#maybe some more fanart and then i crash
tues-dayy · 6 months
Captain's log, in the dust!
A silly little Star Trek inspired compilation of all the Captain's logs in Space Rocks! (One of them is significantly shortened, because technically the whole of my moon and my stars is just one whole log and that's... a lot)
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bunnieswithknives · 2 days
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How much can you fit under your skin?
For @warning-heckboop's AU :3
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
Silly Bandicoot Doodle Batch !!!
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(Turns out i can draw the bandicoots in the same exact artstyle as in the "It's about time" game... Well, except for Aku Aku, kind of.... idk.)
(OK thats all the fanart i can make. time to work more on my webcomic until its time to draw more fanart!!)
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@dayglomasochism, just for you 🎁 thanks for the request!! Some apologies as this is the first time I've ever drawn Charlie and I didn't use much reference here, but here we are, I didn’t forget, huzzah (finally on my one day free, after only two computer crashes making me lose progress 😭). Hope you like it! :D
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freesia-writes · 3 months
Ch 13: The Gift
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~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter ~ WC: 3.8k ~ Featuring fanart by @the-little-moment!!
First of all... set the ambiance... ;)
Hunter reigned the fathier to a halt with a gentle pressure on its neck, leaning back into Lyra as the animal's cloven hooves dug into the soft earth. The air was piercingly cold in their noses and lungs, but as he slowly turned in his seat, the discomfort faded into the background, quickly replaced by the awe of the sight that lay before them. Hundreds of small, glowing lanterns were floating into the sky; they were crafted from flat, broad leaves carefully woven together to allow the light to shine through. Lyra was motionless as well, maintaining her hug against his back as she stared, enamored. 
Three huge moons hung low in the sky, each one evenly-spaced and luminous in different shades of purple and blue. They provided a backdrop of cool tones that contrasted beautifully with the warm glow of the orbs drifting up toward them. The wind picked up a bit, making the lights dance in the sky and sending a shiver down Lyra’s spine. Hunter turned to slide off the fathier, landing nimbly and reaching a hand up to her as she jumped down next to him. 
“The observatory can block some of the wind,” he suggested, leading the way to the large cylindrical building. She followed, wrapping her jacket tightly around herself as they took shelter against the wall to watch the lights in their graceful flurry. Hunter stood with his arms folded, slightly behind her and to the side, the colorful scene playing out across the horizon beyond Lyra’s brown hair that ruffled occasionally in the breeze. His heart rate was picking up again as he moved a fraction of inch closer to her, and he clenched his fingers into fists beneath his crossed arms. 
“Isn’t it stunning?” Lyra whispered, glancing over her shoulder at him. She was surprised to see an odd expression on his face, brow furrowed and jaw set. “No?” she asked, a wave of anxiety crashing over her as she began the mental search for possible reasons for his seemingly unhappy appearance.
“No, sorry,” he said, face breaking into a warmer, more neutral expression. “I… uh… Yeah, no, it’s great.”
“It’s okay if it’s not,” she said with a self-conscious chuckle, turning back to face the horizon. “Sorry if I kept you away from bed for this.”
“No, really,” he insisted, again moving a hair’s width closer. “I was thinking about something else. This is way better than being down there. Maybe even better than bed. Heh.”
She sighed, shoulders rising and falling as she tipped her head slightly to the side. The ocean stretched out into oblivion, its surface shimmering with distorted reflections of the three moons and all of the lanterns above as they grew smaller and smaller, eventually burning out into biodegradable little puffs of ash and leaves. Part of the sea, off to their left, caught her eye – she’d initially thought it was light from one of the moons, but it had a distinctly different glow, a bright blue-green. She squinted, trying to make it out more clearly, and was perplexed by its appearance as it slowly formed three solid lines that all squiggled toward one single point on the shore. 
“Hey,” she said softly, turning back to Hunter, who jumped as though jolted out of a dream. “Look… Look at that.” She pointed, thoroughly confused. She’d heard of bioluminescence, but usually it was in horizontal lines that paralleled the shore, cresting on the waves in matching shapes and angles. This, however, was unlike anything she’d ever seen. Hunter followed her point, stepping forward to stand beside her, shoulder to shoulder. The wind caught his hair, blowing it in his face as he studied the phenomenon, and her eyes roved over his face with a lingering warmth before she jerked them quickly back to the sea. 
“Each line looks like it’s coming from one of the moons,” he murmured, his voice as smooth as the serpentine lines in the ocean below. 
“But what are they all leading to?”
“It’s down to the East a little bit… Might be that steep part of the island where we walked by that river?”
“So they’re pointing at the river?” she mused, shivering again. The fathier snorted, having taken to unbothered grazing nearby. Lyra looked at the animal, ideas formulating in her head, then glanced at Hunter, trying to gauge his own interest and willingness. “Want to check it out?”
His eyes met hers, warmed by the unguarded curiosity and earnestness in them, and he nodded with a small smile.
It was a long ride to the coast, passing homes and ranches as they skimmed along the outside of the town, along the edge of The Forest, until they eventually turned East into the trees, following familiar paths from their many walks and explorations. When they finally drew to a halt near the edge of a steep dropoff, the entire coastline visible below, Hunter was surprised to recognize the glowing lines’ point of convergence.
“Wait, that’s the cave we found…” Lyra realized aloud, peeking over his shoulder from her seat behind him. 
Humming his agreement, Hunter nudged the fathier onward, carefully picking a path down the steep terrain. The animal was far more sure-footed than either of them would have been, and they held tightly to it and to each other as it took jolted steps and small leaps down to the beach below. With one final thump that almost threw them both off, it jumped onto the sand, swishing its tail in seeming satisfaction of a job well done as Lyra freed it of her rope.
They were at the mouth of the cave a moment later, Hunter fetching his trusty little light immediately as they ventured in. Lyra pulled a headlamp out of her own purse, and at the sight of another beam of light, Hunter looked back at her, being immediately blinded as she turned toward him. 
“Oh geez, sorry!” she exclaimed, tilting the beam downward as he squinted. 
“Don’t worry, I didn’t need to see anything anyway…” he said amicably, rubbing his eyes and blinking to clear them. 
“We’re going back in, aren’t we…” she muttered, her intrigue now threatened by trepidation. 
“We don’t have to,” he offered, pulling a long vibro-blade from a forearm sheath hidden beneath his rugged jacket. The yellow lines glinted in the light, contrasting starkly with the ethereal blue-green glow that filled the mouth of the cave. “But I think we’ll be alright,” he said, sensing a sudden wave of emotion emanating from her. 
“Okay,” she whispered, eyes large as they flitted from his hands to his face, a flicker of admiration quickly concealed.
They made their way in; nothing appeared to have changed since their visit. The embers of their small fire were undisturbed, and as they walked slowly through the twists and turns, they came to the place where the walls had narrowed on them from every direction. Hunter stopped suddenly, shining his light ahead, and Lyra ran straight into his back, having been watching only her feet to avoid stumbling again. Gasping an apology, she regained her composure and followed his gaze, mouth falling open. 
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The cave was completely open ahead of them where before it had been only a wall, and some indecipherable runes were now visible across the top of the passage. It was grown over by vines and greenery, and there was a gentle breeze and glow coming from deep within. Hunter held a hand up, signaling for stillness, and she remained unmoving as he closed his eyes for a moment, listening closely and tuning in to every sensation around him. There wasn’t anything of note other than a mystifying sense of vibrance, and he nodded to Lyra to continue onward. 
They ducked beneath the low ceiling, emerging on the other side and pausing in awe and wonder. Misty beams of light pierced the darkness from far above, illuminating a hallway that stretched so high above them that it didn’t seem to have an end. The sheer rock walls on either side were adorned with huge stone formations in the shapes of two hands cupped together, as though they were patiently waiting to receive something from above. The path shaped into steps that descended further into the depths and upward into darkness.
“What…” Lyra whispered, and now it was she who drew closer behind him, her rapid pulse a rhythm in his ears. “What is this?”
“No idea,” Hunter murmured, venturing forward on high alert. His eyes scanned each side of the wall as they progressed, having had more than his share of surprises in places such as this. He couldn’t explain it, but everything felt more benevolent than intimidating; regardless, it wasn’t a time to let down his guard. They passed through the darkness, aided by their little lights, until it opened up into a massive cavern that was again punctuated with beams of moonlight from above. Each opening was too small to garner any notice from the surface, but the gaps peppered the labyrinth below with enough of an ethereal glow to allow them to see what looked like the ruins of some sort of temple. Pillars and crossbeams stood upright and lay on their sides, all overgrown with lush greenery. There were puddles and small creeks where water dripped from above and made its way to the lowest points of the cave. 
“I feel like we’re not supposed to be here,” Lyra said quietly. Her words were immediately met with a slight rumble that shook the ground and filled the air with sparkling swirls of dust, sending her to grab Hunter’s arm with both hands. His chest swelled a little in response, but before he could dwell on it any further, he saw that the tiny quake had illuminated additional patches of light above. They revealed a large stone staircase that led to the highest point in the expansive grotto, where the largest beam of light shone steadily on the rock platform below.
“Well, let’s see if we can get out that way…” Hunter offered, squeezing her arms against his side reassuringly, his own fortitude solidified by the protective feelings within. She let go slowly, following behind him as they picked a careful path through the ruins, inching along beneath the stately pillars and through mossy vines. They tucked their lights back into their packs, soaking up the otherworldly glow that surrounded them. When they reached the bottom of the staircase, there was another little shudder from the ground, and Lyra took a few steps back. 
“This really doesn’t seem like a good idea,” she quavered, bashfully revealing her fearful expression to him as he met her gaze. But Hunter was compelled to continue by some unseen force, whether purpose or curiosity, and he reached for her hand, emboldened by their physical touches throughout the night. Again, waves of tingles went from his head to his toes as her face softened slightly, and she was unable to hide her shiver in response when his warm, broad palm wrapped around hers. 
“Trust me?” he asked, feeling a sudden depth to the words as her eyes lifted back from their hands to his face. 
“I’m not so good with trust,” she admitted, but after a breath, she shook it off and gave him a more resolute nod. “But we’ve gotta get out of here somehow, and you don’t seem keen on turning around.” A smile touched her words now, having seen bits of his own stubbornness and confidence on their walks together. 
“I will if we have to.”
“Alright, deal.”
Step after step brought them higher and higher, the wet floors of the cave growing smaller beneath them as they skipped stairs that were crumbled or covered with lush green moss. Slowly but surely, they made their way to the top, stopping on a round flat area with rubble and stones scattered around the edges. The light from above was faint and gentle, revealing one of the three moons that shone down on them from a perfect fit in a hole in the ground above. Hunter let go of Lyra’s hand and wandered around the platform, far closer to the edge than she’d prefer to venture as he searched above and below for anything of significance.
“Look at this,” Lyra called, bending over something in the very center of the clearing. As he drew near, he saw that the beam of light from the moon fit neatly within an intricate pattern of runes that formed a circle on the ground. Squatting beside it, he studied the image, where concentric circles of some indiscernible language spiraled in a mesmerizing pattern, overlapping and weaving together beneath the blue light of the moon above. 
“You don’t have a datapad in that purse, do you?” he asked, looking up at Lyra, who shook her head sheepishly. He looked back down thoughtfully, reaching a hand out and brushing away some of the rocks and dirt that had gathered over part of it to reveal the full image. “Where are Tech and Phee when you need–”
The ground shook, small stones falling from the ceiling and sides of the cave, and the rumbling grew louder until it was almost deafening in volume. Hunter sprang back to his feet, holding one arm out in front of Lyra, who was gripping the strap of her purse with white knuckles. He focused on the circle, which had begun to glow, each rune shining brighter with each passing second, and pulled his vibro-blade out from the strap on his arm where he’d sheathed it earlier. The shaking increased, both of them unsure on their feet as pieces of the cavern fell around them. A particularly large chunk of stone fell from the side, cracking the middle of the staircase and demolishing the majority of the structure, leaving it impossible to traverse back down. 
“No!” Lyra gasped, pulling at his sleeve and pointing to the sheer dropoff where the stairs had been. But he was fixated on the glowing runes, which seemed to be the source of the rumbling. The floor cracked suddenly, dust and rocks falling to the sides as the circular pattern began to twist, rising from the ground slowly of its own accord; Lyra would have been in a complete panic if not for the mesmerizing distraction.
As the pillar continued, spiraling dramatically until it reached above their heads, a lustrous white glow became visible from its center, and as it came to a grinding halt, they saw that the light was coming from a square compartment in the column. It was too bright to make out what was within, but it radiated an almost magnetic sensation, and Hunter slipped his knife back into its sheath, taking a step toward it. 
“You’re not… Be careful…” Lyra urged. “I’m sorry, I know you’re amazing and strong and whatnot… it’s just… This is insane.”
“Amazing and strong, eh?” he echoed, glancing back at her with a roguish grin that left no doubt in her mind that he would come back to that comment later. Turning back to the stone pillar, he tilted his head, squinting at the glowing center. The rumbling had slowed, leaving nothing but faint echoes in the cavernous space, and suddenly the brilliant white orb released itself from the compartment, floating out into the air before them. 
“What the kriff…” Lyra was far beyond her comfort zone for mystery and shenanigans, and her fear for his safety was apparent, hinting at a deeper sense of the care she harbored toward him. 
Inexplicably, Hunter opened his hands, holding them next to each other in a way that mimicked the stone formations in the hallway they’d passed. The ball of light drifted gracefully toward him, lowering into his palms with the precious fragility of a baby bird before gently fading to reveal a delicate blossom, void of any stem or leaves. It was slightly translucent, the leaves blending into a creamy opaque white at the tips. Everything was silent – no further rumbling, no ominous rolling of rocks from ceiling to floor – and Hunter leaned closer to inspect the bloom, noting some faint ridges along the edge of each petal. He turned toward Lyra, holding it out for her to see with a noncommittal shrug as she leaned in to take a look.
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Fanart by @the-little-moment - go show it love HERE!
“Let’s just hope it doesn’t explode,” he remarked, chuckling as she jerked back in fear.
“You can’t do that to me,” she said, a single exhale releasing some of her tension. “It’s gorgeous though,” she marveled, holding her hands up on either side of her head when he offered to give it to her. “That one’s all yours. At least until it explodes.” With a grin, Hunter pulled his arm back, moving the flower gently from side to side in his palm. 
“Fair enough,” he said, returning to the pillar and circling it with an intent expression on his face. “I think we have our way out of here, too.” He nodded at it, running his free hand along the edges of the various knobs that jutted out all around it, then lifted his head to the sky, where the top of the pillar had stopped just below the hole in the ceiling above. “I’m gonna need two hands though…”
“Oh, wait a minute,” Lyra realized, rummaging in her purse for a moment before producing a small rectangular case. She opened it, revealing a pair of rather large glasses that she quickly put on, then held the box out to him. The flower fit perfectly in it, and he snapped it shut before handing it back to her. She tucked it into her bag and returned it to her back, pausing as she noticed a funny look as he regarded her now-bespectacled face. It was gone as quickly as it came, leaving her wondering if she’d seen it at all, and they were on to the next thing before it could be pursued.
“There are enough hand and foot holds here for us to climb up to the top, but we’ll have to go one at a time,” Hunter explained, squinting at the opening above, where the moon had shifted slightly off-center already. “I’ll go first and check it out, then I can come back down and help you if you need it,” he said steadily, offering a calm presence in the face of her worry. She nodded wordlessly, again holding tightly onto the strap of her bag. “Actually,” he continued, “Why don’t you give me one of your ropes?”
“Oh, good idea!” she exclaimed, producing both of them from her purse immediately. She tied them together to create a single, long stretch of rope. Hunter looped one end through his belt and fastened it securely, then began climbing. He made it look easy, moving around the pillar as he made his way up, and was soon on the flat surface on the top.
Rising to his feet, he stretched up to the opening, his hands barely able to reach the edge, and felt around for a secure grasp on something. The space was full of thick roots that came through the earth and around the edges, and with a few sharp tugs to ensure their strength, he pulled himself up with his upper body alone, squirming onto his stomach on the ground above. The light from the three moons was bright compared to the cave, and he paused to scan the area for any movement or threats. It looked like any other part of The Forest, oddly serene and normal after the unusual events they’d just endured, and he turned back to Lyra, satisfied.
“Ready for the rope?” 
“So ready.”
He chuckled at her insincere bravado as an overcorrection to her crippling anxiety as he secured the rope around a nearby tree, running it through his fingers as he tossed it down to her. It was plenty long, first landing on the top of the platform before he gave it a few calculated jerks that brought it down to her. She tied it around her waist and, with a feeble thumbs-up, began to climb. Hunter kept a firm tension on it, allowing her to feel supported as he helped to pull her up. When she reached the top of the platform, she looked up at him with utter shock on her face, as though she couldn’t believe she’d done it. 
“I can’t reach…” she admitted, wobbling around on her tiptoes as she tried to grab a root. But Hunter was ready, having looped the excess rope around his own waist to brace himself with the tree trunk, and he crouched at the opening, leaning down to give her a hand. 
“I’ve got you,” he offered, but she balked at the idea.
“I’m too heavy,” she protested, despite having just marveled at his effortless pull-up and wildly attractive agility.
“Okay, then jump,” he teased, feeling much lighter now that they were out of that whole situation. 
“Hunter,” she laughed nervously, looking around for any other option. But there was none, and she fixed her eyes on his outstretched hand with intense focus, as though willing herself to be lighter. When her fingers wrapped around his forearm, his own grasping her wrist tightly, she was shocked at the seeming ease with which he pulled on the root behind him with his other hand, leaning back and leveraging his weight to pull her up so quickly that she landed on his bottom half. Her head and arms came to a rest dangerously close to his crotch, and she scrambled to get up, making it worse as he also tried to get out of her way, and she was fairly certain that her elbow had grazed something it shouldn’t. 
A moment later found the two of them on their feet, brushing off their clothes and somewhat recovering from the inexplicable chaos of all that had just ensued. As Hunter freed the rope and wrapped it neatly, Lyra glanced at her wrist chrono, jaw falling slightly as she saw the time. 
“It’s almost three in the morning,” she groaned, rubbing her forehead with exasperated disbelief. “I think your initial idea of going to bed may have been a wiser choice.” Hunter chuckled, orienting himself on the island to head toward town. 
“Yeah, but then we wouldn’t have gotten the mystical flower in the temple of magic or whatever that all was.”
“I’m going to be insanely curious about that… in the morning,” Lyra admitted, falling into step behind him as he picked a path through the dense forest. Her eyes lingered on his broad shoulders, marveling at the ease and confidence with which he carried himself, and she shook her head, returning her gaze to the ground. Things had changed quite a lot in the last few months. And it would seem they were far from finished.
Previous Chapter ~ Master List ~ Next Chapter
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
What do you use to draw with? Like what device and drawing app? I finally graduated high school and want to get back to drawing and maybe start posting it but I wanted some advice
I'm just gonna go and give you my full setup (plus health advices coz trust me they're important).
These days I use an IPad Pro 11" and Procreate. My friend has the bigger version but I hurt my elbow using it because it made my moves too big, so I settled for the littler version. I suggest you chose based on your feelings for that. If you want a bigger screen to see more of your work, it's perfectly valid.
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If you do take those two, I suggest you also take the ICloud save. (I have the 200Go save and that's only 3€ a month, but the 50Go save in free!) Should your IPad eventually break, you'll be able to retrieve ALL your art files from the Cloud, which is a huge lifesaver!
(I used to use a simple computer plus graphic tablet plus Adobe Photoshop, but it kept crashing so much that I had one too many rage quits. Plus it's super expensive since it's subscription based, and nowadays they take your art from the Adobe Cloud to feed their AI, so I can't really recommend that. Photoshop is an excellent tool but the direction Adobe is taking does NOT suit me.)
For brushes I just use the default Procreate Pencil. For the eraser I use Syrup, which is found in the default Inking Brush set.
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My base canvases are 4000x4000px with a DPI of 300 (I suggest you improve the DPI if you do illustrations or really precise work. I only do little fanarts and comics with that DPI). For posting online please be careful to chose an RGB color profile (I use the default Display D3). If you ever want to print though, you should chose a CMYK color profile (I use the Generic CMYK Profile then).
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Now back to the real world! I'm going to strongly suggest you make sure your paper/computer/screen is at least at an angle, at best right in front of your face. The least pressure you have to put on your neck (bending), the better it will be. If you do traditional art, I'll suggest actual art tables that you can adjust in size and angle. Here's mine.
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To prevent any pain in my thumb I use one of those hold-helpers thingies kids use to hold their pens properly! It increases the size of the grip which prevents from holding the pen too tight (trust me, it's important). You can also find special tape to roll around your pen if you need an even bigger grip.
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I wish I had a proper desk and chair because that will also be very important for your posture and health, but rn I'm not in my own flat so eh. What I'll encourage you to do instead are stretches and exercises BEFORE and AFTER an art session. Fingers, wrist, elbow, shoulder, back, neck. If you want to avoid medical costs (masseur, kine, osteopath) you need to take great care of your body. You can also find little self-massaging gadgets in sports shops to help with your muscles.
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(Talking from experience there. I'm only 25 and I already had to undergo surgery on my writing wrist because I f*ed up. Your health is important!)
I'm aware most of those are extremely expensive to get (it took me half a year of intense working and savings just to get the IPad) but I've found that they were 100% worth it in the end. It's alright to get things little by little if you feel they are going to be important for you. I strongly suggest you invest in your health first though!
Once you have decided on your preferred setup, I guess the only thing left to do is train, experiment and have fun!
I think that's all? If you need more advices on setups or art or whatever, I'd be happy to help, my DMs are always open!
Also congrats on graduating highschool!
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spiderpussinc · 1 year
You know your post about divorced Peter got me thinking. A lot. Then I realized that I, in fact, never thought about this much because from the beginning I just stay in my lane rather than judging people for divorcing Peter again. I think I am really too old to care that much about what people write especially if it end up limiting other out of moral obligation.
Basically it's dumb and you're right
Ur the most normal for this. Its incredibly fucking silly discourse to me bc Peter Parker *has* been divorced for pretty much two decades now. (Not even just divorced - the marriage was ERASED out of canon. they are just ex bf/gf.) MJ has her own share of past and present different partners! There are multiple universes where she is either *canonically* a lesbian, or implied to be coming to terms with it. Peter had countless girlfriends/hookups in the meantime! I think what gets me the most is how confidently wrong a lot of these assumptions are; I keep seeing this weird "one-and-only, first and last, soulmates.." thing applied to Peter and MJ and its like...
1. Peter dated multiple people before her AND after her; Gwen wasn't the first either, but for a long time, Gwen *WAS* the biggest regret of his life and they were meant to get married. Gwen was the one based on stan lee's wife, the closest thing to a planned soulmate; and she dies bc it's not meant to be. Not ever. There is no predetermined true spider-man love interest, you're just talking about some of the adaptations you've seen. This is one of the most debated superhero writing convos of all time LOL even Marvel editorial internally disagrees on this - everyone has their favorite. That's the point!
2. Divorce is based and awesome and maybe I'm just getting old but when a marriage doesn't work **having a child** certainly isn't the thing that's going to save it. I know how that one goes! Be prepared to crash even harder once the baby glow passes and the complex shit kicks right back in! To be honest it'd be even more realistic if it crashed again post-mayday, or if MJ divorced him bc she was already pregnant and wanted to do something better with her life instead of playing second fiddle to spider-man forever or being in peril to motivate his character arc.
But the thing that does annoy me is how entitled some ppl have become. Siding with actual homophobic redditors and posting up under gay fanart with the most annoying 'umm. hes married? the sanctity of marriage???' comments. who fuckin care. It's comics. It's all fanfic. Even the published stuff. Stream:
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princess-leaorgana · 2 months
Please Come Back
Little Rolan x AFAB Tav based on this fanart made by la_bordeliere
Never had Rolan moved so quickly in his life. He had been through a lot in the past few years, surely, but blind instinct had the tiefling running from the comforts and safety of his wizard’s tower to the docks of the Chianthor. The Netherbrain had fallen, the illithid monstrosity had fallen from its place above High Hall, crashed into the sea, and in a terrifying explosion, was lost. Gone in an instant. But what of those on top of that monstrosity? All of those people fighting for the safety of Faerun? Plenty of people had died in the streets, Rolan was sure some of his cannon fire had harmed innocents, that was the horrible price of war. So why did Rolan care so much about those on top of the aberration? He didn’t, not really. He only cared about one of them. The one who was responsible for his life, his fortune, his family’s safety, his new home. Surely. Surely she was not dead. A ranger, like his brother, a ranger who took charge, no matter how many times it had pissed him off. But Rolan had been stubborn, impatient, and most importantly, wrong. Allowing the ranger to push him time and time again, allowing his sturdy walls to be crushed, it led Rolan to one conclusion. He loved the ranger. The last time he saw her was just at the entrance of High Hall, and he replayed the moment in his head for the past hours since it happened, regretting he did not say more to her.
‘Well, make sure you hit the illithids, everyone else should be left unsigned, if possible,’ she said and Rolan grinned.
‘As if I need any instruction,’ Rolan responded playfully with a smile, adrenaline pumping through his veins. She was really going to climb up that damned thing. ‘You should take your own advice,’ he added and she laughed. She nodded and began to walk away, but Rolan caught her arm. She looked up at him, a little bewildered, but was always ready to hear him speak. ‘Come…please come back,’ he said softly and she stared into his golden eyes. ‘Please.’ He felt her take his hand and squeeze it.
‘I will,’ she said just as softly and Rolan felt his heart fall. She couldn’t promise that. He swallowed hard and nodded, letting her go. She walked away and without another word to anyone, Rolan fled back to his tower, awaiting her signal. 
The Chianthor was alive with debris from ships destroyed in the crash, people were swimming up to shore, though plenty of lives were lost. Rolan’s chest felt tight as his eyes searched the water for a sigh of her, of any of that group of misfits. The large tiefling, Karlach, surely would be visible, the woman was on fire. The githyanki? Maybe Gale cast a protection spell, making the weave visible along the water’s surface. He saw nothing, he was paralyzed. No, she couldn’t be gone, not now, not after everything they had survived thus far. Mindlfayers were dead in the streets, maybe that was her fate too, having that damned tadpole. His eyes searched the water and docks frantically for any sign of her. And then his heart stopped.
Her voice, he was hallucinating, surely. His tail whipped furiously behind him and he slowly turned to the sound of her voice. At the speed of light, she was running at him. She was alive. She was drenched and bloody and bruised but she was alive. She was moving so quickly, her boots pounding on the wood of the docks. Rolan barely had time to process his relief before she lunged at him. Hard. He had barely turned around fast enough to catch her, her lips crashing against his. The force of her running jump wasn’t too strong for him to catch her, he caught her. He held her tight, she was drenched. Now he was. He had longed to kiss her for months now, aching every single night he spent at the Last Light Inn. Practically falling over himself when she helped set him free from Lorroakan. And she just did it. How could she be so bold? He was grateful for it. Her arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tight and he was so glad. 
‘Are you alright?’ She asked and Rolan couldn’t remember how to breathe. He looked down at her and nodded.
‘I love you,’ he whispered and she laughed lightly.
‘I know, I love you too.’
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likesdoodling · 9 months
It has been a while since I started digital art,
Quite a while.
So here is a 'progress over the last two years' since I gained access to a drawing tablet.
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This is my first ever digitally illustrated piece- compared to my latest one-
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So, a little bit different.
I do think my art took quite a jump around June 2022, when I took a break from my Steve comic strip, (for obvious reasons- it was about Technoblade's polar bear so...) and decided to try practicing gesture drawing to see if it helped my general anatomy knowledge. This is before,
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And this next one is after.
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The most obvious change here is that I switched to using thinner lines. There is a gap of about two months between these.
This was when I realised that you could improve art by practicing it (mind-blowing I know), and then started to do just that. Some other notable jumps forward would be when I discovered the airbrush-
Well, discovered a new method of shading with it anyway.
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Then after that I had a few pictures that I actually still like, despite them being pretty old at this point, the one below is actually from September of 2022-
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I mean, the hands are a bit iffy, but the rest looks alright. This was when I was going through a bit of a melanie martinez phase-
This next one was from January of 2023, I'd only just gotten into bungou stray dogs via some random memes on pinterest about this weird brown haired guy who had lots of bandages and who had this running gag with wanting to die- I actually looked him up at one point, but that didn't really explain much. The main one that I remember was 'life is short, so make it shorter, shorter than chuuya~'
Which at the time was just kind of confusing,
Then I watched the show and it made perfect sense.
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I'd discovered ascendance of a bookworm in like, 2021, but I hadn't really been doing fanart of it since I was mainly doing dsmp related stuff and I kind of assumed nobody would know what on earth I was referencing. Turns out tumblr has a lot more bookworm fans than I orignally anticipated. Instagram still has no clue. I think maybe one person out of my followers on instagram knows what I'm on about-
Then we've got these two which I am still proud of btw-
The first one is from a dystopian/time travel fanfic called viridian.
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The second one was after I learned about rim lighting. It was inspired by a song actually, 'crash' by noevaii. (and yes I found that song from a sad-ist animatic, it was cool) The character isn't anyone in particular. They're both from February 2023.
Then there's probably my most liked picture on instagram, (not tumblr, since tumblr knows about bsd and bookworm, but y'know. This was even sadder than I originally intended since the last half of my comic strip was finished AFTER everything happened)
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Then the final conclusion of my Steve comic strip in May of 2023.
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I don't think my art really changed much in between those, but eh.
Then I switched to doing a bunch of ascendance of a bookworm stuff to see what would happen and turns out there are way more fellow fans out there than I anticipated-
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Then I guess my next breakthrough in tumblr popularity, (even if it might not have been a breakthrough in art skills necessarily) was when things went DOWN in the bsd fandom with chapter 109 and I did probably one of my most liked tumblr posts I have ever done-
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If you want to see the rest of that, feel free to scroll down on my tumblr page, the original's like eight pages long-
This was before anyone knew what was going to happen btw.
I still think it's hilarious that I put in chuuya having contacts. My reasoning being, they're on a film set,
It was a pretty interesting exercise in shading in monochrome.
Then I started a 30 day art challenge in October that I didn't get past day six of, but it was still pretty fun. This is the best one of those-
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After that I spent most of my time studying for the jlpt n5, so I didn't really do that much art related stuff,
This is one of the two non-commission related pictures that I finished over the two months after I kind of gave up on the art challenge. This one's from November,
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Then I finally finished an art commission I'd been working on for the three months prior, as well as studying. Here is an example of the type of pictures I was doing for that,
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Then I was occupied with christmas and birthday presents for my siblings, both my little sisters are into ascendance of a bookworm- (completely my fault I am proud to say) so I was able to do stuff related to that, here's a couple of snippets, but you guys don't get the colour version hehe
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And one of them has also read the entire fma manga just like I have so-
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Anyway, it's been quite a progression since I resolved to master digital art in 2021.
I reckon I've come a fair way since then. I mean. My art skills in general are way better than they used to be. The last two or three years have been pretty interesting.
Just had to include this one, I'm gonna do a more detailed version but still-
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I think it's funny so I'm posting it here. Even if it's not really related to art progression-
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polutek · 2 months
Done 20 attacks
Ended with more than 50% ratio or whatever its called
Im awsome
But yeah since artfight is over. But i still feel motivation to draw, to practice a bit, even IF MY PHONE FUCKING CRASHES WVERY TEN MINUTES i just might take some doodles requests. Also planning to maybe work on some fanarts >:)) especially tma... And pll memes.... And i feel like finally making digital version of Stalker Cat
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raisinushigher · 1 year
hi im just gonna put my thoughts on every clone high ship i can think of here
jfgogh - i think its cute. i can definitely see jfk like uplifting gogh and him falling in love over like the most basic display of kindness and jfk just being like “haha woah there guy i didnt mean it like that” but then he realises he Does
gogh x gandhi - LOTS of mixed feelings on this one but it is pretty interesting truth be told. like, the way gogh didnt just sit back and take what gandhi did to him and instead retaliated, i like that, i like the thought of two tiny guys having the most unnecessarily intense rivalry ever, but i know that isn’t really the way the ship is portrayed often rather than wholesome stuff . you interpret ships however you want though
gfk i think is the name for it - im so sorry as a gandhabe connoisseur i know how annoying it is when people say this about a ship that absolutely entraps you but i think jfk and gandhi are more accurate together as just silly friends who see eachother like once a month. jfk casually brings up a girl hes dating (or rather just having sex with frequently) and gandhi is like wait what happened to the other one? like hes very out of the loop but he listens and they both hype eachother up a lot
ceasgogh, gogh x christo, ceaser x christo, whether it’s any of those seperately or polyamory - i love this one so very much for literally no reason. maybe its like a nostalgia thing cuz i remember people talking about them sometimes in 2020 and being like Aw that’s cute but idk something about them feels so like. objectively correct. like yep that’s the little background trio standing together in an episode as they should be
abefk i think - i like it!! even though it’s barely known apart from jokingly i really like the classic 2000s rivalry between a nice boy and an asshole jock thing that was going on between them before ponce’s death, i admit i miss their interactions. i miss how theyd refer to eachother with their last names. also the part in season 2 episode 6 where they both were recalling memories of the grassy knoll and abe went “i used to get food thrown at me” and jfk continued “i used to be the one throwing that food”. i like them
joanabe - i know this one is like barely a ship but i still need to talk about them badly. their friendship is so important to me. the way its always been them whether it’s joan crushing on abe or the other way around, they’re just so special to eachother in any and every way, and both struggle with the choice of helping the other or doing things that hurt the other but ultimately raise their chances of getting together. tbh im so interested in whats gonna happen with them in the finale, and in the next seasons bc i doubt their back and forth crush thing is gonna last the ENTIRE show like itll be getting a new sort of premise or main character focus which im excited for
joanfk - some of the fanart is absolutely adorable COUGH COUGH ORT SMORT COUG but its just not for me man. biggest two factors as to why i dislike it being how it overtook the fandom, and how to me they just never had any substance. they have a fun dynamic and the season 1 finale was sweet but idk it just never affected me that much. also bc i always knew it was gonna crash and burn. like that is not a stable couple as cute as it is sometimes. like at all. and im happy episode 7 finally addressed it
abe x cleo - again, not really a fondly talked about ship, but they are pretty dear to me. it’s the way cleo was clearly playing with abe at the start but actually saw the charm in him and was actually upset when he finally digested his feelings for joan… i really hope they’re gonna be good friends in the future bc episode 7 seemed to be sort of a start for that friendship and them learning to be ok around eachother after the finale…
joan x cleo - ive always been scared to talk about this one bc some people see them as sisters, which i Really dont. they never acted in a sisterly way at all, and the living together thing lasted for like what. one episode. so i doubt it had any affect on how they view their relationship. but again absolutely fair if it makes you uncomfortable for this reason! but yeah i do like them. very very good trope and there can be some really cute stuff done with them dynamic wise
gandhabe my heart and soul my romeo and juliet my sun and moon my red and blue - AUGHGGGGG MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE. EVER. IN THE WHOLE SHOW FOR EVER they just have such sweet interactions and everything they do they do with the other in mind and i want them to have an emotional reunion in the season 3 finale sO SHRGFRHRVRRRRR RR RBR R R R. RR R. sorry this is mostly incoherent screaming rather than actual words I just DUCIGJGN LVOE GANDHABEEEEE EEYEHEEE THEYRE END GAME!! THEY ARE END GAME WHETHER ITS AS FRIENDS OR ROMANTICALLY RHEY ARE THE ONES
ok now onto the ones involving the new gen clones
harriucius - i like them its the second het ship in the show ive ever actually liked!! they just both go so well in so many ways, they both have almost the exact same struggles and cope in similar ways, but harriet has more of a hands on attitude with her problems, while confucius tends to avoid things. im VERY interested in how their relationship will go and i dont really think anything’s gonna happen to them bc i cant picture the show pairing either of them up with anyone else (mostly confucius tbh 😭)
joanharriet - i WISH this one was more acknowledged by the fandom like i think its the least popular one at least involving the newbies.. can you tell im a sucker for ships that are literally just two close friends who love eachother more than anything. lol. when i think of them i think of episode 5 which makes me extremely happy. like look me in the eyes and tell me that was not an absolutely beautiful wonderfully wrapped episode
johnfucius - gonna be honest i dont like this one. i know this is a really rich thing to say while talking about clone high season 2 but it just felt rushed, and especially with how they barely did anything after sleepover. like they were literally crying both of them being like OMG I FINALLY HAVE A FRIEND!! and then they proceed to have the most stale interactions with the most notable one being in the next episode and it’s literally just confucius encouraging jfk to avoid his problems like he does. not really good. but again if you enjoy them all the power to you, im happy you found something you like that hasn’t been ruined and seems pretty docile and chill compared to all the other ones :o) it’s very much a mostly fandom based ship
kahlopatra - BEAUTIFUL. BEAUTIFUL. I HAVE NO WORDS JUST BEAUTIFUL. there definitely was a lack of suspense like based off the intro and the slight buildup throughout the series BUT that literally doesn’t matter. out of every canon couple they are the absolute cutest im obsessed with the effect they have on eachother. especially on cleos side of things like ahhh!!!! she found someone she actually connects to genuinely!!!! i am so happy for her!!!!!!
tophucius - not much about this one its just pretty fun and silly . i feel bad for the people who thought something big was gonna be going on w them but the small details peppered in about them in sleepover were nice. i always liked how when confucius saw that topher typed your instead of you’re, he went “i thought so” like to me that confirms they do this all the time and they know it’s them. also really funny to imagine them being sworn enemies online but when they actually see eachother in school theyre Like oh shit hey man what’s up! hope youre well! like not even through gritted teeth or anything they’re just so chill irl for no reason
abetoph - Sigh i sure did save this one for last. while im a lot less comfortable with it now i still love thinking of them pre episode 8 and i do think their relationship is just ever so slightly more interesting now with the added double crossing n shit added to it. but im also sad they’ll never be the way they were may 24th to june 14th again . that specific time period of them is so comforting to me for no reason, all the memes and running jokes in the fandom involving them, all the wholesome fan work of them sleeping in tophers bed, watching stuff on tophers computer together, abe being tophers voice of the reason and the one person he actually likes, it’s just so … man. We Could Have Had It All. i love them for ever.
thank you so much for listening
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bobbydagen24 · 3 months
tbh I'm still Hoping Chef will be Brought back in the next film as it could be Hella emotional and also further explore some Good old fashioned Branch angst which the Trolls writers seem to love 😭😭
I know I've talked about this before but eh I wanna talk about it some more lol as I'm in love with the story potential of Chef coming back.
have fans Done any fics or fanart of the idea? idk I'll have to go check once I'm Done writing this post lol.
but yeah I Hope this does happen cause there's so much potential here for an emotional story involving Branch and his Bros coming face to face with her.
in the first movie its always struck me as a little Disappointing that Chef being the one who killed Branch's Grandmother was never mentioned in present day
I know logically neither Chef or Branch himself would Remember since Branch was only a little kid who saw her for a split second and for Chef it was just a normal day at work.
but from a writing standpoint I Do find it Disappointing more wasn't done with this in the first movie.
I feel her coming back in the next film could work especially well if it takes place not too much time after TBT so the film could still explore some left over issues in the family
plus some more Branch angst that the writers love showing lol.
I'd probably have the movie open with something like Branch his Brothers and Grandma all sat around having Dinner happily chatting away and whatnot only for a hand to come crashing in Grabbing Grandma away
as Branch can only Helplessly watch and then his Bros all start blaming him saying why wasn't he more carful and why did he let it happen
with Floyd especially telling him that he promised him he would take care of her and then the Brothers all walk out for good while Chef's laughter can be heard in the background and Branch is just sat on his own and he looks down at his hand and sees he's turning Grey.
and then Chef's Hand comes back in and Grabs him and he's screaming for help only to see there's no one around that cares and
Branch struggles to try and break free but its Hopeless and Chef just laughs and is about to put Branch in her mouth.
only for him to then wake up in his Bed in a panicked sweat and we see him telling himself to breath feeling his chest and trying to calm himself down
making it clear this is far from the first time this has happened and he already knows what to do in these situations.
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FR I like the idea of the movie opening with an angsty nightmare scene for Branch showing his still lingering Trauma in present day.
Both over his perceived failure and guilt over what happened to Grandma not to mention his Brothers leaving again and of course a Fear of Chef herself
not only for killing Grandma but also how close she came to killing him in the first movie.
so opening the movie showing some still lingering Trauma that maybe he Refuses to open up to his Brothers about because he's afraid they may blame him for Grandma's death
like he did himself for all those years and maybe they'd leave again I feel would be neat way to start the film where Chef comes back imo.
especially if the whole movie or at the very least just the climax was about Poppy and the Brothers needing to save Branch
after he's captured maybe after a family argument and he goes off on his own only to get snatched by Chef.
as the whole family coming together to save him from Chef the source of his Greatest Trauma like come on that'd be emotional as Hell 😭😭😭😭
also I do just really wanna see Branch actually confront Chef over Grandma like maybe when he's captured he finally angrily confronts her over it only for Chef to casually Dismiss him
stating she doesn't Remember that day or her at all Hurting Branch at his core since that day obviously has stuck with him for his whole life and changed who he was
but for her it wasn't special it was just a Regular Tuesday.
and of course in the end it'd be satisfying and sweet to see Poppy and Brozone Rescuing Branch and maybe for Chef's comeuppance in the end
I kinda like the idea that Due to some chemicals or magic crap that she'd been messing around with as part of her Grander plan she ends up being shrunken down
to the point she's actually smaller than a Troll like lets say the size of Tiny Diamond so she's basically Rendered Harmless to the Trolls and she tries to attack the main characters
but Brozone just playfully pick her up and toss her back and fourth and in the end they just throw her in a cage with Branch somewhat smugly
Remarking something along the lines of him not being able to believe he was ever afraid of her
with Chef looking a little pissed off to say the least 😂😂😂😂
kinda well and truly confronting the source of his nightmares and feeling a little better about himself as a Result
and also I'd end the film with him finally sitting down with his Brothers and talking more about Grandma
as he finally feels more comfortable about opening up to them about these kinds of things now.
so yeah fingers crossed Chef comes back it wouldn't be too Hard to explain maybe she landed on the cooker inside the creature's Belly and used her knife kit to climb her way out or forced the creature to throw her up or something.
the why's and how's don't really matter too much to me I just think she'd be a perfect Returning Villain for a future film given the significance she has to Brozone as a family and Branch himself.
since she basically made him who he is.
also if Chef is Revealed to be alive in movie cannon then hey it'd be a perfect chance to Bring Creek back in movie cannon as well 😂😂😂😂
be it as a Villain or a Redeemed character who warns pop Village about Chef's plans after overhearing them
maybe he hid inside her Hair so he could hitch a Ride out of the mountain creature lol and afterwards he hides in their for a while and
overhears Chef recruit some henchmen maybe some Bergens who still believe in the old ways and want her to overthrow Gristle JR
and he hears her plans and after waiting for her to fall asleep he sneaks out and runs back to the Village tho he had no idea where they were so it takes him months and months to find his way back lol
which could be how our main characters find out she's alive and planning something and thus kicks off the whole story.
just an idea as Chef coming back does make it very easy to bring Creek back as well 😁😁😁😁
I was thinking that my only problem with this story idea is that it doesn't Really give much for Poppy in Terms of character Development in this story
but maybe if Creek did Return then Poppy's mini side arc could be her learning to give him another chance after being less than Receptive to him returning
and not wanting to give him another chance despite claiming he's sorry and clearly wanting a chance to make amends hence why he came to them with this info
but we see Poppy struggle more with her own ideals of believing people can change and giving out second chances when its someone who she was Emotionally Hurt by Personally
so yeah maybe that could be a mini arc for her if the film did bring Creek back as well.
what do you think about the idea of Chef and Creek Returning in future?
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mossyscavern · 5 months
Something in the ocean
Sam is scared… terrified even, to go on this trip.
As a child he didn’t like the sea much, mostly because it’s the same place where he almost drowned and died. And it’s where his mom died when he was 5.
He made a solid promise to NEVER go in the ocean or on a boat. Ever. And it’s not really a problem, his dad agrees with those statements, his ‘friends’ and Duncan on the other hand… not so much.
His older brother Duncan had tried helping him face that fear himself, but he ended up comforting the redhead when he cried.
So Travis, his friend showed him the rock pools near his dad’s lighthouse, rocky areas where there are pools of water, told Sam he doesn’t have to go into the water, just to observe the scenery, even draw and paint what he sees since Sam draws and paints with water colour.
And Sam, albeit nervous, actually had fun. Even thought it’s near the ocean he generally had fun, he even saw some puffins near the rocky waters.
He told Travis he loved the rock pool areas and preferred to keep it between themselves. They agreed and it became his secret place, away from prying eyes.
It was great… until it wasn’t.
Before he left he decided to stay at least a couple of hours just to see the puffin’s hopping around, which was a big mistake.
Cause there came a huge wave and he got dragged away by the time the wave crashed. To make matters worse? Tides are strong this season.
He couldn’t swim out, he can’t call for help, he couldn’t even call Duncan or Travis. He was helpless and he can’t breathe... and is so tired of trying.
Then coughed and sputters, throwing up some sea water before finally catching his breath. Finally being able to breathe he looked up and saw a VERY worried Duncan and a guilty Travis. “Oh thank god.”
Duncan said as he hugged Sam tightly. “I thought I lost you. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” He rambled, rocking them back and forth rubbing his back in circles. “W-what happened?” He asked before his confusion is directed at himself.
“And why am I drenched?” He asked.
“You don’t remember?” Duncan asked, watching Sam shake his head in confusion. “Travis found your bag when the tides calmed down… then we both found you drenched and unresponsive.” Duncan said voice shaking.
“I-I’m sorry, from now on I’ll no longer push you to going.” He said, standing up and walked off, Travis followed in pursuit.. not even speaking. Sam was about to do the same before spotting something sparkling near one of the pools.
He got close and his eyes widened. It was an abalone shell necklace in a shape of a tragic mask… but the rope’s looks like it’s been snapped.
‘Duncan said never to pick up random things, but…’
With urban curiosity he picked up the necklace and gently placed it in his hoodie pocket. ‘Maybe he won’t notice.’ He thought before having his name yelled out. “I’m coming.”
He shouted before catching up towards the two taller boys. He has a lot to think about, especially about what happened to himself.
He read in the town’s article that this town is famous for having drowned victims regularly in a month. The town never really investigated the causes, even if they did they’d be just as dead as everyone else. Two times he found himself almost drowning… and he survived.
Like… something or someone is looking out for him. ‘Like that would happen.’ He thought, shaking his head and chuckled to himself how stupid thinking about that was.
If only Sam knew… that he might be more right than he originally thought.
I had completely forgotten about mermay.
Just know, I’m not normally up for monthly challenges… but that doesn’t mean I can’t do anything for the month, so I thought I’d bring the mermaid au back, this time where Sam found the abalone shell necklace.
Also the au rightfully belongs to @vinehasnohopeleft mostly because they did fanart of Tom as a mer-boy and Sam staring at him while underwater…
I’d show you the art and the story, but I can’t… at least not yet. I can tell you the title though, it’s called a dream to remember.
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c0smiccom3t · 1 year
The bandicoot siblings are giving their nemesis a little makeover and uh, seems like he's not happy about it even though it is kind of funny. (he doesn't find it funny at all.)
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cruorons · 1 month
Writing Process
Okay, so I thought I'd share some of my writing process here considering it is a writing blog after all. Maybe someone will find these useful or give some helpful input considering my process tends to be rather chaotic.
1. Ideas
I don't really sit down with the intention of coming up with an idea for a fic. Most of it comes to me naturally, as I go on about my day and daydream about certain dynamics or lore. However, I've noticed I tend to get inspired by:
• music - I like making playlists for fanfics I haven't even written yet, and then listen to the songs as I write. It helps me shape the plan for how the story is about to go, set the mood, in certain cases even inspire specific scenes.
• personal experiences - I noticed fics like that tend to perform well. People can tell when something is heartfelt. Do not underestimate your readers.
• ships - Already mentioned them, but about to highlight them again. Some people say that ship fics are less than but I couldn't disagree more. I've never been truly in love myself, yet find it such a fascinating thing. I could write about it endlessly from a bunch of different perspectives and never get bored of it.
Maybe it's my brain stopping me, but I never get inspired by fanart, as much as I love looking through the tags on here. Just a fun fact.
Basically, I start off with a single scene in my brain and then, I build off of it.
2. Beginning
When I realize I have something to elaborate on, that's when I boot up Google Docs and open a new document. I used to work in Word instead, but I switched to a different program for convenience. Google Docs crashes less and seems neater.
That's also when I like to think of a name for the fic. I search through synonyms for key words, phrases, famous and niché quotes. I like my titles short and concise, but also symbolic; such as with 'inferno', 'endophagy' and 'dowager'. They have to make sense within the context of the fanfic.
After I find something cool, that's when I make a document called "[fic name] PLAN".
- It's where I start writing down the idea in more detail.
- It's good to elaborate on each scene. A few sentences won't cut it; sometimes in the plan, I even put in actual paragraphs or even dialogue.
- English is not my native language, but I like to write the plan using it anyway. Ironically, it gives my brain more freedom; grammar in English is easier than the one in my native language.
- My plans usually have ~1-2k words.
- If I write a chaptered fic, I try to make a plan document for each chapter. Also, I tend to have the beginning of the story and the ending in my head, but add onto the middle as I go. So, even though I've had the idea for 'endophagy' in my head since 2021, as well as the ending (!), the chapters in between are improv.
3. The fanfic
I try to finish writing the plan in full before moving onto the actual thing, but there are exceptions.
I create a new document called the actual fic's name in another tab and start writing. I check the plan document every now and then, because oftentimes I forget about certain story beats or dialogue I wanted to include. When I finish a paragraph, I mark it in red in the plan, then switch the tab again. It's helpful to see your progress.
Now, a more controversial thing about me is that
I refuse to make multiple drafts
There are writers that make a bunch of drafts. If that works for you, amazing! Personally, it'd drive me insane. The longer I work on a fic, the more I begin to despise it. I don't write for pleasure, I write because I have things boiling in my head and it's the only way to release the tension. A such, I write the entire fic and then read through it once to catch mistakes. Then, I post and forget all about it.
If you've read through everything, congratulations! And thank you. I have found a welcoming community on ao3 and I like it there so, so much.
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doccywhomst · 8 months
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a pretty (bad) book. 1.5/10 for doing my boy dirty.
i don’t usually rate anything this low, but many confounding negative variables really fouled up the plot and characters for me. if you read more, beware: there will be excerpts and major spoilers.
here’s my general perspective: this is the dr who christian sonic the hedgehog fanfiction. it has so many buckwild scenes (like the doctor building a forcefield device that protects a spaceship that crashed on an island from a huge tsunami, and subsequently surfing the tsunami literally to the white house oval office window and having a conversation with the president), and the plot is one giant jesus metaphor that starts nowhere and goes nowhere! so if that’s your thing, you’ll love it.
however…. imo, the doctor is extremely obnoxious in this one. like in war of the daleks, he goes on long pretentious rants, talks in riddles, the quips are trash, and he occasionally feels more like seven (probably bc jim mortimore wrote 4 VNAs - it really surprised me how bad this book was, i’d never have guessed that jim also wrote “the natural history of fear” audio). here’s an example:
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he’s like this from the very first scene (p.14):
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i know the doctor is kind of a clown sometimes but this dude is a whole court jester, with bells on. it’s too much for me. he talks in amusing little circles, which might be interesting as a one-off in a much better novel, but becomes a dragging constant in this one. i also hate how he constantly talks down to people like a smartass caricature.
here’s some dialogue that i did enjoy, because it felt shockingly substantial (almost out of place), and expands on a scene from scarlet empress:
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that was on page 93. the only part i really liked.
the plot orbits around the turbulent sun Bel as it begins to expand, scorching and destroying many of its 22 inhabited planets. ever since the peoples of Bellannia II, IV, XIII, etc. developed space travel, they’ve been dumping their radioactive and toxic waste onto a dead little world, which falls into the sun; little did the Bellannians know, a giant alien embryo was incubating in Bel’s warmth, and their pollution threatens to kill it. dun-dun-dun!
it’s kill the moon. it’s just 249-page kill the moon, but now with a melodramatic Rapture subplot.
right…. okay. just read this:
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she ate 💅✨
anyway. millions if not billions of Bellannians are killed as the sun consumes or breaks apart their planets, and some of them turn to a traditional religion that encourages suicide (achieving an “Endless State” through eating poisoned wafers), but many of them are Actually Saved™️ by a little guy you might have heard of called…… Saketh.
the plot was kinda convoluted but essentially he was burned to death but came back, and now anyone who consumes his flesh will live forever (from what i gather, they die but they’re in suspended animation purgatorycore? and they’ll be brought back to life later? but the book ends abruptly and doesn’t explain much.)
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i obviously hated it. i really wanted to try to like it, but i couldn’t take it seriously. jim mortimore’s style feels purpley and theatrical, but instead of erring on the side of camp, it feels like it’s meant to be genuine religious/political commentary. it’s serious like how christian sonic fanart is serious. maybe i’m just not the right audience.
the intro might be one of the most interesting sections, given how personal and anthropological it feels: it tells two versions of the deaths of two brothers, who are among the last of their people. it was pretty good, i liked it. but not really the rest.
so yeah. overall, 1.5/10. this is in my bottom three worst EDAs so far. it’s a pretty harsh rating but i’m generous when my appreciation is earned :/
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