it, you muse. Pushing in and out, you relish in the way her warmth clenches around you, the way her body wants you, tries to suck you back in as if you’re a vital missing piece. Biting into the soft side of her breast, you tease your ring finger alongside the other. When you feel her walls adjust to both, you fasten your pace.
“Mizu,” You’re mumbling into the valley of her chest, chaste kisses left behind in the wake of your words. “Do you like this?”
That blush of hers is dappled across her skin again, collarbones, neck, cheeks and ears dusted with a brilliant ruddy hue. Her lips shut into a tight line, hiding a warbled and muffled moan, a pitiful ‘yes’ slipping out.
“Do you like me?” You’re grinning, though you’re aware of the way your eyes must look glazed over, a collection of tears on your waterline.
Energetically nodding, she lets her hands wander up your arms, steadying on your shoulders as her hips move on their own accord in tandem with your fingers, before continuing on to take hold of your cheeks. Like she’s ready to take care of you before you even ask her to, before anything is visibly wrong, she just knows.
“Promise, then,” You’re crying now, tears having fallen down the slope of your face, hiccuping an almost grief-stricken sob. “Promise you won’t betray me.”
Mizu’s lips part, brows furrowing as she shakes her head. “Never, I never will.”
Her words tumble off into gasping, pitchy moans. Your chin on her sternum as you look up at her, your tears finally slowing. You had heard what you had wanted all this time– she promised. Her utterance of devotion, a rush of cool water over every piece of fiery anguish within you. You loved her. You loved her, and the knowledge that you do finally makes your world quiet. No nagging, lingering fear. No ogre waiting in the shadows to smother you. No unnecessary pains doled out upon your innocence. For a moment, one that would be all too short even if it lasted for eternity, the two of you are the only people that exist. No fiance, no Taigen.
Mizu, and just Mizu.
She places her hands on your shoulders, pushing you backwards so you hit the mattress with a thud. After some shuffling around, you’re able to take hold of her hand, using it to grind your pussy against hers. Mizu’s mouth drops open, eyes wide as she imitates your motions. The two of you are perfectly slotted together. Every feverish, wet pass of your clit over hers has you nearly collapsing. Your breaths mingle together, slipping out as heated sighs.
“How,” Mizu swallows thickly, trying to catch her breath. “How do you know these things?”
You just smile at her, shaking your head. Gripping her hand a little tighter, you’re able to thrust against her faster. You’re only vaguely aware of the way your inner thighs become coated in the mixture of your arousals, feeling like you’re coming apart at the seams. Mizu’s moans pick up in pace, hitching every so often when the two of you connect in a pleasurable jolt. Her other hand is clutching, nearly clawing at you, wanting so badly to break skin and leave marks on you. With her mouth falling open wide, eyes trained on you, Mizu tumbles over her peak, the quivering of her thighs noticeable against your own. Her groaning doesn’t stop, an arm flung over her eyes as you can make out the hint of tear tracks by the corners of her mouth, the redness of her cheeks hidden. Hearing her, her loud cries of pleasure as you keep going send you over the edge, a few more slick joinings of your cunts together, and you’re there with her, the current of your arousal running through your body. Finally stilling, you can hear the breathy, lighthearted chuckles of Mizu once you fall backwards, arms spread out on the mattress under you. Mizu crawls the best she can, kissing up your navel to your lips, settling beside you. Her hair’s mussed, the dark tresses flowing behind her, eyes shining and face stippled in pink blush.
What a precious woman to have by you.
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That memory was one you came to ruminate on often– especially the day after that, where Taigen had put his hands on you during that painting lesson, bribing Mizu out of the room with a coin. Or at least, attempted to. Her unwillingness to leave had undoubtedly pissed Taigen off tremendously, him storming out down that rocky dirty path. Mizu followed shortly after, as did you, having secretly trailed behind both of them. You had listened in on their conversation, hiding a laugh when Mizu had stomped away after defending you.
Taigen had stood there dumbfounded, looking at you past the branches of trees you lurked behind.
“Can you at try a little fucking harder to pretend you want this marriage before she runs off?” He hisses.
Exhaling, you look out in the distance where Mizu had walked away. “I... can't. I want to quit,” You swallow, hugging yourself close. “I hate everyone here. My fiance, my mother, you...”
Taigen snorts at that, raising a brow. “And Mizu? You feel sorry for her?”
You nod. “I... can't stand her.”
He shakes his head, lighting a cigarette and taking a few drags of it. “Would you care to know some of the things she's said about you? That you're too sheltered. Even if I were to touch you intimately, you'd be completely oblivious to what a man like me wanted. She's only been nice to you out of pity, start being realistic.”
As much as you hated to admit it, you dwelled on his words for much longer than you wanted to. It's an inescapable cycle of blame you go through. It's your fault for not knowing better, then it's Mizu's fault for being so kind to you, and then it's Taigen's for starting this all in the first place; repeat until you're suffocating.
That must be why it's difficult to avoid crying when Mizu insists, yes, you will love Taigen. Resting on that lounge chair, her massaging at your weary calf muscles. When you're ripped from placid waters, thrown right into stifling flames to burn alive, it hurts, you realize. It's the best comparison you can make when Mizu all but tosses you to Taigen's waiting maw, solidifying what he had said to you. Pity. No matter how much you try to assure her that you could be happy here, happy with her, more so than you ever could be with The Count or your fiance, she doesn't budge.
“What if I said I loved someone else?” You asked, feeling the slow rising of warmth up your frame. “I don't have anyone else on this earth... would you really still tell me to marry him?”
Repeating her own words back to her, you hoped she would notice. Take the hint, absolve herself of all this, and be with you. Fix everything, prove she wasn't like everyone else in your life. You want her to be different. You need her to be different. How could she have done all this if she wasn't? Even now as you looked down upon her in anger you could feel the stains of her lips everywhere she had kissed you, could feel the brush of her knuckles across your cheekbone, the way her hands had made your body so pliant. You couldn't comprehend it. How could all of that be worth so little to her that she'd be willing to give it up for a chunk of money? Was that look in her eyes just a trick of the light, your mind's imagination?
Blinking back tears, you watch as she sighs, taking your leg into her hands once more, timidly trying to settle your frustration. “You will love him.” Mizu's looking up at you, the twinge of optimism in her eyes making you sick to your stomach.
She really believes what she's saying. She's doused you in kerosene, her insistence the final motion that sets your body alight. You would've given up this whole fucking charade if she had just kept her promise. You would've done anything to get rid of Taigen, even if it meant staying in this house, just to assure the two of you could be together. But if she doesn't even want it, then what's the point? If she doesn't even want you, then…
“Get out,” You don't even recognize your own voice, faltering with shuddering sobs as you take her by her arms to pull her up to a standing position. “Get out.”
“Wait, miss!” She calls out, but you barely register it before you're dropping her down onto her bedroll, retreating back into your room with the door slammed behind you.
Maybe Madam Kaji was right about ogres waiting to smother you. This world in which you had no one, this world which had been patiently waiting to swallow you whole, will finally get its rightful meal.
You shouldn't have been born.
Silence drenches the night, goosebumps over your skin as the breeze rustles at your clothes, your hair. You're shivering, staring up at that haunted cherry blossom tree. Tears continuously rolled down your cheeks. Fingers trailing down rough bark, wondering if it's worth it to try to ground yourself. Your fury had not been quelled, not in the slightest. In your mind, you could see Mizu's eyes, the way they were practically begging you to fall in love with Taigen. How could you tell her that it's not just that you didn't love him, but you couldn't? How could you have stupidly believed her, that she'd never betray you? Swallowing a laugh, you look down with teary eyes at the box in your hands containing a length of rope.
You shouldn't have been born. Poor, unwanted thing that you are.
Distant thuds reach your ears, harsh and quick breaths– the sound of someone nearly hyperventilating– flooding your senses. Before you can even turn around, you're hit with an overwhelming force, being corralled into a pair of arms.
“Let go.” You whimper, struggling.
“I'm sorry,” Mizu gasps, chest heaving against your back. “Don't... don't die.”
She represses a trembling sigh into your shoulder, the faint moisture of tears dotting the bare skin of your neck. You're surprised, brows raising.
“And what are you sorry for?” You question, seeing if she'll be honest.
“I was working with The Count, we were going to send you away and take your money,” She picks her head up from your shoulder so you can clearly hear her. “So, please... don't get married to him.”
“Are you worried about me?” You turn around in her arms, taking sight of her tear-stricken face. You had never seen her cry, never thought she would, at least not in front of you. “You shouldn't be.”
Taking a step back, she keeps her hands on your arms. “Why not?”
With a thumb pressed into her cheek, you swipe away any stray droplets. “Taigen and I were tricking you. You were going into the madhouse, under my name. Then I'd get to take up your name and run far, far away.”
Her eyes dart across your face, unable to sense any hint of a lie in what you've revealed to her.
“Fuck! I should've never trusted that asshole!” She yells, piercing the quiet of the night.
But her arms are back around your waist, coddling you close to her chest. Like if she can't feel the pressure of your body against hers, you'll be gone, whittled down into infinitesimal shards she couldn't see anymore. Her truth lies in the way her breath evens out, the way she gathers your wrist up in her hands, fingers caressing your pulse point, to lead you back to your room. How she checks behind her every so often to make sure you're alright. Those little actions that make her Mizu, the real one.
Maybe Madam Kaji was wrong about ogres waiting to smother you.
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Mizu sits at your desk, carefully writing out a letter to her folks back home, informing them of the new turn of events; the two of you teaming up against Taigen. Placing a solid gold bracelet next to her which she could enclose as payment, you settled down alongside her. Taking the bracelet between her teeth to test its legitimacy, she grinned.
“This'll go far for them, thank you.” She tells you.
When she's feeling genuine happiness, it's hard for her to wipe the smile off her face, you notice. You hope that once you two are able to make it away from all this, she never stops smiling.
So the next morning, when your fiance beckons you over to the side of his carriage, you don't let your fear stop you.
“Just because you have a week of freedom, doesn't mean you can misbehave,” His words were full of venom as he spat them towards you. “Don't forget where I'll put you.”
You take a bow, eyes cast to the cobbled ground. You wouldn't let him get to you, not any longer when you had Mizu there for you. The two of you would be successful, and then you could run so far from this place you wouldn't remember how to get back even if you tried. Nobody would be able to find you again. If they did... you're sure Mizu would have some things to say about that.
Slowly approaching her, you smile, willing any bad thought out of your mind at the sight of her pretty face. “Let's go,” You tell her. “We don't have a lot of time before we have to leave.”
“Come, then.” While she offers you her arm, you're hesitant to take it, choosing to step past her. You would've, but the idea of Taigen still lurking around the estate and the possibility of the other servants not having gone far, you avoid her touch.
You can hear her sigh behind you, though you're aware of the light undertone to it– she knows you're trying to refrain from any rumors cropping up before you leave, lest Taigen catch wind of them. Her steps follow you, wordlessly keeping up. You're thankful she seems to understand why silence befalls the two of you. Though you feel the subtle gesture of her hand at the small of your back, tensing for a moment. Mizu's breath hits your ear when she leans in even closer to you, her raspy voice calling out to you to 'come on'.
There's a moment after packing your things that you turn to her, hands smoothing down her apron. Your fingers are twisting into the fabric, not ready to have her change into her 'disguise’– really just a cloak, her glasses and a kasa, but it does well to hide her face– quite yet. She's always been your handmaiden. Even with it being a role for her to fill, a part to play, she's tended to you with such care. You couldn't wait until you were both just normal people. No ladyship, no servantry. You wanted to dote on her, flood her with all of your affections and have no one bat an eye at it. Though, she pulls your hands from her, holding them in her own. Her thumbs graze across your palms, a distant look in her eye.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask her, which definitely startles her out of whatever daydream she's having.
“About how we need to leave,” Mizu takes your arms in her hands to spin you around to face your luggage. “Let's go, princess.”
That little nickname she's given you makes you roll your eyes, watching as she cloaks herself and puts on her glasses and kasa. The sight almost makes you blush, the way she's effortlessly beautiful and handsome at the same time.
“Actually,” You speak up, turning to her anxiously. “Would you follow me?”
She's unsure, you can tell by the way her eyes squint, but she agrees. After last night, you're sure she's on edge, rightfully so. Finding out the tables were turned on her must've been difficult, but she knows you feel no loyalty to Taigen. Despite everything, you two are each other's safety. Taking her down that stepping stone path to the library, you're not entirely sure where you're going with this. That place had been your whole life, and maybe the idea of leaving it behind was a little terrifying, regardless of the grim reality it held within its walls. Perhaps you just needed to see it one last time, really make sure you were leaving it behind.
Mizu's startled by that ceramic snake again, carefully toeing the barrier between inside and outside. She steps over it once she sees you bypass it, unafraid. You see her briefly grimace at the sight of a small, erotic porcelain statuette. Your fiance has a few of those around, blatantly making his predilections known to those who enter. Perhaps she thought it was just a little one off, a bizarre trinket owned simply for the peculiarness of it. She's corrected when you hand her the volume of some series she's never heard of. Flipping through the pages, she halts when she comes across the illustrated pages. Women in various degrading positions, breasts and nether regions fully drawn. Those blue irises of hers somehow become even icier, glancing from the book, to you, back down to the book.
Her gaze catches on the spinel earrings one of the women is depicted wearing.
“Is this...” Her voice is gravelly, like she's straining to get the words out. “What you've been reading, this whole time? To your fiance, those men that show up?”
You're not sure what you expected when you brought her here. Maybe your whole life, you've known that what's been done to you has been wrong, that you've been used as an object of desire to satisfy certain pleasures. Her anger, though, radiated through you. Tugged on a heartstring so deep within you you thought it had been entirely cut loose. She looks up at you one more time, meeting that teary gaze of yours. Mizu shakes her head, taking that page in her hands and ripping it from its bindings. Striking the long buried part of you that felt you were worth something. Worth fighting for, worth rendering this whole library asunder. Throwing the book on the ground once the drawing is in tiny pieces, she moves forward fast, looking for whatever she can get her hands on and destroy. Her chest heaves with every agonizing huff of breath she inhales, fueled by the heights of her rage. That saddened look in your eye, which had been hardened over time into something you had resentfully accepted– the pure hatred she felt for anyone who had ever betrayed you, tortured you, anyone you had ever read a fucking word to.
Her cape billowed behind her as she moved through the room, grabbing books from their rightful places and hurtling them to the ground below, ultimately damaging their spines and covers. You're trailing after her, a lost puppy watching in amazement. Shreds of paper litter the floor, stepping on them in your rush to follow. Pulling a concealed dagger from you don't know where on her person, she's slashing through the parchment of as many scrolls as she can find. Kneeling on the ground and slicing page upon page. Those familiar stories, all ones you recognized, made useless at the hands of someone who loved you. She yelps, the dagger handle slipping out of her palms with how furious her motions were. It does little to deter her though, collecting it and continuing her assault of the library. Shoving entire rows of novels onto the floor, books ending up in ruined heaps. She throws open one of the glass display cases, the lid shattering upon impact to the floor. Carrying over pots of colored ink, she smears it over the illustrations housed within. Hands stained all manners of red and blue, you can't stop the few tears that finally slowly shed.
You wet your lips, feeling pieces of you come together at this unhinged spectacle of romance. Isn't that what the relationship between you two has been all this time, anyway? An unexpected force that knocked you on your ass the moment you realized you loved her. More than that, the moment you realized she loved you. Yes, exhaustion had buckled you into submission, but love had weathered you into a storm.
Hurrying over to the tatami mat floor, you remove some of them to uncover the shallow pools of water that lay below. Mizu nodded, gathering up piles of the books in her arms to bring them over. Helping her, you could feel your lungs burn, eyes painfully wet with... astonishment? Pain? Some mixture of the two, perhaps. She kicks her shoes off, stepping into the water to fully submerge the books. To the side stands you, holding some more pots of ink. You're petrified. Until she looks up at you, and the fury in her eyes subsides when she sees you, turning into that gaze you know, now.
You hurl ink into the water, effectively dyeing the books into a muddle of colors. Joining her in the water, you stomp away, pulling even more books in. Breathing labored, Mizu steps out. Gripping a flat length of metal adorned with a tassel in her hands, she stands before that snake. Steadying it in her hands and widening her stance, she swings hard. Shards of ceramic go flying, the head taken clean off the sculpture.
It's your life in summary. Those bits of shrapnel, the way Mizu had torn your life apart the second she stepped foot in it.
Your savior.
Your Mizu.
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There's a renewed vigor in Mizu's movements as she guides you out of the manor. One of her last acts of protecting you before she begrudgingly has to place you in the arms of Taigen to fulfill the rest of the plan. This time, when she offers her arm to you, you take it. She keeps you level over even the most jagged paths, catching you when you stumble. A cobbled wall stands between you and your freedom, slowing down to a stop when you reach it. Mizu drops the satchels you carry to the ground, heading over the wall. Her arms go around your waist, picking you up and placing you down on the other side with little difficulty.When she lands next to you after grabbing your bags, you can't help but smile at her, a dreamy look in your eyes.
“What?” She asks, a hint of awkwardness in her tone.
“Nothing, nothing!” You bump into her with your shoulder.
She sighs, shaking her head but hiding her expression from you. “Come on, we don't have any time to waste.”
Running through grassy fields, the sun finally starts to peek through the treeline. You barely ever have any time to catch your breath, but your rowdy laughter and wide smiles are proof you don't care. You know it won't be long before Taigen meets up with you, taking you away and sending Mizu off into that asylum. For now, you're together. In this world only the two of you exist, where your hands can meet, lips can kiss. Your only witnesses being the fall of the moon and the rising of the sun, the soft blades of grass beneath your feet, the bubbling creeks of water.
Everything up to that point had led you here– Mizu being hauled away, crying out for you. Yet your cheeks hurt from containing your chuckles, the knowledge that Taigen would have everything handed back to him, tenfold. All the unnecessary shit he's put you both through... He'd be nothing in a matter of days.
You click your tongue, clearing the tears out of your eyes.
“I'm hungry, Taigen.”
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a/n: so, this chapter is like. over twice the length of any of the others, sorry about that. hopefully that makes sense for why it took longer to update! i would've split this chapter in two, but… i couldn't see it being split in any good way, personally. also, it's likely that the next chapter will be the last, i'm not sure if i'll do an epilogue yet though. anyway, i hope you've all been enjoying the story so far!
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kamisatomay018 · 7 months
My devotion and my love is all for you, Rex Lapis
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A Zhongli version of the legend of the Red String of fate cuz why not! Very fluff with lots of love!
Zhongli x female reader
Please note that for this fanfic, your powers will be like Ningguang so there won’t be any confusion as you read ahead, and the artwork is not mine. Enjoy!
The chirping of birds, the sweet scent of your favourite Qingxin flowers, distant chatter of the people of liyue along with the sounds of carts moving through the lanes was what you could observe as you sat atop the mountain near the Lisha region. You were seated besides the Statue of the Seven, which was of your beloved Archon, Rex Lapis. While liyue kept moving ahead, you were forever stuck in time, perhaps right beside the statue of your Archon. For reasons that you yourself could not explain, you always felt a connection to Rex Lapis, an undeniable sense of devotion, admiration and love was filled in your heart for the God of Contracts. Perhaps it was because you were a citizen of Liyue, or perhaps because you were half adepti, or maybe because you held a vision of his element, a very minute part of his own powers that he had felt you were worthy of.
Due to the presence of adepti blood in your being, your life was way longer than an average human’s. You were almost a hundred years old now, yet you looked as young as a woman in her mid 20s, beautiful and graceful, with golden eyes and brown hair just like your Archon. You were a very famous painter, your paintings were demanded all across teyvat, though you made sure your identity was kept hidden. You liked to live in seclusion, away from mortals, especially the people of Liyue whom you had started to now despise deep down. Why? Because in your eyes, they were nothing but ungrateful. Months had passed since the news of Rex Lapis’ death was announced, and yet you saw not a single sign of remorse on the faces of these people. When Rex Lapis had died, people did not mourn truly, for merchants were worried about their businesses, the predictions of trade, the formation of mora. All they cared about was their own selfish desires, and not the fact that the great Archon who had built this city, protected it for over 6000 years had passed away. Only a single Right of Parting and everyone forgot him?
But you certainly did not. The day you heard that Rex Lapis was gone, you had felt your heart shatter into a million pieces, and you had cried bitterly for days, leaving the city and hiding away in the mountains. It took a week for Madam Ping to find you, and she was full of pity at your state. You seemed inconsolable, refusing to believe that the strongest Archon had passed away, that too assassinated. That was the day you decided to stop living in Liyue Harbour, and madam ping respected your wishes, gifting you a teapot made out of adeptal magic. You were so grateful for her, after all she was the one who had raised you after your father abandoned you when you were just a small child. Since then, you had refused to go to liyue harbour except for the days you visited madam ping and Yanfei, who was like a little sister to you. You spent most of your time in your teapot, painting endlessly for hours, and when you would come out, you would sit right here, besides the statue of the seven.
People barely hiked up this mountain, which gave you the peace and tranquility of spending time with the Archon. And no, although it may seem like it, you weren’t obsessed with Rex Lapis, you just felt an overwhelming sense of love and devotion towards him. Deep down in your heart, something in you told you that he was still alive, and you prayed that wherever he was today, he was at peace. He deserved it after all. And just like every other day, you now sat with your back against the statue, using your elemental powers to summon some glittering rocks, which floated above your palms. You loved your vision dearly, it was the best gift you had ever received. You were a strong fighter, not even needing any weapon for you could conjure rocks according to your wish.
You felt truly at peace when you sat near the statue of the seven, and you would occasionally rant about all your worries and feelings, as if Rex Lapis was there, listening to you. Maybe, maybe not, but what mattered to you was that you felt calm after doing so, getting some sort of reassurance that everything would one day be alright. You had never seen Rex Lapis, and despite how devoted you were, you never attended the Rite of Descention, because you absolutely hated being among greedy merchants and rich businessmen who did not care for their Archon but only for his divine predictions. Sitting alone in the peaceful silence, you unknowingly fell asleep, completely unaware of how much your life was going to change when you would wake up.
You frowned, waking up to hear the sound of someone fighting. you opened your eyes, spotting a tall man with long hair fighting against two Stonehide lawachurls. You gasped, immediately standing up wishing to help him out, but were stopped by a geo barrier all around you. Even more perplexing was the fact that he immediately defeated the monsters, seeming unfazed and simply dusting off his elegant suit. Who was this man? Sensing that you were awake, he turned around to face you, and that’s when your entire world stopped. As both your eyes interlocked, gold meeting gold, a beautiful Red String of Fate revealed itself, tied around your pinky finger and his. He was your soulmate, your partner for life. The geo barrier around you faded away, as the unknown man walked towards you, seeming rather calm and unfazed by this revelation, as if he already knew.
“Are you alright?” The words seemed to slip past your lips without your consent, making the man in front of you chuckle softly. Oh gosh, his smile was so pretty. “Indeed I am, you needn’t worry about me. I am glad I reached here on time, otherwise the situation would’ve been worse.” His words were so gentle, his voice as deep as an ocean that you could listen to him talk endlessly for hours. “Who are you..?” He smiles once more, his golden eyes scanning your surroundings as he walks towards the statue, placing his hand on it. You gasped, your eyes widening as you saw his clothes transform into something similar to what the statue wore, his white and black clothing seeming so majestic, his arms now being the shade of the geo element itself. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Rex Lapis himself was standing in front of you, in all his glory and might. You bowed onto the ground in respect “Rex Lapis..” you then felt a gentle hand holding yours, making you stand up and look into his eyes. “You needn’t bow in front of me, you needn’t bow in front of anyone. You are my mate, you are my equal.”
You had so many questions, so many thoughts and so many emotions that you could not process anything. Tears fell from your eyes, as you looked at your soulmate, your Archon standing in front of you. How lucky you were, to be fated as the soulmate of Rex Lapis himself. As he moved away from the statue, his mighty form dissipated, making him turn back to his more human form, with the same suit he wore when you first saw him. He gently wiped your tears away, letting you take your time. He knew all of this was way too overwhelming for you, but he could not keep his identity from you a secret. “I…how…My Lord..please, I cannot understand what’s going on..” Zhongli now chuckled, embracing you protectively, and in an instant you calmed down, just the way you would when you sat beside his statue. You closed your eyes, cherishing his warmth, listening to his heart beating.
“Forgive me for taking so many months- no, years..to find you, many things stood in my path of finding you, a lot of which would’ve caused harm to you. I had to be away to protect you..as for my death, as you can see, it was all a lie. I have always been able to sense your presence, your voice, your thoughts and emotions. But I did not know who you were, and where you could be..It is thanks to my old friend Madam Ping that I was able to finally find you today.”
You listened to him carefully, nodding against his chest, making him chuckle softly at how endearing you seemed right now. He had been searching for you for so long, but he would be stuck at work at the Wangsheng funeral parlour, and then he wouldn’t feel your presence near the statue, nor could he find anyone with your voice in liyue harbour. Whenever you were near his statue, Zhongli would be able to hear your thoughts, your sweet honeyed voice filling the empty void in his heart. For so long, he had been alone and suffering. But now he had found you, his better half, his companion forever. “I know that all of this is very overwhelming for you, and I would be completely fine with giving you all the time and space you may need.” You immediately shook your head, acting on impulse as you hugged him tight. His warmth was too soothing, the eternal bond of the red string between you both making you crave his presence even more. “Please don’t go..”
He smiles at those words, hugging you ever so protectively, one hand on your head while the other wrapped around your waist. “I will never leave you, my beloved.” You smiled so much, still being in such disbelief that Rex Lapis himself was embracing you and calling you his beloved. “In my heart, I always knew you weren’t gone..but..if I may ask..why did you choose to do this?” A very expected question, and a justified one. Zhongli knew he couldn’t reveal the entire reason as to why he gave up his gnosis for he was bound by a contract, but he told you what he could. “One day, I was walking among the streets of Liyue, and I heard a conversation between two men. The first man told the second, “you have done your job, now you can rest” this made me wonder, have I finished my duties as the Rex Lapis? I realised that the people of Liyue no longer needed an archon, and that it was about time that I too, chose to rest.”
You understood the depth of his words, and knew that he deserved this. He had protected liyue for countless millennia, and now he was tired, now he wished for some normalcy in his life. “I understand…and even if the people have forgotten, I will never forget how much you have given to this land, to this city, to its people..I’m so thankful for everything that you’ve done Rex Lapis..” Oh, what a rare gem you are. No one had ever said these words to him, no one had ever been as devoted towards him as you were, no one had loved him as much as you had. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You are a rare gem indeed my beloved..but you need not address me as Rex Lapis, you can call me Zhongli, which is the name I’ve taken since I adopted the life of a mortal. Or if you wish to call me by any names of endearment, I would not be opposed to those either.”
You giggled at that, hugging him so close. You had found your happiness, the answer to all your prayers, the fruit of your endless devotion and the one who owns your heart and your love. Now you had a new reason to look forward to each day, but this time, there would be no need of going to the Statue of the Seven.
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hanniejji · 2 years
born from the ashes of another
[ father!diluc ragnvindr x child!reader ]
summary: a phoenix born from ashes and flame, blaze as bright as the first, but can never last as long as the first burst. how does a phoenix ignite itself after losing its flame?
notes: this chonky piece of shit took a long while to finish goddamn. also, heavily inspired by my anons who keeps giving me wonderful brainrots! y'all are wonderful and i love reading your ideas! neways, watch me drop this out of nowhere without a proper ending haha suffer motherfuckers >:) | m.list
words: 7,449 | warnings: sad shit, character death (mentioned), "y/n" used, injuries, torture (not descriptive), trauma, neglect,
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diluc's eyes flutter open at the start of your cries, the sound passing through the doors of your room across his, just like what he had intended.
well, what his wife intended for.
shaking the sleepiness out of his mind, he pushes his weary body off the bed, the cold floor helping his groggy brain to wake up by sending chills along his nerves.
he winches at the stinging pain on his side from an earlier encounter. it wasn't a deep cut, but it stung like a searing burn against the cloth of his sleepwear. 'wretched abyss,' he thought. nevertheless, he forces himself to move quickly, hoping that your cries haven't woken any of the staff in the house.
yet, his hand flinched just before he could even turn the door knob of your door.
his chest feels constricted, the long hallways seemingly looming over him and the shadows wavering into figures that he's sure is just a figment created by the combination of his imagination and fear. perhaps with a mix of his fatigue and emotions that he had been restraining for the sake of going through his responsibilities without a hitch.
but who could blame him for having moments like this, when he hasn't even had a moment to mourn for the loss of his wife?
the loss of his beloved and the arrival of their child. it was a fear that loomed over everyone in the household after they discovered their madam collapsed one day. her body was too weak to nurture another life. diluc had been in denial at first, searching far and wide for someone to help them save his wife and the child in her womb.
in the end, the doctor had to force him to choose before they lost both of you.
and he chose what his wife begged him to. a final wish that he couldn't possibly deny her of. he could still remember her pained voice as she whispered her last wish to him.
"save them," she had begged the trembling man seated beside her bed. "there's no guarantee that i may even survive this, so please, at least save our child, my love."
if finding even the tiniest hope for her survival was a struggle, making sure that you live through the process was akin to fighting death itself. you didn't make a single noise the moment you were born and there was almost no air coming from your nose. the doctors were separated, some were fussing over you while your mother was taken care of for the entirety of the night.
the moment you made a small cry was like a small show of mercy from the gods.
your mother was still conscious enough to see you for the first and last time. she spent her last moments in his arms, smiling at your resting form bundled in a red blanket.
those mere minutes of tranquility was something out of his dreams.
the image of his wife—with the exception of her deathly pale skin and weak breathing—holding your frail body in her arms, the smile that was shared between them. yet diluc's lips trembled at the inevitable quietus in his beloved's eyes. her last words uttered in a whisper and the shiver that traversed across his spine when he felt her cold hands lingered on his skin.
"i love you."
the next thing he knew, doctors were scurrying right back to the room while he sat outside with you in his arms, lifeless eyes staring aimlessly at the floor.
nothing could possibly console him. but his life had forced him to go back and attend to his responsibilities, as if the death of his wife wasn't enough for the gods.
a loud shrill of your cries woke him a second time this night.
no, he scolded himself, turning the knob to push your door open and taking a deep breath, i don't have time for such thoughts.
carefully, he closed the door with a click, his face frowning at the incessant cries coming from your crib. he can see your little arms flailing up and around through the wooden rails, prompting him to quicken his pace towards you.
what a tiny little thing you are, he can still remember his wife's voice when you were placed in her arms that night.
"good evening, little one," he coos, lowering his hand to brush against the baby hairs on your head.
"if i remember correctly, adelinde fed you earlier just before i arrived—" he recalls that it had just been two and a half hours ago when he finished his patrol around mondstadt, "—what must be causing you to fuss at this time of the night?"
he wasn't aware of it, but the corner of his lips tilted up into a small smile. his voice in a gentle tone that only his beloved had the honor of hearing. your delicate skin barely felt the feather-like touches of his fingertips but it was enough to make your cries decrease in volume, your hiccups and whimpers left to echo in the four walls of your room.
diluc felt his heart leap for a second, but shook his head to focus on easing your cries.
"your diaper is clean," he glances at the sheets in your crib, "you hadn't entangled yourself with the mattress either."
it's safe to say that everything that diluc had read about parenting, which were multiple shelves upon shelves of books, had dispersed the second he had to put it to use.
"uh," he looks down at you in concern, clueless and hands trembling in nervousness.
you're still crying, albeit not as loud as before but he still wouldn't want you to keep crying until you get tired. he sighs, wracking his brain of anything that might solve his problems right away.
"barbatos help me—wait, no, nevermind," he groans, reprimanding himself for even thinking about that unreliable and drunkard archon of mondstadt. hesitating for a second, he carefully reaches under your armpits then pauses.
how do you carry babies again?
you must've sensed his reluctance, squirming at the uncomfortable grip he has around your armpits and whining.
"wait, no, that's not right."
cursing under his breath, he then slips his hands under your head and bum, carefully—almost too careful, he's so afraid to accidentally drop you—lifting you to his chest, where he lets your head rest on his shoulder. the weight of your body was unfamiliar in his arms, so light. he really hasn't carried you that much, huh? his arms are too stiff to be comfortable for babies, yet here you are, babbling quietly and relaxing.
wait, what?
he turns his head to look at your untroubled sleeping face.
did you… did you stop crying the moment he took you in his arms?
"oh, my little flame."
you look so… so fragile and at peace. he never imagined that such a vulnerable little thing like you would ever feel so secured in his presence that you'd cease your tears at the touch of his warmth. it's like he was all you were searching for in the first place—and he is. you really were asking, crying, for him. for a mere few minutes in his arms and you're already so comfortably sleeping, as if you weren't just fussing a moment ago. you wanted him, a man who had lost everything and grew familiar with violence, to hold you in his arms.
the whole time that he was awestruck at such a precious moment in front of him, he had not realized the tears running down his cheeks.
only when he felt the drops of crystal clear tears on your clothes did he snap from his gaze, shifting you gently to wipe away his tears. his tired eyes affected by his sudden tears feel heavier than earlier.
but he didn't want to leave this yet.
he wants to stay like this a little longer. he wants to feel the utmost trust you put in him to hold your fragile little self and protect you in your most vulnerable state.
this… this is an unfamiliar territory, yet it also feels right. like his arms is where you are safe the most.
so he stays.
leaning his back on the armchair placed in your baby room, he carefully shifts you to lay on his arms, watching you sleep with tenderness in his eyes. to be given such an opportunity to care, love, and protect such a precious little thing. one that was given to him by his wife. one that lit up a tiny flame in his heart, slowly engulfing his whole person and soaring the skies.
he would do everything to protect you, even at the cost of his life.
"rest well, little phoenix."
but you burned so brightly that he sometimes had to look away.
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to say that everyone in the ragnvindr household, staff and employees alike, are in shambles is an understatement.
this includes even the ever so smooth cavalry captain, kaeya.
the cause? you, the only child of diluc ragnvindr, had fallen terribly ill a week ago. at first it was just a runny nose and a constant feeling of discomfort. three days later, your simple cold turned into a high fever. the bad news? diluc is thousands of miles away in fontaine, dealing with international business and he hasn't been answering their letters. yes, letters, plural form. they had sent the fifth letter this morning.
kaeya, and everyone else, is slowly losing their mind. adelinde and elzer are on the verge of a breakdown.
"ah, seriously, your stupid father."
kaeya sighed for the nth time today. he had been taking his day off for the past four days, choosing to look after your ill state. the convenience of his cryo vision came in handy in this situation, keeping your forehead cool with a hand and using his body temperature to make sure you aren't being affected by the heatwave outside.
yet, your fever refuses to go down. you weren't necessarily hard to take care of, but the frown on your face and whimpers from time to time says enough.
that, and you kept asking for your currently absent father.
"yes, pipsqueak?" he rubs his hand across your back, "do you want something?"
"where's dad?"
kaeya couldn't help the grimace at your question, choosing to say something that wouldn't directly tell you that your dumbass of a father is too busy to spare a minute or two to read their letters regarding your state.
"he'll be home soon, alright?"
kaeya's never been a religious person, but he prays to the wielder of faith that what he said will come true.
"i want dad…"
"i know, kid, i know."
a few seconds later, you're once again in a feverish dreamland. kaeya couldn't imagine how it must've felt to not find the person you need the most at your weakest state. (well, he could actually, but even then he was always surrounded by people when he was your age)
perhaps it's not as obvious to the public, but kaeya is not just anyone. he knows the longing in your eyes whenever he sees you look at you diluc. the way you don't seem to have the same glee that klee and any other child have. he's also painfully aware of diluc's negligence and irresponsibility as your father. how can he not be aware, when you ask him things that you should already know just by spending time with your father? when he had never seen the two of you in the same room, bonding or doing whatever a father and his child should be doing? when he can clearly see you looking at your father with desperate eyes and diluc looks at you wistfully, unable to sort his the unresolved emotions he still had since your mother's passing? after all, diluc ragnvindr is a man who cannot waste his time to mourn when time is unwilling to wait. time is unyielding, merciless, keeps moving forward and will not spare anyone a moment to stop. and you are his child burdened at such a young age.
but you still ask for your father nonetheless.
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"is dad here yet?"
that's the nth time you asked that question now.
adelinde couldn't help but frown every time you did, praying to the anemo archon once more that the master would soon push the doors to the manor open. after kaeya left for work—he unfortunately couldn't skip today's patrol, something about observing the recent appearance of an unusual activity in the wild—you had woken up from a fever dream. if adelinde wasn't already stressed for the past few days, she was sure she would've passed out when she saw you crying in your sleep, twisting and turning around under the crumpled sheets before waking up with a yelp, curling around your knees as you let out heart wrenching whimpers and cries for your father.
it took a while before you eventually settled down in bed again, but unable to close your eyes after the fright.
"please, young one, you need to rest if you want to get well."
"i want to wait for dad…"
she had never seen you in such a state where you'd stubbornly stick your feet to the ground with the resolve that resembled your father so much. you were always such an obedient child, listening intently to the staff—especially to diluc—and never having to be told of something twice for you to understand something.
but right now, even as your eyes refuse to stay open and your breaths turn shallow, you clench your fist around your blanket with a determination that's mighty as steel.
oh you remind her so much of diluc whenever he gets stubborn as a sick child, it would've been so endearing if only the two aren't in such a complicated situation.
"knock knock," elzer peeks inside from the door, giving you a gentle smile before entering. "don't want to sleep yet?"
"the young one is insisting on waiting for the master," adelinde sighed tiredly.
"i want to wait for dad," they barely heard your voice from under your blanket. when did you even cocooned yourself?
"i figured as much," elzer chuckled as he walked closer, pulling something from behind him to show you. "i have something that might help you. here, let me unwrap you from the burrito you got yourself into."
carefully, he takes the blanket away from your shivering body, quickly replacing it with two coats similar to the ones your dad wears everyday.
"did you take that from the laundry?"
"apologies," he sheepishly smiles at adelinde. "i thought our young ragnvindr here would feel better if they had something to remind them of the master."
"you didn't even have the mind to tell me?"
"you haven't left this room since master kaeya went out!"
"thank you."
the two whipped their heads to look at you, both exhaling a relieved breath at the sight of your eyes closed, snuggling into the coats that are remarkably too large for your size. you look a little more at ease now, forehead lacking the crease of your eyebrows.
"i miss dad," you subconsciously murmured, barely heard if it wasn't for the silence in the room.
elzer brushes the hair away from your face, delicately smoothing his thumb at your temple with a soft smile.
"fret not, young one. master diluc will arrive sooner than later," he purses his lips at the lie.
just like that, you have once again fallen into the land of dreams, hopefully one that will not stir you awake with fear.
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as if the archons had enough of their constant voices, their prayers have been answered.
diluc can consider his business in fontaine successful. he had not expected it to only take a week and a day, clearly assuming that it would've taken more than just a week to strike a deal in business. but hey, what's done is done and he's thankful that he could come home to you sooner.
after all, he wouldn't have worked his ass off as diligently as possible if he didn't want to see you immediately.
he had been packed with papers here and there from multiple people who wanted to do business with him—he's much more surprised that he went through all of them in such a short amount of time—that he had unintentionally forgotten the unusual amount of letters from elzer and… kaeya?
what in the world would kaeya want from him other than to annoy him? no matter, the sooner he finishes things up the sooner he can go home.
ah, home. home is wherever you are safe.
except, he didn't expect to come home to his maids scurrying around without the supervision of adelinde and how they are extremely relieved to see him enter through the entrance.
"master diluc!" they exclaimed at the same time.
the two rushed to his direction, both simultaneously rambling his ears off in concern.
"wait, wait," diluc sighed, stopping them from their rambles, "i do not understand anything that the two of you are saying. now, tell me what's wrong, clearly this time." he pointed a look towards moco.
"um," she gulped—clearly nervous about the sudden stare—"it's about your child." the two tensed up at the way his eyes squinted into a worried look.
"yes? what happened?"
"they had fallen ill for a week and three days now."
without wasting a single moment after those words escaped moco's mouth, his feet hurriedly skips to the stairs and swerved the corners of every hallway to their room right in front of his, where adelinde is just about to close the door upon her exit.
"what happened?"
she sharply turned around at his sudden voice, breathing a sigh of relief. she almost thought that she's starting to see things out of desperation.
"i'm glad you've returned safely, master diluc," she curtsies, "the little one had only just fallen asleep after a few hours of restless tousling in bed. they've been asking for you ever since they fell ill."
"their condition?" he eyes the crack on the door where he can see the mop of hair just a little.
"their fever hasn't gone down for a week now, but it also hasn't gotten worse. although, i'm afraid this is causing too much stress on them and it's not allowing them to rest," she moves aside the door, placing a hand on his shoulder and gently nudging him inside with an encouraging smile. "i believe the constant thought of you and your absence in their delirious state is weighing down on their fragile condition. i'm sure they'll feel a little better with their father's presence."
"thank you for looking after them and… apologies, i—"
"it is not i that you should be apologizing to. please," she pleads, "they need you right now, master diluc. they need their father."
sharing one last glance of acknowledgement between the two, adelinde leaves diluc to his own device, the latter then pushing the door open as quietly as possible.
the sight of your tiny figure wrapped in his coats, curled into a ball in the large bed that seems to be too cold for your comfort feels like a lightning struck diluc's heart. your eyes are shut tight, half of your face covered by the clothes and obvious shivers wracking your body. to the eyes of someone that doesn't share the same sharp sense of a man who's been through harsh winters and countless near death encounters, one wouldn't be able to see the twitches of your eyes, completely encased inside your slumbering dreams.
all of this was happening while he was thousands of miles away. such a foolish mistake on his part to regard those letters inconvenient without even knowing its contents.
your pain reminds him of your mother's demise. like a mirage playing all of his suffering in a loop.
but no, he's here now and it's not the time to wallow in self-deprecating thoughts when he should be prioritizing your health.
"my little flame," he exhales under his breath, lowering himself beside you on your bed and brushing your hair away from your face, the mere touch of his warm fingers stirring you awake from a cold dream.
or maybe, you're still dreaming.
because there's just no way for the man that you've been calling out for just moments ago—it's been days but you're too delirious to figure that out—is now here beside you, smiling at you in a way he never had done so before.
"hey," he greets, staring right back at your sleep-hazed eyes with a soft smile, "how's my little phoenix feeling, hm?"
"cold. i feel very cold."
"i see, it just so happens that i have a pyro vision to help you with that," he breathed a relieved sigh when you chuckled quietly. "would you mind if i hold you to keep you warm for a while?"
"you're not… busy?"
"that doesn't matter right now, little flame. i would rather be here than anywhere else."
dad is always busy, you thought. this really must be a good dream.
"i… i want dad to hold me."
"i would gladly."
in the next few minutes, you fight to keep your eyes open, nuzzling your head against the warmth of your father's chest. he has you huddled close to his chest while he sits on the chair beside your bed, still bundled in his coats. you look so much like that night when he first took you in his arms to sooth your cries, falling asleep with your bundled form in his chest and waking up to see your peaceful slumber, not once stirring awake to cry after he took you in his arms. that night he swore to give everything he has to protect your light.
if the archons would let you, you would stay in this dream forever—and if falling asleep in this dream means you'd wake up to a reality where diluc barely looks behind him to see you trying to reach for him with your little hands, then you never want to wake up from this dream.
"rest well, my flame. i'll be here for you whenever you need me."
and what a wonderful dream it was.
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kaeya had never felt so cold in the tavern in his entire life.
it wasn't raining, nor was it winter that sources the low temperature, and it couldn't possibly be cold in such an establishment that diluc owns. in fact, it's always been warm in the tavern.
until today, that is.
"would you care to repeat that again?"
kaeya, despite being a cryo vision wielder, felt the hairs in his body stood at the icy venomous tone that came out of diluc's mouth. he's used to hearing him speak in such way that makes him intimidating—not so much to kaeya—but right now his voice just reeks pure anger and murderous intent that everyone, sober or not, can do nothing but stare at the scene in fear.
"i will gladly say it again!" the man hollered, utterly drunk and out of his mind.
"fool," kaeya glared at the man in front of the bar counter.
"you would've been better off saving your wife rather than your wretched child. you wouldn't lose anything if you saved her, you could just make another! they're a pathetic child anyway! so meek and naive, how can they possibly live up to their parents' names?"
kaeya gritted his teeth, jaw and fists clenched, shooting up from his seat that pushed his chair backward. but before he could even make a step towards the man, diluc raised his hand as if to tell him that he's got this.
agitated and confused, but kaeya knew better. he may not look like it, but he knew that something is brewing behind that void expression on diluc's face.
"they are nowhere as wonderful as your gorgeous wife! in fact, they're better off gone from the face of this world instead of having killed their own mother—"
a hand reached out from behind the bar, grabbing onto his collar and pulling him forward.
"—hey! how dare you touch me! i am a nobility!"
"say. that. again."
the man felt his whole body tremble at the sudden rise in temperature and the blazing vermillion eyes staring right through his soul, molten lava swirling in rage in those orbs, glowering down at him with the intensity of a bursting sun, radiating pure heat that will melt him right before he can even get close. despite all of this, his sweat felt too cold, traveling across his whole body when the hand around his collar tightens when he doesn't answer.
one can tell that he's completely sober and wide awake right now.
"did i tell you to stop speaking?"
"no—no, no, no, please sir you must understand—"
"oh, i completely understand what you're trying to say."
suddenly the world spins and his face is planted on the bar counter's wood surface with the strength of a person who has trained with a claymore more than half his life.
"but sire, you know nothing about my late wife and my child," diluc smashes a wine bottle on the wooden counter, the money's worth of wine spilling on the floor but diluc could care less. the wine may as well be the blood of this buffoon here. his blood is boiling, a concoction of anger and pure bloodlust spilling over the nose of the pot that makes him point the shattered ends of the bottle near the man's terrified face.
"you better listen to every word i say with that pig-headed brain of yours," his voice gets impossibly colder, dropping into a lower tone as he looks down with murderous eyes. "if i hear you utter my wife or phoenix's name, i will personally see to it that it will be the last name that you get to say and my face would be the last thing you see."
he goes over the counter while dragging the man behind him like a sack of potatoes with great force, ignoring the cries for mercy—even the people at the tavern avoid meeting his eyes. he is soon thrown outside the tavern, his fancy noble suit kissing the dirty pavements.
"never show your obnoxious face in my tavern again," diluc turns around, pauses, before looking back at the horrified man once more. "oh, and don't doubt my ability. i will know if you mention my wife and child's name again."
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"good evening and welcome back, master diluc."
"good evening."
diluc shrugs his coat from his shoulder, letting adelinde take the cloth from him before turning to elzer.
"i assume that the documents i asked for this morning have arrived?"
"yes, sir, i placed the document right next to the sales report files in your office. everything else is ready to be arranged for tomorrow."
"good, thank you," he sighs in relief then turns to adelinde. "how is phoenix? had they eaten?"
"yes, they did request that we place a smaller portion of food this lunch and dinner. they claimed that… that they'd be too busy to study to eat that much."
"they've been awfully invested in their studies these days," elzer added. "perhaps i should schedule a time for tutor sessions?"
"no need," he shakes his head. "y/n had expressed a disinterest in being tutored by someone else."
he bids the two a good night, venturing through the hallways that he knows so well like the back of his hand, mindlessly skipping his room until he is stood in front of your door. the adrenaline and surge of emotions from tonight's shift at the tavern left a sour taste in his tongue, bile lumping in his throat at the words he's been trying oh so hard to forget.
the sheer audacity to tell him that you are nothing like your mother.
you are everything that your mother wanted you to be. you remind him so much of her that it sometimes sends his heart in a spiraling tumble across mondstadt's mountains. sometimes it hurts, sometimes it gives him a sense of peace to have you safe and sound, right beside him—a piece of what's left from his wife, a blessing and a gift. but mostly, it scares him that he might fail to protect you as well, like he always does.
but despite all of these, you also bring so much comfort to him that your mother once did.
you are nothing like what the man mentioned you to be.
finally, diluc's shoulders drop the tense posture it has been with after the encounter in the tavern, his breath more regulated and mind finally free from the malicious infestation it once held towards that bastard.
"y/n?" he quietly knocks on your door.
a few seconds passed without a response, he quietly and carefully turned the knob and pushed the door, noting that your lamp is still lit and the windows are still wide open, letting in the cold wind of the night.
"oh, dear," he sighed exasperated—yet the fond smile on his face says otherwise.
papers and books are scattered all over your desk, all kept in place by your folded arms and head that was sprawled across the wooden surface. your cheek was pressed on an opened book, a quill lying limp on your hand and inkwell dangerously close to tipping over your pile of papers.
you had fallen asleep while studying.
he approaches your slumped body, placing the lid on the inkwell and moving it to a safer area. before he could even begin to move you back to your bed, his hand paused all movement as he stared at your sleeping face.
you look so at peace—something that he wants to maintain for your safety. something that he risks his life every night and works hard everyday for. he would raise hell from the underground and bring blazing fire to the abyss if he had to—he would do everything to keep you safe. even if it means burning himself in the process.
"my little phoenix," he whispered into the night, a hand brushing the hairs away from your forehead. "you look so much like your mother."
willing himself to move, he carefully carries you to bed and tucks the blanket around you, brushing your hair so it wouldn't get in your face whilst you sleep. he tidied up your desk and closes the windows, checking around for anything to arrange before turning the lamp off and making his way to the door.
he faces your bed right as he closes the door, smiling at how you seemed to be deep in your sleep.
"you did well today, my little flame. good night."
the next day, you groggily thanked adelinde on your way to the kitchen for breakfast, muttering how terrible it would've been if your ink had spilled all over your books. your mind was still half asleep to discern her confusion.
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birthdays are said to be a day of celebration. the special day that you were brought to the world and into the lives of those that cherishes you, receiving gifts and greetings and spending the whole day with those that you love.
you don't like celebrating your birthday.
your birthday is far from special. you despise it. every year, you grow agitated whenever the day slowly comes and you have to prepare yourself to plaster fake smiles to those that greet you, before trying your best to convince your father to not spend mora upon mora for a single party. it's one of those rare times that you're glad that he's too busy to arrange anything, letting elzer to handle the task. the poor guy has to deal with your incessant request to just drop the party plans and lie to your father every time.
overtime, everyone in the winery figured that you just don't like celebrating it at all, and that's understandable. it's something that they understand without having to say anything, choosing to greet you with warm smiles in the morning and your favorite platter of food instead. the cake—which is something you actually do enjoy by the way—and the fake props stays though, diluc would be suspicious if he finds no sign that a celebration took place.
your birth stole the life of someone precious to the people around you, why should you celebrate it?
the only problem lies in the city of mondstadt itself.
you once made the mistake of venturing to the city to buy yourself something for yourself—no offense to diluc's gift but it's more often than not something that you're not interested in, you will never say that to his face though.
the moment you step foot inside the city gates, people bombarded you with happy greetings and inquiries about how you would celebrate, some gave you a free treat—you particularly love the flowers and small treats. they raise their voices in such an over enthusiastic way that it echoes in your ear like a broken phonograph. it's irritating, infuriating, and exhausting—but as a ragnvindr, you have to force the most polite smile on your face and give them the same fake energy they give you, ignoring those who stare at you in a way that makes your skin crawl.
you may be in your preteen years, but you weren't born yesterday—hah!—nor are you blind.
you were lucky kaeya was near that time and saw your unnerving smile. since then, you made a point of not venturing outside the vicinity of the dawn winery for a week after your birthday.
unfortunately, that's not the case this time.
"where have you been the whole day?"
you froze on spot at the sound of his voice—stern, strict, and cold. you hadn't expected him to wait for you, especially not when the manor is littered with strangers plastered with smiles and disgustingly sweet voices greeting your ears the moment they laid their judging eyes upon you. surely, he must be tired from all the social mingling.
you felt suffocated surrounded by these guests.
diluc had scheduled a banquet held in the manor the same day of your birthday, celebrating not only your birth but also the emerging business opportunities for the winery. it had been a while since the ragnvindr manor opened its door to visitors—your parents' wedding, specifically—so it's no wonder why all of these noble families were eager to attend.
hosting a banquet on our birthday, means your attendance is a must. diluc had once emphasized the importance of making appearances when hosting an event.
for the most part, you had been present from start of the banquet, saying your oh so called gratitude whenever someone greets you a happy birthday. but you knew better than to trust those excited grins and sugar-coated words. you hear them all the time, what makes them think theirs is special? within this kind of society, there's no room for being naive and gullible.
yet it still did not stop you from feeling disgusted and asphyxiated.
right in the middle of the event, your head started to spin from how crowded you felt. excusing yourself was easy enough, you know the right words to say. escaping the manor was tedious though, everyone wanted to greet the young ragnvindr, but you successfully made it to the back porch where you found yourself hiding away from the monsters making themselves feel at home in a house that was supposed to be your safe place.
the comfort outside was soon disrupted when one of the maids found you, panic stricken on her face as she relayed to you that the banquet had been dismissed hours ago and your father was not pleased with how you ditched the event.
"y/n, i asked you a question."
his voice sounded louder than before, you can conclude that your silence was not what he was looking forward to, nor is any excuse you'd make on the spot.
"apologies," you will yourself to speak loud enough for him to hear, but avoid looking his way. "i got caught up admiring the view outside."
why is it so hard to make a lie on the spot when you're talking to diluc?
"the view outside?" you can hear the confusion in his voice. "the view outside has been the same since forever. what difference does the view have now that it made you leave the banquet meant to celebrate your birth?"
you dig your nails into your palms, biting the insides of your cheeks to refrain yourself from making a sarcastic remark.
"nothing, father. although i couldn't say the same for inside the house."
your mouth opened before you could even think of what you just said. well, there goes your attempt at a peaceful conversation.
i really should lessen the time i spend with uncle kaeya.
"inside the house?" diluc pushes himself up from the couch, arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed. "i'm going to need you to expound on your words and while you're at it, why our guest claimed to not have attended any of your birthday celebrations that you and the other staff claimed you had hosted. elzer seemed to turn pale when i asked him about this, so i figured it would be better to ask you myself."
oh, he knows.
the look on your face confirms his suspicion.
"y/n, if you don't give me a proper explanation for your lies and sudden dereliction for your manners, know that i will not forget to address such topic unless you give me the explanation i want to hear—"
your head feels fuzzy, his voice is being muffled by the sound of faint ringing and your heartbeat in your ears, throbbing—pounding on the skull of your temple. your throat turns dry, lips parting to let you breathe as you felt the suffocating atmosphere from earlier once again.
never have you felt such a bubbling feeling of frustration and heaviness directed towards your father.
"yes, i lied."
"i am aware," he clicks his tongue at the nonchalant way you spoke—the sound wasn't that loud yet it echoed in your ears painfully.
the way he spoke sent your mind reeling with insecurities. your fear of disappointing the one person you strive to get to acknowledge you in the slightest prickling your skin with hot iron, as if engraving the tone of his voice in your head.
disappointing and shameful.
but something snapped inside of you when the circumstance has settled in, when the past occurrence whipped in front of your eyes in a single moment, along with the emotions that came crashing on you, recalling every little bit of effort you put through to get to him.
is it… really necessary for me to do something and be someone of distinction to deserve my father's recognition?
suddenly, you couldn't stop your mouth from spitting fire.
"in fact, i've been lying to you and myself, father."
cold silence flooded the room at your words, but you willed yourself to gaze upon his bewildered face, a hint of pain behind those familiar vermillion eyes of his. if he had looked at you this way any other day, you would've done anything to clear yourself of confusion to appease him.
but this is no any other day.
"what are you trying to tell me, phoenix?"
your mind is too fogged with frustration and everything you have suppressed to be delighted with the nickname he often calls you.
"why do you always insist that i celebrate this… special day?"
you watch him look at you, questioning, as if he wanted to ask why you wouldn't know such a thing.
"because today is the day of your birth and i want you to be surrounded with the people who want to bring joy to you," his tone seemed perplexed, wording his words like it wasn't obvious enough. "i wanted you to be happy on your birthday."
you almost want to barf the second he spoke those words.
"why would you even ask such things—"
“have you ever asked me what i wanted?"
diluc staggered backwards, mouth opening to say something but he paused, something akin to realization plastered in his face and he pales. his tensed shoulder visibly lowered, breath shuddering at your words that echoes itself in his head like a broken cassette.
no, he had never asked you what you wanted. he just assumed that you would.
but why, why did you kept quiet? did i really appeared like i don't care enough to listen to you?
"i didn't want to burden you any further with my preferences. i… i thought it would please you if i never complained about anything."
it was as if you knew how his mind works, answering with his unsaid question.
"phoenix," he takes a step closer but dared not to get too close. he felt like an invisible force, a wall, is hindering him from approaching your figure.
"to be acknowledged by you. it was all i ever wanted."
"forgive me if i seem too… unmindful of my manners in an earlier banquet. i never meant to hurt our family's name like that—"
"that's not what—"
"i wanted to keep up appearances and stay by your side, be the ever carbon copy of the master of the ragnvindr clan. but tonight,"—your gaze lowered, as if embarrassed—"it didn't felt right. the crowd of people felt… suffocating. i used to think that it was easy to keep smiling to appease these people that i'm not familiar with. but i guess you just made it look easier," you smiled, although tight and forced, like the ones diluc uses for his business. a smile so unlike yourself.
it pained diluc to have you direct that kind of smile towards him.
"i never wanted these flock of people walking around praising me for their own benefit."
but you deserve all of those words of acknowledgement, you've done so much at such a young age. you deserve so much more.
"i didn't ask for this party filled with all these people that i've never even spoken to, not even once."
i'm so sorry my little flame, i never wanted to make you feel like a lone whale in a vast ocean.
"i never wanted to spend another birthday that would only remind me of how extremely lonely it is to be loved just for my last name, if they even love me at all—" you chuckled bitterly.
you don't know how much i love you my little flame, i would've gone to hell and back for you.
"—i never wanted to spend another birthday wishing for my own father to recognize me for who i am and actually look at me for more than just a few minutes and not just because he has to. all i want is to spend my birthday, heck it doesn't even have to be my birthday or any holiday, with my dad. just my dad. no one else. and i hope he also wants to spend just a day with me, not just because it's his responsibility."
i do! it doesn't have to be any special day, i would've dropped everything if you asked me to!
diluc felt his whole body run cold at your next words, eyes glistening with tears at the sudden imagery of the woman he loved in his mind, holding your fragile figure in her arms as she took her last breath.
suddenly, you seem so out of reach.
"i don't want another birthday where i wish that it should've been my mother and not me."
what… what do you mean? how could you say that?
wordlessly—with dull eyes that remind him so much of himself whenever he looks at the mirror when he was younger and angrier—you gave him a tired smile, before turning on your heels.
"forgive me for being disappointing, father."
say something, say something, idiot! do something! move, move, move!
he watched helplessly, unable to tear his gaze from your retreating figure.
do something for the love of god! it's all your fault, if you didn't stay quiet, if you haven't been distancing yourself, this wouldn't happen! you pushed your own child away!
his mouth parted to say something, but his voice failed to speak up. the tears that gathered in his eyes fell in streams, the image of your form closing the door blurry as he whispers his unspoken plea.
"please, don't take anyone else from me anymore. not my phoenix."
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