#mari yellowjackets x reader
cloveroctobers · 1 year
MARI — summer prompts 🍋
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A/N: I’m not gonna hold you…I was not fw her at the beginning of the series but she definitely grew on me! The little ✨ in me wanted me to write for Miss. Mari with a hint of enemies to lovers so here goes nothing. Please don’t let me flop, or I’ll completely remove myself from the fandom lmao jk.
PROMPTS from this list: 1.) setting up a slip and slide in their backyard + 2.) bonfire on the beach.
WARNINGS: probably language, guns, high schoolers being catty? + slow-burn?
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[July, 1995]
“Who the fuck invited her?” Mari glowers over her shoulder, after approaching her friends and teammates—well the teammates that she considered her friends anyways.
It’s Gen and Melissa who immediately follow Mari’s trail of eyesight to see the fresh meat on the team, Akilah and their ex-teammate, Cosima Chandoo stepping onto the patio.
Gen snickers, “she’s obviously Akilah’s plus one because we sure as hell didn’t invite that traitor.”
Melissa shrugged her shoulders, red cup in her hand as she took a sip and then swallowed, “wasn’t me. Word travels fast.”
Which was true, what was supposed to be a simple yellowjackets team only exclusive party, turned into maybe forty or more people in this open backyard.
“It was probably whacky misty,” Gen adds, lifting her chin towards the curly blonde who sat, awkwardly nodding her head along, as if she was in on the conversation between Lottie and Taissa.
Mari deeply exhaled as her eyes briefly close shut. The mere presence of Cosima being here, at her house on this humid day in July honestly frustrated her. She wasn’t allowed to be here.
“You could always kick her out,” Melissa suggested, “it is your house after all.”
“Which was actually supposed to be at yours.” Mari snapped at the blonde who raised her hands In defense.
Melissa frowned, “Hey, how was I supposed to know my aunt and perv uncle were coming up for a surprise pit stop?”
“Who the fuck makes a pit stop in New Jersey?” Gen comments.
“Clearly they do!”
“Where are they from again?”
“…that makes sense. How sad.” Gen mockingly placed her hand on Melissa’s shoulder who snorted and playfully shrugged her hand away from her.
Mari was already stomping away from their conversation, face not only warm from the sun rays but also from the sight of Cosima who seemed to be all smiles with Laura Lee and Akilah.
“Oh hey, Mari!” Akilah waves as Mari pushes a smile onto her lips.
Her eyes flicker between the group of girls for a moment, between Laura Lee twirling her signature cross necklace, to Akilah’s chipper smile but still unease in her posture trying to figure Mari out, and finally Cosima’s comfortability in showing her face.
“Cosima was just telling us there’s a bonfire down at Huntingney Grounds,” Laura Lee tells the dark haired girl who kept her heated stare on the heart-shaped afro-picked girl, “I probably won’t be attending after this since I have a curfew but it’s a cool idea to end the day.”
No, the cool idea was having everyone here at her house enjoying the slip and slide she spent a good chunk of time putting together this morning by herself, while Gen and Melissa ate away the snacks they were supposed to set up.
Mari swallowed her irritation, “I know about the bonfire already.”
“Right because Danny was blabbing about it down at Wawa’s?” Cosima finally spoke, her usual hoarse tone made Mari’s eardrums itch.
Mari pushed her tongue into her cheek at this, “why would I know about Danny’s whereabouts?”
Cosima blinked, “Are you not dating?”
“We broke up. Weeks ago…and you would know that if you were still part of this team, which you’re not so.” Mari was smug as she said this.
Akilah tried to ease the tension, “well I invited Cosima since I didn’t want to show up alone. Is it just me or do you hate entering spaces by yourself? It’s just super awkward. I thought it would be okay?”
“Why? You’re her replacement.” Mari gritted, confused at Akilah’s thinking as the brown-skinned girl appeared almost like a gapping fish; while she looked at Cosima and Laura Lee for some sort of help.
Cosima smiled sweetly at Mari, hands clasped in front of her, “And you’re still a bitch.”
Laura Lee cleared her throat then, “Girls…let’s just continue enjoying this lovely day without the foul language please! Must this truly be a debate when we’re all on the same team?”
“But we’re not,” she interrupted with a point between herself and Cosima, “not anymore.” Mari was quick to continue jabbing at Cosima who simply sighed, “This is a team members event only and Cosima here quit on us a long time ago.”
“Yeah because I wanted to break three bones in my leg, which caused me to further suffer from a severed artery that also left me with a permanent limp. Do you hear yourself Maribela?”
“Don’t call me that!” Mari hissed while Cosima scoffed.
Cosima knew how much Mari hated going by her full government name, since “Mari” sounded so much better and it was short, simple, and cute. Sure it sounded different coming from Cosima’s lips, compared to her veteran father who commonly barked her name and gave—some might say, cruel orders around the house.
Cosima knew bits of this and still insisted doing so, just to get underneath her skin. Just like Mari knew quitting the team wasn’t something Cosima really wanted to do. Who really wanted to suffer a injury so bad in front of the entire school? Which allowed further permanent damage to be placed on not only your body but mentally? Yet here Mari was throwing old salt in Cosima’s wounds and she really wished she could help it.
Wished she didn’t have so much hate building in her heart but…majority of the time the words were flying out of her mouth before Mari can even process them.
No the two girls weren’t the stars of the team but the extracurricular activity was a bonding moment. They weren’t the best of friends before the team or even on the team but they were nowhere near as bad as they are now.
What changed you might ask?
Oh you know…A shared kiss in Cosima’s bedroom, had Mari’s mind all scrambled. (yes she was still very much with Danny at the time this transpired unfortunately!) Just to break apart right before Cosima’s mother came to the door, completely oblivious and informing Mari that her father was here to take her home. They never got the chance to talk about what happened that night because Mari decided to avoid Cosima like the plague in the hallways. She fought even harder on the soccer field and she only allowed herself to really feel crappy about it after seeing Cosima in shriveled up pain during the last two minutes of the game; when a thunderstorm rained havoc on them all.
It’s not like Mari didn’t feel like shit right after it happened in the first place! She couldn’t find the words to say as she collected her things, mustering up a half-assed wave as she quickly fled Cosima’s bedroom. She was completely confused because she’s only liked boys like Danny—and that wasn’t much to go off of. What was she supposed to do about her pretty teammate with a puff of tied back hair that floated behind her just from her simply standing? What was she supposed to do when she started to like the crooked smile that sat on the corner of her bow-shaped lips that tasted like figs? What was she supposed to do when she felt her intense stare from behind her in trigonometry?
What was Mari supposed to do about the girl that threw her for a loop? She remembers watching Cosima in pain and wanting to hold her hand but there were a lot of people crowding her and a lot of blood she couldn’t stomach. However that didn’t stop Mari from shoving some teammates out of her way so that she could keep her eyes on Cosima, hoping that her stare this time could provide some comfort.
She wasn’t sure if it ever did.
Then came the requests during English to make your own personalized cards for Cosima’s heavy healing journey and Mari knew she wouldn’t write something so basic. So lame. She had to do something better than anyone in their year, a huge card made from purple construction paper where she swirled and curled out Cosima’s name on the front of the page. While the inside she filled with lots of glitter and wrote her message in a pink gel pen.
That didn’t exactly feel like enough so with some of the money from Mari’s piggy bank, she went down to the crafts store to make a small goody bag. She grabbed some things she had a feeling Cosima would like, like shiny stickers—she originally wanted to get her a TLC poster but it wasn’t in the budget, bubbalicious gum, fun-dip, a piña colada lip smacker, a neon translucent phone enamel pin, a bouncy eye-ball she could throw at her wall, a feather pen, and a mini beanie baby that she could add to her collection on her bookshelves.
Mari paid attention to Cosima’s bedroom and that night they shared, so she hoped her goody bag made her feel somewhat better. Like maybe she could make up for running away with trying to ease Cosima’s painful moments.
“Okay…then stop talking shit about me and the team and we’ll all have a good time, got it?” Cosima stated, arms crossed as she stared down at Mari who trailed her wide-set eyes from Cosima’s glowing copper muscular arms to meet her stare.
Mari dipped her head, finding herself, as corny as it sounds, suddenly lost in the hues of Cosima’s eyes—which was better than staring at her lips of course! It seemed as if she was tongue tied as Cosima gave a tight-smile before glancing back at Akilah who was still shocked this was happening.
The slightly taller girl with a head full of hair, walked by Mari who allowed it for a couple of seconds, before she also turned to Cosima’s retreating form, “yeah, I’ll fall back…as soon as you leave my house so I won’t have to see your face anymore, traitor.”
“Mari!” Laura Lee exclaimed but Mari held up a hand to silence the blonde.
Cosima stood with her back to Mari and let out a humorless laugh. It was the same cycle over and over between the two and frankly, she was getting tired of this.
“Hey everybody! There’s a bonfire down at Huntingney Grounds if you’re interested.” Cosima called out to everyone, gaining their attention over some pop track.
The sun was just beginning to burn a deep orange, fading below the blue skies, which means the air would start to cool soon. It took about thirty minutes to get out to the park and longer by foot or moped, like the purple one Cosima commonly drove.
This new information got everyone talking which made Cosima shrug at Mari over her shoulder. Soon she brushed by Mari and whispered, “I’ll see myself out now. Later.”
Mari wasn’t sure if she wanted to mess Cosima up or kiss her in that moment. Maybe both.
Mari can see from the corner of her eye, some of her classmates and even the yellowjackets began to collect their things!
“Whoa! The best time to do a slip and slide is when the night falls. You guys don’t have to leave yet.” Mari spoke to a classmate who simply shrugged and carried on.
Shauna answered, “The mosquitoes also get bad when the sunsets and I’m allergic so, I pick the bonfire one hundred percent but…this was fun so thanks.”
Mark scoffed at the brunette before her eyes settled on someone else, “Jackie, not you too.”
“Jeff’s gonna be there and I heard Danny too.” The large eyed leader winks at Mari who can’t help but to scrunch up her nose.
“I don’t care about Danny!”
Lottie mutters as she makes her way by, “Why because he’s banging Stephanie now?”
Nat snickers, joint pressed in between her lips as she simply shrugs at the glare Mari’s sending her way, smoothing her damp fried bleach blonde hair back as she also makes her exit.
“Okay you know what, all of you can get out then. See if I care!”
“I’ll stay and help you clean up.” Misty offered, making Mari’s icy stare turn to the glasses wearing teen.
“Ohh no, especially you. Get the hell outta here!” Mari pointed at the front as Misty flinched and began to speed walk away.
“You’ve got a nice way of treating your teammates Mari, really! Keep up the superb job and you may just be our new captain soon.” Vanessa’s voice dripped with sarcasm as she made her way by with a laughing Taissa.
Who also sent double thumbs at Mari.
Which earned both girls a nice middle finger.
She couldn’t believe everyone just decided to bail on her right now! All thanks to Cosima.
That bitch.
“Uh Mari?! Your dad’s back.” Melissa informed, now standing by the patio, hand scooping up another cheese doodle.
Mari’s eyes increased in size, bigger than Jackie’s as she began waving her hands around at the remaining guest. “Everybody out! Run!”
“Run? Can’t we just powerwalk our escape?” Taissa asked, arms crossed behind her head.
Gen immediately shook her head, tossing the red cup to the side, “you haven’t met Mari’s dad, he’s crazy! You better run.”
The way she was whispering was almost as if Mari wasn’t in ear-shot. The panic on her face was evident but Gen was definitely not the person to go to as a source of comfort as she fled the scene.
As the older man approached the screen door, Melissa let out a scream as she took off running around the side of the house, orange puff long forgotten in the grass. Mari felt her heartbeat in her ears, her breathing halting, the sun still warm on her skin. Her dark eyes settled on her dad, yanking the door to the side, shotgun in one hand as he stepped out onto the patio, surveying his sorta trashed backyard.
“Holy shit! Is he gonna shoot us?” Vanessa’s eyes were now wide as well.
Mari swallows the lump in her throat as she almost waits for her dad’s eyes to find her’s.
Taissa shoved Mari forward to lead the way as she mumbles, “We’re not sticking around to find out. Go.”
She stumbles a bit, being pulled from her trance as she focuses on getting her legs to operate correctly, stepping into a light jog with the two girls that followed after her, eyes occasionally glancing at the wild man at the door.
“Maribela! I see you! Get your ass over here, now.”
With tears burning her eyes, Mari dares a glance at the man—almost stopping but it’s Vanessa’s turn to grip her wrist and drag her along.
“Maribela!” The man continues to yell, gun aiming and ready to shoot.
And so he does, directly at the neighbors trashcan, by the girls ankles; setting off the neighbor dogs to bark at the noise.
“We can run now.” Taissa yelled, now leading the way as the three girls ran at full speed to the front of the ranch styled home and to her pale gray Nissan stanza.
Vanessa shouts, “Open it!”
“I’m trying!” Taissa shrills, finally getting her key into the door before she flings the door open to mash on some buttons, “It’s open!”
Which is enough for Mari and Vanessa to pull on the doors and hop in. It’s seconds before Taissa starts the car and pulling away from the curb and far from Mari’s household.
She looks back, seeing her father standing in the middle of the street as she retreats and she knows that this is only temporary.
“So are we gonna talk about what just happened or?” Vanessa pries as she peeks at Taissa and then stares hard at Mari, who just hopes she doesn’t start bawling in the backseat.
Taissa can see Mari has her attention on the moving scenery of the city and the way the palm of her hand is pressing into her mouth while the other is clenched is enough for the situation be dropped. Although it seems like Vanessa isn’t ready to let it go, saying this exactly to the driving long haired curly teen, the look Taissa sends the redhead is abundant for Vanessa to take the hint as it dawns on her that this is Mari’s normal.
The drive to the park is tense and the radio, which Vanessa has taken complete control over, only seems to be talking, which the girls were not! instead of playing music. She begins to search Taissa’s car for CD’s and at least some cassette tapes but comes up short much to her disappointment.
The girls at the front of the car have a bit of a bicker at that but eventually quit down to either listen to radio hosts or static. The static ended up being more soothing to Mari than the voices, believe it or not.
By the time the girls pull up to the park, the sky bled navy and the fireflies flickered yellow. The air smelled like fresh grass and burning wood as a slight breeze picks up now.
Mari’s holding the sleeves of her golden mustard yellowjackets hoodie, almost peering around to make sure her father didn’t trail after them in his pickup truck. Vanessa lightly nudged her with her shoulder, making Mari take a sharp inhale.
“Hey…let’s go.” Vanessa gently suggests as they circled around the car to where Taissa stands.
Taissa is eyeing Mari and Mari almost wants to snap something at her but the look in Taissa’s brown eyes is not judgment. Vanessa leaves the two behind as she almost prays there’s more booze at the bonfire after what they just witnessed.
Taissa falls into step with Mari, heading up the incline on the sidewalk to down the hills where the bonfire sat.
“…thanks for getting me out of there.” Mari says quietly, “and…I’m sorry he shot at us.”
Taissa nodded at the younger girl, “Don’t mention it.”
And Mari waits for Taissa to fill the air with questions such as, “Is he always like that?” “How can you live with someone like that?” “Has he ever actually hurt you?”
But they don’t come as Taissa only offers a small smile in understanding. She knows that if Mari wanted to speak further on it, she would. It was clear she was holding onto a lot and maybe she wasn’t the person she needed to talk to about this and that was okay too.
Taissa’s just glad no one died tonight.
Mari finds a empty spot on a log, pressing her elbows into her bare thighs as she looks around the park. Everyone is mostly spread out, a few faces she recognizes from school and her slip and slide and others that probably went to the community college here. She sees Jackie sneaking off with Jeff hand in hand, Gen seems to be dancing away with some guy she’ll ask her about later, Melissa is laid out on the floor in front of a log with her trucker hat covering her face, Shauna is seated on that log behind her almost glaring at the fire—probably pissed Jackie just ditched her, and lastly Mari sees Danny with his hand resting on Stephanie’s hip by a tree as she’s all cuddled up to him.
It makes Mari want to vomit at the sight. She thought she was in love with Danny but honestly he was just there to pass the time outside of school and soccer. There wasn’t much of connection there in the first place, he was just this goofy kid that was good at Math and had beautiful teeth.
There was no spark when they kissed but it felt nice to have him hold her and just to say that she had a boyfriend. That was about it to be honest.
She turns to her left then, spotting Cosima staring right at her. Mari rolls her eyes then, turning her attention back to the fire, assuming she probably looked like Shauna right about now.
A wave of something floral but citrusy hints her nostrils as someone sits down next to her.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Mari frowns as Cosima plops down beside her.
Cosima doesn’t answer right away but when she does, it doesn’t ease Mari’s irritation, “just sitting and enjoying the fire, what does it look like?”
“Yeah okay but you can go back and do that over there,” Mari huffs, sneaking glances at Cosima who was finally able to hold her stare.
“Nah, I think I like this spot much better.”
“Because you’re pissing me off?”
“A little bit,” Cosima smirks while Mari can’t help but to breath out a laugh of her own, “it’s kinda fun.”
“I’m sure it is for you,” Mari responds, “Ruining my party just to come to this…snooze fest instead.”
Cosima tilts her head to the side eyeing Mari’s semi-dry hair that waved at the ends due to the sprinklers, “your party was dying down anyway and Akilah and I saw your dad earlier before we got to your place.”
“What? Did he say something to you two?” Mari rushed out, suddenly worried.
Cosima shook her head, “No he didn’t see us. I knew he would be heading back home soon.”
Mari listened to what Cosima was saying to her just then. It sounded like she actually looked out for her in a sense and Mari wasn’t sure how she should feel about that. So she broke eye contact to stare back at the swirling flames.
The teen felt something placed on her kneecap while she dazed off into the flames. Blinking she glanced down to see a cube of something in a wrapper. Mari was hit with the sweet smell of strawberries as she brought it up to her eye sight before she looked over at Cosima who winked.
“Uh huh.”
“Watermelon is obviously better.” Mari comments but that doesn’t stop her from unraveling the pink gum to toss into her mouth.
Cosima snorts, “you would say that.”
The small laughter lines appear by Mari’s lips then as she chewed and Cosima can’t help but to focus on them. How they curve into their own miniature smiley faces by the sides of her lips and her little mole on the left. She almost wants to place her fingertips on them, liking that there was a smile on Mari’s face for once tonight. But she doesn’t. She doesn’t want to be further rejected.
“Well you try and enjoy your evening, Mari.” Cosima pushes herself up from the log.
Standing, Cosima briefly stares at the fire for a moment but also wants to enjoy the company of Mari for a few seconds more—no matter how much they clashed.
Just as Cosima turns to begin limping away, Mari lightly reaches a hand out to press her clammy fingertips against Cosima’s warm ones. The touch is short but enough for Mari to feel Cosima begin to squeeze her fingertips back.
Cosima stared down at Mari, awaiting for what she says next.
“I’ll try my best,” Mari whispers, dark eyes almost shining as they look up at Cosima, “…You have a better one.”
“We both know I will.” Cosima teases while Mari rolls her eyes and let’s her hand rest back in her lap.
And with that it’s Mari’s turn to watch her old teammate walk away.
Once seated, Mari can’t help but to keep her eyes on Cosima, ember flames illuminating her skin as she chats away with a smiling Akilah, who notices Mari’s stare. When Cosima turns to catch Mari’s eyes again, she can’t help but to ponder if they could be something better…together.
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Continue along with my summer anthology prompts here.
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vanswolfbitez · 12 days
Whoever the fuck bullied deerlottie off of his platform I hope you fucking cunts die a horrible death and I curse it onto your future generations too!!
Transphobia is not okay and just because you don’t agree with trans headcannons doesn’t validate your shitty behaviour and mindset, and I’m literally disgusted by the idea that people in the Yellowjackets community genuinely think that they can behave this way to someone who was literally just having fun on his own page.
He wasn’t forcing his views onto anyone, and he wasn’t causing any harm. Assholes need to learn to leave people alone.
I never really interacted with Josh through my actual accounts, but I was an anon of his for a while and really enjoyed talking to him through those means, and I hope he will one day be comfortable enough to come back on to the platform so I can ask him what he thinks of random UK sweets again.
Cause yeah, we didn’t know each other, and we didn’t talk much, but his blog was very important to me to help me go through my own bout of gender identity issues and I know it helped so many others too. So fuck anyone who ever hurt deerlottie’s feelings, or diminished him, or targeted him in any way.
And if you see this by some random miracle Josh, I hope you’re doing okay, and that you are happier without the pressure of asshole transphobes. Sincerely, your biggest fan.
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jollyreginaldrancher · 6 months
More realistic Yellowjackets hcs
•Van is squeamish af. She nearly threw up when just talking about Allie's leg in the pilot, and she almost throws up everytime you finally get to pick a movie and you go for a horror thing.
• Shauna would be one of those girls that could never pick what to eat. She would drag you to hell and back before she'd finally just go with one of the same three restaurants she always chooses. Even though she always picks the same she still wants you to suggest every place in town before she reaches a conclusion.
• Nat and Van overshare with each other. If you're with either one of them you will get smug looks from the other.
• Nat and Van also share their porn stash. Van has the decency to hide it but Nat just leaves her magazines on her night stand. You only ever knew she shared them with Van because you saw one of their trades. Nat tucked a folded up mag into the back of her pants. Van hid hers in the bottom of her schoolbag. You cringed so hard when you realised that's what they were doing. Nat stole them during a house party and Van let curiosity get the better of her and long story short they'd been trading them all year until you found out and used the rolled up magazine to beat Natalie over the head with.
• Van absolutely tries to build a house out of breadsticks every time you take her out to a restaurant for dinner.
• She tries to make an igloo out of waffles.
• You're on the team, on Away games and you share a room with Nat. She climbs on the bed and rocks it back and forth making it squeak and makes moaning sounds when you're on the phone with your mom. If Van is there she will join in but she will be blushing the whole time.
• Trying to get closer to Taissa involves being forced to take part in her morning constitutionals. Only her morning constitutionals involve 45 minute morning runs. And her legs are so long you are constantly trailing behind, and with her, everything is a competition so she straight up leaves you in the dust. You've gotten lost in her neighbourhood multiple times when she's left you behind to run ahead.
• Jackie's inviting you to weeknight dinners with her parents and expecting you to sit idly by while they passive aggressively destroy your confidence. She gives you yours back though after dinner when she lets you top her on her frilly bedsheets.
• Jackie makes you leave her house after dinner, get in your car, drive to the house next door, out of sight, then sneak back and climb up to her window to hit it.
• Sitting in a pew in the back of Laura Lee's church, your hand resting on the stretch of wood between you. You scratch your chin and return it absentmindedly only to find her hand is also resting between you...her pinkie is close enough to touch. You breathe heavily as you ghost your finger against it only for her to react by parting her fingers. Not a lot, but just enough to interlink your pinkies. Your heart is thumping so loud you swear the whole congregation is aware of it. You stare forward, your eyes glazed over as the priest chants Κύριε Ελέησον.
• After church one day, you hang back with Laura Lee as your parents all mingle with other members of the church. The two of you climb to the second floor, way in the back, and lie down on one of the pews, head to head. You look up at her, and she looks up at you and smiles. It's the same pious smile she always gives you but this time you swear her gaze fixes on your lips a moment.
Her parents call her over to go home and she sits up abruptly and waves at you as she bounces nervously away.
• Akilah spends most of her free time with family. Her older sister and her husband both work, so she and her mom get saddled with babysitting her nephew a lot. She sits around the house watching tv and doing homework with a baby on her lap most days. She's supposed to put him down but he's sooooo cute she just can't bring herself to.
When he's a little older, you two sneak him his first bit of chocolate. Well, less sneak, more he reaches over and shoves your entire ice cream down his throat at six months. He doesn't get to the cone before Akilah pulls him away but half your scoop is gone with him. Akilah apologises profusely but you just laugh. She offers to buy you another ice cream and you suggest a rain check. Your first date is an ice cream date when she's no longer grounded for letting him have ice cream at six months. He was fine though.
• Mari doesn't have nieces or nephews yet but she has so many cousins and they all get together and play soccer at family get-togethers. She is not the only one in that family who's on a soccer team but she's the only one who's going to nationals so the competition is stiff with all her cousins competing against her to prove they're all just as good. You may not be the best but she starts dragging you to all of these get togethers so the two of you can ratio her entire family together.
She normally wears jumpers and ties her hair up and stuff but her family notices that she dresses in way more form-fitting clothes and lets her hair down when you start coming to these things and ALL make fun of her for it. I'm talking little baby cousins who look up at her and make kissy faces behind your back and you feel a breeze when you turn your head, and hear the thud of a couch cushion hitting a seven year old at full force.
Oh no, her cousin spilled some juice on you now. Guess she has to bring you to her room, alone, and give you something to change into. You hear another Thwack behind your back as she ushers you down this hallway to the back.
A few cousins grin at you both through the window so she rushes to shut the blinds... She's red as fuck at this point. You're in her room and it's the designated coat room so she pushes a big pile of coats off to the side so you can sit down. She rummages through her closet and finds something that's lowkey a little revealing but she realises her whole family will see you in this so she reaches for a turtleneck instead. It's way too hot though so she just grabs a yellowjackets tee and hands you that and pretends to look around her own room while you change.
• She sniffs it when she gets it back.
• Melissa wears her hat backwards so she can be more easily identifiable as a skater. She's the only girl skater in the school but she doesn't get that much shit for it because she's also a jock on the soccer team that's going to nationals.
• She absolutely tries to rizz you up while skating around you.
• She absolutely loses her focus and eats shit while trying to hit on you.
• You give her your number out of pity.
• She writes your number down on her arm and then uses that part of her arm to wipe the sweat off her brow.
• You realise she's not playing dumb for the bit but you give her a shot anyway. You spend a disproportionate amount of time applying bandages on her and talking her off dumb stunts.
• Had there been any flat surfaces in the wilderness she could have used to skate on, she would have been the first to die.
• Gen...fuck it I don't know shit about Gen. Maybe she's a ninja. Yeah.
• latchkey kid with one of those dogs that's small enough to fit in a bag. It's fluffy and smol. She brings it on dates and feeds it breadsticks when her date isn't looking.
• Gen likes to dress that dog up in funky little outfits. Sometimes she matches it. Has a box full of pictures of her dressing her dog up.
• Misty can and will drag you into the equipment room for some alone time at school.
• Still plays doctor. Doesn't realise that the objective is not to heal the patient but to get close to the patient and feel them up. On the upside she has a full nurse costume. Not a sexy nurse costume, an accurate replica of a nurse costume. So accurate she's banned from wearing it at the local free clinic. Because 12 year old Misty tried to wear it to the clinic the way kids wear princess costumes to Disneyland.
• Van and Natalie subscribe to the sniff test. These jeans Nat's wearing were at the bottom of her used clothes pile but it doesn't matter because they passed the sniff test. Can Van pull off wearing that hoodie for a third day in a row? Yes, because it passed the sniff test. Sniff test.
• Van and Nat have burping contests outside Denny's at 3 am.
• Misty goes to sleep at 8pm every night. Even Laura Lee thinks that's way too early and she has a strict self-imposed bedtime at 10:30.
• Jackie's skincare routine takes the better part of the night.
• Shauna makes you sleep on the floor because she kicks in her sleep and it's her bed so...
• Lottie can come up with an excuse for shit at the drop of a hat. Usually it's excuses for why you shouldn't leave her house and why you should stay over. Lately she's been using excuses to get away from you though and it's worrying you. Nevermind she just wanted space to throw you a surprise party. Wholesome ass.
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
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danisbrainrot · 5 months
I love misty and you so... misty is obsessed with the reader and always making them little gifts, following them everywhere and trying to help with everything while the reader is going from "girl we talked like twice fuck off" to "that's creepy but actually kinda cute ig"
misty quigley x reader
OMG I LOVE THIS ACTUALLY!! misty in her joe goldberg era 🤭 I don't know how far you wanted me to go, so I'll keep this relatively sfw. if you want a nsfw version, just ask!!
slamming your locker open, you started ruffling through it in search of your textbook that was mysteriously missing, when a small box fell out. you paused what you were doing, crouching down to inspect it.
it was a plain plastic box, that contained a funky little smiley face ring in it. this wasn't the first gift you'd received that month, having found something different in your locker everyday. this one was just an odd surprise—you wondered how they knew you loved novelty rings. snorting while covering your mouth with your hand, you wasted no time slipping it on your finger with a grin.
your friend, mari, waved at you, ready to walk you to class when she noticed your new gift, "hey, where'd you get the ring?"
you shrugged, "found it in my locker. someone must have slipped it in? I'm not sure, but we're going to be late," you reply, finding the textbook and slamming the locker shut.
"isn't this like the fourth weird gift you've found this week? you might have a secret admirer!" mari teases, causing you to groan and roll your eyes.
the two of you head to class, not noticing misty who was hiding behind the wall, watching you the entire time. she smiled softly, glad you liked her little gift. she pulled out a notepad, placing a small tick next to 'cute jewellery.'
she followed you to class, having picked the same classes as you so you'd never leave her sight. you'd chosen to sit at the back with your friend, whereas misty was forced to sit at the front. she scowled and watched the clock all lesson until class finished.
not wanting to waste time, misty got to work making her next gift for you. she pulled out her notepad and saw the next gift idea was 'love letters'. flicking to a new page, misty neatly wrote your name in cursive, ready to start when she realised she didn't know what to say.
your laughter from the back of the room made misty perk up, finally sure what she wanted to write. she began scribbling frantically as she didn't want to forget any compliments.
when class finished, you walked past her and saw your name at the top of the page in her neat handwriting. your heart raced, not sure how to feel about it, before looking away and focusing on the conversation with mari. misty quickly tried to cover the letter as you walked past, not realising you'd already seen it.
you'd completely forgotten about misty's letter until the next day, when you'd opened your locker to find it neatly laid on top of your books. it freaked you out that she knew how to break into your locker—even wondering if she knew your combination or it was a coincidence that it landed perfectly.
turning around, your eyes scanned the hall—misty was nowhere in sight. a shiver creeped up your spine, knowing she could be watching you at any minute and you wouldn't know. slamming your locker shut, you didn't bother reading it.
watching from her hiding spot, she sighed, wondering why you didn't like her latest gift. she pulled out her notepad and crossed out 'love letters' and shoved it in her backpack. she quietly followed you, not realising you were heading for the bathroom. when she saw you walk in, her heart raced as she tried to make a quick decision—did she follow you and seem suspicious? or just head to your next lesson and wait for you?
seeing mari enter after you, she decided on the second option and ran to your next class. this time she managed to snag a seat at the back, able to see you perfectly no matter where you sat. however, when five minutes passed and you still weren't in class, she began to feel disappointment simmering in her stomach.
raising her hand in the air, the teacher called on her, "can I go to the toilet?" misty asked, the teacher nodded. she grabbed her stuff, stomping straight to the toilet she'd seen you in last. carefully opening the door, trying not to make a big sound she saw your feet under one of the stalls.
"mari? is that you?" you call out, hearing no other response, you huff. "do you have a pad? or a tampon?" misty lightened up, rustling through her bag and handing you a pad from under the door. "thanks," she smiled widely, wondering whether or not to say anything.
when misty heard you flush the toilet, she knew it had been too long to say anything, so you ran out of the toilet and back to class. she pulled out her notebook and added a new addition to her list 'pads'.
after school, you made your way to soccer practice. placing your stuff to the side of the field, you don't notice misty had approached you from behind. you almost jump in shock. "misty what the fuck," you hiss, clutching your heart.
"sorry, I just noticed you didn't bring your water bottle today," she explains, making you scrunch your nose in confusion—she almost fainted at the sight. you began ruffling through your bag, swearing you'd brought it, but failing to find it. "here! I always bring bottled water as a backup?"
you accept it graciously, smiling at her—a good effort considering you were still frustrated from losing your old bottle. waving goodbye to her before running on to the field, she searched her bag to see if your water bottle was still there—when her hand wrapped around it, she smiled.
misty didn't have time to add 'water' to the list, since she was the equipment manager both coaches needed her. but once practice was finished, she made sure to tick the latest discovery.
watching your sweaty body pour the bottled water over your face made her stomach tingly, as she tried to ignore the hot feeling you gave her. she had a mission to complete, now was not the time to let her hormones crowd her thoughts.
misty approaches you and van, "hey! I found your water bottle," she announces, holding it out for you.
your heart sinks, as you send van a nervous glance. van struggles to hold back her laughter, as you give misty a strained smile. "thank you. . . where did you find it?"
"your bag?" van teases.
"no!" misty cries, readjusting her glasses, "it was in one of the sports bags. you must have accidentally thrown it in last practice," she lies perfectly. you pretend you believe her, trying to get out of the conversation.
snatching the bottle out of her hand, you shove it in your bag. "that's a nice ring," misty compliments, you look down at it, then back at her suspiciously.
"did you get it for me?" you ask nervously, heart racing as you did. she nodded her head eagerly, making you feel sick. "what the fuck, misty?" noticing how awkward it had become, van excused herself and left the two of you alone—making you uncomfortable. "are you like, stalking me or something? why do you keep giving me things? it's weird!"
misty readjusts her glasses again nervously, "I'm just not. . . i—um, it's because—"
"seriously, you need to fuck off, this is so creepy," you reply. turning on your heel, you power walked far away from her, leaving the blonde dejected.
misty stomped to the equipment shed, trying to think of ways to get you to love her. coach ben entered, trying his best to avoid her gaze, but it was too late, "coach, how do I get the person I like to like me back?"
he stared at her oddly, "um. . . I'm not sure, misty. maybe find something they like?"
"I tried that!" she complains.
he shrugged, "I don't think this is a conversation we should be having," he replies.
misty groans in frustration, "okay coach," she whispers sarcastically, stomping out of the shed. she was in a foul mood and nothing could stop it.
over the next couple of days, it was relatively quiet. you didn't receive any more trinkets, which surprisingly made you upset. you missed the little gifts misty left in your locker—but mostly, you felt guilty for yelling at her. she was just being nice and you were a bitch to her.
that's why, during lunch, you approached her where she usually sat. misty was crouched over her notepad, scribbling on it. sitting next to her, "I'm sorry for yelling at you," you whisper, making her jump.
"jesus! you scared me," she replies, before smiling when she realised it was you. "oh. . . it's okay," you look at what she was writing and noticed your name was on the top of the page.
you bumped her shoulder with your own, "what're you writing?" you tease, causing her to blush a deep crimson. she passed the note to you, letting you read it. it was a long apology for being 'creepy'. you giggle, biting your lip. "you didn't have to do this, I should be the one apologising," she shrugs.
"it was weird," she whispers, looking at the ground.
you place your fingers under her chin, forcing her to look at you. "it was sweet. I see that now," you assure her. to make it sink, you lean in and softly press your lips against hers. sending her nerves into overdrive, misty gets eager and responds by kissing you back harder—almost devouring your lips. you don't mind, however, it's nice to be hungered for.
25 years later
slotting your key in the lock, you turn it until you hear the satisfying click and shove the door open. trudging through the hall, you end up in the kitchen and place the groceries on the bench. your phone rings, and you smile when you see your girlfriend's face. "hey, did you check the fridge," misty asks, making you pause.
you froze, wondering what she was talking about. leaving the phone on the counter, opening the fridge door and seeing a cupcake on one of the trays. you bit your bottom lip while smiling, picking up the phone. "thank you, my love. did you make it yourself?"
"of course, I know how much you love my gifts," she replies, you snort loudly and bring the treat to your lips, taking a bite out of it and moaning in delight.
misty waited patiently on the other side of the line, blushing when she heard the sound come out of your mouth. "it's delicious, thank you, misty," you compliment.
"it's to make up for being late tonight, I'm sorry," she sighs, and you hear typing sounds on the other end of the phone.
you smile widely, "don't worry about it. if anything, it'll make your surprise easier to plan," you tease—practically hearing her ears perk up.
she thanks you quickly, explaining that it was getting busy at work. you use this to get started on the gift you were preparing for her.
"I'm home!" misty called out, closing the door behind her. when she was greeted by silence, she frowned. you always met her at the door, placing a kiss on her cheek.
sniffing the air, she smelt her favourite dinner being prepared and her stomach practically growled. misty walked into the kitchen with a beaming smile on her face.
you turn around, a cute little apron on and a spatula in hand. "hey! you said you were working late," you complain, pouting at her.
she shrugs, "sorry, they let me go because someone could cover the rest of my shift," misty explains. you smile, walking towards her and wrapping your arms around her neck. you claim her lips with your own, and she can taste the flavours from dinner.
"I figured that you always give me sweet gifts, it's time for me to return the favour. it was low key creepy in the beginning, but now it's cute. thank you," you whisper. she eagerly smashes her lips on yours, backing you against the counter. you giggle into the kiss, wrapping your legs around her waist and jumping up on the bench.
the dinner sizzled, as it was starting to burn, but the two of you didn't care, too absorbed by each other.
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pepemyfantasy · 3 months
Lottie: Truth or dare?
Jackie: Truth!
Lottie: Do you-
Shauna: I dare you to kiss me.
Jackie: *kisses Shauna*
Lottie, to Mari: They said “truth”, right?
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dykepvppy · 1 year
OBSESSION — poly ghostface! Yellowjackets
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(Ghostface!Van,Laura Lee,shauna,Jackie, tai,Lottie,Mari,Misty,nat) @jackieakgae
The killings have been getting worse were you lived.. you were scared for your safety even your friends thoes “ghostface” killings have been spreading like wildfire for the last month.. hoping this person was caught. School had started and you were with your group of friends known as the yellowjackets the soccer team for the school.
You decided to watch your friends practice since you didn’t have anything to do. Jackie saw you and waved at you running to you. “Hey (name) you watching us practice ?” The leader of the team spoke to you, taking hold of a drink from the bleachers. It was quiet for a few minutes as she spoke up again, “So me and the girls are wondering do you wanna go to a party with us”. You thought for a few minutes and nodded “sure”. Jackie smiled at you and put her bottle down “it's randys ill send you the address””
3 hours later, after the party ( I’m lazy wtf ) you got home worrying if someone was following you, but surely no one wasn’t following you. “What a da-“ The phone Cut you off by rining..who was it? . Slowly going to the phone your hands shaking quickly answering. “Hello” your breath was shakey. The heavy breather from the other phone is as loud and fast, before the unknown caller spoke.
“What’s your favorite scary movie”
Standing in the kitchen looking around, “…who is thi-“ the unknow caller cut you off “ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION”. Shocked by the aggressive caller you obeyed.. “my favorite is friday the 13th….”
Hearing the unknown killer laugh, “good choice, that movie is like a game of cat and mouse..”, they hung up fast.. You are scared of what's about to happen, Hearing glass break in the living room so you decided to check it out only to find two people with ghostface mask and robs standing there tilting their heads.
As you dropped your phone and ran, their footsteps getting heavier and louder chasing you through the house.. “come back here” one of them spoke holding the knife you didn’t know why and who they were, why you why would they want you
As soon you made it to one of the rooms you felt another pair of hands on you push you down to the floor, a group of ghostfaces appear behind the main two.
“Look at this slut. Your enjoying this huh” one of them(nat) spoke as she got close to you, her knife pressing up to your thighs. “Such a slut” the one of the ghostface (Lottie) went up to nat who was looking down at you, you were weak whimpering, your hair being pulled back by a third ghostface (Jackie) who was rubbing your body “a group a killers just wanting to use you like a toy you want that right”
The fourth ghostface(Mari) was recording without saying a word, she was loving this already, you being a helpless victim to the girls plan they didn’t want to kill you,
“Come on you love this” the fifth(Misty) and sixth(Laura Lee) ghostface walked up to you, you whimpered they smirked behind the mask as the seventh(van)and eighth(tai) their knifes was on your shirt their knifes coverd in blood, “your hearts beating, what if we had a strap on huh wanna choke and gag on our cocks”
The last ghostface (shauna) spoke her hands on you again and to your neck. Whimpering again, you were scared but you loved it, shauna behind the masked licked her lips at the sight of you being help less, ‘’maybe if we come back again, your gonna take all of us’’ she took another pic of you, the group left without another word only the photos they took so they can get off to it later. THEY WERE OBSESSED you were their obsession..
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hansslut · 8 months
mari headcanons ⋆🪽
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mari, considering she was probably the meanest yj out in the wilderness and rightfully so, she'd prob be mean to u in the start
if you didn't believe in lottie's ability to bring food and talk with the wilderness, mari would just go 😒 whenever she'd see you and then start rambling abt lottie
slowly starting to like u and not being a total hater towards you
still making mean comments here and there at times to piss u off
whenever something happens she just runs to you and shit talks misty like MADD and you agree
after getting used to you, she's only nice to you and lottie, hates everyone besides you two
her leaning her head on your shoulder when you're all talking as a group and discussing different topics
seeing her happy is a rare thing that only happens when she's with you cause everyone else pisses her off and you're the only one who can relate and understand her drama
"yeah!and they gave me a belt to cook,like are you insane?!" "WE ATE A BELT???"
following all of your stupid ideas and you following her stupid ideas
but like...her crushing on you is a different total story...
she's either super mean to you or super sweet
whatever the case is you still understand her lil crushy crushy on you so you're like "i mean,we could die from day to day sooo....be my gf??😁"
AND AFTER YOU GUYS START DATING you literally only talk to each other cause your living time in the wilderness is limited so might as well spend it with your pookie bear 🐻❤️
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ultrone · 1 year
yellowjackets AHS!murder house au...thots? ur in college, looking for a place to rent and the only one you can find is this creepy, old looking one but rent is practically nonexistent, so you take it. you start to notice small stuff like phantom touches when you sleep, or the feeling of someone watching while you study. when you come home from a class one day, there's six girls in your living room.
omg as an ahs fan i LOVE this so much 😭 u’d come home from class one random day and they’d be like:
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van and mari would be a MENACE, they’d be pranking you all day 😤 and then tai would join them too cuz “happy wife happy life” 🙄
then lottie would tell them to stop and apologize on their behalf while shyly swinging her leg, and then she’d give you a little handcrafted gift 😭
shauna would like to spend time with you but she’d also have homicidal thoughts i just know it (in a homoerotic way, not serial killer way) 🤨 but my girl jackie would come in clutch and ground her 🙏🏻 she’d also love to watch you study, and ask to borrow some of ur textbooks
if you're feeling down, jackie would call a group meeting behind your back and have a bunch of brainstorming sessions to come up with things to do to make you feel better—or to figure out what's wrong.
nat would be the walking definition of minding your own business, she’d usually be quietly standing next to the window smoking a blunt. u’d become friends cuz u’d smoke together occasionally 🙇🏻‍♂️ and u’d buy new cassettes for her to listen to
laura lee would force everyone to hold hands and pray for their souls in purgatory every single night before bed 😭
misty would go NUTS if you’re not home by the usual time, she’d freak out and stand in the window with some weird ass binoculars
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lottiessidehoe · 1 month
Lottie Matthews Lottie Matthews Lottie Matthews *I say in the mirror with lit candles beside me*
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noooooooop-e · 8 days
first ever edit, please be nice🫶🫶 I ship so many characters, but these two have my heart 🤍they also break my heart 😔
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lawtiee · 6 days
YJs with blind reader. I can feel like r! Would’ve become blind during the crash some how and since they are blind they can’t really go outside or do much without the others constantly worrying and coddling them
oh gosh yeah! misty and the lil nurse she is would constantly be checking on you, asking how your vision was today when you’d given her like the same answer nearly everyday. she’d kinda wave her hand infront of your face and tell you to let her know if you could see anything really. most things had either been blotchy or super blurry, but she notes it anyways.
though nat hides behind that ‘doesn’t give a shit’ personality, i think she’d be by your side the most when she didn’t have chores or whatever. she’d go on and on about her hunting skills and whatever else she had going on with travis. she’d probably gossip with you about some stupid shit one of the girls did or tell you stories about things that happened before the crash. like how some ‘fucking nerd asked her to prom and almost pissed his pants when she even looked to hard in his direction before giving a response’.
lottie and the rest of the girls in her lil group circle thingy she does definitely keeps you in their thoughts somehow. whether it be asking the wilderness to keep you in good health or hoping that they’d be rescued soon so you can get the help you needed, she’s going the whooooole nine yards.
when summer rolls back around, i think shauna would lead you around the forest and describe the scenery, and i know shauna is so effing vivid with her imagination like she will go the entire poet route. maybe she’d even write about your outings with her in her journal. :3
when it came down to anything else, mari would still be cooking and if you needed it, she’d be willing to help you get familiarized with the utensils again. she wants to help you but she’s kinda agressive with it? she’s all like “dude it’s no problem if you need help like, ill totally help you. its no problem, nothing to get all shaken up over. ill help you with whatever other shit you need help with. seriously!” you just assume this is her way of being affectionate or if she was in that kinda awkward teenage girl stage.
jackie gives you pep talks like how she used to before every game. mostly, it occurs when you’re feeling bad because you’re not helping enough. her first instinct, obviously, was to drive those thoughts away from your mind. it was like her sworn duty as the leader of the team. and god she gives a damn good pep talk! she could be some kinda motivational speaker if it weren’t for everyone’s circumstance.
crystal will sing to you constantly. and i mean constantly. she’d go through these long ass songs from her favorite musicals, and at this point you lost track of what it even had been at this point? chicago or something? you had no clue. but you’d listen contentedly as if you knew a lick about musicals.
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kings-paintbrush · 3 months
Do you think any of the yellowjackets would age regress?
I was planning on making this aesthetic headcanon post with drawings and borders and stuff but I’m EEPY so,, UGLY LOOKING HEADCANONS!!!!!!
LAURA LEE :3333 i headcanon her as a Flip. A voluntary regressor! I think Laura Lee would just be a little angel, such a sweet little one. Always sharing and being able to put up with the other,,, not so well behaved little ones. As a Caregiver I CANNOT get the idea out of my head that she’s like a teacher. Giving the little ones lessons by the lake side, total Miss Honey from Matilda vibes… like teaching them their alphabets or their numbers with little songs 🥺🫶🏿
Lottie Matthews- Also a Flip, but with a caregiver lean. (In the wilderness she’s forced into a leader/carer role. So she’s definitely constantly taking care of all the littles). I think Lottie would be kind of independent when little, (involuntary.) maybe from ages 5 to 7, she’d want to do things on her own but mostly want a caregiver for supervision. Lottie would be nonverbal when regressed since she’s always had trouble communicating anyways. She likes to be praised for the little things, like pouring her own glass of milk and getting dressed— she was just never given attention much as a kid so that’d be nice for her.
Taissa: Regressor! I think it’s very much so involuntary and mostly to Middle space, she would have a lot of like tantrums and be generally pouty and mad. She probably wouldn’t notice she was little until someone else pointed it out.
Natalie: Teen Regresssor! Bc of trauma. Nat probably regresses to the ages of like 12-14. I think for the most part she would like sucking on lollipops but I could 100% see her making a deco paci. she’s usually rebellious when little, but it’s all in good fun, I could see maybe Lottie being her caregiver and Nat calling her “mom” or “ma”. But ALSO she may be a flip bc I love the idea of her being like a babysitter/big sister caregiver… she’s so sweet Misty: Pet Regressor/Flip. Vibes only. She bites people. She’s a puppy, a little excited puppy. Like in the pilot when she got excited doing the “BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ” and also as an adult she’s LITERALLY a caregiver so… Misty’s a lot of fun but idk, I could see her not really being good at dealing with high emotion situations (Ie; tantrums or accidents). She could come on a bit hard and condescending.
Mari: Regressor! Older kid, maybe 7-10! Mari’s personality definitely stays the same. A little Asshole if you ask me. I think Lottie would be her main caregiver, her mommy. But since Lottie takes care of ALL the little ones, Mari may act out for attention. I think Mari gets REALLY focused on the crafts she does and may not always notice when she has to go, so she’s padded. She’s super insecure abt her age regression bc of it. Javi Martinez: THATS A BABY. I’m right. I always will be. He’s semi verbal/nonverbal. he DEFINITELY clings to Shauna, that is his mama and I’m correct (i always am). Like just just I love them. He’s so sad and scared :c Shauna: Shauna’s an honorable mention bc I see her mostly as a Trauma Caregiver, she’s a mama to cope… but also Melanie Lynskey basically canonized Teen Regressor! adult Shauna so…
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look me dead in my eyes and tell me this isn’t a mama and her little… HONORABLE MENTIONS: Fun dad/papa Jackie and strict mama Shauna, Big Brother CG Van, Playmate Crystal, Occasional Babysitter Akilah, Laura Lee giving Lottie one of those erasable magnet boards so she can write/draw to communicate, and ermmm that’s it :3
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kingstonwrites · 18 days
𝒲𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓇!
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★
ִֶָ☾. I'm Kingston! you may know me from my Art Blog
This is a writing blog where i'll also do art to tie in with the fics! (if the inspiration strikes!) Dont be shy! I’m in ALOT of fandoms! Ask away!
My art tag is still #king's paintbrush
My writing tag will be #writing wish
𓇢𓆸 𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾 𝓌𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒!.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ✦ ‧₊˚ ⋅
𓍢ִ໋🀦 Natalie
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐ Jackie
𓂃 ִֶָ𐀔 Mari
𓆱⋆。°✩ Lottie
႔ ႔ ᠸᵕ ᵕ 𐅠 Van Palmer!
‧˚꒰🐾꒱༘⋆ Shauna Shipman Javi Taissa Misty Quigley
Coach Ben
+ All of them!
┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚★⋆。˚ ⋆ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ★⋆ ┊ ◦ ★⋆ ┊ . ˚ ˚★
ᯓ★MCU/XMEN 97ִ ࣪𖤐
— Under Construction—
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
☁️Agere/Petre, Therian, Angst, Yandere, SLIGHT suggestiveness, Fluff, Romance, Platonic, Siblings, Horror, AU’s ✅☁️
𖥔 ࣪˖ ⊹₊ ⋆Art Requests still go to my Main Blog!٠࣪⭑꩜.ᐟ
and if anyone would ever want to make fan art, my AgeReSonas are below! (I’d suggest sending them to my Main Blog ^^)
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lacyscabinet · 9 months
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danisbrainrot · 5 months
jackie taylor x reader
how have I not written about her yet??? anyways, doing the lord's work (aka what shauna should have done).
everyone stood in shock, watching as jackie stormed out of the room after her explosive argument with shauna. you glanced at the door and back at shauna, unsure whether or not to chase after her or stay and comfort your friend.
tai was by shauna's side immediately, comforting her as the girl sobbed into her chest. still, none of the girls made a move to follow jackie outside.
you weren't stupid. it was hard not to notice how it was getting colder recently, or how all the animals were stocking up and going into hibernation. you knew winter was just around the corner, and feared that jackie could fall prey to it.
you didn't want to be that girl who followed after her, since shauna was a good friend to you and you didn't want to show her you were picking sides. however, you knew that if you didn't do something, no one else would; jackie was one of the most stubborn people you'd ever met, she wasn't going to come inside on her own volition. no, she'd have to be convinced.
at first, you found yourself standing above coach ben, who was still shocked from watching the argument unfold. "coach, you need to do something about that. jackie can't sleep outside," you whisper, glancing back to see if anyone was watching you.
he shook his head, "sorry, but I don't want to get involved in you girls' arguments," he replies, groaning softly as he moves to readjust himself into a better position.
"you're an adult. jackie will listen to you," you beg, but to no avail. ben shakes his head and refuses again, forcing you to look elsewhere. your eyes land on nat, who—granted held a bit of disdain for your captain—would surely see the consequences of leaving jackie outside to freeze.
however, you were no longer sure when travis pulls her in and whispers something in her ear; they both glance towards the door and you knew they'd be no help.
you stared out the window, watching jackie's pathetic attempt at starting a fire with pity. she really wasn't made for the wilderness, that was obvious. it was clear from day one she wouldn't contribute much, since all she'd done was complain, whinge and refuse to help with the chores. but you still remember the sweet and inspiring team captain on your soccer team; you can't help wonder what went wrong.
finally having enough, you quickly slipped outside, going unnoticed by no one. you'd take the dirty glares and rude comments if it meant coercing jackie back inside. you always listened to your gut rather than what people had to say, and right now, your gut was yelling at you to go talk to her.
jackie's gaze lingers on you as you sit beside her. after a beat of silence, she crosses her arms over her and chest and says, "if shauna sent you out here—"
"no one sent me out here," you reply, watching the flickering flames about to go out. it's silent again as you work up the nerve to beg her to come inside and she tried to work out why you were talking to her.
jackie sniffles, trying to hide the fact she'd been crying; it doesn't matter, since you can tell from her red eyes. "she's my best friend and she hates me," jackie mumbles, resting her arms against her legs and her chin on her lap. you're silent, happy to listen to jackie vent—it was for the best, because you weren't going to pretend to know anything about her relationship with shauna. "and you know what's the stupidest part? I don't even love jeff. . . I don't know if I even like him. she broke my heart and I don't know why."
"talk to her about it—and I mean talk, not argue," you reply earnestly, not sure how else someone was supposed to react to this situation. "you feel betrayed, and she feels overshadowed. you still have time to sort this out. fuck! we're in the woods and no one's coming to find us. you have plenty of time to tell her how you feel," jackie looks up at you with tears in her eyes. she's lost for words, and you smile at her gently, assuring yourself that she'd listen.
she shakes her head and sits up, however, making your smile fade. "no, she doesn't want to talk to me right now," jackie mumbles, kicking at one of the stones and accidentally sending it flying into the fire. "and I don't want to talk to her," she adds hastily, making you raise your eyebrow questioningly, "she's in the wrong, I shouldn't have to apologise to her," you roll you eyes at her stubbornness.
"fine, but I'm not leaving until you're inside with me," you snap. you watch her rub her arms up and down, and notice how chill the weather had gotten. was it always like this at night? how did jackie expect to survive through the night. "come on, jackie. I don't want to wake up in the morning to you looking like a smurf."
jackie burst into laughter, making you join too. "god, I'll be fine. don't worry. no frosty the snowman here," she promises. but you're no stranger to the cold. to snow. "I'll be alright, I just can't stand to look at her right now."
it falls quiet again, as you both mull over what she said. you can't help yourself, fearing the worst, you blurt out, "dying isn't worth it, y'know," she raises her eyebrows, "jackie taylor, you're the pettiest person I know. . . but to freeze out here because you're mad at shauna? that's a lot, even for you," you softly explain.
jackie scoffs, rolling her eyes before shivering again, "oh my god, I'm not going to die out here. I have a blanket, I'm wearing a jacket and a roaring. . . well, not roaring, but I have a fire," she points out. "it's not just gonna randomly snow in the middle of the night," you sigh, realising that she was convinced. there was no bringing her inside—and it was getting cold, even for you.
you bite your bottom lip, getting up to kiss her on the forehead. "I love you, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you," she looks up at you in shock, "come inside when you're ready, but please, don't stay out here all night. if not because of the weather, then because the wolves that attacked van are close by," she nods, and turns to face the weak fire again as you walk off.
"wait!" she calls out, standing up and chasing after you. your body fills with warmth as you silently rejoice at convincing her to come inside. "what do you mean you love me?"
you froze in your spot, feeling your heart race and your cheeks fill with heat. "I think you know," you reply, hoping that if she didn't feel the same way, she'd assume you were talking platonically.
jackie stares at you, breathing heavily, before she pulls you into a hug. "thank you, for caring enough to come out here," she whispers. you smile softly in return; she leans into you, kissing you gently on the lips. you were in shock for a moment, in complete disbelief that jackie liked you that way—that she liked girls that way. soon, you realised that the kiss was real, and that she wanted you; savouring the sweet moment, you mourned the loss of her lips on your own. "wow, your lips are so warm," you laugh at her, glancing back at the cabin ready to grab her hand when she flinched out of your grasp. "I'm not ready yet. . . stay out here with me?"
you nod, joining her to sit on the log again. you added some kindling to the fire as she snuggled up close to you. it was nice to feel her this close, and know she liked you back—even if it seemed like it was because she was lonely. it didn't matter to you, however, as you focused instead on the way she relied on you for warmth, and the way the flames danced.
after what felt like half an hour (but was closer to two hours) you notice the lights turning off, "it's cold, I'm going back inside," you announce.
jackie nods, "okay. I'll just be a little longer," she replies, shooting you a reassuring smile. you kiss her forehead again, and take sullen steps towards the cabin.
you glance at her once again, tempted to drag her inside, kicking and screaming, but you decide to leave her be. you receive dirty glares when you come back inside. you feel even smaller knowing you'd failed to bring her back in, so it was for nothing.
you accidentally lock eyes with mari, before glancing back at the ground. once you reached the fireplace to warm up, that's when the comments began. "of course you'd chase after jackie," mari snipes, shaking her head.
"it's so cold outside! I was worried she'd actually sleep out there and freeze," you reply, defending yourself.
you heard tai scoff, and looked for shauna, only to find her missing. "she chose to go outside," van mumbles, staring at the floor to avoid your gaze. you stare at her in disbelief.
you glance around the room, seeing no one agree with you—not even misty. nat and travis stared at the ground, also avoiding your eyes. "guys, now is not the time to be petty, she could've been in serious danger," you cry. no one responds, and you can't help but groan and roll your eyes.
"we saw you kiss her," misty announces. you look taken aback, but don't say anything. "three times," she adds, and you bite back the retort you were ready to sling at her.
instead you walk towards your bed, slipping under the sheets and pretending like you didn't notice everyone's gaze on you. eventually, tai heads upstairs and you hear everyone shuffle into their beds—but still no jackie.
your eyelids grow heavy, and as they do, you could swear you hear a door creak open. you smile in your dreamy state, knowing that jackie had finally come back inside. . .
"no, no, no, no, no!" shauna screams, jumping over you and racing outside. you jolt awake, your heart racing as you look around at all the confused faces of the girls. suddenly, it occurs to you, jackie's not one of them.
scrambling to your feet, you and tai are the first ones out the door after shauna. you have no idea why she's carrying on when you finally realise the ground had changed from green to white overnight. shauna was hunched over something in the snow, which at first glance, looked like a log.
it takes you a minute to process the scene in front of you; when it does, it feels like you've been hit by a train. your stomach drops and you feel your heart shatter into a million pieces.
shauna was on her hands and knees, screaming and crying while shaking her best friend. "jackie, wake up!" she wails. tai is by her side immediately, holding onto her and trying to comfort her.
your hand flies to your mouth as you begin to sob as well. no, no! this isn't right! jackie came inside last night! I heard her! you can't help but think. you could've sworn the door was opened. . . but here jackie was, covered in a blanket of snow, as you fell to your knees and mourned the girl you'd had a crush on since middle school.
you feel a pair of arms on your shoulders, as you lean into them for comfort, letting your tears run freely. you couldn't stand to look at the sight anymore without feeling guilty. you'd done everything you could, but was that truly enough? you should've done more! you should've dragged her inside! slapped some sense into shauna or the coach! you should have stayed by her side! tried harder to convince her! or at least kept her warm all night!
but you didn't, and you knew that would haunt you til your dying breath.
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