#maybe someday it'll be my cheek
spectersgirl · 8 months
what if harvey specter’s wife worked from home and has a last minute work emergency, so harvey had to take their daughter to work? hope that made sense 😭.
I loved this prompt! I changed it eeeever so slightly but it doesn't affect the overall product. I'm working on making these longer which does mean that it'll take me longer between posts but I'm hoping length makes up for it?? Or maybe this is too long. Idk. I've been writing it for daysssss. I think I don't love the end quarter or so, but I wanted to get it out there. Also I decided to name the daughter, I'm not sure how I feel about doing that versus just using Y/D/N so let me know what you all think? I'd use a different name each time I wrote something with a daughter in it so that it doesn't feel like a series or the same character in different universes.
Work with Dad
Harvey Specter x Reader (except you're barely in it lol)
You rolled over at the sound of your phone buzzing incessantly on the nightstand, fumbling for it and answering sleepily.
"Hello? Oh shit, okay I'm on my way." Immediately, you got up and began rushing around to get ready.
"Who's that?" Harvey mumbled, having woken up to your call.
"Work, there's an emergency and I have to go take care of it. I know you have to work but, I can't take Olivia with me to the restaurant and my parents work today... Do you think you could bring her with you?"
Harvey sighed, knowing you were right. It would be easier for him to bring the four-year-old with him to his office as opposed to the very high-end restaurant you ran. Normally on the days you worked away from the house Olivia was in preschool, but today wasn't a school day for her.
"Yeah, that's fine. I have a pretty easy day today, and it's been a while since she's seen everyone anyway." He said, getting out of bed himself and heading to take a shower.
You quickly yelled to him before you left, thanking him for taking one for the team.
Once Harvey finished his shower, he pulled a suit from the closet and put the dress shirt and pants on, opting to leave his suit jacket off for now, knowing he'd likely have to do some wrangling of a certain toddler. As he had this thought, tiny footsteps sounded down the hall toward the bedroom.
"Hi Daddy" Said the tiny voice of his daughter as she ran toward him, arms in the air.
"Good morning princess! How'd you sleep?" He asked, lifting her with ease and kissing her cheek.
"Good, where's Mama?" She asked, knowing the two of you normally got ready together each morning. She was pretty damn smart for her age, and Harvey knew this fact would get him into trouble someday.
"Mama had to go take care of something at work, but guess what? You get to spend the day with Daddy at the firm!" He told her excitedly, raising his eyebrows.
Olivia was hesitant at first, she didn't know exactly what it was that her dad did every day, but she saw him on his computer a lot, and that didn't seem very exciting to her. She was about to protest this, but then she remembered some of her most favorite people worked with her dad.
"Can we see Mike and Rachel?" She asked.
Harvey laughed, nodding.
"And Donna?"
"And Donna." He confirmed with a smile. "You wanna get dressed so we can go see them?"
Immediately, she began squirming to get down from his grasp. Harvey obliged, following the girl to her room to help her pick out an outfit. She eventually elected for her favorite pink dress with flowers, and Harvey approved, finding her a pair of shoes to match.
A short while later, Harvey and Olivia were headed up to the Pearson Specter offices. She couldn't stop talking about how excited she was to see everyone, and Harvey had to keep reminding her that they had work to do and that they might not be able to be with her as much as she had hoped. Harvey had packed a day's worth of activities in a backpack to keep the little girl occupied in his office, and hopefully out of everyone else's business.
The elevator doors opened, and Olivia nearly pulled Harvey's arm out of the socket trying to get to her favorite people as fast as she could. He scooped her up into his arms, foiling her plans. She adorably crossed her arms in frustration, making Harvey chuckle as he walked toward his office.
"We just have to drop our stuff off in Dad's office first, then we can go see your friends, okay baby?"
She agreed, understanding that the quicker she cooperated, the quicker she got what she wanted.
Harvey put all their stuff down in a small pile on the couch in his office, telling himself he'd deal with it later. He knew Donna wouldn't be in for a little longer as he was earlier today than he normally was, but Mike and Rachel were more than likely already hard at work.
"Alright princess, wanna go see Mike?"
Her eyes went so wide Harvey thought they'd pop out of her head. He laughed and opened his door, pointing down the hall and following as she ran ahead of him. She nearly missed his door she was going so fast, but stopped herself when she noticed him seated at his desk.
"Knock before you go in, Liv" Harvey reminded the girl, grinning when her tiny fist tapped the glass of Mike's office door.
He looked up, not seeing her at first and waving Harvey in and looking back down at his stack of papers.
"You're in early, something wrong?" "MIKE!!!" Olivia yelled, startling the junior partner before realizing what was going on.
"Livi! How's my favorite Specter?" He asked, getting out of his chair to lift her into a bear hug.
She giggled uncontrollably until he set her back down.
"Well, I'd be offended but she happens to be pretty cool, so I'll let you have that." Harvey said, grinning as he watched his daughter run in circles around Mike's office while he chased her. There wasn’t much space in the junior partner's office, so the chase didn’t last very long.
"Where's Rachel?" Olivia wondered out loud. Mike kneeled down to her level.
"Rachel has school in the mornings, so she won't be here for a little bit longer." Mike explained, but this only confused her further.
"But... isn't Rachel a grown-up?" She asked, making Harvey and Mike smile.
"She's in law school, baby. Some grown-ups go to extra school so they can do their special jobs. Daddy went to law school too, and Mama went to business school and cooking school." Harvey explained.
“Did Mike to go extra school?” Olivia asked
Harvey and Mike share a look before looking back at Olivia.
“Mike’s a long story.” Harvey said.
Olivia seemed to be satisfied, or she stopped caring about his answer. Either way, she nodded and continued laughing and playing with Mike while her dad stood off to the side, only a little offended that she hardly even remembered he was still standing there.
He looked down at his watch, noting the time and figuring Donna was probably at her desk by now.
"Liv, do you want to go see if we can find Donna?" Harvey asked, and the little girl screamed like she was at a Taylor Swift show, jumping up and down with pure glee.
"Did she get this excited to see me?" Mike asked. Harvey chuckled, shaking his head.
"Not even close, sorry Mike. C'mon kid, let's go" Harvey said, lifting Olivia high in the air and onto his shoulders, holding tightly as he walked.
"Oh Donna, I have a surprise for you," Harvey said over the sounds of his daughter's laughter.
"Well, I wonder what the surprise could be! Hmmm, is it a pony? Oh a pony wouldn’t fit in the elevator… Maybe you should give me a hint." She said facetiously, acting as if she had no idea Olivia was there.
"It's me!" Olivia yelled, unable to keep the ‘surprise’ of her presence in any longer.
"Oh it’s Olivia! Hi beautiful! That’s a way better surprise than a pony!" Donna exclaimed. "How'd you get so lucky to come to work with your dad?"
"Her mama had a work emergency so daddy got to take her in with him, huh Liv?" Harvey explained, and Donna nodded in understanding.
Olivia nodded, smiling down at both Donna and her dad, still up high on his shoulders. She reached her arms toward Donna, so Harvey lowered her to the floor. Donna quickly scooped her up and placed her on her hip, giving the girl hugs and exaggerated cheek kisses.
“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, who let you get so big?”
Olivia pointed at Harvey, smiling happily.
“Umm no ma’am, I specifically told you to stop growing, if it were up to me you’d still be my tiny little baby.” Harvey said, poking her side playfully. She giggled, pushing his hands away with her tiny ones.
"Have you had fun so far Livi?" Donna asked, and Olivia smiled and nodded profusely.
"I ran down the hall soooo fast and Mike chased me in his office and then me and Daddy found you!"
"Wow Olivia! That sounds like a really cool morning!" A voice said from behind. Everyone turned to see none other than Jessica strutting down the hall.
Harvey knew Jessica wouldn’t particularly love the idea of his four year old daughter hanging around in his office all day, but he also knew there was nothing else he could do. He was a parent above anything else, so he was going to do what he had to do.
“Livi, do you remember Jessica?” Harvey asked.
Olivia nodded, a bright smile on her face.
“It’s great to see you again cutie” Jessica said with a smile of her own.
“Look I know you’re probably mad but-“
“Harvey relax, I’m not mad. Just as long as she doesn’t get into anything she shouldn’t, she's welcome here." Jessica stated, easing Harvey's mind. He nodded in understanding and watched as she walked back to her office.
"Alright Liv, I've got some work to do in my office and I brought you some fun stuff to do while I work. Maybe later we can come back out and see Donna if she's not too busy, alright?"
Olivia huffed in disappointment, but she knew better than to fight with her dad. He placed his hands out to grab her from Donna, who regrettably handed her over. She had known the little girl since before she was even born, and she loved her like she was her own blood.
Harvey was actually able to get some work done, and Olivia enjoyed her time coloring in her coloring books and playing with the toys her dad had packed for her. Soon enough, she was hungry for lunch and Harvey took her into the kitchen to retrieve the lunchable he had brought her. Eventually, she grew tired and ready for her nap. When Harvey looked over at his couch after a suspiciously long period of silence, he saw her fast asleep. He smiled, standing and taking his suit jacket off, draping it over her small frame. She napped this way for about an hour, and when she woke up, she was overjoyed to learn that Rachel had finally come to the office.
"Rachel!!!" Olivia yelled in the doorway of Rachel's office, and she was quick to run in for a hug.
"Livi! Hi cutie! I heard you were here today, I couldn't wait to get done with school so I could see you!" Rachel said as she scooped the little girl up for a big hug. Olivia wrapped her arms around Rachel's neck happily.
"Do you have fun at big girl school?" Olivia asked.
"Law school is very different from normal school, so it's a lot harder, but it's what I love doing so that makes it fun!" Rachel explained.
"Do you get to color there?"
"No, theres no coloring. There's lots of reading and talking to other students and learning though!"
"I think I like my school better, we get to color and play and sing!"
This made Rachel laugh, and nod her head.
"Keep it that way as long as you can girly." Rachel said.
"Liv, it's almost time to go home. You wanna come say goodbye to everyone?" Harvey interrupted from the doorway.
Olivia nodded sadly, crossing the room to take her father's outstretched hand.
"Bye Rachel, have fun in big girl school."
"I will, bye Livi"
Harvey led her back through the office, stopping at everyone's offices so she could say her goodbyes, stopping at Donna's desk last. She gave the red-haired woman the biggest hug she could, Donna was her most favorite person after all.
When Olivia got home, she was thrilled to find her mom was there waiting for her and Harvey with dinner in the oven. She couldn't resist telling her mother about every last detail of her thrilling day at her dad's job.
"Well that's exciting! It sounds like you were a good little employee for daddy" You mused, looking up at Harvey with a grin.
"She's the best damn paralegal I've ever had. Might just have to hire her" Harvey joked.
"Does that mean I have to go to big girl school? That sounds really not fun."
You and Harvey laughed.
"Baby, if you don't want to go to big girl school we can talk about that when you're older." You reassured.
"You think with that attitude she has she won't want to be a lawyer like her old man?" Harvey said, smirking.
"Oh, she'll want to be in debate before she hits high school."
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chiefduckgarden · 9 months
The other woman
Wanda Maximoff x Williams!Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Williams!Reader
Royal AU
Angst - Cheating - Forced Marriage - If you love Natasha don't read this. (really)
W: Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes.
N: You can think that you're in love when you're really just engaged.
A/N: Reader's last name is Williams, it's easier to write this way. This has been in my drafts for months lol. I saw a Tik Tok edit of the Corpse Bride and thought of this. Still not sure about how it turned out though.
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- Stop being so silly Y/N, you know I will miss you just as much as you're going to miss me - Wanda said smiling, her head resting on your chest while one of your hands rubbed her back up and down.
- I know, I just wish I could stay here with you, I don't care about this stupid trip, I'd rather be here for your birthday, for that giant celebration your father is planning - you said, looking down into her eyes.
- You've been here for each and every one of my birthdays since we were 12, nothing will happen if you miss this one, even if it's "especial", I understand you have to go with your parents - she replied.
You huffed.
- I don't even know why I have to go in the first place, they have always gone by themselves, I don't know why I'm required this time - you explained - And I don't like it either, they're up to something, I can feel it.
She cupped your cheek and pecked your lips.
- You're their only daughter, their only Princess, the only heir for their kingdom, maybe they want to give you more responsibilities from now on... You're gonna be Queen someday, it's time you get prepared for it...
- I've been preparing for it my whole life - you sighed - But you're right, maybe it's time for me to take it seriously.
You stared at her and smiled.
- And maybe I can talk to them in this trip about us - you said, and her eyes sparkled with illusion at your words - I'll tell them I'm marrying you, and we'll plan the proposal for when we get back.
- Are you serious my love? Will you ask my hand in marriage? - she asked happily.
- Of course I will, I want to spend the rest of my life by your side.
She kissed you and you smiled.
- Also, I have to beat that Jarvis Prince - you said - I've heard the rumors, but if I ask you first and you accept me, there will not be any reason for us to not get married.
- Your royal highness, it's time to leave, the King asked for your presence - you heard a voice calling for you.
- On my way - you replied.
- Come back to me my love, and have fun in your trip - Wanda said, kissing you one last time.
- I'll be back in no time, and then, it'll be just us, for eternity my lady.
- For eternity Y/N... - she replied.
4 months later.
The King and the Queen of Williams Kingdom are happy to announce the engagement of their heir, Princess Y/N, with the noble Princess Natasha Romanoff.
The Royal Family announced the happy news during their stay in the Romanoff Kingdom.
This makes young Romanoff the future Queen to the rightful heir to the throne of Williams House. The union of this two families represents one of the most important alliances in the last decades, the two kingdoms will surely benefit from this marriage.
It seems like love has been in the air from some time now, let's remember just a month ago the Maximoff family announced the marriage of their youngest daughter Princess Wanda and the future King Vision Jarvis, on her 18th birthday celebration.
Good luck to these new happy couples and the best of luck for all of them.
- Don't act like you didn't knew about it! You fooled me! - you screamed in exasperation pacing around the room with the newsletter in your hand.
- We didn't knew Maximoff would get the girl married so early, but yes, there's no reason to lie, we knew about the wedding - your father told you.
- It was all planned, wasn't it? This trip, meeting Natasha, Wanda's birthday celebration - you mentioned harshly - You played with us like we were chess pieces, you decided our lives without asking us anything...
- There was nothing to ask, your little teenage romance with Wanda was senseless, she was promised to Jarvis even before they were born... And you, we waited for the right girl to come to your life, for the perfect Queen for you to love... And that is Natasha...
- YOU DON'T GET TO DECIDE THAT! THAT WAS MY CHOICE! - you screamed, you couldn't handle listen to him anymore.
- Well it's not! I am the King and I know what's best for you and for the kingdom! And as long as this crown is perched on my head you will obey each and every one of my orders, especially those orders that relate to the future of my legacy!
You took a step back, not believing what your father was saying.
- You're gonna marry Natasha Romanoff and get the biggest alliance in the history of our family and that's a direct order, not from your father, but from your King!
That was it. Those last words made you understand that, whatever you had left to say would be pointless. The King made a decision, and there was no turning back.
You lowered you head, and nodded.
- Yes, your Majesty.
Holding back the tears from your breaking heart you had the courage to ask for one more thing.
- Tell Natasha I'll meet her in our residence back at home, I need to travel now to talk with Wanda about this decision and finish everything in the best way possible. We're still friends, and for the sake of our friendship with the Maximoff House it would be wise to keep our alliance with them.
Your father took a few seconds to process your request but finally nodded.
- That's okay, you can go now.
Bowing down once more you left the room with tears already falling down your face.
Stopping your horse right in front of the small cabin placed in the middle of the woods your heart was pounding like crazy. When you made it inside and saw those beautiful green eyes it finally explode in love.
- Y/N! My love - she said the moment you walked in, running into your arms.
You hugged her immediately and both of you melted in a heated passion kiss after all those months separated.
- My lady... My Wanda... How you've been my love? I know life must have been hell for you just as it's been for me - you said, with your arms still around the girl.
- Oh you have no idea... They made me marry Vision the same day of my birthday, without warning. When I told my father it was you the one I loved he told me I was crazy - she started to cry - He said it was ridiculous because you were already engaged to another woman, promised to someone else. It broke my heart because I realized we had fallen in their trap my love, they made the choices for us.
- I know, I realized that too, and when I confront my father about it... - you gulped at the memory - He yelled at me like never before and command me to get marry, not as my father, but as my king.
Wanda whipped away a tear that was rolling down your cheek.
- I didn't know they were gonna announce an engagement until the day before. They gave me no choice - you said, now both of you were sitting in the edge of the bed.
- Is Natasha aware of your your displeasure? - she asked.
You shook your head.
- No, I don't think so, she was very excited when they announced the engagement... She thinks it's all genuine.
- Vision thinks as well, he thinks I want him... Even though I have refused to sleep with him...
You looked at her worried. Heartbroken. Not even you had dare to touch her in a passionate way.
- What are we going to do my love? They took everything from us, even our freedom...
She sighed.
- I don't know... I'm just sure I don't want us to end, we are soul mates Y/N, you are the love of my life... I don't care if you're married to someone else as long as I know I'm the only one for you... Because you're the only one for me...
- Wanda, in my world there's only you and then the rest of the people. I don't care about Vision or Natasha, we love each other and that is all that matters...
- But how are we going to make this work? They can get suspicious...
- We were best friends before this ridiculous circus started, and it doesn't have to change now... We just have to be careful on how we act... - you paused for a few seconds to cup her face - Although I don't think i could ever hide this love I feel for you, it's very intense...
She smiled at your words.
- Me neither, but we'll try our best... - she looked around the little comfy cabin you were in - And also, we will always have this place for us, only you and I know about it, it will keep our secret safe.
You nodded and kissed her. It became heated every second, until she was sitting on your lap and your arms were around her waist, holding her close to your body.
- Wanda... - you said in a whisper between kisses - We need to stop, or either way I will...
- Do it - she said looking straight into your eyes, her green big eyes now full of desire - Take me Y/N, make me yours, i want you to be my first...
You looked at her, the knot on your lower stomach increasing.
- Are you sure?
She didn't respond, with her lower lip trapped between her teeth she grabbed your hand and guided your palm to her breast. You squeezed it, causing her to moan.
- God... - you whispered.
With a quick flip you turned the position, now she was laid on the bed, with you on top.
- Make love to me, darling - she said.
That night, your affair got sealed with the intertwine of your bodies.
- And this is the main room, it's spacious and comfortable for the two of us - you said to Natasha, showing your future bedroom - The right room it's for me, and the left side is yours Princess Natasha, and we have the common space room right in the middle.
Natasha nodded but frowned.
- Why do we have separate beds? I thought we were sharing the same bedroom...
You smiled shaking your head.
- Oh no, we'll have the same room but I would feel more comfortable with my own space - you said walking into your side - But feel free to redecorate the whole room, change whatever you like, even my side, just leave my closet as it is right now.
She followed you confused.
- Where are you going? - she asked - We have my parents' farewell dinner tonight, tomorrow they'll go home.
- I know, I will go play tennis with Princess Wanda and then I'll meet you at the dinner - you said, walking into your closet to change your clothes.
- Princess Wanda? Again? You went out with her last week.
- Yes, you know she's my best friend, we both play tennis every week, it's our favorite sport - you said.
Natasha nodded. She didn't understand the reason behind your distance, at first she thought it was because you didn't know her before your visit at her kingdom, but now, after spending some weeks with you and failed tries on bonding with you she was very confused.
- I'll see you later - you said, walking out from your closet and giving her a kiss on the cheek.
- Okay - she answered.
She spent the rest of the evening choosing the colors, the carpets and selecting fabrics for your new room. She was loving the result, but wishing you were there to help her out.
- Do you think Princess Y/N will like this color for her bed? - she asked her maid, showing her the color tone she had choose.
- Oh it's beautiful, she will love it - the woman answered.
Natasha smiled, really hoping you will like it.
- You've known the princess since she was a kid, right? - Romanoff asked the woman again.
- Yes, I've been working for the Royal Family since 15 years ago...
Natasha kept silent for some second before asking again.
- Do you know how close is Princess Y/N with Princess Wanda Maximoff? I know they're best friends but I'm just curious about their friendship...
- Oh they are very very close, they grew up together and used to make everything side by side... They had the same private tutors, a lot of sleepovers, they both love tennis...
Natasha nodded, not wanting to listen more, but the woman kept talking.
- Princess Y/N used to write a lot of letters for Princess Wanda, every week, and Princess Wanda wrote for her too, the letters should be somewhere in here, she keeps them very well preserved... They're very special for each other - the woman smiled at the memory.
Nat cleared her throat and left the fabrics on the bed.
- It's time for me to get ready for dinner, please take all this out of the room and bring the dress.
- Yes your royal highness - the woman said, following the instructions.
Once alone, Natasha made some deep thinking. She didn't want to create false scenarios in her head, but since she met you, you had done nothing but talk about Wanda and spend time with her.
But she didn't had the time to over think because you stepped in the room in that moment. The happiness in your face could be notice from a thousand miles away.
- Natasha? I thought you would be on your way to dinner already... - you said.
- Oh I lost track of time with the decorations and everything, my dress will be here in any minute - she answered, and you nodded - Also, I think our parents will expect to see us coming in together...
You sighed and walked into your side of the room.
- Yes, I think you're right, I'm gonna take a bath and get ready - you said.
Before you could leave she asked.
- How was tennis with Princess Wanda? I can see you're really happy.
You froze for a second but then raised your head with a small smile.
- Yes, it was really funny... It's always funny.
You started walked again but she stopped your tracks once more, making you tense immediately with her next words.
- Maybe you can teach me, I'll go with you next time.
You didn't say anything, just slightly nodded your head and walked out.
Natasha was afraid that maybe she was trying to force herself into your daily activities, she didn't want bother you in any way, or make you upset with her.
But when you meet her again in the car that night, suddenly your behavior towards her changed dramatically.
You treated her kind and lovely the whole night. For the first time she felt like she was your fiancé and not just some random stranger that came into your life.
But the fairytale broke down the moment you stepped into your house. You only said goodnight to her and leave to go to your bed.
She wondered what she could've possibly done to make you upset again.
For the next weeks you kept your distance for her like before, only talking to her when it was necessary. And she was starting to get pissed.
- I just want to know what can I do to make you feel closer to me... I've been trying for weeks to connect with you but nothing ever change. Just tell me what's wrong, so we can fix it.
You've been arguing for the last twenty minutes, you told her you'd go to play tennis and she started to yell at you.
- There's nothing to fix, because nothing is wrong Natasha... I just have a hard time to open myself with new people...
- But I'm not new people, I'm your fiancé, we're gonna get married Y/N, let's start acting like a couple for once.
You sighed. Tired.
- What do you want me to do? I just don't feel comfortable yet...
- Oh but you're not even trying, everyday you find something to get yourself busy with, and your spare time goes all in tennis and Princess Wanda... When will you have time for me?
You heart stopped. How dare she to even pronounce Wanda's name.
- Wanda has nothing to do with this - you said, almost in a whisper.
- I know, I'm not blaming her for anything, I'm blaming you...
You were about to say something when the butler knocked the door.
- Excuse me ma'am, Princess Wanda Maximoff is here for the tennis practice, she's waiting for you in the main hall.
You fixed your messy clothes and answered.
- Thanks, tell her I'll be with her in a minute.
- Yes your royal highness.
The butler left, leaving you and Natasha alone again.
- I need to go - you said, without looking at her.
- I know - she contained the tears - Just leave, I also need to go, I'm having tea with your mother later.
You nodded and walked out, with her following you some steps behind.
When you made it to the first floor your bad mood changed completely at the sight of your lover.
- Wanda, it's so nice to see you! Ready for tennis? - you asked, kissing her right hand and cheeks.
- Yes, let's go! - she replied.
When two guards followed you she quickly stopped them.
- Oh we're taking the horses, no need for security, just two best friends riding and playing... The Princess and I will be fine.
- Yes, don't worry, I'll be back in a few hours - you completed.
- Of course ma'am - your guards nodded.
Natasha saw the whole interaction, her eyes burning in jealousy. She knew Wanda was your best friend, but her instincts were screaming her something was off. She decided to ask your mother that afternoon.
- Oh dear lord! - Wanda screamed in pure bliss, three of your fingers buried deep inside her intimacy, you leaving small kisses all along her jaw and neck.
- Go on my lady, let me see you reach euphoria once more...
- Yeah... - she panted - Take me to heaven again Y/N, just keep doing that...
Your moans were hidden by the walls of the small cabin.
- Y/N... I'm gonna...
You felt her orgasm crash on your fingers, her wetness dripping down your hands and rolling down her thighs.
- Wanda... - you panted, taking the three fingers to your mouth - Oh God... - you moaned - You're so magical...
She smiled at you, wasting no time and kissing you as deep as she could, tasting herself in your mouth.
A few moments later you were both tangled in each other's arms, resting after your love making evening.
- Oh how I wish I could wake up every day inside your arms - she said with her head resting on your chest.
- I know, I would make love to you every morning and every night... I would take care of your sleep, watch you fall asleep into my arms, giving a goodnight kiss in the forehead...
A tear rolled down her face.
- We would be happy...
You nodded.
- Yes... So happy.
She stared at you for some seconds before speaking again.
- Are you happy? - she asked.
- What do you mean? You know I'm not - you answered, confused.
- I know, but you have a wife, Princess Natasha is beautiful... Have you bonded with her already?
You denied, shaking your head.
- Not really, I spend all my time doing my duties and my spare time I spend it with you...
She smiled sheepishly.
- Has she notice your absence?
You sighed.
- Yeah, just this morning before you came we were arguing about it... She wants me to spend more time with her...
- Same with Vision - she said - He wants me to go with him in this trip he's having next month... I don't think I'll can refuse
You blink confused.
- Does that mean I will not see you? For how long?
Your heart shredded.
- Three weeks...
- Oh...
She immediately sensed your mood change.
- But I will came back to you... Like always.
- I know... I trust you, I don't trust Vision though...
- Don't worry, no matter what happens I will always be yours.
- I'll always be yours too.
- Take this time to be with Natasha, calm her down and win her trust, it's your wife after all.
You sighed and nodded.
- I'll do whatever you ask me to... - you said kissing her hand.
She fell silent for a few moments. You turned to look at her and saw in her expression what was happening. She was thinking… processing something.
- What's wrong, my love? - you asked - What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?
She looked into your eyes, gazing at you for a moment before speaking.
- I want you to marry Natasha during my absence… I need you to seal your commitment to her while I'm not here. If I'm not present, I won't have to attend to the wedding, and I won't have to endure the pain of seeing you marry someone else… If you don't do it within those weeks, I'll be forced to attend your wedding, and I… I don't think I can bear it, Y/N… I won't be able to.
She was right. Due to your trip to the Romanoff realm, you didn't have to be present at Wanda's sudden wedding. You didn't have to go through the pain of seeing her standing at the altar with someone else. It wouldn't be fair to her to see you with Natasha.
You nodded and kissed her forehead. Both of you were crying, and you held her hand.
- I promise I will - you said - For you, Wanda. I just want you to know that even if it's Natasha to whom I vow love and eternal devotion at the altar, my words and my heart will always belong to you and only you.
That evening, you returned home with a heavy heart. But to your misfortune, the tragedies wouldn't stop that day. As soon as you passed through the grand and elegant door adorning your entrance, you saw your father's guards waiting. That only meant he was visiting, and that couldn't be good.
- Your Royal Highness - a man bowed before you - Your Majesty, King Williams is in the main study waiting for you.
You surveyed your surroundings before responding. Everything was in overwhelming silence. You looked for your butler and inquired - Is Princess Natasha at home?
- No, Your Highness, Princess Natasha is still visiting the royal palace with the queen, your mother," he responded.
You took a deep breath - I see - you cleared your throat - I will speak with my father right away. If the princess returns home, please notify me immediately. It is of the utmost importance that I speak with her.
You turned and made your way to the study. With every step you took, you could feel your heart beating stronger. You knew what was coming. As soon as you crossed that door, your father would reproach you for not paying enough attention to Natasha. You were nervous about the reprimand, but it was somewhat reassuring to know that this time you had an answer to his accusations.
- Your Majesty - you spoke, but he didn't look at you - To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, Father? - You walked over and took a seat across from him. It was only then that you noticed his cold gaze.
- I'm afraid my visit won't bring you any pleasure, Y/N - he said - Your wife paid a visit today to your mother; they had tea together.
- I'm aware of that, Natasha mentioned it this morning - you said, trying to sound confident.
- My question here is, where were you? - he asked.
- I played tennis with Princess Wanda most of the afternoon, and we went riding for a while. I lost track of time between the game and our conversation... - you explained but your father interrupted you.
- Natasha told us where you were… She also mentioned some more interesting things about those little escapades of yours with Princess Wanda… I didn't like what I heard at all, Y/N - he said.
- Father, Wanda and I…- you began, but he interrupted.
- Wanda and you are no more, it ended the moment she got married and you became engaged - he shouted - Don't you understand? Natasha suspects you and Wanda, she has doubts about her marriage, this is very serious, Y/N. It could trigger political problems and destabilize our marriage agreements with her kingdom. As the heir to this realm, you have a responsibility to your people and to me. I cannot allow your actions to jeopardize our political stability. It's important that you maintain a strong relationship with Natasha and avoid any suspicion about your relationship with Wanda.
- There is nothing between Wanda and me, Father… we had something in the past, as you well know, but now she is married. It hasn't been easy for me, but I believe it's time to stabilize the situation. Wanda will be going on a trip with Prince Jarvis, and today we discussed my wedding. She encouraged me to get married as soon as possible to reassure Natasha about our marriage… I want to have the wedding in two weeks - you explained.
- Is that so… - he looked at you, analyzing - Well, so be it. Let's not delay any further. As soon as I return to the palace, I will inform your mother about your decision, and we will proceed with the necessary preparations. There's no turning back from this.
- You may think you've appeased me with your sudden decision to marry, but you can't deceive me, Y/N. The matters you have with Wanda… put an end to them. I am giving you the opportunity to do it on your terms. Remember that you are the heir; you must find a way to balance your personal feelings with your responsibilities as the future queen. I don't want to take drastic measures, but if you can't control this situation, I will have to intervene… and then I assure you, you will never see Wanda again - he warned.
Your father left your home, and the next morning, the entire kingdom was aware of your wedding. Natasha was in total ecstasy. As soon as you informed her of the date, she kissed you fervently and headed to the palace to begin preparations for your wedding.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't muster a spark of excitement. You seemed like a walking corpse. But your father's threats echoed in your mind, and you forced yourself to be the perfect fiancée for Natasha. In front of people, you looked like the ideal couple, planning the dream wedding together. But deep inside, you were dying to leave it all behind and run into Wanda's arms.
After two weeks that felt like an eternity, the day finally arrived. You were just hours away from getting married. Natasha was getting ready at the palace with her mother, while you prepared in the privacy of your home.
In that intimate moment, you allowed yourself to write a letter to Wanda, letting your heart speak and conveying all your love and devotion for her. When you finished, you placed it in the pocket of your shirt, right over your heart, and prepared to leave. You would find a way to deliver it to her later.
The moment had come. The entire kingdom was waiting. Natasha, her parents, and your parents were all there. It seemed like the most meticulously planned event of the year, with nothing missing. But to you, everything was missing because even though you were about to get married, the love of your life was not there.
The ceremony had passed quickly. You felt like your soul had left your body, but it was your turn to speak.
- Dear Natasha...
Wanda, thousands of kilometers away, knew what was happening. Her heart ached at the thought of you becoming someone else's wife today. She only found peace in remembering your words, knowing that any promise you made to Natasha today would truly be for her.
- Today, before all the witnesses from our respective kingdoms, I make this sacred commitment. I promise to be loyal and faithful in body and spirit, and always honor the alliance we have forged, an alliance that in my heart is deeper than others may understand. On sunny days and in dark nights, I will stand by your side, fulfilling the duties entrusted to us. I promise to be your unwavering support, your confidante, and your closest friend, even when our differences challenge us. Though our paths may seem divergent, in my heart, you will always be present. May our souls find solace in this commitment, and may our union, despite the hardships, shine as a beacon of hope in this realm. May the love I have for you, though I may not openly name it, guide my actions and thoughts as we fulfill our destiny. May our marriage, though not the one we would have chosen, be a source of strength and wisdom for us both. So I promise, with all the sincerity and respect you deserve.
Natasha smiled. You both kissed. Wanda cried. You cried. You touched your chest, where Wanda's letter resided, and smiled despite the tears.
When the wedding was over and you and Natasha were back home, you couldn't make love to her. You touched her, yes. She felt loved, yes. But you didn't feel anything. Your body belonged to Wanda. You didn't let Natasha touch you. As soon as it was over, you headed to the bathroom to take a shower.
Natasha, savoring the last moments of innocence, believing that you were completely hers, took your shirt in her hands to smell your perfume once more. She loved your scent. But as she brought the garment to her nose, she felt the stiffness of paper in her hands. Curiously, she took the letter from the pocket, and in a matter of seconds, everything fell apart.
There, in her hands, was the proof of your eternal love for Wanda. A letter, written a couple of hours ago, before joining your life with hers, where you professed your eternal devotion to another woman.
My Wanda:
As I write these words, my heart is filled with a love that cannot be contained or constrained by the circumstances surrounding us. In the dark hours leading up to my forced marriage, I want you to know that my love and devotion belong to you, and you alone.
Although the world has forced us down different paths, and we are destined to marry others, I want you to know that my heart will always be yours. Our love is a fire that burns deep within me, a fire that no arranged marriage can extinguish.
Every moment we share, every stolen glance, every whispered word in secret, is a treasure in my memory that I hold dear with all my being. You are the light that brightens my life, the reason I smile amidst the darkness of our situation.
Though words cannot fully express the magnitude of what I feel for you, I want you to know that I am willing to face whatever is necessary to protect our love, even if it means sacrificing some of my own happiness. I am bound by word and paper, but my body, mind, soul, and heart will always belong to you.
No matter what the future holds for us, rest assured that you will always be my love, my confidante, and my deepest longing. Our love is a secret that only we share, a bond that no one can break.
When I stand at the altar, reciting my vows to someone I did not choose, rest assured that my heart will beat for you and only you, as I promised. I will keep our love in a special and safe place in my heart, dreaming of the future that was stolen from us, where we are together without restrictions.
With all my love and devotion, always yours.
There, Natasha knew it. There was no turning back. She had married someone who didn't love her. You weren't hers, and you never would be.
As soon as you emerged from the bathroom, you saw Natasha holding the letter in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew.
- Natasha...
- You lied to me.
- No, I didn't lie to you… My father forced me… they separated us, Natasha.
- All this time, I've been a fool… and you! - she pointed at you, shouting, crying inconsolably - How could you deceive me like this?
- You don't understand, you never will. It was never my intention to hurt you, Natasha…
- You've betrayed me, Y/N… you married me while all this time you were thinking about your mistress - Natasha cried.
At that moment, you lost your temper. You would never let anyone speak of Wanda in such a way.
- Don't speak of her like that. Wanda is not to blame. Don't ever say her name again… never - you asserted.
She laughed bitterly, wiping the tears from her face - It is what it is, Y/N, nothing more than your mistress…
It was then that you shouted - Don't you understand? You are the other woman in all of this… she and I were happy, she's the love of my life. Until they forced us apart. Titles don't matter, Natasha. She will always be my priority. YOU ARE THE OTHER WOMAN.
- NO! You are married to me! She is the other woman - Natasha shouted back.
You ran your hand through your hair in desperation. You sat down on the bed with your hands on your face. Natasha was crying, standing.
- I don't love you, Natasha. My father forced me to marry you. The day I saw Wanda for the last time, she asked me to have the wedding as soon as possible. I only moved forward with the plans because she requested it. You must understand that there is no one else for me but her.
Natasha looked at you, heartbroken.
- My kingdom needs yours for its resources; our union is the largest and most important due to the size of your realm. On the other hand, you need my kingdom for our reserves, as long as you are married to me, there will be stability. This marriage benefits us all, and I need us to cooperate to provide the peace our people deserve.
You explained, and she knew it was true.
- The kingdom of Wanda is small; it didn't serve much purpose to unite us. Besides, her parents had promised her hand to Prince Jarvis since she was born. We had everything against us, Natasha. We still have everything against us - you said - I'm sorry that I can't be the partner you desire, but unfortunately, the story of my life was written long before I met you. I belong to Wanda, and Wanda belongs to me. You need me, and I need you. The union is done, but you must know that I can't love you as you desire, I never will.
By this point, Natasha was just sobbing. You got up from the bed and walked to your side of the room.
- We have breakfast with our families tomorrow. We must be at the palace at nine o'clock.
You left the room, and your body felt more relaxed. You wouldn't have to pretend anymore.
Time passed, and Wanda returned from her trip. As soon as she set foot on land, she ran to find you at the cabin. She tearfully told you that Jarvis had been with her. He wanted an heir. With desperation and desire, you claimed her body for hours.
Months later, when her son was born, Natasha and you visited the couple in their palace. Wanda smiled as she showed you the little one. He was so much like Wanda that you cried with emotion. In that small moment when you held little Tommy, and Wanda sang to him beside you, you allowed yourself to dream of what could have been. The future and happiness that were denied to you. For a brief moment, you pretended that this was your little family. And you cried. You cried for everything that was taken from you.
Natasha, who watched everything from afar, finally understood. Wanda and you loved each other and would love each other forever. She could never compete with her.
She was just another piece in the chessboard that life played. She couldn't do anything else but resign herself. In the end, no one was happy. Not her. Not you. Not Wanda. Everyone was miserable because of someone else's desires. But that's how life was, and like the others, she had to accept it.
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sweet-luv-club · 4 months
✎ breastfeeding m! Kylar like he deserves ♡
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. . . ˚✧.⊹ tags ⊹⁺. ೀ
2.5k words (wow im a horny bastard), informal writing, m! Kylar with cock, unprotected p in v sex, unrealistic sex, Kylar is a very submissive and pathetic (/affectionate) top, lactating pc from cow transformation, BIG GIANT TATAS and AFAB anatomy terms. u got coochie n it'll b called cunt and pussy but Kylar doesn't call u by either feminine terms or masculine terms so it's,,, gender-neutral reader-ish??
. . . ⋆ ꮺ˚⊹ notes ⊹ ༘˚
WHY BOTHER HAVING A BREAST MILK MECHANIC IF U CANT GIVE IT TO ANY OF THE LOVE INTERESTS... SMH VREL GET ON IT /LH also dis is a shoutout to da fellow transmascs like me that don't mind hvin big tatas 2 feed kylar <33 my first full fic i tink!! enjoy!!!
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♡ ┆ u 2 are on a date at the park as usual. when u casually suggest it, his brain just stops working. his mouth hangs open and u have to shake him to snap him out of it. 
"uhh, haha, sorry, darling... c-could you repeat that?"
with a smirk, you do. you lean in and suggest going somewhere private so he could enjoy your milk directly from the source. all the blood in his cheeks rush to his cock almost immediately. he is so down bad for u, he's fucking floored u even suggested it.
♡ ┆ he gets more cocky, confident, and possessive during sex, but at this point, he's only squeezed your chest so far, not sure how he could even begin to explain himself. he’s seen u lactate when u cum, he just didnt know if it was overstepping a boundary to just dive in. its early into the relationship so he doesnt know if youre comfortable with that part of your bovine biology. hes a perv but hes also a polite boy!!  well... most of the time ♡ he couldnt just walk up to u and say i want ur milk babe, you deserve better than that, he just didnt know how to ask... so ofc he's over the moon you're the one who brought it up
♡ ┆ absolutely solidifies in his mind that you're an angel sent from heaven to protect him and love him
♡ ┆ he's a stinky little anime nerd /pos. pre-relationship, after you saved him from bullies, he draws u and ur cute fluffy cow ears and massive anime-like tits in all sorts of erotic ways. does all the hentai tropes. fists his needy, leaky cock at night to the drawings he's made of u. when you start dating, it was like he was walking on cloud 9 when you wanted to recreate some of his erotic drawings (bc ofc u pushed to see his sketchbook when he mentioned it was full of only u lol)
♡ ┆ cant go to the manor, kylar isnt comfy w that yet. cant be in pc’s bedroom, kylar doesnt even want a single chance of someone who knows you and lives with you to see u giving him milk, it's his and only his in sight, sound,,, and ofc taste. hed get jealous if other orphans u live with saw yall doing it, bc if they see he thinks theyre never gonna forget the sight..... which could lead 2 all sorts of trouble since they live with u and he doesnt. he wants it to only be his even in memory. PATHETIC /POS so yalls only option is a cheap-ass love hotel. maybe someday youll fuck somewhere nicer but this’ll have to do… not to mention kylar is thrumming w/ excitement. he’s fucking trembling at the mere thought of getting to taste your sweet milk, directly from your heavy chest which was always tempting him… PATHETIC /POS (1)
♡ ┆ at first, kylar cant get his bearings. he sits next to u on the bed, hands politely on his lap while his cock strains against his pants. hes strangely silent until u snap him out of it with a kiss on the cheek. “ah… d-darling, you don’t know how much this means to me.” he says in a shaky voice. you chuckle and slowly begin to lift your shirt, making sure to give him a show. the way your heavy tits laden with the milk he craves always looked like they were spilling out, your bra barely being able to hold them back never failed to do a number on kylar’s psyche. 
♡ ┆ ”c’mon, you’ve already seen me lactate. get me wet first, babe, then it’ll come out.” you tease as you unclasp your bra effortlessly and toss it to the side, your tits swaying with every movement you make. kylar is hypnotized. just a lot of spacing out in general until you two really get into it.
♡ ┆ your back is laid on the bed, and Kylar moves to get your pants and panties off. the sight never fails to make him breathless. he figures the quickest way to taste your sweet milk is to eat you out, so he does, very diligently. he dives in and devours your pussy like a man starved, he does this every time. he just can’t believe someone as perfect as you would willingly give yourself to him, and he wants to show his gratitude properly, always…
♡ ┆ this mf latches onto your cunt with an intense need and desperation. not only is he making his beloved feel good, he’s working to get your milk flowing as well�� it makes him especially ravenous. licking up and sucking on your sensitive folds, using his hands to part your lips and plunge his tongue into you deeper… when you pat his fluffy, unkempt hair and moan… “fuuuuck yes, that’s it, good boy…” he goes absolutely ballistic in his brain. it goes w/o saying that he has a praise kink, loves giving and receiving it. he’s especially emboldened when he feels his head sandwiched between the softness of your thighs, he’s going delirious with need at this point, eyes all half-lidded and bleary, focused on nothing but lapping up the fluids your cunt makes. he's fucking groaning against your folds, can't get enough of your sweet taste. his cock is straining to be free right now, but your pleasure takes precedence.
♡ ┆ eventually, he takes your clit into his mouth and sucks hard, tongue swirling around it as he’s making you scream. “K-Kylar!!” it fills him with a sick thrill, like he’s letting all the strangers in this damn sleazy love hotel know that he’s the one making his darling cry out with pleasure. he pulls back for a moment, a string of saliva connecting between your cunt and his lips to smirk confidently at you. “that’s it, darling, let it all out.” he says, as he’s licking a broad stripe up your pussy, “let them all hear how much you love what i’m doing to you.”
♡ ┆ the moment he sees your tits drip with milk, he unlatches his mouth from your cunt with a soft pop, halting the intense suctions for now. his eyes sparkle with curiosity and hunger, seeing you laid out on the bed with your cheeks flushed, mouth hung agape from moaning so much just does something to his fucked up brain. he wastes no time capturing a nipple into his mouth and giving a hard suck, groaning when your milk hits his tastebuds. it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted…
♡ ┆ he kneads at your tit, trying to coax more and more milk out of you as your cow ears flicker atop your head. needless to say, he’s getting off on your moans, the taste of your creaminess, and the softness of your chest… he loves it. all of this, it’s only for him and him alone. he laminates your nipple with spit using his tongue, moaning as he drinks up every last drop. keeping a hand on your pussy, he gently bites down, making you yelp, yet he also felt your cunt twitch at the action… that gives him an idea for later. he shows love to your other breast, licking up all of the milk that had been dripping off to the side as his fingers rub at your pussy, the slick sounds making his head spin. his breaths are heavy and erratic as it fans over your exposed skin, adding a layer of eroticism from his desperation being conveyed this way. 
♡ ┆ finally… the moment he’d been waiting for. he releases his mouth and cups both of your heavy breasts, pressing them close together and sucking on both your nipples at the same time. wow… just like in his hentai mangas. the sensation makes you feel embarrassed, but you can’t deny how good it feels, either… as his fingers dig into your plush, large chest, he suckles, licks, and bites, doing anything to get more milk into his mouth again. some of it drips in between your chest, and it gives him a devious idea…
♡ ┆ he retreats for now, taking a finger to swipe up a drop of milk on his chin and lick it, a crazed hunger in his green eyes. he pulls down his pants and boxers… out comes his cock, blushed at the tip and leaky with pre-cum. “darling… would you be willing to hold up your chest for me, please?” he asks in a sweet voice, and you comply without question. you already knew what he was planning without him having to outright say it.
♡ ┆ he holds the sides of your breasts securely and moves up on the bed, positioning himself under your chest. you feel something hard underneath your boobs… and without further ado, Kylar thrusts his cock in. he moans so loud, breathing sooo heavily as he pistons his hips… he’s just in pure disbelief. the milk that had dripped between your chest earlier aids him in creating a slick passage between your pillowy tits. it takes him all his willpower to not immediately cum… which he inevitably fails. his cock splatters all over your chest, and a little bit gets on your face. “ah…!! i-oh no, i’m so sorry… i couldn’t help it, it just felt too good…” he pouts with a voice whinier than usual. you reassure him that it’s more than okay with a sultry smile, and you collect his cum with your fingers, licking it all up.
♡ ┆ the sight of you doing that of your own volition without him even asking to… grrr he’s going feral! and he realized you hadn’t cum once! that just won’t do. so while waiting for his cock to stiffen up again, he pulls out and lowers himself back down and thrusts a finger into your dripping entrance. he gets off on the sound of your moans, and he reaches down to take a nipple into his mouth again, the dual sensation of kylar’s suction and his finger curling inside you driving you mad. he establishes a rhythm with both actions, and it’s not long before he adds another finger into you, the squelching noises from your naughty pussy tempting him making his cock twitch back to life very quickly. as your inner walls tighten around his fingers, he searches desperately for your sweet spot while feverishly lapping up any milk from your breasts. and finally… he finds that one gummy mass inside you and just absolutely goes to town on it, making you cry out loudly. he reluctantly detached himself from your tit, and as his fingers were pressing down on your sweet spot, he held his hand firmly over your pubic mound, pressing down and quickening the pace of his fingers going in and out of you. it’s not long before you scream his name and cum on his fingers, soaking his hand in your precious nectar… not to mention your chest flowing with milk as well.
♡ ┆ he’s now hard again… and you take a moment to catch your breath. he’s too impatient this time, however, he wants to thrust into you now. you feel his cock press against your overly sensitive entrance but you manage to gently push him down onto the bed to take control of the situation. “ah ah ah. not so fast.  just came, ya horndog.” you tease lightly, while kylar groans and pouts. you reach down and press a kiss to his lips, your tongues meeting each other once again as they get entangled. you taste a hint of your own milk. kylar can feel your breasts pressing up against him, the weight making him get more needy and feverish with his kissing. his breath hitches when you start grinding your cunt onto him, tip of his cock leaking with cum onto his tummy as your pussy presses down on it. your hips buck back and forth on top of him as you take control, allowing yourself to rest while keeping kylar sated.
♡ ┆ when you’re finally ready to have sex, you teasingly bounce your cunt on the tip of his cock, and you see tears in his eyes. “pc- my love, come, on, let me in, pleasepleaseplease- ah!!” 
his babbling is interrupted by you finally giving him what he wants. as your velvety walls sink down onto him, threatening to overwhelm his senses, you press your breasts onto his face. “you know what to do.” you say with a flirtatious smirk. kylar immediately gets the memo, he’s been dying to do this since you first saved him. he latches onto your nipples and tugs down at your breasts while you start bouncing your pussy on his cock, the dual sensations driving you both mad.
♡ ┆ you’re expertly riding him as he whimpers helplessly beneath you, humping into him so hard the headboard slams into the wall from your passion. his mouth is overflowing with your milk like he wanted… his brain is just melting, much to your delight. your cow tail swishes behind you playfully as he grabs your plush hips and thrusts up into your movements, the sounds of your moans and wet slapping reverberating in the room. 
♡ ┆ the warmth and softness of your cunt makes him wanna cum again. poor boy… he was never good at lasting long. “kylar, hold yourself back right now or else i’m pulling myself off.” you tease, but he takes that to heart and whines in disappointment. “i’ll be good… i’ll be good, pc, i promise, just please dont, ah… leave me!” you smile at him. “i’m not leaving you dummy, ever.”
neuron activation time……. his eyes widen in disbelief as affection floods his heart. he grips your hips more firmly, thrusting up into you at such an animalistic pace that the poorly constructed bed almost sounds like it'll break. the plush of your ass bounces back on his lap, and it makes him grit his teeth trying to hold back. he has a fire in his eyes, as if his life’s whole purpose now was to make you cum on his cock. he bites down on a nipple like earlier and feels your cunt clench around him. he alternates between bites and hard sucks as his hips thrust desperately upward while you struggle to keep riding him. “that’s a promise, okay? dont! ever! leave! me!” he punctuates each word with a thrust deep into your womb, hell-bent on breeding you. 
♡ ┆ it’s not long before stars crowd around your eyes as you two climax together with your own loud moans, his semen flooding the depths of your warmth while your own cum coats his cock and drips down to his balls. your milk drips down your breasts again, and even though kylar is weak, he still manages to find it in himself to lick it up. as you catch your breaths, you two giggle conspiratorially, pressing your foreheads together and exchanging words of pure love and affection for one another… right before going back in for another round. you two rented out this room for an extended period of time, after all.
♡ ┆ now kylar takes whatever opportunity he can to bite and suck on your precious chest, pulling you in school closets or dark alleyways just so he can have a taste of your milk.
♡ ┆ ofc it’s not long until you both rent out a room at the hotel again, you going along with one of his crazy hentai recreations. it ends up with him on your lap and you, jerking off his sensitive cock, rubbing his pre-cum all over his shaft as he has his fill of your milk.
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fairly-linked · 1 year
If you’re after ideas, I’ve been playing TOTK and all this Korok hatred is devastating to me.
I love the little guys!
I would die for them!
So how about a Reader who meets the Koroks and is immediate in love to the point they have to be pryed away?
( or just some koroks. I love them so much!)
Oh my god??? I just looked them up and they're so cute????? Why do people hate them? Are they annoying or sumn? 😭
Anyway, here. I made this a bit of a jealous Wild x reader (bc it just makes sense lmao) with slight yandere themes
I'm sorry if anything's a bit off, I have never and probably will never play Totk (nothing against it, I'm just a bit broke and have bills n shit... adulting sucks dammit). So if I misinterpret anything, I'm sorry 😭😭😭
So here! Enjoy! (Also sorry this is super short.)
Attention (Jealous!Yandere!Wild x Reader)
Wild sighed for what had to be the hundredth time that day. They'd landed in his Hyrule recently, and on the way to Hateno, some Koroks had appeared.
The Koroks themselves weren't the problem; they were harmless. The problem was that no one could seem to get the little guys away from you.
"Oh my god, they're so cute!" Wild hears you coo, kneeling down in front of one of them. The little guy lets you pick him up, and you swear your heart is melting.
"Aww... Wild, look! He's letting me hold him..." Your blonde boyfriend hears you say. He loves the look on your face, damn near heart-eyed and pouty lipped as you hold the little Korok in your arms.
Oh, how he loved that face. He just wishes it was over him and not some little creature. He does his best to keep his cool.
"I know, daffodil, they're cute, aren't they?" he smiles. He's called you daffodil since you started dating; he's not sure how or why, it just seemed to suit you. Your bright, beautiful smile and your happy personality...
He wishes you'd pay a bit more attention to him, though.
"They're so cute, oh my god..." You whine, your heart melting.
Wild hears you whimper in delight as the little Korok nuzzles your cheek. You have the most adorable expression on your face, and he can practically see your heart melting through your eyes.
"Daffodil, we should maybe let them go now, yeah? They need to go home. It's getting late." Wild says, coming up to place his hand on your back.
"Aww... but I wanna keep him, he's so cute... and look! He likes me too...." you say as the Korok nuzzles you once more.
"I know, sweetheart, but I need you to let him go now, okay?"
He sighs; but then, he gets an idea as you reluctantly put down the Korok. The little creature hugs your leg, not letting go. Wild looks over your shoulder, pretending something is behind you. "Daffodil, there's more over there, see?" He says, nodding once in that direction.
As you excitedly whip around with a happy "Really?!", Wild takes that opportunity to pull the little shit off your leg and punt it into the bushes as hard as he can. You were his, dammit.
You turn back around with a sad expression. "I didn't see anything... Where'd--...?" You question, looking around for the little one that was just here.
Wild only gives you an innocent smile.
"I think he had to go home, sweetheart..." He says, walking up to you and placing a hand on your back again. He pulls you close, kissing the top of your head as you sigh.
"C'mon, daffodil, let's get back to camp, okay?" he says with a smile.
Your shoulders droop, and you nod, walking with him. Someday, he thinks.
Someday, it'll be your own little one your coo over, a perfect mix of you and him.
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I Saw You In a Dream Once, Maybe|| Pt. 4
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You take a sip from your coffee, waiting patiently for your noodles. The restaurant was quiet, the only sound was from the kitchen, as Pigsy cooks today’s orders. 
“Can’t believe that kid is late.” Pigsy says placing a bowl in front of you.
“You know how young people are.” You state getting your chopstick. “He probably overslept, it'll be fine.”
A hum came out of your throat. You could never get tired of Pigsy’s food. Each bite is filled with complimentary flavors and spice. It was heavenly.
“Still can't believe [Name] gets theirs for free. I have been here longer.” Tang whines. He cries as he slurps the noodles. 
“Maybe if you had paid for at least one bowl through your many years here then maybe I would think about it.” 
Tang gasps, taking offense at the pig demon’s words. 
‘Looks like they’re having another lovers’ quarrel.’
The two went off at each other, yet their body language and tone made it look playful. The “argument” very quickly derails to simple teasing. 
You take a bite from the noodles ignoring their display, feeling like a third wheel. Finally remembering why you stopped coming to restaurants and just ordered online. 
It was adorable but someone could only handle being the third wheel for so long. Especially, when your loneliness is kind of crushing you, to begin with, and this isn't helping. However, it was nice seeing those two all lovey-dovey. Making you hope that someday you'll find something similar to it.
“Geez, you two, get a room already, I'm eating here.” You said breaking the tension. Slurping a long noodle.
Pigsy's cheeks turned red, while Tang smirks.
“Jealous much? Don't worry [Name], you'll find someone.” Tang states with pride.
“I'm like in my thirties, pretty sure I'm a little too old for romance.” 
You felt yourself shrink after that sentence left your mouth. 
“Oh please kid, you're never too old for romance. You just haven't met the one and being single isn't too bad. Nothing wrong with it.” Pigsy wipes the counter where Tang and you sat. 
“Yeah, there's no need to rush it.” Tang adds. 
You shrug not knowing what to say. The last thing you want is to worry them. 
“If somebody ever manages to like this old person, then I'll buy Tang noodles for the rest of the year.” You slurp down the noodles.
Tang gasps, showing his excitement.
“You're not that old, kid. Still very young compared to Tang and I. Anyways you-” 
“I told you, I'm fine! You don't have to do this.” 
A familiar voice rang, catching everyone's attention. You stare at the entrance with wide eyes at the scene. Inhaling sharply, you choke. Coughing out the food that was in your mouth. 
“Don't worry about it kid. I don't mind, anyway I told you to take it easy for a reason.” The familiar voice said. 
Tang pats your back, not knowing how to help. 
Mk walks in with the Monkey King supporting him. You felt your face turn red, from the shock and lack of air entering your lungs. You were heaving trying to calm your breathing.
“Is- that person alright?” The Monkey King nervously asks, pointing at you.
“They’re fine, just choked on some noodles.” Tang says, never stopping his pats.
“Mk, where have you been?” Pigsy yells worryingly. Immediately replacing Monkey King as his support.
“Hehe, I kind of overdid it during training and Monkey King didn't want to send me off in my condition. So I stayed over at his temple.” Mk scratches the back of his head nervously.
“Overdid it? You fell off a cliff.” Monkey king states seriously.
“He- WHAT?!” Pigsy yells again.
“It wasn't too bad, it was a short fall.”
You glance at the three. Well to be specific, you were staring at the mystic monkey you've been dreaming of for the past month. Something within you wanted to reach out and talk to him. You didn't know what to do as you watched Pigsy place Mk in a booth for him to rest. 
“Oh, I know that look-” Tang said quietly. Which got you slapping your hand over his mouth, glaring at the man. Not wanting to hear his next words.
“Not another word.” You grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, bringing him close to your face. He looked at you nervously, letting out a small whine. “You're going to pretend that you didn't see anything.”
He nods understanding your words.
“Uhhh, this place gets weird by the second.” Monkey King says a little loudly while staring in your direction.
You let go of the shaking man. Your face felt warm from embarrassment. 
“Wait, hold up a second.” 
Monkey King stares at you, placing a hand under his chin. As if he was lost in thought. He closes his eyes for a second. While all you could do is hope that this wasn't happening. He opens his eyes again and glances at you.
“Have we met before?” 
You were silent, stuck with three options.
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dairy-farmer · 7 months
Bruce: am I hurting you, sweetheart?
Tim, visibly gagged, bruised, and crying: mmnmn! Hnngmnnm!
Bruce: *shaking his head* tsk tsk. I can't understand you without your words, darling.
Tim: hhmmmhm!
Bruce: *smiles at him and lightly laughs* oh, oh my baby. I forgot. Silly me. Silly daddy, right baby?
Tim: *shaking*
Bruce: You can't speak. *laughs* My bad, sweetie. Just nod or shake your head for me. Am I hurting you, darling?
Tim: *shakily nods his head*
Bruce: *smiling* Well, you'd have to forgive me. It doesn't matter if it's now or later. You'll have to forgive me someday. After all, you can't live without me now. Can you, Timmy?
Tim: *crying even more* nnmnm. Nnnmnmn!!
Bruce: *wiping his tears away* Awww. Sweetie. Thank you for forgiving me so soon. I love you too.
Tim: *trashing around* mmhnmh!! Mnmmmhnmh!!
bruce having a cruel streak that only pops out for tim!!! bruce is not usually someone who ties up his bed partners and he's not someone who likes seeing them bruised and helpless....but tim....tim is different. there's something inside bruce that just gets such an immense amount of satisfaction to hear tim struggle against the restraints and to whimper and choke behind his gag as bruce sweetly calls him 'baby' and 'sweetie' while picking up his hips and dropping him down on his too-big cock what has tim's poor baby pussy red and straining to take him in.
bruce likes to think he's not a cruel man but there's some part of him that purrs in pleasure as tim cries when he fucks him hard and fast and without any of the tenderness tim desperately needs. bruce loves to condescend to tim, to watch as he struggles like a little mouse caught in a glue trap. it's so....satisfying. like eating a filling meal. it satiates bruce's very soul to have tim whining and crying under him like a helpless animal, unable to escape bruce's beastly hands when he reaches down to devour every bit of him.
tim is such a sweet and trusting little thing.
in the morning he'll awake shaken and sore and hurting both inside and out because bruce will have marked every bit of him. he'll sob and cry and shake when bruce approaches him but then he'll be lulled by bruce's soft hands and sweet apologies. he'll let bruce hold and stroke him and whisper 'baby my baby it's alright daddy is here' and he'll relax into bruce's arms. it may take a few days maybe even weeks but tim will always relax. and then in a few months when that....urge starts to rear its head- tim will awaken bound and gagged and bruce will bruise and hurt and fuck him while sweetly asking in a faux voice if he wants daddy to stop while fucking hard and fast into his tight little pussy. tim will frantically nod, eyes filling with tears and bruce will cup a hand to his ear like he's hard of hearing and say 'what's that? you want daddy to go faster? you want daddy to fuck your baby pussy harder?' and tim will whimper and go 'mmm-mmph mmm-mmph' behind his gag and shaking his head so hard he'll make himself dizzy. and then bruce will let out a long, put-upon sigh and say 'alright sweetie, if you say so' and then he'll pin down tim's hips and start going to town on his sweet baby while tim screams himself raw behind his gag, hot tears streaming down his red cheeks that bruce quickly kisses away.
once bruce gets it all out he'll pull out of tim's wet messy slit and flop down beside him, breathing hard and feeling the rush of endorphins that come with cumming deep inside his baby's little princess cunt and having him at his mercy.
in the morning tim will be shaky like a new baby lamb. and he'll flinch away from bruce. but with a few soft, comforting words, a few grief-filled apologies about how he's 'so sorry baby' and how he doesn't 'know what' happened and promises that it'll 'never happen again'- tim will let bruce untie him and wipe away his tears. tim will cry and avoid him but eventually he'll forgive bruce. and he'll smile and giggle at him and curl into his arms when his daddy pulls him in for a hug.
tim will believe whatever excuse bruce comes up with. about being drunk, about being stressed, about being sleep deprived, or under the influence of drugs. tim will always believe his daddy. even if his daddy loves hurting him.
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eddie making reader wear his dio vest while giving back shots THATSALL!!
HE WOULD GET OFF SO MUCH TO THIS EYE--. reader is 18 in this!!
it's the only thing you're allowed to wear as he's fucking you. no bra, no panties, no shirt underneath, nothing. he gets off harder to that than he would if you wore a pretty little lingerie set; there is just something about seeing you in that vest that really gets him hard, and he makes you wear it any chance he gets. bonus points, though, if you do wear some kind of lingerie underneath it. the man is going to go absolutely nuts, but the lingerie isn't staying on long. don't spend much money on it, either, because he's going to literally rip it from your body. you’re honestly better off sticking to just the vest with him, because he’s a simple man with simple taste.
but anyway, one night he's got you in your room, trying to keep you quiet so that your parents don't hear. he'd snuck in through the window, and was absolutely pounding you from behind after making you cum twice already. he made you take all of your clothes off before, so that you could wear nothing but the vest. he won't stop grabbing at it while he pounds you from the back, pulling you up with it so that your back was against his chest as his hips snapped back & forth at a rapid pace. you're practically drooling from how good it feels, your moans growing louder as he slams harder into your g-spot. he has to cover your mouth at one point, shushing in your ear as his free hand snakes under the vest.
"shhh," he whispers, pinching one of your nipples. "don't want mommy & daddy to hear their baby getting the life fucked out of her, do we?"
you moan around his hand, and eddie pushes you back onto the bed after a moment as he rails you. "eddie," you whimper, turning your cheek on the mattress as you moan carelessly. "i don't...this feels so good, i don't even care if they catch us."
"i do," he says, running his hand along the back of the vest. "i would hate to never see this again. you, in my vest, while getting the absolute shit pounded out of that pretty pussy."
"take a picture, it'll last longer," you tease, looking at him with a smirk.
"that's a good idea," he says considerably. "maybe someday, i will. for tonight, though, i just need you to be quiet."
he holds your shoulders for leverage, his eyes still scanning the vest as he groans. you can feel him twitching inside of you, and you clench around him to assist. "i'm honestly surprised that you find it as hot as you do. i always thought you said you enjoyed having me naked more than anything else."
"well, you're practically naked in this," eddie says, reaching down to rub your clit with his free hand. "and you make this thing look so goddamn hot. one of these days, i'm going to make you wear it somewhere with the sluttiest clothes underneath. i want everyone else to see what i get to have every single night, and what they'll never have a chance to experience."
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Family Fantasies - Indiana Jones X Female Reader
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Title: Family Fantasies
Indiana Jones X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Sallah, Fayah (Mentioned), and the Kids (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,299
Warnings: Children, feelings, Reader wants kids, Indy wants kids, diapers mentioned, slight suggestiveness, anxiety, nervousness, tickling mentioned, taunting, teasing, slight itty-bitty angst, and overall fluff
"I'm excited. Are you excited?" You asked, rocking on the balls of your feet as you held onto Indiana's arm. "We haven't seen Sallah, Fayah, and the kids in so long." You trailed off, as Indiana nodded, gently squeezing your hand that was resting on him.
"Yeah," He murmured softly as you grinned up at him. "It feels like ages since I last saw them. We've been working too hard at the college. It'll be good for us both to get away from it all for a while."
"You're right," You agreed. "Now, come on... We don't want to miss our plane." You said as you pulled his arm, dragging him along with you.
The plane ride was long, and a bit tiring, but overall enjoyable. Your fingers were linked with his, and he squeezed them reassuringly whenever you got nervous about the slightly bumpy plane ride. His thumb rubbed circles into your wrist, and it helped calm your anxiety slightly. When the flight attendant announced they would land soon, you squeezed his hand tightly. It wasn't long until the plane landed and you were back in the familiar Capital of Egypt, Cairo. You let out a happy sigh, breathing in the air, before looking up at Indiana with your bright Y/E/C eyes. His gaze was soft and warm as he looked down at you with that gentle smile you adored so much.
"Hey," He said tenderly as he bent down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Ready to see the family?" 
"Absolutely." You replied before Indiana led you down the sandy streets to Sallah's home.
At the entrance of his home, Sallah came out; hands raised in the air with a bright smile on his face, "Indy and Y/N/N! It is so good to see you!" He exclaimed, before bringing both you and Indiana into a bone-crushing hug. After Sallah released you both, he turned around and motioned for you and Indy to follow him inside. "My wife is currently cooking something in the kitchen. She should be done shortly. You must stay for dinner as well, I bet the children will be happy to see you." After he said that, you heard the scurrying of feet. Looking past Sallah, you watched the small horde of children run out of the house, arms out wide as they ran into Indiana.
All the children wrapped their arms around Indiana, chanting 'Uncle Indy' over and over with bright smiles on their faces. Indiana matched their smiles, ruffling a couple of their heads with his large hands as he laughed. As you stood there watching Indiana play with the children, you felt a tug on your heart. You sighed, fawning over Indiana and the children. You loved him, you truly did. You loved how selfless, kind, and caring he was with children. How could anyone not love such an amazing human being? You sighed, you couldn't help but think about the future. Maybe someday, one day, the two of you would have a family of your own. You could see it now, running around with your children in the garden, changing diapers, feeding them in highchairs, singing them lullabies before bed. You’d want them to have his eyes and hair, but your exceptional talent of staying calm. 
As the children headed back inside the house, Indiana turned to you, seeing you already looking at him with some unknown look in your eyes and a dreamy smile on your face. Indiana grinned lightly, his own eyes glinting, "What's that look for?" He asked, seemingly snapping out of whatever daydream you were having. Indiana watched as your cheeks flushed, eyes widening slightly as your expression turned to one of embarrassment.
You dug the heel of your foot into the ground, clasping your hands together before you as you shifted your eyes away from his dark ones. "What look?" You asked innocently, as Indiana walked over to you, placing his hands on your arms, their warmth seeping into your clothing and into your whole body and soul.
Indiana bit his lip, his tongue dragging across his bottom lip slowly as he stared down at you, "You had this... Dreamlike look on your face." He humored you, eyes taking in your soft features, his voice deep, low, husky.
You bit your own lip, eyes slowly meeting his dark ones, your blush returning to full force, "Oh?" You whispered, your head tilted to the side ever so slightly as you watched the way his thumbs were rubbing against the skin under your arms. Oh, how you wanted to pull him down and kiss that grin off his face.
Indiana smirked, his lips curving up into a smile, "Yeah." He answered before pulling you closer to him, your hands landing on his chest. "Wanna tell me what you were thinking about?"
You looked up at him with big wide eyes, you opened your mouth to speak but were quickly interrupted, "My friends! Fayah has made lunch! Come inside!" Sallah called out from the door, startling you. You just simply looked up at Indiana with a small smile before pushing away from him and following Sallah inside. Indiana frowned slightly, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what you were going to say. He began to worry as he mindlessly walked inside the home. Were you going to break it off with him? But that fear slowly slipped from his mind as he watched you sit with the kids, laughing as one of them told you a story, as the rest of the family ate their meals.
It was like the world around him disappeared, his sights set on you. Slowly, he walked over, unconsciously sitting down in an empty seat as Fayah poured him some water. Yet, his eyes never left you. He watched as you tickled one of the children, your smile growing from their infectious giggles. His heart clenched tightly in his chest when you suddenly turned to look at him and caught his eye. You gave him a small wave and that perfect smile of yours before turning away and continuing to chat with some of the children. Indiana's stomach fluttered, as the realization dawned on him.
"Indy? Do you feel alright?" Sallah asked, breaking Indiana out of his trance as he turned to his greatest friend.
Indiana cleared his throat, nodding as he gave a nervous smile, "Yeah, yeah, I'm great actually." He laughed out, before looking back at you.
Sallah followed your line of sight, watching as you made a funny face; making his kids laugh. He smiled, turning to Indiana. "I see," He muttered. "I think she would be a great mother." Sallah nudged Indiana making his mind reel.
"Sallah!" He whisper-shouted, glancing at you to see if you had heard. Sallah only shrugged, before wiggling his eyebrows, and quickly eating his food. Indiana sighed, nodding to himself, “She would…” He whispered out fondly.
Indiana looked back at you, watching the world drift away again as he imagined you and him, with your own kids. That fantasy became more real the more time you spent with the children, and he found himself wishing that day would come sooner than later. He smiled at the thought of taking his kids on little treasure hunts in the garden, buying them matching outfits of his, sneaking them ice cream after dinner, and telling them stories of his past adventures. To have little mini yous running around the house, with your laugh and smile… Indiana sighed, a feeling of contentment washing over him. Maybe one day we will be a family, he thought happily. He felt his chest warm, as he realized just how much he wanted to start a family with you. And, one day, he would.
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liyuee-qixing · 2 years
“Noble Princess”
You're the tsaritsa daughter and the snezhnaya princess,after you finish your study on Sumeru academia she decided you're mature enough to be married with one of her Faithful Servant Harbinger.
character: Arlecchino,Capitano, Damslette
Last Chapter Of Noble Princess series:
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Let's say she's rough at the edge but soft inside.
She didn't attend the meeting but she was told about you through a letter.
When she finally get to see you in person,she was in a shock. How could such a gorgeous person like you exist on this world???
Maybe she stare at you a little too long that you start to stare back at her. When she finally noticed what was she doing she was quite embarrassed and flustered..
When the tsaritsa assigned her to be your body guard,the other harbinger envy her. How come she get to spend time with you the most and go everywhere you go!?
No,no no she's not shy,she is rather afraid that you'll be uncomfortable with what she said
The tsaritsa assign you to write down some data at the orphanage. As an owner of the orphanage, arlecchino accompany you. The kids often gave you two a funny stares but seem to hesitant to spit it out
"ms arlecchino,is that your wife? We always saw you with her" one of the kid said,it enough to make your cheeks warm up.
"she dressed nicely,then it must be her bride! A bride need a bucket of flowers though.." another kids said as he thought to himself,the heat on your face become stronger time by time
"no- she's not my-" arlecchino sounded startled by them,her face was all red. Maybe even redder than you.
"let them be,I don't mind, they're just kid after all" you giggled as the kids placed a rose bouquet on your hands and a fake ring on arlecchino hands
"now you look perfect!" The kid shouted in excitement,one of them sat behind you climbing the sofa you and arlecchino sat on
"with in this i declare you both as an uhh.. married couples and I.. and I forgot my line" you giggled at their attitude meanwhile arlecchino stay quiet.
"aha! You may place your ring to your wife now!" Another kid guide arlecchino hand to place the ring on your finger.
Later that day,the rest of harbinger questioned the ring on your both finger
"hey Archie,what that on your finger?" Tartaglia asked as he observations the ring more. The other harbinger soon follow to look at it
"the kids-"now that ajax bring it up,her face become red once again with flushed expression just for remembering it,from afar you just eardrop them humming to yourself
"the kids is forcing us to play bride and groom with them,they also make us to match ring. Kids nowadays are too bright huh" you finally spoke from afar still focusing on scattered documents in front of you.
"yea,that what happened- I guess"
"wait so you're married to the princess!? Not fair,it supposed to be me,it would be great if you give your ring to me"Childe said in such a childish voice as he tried to get the ring on arlecchino finger
"it's your lost you wasn't there tartaglia! Get off of me"arlecchino shouted in protest in a way to defend a plastic ring that probably word 50 mora,but it was a matching ring with you how could she just let to lose it!?!
"as long as it's not real marriage it'll be fine,I could afford her a better ring anyway"Pantalone said in such a calm face as he watch the fight happened between tartaglia and arlecchino
"I wonder if you'll actually put ring on my finger someday later" you bluntly said,the fight between tartaglia and arlecchino stopped for a second. The other harbinger that happen to be on the room look at you in a disbelief face
"see!? The majesty herself even say it,We're now married couples, get over it eleventh,are you trying to be the third person?" The knave said with such an annoying grin painted on her face
"no! What? Your majesty,I thought we were something"tartaglia look at your figure back in such a disappointed frown. Tartaglia being tartaglia he was clingy and dramatic.
"oh to be arlecchino"both Pantalone and Dottore said in sync. As they look to the whole happening event.
"you all are so utterly childish and pathetic,it just a plastic ring get over it." Scaramouche protested,by his tone he was annoyed,perhaps he was jealous? Nobody know I hate this man so much
"about time, let's go arlecchino,we have something to attend,or should I call you my love since we're married" you chuckled, playing along with whole bride and groom things. Your sentence made scaramouche spat his coffee out staining his shirt
"of course sweetheart"arlecchino chuckled as she get up from her seat approaching your figure,you both then walked out of the room leaving the remain harbinger on the meeting room
"nevermind, I wanna be arlecchino,I Wana get called love by her highness,I wanna accompany her everywhere she go,I wanna play bride and groom with her." Scaramouche spat his confession out with such a pathetic expression,the other three harbinger just stared at him same bro
"noted, balladeer"Capitano pull out his note book as scaramouche keep going with his confession
You accidentally ran into him once. Even though you're the one who ran into him he apologize a ton.
Ah,he don't say much does he? He's a rather quiet one.
But he's also the one who lead most of the mission,well that what he supposed to do and that what his title stand for anyways..
One habit of him. He always gave you random accessories,dress or anything,he always said it a gift from liyue,or is it a gift from Inazuma. But in general he's just happy to spoil you,he just happy to see your face lit up in happiness when he gave you those gift
His subordinate usually has to listen to his nonstop talk about you.
"will this dress fit her highness? Does she prefers blue or white.." he asked to himself, completely ignoring the fatui subordinate behind him
"she'll look great on anything my lord but please-" one of the subordinate words were cutten off by him
"ah right,why don't I just bought her every variant" he Murmer to himself as he took both of the silk kimono to his hand
May tsaritsa spare his subordinate from their lord nonstop talk about you
He didn't talk about you around the higher rank fatui harbinger or any harbinger in particular
But he do pay tartaglia to listen to him in exchange for a sparring.
"isnt her majesty is just so charming"
"yes Lord harbinger!"
She's is very well know among the harbinger,the mystery on how does she get to the top three strongest harbinger haven't solved yet.
Tartaglia always try to get you away from her as much as possible. But damslette seem to have very smart way to get close to you.
She would accompany you with your daily activity,from hairstyles to night time routine.
Of course she know the most about you,she know your breakfast preference, favorite hair color, favorite kind of tea, favorite snack.. she serve it all for you!
"tartaglia dear,may you move a bit away from her highness,it about the time for tea time and I've prepared the finest tea for her.. after that she need to be at bath" damslette out of nowhere appeared and placed her hand on your shoulder in attempt to drag you away
"your highness you may go first to the location,I'll go after you"damslette said to you, you was confused but nods anyway
"why does every inside door activity she do must be accompanied by you?"tartaglia snorted by the recent events
"just so you know I even get to undress her before she take a bath" damslette whispered to tartaglia ear,it bought a little bit of tint pink blush on his cheeks
"why does I never get anything.. arlecchino get to accompany her anywhere,you got to spend most of her private time together,Capitano and her was partner in work.. what am I"tartaglia dramatically frowned by damslette confession,not fair,he never got anything good
"insect, perhaps"she gave him a snarky comment before she laughed among herself and leave
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jessicanjpa · 1 year
In Which Carlisle Is Not Good at Something
(excerpt from this one-shot, which covers Edward's senior recital when he majored in music)
Esme POV
I found Carlisle in the living room, trailing his fingers along the keys of Edward's piano. "Do you think he'd like a concert grand at home?" he asked me.
"Maybe someday." I moved closer, touching his arm. "I wish you could serenade me on the piano."
Carlisle laughed. "I can play, you know."
I blinked, dropping my hand. "What?"
Carlisle looked equally surprised. "You know I studied music, back when I was first in France."
"But you distinctly said that you and the piano had never gotten along."
"I did," he agreed. "But that doesn't mean I never learned."
"Carlisle, are you trying to tell me that we've been married for thirty-four years and all this time, you could play the piano, and you never told me?"
"I wouldn't call it playing, not really," he protested, looking suddenly very awkward. "It's not something you'd want to hear."
"Which means, of course, that I must hear it, immediately!"
Carlisle sighed in defeat and began to dig through Edward's piano bench. "I assure you, you'll regret asking."
"I'll be the judge of that. This one," I decided, pointing to a book of Schumann. Carlisle closed the bench and sat, turning the pages until he found something he liked. He moved aside and invited me to join him, which I did. Carlisle held his hands above the keys, rather stiffly I thought, and began to play.
It wasn't incorrect, exactly. It was just… bland. There was absolutely no life at all in the music. Carlisle took one look at my face and began making mistakes, fumbling at notes which weren't even on the page.
I bit my lip. "Good heavens."
"I warned you," he said uncomfortably, and his playing grew even worse.
"What are you doing to that poor music? I've never learned to read it, but I'm sure those notes don't belong in there."
"I just don't have it, whatever makes people good at this. I can't bring it to life."
"But surely you can read the music?"
"I can, but then I hear how dull it sounds and I try to make it better, and it never turns out right." I wrinkled my nose, staring at his fingers as they tangled and stumbled along. I laughed suddenly, leaning harder into his shoulder.
He stopped playing, looking slightly hurt. "What?"
"You're actually not good at something! I think it's marvelous!" I kissed his cheek tenderly. "It's a gift, darling, don't you see? Most things are so easy for us, it's exciting to encounter a skill that confounds us. You can't imagine how nervous I get whenever I try a new recipe. I truly have no way of knowing if it'll come out right, since it all smells and tastes so terrible."
"But your cooking does come out right," he protested.
"That's what the humans say, but maybe they're just being polite. I'll never really know. It's incredible, to be able to feel so uncertain."
Carlisle pulled me even closer. "I think you are incredible," he said softly. "The way you see things sometimes. And... do you know what else is incredible?"
"We actually have this entire house to ourselves."
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silverynight · 2 years
Comfort omega
Part V
At first he can't help but smile from ear to ear as soon as he hears Nezuko's laughter; she's spending time with the love hashira, allowing the female alpha to braid all her hair.
The little girl looks so cute. Tanjirou gets closer to them, feeling his heart warm.
"Tanji! Look! My braids!" The little pup immediately makes grabby hands at him and the omega can't help but melt at the sight before picking her up and giving her a kiss on her forehead.
"You're so cute, both of you!" Kanroji sighs dreamily, getting closer to Tanjirou almost like she can't stop herself. Then the omega notices that most of her pink hair is down besides the poor attempt at a braid she's currently wearing.
"Nezuko... You did that?"
"All by myself!" The pup chuckles.
"That's great!" He praises her, nuzzling her cheek before turning to look at the alpha and mumbling: "I'm sorry... Do you want me to comb and braid your hair for you?"
A very pleased blush spreads all over Kanroji's face quickly; she looks delighted.
"Yes, but leave Nezuko's braid! I want to keep it for the rest of the day." She assures him sincerely and for a moment, Tanjirou feels his eyes getting wet with happy tears. He's just so glad to see someone appreciating his little sister.
Nezuko watches with fascination as the omega combs and braids Kanroji's hair; the alpha seems to be having a good time. She's so happy that when he's done, she turns around to give him a kiss on his cheek even though Tanjirou knows she shouldn't.
"Thanks for taking care of Nezuko," he mumbles with a sincere smile; that pup is only his responsibility, but he's always grateful when someone else spends time with her.
"You don't have to thank me," she assures him, taking his hand to stop him from leaving. There's something in her eyes that worries Tanjirou for a moment. "It's my pleasure... Besides, you know I love her like she's my own, right?"
"Oh," Tanjirou doesn't know what to say because he feels the panic spreading quickly all over his body. This shouldn't be happening. He looks down at Nezuko only to realize that maybe she's getting a little bit attached as well. "I need to go."
He takes the pup in his arms and walks away quickly; this is not good, he doesn't want them to kick Tanjirou and Nezuko out because he couldn't keep it professional.
Besides, it'll break Nezuko's heart, those alphas don't... They shouldn't...
This is the safest place; Nezuko needs to stay there...
He sits under a tree before pulling her closer against his chest; the girl chuckles happily.
"Listen, Nezuko... Uhh... The Pillars are our friends."
"Friends, yes! I like them!"
"I know, I know... But they're not family, alright? It's just you and me now," Tanjirou smiles, trying not to feel bad when he sees her pouting.
"I want a big family," she mumbles sadly. "Like before."
"I know," he nods, trying not to cry. He can't give her that, not right now, not with the job he has. He can't look for a mate. "Maybe... Maybe someday."
Nezuko nods because she's a good girl, she always has been; she smiles before nuzzling against Tanjirou's chest and the omega hugs her tightly until she falls asleep.
That's when Iguro jumps right in front of him; he's really good at it because he doesn't make any sound.
"Are you alright, Tanjirou?" The alpha asks, looking worried. "You smell distressed."
"I'm fine, I'll be fine," he assures him, feeling a little bit better when the alpha puts a hand on his cheek. "Do you need anything?"
"No..." Iguro assures him, almost shyly. "I just want you to be alright."
"Thank you, you're very kind. But I'll be fine. I just... I'll take Nezuko to her room."
The serpent hashira nods so Tanjirou rushes away from there, trying not to worry too much.
The best thing to do is to stop tending to the Pillars, there's clearly something that's not right; he knows they've been crossing lines they shouldn't and that's probably his own fault.
Maybe his scent is confusing them; is it too strong for them? Is making them believe or feel things they actually don't?
Tanjirou thinks he's good at keeping his scent light, but perhaps he wasn't paying attention enough because the truth is that he genuinely enjoys spending time with all the hashira.
But he shouldn't.
He gets startled when he feels two hands in his and notices Inosuke and Zenitsu at each side of him.
"Zenitsu... Didn't Aoi tell you again you shouldn't do this?"
"Again? So this has happened a couple of times?"
Both Inosuke and Zenitsu let go of Tanjirou as soon as they recognize Kocho's voice, she's smiling but has a vein very visible on her forehead. She doesn't smell happy... Actually, now that Tanjirou is paying attention, she smells jealous.
This shouldn't be happening.
"You know he's our omega. For the hashira only."
Before Zenitsu starts crying and trembling and Inosuke does something crazy like challenge Kocho... Tanjirou gets closer to the insect hashira so she looks at him instead.
"Actually... I wanted to talk to the Pillars about that, Kocho-san. Do you know when they'll be here?"
"They're here," the alpha mumbles, staring into Tanjirou's eyes and seeing something alarming in them judging by the way her expression twists suddenly. "Tanjirou, darling... Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he nods, clearly lying and feeling absolutely terrible about it. "Can you call them?"
"I... Of course, anything you want."
It's a little bit intimidating, to see them all in front of him; it's obvious they're worried about what he's about to say even though their expressions look perfectly composed. Tanjirou can tell by their scents.
"Shinobu told us about your friends," Tomioka says before Tanjirou can gather the courage to open his mouth. The alpha looks almost desperate. "We agreed that it's alright if you want to help them too..."
"You're really kind," the omega mumbles, feeling his cheeks turning slightly pink. "But this is not about that. I... actually, I think it'd be better if I stop being your comfort omega."
Kanroji sobs and Tanjirou starts feeling terrible as all nine scents filled with sorrow hit him at once.
"Why? Did... Did we do something wrong?" Tokito asks, making Tanjirou take a step back.
"You are... We're getting attached."
"Is that so bad?" Uzui says sincerely, his voice is uncharacteristically soft, like he's afraid one of his words will end up scaring Tanjirou off. "Because we don't care."
"We love you, my boy!" Rengoku confesses, his alpha scent turning sweet and then bitter with sadness at the same time.
Tanjirou's scent is confusing them; that must be it, there's no way nine powerful and amazing alphas like them are in love with a simple omega like him.
"I... I'm sorry," perhaps he should explain, but if they're still under the effects of his scent they'd never believe him. "I-I think it's for the best."
His inner omega is suffering, almost in pain. Part of him doesn't want to be away from them.
"We will respect your decision," Himejima says before Shinazugawa can even open his mouth. The wind hashira looks angry, but hurt.
"Thank you," he whispers before running away.
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xluxsolarisx · 2 months
yippie!!! i'm so glad you and the plushie enjoyed the lavender farm, i thought you would:3 ^^ your drawings are super cute i love them, doing little doodles like that is so fun it's great to see you branching into it :D, would love to see more of your drawings in the future, chess and baking too are fantastic fkdjks (also your work ethic with setting goals for your drawing skills and enthusiasm for it is genuinely kinda inspiring:> like i mean i definitely should practice like that too rather than just figuring it out as i go lmao)
i can't believe whoever's in charge of shipping hates both of us and wants us to die it's so rude tbh
anyeay. is so great and loves you and gives you a kiss on the cheek and explodes. AOAUgjfksj:3
YEAH!!! it was really fun, i was actually studying when i got that ask and it was a nice little break thinking about going to a lavender farm with you and a plushie hehe :3 and thank you!!! drawing IS really fun!!! it was a lot more fun than i thought it would be. the reason i set those specific goals is because i work best with like little steps at a time because otherwise i get overwhelmed and too hard on myself and procrastinate or just stop because i'm Not Perfect...breaking it up into pieces helps and it helps me focus too ^^ chess and baking ARE fun! i used to just play chess.com but now sometimes i play with friends, it's really nice! i even bought a snazzy new chessboard and the pieces have gold borders it's so pretty c: baking is nice too because if you made the sweets yourself it doesn't matter how many you eat or how much sugar is in them it doesn't count. it's in the quran god said that himself. also you said you'd like to see more drawings in the future? how about NOW!!!
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i have to admit i drew the bunnies (EXCEPT for the last bunny and the miffy bunny. the last bunny came from me staring intently at a picture of a rabbit and the miffy bunny came from my bountiful imagination and creative soul), the bird (not the rooster the other one idk the name) and the peace sign hand with a step by step guide but i'm still proud of myself ^^ one day i will give that woman a body. maybe she'll even have clothes. i'm still working out how to draw clothes but maybe... also someday i'll paint a really big hand writing with a fountain pen and paint the hand's nails with real nail polish and write the pen strokes with a real fountain pen and it'll be so awesome and shaded so nicely. another one of my Ultimate Goals. also yeah it's so fucked up that they don't ship to usamerica...god made up time zones and shipping distances to punish people who wanted cool stuff and wanted to be friends despite not living in the same country like he made up language to punish people for the tower of babel. my theory. ok byeee ^^ giggles so sweetly and kisses your cheek back and is so great also and loves you too and dies instantly and painlessly because i was standing so close to you when you exploded i was instantly flash fossilized. but that's okay i forgive you. because i love you. bye 💖💖💖
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unforgottcn · 5 months
❛   amplify .   turn  up  the  music  in  the  car . // mayhaps something from them being young and silly? :)
loud & (not so) deafening silence. | accepting !
Yone remembers an old Honda Civic; at the time, it had once been the pinnacle of automobiles versus the lackluster, but classic cars that everyone drove. It was white, and it had that rustic look to the hem of the skirt- in other words, it had been a hand-me down from his step-father before he had died bitter and old. The car had fond memories regardless- such as when his mother was alive, too. The family had once been so sweet- and after Yasuo... Well, Yone was just glad that Yasuo got to know the kindness in their mothers eyes before she checked out. It is a scary thought- of getting older someday. That itself is making Yone weary, as he listens to the radio and finds his eyes burning.
Eventually- Yone muses as he drives with Ezreal at his side- that one day, he would give it to his younger brother. Perhaps when Yasuo was older, and not at a danger to himself or others. Maybe after he got his drivers license, someday, years from now. Assuming he doesn't get into trouble, or something terrible happens before then.
Yone visibly tenses as he thinks of this car that had once been home for three months on the streets after their mother died. After he got kicked out of the house for accusing his father of being the reason why she left in the first place. He thinks of the fact Yasuo had always been the baby brother, and for only a few years had Yone been the beloved, unforgettable son. Yone sighs, he looks to his left- and sees a white car, with tires close to bursting- and is unable to shake the way his mind starts racing. Instinctively and thank god for that- he turns the radio up, hoping it'll block out the weary thoughts. He comes back to reality- sees Ezreal grinning widely and turning the radio up even higher, so that way the bass can be felt in their ribcages, like the fluttering of Yone's heart.
Yone catches himself singing- realizes it's Katy Perry, Teenage Dream.
He cannot help smiling- forgetting all of those bitter thoughts as he catches Ezreal humming and moving his head to the beat. Yone laughs- he laughs so much that he fails to notice his blush on his cheeks, the admiration in his eyes and perhaps, the envy. Ezreal had a beautiful voice.
"Don't stop singing, keep going, you were doing such a good job, Ez!" Yone hadn't realized they were already halfway to the beach when he finishes speaking. "Sorry." He apologizes quickly- turning it down so that he can hear whatever Ezreal has to say. "My bad. I just..." Really like your voice.
"I think we should start a band."
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gayforddlovato13 · 1 year
Jenna Ortega Imagine - you're going to be a great mom someday
"Hey, what's going on here, my love?" Jenna asked as she returned to the living room.
You were pacing around the room, trying to comfort your littlest baby cousin whom you're babysitting for the day.
He's only a couple of months old and though he's been sleeping for most of the day, he's been crying nonstop for the last few minutes.
"I can't get him to settle down." You said as you tried to soothe him. "Shh, come on buddy. It's okay."
"Well, I just got the other two to take a nap," Jenna said as she stepped closer to you, gently putting her hand on your shoulder.
"They're probably going to wake back up with how much this little one is crying." You said with an anxious look in your eyes.
"Here, give him to me." She said and you gently handed him over to your girlfriend, who instinctively began to care for him. "Oh, hi, buddy. What's the matter? What's with all the crying?"
The baby continued to cry as she began to bounce him gently, walking across the room in circles as she spoke to him.
"You're okay, little buddy. It's okay. Shh."
She paused for a second before she started to sing, her soft and beautiful voice making it's way through the room.
"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are."
The baby started to calm down a little, his loud cries now turning into quiet whimpers as he held onto Jenna with his tiny hands.
"When the blazing sun is gone, when he nothing shines upon, then you show your little light, twinkle twinkle all the night."
Soon, the baby stopped fussing completely and fell back asleep.
But just to be sure that he stayed asleep, she sat down on the sofa with him curled up against his chest.
You took a seat beside her and admired the precious sight as she cared for him, brushing her fingers across his head ever so delicately.
"Aren't you just so precious? See, no more crying. Everything's okay."
You put your cheek on her shoulder and she turned her head to look at you, giggling when she saw the big and bright smile on your face.
"Nothing. It's just," You paused and looked at the baby in her arms. "Seeing you today with my cousins has been amazing. I actually don't ever want them to leave now. I was just sitting here, thinking about what you might be like in the future when we have our own kids."
"Just as loving and attentive as I am now, maybe even a little more." She smiled. "I love kids. I can't wait to have my own someday and I only want that with you. I like caring for them. I like singing them to sleep and nurturing them. It brings me a lot of joy."
"I just know that you're going to be a great mom someday."
"You will too." She said as she put her head on yours.
"I don't know about that. You're the one that got the baby to sleep."
She chuckled softly.
"He loves you though. Besides, when it's our own kids, it'll be different. They'll love you just as much as I do."
You shared a sweet kiss before the baby started to fuss again.
"Oh, no, buddy. You're alright!" She said, shushing him softly.
He fell right back asleep, curled up against her.
And as she spoke and sang to him, you just sat back and admired her, wondering how you got so lucky while also imagining days like these with little ones of your own.
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faceless-mirror · 3 months
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Ship: HozierxNBOC
Ainsley has just endured a soul-tearing experience. They're working on themselves and living for themself for once. When they meet Andrew while on vacation in Ireland. What starts as an entertaining distraction soon seems to grow as they both heal and grow together.
[This is a mild slowburn fic]
(Please feel free to message if you would like to be included in the taglist.)
Ainsley was leaned back in their old bedroom in the house they grew up in. The horses running around them on the walls used to be a comfort but seeing them now was... heartbreaking to say the least. They never wanted to come back here. They didn't want to be moving back in with their father who couldn't be bothered with pronouns and preferred names. At least where they had been... their name choice and pronouns were respected.
Every time they went anywhere now they were immediately called she or my daughter. It was infuriating. Over the past few days, they had to move back to their hometown, they couldn't stand being in that house anymore... the one they had shared with their lover and best friend. And having had their heart slowly broken over the past few months... it was killing them.
They sighed as memories flooded back as their former fiance delivered the words that broke their heart. "I'm sorry, Ley, but we aren't comfortable with you moving in with us." They rolled onto their side gripping their hair, tugging it lightly as tears started falling down their cheeks. Stop thinking about it, stop it. It'll go away if you just STOP THINKING! their mind screamed at them furiously. 
They had had a mental breakdown after a long day and a fight with a roommate they also lived with. Their fiance, themself, and a few friends were set to move into an apartment, not even a month away. And ... now it was gone. All the people Ainsley had trusted so full-heartedly, who had seemed so supportive, that they were trying to improve for... seemed to have judged them on a breakdown. All three of them.
Ainsley sobbed in defeat as they pulled open Spotify, putting on some Hozier, hoping to listen to his voice, just to forget. Even for a little while. Even just for a little while, let me not feel alone.
It seemed to do the trick for now. They sighed and took off their clothes laying back and closing their eyes. Just for now, they didn't feel as alone as they did before.
Ainsley was listening to a few interviews with Hozier, his voice quickly becoming their constant companion, a comfort at all hours soothing their mind gently and easing their worries as the days passed. 
One bright sunny Tuesday, they were scrolling down their phone and chuckled seeing an ad to go to Ireland for $160. As if I or my father could afford that. they mused thinking about how amazing it would be to see Ireland. One of the many reasons they loved Andrew's voice was simply because of his accent. They had always loved the idea of going to Ireland even before discovering his music. It drew them out towards them and they wanted nothing more than to be right there.
They leaned down out of their room. "HEY DAD! Wanna go to Ireland?" they asked with a bittersweet laugh.
"Yeah, sure, when we going?" their dad called back just as bitter. 
"Maybe someday," they shouted back and closed the door with a sigh leaning back onto their bed. "Maybe."
As they sat back down, they took a deep breath feeling a weight sinking in their heart as the interview ended quickly switching to another interview hearing him talk about how he was unlucky in love, Ainsley couldn't help but connect on that. The trust they had, had been crushed and now looking in their phone at their ex’s contact, they had yet to gather the courage to block them, they couldn’t help but wonder if the trust would ever be able to be recovered. Perhaps… Perhaps not… only time would tell.
They ruffled their short fluffy brown hair. Filling out job applications for their hometown, feeling more and more dread filling their heart. Finally, they set aside the applications taking a deep breath, and looked in the mirror next to the bed seeing just how exhausted they looked. 
Groaning they stood up deciding to get some fresh air and walk. As soon as they got downstairs their father was there. "Hey, kid, want to go out to the horse farm?" he asked. It hadn't even been a full week since they got back 'home' but... for some reason going out to the farm where their dad worked as a landscaper for his cousin, it didn't sound too horrible.
That and they liked horses enough to pet some. Their dad had been talking this place up for months, so there was no harm in going. At least they hoped. There was a flash in their mind remembering how big horses are and how much it hurt to get kicked, and absently rubbed the spot on their chest where they had been kicked in the past.
They'll be in stalls and pens. It's fine. they assured themself, as they headed back up to get dressed.
It wasn't too long before they were standing by a pen with miniature horses, cautious as they petted them, trying to stay out of the way as much as possible. One of the stable hands had started talking with them, offering to help them out with getting over the fear they had of horses.
That led to the moment now where Ainsley was guiding one of the horses the stable hand owned to its outdoor pen. Being so small they couldn't imagine leading the other horse. The one they were already leading towered over them. The other, a tall Belgian draft horse, was far larger, far bulkier.  "Maybe if you come down tomorrow I'll be able to help you get up on her and we can have a small riding session." the stablehand suggested. 
Ainsley's initial instinct was to say no, but after a moment, they nodded. "Yeah... I think I would like that," they admitted taking a deep breath, Push through. You need to move forward.
The stable hand smiled and nodded, "Then we'll do it tomorrow."
Maybe its time to face all those fears and learn how to let loose.
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kaylor · 2 years
If I say favourite TS lyrics, what comes to mind?
alright so i kinda have a few categories for this. first of all there's the lyrics that are just good words, cleverly put together, something so evocative or imaginative. then there's the cheeky twist lyrics, almost like metalyrics sometimes because they're referencing the act of songwriting itself. and then there's lines that aren't necessarily the best or most interesting lyrics, they just hit right and i love and look forward to them each time.
just real good
"and you come away with a great little story of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you"
"guess it's true that love was all you wanted, cause you're giving it away like it's extra change, hoping it'll end up in his pocket, but he leaves you out like a penny in the rain, cause it's not his price to pay"
"you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter"
"long were the nights when my days once revolved around you, counting ny footsteps, praying the floor won't fall through again/i lived in your chess game but you changed the rules every day"
"this is me praying that this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. my thoughts will echo your name until i see you again"
"lost your balance on a tightrope, lost your mind trying to get it back"
"how you'd kiss me when i was in the middle of saying something. there's not a day i don't miss those rude interruptions"
"you can plan for a change in the weather and time, but i never planned on you changing your mind"
"may these memories break your fall"
"so you were never a saint and i loved in shades of wrong, we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts"
"put your lips close to mine as long as they don't touch, out of focus eye to eye til the gravity's too much, and i'll do anything you say if you say it with your hands"
"we're singing in the car getting lost upstate, autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place, and i can picture it after all these days/i forget about you long enough to forget why i needed to/maybe this thing was a masterpiece til you tore it all up, running scared, i was there, i remember it all too well/and you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest/i'd like to be my old self again but i'm still trying to find it, after plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own, now you mail back my things and i walk home alone"
"back to a first glance feeling on new york time, back when you fit in my poems like a perfect rhyme/spinning like a girl in a brand new dress, we had this big wide city all to ourselves, we blocked the noise with the sound of i need you, and for the first time i had something to lose, and i guess we fell apart in the usual way and the story's got dust on every page, but sometimes i wonder how you think about it now and i see your face in every crowd"!!!!!!
"and time is taking its sweet time erasing you, and you've got your demons and darling they all look like me"
"so it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames/you can tell me when it's over if the high was worth the pain/it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar"
"someday when you leave me i bet these memories follow you around"
"these hands had to let it go free and this love came back to me/your kiss, my cheek, i watched you leave, you smile, my ghost, i fell to my knees, when you're young you just run but you come back to what you need"
"you're still all over me like a wine stained dress i can't wear anymore"
"i bury hatchets but i keep maps of where i put em/i can't let you go, your handprint's on my soul, it's like your eyes are liquor, it's like your body is gold"
"third floor on the west side me and you, handsome you're a mansion with a view, do the girls back home touch you like i do?"
"late in the night, the city's asleep, your love is a secret i'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep"
"my love had been frozen, deep blue but you painted me golden"
"cut the headlights, summer's a knife, i'm always waiting for you just to cut to the bone, devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes, and if i bleed you'll be the last to know"
"i see you everywhere, the only thing we share is this small town. you said it was a great love, one for the ages, but if the story's over, why am i still writing pages?"
"quiet my fears with the touch of your hand, paper cut stings from our paper thin plans MY TIME MY WINE MY SPIRIT MY TRUST/gave you too much but it wasn't enough but i'll be alright it's just a thousand cuts" on god
"the buttons of my coat were tangled in my hair, in doctor's office lighting, i didn't tell you i was scared"
"we never painted by the numbers babe, but we were making it count"
"i knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss, knew you'd haunt all of my what ifs, the smell of smoke would hang around this long cause i knew everything when i was young"!!
"you know i didn't want to have to haunt you but what a ghostly scene. you wear the same jewels that i gave you as you bury me"
"they told me all of my cages were mental so i got wasted like all my potential"
"take the words for what they are, a dwindling mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times"
"something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire, chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons"
"sometimes you just don't know the answer til someone's on their knees and asks you"
"there's an ache in you put there by the ache in me, but if it's all the same to you it's the same to me/i won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay"
"are you still the same soul i met under the bleachers? well, i guess i'll never know"
"the old widow goes to the stone every day, but i don't, i just sit here and wait, grieving for the living/my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/i'd live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time"
"now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon, with your boots beneath my bed, forever is the sweetest con"
cheeky twist
"i grabbed a pen and an old napkin and i wrote down our song"
"all those other girls, well, they're beautiful, but would they write a song for you?"
"once upon a time, i believe it was a tuesday"
"the girl in the dress wrote you a song"
"darling i'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream/i've got a blank space baby, and i'll write your name" i'm SORRY it's GOOD she SLAYED
"the rumors are terrible and cruel but honey most of them are true" 😝😝😝
"50 years is a long time, holiday house sat quietly on that beach, free of women with madness, their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me" slay
"no one knows about the words that we whisper, no one knows how much i miss you" 👀
just hits right
"i've found time can heal most anything and you just might find who you're supposed to be. i didn't know who i was supposed to be at 15"
the entire second verse of you're not sorry
"i hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home" 🥹
"so if the chain is on your door, i understand" (underrated little nugget, the relationship has been over for a while but this implies she still has the key...)
"i've never heard silence quite this loud"!!!!!
"take pictures in your mind of your childhood room, memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home, remember the footsteps, remember the words said" (hits harder the older you get!!!)
"did some things you can't speak of but at night you live it all again/today is never too late to be brand new"
"regretting him was like wishing you never found out love could be that strong"!!!!!!!
"there we are again when i loved you so, back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known"!!!!!!!
"but on a wednesday in a café i watched it begin again" 🥹
"people like you always want back the love they pushed aside but people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye"!!!!!!
"wear you like a necklace, i'm so chill but you make me jealous" one for the crazy horny girls
"and i complained the whole way there, the car ride back and up the stairs, i should have asked you questions, i should have asked you how to be" 😭
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