#mallory fuck
ittybitty-arts · 2 years
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those gay dnd guys huh?
(not all of these fantastic guys belong to me!) Wayland - loneliestcactus Jay - skizabaa QinQen - kupadraws Triangle Bird Thing (our lovely DM) & Orson - tuzesdays Pix - valencrime Sorrel - frostios Mallory - ecruteaky Bevelen - MINE thats my guy :]
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nando161mando · 4 months
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As my friend Julian puts it, only half winkingly: "God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation."
— Daniel Mallory Ortberg, Something That May Shock and Discredit You
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fyepertine · 6 months
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Something to Cry About, part 1
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cicerfics · 1 month
Listen, I see Bond as a person who is deeply, fundamentally, self-sacrificially loyal to everyone at MI6 who is loyal to MI6. If they are loyal to the organization, Bond is loyal to them! He will kill and die for them! He will place himself between his colleagues and dangerous individuals! He is very livestock-guardian-coded!
It's just...his enthusiasm for this task varies based on the individual in question. For some (Mansfield!M and Q), he is only too happy to kill and die for them. He is vibrating with the desire to eliminate all threats to their person, and looking for opportunities to fling himself into danger on their behalf.
But for certain other people, like Skyfall/SPECTRE-era Mallory*, Bond's attitude is more like, "...I will kill and die for you, but I won't be happy about it. 😒 It's rotten work. Especially to me. Especially if it's you. I'll do it, but Jesus Christ."
All this is to say, I really want a fic where Mallory has been abducted and Bond (very effectively and efficiently) rescues him, while make it clear the whole time that he views this as a tremendous imposition. Like, he's going to do an absolutely A+ job of rescuing his boss, but he's going to complain about it the whole time.
He's going to sigh so heavily as he cuts through Mallory's bindings and removes his gag. He's going to shake his head so condescendingly as he takes down the baddie standing guard so he can secure Mallory's escape route. He will be bringing this up during every argument he and Mallory have in the future, and he's already making that clear.
Does this fic exist already? Someone please throw me a link if it does.
*As per usual, I am choosing to ignore what NTTD did to Mallory's character
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a-gay-bloodmage · 1 month
Me, making my Dragon Age OCs in my mid to late teens: Hehe, all but one of them are in their twenties or above... They're so mature...
Me, now, aged 23 with a far more developed brain: Why the fuck are these CHILDREN in charge of SAVING THE WORLD?
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ignitingthesky · 5 days
Thinking about Carpenter//Eliza (the girl hallowed by solitude) parallels again. Murdered parents, only survivor of family, having to continue alone indefinitely without having reason or purpose to that survival, wandering, wandering, wandering. Carpenter finding it difficult to connect with her peers in the reform school, with the rest of the parish because of the different way she views her faith, with everyone basically, connecting with so few and losing even those few connections anyway through various awful ways. Carpenter has been so lonely. I do love that her axe murderer arc gives her a tangible physical target to terrorise and take her helplessness out on but Eliza is still out there. and, depending on your interpretation of the ending, perhaps so is Carpenter.
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agodmustfeed · 1 year
you love your god, but youre not sure you like him anymore. you go on a pilgrimage anyways, with a fanatical young boy, and meet some weird divorced cop you have to run from because your partner turns a guy into a crab. you (mostly accidentally) take a hostage, and shes pretty okay actually. you part on good terms, something thats absolutely not normal between kidnappers and kidnappees, but hey, whatever man. you find what youre looking for, and youre not sure you love your god anymore. the fanatical kid you thought you bonded with completely fucks off, hating you for your disbelief. the weird divorced cop finally catches you, but your hostage/friend(????) jailbreaks you (NOT NORMAL) and hes left handcuffed to the door of the precinct, ranting and raving about how hes going to hunt you down to the ends of the earth. you try to stop your fanatical partner from doing mass murder, but you dont have to. he prays to and you curse your god, and he answers (to who?). a weird old lady finds you but not him, so your fanatical friend is probably dead. youre mean but shes nice, and you think you could love the goddess she worships. you try to help out and two feral children catch you, turns out the fanatical kid is alive and has power in the church now. theyre not your people anymore, but you work to save them from the government backed feral children. the kid calls you sister. and then he frames you for the double murder he does. he cries as he does it, but he does it anyways. he sends his dogs after you and there is no rest, no reprieve. your new goddess keeps you alive, but you are caught anyways, and your old god kills to save you. you hate him for it, hate him for loving you, for wanting you back. you are caught again and youre done this time. you just want it to be over.
and then the fucking divorced cop who, last time you saw him, was screaming about you finding a prey god to pray to because he will never let you feel safe again, is jogging up and, in a jovial tone, calling you an old friend and asking his friends to patch you up. like what the fuck would you do
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i used to think love theoretically was the best ali hazelwood novel ever, but check & mate has proven me wrong.✨
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valleydean · 10 months
Love when people are like "I can read smut in public with a totally straight face." Not me! I'm jumping up and down grinning, laughing, fist pumping like "YEAH BOYYYYS! GET THAT D!!!"
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mallory-keen-to-kill · 7 months
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i just found these in @magnus-falafelking room... and now i'm going to throw myself to the lindworms
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sikeyaout · 6 months
Can't believe I have to say this but sexualizing incest and csa is abhorrent and if you do that I hope you get wiped off the face of the earth
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artemx746 · 1 year
Imagine having your one Northern Irish character be a ginger haired girl who died on bloody Friday from a bomb. Yikes
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choices-binglebonkus · 5 months
To whichever writer wrote Violet and Aunt Mallory’s characters and interactions in RoE…are you okay??? The toxic dynamic between these two and the isolation and emotional suffering on poor Violet’s end feels just a little too real to me. Like it’s well-written but holy shit, it feels like it’s been written from personal experience on such a transcendental level.
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cicerfics · 2 months
Random thought that assaulted me while I was minding my own business this morning
I feel like, at some point, Mallory punishes 007 for his reckless handling of equipment by making Bond sit down and come up with some actual ideas for how to fill the gaps in their budget.
Until Bond comes up with a way to replenish Q-branch's coffers, he is BENCHED.
...Unfortunately for everyone, Bond has a great idea. And that's how Mallory winds up with a 40k RPF on his desk by the end of the week.
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pipivovott · 2 months
the boys s4 finale spoilers
ryan did nothing wrong tbh. he's been lied to and isolated his whole life. how else was he supposed to react when mallory and butcher not only dumped all of his father's wrongdoings on him, but actively tricked him with the intent of keeping him captive? and even then not JUST keeping him captive but forcing him into being a weapon against his own father? sure mallory/butcher were desperate for any means to take down homelander but it was super fucked up to put ryan in that position. homelander is the only living family that ryan has, and regardless of homelander's status as a shitty person it's clear that he cares for ryan in his own way
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jaw-bones · 1 year
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🌸🍑✨ — ft. mallory~
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