#maybe i should just trust myself
mumblesplash · 4 months
confession the main reason i have not yet drawn a full body design for tango is bc i know in my soul that man has digitigrade legs but i’m scared of commitment
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eebie · 3 months
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anotherfanaccount · 6 months
The feeling after watching a srk movie in 2023.
Pathaan had me all excited and amped up because adrenaline rush. Love my mission impossible flicks just for the fun of it.
Jawan had me restless because I just wanted it in my brain. I don't care what anyone says about it being a mixture of 10 films, I loved it and I'll always stand by it.
Dunki has me in a limbo. The joy of watching a movie is there but there's an underlying sadness that we don't see the actor srk this often, and I know he's good in all his works, but you understand that his stardom takes the front seat these days.
What comes next and when I don't know but I pray that he plays all these varieties as long as he can. Please just keep doing movies Shah. Please.
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notajoinerofthings · 4 months
for lent i'm also giving up wasting emotional energy on people who have shown me time and time again that i'm not a priority for them.
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thomine · 4 months
EVENT . everyone is like a lego piece: despite being of different shapes and sizes, we have commonalities that allow us to connect with others. so the question is... if you want achieve a certain structure, who would be your best choice?
after finishing a gift for my friend (who i did an anon analysis for, and you can receive an anon analysis from @paimonial-rage), i thought it'll be cool to try a different approach.
in this event, you are to send me a description of your personality and one dynamic (see under the cut). i will give you a genshin character that fits the dynamic with you, and if inspired, might propose some tropes. please read more under the cut for terms and formatting of your ask.
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complementary opposites (you lack something i have; i lack something you have)
surface opposites (we may seem like we're different but upon learning more about the other we are actually pretty similar)
peas in a pod (we understand each other fundamentally. we're not exactly mirrors but i know you as i know myself and vise versa)
(adapted from this post, if you're curious).
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i am opening 3 slots, preferably 1 per dynamic. this is because i do not want to overwhelm myself as this is quite new. more slots may open in the future!
friends can freely submit. the 3 slots does not include them.
submission period is from 28 feb to 4 march. i will announce which are the asks i'll be writing for after the submission period.
please give me a month or more to write this as i am swarmed with other responsibilities and work.
asks that do not follow the format will not be entertained. see below.
accepted: @andromeda-nova-writing + @yoiieczwhynot
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formatting of your ask
it's simple. please just include a description of yourself, preferably paragraphs long, and your ONE dynamic.
some things that you can include (you don't need to include everything):
your personality (i.e. how you react to certain situations, what are your values)
interests and why you like them
what you think are your strengths / weaknesses
what other people say are your strengths / weaknesses
traits that you aspire to have / who do you want to be?
traits that you currently have / who are you currently?
what not to give:
your sexuality (my reply focuses on dynamics, not romantic pairings)
your physical appearance (keep ur privacy hahaha)
your age or pronouns (does not affect your match at all. save that space for things that matters please)
anything too traumatic (please do not trauma dump)
MBTI / enneagram / horoscope, etc... (i won't use it anyways)
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rohirric-hunter · 5 months
Why do all these online safety sites recommend password managers? I don't really know how they work, but isn't there a risk that someone will hack into the password managers' databases and find all your passwords all at once instead of just some of them?
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
About the random chest that flashes over MK in the memory scroll:
I‘m pretty sure it‘s Azure. You can see the tips of his two… loose ponytails? (The hair that frames his face anyway) hanging down from his shoulders. Later, in his emperor form, we can also see he has the defined musculature.
And since Wukong was reliving all of his regrets in the scroll, the biggest ones flashing on the screen in that scene, one after another, it would make sense for Azure to appear.
Both because Wukong betrayed the brotherhood and lost his friends, and also because- well, Azure was the main antagonist of the season. It would make sense for him to be of importance for Wukong in this scenario especially.
I can‘t believe you failed to identify one of your favorite characters by chest alone. Smh. Fake fan, I think I have to unfollow 😔
So. I had typed out this whole answer pointing out how absolutely shredded the silhouette was compared to every character in the show, and then I had this really good point, like (quoting my og post):
"And it's not that you're wrong, it would make complete sense for Azure to appear as part of the memory flashes—but then why not show his face? Why not make it obvious that it's Azure? Why be this weird about it, and have it framed so that when it fades it reveals MK? You gotta think why the writers and storyboarders would make those kinda decisions."
But then. But then I realized anon.
There's a line. Like Azure's fur color line
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BUT HERE'S THE OTHER THING ANON. AZURE'S PAST OUTFIT (Presumably what he would have been wearing when this memory took place) IS ALSO DIFFERENT:
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So I legitimately don't know. At the end of my og post, I had written a pretty funny joke: "Anon don't challenge my ability to identify my lego characters by chest alone ever again", but you were right to. I have no clue who this silhouette's identity is. I can't identify them off of pecs alone. Is it Azure? Maybe! Is it MK? Maybe! (Like, the fact that we get the pecs flash, and then later MK is revealed to have a war form that he has had NO prior training in makes me question some things. Like most of his abilities MK's learned to use, he just does it, and it's all weird.) Like:
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seariii · 4 months
Lately I've been doing art with the objective to appeal to me and to me only, but some of the pretty people seem to like it, which is nice
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siena-sevenwits · 7 months
#Take with grain of salt - not exactly sad but will probably feel much dandier another time#Tonight I want so much to create - to make stories that will make others love what is good and true and beautiful#I have a condition which (among a lot of other things that are irrelevant to this post) causes me to feel very tired a lot of the time.#and I also tend to go through bouts of insomnia - in the middle of one now.#It's small potatoes compared to what a lot of my friends have to go through health-wise and I am grateful#(though i probably should be more so)#But - the point. I am just so tired all the time and I try to soldier through and be creative because that's the way my heart is shaped#But so often I just feel like the exhaustion sabotages everything and tonight I am just aching to be more creative than I've been#I'm not unhopeful about it - so many people go through this after all and end up making wonderful art. And there's something to be said for#patience and filling the creative well and trusting all to God. But tonight I feel - not sorry for myself thankfully - just very wistful.#Wanting to make something really beautiful and see it through the end and be more resilient in the face of the tiredness.#(Ha - my life is a good one if that's what's making me wistful!)#God can do whatever He wants with it and maybe the greater glory is for another time.#But I also wonder... I would not have been calling to Him unless He has been calling to me - and I hope!#OK - sentimental pout over. ;-)#neverending storytellers
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phantom-does-a-thing · 2 months
It’s almost worse knowing they hurt me unintentionally because I don’t have any right to hate them. It was an accident, they didn’t know, but still I have breakdowns at the mention of them and they don’t even know.
#I haven’t talked to them in months#and by god I don’t want to talk to them again#because it hurts So Bad#and I’m not even in the right to hate them bc they didn’t do it on purpose#I’d rather them do it on purpose because then I could hate them#because I’m angry and upset and I had a panic attack last night about it#this person who probably doesn’t even think about me for a second#and they’re constantly in my mind making me feel like crap#that’s not fair#I hope my name is never in their thoughts again and I hope they always wonder why I stopped talking to them#I wanted closure before but it’s too late for that because it’s been long enough that#wtf would I even say?#you hurt me. you abandoned me? but I’m the one that stopped talking#it felt like you abandoned me and I didn’t have the energy to keep up a one sided talk#when I know there were people who would talk to me#I know you’re busy. but at least something would be nice#I’m needy. and clingy. and I KNOW that#but still. it hurts because it’s like everything I always get left behind and they’re the PRIME example of that#I don’t even know why they hurt me so bad#maybe it was because it was someone I trusted completely#someone that I was closest to above all else above everyone else#I trusted them. I loved them. we talked about getting to meet up one day#but I hope that when they come up here I am Long Gone and they never think of me again#I trusted them enough they knew my state. I trusted them with parts of myself I barely trusted anyone else with#and the absence hurt like hell#and there wasn’t even one big event to break it off#just a slow deterioration in anxiety and stress that sometimes bubbled up in a message#but I always kneecapped the conversation because never was a good time to have it#and then just no more messages#I should block them. but I don’t want to ruin all the messages we had
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moodr1ng · 4 days
naur my friend just decided drugs r banned from her birthday weekend event 😂 damn id been holding off on rolling so i would be able to do it then
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skippingseaglass · 10 days
the world is kinder than i think it is isn't it?
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girl-bateman · 24 days
Feeling a debilitating sense of dread and despair 🤨 Which probably means nothing😍👍
#girl help i cant get out of bed i feel so so awful for no reason at all#literally my soul is gone or something#i have no desires and no joys and no sense of being blessed#which is crazy bc i love life and im so blessed ! usually.#ig i should do something abt it tomorrow if it doesn't get better#alternatively get back into therapy bc tbh... after that horrible sex thing ive felt kinda off#like even after i was able to eat and sleep and function normally without the tremors and head jerks and whatnot#like its not dramatic anymore but i kinda feel drained of life and joy#moments of genuine happiness and fulfillment are ... ? idk. i did feel happy once this week and that was nice but it didnt last obviously#but like ! im not depressed in a depressed way. i take good care of myself and i read my books and eat food and hang out with friends#i just kinda dont recognise myself ig. i mean i know ill get my spark back but maybe i need some professional help#idk !! it kinda feels very silly tho#like ive been in and out of therapy for more than half of my life. and being one year therapy free was a big step for me !#so going back for this little ridiculous freakout feels like a setback#kinda like im making up things to be wrong with me just so that ill have someone to talk to ? or to have attention idk#it doesn't make sense bc i really was proud for getting bettter and i rly dont want to be in therapy anymore#but who knows 🤷‍♀️#there is also this slight risk. just clinically speaking by purely looking at symptoms of certain things. with no stake in the matter! lol#that there might be something bad and [lets not think too hard about it] that lies as a root cause of my little mental breakdown#like according to my sex having friends losing your virginity is awful but not THAT awful and not in THAT way#and my friend kinda said i scared her with how i was acting when i talked to her abt it. like my demeanour and body language and whatever#and i do trust her to know whats normal versus concerning when i dont have my own stable grip of reality#plus. if i was an outside party and applied my psych education on myself. i would say its not looking super good#but i cant really do that bc im not some random patient. im me myself and I 😩✋️ thank you#but whatever. itll be fine. tomorrow will be a better day ! yay !
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krayonders · 9 months
why must i have a full time job and social commitments 3 days a week at minimum when i could be playing bg3 rn
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anxsity · 2 months
no offense but if someone says "have you tried..." followed by the most obvious shit i should be allowed to beat them to death
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katyspersonal · 11 months
I really do not deserve sympathy if I keep trusting into people who obviously can only hurt and invalidate everything about me and everything we had as soon as I don't meet some of their selfish expectations. As soon as I start to feel safe and accepting living together, I fucking hear "we have no reason to be friends if you don't get into the videogames that I love" when I explained 500 times how I interact with videogames and fiction and why I cannot just waste my days playing many of them and why I cannot simply chug up new information and content often.
But really, why should anyone care about the fact that I get hurt again and that I am crying again, when I am the one who never fucking learns and keeps giving a chance to a person that I /know/ doesn't care and will harm me when I expect it the least? That every time it is another dumb, stupid, minor thing that magically makes me no longer important. That I cannot be honest and cannot be myself without being punished for it every time. That I just am not worthy of acceptance and understanding and unconditional love, it seems. That I am never good enough. Maybe people that hate me and want to exterminate me for the awful sin of having terrible mental health were right. Maybe I am weak for expecting anything from wrong kind of people. And the weakest must be gone.
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