#man i forgot about that christmas fic!
blindmagdalena · 11 months
Oh god, reading the previous anon's ask makes me think of how stressed Homelander's partner would be around his birthday. I mean, what do you get a man who literally can have it all? I feel like he wouldn't exactly hide his feelings very well if he really disliked the gift either. In your opinion, what kind of gift do you think Homelander would enjoy the most?
anything heartfelt, honestly. you're right, there's nothing he couldn't buy himself, but a thoughtful gift from someone who loves him? that's priceless.
you could bake him a very special cake, or even some Christmas cookies! you could also gift him a framed photo of the two of you two together.
the monetary value obviously isn't going to matter to Homelander. what will matter to him is the effort put into it, and why you got it for him. what made you think of him, and the inherent love that comes with that.
sure, he could buy himself an ornament for his desk, but it's not the same as you gifting him one because it reminded you of your trip together. you can buy him noise cancelling earbuds to wear because you know he can be prone to overstimulation, and even though he knows they won't really work for him, he's touched because you care. you thought about his needs, how to take care of and protect him.
ultimately, Homelander loves love. he wants to feel it, be bathed in it, be adored. the point of the gift isn't to get him something material, it's to show him that he's thought of, wanted, and cared for.
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osaemu · 6 months
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.ೃ࿐ your boyfriend can't be home for christmas? fine then, you'll just spend it with his best friend! but be prepared, 'cause your boyfriend's gonna be mad when he gets home. NSFW
contents: fem!reader. modern!au. best friend!gojo. degradation, spanking, p –> v, you guys are loud and you get walked in on! gojo gets slutshamed.. a lot. and he's very annoying!! also there's lots of borderline crack in this fic, have fun with that! 3.6k words, not proofread.
author's note: it's been a hottt minute since i've written for geto and i lowk forgot how to write him.. anyways.
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“what do you mean, you’re not coming home for christmas?” you huff, hopping on your bed and lying on your stomach. 
the man on the other end of the phone sighs exasperatedly, and you can almost see suguru massage his temples when he replies, “i have work, baby. i’m sorry, but i really can’t miss this chance to—”
it’s the night before christmas eve, and you just learned that suguru won’t be home in time to spend christmas with you—obviously, you were upset, because you’d been looking forward to spending the holidays with him. but to your dismay, holiday season’s always the busiest time of the year for businessmen like suguru.
“fine,” you groan, rolling over onto your back and staring at the ceiling. a soft sigh escapes your lips as you do so, and you mutter something about life not being fair as suguru lists all the reasons he can’t be home by christmas morning.
“i have a big meeting with some potential investors tomorrow, and there’s no way i’ll be back by the morning after,” suguru explains tiredly. you can hear the sleepiness in his voice, but the selfish part of you wants to keep him on the phone longer—it’s only seven, and you could easily spend the next couple hours convincing him to come home sooner.
“but suguru—” you try, even though you know nothing’ll convince him at this point. 
“i’m sorry, honey,” he interrupts. after a moment, suguru’s voice softens and he continues, “i just can’t make it home by christmas. we can spend the day after together, though—i think i’ll be free for the rest of the week.”
you roll off the bed, stuffing one hand in the pocket of your hoodie—suguru’s hoodie—as you make your way to the kitchen to grab a mug of hot chocolate. the other hand still holds your phone to your ear, and you swallow back the rest of the protests you have to suguru’s absence.
“anyways, i gotta go,” suguru murmurs, obviously suppressing a yawn. “love you, baby. n’ i’m sorry, but i really can’t do anything about it.” 
he hangs up before you can reply.
almost instantly, you dial satoru’s number—he’s probably the only other person you and suguru both trust enough to confide in about your problems, and like always, satoru picks up right away.
“hey, satoru?”
“heyyy, i already heard about it from suguru,” satoru replies, and there’s some suspicious squelching sounds in the background. are those grunts, too?
“uh, what are you doing?” you ask tentatively, hopping on the counter and sitting with your back pressed against the wall. the oddly wet sounds continue for a couple more seconds, and then they stop. “satoru?”
“shit, sorry, i was in the middle of something,” he replies with a breathless laugh. “yeah, i’m done now. wanna see?” your phone lights up with an invitation to facetime, and you hit the ‘x’ immediately.
“no, i don’t want to see whatever the fuck you’re doing,” you grumble, ignoring his laughter. “you’re disgusting, i’ll call you ba—”
“no, i’m free, i’m free!” satoru interrupts, and you can practically hear the smile in his voice as he continues, “suguru won’t be back for christmas, right?” 
you pause and sigh, closing your eyes for a second. “yeah, he won’t be.”
“and you want a way to get him to come back sooner, right?”
“yep. you have anything in mind?” you ask, half-hoping that satoru’ll be able to come up with some genius plan to get your boyfriend to fly back here to make it in time for christmas. but if you’re being honest, you know that there are very few things that could convince suguru to drop his supposedly important meeting and come straight home.
and somehow, satoru devises a plan that makes you certain he will.
the next morning, you receive a text from suguru asking you to facetime—under normal circumstances, you’d just ask him to call instead since you’re at a cafe, but not today. today, you want him to see you and your mischievous little plan, so you eagerly accept.
“hey, sweetheart,” suguru says the second the call connects. his dark hair is pulled back into its usual half-down half-up style, and he props up his phone on something to use his reflection to adjust his tie. “how are y— wait, is that satoru’s jacket?”
you smile innocently and turn the phone to show satoru, who’s sitting just across from you at the table by the window. after satoru’s taken his time to wave and blow a kiss to suguru (who rolls his eyes in response), you turn the phone back and say, “oh, i just got a little cold. it’s pretty chilly down here!”
suguru frowns, brown eyes narrowing at your cheeky expression. “very funny. why didn’t you just bring your own jacket? or one of mine?”
oh, this is the question you’ve been waiting for. you shrug off satoru’s rather comfortable jacket and show suguru the tight, long-sleeved shirt you’re wearing underneath it. the fabric hugs your skin in a way that shows off all your curves, and even better, it’s a light shade of blue that’s somewhere in between the color of satoru’s eyes and hair. 
“i did! but then it just got so cold and satoru was nice enough to offer me his jacket,” you say nonchalantly, pretending not to notice the way suguru’s jaw tightens. you flutter your eyelashes innocently and smile at suguru, thoroughly enjoying the way his eyes focus on your outfit.
“you jealous?” satoru chimes in, snatching the phone out of your hand and posing in front of it, admiring himself in the camera.
“no,” suguru mutters, but it wouldn’t take a genius to tell that he’s just lying through his teeth. satoru grins in response, making a peace sign with his hand and winking.
“good, ‘cause i’m gonna be hangin’ out with her all day long!” satoru cooes, blowing suguru another kiss before you swipe your phone back out of his hand.
“is he joking?” suguru grumbles, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed. you shrug in response, not buying his cool and collected persona. you know suguru better than most, and the subtle way his shoulders tensed the second he saw you in satoru’s jacket gave it all away.
“nope,” you reply, soft lips tugging themselves into a little smile. “we might spend christmas together too, ‘cause you won’t be here. but i guess i don’t really mind anymore—satoru’s good company!”
satoru covers his mouth to hide his laughter at your comment, giving you a thumbs-up when suguru doesn’t reply. your boyfriend says something about already being late and having to go, and this time, you’re the one who hangs up.
“oh, we definitely got him,” you grin, smugly lifting your mug of hot cocoa and clinking it with satoru’s in a celebratory expression. satoru hums in agreement before he takes a sip of his cocoa, face growing pink at the sudden warmth.
“so, how long d’you think it’ll be until suguru texts you that he’s on his way?” satoru asks, leaning back in his chair and blowing on his cup to cool off the smoking-hot liquid.
“hopefully soon.”
“i’m betting on… three hours.”
three hours later, you don’t get a single text from suguru. four hours later, nothing. on the fifth hour, you finally receive a message from him, but it’s just a “how are you?”
“was that not enough?” you whine, half-looking at your phone as you walk through the mall with satoru. “how else can i convince sugu to come back by tomorrow?”
satoru shrugs, pulling the red lollipop he got from a toy shop’s cashier out of his mouth. “i mean, we tried jealousy, so how ‘bout we go the other route?”
you tilt your head curiously, waiting for satoru to elaborate. 
“y’know, why don’t ya tempt him in… other ways?” satoru wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, and your face grows warm despite the chilly air around you.
“satoru…” you pause, face unreadable as you stop walking and turn to him. satoru holds his breath in anticipation, waiting for your verdict.
“that’s a really good idea.”
and that’s how you ended up in a clothing store, sifting through hundreds of dresses in search of one that’d be alluring enough to draw suguru back home.
“what color does he like on you?” satoru asks, seemingly oblivious to the strange looks he’s receiving from the other people in the store as he examines handfuls of dresses with interest. “red? black? white?”
you shrug, running your fingers over a form-fitting dress the color of suguru’s eyes. “i dunno, do you think he’d like this?”
satoru turns, takes one look at the dress, and instantly grabs it. “c’mon, let’s get you into a dressing room.”
the second you and satoru get there, the dressing room attendant gives you both a weird look. her eyes settle on satoru, and she asks, “weren’t you just here a week ago with another girl?”
satoru’s face goes redder than you’ve ever seen it. “uh, yeah, i was. oh, this one’s my best friend’s girlfriend, not mine—”
you shove him aside and hand the dress to the attendant, smiling bashfully. “just trying on this one, thanks.”
the attendant eyes satoru suspiciously and then nods. “okay, but he doesn’t get to go inside. last time, we got a noise complaint from the other customers.”
if you thought satoru’s face was red before, now it’s a shade redder than you knew was possible. in fact, you’re almost considering sending him to the hospital to get checked on as you close the dressing room door behind you and try the dress on.
it’s a little tight, but that’s expected given the skin-hugging fabric. after a couple minutes, you turn and admire yourself in the mirror—the dress, thankfully, fits perfectly. the fabric accentuates your features in the best way possible, and it’s all you can do to stop yourself from staring in the mirror any longer.
“how do i look?” you ask, stepping out of the dressing room and doing a twirl for satoru. his jaw drops, and he nods instantly. 
“yeah, this is the one,” satoru affirms, taking out his phone. “want me to be the one to send the pics to suguru? that way we can still make him jealous!”
you give him a thumbs-up and blow a kiss at the camera, trusting satoru to take a flattering picture before you head back into the room to change out. on your way out of the store, you buy the dress at the counter—knowing suguru, he wouldn’t reply to satoru’s text, but you just knew he was dying to see you in that in person.
later that night, well after satoru’s gone back to his house and you’re relaxing in your own, suguru texts you again.
sugu: can we call?
you grin and roll over onto your back, nestling yourself deeper into your pillows before you dial his number. it only rings once before he picks up, and he instantly asks if satoru’s still with you.
“nah, he went home,” you say offhandedly, toying with the corner of your sheets. “did you like my dress?” you ask coyly, enjoying the way suguru pauses for a long second before replying.
“yeah, it looked good on you.”
“that’s it?”
“it really brought out your eyes.”
you bite your tongue to suppress a groan, instead opting to bury your face in a pillow instead. you had just spent the past twenty-four hours running around in circles, doing everything possible to get suguru to come back, and that’s all you get? really?
“anyways,” suguru continues, and you hear a soft rustling sound in the background—if you had to guess, he’s probably in bed right now. “how was your day, baby?”
“good,” you respond briskly, a soft scowl appearing on your face. suguru, being as observant as he is, picks up on the subtle change in your tone, but he doesn’t say anything. “satoru and i had a really good day. how was yours?”
suguru pauses before answering. “i missed you.”
“then come home, sugu,” you plead, even though you know that there’s no way he’ll be back in time. but it’s worth a try, right?
“you know i can’t,” suguru murmurs, exhaling softly. “no way can i get a flight back this late and make it back by tomorrow morning. i—”
“then get a sleigh!” you huff indignantly, unable to resist smiling when you hear suguru laugh. “please, sugu? christmas won’t be christmas without you.”
“just spend it with satoru,” suguru mutters under his breath, and that’s when you realize that your efforts haven’t entirely been in vain. he’s obviously sour that you spent the whole day with his best friend instead of him, and a small spark of hope starts to fester in your heart. 
“maybe i will,” you reply coyly, and you can hear your own smile in your voice—and you’re sure that suguru can hear it too. “anyways, i’m a little tired. good night, baby.”
the next day, you host a party in your otherwise empty house—after all, it’s christmas, and it’d be rather depressing for you to spend it alone. so you invite satoru, satoru’s friends, and their friends, and so on. word gets around fast, and people show up in droves.
which is why you don’t notice when suguru himself slips in through the back door.
you’re giggling with satoru and his stoic friend kento when they both stop laughing, and you look up at them, confused. “what is it?” you ask, sipping the sweet liquid in your glass with a smile.
“suguru?” satoru asks, lips tugging themselves into a wide smile. “guess you didn’t wanna spend christmas alone, yeah?”
you turn around, half-expecting satoru to be joking. but to your surprise, your dark-haired boyfriend stands in front of you, smiling dryly. you stare at him for a solid two seconds, certain that you’re hallucinating. “sugu? but i thought—”
“thought you could mess around with my best friend?” suguru muses, arching one of his eyebrows. his suit’s a little wrinkled, and his hair’s more disheveled than normal, but somehow, he seems more alert than ever. suguru’s amber eyes go from yours to satoru’s wide blue ones, and satoru shrinks away from him with a nervous smile.
“i’m gonna go,” kento says offhandedly, a glint of amusement in his eyes. he turns and disappears into the crowd, leaving you, satoru, and suguru alone in the living room. 
“hey, bro, it was her idea!” satoru says instantly, raising his hands as if he’s a burglar in front of the police. you turn to him in disbelief, scoffing indignantly at his pitiful attempt to get out of trouble.
“no, it was your idea!” you insist, jabbing your finger at satoru. he gasps dramatically and pretends to faint, to which you roll your eyes good-naturedly. you turn back to suguru, rounding your eyes in an attempt to gain his favor. “i swear, sugu, this was all satoru’s idea!”
“you liar,” satoru grumbles, crossing his arms and huffing childishly. you turn and glare at him, and coupled with suguru’s unimpressed look, it’s enough to scare satoru off. 
and now it’s just you and suguru, alone in your mint-scented living room. christmas pop plays in the background from another room, and maybe it’s just the dim lighting but you swear you can see suguru’s face go a shade redder than before.
“hey,” you mumble, averting your eyes.
“hey,” suguru replies. he smiles, and just like that, all his features soften. “don’t you want to know how i got here so fast?” he drawls, reaching out and brushing something off your shoulder. his fingers trail down from your shoulder to your collarbone, which is all the more prominent thanks to the dress you’re wearing. incidentally, it’s the same dress you had sent suguru a picture of yesterday—maybe that’s why he can’t take his eyes off you.
“yeah, how did you get here so fast?” you ask curiously, suppressing a shiver as his fingers trace your figure down to your waist. suguru’s eyes go from your dress to your face, and he grins.
“well, i had to leave right before my meeting started and bribe some passengers with a shit-ton of money for their seats,” suguru starts, taking you by the hand and leading you to your shared room. “and believe me, it was a lot of money. and most people still said no, ‘cause they want to be with their families for the holidays.”
he makes a face as he pushes open the door, and stops in his tracks. your face grows warm as you realize that you had set up your room for him too—it’s illuminated with soft candlelight, the linen sheets are changed, and you—oh, you look perfect in suguru’s eyes. it takes a great deal of his willpower to stop himself from fucking you right there and then.
“oh, yeah, it was a lot of money,” suguru continues, smiling down at you coyly. “between the deal i just fucked up and the ridiculous amount of bribes i had to make, i think you owe me.”
suguru makes his way over to your bed and sits, spreading his legs and showing off his growing erection. you grin, following him and sitting in his lap. “did you miss me, sugu?”
“damn right i did.”
and barely a minute or two later, he’s got you face-down ass-up in the sheets, a calloused hand clamped over your mouth to muffle your increasing moans. “shh, wouldn’t want our guests to hear ya,” suguru whispers, breath hot against the side of your face.
you squirm underneath him, mind hazy from the feeling of his dick buried in you for the first time in.. how long? does it matter? “s-sugu, please fuck me,” you mumble, pretending not to notice the way he hasn’t bothered doing anything to you besides use you as his personal cockwarmer.
in the short time he’s been inside you, suguru’s barely moved—and fuck, he enjoys watching you squirm around and beg him to do more than just.. nothing.
“sugu, plea—”
he cuts you off with a slap to your ass, relishing the lewd whine that slips out of your lips in reply. “fuck, you thought y’could get me back here by fuckin’ with my best friend?” suguru cooes, shifting his hips. 
“we didn’t—”
“yeah, no shit, baby,” suguru interrupts dryly. “otherwise this’d be a lot worse for you—and for him.”
suguru’s dark eyes flit over to where the dress you bought lies, discarded somewhere in the corner of your room. he grins and uses his hand to turn your head, gesturing at the fabric. “and i bet he was the one who gave you the idea to do whatever the fuck that was,” suguru drawls, clicking his tongue. “tell me, whose idea was it to have him send me that pic? yours, or his?”
when you don’t reply, suguru sighs dramatically and grabs your hair, pulling your head up enough for him to lean down and whisper in your ear, “this’ll be a lot easier for you if you just answer—the—question,” suguru breathes, punctuating each word with another slap to your ass.
“it wasn’t m-mine!” you cry, looking up at suguru with shiny, rounded doe eyes. “i just wanted to—”
suguru cuts you off by pulling out of your drenched cunt just enough to allow him enough space to go back in, and his thrust is harsh and hits all the right places inside of you. your walls clench around him, and shit, suguru realizes that he missed fucking you like this more than anything else in the world.
“fuck, you’re so damn tight,” he hisses, shifting his hips again to allow himself more space to move. “did ya not touch yourself at all while i was gone?”
“n-no,” you stutter, swallowing another pornographic sound from escaping your lips. “i waited for you, sugu,” you gasp, feeling him hit spots you haven’t felt throb in a painfully long time. and fuck, you’re so out of practice that affer just a few thrusts, you’re mewling all over his cock and whining about how you’re close to cumming.
your vision gets speckled with spots of white as thoughts of suguru take up every corner of your mind, even as he teases you for getting so close so fast. but it’s not your fault you’re about to cum faster than you’ve ever done—you’ve tried fucking yourself with your fingers on times when suguru was out for work, but he’s spoiled you with his dick more than you can imagine.
and that’s why you cum all over his cock in what has to be a record-breaking time, tongue lolling out of your mouth as you mumble indecipherable words.
“aw, look at you,” suguru murmurs, stroking your hair as you tremble underneath him. even though it’s unbearably cold outside, it feels scorching hot in here—but maybe that’s because of both of your heaving chests in the aftermath of your orgasm.
“‘m sorry, sugu,” you mumble hazily, and suguru chuckles in response.
“it’s alright, baby,” he responds lightly. “y’know i like fucking your bratty cunt dumb every once in a while, heh.”
you two lie there, basking in each other’s presence for a little while longer before the bedroom door creaks open. and to your horror, satoru stands there, seemingly bored by the whole scene.
“can you two keep it down?” satoru groans, dragging a hand down his face. “we’re trying to have a karaoke competition, but you guys keep going agh—”
suguru hurls a pillow at satoru, cutting off his mocking moan. “you’re next, asshole,” suguru grumbles, getting off of you and covering you with the sheets.
“you’re gonna fuck me next? wow, what happened to hi, hel— oww, okay, i’m going, i’m going!”
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yxngbxkkie · 7 months
baby fever (b.c)
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this man needs to chill because i can only take so much 😭 ngl, this is probably the most i've written in a while, and i'm really glad to provide some cute fics for you guys 🩷 i hope you like it!
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
“Do you have everything?” Chan asks you while unloading the rental car.
You take a peek into the back seat of the car, making sure both of you had everything. “I don't see anything,” you reassure him.
Chan walks towards your mother's house, presents stacked in his hands. You gently rub his back as you walk up the steps. You knock a couple of times before opening the door, announcing your presence.
“My baby's home!” Your mother's voice reaches your ears, causing you to grin ear to ear.
You give her a quick hug before making sure Chan gets into the house okay. You shut the front door behind him and rest a hand on his forearm.
“Do you need help with anything?” You ask him, moving to grab a couple of the gifts.
“I got it, baby,” he reassures you with a head shake. He leans down to press a quick kiss on your lips before walking over towards the Christmas tree.
You giggle to yourself, gently biting your lip after he walks away. Your mother nudges your arm, snapping you from your thoughts. You lift your head to look at her, seeing a smirk on her lips.
“When's the wedding?” She jokes with you.
A groan leaves your lips as you start to feel embarrassed. “Not for a little while,” you tell her with a shy laugh. Your gaze finds Chan, silently watching him distribute the presents. “I don't even know if he wants to marry me.”
She lets out a scoff, crossing her arms over her chest. “Honey, that boy is infatuated with you. He'd be crazy not to marry you.”
“We'll see where life takes us,” you mention, the smile on your lips growing when you meet your boyfriend's eyes.
“I want to be the first one to know if he does propose,” your mother whispers into your ear as she walks by, joining everyone in the kitchen.
You playfully roll your eyes, keeping yourself from blushing. Chan gives the older woman a quick hug as she walks by before making his way back to you.
“What were you two chuckling about?” He asks, tapping his fingertip on the tip of your nose.
“Just girl stuff,” you vaguely lie, leaning on your toes to kiss his lips. Chan hums into the kiss, his hands grabbing a hold of yours.
He mumbles a quick, "I love you," against your lips, planting one more kiss before fully pulling away. “Why don't we go say hi to everyone,” Chan mentions, squeezing your hands in his.
You nod your head and lead him into your kitchen. You greet the rest of your family, giving them hugs and kisses. You make grabbing hands at the toddler in your big sister's arms.
“Hi, baby boy,” you squeal, holding the one and half year old baby. He smiles at you, bringing his tiny hand to your cheek. “You're getting so big!”
You rest the baby on your hip, lightly bouncing him in your arms. Ji-ho squeals and kicks his little legs into your side. You release a little cry and point at the little man.
“Watch your feet, mister! You're gonna hurt Auntie,” you chuckle, adjusting his legs so they're sitting comfortably.
“He loves to kick,” your sister mentions, walking over to her son. “I forgot to tell you.”
You playfully scoff as she pinches the boy's cheeks. “That would've been some crucial information, Joon,” you tell her with a smile.
Chan moves to stand behind you, and you can hear him coo at Ji-ho. You glance over your shoulder, watching him smile at your nephew. His dimples are present, and you can feel your heart fluttering in your chest.
“Do you want to hold him?” You ask him, turning to face him.
Your boyfriend's gaze moves from you to your older sister. “Would that be okay?” He asks her politely.
“Of course!”
Chan takes the baby from you, lifting him higher for a quick second before resting him on his hip. “Hi, buddy,” he whispers in his baby voice, tickling his stomach.
Ji-ho squeals again, more giggles coming from the baby's lips. He rests his head on Chan's shoulder, his tiny hands gripping his shirt. Your heart feels like it's swelling even larger as you witness your boyfriend interacting with him.
You pull your phone out and snap a couple of photos. He'd make such a great dad… You think to yourself as Chan starts walking around the kitchen with Ji-ho.
Your mother pats your back gently, snapping you from your thoughts. She gives you a knowing smile before nodding her head towards Chan.
“Baby,” you call out to him, capturing his attention. You motion your head towards the hallway. Your sister takes Ji-ho from him as you excuse the two of you.
Chan slips his arms around your waist as you walk down the hallway. You rest your hands on top of his, and you feel like your heart's going to fly out of your chest.
“Everything okay?” He whispers into your ear while stepping into your childhood bedroom.
You nod your head and gently shut the door. His eyes dance between you and the bedroom door. You take a couple of steps towards the taller man, resting your hands on his cheeks.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” You ask in a whisper, gently stroking his cheek.
“Of course,” he whispers back to you, placing his hands on your hips. “What's this ab-”
You cut him off by leaning on your toes, kissing his lips. A moan leaves his lips while his grip on you tightens. One of your arms wraps around his neck as you deepen the kiss.
Chan pulls away from you abruptly, and you attempt to chase his lips, not having enough. “Baby, baby,” he mumbles, moving his hands to your arms. “What's gotten into you?”
You feel embarrassed at how needy you are, but seeing him with a baby has made you a little feral. He gently rubs your arms as you find yourself looking at the carpet.
“I might have baby fever,” you whisper loud enough for him to hear.
He giggles and bends down a little to look in your eyes. “Oh yeah?” He smiles at you, bringing one of his hands to your cheek.
You can feel your cheeks begin to blush, and you push him playfully. “You know what? I hate you,” you laugh, moving past him to lay on your bed.
Chan laughs with you and lays down beside you. “I love you too, baby,” he grins ear to ear before kissing your forehead. He peppers more kisses all over your face. “So, you want a baby?”
A groan leaves your lips after hearing his question. “Not right now, obviously,” you tell him, finding his hand before lacing your fingers together. “But, in the future, I'd like to have a family with you.”
His lips find yours and he kisses you passionately. Your free hand grips the sweater he's wearing, feeling your heart pounding in your chest.
Chan pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “I would love to have a family with you, baby.”
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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shehungthemoon · 2 months
Bucktommy Fic prompts: first vacation or snowy cabin vibes
first 118 bbq
Buck rescues a kitten from a tree and keeps it #catdads
Buck telling Tommy he was a sperm donor with zero context like ‘oh yeah biologically I have a kid’ and walking off leaving Tommy like ???
First Christmas together
Idk if it’s your vibe but something relating to the ring cutter?
Babysitting jee
Tommy realising ‘random facts with Buck’ is a thing
Flying lessons
Sorry I have a lot of thoughts and zero ability to write lollll
Oh, anon. I saw "babysitting jee" and could not get the image of Tommy looking at dollar store kids coloring books out of my head. And here we are 🖤
"Are you sure you're okay with it?" Buck asked into his phone, balancing it in between his shoulder and ear as he unpacked his locker for the night. "It's just that Tommy and I don't really get a lot of time to see each other with our schedules and everything, and—"
"Buck," Chim interrupted, "Yes I'm sure. I've known Tommy longer than you have, unless you've somehow forgot that since the last time you begged me for old, embarrassing photos of the man."
"Yeah yeah," Buck mumbled, "I know I know, sorry." Chim made a satisfied hum. Buck finished zipping up his bag. "Bet I know him better though."
Chimney started squawking indignantly over the phone. Buck grinned into his chest.
So, Buck invited Tommy to come babysit Jee with him that night, nervous the whole time he typed the text.
-i know it's not really a great date setting
He typed after he sent the initial message.
-totally ok to say no
He was stupid to be nervous. The reply came almost immediately.
-Are you kidding? I've been waiting to meet that girl ever since Chimney sent me those first pictures.
-Of course I'll be there
Tommy met him at Buck's door with a sweet grin and a bunch of coloring books in his hand. Buck couldn't do anything but stare at him for a moment and smile back.
Buck wondered if those butterflies in his stomach would ever go away. When Tommy leaned forward and pressed a gentle, quick kiss onto his lips, Buck came to the conclusion that there was no possible way they ever would.
"I brought these," Tommy said as he walked into the apartment, shaking the coloring books in the air and looking just a little bashful about it. "Didn't want to show up empty handed but I figured wine wasn't the right call for the venue."
Buck chuckled and shut the door behind him. "You definitely figured right." He pointed over toward the media area. "Wanna meet the star of the show?"
Tommy grinned. "More excited to see her than you, really."
Buck scoffed with feigned-offense and pinched Tommy's arm before moving his hand to the small of Tommy's back, pressing him gently toward where Jee was set up in front of his couch.
Jee looked up from her toys with wide eyes when they came into view. "Hey hey, princess, I got someone for you to meet!" Buck held his free hand out to point at his boyfriend. "This is Tommy. Tommy, this is Jee-Yun." She kept still in contemplation and made a humming noise up at them.
Tommy crouched down and gave her a little wave, and Buck would have laughed at the sight of such a big man making himself so small if it weren't the most endearing thing he'd seen in ages.
"Hi Jee-Yun. It's really nice to meet you," Tommy said with a quiet voice Buck'd never heard before. Jee just kept staring over at him with blinking, assessing eyes. "I really like your sparkly dress," he continued, and that seemed to do it. Jee broke out into a wide, squinty-eyed smile and let out one of those little kid laughs that melted hearts.
"Sequins," Jee said brightly; or at least tried to say, there was definitely an 's' sound in there somewhere.
The floor became their home for the next few hours, Jee happily adjusting to her new friend and toddling between the two of them, carting markers and dolls and pieces of Goldfish back and forth across the carpet. The two of them got easily talked into playing Barbies for one memorable twenty minute stretch, in which Buck learned quite a few things about Tommy's sense of fashion.
"You can't put those rain boots on Tiffany when she's wearing that dress, they don't go at all," Buck said contemptuously.
Tommy rolled his eyes. "Why not? There's yellow in the belt." He squinted and held Tiffany up a little closer to his face. "Sort of."
Buck groaned painfully. "They're way to clunky for that outfit! And it's not even raining, Tommy! Why would she be wearing rain boots?"
Tommy blinked at him for a second before slowly tilting his head up toward the ceiling. Of his very-much-indoors living room. Buck groaned louder.
Jee solved the problem easily by shoving the rain boots onto Tiffany's arms and yelling out Gloves! Buck was a little miffed he didn't think of that first.
Dolls, juice-box breaks, Buck chasing Jee around the first floor making firetruck sounds and sending Tommy into stitches from where he was still sprawled in front of the TV—the evening passed all too quickly and with more laughing than either of them had done in weeks. Which of course meant that by the time that Maddie and Chimney texted that they were going to be heading back soon, both grown men were beyond pooped and covered in more sticky substances than was probably recommended by most health codes. Jee had not decided to take it easy on the new guy, that's for sure.
Buck had handed a squirming Jee over to Tommy a bit ago while he got his niece's stuff all organized back together in her bag. By the time he'd gotten the rest of her leftover snacks out of the fridge and made a passable effort at tidying up the counters, the excitable sounds of Tommy and Jee's earlier conversations had died down and Buck decided it was about time he headed over to check up on them.
He was greeted with the sight of the two of them tucked into the couch, Jee set up on Tommy's lap with one of her new coloring books in her hand and an assortment of markers wedged into the crook of Tommy's bent knee in easy reach beside her. She was quietly and happily plugging away at one of the drawings—a startlingly pink giraffe, Buck thought he could make out—scribbling nonsensically across the page with an intently closed fist. Tommy had an arm resting along one of her sides to keep her from falling off, but the man himself was very much not paying too much attention anymore. His head was lolled back against the cushion, eyelids fluttering as he caught a few needed minutes of rest. Buck wasn't worried; he knew by the way Tommy's finger was still drawing lazy shapes along the frills of Jee's sparkly dress that Tommy'd be awake and aware in an instant if she needed him.
Buck stole a moment to just stand there and watch without either of them noticing. He took it in.
Tommy. His boyfriend. With a baby tucked happy against his chest.
Unbelievably small compared to him yet being held with all the gentleness in the world. His boyfriend and his niece. Both safe and content, on his couch.
Something tugged warm and tight behind Buck's ribs. The feeling almost toppled him over, dragged the breath from his lungs, love, pride, want.
He could have been sick with it.
He quietly padded over and lowered himself onto the cushion next to them before he could get too overwhelmed. He couldn't help himself. He leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss against where he knew Tommy's dimple was, and soon enough felt Tommy's smile underneath his lips.
"You having a good time there, Jee?" Buck asked quietly, pulling back just enough to see her. She twisted around to nod empathetically up at him.
"Uncle Tommy got me a jungle," she said, holding her booklet up with a grin, and Buck let out a surprised noise.
"Uncle Tommy, huh?" He teased, poking Tommy in the ribs and looking at him fondly. Tommy swatted his hand away and then grabbed his fingers before he could retreat too far, and Buck let him tug him in close and rest their now tangled hands against his side. Buck settled in sideways against the back of the couch and tried to push down the fondness bubbling up inside him before it burst.
"She said it earlier," Tommy said, brow furrowed just a bit. Buck wanted to press it out with his thumb. "It felt mean to correct her." Buck just hummed and squeezed his hand until he'd relaxed back into the couch again.
Tommy let him rest his forehead against his shoulder, and the three of them whiled away the next quarter hour laughing at Jee's animal noises and picking crazy colors for tigers and monkeys and toucans.
Maddie and Chimney showed up before for too long, greeting Tommy with just as much warmth as they did Buck, especially after they saw just how adamant Jee was about hanging off of Tommy's calf and not letting him go even in the face of Goldfish bribes.
Maddie and Chimney finally got her detached with the promise of an extra bedtime story, and in a flurry of side-hugs and handshakes and little versions of such for Jee, they said their goodbyes. Tommy waved them out the door with an arm around Buck's shoulders.
They stumbled up to bed that night too tired for much else other than sleep, Buck's heart skipping a beat in his chest every time he caught Tommy's eye or felt him brush against him as they moved around the loft. Tommy's strong arms wrapped around him as they drifted off. Buck pressed himself hard back into Tommy's chest and fell asleep to the feeling of feather-light kisses pressed against the back of his neck and a heart beating alongside his own.
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ne-videl · 12 days
𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽'𝓼 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶
yandere Rezef Hill x immortal fem reader
quirks of eternal life and the obsessed prince.
yandere, sfw, mentions of violence, kidnapping & imprisonment, angst??, you are immortal and reaaly bored, poor english, possibly wild image of high society bc real history suck
word count: ~3.5k
a/n: hii!!
exams be killing me
glad its over until the next year but I still have a shit ton of books to read at summer bc I'm in literature class (Tolstoy I hope ur spinning in your grave I don't want to read 3rd and 4th tome of war and peace but I have to)
anyway for this fic I re-read first chapters and?? Rezef is such a dick in the beginning?? and I forgot abt it??
also when I think about someone immortal this type of person just comes to mind (I mean ofc u don't give a damn about some angry man, you literally have been through everything) and don't worry about Cayena she's chilling in a nice place
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indeed, lady [name], you are shining brighter than usual today. you've only recently returned to the capital, haven't you?" – at that warm evening, a pretty young girl was chirping in your ear, sitting with you on a luxurious sofa in the ballroom.
you listened with half an ear to a mixture of flattery and sincere admiration, looking into nowhere from under your eyelashes.
the ball was playing its climax, and the guests were harmoniously spinning in a german waltz. others, more noble and older, entertained themselves with idle conversations.
you too, thanks to your position, were little constrained by the limits of secular norms, and did not bother dancing. tonight you wanted anything other than to gallop around the stuffy hall. your eyes, devoid of the childish brilliance peculiar to your peers, looked indifferently at the guests.
the ball in honor of the beginning of summer was a great event, even the royal family usually participated in it; such celebrations instilled in their noble participants a sense of reverence for the higher-ranking present and idle anticipation of the upcoming entertainment.
but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't see anything more from the height of your velvet sofa than pretentiously dressed men and women; strangely moving, stiffly dancing and talking vague figures under the sickening light of numerous chandeliers. all this in the stuffy luxury of the hall seemed to you so fake, pretentious and unnatural that you could barely restrain yourself from haughty laughter, or from a bored sigh.
[name], beautiful [name]! daughter of the richest man in the empire, a brilliant socialite, trendsetter and muse of famous poets.
you vaguely remembered what was inside some rubbish that you read about a hundred years ago, you don't know when and you don't know where.
and although in your case, "a hundred years" might not be just a phrase, you couldn't care less. whether this the fifth life or the hundredth – what's the difference? right, there's none – you thought lazily, openly staring at the crown prince exchanging pleasantries with representatives of the capital's bohemians.
like you, who on the last night of spring were dressed up like a Christmas tree, his highness shone with the white brocade of his suit today. eyes with the color of ceylon sapphire peeked out from under his golden bangs, giving everyone present the condescending look of the royalty. little prince – as you laughingly called him to yourself – was handsome to the point that young girls blushed deeply as soon as they saw him, and married ladies sighed dreamily.
at the sight of the handsome prince, some memory cracked in your skull, however, it died as quickly as it appeared. this and a thousand other memories were simply not worth your attention, and, of course, you never scolded yourself for the forgetfulness inherent in your age. you were above it all.
Rezef easily distinguished among the crowd a lady dressed in thick silk with bare shoulders. on your neck, which he did not hesitate to stare at, there was a pair of pearl necklace with a large emerald. when you met his gaze, you smiled falsely and slightly bowed your head.
middle-aged count, whose name he could not remember, looked at the woman in the corner of the hall, and scratched his gray beard with a smile.
"gorgeous, isn't she?" – an old dog next to him grinned vulgarly – "the beauty of the empire, they say."
"what a wonder." – Rezef did not take his strangely enchanted gaze off you, and the words escaped from his lips with a gasp – "it's not a pity to fall in love with such a creature." – he said maliciously, as if he concluded for himself.
the crown prince walked towards you, ignoring the knowing look of the nameless old man beside him.
he walked confidently, with a deceptively friendly smile, and would have been incredibly ridiculous to you if he hadn't been so handsome.
"good night to you, lady [name]." – Rezef smiled warmly, and held out his hand in a snow-white glove to you, – "may I keep you company?"
he kissed your palm, and without waiting for consent, sat down next to you.
you talked about various nonsense; Rezef did not take his shining eyes off you and listened, and you chatted in a dry tone about the opera, exhibitions and the weather in the capital, hardly forcing yourself to remember the topics that the ladies had already retold a hundred times.
but the guests were invited to the cotillion, and you left the little prince as easily as you accepted him into your shining company.
with the last round of the dance, everything that was happening completely mixed up in your head into a bright, stuffy mess, accompanied by the imperial orchestra and the clatter of shoes on the lacquered parquet.
and in the end, caught by the prince's arm, you were only a little confused, but you didn't show it.
"why won't you stay the night at the palace?" – Rezef said, whose broad chest rose and fell rapidly after dancing, just like your own.
you raised your eyebrows, looking at him from under your eyelashes, and fell into thought, accompanied by the prince to one of the front balconies.
normally, you wouldn't mind spending the night with such a handsome man, but today you didn't want carnal pleasures at all. and of course, you could afford to just turn down the prince like that; just because you're not in the mood, just because you don't want to.
"thank you for the offer, your highness, however, I will refrain." – you said.
for a second, when his eye twitched, you saw something unpleasantly bitter in Rezef's soft features, a mixture of disappointment with something else. but you didn't care to the depths of your callous heart; today you're not in the mood, today you're not having any fun at all.
and what was the point of that endless journey that you called life if you weren't having fun?
Rezef fell silent, maintaining his sugary smile and standing next to you, and you leaned on the marble railing, looking up at the sky.
the pale disk of the moon is floating high on the horizon. there was music coming from the ballroom, the rustle of dresses and the clatter of shoes, irritating your ears; the little prince had been gathering his thoughts for a couple of minutes to speak; and you rested your chin on your silk-gloved hand.
"tell me, lady [name]." – your bored gaze returned to the Crown Prince, – "this night, the moon and the stars, and me, doesn't that remind you of anything?"
you raised your eyebrow. even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to remember; over the years, memories inevitably dimmed and got lost.
Rezef looked at you expectantly, with almost childish anticipation. a sick gleam flashed in his eyes.
the longer your silence dragged on, the more you disliked his face, his eyes; the childish interest in his handsome features contrasted unpleasantly with the look of a madman. as if you won't say what he wants to hear now, the earth itself will crack and split in half.
"I'm afraid not, your highness. nothing at all." – you said, lightly shaking your shoulders.
the little prince didn't say anything else. his lips trembled, and he stared into the distance, clearly terribly disappointed.
the last night of spring burned out in your cold eyes, and you sighed indifferently.
Rezef remembered his childhood well. in a world where everyone hated him, for some reason, there were no pretty princesses or kind older sisters. nobody. at all.
there was only a lady dressed in silk and the moon.
you came to him in dreams; whether out of boredom or out of simple human pity, he didn't know. you came because you could and wanted to; because you said you loved doing what you wanted.
it was just the two of you in this dream world. you told him all the life you could remember; and you had a long one, longer than the biggest cat's tail.
the boy lay on your lap and listened, and sometimes cried.
in this world its eat or be eaten, but you definitely won't eat him.
"they all say that I have no place in this world. that I'd better disappear." – little prince was clutching the silk of your dress tightly in his hands and squinting. – "I hate them."
"all of them?" – you answered with a relaxed, lazy smile, running your hand through the boy's golden hair.
"you and I have a lot in common. that's the way life is, child. when you grow up, you definitely start hating someone." – you were grinning. – "and you cry and feel sad a lot."
"when I become emperor, I will definitely make you the happiest in the whole world! so that you will never cry again." – the boy squeezed your hands tightly in his palms and smiled radiantly. he hesitated slightly, and looked at you from under his golden eyelashes. "but you didn't tell me your name."
"[name]." – you breathed out laughingly.
"aren't you a fairy by any chance?" – little prince tilted his head to the side, looking at you with a radiant gaze of his blue eyes.
"perhaps." – you giggled.
prince laughed loudly. a fake moon was hanging over you two, and fake stars were shining; everything in the dream world is fake – you told him.
but he liked these strange dreams. and wanted them to become real; to have a real moon, real stars, and only him and you.
every time already grown-up Rezef met the woman from his dreams, he felt his heart beating faster.
human heart, such a fragile and pathetic little thing. how many of these hearts have you got your hands on?
he would gladly have torn out each one with his own hands.
the love for you, which has passed through the years, was like bitter liquor sliding down his throat. after it, the stomach turns out, but it intoxicates so much that he can't hold himself from taking another sip.
there is no light in him to give you. all he has is the suffocating darkness of his mind, cultivated by the mores of the palace, the thirst for power and cruelty. but just as no one else besides yourself mattered to you, Rezef didn't give a damn about the nature of his feelings.
poor, pathetic little prince. no one told him that this is not the way he should love someone. like a child who has not been taught to walk, and now it's crawling.
he's still holding back, but if necessary, Rezef will gladly drag you with him into the depths of hell.
but it hurts so much. every time he sees you laughing with someone else, smiling at someone else, he wants to cry.
it should be me! – his heart screams – it should be me! – his wounded soul cries while the prince stands over the corpse of one of your suitors, whom Rezef himself turned into a bloody mess. you should have held his hand. should have been smiling at him.
when someone's neck crunched under his hands again, he thought about you. would you praise him if Rezef brought you this man's head? for your smile, he would give his own heart, still fresh, in warm blood, right out of the gaping hole in his chest.
if you knew, you'd laugh.
because you are eternal, and he is just a human being. Inevitably, there will come a day when you will live, but Rezef will not. one day he will die, will end, and you will laugh coldly and continue your endless journey.
no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, you will always have an escape route. you can leave him.
Rezef was even a little mad at you for that. he loved you so much; if you had only fluttered your eyelashes once and smiled – even falsely – he would have laid the whole world at your feet!
but you're breaking him. you don't care. you're only interested as long as you're having fun.
oh, how he despised that feeling, and despised you. how much he wanted to kill all the butterflies in his stomach, tear out every shiny wing; wanted to never see your mocking smile and indifferent eyes again, one fleeting glance of which easily made Rezef forget about al struggles for the throne.
he loved you as he had never loved anyone before; and hated because he didn't want to love, because he knew that you won't ever reciprocate.
he and you could't be called friends, however, in the capital's high society, almost all of its representatives were friends and enemies at the same time. in any case, it was not shameful for the crown prince to visit the daughter of the richest man in the empire for dinner.
tall pine trees lined up in orderly rows along the hectares of the estate's garden, shining with luxury no worse than the imperial palace. they bowed their gloomy heads and silently greeted the carriage that evening under the hot july sun that had not yet set.
after dinner was served and eaten, you ordered one of your maids to serve tea in the garden.
"undoubtedly, what happened to the count's daughter is a disgrace to the whole family, however, I cannot help but sympathize with her." – you talked a lot again and at the same time didn't actually say anything.
the only good thing about such conversations about nothing was the opportunity to listen to your measured, eternally bored voice, and just look at you like at a painting in a museum.
the upper world was completely fake and unnatural, and you gladly accepted this fake as a living embodiment of it. and Rezef was willing to play along, because he was the prince, because it was necessary to. and so your conversation drifted from topic to topic, from one rumor to another. the warm wind made him close his sapphire eyes.
"I've seen you in my dreams, marchioness. when I was little." – the crown prince lazily tilted his head to the side, – "I know you, yet you don't remember me. isn't that unfair?" – he said with mock, with sarcastic sadness.
"is it?" – you took a sip of flower tea from a porcelain cup – "well, life is full of injustices, your highness."
a small cabbage butterfly landed right on your finger, moving its thin paws under the cold gaze of your eyes.
"lady, do you like butterflies?" – the prince smiled warmly – "there are a lot of them in your garden."
"only poisonous ones, perhaps." – you replied, and with a smile reflecting his own, squeezed the butterfly in your hand. – "they bring death, yet die themselves if I squeeze my hand just like that. how curious."
"and what about you?" – Rezef, as if enchanted, watched the transparent wings fall on the countertop – "can't you die?"
"I can't be killed in a way that matters." – you answered with a grin, as if you were repeating these words for the thousandth time.
prince pursed his lips in a forced smile. in the end, nothing has changed; he is still just a man at the walls of the eternal city. you won't listen, won't understand, and won't love.
because eternity is beautiful by itself, eternity does not need anyone else.
Rezef likes to think he's doing the right thing.
It's your fault. you could not smile at him so beautifully, not illuminate his darkness with your cold light, not make him feel this.
he didn't want to expose the ugliness of his soul, didn't want to go that far. it's all because of you. you don't even know what an insane cocktail of love and hatred you're making him feel.
and you also don't know that your tea is poisoned.
"do you like your new quarters?" – Rezef almost purred, – "I was trying to guess your preferences, but if something doesn't suit you, be sure to tell me."
"you won't feel a need for anything," – little prince smiled radiantly, – "prepare to enjoy family life. just have fun and obey me, and I will make you the happiest in the whole world."
Rezef was sitting, busily folding his beautiful hands, and enjoying for the first time the confused, trembling look in your eyes.
a giant bedroom, a four-poster bed, silk sheets on which you were sitting, a translucent nightgown that barely hides anything, and a scarlet ribbon around your neck.
while you were looking around uncomprehendingly, the prince sat down on the bed next to you and smiled sickly.
you saw that abomination again in the bright blue; the look of a pure madman, love which became an illness, mixed with almost animal hatred. a ribbon around your neck.
did he just put you on a leash, like you were some lap dog? that pup, who cried on your lap? you, a being older than his entire palace? you, for whom biting off someone's head is like having breakfast?
you haven't been humiliated like this in the last half-millennium.
"child." – you said slowly and quietly, and in your dry voice there was no trace of the cheeky, fake politeness peculiar to this aristocratic disguise of yours – "I'll pull your guts out through your mouth." – your lips trembled in sheer rage.
Rezef stroked your head and sighed.
"you came into my life so easily. it didn't mean anything to you, did it?" – the corner of his eye twitched, and he laughed bitterly, – "don't think I'll let you go now. never."
hit landed right on the bridge of his nose. you turned out to be much stronger than he expected, and your face was distorted with rage like he had never seen before. Rezef felt his nose bleed.
was the devil himself looking at him through your eyes now? – he thought with a strange calmness.
you hit a couple more times, and, shaking the blood off your knuckles, tore the ribbon from your neck.
how dare he? all of them are just actors in your endless play. if you're not having fun, then none of this makes sense. if you're not having fun, then what are you living for?
you were breathing fast, and were silent. it was as if for eternity you two just looked at each other; you – with fury, he – with calmness, even affably. you were sick of that expression.
but that rage of yours quickly subsided. it wasn't that you forgave him, it was just that after a couple of days you got bored with being violent.
and a year later, you stopped paying attention to the seemingly completely insane circumstances of your new life at all. you didn't mind his sole yet imaginary control over you, just because he didn't mean that much to you.
even now, nothing has changed at all.
and with the tendons cut at your ankles, looking at him with the same bored eyes, you were still disgustingly beautiful to him in the moonlight on the last night of spring.
"tomorrow I will become emperor." – instead of greeting you, Rezef said, entering the room. his face did not express joy, rather, bewilderment, as if he himself for some reason was not completely happy with it.
"yeah." – you said, without looking up from the book, – "congratulations."
now it was difficult for you to move around by yourself, so Rezef usually carried you in his arms.
he sat down on the bed and put his head on your lap and frowned.
"tell me, [name]," – he looked up at you, and when he met your impassive face, he forced a smile, – "why do I feel like I'll never see you again?"
"because you won't. I'm bored." – you shrugged and continued, – "you know, I could hate you." – you spoke calmly and dryly – "but you're not worth it. because in the end, I go on living; I always go on, and you, child, will fall into the very depths of hell."
you stroked his golden hair and smiled calmly. Rezef hid his face on your hips.
"I don't regret anything," – little prince suddenly said softly and laughed.
the last night of spring burned out in your eyes as you disappeared.
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brotha euugh
one day I'll go to therapy and stop being funny but not today
I finished playing slow damage and it's the best novel in my life (that shit destroyed me)
also good ends are for weak
I mean I write for yanderes ofc there's not gonna be anything good
it's either normal or "we're fucked" here
also I'm physically intolerable to good endings and will cry if I'd ever had to write one (I love sufferings)
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dilemmaontwolegs · 10 months
Hey! Love the temptation danny story so much! Can i have a follow up request where reader has to go home for vacation due to a family reunion while danny is off somewhere for testing and she tells danny that its ok that she goes alone since he is busy but he keeps insisting that they should go together but reader has already booked a flight and the next following days while the family reunion is going on danny just arrives and everyone gets so starstruck by him and he is so possessive of her while the reunion is going on, LOVE THE FICS BTW YOU ARE AN AWESOME WRITER
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The Taste of Temptation || DR3 {6}
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, angst, smut, fluff (two part request) WC: 3.4K F1 Masterlist Story: One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven Snapshots: One || Two || Three || Four || Five
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Wednesday “Honestly, it’s fine,” you reassured him for the seemingly hundredth time. 
Daniel’s suitcase was at the door beside yours except the planes you were leaving from in Nice were going in two very different directions.
“It’s not fine,” he muttered as he checked his Passport was in his back pocket before pulling you into his arms. “I was looking forward to seeing your family again. They’re going to be mine soon too.”
You smiled at the reminder and brushed your thumb over the engagement ring. “You’ll see them at Christmas.”
“Not everyone,” he pointed out. The Christmas get together was going to have both of your immediate family members, with his flying out from Australia. “I want to talk to your cousins.”
“What? Why?” You pulled back to see the mischievous look in his eyes and the smile that promised he was up to something.
“Cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled. “And I want to know what you were really like as a kid.”
“I was a little angel.”
His hands roamed over your body to settle on your ass and he pulled you flush against him as he teased, “What happened?” 
You giggled as you rose on your tiptoes and grazed your nose along his throat before resting your lips on his jaw as you teased him right back, “I fell for a man with a wicked tongue.”
You could see the darkening in his eyes and his lips parted with a filthy suggestion on the tip of his tongue but the blaring of an alarm from his jeans drew a groan out instead. “I’m going to have blue balls for the flight now.”
“You should probably take care of that.”
“It’s a 30 minute drive to the airport, Kitten, you could take care of it along the way.”
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It was a strange feeling returning to the town you had grown up in. The streets remained the same, trees lining the curb and kids playing in the front yards, but the faces were all unrecognisable. Like you, most of the people you knew had fled as soon as they finished high school, searching for something bigger than what this place could offer. 
Nearly every parking space on the street was taken by your extended family but your dad had saved one for you near the house with the recycling bin. It was a good thing too because Daniel had kind of spoiled you as he walked you to your boarding gate. He hadn’t been able to resist dragging you into the duty free shops in the terminal and now the extra baggage was missing the pair of hands that carried it for you. You had told him it was too much but he just kissed you until you forgot about arguing. It wasn’t fair, you could never win an argument when he cheated like that. 
You got the feeling everyone had been waiting for you because the moment your car door closed they all filed out of the house to come and help with your luggage.
“There’s the city-slicker, welcome home,” Vanessa greeted with a kiss on your cheek before pouting as she saw the empty front seat. “Damn, thought you were bringing the sugar daddy with you.”
“Don’t call him that, he’s not my sugar daddy,” you warned with a roll of your eyes but your cousin clearly wasn’t paying attention. “Daniel is with the Red Bull guys in Japan for some big event. He wishes he could come but they called in everyone: Scotty, Liam, Mad Mike, they all had to be there too. ”
Your dad took the suitcase from your hand and nodded understandingly. “That’s a shame, but at least my little girl has finally come home.”
Your bedroom hadn’t changed all that much since you left to go to university and you could see the pin pricks and faded lines in the wallpaper outlining where your posters used to be. 
“Ohh, this is gorgeous,” Nessa grinned as she helped herself to the garment bags, the tags still on the designer clothes Daniel had bought you. “So am I going to meet this not-your-sugar-daddy before the wedding?”
“You could come to Christmas if you want, and go ahead, try it on,” you sighed before flinching at the squeak she made before abandoning her clothes like you were still kids and stepping into the first dress. “Nice to see you haven’t outgrown stealing my clothes.”
“There’s a reason we are the same size, it's fate. Karma herself said, Nessa, you deserve to wear nice things too,” she joked as she turned around. “Do me up?”
“You are so full of shit,” you laughed as you zipped her up. “Am I going to get that back?”
“Do you have a sugar daddy?”
“Well there's your answer.” 
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Friday “Hey Kitten,” Daniel greeted with a bright smile when the video call connected. “How’s it going?”
You leaned the phone against your mirror so you could continue to apply your makeup and held up two shades of lipstick. “Just getting ready to go out with Nessa. How’s the event? I haven’t seen many pictures.”
“Left hand, and you won’t - they are keeping everything under wraps until they have finished filming. Think the Melbourne GP promo vid, but bigger…”
You opened the lipstick he chose, the one you knew he would since he always complimented the shade on you - and when it transferred to his skin too. He fell silent as he watched you lean closer into the mirror, leaving the swell of your breasts filling his screen.
“Kitten…I wish I was there,” he sighed when you pulled back and blew him a kiss to show the colour off. 
“I wish you were here too,” you admitted, taking the phone with you as you sat on the bed and hugged your pillow. “Two days down, four to go.”
“You’re still counting in days? I’m counting in hours, fuck it, minutes.” He sent you a screenshot and you saw the countdown timer on his homescreen, the hours and minutes slowly ticking away until you were reunited. “Where are you and Nessa going? Is Carter going too?”
You shook your head at the question. Vanessa’s brother was far too busy with his new girlfriend to want to go to the local bar. “He’s too cool to hang out with us at the Old Oak Inn.”
Daniel sat up a little straighter and didn’t appear too pleased at the news. “Is anyone going with you?”
“You know what I mean,” he huffed, “who is going to look out for you two?”
“Everyone knows everyone here, baby, we’ll be fine.” You gave him a smile as your chest warmed with the same gooey feeling you got every time he worried about you. “I love you, my protective he-man.”
“I love you too, Kitten,” his face softened until he heard Max calling his name outside his hotel door. “Send me lots of pictures, baby, I wanna see my gorgeous girl having fun.”
Nessa burst into the room as you ended the call and ripped the pillow away from your arms. “Get up, bitch, the taxi is here.”
The bar had changed a lot since you last went, the atmosphere more akin to a club than a pub, and you narrowed your eyes at Nessa who just grinned back. “You said it was a chill night out.”
“I lied,” she said with a shrug. “We can go back if you’d rather get in a fight over monopoly?”
 You cringed at the thought so she dragged you through the busy room and straight to the bar. 
“Holy shit, we have royalty in the house,” an old school friend greeted as he tended to the bar. “Did Monaco get too busy?”
“Not quite, Mark, I’m just back for a family reunion.” He placed your old favourite drink down without having to ask and you quirked an eyebrow at it.
“I have a good memory, but it might taste better than it did in the old plastic cups we drank out of,” he laughed before pouring a bourbon for Nessa. “Milady.”
He wandered off to serve someone else and you turned to Nessa. “You and Mark?”
“A few times, you know, just a bit of fun,” she said as she winked at him when he glanced back. “Oh, head down, Andrew’s here.”
You ducked into her arms and kept your head down until she said you were safe and sighed with relief. “Jesus, everyone really does come here. Is there any other bar around?”
“If you want to catch an STD off the bar top, sure. Plus, your high school sweetheart will probably find his way to Ruby’s later anyway.”
“We dated for like four months, I wouldn’t call him my highschool sweetheart,” you scoffed. 
Nessa’s brow lifted. “Need I remind you he took your V Card? Your first always has a teeny tiny place in your heart.”
“Not mine, and Danny took my A Card so that trumps it.”
“A Card…?” she trailed off before her eyes widened in realisation. “Ew gross. Did it hurt?”
“I’m not telling you anything.”
“Whatever, we both know how you get after a few drinks.” She grabbed your phone and held it up as she raised her glass and you clinked them together before tipping them back. “Perfect. And done.”
You barely caught your phone as she carelessly tossed it back and you saw she hadn’t sent it to Danny but uploaded it to Instagram. “Fucksake, Nessa, you left the location on.” 
You had learned quite quickly that most of the people that followed you only used it to see updates Daniel might not have posted himself, including using the locations of your posts thinking Daniel would be with you. It had led to a few scary situations before you learned to keep your location off or at least generalised - but she had tagged the Old Oak Inn.
Taking another photo with a pout, you posted it with the caption, ‘half of my soul is half a world away, miss you danielricciardo’ and hoped it would stop some people within driving distance from making the pointless journey hoping to see Danny.
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You opened the photo again and zoomed in to see Andrew in the background, his eyes clearly looking at your ass when the camera snapped.
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“What made you happy all of a sudden?” Nessa asked as she returned with fresh drinks.
“Danny’s on his way,” you giggled nervously as you clutched your phone to your chest.
“I thought he couldn’t come.”
“He couldn’t, and he shouldn’t, but I don’t think there’s anyone with the balls to stop him. He can be a little stubborn sometimes.” It was a severe understatement and if he wasn’t such a good driver you were certain he would have been fired for some of the escapades he found himself in because he got a little overprotective and possessive when he was away from you. “Christian Horner offered me a job just so I could be wherever Daniel was and keep him in line, but I think it was a joke.”
“You need to accept it, joke or not, your man is whipped for you.”
You took a sip of your drink before you spilled the truth about who really did the whipping and pondered the idea you had initially laughed off. You could still work a similar role with Red Bull, so maybe it shouldn’t have been brushed off so quickly. For tonight, you would focus on having fun with Nessa and catching up with old friends.
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Saturday You groaned at the dawn light that brightened the room as the curtains were ripped aside and rolled over. “Nessa, piss off.”
“Something bothering you, kitten?”
You probably looked like a zombie coming to life as you threw your blankets back and rushed up to meet Daniel as he climbed onto the bed. The old frame creaked unused to the extra weight on it but you didn’t care if it collapsed, you weren’t letting go of Daniel once he was in your arms. 
“You’re actually here,” you murmured against his lips when you finally broke apart to breathe. You had kept looking over your shoulder all night expecting him to appear but when the bar closed and he still hadn’t arrived your hope had simmered down.
His smile was blinding as he brushed your messy hair back and buried his face in your neck with a deep inhale. He was a cat high on catnip the moment his nose brushed your racing pulse and he guided you back into the sheets as he caged you beneath him. “Told you I’d see you soon.”
“My parent’s room is next door,” you whispered as his hips settled between your legs and he teased you when he rolled them against you.
“Then I suggest you find something to bite,” he chuckled, his fingers slipping into your panties and feeling how your body had instantly reacted to his touch, “because I have missed you so much. I just need to feel you around me. right now.”
His lips parted and he sighed at the pretty sight as he dragged your panties down your legs. “There’s my pretty kitty,” he mused as he shuffled down the bed so he could settle between your legs, kissing your thighs softly as he reacquainted himself after three days apart. “Have you missed me?”
“Like crazy.”
“She thinks I’m talking to her,” he whispered and you felt the warmth of his breath on the sensitive spot he was confessing to. You giggled at the silly man and squirmed with the silent plea for him to stop talking and do more, the bed creaking with the movement. Daniel grabbed your hips and held them still so the bed fell silent before shaking his head with an amused smirk. “Impatient little minx.”
Rather than take the taste you knew he wanted, he flipped you onto your knees and pushed your head into the pillow to silence the sounds that spilled forth as he curled two fingers into your cunt. A few flicks of his wrist were the only preparation he gave your body before his shorts were halfway down his thighs and he replaced his fingers with his cock. 
Your pillow heated with the heavy moan that filled it and it grew damp as your teeth clamped down on the satin slip. It had only been three days but the burn of the stretch danced the fine line between pleasure and pain until he reached around your hip and found your clit. 
“Fuck you’re tight, kitten,” Daniel grunted, his lip almost bleeding as he bit it to keep quiet and pulled back a little so you could acclimate to his size again. “You okay, baby?”
You answered by pushing yourself back, needing him as much as he needed you, and you relished in the full feeling when your ass met his body. His heavy breathing broke the quiet morning and he covered your back, pressing his lips to your spine and following the line to your neck. 
“Lay down for me.”
Unwilling to part with you for a moment, he helped you onto your stomach and carefully shifted until his legs were outside of yours and your thighs pressed together. The pillow muffled your moans as the position increased the feeling of fullness and he rode you with long smooth strokes, keeping the bed from creaking.
“Three days was too much, kitten,” he confessed quietly as he kissed your shoulder. “I can’t go a day without you. Want you with me, always.”
Despite the exhaustion of the late night and early wake up, you weren’t able to get back to sleep, even with Daniel there to spoon you. A knock at your door had put an end to that plan and you were reminded that everyone was getting ready to go to the lake for a day out on the water.
Everyone except Vanessa were surprised to see Daniel joining you for breakfast and you got the best pick of the cooked meal while they all fawned over the celebrity.
“Alright, alright, leave him be,” you said as you moved them along and handed him a plate you had filled before sitting on his lap. Seats were in short supply with so many people coming and going that you were happy to share one. “I know he’s a bit weird but try to treat him normally.”
“Morning, Sugar,” Nessa teased quietly as she took the seat beside him.
“Ness…meet Daniel, officially,” you said, since she had seen him on a video call.
“We met this morning, didn’t we, Sugar? Who do you think let him in? We had a great chat about you.”
She was finding it too amusing and Daniel’s shoulder bounced with a laugh as he stuffed bacon into his mouth to avoid commenting. “I thought you were joking.”
“I told you, cousins always tell the truth,” he chuckled before kissing your cheek. “She didn’t tell me anything new though; I already knew you were smart and beautiful.”
“She was just saying that so she could keep the Givenchy dress she stole.”
“Pfft, not true, but I can totally play it up if you want to part with the Jimmy Choos too.” She turned her attention to Daniel who had been thoroughly enjoying the interaction while idly massaging your hip. “Did she tell you that she climbed up a tree to save a cat? The fire department gave her a medal for it. Or this one time she single-handedly stopped a bank robbery.”
“Oh my god,” you snorted at the absurdity.
“Don’t get me started on how she took down an international crime syndicate with a muscle car.”
“Who am I? Vin Diesel? Just shut up.”
“No, no, give me more,” Daniel encouraged. “I thought Lando was imaginative but this is next level.”
You could see the moment her train of thought was lost and a sly smile grew. “Think you could introduce me?”
“To Lando? No way, you would eat him alive.”
“Come on, I introduced you to Drew so you owe me.” You felt Danny’s hand stop the calming circles and wished she had kept her mouth shut as he asked who Drew was. “Andrew, her first boyfriend, well only boyfriend before you, I thought you would have known, my bad.”
Breakfast was fairly quiet after that and you knew Daniel had questions he was just waiting to ask when he got you alone. Fortunately, you could put them off for a few hours as you all set off to the lake, the distraction of you in a bikini enough to placate him in the meantime.
“So this Andrew…” he stated as he pulled you into his arms and waded out deeper into the warm water. “Why haven’t I heard about him?”
“Because it was years ago?”
“Did you love him?”
“I was 17, I didn’t know what love was,” you laughed as you combed your fingers through his hair. “Are you jealous?”
“No,” he scoffed, but it was clearly a lie.
“Baby, you’re the only man I have ever loved, and the only one I will ever love - with one exception.” His eyes narrowed and you giggled as you kissed his cheek. “If we have a kid someday and it’s a boy, then I would love him too.”
The corners of his eyes wrinkled with the smile that split his face. “I suppose I could live with that.”
“Good, so forget about Andrew. You are everything I want and need.”
“So long as I don’t have to cross paths with the bastard that took your innocence.”
There were only two days left before you flew back to Monaco, what were the chances?
Click here for part seven.
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aperrywilliams · 1 year
They Will Never (Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader)
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(Not my gif. Credits to the creator!)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer's girlfriend is jealous. During the Christmas party at their daughter's school, the other moms don’t stop hitting on him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+; Minor DNI. Suggestive and dirty talk. Smut (fade to black) at the end of the fic. If I forgot something, let me know.
A/N: I’m back!!!! This past months have been a rollercoaster in many ways. Well, talking about this fic, it could be a sequel from "That Wicked Love" multipart I wrote a while ago. Nonetheless, it could be read as a stand-alone.
I never thought it would be easy. When I discovered that I was pregnant and Spencer wasn't going to support me, I was sure the world had ended.
There were weeks of thinking over and over again about what I would do with my life. Then I decided I would have Olivia, and that's it.
I don't regret my decision. Liv is my little girl, and I love her with all my heart, but motherhood is hard.
Since Olivia was born, my life has mostly revolved around her. Being a mother is a full-time job. But I have been managing the best I could. I continued working after she was born, and with time, some of my personal life returned too.
However, the stability of our little family was broken when a bloody bastard kidnapped my little girl two years ago. She was four back then.
That wasn't enough, though.
What were the chances of Spencer working on my daughter's kidnapping case?
I forgot to mention that I never told him I would continue my pregnancy, so it was a surprise for him to see me and know that he had indeed been a father.
Fortunately, Spencer’s team recovered Olivia and three more kids kidnapped by the same guy.
What followed was a rollercoaster of events and emotions. Spencer wanted to be in Liv’s life, and although I swore never to talk to him again, I couldn't deny my daughter of her father.
He showed regret and swore that leaving me alone while pregnant was the worst thing he had done in his life. He looked genuinely sorry, and he wanted to make it up to Olivia.
Against the odds, I let him.
He became the best dad for my girl. Since then, he has been for her at every step.
The problem? Having him close awoke those feelings I thought were buried the day he left.
I tried to ignore it. I really tried. Even if he never did something to make me uncomfortable in our co-parenting roles, I did feel off with it.
I still loved him. And months after, Spencer confessed that he still loved me too.
Would it be a bad idea? Maybe. But I left my heart to speak louder than my brain. That's why we have been dating for the past three months.
So you can guess how odd it is having your daughter’s dad as a boyfriend. Some people think we are married or living together when we are not. Others believe we are just co-parenting and don’t have a relationship.
Usually, I don't care what people think. But right now I wish things between us were clearer to the world, specifically for the moms who had Spencer cornered in the venue of this year’s school Christmas party.
Am I jealous? Yeah. But how could I not be? Spencer is the epitome of the young-hot dad, caring and lovely. And polite. Very very polite. So much so that even if he had noticed their advances, he hadn’t said anything. Maybe he likes that.
This has me overthinking, and I wouldn't say I like it because it brings all kinds of insecurity thoughts to my mind.
Right now, for example, instead of going to interrupt this obscene flirtation, I'm walking to the opposite side to check if Olivia needs anything. I can't bring myself to do something different.
It didn't help to hear part of their conversation when I was passing by a while ago.
“Your wife is a lucky girl, then,” Kimberly chimed, patting Spencer’s forearm.
“My what?” the man asked, confused.
“Your wife? Olivia's mom?” Kim explains, tilting her head. Then Spencer realizes she’s talking about me.
“Oh! No, actually, we are not married,” he corrected. God, Kimberly’s eyes go wide as if she found a gold mine. The rest of the moms there reacted in the same way.
I have nothing against that fact, but with them knowing it? It's like a door was opened. A door to the shameless coquetry, and I hate it.
I knew Spencer wouldn’t be consciously flirting with them, but seeing him laugh at their jokes and don’t even flinch when one of them gripped his forearm not only made me see red.
It was even worst: it made me self-conscious.
I know it's an irrational feeling. Of course I know there are people better than me in many things. I wouldn't pretend to be a superwoman or something close to that. But since Olivia started preschool, I have been feeling less than the other moms. At first, it was because I was raising her alone and working simultaneously. I couldn't make it to every school event or whatever they planned during the year. Now, also, there is the fact that it’s Spencer who can fulfill that role, and I still can’t. He is the cool dad with a cool job. And there are cool moms with cool jobs too, who he’s talking to at this precise moment.
Doing the math, it doesn't look like I could be up to that kind of expectation.
For the rest of the evening, I avoided being close to Spencer and the other moms. Instead, I focused on the kids and that Olivia could have fun at the party. After all, it was the primary purpose of this activity.
The ride home was mostly silent. I tried to concentrate on driving and not look at Spencer from the corner of my eye. Liv was fast asleep in the back seat.
The streets were filled with snow, and you could see the Christmas lights on the windows of each building we passed. The ambient was clearly festive, but I didn't feel or look that way.
Maybe Spencer felt something was off, but I guess he didn't want to bring it up in the car. He only made some random comments about the party, and for all of them, he got from me a curt hum in response.
When I parked, he took hold of a sleepy Olivia in his arms and helped me upstairs.
It was a well-known routine since we told Liv that Spencer was her dad, and she warmed up to him. Every time we got to my apartment after an afternoon together, he carried our daughter to her room and got her ready for bed. The little girl would open her eyes and demand a bed story from her dad.
Spencer loves reading to her, even if he knows most of the stories by heart. That's one of the many things they share as father and daughter, and I try to give them the space to do that. That's why this time, like others, I headed to the kitchen to make myself some tea.
With a mug in hand, and after switching on the Christmas tree lights, I plopped on the couch. I didn't notice before how much my feet hurt. What can I say? The afternoon’s overthinking even dimmed my body aching.
Great, now I can add ‘old and wasted’ to my self-deprecation list.
I let my eyes be entertained by the colored lights, wondering if I was being overdramatic. My thoughts were interrupted by Spencer sitting beside me.
“I couldn't finish the story, and she had already fallen asleep,” he announced, lifting my legs so they could rest on his lap. Thoughtlessly, he started rubbing my feet.
Silence took over the room. I tried to concentrate on the pleasant feeling of his hands on my aching feet, but my face sure didn't hide my sour mood.
“What's wrong?” Spencer asked cautiously, inspecting my features. I tried to play ignorant.
“Uh? What do you mean?” I lied. Spencer frowned.
“You are too quiet. You didn't say anything during the car ride, and I could tell you avoided me most of this afternoon,” he recounted.
Shit. Obviously, he noticed.
“I’m just tired,” I lied again. I didn't want to explain what was bothering me. It was silly, and I felt stupid for it. He was about to say something to question my answer, but I didn't let him.
“Maybe you should go home. I think it's better I go to bed,” I pointed, detaching my feet off his lap and sitting straight on the couch. By all means, I avoided making eye contact because I knew he would realize what I was trying to do.
During the past months, he had spent the night at mine before, but it wasn’t a habitual thing. We decided to take it slow, and neither he nor I had put pressure on that matter.
Spencer’s frown deepened, nonetheless.
“Okay. I’ll go,” he announced. “But first you need to tell me what is bothering you. I don’t bite the ‘tired’ thing,” he declared, shifting his posture on the couch to have a better look of me.
“Nothing is wrong,” I repeated, but my voice sounded even less convincing than before. The man hummed, thinking about what to say first.
“Did you know that in the US the 95% of people who are asked for a confirmation to a statement actually lie about it?” He commented. I huffed, already feeling trapped.
“Great. Now is where your 187 is displayed,” I said under my breath. It was a thought that wasn’t meant to be said at loud. But it slipped.
Spencer tilted his head.
“Hey! Now I’m worried. What happened? What did I do?” he asked in a high pitch tone, scooting to my side. I shook my head, sighing.
Maybe it was better to get clean and tell him everything.
“You - you didn't do anything. I mean, yeah. You were there, all cute and sexy. It's your fault! And they? They were all over you, gawking at you as someone looks at their prey!” I grumbled.
“They?” Spencer asked in confusion.
“The other moms, Spencer! Now you will tell me you didn't notice?” I scoffed, folding my arms over my chest and placing some distance between us on the couch.
“You mean at the party? No way. That not happened,” he refuted, shooking his head.
The bastard was denying the most obvious thing! That made anger fill my body, and I had to stand and start pacing. It was that or scream at the man.
At the loss of words, Spencer stood too, following my pace with his gaze.
I knew he could see the fuming escaping from my ears, but I didn't care.
He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to start. I bet my pacing in the room wasn’t helping him.
“(Y/N)...” he mumbled softly to catch my attention. I turned to see him. His confused look only fueled my irritation.
“Fuck, Spencer! How can you be so clueless? They were hitting on you! God, if it were up to them, you'd already be tied to their bed frame,” I shouted, hands waving in the air to accentuate my point.
Spencer’s eyes widened.
“What? That's not true. They were being nice. That's all,” Spencer defended. Sure, he has to be oblivious right now. I would have punched him to make him realize the truth.
“Nice, uh? I didn't know nice meant touching the guy in front of the whole people every chance they got. Or are you going to deny they did that, uh, genius?” I sneered now with my hands on my hips. My blood was boiling inside as I remembered the scene.
Spencer cleared his throat. He was recalling those details, and they were hitting him now. Cautiously he took a step forward, hands trying to reach mine.
“Hey, don’t get upset. I - I didn't see that. I’m sorry,” he said, stepping in front of me and prying my arms from their position on my hips. His fingers traced delicate patterns on the back of my palms.
“I should have seen it. I didn't think it was something like that. You know I’m pretty stupid in that kind of thing. I’m really sorry,” he apologized.
I really wanted to stay angry, but seeing those puppy dog ​​eyes, looking intently at me made it difficult.
Argh! Why just one look from him it's all that it takes to feel my knees go weak?
“Don't look at me like that!” I protested.
“Like what?” He asked, kind of amused by the reaction he provoked in me.
“Like you were an innocent pigeon. All men are the same, honestly,” I complained, leaving the grasp of his hands. A new rush of anger came quickly. Spencer pursed his lips; he could tell the reason why I was upset wasn’t just the moms flirting with him.
Before I could turn and walk away, Spencer stopped me grabbing my hand and squeezing it gently so I could look at him.
“Please, don’t go. I’m sorry I didn't notice. But you know why I didn't? Because they are not you,” he declared, intertwining our fingers and grasping our hands with his free one. I looked at him, with some treacherous tears fighting to come out.
He continued.
“They are not you. You are the only one that can get my attention that way,” he declared, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss my knuckles.
“I’m not that special, you know?” I mumbled, pursing my lips to stop the tears.
There it was. The intrusive thought in my mind replayed over and over since it hit me this afternoon.
Spencer narrowed his eyes, realizing there was more than jealousy because of him.
“Don’t say that. Of course you are that special, and much more!” He rebutted, and I chuckled bitterly.
“Am I? I mean, why would you be happy with me when you can get a successful well-manicured super mom like them?” I pointed.
“What are you talking about? What is that thing about super moms?” he asked, now taking hold of both my hands.
I sighed. It was something that was hard to explain, even to me. I left the grasp of his hands, running mine through my hair, collecting my thoughts.
“Look. I don't expect you can fully understand it. Honestly, I think I can’t understand it either. It's just - I don’t know. Sometimes I think I’m not doing enough. I’m not a successful businesswoman with a six-year-old daughter, a nice car, all dolled up, perfect makeup, and baking cupcakes for the whole school, like Kimberly, you know?” I shrugged, feeling small and vulnerable.
Of all that people, I chose to compare myself with Kimberly Garland. The incarnation of a super mom. She was known as a successful CEO at a technological company. Mom of three and recently divorced. She always shows up to school activities, no matter what. And not only that, she actively participates, whether cooking, taking care of the ornaments and decorations, or whatever it needed.
How could you compete to that?
“And do you think that no being like her is a bad thing?” Spencer asked me.
Did I believe that? Perhaps I did.
“Maybe it is. Don’t you think Liv deserves a mom like that? Or you a girlfriend like that? I saw you talking to her today, and I couldn't stop thinking she could offer more than I could.”
It hurt to say those words out loud, but they were the ones plaguing my thoughts at the time.
Spencer's face softened. Great, now I'm sure he felt pity for me.
“She can’t. Kimberly or whoever you’re comparing to. You're an excellent mom, (Y/N). And the best girlfriend I can ask for," Spencer stated now strocking my cheek.
I felt silly making a fuss but the insecurities were there. I couldn't help it. The embarrasment made me downcast my gaze to the floor.
“My sweet girl. Look at me, please," he asked, tilting my chin up. I did so, my cheeks turning red under his gaze.
“Olivia is a lucky little girl, you know? She has the best mom in the world. A mom who loves her and would do whatever it takes so she can be happy and safe. Who cares if you can’t be in all those school activities? Not her, because she knows you love her. It doesn't matter if you are not a company CEO. You have your job, and thanks to that our daughter has had everything she needs. You took care of her alone in her first years. On top of that, you have always sought her well-being and happiness. You let me be in her life even after I hurt you years ago. I will always be grateful that you did,” he said, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.
“She deserves having her father around,” I pointed. It was a decision that I made when we spoke again after Olivia’s kidnapping. Although my hurt feelings, I couldn't deny my daughter of her father if he genuinely wanted to be in her life. Our problems as adults didn't have to be a problem for her.
“And she deserves the wonderful mom she has,” Spencer declared, kissing my forehead. I blushed at the compliment.
“Now, regarding this relationship,” he began pointing between the two of us. “You have nothing to worry about. They don't stand a chance, and you know why? Because they don't even compare to the most beautiful, smart and brave person I've ever met. Who owns a small bookstore downtown, and my heart. The woman I fell in love with the moment I saw her—the mother of my child. Who gave this idiot a chance to be in her life again even when he didn't deserve it. They are not you, my sweet girl. They will never be, and that's why I could never even look at them the way I look at you.“
Fuck Spencer Reid and his ability with words.
“You mean it?” I asked tentatively. Still unsure if he was being serious.
“Of course I mean it. I’m here for the long run, and I hope someday - sooner or later - we can take the next step. I want everything with you, (Y/N), but I’ll go at your pace. I promise.”
I couldn't help the giggles that left my lips.
Could love make you this way? I felt lighter and confident. Spencer's words made me see that I have no reason to sulk that way.
“Keep talking like that, and you'll get the world, Dr. Reid," I stated, now wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled.
“I don't need to get it. I already have it with you,” he said, giving a peck to my nose.
"You're a sap," I teased.
"And you love it,” he added, leaning down to kiss me. I happily obliged and kissed him back, tightening my grasp on his neck. His hands planted on my hips to keep me steady.
The kiss deepened, and only we parted when the need for air was too much.
He looked at me with a devilish smirk on his face.
“You know?” he started, kissing my cheek and then my jaw. “There is only one bedframe I would rather be tied to right now. And there is only one person I wish would do indescribable things to me as I’m tied up at her mercy,” he whispered in my ear, and immediately, I felt shivers down my spine.
“Spencer, don’t. That's not helping,” I mumbled with my eyes fluttering shut.
“Isn’t it? Why? Are you thinking about it right now?” He teased. The bastard knew what he was doing. “You would like to see me all tied up, waiting for my sweet girl to do what she wants? Would you like to be in control and show those moms who own me?” he asked, as his lips left traces of kisses on my neck. His hot breath was hitting on my skin and making my desire grow.
“Spencer,” I moaned, lost in his words and eager for his touch.
"Tell me what you want. I'll give you anything," he whispered in my ear, hands running down my sides, giving me goosebumps.
“You. I want you.” Those words left my lips like a prayer—the utter confession of desire and pent-up tension. Spencer grunted.
“You already have me. I’m yours,” he murmured, pulling up the hem of my shirt, so his hands could sneak under to feel my skin.
“And I’m yours. Totally yours. But I need to feel you,” I confessed. I was so lost in his touch and starved for more.
Spencer understood the meaning of my words, so he kissed me hungrily, walking us backward in the direction of my room.
That night Spencer proved to me, with kisses, caresses, and words of adoration, that my insecurities were unfounded. It's true that I'm not like Kimberly Garland, but I don't have to be. I have a daughter whom I adore and who
loves me, a job that fills me with satisfaction, and a boyfriend that I love and who does an excellent job of showing me how valuable and loved I can be.
Spencer Reid’s Taglist: @dreatine​ @nomajdetective @jayyeahthatsme @rosalinasam2 @averyhotchner @tvandfanfic​ @lovelyxtom @princessmiaelicia @pastelbabygirl19  @reidsbookclub @alexxavicry @gspenc @spencerreidisbae123 @calmspencer @pauline5525mgg @disaster-in-waiting @pebble-has-a-mirgraine @anamiad00msday @chlochlosworld @milivanili99
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livelaughlovesubs · 5 months
Rara’s unholy board story
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(But I don’t have his artefact so only the first half-)
Anyway, I made this into a fic and connected some sentences. But I changed some wordings too, cuz they just made no sense or were difficult to read. Hopefully you don’t mind. Also, it could be that I made mistakes cuz it’s so long
Dom!reader x sub!raphael (that’s the direction the story took)
!Warning!: CNC (rape play), Bondage, chocking, SM play, marking, biting, punching, spitting, exhibition kink (he is being displayed in a club) and tell me if I forgot somehting
Word count: 8.5k (can’t believe I actually read through all that, multiple times ;-;)
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“Phew...”Minhyeok's sighed, the warm breath formed something white and disappeared into the sky. Although Minhyeok didn't know, there were many eyes watching him nearby. One of the passengers whispered to their friend, “So handsome, is he alone?” “There's no way a handsome guy like that would be alone on Christmas.”A young woman's excited voice scattered throughout the cold, clear air.
“Uncle Minhyeok!!”Between voices of the conversing pair, a particularly loud and lovely voice reached him. The owner of the voice energetically made his way to Minhyeok, a black haired child ran into his arms.
Soon, another familiar voice reached his ears. “I made you wait.” Minhyeok smiled gently: “It's alright.” A man who looked like the child's father spoke to Minhyeok. The father and son also breathed out white air as they stood leisurely next to him. “Brother! You're here! What about your wife?” Minkyeok asked while patting his nephews head. His older brother responded, “Your sister-in-law is preparing Christmas presents at home. She told me to leave quickly before I get in her way.”
Now, it was the man whom Minhyeok called 'brother' who patted the head of the boy who was still hanging on to Minhyeok. That’s right, your best friend also had a married older brother who lived far apart from his parents who lived overseas. Minhyeok's brother was always concerned about leaving his studying little sibling at home alone, and brought his own family and Minhyeok to his wife's family this Christmas. Since Minhyeok knew that his brother was kind, accepted it gratefully. The three had come to a large, nearby park to see a 5-meter tall Christmas tree. It was completely dark and the lights on the trees seemed to shine unusually brightly.
“Is y/n alright?” The slightly taller male asked, turning to look at Minhyeok without even looking at the tree. “Yeah.”Minhyeok answered shortly. “I haven't seen them for a while now. Where did they go on a day like this? That y/n, without saying anything to me.” His tone was more that of a worried parent than disappointmentYou had also hung out with Minhyeok's brother like a childhood friend when they were young, so Minhyeok's brother thought of you as part of his family.
The little brother said, “She has a job to do. Still. She'll be sure to be back soon.”For some reason, Minhyeok couldn't meet his brother's eyes and lowered his own, then took his 5-year-old nephew who was under his legs into his arms as if to hide it. When his nephew's small palms hung around Minhyeok's neck, the child's characteristic warmth moved onto him. “Is she studying abroad or something..?”Minhyeok didn't answer and instead turned to look at the tree, until the little kid in his arms questioned him again, “Uncle Minhyeok, what did you ask for from Santa??”His nephew asked with expectation eyes, his uncle looked right back into the eyes of his adorable nephew, and stroked his flowing cheek with his index finger. “Although I probably can't get anything from Santa now... If I can, l'd like to ask him for the peace of someone precious to me.””Peace? What is peace? Does it mean you get stronger? How can you be at peace?”Those innocent eyes further questioned the male.
Minhyeok smiled gently, “This is peace. Where no one around you becomes hurt or dies, where everyone understands each other, and people can do what they want.” After finishing his explanation, his eyes turned to the star at the top of the tree. The stars were shining under a separate set of lights from the tree itself. “I want her to live like that where she is right now.”Minhyeok's voice seemed wistful. His brother stared wordlessly at him, but his nephew loosened his flowing cheeks into a huge smile. “Let's ask Santa! I hope your wish comes true!” The innocent smile made Minhyeok's eyes into a brighten. “Yeah. I hope it does.”Said Minhyeok, patting his nephew on his head. The star on top of the tree in front of him continues shining brightly.
Abyssos was flourishingly packed on this day of Christmas as well. In Abyssos, a country of gourmet food and a nation of revelers, it was natural to want to do anything that involves drinking and talking. The streets were alive with dancers in samba-like costumes even in the cold, and the smell of delicious food wafted through the air. Loud music was playing and the sounds of drinking and enjoyment echoed here and there.
‘Samba has nothing to do with Christmas though…’ was what passed your mind. It wasn't like Christmas, but it was befitting of Abyssos. In that place of such atmosphere, you felt dumbfounded but relieved at the same time. You came here under the invitation of devils from Abyssos and upon hearing that the Christmas parties in Abyssos were held splendidly, you just had to come.
“You just thought that the atmosphere in the streets have nothing to do with Christmas, right?”Said Naberius, bringing a roast turkey on a skewer he'd bought from a stall to your mouth. He was by no means offended by what you said, since he simply said it because he read your thoughts, but you felt somehow guilty and denied it hard. “No, I wasn't, nope.” But you accepted the skewer, realizing in hindsight that Naberius didn't mean it as a finger wag, but as a sincere meaning of telling you to "eat". Then, Naberius also nibbled on the turkey. “Ooh, this turkey surely feels like Christmas. It's delicious!” You said, after trying it. “I had this prepared as soon as I knew you were coming. I found out that humans eat things like chicken or turkey on Christmas.”Naberius offered the skewered turkey to your mouth again. You lifted it to your mouth and glanced at Naberius, wiping some of the sauce from the corner of your mouth. It was a little embarrassed in retrospect, because it didn't seem at all lover-like... But more like he was treating you like a child.
“Hey! Don't take my juice!!” “Huh? Did this belong to Stolas? I thought it was mine because it was in front oh me.” “I was holding on to it, how is it yours?!”On the other side next to you, Amon and Stolas were fighting over juice made from a bowl of fruit from the stall. Sandwiched between Naberius, Stolas, and Amon, you walked through the streets of Abyssos, barely making any progress as they kept stopping at every stall.
Eventually, you got curious about the well-being of the acting king, “How's Bael?”You felt rather melancholy at the shadow who alone wasn't here, although you wanted to meet everyone you wanted since you were here. “Working. As always. It's sad, although it's Christmas.” Amon responded, a hint of pity flashed across his features. “You have jobs to do too. I'm the only one who was ordered to guide.” Naberious said. Amon only answered out of pity for Bael, but Naberius looked dumbfounded.
“So what? It's been a while since I last went out for Christmas too.”Stolas dug into the meat happily. “Stolas, do you normally not celebrate Christmas?”When you asked dubiously to Stolas, he shook his head. “Hmm. Everyone is simply happy by the fact that it's Christmas for some reason. That annoys me and makes me want to kill them, so I don't go outside.” The black haired male took another bite from his skewer. “Stolas normally shuts himself in a dark room at this time. He's quite mature, unlike his looks.”
Amon said with a smile while recalling Stolas in his normal years, but it seemed to have triggered Stolas' inferiority complex as he yelled back. “What?! I'm an adult! Are you complaining about my looks too?! Shall I kill you then?!”
‘Dissatisfied at people who enjoy Christmas... I think I understand him a little.’ You didn't hate them to the point you wanted to kill them, but you could sympathize with Stolas to some extent. “I also don’t have many memories about Christmas. Y/n, make good memories with me today!” The devil with the unicorn horn nudged your shoulder. Just as you were about to feel compassion for Amon's lack of memories, Naberius slapped the back of Amon's head with a loud thud. “That's because you always hide and sleep, regardless of whether it's Christmas or not! Christmas is noisy like this every year so we have to go and patrol the place!”Even when Naberius blamed Amon, Amon didn't even make eye contact with him, and just took your hand and put it next to his cheek.
“Ha ha... Oh, anyway. You celebrate Christmas in Hell too.”You felt a little embarrassed at Amon's action and spoke up as if to hide it. Naberius walked next to you and looked around. “We're not exactly celebrating anything. We just need a reason to chat. Before the war broke out, everyone was celebrating every day, even the birthdays of people they didn't even know. I honestly think it's good that things are a little more subdued now.”Said Naberius, but he was actually hiding a degree of loneliness.
You hastily changed the subject again at his expression, “Is there no such thing as Santa?” Then, something warm climbed on your shoulder before waiting for Naberius to reply.
“Satan’s here.”Before you could react to the familiar voice, Naberius reacted first. “Your Majesty...!”It was Beelzebub, the king of Abyssos who stood behind the four of you and placed his hand on your shoulder. “You're back?!” “It's his Majesty...! It's his real Majesty...!!”The devils spoke without hiding their joy. When Beelzebub was in front of them, they looked like young men and not soldiers.
“I heard y/n was coming. But humans need Santa on Christmas!”Beelzebub winked, with a white bag over his shoulder. “So, here. Take this. A present for our y/n. I thought you would need it. This is for Naberius. I have something for you too.”the tanned man took presents out of his white bag like a real Santa and passed things around. “Thank you!!”Naberius thanked him, then opened the adorably wrapped small box he was given, he found a doll of a dog with glasses. The doll had a horizontal crack in the center, and you could open it up like a box, which you could open again to reveal a smaller doll of a dog, and you could open it up to reveal an even smaller doll of a dog...
‘A dog Matryoshka?’ You thought to yourself, you had seen similar ones in souvenir shops on Earth. Beelzebub grinned brightly, “I found it while wandering around other countries. It seemed to resemble you.”Afterwards he gave Amon an unicorn keyring, a pendant to Stolas, a T-shirt of the country flag for Bael...
“They all suit them.”Beelzebub smiled like an innocent boy. “Your Majesty! I am elated!! Thank you!!” Naberius stared at the small doll. Stolas hold the pendant in his hand and eyed it up and down, “Ooooh, it's nice. I'll decorate my room with this!”The subjects who received presents were most honored and happy. If they had tails, they would be wagging them like crazy. “I will treasure it until my next life...!” Amon whispered, which you thought was a little over the top.
“Ha ha ha, sure. Y/n, open yours too.” Beelzbub seemed eager to see your reaction and handed the bag to you. “Okay!” You were quite exited too, wondering if your present was a souvenir from another country too. When you opened the wrappings and put your hand inside the envelope, it seemed like there were more than one thing inside. Suspicious, you reached inside and find a devil's red horned headband in your hand. Other than that, there were red wings of a devil, a red leash with collar, a red ball gag, and a devil's tail.
“…What's this?” You hesitated, holding the items carefully. Beelzebub smiled in satisfaction as you grabbed the devil's tail, which had breads at the end to insert into your bottom, and uttered in disbelief. “I thought it would suit you perfectly! You can role-playing a devil with this, or just use and enjoy it comfortably as you want. He winked at you as he spoke, as if he had just purchased a very convenient piece of furniture. ‘It’s certainly something you can only see in hell, getting adult toys for Christmas…’ It was different from the souvenir you imagined, but since beel looked so proud of himself, you decided to protect his ego.
“Yeah, thanks for the thoughts, i’ll…use it well.” You thanked Beelzebub with a small smile, then put his presents back inside the bag and put it between your armpits. “Is this a Christmas miracle that I met his Majesty?!” Said Amon in delight, holding the unicorn keyring to his eyes. “Christmas miracle?” Thanks to Amon, you were able to change the topic at hand. When you returned his unfamiliar words with a question mark, Naberius answered. “Ever since long ago, mysterious things happened to this world on Christmas. So it's natural for strange things to happen on Christmas to us.” He said, hugging the doll-dog he preciously got and nudging his glasses back up.
Beelzebub stroked the back of your head and continued. “According to the rumors, they're phenomenon from a human wish being fulfilled or the work of God... But I also think there's no need to think about things you don't know too.”The tanned man spoke lightly, but his words always seemed to be half joking half truth. ‘I don't think anything can surprise me in Hell now...’ after the extraordinary presents you got, this didn’t seem that strange anymore. You were already aware of the fantasy like connection between Hell and earth, so you were ready to accept anything.
“Y/n, go on a date with me on Christmas too.”Said Beelzebub, bringing his face closer to yours. Your heart instantly sped up at the sudden closeness, maybe because of that handsome face, or because you were feelingly slightly uncomfortable. “Wait for me, I'm going to give presents to the others as well...”Said Beelzebub, before he suddenly stopped talking. Then, he turned immediately and looked up at the sky. “Beelzebub? What's going on?”As you turned with him, wondering what was going on, the sky lit up and some of the clouds that had been spread out opened up. Then a flash of light connected heaven and earth, like a path of light in the air.
Immediately after you perceived it, a deafening explosion erupted at the end of your sight and pummeled your ears. Devils screamed near the place the sound seemed to originate from. It shook the ground, even though it had happened earlier, and wind rustled with the impact.
“What's that.?!”While you widened your eyes and froze with surprise, the two devils moved on right away. “Shall we go?” The king asked his subordinates. “Yes!”Responded the man with glasses. “We'll go first. Your Majesty, please take care of y/n.”At Beelzebub's single sentence, the devils instantly disappeared in the direction of the sound in unison.
You and beelzbub arrived a little later, since he walked with you out of consideration. There it was, the source of the loud sound, you couldn’t make out the figure because it was dusty. The ground on which he had fallen had caved in with many cracks. A shattered stall was covered in rubble nearby, and a devil stood with several meat skewers in his hands.
“Ahh..! Your Majesty! You're here!”The panicked devil in an apron turned pale and ran to Beelzebub. “That guy just fell out of the sky and...! He's been eating my meat and destroying the stalls! He did the same to other stalls, so the neighborhood was pretty much decimated...!”The owner of the stall gestured and pointed to the figure in question that had fallen from the sky. “I see, alright. It's dangerous so you should stay away.”Beelzebub said to the owner and moved closer to the scene.
It was the middle of a street lined with food stalls, and the figure was eating whatever meat he could get his hands on. The devils who were nearby were being protected behind Naberius who had arrived earlier. Naberius bared his teeth and raised his eyebrows to threaten the mysterious figure, while Amon and Stolas stood stern and ready to strike.
“My, this is surprising.” Said Beelzebub, although he wasn't too surprised. ‘Huh? Could that be...!’ You had seen the man in the center of everyone's attention. A blond man with an eye patch and band aids covering the cuts on his face was in the center of the attention. You wanted to ask beelzbub who that was, then your questions got answered by the surrounding Devils.
“I-it's Raphael...!” “Raphael!? Are you talking about Raphael, agent of heavenly punishment!?” “I heard that he annihilated hundreds of devils in armies alone, saying that it's divine punishment...!” “Not only devils...! I heard that he even beheads colleagues if he doesn't like them..!” “He's the Red Angel because he's always soaked in blood!?” “Eek, is that really the angel of carnage? We'll be killed...!!”
The nearby devils stirred with rumors about Raphael and clamored. Standing alone in the center of Abyssos, unperturbed by the chaos around him, the man slowly glared in your direction and bit into the meat skewer in his hand.
“You scum, why are you here? Do you want to die at our hands?”Naberius bared his teeth and snarled with wariness and hatred. Despite his threats, Raphael didn't flinch in the slightest, nonchalantly fiddling with one of his finished skewers. “What for...? Weren't you guys the ones who called me?” Said Raphael, and wiped the gravy from his mouth with the top of his hand. And then, he pointed at each of the destroyed stalls. “It was pretty good, but there were small amounts. That stall is slow in giving me the meat, too clumsy. And that stall over there doesn't have the sauce I want.” Raphael said slowly, folding the skewers in half. “Can you give me what I want?” The blond angel had a threatening aura, he seemed like a beast you couldn't talk to. In contrary to you, Beelzebub stepped in front of you and stroked his chin in observation.
‘What's happening? What is that angel talking about?’ You looked bewildered and said nothing, but so did the devils around you. “Looks like you're not here to have fun. Then... Are you here to have me murder you?” When Beelzebub said with a smile but a murderous look in his eyes, the tension only tightened. “Oh? Do you wish for me to punish you?” A slight smile appeared on Raphael's face. Then, he spat out the meatbone he was chewing at Beelzebub. The bone straight flew at terrifying speed toward Beelzebub, but it missed and hit the wall behind him with a bang.
“You scum, what are you doing to his Majesty!!” Amon put his hand inside his clothes and swiftly drew out a small gun.
Bang bang bang!!!!
Bullet shots could be heard echoing thought the place, but the bullets he shot at Raphael missed him, and dug into the wall precariously behind him. “It missed...!?” Amon looked dubious as though his bullets could never miss, and Beelzebub only stared at him. ‘No way, Amon missed...!’ You winced with nervousness and absentmindedly hugged the bag of gifts Beelzebub had given you.
“Move!!” Ка-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka!! Stolas hugged his beloved Thompsons in both his arms and shot them in quick succession at Raphael. Although Raphael had barely moved, the bullet went off track and dodged him. “Ha!? Why is this happening!!” “Stolas, you should consider the surroundings too!” Naberius warned him. Stolas's bullets hit the stalls around Raphael in turn, creating a honeycomb where there had been no damage before. Just then, Beelzebub who had been watching pulled a whip out of nowhere and attacked Raphael. The curving tip of the whip bounced in front of Raphael like a magnet repelling the same poles.
“Huh...!?” You couldn’t help but gasp out. The definitely strange movement made not only you but also the surrounding devils stir. You were watching nervously in case Raphael used his powers to counterattack. ‘Is there anything | can do...!?’ While you racked your brains in panic, Beelzbub looked deep in thoughts, “Hmm. It looks like that.” The avatar of gluttony murmured and lowered his whip. You stared at Beelzebub's back in puzzlement, as if he had given up the fight. “Beelzebub, what is the meaning of this...? What's like that?” “I told you that strange things happen on Christmas.” “No way... Is it indeed the Christmas miracle?” Wise Naberius seemed vaguely aware of it, though he spoke without as much agitation as you. “Must be. It's a Christmas miracle.” Beelzbub said and turned to look at you. Something clicked in your head, now it made sense, ‘oh…!’
[Ever since long ago, mysterious things happen to this world on Christmas.]
‘Someone's wish must have been granted. But those wishes are always granted in unexpected ways. That's a Christmas miracle.’ That was when you finally recalled Naberius' words. “Does that mean... That's why your attacks won't work?” Raphael frowned and covered his ears with his fingers as you widened your eyes in surprise and spoke in a loud voice. “Shut up... Speak loudly only when you're about to die, human.” At Raphael's lazy, sullen tone, Beelzebub walked slowly toward him and continued. “I think that's why you fell out of the sky. Or, were you banished from Heaven?” Beelzebub sneered.
The angel pointed an uneaten skewer from his hand at the king, “A Christmas miracle...? Shall I try it out? I can keep fighting and kill each other until my attacks do.” Raphael was angry at Beelzebub's behavior and was acting provocatively, while beel didn't hesitate to open his mouth wide in response to Raphael's insolence. Instead, he jammed the skewer Raphael was pointing at him deep into his throat and bit down on it, skewer and all, before Raphael withdrew his hand. The crackle of breaking the thick wooden skewer mixed with the sound of chewing meat. Raphael looked satisfied, and beel swallowed the whole thing, then opened his sauce-covered mouth.
“Alright, follow me. I know a good place. Shall we do it somewhere we can enjoy Abyssos while we're at it?” Beelzebub's smiling face and black aura sent chills down the spines of the devils around him.
“Here.” A few hours after this happened, Bael led you to a store. When Beelzebub said they should go somewhere else, you said you would follow. But Beelzebub looked like he had other plans, “Come here with Bael at night.” And left with those words. He and Naberius helped clean up the wreckage, then returned to the palace to tell Bael about it... And so it came to pass. Anyway, he had left before you could ask him about the location, and it took you some time to find the place he meant. In the end, it was deep into the night when you two arrived.
“That idiot...! He should tell us where if he's going to tell us to come...!” Bael had to figure out where Beelzebub was using only the information he left behind: 'A place to enjoy Abyssos.' The man with the crown opened the door with a trembling hand, as if he was afraid this was the wrong place in the end. “Bael, what kind of store is this?” You ponded, the sign in front of the entrance wasn’t very informative. As you walked through the door and into the store, you were greeted by loud, erotic music and reddish lights. The deeper you went in, the more you heard the customers' devilish cheers.
“Ah, this is the Abyssos SM club.” “Ooh... An SM club... Huhhh..?! An SM club?!” You were startled by Bael's nonchalant reply. “Yeah. Have you never been to one before? That's interesting.” Bael suddenly walked on coolly as though he had entered a karaoke, as if he was used to it, but you in turn felt excited. ‘I always wanted to try. A SM club...! I look forward to it!’ Because you advanced with anticipation, you almost forgot about your original goal. Until you saw a shocking sight in the middle of the room when you entered the spacious interior of the store.
Surrounding Devils were screaming, cheering and laughing, all while pointing their phones in one direction. “Ha ha ha ha! Yeah!” “Resist some more!!” “Look into the camera!” There was a writhing someone chained to a standing seat surrounded by customer devils. His hands were chained together behind his head, and his legs were also bound together tightly. The only thing holding him up was a single leg, and the rest of his body was tangled in multiple chains, immobilized. The bound person was..
“R-Raphael...!!” The angel Raphael who had fallen to Abyssos a while ago. Raphael's pale skin was stained red with chain marks, which seemed to dig into his flesh with every twist and turn of his body. The reddish lights were all on him, he was definitely the highlight of the club.
“W-what's going on?” You widened your eyes at the incomprehensible sight and headed toward the center of the store. Even though he was restricted, he swayed and rattled his chains, looking like a defeated beast in your eyes. “I will kill you!!! Come here!!!”While Raphael groaned and spat, leaving himself to the rage, Beelzebub stood in front of him with a whip and a satisfied look on his face. The moment you and Bael saw Beelzebub, you both ran towards him.
“Beel!” Surprised and confused, Bael reached Beelzebub through the throng of audience devils, and Beelzebub briskly greeted him. “Oh, you're here. Bael, it's been a while. I was waiting. You're late.” “You. What is all this? I thought your attacks didn't work because of the Christmas miracle?” Even though they hadn't seen each other in a long time, Bael was unable to respond to Beelzebub's light tone, as he asked Beelzebub in confusion about what you told him. “We weren't the only ones who couldn't attack, he couldn't attack either. This is probably that wish. I hope everyone can get along or something like that. Anyway, it's a good opportunity, right? If he can't attack, then he can't handle power coming from great numbers, and he went wild as soon as he came so we tied him up, but since we already went through the trouble to tie him up, we might as well teach him about our favorite role-play and have some fun. It was hard tying him up here!”
The carefree man spoke gleefully and struck the floor with a single crack of his whip, the impact of which produced a crackling sound. It wasn't the kind of whip he usually used in attack, but the kind he used for role-play in this shop, with the words [Who the Hell is God?] engraved on the hilt. Now that you looked, the inside of the store was a mess, proof that Raphael had already thrown a huge tantrum.
“The descendant of Solomon is here too!!! Perfect! I will sweep this place at once and bestow divine punishment on both human and devils!!” Raphael exhaled white murderous energy and shook his chained body vigorously, causing a rattling, clanking sound. He was like a furious dog on a leash, and somehow you thought his angry from was pretty adorable. ‘Maybe because this is an SM club... Even when he rebels with wrath, it looks cute.’
“Ha ha ha. How cheerful. True, since he's here, we might as well teach him the fun, devil way or role-play.” Bael laughed at Raphael as though it was funny. He was always gentlemanly and soft toward you, but a devil was indeed a devil. “Right?”Beel also curled the corners of his lips in amusement. “Alright, y/n. I'll leave it to you.” Your heart skipped a beat in surprise at the sudden mention of your name. “Huh? Leave what to me?” “Are you pretending that you don't know?” Beelzebub leaned in close to you and spoke to you in a suggestive manner, his index finger brushing across your chest.
“What we devils all want and like to do, let's have a Christmas party here.” The king standing in front of you closed in, signed into your ear with a low voice, and that alone send a shiver down your spine. For good or bad reasons. “I think you have something we could put to use as well.” He pointed at the bag in your arms. It was the gift you received from Beelzebub earlier, the one you still held in your hand as you ran out of the palace in a panic.
‘Right, I had this...!’ You pulled out the ornaments from your pocket: a devil's red horn, red wings, a ball gag, a necklace, and a red collar. A stereotypical devil cosplay set. Raphael began to struggle more furiously at the sight of the adult toys. “You..!! What are you trying to do to me with that!! Let there be divine punishment!!! No, even if it isn't divine punishment, I-I'll...!!” While Raphael desperately struggled, devils around you laughed and took pictures with their cell phones, you felt a little sympathetic to him. ‘What should I do... Can I do this to an angel...? I wasn’t even planning on using those on him…anyway, SM-play? So I have to take the lead…?’ You fitted the ball gag on Raphael's cursing, yelling mouth. “Shut up.” Your tone was harsh, way more than you intended, you could feel your blood rush at this change of events.
“Mmm-! Mmmph!” Raphael kept yelling under the gag, but you couldn't understand him. While Raphael flailed in all directions, you also put the devil horns on him as well. Damn it, the blondie thought, wondering if he could do anything to the leery chains clinging to his body. Raphael struggled desperately, but whenever he moved, the chains clinked over each other more firmly and tightly. Thanks to them tightening, his movements were even more restrained, you were able to fit the devil wings on him with ease. And when you looked around the club, the sign 'Who the Hell is God?' decorating the walls caught your eyes. It seemed to be the name of the store, which had also been carved on the whip earlier, and the sign was displayed high up as a symbole of this SM club.
“You found something good.” Bael noticed your gaze and took the sign down with his hand. He was also enjoying this strange situation very much. “Thanks.” You took the sign and was about to hang it on Raphael's neck. “Mmm!!! Mmmph!!”The man you were planning on decorating shook his head in displeasure, but the placard which looked like a sign eventually decorated his chest. He glowered even more at you. The look in his eyes said he would never forgive you, a growing and burning hatred present in those red pupils. But that didn't matter to you right now. The devils around you were watching you with expectant eyes, and you had no choice but to do something. Even though you were still baffled by the situation, it didn't stop you from feeling some kind of excitement. What horrible thoughts you were having, to think you weren’t even surprised by the situation. Next, you picked up the necklace and put it on your index finger, twirling it as if to show it to Raphael.
“This will suit you nicely too.” You snickered. “Mmmm-!!” Unlike you, who was in a good mood, Raphael resisted and shook his head vigorously. ‘Don't make me laugh. Do you think I would do anything as disgusting as that?!’ He thought to himself, unable to voice out his opinion. Raphael still growled under the gag, and his spit was already flowing down the ball and his chin. The now furious looking man flailed and struggled to kick you, but his feet obviously never touched you. You took no offence and simply dodged Raphael who kept trying to kick you away. Tugging on the golden cross that adorned Raphael's ear and making him bow his head, then you pressed your lips to his ear.
“Today’s Christmas, isn’t it? Let’s do something fun.”Before he could register your words, you bared your teeth and bit Raphael’s ear. Crunch!! When you set your teeth on Raphael's white, thin ear and bit down, the ear cartilage crunched in your mouth. You receded and blew in his ear. “Ughhh!”Raphael shook his head at your action, and you drew away. His ear had turned red and had distinct teeth marks on it. You looked at the indentation, like the marks of a healed earring hole, and felt a little sad. “I must have not bit hard enough...”
You were deep in thought and looked at Raphael's reddened ear, while he was floundering his chains. “Mmmm!!!! Aghhhh!!” With rage dominating his mind, Raphael was bellowing and groaning like an animal in captivity.
How many humans on Earth would consider him to be an angel?
He looked ready to rip your throat out if only his chains were broken. In particular, he was a Seraph who believed that his beloved God had disappeared because of Hell and humans. This situation where he was a spectacle to humans or devils he considered to be vermin evoked woe and fury Raphael had never felt before. ‘I will do anything to exterminate you!!!’ The angel thought.
Your heart leapt at the sight of Raphael's neat and always scarred face, glaring at you and the devils around you as he glowered at you with murderous intent. The feeling of training and taming a beast who knew nothing other than the feeling of rage filled you, anticipation began to swell in your heart.
‘He really is like a beast...’ That thought flashed your mind multiple times. Even if you felt overwhelmed by Raphael's rage, you thought you would feel like you were losing if you stepped back here.
‘I don't know what exactly I have to do... But let's do what I like first.’ You determined yourself. “I think you need this...” After finishing your sentence, you could feel his eyes wander to your hand. You were unbuckling the red leash and unraveled it completely to loop it into a round shape. Then, you took it behind Raphael's neck while he struggled and kicked, trying to keep you from putting the buckle over him. You payed him no mind, and pulled the end of the belt to make the ring of the collar smaller and smaller before putting it through the hole that fit the size of his neck.
“Ugh, urghhh...”Raphael was being slowly strangled, his scarred face slowly turned red and his resistance weakened. ‘What a pretty expression..!’ You ran your tongue over your lips, your heart pounding at the sight of Raphael being like that. The faster your heart beat, the harder you unconsciously pulled. His consciousness slowly faded as his oxygen was being cut off, but you relaxed your grip at the right time. Then, air began to fill Raphael's body again.
You repeated your actions, chocking him repeatedly. It was addicting, you liked his pitiful expression so much that you felt bad. This continued until you were satisfied, and Raphael's eyes began to bead with tears from physiological reaction.
‘This human... And the devils... I will condemn them with the worst punishment...’ This was the thought Raphael held on to, despite his white, fading consciousness. For you, it was purely an act of mutual pleasure, but for Raphael, it was pure torture. Unlike you and the devils who envied Raphael for his suffering, Raphael's thoughts were filled with humiliation and bitterness. He felt dirty, he felt fury and angry like never before. At least, that’s what he believed.
‘How painful, how pleasant it would feel...!’ You were excited to see him staring at you with tears in his eyes even as he struggled to breathe, it was erotic and fuelled your twisted desires. The uncertainly you once had was now replaced with new confidence. So you smiled at him, all while you felt yourself getting wet between your legs.
“Yeah! He's beginning to make lewd expressions!” The surrounding devils turned feverish at Raphael's pain. Regarding a devil glancing at bills in happiness, you let go of Raphael's neck. “Ha! Cough, cough, huff... puff...”Raphael was collecting oxygen desperately like a drowning man. He wanted more than anything to articulate even under the ball gag, but he couldn't do anything about his body’s survival instinct. You smiled at Raphael who had turned slightly more docile.
“Did you feel good? Everyone is having fun watching you, Raphael. If you make a prettier face, you'll receive even more compliments.”Watching Raphael contort his face in pain made a whirlpool of dark thoughts within you. It’s true that you warmly praised Raphael, but you also wanted to turn him into a complete mess. You reached for Raphael's shirt and slowly pulled it up. Both you and the raucous devils were dazzled by the skin that showed from his abdomen.
‘Pretty...!’ It was a smooth, beautiful one, the reddish lights of the club reflected on his perfect skin. One had no choice but to believe that God made it, a perfection only God could creat.
“Mmmmm!!” Raphael screamed his protests loudly, even to the point of stopping his rapid breathing, but all he could manage was a groan under the ball gag. When his upper body began to emerge from beneath his clothes, it revealed his toned abs, which served as proof of his strength. But what caught your eyes more than his muscles were the numerous body piercings. Chains, buttons, dozens of crosses… all that metal on his body showed his love and loyalty to God, his body was a canvas of his dedication.
“Wow, you have many piercings... It's really sexy.”On Raphael's lightly pigmented body, the silver chain on his belly glistened and looked bewitching in your eyes. Even his devotion to God was only a source of excitement for you here and now, should you feel bad for being a sinner? Raphael had been exposed to the devils and humans he wanted to destroy, and now even his love for God was being watched with an evil eye. This made him feel rage and violation he had never felt before spread throughout his body. “Mmmmm-!!!”The angel groaned endlessly, but you only pulled his clothes up higher. Once you passed the piercings that seemed to be driven into his body, you saw his light pink nipples, and those also had piercings of crosses hanging from them.
“Wow, you even have piercings here!”The excitement was immense, you couldn’t wait and pushed his clothes up to the top, then fixed it under the sign you hung from his neck. ‘Stop!!! Don't touch me!!’ Raphael begged to god in his mind, each time he writhed and struggled, the piercings on his chest also shook. ‘Lovely. Did you... Pierce them yourself?’ You ran your fingers over the piercings that jiggled on Raphael's nipple with a look of pure admiration.
Piercings he wasn't wearing to show anyone, since he never revealed any skin. Watching the hidden thing made you feel as though you saw something special and it bobbed and swayed, the nipples pouted and rose under its weight. Seeing something he obviously had no intention of showing you only turned you on even more. ‘There are piercings on a pretty body. That's so lewd...! I want to make more holes on it...’ This was truly hypnotising, you were drawn into him and bit his nipple, piercings and all. ‘Urgh...!’ Raphael bent over even more. He was chained, so the angle was slight, but if he hadn't been restrained, he would have arched his back further.
‘Damn it..!! Stop it!!!’ Raphael never even contemplated the possibility of anyone other than God or himself touching his naked body. There was a clink of chains hitting each other. You held his waist tightly so he wouldn't buckle and wobble. The grip you had on his was rough, it felt weird and unfamiliar for the angel. You rolled your tongue over his buds, the feeling of Raphael's hard and erect nipple, as well as his cross piercing made you most ecstatic.
‘It's me who's licking, but his reactions are amazing… and the feeling of cold metal is pretty good too…I want to bite it more…I want to lick it more...’ Once you thought so, you couldn't stop yourself. You began to lick his entire body as if washing it with your tongue, teasing him all over. Your tongue traveling from his nipples to his navel then his lower body. At the same time, just thinking about the pleasure he must be feeling made you feel wet between your legs without even stimulating it.
Your tongue quickly reached the soles of his chained feet. He kicked his bound legs as you licked each pierced toe down to the sole of his foot. “Mmmmm-!!!” Licking the soles of someone's feet must be a humiliating act, yet you did it so effortlessly with a look of ecstasy on your face. And Raphael shuddered with disgust and some fear. “There are still many more parts that look delicious.” You whispered quietly. Regardless of his thoughts, you were feeling interested in Raphael’s other body parts. Spinning a thread of saliva, you lifted your tongue from the sole of his foot and tore at the arm of his shirt with all your might. You also tore his pants at the thighs, which had been lifted by the chains. After they ripped, you bit down on his body without hesitation.
‘Don't touch me!!!’ Raphael thought, then squirmed, but you took hold of his foot and bit into it like a fruit. At the same time, you tugged on the piercing at the end of his nipple hard enough to make the pale pink nipple turn red. “Ahhh..!”The poor angel shook in a reaction that was part protest, part pleasure. This sight of a pretty angel being defiled was a work of art. Watching his white skin stain red, his upper body still untouched by anyone's hands, writhing about was so lascivious that it fed your fetishes.
Raphael's reactions heated up the devils in the SM club. One of the devils was licking the end of the whip, as though he wanted to do it as well. Another devil flapped his bills in front of his face and approached Raphael. The surrounding devils started to cheer again, “You really are an obscene angel, I envy you, but thank you that you did this for us.” Then, he tossed the bills in Raphael's face and twisted it in the torn arm of his shirt. Afterwards, a few other devils also approached to add their bills between his torn clothes. Even when Raphael tried to kick them away, it was of no use. He glared at each and every one of them, looking as if he might shed tears of blood. ‘I shall never forget this humiliation..! I will punish them with my life!’
He couldn't believe he'd fallen into Abyssos without knowing why, and he was being punished for it when he was normally the one doing the punishing. Rage dominated to the top of his head, and he unconsciously shuddered. Then, the halo behind Raphael's head began to shine brightly. The light seemed to be shining to purify this store, or to erase everything. But Raphael's reaction only made you happier. ‘What is this...! A phenomenon neither devils nor humans can cause...Looks like there are more fun things lying in wait...!’ You felt your heart thump out of anticipation of what would happen now.
Your eyes moved from the shining halo to stare at Raphael’s side profile as he glared at the devil with the bills in hand. Ptui. Your spit hit the band aid on his cheek and slowly slid down. ‘Look over here too.’
Was all you had to say, you wanted to keep his attention on you, to have Raphael turn to you, rather than the surrounding devils. His gaze did wander to you, glaring at you menacingly, his eyes showed a hint of confusion mixed with anger. Raphael's terrifyingly white, murderous energy was swallowing you whole. You knew the angel, who had been on a rampage up to this point was quietly raging, and the murderous intent was dedicated at only you. When Raphael's halo shone particularly brightly and tried to wallow you…
You hit his stomach with all your might. Although you never hit anyone on Earth or in Hell, you saw Satan use violence with love (you weren't sure, but it looked like it to you) to his colleagues. Since you recalled it, you copied him and punched Raphael. It wasn't an attack. You were striking Raphael's stomach with love like an instructor. While you did that, your eyes were shining red like Satan's.
“Argh...!!”The vigor made both the piercings on his upper body and body quake. When his piercings swayed, you were turned on again. “You shouldn't think of standing up to me.” Whack!! “I just want you to enjoy it.” Thump!! With each sentence, you punched him in the gut. Bruises were forming on his stomach.
‘Ugh, if only I had more power in my arms...! If only | had more power to punish them...!!’ Raphael was feeling nervous, that he couldn't do anything about being overwhelmed for the first time, about his helplessness and vulnerability. You, on the other hand, were tormenting Raphael with your mouth and hands, and yet you were rejoicing in the return of his attention to you.
You pulled the piercing on his belly button and bit the upper half of his body. “Ugh, ughhh...” followed with your fangs which bared and bit into the flesh as if to tear a larger hole in his pierced body. Meanwhile, you stroked Raphael's groin over his pants. “Ughh..!” And his body flinched at that very harshly. His nerves and senses which had only been focused on being bitten by you a moment ago were now focused on his lower part. The unexpected touch of his intime part suddenly added an additional stimulus to the sensations whirling inside his body. It felt even more intense, because he had only been paying attention to your bites. The reaction made the surrounding devils cheer loudly.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub and Bael were biting their lips to stop themselves from laughing with quaking shoulders. “Ahhhhhhh..! That's a cute reaction, even though they only touched it for a second, hahaha!” Beelzbub declared with an amused tone. “Huhuhu, don't laugh too much. Beel. He's an angel so there's nothing he can do about it. Hehe...”
The booing reaction of the two devils made Raphael feel ashamed for the first time since he was made by God. ‘What was that... Feeling just now...!’ He panicked at the stimulation he'd never felt before and the way his body reacted. You had little regard for the surrounding cheers, and the fact that Raphael was panicking was unbeknownst to you. In contrary, you were glad that Raphael was reacting, so you nibbled on him and groped his lower body more feverishly.
“Mmm, mmmh...” Accustomed to the pain of having his body pierced, Raphael began to feel strange at the gentle treatment. Somehow he took a little pleasure in conjunction with the stimulation of his lower body. His member which had grown harder and more erect than when you first touched it began to clearly announce its existence. ‘Why... Why are you getting harder!’ Raphael was crying internally. ‘I'm reacting to it, so does this mean that God brought this pleasure to me…!?’ He couldn’t help but stare at his ever-growing lower body in bewilderment, thinking that there couldn’t be anything meaningless about the body created by the God he worshipped.
“Is it your first time touching it?” You smiled pleasantly at Raphael's novice-like reaction and asked. “I'm presented with your first time? What a great Christmas present...” Almost wanting to hum to yourself, you unbuttoned Raphael's pants and unzipped it.
“Ooooh...!” “Finally...” The surrounding devils gulped as though they were the ones violating Raphael. Their hands were slowly massaging themselves at the sight of the pretty angel. When you unbuttoned his pants, his underwear appeared, and those were stained with his fluids. Your hand cupped his bulge gently, caressing it even. Raphael’s face finally catches colours and flushed, his figure kept trembling and squirming around.
“Mmmm-!” To touch somewhere neither God nor himself had touched… being humiliated like this by devils and the descendant of Solomon who must be the reason God disappeared… moreover, his lower body was reacting regardless of his intentions...!
Raphael felt like he was going crazy.
The despair and terror of losing control of his body was an emotion he hadn't felt since God disappeared. ‘My body turning strange!! It’s all because I touched this filthy being!!!’ In the end, the blond man blamed you for everything.
Touching Raphael's lower body and watching it get wet, you felt like you were looking at a painting that was getting closer to completion, and your excitement heightened. The thought filling your mind gradually got lewder and more perverted. ‘I want to see more of Raphael's body!’ Your excitement and curiosity gained momentum, and with nervous fingers you pulled down Raphael's underwear. Then, it was revealed that a chastity belt forged in Heaven from heavy metal, surrounded Raphael's cock. You widened your eyes at the chastity belt you had never seen before.
“Is this...” You ran your hand hesitantly around the heavy, metallic chastity belt. “It was true what they say about angels wearing chastity belts.” Beelzebub was watching with amusement, before continuing, “Dedicating oneself to God and continuing celibacy for billions of years. And wearing a chastity belt to keep from breaking it. Hah, angels were doing such strange things, they truly were.” Your gaze clung to the chastity belt at Beelzebub's words. Then you shuddered and felt a rush of excitement as you saw Raphael wearing a chastity belt, as proof of his purity. He seemed so aggressive and eccentric at first glance, but that wasn’t his true colours at all?
The devils around him studied the chastity belt, pretending to approach to insert the bills. Raphael's erect, hard dick was writhing inside the chastity belt, ready to burst, and something was leaking out of the hole at the end. It was transparent, white and milky, but it glowed and had a viscosity. ‘What..Is this...?’ Your cheeks blushed slightly. ‘Could this shining liquid possibly be an angel's cum...?! Is it… his precum? I want to try licking it!!!’ You felt curiosity mingled with excitement at the liquid that was unique to that holy angel. The glowing, melting liquid drew the admiration of the surrounding devils.
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Silver Lining 2
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
Note: I was going to add this to the bookstore au but realised Bucky is a side character in Steve’s and not old so….
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You leave the cafe with your lukewarm cup. You were so anxious you'd almost forgot about the pepperminty goodness. You sip, slightly disappointed in the temperature. Still, it's yummy and you have your bag of books in hand. The day has been a mild success.
You walk along the icy pavement, the season nipping at your cheeks. Most people complain about the snow but it's your favorite. You don't drive so you don't worry for a slippery commute, you have your heavy-treaded doc martens and a downy coat.
You head down Ironwood hoping to catch a streetcar car only to find it skimming past. You sigh and drop your shoulders. You could use the exercise and it would be so bad as long as the path behind Jerry's Submarines isn't snowed over.
You cut through to the next street along a short alley and hop over the bank between the sidewalk and the road. As you do, you slip and stumble, a pair of headlights turning just as you fall into the street. I long fearsome honk blows in your ears.
You whip around to face the driver, raising your hand in an apologetic wave. Not the smartest move but the street isn't usually that busy. You brows pop up as you recognize behind the wheel. Oh boy. Not again.
You skitter away hoping he didn't recognise you too. That very same man who invaded your personal bubble and insulted your taste. Lisa doesn't believe it when you say you're cursed but it's hard to deny from your vantage point.
You get to the other side and keep your head straight, marching away without looking back. He drives by slowly past your peripheral and you dip onto the path, letting out a breath. Alright, no way you'll see that jerk again.
There's a blanket if snow over the path but not enough to deter you. You kick through the powder as you bob to the music in your earbud. You know, Mariah Carey's non-Christmas tunes aren't too shabby either.
You come out on Orchard, sipping your mellowed candy cane cocoa and swing the paper bag carelessly. You could start your podcast. You have more than enough resources now and the new books will be the cherry on top.
As you stride along Orchard towards Cornish, a car door opens and shuts. You don't see the figure before you until they step over the curve and nearly take you off your feet. You drop your cup, spilling what's left of the cold hot chocolate.
“Oh, oof, d-dude–” you sputter out as the liquid drips down your lilac docs.
“Dude?” The man grips the bag in his left hand, his other opening and closing in a tight fist. No way.
“Ew,” you let out the syllable without filter.
“Ew?” He eyes you head to toe.
“Y-yeah, y-y-you're following me.”
“Following?” He growls, “you girls sure do have quite the imagination these days.”
“B-b-but… you saw me….g-go down the path.”
“I wasn't even looking at you, doll,” he scoffs.
“D-d-doll?” You scowl.
“Oh, don't even--I could call you worse.”
“L-leave me a-alone,” you back up, gripping the wire handle of the shopping bag tightly.
“Happily,” he sneers, “I have a job so get out of my way.”
He shoulders past you, harshly. Your trads slip on the salted walk as you grunt and turn to eatch him strut towards the house just a few feet down. You rub the sore spot left by his gruff impact.
You shake your head a leave, thinking better of shouting ‘old man’ at his back. You probably shouldn't antagonize him. So you spin and tuck your hands into your pockets and carry on.
Your street is only a few blocks away. By then, you've almost forgotten about the strange encounters. The closer you get to the haven of your bedroom, the more excited you are to crack open your new books.
Your parents house is trimmed in bright coloured lights and the lawn decorated with plastic candy canes and full entourage of fake reindeer. The familiarity of your childhood home is both comforting and stagnating. You can't believe you're still here.
You go inside, leaving your wet boots on the mat as your mother calls your stepdads name from the kitchen. You unzip your coat and hang it on the rack mounted against the wall. You reclaim your bag of books and make your way to the front room.
“Dean,” your mom calls again as she appears in the hall, peering in after you, “oh it's you.”
“Just me,” you drone and continue towards the stairs. You stop at the bottom, “mom,” she keeps from retreating and looks back at you, “need help?”
“Oh, no honey, I almost got it figured out. So, how's the job hunt?”
You try to smile. Oh, that. You can't live off severance forever and the settlement is never going to happen.
“Good,” you lie, shifting the bag behind your hands.
Maybe you should be a bit more prudent. It's an investment, for your podcast. You just need to figure out how to record. And how not to stutter every other word.
You're only thirty. You have time to smooth out details. Don't you?
You turn and plod up the stairs and into your bedroom. The clutter greets you along with the nest of blankets tangled in your bed. What are you even thinking? You can hardly keep your room tidy.
It's not your fault. Your mom says so. Lisa too. But it has to be. You had it all, a good job, a nice apartment, independence. You blew it all. If you'd just kept your mouth shut.
But wasn't that the problem? Isn't that why you're getting therapy? So you can speak up next time. So there won't be a next time.
You sniff and sit at the desk, adding the bag to the mess. You hang your head in the darkness as the snow reflects the sheen of street lights through the window. It takes time, Lisa says, but you feel it running out.
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gojos-fr-bae · 6 months
Gojo Christmas HCs
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Pairing: Gojo x gn!reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 557
A/N: Heyy~~ I such a joke honestly, posting my Christmas fic on new years, but in my defence, I haven't had access to my laptop since I wrote Liar pt.4, anyways, Enjooooy
(Requests open)
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You wake up to being snuggled tightly within his arms while it snows outside.
Refuses to get up anytime before 10am so u probably just end up falling back asleep.
Wakes you up to go downstairs and make breakfast “together” bc let’s be honest this man can’t even boil a rock.
Taking a bath/shower together is a MUST
Deeefinately forces you two to wear matching pjs or like those sets where the guy wears the pants and no shirt and the girl wears like, the huge shirt without pants or sum
You would walk into the living room and just find it like, STUFFED with presents and he’ll just sit there with the smuggest grin on his face while u just stand there looking stupid.
If it’s your first Christmas together I can imagine he would be scared out of his mind about whether you would like the presents, whether you are proud or happy with him, whether they were even good enough for you. E.t.c (he would never let it show though)
If it isn’t your first Christmas together though he would probably still be nervous but probably more confident in his gifts. (he just wants to make you happyy*sobs*)
I can see him getting you sentimental stuff like an instrument you had as a kid or your favourite book but also just random expensive shit like a diamond bracelet. Or something batshit crazy like a lambo or sum.
I feel like you would get him something extremely sentimental and something he really wants, and you give the sentimental one second to catch him off guard.
Like imagine giving him the most expensive box of mochi you spent an entire month's worth of your salary and he gets all excited then you shyly slide him a scrap book full of pictures with you two throughout the whole year or since you got together.
And you do that sappy thing where you leave half of it empty for memory’s you’ll make in the future. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
I feel like he would just look down at it too stunned to speak with big bug eyes and when he looks back up at you he starts tearing up
He would hug you and like, genuinely just breakdown into sobs, and he won’t stop for like another good two minutes.
Like, that is genuinely the best, sweetest most heartfelt gift he has ever received.
From then on I can fully see him always carrying a polaroid with him everywhere he goes just take pictures of you two together, (but mostly just you really) And when he gets home he pulls out the scrapbook and gets to work.
I can just imagine like, walking into your room and seeing him in his pjs on the bed doing that thing where you lie on your stomach and kick your legs back and forth and he’s like, sticking a picture or drawing hearts around a picture of you with his tongue sticking out. Akduhcrtfrw38r7fyu efgujd (oops, I forgot this is a Christmas HC)
I can’t imagine him really wanting to go out so you would probably stay at home baking cookies, snuggling watching movies and doing all that lovey dovey shit couples do.
The best Christmas he has ever had in his entire life, and one he definitely won’t be forgetting…ever
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Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Honestly, Thank GOD 2023 is finally over, worst year of my entire life, can't wait for it to end.
Also, thank you for all the support throughout this year, means the most to me.
© gojos-fr-bae
Pls lemme know if I forgot to tag u, i'm kinda rusty
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zepskies · 1 year
If You Want It To Be - Part 2
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Summary: When your car breaks down after a hunt, Sam and Dean tow you back to the bunker for Christmas. This time of year gives you and Dean a little courage to be honest about what you both want. And what you want, is for him to see you. (18+)
AN: Here’s Part 2! This fic is an entry for @deanwinchesterswitch's TGWRC: Christmas in July event. 🩵❄️
Themes: Mistletoe (a classic), eggnog, Christmas dinner
Word Count: 5,700 Tags/Warnings: 18+ only! Smut central, tiny bit of angst, fluff and feels. ❤️💚
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Part 2: Christmas Eve
Before you start on the Christmas cookies, you pull Castiel aside.
“Here’s the mission,” you tell the angel. “I know the guys don’t do Christmas all that often, so I want to surprise them with a nice dinner tomorrow. Think you can get this list of stuff for me? I think my addled brain forgot we needed real food too.”
Castiel looks over the scrap of notebook paper you give him with a critical eye.
“Uh, yes. This seems straightforward enough…what about pie?” he asks.
You raise a brow at him. “What about pie?”
“Dean likes pie.”
“I understand, but Christmas is for cookies. Not pies.”
“I think Dean would beg to differ,” Cas points out.
“Fine, get the man his pie,” you relent with a sigh. “Get pecan. He likes pecan, and that’s still somewhat Christmasy.”
“He likes apple better,” Cas mutters, but he still takes up your list and heads out to do your bidding.
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Now with most of the bunker, namely the kitchen, all to yourself, you put on some festive music on your phone before you start to lay out all your ingredients on the counter.
Not many people know about your hobby, but you think you’ve seen enough baking shows to be proficient with some flour and egg.
You decide to begin with good old-fashioned sugar cookies that you’ll try your best to decorate later. But first, you start measuring out ingredients.
You sing along with Eartha Kitt’s “Santa Baby,” not knowing that you have an audience.
Dean spots you on his way back in from the garage. He was aiming to grab a drink of water from the fridge. He finds you instead, bopping around the kitchen. He hears you humming breathily to the music, watches you swaying your hips to her sultry notes. And he smirks. 
He steps up behind you and leans in close to your ear to ask, “What’cha making?”
You jump with a loud yelp, flinging up flour with your wooden spoon. Hearing Dean’s laughter, you whip around and give him a playful glare before swatting at him with the spoon.
“Hey!” he protests when you mark his shirt (more than once) with flour. You smirk and continue your task of mixing the dough.
Serves you right, troublemaker, you think. He comes up behind you to inspect your work.
“Cake?” he asks.
“Cookies, remember?” you tell him. “Want to help me?”
“You seem to be doing just fine.” He raises a brow as you take chunks of dough, roll them evenly in your hands, and place them on the tray. You’re making quick work of it too.
“Matter of fact, you look like a pro,” he adds.
You flash him a smile tinged with nostalgia.
“Yeah, well, my mom and I used to do this together every year when I was a kid. Snickerdoodles, oatmeal raisin, chocolate chip, oatmeal chocolate chip—”
“I think I get the picture,” Dean says with a growing smile. You return it, but your expression starts to fade the longer you think of her. 
Dean catches the shift; he knows your mom passed just a few years ago, losing her battle with lung cancer. He and Sam attended the funeral.
Dean understands. He just lost his own mother a few months ago—again. Another reason he can’t quite be Mr. Nice Guy with Jack. At least, not how they used to be. He knows it wasn’t the kid’s fault. Logically, Dean knows this. The nephilim didn’t have his soul.
In Dean’s heart though, his mom is still gone from this world. She got cheated out of her second chance at life. And deep down, selfishly, Dean feels cheated too.
It’s a reminder that gets stuck in his throat. But it dislodges another memory, one he feels comfortable enough with you to share, in the privacy of a quiet kitchen.
“I think I remember helping my mom bake something once, when I was a kid,” Dean admits. Though he clears his throat when your gaze turns to him in interest.
“Think it was chocolate chip cookies…well, whatever, they were hard as a rock,” he says, smiling at the memory. “So we went to the store and bought some from the bakery instead.”
You watch how his face softens, in the way it does whenever he talks about his mother. You smile just as softly.
“Aw, little Dean,” you say, because you can imagine it so clearly. Maybe he’s four or five, working dough between his small hands. And beautiful Mary, smiling beside him, encouraging him.
Dean’s eyes meet yours, uncomfortable with the gentle way you’re looking at him. So he clears his throat and goes into the fridge. He pulls out the eggnog and finds the rum you bought last night, specifically for what he’s about to do.
“Ooh, good idea,” you say as he fixes both of you a glass. Though you balk at his heavy pour of rum. “Geez, trying to get me drunk before noon?”
He grins at you. “Morning, night, and day are the only times to be drunk.”
You snort in response.
“Is that all?” you remark, and you wipe your hands of the wet dough (and most of the flour) before you take the glass he offers. You clink your glass with his and take a sip, even though you choke on it soon after.
“Jesus Christ, Dean,” you cough. He had to have poured half the bottle of Bacardi Superior in there.
Dean sucks between his teeth. “Yep, that is bracing.”
He glances over at you and smiles, raising a finger at the corner of your mouth.
“You’ve got some there,” he points out. You touch your chin, trying to feel for anything on your face.
“On your mustache, there.”
“I don’t have a mustache!” you say indignantly. You know this for a fact, as you spent a fair amount of time waxing and shaving yourself last night.
…Not that you had any particular reason to (or anyone to wax for), you just noticed that you needed some grooming. That’s all.   
Dean’s grin edges into a teasing smirk. “Don’t worry, it’s cute. Less Duck Dynasty and more Steve Harvey, Family Feud guy.”
You splutter laughing and hit his chest with the back of your hand.
“You’re such an ass.”
He chuckles and wipes the bit of eggnog from the corner of your mouth with his thumb. It makes your cheeks flare with a warm blush.
“Well, I uh, should get these into the fridge to chill,” you say. You grab the tray of rolled up cookie dough and head for the fridge, but maybe you’re more frazzled than you realize.
You accidentally knock into Dean’s elbow, making him spill half his drink down the front of his shirt.
You gasp, eyes flying wide, while he looks down at the mess now dripping from his shirt onto the floor. When he eventually looks up at you in deadpan exasperation, you have to bite your lip against a smile.
“Good job,” he cracks.
“I’m so sorry,” you say with a bubble of nervous laughter. “Hold on.”
You finish putting the tray in the fridge and immediately turn to grab a few paper towels. You go to Dean and start helping him blot out the sticky, frothy mess staining through his green flannel and black undershirt, from chest to sternum.
The problem is, the paper towel is thin and breaking off on his shirt, making your task damn near impossible. White, wet pieces of paper are coming off on his black shirt.
“Well, you’re doing great,” Dean wryly remarks.
You can’t help but giggle. “It’s not all my damn fault here. Who the hell buys one-ply paper towels?”
“Sam. Evidently, he’s cheap as hell,” he replies, eliciting another laugh from you.
Soon enough you give up on the paper towel with a huff, and you go to grab an actual hand towel. Dean follows you, which assures that you bump into him again when you turn back around.
You yelp as your foot starts to slip on the sticky drops on the floor, but Dean grabs your arms, steadying you. You can’t help but giggle again, looking up at him. He quirks an amused smile down at you.
But then your face slackens as you gaze up above his head. He curiously follows suit.
And you both realize that you’ve fallen into a trap.
Jack’s sprig of mistletoe once again lies above your head. Your heart trips up a bit faster as Dean looks down at you, this time with a growing smirk.
“My turn,” he says. His eyes are flirtatious, but they hold a hint of something deeper. Something you can’t name.
“Are you gonna go for my cheek like I’m your cousin?” he asks.
His raised brow is a challenge, and it makes you bite the inside of your lip. He can be so annoying, but you suppose he wouldn’t be Dean if he didn’t make things more difficult for you.
Well, I didn’t put on lipstick for nothing, you muse. And though anticipation and nerves trill down your spine, you lean up on your toes, take his face between your flour-stained hands, and press your lips to his.
It’s a sweet kiss, and his hands come to rest along the curve of your waist, holding you close.
When you pull away, you suddenly realize just what you’ve done as you let your hands fall away from his face. You’re not quite sure what to do with them afterwards, so they clench awkwardly in the air between you two.
Dean looks down at you with a softer, yet playful smirk. He reluctantly drops his hands from your waist.
But he makes a show of licking his lips. You taste sweeter than boozy eggnog…actually, you taste more like chocolate. He glances behind you, and sure enough, he spies the Nestle bag in the corner.   
“Chocolate chips?” he notes, eyeing you suspiciously. “Maybe those weren’t originally meant to be sugar cookies, huh?”
His gaze is drawn to the way you bite your lip again, trying to hold back an embarrassed smile. You raise a hand to wipe the imprint of MAC’s “Russian Red” lipstick from his mouth, and he smirks under the pad of your thumb.
“You saw nothing,” you warn him. You attempt to stifle another nervous giggle. “You’re officially sworn to secrecy.”
He hums at that. “I don’t know. What’s in it for me?”
“You’re asking for a bribe?” You raise a brow.
Dean’s smirk deepens. “Maybe. What’cha got for me?”
He rests a hand on the counter by your arm, subtly leaning in and looming over you with his broad frame. A hot blush heats your cheeks, then down your neck. And then excitement bubbles inside you.
Because the one thing you never thought would happen seems to be happening: Dean is actually, honest to God flirting with you. 
Your mouth twitches at a smile as you pretend to think. 
“Hmm…okay! I got it,” you say.
You grip the front of his shirt, and once again lean up on your toes so you can kiss him. This time, Dean holds you there by your cheek. His large hand presses against your warm skin, and his fingers soon delve into your hair. You hum against his lips and deepen the angle of your kiss, your palms lying flat against his chest.
So fucking firm, you think. A solid wall of a man.
Dean’s free hand falls warmly on your hip, bringing you ever closer. He makes a pleased sound when you suck and nip at his lower lip. And with each new kiss, you’re falling deeper and deeper into the intoxication of him. 
Before you realize it, he’s walked you back to press you into the little table in the kitchen, where you all shared breakfast this morning. But you surprise him by breaking the kiss. You pull away just enough to see his confused, handsome face.
“There you go. That’s your payment,” you tease. “Good enough?”
“Hell fucking no,” Dean rasps. 
He dives back in to claim your lips, and you smile, letting him do it. Your whole body is buzzing with warmth of feeling and happiness, especially when his arms slip around you firmly and pull you flush against him. Your hands travel up his flannel-clad arms to wind around his neck.
A moan catches in your throat when his lips veer away from yours, beginning a path along the curve of your jaw, down the side of your neck, stopping just under your ear. His stubble prickles against your skin in the most delicious of ways. Your eyes close at the feeling. 
You sigh and card your fingers up the back of his neck, through his hair. “Dean…”
He surprises you with a nipping kiss on your earlobe, making you jump a little with a yelp.
You utter a laugh and playfully tighten your hand in his hair. “Hey!”
The sound of his deep, muffled chuckle in your ear sends tingles along your skin and heat, down between your legs. You let out a shaking sigh and press kisses of your own to his neck.
You tug at the collar of his shirt to reveal more skin, so you can latch onto his shoulder next. It’s a playful bite, one that elicits a groan from Dean as his thigh slips between both of yours.
His hands find your waist, and with a quiet grunt, he hefts you up onto the kitchen table. You squeal at the sudden move, clinging to his shoulders when the table shakes a bit.
But it prompts you to look up at Dean’s face. You see the desire darkening his eyes to hunter green. And his hands part your knees to let him stand between them.
You blush hotly when his palms smooth up your bare thighs, over the skirt of your dress. He drags the thin fabric with him and rucks it up well above your knees. Your mouth parts on a shaky breath when those sinful hands stop at your hips, bunching up the fabric there.
“I like this dress,” he mentions. Your mouth curves with a grin.
“I think it likes you back,” you reply. Your gaze falls to his chest as you pick at the collar of his flannel. “This should go, though.”
With an amused huff, Dean shrugs out of the green plaid first. You help him with the black undershirt next, giggling a little when it gets caught on his wrist and spikes up his short hair. That’s all right, you think, because you’re about to mess it up even more.
Your hands run over his bare chest first though, as you drink him in with your eyes. Dean notices with a smirk, and he lets you pull him in again by his hair as you meet him with a passionate kiss.
He likes the way you try to devour him with lips and tongue and teeth. In turn, he slips underneath the skirt of your dress and squeezes your thighs.
You gasp into his mouth, allowing him to devour you back. It makes you realize that this is seriously heading somewhere. It’s hot and heady and his touch is making your head swim. But your heart shoots you a firm reminder…
One that makes you slower to respond to Dean’s increasingly demanding kiss.
Sensing your hesitation though, Dean slows his roll.
“You okay?” his deep voice rumbles.
When you don’t have a ready answer for him, he pulls back enough to see your face. He finds your uncertainty.
You look down in embarrassment.  
Even though his heart is still pounding (and his dick straining in his jeans), Dean moves his hands from under your skirt, back to your waist. And he raises his brows, ducking to find your eyes. Once you meet his gaze, he gives you a smile. 
“Hey, talk to me,” he prompts. His thumbs brush against your sides, earning your weak smile back. Your hands slide down his neck to rest on his shoulders.
“Sorry. I just, um…” you stumble on your words. You’re not sure how you want to say this, but Dean’s brows are knitting together. His face is more serious now as he watches you with singular focus. It gives you enough courage to put your heart in his hands.
“This, us, right now…is this a one-time deal?” you ask.
Out of all the things he thought you might say, maybe Dean should’ve prepared for that one a bit better. He frowns, considering how to answer you—and what would put the least amount of pressure on you. Even though his gut is telling him (kicking him), on what he should really tell you.
But those words get stuck in his mouth. So all he can bring himself to say is…
“If you want it to be,” he says.
You bite your lip at that. Though not in a good way, his instincts also tell him. Your gaze falls.
“That’s just it,” you say. After a moment, you manage to look up at him again. 
“I don’t think I can do that,” you say in measured tones, even though you’re scared. “I like you, Dean.” 
The “like” feels like something a lot deeper, even to your own ears.
But you don’t expect the way Dean’s guarded face softens.
He breaks into a smile that makes his eyes crinkle at the corners. He tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, brushing your cheek with his thumb. You close your eyes at the tender touch. 
“Well, that’s good,” he says. “Because here I was, trying to wrap my head around how I was supposed to let you go after havin’ you…right where I want you.”
Your eyes flash open at that. Then he leans down and kisses you again. Your shock is a powerful thing, but it all but melts at his touch. You relax into him with a sigh of relief, kissing him back and closing your eyes against the sweet sting of tears.
You don’t have time to let them fall though. Dean doesn’t give that to you. He pulls you by your thighs until you’re at the edge of the table. You feel his hands travel up and curl around the waistband of your underwear. You raise up for him so he can tug them down, over your ass and thighs, and you kick the black, lacy panties off your foot with a giggle.
Dean grins, especially when you go for his belt. Your eyes briefly meet with his while you make quick work of the buckle, then the button and zipper on his jeans. You hook two fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs and tug him closer.
“Come ‘ere,” you whisper.
Smirking, Dean obliges you, stepping closer into your orbit. And he has to grip your thighs for support when you slide a hand down the front of his underwear, feeling down the length of his hard cock with a gentle, sensuous hand. He moans, pressing his forehead into your shoulder.
“Ooh, finders keepers,” you tease. Dean snorts against your neck and presses a biting kiss there, satisfied by the way you gasp and shiver.
You feel the shape of his smile on your skin. But he grabs your arms tight when your hand squeezes experimentally around his cock.
“Fuck,” he mutters. “You gonna keep teasing me, sweetheart?”
“Maybe,” you reply cheekily. All the while, you continue to caress him within the confines of his pants, especially brushing your thumb around the sensitive head.
If you keep this up, he’s not going to last long enough to do everything he wants to do to you. Everything he’s dreamed about for years with a hand wrapped around himself…but he’s been too much of a fucking coward to make that leap with you.
He told himself he was protecting you. That you were better off with someone less damaged. That he’d just drag you down into his hellish life.
But he just can’t fucking take it anymore. 
So Dean grasps your wrist, prompting you to release him. You look down at his face and catch the way his playfulness fades into a more concentrated desire. The heat in his eyes makes your mouth part in soft surprise.
Dean picks up from where he left off before, pressing a hand to your cheek and ravaging your lips. His hand then slides into your hair and gets a firm grip. All the while, his free one slips beneath your dress and between your legs. First he just teases the seam of your pussy with the calloused pads of his fingertips.
Your breath catches in your throat as you squeeze his shoulders and lean back, giving him a better angle. And you utter a moan when those thick digits slip between your folds and sink deeply into your wet heat.
“Dean,” you gasp his name into his mouth. The hand in your hair tightens as he works you over, exploring your inner channel with two fingers while this thumb presses and circles around your clit. Your tremulous hips begin to move in time with his rhythm, meeting his thrusts as you pulse deep inside with pleasure.
His lips drift away from your mouth, pressing against your cheek, then into your neck.
“I got you, baby. Let go for me,” he says hotly in your ear. His thumb rubs more insistently against your clit in time with his pulsing fingers.
Your inner walls squeeze around his hand, tighter and tighter. And you utter a gasping moan into his ear as you cling to him. Dean strokes inside you through your shuddering release. It’s almost too much, but it prolongs the feeling of your pleasure and makes your arms tremble around his neck.
Afterwards, he rubs your lower back until you catch your breath. You manage to press a grateful kiss into his neck, then his cheek.
“Holy shit,” you utter. It earns a genuine laugh from Dean as he cups the back of your head.
“Oh, we’re not done,” he promises, leaning back to look into your eyes. “I think you’re gonna be more comfortable in my room.”
You tilt your head at him. “Or…”
You shuffle even closer to him on the table and pull off your dress, slipping it over your head. You feel a little self-conscious in exposing your full self to him, but Dean watches you undress with hungry eyes and a tight jaw.
After your black dress falls to the floor, he takes in the sight of your body, his gaze landing on the black lace bra still covering your breasts. His hands slip up the curve of your waist, up your sides, and slide behind to unhook your bra.
His mouth burns a trail down your chest, between the valley of your breasts when he drags the bra down your arms and to the floor. You grab onto his arms for support; you feel like you’re riding the hurricane that is Dean Winchester, and you don’t expect to come out intact.
“Fucking beautiful,” he murmurs against your skin, making you shudder. You suck in a breath as his hands cup your breasts, roughly kneading and rolling his thumbs over pert nipples.
“Smooth talker,” you manage to quip with a smile.
“Ain’t nothin’ but the truth,” he tells you. “Feels like I’ve been waiting a goddamn lifetime for this.”
His eyes are dark with desire, but they’re also serious. Your voice gets stuck in your throat for a moment. He’d been waiting for you?
But you realize that sometimes, words are overrated. You slide your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply, licking into his mouth and taking satisfaction from the way he groans into yours.
He holds you flush against his chest, skin to blushing skin. He runs his warm hands down your naked back, familiarizes himself with each and every one of your curves.
Dean’s waited so long for this, he doesn’t know whether to take his time, or just take you right now before someone walks into the open kitchen.
But you make the decision for him.
You break away from his lips to drag his belt and jeans down, just enough to shuffle them past his hips. Dean’s lips curve into a smirk. It would be easier to turn you around and bend you over on the table (and the thought is pretty fucking appealing right now).
…But he wants to see your face. He wants to know, looking in your eyes, what you want from him and how his touch makes you feel. 
So he helps you free his straining cock from his boxers to line himself up to your entrance.
With his arm wrapped around your waist to support you, and a hand on the table, Dean sheathes himself inside you. You both release shaking breaths as he bottoms out, stretching your inner walls and wrapping firmly around him.
“Fuck,” he grunts.
You nod at that, wiping the dewy sweat forming above his brow. He flashes you a grin, one you recognize from his younger, more boyish days. It’s a welcome sight, and you smile back and wrap your legs around his hips. If possible, it buries him deeper inside you. He groans.
“Damn, baby,” he says, panting for breath. “Haven’t even started yet, but you might just kill me.”
“There are worse ways to go,” you tease.
He snorts at that. In their line of work, isn’t that the fucking truth.
When he begins to slide out of you for the first time, you brace yourself with a hand at the back of his neck and another on the table. Dean begins a steady rhythm, one that serves you well as you get used to the size of him.
But eventually you urge him on faster, your nails scraping through his hair and against his scalp. He groans and drives into you at a clip that makes your toes curl and a keen high in your throat.
He spills hotly inside you when he comes.
You know you shouldn’t have let him, but you wanted to feel him, wanted to hold him the way he held you. And you do so, stroking his cheek and drawing a thumb across his full lower lip as he shudders.
But Dean isn’t satisfied, not until his fingers further part your folds and find your still sensitive clit. He rubs and circles insistently, until you can’t help but give him your second release, shuddering a moan as you cling to him. He holds you with an arm wrapped tight around your lower back, pressing your breasts against his chest.
You both pant for breath. His cheek rests alongside yours, and both of your eyes close for a moment. You brush your fingers more gently through his hair.
“Dean,” you start to say, but the sound of the bunker’s door unlocking makes you both freeze.
“Shit,” Dean mutters.
You can’t see them from the kitchen, but you hear Sam and Jack come in. Oh fuck.
Dean reluctantly detangles himself from you and wrestles up his underwear and jeans. Meanwhile, you hop off the kitchen table to grab your dress, pulling it on as you look for your bra and panties.
Sam calls your name, then Dean’s. But the two of you ignore him as you try to silently scramble around.
You manage to find your bra, but you don’t have time to put it on. You shove it behind the toaster. Then you find a napkin to wipe off the rest of your lipstick.
Meanwhile, Dean finds his black shirt. He hesitates when he sees it’s stained all over with flour and dried eggnog, but he puts it on anyway. (He won’t realize until later that his hair and shoulders are flecked with the stuff, just as his lips and chin are still smudged with your lipstick.)
He grabs the green flannel you throw at him, and he finds your panties tossed in the corner. He raises up the black lace in his hand and smirks at you with waggling brows.
“Give me that!” you whisper-hiss. The slick between your thighs is already becoming uncomfortable, along with the chill on your bare ass under the dress.
But instead of obeying, Dean winks at you and pockets them instead. You gape in disbelief as he flees the kitchen, presumably to disappear into his room. It leaves you in a…sticky situation, so to speak.
Sam calls your name questioningly when he comes around the corner. He pops into the kitchen with a few Walmart bags in hand. Sticking out of one of them are some stockings, you notice.
“Hey, how’s the baking going?” he asks.
“Good!” you say, though your voice is far too high and chipper. “Good. Just about to get them into the…oven.”
You turn and realize you haven’t even pre-heated the oven. You do so after pressing a few buttons, and you go to the fridge to grab the tray of chilling dough.
Sam raises a brow at you, especially when he sees your frizzy hair, and the flour stained across your bottom.
But he wisely doesn’t comment.
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Later that night, Dean lays on his bed. He’s long since showered, fully clothed, arms crossed while his music plays from his laptop. But he can’t make himself focus on anything else but you.
How it was to finally have you; not just the give of your soft curves under his hands, but the sound of your voice coming apart in his ear, the way you’d begged him, at times teased him, and then gave him a run for his money with your wily hands and tongue.
Dean’s had all of that running through his head for the rest of the damn day.    
And there were stolen looks at dinner that evening. Furtive smiles. Brief, innocent touches. Moments where you blushed down to your neck, and he had to hide his amusement. (Even if his brother had noted his apparent good mood at dinner.)
But between Sam and the two angels hanging around, Dean hasn’t had a chance to talk to you after what happened in the kitchen. He doesn’t want you to get the wrong idea.
If you want it to be, he’d said, when you asked if this was going to be a one-time thing.
He hopes he made himself clear—that this is not that kind of deal. Not for him.
Now that he’s gotten a taste of what he couldn’t have, and worse, now that he knows you want more from him…he just can force himself to let go this time.
There’s a thought that he doesn’t want to face. It’s been buried so deep, for so long, that he can’t even commit it to the forefront of his mind.
But it’s there.
Despite the hell he attracts like flies to shit, he wants you. Not for one night. Not just for kicks. He wants you to stay arguing with him about stupid shit, taking his teasing and dishing it right back—like making fun of his slippers and how much he secretly likes country music.
He wants you with him and Sam on hunts, even though it also makes him worry. (But he worries much more when he knows you’re out there, hunting alone.)
Dean thinks about you when you’re not around, more often than he’d like to admit. So today, he finally had to face the truth.
He wants you. More than he’s wanted anything in a long time. And he wants to find out what it’ll be like to try this for real, with you.
The thought that you still could be thinking otherwise, wondering, doubting him, has Dean going mildly insane.
It’s not right, and he takes pride in righting wrongs.
So he decides to break out of the confines of his room to find yours. It lies down the hall and to the left; he knows because you take the same room every time you stay at the bunker, which admittedly, isn’t as often as he likes. Maybe they can change that…
“Oh. Hello, Dean,” says Castiel.
Dean inwardly curses as the angel comes from the opposite direction. Already he’s tilting his head in curiosity.
“It’s late. Feeling peckish?” he asks.
“Uh, yeah,” Dean replies. He moves past the angel and continues down the hall.
“Dean,” the angel calls to him.
Dean pauses, looking over his shoulder.
“The kitchen is the other way,” Castiel points in the direction in which he’s going.
“Uh…well, yeah,” Dean says. “I just, uh…”
Cas’s head tilts just so, confusion soon replacing his curiosity.
“Never mind,” Dean waves a dismissive hand. He’s forced to follow his friend down the hall, away from your bedroom door which lies just inches away.
He doesn’t know that you can hear the entire conversation from the safety of your bed, comfortable in your pajamas. You have to stifle a giggle as you listen to Dean fumbling. You have a feeling you know where he’d really been headed.
So you take your phone out and text him.
Foiled by Columbo once again, you tease.
Moments later, Dean texts you back.
More like cock-blocked.
You snicker at that. You still haven’t given back my panties.
And you ain’t getting them back. They’re spoils of war.
You roll your eyes. But then Dean starts typing again.
Just to recap. Today: not a one-time thing.
Your smile grows and warms, like melted butter.
Good…can we talk tomorrow?
It’s a date, he says. And a beat later. Merry Christmas, beautiful.
You realize it’s officially 12:00 a.m. Christmas morning. You have a feeling it’s going to be a good one.
Merry Christmas, Dean.
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AN: 😏 Well then. Merry Christmas, indeed. Let me know what you thought of Part 2!
Next Time:
Dean takes your hand and leads you downstairs to the garage.
There you find the remains of your car, which has rusted out parts strewn haphazardly all over the ground. You raise a brow. This is how he fixes your car? 
“You are so not winning the bet.”
Or will he? 😉
Find out in PART 3.
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smellingofpoetry · 1 year
Last Time?
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Benny Lafitte
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: They promised each other it would be the last time.
Square/s Filled: “Age Difference” (@spnchristmasbingo), "Lingerie" (TMAS Bingo - @supernatural-jackles), "Dirty Talk" (@spnkinkevents), “Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me.” (@anyfandomkinkbingo)
Warnings: age difference, smut, 18+, finger fucking, sex, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk
Rating: +18
Words count: 2460
A/N: Hi there! Not long ago I wrote a fic called “A few moments of madness” for the beautiful @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone. It was fun writing that one, especially the part where I left with that huge plot twist. I genuinely thought it was the end of the road for this story, though, until the inspiration hit me. And what was I supposed to do if not write it down? So, here we are today. I think I’m starting to figure out my way with smut, but I’ll let you judge that. Let me know what you think about it. Enjoy!
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He was in big trouble.
Since his little accident with his best friend's daughter - if that's what you wanna call it - he tried to avoid Benny at all costs. He did a pretty good job if you asked him, until the Christmas holidays. He wasn't in the mood to celebrate since what happened with Lisa, and he definitely didn't want to spend Christmas under the pity glances his family would throw at him. Sunday's lunch was already too much for his own taste. So, he decided to spend Christmas alone for once. Maybe eating take-out on the couch just like a grown-up person would do. He had everything planned already until Benny asked him to join him for Christmas dinner.
Dean knew he should have ignored the bell ring - he knew it.
Either way, he agreed because it was Benny and because, of course, he felt guilty for what he did. So, now, he was stuck celebrating Christmas with his best friend and his daughter. Yes, the same girl he had fucked months ago, and he still jerked off at the thought of it, even though he would deny this last piece of information with all his strengths if anyone asked him.
Dean had a plan, though.
He had spent the prior night wide awake, planning his way through the whole Christmas dinner. It was a solid plan, and he was kinda proud of it. He just needed to stay away from Y/N and follow every step just like he had planned them.
What could possibly go wrong?
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They were halfway through dinner and Dean was pretty sure he was going to hell. His plan, which was supposed to be solid, blow up in his face the moment he stepped inside his friend's house. He didn't even know how that happened, but here he was facing Y/N at the dinner table. He did his best to avoid her gaze and participate in the conversation, but if he had to be honest the only thing he could see was her bent down on his kitchen counter. Because of that he almost choked on his food on multiple occasions. Thank God his friend was too busy making sure everything was perfect for his daughter.
Yeah, his daughter…
Dean's thoughts trailed off again until he realized he was staring at her sweater a bit too much.
"Oh, crap, I forgot the beans."
Benny's voice caught his attention just in time to see his friend get up. Dean followed suit without thinking about it, too afraid to be left alone with Y/N.
"I'll go get them." he tried, earning a weird look from Benny.
"No, man, sit down. You're our guest. I'll be right back."
And with that Benny was already out of the room, leaving Dean with his napkin still in his hands, staring at the door. He cleared his throat, glancing at Y/N, who was watching him amused, before sitting down again.
"You're being weird," she told him while sipping her wine.
"No, I'm not." he scoffed, even though he knew she was absolutely right about it. Y/N raised one of her brows, watching him from the rim of her glass which earned an eye roll from Dean.
"Okay, fine, but in my defense, I just want you to know that when I came here, I had a solid plan to walk me through this..." he said, gesturing at them and the room they were in it.
"Oh, and how's going?" she asked amused, trying her very best to hide her smirk. Y/N figured she had done a poor job from the way Dean was looking at her - unimpressed.
"Clearly, it ain't working."
"Clearly," Y/N smirked, putting down the glass she was still holding.
Dean scowled at her, wanting to kiss that smirk out of her face. Wait, what? No. Absolutely, no. - he had to scold himself for thinking stuff like that about his friend's daughter, even if that same person was looking too damn cute for her own good.
"Okay, stop doing that."
"Stop what?" she asked with her brow raised in confusion.
"You know what! Never mind," he said, stubbing some of the vegetables on his plate with the fork. He didn't even like vegetables, for fuck’s sake. Y/N looked at him for a few seconds, glancing in the direction of the kitchen before leaning more toward Dean.
"Look, I know that we started on the wrong foot..."
"You can say that again." Dean scoffed, gulping down a generous amount of red wine.
"And I would like for Benny not to know about, you know..." she said, pointing at the two of them. "...us."
Dean sit up straight at that, putting down his glass and leaning more in her direction before speaking in a lower voice.
"He can never know about us," he said, panicked.
"So, could you, I don't know, act a bit more normal?"
Dean furrowed his brow, opening and closing his mouth a few times his mouth trying to find the right words.
"Yeah, right, right. I can do that," he assured her, even though he wasn't sure who he was really trying to convince, her or himself. She nodded her head with a small smile, satisfied by his answer.
"Great. And, oh, Dean, what happened between us..."
"...it can never happen again." he agreed, finishing her sentence.
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Y/N was pressed against the wall, her Christmas sweater pulled up and her breast spilling out from her red bra. Her skirt was around her waist by now, while her panties were discarded somewhere on the floor. She could still picture Dean's face when he discovered the lingerie she was wearing under her Rudolph sweater.
Her breath hitched in her throat at the feeling of Dean's cold fingers against her hot skin. Y/N felt them travel along the inside of her leg until he reached her aching pussy. He ran his fingertips along her slit way too gently, making her ache even more.
"Please..." she moaned, letting her hips sway back and forth in search of some friction.
"You want more, hm?"
Y/N nodded her head enthusiastically, trying to stifle a moan and failing miserably. Dean smirked, biting down on his lips. Yeah, hell was definitely waiting for him, and he couldn't care much.
"Suck on my fingers and get them nice and wet for me, sweetheart," he whispered, taking away his hand from between her legs. Dean saw her open her mouth, sticking her tongue out for him and he had to restrain himself to not groan out loud. Damn, this woman - he thought while pushing three of his fingers inside her mouth. Y/N welcomed him without saying a word, sucking his fingers as if her life depended on it. Dean's free hand traveled down his pants, unbuttoning them to free his aching cock. He pushed them down just under his ass, taking down with them his boxer. His cock sprung free, tip red and precum already leaking. Y/N sucked at his fingers one more time before letting them free, licking her lips right after. Dean didn't even give her time to think about what was coming next and his three fingers found their way between her legs again. He circled her clit a few times before pushing inside her wet folds. He fingered her hard and fast, watching her take it thrust after thrust while taking hold of himself and giving a few strokes at his hard cock.
"Oh! God... Dean..." she whimpered, moving her hips against his hand while trying to hold herself somewhere, anywhere. She could already feel herself getting closer and closer, already tasting the pleasure when his fingers stopped, making her whine. Dean put his hands on her hips helping her move on her unsteady legs, positioning her in front of the bathroom mirror. He stayed behind her, watching her intently while his hands traveled along her body. He reached for her breasts, squeezing both of her tits in his hands and making her moan.
"You have to be quiet, now, Y/N. Can you do that for me, hm?" He asked her, licking the skin on her neck before latching his lips around her earlobe. She bit down on her lip, nodding her head at his question. Dean smiled with her earlobe still trapped between his teeth. He sucked at her skin one more time just for good measure before helping her lean forward.
"Bend down on the sink and spread your legs for me."
He didn't need to tell her twice. Y/N bent down, spreading her legs in the process. She felt exposed under Dean's gaze which made her even wetter than she already was. Dean bit on his lip, unable to take away his eyes from her glistening pussy. He took hold of himself, letting his cook brush against her folds a few times before lining himself at her entrance. He started to slowly push inside her, his eyes never leaving the mirror to watch her every single expression. Y/N closed her eyes, biting down on her lips to stifle the moans wanting to escape her. Dean let his fingers disappear between her hair, gripping a few of her strands and pulling them towards him. Y/N followed his movement arching her back and exposing her breasts even more.
"Open your eyes, babe. I want you to watch me fuck you," he whispered in her ear, feeling her shiver against him. She breathed heavily, taking a few seconds to regain control over her heart before opening her eyes just like he had asked her. The moment her eyes opened and looked at him through the mirror, Dean filled her with a deep thrust. Her whole body was pushed forward, and Y/N barely had the time to put one of her hands on the mirror to keep herself from crushing against it. She tried to follow every push of Dean's hips, matching his rhythm.
"Look at you, being fucked in your dad's bathroom by his friend." Dean panted in her ear, while still fucking her with a brutal pace. Y/N bit down on her lip harder, but she couldn't help the sound that came out of her at Dean's words. So, she put a hand around her mouth not trusting herself enough to be quiet, not when he was playing dirty. Dean smirked at her reaction, thrusting hard inside her while one of his hands went to her breast squeezing hard.
"Do you think he noticed your absence or he's too busy with the new year eve's party?" he asked her, knowing full well she wasn't going to answer him too busy pushing her hips against his hard cock. He let slip his free hand in between her legs, founding her clit.
"What would Benny think if he saw you right now, hm?" Dean felt her walls fluttering around his cock at that, making him falter for a moment.
Y/N let go of her mouth free even though she knew that wasn't a smart move, but the need to hold on to something was too much. So, she held onto the sink not being able to do anything if not stay there and take every push of Dean's cock ready to burst.
"Dean..." she whined, hoping that the music downstairs would cover her moans.
"You'd like that, don't you?"
"Oh God..."
"Say it," he told her, rubbing faster and faster at her hardened clit.
"Fuck... yes! Yes... yes..." she sobbed while the hardest orgasm of her life washed over her; her juices coating his cock. Dean groaned at the sight of her coming undone and after a few more thrusts he was spilling inside her, filling her up.
"Fuck, babe, yes." he panted in her ear, while his hips spasmed a bit more.
Dean collapsed on her, being careful to not crush her against with his weight. He breathed heavily, resting his forehead against her shoulders. Y/N rested against the cool sink, trying to catch her breath while letting her fingers travel between Dean's locks.
"That was..." he whispered, licking at his cracked lips.
"...the last time?" she asked him, scratching at his scalp making him moan.
"You already said that yesterday after you fucked me on your couch..." she whispered, glancing at the mirror to look at him. Dean hid his face in the crock of her neck, grabbing at her breasts and squeezing them.
"...and the week before when we fucked in your car..." she whimpered, knowing exactly what she was doing while he bit down her skin.
"...and at Christmas dinner..."
Dean pulled hard at her nipples, making her gasp, and her core clenched around him but that seemed not to be enough to stop her.
"...half an hour later I was sucking you off, remember?" she asked, pushing him away gently just enough to turn around to have a better look at him. Dean let her move, still keeping her trapped between him and the sink, already missing the warmth of her pussy around him.
"Yeah, I remember that like I remember being balls deep inside you while your dad was sleeping three doors down," he whispered kissing her hard, letting his tongue swirl around hers.
God, she was able to make him a needing mess - he thought making a huge effort to push away from her. Dean licked at his lips, tasting her while slowly starting to recompose himself the best he could.
"We should get dressed and go downstairs before midnight," he said to her, bending down to grab her red lacy thong. She nodded her head, starting to adjust her bra before pushing down in his place her sweater. Dean kneeled at her feet helping her with her panties, pulling them up at her leg, and stopping halfway through to give one last lick at her wet pussy. Y/N shivered at that, opening her legs a bit more to give him better access at which she earned a gentle suck at her lips before he pulled her panties all the way up. Dean got up, kissing her one last time letting her taste herself on his tongue.
"You go first, and I'll follow in a few," he said to her, watching her adjust her skirt before walking to the door. She put her hand around the knob ready to turn it when she glanced at him.
"So, last time?" Y/N asked him just to be sure.
"Last time."
"Great, I'll see you back at your house then."
She winked at him before opening the door and slipping out of the bathroom. Dean closed the door behind her, resting his head against the cool wooden.
He was a dead man, but damn if it wasn't worth it. 
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moongreenlight · 4 months
WIP Wednesday except it's Thursday and I'm using this as an excuse to post something without the imaginary pressure of getting a full fic out. :D
800-ish word excerpt from my Ghoap x Reader nutcracker AU that I meant to finish around Christmas.
The orchestra has picked up about half a beat too fast and the conductor seems not to have noticed.
Too busy salivating at the legs of one of the snowflake girls a few spots to your left. His baton is getting lazy. Long, drawn out flicks and swishes like he’s casting spells instead of directing. Strange, you think. If anything they should be slowing down to match his tempo.
Maybe it’s the strings? They’re nipping into the winds and forcing the entire group forward. It throws off a girl in front of you. She’s younger by a handful of years. Doesn’t quite have the music- even at the right tempo- committed to memory. She drops her arm a full count too early. Even from behind you can hear her curse.
This seems to rouse him. He jerks his head back to center and starts flicking the tip of the baton back on beat. He’s a stern man. He’s got coal-black eyes that seem to house the staggering power to burn a hole straight through someone bone and all. You swear you can hear flesh crackling and sizzling as he casts his gaze out over the stage. It takes a moment, but he’s able to herd the group back onto a single track. Dancers and musicians alike.
Someone has either put too much or too little rosin on their shoes. It’s difficult to pinpoint, but there’s a terrible squeaking sound from somewhere on the stage that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Like nails on a chalkboard. It gets worse during the final round of turns.
And then, by some miracle, intermission. Big cloth curtains draw together. Kicking up dust and loose sparkles and large pieces of fake snow that adhere themselves to your skin. Kept snug in place by the sheen of sweat that collected under the brutal heat of the spotlights and the effort it took to dance for nearly forty minutes straight.
Imogene, the girl who’d just recently championed the superlative of biggest blunder to date, was now heavily crying into the arms of her older sister.
You relish the few moments you get to catch your breath before the mistress comes and begins to shoo you and the other girls offstage. She’s far more stern than the conductor. And unfortunately less handsome, though they share the same deep-set frown lines that cage their mouths. You catch her give a shaking Imogene a whack to the ear before you can duck backstage.
In your hurry to whip your head back around for fear of meeting the same fate, you run directly into someone’s back. You’re quick to hiss out an apology, but it’s drowned out by the sound of a man speaking terribly muddy French.
“- gorgeous. Even caught the orchestra’s attention.” (please pretend this is French I forgot to translate it and I'm too lazy rn)
The girl he’s talking to, Sophie, giggles and he sways slightly from her batting him in the chest.
“Excuse me.”
It comes out a bit more stiff than you mean it to. He doesn’t wait for Sophie to dismiss herself before turning around.
John MacTavish is one of the few men in the company, but even without such slim options, you feel he would still be a standout.
He’s not from France, though it’s not uncommon for members to have made pilgrimage to join such a prestigious group. His accent is horrible, any potential ruined by his upbringing somewhere in Scotland, though he earns himself a few points with native speakers for his enthusiasm.
He’s also granted the cushion of patience because of his undeniable good looks. He’s got great blue eyes that emote just as well as he does. Shining and laughing along with him like they’ve got personalities to match. He’s big. Tall and muscular, which -again- isn’t uncommon what with all the lifts and spins and acrobatics he does, but he packs on muscle in a way not many other male dancers have the capacity to do.
You’re sure it’s a nightmare to source costumes for him. He’s tore the back panel out of his jacket twice this season alone and you’re only about three-quarters of the way through.
He’s gorgeous and he knows it, which makes him insufferable. He’s charming and got fantastic whit, sure, but he’s perverse and a habitual letcher so it all seems to cancel out.
His great beauty makes him the popular option for most all of the company and the patrons of the opera house alike. It’s become a running joke that you’ve not really served your time unless you’ve had a go with John.
Your participation is left widely up to speculation.
“Sorry, hen.”
If he noticed your rigidity, he doesn’t bring it up. Instead he leans down and takes you by the wrists. Brings his face close to yours and plants a kiss on the right corner of your mouth.
“Jesus, John.”
You scramble away, much to his delight.
“Always forget if it’s right or left first.”
He’s snickering like he’s clever. It takes some legitimate effort to wrench your arms out of the manacles that are his hands.
You say flatly as you shoulder past him, wiping at the corner of your mouth with the heel of your palm.
“I thought so.”
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dimepdf · 2 years
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remember to show your support by sending me a message or reblog! I always appreciate feedback on any of my works and appreciate everyone who comments. 
key: ☁️ fluff , 🕊 angst , ❕ smut , ❔ on hold
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★    MULTI !
if you can see it from the front. ☁️
the jjk men and their reaction to their partners having a fucking wagon.
check the rack. ☁️
the jjk men and their reaction to their partners having big boobas.
can you stay up all night?❕
the jjk men and them manhandling the hell out of their partners.
double check the rack. ☁️
the jjk men and their reaction to their partners having small boobas.
all mine.❕
with Gojo's help Toji reminds you that its only you for them, time for trouble make it double .
love drought.❕
the jjk men and how perverted they would be to their partner.
don't mess up my tempo.❕
─── ☆ 1.4k | fem!reader | breeding kink
in his defense, it was you who initially mentioned having baby fever. Toji wasn't at fault since you were the one who influenced him in getting you pregnant.
for lost times.❕🕊
─── ☆ 2.7k | fem!reader | cheating au
you're tired of having to put up with your spoiled brat of a boyfriend, finally snapping at him readying to throw away being the ornament in his rich lifestyle until Toji shows you that not all Fushiguro men aren't giving.
hurt me more.❕
─── ☆ 1.5k | fem!reader | mafia au
when finding Toij at deaths door the man begs for you to help distract him from the pain.
break up with your boyfriend.❕🕊
─── ☆ 1.6k | fem!reader | cheating au
holiday season is near, whats Christmas without a little drama to stir and a new boo for the mistletoe?
what more can i say.❕
─── ☆ 2.6k | fem!reader | nanny au
you come around and make Toji so tempted, no matter what broad he's bagging all he can think about is you: his fucking nanny .
weak in the knees.❕
─── ☆ 2.4k | fem!reader | teacher and student
to your surprise, Toji shows up at your family holiday get together looking nothing but charming, and making buddies with your aunties but he quickly makes it clear that he's only there for you and that he really misses you.
or nah?❕
you occasionally forgot how big your boyfriend is in comparison to you.
freaky deaky.❕
your boyfriend Toji finds out about your massive size kink.
baby, i'm jealous.❕
you were a sucker for jealousy sex, man.
make it fit.❕
sure you cant blame a girl for trying but Toji shows you that he can make it fit .
get you.❕
toji and his breeding kink .
so it's either top or i'm outta here.❕
treat ya girl right or toji will snatch her up for the holidays!
I don't want too, but I want you.❕
sometimes you feel a bit guilty admitting that your best friend's father is the one for you.
don't wanna pull out. ☁️❕
─── ☆ 3.4k | fem!reader | secret relationship.
you and Gojo make an embarrassing bet, involving you in a stolen cheerleading outfit and him revealing his true feelings for you.
subby Gojo.❕
you make gojo cum his pants.
make me thirsty for release.❕
the lovely feelings Gojo would experience knowing just how vulnerable he was to your roughness.
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© dimepdf, all rights reserved. do not republish or translate my fics.
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newtthetranswriter · 7 months
Birthday Surprise
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Word count: 2232
Paring: Satoru Gojo x Reader
Summary: Having your birthday during the holidays sucks, but maybe Satoru has an idea on how to make it better.
A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEE!!!! Ok so for those who don’t know, today is @bakugoushotwife  Birthday, and so I figured I’d write her this cute fic. So Kylee I hope you enjoy, everyone else who reads this I hope you enjoy it as well. Any ways, have a great day and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
    I always dreaded my birthday, falling right in the heart of the holiday season. Every year someone offers to do something for my birthday, and it always ends up being Christmas themed, like picking out the Christmas tree or going to look at Christmas lights. For once, I just want my birthday to be about me, not some capitalist cash grab dressed up as an important time of year. Hopefully this year will be different, after all this year I’m with someone whose birthday also falls in December so he understands the pain of birthdays being overlooked in Christmas.
    Waking up on the first of December, I forgot what day it was, just ready to go about my day as normal. The only thing that told me something was different about today was the lack of a lanky, blue-eyed man in the bed next to me. Deciding to find my boyfriend, I made my way out of our shared room, wandering to the kitchen, where I could make out quiet curses and the sound of pots and pans hitting each other.
    Peering around the corner, I could see Satoru digging through a cupboard, grumbling to him self. After watching this grown man dig through a pile of pots and pans, I decided to show myself and ask if he needs help. “Toru, what are you doing?” I asked, entering the kitchen.
    He turned around, startled, letting out a sigh when he realized he’d been caught. “Hey, honey, I was just… organizing the pans.” He said with a pause. After seeing a look on my face that said I wasn’t buying it, he sighed again. Saturo quickly pulled me into a gentle hug, before telling the truth. “You caught me. I was trying to make you breakfast in bed for your birthday. And I know you didn’t want to do anything for it, but I figured we could go get coffee and maybe get you some new clothes.” He said, rocking us side to side in the middle of the kitchen. Leaning back slightly to place a kiss on my forehead.
    I sighed, knowing that no matter what I said, Satoru would insist on doing something today. “Okay, but we are not doing in thing Christmas related no trees, no Santa, none of that cliché stuff.” I said, breaking our embrace to take a shower and get ready for the morning.
    “Already covered, no cliché Christmas stuff on the agenda for today.” He crossed his heart before following me to get ready.
   After we were both dressed, we head out. Stopping at a local coffee shop for breakfast, as Satoru’s plans for breakfast in bed had been foiled. I ordered a Carmel mocha and a breakfast sandwich, while Satoru got a Hot chocolate and Chocolate croissant. After getting our order, we sat down to enjoy the food.
   “So, where are we going first?” I asked as I sipped my coffee. 
   Satoru smiled at me over his hot chocolate before responding. “I figured we could walk around the mall, and you could pick out anything you want.” He said, taking a bite of his croissant. He was about to say something else when his phone dinged, signalling he had gotten a text. “Give me one second to deal with this.” He then got up and called someone. I watched as he talked to whoever it was in a hushed voice, before hanging up and coming back to the table. “Sorry about that, now let’s go spoil my baby.” He pulled me up from the table and out of the shop.
   As we left the shop, I couldn’t help but be curious as to who he was talking to just a bit ago, though I decided that if it was important, he would tell me. And we made our way to the mall. Satoru let me guide him to the shops I wanted to check out, even though I knew he was paying and didn’t have a price limit, I was careful about picking things out. I didn’t want to seem like I was taking advantage of his kindness. 
   I had amassed a few bags with clothes and trinkets from Box Lunch and Hot topic, I was now headed into a small shop that sold crystals and stuff. While looking at some small crystals, I noticed Satoru looking at his phone. Now it wouldn’t be that weird but normally when we go out like this he’s watching me like a hawk and buying nearly everything I spend more than five seconds looking at, but he’s keeps checking his phone and I can’t help but to be worried. I mean, what if the call earlier was about a curse they needed him for, and he turned them down to spend the day with me. “Hey Toru, is everything okay? You keep checking your phone, if it’s about work you can take me home and then go deal with it, I’ll be fine.” I said, breaking his attention away from the screen.
   He looked at me with a small smile, resting his arm across my back, standing next to me. “It’s not work just Megumi asking why I saved Yuji, because apparently he’s currently having an argument with Kugsaki about one of his horror movies.” He explained quickly. Shrugging it off, knowing that was a regular occurrence with the young sorcerers, I went back to looking at the blue crystals in front of me. “You like those, let’s see if they have a big one.” He started sifting through the bin of crystals.
   I reached in a grabbed a smaller one that could fit in my pocket, before showing him. “Actually, this one is perfect. It’s the right size to carry in my pocket with me.” I said, receiving a confused look. “That way when you’re away for work, I can look at and be reminded of your beautiful eyes.” I smiled at me.
   Satoru stumbled over his words for a moment before following me further into the store as I looked at other trinkets and crystals. By the time we were done in the store, I had picked out a couple small dragon statues and some more crystals. Stepping back out into the mall, I stretched my back and took a moment to think of what to do next. My thoughts were interrupted by Satoru’s phone going off again, though this time it was clearly the ringtone he had set for Shoko. I looked at him concerned. He just smiled and said everything is fine before stepping away again.
    I could barely make out what was being said by the two long time friends, well at least Satoru’s side of the conversation. “No nothing Christmas.   If I see a single snowflake, I will hollow purple each one of them. Yes, tell them I said that.” I was so confused, what the hell was going on that he felt the need to use hollow purple on someone, and what about snowflakes. Deciding I wasn’t going to try and figure it out, I waved to get his attention before saying I was going into a store just next to where we’re at, I received a thumbs up before he went back to talking quietly to the other party on the line.
    After about ten minutes, Satoru joined me in the store. I picked out a couple small things before deciding it was probably time to call it a day. “That’s enough shopping for today, I’m ready to go home and cuddle.” I said, leaning into his side as we walked through the mall. I felt him shift slightly, and saw him pull his phone out to check something. “ For real, what’s up with you and your phone, first you had to take a call while we had coffee, then Megumi is texting you to complain, and you had a rather heated conversation with Shoko. I’m not made just curious, you wanted to spend the day with me, but it’s like every few seconds you have to check your phone, what’s up?” I asked, honestly tired of the constant phone checks.
    “Trust me, nothing's going on. Let’s just get home, and we can order from your favorite take out place.” Satoru said, leading me to the car. I sighed, pouting as we got in the car, I know it’s probably nothing, but why won’t he just tell me what’s happening. “Don’t pout, It’ll give you wrinkles.” He said with a laugh, driving towards our house.
    When we arrived, I was shocked to find the front door unlocked. “Hey Toru did you remember to lock the front door when we left?” I asked as he came up behind me carrying the bags from the shopping spree.
    “Of course I locked the door, what, do you think I’m stupid or something?” He responded.
    I rolled my eyes. “No comment on that last part, but if you locked the door, why is it currently unlocked?” I said earning a scoff for my first statement.
    He took a moment to think, “Maybe Megumi stopped by to get away from the others and forgot to lock it, remember that I gave him a key.” He tried to explain it. I shrugged, accepting the answer for now.
    Pushing the door open I was still a little on guard cause what if it wasn’t Megumi and some creep was hiding in our house. My nerves settled when I flipped the lights on and saw a familiar pair of black shoes by the front door, finally fully accepting that Megumi is here and probably just turned off some off the lights to hang in the darkness. I made way further into the house, going towards the kitchen to set everything down and get a drink of water.
    When I got into the kitchen, I flipped the switch and instead of just the lights turning on, nine familiar faces greeted me with a loud course of ‘SURPRISE’, well four loud surprises, one enthusiastic ‘salmon’ and four grumbles of surprise. After getting over my initial shock, I took in my surroundings. Sitting in my dining/living room, was Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, Maki, Toge, Panda, Yuta, Nanami, and Shoko, all wearing those cheap birthday hats. Above the kitchen Island that separated the kitchen from the dining room was a banner that read ‘Happy Birthday’ in bright letters. In the middle of the island rested a two tier cake, decorated with flowers and crystals, with the words ‘Happy Birthday Y/N’ written in purple frosting.
    I held back tears as I took everything in. I didn’t expect to come home to my two closest friends and the students of Jujutsu tech to be sitting with beautiful cake and decorations. All to celebrate my birthday, when they could be out fighting curses or training. Before I could ask any questions, a pair of strong arms wrapped around me from behind. “Happy Birthday Y/n, I hope you’re not mad that I lied about a few things.” I just smiled at Satoru, tipping my head back to ask for a quick kiss, with a mumbled, thank you.
    After separating from Satoru, I went to talk with my guests. I chatted with the students about how their day off has been and jokingly asked how much Satoru had to pay them to do this for me. I received a few comments of how he supposedly threatened them all with his technique, or bribed them with food, but I could tell it was all light-hearted jests at the tall man’s expense.
    We spent a few hours eating some take out Satoru had ordered, playing some board games per Satoru’s request, and ended the little get-together with cake. After enjoying the cake, Nanami dismissed himself saying he needed to be up early to get back to work, followed by Shoko leaving to get more cigarettes. Once they left, Maki and Megumi were the responsible pair of the seven students and basically dragged three of the other five out of our house with Yuta and Nobara following behind wishing us both a good night.
    After doing a half-assed job cleaning everything up, just sticking the leftovers in the fridge, me and Satoru made our way to the bedroom to lay down for the night. Once Satoru had turned off the lights and joined me on the bed, I moved to lay my head on his chest and curl into his side. “Toru” I said quietly, receiving a hum in response. “Thank you again for today, I truly appreciate it. It truly was the best birthday ever.”
    He pulled me tighter to his chest before responding. “Of course love. I know it can be hard having your birthday so close to Christmas, everyone always kinda overlooks those of us born in December because of it. But I will never overlook you, I love you too much.” Satoru placed a kiss on the top of my head.
    I turned my head to look into his eyes, leaning up slightly for another kiss. “I love you too, Satoru. Although your birthday is in a week, now I have to find a way to one up you.” I said, pulling away. He just chuckled at me, as I laid back down on his chest.
    “Just having you here with me is enough.” He said as we both drifted off to sleep.
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im-a-marvel-ous-hoe · 6 months
Santa, Baby | Bucky Barnes (4th Day of 🎄)
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(Credits to the owner of this pic!)
Heyo! I’m back with another Christmas fic! I kinda wrote this one super late at night and haven’t done a proofread on this, so if this is shit pls forgive me 😅🩵
Christmas Masterlist <- check out my other holiday fics!
“That’s so cliché! C’mon, I saw that happening from a mile away.” Bucky laughed as we both sat on the couch watching a bad Christmas rom-com, both of us sharing a blanket so that gives us an excuse to cuddle up to each other. He reached for his mug on the coffee stand in front of the both of us and brought it up to his lips, taking a sip and savoring the bitter taste of his coffee on his tongue.
I watched him drink from his mug as I waited in anticipation for him to reach the bottom of the cup. I smiled to myself and shook my head, my attention turning back to the screen in front of us. “You’ve never seen this movie! There’s no way you could’ve guessed.” I joked as he leaned his head closer to mine while his eyes stayed on the TV screen, his arm laid comfortably draped over my shoulder. “Just because I’ve never seen it, doesn’t mean I’m wrong.”
He smiled as he took another sip of his coffee, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as the hot liquid slid down his throat. “Well, when you’re as hot as that actor, the bad acting and cliché lines are forgivable.”
“I’m sitting right here!” He raised an eyebrow and turned towards me. “Oh, that’s right! I forgot that I can only fantasize about being stopped at an airport by the love of my life who tells me how much he loves me and doesn’t want me to leave when you’re not here. Sorry, baby, you’re the hottest man I’ve ever met.” He playfully pushed me off to the side and laughed.
“You dork.”
“You love me.”
“Unfortunately.” He shrugged his shoulders and smirked as I let out a gasp. I returned the favor as he lifted the mug away from me. “Hey, hey! Watch it! You’re gonna make me spill it all over us.” He smiled once he realized he was untouchable while holding the hot beverage. There’s no way I’m gonna allow coffee to stain our blanket and he knows it. He smiled as he lifted the cup up to his puckered lips. “Oh you cocky motherfucker, just watch. Once you put that mug down, your ass is mine.”
“You know, I’m actually quite thirsty. I think I might just hold onto it.”
“Mhmm.” I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed, my anxiety starting to rise wondering how much coffee is left in his mug. How would he react? I’ve been keeping this a secret for a few weeks and the anticipation of telling him was starting to eat me alive. Is this the best way to break the news to him? I mean, it’s a bit too late now to take it out of his hands so…
“Random question, but I’m just curious…” He took a quick sip before speaking up again. “Have you thought about what you’re getting me for Christmas?” I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Yes, I have. Have you?”
He nodded his head, a small blush appeared on his cheeks as he smiled. “I’ve got the perfect gift, all wrapped up and ready to go.”
“Oh, really? All ready to go, you say?” I asked. “Mhmm. I can’t wait to see the look on your face and doll, let me just say, nothing, and I mean nothing… can top what I got you. I’m callin’ it.” I reached my hand up to his free one and intertwined our fingers together. “Oh, I don’t know about that Bucky. I bet mine is better.”
He shook his head and brought my hand up to his lips, placing a quick sweet kiss on top and looked down at my fingers. “Nope, I’m pretty sure mine is.” I could feel heat rise to my face as I watched him, my mind becoming mush for a second. “As much as I love your gifts, I think I’m the one who's got this one in the bag this year.” I glanced at the practically empty mug in his hand.
“You know what?” He hummed in response, continuing playing with my fingers as he looked directly at me. “You wanna exchange gifts now?” His demeanor changed for a second before clearing his throat. “R – Right now?” I nodded, my excitement and anxiety to tell him the news taking over my next words. “I literally can’t wait to give you your gift. It’s eating me alive.”
He chuckled nervously as his eyes drifted to a random corner of the room. The mug lie standing up on his lap, his fingers gripping the handle. “But uh it’s – it’s not Christmas.”
“I know, but.. this could be a preemie present. I don’t want you to see your gift in front of everyone at Tony’s Christmas party. Too many people watching for something that’s meant to be intimate.” He smirked as he recalled last Christmas. “Is your gift you, doll? Am I gonna have to unwrap you? Is that why you don’t want people watching?” I playfully hit his chest as he laughed before finally meeting my eyes.
“Get your mind outta the gutter, Barnes, I was trynna be sweet here.” His eyes crinkled as he laughed. “Hey, I wouldn’t complain. I loved my gift last year, doll. Can’t help it if I got excited thinking it might happen again this year.” I covered my face with embarrassment as he adjusted his body, his leg bent as he sat directly in front of me. “Do you love seeing me get like this or something?”
“Oh, 100%.”
I pulled my hands away from my face, which I’m sure was beet red. He sat there, staring at me and smiled. “There she is.” I felt my lips curve up and couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Can – Can we please just exchange gifts? I don’t know how much longer I can wait.”
He stayed silent for a moment and hummed. Something about the soft faraway look in his eyes and the way he bit his lip told me that my gift must’ve been something special if he’s acting like this. He glanced down at my hands in my lap and as if something in his head clicked. Seeming to come to a decision, he slowly nodded his head and looked up at me.
“Okay, doll. Let’s do it.” I didn’t realize I was holding in my breath awaiting his response until I felt my shoulders slump and a nervous smile creeped up on my face. “Okay… okay um..” I cleared my throat and took in a nervous deep breath as he spoke. “Ladies first.”
I glanced at the mug he still held onto and felt my heart beating erratically. My hands slowly reached for his cup and grasped it, taking it from his hands and lifted it up to his face. He raised an eyebrow as he waited to see what I would say. “Inside this mug, holds your Christmas gift.”
He glanced at the cup in my hand and smiled up at me. “Doll, I’m confused. Why wouldn’t you want me to see this gift in front of everyone at Tony’s party? It’s just a mug.” He laughed as he took the cup back in his hands. “I said inside the mug is your Christmas gift.”
“... Baby – ”
“Oh my God, Bucky, look at the bottom of the mug!” He held his hands up in defense and chuckled at my impatience, “Okay! It’s right here! It’s not goin’ anywhere.” He looked inside his mug and realized he hadn’t finished his coffee. He brought the cup up to his lips and began drinking the remaining liquid until he suddenly stopped. My heart pounded against my chest as he slowly brought the mug away from his face as he read out the secret message at the bottom of his drink.
‘We are pregnant’
His lips parted open slightly as I anxiously waited for his response. I began to play with the blanket that lay between us as I softly called out his name. He turned towards me and asked. “Are you… is this.. baby, is this real?” I nodded as he quickly placed the mug on the coffee table and brought my body close to him, embracing me in a bear hug. I wrapped my arms around him and felt my bottom lip tremble.
Tears began brimming my eyes as he held me tightly to him, letting out a quiet sniffle. “When – When did you find out? How long have you known?” I chuckled as I went to pull away from him but was quickly brought back in and held on even tighter. “I found out a few weeks ago. I took a few tests and they all came out positive.”
He buried his face into my neck and continued listening to how I found out we are pregnant. “I’ve been keeping this secret ever since. I haven’t told anyone yet – not even Nat or Wanda, although I’m sure they both know that somethings up.” I chuckled. “I wanted you to be the first person I told before we told everyone else. I didn’t want you to feel out of the loop or something if you found out at the same time as everyone else. I wanted us to tell them together.”
He pulled away and reached both of his hands up to reach the sides of my face, He sniffled as his glassy eyes met mine and we both just smiled at each other. “Baby… we’re having a baby.”
I nodded as he pulled me in for a kiss. And another.. and another.. and another.
His fingers ran through my hair as my hands stayed on the stubble on his face, not being able to move as much for how close he pulled me towards him. “You’re gonna be a daddy.” I softly spoke as my lips grazed his. “And you’re gonna be a momma.” I smiled against him and pulled him in for one more kiss.
“I love you.. I love you.. I love you..” He mumbled in between kisses as I giggled against him. His hand reached down and I felt the palm of his hand against my stomach. I placed my hand on top of his as he slowly pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine. “Darling, I… this is the best gift you could’ve ever given me.”
“Told you my gift was the best.” I smiled as he chuckled.
“You haven’t even seen what my gift is.”
“Doesn’t matter. This is as much a gift to you as this is for me.” He leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on my lips before pulling away. He held my hand in his as he rubbed his thumb over my ring finger and pinky as he tilted his head to the side before looking up at me and asked. “Can I give you my Christmas gift now?”
I nodded my head and wiped my eyes clear from my tears. He pushed the blanket that lay on his lap away from him and slowly reached his hand down to the front pocket of his pants. I sat there in silence as he suddenly pulled out a small black velvet box. His gaze stayed focused on the box as he took in a deep breath, shuddering and clearing his throat.
“Y/N…” With his free hand, he reached down and grasped mine in his.
Oh my God.
“Before I met you, I never thought I’d be able to find someone who makes me believe I deserve all the love I’ve been deprived of for so long. I never thought I could find someone who makes me want to be a better person. I uh haha.. never thought I’d find someone who I would want to start a family with..”
He looked up at me with tears in his eyes as he nervously blushed as he continued. “Being with you made me realize how much I want things. I want that quiet life in the country. The white picket fence with our kids running around..” He reached his hand down to my stomach as I felt myself become emotional all over again. If it’s because of the hormones or his beautiful speech, I’ll never know. Maybe it’s a combination of both.
“I want it. I want it all with you and no one else. You’re it, baby. You’re it for me and I want to spend every waking moment with you for the rest of my life. I want to be able to call you mine, forever. With that being said, I guess this means I just have one question left..”
He held the velvet box in his hand nervously as I brought my hand up to my mouth, trying to stifle any cry that’s trying to pop its way out.
“Y/N..” he opened up the small box as I let out a soft gasp. “.. will you marry me?”
I gazed at the beautiful ring in his hands and couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Our lives are really forever about to change. With marriage and a baby already on the way, it’s making me wonder for a split second if we are moving too fast. His hopeful eyes and shy smile is enough to make my heart burst out of my chest and push away any doubt. This is the man I love and he loves me. I’m looking at the rest of my life in front of me.
I nodded my head.
“Yes. Yes, yes a million times yes.”
He smiled and grabbed the ring and slipped it onto my finger before bringing me in for another kiss for the night. I giggled against his lips as I thought about how busy we’re going to be with the baby and wedding preparations. He slowly pulled away and brought my ringed finger up to his face and inspected it.
“I’ve been waiting to put a ring on your finger for so long. Steve and Sam came ring shopping with me and helped pick out the perfect one. It looks even better than I could ever imagine..” I smiled at him as he met my gaze. “I think I chose well. What do you think?”
I chuckled. “It’s beautiful, Bucky. I love it..” I admired the ring as he moved a strand of hair away from my face. “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Barnes.” His thin line smile grew as he blushed at the thought.
“I can’t wait to call you my wife.” Bucky placed his hand on my stomach and softly smiled. I’m excited for what the future has in store for us. “You know we’re gonna be the talk of the party at Tony’s, right?”
“Oh definitely. That is gonna be interesting.”
“Mhmm and I bet you Sam is gonna ask to be the godfather of our kid.”
He laughed and shook his head. “And have our own kid grow up to bully me like he does? No way. Sam would get a kick out of it, I just know it.”
“He really would.” I laughed with him and looked into his eyes.
“You know somethin’?”
“Who do you think got the better gift? ‘Cause right now, I’m thinkin’ it looks like a tie this year.”
I hope y’all liked it! Please let me know your thoughts! Likes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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