#marc blushing after being complimented >>>
fanficriter · 3 months
marc anciel with a reader who just randomly follows him around for like 2 minutes then leaves><!!and n̶o̶t̶ so secretly crushes on him??
don't fforget to drink water/eat and good night<33
-❧ anon if I may be❤
this might be VERY ooc cuz i havnt rlly watched mlb in yonks but i will try be best ! This is also very short so i apologise.
Marc Anciel x Crushing! Reader
Warnings: None
Gender Neutral Reader
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- You both met in Art Class!
- Sitting next to eachother, naturally you guys striked up a bit of a conversation
- He hasn’t been able to escape you since.
- Actually, yes he has. Because you had a habit of hanging around him then randomly leaving
- It confused the hell out of him
- Did you not like him? Did he smell bad? Did you leave because he didn’t say anything?
- Loud incorrect buzzer
- You’d follow him, trying to find a way to strike up conversation, but would get to shy and run away
- You confided in Marionette about your little crush and she was quick to help you out! Telling you about things he could talk about for hours, so you could bring them up!
- It worked pretty well!
- Sooner or later you guys were talking more and more during class!
- Nathaniel figured out about your crush pretty quickly.
- The way you’d blush every time he went on a rant about something he was passionate about
- Or just the way you’d linger around, trying to think of something to say
- Being his best friend, he told Marc pretty quickly
- “I think Y/n has a crush on you.”
- “Hah! What? N-no way!”
- He thought about it for a while. I mean, it’s not like you didn’t like him… You followed him around pretty frequently. Always complimenting him and whatnot.
- Poor guy was in denial
- Until you confessed 🎉
- “But then… Why do you randomly leave all the time?!”
- “I dunno… i don’t want you to think i’m weird for following you! I just don’t really know what to say…”
- He understood, he could get pretty shy to.
- After that, he started talking to you when you’d linger behind him, trying to get to know you better
- You both learned you had a lot in common!
- Maybe following your crushes around aimlessly actually works! (no it doesn’t)
This was lowkey difficult to write, i do not know his character at all 😭🙏
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imsparky2002 · 7 months
If Thomas Astruc Wrote Jesse Into The Show
(Miraculous Theme finishes)
(We see a shot of the theater at Francois DuPont, with the words ‘Stoneheart 2’ at the corner of the screen. The shot zooms in on two kids working on a set piece, Mylene Haprele and Jesse Ortega)
(I feel like Jean is also in the background, along with a lot of the theater kids)
(Who of course aren't named and focused on at all.) 
Mylene: Thanks so much for helping me, Jesse!
Jesse Ortega: (Gives her an obviously besotted stare) No problem, Mylene. You know I’d do anything for you!
(She doesn't react, finding no issue with what he said.) 
Mylene: Aw, that's sweet! 
(They continue working.)
Jesse: You know, Mylene…I think one of the things I like most about doing theater at DuPont…is getting to spend time with the most beautiful girl in school. 
(Again, staring at her like an obvious, lovesick puppy)
Mylene: (Smiling) You really think I’m beautiful?
(He nods.)
Jesse: The prettiest girl I’ve ever seen in my life. Like a blooming rose. 
(She smiles with a soft blush) 
Mylene: You’re so nice, Jesse.
(The camera pans over to a large, bulky teen standing off in the right wing, scowling angrily.)
Ivan: (Thinking) I should pound that little twerp for trying to steal Mylene. She’s mine!
(He snarls as he sees Jesse brush a strand of Mylene’s hair away from her face. How DARE that little pest touch her!)
(He’s about to storm over when he sees Mylene heading his way with a smile. He quickly tries to compose himself)
Mylene: Thanks for visiting me, Teddy Bear!
Ivan: (Forcing a smile) Yeah, no problem. (His dark frown returns) Mylene, there’s something we need to talk about.
Mylene: What’s wrong?
Ivan: It’s about Jesse. Didn’t you pick up on it?
Mylene: Pick up on what? We were just talking, he IS my friend.
Ivan: He called you beautiful! He was flirting with you!
(Mylene looks taken aback) 
Mylene: What?! Don’t be silly, Ivan, that’s nonsense! Jesse has been my friend since we were kids! Why would he flirt with me?
Ivan: Because you’re a beautiful girl, Mylene! He said so himself!
(Mylene frowns)
Mylene: Ivan, it sounds to me like you’re jealous of me spending time with another boy. Like you don’t trust me!
Ivan: Of course I trust you!
Mylene: I’m not in the mood for this, I’m leaving.
(As she walks off, Jesse moves up behind him.)
Jesse: Trouble in paradise?
Ivan: Get out of my face, runt! Before I punch in yours!
Jesse: Mylene wouldn’t like to see her “gentle giant” pummel an innocent weakling like me. She’ll just go to me, and I’ll be her shoulder to cry on.
Ivan: (Growls) You stay away from her, you hear me? Mylene is MY girl! Not. Yours. 
(He jabs a finger in Jesse’s chest with the last two words)
(He storms off as Jesse smiles.)
Jesse: We’ll see about that.
(Cut to after school. Mylene is talking about what happened to the girl squad.)
Mylene: Ugh! I just don’t know what to do! My Teddy Bear has never acted like this before! And I don’t want to stop being friends with Jesse!
Rose: He was just giving you compliments! Nothing wrong with that!
Alya: Yeah, you didn’t do anything wrong, girl! Ivan’s the one who’s getting jealous for no reason!
(As usual Alix is one of the only relatively sane ones)
Alix: I don’t know guys. What Jesse said sounded off to me.
Alya: No offense, girl, but romance isn’t really your forte.
(Alix just shrugs in admission.)
Mylene: So…what should I do?
Marinette: Honestly, Mylene, you need to have a serious talk with Ivan. He’s letting jealousy get the better of him. It’s not safe or healthy for your relationship.
Juleka: (Mumbles) Yeah.
(Mylene nods, and the scene cuts to a different area of the courtyard, with the akuma class boys, along with Marc)
Ivan: Honestly, the nerve of that little creep! And Mylene thinks I don't trust her!
Adrien: …Well, Ivan…it does seem like you’re getting irrationally jealous…
Nino: Yeah, dude. You're cool with us hanging around My, right? 
Ivan: Yeah! 'Cause you don't flirt with her! And most of you have girlfriends of your own!
(I imagine as usual, Marc and Nathaniel aren't actually part of the conversation, just doodling because unless it's Adrinette related, it seems they don't matter. Also the show isn't gonna admit they're dating or not.)
(I do find it funny that the only reason Adrien didn't get jealous for Marinette is because he was so oblivious.)
Max: Even so, Jessie has been friends with Mylene for years! It’s not really fair of you to ask her to end that friendship!
Ivan: I DIDN'T! I just want him to stay friends, not try and make any moves! 
Kim: Yo! No need to shout at Max! 
Ivan: Shut up, Kim! At least I'm not dumb as a doornob when it comes to love!
Kim: At least I don’t get mad over nothing when Ondine hangs out with her guy friends!
Ivan: Yeah! Because you're Mr. Popular! None of the guys would EVER try and steal her from you!
Kim: Yeah, cuz they know better! (Pounds a fist to his palm) (*Sarcastic*Yaaaay, more double-standard stereotyping of bigger, bulkier guys as overly possessive brutes!) 
(Nathaniel and Marc just nod along, working in their comic and not being permitted to contribute anything)
(I love to imagine during filming, they adlib "straight people, amirite?" and the whole group bursts out laughing)
Ivan: Well Jesse doesn't!
(That reminds me, there are SO many takes for this episode, since the cast kept calling out the bullshit.)
Nino: Dude, you just gotta chill out, bro! Even if Jesse DOES like Mylene, you know she’s totally crazy about you!
Ivan: Well it doesn't seem like that anymore! 
(He stomps off.) 
Adrien: I hope that doesn't happen to me and Marinette.
Nathaniel: Of course not! You're the perfect couple! 
Marc: You'll be together forever! 
(Now they can chime in since ya know, Adrinette)
(Scene Cut. Mylene is straightening out her costume for the dress rehearsal. Jesse walks up to her, a nervous look on his face) 
Jesse: Hey…Mylene, can I talk to you?
Mylene: Of course, Jesse! Everything ok?
Jesse: (Doe-eyed stare) There’s…something I have to tell you. Something…really important. (He blushes) 
(Both of them are unaware that they’re being watched by a very jealous man…)
(He grabs her hand and looks her straight in the eyes.) 
Jesse: You're perfect, and I've loved you for years. Ever since I can remember, I knew one day we would be together. I just had to wait for you to come to your senses, to realize that Ivan isn't good enough for you.
Mylene: (Shocked) J-Jesse? Wha- 
(He cuts her off)
Jesse: I love you, Mylene. I want to be with you. 
(He goes in to kiss her)
Mylene: (Moving back) J-Jesse, what are you doing?!
(He grabs Jesse by the collar)
Jesse: L-look man, I didn’t mean- 
(A black butterfly flies in the window, and flies into Ivan’s drumsticks, which are in his pocket)
Chrysalis: Stoneheart. I am Chrysalis. This boy tried to steal the one you hold most dear away from you. I am giving you back the power to punish those who have wronged you, and to keep your precious flower all to yourself. All you need to do for me in return is retrieve the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir! Do we have an agreement?
Ivan: I'll never let her out of my sight ever again! 
(Black and purple smoke surrounds Ivan, as he transforms into Stoneheart.)
(Mylene cries out in fear as Jesse trembles on the ground.)
Stoneheart: JESSE! 
(The boy yelps as he dodges Stoneheart's attacks. Out of scene, Jesse admitted that he hated doing this, and Ivan and Mylene cuddled him after the moment. He was reminded of his dad. Thomas knew about this, and didn't care, saying that "method acting would help the performance".)
Mylene: Teddy Bear, stop! Please calm down!
(Stoneheart turns around and picks her up.) 
Stoneheart: I'll keep you safe, little mouse. Forever!
(He reaches out and grasps Jesse in his other fist) 
Stoneheart: And I’m gonna show everyone in Paris what happens when someone tries to take my flower from me! Using you!
(Jesse just whimpers in fear, the camera even shows his cute worried face to make you feel sympathetic for him.) 
(We cut to Stoneheart rampaging through Paris.) 
Nadia Chamack: Breaking news! Paris's first akuma, Stoneheart, has returned and is wreaking havoc across the city!
(Marinette is shown with Tikki in her living room) 
Marinette: Oh no! Ivan must have been more jealous Jesse than we thought, Tikki! We’ve got to stop this! Tikki, spots on! 
(She transforms)
(Meanwhile, Adrien notices in his own room.) 
Adrien: Looks like the big guy needs to learn a lesson about possessiveness. Plagg, claws out! 
(He transforms.)
(The scene switches to the Eiffel Tower, where Stoneheart still holds both Jesse and Mylene.) 
Mylene: Ivan, stop, please! You don’t have to do this!
Stoneheart: Yes I do! It's the only way you'll be safe from creeps like him! 
(He begins to crush the hand that holds Jesse.) 
Stoneheart: This'll teach you, punk!
Jesse: AAAAGH! Please stop! I promise I’ll stay away from her! Just let me go!
Stoneheart: TOO LATE! 
(Suddenly, Ladybug and Chat Noir show up.) 
Chat Noir: Put 'em down, Rocky!
Ladybug: Ivan, stop this! Don’t let your jealousy make you do something you’ll regret!
(Not hypocritical at all.) 
(He lashes out and strikes at the heroes, with the hand holding Jesse, who looks nauseous. He keeps Mylene clutched close to his chest.)
Chat Noir: Man, this sure brings back memories, doesn't it, my lady? It was fighting this very psycho that I met the love of my life! 
Ladybug: Save it, kitty. There's people who need to be saved, and I worry we can't do this alone.
(Suddenly, a very concerned and campily fearful Jean appears) 
Jean: (Dramatic cry of anguish) Jesse! Oh my gawd, that horrible monster has my BEST friend! (loud sob) What am I going to do?!
(The entire cast rolled their eyes when Jean first appeared.) 
(The heroes swing over to Jean.) 
Jean: Omigod, it's Ladybug and Cat Noir! Can I just say y'all are slayin in those outfits! Yass queen! 
(Also they've retconned Jean being Magician of Misfortune, since they figure nobody cares. Also he never likes magic in the script, since that would mean giving him something as a hobby.)
Ladybug: (Pulling out the Ox Miraculous) Jean Duparc, I grant you the Flamingo Miraculous. You will use it to defeat Stoneheart. You will return it once the fight is over. Can I trust you?
Jean: Omigoood, yes. Definitely. 
(Squaawk comes out when he opens the box)
Squaawk: Hey bestie! What's the tea? 
Jean: Omigod, he's soooo cute!
Ladybug: All you have to say is “Squawk, pink me up!” Are you ready?
Jean: I was born ready, gurl. Squaawk, pink me up!
(He transforms into an outrageously glittery and feathery flamingo hero, and the three heroes charge into battle. Jean literally sobbed in despair when he saw the costume he would have to wear.)
Fabulouso: Let's take this brute down, honeys!
(The three heroes land on front of the Eiffel Tower, where Stoneheart is still roaring in anger)
(As Ladybug and Chat Noir distract Stoneheart during a segment that lasts a minute or so, Fabuloso sashays over to Stoneheart and a beam of pink energy hits Stoneheart. The beam came from his cane, and dazzles the monster.)
Fabuloso: Behold my ✨Sparkle✨, StoneHACK! And be amazed. 
(Ladybug and Chat Noir rescue Jesse and Mylene before the effect wears off)
(While this happens, Chat grabs the source of the akuma and tosses it to Ladybug. Blah blah blah, miraculous cure, and we go back to a dazed Ivan.)
Ladybug: Ivan, are you alright? 
Ivan: Ye-yeah, I think so…what happened? 
Jesse: WHAT HAPPENED?! What happened is that you turned into a jealous maniac, then snatched me up and tried to crush me to death! This is exactly why Mylene would be better off with me, you’re DANGEROUS!
Mylene: JESSE, THAT'S ENOUGH! Ivan was akumatized, he had no control over his actions! Do you want him to get brainwashed by Chrysalis again? 
(I feel like the writers aren't allowed to specifically say Jesse's in the wrong.)
(Jesse just huffs, not wanting to risk getting her mad at him) 
(Ladybug once again approaches Ivan, pulling out her yo-yo and giving him an anti akuma charm)
Ivan: My... I'm really sorry. I acted like a real jerk. 
Mylene: Aw, it's ok, Teddy Bear. You were only looking out for me!
(Ivan smiles) 
Ivan: I love you, little mouse. 
(They share a hug as Jesse fumes in the background) 
(Ladybug then approaches)
Ladybug: I’m glad that you’re feeling better, Ivan. But it’s important to remember, jealousy is an ugly thing, and can cause you to lose yourself. If you let it control you, you’ll do things that you regret, and you may end up hurting people that you really care about. Next time you feel worried, try to remind yourself that giving in to envy is never the way to go. Remember that Mylene loves you. Do you think you can do that?
Ivan: I... I can try. 
Ladybug: (Turning to Jesse) And you. Having romantic feeling for someone else in a relationship isn't wrong. Flirting's all well and good, but don't make any moves. Got it? 
(Jesse gets a sly smile.) 
Jesse: Understood.
(Jesse calls Nathaniel. We don't hear his response.) 
Jesse: Hey, Nathaniel? Mind if I request a new comic project? A story about a handsome bard who rescues a princess from a dumb troll. I think it'll be a MASSIVE hit.
(The end card looks like Ivan and Jesse fighting over Mylene, who looks shocked as she watches them battle for her heart.)
I created this awhile back with Weebs, so huge thanks to them. Essentially it's a hypothetical Season 6 episode introducing Jesse. As you can see, it's as bad and problematic as most of the show's episodes these days. Lemme know what you think. @artzychic27 @msweebyness
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madlittlecriminal · 1 year
M.C.E ☾ Marc Spector × Steven Grant × Female!Performing Arts Student!Reader
Request: yes! from: @bubblegumfanfics- Hello Angel! Can I get a heaping helping of fluff with Steven Grant and Marc Spector. Where they aren't in a relationship yet (I'm a sucker for confessions) but the reader doesn't know where she stands with Marc. The reader is a performing arts student and a main character in her final performance (very nervous about the performance) She invites Steven/Marc but Marc doesn't really want to go. Fluff and romance confession ensues.
Warnings: arguing (marc & steven), fanboy!steven, marc being shooketh, mention of jake (only marc & steven know), confession of love, steven has more…courage (keeping it PG) than marc
the gif doesn’t match the one shot
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“What’s the blue on the calendar for, love?” You grin at Steven’s question. “It’s my final performance! I’m both excited, but nervous at the same time, if that makes sense.” He chuckles. “That’s normal, darling. Is it a musical performance or just acting?” You sigh. “Acting, but the nerves are there because I’m the main character.” You await his reaction and he nods. “Oh, that’s great…WAIT DID YOU SAY MAIN CHARACTER?!” You giggle at his reaction with a nod. “THAT IS FANTASTIC!” He runs up to you and picks you up in a hug. You let out a laugh and he puts you down. “How does Marc feel about it?” It almost went unnoticed, but Steven was no longer there as Marc takes control of the body.
“I’m happy for you! I knew you would get the part! From all your practicing, you did it. Plus you just have the energy for it.” A soft blush paints your cheeks at his compliment, but you were confused at where you stood with him. Steven didn’t help either when he told you it was Marc’s choice, but with all the nicknames he’s given you, it confuses you. “I actually have a question, but you don’t need to answer right away.” He nods. “Will you be willing to come to and watch me perform? For support?” He freezes, not knowing what to say. He knows going will help you relax, but the fact that he, Steven and Jake developed feelings for you was something he wasn’t prepared for.
“I’ll check in with Steven first, sound good?” You nod, confused considering you know Steven would say yes in a heartbeat, but you didn’t want to question Marc. “Okay, sure. Just let me know beforehand.” He gives you a smile before heading to the bathroom and looking in the mirror. “So guys, what do we think?” Steven chuckles. “Well mate, I have no problem going,” Jake hums. “Looks like he has no problem either. Now it’s just you, Marc!” He huffs and rests his hands on the sink, before allowing himself to look down at it. “I don’t know if I wanna go. I mean, I have feelings for her, yes, but that’s why I’m afraid of going.”
“But Marc, if you want to support her, you should go! Feelings aside. Do it because you’re her mate. Your feelings can come after her performance!” Marc sighed. As much as he hated to admit it, Steven was right; he had to go for you and for once, not be selfish. He nods in the mirror and Steven beams back at him. He leaves the bathroom and makes his way back to the living room where you were scrolling through your phone. “Can we talk?” You look up at Marc and gulp before nodding. “So, I spoke with Steven and I’ve decided that I’d go to your performance.”
You got up with a smile. “Really?!” He nods with a soft chuckle. “Yeah! Obviously, Steven will be there, but he wants me to experience it.” You give Marc a hug before rushing off to your room. Your scent lingered for a bit which made Marc feel weak at the knees. He had it bad, but he wasn’t going to admit it just yet.
Your performance was over and Marc was in awe. The way you tricked three minds along with everyone else’s to act as a character was amazing. He and Steven would watch you practice sometimes, but to see it being played out in person was a whole different experience that he loved. He gripped the box he had in his hand, awaiting for you to come out from backstage. Even though you told him he could join when it was over, he wanted to give you his gift in private.
“Marc!” He looked over to meet your (e/c) eyes and smiled. “Hey you!” You let out a giggle as he brings you in for a hug. “You were amazing, (Y/N)! I’m so proud of you!” You raise an eyebrow. “Steven was the one who convinced you though, wasn’t he?” He sends you a glare and you laugh. “I’m joking. What part did you like best?” You both went on a conversation about the performance as he told you what he liked most, which scene was his favorite and which ones he didn’t like as much. You laugh when he said some of the props weren’t painted all the way.
“This is for you though.” You look up at him before looking at the box in his hand. “You didn’t have to get me anything, Marc. You being here was enough.” He feels his cheeks heat up before he hands you the box. You let out a sigh before opening it and gasping at the sight of the bracelet and noticing a piece of paper in it. You grab the paper and read it. “Marc?” He froze. “Do you mean that?” He gulps, unsure of what to say. In the end, he doesn’t say anything, he just nods.
You take the bracelet out of the box and hand it to him. “Can you help me put it on?” He unclamps the bracelet before putting it around your wrist and clamping back together again. “Thank you. Now tell me, when did you start to think I was ‘the most beautiful woman’ in your eyes?” He lets out a chuckle and rubs the back of his neck. “Well yeah, I do. It might also because you give off M.C.E.” You raise an eyebrow. “What?”
“Main character energy.”
“So, if I have main character energy, what does that mean for you?” He shrugs. “I guess I’ll be the love interest,” Marc sends you a wink and you feel your cheeks heat up. “Was that a confession?” He grabs your hand and kisses it gently. “It might be!” He looks into the window behind you and snickers at Steven jumping up and down. “That was probably either the best or worst confession I have ever heard, but I’ll take it. It’s about time you said something though. You made me feel like you didn’t like me.”
Marc puts an arm over your shoulder and shakes his head. “You couldn’t be more wrong, sweetheart.”
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Y/n: My friend thinks you are cute
Marc: what friend?
Y/n: I'm the friend
Marc: *cheeks heats up*
Y/n: Aw you are so adorable when you blush *smiles*
Marc: Stop *blushes furiously*
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
Where's Taweret When You Need Her?
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Summary: You’re on your period and the moon boys comfort you. That’s it. That’s the plot. Fluff, hurt/comfort? I guess. Based on this request by @rosequinn121
Rating: Teen for language and some innuendo and also the devil’s lettuce. Generally SFW. 
This shit is NOT proofread, you can deal with it though. I believe in you. 
You woke up well before your alarm to that familiar aching feeling below your stomach. 
Fucking great. 
You were a couple of days early, but that’s better than being late, right? Save for the fact that you were not prepared for this at all, and now your nice silk sheets had to suffer the consequences of your lack of forethought. 
And you would have to wake up Steven. 
How you had gotten to this point in your relationship without blood-staining any of his furniture, you didn’t know. You guessed you had always been hyper-aware of when your period was going to start. You know, deathly fear of accidentally bearing a child and all that. But the boys had been away on missions almost the whole month, so you hadn’t exactly been stressing about a missed cycle this time. 
Steven had spent the night at your house last night, much too tired to venture to his apartment after the… eventful night the two of you had had. You hadn’t expected to start your period, though, and if you had, as pathetic as it sounded, you wouldn’t have let him stay over. It was a bit illogical considering how long you had been together, but you didn’t want to gross out any of your boys with period talk. It was just one of those things. 
You slid out of bed with a stifled groan, your hips already aching and nausea filling your gut. Your bedside clock read half-past three, which just made you even more upset. You’d have to wake him up, or else those stains had no chance of coming out. First, though, you would at least gather all the necessary things for you to hop in the shower. You sat a towel and some clean pajamas on the vanity before venturing back into your room and turning on the bedside lamp. 
“Steven, honey,” You tried to coax him with just your voice, but he was deep in his slumber. You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, shaking lightly. “Stevie, wake up.”
“What?” His groan sounded decidedly American. Okay, so you were waking Marc up. That didn’t make you feel much better, but it also didn’t make you feel worse. You let out a deep sigh as he stirred awake. 
“I need you to get up, babe. I’ve got to strip the sheets.” Marc looked at you with groggy confusion. It took a few seconds for him to understand, and he turned to look at where you had been laying. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He forced himself up out of the bed, running his knuckles over his eye. “Let me do that, actually. You go ahead to the shower.” 
God, you felt so embarrassed. Why did he have to be here today? Why did you have to start your period today? Why did you have to wake him up? And... why were you blushing so hard when he didn't even look phased?
“You sure? I can take care of it, no problem.” He was surprisingly calm. Most of the men in your life walked on eggshells around this stuff. 
“Babe, trust me. I know how to get blood stains out.”
“I guess that's a good point.” He planted a quick kiss on your cheek as he lightly pushed you toward the bath. By that time you were itching to get under the water, hoping that a steaming shower would soothe your aching muscles. You tossed your pajamas out to him as you turned the knob on the tub. “Can you take care of these while you’re at it?” 
“Sure thing.” While he pulled the soiled sheets off your bed, you let the hot water coax the pain from your back. Well, some of the pain at least, but not enough to give you hope of comfortably going back to sleep. 
Your lavender body wash seemed to do little to help you relax, either, but you knew that the boys loved the smell. Marc would do anything to snuggle up to you whenever you used it, and it complimented Steven’s cologne perfectly. You lingered until the water threatened to get cold. The cool air crept around the shower curtain as you shut the water off, stinging your skin. 
It was going to be a very long day. 
You got dressed as quickly as you could, shuddering against the cold. Noise was coming from the laundry closet, no doubt a sign that Marc was handling the soiled clothes as promised. You ventured into the kitchen, figuring that some chamomile tea might help curb your cramps while they were still young, and popped a couple of ibuprofen just to be safe. 
Luckily, your bed had a mattress cover, so you hadn’t done any permanent damage. You pulled some new sheets over the bed, probably more sloppily than you really should have done. It was four in the morning after all. Marc returned to your bedroom to see you struggling with the fitted sheet. 
“Having trouble?” He mused. You were not impressed, shooting him an annoyed look as you stretched your arms across the fabric. Marc giggled softly, “I think this might go faster if I help.”
It took less than two minutes to finish making the bed, which was very relieving to you. Your cramps were kept at bay for the moment—and hopefully would be for a few hours thanks to the tea and the meds—but the fatigue had come in at full force. You tossed yourself onto your side of the bed, and Marc intuitively assumed the position of big spoon behind you. 
“Sorry to wake you,” You muttered to him. His chin was pressed into your neck, his hair tickling your skin. Marc’s body was warm against your body, his bare chest flush against your back. 
“No, it’s okay,” he hushed. The vibration of his voice sent a wave of energy down your spine, keeping you warm and coaxing you to relax further. “It happens, right? I don’t mind. Now go back to sleep, babe. It’s way too early.” 
“I agree.”
When you woke up again, the sound of your alarm was much louder than normal. You assumed it was because of the disruption of your sleep, making it harder for you to wake up at your usual time. Luckily, it was your day off. You didn’t bother hitting snooze, instead just electing to turn the alarm off altogether. 
Steven was already stirring, though. 
“You want breakfast, love?” He whispered into your ear, voice low and gruff with sleep. His hands were wrapped around your waist, his legs intertwined with yours. You didn’t want to lose that touch. 
“I want to sleep.” You responded back, trying to wiggle your hips closer to him to preserve the warmth of his body on your skin. He lazily scoffed. 
“Ten more minutes, then, but I’m starving. I’m gonna make some waffles, I think.” You savored each minute as it slowly passed, subconsciously pulling him closer to you as your cramps threatened to sneak back into your abdomen. He let out a little hum of approval, holding you a bit tighter. After a few minutes, though, he was too stir-crazy to continue laying there. That’s one of the cons of dating an insomniac. 
“You want blueberry or chocolate chip?” He whispered as he wriggled from your grasp. You whined at the loss of warmth, though you had to admit you were pretty hungry, too. Plus, if you continued to take ibuprofen on an empty stomach, you were bound to make yourself sick. 
“Chocolate chip,” You mumbled, “and add cinnamon, too.”
“Sure thing, darling.” He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek as he stood off of the bed. Steven didn’t eat very much food himself, but cooking was one of the ways he showed affection to his loved ones. He was a bloody good cook, too, and he could miraculously make any vegan dish taste as flavorful as the original version, waffles included. 
You stayed in bed for the first few minutes, clinging to the residual warmth under the sheets. After a little while, though, you couldn’t remain relaxed in the absence of Steven’s touch—and your cramps were definitely coming back. You tentatively rose from the bed, thankful to see that the sheets were free from any blood. You really didn’t want to change them again. 
Okay, Steven doesn’t know I’m on my period. I’ll try not to worry him—or to gross him out. As long as Marc didn’t say anything, but why would he? All he did was wash some soiled sheets and then go back to bed. 
You clutched your side as discreetly as you could to keep the cramping at bay as you sauntered into the kitchen. Steven was humming to himself, whisking a bowl of batter cheerfully. He beamed at you as he heard you enter the room, a slight blush on his cheeks. 
“Morning, beautiful!” How could anyone be so cheery at this hour? “Kettle’s on, it’s just a little wait on the waffles, though. You sleep alright?”
“I slept great!” You lied. So Marc hadn’t said anything, and Steven evidently wasn’t co-conscious when you’d had to wake him up to strip the bed. “Do you have a mission to work on today?”
You were conflicted. A big part of you wanted to stay away from the boys. They didn’t need to see you writhe around in pain the whole day, eating chocolate ice cream and crying into a heating pad. Another part, however, longed for their presence—for their touch and their warmth and their love. It would be nice to have on a day like this. 
“Not to my knowledge. Been gone all month, after all. I think we deserve a bloody break.” He poured a scoop of batter onto the iron, closing the lid and turning to the now-whistling kettle behind him. “I planned on having a fairly lazy day. Got to go grocery shopping, but that’s about it. The rest of the day’s a blank slate.”
A particularly violent contraction in your uterus sent a sharp pain into your side. Despite your effort to conceal, you reflexively clutched your abdomen with a large gasp. For a long moment, you couldn’t breathe. Motherfucker! That hurt. 
“Darling?” Steven took notice of your sudden bout of pain, which made you embarrassed. You didn’t want to make a big deal. “You alright?”
“I’m fine.” Another stinging pain shot up parallel to the first, sending nausea into your gut. You squeezed your eyes shut, breathing sharply. “It’ll pass in a second.”
Steven poured your tea worriedly as you steadied your breath. The cramp slowly passed, but the nausea took a bit longer to dissipate. You scrunched your nose at the tea as he sat it in front of you and turned again to check the waffle iron. 
“Were you asking so that we could make plans for today?” Steven sheepishly asked. “Because I’m open to suggestions, if that’s what you want.”
“I dunno.” You honestly didn’t. “I hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. My brain is still sleeping, I guess.”
He got a plate out to transfer the first waffle, which smelled absolutely amazing. Your stomach made a noise as you breathed the scent in deeply, no doubt needing fuel for the further ravaging of your reproductive organs. You all but inhaled the first bite, much too big for your mouth and still piping hot but you truly didn’t care. 
“Oh my God, that’s delicious.” You groaned, much to Steven’s delight. You got about halfway through the waffle before the second one came off the iron, which Steven likewise devoured. Near your last bite, another pain shot up your spine, this one without any warning. 
You whimpered aloud as you doubled over in pain, your breakfast very seriously threatening to come up just as fast as it had gone down. Tears were pooling in your eyes and you avoided Steven’s gaze so he couldn’t see them. 
“Love, what’s going on with you?” His voice was dripping with concern, his eyes soft and a bit scared. Steven hated for you to be in pain. “Tell me, where does it hurt?”
You just shook your head, hating that you had to make such a big deal of this. Almost every other person with a uterus did this monthly, right? So why did you have to have such a rough time? How was that fair? Were you just a big wimp when it came to period pain? 
“Darling, where does it hurt?” He said, slower. You hesitantly looked up to meet his gaze, tears in your eyes. He was looking more frightened by the second. 
“Here.” You mumbled as you motioned to your abdomen. He looked deep in thought for a moment, then his eyes snapped wide. 
“We should go to A&E.”
“What? Steven, no—”
“It could be appendicitis or something. We should go, it’s not worth the risk.”
“Steven, it’s not appendicitis! It’s my period, you knob.” You raised your voice just a little too much. On a normal day, his misunderstanding would have been funny. It would have been an endearing overreaction to seeing you in pain. Your hormones were out of control, though, so today it just made you a bit pissed. 
“Oh.” He said, slightly startled. You expected him to wrinkle his nose or to blush a bit, but he just sank into relief. He was a bit confused, though. “Are your cramps always this bad? I’ve never seen you like this.”
“That’s because I never let you see me like this.” You grumbled, sipping your tea. You looked around for the pills from earlier as Steven had moved them from where you had left the bottle on the kitchen counter. The tea was getting cold by now and you were in desperate need of another dose if you weren’t planning on ending up on the floor in the fetal position. 
“What does that mean?” He looked a little cross, but not exactly offended. 
“I’m not really a pleasure to be around at this time of the month.”
“I find that hard to believe.” He bore a gentle smile, tired as always but full of giddy hope. “You’re always a pleasure to be around.”
“I’m a mess, baby. I’m emotional and needy and not really good for much besides eating and sleeping. It’s better off if you don’t see me like this.” You stood up from the kitchen stool, having finished your food, and slid your plate into the sink on your way to the couch. 
“I don’t really care what you’re ‘good for,’ love, I like spending time with you.” He followed you to the sitting room, an innocent brightness in his eyes. 
“I’m telling you, it’s worse than you think it is. I’m a complete wreck, especially on the days I have to go to work, too. It’s like I turn into a gremlin. A bloody, crying, horny gremlin.”
“Horny?” He raised his eyebrows, a bit too excited. 
“Scratch that last one.” You weren’t messing around. For one week out of the month, you were an absolute mess of a person. If your boys saw you like this, surely they would be running for the hills. “I’m just… a lot.”
“Well, lucky for you, I like a challenge.” He sunk into the couch and wrapped his arms around you, pulling the throw blanket up so that it covered the parts of your skin that he couldn’t. You melted under his touch before realizing you couldn’t stay there long. 
“Steven, where’s my ibuprofen?” You asked. “It was on the counter before you made breakfast. Do you remember where you moved it?”
“I’ll go grab it. You want a hot cup of tea?” 
“Ugh, my hero. Yes please.” You pulled the blanket up to keep you warm while he was gone. He returned shortly with the bottle of pills, a hot mug of tea, and a heating pad. “How did you even know where to find that?”
“Are you joking? I see it almost every day. You keep it in the closet, right under our box of—”
“Noted! You’re very observant. And also a godsend.” You made grabby-hands at him as he set the mug and pills on the coffee table. He reached behind the couch to plug in the heating pad, handing it to you before returning to his position of being wrapped around you. 
“I mean, yeah. Technically, Khonshu did send me.” He seemed proud of his little joke. 
“Ugh, that makes me think. Where’s Taweret when you need her? I bet she could take my cramps away.”
“Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, love, but Taweret only has one solution for cramps. It’s a nine-month solution.” You wrinkled your nose and groaned. We are not having a kid in this political climate. 
“On second thought, I wouldn’t want to bother her.” You sank into his grasp again. After taking a too-large dose of pills, that is, and pressing the heating pad to your belly. 
“You sure? The idea doesn’t sound that bad…”
“Sweetheart, I love you so so much, but I am absolutely not going to get pregnant. If I’m this bad on my period, imagine pregnant me.”
“Oh, I’m imagining it.”
“Kidding! You’ve got to admit, though, if we had a kid, he wouldn’t have to worry about having an absent father. He’d be overwhelmed by dads.”
“‘He,’ huh?” A sly smile appeared on your face. “You think we’d have a little boy.”
“I like the idea. A little Steven junior.”
“We’re not naming him that.”
You felt Steven tense behind you, causing you to be concerned for a second. You thought maybe that you’d made him upset with your comment about his choice of a name, but you’d been sure he was joking with you. 
“I think I’d like to have a daughter.” Marc cooed into your ear, his voice warm and low. The switch was a bit surprising and hearing his voice sent a shiver up your spine. “She would look like you, I hope.”
“Hey, baby,” You pressed yourself backward into him, a replacement for a hug. Craning your neck, you tried to turn so you could look him in the eye. “Thank you for taking care of me earlier.”
“Of course.” Marc pressed a kiss to your lips, his eyes caring, but also nonchalant. “You don’t need to thank me. What was I supposed to do, make you do everything yourself?”
“They are my sheets and it was my mess.” You elected not to say the word ‘blood,’ still off-put by discussing this stuff with them. “I just wish I didn’t have to wake you up.”
“Hey, no! Things happen, I was happy to help.” A little awkward smile spread across his lips. Marc wasn’t one to be lovey-dovey, but he was extra soft around you. “Are you feeling better now? I could feel how tense you were going back to sleep.”
“I am feeling better now.” You grabbed his arms as you emphasized the last word, as this was the closest gesture you could make to holding him the way he was holding you. “We should put on a movie or something. Steven said it was a lazy day for you.”
“I’d like that. Or we could binge a show. I mean, if we truly have all day…” He squeezed you a little tighter. “What do you want to watch?”
“Something romance-y. Maybe Bridgerton?”
“Ugh, you’re gonna make me watch that sappy shit?” He faked a scoff of discontent, but Marc secretly loved romance. He really liked rom-coms, especially ones that were light-hearted and had happy endings. He didn’t like to watch movies that would make him feel sad. 
“Well, what do you suggest, then?”
“Bridgerton is fine. Just don’t let me forget I have to go to the store. Our apartment is a desert.”
“Will do.”
After two episodes of the show, you excused yourself to the bathroom to change your pad. You contemplated switching to a tampon so that you didn’t have to worry about how you were sitting, but you were so sensitive that the idea of inserting one was unattractive at best. You pulled the drawer under the sink open to pull out another sanitary pad. 
There was only one left and, to your dismay, there were no tampons, either. 
You tore open the wrapper of the lone pad and applied it to your underwear before returning to the couch. Marc was up on his feet and dressed, searching around for where Steven had left his shoes. 
“You mind if I go ahead to the store? I was gonna pick up lunch for you on my way back.”
You blushed before you even got the words out.
“Can you buy me some pads?” You were dreading the point in your relationship where you would have to ask him that. You expected his eyes to get wide, for him to blush or even scowl at you, but he did none of the three. 
“Yeah, what kind?” He asked as if you had just requested he buy you a loaf of bread. You stumbled over your words, trying to fathom his collectedness. 
“Let me go get the package.” You pulled the plastic from the top of the trash, figuring it would be easier than just telling him the brand and the absorbency you needed. He studied it for a couple of seconds before nodding his head. “You’re very mature about this.”
“What do you mean?” He asked, genuinely not getting it. 
“I mean, most guys hate talking about this stuff. Hell, I’ve had boyfriends who flat-out refused to buy me pads.”
“Well, that’s dumb.” He scoffed. “I’ve held a man’s intestines in my hands. I think I can handle buying a pack of pads.”
He kissed your cheek again before heading out the door. You took the opportunity to finally get dressed, though the change from pajamas to sweatpants wasn’t drastic. You decided to head back to your bed, still craving the sleep that had been stolen from you during the night. Perhaps you could have used the time to wash dishes or even do the paperwork that had been building up on your dresser. Fatigue was pulling at you, though, and you decided that you could use the rest while your abdomen wasn’t currently on fire. 
An hour and a half had passed when you were awoken by your phone ringing. It was Marc. 
“Hey, babe. I’m gonna order from Nando’s. What do you want me to get you?” 
You gave him your order, thankful that you wouldn’t have to cook yourself food. Only a tiny part of you felt bad that your day had been so lazy—the much larger part savoring the peace and the rest. You returned to a light slumber as you waited for Marc to return. 
“Buenas tardes, hermosa.” Jake hummed as he opened the front door, bags of food in hand. You stirred a little, warmed by the smell of the chicken. “I got food!”
“I thought Marc was getting food.” You challenged, making your way slowly to the kitchen. 
“Well, he was, but I really like Nando’s.” Jake took a deep breath in, obviously satisfied by the aroma of the chili. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“That’s not fair,” you whined, “you’re stealing Marc’s meal from him.”
“I’ll leave leftovers for him, I promise. Don’t worry about him.” He reached down at the extra bag in his hand. It wasn’t a Nando’s bag, but a grocery bag. “This is for you, mi vida.”
You took the bag from his hand quickly. The pack of pads was exactly the one that you had shown Marc, much to your relief. After everything you’d done today, you were starting to warm up to the idea that it was okay to talk about your period with the boys. It didn’t seem to gross them out and they were happy to provide emotional support as well as food and warmth and cuddles and everything else. 
As you took the first bite of food, you realized just how hungry you were. You scarfed down the meal as quickly as you could without burning your tongue. Jake seemed amused by this, having separated his own meal into two parts before he even started to dig in. He was a man of his word, so Marc was getting at least a decent portion of leftovers. 
“You’d think you hadn’t eaten in days.” Jake mused as you inhaled your food. “Getting tired of Steven’s rabbit food?”
“Steven’s a great cook.” You scoffed at him. Jake loved to poke fun at Steven’s veganism, though it was all lighthearted of course. “I’m just using a little extra energy right now.”
“Ah, yeah. I gathered that. Shark week, is it?”
“Ew! Don’t call it that.” You scowled down at your now-empty plate, still quite hungry despite the mountain of food you had just consumed. Your stomach rumbled and you clutched your gut reflexively, still on guard for your relentless period cramps. 
“Are you hurting, mi vida?” Jake’s tone was a bit too cheeky to match his words. You raised an eyebrow at him. “You know, there’s a great way to relieve cramps…”
“Don’t even talk to me about that right now.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m way too sore for that today. I just want to relax.”
“Damn,” he said defeatedly. “Oh well. Guess we’ll find something else to do then.” 
“Marc and I were watching Bridgerton.”
“Yeah…no. I love you, but I’m not watching that crap.”
“I figured.” If you really pushed the issue, Jake would watch the show with you, but you were getting a little stir-crazy despite all your soreness. “You have any suggestions?”
“Well, if you want some cramp relief, we can get high.” You let out a sharp laugh, but his face was dead serious. You pondered the idea.
“You promise you won’t go… moon-knighting? I don’t like the idea of you doing vigilante stuff with such slow reaction time.” 
“Babe, do you think I’m that careless? I intend to stay with you the rest of the day.” He pulled a small plastic packet out of his inside pocket. Did he have that on him this whole time? You had heard before that weed was a great remedy for menstrual cramps, but you had never tested the claim yourself. On a day like this, though, you would try anything.
You didn’t ask where Jake had gotten the goods, but he had enough… variety under his coat that you had the choice of smoking or taking an edible. You chose the latter, to his slight disappointment. 
“You know I’m not very patient.” He protested playfully.
“Yeah, baby, I’m aware, but I don’t want to smoke tonight.” You took the little candy into your mouth, chewing and swallowing before you even thought to ask. Shit. “Babe, how strong are these?”
A cheeky grin grew on his face, fighting the look of fake innocence he tried to dawn. 
“You said you wanted to relax.”
@rmoonstoner @buttercuppatea @moonmoonboys @ahookedheroespureheart
Part II anyone?
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redahlia-writes · 2 years
vienna. | jake lockley x f!reader
Abstract: “What are you doing?” he guffawed against your lips, moving his hips underneath yours. “Slow down,” you murmured, leaving a trail of kisses across his cheek, his jaw. “Just let me take care of you, hm?” letting go of one of his hands, you ran your hand across his curls, brushing them from his forehead before leaning in to brush your lips to his temple.
Words: 3.2K
Warnings: MINORS DNI, smut, the smallest hint of sub!jake, light teasing, use of lube, hand-job, thigh riding, unprotected sex, cockwarming, one (1) hickey, my man needs A Break, cursing
A/N: you can pry soft!jake out of my cold dead hands. title refers to vienna by billy joel
also on AO3  - masterlist
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Jake Lockley’s life moved by too fast. Truth be told, he didn’t mind. He’d grown used to it.
And then he’d met you.
He’d never expected his life to shift because of one person, he didn’t think he had that luxury.
But, like a thunderbolt, you’d appeared into his life, rear-ending his car on a morning that seemed like many others. He’d got off, rage bubbling in his chest, ready to curse the other driver out - and then he’d seen your absolutely mortified expression, the tiredness in your eyes as you apologized profusely, over and over again, fussing between one car and the other.
“Hey,” he called, rooting you to the spot, eyes wide and the nth apology ready on your lips. “Estás bien - car’s alright, I’m alright. Did you hurt yourself?” “What? No, no, I’m fine,” you reassured, shaking your head. “I’m so sorry, I just -”
“Cariño, it’s alright,” he paused, tilting his head a little as he adjusted his cap, flashing a quick grin in your direction. “Though maybe you can offer me a coffee? As an apology?” “What?” you repeated, looking at him with a puzzled expression on your face - Jake almost felt bad, watching you struggle grasping his words. Then a blush spread over your face, and your lips parted for a moment. “I - sure. Of course, absolutely,” your frown vanished, shoulders relaxing as a delicate smile took over your face.
It went on - a coffee turning into lunch, lunch turning into dinner, dinner turning into quick rendezvous in the back of his car. The first time he crashed at your apartment, neither of you got much sleep, and he’d had to leave before the night was over.
You knew about Marc and Steven, and they most likely knew about you, but never met them - you were content with just Jake, and were glad those few hours you got were just for him.
 You could even pinpoint the exact moment it stopped being just sex, a way for Jake to unwind, to get a moment to himself - he’d come over for dinner, which had somehow ended in him trying to teach you Spanish. He often slipped into his mother tongue on purpose, and you’d started growing frustrated at not being able to understand him - it was mostly flattery, compliments, endearments, and you had no idea.
You had planned the night, cleaned the house, changed the sheets, whipped out the silk nightgown your friends had gifted you as a joke - all that, just to fall asleep on the couch, fully dressed, with Jake’s head on your stomach, a children’s movie set to Spanish playing in background, a peaceful smile on both your faces.
He’d walked out at the crack of dawn, leaving a butterfly-like kiss to your temple.
More often than not, Jake would come by unannounced, knocking on your door at the most improbable hours of the day or night. You’d grown used to it - you waited for it. For him.
He wasn’t impetuous, but he tended to be intense, kissing you roughly as soon as you opened the door, his hands immediately seeking the comfort of your skin. You responded by leading him inside, helping him shed his jacket, his shoes, his cap, sometimes not even making it to the bedroom but rather deciding to remain on the near-by couch, on the living room table, one time directly against the door mere moments after it had been closed behind you.
You knew these moments were for him to unwind, to relax, to forget the life he led outside your place, away from you - you often wondered whether it truly worked for him, or if he simply released some built-up tension only to go back to it right after walking out, leaving you with tired limbs and sleepiness creeping up on you.
The thought had been brewing in your head for a while and, as he tried to bring you to the couch, you took hold of both his hands resting on your hips and pulled back, meeting his gaze. He gave you a puzzled look, lips already plump with the aftermath of his kiss. You kissed his knuckles, each one slow and deliberate, walking backwards towards your room as you held his perplexed yet enthralled gaze.
“¿Qué pasa, cariño?” he asked, somewhat amused - you were still looking at him when you reached the bedroom, your hands never leaving his. “Nothing,” you smiled back at him, the back of your legs hitting the side of the mattress. When you stopped, he grinned, quickly reaching behind you to hoist you up the bed, a low yelp leaving you at the disappearance of the floor underneath you.
You both gave a quiet laugh as he settled between your legs, leaning over so he was hovering above you, letting go of one of your hands to reach underneath your shirt. His hand splayed against your stomach, trailing slowly up your ribcage, eyebrows arching in feeling the absence of a bra - you simply shrugged, arching into his touch.
“Te extrañé,” he murmured, leaning in for a kiss - slower than before, but just as fierce. “I’ve missed you, too,” you mumbled through soft gasps when he distanced himself to breathe again. With a satisfied grin, he reached his other hand underneath your crumpled shirt, cupping your breasts as he broke the kiss at last and started moving down your body, burning lips across your warm skin. Breath itching, your eyes fluttered shut, but just as he nipped the edge of your pants you cleared your throat. “Wait.”
He looked up immediately, somewhere between surprise and worry, lowering his hands to your sides. “Is something wrong?” he asked, licking his lips. You quickly gave him a smile, shaking your head and reaching for his face with both hands. “No, just come up here for a moment,” you whispered, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs.
Jake frowned lightly, climbing back up your body. More often than not, you let him have full control, chiming in only when he asked whether or not you were alright with this or that - you’d found yourself never needing to demand anything from him, succumbing to bliss under his hands and mouth and body.
Cupping his face, you lifted your head to kiss him again, slow and delicate, pulling back as soon as he tried to deepen it. Locking him between your bent legs, you reached to take one of his hands in yours, stopping him from dipping his fingers past the band of your pants. He gave a quiet groan that quickly turned into a surprised noise choked at the back of his throat as you flipped him over, rolling on top of him and pinning both his hands at each side of his head, fingers interlocked with his.
“What are you doing?” he guffawed against your lips, moving his hips underneath yours. “Slow down,” you murmured, leaving a trail of kisses across his cheek, his jaw. “Just let me take care of you, hm?” letting go of one of his hands, you ran your hand across his curls, brushing them from his forehead before leaning in to brush your lips to his temple.
Surprised, his eyes fluttered shut with a suppressed squeal at the tenderness, free hand flying to your hip, reaching underneath the shirt once more. “Cariño,” he called through his exhale, pushing his fingers into the flesh of your sides as he bucked his hips. Shifting back, you sat on his thighs, both hands resting on his chest and fiddling with the top button of his shirt.
“Jake,” you called back, voice still soft, unbuttoning his shirt achingly slow, knuckles brushing the skin of his chest, of his stomach. “There’s no hurry, alright? I’m not going anywhere,” you reassured with a small smile, then leaned forward to kiss him, a quick peck of lips. “And neither are you, not tonight,” you added in a whisper, turning your head to kiss his throat instead, pushing his shirt open, hands roaming his bare torso. He shifted his hips again, trying to gain some friction, and you smiled again, looking up at him. “Don’t be impatient.”
You lazily traced a line across his chest with your mouth, kissing and nibbling your way down, lingering for a moment longer on his toned abdomen, the muscles twitching under your touch as he inhaled sharply. You straightened your torso enough to unbuckle his belt, carefully sliding it off before unzipping his pants - all the while, his hands rested on your bent knees, squeezing every now and then.
You could feel him grow restless underneath you, and when you looked up, his eyes had darkened, pupils dilated as he followed your movements with rapt attention, chest heaving. Lifting from his thighs, you pushed his pants down, fingers drawing slow lines across his legs until you reached his ankles.
“I don’t want you thinking I’m ungrateful,” he croaked, hips shifting again as you made your way back up. “But I think you’re overdressed,” you snorted, rolling your eyes at his playful remark before kissing him, a little rougher than before, causing Jake to moan into your mouth. “You just want to see me naked,” you replied in an amused whisper, taking off your own pants without moving your face from near his. He grinned, nodding slowly.
“Sí,” he said simply, breath catching in his throat when you reached down to palm him from above his underwear, hips bucking in surprise as his cock twitched. “Are you just trying to tease me?” “Of course not,” you kissed him again, tugging his underwear down his thighs. When your hand brushed him, he groaned, pushing himself up to seek more friction.
“I almost don’t believe you,” hazy-eyed, he watched as you straightened to get rid of your shirt and underwear as well. The mere sight of you had him thrust into the air again, sitting up right after and reaching for you. “Please,” he sighed, hands firmly planted on your waist. “Don’t tell me I’ve found a way to finally get you to have some manners,” you teased, straddling one of his thighs. His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head at the feeling of your wetness on his skin, gripping your waist a little harder. “Easy,” you warned.
You reached past him, into the first drawer of your nightstand, pressing your chest against him a little - maybe that was meant to tease, a mere response to him flexing the muscles of his leg underneath you, eliciting a low gasp in response. Jake followed your movements with his eyes, curious and impatient equally, watching as you smeared a few drops of lube on your palm. He felt himself twitch again, and the quick glance you gave him told him it didn’t go unnoticed. He wet his lips in anticipation as you straightened in front of him again, meeting his gaze before simply brushing your palm over his cock.
He inhaled sharply, lips pressed shut as his eyes fluttered close. He felt your smile as you bent your head to kiss his collarbone, wrapping your fingers around his base and pumping once, twice, achingly slow.
“Dios, cariño,” he groaned, breathlessly. “Let me hear you,” you encouraged, a whisper in his ear as you twisted your wrist, setting a steady pace of your hand around him. Jake responded with a suppressed whimper, squeezing the flesh at your sides and rocking you forward. “It’s okay - let me hear you.”
It nearly sent him over the edge straight away, head falling forward in the crook of your neck with a low moan. Your other hand reached up and over, burying your fingers through his curls as you picked up the pace just a little - hot breath fanning over your chest, he thrusted into your hand. In contrast, you kept peppering his shoulder and neck with light kisses, hand never faltering even as he started shaking underneath you.
“I’m gonna -” he barely managed to choke out before leaning back, lips parted as he came undone, bucking his hips and coming all over his stomach and your hand. “Joder,” he grunted, head thrown back as he struggled to regain his breath. “Lay back,” you whispered, your lips brushing his pulse. Struggling to keep his eyes open, Jake obliged without a remark, hands faltering on your skin as you climbed off of him. “It’s alright, I’m here,” you reassured, kneeling at his side and reaching for the nightstand again, grabbing a handful of tissues.
Head tilted to the side, he reached one hand to your thigh, trailing lazy lines up to the hip point and down again, watching as you wiped your hand. You then reached for his stomach, cleaning him as well with gentle movements. You stilled with a little gasp when he squeezed your thigh, fingers barely brushing your core. “Estoy a tu merced,” he all but blurted out and, after a moment, you grinned, leaning in to kiss his jaw, shifting enough so that you could lay at his side. “No, come here,” he complained, wrapping his arm around you to move you on top of him again.
Settling with your legs at each side of him, you kept yourself a little lifted from him as he rested one hand on the back of your head, guiding you closer to press his lips on yours, keeping just a little of his usual roughness in the kiss. You sighed against his mouth, arching towards his touch - with his free hand, he traced a trail across your sternum, lingering over your breasts, tracing its curve before continuing down your stomach, your belly, dipping at last between your legs. Your hips bucked when he ran one digit between your folds, whining softly as he applied a little pressure on your clit.
“Jake,” you called, back arching to seek more friction. “You feel so good,” he mumbled, rubbing small circles on you. “Quiero estar dentro de ti,” little gasps left your mouth, a quiet moan in response to his words. “Can I?” “Yes,” you whispered, kissing him again and grinding against his hand. “I think I like this side of you, sweetheart.”
The endearment had him cup his hand at the nape of your neck, deepening the kiss as he aligned himself with your entrance, stroking himself slowly - still sensitive for your hand, he bucked his hips lightly with a groan. As he ran the tip of his cock across your slit, coating it with your slick, you whimpered in his mouth, opening your legs a little more to accommodate him.
Jake lifted his hips, pushing into you with one, swift motion that had you cry out as you let your head fall into the crook of his neck. The sudden stretch had your head spinning, breath catching in your throat as you rested one hand on his shoulder for support.
“Perdón,” he whispered, cradling you against his chest. “You okay?” “Yes,” you tilted your head to kiss his collarbone, biting down his shoulder gently when he shifted his hips. “Stay still.” “But -” “Jake,” you pulled yourself up, both hands splayed across his chest as you sank down on him all the way, causing him to groan as he bottomed out. The noise had you clench around him, but you remained unmoving, breath itching in your throat. “Come up here,” you beckoned him softly.
He sat up, the movement causing you both to whimper, his hands reaching for your sides as you wrapped both arms around his shoulders. Leaning in, you kissed him once more, slow and gentle, fingers buried in his curls. You felt him twitch inside of you, gripping your sides in an attempt to remain still.
“You’re killing me,” he mumbled, leaning into your touch. “You’re being dramatic,” you retorted with a little smile, tilting your head. “Just relax, honey,” you cooed, pressing your lips to his neck. “I've got you.”
Kissing and sucking onto his skin, his mouth parted with a long sigh, eyes closing again - he hummed as the blood rushed to the surface under your lips. When you released his tender skin with a pop, he fastened both arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
You rolled your hips once, scratching gently at the back of his head and his neck, guiding him to your chest. Slowly, you started rocking back and forth, clenching around him as one of his hands splayed on your back, kneading the muscles as you moved above him. His lips latched to your chest, sloppy kisses as his hot breath caressed your skin.
“Querida,” he planted his heels in the mattress, shifting up to second your movements. “Please, a little more,” he whined, his fingers digging in your thigh. “So close,” he added in a whisper, voice muffled by your skin.
You shifted your weight, lifting yourself off a little only to sink down again, repeating the motion once, twice, each movement causing you to give a little cry. Pinching his chin between your thumb and index, you guided his head back, bowing your own to kiss him with the same intensity he reserved for you as soon as he came home. It was enough to spur him on, one hand firmly on your waist as he placed the other behind him for balance, thrusting up into you as you both picked up the pace.
As soon as he felt you starting to falter, thighs shaking, he reached between the two of you, his thumb finding your clit and starting to draw quick circles. You squeezed around him one last time before he came with a loud moan, his release hot inside of you causing you to throw your head back.
“Fuck, Jake,” you keened, stuttering above him as he picked up the pace of his fingers. “Should I slow down now, cariño?” he teased, his breath still short as he tipped his chin up to you. You shook your head quickly, resting both your hands on his shoulders to hold yourself upright. Jake grinned, lowering his gaze across your body, lingering on your stomach fluttering, your thighs shaking.
After mere moments, you came around him with a cry that had you double over, head falling to his shoulder as he coaxed the orgasm out of you to the end. Spent, he leaned forward, tucking his head beside yours and leaving a delicate peck against your collarbones. You wrapped both your arms around his shoulders, resting your chin on top of his head as you regained your breath.
“Stay the night,” you whispered, holding him close. “All night. Please.” “Querida -” “Please,” you insisted, shifting a little over him. “Just lose a day or two and be with me. Rest. You can afford that - you deserve that.”
Jake Lockley’s life moved by too fast. For a while, he hadn’t minded. He’d thought he’d grown used to it.
And then he’d met you.
He’d never expected his life to shift because of one person, he didn’t think he had that luxury - but as he looked into your eyes, your face flushed, your warm body on his, your house so welcoming and familiar, more familiar than the apartment he supposedly lived in, he realized his life was never going to be the same, not for as long as you were with him.
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
estás bien - you're alright cariño - darling/sweetheart et simili qué pasa - what is it? te extrañé - i've missed you sí - yes joder - fuck estoy a tu merced - i'm at your mercy quiero estar dentro de ti - i want to be inside (of) you perdón - i'm sorry querida - dear/darling et simili
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stevesbestgirl · 2 years
Moon Boys - Love Languages
So it's after midnight and I'm supposed to be sleeping but I can't get this out of my head
I feel like everyone's gut reaction is physical touch because of the bike scene and I have no arguments when we confidently declare that Steven is touch-starved. He's not used to that kind of physical contact- or maybe really any physical contact. BUT I don't think that's his love language.
Steven's face when he touches Layla is surprised, excited, and nervous. But its not until he realizes their shared interests that he really gets smitten with her. So for that reason, I think Steven's love language is quality time, both to give and receive.
Steven is a sharer; he wants to talk to you about his day and his hobbies and the program he watched on TV last night (assuming you weren't there to watch it with him). He's so enthusiastic and passionate and I feel like sharing that with someone else is how he shows his love.
And I know he bought Dylan flowers and chocolates for their date, but I don't think that's indicative of his love language so much as it is Steven being a classic romantic who wants to show his love and affection in every way he knows.
For Marc, it's all about physical touch. Maybe a little bit of words of affirmation, but only as a receiver because he seems to have a hard time expressing his feelings and being vulnerable. Despite the tough guy act, Marc is insecure. He's lived his whole life thinking that he's a monster- a murderer. So, to hear his loved one tell him how they feel about him is very comforting, even if he doesn't really believe the things they say about him.
And I know what you're thinking; physical touch is touch and go (hehe) because of his past, but I think that's exactly why it's so important to him. Not only was his mother physically abusive, but he probably wasn't getting a lot of casual physical affection back in those days either. So for Marc, to have someone he trusts brush his back when you walk behind him or rest a hand on his leg while you're watching TV is super comforting. It says, "I'm here and I'm thinking about you," which also conveniently falls within the bounds of how much emotion Marc is comfortable sharing, so he has no qualms about doing it back.
Ultimately, when he's having a bad day, I think you could throw all of the comforting words you want at him, but in the end, the only thing that would really make him feel better would be to wrap himself up in you and feel safe and loved.
Jake is harder than the others because not only have we seen so little of him, but we don't have his origin story yet. But right now, my gut says words of affirmation and gift giving.
Jake clearly has some game, since he landed a date with Dylan, despite the fact that Steven and Marc don't seem to be too connected to their coworkers. I think of the three, he's the most comfortable speaking and more importantly, speaking candidly. We haven't seen him in a fight yet, but we've seen the aftermath and something tells me that Jake isn't afraid to handle the consequences of his words, good or bad.
Steven is also very free with his thoughts but more in a word-vomit, you get everything I'm thinking kind of way. I think that Jake is not only very deliberate in what he says, but he also means it. He doesn't throw around compliments for the sake of them; they're almost like little gifts in and of themselves.
And he's used to being a bit of a charmer, so the first time you surprise him by complimenting him back, he shakes his head and disagrees, but he also blushes, just a little bit. He'll always argue with you when you compliment him because he'd rather compliment you (don't get me started on the need to be in control- even if its because he wants to take care of you), but he secretly loves it when you tell him he looks handsome and he'll always remember which shirts you've said looked good on him.
I think gift giving is definitely a way he shows his love, but I'm iffy on if he likes to receive gifts. Gifts are a problem solver for Jake; if you had a bad day, he'll bring you home flowers. If you're mad at him, he'll buy you a present to apologize. But if you buy him something, he'll protest and argue that you don't need to buy him things (because he has you, of course) and you shouldn't waste your money. BUT you can bet that he wears the watch you bought him for Christmas every day he fronts, without fail (and god forbid anything happen to it while on a mission- oh god, I can feel a fic in there somewhere)
Anyway, I'm well and truly smitten with my moon boys but now it's one in the morning and I need to sleep before work tomorrow
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mockiery · 2 years
<3 I was wondering.... are you gonna do another fic? I loved grounding.
Do you think Jake is a horrible flirt? I bet he flirts with Layla and thinks Marc getting protective of her is funny. Plus she blushes horribly. She isnt used to the suave cool flirtations.
thank you!! and i am! the fic i'm working on now is marc and steven focused and i feel like i need to finish it before i move on to more jake and layla stuff. its all the same post-canon continuity as "grounding" and "carving" and actually take place between them, so i feel like i need that baseline before i continue past "carving" in the whole course of events i have going.
In short, yeah, Jake can be a bit of a flirt. He goes out and socializes in ways Marc and Steven would not. In my Aroace Jake (which has a lil treat at the end you might like <3) and Jake and Music hc’s/metas/rants, I mention as much. He’s got a communal connection in ways Marc and Steven don’t. On top of his cab-driving work in meeting people constantly, he'd go to a bar, a dance club, a diner (eyes emoji), etc. and be a face among the masses, big passing ships in the night energy. Jake doesn't let himself have "real", long-lasting relationships with those around him (with exception to Gena and her kids at this point, though who can blame him? He tells himself it’s for the diner food and the good coffee, but it’s for Gena’s and her boys’ companionship more than anything), but he does get to be someone's late-night (one-night-only) friend and companion. It's anonymous, almost. Temporary, no lasting consequences. 
I see Jake as aroace, and for him, flirting is just another tool in the arsenal of social skills he’s cultivated. It’s often pretty fun too. While he’s a master of masking and socializing, I think he does have trouble picking up people’s social signals about romance especially, at times. Practically, the difference between fun, playful banter between friends and a good portion of romantically-and/or-sexually-charged banter (i.e. flirting) is pretty slight. 
After a night trading jokes and challenging conversation, tearing up the dance floor together with someone(s) I could see someone making a move and/or inviting Jake home and it surprising him, more in the early days of having a night life of his own than later on. He does perfectly well when someone’s attraction is made clear and explicit in their words, but he’s had to learn to anticipate the possibility of someone’s attraction even if not explicitly stated. 
That’s all more about how Jake responds to flirting, but Jake himself? He lives for the banter, the back-and-forth, the game of it. He’s not going to initiate the flirt, but if someone sends a clear cue to do so? He’s down. Most of the time, anyway. Jake banters and jokes around with anyone he meets, and he takes as much enjoyment in the platonic banter as he does the romantic. It’s a game, and he’s strategic, thoughtful. He’s piecing together the puzzle of this other person, seeing how they respond and what’ll make them laugh, what’ll make them playfully nonreceptive versus genuinely nonreceptive. Flowery language, suave confidence, cheesy lines, compliments, subtle innuendo, jokes, sharing stories, talking life, physical closeness, dancing, intensity, gentleness, or just. Him being genuinely himself, not trying to perform the socialization.
It’s when nothing else has satisfied the other player in this game that he lets go of the performance. And sometimes, that’s what pulls people in the most. 
I think when people make a move to be physical with him, to invite him home, I think sometimes he accepts. It’s more game, more back-and-forth, more dancing, and, above all, it’s fun. 
He never stays the night, never sleeps over. His companion(s) for the night is that: for the night. And they know it. Jake may perform, but he doesn’t lie or mislead. The performance is him, heightened, more than it is someone else. 
Now, finally, to Layla. Jake doesn’t flirt with Layla. At least not for a long time. In the early days of being known to and well-into being *accepted* by Marc and Steven, he’s incredibly careful in how he interacts with Layla. Beyond the occasional half-irritated “hermosa”, Jake wouldn’t dare. He’s not going to cross that line. Layla isn’t his. She isn’t anyone’s, but she certainly isn’t his. They didn’t have a relationship, even if he’d pretended to be Marc around her on occasion in the past. That still wasn’t for him. Marc and now Steven's relationships with her are their own. Jake is so used to and inclined to try and stay out of their way, of their lives, of course he’s going to keep his distance. It doesn’t occur to him that she’d want to get to know him, who he is. Beyond what he does for his brothers. But him.
It takes time, but eventually, they become legitimate friends. It doesn’t start with flirting, it starts with Jake stating compliments of her as fact. Because they are, of course. Just observations. Maybe someone disrespects her or belittles her, and he gets angry, of course, but he goes off about how fucking wrong this hijo de puta is, that she’s a genius and, frankly, a saint for not kicking the bastards ass then and there, that they’re fucking lucky to have been in the same room as her, much less have the privilege of her competency and talent brought to their work, I can’t fucking believe this idiota, you’re too fucking good to deal with this shit. Mierda. Fuck.
And Layla is just staring at him, this being the most affection he’s ever shown her. A little more time, more growing comfortable in their dynamic as a system and with Layla, perhaps they’re about to have a night out, maybe for a mission, where they need to dress up, and Jake’s taking lead on recon, and he sees her all done up and, unlike Marc’s stunted speechlessness turned physical affection, Steven’s astonished showers of compliments, Jake? Jake tells it like it is. This ain’t gonna work. 
You’re gonna fucking kill everyone in this joint when we step through the door. 
Cue Layla’s confused, surprised look. 
One look at you and every poor bastard in there’s heart is gonna stop. Can’t get intel if you’ve dropped all the sources by being so fucking gorgeous, hermosa. 
Layla’s face heats up immediately and she laughs, taking his arm in hers as they head out. 
From the back of their mind, Jake hears, Kinda cheesy, man. 
And then, I dunno, Marc, I thought it was lovely. And it’s not like he’s wrong. 
No, I know, trust me. She’s… she’s something. 
You should be a poet, jefe. 
Shut up.
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miraculous-romance · 3 years
Random headcanons for:
Adrien Agreste, the straight ally:
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Bi wife Energy
his mother is the reason he's very open about being an ally - she told him about how people hate queers just for being who they are and he always wanted to make their lives easier
during Pride Month, he does his research on what brands are truly supportive and personally advertizes their products on his Instagram
loves educating people on different types of attraction and gender!
the reason Marc and Nathaniel are openly dating after being incredibly supportive of them.; Juleka and Rose appreciate the love and support they get from him
still not sure whether or not he should use gender neutral terms for his future children (mainly because he wishes to call his baby girl his princess), but he will try his best to show his kids that they're allowed to be whichever gender they choose
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, bisexual:
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learned about different sexualities a little after her and Adrien started dating - she had no idea Rose and Juleka were a couple!
found out about being bisexual after getting into college, but it didn't matter to her cause Adrien is her love
always awkward around beautiful girls ie when she measured the girls for their prom dresses
during sleepovers, she always looked away when her friends were changing; she thought everyone does that until the girls talked about their cute underwear or silky skin and whatnot
when she came to terms with being bisexual, whether near or far, she openly complimented women and blushing furiously if they complimented her back
Adrien's idea on using gender neutral terms for their future children made her plan out what colors to use for their clothes.
Rose Lavillant, pansexual:
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Rose never thought she was different; she thought everyone could be attracted to any gender like her!
when she found out about the word *pansexual*, she was more than happy to explain her feelings to her friends
her favorite colors become the colors from her pride flag; she bought one for herself (and a lesbian one for Juleka) and saved the site in her site Bookmarks, in case someone comes out
She's the rowdiest in Pride Parades and gay bars! Her positivity helped many who were struggling with friends and family members abandoning them
She is one of the admins of a French LGBT group and chatroom on Facebook! Her co-admin is a friend she met in real life before she decided to make the group
Juleka Couffaine, lesbian:
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The second person to come out from the Couffaine household. Seeing as if how rowdy her mother is, she was thrilled to hear that and the fact that her and Rose are dating
Luka was more than ready to hear her out when she wanted to sort out her feelings for Rose; he was the one who told her about the label
She didn't come out to her friends per say, but everybody knew she was queer after her and Rose got together
Juleka Googled LGBT hate crimes so much so that she was too anxious to put her flag up until she moved out at the age of 25
The guys from her class are the only guys she doesn't feel uncomfortable with (besides Luka ofc)
Luka Couffaine, bisexual:
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The first person to come out from the Couffaine household. Anarka caught him kissing another boy, a friend from his class; he didn't even try to hide it because she was open about being pro-queer, however he did come out that day as bi to both his mother and sister
started doubting his sexuality when his classmate came out as gay (the guy he kissed)
never had a type - he went from rocker guys like himself to cutecy girls like, well, Marinette. Whatever the case, he always found rebellious and adventurous people.
Rose and him hit it off pretty well after they started talking about various queer people they've met online; Luka was one of the first people Rose invited to the French LGBT group and chatroom.
He treats his queer guitar pics like they're treasure sent from above
When Luka and Kagami started dating, she knew Luka was bi without him saying anything; they both admitted to like Adrien's smile
Kagami Tsurugi, omnisexual:
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In theory, Kagami isn't the type to label herself but she still wanted to understand her feelings towards Marinette; once she found the term omnisexual, she thought it fit her like a glove
She kept this discovery a secret from everyone for a while; she came out to Adrien first, Luka second and to the rest of the friend group last.
Her mother is homophobic, so sometimes during a sparring match with her, Kagami would swing harder than usual, as if taking revenge on her for not being supportive.
Thanks to Adrien, she joined Tumblr and is freely posting her art - especially queer art since finding her inner peace with being one. She loves making secretive pride flag artwork (ya know, the ones where the artist uses a certain flag color and makes something creative with it??)
Marc Anciel - gay + trans enby
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knew for a long time that they were gay; they found out they were trans and nonbinary when Nathaniel commented on their OC being enby; to Nathaniel's surprise, that was how Marc pictured themself! (themselves? which is correct? I'll edit this once someone helps me out)
still unsure if they're trans, would they want to do a surgery of some kind i n the future; for not they're just thriving on being gay and enby
became more social when they came out as nonbinary to their classmates; they didn't really mention that they're gay until someone caught Marc and Nathaniel kissing at school
On the other hand, they were so open to coming out to the art club, the teacher told everyone to make something for them (Marc was the first one to come out, let alone twice, later it became a tradition)
Their parents didn't really understand about them being nonbinary, but they noticed that they tried their best
They wear a lot of pride shirts (kinda a headcanon but also canon)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg, bi-demisexual + demiboy
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he/they pronouns, let's his closest friends use he/him
knew he was bi after falling hard for Marc; he accidentally found an "are you a demisexual?" quiz and everything made sense after that
doesn't care about the labels, he just wanted to understand how he felt
always challenges himself to make a character for every label during Pride Month; he likes making some queer designs for Marinette to print them on her shirts
Alix Kubdel, aromantic:
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never knew there was a label for how she felt and didn't let it define her either; she always said to people that she just wasn't cut out for romance
hates romantic comedies, loves listening to her friend's problems
doesn't like babies, likes kids after they grow up a bit; aspires to be the cool aunt for her friend's kids and teach them to count on themselves first... and, you know, how to conquer the world like all aces and aros do
doesn't care if there's an aphobe attacking her; bites back if someone spreads their homo-, trans- or any kind of queerphobia to any of her friends, especially Nathaniel and Juleka
has a pact with Max to be in a queerplatonic relationship if he doesn't find anyone by the age of 40
Max Kante, asexual:
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doesn't care about the label; still likes the small ace merch because it makes him feel seen and valid
wishes to have a wife and kids; the one that proposed the pact to Alix, to marry if he's still single by the time he turns 40
literally wants to conquer the world with his technological advancement
likes spouting facts on why asexuality is natural from a scientific standpoint
... I needed to share this, I got to invested!
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mexicancat-girl · 4 years
Miraculous Ladybug Sugar Prompts
Because there’s enough hate and salt in this fandom, might as well lighten things up with some positivity.
Marinette brings in leftovers from her parent’s bakery to class so they don’t go to waste, an overflowing box of pastries and breads, before class starts. Everyone in class smiles and thanks her profusely for her kindness, the dreary Monday made a little sweeter by her. Adrien is particularly happy at snagging a croissant, and Nathaniel quietly thanks her for keeping his Kosher diet in mind.
Adrien always makes sure to say hello to all his classmates in the morning, because he knows how it feels like to be ignored and alone in the mornings in his home. He’s like a bright ball of sunshine. Everyone in class feels a little more willing to face the day with his genuine smile and goodwill to start them off. 
Alya gets an excited fan running up to her, realizing she’s the runner of the Ladyblog, and asking for her autograph. The fan thanks her for being so brave and amazing, running around to show Paris what the heroes are doing. Alya recognizes how important her sacrifices mean to the people of Paris, even when she’s not a superhero.
Nino is well-known in his community as being the local DJ for hire. After DJing for someone’s birthday, the family that hired him praise him for being so talented and hardworking, such a young enterpreneur! The others at the party also praise and compliment him, and Nino’s left with a plate of leftovers, a check, and his heart full of pride and happiness that his efforts are paying off in these small ways. He might not be famous yet, or anytime soon, but people enjoying his music and his DJing is still great.
Nathaniel is working on sketches with Marc in the park, when a little girl excitedly runs up to them and asks Nathaniel if he can draw her. The girl’s father catches up and apologizes for his daughter’s rudeness. Nathaniel gives a shocked look over at a smiling Marc, before assuring that it’s fine, he can draw the man’s daughter ‘as practice’. After gifting the girl the drawing, the little girl squeals and hugs him, thanking him profusely. Nathaniel is flustered, especially when the father slips him a bill as a thank you, leaving with his daughter before the artist can stutter out a refusal. Marc giggles and congratulates him on the commission, and Nathaniel laughs helplessly, feeling happy he could make that little girl’s day brighter.
Kim has a swim meet he’s been practicing for weeks. His entire class shows up to cheer him on, and he feels happy and grateful for the support. He ends up coming in at second place, glad he placed, but internally disappointed he didn’t end up getting first. All his classmates cheer for him and assure him that he’s amazing, starting up a chant of “Kim! Kim! Kim!”. The athlete ends up smiling wide and laughing, buoeyed by his friends’ support. He realizes that he might not have gotten first, but he still accomplished something great.
Alix is doing skate tricks in the park, gathering a bit of an audience cheering her on. She smiles and waves at them, going about her laps, before doing an impressive crazy stunt. Everyone has their phones out recording her, cheering loudly and going wild. Alix grins and pants for breath as people start coming up to pat her on the back or congratulate her on the amazing move. She feels proud that people acknowledge her skills
Max and Markov are going to have a presentation with a technology company, which Max is nervous about. He keeps making calculations on how well the meeting will go versus it ending up in disaster. His friends talk him through his anxieties, trying to tell him that he doesn’t need to constantly calculate the possibilities. He just has to go into the meeting and do the best he can. He’s smart, and he knows his stuff. And if it doesn’t work out this time, there’s always next time. Max calms down, bolstered by the support of his friends, and gains a bit of hope and confidence. He takes the advice to heart.
Sabrina spends a weekend with her father doing everything she wants to do, because Roger wants to treat his daughter and catch up with her. He’s been so busy with Akuma, he feels like he hasn’t been there enough for her. So Sabrina and her father sit down to eat pizza and watch one of Sabrina’s favorite shows. The girl gushes about the show and explains the characters to her attentive listener. Her and her dad make ice cream sundaes and eat those as well. Sabrina turns her phone off for the entire weekend, so she won’t worry about anything except taking a relaxing weekend off.
Ivan is working on a new love song for Mylene. He gets the help from his friends in Kitty Section. Rose and Juleka are happy to help, and Luka is there to lend an ear as well and help calm them all down from overwhelming Ivan with nerves. They end up having a casual jam session, laughing and joking and eating snacks Anarka gives them. Ivan is glad he has such cool friends and band mates willing to help him. He’d thought he would be wasting their time with his problems, but they end up spending the time well by goofing off and bonding.
Mylene is excited to plant a new set of herbs for her herb garden. Her boyfriend Ivan is more than happy to help her with the task. And for once, her father has the day off, and helps as well. Mylene gets to spend the day with her two favorite and most important people in her life, helping her and supporting her interests and hobbies. After they’re done, the three attempt to make dinner together. Mylene keeps getting shooed off to do the easier tasks, because her father and boyfriend want her to not have to worry and do the bulk of the cooking. The food ends up looking a little messy and gets toastier than they wanted, but Mylene just laughs happily and thanks her papa and Ivan with kisses on the cheek.
Juleka is trying out new hairstyles one week. Luka helps her brush her hair and style it, the two using tons of bobby pins and looking up tutorials on their phones. She wants to try to see what looks good and what she feels good with, to branch out and be more fashionable. It’ll help her feel more comfortable as well, since she wants to try modeling. Her classmates compliment her different hairstyles, Rose gushing over Juleka the most. Getting constantly peppered in compliments makes Juleka flustered and blush, but she’s also enjoying the support and attention, happy that no matter what she looks like, people still like her.
Rose writes a song to perform for the school’s talent show. Everyone expects a cutesy love song, and are surprised when she starts a heavy rock song while screaming into the mic. Juleka and Ivan whoop and cheer for Kitty Section’s singer, and everyone realizes that Rose has more depth than her pretty in pink exterior shows. Her friends and classmates start rocking out to her song, cheering wildly when she finishes, the loudest group among the others cheering for her. Rose beams and bows, glad to see so much support for her singing.
Chloe has a hard time being nice to people or showing a soft side. So instead of using words, she starts giving people gifts instead. Is it bribery? Yeah. But getting gifts is what she’s used to, and she has tons of money, so why not use it? The class are surprised when she starts doing things like ordering catering for when they have class events, letting Sabrina borrow accessories from her, etc. She even wrinkles her nose and gifts Adrien a wheel of Camembert, telling him he needs to eat more, even if it is stinky cheese. The others in class slowly start to warm up to the queen bee.
Luka usually has a hard time asking for help. He’s used to being the older sibling, the one to take care of things. Used to taking care of the house when his mom’s out working. He’s trying to schedule school with Kitty Section practices and chores, and gets overwhelmed. Despite him trying to hide his stress, someone notices. One day, Juleka sits down with him, offering that she can be the one to shedule their practices for them, and organize their equipment. Luka already does a lot for their family and friends. Heart full and heart song singing, he hugs his little sister tightly and thanks her. It’s good to be reminded that he doesn’t have to be the one to support others, but that others can support him as well.
Kagami is still unfamiliar with social cues, especially as France’s customs are different than Japan’s. Much more familiar, might louder, than what she’s used to. Thankfully, through Adrien and Marinette’s help, Kagami gets slowly more accustomed. She goes to get ice cream with them, picks up on slang, is comfortable enough to allow for casual touches. She’s not sure if Paris will ever be her home, but with the help and support of her slowly growing list of friends, she believes that Paris will no longer feel like enemy territory. Possibly even a home away from home.
Lila sits in her room, alone, and doesn’t plan. Doesn’t scheme. Doesn’t worry about pretenses or spinning a web of lies. Her ailing grandmother calls her, voice kind, Nonna asking her if she’s read any new books or tried any new foods in France. And Lila allows herself an hour of telling her Nonna all the little things about Paris, the tastes and smells and sounds. Of the park near her school, the vendors on the street, the cafe she found and likes to sit and drink a coffee in. Nonna tells her kindly, “I’m glad you’re doing well in Paris. I’m sure your friends are helping you adjust.” Lila thanks her, giving her well-wishes, and hangs up. She wipes away the silent tears on her face. The hour of peace was nice, while it lasted.
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artzychic27 · 4 years
Heart Thief
Before arriving at Dupont, Marc went to Vadim Bastille Collège and lived the life of those high school princesses you see in teen movies (Minus all of the drama, backstabbing, and the occasional bursting into song). He was liked by everyone including the teachers, he was president of the writing, fanfiction, and GSA club, had an amazing group of friends, and best of all, an amazing boyfriend.
Lucien Rebois was the most sought after boy at school. Tall, tan, captain of the fútbol team and took every team he was on to victory, super popular, charming, and the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. What more could a person want in a boyfriend? Girls would always try to ask him out, but he turned every single one of them down, even the most popular girls at school. Everyone wondered why until the day of the championship game when everything came to light
Marc and his friends cheered their school’s team on as they made the winning goal. While the crowd was still in a frenzy, Lucien grabbed a microphone and quieted everyone down when he said that he had to make an announcement…
“… Gimme an ‘M’!”, he shouted into the mic, forming an M with his arms. The crowd complied and mirrored him, while Marc and his friends just looked at each other in confusion
“Gimme an ‘A’!”
“Gimme an ‘R’!”
Mehdi, a Cuban boy with brown hair dyed pink, and Vice President of the GSA squealed when he realized what Lucien was spelling, “He’s gonna say C!”. Syd, a a Vietnamese student nodded in agreement
Marc sputtered, “W-what?! No! He’s not!”
“Wait for it, Mar-Mar.”, Madelyn, a stocky Creole girl with a half-shaved head told him
“Gimme a ‘C’!”
She smirked, “I knew it!”
“What does that spell?!”, Lucien asked as he pointed to the crowd. From where he stood, Marc blushed when he realized that Lucien had spelled his name
“Marc!”, the students shouted, a few looked at Marc grinning. He was sure this had to be a prank.
“Come on! Lemme hear you!”, he encouraged
“MARC!”, The students shouted again. Even a few teachers joined in. Lucien’s eyes never left the green-eyed boy, neither did the smile on his face as he spoke to him like they were the only people on the field
“I love you, Marc Anciel. Did I mention that?”, Marc smiles when he realized that the most popular boy in school was being sincere, and he truly felt this way about him. On the field, Marc could hear a few of the cheerleaders screaming with envy, knowing Lucien was gay and off the market. They ran away in tears
Lucien pointed towards the band, “Gimme a beat!”
“Un, deus, trois, quatre!”
Marc couldn’t believe this was happening. It was like something out of a fairytale. He looked around to see if this was real, and it was. When Lucien sang a love song about how he would give everything up for just one kiss, when he threw his jersey into the crowd, and Marc caught it, when he crowd-surfed over to him, and when he asked him to the dance… It was all real...
They were the cutest couple at school. They went on amazing dates, and went as a couple to every school event. Lucien even tried to switch classes so he could be closer to Marc, which the writer and other students found so sweet. Lucien has to be the best boyfriend ever. Generous, considerate, loyal, protective…
...A little too protective, though. Dating Lucien meant having the fútbol team on your side. When he heard about some homophobic student messing with Marc, Lucien sent the entire team to “take care of him”. No one’s seen that student in a while.
Lucien was also kind of clingy. Marc can’t remember the last time he’s hung out with his friends; he was always going on at least twenty dates with Lucien. Then one day, the students gave Marc a new nickname, ‘Lucien’s pet’, after he was given a red choker necklace with a silver heart dangling on a small chain, and on the heart was ‘L.R.’ He would always treat Marc like his property, but did it in a slow subtly way: Having his hands on Marc at all times, slowly separating him from his friends, then at one point, trying to dictate what he wore.
Madelyn was finally able to get some alone time with Marc and told him all about toxic relationships. And those examples sounded exactly like the situation he was in right now.
With some encouragement from his friends, Marc was finally found the courage to break up with Lucien after eight long months, and everything was back to normal. Marc didn’t have someone constantly following him around and keeping him away from his friends or threatening innocent students. Even when Lucien tried to get him back, he stood strong and didn’t give in. He almost did when Lucien swore he would be better, but when Marc caught him threatening the exchange student from Hong Kong who he thought had a crush on Marc, he had enough.
After explaining everything to his moms, they decided that it would be best if Marc switched schools to avoid Lucien. He was hesitant at first, knowing that he would have to leave all of his friends behind, but it was worth it to not have to deal with Lucien anymore. So, he said his goodbyes, made the Vice Presidents of the clubs the new presidents, and left, ready to start a new life at a new school
Lucien wouldn’t give up, though. He vowed that he would find Marc, and make him his again by any means necessary.
“Class, we have a new student!”, Mme. Bustier announced in her usual cheerful tone. A few of the students rolled their eyes and groaned at the mention of a new student, worried this one may be like Lila, “Please meet Lucien Rebois.”
Kim and Alix perked up at the mention of the name and nearly fell out of their seats when the athlete walked into the room. The other students, while not huge fans like Kim and Alix, gasped when they saw him
“Hi, nice to meet you all.”, he greeted with a smile
“Dude! You’re a legend!”, Kim shouted, “My cousin took me to every game you played, you are awesome!”
Lucien tried not to blush at the praise, “Well, I guess I was okay.”
“Okay?!”, Alix exclaimed, “You gotta join our fútbol team, we suck!”
“Alix!”, Bustier reprimanded and Lucien chuckled, “That’s quite enough.”
“I’ll think about it.”, he looked around, “So, where do I sit?”
Mme. Bustier pointed up the stairs, “Right next to Nathaniel.”, said boy waved so Lucien could see him. He walked up the stairs, paying no mind to the many admiring looks he was receiving, and sat down next to the redhead. The two sent each other polite smiles and focused on Bustier’s lecture
While doing classwork, Nathaniel’s eyes wandered to the bracelet wrapped around Lucien’s wrist. It was red, made of leather, and had a silver heart. It didn’t seem weird at first until he saw his seat mate’s initials on the heart. ‘Wonder who gave that to him.’, he thought, then went back to his classwork, only to be disrupted by the sound of the bell
“Okay, everyone, I’ll see you all after lunch.”, Mme. Bustier said as the students walked out of the classroom
While packing his messenger bag, Nathaniel dropped a draft of the Ladybug comic and went to pick it up, but Lucien beat him to it and looked at it in awe, “Dude, you make the Ladybug comics? I love these!”, he grinned
Nathaniel smiles at the compliment, “Thanks. I-I don’t make the whole comic though-“ He was cut off by Alix, running up the stairs and wrapping an arm around him, “He draws, and his partner writes.”
“Alix.”, he groaned, to which the pink-haired girl replied with a grin
“Partner as is significant other?”, Lucien asked when he realized what Alix meant. When he saw Nathaniel looking away in embarrassment and with what looked like fear, he eased his worries by saying, “Don’t worry, man, I’m like, super gay.”
Nathaniel smiled, relief taking over. Alix’s smile widened when she heard those words and she immediately wrapped her other arm around Lucien, “I love this boy!”
And the three of them left the classroom
Later at lunch, Lucien has drawn in a crowd as he talked a little about himself. Even Marinette joined in when she realized this new student was nothing like Lila and didn’t go on and on bragging about himself, or claiming he did something outlandish that could be proven false with a quick and easy Google search
“Well, I‘ve been captain of the fútbol team since middle school, and I’ll be honest, I was not ready to lead a whole team.”
Marinette whispered to Alya, “I like how modest he is.”, the Creole girl nodded in agreement
“Yeah, not like she who will not be named.”, Alya said with a roll of her eyes, then asked, “So Lucien, I hope you don’t mind going off-topic, but what do you think of Ladybug and Chat Noir?”
“They’re amazing!”, he exclaimed, “I mean, I’ve never seen them in person, only on the Ladyblog live-streams. My school was a little far from the action.”, he explained while Alya beamed at the mention of her blog, “Now, what’s this I’ve heard about ‘Ladybug’s best friend?’”
The students groaned. Marinette said, “We don’t talk about her.”
“Alright, enough about Rossi,” Nino bitterly said, then pointed to the bracelet resting on his wrist, “sweet band, man! Where’d you find that?”, the others admired the bracelet and repeated Nino’s question
Nathaniel noticed him blushing at the mention of it, “Well… It was my ex’s.” He raised an eyebrow, ‘His ex’s? Then why does it have his initials?’, he thought to himself then continued to listen
“Yeah, I gave him this after we dated for three months.”, he explained, “I, um… I’m not entirely over him yet.”, he admitted, making the girls and some boys awe, “Then he switched schools, and I haven’t really been the same.”
“That’s why you were playing sloppy at your games!”, Kim exclaimed, “Man, that must’ve been rough. If Ondine broke up with me, I’d probably be drowning in the pool.”, everyone laughed. Nathaniel then looked up and saw Marc walking in the cafeteria with Mireille. He smiled at how content and happy he looked, but then that feeling turned to concern when he saw him running away the minute he walked in
Nathaniel, wanting to make sure Marc was okay, excused himself, then ran after him. He heard footsteps, whirled around, and saw Mireille running towards him, “Is Marc okay?”, she asked, only to have Nathaniel respond with a shrug, “I don’t know. Help me look for him.”
“Damn long legs.”, Mireille cursed under her breath
Marc whipped around from the bathroom mirror and came face-to-face... Well, more like chest-to-face with Ismael Prisk, the school’s foreign exchange students from Pakistan, Marc’s classmate, and what some of the anime-fanatic students call a ‘tsundere’.
Marc sighed, “Ismael, I’m not in the mood.”
“Fight with your boyfriend?”, he asked in a snarky tone, making Marc roll his eyes at the boy’s usual behavior
“No! I-I just...”
Ismael continued to pry, “Because you always spend lunch with him, considering the fact that you two have no classes together, so I’m just naturally curious as to why you’d rather hide in the bathroom than use that precious hour to make out with him.”
‘Yeah right.’, Marc thought, “It has nothing to do with Nathaniel.”
The short brunette smirked, “Well, then I guess you won’t mind if I go fetch him, now would you?”, he heads for the door, only to be stopped when Marc grabs his wrist
“Don’t do that!”, he begged
“I won’t say anything if you tell me why you’re acting like a freak.”. he retorted while snatching his wrist out of Marc’s grasp
“... Okay...”, seeing Ismael backing towards the door, he quickly said, “It’s Lucien, okay?!”
“The new guy?”, Marc nodded, “Tall guy, captain of some team?”, he asked, and Marc nodded again, “So what?”
“... He’s my ex.”, Ismael made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, “And, I just don’t feel like running into him.”
“So you’re the guy who made him lose those games.”, Ismael taunted
“It wasn’t my fault!”, Marc exclaimed. Ismael flinched at his outburst, “I had to break up with him! He was just... I couldn’t take it! He was sweet at first, but he started treating me like I was his property or something! He even had me wear a choker with his initials on it!”
The stoic look on Ismael’s face became softer as he listened to Marc about Lucien
“He even threatened some of my friends, o-or anyone who talked to me because he thought they were flirting with me.”, a tear streamed down his face, “One guy even went to the hospital.”
Ismael asked, “Did you tell anyone?”
“I tried to go to the principal, but he said without any proof, there wasn’t anything that could’ve be done.”, he explained, “And Lucien always thought ahead. He did his threatening in rooms that didn’t have cameras, had the fútbol team backing him up if he was ever accused of something, and his aunt is a member of the school board, so he always got away with everything.”
Ismael frowned, “Damn, that’s... That’s just awful.”
Marc nodded, “I finally broke up with him, and I switched schools. But now that Lucien’s here, I’m worried he’ll do something to Nath when he finds out we’re dating. So that’s why you can’t say anything!”
“Dude, Lucien’s gonna find out you go here sooner or later.”, Ismael said with a shake of his head, “You just gotta avoid him, and hope he turns out like Rossi.” He smiled at the thought of Lila rotting away in her prison cell
Marc shuddered at the memory of how he almost killed Lila. But putting that thought aside, he realized Ismael was right. Lila slipped up and got arrested, so maybe Lucien will too and get what he had coming a long time ago, “I guess... Thanks-”
Ismael cut him off and headed for the door, “Don’t mention it. To anyone.”, and he left
Mireille walked out of the library, “Well, he’s not in there.”, she turns to Nathaniel who’s walking out of a classroom, “No luck?”
He shook his head, “No. I’m getting worried; why did he just run off like that?”
“Ask him yourself.”, Mireille narrowed her eyes as the boy approached her and Nathaniel
“What are you talking about, Ismael?”, she asked curtly, “Where’s Marc?”
The brunette ignored her and turned to Nathaniel, “Kurtzberg, I suggest you stay by your boyfriend’s side at all times, especially now that Lucien’s here.”, he warned
Ismael held his hands up, sensing the rising hostility in the redhead’s voice, “He told me a couple of things about Rebois. Things that might concern you.”
“Well what did he say? What did Lucien do?”, he asked, wanting to get right to the point, but the other boy merely shook his head
“Like I said: ask him yourself.”, he answered with a pointed look before walking away from the two very confused students
“I’ll talk to him at art club.”, Nathaniel told Mireille before heading back to the cafeteria
“So, Nath,”, Lucien sat down in his seat, “I was just wondering, who’s your partner with the Ladybug comic?”, he asked, making Nathaniel tense.
Should he say anything? If what Ismael said was true, then Lucien may hurt Marc. He needed to keep quiet until he has enough information on this guy to know if Marc is safe around him
“Well, he prefers privacy.” he answered, “He doesn’t really like all of the attention.”, it wasn’t really a lie. Marc hated being the center of attention, yet he’s the writer for the most popular comic in Paris
“Huh.”, was Lucien’s response before he turned his attention to the teacher
Throughout the lesson, Nathaniel felt like he was being watched, like someone was plotting to set him on fire. Maybe he was just being paranoid because he was worried about Marc... Yeah, that was it. No one’s out to get him, and he did not just see Lucien glaring at him as if he were Hawkmoth himself
Lucien knew what he saw, and he knew what he heard. He knew he saw the silky black hair of his love in the hallway, the bright red hoodie that hid his beautiful frame, and the gentle green eyes that made his heart melt...
He found him. After all this time, he found Marc Anciel. And he had the Ladyblog to thank for that. Even as a monochromatic supervillain who could reverse people, he still looked breath-taking. When he watched the live-stream, he instantly recognized the beautiful Akuma, and insisted on switching schools so he could find him. And who would’ve guessed that they’d end up in the same school again? It was fate, they were meant to stay together.
But then he heard Nathaniel Kurtzberg being referred to as Marc’s boyfriend... That nobody stole Marc away from him: The school golden boy, the one people would kill to date. Well, he was going to get him back. They had art club together, probably to work on the comic. How did he not recognize Marc as the writer? The word choice, the realistic dialogue... Just another thing Lucien loved about him
When that bell rings at the end of the day, Marc will be his again.
“You alright, Nath?”, Kim asked Nathaniel as he shut his locker closed and slipped on his swim cap, “You seem a little on edge.”
He shrugged, “... It’s Lucien.”
The Vietnamese boy smiled dreamily at the mention of the name, “Yeah, he’s awesome,” but then frowned, “What about him?”
“Well, I heard some stuff about him.”, he answered as he placed a book in his locker, “And it involved Marc.”, Kim raised an eyebrow, “Ismael told me to keep Marc away from him.”
“Ismael Prisk?”, he nodded, “You actually believe that guy? He’s not exactly the nicest guy, Nath. Plus, Lucien’s chill, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Marc... Not like Lila.”
The artist rolled his eyes at the mention of the Italian, and Kim’s face contorted into disgust
“I can’t believe I thought she was telling the truth.”, Kim said, ashamed, “I get injured all the time, and I come back with bruises and casts. She falls down the stairs and somehow comes back without a singer scratch.”
“Well, I’ll admit, she was pretty convincing.”, Nathaniel admitted with a look of embarrassment, “She almost had me convinced, but then she said she was dating the creator of the Ladybug comic.”
Kim facepalms, “God, me and the others are so dumb.”
Nathaniel chuckled, then shut his locker, “Well, I’m gonna go and see if Marc’s alright.”
“I bet my lucky speedo that Lucien is a good guy!”
Nathaniel yelled back as he walked out the room, “You can keep those!”
Meanwhile, in the art room, Marc was listening to music on his headphones and writing in his journal as he waited for Nathaniel to arrive. He needed to relax after the day he’s been having- He’s managed to avoid Lucien, so that’s good... Now he just had to keep doing so until graduation.
This was one of the places where he was safe. Lucien was never really into the arts, so there was no way he’d ever actually come in here
“Lucien, hi!”, Marc heard Rose greet as the song he was listening to faded out. He dropped his pencil in horror
‘Oh, God.’
“So, an athlete, and an artist?”, Alix let out a low whistle, “I’m liking you more and more, man.”
‘They’re all in the same class, of course, they’re friends.’
“Well, not really.”, he responded with a laugh then looked around the room, “I just came to check the place out. I’m liking the calm vibe here.”
Juleka shrugged as she strummed a few chords on her guitar, “It is pretty quiet here sometimes.”
‘Okay, they’re distracting him. Maybe if I sneak out quietly, he won’t notice me.’, Marc slowly gathered his notebook and pencils in his bag, not wanting to make too much noise
“Marc! Have you met Lucien?!”, Rose asked, and at that moment, Marc wanted to die
When he didn’t move, Juleka raised an eyebrow, “Marc, are you okay?”
Before he could respond, Marc felt a strong hand being placed on his shoulder and heard, “Hello, my Emerald.”, the pet name that made him want to throw up
“Who’s Emerald?”, Alix asked
Lucien feigned surprise and answered, “Oh, did Marc not tell you?”, he holds up his wrist with the choker acting as a bracelet, “We were boyfriends. I call him Emerald because of his lovely eyes.”
Alix, Rose, and Juleka weren’t sure how to respond to that. Do they ask follow-up questions, tell him to leave before Nathaniel arrives, or just kick him out right now because he’s getting a little too close to Marc?
“Okay, okay!”, Alix approaches the two and removes Lucien’s hand from Marc’s arm, “Reunion’s over, you should go try out for a team, Marc has a boyfriend,” she points to the door, “you can leave now.”
“What’s the rush?”, Lucien asked as he placed his hands on Marc’s shoulders and gave them a little squeeze, making the writer shudder, “Can’t a guy just talk to his ex without someone trying to make him leave?” He gives the sleeve of Marc’s jacket a little tug, grinning when it slides off his shoulder a little bit
“I don’t hear you talking to each other.”, Alix spat
He huffed, “Fine.”, then turns to Marc, “Emerald, I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since took our break.”
Marc mumbled, “We broke up.”
“And I want you back.”, he leaned in close to the petrified boy and made escaping impossible. He had Marc pinned against the table, with his arms on either side of him, “Come on, Emerald. Let’s finish where we-“, he didn’t finish as he was pushed away from Marc by none other than Alix
“You have five, fucking, seconds.”, she snarled
Lucien smirked, “Well, I better make the most of it.”, he sent Marc a wink, only infuriating Alix even more.
As he made his way towards the art room, Nathaniel’s phone started buzzing. He checked the texts, all caps, and angry emojis
Alix: FHE)3&HE D#%UWUDK WH3$&
Juleka: Alix used her phone to smack him. Also, I think Marc’s having a panic attack!!
At that last text, Nathaniel ran as fast as he could. When he made it to the classroom, his eyes widened at the scene before him- Alix had Lucien in a headlock while Rose tries to pry her off, and Juleka had her arms wrapped around Marc as he sat on the floor
“What the hell is going on?!”, he yelled, grabbing everyone’s attention, except for Marc’s. Juleka helped Marc up and walked him over to his boyfriend. Nathaniel cupped his cheeks in his hands, “It’s okay, Rainbow. I’m here.”, he took one of his shaky hands and kissed it, “It’s okay.”
”Get your hands off of him!”, Lucien snarled, making Marc tighten his arms around Nathaniel, and hide his face in the crook of his neck
Alix jabbed his chest with her finger, “He’s having a panic attack, you dick!”
Nathaniel was suddenly pulled out of Marc’s hold, and the writer pulled his hood over his head, shaking and sobbing as the two boys yelled at each other
“Get out of here!”
“Make me, twerp!”
Marc feels a hand on his shoulder. He holds it, thinking it’s Nathaniel, Alix, Juleka, or Rose. When he looks up and paled when he realized it was Lucien
“Get your hands off of him!”, Rose screamed as Juleka stormed over and yanked the boy away from Marc
“Emerald, you’re going to let them-“
“DON’T CALL ME THAT!”, he sobbed
“Get out of here, Rebois.”, Nathaniel growled
“Over my dead- OW!”
Alix had twisted his arm behind his back and is walking him towards the door, “And stay out!”, she pushed him out, then shut the door. Once Lucien regained his composure, he looked around and saw a couple of students giving confused looks and whispering. He stormed off in a huff.
“The owner of heart once so full of life only to have it be torn apart, then shattered, and now seeking to take back what was his.”, Hawkmoth holds out his hand, and a white butterfly lands in his open palm. He covers the butterfly, and it’s engulfed with dark magic, turning the butterfly into an Akuma. It flutters away
“Fly, my little Akuma. And evilize him!”
Lucien sat outside on the steps of the school, scrolling through photos on his phone, all are of him and Marc when they were dating- Them holding hands while roller-skating, Marc wearing his letterman jacket at a fútbol game, dancing at the spring formal, kissing in his car at a drive-in... They looked so happy... He shoved his phone back in his pocket and rubbed his thumb over the choker necklace wrapped around his wrist. While doing this, he felt something brush up against his finger, and suddenly, he felt as if someone was in his head
“Heart Thief, I am Hawkmoth. I too understand the pain of losing someone you love. Now you can take back what’s yours. In return, you must give me Ladybug and Chat Noir’s Miraculous.”
Lucien wanted to say no. He’s seen what this guy was capable of, but... He’d have Marc all to himself again. This was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He had to get him back and away from those friends of his. Especially that red-haired twerp...
“I’m coming for you, Marc.”, he smirked as the black mist bubbled up from the choker and surrounded him
Hawkmoth froze when he heard that name. ‘Marc Anciel’ How could such an innocent-sounding name sound so malevolent? He, a mere child managed to silence and overpower him, the most feared villain in all of Paris, and then had the nerve to threaten him... It was quite impressive. Marc was now second on his ‘Must Akumatize’ list, and at the top was Marinette. Even though Lila had been arrested and was no longer a threat to her emotional stability, the Eurasian girl would still make a powerful Akuma- Not one caused by her friends betraying, but definitely, something that would make the heroes fall to their knees
“It’s okay, Rainbow. He’s gone.”, Nathaniel whispered as he had his arms wrapped around Marc’s frame, “He won’t hurt you, okay?”
“God! I can’t believe I actually looked up to that guy!”, Alix screeched, “When I see him, I’m just gonna... I’ll...”, she chucks a spray paint can at the door, M. Haberkorn walks in carrying a few blank canvases just as the can drops to the floor with a ‘clank’. “What’s going on here?”, he asked with concern when he felt the tension in the room
Alix sighed, “Sorry, M. Haberkorn. We just... Ugh.”, she slumped into her seat
The art teacher looks and sees Marc in Nathaniel’s protective hold, “Is Marc okay?”
Juleka answers, “We had a run-in with the new student.”
Rose adds, “Yeah, and he was making Marc really uncomfortable! He kept touching him and calling him Em-“, seeing Nathaniel shake his head, she rephrased, “a name that he didn’t like. And he was, I guess flirting with Marc even when we said he and Nathaniel were dating!”
M. Haberkorn frowned. How dare another student come into his classroom and harass one of his children students? “Well, I’ll be having a talk with M. Damocles about this first thing tomorrow.”, he said sternly, “That boy will not set another foot in this room, or hurt you again, Marc.”
Marc lifted his head and sent the kind man a faint smile
Then suddenly, destroying the calm atmosphere were screams coming from the students who stayed after school. Juleka ran out into the hall and saw the Akuma. He wore a black mask with a small red heart above his right eye, a suit where the top half was is tailcoat that was red at the top and black at the bottom, and the ends of the tailcoat formed a broken heart. He wore black pants, black fingerless gloves that revealed his red nails, and came up to his biceps, red platform boots with metal heart buckles that came up to his knees, and in his hand was a black choker necklace with a red metal heart. She gasped when she realized the Akuma was Lucien, then went back in the room, shut the door, and told the others, “Lucien’s an Akuma!”
Alix clenched her fists, “Oh, hell no!”
M. Haberkorn shushed her, “We can’t let him know we’re still in here.”
Everyone froze when they heard the Akuma’s footsteps were getting louder as he approached the room. Nathaniel kept Marc in a protective hold as the taller boy silently cried... The footsteps soon faded away, and they all let out relieved sighs, but this moment was short-lived when the door suddenly blew off its hinges, revealing Heart Thief.
He looked around the room until his eyes land on Marc and smirks, “Oh, Emerald.”, he drawled out, “Did you miss me?”
Alix got into a fighting stance, Nathaniel moved Marc behind him, Rose and Juleka backed away but still stood close by Marc. M. Haberkorn scowled when he realized this was the student that harassed Marc
Sternly he said, “You’re not welcome here. Leave.”, but the villain just laughed
“Not until I take back what’s mine.”, he held up the collar, making Marc back away at the sight of it, “Emerald, come here.”
Alix tightened her fists, “If you think he’s gonna listen to you, you must be-!”, she silenced herself when she saw a red dagger in the shape of a heart appear in the palm of his hand
“Emerald, you know how much I hate waiting,” he chastised, then summoned four more daggers he then sent towards Alix, Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel, and M. Haberkorn. Everyone ducked out of the way, and the daggers hit a sculpture, forming cracks along the surface before it crumbled into bits. Marc looked up and didn’t have time to react before Heart Thief threw the choker at him, and it wrapped itself around his neck. Marc tried to rip it off but then suddenly came to a halt, and his arms dropped to his sides. He and the Akuma locked eyes, and Marc no longer saw Heart Thief, he saw Lucien- His devoted, caring boyfriend. Nathaniel got up, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw that Marc’s irises were now a bright red
He held his hand, “Rainbow?”, but got no response
Heart Thief sent the boy a sneer. His look softened when he looked to Marc, “Emerald, come here.”, he commanded sweetly as his eyes glowed the same shade of red as Marc’s irises
Marc stood, and with no hesitation, ran over to Heart Thief. Rose reached for his hand, but he pulled it away and went to nuzzle up against his chest
Nathaniel looked heartbroken, and even more when Marc and Heart Thief passionately kissed each other, “Oh, I knew you’d come to your senses, Emerald.”, he gently scooped him off his feet, and sent Nathaniel a smirk when Marc wrapped his arms around his neck, “Perhaps I should be calling you Ruby now.” Before he could head out, M. Haberkorn stood at the doorway
“Unhand him this instant!”, he shouted in a tone none of the art students have ever heard him use. Heart Thief just scoffed, settled Marc in his left arm, then he used his free hand to grab the man by his shirt and fling him across the room, causing him to crash into some paint cans that splattered him with a mess of colors. Rose and Juleka went to help him up while Alix and Nathaniel ran after Heart Thief, who fled during the commotion.
While running, Heart Thief summoned six heart-shaped daggers and threw them at Nathaniel and Alix. They weren’t hit, but dodging the daggers slowed them down and allowed Heart Thief to get away
He made his way outside, scaring off a few civilians, but he didn’t care. He finally had Marc back, and once he brought the Miraculous to Hawkmoth, they’ll never be separated ever again
“I told you,” he whispered, “I’d get you back, my Ruby. Nothing will keep us apart.”, he kisses Marc’s pink lips again, but was cut short when he heard, “PUT HIM DOWN!”
Standing at the top of the steps was Nathaniel, seething with rage and with visible tears streaming down his face. Heart Thief rolled his eyes and leaped away
“Excellent, Heart Thief. It shouldn’t be too long before Ladybug and Chat Noir arrive. Once you take their Miraculous, he shall be yours forever.”
Heart Thief smiled as he looked down at Marc, his hair blowing in his beautiful face as he ran, “That’s all I want.”
Meanwhile, in his room, Adrien was just sitting at his desk, watching footage of the Ladyblog on his three computer monitors, when he suddenly heard screams from outside. He rushed over to his window and looked to see Heart Thief leaping from roof to roof with Marc in his arms
“Is that Marc?”, he asks himself before turning to Plagg, sitting on the couch and munching on some Camembert, “Plagg, we gotta go!”
The Kwami of destruction groaned, “But I just got comfy!”
Plagg, Claws out!
Marinette was just sitting on her balcony, flipping through a fashion magazine while Tikki sat on her shoulder eating a macaron. Before the goddess of creation could take another bite, she noticed something out of the corner of her eye
“Marinette, look!”, she looked to where the Kwami was pointing and saw the Akuma running on the roof of a building. She took a closer look and shock crossed her face when she saw Marc cradled in his arms, “Marc?!”
“He must’ve been kidnapped.”, Tikki deduced
“Well, we’re gonna get him back!”
Tikki, Spots On!
Back at school, Nathaniel was panicking. He just lost Marc to... To... To that sleaze! What’s even worse is that he could make Marc do whatever he wants. He didn’t even want to imagine that
“Nath, is gonna be okay.”, Alix tried to reassure him
“No it’s not!”, he yelled, “You saw what he was doing to Marc! He’ll- Oh God!”
“Hey,” Alix grabs his shoulders, “he’s not gonna do anything to Marc, okay? Ladybug and Chat Noir will take care of this like they always do. A-and maybe they’ll call on you again since this is a personal thing.”
Nathaniel didn’t care about being Royt Hon again. He just wanted Marc back, “You think so?”, Alix nodded and pointed up towards the red-clad hero swinging across the city
“Once this is over, I’m giving Lucien a piece of my mind.”, she snarled
Couples ran out of the way or stood frozen in shock as Heart Thief and Marc walked across Pont Des Arts
“Oh, Ruby. I’m so glad to have you back.”, Heart Thief said as he combed his fingers through Marc’s hair
The writer held onto the Akuma’s free arm and sighed, “I missed you, Lucien.”
“And you don’t love anyone else, only me?”, Heart Thief asked, eyes glowing again as he softly caressed Marc cheek, causing his pink lips to curl into a smile
“No, I only love you.”, even if it was fake, Heart Thief didn’t seem to care, he was just thrilled to have Marc back in his arms and listening to his every word. There was just one thing that could make this even better
“Ruby, I never really liked how that hoodie hid your gorgeous figure.”, Heart Thief said, biting his bottom lip as he messed with the jaw string, “Remove it for me?”
Marc’s eyes flickered from crimson to green, and for a millisecond, he saw Heart Thief and not Lucien, but the Akuma didn’t seem to notice and just waited for Marc to do as he said, “L-love to.”, raising his hand to his shoulder, he began to slide the jacket off, when a voice called out,
Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived on the scene. Civilians fled, knowing how destructive these Akuma battles could get. Heart Thief stood in front of Marc and sent a glare the heroes’ way as he summoned two daggers, “You will not take my love away from me!”
Ladybug ignored him but kept her yoyo ready in case she would have to deflect those daggers. She furrowed her brow when she saw Marc, clinging onto the Akuma’s arm. That’s when she noticed his eyes were no longer green, and realized he must be being controlled by the Akuma
“Marc, whatever spell he has on you, you need to break free from it!”
“Yeah, your eyes are supposed to be green! And you love Nathaniel, not him!”, Chat pointed an accusing finger at the Akuma
Suddenly, Marc felt a tinge of pain in his head and held it tightly, causing Heart String to look at him with concern, “My Ruby, are you alright?”
His eyes flickered again, but this time Heart Thief noticed, and so did the heroes, “I-I’m fine.”
Heart Thief let out a sigh of relief and turned his attention back to Ladybug and Chat, summoning ten more daggers, each one sharpened to a fine point and ready to pierce through the heroes, “If you know what’s best for you, you’ll leave me and my Ruby alone.”, he threatened, then sent the daggers at the heroes before gathering Marc in his arms and running off
Ladybug spun her yoyo, Chat spun his staff, and the two deflected each dagger. They either flew off and fell into the water, or were embedded in the floor or nearby benches. Once there were no more daggers coming for them, Ladybug and Chat swung and vaulted after Heart Thief
Heart Thief knew his control over Marc was weakening when he saw his eyes turning green again. He had to remove any memories of Nathaniel, seeing as the mere mention of his name would break his control over Marc
After looking around to make sure the heroes were nowhere in sight, Heart Thief stopped on the nearest rooftop and set Marc gently onto the roof, “Lucien, why did you stop?”, he asked as Heart Thief took his hand in his.
“Marc,” he started, “my Ruby.”, his eyes started glowing again, “What do you remember about Nathaniel Kurtzberg?”
Marc’s eyes began flickering again, rapidly, before settling on red, “We go to school together.”, he answered. Heart Thief’s eyes became brighter, “He... He likes to draw. I think.”
He smirked, “What else?”
“... He has brown hair?”
“Anything else you remember about Nathaniel?”, his bright red eyes became a menacing blood red
“...” Marc’s face contorted in confusion as he tried to remember who this boy was. The name sounded so familiar to him, but he couldn’t figure out why “I... I don’t know who that is.”
‘He doesn’t remember him.’, “Are you sure?”, he asked, needing confirmation
“No.” He tilted his head slightly, “Am I supposed to?”, Heart Thief kissed his forehead before answering, “No, my Ruby. He’s not important. Never has been, never will be.”, his muscular arms wrapped around Marc’s frame and pull him in for a hug, which the entranced boy gladly returned
“Found you!”
Having no time to react, Ladybug’s yoyo smacked Heart Thief in the face, making him stumble and fall on his back. Marc went to help him up but found himself being restrained by Chat
“Let me go!”, he shouted, writhing in the leather-clad hero’s hold, “Lucien!”, he called out to the Akuma who was tied up by Ladybug’s yoyo. Heart Thief swept her leg, sending Ladybug down, and freed himself from the magic weapon. Chat Noir ran after him, staff ready, but Heart Thief grabbed the staff and used it to fling him into Ladybug just as she was getting up.
Once the heroes were down, Heart Thief gathered Marc in his arms and leaped away just as Ladybug and Chat Noir got back up and situated themselves
“And I thought cats were territorial.”, Chat joke as he picked up his staff, “Did you see anything on Romeno, that might have been the akumatized object?”
Ladybug shook her head, “Nothing. But we have to keep looking.”, then she yelled out,
“LUCKY CHARM!”, the object that fell into her hands was...
“Marc and Nathaniel’s comic?”
Chat examined the cover, “Issue twelve. The one where Might Illustrator saves Inverser from Scarlet Moth’s control.”, Ladybug raised an eyebrow, to which Chat responded with a shrug, “What? I like their work.”
Ladybug flipped through the pages until she stopped on a specific one. Might Illustrator held Inverser in a loving embrace as the two kissed, and Inverser’s red and black suit faded back to white and black. Ladybug got an idea, “Chat, go after Heart Thief. I’ll be right back.”
He nodded, “On it, m’lady!”, then vaulted away
Back at Dupont, Alix was comforting Nathaniel, who was crying into her shoulder, “Okay, so it’s been almost two hours, but Ladybug and Chat Noir will get Marc back!” she reassured, “It almost took them an entire day to defeat some Akumas.”, she reminded him, but Nathaniel couldn’t listen, not when Marc was in the arms of some creep
He just wanted him back...
“Nathaniel!”, Ladybug called out as she landed, startling the two, “I need your help!” she looked down at the comic with her Lucky Vision, then at Nathaniel. Both were ladybug-patterned
Alix gave Nathaniel’s arm a nudge, “Is Royt gonna make a comeback?”
“Not exactly.” she holds out her hand to the redhead, “Right now, Marc needs you. Will you come with me?”
With a look of determination, Nathaniel takes the superheroine’s hand, “Let’s get Marc back.”
“And when you see Lucien,” Alix holds up her fist and smirks, “give him one of these for me, ‘kay, bud?”
Nathaniel gave his friend a nod as Ladybug wrapped her arm around him, “Oh, I’ll be giving him much worse.”, then Ladybug swung away with Nathaniel in her arms
After five minutes of running, Heart Thief landed right outside of the Le Grand Blanche Hotel. By the door was a sign that read, ‘Jemart and Mell Wedding in Banquet Hall’ His lips curled into a grin, “Ruby. How would you like us to always be together?”, all he got in response was a kiss on the cheek.
“Heart Thief, what is the meaning of this? I want my Miraculous!”
“And you’ll get them. Right after I make Marc mine forever.” at that, he carried Marc into the hotel.
It took almost ten minutes, but Heart Thief finally found the banquet hall and set Marc down on the floor before using his enhanced strength to punch the door down, much to the alarm of everyone in attendance at the wedding. The groom was just about to put the ring on the bride’s finger.
Heart Thief smirked, “Sorry to interrupt such a lovely ceremony, but this will only take a moment.”
“Marc?” Standing from her seat was Madelyn, dressed in a black vest with a red bow tie, a white dress shirt, black pants, and black heels, “What’s goin’ on; Why are you with an Akuma?”
Marc gave his old friend a confused look, “I’m not with an Akuma, I’m with Lucien.” the girl narrowed her eyes at the Akuma and instantly recognized him, “Rebois.”, she sneered
“Jemart. I thought the name sounded familiar.”
The muscular girl rolled up her sleeves and stormed over to the Akuma, “After all this time, even as an Akuma, you’re still a creep.” her look softened when she turned to Marc, “Mar-Mar, whatever lies this boy has been telling you, don’t believe him.”
He gave her an incredulous look, “He said he loves me.”
“Marc,” she grabs his shoulders, “you broke up with him for a reason! He’s possessive, he threatened your friends, he made you wear a collar!” she looks at the black choker around his neck, “And he still is. Mar-Mar, you’re one of my best friends. Please. Believe me when I’m telling you that Lucien- Heart Thief- Whatever! He’s using you...”
It’s a stare down between the two. Marc’s crimson red eyes started flickering again and were becoming a forest green color until Heart Thief squeezed his hand, and his eyes went back to red “Maddy, please move.”
A tear forms out of the eye of the usually tough girl, “Marc-”
In one swift motion, Madelyn was pinned to the wall by Heart Thief’s daggers, each one just an inch away from piercing her body. Marc looked back at her with concern until Heart Thief linked their arms and walked him down the aisle, prompting the bride and groom to move out of the way. The priest would have run too, but Heart Thief’s glare kept him in place.
“O-okay then.”, the priest stammered, “So, do you, Heart Thief, t-take Marc to b-be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.”, he answered quickly
“Of course.”, he said before turning to Marc, “And do y-you, Marc, take Heart Thief to-to be your la-lawfully wedded husband?”
Before he could say ‘do’, someone yelled out, “I OBJECT!”
Everyone looked to see Paris’ heroes and Nathaniel standing at the doorway. Ladybug’s earrings had all five dots, having refueled Tikki before they arrived, and she was giving Chat a bored look, “Was that necessary?” he shrugged, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”
Nathaniel’s eyes didn’t leave Marc for a second. He always fantasized about seeing Marc at an altar, but not like this.
“Crashing my wedding?!” How tacky are you?” Heart Thief shouted, pulling Marc closer to him
Nathaniel sneered, “I’m tacky?! You brainwashed my boyfriend!”
“He’s marrying me willingly! Right, Ruby?” Marc nodded.
Ladybug threw her yoyo at Heart Thief. It wrapped around his ankles, and she flung him across the room, making him crash into a wall. Nathaniel made his way over to Marc, but he ran over to the wounded Akuma, and Nathaniel couldn’t hold back his tears anymore.
Ladybug then called for her, “LUCKY CHARM!”
And in her hands was... “A magnet?”
While she looked for a way to use the lucky, Chat Noir quickly dragged Marc over to Nathaniel while Heart Thief was down, “Nathaniel, get him somewhere safe.” With a nod, Nathaniel pulled Marc out of the banquet hall, and the battle began
“Where are you taking me?!”, Marc asked as Nathaniel continued to pull him through the building, with some struggle since Marc kept trying to pull his hand out of his grasp
“I’m getting you away from him, Marc!”, he answered, then the two made their way into a stairwell
“What?! How do you even know my name; who are you?!”
After hearing those last three words, Nathaniel’s heart shattered. He stopped on his tracks and look Marc right in his eyes, “You... You don’t know who I am?”
Marc shook his head, “No. Look, I-I need to go back, or Lucien’s gonna-”
“Forget about Lucien!”, he shouted, “He’s hurt you in the past, and is still doing so! Marc... He doesn’t love you.”
“H-he said he-”
Nathaniel was now crying at this point, “He doesn’t mean it... I know you don’t remember me, o-or everything we’ve been through together, and you probably won’t believe me when I tell you this, but I love you! I can’t lose you, you’re... You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me...” Seeing no change on Marc’s confused face, he slid down the wall and tucked his head into his knees and silently cried, “I love you, Rainbow.”
Marc just stood, not wondering what to do right now. He wanted to go back to Lucien, but this boy was claiming that he was a part of his life right now and is clearly upset... Lucien wouldn’t mind if he stayed back to comfort... Nick? Noah?... Nathan... What did Chat Noir call him earlier?... Nathaniel! That was his name. It sounded so nice.
Marc’s eyes flickered again and became a red-orange color. “... A comic”, Nathaniel looked up in confusions, tears still streaming down his face, “We... We worked on a comic together.”
Nathaniel wiped some of his tears away, “Y-yeah. Yeah!”, he got on his feet, and held Marc’s hands, “Do you remember anything else?”
"... W-we became friends after Reverser?”
Nathaniel grinned when he realized Marc’s memories of him were slowly returning, and his eyes were going back to their normal color with each memory, “Yes! That’s right! What else?”
“Uh... I had to sleep over your house after Alix made us watch a scary movie.”, his eyes faded to yellow-orange
Nathaniel blushed at the memory. Marc’s parents were out of town that week and he did not wanna sleep alone, so he offered to let him sleep over his house. In his room... In his bed.
“We went to Comic Con together as Ruby and Sapphire,” he chuckled, “sold a few of our comics, and... And... You told me you love me.”
“I do. And I always will... Marc... My Rainbow. If you take off that choker, I can guarantee that you’ll know who actually loves you, and you’ll know who you love.”, Nathaniel wrapped his arms around Marc’s waist and pulled him in for a hug. His hugs felt so different from Lucien’s; they were warmer. “If that person is still Lucien, know that I’ll never stop loving you.”
Marc slowly reached for his choker and undid the clasp. Once the offending material was no longer around his neck, Marc threw it to the floor, causing it to break.
“Rainbow?”, Nathaniel whispered. He looked and saw Marc’s beautiful green eyes once again, and brimming with tears
“I missed you.”
“... I missed you too!”
The two kissed, hands clasped together and fitting perfectly, and bodies pressed against each other. This tender moment was cut short when they heard a flapping sound and looked to see an Akuma fluttering beside them. Nathaniel glared at the thing that almost took away his boyfriend, and snatched it in his hands
“Nath!”, Marc exclaimed worriedly, “Are you okay.”
He nodded, “Yeah. I’m way too happy to become Akumatized.” Marc smiled and kissed his cheek
The two made their way back into the banquet hall and took in the scene before them. The wedding guests took cover on the other side of the room, and Heart Thief was dangling over a hole in the floor that was no doubt Cataclysmed. Ladybug’s yoyo, which had been thrown over a chandelier, was tied around the Lucky Charm magnet that was stuck to the metal heart-shaped buckles on his boots. Ladybug and Chat Noir kept looking to see where the Akumatized object was until Nathaniel cleared his throat and the heroes turned their attention to him and Marc.
Ladybug smiled, “Marc! You’re back!”
“That’s great, but we still can’t find the Akuma.”, Chat said as he continued looking
“Oh, it was in Marc’s choker necklace.” Nathaniel said, chuckling when Ladybug and Chat facepalmed
Ladybug retracted her yoyo and Heart Thief fell back into the hole before crawling back out. With a nod from the spotted heroine, Nathaniel opened his hands and released the Akuma, only for it to be caught by Ladybug’s yoyo
“No more evil-doing for you, little Akuma. Time to de-evilize! Gotcha!”
The newly purified butterfly fluttered out of the yoyo, “Bye-bye, little butterfly.”, Ladybug told it, then pulled the magnet off of Heart Thief’s boot and tossed it into the air, “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”
The magnet burst into thousands of ladybugs that flew around Paris. They fixed the banquet hall, the art room, and got rid of the daggers throws by Heart Thief. Black and purple mist engulfed Heart Thief then lifted to reveal Lucien. He gets up and furrows his brow, “What am I doing here?” Hearing someone clear their throat, he turned around and saw Marc and Nathaniel glaring at him with such malice, but Marc’s glare was more intense
Marc stormed over to him and rolled up one of his sleeves, “Em-Emerald, I-” He was cut off a powerful left hook right to his face that sent him to the floor, much to the shock of Nathaniel, Ladybug, and Chat “You had that coming a long time ago, Rebois!”
“WHOO!”, Madelyn cheered as she made her way over to him and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, “My boy can still throw a mean hook!”, Marc laughed and hugged her, “Hey, Maddy.”, “Hey my little gay of sunshine!”, she then noticed Nathaniel and smiled, “So I’m guessing he’s your new boyfriend?”
Marc pulled away from the hug and made his way over to Nathaniel. The two held hands, confirming Madelyn’s suspicion “Well, I already like him a lot better than Rebois.”, she gave the de-akumatized boy’s leg a kick
Ladybug and Chat Noir fist-bumped, “Pound it!”
“Ladybug and Chat Noir, like Heart Thief, I don’t care how long it takes until I finally have what’s mine! And as for Marc Anciel... I’ll still be keeping a close eye on you...”
It was a new day at school, no one’s seen Lucien for a week. His Akumatization a history at Vadim spread like a wildfire, now everyone knew exactly the kind of person he was. Kim, Alix, and the whole school fútbol team took down their (not literal) shrine to him. Rumors were spreading too- ‘Lucien got expelled’, ‘Lucien went back to Vadim’, ‘Lucien fled to Bombay’, ‘Lucien melted his head’, ‘Lucien’s totally dead’. Okay, so that last two were a little outlandish, but at least everything was back to normal
As Marc and Nathaniel were walking home after art club, Marc got a text from his phone, “It’s from Maddy.”, he smiled as he read the message, “The GSA social is coming up. She, Mehdi and Syd wanna know if we’re free to go on Saturday.”
Nathaniel smiled and kissed his cheek, “Tell them we’ll be there, and I can’t wait to meet everyone.”
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valkirsif · 3 years
The drummer
For mine favorite sweety @learisa <3
Sebastian Stan (drummer) x Reader
Warning- Smut!!!! MORE SMUT!! ;)
Word 3500
"What do you want Doll ?" the man asked in a hoarse voice full of excitement,
"I'm listening to you .. " he said smiling at her while continuing to use the drumsticks on her breasts as if he were playing the drums, Y/N was out of breath, she was drowning in pleasure, it seemed to her that Seb had been torturing her for hours holding her on the edge of orgasm, she was jumped on him even before arriving in her room, as soon as the elevator doors were closed the man had pushed her against the glass putting his tongue in her mouth putting his hands on her ass,
"I don't want you to be able to misunderstand the situation" he whispered taking her hand and bringing it on his cock,
"It's to fuck you that I chose you .. and I think it's the same thing you want, don't deny it you're a lake" he laughed putting a finger in her pussy, Y/N hadn't even tried to avoid it, Seb was right he wanted him he fucked her .. she didn't think the evening would end like that when she was getting ready with her friends to go to the concert.
The girls had joined her at her house, she was the closest to the theater and they would not have taken the car,
"Y/N can I wear your red shirt?" Sara screamed from the bedroom,
" Sure .. you can also hold it to me it is no longer" answered the woman laughing putting on the yellow tank top with the drummer's logo that she had worn at every concert, she liked the transparent effect that showed the red bra and her soft tits and full,
"I thought I'd also give you my blue silk sheath dress, I had a new one made" she laughed hearing the cries of joy from her friend ,
"I'm really glad you got fat" Sara replied cheerfully,
"I've always loved that dress" laughed hugging her, it was a special evening .. Y/N celebrated the freedom of being single after 3 years of relationship with a man who he thought was his property, she had regained the pounds that he had made her lose and recognized in the mirror again, buttery and full body, full lips and breasts prosperous than it was back when the same and would have enjoyed yet another concert of his favorite band, had the best tickets, under the stage, she would have enjoyed Seb playing from much closer than usual,
"GIRLS LET US LATE !!" Nicole was screaming from the living room, the group left the house and followed the large group of fans who headed towards the theater, the atmosphere was electric and cheerful, a multitude of people all there for the same reason, the music, took place on the numbered armchairs under the stage and waited for the concert to begin.
The support group had charged the spectators, everyone was dancing and screaming, the screams grew in intensity as soon as the lights went out and they heard the singer greet the audience, Y/N and the friends jumped wildly, the group appeared among the bright flashes greeting before taking her place, the girl focused on Seb , she found him sexier every time she saw him her friends involved her in a dance all together, she was having a lot of fun when she looked back at the man it seemed to her that he was staring, "Surely it's my impression" she said to herself, the lights were very strong it was not possible that he could see it, probably from the stage they saw everything dark hearing only the cries of the fans, during a break in the show they ran to get a drink, it was a hot fierce despite being in the open air but with the tide of people that were there it was normal, even if they had the best seats there was still crowds, they were soaked, Elisabetta was the most far-sighted among them, under the shirt she had put the bikini so she undressed without hesitation, Y/N would have imitated her but the bra was transparent, even though she felt comfortable in her body she was quite shy, she sighed and poured a bottle of water on her head to cool off,
“Hey if you have to play miss wet t-shirt you might as well take it off " Sara laughed taking off her tank top, Y/N blushed trying to cover herself before realizing that no one was paying attention to her .. well almost no one, she turned to look at the stage where the concert had resumed and noticed that Seb was staring at her, this time she couldn't imagine it the man was smiling at her giving her a nod, she smiled her best smile starting to dance for him, at that moment there was only them , she dancing and he playing, smiling, sweaty and beautiful, returned to earth when Nicole took her by the hips to dance,
"PERFECT evening don't you think?" she screamed in her ears,
"After the concert I booked at Yama's",
"Great idea" replied Y/N, "We haven't been there for months" the girls laughed merrily shaking their asses like little girls, Y/N felt great a man approached her touching her shoulder,
"Sorry" he shouted to be heard, her friends gathered around her as if to underline that they didn't want that kind of company,
"You can rest assured I have no annoying intentions" he said laughing,
"Sebastian would like to invite you to dinner after the show .. " he said to Y/N nodding towards the drummer who was watching them at that moment,
"How sorry?" she asked in amazement, staring first at Seb then at the bodyguard, the man smiled at her and repeated the invitation, her friends were speechless and she was speechless, they looked at each other for a moment, none of them would ever refuse or prevent the others from accept turned to the man,
" Er .. ok .. " she stammered,
"Great, this is your pass," he said putting a card around her neck,
"After the show go to the back stage they will take you to the band" he said greeting and retracing his steps, Y/N took the precious card in her hands not believing her eyes,
"I knew those boobs would open many doors for you .. I want a pair too" Sara complained laughing, looking at her shirt,
"That red bra attracts all eyes" laughed Nicole, "Have fun for us too" she laughed,
"I'm stunned I don't believe it yet" replied Y/N returning to dance smiling at Seb , two hours later she walked towards the back stage accompanied by her friends,
"I'll leave you the keys" she said taking a bunch out of her bag and giving it to Nicole, "Wait for me at home .. ",
"You can swear we want all the details .. ALL " they laughed mischievously, an assistant stopped them,
"Pass please" he said, Y/N handed him the card,
"I always pray straight second door on the right" he said giving her directions, the girl greeted her friends and walked away.
When she reached the door she knocked and waited, a bodyguard looked at her sideways blocking the entrance,
"Yes?" he asked seriously, "Are you lost?",
" Er .. Sebastian invited me" she whispered showing the pass,
"Please have a seat" he smiled making her enter, "You don't know how many try to crash" he laughed accompanying her into a sitting room, there were other girls as happy as she,
"The boys are coming right away," the bodyguard said before leaving them alone,
".. you too have been taken aside for the post evening?" asked a girl,
" Yes .. " Y/N replied, "., For Seb too?" she asked curiously, the others waved no, they were one per band member, they were wondering what the evening would be like when the group joined them,
"Hello beautiful" greeted merrily Scot , the singer, "One second and let's go, they are getting the car ready" he smiled, there were embarrassed smiles when the band made the introductions, it was an absurd situation,
"The car is here" said the manager, "The fans are waiting for you outside .. a big smile and let's go", the girls were escorted to the car while the band smiled, took pictures and signed autographs,
"I can't wait to be in the hotel I'm destroyed" Marc said letting himself go on the seat,
".. who do you say .." Seb replied placing a hand on Y/N's knee who squeaked happily,
" Doll if it's okay with you I would order in the room" he said smiling at her,
"Of course no problem" she answered awkwardly, they arrived at the hotel and passed by the garage, a hotel attendant was waiting for them to accompany them to the restaurant, Seb took Y/N by the hand, greeted the others and headed for the elevator.
As soon as the doors closed he pushed her against the mirror kissing her, putting his hands on her ass, Y/N was amazed, she hoped he would kiss her but she didn't expect such a thing,
"How soft you are Doll " he whispered, squeezing her ass,
"I saw you haven't missed a single concert in the last 6 months .. you deserve an award" he laughed,
"Have you seen me the other times?" she asked curiously, she couldn't believe that he had noticed her,
"Sure, tank top and red bra" he replied touching her,
"Hard not to notice these boobs" he laughed touching her breasts, ".. it's exactly how I imagined it .. " he continued to compliment her by kissing her neck, Y/N stopped asking questions by squeezing him, Seb had brought a hand of the girl on the his dick before he creeps into her jeans,
"You are a lake Doll " he said in a hoarse voice inserting a finger inside her while Y/N gently touched him, he had made it very clear how the evening would go and the girl could not wait to be in the room, arrived at the slowly they composed themselves before walking towards the bedroom.
The suite was large and bright, with a big screen in front of the sofa and a fireplace in the corner, colorful carpets covered most of the apartment, Y/N walked around the suite fascinated by so much luxury .. and by the disorder, there were two rooms huge bedroom with private bathroom and a jacuzzi for 5 people, he wondered which was Seb's room and who was occupying the second one,
"I'm ordering dinner, what do you want to eat?" the man asked kissing her neck,
"What you want .. " Y/N replied with goosebumps, ".. I'm hungry" she smiled leaning against him, made herself comfortable on the sofa while Seb was on the phone,
"We have half an hour .. " he said leaning over her,
".. I could start discarding you what do you think?" he smiled pulling off her tank top, the girl let him do she liked the feeling of his hands touching her,
"Up close they are much more beautiful .. " he said looking at her breasts, ".. that bra I have often imagined" he smiled lowering her straps, Y/N moved forward, unfastened her bra and let him take it off,
" It's as soft as I thought" he said excitedly sinking his hands into her boobs, testing their softness, the girl moaned when he squeezed her nipples,
"Don't move .. " he whispered in a hoarse voice going towards the entrance, he came back after a few seconds holding the chopsticks in his hands,
".. I want to hear what sound they make" he smiled turning them over between his fingers, the girl stared at him for a moment understanding what he meant, she smiled at him nodding, the man took a step back and sat down on the table in front of her,
" Seb .. " Y/N said before he started, the man stopped staring at her, ".. can I .. can I have another kiss?" she asked shyly, it was strange to ask to be kissed but she liked the idea of ​​having to ask,
"Anything you want Doll " Seb smiled leaning towards her, took her face in his hands and kissed her running his fingers through her hair,
"Thank you" smiled Y/N still leaning on her knees, the man pushed her towards the sofa,
"You're welcome Doll " he replied sliding the chopsticks on his neck and collarbones, "Stand up straight now" he said in a deep voice, the girl leaned on the sofa putting her hands behind her back, her breasts on display,
"How beautiful you are" he said continuing to go down with his chopsticks on her body, he brushed her inner thigh sliding on her jeans, he played with her pussy through the fabric staring at her, enjoying her moans and her expressions,
".. oh my .. Seb .. " Y/N moaned panting, ".. please don't stop .." she was excited beyond measure,  had wet panties and jeans, the man stopped touching her smiling, he turned his chopsticks between his fingers before starting to "roll" on her breasts, careful not to hurt them too much, her breasts turned red slowly as Seb hit her making her moan and meow with each stroke,
"What a beautiful sound Doll .. " gasped the excited man, "..you're an incredible instrument ..", he stopped "playing" too excited to continue, he lowered his pants and boxers, took her by the hair and fucked her mouth,
".. how wonderful your mouth .." he growled pushing his cock down her throat taking her breath away, Y/N clung to his knees trying to step back but Seb held her tightly continuing to sink into her throat faster and faster,
" FUCK .. " he moaned panting enjoying between her lips, ".. swallow Doll as a good girl" he growled staring at her the girl obeyed with tears in her eyes, no one had ever used her that way but she liked her, she was about to say something when knocked on the door.
Seb broke away from her, composing himself and went to open the door, took the trolley without letting the waiter in and went back to the living room with dinner, Y/N was still on her knees, still aroused and on the verge of orgasm, she looked at the frustrated man,
"Aren't you hungry?" he asked the girl, settling himself comfortably on the sofa,
"I'm hungry .. but not what's under the yokes" she smiled panting as she crawled towards the table, Seb laughed kneeling behind her, stroked her back up towards her neck, slipped a hand over breast playing with the nipples causing her to arch,
"You 're right .. " he said bringing his other hand between her legs, ".. we haven't finished the aperitif .. " he growled kissing her neck, untied her jeans, inserting his hand inside her panties and started to stimulate her continuing playing with her breasts, he inserted two fingers into her pussy moving quickly, putting pressure with the palm on her clit , Y/N moaned opening her legs leaning against him, turned her head to kiss him staring at him,
"Tell it Doll .. " he whispered, biting her neck, ".. say it .. what do you want?",
" Seb please .. " she gasped, "..i need enjoy .. Please .. " cried clouded with pleasure, "..let me enjoy .." the man laughed increasing movements inside her, dug nails in the breast,
"Are you sure?" laughed raging on her body, the girl meowed a "please",
"So enjoy for me Doll .. that's why you are here .. to have fun" Seb said feeling her pussy squeeze his fingers, Y/N enjoyed with a moan kissing him, remained in his arms catching her breath for a few minutes,
"Heaven Seb .. those hands .. " smiled down again straight lacing his fingers with hers, "..you really good with your hands," the two made themselves comfortable and dined, now is she hungry .. hunger for food and hunger of him, she was waiting for the moment when he would fuck her, she didn't care if on the bed, on the floor or among the dinner plates she wanted to feel him inside her.
After dinner Seb got up and took her hand,
"Shall we move the party?" he asked taking her to the bedroom, Y/N smiled following him,
"I need a shower.. come" smiled the man undressing, Y/N stopped to stare at him while he undressed, how beautiful he was, his body covered in tattoos sweaty and muscular, he turned towards her and finished taking off her clothes,
"Beautiful, look at that ass .. " he said to himself giving her a full hand spanking, the girl laughed nervously following him into the bathroom, the shower was spacious with a sandstone bench it looked like a cave, Seb opened the water which gushed from the wall like a waterfall, took Y/N in his arms dragging her under the jet, stuck his tongue in her mouth without delicacy, he was excited again the girl felt his cock against her thigh,
"Can we take it slow please?" she asked as soon as Seb stopped kissing her by biting her neck, she felt his hands everywhere squeezing and scratching, the man looked at her like a predator and smiled at her,
"Calm?!" he asked excitedly, "It's a word I do n't know .. " he said pushing her against the glass by turning it, Y/N moaned halfway between excited and frightened her breasts pressed against the cold glass, the water slipping over their bodies,
".. I think I'll take this nice ass .. what do you think?" he asked in a snarl opening her legs with his knee, he held her still by keeping a hand on her neck, brought his free hand between her legs playing with her clit , making her arch,
"You're a little bitch aren't you Doll ?" he said starting to push his cock into her ass, slowly enjoying her moans, "You have a beautiful voice .. " he laughed entering her, remained motionless until Y/N relaxed,
" Seb .. softly .. " she meowed helpless nailed to the glass,
" Shhh won't you tell me I'm hurting you .. " he whispered continuing to circle her clit , ".. I feel you like it .. I feel your pussy asking for more .. ",
" I .. Seb .. " she moaned, arching more, ".. please ..",
"Please what Doll ?" he laughed moving quickly in his ass, "You're the type to ask right?",
the girl nodded moaning,
"So ask .. I want to hear you beg .. " he said, fucking her hard, he left her neck pulling her leg up to possess her better by sinking into her,
" OMG .. " Y/N yelled out of her mind, ".. FUCK ME .. take all I am" she gasped, the man bit her neck growling before putting two fingers in her pussy, the girl threw her head back . . she felt it everywhere in her,
"What a paradise to fuck a woman like you .. " Seb panted, possessing her determined, ".. soft .. hot .. uninhibited .. ", the atmosphere seemed electrified between the steam of the shower, the two moaned and panted lost in ecstasy,
"Good Doll take it all little bitch .. " he grunted entering her completely, ".. don't you dare to enjoy" he said biting her, she felt she was on the edge but wanted to enjoy it again, Y/N meowed desperately,
" I .. I ca n't .. I ca n't resist .. " she gasped, heard the man laugh pushing into her, continued the assaults without giving her respite,
"Now you can .. " he whispered he felt her pussy squeeze his fingers, the girl tried to cling to the glass for the force of the orgasm, "..DOLL .." he growled enjoying embraced her body trembling, he leaned on her back catching my breath by stroking her back,
"Best fuck ever" he gasped, Y/N laughed with him turning and putting her arms around his neck, they kissed and finished showering before going to bed,
"I'll let you sleep" Y/N said looking for her clothes scattered around the room, "Er, will you call me a taxy ?" she asked, Seb pulled himself up on one elbow looking at her questioningly,
"Aren't you going to sleep?" he asked puzzled,
"I thought you wanted to sleep .. " Y/N replied,
"Yes, I am destroyed and I would like you to stay for the night" he replied calmly, "If you don't have someone waiting for you at home", the girl smiled as she slipped into bed, the evening was going better than she hoped,
".. I would like your number" Seb said squeezing it, ".. I wish I could slip into your panties again when I get back to town",
".. ok .." she replied before falling asleep.
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fenheart87 · 4 years
Lukanette 2020 Exchange piece For @the-alice-of-hearts, enjoy! 
Marinette was on a mission,step outside of her comfort zone and again echoed by her technical design professor to be more daring and assertive and bold. She needed to round out her styles and portfolio as much as she could to make herself a more attractive candidate for any applications she submitted or even just expanding her online commissions and bulking her portfolio that way if she chose to start out on her own. It was difficult to just be set in one style and make it big when just starting. Mari figured that she would explore as much as she could before committing to one genre or style, it would keep her far from being burnt out like some of her fellow classmates.
“Hey Nathaniel! Have you seen Juleka?” She called out, walking a bit faster to the redhead who waited for her to join him.
“She was around this morning but I haven’t seen her since. Have you tried calling or texting her?”
“Yup, nothing but silence though. I’m out of touch with everyone’s schedules the more time goes by.”
“Is she complaining she can’t be super Mari and be our everyday ladybug again?” Marc teased, sneaking up and poking the shorter girl’s sides resulting in a squeal.
“Marc!” She smacked a red clad shoulder before they disappeared behind their boyfriend. “Stop doing that!”
“Stop making it so easy?” Nathaniel offered, smirking at Mari’s adorable pout.
“I hate you. I really do. Welp, if Juleka is busy and you’re both too shy to play model and dress up and have proof of it, I guess I need to find a model.”
“I’m pretty much free if you need a mannequin, class ends at three for me this week.” Marc offered kindly, green eyes peeping over Nathaniel’s shoulder.
“Oh wonderful! I found another sample fabric I wanted to try for you!” She did her jump and hip shimmy, ignoring the giggles.
“Only exception being Thursday, that’s date night this week.”
“Fine, have your boyfriend Marc on Thursday, I get your girlfriend Michelle the rest of the week. See you later!” Mari dashed away, giggling as the bright red spots on Marc’s cheeks.
After walking around campus and deciding against searching too far as she still had classes, she was no closer to finding her muse model but it did nothing to dampen her good mood. It was a sign that meant she would just have to explore the in and outs further and stay away from her usual haunts. Instead of using her eyes she decided to let her ears guide her, Marinette glanced around a few times and focused on conversations instead of what people were wearing, hearing the emotions in their voices. With the new mindset, carefully the young designer wandered around and sketched some expressions, new emotions to craft into fabric choices and color schemes to make them come alive as clothing to wear the emotion plain as day. There was a ton of laughter and giggles around her until she got closer to the library. The sound of a guitar drew her in like a sirens song.
Marinette needed a break from all the walking and climbing she had done so far and decided to stop by the library for the few books she had on hold. Skirting around the cliques that hugged the stairs more often than naught, the petite designer made her way into the library. Seeing Max working the check out desk, Marinette bee lined for him, smiling wide enough to crinkle eyes just slightly.
“Marinette, how are you today?” Max greeted, shuffling books around to scan them and write the names on the cards for the reserved items.
“I should have a few books on hold, all fashion related of course, there was one that was checked out but if you could see if it’s been returned?”
“Sure thing, book title, author or DEWY code?”
“There’s several, here’s my card.” Marinette held it out for Max to scan, rocking on heels slightly to a rhythm she could hear every time the door opened.
“Ah yes, you have five reserved and it looks like two have not been checked back on yet. Would you like me to check the return bin?” Max asked, finding the appropriate stack of books and setting them on the counter.
“Yes please, even if we can find one more that makes it easier to study and hopefully pass with flying colors.”
“Fashion has always been a huge part of you Marinette, as long as your heart is in it then you’ll pass with flying colors.” Max smiled at the rare blush on the young woman’s face, “I’ll check the returns for you, be right back.
Marinette breathed deeply to calm her sudden nerves, her friend’s unwavering faith in her abilities always managed to take the designer off guard but she wouldn’t change any of them for the world. While waiting, she filled out the cards for the books in the pile to make Max’s job easier but kept getting distracted by the wonderful music that kept sneaking through.
“I managed to find both luckily, if you could fill these out then you free to chase whatever has you so distracted.” The glint from his glasses made Marinette squeak in embarrassment as being caught.
“Thanks Max!” Quickly she stuffed the books in her backpack and marched at a reasonable pace to the door and only let out the breath she was holding once outside.
Students shuffled to and from the library, stopping to chat quietly or bask in the music for a moment before continuing their way. The solo guitarist was the center of attention, playing a mix of old and new songs. The overall genre seemed to be with the intent to soothe stressed students and teachers alike as they passed by, Marinette could feel herself relaxing and her creative block lifting. Deciding to obey her muse, the slim young woman snagged a bench that was being vacated by a couple who had finished their coffees. Unsure how much time had passed, the designer lost herself to the world of inspiration, completing outlines with notes and vague sketches with the knowledgeable experience telling her to be swift and flesh then out later.
The music had become a soft and sweet ballad, just hovering in the background for anyone to notice or ignore if they were passing by. Marinette took a quick glance at her outlines and notes, polishing little things or rewriting fabric choices, her eyes fell to the musician that she could finally see and she froze. This was exactly what she was looking for, his expression spoke of calm but hid the slight anxiety every time he started a new song. When he suddenly changed tunes and a couple stopped fighting because the music took over made his lips quirk in a faint grin. His clothes were made to blend in, ripped jeans and combat boots topped with a plain Jagged tee and lightweight layered Hoodie. That did absolutely nothing to help hide his hair with the blue tips, was that a tongue ring?! Marinette felt the need to sketch and design and she had to see what color his eyes were.
Swiftly but carefully she put away her supplies and made her way to the musician that was quietly packing away his guitar and removing the tips from his case. The designer caught his attention and when the weight of gaze met hers, Marinette just blurted out what came to mind.
“You’re hot, can I undress you?” With a squeak, she smacked her face with her sketchpad and took a few deep lungs full of air. “I’m sorry! I want your clothes- I just, you were playing and sound sexy- GOOD SOUND! I really like you- YOUR  style it’s mysterious but like nice- I really want to undress you- I mean I-!”
“Deep breaths.” His melodic voice cut through her anxiety like a hot knife to butter. “I’m Luka.”
“Nice to meet your Ma-ma-Marinette. You’re an artist too?” He nodded causally to her sketchbook.
“Yes. Fashion designer. Project.” Few more deep breaths. “I need to branch out and try a new style and I usually create women’s clothes. So my professor told me to challenge myself and your music inspired me and when I looked at you, you’re perfect. That is- I mean, if you wouldn’t mind being my model?”
“So do I get to undress myself or is that your job?” Luka teased with a grin, causing Marinette to hide her face again with a squeak. “I have a crazy schedule but I’d love to help.”
“I have time on Tuesdays from two to five, Thursdays from five to seven and Saturdays after the morning rush so more like three or four to eight.” She rattled off, pulling out her planner to his amusement.
“Okay I’ll have to check my schedule, two of my classes are up in the air. How about we exchange phone numbers and then I can text you what’s my schedules going to look like? It changes week to week.”
“Most musicians do it seems, one of my best friends is a DJ and he takes all kinds of gigs so it’s hard to sit down and catch up.” They traded phones and saved their numbers before swapping back. “Some of this we can do via Skype if needed, you have to be comfortable with the design too and just wearing it to help my grade.”
“Seems like you’ve done this before.” Luka stuffed his phone into his pocket and packed away his guitar, shouldering his case.
“Fashion student, too broke for mannequins so I lure in unsuspecting folk with delicious free pastries from the best bakery in town.” She teased with a huge grin.
“Well then, I look forward to those pastries.”
Waving, they went their separate ways and Marinette had a skip in her step that had been missing due to the stress. Texting her other friends that were her usual models but this time with ideas of clothing to compliment the designs she had drafted for Luka. Everyone had a positive response and she had just enough people for a full collection, Marinette was sure to blow this project out of the water.
- - - 
Luka stared down at his phone with a smile. As far as first impressions go, he didn’t think negatively of Marinette. It was easy for the musician to recognize the spark of creativity making her blue bells shine and the dark circles the byproduct of sleepless nights from the muse keeping her awake to do her bidding. Her song was the dead giveaway, it was beautiful but unfinished with the crash of crescendos and decrescendos in spots, showing she was afraid to stay loud and bold.
“That had better not be another cat meme.” Juleka muttered, sliding into the booth across from him.
“Nope, I just got asked to undress for a pretty cute girl.”
“What girl wants to see you naked?”
“Not naked, she wants to dress me up.” Luka corrected, waving the waitress over so they could order. “Caramel cappuccino and one hot fudge vanilla shake.”
“Design student or art student?” Luka had no trouble hearing his sisters mumbles, even over the din of the coffee-shop.
“Design student, I guess she felt a good vibe with the music I was playing and she got bit by the creative bug.”
“Not the only one that got bit.” Juleka smiled innocently as the waitress set down their drink orders. “When’s your first fitting?”
“I don’t know, I told Marinette I would text her my schedule for the week once I figure it out.
"Well them, you had better bring me back an eclair and a chocolatine, try the macaroons.” With that cryptic advice, Juleka took her drink and left her brother confused. A ding from his phone had him opening a picture of a very familiar face forwarded from his sister.
Is this the ‘go get em tiger high-five from you?
You hurt her and you’ll answer to your future sister-in-law.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
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kittinoir · 4 years
Phantoms Ch. 4
Read on Ao3 here
Adrien considered himself a kind, forgiving person, but even he stiffened as a familiar high-pitched voice grated against his ears.
“Hi, Adrien!” the voice chirped, right beside him now. Stifling a sigh, Adrien hauled his professional mask into place and opened his eyes, his relaxing thirty minutes in the hair and make up chair clearly over.
“Hi, Lila,” he said. Did she notice the undercurrent of tension in his voice? Did she believe the warmth in it? He certainly didn’t. He’d have to try harder than this. “Did you have a nice trip with your mom?”
“Oh, yeah,” Lila said breezily. She tugged the lapels of her jacket as she sat, straightening out an invisible crease. “It was so great to be home and soak it all in. Your dad even asked if I’d have time to sit down with him and talk about the latest Italian trends for his spring collection - after we shoot this winter one, of course!”
Adrien fought the urge to raise a brow at the lies that rolled off her tongue but her words had hit a nerve. His father didn’t even make time to have dinner with him; as if he was going to sit down with Lila to discuss her fake trip. He had to admit, he was beginning to see why Marinette had such a tough time stomaching Lila. It was harder than he’d realized.
“Of course,” he managed. At least he could avoid looking at her as Ava, his make up artist, tilted his face this way and that. He didn’t know how to navigate their uneasy agreement anymore. He’d kept her at bay for the better part of six months, trading on the only thing that was of any worth to her - his fame. But even that no longer seemed to be enough, and what more she wanted, he could only guess at. Her trip to Italy the past three weeks had been a welcome reprieve. He could only imagine how she would have reacted if she’d been in Paris during his endless hunt for Ladybug. It hadn’t been good the week immediately after his partner’s disappearance.
She seemed fine now, though, as she preened for Marc, her own make up artist. If anything, Lila seemed in higher spirits than he’d ever seen her. One upon a time Adrien might have thought she was beginning to find her place with their friends, but he held no such beliefs about her now. Maybe it wasn’t totally fair to compare her to his arch enemy, but Lila was every bit as dangerous and conniving as Hawkmoth. It had taken nearly losing Ladybug to an akuma to realize it. He wouldn’t underestimate her again. Especially now that he knew Lila’s two enemies were the same person. He didn’t even want to think about her discovering that little truth. They had enough problems to deal with as it was.
“I was thinking,” Lila said, her green eyes sliding to his, “Why don’t we grab some hot chocolate after the shoot, Adrien? You can catch me up on everything I’ve missed and we can spend some quality time together - you know, as friends?”
Adrien suppressed a wince, but it was impossible to miss the thinly veiled threat. The truth was he had a Chinese lesson waiting for him after the shoot and, had it been a normal night, a patrol to prepare for.
But normal was different now, and Viperion and Tigress had patrol covered. If Luka and Juleka’s mom noticed them missing, she never made mention of it - even if band practice had suddenly moved from their house boat to Ivan’s garage. At least, that’s what they’d told her, and the unfortunate truth was Chinese could be put off for an hour or two. Would have to be, if he wanted to uphold his end of their bargain.
“Sure,” Adrian said lightly. “My treat.”
“Like a date?” Lila said smoothly, raising a brow.
Adrien froze, his fingers white-knuckled on the arms of his chair. “What?”
“If it’s your treat,” Lila said, facing him, “Doesn’t that make it a date?”
“Not at all,” Adrien said, fighting for calm. “You can get it next time. Since we’re friends.”
He steeled himself for the tantrums that usually followed when she didn’t get her way, but instead, she just regarded him sadly. “Still not over Kagami?”
Adrien blinked. Kagami. If only. She’d barely spoken two words to him since he’d ended their relationship months ago, unable to move past his feeling’s for Ladybug. He didn’t blame her. But no, Kagami had never really held his heart. It wasn’t her laugh and her eyes and her warmth that he missed.
But as he took in Lila’s glittering eyes, he decided she didn’t need to know that.
“I just…don’t have those kinds of feelings for you,” Adrien said, giving her a facet of the truth - the most important piece of it. “I’m sorry.”
“I see,” Lila said with a short laugh. “My mistake. But I wish you would give me a chance, Adrien. You’d see what a positive influence you’ve been on me. How much I’ve changed. I think you’d be impressed.”
He doubted it, but Adrien kept the thought to himself as he stood. “I’m glad to hear it, Lila. See you out there.”
A blush didn’t even warm his cheeks as he made his way to his trailer. Dozens of girls confessed to him, every single day. He’d gotten used to it since he’d done his first campaign. Most of them didn’t bother him. After all, it wasn’t like any of them knew him personally. Lila did, but there was always an angle with her. She was after his name and the celebrity that came with it. If she had to go through his heart to get it, she would.
Luckily, his heart was guarded by the most formidable woman in Paris. And unfortunately for Lila, she didn’t hold a candle to her.
Still, the back of Adrien’s neck prickled as he got changed for the first look of the shoot. He’d never known Lila to go down without a fight once she had her mind set on something. He’d bet her sympathy was about as real as her sit down with his father. But she hadn’t forced his hand. Why?
His suspicions pestered him throughout the entire shoot. Was it that she genuinely wanted him to care for her? Did she really want him to be ready to move on before she pushed her agenda? And, the most far-fetched of all - was it at all possible she’d had a change of heart?
No, he decided as Lila simpered for the camera, cold even where she leaned against him. There was more to this - more to her rivalry with Marinette and her alter ego - than either girl was letting on. A rivalry he was beginning to realize he was somehow at the centre of. If only Lila realized there wasn’t a competition - Marinette didn’t want him. Not the way he wanted her.
“How about a kiss for this last shot?”
Lila’s voice shattered Adrien’s musings, bringing him abruptly back to the moment at hand. Had she said kiss? No, she hadn’t changed one bit.
Adrien glanced up to where Lila was pointing at the roof of the set. Someone had hung mistletoe from the rafters so that it just dangled into the frame, completing the winter wonderland theme that had been chosen.
Thankfully, the photographer saved him.
“No, no,” Vincent said with a shake of his head. “Romance is not the theme. Sharp, cold lines, minimalism, harsh beauty, that is the vision for Mr. Gabriel’s new line.”
Dramatic, Adrien thought, but from what he could tell, the set up did compliment his father’s designs - and thankfully, saved him from Lila.
“Of course, Vincent,” Lila said. “It was just an idea. I only wanted to show the clothes in their best possible light.”
Vincent waved her off, directing them into position as a light was adjusted.
“I know what you’re doing,” Adrien murmured as Lila stepped up beside him and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“I don’t know what you mean,” she whispered back, a smile dancing around her lips.
“I meant what I said, Lila,” Adrien warned. “I don’t - ”
“I know,” she interrupted, annoyance flashing across her face as her facade finally cracked. “I just think you need a little help mending your broken heart.”
She wasn’t going to stop, he realized. She was going to try to wear him down. It would take the whole truth - as much as he could say - to get her to back off. He hoped.
“Sorry, Lila,” Adrien said, “But my heart isn’t broken. It’s just elsewhere.”
Lila’s head whipped around as those calculating eyes searched his face. Adrien wasn’t sure what she found there, but whatever it was made her scowl.
“Who,” she demanded quietly as Vincent called for them to take their position.
“It doesn’t matter,” Adrien said, lacing his fingers through hers where her hand rested on his shoulder. “It’s not you.”
They fell silent as Vincent began snapping away. Adrien had no doubt this shot would be the pinnacle of his father’s collection; certainly enough frigidness had formed between the two of them to be palpable on film.
“That’s a wrap!” Vincent called ten minutes later. “Great job everyone!”
Adrien relaxed, immediately stepping out from under Lila’s fingers.
“I can make you love me.”
Adrien froze, then slowly turned to face Lila. The girl was staring at him, determination blazing in her eyes, her hands clenched into fists.
“I really don’t think you can,” Adrien said quietly, a hard edge creeping into his voice. “I won’t say this again, Lila. We’re friends. Just friends. And if you want to continue being the face of Gabriel with me, you’ll respect that.”
Dangerous, but he’d figured out why she was suddenly pushing for more from him; she didn’t need his fame anymore. She had her own. Modelling for Gabriel had given her that, along with several other modelling jobs and a sponsorship from a cosmetics line.
But being fired from Gabriel would jeopardize that. It was hard to use someone’s name to open doors when you didn’t work for them anymore, and though Lila might not know it yet, her leverage over him had evaporated the day Marinette had revealed her identity to their team. He’d kept up the charade for convenience - and it was no longer convenient.
“It’s Marinette, isn’t it.” Hatred burned in Lila’s eyes. “It’s always Marinette.”
Adrien pursed his lips but stayed silent. There was no point in denying it. Everyone would know soon enough anyway; the way he felt was impossible to hide. It didn’t matter if she didn’t feel the same way about him. He’d been down that road before. He’d never ask anything from her she couldn’t give, but he’d never been good at hiding his feelings.
But loving her was the one thing he could not, would not apologize for, ever.
“Good bye, Lila,” Adrien said, turning back to his trailer. “I’ll see you at school.”
“Wait a second,” Lila said. He heard her take a few steps after him but she didn’t lay a hand on him again. “We have a date.”
“Not anymore,” Adrien said without turning around.
“You’ll regret this, Adrien,” Lila snapped. “I will own your heart!”
“A heart isn’t something you own, Lila.” Adrien smiled. “It’s something you give. And I’ve already given mine away.”
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waltzofthewifi · 5 years
Alter Ego (Marinette March #10)
Tikki glanced over Marinette’s shoulder, so Marinette adjusted her position to let Tikki see the webpage. 
“Every year, our entire school votes for winners of certain categories,” Marinette explained. “This year we have ‘Most Likely To Become Famous’, ‘Most Likely To Accidentally Stumble Upon A Million Dollars’ - I’m putting Lila down for that, she’s way too lucky, ‘Most Likely To Successfully Run A Criminal Empire’, ‘Most Likely To Be Ladybug’-”
“That’s not good!” Tikki said.
Marinette gave her kwami a reassuring pat on the head. “Don’t worry, they’re not being serious about it. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to be chosen for that. I know Adrien likes to talk about how I’m an everyday Ladybug, but I don’t think anyone actually believes it.”
Tikki hummed doubtfully.
The Previous Monday
Marinette, as always, arrived to class in just the nick of time. 
But even if the bell had yet to ring, she still felt she was late. After all, clearly something had happened to have Alix and Ivan at each others throats. 
“What’s going on?” Marinette asked. 
“Alix crashed into Mylene earlier and broke her arm,” Ivan replied, voice low with anger. 
“It’s not my fault!” Alix yelled back. “She wasn’t looking where she was going either!” “You were on skates,” Ivan replied. “It was your responsibility to look where you were going, but you didn’t.” 
Marinette studied the two. They both looked mad, but in her experience, anger sometimes was just a symptom of another emotion. 
And she knew her friends well enough to guess. 
“Ivan, I know you’re concerned about Mylene, but yelling at Alix isn’t going to fix what already happened,” Marinette interceded. “I can’t say whose fault it was, but Alix cares for Mylene too. If she is at fault here, she probably already knows it. And Alix, I know you probably feel guilty, but if you messed up there’s nothing you can do now but apologize and try to do better next time.”
Ivan deflated first. “You’re right. I think I need to take a walk.”
“A wonderful idea, Ivan,” Bustier commented. 
Ivan still moved with a bit of anger as he went to grab his backpack. The door shut behind him with a bang, but no one commented. 
Alix remained tense. Marinette thought she detected the beginning of tears. 
“Alix, it’s okay if it’s your fault,” Marinette said, putting her hand on Alix’s shoulder. “You made a mistake - everyone does. The important thing is that you learn from it.” Alix didn’t budge, so Marinette added. “No one is judging you for this.” 
That deflated her. “I just - I was so worried I’d hurt her! I mean, badly! I know people who had really bad concussions from that type of collision and I thought I -” 
Alix sniffled, and Marinette opened her arms to her. The two hugged for a few seconds before Alix pulled away. 
“You're right. I need to learn from this - and I will!” 
“Okay, so Alya can get Lila’s drink, Alix can get Mylene’s drink, Ivan can get Mylene’s tray, and then Nino and Juleka can split Lila’s tray between the two of them,” Rose deduced as they walked towards the cafeteria. 
“I can get something,” Mylene argued. “Only one of my arms are broken.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with that!” Rose replied. 
Alya’s phone beeped, and she peaked at the screen. “Guys, wait up - Marinette said to meet her back in Bustier’s room. She has a treat for us!” 
“Oh, I hope she brought something from her bakery,” Nino said.
“Me too,” Mylene said wistfully. 
It was a short walk back to the classroom, and the class was greeted by a delicious smell. 
“Forget pastry treats, she brought a whole lunch!” Alix said. 
Marinette greeted them. “Hey everyone! So I thought everyone could use a little cheering up after yesterday, and since I was stuck at home during that akuma attack and all, I thought it might be nice to arrange a lunch for us.”
“Marinette, you’re so nice!” Rose commented. 
“Yeah, and now we don’t have to worry about getting Lila’s and Mylene’s food,” Alix commented. 
“Thanks girl,” Alya said. “You really know how to cheer us up. 
Marinette was about halfway down the steps when she heard the sniffly. 
She poked her head under the stairs, and, sure enough, Marc was sitting, looking near tears. 
“What’s wrong?” Marinette asked. 
“Nothing!” Marc replied. “I just-” he sniffled again. “I got some nasty comments online about my writing, and it-”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Marinette said when he trailed off. She sat down next to her. 
“They said what I was writing was wrong, because I had one of the characters go through a fight with his parents or... or something like that, I don’t know, but it was based off of real life, and I-” Marc sniffled. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m projecting onto my characters too much.”
“Well, first of all, I read that chapter and it was amazing,” Marinette replied. “I’ve never had a fight with my parents like that, and yet I could still feel what it must have felt like. I get that such a topic is probably triggering to a lot of people, but you put a content warning and everything!
“And second of all, there is nothing wrong with projecting. I do it all the time in my designing! It’s a lot harder to tell, obviously, but when I’m looking over old designs, I can almost always tell which ones I drew when having a bad day, or when I’m angry. I found one with a lot of spikes and sharp lines and went, ‘yep, I remember what Chloe said to me that day that made me draw this.’”
“So you’re saying it’s natural?”
“Of course. Our emotions and our experiences inform who we are, and what we create. We have to use some control, of course, but I think how you use it is great! Some of my favorite stories have so-called ‘self-inserts’. Besides, you’re not the one going around insulting people online, so you are definitely not in the wrong for this situation.” 
Marc nodded. “Thanks. I feel a little better now.”
Mylene smiled at her cast. “Wow, you two are so talented!”
Nathaniel blushed, and Marinette smiled. 
“I feel a lot better about it now,” Mylene said. “You really know how to brighten someone’s day, Marinette!”
“It’s so ugly!” Alya complained, spinning in a circle to show off her bridesmaid’s dress to Marinette and Nino, who were sitting on the couch in her living room.
Marinette had been summoned about half an hour ago by Alya’s mom, saying Alya was “near hysterics” and needed someone to calm her down. Preferably, someone’s who fashion sense “she actually trusted”, and couldn’t use the “your my mom you’re supposed to say I look good card” on. She had originally called Nino, but then Alya had played the “your my boyfriend you’re supposed to say I look good” card immediately. 
It made Marinette think being honest was the best way to go. 
“Of course it is!” Marinette replied. “It doesn’t fit. It’s way too big in the chest.”
“But I couldn’t take anything smaller in the hips,” Alya complained. 
“That’s okay,” Marinette said, standing up. “After all, what’s the point in having a designer for a best friend if she can’t fix a dress for you.”
“You’ll fix it for me?” Alya asked. 
“Of course,” Marinette replied. “If you pull it a little tighter hear, maybe pull the neckline up a little-”
“Yes please,” Marlene cut in. 
“And then loosen it around the hips, it will look fabulous on you,” Marinette finished. “I’d have to find a fabric really similar to this, but it shouldn’t be hard.” 
“I’ll pay you back!” Alya said, almost desperately. 
“No you won’t,” Marinette decided. “When is this needed by?” 
“The wedding’s in a month,” Marlene supplied. 
“I should have time to do it by then,” Marinette confirmed. 
Alya spun and enveloped Marinette in a bear hug. “Oh, thank you girl!” 
Marinette spent lunch break at the Liberty, holed up in the practice room working on sketches for the album cover she had been asked to design. 
After about half an hour, Juleka and Rose peaked in to see how she was doing. Marinette happily showed them what she was working on. 
“This is my favorite,” Marinette said. “Penny sent me the photo from the last performance. The lighting isn’t good, and if we decided to go with it, we’ll probably retake it, but it’s great for inspiration. I think we can work out the colors of the outfits a little better too - Juleka, I have this brilliant purple jacket I think you will love-”
“Thank you Marinette for doing all of this!” Rose said. 
“It’s no big deal,” Marinette replied. “Especially since Penny arranged for me to be officially commissioned and paid like I was when I did Jagged’s album.”
“You’re amazing,” Rose continued. 
“No, you’re amazing,” Marinette countered. “I’m just here to support you guys.” 
“Shut up and take the compliment, Marinette,” Juleka said, just loud enough to be heard. 
“You are wonderful,” Rose said. “And you better believe it, too.”
Marinette spotted the girl crying in the locker rooms when she left the bathroom after detransforming. 
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked, sitting down next to the girl. 
The girl nodded. “Yeah, I just - yeah, I’m fine.” 
“You don’t look it,” Marinette replied. “What happened?”
“It’s nothing,” the girl answered. “It’s just - my boyfriend broke up with me, and he did it over text and I - I just -”
“Over text! How rude,” Marinette sympathized. 
The girl chuckled. “Yeah, definitely. I guess I wasn’t worth his time.”
“Sounds like he’s not worth your time,” Marinette replied. 
The girl shook her head. “You don’t know me. Trust me, I was lucky he even paid attention to me in the first place.”
“Well, maybe I want to know you,” Marinette said. “I’m Marinette.”
“Nice to meet you Liz,” Marinette said. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Don’t you have to be in class?” Liz questioned.
“Eh, my attendance record is already bad,” Marinette said. “Nothing I can do to make it worse.”
Liz chuckled. “Alright then. Well, it started last year when-”
“Your dad can’t be serious,” Nino complained. 
“He is,” Adrien replied. “I’m sorry for having to bail - I was really looking forward to tonight.”
“It’s not your fault,” Marinette argued. 
“Yeah, your dad needs to calm down,” Alya added. 
Adrien said goodbye and headed down to his limo. Marinette felt something in the back of her brain, nudging her to do something, but she couldn’t figure out what. 
Adrien was about halfway down to the car when inspiration hit. 
“Wait!” Marinette raced down the stairs and to the car, where Nathalie was waiting for him. “Hi, I’m Marinette.”
“We’ve met,” Nathalie replied.  “Well, as you know, we really wanted Adrien to study with us tonight,” Marinette said. “But the truth is, I was actually wanting his help with something else - you see, I was invited to help design a suit for this big gala happening at the hotel in June-”
“You were invited to design for the Summer Gala?” Nathalie questioned, just as Adrien walked up next to Marinette. 
“Yes,” Marinette confirmed. “And I was hoping Adrien could help me, since he’s been to something similar-”
“Well, tonight he is definitely unavailable,” Nathalie said. She checked her tablet. “But next Tuesday he should be available. I can schedule for him to join your study group for you, and this time we should have more luck keeping his schedule clear.”
“Really?” Adrien asked. “Thanks Nathalie!”
“Of course,” Nathalie replied.
“Thank you for coming into school on a Saturday,” Bustier said to Marinette and Alya as they arrived. 
“No problem,” Alya replied. “After all, this is a big deal! The school needs a much better kept ramp for students who can’t use the steps, and if this is our chance to make that happen, then I’m all aboard.”
“Me too,” Marinette said. “Alya has my full support.”
“Lately it feels like you’ve been supporting me,” Alya replied. 
“This was your idea,” Marinette said. “And you were the one to get permission to do a fundraiser.”
“Yes, but only because you were willing to organize the bake sale for us!” Alya said. “Not to mention the posters you designed! And the extra help you recruited. With so many students, this is sure to be a success. Especially now that we’ll have reporters coming. The school will be forced to uphold their end of the deal.”
“Both of you have put so much work into this project!” Bustier said. “I”m so proud of you both!”
“Thanks for coming over on such short notice,” Mylene’s dad said, letting Marinette in. “I don’t know what set her off, but I think it’s a girl thing.”
Marinette nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to calm her down.”
She had visited the Haprele’s apartment enough times to know which room was Mylene’s, and she knocked lightly on the door. 
“Mylene? Can I come in?” 
Mylene muttered something that sounded like a yes, and Marinette slowly entered her room. 
The room was a mess. Mylene was curled up on her bed, sniffled into her knees. She looked up with teary eyes as Marinette entered the room. 
“What’s wrong?” Marinette asked, sitting down on the foot of the bed.
“I misplaced the pin Ivan gave me,” Mylene sniffled.
It seemed so minor, Marinette knew something else was up. When Mylene hesitated for a moment, grimacing with pain, Marinette knew the what. 
“Cramps again?” Marinette questioned. “How about I get you some midol?” 
Mylene shook her head. “Just took some.” 
“Okay then,” Marinette said. She thought for a moment. “I’m going to call my mom and have her bring over some macaroons for us.” 
“Oh, please!” Mylene said. “I’ve been craving chocolate for decades.” 
“I’ll make sure she brings lots of chocolate,” Marinette confirmed. “And then I’ll help you clean up your room.” 
“And help me find the pin?”
“I’ll help you find the pin,” Marinette said. “I”m sure it’s around here somewhere.” 
“I’m going to put Alya down for Ladybug,” Marinette decided. “I bet she’ll be chosen.” 
“Maybe,” Tikki agreed. 
But probably not. 
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lady-charinette · 5 years
idk if you've done this already— and if you're still accepting ideas and such but— Lukanette: wherein Mari goes to one of Luka's gigs and be the supportive wife/gf that she is? also Mari designed the outfit Luka's wearing— and lowkey advertising her works (even if she's known djwjjcjwjdj) sobs in please thanks
Hey anon!! Thank you so much for the cool prompt! I loved it! I hope you'll like this piece, I wrote it late at night and I think there are some mistakes here and there, but I really hope it's okay-ish! Feel free to send more prompts my way! :3
Rocking their World
They were walking through a narrow corridor, the booming of the crowd was so loud it left the floor shaking.
Marinette sensed her husband's mild trepidation, his guitar was a bit too tightly wound around his neck and the constant rolling of his ring on his finger was too fast to be casual.
They were nearing the backstage area, people rushing left and right, lights of all colors flashing even through the blinds hiding the backstage area from the wild crowd.
Marinette smiled, dressed in a shirt representing her husband's band, the words 'wuw you papa' messily scrawled on the entire front of it, partly covering the band logo, but neither parents could care about that.
She grasped Luka's hand and stopped, feeling resistance before Luka finally stopped a step in front of her, turning back to look at her. "What's wrong, Marinette?" Concern twisted his handsome features and Marinette shook her head.
He still thought of others even when he was a mess.
She lovingly adjusted his shirt and jacket, checking the mic on his shirt, running a hand through his already messy hair to calm him.
It helped, if the deep exhale was any indication.
Part of his weight melted against her, Marinette's hands skillfully rubbing the singer's back, voice humming his song, one she thought of years ago on their wedding day, into his ear.
He sagged against her, strong arms coming up to press her tightly against himself, drawing energy from her silent strength. She was so strong, he still sometimes couldn't believe how lucky he managed to be in life.
Marinette kissed his cheek and the couple broke their embrace to stare at each-other. Luka took a deep breath, before he opened his eyes again and nodded.
The shorter woman grinned, hands resting on his chest, over his heart, where the previously wild pace settled into a more calming beat. "You'll be great Luka, just like you always are. You'll see, their attention will be all on you."
A smile stretched his lips and his aqua eyes turned impossibly soft, leaning down to lovingly kiss her forehead. "If I manage to just capture your attention, that's all I need."
A blush rose to her cheeks and the sight of her shyness managed to bring some of his confidence back, if the grin on his face was any indication.
Marinette playfully slapped his arm, slapping her own cheeks to curb the sudden wave of shyness, trying to ignore his laughter.
He was her husband for heaven's sake. She was supposed to be over blushing in front of him.
A gentle hand on the back of her head made her focus on him again, staring into aqua eyes that asked for permission, lips only a hair's breath away.
A smile curved her lips and her hands fisted his shirt, pulling him in close. They shared a long, slow kiss, giving each-other strength and support in actions than words.
When they broke apart, before her stood not the nervous musician but the confident rockstar she knew he was.
"Thank you, Nette." she smiled, raising her hand.
Luka mirrored her smile, raising his own hand enveloping her smaller one with his larger hand, wedding rings clinking together when their pinky fingers met.
It was a promise.
A promise to do his best and give his all.
A promise to cheer him on and support him all the way until the end.
Just like they did now, just like they always have.
They could hear the crowd's cheers dying down slowly as another announcement was made for the arrival of the next musician to take the stage and that was Luka's cue to go.
With a fluidity that spoke of years of trust, Marinette and Luka broke apart and walked in different directions, Luka to the stage, Marinette to the crowd.
It was showtime.
The crowd's defening roars increased when Luka's name fell from the announcer's lips, who quickly rushed off stage to escape from the loud screams and to give Luka the spotlight.
Tonight would be his solo performance in a while without his band, he just hoped he wouldn't mess up.
No, he wouldn't mess it up.
Not with Marinette's encouraging words still ringing in his ears and the warmth still blooming brightly in his heart.
He would do this.
He spoke into the microphone and he was surprised to hear his own voice with how loud the audience was. "Hey everyone, thanks for coming to my solo gig tonight. I hope you'll like this single, it's a new song I've been working on after the birth of my kids! Rock on!" he stepped back for a moment, the loud roars and cheers and screams even louder than before, bordering on eardrum breaking proportions.
Luka chuckled when he saw the banners and cloths held up high over people's heads.
A particularly big one caught his eye and he had to back away from the mic to laugh.
In the middle right, a bit closer to the stage, there was a semi-large group of people wearing the familiar white unicorn masks he remembered Kitty Section wearing when they debuted.
And everyone was there too.
His sister, Rose, Mylene, her boyfriend Ivan, Alya and Nino, Adrien, Kagami, Alix, Kim, Max and of course the most important person, holding the biggest banner someone her size possibly could, with strength gained from years of being a hero.
His wife.
His gaze softened when he managed to catch her eyes and she stretched her arms as far as they could, waving the banner in the air.
That one was his favorite.
Decorated with hearts, her signature flower design and his old Kitty Section mask drawn in the corner.
Luka grinned, taking out his favorite all time guitar pick, which never failed to bring him luck.
He had it custom made.
A picture of his wife and kids on the front, with his sister and mom on the back.
With a final breath, he strummed the pick across the strings of his guitar and the crowd boomed.
A little while later...
Luka Couffaine signed autographs with a smile, meeting each fan's eyes and making silly faces on photographs to make them memorable.
It was his third favorite thing after performing on stage to do.
His most favorite thing was currently running straight at him.
Marinette dived into his already waiting arms, body vibrating with energy, as if his song was still coursing through her veins.
She had a big grin on her face and her eyes shone like stars and Luka found himself falling for his wife all over again.
Their friends in the back were trying to fight their way passed the fans, the Gorilla and Fang, whom Jagged often allowed to accompany Adrien's bodyguard because they made a surprisingly good duo.
Luka still didn't understand how the odd friendship came to be, but it was always entertaining seeing the previously wild crowd of fans parting like the sea when a large hulking man and a equally sizable crocodile marched their way through them.
And then, the fans rounded on them, camera flashes and eager faces in their view.
"OMG! It's Marinette Couffaine-Cheng!!! LUKA IS WEARING HER DESIGN!" one fan screamed, obviously a fan of his wife too, if the red earrings on her ears and a shirt with her signature flower design was any clue.
Marinette laughed, smiling and also signing autographs, fans shouting praises.
Luka kept to the background but remained visible enough for his wife's handy work to be seen.
Everything down to his socks was designed by his wife. A black leather jacket with her pink and white flower design on the breast pocket with a green snake, too similar to Sass to be a coincidence, curling around the sleeves of the jacket. Underneath the jacket was a white shirt with the band's faces drawn in simple but artistic art lines, a nod to his old Jagged Stone shirt he used to wear in his youth.
On the front was the biggest head, his own, accentuated with blue lines, followed on either side by his sister's in purple, Rose's in pink, Ivan's in red, Adrien's in yellow and Alix's in green.
His pants were dark blue denims, ripped at the knees how he liked it, decorated with small subtle music notes here and there, not too many to be tacky, but enough to catch attention, in colors of white and light blue. Simple black boots covered his feet.
His hair, dyed teal blue near the ends, the root with his natural black and the very beginning tips which remained untouched by blue were covered by red instead, completed the look.
Red like a certain heroine's suit.
He smirked proudly at the rightful attention his wife gained, more and more of his fans immediately catering to Marinette, who accepted praise and compliments with a beaming smile and blushing cheeks. He was fully convinced most if not all of his fans were already his wife's, he was also convinced they loved her more than they did him and that was fine by him.
He loved her more than he could ever bring to love himself too.
He caught her flashing her wedding ring a few times in response to male fans with phone numbers plastered to their banners and Luka had to chuckle at that.
He was there to lead her back to their friends waiting patiently in the lounge of the hotel, after having signed some of their own autographs with their fans having accompanied Luka's gig tonight.
He was there when they finally hit the soft, inviting mattress of the hotel bed, chuckling like teenagers when they called their kids, babysat by Nathaniel and Marc, cheering at their parents for their father's performance and scolding them for staying up so late.
Marc had blushed to the roots of his hair for the scolding, with Luka trying to reassure him they weren't scolding him and Nathaniel shaking his head helplessly.
They knew how rowdy their kids could be, despite them being generally well-behaved and sweethearts. They'd inherited both of their parent's more wild streaks; Marinette's impulsiveness and Luka's rebelliousness.
With blown kisses and soft whispers of good night, with plentiful 'thank you's to Nathaniel and Marc for watching over them, they ended the video chat with their kids and set the phone aside.
With the much welcomed silence filling the room, Luka hissed when he rolled onto his back, stretching himself after the strain of the long night.
Marinette scooted closer and rested a hand on her husband's chest, the couple sighing deeply at the other's closeness.
She drew soothing circles on his naked skin, humming a soft tune.
No, not a soft tune, his tune.
He smiled and wrapped an arm around her, gathering her close and kissing his wife's head. "You were amazing Marinette."
She glanced up at him with an amused smile. "Me? You were the one with the hour long gig remember?"
He chuckled and shook his head. "No, I meant before it all started. I was nervous and you calmed me down before I made a fool of myself." He pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "You're always there for me and I can't thank you enough with words."
His wife giggled, raising herself up and kissing his nose before pecking his lips sweetly. "There are many other ways you can thank me other than with words."
Luka smiled and chuckled when his wife kissed him again and he felt like the world was right.
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