#memory power increase medicine
sehatgyantips · 5 months
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healthproduct95 · 21 days
NeuroActiv6 Supplements - Health
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#Focus and a Natural Energy Boost: My Experience with NeuroActiv6 SupplementsSharper#I've always been interested in natural ways to support my brain health and cognitive function. That's why I decided to try NeuroActiv6 supp#a natural berry-flavoured drink mix. After using it for a few months now#I'm impressed with the positive impact it's had on my focus#energy levels#and overall well-being.#Natural Ingredients for Brainpower#One of the things that drew me to NeuroActiv6 was its focus on natural ingredients. The formula includes a blend of powerful extracts like#Citicoline#and Coffee Fruit Extract. These ingredients are known for their potential benefits in improving memory#enhancing focus#and supporting brain health.#For example#Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Citicoli#on the other hand#contains natural antioxidants and may support cognitive function without the jitters associated with caffeine.#A Convenient and Delicious Way to Boost Brainpower#NeuroActiv6 comes in a powdered form that easily mixes into water or your favourite juice. The berry flavour is refreshing and pleasant#making it a joy to consume every day. The single-serving packets are also incredibly convenient#allowing me to easily take them with me on the go#whether I'm at work#the gym#or travelling.#Improved Focus and Mental Clarity#Since incorporating NeuroActiv6 into my daily routine#I've noticed a significant improvement in my focus and mental clarity. I find it easier to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without#where I need to be able to process information quickly and efficiently.#Increased Energy Levels and Reduced Stress#Beyond the cognitive benefits#I've also experienced a boost in my energy levels. The natural ingredients in NeuroActiv6 seem to give me a sustained energy lift througho
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angsttronaut · 5 months
Contemplating the idea of an AU where Starclan and other paranormal stuff is never confirmed to actually exist.
Either we never get a medicine cat POV, or their experiences with the supernatural are somewhat ambiguous. Example: They usually dream of Starclan or the dead at the half-moon meetings, but not always, and the dreams are often weird and fade from their memories like normal dreams, making it hard to tell if they actually received a message, or if the power of suggestion influenced their dreams.
Leaders are still taken to the Moonstone/Moonpool, but they don't get a big Starclan ceremony where they receive nine lives; it's similar to medicine cats, they may have a Starclan themed dream that night, they might not. It's believed Starclan lends them their strength; as far as most cats are concerned, this means leaders live longer and are more likely to recover from wounds that will kill an unblessed cat. However, while some leaders make surprising recoveries from wounds and illnesses that ought to have been fatal, it's unclear if this is actually magic or luck. They're also well protected and treated by their Clan, which may account for their increased lifespan.
The Dark Forest/Place of no Stars is believed in by the cats, but the most anyone might ever see of it is nightmares of a dull, empty-skied woodland. Often, it's cats who feel guilty in some way that have these dreams. No spirits come out to train or hurt them, but every now and again sinister eyes may watch them from afar...
Midnight and Rock probably don't show up. Midnight could maybe work as a badger who learned to speak cat somehow, but I have no idea how Rock could fit into this one.
The Three are very skilled, abnormally so, but they still have clear limitations. Lionblaze is an excellent fighter who rarely gets hurt, but despite terrified rumours in the other Clans, he definitely isn't invincible and can be defeated. Dovewing has strong senses and tends to pick up on things other cats missed because of this, but can't hear things that happen on the other side of the lake. Jayfeather has a talent for guessing what other cats are thinking and feeling, but his guesses can be completely off-base.
Most cats believe in Starclan, but there's way more cats who are unsure or privately atheist. It's not uncommon for leaders and medicine cats to have crises of faith because they aren't having visions like they think they should. One of the things that contributed to Bluestar's breakdown was not witnessing anything Starclan-related at her leadership ceremony, or when she returned to the Moonstone for advice.
Bramblestar's being possessed is a rumour that starts after he gets ill and becomes a different, crueller person afterwards. The belief is that Shadowsight's experimental snow cure to break his fever actually killed him, and without Starclan watching over them a malign spirit entered his body. Not everyone believes this is what caused his change in personality, but it's especially popular in Shadowclan, where Shadowsight experiences many terrifying visions of a shadow looming over Bramblestar's corpse.
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redpanther23 · 2 months
Starting in the spring of 2022, I began a magickal process known as the Abremalin Operation. It involves several months of prolonged solitude, which I spent in an abandoned house. I spent hours daily in deep meditation, and experienced profound personality changes and prolonged visions of deities and spirits. I also saw and heard UFOs, experienced poltergeist phenomena, and early on had strange episodes of sleep paralysis. My dreams have always been abnormally lucid and vivid, but I began to have an increase in premonitions (for example, I dreamed in April 2022 that on July 23, 2022 there would be an important party, and it turned out to be my friend's birthday, unbeknownst to me, as well as the first day that Sirius rises behind the sun, which was a festival in ancient Egypt, according to Robert Anton Wilson.)
I stayed in the house alone without power, from late April of 2022, until December of that year. In December you guys helped us turn the power on, and my roommates/cousins Jay Bird and Kenny moved in. By then I was deep in the ritual, and I knew the process was completed because I had to leave my home to begin the wandering phase of my life which I am currently in. After a Rong show in late April 2023 (which is a group ritual to honor Eris) I left for New England in early May.
Perhaps it would have been better to have documented my experiences as they happened in a journal, which all the western magicians recommend. However, I was so sure I would fail that I announced my plans to no one, and I didn't want the embarrassment of a catalogue of my failure. I also reasoned that the great medicine men of old in my tribe didn't even have pens or paper, and they did just fine.
I had visions of many spirits or deities, not all of them I could actually relate (most of them were incomprehensible, although they did change me profoundly, in a way that's impossible to describe.) Once while deep in meditation, I was visited by a six foot long king snake (I documented that here on this blog.)
I made invocations to Eris, Odin, Freya, Bastet, Thor, Dionysus, the panther, Baphomet, and Timothy Leary.
My clearest visions during the process were of Eris, Odin, Thor, Dr. Leary, and Aphrodite (who I didn't invoke, she came during a ritual dedicated to Odin.) These were experiences where I recieved a clear message and saw clear images of other realities. I still occaisionally have visions like these. During a vision while I was performing the operation, during a ritual to honor the panther, I recieved memories from another lifetime before mine, of someone who died in 1955. This was the last signal I recieved before the operation was completed.
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moonkissedmeli · 10 months
Rosemary; Salvia rosmarinus
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rosemary is a very powerful little plant and I recommend it as a witch's essential herb, a non-negotiable if you will, as it has so many uses.
Other names: sea dew, compass plant, polar plant
Nutritional and Medicinal Fun Facts:
Good for hair and scalp
Good for metabolic health
High in carnosic acid which has anti-cancer properties
Improves memory and concentration
Improves eye health
Can help regulate liver
Aeromatic may help reduce asthma symptoms
Aeromatic and eating it can help reduce stress and anxiety
May reduce inflammation
May help increase circulation
High in antioxidants, manganese pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin, folate, and riboflavin
extra fun fact: part of the mint family; eucalyptol (camphor-like) and alpha-pinene (pine-like) are the compounds that primarily give the rosemary flavor
~Magical Properties & Lore~
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Gods: Apollo, Helios
Goddess: Aphrodite, Hebe
Spells & Rituals:
Love spells
Beauty spells, especially in an aromatic
Health spells and rituals; I also use it in spells to break unhealthy habits
Antifertility spells (along with safe sex! mundane first, always)
Protection and banishing spells regarding negative spirits; especially visitations at night
Sachets, tea, or aromatic for spells to improve intelligence and memory; excellent herb for student
Helps with nightmares and remembering dreams
Use as a tea or aromatic for dream work and past life remembrance
Burn to cleanse home or self of negative energy
Grow it inside to purify the air
Tip: pairs powerfully with Juniper in most situations
Christians believe it grows for 33 years until it is the same height as Jesus. They believe it got blue flowers when Mary placed her cloak on it when fleeing to Egypt. It is a Christian symbol of fidelity and remembrance.
Couples should plant on their wedding day and interpret the growth as divination for the family.
Couples have also wore it at their wedding and given as favors to their guests.
Said to protect against the evil eye.
In Wales, it was used as a funeral favor and sprigs were lowered with the casket.
Embalming herb in ancient Egypt
Ancient Greece & Hellenism
Symbol of love, beauty, and eternity
Said to help people retain youth when smelled
Increases memory; students would wear garlands of rosemary for exams
Protection against evil
recipes to eat it in: so good on chicken, fish, and potatoes, rosemary-infused olive oil, rosemary and lemon pasta
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littlewitchygreen · 5 months
Color Magic: Yellow
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Below I have included a list of correspondences, the history of the color, the biology and psychology of the color, and the magical uses it has. Enjoy!
Associations: Communication, intelligence, creativity, energy, joy, learning, memory, comfort, hope, confidence, spirits.
Element: Air and Fire
Planet: The Sun, Mercury, Saturn
Direction: East
Season: Summer
Day: Sunday
In Tarot: The Wands and Swords
The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are all associated with yellow because of the colors of the celestial bodies. The elements ruled by yellow also have ties to the Sun and Mercury, as they are ruled by fire and air respectively, but also because both of those elements contain the color yellow in various ways. Yellow is associated with the East due to the Sun rising in the East. Summer is associated with yellow due to the Sun and heat. Sunday is associated with solar deities and the Sun again, which associates it with yellow. In tarot, yellow is associated with the suit of Wands as the suit of fire, and the suit of Swords as the suit of air.
Yellow was one of the first colors humans were able to use as a pigment. There is evidence of the color being used in cave art from 45,000 BCE, and that they were used as body paint. The earliest pigment derived from ochre in clay soil, and have since also been used in dyes and paints for a variety of purposes.
In Europe, yellow was considered the color of the sun and gold, and in Egypt they would often paint the gods yellow to resemble gold, as a sign of their divinity as the ‘flesh of the sun’. In Rome, it was also used to depict people’s skin - especially in Pompeii. In Buddhism, yellow is representative of humility and is frequently used in temples. A lot of art in Christianity uses shades of yellow to show outsiders, like Judas, as separate from the others depicted, and other shades to show warmth and joy in others. In ancient China, yellow was only allowed to be worn by the emperor, and was often considered a sign of happiness, power, luck, and wisdom. In India the color is often associated with happiness. While there are many meanings across Native American cultures, a few more common ones have been the sun, the earth, power, and wisdom. In many African nations, yellow is associated with wealth and royalty due to its resemblance to gold, as well as spirituality.
In the fourteenth century, yellow also became the color of envy, lying, treason, and untrustworthiness. This is also why there are phrases like ‘yellow-bellied’ for cowardice, and ‘yellow journalism’ for sensationalist journalism. This had its origin in the medicine of the time in the west - the medicine involving the humors, where yellow bile was associated with an unstable temperament. It has also been used as a color to draw attention, historically - for both good and bad purposes in sociopolitical movements, for safety, for business, and more.
Psychology and Biology
Psychologically, yellow often is considered a happy color due to its brightness and associations with the sun and summer, and often is considered an enthusiastic color. Various shades are also more attention-getting, so they are also associated with caution and anxiety as well, or more alertness to them in general if the source is not a potential threat. It has been shown to improve mood, increase social activity, and boost cognition and creativity for a period of time. In some cases, yellow can also increase feelings of dishonesty, mental agitation, and somewhat suppress empathy in favor of logic.
Biologically, yellow has shown some signs of increasing the body’s metabolism. As it can be an intense color, it also has been known to cause eye fatigue. In addition to the psychological agitation, yellow can also physically agitate people as well, increasing frustration in some people. A few studies suggest that people may lose their tempers faster in yellow rooms, and that babies may cry more in yellow rooms as well.
Magical Uses
Color magic for yellow can be used for mental pursuits, creativity, or communication workings. It can also be used for luck and prosperity spells as well, due to its associations with gold. Yellow can also be used for workings involving power or wisdom, or in workings involving anxieties and truth. As with other colors, there is no strict limit as to what can be done with it.
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thecaringcounsellor · 7 months
Crafting Joy: Simple Strategies to Elevate Happiness in Ourselves and Others
There's something uniquely compelling about the quest for happiness. It's a universal pursuit, a thread that connects us across continents and cultures. But as we wade through the tumultuous waters of everyday life, we often find ourselves, and those around us, in need of a happiness boost. So, how do we motivate not just ourselves but others to embrace a happier state of being? Here are some strategies to light that spark of joy:
Understand the Happiness Baseline
First, it's essential to recognise that happiness isn't a one-size-fits-all. Each person's happiness baseline is influenced by a mix of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Embracing this diversity means tailoring our approach to happiness in a way that resonates individually.
The Power of Small Acts
Small, consistent acts of kindness can have a ripple effect on happiness. Encourage others to engage in simple gestures like sharing a smile, giving a sincere compliment, or helping someone with a small task. These acts can brighten days and gradually shift the happiness metre.
Cultivate Gratitude
Gratitude is the cornerstone of happiness. Start a movement of appreciation by sharing what you're grateful for and inviting others to do the same. This could be as simple as a daily post highlighting something positive or a weekly gratitude meet-up, virtual or in-person.
Create Connection Opportunities
Human connection is a vital component of happiness. Foster environments where people can connect authentically - whether it's through interest-based clubs, community events, or online forums. Encourage open dialogues, storytelling, and shared experiences to deepen these connections.
Promote Physical Well-being
Physical health and happiness are intertwined. Champion the cause by organizing group activities that focus on well-being - think community yoga, group hikes, or dance classes. When we move our bodies, endorphins flow, and spirits lift.
Encourage Personal Growth
Inspire people to take up new hobbies or learn new skills. The satisfaction derived from personal achievement is a potent happiness enhancer. Offer resources, workshops, or simply share your own journey of learning and growth to motivate others.
The Reflection Effect
Encourage self-reflection as a habit. When people reflect on their experiences and feelings, they can cultivate a mindset of growth and positivity. Share prompts or create a safe space for people to express their thoughts and feelings.
Spread the Music
Music has the incredible power to elevate moods. Create and share playlists with upbeat and inspiring tunes. Better yet, collaborate on a community playlist where everyone can contribute the tracks that make them feel good.
Foster Volunteering and Altruism
Altruistic behavior is linked to increased happiness. Organize group volunteer days or support a community project. The shared goal of improving the lives of others can significantly boost collective happiness.
Laugh Together
Laughter truly can be the best medicine. Host a fun night, movie screening, or game evening that encourages laughter. Remember, it's about the joy of the moment and making happy memories.
Celebrate the Small Wins
Create a culture where every small victory is celebrated. Did someone complete a daily goal? Make a healthy choice? Overcome a fear? Celebrating these moments can build a positive and supportive community spirit.
By intertwining these strategies into the fabric of our daily interactions, we can create waves of positivity that extend beyond our immediate circle. Remember, the pursuit of happiness isn't a solitary journey; it's a communal expedition where the joy of one can lift the hearts of many. Keep spreading the happiness, and watch as it grows around you.
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starsfic · 2 years
Mk gets really sick and tries to hide it but eventually collapses infront of everyone. Freaks them out and gets a lesson in self care pls.
monkiekidmadness-deactivated202: Can we get a sick mk trying to hide hes sick but ends up collapsing in front of wukong. And the monkie king just freaking out panicked. Please
Anon: Can you write mk sick with the stomach flu or motion sick but being stubborn about it
Anon: Idea for MK getting a cold and Wukong’s monkey instincts to flare up due to it until he can’t control them anymore, leading to a very animalistic and firm Wukong carrying MK everywhere like a baby monkey whilst chirping to comfort him all the while looking for medicine
Anon: Prompt, Wukong goes to train MK after the finale only to find him weak and overexhausted from power usage as his body makes room for the ever increasing amount of magic in his system.Monkey dad isn’t having MK’s insistence that he’s fine
Qi Xiaotian had been feeling off all week.
Well, no, that was a lie. He had been feeling for a solid month. Xiaotian really couldn’t blame himself. With the Lady Bone Demon’s defeat, making sure the city was all freed from her weird ice-crystal-bone stuff, making sure her hostess was set up comfortably, helping Long Xiaojiao through the removal of the Samadhi fire, everything felt weird and off. That included training.
Sun Wukong had asked if they could pause training for a week. He had sounded so tired that Xiaotian couldn’t bring himself to refuse. Whether his mentor wanted to admit it or not, Wukong had been through what had to be a terrifying experience. He probably needed more time than anyone to recover.
But now today was their first training session since everything had gone down!
And now Xiaotian was feeling sick.
No. No, he wasn’t. Xiaotian was perfectly fine! He rubbed at the red eyes that was just because of going through the volcanoes. He let out a sneeze as he landed on the beach. Volcanic ash. That’s all that was.
He blinked. Huh. Was the ground a lot closer than it seemed? Xiaotian blinked, gold overtaking his vision. Well, that was a surprise.
There was…probably a…
Wukong was a selfish monkey.
That was a truth he had known for a long time. He was a selfish, violent, annoying demon. But he was trying his best to fix himself. He pushed past the urge just to collapse and sleep to make sure Xiaotian was alright constantly. Even if he knew, deep down, Xiaotian didn’t need him.
Except for right now.
Xiaotian was hunched over on the beach, grasping at his shirt, staring at Wukong with golden eyes. Based on his confused expression, he wasn’t doing it on purpose. “What’s wrong?” Wukong asked, helping his successor up. And then stand, because the moment he stood, he was falling over. “Kid, what happened?”
“I’m fine…” Xiaotian wheezed out. His breathing sounded off. In the moment, “clunky” was the best thing Wukong could think. He tried to push away, but nearly faceplanted. “Probably got a cold or something. Maybe the flu?”
A cold? Wukong hadn’t seen a human with a cold for a while. But, based on his memories, humans with colds didn’t act like this. The flu seemed to be a better possibility (even if it was concerning how the kid had still came thinking he had the flu), but Wukong had a feeling that something else was going on. Wukong blinked and allowed his vision to be overtaken by gold-
And, yep. That wasn’t good.
Normally, Xiaotian’s magic swirled inside him, moving through his systems like blood did through veins in a healthy in and out. Right now, however, Xiaotian was throbbing with magic, like how a bloody wound throbbed. Fine cracks, invisible to the naked eye, laced across his skin. Wukong felt a protective fire rise as he gripped Xiaotian’s shoulders, helping him back onto his feet to lean onto him. “How long have you been feeling like this?”
His answer was a little shrug. “...a month…It’s not that bad-”
“A MONTH?!” 
The noise Wukong meant to make was a hiss. Instead, an angrily worried shriek escaped him. Xiaotian jumped at the sudden loud noise, his face contorting into a mixture of fear and confusion. He nearly fell over, but Wukong kept his grip tight on him. His mind raced.
Okay. Okay, keep calm. He could handle this.
The next movement made Xiaotian shriek as Wukong pulled him up onto his back. “Monkey King?!” he said, his voice cracking into a raspier tone in the middle. On instinct, his legs wrapped around his waist as his arms wrapped around his neck. “What are you doing?!”
“It’s okay, bud,” Wukong said, beginning to walk. Thankfully, his voice had soothed out into more of a chirp he used on the younger monkeys. He let out an actual soothing chirp. He felt Xiaotian relax at the noise and felt a smile form. “We’re just gonna go to my cabin and get some medicine for you, okay?”
There wasn’t any words. Just a positive-sounding hum and a too-warm forehead pressing against his shoulder. Wukong hoped Xiaotian didn’t notice him speed up.
And hopefully something that could help with that magic issue.
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neodracunyan · 2 months
Smiling Critters Apocalypse AU
Reader Info + Bio
Reader Info
Y/n - Your Name
L/n - Last Name
E/c - Eye Color
H/c - Hair Color
F/c - Favorite (Fur) Color
F/f - Favorite Food
F/d - Favorite Drink
F/m - Favorite Movie
SC/n - Smiling Critter Name
P/s - Pendant Shape (The pendant describes your personality or your own hobby)
S/t - Scent Type (Only pleasant scents, nothing bad or cringe-worthy scents)
Reader Bio
Name: Y/n L/n (Kenneth Parker - Original Name) - SC/n (Smiling Critter Name - During the War)
Age: 8-12 (Past Time) 21 (Present Time)
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Before the Apocalypse) - Smiling Critter (During the War against the Dark Creatures)
Powers and Abilities (After being transformed into a Smiling Critter)
Gun Marksmanship
Weapon Mastery
Enhanced Stamina
Superhuman Strength
Genius Intelligent
Power Increase
Clone Creation
Camouflage (Invisibility)
Teleportation via Telepathy
History: In an alternate universe of Poppy Playtime: Chapter 3, CatNap decided to refuse the Prototype's offer to join his cause for "The Hour of Joy" after he met a shadowy demon lord from the Dark Zone named Darku that gave CatNap and the Smiling Critters an offer that they can't refuse as all 8 of them managed to gain a massive amount of Dark Zone Energy and transformed into the evil, twisted versions of them known as the Dark Creatures as they all devoted their lives to Darku as they all planned their revenge on the people that used them for their experiments by giving them a taste of their medicine by turning them into Smiling Critters that also resulted in losing all of their humanity and every one of their memories wiped cleaned.
Darku even took care of the Prototype when he was about to take out CatNap aka the Sleep Demon and eventually all of the people of Playtime Co. have either been killed or transformed into their loyal and obedient minions as it was the event known as "The Hour of Despair" and soon the entire factory has become their base of operations and eventually they started spreading their chaos upon the world, leading to a post-apocalyptic world filled with darkness and despair as the Dark Creatures are hunting down every last human in the entire planet to transform into Smiling Critters in order to create a perfect world where there is no such thing as pain or anguish.
However, there was only one boy named Y/n L/n (Kenneth Parker) who has the courage and determination to stand up against the Dark Creatures with the help of the resistance team led by Poppy Playtime and the remaining toys that survived during "The Hour of Despair" as he met the Smiling Critters before the Hour of Despair even happened as he was once an orphan living at Playcare and became friends with the Smiling Critters including CatNap until he was soon adopted and hasn't see them for a really long time until the Dark Creatures rose to power and started causing a lot of trouble and chaos upon the streets of Creation City.
Soon after the Dark Creatures began their reign of terror upon the world, the war between humanity and the Dark Creatures rose and the entire city of Creation City and the entire planet was thrown into chaos as everyone struggle their way to survival while avoiding being hunted down by the Dark Creature and their minions patrolling the streets of Creation City. Resources were scarce and tempers flared as the entire planet is on the brink of war, resulting the world to become a post-apocalyptic world for survival.
Out of the chaos upon the world of Creation City, all 8 of the Dark Creatures rose to power, marking their own territory with their own base of operations and a factory where they turn the humans into Smiling Critters as two of eight members of the Dark Creatures ruled each part of Creation City as their own territory and everyone is warned not to go there unless they are prepared to enter their territory with a high risk of getting caught and meet their eternal fate and regret.
In the North region of Uptown Creation City, KickinChicken and Bubba Bubbaphant, now known as KickinHawk and Dr. Damage, leads an army of Smiling Critters with their powers of both brain and brawn. KickinHawk has transformed from a Chicken to a Chicken Hawk as he is the definition of a badass with a give them hell attitude while Bubba Bubbaphant aka Dr. Damage is the brains and head scientist of the Dark Creatures as he created tons of inventions such as traps, weapons, robot minions and many other inventions that is fueled with clean energy to preventing Mother Earth from suffering every form of pollution and corruption upon the world. KickinHawk is very skilled in hand-to-hand combat and can be really deadly with his badass fighting skills and the use of his nun-chunks and dual-wielding pistols. Dr. Damage superior intelligence can be used as a deadly weapon as his inventions and various traps that have been set all around all of the Dark Creatures bases that are designed to confuse anyone that don't have the same amount of intelligence as him. His main weapon of choice is mixing chemicals through beakers that can either cause damage to his opponents, heal his allies, create various gases for CatNap to emit from his mouth or even use them to transform his body into any shape or form to attack his enemies or make a quick escape. He would even use a chemical/syringe blaster gun in case he doesn't have his chemistry set with him.
In the West region of Silver Sands Resort, the vacation resort has become a dark kingdom of nightmares ruled by Craftycorn aka BloodyCorn and Bobby Bearhug aka Death Bear as their territory that became a gothic/fantasy nightmare world as BloodyCorn's loyal subjects treat her like a queen while Death Bear is her proud enforcer as she can bash her enemies with blunt or sharp melee weapons such as a mace, a giant hammer, a battle axe, a broadsword or even a metal baseball bat. Death Bear can even give out the deadliest, rib-crushing monster bear hugs that can crush a titanium metal pole like a Creme puff, but at least she still acts like a sweetheart to her loyal subjects as she treats them like her own kids. BloodyCorn became from a unicorn to an alicorn after her transformation as a Dark Creature as she started learning to cast spells and can create weapons out of blood, hence the name BloodyCorn as she can summon bloody razor boomerangs with the power of her horn, and she can turn the moon into a Blood Moon as one of her greatest masterpieces. Not to mention that she can punish anyone by killing them and use their blood for her paintings and would even use her magic to change the color of their blood to the color she wants to use for her paintings instead of just using the color red. Death Bear would even supply more blood of her own victims for BloodyCorn to use in case she ran out as they both treat other like sisters.
To the East region to the Mother Nature National Park marks the territory of the Bloodshed Sisters, Hoppy Hopscotch and PickyPiggy also known as Killer Bunny and the Butcher, who lived in the woods as their hideout and they always on the hunt for their next victim and cook their meat as exquisite cuisine at The Butcher's Steakhouse (Similar to Texas Roadhouse) as The Butcher is not only an expert in cooking, but she is very skilled with sharp objects like a butcher knife or a meat cleaver as she will not stop until she manages to catch her prey and serve it to her loyal subjects. As for her partner, Hoppy Hopscotch aka Killer Bunny, she is very skilled with katana blades and ninja shuirkens as she is a highly trained ninja warrior as she is faster than a cheetah and quiet as a mouse as she can slice and dice her own victims whenever someone dares enter her territory. These two cold-blooded killers are both extremely dangerous whenever someone has entered their woods as they both lived for the hunt along with their minions that are trained to capture and/or kill anyone that are lurking in the woods both day or night. So you better be careful or you will regret ever entering their woods in any time or day.
And finally at the South Region, lived the infamous Nightmare Duo, CatNap and DogDay, better known as the Sleep Demon and Eclipse Hound, the two leaders of the Dark Creatures as they both rule the city area of Downtown Creation City that went from a normal city to a world of nightmares as they used the City Hall as their hideout that later became a dark castle of bad dreams that looks like it's straight out of a horror movie in Disneyland. CatNap is a master swordsman and a master ninja as he used his katana blade that is made with the pure dark, nightmarish magic from the Dark Zone that not only can cut through almost anything like a hot knife through butter, but it can also send people to the Dark Zone with a single slash, causing them to face their deepest, darkest imaginable as the Sleep Demon uses that special ability to either trapped them for all eternity or use to break their minds into submission as he can control their dreams at his fingertips. He can even use his sleeping gas as a defense tactic to put his enemies to sleep or to make a quick escape, not to mention that after devoting his life to Darku, the sleeping gas is now completely immune to flames that won't cause his body to burst into flames, whether if someone has a lit match or a lighter or when he recieves a massive shock to his body from a supercharged green Grab-Pack hand.
As for his partner, DogDay aka Eclipse Hound, he took the role as the team's Judge, Jury and Executioner as he is the literal grim reaper with his cloak that it's burned at the edges to make it look like it came too close to the sun along with the specially designed gas mask that makes him look more frightening and intimidating that strikes fear to the hearts anyone around him. His gas mask protects him from CatNap/Sleep Demon's sleeping gas that filters the air around DogDay/Eclipse Hound, so he can breathe and protect his face from the gas. He also very fast and agile and has some very sharp brass knuckles that look like edges of the sun that can cut through and shred human flesh as he is a skilled fighter and brawler, making him a very tough opponent to defeat. So whenever you hear the omnious sound of whistling nearby, you know that he's coming to hunt you down as he is known to be the personification of Death himself.
So now that you understand and learned about all 8 members of the Dark Creatures, you're about to see how Y/n (Kenneth) does whatever he can to survive the nightmare and how he became a target to the Dark Creatures as he will do whatever he can to put an end to this nightmare once and for all. After he got adopted and the Apocalypse had begun at the streets of Creation City, he began doing some tasks for any surviving humans that are hiding away from the Dark Creature's minions that are patrolling the streets as Y/n (Kenneth) manages to get the people what they wanted such as food, water, toys, toliet paper, etc. as Y/n (Kenneth) is a born survivor and manages to get away from the Dark Creatures multiple times with the help of his trusty Grab-Pack and his Uncle Henry's Australian Bowie Knife (The same knife that Crocodile Dundee uses, only it's both black and red) as he never let fear get the better of him as he never quits until he finishes the job.
Eventually he was caught by the Dark Creatures, when he tried to get into the old abandoned toy factory, Playtime Co. to find a lost toy for a little girl, which turn out to be a trap and Y/n (Kenneth) does his best to escape until he got cornered by the Dark Creatures, who soon remembered Y/n (Kenneth) back from the Orphanage because of the strange birthmark on the back of his left hand as the planned to turn him into a Dark Creature like them, which actually worked until he somehow managed to break free and escaped the factory that made him into a Smiling Critter known as SC/n (Smiling Critter Name) with the Dark Creatures planning to hunt him down and do whatever they can to make Y/n (Kenneth) aka SC/n a permanent member of their team.
Luckily for him, he managed to get some help from the Resistance team led by none other than Poppy Playtime herself, as she and the other Playtime Co. toys helps Y/n train really hard to get revenge on the Dark Creatures for all of the damage that they've caused upon the world ad he will do whatever he can to take them all down one by one with only one word in his mind and that is....
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party-gilmore · 7 months
TL;DR - if you’re trying to use chanukah this year for zionist propaganda as either a:
goy who’s trying to use it as an excuse to ramp up your antisemitism, or
zionist who’s trying to use it as an excuse to ramp up anti-Palestinian sentiment, or
that lovely combination of BOTH we see from christian fundies/evangelists
then I wish you a very happy GET FUCKED.
I still truly can not wrap my head around how people are taking -
“Jewish holiday remembering a fight back against an occupying force for the right to continue living our lives on our own land and continue the religious observances intrinsically linked with our culture, meant not to glorify the violence but to celebrate the refusal to give up and give in even under threat of death”
- and go forth in thinking that the moral of said story is NOT to support Palestine trying to do the same damn thing.
Chanukah still will be joyous for me. It still stands as a bright reminder of jewish resilience and perseverance the fight for our own liberation. But for me it will also be a reminder of vigilance, and the Never Again that we promised after the Shoah - that ANY of the trials we were put through, genocide or occupation or slavery - should never again be visited on another people.
No matter what a group of radicals within them might say or do.
It should be a rally and a reminder not just of our own fight against antisemitism but also to support others in theirs, to CONTINUE coming out around the fucking world to stand in open defense and support of Palestinian liberation and to KEEP trying to stop anyone from putting another people through what we’ve gone through. ESPECIALLY Israel.
Even a half-assed attempt at a good faith reading should understand that the moral of chanukah is in no way, shape, or form to justify the State of Israel’s actions, or that it’s somehow intrinsically a “zionist” holiday. Its literally memorializing a battle AGAINST assimilation and occupation and oppression and massacres.
And anyone who’s not a complete and utter fucking twat is going to recognize that that should translate into supporting Palestine as they face the same exact fight - but at an EXPONENTIALLY increased threat. The kind of power being leveled against them right now boggles the fucking mind. In no way am I trying to diminish what Jews in that era faced but. Bombs, white phosphorous, that kind of DIRECT control over modern resources such as medicine and electricity we’ve come to rely on. UNFATHOMABLE to those days.
And ABOVE all that. I can not fucking stand for EITHER 1) goyim using chanukah as “proof of inherent jewish zionism” to ramp up their antisemitism around the holiday, OR the other end of that equation, 2) radical zionist Jews literally fucking like “if you aren’t zionist i better not see you even fucking TOUCHING chanukah this year” WHICH!!!! i CAN NOT BELIEVE I HAVE ACTUALLY SEEN WITH MY OWN TWO EYES!!!!
HOW DO YOU MISS THE POINT OF “this week we celebrated the time occupying forces tried to purge our culture from the land we are actively living on, or - failing that - purge us, but we didn’t give up and now we remember that we made it through by having a joyous time with our families” THAT FUCKING BADLY???? THAT YOU THINK THE KEY TAKEAWAY THERE IS “getting the land it happened in” INSTEAD OF “surviving as a nation and a people”
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lady-moriel · 2 years
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Part 46
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Моя группа ВК, история на русском.
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Tyrael: It's like you saw a ghost. Not everyone gets the opportunity to leave a bard speechless. Klaus: Not every bard gets the opportunity to behold an unearthly beauty that even the gods cannot match. If I were a sculptor, I would certainly carve a statue. Or an artist to capture this moment on canvas forever. But I'm a bard, so I'll sing a song about you. Even if all the stars in the sky go out, you, like moonlight, show the way to the suffering. I will cherish the memory of this night in my heart until the end of time. I have never seen anything more mesmerizing. Hold on, hold on a minute. That's right. Tyrael: I'm glad I helped you cheer up a little. But we'll have to go back soon, you need to take your medicine and get plenty of rest. Klaus: Shall we stay here a little longer? Fresh air and a little walk never hurt anyone. Besides, I have questions. Why did your tattoos glow? Does it have something to do with the full moon? I had never seen such a thing before. Tyrael: Right. When exposed to moonlight once a month, moon elf ritual tattoos can glow. They are applied with special paints and an enchanted needle upon reaching adulthood. The ritual is rooted in antiquity and is observed most often by magicians. It also helps to draw additional magical power of the moon. Klaus: Are you cold? Even though autumn has just come into its own, a cool breeze is already blowing at night. As much as I love your light outfit, would you like to change back? I won't peek. Tyrael: I have increased resistance to cold thanks to the blood of ice dragons, you must have noticed my large arsenal of cryokinesis spells. Klaus: So you are a dragonborn sorcerer. Can you breathe fire too? Tyrael: Not fire, but ice. A useful ability to cool the ardor of obsessive suitors. Klaus: Wasn't I pushy enough? I need to rethink my strategy. Tyrael: You're walking on thin ice. Wanted a demonstration of “ice breath”? Klaus: If you don't try, you won't know. There is one way to get ahead of your "cooling" attack.
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demonprincezeldris · 11 months
𝙶𝚛𝚞𝚍𝚐𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝙴𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚐𝚑 𝙰𝚄
𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗴𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗘𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮𝗯𝗲𝘁𝗵 𝗱𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗲. 𝗘𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
The fresh morning sunlight filtered in through the large, latticed windows of Tristan’s room. The silver-haired prince grumbled as he snuggled further into the plush pillows, trying desperately to get just a few more moments of rest as last nights’ dream withered away. 
However the brief  hope was fleeting as he heard a muffled banging at his door, calling out his name. Tristan groaned, shoving his head under the blanket. “Go away. Just five more minutes,” he muttered under his breath. The banging became more insistent and louder as it increased. “Please get up Prince Tristan! King Meliodas is in trouble.” 
Those five words sent a shockwave through Tristan’s form, and he jolted up in bed, all traces of sleepiness forgotten as he looked at the closed door. “What about my father?” he asked, his voice firm. “He collapsed just a few moments ago,” the guard responded. Tristan’s breath left his body as he struggled to comprehend what he just heard. 
Kicking off the pristine white bed sheets, Tristan fumbled to get out of bed. He swiftly grabbed his shirt from the clothes rack and shoes from the side of his bed. He hopped towards the door, desperately trying to slip his shoes as he rushed to get himself dressed. Tristan slammed open his ornate bedroom door, sprinting towards his parents’ room as he shrugged on his shirt, his hearts beating erratically in his chest.
He skidded around the corner, his feet slipping on the stones as he entered his parents’ room. “Father!” he cried out, his entire body freezing in the doorway as he stared at the scene in front of him. Meliodas’ body was pale and sweaty as he rested on the bed, his brows furrowed as he struggled to breathe. His chest heaved, struggling to take in air as sweat dotted his forehead, his golden hair sticking to his forehead. 
Hendrickson was already at his bedside, cradling a mortar and pestle as he looked worriedly over the king. “Prince Tristan,” he murmured as Tristan stumbled towards his father, his eyes wide. “W-what happened to him? How did he end up like this?” he stammered, feeling sick as he gazed upon Meliodas’ weak form. “We are unsure, Your Highness. He simply collapsed in the middle of a meeting.” 
As he grasped his father’s sweaty hand in his own, a wave of guilt threatened to overtake him as the memories of the previous night played through his head. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes as he remembered the fight that he and his father had about skipping practice, and what he wanted to do with his life. Tristan had tried to run away from his father, who had caught his arm to prevent him from running away. 
He remembered screaming at his father as the two argued back and forth outside after a tense dinner.  In a fit of rage, he had told Meliodas in a firm voice, “I hate you!” before pulling away from his dad and running back to his room without a second thought. At that moment, he didn’t care how hurt his dad was by his words. But now he regretted saying such hateful things. 
Tristan glanced over at Meliodas’ neck, eyeing a dark, jagged mark adorned on his pale skin that wasn’t present last night. “I have given him countless medicines, but they were all ineffective,” Hendrickson stated sorrowfully, his eyes dark. “It seems as if someone placed a powerful curse on him.” Tristan’s head jerked up to look at him, his brows furrowed. “Your Druid magic can’t cure him?” Begrudgingly, Hencrickson shook his head. 
“Unfortunately, no. I am not powerful enough to be able to lift the curse. However your mother may be able to with ease.” Tristan growled under his breath in frustration. His mother was currently visiting with Diane and King in the fairy king’s forest. It would take several days for her to get the news and come back in time to cure him. He had no idea how much time he had before the curse would consume his father. “I need to track the source of the curse,” he muttered fiercely. 
Hendrickson looked at him, frowning in confusion as he continued. “I need to find and destroy it at the source. Our time is being wasted while we’re standing here. I’ll go find the source of the curse, while you and Gowther contact my mother and look for another solution to heal my father.” Hendrickson started to protest, but Tristan glared at him. “This is the best chance we’ve got in order to save him. I need to do this. For both him and me.” 
Meliodas gasped, snapping Tristan out of his stern gaze. He looked down at his father in desperation, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. “T-trist… an,” he gasped weaky. “I’m here, father,” Tristan whispered, wiping away his tears as he activated his Goddess powers. He closed his eyes, gripping Meliodas’ hand in his own as he desperately searched for the cause of the curse. 
It wasn’t but a few moments later that he found the source of the curse, looking upon a mage with a strange face. His eyes flew open as his magic dissipated, breathing heavily as he came back to his senses. Gazing upon his father’s form, he closed his eyes as he leaned forward, resting his forehead against Meliodas’ sweaty one as he whispered to him, “I’ll save you, father. No matter what it takes. I promise.” He squeezed his father’s hand gently, holding back his tears as he struggled to keep his emotions in control. 
He released Meliodas’ hand, wiping away his stray tears as he looked up at Hendrickson. “I’m counting on you, Hendy.” Hendrickson nodded wordlessly as he looked at the prince. Twisting around, Tristan rushed out the door, just barely darting around Gowther as he walked into his parents’ chambers. Desperation and anger swam throughout his body, his eyes narrowing as he grit his teeth, pushing past servants and other guards. He raced to the stables, his feet pounding on the stones as he rushed to find the source of his father’s curse and destroy it. 
Before it was too late.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What is the scientific evidence that chanting mantras helps you achieve your goals and protects you from evil powers/spirits?
Yes, there are many scientific evidences to prove that chanting is effective. Let us see few of them.
Research carried out by Alfred Tomatis, the hearing expert from the French Academy of Science and Medicine, who pioneered the Electronic Ear and championed sound therapy, found that chanting sounds have a therapeutic effect on the body. It soothes all our bodily systems and activates the body’s natural healing process. It also plays a part in reversing heart disease.
According to a study at the Cleveland University, USA, the rhythmic tones involved in chanting create a melodious effect in the body called the neuro-linguistic effect (NLE). When we know the meaning of the mantra we are reciting it creates a psycholinguistic effect (PLE) on the body. The NLE and PLE effects are byproducts of the production and spread of curative chemicals in the brain. The research concludes that this is the real reason why chanting provokes curative effects in us.
A study by Dr Alan Watkins, senior lecturer in neuroscience at Imperial College London, revealed that while chanting our heart rate and blood pressure dip to their lowest in the day. Doctors say that even listening to chants normalises adrenalin levels and brainwave pattern and lowers cholesterol levels.
Using chants as part of our exercise regimen helps facilitate movement and body flow.
Neuroscientist Marian Diamond from the University of California found that chanting helps block the release of stress hormones and increases immune function. It also keeps our muscles and joints flexible for a long time.
Studies prove that making chants a part of our daily yoga can help achieve greater weight loss in a shorter span of time.
Another study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry in 2018, found that "mantram" repetition therapy — which involves silently repeating a spiritually-related word or phrase selected by each individual from a recommended list — was effective in treating veterans diagnosed with military-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Other research has found that chanting increased cerebral blood flow in areas of the brain known to deteriorate in Alzheimer's patients.
Dr Alan Watkins says when we chant the vibration of the sound calms the nervous system and a profound sense of peace is obtained. It also de-stresses and facilitates better concentration and memory power. Further, according to Dr Watkins, chanting promotes a sense of well-being and helps us bond better with people around us, especially when practised in a group.
Chanting eliminates negative thoughts so we can enjoy whatever we do and achieve success easily.
Alfred Tomatis highlights that chanting aids in getting over addictions like smoking, alcohol and drugs. Another study done by Sethi, Golechha, Deshpande, & Rani, in 1991 showed that those who were affiliated with alcoholism who did chanting every morning and evening for 6 weeks had a significant decrease in delta and alpha brain waves which created feelings of mental tranquility.
One study by Lavretsky in 2011 showed that when people did chanting they actually had an increase in cellular telomerase activity… which slows our cellular aging process. That is pretty amazing!
A study done by Gupta and Bhatt in 2013 showed that those who did chanting on a regular basis had more feelings of well-being, less stress, and they had a better mental aptitude.
According to the results of a 2016 study by Perry, Professor Bill Thompson and Dr Vince Polito, also from Macquarie University, chanting the universal mantra "Om" for 10 minutes improved attention, contributed towards a positive mood and increased feelings of social cohesion. The study also found that a positive effect and altruism increased more following vocal chanting than silent chanting.
Professor Bill Thompson says "Vocal group chanting provides more opportunity than silent chanting for deep connection with other people, and this might help to explain the enhanced impact on altruism." Thompson further stresses that while chanting can bring a range of psychological and cognitive benefits, it will only work if people are genuinely interested in the practice, and enjoy it.
Dedicated research on Chanting (Published in International Journal of Yoga)
The research was published in the International Journal of Yoga. They took two groups and had one group “OM” chant whilst the other group made an “ssssss” sound. Whilst making the sounds they performed a functional MRI (fMRI) which monitors brain activity. They could then see what effect the sounds have on the brain compared to a normal resting state.
It was found that, in the group that chanting “OM”, there was significant deactivation seen in the amygdala, anterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, insula, orbitofrontal cortex, parahippocampal gyrus and thalamus. These are part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM which has roles in motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. It operates by influencing the endocrine system and the Autonomic Nervous System.
The “ssss” group, however, did not produce any significant activation/deactivation in any of these brain regions.
The researchers suggest that these effects are caused by stimulating the Vagus nerve. The Vagus nerve (also called Cranial Nerve 10) interfaces with the parasympathetic control of the heart and the digestive system. The Parasympathetic Nervous System is the “rest and digest” nervous system. It calms the body and allows healing and digestion to occur. (The counter to this is the Sympathetic nervous system which is the stress and fight or flight portion of the Autonomic Nervous system).
The Vagus nerve has a branch called the auricular branch which is by the ear. It is thought that when done properly, “OM” chanting causes a vibration in the ear that stimulates this branch of the Vagus nerve causing the above mentioned findings in the brain and the calming nature in the body.
There is also another interesting observation. It has been found that the vibrational frequency of everything that occurs naturally is 432 Hz, which is the same frequency of ”Om’’ when chanted. Hence, when we repeat “Om”, we are able to create resonance with the nature, and our mind reaches the exalted state, where it realizes a state of equanamity and peace.
In this way, there are many scientific evidences to prove that chanting is effective at the bodily, mental, and social level.
At the ultimate level, all Vedic scriptures declare the glories of chanting of holy names of Lord Krishna, especially in this age of Kali Yuga, as the only means of deliverance. Holy names act much beyond the bodily, mental, and social level and directly stimulates our spiritual nature. The main purpose of chanting of holy names of Krishna is to revive our dormant love of God, others are only the concomitant benefits.
ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanaḿ bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇaḿ śreyaḥ-kairava-candrikā-vitaraṇaḿ vidyā-vadhū-jīvanam ānandāmbudhi-vardhanaḿ prati-padaḿ pūrṇāmṛtāsvādanaḿ sarvātma-snapanaḿ paraḿ vijayate śrī-kṛṣṇa-sańkīrtanam
‘’Glory to the sri-krsna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years and extinguishes the fire of conditional life, of repeated birth and death. This sankirtana movement is the prime benediction for humanity at large because it spreads the rays of the benediction moon. It is the life of all transcendental knowledge. It increases the ocean of transcendental bliss, and it enables us to fully taste the nectar for which we are always anxious.’’- Shikshastakam Verse 1
nāmnām akāri bahudhā nija-sarva-śaktis tatrārpitā niyamitaḥ smaraṇe na kālaḥ etādṛśī tava kṛpā bhagavan mamāpi durdaivam īdṛśam ihājani nānurāgaḥ
‘’O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names, like Krsna and Govinda. In these transcendental names You have invested all Your transcendental energies. There are not even hard and fast rules for chanting these names. O my Lord, out of kindness You enable us to easily approach You by Your holy names, but I am so unfortunate that I have no attraction for them.’’ -Shikshastakam Verse 2.
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writing a plague will fic (first fic and i'm vaguely terrified) and i was brainstorming some schematics for his plague powers. canonically, we know that his powers are triggered by emotions like loneliness and jealousy (he recalls those memories before unleashing hay fever on nyx), but mostly anger - "he had no real plan. he just had anger."
i'm also curious about what kinds of sickness he can inflict? before reading the book, my personal headcanons were that will could either
a.) give living things illnesses that are mostly eradicated and/or have a cure - because gods' powers and state of being are inherently tied to their image and presence in mortal art, literature, etc, and Apollo's influence is more linked with the arts and medicine than plague - so i figure that this lesser known power of his would make it so that it is both rare for his children to possess plague abilities, AND make it so that the plagues they can unleash are of diseases that don't have as much an impact on our societies anymore, similar to how that aspect of Apollo doesn't have much influence on society. (idk if that makes any sense at all but it went through the brainrot meat grinder and came out semi-conherent so that is a firm win.)
...or b.) take preexisting disease and heighten its effects and/or spread it! like if someone were to have a cold, he could escalate their symptoms until they have a flu or smth.
a slew of more random questions that writing this fic has conjured up:
- could will heighten certain parts of a condition? if he were to give someone bubonic plague, could he control the rate at which the disease spreads? could he increase said person's state of delirium - which would blur some lines, since plague is defined as a contagious bacterial disease and delirium is a syndrome??
- can he control animals that carry plague/disease? communicate with them? ( omg. younger solace freaking out on nyc subways bc the rats won't shut up; him never being bitten by mosquitoes because they avoid him...)
anyway that's the end of my spiel (for now.) i've just had so many questions about plague will (would love to hear yall's own hcs and explanations!!!) since the book's release and uuggggHHh it frustrates me to no end that it wasn't brought up again. like. do you know what you've done to me??? this is worse than the goddamn carrot on a stick charade, y'all took the carrot, cut it up, and offered my starving ass 1/100th of a portion and expected me to be full!!!
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the-mononoke-facade · 1 month
So halfway through these stories and I'm noticing an interesting trend of how the mononoke are conceptualized in these stories compared to how they're conceptualized in the arcs of the show
In these stories, the mononoke is being treated like an evil spirit being inflicted on the people housing it, and it's just their negative emotions that create a vulnerability to allow it in. Compared to the show where a lot of the times, the mononoke are treated as one and the same as the person whose circumstances created it, or at least it's treated like there's not enough of a reasonable difference between the spirit and the person to point to them as separate entities. In the show the mononoke embodies the harms done to others and themselves and gives voice to those harms that are happening regardless. In the book the mononoke are treated as hostile outsiders doing the inflicting of the harm on people who might have otherwise not had to suffer so much if they hadn't gotten tangled up in spiritual fuckery
Like with Tokuemon from the first story, right? He was tormented relentlessly and deliberately by his father in a bid to gain riches and honors for himself that were supposedly stolen from his ancestors. Intuitively, I would point to Tokuemon and say "yes, he IS the mononoke, he IS the kama itachi, he IS the izuna," but the way it's presented, it's saying that his rage and fear at the treatment he had to endure over his life up to now makes him the perfect candidate to HOUSE the mononoke, and there's a clear delineation between where he ends and the kama itachi begins. The kama itachi was a regular ayakashi that was twisted and corrupted by the greed of humans and became a mononoke, but it doesn't have an identity with any one person or group of people (maybe grafted to Chuuemon, but even then there's a sense of Chuuemon still being himself and wielding the kama itachi as a tool separate from himself versus it being Chuuemon)
Compare that to, say, Nue, the arc with the least clear-cut association to a human/group of humans in the show and the closest to this sort of treatment of mononoke. Even with the nue, there's the sense that the "rotting piece of wood" took on at least some of the motivations of various woman who may have once lived at that estate--the need to remain oneself in a context that strips your value down to nothing if you can't present yourself as a valuable commodity (I presume the todaiji ended up being one of those 100-year object yokai, so it's kind of like the zashiki warashi in that by the time these spirits come into being as spirits that don't belong in this world, they're coming into an environment of intense resentment and say "ah, it's free real estate, nice"). But even in this case, the mononoke has a link back to human resentments, not spiritual resentments that end up rebounding back on humans
The medicine vendor assumes Ochou's been possessed by a mononoke and is using its power but she actually IS the mononoke. Her pain and her anger drive the mononoke and serve as a perpetual-motion machine of mental self-harm
By contrast, Ishiuemon and Zen piss off an otherwise dormant Kame-hime in Ishiuemon's bid to increase his own power, and Kame-hime herself is the mononoke that comes in to say "get my goddamn name out of your irreverent mouth," and she possesses Zen as a vessel to present herself in this world, but she doesn't become Zen, and Zen doesn't become Kame-hime. Kame-hime as the mononoke comes down to her offense over the power games the humans were playing in her name, not the harm or resentment that was coming up from the humans suffering because of those power games
The two bakeneko are cats who died with Tamaki and Setsuko respectively and took on the injustices done to them and come to embody each woman. Whether the souls of Tamaki and Setsuko combined with the cats or whether it was just the cats acting on their impressions of the women's memories, they're still linked back to and embody the emotions of the women who created them
Compared to the Tamamo no Mae that split apart its own soul in a bid for resurrection, the fragments of its own soul acting as puppet strings to play a fucked up game of "let's put these dollies in Situations(tm)" in order to create the conditions that would allow it to gain power and eventually come back together as one entity. The will of the Tamamo no Mae was inflicted on these two families to create the problem, these would not have been their problems otherwise (not their lives were going to be amazing without the Tamamo no Mae interfering, but the respective situations were less likely to become the powder keg they did). The conflict came from without, not within
Genkei projects his own self-loathing out to the sea his sister was sacrificed to and spends half a century running away from the reality that he did in fact create that dark and deadly "sea of ayakashi" but not the way he's talked himself into believing. The problem starts with him, and his complicated grief and guilt and fear that he never gave himself the chance to process. He is the mononoke haunting that sea, his suppressed feelings are the evil things infecting it. The conflict comes from within
Anyway, it's just an interesting difference in approach I've noticed up to this point, will also be interesting to see if that approach continues through the latter three stories
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psychicuniiverse · 2 years
10 Different Ways to Grow
1. Try Something New
The world has so much to offer. Experiencing new events can help you exit your comfort zone and explore new ways to apply your strengths. With so many activities available, avoiding new experiences can easily hold you back from finding all the ways to enjoy an authentic life. Applying this strategy exposes you to new activities and hobbies as well as amazing people who can boost your confidence and assist you in times of need.
2. What Can I do to Make Tomorrow Better?
This is an incredibly important question, as it helps you identify areas of need. If you ask yourself how to improve for the next day, do not view yourself as inadequate. Part of having a growth mindset is realizing there is always room for improvement, but still remaining confident in your strengths. Once you determine how to improve, you can take actionable steps to reach your goal. Thinking in this way discourages bad habits and encourages far more productive habits.
3. Learn to Really Listen
Give a voice to others and help them bring out their inner strength. Even if you are uninterested in a conversation or disagree with someone, give them the respect they deserve and truly try to comprehend what they state instead of making assumptions. Listening can become more natural if you visualize what the other individual states, and confirm their feelings after they finish speaking. This activity improves your relationship-building skills and builds upon your empathy.
4. Read More
Reading a book exposes you to many new cultures, ideas, and ways to possibly improve yourself. It is arguably the best way to start intellectual growth. Both nonfiction and fiction help boost your memory power and can also give readers a profound sense of enjoyment. Fiction increases one’s empathy as it puts you into the shoes of a character. Nonfiction can help you reflect on past tragedies or mistakes made by others, thus increasing your awareness and giving you a powerful lesson you can easily remember. Make reading a habit instead of unproductive activity.
5. Laugh
It is often stated that laughter is the best medicine. This thinking certainly applies to growth. Instead of fretting about your inadequacies, laugh at your mistakes. Acknowledge what you did wrong, but do so in a lighthearted way. Disassociate negative feelings stemming from missteps to your self-worth, another key aspect of the growth mindset. This keeps your confidence high but allows you to be in tune with your strengths and weaknesses, which is highly beneficial to your development.
6. Give Back
Giving back to your community boost levels of dopamine, thus increasing positive feelings and happiness. Donating time or money, helping out an elderly person, or simply buying more ethical products are all forms of giving back. Doing so aligns your actions with your beliefs and develops a sense of meaning.
7. Set Meaningful Goals and Take Ownership of Your Future
If you create vague goals, formulating a strategy can be difficult and ineffective. Develop specific goals and create a list of ways to achieve them. Ensure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. This means having deadlines, making goals achievable, and learning from any mistakes you make.
8. Get Grateful
Since we get used to the many wonderful aspects of our everyday lives, those items and people may be taken for granted. Create a habit out of listing all the individuals and items you are thankful for. Let others know if you appreciate them. Doing so makes them happy and builds a stronger bond between you.
9. Learn to Stand Up for Yourself
Letting your desire to be liked to overtake your priorities can lead to uncomfortable situations. You must learn to prioritize your wellbeing and happiness as opposed to always pleasing others, even if the latter is instinctual. Let others know when you feel unsatisfied or if they are too demanding; do not assume they understand your emotions. This turns a bad situation into an opportunity to express your thoughts and grow to reach a conclusion between both parties.
10. Forgive Others, and Yourself
You probably feel regret when recalling some events. Perhaps you may have even thought of what you would do differently if given the opportunity to change the past. While that is unfortunately impossible, you should find ways to correct the behavior which placed you in a bad situation. Additionally, recognize that you are only human and that a growth mindset does not demand perfection. Learn to keep your own humanity in mind when judging yourself or others. Of course, this is not an excuse to dismiss bad behaviors, but it is simply a reminder not to be overly harsh.
All to often, tough circumstances are used as excuses for not investing in personal development. It seems or may seem impossible for someone to grow when going through a stressful event, whatever that may be. Luckily, anyone and everyone can take these steps to better themselves, no matter what their current situation is. I have faith you'll grow into the person you want to be, as long as you give it your all, at giving your all, all the time. Good luck!
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