#matt x teen!reader
aza-writes · 2 years
Ribbit and Rip-it
Blood Red One-Shot
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Hell's Kitchen : 2025
Alek's POV
"So, how was L.A.?" I could feel my smirk growing, not even trying to play it off as if I didn't know. Mathew just got back home from L.A. after representing Luke Jacobson, the designer of our new suits, as a favor.  
"Shouldn't you be in bed right now?" His voice is sharp, small hint of annoyance with a bit of amusement. He knew I knew -- but more importantly, he knew where this conversation was going. 
"How was meeting She Hulk? She's been all over the news and social media recently." 
"Jen was fine." His reply and his footsteps are quick, trying to get to bed and out of this conversation.
"Jen?" He stops. He knew he slipped up. "You talked to her as Jen?"
He hesitates a bit, trying to make a believable story. He knows I'm not gullible, and we both know he's just lying to go to bed. "Yeah, I met her at a bar-"
A long sigh followed by a small chuckle left his mouth "I went out for a drink after the trial at the bar she so happened to be at."
"Okay okay, so you went to court, won, went out for a drink, fought Leap Frog and that's when you slept with her."
"How do you know that?" Got him. 
"Someone saw you dipshit." I grab the picture I printed out and poked holes in so he can feel the outline of the picture. I set it flat on the kitchen table and run Matt's hand over it. "This is you," I move his hand over to the opposite side of the picture, "and this is an older women walking a dog."
"Why are you upset? You're the dumb-ass that decided to do a traditional walk of shame in your Daredevil suit."
"I didn't have other clothes on me, what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to leave before she woke up."
I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer "You just defined a walk of shame. And I'm not upset with you, I'm so happy this happened." I start to stifle my laugh, trying to control it, "It's really funny and brought me some great entertainment for the day."
"I-" he takes a deep breath, "I'm going to bed, goodnight." He pats my back softly and turns towards his bedroom door.
"You really are a man whore." My laughter grows.
"You pray to God with that mouth?" His voice is light, he's also trying not to laugh. Even he can admit, it's a bit funny he finally got caught on camera.
"Doesn't change the fact that you're a whore."
A/N: Hello everyone! I'm so excited to post this! I've been wanted to write these little blurbs about what goes on outside the main books. Please enjoy and remember I take request for this book!!
Chapter 14 of Blood Red out tomorrow❤️
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flynnriderishot · 4 months
can you do a story where you and chris are studying and he just want to kiss you.
you know like the scene in teen wolf in season 4, in stiles room with malia on his bed while they were studing
distractions - c.s
a/n: tysm for the request, i hope you like it !
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“okay. and if the first one is twelve, then what’s the second one…” your voice trailed off as you realized he wasn’t paying attention, “chris?”
“yeah?” he shook his head, seemingly snapping himself out of whatever moment he was in, “sorry, what was the question?”
“i was asking what the answer to number two was.”
he furrowed his brows, “aren’t you supposed to be the smart one?”
“i have the answer, i was wondering if you knew the answer. you know, since i just showed you how to solve it.”
“sorry.” he winced, “i got distracted.”
chris huffed, rolling over on his back, his hair covering the notebook he was meant to be writing in, “i can’t help it.”
“and i can’t help you if you’re getting so easily distracted.”
“it’s easy to get distracted when you’re in the room.” his blue eyes darted over to see your reaction, he smiled softly at the faux annoyed expression on your face.
“i try.”
he watched as you chuckled, the sound sending flutters to his chest.
“try to pay attention to your work. we have test on friday.”
“okay, i’ll pay attention.” he cleared his throat, rolling over so he was back on his stomach, “on one condition.”
you blew out a breath of air, ready to do just about anything to get him to study, “what’s that?”
“kiss me.”
“what?” you stilled.
“kiss me and i’ll do my work.”
“wouldn’t that just distract you more?” you placed your pen down.
he scoffed, shaking his head, “it’s motivation. better yet, you give me a kiss every time i get an answer right. how ‘bout that?”
“come on. it’s been plaguing my mind since you’ve got here.”
you thought about it, “fine. but only if you get answers right.”
he smiled, pecking your lips quickly, “deal.”
safe to say, chris would definitely be passing that test on friday.
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vanteguccir · 5 months
vante's navigation ♡
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you are welcome here, honey ♡
ع˖⁺ ☁⋆ ୭ 🕊.⋆。⋆༶⋆˙⊹
– about me: letícia; 20; pisces; brazilian
– here's my work: masterlist
– wattpad: I'm used to translate some works from English to Portuguese, but I also love to read many fanfics in English as well and I always add them to my reading lists, so feel free to follow me there!
– disclaimer: I'm starting to post my work here, so be patient and gentle. I really love to write, but I adore talking as well, so feel free to send requests or anything at all, I'll answer you all for sure ♡
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– status: CLOSED
– rules: please, respect it!
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pepsicolapussy333 · 5 months
Me when I come up with the most elaborate, detailed, erotic, emotional, life changing plot for a fanfic and realize I have to write it to read it
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ericshoney · 3 days
On stage ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You join your brothers on stage at tour.
Warnings: usual swearing
You were only two years younger than your triplet brothers, but that didn't mean they weren't protective. So when the trio started touring and you wanted to go with them, having your own social media career, they couldn't say no, knowing you and them would struggle being apart.
You didn't often go on stage with them as the tour was about them, not you, but sometimes you would make a special appearance and this time was one of those.
The show was going well and the guys had done a few challenges so far, you thought maybe Chris would win this time as it leaned more towards him.
"Now we'd like to bring out our special guest. Our sister, Y/n!" Matt cheered as you ran out, waving to the fans and hugging your brothers.
"Y/n is going to have a go at jenga with us and then we'll ask her some trivia questions." Nick mentioned.
"Are you nervous, kid?" Chris asked you, passing you a microphone.
"Never." You said with confidence.
"Alright let's get to it." Nick said.
The jenga tower was set up and you took a turn, carefully pulling a brick out. This continued with each of your brothers, until it started to get unstable. It was back to you and you went to take a middle brick out, as your brothers made noises of worry.
"Ooh are you sure?" Matt asked.
"Yes." You said with a smile.
With ease you pulled the brick out, the tower not wobbling one bit. Chris was next and as he took the brick out, the tower fell.
"Fuck!" He cursed.
"Now to the trivia!" Nick cheered as they cleaned up the jenga bricks.
You sat on a stool as your brothers stood around, holding their phones with questions loaded up.
"Okay kid, first question. In Greek mythology who is the God of sea?" Matt asked you.
"Easy, Poseidon." You answered.
"Correct. Next question. Without counting on your fingers, how many letters are between L and S in the alphabet?" Nick questioned.
"Umm, six?" You replied as a question.
"Correct!" He cheered.
You smiled and got asked a few more questions and soon got around to your last one.
"Alright bub, if you get this wrong, it's going to be a long bus ride to the hotel." Chris said with a chuckle.
"Out of us, who is the oldest?" He asked.
"Nick." You answered simply.
"Correct!" He shouted.
You laughed as they hugged you, you only got a couple wrong but knew the last one would be really easy. The show went on with you hanging around on stage, having a fun time.
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skyfallslayer · 4 months
They're Gonna Taste My Venom
-The DD Trio x Symbiote!Teen!Reader-
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Main Masterlist || Part Two || Part Three
🕷️Summary: Due to their expansion in their business, the trio decides to hire a helping hand to help string things along. The girl is… a little quirky, Karen admits, Or Foggy notices she’s a bottomless pit for snacks, Or that Matt can hear her talking to herself quietly sometimes. But it’s nothing they can’t handle– Oh, no! Now she just bit someone’s hand off, she’s speaking in a deeper tone, and she’s apologizing profusely as she hangs from the ceiling. She might be way out of their league after all.
🕷️Pairings: DD Trio x Platonic!Teen Reader; Karedevil; Foggy x Marci; Teen!Reader x Platonic!Venom
🕷️Rating: Teen-Mature
🕷️Word Count: 6,305
🕷️ Date: 2/21/24
🕷️Warnings: Implied Bad Homelife; Mention of Blood; Canon-Typical Violence; Interrogation; Kidnapping; (Underage) Drugging; Heavy Language; Heavy Dialogue; Mention of Cannibalism; Mention of Body Parts Being Torn Off; Mention of Eating Someone/Biting Off A Limb (Via: Symbiote). READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
🕷️ A/N: Hello, dear readers! Welcome to my three part series of an idea that I have no idea where it came from. Lol. Seriously, this strange AU just popped into my head and I was like- "Man, maybe I should make that my next fic?". And BAM! Here it is! Hopefully it's good as I imagine it would be. Enjoy!
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These past twelve months have been… something else. The snap that lasted for five years messed up everything that the troublesome trio worked for, which was to rebrand their business: Nelson, Murdock & Page. But hey, I guess in a… morbid(?) sickly? depressed? way, it did work out in the end. Business was pretty much booming, especially now that everyone who blipped was trying to get their homes or anything else they own back under their names and care. Now, not to toot their own horns, but they say they’re pretty good at multitasking. 
They weren’t.
As they get busier with each passing day, the trio realizes that they’re stretching themselves so far thin that it’s starting to affect them. So after some intense conversations, they decided to hire a helping hand.
Y/N L/N. 
Their new assistant that was just shy of seventeen and on her way to graduating high school. She was nervous, of course, when they first met her, but the nerves soon settled and she turned out to be a very charming person that they all agree they loved to have in the office. She was extremely helpful and willing to learn, always on her toes when they needed something, always organized and had everything ready when they had a case or a client coming in. None of them could ask for a better person in the position. Even though the girl was… 
Kind of quirky.
Like she always prefers it cold, no matter what the temperature is. Karen notices she was barely wearing anything when they first met. It was in the middle of winter, and the girl was just wearing an oversize sweatshirt and a thin beanie. At first a bit of a motherly instinct took over and wondered if the poor girl just didn’t have anything to wear at home, or maybe couldn’t afford anything. Y/N eventually apologized and laughed saying that she just prefers this weather more than the heat. But despite that, Karen did gift her a warmer coat that the teen decided to wear (even if it felt forced).
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that Miss Page.” Y/N said once she was handed over the nice coat. 
“Please, I insist. I know you said you like the cold, but I would rather not see you sick.” Karen said, as the girl smiles and nods, promising to wear it until Spring.
Then it was the food. Now, Franklin Percy “Foggy” Nelson loved to eat just like any other person out there. But if there was an eating competition to suddenly spawn inside his office he would surely lose to his assistant. The kid was… a freaking bottomless pit. Just as Karen had suspected Y/N might be on the poor side, Foggy thought the same when he brought take out for lunch and the kid nearly ate everything on the table. She did it in a mannerful way but still (He’s surprised she didn’t inhale the table). So out of worriedness he started bringing her lunch, and the one day he forgot, she brought her own “five course” meal of sandwiches and sides.
“Maybe… she’s just a growing kid.” Karen once said as he shook his head.
“Don’t girls go through puberty early? There’s no way Y/N’s still growing.” He boasted as the blonde tried another excuse that he shot down quickly. “Nope! Matt! Can’t you tell?”
“Foggy, Matt is not about to smell nor hear if the poor girl is going through puberty!”
“Karen, come on–”
The conversation ended up being wrapped up and placed in the back of the shelf for now, but occasionally it’ll come up when the girl polishes off something huge by herself (And everytime Karen proceeds to hit Foggy over the head with her shoe as Matt tries not to laugh).
Then there was the human lie detector, Matt Murdock and his tales of Miss L/N. When he first met her of course he was a little on edge, I mean he was still learning to not leave his guard up all the time after promising Foggy and Karen he was going to do better and be trustworthy. The girl was nervous during the interview, but managed to win over their hearts about halfway through yet…
Matt couldn’t shake what his senses were picking up.
On her first day of work she seemed cool as a cucumber, nothing to worry about. However her heartbeat was… strange. It was pulsing like any other healthy human being, but there were times where it would randomly accelerate. Like she would just be stapling papers together and it would pick up speed like a racehorse. A few times he feared she was having a heart attack before it went away. 
The other thing he notices, and to follow Karen’s observation, the girl does tend to run rather hot. And when she does she would either shed off an extra layer or turn the tiny fan on her desk in the middle of a snow storm. 
Hmm, maybe she’s just a natural furnace. He told himself once, recalling that his father was someone who always seemed to stay warm (but even he wasn’t crazy enough to go outside half dressed in -10 degree weather).
Then lastly, he realizes the girl likes to talk to herself quietly. At first he thought maybe she had an earbud in and was talking to someone, or maybe she was mouthing the lyrics of a song but… no. Sometimes it’s even hard for him to pick up what she’s saying ‘cause she’s so quiet, but the couple times he does hear her it sounds like she’s scolding herself.
Matt tilts his head, slightly zoning out on the conversation him and his partners were having as Y/N was in their kitchenette. From the smell of it she was making herself coffee and muttering and even jerking at something or someone that wasn’t even there.
“Shut up, I’m not eating that– No I’m not– You’re not either.” He hears her eye roll and almost sighs. “You’re not going to die, stop being a baby– Don’t call me the baby, you numbnut– Hey, you fucking bastard, I’ll–”
And then he kind of tuned out when he noticed Foggy was asking him a question.
A million different scenarios went through his head of what it could be. One that he’s just sticking with right now is she’s just a very imaginary kid. The other lingering thoughts weren’t so innocent. Someone’s home life could affect certain things. Maybe it’s–
“So what shall we do to celebrate?” Foggy said out of the blue in the present day. The sun was out shining, the weather was cool and just right, everything was blooming peacefully just as Spring should be. The blond looked between the two perplexed adults before gasping. “Don’t tell me you all forgot?”
Karen glanced in Matt’s direction, lost as well. “Uh, remind us again?” She asked, sheepishly.
“Oh, come on guys! It’s our anniversary!” He throws his hands in the air. “This marks the full year of the grand reopening of Nelson, Murdock & Page!”
Matt’s eyebrows shot up above his glasses in surprise. “Is it April 24th already?”
“Yeah! A full year, baby! We fucking did it! We brought this extinct beast of a place back to life.” Foggy exclaims, making Karen laugh. “We need to celebrate.”
“And how so, Mr. Nelson?” The woman asked, curious to what he had to say.
“That’s what I’m trying to find out. Maybe a nice dinner and a club.”
“Aren’t we too old for clubbing?”
He raises an eyebrow. “Who says that?”
“Says the guy who pulled his hamstring running up the stairs.” Matt quips with a grin, as Karen hides another laugh in her hand. 
“Half-Joking.” Then he perks up. “Y/N is here.”
“Already?” Foggy looks at his watch. “She’s really early.”
“Do you think something’s wrong?” Karen asked, mother henning again. “Matt?”
“I’m not picking up on anything.” The blind lawyer replies, truthfully. “She’s coming. Relax.”
The teenager opens the door, her usual blouse and skirt with her backpack on her shoulder. She looked like she was in thought as she greets them with a smile. “Good morning.”
“Morning.” Matt and Karen greet in unison as Foggy cracks the ice.
“Hey, Y/N/N. You’re early.” 
“Uh, yeah, sorry. My building’s power went off and I couldn’t cook anything so I just went to a diner. Guess I overestimated how much time I needed to eat.” She replies, her heart steady. “Is it okay if I start early?”
“That’s fine, there’s probably not much to do though.” Matt says, as she sets her stuff down on her desk.
“Whatever you got I’ll do.”
Foggy’s concern washes away and goes back to his bubbly self. “Are you free tonight, Y/N?”
“Um… yeah. Why?”
“Well, today marks our anniversary of getting this place up and running again and we want to celebrate with maybe dinner at least. Our treat.”
“Dinner?” The teenager looks concerned. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to tag along? I’m just your assistant.”
“Nah, don’t use that talk.” He waves her off. “You’ve helped us a lot these past few months. You’re one of us. Right, guys?”
“Of course she is.” Karen said, her red lips curling upwards. “We would be all over the place if you hadn’t helped organize when we got so overwhelmed.”
“And customers are always complimenting you on how wonderful you are with them.” Matt adds, making the teenager blush.
“Yeah, kiddo. You’re great.” Foggy says, throwing his arm around her with pride. “Keep this up for a few more months and… maybe we’ll add your name to the plaque.” 
She laughed. “Your business will officially be a mouthful to remember.”
“Hey, it was mouthful before Karen came in, we might as well keep rolling with it.” He shrugs. “So what do you say? Dinner at least?”
“I can do dinner.”
“Fantastic! Where shall we go?”
And that was pretty much the only thing they talked about for the rest of the day.
“Are you sure this is the right address?” Foggy asked for the third time tonight as he hitched along for the ride. He was the person you called a… backseat driver (but he has every right to do so at this point).
“Yes, Foggy. I’m just following the directions on my phone.” Karen replies, slightly irritated, but also a little bit worried (like she’ll admit that to him just yet).
“‘Cause this is a really bad neighbourhood.”
“I know, Foggy.”
“Is it really that bad?” Matt asked, after listening to his surroundings. He didn’t really hear that much going on outside the vehicle.
“It’s… extremely sketchy.” Foggy says, with a sigh. “It’s like one of those places they tell you not to go after dark.”
“That bad?”
“Yeah, and we close pretty late. Do we really make Y/N walk through this?”
Matt’s eyebrows raise up, amusement on his face. “Sounds like someone’s going to be her chauffeur soon.”
“Don’t tempt me, Matthew. I’d consider. Or we all pitch in and buy her a car.”
“Sure she knows how to drive?”
“Or better question–” Karen cuts in while making another turn. “Maybe you should talk to her parents first about this concern before we start gifting our assistant with stuff? Maybe she’s not allowed to have a car? Or even to drive?”
“What seventeen year old isn’t allowed to drive?” Foggy asked, confused.
“I mean, I wasn’t allowed to drive at all until I was an adult.”
“What? Why?”
“Foggy I was what you called uh… ‘wild child’, I’m not exactly a saint you know.”
Foggy sighs and flicks his attention to the backseat. “Matt, would you have driven a car if you could?”
“Who says I haven’t?” The blind man replies with a grin that made Foggy not want to question it.
The blond man throws his hands up. “I give up. Naysayers, all of you.”
“What are we ‘naysaying’?” Karen asked, with a chuckle.
“I’m not saying anything.”
“Oh my god.” She shakes her head and parks the car along the curb. Just as she was about to snatch her phone off the dash, a report came up. She quickly reads over the headline and frowns. “Hey, did you hear about those people who disappeared a few days ago? Rumors saying they were special forces?”
“The ones that were going door to door down on 36th?” Matt asked, hearing about it on the news and even word about it at night. Even some criminals he ran into that night thought it was strange and found them suspicious. 
“Yeah, those. Apparently they just turned up. Parts of them.”
Foggy’s face scrunched up. “Ew.”
“Someone hacked them up?” Matt asked, worried about a possible new killer on the loose.
“The strange thing is, no. From what it says here it looks like their limbs were chewed off.”
Foggy made a gagging noise now. “Ugh. Great. Now we have a cannibal in the Kitchen. That’s just great–” He opens the car door. “More reasons to get Y/N a car.” His friends shake their heads and get out also.
“You know, you’ll make a great father one day.” Matt says, getting the middle finger.
The three of them buzzed themselves into the building, going up to the second floor to the third apartment in. It wasn’t as luxurious as the apartment Foggy shared with his fiancée, but it was definitely on the same level as Matt’s: -Not-in-the-safest-of-places-and-was-the-“cheapest”-on-the-block- They definitely felt wary of wearing their nice and expensive clothes out here.
Karen was the one who knocked and got a response.
“She’s alone.” Matt said afterwards, getting the woman to check her watch.
“I guess her parents work the nightshift?” Foggy said, slightly worried. They didn’t get the chance to talk about it when the door swings open. The teenager opens up a nice, simple purple dress paired with a blue jean jacket and flats.
She smiles. “Hope you found the place okay.” She replies, greeting them and locking their door behind her. “Seriously, you guys didn’t have to drive to get me.”
“Oh, we don’t mind.” Karen says, honestly.
“Are we still planning on dinner?”
“Of course. You hungry?” Matt asked, making her laugh out of embarrassment.
“Heck yeah, I am.” She said, making them giggle.
“Well then, after you, Ladies.” He gestures for them to go first.
“Oh, such a gentleman.” Karen replies, starting the trek off, smiling and pulling their assistant along for the ride.  
They started chit chatting about the place they were going to go, Foggy boasting about how good the food was the last time he went (Now frank that was pre-blipped, so fingers crossed it’s still as good as back then). As they started descending down the stairs, Matt’s cane unfortunately got caught into a hole that was forming in the wood and was falling forward. To his surprise, Y/N was the one to react extremely quickly and place her hand on his chest to stop his fall.
“Shit, you okay?” She said, as he regained his balance from her strength.
“Uh, I’m…” And then he trails off when he catches a whiff, the smell of dried blood just beneath her fingertips. The chilling part of this was that it was NOT her blood. He swallows, and forces a smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks for the catch.”
She frowns apologetically. “I’m sorry, I probably should have warned you about the stairs. They’ve been falling apart for a while. If you stay to the left you’ll miss most of them.”
“Noted.” And then they continued again with Matt being careful…
And it was not just about the stairs.
“Sure I can eat anything?” Y/N asked, as she scanned the menu over again.
“Of course, our treat.” Karen reassures for the hundredth time.
“I know it’s your treat, and I appreciate it. But–” She flips the menu towards them. “Have you seen the dollar signs for this place?”
“Well, I can’t exactly ‘see’ anything.” Matt replies, feeling his assistant give him ‘the look’. He hoped he sounded sarcastic and not rude (he was trying to push away what he smelled earlier and enjoy the night (And not be a paranoid freak again).
“Mr. Murdock–”
“Matt, kiddo.” Foggy says, lightly tapping her shoulder. “How many times did we tell you you can drop the formalities? It’s been months.”
Y/N blushes. “Sorry, habit.” She replies, only to mumble something under her breath two seconds later that everyone kind of ignored. “I’ll shut up and figure out what to eat.”
“That’s the spirit.”
The group eventually ordered their food and soon slipped into a nice conversation. Between some fun exchanges between the law trio or funny memories from their childhoods, it eventually led to laughter.
“I never realized how big your family was, Foggy.” Y/N said, intrigued by the chaos of the Nelson family.
“And I swear it just keeps growing. It’s a little baseball team at this point.” He replies, smiling.
“Does anyone else have a sibling?”
“I had a brother, but he’s passed.” Karen explains, with a sad smile.
“Only child.” Matt replies, with a head tilt.
“What about you, Y/N? Any siblings?”
She shakes her head. “Just myself. I kind of wish I had a sibling though. It does get lonely at home sometimes.”
“Well… it’s not too late to ask your parents for one.” Foggy jokes, half heartedly; It causes Matt to nearly spit out his drink, Karen scolding him and Y/N chuckling behind her hand. “Don’t kill me! It’s just a joke.”
“Franklin Nelson.” Karen warns like she was his nagging mother, and kicks his shin.
“Ouch, Karen, geez.”
Y/N smiles, amused. “I don’t mind, really.”
“But still, most people I meet here want more than one kid. I’m actually surprised you’re an only child, Y/N.” Matt said, being honest, which suddenly got her heart rate to pick up, but not in the racehorse kind of way he had been hearing. The teenager had stayed quiet for a moment before she shrugged, trying to shake it, or them, off.
“My mom’s not really in the picture anymore, not for a long time actually. I just really have my dad, but he’s always working. So, to be honest, I’m on my own. I don’t think he even realizes I have a job.” She replies, taking the last sip of her drink while avoiding eye contact. She could feel the concerned stares on her making her feel uncomfortable.
“Y/N, that’s not right.” Karen said, worriedly.
“It’s… fine. I’m used to it, you know?”
“Just because you’re fine with it, doesn’t mean it is.” Foggy replies, brows pushed together, distress wrinkles forming. “You know, if something’s up or wrong, you can tell us anything. We’re here for you, you know?”
“Not everything though…” She said, frowning (Her heartbeat picking up again, which was enough for Matt to start questioning what she actually means).
Just before anything else could be said, the waiter came over to drop off their refills and took the empty appetizer plate away. “Your food will be out shortly.” He said, and they thanked him.
“Man, I’m starving. The wait better be worth it.” Foggy said, after a second.
“I know, right? I know it’s been awhile, but I don’t remember it taking this long.” Karen admits, stirring the lemon around in her ice tea.
Y/N starts to take a sip of her new drink and pauses, like halted to an immediate stop. Matt picks the way her whole demeanor changes from nervousness to anger, and mutters, “It’s coke. It’s fine…”
What are you hiding, Y/N? Matt wonders as he takes a sip of his own beverage, worried out of his mind for what could be happening to her. What was happening at home that you didn’t even want to talk about it? 
But as soon as that red wine tickled down his throat he immediately knew something was wrong.
He couldn’t even taste it or smell it, but he knew there was something mixed inside that wasn’t supposed to be in there.
He immediately feels all his remaining senses start to go wack and before he could even say a word, Y/N beat him to it.
“Hey! We have to throw up!” She says, shooting up to her wobbly feet. “The drinks were–”
And then she proceeded to crash back into her chair, her face falling onto her dining mat. Karen calls out her name before passing out as well.
“Uh… M-Matt…?” Foggy calls out, struggling to stay awake. “W-what just…”
Matt hears him render unconscious as well and tries to fight it off the best he could, but he knew it was useless when his whole body started to grow numb, and he cussed under his breath from it.
And the last thing he sensed was their waiter standing over their table smiling like the cheshire cat.
When the four of them came to, they all had splitting headaches that made it almost hard to even realize where they were. Tied to individual chairs and under some “interrogation” lighting in some strange, seemingly unknown, building.
“Ugh… where are we?” Karen asked, looking around with a slight squint.
“Warehouse district.” Matt replies, after a split second of analyzing. “I recognized the smell.”
Foggy clears his throat before whispering, “Uh, Matty, might not want to out yourself to our assistant here yet.”
The blind vigilante completely forgot that Y/N didn’t know his secret and held his tongue. Luckily, it seems like she was preoccupied with her worries, making some weird faces only two people present could see. Well… maybe a third now because some random ass man wearing what looks like tactical equipment (minus its helmet) comes in through a door.
Baldy (yeah we’re calling him that) looks disgusted and rather annoyed to even be here, as he stands before each of them before spewing, “Where is it?” 
Yeah, no ‘Hi’, ‘Hello’, or ‘Good Afternoon’, just straight to the fucking point that nobody even knows what it’s about. 
The adults looked at each other, going into overprotective mode.
“Who are you?” Matt asked, ready to start listening for clues (and silently try to get out of his restraints).
“Not any of your business.”
“Why are we here? Why did you need us?”
Baldy said nothing, instead directing his attention to the bound teenager. “Where is it?”
Y/N blinks, clearly confused. “Where is what?”
“The thing.”
Another blink. “What thing?”
His jaw clenches, irritated. “The thing you stole from us.”
She scoffs. “I don’t even know who you are.”
“For fuck’s sake–”
“What is going on?” Foggy cuts in, bitterly. 
“Who are you people?” Karen asked, same expression as his.
“The people who want our stuff back.” Baldy replies, shrilly too. “Our boss has been desperately looking for it ever since it went missing. We know she has it.”
“How do you know she took it?” Karen asked, maternal mode kicking in once more and ready to throw hands if necessary (I mean, did this guy even have any evidence?).
“Her school was required to go on a field trip to our company, and soon after, our… subject disappeared and we know one of those kids took it. Took us a while, but we finally tracked down who it was.” He jabs his finger at the girl. “You.”
“Y/N–” The blonde woman looks her way.
“Subject?” Matt asked, turning the interrogation around. He feels everyones’ gazes on him now as he tries analyzing the situation. “First you say ‘thing’ and now you say ‘subject’. Are you saying Y/N stole a person?”
“Matt–��� Foggy warns under his breath, urging him to tread carefully.
“I wouldn’t call it a person.” Baldy said, feeling the blind man’s intense stare.
“Then what is it again?”
“Matt–” Karen tries now.
Baldy holds his tongue. “Listen, Blindly–”
“So what’s this ‘subject’ Y/N supposedly stole?” Matt pressured, feeling the man’s blood spike.
“You need–” He pulls his gun out. “To shut the fuck up.”
“Matt!/Hey!” Karen and Foggy yelled in unison, their racing hearts pouncing in their friend’s ears. But the Murdock stays as calm as he could be, tuning them out to focus on the gun on hand.
“I would hold that spicy tongue of yours, and let ME do the talking.” Baldy continues, getting silence as an answer. “Good. Now–” He redirects the barrel at the teenager. “Talk.”
Y/N’s eyes widened just as the adults started yelling again.
“Hey!” Matt snarled, thinking the gun was going to be trained on him the whole time. He tries giving the most intimidating look he could muster with his blind orbs showing. “Don’t fucking point that at her.”
“Yeah! You really gonna kill a kid?!” Foggy snaps, getting the man’s attention.
“What the fuck’s wrong with you?!” Karen adds, making Baldy’s eye twitch at their comments.
“Listen, motherfuckers.” He snaps, a craze look on his face. “I will do whatever needs to be done. If that includes bathing my hands in red, then so be it.”
She shakes her head, furious. “You’re a sick, twisted, human being, you–”
“I’m sorry…” Y/N blurted out of the blue, suddenly looking really pale and distant. Her boss unknowingly hears her heart start picking up like a rabbit, and her blood pressure starts spiking (not to mention she was starting to run like a furnace).
Badly looks her way again and scoffs. “What? You scared?”
“Not of you, but for you.” She swallows. “You really might not want to point the gun at me, it’s upsetting him.”
He tilts his head, confused. “Upsetting who?”
“You need to leave.” She pleads, her (Y/E/C) eyes starting to change to an odd color.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Seriously, leave, please–”
He starts to sweat and presses the gun into her head more. “What are you fucking talking about?!”
“Leave! He’s–” Then her body stood stiff, and her fingers started to twitch, and then… her voice got super deep. “I’m pissed off.”
The trio widened their eyes at how scary and inhuman she sounded, which was enough for Baldy to start panicking, thinking of the worst. 
“Enough with the theatrics!!” He snapped, trying to regain control. “I’m–” 
And then nobody expected this next.
If you told anyone you were going to watch the girl get engulfed in black goo, and a monstrous face to form in her place then they wouldn’t just bat an eye and walk away because it sounded like insanity.
It became even more insane when the face suddenly bit the man’s forearm off clean and swallowed it whole, along with the hand pistol.
An ear piercing scream erupted from the back of his throat as blood pooled from his remaining limb. He stumbled backwards as the substance from her body disappeared, Y/N reacting with a look of horror on her own features.
“Oh, my god!!” She screamed. “Oh, my god! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!!”
“What the fuck!!!” He yelled back, baffled just like everyone else in the room.
“I’m so, so, so sorry!! I told him not to do it! He never listens!! I–” 
Then a black tentacle comes out of her skin and whips the man into a wall, causing another scream from her and even the trio. The adults could only just watch/listen to it unfold, no clue to what’s happening.
“Oh, my god– Fuck!!” Y/N says, shutting her eyes shut tightly like she was in pain. “I told you not to do that!! Why did you– Ah!!”
Her bosses watch as her body stiffens again, eyes glassing back over to purple before slowly fading to white. Then, the tentacles came back out to smash the chair she was in, bringing her to her knees. The goo was started to cover her form again, prompting her to ask the question,
“Venom… What are you– Saving your life. And theirs too.” 
Then the door bursts open again, this time with a crowd of other people dressed just like Baldy, except that had a little more artillery. Suddenly, the trio watches as Y/N jumped and dangled from the ceiling, the red lasers immediately pinpointing on her.
“FIRE!!” Someone shouted, and the bullets started flying.
Then their little assistant disappears again, replaced by the face with big white eyes and a wide mouth full of spike, and a tongue that was licking its lips with delight from the bullets ricocheting off of him. Karen screamed at the sound, and they all buried their faces into their shoulders for protection just as the beast let out its battle cry.
It started crawling faster towards the crowd, hunger in its face before it suddenly stopped halfway. The beast let out a huge sigh, muttering, “Fine.”
It then started grabbing whatever it could get a hold of and fling it towards them like a game of extreme darts. One by one they started to fall, one by one they were getting broken ribs and blacking out, one by one they were–
Then a flash grenade was suddenly underneath it and exploded.
The beast roared in pain from the sound, the goo vibrating and then dissolving at the snap of fingers, causing the teenager to resurface and fall to the floor. 
Matt definitely heard her ankle snap from the fall despite his own ears ringing, and called out her name. The girl cries out, and hugs her leg as she squeezes her eyes shut to block the tears from flowing. Just as the noise started to settle, it was about to become a whole lot worse. Just as the last remaining attacker was about to shoot the poor girl dead, with Karen and Foggy shouting their pleas, the vigilante managed to to unloosen the last knot from his wrist, springing to his feet and chucking the chair straight at him.
Matt lets out a breath he was holding before his instincts kicked in again. He quickly unties Foggy from his chair, saying, “Get Karen.”
He sprints over to the girl, getting down to her level. “Y/N?”
She lets out a groan, cracking open her eyes, slight shock upon seeing him. “M-Matt?”
“Hold still, I’ll pick you up.”
“H-How did you get out? Or throw a chair so accurately?”
Well shit. 
He really wasn’t thinking about his secret ID at that moment. Just the thought of making sure his assistant wasn’t going to die on his watch.
He bites his lip. “Y/N, I’m–” His gaze snaps towards the door where he could hear footsteps approaching. A lot of them. “Shit. There’s more. We have to–”
“I-I have to get you out.” She croaks, rolling herself to be on all four. “It’s my fault you’re involved in this.”
“Y/N, you broke your ankle, you can’t do anything else.”
“But…” She groans again and then slowly lobs her head in his direction, a smug tugged across her lips. “But I insist, Mr. Murdock.”
And before he could say a word, the beast reappeared and lifted him straight off his feet, along with Karen and Foggy who yelped in surprise. Suddenly they found themselves running at an incredible speed, prayers leaving their mouths just as they broke through a window and free falled down.
Not even sure where they ended up but it was completely unoccupied and covered by the shadows of the night. The beast had set the weathered adults down against the wall before doing the same; the body disappearing back to the teeanger who fell right on her bum. She lets out a shaky breath, closing her eyes like she did earlier, trying to hold the pain in.
“Oh, my god, Y/N, your ankle.” Karen manages to say once the shock ran out (And that was for a while).
Y/N smacks her lips, grinding her teeth, replying, “I-It’s fine. It’ll be fine in a minute. I advise not looking.”
“What do you mean?” Foggy asked, eating his words as he witnessed her ankle snapping right back into place causing him to gag and avert his gaze. “Oh, hell…”
“T-Told ya.” She mutters and then sighs. 
Silence fell over them, the trio all kind of looking at one another before deciding it was time to address the elephant in the room. Or whatever that thing was.
Foggy clears his throat, shifting his weight around. “So…”
“I’m sorry.” Y/N said, opening her eyes and looking at them with guilt. “I… I never wanted you guys to see that.”
“Well, I can see why.” He mumbles, getting a smack in the shoulder by Karen. “Ow!”
“So what is it?” Matt asked, straight to the point and curious, actually (and concerned too now that he’s realized this girl’s got no control over whatever it is). 
Another sigh as Y/N pushes herself to stand. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?”
“Exactly that. I don’t know.” She crosses her arm uncomfortably. “I went on a mandatory field trip for school to this lab, and… some of my classmates begged me to go ‘behind the scenes’ with them. I honestly didn’t know what to expect, except that the only thing back there was this container with a tiny blob in it.” 
She frowns. “One thing led to another and it broke, but I had no idea that… this blob got absorbed into me.” She throws one of her hands up. “I honestly thought I was going crazy for several days when I could hear shit in my head, and when my appetite went through the roof. And then…”
“Then… what?” Matt said, sensing her discomfort.
“I got mugged. Well… attempted mugging until… Venom came out.”
“Venom?” Karen asked, eyebrow raised.
“That’s… what he calls himself. The thing you saw.” Y/N starts nervously playing with her hands. “Anyway, the mugger didn’t do much since– you know– uh…”
“Let me guess, he bit the guy’s arm off?” Foggy says, as she shrugs.
“More like… above the neck…” Then she gets the shocked stares again. “Okay, in my defense, I have no control over that. I didn’t even know that Venom attached himself to me. I…” She groans. “I just ran away after that! I didn’t know what to–” She then pauses like she is listening.. “You what? – You finished him off?”
Now it was her turn to have her pupils blown wide. “When? I don’t remember you doing that? – You did it when I was asleep?! – Oh, ho! That is not consensual whatsoever! We talked about this!” She scowls. “No, you quit complaining, you parasite!”
Y/N groans again, this time into her hands. “Ugh! He’s so annoying sometimes!”
“This is the strangest thing I think I’ve ever witnessed.” Foggy said, running a hand through his locks. “And aliens attacked New York.”
“Technically, Venom’s an alien.”
“Oh, my god.” He holds the sides of his head. “It’s ‘Invasion of The Body Snatchers’.”
“Foggy.” Karen tries to get him to calm down.
“So you just decided to live with this… Venom guy?” Matt asked, not really sure how to ‘perfectly’ respond to this situation. I mean for the many years he’s fought in Hell’s Kitchen, he’s never experienced something like this before.
“It’s kind of hard to get rid of him. He’s… persistent, I’ll give you that.” Y/N replies, with a small smile. “If I’m being honest, it was around the time you guys accepted me for an interview. I was more worried about acing that than dealing with a vicious conscience.” Then it fades. “Homelife not exactly… easy, so I guess it was nice to have someone to talk to. In a crazy kind of way.” A sigh. “I had no idea that he was important.”
“Are you going to give him back now that you know?” Karen asked, worried at what might come if she doesn’t.
“That’s the thing, If I give him back, they know who I am, and you saw what happened tonight. They’ll kill me no matter what.”
“Like hell I’m going to let that happen to you.” Matt says, confidently as he places a gentle hand on her shoulder (he could hear her pulse spiking at what she had said). “We’re going to figure this out. Don’t you worry, Y/N.”
She shakes her head. “I-I can’t ask you to do that.”
“Then don’t ask me.”
“You almost got hurt because of me! I’m not letting you put your life on the line for me. I can figure this out on my own.”
“Y/N, I’m a lawyer, you should know by now I don’t take ‘no’ for an answer easily.” His lips tug upwards, trying to make the best reassuring look he could make. “I’m going to help you–”
“We’ll help you.” Karen corrected.
“Yeah. We’ll help you, don’t you worry.” Matt faces his old roommate. “How long’s Marci out of town for?”
“Uh, next week. Six days to be exact.” Foggy says, after quick thinking.
“Good. We don’t have to worry about her safety.” Matt goes quiet, using his senses to figure out where they are before they move. “Alright, let’s go to my place.” He gestures for everyone to follow, his friends were, but not his assistant who was perplexed.
“Wait.” She blurts out, stopping them. “Shouldn’t we try finding somewhere else? It might not be smart to go to your own home.”
“It’s fine. It’s where we need to be for our next step.”
“Next step?” She asks, watching him start walking away again. “Which is…?”
“There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
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Stay tune for the next parts! || Part Two || Part Three
-Taglist is Open-
@indestructeible @mirkwoodshewolf @aew-kun-age-regression
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aza-writes · 1 year
Vote Please
Pick the new cover for blood red
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I’m gonna add the tittle soon but with or without
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
marvel masterlist
last updated: 2/27/23
newest ones in bold!
b u c k y b a r n e s
not my first rodeo (Bucky + Teen!reader)
untitled something (Bucky + Teen!reader)
Irreplaceable (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Changes (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Therapy (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
Finding the New (Bucky + Teen!Daughter!reader)
amending not avenging (Bucky + Morgan Stark)
s t e v e r o g e r s
don’t you let me fall (Steve + Teen!Daughter!reader)
m a t t m u r d o c k
love it if we made it (Matt + Queer!Teen!Daughter!reader)
guilty as sin (Matt + Teen!Daughter!reader + Elecktra)
a m e r i c a c h a v e z
come back to me and i’ll come back to you (Strange + America)
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book-place · 1 year
Too Much Like Me
Warnings: mentions of fights, bruises/ injuries, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Matt Murdock x daughter reader
Request: 22 and 33 with matt murdock and teen reader? tysm, happy new year!
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: You should have known that it was impossible to keep a secret from your dad
A/N: Got lazy at the end if you can’t tell; the bolded are the prompts
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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It wasn’t the bruises that littered your face that you had to worry about, your father obviously couldn’t see those. It was the wincing as you walked and the increase in your heartbeat as you lied to him that you had to worry about.
Growing up with Matt as your father, even though he was blind, you hardly ever had to worry about things. He was able to do everything, if not more, that you needed as the only parental figure in your life with your mother having left.
Perhaps that was the reason he was so overprotective of you. Maybe if your mother hadn’t been absent in your life, then he wouldn’t feel the overwhelming worry that a mother would normally feel for her daughter. Or maybe that was just how Matt was, always being overly worried and caring for his loved ones.
Not that it was a bad thing. If anything, it was one of the things you appreciate most about your father, but in situations like this, you knew it would mean that he would overreact.
You took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping into your apartment, running over your plan that you had prepped and gone over on your way home again and again. You would keep your voice as even as possible when you greeted your father, giving him no reason to tune into your heartbeat to see what was the matter. Then you would claim to have a lot of homework before locking yourself in your room for the rest of the night.
If he were to ask you to come out for dinner- which he undoubtedly would- you would simply tell him that you had a late lunch and had to focus on your studies instead. Hopefully, he wouldn’t push it.
“Hey, dad,” You greeted as normally as possible, walking as swiftly as you could through your home without putting pressure on your injured leg, “Got a ton of homework to do tonight.”
“Stop.” His voice made you freeze in your tracks, back to where he sat on the couch, “Turn around.”
Nervously, you did as he said, reaching up to rub the back of your neck, “What’s up dad?” You asked as innocently as possible.
Instead of answering, he frowned and stood up from the cushions before making his way across the room to you, only stopping when he stood right in front of you, unseeing eyes staring blankly at the wall behind you.
Gingerly, he reached out and traced his hand along your cheek, frown deepening as you flinched away from the touch at the sudden sharp pain it sent through your body. Immediately, you cursed yourself for your reaction, for not trying harder to keep it hidden.
“Do I need to beat someone up?” Were the first words to slip out of his mouth. And somehow, you didn’t know whether to be scared or in awe about the fact that he seemed dead serious.
Embarrassment took over when you remembered how you got the bruises, and you gently pushed his hand away, “It’s nothing, dad.” You mumbled.
“What happened?” He asked sternly. His hands had already begun gently patting the sides of your arms for any sign of other injuries.
You sighed, averting your gaze from him, “I got into a fight at school,” You forced the words out.
“With who?” He asked immediately, a dangerous edge set in his tone.
“Just a couple of kids,”
His eyebrows flew up, “By yourself?” He didn’t need to see to know that you nodded, “Why did you get into a fight?”
You shrugged stiffly, “I don’t want to talk about it.”
It was times like this that Matt cringed at how similar you were to him. How you would push people away when something was bothering you, not wanting to burden or upset others. He had learned to try and find a way around that.
The slight sniffle he heard from you surprised him, and he immediately softened at the sound that brought him so much heartbreak, “Hey, hey,” He cooed gently, wrapping his arms around you lightly and bringing you to his chest, being extra careful of your fragile body, “Why are you about to cry? What happened today?”
He could feel you shake your head against his shirt and the tears that had begun to bleed through.
“I…” You couldn’t even get the rest of your words out as you tried your hardest to hold back the rest of your tears.
“It’s okay to not be okay sometimes. You know that, right?” He asked you, rocking you back and forth in his hold the slightest bit.
It was a lesson that had taken him years upon years to learn and in that moment, he couldn’t help but think about how stupid he was for not teaching it to you sooner.
“A-a bunch of kids were making fun of me at school,” You didn’t fail to notice the way Matt’s arms tensed around you, “And they wouldn’t stop- even when I told them to. Then one of them pushed me. One thing led to another and it turned into a big fist-fight. I used the self defense skills you taught me too, dad.”
There was the briefest flicker of pride in his chest, before it was once again engulfed by the flames of rage when he thought about what those kids did to you.
“Shh, shh,” He shushed you, resting his chin on the top of your head, knowing that letting his anger show would do nothing to help the situation, “It’s okay, you’re okay now. I got you.” He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of your head, “Everything’s gonna be okay now.”
We Are Groot 🤎- @lovanitu @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2 @sambucky8 @spidyyparker @irethepotato @femalemarvelself @mukbee @its-hell @ip747 @i-writes-things @popfishjr @mitsuki-murakami @mythixmagic @ladyagagaslefttoe @etanordoesbullsh1t @wolfmoonmusic @nutellani
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jackfrombaskinrobbins · 7 months
all fixed up (matt murdock x teen!adopted!reader)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 967
request: yes / no
original request: "Matt Murdock patches up a teen reader, and there's just a lot of angst and hurt/comfort. PLEASE LET IT HAVE A HUG AND FOREHEAD KISSES :)) (I'm a sucker for fluff)"
warnings: slight mention of wounds, blood, not too much though i promise!!
dynamic: matt murdock x teen!adopted!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, quick mention of foggy nelson & wilson fisk
a/n: ILYT!!! also erm hey guys🤓i've been gone for way too long i'm sorry :') but i've had this in my drafts for a whiiiiiiile so i figured it was time to post :0 anyways ya feel free to request i have a bunch to get to but i always like new ones!! esp daredevil oop tee hee
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind @ayohitmanddaeng @fiadh-bell
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
“stop it, y/n. just come here for a minute, alright?”
normally matt’s words would be answered with an exaggerated sigh and an eye roll, but tonight was different. tonight was off, and you knew it, he knew it, and he knew that you knew that he knew it. (ridiculous, but true.) it didn’t help that you had wounds to patch up, sore spots all over your body that wouldn’t be going away any time soon – a constant reminder of your mistake.
and yes, as much as matt would deny it, you had made a mistake. a damn big one at that. you should have known better. no matter how gifted you were at defending yourself, no matter how many times you had practiced, it wasn’t enough. nothing would ever be enough. and yet you had stupidly decided to go against a group of kingpin’s lackies, big huge guys who ate kids like you for breakfast. they didn’t hold back, and they beat you up until you were barely conscious, and that’s when stupid matt came and did his stupid thing and saved your stupid ass from stupid death or some stupid thing like that. and now you were here, in this stupid apartment wishing you had just stayed in and done your stupid homework and watched some stupid tv and just stayed out of things for once. 
“i’m going to bed, matt.”
you spoke, too ashamed to face him. but stupid matt always knew, with his stupid heightened senses and the stupid way that he knew you inside and out, ever since he had taken you in a few years before.
“come on y/n. this isn’t something you can sleep off, and you know it.”
and you did know it. so that’s why you sat at the table, a hiss of air escaping you against your will as you lowered yourself down.
“i’ll get the kit from under the sink.”
“matt, really, it’s fine. it’s just little stuff, okay? i’m fi–”
“fine doesn’t smell like blood, y/n. i’m not stupid.”
that earned him an eye roll, which he never saw, but he always knew happened when he said things like that. you watched as he made his way to the sink, opening the cabinet underneath and rummaging around for the first aid bag. A while ago, you had put stickers on it so he could discern it from the other things in there. There were four flower stickers, and one that foggy had given you, with disney princesses that said “together we are strong”. 
matt settled into the chair across from you, exhaling softly. the lights of a police car suddenly filled the dark apartment, screeching sirens accompanying it. you reached for the kit, but matt shook his head.
“no, y/n. i’ll do it.”
you opened your mouth, about to protest, but you could tell he wasn’t going to budge. his stubbornness was something you liked, sometimes. it sure helped when you both wanted pizza for dinner and foggy wanted wings. besides, you knew he would be able to patch you up right, with all the experience he got from helping his father. he had always told you that you were just like him, willing to give anything to protect your honor. but what matt never said was that he was just like his father too, and that if anything, you had just gotten those traits from him. 
“did they get you in the head at all?” he asked, soaking a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide and gesturing for you to guide it where your wounds were.
“yeah, a little bit. i tried to block ‘em. they just kept coming matt, i couldn’t do anything!” you grimaced as the pad touched the spot on your shoulder where you had been grazed by something sharp.
“i know, y/n. it’s not your fault.”
“see but that’s the issue. it IS my fault, matt!” you spoke, voice getting slightly strained, throat feeling tight. you squinted your eyes to prevent tears from falling, but it was too late. a few landed on his hand, and you turned away, trying to compose yourself. “there was no reason to go out there. i don’t know why the hell i thought it was a good idea. i was just … mad! mad about the way they’re treating everybody in this place, mad about the way they’re screwing over every person they deal with… mad about how they treat YOU, god damn it!”
a moment of silence as you tried to slow your breathing, and for a minute, you didn’t know how he was going to react. he reached into the kit, feeling around until he grabbed a bandage, unwrapping it. you helped his hand go to where it needed to be placed, and once it was, he sat back. only then did you see the furrow in his brow, the deep frown on his face.
“look, y/n. i need you to listen to me, and really hear me, alright? i’m proud of you.”
“come on matt, that’s –”
“no. i’m proud of you. really, really proud. i just … i just want you to be careful, alright? i worry about you. and for good reason, considering all this.” you could see his face start to crack ever so slightly, a quick break in his voice indicating that he really meant it. you moved your chair back, stood up, and hugged him tight, despite a slight lingering pain in your shoulder. after a little while, he kissed your forehead, then patted you on the back. 
“i’d assume it’s pretty late now. how about you get to bed? we’ll figure out if you need to go to school tomorrow, alright?”
“sounds good. thanks matt. love you.”
“love you too, y/n.”
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farfromstrange · 1 year
Can I suggest something with angst (because angst with no comfort is my forte) like a daredevil x vigilante teen reader (?)  They are like siblings by blood. (The reader is treated by Matt like family, and he is so overprotective of them.) They have been together for a long time. Then something came up: the reader got caught by their enemies, and the daredevil was on the run to save the reader, or something like that. (I'm bad at explaining things, but I hope you get it.) Thank you in advance. I hope you're having a great day! love u
I am so sorry for the long wait, nonnie! I feel like I owe you for making you wait so long. Since you said angst with no comfort, I decided to completely shatter you with the angst, and I hope you're okay with that! I felt a shorter piece for this request would do better to convey the emotions. I'm nervous to post this, but I hope you like what I did with this!
Slipping Through My Fingers | Matt Murdock x Reader
Pairing: Matt Murdock x teen!vigilante!Reader
Summary: You get hurt and Matt fails to save you.
Warnings: ANGST, TW: Death, hurt/no comfort
Word Count: 1.5k
A/n: Not tagging for this fic because the topic isn't for everyone.
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He’s running. The city sounds, the noise, the sirens and the blood-curdling screams follow him everywhere. The stench in the alleyways seems to cruelly try to distract him from what he’s focused on, but he can’t give up now. He is close, so close. 
Matt Murdock lost the only family he had when he was just a boy and he believed he was alone, truly alone, for a very long time. And then, one day, you stepped into his life. He was at the police station when he ran into you. Well, you weren’t running, you were stuck in a holding cell. When he found out why – you were caught punching a guy to a puddle for attempting to hurt an elderly woman – and when he asked Brett for your file and confirmed that you were, in fact, only a teenager, he chose to help you out. It could have been him, after all. In his mask, getting caught by authorities, and he would have wished for someone to bail him out, too. Besides, your sassy nature when he told you he was your lawyer drew him in. You tried pushing him away at first, but then you went out again the next night, and there he was, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, and he taught you a lesson or two about being smart when it comes to being a vigilante. That was the day you started working together, and you have become his family. You’re like his little sibling, and he’s never had one, so it feels right. He can mentor you, protect you and make sure you don’t get yourself in too much trouble, and in return, you breathe some fresh air into his life. It works, and he doesn’t feel as alone now anymore. You even moved in with him. 
Last night, everything seemed normal. You went out on parol together, busting up a drug ring you had been investigating long before that, and you seemingly succeeded. Though when Matt came home after work a few hours ago, he found the apartment empty, your suit still at home, and he couldn’t make out your heartbeat. When he called, you didn’t answer your phone. You didn’t text back. And you made a deal at the beginning of this that you would always call back. If you don’t, you told him, not even after five tries, and he can’t hear your heartbeat across the city, something isn’t right. But Matt doesn’t need to remember your deal to know that something happened; he can feel it in his bones. 
His chest contracts as his heart grows heavier. The fear is etched deep into his bones. He has gotten so used to the sound of your breathing, not being able to hear it is torture. Like minuscule needles drilling into his brain, the agony wraps its claws around his soul and drags him down into a dark hole. 
He’s running, and he won’t stop until he finds you. 
Something must have gone wrong last night. Someone must have remembered he isn’t working alone anymore and grabbed you to get to him. He has an inkling, but he can’t say for sure. He’s simply following the clues that are smaller than a grain of salt, and he’s struggling to keep up. For hours, he has been running, and you are no closer to being back home than he was before. 
At this point, you could be dead. You could be bleeding out in a ditch. These men could have shipped you off to Russia, enslaved you, used you– He can’t think about that now or he will stop and smash someone’s head into the nearest wall, maybe even his own. He swore to protect you and he failed, he always fails. If anything happened to you, he once told himself, it would be his fault, and it is. He should have been more careful the night before. He should have paid more attention to his surroundings. Things always end badly when he’s involved, and he believes he has doomed you. Yes, he must have doomed you and now you’re gone because of him, possibly even dead, and he is going to have to live with that for the rest of his miserable life. 
Then, he smells it. The wind comes in from the right direction and he catches the slightest whiff of your shampoo, your clothes, and your blood. The latter is what causes all fuses to blow in his mind. His already burning vision turns redder, his senses blaring with the alarms in his brain and he runs even faster. He jumps rooftops, chasing after your scent – and then he hears it. The faintest hint of your heartbeat is in the distance, but it is weak, and you’re losing blood at a pace that is weakening your body. 
He’s not sure for how long he runs, but eventually, his feet are sore and his muscles ache, and he can finally hear your voice calling out for him, “Matty!”
He finds you on a rooftop. Your body lies limp between two blocks of cement. The gash in your side is large, and the pool of blood that surrounds you keeps growing by the minute. Your breathing sounds labored. You reach out when you see his silhouette, barely conscious, but you have gotten used to his presence. 
“No,” he chokes out and gets on his knees beside you. He pulls off his mask, pulling your head into his lap. His hand flies to your wound, but it’s not the only spot you’re bleeding from. 
Bare fingers glide over your face, checking for more injuries. He finds a cut on your lip, your eyebrow has been cracked, as has your skull, and you look completely destroyed. Your life is in his hands, and you’re slipping through his fingers. 
“Who did this to you?” Matt growls. 
“They’re gone,” you whisper. Even though you are injured, you don’t sound scared, you’re not in pain – you have accepted your fate. A fate Matt refuses to see.
“I’ll get you out of here. You just have to hold on a little longer, and then we’ll end them together. I promise. We’ll come home tonight and we’ll have Tacos and–”
“Matthew,” you reach for his face, “It’s okay.”
But it’s not okay, he thinks. You’re bleeding out, you’re dying, and you’re too far from the nearest hospital for him to even try to make a run for it. Even an ambulance won’t make it here in time. It’s not okay, no matter how badly you want to convince him of that, and just like that another wave of blood gushes out of you and into his hand. It feels heavy, like your life’s essence is trying to escape but he doesn’t want it to. You can’t die, he promised he wouldn’t let you. 
“No,” he says again, more sternly this time. “Don’t even talk like that, okay? You’re gonna be fine, you hear me?” He calls your name.
You feel yourself getting dizzier by the minute, but you’re oddly content. “I– I won’t make it–” You’re cut off by a cough, and you taste the copper on your tongue now, too. 
“Shh, yes you are. Stay with me, sweetie, stay with me!”
He can say it all he wants, it won’t change the brutal reality of the situation. 
You’re dying, and he can’t save you. 
You pull him down by his sleeve. “Promise me,” you breathe into his ear, “That you’ll– you’ll take that trip to Eu-Europe. Promise me, Matthew. Promise me you’ll l-live.”
“Stop talking like you’re dying, I–”
“I am.”
“No. We’ll get you an ambulance and then you’ll be fine.” 
A tear slips from his cheek and onto your face. 
“Matthew, please, just…”
“Thank you,” you whisper, “for everything. For- for being my brother.”
He calls your name, but the noise fades into the background. 
“I love you,” and these are your last words before the dark void grabs you and hands you over into the hands of the Grim Reaper. 
You look over your shoulders on your way to the light, the last thing you remember being the tears on Matt’s cheeks and the scream he lets out as you leave, your life slipping through his finger like the sand in an hourglass. 
You’re gone, and he couldn’t save you. The one thing he promised to do, he failed at. He failed, and you paid the ultimate price for it. 
He stands alone at your funeral. Just like him, you didn’t have anyone. He made the men that did this to you pay for what they did, and the bruises on his knuckles still burn as the sun shines down on him. It doesn’t rain, which he sees as a sign from you, a silent encouragement that it is okay for him to move on and find the light as you did, but he can’t accept it. He can’t accept that you’re gone. 
You were too young to get dragged into this, and now you’re gone. It’s his fault, and beating the ones responsible to the point they fell into a coma still didn’t feel enough.
He sends a silent prayer up into the sky, but God doesn’t listen, and he doubts he ever will. Mercy is something he doesn’t deserve, and he will carry the guilt with him until the day he dies. 
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moonlit-imagines · 1 year
Headcanons for being Matt Murdock’s child (Part 4)
Matt Murdock x child!reader
a/n: thank you guys so much for waiting patiently for this!!! (except for that one anon who got an attitude with me for not writing this fast enough for them if you’re reading this, learn some manners) anyways, so glad that i finally finished daredevil, now i just gotta push through the last few defenders shows (and catch up on everything else i’ve missed in the past year. haha. fuck.
part 1 part 2 part 3
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everything was just so shitty.
you had to hold it together and pretend like your dad was just on a very long work trip
it wasn’t like you didn’t plan for this. i mean, you had a dozen notes in his handwriting ready for any occasion, just in case something unexpected happened
to whom it may concern, i have been hired by a client residing in california for an undisclosed amount of time. i will be leaving my child, y/n murdock, in the care of their godfather, franklin nelson. due to my condition, i have granted mr. nelson legal permission to make decisions on y/n’s behalf if i am ever unable to, including this period in time. if you have any questions, please call. matthew murdock.
you read that page over and over again while foggy shuffled around your dad’s apartment, gathering all of your stuff and anything of your dad’s you’d want to hang onto
“you know, marci is fixing up the guest room to be more…you. i think when you see it you’re gonna love it” -foggy
you were half spaced out trying to wrap your head around everything
and you were still so pissed off
it made foggy feel even more guilty
“i got their father killed. if i didn’t bring him that suit, given him my blessing, he’d still be here to raise his kid” -foggy
“you’re being too hard on yourself, foggy bear. the others made it out, he chose to stay. that’s not on you” -marci
“it doesn’t feel like that. i mean, every time i look at y/n i feel like they blame me” -foggy
“blame you? y/n loves you. you’ve always been there for them and they are well aware of that” -marci
you kind of hated karen for a while
i know it’s harsh, but almost every time you saw her, she wanted to give you hope instead of helping you grieve
“maybe he’s still out there somewhere, sweetie” -karen, attempting an embrace
you just wanted her to ditch your old apartment and let you move on with what you had left
on a more lighthearted note, you’d always been welcome in the nelson family
“y/n! honey, come here! lord, foggy, y/n looks like you’ve been starvin’ them!” -foggy’s mom
“aw, no, uncle foggy’s—” -you
“nonsense, dear. theo! fix your lovely [niece/nephew/nibling] a sandwich!” -momma nelson
“mom—” -foggy
“don’t even start, y/n’s in our kitchen now. the nelson meats kitchen”
you always felt best surrounded by all that love
meanwhile, your father laid in the church you grew up with. and no intention of calling you up
“matthew, your child. where are they?” -sister maggie
“they’re safe, safer than they’ve ever been” -matt
you had your days ever since midland circle’s collapse though
some days you could be okay, just getting by. you knew deep down you’d be losing him soon, and you were well prepared
other days were violent fits of rage and sorrow, punching bags and screaming and crying
and a time or two, you’d do it in front of foggy
“he left me! he left me for her and he didn’t even say goodbye! and i’m supposed to forgive him?! fuck him, he chose to do this to me, he’s a piece of shit and he i’m glad he’s gone!” -you, screaming through sobs in the middle of the night
foggy would grab you so tight and wouldn’t let go until you were calm again
and marci would cry to herself as she listened, not fully able to process all of your emotions
but she tried as best as she could, she just didn’t have the deep bond you and foggy did (but she definitely did everything she could for you)
she’d have lil lunch dates with you, just you two
“foggy tells me you got another 100 on your test? that’s always a good thing, especially in a class as tough as that” -marci
“yeah, foggy’s kind of my cheerleader when it comes to that stuff” -you
“any ideas for the day? i could take you to a salon or a game…maybe an arcade or a movie?” -marci
honestly you couldn’t express to her how much she really helped you get through the day
foggy and theo came up with the idea to hire you at the sandwich shop, that way you had something to keep you busy and foggy felt less pressured to help out there
it did help get your mind off things—until little whispers of a familiar vigilante started popping up
the day foggy found out matt was still alive…he wanted to kill him for you
“you’re back! does karen know? oh, matt, y/n’s gonna be so happy, they—they’ve been so down since it all happened—” -foggy
“slow down, foggy. i’m…not actually back. matt murdock, he’s gone” -matt
foggy started to get very frustrated by matt’s explanation
“hold on just a second here, matt. your child—for months on end—has been grieving the loss of their father, wishing they could have him back. i’ve done everything i can to keep that kid afloat, destroyed myself watching them fall apart…and you’re not even gonna consider seeing y/n?” -foggy, beginning to raise his voice and hit the table
“they’re safer without me. just keep them far away from fisk. please.” -matt
foggy didn’t even want to mention it to you. he felt awful keeping secrets from you, but knowing your father was out there and wouldn’t see you? after sacrificing himself for elektra? you’d be a mess
but it didn’t stay secret for long once you and foggy were questioned together by the FBI
you kept cool about it in front of agent nadeem, playing along just right. but once that door closed
“he’s alive?! he’s alive and you just didn’t tell me?! and he met with you, why the hell hasn’t he seen me yet?!” -you, weakly trying to attack foggy as you began to cry, he pulled you in for a hug
“i’m sorry, kid. i’m so sorry. i don’t have a lot of answers right now” -foggy
“where is he? i want to see him” -you
you knew the moment you saw him you’d unleash hell
matt did feel guilty not reuniting with you, you were his only child and you just experienced the same pain he had as a child, but he kept justifying it as “protecting you” much to the sister’s dismay
and plans were hashed not long after, you were left out of them all and put under marci’s care
chinese takeout and a tv show marathon was a great plan until you both picked up your phones, shocked to see an attack going on where your friends and family were supposed to be
you were terrified, but you saw marci terrified, too. you were there for her the same way she always was for you
things blew over, you got out of the house to clear your head
matt went back to the church, still hellbent on ending all this
“matthew…i think you should see y/n. think of all they’ve been through, to see you again would, well, it would be a blessing” -sister maggie
“i have to keep them as far away from this as i can” -matt
“they won’t get too far, being a murdock and all. it’s not just your nature, it’s the name. that name is being thrown around everywhere, maybe you could do the protecting this once” -maggie
“can’t risk it, especially not after this imposter daredevil is on the loose. no morals, no self control, he’s dangerous” -matt
“matthew, what would you do if your father ended up being alive after believing he was gone for so long?” -maggie
that happened to put things into perspective, just the one question
unfortunately he got a bit sidetracked overhearing the prayers of maggie, his mother
but matt couldn’t run or hide from you anymore, couldn’t demand foggy keep you away
so he showed up at foggy’s apartment, knocking on the door gently as he knew you were the only one home
when you looked through the peephole, you saw a battered version of your dad, nothing changes
but you flung that door open so fast and…punched him in the chest a dozen times
“you—piece of shit—motherfucker—how could you?! i hate you! i hate you! selfish asshole!” -you
he let it happen, he thought it’d make you feel better until you wore yourself out
“where the hell were you?” -you, sobbing
“doesn’t matter, i’m here now” -matt
“no, you aren’t. you always have something else come up. always” -you
what an inconvenient time for his phone to ring
you heard the message, you knew he had to be somewhere
that was the first time you felt in the loop in a while, though. hearing the message of where he needed to be. that was all you wanted, was to know what was going on. it was the tiny bit of control you needed
there was nothing glamorous about this life, for sure. the idea of him being out there still made you sick.
fogwell’s gym was the next place you saw him, with agent nadeem and foggy
“really exciting being on fisk’s shitlist, huh?” -you to nadeem, fidgeting with old equipment
“cut it out, y/n” -matt
“what? this isn’t our first time around the block, that’s why we’re hiding here” -you
it’d been a while since you’d been here, you used to hang out cuz “abandoned shit is cool”
you were currently taking your anger and anxiety out on a punching bag, revisiting your old karate lessons from way back when
*while talking testimony with nadeem and foggy* “that is…so distracting. hang on, let me just—” -matt, stopping when his arm was grabbed
“no, they need this. leave it alone” -foggy
matt sighed an nodded, feeling like he was in no place to parent at the moment
karen decided to stand with you and watch
“so…you were right” -you
“you don’t seem too happy about that” -karen
“believe me, wish i could be. but do you recognize him? like, really?” -you
“i…i know. he’s changed. but maybe once this all blows over…i think he’ll go back to himself. be a friend—a dad again” -karen
“sure as hell not to me” -you, scoffing “he’s done picking and choosing when he can be my father. i was always supposed to come first”
karen understood. she knew exactly what you meant and she felt it so deeply, but she wanted for you what she couldn’t have anymore
you hadn’t stopped hitting the punching bag as you talked to her
“can i get it a whirl?” -karen
she got a few good hits in, they were noticed by present company
from there, you stuck with foggy. the least likely of the bunch to get shot!
and court did not go spectacularly either, making you feel just as on edge as before
“y/n, listen, i’m not gonna let anyone hurt you. have they ever gotten to you before? no, and it’s gonna stay that way” -matt, cupping your face in his hands to hold as if it were the last, which it was starting to feel that way for the both of you
“you’re not good at promises. you’re gonna leave again” -you, tears beginning to stream down your face
“no, no. well, yeah, for a little bit. it’s fine, y/n, we’re gonna be fine. i love you, okay?” -matt
foggy took you home and you just shut down again. and although there was a LOT of work to do, marci and foggy always made time for you
“y/n, foggy’s making dinner. you wanna help me make dessert? i’m thinking…cupcakes?” -marci
“do we have the good frosting?” -you
“of course, kiddo, i’d never let us run out” -marci, winking
she got a smile out of you and you rushed to the kitchen with her, which lifted both of their spirits of course
but nothing could be calm forever, bodies dropped every minute and you could only wonder “was that my dad?”
and lord help him, he asked for it every day
especially when, after a few more issues arose, he marched straight into the presidential hotel with faux-daredevil
“you…you keep my secret…keep away from my friends…my kid!” -matt
“heh…your kid. ever think they’re gonna follow in your footsteps? you’ll be long gone, i’ll still be here. with them. maybe they’ll be out for revenge, who knows?” -fisk
“you say anything else, vanessa goes down with you. it’s over, fisk. now swear to me, my kid is safe!” -matt
“i swear…just leave vanessa out of it, i’ll leave y/n out of it” -fisk, surrendering
you were watching the news as it happened, stunned, shocked, in awe. it was better than the last time
“foggy let me drink last time they put fisk away” -you
“jesus, weren’t you like, thirteen?” -marci “i mean, now’s fine, that’s about the age i started partying. what the hell? i’ll get the good stuff out. just a little bit though, dont get your hopes up”
(it was like four “little bits” but you weren’t complaining)
you knew it was coming and you acted surprised anyways
“y/n. i am the shittiest dad in the world” -matt
“well aware” -you, arms crossed after he started the conversation that way
“just another chance. i wanna be your dad, i wanna be there for you, you’re like, the best kid anyone could ask for. foggy’s gotta feel pretty lucky having you around” -matt
“last time i gave you another chance to be in my life, you gave it up for elektra. a second time—third if. you count law school” -you
“she’s gone, out of the picture. died under midland circle” -matt, sort of comically waving her off in front of you like he was over it
“yeah? you survived it. and she came back from the dead. how do i know she isn’t gonna pop up out of nowhere again and ruin our relationship again” -you
“i can’t stress enough how little everything matters compared to you right now. i’ll do anything, y/n. i can’t lose you again” -matt
god, you were angry with every word that came out of this mouth. same old spiel. but then again
“i don’t wanna lose you again” -you
matt grinned at you
“i bet you’re smiling back at me” -matt
“you’re on really thin ice, like paper thin. you better cut it out” -you
“that’s fair, i’ll stop…for now” -matt
you did have to go to father lanthom’s funeral, which was a drag. you may not have asked him for as much forgiveness as your dad, but he was still a pretty big part of your life
“hey, y/n. i know i forgot to mention this…but sister maggie? you know her, she’s around. i just found out she’s your grandmother” -matt
“good one” -you, pretending to laugh. matt didn’t laugh though. “you’re not joking? man, you’re telling me that nun is your mom…and you found out when?”
you all went to nelson’s meats afterwards
“so, you make a mean sandwich, i heard” -matt
“im off the clock” -you “and i don’t serve the blind”
“wow, dark! you know that’s discrimination, right? we could take you to court over that. nelson, murdock and page’s first case?” -foggy
“ok, noted. no more blind jokes…is it sound if i don’t serve vigilantes?” -you
“yeah, it’d hold up better in court. having the right to refuse service to anyone” -matt
“hold on, i still can’t get over the fact y/n just said they hate blind people” -karen, nearly snorting
“did not! i’ve only historically hated to blind people…” -you, being stared at for an answer “stick? right, you know?”
“who?” -karen
“alright, can we get back to mourning with nelson’s meats? i mean, we work hard to bury those sorrows in your stomachs” -foggy
“hey! that can be the new slogan!” -you “and your new law firm’s can be ‘we sue teenagers’”
these happened to be your people. no matter what you all went through, you always ended up back here.
“can i meet him? spiderman? pleaaaase?” -you
“how many times have we been over this. i didn’t let you meet jessica and i’m not gonna let you meet peter, do you want me to get disbarred?” -matt
“you’re coming back to new york, right?” -you, over the phone
“of course i am, i told you i just owed a favor to someone out here, i’ll be home soon” -matt
“foggy says that he will take me back if you bail again, and he doesn’t care if i’m legally an adult either” -you
“well, too bad, he can’t have you” -matt
“please don’t tell me you and the she-hulk lady are quote-unquote, ‘friends’” -you
“how do you do that?” -matt
“you’re predictable” -you
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @ipurpleeyou // @nekoannie-chan // @punk-rock-raven // @evilcr0ne // @minxsblog // @v0idl1nq // @sydknee624 // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston //@multifandomfix // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @kik51199 //
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brianwashere · 2 years
saw requests were open so might as well request :p ; imagine being peter parker’s younger brother that also has spider powers and during the snap peter turn dust so most likely aunt may did as well. So reader was most likely homeless for a while until matt murdock comes in as daredevil and becomes a father figure for the reader :)
Kicking my feet and giggling. I haven’t got a req in so long and I love getting them so this made me very happy. So sorry the ending is abrupt I really wanted to get this posted!
If anyone wants another part to this I will write more!
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil or Marvel**
Paining: Matt Murdock/Daredevil x Male!Teen!Spider!Reader
Genre: family stuff(?) it’s all light hearted
Summary: look at req
Tw: a bit of language, probably; Matt punches reader on accident lmao
Fear’s corner
You seemed to only be scared these past few months. You were scared when you watched your brother climb aboard that flying alien donut. You were scared when you lost connection to his com and phone.
You were scared when you held your Aunt May and watched her turn to dust.
You were scared when the landlord kicked you out and called CPS after she realized you couldn’t pay rent.
It had been two months living on the streets. Two months starving; two months waiting for Peter to come home. Deep down you knew he’d suffered the same fate as Aunt May.
The cold winter winds rattled your bones and caused you to pull the threadbare ski jacket closer to your body. You shivered and kept moving down the street.
Tonight was a shitty night. You never stopped your spidey-work because you knew if Peter was here he’d want you to continue. Tonight was too cold for it, the suit doesn’t exactly provide thermal insulation, and the suit that was a gift from Mr. Stark was only for emergencies.
As you wandered through Hell’s Kitchen you searched for any grocery stores or restaurants with accessible dumpsters so that you could dig through and find food. You squinted at the sign of a large glass door entrance and saw it was a grocery store.
Walking around to the dumpster, you took a running start and scaled the wall, not so gracefully landing on top of the dumpster.
You grabbed one of the two lids and threw it over. The heavy black plastic banged against the green rusted metal and you cringed.
The black bags seemed to taunt you, reminding you of how low you’ve sunk in only two months. You shook your head and jumped down, beginning to tear through garbage bags upon garbage bags.
You found an unopened granola bar and ripped the packing open, gobbling it down without another thought. You gulped heavily, pushing the last of the granola down and taking a large gasp of air. You got back to searching for more food.
That’s when you got the feeling. Your spidey-senses were tingling. You grabbed ledge of the dumpster and threw yourself over. A man in a red suit with devil horns landed in front of you. Stumbling back, your back hit the brick wall of the dumpster.
“Hey, hey. Calm down.” He said collectedly.
You gulped and easily jumped over the brick wall, taking off in a sprint.
“Hey, wait! Hold on!” The man called.
You sprinted even faster, any stranger chasing you and telling you to ‘hold on’ was an automatic threat.
You could hear footsteps following you.
‘Holy shit. This guy’s fast.’
You ran down the dark streets, trying to find somewhere to get up higher. You turned down a pitch black alleyway and jumped onto a fire escape, scaling it as fast as you could. You grabbed the ledge of the building and dragged yourself over it, gasping for breath.
Two red boots blocked your vision and you shot up. The man punched you right in the eye before gasping suddenly and gripping your hoodie.
“Jesus, you’re just a kid, aren’t you?” The question was more rhetorical but you shook your head ‘no’ anyway.
He didn’t need to know your age or that you were on your own. You began to flail to get away but air wasn’t reaching your lungs. The man let you go and you broke into a coughing fit. Collapsing to the ground, you wheezed for breath, desperate for air.
“Hey, hey kid, breathe. Breathe. In and out.” He spoke softly to you.
You followed his instructions and realized there was a weight on your back. This stranger was rubbing soothing circles on your back.
“There you go, just calm down, Kid.” He comforted.
You couldn’t bring yourself to pull away from the first positive touch you’d had in a while.
“Do you have somewhere to go?” The vigilante asked.
You shook your head, seeming to forget that you shouldn’t be telling him this. He sucked in a breath.
“I know someone I can take you to, ok?” The devil said quietly; silently asking if you would go.
You just nodded pathetically. Trying to get up was very wobbly for you. The man helped steady you though.
“You’re in no condition to jump rooftop to rooftop,” He said, seemingly to himself. “We’ll walk instead.”
You just shrugged half-heartedly, suddenly feeling very tired. You met his mask and he gestured near the ladder expectantly. You raised an eyebrow at him but began your descent down the fire escape.
You finally reached the point where you could jump off. You landed on your feet, but your knees buckled and you fell back. The man was standing over you in a second. He reminded you of Peter some.
Peter would always be the first one by your side if he thought you were hurt.
You stood up slowly and dusted yourself off.
“Follow me.” The red man instructed.
You caught up to walking beside him. You glanced around the buildings and cleared your throat.
“So uh…what’s your deal, huh? You just go around finding homeless kids to shove into randos’ homes?” You asked, trying to fill the void noise.
He seemed surprised you could talk and fumbled over his words.
“I am Daredevil, protector of Hell’s Kitchen.” He stated.
“Wow.” You said, unimpressed. “So is that like—the full name or is it just Daredevil?” You teased.
He huffed out a laugh, seeming to realize the ridiculousness of his introduction.
“Just Daredevil.” He smiled.
You nodded some.
“So this ‘guy’ you know…is he like..some foster care guy…?” You really didn’t wanna go into the system; you’d met other homeless kids who had ran away from their foster families because of how awful it was.
“…no. Would you rather he be?” Daredevil responded.
“Hell no. I think I’d rather die.” You laughed some.
The silence was more than slightly awkward. You cleared your throat. Your eye throbbed.
“Soooo…why’d you punch me?” You swung your arms back and forth.
He choked at that.
“Thought you were a criminal. And an adult. Most people don’t run unless they’re guilty.” Daredevil explained.
You hummed in acknowledgement. It was his turn to ask questions now.
“So how’d you just…jump that wall like that?” He asked.
“Oh uhhhh. Parkour…?” You tried.
The red man nodded some, though he didn’t look at all convinced.
The rest of the walk went well. He stopped at an apartment complex and buzzed in.
“Fourth floor. Room 14.” He stated before running off.
You raised your eyebrows as you watched him scurry off.
‘What a weird guy.’
You just shook your head and began your ascent to the fourth floor.
When you got to the fourth floor and room 14 you paused, hearing various crashes and curses. A few seconds later the door opened and a scruffy looking man appeared. He was dressed in a wrinkly t-shirt and pair of sweatpants; he was staring right over you.
You started to regret coming into the apartment complex.
“Uh…the devil guy told me to come here.” You stated.
He blinked and his face morphed into one of what you supposed to be surprise. It more just looked like over exaggerated confusion.
“Yeah come in,” the brown haired man opened the door wider for you to pass through. “I’m Matt. Matt Murdock.” He said with a smile.
“Yeah…so you’re uh…some kinda—“ You made a vague, random gesture with your hands.
Matt just blinked and waited for the end of your sentence. It was then you noticed his eyes didn’t actually track and movement or shifts of light.
“Forgive me for asking, but are you blind?” You attempted to ask politely.
At that he cracked another smile and laughed some.
“Indeed I am. I hope that won’t be much on a problem.” Matt grinned at you.
“No! No of course not!” You rushed to explain, at which he laughed more.
“Calm down, Kid—“ The rest of his sentence faded out as you zoned in on those three words.
The words that had been uttered to you not half an hour before. By the same voice. Matt seemed to catch on that something was wrong.
“Everything alright, Kid?” He asked concerned.
“You’re Daredevil, aren’t you?” You swallowed thickly.
He huffed out a disbelieving laugh.
“No? Why would you say that? Why would I even know Daredevil?“ Daredevil started.
“Your voice is the exact same as his. And you’re the only one who’s ever called me ‘Kid’ before.” You explained.
He pursed his lips, looking more disappointed in himself than anything else.
“Yeah I’m—I’m Daredevil.” He awkwardly stated.
“So…you’re not really blind?” You knit your brows together.
“No, I’m blind it’s just that I can—it’s hard to explain, let’s just get you settled in for now.” He changed the subject.
It left you more confused but you supposed you had no better option but to agree. You hadn’t slept on anything remotely related to a couch in two months and you couldn’t wait to get the best night’s sleep of your life.
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Nonexistent Eating Patterns
Pairings: Matt Murdock x gn!teen!reader
Imagine: you haven’t been eating sleeping or drinking as you should and Matt is there to help
Warnings: not eating, anxiety, dehydration, sleep deprived, mention of panic/anxiety attacks, mention of depression, feeling sick, mention of school and exams and grades, Soft Matt Murdock (that is a warning), idk what more
A/N for starters this is probably shitty, bc wrote this late at night to be able to cope with my current life/mental/physical health. So wrote this to bring me some sort of comfort, so yeah this is probably shitty and I have not proofread it, but ya know that’s fine I guess :)
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You didn’t know why, but once a year there was always this period of time where you ate far too little. More so than usual. The other times when you occasionally skipped lunch or breakfast or your usual midnight snack it was always fine, because you only skipped one of those and only once a week at a maximum. But now. Now you have skipped breakfast and your midnight snack the whole week, and lunch nearly every day. You had eaten maybe four times overall this week and your health was not having it. Because at those times when you did eat you didn’t eat much, you nearly spat out the food you ate. Nor did you get hungry. You only had that stomach ache where deep down you knew it came from you not eating, but you didn’t want to acknowledge that. So instead you laid curled up in your bed, hands by your head trying to soothe the migraine and your knees up to your chest while watching some random show on the TV. It was one of two positions that made the ache bearable.
Matt — your “guardian”, and who you shared an apartment with — knew you hadn’t been eating well. Of Course he knew, he was the devil of Hell’s Kitchen after all. Something like that would not get past him, but he didn’t want to push things on you, he didn’t want to push you to eat because it wouldn’t work as long as you didn’t do something yourself. As long as you didn’t ask for help he knew you wouldn’t eat. He knew your condition only got worse with your horrible sleeping patterns, and let’s not forget you were probably dehydrated. It seemed like you didn’t ever get tired, hungry or thirsty. Matt wanted to help you, but as long as you didn’t want the help nothing would change. Because one of the worst things is when a person doesn’t want help, and it’s hard to help them when they don’t want the help, especially with this. So he let it be for the time being, until he felt it had been going on for too long.
You’d had more panic and anxiety attacks this month than you usually had and your depression had kicked in not long ago. Which meant that you were less likely to start eating and sleeping. The only thing that kept you occupied was watching movies and series. You couldn’t do any school work, because that just made you anxious. Even though you didn’t have much in school at the moment (if you compare to other times), you still felt like everything was too much. You were supposed to have five exams, you had one today, which ended badly. The next two were next week, and then two after each other the next three coming weeks. On top of that you were just confused by everything in school and even if you studied you didn’t get the high grades. Everything was just too much at the moment with school, depression, anxiety overall, plus the attacks and panic attacks, let’s not forget not eating, drinking or sleeping. At the very moment you were screwed and you’d gone so deep down that you had no idea what to do.
Every day you felt like you would have an attack, every day you felt like you wanted to cry and scream until next year came. But you couldn’t even force a tear out of your eyes or a scream out of your throat, for some reason you just couldn’t. So you opted to lay in bed and watch movies all weekend instead of studying for your next exam because you wouldn’t understand anything anyway (and the teacher couldn’t explain it to you either).
It was night by the time Matt came home again, he’d called various times during the day to make sure you ate something, though you hadn’t really followed that, as you just took one bite out of your sandwich before you had to throw it away feeling like you’d puke by eating it. So when he came home and heard you were still awake as well as when he noticed you hadn’t eaten, he went into your room, and you in a poor attempt tried to even your breath to make it sound like you were sleeping — even though you knew full well it wouldn’t work.
“I know you’re awake”
Matt sat himself beside you on your bed. Making sure you listened to him as he continued.
“I know you didn’t eat today” he touched your arm gently, which went unnoticed by you, as you continued to stare out in the distance after you had opened your eyes. He touched your arm once more, and this time you felt it as your eyes slightly wandered to his hand which was carefully placed on your arm once more. Your hands had long since started to fiddle with your blanket in an attempt to hide the fact that your hands were shaking from the anxiety that came with being confronted with your nonexistent eating patterns.
“If I make you a sandwich will you eat it” you only shook your head in answer, you knew with the help of his heightened senses he would pick it up, but just in case you answered with a no as well.
“Can you at least drink a glass of water?” you shook your head and said no once more. Matt sighed and after a few moments he went out of your room. He went into the kitchen and took out some candy from one of the cupboards — the candy he hid away for special occasions. Matt also went and got a glass as he tapped on the water. When he heard it flow down he put the glass underneath and waited for the water to fill up the glass (can he now that?). He also put the candy in a bowl and went into your room again.
The darkness in your room made it hard for you to see, the movie had gone onto the credit scenes and the black background did nothing to help you see what Matt did. You only heard something being put down on your nightstand and felt Matt move around in front of you (as you were facing that way). He took up his previous position on your bed and made you sit up, as well as tell you to put on your favorite movie, he didn’t care if he couldn’t see it nor if you had already seen it today, it was the best way to distract you.
When the movie had started to roll he started to talk. “I know candy isn’t exactly food, or the food you need right now, but you eating anything is a progress, so can you at least eat some of it” your breathing had stopped for a few seconds, scared of even trying to eat as it made your stomach ache. Matt felt this, and added to his previous words. “Please Y/N, if you won’t do it for me, do it for yourself, I know that deep inside you want to get better, you’re just scared to try, scared that it might get worse, but I promise it won’t, it’ll only get better” he felt your head slowly nod as you slowly reached over to the bowl. “How do you know that” Matt sighed softly once more, he knew that if he said the wrong thing it’d make you put away the bowl. “Because it has before hasn’t it, before it went way too far until you needed to get help, because you couldn’t do anything, I just want to help you before we get to that, okay” you hummed at his answer and picked up a chocolate bar. When you put it in your mouth it melted and you got a tiny moment were you felt like everything would be okay, the sweetness was nice, it was far better than eating a sandwich that’s for sure. With that you took another candy bar and eventually you had eaten all of it, while being distracted by the movie in front of you. Matt had listened in on you while you ate, making sure you were okay. He drowned away everything but you, only focusing on you, to make sure you were nothing but okay.
After a few moments your stomach started to ache, it felt like it harnessed everything you ate. Matt made you drink the glass of water before he laid you down on the bed. His arms wrapped around you, as he cuddled close to you, giving you comfort. You breathed in his scent and felt his overall calmness — which always seemed to calm you down in turn. It was like he transferred some of his calmness over to you.
Eventually Matt felt your even breaths as you for once actually slept. That’s when he promised that he’d make sure that you actually ate the next following days, because he didn’t ever want to experience this with you ever again. Though if it did happen again he would always be there to help you, over and over again.
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Matt Simmons X Teen Daughter Reader
Request: 14 year old daughter of matt Simmons, where her and her best friend get kidnapped by the unsub and Matt saves them.
I love it!
B/F/N - Best friend Name
Third person pov...
In the quaint suburban home nestled amidst manicured lawns, 14-year-old
Y/N Simmons, daughter of the esteemed FBI agent Matt Simmons, led a carefree life.
Her laughter filled the house, her adventures with her best friend, B/F/N illuminating her days. However, one fateful evening, their idyllic world shattered.
Currently Y/N sits on the bottom of the stairs tying her shoes, she was planning on meeting her best friend at the park, Matt Simmons walker past her and lent against the banister.
"Have a fun time sweetie, be home by 6 okay?" He tells her, the H/C girl grins as she jumps up. "Yes Dad" she says grinning.
The man rolls his eyes and pulls her in for a hug which was returned, waving her out the door the agent sighs and walks to the living room where his wife was sitting.
Smiling at him she holds her hand out, Matt takes it and sits next to her, Kristy cuddles up next to her husband. "She'll be fine Matt" the man sighs.
"I know but-" "-you worry to much" Matt smiles and kisses her cheek. "I know"
Y/N Simmons giggles as she walks to the park to meet B/F/N. Being a saturday the park was filled with parents and kids playing in the park and outside on the field.
The two girls were excited to see each other, running up to each other they hugged twin smiles on their faces.
"Hey N/N"
"Hey B/F/N"
"Come on N/N!" Giggles B/F/N as she runs off to the seesaw, Y/N right behind her, the two girls plated on the seesaw, swung on the swings trying to see who could go higher.
As they did neither teen noticed a man standing under a tree watching them, the park was filled with Parents and their kids but knowone notices the man.
As he watched the two girls in particular he had a sinister grin on his covered face, he finishes his cigarette and crushes the butt into the earth.
He then walks closer as the two girls wonder away from the park, quickly he catches up with them.
"B/F/N wait for me!" Cries Y/N the H/C girl ran after her best friend who ran into the forest, they loved climbing trees seeing to could climb the highest.
"Hurry up then slowpoke" Giggles the
H/C girl as Y/N caught up with her, she then tackles the other teen to the floor. "Ooof" the two fall to the leaf covered floor laughing.
After a few seconds of laughter Y/N then rolled off the girl and onto the floor next to B/F/N both breathless from laughing so much.
The two then look at each other and end up laughing all over again, suddenly a twig snaps making the two girls jump at the sound, they hadn't noticed anyone following them into the forest.
Slowly and cautiously Y/N sits up from the ground, nervous E/C eyes searched around them, she nudged her best friend to get her to shut up.
As she saw Y/N expression she knew something was wrong, having an FBI agent as a Dad, Y/N has been taught how to protect herself and to observe her surroundings. Slowly the two girls stand up from the ground eyes looking everywhere.
They turn around to go back to the park, as they walk they continued looking around as they did, quickly walking turned into running. The two girls sprint through the forest and back to the park.
Y/N got back to the park first, bursting out from the bushes, she leans into her knees, breathing heavy from running she looked around for B/F/N. "B/F/N? Where are you!" She yells turning around to the forest she just ran out off.
As she did her blood ran cold, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness, brandishing a gleaming blade. Terror surged through Y/N's veins as she realized their predicament.
The man had B/F/N in his grasp, holding the knife to the young teens neck, his other hand held the girl to his chest making sure she couldn't escape.
Y/Ns stared at them not knowing what to do, tears where falling silently down her friends face the H/C girl shook her head telling Y/N to leave.
"Let her go!" She yells, the man only tightens his grip on the terrified girl he was holding the balde too. "How about no, come with me or she dies?" He laughs as the girls look at each other.
Y/N looks at her best friend, she couldn't leave her with him, she just couldn't. "Alright I'll go, just don't hurt her" she says walking forward back into thr dark forest.
The man began dragging them into the depths of the woods, farther than they'd ever gone before, before she was taken Y/N managed to discreetly drop her favorite hair clip onto the floor, knowing her Dad will recognise it.
As the clock stuck 7pm, Matt Simmons' heart sank as his daughter's usual laughter turned into an eerie void. His instincts screamed that something was amiss.
Y/N was always on time coming home she never misses her cerfew, he had thought she's message before hand but she hadn't. Sitting in the kichen with kristy.
"Somethings wrong" he tells her, his wife instantly agrees. A frantic call to Sarah's parents confirmed his worst fears: both girls were missing.
Y/N's frantic screams echoed through the trees, but her pleas for help were met with silence. The cold grip of the kidnapper tightened around her, sending icy shivers down her spine. Despair threatened to consume her as she feared the worst.
The man had dragged the two girls deep into the forest, they'd never this far into it before. Eventually they came to a dilapidated cabin deep within the woods.
Their kidnapper, a twisted and deranged man, tormented them with threats and violence. Yet, amidst their despair, a flicker of determination burned within them.
Time became his enemy as Matt raced against the clock to find his precious daughter. He rallied his team and delved into the depths of the investigation. Every minute lost was an eternity, and the hope of rescuing Y/N dwindled.
As night fell, Matt led a team of agents into the wilderness, determined to leave no stone unturned. Their search continued relentlessly, their flashlights cutting through the darkness like beacons of hope.
Suddenly, a glimmer of movement caught their attention. Matt holds up his hand making the others stop.
"Wait, do you hear that?" He asks them in the distance, they heard the faint sound of muffled cries. Adrenaline coursing through their veins, they surged forward, their weapons at the ready.
As they approached the cabin, the horrifying reality unfolded before them. Y/N and B/F/N lay huddled together, their bodies bruised and battered.
With lightning-fast precision, Matt and his team stormed the building, subduing the kidnapper and freeing the girls.
Relief streamed down Matt's face as he embraced his daughter and her friend. Y/N squash herself into her Dad arms holding his tightly. "Daddy, I knew you'd come"she cries tears getting his shirt wet.
"Of course I came Baby, I'll always protect you" he tells her hugging both girls tight.
The end!
Hope you liked this, another Matt Simmons one haven't done one for him in ages, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1313
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ddchris-9 · 4 months
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okay so ive had this idea for so long and i doubt anyone will want to do this but can like people make a teen beach movie au for the sturniolo triplets like i feel like that would be awesome i love both
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