#meanwhile gus is freaking out
obwjam · 1 year
I just saw your post about g/t Psych and let me just say: OMG I HAVE BEEN HAVING SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THAT LIKE FHDJDJSJ
For example: Shawn with a borrower? PEAK g/t. They would both work together to distract suspects and get clues from where they’re not supposed to be.
YES DUDE OMG SHAWN IS JUST THE PERFECT PERSON FOR TINY SHENANIGANS. absolute peak when he discovers a tiny because he notices every single little detail, he would just snatch them up with zero warning, carry them all the way back to the office and just plop them down and stare at them 😭 the tiny quickly realizes that he's so goofy and weird that there's no way he could be a threat. he tries to keep them a secret but gus knows something's up and pretty soon the tiny is involved in all their schemes and they have to try and hide them from lassie
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Hi there! I hope you're having a great day! I want to ask you a question... or more like a suggestion. I had asked the same thing several weeks ago, so I assume you missed it. But if you don't want to answer is, that's okay! 😄
My question is simple. What do you think SDV / SVE (including the mages and adventurers) bachelor and bachelorette would reach upon knowing that the farmer, whom had a quiet, soft and gentle personality, is actually a seasoned fighter in an underground boxing match (and a really good one, at that!)?
Thank you very much for your attention! 💕
Don't worry, dear anon, I saw your previous ask! I was just busy and couldn't answer earlier (will write it here so I don't have to answer twice). Thanks for your ask! And enjoy! 💕
SDV/SVE bachelors:
Gus had recently purchased a strength meter for his arcade corner, and Farmer had fallen in love with the machine, constantly spending their coins. And putting Elliott, who caught those moments, in complete shock. When the newcomer first came to town, they appeared to the writer as a kind and quiet-seeking person. Having learnt for their background, he would like to write about their biography.
So, all those rumours about an underground bare-knuckle champion who knocked out big guys with one punch - is Shane's tender spouse crying about a dried rose? Holy shit... He's totally shocked (and pleasantly surprised, for wow, his spouse is awesome. Why didn't they say this before?).
Alex spent the whole time defending Farmer from the overly annoying newcomers, thinking they were too shy and kind to be rude to anyone. And it turns out that not only can they stand up for themself, but they can send huge muscular fighters staring into the realm of dreams with one punch. The athlete will be surprised for sure. How? When?
Is that true? Is it really true? Farmer really is a boxing fighter, and a champion too?! That's so cool! Um... Sam wonders if his friend/spouse should mention this to his mom at a dinner (much less his dad). These fights aren't too legal after all... However, it's up to Farmer to decide if they'll talk about it or not. Either way, Farmer is an incredible and cool person. He certainly didn't expect this from them.
Poor Harvey didn't even have time to react to Farmer being bullied by some assholes from the big city before Farmer sent them all straight to his clinic. While the doctor was bringing them to their senses (and writing a complaint against them for bullying the locals), he wondered how Farmer, the kindest and calmest person, knew such hand-to-hand combat techniques. Underground fighting was the very last option doctor could think of.
One, two, three - and Farmer dealt with three drunken bullies who started harassing the locals and imposing their company. Everyone was in complete shock. Sebastian, meanwhile, freaking delighted with them. The stories of their nightly fights underground for the title of best boxer, in Sebby's opinion, added another coin to the Farmer's piggy bank of awesomeness.
Lance's guesses were correct - Farmer's behaviour in the fight with the monsters made it clear at once that they had to engage and defend themself often. The adventurer had never seen anyone previously beat a magma sprite with their fists alone. Lance is pleasantly surprised and delighted by his mysterious friend. But just in case, it's best to carry a sword.
Victor starts showering his friend/spouse with a whole bunch of questions right after Farmer decides to share their past. How did it happen? Did Farmer become a fighter because they wanted the title, or were there other reasons? Do they still fight to this day? Pardon him, but he's very interesting. Farmer certainly doesn't seem like the type of person who would pursue a top fighter title with blood on their fists.
The truth is, Magnus knew about Farmer's underground fighting. Well, not really, for his crystal ball only showed vague information about their past. Hm? Of course a Wizard can see the past, that fancy hat's not for show, you know. Though he wonders how a fighter like them changed their occupation 180 degrees and became first an office clerk and then a farmer.
SDV/SVE bachelorettes:
Penny learnt all about Farmer's past after they defended her from some cheeky Joja driver by fist-bumping him in the face. The teacher never expected Farmer to do such a thing, though she is grateful for their help. When asked casually where they learnt to fight, she got an even answer, which left her even more astonished.
Funny enough, when Farmer opened up to Emily about their constant nightly fights at the fight club, Emily felt proud of him. Pride because while they are strong, they treat those around them with kindness and patience. A bright aura radiates from them, and the new information about Emily's friend wouldn't make her change her attitude towards them for the worse somehow.
Maru hasn't heard much about these illegal fights in Zuzu City, but the title "Destroyer" speaks for itself. And Farmer has quite an interesting past, and she wouldn't mind hearing about it. The young inventor just hopes that all those titles and honours don't interfere in any way with her friend/spouse's job as a farmer, which they enjoy.
To Abigail, Farmer has become the most brutal and badass person on the planet. She knows about these fights! (Mostly just a gossip, not the actual fights). And the fact that it was Farmer who was the rumoured champion of underground fights made the purple-haired girl ecstatic. Man, it's a shame she can't brag to others about her friend/lover, as she doesn't want to get Farmer in trouble with the law.
"I never would have guessed, honestly. You don't look too athletic." Don't take Haley's words harshly, she didn't mean to offend Farmer. It's just that they really do look very unthreatening, so this information was a bit of a shock to her. Well, the girl now knows for sure that if she gets harassed, she can always ask her friend for help. Though she also doesn't want Farmer to be hurt either (she knows they're strong, but still).
This explains the fact that Farmer so easily knocked out Leah's ex when she and Farmer were on a date (even though Kel has always been weak). After Farmer shared about their past, she's naturally shocked, but the shock quickly changed to a look of adoration. A strong and resilient fighter who is the kindest and most ineterest person.... It is impossible not to fall in love with Farmer.
Claire was a bit taken aback by this information, because when she came to Zuzu City for some business, there were always some big guys standing near the underground, throwing dirty compliments and saying that they were "masters of boxing", so Claire "should definitely go with them". So the impression she had formed of such people was not a very good one. Farmer, on the other hand, is the gentlest and most sympathetic person, so it's a bit of a pattern breaker for her.
"I hope you don't have a list of detractors behind you." Sounds a little harsh from Olivia's lips, undeniably, but on the other hand, these things should be talked about beforehand. The former Joja accountant quizzes them about their fights and whether they "crossed anyone's path with their victories." Olivia isn't stupid, she knows what the consequences could be and doesn't want Farmer, her and her son to get hurt.
Sophia felt like she was behind a stone wall with Farmer earlier, and now that they've shared their stories about the club and their involvement, she's not afraid of anything at all. And most importantly, despite all those rumours of a tough and undefeated ring champion, Farmer remains the same kindhearted and cinnamon bun they've always been, hee hee!
Castle Village's mages and adventurers:
Hmm, Farmer has had some physical training before.... Alright, Isaac will be less suspicious of them. But still, fist fights aren't enough for the battle with monsters. Even pathetic green slimes can be a problem in this situation without any sword or dagger. They need practice with cold weapons as well.
Wow, Alesia didn't expect that the newest Guild member in Stardew Valley had entire titles in fist fighting behind them. Especially from someone she considered a pacifist and non-confrontational person. Strange why it wasn't listed anywhere on their report for them. While it's not "official" training on an adventurer, everyone's file should list all of their merits.
Secret underground fights for the Ultimate Fighting Championship title? *Chuckle* Why on earth would Farmer think it was a secret to Camilla? Oh, that's right, she's already learnt a lot about them, and their past... intrigues her. That explained their good physical fitness, despite their rather harmless appearance. Please tell her more about this battles~
Not to say that Jadu was much interested in Farmer's past, as they didn't know each other too well. But the rumour that Farmer had managed to learn how to fight in their rather young life inspires respect. The Castle Village mage thinks they had a reason to get into illegal fights, so he'll leave his questions at that. But wouldn't mind listening if Farmer is willing to tell their story.
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theroyalsims · 7 months
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Lovebirds Anya and Gus were once again photographed holding hands, this time while strolling around the Harbour District here in the city.
Gus, Anya's new-old-boyfriend (a.k.a her first love), seem to be unfazed by the massive media scrutiny and attention they've both been receiving, after going public with their relationship.
While many royal watchers seem to approve of down-to-earth Gus, what with his seeming love for flannel, unkempt hair, bushy beard and lowly work boots, Anya's new boyfriend has also ruffled some feathers, especially those within the "institution."
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A well-placed palace source reveals that there have been some concerns about how Gus might not be the right guy for Anya:
"He seems very... simple, very 'everyman' type, if you will. Now, most people might think that's adorable, you know, future Queen slumming it with a man in flannel and denim and all that, but it's already causing trouble within the palace walls."
"As early as now, there are some growing concerns about Gus and whether he's the right man for Anya. They have history, yes, but they did also break-up at one point. What was the problem that they had to go their separate ways? That right here might be an indication that this relationship will again break down."
"And then of course, there's Gus himself - he's no longer just Anya's teenage love... he's evolved into this lumberjack-looking wall of tattooed muscle with his messy beard, wrinkled clothes, and long hair. People at court just cannot imagine him attending a state banquet or a formal reception. They're worried he might trudge around in his muddy work boots, and soil the carpets."
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Speaking of muddy boots, the "concerns' about Gus and his fashion sense might have some weight to it. For yesterday's date, Gus chose a red flannel shirt, which he paired with his go-to jeans and very, very muddy work boots. His long hair was at least kept neat in a man-bun. His rough look was in stark contrast to Anya, who opted for a simple white shirt, skinny jeans and §1,700 slingbacks.
Just as the source shared, people online are already split about Gus. One commenter wrote:
"FFS, how hard is it to clean off the mud? I get that you're looking for the humble, blue collar vibe, but really? You're going out IN PUBLIC with a freaking FUTURE QUEEN. The least you can do is look presentable. Maybe iron that shirt, wear something else other than your work clothes. You're going on a DATE, not to one of your construction sites."
Another posted:
"Maaan. Anya traded down. Mario was kinda psycho stalkerish, but at least the man knew how to look good. Come to think of it, even the boxer vet was a better dresser than this bloke. I don't get the appeal. I like my guys looking like they've showered... or at least heard of soap... and maybe buy clothes from real shops, not just thrift stores or their dad's closet."
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Meanwhile, some were also quick to defend Anya and Gus from the bashers:
"THIS is exactly why Anya fights super hard to keep her private life out of the public eye. She's finally comfortable enough to flaunt their love and people are nitpicking again, questioning her choices and tearing down her boyfriend. For what? Some mud on his boots. Ridiculous. He's insanely handsome, like a romance novel hero come to life! What are y'all talking about? And the only thing I think should be improved is his beard - it's a shame because the scruff is hiding his lovely dimples! A bit of a trim should do the trick! "
Another Anya fan wrote:
"If people could just back off and let the poor girl and her man breathe! Why are you all so triggered? You're not dating him, she is! If she likes him the way he is, who are you to say otherwise? Anya really can't do anything right... when she's single, she's being pressured to find a man and pop a baby. Now that she's dating, she's being told that she's dating the wrong guy. And for those claiming that he's a no-good gold-digger, please! I'm Tartosan. The man's company is huge and the guy is loaded. I think Anya looks happy - they both look very happy, and at the end of the day, that's what counts.""
Will Gus' lifestyle really be an issue? And considering their previous break-up, is history bound to repeat itself? For what it's worth, Anya does seem very happy and very secure in their newly-rekindled love. I guess only time will tell if these two have staying power the second time around.
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iguessitsjustme · 10 months
I'm gonna be real honest. Gus sucks as a doubles partner. Now, I don't play badminton, but I did play doubles tennis and do you know the most important part of playing doubles is? That's right! Communication! All of the skill in the world won't mean shit if you can't communicate with your partner.
And from what I saw this episode, Gus relied on Day to do all of the communication. Both on and off the court. All day got from him in the beginning was a disappointed angry look. Meanwhile, Gus was trying. He said "sorry" when he missed. That's just a typical thing that partners say to each other after a missed point. Especially when it was an unforced error (sorry if this is only tennis language but that's all I know). The person that messed up says "sorry" and their partner says "that's alright we'll get the next one." Like that is basic doubles communication 101. More advanced and more established players won't necessarily need that, but when you're first partnered with someone that is the bare minimum communication required for a match. If one person is not participating in that communication, they will lose the match. It's a mental game as much as it is a physical one and I'm betting that after Day's initial "sorry" he kept missing because he was in his own head. Because Gus was not talking to him the way he should have.
Then Day disappears because he's going blind and freaking out. How much and how often did Gus reach out to him to find out what was going on? And then he tells Day that he learned about what's going on but he doesn't understand why Day disappeared. Day never had any way of knowing where Gus' head was at regarding their partner status. They won championships but Gus only communicated and acknowledged him when they started winning. When Day was working his ass off in practice. Being partnered with Gus comes with extra work to make up for his lack of communication.
Then he agrees to meet Day and doesn't show up. He doesn't answer Day's call. He doesn't call Day to let him know he'll be late. He gives Day nothing. And then he does finally show up, hours later, and doesn't let Mhok tell him he's there. He shakes his head "no" keeping Day in the dark both literally and figuratively regarding his presence. Now Gus knows how day feels/felt and Day was not given the option to react to Gus accidentally finding out. Gus just turns and walks away. Leaving Day the same way he was left. Without a word. But Day was always the one talking to Gus. So his disappearance and silence was noticed. Gus let Day do all of the work and now his silence will be forgotten and Day will move on.
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jupiter-86 · 4 months
Finished vol. 3 of Stars of Chaos (Sha Po Lang) today!!!!!!!!
This story continues to get better and better with each book-- it was pretty damn hard to put down. Sometimes I was literally saying "OH MY GOD" to myself while reading.
Thoughts and ramblings under the cut (there will be spoilers)
First of all, the reveal of how Chang Geng was given the wu'ergu as a child... dear god that was so disturbing and horrifying... just 100% nightmare fuel.
I loved how Gu Yun reacted to this though, his absolute compassion and heartbreak and love for Chang Geng despite him being possessed with the evil god. Actually I loved Gu Yun even more in this book overall. I can't believe I wasn't all about him in book 1 what was I thinking???
Chang Geng continues to be such a fascinating character. I can never get tired of his scheming tbh, and the way he can be scary and sneering or placid and heroic (and sweet to Gu Yun)... I just love all the facets of his character. Also, his deteriorating mental and emotional state in this book has been heartbreaking to watch. Somebody help my boy!!!!
Chang Geng and Gu Yun together in this book just stole every scene. I mean what else is new but oh, in this book??? Their romance has ramped up to 11 and it's riveting and complex-- sometimes sexy as hell, sometimes heartbreaking and sweet, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, but always they just love each other so much. I especially love how Gu Yun promised to never abandon Chang Geng if he goes mad-- instead he'll break his legs and lock him up and Chang Geng is into it lol.
And sidenote, Chang Geng being so horny and kinky and Gu Yun's fairly vanilla tastes being scandalized is so freaking funny omg.
The plot, too, has got me so so bad!!! Not so much with the Westerners/war part but with the court maneuvering and gathering of power that Chang Geng is doing. I'm so stressed out!!!!!! But also so invested like never before-- like I love the scheming and the manipulations and I do think Chang Geng would make a better ruler than Li Feng, but also can this really be a good thing if he succeeds? There's the wu'ergu to begin with, the little crown prince who'd need to die for him to rule, and Gu Yun's loyalty...
In this book we've seen Gu Yun dream of retirement and take better care of himself because he wants a future with Chang Geng, meanwhile Chang Geng is helping the nation while laying groundwork for usurping the throne... but is the throne actually his goal or not???? Sometimes I'm not 100% sure???
And honestly I don't even know what I want to happen at this point when it comes to the plot. I think I like Gu Yun's retirement idea better than Chang Geng's apparent eye for the throne, at least in theory, but a part of me also wants to see Chang Geng succeed and step on everyone and sit on that throne...ahhhh I'm so conflicted...
I feel like I need to reread the last few chapters because I know there were layers there-- both with Chang Geng's plans and motivations and in Gu Yun's reaction to it. That flute scene alone omg.
All I know for sure is I'm scared and I'm ready for more lol.
Another thing: Shen Yi. Shen Yi is a real one on so many levels and I love him. The way he figured out that Gu Yun and Chang Geng had sex pretty much instantly was hilarious. Also, I really hate that his shitty family is trying to force him into marriage; I do not want him trapped like that for political bullshit. I hope he gets out of it!!! The only person I could see him marrying rn is the doctor girl, Chen Qingxu. But maybe I'm seeing things?
Also, what is up with the plague??? I really want to see the rest of their current investigation. Them going behind enemy lines in disguise was so much fun!
TL;DR I loved it and can't wait for book 4!!!!!
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lgbtqmanga · 5 months
New Releases May 7, 2024
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A Beast's Love Is Like the Moon (manga) by Guri Nojiro
Tired of the fast-paced city life, Izuki has agreed to take care of his uncle's house in the mountains, which are said to be “visited by yokai."Izuki, dismissive of the superstition, goes exploring — only to be attacked by a yokai in the woods. He's saved by a beautiful man named Haku, who claims to be the incarnation of a komainu guardian dog. He pledges himself to Izuki and begs him to be his master. Izuki refuses at first, wanting to return to the city as quickly as possible, but is swayed by Haku's lonely eyes and brings him back to the house. Gradually, he falls into a comfortable rhythm with the pushy but devoted Haku while living under the same roof, and Izuki wonders if he really wants to return to the city as he thought.
However, Haku harbors a secret that could put Izuki's life at risk. Will Izuki and Haku come together in the end, or will Haku succumb to the loneliness that he's held at bay for centuries…?
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I'm in Love with the Villainess (manga) vol. 6 by Inori with art by Aonoshimo
Rae is delighted when Claire decides to spend summer vacation in Rae’s hometown of Euclid. She’s extra delighted when she gets to see Claire in a swimsuit! But their fun is cut short when a ghost ship drifts into the harbor crewed by the undead! The girls will need to use their magical abilities to protect the city, but they soon realize that there is a traitor close to them! Can Rae figure out who it is in time?!
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Mobsters in Love (manga) vol. 1 by Chiyoko Origami
Akihiro Kashima is the right-hand man of the Sawatari mob, and he has a secret. He’s been hopelessly in love for years—with his boss! As a trusted subordinate, he’s subject to the head honcho’s unintended acts of seduction. But with Akihiro’s position in the group at stake, he couldn’t possibly reveal the infatuation that plagues him. Stuck between duty and his feelings, something’s gotta give!
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Stars of Chaos: Sha Po Lang (novel) vol. 3 was written by Priest
With the Westerners and their allies pressing in on all sides, the empire of Great Liang enters its darkest hour. Under these desperate conditions, Gu Yun leads the beleaguered Black Iron Battalion to hold the borders. Meanwhile, Chang Geng makes his move in the imperial court, sweeping corrupt officials aside in an effort to stabilize the nation before it’s too late.
As the two struggle to hold the tattered pieces of the empire together, Gu Yun uncovers a shocking truth about the curse slowly tightening its grip on Chang Geng’s mind. But are the deepest secrets of Cheng Geng’s past enough to move even the iron heart of the nation’s most fearsome general?
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There's No Freaking Way I'll Be Your Lover! Unless… (novel) vol. 4 by Teren Mikami with illustrations by Eku Takeshima
After a sudden confession, Amaori Renako has just one month to answer Sena Ajisai’s feelings. But in the meantime, hey, it’s Koyanagi Kaho’s time to shine! While working through her feelings for both Oduka Mai and Sena Ajisai, Renako finds herself being roped into a whole bunch of cosplay activities with Kaho. Cute costumes? ASMR? A love hotel??? Is this really what life’s like as an extrovert?
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1970sgothfreak · 5 months
I had just moved into a new apartment after getting a place at my dream job after working hard to save up and move out after a bad argument…it was thundering and raining outside. I was in the middle of unpacking when i heard a noise next door, probably my now neighbour, i decided to go over and introduce myself and also see if he or she is okay because it sounded like severe arguing.
I walked out and knocked on the door opposite and waiter for a few seconds as I could hear someone scrambling about as if they were getting dressed or trying to tidy up the place, a voice could be heard and it sounded as if they were telling someone to shut up before the door opened. A man with messy hair and almost puppy like eyes opened the door and he straightened himself out before smiling up at me, I could see his shirt was all crumpled and he looked disheveled so that must have been the noise.
“Oh, hello, sorry about all that noise if that’s why you’re here I mean it probably is because that’s what everyone is normally here for considering I’m constantly making some sort of noise, I’m rambling aren’t I sorry. I’m Steven and you are?” He asked after his cute little ramble before looking up at you properly after his ramble and froze taking a good look at his new neighbour…
I was dressed in a long black skirt that was decorated with lace spiders, a corset that perfectly matched the skirt along with tights that hugged my body as if they were perfectly made for each other. My hair was Matted (or braided depending on your hair type :>) and it suited my face perfectly, The corpse paint both freaked him out yet fascinated him with how perfect it was.
“Uh hello?” I said with a wave of my hand snapping him out of his trance, it was cute how easily distracted he got.
“Like I said I’m Y/n, I just moved in it’s nice to meet you Steven” i smile and shook his hand, he couldn’t speak, you looked like an angel in his eyes…a creepy angel but an angel non the less. He shook your hand and you both enjoyed a nice little chat before you decided to cut that convo short and head back to your place and unpack.
Steven’s POV:
I waved goodbye as she left, the was closed before I locked it and happily walked back to the sofa before I heard a voice.
“I know that look Steven, she’s just our neighbour and nothing more” Marc.
I looked to the fish tank where Gus two was swimming and saw his reflection in it with his usual stoic face and sighed.
“I know Marc but did you see her…she was perfect looking as if death came and blessed her with the beauty of it and don’t act like you weren’t checking her out to, you may not have been in control but I know you”
“I was at least more subtle about it, you were practically drooling over her not to mention I had to stop Jake from taking over to body, you need to be careful….” He spoke, I sighed knowing he secretly cared about me and didn’t want to end up getting hurt like how he was after things ended with Layla.
I was fully unpacked and laid down on my sofa, my eyes looking up towards the ceiling as I remembered Steven, he was quite cute especially with his rambling but the arguing…who was he arguing with?, he was alone when he opened the door…maybe I was just overthinking I mean I talk to myself all the time hell I’m doing it now.
I got up and had a shower, I didn’t both washing my hair as I couldn’t be arsed to, soon I ended up in my bed dressed in comfy warm bat pyjamas before sighing.
I closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep, I’m excited about this new place I feel like I’m going to enjoy living here.
Writer note: (So sorry this took so long, family issues, starting a new job and planning my proposal anyway here’s part 1, would love some ideas for the series <3)
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disregardcanon · 5 months
Toh npmd au for my own personal amusement
First thing’s first: character assignments 
Amity as Steph 
Luz as Pete 
Willow and Gus as Ruth and Richie
Boscha as Max 
Hunter as Grace 
Odalia and Belos both as parts of Mayor Lauter
Setting details: it’s still in Gravesfield, CT which still has its same Puritan vs witches branding. The mascot is a pilgrim and that IS Gus in the suit. Who has more school spirit than Augustus Porter? (No one.) 
So a few changes I’m making to make the toh cast slot a bit easier into the framework 
Belos is a fundamentalist preacher who’s raising his “niece”. Yes he DID kill Caleb and Charlotte. No one knows tho. It was lords in black related. Does that make it better? eh
Hunter is trans masc and a TOTAL egg. Right now, he’s a very enthusiastic little warrior for purity culture. Yes, he’s trying to get the dance canceled, YES he’s bullied a lot for being a “nerdy prude”. Not gonna dead name him but. He wouldn’t realize he’s a guy until significantly after the events of this musical 
Luz has NOT been in amity’s class since the 1st grade. She only moved here a year ago
Amity is still the mayor’s daughter and she and Boscha used to date. Amity’s stopped actively bullying people after they broke up and she’s felt like, guilty about it, but she’s never seen how much more.. Physical? Boscha’s bullying got than hers did. Sure, Amity was a queen of psychological warfare, but she never beat people up in the parking lot. 
Luz moves to Gravesfield during her junior year of high school. Amity and Boscha on the cusp of breaking up, so things are changing in their social hierarchy. For one, Amity is backing away from bullying and the spotlight and for two Boscha is getting WORSE. She when Luz moves in and aligns herself with “half-a-woman Willow” and Steve Urkel.. She’s thrown to the bottom of the school hierarchy immediately. Looney Lulu is what comes to mind first. 
Enter Boscha: literal monster, best quarterback in the school’s history and the first girl (she works that angle as hard as she can), and QUEEN of the school. She’s amity’s ex and like… mainly over her. 
Okay, who are we kidding? She’s not over her. Not at all. Boscha decides to put all her “trying to make amity jealous and take me back” energy into seducing amity’s least favorite student: local nerdy prude, preacher’s “niece” wittebane. 
Hunter and amity do NOT get along. At all. They’re duking it out for the valedictorian spot, their respective guardians are pitting them against each other, and they both just find the other… insufferable. 
So trying to bag the “girl” who’s the forbidden fruit and maybe making amity mad enough to take her back with it too? It’s worth a try, at least. 
Amity, meanwhile, is failing theater. She’s getting very frustrated and flustered and asks luz to be her scene partner so maybe she doesn’t fall on her ass. Luz is nervous because this is Amity Blight, super cool girl who used to be very mean to willow and now isn’t really a bully but is just? Way cooler than they are? Amity’s able to talk her into it. 
The teacher heaps a LOT of praise onto them and their chemistry and promises them good grades in the future if they keep working with each other. This leads to amity calling luz and trying to set up the pasqualli’s date. 
Boscha, meanwhile, is cornering hunter near the gym where he’s protesting the concept of dancing. He gets freaked out when boscha starts getting very very flirty and he gets really flustered because? Girl? Girl flirt with me? Also a girl? Hahahaha NO I AM NOT GAY I AM NOT- and he’s having a little sexuality crisis. Willow, who’s done putting up with boscha’s shit right here in the school building, hurls a waterbottle across the room in between them. 
Hunter SPRINTS away because OH BOY I WAS EXPERIENCING SOMETHING STRANGE AND UNWELCOME NO THANK YOU NO THANK YOU- and then he finds out that newly buff and gaining more confidence willow is the one who saved him. And she’s just like oh yeah anytime. No one should corner other people like that. And his little heart is going bEEPBEEPBEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEPPP and the rest of his body is not calming down either, ya know? 
Unwanted sexual attractions experienced by local nerdy prude today: 2. Fantasies experienced in the bathtub: 2 very, very different ones in a single sequence. 
Luz gets the shit kicked out of her at pasqualli’s because she runs into boscha before she finds amity and she’s like no i’m not gonna cower AMITY BLIGHT INVITED ME HERE! And. that. DOES NOT GO WELL 
Willow is ready to go to war over this when they get to school the next morning because she WARNED luz that amity wasn’t to be trusted and look? Look what happened! And luz is like yeah you also said i should stand up for myself- and willow’s like husssshhh. 
They plan a prank in the bathroom that goes very poorly. Hunter writes gus a detention slip for being in the girls’ bathroom (he should have written himself one too!) and then they prank the shit out of Boscha. 
To the point she. You know. Dies. then they have to dismember her at hunter’s urging! Hooray!!!!
Cue peace and love at the high school :) until poor gus dies. I’m sorry dude! You’re the mascot you were cursed. Of course the quarterback was going after you first. 
Boscha goes after luz second because she’s the dweeb who thought that she could steal boscha’s girl. Luckily for luz and amity both, they were together at this point and they RUN as fast as they can. Luz demands they go find willow because she’s probably the next victim, and they find her mid-boscha kill. She lost an arm because boscha was trying to take the “half-a-” thing to its logical, puny extreme. They rush her off to the hospital. The police come to question them. 
And then pastor wittebane comes with hunter in tow. He pulls something with the police about the parks wanting him to perform a protestant equivalent of anointing of the sick on their ailing daughter. 
Pastor wittebane very clearly knows what happened. 
“I thought you were gonna keep the beans cool!” Amity demands. 
“I couldn’t,” hunter tells her. 
“Fucking useless, wittebane,” amity mutters. 
Pastor wittebane glares at all of them. “You are going to get in my car and come with me.” 
“That sounds bad,” luz says, “my mom told me to never be one on one with religious officials.” 
“Fine,” he says, “if you’d like to be the next victim, be my guest.” 
They all get in the car, except Willow, who’s bed-bound. (Luckily, since she’s already in the hospital, boscha thinks of her as less of a kill count priority.) 
Belos takes them out ot the middle of the woods and makes them dig up the black book. Then boscha kills him! We DO get boscha killing belos, so i think that’s a win. They flee the scene, run into some cops, then make it to the high school to complete the ritual. 
We’ve got amity, luz, and hunter on the floor of the gym summoning the evil teletubbies. The evil teletubbies REALLY want amity to kill luz. They get to have their cool as i think i am reprise <3 and then the bullet leaves the gun and boscha catches it. Because she is very, very excited to do luz in personally. She’s still debating whether or not she’s gonna end amity, but luz IS going to die. In front of amity. For absolutely certain. 
Boscha’s getting ready to take care of another nerdy prude when hunter bursts out like HELLO YES! I AM READY TO HAVE THE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE! And boscha’s just like… whut? And then he gets very flirty and goes along with the stuff that she was saying earlier, and he’s.. Legit into it. Sure, flirting with hunter was half to spite amity, but she’s still very turned on by the idea of corrupting the perfect angel church girl into having hot and heavy sex with her on the football field. And making amity watch? That’s a bonus. Maybe she’ll get a threesome out of it. 
Hunter sends boscha to hell with the power of his jesus freak virginity, luz and amity have sixteen different crises, and willow lives to hear the whole crazy tale. Luz and willow mourn gus, hunter goes through the weird process of mourning his uncle while also realizing he’s glad that the guy’s gone and gets to know the shoulder ANGEL part of the shoulder angel and shoulder devil fantasy he was experiencing, and amity hides the book away in her own personal safe to try to keep it away from bad actors. 
It doesn’t keep it safe from mayor odalia blight, but… that’s not going to be that big of a deal.. Right? RIGHT?!?!?!
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acaciapines · 1 month
It always hurts when Mari goes back to pug. But that's what they're supposed to be, and it's not like Luz has any better ideas, no matter how much it claws at her. And so it is a girl and her pug who enter into the Bonesborough library, searching for information on a human-daemon pair who might have lived on the Boiling Isles once long ago. Neither of them are really sure what to do when Amity and her newly-Unsettled (or, technically, never Settled at all) palisman Alma join in on their search, though. But when have they ever? Meanwhile, Gus is freaking out in the group chat. Just a little bit! He's probably fine.
episode FIVE!!!!!!!!!! ignore the fact that its late ive been doing so so much today i am so so tired yall. but!!! we've got a penstagram skin now!!!! woag.
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lollytea · 2 years
So, I‘ve been blessed with the opportunity to reread every fucked up movie post, and… does Camila know it exists and that her kids made it? And if she does, did she watch it? Because I can just imagine her handing off the cam like aw, look at them having fun and being creative :) thinking it‘s gonna be something like most „movies“ shot by kids - something that was fun to make, but doesn‘t really have anything else going for it. And meanwhile, Movie by Gus13 exists.
Camila was probably invited to the grand premiere of Gus's fucked up movie, which was just the cast, herself and Vee all huddled together on the living room couch. She was honored to attend! She thought Gus making a little movie was adorable and it was just so sweet how the other kids all particpated!
But then they pressed play and Camila. Was. Horrified.
Where the fuck do you think that grey streak in her hair came from? That was all Gus's fucked up movie's doing.
But it's like....as disturbed as she was, Camila sat through the whole thing because Gus and the others had worked so hard on it and she didn't want to hurt their feelings. But then it was over and she wanted to cry....or scream....or hurl. Or all three. But the kids all turned to her expectantly, eager to hear her thoughts and Vee was giving her a pointed look to please be nice so she just had to grit her teeth and smile like "it was...wonderful :))))))"
Camila simply never speaks of Gus's fucked up movie ever again. She doesn't rewatch it, she doesn't think about it, she represses everything about it.
She's not exactly tech savvy so I don't see her ever stumbling upon the online mystery. So she mostly remains in blissful ignorance that it's this whole thing.
At one point, there's these conspiracy theorists who have visited Gravesfield for their YouTube documentary on Gus's fucked up movie and they're interviewing random citizens about the film. Camila is stopped outside the supermarket and they start bombarding her with questions and she's mostly bewildered and has no idea what they're talking about. That is until one of them pulls out their phone and opens it up on the movie and shows it to Camila. Literally the first five seconds before anything even happens induces a visceral reaction. Camila freaks out, slapping the phone out of the kid's hand, yells "NO! NOT AGAIN!! NEVER AGAIN!!" And hurries away without further comment.
Camila's freakout is included in the YouTube video once it's posted and this only ADDS to the insane amount of theories. Some people think her reaction is really suspicious. She's a local after all so she must know something. Why was she playing dumb at first? She clearly knew exactly what the movie was. Could it be....the origins of the movie are something far more sinister than we could ever imagine....are the people of Greavesfield hiding something from us? 😱 (NOT CLICKBAIT)
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Uhhh maybe I’ll write down the chronology cause I don’t trust my memory at all, it already failed me xD
So. Hunter finding out the truth and running away with Collector’s tablet.
Realizing later he has it but not daring to throw away. Identity crisis. Collector’s mean comments don’t help. But at least they say what he is and name drops Philip xD
Somewhere in there Collector and Hunter get to see each other more than ‘just a grimwalker’ and ‘some shadow entity that worked with Belos’, but kids.
Hunter remembers about traitors so he is hoping to get in contact with them and goes to Black Market.
Due to plot convenience RED don’t go into that mission because of GG’s disappearance and again, plot convenience xD
But he meets Luz, who drags him into Owl House.
Everyone(minus King) meet Collector and Luz realized that was them in the past Philip found. Hunter connects the ‘Belos-Philip’ and ‘human Philip’ and Luz freaks out that Belos is Philip. Collector cackles at the secret being out.
In the morning they meet King. They positively freak out, dropping a bomb on King being a titan, and that freaks King out! There was no Eda or Hunter in the scene(and King asks Luz and Collector to keep it a secret for now) and after Hooty barfes the letter, King decides to check himself first. Collector joins Luz, King and Hooty cause ‘YAY TITANS’
But they hide cause also ‘Oh no Titans =,(’
So they don’t see how everything is wrong.
The Titan Trapper name makes King confused and Collector’s silence on possible ‘conflict with titans’ makes him think there was some civil war amongst them.
Luz goes with Hooty to Bill and finds the shrine. They know Collector, but still learn about killing part of the cult.
King is almost sacrificed, but by seeing the same tablet but broken and hearing the ‘free our god’ he immediately pulls Collector out. TTs freak out cause it’s their GOD. Collector freaks out cause all the baby titan skulls. And then Bill tries to sacrifice King for him and he unfreezes HARD.
Then Luz gets them and they ran away. Everyone are super traumatised and Luz’s guilt(oh hey Belos is Philip, oh hey I led Belos to this shadow kid, oh hey, I should have figured out this island was fishy and got both out) spikes.
They arrived to Owl House, but oops it’s empty.
MEANWHILE, while the gang is out Hunter for whatever plot convenience goes to Hexside(return something or whatever, the boy wants to be useful). And then the whole episode happens.
Hunter bunks with Gus and while chatting with him and Willow realizes he wasn’t checking his pensta. And gets burried by all the messages from Darius.
They contact and Darius visits him to make sure he is okay but also say not come back to Owl House because they were ambushed but he did not hear anyone being captured.
Hunter is distressed about Collector being confiscated as some artifact and Gus with Willow, already knowing some idea about Collector comforts him that his lil buddy is okay.
To Darius’s question Hunter explained even more vague about this other kid no one even knew about and either way he can’t explain it, you need to see it.
Back to the newly traumatised gang. They find Eda and Lilith and Collector asks if Hunter is around. He is not =( Collector questions that maybe he should go back to Belos already? But Lilith basically drops that sorry Collector, but he most likely used you, like everyone else. Collector is NOT happy about this and argues but there is still this... unsureness. Eda comforts him later and Collector says he did his part of promise so it should be Belos’s time now, but... you don’t treat you friend like that, don’t you.
Luz offers a heist to get King’s Francois and offers Collector to join for some fun adventure and they happily agree and to help King too!
Everything goes basically the same excpet Collector kept finding the wrong toys, each more bizarre than the last. And when Luz found it and showed it:
“But it’s nothing special.”
“Maybe he is not, but he special to King.”
Then the fight happens, Collector distracts Eda with shadows and they are captured, thankfully Collector was not visible in that moment.
When Luz was thrown into the vagon and Collector peeks out with concerned ‘Luz?’, she panicly shushes him, worrying that scouts will take the tablet and bring it back to Belos.
And then they are freed and the adults meet Collector(and yes, you have to see it yourself xD) and King gets Francouis.
Hunter who found out the adults meeting with the Owl fam wanted to join too but was not allowed. Only to wait in the hide-out.
And when they are back Collector is escitedly bounces around Hunter:
“Guess what? Guess what??”
“You are Francois!”
“You see, Francois is not special or unique at ALL-”
“- but he is special to King! And you are special to me!”
“I don’t know how to feel about being compared to a toy, but thanks.”
Hunter makes sure Collector didn’t tell anyone that Hunter is a grimwalker which Collector forgot all together xD And asks to keep it a secret until he is ready. Asks if Hunter needs to do anything for Collector in return... But Collector says that’s not what friends do, so he promises.
And then Raine drops that Belos was searching for some stolen artifcat and this gets Collector all small and confused.
Hunter says he was scared too when he found out Belos was looking for him. But Collector denies being scared, they are friends(not sounding convinced whatsover) and continues in subdued tone watching Luz, Eda and others ‘I don’t think I like this game anymore. Maybe if I ask Philip real nice, he’ll stop?’
But that’s a no. Collector says Philip promised to free him, he just needed to find titan’s blood, that’s all. Hunter says he gave him the key with the blood. Collector knows that and he shrienks on himself.
He promises to find a way to free them. (Collector conveniently forgot he has a titan around xD)
Next everything is basically the same, Luz meets up with Willow and Gus(Collector is with them so they meet him too and later Amity xD). King and Collector tell Alador the truth. Hunter(Luz) is taken and everyone rush to the skull.
When they fight Belos and he strikes Hunter Collector gets out, obscuring his view ‘Leave Hunter alone, you bully!’ (he doesn’t want Hunter to break, he likes THIS Hunter!!)
Belos gets the tablet, does his evil jerk speech and throws him down.
King goes down after him, meets Kiki who says that the Collector can stop it (”He can do that?!) and when he finds the tablet(tell what you want but I refuse to believe it is so easy to break something like that) and King remembers that TT wanted to do some ritual to free him, Collector says it’s reeeeally easy!
And then they are free. He comes up, boops Belos, King reminds him about the draining spell, he boops the moon too. Everyone are in awe.
They grab Hunter in tight hug, spinning in the air and bring everyone up to their level to spin nearby.
Happy end! (goop-Belos still survived xD)
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silver-wield · 6 months
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Review Chapter 8
Okay, this collection of posts will be filled with spoilers, including clips and screenshots, so if you don't wanna see things, then don't look. Some of the things I'm gonna highlight will include references to Remake and other sources to link with the overarching plot. This is a straight path playthrough with no sidequests or extra content.
Time to hit the Saucer!
The second we arrive, the girls are pulled into a short dance sequence against Andrea. After that we're introduced to Dio.
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As usual, Cloud's pretty face gets him unwanted attention. Dio wants to duel. It's not a hard match, and yet I hate it so much. Cloud's proud of himself for kicking some virtual ass, and specifically looks for Tifa as he celebrates to see if she's watching. She is. He's happy.
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After that the group splits after a diplomatic vote with the girls and Red going to have fun. Cloud would've gone with but when Tifa asked he had a vision of Sephiroth and she suggested he get some rest instead. He and Barret head to the ghost hotel.
We get our introduction to Cait Sith and his predictions, which kind freak Cloud out. Makes me wonder if he's superstitious.
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Cloud has a nap and we get another interlude with Zack. At one point he strokes Aerith's hair and then goes downstairs to talk to Elmyra and Marlene. He then goes looking for Biggs to cheer up Marlene.
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Back with the main crew and you get to take a wander around the park with whoever you have the highest affinity with. Obviously I went with Tifa and it was cute watching her and Cloud hold hands 😍
Cait Sith interrupts to let them know about a shooting. Cloud and Tifa defend Barret and state he couldn't be responsible. They volunteer to find the real culprit and Dio slaps a cuff on Cloud to stop them running away. This accessory becomes important later.
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Cloud's blindsided by goons and everyone wakes up the following morning. Gus, the leader of the dust bowl, is willing to hand over the gunman if Cloud wins a chocobo race. It takes some sidequests to get Piko racing fit, but then it's off with Esther to the races!
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Meanwhile, we see Elena in the desert complaining and reminding us she's only 18 🤣
Cloud wins his race. It really wasn't hard, and I say that as someone who hates chocobo racing. The others are let out of their prison cell to watch Cloud win and celebrate 🥳
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After that it's an annoying trek through the desert following a frigging condor until we find Barret. Shocker, he's not the gunman who killed the people at the arena.
I'm not gonna spoil this part, but it's amazing and emotional and made me cry 😭
The combat with Barret was pretty fun and the transitions between stages were awesome!
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Elena has her not vanilla ice cream, and we have to deal with a whiny Palmer in a massive mech. And this comes right off the back of a highly emotional scene. I needed a minute to get myself together 😭
After the battles are over, Dio appears and that bracelet becomes relevant. We get the buggy, Dio gives us a distraction and Barret takes charge clearing the road.
I sucked at this. I tried. I really did. This goes towards Barret's affinity for his date too, so do your best!
After we escape, it's a fast paced drive across the desert until Yuffie's motion sickness forces us to stop and get our bearings.
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We have a quick stop in to find Reeve all cheerful as he doctors the wanted poster for the golden trio. Why would this make him happy? Why would he be happy in general? Well, he's teamed up with Cloud and co and finally feels like he's doing something instead of banging his head against his desk every time he tries to make Shinra do some good.
We also stop in at Rufus office for another meeting between him and Glenn, who we can see now is some apparition of Sephiroth's that'll trying to start a war. Why? Because war means death and those souls who died angry can be corrupted and used to fight the white whispers in the lifestream.
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And it's back to Zack, so I'm assuming Cloud took another nap since we return to the crew the next day. He's off looking for Biggs like he promised Marlene, and we see them find each other. The interesting convo between them will be next interlude.
Barret's arc remains one of my favourites. It's everything I wanted from Rebirth and it's at this point I started getting excited to play the game. Before that I was kinda meh about it, but this chapter onwards everything is fantastic until we hit that long ass boring cut scene at the start of chapter 14.
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mytalemyworld · 1 year
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I am a simple girl, I saw Wang Kai wearing a pilot costume and clicked the summary. It turned out to be interesting enough for me to give it a try. And I am telling you, it's so good so far. It might be too early to say that but it's also a refreshing modern cdrama which is a pleasant surprise.
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The main characters get off on the wrong foot as usual, but not in a childish way because the main conflict is very fragile and that's why I find it very convincing.
The female lead, one of the best female leads I've ever watched in a cdrama, is a pilot and works at Freight Department of a company called Luzhou Airlines. While she expects to be promoted to captain she finds out the department will be closed and the crew will be transferred to Passenger Department. She is the only female pilot in the company and her superiors start giving her a hard time, because they don't think that a female pilot can be competent and skillful.
The male lead-thankfully not a misogynstic bastard like his superior- has different reasons for not approving of the female lead as a potential captain. He thinks she overlooks some safety measures and is too arrogant. That's interesting because you usually see this trait is associated with male characters. Actually you get used to seeing that all roles reverse while watching it.
By the way he is a control freak but there's a reason for that which is very tragic. They argue a lot and she never hesitates to get into a conflict with him openly. So he ends up being her instructor and she needs his approval to continue her career as a pilot at the new department.
This is not one of those usual workplace romance stories. The settings, the environment, it's all about the lives of the flying crew which is very intriguing. The conflicts are so solid, the decisions are serious, the struggles of the leads are very difficult. As for romance, the slowest burn ever maybe but it makes sense.
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This is the first scene where I feel their chemistry.
They are in a flight simulator. He is so strict about the dress code and the appearances of the pilots so he asks her to remove her earrings. She is like what can be wrong with my earrings and so done with him ofc but does what he says.
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When she gives her earrings to him, he is like why are you giving them to me, and asks if she has pockets. This is the face she gives him:
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LMAO. She is like “not my problem, you take care of it.”
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When he decides to overlook her attitude and doesn't take her seriously, she takes his hand and puts her earrings into it.
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In the end he puts her earrings into his pocket.
I just love the whole interaction!
(Meanwhile Cheng Xiao 1-0 Gu Nanting)
I think I’ll keep on writing posts about the show because I am seriously addicted to it.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 2 years
Expanding on the carnival episode on the Circus Animals AU
I assume that Amity didn't know about the circus business at first, because otherwise I would think she'd be appalled by what Hunter and Luz went through there and not antagonize them over it. Maybe she only learns exactly why Hunter and Luz are living with Eda in the first place… at the carnival? Like, Lilith is involved with Tibbles in his scheme! Kind of, Tibbles has offered his carnival as a way to set up Eda for capture.
He doesn't tell her about the Ringmaster, just that he'll keep Eda's "kids" distracted while she and Amity haul Eda away. So The Owl House goes to the carnival, Amity is directed to lure the kids away from Eda so Lilith can confront her. She does that, taunting and egging them on into chasing her to a tent Tibbles pointed out to her earlier. Kids arrive at tent, Ringmaster is there and captures them. Luz and Hunter scream and cling to each other. Willow and Gus try to protect them, but get neutralized.
The Ringmaster thanks Amity for her help and tells her to go find Lilith, she's no longer needed here. Luz cries and pleads for Amity to help them, just don't leave them in the Ringmasters clutches! Amity is indecisive, Lilith told her that nobody would get hurt if everything went according to plan, but the terror on Luz and Hunter's faces is real and Willow and Gus looked totally panicked before they got knocked out… Just as the Ringmaster turns toward Luz with a snarl, Amity bolts.
Meanwhile, Lilith and Eda have been duking it out. When suddenly, Eda hears Hunter and Luz start screaming! Of course she immediately reacts, which finally gives Lilith the opening that she needs to take Eda down. Eda freaks naturally, demanding that "Lily" release her from her bonds right away, doesn't she hear the kids crying for her? They're in danger! Lilith dismisses her sister's concerns, "assuring" her that she's been told that the children will be fine.
Tibbles makes his appearance then, merrily telling Eda that Hunter and Luz at least will finally be with somebody who "knows their true value". Eda sees through the euphemism right away, which starts to kick the owl curse into gear. As Lilith struggles to control her sister, Amity appears. Lilith is relieved and orders Amity to help her. Amity pleads for Lilith's attention, something doesn't feel right here! Lilith brushes off what she's trying to say, briskly telling her that they'll talk later- After Eda is secure within the Conformatorium.
Amity spots Tibbles sneaking away… Looking between her mentor and the tent where Luz and Co are, Amity realizes that she has a decision to make. She can either go along with Lilith and arrest Eda (Assuring her of a place within the Emperor's Coven.) or she can free Eda and help her rescue the others from Tibbles/The Ringmaster's greedy grasp. (Which would put an end to her and Lilith's mentorship altogether.)
Of course she chooses to free Eda, murmuring a "Sorry" to Lilith she aims a blast of magic at Eda's restraints. Hitting jusssssst the right spot to make the whole thing fall apart. Eda is free! Lilith is astounded! Eda doesn't waste time and races towards the kids, with Amity following close behind. Lilith struggles to keep up naturally. When they burst into the tent, they come across quite the scene. Willow and Gus are awake and are have been tied up together, Tibbles and The Ringmaster are haggling over them!
Ringmaster was impressed by Gus's strength as an Illusionist at such a young age, while Willow's extensive use of plant magic also caught his attention. Since he's apparently in the business of exploiting unusual kids, he wants to add them to his circus! Tibbles would prefer to keep Gus and Willow for himself (He's got a bone to pick with them), but he's open to any offers. Meanwhile, Luz is huddled in Hunter's lap. Her face is slack with tears and she's nursing a scratch on one of her cheeks.
Poor Hunter is completely dissociating, just staring blankly ahead with his arms wrapped around Luz. All hell proceeds to break lose. Eda lunges towards her kids, Willow and Gus make a move to break free of their bonds, Tibbles barely manages to dodge out of the way of an angry Mama Owl, while The Ringmaster makes the foolhardy mistake of getting between said angry Mama Owl and her Owlets and Lilith loudly demands to know what in the name of The Titan is going on!
Really, it's just a mess.
Magic is flying everywhere, people are shouting, arguing and screaming... and Amity is just standing there in stunned silence. Drowning in guilt, this isn't something that she's proud of to have caused.
Eventually Eda gets away with the kids. Tibbles has disappeared. The Ringmaster is on the ground, maybe dead, maybe not. Lilith is standing in the center of the tent, bemoaning that yet another chance to capture her sister has been lost. She never should've trusted a damn carnie, but don't think she's forgotten what you did Amity Blight, she's extraordinary disappointed in her and won't be continuing her apprenticeship...
Amity barely hears any of this. She just takes one look at Lilith before turning around and walking away. Lilith is at a loss of course, before finally sighing and deciding to just go back to the Emperor's castle. Amity keeps on walking and she doesn't stop until she gets to The Owl House. Hooty eats her as previously promised, but he dutifully pellets her up after Eda hears the commotion and tiredly asks him to do so.
Eda... isn't happy to see her. Actually, she can barely believe her eyes! After all of that, she choosing to show her face around here? Amity just trudges to where Luz and the rest of the kids are laying together on the couch. She and Luz lock eyes. Amity opens her mouth...
And falls sobbing and sprouting apologies into Luz's arms. Luz, after regaining some semblance of self, cups Amity's face and tells her that she forgives her. Amity continues to cry as Luz brings her in for a hug. Which the other kids end up joining. Eda, exhausted and somehow barely surprised by this most recent turn of events, just walks into the kitchen to make more hot cocoa.
And that everyone, is how Amity Blight realized that she was in love with Luz Noceda in the Circus Animals AU.
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ladysunamireads · 1 month
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ikyw-t · 3 years
honestly if you drive with your eyes open at night you're a fool........all you need to see is the color of the traffic lights and that's it
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