#make sure i'm being morally sound. or. something i don't know but it sends me into spirals even MORE and i can't stop
lighthouseas · 1 year
i need to start getting off tumblr more and going outside (not right now though it's raining) this shit is starting to flare up my anxiety
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indecenthoney · 4 months
Is it weird that I wanna watch?
Okay, hear me out! I'm sure any guy has had a lucky pervert fantasy of walking into their "girl" friend touching herself and it leading to something heated. But like what if I just wanted to watch? I think it's a lot hotter not doing anything in the moment. Let me play it out for you.
"Hey... Sorry to barge in but have you seen the... Oh shit... Sorry... sorry... I didn't know you were... doing that... I was just gonna ask if you've seen the package... Uhm you... okay? Fuck me you're really flushed... Different question... Do you mind if I watch...? You heard me! Let me watch... I promise I won't touch you... I just wanna watch... and I mean your pent up right now aren't you? I bet you wanna touch yourself so bad right now... It's funny... C'mon I won't bite... unless you want me to... I'm kidding Im kidding... Fine just let me see your facial expressions... You can cover up and do it under the sheets... It's getting unbearable, isn't it? Ill just talk your head off until you give in... So? What will it be? Sweet... and I'll be right here I promise... Just going to watch..."
People give in pretty quickly when pent up. If you really loved your friend then you'd guide them through a session. What are friends for?
"It's nothing... You're making a really slutty face just now... what are you being so slow for? Just a minute ago you were moaning into your pillow finger fucking yourself silly... No need to be reserved... pretend I'm not even here... That's it... Slick your needy cunt to your hearts content... Does it feel good, sweetie? Fucking yourself for me? Oh? Someone's getting excited... Do you like it when I talk to you like this? Hm? Talking down on you like a bitch in heat... so desperate to get off that you're doing it in front me? Yeah I did ask... but you're so quick to give in... like you wanted me to watch... No? You may be covered up but I can hear how fucking wet you are... such naughty sounds... "
It suchs a treat to see them get off on my words. Slowly making them brainless for me to slip in a little command that'll push them over the edge.
"That's it, sweetie... You're doing so good for me... Yeah? Yeah? It feels good, right? You're eyes are even rolling back... Are you close? C'mon sweetie... keep your eyes locked to mine... Imagine my cock sliding into you ramming my thick hard cock... kissing the entrance of your womb each time I pound into you..."
The sight of her desperately chasing her orgasm is quite the show. Being watched is already a lot for a person but to be touched when I promised not to. It'll send them over the edge.
"That's it, sweetie... Keep rubbing yourself stupid for me... Open wide for me, ya? It's okay... It's okay... I'm just going to help you a little... There we go... lick my fingers... such a pretty little mouth... so lonely... I thought you needed something to fill it... relax relax... let me trace your tongue with my finger... That's a good girl... Don't worry about the mess... We'll get you cleaned up... Fuck me... you're salivating like a mutt... Just a little longer... let me admire you... Good girl... Thank you for waiting... You can suck on my fingers again..."
Completely entranced by the pleasure losing all sense of shame and morality. Sucking and fucking herself silly. Pumping my fingers into her mouth as if she's sucking my cock. And then pulling away when she least expects it leaving her empty and confused. Only to be greeted with another sense of pleasure as I gently slide my thick fingers into her tight cunt.
"You can fight it as much as you want but ypur body will always tell the truth...and truth be told... you want this... your tight cunt squeezing onto my fingers... Oh? You're going to cum? And here I thought you hated me... Say sorry and I'll let you cum... What was that? You can do better than that sweetie... Too brainless to speak... fine... let me make it easier for you... I can stop and leave you be or... I cam stay and help you... and all you have to do is lick my fingers... Mhm... Taste yourself on my fingers princess... What will it be? That's a good girl..."
I'll have so much fun toying with her from now on. Playfully fingering her whenever I please. And she knows deep down that it feels too damn good to resist. All because she let me watch <3
In your head,
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I want you to know I respect your opinion and at the end of the day you can do whatever you want on your own page, which I love all the art you do. Your White Diamond AU is so remarkable I've added it to my own headcanon idea of Steven meeting his alternate selves.
With that said, why are you responding to posts or asks that talk about blatant shattering of other gems? Real SU fans don't immediately go "death to the enemy." Real SU fans understand that SU is about love, acceptance, second chances, and pacifism. I'll admit, there have been more idiots in the fandom since the show's end, but in my humble opinion, it's best to not give any of them attention, even if they are annoying.
Sorry if I sound rude, I just didn't get responding to that one ANONYMOUS comment.
It's not rude at all! And it's a great question! One I understand the reasoning of.
But I have my own reasoning for doing the things I do.
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Mainly, I think that while ignoring SOME behaviors is definitely good.... talking about OTHER behaviors actively is the fastest and healthiest way to immunize the greater community against them.
Let me explain.
I've been in this fandom a long time now, and I agree with you - there's a solid possibility, a real chance that whoever sent that message is just a passing non-fan who decided to be weirdly edgy in my inbox. No big deal. It happens.
But in my experience, the SU fandom is.... wide and varied. There are people of all ages, and many opinions. It would be easier, of course, if the only 'true fans' were those who perfectly understood the show's themes. But to me, that veers dangerously close to a No True Scotsman type of thinking. The reality is that many different people watch SU. And while many of them do inherently agree with the message and understand the nuance, many more just watch the show because... they like the surface level graphics and cool fights and interesting worldbuilding. In fact, many of the show's fans are edgy teens (sorry edgy teens) who are in a life-stage where violence and being strong and cool and decisive in a morally black and white manner is the only way they can possibly imagine solving any problem. And... that's kinda the opposite of what SU teaches! But that's also the point. SU teaches those things on purpose.
And yeah, I can absolutely just ignore this part of the population. But ignoring a behavior does not actually make it go away 100% of the time. If a child in a supermarket comes up to you and starts smacking you with a wooden spoon from Aisle 4, then... sure... you can ignore them and see if their parent comes to get them, or they go away, especially if it's a very small child and they're not hurting you a lot.
But that's not the only option. You can ALSO opt to teach them - and any other spoon-wielding children watching - what COULD happen if they are crude or cruel to a stranger in public. Namely, you can snap 'stop it' and at the very least glare at that child. This is a lesson that will arguably teach them more about the interaction than a complete lack of reaction would.
Now, I'm not saying people who send me asks are all children and I'm doling out some moral lessons here. This is just a metaphor.
I'm simply a person in a social space (tumblr) who is driving my own blog. And while I DO ignore a very large part of cruel/rude asks I get (trust me, I do ignore many!) I sometimes also just post a reply to show what ELSE could happen if you say a borderline silly and arguably tonally inappropriate ask to a person. You could get replied to! In a sarcastic or snappy manner!
And maybe - just maybe - the other people reading my blog can learn something from the experience, and think 'ah, so doing it like THAT will maybe make people kinda annoyed, now I know and will not do that'.
I cannot deny that overall I agree with you, though. I don't think that these types of messages deserve attention on the regular. But I'd hope that my replies to these things are not really... regular. I ignore probably... 80% of these sort of things? I guess maybe it just feels like a lot less, since, well. The public ones are 100% of the ones you get to see!
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doberbutts · 2 months
it sounds like the anon who sent the ask about the intersex fanfic character is wanting to write a story “about being intersex” i.e. about the personal experiences of being intersex, given they mentioned wanting to write about “how it affects his life” and “what happens if people find out” (both phrased in a way that seems to presume negativity and difficulty). I think you gave good advice from a worldbuilding perspective but I would add to that that overall the prevailing advice for writers is not to write about the ~great personal struggle~ of being [x minority] if you’re portraying a character with an identity you yourself don’t share; and (to the asker) if you are really determined to do that anyway as a perisex person, you should consider doing more research than sending a tumblr ask. read a few books or something. (i think if they go with your very wise worldbuilding advice this would no longer apply, the wording simply gave me pause.)
I understand that that is the prevailing advice, however I disagree to a certain extent.
I think that if you are not [marginalized demographic here] and you are trying to write about the experiences of said demographic, including any sort of personal struggle, then you have a duty to ensure that you do your research to present the best representation of said demographic you possibly can, and that you should be open to advice if someone from said demographic tells you that you are falling into dangerous tropes or stereotypes.
However, I do not think that only [demographic] should write [demographic]. This is for a few reasons:
In writing a demographic different from your own, and doing research to ensure that you are doing it well, you as the author will learn a great deal about what you have to unpack and unlearn about said demographic, including things you were not even aware of before. This, to me, is a positive thing. It is one more ally in the struggle for freedom.
I'm thinking specifically of Tamora Pierce and her books which include multiple races, ethnicities, sexualities, and genders that Pierce herself has voiced that she avoided on purpose because she was afraid that she'd fuck them up. And how she felt her world get a little wider, when she got over that fear and started making sure to include these demographics because she felt that it was important to her to understand them.
But also, your readers are predominately going to be your demographic, which means that you have the power and potential to spread this same learning over a much wider net. Harper Lee and Louis Sachar are nonblack, however To Kill A Mockingbird and Holes are widely read in schools to learn about antiblack racism and are frequently used as a baseline to teach children of all demographics. Yes, schools should also be using books by actual black people, but I do not think either of these titles are necessarily bad choices. Miles Morales of Spiderverse fame was initially created by an entire team of nonblack people, and yet the movies touch heavily on the subject of racism being a constant background in his life. I have not yet read the comics, and don't know that I ever will since I'm not a comics kind of guy, so I cannot speak to those.
Anyway the last reason that I disagree that only [demographic] should write [demographic] is because then that turns into overall less representation and less diversity. I'm a big fantasy fan. I'm so happy when I see a black character in fantasy, and even moreso when that black character is outside of the Bad Guys Only races. And I think that if we only let black people make black characters, we will see overall less black characters, because black people are often willfully excluded from the writers room and production staff. I'd rather an all-white team do their due diligence to ensure good representation, than no black characters at all because black writers can't even get in the door. Of course, the solution is More Black Writers, but this is a multifaceted problem worsened by racist society, so the baby steps are what we have to work with.
I do agree that anon does need to do more research. However, intersex books that are actually written by the community, rather than medical journals treating us as an oddity, are fairly few and far between. Asking a random blog is not enough research, no. But it may help them get started on where to look.
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“i've gotta get home and sleep with your brother”
(you know the tiktok sound ok)
Pairing these two prompts together because I was feeling inspired.
#85: “i’m going to fuck you so hard you’re going to forget that guys name” --and-- #90: “don’t fucking touch what is not yours”
2,036 words!!
Summary: With Regulus busy and ignoring you, what choice do you have but go to the person who annoys him most for assistance? Smut!! Includes Sirius as a relentless flirt, references to partying and drinking, and angry sex w/ overprotective, mean!dom!regulus. (I don't condone being toxic! It's just fun to write lol)
I put gifs in the body of the story, not sure if that reads well, but I had 4 gifs I wanted to use lol. Do the pics show up side by side in pairs of 2, or are they stacked? I want them to be side by side and can't tell how it'll look.
My prompts are tagged #prompt list - the currently active list is whatever is most recent, please send requests!
You'd been sitting next to Regulus in the library for hours, barely speaking. "Reggie..." You said in a hushed tone. He hardly looked up from his book You ignored this, and continued, "There's an all-house quidditch party out on the quidditch grounds after curfew tonight. Can we go?"
"Evan and Barty have been hounding me about it all week." He said flatly, not answering the question.
You raised your eyebrows at him, but he didn't notice. He'd gone back to his book. "Reg, please? You've been studying all day and we've barely done anything fun this week."
It was true. He'd barely even touched you for days, and the ache between your legs was beginning to be unbearable.
Regulus didn't look convinced. "Reg, please," you tried again, "it would be good for team morale."
He snorted. "Since when do you care about the quidditch team?"
You rolled your eyes. "Since right now, when I decided that it would help me get you to come to this party."
Regulus sighed. "How 'bout you meet me back here after dinner? I'll meet you outside, okay?"
You nodded and made a quick exit before he could change his mind.
• ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ • • ◦ • ⁃ • ◦ •
After dinner, you changed quickly and snuck back out of the common room, finding Regulus waiting for you outside the library, as promised. His gaze flicked down your body; you were wearing a crop top with a deep neckline and a short skirt you couldn't have bent over in without exposing yourself.
As soon as you got to the party, you were enveloped by a cheery throng of your friends. Regulus muttered something about going to get a drink as you were swept into conversation.
When the excitement of your arrival to the party died down and people began to be immersed in their own conversations, you snuck off to get a drink, and look for Regulus. You spotted him standing alone at the edge of the party, looking ready to leave. You weren't going to deal with that, especially not without having something to drink first.
You spotted Sirius Black and his usual group of friends huddled together, laughing. You locked eyes with him, and to your surprise he grabbed an extra drink from a table nearby and began to saunter over.
"Poor, poor little Y/N." he said with mock-pity. "I see my idiot brother is paying you no attention at all," he said as he handed you the drink. "A big mistake, I must say. You look absolutely ravishing tonight."
As you took a sip, you couldn't help the flush that spread across your face. Turning back to Sirius, you said, "Wanna help me get his attention?"
A devious smile spread across his face as he looked you up and down. "So naughty, Y/N. Didn't know you had it in you. What'd you have in mind?"
You felt a surge of guilt, but one glance at Regulus still stony faced in the corner convinced you of your decision. "Can you just- just flirt with me for a minute? I'm sure that'll make him angry enough." You said quickly, before you could change your mind.
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Sirius didn't answer, but let his eyes wander down the length of your body, taking you in with his usual lazy confidence. "I think we can do better than just flirting, don't you?" He asked, stepping closer to you.
You let him reach towards your face and loop a strand of your hair around his finger. Your heart gave a small flutter and you leaned into his touch.
His other hand came to rest on your waist. Everything about Sirius was warm. He began to rub circles into your skin, his thumb trailing up underneath the hem of your shirt, just grazing the underside of your bra.
A small sigh of pleasure escaped you. "You're so beautiful, Y/N," Sirius said, leaning into you. "So beautiful. I bet I could get you to make all sorts of pretty little noises, if you let me."
His breath smelled of hot cider as he kissed your cheek. "But now my brother seems to have noticed our little show." he added, pulling away, but even then, he did not remove his hand from your waist.
Before you could say anything, Sirius was being shoved back, and a familiar hand grasped at your shoulder. "Get your filthy fucking hands off her," Regulus spat at his brother. "Don't fucking touch what isn't yours."
But Sirius was looking past Regulus and grinning at you. "When you get bored of my little brother, Y/N, come and see me." He said, and with that he turned back to the party and walked away.
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Regulus rounded on you. "What the fuck were you thinking, flirting with my brother like that?" He asked, his expression dangerous.
You were past the point of caring however, and you merely said, "I guess I was just tired of waiting for you to notice me, and Sirius was there, ready to play."
Regulus let out a humorless laugh. "That's what you want? You want me to notice you?" He gripped your arm tightly, taking a step closer to you. "You want me to play with you?" He asked, voice deadly.
"I suppose you have time for me now," you spat.
You saw the muscles in Regulus's jaw clench, and knew you were going to get exactly what you'd bargained for.
"Come with me, right now," he hissed, his grasp on your arm tightening as he began to walk back to the castle, dragging you along with him. You walked in silence, knowing Regulus was plotting everything he'd do to you once you'd reached the school.
You hurried to keep up with his fast pace as the two of you snuck cautiously back into the castle and he pulled you to the door of the Slytherin common room.
It was completely empty, with everyone still down at the party. Regulus ushered you up a small flight of steps into his dormitory. He locked the door and you watched as he put up silencing spells around the entryway.
Then he turned, walking slowly over to where you stood by his bed. His eyes were dark with anger as his eyes trailed down your body, taking you in for the first time that night. He placed a hand on the back of your neck, running it upwards until he had a fistful of hair, which he tugged sharply, forcing you to look up at him.
"Did you wear your sluttiest little outfit all for me, hmm?" He asked teasingly. "Did you put this on just so I'd fuck you tonight?"
Already, you could feel wetness pooling between your legs. "Yes," you managed to gasp.
He leaned in closer, biting at your neck without warning. "I know you did." He whispered. "And now, you're going to get on your knees and show me just how much you want to be fucked."
You nodded, getting to your knees without another word. Regulus watched you, unbuttoning his shirt as you situated yourself at his knees. You reached up and palmed the bulge in his pants the way you knew he liked. But he wasn't in the mood for that tonight. He pushed your hand away and undid his zipper.
"Open your mouth." He said cooly.
You obeyed, wrapping your lips around his length. Regulus let his head fall back as you took him deeper.
A second later, his hand found the back of your head, using your hair as leverage while he fucked your mouth harshly. You let out a small choking sound and he merely grinned wickedly down at you. "What's the matter, can't my little slut take it?" He asked, pushing your head even further onto his cock so you could feel him at the back of your throat.
He held you there for a moment, watching as you struggled for breath. Finally he let you go, and you fell back, gasping and sputtering for air.
"Pathetic." Regulus said. "Get up."
Your legs shook as you stood. Regulus wiped the tears from your cheeks. You knew by now that your face must be smeared with mascara. Meeting his gaze, you saw a flicker of concern on his face. You nodded, reassuring him, and just like that the concern was gone.
"Take your panties off, then get on the bed." He commanded, and you did as you were told, watching him tuck your soaked underwear into the drawer of his bedside stand as you clambered onto his bed.
"Not like that," Regulus said quickly. "Get on your hands and knees."
Your face burned as you flipped over, lowering yourself onto your forearms and arching your back. You could feel the bed dip as Regulus knelt behind you. He flipped your skirt up, exposing your ass.
"Spread your legs a bit more." He said in that same cold voice he'd been using all evening, the voice that warned you not to disobey him.
Once you were properly on display for him, you felt his hand between your legs, grazing you with the lightest of touches, just enough to spread your wetness around.
"You're positively soaked for me, little slut." He said. Unthinkingly, you rocked your hips against his hand, searching for more friction.
This earned you a harsh slap on the ass from Regulus. You cried out, but he merely said, "Not tonight. Tonight you don't get to cum on my fingers. Sluts only get to come when they're being fucked."
Your frustration had reached a peak. "Fuck me then," you said desperately.
Regulus smacked your ass again. "Ask me nicely." He said.
"Please," you managed in a strangled voice, "Please fuck me."
He slid into you without warning and you whimpered at the sudden intrusion. You heard Regulus curse under his breath, his hands moving to grip your sides. He began thrusting in and out of you at a merciless pace. "Gonna fuck you so hard you forget that bastard's name. Gonna fuck you so hard all you can think about is my cock." He said.
"This is what you fucking wanted, isn't it?" He continued, his fingers digging harshly into your hips, hard enough to bruise. "Wanted me to fuck you like a filthy little whore?"
You opened your mouth to respond, but all that came out was a moan.
Regulus moved one hand between your legs, rubbing at your clit with an unbearable amount of pressure. Your legs began to shake, and Regulus said, "Answer me."
"Yes!" You managed to get out, panting. "Yes! Wanted you so badly."
"That's right," Regulus crooned, his movements never ceasing. "You're mine. You're only mine. No one else is gonna make you feel like this, huh?"
"Just you." You said breathlessly.
"That's right," Regulus said again.
"Reg, 'm gonna cum," You said, and his movements against your clit sped up.
You could tell he was getting close by the way his rhythm was starting to falter slightly. You pushed your hips back to meet him with every thrust.
"Fuck, angel, yes. You're so good, so good for me, just like that." He said, urging you to keep moving. Soon his thrusts grew sloppy and he grabbed you by the hips again, burying himself inside you completely as he came.
As you both came down from your highs, he rolled you over onto your back and looked down at you. "My girl." He said possessively. "So so beautiful. Wasn't too rough, was I? You're okay?" He looked suddenly unsure.
You shook your head. "No Reg." You pulled him down into a kiss, relishing his scent.
His hands were on either side of your face as he pulled away to look at you again. "Don't flirt with my brother, ever again." He said.
"Don't ignore me ever again." You shot back with a grin.
"I mean it, Y/N." He said.
You beamed up at him. "But it had such a fun result." You said cheekily.
"Next time, the results won't be fun." He grumbled, but leaned back down to kiss you again.
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Hi Nyarla 😅 uh, because you said this is a safe space, I was wondering if I could share something that's been upsetting me lately?
Don't feel forced to read or anything! Please stop if you're not in the right mental space or if you're just simply not interested or something! ❤️
So I've seen a lot of media (especially TikTok and stuff) portraying Crocodile, Mihawk and surprisingly Buggy as abusive towards their S/O 😅 As someone who's undergone abuse it's both triggering and extremely upsetting, and because you write for Poly Cross Guild so much and you stated you understand your brain being your worst enemy, I figured maybe I could list off the reasons I think this shouldn't logically make sense, or at least the reasons I'm trying to convince myself it doesn't, and ask your help and the help of all our community friends with it too? I'm so sorry, again, feel free to ignore this!
Crocodile, it's just...it doesn't 'fit'? In the sense that, sure, he beats up Buggy, but that's because he *CAN'T* kill him because he's serving as scapegoat, but otherwise he'd kill him and be done. Does that make sense? I mean that Crocodile feels like he wouldn't just...put energy into charming someone into a relationship to then hurt them? I'm trying to be so logical here it may come off insensitive and I'm so sorry, I'm just trying to grip into straws here, so I'm telling my brain he wouldn't 'waste his time' being abusive when he can just send the person away, or break up, or stuff. Because I know my brain won't just accept a 'He would just never do that because he is NOT like that and he would love you'. I genuinely feel like Crocodile is a kind of evil man with morals, along the lines of 'It is okay to murder people but it is never okay to disrespect your wife' kind? Also he just...he feels like once he finds somebody that won't betray him he keeps them so close? He very much gives the 'I will treat you how you treat me' kind of person? Plus I know it sounds stupid but with how much he seems to like and care for and protect animals I just don't think he would hurt his S/O? Also?? If it's because he kills other characters or beats up Buggy.....he doesn't??? Love????? Those people?????? You can't apply it to how he'd behave with a S/O?????
Mihawk probably comes from him being seen as very cold and distant, but it just....I detect no reason why he should ever be regarded as abusive either? He seems like he has a good heart, or at last not an evil one? Once again feels very much like a 'He wouldn't put energy into it'? He looks like he has very strong morals? And like he respects people in that sense?
And Buggy just...why? Because he yells at his subordinates and crew? That doesn't translate into anything? Buggy looks like he craves genuine love and clings onto it and falls into people pleasing?
This is gonna take a fair amount of typing so lemme sliiiide up to the ol laptop and—
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Anyway. First and very importantly, no apologizing, I am more than happy to be here in these situations. And you're giving me an excuse to do some good old fashioned character analysis?? Honestly, thank you.
Next, I already don’t like seeing them depicted as abusers in relationships. To each their own, but definitely not my cup of tea.
I hate it even more when it’s presented without trigger warnings. Trauma is a thing, please for the love of FUCK people, ADD TRIGGER WARNINGS. It takes all of TWO SECONDS to keep from making someone’s day worse.
Just fuckin do it mmkay.
Like, I get it. They’re technically villains. All three of them have the capacity to be complete jackasses, but no, I don’t feel like that translates into a romantic situation for any of them. At all. Crocodile, at worst, could potentially be neglectful to a point, in the sense that he ends up too busy with his work to spend as much time with you as you’d like, but he would find a way to make up for it when he becomes aware of it. And for sure the way a person treats animals is a clear indication of their character. It’s an enormous red flag to me when I see anyone that gets their rocks off on being mean to defenseless creatures (I know the bananawanis don’t technically qualify as defenseless, but still, same principle). Sir Crocodile is a busy man. It takes a lot of time and effort to run a successful criminal empire. He wouldn’t give anyone the time of day that he didn’t care about and downright treasure. He could be guilty of snapping off or being a jerk when he’s in a bad mood (who isn’t?), but, as you stated, he’s not going to waste valuable time courting someone just to use them as a punching bag, emotionally or otherwise.
Mihawk is still the human equivalent of a spoiled housecat to me. Cats frequently come off as aloof little assholes, they can be incredibly antisocial around other cats and people, but they are very capable of showing love and affection to their chosen human(s). That’s exactly how I see Mihawk. He’s shown a capacity for kindness to others even in canon. He didn’t have to let Zoro and Perona stay on Kuraigana Island when they showed up. He could have very easily killed them or sent them off. He also showed concern for both of their well beings’. He is more than capable of caring about others; he just has a tendency to be subtle about it. Not everyone’s love language is extravagant. Antisocial doesn’t translate to uncaring. Being antisocial frequently can mean just the opposite—that you would rather spend your time and affection on the people you care about than waste your energy making small talk with strangers.
I would like to have a word with whoever tf is depicting Buggy as abusive like?? He’s just a baby?? Okay, his temper could potentially be problematic at times, but abusive? Ex-fucking-SCUSE ME? I don’t track with this one at all. Lil guy is attention-starved. He would be an absolute sweetheart exclusively to his beloved. He would be clingy as hell to be sure, and he would spoil them rotten whether they like it or not, and his abandonment issues could be a lot to handle at times with a potential for jealousy, but none of that translates to abusive.
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Fluffy with a little bit of spice that will leave you wanting more.
Tav gets Astarion blood drunk.
Pretty tame and cute. Enby!Tav
No warnings other than obvious vampire things, biting and blood.
I stumbled around the camp until I found my cozy bedroll. The warmth that radiated from the campfire danced roughly with the alcohol in my stomach. I lowered my eyelids for a few minutes. Camp was quiet that night, the only thing I could hear was Scratch twitching and making little dream whines. I hear soft footsteps approaching. Not trying to be silent, just quiet enough so their footsteps don't wake the unconscious. Ah, Astarion. I almost forgot about our nightly arrangement. Was I that drunk?
"Hello, darling." His honey-sweet voice floated into my eardrums.
I sat up onto my elbows with a sway and attempted to focus my eyes. "Hello... You."
"Looks like someone has gotten into the firewine barrel. I'm jealous."
I flopped back down on the pillow. "Look, if my blood is too polluted for you, then you can ask someone else. I'm sure Gale would let you munch on his neck if you asked nicely."
Astarion gave me the most disgusted face. "Gale? Ha. I would sooner drink from a mind flayer... Ew."
His eyes slowly drifted over my body then shot up to my face and he crossed his arms. "You know, since you're compromised I can't in good faith drink from you without enthusiastic consent."
I rolled onto my side, seductively put my hand on my ass, and quirked an eyebrow at him. "Oh, so you're saying you don't want to take advantage of me when I'm in a... compromising position?" I said trying and failing to sound sober.
"As tempting as taking advantage of you sounds, I have been trying to improve on my moral standings as of late." He examined his fingernails and glanced back at me. He definitely just wanted to hear me beg him to feed on me, and I was just plastered enough to do it.
"Come onnnnnn." I whined. "I want you to be strong for the fight tomorrow. It's not like I'm begging you to sleep with me or something. " I swept my hair away and exposed my neck to him.
There was a pause as he considered my words for a moment, but then his eyes settled on my bare throat. "What a generous and pushy little thing. I like it." He grinned just big enough to show off his fangs.
Astarion kneeled beside me, pushing me down with just a finger on my chest. He leaned into me with the push. I could see the hunger flash in his eyes as his form engulfed my own. One of his hands slid underneath my shoulder, the other tilting my head to the side, his thumb gently settled on my jawline. Astarion swallowed.
I felt his breath on my neck. "Are you ready?" He whispered, his lips grazing my neck, sending a chill down my spine. "Yes." I breathed out. I closed my eyes in anticipation for the sharp, icy shock that came quickly. I let out a gasp at the pain. I wrapped my arms around him, my left hand burying into his silver locks. A quiet moan escaped my lips. My right grasped and bunched his shirt in my fist. His pulls were needy tonight.
I felt his skin warm from his lips pressed to my neck and gradually to his back. I could almost feel him regaining his strength, and something else too. Something different. He was ...relaxing?
Being Astarion's personal blood donor had gotten to be a sort of bedtime routine. Astarion comes to me right before we sleep, feeds, then we sleep in our own bedrolls. Nothing too exciting once you get used to it.
Suddenly, Astarion pulled away and his body relaxed, his head coming to rest on my chest. I felt the worry rising.
"Astarion? Are you alright?" I said with a nudge.
"Mhm~" came his reply. "Never better." He nuzzled into my chest. The worry burning in my chest extinguished as the realization hit me like a blow from a great axe. Astarion was positively blood drunk. I giggled with the thought.
"Aww poor thing can't handle his sanguine-ria, can he?"
"I didn't know this could even happen." He said with a drunken slur, not even putting forth the effort to lift his head off my chest. "How much did you have to drink?"
"We may have had an alcohol dinner tonight. Elminster ate all the bread and cheese."
Astarion looked back at me sleepily, a lock of hair softly curtained his eyes. I tucked the unruly tuft behind his ear, barely grazing the pointed tip. Astarion shuddered out a breath.
"Was that a good sound or a bad sound?"
"Good." He huffed out.
"Oh, so the ear thing isn't a myth?" I said with a smirk.
I repeated the motion with more intent by tracing the curve of his ear with my fingertips. He squirmed and shuddered out another breath.
Astarion's leg came to rest on mine. My hand drifted down his back, aware the ridges of his scars, but not lingering on them. I focused on the way his back rose and fell with every breath.
A bit of blood still dripped down the corner of his mouth. I gently swiped it away with my thumb and painted it across his bottom lip. He took my thumb in his mouth and lapped up the remnants of my vital fluid, not even leaving a trace behind to rouge his lips.
I took this rare time to admire the features of his face. His irises were the color of faceted rubies. My palm came to rest on his jawline, and my thumb made lazy circles on his cheek. His skin was as white as ivory and as soft as a freshly bloomed rose petal.
Astarion propped himself over top of me, and his lips crashed against mine, his tongue coaxing my own lips open. I tasted the metallic tang of my lifeblood on his, the kiss deepening with need. Underneath the waves of passion, I felt an undercurrent of obligation.
I pushed him back slightly. "You know you don't owe me anything for allowing you to feed, right?"
"Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Well, of course. Are you enjoying yourself?"
"I'm enjoying you, darling. In more ways than one."
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beauty-and-passion · 11 months
Something I'm curious and unsure about is what happened to Logan in POF. Like I know that when Patton presses the [Skip All] button we see Janus' hook take Logan off screen, in which Janus takes his place. Then we see Logan at the end, unharmed (as he stated) and seemed to return very easily.
But it feels so off. He just starts so passive-aggressive
[Logan]: Not that any of you care, but I am unharmed, and I don't want to talk about it. I'm just here to deliver one last fact, then I will do you all a favor and spare you my company.
It's so aggressive, for something untrue. Or at least, the not caring part. Second Roman learnt it was actually Deceit he instantly asked what happened to Logan, and after Logan remarks this, Patton instantly tries to talk.
Of course, it also makes sense he think sparing himself will be a favour, with Roman selecting ignorant and Patton selecting skip.
But it is really passive-aggressive. And the fact he just doesn't want to talk about it. And what was more weird was Janus' response to seeing Logan.
[Deceit]: Oh s(hit), b(itch).
While very funny, also confusing. Did Janus think Logan was going to get mad at him for removing him, derailing the conversation? Not sure. Though the little hand wave it funny. Janus seems unhappy about Logan presence until he starts talking about Peter Singer. As that works in his favour. But what did he think Logan would say/do that made him unhappy with his presence? He wouldn't state the obvious that he was replaced by Janus. So what?
But the biggest thing that feels off is Janus' response to Roman asking for Logan's whereabouts?
[Deceit]: Nothing at all, and I resent the question.
The way he says it, so fast and deadpan, makes it feel like a lie. Which means he did something, but what? Pretty sure he does resent the question though.
But, I can't imagine what would of happened? Logan is clearly unharmed, just very annoyed, which can easily be explained by his previous treatment by the others, but how Janus' handles it feels so weird too. Or maybe I'm looking too deep.
Very long but, what do you think?
I know it sounds like a joke coming from me, but I think we're overanalyzing this scene XD
Let's recap what happened: Patton pressed the skip button, Janus pulled Logan away and took his place.
Now Janus shows himself. Roman connects the dots and asks him: "What have you done with Logan?", which means: "I know Logan didn't just disappear, but you're involved".
Since Janus was involved because he pulled Logan off with his own crook, he lies like the liar he is and says: "Nothing at all, and I resent the question", which means: "I didn't do anything to send Logan away and I'm offended you think I'm involved". Which, translated from lies to truth, means: "I took Logan off with my crook and I don't want to tell you".
So chaos ensues, Janus talks some sense into Patton and finally Logan comes back.
Let’s see things from Janus' point of view first: he sent Logan away and took his place. How do you think he would react, as soon as he sees the same guy coming back? Would he be happy? Or would he be scared of what he could say? If I were him, I wouldn’t be very happy either and think something like: “Oh shit, now I have to face this guy’s anger”.
That’s what Janus was probably expecting from Logan: to start blaming him, calling him evil, protesting because “you pulled me away and took my place and that’s not legally allowed, that’s identity fraud”. And, probably, to reveal that the “skip all” button was made by Janus, because I doubt Logan would’ve ever added a black and yellow button to let his friends shut him up.
But revealing this would’ve meant Roman siding with Logan and blaming Janus for being evil - thus shifting the entire point of the conversation from a higher, moral discussion about selfishness and selflessness, to a simpler “this guy is evil”. In other words, Janus expected repercussions for his actions and feared he had to waste time justifying himself, instead of continuing with the discussion he cared more.
Now, let’s see things from Logan’s point of view.
He was talking with his friends, offering his point of view, when his supposed best pal skipped him - basically telling him to shut up. Then he was grabbed by a crook and not-so-gently pulled away.
If we consider the relationships Logan has, it’s clear he has a bigger, stronger relationship with Patton and Roman than with Janus. He doesn’t see him as a friend, like the other two.
So put yourself in his shoes: what would hurt you more? The guy you barely know who took you away from the conversation or the friend who told you to shut up because he doesn’t care about what you have to say?
I don't know you, but my friends ignoring me would hurt a lot more. And Logan proved it with his behaviour and this sentence:
[Logan]: Not that any of you care, but I am unharmed, and I don't want to talk about it. I'm just here to deliver one last fact, then I will do you all a favor and spare you my company.
The main point of Logan’s sentence isn’t “Something happened while Janus took me away”, but “You skipped me while I was talking. Therefore, you don't want me around. Therefore, you didn't care when I was pulled away. Therefore, I just came back to say one last thing, before going away like you asked.” That’s the core of Logan’s passive-aggressiveness.
Sure, we know that Logan’s friends care about him, but that's not what Logan felt. Because he was skipped by them. Because they didn't want to listen to him. That hurt him more than Janus taking his place.
And this is why, in the end, Janus was surprised Logan said something that helped him. He thought Logan just wanted to throw his anger at him: but he was much angrier at his friends instead.
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victimeyez · 3 months
Me and my buddy stumbled on your writing andnow we're hate reading just to see how low you're willing to go for the shock factor. So far the Enema Bag Shiver is the funniest, it has turned into our favorite character so far, but the #1 is still the toddler costume for the pedophile implications. To be honest its brave you included that in a story all about kinks you personally have :D Anyway I'm sure its important to the plot too. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to saturday :)
Idk man, kinda sounds like you're my biggest fan.
This story has not been updated regularly until very recently, and It's been ongoing for almost a year. Are you on my taglist? Would you like to be?
I'm not sure how you would stumble across my content. No one has a strictly My Little Pony blog and then randomly reblogs my work. Everything I write is tagged to hell and back, and is exclusively shared within the whump community. Obviously something attracts you to whump, and I write whump. My blog is labeled Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. If you look in the bag and yell at me that you find a dead dove in there, that's not on me.
You have to be actively checking my blog, because you've sent me multiple anon messages, and check to see if I've answered them. When I don't within a few days, you still want my attention so you send more. You want to read the story, and you openly enjoy it, but you're having a hard time reconciling the judgement you make on me with the fact that you genuinely like my content. So you eagerly read it, but send me anon hate so you can still give yourself a big pat on the back and feel like you have a moral superiority. Your case isn't special. It is incredibly common, and certainly nothing new.
What if you could just enjoy the things you like? There's a whole community here that shares your interests and has fun interacting with it. You don't have to put it on your resume, but there's a space here that is appropriate for it. It involves sensitive content, sure, whump is a facet of horror. Torture scenes are incredibly common, even in mainstream media. Game of Thrones featured graphic rape scenes and incest, yet it has unbelievable mainstream appeal. It's okay to like content that involves mature themes and touches on sensitive topics, and the majority of people do.
A lot of people have a hard time being genuine about their interests, whether they carry a taboo or are just considered cringe. I realized years ago that by owning the things I enjoy, no one can hurt me with it. I was a superwholock teenager to the core. I am bad at ice skating and swimming! I'm a fat little boy and I dance funny!!! When you refuse to be ashamed, other people have no power over you. In fact, they start to feel more comfortable being themselves around you, too.
I'm not stooping to anything. I'm an adult with a busy life, who chose to post my writing online, fully knowing the possible consequences, and being fine with them. I have made interactive elements of the story so people can vote for what they want to see - and when I listed the crazy BDSM couple Lisa and Mark, they won the poll by a landslide. There are plenty of people who can distinguish fiction from the author's core morals, and I'm not interested in pandering to anyone who doesn't.
The shock value comment is interesting - if I'm just trying to shock people, why would I hold back? Why didn't I write a whole disgusting scene with the enema? Why have I stated that I will not be writing any kind of age play scenes in this series? There is a plot, character arcs, backstories... Sarge could not be more of a parody unless I had him wear a shirt that said "I am a caricature of the american military industrial complex, republican politics, imperialism, and the intersection it finds with men who struggle socially and turn to red pilled reddit and toxic masculinity as a balm". Seems a bit on the nose, though. Do you think all content that involves horror or mature content is only designed to shock?
If you think I've got this all wrong, and I'm a huge pretentious asshole, that doesn't change anything for me. But you have committed yourself an awful lot to something you supposedly hate. Why don't you just stop reading? You won't even come off of anon, because you know I'd just block you and move on, and I think you would be upset if you couldn't read it anymore. I'm just another freak on the internet, right? Block me and move on. Prove me wrong. Throw a party that you trumped me and won. Feel superior. Do a backflip. Good for you buddy. Or maybe tell me, who actually is your favorite character?
TLDR; you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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virusinfected-memes · 2 years
75 starters. CW: cussing, sexual themes. Coffee Talk is a visual novel game developed by Toge Productions. Feel free to change words and pronouns as needed!  [PART 1]
"Different isn't always good."
"It's a neat concept, but you need to handle it carefully and gracefully."
"He needs to learn how to communicate his thoughts nicely though."
"Let's not make the mountain even higher."
"What we have here now is more than enough for me."
"I'm taking a break from work. I need to work on a few personal matters."
"I'm curious... How did you guys meet? If you don't mind me asking..."
"Now, will you let me continue without interruptions?"
"And without even thinking about it, I punched _____ in the face."
"Yeah, I landed that one punch... And he beat me to a pulp. Easily."
"How was she doing? She hasn't returned any of my calls or texts..."
"I'm sick and tired of my family."
"Why would you say that?"
"Ever since I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist. I love drawing and creating art."
"_____ is the only person that can make me feel alive."
"I have no problem leaving my family, you know. I would happily leave them for the both of us."
"I never thought of it that way before."
"There's nothing to feel bad about!"
"It's easy for you to say that now, but you don't know what the future holds."
"You know... Love is like a flame. It might burn fiercely at first, but over time it will die down, if you don't maintain it."
"Life is full of storms."
"Marriage, it will not survive on love alone."
"There are consequences... It shouldn't be taken lightly."
"Perhaps a hot drink will give you some inspiration."
"Aren't vampires supposed to be... you know... tough?"
"Just because I'm a vampire, it doesn't mean I know kung-fu."
"Thanks for not leaving me on the street, _____."
"He might be an annoying asshole, but he's not a thief."
"What a stroke of luck, the universe sending me a guardian angel in my time of need."
"Hey, I took you to breakfast! Don't tell me that counted for nothing."
"I have to say, it wasn't my proudest moment."
"_____... I'd prefer if we skipped that part. I'm sorry, but I don't want to go into any details about it."
"Thank you for sharing your story with me. I didn't expect such a tale from you."
"I've no interest in flirting with you. I've got high standards, you know."
"Please don't forget to take a break. It's easy to get carried away by work when you're on a roll."
"That's not even a word, _____."
"Are you trying to squeeze the story from me?"
"I saw you from afar when you left the coffee shop a few days ago. So, hello! My name is _____. You could say I'm a regular here."
"Wow... It turns out pervs exist everywhere in the universe."
"You're quite dense, aren't you?"
"People often mistake me for someone who gets around a lot."
"All this information is too much to process in one evening..."
"Oh, showing some concern now, are you?"
"My, my... You really have a knack for starting trouble..."
"That sounds dangerous, liking someone without knowing the reason..."
"You really need to be more careful, _____..."
"So... Umm... How are things going in the office?"
"I want to say please don't forget to rest, but I'm sure it won't be easy for you and the team."
"I wish I could help you. Or at least say something to boost your morale. Sadly, I'm not the right person to give you advice about that."
"Getting used to unhealthy working conditions shouldn't be a norm."
"Every game has its own market, you know."
"You shouldn't waste your time on me! Relax, or something!"
"I'm coming with you! Whether you like it or not!"
"I think I should celebrate with a special drink. Something sweet."
"You are sorry... I don't have anything to be sorry for."
"Please just go home after you finish your drink."
"I know _____! He's not a good person!"
"He hasn't changed much... And even if he has, it wasn't for the better."
"You're just being paranoid!"
"What's next?! You'll lock me in the house because you're afraid of the air I'm breathing?!"
"You're just too young to understand!"
"Then make me understand! Because this is definitely not helping. There are better ways."
"TRY HARDER! Because right now, you're not helping anyone! Not me, not you, no one!"
"It will take time for me to learn. But I am learning."
"_____, are you out of your mind? You've been out of touch for so long."
"If I take things slow, I'll lose all my momentum."
"Of course I heard them. I just chose to ignore most of it. It's none of my business, is it?"
"Sometimes we don't even realize what we're capable of doing."
"And I thought I was the only one who brought bad news..."
"You've never looked like someone who needs help."
"I'm sorry, _____. I'm not really in the mood for this sort of conversation."
"You're still trying to get laid?"
"That sounds like the best plan you've had since you got here."
"It's nothing. We're just friends, you know?"
"It was a slip of the tongue, okay! I'm sorry!"
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nobodysdaydreams · 8 months
Okay, now they REALLY gotta drop the Jacobi duck-related lore 🦆 (and I need to stop holding out hope Blessie will return 😔💔)
(Or my reaction to Wolf359’s Mission Mishap Episodes).
Welcome back dear readers! My schedule has been busy lately, but the Mission Mishap episodes were mercifully short, so I’ve been listening to a few episodes per week and have gathered my reactions here for you all to enjoy.
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Also tagging @lovelyladylavie because I promised I’d tag you way back on this post and forgot (I’m so sorry!) but my reactions are all under the tag so you should be able to find them!
Mission Mishaps: A Little Night Music
"Not fully reading your contract before you sign it...not understanding your job responsibilities, and wanting commander off your back" I love Doug's sponsorships and the dramatic irony 😂 *Cue The Fine Print playing in the background...*
I guess the only actor they could get was Doug. Nice of him to fill us in on what Minkowski and Hera are saying though.
It's so fancy. Mannnyyyy PhDs. Very impressive, Doug.
I'm so happy we got more radio show Doug. I need to hear him do a radio show where all his personalities talk to each other. Being the special guest on the show is Cutter's punishment for all eternity. The Dear Listeners make 5 copies of Doug so he can be all the characters.
"The feeling you'll die miserably..." yikes, broke character for a second there Doug.
"Ah yes...the way the piano notes dance around the...other piano notes...absolutely fantastic piece for when you want to start your day with the paino-y energy" Well said Doug.
Oh boy. Cowboy music. Is this the return of Badass McAwesome? Do I dare to hope?
Ah, well, better luck next time.
His poor toe. I hate when that happens too, Doug.
The...mind eraser?
Don't like how that sounds. Especially after the threats in "Change of Mind".
Better not be foreshadowing.
"This song is a mutant, it's superpower is being catchy. It never leaves."
Okay, THAT better not be foreshadowing.
"Afraid of the plant monster?" I wish we could be, Doug. I wish we could be. 😔🪴
"Worried you'll never get back to Earth to see you're family?" Oh, Doug. 💔
"Bosses you're pretty sure are kind of evil" Kind of is generous Doug.
Yeah...yeah Doug that got very dark there for a bit.
Moral boosting? Oh dear. MUTE 😂 AFTER TWO MINUTES 😂
I love Doug. Poor fellow. I enjoyed the broadcast Doug. They don't appreciate your talents.
Mission Mishaps: The Space You’re In
I love the title’s double meaning.
More of Doug dodging his work I see. A common theme.
“Please stop going off on tangents” I guess Cutter and Pryce didn’t send them up with any ADHD meds. “I’m here for work 😊” Nice cover, Doug. 👍🏻 nailed it.
“I’m gonna get that thing that I forgot”. You do that Doug.
How did I know Doug was gonna break something? 🤣
Specimen incubation period??? BLESSIE????
How dare they tease us with Blessie lore?
Good question Doug. Why IS there a harpoon?
Doug literally has no where to hide. 🤣
Oh right. Space. Why do I see that backfiring?
PFFTTT—- Did she just call him a lizard? 🦎
“It’s beautiful” -> “I hate space” poor Doug. I’m sensing a pattern 🤣
Mission Mishaps: You Want, I Solve Ah Doug stealing coffee from Minkowski. Once again, I sense a pattern.
Wait. A puppy? 🥰🐕‍🦺🐾
“The mean lady who runs this place” really Doug? You did just steal her coffee.
2 tails? Well, twice the wagging, I see that as a win. 🥰
Follow him Doug!
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The dogs are multiplying? David Bowie is here? Okay Doug is hallucinating for sure.
Ah hello Hilbert.
Why is he treating the manual like it’s the ring? 🤣
Well. That was weird.
Oh, Hilbert. All to get Doug to bond with the manual.
And yet something tells me he still won’t read it. It does sound like he might be cuddling with it at night and killing anyone who tries to take it from him though. Mildly concerning. Mission Mishaps: The Veldt Oh my gosh. The episode description. Eiffel goes into the greenhouse… y’all. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, but…
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I’m so excited guys. I don’t wanna get my hopes up, I know I shouldn’t, but I need Blessie back!
So Doug is doing his chores again. I sense a pattern.
He does a great Australian accent. Again, I need the aliens to clone Doug just so he can have a show where his different personalities talk to each other. Hm. Oxygen chamber has a lot of passwords. And a lot of weird ways to enter passwords. Which is nice for protecting the air, but not so great when you, you know, desperately need air and only have a few seconds to enter the password.
The binary forms of color? This is so extreme not to mention boring. Not one sign of Blessie. I’ve been bamboozled. And WHY is there a timer? This is so weird.
Well I’m upset. We went to the greenhouse and didn’t see leaf or stem of Blessie. 💔
I’m not giving up hope. If not in the show then in fanfic that plant is coming back.
Mission Mishaps: Lights Out
Another entry from dear Doug. I wonder if Minkowski and Hilbert are gonna have him do something he doesn’t want to and then hijinks ensues and Doug messes something up?
HP Lovecraft, Call of Kuthulu? Oh me too Doug stuff is hard to pronounce.
Doug does a good creepy narrator voice. It’s funny to think of Hera listening to all this. It reminds me of those people on Lovelace’s crew reading stories together.
“Property of Dr….”
DOCTOR WHO? (A good show, but I’m literally asking the question).
Is it that girl on Lovelace’s crew who liked to read? (I’m sorry it’s hard to keep track of their names).
Ah yes, and the star is acting up. As is Doug’s imagination. I’m sure this couldn’t possibly go wrong.
Hilbert. What sample? What escaped?
I’m not getting my hopes up this time. You teased me with Blessie once. I’m not falling for it again. I’ve been burned before.
It just sounds like a little mouse. 🐁
…I hope it’s not one of the spiders… I’m now beginning to realize Doug’s fears…
“It’s small and scurrying”
Is it a mouse?
Doug, it’s probably just a mouse. “It’s staring at me.” Well it’s probably scared too, Doug.
Doug, you better not have killed that poor little mouse.
You killed the maintenance drone Doug? Well that was a wild ride. At first I thought they weren’t gonna go the “Doug messes up a thing Hilbert and Minkowski are doing” route but they always surprise me with their ability to bring it back there. Not that I’m complaining, I’m loving these stories. Mission Mishaps: Cold Turkey More Doug! Wow. 553 days. That’s… that’s a lot.
Thanksgiving? Is this the same Thanksgiving from Hera’s memory? 🦃
Banned from the kitchen? Oh poor, Doug. Was Hilbert not available? I guess he’s Russian so he doesn’t celebrate it. But he can probably cook.
Doug is just like me fr. Don’t ask my partner what happened when I tried to make him food. All you need to know was that I tried my best, and it’s the thought that counts.
Doug is gonna burn this Turkey. I know the actress was probably busy and these are “extra” episodes, but Hera please come online and help him.
Oh gross. Cans of spam? Disgusting.
Right, maybe Hilbert can do something. But on the other hand, Hilbert and Eiffel can make each other worse. And what was that about psychoactive properties? What was Hilbert exposed to?
“Can I give indifference? I have plenty of that.” Yes, Hilbert, you made that very clear.
“Oh well if I have to “come on”.” “Really!” “No.” Hilbert is lowkey hilarious 🤣 “I like pecan pie…maybe thanksgiving is not so terrible.” 🥧
I love how Hilbert sounds like he’s plotting something ominous even when he’s just talking about pie. 🤣
But seriously, why was he in Texas? He never answered that.
“The best way to keep him away from the kitchen was to put you in charge” oh poor Doug. She was right though.
Aw, this is sweet. I like how it connects to what we saw in Hera’s memories too.
Mission Mishaps: No Complaints Aw man, SI-5? What happened to Doug?
First they take Blessie from me then they force me to spent time with his killers.
Well gang, I guess it’s time for the adventures of Whiskey Man and Duck Boy.
Wow. Sitting in a car and brooding in the rain. An action packed adventure if I’ve ever heard one.
Oh wait, are they stalking Maxwell? They said she was from a small town.
“Did you stalk me?” Yes, he did Jacobi. Kepler was acting so creepy at that bar, I’m sorry. What even was that?
“I really hate you sometimes sir. ✨You’re the worst✨” oh Duck Boy you have no idea.
What video. WHAT VIDEO.
Please tell us why Jacobi is brooding and PLEASE tell us about the duck video.
Jacobi taught him questions only? Wow he really does love to dig his own grave.
Kepler is not your friend Jacobi. If you think he is, you… gosh you really need to meet somebody. Anybody.
All this complaining… Jacobi really is the evil version of Doug sometimes…
What was on Jacobi’s mind? What did Rachel think was on his mind? Oh, his one year recruitment.
Nothing good ever comes out of a mysterious duffel bag. Why does he have all those fireworks?
When your evil boss takes you on a fake stake out and gives you some fireworks to blow up because he knows you crave destruction: 💣🎆🥰🎇🧨😍
I like that they play fireworks sounds as they roll the credits. It’s a nice touch. Mission Mishaps: Happy Holidays Already down to the last one. Time flies when you’re having fun. Oh more SI-5. Hopefully a little less Whiskey Boy, a little more Duck related lore.
Oh no such luck. :(
Geez, Kepler really does love flexing every single bit of power that he has, doesn’t he? Just get to the point already! Why couldn’t he have been the one to go instead of Maxwell?
“Oh no! Not a binary fault in the quartical… um… that’s bad!” Duck Boy stop being funny I don’t want to like you.
Not Kepler’s slow claps… I swear this man is infatuated with the idea of being a super villain.
What are they afraid of?
A holiday party?
the evil space corporation has a HOLIDAY PARTY?
For what holiday? Cutter and Pryce clearly hate holidays. They’ve ordered people killed on nearly every holiday we’ve seen! … actually maybe that’s their way of making the holidays their own… and it makes me wonder who they want to kill at this party. Jacobi and Maxwell have a right to be concerned about this.
“We don’t ask questions. We trust that we were given orders for a reason.” THAT ONLY WORKS IF YOU ARE WORKING FOR TRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE. And committing or endorsing murder takes you off the trustworthy list.
The idea of Cutter and Pryce celebrating Christmas disgusts me. Like, physically I have a hard time stomaching it. Christmas is about joy, and love, and goodwill toward mankind. Cutter and his crazy science gf have no place involving themselves in that. Not unless they show some serious remorse and do some serious penance and jail time.
What kind of horrifying messed up gifts do people get each other? I hope Jacobi gets a pet duck.
… Maxwell’s mom died? “We all know you don’t talk to your mom” “…my mom just died?” “No Jacobi.” STOP BEING FUNNY.
Compare this to the holiday stuff that happens with the Hephaestus… this has such a creepy undertone. Especially when you imagine the events happening at the same time.
Well, that’s all for the Mission Mishaps. Sorry it took me so long guys, but I love and appreciate your patience. Excited to finish the rest of the series and hopefully I’ll have more for you soon!
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pedrito-friskito · 2 years
dearest kay ❤️ happy sleepover!
i'm so glad you're feeling better now, it's awful being sick, especially at this time of year when it's so dark and cold too
i'd like to know, of all the boys you write for, who would you most like to take care of you when you're sick?
although we don't celebrate thanksgiving here, in the spirit of the holiday i just want to say how thankful i am to have met you here, you and all the other friends i've made this year, i really don't know what i'd do without you 🥰
mindi my darling! thank you!
ugh it’s truly the worst, but so grateful to be feeling good enough now to work on such lovely things for my lovely friends ♥️
this was a hard decision! I definitely toyed with a few others (Steve Rogers, Frankie Morales, Eddie Munson), but there’s just something about Marcus Pike that is just so comforting and so I chose him! (this is very self indulgent, very fluffy, exactly what I could have used when I was down for the count…!)
mindi you are the SWEETEST and I’m teary reading this. I too am the most thankful for the beautiful friends that live in my phone 🥰 I don’t know what I’d do without YOU! ♥️
requests are open until saturday midnight!
making a fuss
(word count 1.1k)
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There’s a knock at your door.
The sound makes your head hurt, heaving yourself up off the couch, keeping your blanket wrapped tight around your shoulders like a second skin. You have to sift your way through the mountain of discarded tissues on the floor, some of them making their way under the couch as you wobbles towards the door. Each step seems to reverberate through your whole body, your ears ringing and your head throbbing. Honestly, who is knocking at your door? You told everyone you were sick, sending your friend group chat a myriad of sneezing emojis, and you’d cancelled your plans with—
He’s standing on the other side of the door, a large brown paper bag in one hand, a plastic one from the drugstore in the other, duffle slung over his shoulder. He steps in as soon as you move to the side to let him pass, the door swinging shut behind him. “Go and lie back down,” he says, moving both bags to one hand so he can brush your hair from your face, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “Right now.”
Confused, you do as he says, waddling back to the cocoon you’d made on the couch. He gets right to work; you can hear him moving around in the kitchen, the tell-tale screech of your kettle reaching your ears a few minutes later. He breezes past you once, only to drop his overnight bag in your bedroom, before he heads back to the kitchen, emerging a moment later with a tray laden with a few bottles of water, a big bowl of what looks like soup, your favourite mug filled with what you assume to be tea, a box of cold meds, lozenges, and those fancy tissues with lotion that don’t dry out your nose from blowing all the time.
Marcus perches beside you on the couch, handing you one of the bottles of water and the cold meds first. “Here, take this,” he instructs. You do as your told, wincing as you swallow the pills. He gives you the cup of tea next, murmuring to you that it’s hot, making sure you have a good grip on it before he lets it go.
“What is this?” you ask, blowing over the liquid, inhaling the steam deeply. It smells like honey and mint and something else you can’t quite place.
“Ginger tea. My sister swears by it; it kept me alive the last time I had the flu. It’ll help, trust me.”
You just nod, taking a sip. He gets up a moment later, snagging your trash bin from the corner of the living room, starting to round up your tissues. “Marcus,” you start, moving to get up, setting the tea on the coffee table, “stop, you don’t have to do that. I’ll deal with it later.”
He shakes his head. “Nonsense. Lie down, and drink your tea.”
“But you—”
He reaches out, cups your chin in his hand, thumb swiping at your cheek. “Honey, you’re sick. Let me take care of you, all right?”
“I don’t want you to make a fuss,” you sigh, sinking back into a couch, though your head thanks you for it. “And I don’t want to get you sick.”
“Stop,” he chides, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. “I like to make a fuss.”
You sink back further, your eyes following as he cleans up. He disappears back into the kitchen after a while, and you can hear him tackling the stack of dishes you’d let pile up beside the sink. What on earth did you do to deserve a man like this? Like him?
You can feel yourself start to drift as the cold meds kick in, sipping at the tea that feels like heaven on your sore throat. You try some of the soup too, but the tray is too heavy to lift, so you abandon it, sinking deeper into the cushions.
Marcus reappears sometime later — you’re not quite sure how much time has passed — and makes himself comfortable at your feet, lifting your legs into your lap. You make a noise of protest when he peels off once of your socks, but his thumbs press into your arch a moment later and any further objections die on your tongue. It’s the weirdest thing; he massages your little toes, and you can feel your sinuses clearing slightly.
“Where did you learn that?” you mumble out, drunk off the comfort he’s offering. “Why are you so good to me?”
“It’s Chinese medicine,” he grins, continuing his massage, working the rest of your foot, seeming to be drawing out all the aches of your body through the soles of your feet. He goes silent after that, his brow pinching as he concentrates.
“You didn’t answer my other question,” you nearly slur, your head rolling back on the cushions. “I asked you two questions.”
His cheeks go red, and he smiles, one hand moving up your leg, fingers curling loose around your ankle. “I’m good to you because you’re good to me,” he says softly, rubbing at your anklebone, “and I like you…a lot.”
Your eyes flutter shut as he keeps rubbing at your skin. “I like you too, Marcus.”
You pass out a few minutes later, sinking into a dreamless sleep spurred by the cold meds. You come to sometime later, and Marcus is carrying you to bed. His grip is tight on you, his chest so warm and comforting you nearly fall asleep again. But then he’s laying you down in the bed, pulling the blankets back and tucking you beneath them. You feel him turn to leave, but you lift your hand, curling your fingers in the collar of his shirt.
“No,” you whimper.
“I’ll be right back, honey,” he replies, brushing his hand over your forehead and untangling your hand. “Gonna go get you some water.”
You fall asleep again, coming to another few minutes later when the blanket rustles and he fits his warm body against you. You turn into him, burrowing onto his chest, fisting your hand at his side.
“Hey, Marcus?” you murmur, sighing into his touch as he starts playing with your hair, gentle fingers on your scalp.
“Yeah, baby?” he replies. “You okay? You need anything?”
You shake your head against his chest. “Earlier,” you mumble, dragging your nose along his chest, breathing as deeply as you’re able, “when I said I liked you too.”
“Yes,” he says, dragging the word out as he presses his fingers against the base of your skull. It feels like heaven.
“I said that I liked you too, but what I really meant was that I love you.” You pause, tilting your head back, blinking your heavy eyes open so you can see his face. “Is that okay?”
Maybe it’s the cold meds, but you swear his eyes are glittering. “Of course that’s okay, baby,” he grins, and his lips touch your forehead a moment later. “I love you too.”
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bittertarot · 8 months
I get this bcuz I’ve heard a few different ways I would meet my fs
Either I’d choose between two different people and hopefully I choose the right one OR I just meet them while traveling/work/school and I HOPE it’s not the latter! I can’t stand being in the middle of such things and just situations like that 😭 plus with the second one makes more sense with how my life is going so could be that 🤷‍♀️ Just gotta let it flow yk
Also I’m so sorry you had to deal with one of those Seoul city fuckbois bcuz goodness that seems like too much to deal with smh (I had a similar experience unfortunately but she wasn’t Korean)
But I wish you the best this year and many years more! 💞 Stay happy and healthy!
Anon, you totally get why I despise the idea of meeting my FS through a "pick 1, lose 1" situation aaaaa !! Going through meeting via work or school sounds mortifying, it's just so- random?? It isn't your fault, no need to apologise! Some of his messages were strange since he'd ask about my half-brother a lot?? I'm not very open about my personal life on Tumblr but for context I have a half-brother who is nearly 30 and I worked as his secretary for a bit when his last one was fired. So, my ex (we'll call him Y) asked "how's your brother?" "what's your brothers schedule today?" It was giving "How do I find the words to tell her? I'm in love with Stacy's Brother" (if you know, you know!) It was such a weird situation, since when he asked me out he did it over text with "Would you like to be in a relationship with me? If I would allow you?" Old Freya thought this shit was cute and was sooo delulu about it. I'm not gonna go into further detail about the relationship, since it may be a bit triggering as the rest of the information contains a lot of s*xu/l stuff he said. Either way, broke up with him after dating for quite a long time and he began st*lking me. He stopped when I FINALLY threatened to call the cops/get a restraining order against him. Moral of the story; don't be delulu. I'll be serious when I say most Seoul City Fuckboys that call their exes "crazy" and whatnot are red flags, they just have the fantasy of wanting to sleep with a foreigner, they're not looking for anything serious !! I'm really sorry you also had to deal with something similar. I hope you're healing now <33 You seem soso nice, feel free to send me a private message if you'd like to talk more !! I'll be sure to work on doing both, thanks! <3
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piningpercussionist · 9 months
*Another letter...* it's, well, me again. 'Crush Guy' and... thanks for accepting my apology, honestly, the fact that you *don't,* like, hate my guts or something is a miracle. seriously. truth be told, I was kind of scared when I first started sending these letters... I mean... up until i sent that first letter. I had never, well... confessed, to, uh. anyone, before. it took me a lot of courage. to uhh... get all of that written and the stuff made, and... at times i wondered if i was going overboard. i almost chickened out... but my appreciation for you kept me going even though i dreaded the thought of you... i dunno, blowing up at me or hating me or not liking me in that way ( the last of which ended up happening and is totally fine! i respect that!! even if i am, in fact, bummed and more than a bit lovesick about it.) but... at least 2/3 of those things didn't go terribly wrong! so, that's good. and... I think writing these letters has... sort of made me a little bit less timid than i used to be, and a little more confident than i was before. so, thanks for that, i suppose. and... another thing. i'd like you to know that thinking of you brings me joy and that i make a lot of choices in my personal life based on what *you* would think is morally the correct idea. quite frankly, i'm just glad that you exist at all. P. S. if i ever go overboard in these letters. let me know. I'm not particularly adept at determining what to and not to say, at times. people call me eccentric. Sincerely, Crush Guy
Heh, yeah. Couldn't come up with anything better, glad you don't seem to mind it. And maybe I was just struck with some sudden, inexplicable generosity?
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Being serious though, yeah, I can see how something like this could be difficult. I sure as hell couldn't do it; I seem to be the "dig your graves in person" type... it all worked out, though.
Say, did you level up from it at all? Even if I don't feel the same, this seems like the kind of thing that would do that for you- or at least give some experience.
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Anyway, I'm flattered to have brought you so much joy, even if I am just sitting here being a bitch about seventy percent of the time- and I'm being generous with myself, there. Insanely flattered, really. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about the last bit there, though? Like, doing what I think would be moral... I mean, I think more people should hold my standards, generally, but what about your standards, for these things? Is the gap there negligible, or does that... strain you, at all?
I guess what I'm saying is that you should probably be... ugh I just realized how stupid I'm about to sound, hang on. Give me a moment.
*Kim pinches the bridge of her nose with a tight frown, eyes narrowed. She takes a breath, then releases it and drops her hand, still frowning but more slightly.*
Be true to yourself, or something. Unless being true to yourself means being a shitty evil person, I guess. Bleh. Gross. Now pretend I never said that beyond internalizing it now.
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But, really. I'm... I think I'm actually kind of touched by that. Thank you. Glad someone out there in this shitshow of a world thinks my standards are worth following. Maybe there are decent people.
And yeah, I'll let you know if you're pushing your luck. Reenter my threats from before, etcetera, etcetera.
*Kim waves her hand at the camera dismissively, turning her head to look away- there's still a slight smile that can be caught, though, as she does.*
I'm not always going to know how to reply to these, guy, but if you keep sending, I'll keep reading. That's a promise now, I suppose.
Until your next one, stay well.
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revvnant · 1 year
Misconception: He didn't love his brother. Is that.... True?
send me a misconception you think people have about my character and I’ll explain if it’s true or not.
heehee. so i'm gonna say heated things in this post, anon, and it's not because you asked the question. i love this question. when i strawman in here i'm referencing things i've seen in the tags and on other social media over the years. anyways, my first response when people bring this up is usually. that is an extremely complex thing to ask a teenager in michael's position. now, i'm not saying michael is The Victim, given that evan is literally dead. i'm extremely pro-michael responsibility. while it looks like the argument over whether or not he's the bully brother has died off somewhat ( or maybe i've just cultivated my experience a bit better lol ) i used to see so many Fourth Afton Siblings and it drove me insane. i craved that moral ambiguity, that is to say the ambiguity of the action / motivation, and the cloud that it left hanging over michael's story. i liked how it served a narrative where michael callously disregarded his sibling's safety and it got him killed, only for michael to try to be the best brother he could to his sister and lose her anyways, and in much the same way. i loved that michael wasn't perfect and rankled at the push for him to be distanced from the incident because it felt like people weren't willing to say that michael could be both a victim of abuse and a bully who got a kid mauled by taking a malicious prank too far.
which brings me back to the complexity. while it does not excuse michael's actions and certainly doesn't bring evan back, i don't think it's... disrespectful? choosing a side?? to say that michael was also in a bad situation. like. based solely off what we see in the games, michael and evan are on their own. we always see them home alone in an empty house. evan walks to and from freddy's without supervision ( not super unusual, but also something that, at the time, was becoming less common -- i like it as a prelude to the mci, where parents would stop allowing their children to go out alone ). he's spending time at a venue he not just dislikes, but is terrified of, on the regular -- and we don't know why, but i've always assumed that either william is bringing him to work with him or michael is dragging him there after school ( with evan then being free to walk home if he wants to, but he's also clearly discouraged from doing so, given the number of times he tries to 'escape' ). and now he's having his birthday party there. at the very least, his father is negligent. the only family member we see him with is michael.
we're entering headcanon territory now, so be warned of that. while i do a lot of research to back this up, i will also be upfront in saying that i'm spinning a narrative because i think it's appropriate for the setting and want to explore it. hence, there's nothing authoritative here, and i understand if it's not people's cup of tea. that said, michael is the oldest afton sibling. in a lot of places, especially that part of america, eldest / older children are expected to help raise their younger siblings. given that we don't see william around, let alone a mother, i've always come away with the impression that michael was left with a lot of the daily care of the kids. get them to and from school, help with their homework, make sure they shower and brush their teeth, etc. to some people that may sound extreme or dramatic, but it's reality for a lot of kids. they're made to grow up more quickly than their siblings or only children out of necessity. this isn't a blanket judgment of this practice, because 1) utah is not the only place on earth this happens and the cultural context in other places is different, so i don't want to smear that and 2) teaching children some responsibility is not necessarily a bad thing in my eyes.
it is, however, a lot of pressure on a kid. i've made michael four years older than evan and eight years older than elizabeth. those aren't insignificant age gaps, but while he slots more 'naturally' into that parental role for his sister, he and evan are much closer in age. he's twelve when evan is eight, fifteen when evan is eleven ( where i've placed the birthday party in the timeline ). he wants to be hanging out with friends and doing his own thing, and he's being held back ( in his mind ) by having to watch his siblings and, horror of horrors, take his brother with him when he goes places. probably not unusual for where they're living, again, but still. this would normally lead to some inter-sibling resentment, but there are additional layers to this.
one, i think michael struggles in school due to his situation at home. i think both the absence of his parents and the responsibility of watching his siblings are crunching his brain, and he's mentally ill and dyslexic in a school system not designed to accommodate him. if he doesn't make sure his brother's homework gets done, he gets in trouble. forget his own homework. if william and diane are working late, he's responsible for dinner. then he has to get them to bed. once that's done, he can do his own work / shower / whatever else he needs to do. he's exhausted.
two, he is being abused. the degree to which varies from person to person but this is my blog and i say that william was physically abusive. not only do i think there's more than enough evidence of this in the games ( midnight motorist, his comfort killing children when he has kids of his own ), but secondary research has all but proven to me that you almost never see cases of child killing without abuse going on in the house. you just. as a baseline. are not simultaneously a kind parent and a child murderer. to have your own children and to be comfortable killing somebody else's children may seem like two separate things in fiction, which is why i'm not against people saying that william was 'only a little' / not physically abusive, but in real life that just... doesn't happen. and my blog for the sci-fantasy horror series about possessed bear robot is historically inspired so we all just have to live with that.
a few things with the abuse, though. firstly, michael is learning violence in the home. he is being conditioned to accept physical harm as the norm, and his father is setting the example that the right way to cope with your emotions is to lash out. and not only is mike experiencing the normal heightened emotional state of puberty, he's angry and confused and upset because his father is mistreating him. he's being hurt and he has no one to appeal to ( another big historical theme for me: a lack of intervention in hurricane; not their children, not their problem, and heaven forbid someone tell another man how to run his household! ), he can't get away from it unless he wants to pack up a little rucksack and flee ( i do believe this happened at least once and he quickly got found and returned to his parents ), so he just has to sit. and stew in it. and not understand why it's happening. because there is no good reason for it. i'm very much not like. 'william abused michael because michael acted out!' the opposite, in fact. michael acted out because he was being abused -- and because he was a teenager! and that idea always rubbed me the wrong way because, to be quite honest, abusive parents do not need a 'reason' to hurt their kids. they don't need an inciting incident. i know parents are people, but abusive parents -- parents with a pattern of violence -- are gonna do what they do regardless of how their kids act. they can say there's a reason for it, but if there isn't? they'll invent one. so there shall be no 'mike was a bully and william started punishing him more harshly' here.
secondly, michael has to cope with his situation differently than his siblings. evan is a crybaby -- and rightfully so, given what he's going through! he also lives with an abusive father, though i don't believe he's william's usual target; that house is a nightmare and he is in it with the rest of them. plus, his brother bullies him! i would cry! but i think the crying is something that michael grows to resent very quickly. michael isn't 'allowed' to cry; he's a 'man', his father expects more from him. michael 'has it worse' than evan, so what does evan even have to cry about? michael doesn't cry when he gets mistreated, and 'nobody's' mistreating evan. evan, as far as michael is concerned, is being waited on hand-and-foot by him. he's the one helping with the homework and tying the shoelaces and walking him to school and picking him up at the end of the day. he's the one losing sleep and weekends with friends to take care of him. what the fuck could evan ever have to cry about? by that logic, maybe michael should give him something to cry about -- like william gives him something to cry about. because that's what real men do.
thirdly, as implied above, michael is the barrier. he's the oldest, he's the one who looks like william, he's the puberty-riddled mentally ill punk-leaning problem child. he is his father's target of choice. and i think he took pride in that fact when it first began, that he could take it, that he could serve as a shield. but he's a child and that didn't last long. how could it? he was being hurt. he just does not have the capacity to be like, 'no, i can do this for their sakes and be happy about it, it's good that it's me and not them.' few adults can do that without developing resentment for the people they're 'defending' ( especially when that's not what's really happening -- they're not 'defending' their siblings / children / etc. from anything, they're just being attacked ). but michael can't fight back against william. william is a grown adult and his father. so he gets mad at the only person he can do anything against in this equation: the other victim.
so we have a kid at an age where he normally wouldn't want to be hanging out with his younger brother, but he doesn't really have a choice. maybe some teasing would be normal, but this boy has been subjected to violence, and has, in his frustration and confusion, turned this violence upon his only feasible target. and it is violent. it's horrible. but is this hatred? is this evidence that michael hates his brother? i don't think so. i think they are in a fucking horrendous situation and they're just trying to survive. i don't think removed and sweeping concepts like 'michael loves his brother' or 'michael hates his brother' ( as if the two are mutually exclusive? ) apply here. michael took care of his brother. you could call that love. michael tormented his brother. you could call that hate. michael intended to frighten and maybe even hurt evan, but not to kill him, and it still resulted in evan's death. did he do it out of hate? if hate here is shorthand for 'a desire to see evan dead', no. if it's 'a desire to make evan uncomfortable and upset', maybe!
but like. i dunno. abusive households are like a pocket dimension. you need years of therapy to unpack that shit. i don't think sitting down and casting judgment on michael based on whether or not one believes that he 'hated' his brother is fair or worthwhile. with all that going on above, it's not even a thought exercise i'm interested in, if the end goal is to rank michael as a Good or Bad person. rather, i want to explore what would lead to an incident like that. maybe michael loved his brother, but in that house, expressing that love in any sort of healthy way was not an option. and that's far more compelling to me than 'michael was born bad' or 'michael is an unfeeling monster'.
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horizonspurple · 1 year
*excitedly waves at you*
Some things I say definitelly sound badass as well🤭but I'm really not hihi.
Also yes! The Neatherlands are way too overpopulated hehehe, one of the only things I'm not a fan of. So if I just go over there to be a tourist Amsterdam definitelly wouldn't be the main focus.
Some words just sound so awkward or out of place I guess. I would burst into laughter with some kinky words in my native language🤭but I'm also not the biggest fan of mixing English and my native language since it's a slavic language and they just sound very different. I will definitelly be sticking to English with kink🤭English is cool because it has a huge vocabulary so there are a lot of words to choose from.
I've seen Lucifer one time, and now I watch some episodes from time to time. It was one of the series I've watched during the quarantine times so it has a special place in my heart. Lucifer is so cool as a character, honestly morally gray characters are so interesting. And I also absolutelly adore Trixie.
My question this time is how did you get into kink?
And also☺️I had a dream about you. I dreamt that I woke up and you messaged me a dm saying that maybe we should stop chatting like this. I promise I'm not obsessed, but I may have a tiny lil crush👉👈 🙊
Hope you have a nice dayy
-your sleepy anon
*excitedly waves back* xD
Fake it till you make it right 🤭 atleast that's what I always tell myself
I get that! There's plenty of other cities to go to And Dutch people usually speak English very well, so that wouldn't be an issue, unless you go to like a tiny farmers village xD
Yepp very relatable haha Mmm yeah I can imagine, those are indeed very different, I can get why mixing wouldn't always be nice Just do whatever you feel like! English is definitley a very suitable language to use for naughty talk hihi
Nicee Ohh that's relatable, I watched and rewatched Sex Education during quarantine and feel like that just hit different Lucifer is very cool yeah and I liked how unpredictable he is as a character xD, and yeah morally grey characters are definitely interesting and Lucifer is for sure a morally grey character 😂 Trixie is a cutiee, although I did start to like her more towards the end of the series
Ohh good one! There wasn't one clear thing that got me into kink tbh When I was around 15/16 I started getting more thoughts and fantasies about rougher sex, bondage, spanking etc but I always thought it was just fantasies and not something I would actually like (boy was I wrong xD) I also got my first boyfriend around that time and he was also a bit kinky so we did some veryyyyy light experimenting, which I did like but turned out he was not a safe person After that I kind of dropped it for a while, until about two years ago when I just really started to want to explore this side of myself I did have another bf in the meantime and we tried exploring but our kinks were a little different I learned about fetlife and made an account, met @lord-of-dice-and-kinks there and after a year of being on that site we decided to meet up and see if we could have kinky fun together And the rest is history 😇 So sir is my actual first proper introduction to kink
How about you? If you don't want to share that is fine too no worries :)
Ahww I'm flattered! 🥺☺ Know that my DM's are open, you can send me a message there if you'd like, but also if you don't want that you can just stay my sleepy anon! I'm having fun talking to you regardless :)
I hope you're doing well and catching lots of cute pokemon! ☺
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