what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
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they’ve started to upload KHR episodes to YouTube except. how about Shonen Jump kills themselves huh. how about they go die. huh
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
Like the dude explains that he has reoccurring nightmares of his series getting canceled, has constant shoulder pain to the point that he wishes he “didn’t have shoulders”, keeps taking irregular breaks due to health reasons, the pacing of the chapters keeps getting weirder and shit, THE LITERALLY UNFINSHED DABI DRAWING IN 349….
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Praying someone in his life steps in and makes him take a multi month long break because dear lord. As someone who regularly runs themself into the ground working on their independent little projects, YOU HAVE TO TAKE A BREAK AT SOME POINT. Like you HAVE TO. It’s either you take the break on your own time or you’re body FORCES YOU TO. He probably keeps getting sick because he’s working so hard.
Not gonna act like I care about this man too personally, just like from one human to another that isn’t good and it’s very much being noticed.
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groovinomicon · 8 months
Something so deeply enraging about knowing your own type so well that even after 13 years of not interacting with a media, you still know not only that your favourite character has changed, but also exactly who it is going to change to.
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morlock-holmes · 3 months
I'm so tired of hearing about how the different US states are really "50 countries in a trenchcoat" because I'm sorry... Have you been to the states?
You're really going to sit there and tell me that Washington, California and Oregon are as distinct from each other as the UK, France and Germany?
With a straight face and everything?
The states are more like, I dunno, different denominations of protestantism, or different Shonen Jump battle series, or different versions of Star Trek.
Like, if someone earnestly talked about how The Original Series and Voyager are actually really different that person would be correct, but if another person said, "Come on man what are you talking about it's all fucking Star Trek" that person would also be correct.
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 6 months
Shen Smut Fic from Undead Unluck
Nsfw; AFAB ; slight yandere
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman, but I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
In which Shen finally has enough of your worrywart antics and decides to put matters into his own hands.
It was supposed to be a regular quest - capture the UMA, be rewarded with a Negator’s location, find the Negator, and be done with it. 
So why were you deserted in Japan, in a LOVE HOTEL of all places, stuck with the most unintentionally insufferable man on the planet? 
“Jeez,” you sigh, face-palming your forehead, “I can’t believe Andy and Fuuko left without us! And what for? The newest copy of Shonen Jump?!” 
You hear a laugh from behind. Shen was sitting cross legged on the gaudy heart-shaped mattress provided with the room, leaning his chin into a hand while he watches you pace around the room, and, much to your chagrin, with amusement. 
How could he be so nonchalant about everything? His cool demeanor always contrasted your reactive, uptight one, and without even trying to he manages to piss you off on the daily. 
“Look, I’m sure they’ll be back soon. Or they won’t. Méi wèntí (no problem)!”
You slap your cheeks with a groan. “It’s absolutely an issue, Shen! We’ve wasted how many days trying to capture UMA ____? And now instead of doing anything productive we’re stuck here cause those two decided to ditch us!” 
His polite smile does little to reassure you. 
“You’re way too worried.”
“And you aren’t?!”
He hums, tapping his face. “Not necessarily. Whatever Fuuka told Andy, it must have been important. You saw the way he carried her off with a sprint, no? I trust they have some sort of plan. Although like you, I wish they would have given us a heads up.” 
While you sure loved Fuuko, her brash plans always gave you the worst fucking headaches. You’re glad Andy is there to protect her, but still. 
You sigh and plop face down on the mattress next to the blue haired man. 
For a moment, there is only silence. Eventually, you forfeit.
“…For what it’s worth, this bed sure is comfy.” 
“Right?” Shen agrees, moving to lay down on his back and stare at the hot pink ceiling. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, Y/N, but I think you’re too stressed most of the time. Have you ever tried meditation? I’m no meditation master, but I can offer you some pointers.” 
“No thanks,” You grimace at him, “Meditation stresses me out.”
“That’s counterintuitive.” 
“I know.”
More silence. 
He turns his head to face you. “Well if you happen to find a way to destress and need a partner, I’d be happy to lend a hand. I’d offer to spar with you, but I know you’re not much of a fighter.” 
“That’s…that’s real nice of you, Shen. Thanks.” 
“Of course,” His smile reaches his eyes when he adds, “You’re cute when you’re pouting, but I think you’re even prettier with a smile on your face instead.”
It takes a second for the words to click in your head, then a blush blooms across your face.  
“Hey. Can I be honest with you for a second?”
“Gànba (go ahead).”
“When we first met, I hated your guts. You always had this shit eating grin on your face no matter what’s happening, and it drove me insane. It’s really hard to tell what you’re actually feeling behind that smile. It made it difficult to trust you, and I already had a hard time trusting people as it was. Still do, actually.” 
You continue on. “But after spending more time with you and the others, I’ve learned that you’re not all that bad. And maybe you are hard to read sometimes but I trust that you’re not a threat and want to protect the people you care about. And I find that really admirable, ya know? A lot. So uh? I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to get to know you more as a person and be friends. And that I’m sorry for always having my head up my ass.”
His eyes widen at your words and you look away abashedly. “I mean, if being buddies is a problem then I totally understand I mean whywouldyouwannahangoutwithmeinthefirstplace—“
He reaches to grab your hand, halting your rambling. “Does that mean I have permission?”
“Uh, permission to what?”
He squeezes your hand, eyes ablaze with something you couldn’t put your finger on. “To kiss you.”
Immediately you’re a stuttering mess. “Hah?? I mean - what - no, I - that’s totally inappropriate, we can’t —“ He locks eyes with you, “Please kiss me.” 
You’re shocked. Did he just use his Negator ability on you?
He ears turn pink at your proclamation and he says, “Of course. Anything you want.”
Before you can say anything in retaliation he’s moving in on you like a shark. With a hand cupping the back of your head, his lips meet yours hungrily, leaving your body slack with shock. You can barely breathe as he fights his way into your mouth, tongue exploring inside your mouth fervently. You bring your hands up to his chest to push back but he doesn’t budge. 
It feels like eternity before he lets you go. When he finally relents, you’re gasping for breath. You look into his eyes, shocked to see that they’re dilated, blown wide with excitement.
He says breathlessly, “I’ve been interested in you since the day you joined the Union. I did everything I could to get you to like me. I tried to be the nice guy, be polite and approachable, but you never seemed to wanna let me in. I was honestly beginning to give up. You don’t know how happy I am to finally hear you say that.” 
His strong hand roams to grip your waist. Tightly. With a low whisper he says, “I want you. I want all of you. And if you let me, I’m going to do more than just kiss you, my dear.” 
You’re so flustered you don’t even know what to say. “I — you — wait. You like me?Why? I mean we’re basically coworkers aren’t we and I don’t know about you but datingcoworkershasalwaysbeenweirdand—“
He gives you a knowing wink, and you’re back to speaking your hidden truths again. 
“I want you more than I can say.“ Fuck Untruth. 
Apparently you said that last bit out loud, because Shen gives you a hearty laugh, so much he has to wipe a tear from his eye. 
Embarrassed, you want to get up and leave the room, but he’s still looking at you. His ability is still turned on and you can’t budge.
“Yeah, I can’t let you leave. Not when I finally know how you really feel about me.”
His face almost seems apologetic. “Forgive me, Y/N my dear. I just know that this is the only way I can get the truth out of you.”
You want to yell at him but your mouth will only tell another story. With slight apprehension, you watch as his signature smile mutates into something darker, more predatory. 
“I’m usually one to play the role of a gentleman,” He inches closer to you, lips whispering against your ear, “But I think you’ve kept me waiting long enough, no?”
You gulp. 
With a quick push, he immediately has you on your back, staring up at him like a deer in the headlights. His arms are around both sides of your head, legs caging you in. You find yourself shaking with either anxiety or excitement, you can’t tell. 
“Fàngsōng (relax). I promise I won’t hurt you. Unless you want that, that is”. 
You move a hand up to cover his eyes so he can’t use his Negation, sparing the both of you from whatever embarrassing remark would come out of your mouth otherwise. 
Despite the hand in his face, he was smiling at you like a villain. “You know, you’re not really helping your case by doing that. I can still tell what you want, see?”
A gasp escapes your lips as you feel a hand trail down your pants, into your panties. An electrifying tingle flows through you when Shen rubs you in a circular motion. Opening your eyes, he’s already taken his hand out (much to your disappointment) and is staring at the slick coating his fingers. Your hand is long gone from his face. 
“Hmm, pretty wet.” He hums. 
You watch mortifyingly as Shen licks his fingers clean, the sight counteractively igniting something within your core. 
“And you taste pretty damn good, too.”
He gets off you and starts tugging your pants off. Before he goes further, asks, “Can I?”
He doesn’t even have to use his ability. You respond with a small, barely above a whisper, “yes”. 
With your face as red as it can possibly be, the muscular man gives you a flirtatious wink, his eyes lidded with lust at this point. 
Both your pants and undergarments are thrown across the room, and your lower half is left bare for him to see. By instinct you try to close your legs, wanting to hide, but the Union member’s arms keep you open. 
The way he stares at your pussy has you feeling faint of heart. He’s eyeing you like you’re a famous painting he’ll only get to see once in his life, doing his best to analyze and remember every detail. 
“Can you please stop staring? This is embarrassing,” You whimper. 
“No need to be so shy, my dear. You’re beautiful. I want to see everything.” His enthusiasm does little to settle your nerves. 
With a devious smirk, he lays on his stomach, face between your thighs.
“Xiè xie nǐ de shí wù (Thanks for the food).” 
Fire erupts through your veins when you feel his warm tongue lap at your folds, sliding up and down in the best way imaginable. His lips gently suckle on your clit, and despite not wanting to be loud, you cry out with fervor. You swear the pleasure is insurmountable. 
Your hands grip the fabric of the mattress you’re on, and when his tongue dips in and out of your entrance, you can only moan pathetically. 
“Fuck. Even your moans sound so beautiful,” Shen praises in adoration. You turn to look away, only to have your head jerked back in Shen’s direction. “We can’t be having that. Keep looking at me, my dear. I wanna see those beautiful eyes of yours filled with pleasure.”
Lewd slurping sounds fill the room. 
He looks so pleased with himself while you quiver under his grasp, something intense gradually building inside of you. Your hands instinctively move to grip his hair, mindlessly pushing him down further to eat you out. You feel yourself reaching close to that high, and when that strong tension in your core finally snaps, you feel lightheaded from the your intense orgasm.  
You’re so sensitive that every nerve of your body feels lit up. But that doesn’t stop Shen. 
The man keeps lapping you up, causing you to grip his hair tighter as you cry, “Fuck, I came! I came I came I came, stop, it’s so fucking sensitive, god!” 
It takes another minute of begging before 
He opts to listen to you. He chuckles. “Well, did my girl like that? You tasted so good, mhm.”
You’re left speechless, still reeling from your orgasm. Shen gets up on his knees and begins to strip. You always knew he was buff, but you’re mesmerized by his toned muscles as he removes his shirt, revealing a chiseled stomach and oh-so broad chest. 
You feel heat rise to your cheeks when he sends you another wink, obviously enjoying the fact that you’re ogling him. When he slides his pants off, you see that he’s hard with want, the tip of his veiny cock an angry red color. You feel intimidated by the sheer size. 
He’s big. 
“Uhm…I don’t think that’s gonna fit,” you mumble nervously. 
He laughs at that. “Sure it will. We’ll make it work, my dear.”
Now as naked as you, he moves to give you another fiery kiss, his tongue tangling itself with yours. He reminds you again how beautiful you are, whispering praises between every break. He touches you again, pleased that your juices and his spit have you sopping when through and through. 
Finally, when he feels like he can’t wait any longer, what would be a loud cry from you is silenced by a kiss as he moves to shove his member into your weeping entrance. He has you caged between his arms again, your legs wrapped around his torso. It’s a slow endeavor at first, letting you get used to his size as he stretches you out.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!” You feel your insides being stuffed to the brim with his cock. He slowly moves in, until he finally fully braces himself inside you.
He gently moves in and out, a slothful but sure pace. He opts to wrap his tongue around the hard nipple of your breast. 
“Good girl,” he praises, “Taking me so well, aren’t you.”
“I—I don’t…” You words fall at the wayside. 
“Fuck,” he groans, “We’re meant to be together, don’t you see?”
Shen awaits an answer but your words regress to babbles and whines.
You whimper as he suckles on your neck, bound to leave a nasty hickey after. The pleasure is too overwhelming and you inch to get away. It’s futile though — he has you locked in.
“You’re not getting away,” his soft voice turns into a growl when he realizes you’re trying to evade him, and he grabs the arms you were pushing at his chest with, opting to pin them down at each side of your head. 
“I’ll make you feel so good you can’t get away.”
All of a sudden, the movement of his hips snaps from gentle to rough, the stronger man voraciously sheathing his cock in and out of you like a beast in heat.
“Oh god,” You words slur as your mouth pools with saliva, drooling from total ecstasy, unable to do anything except hold on to the man who’s ravaging you. Tears of delight prickle at your eyes.
You feel so good you can hardly think straight, blissfully enjoying the sudden roughness he displays as he mutters, “Don’t think anyone else can make you feel this good, huh? Nǐ shì wǒ de (You are mine).” 
He pumps into you relentlessly, looking down on you with crazed lust in his eyes, watching as your eyes nearly roll back in enjoyment. You feel so full, you don’t know how you can continue taking it. 
“Shen, Shen, I can’t take it!”
“Yes, you can. And you will.” He commands. 
Another orgasm threatens to overcome you, and even though you’re begging him to give you a minute of respite, he doesn’t comply. 
“I’ve waited so long to have you, you’re not getting a break that easily.”
He gets you to where you’re on your knees, ass up with your face in a pillow. 
With a groan he’s back inside you, hitting your insides deeper than you thought possible. 
“You’re too perfect, I can watch you all day,” He confesses. 
Your cries bounce off the walls of the room when he gives your ass a slap. It stings, but you’re so far on Cloud 9 that you don’t care. If anything, it’s the catalyst to you cumming once more. Shen eyes in fascination as your cunt spazzes around his member, highly satisfied with himself for making you feel so good. 
He kneads your ass as you’re gasping for air, basically sobbing from your orgasm taking the life out of you. Your cunt is twitching when he slowly pulls out, only to slam back in as hard as he possibly can. He fastens his grip on your ass, pulling you back into him when you try to move further away. 
“No running,” He chastises, earning another hard slap on your ass. You yelp at the roughness of it all, but in truth? Maybe you’re enjoying it a lot more than you should. 
You turn your head as best as you can to look at the man ravaging you. He’s looking at you with such intense focus, gritting his teeth in an unnerving grin that leaves you feeling aroused and like you’re prey. Sweat beads down his forehead and chest as he continues to pound you, leaving your pussy a wet and stuttering mess. 
His hands meet your waist and with one deft move your back hits the bed again. You hear Shen curse before your sweat covered, fucked-out sinful visage, and you don’t bother holding back the moan that leaves your throat when the angry red head of his dick slides back into your entrance.
“So good,” He grunts, fucking you into a mating press. He moves a hand down to fumble with your clit, eliciting all the cries he’s grown to love hearing out of you. 
You feel as if you might come again, and you know Shen is getting close too when the man’s thrusts grow sporadic. 
“That’s it,” He encourages through clenched teeth, “Cum for me. Cum on my cock!”
His words send you over the edge, and you clench around his dick once more. 
“Yes, please,” He hears you beg, and that’s all he needs to climax himself. A quick couple of thrusts and he pulls out, hastily pumping his long shaft with a hand until thick ropes of cum decorate your chest. 
He reaches for the towel conveniently placed on the nightstand and gently wipes away the mess he made.
“Hahhh,” Once he’s done, he breathes out a pleased sigh, collapsing beside on you the bed. 
“Holy shit,” You say through unsteady breaths. You try to reel yourself in after all those intense orgasms. 
Unfortunately for you, post nut clarity hits hard and FAST, and you immediately make way to get up and clean off, and maybe bury yourself someplace hidden. You get the nagging feeling that maybe your bed partner will regret his decision later on, and howcouldyoulookhimintheeyesnow—-
Shen tugs your hand back and pulls you close, wrapping you in his arms. 
“Hey, don’t leave me all by myself! Let’s stay like this for a while, yes?” He says. 
“I…okay,” You can’t help but agree, comfortable in his warm embrace. The two of you stay like that for a while, basking in the afterglow of the deed and eachother’s presence. 
Fuuka was throwing duck feed into a pond when Andy sat down next to her, watching with a mischievous grin as all the ducks scattered away under his scrutinizing glare. 
“Say,” Fuuka starts after slapping her partner on the shoulder for his harassment of the ducks, “Do you think we can head back to the hotel now? We already spent the money Shen gave us for Shonen Jump.”
Andy hums, finger on his chin in thought. 
“Nah, Shen asked us to leave for the whole day, remember? Let’s get dinner before heading back.”
“Why do you think Shen wanted us gone in the first place? It’s not like the quest required that we split into teams.”
Andy gives her a pointed look. 
“What?” She says quizzically.
After a few seconds, her face glows beet red, eyes wide with realization.
Hotel + privacy + man + woman = ???
“Holy crap. No way!” She shouts. 
“Yes way. So for our sake and theirs, let’s not go back until late tonight.”
She nods in agreement, fanning her flustered face. 
thanks for reading! And @shiroisotto64, from one Shen lover to another, hope you enjoyed it ;)
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punkitt-is-here · 2 months
hiii ! I'm kinda new to reading Manga and usually just get volumes of what I want to read from my local library. I've been reading chainsaw man recently and have exhausted volumes that are currently available in physical form in english (just read volume 15). Anyway this is probably a stupid question but how do people... read chapters basically as their published? I assume its fan translations/piracy or some such but idk really even know the keywords to begin looking up where to find it. If you can't share a link so that a reliable site is less likely to get taken down I completely understand, but I figured you might have some insight. Anyway love your chainsaw posting it's really fun and as always you have great media crit opinions <3 thanks!
Shonen Jump app is what I used! Super fucking cheap (like two or three bucks for every title they've ever published) and it's usually where chapters drop first! It's how I read chainsaw man myself
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diableasura · 2 months
So, MHA is over-
-and the real villain was shonen jump's abusive schedule.
I genuinely believe that horikoshi fell out of love with this manga. He wrote himself into a corner half way through the story that he couldn't find a way out of and shonen jump's ruthless expectations made him desperate to rush towards the finish line. I hope now that the manga is over horikoshi is able to rest and that his health improves in the future.
Now, as for the conclusion of the story.
I also fell out of love with this manga over a year ago, when i realised it wasn't actually going to address any of the many many issues with hero society that had been established early on. But the possibility of any of the villains dying never crossed my mind. I mean, it would be so stupid, after going through so much effort at making them sympathetic, to just kill them off right?? And yet here we are.
I ended up really disliking shigaraki, because he was barely a character at the end of it and his fans were very annoying, but i always assumed that because deku (you know, the mc) wanted to save him, then he would be saved. It's astounding that the main character catastrophically failed at what he set out to do and yet the story bent itself over backwards to try and pretend this wasn't the case.
Also many people have already mentioned it but MHA's handling of abuse ended up being so vile. The fact that rei, who was raped twice by endeavor (if you disagree you're wrong, read the fucking manga again) is seen pushing his wheelchair around eight fucking years later is rage inducing. And don't get me started on takami "the ranking system was useful to me in particular so it deserves to stay, never mind that it made a man abuse his entire family for more than a decade" keigo. What an atrocious end to his character, and the most tragic part is that so many of his fans don't even want to recognize that his arc was ruined and that he was reduced to being endeavors hype man. Actually disgusting what hawks ended up being.
Dabi was the only reason i even glanced at this trainwreck of a story ocasionally, and even though his last scene was dissapointing and obviously ableist and very offensive towards victims of neglect, at least we had that little moment of catharsis with shoto, plus his death wasn't confirmed in the story. It gives his ending some freedom from the depressing state the villains were left in at the end.
TL;DR My Hero Academia ended up being surprisingly depressing and we never saw any significant changes in its world, we were only told about them.
3/10 and those 3 points are all because of the todorokis. would not recomend.
(Touya Todoroki's character was a 10/10 tho, i'll always treasure you my son).
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shownohajimarida · 1 year
Magic Kaito: Police Soirée now Remastered!
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[Read: Police Soirée (警官がいっぱい), Remastered Edition!]
So Magic Kaito took its premier pas, and it was good. Readers applauded, a few letters came in, and the writer-editor pipeline was all fired up for the next one. No sophomore slump this, it would have everything that made the first one great: action, intrigue, lore, laughs, all wrapped around the latest offerings of one M. Scorsese.
That story was "Hustler vs. Magician", and it got as far as a whole-ass manuscript before someone in Shonen Sunday's chain of command went "Nope. Not feeling it. Try again, kid."
A weaker man might've broke. A weaker man might've went "Fuck this, I hear Jump's looking for people!" Gosho Aoyama was not that man.
And so came this, Kaito's official second adventure, to the stands—about three months after the first. God knows how many all-nighters it took to pull the thing together, but it's hard to argue the results weren't worth it. Read along this charming little yarn, and see if you can tell what new director Gosho's paying homage to!
[Read: Police Soirée (警官がいっぱい), Remastered Edition!]
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nikathesiren · 4 months
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🏳️‍⚧️ Proud To Be! 🏳️‍⚧️
For Pride Month this year, I made an illustration that I've been thinking about for quite some time, in honor of trans folks... But why did I choose trans!Giorno, you might ask?
Quoted from jojowiki.com:
Araki initially played around with the idea of making the protagonist of Part 5 a woman. However, after discussing with his editor at the time, Hiroshi Sekiya, who thought that a female lead would be a tough sell for the Weekly Shonen Jump's readers, he eventually decided on making the protagonist a young man. Sekiya also noted that Giorno's Japanese name, "Haruno Shiobana" (汐華 初流乃, Shiobana Haruno), is feminine and that Gold Experience's power to create life is reminiscent of a woman's own ability to give birth. Because Araki jokingly wondered about the possibility of revealing that Giorno was a woman who looked like a man all along, Sekiya theorized that Araki could've entertained the idea of a female Giorno.
Who can read that and not think Giorno was AFAB? 😌
I might make some people angry with this illustration, but I don't fucking care. I was like them at some point in my life. "Ugh, why do people keep drawing these characters as if they were trans? They're not!". But I'm always open to listen and learn from my mistakes. That's why education and normalization are so important! Let's make a better place for everyone!
Here is also my Pride illustration from last year 🌸💜💙
More of my art!
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roachfun · 4 days
This is probably a wild thing to get but your “Gojo should stay dead” post has got my unmedicated ass vibrating.
(I’ve only read jjk0, besides that literally all of my exposure has been via 3 video essays and fanfic… I basically got into the series backwards and tbh it’s an interesting experience…)
And tbh I agree with you more than not. Even though the view I have of the character is so fucking warped because jjk fanfic is too the gills filled with smut.
Because what I’ve gathered from the video essays and the few bits of fanfics that actually tried getting into his mind… is that the man is gd tired.
A god complex the size of the sun, that’s only ever been challenged once by one of the few people he ever formed a genuine connection with, and it was challenged as that person was leaving him. That incident may have motivated him to change, but that change was predominantly if not exclusively external, he didn’t really do much self reflection.
After Geto left, Gojo did better (became a teacher, warding Megumi, not letting Yuta be executed) but he didn’t work on being better (god complex, recklessness, belief that his way is the only way with no real consideration for the effects those decisions have on others)
He’s selfish, arrogant, and reckless, he doesn’t seem to take much of anything seriously and that may be a persona (again, I haven’t actually read jjk yet… the ending of mha did the characters, narrative, and audience so gd dirty I need to know how jjk ends so I set my expectations accordingly) but I can very much see this man never really developing his sense of empathy because he never really had any stakes… like he has some understanding, but the god complex and the fact people around him constantly reinforce it… he can’t put himself in other people’s shoes, there’s a detachment from reality that would read as delusional for anybody else, but he has spent his entire life being told he is the strongest with nothing ever being able to prove him wrong.
Than on the flip side of that god complex, honestly for a good while, and still sorta kinda… to me he reads as passively suicidal. (I know “Word of God” can be controversial regarding character analysis because of its absence in the base text) but the fact Gege’s rough rundown of Gojo’s daily schedule was basically “he sleeps for about 3 hours and spends the rest of his time working, his sweet tooth is actually somewhat practical as he uses sugar as a stimulant.” That’s not good for your noggin. Add the isolation caused by his status and his god complex, I see him coming to the conclusion that the only way he should die, is in battle.
And he did! Even if wasn’t in the “final sacrifice that ensures he becomes a legend” sort of way I think he would’ve hoped for.
But that also felt… right? (Certainly not fair, Gege openly admitting he kills off fan favorites for the shock value does dampen the possible emotional impact that could’ve been achieved… but I digress)
Every time Gojo fights, and I mean properly fights, he’s smiling, it’s a game to him, a chance to show off, to assert his dominance and reaffirm his status… so him dying so suddenly that his legs are still standing as his upper half falls to the floor, he’s lying there choking on his own blood as he bleeds out and Sukuna saying it “cleared his skies” (weird phrasing, but I think that’s a cultural/translation thing) it could’ve been a gut punch of a tragedy that amped up the stakes of the final conflict! The protagonists’ trump card is gone in a handful of panels and a flick of the wrist! He’s bleeding out on the ground as the big bad seems to reach a moment of genuine inner peace! But the backtracking and Gege’s history lessened that significantly
tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Shonen Jump had something to do with it… the motivations for Gege’s writing choices are questionable to me (it feels spiteful and cheap) but they’ve been consistent until now, what changed?
Anyway it is… 5:45 am… I should be asleep, but I’m here vomiting character analysis based on partial information in your inbox… I hope you have a good day/night/whatever is appropriate for when you receive this
I hate that you had me read all that, but I couldn't agree more with most that you said (except maybe where you call him selfish and I lowk think geges killing system is fair and I like it a lot but🤷).
Anyways, I don't know how to really respond to this since you basically did all the talking lol (plus I'm tired from reading all that and just got out of school).
I do have a question tho. how did you start with jjk0??? Like how does something like that happen. Also you haven't watched the anime or anything😭???
Anyways, thanks for dropping this essay on me have a good day/night or life in case we never speak🩵
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mr-system-of-a-downer · 3 months
idk actually thinking about fma rn it’s weird when people say “see shonen manga is good when it’s written by a woman” like do you realize how reductive that sounds? again it’s a nice way to say you only read stuff that’s published in Jump or whatever is popular. yeah I know I made a joke to mutual the other day about asking a lot of the children’s media enjoyer website to consume anything for adults (never mind the ironic fandoms shows like breaking bad have gotten on here) but like I wish a lot of you would just, shut the fuck up, because it’s just embarrassing to act like you have a place at the table when you can’t even help yourself up into a grown person’s chair.
and really there is nothing wrong with just enjoying stuff that’s popular because it’s popular for a reason, but nobody wants to hear the “I’m not like other girls” argument applied to whatever the flavor of the month is on everyone’s mouth when your actual experience with the genre is very minuscule. you won’t hear me say madoka is good because it was written by a man and it’s edgy and dark unlike other magical girl animes, even tho there were plenty before and after madoka that did something similar.
sometimes something is just good. you don’t need to justify why like you it by bringing something else down to elevate it. this isn’t a scale.
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lesser-mook · 5 months
All For One pondering the shonen curse ala plot armor (my hero academia chp 385)  *My Academia Hero Notes*
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*has a city busting cannon in his goddamn arm* REPEAT-use btw- not a one time expense, and all these NPC characters (most of whom DO NOT possess endurance or regen quirks btw) survive anyway.
At least a town-city busting feat, and ALL of them survived. Come on, after Jiro did that "you made my friends cry" shit, yeah Final Arc fell flat on her goddamn face. Between that, Ochako's Love Therapy Session, Rei somehow surviving Toya with no combat training, Deku's Ultimate Talk-No Jutsu Flashback--SMASH!! Shit's a joke.
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And it's ironic that All For One is at the center of this L, because My Hero started regressing the moment he was removed from the board after Kamino Arc.
That's when the bullshit really started. That Lasertag dodgeball bullshit with the Exam. They immediately supplanted him with Nine (Dollar Tree AFO) then Chisaki, then that stupid as fuck Festival. Then that meaningless as fuck Joint Training Arc, just dry as fuck one after the other. After All For One was gone, the tension, the stakes just dropped.
It's not like he was running shit overseas or anything, or ran the goddamn prison, or he had a clone & the AFO they confiscated was a Perfected-Nomu which would've made more sense. This is a man who is older than 100 years old, a lot of people forget that. Man this shit was dropped hard, so mishandled.
Between Horikoshi's lack of experience, and Shonen Jump breathing down his neck-- Coulda been worse but My Hero really should've been this Generations Justice League Unlimited x Avatar The Last Airbender x Teen Titans 2003
It tried to be all of them in it's own way (Because if you notice, Horikoshi is a fanboy of Western Media), and failed to emulate a single one of them in the ways that mattered.
And the issues began & (from what i'm seeing CHP418++) will end with AFO.
So unfortunate.
pov: *loses quirk
re: *here's your quirk back
pov: *side character explodes with a blast radius that covers several blocks, we just met this woman so her death means less than nothing
re: *she survives anyway, because My Hero Academia
pov: *yer dead
re: *I'm a medic btw
OP: Oh shit?
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pov: *rabbit b*tch, irrelevant to the plot, annoying, ironically gets more action shit to do solo than the 1A girls we actually know, so whomp to that (Ochako breaks shonen female lead curse) bullshit.
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re: *rabbit-idiot survives, SOMEHOW survives a Nomu that can bend fucking SPACE-- what's her power? She Jump Good, & kicky. That's it. vs a power that commands a fundamental force of reality.
#Consequences (lack thereof, when it matters)
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klapollo · 7 months
Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a shonen fan. Being the Shonen Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores Jojo, One Piece, Dragon Ball and My Hero, who reads Jujutsu Kaisen raws, follows Toonami fan pages, loves Attack on Titan and e-girls, and reads Shonen Jump and watches Crunchyroll on day of release like she’s hosting the world’s biggest livetweet thread while somehow maintaining a normie appearance, because Shonen Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Shonen Girls never hates Sanji; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let the characters do whatever they want. Go ahead, sexualize the fifteen year old love interest, I don’t mind, I’m the Shonen Girl.
Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Shonen Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has read too many comics written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or Hot Topic Demon Slayer backpack and say: The bitch doesn’t really love Spy x Family that much – no one loves Spy x Famly that much!
And the Shonen Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be. Oh, and if you’re not a Shonen Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Shonen Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a cosplayer, so Shonen Girl dresses as Lady Tsunade with him at Otakon; or maybe he’s a YouTuber, so Shonen Girl is his girlfriend who makes ahegao faces on streams. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Shonen Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking show he likes and doesn’t ever complain. (How do you know you’re not Shonen Girl? Because he says things like: “I like shoujo too.” If he says that to you, he will at some point say Nana is overrated. Because “I like shoujo too” is code for “I hate shoujo.”)
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Epilogue)
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Epilogue: My Adventures with Superman
...Well, holy shit. Just when I was getting worried that nobody would get Superman, along comes one of the best comic-book related products we've seen in years, which delivers me so much of the stuff I wanted in a cinematic version of Superman...and is almost perfect. Yeah, it's definitely not perfect, but goddamn if this isn't one of my ideal versions of Superman.
Y'know, I've considered doing sort of a sum-up of the different major adaptations of the Superman mythos by bringing together all the points made in my essays, but I felt it was too much. For this, however, I think that makes sense. And yes, I'm doing this after only 4 episodes have aired, and yes, I realize that what just happened in the most recent episode is fucking insane and something I desperately want in a Superman story...but I'll at least cover my personal approach, since this show's kinda hot right now. And rarely do I have the chance to jump on a burgeoning fandom, so FUCK IT!
If you'd like to see my previous and insane essays on my preferred version of the Man of Steel, here's the link! Always. Be. Plugging. But if you'd rather hear my opinion of My Adventures with Superman, then check out the section after the jump. But just know that I like it, with a couple of caveats that you've probably already heard about this show.
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Clark Kent: Abnormal Superman
Um...did somebody read my essays before I even thought about them, because this is pretty goddamn close to my ideal Clark Kent. He's a big ol' dork with a heart of god who wants to do the right thing, but is also nowhere near perfect in his everyday life and methods. He's a teensy bit clumsy, but still very well-put together. He wants to help when and how he can, and is willing to go along with shenanigans to do so. He has an actual personality, and most importantly, he feels human.
Yeah, this is a dude from Kansas who also happens to be an alien. And good goddamn, is scaling down his powers and knowledge of his past a great idea. Smallville, of course, did this, but that version of Clark was often too serious and rough around the edges. And maybe most importantly, Tom Welling's Clark never seemed like an outcast. I mean, the dude was handsome as all fuck, and built like a linebacker. And yet, I'm supposed to buy that the guy is a loser and outcast? Yeah, no, not buying it. But this Clark? Yeah, the guy's a massive dork. Handsome and built like a fucking freight train, yeah, but still a dork. And maybe most importantly...I don't buy this dude as Superman.
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Yeah. Really. I mean, dude is OBVIOUSLY Superman, because he's built like a tank and super nice, but I get not fully seeing this guy as Superman. Somehow, FUCKING SOMEHOW, they pull this off better than literally any other version I've seen since the Christopher Reeves version. And yeah, that's insanely high praise, because Reeves has some of the best dichotomous acting I've ever seen. But this Superman and this Clark both seem like the same person and separate people at the same time somehow. It's an impressive feat that I can barely explain.
And yet...they're still definitely the same person. Any sane person would be able to figure it out eventually, with enough personal interaction. It's one of the reasons why the glasses joke exists, because it really shouldn't make much sense. But in this series, the glasses actually change the shape of his pace, and slight changes in his posture and voice (by the pretty great Jack Quaid) actually do work as a subtle mask for the character. But will that last forever? Well...more on that later.
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I also said this before, but I love the fact that we're learning about Clark and his powers as he's learning about himself. This series is obviously anime-inspired, and it really leans into the shonen angle thematically and visually. When the first art for this show came out, I was intrigued but cautious. Now, though, I'm into it. We'll see how the more anime-esque electrical powers work out, but it actually seems like a reference to the sporadically used bioelectric field manipulation ability that Superman has in the comics. Yeah, he has a field of bioelectricity around his body that provides him (and his costume) with invulnerability, and also occasionally gives him plot-convenience powers. Don't ask questions, OK? It's a comic book thing.
Speaking of that, though, the creators are definitely playing fast and loose with the Superman mythos, and I'm interested to see exactly how that plays out as the series continues. I'm a little cautious for reasons to be addressed later, but I'm still quite interested. So, now that we've covered Superman, whom I think is fantastic in his characterization...let's get to the character who I think is excellently represented in this series.
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Lois Lane: Intrepid (Intern) Reporter
Jesus Christ, this is a great Lois. There are a lot of ways you can do a good Lois, and there are a number of great Loises, but MAWS' Lois ranks extremely high on that list. Dogged to the point of recklessness, determined to get the truth at all costs, and desperate to be a great reporter, she has the stuff that makes any great Lois. But what really puts her over the edge for me is her characterization. Alice Lee does a fantastic job as Lois' voice, and gives her a mix of naivete, determination, and...oddly, hope. I dunno, there's something about Lee's portrayal that really works for me.
And a lot of people have pointed out two things. One, she's basically Lux from The Owl House. Yeah. And? Fucking and? Luz is a fantastic character in her own right, and very Lois Lane-esque. Personally, I think that's a great and worthy comparison for any version of Luz. Secondly, she's a tomboy. And I think most people on Tumblr are fine with that, but I also see some criticism for that choice. And for those who don't like that...fuck off a little bit. Not a lot, but a little bit. There's nothing wrong with a slightly more tomboyish Lois, and I actually adore a Lois who isn't a damsel in distress all the time. She literally fights some of the bad guys in this series, and we're only four episodes in! Seriously, I love that. And she is occasionally in distress, but she gets into that shit herself, which is exactly what Lois Lane is supposed to do. Look, I love this Lois. Oh, and another thing!
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Is Lois Korean? Holy shit, that's fantastic! I said in my second essay that Lois is one of those characters who isn't racially bound in any way. There, I suggested that she could be played by a Latina, which has been hinted at before in some comics. But honestly, this is a great choice! And I only say Korean because, in the most recent episode, she appears to be wearing the top half of a hanbok, which is a traditionally Korean dress. And yeah, I'm fully here for it. Don't know if she's mixed or not (we'll probably see Sam Lane at a later date), but this is great all on its own.
And then, there's the other thing: Lois' position as Superman's Inevitable Love Interest. The ILE is, of course, a tradition in all things superhero comic, and Lois is arguably the first and most famous of all ILEs. Like Thanos before her, she is truly inevitable, and that seems to be at the center of this series. Oh, and at this point...sort of SPOILERS AHEAD??? I mean, come on, this was obviously gonna happen.
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By the end of episode 4, these two are clearly romantically interested in each other. Hell, by the end of episode 1, these two are interested in each other. And can I just say that's they're hands fucking down the most adorable Clark and Lois I've ever fucking seen? I mean it, they're the best version of this couple in live-action media, and I can actually see them becoming the comic book versions of that couple.
As a quick compare and contrast of the most notable versions:
Reeves and Kidder were great, but the movies never actually committed in having them be a couple. They actively made sure it wouldn't happen a couple of times, to much irritation, and their relationship never truly blossomed, which was based on the comics at the time.
Fuck Dean Cain...but Cain and Hatcher were pretty good as a couple, pre-and-post-marriage. Which, again, was a part of comics at the time, so it makes sense. Even then, I wouldn't call them particularly cute, just more of a relatively normal couple.
Don't get me wrong, I love Daly and Durance's animated versions of the two...but they never actually became a couple until the very end of Superman: The Animated Series. And we only saw them as Lois and Superman, not Lois and Clark. So, sadly, they don't rank.
Welling and Durance were...off-and-on. Funnily enough, their appearance as this version of the couple in the Arrowverse crossovers was probably better than any other appearance they had, and their appearances in the 10th season were genuinely quite nice. High up there as the best version, and one of my favorites.
Hoechlin and Tulloch are, in my opinion, the best married version of the characters. They honestly nail it, and their chemistry is pretty much perfect. Their versions of the characters still rank pretty high as some of the best, and they're even better as a couple.
Routh and Bosworth...moving on...
Cavill and Adams...well...I mean...they have some chemistry, and...they've definitely had sex. Um. Yeah. That's it. Whoooooo.
O'Connell and Romjin are a little-remembered animated version of the two, and not the only animated version of the two, either. But honestly, they're really good in The Death of Superman and Reign of the Supermen, and were my favorite animated version of them as a couple...prior to MAWS.
And OK, sure, we've barely seen these two as a couple at this point, but I really like them. They're adorable, they're adorkable, they're supportive of each other, and their chemistry is basically immediate. They're just really cute and fun to watch, and I can't wait to see them progress. Especially because...
OK, I can't stress this enough, but skip the next GIF if you don't want spoilers, and scroll down until you get to Jimmy Olsen. Please. This is a biggie. OK? Got it? Read at your own peril.
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If you've read my Superman essays, you know that I want movie Lois Lane to have found out Clark is Superman on her own, and before the movie starts. And holy shit, they actually did it in MAWS! FUCK YES! Lois is smart and sharp, so she should pick up on the fact that Clark is Superman! I love that they did this, even if her way of finding out was somewhat by accident. She still put the clues together on her own, so I'm satisfied with this ending! And I'm pretty sure they're not going to reverse this! If they do, I'd be pissed off, but I don't think they will. Just...HELL YEAH, BABEEEEEEEEEE
OK...I think the spoiler-free have scrolled past this by know, so...let's move on with the essay, shall we?
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Supporting Cast: Jimmy and the Rest
OK, let's talk Jimmy Olsen (played by Ishmael Sahid). Honestly, I love the fact that he's a conspiracy nut with his own YouTube channel, and that he's literal bunkmates with Clark in this series. This is also pretty close to my perfect version of Jimmy Olsen, not gonna lie. His streaming name is even Flamebird, a deepcut comics reference that shows the creators not only know their stuff, but also actively care about Superman comics and history. That's one of the things that one me over in the first episode, for the record. But more on that later.
Jimmy is the third wheel, but one who's usually welcome. We'll see the fallout of the Lois-Clark romance soon, I'm sure, but Jimmy's role has been pretty much perfect. However, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that a black Jimmy Olsen, while welcomed by me...is a little weird when you look at the legion of ginger characters in media that have been replaced by black characters in adaptations. While, again, I don't think Jimmy is racially bound to being ginger, it is a fairly iconic part of his identity. And...yeah, a lot of ginger characters have been translated into black people in recent years, and that's...really weird, not gonna lie. Makes me think even more about my Legion of Super-Heroes essay, honestly. Still, solid-ass Jimmy, and I can't wait for more.
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I actually adore Perry White (voiced by Darrell Brown) in this series, and his grumpy boss persona is...well, quintessential Perry White. I'd actually say this is a perfect version of the character, although that's not as difficult to nail as some other versions. Looking forward to seeing more of Perry's life as he supports our bumbling interns.
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I was tickled pink to see Cat Grant (Melanie Minichino), Steve Lombard (Vincent Tong), and a genderbent Ronnie Troupe (Kenna Ramsey) in this show, because it once again signals to me that the show creators really care about Superman mythos. And honestly, these guys were transplanted essentially unchanged from the comics, as far as we can see so far. This may change in the future, but I'm very excited to see the rivalry between our three and these reports build and develop during the series. Great job with these guys.
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The Kents only make an appearance in one episode thus far, but I think they're pretty good! We see them in the past and in the present, and they're a couple of farmers who love their son. They're also some of the youngest versions of the characters we've seen in adaptations, save for Smallville, and it works well! They also make it apparent that these are Clark's parents, even in the short time we see them. Again, good job so far, and I want to see more!
So, with all of that, I adore this series, and it's perfect! Right? Right?
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The Villains: Literal and Figurative Cons
If you've heard anything about this series from Superman fans, then you've probably heard that the villains are...not amazing so far. And that's mostly because the villains are where this series takes the most liberties, while also downsizing most of them pretty severely. I'll go through them briefly here, but just know that the changes made so far are...not my favorite. And if you've read my essays, you know my opinion on villains in superhero media: you gotta nail them.
So, let's start with Livewire, AKA Leslie Willis (voiced by Zehra Fazal). I really love this character (and actually positioned her as a major villain in the second Superman movie of my cinematic universe), so I'm quite invested in Livewire. And this version is a tech-powered villain who kicks off the conflict for the first part of the series. She's a completely different version of the character...and she works? Kinda? Look, as the first villain to face Superman, she's fine, but she's barely Livewire. The end of the second episode hints that she may become more like the original down the line, but she's missing that sass of the original. And yeah, she works without that, but it doesn't feel like Livewire to me. That's nitpicking, though, because we have a much worse set of adaptations to cover.
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Intergang is so much of a non-entity in this show, they have no GIFS on Tumblr. Understand, this community has made GIFs of every other character except these guys. In total, they are Silver Banshee AKA Siobhan MacDougal (played by Catherine Taber), Mist AKA Kyle Nimbus (played by Lucas Grabeel), and Rough House AKA Albert (played by Vincent Tong). And they've been changed from:
A cursed Scottish-Irish woman, empowered by magic and a major threat to the Man of Steel, having nearly killed him multiple times...and is currently dating Jimmy Olsen, which I kinda love?
A scientist who invented a process to turn himself into gaseous form, and used his powers to fight the hero Starman; this rivalry was passed on to the next generation, on the side of both hero and villain.
And the clone of a gangster endowed with super-strength, serving beneath Boss Moxie of Intergang, and the forces of the dark world of Apokolips above him.
...into a group of loser who got technology they couldn't handle. Yeah, it's a major downgrade, and two of those guys weren't even that notable in the first place. Siobhan gets completely fucking shafted here, and I think it's a genuine failure of this series. Harsh, I know, but seeing Silver Banshee get fucked over that hard really sucked for me.
Oh, and yeah, Intergang was a major villainous group for the Superman film in my cinematic universe, so removing their Apokoliptian ties...bums me the fuck out, too. Also, it looks like Flash villain Heat Wave is an upcoming member, which is...weird as fuck, honestly. We'll see how this pans out, but I'm not terribly enthusiastic about it.
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And then there's Anthony Ivo (played by Jake Green), who's been repurposed into a tech bro entrepeneur in the vein of Elon Musk, in charge of AmazoTech, which is obviously a reference to the comic book version. And this was an...interesting set of choices, honestly. Some spoilers here, but Ivo's version of AMAZO is an armor that drains the power of Superman and redirects it against him. And yes, that makes Ivo also this universe's version of...Parasite. ANOTHER villain that I put in the second movie of my cinematic universe, and one of my absolute favorite Superman villains.
I don't hate the reinvention, but that's only because of what happens to Ivo at the end of the episode. I won't spoil it here, but he definitely turns into a more proper version of the character, so we'll see what happens there. As for his assistant, Alex (played by...somebody), well, he's interesting, isn't he? At first, I thought he was Alex Allston, one of the Parasite twins from the 2000s. But a number of people seem to think he might be another familiar red-headed Superman villain named Alexander, if you know what I mean. Let's just say, there's a possibility that he'll steal forty cakes at some point. And that's terrible.
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And finally, there's...wait, is that Deathstroke AKA Slade WIlson (played by Chris Parnell)? Why is he young...and hot? Why is Slade young and hot? And two-eyed? I mean, yeah, sure, that's not the worst thing in the world, but...goddamn, that's some whiplash. Interestingly, he appears to be affiliated with Task Force X, which is name dropped in episode 2. Plus, Amanda Waller is clearly in the background, so a much wider plan is in play. And yeah, while it's weird to see young hot Deathstroke, I'll give it a chance.
Other villains have been hinted at, and allegedly radically reinvented, such as Mr. Mxyzptlk and Brainiac, but we've yet to see what will become of them. Still, this is a divisive start. As long as we get some actual supernatural threats, and not just people in armor, I'll be happy. Time will tell.
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Story: Just Getting Started
At this point, it's pretty much impossible to judge the story of this series, since we've only just started. But, with the technology obtained by Livewire from a mysterious source, and then leaked into the criminal underworld, we at least have enough threats to supply tension throughout this first portion of the series. The relationship of our trio is progressing nicely, with Jimmy realizing his third-wheel status, and with the Lois and Clark relationship moving along interestingly and unexpectedly.
There's also a number of hanging plots that look promising, including Clark discovering his powers and origins; Task Force X and Deathstroke, as well as their interest in Superman; the missing Parasite technology after Ivo's fall; the rivalry between the interns and their reporter rivals; and even Lois' relationship with her father (who...might be the guy standing next to Waller in Task Force X? No clue, that's just a guess). So, we have some stuff to look forward to! And maybe, just maybe, the villains will also steadily improve. I think Silver Banshee's a lost cause at this point, but I have hope for Livewire and Parasite, at least. But again, time will tell.
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I also can't wait to see what the creators have up their sleeves. They're obviously ans of Superman and his mythos. I didn't even mention what won me over on this show in the first place! Other than Clark and Lois themselves, of course. In the first episode, Lois introduces Jimmy and Clark to her information gatherers: the Newskid Legion. And for those of you who don't know, that's a reference to the Golden Age of Comics, and a group of street-wise kids that would become supporting characters of Superman's during the '90s (through the trendy magic of cloning)! The kids have an adaptation in this series, and that attention to lore alone made me an instant fan of this show. Sounds like nothing, I know, but it meant a hell of a lot to a Superfan like me. Now GIVE ME MY EVERYMAN BIBBO BIBBOWSKI!
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Conclusion: A Hopeful Tomorrow
I'm...scared about Gunn's Superman film. I won't write a whole essay about it, but it sounds ambitious to the point of being bloated. A lot of recent casting news makes me feel like this is more of a set-up to the wider DCU, as less of a Superman film in and of itself. Plus, with rumors that Luthor is being cast, and no sign of a villain announcement yet...I dunno. It has me worried. So thank God for My Adventures with Superman.
This series is a blessing so far. Sure, it could blow for the rest of the season, but call me hopeful. I think this show is fantastic so far, and I'm really thinking it'll stick the landing with the first season. Alongside that, honestly, is the fact that it's trying something new for any Superman adaptation, and there's a bravery in that. I don't know if it'll go down as my preferred Superman adaptation (Superman: The Animated Series is a hard one to beat for me), but it's got a good start. And a brave series that inspires hope in the face of fear and impossible odds? Man, that's what Superman is all about.
And now that that's said and done (for now, anyway)...
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I believe I have another essay series to finally finish.
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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ponett · 2 years
Hi serious question, could you pitch me on chainsaw man? I want to know things about it that ARENT “Makima’s Hot, I hope that teenager gets with her.” But thats all Normie Anime Fans say and I know its more than that.
i'll avoid explicit spoilers here, but it's hard to fully explain why it's so good without explaining where exactly it's going. right now the anime is still very early in the series, so your average anime watcher who hasn't read the manga and just saw that this was the big series of the year is probably just going "oh, this is a show about denji wanting to get laid." people often hear that and jump to comparisons to the Horny Guy in every other shonen jump series
but in reality chainsaw man is worlds apart from that, even early on. denji's typical teenage horniness is played for laughs sometimes, sure, but it's not a series of tired cartoon gags where he tries to grope the girls and then gets bonked on the head. it's a story about a teenage boy who longs for human connections, but he doesn't understand them because he's had just about the most fucked up life imaginable, having to raise himself in extreme poverty and fight tooth and nail to survive. it's about denji learning to navigate meaningful human relationships and explore actual intimacy after a childhood where he was never shown even the most basic kindness, as well as the many ways in which those desires can be used against him by others. instead of just relying on wacky anime tropes, the story explores both very heartfelt and very dark and traumatic shit in a nuanced and earnest way. because of this (and the extreme gore) it's ABSOLUTELY not a series for everyone, but with the right people it really resonates
again, it's hard to give specifics on how compelling denji's arc is without giving away WHERE this story goes, but trust me when i say i would not love chainsaw man as much as i do if it was just another flavor of the month borderline-ecchi show about a guy trying to score with some girls that people on myanimelist convince themselves is high art
also the fight scenes whip ass and in the manga especially they're some of the most visually creative i've ever seen. so there's that too
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 429 Spoiler Talk: The Penultimate Chapter
So here it is. The second to last chapter of My Hero Academia. Unless Horikoshi gives us a sequel series like Naruto: Shippuden, this and the next chapter is the last we'll get manga content about MHA. Well, at least until Horikoshi gives us another Ultra Analysis book or an art book with extra information. It's still hard to believe honestly. I don't know if I'll be able to accept that our beloved series is ending until it actually does. Let's see what Horikoshi-sensei gives us until then. Also, my health isn't 100% today, so I apologize if my writing sounds messy:
First off is our last Weekly Shonen Jump and Chapter color pages! They are absolutely beautiful celebrating both the 10th anniversary and My Hero Academia as a whole. Everyone is smiling and it's a wonderful sight to see. I won't show them here because I think they deserve to be seen with your own two eyes. Let's just say that I love them and I can't wait to get the HQ versions of them when the official release comes out. Just know that you can tell Horikoshi put a lot of love into these pages.
From here on out, I think I'm just going to talk about what I thought of the chapter because I'm not 100% down to type everything out tonight. Sorry about this:
I think the chapter was another solid one, though it somehow still doesn't feel like the series is ending yet for me.
I'm glad we got to see Ochako and Deku talk about not being able to save their respective villains because we all know how badly this was haunting them. Neither of them would have been able to move on and genuinely smile again until they got that all out to someone who understood. Thankfully, they have each other 💚💖. I'm also really glad Deku told Ochako she was his hero and let her take her hand. This is the closest we'll probably get to an actual romantic confession from either of them unless Horikoshi does something for them in the last chapter. The thing is, it works because this wasn't the time for a love confession. This was a time for two broken people to talk their trauma out and get reassurance from someone close to them.
Really sad to hear that Himiko Toga did die. Granted it was from Ochako's dialogue and we didn't see any panel with her body drawn, but we can really only take her word for it now. Horikoshi could absolutely pull a fast one on us and show a glimpse of her alive in the final chapter. However, I think it's safe to say that she is dead and that honestly sucks.
I love the slice-of-life panels we get of the rest of the kids and seeing Aizawa smile is beautiful! He's so proud of his kids 🥹.
Monoma getting a statue at the school and bragging about it is fucking hilarious 🤣! He honestly deserves it though because the whole world would've been dead if not for him. Deku better get a statue too or else I'm going to throw hands.
Eri excitedly singing at Aoyama's farewell party is the most wholesome thing I've seen in a very long time and I truly hope she achieves her dream someday 🤍! Make her the best idol in the world, Horikoshi!
Finally, there's that mysterious man we saw a few chapters ago. We still don't know his name, but we're told he was abused and abandoned by his family because he has a mutant Quirk similar to how Eri's Quirk in the sense that neither of their Quirks were inherited by their family's DNA. He looked like he was going to walk down a similar path as Tenko, but the old lady who first ignored Tenko many years back found this new man and finally offered him a hand thanks to Izuku's inspiration. This is sort of a redemption for the old lady. I know that she was a catalyst for why Tenko became who he became, but I think this is a start for her to start over at least. Thankfully, I think this man is going to be ok.
I remember reading the interviews Horikoshi did over the past week and one of the things he said he wanted to express was that even someone having your back is heroism. Someone who can do something so simple as reaching their hand out when someone is in need is a hero to that person. You can tell that that is what Horikoshi is telling us here. He also said that making us cry was an important part of the story too because it's how he wants us to connect with it, so I expect to shed tears next week.
So, yeah. That's the second to last chapter of the main My Hero Academia manga. It still doesn't feel real to me. The final page of the chapter left things open-ended, so I would not be surprised if we got a time skip of some sort in the final chapter. I honestly thought that Horikoshi was setting up one more villain for the kids to fight with that mysterious man, but it was wrapped up in a very simple yet poignant way. I will agree that it feels rushed and that there's something missing, but I can't pinpoint what. Horikoshi's been writing and drawing this manga for 10+ years at this point, so I can't entirely blame him for wanting to finish things up. However, I'm a little more nervous about him sticking the landing for the ending. While I think he can still do it, I've seen too many mangaka end their story on a bad note for one reason or another. Our best bet is that he revises or adds some things to make the chapter better in the volume version. I'm going to do my best to keep my optimism alive for the next few weeks.
I honestly can't begin to accurately predict how the manga will end. I could see it ending with the kids continuing their lives at UA, at graduation, or as pro-hero adults maybe with families of their own. Honestly, anything goes. Part of me wants to be here when the chapter might get leaked next Wednesday, but another part of me wants to wait until next Sunday for the official VIz release so I can read and cry together with everyone else. I think I am going to try to do the latter and then write some kind tribute to honor the series, but I may or may not be out of town next week, so I'll have to see about that.
One more chapter left.
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