#maybe I'll translate them to english one day
quemirabobo · 2 years
The perks of translating the bible are 1. Easiest shit I have ever done 2. I can fight every "the bible says" with a "well actually it doesn't says that" and I think it's beautiful
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intravention · 1 year
u/Evangelion2004 on Reddit has been working on translating Dogra Magra (an epic feat given how notoriously long and complicated the original is). I hope they finish it, I'd love to read it all one day.
I know there's a recently published translation of the novel as a translation of a translation from Japanese -> French -> English. I'm not sure if it'll get reprints, though, so I don't think I'll be reading that translation any time soon.
Translation is hard, and inevitably, some details will be lost in translation. I wish I was more proficient in Japanese or at least Chinese so I could read it without being dependent on a translator. For now, I'm thankful to the people who do TL work. There are so many stories I'd never get a chance to know without help crossing the language barrier.
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Pov: You knew slashers, when you was a child (Slashers x fem!reader)
I'm back! Well, it os a lazy post from my drafts, until I end my new idea <3
TW: no
Characters: Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire, brothers Sinclair
P.S.: English is not my native language, so lot of these words was translated by simple translator, sorry for misspells and e.t.c.
Enjoy this!
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Thomas Hewitt
The transition to a new school has always been a great stress for a child, especially in the middle of the school year.
You and your parents often moved from city to city. Maybe it was their work, or maybe they just wanted to show you as many different places as possible so that your childhood would remain really memorable — you didn't know. But the constant moving was followed by a change of schools and kindergartens. On the one hand, you liked it — new acquaintances, interests and a lot of positive emotions, after all, you were a cheerful and active child — but it also brought its inconveniences — you didn't have "best" friends, you had no more than a couple of months to communicate with each of them, and multiple the change of the team has made you a real chameleon in society.
You were ten years old when you and your parents moved to Texas. The age when most classes have already been divided into peculiar interest groups, which are quite difficult for a new person to join. That's why your mom decided to bake cookies that you could distribute to new classmates. Who doesn't like homemade cakes? You actively participated in the cooking process. A little more practice, and you could learn these cookies on your own. As soon as the treat was ready — several pieces were successfully taken away by your father — your mother beautifully put it in a colored box, now tied with a ribbon. The inscription "Welcome" was painted on the lid in gold paint.
It was very hot in this area of Texas. Therefore, on your first day of school, you decided to limit yourself to a beautiful white T-shirt with some simple pattern and black shorts. The first impression is the most important, right? Your mom took you to school by car. At the reception desk, your mom introduced you and found out the number of the right office. After kissing you goodbye on the cheek, she left you to your own luck. Although you were already used to it, a nervous feeling of anticipation bubbled somewhere in your chest; your palms were sweating.
After a good seven minutes, you were standing in front of the right class, 212, clutching a box of cookies to your chest. Adjusting the strap of the gray backpack, you exhaled anyway.
Your homeroom teacher, Mrs. Sullivan, introduced you in the office. A lovely woman with curly locks hanging down on both sides of her face and freckled cheeks. Her soft figure, dressed in a white blouse and a black pencil skirt, caused a surge of strength and confidence in you. The woman lightly put her arm around your shoulders, so motherly, and asked you to tell about yourself.
"My name is Y/N Y/L," your voice trembled slightly while your gaze ran over the children sitting in the classroom, "I'm ten. I like animals and beading... Mm, my parents and I move around a lot, so I don't think I'll stay here for more than two months. I hope we'll become friends."
You ended your performance with a sincere warm smile. Mrs. Sullivan asked you to take an empty seat. Your choice fell on the farthest place by the window; a guy was sitting behind it, hunched over and staring at the street. Was he weird? No, rather unusual. He had long black hair, so unusual for a boy; his gaze was lowered somewhere on the dusty road near the school, so you couldn't see his eyes. Sitting down next to him, you quickly took out a notebook and pencil from your backpack.
The boy seemed startled by your voice. He looked at you uncertainly, and you saw a face wrapped in bandages. Sad cornflower blue eyes peeked out from under the white cloth.
"I'm Y/N," you whisper, holding out your hand to the boy, "And what's your name?"
There was no response. Disappointed, you lowered your hand, now paying attention to the teacher's explanation. The woman was writing down her words on the blackboard, and you quickly began copying them into your notebook, clutching a pencil until it crackled.
There was something about this boy that attracted you. It doesn't matter if it was his shyness or isolation — you decided that you definitely want to make friends with him.
At recess, you approached a group of girls. They were dressed up like girls from fashion magazines that you often saw in kiosks by the road.
"Hi," — you said with a light smile.
"Well, hello," said one of the girls, popping a bubble of gum.
"I want to ask. M, that boy," you pointed to the long—haired boy, "What's his name? I asked, and he ignored me."
"Haha, he won't answer you. That's our little Tommy," another girl hissed sarcastically, giggling, "Thomas Hewitt is weird. Very strange. I heard that his father is his brother!"
"And he's also a terrible freak!"
You awkwardly put your hand in your hair. Thomas didn't look as disgusting as the girls described him. It's all rumors. And what to take from these children, they probably didn't even try to talk to Hewitt!
You didn't talk to this company anymore. After waiting for lunch, when all the children went out to the garden at the school, you again approached the boy. He didn't budge. It seems he hasn't even written anything since you sat down next to him.
"Hey, hello?" you waved your palm in front of the guy's face, "Thomas, right?"
This time the boy paid attention to you. There was no emotion visible under the thick layer of bandages, but you were sure that he arched an eyebrow questioningly. He's wondering how you know his name?
"You were sitting alone, so I came over. Your name is Thomas, right?" you repeated the question, finally the boy nodded, "That's wonderful! I'm Y/N, let's get acquainted."
Smiling happily, you hand the guy an open box of cookies. Golden crust with chocolate chips. You had no desire to share such a delicious thing with such terrible and tactless people. And Tommy. Tommy was different. He was timid and calm, unable to cause harm.
"Help yourself," you babble, sitting down next to Hewitt, "I made them myself! Not without my mommy's help, of course..."
You blush slightly and see Thomas's eyes narrow. He smiled! He seems to be starting to like your company.
"Can I call you Tommy?"
• Thomas has become noticeably happier since you met him. The boy began to spend more time outside the house, in your company (Luda was very surprised by this, because usually after school Tommy always came home and sat in his room).
• For your birthday, Thomas himself sewed a soft toy for you, a fox, as he found out later, this is one of your favorite animals. The toy was sewn from different, but matching pieces of fabric, a little sloppy, but quite skillfully. It made you smile. You threw your arms around Hewitt for joy.
• Once you praise him, Tommy immediately blushes a lot. It's good that it's not visible under the layer of bandages. From the moment you became friends, Thomas's self-esteem has risen a little.
• When you first offered to help Thomas change the bandages, he strongly refused. The boy just couldn't let you see his face. But when he finally gave up, Hewitt was pleasantly surprised that you didn't scream and run away. You didn't call Tommy a freak or a monster, but only sympathetically stroked his scarred cheeks.
• Over time, you began to understand Thomas without words, absolutely. You found the right answers in his movements, grunting, awkward head turning or excessive gesticulation. Even Luda was a little amazed at your nonverbal communication, but the woman was glad that her son finally found a real friend.
• Tommy often showed you his drawings. It was like the scribble of a five-year-old child, but you were always happy to accept the leaves and hang them over your bed. Basically, Thomas drew his family: angry Charlie in the corner of the paper, Monty sitting next to him in a chair, a little further away, Luda was cooking, and in the center of the drawing you and Thomas holding hands and smiling.
• It was the first time you begged your parents to stay in this city longer. Fortunately, they agreed after seeing your enthusiasm for the "strange boy".
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Brahms Heelshire
• Your parents and the Healers kept in touch for a while, you can say your families were very close. You first met Brahms on his fifth birthday. He was a very well-mannered but private boy, so Mrs. Heelshire was only too happy to introduce you.
• At first, your communication did not work out. Brahms was a rude child in places, took away your toys and teased you.
• His true attitude towards you showed up when you didn't come to his house, although you were visiting the Heelshire family every Monday and Wednesday. He was seriously worried. All morning Brahms sat in his room by the window and looked at the road going through the forest, waiting for your little body in your favorite blue dress to appear from behind the trees. But you were never there. It turned out that you were just sick. That day Brahms went to your house and did not leave your bed, squeezing your hot palm.
• Your parents worked most of the time, so they were not against your games with Heelshire Jr. You stayed in their house more and more often, sometimes even overnight, and you and Brahms made noise all night, forcing his mother to swear. But still, the woman was glad that at least Brahms was behaving quite comfortably and boldly with someone.
• You were only a couple of months younger than Brahms, but you thought it was a good reason to tease you.
• The boy allowed you to enter his room without knocking, consider it a worthwhile privilege, because Heelshire does not let everyone into his personal space.
• When you were sad, Brahms brought you bouquets of flowers hastily made with his own hands. That's why his palms were green most of the time.
• Brahms makes wonderful sandwiches. He often makes them when the two of you are having a "picnic" in the garden. Although in fact he agrees to it only to admire you.
• Heelshire loves sweets very much. Very. His mom doesn't allow the boy a lot of sweets and cakes, so you secretly bring them to him from home. The boy is insanely happy.
• Brahms loves kissing. This habit, or rather the need, appeared in him because you praised the boy in this way. Has he finally cleaned the room? A kiss. Did he break his mom's precious vase during the catch-up today? A kiss! So now he can demand them for any reason. He especially likes it when you kiss him before going to bed, and Brahms falls asleep hugging you.
• You're his best friend. That's why Brahms trusts you with all his secrets. You are the only one to whom he has told about the strange and frightening thoughts that sometimes sound in his head.
"Good night," Mrs. Heelshire said, turning off the light and closing the door behind her.
You smile and blow her a kiss, covering your mouth with your palm. When the woman's footsteps recede, you exhale with relief, plopping down on the pillow with force. Squinting your eyes, you wrinkle your nose, trying to blow away the stuck strands of hair from your face. Brahms giggles and gently tucks your hair behind your ear.
The room is cool. The window is slightly ajar, letting in a light autumn wind. The curtains are swaying from side to side, taking chaotic frightening shadows.
You get under the covers up to your nose. Brahms follows your example, pressing his whole body against you, and you stroke his head.
"If I ever do something very, very bad, will you stay with me?" Heelshire whispers, looking up at you.
You look into his sad emerald eyes and laugh. He likes to put pressure on your pity, because he knows that at such moments you see him as a tiny abandoned kitten.
"I don't think you'd do anything so bad, Brahms."
"But if I do. What if everyone turns away from me. Even mom and dad. Will you stay with me?"
You pressed your lips together, frowning. Brahms had never asked such strange questions before. And how can a child who is only eight years old think about something like that after a while. Looking down at the ceiling, you turned your head, looking into Brahms' eyes.
"Yes. I'll stay."
"Honestly?" Heelshire asks incredulously.
"Yes, I promise you, silly boy!" you abruptly cover his face with a blanket, holding the edges on both sides of his head.
The boy was kicking, trying to get out from under your weight, while you tried not to laugh. Taking pity on his futile attempts, you took off the blankets, admiring Brahms' flushed face. Heelshire was breathing heavily, and his cheeks and nose were burning like Chinese lanterns that your parents launched on your birthday.
"I won. Again," you grin.
Brahms is silent. You sigh and lie down again, turning your back to Heelshire. Your eyes are shining with joy, and your lips continue to curve in a smug grin. You know that Brahms will not dare to do something to you in return. He always let you get away with such antics. Absolutely always.
When you are ready to fall asleep, through the chatter in your head you hear a plaintive whisper. Having opened your leaden eyelids, you groan with displeasure.
"Kiss me," Brahms whines, and you get up on your elbows, chuckling softly.
"Okay," you kiss Heelshire on the lips, "Good night, Brahms."
• "Now I've won," Brahms croaks, pressing you against the wall and spreading his hands on both sides of your head. Just like a child. Except now he's not the victim here, but you. Although was he ever a victim in your games? Rather, he always played the role of a presenter, you just didn't notice it, as if you were looking through your fingers. And who would have thought that that innocent little boy would ever stand in front of you, towering over your body by a good two heads, and grinning with eyes shining in anticipation through the black slits of the mask.
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Christmas is the most mysterious and magical holiday of the year; the day when the whole family gathers at one big table to properly celebrate this moment together; the day when you receive a lot of gifts from all kinds of relatives, which you sometimes did not realize; the day when all wishes come true.
You clumsily shuffled along the road, shaking your back every now and then to adjust the heavy backpack. Things inside rattled a lot, and you tried to straighten your back faster to avoid crumpled packages.
Christmas was your favorite holiday. And although your parents have been working constantly lately, you were glad that you could spend this family holiday with your friends.
You met not so long ago, only about four months ago, when you first moved here. Ambrose turned out to be a very nice and cozy city with friendly and caring people. Mrs. Sinclair, Trudy, and your mom became friends right away— their interests converged on art. That's when I met her sons, the woman suggested that you make friends with them because of their similar age. And it turned out to be a very good idea. The boys quickly became addicted to you.
Once again adjusting the canvas straps of the backpack, you quickly climb the steps requested by the snow and knock on the sand-colored door several times. On the other side, there is a fussy shuffling and dissatisfied grumbling.
"Hello," you say, smiling, when the door swings open in front of you, revealing a view of the timid Vincent.
The guy nods to you and opens the door wider, motioning you to enter. You kiss Sinclair on the cheek of the mask. Brushing off your feet at the threshold, you quickly take off your shoes and leave your backpack at the shoe shelf. Music from an old radio is coming from the kitchen, some station unknown to you is playing old songs from the seventies. As soon as you entered the room, Vincent stood at the stove again, frying something in a frying pan. Whenever Trudy was busy making figures and arranging a museum that she someday wanted to open, it was Vincent who did the cooking and other household duties. Bo was stubborn and didn't want to do "women's" work, and Lester was still too young for such a large-scale activity. The latter was now sitting at the table and skillfully sliced an apple with a hunting knife into neat pieces.
"Morning, Lester," passing by the boy, you leave a small kiss on his forehead.
"Hi, Y/N!" Sinclair winces contentedly, flapping his big copper eyes.
You sit down next to the boy and imperceptibly take a piece of apple from under his nose, throwing it into his mouth contentedly. There were already several plates and cutlery on the table. Vincent loved order, so he prepared everything in advance.
"Where's Bo?" you ask, rocking slightly in your chair, for which you get a menacing look from Vincent.
"Mom asked him to help at the museum," Lester replied, "He should be back soon."
You notice how Vincent turns off the stove and turns his whole body in your direction. The guy takes a notebook lying on the table and quickly scribbles something.
"Have you had breakfast?"
"Yes," you say shortly, when Vincent closes the notebook and puts it back, "Honestly."
Sinclair puts the hot omelette on plates and pushes you a bowl of oatmeal cookies. You happily take one piece. Vincent sits down across from Lester and lifts the mask just enough to see his mouth. You frown, noticing the edge of his deep scar.
"Hey everyone," it was heard from the threshold, when the front door slammed shut with force, "Oh, honey, and you're here," Bo walks past you, lightly touching your shoulder in greeting, and sits down next to Vincent.
During brunch, you watch Lester and Bo actively negotiate. When their plates are empty, you decide to step in.
"Since everyone is here," you babble happily, clapping your hands to attract the attention of the guys, "I want to give you gifts a little earlier than planned, do you mind?"
"Of course not," Bo abruptly pushed away from the table, "I'm all for it, babe."
Bo winked at you playfully, to which you rolled your eyes. Vincent signed something, and you looked at Lester. Your sign language was not yet good enough to understand most of the phrases, you barely remembered the words of politeness. That's why you've always relied on little Lester at times like this.
"He said: "Why are you doing this so early?"", Lester explained, innocently blinking his eyes.
"What's the difference," Bo frowned, "Sooner or later — the main thing is that she gave."
You didn't comment on the elder Sinclair's words, but just got up from the table and went to your backpack resting in the hallway. When you came back, the brothers were already sitting in a kind of semicircle on the floor. Bo sprawled impressively closer to the sofa and grinned in anticipation; Lester, in his usual manner, sat cross-legged; while Vincent tucked his knees to his chest.
You sat down between the twins and put the backpack next to you, unzipping it. You said "Close your eyes" and, as soon as the boys fulfilled your request, you began to take out colorful boxes. All packages had the same color, different sizes. Alternately, you put the gifts in front of them and allowed them to watch. Lester giggled when he saw that his box was the biggest.
"Merry Christmas," you drawled, spreading your arms out to the sides.
The very first gift was opened by Lester. The boy happily tore open the package, scattering the paper around him, and screamed when he saw the cherished surprise. A big stuffed fawn. He had a soft beige body and neat brown horns sticking out in different directions. The muzzle was cheerful, with a big nose and shiny button eyes.
"I knitted it especially for you," you babble, smiling, when Lester looks up at you with an enthusiastic look.
"Thank you!" the boy throws himself on your neck with lightning speed, squeezing your body until the bones crunch; you stroke his back.
Bo was a little surprised when he saw a set of tools under the wrapper. He loved tinkering and was well versed in mechanics; the fact that you remembered about this hobby touched the guy a little; his lips curved in a slight smile.
"Well, thanks, babe," Bo grins, patting your hair.
You're pouting a little. All the time spent in the morning combing this tangled nest has gone to waste. You are dissatisfied with blowing off a few strands that caught your eye.
The last person to open his gift was Vincent. The boy very tenderly unwrapped the package, not trying to tear it, as if stretching and savoring this moment. You watched the deft but careful movements of his fingers with burning impatience. Finally, Sinclair took off all the paper, removing it from the side, and looked down at what he saw. A large set with colored pencils. Exactly the one that the boy looked at with undisguised envy in the window of an art store about a month ago. Did you remember that? With slightly trembling hands, Vincent takes the box and turns it in his hands. There were several more drawing pads under it.
Vincent looks at you, and you see the trembling gaze of his azure eyes in the slits of the mask. Such unbelievers, but at the same time grateful. You crawl up to the boy and hug him tightly, nuzzling his neck. Vincent lets out a ragged sigh.
"Merry Christmas to you, boys," you congratulate them once again, seeing the boys' satisfied smiles.
"So why did you decide to give it to us so early?" Lester asked, clutching the toy to his chest.
"Oh, that," you awkwardly fix your hair, "Well, my parents decided to leave. To another state. We'll leave tonight. So I thought I could have some fun with you now."
There was an oppressive silence in the room. You were afraid to look up, but you could feel the disappointment on the boys' faces. Your heart was painfully squeezed in your chest, from which you gritted your teeth with a creak.
"Will you come back?" Bo broke the silence.
"I don't know. Dad was offered a job in another state. Mom just said I wouldn't be able to see you."
You looked at each of the boys in turn. Vincent's head drooped, Bo's brows furrowed, and Lester's lips tightened into a crooked thread. The elder Sinclair sighed heavily.
"We'll be waiting. All together," he looked at you from under his brows, "Just try not to come back to us."
• Vincent loves sweets; but, often, Bo takes most of the goodies. That's why you put an envelope with several edible bracelets in one of the donated notebooks. Bo will probably consider them girly and will not take them away from his brother.
• You have been knitting a fawn for Lester for about five days; the boy is very happy with your gift. Your relationship is like a brother and a scary sister. He is always ready to rely on you; Sinclair is glad that he has such a caring person, unlike the same brothers (in particular Bo).
• Trudy adores you. You could say that in these few months she began to perceive you as her own daughter. You even know where the spare keys to the back door of the house are.
• Bo always tries to impress you as a self-sufficient high school student. He saw his father's old magazines with tackles, seduction and other materials not for children, so he decided to train on you. He didn't notice how he fell in love.
• Vincent is a good cook.
• Most of Vinnie's drawings in the new notebooks are you. He will paint your portraits for many years after your leaving.
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grnpurplgrmln · 2 months
with this new version of bluza that we got, i feel like i have to talk about the lyric "da se nagledam lepote te" (and also maybe the entirety of the last verse bc it drives me crazy)
for starters, it is such a romantic lyric i CANNOT get over it
no english translation can do it justice, the closest i can think of off the top of my head is "so i can soak up that beauty", but even that's not quite right
nagledati is a very specific type of verb (idk what the actual name for it would be cause i don't think it's a svršeni verb?? could be wrong idk grammar was never my strong suit)
it comes from the verb gledati (to look) and the prefix na-
the prefix na- gives it a sort of full quality. najesti (na- + jesti (to eat)) would mean that you've eaten so much that you're now full and can't eat anymore. nahodati (na- + hodati (to walk)) would mean that you've walked so much that you're now tired and can't walk anymore etc etc.
now, nagledati, in the context of looking at the person you're in love with, specifically their beauty AND the additional context that you're going to have to be away from them, for an undetermined amount of time?
looking at your lover so closely and so focused, so you can remember their every wrinkle, every blemish, every freckle, every twinkle in their eyes as they stare at you with the same love you feel for them, just in case you start to miss them, because you know you will, your heart would never let you fool yourself into thinking otherwise?
devastating, i want more of it
as i've stated earlier, this whole ending verse just trips me up so bad, in the best way possible
"ne palite još svetla" "don't turn on the lights yet"
"još samo jedan tren" "just one more moment"
"da se nagledam lepote te" "so i can really take in that beauty"
"ne palite još svetla" "don't turn on the lights yet"
"ne prizivajte dan" "don't summon the day"
"spasite me, smislite neki plan" "save me, think up some plan"
"ako svane sunce" "if the sun rises"
"ostat ću sam" "i'll be left alone"
it's so tragically romantic that it makes my heart break.
one thing i noticed here though, are the lyrics "ne palite još svetla" and "spasite me, smislite neki plan" mostly because they're in plural
now, i think it's probably just because that's the closest serbian has to gender neutral pronouns*, but i also think it's interesting to think of bojan, as the "protagonist" of the song, pleading the world to stop so he could get more time with his lover, a moment of selfishness
and the way the rest of the song sets up this almost domestic feeling "soba nam je mala"/"our room is small", which could also be translated to "the room is too small for us" as in "this room is far too small for our love, to handle us"
and i just... how can you not love this song...
additional notes:
* i'm an idiot, i just remembered that singular imperative exists and is also gender neutral so the lyric could have been "spasi me, smisli neki plan" but it's not so the whole protagonist talking to the world stuff might have been the intended purpose
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aniesvision · 3 months
dating? (matt sturniolo x f! reader)
warnings: lying, anxiety, panicking (nothing too bad), mostly just fluff
a/n: hi!! this one is just a cute little short fluff, it's translated from my wattpad account. friendly reminder: english is not my first language, i'm sorry if there's any mistakes ✨
synopsis: your friends were going to have Madison Beer as their next guest on their podcast and you were excited to meet her. Things take a different turn when, finally talking to her, you realize one of your friends lied to her.
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colors: matt you nick chris madison ✨
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎
Just over two hours after entering the podcast studio, the three boys and the day's special guest, Madison Beer, appeared in the living room.
I had only arrived a few minutes ago and let myself in with the extra key that Nick had given to me once, considering how many times we went to each other's houses (he also have a key to my apartment).
I was practically family now. And, for that very reason, they accepted me only coming here today with the interest of getting to know Madison.
-Hi! It's so nice to finally meet you. -I smile excitedly as soon as I see the girl.
I was a big fan of her work, not the kind who followed every detail of her life or waited anxiously for news stories to find out when the new album was coming out, but the kind who listened to her songs from time to time and liked them. And also related with the lyrics.
Madison gives me a genuine smile, not waiting a second before pulling me into a hug, kindly greeting me and walking with me to the kitchen.
I showed her where the glasses and water were while the boys threw themselves down on the couch I was on earlier.
-The boys have told me a lot about you, especially Matt, you guys make such a cute couple. -She says with a big genuine smile, setting her empty glass on the counter.
-Huh? -I ask, confused. -What do you mean "couple"?
Madison spent her whole day with the guys. They decided to hang out before filming so it'd feel more natural. I haven't been able to talk to any of them yet, considering they were filming and I immediately went to talk to Madison when they were done.
I glance in the direction of the couch, seeing that Matt is looking at us suspiciously. Maybe he said we were dating for a reason, and I'll find out later, but for now I'm going to be the good friend who lies to get in on the act and help him out.
-Matt told me you guys are dating. And I'm sorry, I didn't know you had something, I have a friend who has a certain interest in him and I tried to help her, but neither of us are the type to destroy happy couples, so don't worry, it won't happen again.
Madison explains, making some gestures with her hands and I smile, trying to dispel the feeling of guilt that exuded from her face.
-Oh, it's okay, it's a recent thing, we haven't really announced it yet. -I answer, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. It's so hard to lie, specially about something like this and specially to THE Madison Beer.
-I understand, but now I know, and she knows, and I'm sorry again. -Madison says, but I can't answer as Matthew appears in the kitchen.
-Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? -The boy looks at me with a fake smile and pulls me by the wrist to his room, locking the door as soon as we enter.
He didn't even give me a chance to excuse myself, he just dragged me away from Madison.
-Matt, what the fuck was that? -I ask, disbelieving that I've been taken out of the conversation so abruptly.
I crossed my arms and looked at him in confusion, trying to understand his reaction. He seemed nervous and kept looking down, running his hand through his hair repeatedly.
-I don't know. -He replies, his voice low.
-Why did you tell her we're dating?
I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible, to show him that I wasn't angry, just confused. Annoyed, for sure, but mostly confused. I didn't want to make him feel bad in any way.
-Madison tried to give me her friend's number, and I don't know, I guess I panicked. -Matt rubs his eyes a little.
-If you didn't want to, you could've just said 'no' or 'I'm not interested'. -I uncross my arms, but continue to stare at him in confusion.
-I panicked. -He repeats, starting to play with the rings on his fingers.
I take a few steps forward and take a deep breath. I put my hand on his, squeezing it lightly and making him look at me.
-It's okay. -I smiled, trying to calm him down.
-Are you mad at me? -He asks, squeezing my hand tighter.
-Of course not. I was just confused, I still am, but I think the biggest problem isn't that you said it, it's that Madison is no longer the only one who knows about our "relationship" and maybe we need to talk about what to do now.
I keep making eye contact and standing close to him, not stepping back so he wouldn't think I was somehow mad at him. Matt and I have been friends for a long time, and we both show affection through touch, so hugs, holding hands, sleeping in the same bed and things like that, are normal. But it's always just friendly.
What's not so normal is hearing that he invented a relationship between the two of us so that he wouldn't have to dump a girl and for some reason during his moment of panic I was the person he thought of to say he was dating.
Although we have a very strong friendship, not just me and him, but me and his brothers, I understand that maybe I was a kind of easy answer because I was always there.
Part of me believes this theory, that it was just a mistake out of anxiety, nothing major. Part of me wants to believe that he feels something more.
It's not like I like him, or have a crush on him or anything. I don't feel anything other than friendship for him, I can't feel it.
He's my friend and he should probably just stay my friend.
He really is an amazing person, he's attractive, I can't deny that, he's funny, we have a lot in common, we get along well, I enjoy being with him and he would certainly make a great boyfriend.
But not for me, he doesn't see me that way.
He could've gotten someone's number, he could've gotten along with a nice person, and yet he preferred to lie and say he was dating me.
He preferred a fake relationship to the chance of something real.
He panicked, but why did he panic? It's not as if anyone would think it was that bad to be dumped, it's not. It happens all the time.
I don't know how I'd feel if he told me that he'd got the number of a new girl. That he's going out with her, that he likes her. I don't know how I'd feel if he had someone else in his life. Someone that's not going to be just a friend.
I should be happy, but I probably wouldn't.
It's Matt, after all. He's my best friend, he's the one who's with me in every situation, he's the person I want to be with in my days and rely on for every moment. That's Matt. And I love him with all my heart.
I don't want to distance myself if I know he has someone else with whom he's going to do all the things we do. And even more things we've never done, but in any case, the attention would be hers, it would all be for her.
And as selfish as it is, maybe I don't want that person to exist for him. I want to remain the focus of his attention.
-I don't know what to do. -He says, getting more anxious and pulling me out of my own thoughts, back to facing the situation.
-Matt, it's okay. -I put my hands on his face, forcing him to look at me as I spoke. -It's just a fake dating thing. It's not the worst thing in the world and we'll work it out together, okay?
Matt puts his hands on my hips, pulling me closer.
-I don't know if I want to lie anymore. I can't. I need to tell the truth. -He whispers, shaking his head repeatedly.
I put my arms around him, hugging him and feeling his rapid heartbeat as he tried to take a deep breath.
-Breathe, Matt, I'm here, and it's okay, it's going to be okay.
I keep squeezing his body and he squeezes mine back, only pulling slightly away to look me in the eye.
-I lied to Madison and I couldn't say "no" because I'd feel guilty accepting another girl's number knowing that there's only one girl in this world that I want. -His voice is just above a whisper, a little shaky but firm enough to show how serious he was about his words.
He placed his hand on my cheek, caressing it gently.
-Matt... -I try to say something, but I was so stunned with the confession that I couldn't.
-I lied because I'm in love with you and I do want to date you for real, I'm sorry, I should have just confessed all this before and avoided this situation, I'm really sorry, I'm an idiot.
I giggle at the way he said it. Matt has just confessed his feelings for me and he's so anxious that he looks like he's going to die at any second and I can only laugh. It's so silly. So stupidly silly, the way I've been shoving my feelings down the ground and he was out there lying that he was dating me because he feels the same. And neither of us though of talking about it before acting stupid.
-Then we don't have to do anything, silly. There's no fake relationship to unmask if it's real. -I smile, slipping my arms around his shoulders and getting even closer to him.
-Wait. Does that mean you feel the same? -He asks, his eyes widening in a mix of confusion and surprise.
Without thinking too much, I close the distance between us, bringing our lips together in a long affectionate kiss. We pull apart from lack of air and I smile with our faces still close.
-Do you want to be my girlfriend? Like, for real this time? -Matt asked, with our lips ghosting.
He had a smile on his face that immediately made me realize how much I am and always have been in love with him, I just never wanted to accept it.
-Of course I do. -I accept, with a smile.
He joins our lips in a kiss once more and leaves several kisses on my face, then on my neck and finally back on my lips.
-Matt, everyone's in the living room, we need to go back. -I giggle, with my eyes closed, still feeling kisses on my face with a smile.
-Yeah, you need to talk to Madison more, I forgot you came just to see her today. -He lets go of me, chuckling and taking my hand.
-It's not my fault she's perfect. -I laugh too, interlacing our fingers with a shrug and pulling us towards the bedroom door.
-You're the only one who's perfect for me. -Matt whispers in my ear before opening the door and pulling me into the hallway, his face completely red with a silly grin.
We sat down together on the couch next to Madison and I got back into talking to her again, about the podcast, her music, her day, what she liked to do and things like that. She's such a sweetheart and I was so happy to meet her that my heart was racing. Obviously not just because of that, but honestly this day is just full of surprises.
At some point, Nick and Chris got closer and joined in the conversation too and it was amazing to see how everyone was so comfortable talking to each other.
Madison seemed to be a great friend and I intended to keep her in my life.
While Nick asked about what we wanted to eat and they discussed seating options, Matt wrapped his arm around my shoulders and sank his head into my neck, leaving little kisses all around.
-You guys are so cute. -Madison draws the attention of the whole group to the two of us, making me feel a little embarrassed, but happy.
-It's normal, they're clingy, it's disgusting. -Nick comments, still not connecting the dots.
-Don't say this, Nick, every couple is clingy at first. I think it's cute. -Madison looks at me with a smile.
-COUPLE? -Nick and Chris yell together, confused, looking between everyone in the room.
I hear Matt's giggle, his face still nestled in the crook of my neck. He must have been as embarrassed as I was, but it was still funny.
-Yes, a couple, people who are dating and all that. I think we forgot to tell them. -I say, sarcastically, trying to stay serious and not burst into laughter as I nudge Matt.
-Dating? You two are dating? -Nick asks again, confused. He took turns looking between me and Matt, arching an eyebrow.
Chris was looking at us laughing and Madison was a little confused, but finding the whole thing just as funny. Then Matt lifts his face, showing his big smile and red face, pulls me closer, making me lay my head on his chest this time, and starts messing with strands of my hair before looking at his brothers.
-Yes, Nick, we're dating.
With that, he lifts my face by the chin and leaves a quick kiss on my lips. I could feel my heart beating faster, but Nick and Chris's reactions were so good that I couldn't pay attention to my nervousness.
-AND YOU TOLD MADISON FIRST?! -Nick looks at us indignantly.
-I didn't mean to, but yeah, I guess. -Matt comments, shrugging and running his free hand over the back of his neck.
-Since when? -Chris asks, pointing at the two of us.
Matt looks at me in slight despair. We needed to be cautious not to seem like he lied to Madison too.
-It's recent, we'll tell you the details later, where are we going to eat now? I'm hungry. -I say, trying to change the subject.
And it worked, everyone went back to discussing where to go out to eat and forgot the information about our recent relationship, which was more recent than they could ever know.
-Thank you. -Matt whispers in my ear and I smile in response, snuggling closer to him and enjoying the moment.
I certainly could never have imagined Matthew with anyone else, and I'm glad I realized it in time. It'd be painful to see him with another girl.
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samiiy20 · 9 months
♡ 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧 ♡
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: Bang Chan x fem! reader 𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: Smut, a little bit of fluff 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 1.8k 𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: unprotected sex (don't do it),masturbation, taste semen. I'm sorry if I forgot something
N/A: This is the last writing of the year 2023, I hope you enjoy it and I know there are still three days left but I want to thank you all for supporting me and reading me, I hope to continue writing for next year. ily <3
masterlist II tag list
This content NOT is for minors!!!
This is merely entertainment, this does not represent any real person.
It is forbidden to copy or translate my work.
English NO is my first language.
You looked at the time again, it was already late and although Chan told you that it would only be a quiet dinner with the boys, you couldn't stop looking at your phone. You didn't want to bother him, maybe he was just having a good time and he forgot about all his worries.
You got into bed but worry wouldn't let you sleep, you walked around the house and tried to see something but your mind only thought about your boyfriend. You settled on the couch and covered yourself with a blanket, but just when you finally seemed to relax, a loud knock on the door alarmed you. You ran to open it and were surprised to see Han.
"What happened? everything is alright?" Before the boy could answer you you saw Lee Know appear and Changbin carrying a body between his shoulders “Chan?”
“Sweetheart…” Your boyfriend raised his head at your call and tried to break away to run into your arms, but the other two held him up before he fell to the floor.
“Damn, it's heavy,” Lee Know complained, holding his friend's arm around his neck. You finally reacted, leaving a space to tell them to pass.
The boys held on to the couch and let the drunk Bang Chan finally rest. You took a breath before Changbin apologized and explained to you that Chan had decided to order the most expensive bottle they had which ended with him drinking it all.
“Thank you very much for bringing it,” you walked them out, apologizing before glancing at your boyfriend, “I'll take care of him"
You closed the door and went to where your boyfriend was, in the time you had been with him you never thought about seeing him in this state, in reality it was very rare for him to get drunk, you wondered what happened to make him get like this. Tired, you sat next to him and stroked his hair while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
You heard him utter what seemed like incoherent words and you couldn't help but laugh a little, but as much as you wanted to let him rest he reeked of alcohol.
“Baby…” Bang Chan opened one eye at your call “let's go to the shower.”
“I can't leave you here” You took his hand and with all your strength you stretched him out making him move a little “come on, I promise… you will feel better”
After struggling for what seemed like hours you managed to get him to the bathroom with promises, effort, sweat, and a few curses. You made him sit on the toilet while you prepared the tub.
Bang Chan was really serious and he just followed your movements without making any noise, waiting patiently for you to tell him what to do. It was strange for you to know this new phase, it was almost always him who took care of you and took care of you, but he didn't mind doing it, especially if he looked at you like a puppy waiting for a treat from him.
After making sure the water was cold you helped him get into the water and when his feet finally touched the water his body reacted and his skin crawled, but you helped him continue until he was completely submerged.
He seemed uneasy due to the change in temperature, you sat on the edge of the tub helping him wash his hair and rinse his arms watching his face change a little.
"do you feel better?"
“Yes” you stroked his hair, and he let his head fall into your legs, you felt a shiver in your body from the drops of water that fell on your bare skin “Thank you”
“You've taken care of me before, it's just fair that I do it once for you.”
Bang Chan smiled remembering the times you came home screaming and kissed your legs, regaining some reason. He looked up at your face and when he met your eyes he felt his heart beat rapidly, suddenly his body became hot and he felt nervous like the first times when he spoke to you.
"What's happening?" The words seemed to be erased from his head and he went blank in a long time, you really were the most beautiful person in his eyes, he loved you so much that he would risk anything to have you by his side forever.
"I love you"
You widened your eyes and Bang Chan thought you would answer him with the same, but he didn't wait for you to burst out laughing.
“Are you still drunk?” You stood up and dried your hands as you wiped away an invisible tear. “Get out of there, you need to rest.”
Now calmer, you could finally rest knowing that your boyfriend was safe. You got tangled in the covers and closed your eyes when you felt Bang Chan's body next to you. You hadn't realized the tiredness in your body but it seemed like you could finally sleep, but hands hooked on your waist making you react.
“I just want to feel you” You let him hold you and you settled down as you closed your eyes again to sleep, but his nose on your neck tickled you.
“Let me sleep” you tried to move out of his arms but his grip on your waist only grew stronger, completely pressing your body against him, making you feel his chest on your back and his half-hard cock on your butt.
“Then do it” You growled, running away again without success and you just tried to ignore him, letting his hands get under the sweatshirt you were wearing as pajamas. You closed your eyes tightly trying not to focus on his fingers playing with your breasts, but his lips on your neck made you grit your teeth.
“Are you still drunk?”
“I'm completely sober my love” his tongue traced circles on your skin making you curse trying to withstand his provocations “are you sure you want to sleep?”
His other hand slid to your clothed pussy and he ran his hands over it making you moan.
“Yes…” You didn't know if it was the answer to his question or you just wanted him to continue but you just let yourself be carried away by the sensations of his hands causing your body. His mouth didn't stop and he sucked on your neck, leaving red marks on your skin so you would remember that night for the next few days.
You moved your hips, stroking his cock, making him moan near your ear, causing you to wet your panties. His hand massaged your breasts and squeezed one of your nipples while the other dipped into your shorts, feeling the wetness between your legs.
“Fuck… are you wet already?” Before you could respond, you felt his hand on your breasts slowly go up to your neck, pressing it a little, letting you rock your hips faster against him. “Do you want my cock in your little pussy, princess?”
You nodded, feeling him get rid of your clothes, letting his fingers get wet with your juices. You arched your back and clenched the sheets when she ran her fingers over your swollen clit and you moaned a little louder when she started moving it in small circles.
“I need to hear you” he squeezed your throat harder knowing that you liked it when he used his hands on you.
“Yes…” His fingers slid into your entrance without giving you time to process it before he started pumping two of them.
"You only know to say that?" Your mind couldn't think clearly with his fingers squeezing your throat while he moved the others in your tight pussy, you wanted to scream at him that you needed his cock but you could only blurt out his name while he fucked you to his whim.
"I want…"
“What do you want princess?” You felt the knot in your stomach unravel from the pleasure in your body before you responded and Bang Chan finally released his grip on your neck, letting you breathe “mmm… is that what you wanted?” fill my fingers with your semen?”
He removed his hand from your legs and you opened your mouth when he ran his fingers over your lips, tasting you on them. You caught your breath and turned your head a little to look at him, letting his mouth meet.
“I want your cock in my pussy, please” Bang Chan pulled away a little to release his cock and grab your leg.
Without wasting any time Bang chan got ready and shoved his cock into your pussy fitting his teeth into your shoulder as he bottomed out. You sighed in relief as you felt full and turned again to reach his lips.
“Never doubt how much I love you” along with his lips as his hips collided against you and began a slowly tortuous but precise rhythm.
His arms hooked around your waist without leaving the slightest space between his bodies, the air of his breaths mixed with the sound of his hips and the love between his hearts could be felt through the senses of him.
You were so devoted in mind and body to him that time passed very slowly, you didn't know if it was his hands massaging your clit or his cock hitting the sweet spot inside you or his hungry kisses or a mixture of everything that made your body tremble under his.
“Baby… I'm going to…”
“Just wait a little, I want to accompany you” the movements of his hips increased the sound of your moans, making the euphoria in his body rise rapidly.
“I can’t…” you begged, letting a tear fall as you tried to hold on.
“Do it, princess,” you moaned his name, surrendering your senses to the pleasure in your body, feeling Bang Chan's cock tremble inside you and spilling his seed inside you, mixing his juices.
You closed your eyes recovering from your orgasm, Bang chan stayed in the crook of your neck whispering over and over again that he loved you.
“Let's get clean”
“I want more…” you said, shaking your hips still with his cock in your pussy.
“I thought you wanted to rest” you turned and without giving him a chance to continue talking you kissed him. Bang chan smiled and took your waist, moving away a little, he turned you and placed himself on top of you. “Tell me, I want to listen to you.”
“I love you” he eased his cock into you slowly and you moaned.
“I love you” his thrusts went in time with your words and you didn't stop moaning again and again until dawn.
“I love you too darling” Bang chan responded lying next to you while he covered you with the sheet. I kiss your forehead and imprison your body, finally letting you rest.
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wagconts · 2 months
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𝗠𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿! 𝗙𝗲𝗺!
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 :: One Day with You and Medina
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 :: no warnings.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 :: 0.590k
𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 :: English isn't my first language; I write my stories in my native language and translate them with the help of translators. So, if anything's confusing, I'm sorry! Sometimes it might be a local slang.
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─ Such a bummer, huh? ─ Gabriel walked up to me.
─ About what exactly?
─ You won't get to see the show I was gonna put on today. ─ he said with a smirk.
Unfortunately, the surf competition got postponed because of the wave conditions. They let us know at the last minute, though. All the surfers were ready, including Medina, and even the news crews were there.
─ Seriously, you're so not full of yourself, are you?
Medina and I have known each other for ages. After I finished my journalism degree, I chose to work in areas related to the sea, like surfing and sailing. I've always been a beach lover, so it was the perfect fit.
Our "relationship" has always been like this—full of teasing and banter. Scooby, one of Medina's good friends, who also became my friend for a while, says that deep down, we love each other.
─ I can't believe it, got all dressed up for nothing. ─ he said, sticking his board in the sand and sitting down next to me.
─ Things don't always go our way. You were all confident and '𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦.
─ You're ridiculous! You were supposed to have my back," he laughed.
─ Who says I'm not? I just keep quiet so I don't inflate your ego.
─ You could use this time to try surfing. ─ he said, looking at me.
─ Are you nuts? The competition got postponed because of the waves, and you wanna go surf!
─ They postponed it, not me. I'd be out there catching waves right now. ─ he said, pointing to the forming waves.
─ Go ahead, I'm good right here.
─ You don't know how to live a little. I'm sure if Pedro were here, you'd go.
─ No way! Pedro's even crazier than you. ─ I said.
─ Alright then, 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵, I'll go change and be back to drag you into the ocean. ─ he said, kissing my forehead before grabbing his board and heading to the locker rooms.
[ .... ]
─ How nice! Great friends you are. ─ Scooby said as we sat at the same table for lunch.
─ Here we go. ─ Medina said, rolling his eyes.
─ They went for a swim and caught a wave without inviting me ─ Pedro said, feigning drama. ─ I thought you guys cared about me.
─ Sorry, dude! ─ I said. ─ We had no idea where you were.
─ And we wanted some alone time, but with you around, it's impossible.
─ Gabriel! ─ I scolded him, and he laughed.
─ On top of that, you're dating and didn't tell me! ─ Pedro continued.
─ He's lying; we just went surfing, nothing more!
─ 𝘏𝘶𝘮𝘮, sure ─ Medina muttered under his breath.
[ .... ]
─ Is Greece's economy that bad? ─ Medina barged into my room while I was putting on makeup for dinner. ─ Because this Greek goddess escaped to be near me.
─ What a lame pickup line, Gabriel ─ I shot back, unimpressed. ─ You used to be better at these.
─ Of course I used to be better; I've used up all my best lines, and you still don't care ─ he said, making me laugh.
─ Keep trying, maybe one day, huh? ─ I blew him a kiss, and he pretended to catch it mid-air.
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lilibrownlabonita · 29 days
Last nigth- Old Logan Howlett x reader
Summary: Logan needs to take three would-be bridesmaids and a bride to a bachelorette party.
Warning: oral (woman receiving), vaginal penetration, infidelity, casual sex and no commitment (notice for those excited, like me).
Rating: +18
Work count: probably more than 13k characters.
A/n: I'm rusty since I haven't written in months, and I used the translator, since English is not my native language, sorry for any spelling mistakes.
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That night was cold and it froze Logan's tired body. It's the last race, he mentally repeated to himself, one more trip and he could go home.
The car stopped in front of a large house and then four young women appeared, well dressed and made up, among them a bride, or at least one wearing a wedding dress. Logan snorted, wondering who had come up with the idea of getting married on such a cold night, but that was none of his business, on the bright side, they had paid him well. The four young women fell silent and decided on a destination. Logan nodded without saying anything and started driving, the passengers generally not wanting to talk to him.
During the journey, he listened to the little plans they had made for the evening, and it wasn't an evening wedding as he had initially thought, it was a bachelorette party. How times have changed, he thought. He watched the four of them laugh and start to drink the sparkling wine they had brought in their bags, at least they had asked if they could drink it in their car before opening the bottles. What he hadn't expected was that two sparkling wines could intoxicate four people so quickly. He allowed himself to laugh as he saw, through the rear-view mirror, the bride babbling and giggling with complete nonchalance.
They were only a few minutes away from their chosen destination, a nightclub that apparently only welcomed women. As Logan told them they were nearing the venue, he heard one of the supposed fiancée's friends question how they were going to get home, as they were probably too drunk to find a driver. He looked in the rearview mirror again and saw that bride looking back at him.
"Can you wait for us for a few hours? We can pay for the ride back to the same place we left from and also for the wait." The bride said as she stared at him through the rearview mirror.
He didn't want to keep driving for the rest of the night and needed to get some rest. They might have been drunk, but they didn't seem to be as much of a problem as the drunken men he encountered in the early hours of the morning when he needed to drive longer to reach the day's goal.
"All right, I'll wait outside, when you've finished I'll take you back."
He parked the car in front of the nightclub and watched as the four women got out, laughing and tripping over their own feet. The bride got out of the car last with the help of one of her friends and probably her godmother. When he realized that they had entered the nightclub, he snuggled into the back seat, closed his eyes and tried to sleep. Over time, his body could no longer cope with long hours without sleep, he felt more and more tired and took every minute to rest.
Minutes passed and Logan couldn't sleep, he sat up and wiped his hands across his face. Maybe he should have a smoke. With a cheap cigar in his hand, he got out of the car and lit it.
Logan could see the movement inside the nightclub through the glass windows, bright colored lights, loud music probably composed by Britney Spears, half-naked men on a small stage and women dancing around. He wasn't supposed to, it wasn't part of his job to be the bouncer, but he looked for the bride with his gaze and couldn't find her.
Several more minutes passed and the bride came out of the nightclub, her long dress swaying with every step, her small veil just covering her hair, which was loose and decorated with a few small flowers, maybe clips or something, Logan thought.
"Is your party over?"
"No, I just wanted to get some fresh air." The bride said, approaching the car where Logan was leaning against.
"I can put out my cigar if you like."
"You don't have to do that, actually, I'd like to have a smoke, do you have another one?"
She didn't seem to be the type who liked cigars, not that Logan thought women shouldn't smoke, he'd had his share of cigarettes for a lifetime, he wasn't anyone to tell her what she could or couldn't do, but it surprised him that someone like her smoked.
"Are you sure? You don't look like you could stand a bit of sparkling wine, I don't want to make you sick with a cigar."
"Don't be silly, it's just a cigar, by the way, I'm not resistant to alcohol because I'm not used to drinking."
"Got it."
Silence fell between them, Logan didn't seem convinced, the woman stared at him, but he didn't seem to care.
"I don't have another cigar." He lied.
"Well, then I can smoke some of yours."
"You're not going to smoke my cigar."
Logan snorted and stared at her.
"Are you always so grumpy?"
"I'm not a grouch."
"Well, you seem to be, you're also very quiet."
"Passengers don't usually want to talk."
"But I do."
"I don't have much to do right now, my bridesmaids are having fun and I don't want to get in the way, all I can do is stay here."
"You can go back to your bachelorette party and stay there."
"I don't want to go back into that club, I don't like the noise."
"Then why did you decide to have a bachelorette party?"
"It wasn't my idea, my friends thought it would be fun and I just agreed."
Again, they both fell silent.
A strong wind hit them and the bride tried to cover herself with her arms, her long dress swayed and she grimaced as she felt the cold.
Logan stretched out his hand and offered her his cigar, he didn't look at her.
"Have a smoke, it'll warm you up."
Without question, she took the cigar and puffed. Looking around, she wondered why she had agreed to be there.
"When will it be?"
"Your wedding, when is it happening?"
"In a few days, two nights to be exact."
She approached and tried to return the cigar, but he denied it.
"No, throw it away, get in the car if you want, the wind might give you the flu."
The bride threw the cigar on the ground and stomped on it with her golden heels, opened the car door and got in.
"Aren't you getting in with me?" She asked when she saw Logan closing the door.
"No, I'm fine out here."
"You're lying, you're probably more likely to get sick than I am."
Logan glared at her through the glass.
"Because you're old."
"No, I'm not." He knew he was, but he didn't want her to think he was that old.
"I didn't mean to offend you, I just don't want you to get tired in the cold."
Grumpy, or at least pretending to be grumpy, Logan got into the car and sat down next to her.
"Do you think your friends will stay long?"
"Why? Do you want to get rid of me?"
"No, I just thought they'd notice you were gone and go back to the car."
"They're having too much fun to notice my absence."
Logan shut up and felt the fiancée's gaze on him. He tried to ignore her presence, tried to ignore the scent emanating from her body and pleasing his nostrils.
"Are you married?"
His eyes widened, married? Logan had never imagined himself married, least of all now.
"Why are you asking?"
"I'm not married."
"You didn't get married because you didn't want to or because you couldn't?"
"Maybe I'm too old for that."
"You're old, but you're handsome, I think someone would want to marry you."
He didn't know what to say, except to stay silent and wonder if he'd heard wrong or if she'd really called him handsome, cheeky girl, he thought.
"Sorry, did I make you shy?" She smiled.
He rolled his eyes at her and snorted, smiling that she was toying with him.
"Do you think I'm lying?"
"No." He lied.
"I can prove that I'm not lying if I want to." He's so petty, she told herself.
"You don't have to prove anything to me."
"But I want to."
"Well, how do you intend to do that?" He stared at her.
"Kiss me." She didn't know exactly why she wanted to kiss that stranger, maybe it was his bitter, sad face that attracted her, but either way, she certainly didn't care about the consequences, it was her bachelorette party.
If he was smoking, he'd probably choke on the smoke.
"What?" He stared at her.
"I said I want you to kiss me."
"No, not at all."
"Don't you think I'm pretty?" She said, resting her head on the bench and blinking her eyes at him.
"It's not that."
"So, what? Is it because I'm getting married?" She asked and saw him turning to her, so that was it, she thought.
"No, it's not that."
"Well, anyway, my fiancé doesn't care what I do if wants to know."
"Then why are you getting married?"
"Long story."
Maybe she didn't trust him enough to tell him her story with her future husband, but it didn't matter, he wanted to kiss that woman in her wedding dress, he needed to feel good, it had been a long time since he had felt someone else's skin against his, always having to look after Charles and his friend, there was no time left for himself.
"Are you going to kiss me or not?"
"Do you always look for unknown men to kiss?"
"Only when they're old and beautiful." She smiled, her red lipstick decorating her lips well, making them look so kissable.
"Besides, it's my bachelorette party, I think I deserve a kiss." She was right, so young, probably getting married and maintaining a married life for years just to please her family.
Logan didn't say anything, he just slowly approached the fiancée, her breath hitched against his skin and he finally pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was slow, but Logan didn't complain. It was nice to feel that time had stopped and that he didn't need to rush.
It took a few seconds for them to pull away, they both stared at each other, suddenly that chill disappeared, maybe it was because they were inside the car and all the car windows were locked or maybe it was because that kiss made them sweat and gasp.
"Do you want to kiss me again?" She asked as the two of them looked at each other as if they had been in love for years, as if he were her fiancé and this were their honeymoon. Of course not, but she liked to think and imagine that yes, that sad stranger was her future husband.
Logan just nodded and kissed her again. This time, he was more daring, more intense, he held her by the back of the neck so that she wouldn't run away from him, so that she would kiss him harder. Their tongues touched several times, and occasionally they let out little moans, as if they were having sex, even though they were both still fully clothed. That's it, Logan thought, they were still dressed.
"Let's stop here."
"Why?" she asked, blushing and with her red mouth stained by smeared lipstick, Logan didn't look at her.
"I don't want to cross the line."
The bride realized what he meant, smiled and moved closer to him, touched the stranger's tired, stiff shoulders and whispered in his ear.
"I want to fuck you in this car."
"You don't know what you're saying, you're drunk." He said, his voice thick and hoarse due to his dry throat, perhaps he was missing that woman's saliva.
"I'm not drunk, I've had nothing but those sparkling wines and I'm sure the little alcohol has already gone from my digestive system."
"You don't even know my name, you don't know me and you're getting married, I don't want you to regret what you're doing."
"I won't regret it, anyway, you don't have to care about that. Why don't you tell me your name and we'll kiss again?" He finally looked at her again, stared at her for a few seconds and sighed.
She smiled.
Soon he was on top of that fiancée again, his mouth pressed against hers, his rough, large hands gripping her waist tightly, as if at any moment she would escape.
In the midst of the kisses, she slowly pushed off her suit, then her shirt, and finally, with difficulty, her tank top. Logan mentally thanked the lack of lighting in the car, he didn't want to answer any questions about his bruises and cuts.
Need coursed through Logan's old veins, and despite his age, he still had a sharp nose. The smell of that fiancée's wet pussy was driving him crazy, his throat was dry again, he wanted to taste her wetness, before his cock burned with the amount of hot blood that centered on his cock. He stood up and helped her wrap her dress around her waist. The voluminous dress irritated him, but he couldn't deny how beautiful it looked on her. When Logan knelt down, he saw the sheen of moisture running down her thighs, a pity that the lack of lighting didn't let him see all of that pussy, and his vision wasn't the best.
He approached her thighs and kissed them, feeling her lubrication on his lips, he moaned and licked, every drop that ran down her crotch was consumed by Logan's tongue, when he was satisfied with his work he tried to catch the fiancée's gaze and faced her, his tongue slowly came out of his mouth and licked her wet pussy, he heard her moan and close her eyes tightly, her thighs tightened around his head, Logan moved his tongue up and down, trying to feel her pussy on his tongue, moaning and grunting he closed his lips around her small clit and sucked, the woman screamed and held Logan's grey tufts tightly pushing him against her pussy, he tried to memorize the image of that woman in his head, he knew he would hardly find anyone as beautiful as her now, he licked her again and kept the image of her biting her lower lip, his tongue positioned itself against her small wet hole and she looked at him and nodded repeatedly, Logan began to penetrate her pussy with his tongue, in, out, in, out, the bride whimpered and squirmed as she came.
She could see his gray beard wet as he stood up and approached to kiss her lips again. His nails lightly scratched the skin of her large back, and he hurried to undo his belt.
He didn't bother taking off his pants, just unzipped them and pulled his thick cock out of his underwear. Logan looked at her as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her wet pussy. Seeing her eyebrows draw together and her eyes close, he smiled and positioned his member against her wet hole. He felt that little hole sucking him in and moaned loudly as he pushed his entire length inside.
"Fuck, baby, you're going to kill me." He said as he felt his cock being squeezed hard by her.
The bride moaned and pushed her hips against Logan's, trying to feel him more deeply. He understood what she was trying to do and began to slowly thrust his hips against her, his cock entering her pussy and coming out wetter and wetter, the gray hairs on Logan's groin stained with her lubrication, a few seconds later he couldn't stand being so slow.
Logan's mind clouded over as he tried to concentrate on the speed of her hips, moving further and further away from consciousness and closer to the sensation that coursed through the veins of his cock and up into his brain. His breathing became shaky and the muffled smell of sex in the limousine made him lose control. His hips thrust harder against her pussy, soon the impact was no longer enough, he thrust his hips faster, she scratched him and moaned in his ear.
"Logan, Logan, Logan." She whimpered, spreading her legs as wide as she could.
Logan's eyes rolled back and closed, the only thing he could feel were nails in his back, his cock going in and out of that wet, hot hole, in, out, in, out, in... out..., the loud moans in his ear and the need to come inside that womb coursing through his veins. He knew he was close to cumming, and he felt that pussy squeezing him tighter and tighter, she was close too.
"Come for me, baby, squeeze my cock and come around it." He said, looking at her, who had a red face and mascara smeared around her eyes. The veil was still firmly in place in her hair, even though he was thrusting his cock hard enough to rock her body with every thrust.
"Come on, baby, get my cock wet, squeeze me hard... I'm close." Logan's voice sounded thicker and needier, the bride found it so exciting, an old man who was almost crying to have his cock squeezed.
"Will you come inside me? Please?" She moaned, she knew it would drive him crazy.
"Fuck yes, I'm going to come in that pussy, I'm going to fill you up, squeeze me tight, I know you want my cum, baby." He felt that at any moment his cock was going to explode inside that hot wetness, his balls were heavy and he needed to come inside her or he would go crazy, Logan pushed his member against her until he felt his balls slap against his fiancée's cute ass, he felt like he could die at any moment.
The two of them looked at each other and saw the lust in their eyes, they kissed and continued thrusting their hips against each other. The bride's legs trembled and wrapped around him, her pussy clenched around Logan's member and he felt her cum spreading over his member. Logan penetrated her with difficulty and emptied himself inside her, grunting in her ear.
Neither of them moved or said anything, they just snuggled with Logan inside, just a few minutes they both thought, they needed to get some rest.
Unfortunately, neither of them planned to sleep, but they both woke up to laughter outside the limousine, heels tapping with every step the three bridesmaids took and whispers about the bride's whereabouts.
During the journey home, neither the bride nor the driver looked at each other or said anything, nor did they comment on the smudged make-up or the suit that had only a white tank top underneath instead of a shirt. Luckily, the three bridesmaids were too drunk to notice the details.
When the car stopped in front of that house again, the bride and her friends got out of the car. The payment was made by one of the drunk women who also gave Logan a fat tip, he thanked her and drove away from the place. He knew it was nothing more than a bachelorette party, he was too old and had too complicated a life to offer that bride another ride.
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insolentgod · 11 months
⚠️Attention:⚠️ very long post. It talks a little about: state of lack, take your desire off the pedestal, time it takes for a manifestation, get distracted about your manifestation , self-concept, and Cassies
one more night high and having crazy epiphanies about manifestations. and another day using a translator to translate my text to post here, because I haven't claimed to be fluent in English yet 😛 So, as I always warn, if there are possible grammatical errors, it's for this reason.
I'm here to bring you an analogy I created while discussing with a friend haha. (Yes, this time there's nothing about lana del rey!)
you know those people who humiliate themselves for others? Who do everything for someone specific to love them, try to talk to them even if it's unhealthy, or beg them to stay in their lives. (yes, it's quite depressing and sad)
i haven't been like that much in life, usually when someone didn't care about me, i cared even less about them. but I won't lie, there have been situations where I may have humiliated myself a little, but it's human.
anyway, going straight to my analogy, let's imagine that you struggling to manifest something is a friend "Cassie," and the manifestation will be her ex-boyfriend, okay? (i swear it will make sense in the end)
what I write outside the parentheses is Cassie's situation, and what's inside the parentheses is possibly the situation you're going through on your manifestation journey.
okay, you have this friend Cassie who keeps saying that her ex-boyfriend doesn't care about her, doesn't respond to messages, and shows no signs, and she's going crazy and desperate about it (just like you when you see no progress in your manifestation). so she does EVERYTHING to get him back (just like you when you try multiple methods non-stop and feel needy). and as Cassie's friend, you think, "poor cassie, she doesn't deserve to suffer like this" (and she really doesn't deserve it, just as you don't deserve to suffer for your manifestations). there are also moments when she sends a message for you saying, "I'll forget him this time, I promise." but after two days, she's there messaging him again (just like you affirm on the first day all motivated and trying to convince yourself that this time your manifestation will come true, but after a few days, you see no progress and start panicking), and then she gets very sad because she thinks they will never get back together and she will never be happy with him again (just like you think you can't manifest anything, that the universe hates you, that you will never get what you want, that the loa doesn't work). But meanwhile, there are other people out there getting back with their exes and you admire them, wondering what it would be like if it were you... (just like when you look at other people's success stories and think "why can't I do it?") spoiler: You can do it too, honey. If everyone else can do it, so can you. Wake up.
If I were Cassie's friend, I would tell her to STOP acting like that and start valuing herself and just distract herself. because let's be honest, men ALWAYS come back, right? 🤣 and many people may disagree with me on this and think that if she doesn't chase after the guy, he won't come either. but that's how it works for me, even before I started using the law. every time I started valuing myself and stopped begging for others' love, the person came to me. so let's agree with my thinking on this, okay?
and one more point that I think is worth mentioning is that if Cassie really doesn't want to do this alone, maybe a manifestation coach would be a good idea (if it were a real situation, I would suggest her to seek a therapist). There are nuances about "manifestation coaches," I honestly don't use them and I recommend working on your self-concept. but it's an option if you want, but please do thorough research and find a trustworthy one.
returning, what can you do to not be another Cassie? I'm telling you to stop doing whatever you're doing to try to achieve your desire? no. just get out of the state of neediness and desperation, like a Cassie. you don't need that, my love. you don't need to worry, "Is my manifestation coming?" You don't need to use a thousand methods because you don't think it's enough. whatever you believe will bring your desires, will indeed bring your desire. If you believe that jumping three times, building a castle, and kicking an elderly person will give you what you want, guess what? If you do all that, then you will get what you desire. and if you believe that affirming once in your life will get you a beachfront mansion, guess what? you will achieve that.
so, to not be a Cassie:
1 - trust what you're saying, please trust yourself. nnow that ONLY WHAT YOU THINK is the truth, and it will be. (my last long post talks about this exactly, I highly recommend it, okay).
2 - take your desire off the pedestal. your desire may be your biggest dream in life, I don't care. take it off the pedestal. the powerful person who can have anything they want is YOU, not your desire. tou are a thousand times greater than your desire. you don't chase after your desire, your desire chases after you. you know when manifestation coaches tell you to start manifesting just a blue butterfly or a candy? well, it's because for you, that's not difficult. It's something you find easy to manifest and know it's totally possible to have. but you can literally manifest a Porsche at the same speed as manifesting an ice cream, okay? take your desire off the pedestal; you are fully capable of having it.
3 - get out of the state of lack. In the law of assumption, some people talk a lot about states and some manifest just by being in the state of the wish fulfilled and ready, they succeed. but the state of lack is literally when you feel the lack, the absence of your desire. you don't feel like you have it or you don't feel worthy of it, so you probably fall into a spiral of despair with millions of thoughts like "what will I do if I don't achieve it?" "I don't see any progress" "time is passing and I don't have my results". Anyway,
- But what do I do to heal my state of lack?
just don't be in it 💐💐💐 yes, it's easy, okay. please believe that it's easy and it will be. I know it's very easy to affirm when you're motivated, especially after reading a success story. but motivation doesn't last forever and I don't think it's healthy for you to keep restoring your motivation by reading success stories all the time. there's nothing wrong with it, but you don't need success stories to heal. every time you feel like you're entering the state of lack, start trusting yourself. when it happens to me, I start affirming "none of this, I have my desires" "I don't care about what my 3D shows me" "I have what I want", I also imagine myself with my desire as if I really have it now. I'll admit, there are times when I start affirming this to avoid entering the state of lack and at first it feels like I'm feeling wrong, the feeling of hopelessness even. but regardless of how I feel, I keep visualizing and eventually start feeling strong and motivated again. in those moments, you have to be strong and disciplined with yourself, okay? you can do it.
4 - try not to care about time or the 3D reality. i know it's difficult, but please live in your imagination and believe that if you have it in your imagination, you have it now. about time, it depends, okay? Some people manifest in seconds because they believe they can, while others manifest in weeks because they think it takes weeks. if you're the second type of person, you can definitely manifest in seconds if you allow yourself to do so. self-concept affirmations help a lot in this aspect. Just don't worry about time in the 3D reality. If you know that in your mind you have your desire NOW, then you have it now. once you're fully living in your imagination, it will come in the 3D reality. I know it's difficult, but just trust yourself and your mind. I promise that if you live 100% in your mind, your desire can come very quickly.
5 - distract yourself! don't spend the whole day thinking about your desire. usually, the desire comes when you accept that you have it and continue living your life. I know it's complicated, especially when it's something you want, but distract yourself to avoid excessive and negative thoughts about your manifestations. and please get off tumblr for a while
6 - improve your self-concept, please. Just do that, and your manifestation journey will be much easier.
I think that's it for today. I talked a lot as always 😛😛
I usually don't respond to people asking for help here on my blog (mainly because I don't receive any requests) but if you're having problems, you can send me a message, and I'll respond ❤‍🩹 I just want to help someone like loa bloggers helped me when I needed it. good night everyone, and stay hydrated.
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writingwisterias · 2 months
(I don't speak English, I trust Google Translate, please don't treat me badly like other writers 😔) Seeing that on your list, Piers and Jake are very empty, and I don't know if you can do this type of writing where each character reacts to X situation.
In this case I would like to know the reaction of Piers, Jake and Chris (Leon optional) if Reader gets her period in public, in case it is uncomfortable for you to write that, maybe a simple writing of the RE guys reacting reader snuggling tightly against them and hiding her face in the middle of their chest
If you don't know how to write everyone's reaction, I'm fine with just Chris (my favorite) I hope you pay attention, if not, that's fine, thank you.
Thank you the request! I trust google translate too so don't worry I have to use to talk to some of my non english speaking coworkers! I hope you enjoy this! ~ Mads <3 (Not proof read)
Warning: Periods, Cramps, Blood, Period accidents in public, Comfort
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Chris Redfield
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Chris had taken you out to brunch with his friends, all of them enjoying the one rare moment of peace they all go together. You spent the time getting the office gossip from the girls that Chris never bothered to get whilst he was at work. You were having a good time until you felt the familiar stabbing pain in your lower back. You suddenly straightened your back in response accidentally knocking Chris' arm. Chris turned to you thinking that you were trying to get his attention, his brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at your pained expression. "Everything alright, Love?" He whispered leaning in close. You shook your head slightly, "My period has just started, I'm having some cramps" Chris laid his hand on the small of your back and began to rub small circles in hope to ease some of the pain you were feeling. "Do you want to leave?" he whispered again before placing a small kiss on the crown of your head. You shook your head again leaning into his arm. "I'll be alright if you keep doing this" you joked, you posture loosened as he continued to rub your back. Chris chuckled and moved his hand up your shirt so you could get the heat of his palm too. You smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss before returning to the conversation with Jill and the others.
Piers Nivans
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You had somehow managed to persuade him to take you to disneyland. You had spend the day meeting all the characters, eating all of the expensive themed junk food. Piers even treated you to your own lightsaber which you repaid him with lots of kisses and thank yous. However you were both now stood in the que for a rollercoaster ride, Piers was just ahead of you looking over the heads of people to try and see the board displaying the wait time. You were absent mindedly scrolling through your phone at all the photos you had taken during the day favoriting any of the one you wanted to post or print out. The girl behind tapped you on the shoulder, you turned to look at her with a smile. "I just wanted to let you know that you are bleeding through your jeans, do you need any products? I have some spare" she asked you, her tone was comforting and she held out a few tampons. You smiled taking the products she had held out to you and put them in your bag, you were too far in the queue now to be able to see the damage. Instead you tapped Piers on the shoulder causing him to turn and look at you with a smile. "Can I borrow your hoodie please?" You asked him innocently. Piers nodded not even hesitating to pull it off and hand it to you. You took it and wrapped it around your waist to cover the stain. "My periods bled through my jeans according to the girls behind us. I'm just using it to cover it up" You said sheepishly as you tried to gauge his reaction. "No worries Love, it's getting kinda hot anyway" He said kissing you on the head before he leaned round to make sure that the hoodie covered up the mark.
Jake Wesker
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You were in the ladies toilet at the grocery shop as you silently cursed the world for the timing of your period. You couldn't leave the stall without making a mess of yourself and you didn't have any products in your purse to use. So you had to call your boyfriend who was waiting for you outside. "Hey babe, I need you to run to the female hygiene section and get me some pads please" you asked him. Jake stood by the entrance of the doorway almost like he was buffering. "Uhhh sure, What type do you need?" he asked as he began to walk over to the correct aisle. "just the basic ones please" you responded down the phone silently praying he would go a bit faster so you could actually finish the shopping and return home for cuddles and junk food. Jake stood there for like 5 minutes staring blankly at the wall of products trying to think about the ones you might have had at your house. "what brand?" he asked nervously. "just always jake, it should be a pink packet" He didn't respond for a while but you could hear the chatter of the other customers at the store as well as the beeping of the cashier. He eventually spoke as he approached the bathrooms. "I've got them" he said looking at the packet that was in his hands. "You'll have to come in" There was a beat of silence as you assumed Jake was taken aback by your statement. "There's no one in here, just come in, I'm in the last stall" Jake didn't reply instead you heard the door open and the packet landed at your feet. You muttered a thanks through the phone laughing at his delivery. Once you had finished and walked out the bathroom you were met with a scowl which made you chuckle as you finished the rest of the groceries.
Leon Kennedy
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Leon was tucked underneath one of the many throws you insisted of having whilst you were out drinking with a few of your friends from work. He was scrolling through his phone as the crappy late night tv was on in the background. He was waiting for you to eventually call him to be picked up but it was rather early on in the night. He felt his eyes begin to close until he was scared awake by his phone vibrating in his hands. You were calling him. "Hey Sweetheart is everything alright?" He asked. He could hear you crying on the phone which made his heart beat fast as he tried to think of what could have possibly happened. "My period started and it's down my legs, can you come and pick me up please" You whimpered as you looked down at the blood streaks. You felt disgusting and just prayed for the earth to swallow you up whole so you didn't have to stand here like this. Leon quickly got up and raced to his car, taking a small towel and one of his hoodies with him to give you. When he arrived he gently guided your form towards the car, allowing you to hide behind the door as he wiped your legs down as best he could. He then passed you his hoodie to slip over your form knowing it would fall at least mid thigh and hide the mess. "The seats, I don't want to ruin your car" You spoke quietly. His heart broke at how small you looked as you stood there, he couldn't wait to just snuggle with you when you got home and hopefully try to ease the symptoms. He put the towel on the chair and sped home as fast as he could to make sure you got comfortable and forgot about this as quickly as you can.
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hurpdurpburps · 2 months
Otherside Picnic Manga Yuri Club Special Story 1 English Translation
It has recently come to my attention that Japanese animanga merch store Gamers (ゲーマーズ)'s Yuri Club (百合部) benefits programme's publication of the OP manga series come with an exclusive bonus short story for every volume (not the same as the Kozakura POV shorts).
Since I haven't come across any English translations of these bonus stories online, and they seem unlikely to receive official English licensing, I've decided to translate them myself and share them with the internet.
You can check out the official Yuri Club website if you wish to find out more (Japanese-only).
SPOILER WARNING: Takes place immediately before the events of File 3 - Station February in Vol 1 of the novels.
Written by: Miyazawa Iori
Translated by: @hurpdurpburps
Chapter 1: Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up
As it was my first time meeting up with someone in Shinjuku, I asked about where we should meet.
A message saying "I don't know, I'm not very familiar with Shinjuku," returned in response.
What an unreliable woman. You’re the one who insisted on having an afterparty…
I was glaring at the screen of my smartphone when the next message appeared along with a goofy pop-up sound effect. "You can pick a spot, Sorawo."
You’re not supposed to say "You can pick a spot". Shouldn’t you be saying "Could you pick a spot, please?" [1]
Oh, whatever. She helped me out when we encountered Hasshaku-sama the other day, so I'll pick a meeting place as a way of returning the favour…
After consulting the internet, I decided for us to meet at 4.30pm in front of an installation called "The Eye of Shinjuku". From there, we would make our way to the commercial district along the West Exit of the station and pick a restaurant at random.
It's going to be early Friday evening, so it shouldn't get too crowded yet… Is that too optimistic of me? No, I'm sure it'll be fine. This is Tokyo, there are lots of shops, I’m sure it’ll work out somehow.
With excessive trust in Tokyo's crowd capacity that was typical of someone from the countryside, I informed Toriko of the meeting place.
The next evening. The station's layout was more complicated than I thought, so I got a little lost. I cut through the underground hurriedly and finally arrived at my destination five minutes late. Toriko, who was leaning against “The Eye of Shinjuku' - a shining eye-shaped object against a black stone wall, waved as soon as she saw me.
Toriko stood out, so she'd caught my eye before `"The Eye of Shinjuku" did, which was supposed to have been the focal point of attention. Perhaps we might have been able to catch each other anyway if I’d gotten Toriko to stand at a random location.
"Sorry to keep you waiting."
"No, it's okay. I just got here." [2]
"When did you actually arrive?"
"About fifteen minutes ago, I think."
"… That's a little early?"
"I was looking forward to it!"
Toriko was in a good mood despite having been kept waiting, and looked like she was about to start hopping around.
"Let's hurry up. I haven't eaten anything since I woke up, so I'm really hungry."
"Fine, fine. Well, um… I guess it’s this way."
Together with Toriko, I started walking towards the West Exit.
"By the way, why did you choose this side of the station? Isn't the East Exit side more bustling?"
"Well, that side seems a little scary… Isn't Kabukicho or whatever over there?"
"Yeah. Haven't you been there?"
"Absolutely not. Isn't it scary?"
"No it’s not. There’s lots of stuff over there, like a movie theatre. It's annoying when people call out to you when you're alone, though."
"It's scary after all."
"It'll be fine, I’m with you. Wanna head over there now?"
"Nope, I’m good. Maybe next time if I feel like it." [3]
As we engaged in frivolous conversation, I was suddenly struck by a strange feeling. Meeting up with a friend to go drinking made me feel like an ordinary college student. I wasn’t planning on going to the Otherside today, had a surplus of cash in my pocket, and I didn't have my gun with me either.
So even I can do something like that…
As I indulged myself in the sentiment, I walked side-by-side with Toriko through the streets of Shinjuku, where bars were starting to open for business.
TL Notes
General note: I adopted a more 'literary' prose style to match the tone of the novels. Hence, the translation in this series will be significantly more liberal than my usual analytical posts. Feel free to ask me anything. Feedback regarding translation accuracy is also welcome.
[1] The original Japanese here says 決めていいよじゃないよ。決めていただけませんか、じゃないの?
TLDR Sorawo is just being petty and griping about Toriko's not using formal/polite language for what was essentially a request/favour while not having the 'moral high ground' so to speak.
[2] More of a cultural note than a translation one. These two lines are something of a standard greeting for scenes depicting a (new-ish) couple going on a date.
And also throwback!!!! To their conversation at Shosen Grande when Sorawo was waiting for Toriko before their second trip to the Otherside in Vol 1 (File 2 - Hasshaku-sama survival).
“Did I keep you waiting?” “Fifteen minutes.” “Isn’t this where you’re supposed to say, ‘I just got here’?” “Did you think this was a date or something?” I said curtly, heading outside without listening to her response.
Gotta love how Sorawo just punched through social niceties and interrogated Toriko about the truth. But more importantly she didn't call out Toriko again on the date-ish line lol.
[3] Vol 5 foreshadowing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Nuff said.
List of Yuri Club's Otherside Picnic Short Stories [my translations]:
1. Shinjuku, The First Meet-Up (新宿、初めての待ち合わせ)
2. Hasshaku-sama Epilogue (八尺様エピローグ)
3. Ochanomizu, The First Afterparty (お茶の水、初めての打ち上げ)
4. Ikebukuro, Cafe Meal For One (池袋、ひとりカフェ飯)
5. Naha, After The Big Job (那覇、大仕事の後)
6. Ishigaki Island, A Dazed Vacation (石垣島、呆然のリゾート)
7. Mercedes AMG, The Backseat (メルセデスAMG、後部座席)
8. Otherworldly Elevator, On The Way Back (異世界エレベーター、帰路)
9. Kozakura Mansion, Pizza Party (小桜屋敷、ピザパーティー)
10. TBD
11. TBD
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vorrentis · 1 year
Reader x Jihyo - Looking Out For You (Part 1)
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I can't believe I haven't put this up yet lol.
Just in time for Jihyo's solo so let's say it was planned.
One of my first chapters ever so if it's crappy, I'm sorry.
WORDS: 6314
It was early as usual, and you were the first one in class, since you had nothing else to do.
You walked into class, ready for the boring lecture set for today, but today had a surprise for you.
Behind your seat, was a girl you've never seen before. 
She was sitting there looking at her phone. 
You went towards the teacher who was at her desk.
"Um, Ms. (teacher)?"
"Hmm," You used your eyes to motion to the girl. "Oh, she's a new transfer student. It's her first day here. That's also her new seat by the way."
"Ahh, okay. Thanks." The teacher nodded and you went towards your seat, which was in front of hers.
She looked up and you waved your hand. She was really cute.
"Hey. My name is (YN). I'm guessing you're new here?" You asked.
"Jihyo, sorry, my English...not so good." She said with a bit of trouble.
"It's fine," You then looked down to see her handwriting, it was in Korean, "Korean right?"
"Yeah. How'd you know?" She nodded a bit surprised.
"Mannaseo Bangawoyo" (It's nice to meet you)
"You know Korean as well?" She said in her language.
"Yeah, my dad's side is actually Korean so I know Korean." You said in Korean.
(You're speaking Korean to her from here on out.)
"Hey, do you need someone to help you out? I'll show you around and everything, I can even teach you English if you want."
Her face looked surprised.
"Sorry, I know it's sudden, but I don't want you to be lost or anything."
"Oh no no, it's just that I don't want to waste your time though, and no offense, but you don't even know me." She said.
"Well, I know your name so that's good enough for me. Besides, it's much easier with a person translating than the machine you have." You said pointing at her translator, which was a mini laptop that she typed into to get her translation.
She looked back and forth at you and the mini laptop. Then she closed the laptop and put it away.
"Then (YN), I'll take your offer." She said smiling as you smiled back.
That was the start of a new friendship...
Throughout the next couple of months, she was by your side whenever you both had classes. You did not mind one bit though. You were helping her with her assignments, notes and even teaching her the basics of English.
She was learning pretty quickly, but she said that she was learning lessons at home to, so it was no wonder she was learning quickly.
By this time she was getting used to the language and soon was able to understand some of the lessons too. She was very thankful for your help.
You just waved your hand and said that it was nothing.
Soon both were hanging out outside of class: showing her around the city, taking her to your favorite places to eat, the mall, even each other's places.
She introduced you to her parents and her to yours. Her's were happy that she found a friend quickly that was helping her out and they were thanking you for it. Your's were happy that you've finally found a girlfriend.
You quickly corrected them as both you and Jihyo blushed. She knew what they were talking about since she was learning quickly.
But other than that, everyone was going smoothly...was...
"I don't know what to do bro." You were currently at your room, on your phone with another friend of yours, (FN).
"Easy, just ask her out. Simple."
"It's not that easy, (FN). Maybe for you, but for me-"
"Man you're really taking this hard...and since when did you start liking her that way anyway?"
"Last week, I took her out for dessert, you know the ice cream place at the mall."
"and when we were at the table together, I just imagined that we were on a date..."
"But haven't you already taken her out before and stuff."
"Yeah, but last week was...different. I've never seen her that way before, but the way she looked, ate, laughed...It was just ice cream, but I really felt like we were on a date...and I wanted to go on more with her."
"So just ask her out."
"I don't even know if she even likes me. What if she sees me as a friend only? Imagine this...
"Jihyo, I was wondering...umm...would you like to maybe...go out with me?" 
"Ohh...(YN)...I'm sorry," You said impersonating Jihyo's voice. "I...I don't have the same feelings as you.
"(YN)...I'm sorry."
"No it's fine really...um...can we just...forget about this..."
"Y-yeah...sure, she says and then after that, we both don't talk regularly and both start to avoid one another
Yeah, that's how you thought in your mind the scene was going to go as you told your friend about your situation.
"Listen (YN), no offense, but you're pretty stupid for thinking that that's going to happen."
"It's just...I don't know what to say to her...we've only been friends for a couple of months, but-"
"I know, I know, she's the best girl you've ever hanged out with, she's different, she's funny, cute, etc, etc. I get it." Your friend said cutting you off. "Look she's not going to say no to you, after everything you both do. Look I've got to go, but you better ask her out soon, I'm rooting for you." Your friend said as he hanged up after.
With a sigh, you laid in your bed, covered your eyes and prepared for tomorrow.
Yeah, it's been a week since your conversation.
You were really nervous and kept coming back to your initial theory of what might happen. But today was the day, you had all your courage and made it a mission to ask her out.
You were looking for Jihyo, but she wasn't where you would usually meet. You shrugged thinking she went on ahead.
You then walked into the lunchroom and looked at your usual table, but she wasn't there. You looked around...until you saw something that was hurting you.
Jihyo was sitting somewhere and someone had their arm around her shoulder.
'No...don't tell me...'
Jihyo then spotted you and got up from her table and went towards you.
"Hey (YN), sorry for not meeting you."
"No it's fine, it's just that, why are you over there?"
"Oh...well, you know Daniel right." You nodded slowly. "I wanted to wait till I thought we were doing well and it just so happens that that day was yesterday. Dan and I are in a relationship."
'...No way...' Your heart was dropping after this.
"R-Really, umm, when did he ask you out?"
"Maybe a couple of weeks ago, we already went on a couple of dates too. But I wasn't too sure about the relationship, but he was sweet and told me that we could take it easy." Jihyo happily said with a big smile.
There was one major problem with that...
Daniel was a playboy.
No one knew to expect you. 
You caught him on multiple times with different girls, sometimes being with someone else when he already had a relationship with someone.
You've seen him with a girl at school and on that same night, with someone else.
You hated this kind of people that treated women like 'trophies'. 
How you caught him is that you got a job at this restaurant, one of the best around actually...as a busboy, but it still was a job for you.
The worst part was that it was Dan's family restaurant.
And being one of the best around, your guess was that he brought them here to show off his wealth. He even has his table prepared whenever he wanted.
Good thing was that he wasn't that smart. He doesn't even notice you since you've never interacted with him, school nor work, but you saw him from afar, flirting and holding on to his ladies. It was always the same antics.
You didn't see the same girl often and you've seen only about 1 or 2 girls from school. Your guess is that he dated girls from other schools as well.
And now here he was taking Jihyo as well.
You wanted to say don't bother and go out with me instead, but you didn't...you couldn't...but she seemed so happy at the thought that you couldn't just say don't do it to her.
Even if you did, she wouldn't believe it anyway or even simply agree with you.
"That's great Jihyo." You said with a fake smile.
"Thanks (YN)... but that doesn't mean that won't hang out though. Today I'm going to sit with them if that's okay with you?"
"No, go ahead. I'll hang out with (FN) instead."
"Great thanks (YN)." And with that she left, leaving you miserable.
You've been hiding the fact that you still didn't like the relationship Jihyo has been on. You both still hang out, but whenever Jihyo brought his name up you couldn't help, but ignore her. You also spend fewer days together since she was now hanging out with Dan and his friends.
Saturday night came and it was your day off, you asked Jihyo if she wanted to do something, but she was busy studying for a test on Monday. At least she wasn't with Dan you thought. But your parents asked if you wanted to see the new Halloween movie that came out with them after the learned that you aren't going anywhere.
You nodded and got ready.
It was nighttime and you were leaving the movies with your parents, you both went to see that new Halloween movie that came out.
As you three were walking out, you saw someone at the side of your eye. Your eyes widened at the sight.
It was Dan and his friends...but that wasn't what caught your eye, Dan was with a girl...and it wasn't Jihyo. They were kissing with each other in line while his friends ordered the tickets.
'Damn it. I knew this was going to happen. Okay just need to take a quick-' but Dan then turned towards your direction, and you quickly turned around yourself and left.
'That was too close...' you turned around and saw them head inside.
'Well it's too late now, but at least I caught him. I knew it, I just knew something like this was going to happen...now for the hard part.'
You quickly went to find Jihyo, this wasn't something to do over the phone, but in person. You went early to school again knowing that she was going to be there, she was there earlier than you sometimes.
And it turns out she was.
She was at her locker grabbing stuff. 
You quickly went to her and she saw you while smiling.
"Morning (YN)."
"Dan's cheating on you." You whispered as Jihyo didn't seem to understand.
"Dan, he's cheating on you." You were assertive as Jihyo gave an short laugh.
"Heh, are you serious?" 
You nodded.
"I've caught him last night. I went to the movie theaters and saw him with another girl."
Jihyo shook her head.
"(YN), Dan told me he was going to the movies with a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. I didn't go because I was studying. It was probably her."
"Jihyo, they were kissing." You whispered the last part.
"Kissing? Are you sure?"
"I'm pretty positive."
Jihyo looked away for a few seconds and turned back to you.
"Do you have proof? (YN) this is-I can't believe that."
You mentally sighed.
"No I don't, but Jihyo I know what I saw. You have to believe me."
She took some seconds thinking and you saw her lips purse.
"...I'll talk to him."
"Talk? Jihyo he-"
"(YN), I'll talk to him okay. I need to hear from him."
"He's going to lie Jihyo." 
"He's honest (YN)." You rolled your eyes.
"No he's not Jih-"
"Hey babe." You both looked to see Dan coming closer as Jihyo smiled even more at him.
He came close and the two hugged as you scoffed and gave a look at Dan.
"How are you doing?"
"Great, just talking to (YN)."
"Sup (YN)." You motioned your head to say hi.
"Hey sorry about yesterday," Jihyo nodded.
"It's okay, don't worry," Jihyo excused as you turned away from them and started walking, catching the eyes of her and Dan.
"Did I interrupt?" He asked as Jihyo looked at him.
"Dan, we need to talk." 
10 minutes passed by and students were starting to get into their seats. 
Eventually Jihyo came along as well and sat behind you whie Dan came in with his friends.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned as Jihyo leaned closer.
"I talked to him."
"And..." Of course, you knew what the answer was going to be.
"He said that he was with his family/friends and what you saw was him kissing her on the cheek, that was a cousin of his that he hasn't seen in a while. Even his friends confirmed it."
'That lying piece of-'
"He also said that I was the only girl he's ever had his eyes on. He said that he would never go behind my back. Even though we only been dating for some weeks now, but I can tell he was sincere in his words."
You couldn't say anything to argue that, what could you say. You didn't have proof.
"I know what I saw Jihyo."
"(YN) seriously, Dan is nothing like that okay. Just drop this." She said with a serious tone.
And after that, none of them said a word to each other. The whole day. It was hurting you, but you needed some kind of prove that Dan is cheating on her.
You walked home alone, you didn't bother saying goodbye to Jihyo.
About a good 10-minute walk from school and someone shouted your name.
"Hey (YN)."
You turned around to see the man you despise himself, Dan. Along with a couple of friends of his.
"Can I help you?" You asked.
"Yeah you can. So you're good friends with Jihyo, right?" You nodded.
"And as friends, I can understand how you would want to protect her."
"Where are you going with this?" You said as he had your full attention.
"Now I know that nobody knows about my...relationships that I had before. And somehow Jihyo knew about last night and of course, I had to sweet charm her into thinking I was the only one for her. Now I don't know how, but I know for a fact that she was told this...am I right." His friends then circled around you.
You looked around at the three.
"Jihyo deserves better. I know you're seeing someone behind her back." You said.
"Saw you last night...you were right by the way. Can't keep this a secret any longer from you."
"So it's true. Why?!" You said angrily.
"Why not, Sarah's cute and all, but Jihyo...with that body...I think I'll keep her for a while."
You clenched your teeth and formed a fist, but suddenly your chest felt pain and all the air was gone from your lungs as Dan kneed you in the stomach making you get on your knees.
You clenched your mouth and hugged your stomach as the pain was coursing through your body.
"If you ever, say anything to Jihyo again. I will personally make you suffer."
You got up after the three left you. You clenched your stomach. But the pain was going away. Now you know that it's true, you have one objective.
Catch him again.
It's been a week since the incident and you were now focusing on trying to catch Dan. You barely even talked to Jihyo.
You came up with a plan though.
Your plan was the restaurant. You haven't seen Dan yet for a while, but that means he hasn't brought Sarah (his other girl) here yet.
You asked for a shift for each night, it was going to be hard work and you didn't know when he might come, but you needed to catch him. You couldn't get all the nights, but four of them only.
You were praying that this night was his night to be here.
'Please...you know you want to bring her here.'
Luck was on your side today, as of course, Dan came through the entrance with the same girl as you saw him with last time.
You smirked as you waited till you got some photos of him doing something flirty with her.
It took a while, but you saw him putting his arm around hers and even gave a kiss on the cheek.
'Perfect' You thought as you scrolled through the photos.
The Next Day
You immediately went towards Jihyo's locker and there she was alone too. You both were always the first ones here. There was no one, but a couple of students walking around.
"Jihyo." You said as you fast walked to her. She turned towards her name and saw you.
"Hi (YN), look about last ti-" She said with a smile.
"I caught him. This time I have prove."
"Caught who?"
"Dan," Jihyo rolled her eyes, "I caught him cheating on you again, except this time I have some prove." 
"(YN), I'm not having this conversation again." She said with her tone getting agitated.
You didn't respond, but you took your phone out and showed the multiple photos that you took of Dan and the girl he was with.
Jihyo took the phone and looked through each one.
"See, now I know this must be har-"
"Have you been spying on us!?" She said angry.
"These are fakes aren't they." She looked up at you.
You just blinked a couple of times. 
Surely you didn't hear that right.
"What do you mean 'fakes'?" You said confused.
"(YN) this is the same exact place that we had our date a couple of days ago. We're even sitting on the same table...wait...have you been stalking him?" She said with a shocked look on her face.
"N-No, Jihyo look I-"
"Why are you so hellbent on making us break up?" She spat as you...
"...I-I'm looking out for you Jihyo. What other reason could I possibly have or need?"
"...you have feelings for me." She uttered as your heart raced.
While it wasn't how you wanted her to know, it wasn't the time to act timid.
"My feelings have nothing to do with this Jihyo. He's been cheating on you this entire time," You pointed at your phone. "Look at it again and tell me that these aren't fake." You pushed your phone forward as Jihyo stepped back.
"(YN), now you're taking this too far...you're starting to creep me out." Jihyo said worryingly, "...maybe...maybe we shouldn't see each other for a bit." Jihyo said.
Your head leaned back.
"Y-you can't be serious?! You think this is a joke Jihyo?!"
"Why can't you understand (YN) that he loves me and I love him."
"No (YN), you don't have the right to even speak! Dan is sweet and caring and he's been nothing but loving with me." Jihyo was getting angrier.
"And I haven't?! Who's been there for you since day one Jihyo! And now I'm suddenly the villain!" You pointed at yourself.
"Well you certainly aren't acting like a good person right now (YN)! Dan makes me happy! Why can't you get that!"
"He's only using you Jihyo, he wants to brag about getting you at his side! Jesus why aren't you getting this!"
Jihyo took a few moments.
"...you're jealous."
"Oh my-"
"No, you are. That's why you're trying so hard to get rid of Dan, so you can have me for yourself." She said accusingly.
"I told you my feelings-"
"Well it ain't happening. Dan is a lot of great things (YN), more than you can think! And right now, more than you! That's why I would choose him over you! Dan makes me feel wonderful and I want you to stay away from us!"
Your heart shattered at what she just said.
It was at that point that whatever you said didn't matter...not that you had anything else to say...what could you say?
You closed your eyes and shook your head.
"...do you what you want then," you muttered, "I was only looking out for you. And if you think it's best if we don't see each other, then, fine." You said while turning away, trying to keep your composure.
Jihyo then huffed her frustrations and turned around towards her locker. 
She couldn't believe what just happened. 
You were getting too far.
'I can't believe (YN). How could he just say things like that.'
Then she closed her eyes and took deep breaths. She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the inside of her locker door. 
It was with a two clips of selfies of you and her. Each photo had both of them smiling and goofing off.
She remembered each one when she and you took them in the photo booth machines in the mall. One for the first time they went there and the other wasn't that long ago with her new hairstyle.
She shook her head and closed the door after getting her materials. 
Two days have passed and it wasn't good for Jihyo.
She didn't mean what she said.
She was angry at what you were suggesting and lost it.
She liked Dan a lot, but she enjoyed being with you too.
You were right, you were looking out for her well being.
She was going to apologize to you the next day and talk about this more calmly but you didn't show up.
She called you but no answer.
After school, she went to your home, but you weren't their either as your parents wondered the same.
That's when Jihyo started to get worried.
She went and called her friends and asked, but no.
She called your friends but nothing either.
That's when Jihyo started to panic.
She remembered the last words she said about not wanting to see you for a while, but she didn't think you'd take it this hard.
Guess that's what happens when you break someone's heart.
Now she felt horrid about what she said about 'choosing Dan over you' and 'to stay away'.
That's not true at all.
You made her feel welcomed and happy too.
God she was an idiot.
If she hadn't lost it, this mess wouldn't be happening and if anything happened to you...she didn't know what she'd do.
And now, sitting on her desk, staring forward at the lone table while students around talked, she couldn't think of anything but you.
'Where are you (YN), I'm so sorry. Please be safe.
As class was about to start...
"Jihyo?" The teacher approached her, "Mr. (Principal) wants to see you in his office."
Jihyo nodded slowly.
"Is it about (YN)?"
"I don't know."
Jihyo's breath shook.
With that Jihyo sat up from her desk and with a heavy weight, proceeded outside the classroom, noticing the lack of emotions from other students, including Dan fooling around with his friends.
'Can't they see he's missing...'
With a couple of minutes walking, she made her way to the principal's office and knocked on the door.
"Come in,"
is what she heard and she turned the doorknob and stepped in...to see the principal, along with two officers.
She started to stress seeing them.
'No...no, i-it can't be-'
"Ms. Park, please sit." The principal waved at the empty chair as Jihyo sat down as her heart couldn't take it.
"Is (YN)-..." She couldn't bring herself to say what she thought.
"That's why we're here. We're from the (Location) police department, we're here to question students about him. His parents filed a missing report."
Jihyo felt her body go limp.
Ice in her veins.
And a loss of breath.
"Yes, now, Mr. (Principal Name) has informed us that you and (YN) are close. May I ask your relation to them?"
Jihyo's mind was scattered.
She just assumed you were at home moping.
"Ms. Park. I understand it's difficult to process, but we need your information."
Jihyo turned her head to the principal and then to the cops, one who had a notepad.
"...w-we're friends."
"And when was the last you spoke to them?" He wrote down her answer.
And that's, when the conversation of you and her came in like a flood.
"T-tuesday morning...a-are you sure he's missing?"
"His parents stated that he hasn't been in contact at all and based on the school cameras, he walked off the grounds shortly before school ended. You were the last seen talking to him in the halls."
Now Jihyo was starting to freak.
"May I ask what you were talking about?"
"...I-it was about my boyfriend...w-we were talking about...about..." Jihyo's breath rate increased.
"It's okay, take your time." The second cop suggested, "and take deep breaths. I know it's difficult, but we're doing everything we can to find him and every information helps." The cop explained as Jihyo nodded slowly.
"...we were talking uh, my boyfriend potentially cheating on me. I didn't believe him, we had an argument and he left."
"Did he say where?"
'What did I do...'
Jihyo shook her head.
"Did he say something that he was going to do?"
'I did this...'
Jihyo shook her head once more.
"He said that...that he was sorry about it and he left. I-I didn't see him after..." Jihyo rose her hand over her mouth, "I-I didn't mean to be rude-I-I-was mad at that point and-"
"It's okay Ms. Park, no one is blaming you." The principal lowered his hand but it was futile as Jihyo started to shake in her chair, "these men are looking for leads."
"Ms. Park, are you absolutely sure that he didn't say anything." The first cop asked as Jihyo shook her head as the first cop nodded.
"Well, then may we ask everything about (YN). We're hoping you have something new for us. Something that may lead us to somewhere."
Jihyo slowly looked up at the cop and nodded.
Jihyo hurried and ran towards the door of your home.
Immediately after school, Jihyo drove towards your place.
After finishing up questions, she went back to class and hurried for school to end.
She only gave information that they seemly already knew from asking your parents.
Favorite restaurants, places, etc.
Although nothing was new as the cops assured her that they're doing everything they can and she was excused.
And when Jihyo left the room, she went to the nearest bathroom stall...and cried.
You were missing and Jihyo blamed herself for it.
After sobbing for some time, even when class was almost over, Jihyo vowed to find you.
She had to find you.
"(YN)! Is that you!" Jihyo heard from behind the door.
The door swung open to reveal your mother with your father behind her
"J-Jihyo..." She said weakly as started to become emotional, "w-we don't know where (YN) is..."
"I know, the cops asked me about him."
"Oh god..." Your mom started to cry a bit. "We tried contacting him and now we have the police out searching, but...but..." She stopped talking as she broke down. 
Your father came over and consoled her.
"Jihyo, if you know anything, anything that could cause him to disappear, please tell us."
She broke your heart.
That's what happened.
"...N-no, I-I don't know. I'm going to look around as well."
"Maybe something at school, was he getting bullied?" Your dad asked.
Jihyo shook her head.
"My baby..." Your mom sobbed as Jihyo was almost at the same state, "(YN)..."
"Shh, he's okay (mom's name) he's okay, he's strong. Jihyo, help us find him," Your dad asked as Jihyo nodded.
"I-I'll look around..."
"Thank you," You dad said as he hugged your mom and ushered her back in, "I'll join as well," he said as he brought your mom back inside, instructing her to remain here.
Jihyo's eyes fell and her body felt like gravity increased by 100 times.
'I did this...'
Five hours later
Jihyo was sitting in her car, thinking of anything. 
ANYTHING that she could have missed.
It's been five hours since your parents and she couldn't find you.
She wished to every god and deity to find you sitting somewhere safe, but no.
It was getting night and Jihyo was all out of ideas on where you could be.
But she wasn't going to stop.
She'd search every corner of the city to find you.
'Where could he have gone...(YN)...maybe...maybe Dan knows something? After all, this started with him...but I'm hoping he didn't do anything.' She didn't think of Dan at all after these two days.
She texted and after a bit of not answering, she called him twice, but he wasn't answering either.
She scoffed and she drove towards his house to see if he was there. 
After a short drive, she arrived at his house, parked outside his pathway, went out the car and towards the door.
She rang the doorbell as she looked around the front yard.
"It's about t-" Jihyo noticed that Dan's eyes widened to the fullest and he was all in a pretty nice attire as well, "J-J-Jihyo!?" He then looked over Jihyo's head and back to her, making Jihyo wonder why he was acting strange, "W-What are you doing here? Damn it you should have called!" Dan demanded and had panic in his tone.
That was a bit much, but Jihyo didn't care at the moment.
"Twice I called you pabo. We need to talk, but I'm guessing this is a bad time." She said as she nodded.
"I-I'm just about to head out with family, so we'll talk later okay!" Dan said quickly as Jihyo sighed. 
"Fine, I'll talk to you later then, but I have one quest-"
"Jihyo just go." Dan said as Jihyo burrowed her brows.
"Don't tell me to just leave!" Jihyo barked back. "And why are you so paranoid?" She asked with venom in her tone as Daniel's eyes tightened.
"Just ask your damn question." 
Jihyo did not like that language.
"(YN) is missing. Do you know anything about it?"
Daniel scoffed.
"How should I know? Maybe he's just done with life."
Jihyo then rushed towards him as Daniel's eyes widened as the door was pushed open and Jihyo was in front of him with a glare that sends shivers down his spine.
"Don't! Don't you dare say something like that!" Jihyo pointed at his face, "this isn't a joke or laughing matter! (YN) is missing and I need to know if you know anything Kang Daniel!"
Jihyo was fuming and it was only going to be worse since...
Daniel's eyes widened and prayed to the gods for help.
Jihyo turned around and noticed a pretty nice yellow car was parked and someone stepped out the driver's seat and started to come towards them.
"J-Jihyo I'll answer anything, but you have to leave now." Daniel said fast as Jihyo kept her eyes on the person arriving.
A blond girl with a nice attire as well.
"Hey Dan~" Was the girl's tone as she stepped closer "Sorry for being la-and who's this?"Jihyo didn't know who she-...no...wait...
No, no she recognized who she was...she just can't figure it out...
"M-Marissa...c-can you give us a minute." Dan asked cautiously as Jihyo kept her gaze on the girl. 
"Sure babe~"
Everything in Jihyo froze.
"B-babe..." She repeated.
Then it hit her...
It was the same girl from your phone.
Jihyo froze and stared at the girl's appearance, it was exactly her and her saying babe...
She turned around and saw Dan's perplexed face.
Her frozen body was engulfed with fury.
"(Y-(YN) was right...you were cheating on me..." Her fist formed and her tone was cold.
Dan held his nose hard as he looked at Jihyo, who had a glare that looked like she was going to murder him.
"You bastard! You two-timing bastard! (YN) was right!" Jihyo shoved him as Daniel went back a step.
"We're done! We're so over! I don't ever want to hear or see you again you hear me!"
Jihyo screamed so powerful that it left Daniel and even the girl hurt in their ears as Jihyo stormed off.
"C-cheating?! You were cheating?!" Jihyo heard the other girl yell from behind, but she didn't turn around to observe.
She was so furious...and so blameworthy.
She, in quick time, got into her car, and drove away without looking back.
During the drive, she thought how incredibly stupid she was. 
You were right...
The whole time you were telling the truth and she didn't believe you because of affection for that piece of shit.
She drove you away from her because of that...
Because of her blindness and mistrust...
"(YN)...oh god...I-I'm so so-agh..."
The tears came down.
Jihyo was at her desk, by herself in the class. 
She came to school early to avoid that piece of garbage Kang Daniel, knowing he never arrives early to school
She was staring at her phone, nothing was going to distract her. 
The very millisecond it rings, she was going to answer and no one was to stop her.
All night last night, Jihyo cried and called you many times.
She felt horrible and felt every negative emotion in her as she was on her bed just calling and texting nonstop.
You were right...
You were looking out for her.
She should have known better.
And what hurt the most is that you could have been-
No, no she couldn't think of that ending.
Jihyo needed you to be with her ASAP and safe and she'll do whatever she can to have your trust and friendship back.
But she didn't even think that's possible now with what she said to you, but Jihyo will find a way no matter what.
"Jihyo?" Jihyo tensed up, she knew that voice.
It belonged to Leon, one of Dan's friends.
"How are you doing?" He asked but she didn't turn around.
"Ms. Park, Leon here would like something to you, I think you should listen." Another voice spoke up, she turned around to see the principal behind Leon, whose expression was hurt.
She didn't reply, nor did she want to talk to any one of them. 
If they were friends with Dan, then they were now nobody to her.
The principal nodded and looked down at Leon.
"Understandable, Leon." He spoke with a serious tone as Leon gulped.
"Listen Jihyo. I wanted to tell you that we got expelled," Jihyo's glare softened and her eyes were curious, why was he telling her this? "Mason and Dan included." 
"And?" She spoke with confusion as he looked downward.
"We threatened (YN)." Jihyo recoiled, "Dan even hurt him."
Jihyo stood up with lightning speed and rushed at him only for the principal to stop her in time as a couple of other students and the teacher was staring with awestruck looks as Jihyo swung her arms.
"You bastard! ALL OF YOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM LEON?!" Jihyo screeched with malice in her voice.
"Ms. Park, Ms. Park! I know you're disconcerted, but please lower your attitude. He knows nothing of (YN) after that." The principal fought against her grip as Jihyo lessened her movement, but kept her glare.
"...why? Why the hell would you hurt him?!" She barked at Leon as he looked down.
"Dan wanted to keep him shut, he told you that he was cheating on you." Jihyo's eyes widened and her whole body went solid. "He threatened him to keep quiet and...god I'm so sorry Jihyo, but I swear we had nothing to do with him after. I felt so guilty about it and I turned us in." He rubbed his arm as Jihyo remained still.
"The other two don't know about him telling me and all three will be expelled. Even though he says he's done nothing with (YN) after that, we fear that that bullying led (YN) to being scared and leaving." The principal added as Jihyo felt a dagger in her already wounded heart.
"Jihyo, I'm so sorry. I know it doesn't really mean anything now, but Mason and I were trying to find him too. We didn't mean-god we-I-I'm sorry..." Leon apologized, but it was meaningless as Jihyo didn't acknowledge him with the principal figuring that was it.
"Jihyo? Would you like to ask or say anything else?" The principal asked as she shook her head.
"I want him gone..." She muttered as he nodded.
"Leon let's go grab your belongings." He instructed him as Leon nodded with the principal walking forward and turning back to see Jihyo's heartbroken look, "And don't worry Jihyo, rest assured we'll find (YN)." He expressed up as she merely sat in response, as the principal felt horrible that she was like this and looked to see the teacher as she nodded at him. 
With one look at her, both males left the room as Jihyo sat with her face buried in her hands.
"Jihyo?" The teacher was near her as the other students watched, "I don't mind if you need to go home. Would you like to call your parents to leave?" She asked, "I'll send you-"
"...Okay. And I'll allow your phone to be on your desk, but silent please."
The teacher knew how much you meant to her, you were her first friend here.
"We'll find him Jihyo, we will." She spoke with a soft tone as she patted Jihyo's shoulder and left her to her desk, leaving Jihyo. 
Dan hurt you, he hurt you...
Jihyo couldn't 'believe it...
She couldn't believe she dated that monster...and she said that she'll choose him over you...
Jihyo started to shake and cry silently.
If she had believed you back then, you would still be here.
They would still have lunch and be close and...
Jihyo shook her head.
'(YN)...please come back...I'm sorry...'
News about your disappearance was all over the school and even news station.
The students in the class at the time gossiped and of course, like any rumor, it spread like wildfire.
Students were chatting about you which led to multiple guesses about why you left.
All Jihyo did was search around and hoped that you will come to school or her home soon. 
She and her parents helped your parents by looking for you at places you have been to.
Jihyo went to each spot that was both her favorite place to go each day, but nothing but hurt and sadness were brought to her as she recalled memories of each place.
She left messages, voicemails, and calls just about every time she picked up her phone hoping you will hear her and come back to her. Each one was apologetic about how she was and that she needed you.
Currently, Jihyo was on her bed, holding onto her phone. She hardly talks at school and rushes home and lays on her bed, watching and waiting on her phone to ring.
Her parents were worried, but they understood that you were important in her life. 
Even though it was only about three months of them knowing each other, you were her first friend here.
You got her adjusted to the school, to the language and showed her around.
And what did Jihyo do...
Break your heart.
Told you to stay away.
That she'd want...
Jihyo just held onto her phone for dear life, she felt empty on the inside and she just wanted to hear your voice, she wanted to be near you.
She just wanted-
Jihyo's eyes widened and answered right away.
"(YN)!" Her hopes were in the positives after what felt like an eternity...only...
It wasn't your voice.
"Who's this?" Jihyo asked sadly.
"It's (Mother's Name), (YN)'s mom." 
Jihyo sat up in bed.
"Did you find him?!"
She started to shake.
"W-where is he?" Jihyo asked frightened.
"Ms. (LN)?"
"...the emergency room."
And that's that. 
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. Vote/Comment if you want. And thanks again.
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
Aegon II Targaryen x reader who is manipulative and uses the motherly love he never got to get her own way. They both love each other but in a toxic yandere kinda way 😂
Wrapped around your finger
Yandere!Aegon ii Targaryen x Yandere!Reader
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Warnings: none? pls tell me if I've missed sth
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
A/N: Aegon and Halaena aren't together in this one. It's also pretty sweet, despite their ?yandere? tendencies.
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Oh, he really thinks he's that good.
Then you come around.
You, a lady of noble descent and a member of one of the greater houses in Westeros, are also one of his greatest rivals when it comes to having the worst reputation in all the realms.
At first, it's just harmless fun. Nothing too serious.
But then you become a witness to the way his family treats him.
You work your way into his heart and head. I mean, who in their right mind would miss out on the opportunity of being Queen of Westeros one day, amirite?
He bites the bait pretty quickly.
Aegon is obsessed with the way you shower him with affection and love.
He'd be spending most of his time in your arms, begging for you to tell him how much you love, how unfair his mother is to him.
Alicent hates you at first.
The hatred turns to admiration with time, seeing as you gain complete control over her son and mold him to your liking.
But there's more to what she's feeling towards you- fear. With the way things are going, all it would take is for you to snap your fingers and Aegon would kill them all. For you.
You never do, thank the Gods, and for that you have the Queen's utmost respect and gratitude.
She never lays a hand on him again. She doesn't have to, but she's also too scared to do it.
He still drinks, maybe not as much as he did before, but he no longer chases after the servant girls. As if you'd even allow it to happen.
The first time you realize what you feel for him might be actual love, is when you order for some noble lady to be "displaced" from the Red Keep. You didn't like the way she stared at him. Cue, girly losing her eyes for that one.
He was yours and the only way to get him away would be to pull him out of your cold fingers. And you had no intention of dying any time soon.
Aegon rarely goes out of the Red Keep anymore and when he does, you're always with him. The Prince has glued himself to you, whether you like it or not.
On the rare occasions of you two not being present in the castle, golden scales could be seen shimmering high above King's Landing. Sunfyre loves you, the golden beast could feel the strong bond between his rider and you.
Expect lots of expensive gifts- lavish dresses, the rarest perfumes from Essos, jewelry, books, horses, ginormous bouquets of your favorite flowers, commissioned portraits of you two, gold, sweets, etc.
You want it? You'll have it. Simple as that.
He'd never thought of himself as a jealous man, but the second he sees his brother talking to you and you laughing... All Seven Hells break loose.
Aegon turns into a sniveling, whining mess, hands wrapping around you as if his life depends on it.
All the while shooting daggers at Aemond behind your back, daring him to come closer so he could claw his remaining eye out.
Few soft words from you and he's melting.
You love him. He loves you. Everything is more than fine. He completely forgets about Aemond, who's slowly backing away from you two.
You get married not long after. Neither one of your families is brave enough to say a word against the union, seeing as ...
You absolutely never tried to hide it from the public.
You're all over eachother for the most of it.
Both men and women are dropping like flies around you, if they just as much as stared at either of you for a second too long.
Both yours and his family are equally scared and would rather keep away, than try and separate you.
Word spreads around quickly. You're with child.
Aegon's over the moon. You're his. He's yours. Completely.
The prove pops out not long after. Then another. And another.
He would 100% elbow the midwife in the face if she tries to keep him away from you while you're giving birth.
"My Prince, you cannot..."
"Out of my way, you old hag, my wife is in there!"
He was there while you were making them, he has every right to be there while you squeeze them out.
Definitely cries his ass off when he holds your firstborn.
His tunic is discarded quickly as he holds the small bundle close to his bare chest.
Then he wraps one hand around you, almost crushing your neck with how strong he's squeezing you.
Same thing goes down every single time- he storms in, kid comes out, he's bawling his eyes out at the sight.
You pick the dragon eggs for each and every one of them together.
Aegon's just as obsessed with your children, as he is with you.
Gods forbid someone makes one of his little bundles of joy cry...Heads will be flying in all directions, no matter who they belong to.
Not even the Stranger would be able to pull you apart.
Even in death, you'd find a way to be back together.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
follow up clowning related to gg’s weibo post from here. a reminder first that i don’t think everything has to mean something and most of the time what they post is just plain and simple. we are clowns, so we will speculate but that doesn’t mean we have to find some candy for every content they post before we can enjoy & appreciate it. for example, we also think that the reason GG is doing these solar terms right now, while he is filming LoZ is in the synopsis of the drama, his character is the son of the “director of the Imperial Observatory of the Great Yong Kingdom” , that’s the english translation. but the key here in the original text is this word: 钦天监 [qīn tiān jiàn].
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what is it? thank you to good old baidu for always having the answer:
Qin Tianjian is the signature of an official whose function is to observe celestial phenomena, calculate solar terms, and formulate calendars.
calculating solar terms. so that could be the connection he is hinting at that is somehow significant to the character he is playing. makes sense right?
this is not me washing anyone’s candy. i’m only laying out alternative explanations cause that’s how i do things. lol. the addition i have seen going around is kadian related and i’m not a kadian girlie so i was blocking it out when i first saw it. 😅😅😅
okay, now let’s go to the cpn. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
the post he made is his 1085th on weibo. oh what a good number, like a mashup between their birthdays. and the kadian that was used 191919. which means still still still. or you can concentrate on the repeated use of the number 999 ( In Chinese, nine is pronounced jiu, which also means “long lasting.” As the highest single digit, it represents the maximum level of mortal happiness, longevity, and good luck. A perfect ten is reserved for the gods. Case in point: in respect to the Heavens, the Forbidden City in Beijing has 9999.5 rooms, just short of a flawless 10,000. )
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who is saying still too? forever with who? wang yibo. based on my first post about it, his use of that word 谷雨 that also came up in LTS lyrics.
another coincidence is that in the song itself, the word comes up in the 0:19 mark. 👀
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commemorating the anniversary of when he followed yibo on weibo, 4/20/2018 so he posted on the eve of that day. maybe he is celebrating something else that only the two of them know and it’s not necessarily something as mundane as following a person on weibo. who knows. however, it’s on the bxg calendar so we are marking that down as a possible reason. 📝
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i love this explanation tho, that goes back to that actual day years ago and what happened. it was the 5th day of filming CQL and they did not have scenes together, so why did he pay attention and followed him? he was filming the scene in the burial mounds, WWX was drunk and reminiscing about when he first met LWJ. WWX misses LWJ cause he is not there. Was XZ also missing WYB that time? to the point that he went to his weibo account and followed him?
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it’s not a secret that XZ prefers it when WYB is there, not only to act with, but just there for him. plus this level of attachment on the 5th day of filming is not surprising when it comes to them.
finally, the imagery of the rain when it comes to them is one that holds some meaning. much like how we fixate on the stars and moon. photos below to show some of those relations to the rain. ☔️
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and that lrlg conversation they had that went:
XZ: "I'm waiting for you"
WYB: "I'll come and have dinner with you when it rains”
XZ: "Tomorrow's meal"
WYB: "Then tomorrow"
before we end, i’ll add this quote that seems to fit the whole subject of rain:
"Because it rains so often, many important things in life seem to have happened in the rain. Those memories are now uncovered and still feel wet. Even if they dry, they are like a book soaked in water, with ripples on the paper that are difficult to calm down."
sources aside from the ones directly linked: one / two / three / four 💛
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musialasmaid · 3 months
Meeting ♡ Florian Wirtz
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summary: you meet each other for the first time
warnings: none. ok i lied just probably horrible german to english translation
notes: i decided to step in bcuz the wirtz fanfics are coming in very slowly
The cheers echoed through the stadium as Germany celebrated a resounding 5-1 victory over Scotland in the Euro 2024 qualifier match. The atmosphere was electric, fans chanting and waving flags in triumph. Among the jubilant crowd was you, caught up in the excitement of witnessing such a thrilling game.
Florian Wirtz had been outstanding throughout the match, his skill and determination evident in every move he made on the field. His precise passes and strategic plays had contributed significantly to Germany's commanding win. As the final whistle blew, sealing their victory, the stadium erupted in applause and cheers.
After the game, you lingered in your seat, savoring the moment and reflecting on the incredible performance you had just witnessed. As the crowd began to disperse, you noticed a group of fans gathering near the players' exit. Curious, you joined them, hoping to catch a glimpse of Florian.
Minutes later, the players emerged, greeted by cheers and applause from the remaining fans. Florian was among them, his face flushed with exertion and excitement. He signed autographs and posed for photos, his smile never fading despite the exhaustion from the game.
You waited patiently, heart pounding with anticipation. When it was finally your turn, you stepped forward, nerves and excitement intertwining. Florian looked up, his eyes meeting yours with a spark of recognition and warmth.
"Hallo," he greeted, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "Hat Ihnen das Spiel gefallen?" Did you enjoy the game?
You nodded eagerly, unable to contain your smile. "Es war unglaublich! Du warst großartig da draußen." It was incredible! You were amazing out there.
Florian chuckled modestly, running a hand through his sweat-dampened hair. "Ich danke Ihnen. Es ist immer schön, das von den Fans zu hören." Thank you. It's always great to hear that from the fans.
There was a brief pause as you gathered your thoughts, trying to find the right words. "Um, Könnte ich vielleicht ein Autogramm von Ihnen bekommen?" Um, could I maybe get your autograph? you asked, feeling a bit shy but unable to resist the opportunity.
Florian grinned, reaching for a marker. "Natürlich." Of course.
As he signed your jersey, you couldn't help but steal glances at him, admiring his focused expression and the way his eyes crinkled slightly when he smiled. When he handed it back to you, his fingers brushed against yours, sending a thrill through you.
"Ich danke Ihnen vielmals," Thank you so much, you managed to say, your voice betraying your excitement.
Florian flashed another smile, his eyes bright with satisfaction. "Kein Problem. Hey, möchtest du einen Kaffee trinken gehen oder so? Ich würde gerne mehr darüber erfahren, was du von dem Spiel gehalten hast." No problem. Hey, would you like to grab a coffee or something? I'd love to hear more about what you thought of the game.
Your heart skipped a beat at the invitation. "Das würde mir gefallen," I'd love to, you replied eagerly, feeling a rush of excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him.
"Großartig," Great, Florian said, his smile widening. "Hier, ich gebe Ihnen meine Nummer." Here, I'll give you my number.
He quickly wrote his number on a piece of paper, handing it to you with a smile. "Vergessen Sie nicht, mir eine Nachricht zu schicken," Don't forget to message me he said, his eyes holding yours for a moment longer before he turned to greet the next fan in line.
As you walked away from the stadium, clutching your signed jersey and Florian's number close to your heart, you couldn't stop smiling. Meeting Florian Wirtz and experiencing Germany's victory had turned an ordinary day into a magical one. You couldn't wait to see where this unexpected encounter would lead, but one thing was certain—your admiration for Florian had deepened, and you were eager to see where this new connection would take you.
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alilixx · 2 months
Lisa Cuddy X Lawyer Reader (WLW)
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First of all, I just want to apologize for any misunderstandings or mistakes. I’m not from America or England, so the laws and conventions are different, etc and english isn't my native language so maybe the translate can't be that good but i did my best. I hope you still enjoy the fanfiction! Okay, so for those who might not understand, the message above was BEFORE I started writing. I’m adding a few things after finishing; I might write a sequel? I’m mostly going to sleep now because I spent my night and day finishing this fanfiction only to end up disappointed. I’m sorry, it’s been over five years since I last wrote a fanfiction, so I’ve lost some of my touch, but I hope you’ll like it. If you have any feedback, please feel free to share it, whether it’s positive or negative, but please do so respectfully! My next fanfictions will be about Hugh Laurie X Reader and then James Wilson X Reader! I won’t say anything more, but I promise to improve for the future. Alilixx
A few hours after your lunch break, the phone at your office will ring. Your next client hadn't arrived yet, so what was the harm in answering? None, despite the number being strange, you were convinced you recognized it, but from where? After a few seconds of thinking, no answer would come to mind, so you pressed the button to pick up. The voice on the other end seemed familiar until everything clicked. House. A raspy voice on the phone you unfortunately knew quite well greeted you. Politeness would have dictated a "Hello" or something like that, but you didn't. He wasn't stupid; he knew why you weren't responding. Years without speaking after an argument, he didn't expect you to be very friendly with him, not after what he did.
"Listen Y/N, I know you didn't want to hear from me anymore, but I have a problem. I need a… favor, a service from you. I've caused more trouble for Cuddy and unfortunately, I don't have the money for lawyer fees, and neither does Cuddy. I don't want to lose my job, so just this once, help me."
After a few seconds of thinking, you shook your head before sighing and asking one of the last questions of this call, or so you hoped.
"I finish in two hours, stay at the hospital. I'll come after."
You would just hear a simple "Thanks" with what seemed like a smile from House. House smiling? Impossible, you hung up as your client arrived. Another divorce case, people sure get married way too often only to end up giving money to the other after the hate stage. You closed your client's file before grabbing your jacket and keys to head to the hospital, even though you'd rather be in a trial than go there. But seeing House asking for a favor was exceptional. After a good ten minutes, you arrived at the hospital. The reception didn't say anything as you passed by. Apparently, House had already warned people. Should you go to Cuddy's office or House's? After a few seconds of hesitation in the elevator, you decided to go to House's office, and no one was there. As if sending a message was complicated, you stepped back and knocked on Cuddy's office door. With her permission, you slightly opened the door to see several people inside. A woman was seated behind her desk, so Cuddy? The famous House and three other people, one of whom you didn't know, but the other two you did.
"Are you the police interrogating my clients, dear Lopez and Harper? I didn't know you had switched from lawyer to investigator. Unless I'm mistaken and you're doing this illegally? That would be a shame, wouldn't it?"
After turning around, the two lawyers who apparently had issues with House tried to come up with an excuse. The only response you gave them was a quick hand gesture towards the door behind you. They left, and you closed the door immediately. Cuddy got up to approach you, extending her hand to introduce herself, and you did the same. The person you didn't recognize smiled kindly at you, though you still couldn't place them.
"Can I know why they were here? I assume it has to do with House, but what did he do?"
Cuddy invited you to sit next to the unknown person, which you did. On the couch opposite were House and Cuddy. You quickly moved your head to see the name tag on the person's lab coat: "Wilson." Apparently, a very good friend of House. Cuddy cleared her throat to speak and crossed her left leg over the other.
"Dr. House… drugged someone to perform tests on them, even though they were healthy… at least nothing has shown up yet. The person contacted their lawyers to file a lawsuit against House."
You simply nodded, wondering why you agreed to this, just for a favor. You would have been better off sticking to divorces. You thought about how to defend this and opened a folder to read some documents. You thanked your education, which might potentially save him.
"I see, I understand the patient's perspective… The context is… unique. I must warn you there will likely be a conflict of interest, but I will remain neutral. It will probably be Judge Schultz, whom I know quite well, so there shouldn’t be any issues. However, the opposing side might use my past friendship with Dr. House as an argument, but that shouldn’t hold up given my reputation. We need the tests to be conclusive and show that the patient actually has something to better defend House. I’m not asking for a fake health report as that would just worsen the situation. I have about twelve strategies to defend House even if the tests aren't positive. So, if the tests are, House will get off with nothing but a fine."
Cuddy nodded while House didn’t seem to care at all, but you were used to that. This wasn’t the first time, and it would have surprised you if it were any different. You started writing down phrases on a sheet of paper before placing it on the small table between the four of you.
"I'll need you all to help fill in the details of my client's situation. Here's the first one: does the opposing side have any concrete evidence that House drugged them?"
Everyone looked at House, who tapped the floor with his cane before shaking his head.
"I don't think so. I used a very small dose so that it wouldn't show up when we ran the tests. So technically, no."
You crossed out the first line and moved on to the next. Thinking as you twirled the pen between your fingers, you crossed out the second phrase without even asking.
"I assume the person doesn't remember the events, so we can play on that. Implied consent… so lack of evidence and implied consent."
Were you as twisted as House for defending him this way? Probably. Was it worse because you were going to win? Probably that too, but it wasn't the time for a moral lesson, so you'd ponder the meaning of life later.
"I can try to use something else to strengthen our case, but it's a double-edged sword. I can argue absence of malicious intent, but… it's House. So, saying House didn't intend harm or that the tests were supposed to be beneficial or necessary in some way. The only problem is there are other ways to run tests, and I assume you already have a significant record for this kind of behavior. Plus, we need to contextualize the actions, and that will put House in the wrong. I don't think we should take that risk."
You crossed out another phrase; you were getting tired of this. Arguing about the patient's mental health but not providing extenuating circumstances for House because… it's House? As if he had no previous run-ins with the law, consent issues, and the problems that followed.
"We're going to play with the justice system and the opposing side, let me explain. I assume there hasn't been an investigation yet. Given the 'hidden' results, let's say, the police won't have anything, so we can play on that. So, 1-0. We can add that the patient has a grudge against House or just wants money given his status as a doctor, so trying to win a lawsuit brings in money. 2-0. And many other points considering legal loopholes and so on. So, we should win the case outright if House keeps a low profile and the results come back positive, proving the patient indeed has something, then House won't face anything except maybe a fine for 'saving a life'… I mean, he's not Superman either."
Cuddy nodded, looking thoughtful, while House seemed indifferent as usual. Wilson appeared both impressed and concerned, knowing House well enough to see the potential fallout. You continued jotting down notes, formulating a plan to navigate this complex case.
You closed your folder once more, placing the sheet inside, and looked at the others. It seemed you had lost Wilson in your explanation. Cuddy remained calm and simply nodded while House acted like his usual fool. You stood up, giving a quick wave of goodbye as you started to walk away from the trio, but you stopped at the door and turned around.
"I'm doing this for free, House, despite our past, but you must keep quiet during the trial. Otherwise, you're on your own. I'm not your mother."
Despite his jaw moving as if to speak, you left the hospital, running into Cameron. You didn't recognize her at first until she threw her arms around you. You gave her a gentle pat on the back. It had been since your cousin's passing that you had last seen her.
"Hey Cameron, how are you? You've aged!"
She gave you a light tap on the back, smiling and nodding. She explained that work was exhausting; after all, she worked for House. You understood completely, feeling the same after about an hour of saving his skin. She loved her job, as did House, but she prioritized her work, so she kept going. After about twenty minutes, you hugged her one last time before leaving, despite feeling someone watching you—probably House. You didn't care about his childish games; you just wanted to go home and rest. Your car was your best friend. Driving home with "The Chain" by Fleetwood Mac playing, you couldn't quite pinpoint why you loved the song so much—perhaps because it was a collection of unfinished pieces by the band? After long questions about your own existence, you realized you were already home. Grabbing your things and unlocking the door felt like the longest task of your life. You didn't even have the patience to put your things away, so they ended up on the couch, allowing you to shower and collapse into bed.
Hours passed, and your eyelids grew heavier until you saw "9am" on your alarm clock. Had you really slept, or was it just a sleepless night without realizing it? You were exhausted, but work was calling. Your next hearing was Friday afternoon, and it was Tuesday morning—surely, a day off wouldn't kill anyone, especially after dealing with House. You turned off your alarm for the next few wake-ups and let your heavy head fall back on the pillow, falling asleep once more.
This time, it was around two in the afternoon. Unfortunately, you had to work on a case, so you went through your routine—shower, document review, meal, and a quick walk to stretch your legs. The evening markets were beautiful; you couldn't go often during the week, but why not this time? The argument that kept you there longer was the still-warm cup of hot chocolate in your right hand. The twinkling lights of the stalls and the spicy scents floated in the cool night air. The crowd was dense but cheerful, with laughter and conversations creating a warm symphony that almost warmed you as much as the chocolate you had just finished. You wandered between the stands, stopping here and there to admire the handmade crafts and local products. Suddenly, your attention was drawn to a stand of colorful jewelry. An elderly woman with white hair and sparkling eyes held a delicately crafted silver necklace.
"Good evening," she said, her voice as warm as her smile. "Looking for something special?"
You smiled back, feeling the stress of the day melting away in the vibrant atmosphere of the market. "Just browsing, but this necklace is beautiful. Did you make it yourself?"
"Yes, indeed," she replied, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Each piece tells a story. Would you like to hear about this one?"
You nodded, intrigued, as she began to tell the tale behind the necklace, her words weaving a tapestry of history and craftsmanship that made you appreciate the piece even more.
"Do you like it?" she asked, noticing your interest.
"Yes, it's beautiful," you replied, stepping closer.
"It's a unique piece, made with great care," the woman explained. "Every detail tells a story."
You took the necklace in your hands, feeling the reassuring weight of the silver and admiring the intricate patterns. It almost seemed to vibrate with a special energy, as if it contained an ancient secret. You wondered what story it held and why, the moment you saw it, you thought of the woman in the office with House and his friend.
"I'll take it," you declared, determined. The old woman smiled even more and wrapped the necklace in pretty tissue paper before handing it to you. You thanked her and continued your stroll, the necklace safely kept in your bag. As you walked on, you couldn't help but think back to the old woman's words. Every detail tells a story... But why did it make you think of Cuddy? Lost in your thoughts, you didn't immediately notice the familiar figure heading toward you.
It was only when you heard your name that you looked up, surprised to see Cameron with two of her friends. One was an African-American man, about 6 feet tall, with an athletic and slim build reflecting a disciplined and well-cared-for appearance. His features included a square jaw and high cheekbones, giving his face a serious and determined expression. His short, well-groomed black hair accentuated his professional and rigorous look. You noticed his dark brown eyes, often penetrating and expressive. The other man, standing to his right, was a Caucasian, of medium height, around 6 feet tall. He had a lean and athletic build, reflecting an active youth and attention to physical fitness. His facial features were finely chiseled with a square jaw and a straight nose. His light blue eyes were often seen as penetrating and expressive, conveying a mix of curiosity, compassion, and doubt. His blonde hair was neatly styled with a touch of deliberately tousled disorder, giving him a relaxed and approachable look. Cameron gave you a quick wave to come over, which you did, of course, shaking hands with her two friends. The African-American man was Eric Foreman, and the other man was Robert Chase, according to Cameron, her colleagues at work. Though they were very friendly, you remained cautious as they were associated with House, which was the opposite of you.
After the introductions, Cameron smiled warmly at you. "We were thinking of going for a drink. Would you like to join us?"
You hesitated for a moment, but the idea of a relaxing evening was appealing. "Sure, that sounds nice."
The four of you headed to a quaint café-restaurant nearby. The place was cozy, with dim lighting and a welcoming atmosphere. You took a seat at a table by the window, offering a beautiful view of the illuminated square. The conversation started off slowly, with polite exchanges about your respective days. Foreman talked about his interest in neurology, while Chase shared some amusing anecdotes from his time in Australia. Cameron, ever considerate, made sure you felt comfortable and included in the discussion.
Then, the topic inevitably shifted to House. "So, you work with House?" you asked, trying to hide your curiosity behind a polite smile.
Foreman and Chase exchanged a knowing glance. "Yeah, it’s… an experience, let’s say," Chase replied with a wry smile.
"That’s putting it mildly," Foreman added with a nod.
The evening continued in a lighter atmosphere. You shared laughs, stories, and moments of camaraderie. Gradually, you felt more at ease with them, realizing that despite their connections to House, they were passionate and dedicated professionals. As the night progressed, Cameron suggested taking a stroll through the markets before heading home.
"Let’s enjoy the evening a bit more, what do you think?"
You eagerly agreed, happy to extend this pleasant moment. Foreman and Chase joined in, and you found yourselves back among the sparkling lights and enchanting scents of the night markets. Maybe this chance meeting would mark the beginning of a new friendship, or even an unexpected collaboration. Either way, you felt ready to embrace whatever the future might bring, surrounded by these newfound allies.
After a delightful evening with Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, you parted ways with your new friends and headed home. The night was well advanced, and the streets were calm, bathed in the soft glow of street lamps. The return journey allowed you to reflect on the evening and the people you had just met. Arriving home, you closed the door behind you and let out a long sigh of contentment. The warmth and comfort of your apartment enveloped you immediately. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket, neatly putting them away before heading to the kitchen. You made yourself a cup of chamomile tea, seeking to relax before bed. With your warm cup in hand, you made your way to the living room and settled on the couch. You took a moment to think about the evening, replaying each conversation and the impressions Foreman and Chase had left on you. They seemed like good people, despite their association with House. Perhaps they deserved a chance.
You placed the empty cup on the coffee table and got ready for bed. In your bedroom, you changed out of your clothes from the day into a comfortable nightshirt. Before sliding under the covers, you took out the necklace you had bought earlier at the market and examined it again. The old woman’s words still echoed in your mind: “Every detail tells a story.” As you observed the necklace in the soft light of your bedside lamp, you wondered what story it might tell. Perhaps this unique piece would hold a special meaning for you, a symbol of this unexpected evening and the new acquaintances you had made. You gently placed the necklace on your nightstand and turned off the lamp, slipping beneath the covers. As you closed your eyes, you felt strangely serene. The fatigue from the day and the soothing warmth of your bed enveloped you, and you drifted off to sleep, already dreaming of future adventures.
The next morning, you woke with the first rays of sunlight filtering through your bedroom curtains. You stretched out, still feeling the previous day's fatigue but also a newfound excitement for the day ahead. After a quick shower and a light breakfast, you felt ready to tackle the new day. You took a moment to examine the necklace again on your nightstand. It seemed even more mysterious in the daylight. Though you were tempted to wear it, you remembered your decision to give it to Cuddy when the time was right. With a smile, you returned the necklace to its box and carefully placed it in a drawer.
As you left your house, you headed towards your workplace. The morning passed quickly with the usual tasks, client meetings, and paperwork. However, you couldn’t stop thinking about Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. The idea of seeing them again seemed increasingly appealing. At lunch break, you received a message from Cameron. She invited you to join the three of them for coffee after work. With a smile, you responded positively, excited about the prospect of getting to know these new people better.
After work, you made your way to the café where you were to meet Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. The place was cozy, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. You found them seated at a table near the window, waving to you as you walked in. The conversation quickly picked up where you had left off the night before. You discussed various topics, from work challenges to personal hobbies. At one point, Foreman asked about your necklace.
"Oh, it was a spontaneous purchase at the market last night," you said with a smile. "The lady who sold it to me mentioned that every detail tells a story."
"That’s fascinating," Chase said, examining the necklace more closely. "Maybe we should try to uncover that story."
The idea sounded intriguing. "Why not?" you replied. "It could be an interesting activity."
After your coffee, you decided to take a short walk in the area, enjoying the evening’s mild weather. Along the way, you passed an antique shop. Cameron suggested you go inside, thinking the owner might know more about your necklace. Inside the shop, the atmosphere was imbued with old-world charm. The owner, an older man with round glasses, greeted you warmly. You showed him the necklace and explained how you had acquired it. He examined the piece carefully before looking up at you. "This necklace is indeed very special. It comes from an old collection, known for its connections to stories of healing."
You found it quite amusing that Cuddy had come to mind, but why did you think of her? The subject intrigued you more and more. “Really? What else can you tell us about it?”
The shopkeeper smiled and began to recount a fascinating story about the origin of the necklace, its former owners, and the legends surrounding it. You listened intently, mesmerized by the details and mysteries that this simple piece of jewelry seemed to contain. After leaving the shop, you found yourself with Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, discussing the implications of what you had just learned. “I think this necklace might really appeal to Cuddy,” you said with a smile. “I want to give it to her, but I also want to make sure I understand its entire story.”
Cameron nodded. “That’s a lovely idea. And we’d be happy to help you uncover more.”
You smiled gently, touched by Cameron’s kindness. The evening ended on this note of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm. Back at home, you once again put away the necklace, promising yourself to continue exploring its secrets. You were now convinced that this piece of jewelry would play an important role, not only in your future relationship with Cuddy but also in your own adventure.
On Thursday morning, you woke up early, feeling the weight of a busy day ahead. After a quick shower and a light breakfast, you prepared to tackle the last-minute preparations for your client's trial scheduled for the next day. Before leaving your apartment, you took a moment to ensure that all the necessary documents were in order and neatly packed in your briefcase.
At the office, you greeted your colleagues and immediately immersed yourself in work. The morning passed swiftly with dossier reviews, phone calls, and meetings with your legal team. Your assistant brought you a strong coffee, knowing you would need all the energy you could get. Early in the afternoon, you decided to take a break and headed to your usual café, where you had met Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. They were scheduled to join you for a discussion and to help take your mind off the upcoming trial.
When they arrived, you ordered drinks and settled at a quiet table.
The conversation quickly shifted to your work and the upcoming trial. “You must be pretty stressed,” Foreman remarked, studying you closely.
“Yes, that’s the case,” you admitted. “But I’m ready.”
Chase smiled. “You’re one of the best. Your client is in good hands.”
Cameron added, “We’re here to support you. You’re going to do great.”
As the evening approached, you headed back home. After returning to the office, you spent the evening fine-tuning your arguments, reviewing testimonies, and ensuring that all evidence was in order. You felt the pressure mounting, but you were determined to give your all for your client. Around 10 p.m., you decided to go home to rest. You took a hot shower to unwind and made yourself a cup of herbal tea. Before going to bed, you took one last look at your trial notes, re-reading the key points to make sure everything was clear in your mind.
On Friday morning, you woke up with renewed determination. After a quick shower and breakfast, you headed to the courthouse. The atmosphere was tense, but you felt prepared.
At the courthouse, you met with your client and reassured them. “We’re ready. Trust me.”
The trial began, and you focused entirely on your arguments, presenting clear and compelling points. Hours passed in palpable tension, with every word and gesture carrying crucial importance. During breaks, you quickly checked your phone, receiving encouraging messages from Cameron, Foreman, and Chase. Their support gave you the strength to continue with confidence.
Finally, the moment of the verdict arrived. The jury retired to deliberate, and you spent this waiting period with your client, trying to reassure them despite your own stress. When the jury returned with their decision, you stood alongside your client to hear the verdict.
As the verdict was announced, a wave of relief and satisfaction washed over you. Your client was acquitted. You felt an immense sense of pride and gratitude for all the hard work accomplished. After thanking and congratulating your client, you left the courthouse with a sense of accomplishment.
In the evening, after meeting with a client following the verdict, the day had passed quietly. To celebrate, you sent a message to Cameron, Foreman, and Chase, inviting them to meet at the same café to share the good news. They arrived promptly, all smiles and ready to celebrate with you.
"Congratulations!" Cameron exclaimed, hugging you tightly. "You did it!"
Foreman and Chase also offered their congratulations, and you spent the evening chatting, laughing, and enjoying the moment of victory.As you were sitting at a table near the window, you noticed Wilson enter the café. Clearly, he was there for a break after a long day at the hospital. You waved at him, and he approached your table with a smile.
"Hey, everyone!" Wilson said as he approached. "Congratulations on the trial, I heard it went well."
"Thanks, Wilson. Yes, everything went really well," you replied with a smile, still floating on a cloud of victory, even though you didn’t know him very well.
"You did well to celebrate," Wilson added, addressing everyone. "I hope you’re all enjoying your evening."
After exchanging a few pleasantries and congratulations, Wilson left to pick up his coffee order. You resumed your conversation, but you couldn’t help but wonder how Wilson had heard about your success.
When you returned home late that evening, you took a moment to reflect on everything that had happened over the past few days. You knew that new adventures and challenges awaited you, but for now, you allowed yourself to savor this well-deserved victory. Before going to bed, you took a moment to unwind and enjoy the calm after the excitement of the day. You slipped into your bed, exhausted but happy, ready to face whatever the future held.
On Monday morning, back at the hospital, Wilson crossed paths with House in one of the corridors. House, as usual, seemed intrigued by something.
"So, you were at the café last night?" House asked, with an apparently nonchalant tone but with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
Wilson nodded. "Yes, I ran into your team and your lawyer there. They were celebrating Y/N’s trial success."
House raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really? Interesting."
Wilson smiled at House’s evident interest. "You seem quite intrigued, House. Anything to say about it?"
House pretended not to be particularly interested, but he couldn't completely hide his curiosity. "I just wonder how she manages to juggle everything. Maybe there's something else driving her."
As you were heading to the break room for a well-deserved rest, you bumped into House. He looked at you with that enigmatic smile that was so characteristic of him.
"So, the great lawyer wins again," he said with a sarcastic tone, his piercing gaze fixed on you.
"It was a team effort, as always," you replied with a smile.
House shrugged, a mocking expression on his face. "Yeah, that's what they say. But maybe you just got lucky or you slipped under the desk."
You furrowed your brow slightly but maintained your composure. "Yes, luck always plays a role."
House looked at you for a moment, his smile turning into a smirk. "Or maybe your persuasive skills are just a façade. You should really thank your team more often."
You felt a flicker of irritation rise but kept your calm. "I know how to recognize my colleagues' work, House. Thanks for the advice."
House burst into a humorless laugh. "Oh, I’m sure you do. Everyone loves recognition, especially when they’re working for someone as... competent."
Before you could respond, House turned and walked away, his laughter echoing in the corridor. You stood there for a moment, contemplating the interaction. House had a way of hitting on the most sensitive points, and he seemed to enjoy testing your limits. You pushed the confrontation aside for now, thinking that you'd bring it up with Cuddy. As the hour came to return to work and finish your day, your thoughts refocused on your tasks.
Your morning had dragged on so much that it felt like the entire year was crammed into a single day, stretching it out as long as possible. Fortunately, after another two long hours, your lunch break finally arrived. You were exhausted and eager to see Cuddy. After finishing your urgent tasks, you made your way to Cuddy's office. With House's upcoming trial requiring your attention, you needed to meet with her to discuss the strategy and details of the case.
When you knocked on her door, Cuddy motioned for you to come in.
"Hello, Y/N. How are you?" Cuddy asked with a smile.
"Hi, Cuddy. I'm good, thanks. I wanted to discuss House's trial and see if we're all on the same page. I've just finished drafting all the arguments, possible responses, and so on. I'd like you to take a look," you said, taking a seat across from her.
Cuddy nodded. "Sure. I've prepared some additional documents that might be useful in the worst-case scenario."
You spent the next few hours reviewing the case details, strategizing, and discussing potential challenges ahead. Amidst the professional discussions, you briefly mentioned your recent encounter with House.
"Oh, he was particularly irritating today," you said with a smile. "He implied that my persuasive skills were just a façade and that I should thank my team more often, suggesting I used my feminine wiles to win."
Cuddy sighed. "House likes to push people's buttons, especially when he knows they've achieved something important. Don’t let him get to you. He’s just… House."
"I know," you replied. "But sometimes it’s really frustrating."
Cuddy smiled warmly. "You’re doing an excellent job. Don’t let his comments shake you."
After your meeting with Cuddy, you felt better prepared for House’s trial. You took the time to organize your files and review your preparations. Leaving the hospital, you felt confident and ready to face this new challenge, though a part of you remained apprehensive about what House might do during the trial.
When you got home, you took a moment to relax, appreciating the quiet of the evening. You knew the coming days would be intense, but you were ready for the challenge, buoyed by the support of your colleagues and friends. You found yourself reflecting on the afternoon meeting with Cuddy, her encouraging words echoing in your mind. You realized that you valued not only her professional support but also her personal presence. Perhaps she could become a good friend, although you knew she would never see you as more. Cameron was the only one who knew about your attraction to women, especially older ones, so you recognized Cuddy as your vulnerable spot.
On Saturday morning, an idea popped into your head. You remembered that Cuddy had a particular café she liked near the hospital. You decided to stop by and pick up her favorite coffee as a gesture of thanks for her support. Arriving at the café, you ordered two drinks and a pastry that you knew Cuddy liked. With the cups in hand, you headed towards the hospital, hoping that Cuddy would be in her office even on the weekend.
However, as you walked, you realized that giving the items directly to her might be too forward. An idea struck you, and you stopped by a flower shop to buy a bouquet. With the flowers in hand, you returned to the hospital and asked a nurse to deliver everything to Cuddy without mentioning your name. Fortunately, the nurse agreed and took care of your request.
When Cuddy received the coffee, pastry, and flowers, she immediately asked who had sent them. The nurse, respecting your wish for anonymity, provided a brief physical description. Cuddy quickly understood who the gesture was from, but it was too late for her to find you.
Back at home, you collapsed onto your bed, ready to enjoy the weekend. The days passed quietly with workouts, delicious meals, binge-watching shows, and a bit of work to stay on top of things. You felt relaxed and pleased to have made a thoughtful gesture for Cuddy. It was a step forward, and at worst, she might simply tell you she wasn’t interested in women. Unlike House, she wouldn’t insult or belittle people based on their feelings.
As you arrived at the hospital on Monday, your day off, you felt a mix of excitement and apprehension, curious about how Cuddy had reacted to your gesture. You took a deep breath before entering the building and headed towards your office. Shortly after arriving, you received a message from Cuddy asking you to join her in her office. Your heart raced as you made your way there, wondering what she would say.
Upon entering Cuddy's office, you found her sitting at her desk, a mysterious smile on her lips. She gestured for you to take a seat.
"Hello, Y/N. Thank you for the coffee and the flowers," she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
You felt a slight flush on your cheeks. "I just wanted to thank you for your support. It’s a small gesture to support House."
Cuddy nodded, still smiling. "It was very kind of you. I wasn’t expecting that."
You took a deep breath, feeling that now was the right moment to make the first move. "Cuddy, I’d really like us to spend more time together outside of work. Maybe dinner or something one evening?"
Cuddy looked at you, considering your proposal. "You know what? I’d like that. How about tonight, after work?"
A bright smile spread across your face, and you nodded enthusiastically. "That would be perfect. Thank you, Cuddy."
After your interaction, you left Cuddy’s office and saw Cameron waiting for you, looking slightly concerned. Since Cameron was the only one aware of your sexuality, you took the opportunity to explain the situation. She smiled warmly, congratulated you, and wished you good luck.
That evening, you met Cuddy at a cozy restaurant, the intimate and warm atmosphere fostering a deeper connection. You talked about everything and nothing, sharing anecdotes and laughter. The professional tension melted away, replaced by a natural camaraderie. At the end of the dinner, as you both walked to your cars, Cuddy turned to you, her eyes shining in the streetlamp light.
"This was really nice," she said softly. "I’m glad we did this."
You smiled, feeling a sense of contentment and hope. "Me too. I’ve really enjoyed it."
As you parted ways, you felt a sense of optimism about where this might lead. You knew it was just the beginning, but it was a promising start.
"Thank you for the evening, Y/N. It’s been a long time since I had such a good time," Cuddy said softly, her smile warm and genuine.
You felt a pleasant warmth spread through your heart. "Me too, Cuddy. I’m really glad we did this."
There was a brief silence before, making a brave decision, she leaned in slightly and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Good night, Y/N."
She smiled at you, a tender glint in her eyes. "Good night, Cuddy. See you soon."
As she walked away, you were left momentarily stunned by her gesture. A kiss on the cheek? What was that supposed to mean? Was it just a friendly gesture or something more? You found yourself debating with your inner thoughts, trying to make sense of it. Frustrated with your own confusion, you decided to head to a nearby bar for a few drinks to clear your mind.
A few drinks turned into several, and by the time you stumbled back home, you were slightly tipsy. After a quick shower to wash away the remnants of the evening, you collapsed into bed. Despite your exhaustion, your mind replayed the evening over and over, unable to settle. The new level of your relationship with Cuddy had opened a door to unknown possibilities, and you were eager to see where it might lead.
The day of the trial arrived faster than expected. You knew it would be a challenging day, but with your recent experiences and the support of your colleagues, you felt prepared to face whatever lay ahead. As you entered the courtroom, you reminded yourself of the strength and confidence you had built over the past weeks. You could do this.
The courtroom was tense, but you focused on your preparations and the strategy you and Cuddy had developed. With each passing moment, you felt more centered and determined to deliver your best performance.
During a break in the trial, you caught a glimpse of Cuddy in the hallway. She gave you a reassuring nod, and you felt a surge of encouragement. Whatever the outcome, you knew you had given it your all.
The day of the trial arrived. Dr. Gregory House finds himself on trial for allegedly drugging a patient, Mr. Richard Moore, in order to have him undergo a series of medical tests without his consent. Although these tests ultimately revealed that Mr. Moore suffered from lupus, he claims to have no memory of the period during which the tests were performed, and he accuses House of having drugged and kidnapped him.
The trial began in a crowded courtroom, the case having attracted a lot of attention. The judge opened the proceedings, and the prosecution and defense attorneys presented their opening arguments. The prosecution attorney stood up and described in detail the charges brought against House, insisting on the psychological trauma suffered by Mr. Moore and the illegality of House's actions.
You stood up to present the defense arguments, immediately highlighting the lack of concrete evidence and the importance of the vital diagnosis obtained through the tests performed by House. You emphasized the absence of malicious intent and the life-saving nature of the intervention. Mr. Moore testified by describing his state of confusion and memory loss. He expressed his hatred towards House, claiming that he had been abducted and drugged against his will.
You began by sympathizing with Mr. Moore, acknowledging the pain and confusion he was experiencing. Then, you pointed out the inconsistencies in his account due to his fuzzy memory and highlighted the absence of tangible evidence. You asked him if he remembered specific moments when he might have been drugged, to which he answered negatively. House testified by explaining his actions from the medical point of view. He described the symptoms observed in Mr. Moore that had led him to suspect lupus and insisted that he had acted to save his life.
The prosecution attorney tried to show that House had exceeded his prerogatives, but you intervened regularly to object and protect House from biased questions. You had called several medical experts who confirmed that Mr. Moore's symptoms were consistent with lupus and that the early diagnosis had probably saved his life. They also explained that, without these tests, the lupus could have remained undiagnosed, putting Mr. Moore's life in serious danger. The prosecution attorney concluded by insisting on the lack of consent and the trauma experienced by Mr. Moore. He asked the jury to consider the violation of his client's rights.
You stood up for your closing argument, summarizing the key points: the lack of concrete evidence demonstrating that House had drugged Mr. Moore, Mr. Moore’s confusion and amnesia making his testimony unreliable, the absence of malicious intent on House's part, and finally, the vital importance of the lupus diagnosis obtained through the tests performed. You concluded by emphasizing that House had saved Mr. Moore's life and that his actions, although controversial, were guided by a legitimate medical concern.
After deliberations, the jury returned with a verdict. The judge spoke to announce the decision, "After examining the evidence and testimonies, the jury has concluded that the charges against Dr. Gregory House have not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Dr. House is therefore acquitted of all charges." Everyone was leaving, including House, Cuddy, Wilson, and yourself. You took the opportunity to step away from the crowd with them.
House turned to you with a smirk. "Well done, Y/N. I knew you'd rise to the occasion to defend the best doctor."
You felt relieved and proud of the work accomplished. "Thank you, House. Now, I hope you’ve learned your lesson and will be more careful in the future."
House shrugged. "We’ll see if I listened to the conversation."
You sighed, letting the stress go, satisfied with the outcome and ready to face the next challenges that House would present.
The month that followed was relatively pleasant. You had good times with Cameron and her friends, Foreman and Chase, outside of work. Evening outings, dinners, and lively conversations brought some joy to your routine. However, despite these good times, you felt a void every time you came home. Something was missing, a presence or a deeper connection. One evening, after yet another outing, you decided to take the bull by the horns. You invited Cameron to your place for a one-on-one discussion. Sitting in your living room, you revealed what you were feeling, hoping to find some clarity and perhaps some advice. To your surprise, Cameron began to smile and then to laugh softly. Intrigued and slightly puzzled by her reaction, you looked at her, searching for an explanation. "Why are you laughing?" you asked.
Cameron, still smiling, replied: "Don't worry, you'll understand in a few days. Trust me."
The next day, while you were immersed in your work at the office, your phone rang. On the other end of the line, a receptionist from a certain hospital where Cameron worked informed you that Dr. Lisa Cuddy wanted to see you. Intrigued and curious, you accepted the appointment, wondering what it could mean. On your way to the hospital, you decided to bring some coffees, one for yourself and one for Cuddy, hoping to create a relaxed atmosphere for your meeting.
Entering Cuddy's office, you were greeted by her professional yet warm smile. She thanked you for the coffee and invited you to sit down. After a few polite exchanges, she addressed the main topic of your meeting.
"Y/N, I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to come here," she began. "House is once again involved in trouble. I was impressed by your defense in his last trial, and I would like to offer you the opportunity to become his official attorney."
You were stunned by the proposal. Becoming House's permanent attorney meant constant responsibility and frequent challenges, but it was also a unique opportunity.
Cuddy, noticing your hesitation, added: "I understand that this is an important decision. You can continue to manage your practice and only come here when necessary."
After a moment of reflection, you realized that this offer might address the void you were feeling. Accepting this role would allow you to continue practicing law while staying connected to a stimulating and dynamic environment. With renewed determination, you looked up at Cuddy and nodded. "Okay, I accept. I will be House's official attorney."
Leaving the hospital that day, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. You had just taken a major turn in your career, a turn that not only brought you closer to professional challenges but also to people you were beginning to consider close friends.
The following month promised to be full of surprises and new adventures, and you were ready to face them with new determination. After accepting Cuddy's offer, you found yourself often thinking about her. These thoughts were not purely professional; you realized that your feelings went beyond mere admiration. However, accepting these feelings was not easy for you. You had never really embraced your sexuality, and the prospect of being attracted to a woman, especially a colleague, deeply troubled you.
One evening, after a long day at work, Cameron came to visit you. She had noticed your distress and wanted to help you gain some clarity. You both settled comfortably in your living room, a steaming cup of tea in hand.
"You seem preoccupied lately," she said gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You hesitated for a moment but decided to confide in her about your suppressed feelings for Cuddy. Cameron listened attentively, without judgment, and reassured you with her soothing, calming voice.
"You know, Y/N, it's not easy to accept certain things about oneself," she began. "But your feelings are natural. It's not a matter of gender; it's about love and connection."
She then suggested an idea to help you open up further. "How about coming to a karaoke night with me? It might help take your mind off things and allow you to relax a bit."
What you didn’t know was that Cameron had a more elaborate plan in mind. She wanted to give you an opportunity to get closer to Cuddy in a natural setting. After you agreed to the karaoke, she contacted Wilson to help set up an unexpected meeting.
"Wilson, I need your help," she said on the phone. "Can you invite Cuddy to a karaoke this weekend without telling her that Y/N will be there? I think it could help both of them."
Wilson, always eager to assist his friends, agreed enthusiastically. He knew how beneficial this meeting could be for both of you.
On Saturday evening, you prepared with a certain nervousness for the karaoke night. Cameron picked you up, and you both headed to the bar where the event was taking place. Upon entering, you were pleasantly surprised by the warm and relaxed atmosphere of the place. Meanwhile, Cuddy, persuaded by Wilson to come out for a pleasant evening, arrived shortly after you. She had no idea what awaited her.
As you sipped your drink and chatted with Cameron, you noticed Cuddy walking into the bar. Your heart leaped in your chest. You turned to Cameron, eyes wide. She gave you a knowing wink.
"Relax," she whispered. "Enjoy the evening."
Wilson approached Cuddy and explained that he had invited someone else she might find interesting. He discreetly pointed in your direction. Cuddy made her way over, a curious smile on her lips.
"Good evening, Y/N, Cameron," she said as she joined your table. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here."
As the evening progressed, the songs played, laughter erupted, and the atmosphere became increasingly relaxed. You felt your barriers gradually melting away, encouraged by Cameron's reassuring presence and Cuddy's warm attention.
At one point, Cuddy suggested that you sing a duet. The song choice was a soft and melodic ballad, "Creep" by Radiohead, which brought you even closer together. As you sang side by side, you exchanged glances and smiles that spoke volumes. Of course, Cameron wouldn’t let this slip by and later made you sing "Tear You Apart" by She Wants Revenge. Even during the karaoke session, she noticed your lingering glances towards Cuddy during the chorus, which said a lot.
The karaoke night was a success. Thanks to Cameron and her ingenious plan, you had the opportunity to get closer to Cuddy in a relaxed and friendly setting. When you returned home that night, you felt more at peace with yourself and more confident about your feelings. Cameron had given you the push you needed to embrace who you were and what you felt. Now, you were ready to explore this new dimension of your life with greater serenity and openness, though you had to be cautious about House finding out. You weren’t ready yet to discuss this or face any potential insults from him.
The days following the karaoke night were marked by a subtle but significant change. Your interactions with Cuddy became more frequent, not only due to hospital legal matters but also through spontaneous moments of camaraderie. You were getting to know each other beyond the professional setting, and each conversation strengthened this budding connection. Each morning, you developed the habit of bringing Cuddy a coffee before starting your day, spending much more time at the hospital than at your office. It was a simple but meaningful gesture that quickly became a ritual for both of you. You often found yourselves in her office discussing current hospital affairs, but these moments also turned into opportunities to share personal anecdotes and enjoy each other's company.
One morning, while sipping her coffee, Cuddy gave you a grateful look. “You know, Y/N, these little moments of respite really make a difference in my day. It helps me forget that House is here and working for me.”
You smiled, touched by her words. “For me too, Lisa... Cuddy.”
Your exchanges weren’t limited to the morning coffees. Lunches also became an opportunity to get closer. Whether at the hospital cafeteria or in a small neighborhood restaurant, every shared meal strengthened your bond. You spent much less time with the trio, but it apparently didn’t bother them.
One day, while enjoying a salad at a sunny café, Cuddy asked you an unexpected question. “How did you decide to become a lawyer?” Surprised by the question but pleased by her interest, you shared your journey, including the impact of your cousin's death, the challenges you had overcome, and the motivations that led you to choose this career. Cuddy listened intently, her eyes expressing deep curiosity and sincere respect.
There were also times when your days extended beyond office hours. Sometimes, you would go for a drink after work, sharing moments of relaxation where professional concerns gave way to lighter and more intimate conversations. One evening, in particular, stood out. After a particularly stressful day, Cuddy suggested unwinding at a cocktail bar near the hospital. Sitting at the counter, you talked about everything and nothing, letting the events of the day fade with each sip of your drink.
“Sometimes, I wonder how you manage to stay so calm and composed, even though you’re very authoritative,” you said, observing Cuddy.
She chuckled softly. “It’s a façade, believe me. But having friends and moments like these really helps.”
As the weeks passed, you developed a relationship of mutual trust. Cuddy confided in you about the challenges of her position as hospital director, and you found in her a valuable listener for your own concerns. This dynamic of reciprocal support was new and comforting for you.
One afternoon, after returning from the courthouse, you found Cuddy sitting at her desk, visibly exhausted. Without a word, you took a seat across from her and pulled out a small box of chocolates you had bought with her in mind.
“For a little pick-me-up,” you said with a smile.
Cuddy looked up, clearly touched by your gesture. “You’re my savior, love. Thank you.”
The word “love” resonated within you like a gentle echo. You felt your cheeks flush slightly. This endearing nickname, filled with tenderness and affection, stirred feelings you had tried to suppress. Your heart quickened, and you suddenly became acutely aware of every small detail of the situation: the soft light in the office, Cuddy’s sincere gaze, and the pleasant warmth of the chocolates in your hands. Trying to control your emotions, you responded with a slightly trembling but sincere voice, “I… I’m glad you liked it, Lisa. You do so much for everyone here, it’s only natural for someone to take care of you too.”
Cuddy smiled and briefly took your hand, a simple yet deeply meaningful gesture. “Thank you, really.”
After this exchange, you spent the rest of the day in a state of deep reflection. This sweet nickname and Cuddy’s attention only reinforced the feelings you were beginning to understand and accept. You found yourself smiling for no apparent reason, replaying that moment over and over in your mind.
In the evening, you decided to talk to Cameron about what you had felt. She listened attentively, her gaze full of understanding.
"You see, Y/N," she said gently, "sometimes you just have to let things happen. Cuddy really values you, and it seems she’s starting to feel something for you too. There’s nothing wrong with exploring these feelings."
You nodded, feeling a mix of hope and nervousness. "Yes, you're right. I suppose I just need to be patient and see how things develop."
In the following days, you continued to offer your support to Cuddy, and she did the same for you. Each exchange, each gesture of affection reinforced your bond. The nickname "love" became a kind of shared secret, a constant reminder of the growing affection between you.
In the end, you realized that these feelings, although unsettling at first, were a natural part of your life. And with Cameron’s support and the patience you were showing, you knew you were on the right path to building something beautiful and lasting with Cuddy. As the days turned into weeks, you found yourself eagerly anticipating each meeting with Cuddy. She had become more than just a colleague or client; she had become a cherished friend, and perhaps, something more.
For now, you allowed yourself to be carried along by this new adventure, savoring each moment and letting things evolve naturally. The future remained uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, you felt ready to face it, with an open heart and a serene mind.
Everything was going well between you and Cuddy. The morning exchanges, the lunches, the moments of complicity were multiplying. You felt increasingly comfortable with your feelings, encouraged by Cameron’s advice and Cuddy’s kindness. But one day, an unexpected event was about to turn everything upside down. It was an ordinary day until an accident occurred in the hospital. A cart full of files toppled over in the hallway, and among the scattered papers, a personal note from Cuddy to you fell to the ground. House, passing by by chance, picked up the note before you could react. That evening, as you were finishing your day, you were intercepted by House in a deserted corridor. He had a smug grin plastered on his face and the note in hand.
“So, Y/N, having fun with Cuddy?” he started, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
You felt your stomach knot. “Give me that, House. It’s none of your business.”
He waved the note in front of you, his piercing blue eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, but it becomes my business when you drag your romantic issues into MY hospital.”
House moved closer, his expression hardening. “Seriously, do you think she sees you as anything more than a distraction? A little toy to pass the time?” He snickered. “You’re pathetic, trailing around like a puppy craving attention.”
You felt anger rising in you, but also a chilling fear. “That’s not true, House. You don’t know anything.” He burst into laughter, a cold and cruel laugh. “Oh, I know more than you imagine. Cuddy’s playing with you, and you’re too stupid to realize it. You think she loves you?” His tone grew more venomous. “She keeps you around for her little emotional emergencies. She doesn’t need you; she doesn’t need anyone.”
House stepped back slightly, looking you up and down. “Seriously, do you think someone like you could interest her? She could have anyone, and she’d choose a pathetic, lost lawyer? You’re laughable.”
Each word felt like a punch. You wanted to defend yourself, but the words got stuck in your throat.
“Look at yourself,” House continued. “A poor girl seeking affection. You’re a walking failure, trash no one wants. And when Cuddy’s had enough of you, she’ll toss you away like an old rag.”
These words hit you like a ton of bricks. You felt your eyes welling up with tears, but you refused to let them fall in front of him. Summoning all the courage you could muster, you took a step forward.
"You’re wrong, House. What Cuddy and I have is real. What you say doesn’t change that."
He looked you over for a moment, then shrugged indifferently. "Believe what you want. But remember my words when she dumps you."
House turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you alone in the hallway, emotions bubbling inside you.
You stood there, trembling with anger and pain, House’s cruel words echoing in your mind. But deep down, you knew you had to stay strong. No matter what he said, you had feelings for Cuddy and you had to fight for them. This brutal confrontation with House was just another hurdle to overcome, and with the support of Cuddy and Cameron, you knew you could get through it.
After the confrontation with House, you felt devastated and overwhelmed by emotions. You knew you couldn’t go home in this state. You headed up to the hospital roof, a quiet place where you could think and collect yourself. Sitting on a bench, you let the tears flow, recalling every venomous word House had said. You knew he had a talent for hitting where it hurt, but you couldn’t help but wonder if he was right. Doubts crept into your mind, shaking your confidence in yourself and in your relationship with Cuddy.
After a few minutes of solitude, you took out your phone and dialed Cameron’s number. She had always been a valuable support for you, and you knew she would find the right words to comfort you.
"Cameron, it’s Y/N. I need to talk. Can you come up to the roof of the hospital?" you said, your voice trembling.
“I'm coming right away,” she replied, her tone full of concern.
A few minutes later, Cameron arrived on the roof, her face showing deep worry. She sat down beside you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“What happened?” she asked softly.
You told her everything, from the accident that allowed House to find the note to his cruel and hurtful remarks. Cameron listened attentively, her expression hardening as you spoke.
“House can be really mean sometimes,” she said finally. “But he doesn’t know anything about what you truly feel for Cuddy, or what Cuddy feels for you. Don’t let him tear you down.”
Cameron's words provided some comfort. She was right. House had no right to judge your relationship with Cuddy, and he knew nothing about what you shared. You felt a bit stronger, ready to face the situation with more clarity. Unfortunately, you decided not to tell Cuddy, not wanting to disturb her or seem strange. So you distanced yourself a bit until she came to see you, at which point you had no choice but to talk to her and explain EVERYTHING. You hoped that this conversation would further strengthen your bond. You took a deep breath and sat down across from her.
“I need to talk to you about something that happened a few days ago.”
You told her everything, from the accident with the files to the confrontation with House. Cuddy listened attentively, her expression growing more serious.
“House really crossed the line this time,” she said finally, anger evident in her voice. “I’m sorry you had to endure that, but next time, come to me about it.”
You nodded. “I don’t want to let his words affect us. I really care about you, Lisa.”
Cuddy smiled gently and took your hand in hers. "Me too, Y/N. Don’t let House make you doubt what we have."
The conversation with Cuddy gave you a renewed sense of determination. No matter what House said or did, you were resolved to fight for this relationship. With Cuddy and Cameron’s support, you knew you could overcome obstacles and continue building something beautiful and lasting.
In the following days, you felt stronger and more determined than ever. You continued to work hard, support Cuddy, and grow closer to her. Each moment spent together strengthened your bond, and you knew you were on the right path toward something truly special. The road ahead was still long, but with Cuddy by your side, you felt ready to face any challenges. You were determined not to let House’s cruel words bring you down and to keep moving forward, day by day.
Your relationship with Cuddy improved even more over the weeks. Conversations became more intimate, and shared moments grew more significant. During meetings and coffee breaks, you exchanged knowing glances that often spoke louder than words. Cuddy sometimes made thoughtful gestures, like bringing you your favorite coffee or carving out time in her busy schedule to chat. Cameron, true to her playful nature, never missed an opportunity to highlight these little moments. "So, did you have your daily tête-à-tête with Cuddy?" she would say with a mischievous wink. Each time, you would blush slightly, but you also appreciated these teases that made your feelings seem even more real and tangible.
One day, you found yourself confronting House in his office. The tension was palpable. House was particularly irritable that day, and you had heard about his ruthless behavior towards your patients, especially your cousin. Your cousin had come to the hospital with severe abdominal pain, and House, in a fit of personal anger and contempt, had delayed the necessary tests.
"You should behave better for someone who’s a total jerk. How could you let my cousin die without even trying to save him years ago just because you had a grudge against me?" you exploded, entering House’s office without knocking.
House looked up from his desk, a sarcastic smile on his lips. "Oh, so you’re here to mourn poor patients? What a charitable person you are! You’re here to blame me? Maybe if your cousin hadn’t been so stupid, he’d still be alive."
Those words were the last straw. You felt a searing rage rise within you. "How dare you? You don’t even know what you’ve done. You were so consumed by your own anger and selfishness that you didn’t even take the time to treat him properly!"
House stood up from his chair, his face hardening. "Your cousin was a hopeless case anyway. Maybe if he hadn’t been so weak, he would have survived."
You clenched your fists, your voice trembling with fury and pain. "My cousin was Cameron’s husband!"
The words thundered through the room, and only after they left your mouth did you regret it; you had promised to keep that a secret. House froze for a few seconds, his eyes widening in shock. For once, he seemed unsettled, as if a brutal truth had just hit him in the face. At the same moment, Cameron was passing by House’s office. She had stopped, hearing the raised voices inside. When she heard your declaration, she carefully opened the door, her eyes shifting from you to House, a silent pain on her face.
House quickly regained his composure, though his tone was sharper than ever. "Oh, I see. So you’re here to whine because your cousin didn’t survive? Newsflash, Y/N, people die. This is a hospital, not a fairy tale."
Cameron entered the room, her face pale but determined. "House, that's enough."
He turned his gaze toward her, a cruel smile on his lips. "Oh, look who’s joining the party. Are you here to support your grieving cousin? It’s touching, but he’s not coming back after all these years."
You felt tears welling up, but you refused to let them fall, and the urge to punch him was overwhelming. "You’re a monster, House. You have no idea what it’s like to lose someone so close because you’re a lifeless jerk whom nobody likes."
House shrugged, his expression indifferent. "Loss is a part of life, sweetheart. Get used to it, because I don’t sleep with my boss for bonuses."
Seeing you raising your arm toward House in anger, Cameron stepped in, grabbing you by the arm. "Come on, Y/N, let’s get out of here. He doesn’t deserve you getting worked up like this."
You left House’s office, still trembling with rage and sadness. Cameron embraced you, offering the silent support you desperately needed. You moved away from that place of conflict, leaving House behind with his arrogance and insensitivity. This painful confrontation further strengthened your bond with Cameron. She understood your pain better than anyone and shared your anger toward House. Together, you found comfort in each other’s support, growing even closer through this difficult ordeal.
Even though Cameron continued to have feelings for House despite learning about his refusal to treat her husband’s case, you both relied on each other. That evening, reflecting on the confrontation, you realized how much you cared for Cuddy and Cameron. Their unconditional support was an anchor in the storm of your emotions, and despite House’s cruelty, you were surrounded by people who truly cared about you. You took a deep breath, determined to continue fighting for your loved ones, to overcome obstacles, and not to let House’s nastiness destroy you.
The days following that confrontation were emotionally charged. The tension between you and House was palpable, but you could always count on Cameron for support. Interactions with Cuddy became even more precious, her smiles and soothing words helping to ease the weight of your emotions. Your relationship with Cuddy was deepening. One afternoon, as you were working in your office, you received a message from her: "Need a coffee break? Join me in my office."
You smiled and headed to her office. When you arrived, you found her seated with two cups of coffee and a box of macarons. "I thought we might need these treats to get through the day," she said, handing you a cup. You chatted about various topics, sharing anecdotes and laughter. Cuddy seemed more relaxed in your company, and you realized that these moments had become essential to you.
One evening, after work, Cameron invited you over to her place to talk. Sitting on her couch with a glass of wine in hand, she brought up a sensitive subject. "You know,Y/N, I’ve noticed that you’re getting quite close to Cuddy. It’s wonderful to see that, but I sense something is holding you back."
You looked down, hesitant to admit your repressed feelings. "Cameron, I... I think I have feelings for her, but I don’t know how to handle them. I’ve never accepted being a lesbian."
Cameron looked at you with compassion. "There’s nothing wrong with being who you are. You deserve to be happy, and if Cuddy makes you happy, you should tell her. Take your time, but don’t let fear stop you from living fully." You simply nodded, and the evening continued at her place until you fell asleep in front of a movie with her.
After a long day at work, you decided to go to Cuddy’s office to discuss some important points related to a file. Upon entering her office, you found her organizing papers, her focus on the work in front of her. The atmosphere was relaxed, and the soft lighting in the office created a pleasant ambiance.
You lightly knocked on the door before entering. "Hi, Cuddy. I had a few questions regarding our file."
Cuddy looked up, a smile forming on her lips. "Ah, Y/N. I always wonder why important questions seem to come at the end of the day."
You smiled and placed the documents on her desk. "Maybe it’s to give you a chance to test your multitasking skills."
Cuddy pretended to look outraged. "Oh, I see. So now I’m expected to juggle medical emergencies and your questions. Why not throw in some cannonballs while we’re at it?"
You laughed, appreciating the light tone of the conversation. "Well, you’re the hospital director. I suppose juggling cannonballs is part of the job description."
Cuddy rolled her eyes with a smile. "I guess I haven’t received that manual yet. But seriously, what’s the issue with this file?"
You took a deep breath and decided to make a slightly bolder comment with a touch of humor. "Well, I just wanted to check if your problem-solving superpower is as effective outside of the office."
Cuddy leaned forward, her gaze amused. "Oh, really? And what would my superpower be, according to you?"
You tilted your head with a mischievous smile. "You know, the ability to handle crises and make things simpler even when they seem impossible. But I have to admit, you might also be a coffee superhero, considering how you’re always full of energy."
Cuddy burst into laughter, shaking her head. "Oh, you're incorrigible. But if you insist, I suppose I should also accept the compliments on my ability to make the perfect coffee."
You nodded with a knowing smile. "Absolutely. I’m ready to give you a 10 out of 10 for your caffeine skills, in addition to your management talents."
Cuddy gave you a playful look before picking up a coffee cup from her desk. "In that case, it looks like I’ll have to make you a special coffee to reward you for your praise."
You thanked Cuddy with a smile, and the conversation took on an even more relaxed and friendly tone. Moments of teasing like this were becoming increasingly common, strengthening the bond between you. With her humor and kindness, Cuddy had become a key pillar in your daily life, making even the busiest days more enjoyable. The discussion continued in a light-hearted manner, filled with laughter and friendly exchanges. You left Cuddy’s office with a sense of well-being, ready to face the rest of the day with a smile on your lips.
A few days after the heartfelt conversation in the office, you both had taken a day off together. Cuddy had used the opportunity to invite you to her home, away from the constraints of work and regular responsibilities. It had been a while since you had the chance to spend an evening together without thinking about your professional obligations.
As you entered Cuddy’s house, you immediately felt a warm and inviting atmosphere. The interior was impeccably decorated with personal touches, creating an ambiance of comfort and tranquility.
Cuddy greeted you with a sincere smile, her presence radiating a soothing warmth. "Welcome to my home, Y/N. I’m glad you’re here. Make yourself comfortable; dinner is almost ready."
You settled at the table, where a homemade meal awaited you. The conversation during dinner was smooth and enjoyable, far removed from the usual work topics. You exchanged memories, funny anecdotes, and personal stories. Cuddy shared tales from her childhood, while you recounted amusing moments from your own life. Laughter filled the room, and the barriers between you seemed to dissolve with each passing moment.
Cuddy, in her role as the perfect host, was attentive and engaged. "Do you remember the time I tried to cook a meal for a birthday party, and everything ended up burning?" she asked, laughing.
You nodded with a smile. "Yes, I remember! I was there, and it was a complete disaster, but we had so much fun that night."
Once dinner was over and the dishes were put away, Cuddy suggested watching a movie. "I’ve heard that Die Hard is pretty good. What do you think?"
Your face lit up at the idea of watching a classic film. "Absolutely, I love that movie!"
Cuddy headed to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn, while you made yourself comfortable in the living room. She returned with a large bowl of popcorn and settled next to you on the couch. You both got cozy, and the relaxed atmosphere contrasted with the usual work tensions.
As you watched Die Hard, the film captured your attention with its thrilling action, suspense, and humor. Cuddy occasionally commented on the scenes, making amusing observations about the absurd situations and exaggerated characters.
"See that moment when he jumps through the windows?" she said with a laugh. "I’m sure we’ve all dreamed of doing that during a stressful day at work."
You burst into laughter, sharing her amusement. "Absolutely, and then there are always those moments where you wonder how they manage to avoid serious injuries."
You continued to comment on the movie, your rapport growing as the evening progressed. Laughter and playful banter made the night enjoyable and light-hearted, providing a welcome break from everyday concerns. When the film ended, you both remained on the couch for a while, discussing your favorite scenes and the funniest moments. The atmosphere was both relaxed and intimate, deepening the bond between you.
Cuddy got up to turn off the TV, then turned to you with a gentle smile. "I hope you had a good evening. I really enjoyed this time together."
You responded with sincerity. "I did too; it was a perfect evening. Thank you for inviting me."
She approached you softly and gave you a friendly hug. "I’m glad you came. I think we should do this more often."
You spent a little more time chatting before saying goodnight. As you left Cuddy’s house, you felt calm and happy, with a newfound appreciation for the growing connection between you. The evening had not only strengthened your bond but also deepened the budding feelings you had for each other. You sat in your car for a few minutes, reflecting on what you truly felt. The night had been perfect, but something crucial was missing for you to be completely at peace. Finally, you took a deep breath, got out of the car, and headed back to Cuddy’s door. As you rang the doorbell, you felt your heart race, each step bringing you closer to your truth. Cuddy answered, visibly surprised to see you return.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" she asked, her eyes showing both confusion and concern.
You hesitated for a moment, searching for the right words. "You know, Cuddy… Lisa, I can’t leave without telling you something important. I… I love you more than just as a friend. I have feelings for you."
Cuddy looked at you attentively, surprise evident in her eyes. "Oh… I…"
"It’s been almost a year since we’ve known each other, and I can’t let this chance slip by, even if I’m not completely sure about embracing being gay," you continued, your heart pounding. "I’m willing to risk being rejected by you. I love you, Lisa Cuddy."
Cuddy remained silent for a moment, her eyes searching yours with intensity. Her face softened slightly, but her eyes remained serious. "Y/N, I want to believe you. But you need to be honest with yourself and with me. Are you really ready to face your own feelings?"
She sighed softly and placed a comforting hand on your cheek, her touch bringing a soothing warmth. "I just want to protect you, Y/N. So, be careful… okay?"
You nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and concern at her understanding. "Thank you, Lisa, for understanding my feelings."
Cuddy looked at you intensely, her eyes betraying a depth of emotion. "Y/N, you know I care about you… more than you realize."
Before you could react or say anything further, Cuddy leaned in slowly and kissed you. The kiss was both tender and intense, filled with the feelings you had both been holding back. You stood there for a moment, surprised and motionless, before responding timidly. Your hands instinctively found their way around Cuddy's neck, while her lips were comforting and burning with passion.
The kiss deepened, Cuddy intensifying it with a tenderness and fervor that expressed everything she had wanted to say without words. The sensation was both familiar and new, awakening complex emotions within you. Sensing your hesitant yet sincere response, Cuddy continued the kiss, trying to convey all she had never been able to express aloud. When you finally separated, you were breathing slightly heavily, your eyes shining with confusion and desire. With her forehead resting against yours, Cuddy whispered softly, "Think carefully about what you want, Y/N. I will always be here for you."
You felt torn between the familiarity of the gesture and the novelty of the emotions it stirred within you. Cuddy had opened a door to a new dimension of your relationship, offering both comfort and upcoming challenges. As you gently parted from Cuddy, you left the door open for deeper reflection on what you truly wanted, all while appreciating the sincere affection and patience she was showing you.
After the emotional kiss with Cuddy, you lingered on her doorstep for a moment, your mind full of confusing thoughts and conflicting feelings. You felt both comforted and unsettled by the depth of affection Cuddy had expressed, and the intensity of the moment continued to resonate within you. Cuddy, with a reassuring gesture, allowed you the time to process what had just happened.
The following days were marked by intense introspection. You spent a lot of time reflecting on your feelings for Cuddy and what they meant for you. The nature of your emotions seemed increasingly clear, but you still had to face personal questions about your identity and desires. While respecting your space, Cuddy made efforts to remain available and open. She sent friendly messages to check in and suggested informal get-togethers to discuss anything but your recent exchanges. These moments were light-hearted, allowing you to feel at ease while exploring your own feelings.
Despite the emotional storm in your personal life, work continued. You remained focused on your tasks, but it was inevitable that the tension between you and Cuddy became a topic of discussion outside the professional sphere. Colleagues and friends, including Cameron, noticed the change in your way of working and interacting with Cuddy, but you preferred to keep the details private.
One day, as you were working in your office, absorbed in preparing a file, House burst in, his usual nonchalant demeanor hiding a mischievous curiosity.
"So, how's it going with Cuddy?" he asked with a false lightness, his eyes gleaming with mischief.
You looked up, feeling a wave of discomfort. "I’d prefer not to talk about it, House."
House, unperturbed, continued. "Oh, I see. You're a bit smitten, aren't you? You know, there's something quite pathetic about desperately seeking approval."
Frustrated by his insinuations, you retorted, "And what does that have to do with you, House? Why are you so interested? You've never been able to maintain a decent relationship. So what do you really know about what I’m feeling?"
House, visibly amused by your reaction, crossed his arms and leaned slightly toward you. "Oh, I see. The truth bothers you. Maybe you need to remind yourself that you're nothing more than a mere pawn in the grand game of human emotions. And if you're looking for love advice, I might be the last person you should ask."
You felt a wave of anger rise within you, unable to endure his biting sarcasm. "You don’t know anything about me or what I’m feeling. Maybe you just enjoy playing the villain to feel superior. You don’t understand real emotions."
Despite his impassive appearance, House seemed slightly surprised by the intensity of your reaction. He took a step back, crossing his arms with a cynical smile still present on his face. "Oh, I see this touches you more than I thought."
He leaned in again, his eyes glinting with challenge. "Maybe I'm a bit too blunt for your taste. But don’t worry, I'm not here to judge you. I'm just here to remind people that the world isn't a warm and comforting place, no matter what they’d like to believe."
The intensity of the confrontation began to wane. You took a deep breath, trying to calm the internal storm. "Listen, House, I don’t want to continue this discussion if it’s going nowhere. I’m just tired of these word games and constant sarcasm. Maybe we should just forget this conversation and move on."
Seeing that the argument wouldn’t lead to anything constructive, House nodded with a smirking yet slightly more conciliatory expression. "Alright, I see you want to end this game. We’ll forget it. After all, it’s your right. But keep in mind that truths are often hard to accept."
You left House’s office with a sense of relief mixed with fatigue. The confrontation had been draining, but it had brought to light emotions and thoughts that you had kept buried. As you exited the hospital, you tried to relax, reminding yourself that sometimes the best thing to do was to let go and not be carried away by provocations. In the days that followed, the tension between you and House gradually dissipated. Although the clash left a certain bitterness, you continued to work together professionally. House, while still sarcastic and abrasive, seemed less inclined to push things further after the confrontation. Cameron and Cuddy, noticing the change in your mood and the impact of the confrontation, showed their support. Cameron, always attentive, made sure you were doing okay and offered moments of comfort.
The following Monday, you were still affected by the confrontation with House. Even though the conflict had ended on a more conciliatory note, it had left emotional scars. However, the week started on a positive note with the constant support of Cameron and Cuddy. Seeing their kindness and attention brought you relief. Cameron, always concerned for your well-being, suggested joining her for an outing to take your mind off things. You spent a pleasant evening together, talking and laughing, which helped lighten your spirit.
The following days were dedicated to reconciliation with House. Although his mannerisms remained sarcastic and sometimes abrasive, he seemed to have toned down his aggression after your confrontation. You continued to work together, but the atmosphere was slightly less tense. House, while staying true to his usual style, no longer pushed the provocations as far as he had before. On your part, you focused on your work, striving to maintain a professional attitude despite past tensions.
On Friday evening, after a busy week, you found unexpected comfort in joining Cuddy for dinner. She had taken the time to prepare something special for the two of you, and the evening unfolded in a soothing atmosphere. You talked about everything and nothing, avoiding work topics and focusing on your relationship. Moments of laughter and sharing strengthened the bond between you, momentarily making you forget the week’s stresses.
The weekend brought a new opportunity to deepen your relationship with Cuddy. She suggested organizing a special activity for the two of you. It turned into a full day of exploring a local market, sampling delicious foods, and enjoying light-hearted moments. The activity allowed you to discover more about each other outside the professional context and to strengthen your connection. You spent time strolling, discussing your dreams and ambitions, and supporting each other in your respective projects. This day reinforced the idea that you could be not only professional partners but also companions in life.
On Sunday, after a relaxing weekend, you found a moment for a more serious conversation. Cuddy, aware of the depth of your feelings, expressed her desire to understand and clarify what you both wanted from your relationship. You discussed openly your expectations and fears. Cuddy, always attentive and caring, encouraged you to be honest with yourself and with her. You talked about the potential challenges you might face and how to overcome them together. This discussion strengthened your connection, allowing you to establish a solid foundation for your budding relationship.
When you returned to work the following Monday, the atmosphere between you was imbued with a new harmony. You had managed to move past the tensions of the previous week and establish a deeper connection. The mutual support and shared moments had clarified your feelings and allowed you to envision a future together with more serenity. Although work remained demanding and sometimes stressful, your interactions with Cuddy were now marked by a deeper understanding and growing camaraderie. You could work side by side with a sense of mutual support, which improved not only your personal relationship but also your professional effectiveness.
The initial tension had dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and mutual support that was felt in every aspect of your life.
One Friday evening, after a particularly grueling day at the hospital, Cuddy invited you to her home for dinner. You had started spending more time together outside of work, but that evening had a special significance. Upon entering her house, you immediately noticed the warm and welcoming atmosphere she had created. The table was beautifully set, and the delicious smell of a homemade meal filled the air.
"I wanted tonight to be special," she said with a smile. "We’ve been through a lot lately, and I think it’s time to talk about what we really feel."
You nodded, feeling your heart race at the thought of this important conversation. You sat down at the table, sharing a delicious meal while discussing your lives, hopes, and dreams. The atmosphere was relaxed, and simply being in Cuddy’s presence made you feel at home.
After dinner, you settled on the couch with a glass of wine. Cuddy looked at you with an expression that was both tender and determined.
"Y/N, I care about you a lot. More than I realized at the beginning. And I think we should make our relationship official. Not just for us, but also for others."
You remained silent for a moment, letting her words resonate within you. You knew it was the right time to be honest and open your heart. "Lisa, I feel the same way. You've become an essential part of my life, and I want everyone to know how much you mean to me."
Cuddy smiled, visibly moved by your words. She took your hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "Then let's do it. Let's be together, officially. No matter what others think, we know what we want."
The following Monday, you decided to go public with your relationship. Arriving at the hospital, you both felt nervous but determined. Cuddy, as the hospital director, took the initiative to make the announcement during the weekly staff meeting. "Good morning, everyone. Before we start the meeting, I’d like to share some personal news. Y/N and I are together."
There was a moment of silence, followed by murmurs among the staff. Then, Cameron was the first to stand up and applaud, soon followed by other colleagues. Even House, though surprised, gave a wry smile, acknowledging the strength of your decision.
The person you thought least likely to be understanding spoke up. "Well, it was about time something interesting happened around here. Congratulations, you two." Cuddy looked at House after his words, wondering how much Vicodin he had taken, but he simply shrugged before leaving.
With the announcement of your relationship, you felt a huge weight lift off your shoulders. The reactions were mostly positive, and even those who were initially skeptical eventually accepted your love. Life at the hospital continued, but now you could be yourselves without fear or shame. The following days were marked by a constant stream of support from colleagues and friends. You received congratulatory messages, dinner invitations, and even small gestures from those who were happy for you.
One evening, as you held Cuddy's hand, you realized how much your life had changed since you had met her. The love you shared was not just a source of happiness, but also a force that pushed you to be better and face challenges together. You knew that obstacles would still arise, but as a couple, you were ready to overcome them. The official recognition of your relationship marked the beginning of a new era, where love, respect, and mutual understanding would be the foundations of your shared life.
After making your relationship official, the first few months were filled with moments of discovery and intimacy. You were getting to know each other on a more personal level, sharing quiet weekends, movie nights, and intimate dinners. Each moment spent together strengthened your bond.
To escape the hustle and bustle of the hospital, you enjoyed spending weekends at a small country house that Cuddy occasionally rented. These moments away from everything, surrounded by nature, were precious to both of you. They allowed you to relax and focus on each other, away from the demands of your daily lives.
She loved your sensitive parts, loved how you responded to the lightest touch with the most lustful moans, and how your skin prickled with goosebumps, a whine leaving your lips.
And then she kneeled on the floor, her palms caressing the bare skin of your legs, slow and light, until you could feel them on your thighs. "My love, lift your hips for me." You didn’t have to ask why because the moment you obliged, you felt her fingers hook the waistband of your shorts and pull them with ease.
Now exposed, you tried to bring your legs together to somehow conceal what was in between your thighs, but her strong hands parted them, a gasp falling from your lips. “Lisa.” You whispered, feeling the ache when her breath stroked the inside of your thighs. She was close, and you moaned. You had never been teased like this.
“Baby, please.”
“Keep it together, love.” It was cruel, but you knew she only meant you had to beg.
“Baby, I need you. Please.”
From where she kneeled, your center was vividly glistening, too aroused for her, and she took massive pleasure from how she could make you so wet without even touching you like you wanted her to. The thoughts were gone when you felt her weight dipping the bed again, and without preamble, you felt the tip of her tongue toying with the length of your slit, felt her hand directing your leg above her bare shoulder. She must have taken her robe off.
“Fuck!” you hissed, her lips wrapping around your clit, “Lisa...ahh—” it was a filthy, filthy moan that drove the woman crazy. “Baby—” your breath hitched, feeling her tongue enter your cunt. She had to keep hold of your hips from bucking, a tight grip that would bruise later.
Each movement of her tongue sent waves of pleasure through your body, your fingers tangling in her hair as she skillfully worked you. You could feel the pressure building, the need for release growing with each passing second. Her grip tightened, ensuring you stayed in place as she drove you closer to the edge.
“Lisa, please,” you gasped, your voice barely above a whisper.
Her response was to intensify her efforts, her tongue delving deeper, her lips and teeth grazing your sensitive skin. The sensation was overwhelming, pushing you to the brink of ecstasy. You could feel the tension coiling within you, ready to snap at any moment.
“Come for me, love,” she murmured against your skin, the vibration of her words sending you over the edge. Your body arched, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips as the orgasm washed over you, waves of pure bliss radiating from your core.
She continued her ministrations, drawing out your pleasure until you were left trembling, spent and satisfied. Slowly, she withdrew, planting gentle kisses on your thighs as you came down from your high. Your breathing slowed, the aftershocks of pleasure leaving you in a state of contentment.
“Lisa,” you breathed, your voice filled with gratitude and affection.
She smiled up at you, her eyes warm and loving. “I love you,” she said simply, her hand caressing your cheek. You reached down, pulling her up to join you on the bed. “I love you too,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around her. In that moment, everything felt perfect, your connection deeper than ever before. As you lay there, holding each other, you knew that this was just the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
And it continued, except that her behavior changed over time. You never would have thought she was jealous until the day a nurse made advances toward you in front of her. You couldn't blame the nurse, as he was new and didn't know yet. That evening, however, she made it clear that you were HER'S.
This time, Lisa decided to take control completely. Her eyes were dark with desire as she commanded, "Strip."
Your hands trembled slightly as you removed your clothes, standing vulnerable before her. She watched every movement with an intensity that made you shiver. Once you were fully exposed, she guided you to the bed, her touch firm and authoritative.
"Lie down," she instructed, her voice leaving no room for hesitation.
You obeyed, lying back on the bed as she climbed on top of you, her knees straddling your waist. Her eyes bored into yours, a smirk playing on her lips. "You belong to me tonight," she whispered, her voice sending shivers down your spine.
Without warning, she grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head. The dominance in her actions made your breath hitch, your body responding instantly to her control. "Don't move unless I tell you to," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument.
She leaned down, her lips brushing against your ear as she spoke. "You have no idea how much I’ve wanted this," she murmured, her breath hot against your skin. "How much I’ve wanted to have you completely at my mercy."
You could only moan in response, the sound muffled by the intensity of your own desire. Lisa’s hands roamed over your body, her touch both gentle and commanding. She knew exactly where to touch, where to tease, and where to press to elicit the most desperate moans from you.
Her lips followed the path of her hands, kissing and nibbling at your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. When she reached your breasts, she paused, looking up at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Do you want me to touch you here?" she asked, her fingers hovering just above your nipple.
"Yes, please," you breathed, your voice barely a whisper.
She chuckled softly, her breath warm against your skin. "Good," she said, finally lowering her mouth to take your nipple into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the sensitive peak. The sensation made you arch your back, a cry of pleasure escaping your lips.
She continued to tease and torment you, her mouth and hands working in tandem to drive you wild. Just when you thought you couldn’t take it anymore, she pulled back, her eyes locking onto yours. "I want to hear you beg for it," she said, her voice low and commanding.
"Please, Lisa," you moaned, your body aching with need. "I need you. Please."
A satisfied smile curved her lips as she finally moved lower, her fingers trailing down your abdomen to your thighs. She spread your legs wide, her eyes drinking in the sight of your arousal. "You're so wet for me," she murmured, her voice thick with desire.
Before you could respond, her mouth was on you, her tongue lapping at your folds with an intensity that made you cry out. Her hands held your hips firmly in place, preventing you from bucking against her mouth. The pleasure was overwhelming, building with each flick of her tongue and each gentle bite.
She knew exactly how to push you to the edge, bringing you to the brink of orgasm before pulling back, leaving you gasping and trembling. "Not yet," she said, her voice a tantalizing tease. "I want you to beg for it."
"Please, Lisa," you pleaded, your voice desperate. "I need to come. Please."
Her response was to redouble her efforts, her mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to drive you over the edge. When you finally came, it was with a cry of her name, your body writhing under her skilled touch. She didn’t stop until she had wrung every last bit of pleasure from you, leaving you spent and satisfied.
As you lay there, catching your breath, Lisa moved to lie beside you, her hand gently stroking your hair. "You did so well," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "You’re mine, remember that."
You nodded, a contented smile on your lips. "I'm yours," you whispered, your heart full of love and trust for the woman who held you so completely.
On day at the hospital could be particularly exhausting, but this Thursday felt different. Lisa Cuddy had received a box of chocolates from a grateful patient, and without suspecting their content, she had eaten several. A few hours later, she began to feel an intense heat and agitation that she hadn't anticipated.
Early in the afternoon, you were in her office discussing a current case. Cuddy, visibly uncomfortable, asked you to close the door behind you. "Y/N, I don't know what's happening, but I need your help," she murmured, her cheeks flushing under the aphrodisiac's effect. You approached her, concerned, but as soon as you were within reach, she grabbed your hand and pulled you toward her.
"Lisa, what are you doing?" you whispered, your heart pounding. She looked at you, her eyes shining with desire. "I… I can't wait any longer," she murmured, her fingers slowly unbuttoning your blouse. You let her, mesmerized by her urgency. Her lips found yours in a fervent kiss, her hands exploring your body with unchecked passion.
You found yourself seated on the edge of her desk, your clothes scattered around you. Cuddy, still in control, pulled a small device from her drawer. "Look at this," she said with a mischievous smile. She activated the remote-controlled vibrator and slipped it between your thighs, securing it in place with a strap. You shivered at the sensation, your muscles clenching involuntarily.
"Lisa, here? Now?" You couldn't believe what was happening. She nodded, her fingers pressing the remote. The vibrator began to hum softly, sending waves of pleasure through your body. You bit your lip to stifle a moan, your fingers gripping the edge of the desk.
Cuddy stood before you, her gaze fixed on you with a devouring intensity. She increased the toy's power, and you felt yourself on the verge of losing control. "You like this, don't you?" she murmured, her fingers caressing your face. You could only nod, unable to form a coherent response.
She played with the settings, alternating between gentle vibrations and intense pulses, pushing you to the edge. Each change in rhythm brought you closer to ecstasy, and you found yourself silently begging for more release. Cuddy, seeing your state, lowered the remote to give you a moment of respite.
"Do you want to come for me, Y/N?" she asked, her voice soft but authoritative. "Yes, Lisa, please," you panted, your body trembling with anticipation. She smiled and increased the intensity again, finally pushing you over the edge. You felt yourself explode into a million fragments of pleasure, each wave of bliss overwhelming you.
Breathless and dizzy, you collapsed onto the desk, your limbs weak and trembling. Lisa turned off the vibrator and gently removed it, her hands caressing your soothed thighs. "You were wonderful," she murmured, placing a tender kiss on your lips. "Thank you for helping me."
As you caught your breath, you realized how much this experience had strengthened your connection. Though you had never imagined such a situation at work, you felt closer to Lisa than ever.
After that intense afternoon in Cuddy's office, life took on a new, exciting rhythm. You and Lisa navigated your relationship with a mix of professional decorum and private passion. The boundaries between work and personal life became more distinct, yet somehow more intertwined. The weeks following that day saw both of you finding a balance between your responsibilities at the hospital and your deepening relationship. Cuddy, always the consummate professional, ensured that your interactions at work remained appropriate. However, the stolen glances and subtle touches were enough to keep the flame of your relationship burning. Your evenings together became the highlight of your day. Cuddy's house transformed into a haven where you could both unwind and be yourselves. You shared dinners, cooked together, and enjoyed quiet nights in, watching movies or discussing your day. Cuddy's favorite moments were when you read to her, your voice soothing away the stress of her day.
Whenever you both could afford the time, you took weekends away from the city. Whether it was a secluded cabin in the mountains or a cozy beach house, these trips allowed you to connect on a deeper level. Away from the demands of the hospital, you explored each other’s interests and dreams, strengthening the bond between you. With each passing month, you found yourself opening up more about your past and your feelings. Lisa, too, shared stories of her journey, the struggles she faced as a woman in a high-powered position, and her fears and hopes. This mutual vulnerability brought you even closer.
At work, your dynamic remained strong and professional. Your colleagues respected your expertise and dedication, and House, despite his occasional barbs, seemed to accept your relationship with Cuddy. You often found yourself working closely with Lisa on difficult cases, your combined skills and insights making a formidable team. As your relationship grew, the question of moving in together naturally arose. After several months of discussing and planning, you decided it was time. The transition was smooth, a testament to how well you complemented each other. Lisa’s home became your home, and you both enjoyed creating a shared space filled with love and laughter.You often talked about the future, both personal and professional. Lisa’s support encouraged you to pursue further specialization in your field, and you, in turn, were her biggest cheerleader in her ongoing efforts to balance her career and personal life. You dreamed of more travel, maybe even adopting a pet, and continuing to build a life filled with shared goals and mutual respect.
Of course, there were challenges. Balancing two demanding careers and maintaining a relationship wasn’t always easy. There were times when stress from work would spill over into your personal life. But each challenge was met with patience and communication. Your ability to work through problems together only strengthened your relationship. Your relationship had a positive ripple effect on those around you. Cameron often commented on how happy you seemed, and even House, in his own way, acknowledged the stability you brought to Cuddy's life. The respect and affection you shared became a quiet inspiration to others in the hospital, showing that a loving, supportive partnership was possible even in the most demanding environments.
In the end, what you built together was a relationship based on trust, respect, and deep affection. Lisa Cuddy and you became each other’s confidant, lover, and partner in every sense of the word. Your journey was just beginning, but it was clear that whatever the future held, you would face it together, hand in hand.
Everything was going quite well until you decided to take a week off to focus entirely on Cuddy. The hospital was struggling, but you knew it would improve as usual. However, Cuddy, still stressed by the situation, was unaware that you had planned this time off specifically for her. That morning, as usual, you woke up early to prepare breakfast. Cuddy arrived, gave you a tender kiss, and told you she loved you before rushing off to eat, get ready, and go to work.
Shortly after her departure, you were distracted by knocks at your door. Maybe Cuddy had forgotten something? When you opened the door, you were surprised to see House standing there with his usual air of arrogance. You sighed, knowing he wouldn’t leave you alone. You let him in and turned back to continue tidying up the kitchen after breakfast.
House casually settled into a chair, his eyes gleaming with calculated interest. "So, how's it going with the manipulator?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm but also with undisguised curiosity.
You turned to look at him, exasperated by his early morning intrusion. "What do you want, House?" you replied, trying to keep your frustration in check as you continued with your chores.
"Just a little chat to pass the time," he said, shrugging. "I was wondering how things are going with the big boss. She must really be a master manipulator to get you to drop everything, even your job, for her."
You felt your anger rise sharply. "Cuddy isn’t manipulating me, House. I’m taking this time off to help her relax a bit. The hospital is going through a tough period, and she’s carrying all the weight on her shoulders."
House rolled his eyes with feigned exasperation. "Oh, of course. Poor Cuddy, tormented by her job. And you, the saint, there to save her every step of the way. Maybe she’s just using you for her emotional and professional needs. Maybe she sees you more as a temporary fix to her problems than as a real partner."
This remark made you boil with rage. "You don't know anything about our relationship, House. Cuddy and I support each other. What we have is real, and it's not something you could understand."
House leaned forward, his gaze becoming more incisive. "Maybe I don't understand. Or maybe I see things you're refusing to see. But be careful, because sometimes the people we trust the most are the ones who betray us the most."
You stared at him with determination, refusing to give in to his provocations. "Cuddy would never betray me. And I won’t let anyone, especially not you, come between us. I love her, and I hope she'll become my wife someday."
House raised his eyebrows, clearly impressed by your resolve. "Well, good luck with that," he said as he headed for the door. "Don't forget that I warned you." With those final words, he left, leaving you alone in the kitchen, your thoughts swirling in your head.
Shortly after his departure, you felt a gentle hand resting on your shoulder. You turned around to see Cuddy, who had forgotten her bag. She looked at you with a tender smile and gave you a light kiss. "I'll talk about this tonight," she said before kissing you again and walking away.
You stood there, alone, with mixed thoughts and emotions, waiting for the evening when Cuddy would return to discuss everything that had happened. After a particularly stressful workday for Cuddy, you prepared for an evening that would be both soothing and revealing. Having taken time off to focus on her, you had done everything to create a warm and intimate setting. The kitchen smelled of homemade dishes, candles created a soft glow, and light music floated in the air.
When Cuddy came home, you waited eagerly. She entered, visibly exhausted but happy to find a calm and comforting environment. As she dropped her bag and approached you, a tired smile lit up her face.
"Wow, you really went all out tonight," she said, taking in the ambiance you had carefully prepared. Her eyes settled on you with gratitude and affection. She pulled you into a hug, and you felt a wave of comfort as you held her close.
"I wanted it to be special," you replied softly. "For both of us."
You sat down at the table for dinner. The meal you had prepared was simple yet delicious, with dishes that seemed to bring a touch of warmth and comfort. As you ate, Cuddy talked about her day, the pressure she felt at work, and her concerns about the hospital. She shared her frustrations and worries, revealing how exhausted she was from the challenges she faced.
You listened attentively, offering words of comfort and showing sincere empathy for her difficulties. "It must be really hard to carry all that weight on your shoulders," you said. "But I'm here for you, and I want you to remember that we’re a team. If you want, I can even give you a massage."
After dinner, you settled on the couch, the atmosphere now imbued with tranquility and warmth. Cuddy snuggled against you, and you felt a deep connection growing between you. She took a deep breath before beginning to speak.
"You know, I’ve done a lot of thinking today," she said, her gaze drifting into yours. "And I realize how much I need you in my life. I don’t want misunderstandings or obstacles to come between us. What we have is precious to me."
You took her hand in yours, looking at her tenderly. "I feel the same way, Lisa. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make our relationship work. Even in the face of challenges, I’m confident that we can overcome them together."
Cuddy smiled, her eyes lighting up with sincerity. "I love you deeply, and I want us to remain honest with each other while supporting one another."
The conversation continued, filled with promises and commitments for the future. You discussed your hopes, fears, and dreams with renewed openness. Every word exchanged strengthened the bond between you, and you felt more confident in the solidity of your relationship.
By the end of the evening, as you settled in to relax, Cuddy snuggled against you. You spent the night in a sweet embrace, finding comfort and joy in each other's presence.
Finally, it was Friday, and you had planned a lot of activities for the weekend. The sun was beginning to set as Cuddy came home after a long day at work. You had spent the day preparing something special for her, hoping to offer her a moment of relaxation and relief from the tensions at the hospital. As you heard the front door open, your heart raced with anticipation of what you had planned for the evening.
Cuddy walked into the room, visibly tired but with a grateful smile upon seeing you. "Hi, honey," she said, approaching you for a kiss. "How was your day?"
"Very good," you replied with a smile, a glimmer of excitement in your eyes. "I’ve prepared something special for you tonight. Will you follow me?"
Intrigued, Cuddy followed you to the bedroom, where you had transformed the space into a sanctuary of relaxation. Soft, soothing candlelight flickered around the room, and a subtle lavender scent floated in the air. On the bed, carefully arranged accessories awaited, signaling the BDSM session you had prepared.
Cuddy raised an eyebrow, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Oh, I see you’ve been very busy," she said, her voice tinged with curiosity and desire. "And what’s the special occasion for all this?"
You took a deep breath, determined to offer her this experience with all the love and respect you felt for her. "I wanted to thank you for everything you do, for your hard work and dedication. But more than that, I wanted to give you the chance to let go, to release all the stress you carry."
Cuddy looked at you with tenderness, touched by your gesture. "You’re really amazing," she murmured, before kissing you passionately. "I trust you to guide me tonight."
You began by gently blindfolding her, taking care to explain each step of the process. "I’m going to guide you through this experience. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, just say the safe word, okay?"
Cuddy nodded, her breath already quickening in anticipation. "Okay," she murmured.
You began by gently securing her wrists to the bed with velvet cuffs, ensuring they were comfortable yet tight enough to restrict her movements. Then, you picked up a soft leather flogger and started to caress her skin with it, testing her reaction before delivering light strokes—enough to create a sensation but not excessive pain. Each stroke was followed by a kiss on the reddened skin, alternating between tenderness and firmness, creating a sensual dance between pain and pleasure. Cuddy moaned, getting lost in the sensations, her breathing becoming more erratic.
"You look so beautiful when you let go," you whispered in her ear before picking up a remote-controlled vibrator. "I’m going to keep playing with you, but I want you to tell me how you’re feeling at every moment."
Cuddy nodded, her voice trembling with desire. "I feel... alive. Keep going, please."
You turned on the vibrator, placing it gently between her legs before activating the vibrations. Cuddy’s body tensed, a moan escaping her lips. You alternated the intensities, playing with the rhythm to keep her excitement at its peak without letting her reach climax too quickly.
"You like this, don’t you?" you asked, your voice low and sensual.
"Yes... yes, I like it," she responded between moans, her body trembling with pleasure.
The evening continued in a delicate dance of domination and submission, each gesture and word deepening the connection between you two. When you sensed she was ready, you increased the intensity of the vibrator, guiding Cuddy toward a powerful orgasm that left her breathless, her body still trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure.
You gently untied her, removed the blindfold, and held her in your arms, offering soothing words and gentle caresses. "Thank you for trusting me," you whispered into her hair.
Cuddy looked at you with eyes still glazed with pleasure. "Thank you for this unforgettable moment. I feel so much better, so loved."
You remained entwined, savoring the softness of the moment and the depth of your connection, knowing that this experience had further strengthened your love and mutual trust.
You had booked a weekend at a luxury hotel with a spa, jacuzzi, and all the amenities for maximum relaxation. On Saturday morning, after Cuddy had woken up, you greeted her with a mischievous smile.
"Pack your bags, darling, after breakfast," you say, kissing her tenderly. "We're going away for a relaxing weekend."
Cuddy looks at you, surprised but delighted. "Oh really? Where are we going?"
"You'll see," you reply with a wink. "But get ready to be pampered."
After breakfast, you hit the road, leaving behind the worries of the hospital. Upon arriving at the hotel, Cuddy is awestruck by the beauty of the place. The entrance is grand, with lush gardens and soothing fountains. You check in quickly and head to your room, a luxurious suite with breathtaking views of the mountains.
"Wow, this is gorgeous," Cuddy murmurs, impressed. "You've really thought of everything, haven't you?"
"Nothing is too good for you," you reply, hugging her. "Now, let's go enjoy the spa."
You change into fluffy robes and head down to the hotel spa. The atmosphere is serene, with soft music playing in the background and the subtle scent of lavender floating through the air. You start with a relaxing couples' massage, where expert hands work out all the tension from your bodies. The essential oils soothe your minds, and you both feel completely at ease.
After the massage, you head to the private jacuzzi. The warm water and bubbles soothe your tired muscles, adding to your relaxation. Cuddy settles against you, her head resting on your shoulder, a peaceful smile on her lips.
"This is exactly what I needed," she murmurs. "Thank you, darling."
"I knew you needed it," you reply, gently stroking her hair. "You work so hard. You deserve to unwind."
You spend a long time in the jacuzzi, enjoying the warmth and each other’s company. You chat about everything and nothing, letting the bubbles carry away your worries.
In the evening, you dine at the hotel restaurant, savoring a delicious meal paired with exquisite wines. Cuddy is radiant, her eyes shining with happiness and gratitude. "I couldn't be happier," she says, looking at you tenderly. "You make everything so special."
"Because you are special to me," you respond, raising your glass for a toast. "To us and many more moments like this."
The rest of the weekend continues in the same vein of relaxation and joy. You enjoy the pools, saunas, and long walks through the hotel gardens. You laugh, kiss, and take care of each other, further strengthening your bond.
Returning home, you both feel rejuvenated and ready to face the challenges ahead. Cuddy thanks you repeatedly for the perfect weekend, and you are happy to have given her this moment of peace and happiness.
“We should do this more often,” she says as she falls asleep in your arms on the first night back home.
“Yes, we should,” you murmur, a smile on your lips. “I love you, Lisa.”
“I love you too,” she replies softly, and with that, you both drift off to sleep, ready to face whatever the future holds together.
The last evening of your weekend unfolds in a peaceful, loving atmosphere. However, the return to reality looms, bringing with it the pressures and responsibilities you both face. On the evening of your last day off, the mood is slightly tense. Cuddy seems preoccupied, likely already thinking about the challenges awaiting her at the hospital.
As you have breakfast together, you try to reassure her. “You know, everything will be fine at the hospital. We have a great team, and we can handle it together.”
Cuddy gives a faint smile. “I know, but there’s so much to manage. The finances, the new projects, the daily issues. Sometimes it’s just… overwhelming.”
You understand her stress, but you also need to share your own concerns. “I understand, Lisa, but you also need to learn to delegate. You can’t do everything on your own.”
She looks at you, slightly irritated. “It’s easy for you to say. You don’t understand the pressure I’m under as the director.”
Your tone becomes firmer, feeling the injustice of her words. “I know very well what it’s like to work under pressure, Lisa. I’m here for you, but you also need to accept help.”
The rest of the morning is marked by growing tension. You prepare in silence for the return home, the atmosphere heavy with unspoken words and accumulated frustrations. During the drive back, you try to initiate some light conversation, but Cuddy responds with one-word answers, clearly still preoccupied.
Once home, the situation finally erupts. “Why can’t you understand that I need support, not criticism?” Cuddy exclaims as she enters the living room.
You turn to her, arms crossed. “I’m not criticizing you, Lisa. I’m trying to help. But you never let me in; you always want to control everything.”
"And you think you could do better?" she retorts, anger in her voice. "You have no idea what it's like to run a hospital."
"Maybe not, but I know what it’s like to manage a relationship," you reply, frustration rising. "And right now, you're not letting me be a part of your life the way I want to."
Cuddy remains silent for a moment, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm sorry, it's just… so hard. I'm afraid of losing everything."
You approach her, softening your tone. "We're a team, a couple, Lisa. You're not alone. I'm here, by your side, no matter what. But you have to let me help."
She nods, tears finally streaming down her face. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just that sometimes, everything becomes too overwhelming."
You embrace her, feeling the tension start to ease a little. "We’ll get through this together, okay? But we need to communicate and support each other."
Cuddy nods, cuddling into you. "I promise to make an effort. Thank you for being here for me."
You spend the rest of the day calmly talking, reaffirming your commitment to each other.
After that intense argument and the subsequent reconciliation, you and Cuddy decided to take concrete steps to improve your relationship and lighten the load of responsibilities. True to her promise, Cuddy began delegating more tasks to her colleagues, learning to trust her team. She also agreed to attend therapy sessions to better manage her stress. On your side, you made an effort to be more present and create relaxation moments for both of you. Every weekend, you set aside time for activities together, whether it was a simple walk in the park, a romantic dinner, or a movie night at home. You discovered new shared passions and rekindled those you had neglected.
One evening, after a particularly successful day at the hospital, where the finances were finally starting to improve and a new project was underway, Cuddy came home with a radiant smile. You greeted her with a glass of wine and a carefully prepared dinner.
"I have a surprise for you," she said, her eyes sparkling with joy and mischief.
Intrigued, you followed her into the living room, where she had prepared an envelope adorned with a red ribbon. You opened it carefully, discovering two tickets to a dream destination you had always wanted to visit together.
"I think we deserve a well-earned vacation, this time with no stress and no obligations," she said with a smile.
The days leading up to your departure were filled with excitement and joyful preparations. You discussed everything you wanted to do and see, already imagining the memories you would create together. Upon arriving at your destination, you immersed yourselves in a tropical paradise, savoring every moment together. The days were filled with adventures and discoveries, while the evenings were reserved for moments of tenderness and intimacy. On your last evening, as you watched the sunset on the beach, Cuddy took your hand in hers.
"You know, this year has been tough, but it’s also taught me what truly matters," she said.
You nodded, feeling the emotion rise. "Yes, it’s taught us to support and love each other more deeply."
Cuddy smiled and pulled a small box from her pocket. Opening it, you discovered a beautiful ring. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Y/N?"
With tears in your eyes, you answered without hesitation. "Yes, Lisa, I will."
You kissed, your hearts beating as one, savoring this moment of pure happiness. You knew that the road ahead would still be long and filled with challenges, but together, you could overcome anything. Your love was stronger than ever, ready to face the future with hope and determination.
And so, hand in hand, you embarked on this new chapter of your life, with the certainty that nothing and no one could ever tear you apart. After this event, you understood why you had given the necklace to your wife. From the beginning, the clue had been right before your eyes—why you thought of her when you saw the pendant. The same color as her eyes.
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