#marisol romero
hollow-triad · 2 years
Desgarra... Golondrina!
English VAs (men) Pesche Latin VA Uryū Japanese VA Cirucci: From the way you've been reacting, you don't take me very seriously. Cirucci: You're the first enemy I've encountered in a while, so I was going to take my time with you. English VAs (men): Huh--? Cirucci: But now... // I've changed my mind, you've irritated me. // (x) Cirucci: Now let me see... Which one of you, shall I slice up first? Uryū Japanese VA
Uryū vs Cirucci
Marisol Romero & Tricia Pierce as Cirucci
Ruben Trujillo & Michael P. Greco as Pesche
Noriaki Sugiyama & Derek Stephen Prince as Uryū
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huntsvillegossip · 7 months
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Hello, hello my little lovelies,
So much to catch up on these days! Everyone all at once seemed to have some type of news to share with me. 
You all know being on the ice is meant to keep us all cool and level-headed, right? There were so many punches thrown at the ice skating event, not just once, not even twice, but three whole times. Eagan Connolly punched Huntsville Daily’s very own Samuel Ahn over what was reportedly, and unsurprisingly, something to do with that missing brother of hers again. If she keeps that attitude up no one is going to be willing to assist her. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar, sweetheart. 
Seeming to take a cue from her is that wildchild from the Westfall family, Esther Westfall, who is just as short tempered as ever. They were seen punching one Eldon Harcourt, though he seemed to take it decently well, and didn’t engage into a full brawl. The same can’t be said for Joey Albright who fully attacked Louis Ryan and had to be pulled off him. Not exactly the behavior you’d expect from everyone’s favorite heartthrob but it seems love makes fools of us all. Let’s just hope that Hope Macgillivray is worth it. 
However, not everyone at the ice skating party was quick to come to blows. It seems that there are at least some of you who would rather make love than war. Jackson Miller was spotted getting cozy with Lavender Parsons, ending in what was apparently quite the steamy kiss, if my sources are to be believed. Now I know that some readers may be scandalized by this news, but I for one think it is wonderful that after everything she went through with her mother’s disappearance last year, Miss Parsons seems to be coming into her own as a young woman. All I can say is, be careful out there, men of Huntsville! There’s a new heartbreaker on the rise.
Here’s a toast to one town event being mostly a success with no serious incidents. Hopefully this is the start of a new and lighter year for all of us. 
Auntie G
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That older ranger guy is like, always at the bar. Smells like a bar too. Really harshes the vibe, you know? - Day Drinker
I've been seeing Amber Ryan and Noah Kasprak head off to his place a lot lately. I wonder how her siblings feel about her sleeping around with her co-worker. Seems pretty irresponsible to me considering the family's history. - Anon (25F)
So I was minding my business, when I heard Marisol de la Luna was holding some guy’s tarantula? Is that a new euphemism the kids are using or what? Here’s hoping history doesn’t repeat itself or she’ll end up like her mom did senior year. - Think of the Children
Geez, never a dull day with the Romeros. Heard another one of Hawk’s kids came popping out of the woods. Sora Griffon? At this rate, he’s gonna have a whole flock of ‘em. Hope his new hubby is ready to play Brady Bunch. - Town Bird Watcher
Nico Garcia has been going around saying he’s going to be a dad? I wonder who he knocked up. Could be half the town from the way he’s been getting around. I heard that within the past couple months he’s been hooking up with Val Moreno, Kirby, Nadine Briggs, Jessie Sinclair, Wren Romero, Cole Cerulli, Jovi DiCamillo, and Tatum Hampton, to name just a few! - Anon (33M)
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thatsojasminesworld · 5 months
People I would rather have back then Marisol also suggestions are welcomed & will be added to the list
Shannon 7 episodes
Michael 69 episodes
David 11 episodes
Lucy 10 episodes
Ali 4 episodes
Ana 10 episodes
Abby 12 episodes
Taylor 20 episodes
Capt Elaine Maynard 12 episodes
Detective Rick Romero 7 episodes
Jonah Greenway 5 episodes
Eva 6 episodes
Detective Lou Ransone 6 episodes
Sadly Lena 5 episodes
Margaret 5 episodes
Phillip 5 episodes
Claudette 5 episodes
Eli 3 episodes
Natalia 3 episodes
Porch pirate 2 episodes
Wendall 2 episodes
Kevin Lee 1 episode
Mitchell 1 episodes
Marvin 1
The old gay couple who died
Norman & Lola 5 episodes
Sadly Sydney 2 episodes
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kaitcreates · 1 year
Shadowhunter families and their place of living.
Bridgstock(1903, London)
Baybrook(1903, London)
Branwell(1878, London)
Featherstone(1903, London)
Greenmantle(1903, London)
Hardcastle(1903, London)
Highsmith(1903, 2012, London)
Gladstone(1903, London)
Mayhew(1903, London)
Mayburn(1878, London)
Pangborn(1878, London)
Pouncey(1903, London)
Ravenscar(1878, London)
Townsend(1903, London)
Wentworth(1903, London)
Hayward(1903, York)
Starkweather(1878, York)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
New York, USA
Mexico City, Mexico
Carvalho(2012, São Paulo)
Pedroso(2012, Rio de Janeiro)
Casales(2012, Madrid)
Castel(2012, Barcelona)
Villalobos(2012, Madrid)
Chaudhury(2007, Mumbai)
Joshi(2012, Mumbai)
Ke(2012, Shanghai)
Lieu(2010, Hangzhou)
Wang(2012, Shanghai)
Kriegsmesser(2007, Berlin)
Morgenstern(1878, *May be form other german speaking country, also mentioned to be from Sweeden)
Vogelspritz(2010, Hamburg)
Von Mainz(1832, Prusia)
Rome, Italy
Di Aneglo(1903)
Beausejours(2012,*May be from another french speaking country)
Montclaire(1989, Paris)
Pontmercy(2007, Marseilles)
Verlac(2007, Paris)
Monteverde(2007, Lisbon)
Rosewain(2007, Cumbria)
Makepeace(2002, Melbourne)
Jahanshah(1903, Persia)
Keo(2012, Cambodia)
Larkspear(2012, Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Lindquist(2012, Umea, Sweden)
Lovelace(2008, Glascorw, Scotland. 1878, London, England)
Maduabuchi(2012, Lagos, Nigeria)
Kaidou(1878, Tokyo, Japan)
Ashdown(2012, Los Angeles, California, USA)
Nightshade(Los Angeles, Califiornia, USA, *Vampire with same last name lives there)
Solcedo(Spanish country, *Taken on by Marisol, who's previous last names were both spanish)
Malhotra(India, *name originates from India)
Tokugawa, Satõ(Japan, *names originates from Japan)
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ranbling · 5 months
911 7×7 first thoughts
Maddie inmediatly clocking what the woman is trying to do
Poor Maddie
So it was Chimney thrown by the fire explosion
I'm thinking the father took the baby (yeah he did!!)
Denny is so sassy ("I can multitask")
Mara has a brother???
2 truths and a lie? I kinda think the smores thing is foreshadowing
Oh it's a Shannon look a like (but why?)
Hen trying to get Mara to open up is so cute
Uuh Romero! I've missed him
Poor Maddie
Karen's outfit looks so cool
I already hate Mara's bother's father! Who seperates siblings???
I love Maddie's and Amir's converstation (also I love Maddie's haircut)
Eddie is kinda stalking that poor woman (but he's not very good at it)
Eddie saying he is a single dad when he has a whole ass girlfriend is soo funny (but don't flirt with her!!)
Karen and Hen are also being stalkers lmao
I really dislike the dad of the brother
Maddie and Chimney wearing the rings!!!
Madney finally talking about the trauma Doug caused!!
Oh he's not boyfriend or anything, but a stalker (lot of stalkers in this episode)
Did Eddie just cheat on Marisol or is a dream or...?
Oh it's a dream thank god.... Oh he's daydreaming, this relationship with Marisol is doomed
It's so nice that Athena and Romero included Maddie
Oh my god don't give little things to the baby!!!
He's just on the playground looking for a new woman to kidnap
Where is the woman???
Oh they just crashed
Chimney remembers the call
I was right he threw the baby!!!
Buck is playing the police, catching the bad guy
Bobby and the baby are so cute
So Amir recognised Bobby, but looks Bobby does not
Tyson's mom is nice and i'm so happy she brought him
Eddie ordering a pizza to Buck is soo funny
Jee is soo cute, i love that family
Did Eddie just really invited the Shannon lookalike to a date??? What are you doing????
Okay so I liked the episode, but what the hell are they doing with Eddie???
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garbinge · 1 year
Prank Wars
Angel Reyes x F!Reader
Day 24 from these April Prompts: “Wholesome Pranks”
Summary: Prank Wars at the scrapyard!
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Angsty, Pranks, Cursing. Mentions of dead parents and family struggling with sickness and addiction. 
A/N: okay, so huge shoutout to Tay because she planted this fun little seed in my head for this fic!! 
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc​ @justreblogginfics​ @narcolini​ @danzer8705
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It had been a few years since you started working at the scrapyard, it wasn’t a luxurious job but it was one that not only paid the bills but gave you some extra in your pockets. Angel had hooked you up with the job when he saw you were struggling. Home wasn’t exactly a home, your parents weren’t alive anymore, hadn’t been since you were younger. It left you to live with your grandmother who hadn’t just taken you in but also your aunt and cousins. It was an overcrowded and overwhelming house and it sat 5 doors down from the Reyes house. It wasn’t instant but somewhere down the line as the years passed you became close with the eldest Reyes brother just doors down from you and now, as adults, he was your best friend. 
Angel originally had gotten you a job as barback at the clubhouse, and you were grateful for it. It saved you up enough money to get out of your grandma’s house and into your own space. Something small, or cozy as you called it, but your own. You had eventually worked your way into the scrapyard because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. Overhearing Bishop and Taza talk about numbers and manufacturer meetings and how business wasn’t doing too great as you served them beer was the first step into it. You offered your two cents on how to boost business, that turned into giving some occasional business advice. You had gotten an associates degree in business, opportunity was just lacking in Santo Padre. Eventually, you started pulling in buyers, which led you to where you were now. You had taken the scrapyard truck out to a potential buy, but were driving back with a loss. It had already started out as a rough morning and it was just getting rougher. 
It was days like this that you forgot about the multi-year long prank war that you had going with the guys in the club. It was something you and Angel had started prior to you getting close with the club and once it became known across the club, there was no way Gilly and Coco weren’t going to be apart of it. Now, the prank war wasn’t something front of the brain 24/7, that was the secret behind making it successful all these years. It was random. It was calculated but spontaneous all at the same time. 
You whipped open the door to the scrapyard office, it made Angel jump, a scene that would have brought you to laughter any other day but you ignored currently. 
“What the fucks got you twisted?” Angel was now standing, his sleeveless Romero Bros. work shirt covered in dirt and rust. 
“California fuckin’ Steel company. That’s who.” You threw your bag on the desk and placed your hands on your head in an act of stress. 
“Okaaaay,” Angel frowned and stepped out from behind the desk so he was standing to your right. “They’re always on some fuck shit, what’s really your issue?” He saw right through you, a perk and downfall of him knowing you so well. 
You took a deep breath and turned to look up at him as he towered over you. You saw the cuphead patch on his shirt and smirked. “You put the patch I gave you on.” 
Cuphead was a memory you two shared, sitting after school in front of the TV in the Reyes’ living room and playing until Marisol called out for dinnertime or Felipe unplugged the xBox to watch baseball. 
Angel looked down at his shirt and back at you, “Yea, I couldn’t put that shit on my kutte, I’d never hear the end of it.” 
You laughed and shook your head, when you gave him the patch you expected it to sit leaning on the outside of a picture frame in his house, not on any of his clothing items. 
“My grandma’s sick and my cousin, he’s fuckin’ on hooked on that shit again. It’s got him stealing and not just shit around the house but taking my grandma’s pills now.” 
“Fuck.” Angel whispered under his breath and looked away for a second before he was looking back down at you again. 
“It’s fine, I talked to my aunt, they’re looking to put my grandma into a home or something.” You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh.
“That’s bullshit, your grandma’s lived in that house practically her whole life they should send your junkie ass cousin away.” He was getting loud. 
“It’s out of my hands Angel,” You lifted your hands up in innocence “I offered for her to come stay at my place instead, but you know my aunt, she’s” you shook your hand in a way that was meant to describe your aunt as you turned around to look for your car keys. “You get a chance to look at my car yet?” 
After your third time having trouble starting your car, you had asked Angel if he could look at it, it wasn’t the same as giving it to a mechanic but Angel knew a thing or two about mechanics since having his bike. 
“Oh,” Angel went deep into thought, “uh, no.” He reached down and snatched the keys as you went to grab them yourself. 
You looked at him confused. 
“I’ve been up to my fuckin’ eyeballs in paperwork that I barely understand.” He pointed to the stack of manila folders on the table. “Haven’t had a chance to look at it.” 
“Oh alright, well, I’ll take the paperwork. Least I can do so you can fix my shit and save me the 200 bucks. I’ll be in the clubhouse if you need me.” 
“Aight.” Angel let his shoulders slump once you were out of the office. Gilly and Coco making their way into the office now. 
“Yo, you fuck with the wiper fluid and put that fake broken glass shit on her car?” Gilly chuckled as he walked in. 
“I’m bout to go take that shit out.” Angel sounded on edge. 
“The fuck for?” Coco asked, confused since he had thought it was a genius prank. 
“She’s got a lot going on man, it just ain’t the right time.” Angel was making his way out to reverse the pranks he had done to your car. 
“We gotta get them both.” Gilly said with a smirk once Angel was out of earshot. 
“Fuck yea we do.” Coco said, bringing a cigarette up to his mouth. 
Angel calling out your name caused you to turn around. As you did, you realized the clubhouse had filled up since you had posted up to work in here. A few of the club guys and some hang arounds filling the tables surrounding you. 
“I fixed your car, needed a new battery. Nothing serious. Got one from Walmart.” Angel was making his way over to you and as he reached the seat next to you, he pulled the chair out and made himself comfortable before sliding the keys over to you. 
“Thanks, how much was it? I’ll send you the money.” You pulled your phone out. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. Just have me over for dinner or some shit soon.” He smirked hoping it’d earn a smile from you as well. 
It did. You smiled and grabbed your keys from the table. 
“You know,” Angel started his sentence without a single thought about where it was really headed, not sure how to say the next few words. “Uh,” he leaned forward, clearly uncomfortable. 
“Spit it out, Angel.” You were now leaning forward too, placing your hand on Angel’s knee in hopes to get him to say whatever he was trying to. 
It did the opposite, it choked him up more until he finally just said it. “I was thinkin’, you could come stay with me if you wanted.” 
Your face twisted in muddled confusion which caused Angel to panic. “Nah I just mean, you know, your grandma might be comin’ to your place and I know you worked mad hard to get your whole bach pad situation and appreciate your alone time so I figured I’d offer my place up,” he said before practically cutting himself off to keep going. “And I know it wouldn’t be living alone but I’m usually always here anyways so you’d have the place to yourself way more than if you stayed with your grandma. I just figured it’d be worth the offer with everything going on–”
You cut Angel off as you lifted off your seat and wrapped your arms around him tightly. His seat pushed back a little from the force of your embrace, he sat there frozen for a second before he let his hands rest on your back. 
“Thank you.” You whispered as you hugged him tightly. A few whistles from the guys filled the air, a couple howls too as you embraced your best friend. It wasn’t shocking, it was a normal occurrence, everyone was in on you and Angel’s connection except the two of you. 
Before you had a chance to make a comment back to them, the clubhouse doors were busting open and Coco and Gilly were entering inside with water guns pointed directly at you and Angel. 
“Get wrecked motherfuckers!!!!!” Gilly screamed as the water gun pressured out gallons of water each time he pumped the gun. 
Out of instinct, Angel grabbed you around your waist as you two toppled behind the table in an attempt to block yourselves from their range. You let out a belly laugh as your backs leaned against the underneath of the table that was turned to its side. Angel looked over at you his frown turning into a smile. 
“We are so going to get them back for this.” 
Angel laughed at that. “In the 6 years we’ve been doing prank wars you never paired up with me once.” 
As you opened your mouth to answer you were hit immediately with a splash of water on your face. Quickly grabbing Angel’s hand you were up and running out of the club house. It was then that you realized Bishop and a few of the other guys were yelling at Coco and Gilly to knock it off but you kept a one track mind and just pulled Angel out to the yard with you. 
You kept moving until you were well into the scrapyard and you knew Coco and Gilly were probably being ripped a new one by Bishop so there wasn’t a chance they’d be able to get you out here. 
“Holy shit.” You laughed and looked up at Angel who was soaked from head to toe. “You’re drenched.” 
“Looks like we match.” Angel pointed to you with the hand that wasn’t still intertwined with yours. 
Your eyes looked down to see the water dripping off the hem of your work shirt and pooling to your feet in the sand/dirt medley on the scrapyard ground. 
“C’mon. We got some extra work shirts laying around, let’s get you one so you don’t have to ride home soaked.” 
“Your home.” You corrected him. His head snapped to you. “Think I might take you up on that offer.” 
Angel didn’t want to change your mind so he just nodded while saying nothing except that he’d get a key made for you. 
You ran a towel over your hair and were now changed into something dry for the most part as you got into your car. Your driver side window rolled down as Angel stood a few yards from you a lot less drenched than before but still sporting wet hair, his normal styled hair was sobbing wet and falling around his forehead. Gilly and Coco were on the porch of the clubhouse and you offered them both a smile and middle finger before starting to back up. 
“Thanks for fixing my car!” You went to beep the horn as a thanks when you heard the flag raise sound from the Cuphead game leave your horn. The high pitch glissando of someone sliding across the keys and the announcement of cuphead filling the air. 
Your jaw dropped and turned to Angel very slowly. His eyes were wide and he was immediately yelling out to you. 
“I thought I changed everything back!” 
You continued to back out and as you put the car in drive you said one last thing to Angel before leaving. 
“Oh it’s on, Reyes.”
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justtuesdays · 2 years
love island the game season two: gift exchange
Thank you everyone for participating in this exchange. I (bryn) had an absolute blast getting to know you all and it's been such a pleasure reading through everyone's gift thus far. Hopefully, we'll see you all again soon ;) And the same goes for me (tuesday), it was a pleasure to converse and get to meet all you guys. Big fan of all you guys. Don't be strangers!
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A Project | Carl x MC (Co-Workers) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for lasswithumor
Dewey Decimal System | Noah x MC - by @longbobmckenzie | for 0shewrites0
Didn't Talk About It | Bobby x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for mrsbsmooth
Domesticity | Bobby x MC, Lucas & Bobby & Chelsea & MC, Lucas x Chelsea - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for callmebeem
Every Color | Noah x MC (Soulmate AU) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for queen-of-boops
First and Second Chances | Bobby x MC, OC (Margot) x Gary - by @lucolestead | for sunshinejihyun
First Day of Autumn | Noah x MC - by @justtuesdays | for bypine
Fixing the Heater | Henrik x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for justtuesdays
Girls' Night In | Bobby x MC, Bobby & Chelsea & Mc - by @sunshinejihyun | for callmebeem
Just One More Kiss | Lucas x MC - by @justtuesdays | for mrsbsmooth
Just One Question | Noah x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for doulyeah
Matching Costumes for Bra Sisters | Chelsea & MC - by @doulyeah | for whatisreggieshortfor
My Best Friend | Hope x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for aislinnstanaka
Not Taken...Yet | Gary x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for 0shewrites0
Not That Girl | Marisol x Lottie - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for aislinnstanaka
One More Chance | Lucas x MC - by @0shewrites0 | for @doulyeah
Overheard | Bobby x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for lucolestead
Pining and Post-its | Carl x OC (Naleah Coleman) - by @queen-of-boops | for lasswithumor
Purple & Yellow | Lucas x MC (Soulmate AU) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for aislinnstanaka
Renewed Fancy | Gary x MC, for Bobby x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for sunshinejihyun
Something About You | Kassam x MC - by @lasswithumor | for bypine
Soulmates After All | Lucas x MC - by @aislinnstanaka | for queen-of-boops
Stupid Cronuts | Rocco x MC - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for longbobmckenzie
Surprise? | Lucas x MC (Angst to Fluff) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for rebelrayne
Take a Risk | Henrik x OC (Isabel Romero) - by @rebelrayne | for justtuesdays
Take in Front | Lucas x MC - by @bypine | for mercedesdecorazon
The Alps | Henrik x Lucas - by @mrsbsmooth | for longbobmckenzie
The Doctor | Lucas x MC (Enemies to Lovers) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for mercedesdecorazon
The Rogue and The Mage | Kassam x MC, Henrik x MC (Fantasy/Adventure AU) - by @whatisreggieshortfor | for bypine
Typical | Bobby x MC - by @mercedesdecorazon | for lucolestead
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fruitydiaz · 2 years
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9-1-1 season 6 ✩ episode five
home invasion (dir. marita gabriak)
[Image Description: 10 gifs from 9-1-1 season 6, episode 5, Home Invasion, directed by Marita Gabriak. Gif 1: Buck shines a flashlight into the camera, looking amused. Gif 2: The 118 stands in a circle in Bobby and Athena's backyard, toasting to Hen. Gif 3: A shot of the computer screen showing the access history of certain archived dispatch calls, with Maddie's name listed on each of them. Gif 4: A poker breaks through the ceiling, barely missing Vincent where he lay covered in purple insulation foam. Gif 5: After putting Hoover outside, Karen closes the door to their bedroom and looks back at Hen suggestively. Gif 6: Chimney, Eddie, Buck, and Bobby stand around Marisol's entryway, trying to find Vincent. Gif 7: Sharlo Darzi runs down her staircase while on the phone with dispatch. Gif 8: Athena slowly takes off her sunglasses while talking to Detective Romero. Gif 9: Chimney joins Maddie in the bathtub to hide from Magda. Gif 10: Marisol looks around her house, pleased with her handiwork. /end ID.]
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nurseguillermo · 1 year
WHERE: The Library WHO: Open
Mo set the pile of books in the return cart, grateful Felipe and Marisol had agreed to help him bring back the retirement home's latest check outs. He refused to be thankful to the librarian who had set up the carts for returns. Waving off Felipe and Marisol, he could see his nephew making a beeline for the Romero girl he always hung out with while his younger sister was showing Cal some photos she'd recently taken with the camera he'd loaned her.
Grabbing an empty cart that he knew Cal had set up for him, which again not grateful to him about, he checked his list over what the current residents had requested. He'd gotten ok at knowing how the library was setup, making his way down the rows he started grabbing the books he needed, Feeling eyes on him he didn't look up from his list, "Nope I don't work here, you're looking for the nerdy guy in a sweater up front."
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texanrangerdutton · 1 year
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Taking a page from Clara, DJ opted to use a mix of his army and ranger gear. He honestly wasn't gonna dress up, but the twins hounded him the days prior. Maya opting to match him as a ranger while Alexa opted to be a barbarian. They also have already planned to drag him to the library to play DnD with Jay Romero-Sawyer, Felipe Reyes-Ortega, and Marisol Reyes-Ortega. "Wait.. did you give your kids actual weapons? Aren't they 10?!" "Eh it's fine, they already got a gun safety lesson, shit ain't much different."
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justcallmecal · 1 year
What three words best describe your personality?
Cal jumped when Marisol Reyes popped out from behind a bookcase and holding a magazine. Next to her was Jay Romero-Sawyer who had an equally determined look on her face. "We have a quiz we need you to take, name three words to describe your personality," said Marisol.
"Uh...intelligent, hard-working...and um nice?"
They spent 10 minutes asking more questions before running off, something about relationship quiz, leaving behind a confused Cal.
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Freya Dalton
Michaela Swallow
Shadow World Babies: Angelike Kirk Eliana Olivier Marisol ‘Sunshine’ Corazon Annabella Sciorra Gianna Fioretti Rhiannon Ellis Cara Sutton Kat Trellis Kimber Bell Marisol Lees Ria Leigh Delilah Daae Hanna Weiss Mindie Swallows Kismet Christian Juliette Loomis Vanessa Myers Arielle Sea Ellie Dewey Lace Belle Esme Innocent Katie Rollins Cherie ‘Cherry’ Garcia Jessie Wolfe Erin Willows Suzannah Davies Emilia Loss Melanie Jeffries Meredith Greylek Kelly Greylek (No relation to Meredith) Cassidy Rubirosa Candice Banks Kendra Copper Ariadne Todd Desdemona Hex Raven Rose Candace ‘Candy’ Caine Angelina Haven Mina Schiff Callie Dennis Esme Ross Susanna Johnson Consuela ‘Connie’ Sanders Raffaela ‘Raffi’ Angeles Ariel Warton Syren Sirena Hela Helios Anne Dread Rose Rayes Hope Evans Faith Hopkins Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Eames-Olivet Alexandria ‘Alex’ Eames-Olivet April Dawson June May May Engel Augusta Haim Billy Wolfe Savannah Stanley Stanley Cyprus Kellie Cyrano Bella Wolfe Mina Marston Nadiya Corazon Annalise Sciorra Samantha Southhall Amelia Borstein Elena Greenwood Elizabeth Preston Suella Randall Marienne Rubirosa Lilith Morningstar Saralee Rayes Destiny Dracula Martha Curatola Solina Dracula
Valentine Dracula Queenie Annabeth Queen Lily Sharpe Isobel Rubirosa Rose Wolfe Lily Marigold Savannah Rider Marigold Rose Baby Baker Mami Morrison Sugar ‘Sweet’ Sunshine Melody Eros Allie Gayson-Enders Pippa Gayson-Enders Michaela Orville-Hampton Janet Orville-Hampton Mariposa Shadows Lolita Mayhew Tamberlyn Alexara Sukila  Arielle Denver Suzanne Denver Thalin Chelsea Heart Jessica Brisbin Henna Jenkins Dora Jessop Kathleen Shore Samantha Carson Sarah Carson Karen Nielsen Belinda Andrews Amelie Ellis Sister Tatjana Nichols Madison ‘Sugar’ Fuller Daniel Rabebe Angelika Rabebe-Cortez
Lady Liandrin MacBeth Juliet MacIntosh John-Ross Croft Annchi ‘Angie’ Croft Morgana Addams Angeline ‘Angel’ Verna Lane Eulalie Tamerlane Poe
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swfichs · 3 months
razzles, +25, eu tenho mais disponibilidade dia de semana (vou jogar no trabalho? talvez) mas é que eu estou sem pc então eu jogo no note da empresa e fins de semana a noite que durante o dia a gente dá aquele oi pra família e pro boy <3
MACARENA GARCIA ROMERO? não! é apenas ESTHIS MARINA SANTAGAR, ela é filha de POSEIDON do chalé CHALÉ TRÊS e tem VINTE E CINCO. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ela está no NÍVEL III por estar no acampamento há TREZE ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, ESSIE é bastante EMPÁTICA mas também dizem que ela é INFLEXÍVEL. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
ellen era uma romantica incurável. para ela, todas as histórias eram histórias sobre o amor, seja um amor pela família, amor romântico, amor a uma causa… o amor, em suas palavras, era a força invisível que movia o mundo. não foi surpresa nenhuma quando a imigrante que se estabeleceu na flórida apareceu grávida, na verdade, todos achavam que era apenas uma questão de tempo. tolinha impressionável. sua beleza era mal utilizada, ela poderia fisgar algum homem rico, e tirar toda a sua família do buraco, mas não…. ela se interessava por cada sujeito simplório, que beirava ao clichê: o problemático garoto da escola com uma moto, e então o chefe do escritório… um deles era até bonito demais, embora silencioso demais para a família latina. o que não sabiam, é que o namorado misterioso era um deus grego. não como uma figura de linguagem quando dizemos que alguém realmente belo se assemelhava a uma estátua grega moldada em mármore, não, um deus grego literal. e não apenas qualquer deus grego. um dos três grandes. poseidon. deus dos mares e dos rios. esse tipo de deus. não que isso importasse, ele nunca mais apareceu, não sem antes deixar para trás uma sementinha que arruinaria a vida de sua pobre imigrante, sem um centavo.
o bebê foi bem recebido por sua família, é claro. e felizmente a mãe logo se apaixonou novamente, muitas vezes na verdade e no final, eram cinco crianças correndo por um cômodo pequeno demais. era caótico, barulhento e feliz. eles assistiam filmes de terror juntos, com a mãe liderando o bullying que vinha na madrugada, batendo portas e assustando os pequenos e rindo tanto que sua barriga doía.
quando seu irmão, jason ficou doente, no entanto, aquela casa barulhenta e caótica se tornou algo estranho. algo dolorido. e em todas as famílias em que um membro enfrenta câncer, os outros se tornam um tanto invisíveis. ellen passou a trabalhar três turnos, e ainda tentava estar presente em cada sessão de quimioterapia. Patrick, o irmão mais velho era o cuidador principal, era seu dever cuidar dos irmãos, manter todos de banho tomado e deveres feitos. como irmã do meio, eleonora criava todos os problemas e genevieve cumpria bem sua função de bebê da família. já esthis, a esquecida esthis, não sabia bem qual era sua função. com segunda mais velha, imaginava que seu papel era apoiar Patrick e ela visitava o irmão no hospital, desejando poder fazer algo que pudesse lhe ajudar, ou ajudar a mãe, mas sua principal função era apenas não atrapalhar ninguém e se manter invisível enquanto cada um desenvolvia seu papel.. até que quando ela tinha só dez anos, o seu irmão caçula faleceu… e mesmo que tivesse havido filmes de terror depois disso, ninguém ria da mesma forma.
foi quando ela tinha doze anos que aconteceu pela primeira vez, algo que ela imaginou ter saído de um dos filmes ruins apareceu em sua escola, do lado de fora. ela achou estranho ninguém ter gritado quando aquela coisa que era metade uma mulher e metade serpente se arrastava para perto e cada vez mais perto. ela derrubou algumas carteiras, tentando fugir da criatura o que apenas levou a broncas e não ao desespero que ela achou que deveria acontecer. na verdade, a única que parecia se importar era marisol, uma colega cadeirante que, na atual circunstância deveria ser ajudada e não ajudar. mas então, para sua surpresa, ela se revelou um fauno e isso… meio que mudou tudo.
Ela não morreu aquele dia. embora tenha perdido sua família… e ganhado outra. uma família tão caótica e barulhenta quanto a que ela tinha deixado para trás. irmãos e irmãs de pais diferentes, não era algo que ela estava desacostumada… já poderes e magia. isso era outra história.
seus poderes surgiram não muito tempo depois. diferente dos seus meios irmãos, com poderes pirotécnicos e dignos de uma exibição impressionante o dela era bem menos empolgante. quando ela conseguiu regenerar a pele dilacerada após um treino particularmente cruel de esgrima, seus professores não prestaram tanta atenção, porém quando o tridente apareceu em sua cabeça, uma melhor investigação indicou que ela tinha fortes indícios de cura. cura. dentre todos os poderes, for fuck’s sake.
jason era tudo o que ela conseguia pensar. durante todo aquele tempo ela podia ter o salvado. ela poderia ter o curado. as musas não contariam suas histórias. ela nunca seria uma heroína, afinal, não se escrevem músicas e sonetos sobre curandeiros, ela poderia ter salvado seu irmão. ela nunca mais conseguiu encarar a mãe depois disso. ou os irmãos. então, desde os quinze anos ela passa seu tempo exclusivamente no acampamento meio sangue. Ela pode não ter poderes excepcionais, mas é uma lutadora graciosa, e quando seu poder se manifesta é lindo, embora sempre venha carregado de uma culpa dilaceradora digna de uma tragédia grega, o que, considerando tudo, era bastante apropriado.
PODERES: aqualis // manipulação da água (específico para cura e inflexão de doenças) a palavra em latim para água aqua somada ao sufixo alis (latim para cura e ferida) permite que essie possa manipular a água para curar. Esse poder é uma manifestação do seu controle sobre as propriedades purificadoras e contaminantes da água. quando esthis ativa seus poderes de cura, a água brilha com uma luz azul suave e purificadora por alguns instantes antes de voltar ao estágio incolor e inodor, já quando ela utiliza a hidrocontaminação, a água assume um tom esverdeado ou enegrecido, com bolhas que indicam sua natureza tóxica.
HABILIDADES: agilidade sobre-humana, reflexos sobre-humanos.
ARMA: uma espada curta, forjada em ferro estígio, o metal negro e lustroso que brilha com um leve tom azulado sob a luz. a lâmina é fina e afiada, com inscrições antigas gravadas ao longo do gume, simbolizando proteção e força. o cabo é envolto em couro negro, oferecendo uma pegada firme e confortável, com uma guarda simples mas eficaz, que evita que a mão escorregue durante o combate. quando não está em uso, a espada pode se transformar em um pingente discreto em forma de gota d'água. esthis usa o pingente em um colar, permitindo que a espada esteja sempre ao seu alcance sem chamar atenção.
DESEJA ESCOLHER ALGUM CARGO DE INSTRUTOR? instrutor de primeiros socorros
OU LÍDER DE ALGUMA ATIVIDADE OPTATIVAS? Lider da equipe Azul de canoagem
OU FAZ PARTE DE ALGUMA EQUIPE? canoagem e esgrima.
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gazeta24br · 10 months
A 22ª etapa do Circuito Nelore de Qualidade 2023 foi realizada nos dias 17, 18 e 19 de outubro na unidade da Fridosa em Santa Cruz de La Sierra, Bolívia. Durante esse evento, 915 animais foram submetidos à avaliação, sendo 678 machos não castrados e 237 fêmeas. A Associação dos Criadores de Nelore do Brasil (ACNB), em parceria com a Associação Boliviana dos Criadores de Zebu (Asocebu) e o frigorífico Fridosa, organizou a etapa, que contou com a participação de 18 pecuaristas. “Esta etapa foi excepcional, com recorde no número de pecuaristas e animais avaliados desde 2022. Destaque também para o aumento no peso médio e melhor acabamento de gordura nas carcaças, evidenciando a evolução contínua dos produtores na busca pela qualidade da carne. Um marco significativo para o setor pecuário, refletindo o empenho coletivo em aprimorar constantemente a eficiência produtiva e a qualidade da carne dos animais da raça Nelore”, comenta Victor Paulo Silva Miranda, presidente da ACNB. Santa Cruz de La Sierra, com seu papel fundamental, demonstra seu avanço na qualidade da carne produzida. “A ACNB celebra o sucesso desta etapa e enaltece os esforços conjuntos dos pecuaristas, que, ao assimilarem as melhores práticas, continuam a elevar o padrão da indústria pecuária”, finaliza Miranda. Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Machos Entre os machos avaliados, 74% dos animais apresentaram dentição de leite completa, indicando uma faixa etária média de 18 a 20 meses. Além disso, 83,5% dos animais possuíam 18 arrobas, com uma média 20,5 arrobas. Referente a qualidade, 47% dos animais, exibiu uma cobertura de gordura mediana ou uniforme. Na categoria de Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Machos Terminados em Confinamento, as medalhas foram distribuídas com base nas pontuações alcançadas através das avaliações das carcaças, de acordo com o regulamento do Circuito. André Saavedra Aponte, da Hacienda Sônia Pilar Norte, conquistou a Medalha de Ouro, enquanto Mário Ignácio Anglarill Serrate, da Ganaderia El Trebol, recebeu a Medalha de Prata. Ambas as propriedades ficam na cidade de Cabezas. A Medalha de Bronze foi atribuída a Mônica Marchett, da Agropecuária Mônica, localizada em Pailón. No Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Machos Terminados em Pastagens com Suplementação, destacam-se os produtores que receberam reconhecimento. A Medalha de Ouro foi concedida a Gilberto Chaves Justiniano, da Cabaña Marisol, de San Julian. Lorena Chavez Daza, da Hacienda Doña Chabela, de Pailón, conquistou a Medalha de Prata. A Medalha de Bronze foi atribuída a Fernando Romero Pantoja, da Hacienda El Bacho, também em Pailón. No âmbito de Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Machos Terminados em Pastagens, destacam-se dois produtores cujo desempenho foi reconhecido. Gilberto Chaves Justiniano, da Cabaña Marisol, recebeu a Medalha de Ouro, enquanto a Medalha de Prata foi conferida a Matias Honnen Miyada, da Hacienda San Martin, de San José de Chiquitos. Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Fêmeas No segmento das fêmeas avaliadas, 55% desses animais exibiu dentição de leite completa, indicando uma média de idade de 18 a 20 meses, enquanto 86% possuíam até 2 dentes incisivos permanentes, indicando uma idade em torno de 2 anos. No quesito peso, 78% das fêmeas ultrapassaram a marca de 15 arrobas, apresentando uma média de 16,6 arrobas. Além disso, 85% das fêmeas exibiram cobertura de gordura mediana ou uniforme. Os vencedores das fêmeas na categoria de Melhor Lote de Carcaças Terminadas em Confinamento foram honrados com medalhas. A Medalha de Ouro foi concedida à Haciendas Ganaderas Chiquitanas, de Pailón, enquanto a Medalha de Prata foi destinada a Marcelo Fernando Muñoz Añez da Hacienda Chaco Chico, em Okinawa. A Medalha de Bronze foi atribuída a Roberto Jonas de Macedo da Hacienda Gamelera, de San Ignácio. Além disso, Gilberto Chaves Justiniano, da Cabaña Marisol, conquistou a Medalha de Ouro na categoria de Melhor Lote de Carcaças de Fêmeas Terminadas em Pastagens com Suplementação. Na categoria de Melhor
Lote de Carcaças de Fêmeas Terminadas em Pastagens, Justiniano também foi agraciado com a Medalha de Ouro. A Medalha de Prata foi conferida à Hacienda San Martin. Já a Medalha de Bronze, foi atribuída a Liliana Nashir Nieme Suarez, da Hacienda Urucu, situada em San Mathias. Novidades do campeonato O campeonato de 2023 conta com duas modificações promovidas pela ACNB. A primeira é a faixa de peso de carcaça em que os machos julgados recebem a pontuação máxima. Até 2022, os bovinos que pesassem de 18 a 25 arrobas recebiam nota 10. Em 2023, o limite mínimo para alcançar tal nota sobe duas arrobas. Agora, apenas as carcaças de machos que pesam de 20 a 25 arrobas recebem a nota máxima. Os bovinos que pesam de 18 a 20 arrobas recebem nota 9. Para as fêmeas, não há alteração: as que tiverem de 14 a 18 arrobas de peso seguem recebendo nota máxima na avaliação dos técnicos em cada etapa. Calendário As próximas etapas do Circuito acontecem nas seguintes datas: · 23/11 – Friboi de Marabá (PA) · 29/11 – Friboi de Itapetinga (BA) · 30/11 – Friboi unidade II de Campo Grande (MS) Circuito Nelore de Qualidade Realizado pela Associação dos Criadores de Nelore do Brasil (ACNB), o Circuito Nelore de Qualidade fortalece e promove a genética Nelore, contribuindo para a evolução da raça e seu posicionamento como produtora de carne de qualidade. A iniciativa avalia resultados obtidos pelos produtores, cada qual em sua realidade e sistema de produção. Promovido desde 1999 no Brasil, o Circuito conta com apoio de Friboi, Frisa, Fribal, Masterboi e Matsuda Sementes e Nutrição Animal. Na Bolívia, a iniciativa tem apoio do frigorífico local Fridosa e é organizada em conjunto com a Asocebu. No Paraguai, a organização é da Associação Paraguaia dos Criadores de Nelore. O Circuito Nelore de Qualidade é o maior campeonato de avaliação de carcaças de bovinos do mundo.
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marlonrosales · 10 months
▪️Voz: Media
▪️Rango: 29 a 50
📱 +522221942137
🌎 MarlonRosales.com
📌 ANDA: 72718
📌 produb: 1101466
✅ Grabación Remota
🎬 Demo 👇🏻
Estudio propio aprobado por: New Art, Labo, Keywords Studios, CANDIANI, Cinergia, The Kitchen, Meliorem, Grande Studios, DAT, VSI, In Sync Post.
Dado de alta en ZOOdubs
DIRECTORES con los que he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar:
Yadira Aedo, Circe Luna, Aurora Mijangos, Jessica Ángeles, Gerardo Reyero, Carlos Segundo, Enrique Garduza, Cynthia Chong, Memo Coria, Alex Mayen, Saúl Alvar, Ferso Velázquez, Luzza Rodríguez., Marisol Romero, Rodolfo Navarro, Elsa Covián, Luna Arjona, Jaime Alberto Carrillo, Azul Valadez, America Torres.
Muchas gracias 🙏🏻
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atletasudando · 11 months
Tercer título para el atletismo peruano: Luz Mery Rojas
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La mexicana Laura Galván era la clara favorita para los 10 mil metros llanos femeninos en estos XIX Juegos Panamericanos. Pero a falta de 2km, la peruana Luz Mery Rojas produjo un cambio de ritmo que le permitió adelantarse y, desde allí, no cedería la punta, pese a los esfuerzos de su rival. Rojas le dio así la tercera medalla de oro a Perú en el atletismo de estos Juegos en Santiago de Chile, uniendo su triunfo a los de Cristhian Pacheco en maratón y Kimberly García en la marcha femenina. Rojas terminó en 33:12.99, con Galván segunda en 33:15.85 y tercer puesto para la estadounidense –oriunda de Kenia- Ednah Kurgat, quien marcó 33:16.61. La peruana Lizaida Thalía Valdivia fue cuarta con 33:18.21, mientras que la chilena Giselle Alvarez, quien venía de competir en el maratón, igual fue de la partida aquí y ocupó el 7° puesto en 34:01.07. Este triunfo le permite a Rojas completar una gran temporada, ya que había logrado el título sudamericano en Sao Paulo. Galván, quien ya fue campeona panamericana de los 5.000 metros en Lima hace cuatro años, intentaba convertirse en la sexta mexicana campeona de 10.000. Y tenía todo el crédito tras su formidable 2023 en el que batió los récords de su país de 3.000 (8:28.05 en Xiamen el mes pasado), 5.000 (14:43.94 en el Mundial de Budapest, donde escaló a la final y terminó 10ª.) y 10.000 (31:04.08 en marzo en San Juan Capistrano). Galván, además, había logrado la medalla dorada de los 10 mil en los Juegos Centroamericanos y del Caribe, en San Salvador.   El historial   Los 10 mil metros femeninos están incluidos en el programa de los Juegos desde Indianápolis (1987) y Luz Mery Rojas se convirtió este lunes en la primera peruana en subir al podio. Estas fueron las campeonas anteriores:   Indianápolis 1987: Marty Coosey(USA) 33:00.00 La Habana 1991: Maricaremen Díaz (México) 34:21.13 Mar del Plata 1995: Carmen Souza Oliveira (Brasil) 33:10.19 Winnipeg 1999: Nora Rocha (México) 32:56.51 Santo Domingo 2003: Adriana Fernández (México) 33:16.05 Rio de Janeiro 2007: Sara Slattery (USA) 32:54.41 Guadalajara 2011: Marisol Romero (México) 34:07.24 Toronto 2015: Brenda Flores (México) 32:41.33 Lima 2019: Natasha Wodak (Canadá) 31:55.17 récord de los Juegos     Read the full article
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