#maybe next year but it wont be the same. it'll never be the same
diaryofaprettyprincess · 11 months
hiii i’m sorry i actually can’t remember if i sent this before or not😭could you maybe write smth with eddie getting an innocent reader high for the first time? <3
(hi angel !! u havent sent this before so <33 hope u enjoy!! *sorry if this kinda sucks i wrote it at like three am KDSJF)) (also i wrote about her smoking for the first time but i didnt touch much on her getting high really.. if u want me to write just that lmk!!)
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eddie originally invited u over to his trailer because he mentioned how he was failing math and needed ur help studying. of course, you complied, wanting to help him (and spend time with him as youve had a crush on him for months) (and of course he didnt actually want ur help studying, he just used that as an excuse to hangout with u as he has had a crush on u for a good two years).
but now, after helping him study for a good hour, he declared he needed a break. this break included him playing some of the most intense music youve ever heard posing as 'background music' whilst he smoked a rolled blunt.
he asked you if u were comfortable with him smoking in the same room as you, and because u were a curious creature (never being around any sort of drug), you nodded, saying you were fine with it.
eddie thought you were odd, in a good way of course. god, he wanted you so badly..but he didnt want to scare you off. he knew how sensitive you were to certain things. so when you sat right down in front of him as he smoked, staring at him with gloriously curious doe eyes, watching him take a drag from his joint--he was surprised to say the very least.
eddie watches the way youre eyeing the joint between his plush lips as he inhales, eyes squinting slightly as he looks at you sitting across from him on his bed; kneeling on his mattress--hands folded in your lap politely n ur eyes full of wonder but hesitancy as u chew on ur lower lip. you watch the metalhead blow the smoke from his mouth, an arm behind his head as he lies back against his pillows.
"you wanna try?" he asks, holding the joint out to you as he blows the smoke up in the air. he can feel the way your eyes trace his movements.
you giggle nervously, flustered. "o-oh, uhm, i dunno.. 've never tried such things before!"
thats something else eddie loved about you.
when you got shy you talked like some sort of disney princess.
he smirks, amused. his eyes are half lidded n red as he swipes his tongue along the fat of his bottom lip.
"c'mon.." his voice is playful. "'see the way ur eyein' it, princess.. i'll help you through it, dont worry." eddie takes a small drag from the end of his blunt once more.
fuck, hes so high. and horny. high and horny. maybe not the greatest combo when the girl he's liked for years is sitting right in front of him looking so..soft and beautiful.
does ur skin always glow this vibrantly?
"i just--'ve never done stuff like this. what if i act funny?" your lips form into a pout, concern lacing in ur features.
why did you have to be so cute and irresistable?
"'s okay, angel. promise i wont judge..could never judge a sweet girl like you," his praise makes you preen as you blush. "c'mon, come sit next to me, ill talk ya through it, mk?"
you nod, butterflies fluttering in ur tummy. besides the heavy smell of weed, eddie smelled so yummy to you. he was addicting to be around.
you sat next to him on his bed, pulling ur skirt down a bit as you get comfortable.
"now, just put ur lips around the end and inhale, okay? u might cough a bit but it'll go away," eddie brings the lit joint to ur glossed lips as ur eyes round with inexperience. the metalhead maintains eye contact with u as u inhale sharply, immediately bending forward and coughing as he pats ur back. "'s okay, princess, ur okay.." his ringed fingers rub ur back as u struggle to breathe.
a few seconds pass and u feel better. ur head is light but heavy.
"wanna try again? should've probably told u to inhale slowly..forget u dont know much about this stuff." he tucks a loose strand of hair behind ur ear and u feel ur heart speed.
u nod. "yes, please!"
eddie smiles gently at your eagerness. "alright, sweet girl, remember..nice n easy, okay? inhale gently and slowly."
you nod a bit as he brings the joint to ur lips. his left hand rubs up and down your right arm comfortingly. that act alone makes the butterflies that once only fluttered inside ur belly swirl into a storm.
eddie watches ur lips as u inhale slowly.
"good, baby.. nice n easy, okay? doin' so good.." his voice is so soft and gentle as he tenderly squeezes ur arm as u blow the smoke from ur lips.
u giggle when done, clapping excitedly before you're hit with a wave of tranquility.
eddie smiles. "u okay, honey?"
u smile back.
u were more than okay.
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cookiepie111 · 1 year
König joins you for your skin care routine. König x black reader. Not proofread
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It's not that he adverse to its just not something he's familiar with, in all his years he's never done skincare the same way you do, with the many different scrubs and brushes, washing his fave with a bar of soap served him well all these years, he didn't miss the way you scrunch your face up at his confession. Even still, he's excited to do this with you, any time spent with you is good time to him.
" I don't think I really need all this, it wont really make a difference"
"Dont worry it'll feel nice, and you can stun the enemy with your dazzling clear skin!" He laughs at that.
You kneel next to him on couch, he's stiff and rigid as you apply the clay mask on his skin it's cooling, the texture a bit strange on his skin, in a way it reminds him of mud yet he can't remember a time when mud felt this nice maybe cause its you doing this, it's coming from your fingers . You take your time, wiping an even layer on his face. leaning in as you do, he fidgets, shifting his legs about, head turning, you have to grip his face still when starts to move out of your reach. "Almost done now okay" you'd need to be quick knowing how antsy he gets staying still for too long.
"All done, stay completely still or else it'll flake off!"
He watches as you move to the mirror, spreading the mask on your face. You lay on the chair beside himr, waiting for the mask to dry
"How much longer?"
"Shh! No talking"
"Darling you can't expect us to not talk"
"Yes, I can -" You let out a giggle "wants wrong?"Your face," barley a mumble, you both laughed out, looking at one another, laughing harder and harder as the masks cracked.
A warm feeling settled in könig chest, he liked this a few years ago he'd never imagine such a thing. No mater how small or mundane hed always be happy to be you with you. He was beaming, you could tell how happy he was from how graby he became
"Come one let's go clean up"
"Okay onto the rest!"
" what the rest? There is more?!"
"Of course it's not call 15 step korean skin care for nothing"
Ah suddenly könig was pulled back to reality, enjoying this just a little less. "How about I just watch you ja" hmmm you grumble and carry on with the rest of your routine " fine! But don't complain to me about bad skin!" "It's too doing this is every day?" " No not every day its just something I like to do at the end of the month" He tiped his head to side wrapping his arms around you "well I wouldn't mind doing this with you every month"
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summ6rbummer · 1 year
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patrick x reader bully victim
again, overall tw and the same ones as last time. also the reader has only a mom in this, so sorry if you don't have one or you dont like yours.
its been a few days, and i genuinely cant figure out what patrick was talking about on friday. what did he mean by 'im real and i think you are too." what does that mean? of course patrick is real, nobody that sadistic could be fake, but then what did he mean that i was too? god why does he have to be so mysterious all the time? i just want an answer to all of this..
i try and shove it to the back of my mind, as i walk downstairs to make something to eat. jesus this is weird. im kind of glad he decided to do that yesterday, so then i could have the entire weekend to think over it. this is so crazy. i have no idea if i'm more nervous to go back to school now or not..
my mind was going 100000 miles per hour as i stretch on my tip toes and grab a box of cereal from the cabinet, and then the milk from the fridge. there was a note from mom on the counter next to the fruit bowl.
hey honey,
i had to go into work early to help mike with a project. maybe go to Emma's house later, but i wont be home until 10 ish. there's a pizza in the freezer.
love you!
i slurped cereal out of my spoon as i read the note and smiled to myself. i should go to Emma's house. i haven't seen her in a minute and it'll help get my mind off this whole 'patrick' situation. i nodded in agreement with myself, then put my empty bowl in the sink and went back to my room.
i fixed up my bedhead, and then grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a large t-shirt, and my chuck taylors. i took a glance at myself in the mirror and sighed, mentally scolding myself for the shit I've let happen over the last 5 years, like i did every morning. i'm so stupid. so vulnerable.
i shut off my light and closed my bedroom door, then went downstairs. i grabbed my house keys off the hook next to the door, and then closed and locked it behind me. i felt uneasy the whole walk to Emma's house, constantly checking over my shoulder. eventually i got to Emma's and her mom let me in, and i was thanking god that Emma only lived about two blocks away.
me and Emma spent the day together. we went to the convenience store and got slushies, and then to the park where we met Jonathan and hung out with him for a bit. once the day few by, and the streetlights started coming on, we all agreed that we should go home before it got darker. as soon as i was walking home and i wasn't with Jonathan and Emma, dread crept over my body. it was dark, i was alone, and i had no clue whether or not henry and his gang were out on one of their little 'patrols.' i feel like it took an eternity to get home, but i finally did, and as soon as i unlocked the door and stepped inside, I locked the door and went to the kitchen. I reheated a slice of leftover pizza and leaned against the counter while i ate it. it was dark in the house, with the kitchen counter lights being the only thing lighting up the room i was in. after i was done eating, i turned to the sink and scrubbed a few plates that were sitting in the sink. when i was done, i clicked off the kitchen lights and walked back to my bedroom. halfway down the hallway, i heard the sound of clothes hitting the floor. inside my bedroom. immediately my heart dropped to my stomach, and i became silent. slowly i backed up, sliding my socks along the carpet, never lifting my feet, not making any noise. i slipped back into the kitchen and frantically looked around, somehow forgetting where anything was in my house. i grabbed a bread knife from the first drawer and spun back around, quietly pacing back and forth, trying to get my head on straight.
okay.. theres someone in your room. you dont know who.. but you know that they could be dangerous. shit. okay.
i inched back down the hallway, not breathing. i slowly grabbed the doorknob and opened the door. my room was still. there was nobody there. yet my clothes were scattered all over the floor, my bookshelf was missing three of my favorites, my window was wide open, and there was dried mud on my floor. my jaw dropped in shock and i uttered out a small squeak. i stood there in disbelief as i walked into the room further and closed the door behind me. i flicked on my lights and dropped the knife on my bed. after i stuck my head out of my window and saw nobody, i quickly closed and latched my window, pushing my curtains closed. as my fingertips dragged over the windowsill, my nails caught on a notch in the wood. my brow furrowed as i looked closer and traced the lines. there were two letters engraved in my windowsill. initials.
P. H.
that son of a bitch patrick. terrorizing me at school was one terrible thing, but breaking into my house, my room, destroying my belongings, stealing my stuff and carving his fucking name into my windowsill. carving his name into my life. im fucking done dealing with this.
i threw on a sweater and my working boots, grabbed the kitchen knife again and stormed out of my house. i didn't bother to lock the door. i didn't care if id be back or not. i was going to kill this freak.
author note.
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silurisanguine · 3 months
Red OC ask game:
BLUSH - Who flusters them most?
WATERMELON - What is their greatest reason to get out of bed?
WINE - How do they act when drunk?
Thank you for the asks, as always! BLUSH -Who flusters them most? Seren: In a good way? Sam, in every universe. He can stop her dead in her tracks the moment she sees him- no matter what iteration it is. In general? Not much these days or if it does, she's learnt to mask it. Jumping into universes so unlike hers she's developed that skill to survive....apart from when it comes to him.... Aeryn: Good way? That would be Reyes of course. He can say something that can have her composure snap in a second and she loves it. In general? Wanton cruelty, she finds anyone who takes pleasure or has apathy towards it utterly frustrating. Zofie: Good way? Adam shirtless leaves her dry mouthed and speechless. Generally? Not much, except a Illuminati agent who keeps bloody mimicking her to sow confusion. Kiara: Good way? Last time was when Garrett was training with her and she' had'd thought she'd got the upper hand and he turned it on her, flipping her onto her back and straddling her, pinning her to the ground. Seeing him leaning over her, definitely had her very flustered. Though he also seemed to feel the same a moment later. In general? Seeing Void magic corrupted, by witches. It is a gift and they twist it, she never understands it.
WATERMELON-What is their greatest reason to get out of bed? Seren: The hope that the next jump will lead to a universe she can finally stop running in. She's not even sure how she'll know, but she hopes she'll sense it, that when she sees the Sam of that universe, she'll just know. Aeryn: The need to make Heleus a place for everyone to live in. They didn't all travel 600 years to fail. The fact if she does that, it'll mean maybe she can finally do what she wants. Zofie: Answered here. Kiara: The next job, the next challenge, the next opportunity to take someone unique away from those who don't appreciate it. WINE- How do they act when drunk? Seren: Being Starborn, she's not sure she can get drunk now, but she remembers she'd get very handsy, very jovial and her cheeks would get very red. Long as it wasn't tequila, then she'd just get sick. Now though, alcohol seems to heighten her empathy as she feels things from people so much stronger after a few drinks. Aeryn: Flirty, the life of the party. But, something she got from her father, she can drink a lot before becoming drunk and with SAM flushing it from her system faster than normal, she doesn't tend to stay drunk long. Zofie: She can't get drunk, the Sentinel system wont allow it, but she vaguely remembers being pleasant when drunk. Kiara: Her barriers comes down and she loses her filters. She tends to speak her mind and be blunt.
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olivieraa · 4 months
actually, y'know, idek when was the last time I talked about ygo abridged
like if I happen to be on tumblr when an ep comes out I'm like *O* and I'll post about it cause to me tumblr was always a "get your feelings out in the moment" site so in those moments I'm like aaaah new ep!
but never like talk talked about it, last time would be over 10 years ago defo
honestly? its special to me. Ive a great memory but I defo struggle with this not knowing the order, so it was either a) I decided to finally watch AN ANIME for the first time ever and put on inuyasha, THEN got curious about returning to yugioh and discovered season 0 and THEN watched the abridged or b) I randomly remembered I'd never seen the end of ygo and so looked up amvs of it on youtube thus discovering ygo season 0 came first and then found the abridged through that and THEN realised I wanted to welcome anime into my life and so I started Inuyasha and sooooo on down I went, the anime road from then on
so, ygo abridged is at the beginning of that journey
at that time in my life, I was heavily struggling with ocd. and I was ditching school a lot. if I wasn't hiding in the town library for 6 hours, I was at a friends who decided to ditch with me. I had my two reliables. and we always watched the abridged together. quoted it non-stop. eventually I was dating a lad for a month, and when we broke up (he had the same friends as me), HE started quoting the abridged with them as well cause they showed it to him. made me MAD! lmao
it was also something I watched every time we went on a ride to look at houses during the recession in 2009-2010. those long drives. abridged kept me and my brother sane lol
and then cut to being online with online friends, and tumblr, we all shared the abridged love with each other.
it was just unfortunate the episodes were rarer at that point but definitely... more frequent than they are now. they were coming out prob around 4.... times a year. maybe? whereas they used to be weekly. so that was a big change.
and now they're once a year. you're lucky if there's 2.
but here's the thing.
yeah its a parody. but idk... the fact that you can just pick up where you left off every time and not be a confused mess makes me happy. the fact that the characters are so distinctive and you never forget their personality traits is amazing to me.
I'm just proud of LK bc he could have dropped it a long time ago. I've seen youtube channels have their hype years and then fans disappear CONSTANTLY. video views going from 2.5 mill to maybe 30k. it happens.
but a good chunk of people who have been watching the abridged now for 15 years now or more still get excited when a new once a year ep drops. you just pick it up, have a giggle fest, wipe away a tear and then move on. never sitting there in anticipation for the next cause you know it'll be a while. just... happy to go on youtube and see one randomly there on a random day when you're not looking for it.
it fills me with joy.
my ONLY con here is that, bruh, season 5 to me is the best ygo arc. I been wanting to see that shit abridged for soooooooooo fucking long. there's so many scenes that I wanna know what he does with. I want to see Bakura without Marik, cause LK's flaw with Bakura was that he knew how to write Marik on his own but not Bakura on his own. so I wanna see that more. I wanna see what he does with Set and Kisara, what direction he goes. I love Joey's ghost moments in the main show so I I'm hyped for that.
the sad thing about it is being hyped for something I prob wont see till.......................... 2028? 2030?
but I'll still be watching. if he makes it that far anyway <3
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illadvisedselfships · 10 months
Oh you're feeling sick? I'm so sorry. Get plenty of rest and warm food! ^^
If it'll make you feel better, here's a thought; imagine how Otis, Cruella, and Jim feel about Callahan, and vice versa (we already did the trio's thoughts on each other; now that a new F/O has been brought in, we must christen him XD)
Yeah, unfortunately children are full of disease 😅 I'll probably be like this for the next year but then I'll have built up immunity! ^^
AHHH yay! Here we go XDD
Cruella: Oooh well Cruella doesn't like anyone XD (Except Anita and maybe her furriers like Mr Skinner and Le Pelt- but even they are on thin ice as shown 😅), especially men, BUT Callahan is a rung up from where Jim and Otis sit at least XD They're derelicts XD 😅😅 Callahan on the other hand has a taste for the finer things ^^ He has money (He runs a billion dollar law firm). And *cough* she could honestly use his services. His agreeability to work with clearly guilty persons for the right payment is also a bonus.
Callahan can appreciate Cruella and her company (Especially in comparison to the other 2), including most importantly her money and finer tastes 😅😅😅 She is also excellent at sniffing out the blood in the water, too, so she's kind of on his level. 'Respect' may be going too far... but yeah, he has a a certain appreciation for her.
Jim: Again like Cruella- he could use a good lawyer XD How Jim's gonna pay him though I do not know. But I can totally imagine Jim with the most corrupt, sleazy lawyer ever like Callahan XD Maybe he pays him sort of under the table?? With moonshine? Drugs? A promise of a BIG payout once he gets off these charges and can get some other very illegal poaching gig? Perhaps working for Cruella.
Callahan completely underestimates Jim at the start. He thinks he's a goofy, uneducated, lily-livered geriatric alcoholic and that he can screw the poor bastard into a bad plea deal or settlement something- so Callahan can be done with another case in record time. BUT as we know Jim is not an idiot. Callahan is pleasantly surprised.
Otis: Oh boy. Callahan is everything in typical mainstream society that Otis does not vibe with 😅 He's got money, he works a nine-to-five, he gets the same run-of-the-mill 70 dollar haircut every month and he shaves every single day, etc. He's part of the 'conformist world' Otis hates. At least Cruella has her values, which may be crazy but she sticks to them, and at least Jim is not afraid to get his hands dirty (Metaphorically and literally). Callahan though is a cookie cutter stereotype, and he's two-faced, and he puts a bad taste in Otis' mouth. Callahan is lucky he still has his skin (no need to thank me Cal 🤣).
Callahan seriously looks down on Otis 😅 I don't know where on earth he gets the balls of steel, but he does.
~ Under the cut I wrote a little excerpt with the 3 of them (Mostly Callahan and Jim)... I couldn't help myself! 😅 ~
"Please Aaron," I beg, phone to my ear as I wonder slowly around the room, a pair of blue eyes on me from the couch; a printed DUI notice in his hand son his lap. Callahan's groan on the other end of the phone does not deter me. "You just need to represent him for an hour- less! Its not a biggie, its just... a little drinking and driving. He promises to never, ever do it again!"
Glancing over at Jim I see him scoff, shake his head and chuckle, and I wince. Well, that's a lie, but Callahan doesn't need to kno-
"Sure he wont. How many offences does he have? Uh... " I can practically see him holding his glasses higher up the bridge of his nose as he reads Jim's file that I subtly left on his desk earlier. "Forty five? How is this man not in prison?"
"A really good lawyer."
"Great, get him to handle this!"
"He-... he's on vacation." No need to reveal that we went to the 98-year-old lawyer's funeral a month ago. "-Look Cal, he will get you the money for this, he just needs some time. And the court date is Monday." While Callahan sits silent on his end I glance past Jim to some crates behind the couch and get an idea. "In- in the meantime, um, have you ever tried homemade moonshine?"
Jim immediately frowns. "Hold on now- "
Finally Callahan sighs deeply through the phone and I think I've got him, he probably doesn't want homemade moonshine but I think - I hope, - I made it clear I wasn't going to quit bothering him until he helped. He got Cruella off reckless driving!! Of course, he couldn't get off the animal cruelty charges, and now I only get to visit her through bars until our marriage licence comes through,.. but Jim does not have any animal cruelty charges... well, none pending at the moment at least... So this should be a snap for Callahan! No?? I stop moving around the room and root myself to the spot; listening carefully.
"Fine... but I don't want his money. For all I know it'll come from a goddamn mafia. And I don't want Cruella's, either, so don't even think about it."
"... well, I have some money saved up and- " My eyes wander over to Jim, his face going dark, glowering; he shakes head slowly. No. "He can pay me back- "
"How about you pay me another way?" My eyes snap away from Jim like a shot, and I look to the ground. What was that??
Voice lowered and much smaller, I cross my non-phone holding arm over my stomach. Um- "... what's this now?"
I can hear the smirk in Callahan's voice, the sound lower and huskier even than usual. My ears are getting hot. "You know what I mean."
Is he truly suggesting what I presume he is suggesting right now?? I mean- I'm not exclusive with anyone and everyone is g o o d with that but damn this sure is awkward. "I- "
"Look, that's my offer. You come stay with me for 2 weeks, do... whatever I ask," Oh, he's playing coy and vague. What's even the point of that at this point? Lord almighty- "And I'll get Jim off the charges."
"... " After some thought, and a glance at the crumpled DUI notice in Jim's hands, I huff out a sigh and close my eyes in embarassment. Will these people never tire of mortifying me?? Silly question, they wont- "Fineee... "
"Great! I'll send a car. See you soon, sweetheart."
"Uhuh." *click*
... For a moment I remain rooted to the spot, phone still at my ear, before gradually lowering it, tucking it into the back of my jeans and opening my eyes. Slowly I make my way over to the couch and flop down next to Jim, hanging my head on the back of the cushions. I close my eyes again and throw an arm over my eyes in defeat.
Its not like I don't want to see Callahan- I do, always, its just-... I feel bamboozled.
"... You're not paying for my bill, sugar."
"No, no." I sigh, assuring the one next to me. "We settled on a... different, payment plan."
"What do you- " When Jim sounds lost, I straighten up slightly, remove my arm from my face and open my eyes to give him an urging look. You get it. You can figure it out. Its to do with... yes, there it is. There you go. His eyebrows go up and his mouth opens. "Ah... "
"Yes." I grin, despite myself; shaking my head and straightening up the rest of the way.
A wry, teasing grin curls across his face. "... you sure are sweet."
"Don't you forget it."
"Wouldn't dream of it."
Finally grinning for real, I get up again and check the time on my phone. "Okay, car's gonna be here in about an hour. If you get dinner for us now I'll go and find out what Otis has been doing in the bathroom all day."
Jim scoffs, getting up after me. "You gotta deal, there, sweetheart."
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abimee · 2 years
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been thinking about 1031 recently as well just because i enjoy her as an oc but shes also one of those ocs i consider an untouchable because shes encased in the time i made her and her story that id feel really weird using her for anything else
her name isnt 1031 but rather thats the name of the story, but i call her 1031 for ease and because she lacks any name in-canon and isnt reffered to as anything besides that girl and her. the entire story is that a teenage seth wewason lost his sister aria to suicide a year prior, and now he himself is struggling with the same thoughts, but when he goes to the roof of his highschool he finds a stranger (1031) already there who cryptically talks to him over multiple days about his feelings and the contemplation of suicide
the jest of the story is about the state of suicide prevention in the united states and especially the care (or lack thereof) for suicidal children; seth is easily disregarded by his peers, and his school lacks the safety or care to keep him from continuously returning to the dangerous school roof
and 1031 herself is an ambivalent mystery; she easily parrots the dangerous ideas that children are taught about their emotions, that if something is wrong in your life you should simply look at what positives there are and think about those less fortunate than you, essentially the ''someone always has it worse'' argument. she uses other's feelings against him, telling him how his sister hurt him leaving him behind so to imagine how much he'll hurt others leaving as well, scaring him away on the first couple of days
but later, when seth starts really getting to the root of his own suffering and misery, 1031 turns the other way; she talks about how theyre often told to think of others instead of themselves when theyre miserable, yet so very few of those same people are willing to help in the hour of their need, that the root of the suffering is tossed away and instead their emotions are dictated by the loss it creates; the loss of a student, the loss of an employee, the loss of the person who does the laundry. the life of a child is dictated by their usefulness and what will happen when thats lost, and so the child's emotions are put on the backburner. Rarely does the system want to deal with the problem of suicidality, and simply worries about the loss it'll create not because a person's life is important, but because the loss of profit and blame that will be put on them
1031 herself is an enigma in her story as well as to what she is; she could entirely be Seth's imaginative conscious, that constricts when in the grip of suicidality and thus only sees the two options of suffering or die, or she herself could just be another child forgotten by the system due to her own suffering, or maybe an angel sent by god to either lure seth to the other side or push him back for as long as possible. or perhap she is just a creation of suicidal herself, the conflicting emotion of wanting to be saved from the suffering but unable to see anything beyond the options of dying or suffering. it's never explained and nothing is clarified about her existence, beyond the fact that she can seemingly ''jump'' and disappear before seth's eyes yet appear again the very next day unharmed.
the ending of the story itself is left up in the air, as ultimately i didnt want to end a story with the idea that something can ever change the greater problem that is being suicidal; talking to someone wont save seth permanently, having a religious revelation or ''successfully'' arguing with your own consciousness doesnt suddenly make you well again; seth and 1031's time together is just a brief few days in what could very well be a lifelong struggle for seth, and no one person has the answer to it all, not seth or 1031 and whatever she may be. the suffering of kids is an ongoing problem that has not been dealt with because it is part of the greater society we live in, of a death-fearing, disability-fearing, apathetic individualistic society that refuses children their right to their emotions, their pain, their lives. a child's sadness is seen as lesser or unimportant because of the idea that children do not deal with important things, and are not important people on society, so seth and 1031 are in a stalemate at two children simply trying to deal with the unending suffering they are going through with no help from others, the system, the adults they are told have all the answers, etc. seth and 1031 are ultimately just holding onto each other at the edge because the safety net refuses to be put up because a building's aesthetic value is higher than the life of a child, and theres no way to simply fix it in a day. so 1031 is always around on that rooftop waiting for the next person, and the next person, and she herself stays up there and waits, because nobody ever does for her what she does for others
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stupidluvr · 2 years
😨🍧🙈🔫☁️💌 hehe
😨 - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
neither! it is to freeze! he's not a violent person, has never intended to cause harm unless it really, really requires it. but due to the nature of his upbringing, his response to a lot of sudden or frightening moments is to freeze. as if he wont be seen if he just stays still.
🍧 - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
calypso still owns a copy of goodnight moon that his mother would read to him every night as a baby and toddler. and when he was slightly older, when she would have really bad sick days, he would lay in bed beside her and read the book to her. it's really important to him, as it lets him keep that piece of mother with him always when he's upset, and he intends to read it to his kids if he has any. if he lost it, he would be in total distress and meltdown; he can't just get another copy of it, either, because the pages wont have the same nail polish stain, or the corner slightly nibbled on from when he was a curious and teething baby.
🙈 - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
he's birdie; he's the optimism people search for in their times of feeling lost, he's the warmth from the sun engulfing you in its rays, he's the flicker of a guiding flame in the deepest caves. he wears this mask that everything is fine, but in reality he's never felt so lost in his life. in fact, all he does is try to fuel himself with false optimism when all his mind can think about are the negatives and the what ifs. if he's seemingly okay and happy, then maybe it'll rub off on others! ( he just feels worse )
🔫 - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
I LOVE THIS okay. surprisingly birdie does NOT trust easy, though he is a sucker for second chances and i can't even explain how that works. he very much dislikes sudden changes, and literally any new person he comes across that ends up almost becoming a part of his and his group's daily life he's so sus of. he is deathly loyal, too afraid to lose anyone important to him as he is afraid of being alone and turning cruel, so he wouldn't turn his back on someone unless they REALLY messed up. he's technically been backstabbed by his dad, believed he was like,,, Okay for the first couple years of his life and then it just went downhill. if given an ultimatum, it really depends on what it is. if it has to deal with the well-being of loved ones then yes.
☁️ - a soft headcanon!
head in hands sobbing, birdie has pretty shite eyesight but wears contacts except for the time he lost his last pair of lenses and ended up having to wear his glasses for a week which have rlly goofy ass, thick lenses and he looked so precious and dumb. he also has a sensory swing when he moves out to live with his partner and huddles in it when he feels bad or feels smth comin on, or just chills and naps in it hehe. he LOVES chocolate, especially anything chocolate mint, but can be a messy eater and gets ice cream/cake/etc. all over his cheeks :sob:
💌 - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
this is why i adore you. anyway. oh my god he loves love so much and love letters and being any sort of gross mushy romantic. he's constantly out here doing the MOSTEST for his partner. goody baskets practically given out once a month, or just literally randomly out of the blue. letters consist of "im so proud of you" "waking up next to you continues to be a highlight of my life" "you smiled at me and i got all embarrassed so i bought u this bouquet" "i have a giant crush on you"
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southislandwren · 2 years
that should be ME putting stickers on bags that was my fucking job for 3 months i bet hes not even happy to be doing that
#i should just stay away from facebook and instagram tomorrow. it fucking hurts to see what shes up to#i have to stop thinking about this stupid fucking event#i put up posters in 4 different towns i painted signs and the entire fucking barn#i made a website and i made cheese and i brainstormed with my boss#where we were gonna put the vendors (where we'd put them if it rained) who was doing what job#would i be in the creamery with her dad or in the barn#well depends on if we have the cows in the barn or in creekside field....#this was our project and its been ripped away from me and everything SUCKS#this is the most depressed ive been since my dog fucking died like its all the same coping mechanisms and mannerisms and everything#slightly different bc i dont necessarily want to kms but i would loooove to be dead rn you feel??#whereas with sam it was like oh ok. my besties gone? well im gonna fuckin go join him#but now its like oh my bestie and this event have been taken from me? gotta skip school at a later date to see her#even though i'll never have this event ever again#maybe next year but it wont be the same. it'll never be the same#im so mad at myself like WHY did my immune system have to fail THIS WEEK#and im pissed at my cousin for contaminating me. as far as im concerned shes never coming within 5ft of me ever again#and i know thats irrational but i was excited for this since JUNE and MINUTES BEFORE I GO its YANKED AWAY FROM ME#oh well time to keep coping well into the night. gotta distract myself so the anguish doesnt consume me#covid post#cant wait to go back to school and people ask me how my weekend was#and i'll get to say that was the closest ive come to killing myself since april 2021. does that answer your question#and then when they feign concern i'll just walk away. call the cops on me i dont fucking care#ill kill us both
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Over The Moon
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Gif credit @jamespendricks.
Requested by anon. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist @ackles-nhl. @cbouvier23.
Warning: pregnancy struggles, depression.
When you married Lee, you thought you would get pregnant and start a family right away. By now you thought you would have three or four kids but it's been five years and nothing. Boy, have you tried and tried. Ever chance you got to try, you took it. But it always came back negative. Doctors couldnt find anything wrong so you were to just wait it out and let it happen. But you just wanted a little bundle of joy in your arms, in your home, in your life.
"Babe? You alright"? Lee placed his hand on your knee as you stared out in space but what you were really doing was getting jealous over the family at the next table with a new baby boy.
"Yeah. Just thinking". You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder as you ate your ice cream.
"It'll happen. I promise. Just you wait, we'll have the most beautiful kids that ever walked the earth. They'll give Tate a run for his money". Lee laughed, licking his cone.
"Oh definitely. Kaceys cute and all but my husband has the most handsomest genes ever". You giggle when Lee slide his hand up your thigh and squeezed.
"So you think my baby brother is cute"?
"No". You giggled even louder when Lee squeezed your thigh and started tickling you. You tried getting his hand away, he was stronger and he was on a mission to get you happy and laugh.
"Uncle, uncle". You squealed, drawing attention of the couple next to you.
"You two are the cutest. Reminds me of us before the baby". The wife said with a sweet smile.
"We're actually trying for a baby". Lee told the wife.
"How long you two been married"? The husband asked.
"Five years. Going on six in May". You replied waving to the baby in his arms.
"We've been married for ten and this is our first. We've waited so long. Never thinking it will happen but then we just gave up trying and it happened. But you're both young, it'll happen". The wife smiled, wiping spit up from her shirt.
You looked at Lee and you both had it in your mind. TEN YEARS, waiting to have a baby. That's not going to happen.
"It was lovely meeting you guys but we better get this little guy home for a nap". The wife said as she gathered up hers and the baby's stuff.
"Nice meeting you as well. Have a great day". Lee smiled and waved. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his chest.
"That wont be us. We'll have a baby soon".
You nodded with a sniffle. All you wanted to do was go home and sleep. It was depressing not being about to have a baby right away.
Days had past since the couple threw water on your fire. Lee kept himself busy and you did the same. Maybe taking a break would be best. But you missed Lee so much.
One morning Lee was up before you so he decided that this break was enough. He cooked breakfast for you. All your favorites. He made a nice big pot of coffee and made you a cup to bring as he came into the bedroom to wake you.
"Good morning, baby". Lee sat on your side of the bed.
You yawned and stretched with a smile. "Good morning, my love". You pecked his lips and moaned into the kiss. "You taste really good. What did you eat"? You mumbled against his lip as you kissed him.
"Bacon". Lee raised a eyebrow with a chuckle.
"Mmm". You kissed his lips more, your hands going to his hair.
"I'm loving this right now but I made breakfast and it's going to get cold".
"Let's go. I'm starving. This for me"? You asked about the coffee.
"Yes. I made it just how you like it". Lee smiled and handed you the coffee cup.
"Thank you. I love you so much". You kissed his lips before drinking your coffee. "Ew. There isn't enough sugar". You gagged and suck out your tongue.
"I put like eight scoops of sugar. Enough to send a diabetic into shock". Lee chuckled as he went back into the kitchen.
"Still not enough". You say following him. Then you stopped in your tracks and dry heaved. "OH MY GOD, Lee. What is that smell"? You quickly covered your nose.
"Cinnamon French toast. Why"? Lee tilted his head.
"Its smells disgusting. Throw it out. Throw it out". You yelled. Lee grabbed the pan and put it on the front porch.
"What's going on"? Lee came back in and came over to you.
"I don't know. This coffee is bitter. The French toast smells horrible and my sexual appetite is up for your bacon covered lips. Oh my". You covered your mouth and held your stomach as you took off to the bathroom. You slammed the door in Lee's face and threw up in the toilet.
Lee cracked the door. "You okay, babe"? He poked his head in.
"I'm fine..blah". Another wave of nausea hit you. "Theres a smell in here making me sick". You fanned your nose.
Lee looked around and saw the scented plug in and took it out and threw it in the hallway.
"I need a minute". You waved Lee out and threw up again.
"I'll get you a Sprite". Lee thought that would settle your stomach.
As you sat down on the edge of the bath tub, you felt a wave of dizziness hit you and then came another wave of throwing up. Was it something you ate? Did you have the flu? Was it a stomach bug? Your mind was racing. Until you remembered in the baby book you read. You had some symptoms.
Crawling over to the sink you reached under the sink and pulled out a pregnancy test. You had about two dozen of them. So you peed on one, then another and another. Until you had littered the bathroom floor with wrappers.
"Y/N, I got you some sprite and I called the doctor. They'll see you this afternoon". Lee knocked on the door. When he didn't hear anything he slowly opened the door. There you sat on the toilet, tears running down your cheeks. You were sobbing uncontrollably. Lee sat the cup down and knelt beside you.
"What's wrong"? Lee looked at you confused as you tried to form words.
"Weree goina hve bby". You cried happily. Lee still didnt understand.
"What"? Lee laughed.
"We're going to have a baby"! You screamed with excitement, showing him the dozen of pregnancy tests all saying positive.
"No way. No way". Lee's jaw dropped his hand went to his mouth. He was shocked beyondbelief. "You're serious? What? Let me see"? Lee picked up one pregnancy test at a time checking them over.
"We're going to have a baby". He laughed, standing up with a test in his hand. His heart grew with love, he was finally going to have a baby of his own.
You got dressed and wrapped your arms around him. "We're going to be parents". You sob into his chest. Lee picked you up, his hands rested on your lower butt.
"You're going to be a mommy. I'm going to be a daddy". Lee sobbed into your shoulder.
"I love you so much". You kissed his wet lips.
"I love you so much more. Thank you". This was the happiest moment of your lives so far. A dream come true. And it was just going to get better.
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ohdeersthings · 4 years
(Spanish) A place where one's strength is drawn, where one feels at home; The place where you are your most authentic self.
Soo first time writing in a long time (Like since 2013? 2014? My poor tween self). Open to critiques. Just wanna do some angst and a little fluff because ya know. We love crying 🥰
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° You could still remember the day perfectly as if it was yesterday. The day everything had shifted, turning your world upside down as you could barely wrap your head around the new surroundings and emotions that flew by as you gazed up at the new school. Well, one could only feel so much at the ripe age of eight.
"Are you ready to venture inside?" Your mother, (M/N) asked with a smile, squating down beside you as your small hands clenched at your (F/C) skirt, not able to maintain eye contact. "(Y/N)? It'll be okay, you'll get to make new friends and learn more interesting facts about your favorite subjects," (M/N) tried to put you at ease but there was only so much you can do for a child whose natural, shy nature made it difficult for new transitions and surroundings.
You tried to relax your hands but failed as you gazed up your mother, (E/C) eyes a shade darker than yours staring back warmly, "But won't the other kids make fun of me? My quirks not very show worthy..Maybe we can try again next year?" You had pleaded hopefully, not wanting to leave the comfort of your home without your Mother. (M/N) could only sigh, running a hand softly through your (H/C) tresses, "I'm sorry my sweet girl, Mommy can't homeschool you anymore, I know it'll be strange since it's half way through the first of the year but you'll see," she smiled wide at you, and you couldn't help but smile back too, gaining confidence from her that made your heart warm so much that the flowers of purple and blue next to you sprung to life and bloomed. "Even the flowers agree too," (M/N) laughed as your face turned a soft pink from embarrassment, still not having full control over your quirk. Grabbing your hand softly, your mother stood up tall and gently led you inside, the new adventure waiting for you beyond the doors.
"Alright! Everyone settle down we have a new student joining us, come on in" The teacher announced, glancing toward the doorway where you stood frozen, heart racing at the thought of having to introduce yourself now an overwhelming feeling. 'Maybe if I run I can catch Mom?' You thought, but thinking back to her warm eyes and smile, you swallowed and walked in, looking down and trying to ignore the dozens of eyes staring at you. "Introduce yourself my dear," The teacher smiled at you, hoping to ease your anxiousness.
Finally gaining the confidence to look up, you looked around warily at the new faces. Some looking interested, others bored, a few who seemed a mixture of both depending on your introduction. "H-Hello there..My name is (L/N) (F/N), I hope we get along," you'd manage to squeak out, hands tense at your side as you bowed, looking back up as some people gushed over your now pink face. "How cute~!" "She's so flustered!" "Her hair is so pretty~! "Wonder what her quirk is?" Were a few you heard right away, making you smile nervously as your hands found your skirt again. "Calm down everyone, (L/N) you may take your seat in front of Mirio, Mirio raise your hand," a boy with bright blonde hair, stunning blue eyes and a warm smile greeted you as you made your way to your seat.
Nodding your head in thanks, you sat down and got out your flower covered notebook and sunflower pencil, beginning to take notes as the lesson began. A warm feeling creeping over your back, turning slightly to see the boy, Mirio, smiling at you with an inquiry gaze, head in his hands as he leaned in close. Flustering again, you quickly turned around hoping to have not been caught, but the same couldn't be said for the boy behind you, whose interest in you seemed to just grow more.
Outside break time seemed to come so fast yet so slow as you walked around, finding shade beneath a tree as you breathed in the fresh air, your body seeming to glow around you as the plants nearby leaned toward you, almost as if you were the sun itself. It was so peaceful and relaxing, true harmony as you let a smile grace your features. If only it could stay like this-
"HEY THERE!" A sudden voice cut through the air as you jumped, screaming in shock and falling backwards into the tree. "Oh gosh I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to frighten you, honest!" Opening your eyes, you glanced up to see Mirio, the boy from class in front of your with a smile still gracing his features. "(L/N) right? I'm Mirio Togata! Nice to meet you," he kept his smile up, holding a hand out to you to help you up. Accepting his hand, you stood up, trying to look around anywhere but him as your nerves came back again for the thousandth time.
"Uh, you alright there? Didn't knock any screws loose I hope?" He laughed, leaning in closer to you. The warmth that glowed from him seemed to rival the sun, and you couldn't ignore it any longer as you looked up at him, a small smile now reaching your face too. "He-Hello, it's nice to meet you too," your smile glowed back at him, just as radiant as his is.
"Hey I got a question for ya. Do you like Heros?" Mirio asked straightforward, wanting to get to know you better right of the bat. The question took you by surprise because, yes, you didn't just like Heros, you loved them. You simply nodded, nerves relaxing a little as a breeze blowed by. "Awesome! Say, you've gotta come meet my friends, we can talk about Heros until we go back inside! Oh, maybe we can even continue at lunch! If you wanna sit with us that is, maybe even after school. Wait you might be busy," he rambled off, suddenly excited it appeared to have a new friend.
You couldn't help the laugh that escaped you, your hand coming up to block your mouth to stop yourself since you didn't wanna come off as rude. "Sorry, got carried away a bit huh?" Mirio laughed, rubbing the back of his neck as his non wavering smile kept to his face. "It's okay, I don't mind," you answered back, (E/C) eyes meeting Mirios blue ones as you stared, perhaps longer than you should've.
The bell from the school filled the air, causing you to jump, the grass beneath your feet suddenly growing and towering over you and Mirio. "WOAH!" Mirio exclaimed, surprised at the sudden growth spurt of the grass. He looked at you with wide eyes, wondering if this was your quirks doing. It only made sense, seeing as how it was just you two around.
You blushed, hands to your skirt again as you looked down embarrassed. "Sorry, my quirk goes off if I have a sudden spike of emotion sometimes," you explained, glancing up at Mirio who could only grin at you wide eyed, "THATS SO COOL! Can you only manipulate grass? Or is it all nature? Just plants? You've gotta tell me more," he gushed, his hands clenched into fists, excitement pouring out of him.
You'd never seen someone so intrigued by your quirk before outside of your family. It caused a warm feeling in your stomach and chest, slowly pouring out into the rest of your body as you and Mirio exited the tall grass, now able to see the school yard and other kids who were walking inside to resume lessons.
"So what is your quirk? If you don't mind me asking," Mirio inquired, hands on hips and his warm smile on display as always. "I don't mind, uh to put it simply it's just a nature quirk, I-I can control any of plants around me, especially flowers. I really like flowers," you gushed back towards the end, a bright light in your eyes and a beautiful smile dawning your lips as you looked over to Mirio who could only gleam back too. "Thats so cool! You could definitely become an amazing Hero with that!" "Really?" "Definitely, come on let's go, you gotta meet my friend Tamaki Amajiki, he'll be so excited to meet you!" Mirio grabbed your hand and ran off back to the school, you dragging behind him and noticing how the sun bounced off him as if he were the sun itself. A smile rested upon your face as the warmth continued to spread across your body. In a way, it almost felt, Homey.
"Hey Mirio?"
"Yeah (Y/N) what's up?"
"Can you promise me that we'll work together as Heros? I don't know what I'd do without you, Tamaki or Nejire,"
Mirio couldn't help but laugh at you, your young, first year of high school face becoming pink as you gazed upon your long time friend and crush. "Of course we'll work together! I couldn't think of anyone more fitting to be my Hero Partner," he posed, a big grin plastered on his face as he looked at you, both of you standing just outside the U.A gates.
"S-So you promise? Anything we do, we do together right? As a team?" You gushed, leaning in towards Mirio who nodded, "Always (Y/N) now come on, the guys won't wait for much longer. We gotta go.." he trailed off, leaning towards you to finish his call out. "Plus Ultra?" You laughed, "No! We gotta go fast! Seriously we gotta go, the train is due to to leave in ten minutes!" He realized, grabbing your hand and rushing off, the same warmth erupting through you again as your hands meet. You sighed contently, nothing could ruin this moment.
Until, we return to the present that is...
You could barely breathe as you stared at Mirio, his costume torn, his cape draped over Eri who couldn't even move she was so terrified. The blood from Mirio caused your heart to clench at the mere thought of him in pain.
"I WONT LEAVE YOU," You shouted back, leaping from the ledge and landing next to Eri who had tears flowing down her cheeks as she could only stare in fear and uncertainty to both of those who had hurt her and came to help her.
"Oh? A new player has come to join hm?" Chisaki Kai muttered, eyes roaming over your body as you shielded Eri from gaze, Mirio a few feet ahead and breathing heavily. "Ya know I would say if you weren't diseased you'd be very attractive, possibly worth studying with that quirk of yours, Antheia, but you must be cleansed," Chisaki muttered, hands on the ground again as he disassembled and reassembled at a mass rate, you grabbing Eri and dodging as Mirio tried his best to handle Chisaki, his quirk now gone unknown to you.
"Mirio! I'll fight, you take care of Eri," you cried out, nearing Mirio who both dodged and protected you and Eri. "As long as he threatens you, I'll fight," Mirio gritted his teeth, fed up with Chisaki and his twisted ways. Reaching into your pouch, you pulled out a few lavender seeds, throwing them out and activating your quirk, allowing the seeds to grow and blossom, their scent extra powerful to make those around fall asleep. Hoping to get it to Chisaki, you grabbed Mirio at the last second, hand sinched around his hand as you pulled him back a few feet, away from Chisaki who could only chuckle, "nice try, but not good enough," as he assembled a spike behind you, Mirio noticing last second and throwing his body weight to the side, causing your still clasped hands to swing you around, dodging it with Eri still wrapped in your arms, shaking.
Mirio could barely stand, nearly collapsing against you but tried to stay strong. 'I can't back down, not yet. Not until this disgusting man is down and out. I have to protect them,' Mirio thought, adrenaline running high as he glanced at you.
You were a warm becon that filled his life, he's never felt more real, more natural around anyone else but you. You make him want to be better, you make him want to push himself to be himself and no one else. The best he can be. Yet you're standing here, wanting to stand beside him like you've always done, but how can he let you do that knowing you can cost your life too. He wants to be selfish, hide you away from everyone so you won't get hurt. He knows what you're capable of, the power you hide from everyone not wanting to draw attention. Power you've only shown around him through trust and respect outside of school and training. Nows the time to show it to the world.
"(Y/N)" Mirio mumbled next to you, making you glance at him yet still wary of Chisaki. "Deku and Sir should be here soon, lets show Chisaki what we're made of until they get here," he grinned, the stupid grin of his that made tears well up your (E/C) eyes as you nodded, gently placing Eri down behind you, sending her a sweet and strong smile of your own.
What seemed to drag on for hours was only mere minutes of you and Mirio throwing blow after blow and receiving blow after blow from Chisaki. As long as he didn't get Eri you'd be fine. Even as blood dripped down your temple from where you were slammed down and your vision blurred, your only goal was to keep Eri and Mirio safe. Just as Mirios was to keep you and Eri safe.
The next few minutes seemed to blur, between Midoriya and Sir showing up. Your body trying to give out into Sirs hug, the last real hug you never knew you'd ever get from him. The memories blurring as you and Mirio trudged out with Eri in tow. Before you could register what happened, your body dropped to the ground, Eri and Mirios faces of concern being the last you see before darkness consumes.
Images blur together as you come out of unconsciousness. The strong scent of disinfectant spray and rubbing alcohol makes its way to you, the smell both welcoming and alarming. Opening your eyes you notice Aizawa-Sensei by the door, you slowing attempting to sit up as he walks in, "Aizawa- Sensei! What's going on? Where's Mirio? Eri? Is everyone alright," you gushed out, head suddenly pounding, causing you to groan and grab your head. "Take it easy (L/N), it's alright. You're safe, everyone's safe now," he calmed you down, your head still pounding as you nodded with the new information. "So then, Midoriya, Sir Nighteye, they got Chisaki? Are they recovering from their wounds too?" You asked, looking up at him with (E/C) eyes showing hope that everything can now return to normal once everyone's healed. Yet, as Aizawa looks else where you can't help but ask, "What's wrong? Everyone is okay right?" The words that come out of his mouth next has you up, IVs ripped out as you ran out the room, Aizawa chasing after you.
Heart pounding in your head, you turn a corner, tripping over your feet sending you tumbling to the ground. Yet you got back up and kept running, catching a green haired boy, also known as Izumi Midoriya, by surprise as you ran up. "Midoriya! Please tell me its not true," you cry, tears welling up as you clench his hands.
He could only stare back at you, his own tears glimmering into his lash line too. "I'm so sorry (L/N)-Senpai, but..S-Sir Nighteye is...is," he couldn't finish the sentence, choking back a sob as your tears run down your face. Letting go of his hands you bring yours to your face, hoping to cover up your pitiful sobs that seem to echo the now quiet hallway. "W-Wheres Mirio?" You choked out, Aizawa now caught up with you. His hand softly grabs your shoulder, curling his arm and bringing you into his chest. He may not be a very affectionate man, but you were one of his more favorite students. Seeing you like this broke his heart. "Lets go this way (L/N). It'll be okay," he mumbled into your hair as he gave your shoulder a squeeze, leading you down the hallway away from Midoriya who was now joined by All Might.
Midoriya and All Might could only stare in sadness as they watched one of the Top 4 students of UA break down. First Mirio as he witnessed Sir Nighteyes passing in person, and now you as you woke up too late to say goodbye and having to realize that you'll never get the chance like they did.
Aizawa knocked on the hospital door, a silence followed for a few seconds before a soft "Come in," was heard from inside. Opening the door Aizawa saw Mirio sitting on his hospital bed, a smile plastered to his face. "Whats up Eraserhead?" He questioned, almost as if his whole life didn't go up in flames merely 12 hours ago. "Mirio, are you up for a visitor? This person could really use your help right now," Aizawa inquired, hoping that you two could heal eachother like you always seemed to do.
"Sure, who is it?" Mirio asked, head tilt. Aizawa didn't answer, merely turning his head to the doorway where you stood, hospital gown and all. Your eyes red from tears that had slowed down but still hadn't stopped yet.
Mirios face grew concerned, he stood up the best he could and hobbled over to you. Resching his hands out he pulled you into his chest. Your heart breaking all over again as you sobbed into his chest, Mirio tightening his arms around you. Aizawa simply nodded and left, shutting the door behind him.
"It'll be alright, (Y/N). We'll be okay, I promise," Mirio whispered in your ear, your sobs into his chest becoming quiet as he soothed you. "Sir Njghteye deserved so much more," you whimpered out, looking up at Mirio with glossy eyes that pulled at his heart strings. "I know, but we'll get better from here on out," he smiled, his voice soft instead of its usual loud and booming self. "Why are you holding it in Mirio?" You questioned, seeing right through his facade as he tensed. "I've cried my tears, you can let yours out with me it's alright," he promised, yet you could see the guilt, remorse, hurt and pain swirling inside.
You guided him over to the bed, sitting down with him as you took his hands into yours. "You may have cried but that doesn't mean you healed that quick, Mirio," you softly spoke, hand reaching up to graze his cheek softly and cup it. He could only watch mesmerized by your beauty as the morning sun beamed through the window, giving you an even more Homely glow than before. "You can fool them Mirio, but not me,"
His eyes suddenly had a pressure upon them and he couldn't help but clench his fists and eyes in anger and distrsught as he yelled out suddenly in a sob. The grief of not being strong enough to save Sir hitting him at once. The pain of knowing he lost his quirk surrounding his body, becoming heavy. The sudden empty feeling of knowing all those years were sudden lost in a sea and he was drowning.
Your hand caught him by surprise as he looked up, your smile soft and glowing, yet also full of sadness. "Don't hold it up inside. We can face it together," You spoke, his body suddenly tackling you down onto the bed as you gasped, cheeks a soft pink. As he shook, quiet tears pouring down his face he whimpered to you, "(Y/N)..Thank you...Thank you for letting me show my true feelings with you,"
You smiled, hands running through his hair. A soft kiss was placed upon his forehead as he looked up shocked, yet you could only giggle at his pink face. "I know it's not the time, but maybe in a while you'll let me voice my true self too?" You questioned, knowing that the boy healing could maybe have something to be the light at the end of his tunnel. His smile, warm and Homey filled the room again, this time authentic through and through. "Only if you let me voice mine too,"
Okay sooo. What did yall think? Yes, no? Maybe so? It's been years since I've written anything to please be nice with the critiques 😭🥰 Also can I just say that Mirio is Daddy-O? Like oh my gooddnneesssssss. Also Antheia is Greek for Flower or Blossom so that was your hero name.
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~Perfect Birthday~
Au: Kaishi
Part: twelve
Theme: Fluff? Comedy? Who knows lol
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(These 2 are going on an adventure)
"Buttercream? No that wont do. Vanilla with a touch of banana or Strawberry? Shoot! What about...hmmm...." You focused on the ingredients so hard that you were developing a light headache. Meanwhile, your husband sat across from you at the kitchen table, scrolling through his laptop for themes and present ideas. "Y/N, just settle on chocolate and call it a day." Kai announced while his eyes hovered on a Circus theme. He shuddered lightly at the thought of animals being involved. 'Absolutely not' he thought to himself. You sighed and put the ingredients list down. "I cant settle on Chocolate. I'm worried that someone might have an allergy to it. I'm also so worried about the vegan adults that might be here. What about the picky eaters too? Kai, I feel like I'm going insane right now." You gripped the sides of the chair you sat on. He peeked up at you and notices your incoming distress. He sighed and stood up to move behind you. He softly gripped each of your shoulders and began to give you an impromptu massage. "Stop worrying so much about it so much, Angel. Just do chocolate cake since its the brat's favorite flavor. We can go with a vegan cupcake option that should be safe for the people with chocolate allergies as well. As for the others, there will be other food and even beverage options. You're working so hard for people I dont even care about. This is all for my son and no one else but him. His happiness is my only concern."
You sighed and reached up to place a hand on your husband before turning to smile sweetly at him. "Kai, you're being sweet today." You teased him and he scoffed. "Anyway, I know you only want to focus on Kaishi but having other kids here for the first time, other than Ishida, is like his dream come true. It took me a lot of time to get on the parents good sides. It took a lot of time for them to want to bring other kids around Kaishi because if the yakuza affiliations. Had it not been for the fact that you've began working into charity for the city, I dont think anyone would've given us a chance. Bow we have parent friends, and now Kaishi has a chance for an amazing birthday this year. Let's not mess this up, okay? That means NO EXCESSIVE GERMAPHOBIA, and NO ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR okay?" You drilled it home at the end. He sighed in annoyance. "Ugh fine. I'll try to conversate with the other scum as if they never insulted the yakuza before. You had better be lucky I appreciate you and Kaishi at this point or this wouldn't be happening." Kai complained before pulling his medical mask down and kissing you lightly on your lips. "You two are being icky again. I'm going to tell Grandpa on you guys." Kaishi's voice brought you two back to reality. "Oh hush, and mind your business." Kai said as he ruffled his son's short hair playfully. Kaishi giggled and swatted the gloved hand away. He took a seat at the kitchen table next to Kai's laptop and peeked over to see what was on the screen. While you went to fix him some oatmeal, his father bolted to the seat and slapped the laptop closed. "No peeking. Havent you any manners?" Kai fussed lightly while Kaishi smiled. "Its okay daddy, I already know you two are planning my birthday for tomorrow." The boy said proudly. "That may be so, but it doesnt mean we cant at least surprise you with the decorations and food." Kai explained. You placed breakfast in front of Kaishi and sat down with your boys. Pops had just entered the kitchen at this point. "Family breakfast? Dont mind if I do." He smiled and took a seat next to you. "Grandpa, what will you give me for my birthday?" Kaishi asked excitedly. Kai flicked his cheek. "Dont be rude brat, respect your elders." He scolded him as Pops laughed. "Oh calm down, Chisaki my boy. My grandson is very calm at this age compared to how you used to act." Pops said with a smirk as you laughed and Kai blushed lightly with embarrassment. "Anyway, my Grandchild your gift will have to remain a surprise until tomorrow." Pops winked and Kaishi groaned. "Aw man. Well, mom/dad? What will you get me?" He turned to look at you in anticipation. You put a finger to your chin to think for a second. Then you snapped and made an 'Ah-Ha' expression. "I'm going to get you a fancy suit! Maybe I'll get some toys too. Just maybe, you'll have to wait and see." You teased him and he smiled. "Daddy, what about you?" He looked at Kai for an answer. "Just like Pops said, it will be a surprise. However, I'll take the time now to ask you what you want as a gift from all of us. It'll serve separately from the gifts we'll get you so dont worry." Kai watched his son expectantly as Kaishi searched his little mind. Seconds later he piped up excitedly:
"SMOOGLY!!!" He shouted happily and raised his arms dramatically in the air. You and Pops laughed while Kai tilted his head in confusion. "Smoo-what? Are you well? Are you speaking in tongues???" Kaishi giggled at his father's confusion. You turned towards Kai to explain. "Kai, Smoogly is a character from Kaishi's favorite show. He's this giant lollipop that dances and sings. Yknow, kids love that stuff." Kai stared at you for a second before nodding. Then he turned his attention back to Kaishi eating breakfast finally. "Alright then, you want Smoogly then that's what you'll get." After breakfast, Kaishi went to call Ishida on the phone. You monitored in awe, gushing as your baby talked to his little crush over the phone. The two were fast friends, and she was the first/only child in the class to accept and support Kaishi to the fullest degree. Meanwhile, Pops went to the backyard to water the flowers and feed the Koi in the pond. Kai headed out to the car to call Kurono/pick him up. "Chrono, I know I've given you the off day but I need a favor." Kai spoke on the car wireless phone while he drove. "Yeah man, what's up?" Hari answered from the other side. He was currently face deep in a 3rd bag of chips as he reclined on his sofa. "The brat's birthday is tomorrow and it's his first big one with other parents and children expected to be there. He wants some actor there to perform or something. Some thing called Smogie or Smothly or something like that."
"OHHHHH!!!! You're talking about Smoogly!" Hari shouted excitedly, his voice boomed over the car speakers. "Yeah whatever that mess is. Anyway, help me track him down and I'll give you tomorrow off to repay you from today. You can also have some leftover cake." Kai offered him. "Bet!" Kurono answered shortly before hanging up and getting ready. In moments Kai was at his door to retrieve him. The two men drove around for a bit while Kurono did some searching online. Lucky for him, it wasn't that hard to find Smoogly's booking information. "Found it, Kai. It says here that we can email and make a down payment, or call the home offices for a response in about...14 days." Kai almost slammed on the breaks. "14 days??? No that's not possible for a booking that could be denied. My Kaishi's birthday is tomorrow. We need to get this Smoogly there as soon as possible." He felt a bit of panic set in. Kai would never forgive himself if he couldn't get his son's biggest wish for his birthday. "Hey man chill. We'll just go to his office and speak to him directly. I mean, we've got a little pull when it comes to money. Also, we're yakuza so..."
"I know what you're thinking Chrono, and the answer is no. We cant push too many buttons or we'll end up leaving the gray area in which we operate in. I cant afford to get arrested on Kaishi's birthday." Hari rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Whatever man. Just take a left onto the main freeway and we should reach the exit in like 30 minutes. After that, we just follow the main road for 4 more minutes, take a right at the stop light, and turn off the Broadway drive. Smoogly's office should be right between a steak restaurant and a car dealership." Hari explained the directions. Kai nodded and the two were on their way. Once they made it to the offices, they took a number and sat in the waiting room. The wait wasnt uncomfortable to Kai...it was the old man across from them that kept coughing that made him uncomfortable. He felt hives pop up on his arms. Luckily the two were called before he went insane! Only minutes later they were standing before a chubby man smoking a cigarette behind a desk. He had dark hair, and was balding right in the middle of his head. His skin was just a step away from being super pale (no doubt because he had the costume on a lot) His noticable feature was the large mole on his cheek. He was clearly a foreigner from some city somewhere, thanks to his accent.
(!!!Reader, think about Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!!)
"Alright, what can I do for you two men? Wait a minute, you two are the tax guys right?"
"Uhhh, no. No we're here to inquire about an opening to hire you? The pay will of course be-"
"Yeah yeah yeah. Pay doubled blah blah. I've heard this a million times before. I get bastards like you that come in here every single day asking to pay extra just so I can come to your event. The moms are even worse since they also think they're entitled to my services." The chubby man interrupted Kai. "Please. It's my son's birthday. You see, this birthday is special because he's never had-"
"Pshhh...yeah buster, you're kid is special. Just like everyone else that's come in here before you to say the same thing. Bottom line is that I ain't doing it. If you want my services than file through email or take it up with the front desk. Deposits non-refundable if you get denied. Have a nice day." He put out the cigarette and picked up a rather inappropriate nude magazine. Kai looked at Chrono and sighed as if to say Hari can take over. Hari smiled darkly and went to approach the desk. The chubby man hadn't looked up from the magazine as he spoke. "Look man, I said piss off. What, you didnt get the picture the first time or-" he immediately froze and turned his attention to Hari when he heard the click of the gun. When he turned, he was staring down the glock.
Hari spoke up darkly. "Hey buddy, I'm a changed man but that doesn't mean shit is sweet. I've killed a dozen people before and I'm not afraid to go to prison. Either you do my nephews birthday party tomorrow, or we wear your face on a memorial T-Shirt. Fuck is it gonna be? Eh???" The man gulped and shakily reached his finger out to the voice machine on his desk. "Deborah cancel all my appointments tomorrow, I've got a birthday to go do." Hari and Kai smiled when they heard the voice reply 'Right away, sir.' They bid the man goodbye and left the office. The next day, Kaishi rushed to the backyard after taking a quick shower and getting ready. It was decorated beautifully with bounce houses, a splash area, party games, an extensive food/present table, swings, slides, etc. Most importantly, the parents actually showed up with their kids. Kaishi almost cried tears of happiness when he finally had friends to play with. Meanwhile, you and Pops chatted with the other parents until Smoogly arrived to perform. The kids absolutely loved every bit! Every once in a while, the Lollipop turned to look at Kurono standing in the corner, smirking menacingly and daring him to slip up just once. Smoogly quickly turned around and kept performing. At the end of his shift, he was paid extra just as Kai promised, and Kaishi got to take a picture with him. Finally it came time for presents. Kaishi was happy to receive so many gifts, but he was more eager to get his gifts from you, Kai, and Pops (even Hari got him a secret gift at the last minute). Kaishi smiled at the wooden box Pops had given him. When he opened it, it revealed a small pin on a soft cushion. It was shiny and brand new. It was the symbol of the Hassaikai, the infamous flower design. "My grandson, when your father was younger I had given him this very same gift. Please be sure to take good care of it." He gently placed a hand on Kaishi's head. The boy nodded excitedly and passed the box for you to hold while he opened up the remaining gifts. It was a surprise jacket from you to him. It was just a smaller version of Kai's jacket! Plus that suit you promised, and a few other Smoogly themed toys as well. From Hari, he recieved a new helmet for his new bike. Finally from Kai he received a matching mask. With the suit and the jacket, he was the matching embodiment of his very on father (aside from inheriting some of your skin tone depending on your color, my dear reader).
This was truly the perfect birthday.
TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama
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phemonoi · 5 years
tarot cards as foster the people lyrics 🌿✨
*based on the waite tarot deck
I've wanted to do this to better understand the relation of the cards with one another and I thought it'd be a good idea to post it here!
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i. aces, the magician & justice
“rise above, gonna start the war!” / “well, and eye for an eye, and an ‘f’ for a fight” / “well, you got what you want and what you never knew, perfect gift from me to you” / “focus on your ability, then they can’t get what they want to steal”
the aces have an aura of beginning, the spark of an idea, oportunity, birth. however, the magician is the “trigger” of that change, he controls it, activates it. he’s the architect and alchemist that has the ability to make use of each suit as he pleases. with justice, as we see, this power comes with a responsability. you get back what you give. and because the magician is also an illusionist, a liar and a thief, justice needs to be there as a reminder of what happens when you abuse magic. 
ii. twos, high priestess & the hanged man
“you’re a secret, that’s worth keeping, and now i’m keeping my mouth shut” / “well, i’ve been sleeping waiting for something, but to feel nothing at all, avoid the call” / “when i’m alone, there’s a ghost the keeps talking, and i know there’s gotta be more, for sure”
the twos are a symbol of alchemy, and this can be clearly seen in the cups with the caduceus of hermes on the background. the high priestess is the master of occult knowledge, she channels cosmic knowledge through intuition, thus creating a bond, an exchange of energy within her and the universe. the hanged man needs meditation and contemplation in order to decide what’s next, what’s real from what’s an illusion. he urges stillness in order to recover, much like the two of swords.
iii. threes, the empress & death
—fire escape
“my spine is made of iron, my heart pumps out old red paint” / “I see the seasons change, all the young faces come and replace the dying ones” / “i’ve watched the dreamers find their legs, and i’ve seen the ones that come get reduced to bones and rags”
this procesion of cards illustrates the importance of cycles. the threes combine pain, sorrow (swords) with recovery, harmony (cups), planning (pentacles) with action (wands), conveying the message that one simply can’t exist without the other, for the presence of the other is what gives one its importance, its core definition. they’re light and shadow, much like birth (empress) and death. 
iv. fours, the emperor & temperance
—coming of age
“you know i try to live without regrets, i’m always moving forward and not looking back, but i tend to leave a trail of dead while moving ahead” / “just like an animal, i protect my pride, when i’m too bruised to fight, and even when i’m wrong i tend to think i’m right. well, i’m bored of the game, and too tired to rage”
the emperor is the giver of stability, as we can see in four of pentacles and four of wands. he provides a stable foundation to build a home, he’s a father. meanwhile, the four of cups and four of swords portray temperance; they’re about patience, balance, and meditation. the emperor, as a leader, needs to balance the responsability of his power out with temperance, or else he will become a tyrant, ruled by fire.
v. fives, the hierophant & the devil 
—pay the man
“say what you love, it’s alright don’t be afraid to find your light, embrace the day, at night we’re here to fight, we all go wild again” / “climbing up my own tree, hoping it can hold all the things i’ve seen but i’ve chosen to ignore. well, i said, well i believe i’ve been well fed but the wolf’s not dead” / “lift up your name, seasons change, you know that it'll never be the same, we'll see the sun again, and before it fades, i just wanna say that i love you”
this procesion is very deep. it speaks of the spirit on a level that no other procesion of cards does in the entire deck. because the hierophant is combined with the devil, i feel like it unites opposite religious concepts: heaven with hell, purity with dirt, wisdom with madness. this alchemy of the soul is pretty much a product of dionysos, and that’s why he’s often identified with both major arcanas. the fives, now, are the middle point of each suit; they mark a transcendental point in the path of the fool. they speak of poverty, sadness, confusion and conflict. this is the event that leads to the tower; the failure, the longing for illumination, the unmasking of the lies and illusions that have ruled one’s life until now. the unity of darkness and light, the highest power, thrice-born and divine, with the lowest impulses of nature, the satyrs and maenads that lure you into their orgy. the devil here demands to be payed back, he wants retribuition, while the hierophant presents himself as the saviour, the guide, that happens to also be incredibly biased. i think it’s very useful to view this procesion as a representation of dionysos, he who initiates us into the journey of self-discovery through mysteries and shadows. 
vi. sixes, the lovers & the tower 
—the truth
“well i’ve been trying to relearn my name, it feels like a thousand years that i’ve been out of frame and i surrender, the truth is what it’s what i’ve needed from you, cause i’ve been floating within your walls of opinion, and i’m tired. i only want the truth” / “a blinding call to prayer has touched my feet, like the call of the prophets, a purpose is needed before you know that you know, to never wonder what you are, and not forget where you’ve come from” / “is it really love you’ve been speaking of?”
the lovers and the tower have a closer relation than what i thought at first, and the verses of this song really show it. the lovers is, finally, the resolution of the devil and the hierophant: it is the unification of duality, the yin and yang, and its lust is still present in the devil; the impetus and dichotomy of human emotion. but the tower and the hierophant are both events of immense spiritual enlightment. they represent freedom. the sixes are about charity, change, escape, and victory. 
vii. sevens, the chariot & the star 
—doing it for the money
“just close your eyes, we’re gonna run this blind, we live our lives, we’re not wasting time, maybe we lost our minds, we’re gonna get what we can” / “i said it doesn’t matter where i go, i am calling all the poets into battle, i am shouting to the world let them know that we won’t be afraid to step into the fight when we can’t see the light” / “there’s no retreat and no escape if we keep dreaming while we’re wide awake”
dreams, hope, courage and art. this is a creative procesion of cards. after the breakdown of the sixth procesion, the seventh brings bravery forthward. there’s no time to waste and we’re now purified, convinced of our worth and what we need to do in order to achieve what is needed. we’ve accepted the situation, the nature of our uncontrolling emotions and the will of fate. the sevens take action, a bit impulsively, but still they trigger a necessary change after the depression seen with the lovers and the tower. 
viii. eights, strength & the moon
—a beginner’s guide to destroying the moon
“and now i’m staring at the moon wondering why the bottom fell out, been searching for answers and there’s questions i’ve found” / “we’ve been crying for a leader to speak like the old prophets, the blood of the forgotten wasn’t spilled without a purpose, or was it?” / “you’ll never be whole until you lose control, and think freely to smash the wall of apathy, stop your self-importance and lift the weight off somebody else”
there’s a very pretty picture on the eight of cups in the ethereal visions illuminated tarot deck, because the moon is full, shining enormously over a deep blue landscape, and that perfectly illustrates the relation of this card to the major arcana of the moon. this procesion for me is about confidence. change is never easy, even when we’ve finally surrendered to the fate of circumstances, even when we were the ones to trigger it. eight of swords and eight of cups are not easy cards to gaze at, but we must remember that the moon is a mother, it is nurturing, it reminds us of the quality of nature to be cyclical, that things are always moving and flowing, and emotions don’t last forever. it’s also a card of illusions; it yells at us to remove the blindfold from our eyes and rediscover our worth. strength is about taming the beast, keeping on working, effort and struggle. so this tells me; no matter how much it hurts, keep going, be a leader, be the lion, make the blood you shed worth it. 
xix. nines, the hermit & the sun
—pseudologia fantastica
“don’t be afraid of the knife, sometimes you gotta cut the limb to survive” / “you got to love the madness of the feeling, don’t have to rush the freshness of beginning, you got to get back up and face your demons, don’t ever be afraid of starting over”
the nines follow the archetype of the hermit and continue their path through the sun. when we’ve worked hard enough, when we’ve compromised to facing our shadow self, when we’ve retired to truly know ourselves, admiting what we’ve done, what we’re worth, and retreated into silence, then there’s a comeback filled with joy, music, light. the nine of swords is a necessary dark night of the soul leading to a definitive awakening. 
xx. the tens, wheel of fortune & judgement 
“and i wont be afraid, it’s true we’ll never know, when the night will come and take us home, and people change, we fade from youth, and evolve into eternal life” / “wake the sleeping from their dreaming, we all want more, we all want more saints will sing and hearts are beating, saying we all want more, we all want more”
there’s still much to learn in the ten of swords already, but because life is an ouroboros and our purpose is to return to having full control of all the suits and making use of that power faithfully and wisely, it doesn’t matter. in the tens, we admit that we can affect certain situations but there’s always something that escapes our sight; fortune acts alone. wheels turn again, endlessly, for eternity. we want more; the ten of cups portrays a couple with kids new life, new paths, a new story that is, again, yet to be unfold. ten of pentacles passes down its knowledge and experience to the youth; ten of wands continues with its struggle, in the conviction that the nine will come back. ten of swords, however, looks defeated. it ain’t. it’s finally the death of the past self. ten of swords is, actually, the scene of the moment the knight defeated his adversaries. it is a card of victory; but the knight is yet to become a king. 
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touchitbaekhyun · 7 years
Stress Relief  |  Lee Taemin
admin: ari, genre: very slight angst, fluff, smut
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These last few days you've been put through the hell that are exams. Every single class of yours is in exam time and you can't help but feel under great pressure.
Closing the Physics textbook you sigh as you get off the king sized bed and head straight to the kitchen, looking for something to satisfy your hunger. When you reach the kitchen you open the fridge only to find out the ice cream youve been craving for the past hour is gone. 
Looking to your left at the trashcan, your theory proves to be correct as an empty cookies n’ cream container. 
You can't help but feel disappointed seeing as the thing you'd been using as motivation, the same thing you had been wanting to eat after you were done studying, was completely gone.
Seeing as you didn't have any other choice, you decided on getting a bag of chips and stroll towards the living room, to turn on the tv and begin watching a romantic comedy that was on screen.
You slowly start getting into the movie and time passes rapidly by. Next thing you know, the movie is ending and you begin to feel anxious for your upcoming tests, anxious for your future.
These tests can and will decide your future and will practically shape your life. 
This is it. 
If you pass these, you will be able to pass onto the next year of your studies and will sooner have a degree to start your career.
To begin the life you've always dreamed of, to be able to wake up everyday and go to work with a smile on your face knowing you're doing what you love and knowing that you’re making a difference in the world.
Its you're life dream ever since you were a small kid and honestly you can't imagine yourself doing anything but that.
You need this.
You feel small tender hands faintly covering your eyes in a playful manner
“Guess who came early today baby”
You slowly shift to the side to see your boyfriend standing up behind the couch inclined forward and staring back at you with loving eyes. You reach upwards to give him a quick peck on the lips and pat the space next to you.
He goes around the sofa and lays down swiftly on your lap looking back up at you
“You look upset love, is something wrong?”
“Im just worried”
“Worried? About what baby?”
“Taemin, if I don't pass these exams, its over. What I've planned for so long, it'll take longer to reach and maybe I wont even get to reach it. I want to have a prosperous career. I want to be able to have a family with you, and be able to uphold it with my job. I know you're always giving into my every whim and buying me things, and whatnot but I want to make money for myself. If I don't get this, I wont get there.”
Taemin sits up straight and looks at you whilst holding your hand delicately.
“Y/n, I understand, believe me I do. I just feel like you shouldn't beat yourself so hard over this. You're too stressed baby”
He grabs your chin and pulls you in for a deep kiss, in that moment its almost as if all your worries and doubts fly out the window as you grab him behind his neck and pull him in closer.
You find him softly biting your bottom lip, as you open your mouth in return and you both tangle each others tongues together to make the kiss even more sensual.
He smiles against your lips as he carries you and takes you over to your shared bedroom. Going through the already opened door, he gingerly pushed the bedroom door close with his foot once inside, as he pulls you against the wall and begins to remove your shirt and jeans.
“I’ll help you baby, I’ll make sure you relieve some stress”
He kisses you softly, unlike other times when he's full of lust and rough, this time around his kisses are filled with love and passion, they're soft and full of love.
You break the kiss apart to get some air and begin undoing his shirts buttons.
“I love you baby, and I hate seeing you all tense like that”
He says as he looks into your eyes and carries you to the large sized bed in the middle of the room. 
He hovers over you and begins kissing your neck, making sure to leave behind a small trail of love bites.
He slowly makes his way down until he reaches your chest and begins kissing your breasts over the bra slowly.
He lifts you up and swiftly unclips the bra from behind, leaving your chest bare. Delicately, he places his lips over your left bud and begins kissing it, while his hands occupy themselves and reach over to your other breast to begin caressing it.
You cant help the soft moans that escape your lips in utter bliss as he smirks, never once breaking eye contact with you. 
You suddenly start to feel yourself becoming more wet by the second, and the bulge in his pants resting on your hip definitely isn't helping the situation at all right now.
“Taemin I need you. Now.” you breathe out, as you start feeling frustrated with the need your feeling in this moment
“I know baby, let me take care of you”
Before you know it, he quickly removes your panties and his underwear in one rapid motion, and hooks your legs around his waist as he stills himself just outside your entrance
You nod at him, letting him know your ready as you slowly lift yourself up and give him a soft kiss
He slowly starts to go inside you as you groan, not fully accustomed to his size.
He leans down and begins kissing you as you let him know you’re ready and he begins to gently thrust into you.
“I love you so much baby” he whispers onto your lips
you kiss his lips needily, desperation evident in your kiss, as he begins to thrust at a faster speed, while whispering sweet things into your ear
“You mean the entire world to me Y/N, and I don't want you to be so stressed baby.”
Hearing his sweet words made you almost melt, honestly after all this you can't help but think about how lucky you are to have been awarded with someone like taemin.
You start feeling ever more on edge as you begin to thrust upwards, already feeling a coil building up in your lower stomach, as you know you're reaching you're high. 
Noticing this, Taemin thrusts in a slow and gentle manner but with the precise depth, hitting your g spot almost instantly.
You moan out as soon as you feel the wave of pleasure nearing you, and you're not sure if you can hold it out much longer.
“Taemin.... Im-”
“I know baby, me too. Just- let it go” he says as he softly moans into your ear
The sound alone of his low guttural moan is enough to make you reach your desired release, the bliss indescribable as you moan out your lovers name. And his own climax, following behind suit after hearing his name escaping your lips.
Taemin guides you through your orgasm, thrusting into you slowly, as you both kiss each other passionately and look into each others eyes, with immense adoration visible.
He slowly pulls out of you and kisses your forehead as he lays down beside you
You slowly grab the silk blanket by your feet and cover both of you up, as you place your head against his shoulder and kiss his collarbones softly
“I love you so much Taemin”
“I love you too baby, don't ever so anxious about something like that sweetheart, I promise youll do amazing, and you'll pass those tests without a worry in the world, you'll see how easy they are for you”
He softly kisses you ontop of your head as you feel yourself unconsciously smile at yourself from his sweet words
“Tell you what, If it still worries you, I’ll even help you study for all of the exams tomorrow. Does that sound okay?”
You nod your head eagerly, already imaging how fun it'll be to study together, and how helpful it'll turn out for you in the long run, seeing as he has been through similar exams before.
“That sounds wonderful babe”
You say as you kiss his cheek and lay down once again against his chest while he daintily runs his fingers through your hair, making you feel slightly sleepy as you close your eyes
“Oh Y/N, I didn't get the chance to tell you, I may have eaten your ice cream overnight.”
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