#maybe MERFs
lurkiestvoid · 5 months
"transmisandry/transandrophobia does NOT exist!! transmascs can ONLY experience TRANSMISOGYNY"
---> tagged "tme"
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quinloki · 11 months
Kinktober 2023 - Day 12
Whether you like it or not, this will leave you in... Suspense.
Character: Kaku Reader: cis!fem Warnings: bondage, shibari, vaginal fingering, dom/sub play, 18+
Summary: You teased Kaku for his rope work and he puts you in your place - in more ways than one. -:- 1696 words
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Show You the Ropes
One minute you were having a nice conversation with Kaku on your couch, the next you were on your stomach in the middle of the living room floor with your thumbs tied together and a line of rope anchoring them to your big toes.
As long as you didn’t move it wasn’t uncomfortable, but struggling made your thumbs or toes ache.
Kaku was crouched beside you, looking quite pleased with himself.
“I told you I was fast.” He says, bright smile on his face like he’d just given you a cup of coffee.
Your face was flushed, and you were almost breathing heavy. You’d yelped embarrassingly loud when he’d suddenly manhandled you.
“I, merf, concede.” You admit, trying to escape. “N-now let me go.”
“I already have you like this, maybe I can show you a few more knots.” He replies, running his hand against your foot. “Don’t squirm, and I’ll make it better.”
“Buh – better?! N-no, wait, wait, Kaku!” You feel the rope slipping between your ankles, anchoring to your arms just before he slipped the rope around your shoulders. The weight on your thumbs and toes is gone. There’s a tug at your shoulders and ankles, but it’s not nearly as sharp as before, and you can move a little.
More pointedly, Kaku can move you. Now you’re on your side as he’s still working, threading ropes over you quickly.
“Ka-Kaku, dammit!” You struggle, uselessly you know, but you’re trying to break his focus.
“What is it, little filly?” He questions, leaning down to catch your gaze. Once he asks the question, however, he tugs on the ropes.
The whole network tightens against you, and not even against anything sensitive, but the sudden tightness rushes through you and you moan loudly instead of answering him.
There’s a moment of silence as you both process what just happened.
Kaku smiles and you start to argue.
“No, wait – wait, that was – that was just surprise!” You insist as he’s looping more rope through the harness. “Why do you have so much rope?!” You finally blurt out.
Kaku laughs, that light carefree sound of his you’ve always loved. “Galley-La tests our knots yearly.” He explains, looping more rope. “Afterward we take stock of the rope, and discard anything that’s rotting or fraying.” He braids a little bit, and you can feel the pressure of rope against your clothes and then against your skin.
It’s turning you on and you hadn’t expected that when you’d teased Kaku that he wasn’t that good of a rigger. You would not have tempted your sweet, boy-next-door boyfriend if you knew what it would do to do. Because you knew, damn well, that he was one of – if not the best – rigger in Galley-La.
“This stuff was on the edge of things, so I wanted to bring it home and really go over it. See if any could be salvaged.” He finishes explaining.
Your face is turned toward the floor, and you’re hoping your hair is hiding your face from him enough. You can feel the network of rope over your body and you’re also very aware of the almost uncomfortable wetness between your thighs.
Kaku’s hand rests on the back of your thigh when he’s done – or you think he’s done at least – and your body tenses for a second. He rubs your thigh a little until you relax as much as you can, and then leans down.
He doesn’t move your hair out of the way, but you can feel the warmth of his breath as he speaks.
“You’re really trembling.” He says softly, and you can feel his fingers walking between the knots against your clothes. It’s a light, almost tickling touch, just barely pushing your clothes against your skin. “I didn’t strip you, you can’t be cold.”
By the time he’d finished tying you up, you were on your stomach, ankles pulled to your hands, knees parted. There was a soft strain on your muscles and joints, but the ropes and the anchors were holding you in place comfortably enough. A little more rope and an anchor point and he could have you suspended from the ceiling if he wanted.
“Not… not cold.” You manage, trying to keep yourself under control. “Nothing…. Hurts either.” You turn a little toward him, still trying to hide your current state. “I con-concede again.”
“Hmm…” His hand presses against your body more and you tense, trying to keep yourself from crying out again. It doesn’t do you any good, with his hand on you he knows you tensed, and you can almost feel the joy radiating off him.
“Kaku…” You nearly whimper his name as his hand moves toward your hips.
“What is it, little filly?”
“Please… please d-don’t.” You gasp, pleasure building up in you. He has one hand in the middle of your shoulders, pressing you gently in place, the other moving along the curve of your ass.
“Please don’t what?” He prompts, pausing his movements.
“Don’t tuh-touch… I mean, I mean just untie me please.” You’re nearly begging, but you don’t want to vocalize your situation.
“Don’t touch you?” He nearly laughs the words. “You mean, you don’t want me to put my hand between your legs cause your greedy little pussy’s soaked right through your pants and you’ll cum if I tease you.” He pulls your hair enough to force you to look at him. He’s got that cheerful smile on his face, but there’s a controlling and domineering look in his eyes.
This probably wasn’t how either of you planned to admit your kinks to one another, but the way he was looking at you right now was sending a thrill through your body.
You nod, not sure what else to say or do, and the sweet smile on his face twists to match the look in his eyes. He steps over you, and rolls you onto your side, steadying you and cradling your head in the crook of his arm.
“If you want me to stop.” He says, free hand moving down the front of you slowly. “Don’t say something like no, or stop.” He explains, putting his head against the side of yours, letting his voice fall into your ear. “Say something like… giraffe.” His lips pull into a smile as you huff out a chuckle. “Because, little filly, I want you to beg me.”
“Ha… haaa, h-how?”
“That’s up to you.” He says, fingers popping the button of your jeans. “What’s going to make you cum harder, I wonder? Begging me to stop, or begging me to grant you release?”
You squirmed in the ropes, causing them to groan a little, but Kaku’s work was absolute. You decided quickly, and tried to move away from him.
“D-don’t…. Kaku… don’t do it.” You start to beg, feeling the blood rush through you as he uses his legs to hold your squirming body in place better. “No, ah!” His fingers slipped under the band of your pants and felt cold against your feverish skin, hot with need and want.
You freeze as his fingers slip under your underwear, and your breath is coming out in short, panting gasps.
“K-Kaku, don’t – don’t.” You’re almost whimpering the words, and every time you beg him to stop it just makes your body hotter. You don’t want to move because you don’t what him to touch you until he decides to do so, but every second is so long.
His middle finger slips into your pubes and your body arches as much as it can, bound and braced against Kaku. “No! No, wait! Wait! I’m gonna-!” His finger pushes down and slips roughly against your clit, breaking your begging for a moment as you nearly cum.
That long finger teases your clit and you suck in a breath, letting out a whine as everything starts to come to a head.
“No, no, I don’t wah-want to kuh-! Cum! I duh-don’t want… want…” Your words collapse into a pile of unintelligible whines as Kaku holds you. You can’t squirm away from the pleasure, or him, or anything. You’re completely caught.
Pleasure tenses your already taut body, and you’re drooling as you cum. The single finger Kaku used to bring you release, turns into two, and the man who could win the Best Boy Next Door Award™ keeps you at the peak of your orgasm for a solid minute. You don’t know if you came a second time or just didn’t stop orgasming the entire time.
Both fingers slip further down, starting to curl into your vagina. The feeling was intoxicating, but when the third orgasm started to build, you felt panic rise up in your chest.
“N-No, no, Kaku! Ah, guh-giraffe!” You cry out. Kaku’s hand was already coming out of your pants at the first no, something in your tone had him concerned, and by the time you said the safe word he was already starting to cut the ropes.
“It’s okay,” he says sweetly, keeping you steady against him as you shiver a little. “You did good, it’s okay.” He continues to reassure you as he cuts the ropes and pulls them away. Your exhausted limbs just crumple to the floor, and he moves enough to pull you up into his lap.
“That was a little too intense,” he says with a small chuckle on his words. “Especially for a first time, but you did so well.”
You lean into him, your earlier anxiety about orgasming in such short succession had turned into guilt when you’d said the safe word, but now you were relaxing, glad to hear that Kaku wasn’t irritated or angry. You look up at him, embarrassment scrawled on your face.
“I can… um… take care of you.” You prompt, and see that gentle smile shift into something sheepish.
“Oh! Um. I’m good.” He says, clearing his throat before he looks away. “I… I finished.”
You press your lips together as understanding dawns, and watch Kaku’s face go red. He clears his throat again and looks back to you, tilting his head enough to kiss the tip of your nose.
“You beg exceptionally well, little filly.”
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pineconelizard · 2 years
Hi :}
I'm pineconelizard (they/she) but you can call me merf!! You may recognize me from twitter, I'm recently starting to expand to using other sites after all the scary news thats been going on with bird site.
I make kobold related content! I just really like them. They are small dragons and have lots of fruity colors.
I used to use tumblr back in the day, so I'm not too unfamiliar with it, but things have changed over time so I might be a bit crusty when it comes to some things :,} Please excuse me while I get back to learning how to post here again!!
My main type of content is little doodles i make with my mouse, and occasionally tablet stuff and comics. I also do cute short story type posts about a kobold and dragon who care very much for each other.
But yea, if you like what you see, maybe drop a follow? I love reading comments and I do my best to respond to as many as I can. :}
pic related: funny little lizard
have a nice day ty for reading :}
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Absolutely not aiming to be an asshole or anything here, but I came across your blog, and it's cool!! But also, I have eye and just general text processing issues, and your bio is incredibly disorienting/unreadable 😭
I would maybe paste it into a pinned post if you can and space it out a bit? Feel free to not respond to this or whatever, but I wanted to let you know :')
Ah, sorry! I used this as an opportunity to clean up my bio a little bit (had my pronouns listed twice, lol) but here:
Kyleigh (Kai-lee) she/they
My feminism is all-inclusive. Aromantic and asexual, my mythic siblings are valid!
Check out my sideblogs @spaces-myths @space-draws and @spaceship-musings.
Hellenic/Ecclectic Pagan with a fondness for mythology (do not speak to me of Disney's Hercules, actually: do, I'd love to clear up any questions), I don't have any problem with Christianity, I just don't think it's a very good reason for me to do anything.
I will tag anything I think would trigger someone with either -- tw or tw --, if I haven't tagged something that you want me to tag, please tell me. I will occasionally reblog hp stuff but I’ll try to tag it
Allistic 2E, I have dysgraphia, an anxiety disorder, and depression.
TERF/SWERF/PERF/MERF/MAP/NOMAP/radfem/exclusionist/truscum don't interact.
I might do the pinned post later, once I do a little more editing, but hopefully this will work for now?
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years
Star Trek Prodigy 1x06: 'Kobayashi'
Where to Watch: Paramount+
Spoilers: YES!
Reactions/Commentary Below The Cut
Janeway was in the Delta Quadrant again? Damn. I mean, I know it's Holo!Janeway, but still.
Oh god, please tell me Merf is oh the holodeck!
Oh good!
Haha Dracula!
Oh dude, you ain't gonna pass this test.
Ok, where's someone from Archer's crew?
Omg, I think they're using prior clips of Nichelle and Leonard. Omg, Rene too. Or the best impressionists out there. Or AI tech? Oh definitely clips, there was a big difference between two parts Spock said right next to each other. (Check IMDb and yup, archive sound. And James Doohan will be in it too!)
Oh this is set 5 years after Voyager in the ST universe. Even less sense that her hair is this style, but I guess it works better for animation purposes? Easier? Or maybe it was by request from someone?
"if you're going to go poking around in my head, I'll need some coffee first" thank GOD this show stuck to her love of coffee.
Oh that's a very Beverly line.
Wait, so are they remembering between tries?
WORF?! That looks like Worf, his ridges....
Ok, so some of Nichelle's voice is definitely done by someone very different. What the fuck?
Scotty 🥺
God I love Murf (apparently that's the right spelling).
Gwyn gets words wrong. I can't remember if this is a thing actually polygots do or not. Where's that post...?
Is, is he really going to solve it via insanity??? Oh, nope. Oh that's right, it's not a KM if it's solvable.
The vocal qualites are definitely off for the archive sound, but I really appreciate the tribute.
I would say he passed by not really giving up.
Chakotay! As racist of character as he was,.still really cool to see him.
Oh that must have been so weird to have your former Captain be your new hologram.
Also, I really want to know what happened between Seven and Chakotay.
In loving memory 🥺🥺🥺
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hopeheartfilia · 4 years
Today Ive been thinking of what I would change if I was to rewrite harry potter, so I was wondering about what ideas others had
(i need more tags to rant)
#i think thats an interesting conversation topic so whatcha got?#harry potter#hogwarts#hp#hogwarts houses#schools of magic#gringots#id do soo much worldbuilding#also rename things. change the magical system#definetly explore the other hosues more#harry is stilla gryffindor but gets more of his acting like a slytherin moments if that would make sense#quidich? yeah the snitch is waaaay less points#hogsmeade is a college town and theres higher wizarding education#maany more magical schools. like what are the magical schools? i dont know#im worldbuilding durmstrang sooo much. its also not going to be called thta because fuck it#we merf the holidays#were also not making them the sabbats because fuck that some of those are soo#anyway maybe take primarily influence from roman religions.. should we put the italians in the british school? ah but#begining classes shouldnt be in a foreing language...#i should just rethink the whole education system. major reforms ate needed#also the fidelious spell locks the people inside and that doesnt get broken if the secret is told which is why the potters coulsnt escape#the forbidden forest has a name thats just how it was nicknamed by students#older magic users only use wands for more precise spells#the reason why they take the train is that hogwarts has very complex magical defences#the dorms are completly refurnished and not thta nessesaeily gendered#hufflepuff is ground level and has the bets natural light looking into the meadows#idk if iw anna chnage the colour coding#i want to do things with the unifroms but i have no idea what#the older students can pick latin as an elective and the latin course always trows a wild saturnalia feast and fred and george took latin#primary reasons actually being thats its a required class for spell creation tracks
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shadyteacup · 3 years
May i ask fanfiction with dazai osamu and chuuya nakahara where fem! Reader aka their s/o falls asleep ln them and then they become SUPER OVERPROTECTIVE like somebody is like: i can take that pretty lady so you can rest and then they take a merf gun or some kind of weapon or like does something and are like: TOUCH HER AND YOURE GONE
Hey, there! This was fun to write!
Tw: Some blood in Chuuya's part, but nothing gory..
Lemme know if this is what u wanted ;)
Dazai was looking out of the window, observing the passing scenery. He loved train rides. They somehow calmed him. Observing the fast approaching trees and watching them zoom past, was a favorite pass time of his. You and Dazai had gone to visit a client in the neighboring city, and Dazai had insited on traveling via train.
Both of you were sitting side by side, shoulders touching, as you shared one ear bud each. You were playing the music today. Your choice in songs was quite diverse. You could vibe to chaotic metal, noisy edm, soft guitar songs and  famous classicals like Beethoven's Für Elise.
Today, you had decided to play soft songs. They had a calming effect. It was much needed too, as your mission had been quite tiring.
Dazai felt a weight on his shoulder. Moving his head to the side, he saw your sleeping face. Your cheek was smushed on his shoulder, and stray hair was strewn a over your nose and forehead.
He smiled softly at the adorable sight. He gently nuzzled his face on your head, craving your touch.
He was never so possessive and touchy before. You had completely changed him. Now, he couldn't stand being away from you for five minutes. He always needs to have some form of physical contact with you. It can be as simple as a touch of your shoulders, or your hand in his, or as elaborate as a bear hug, or a gentle kiss.
It was the rush hour, so you both had to share a booth. The man sitting opposite you both kept stealing glances at you. Dazai, ofcourse, noticed this. He decided to ignore it. He knew how beautiful you were. It was obvious that a beauty such as you would gather male attention. He had encountered so many men and women that had tried to woo you. But you had always stayed with him. You loved him, afterall. And he loved you. So he pretended to not have noticed the man's glances. Unfortunately, he can't control who should and shouldn't look at you.
"Nice woman you've got there, lad!"
The man spoke up. He was looking at Dazai, trying to get a reaction out of him.
Dazai merely glanced at him, giving him a look that said 'mind your business'.
The man shifted his full attention towards you.
Smirking, he leaned ahead a bit, trying to get a closer look at you.
"You wouldn't mind being a good boy, and sharing this lovely lady, would you?"
That was it. Dazai snapped.
The man felt a cool sensation below his jaw. He looked down to find himself face-to-face with the barrel of a gun. His eyes widened, and he gulped.
Dazai leaned forward, ensuring that you weren't disturbed, and spoke near the man's ear.
"Leave before I feed your brain to the stray dogs."
His low, dangerous voice, and murderous gaze was more than enough for the man to stumble out of the booth, and run away.
The slight movement and the man's scared apologies and 'Please don't kill me's stirred you awake. You blinked, looking at Dazai.
"What happened?"
He smiled at you, shaking head, and planting a kiss on your forehead.
"Nothing, love. Needed to take care of a pest. Everything's alright."
You look at him, confused, but nod your head anyway.
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you too, Osamu :)"
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"That's the last of them."
You say as you kick a man on the head, knocking him out.
Chuuya walks over to you, admiring the large number of men you had successfully neutralized.
"That's...amazing, love."
He pecks your lips.
You try to shove him away.
"I'm all bloody, Chuu!"
He grins, hugging you.
"So am I!"
You giggled, giving in and wrapping your arms around his waist. You and Chuuya had been tasked to take down an organization that was meddling in the Mafia's affairs. When you both got to the location, you realized that there were many more men than they had anticipated. It didn't matter, though, as both of you were extremely skilled at combat, and had strong abilities. It was tiring, nonetheless.
"You did such a great job, Y/N. I'm so proud of you."
Chuuya said as he kissed the top of your head. You were the most badass woman he had ever come across, and he was smitten. Your fearlessness and bravery always drives him mad. He loves it when you take control of the situation, and effortlessly drop your enemies to the ground. Swag practically flowed through your veins.
But everybody has a soft side, and he was the lucky guy who got to experience yours.
When you didn't answer back, he looked down, only to hear soft snores.
'Did she fall asleep? While standing up?'
He says softly, only to hear no response. He chuckled at your adorable form, and picked you up, bridal style.
He began making his way out of the now ruined building, avoiding the rubble and the multiple bodies strewn across the floor. He could have flown out of here, but he was too tired to use his ability.
On his way out, he encountered a woman. She seemed to belong to the organization. If he remembered correctly, she was one of their founders. He hadn't seen her in the place, so maybe she just arrived to the scene.
"Well, well, well! Look what we have here!" She said, taking a step closer and peering at you.
"What a beauty! Bet she'd look much prettier on my bed. Don't you think so, Mr. Executive?"
Chuuya snapped. He activate his ability. The woman felt a sharp object on her neck. Chuuya had used his ability to hold a dagger to her neck. Multiple blades floated in the air, a red glow surrounding them, as they aimed themselves at the woman.
She chuckled.
"Don't get me wrong, dear! You took everything from me. I deserve a good time, don't you think?"
Her smug smirk was wiped off her face when a teeth shattering punch shook her face. Chuuya stood before her, his blue eyes piercing into her with malice and poison.
She stumbled back into the wall, falling on the ground.
He walked up to her, grabbing her hair and forcing her bleeding face to meet his gaze.
"You want a good time?!! I'll show you how great a time you can have in the dungeons!"
She spat out blood.
Chuuya bent down to her level.
"I'll make you beg for death when I'm done with you."
He knocked her out, calling for backup to take her into lockup.
He looked back to see you sleeping soundly inspite of the ruckus he had just caused. He had used his ability to keep you floating safely in the air, and allowing him to move and strike the disgusting woman.
He smiled at you.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you, darling."
He said, softly kissing your forehead.
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boreal-sea · 2 years
honest to god it is WILD how radfems like that merf-maid person don't understand how we're not saying women are worse or smth but we ARE saying that men and women are BOTH EQUALLY capable of being evil fucked up gross people that rape and kill and abuse other ppl????? being a man doesn't inherently make you evil and an abuser, but the toxic misogynistic patriarchial environment around you that tells you that minorities are scum of the earth and homosexuality is a sin and whatnot DOES. and actually, yes! cis men are much less likely to open up about abuse and assault exactly because of people like radfems. because then they either get mocked and ridiculed, not get taken seriously or just ignored alltogether! there are even studies about it. and also real world examples you see every single day. maybe if radfems opened up their clogged up ears and listened to how we want a safe and fair society FOR EVERYONE, they would understand - but then again i doubt it because then they wouldn't have the excuse to bully people (trans ppl mostly) and send death and rape wishes like they did and do (personal experience again).
There's so much complexity, honestly. Patriarchal culture absolutely encourages and enables men to be horrible, absolutely no lies there - and it seeps into everything.
The radfem bioessentialist view of the sexes is just so depressing: males are inherently violent and irredeemable and can never be good people??? Females will always be victims??? There's no way to make a just and free world if males exist????? Like. It's just so weird.
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sa0pipi · 3 years
Thank youuuu-
Aaaaaa guys thank u for 50 followers merf! sao is very happy hihi! after we hiit 100 I will probs be doing a raffle or DTIYS!
tell me what would u like to see most or some other ideas maybe merf ?
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bustedbernie · 3 years
i wish you and all the other libfems would stop saying terf. we aren't trans-exclusionary. we are male-exclusionary. we have nothing but support and understanding for EVERY member of the female sex, even the ones who identify as trans men or non-binary, etc. the idea that we should include any member of the male sex in our fight against sexism is just as ridiculous as being colourblind when fighting racism. call us MERFs if you need to label us. pretending we hate trans people is lazy slander.
I mean, it’s not about sex. or chromosomes. It’s about gender, gender performance, perception, and social functioning. Trans folks have said this a trillion times but you don’t seem to be listening. I think you might interrogate your own centering on the idea/conception of “sex.” A trans woman will experience misogyny. They are not men. If you are arguing that a trans woman is a man, and you are thus being “male exclusionary,” then the TERF label seems to fit. My first reaction to this seems like you see transmen as “lost sisters” or whatever and trans women as cross dressers invading woman spaces. Maybe that isn’t your intention, but that’s how you’re coming off. If you want a more thoughtful response on this, you might watch Contrapoints’ video called “Gender Critical”, “Pronouns,”  “transtrenders,” and “are traps gay?”. But otherwise, based on your message and the above, TERF just seems like an apt description of a certain type of activism. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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no-brand-gays · 4 years
why did merfes vol 1 have to go so hard. yuujou no change. baby maybe. oh love&peace. they all knew to keep themselves toned down so the main single could take the spotlight and even aishiteru banzai is pretty understated without the emotional push the anime gave it but then fucking mermaid festa vol. 1 came in so fast and intense and packed with emotion and a cool acoustic guitar line that it honestly borders on outshining natsuiro egao. mermaid festa vol. 1 refuses to pause all the way from “if you wish to leave a record”? to the final “sayonara” it keeps hitting you with new tricky melodies and angsty vocals and lyrics about being a literal mermaid. manatsu wa dare no mono WISHES it was mermaid festa volume 1. everyone does 
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Ahem may i ask headcaon with jumin,saeran and V when Mc falls asleep on them and they turn super protective like somebody tries to take mc from them and then they like take a merf gun and are like: TOUCH THEM AND YOURE DEAD
Hey babe, that’s pretty similar, maybe you want to read this? I could of course still write your request since it’s a bit different, just tell me ❤️
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Friday: Twitter Trending!
At 5pm EST everyone on twitter is gonna with “Anatawa Hitorijanai” lately tho, twitter hasn’t been allowing many hashtags to trend. So we’re going to try something different.
The same guidelines for hashtag trendings apply with regular words!!
Yes, ik, one day I will have a twitter. Maybe, merf.
5pm EST is 2pm PST and 4pm CST
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alexenglish · 5 years
You know what we should abolish? Money. Get rid of this useless social construct, everybody would be happy without it. Well maybe not the billionaires but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. #MoneyExclusiveR4dicalF3minist2020 #MERFs
would willingly sacrifice all the billionaires to decriminalize collecting rain water and revert to the barter system!! let’s get this product 💃🏻
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wormcourt · 6 years
Oh god please dont tell me merf means male exclusionary radfem. Men should be excluded from woman spaces.
Trans woman should NOT be excluded from women spaces because they are women.
Please please dont tell me thats not what merf is refering to.
Unless its just a term terfs call themselves in which case that term is so unneeded there. They know what terf means and they know they are a terf. Lets not use language terfs use to call trans women men maybe?
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boatshoejoe · 3 years
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Preston: he looks like he is homeless Me: maybe, what should be do big guy? Preston: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaPQfmPu0HkMuOORYThDx4-MERfE-yOFIEPXtY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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