#maybe this is just me not wanting my faves to be too similar to each other lmao
toastsnaffler · 2 months
ohhhhh my god girl i don't careeeee
#love my roommate but urghhhh. sorry they dont make enough fictional female characters that interest u but u dont need to justify it to me#write your mlm its literally fine. sorry but ur not gonna gain my respect or approval by defending why u write more mlm than wlw#i dont care if u have equal amounts of each or not LOL we just have different tastes thats all there is to it#and I KNOOOOOOWWWW she writes femslash too im not denying that !!!!!!#most of my fav media is lesbian centric bc I have a strong connection to my identity as a dyke. so i gravitate towards things that explore-#that + complex relationships to gender + its social enforcement etcetc. and its easier for me to get attached to characters that i can-#connect with bc we have shared experiences or the world percieves us in similar ways or we percieve the world in similar ways etc#and shes said she DOESNT feel particularly attached to her sexuality in that way. so ofc shes not going to be looking for the same things-#in media and thats OKAY!!#literally have nothing against her writing gay men i like some fictional mlm relationships myself!! and its cool that she enjoys it#i just find it disappointing that we dont have much in common taste-wise bc thatd be more fun to talk abt#but thats why i come on tumblr dot com.. to talk abt fictional women w dykes who understand them like i do amen#and im happy to listen to her talk abt things she likes and projects shes clearly enjoying working on like thats awesome love to hear it#but sometimes its like shes trying to persuade me abt smth but theres nothing to persuade. i dont knooooow#like ik shes not trying to get me into her interests she already has plenty of friends who are. but theres no approval to win from me???#i think im just annoyed bc i feel like i cant rly talk abt the things im into w her bc she disliked them so much#and also annoying to be around someone who shares an identity w me but is clearly more uncomfortable w it than i am#maybe thats not even true actually the real reason im annoyed is bc ive had a long and exhausting week and im coming down from-#my first day on new meds and im soooo so so tired have i sajd that already. and my head hurts#and i want a fucking hug and im just projecting my lack of physical and emotional intimacy onto her bc she happens to be the person i-#spend the most time with. but thats really unfair of me its not her fault or obligation at all. ah i just want to shower and sleeeepp#and tomorrow day 2 of meds im gonna get so much shit done!!!!!!!! i hope.. i wanna finish drafting my comic too teehee#wouldnt it be so crazy if now im medicated i might actually be able to start and finish projects i reallyyyy want to do..#well i wont get my hopes up yet#anyway........#another day another 5 million tag rambling post complaining abt everything. and dont expect me to ever stop 😚#.diaries#literally why would i care abt the tastes of a girl whose fave character in tlt was naberius........#she rly had to pick one of the ONLY men and not even one of the particularly interesting ones. and shes not even straight???? her loss 🙄
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licorice-tea · 4 months
Could I Be Loved By You? Pt. 2
Pairing: Monkey D. Luffy x reader, Usopp x reader, Nami x reader (separate)
Content: some suggestive jokes in usopp’s part, just general silliness besides that!
Word Count: 0.9k (total)
A/N: first time writing for all three of these characters- say whatttt! usopp’s part is my fave, but i love all of them!!! also if you check my master list for more content or anything, just know that im working on making it looks more aesthetically pleasing (it’s a mess right now😓) anyway thanks for reading and enjoy <3
Part 1
What happens when you ask them; “Do you think we’re together in every universe?”
Nami - 0.2k
With a singsongy voice, you announce your presence to Nami. “Babe!”
“Y/n!” She responds in a similar cadence. However, she doesn’t look up from drawing her map.
You round her desk so that you’re standing behind it, and she finishes off a line before setting down her pen. “What’s up?”
“I have a question for you.”
“Ok. Don’t laugh.”
“I won’t laugh at you, babe.” Well, she might, but only out of endearment.
“So… Um, do you think that we would be together in every universe?”
Her lips, once pressed together in a resting expression, curve upwards. The shake of her shoulders is an unmistakable sign of held back laughter, which is only solidified by her hand covering her mouth.
“Hey! You said you wouldn’t laugh!” But in all fairness, you’re smiling too. It’s a silly sort of question.
“I’m not, I’m not!” She defends herself through giggles, then clears her throat.
“So, do you think so or not?”
Nami taps her chin with a smirk. “Yes. Yes I do.” The faintest blush colors her cheeks, though she’s much too proud to ever admit to being flustered by the idea. To think; you want to be with her just as badly as she does you, in any every lifetime or world where the two of you coexist. It’s enough to make even her swoon.
“Awww, so you do love me!” You tease. Your next course of action is to run out the door before she can (lovingly) hurl a book at you.
Monkey D. Luffy - 0.3k
You and Luffy are the last crewmates left at the table. Neither of you were late to dinner, nor were you ever. No, you had arrived to the dining room on time (even a little early), but he is still on his 3rd main course. Meanwhile, you are a slow eater. It’s no bother, though; you’d take almost any opportunity to spend time alone with Luffy.
With a soft smile, you tilt your head as you watch your boyfriend and captain stuff his face.
He pauses, noticing your staring. “What? Something on my face?” He licks his lips.
You shake your head. “I was just thinking.”
“Oh, ‘bout what?”
“Do you think we’re like this in every universe?”
“Like what? Still hungry? I know I am!”
“No,” you giggle, “I mean like… in love. A couple.”
This time, Luffy is the one to giggle at your curiosity. “What a weird question, y/n.” He cracks his blinding grin at you. “Of course we are.”
Luffy proceeds to stretch one arm around the back of your chair and pulls it closer to his. The proximity allows you to lay your head on his shoulder, and now everything feels right with the world…
Still, the “what if” scenario runs rampant in your imagination. “But if there is a world where we aren’t-“
“Just means we haven’t met yet.”
“… Hm. I guess you’re right.”
“Yeah, and I found you this time, right? So, I always will.” He says it all like it’s some simple, known truth. As if there are no doubts in his mind- nor should there be in yours- that you’re meant to be together. It’s not surprising though, given Luffy’s view on his own destiny. Naturally, yours is part of his, and vice versa.
With a simper, you swipe your thumb over the corner of his lips to brush away a crumb. “Or maybe I’ll find you.”
Usopp - 0.4k
You and Usopp like to play this sort of game where you ask each other questions. Sometimes they’re deep and introspective, others silly and random. It’s not really a game, per say, but… Well, it’s a fun little thing for when you’ve exhausted other topics of conversation or both of you are bored of other, cleverer topics.
“Ok, favorite temperature?”
“Favorite temperature? That's so specific!”
He chuckles. “Thats the point, baby.”
You hum in agreement before responding. “True… 74 degrees.”
“Celsius, or fahrenheit?”
“…Usopp.” You deadpan. “74 degree celsius would be, like…”
“Around 165 degrees fahrenheit.” He grins proudly. How some people, such as your boyfriend, are such naturals at mental math, you would never understand.
“Hmph… if you say so. But, yeah, why would I say my favorite temperature is 165 degrees fahrenheit?”
Usopp shrugs, “I wouldn’t put it past you; I know you like things hot.”
You’re too caught up in the way he leans toward you teasingly to notice his arms snaking around your waist. Without warning, he pulls you close to his chest. You shriek as Usopp spins you around, but your arms remain looped around his shoulders even after he sets you down.
“That was a dirty trick.”
“I think you enjoyed it.”
And you did, so you just smile and accept defeat. It’s your turn to ask a question now. “Do you think we’d be together in every universe?”
His smile falters. “I… Well, I don’t know.”
“I want to be, of course, I just…”
“Just what?”
“You have so many choices, y/n. Who’s to say you’d always choose me? I definitely wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, in this hypothetical alternate-“
Your lips stop his from moving with a forceful kiss. They linger there, just for a few moments, before you pull back less than an inch away. “Don’t talk like that.”
“And don’t apologize. I’d always choose you, Usopp, no matter what.”
His confidence grows back, along with his smile. “Then yes,” Usopp places another small peck to your lips and pulls away to gauge your reaction, “I think we would be together in every universe.”
Your eyes seem to shine with some emotion that could only be described as love. “Just what I wanted to hear.”
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blue-jisungs · 3 months
author's note. thank u @eternalgyuuu for ur help w the banner <33 its one of my faves hehehe
word count. 889
summary. you stumble upon a (weirdly familiar) cute guy and let yourself lose in the music with him
warnings. it’s a party party yeah!!, alcohol consumption 😁😁 they’re both tipsy but not wasted, slightly suggestive +++ lyric play so if the dialogue is weird at times,, sorry…… oh and it was written with sector 17 hoshi in my head btw… + dance major hosh, creative writing major yn
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the warm summer breeze sneaked through the open window, the smell of flowers and wet grass mixing with the scent of sweat, pizza and fresh laundry on the balcony. the weather was mildly warm, pleasant.
a deep buzz of some random song’s bass rang in your chest as you absentmindedly followed the rhythm, swaying your body and trying not to spill the drink jeonghan made you. 
the party itself didn’t have an occasion – mingyu just felt like gathering all his favorite people in one place. and since you were his roommate (and one of his friends), you were naturally invited. 
lights in the room were dimmed but some cheap LEDs allowed you to get a look on people’s faces, even if in reds and blues. 
suddenly you felt someone’s presence and you turned your hooded gaze upon them. your eyes landed upon a cute guy with a yellow shirt (with some flowers on…?) and short platinum blonde hair, who sent you a toothy grin. his eyes scanned your figure, noticing the little glitter you put on your collarbones and a cute, black dress. 
“¿cómo estás?” he blurted out suddenly and you couldn’t help but scoff. the man may have been a little silly but positive vibes were radiating from him. besides, he was a pretty good dancer… and quite handsome too. 
“’m good” you smiled lazily. his ebony eyes scanned the way you danced to the beat, his own smile growing. he felt like somehow the way your body moved seemed similar – or maybe it was just his experience messing with his slightly hazy mind. 
for a moment, you didn’t talk. the way your bodies moved to the rhythm spoke volumes, gazes stuck in each other. the man leaned in closer, the smell of his cologne filling your lungs. suddenly, he grabbed your free hand and spun you carefully yet with grace. 
“girl, i like your face… i bet you taste amazing” he mumbled and you didn’t hesitate to stand on your tippy toes and peck him. he smirked, the taste of whiskey sour lingering on his lips. 
eyes never breaking contact with his, you took a sip of your drink and continued to dance. 
the blonde man followed your footsteps, losing himself in the music. the tension was thick, the room felt like it was only you and him. (despite your roommate and jeonghan sending daggers your way, watching you two with arms crossed). a strange feeling suddenly tugged your heart but you blamed it on the alcohol and decided to ignore it. 
“pretty, cute yet feisty…” he hummed and you grabbed him by the collar of his yellow shirt, tugging him closer yet never stopping your moves “electricity sparks when you sway side to side…”
“and who are you? a poet?” you grinned and just when he wanted to lean closer, perhaps to get another taste of your lips, you stepped away gracefully. body brushing against his ever so slightly but enough to make him want to try again.
“hmm, one would say. i’m a dance major… instead of words i use movements” he replied, a glint in his eye sparkling mischievously “you?”
“creative writing” you said and took another sip of your beverage, letting the pleasant feeling spread across your body. the coldness of ice contrasted with the heat of the room.
the music playing pulled you two closer yet again, this time your back was facing him – but not enough to feel him against you. 
out of the blue, that weird feeling returned again so you turned around suddenly, scanning his face. 
“girl you remind me… of a girl i was obsessed with” he groaned when you grabbed his chin. normally, you’d walk away if you heard such a thing but–
“soonyoungie?” you asked, raising your eyebrow. his eyes went wide and you wolfed down your drink, backing away to put the glass aside to a safe place. 
“y/n? that’s why…” he breathed out and gently pulled you by your waist. you didn’t protest, letting the warmth of his palms hold you securely “… you looked so similar… and so did your moves”
soonyoung and you used to date in high school before parting ways in college – he stayed in seoul to pursue his dancing career, you went abroad. no hard feelings involved, just sadness. you spent two years there and moved back to finish your course here, in seoul, because the homesickness was too much of a heavy burden at times. especially to handle at your own. and who could’ve guessed you’d reunite with your high school sweetheart.
“tell me am i your type?” soonyoung asked suddenly and you laughed, resting your forehead on his chest. 
“we literally dated, of course you are” your hummed response sent shivers down his spine as a hopeful smile bloomed on his face. 
leaning away, your hands made their way to his shoulders. killing the beat, not missing a single one, you brushed your lips against his once again this night. your fingers creeped up to tug his platinum-blonde locks, causing him to let out a quiet groan. 
“you taste amazing” soonyoung sighed dreamily, chasing after you when you teasingly tilted your head. letting the music lead your bodies, you danced with your old lover; leaving the question what are we? for tomorrow, another warm summer day.
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taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello Ara Ara Anon here.
Kinda digging your profile Gun having a seriously face lol. Which made me think of what would Gun and Goo hate to see in thier Date or in fight.
And what would be thier auto "marry me" reaction during thier date/ situations.
Hello again Ara Ara anon! This is probably one of my fave expression this guy pulls. It's just so relatable. Thanks for the ask - and I could see Goo falling for the ara ara OC heh.
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Fight Reaction: Marry Me!
Gun values competent people, he would have needed to have heard of your reputation first to pique his interest. It would make sense if you were making a name for yourself as a high ranking executive in Workers, climbing to the top with a ruthless tenacity. You're efficient and ambitious and you wanted the crew business all to yourself. Because why do these little boys get all the fun?
Couple that with you being strong? What a way to get his attention. Gun's instant marry me though? This bastard... Daniel breaks 1 arm and this pervert can't stop thinking about him. Imagine if you broke all his limbs.
Goo is one sadistic fucker. Similar to Gun, you would need to overpower him during a fight but he doesn't need the context. He couldn't give a shit who you are, but where have you been hiding with your pretty claws and vicious grin? Having someone like you beat him up is hot. It eases the sting of the loss somewhat.
Goo is sitting there, bruised and bloodied by you, which is already a turn on. Then you lean in and grab his chin:
"Ara ara... What a disappointment you turned out to be, Goo Kim."
He genuinely would blurt out "marry me" in this moment.
Fight Reaction: Fuck You
Gun loves fighting. He really believes in the beauty of the it, the movement, the skill, the raw feel of throwing punches and kicks. Connecting and ripping through skin, breaking bones. He doesn't care if you fight dirty. Go ahead and grab some weapons. Adds more spice.
However anything that would ruin the fundamental of people beating the shit out of each other would upset him, more so if it's illegal.
"You dumb motherfucker. Are you ruining my fun with a gun"
and if you tried to jab him with a syringe full of questionable drugs like what happened to Samuel? He'll really show you what Shiro Oni means.
What can I say, this guy has his principles.
For Goo, you would have thought anything goes with this blonde maniac but he hates being underestimated or thinking someone is going easy on him. And combine that with you getting the upper hand? He loathes your trash talk.
"You call that a punch"
"What is that stance"
"Have you ever even used a sword before"
He would be going feral with rage, frothing at the mouth, aiming to kill. If you manage to get him to this stage and still nothing?
"Was that supposed to hurt"
Please also see the above scenario - he would likely have the most confused boner.
Date Reaction: Marry Me!
Apart from the obvious fighting prowess, Gun would love someone that could easily be playing 5D chess and challenging him.
He's smart and perceptive but if he tells you about his day and you manage to catch something he's missed? Or offer him a better solution? God. He's always done this on his own, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad with you.
You would need a pretty wicked and wild streak yourself to seriously be with someone like Goo. You 2 together are loose cannons and a general danger to society. And your ideas of a date aren't the most... traditional.
Someone pissed Goo off and you suggest some casual arson? Grand theft auto against a guy who parked too close to his precious car? Identity theft of someone that tried to rip him off? Yep babe, you're the one.
Date Reaction: Fuck off
It likely will never get to this stage if they get even a whiff of something amiss.
Casually sleeping around is one thing but Gun and Goo are pretty thorough with researching and scoping people out, and that's no different for a potential date. They know the kind of traits they like and respect. If you don't fit the bill, then this ain't happening.
The only real thing both Gun and Goo would hate is if either of them misjudged you. They thought they saw a partner and an equal but you're not measuring up. Either you're too nice or normal or moralistic or just naive. This would never work, they need someone that understands the way of their world. They would have no qualms breaking up or just straight out ghosting you.
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shallowseeker · 6 months
Thinking very much about this long conversation, and my fave nugget from it is about the function of the prayer in The Trap:
Hurt feelings & trial separation
So after the Rupture conversation, Dean and Cas give each other space. After some reconsideration, I think this was probably the best thing for them.
They've hurt each others' feelings beyond measure. They can't talk about or grieve Jack. They can't be around each other because, similar to Dean season 13, they can't find comfort in one another. All they see when they look at one another is everything they've lost.
It's a perversion of season 13. Dean couldn't look at Jack because he reminded him of Cas. Now, very likely, Dean can't look at Cas because he reminds him of Jack. (And therefore, also what happened to Mary.)
In 15x06, Dean is obviously depressed and fatalistic AND worried. He urges Cas, "Sam's been trying to call you," and to, "Check your damn messages."
When Cas gets space, he gets clarity. Taking a step back lets him see clearly that Chuck's game is a rigged game, and he decides to fight for his human family anyway.
In Last Call, Dean sees a dark version of himself and a dark callback to Rocky's Bar, and he rejects it. Dean decides that he wants to fight for the "little guy." He's not going to give in to nihilism and stop caring.
Do you still want me? Then, what do you need from me?
In Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven and The Trap, they're not trying to fix everything or even work through their grief about Jack yet. It's still too painful.
What they seem to be trying to puzzle out is, "Do you still want me?" Dean is bitter that Cas left when he still needed him, and Cas is bitter that Dean didn't verbalize wanting him.
In this way, they do succeed in telling each other what they need. Dean is signaling very strongly that he wants Cas to stay and work things out, and Cas is telling Dean his basic needs to be able to stay:
Cas tells Dean this: You didn't give me a choice. You couldn't forgive me. And you couldn't move on. You were too angry. I left, but you didn't stop me. (If you want me to stay, I need forgiveness. I need you to try to be less angry with me. I need you to ask me to stay.)
Given all that's happened between them, I think it's okay for Cas to communicate his needs and boundaries, regardless of what happened before. It's up to Dean whether of not the ask is something he's willing to give:
And when Dean says:
DEAN: I know you're sorry, Cas. About Bel, about Mom. CAS: I was talking about Jack. I already apologized to you. You just refused to hear it.
It's also a covert conversation. Bel is the stand-in for Jack. (Think back to coded convos in season 11: "And by Lucifer, I mean Cas.") Here, Cas is saying in no uncertain terms that although Dean can't talk about it right now, they're going to have to talk about it.
He needs to be able to talk about it. Maybe not now, but later, in private, where it's quiet and unseen. They will be talking and grieving about Jack if Cas comes back to the partnership.
Those're the terms. (They're reasonable.)
I think the interaction in The Gamblers hints that this indeed happened, later. I don't think this kind of easy acceptance of a soulless Jack back into their lives could happen in a conversationless vacuum:
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GIF by shirtlesssammy
GIF by shirtlesssammy
GIF by shirtlesssammy
Renegotiating the relationship
Anyway, Dean's prayer is his acceptance of the relationship terms. He specifically answers all of Cas's requests. He talks through all of Cas's points. He tells Cas he should've stopped him from leaving. He wanted to stop him. He admits his own wrongs and part in the separation. He gives Cas the forgiveness he specifically asked for, he contextualizes his anger, and he says he's sorry (this last bit...is about Jack).
Now, the only issue with this apology is that it's not about Dean's terms in the relationship. That's okay, I think, because this part is about Cas. Dean's part would overload the prayer and take the focus off Cas, which is Dean's focus for this moment.
But why are Dean's needs missing? Dean does want Cas to stay, and Cas gets that message, loud and clear, but Dean's other needs are missing. Dean's prayer is answering all of Cas's terms. I think that's what @somnatine means when they say that The Trap and Despair feel incomplete.
Dean starts to have his own say at the very end of The Trap, but Cas cuts him off. It feels one-sided and incomplete. Why is that?
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GIF by inacatastrophicmind
It's because Cas is sidestepping Dean's terms.
He doesn't want to hear Dean's needs, because he instinctually knows that Dean simply needs him. It's a callback to season 8, "Cas, I need you." And now, because of the Empty deal, Dean can't have him.
Even the words of affirmation are unbearable and dangerous. Cas has to shut it down (script only):
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DEAN: It's-- amazing. You did-- amazing. CAS: They're still looking for me. We should hurry-- Cas trudges to the Rift. On Dean. DEAN: Cas. I-- CAS: Dean. You don't have to.
Cas is now aware that they can be there for each other, but they can't have each other. All they can hope for right now is to simply be, not act.
The best Cas can do for Dean is to try to stay with Dean (it's the one thing Dean had actually asked in his renegotiation of their relationship). All he can do is try to provide support through actions.
So, Cas throws his weight and strength around as a stand-in for the emotional support/intimacy he cannot give without triggering his deal.
So, Cas takes on the Mark:
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Dean watches, nervous-- as Cas pulls out a knife. DEAN: Cas, you sure? Cas solemnly nods-- cuts himself, bleeds into the bowl. CAS: You've already taken the Mark. You can't take it again. I can. (then) It's the only way.
Cas is effectively saying, "I can't give you what you need, but let me do this for you."
So after all this, do they want to be together? Do they still want each other? Do they accept each other's renegotiated relationship terms?
After a trial separation, they find out the answer to those questions: they do.
That's all they managed to figure out in 15x09, really. It would've been weird to try and solve everything at once. My conjecture is that even more conversations took place behind closed doors (above).
Next would come the actual grieving together part, which, if Chuck's future vision is to be believed, seemed to have gone okay in the Alt timeline...until Claire Novak died and Cas's Mark went out of control.
They survived the death of one child, but two was too much to bear.
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ryuichirou · 7 months
Ace and Deuce special! Kind of… I guess lol Since our last post was about them. But there’re also some about AzuIde!
Anonymous asked:
Context of the latest post? :)
I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, Anon~ But I’ll let the second Anon answer your question:
Anonymous asked:
Hey Ace finally got laid!
The entire twst cast does the “omedetou” clap 😔👏👏👏 Congratulations, Ace!
Anonymous asked:
Not their faults that they share the same room, Riddle. XD Also, poor other two roommates. (Freshmen rooms have 4 roommates, 2nd year have two roommates, and 3rd year have their own rooms. Only Dorm leaders have their own rooms)
No-no, it’s entirely their fault, why would they even do something like this?! (Cue angry virgin noise)
And yeah, I honestly don’t know how their roommates survive this, but who knows, maybe they are out for some reason and ADeuce decided that they won’t get another chance like that and got a little bit too excited~
Anonymous asked:
Do you have any ace thoughts?? I have these like "twst character phases" where one character becomes my chew toy for a week and then gets discarded and ace is my latest victim 🤭🤭
I've kinda been thinking about pining!adeuce except deuce keeps fucking other people to cope and ace is insanely jealous and keeps avoiding him. Maybe he sleeps with one of their classmates (Jamil or epel maybe?? I like jamiace a lot) as a sort of "revenge"?? Which probably works after ace purposely doesn't hide the marks left from his "wicked plan" LMAO
Aftermath is they either fuck and become occasional fuck buddies making their pining worse or they avoid each other and make things worse (either way everyone is getting a headache from these two)
Ace is a nice chew toy, Anon, good choice! We have a similar situation, even though there are characters that are always our faves, right now we’re going through the first book again, so we’ve been kind of rediscovering Ace and Deuce lol
Ace and Jamil are a fun combo (poor Jamil just has to suffer because of his basketball club boys lol), but I honestly don’t know if Jamil would be up for something like that. Maybe he has his reasons though, it all depends on a scenario I guess.
Deuce feeling jealous despite knowing darn well that Ace is purposefully trying to make him jealous… god, how complicated things could be between them lol
I do like the idea of ADeuce being fuck buddies and not dating each other despite the fact that they’re super obviously are into each other and want to be together though; there are some nice doujins about Ace going through a crisis because he definitely wants to keep sleeping with Deuce, but just can’t help but cling to the “we’re just friends” thing, hurting Deuce very deeply. Wow this sounds more tragic that I thought lol but it doesn’t has to be: these idiots are hilarious, and watching them trying to figure shit out, fight, make out and fight again, and then have sex and stop talking to each other and then fight again is peak comedy. And also super headache inducing LOL
Anonymous asked:
Okay someone has to say it, next to Jack Deuce looks like a fucking stick. To be fair, you could be the buffest guy around and look like a stick next to Jack, he’s just THAT beefy
Yeah, Jack is hella big, so he has this aura that makes everyone shrink when they’re near him lol But I’m also prone to exaggerations when it comes to size difference. I love it too much
Anonymous asked:
i was the beach anon..also the dead dove anon from awhile ago, i’d love to discuss the beach scene potential in dms of that’d be ok
Oh hi Anon! :)
Sure, but only if you’re okay with me super slow (I mean it) with my replies. I absolutely hate making people wait and giving lackluster replies, but I also don’t have a lot of time and energy apart from drawing, which makes me a terrible person for chatting…
Anonymous asked:
Hello hi hello I am one simple man who enjoys AzuIdi very much- may your brain always be full of ideas and your hands be capable of completing all your missions
Thank you so much, Anon, it means a lot <3 God how much I want to complete all my missions. There must be more Azul/Idia in the world, and I’m happy to know that there are people who are excited to see them.
Anonymous asked:
So I was looking into your Azuide marriage AU and I find it very interesting so I was wondering if say Idia cheated on Azul for some mysterious unknown reason...what would Azul do??
Ohh thank you for your interest, Anon! I’m glad you like it :)
It honestly depends on the circumstances, but it would still be bad. Azul’s first instinct would be to learn anything he could about that person and how they know Idia. He would talk to Idia about it himself, but even if Idia just tells him everything as it is, Azul needs his own independent research to check if Idia is lying to him or not. Yes he is THAT petty lol
Azul is very bad at forgiving people, and cheating on him is one of the biggest betrayals a person could present him with. Of course, their marriage isn’t a romantic one, but it doesn’t change Azul’s feelings, and he’d be very hurt.
You’ve seen the “bad ending” scenario and probably have read my replies about it; although it’s kind of vague, but this is the reaction I’m picturing, to be honest. Maybe not as drastic, but he’ll also stop giving Idia any kind of privacy: either Jade or Floyd is going to be around him at all times, looking at his monitors, watching what he’s doing, who he’s talking to. Just to make sure that he isn’t doing anything stupid~
Oh, and Azul’s also going to scare that other person away or even ruin their life. Easily.
But there are also some exceptions that would make Azul begrudgingly look the other way. If Idia was to have an affair with Lilia or Ortho, Azul is going to just swallow his pride and try to act calm. But he’d still be super hurt and probably punish Idia in some other way.
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easy-revenge · 2 years
we need more on the easy revenge and how himeno plays a role in aki’s development please i love her <3 give me the meta i love u thank u
the way y'all are enabling me to be insufferable on main? i love it. its me and my problematic fave against the world. buckle up.
honestly i cant believe i havent talked about easy revenge on here? its my favorite part from himeno's arc and one of my favs for aki as well. so... essay incoming.
gonna start a bit from further back and make some himeno haters mad right off the bat. himeno, in my humble (and correct) opinion, was the person who knew aki better than anyone else. and it has very little to do with how long they knew each other.
himeno knew. she knew that aki wouldn't make it. she knew since before we, as an audience, started observing this story. she knew the harsh but very realistic truth was that aki ultimately was just some guy, and i say that with the unimaginable love i have for him.
he was never special enough. he was never talented enough, strong enough and against popular belief, never driven enough either to kill the gun devil. he gave away his lifespan, he put his life on the line for others every day. he offered to use his sword to save denji, whom he allegedly despised at the time. that's not the behavior of someone who lives for a singular, selfish purpose.
himeno saw him and knew. she knew that if aki was to stand against the gun devil with a sword in hand, he wouldn't make it out alive. she saw him and knew that there were other things he wanted as well.
she was also selfish about it. she wanted him alive and close to her. she wanted them to leave public safety together. she wanted to cup her hands around the dancing little flame that was his shriveling life span and protect it with her life. but selfishness aside, she knew that ultimately it would be the best case scenario for aki as well.
she was proven right. multiple times. after her death. aki admitted to not looking at himself objectively shortly after he lost her, bc he wouldn't have been able to go on otherwise. aki had always been trapped. he'd been set up to fail by the narrative and by makima all along. and even though that was something himeno couldn't know, she was proven correct again when aki died before even getting to look at the gun devil and have a chance to go down fighting.
himeno never told aki that she didn't believe in him. it wasn't something he'd ever be ready to hear, especially while she was still alive. aki wouldn't be able to live without a goal to strive for. he'd clutched at that pipe dream and held on for dear life for too long, gave up too much on his way there. he didn't know how to exist without a finish line to run towards.
but himeno saw him stick gum to a woman's coat for her. she saw him being happy about it. she saw him taking care of power and denji, even though he was aki hayakawa, the devil hunter who hated devils the most. she saw him stare longingly at makima. she felt his breath against her own face as they shared cigarettes.
it rly isnt that hard to see, if u care enough to look. and himeno cared more than enough. aki thought he wanted revenge. it takes a lot of hate in a man's soul to dedicate his life to that. aki was kind. aki cried for his co-workers' deaths. aki wanted to be the big brother he never got to be. he wanted the family he lost. he wanted to save people from things similar to what he went through.
aki deserved to lead a life where his kindness wouldn't put him at a disadvantage.
and that's what himeno wanted for him. even if it wasn't a life he would live by her side, she wanted him to be fulfilled. with her dying breath, she herself left him with a wish he could make come true.
later she'd leave him with a wish he'd at least try to.
easy revenge. small victories. moments of fulfillment. she probably put that cigarette upside down in the packet she died with, for good luck. it's such an honest wish. such a caring one. maybe something himeno would've lived by too if she didn't find her brief fulfilment in addiction.
it seems utterly pointless now. bc aki did die in the hands of the gun devil. he didn't get to protect denji and power. he didn't get to protect angel either. he failed in every way a man can fail bc he didn't escape the narrative. would never have been able to.
personally though, i dont think he would've gotten as close as he did to taking something back if it wasn't for that cigarette. if it wasn't for the remnants of himeno, the mere essence of her having the power to give it to him before dying alongside ghost.
bc he did get a family. he got to be an older brother again. he gave two months he couldn't really spare to save a devil. took the same devil out to eat with him.
he ASKED to leave the gun devil mission to protect his family. to not lose anyone else the way he lost himeno. to not see another loved one of his go in the little time he had left.
he did everything in his power to honor both of himeno's dying wishes. he cried for her when she died and got his easy revenge. at least as much of it as he could.
to me, himeno was vital to aki's development and storyline, both alive and in death. aki deserved a person to know him. to see him. and himeno wasn't perfect, but she was that for him, even if it took him a bit too long to fully realize.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
I have a few birthday imagines that go round my head all the time. The first one being that reader has a 'normal' job, and Matty is in the band. It's coming up to his first birthday as a couple and she starts freaking out because what do you get someone who is able to afford anything he wants to buy. Anyway maybe in the end she makes him something? It would be all about the sentiment with Matty I think, so either something personal/homemade or maybe she plans a day for them doing all of his favourite things :)
Equally when it gets to readers birthday, Matty wants to buy her everything she's ever shown a slight interest in but he also doesn't want to overwhelm her, especially as she keeps reminding him not to go over the top. Maybe he remembers reader completing Charli's perfume one time so he sneakily asks her what fragrance it is then buys it for her. And I like to imagine he'd take her for a fancy meal out aswell, somewhere better than she's ever been before, maybe a fine dining restaurant.
my love @throughthepostmodernlens has a lovely fic quite similar to your first request with the day full of his fave things, but i'll discuss a lil bit too!
like you said, the man has enough money to get whatever he might want or need, so it's a total struggle to buy him a gift, especially because you're somewhat more financially limited than matty - he's hyper-aware of that though, and of the fact his taste is so diverse that planning a gift for him could be overwhelming, so he's very like "you don't need to get me anything, sweetheart, all i want and need is to spend the day with you". and that's cute, it really is, but you'll be damned if you're going to let your boyfriend's birthday go without a gift from you. and again like you said, i think matty would so appreciate sentiment over monetary value, being gifted something personal. i'm obsessed with the idea of you and matty having your own little book club, where you take turns to pick a book then read it independently and discuss it over some wine (and a joint, if that's your thing), and i think you'd maybe do gifts relating to that - you're always ranting at matty for dog-earing the pages of his books to mark his place, so maybe you get some bookmarks made up of your favourite pictures of the two of you and put them in his gift. matty's also the type of boyfriend who's just obsessed with hearing your thoughts at every second of every day (i fully believe he's the type to be like "so what are you thinking rn" at like 3am when you're trying to get to sleep lol), so you gift him your fully annotated copies of the books he's recommended thus far for your little book club (with little dedications to him at the start of each one), and that way he can spend hours reading the little scribbles verbatim from your thoughts about something he's personally recommended to you because he thought you'd like it :((( you put those in a gift bag with a lovely bottle of wine and a bunch of flowers and some chocolate (and maybe a little bag of weed too lmao), and you bake him a birthday cake, and head over to his house on the morning of april 8th. and matty's so happy to see you on his special day, and also slightly exasperated about the fact you got him a gift when he told you it was unnecessary - you shut him up with a kiss and tell him to open it. he's touched when he sees the homebaked cake, impressed when he sees the wine and chocolate, giggly at the weed, blushy at the flowers, and deeply overwhelmed and emotional at the literary gift. matty's a little confused at the books ("they're the ones i chose for us to read?") at first, until you tell him to open them. when he picks up the first one, one of the bookmarks falls out of the front cover, which sets him off already because "that picture of us is so cute. like look how pretty you are"" (which makes you blushy), and then when he flicks through the pages and sees your annotations he fully cries like "i'm getting little glimpses into your brain oh my god i fucking love this i love you i love the way your brain works" (then because she goes vibes actually). and that's just on the first book! matty gets so much more emotional with every book he picks up - he insists on doing this even though you tell him its the same idea for each - and you physically have to climb onto his lap and hold his hands to stop him just sitting and reading them for the whole day. but yeah - lots of teary kisses from matty, telling you this is the best gift he's ever gotten and he's so grateful and he just loves you so much and you're the most brilliant and beautiful and kindest person he knows, before he pulls himself together and you guys have the loveliest day.
and yeah, matty would be a bit of a nightmare on the lead-up to your birthday - he spoils you at the best of times (when you let him), simply because he's a simp (lol) and he loves you and wants to treat you well, but you make a point of sitting him down and looking him dead in the eye to tell him to keep the gifting lowkey. and it's hard for matty to not immediately pull out the credit card as soon as you offhandedly mention you like the look of something you saw advertised or walked past in a shop; you notice this about him quite quickly, so i think you'd drop subtle (and not-so subtle) hints about what you really wanted for a good while before your birthday. going with perfume, mentioned in the ask - while you're out for george's birthday, you really loudly compliment charli's perfume while matty's in earshot, like "i'm almost out of my favourite one, i'll need to buy more soon haha!", and matty hears and he's like "ooh i could get her some for her birthday!". and he makes a point of looking in your room to see which one you wear, but you have a couple on rotation and he has no idea which one you mean - matty's undeterred, though, because it means he has an excuse to come up and kiss your neck as you're getting ready for dates like "god, you smell amazing. what perfume is that?" and you're like fuck yeah he's got the hint "it's a dior one!" and tell him the name. on your birthday, you're surprised when matty hands you a dior-embossed envelope rather than a gift bag, and ready to yell at him when he says "look, sweetheart, i know this is a bit more money than you're probably cool with having spent on you, but i think it's something you'll love" - you open it to see an invitation to their selfridges boutique for a vip fragrance creation session, aka you getting to create your own personalised perfume. and while yeah you're utterly aghast at how much this is probably costing matty (he will not say), a) he looks so excited to be gifting you this opportunity, b) the thought of creating your own perfume with the brand you wear daily has you GIDDY, and c) it's actually a very thoughtful gift and you know fine well a single bottle of dior collection privee fragrances can last for a decade because they're so pure, meaning it's actually economical of you to do this, so you don't complain. instead, you give your boyfriend a big kiss and say "this is incredible. thank you so much. i love you!", and matty exhales and reciprocates the affection. and you both have a lot of fun at the dior boutique while you create your own scent, and also in matty's bedroom when you head back to his after dinner (which was in the literal fanciest place of all time, it was incredible), because the perfume you've come up with is so irresistible to matty that he actually cannot keep his hands off you at all (another bonus of that gift) lol <3
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OK. UM. first of all, hiiii! <3 ok lemme just gush a lil bit:
2. god, i don't even have the slightest idea of how tennis works, but this is just so????? like?????? you know. and i kinda get how the play goes?? YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER GOSH.
3. i actually remembered most of the characters?? considering there's a lot of em, this is practically a miracle. again, you're goddamn amazing. i dont know how. maybe the pace is great, but definitely THE CHARAS ALL HAVE PERSONALITY/DEPTH??? like, i actually even remembered the side charas!!! mike, thalia, diego, felix, that cool ass girl in that shooting game, etc. umh just perfecto.
4. THE TENNIS MATCHES ALL FEEL SO SATISFYING!!! <3333333 omg. i feel like WUOOOOOH u know. i feel so cool playing a cool talented mc omg im loving it (i play a i-win-everything type of mc becuz im a perfectionist with a fear of failure) the matches me on edge in my seat oh gosh <3 and when u win it somehow just go WOOOOOOOH again!!! AAAAAA<3
5. aw, and of course, my beloved rivals to lovers rayyan <3333 *sigh* the slowburn.... (hes actually my first & only one. i go: ohhh tension!?!? and make a run for it. um, if it's ok to ask, is there a lot of content in the romance area as of now or in the future? like, replayability in terms of romance? im sorry if this is rude, i didnt mean to, i suck at words & i wont ask that again.)
6. FOUND FAMILY YAY! FOUND FAMILY YAY! <33333 (we genuinely lack those in the if community pls.) soulmates w/ sam. ride or die diego. very reluctant ride or die G (imma be honest, his name is just so hard so my head for some reason just go Guacamole 😭). aww tobin u very big cinammon roll ill protect u. shenanigans. & others too many to name honestly.
7. help this is just so good i had to force myself to sleep at 3am for a 7am lecture and i sat in the front rows and i put my head on the table and the fricking professor called me out ohmygod- BUT IT WAS WORTH IT GODDAMN!! ILL DO IT AGAIN IF I HAVE TO! HA! i cant wait for the next update- i'm gonna have this fic in my head for the next week oh pls noooooo. (no pressure tho. u do u author! take ur time!!! ill be here to support u, whoo!)
8.ALL IN ALL, I LOVE IT I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYONE I LOVE YOU AUTHOR *runs over & hug you w/ consent* <333333333333
ok. um. that's not it but if i continue it's literally gonna be an essay so i'll stop.
author. i will die for this fic. ahaahahahah. if i may ask, what's ur fav IFs? (i really, really love this one so im kinda hoping maybe u have similar taste in IFs eheh. again, im sorry if this comes as rude or insensitive.) oh uh & if my long rambles bother u, i won't send it again sorry.
<333 okok. take care of urself, dont forget to eat healthy, drink water & good sleep. have a nice day :D
Wait. I think I might have missed replying to this I am so sorry!!! It gave me so so much joy. Maybe I subconsciously did not want it to leave my inbox haha.
1. And 2 -> THANK YOU!
3. Gosh this is such a great thing to hear. There are a looot of characters, and I definitely worry sometimes that it gets to be too much, but I think the IF is getting long enough for me to give enough-ish screentime to each character... though it takes me a while to cycle back to different side characters. I cant believe you remembered the cool ass girl in laser tag! :)
4. AWESOME to hear! 🥰
5. Yup, being a character driven IF, there will be a lot of romance (or friendship) beats / moments in the IF (which is already true now). The next couple of chapters will follow the same mix of sports, school and romance / hanging out, so you should already have a sense of how much romance there'll be (it'll just keep unfolding / developing for each of the RO routes!)
6. Hehe found family is my fave trope to insert in stories as well.
7. Hahaha aww oh no fictional college life is catching up to your real college life!!
8. HUG YOU BACK (with consent)!!🤗🤗
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diodellet · 1 month
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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AroAce Club: The Origins
Sini: As an ace person ace Miu makes perfect sense. It's one of my fave hcs as well and I also just find it offensive when people say certain characters are "too horny" to be ace. Like....Ace people can be horny???
we need to start a club, aces united for ace Miu
Ves: sneaks into your house and turns all your ships into qprs while you aren't looking
you are my hero for this
idk how to put that in normal words, I feel unhinged things about this
I need explicitly aromantic ship content and nobody is making it
how many times can I reread Litsu's "Besties but Better" before more fics like that spawn, before I go insane?
I mean, "The Simple Truth (And Other Boldfaced Lies)" has been starting to go in that direction but it's crumbs in 1 (one) longfic that I don't know when/if to expect a next update
Hina: Can I ask what you mean by this?
I mean stories that make it clear characters are aromantic that are still relationship focused, that show how they navigate it
Hina: That seems cool, and I'd love to see this more!! I think I've only ever seen one or two aromatic ones and maybe like 5-10 asexual ones? (I know those aren't the same)
I want to read about characters being confused by the other types of attraction they experience trying to figure out their feelings just as much as I do about ones figuring out they're gay
I want those domestic slice of life one-shots that just don't have the romance in them but still make it clear the relationship is as important to the characters in it
I want to read those settling into a relationship 5+1 fics but about QPR
Clown_Chaoticz: This is so true, man, there's just a few certain things I think do best when presented in the form of something aromantic. Really wish there was more surrounding that type of closeness
Checkers: romance is a really difficult concept for me so seeing qpr and intimacy without romance is very lovely
Clown_Chaoticz: One of my favorite headcanons is that shuichi is somewhere on the aromatic spectrum, probably because I see him as the type to have some sort of feelings for everyone he meets. I saw that and went "HEH. HEHEHEHE". Meanwhile I think ouma is demisexual, or something along those lines. I wish there was something about them navigating something like that
crack treated seriously: actually getting married just for the tax benefits, an easygoing aro couple that doesn't attach much meaning to it, surrounded by supportive but not understanding friends who need to get more chill about it, it's just a formality and a party to celebrate being over with it, please we just want to be able to visit each other at the hospital if something happens, stop talking about children
Hina: Can I ask a question? How exactly does the aromatic spectrum work (genuine)
the range is similar to the ace spectrum, you get the gray, demi and all that
some aroace people use one label because the general lack of both feels like one and the same to them, but I use both separately, cause I have different feelings about those and figured them out at different times. I think I don't get romantic feelings at all, while being somehow hyperromantic (ik the term is almost unheard of compared to hypersexual, but it works the same), while having some sexual attraction left as long as it's impossible to pursue, and being mildly repulsed by mentions of irl stuff/realistic depictions while being fascinated with fiction. It was really easy for me to say I'm ace and never want to actually do anything sexual, while admitting I'm aro is still hard, part of me just obsesses over romance. And I still get sensual attraction on the crossroads of aesthetical and platonic, which is really annoying and sets off the hyperromantic spiral
Clown_Chaoticz: Yee!! Pretty much little to no romantic feelings! But still with the ability to love really deeply, just more on the platonic side of things. Personally I like it for shuichi specifically because the struggle to put people into a well defined "I feel this about you" box is very real. Mostly because I think shuichi would be inclined to search for clear answers, without realizing that his and others people's definitions of romantic are just the right amount of awkward to feel off. I'm struggling to describe it ajskhdshd I'm aromantic! And everyone's experience surrounding that is different sure but the way I can describe it for myself is that I am unable to see myself in a romantic relationship. I lowkey find it unnecessary. I like seeing it! I like thinking about it with my silly fictional people! I do not see it for myself. For the longest time I straight up did not know there was another aspect to liking someone. I thought everyone just picked who they had feelings for I thought there was a step by step process where you HAD to be friends first because there was no reason for you to further the relationship otherwise. So getting friendzoned? Did not understand why people were upset about that. Cause I thought, you have everything you need! Your still close to them!! I understand now the difference but MAN it's complicated.
like, some ace fics imply characters to lack sensual attraction too and be grossed out by kissing, but I am not, and it bothers me, because it's hard to explain it as a separate kind of attraction and draw the line
no, bc when I was pursuing dating I was hell-bent on the have to be friends first too, like, surely you have to get to know them first to be able to feel it, right? right?
Sini: Demisexual Kokichi is my fave and I cherish it. I've never thought of arospec Shuichi but that does make sense… I usually think of Tenmiko as having a kind of qpr or aroace romance. I didn't even know there were Saiou fics like that out there I know there are ones focused on asexuality that I've read, but that's it
Clown_Chaoticz: OHH!! I CAN SEE THIS!!! Tenmiko as a qpr kind of goes hard actually akhdkshdkdj This will be the only way I accept it from now on/hj
Sini: Idk, they're so coded to me- Tenko is such an aroace lesbian. She just admires and loves Himiko sm. And Himiko strikes me as not being the dating type. Like she has her crushes and stuff, she can have romantic adjacent feelings, but if she's getting involved she doesn't really want to do was is expected of her. She likes Tenko but not like that and Tenko realizes she feels the same. They simply have a deep connection : ) Literally gal pals Himiko goes off like, "We're not soulmates, we're soulbonded" and everyone but Tenko is confused on what the difference is
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also I made this chart of my hcs, but tbh I could move nearly anyone to a higher tier at any time if I felt like it, any of them could be aspec, and the main reason I didn't put Kaito as aroace is me being a hater, not wanting to share that with him, he has the potential for it, and I could put saiou in any variation, maybe one day I'll write something where one is aro and the other is ace, and they still get into some weird situationship, probably within The Greater Akamatsu Polycule, they're just fascinated by each other, there'd be mind games and Literal Sleeping Together... it'd be great.
[when I shared it in the pit, I said] I need help, how do I hc characters as aro without making them aroace? I need more aro hcs, I am not even sure about Sayaka or Sonia, it was more like I'm okay with placing them there but it wouldn't be my default, why do I not have aro hcs? wtf and I am not much better with ace hcs, I was going to have Kiyo and Gundham be just ace, but the voice in my head was like Why not? Why shouldn't I make them aroace? We can have it all
Hina: I love Aroace Nekomaru
I just think that after having their private platonic interaction peeped on & sexualized by outsiders both Nekomaru and Akane deserve to be ace, she's got more going on but tbh I haven't seen either of their ftes myself so it's mostly vibes and what other people said I am referring to the massage scene
Sini: FR! They’re so chill when it comes to that stuff. In Akane’s case it could be partly due to all the harassment she received, which just makes a lot of her reactions really sad, but she deserves to be ace as a treat. Makes things a little less sad (but also more so sad)
Hina: I've gotten some hate before for headcanoning Nekomaru as Aroace because he's apparently canonically MLM but? I don't know. Based on his FTE's, he's just a really chill person and I think he values the friendships that he builds and forms with people enough where a romantic relationship just isn't something he thinks about for himself often
Sini: Nekomaru can be Aroace and still be MLM…..Idk why people think being aroace means you can’t feel any attraction to any gender ever
Now go and write about aspecs!
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cartoonemotion · 6 months
hiii. after watching class of 3000 what character interactions do u think would be most fun to explore. I almost typed explode
YAAAAY this is such a good question !!!!!! honestly as an ensemble cast i feel like class of 3000 overall balances itself and its cast interactions out pretty well (lil d, eddie, and philly phil maybe get some more extra centric episodes in my opinion though. granted it makes sense for lil d since there was an interview where andre said that the character was supposed to in some way kind of be based off him as a kid/his experiences in school)
pretty much tamika and anybody else. being fully transparent, this is bias cuz tamika is arguably one of my faves of the show and while she does actually get moments to shine i feel like shes just a liiiittle underutilized. when they start using her to set up gags about eddie being clearly infatuated with her instead of that being more of a consistent background detail it starts really negatively effecting the writing of both characters imo. she and madison have some charming bits and that episode where theyre paired up together but i would have also loved to see more of a dynamic between her and kim !! kim's very artistic and expressive and wants to be something of a trendsetter but is obviously (for very reasonable 12 year old reasons, i think) invested in still being apart of the "in" crowd and other people's perception of her, and i think that mirror's tamika's whole thing of being cool and tough but being afraid that that image might be compromised if she lets more of her softer side come through (her collecting dolls, baking cookies with her goofball dad, and actually really enjoying very mushy displays of affection for example) rather nicely ! plus their instruments (turn tables, misc percussive instruments and the harp) would go nicely together imo
I ALSO THINK tamkia and lil d would be fun to explore !!!!!! they kind of start off strong in the beginning of the first season but theres less of it as the show goes on which is a shame ! its funny to watch them squabble almost like siblings but its very clear that they still like and care about each other-- i mean in one episode where tamika goes to hang out with some other girls lil d laments that he misses her threatening him and when she shoves him he exclaims "we missed you tamika !!!" very earnestly !!! it would be nice to explore tamika's side of that yknow !!!
maybe the writers thought philly phil and madison were too similar since theyre both kind of eccentric goofballs to have them paired up more often but i think they could play off each other really nicely ! after all madison is supposed to be more of a ditzy but friendly hippie type and philly phil's mostly just socially inept and kind of clumsy, i think you could find a lot of comedy potential balancing that
i also think philly phil and kam could have gotten more screen time as a duo, seeing as they have the whole geek and nerd dichotomy going on. kam is more of a skeptic whereas philly phil seems to be more willing to believe in things like aliens and santa claus and unicorns even though hes a "man of science", i think it was a real missed opportunity to not have him and kam maybe get into friendly arguments about it or something, or maybe realize they have converging interests (like kam's belief/enthusiasm for bigfoot)
i like lil d and eddie's friendship ! it read to me like eddie was the closest to lil d out of everyone in the group, and i say that even without taking "eddie's money" into consideration (even though thats a great showcase i feel like as to what im talking about !) like everytime lil d needs to pay for something and hes just like "its whatever eddie's got it" eddie just does with very little to no complaint, idk !!! i just like em. plus i think they illustrate again some of the stuff andre was talking about in his goal of exploring the culture of atlanta and his own experiences there since lil d and eddie come from bankhead and buckhead respectively, and him (andre 3000 i mean) mentioning that he went to school on the other side of town with a whole bunch of ppl including the mayor's kids lol
i just love sunny's little individual mentor moments with the kids in general !!!!!! obviously he and lil d are big one and kind of the show's highlight for obvious reasons, but i also really love the one on one moments he gets with kim, which happen way more often than i initially expected !!! i would have loved to see him sort of guide and mentor again tamika a bit more too again to possibly help her reconcile both elements of her identity as both a no-nonsense butt-kicker and somebody with more "childish" or "girly" interests. and also him and philly phil, just because i think. it would be zany. and good for hijinks.
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
*kicks down your door*
The newest chapter of Dazai’s Moving Detective Agency is so fucking good it is now my fave chapter I did not expect THAT to be the solution to the heart thing. Also the Akutagawa and Atsushi thing was Goddamn hilarious.
*Shakes your hand, fixes the door, and leaves.*
HULLO oh my gosh I'm sorry this took me so long to respond to alskdfjskfjs this ask was one of the ones that kept disappearing and reappearing in my browser inbox for some reason — ANYWAY YESSS (I want to talk about spoilers for chapter 19 so I'm gonna put them under the cut :0)
Ok so the heart thing! I wanted to mention that I remember seeing your comment where you theorized about how maybe the heart thing would be solved by Chuuya and Dazai kissing or saying "I love you" for the first time, and that maybe they could metaphorically share a heart between them, and the way you wrote it sounded so nice and romantic and lovely and while I was reading it I was internally just thinking "oh no" because of how it was actually going to go XD
In retrospect I really did have Chuuya solve it in the most brute force way possible aksdjfksfjks — speaking of that scene though, it did change a bit from the way I had originally planned it! Since I wrote the story back to front, I figured out the ending first, then the middle, then went back to the beginning and worked forward from there — so as a result, by the time I got back to the ending, a bunch of character stuff had changed.
Basically, in my first draft, Chuuya was going to get out of the chasm, find Dazai in the castle ruins, tell Yosano "before you say anything I know this is very medically inadvisable", then immediately pull his own heart out of his chest and split it in half (much to the utter horror of everyone watching). I was kind of hand-waving the magic aspect at that point, figuring "well, he's a star with a shit-ton of magic, he can probably survive doing wild stuff like that".
...But then I started writing everything out from the beginning, and added all the stuff with Chuuya learning not to shut out the people who care about him and to let them help him when he's in trouble, and in the process of really digging into his character arc I realized that I had made it so that him acting on his own like that would have been rolling back the character development I had already given him aksjdfksdfjskj SO I thought about it for a looong time and gradually figured out how to incorporate Rimbaud, Yosano, Kyouka, and the rest into all helping out in their own ways. And I ended up liking that version way better, since it fits more with the theme of support and the importance of all Chuuya's bonds he's made along the way, so I think it was worth the extra effort in the end!
...It still is a very brute-force way to solve it though XD Chuuya has a very straight forward approach to everything ksjfkdsj
ANYWAY that was a long ramble — I'm also really glad you enjoyed the Akutagawa and Atsushi shenanigans, I ended up having way too much fun with that part :D Their interactions are actually pretty similar to how I initially planned everything out (that end part where Dazai and Chuuya are completely wrapped up in each other while everything is spiraling out of control around them is heavily inspired by the ending of the book version of Howl's Moving Castle, and I had most of the dialogue for it figured out from the beginning).
...Honestly, considering how out of order I wrote it, I'm surprised I didn't have to scrap more scenes. As it is, the only things that really ended up getting changed/scrapped were:
A part of chapter 11 (in particular, the bit where Chuuya and Dazai talk after Dazai brings Akutagawa and Kyouka to the castle was originally a very different tone, because Chuuya was not supposed to have gotten as far along his "realizing he has feelings for Dazai" arc)(I do still kinda like the original version for the comedy aspect, but I like the way the final version fits with their relationship progression better)
A scene where Dazai was going to get drunk, which had to be scrapped entirely (I was basing it off of the book scene where Howl gets drunk and goes on a rant about the curse, but I ended up deciding that it a), made things way too obvious, and b), Chuuya should have absolutely figured everything out from what Dazai said and I didn't want to make Chuuya seem like a moron)
The final confrontation between Chuuya, Dazai, and Fyodor changed a LOT. I rewrote that scene. So many times. Similar to the Chuuya-pulling-out-his-heart-scene, there was a bit in my original draft that ended up being very out of character for Dazai because of how his and Chuuya's relationship had developed in the rest of the story, so I had to completely switch around how they got into the chasm in the first place. I again think it was worth the effort though, because I think where it landed (Dazai completely losing control of the situation and having to trust Chuuya to save them both) was more interesting for Dazai's arc as well.
Anyway, all that said— I've had a really really good time writing this fic, and I'm happy other people have enjoyed it too!! (And hopefully I can actually finish chapter 20 soon aksdjfksdj things keep getting in the way of it help)
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misc-obeyme · 4 months
"You are kinning a little too close to the sun."
Two different friends after I texted them about the new u-treasure rings coming up, and told them about how I now have the same rings as Mammon (both the official replica and a pinky ring (and ring of light but that's MC))
The universe heard me say I wanted to be a ring girlie and delivered 😭 now I gotta work extra hard to prove myself for this promotion and hopefully get a raise !!
i swear I was going somewhere with this, do you find yourself sharing any similar traits with your faves ??
- ✨ anon
Hello there, ✨ anon!
I looked briefly at the Ring of Light when it was available, but I seem to remember it being far more expensive that I thought it'd be? I don't know, it was a while ago so I could be misremembering lol. I haven't checked the price on the new ones!
I think you'll have a ring for every finger. If you've got one for each of the seven brothers, then two of Mammon's, and then also the Ring of Light, well you're set for all ten fingies! (Not that you'd actually wear them all at once...)
And yes, I find that I do have some similar traits. In fact, an anon on this very blog accused me of being a Solomon kinnie because I like it when Barbatos scolds people. Needless to say, I think about that a lot because I can't deny it lol.
I actually think that I'm kind of a mix between Barbatos and Solomon. Like I'm not as strict as Barbatos can be, but I do enjoy taking care of other people. I also like tea, but ya know, I'm not sure if that counts. But I definitely can get obsessive like Solomon - staying up all hours of the night working on something. I also have a silly streak, but I'm not as much of a tease as he is. So I think I'm a bit of both.
Mammon is actually one of my faves too, but I think we have zero traits in common. He's so energetic and I am just... not that. He also strikes me as an extrovert what with the partying and such like and I am very much not that either. I may have written a little drabble about this that I forgot about and never posted... oops. Maybe I'll post it sometime.
All of my faves are a lot more confident than I am in general. I like Levi a lot, too, but I really had to come around to him because his anxiety reminds me so much of myself.
Anyway, good luck getting your promotion and raise! I hope you're able to get all the rings you desire!
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13eyond13 · 6 months
Hi...Can I ask your top 3 favorite characters from Nana? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
Hi hi!! I would LOVE to try to talk about this series for a bit, but PLEASE keep in mind I'm still only just finished volume 7 / chapter 24 (I am currently waiting in line to read volume 8 at my library! But I might get impatient and just try to find the chapters online too)... MY TOP 3 FAVE NANA CHARACTERS (SO FAR) 1. NANA KOMATSU / NANA 1 / "HACHI": OMG I love Nana 1 to death hahahaha. She literally makes me lol every single volume with her thoughts and decisions and interactions with everyone else, and it's just the most fun in the series to be inside her brain and following along with her relationships and emotional roller-coasters and little life lessons and anxieties and pains and hopes and dreams. She's an awesome character to me for being flawed and complex and selfish and immature yet still very likable and oddly tough and brave and sweet as pie at the same time. I think seeing the growth she's having as a person over the series is definitely the main draw for me, and watching her try to figure out her feelings for everybody and her place in the world and how to become the type of person that contains all the personality traits she's always admiring around her - and how to fill that void she feels of never completely erasing the loneliness inside or being perfectly synced up with the people she's trying to form a deeper connection with.
She's mysterious, she's proud, she's tough, she's badass, she's funny and sensible and kind! I love the more grown-up and emotionally reserved vibe she has in comparison to Nana 1, which totally makes sense considering her harder childhood and how self-reliant she always had to be. Her casual warmth with Hachi is endearing and her less obviously expressive and highly independent yet still emotionally intense personality is very relatable to me. It's the most fun to see Hachi reacting to Nana 2 to me I think, because Nana 2 is more closed off and a bit more afraid of exploring her feelings unabashedly than Nana 1. But she's by far my other fave in the series, and of course the heart of the whole thing is the very ambiguously devoted relationship between the 2 Nanas for me!
3. ???? I don't think I have a third main fave character in the story yet??
At the beginning of the manga I quite liked Shoji and Junko, but as the series is progressing it seems like they both got written out of the plot almost entirely. I liked Junko for always keeping it real with Nana and caring about her in a tough love sort of way, though she did for sure just seem a bit like the "voice of reason" character for the more ridiculous Nana to bounce off of whenever she was in a bind... I liked Shoji because he seems like a regular kid instead of some idealistic fictional love interest hunk - his reactions to Nana K. were pretty relatable to me, and their romantic interactions were cute and made me laugh and also cringe with sympathy at times (like when it was so awkward when Nana first moved to Tokyo too and they were still trying to readjust to being around each other more - I remember similar things happening to me whenever I had been long-distance in a relationship for a summer and and then suddenly near my partner again at some time). Even in the part where he starts developing feelings for Sachiko and sneakily cheating on Nana, I always felt he behaved pretty understandably and wasn't a horrible person so much as just a conflicted and young and immature one who wasn't in the right relationship when he was with Nana, maybe (though admittedly I wasn't that upset that he wasn't being featured in the story more after that, because that would probably get on my nerves). Currently I have just finished volume 7, and right now I am finding I don't feel a super strong connection to any of the other characters too much other than Nana 1 and Nana 2? The other guys in Blast are just okay to me, I don't have SUPER strong feelings about Nana getting together with Nobu (in fact I find him a little bit annoying at times - I agree with Shin that he "has some unrealistic ideas about women" and idealizes Nana too much - Yasu is chill and nice and wise, but a bit TOO chill and reserved to be super interesting to me). The members of Trapnest are also just okay to me? Ren bores me a little bit (maybe because I just would rather be reading about Nana 2 hanging out with Nana 1 than with him)... Reira is hard for me to form ANY opinions about other than eww, it's weird that she's sleeping with Shin, Takumi is a selfish yet possessive jerk and only thinking about himself, and I always forget the other one (Naoki?) even exists...
I WILL say that the little Nana 2 fangirl Misato is extremely cute and I'm always happy when she's on the page, hahaha. Her shameless devotion to Nana 2 and her politeness and extreme savviness about the music industry are just fun for me to read (as was Hachi's initial jealousy toward her, but I'm glad she managed to also eventually get over that)! --
MY TOP 5 FAVE NANA MOMENTS (SO FAR): Forgive me if these moments are completely arbitrary and sort of dumb picks, because I feel like I'm forgetting so much of the story from the previous volumes already, and I'm still only 1/3 of the way through the whole thing?? But here are ones that stood out to me whenever I was racking my brain: 5. Whenever Nana forces Shoji to let her sleep in his hotel room, then awkwardly sings him to sleep, and he's like: "YOU DON'T HAVE TO SING" hahaha...
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my reaction to that was basically Junko's reaction:
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4. Whenever Nana 2 starts getting jealous and confused about Hachi hooking up with Takumi I was like OHOHOH, HOW THE TURNS TABLE.... I think it's REALLY hard for Nana 2 to admit stuff like feeling vulnerable or jealous or possessive over Nana 1 at this point, and seeing her realize "heeyyyy maybe I want her attention and devotion a little more than I thought and was taking it for granted a bit"... that was a very feelsy little part! 3. Whenever Hachi is getting jealous about Nana 2's cute little fangirl and having super mean petty thoughts about her hahahah omg the most relatable thing of life! 2. When Nana 2 goes to Nobu after he first starts dating Hachi and is like: "I'M USING YOU TO KEEP NANA 1 IN MY LIFE FOREVER, SO DON'T MESS THIS UP!" OMG?? Fellas is it gay to keep your girl roomie nearby by throwing guys at her that are entrenched in your social circle and also more socially acceptable for her to date? When I say my heart skipped a beat at that moment!! And it just happened in the manga super recently, so who knows where things are going to go from here?
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1. When Hachi is having so many gay thoughts about Nana 2 that she's like "AHHH THIS IS TOO GAY I NEED TO GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND!!!!" Boy did I laugh out loud at the cognitive dissonance (and find it super relatable to younger me and my own panicking about maybe not being entirely straight thoughts? of course)...
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wonwoosthetic · 2 years
Mtl being called oppa or any affectionate saying to a partner (babe, honey etc)
Since “오빠” is really a Korean word instead of a nickname (and bc I also don’t support it being used sexually from non-Koreans), I focused on actual names you could call a partner🤗
< masterlist
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Mingyu: you cannot convince me of anything else. This man LOVES being called a pretty nickname, may it be babe, honey, darling, handsome (probably his fave ngl), he just CRUMBLES
Hoshi & Woozi: all I have to say about that is “watch In The Soop”.
S.Coups: tell me this man would not be the sulkiest dude on this planet once you don’t call him a nickname. He’d be immediately hugging or caressing you when you use his actual name. “What did I do wrong?” “Are you mad?” “Do you need something?”
Minghao: he, FOR SURE, would think of it as being a step closer to each other and sort of like a confirmation of your relationship. It’s something only the two of you share, so he’d love to have a nickname. Please let it be sweetheart or honey. Would definitely look at you like🤨 if you ever call him The8 as a joke
Vernon: definitely that enjoys calling his partner “babe”. With his deep ass voice. Yessss.😮‍💨 so he’d also appreciate being called it back :)
Joshua: since he most definitely enjoys using nicknames, he’d like to be called them as well. It’s probably the perfect husband vibes, but please call him honey, he’d love that
DK: I would actually maybe even put him up next to S.Coups tbh… he’s just so soft hearted, he’d love having a special nickname that just his s/o calls him and exclusively his s/o. No one else is allowed to call him that. He’d probably be a fan of “handsome” too
Seungkwan: something tells me that he’d want to be like his parents and have cute nicknames for each other, so you better call him “honey” or he’d be kinda confused as to where this relationship thing is going
Dino: definitely enjoys it but is still surprised and a little bit giggly inside whenever you call him “babe” or something because he isn’t sure how to ask for a nickname even though he kinda really wants one
Jun: doesn’t expect it, but similar to Dino, definitely smiles really cutely whenever you call him a nickname🤭
Jeonghan: not big on sweet nicknames. Cute if you have one, okay if you don’t have one. Teasing nicknames? That’s a different subject and a big yes on those
Wonwoo: We’ve been given names, why not just use those? He wouldn’t hate it if you called him babes or handsome, but it would definitely take him a while to get into it
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I LITERALLY had to google “affectionate nicknames” and almost gagged at half of them. Can you tell I’ve never been in a relationship in my twenty years of life💀?
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