#maybe harringroveson? maybe not
imsodishy · 4 months
"You’re such a snob."
Eddie has to actually look around to see if someone else has snuck into his room who Billy could possibly be addressing. Billy's not looking at him, after all. He's digging through Eddie’s music collection, blonde curls obscuring most of his face, except the bemused little smile at the corner of his mouth.
But no, they're still alone.
"Excuse me?" Eddie demands.
When Billy flicks his gaze over to him Eddie gives a performative (theatrical even) second look around the room. "Have you not noticed where we find ourselves at present? Have you confused this trailer for a mansion somehow?" Billy just rolls those baby blues, always so eloquent.
Eddie sets aside the campaign notebooks he'd been doodling in, shifts off the bed, onto the floor to start crawling towards Billy, who turns back to the tapes, making a show of ignoring him as Eddie goes on, "Did you forget which boyfriend you're with right now? You must be thinking of the other one; hair like a rooster," he wiggles his fingers above his head like a crest, "Golden dubloons falling out of his pockets?"
"Dubloons." Billy snorts softly.
"Because I am not a snob." Eddie concludes as he sidles up behind Billy and wraps around him like an octopus, arms and legs and even chin all latched on.
"You absolutely are," Billy disagrees blithely, holding up Eddie's own Iron Maiden cassette above his shoulder for Eddie to inspect. "Music snob."
"Because of Ozzy?" he mumbles into the soft warm spot behind Billy’s ear, honestly rapidly loosing interest in the conversation.
"Because of what's not here."
"I am not nearly stoned enough for you to get all philosophical on me, Blondie."
"To that point," cassette clamshells click-clack together as Billy starts tossing them aside, "Metal. Metal. Metal. Metal, metal, metal, metal."
"I like metal. You like metal too." He flicks at the little spike dangling from Billy's earlobe with his tongue.
"It's not all you like." He reaches back to bury his fingers in Eddie’s hair as he starts kissing and sucking at his neck.
"You can't prove that," he says between nibbles.
Billy's breath has gone gratifyingly shaky, "Oh so that wasn't you grooving to Bryan Ferry in Harrington’s car the other day? That was some shaggy dog we picked up?"
Billy gasps when Eddie bites down hard on the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, "Shut up and put on some music."
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friendoftheknife · 2 years
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yea i got into this punk au too or maybe it's something close to lostboys who knowsss (urge to see our babies like vampire family or smth) watch out billy enters his killer protective mod he is the youngest
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plistommy · 7 months
A fic where both Eddie and Billy are fighting over Steve and Steve’s oblivious about these two metalheads wanting to fuck him so badly that they try to sabotage each other ’cause only one of them gets to have Steve and that tight ass…. Right?
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harringroveera · 2 years
Billy: I’m scared, Stevie
Steve: You don’t have to be scared, I’m here with you, Billy
Billy: There’s a monster under my bed and it’s fucking ugly
Eddie, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you! Both of you!
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stillbeatingheart · 11 months
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When Steve got behind the wheel of the BMW and noticed the writing on his windshield, he didn't question who did it. He already knew.
There was a new bruise on Billy's cheekbone yesterday. Eddie had said, "We gotta get the hell out of here before we all end up dead."
Billy had smirked, taken a toke and handed the roach over to Steve. Blowing smoke through barely parted lips and smearing the image of the pale November sky above them. He tipped his head back, chewed on his lip for a long moment and decided to admit, "I'm already packed. Just tell me where and when."
Now, Steve's pulling up to the trailer where Eddie is sitting on the steps. His guitar and his duffel bag at his feet. He grins when he sees Steve roll to a stop. He doesn't hesitate to pull the door open and slide into the backseat with his luggage, tapping his fingers on Steve's headrest and urging, "Hit it, baby."
Billy's waiting at the Leaving Hawkins sign. As promised. He's leaning against the door of the Camaro and smoking a cig like he's been there all morning.
"We doin' this or what?" Billy asks when Steve stops beside him and rolls the window down.
Steve looks over at Eddie, who is leaning into the space between the front seats. He takes a quick glance at Steve, making sure the answer is still yes by judging his expression. His smile is big, quick to spread when he says, "Let's run away together."
Billy snorts a laugh, flicks his cig butt and tugs the Camaro door open. He cranks the music, turns the engine and hits the pavement with squealing tires.
Eddie laughs behind Steve, his hand a warm weight on Steve's shoulder as he peels out behind Billy. Passing the sign he's driven by so many times with the intention of coming back. But not this time. This time leaving Hawkins is for good.
Also on Ao3
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bowiebond · 2 years
The videos where the couple is arguing about something and the girl just flashes their tits at their boyfriend to end the argument.
Billy would do that. And it would work.
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mispatchedgreens · 1 year
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overcompensating for all the times i've forgotten the tattoos. prodigal coward running for his life was spotted outside a vape shop
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Eclipse, please?
I started this during the last eclipse of course. Thank you for the ask 🌑💜
Alien Billy crash lands in Steve's pool when he's but a tween. After nearly giving Steve a heart attack he decides to stay.
Steve smacks into the side of the house and there's only one thing to do now make a run for the door. Steve pushes to his feet and puts his back to the creature as he makes the few steps to the sliding glass door. He gets it open but something slimy catches his ankle and yanks him back hard. Steve hits the ground the wind knocked out of him, dazed and confused as the creature moves closer, body changing. 
He is blurry eyed, staring open mouths as the once gelatinous form, takes structure. It mimics his own, or close to it, shifting into a teenage boy. Well almost he is still blue, skin a darker opac shade, hair and teeth lighter, eyes almost glowing as he stares down at Steve with a cock of his head.  
"Am I dead? Are you going to kill me? Doesn't matter if you don't my dad will." Steve rambles brain finally catching on to the fact that his father will be none too pleased to return to a half empty pool. It is going to be worse than the time he and Tommy used some condoms they found as water balloons and clogged the filter.
"No..." The monster... alien right? It came from above, from the sky that makes it an alien, doesn’t sound so sure about that.
"What do you want then?" Steve has seen a few alien movies, his parents aren't around to tell him what he can and cannot watch after all. He knows they don't come down for anything good.
"Want?" It is s suddenly going gooey again. Steve’s eyes widen, nowhere to go as it turns back into a gelatinous mass once more oozing over him, covering him from his toes to his head. That goo goes everywhere, seeping through his clothes, into his mouth before he can scream, his nose. The world goes blurry as it rolls over his eyes, protecting him from seeing the eclipse fully on again even as it makes his vision spot from a lack of air flow.
Steve is dying, he cannot breathe, he cannot escape, no amount of pushing does anything but shift the gooey body around a little. Steve’s last thought before his vision goes all black is that he hopes Mrs. Henderson isn't to upset about the apples still in the fridge. He would have eaten them if only he had the time.
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i-miss-lotor · 1 year
So previously I wrote a roughly 300 words fic about Billy being alive and very much present when he talked to Max in season 4. I kind of want to continue that but before I can start I need to decide on the ship but uhh yeah idk. Help me out?
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bidarcywriter · 2 years
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Another pretty boy ❤️
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
absolutely too tired to write fic (damn i saw that coming and yet still got my own hopes up) but not to tired to tell you that billy likes to sneak up on both steve and eddie to cuddle them. just silently sidles up and slips his arms around them and nuzzles their necks and they know. they turn around, pull him into a hug, immediately shift into cozy boyfriend mode because billy needs that softness, that comfort, that gentle hand pulling him into bed, those strong arms around him, a soft voice talking to him, humming to him, as he’s gently rocked to sleep. that is all.
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billyharringson · 2 years
Okay okay okay. I've just gotta write this down somewhere whilst I wait for my next bingo card in the hopes that I can use some of the prompts but there's an AU that I woke up thinking about and now I want to write like 100k words for it.
So Siren Billy. More specifically asexual siren Billy.
I also know that this doesn't fit with mythology but I have an idea that Billy's mum was a selkie and she left after finding her coat (also let's be real Neil would totally steal a selkie coat). And sirens are the offspring of selkie/human matches.
This is why Billy is so drawn to water, and his mum left him because sirens can only live full time in the water if they're there from a very young age but because Billy was on land for so long he can't be in the ocean full time. Billy can still see his mum when he's out surfing etc so she's happy that they can still be together and that he's (mostly) healthy. Because it's not like Neil's going to wrench his son away from the ocean and take him inland to a landlocked state...right?
Also sirens don't have to actively sing etc to draw people too them it's just an aura that they have which Billy originally uses for his own gain, like to have friends and stuff but then it becomes sycophantic and as he ages turns sexual and he's really not down with that.
Anyway that's what I have so far.im also contemplating Witch Steve who is able to ignore Billy's 'allure'.
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harringroveera · 2 years
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Eddie, Billy & Steve when they’re injured:
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Eddie has never considered that meals are an extremely important ritual to some people. He’s always been the kind of guy who’s fine with cold leftovers and cereal without milk. As long as his hunger is sated, he’s good to go.
He isn’t sure what Steve means when he first brings it up about a week after he moves in, when he mentions offhandedly that food is really important to Billy.
Whatever that means.
It becomes more apparent when Eddie starts to notice a trend.
Billy is probably at his happiest when he’s eating, especially if he’s eating one of his go-to comfort foods; namely lasagna, hotdogs, and cheesecake.
He slips into his happy place when he’s enjoying his meal, calm and content, and afterwards he’s usually a little clingy. Likes to be cuddled and take naps in his partners’ arms. Likes being coddled.
It seems cute at the start. Eddie enjoys getting to come home each night and have all two hundred and fifty pounds of Billy in his lap, burying his face in the crook of Eddie’s neck like a lovesick cat while he gets petted. There’s something grounding, he guesses, in being comfortably full after a nice hot meal, that makes Billy so pliant and easygoing.
The exact opposite is true if the ritual is broken.
“Sweetness, it’s alright,” Steve soothes. “C’mere, you’re okay.”
He gently guides a flustered Billy away from the stove, carefully stepping around the shattered plate of spaghetti on the floor. It happened so fast that Eddie didn’t even register it until Steve was bounding into the kitchen from the other room, cradling Billy’s already tear-streaked face in his hands.
The blond is a mess. Hiccuping between little shaky breaths and sobs like he’s physically in pain.
Handling these sorts of things is not Eddie’s strong suit, usually. He’s not like Steve, careful and deliberate with his words, guiding Billy’s breathing with his own calm inhales and exhales. Still, the sight of Steve kissing Billy’s tears away as he cries makes Eddie’s chest clench with sorrow.
He dips down to clean up the mess. Scrapes the noodles into the trash and carefully discards the plate before wiping the sauce from the tile. Then he grabs a fresh plate from the cupboard and loads it with a new pile of spaghetti, topped with an abundance of parmesan.
It’s a small gesture, he thinks, but as he delivers it to his boyfriend, Billy’s eyes light up. Then promptly fill with tears again as he looks up at Eddie through his lashes.
“I’ll have something else, Bills. You should have your spaghetti,” he coos.
“Are you sure?”
“I wrote it down.”
Billy snorts at that. Reluctantly takes the plate from Eddie’s hands and twirls his fork in the noodles, breathing a comfortable sigh when he takes the first bite. His shoulders droop after a moment. Steve smiles and tucks a stray curl behind his ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
When Eddie returns to the kitchen, he catches Steve mouthing a thank you, which only makes him that much more eager to eat hot pockets for dinner.
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ihni · 8 months
Okay so I read a fic (in another fandom) that made me think, and this morning I woke up with ready-made fic idea in my head which I will ABSOLUTELY NOT WRITE, I have too many WIPs already, so I'll just ... write it all out here and then hope that's enough to get it out of my head.
So! Harringroveson-ish. Very rough, train-of-thought style.
Imagine Eddie and Steve smoking together and hooking up on the regular, because they both live in a small town and it's difficult and risky to find another guy who's willing to fool around in small-town Hawkins. So they've been doing it for a while, and they have fun and like each other kind of a lot and are comfortable with each other and all even though they keep it on the downlow for obvious reasons.
And then Billy Hargrove rolls into town, and he's mesmerizing and both Steve and Eddie can't really keep away from him. But Billy's acting so über straight that surely, none of them have a chance, right? So they may talk about him when they're together (for the Thrill or Sexytimes of it, idk), but they don't really think they have a chance. Until they start realizing that Billy's eyes ... wanders, if he thinks no one is watching. So they start talking about it, about trying to see if they can seduce him to the gay side of Hawkins, and it's mostly a joke between them, to get the other riled up when they're together; talking about what they'd do to him if they could. Because Billy's always taking girls out, and he's got quite the reputation - SURELY he's got a lot of sexual experience and would be up for whatever, right?
And like, they both think that THEY'd be the one to succeed to sway Billy over. Steve thinks that since he's the former King Steve and plays sports with Billy and they hang out in the same circles, of course he'd have luck with the guy than Eddie, but Eddie claims that with the music Billy listens to and the car he's got, he's obviously got more in common with Eddie than Steve ...
So they make a bet. Mostly as a joke, but a bet nonetheless; Which one of them will bed Billy first?
Meanwhile, Billy is of course secretly gay and has been moved to a closed-minded town against his will by his abusive dad for being found out just kissing another boy, and even though he's secretly eyeing both the former King of Hawkins High and the King of the Freaks, he does not fool himself into thinking something will happen. He can't allow himself to show a single sign of his preferences. So he takes girls out on dates, a string of them, and he parties and he flirts and he wraps Hawkins around his thumb, and only shows the careful mask he has created, and not an ounce of the real Billy, because he wants to live until graduation, thank you very much.
He had planned to just keep his head above water and survive until he could get the hell out of town, but that gets increasingly difficult when the two guys who he's been eyeing start to approach him. Trying to be friends? Trying to throw him off? Or ... check out the competition? Billy's not sure what's going on here, but he knows it's messing with his mask and his composure. Harrington didn't use to play this hard in gym, did he? Rubbing up on Billy like he is, now. Didn't use to smile at him and talk to him and like, stretch out in the shower after practice. And Munson had kept his distance until then, so what's up with the way he suddenly appears whenever Billy's sneaking off for a smoke, offering a good price on weed and inviting Billy to see his band play?
So, Steve and Eddie do their best to seduce Billy, mostly as a challenge between the two of them, but when they notice that Billy gets flustered when they touch him or lets his gaze for a little too long when they do things like stretch or lick their lips and so on, they start to suspect that this could actually happen. It's not so far-fetched as they might have thought. So they talk, and find it very exhilerating to imagine that maybe they both actually stand a chance, here ... but of course, the bet is still on. Who will have him first?
Billy's only human. And gay. And desperately alone in this sea of people, since no one knows the real him. So he's falling for it, even if he's hesitant and afraid (because of Neil, because of what if this is an elaborate prank, and also partly because all that he's done with a boy thus far has been kissing (Your choice as to what he has actually done with girls)).
Maybe both Eddie and Steve are getting bolder, right about now. Putting the moves on Billy, so that there's no mistaking their intentions. And Billy is tempted, so very tempted - but also so very scared. He backs off, or draws back, or maybe stammeringly mentions that his dad would kill him if he found out. "He's not gonna find out," whoever is with him says, but Billy bites his lip. Hesitates. Shakes his head.
But like, of course, eventually one of them - Steve or Eddie, your pick - succeeds. Billy gives in, gives up, throws caution to the wind. He gets to sleep with at least one of his crushes, and it's GOOD, it's so much better than he could have ever imagined sex to be and he can't believe he's so lucky that he gets to have this.
And of course whoever won the bet is thrilled. Both because they got to fuck Billy (who they are realizing that they LIKE, just like they like their other boyfriend), but also because of the thrill of winning the bet. So after, directly after or the morning after, your choice, they hurry back to their boyfriend to gloat about their win. Maybe they have to look for him, though, so they don't find him right away. Because of course for PLOT REASONS we need Billy to be at that place, too - feeling light, happy, and for the first time not feeling like a prisoner in this town - and overhearing. Overhearing the gloating, the "I won our bet" and "yup, fucked him good" and the "he was so sweet, you should have seen him". And then, for added angst, of course Billy sees the two of them kissing, making out. Looking very busy and into each other.
Billy should be angry, but he's so shocked and gutted that he can't bring up even a spark of anger.
And I want them to spot him there. Realize, by the paleness of his face, that he heard every word. That he thinks they've used him, made fun of him - and they kind of HAVE. But when they break apart and turn horrified eyes on him, Billy turns and runs. They go after him, try to stop him, but oh THERE's that anger (bubbling up to hide the HURT), so he rips himself out of their grip and snarls at them not to TOUCH HIM. Maybe he yells at them, for using him and stringing him along and making him think he meant something when really he was just a pawn, just a game. Maybe he doesn't say ANYTHING, just blinks away tears and leaves. I don't know which is worse.
But he leaves, and they feel horrible. They realize that they fucked up BIG TIME, they should have approached this differently, they never should have made that bet. They talk (again) and realize that they actually DO both like him, and they want him with THEM, all three o f them together. They decide to try to make things right, somehow. Explain to Billy, grovel at his feet etc.
But oh, it's not that easy of course. Because Neil has gotten wind of Billy being seen with some boy (maybe a neighbor saw him when either Eddie or Steve reached for his hand or pressed a kiss to his cheek or something, in the late stages of the seduction), and he punishes Billy for it. Severly. Billy's home from school for a week, recovering. Steve and Eddie thinks he's avoiding them, but eventually put their foot down like, enough is enough, if he doesn't come to us we'll come to him, so they go to his house.
Thankfully, Neil isn't home. But Billy is. And when he opens the door, still black and blue, they are horrified. Billy is afraid that anyone will see them and tells them to go, and even scrapes up some anger and tells them that this is their fault, which shuts down their attempts at apologies, and then slams the door in their face.
Eddie and Steve do some more talking, maybe some minor stake-outs. Realizes that when Billy said his dad would kill him, he meant it, and if the man knew what Billy had done, Billy might be lying dead in a ditch somewhere. They feel bad (as they should, and also because this is my fic and I live for the guilt).
In the end, I think they'd have to find a way to get Billy out of his abusive household, as a way to prove they are sorry, and that they're serious about him. Maybe they set something up to make sure Neil gets caught in the act, maybe they involve the police, maybe they blackmail the man or threaten him somehow. I don't care how. But they get Billy SAFE. And THEN they grovel. As they damn well should.
And I hope that eventually, they manage to convince Billy that in fact, they were BOTH into him from the start, and the bet was just a way for them to dare to act on it. They both wanted him, with them both. And they still want him.
And maybe Billy might just be lonely enough to eventually believe them.
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#WRITING - (Hailey on AO3)
Let's Be Honest, If You Could Hop Dimensions, You'd Save Eddie Munson Too (AO3 // REBLOG // My Art: Eddie in Disguise/Comparison) - A Steddie+Original NonBinary Time/Dimension Traveler Character Fix-It Comedy/Adventure
Devotion Tastes So Sweet On Your Lips (AO3 // REBLOG) - A Spooky Steddie Horror One-Shot (Maybe Series...) Steve Prays To The Old Gods And Eddie The Banished Answers
A Sticky Situation (AO3 // REBLOG) - A Harringroveson x Spideypoolverine Crossover Comedy One-Shot
+Some Bonus Tumblr Ficlets+
+Steve Definitely Doesn't Have A Type, a Steddie Tale in Gifs (+Because I Can't Leave Well Enough Alone, Emotional Damage) (Learned how to make gifs for this post lol took me hours give it some love, my first sort of popular post🤘)
+Steve Throws Eddie His Yellow Sweater, Eddie Throws Steve His Vest. It's a Whole Thing (w/ Inspo Post, Steve Throws Eddie The Yellow Sweater™, It's Canon. Gone a bit Viral, this one🤘)
+Eddie Realizes Steve Is More Than A Babysitter (w/ Inspo Post Steve Slays Demo-Bats, Eddie Reacts, this one has Gotten Popular, but I mainly attribute that to Steve's Titties 🤘)
+Stephanus Concubinus, Emperor Geta's Vita (a Steddie x Gladiator II au blurb inspired by kingsandsaints ' gorgeous painting of Joe Keery wearing laurels and a white sheet)
+Famous!Eddie, Meets Server Duo Stobin, is an Asshole and Gets His Just De'Soup- Later Eddie Comes Back to Apologize and Gets Steve's Number- Then, A Misunderstanding and a Proposal (I added onto the ficlets of two very talented writers sabbathbloddysabbeth and estrellami-1 with romantic ramblings at 5am, blurbs become ficlets)
+Steddie!Little Mermaid AU Blurb-let (It started with a whisper- *Steve Herrington* and ended when Prince Eddie kissed he- er, uh, no wait- that's actually Henry the Sea Witch with Prince Steve's stolen voice... Violence and Magic and A Happily Ever After, Oh My!)
+Rogueddie Famous!Steddie, Eddie Reads Tumblr RPF of Steve, Steve Gives a Rec (Rogueddie Wrote A Blurb, I Wrote A Blurb)
+Intothedysphoria Polled "What Random Animals Does Billy Try To Bring Into the Harringrove Residence?" - Most People Said Cat, I Say Raccoon (A Blurb Explaining My Thesis)
+Eddie Doesn't Give A Fuck About Sleep Paralysis Demon Steve (a bit personal, turned into a Steddie prompt)
+The First Time Little Eddie Munson With The Buzzed Hair Gets Called A F*reak, He Is Too Stunned To Speak (Literally, just a sentence ✨with gifs✨ but now I need 100k words, on my desk by Monday morning. Prompto.)
✨everything else you need to know under the cut✨
#My Original Posts In Need Of Some Reblogs# #op
+My Singular Piece of Art (Eddie in Disguise/Comparison)
+If I Were Going To Be Famous For A Quote (this is it)
+My Epitaph (lil clever wordplay that reeks of Philosophy, It's A Banger™)
+Jack Whitehall Incorrect Quote/Shipping Gays is the Glue That Holds Fandom Together
+Joe Quinn Interview Mag Pics Part 1 / Part 2 / Whole Shabang
+Joe Quinn is Dating Doja Cat? A Tale in Gif (It only took me a couple minutes to make this gif, skill issue defeated)
+Stray Kids Rolling Stone UK OCT/NOV 2024 Chan |Hyung| Minho |Minsung| Han | Hyunjin |Hyunlix| Felix | Changbin | Jeongin | Seungmin |Family Portrait| |ONE| |TWO| |THREE|
#Some Gems Just Because#
+15 Minute Roast Beef and Potato Soup (I make up easy recipes sometimes, ask me about my rotisserie chicken enchiladas with cilantro lime sour cream sauce)
+My 2010 1D Tumblr Origin Story (🤣The true story of how I ended up on Tumblr)
+My Ridiculous Laptop Sticker Collection (feat. Some Steddie Stickers from Raynecreates)
+🍯My Dog Honey Watches Scooby Doo / Honey Cuddles Then and Now / Honey Plays Then and Now 🍬 /
+I'm Allergic to Cats, But I Would Get A Blue Russian to Name Them Comrade, Nickname: Commie (Big Brain Name Game™, Give me some credit and reblog this post🐈‍⬛)
+My High Thoughts About Pyramids (Higher Thoughts💭)
+Inspo Post for A Sticky Situation
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#smile - if you wanna smile, I heard they're contagious and this tag has some beautiful smiles 😁 and a few things guaranteed to bring joy
#spooky - It's #spooky season baby and #halloween is in my veins. We got #spooky art, #house hunting, #halloween decorations, and best of all #spooky steddie
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