#magical intentions
andromedasdomain · 7 months
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𓆩♡𓆪I made a little graph for you, guys.𓆩♡𓆪 𓆩♡𓆪You can print it and put it in your grimoire if you want.𓆩♡𓆪
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
Candle Spells: Unlocking the Power of Intention
Shaina Tranquilino
August 25, 2023
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Candles have been used for centuries in various spiritual practices and rituals. They hold a special significance in many cultures, symbolizing illumination, purification, and divine connection. But did you know that candles can also be used as potent tools for spellcasting?
Candle spells are a form of sympathetic magic, where the energy generated from burning candles is harnessed to manifest specific intentions or desires. This practice taps into the power of focused intention, visualization, and symbolism to create positive change in our lives.
Choosing the Right Candle
The first step in candle spellwork is selecting the appropriate candle colour based on your intention. Each colour holds its own vibrational frequency and corresponds to different aspects of life. For instance:
- White candles represent purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.
- Red candles embody passion, love, courage, and strength.
- Green candles signify prosperity, abundance, growth, and healing.
- Blue candles bring tranquility, calmness, and communication.
- Yellow candles symbolize happiness, confidence, and intellectual pursuits.
These are just a few examples; there is an array of colours available with their unique properties. Trust your intuition when choosing a candle or refer to correspondences found in books or online resources.
Setting Up Your Sacred Space
Creating a sacred space helps establish an environment conducive to spellcasting. Cleanse the area by smudging with sage or burning some incense to clear any negative energies. Arrange crystals or other meaningful objects that align with your intention around your workspace.
It's essential to set your intention clearly before beginning any ritual work. Spend a few moments meditating on what you wish to manifest through this candle spell. Visualize your desired outcome as vividly as possible.
Preparing Your Candle
Once you've chosen the right candle colour and established your intent, it's time to prepare your candle for spellwork. Carve symbols or words into the wax that represent your intention. For example, if you're seeking love, you might carve a heart or the name of your desired partner.
Anointing the candle with an appropriate oil further enhances its power. Use oils like lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or cinnamon for prosperity. As you anoint the candle, visualize your intent merging with the oil and infusing the candle with energy.
Candle Spell Ritual
To begin your candle spell ritual:
1. Light some incense or smudge yourself to cleanse your aura.
2. Place your prepared candle in a fire-safe holder and light it.
3. As you light the flame, recite an affirmation or chant that reflects your intention clearly.
4. Sit in front of the lit candle and focus on its flame while visualizing your desired outcome.
5. Feel the energy flowing from within you and connecting with the flame's energy.
6. Repeat affirmations, prayers, or mantras that align with your intention.
7. Stay in this meditative state for as long as necessary until you feel a sense of completion.
It's important to note that candle spells are not meant to control others but rather to enhance personal growth and manifest positive change within ourselves and our lives.
Closing Your Ritual
Once you feel ready to conclude your ritual, thank any deities or divine forces you invoked during your practice. Extinguish the candle using a snuffer instead of blowing it out to preserve the magical energy generated during the spellwork.
Allow the candle to burn completely if possible, symbolizing the fulfillment of your intention. If extinguishing is necessary before it burns out naturally, relight it whenever possible until fully consumed.
Remember that patience is key when practicing spellcasting; results may take time to manifest fully. Keep an open mind and be receptive to signs and opportunities that align with your intention after performing a candle spell.
Candle spells can be a powerful tool in your spiritual practice, helping you manifest positive change and align with the energies of the universe. Just remember to approach them with respect, integrity, and always work for the highest good of all involved.
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conjuremanj · 11 months
Are Intentions Enough.
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You may have read or heard.
"It's all about your intentions."
" Work through your intentions."
"I don't light candles, I just focus my intentions."
Statements like these are false. In fact, such and misleading that they probably started with someone from social media. Beginners come to the internet and social media pages trying to learn about magic and conjuring, and the first thing they find are people who are intentionally and unintentionally misleading them.
Intent Does Little To Nothing: Why is this? The average person probably will has hundreds of intentions in a day: Most "intentions" that go through your mind will never be more than just thoughts. Once the thoughts have it let's you focus on the current without any distractions.
The "intent" to do something is forgotten because the mind is constantly attempting to escape from doing things that require effort and will seek the easiest way. Without these disciplines, it becomes very easy to let goals go.
Self-Enchantment: You can keep convincing yourself that your very thoughts are enough to make dramatic change in the universe is dangerous. Practicing magic is a careful balance between the physical and spiritual, skepticism and faith, when you have no foundation to measure your actions you can easily lose touch with what's important. At least if you work a candle spell and you don't get results you can analyze what you have done and find the problem.
Part of the Magic is in the Preparations: When you create something you are sending signals to your spirits. You are taking action to try and make a change. When you speak to your ingredients you are impressing the energy of your desires onto them. When you light your candles you are giving energy to the spirits to take action on your behalf. Think about it, This is the difference between thinking about going somewhere and actually getting in your car and going. You may not see results right away, but you are one step closer to getting there.
The Breath And Words Have Power: The act of speaking your desires to spirits is extremely powerful. In your lungs is the Breath of Life, when you speak you are giving life to your desires and hopes. When you speak to spirits you are giving commands for them to move into the action you desire. Without the breath to animate your desires they are nothing more than fantasies in your mind.
Magic Is Discipline. An person spends hours experimenting and refining their technique to advance a skill and magic does the same thing. Practice is required to perfect your skills and advance yourself to greater levels of influence. In order to advance yourself you must first get out of your own head and start chasing after your desires. Just twenty minutes of practice with prayer and meditation will change your game within six months, and that sounds much better than simply imagining yourself as a powerful wizard/ conjure etc.
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cardinalvalentino · 9 days
ok im really curious do you guys have books you consider your "white whale"? as in books you keep telling yourself oh yeah i really want to read that, but you keep not reading it?
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puppypuppypuppypuppy · 10 months
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fairy AU but he's very bad at granting wishes isn't he
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hellspawnsparks · 6 months
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see, princess luna? everypony's going to love your costume! happy nightmare night!
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canisalbus · 6 months
Love your art so much. Will you show us cool nature pics from your country? I'm literally so stoned I forgot where you live sorry.
Sure anon, why not. I'm not a photographer so the quality of these is kind of slushy at best. I like nature and wander around a little bit, but I rarely hike properly, so I don't go to that many scenic places. These are mostly from regular walks. Long post warning.
Summers are short but very green, and since we're at the arctic circle we get sunlight around the clock. Some of these were taken at midnight or early morning small hours. Most of Finland is very sparsely populated and covered in boreal forests.
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Finland is a very watery country, lots of lakes in particular.
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Sometimes you get intense sunsets
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And winters are very cold, snowy and last about six months. In summer we have midnight sun and in winter there's the polar night to counter it. Around late December sun only rises for about two hours per day where I live so it's very dark for many, many weeks on end (which is wonderful if you get seasonal depression like I do). But sometimes the weather and lighting are just right and you get this ethereal pastel effect that I love.
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hearthandheathenry · 3 months
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Questions to ask your tarot cards:
What is a message my guides want me to hear?
What is something I need to face about myself?
What should I focus on this day/week/month/year?
What is something I can do to improve my life?
What can I do to better my chances at achieving my goal of _____?
What is the next step I need to take in order to achieve _____?
What can I do to become happier/more fulfilled in my life?
Is there someone I need to apologize to?
Is there someone I need to talk to?
Have I finished all my business with ____?
How can I move on from _____?
How can I improve my relationship with _____?
What do I need to be reminded of?
What is a lesson the universe wants me to learn?
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powdermelonkeg · 4 months
Thoughts on the thunder wizard again.
Genuinely, I find Gale's relationship with Mystra to be fascinating when you consider all its facets. Unhealthy, imbalanced, definitely poisonous, but also very, very intricate with a lot of blurred edges to it. One of those things where you're both like "wow, what the hell, that's horrible" but also "that makes perfect sense for their characters, and while I would NEVER, I know why they would, and why it happened."
You've got a wizard who doesn't know what real love is, who thinks he's finally being shown it by the person he adores most. His greatest fantasy, his most potent joy, his most heartfelt aspirations, and they were all offered to him.
And he wants to see what all she's hiding from him, because of course he does. She's the keeper of all things forbidden to him. The empire of Netheril reached magical heights that will never be touched again, and all that knowledge is beyond her curtain. She loves him, right? Surely, if he proves himself enough, she'll let him grasp that power he so desperately wants.
And not even in the power-hungry sense! All that magic Mystra's locked up was accessible during Mystryl's reign. Think of all the answers to theories about the universe that are back there. Every question of "can this be done, and what would it do" would be answered, if he could just bargain hard enough.
She loves him, right?
Surely, if he proves himself enough...
And then, on the other hand, Mystra. Once Midnight, her human personality has been subsumed by the goddess of magic and her duty to the Weave. She has a responsibility to magic, she IS magic.
Then along comes this mortal boy who knows how to handle her Weave. Who doesn't try to wrestle with and dominate, who sings to it. He handles it with such ease and grace—it's not just that he could be Chosen, but he deserves it. To put her Weave in the hands of someone so intrinsically in tune with it, who understands its potential with a wonder like no other. Few enough can handle the raw power that comes with being Chosen, but this one? This one is perfect.
And he adores you. And you adore him, like one would a beautiful butterfly that's landed on their finger. And he's willing to be devoted to you in all things, not out of transaction like most of your worshipers are, but out of love for you, your craft, your magic. You're so deeply and utterly charmed by him.
And it's not like Mystra hasn't walked this path before.
She gives him what he desires, because what he desires is her. And, in a different way, she desires him. She wants him to be her representation in the world. She indulges his adoration with her own presence, and takes indulgence herself in mortal comforts. He's never satisfied with her answers, but who could blame him? She keeps a whole world away from mortals, because she knows what such unfettered power might bring about (again).
And the wizarding prodigy's ambition is lit (again).
And the height of power is reached for (again).
And she stops him (again, again, again).
She does care for him. She doesn't want to see her little butterfly burn himself, and she doesn't want to be the one to ruin those wings.
But then he's not a butterfly. He's a mortal, wielding a weapon of murder, of her murder, and he's brought it to her doorstep because she told him "no." And he's cut himself on it, he doesn't know what it is, but it's hurt him—and it's only a fraction of the hurt it could do to her. How dare he want her help after threatening her?
(He didn't mean to.)
(He only wanted to help.)
(He only wanted. How human.)
She doesn't help him. If he wants to pursue Karsus' weaponry, it's his responsibility, his hubris, that led him to injuring himself on it. She's furious. She's hurt. She's cold.
(What fools these mortals be.)
But then, there's a greater threat to her. Something that could drown the Material in Karsus' failings. And that little boy, who nicked himself on the sword he lifted, still wants her help.
It's a fair trade, isn't it? She'll forgive him, let him into her domain again, if he accepts his punishment and goes into battle for her. He picked up a sword, it's appropriate that he learns to use it in her name, right?
If he was telling the truth, he wouldn't hesitate. If he really wanted to serve her with the Netherese Orb, he would jump at the opportunity to do so. He would have to give up a few petty things in the process, ("petty," she calls mortality, as if family and home mean nothing, as if friends and love are finite. Because to her, they do mean nothing. Because to her, they are finite.) but it isn’t atonement without sacrifice, is it?
It's the tactical move. She's not above hurting one man to save a nation. It's not even the first time she's done it.
(Dornal Silverhand sends his regards.)
If he loves her, he'd die for her, because she'd let him into her paradise. If he doesn't love her, he won't, and she was justified in removing him from her grace.
He doesn't love her. Not anymore.
Does he hate her enough to try to take his dues?
Ambition has always been man's greatest folly.
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I have a Venn Diagram to share
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andromedasdomain · 7 months
Magical Timing:
Saturday ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Magical Intentions: Knowledge Values/Morals Time Banishing Self Transformation Psychic Defense Meditation Locating lost items Self-defense Liberation ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── Crystals: Onyx Obsidian Smokey Quartz Jet Pumice ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── Herbs: Myrrh Moss Thyme Basil Hemlock Nettle Peppermint Pomegranate Hyacinth Mallow Juniper
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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I am seeing some of the WORST takes about tdp season 4. Sweet, sweet tumblr users. This season was a lot of set up, not everything was supposed to be explained or resolved, or even "should" have been. Season 4 had to do the heavy leg work of re-establishing characters and arcs and the plot moving foreword. It just needs a little time to be able to act on everything it's now established. It did a good job building off of arc 1, and now we are fully indoctrinated into arc 2!
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littlerosette · 3 months
i think more people should talk about how mr and mrs. everdeen’s relationship echoes that of peeta and katniss’s relationship and what this means for their obvious soulmatery
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magical-mascots · 1 year
Magical Mascots AU Character sheets ahoy~
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Okay so first up we have Sun - hope his nervous energy shines through because he has a lot to spare! So Sun is an overstretched mascot who can make balloon dogs and paper plates and all sorts come alive before your very eyes (much to every parent’s delight I’m sure)! In the end, he ended up taking on pretty much all the tasks at the play park once Moon was found to have …issues that seemed to come about as an unexpected side effect of his dream weaving ability. He’d sooner explode than admit it but it hasn’t been easy for him. Outside of Moon he doesn’t have a friend in the world, and to top it all off he was decommissioned and left to rot in the once busy soft play area following a mysterious incident, which has taken its toll on him. He would love nothing more than to be best friends forever and show you all the things and possibly keep you in his pocket!
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Next up is Moon. Moon is difficult to read at the best of times, but all the more so since his role was cut down more and more at the theme park and he was forced to reside in the mindscape he shares with Sun for most of time. Moon has been basically starved of all interactions in the real world for the longest time which has left him extremely elusive and wary. You’ll mostly only see him in doll form until you get to know him because he’s been kept away from people for so long he’s unsure of how to interact with them. He is playful, but it mostly seems to be on his own terms for the time being. Moon actually spends a lot of his time hanging out in the dreamscape and it’s in your dreams (or possibly your nightmares depending on whether you’ve been good or bad) where you’ll find him most.
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Aaaaand that brings us to our third major player …y/n! No stranger to fixing up toys and mascots in your brief time as Freddy’s handler at the theme park, now you’ve found yourself in the strange position of needing to fix yourself before you fade into oblivion. Ever since you woke up in the hospital following an unexpected incident with Freddy, your body has been glitching and fading on and off at the worst possible moments, and it’s starting to feel like you’re neither here nor there. A mysterious counsellor has promised a cure, but the only problem is it’s locked away in a dusty old corner somewhere along with one (or was it two?) apparently decommissioned mascots who are looking to be a lot more alive than you’d been led to believe. Will they be your best bet at getting the cure to your affliction or will they literally turn out to be your own worst nightmare?
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enchantedwitchling · 9 months
The Magic of Everyday: How I Find Witchcraft in the Ordinary.
Do you ever stop to marvel at the enchantment that surrounds us, hidden in plain sight? As I delve deeper into my journey of practicing witchcraft, I've come to realize that magic isn't just about casting grand spells or performing elaborate rituals—it's woven into the very fabric of our everyday lives.
Join me as I embark on this enchanting exploration of "The Magic of Everyday," where I'll reveal how I find witchcraft in the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary in the mundane.
Morning Brew, Morning Spells ☕🔮 Every morning, as the sun rises and the world awakens, I stand by the window, cradling my warm mug of tea or coffee, or in the summer months with iced drinks (I love an iced coffee!). With every sip, I imbue my drink with intentions of clarity and peace.
The Language of Plants and Crystals 🌿💎 During my daily walks, I've discovered a secret language spoken by the plants and crystals. The rustling leaves whisper ancient wisdom, while the sparkling crystals hum with energy. Nature, the most potent spell caster, teaches me to be still, listen, and learn.
Embracing the Elements 🌊🔥💨🌍 The elements surround us at all times, and recognising their presence is a powerful key to unlock everyday magic. I breathe in the fresh air, feel the earth beneath my feet, and let the rain cleanse my spirit. When I light a candle, I invoke the transformative power of fire. By connecting with the elements, I connect with the core of existence.
Enchanted Home Space 🏠✨ My home is my sacred space, a sanctuary for my craft. I've adorned it with little altars and candles, which I light to honour the spirits that reside within these walls. Cleansing my space with smoke incense purifies and refreshes the energy, filling the air with positive vibrations.
Moonlit Dream weaving 🌙🌌 Under the moon's tender gaze, I venture into the realm of dreams. I keep a dream journal by my bedside, capturing the mysteries that unfold during the night. In the gentle light of the moon, I feel closer to the universal energy that weaves us all together.
In the grand tapestry of life, there's magic in the ordinary—waiting for us to embrace it with wonder and gratitude. By cherishing these moments, we tap into the essence of witchcraft, where intention and reverence converge.
So, as you go about your day, remember to pause, breathe, and observe the magic that surrounds you. Whether it's in the flight of a butterfly, the sparkle of dew on a leaf, or the warmth of a friend's smile, the enchantment of everyday life awaits your discovery.
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penguinsblues · 11 months
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The choice is yours.
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