#manifesting magic
crystalandbow · 13 days
DAY 3 ⚠️
Of Manifestation challenge
Visualize your desired outcomes and affirm them regularly. Surround yourself with positive influences and take actionable steps towards your dreams. Remember, consistency and belief in yourself are key ingredients for manifestation success!
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serenityreikiclinic · 1 month
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🌟 9-Step Unconventional Guide to Manifesting with the Law of Attraction 🌟
1️⃣ Embrace Cosmic Collaboration: Work your magic with the stars! Consult astrology for the best times to manifest for your sign. Be sure to avoid manifesting around any eclipse, as it could go wonky!
2️⃣ Craft a Manifestation Mandala: Dive into the realm of sacred geometry and create a manifestation mandala infused with your intentions. Let the symmetrical patterns and vibrant colors activate the Law of Attraction on a visual level.
3️⃣ Harness Elemental Energies: Connect with the elemental forces of nature to supercharge your manifestations. Dance with fire, meditate by water, commune with the earth, and see yourself soaring through the air to harmonize with the natural flow of abundance.
4️⃣ Activate Your Inner Alchemist: Channel your inner alchemist and transmute limiting beliefs into empowering affirmations. Turn doubt into determination, fear into faith, and scarcity into abundance with the power of your thoughts. Write out your negative thoughts and safely burn the paper. Bury the ash to be transmuted by the earth!
5️⃣ Invoke Spirit Guides: Enlist the guidance of your spirit guides, angels, or ancestors to assist you on your manifesting journey. Create an altar, light a candle, and invite their wisdom and support into your manifestations. Ask for signs you are on the right track and open to receiving.
6️⃣ Dance Your Desires into Reality: Shake up the energy and dance your desires into existence. Move your body, shake off stagnant vibes, and let the rhythm of the universe sync with your intentions as you hold your focus and dance.
7️⃣ Channel Creativity: Tap into your creative flow and express your desires through art, music, or writing. Let your creativity be the conduit through which your manifestations manifest, infusing your creations with intention and magic.
8️⃣ Practice Quantum Jumping: Explore the quantum realm and shift into parallel realities where your desires are already a reality. Use visualization techniques to quantum jump into the version of yourself living your dream life.
9️⃣ Embrace Surrendered Action: Release the need for forceful action and instead embrace surrendered action. Trust in the divine timing of the universe and allow inspired actions to flow effortlessly toward your manifestations.
Manifesting with the Law of Attraction is an ever-evolving journey of exploration and experimentation. Dare to think outside the box, infuse your practice with creativity, and watch as the universe conspires to bring your dreams to life! ✨🔮
Feel free to share this post with fellow cosmic creators and ignite the spark of unconventional manifesting in their lives! 🌌🚀
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The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
The Power of "Dear Universe" Letters
Shaina Tranquilino
August 13, 2023
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Have you heard about the incredible power of writing a "Dear Universe" letter? In recent years, this practice has gained popularity as a powerful tool for manifesting your desires and expressing gratitude. By addressing the universe directly in a heartfelt letter, you create an intimate connection with the cosmic forces that surround us. Whether you seek to ask for what you want or express appreciation for what you already have, these letters can be transformative. Today, we will explore how to write effective "Dear Universe" letters to manifest your dreams and show gratitude.
1. Set the intention:
Before starting your letter, take a moment to set your intentions clearly. Reflect on what it is that you desire or wish to express gratitude for. Be specific and genuine in your intentions, as they form the foundation of your letter's energy.
2. Begin with thanks:
Expressing gratitude is an essential part of writing a "Dear Universe" letter. Start by thanking the universe for everything you are grateful for at present – loved ones, health, accomplishments, experiences, etc. This sets an appreciative tone and aligns your energy with positivity.
3. Create a clear vision:
To ask for what you want effectively, visualize it vividly within your mind's eye while writing your letter. Imagine every detail – from how it looks and feels to how it impacts your life positively. Clearly articulate your desires without limitations or doubts; let the universe know precisely what you envision.
4. Express emotions authentically:
When crafting your letter, allow yourself to dive into raw emotions associated with both receiving what you desire and expressing gratitude genuinely. Pour out any fears or doubts that may arise but transform them into positive affirmations by focusing on trust and unwavering belief in the universe's abundance.
5. Use affirmative language:
Ensure that all aspects of your letter are written in the present tense, as if you have already received what you desire. This way, you align your energy and intentions with that of the universe, signaling readiness to receive and manifest your desires.
6. Show trust and surrender:
Once you have expressed your desires and gratitude, remind yourself that you have entrusted the universe with fulfilling them. Express faith in its divine timing and wisdom while acknowledging that you are open to receiving blessings in unexpected ways.
7. Seal it with love:
Conclude your "Dear Universe" letter by reaffirming your appreciation for the opportunity to co-create with the cosmos. Sign off with a heartfelt expression of love, sealing the connection between yourself and the universe.
8. Release attachment:
After writing your letter, let go of any attachment to outcomes or expectations. Trust that whatever unfolds is for your highest good. Detaching from specific results allows space for miracles and opportunities beyond what you could have imagined.
Writing "Dear Universe" letters can be a powerful practice to manifest our deepest desires and cultivate gratitude for all we've been given. By setting clear intentions, expressing genuine emotions, and releasing attachment, we create an energetic alignment with the universe's abundant forces. So why not take pen to paper today? Pour out your dreams and appreciation in a heartfelt letter addressed to the universe – knowing that when we ask for what we want and express thanks sincerely, incredible transformations can occur within our lives.
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learning2heal · 2 years
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herbsandhistory · 2 years
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INSTAGRAM: catlandbooks
Transform Your Cooking into a Magickal Act of Healing, Manifesting, and Creating Featuring a wide variety of recipes, correspondences, and techniques, this practical guide elevates the way you cook and prepare meals. Laurel Woodward shares the magick of everyday things, revealing how each task can become a ritual of creation. Organized by food type, this book teaches the magickal ins and outs of: • Wheats and Flours • Nuts and Seeds Oils and Vinegars • Sweets • Spices and Herbs • Vegetables • Fruits Dairy and Eggs • Drinks • Gluten-Free Meals Kitchen Witchery also provides recipes for the seasons and holidays, oil and seasoning blends, and clever ways to turn your pantry items into magickal tools. From homemade hummus to herbal teas and so much more, this book nourishes your practice and shows you the bountiful magick right in your kitchen.
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wind-sage-serin · 6 months
Been a while since I got the urge to write here so here goes.
Doing witchcraft and magick is all fine and dandy, but do you know what I really really like?
I like finding odd ways to get results. I’m talkin weird spell components you find under a park bench or at the Dollar Tree. I’m talkin incense that’s usually just novelty crud but works suspiciously well for what it is. I’m talkin that fancy bowl from the consignment shop that produces the exact sound you need for clearing and is also VERY SHINY.
(And yeah these are all examples from personal experience.)
Lemme tell you some of the manifesting items I’ve used and entities I’ve called for assistance with reaching a goal:
—Prosperity incense (locally made, 25¢ apiece), given to our financial house wight named Stanley
—Orange fragrance oil (Walmart)
—4 hour emergency candles (Dollar Tree) (anointed with above oil)
—Wildberry Shooting Star Incense (local smoke shop)
I cannot express that last one. Holy smokes, why does Wildberry Incense have a manifesting incense just sleeping there, waiting to be used?! I don’t generally buy Wildberry because they feel a bit kitschy but wow does that work!!
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weloveyoubabygirl · 12 days
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IG: @iamtionge
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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prodigal son.
a sort of epilogue for God of War Ragnarok, since I miss these two so much.
support me on patreon
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mevil · 2 months
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this silly little extra really cements the idea in my head that falin’s chimera form incorporates a cockatoo like marcille’s old pet pipi having been around some growing up they really always used to be covered in feather dander it would feel ridiculous at times
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mothicbeauty · 4 months
I pray that every single soul who sees this, likes this, or reblogs this experiences a miracle within the next hour.
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wandoffire · 5 months
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birdsongisland · 2 months
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im normal and spent a normal amount of time, effort and thought on this
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harmonyhealinghub · 9 months
The Art of Manifestation: Unlocking the Power to Create Your Dream Life
Shaina Tranquilino
August 14, 2023
Manifestation is a powerful tool that allows us to bring our desires into reality. It is the process of using our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions to create the life we truly want. While it may seem like an abstract concept, manifestation is actually a practical and effective way to achieve your goals. In this blog post, we will explore some simple steps you can take to manifest your dreams.
1. Set Clear Intentions: The first step in manifesting is to set clear and specific intentions. What do you truly desire? Take some time to reflect on what you want to manifest in your life. Be as detailed as possible - visualize how it will look, feel, and even smell. Write down your intentions in a journal or create a vision board to keep them visible.
2. Believe in Yourself: Your mindset plays a crucial role in manifestation. You must believe wholeheartedly that you are capable of achieving your desires. Banish any self-doubt or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. Affirmations can be a helpful tool in building confidence and reinforcing positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities.
3. Practice Gratitude: Gratitude is an essential component of manifestation. Expressing gratitude for what you already have creates a positive energy that attracts more abundance into your life. Make it a daily habit to write down three things you are grateful for each day, focusing on both big and small blessings.
4. Visualize Your Desires: Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques for manifesting your dreams. Close your eyes and imagine yourself already experiencing what you desire. Engage all your senses - see the vivid colors, hear the sounds around you, feel the emotions of joy and fulfillment. The more real and detailed your visualization, the stronger its impact will be.
5. Take Inspired Action: Manifestation requires more than just positive thinking; it also involves taking inspired action towards your goals. Pay attention to any signs or opportunities that may come your way. Trust your intuition and take steps, no matter how small, towards manifesting your desires. Remember, the universe rewards those who actively pursue their dreams.
6. Let Go of Attachment: While it is important to set clear intentions and take action, it is equally crucial to release attachment to the outcome. This means surrendering control and trusting that the universe will bring you what is truly meant for you in its own divine timing. Trust that everything is working out for your highest good, even if it doesn't unfold exactly as you imagined.
7. Practice Patience and Persistence: Manifestation is not an overnight process; it requires patience and persistence. Stay committed to your intentions, even when faced with challenges or setbacks. Trust in the process, remain positive, and keep taking inspired action. Believe that what you desire is already on its way to you.
Remember, manifestation is a continuous practice that requires consistent effort and belief in yourself. By setting clear intentions, practicing gratitude, visualizing your desires, taking inspired action, letting go of attachment, and staying patient and persistent, you can harness the power of manifestation to create the life of your dreams. Start today and watch as your desires effortlessly materialize before your eyes!
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hearthandheathenry · 2 months
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Color Associations In Magick
Red - love, seduction, passion, strength, courage, charisma, assertiveness, survival, change, power
Blue - peace, communication, expression, forgiveness, traveling, protection, truth, sleep, patience, trust, pregnancy
Yellow - joy, abundance, intelligence, reason, learning, memory, inspiration, imagination, friendships
Green - growth, wealth, fertility, business, healing, nature, balance, luck, longevity
Orange - creativity, justice, ambition, opportunity, attraction, abundance, confidence, energy, celebration, goals, success
Purple - intuition, decadence, authority, wisdom, knowledge, influence, psychic abilities, devotion, enlightenment, overcoming fears, addiction, independence, spirituality
Pink - self-love, companionship, affection, spiritual healing, kindness, beauty, femininity, marriage, sensuality, children, healing abuse
Brown - home, animals, family, stability, endurance, grounding, solidarity, strength, hard work, earth
White - cleansing, purification, spirituality, higher-self, innocence, illumination, balancing, hope
Black - protection, binding, transmutation, banishing negativity, dignity, force, grief, secrets, endings, loss, security
Gray - stability, concentration, neutrality, reserve, balance, adaptability, flexibility
Gold - wealth, inner-strength, understanding, self-realization, sun, masculinity, abundance, happiness, overcoming addiction, luxury
Silver - wisdom, psychic powers, intelligence, memory, moon, healing, divination, money, femininity, fertility, hidden potential, success, awareness
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blackandshine · 9 months
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