#miles not looking at them: my gay little walk makes them want to hurt me
milimeters-morales · 7 months
thinking of how miles is already hiding his relationship with ganke & then starts hiding/denying being trans so ganke comes to the conclusion that miles is ashamed of being gay and in a relationship with him, and he’s sick of that, so he says they need to take a break in the relationship for miles to figure his shit out. and miles feels he can’t go to anyone because he isn’t ready to come out and is in denial about the other thing, but he needs to tell someone bc he can’t handle it on his own, and when he tries to handle it on his own, he loses his boyfriend, his friends, and the trust of others all because fear overpowered hope and it ultimately ruined his social life and sense of self. i just love when it’s shown in fics that lack of community will kill parts of you, maybe even all of you <3
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mj-iza-writer · 3 months
It was late in the night as Whumpee struggled down their last mile of road.
They were soaked as they rounded the corner to the subdivision. The cold rain hadn't let up once.
"Please be home", they pleaded as they walked up the driveway. Their body gave, and they collapsed into a puddle halfway up the drive.
Gentle hands embraced them within seconds.
"What are you doing out here?", a whisper mumbled as they were carried into the house.
"I'm sorry I have to do this", a gentle voice sighed as they pulled off the soaked clothing, "you are dangerously close to getting sick."
"Caretaker I", Whumpee whispered.
"Shh, let's get you taken care of", a blanket covered Whumpee, "then you can tell me why you were out walking this late in the freezing downpour."
Caretaker threw the clothes in their dryer, and came back to Whumpee.
"Have you eaten yet?" Caretaker eyed them, "don't lie to me."
"No Caretaker I haven't", Whumpee looked down now realizing how late it was.
"Are you okay?", Caretaker looked at them with concern.
"Yes, I'm sorry I'm bothering you", Whumpee felt a tear form in their eye.
"You're not bothering me Whumpee, I'm just concerned about you", Caretaker sighed, "can you tell me what happened", Caretaker started to make some dinner for Whumpee.
Whumpee blubbered a little, then sighed, they wiped the tear away, "my parents found out I-I'm part of the LGBQTA+ community", Whumpee realized they didn't know if Caretaker hated the community, they gave a terrified look to Caretaker.
Caretaker nodded, "how did they find out?"
"You don't. You're not mad at me?", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
"No, why would I be", Caretaker frowned, "I promised you I'd take care of you no matter what, and I kind of already figured you were. Why didn't you call me at least? Just tell me what happened."
"I was at a pride festival earlier today with my friends, apparently someone saw me and told my parents. I got home, and they cornered me and asked me. I couldn't deny it, there was pictures even", Whumpee started to cry, "they kicked me out, and my phone was dead. I didn't know who else to go to, but I had no way to call you."
Caretaker handed them a tissue, "okay, how about you spend the night here. I'll go over to your parents house tomorrow...."
"I don't want to go back to them Caretaker, I knew they were... I knew they were homophobic, but them doing this just set it in stone. I won't be safe with them", Whumpee shook, "I don't know where I'll go, but I'm not going to them."
Caretaker finished cooking and handed Whumpee a plate full of food.
"You can stay here with me if you like", Caretaker sighed as they patted Whumpee's back, "I won't mind having you stay here."
"Caretaker you don't have to do that", Whumpee looked up from the food, "I don't want to bother you."
"Whumpee I promised I'd take care of you no matter what. You already have a bedroom in my house, so we can use that, I will work at getting your belongings", Caretaker smiled.
"But how?", Whumpee wrapped the blanket around them remembering they were naked under it.
"Let me see if your clothes are dry", Caretaker sighed.
"Wait how are you going to get my stuff?", Whumpee looked at him weirdly.
"You're a minor. It's illegal in our state to kick out a child. That's child endangerment. Your parents are going to be in big trouble for this one", Caretaker grinned.
"Even if a child is gay?"
"Yes, they are at least responsible until you reach eighteen, there is only a few ways out of that", Caretaker frowned, "I'll take it to court and at least get some things if yours, the rest we can easily replace."
The next morning Caretaker jumped at the sound of loud knocking at their front door.
"Oh goodie", Caretaker sighed as they looked out the window and saw Whumpee's parents, "oh good they brought the police... one less call for me to make."
Caretaker opened the door.
"Can I help you?", Caretaker opened the door slightly.
"Where's Whumpee?", the mom frowned, "we didn't mean to hurt them, but they can't stay here."
"Funny, them staying here has never been an issue before. They are in their bedroom resting after their long walk last night. It was freezing last night you know", Caretaker looked at the police, "they found out their child was LGBQTA+ and kicked them out last night. Whumpee showed up on my property dangerously close to getting sick. Whumpee has already voiced they do not want to return to their parents because they feel unsafe. I have a paper if you'd like, it gives me a right to take over Whumpee's care."
The police officer looked at the parents then at Caretaker.
"How dare you. That is only if something happened to us", Whumpee's dad tried to step into the home.
"You may not step into my home", Caretaker heard Whumpee stepnaround the corner, "that form permits me to take over care of Whumpee if their parents are deemed unfit to care for them. I know that is there as I made sure of it. You allowed your anger to cloud your judgment, and in that, you told your child they were unlovable. You endangered them. You are unfit to care for them now."
"Can't you do anything?" Whumpee's mom yelled at the police.
"Can I see the form?", the police nodded.
"You may come in, and I will get the form for you", Caretaker grinned, "those two are not allowed in my home."
The police stepped into the house, and Caretaker brought out the form.
"Yes, this all checks out", the police looked it over, "you will need to finalize with courts for this to be ruled."
"Yes, I have my appointment set up already", Caretaker looked at Whumpee and nodded.
"May I ask them a few questions before I leave... in private?", the police looked over at Whumpee.
"Yes of course, the living room is this way. I'll stay here in the kitchen", Caretaker watched them walk away.
"So are you here willingly", the police watched Whumpee's mannerisms.
"Yes, I don't feel safe with my parents... they just proved to me that they don't care. I want to stay with Caretaker", Whumpee looked at the police, "please don't make me leave with my parents."
"Okay and you feel safe around this person?", the officer looked around. The home seemed to be well kept and safe, "this person seems to to be stable.... I'll be honest they seem more stable then your parents, especially right now."
"Yes Caretaker has always been protective of me, and has promised several times they would protect me no matter what. This isn't the first time I've had to come here like this, but this time I was so scared. Plus the weather last night walking here, and not able to call Caretaker."
"Alright thankyou for your time. Because of your paperwork and the victim's statements I will not force them to leave with their parents. Just please make sure the paperwork is filed accordingly so this remains legal."
"Yes of course", Caretaker nodded.
The police stepped out of the house and after some yelling from Whumpee's parents. The porch was cleared.
Caretaker turned to Whumpee.
"You alright?", Caretaker gave a concerned look.
"Yes, a little shaken, but I'm alright", Whumpee hugged themself, "that was a lot."
"I know. We have some work to do, but I promise everything will be straightened out", Caretaker smiled, "you're safe now."
"Thankyou Caretaker", Whumpee quickly wiped a tear and sighed in relief.
"Your welcome", Caretaker walked to them and hugged them, "I'm here to protect you, always."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
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lonesome-witching · 1 year
Friday Nights
This took me way too long to write but I made it longer to compensate. The anonymous prompt that was inspiration for this wanted some jealous Nancy which is the beginning of the story and ronance endgame which is the end. I hope you all like it and I hope to finish more prompts soon.
You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones. Although it might take a while for me to finish them.
Something was wrong with Nancy. It almost felt like there was a bug creeping under her skin. Although… It wasn’t always like that. In fact, most of the time she was fine, normal. But then there were times where her blood was boiling and she felt on edge. Like right now, as she was seated across from Robin who was talking animatedly about her date with Vickie. It’s like she couldn’t even help her fingers from tightening their hold on her cold glass. And the worst part was that she couldn’t understand why she felt this way. 
She loved spending time with Robin. She loved listening to Robin ramble on and on about whatever was on her mind. Unless it was her girlfriend. And it didn’t make sense because Nancy had had no problem when Robin came out. 
“And then she drove me home,” Robin said with a smile. Her lips sucked on the straw of her drink and for a second Nancy forgot about the bug under her skin or the way her blood was supposed to be boiling. For a second Nancy’s mind went blank and she just stared. 
“That’s great, Robin.” Nancy kept looking at Robin’s lips as they curved back into that beautiful smile.
“I know, right! I never thought I’d find anyone who would actually want to go on a date with me.” 
“Oh, c’mon. Anyone would be lucky to date you.”
Robin shrugged. “It’s not like there are a bunch of gay girls in Hawkins Indiana. But anyway, it’s not that it matters. I found one and I’m not gonna let her go.” 
Nancy could feel her shoulders tense. “Great,” she mumbled, her eyes cast down. 
“Yeah, we’re going out again on Friday.”
Something inside of Nancy snapped. “Friday?” 
“Yeah, Friday.” 
Fridays were sacred for Nancy. Those were the few moments she had where she could sit on a couch in an overheated room with her thigh pressed against Robin’s. It was only then that she could turn off her mind. 
“We had plans on Friday.” She kept her voice as even as she could but her hands were shaking. 
“Yeah, but we do the same thing every Friday and I have to work all weekend.” 
“If you didn’t like what we were doing on Fridays you could have just said so.” She was losing her composure, could feel it bubbling up in her throat. 
“No, that’s not it. Nancy, you know I love our little movie nights but I just— I want to spend some time with my girlfriend.” 
“Good to know I’m no longer good enough.” Nancy pushed her chair back, fumbled with some money she had in her pocket and walked out of the diner. It was petty and it was stupid and Nancy knew that in the back of her mind. But her heart lay in shambles in her chest and she couldn’t care about what she might have just destroyed. 
She walked home. Her eyes tearing up, her chest aching and her mind running a mile per minute. The streets of Hawkins had lost their comfort many years ago but tonight the stabbing cold felt even worse than it usually did. The empty roads and dark houses pulled at her heartstrings, deepening the hurt. Once upon a time this town felt like home. Now nothing did. Nothing except maybe the few people that understand. 
Nothing except maybe Robin. 
A raindrop fell on her nose. Quickly followed by a second and a third. Nancy quickened her pace. She had never liked the cold that the rain brings. It was worse after everything. Now that she knew he liked the cold, she despised it even more. 
Which is why she was rushing home. It was also exactly why she didn’t watch out enough, why she misplaced her foot and twisted her ankle. One pained scream broke through the silence and then…
“Nancy? Nancy, are you okay?” 
Nancy turned her head to watch as Robin ran up to her. The girl nearly fell on her ass as she halted next to Nancy. 
“Are you alright?” she repeated. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just hurt my ankle.” To make her point clear Nancy pointed at her right foot that was lifted slightly into the air to keep the weight off of it. 
“Okay, okay.” Robin kept nodding her head, something she often did when she was thinking. Nancy couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Okay, you can put your arm around me and I’ll support you.” 
“What? No, Robin, I’m fine.” Nancy put her foot down to demonstrate only to wince as the pain clawed up her leg. 
“You are not fine. Just let me help you.” 
“What are you even doing here?” Nancy tried her best to keep that edge to her voice, the one she had had earlier, but somehow seeing Robin in the dim street lights had faded away that anger. 
“Walking home, we take the same way for the most part, only I have to go—”
“Yes, I know where you live.” 
“Are you mad at me?” Robin’s fingers were messing with her rings, a nervous habit. “Because I know that what I said may have come off wrong. I didn’t mean to imply that you are not good enough because you are great and— and I love our Friday nights together. Look, I’ll call Vickie tonight and I’ll tell her that something came up and then we can watch a movie together and we can just forget any of this ever happened.” 
Nancy wanted to kiss Robin. She took a step back as the thought popped into her head. It hadn’t crossed her mind before. She wasn’t even supposed to want to kiss Robin because Robin had a girlfriend. And because Nancy was straight, of course. Why hadn’t that come to mind? 
“Oh fuck.” 
“What?” Robin asked, her eyes wide. 
“I have to— I have to go.” Nancy started walking back, wincing with every step she took. Whether it was because of her injured ankle or because Robin was shouting her name behind her, she wasn’t sure.
Nancy punched her ice cream with her spoon. She had never understood why broken hearted girls always wanted ice cream. But being one of those broken hearted girls changed her perspective. Not that it was really mending anything. In fact whenever she looked at the tub filled with frozen sweetness she could only think of Robin standing there in the lighting of the Starcourt mall in that stupidly cute sailor outfit. 
She felt truly pathetic when a lonesome tear mixed in with her ice cream as she pushed the spoon in her mouth. When did she get so hung up on her own love life? She hadn’t cried after her break up with Steve. Hadn’t even shed a tear for Jonathan when he told her they couldn’t go on like this. 
But apparently just knowing that Robin was out with some other girl was enough to open the floodgates that had been bolted shut before. 
She hated herself for feeling like this and she hated herself for hating Vickie. Robin deserved happiness and if Vickie made her happy that should be enough for Nancy. But it wasn’t and it never would be. Because Nancy was selfish and Nancy was envious. She had always been like this. She had always wanted what she couldn’t have and then she’d fight her way to have it anyway. 
She wondered if she could get what she wanted. If maybe she could get Robin to break Vickie’s heart and choose her instead. But even if she could, she wasn’t that cruel. 
“Nancy! There is someone at the door!” Mike yelled from across the hall. 
“Why don’t you get it?” 
“I’m busy!” 
“So am I!” 
“Well I’m not going to get it.” 
Nancy sighed. Her bare feet sunk in the carpeted floor. She was still holding the ice cream as she descended the stairs and walked up to the front door. If this was another one of those pamphlet assholes who were trying to get her to go back to church she would throw the door back in their face. 
But it wasn’t. 
“Hi, Nance. I was beginning to worry you weren’t going to open this door. I mean Steve told me to climb up to your window but we both know I’m too clumsy for that. I wouldn’t want to fall down and break my spine or anything. Anyway, it’s Friday night and I thought we could watch a movie together, like we usually do. I brought popcorn.” Robin held up a plastic bag. 
“I— Uhm, I thought you were going out with Vickie?” 
“Things between me and Vickie aren’t going to work out actually.” 
“Why not? What happened?” Finally, Nancy moved out of the way to let Robin inside. 
“I just—” Robin walked past Nancy. “I was telling her about the fight we had the other day and how I was worried that I had ruined our friendship or something and she— She just said some stuff that changed my opinion of her.” 
“What did she say?” Nancy followed the other girl into the living room. 
“She said I shouldn’t care too much about your opinion because you were a priss.” 
Nancy bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling. “According to Steve, you called me a priss once upon a time.” 
“That was— I— it was different. This is a very different context.” 
Nancy hummed and nodded. She wanted to come up with a comeback, to tease her friend even more, but her heart was swelling in her chest and that was enough to quiet her. 
“So, movie?” Robin asked with a hesitant smile. Maybe she was scared that Nancy was upset with her or maybe she was hiding something. 
“Yes, of course. I’ll make the popcorn and you can go to the basement and pick a movie. We don’t have a lot to offer but some of Mike’s are still down there.” Nancy grabbed the popcorn out of Robin’s hands and walked into the kitchen. 
She disposed of the ice cream by pushing it back into the freezer and went to work on the microwave. Her fingers were shaking as she grabbed a bowl. Her whole body was buzzing with the need to be near Robin again. Now that she was able to give a meaning to the feeling, it made her feel like a young school girl again. It made her feel like the version of herself from before Upside Down monsters. It felt nice. 
Robin was sitting on the couch with her hands in her lap when Nancy reached her. “What did you pick?” Nancy asked, placing the bowl on the table in front of them and taking a seat next to Robin. 
“Your brother doesn’t own a lot of movies but I found a copy of Little Shop of Horrors and that seemed to be the best option. Is that okay?”
“Of course.” 
A silence fell over them. Nancy waiting patiently for Robin to turn on the movie, as she always did, while Robin just tapped her thigh. 
“Should I?” Nancy pointed at the TV. 
“Uhm, yeah, sure.” 
“Are you okay?” 
Robin nodded her head. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I guess I’m just worried you’re upset with me.” 
“Why would you think I’m upset with you?”
Robin’s face contorted in a pained expression. “It’s stupid really but usually you— uhm. Usually you sit closer.” 
“Would you like for me to sit closer?” 
“Yes,” Robin replied, sounding slightly breathless. 
Nancy shuffled closer, pressing her thigh against Robin’s like she usually did. A habit that first formed when Steve and Jonathan still joined in on their movie nights. 
“Uhm— maybe a little bit closer?” Robin whispered. 
Nancy’s heart rate sped up as she pushed her body even closer to Robin’s. The touch points heating up Nancy’s skin. 
“Like this?” Nancy asked, her voice breaking on the second word.
“Yeah but uhm— could you get a tiny bit closer?” 
“Robin, if I get any closer I’ll be sitting on top of you.” Nancy laughed it off as best as she could. She noticed how Robin was holding her breath. 
“Yeah.” The girl nodded her head. 
“Robin, do you like me?” The question slipped out. 
“Of course I like you. We’re friends,” Robin laughed. 
“That’s not what I meant.” 
“Nance, I wouldn’t ruin—“
“Because I like you. You know, like that.” It was terrifying to speak those words. All of the possibilities laying right there in the open. 
“You do?” Robin’s head turned so fast Nancy worried the girl got whiplash. 
“I do.” 
“I do too.” 
“You do?” It was too good to be true. It was way too good to be true. Robin liked her back. 
“I do,” Robin admitted. 
Nancy had wanted to do this right. She had wanted to take her time, perhaps even ask for permission before she went for it. But her heart was beating heavily and her mind was clouded, conjuring up nothing beside that one word. That one name. Robin. Robin. Robin. 
She dove in, connecting her lips with those of the girl she was falling for. It was hard and passionate and clumsy. But Robin kissed back. And Robin placed her hands carefully on Nancy’s waist. And Robin pulled her closer, on top of her. 
All of Nancy’s senses were filled with Robin as they kissed and kissed and kissed. The movie long forgotten. 
They’d have time to watch the movie later. They’d have time to sit on that couch with their thighs pressed together, eating popcorn and continuously sliding their hands together with sneaky smiles on their faces. 
But for now Nancy wanted to lose herself in the girl that had brought her back to life.
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Say you’ll stay with me
Maria Hill x Reader
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Summary: Maria is forced to share you a truth she just found out. Would your relatiomship be strong enough to last?
A/N: What to say.. Blame my mind. I should be working on part six of limesys but my mind decided other things had priorities. So here you have a drabble that had extended a bit longer since my gay ass couldn’t help bringing back my beloved Maria after I saw a Cobie’s movie. Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you want more about this story and I’ll gladly deliver (:
Those three words resonated in your ears for a few moments too long.
All the expectation you mustered during this short-timed dating was hanging from a cliff as the brunette in front of you awaited your reaction to her confession.
Granted, she was an adult and very capable of taking care of it, but you knew her too well not to comment on it. You’d be fooling yourself for even thinking about suggesting it to her.
You see, you and Maria had come a long way. From not-so-good friends to lovers at some point in your lives. But after the imminent break-up, all your friends convinced you it was just a case of ‘right person, wrong time’. And the more you thought about it, you knew they were right all along.
After spending time together at Natasha’s birthday party, you found out that those 12 years apart made you both mature enough to stop your yearning to instead dip your toes into familiar waters as you walked her home that night. Although maybe a little too fast, as you both loved each other again under the moonlight that sneaked through her bedroom windows.
Looking into her eyes, you found hope mixed with worry as she tried to hide the fact she was shaking inside. Her trait was too familiar for you to ignore it.
“Stop biting it. You’ll hurt it,” you warned, smiling softly as she licked the inside of her cheek.
“You’re not making it easy,” Maria mumbled as she fidgeted with the hem of her navy blue skirt.
“When you said you needed to talk, I imagined a thousand different scenarios. But this was none of them,” you rubbed the back of your neck, squeezing it tightly.
The pregnant silence settled between you once again, taking charge of the shifting mood. Everything but security was all that reigned on that warm late afternoon as you sat on your sofa, iced tea waiting on the coffee table. And Maria could feel her hands sweat under your intense gaze.
God, how she hated when you, out of all people, decided to analyze her. But she knew she had to be honest. You deserved the truth.
“What do I do?” Maria asked the redhead sitting in front of her.
“We both know the answer to that,” Natasha squeezed her hand, smiling softy. “But Y/N deserves to know.”
“How?” The brunette swallowed the lump in her throat, blinking away the tears. “I just had her back. We’re finally in a place where we can actually work on our relationship and actually succeed.”
“I’ve known her for a long time. She’s not a person who runs away when her heart is on the table.”
Sinking in her chair, Maria rested her head on her propped hands, looking pleadingly at her friend.
“Quit that look,” Natasha chuckled. “You have our support. And I’m sure Y/N will support you, too. You just gotta play your cards right.”
But by the look of it, it was easier said than done.
Just before Maria could stand up to leave defeated, you broke the silence.
“Does he knows?” That is all she said. Curiosity tinted her voice.
“I don’t even remember his name,” Maria admitted shamefully.
“Please tell me it was an accident despite you used protection,” you frowned and she almost felt hurt you could think otherwise.
“It was.” Maria nodded rapidly like a kid being warned against repeating their mistake. “And it happened before we met,” she hurried to clarify.
Her heart did a somersault at the soft smile that formed on your lips. “I know you enough to even doubt it.”
But the anxiousness eating her alive had her mind running a mile an hour.
“I understand if you don’t want to stay-”
“I do want to stay.” You interrupted her, making her blood run cold. “On one condition, though.”
Unable to find her words, she sat straight, nodding for you to continue.
“I know I’m not related to them, but I wanna pick their name.”
“How’s that fair?” Maria chuckled drily at your words.
“Love, we both know they deserve better than some ancient name. We don’t want them to hate it,” you smirked and Maria couldn’t help the need to take it away.
She relaxed against your embrace when you smiled at her lips finding yours before you kissed her back with as much love as she had.
The path ahead might be uncertain. But she knew that she’d overcome anything life put her through as long as she had you by her side. After all, you never broke your promises. No matter how many years ago you spoke them. Because even if you parted ways once upon a time, you always managed for her to feel your looming presence, for a love like yours was destined to be despite the paths life took you in.
As always, comments and reblog are highly appreciated (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr​ @wandabear​ @red1culous​
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lasatfat · 3 months
dadwc prompt list/info
general info:
I'm most familiar with the Inquisition roster, and I've played Origins enough to get a handle on those guys, I think. DA2, I haven't played as much. I'd avoid Awakenings and Absolution for now, because I haven't got around to them yet.
Please specify the prompt list you're using, if you can, so I can link back to it. Don't worry if you can't.
I'll be reposting stuff to AO3 by default, but if you'd rather I didn't repost for your prompt, I will absolutely respect that.
OT3/poly prompts are welcome, cracky ships are welcome, rarepairs are welcome. "LI swaps" are welcome (e.g. my Surana romances Alistair in my game, but you can request her with Morrigan, for example. Or a non-romanceable character. Anything you like). Nothing really grim, though, please.
If you send me prompts for platonic interactions, I will love you forever. I will give you a little digital kiss/hug/handshake/high five/wave.
If you send me something that I have a real mental block against for some reason, I will let you know and you can send in another prompt, if you want to.
If I combine prompts, I'll post one with a screenshot of the other(s), and privately answer the other ask(s) to link you up.
prompt fills
Blood of the Lion || Blood of the Crow || Two Hands Longing (For Each Other's Warmth) || Tempting Fate || An Unfriendly Wager || Shadows and Tall Trees || Sanctuary || Easy Like a Sunday Morning || Scathefire || A Rose Upon a Thorn || Let Me Walk (Before They Make Me Run) || Risk My Hands to Pick Up Shards || Fair Game || Safe Under Cover || The Beginning of All Things || The Safest Place to Hide (NSFW) || You Will Find Him Next to Me || Don't Look Back Into the Sun || The Nug King's Prize
prompt lists
I have a whole tag for story prompts and ask games HERE; this is just a selection of various types and topics. Again, please include the name of the list if you can, but don't panic if you're on mobile or just forget.
dragon age artefacts
unusual words and Raleigh's lost words
adventuring party dialogue pt. 2
50 wordless ways to say "I love you"
touches ask game and romance of hands and touch
smut prompts and dirty talk
platonic sentence starters
fluffy sentence starters
hurt/comfort dialogue prompts #1
angsty sentence starters
two-part drabble game
my ocs
canon protagonists:
Eireann Surana, Hero of Ferelden - City elf mage, arcane warrior and spirit healer, wielder of Spellweaver. Mother of Farah. Radically kind, values honesty, wishes she didn't have to keep so many secrets. A good tactician. (she/her, bisexual)
Rian Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall - Human hedge mage, force mage. On the diplomatic side of sassy, or the sassy side of diplomatic, depending on your view, but always aims for compassion. (they/them, pansexual)
Gideon Lavellan, Herald of Andraste - Dalish storm mage, Knight-Enchanter. Twin brother of Athim, brother of Aisling. Cunning, and good-hearted, a great believer in uplifting the downtrodden. His title is a burden, but he tries to use his power for good. (he/him, gay)
my other characters (I made characters to try out most of the Inquisition romances, and ended up shoving them all into my canon for funsies):
Athim Lavellan - Dalish mace-and-shield reaver. Twin sister of Gideon, sister of Aisling. Honest and inventive, good with problem-solving. Shares her brother's dry humour. (she/her, bisexual with a preference for men)
Kali Lavellan - Dalish dual-dagger tempest, sketches anything and everything. Perpetually anxious, and hides it well until she doesn't. Always goes the extra mile. (she/her, bisexual)
Sigyn, the Lady Archer - City elf mage of the Kirkwall Circle, escaped at the age of fifteen. Mother of Camile. Isn't used to being around people. Angered by injustice, will always protect those in need, but still building her social confidence. (she/her, grey-ace)
Farid Adaar - Tal-Vashoth mage, shapeshifter. Level-headed and kind-hearted, until a game board or cards come out. A friend to all living things. (he/him, aroace)
Basvaarad Adaar - Tal-Vashoth rift mage, freed saarebas. Says little, and chooses his words carefully. Painfully shy, but loves deeply and well. (he/him, they/them, bisexual)
Nanna Adaar - Half-dwarf Vashoth, two-handed warrior, non-verbal. Brash and hot-tempered, but easily mollified. A lover of all physical contests. (she/her, lesbian)
Torunn Adaar - Vashoth archer and midwife. In-game she's an artificer, but in my heart she's a bard. Emotionally intelligent and always eager to learn new things. (she/her, bisexual greyromantic)
Farah Surana - daughter of Eireann Surana and Alistair Theirin. Gregarious and inquisitive, she could make a friend in an empty room. (she/her)
Camile - adopted daughter of Sigyn. Shy and quiet, but always eager to help. (she/her)
Aisling Lavellan - baby sister of Gideon and Athim Lavellan. She's brought to Skyhold to live with them after their parents are killed in the fighting in Wycome. Still finding her feet, but curious about everything. (she/her)
my 'ships
As I said, I'm up for trying most any ships, but these are all the ones I have in my verses:
Gideon Lavellan/Dorian Pavus
Eireann Surana/Alistair Theirin
Kali Lavellan/Cullen Rutherford
Rian Hawke/Anders
Rian Hawke/Varric Tethras
Athim Lavellan/Solas
Basvaarad Adaar/the Iron Bull
Nanna Adaar/Sera
Torunn Adaar/Raleigh Samson (quasiplatonic)
Torunn Adaar/Cullen Rutherford (Lion and the Hind AU)
Kali Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Gideon Lavellan/the Iron Bull (FwB)
Carver Hawke/Merrill Sabrae
Cole/Krem Aclassi
Fenris/Isabela/optional Zevran Arainai
Josephine Montilyet/Leliana
Raleigh Samson/Ser Thrask/Ambra
probably more I can't remember right now
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mod-casey · 3 years
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HOW HE'D MEET YOU ! arataki itto x male reader
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notes: reader is a dude bcuz im a gay man that likes itto and theres not enough male readers so fuck u ill do it myself ig 😈 also this isnt proof read, eng isnt my first language, and i did this in like 2 hours pls dont kill me lmao 💀 OH AND THIS ISNT A STORY, ITS A STORY IN HEADCANON FORM 😭 i legitimately suck at writing stories in story form so have this half assed thing instead 😓
warnings: cursing, blood, injuries & violence. (but its all very brief, not detailed, and not severe so dw)
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arataki itto doesnt actually have a label for himself. hes never felt the need to do so, he just likes who he likes without much of a reason. if someone were to ask him which way he swings, he says: "i swing whichever way the wind will blow me to!"
you guys met through pure chance, and it was super cliche. as you were walking through the bustling streets of inazuma city after the disbanding of the vision hunt decree. he was also nearby, competing with the local children again.
after losing for the tenth time to the same child, he makes a loud groaning noise, which caught your attention (and the attention of everyone in a ten mile radius). while everyone else was looking at him with dislike, you were staring in pure interest, which he noticed.
his eyes widen as he looked at you. there was no way someone being so beautiful was legal, was there? he stared, and stared, and stared and st- "MISTER ITTO! HELLOOOO??"
one of the kids yelled, an annoyed look on his face as he just watched him stare at you for a good few seconds. itto finally snapped out of his trance, with a very clear blush on his face that he poorly tried to hide.
"oh uh- my bad, kid! was just a little tired- kind of spaced off for a little bit- but hey! im back on my A game, so lets go at it again!" he held out his closed fist, offering to play another round of rock, paper, scissors. the child bregudgingly accepted, knowing how this was going to end.
itto was hoping that he would win this time, specifically to impress the cute guy that was behind him. "rock, paper, scissors, shoot-!" the kid and itto chanted synanoumously, then revealed which of the three choices they picked at the shout of the last word.
itto held out a rock, and the young boy choose a paper. "DARN IT!" the oni yelled, once again catching the attention of everyone nearby. an adult all of a sudden snapped at him, condescendingly telling hin to stop bothering everyone, including the local kids.
"...did you really have to go and fight him?" you spoke as you patched up his wounds, caused by the tenryou commission trying to calm down the quirrel between the adult and itto. after they confronted the claymore user, he instantly started escalating the fight, straight up insulting them.
"well yeah! if they dare want to challenge arataki "the favorite of the kids" itto, then im gonna give 'em an ass whop- OW!" he winces as you dabble some alcohol solution to his face wound, caused by one of the tenryou guards punching him pretty hard.
"stop being a big baby, i've heard the stories of you and your adventures, you'll be fine." you spoke as you examined his wound, throwing away the cotton ball you used to clean his injuries, placing it on the top of the small bundle of blood red cotton balls next to you.
"yikes, thats probably gonna leave a bruise in the morning." you took a sharp breath in from sympathy for him, knowing its gonna hurt for awhile. "man, that sucks. i sleep on that side!" a small pout was put on his face as he complained. "don't worry, its not that bad, just some bruising and a bit of blood. it won't take that long to heal."
after a bit more checking, cleaning and bandaging, you finally stood up to stretch, while itto went to check out what he looked like with all the gauzes around most his wounds. "hm! i kinda like it." itto adjusted his hair a little while looking into his reflection, noticing a few hairs out of place. "kinda gives me the "badass, fighter boy" vibe."
after a long yawn, you looked at him to see what he was talking about. "woah- yeah you're kinda right." you nodded at the sight of your hard work. "right? anyways- sorry that you had to be the one to patch me up. my gang usually does it, but i gave the boys the day to rest since we didn't have anything to do today. my bad!" he gives a little nervous chuckle, shrugging his shoulders.
you smiled at him. "its fine, i don't really mind. i have some experience from needing to heal the other people in my adventure team, so its best i did it." a look of shock was suddenly on the other mans face. "woah- you have an adventure team?" "yup, we do alot of stuff all around teyvat. commissions, important bounties, peoples requests, all that stuff." "cool! if you ever need any help with missions, call my gang up! consider it compensation for the healing." he gave you a cheesy wink, which did make you laugh a bit.
"ill consider it, itto." was all you said, before you realize that your team was probably waiting for you, which made you quickly gather up your (somewhat) used first aid kit. you bid adieu to the oni very quickly, not even waiting for a response before heading back off to inazuma city to find your teammates.
"see you around, pretty boy!" he shouted while he watched you run away from his prephiral vision. it made him a little upset to know he couldn't banter with you anymore, but he knew that he would see you soon.
itto also starts to pack up his things, and head home to the camp his gang was staying at. he was excited to tell them about you, but after a bit of thinking, the oni decided to hold off on it for a little. when he sees you again, he'll definitely be sure to get you as a new recruit for the gang, and introduce you to them by then.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
can you do slashers x ftm! reader where the reader is being harassed/hurt for being trans? have a nice day :)
I think all trans people know how it feels to be harassed because of this. I personally like to wear/do feminine things sometimes because well I like to be androdgynus but people constantly get on my ass about it and its like "Bro calm down I'm literally just vibing" you know? I love this idea and I had to write it for you asap. Most of this stuff has also been said to me before. 
Includes: Lester Sinclair, Bo Sinclair, RZ Michael Myers, and Billy Loomis
Warnings: Violence, transphobia, implied murder and murder, religous induced bigotry, censored t slur used in Bo’s and Billy’s section
Lester Sinclair
You're riding with him in his truck after the two of you picked up a woman. You and the woman were having a light conversation when she says "You have such a deep voice for a woman, and such a flat chest. If you want I can give you the number for a plastic surgeon who can help fix that." You cringe at her words.
"Well ma'am I'm man so that won't be needed. I'm fine with the way I look." She frowns.
"Oh well you know you're not actually a man honey. Just because you mutilated yourself with surgeries and hormones doesn't mean you're not a woman. I'll be praying for you." She crosses her arms and moves a bit away from you.
"I'd suggest you don't talk to my boyfriend like that ma'am." Lester says putting a hand on your thigh.
"Oh don't enable this delusion of hers. She's sick in the head because the devil has invaded her mind. I pray you two repent from your wicked ways and find god."
"Ma'am how do you know that my boyfriend isn't a man?" He asks.
"Lester it's fine just let it go." You whisper to him.
"I'm not gonna let this go darlin." He squeezes your thigh and the woman scoffs.
"It's obvious that she's not a man. I mean just look at her." She gestures to you and you look down.
"Well ma'am I can assure you that he is in fact a man and that you shouldn't keep talking this way unless you want to walk to town."
"I'd much rather walk then be in a car full of sinners." Lester turns a corner and stops at the creek that divides the road to town.
"Well you can get out then. I pray that god has mercy on your soul." He looks at the woman with disgust on her face. She scoffs and opens the door.
"I hope you two enjoy hell." She gets out with a huff and you watch as she walks off into town.
"I'm sorry bout that Y/N. Some folks have no manners."
"It's ok Lester, I'm used to it." You look over to him. He's got a look on his face you've never seen him wear before.
"Well darlin I'm not gonna let you put up with that anymore. You're my boyfriend any no one's gonna treat you like that again."
Bo Sinclair
You’re in the shop with Bo waiting for a new patch of people to come into town. He’s busy working on a car and you’re at the counter flipping through a magazine. You hear the door open and in walk two men who look to be in collage. They must be from the city based on how they look. You try to ignore them but you hear one guy whisper to the other something. The aproch the counter and one of them leans on it as you shut the magazine. “Hello fellas how can I help you today?”
“Hey there pretty lady. Our car broke down a few miles back. We need a fan belt and a ride back. Think a beautiful little woman like you can help us?” The one leaning says. You cringe at the flirting. 
“Well Bo can help you with that and I’m sorry to burst your bubble but I’m not a woman.” As you say this Bo walks into the room. 
“I told you she was a t-slur Trent.” The other guy whispers loud enough for you and Bo to hear. 
“Whatever man she’s still got plenty of holes. Doesn’t make me gay.” You exhale deeply and Bo walks over. 
“Well if y’all want help on your car I’d suggest not calling him slurs. I would normally just kick y’all out but I’m feeling nice today. What size fan belt do y’all need?” He asks putting a hand on your back. 
“We need a 15 inch and sorry for uh hurting your woman’s feelings there. I was just stating the facts.” You look up at Bo and his polite smile. He’s good at masking his true feelings. But you know damn well the rage that’s almost bursting out of him. 
“Well I got a shipment of those back at my house. I can grab one for y’all and dive you back.” 
“Thanks man, I’m glad you’re not so up tight about that dumb t-slur shit.” He nods. You know he’s hit his breaking point. 
“Well lets go up to the house then. I’ll be back darlin.” He give you a kiss on the cheek and walks out with boys and you know damn well whats gonna happen. Bo often kills quick, but this time you know he’ll draw it out. Later that night you overheard Vincent and Bo talking. “Well I’m sorry you had to do so much touch up work, they got what was coming to them.”
RZ Michael Myers 
You’ve got yourself in a sticky situation. You’re cornered by a man who has been harassing you non stop once he found out about you being trans. “I told you to leave me the hell alone!” You yell trying to push past him. He shoves you back against the wall in the ally you’re in. 
“I told you, you dumb bitch I don’t like people like you in my town. I gave you time to leave but your dumb cunt of a brain can’t listen.” He punches you right in the eye and you let out a scream. He hits you again on the nose, making blood leak out. “Now I want you gone by next month or else I’ll do a lot worse than this you hear me?” He grabs you by your shoulders and throws you on the ground. Your back hits the ground hard and you let out another cry of pain. “Get the fuck out of my town you dumb bitch.” He spits on your shirt and leaves. You lay there on the ground for ten more minutes, crying and racking your brain about what to do. 
Once you get back home Michael is in the kitchen, sitting at the table staring off at the wall. When he sees you, the dried blood under your nose and the forming black eye he stands up. “Michael I’m fine ok? I just got in a bit of trouble with someone.” You go to the freezer and Michael just stares at you. You often can’t read what he’s trying to say because of his face being covered by a mask. But this time you can see he’s calling bullshit and he’s gonna get the truth sometime soon. You sigh and pull out an ice pack and put it on your swelling eye. “Well there’s been this guy harassing me about leaving town for a good time now and this time he got violent. I swear it’s nothing ok? I’m probably just gonna move a few towns over and I can still find ways to visit you ok?” He huffs and leaves the room. You sight and pray he doesn’t get caught. You know you can’t stop him from whatever he’s going to do. 
The next morning you find Michael has changed out of his usual coveralls and latex mask and is in normal clothes and one of his hand made masks. He does this for a few reasons. Sometimes he needs to get more comfortable, you insist that you wash both of them and he watches you closely as you do it or he’s had a very messy kill and he washes his clothes on his own. You know which one it is. Your suspistion is confirmed when you watch the news that morning to find out the man who’s been harassing you was brutally killed. The news says it was so graphic it has to have been a pack of wild animals or something supernatural. Michael went so overboard on this man just because of what he did to you. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” You tell him turning off the news. 
‘You’re mine. No one hurts you.’ 
He signs. You nod and take a deep breath. He really must love you to butcher him like that. 
Billy Loomis
You’re changing in the locker room after gym and you hear faint whispers behind you. There’s always talk about you and how you “don’t belong in here” and that “you’re just a girl” but you ignore it the best you can. But today it went above and beyond. 
“Hey Drew isn’t there a no t-slur policy in this town?”
“Yeah there is. I heard that whenever a t-slur moves here they wind up getting their mental illness beat out of them or wind up dead. Real shame too girl t-slurs are the best in bed cause they give it up so easy.” You look over at them and bite the inside of you cheek. The snicker as you look back at your locker. A few days later when you’re getting changed again you find what you bind with is missing from you locker. You know who stole it and now you’re stuck with your chest being prominant for the rest of the day. 
Billy knows something is up but when he asks about it you deny anything is wrong, not wanting him to get involved with it. But that too fails when one day while you’re out with Billy holding hands those two boys see the two of you and have to comment on it. “Hey Y/N I thought you said you’re gay.” One of them says. 
“I am actually.” 
“Then how come your on a date with Loomis? Last time I checked for a girl to be gay they have to date another girl.” The other boy says. 
“How about you beat it.” Billy says wrapping and arm around you. 
“Oh is it not our turn to fuck the t-slur? You know all of them are sluts who give it up to anyone right Billy? You deserve something better than this cheap t-slur.” 
“I said beat it. I don’t wanna get violent.” He says. The boys chuckle and leave again. Later that night you call Billy to come over. 
“I’m sorry honey I’ve got something I have to take care of with Stu tonight. I promise I’ll pick you up tomorrow alright?” 
“Ok Billy, have fun.” But when the next day does come you find out that those two boys were found gutted and brutally beaten to death. You know it was Billy and when you ask him about it he smirks. 
“ I didn’t do anything Y/N. But I mean they had it coming to them ya know?” 
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Stuff of Fairytales Part 1
Bucky Barnes x female plus size reader
Marvel Masterlist | Main Masterlist
It wasn’t supposed to exist, a fairytale, something out of the most depraved erotic novels, but it’s hard to debate when it’s in your system and making you want to fuck the life out of your best friend.
Warnings: SMUT, dub-con due to sex pollen, self-deprecating thoughts, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, violence, fuck or die situation, cheating, Sam Wilson is a great friend, reader is low-key gay asf, unprotected sex, rough sex, jealous!bucky, mutual pining, reader and Bucky are idiots, swearing, porn with probably too much plot, pregnancy, slight breeding kink, pregnant reader, discussions of abortion, guilt
Minors DNI
WC: 2.5k
Part 1
The best thing about having a crush on your best friend is absolutely nothing. There is no best part, it is absolutely horrible, especially if the best friend in question is dating someone else, someone who’s so gorgeous it hurts. Y/N fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, trying to avoid looking at Bucky and his girlfriend who were currently sucking faces as they left his room. Her hair was messed up and neck was covered in hickies. 
Y/N had to admit, the woman was gorgeous, long legs that went for miles, bright eyes with no signs of dark bags, flawless skin, perky breasts and a firm peach-like ass that Bucky slapped as she walked away, even she would like to hit that. Y/N looked down at herself, trying to suck in her rolls and make herself look smaller. She had always been self-conscious about being larger than other people but after years of dieting and exercise, nothing changed and she learned to accept and even love herself. But watching the man she fell so deeply in love with fawn over a woman that was her exact opposite brought those thoughts back.
“Why do you do this to yourself baby girl?” A warm hand wrapped around her jaw and pointed it up towards its owner. Sam looked down on her with sadness in his gorgeous brown eyes. He wiped away a couple of her tears before dipping down and bringing her into his arms. “Stop torturing yourself ok. You’re a gorgeous woman and anyone would be lucky to have you.” She opened her mouth to retort but a glare from Sam shut her up. Y/N giggled and snuggled into his broad chest, letting the scent of his cologne overwhelm her.
“Is there a cuddle party happening here that I wasn’t invited to?” Bucky’s deep voice broke them out of their trance.
“Yeah you definitely weren’t invited, old man! It was my turn to cuddle this luscious piece of woman.” Sam reached down and grabbed her ass causing her to yelp and smack his chest.
“Sam!” She giggled and grabbed his ass too.
“Ooh kinky!” He squeezed her one more time, kissing her head before releasing her to go get some breakfast made. Bucky was frowning deeply as Y/N turned back to him.
“You alright Buck?” He nodded slowly, grabbing her arm and pulling her into the living room, out of Sam’s earshot.
“Be honest with me, are you and Sam seeing each other?”
“What the hell Bucky! No I’m not, but if I was, I wouldn’t have to tell you.” She yanked out of his grasp, suddenly very angry.
“Doll I’m sorry I just…”
“What James?” He winced at the use of his first name.
“I want to make sure that you don’t get hurt, he’s a bit of a player.”
“I appreciate the concern Buck but Sam and I aren’t together and I doubt we ever will be. He’s my emotional support himbo.”
Sam’s voice came from the kitchen, ‘Hell yeah I am!’.
“An emotional support what?” Buck’s nose scrunched in confusion and it made Y/N’s heart flutter.
“Emotional support himbo, you know like a support dog but instead of an animal it’s a stupidly hot guy.”
“And this stupidly hot guy is making you breakfast little dove.” 
“My hero!” Y/N skipped back to the kitchen missing the look of longing Bucky shot her.
“This mission is going to be completely covert so we can only have two people go in.” Steve was going over new mission details at the front of the conference room but Bucky wasn’t paying attention, his eyes were on Sam and Y/N who sat practically on Sam’s lap. She was nervously toying with his fingers, something she always used to do with Bucky. His free arm was wrapped around her shoulders and he would occasionally whisper something in her ear which made her giggle, Bucky’s fist closed so tightly against the chair leg that it bent with the force.
Natasha kicked Bucky in the shin and pointed to Steve.
“Huh?” The captain sighed.
“Bucky you and Y/L/N are going to be the ones infiltrating the base. With your knowledge of Hydra and her hacking abilities, you should be able to be in and out very quickly. You’ll have to fly in the jet alone but your coms will be linked to us in case you need backup but we’ve been watching the base for a while and it seems abandoned so I doubt you’ll need it. You head out in twenty.”
Y/N stood up first, eager to get out of the room, Sam followed closely behind.
“Buck stay back a second, I need to talk to you.” The rest of the Avengers filed out of the room, Nat clapped Bucky on his shoulder.
Steve sat in the chair next to him.
“What’s going on with you man? I heard about this morning, you never seemed bothered by Y/N and Sam’s relationship before.”
Bucky sat up straight.
“They’re in a relationship! She said they weren’t.”
“Jesus Christ, they’re not dating Buck, they’ve always been touchy with each other, why is it becoming a problem now?”
“It’s not a problem, I just don’t like how Sam is using her, I mean she’s so nice that she obviously doesn’t see that he’s just going to break her heart.” He huffed and leaned back.
“You know what, I’m not even going to entertain this, Y/N is an adult, she can see whoever she wants to, Sam included,” Bucky glared at him, “You don’t have the right to dictate who she can and can’t see, in case you forgot, you are currently dating someone. You had the chance to tell her how you feel and you didn’t, now you have to live with it. Now suit up, you need to be on your game today.” Bucky crumpled but left the room anyway, he knew she was going to have her heart broken.
“Now little one you remember what I taught you.” Natasha helped Y/N strap into her harness and zip up her suit.
“Never accept a beverage from a man you can’t out-drink.” The assassin glared playfully at her friend. “Trust my gut, if something feels too easy, that’s because it is and get home alive.”
“That’s my girl.” 
“Alright move this party along, I was promised Chinese food and brownies when you get back so the sooner you go, the sooner you come home.” Sam gave her a quick peck on her cheek before shoving her onto the jet. 
“You know I’m more than my baking birdman!” She shouted at him.
“Yeah! You’ve got a fat ass too!” Him and Natasha burst into giggles as Y/N threw a wrench at them. Bucky was sulking in the pilot’s chair.
“Come on, we need to get going.” Y/N looks at him thoughtfully before settling in and getting the jet started, an awkward silence falling over the pair.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you this morning,” Bucky was broken out of his trance by her soft voice, “I think I was just really tired and hungry, you didn’t deserve to be yelled at.” 
“No no doll I’m sorry, it wasn’t right for me to be so protective of you, if you want to go out with Sam you should. I just don’t want to lose my best friend ya know. You’re one of the most important people in my life, doll, I hate seeing you hurt.” 
“Jamie, you’d never lose me. It’s you and me against the world, remember. Just like I promised when you first moved in.” She took her hand in his and when Bucky smiled at her, she turned back to the controls without letting him go.
The compound was entirely empty as the pair moved silently through each corridor. 
“Buck, something isn’t right.” Y/N’s gut churned with anxiety.
“We’ll be fine doll, we just need to get this done quickly.” His shoulders were tense, the metal plates on his arm continuously whirring as he gripped the gun in his hands. The final door they checked was locked, Bucky smirked before kicking it in, exposing rows upon rows of computers.
“Here ya go, get to work doll.” Heat rose to her cheeks as he led her into the room with one hand on her back.
“I’ll need a minute to get this information, hopefully it shouldn’t take too long.” He nodded and continued on into the room.
“Got it!” Bucky turned around from where he was looking through some old files he found just in time to see Y/N do her little happy dance. He couldn’t help but stare as her flesh jiggled beneath her suit. She always looked so fucking soft, all he wanted to do was grab her thick hips while he-
“Bucky!” The door to the room slammed shut. He sprinted forward, pushing her behind him as he tried to pry them open. His metal fist didn’t so much as make a dent as he desperately tried to break down the door. He was vaguely aware of the sound of gas entering the room from a vent behind them but the pounding in his ears overpowered all other thoughts.
A moan stopped him in his tracks, he slowly turned and the breath was knocked from his lungs. Y/N was leaned against a desk, sweat dripped down her forehead, full chest heaving, she had pulled the zipper to her suit down almost to her navel, exposing her sports bra and the slight curve of her breasts from where they didn’t fit in.
“Jamie, what’s happening to me? I feel so hot.” Her voice was raspy, already sounding fucked out. Her hands had begun to drift from her head down to her sex.
“Fuck!” Bucky started at the door again, furiously trying to get it open. It wasn’t supposed to exist, only a rumour in Hydra to breed more super soldiers, to get women’s bodies ready to take their seed. He had to get her out, he couldn’t use her like that, not her.
Y/N’s whole body was on fire, slick dripped down her legs as she touched her heated skin. It felt like she was dying, painful cramps ripping through her abdomen. 
“M so empty, please need it so bad,” The fever made her delirious, not even aware that she was speaking out loud, “Please Jamie, help me, hurts so bad.” She sank to the ground, trying to get some relief. Her fingers were deep inside her, a wet squelching noise filled the room. She could smell Bucky’s cologne from here, her senses heightened. Fuck he smelt so good, he always did. Her eyes shut as her orgasm began to build, Jamie Jamie Jamie, she chanted but right as she was about to fall over the edge, the pleasure stopped and another cramp, more painful than the ones before made her scream in agony.
Bucky was panting now, the pollen slowly infecting his system, his cock straining against his tact pants, leaking pre-cum. He had to resist his own desires. 
“I know love, let me help you.” Bucky knew he had to get her off, if he did nothing, her body would continue to heat up until her brain overheated and she would die. He knelt in front of Y/N and pulled her into a hug, holding her close as his metal fingers replaced her own. Guilt gnawed at his stomach, he got her in this mess, he should’ve listened to her. His own mind was starting to go foggy with arousal, the scent of Y/N overwhelmed him, making him go feral.
She gripped his wrist tightly, grinding her pelvis down into his hand.
“Oh Jamie!” 
“Go ahead doll, come for me.” He whispered into her hair, fingers working furiously into her, he wished he used his flesh hand so he could feel her entirely.
“Bucky!” She screamed and he withdrew his hand, believing that she was better but he felt tears soaking his shirt.
“Doll, why are you crying?” He lifted her chin.
“It didn’t work.” Her pupils were blown too wide and her pulse was sporadic, getting wilder by the second. Sobs wracked her body.
“Hurts so bad, please help.” The pollen was now fully in Bucky’s system and he was finding it hard to find a reason why he shouldn’t completely destroy his best friend’s cunt.
Bucky ripped open the rest of her suit.
“Fuck doll, you’re gorgeous, need to be in you now.”
“Please Jamie, feel so empty, make it better.” He flipped her over and pulled her to her knees. He quickly pulled open his pants and sunk into her.
His fingers dug into her hips, savouring the feel of her heat finally wrapped around him. 
Being buried in her was everything he had dreamed of, she was so warm and wet, and gripping him so tightly he could barely pull out.
Y/N screamed in pleasure, Bucky felt so big inside her. She could feel him in her stomach. Her tits were swinging with every thrust and the Winter Soldier couldn’t resist bending down and taking them into his hands and squeezing roughly. She couldn’t even form words anymore as her orgasm returned with full force. Her arms collapsed, but he kept driving into her, trying to get her to cum.
“Baby, need you to cum for me, need it bad.” One arm reached around, finding her clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts.
“Jamie! M gonna cum!” She threw her ass back towards him, making Bucky fall over her, moaning softly into her ear. Suddenly she shattered, throwing her head back against Bucky, her vision blacked out and she squirted.
“Fuck!” He gripped her hips tighter and pounded her into the ground, furiously chasing his own orgasm.
“Please cum in me Jamie, need to feel it, wanna feel you cum.” Bucky roared as he came, burying himself as deep as possible and filling her up with warm cum. He slowly fell out of her, sitting back on his haunches watching as his seed seeped out of her. Y/N’s hips sunk to the floor, her eyes starting to shut with exhaustion.
The lock clicked open and the door swung out. Bucky picked her up and covered her with the torn suit as best he could. The guilt had set in, he just used his best friend for his own desires was eating him up. Y/N was quiet too, her own guilt killing her, she made Bucky take care of her, she made him cheat on his girlfriend. The jet home was awkward, they avoided eye contact and refused to speak to anyone when they arrived home. No one heard from either of them for days but the worst was yet to come.
Part 2
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
I don’t know if you write for them as well, but could I request a poly fic for Reki, Langa and the reader and maybe them explaining them explaining their relationship to Langas and/or Rekis mom after being caught cuddling together? Thank you in advance and sorry, if you don’t write for them.
Polyamorous Relationship w/ Reki & Langa: Three's a Crowd
A/N: my first request for Reki and Langa! I'm so excited because I love those boys with my whole heart; they deserve the world! So excited to write this!
Rating: PG13
Warnings: use of the term "slut", complex teenage relationships/sexuality discussed
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Flopping over onto your back on the bed, you stretched your arms and legs out and let out a loud yawn. You, Reki, and Langa had been working on homework ever since the three of you had arrived at Langa's house after school and you were starting to get mentally exhausted. 
"I'm done!" you exclaimed, shutting your eyes and exhaling.
Peeking at you from where he was lying on the floor, Reki cocked a brow at you. "You finished all of it?"
"No." You shook your head. "I'm just done. My brain hurts. If I do any more I think I might die."
"Good enough for me!" Reki closed his textbook as well and stopped doing his homework too.
Sighing from his spot at his desk, Langa turned in his desk chair to face the two of you. "We have to have this done for tomorrow. You do know that, right?"
"Yes, obviously." You rolled your eyes. "I'm going to do the rest later. I just need a break."
"Exactly. Break time!" Reki stood up from the floor and promptly fell down on top of you on Langa's bed, crushing you and pushing the air out of your lungs in the process. "I'll finish later too."
Langa scoffed. "Y/N I believe . . . but Reki, we all know you'll forget about it tonight and end up scrambling to finish as the teacher goes around collecting it tomorrow morning."
"He does have a point," you wheezed out, trying your hardest to push Reki off of your stomach.
Reki frowned and stuck his bottom lip out dramatically. "You guys are so mean to me." He adjusted himself on top of you so his face was hovering right above yours. "I expected this from Langa, but you, Y/N? I thought you loved me."
You forced out a laugh as you cupped his face with your hands. "I do love you, but that doesn't mean you don't have faults, Reki. I love you despite your faults, and one of your faults is procrastination."
He furrowed his brows, his face scrunching up in thought. "I can't tell if that was a compliment or not."
"The gist was that you're loved," Langa muttered as he continued working away at the homework one question at a time, trying his best to ignore the two of you.
Reki's eyes lit up at that. "Well, good!" He smiled as he cupped your face with his hands in return and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
Immediately, your cheeks turned red and you averted his gaze. Things between the three of you were still relatively new and you were still working out how a relationship with three people worked, exactly. The fact that neither one of you had ever really had a serious relationship before only made things more complicated.
Noticing your reaction, Reki brushed the pads of his thumbs over your cheeks. "Sorry," he apologized. "I should have asked before I kissed you."
"No, it's okay," you assured him, a soft smile on your face as you did so. "I'm just not used to it yet, especially since our relationship isn't exactly . . . normal."
"I know." Reki hugged you tight and buried his face in your neck, pressing a soft kiss to the skin there. "Did you tell your parents yet?"
You shook your head as your heart began to pound nervously. "No. Did you?"
"Not yet," he mumbled into your neck. "Every time I try to, one of my siblings is around and I abort mission."
Craning your neck, you looked over at Langa. "Did you tell your mom yet, Langa?"
Only half-listening to the conversation, Langa perked at his name but tilted his head quizzically at the inquiry. "Did I tell my mom what?"
"About us," Reki clarified. "The three of us being together."
"Oh." He seemed to grow nervous about the topic as well. "Not yet. Soon."
Finally rolling off of you, Reki laid on his back and pulled you into his side, his arm wrapped around you and your head resting on his chest. "If only we were adults and didn't have to worry about the approval of our parents."
"Yeah," Langa agreed, thoroughly distracted from his homework now, his mind running a mile a minute while he thought about the current predicament. The three of you had to be careful when you went over to each others' houses, trying your best to convince everyone that you were just close friends and nothing more.
Cuddling and kissing were usually reserved for late nights when the sun went down, the lights were turned off, and the three of you hid behind the excuse of watching a movie together. Funnily enough, watching a movie together and cuddling had been how the three of you had discovered your feelings for one another.
"Speaking of that, you two should be careful." Langa gestured to the way you and Reki were holding each other on his bed. "What if my mom walks in?"
"Yeah, you're right," Reki sighed. "I just feel like we never get to be together how we want . . . we're worried about what our parents will think at home and worried about what everyone else will think at school. Nevermind the fact that Langa and I are gay, or, bisexual I guess . . . but polyamory? We'd never hear the end of it."
You exhaled slowly, cuddling closer to Reki. "They'd probably call me a slut for having two boyfriends."
Standing from his chair, Langa walked over to the bed and laid down with you and Reki, forgetting about all of his usual paranoid worries for the time being. "You're not a slut," he told you, wrapping his arms around you as well. "And who cares what anyone else thinks anyway, right? As long as we're happy and we're not hurting anyone else, that's all that matters."
Relishing in the feeling of having your two favourite people on either side of you, you started feeling the stress fade away and your body relax from its usual tense state. "I wish we could stay like this forever."
Before either Reki or Langa had the chance to respond, the bedroom door suddenly swung open and Langa's mom poked her head into the room. "Langa, are you friends staying for dinner or-" She stopped talking as soon as she saw the three of you tangled up in one another on the bed.
Immediately, the three of you jumped away from each other, the stress that had just left filling your body once more. Completely caught off guard since Langa's mom usually knocked first before opening the door, neither one of you knew how to explain away what she had just seen.
"M-mom!" Langa was standing on the opposite side of the room now while you and Reki stood on either side of the bed. "Why didn't you knock?"
Langa's mom eyed the three of you, quickly noticing the flushed faces and obvious nerves radiating off of you. Even if she hadn't thought anything of what she had seen at first, she definitely suspected something now with how the three of you were acting.
"I apologize," she said, pushing the door open all the way and standing in the doorway. "Langa, dear, do you have something you want to tell me?"
Fiddling nervously with his fingers, Langa turned to look at you and Reki, trying to gauge your reactions and decide whether he should tell the truth or try to pull off some sort of lie; but both you and Reki were completely useless as you stared down at the floor and shifted anxiously.
"Langa?" His mom prompted once more.
Finally meeting his mother's gaze, Langa drew in a deep breath. "Can you promise not to be mad?"
Langa's mother quirked a brow quizzically. "You're starting to worry me, honey. Just tell me what's got you so flustered."
"Well . . . u-um," Langa stumbled over his words, completely unsure how he was supposed to just come out and say it. "Well, Mom . . . Reki, Y/N, and I aren't . . . aren't just friends."
Langa's mother folded her arms over her chest and took a minute to process what she had just heard. "I'm sorry, I don't think I understand what you're trying to tell me."
Deciding to rescue Langa from having to ride solo on this, you stepped over to him and took his hand in yours. "Mrs. Hasegawa, Langa and I are dating," you told her.
"Oh, I see." Langa's mom's face flashed with understanding, but then she looked over at Reki, no doubt wondering how he fit into all of this.
"And I'm dating Y/N." Reki stood on the other side of you.
Langa nodded. "And I'm also dating Reki."
The understanding that had once been visible on Langa's mom's face had completely vanished after the three of you had elaborated. "S-so . . ." She paused as she tried to fit all the pieces together in her head. "So the three of you are all dating each other? Is that right?"
"Y-yes," Langa confirmed. "We know people will think it's weird but it's just what makes us happy and I just . . . just please don't be mad."
"Mad?" Langa's mother seemed offended at the insinuation that she could ever be mad at her son for, for lack of a better term, coming out to her more or less. "Oh, dear, I could never be mad at you for who you love."
Before either of you had the chance to process how well that conversation had just gone, Langa's mother was striding over to the three of you and pulling you all into a hug. "All that matters is that you're happy and healthy," she told Langa before looking to you and Reki. "And the same goes for the two of you. I don't know what your parents have said about this, but just remember that being happy and healthy is all that matters."
"Y-you're really okay with this?" Happy tears began to well in Langa's eyes. It was clear that he was overjoyed and shocked that his mother had been so accepting so easily.
Placing her hands on her son's face, Langa's mother smiled at him. "Of course, I am. Is it a little confusing for me? Sure. Do I know much about being in a polyamorous relationship? No. But if the three of you have discovered that this is what makes you happy, as I'm sure you have since you're all old enough to make your own decisions and know what's best for you, then I'm happy as well."
"Thank you!" Langa hugged his mom tightly, silent sobs escaping him as all the worry he had been carrying around for weeks dissipated and he was flooded with relief.
"I'll always love you, no matter what," Langa's mom told him as she glanced at you and Reki, who were starting to tear up as well. "Do your parents know as well?"
You and Reki shook your heads. "No, not yet," you said in unison.
"Well, I hope they are understanding," she told you. "And just know that the three of you are always welcome here."
"Thank you, Mrs. Hasegawa." Reki wrapped his arms around you and held you tight as you cried as well. "Really, thank you so much. We were all scared that everyone would think we were weird or gross."
"People are often scared of things that they think are different," Langa's mom explained to the three of you. "But that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being different. I won't lie and say that everyone will be understanding, but the world is changing . . . don't assume the worst from people just yet; they might surprise you."
With that, Langa let go of his mother and engulfed you and Reki in a hug. Finally, the three of you had safe space where you could be together and not worry about judgmental people looking in on your relationship. 
Overjoyed and unable to control his excitement, Reki planted kisses on both you and Langa—marking the first time either of you had dared show affection in front of someone outside of the relationship.
Hopefully, the first of many. 
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Day 66: Bond
There was a certain bond that formed between two people when all of your friends were paired off and dating someone. When the two of you were the only single people so you got paired off to share food, and be partners in games, and all other manner of things.
Harry supposed that tonight would be just one more of those nights as he arrived at Ginny and Luna's. And he wasn't complaining (not anymore, at least) it had taken a couple of years but he and Draco had warmed up to each other. They had compatible styles for partner games, Draco always gave Harry any treats with nuts and Harry gave him any treats with mint, and Harry genuinely enjoyed his dry sense of humor.
If he was being honest, he'd started looking forward to all of the time that he got to spend with Draco on Friday nights.
But things felt different the moment he entered the house, even though he couldn't quite put his finger on why. He spotted Ginny first, standing against the counter, pouring a couple glasses of wine, "Hey," he called.
She looked up and bit her lip.
"What?" he asked with no small amount of dread. He knew that look; it was the look she'd given him right before she'd told him she might be gay and in love with Luna, a look that said she was afraid of breaking his heart.
Ginny opened her mouth but no words came out.
"Ginny, what?" he said, taking several steps toward her.
"I don't know how to say thi-"
"Oh, good," he heard Draco say from behind him, "You're here."
His mouth stretched into a grin even before he turned around "He-" he broke off when he saw that Draco was standing with his arm around some bloke who Harry had never met before. "Hey," he finished.
"This is Matt," Draco offered.
And frankly, Harry would rather die (again) than shake his hand but before he could have any say in the matter Matt had stepped forward into his space and was gripping his hand. Hard. "The Harry Potter," he drawled. "My, my."
(Read more below the cut)
Harry glanced over at Draco who looked vaguely uncomfortable.
"Draco has told me so much about you. I could hardly believe that he was telling the truth." He leaned toward Harry conspiratorially, "He's known for embellishing the truth, you know?"
Harry wrenched his hand from Matt's grip, "Actually, I've found Draco to be honest to a fault. Hardly anyone else will tell me when my outfit doesn't match or I've got something stuck in my teeth."
Matt's eyes flashed and Harry's proverbial hackles stood on end he didn't like that look, "I-" Matt started
"Hey," Draco said, taking Matt's hand and drawing his attention, "Let me introduce you to everyone else."
"Nice meeting you, Mark," Harry called.
Draco narrowed his eyes at him, "Matt," he corrected, before mouthing, 'behave' at Harry.
"My mistake," Harry said, maintaining eye contact with the other man until he turned away and followed Draco into the other room.
"Okay," Ginny said, drawing his attention away from them, "First. Men are disgusting; I can't believe I thought I was attracted to them for so long."
"What?" he asked, slumping over to the counter and sliding onto a stool across from where Ginny was still mixing up drinks. He was feeling a little nauseous, fire rushing under his skin.
"That," she said, gesturing to where Harry had been standing talking to Matt and Draco, "The little pissing match to decide who's dominant."
"What?" Harry asked, "that guy is just an asshole."
She rolled her eyes, "Second, you're still an idiot."
"Wow. I'm just going to go home," he said. "Between you and the dude who was trying to break my fingers, I don't think it's going to be a great night."
Ginny leaned across the counter and instinctively Harry leaned toward her, "How long are you going to continue denying you have feelings for Draco?"
His brow furrowed, "I don't. We're just mates," he added.
"I rest my case. You're still an idiot," she said as she leaned back and started mixing drinks again.
Harry slouched on his stool turning that thought over in his mind, "That actually would make sense," he admitted.
"Harry, I love you, you know I do," she said. "But honestly, I can't believe you're just figuring this out. The rest of us have known for ages. We were all shocked when he walked through the door with Matt; he told us he was bringing someone but we thought the two of you were just making a joke."
"Well now what am I supposed to do?" he asked. "Why couldn't anyone have said something sooner?"
"Because we thought it was obvious," she hissed.
"Let's just get through the night," he sighed. "Then we'll deal with the rest. We'll need to come up with a plan."
He spent the rest of the night calling Matt the wrong name (Miles, Maurice, Mike, Max, Moses, Mitch, Mason) to the point that Ron either caught on and decided to help or got confused enough that he started calling him the wrong name, too. Harry also couldn't help but rub it in Matt's face how much better he knew Draco; telling inside jokes, asking Draco specific questions about his work and his parents, and reminiscing about fond memories.
Draco seemed a bit exasperated by it but Harry couldn't help himself. Once he started, he just couldn't seem to stop.
Eventually as everyone was getting ready to leave and Luna was saying good bye to Matt, Draco cornered him, "Do not move a fucking muscle," he hissed, "I am not done with you."
"I mean it, Potter. Stay right here," he said, jabbing him in the chest with his finger before he turned and made his way over to his date.
"Hey," Matt said, smiling at him much the way Harry imagined an alligator might smile at his prey.
"Hi," Draco replied softly. "I'll floo you tomorrow, yeah? There are a few things I need to take care of."
Matt frowned, "I thought we were going back to my place."
"No," Draco replied steadily. "I have a five date rule." He stepped back, "I'll floo you," he repeated.
And Matt looked pretty pissed about it, but he seemed to take the hint and disapparated on the spot without so much as a goodbye to anyone.
"You're all the literal worst," Draco fumed. "Except you, Luna," he added. "You're a goddess."
Luna gave a little curtsy.
"Seriously," Draco said, glaring at the room even though none of them looked especially repentant. "And you," he spat, spinning to glare at Harry, "You're the worst of all."
"Does that make me special?" Harry quipped, arms folded across his chest.
Draco groaned, "Bloody fucking Griffyndors. I hope you're all happy," he grabbed Harry's arm. "Come on we are going back to mine to have a chat."
"I thought you had a five date rule," Ginny called.
Draco flipped her the two finger salute before apparating them to his house.
Harry always liked being in Draco's house; it was small and cozy, and it always smelled vaguely like chamomile. Just being here made his soul feel lighter, calmer.
"Alright," Draco growled, "Spill. What the hell was that?"
"What?" Harry asked innocently.
"Potter," he warned.
Harry sighed, "He's an asshole."
"And you know that how? You didn't even give him a chance".
"Draco his handshake was like a vice!"
Draco stared at him, "You've got to be kidding me. Are you that much of a child? He hurt your hand so you thought you should bully him?"
"I didn't bully him!" Harry exclaimed.
"No?" Draco asked. "You didn't use his given name even once." Harry winced, maybe that was overkill. "You spent the entire night trying to make him feel stupid and inferior to you. Which, let's face it, everyone does anyway because you're Harry fucking Potter!" Draco exploded.
"That's not fair," Harry said, betrayal slicing hot through his gut. Draco knew that he hated being famous, hated the preconceived notions attached to his name.
"Yeah well, neither was what you did."
"Draco, I-"
"No," he said, holding out a hand, "That was such bullshit, Harry."
"But he's awful."
"You didn't even give him a cha-"
"I didn't have to!" he exploded. "The first words he said to me were to disrespect you. He's an asshole and I will chase a million of them away from you."
"That's not your job."
Harry threw his hands up in the air, "I'm your best friend! Whose job is it, if it's not mine?"
"You don't just get to decide things for me!" Draco cried.
"Fine," Harry spat. "You want to date that wanker, go ahead. But I have seen his type before. Don't come crying to me when he's beaten you to a bloody pulp for looking at someone the wrong way." He pushed past Draco and made his way to the door, walking out and slamming it behind him.
He started down the sidewalk, debating trying to figure out where Matt lived and have a chat or maybe go over to Ron and Hermione's to get some advice and regroup.
But the further he walked, the more the anger faded from his veins, and the guilt settled in.
There was no choice really, he turned around and headed back to Draco's house once more. When he arrived he knocked on the door even though he normally would have just let himself in.
"Go away!" Draco shouted.
He knocked again, "Draco, please."
"No! Go away. You're the worst."
"I know," he called back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Please."
After a few seconds, during which fear settled heaving in Harry's gut, the door opened and Harry slipped inside, Draco was curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow to his chest.
Seeing him looking so small and sad made Harry ache. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "I shouldn't have said that."
"Which part?" Draco asked bitterly.
He sighed and came over to sit on the couch beside Draco, "I'm not sorry for chasing him away. But I will always be here for you, no matter what. You can always come to me."
Draco leaned over and put his head on Harry's shoulder, "I know," he whispered.
"Forgive me?"
He nodded and they sat together in silence for a few minutes, both trying to collect their thoughts. Eventually Harry said, "I really wish you wouldn't date him."
Draco sat up, "Harry look at me."
Harry turned on the couch to look at him and raised his eyebrows.
"I won't ever floo call him, we'll never go on another date, and I'll never see him again." Something eased in Harry's chest. "But it's not because of what you said or did. It's because I, too, have had shitty relationships. I have also lived through trauma and I have had to learn from it just like you."
Harry looked down at his hands.
"And if you have concerns about someone, there is a better way to tell me than what you did tonight."
He nodded, suitably chastised, "You're right."
"I appreciate your concern, though," he added and Harry looked up to see that Draco's mouth was quirked up, he really must be forgiven, apparently. "And I genuinely forgot how petty you can be."
He shook his head and reached out for Draco's hand, "Draco, I want you to be so, so happy," he said. Then he added, "I'm an idiot."
Draco raised an eyebrow.
"And everyone knows it, you included, so you can't really hold it against me," he said.
"I'm pretty sure I can."
He huffed, "Just hear me out. I'm an idiot and I didn't realize until tonight that I'm a little bit in love with you. And it's fine if you don't feel the same but you are my best friend and I had high standards for you even before I knew I had feelings for you. It hurt me to see you with someone who treated you so poorly."
"Sorry," Draco said, "I need you to repeat that."
"I said, I'm an idiot," Harry started.
"Not that part."
"It hurt me to see you with someone who treated y-"
"Not that part either," Draco said.
Harry swallowed, "It's fine if you don't fee-"
"Harry," he grumbled. "Say the other part."
He rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm in love with you," he whispered.
Draco blinked at him, a smile blooming at the corner of his mouth, "Say it again."
A grin tipped up the corners of his mouth as well, "I'm in love with you."
Draco launched himself into Harry's arms and covered Harry's lips with his own, "say it again," he mumbled into the kiss.
"I love you," Harry repeated, murmuring the words into Draco's mouth.
Draco pulled back slightly, "I love you, too."
"I hoped that was the case," Harry replied.
After he kissed him again, Draco said, "Alright, fine. Now you get a say in who I date."
Harry grinned, "Is that so?"
He nodded.
"Will you date me, Draco Malfoy?" he asked, brushing his nose along Draco's.
"Yes," he whispered. Then with a smirk he added, "But we'll have to get my best friend's approval and rumor has it that he has very high standards."
Day 65: Question | Day 67: Soulmate (Take 1)- Your traditional soulmate trope or Day 67: Soulmate (Take 2)- just using the word 'soulmate' as a prompt, not the trope.
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bellakitse · 4 years
Nothing ever stays the same
Farmer's Market redux.
A few days after running into his parents at the farmer's market, Carlos and TK run into them again. This time Carlos tells them who TK really is to him.
Spoilers for 2.04
They give the farmer’s market another try. TK suggests it since they didn’t get a chance to explore all of it the last time. Carlos agrees, even though he’s a little tentative about it.
TK swears up and down they’re okay and spends the rest of the week at his place. Carlos thinks it’s both to reassure him they’re fine and because Owen and Gwyneth are acting weirder than ever around everyone.
“They’re both jumpy as hell and secretive,” TK mentions as they walk around the market hand in hand, stopping here and there at different stalls. He smiles sweetly at the old lady that offers him to try one of her organic strawberries. Carlos watches him as he bites into it, smiling as TK’s smile grows at the taste. He opens his mouth when TK turns to him, offering him a piece, and nods when he asks if they should get a pound of the berries.
“What do you think is up with them?” he asks curiously after paying the woman.
“Oh god, who even knows with those two,” TK answers with exasperated fondness. It’s a familiar tone for TK when talking about his parents and their weird relationship. “I rather not speculate, to be honest. I don’t need any more parental trauma,” he says with a dry smile that says he’s only half-joking.
Carlos lets out a sympathetic sound before touching his shoulder, tugging him gently towards him. He’s relieved when TK comes into his space without hesitation. Even though TK has repeatedly told him everything is okay between them and understands his situation, Carlos can’t help but be unsure. He knows he really hurt TK just a few days ago in this very place, and the thought has been plaguing him since. He can’t stop thinking of when they first began and how TK’s reluctance to define them hurt him. But back then, they weren’t in love. If TK denied them now, he’d be heartbroken.
It kills Carlos that he did that, allowing his fears to take over, hurting the man he loves.
“Hey,” TK questions quietly, his green eyes soft and loving. “Where did you go? You were a million miles away just now.”
He shakes his head and forces a smile on his face hoping it’s enough to distract TK. The sad, knowing look on TK’s face tells Carlos it isn’t. He winces at the loud sigh he lets out.
TK reaches out, touching his thumb to his brow, smoothing it over, and Carlos can’t help a sound of his own at the gentle touch. He closes his eyes as TK leans in, pressing his lips to his temple as he hugs Carlos to his side.
“Stop feeling guilty already,” he murmurs against his skin, huffing out a dry laugh when Carlos tries to deny it. He gives Carlos a look as he pulls back. “It’s like you think I can’t read you like a book by now. I see every worried look you send my way. It looks like you’ve had a stomach ache for days now, enough, baby,” TK lightly scolds him, his affection for him shining through it. “We’re moving past it, okay?” he finishes in a serious tone.
Carlos looks at him and finds nothing hidden behind his eyes he doesn’t mean. He opens his mouth to say yes, that he’ll listen this time and move on from their fight when he stops short, the reason for their argument standing by the cheese stall a few feet away from them. “You gotta be kidding me,” he whispers, honestly shocked at the chances. Since when do his parents visit the farmer’s market so damn much?
TK turns his neck to follow his line of sight; he tenses against him when he finds what he’s looking at. “Damn, what are the odds,” he says under his breath. He turns back towards him with a smile so forced on his face, Carlos thinks he actually hears his heart break from seeing it. “I’m going to take a walk around the corner before they see me. You go say hi.”
TK takes a step away from him without waiting for an answer, and Carlos realizes he’s serious; he’s really willing to hide to make sure he’s comfortable. Carlos has never loved and hurt more for someone in his life. He sticks out his hand, taking TK’s before he can take another step away from him.
“No,” he says softly but firm even as his heart pounds like a jackrabbit against his ribcage as he comes to a decision. He’s scared, he can hear his pulse roaring in his ears, but he refuses to let TK feel like he did days ago; he won’t let them go through that again. “No,” he repeats once more as he gives TK’s hand a squeeze. “Nothing ever stays the same,” he reminds him of his comment from the other night, getting a quirk of TK’s lips in return. “And I don’t want it to.”
TK’s eyes widen as he gets his meaning; they stray to Carlos’ parents. They still haven’t noticed them but probably will in a matter of seconds. “Are you sure?” he asks, concerned. “This doesn’t have to happen now, I meant what I said.”
“I know,” Carlos cuts him off, knowing TK has been nothing but sincere since their talk. TK is more than willing to let him set the pace to this, and Carlos couldn’t possibly love him more for it, which is why he can’t hide him from the people he loves. “Come on,” he whispers, tugging on his hand as he starts to walk towards his parents. He feels TK give it a squeeze of his own.
“Mami, Dad,” he calls out to them, getting surprised smiles in return as they turn towards him.
“Carlitos!” his mother says happily, as his dad lets out a chuckle.
“Twice in one week at the same place,” he says with a grin. “Is the farmer’s market where first responders hang out these days? In my days, we’d just hit a bar,” he teases.
Carlos tries to smile at the joke, but his focus is on his mom, who has quickly zeroed in on his and TK’s clasped hands. She looks up at him with wide, surprised eyes.
She stares at him for a moment more, understanding entering her brown eyes. “Oh,” she says softly.
“Yeah,” he whispers back with his heart in his throat. “Mami, Dad – this is TK,” he says before looking back at him, not at all surprised at the love and support he finds in his gaze. “He’s my boyfriend, and the man I’m madly in love with.”
He turns back to them, finding their attention on him, though they both stray a look at TK once more. “I lied the other day because I was scared,” he tells them, answering their silent question. “You guys and I don’t talk about me being gay, and for years that has worked out fine,” he says, holding up a hand when his father opens his mouth to speak. “I know you guys love and accept me, but it’s been easier all these years to just ignore the elephant in the room because there was never anyone that really mattered to me.”
Carlos turns to look at TK once more, smiling at him as his heartbeat settles into a peaceful rhythm. He knows, no matter what happens next, everything will be fine because he has TK.
“That’s changed now,” he finishes knowing how true it is.
There is silence between the four of them for a moment before his father clears his throat. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, TK,” he says with a small but sincere smile.
“Yes,” his mother follows gently. “Very nice to meet you.”
TK swallows first before giving them a smile of his own; it’s nervous at the edges but beautiful. “It’s very nice to meet you too.”
His mother smiles at TK the same smile she usually reserves for him, it’s welcoming and kind, and it loosens the tension in Carlos’ shoulders. Proving she misses nothing, she instantly catches it, her expression changing once more as she looks back at him.
“You were scared to tell us about your relationship,” she comments quietly, looking sad when he gives her a shaky nod. “Oh, Carlitos,” she lets out a sigh before taking a step towards him.
Carlos swallows hard as she looks up at him, holding his breath when she reaches out, touching his cheek. “Tu sabes que te amamos, no importar qué, si? Siempre mijo, we love you,” she says sternly with tears in her eyes.
Carlos looks over at his dad, who looks affected by her words too. “Listen to her, son,” he says gruffly. “Your mother is always right.”
“That’s right,” his mother answers smugly, as she gives him a  watery smile. She pats his cheek lovingly before she looks over at TK again.
“You have a kind face,” she tells him, chuckling when TK blushes a bit. “Sweet boy,” she grins. “I can’t wait to get to know you better.”
“Maybe Carlos can bring him to Tia Lucy’s,” his father suggests suddenly, and Carlos lets out a startled laugh at the way his mother lights up.
“Yes,” she says enthusiastically. “Oh, you have to, Carlitos. You know how Tia Lucy loves pretty boys. She’ll adore him.”
“I would love to take him,” he says after clearing his throat, still a little shell-shocked at the turn of events. “That is if TK is okay with it.”
TK nods quickly as a bright smile takes over his face, and Carlos has to hide his own as his mother’s eyes widen in response; he understands her reaction perfectly. It’s taken months to not be completely overwhelmed by TK’s beauty.
“Okay, then,” his father says with a clap of his hands. “That’s settled then, we’ll see you both on Sunday. TK – “ he continues as he holds out his hand to him. “It was nice to officially meet you. You’re okay for a firefighter.”
“Thank you, sir,” TK chuckles as he shakes his hand.
Carlos is pulled into a hug by his mother and then his father, both of them squeezing him tight. His mother surprises both him and TK by pulling him into his own hug. She whispers something into his ear that causes TK to smile again as he nods at her.
They watch them leave, rounding the corner before TK turns to him with the gentlest smile he’s ever seen.
“I’m so proud of you,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around him before the first tear falls down Carlos’ face.
He shakes, but TK just holds him tighter, running his hands up and down his back. Whispering that he’s there, and he has him until Carlos can take a steady breath. When he pulls back to look at him again, TK is ready, wiping the tears off his cheeks.
“What did my mother say to you?” he asks, holding his breath at the bright smile TK gives him.
“She thanked me for loving you,” he tells him, causing Carlos to swallow around another lump of emotion forming in his throat.
“She’s right,” he whispers as he leans in, pressing his forehead against TK’s. They stay like that, blind to the world around them. Right now, there is nothing but TK and his love in Carlos’ world. “Thank you for loving me.”
TK closes his eyes, his adoring smile firmly in place. “Loving you, Carlos, is the easiest thing I have ever done.”
translation for what Carlos' mother says to him: You know we love you, no matter what, right? Always, son
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ninyard · 3 years
i want to know ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about the andrew meets neil as stefan au
(holy shit this was supposed to be a HC ramble/snippets from the fic but uhhh….here’s a mini fic instead????? The actual fic I wrote isn’t even set back in California it’s set in PSU??? This was supposed to be short backstory!!!!!! Anyways lmk if u want the foxes stuff lol Enjoy <3)
Neil had natural looking ashy blonde with green eyes at the time, no older than 14 years old, going by the name Stefan Montgomery. Him and Mary ended up in a motel in Oakland for a couple weeks, regaining their footing after a close-call somewhere in Oregon.
Mary had hit Neil a gnarly heavy-handed blow after he forgot which name he was using in Eugene. Was it Sam? Or Dylan? Or had it been Joseph? A nice inch wide cut sat where his perfect court tattoo would sit, just on the turn of his cheekbone below the corner of his eye, bordered by a healing purple-brown bruise. Stefan was born on the border between California and oregon, stolen from a waiter at a pit stop diner, who didn’t let their coffee cups go empty as they mapped out where to go next.
He had met Andrew by chance; Stefan had been sitting on the bottom of the metal stairs that led up to the floor they were staying at. Mary was having a shower, dying her hair, becoming Georgia, perfect mother, a beautiful, average woman. He was people watching, looking at the cars pulling in and out of the car park, making up his own stories about who was who, what their names were and if they were worth stealing when they inevitably moved on. Andrew hung around the motel because just behind the building was an old, decrepit playground that’s should’ve been foreclosed years ago. Nobody ever used it, so it was a quiet place for him to be alone. He’d been walking through the parking lot after having just grabbed a chocolate bar or two from the vending machine when he stopped in front of Neil.
“What happened to your face?” It was quiet, barely a sentence, not big enough of a question to be intrusive or over-stepping.
“I’m a boxer.” That was the lie he’d been using for a few days. “I had a fight a couple days ago.”
You see, Stefan was a name Neil didn’t want to remember, like a bitter memory he forced himself to forget. It was just before Mary’s paranoia began to spiral even worse that it had already been. Stefan was keep your head down, we won’t be here long, give it a week, give it a week. Stefan was sleepless nights, watching his mother sat upright almost all night, eyes on the door, a knife under her pillow. Stefan was you don’t need friends, they’ll drag you down.
Mary didn’t know until the end that they’d been friends, Neil teaching Andrew the little boxing he knew, Andrew teaching Stefan how to keep yourself busy when you needed something to do. There was something about Andrew that made it impossible for him to stay away; he wasn’t a particularly happy kid, but the way he spoke, the way he cared about the fake life Neil had made up, the way he saw Stefan’s life as something he could never have.
“Have you ever thought about kissing a boy your age?” They’d been in Oakland for three weeks, and the two kids had made plans to meet every time Mary was occupied and Andrew was around. Neil didn’t really think to wonder why Andrew was always around. Didn’t he have a family who would miss him being gone all this time? Didn’t he have a home to go to?
“No,” Neil answered honestly. There wasn’t time for thoughts like that. Kisses weren’t signs of affection; kisses were lies, kisses were dangerous, kisses occupied a space in the mind that could be filled with run, run, run.
“Do you think it’s wrong?” Andrew had been swinging on the swing set, his feet dangling from the chipped plastic seat, the creaky chains holding him up. The question was loaded. Behind it was a conversation he’d had with his foster-mom, a slur from his foster-siblings, another hit from his foster-father.
“No,” that was an honest answer too. In his head his answer sounded like I’ve been told all kissing was wrong. But he couldn’t say that. Normal teenagers thought about kissing, and boyfriends, and girlfriends, and worried about how they looked in front of their crush. “Do you?”
“I don’t know.” His words were a sigh. Andrew trusted Stefan in this weird, out of character way. He’d never met anyone who’d been more interested to hear about his life than talk about their own. Of course, half of it was a half-truth, lies weaved into the story of Andrew.
Andrew was the first person who made Neil smile in a very long time. It was foreign hearing himself laugh, a sound reserved for fake interactions with strangers who couldn’t help but prying. Neil trusted him. His honest eyes often burning a hole in his face, on the days when Neil couldn’t bare eye contact. Andrew was a rock that Neil could feel himself becoming more and more attached to, more and more…attracted to? He didn’t know what that feeling felt like, but when he caught himself thinking about what a long hug from him would feel like, or a kiss on the forehead, the cheeks, the nose, the….
It was an impossible thought that Neil kept buried. Until Andrew had a bad day. Until Neil met him in the playground and he was sat underneath the slide, face buried in his knees that were pulled to his chest. Black hood pulled so far forward it almost covered the wet cheeks and puffy eyes he tried to hide. Stefan sat just across from him, the tips of their shoes not quite touching, but Neil rested his open palms on his shoes for Andrew to hold if he needed. He didn’t ask what was wrong.
“You’re my friend?” Andrew asked, half statement, half question. There was no hesitation in Neil’s “Of course.”
Andrew gently weeped, babbling on about wishing he could feel normal, or have a normal family. He wished he could understand himself. He wished he didn’t have to hurt so much. He’d looked up at Neil with his red eyes and wiped the tears from his face with the cuff of his sleeve. “Can I trust you?”
The statement hurt Neil far more than he thought it would. He hated that words spilled out of his mouth, his eyes stinging at the thought of saying what he really wanted to say. His mouth said “You can tell me anything,” when his brain said “I think Stefan dies in a week”.
Andrew told him about how he thought he was gay, and how embarrassed, alone, and ugly he felt to think that way. He didn’t know what normal feelings felt like. He didn’t know what it felt like to kiss someone he actually wanted to kiss. The statement hung in the air like a floating question. Did he…? Andrew had brushed away the thought almost as quickly as Neil did, but not without both their cheeks flushing pink at the unspoken idea. Neil watched as Andrew messed with the strings on his hoodie. Andrew cheered up after a little while, but when Neil realised how long he’d been gone for, he panicked. Instinctively, he pulled Andrew into a hug before running back to the motel room.
Stefan was bad memories, he’d always had to remind himself. Stefan was a mistake, a fuck-up, a vulnerability he would never, ever show again. Stefan was a slap across the face when he came back late. “Where the hell have you been?” Followed by a lie, then another, then another. Neil had only lied to his mother a handful of times in his life, but when it came to Andrew they seemed to slip out of his mouth at an alarming rate. The next time he seen Andrew, his swollen, burst lip barely hidden, Andrew had brushed his fingers across it and sarcastically asked if it was the product of another boxing match. Neil shushed him when he asked if his mother had done it. That was too personal. He was letting Andrew in too far and he was rotting Neil from the inside out. His hardened exterior fell away when he was around Andrew, and boy, was that dangerous. It shattered into a million pieces when they sat at at the top of the jungle-gym and Andrew asked so gently if he could kiss him.
No, no, no. The ghost of his mother’s hands in his hair told him to walk away. The phantom pain of a slap, and a hit, and a deafening lecture about his safety told him to stop letting Andrew in. He knew it was dangerous. He knew it, he knew it, he knew it. So why did his lips automatically curl around the word yes and his heart start pumping a hundred miles a minute? They looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, until they were both so close they couldn’t see each other anymore. It was only a peck, a playground kiss, but Neil’s stomach flipped. Andrew pulled away as quickly as he’d leaned in. He didn’t look at Neil for the rest of the hour they spent together, but Neil didn’t look at him. That wasn’t to say they each didn’t have to constantly fight a love-struck smile off their faces every few minutes.
Their meetings started to get less frequent after that. Andrew stopped showing up, but instead left little notes carved into the yellow plastic of the slide. ‘R u grossed out? -A’ was the first one he left after their moment’s kiss. All Neil wrote back was ‘Never’. The next time they seen each other in person they sat hidden again in the top of the jungle gym. Neil knew Mary was planning on them moving on in the following days. He couldn’t tell Andrew. Even the thought of it broke his heart. Regardless of the kiss, or kisses, they shared, Andrew had become the closest friend Neil had ever had. Neil had to remind himself more than once that everything Andrew thought he knew about Stefan was a fabrication. They spoke about sexuality again, hands brushing off each other, sometimes intertwined, sometimes resting on the others leg or arm. Andrew asked if Neil was gay, and his face fell when Neil said no, I don’t think so. It took him a moment to add on “I don’t know what I am”. They left kisses on each other’s lips that lingered for hours, for days. The more Neil let Andrew in, the harder it was for him to keep lying to his mother. She began to get suspicious of where he was going when she left him alone.
Even still, Neil didn’t hear when Mary came into the playground the last time he seen Andrew. Andrew had his head rested on his shoulder, their hands intertwined and hidden between their outstretched legs. They’d been talking about something and nothing at the same time. Neil’s stomached bottomed out when he saw her brunette hair and tiny figure step around the rusted green fence. He let go of Andrew’s hand as quickly and as subtly as he could, but he knew it was no use. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there. Andrew looked into Stefan’s green eyes as Neil stood up, searching, scared. Neil sent him a weak smile. This was the last time he would ever look into those hazel eyes, his light eyebrows furrowed as he watched Neil begin to walk away. Neil had nodded his way, and whispered a frightened ‘See you around’ before he walked over to join Mary. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards their motel room, already mentally packing their bags. Not before she beat him harder than she ever had before. Neil expected it. But every blow reminded him of Andrew until Andrew was no longer gentle touches and honesty and kisses. Andrew was a kick to the back of the knees as he walked through the motel room door. Andrew was a slap, and another, and another. He was a screaming, crying, angry mother, shoving whatever belongings they owned into their single duffel bag. Andrew was leaving their key at reception at midnight and starting their journey to another town. Andrew wasn’t worth it. Andrew was the swollen ankle he walked on for miles. Andrew was Mary pulling roughly at his blonde hair to dye it black in some random gas station that night. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. Neil left Stefan with Andrew in Oakland. He tried to leave the memories there too. Oh, how badly he tried.
The worst part was, Andrew didn’t know that was the last time he would ever see Stefan again. He waited every day for him to come back. Every day came and went and every day he never showed up. Neil didn’t know about that part, you see. Neil thought Andrew would forget about Stefan like a childhood crush, thrown away, moved on to the next cute boy who listened to him talk. They shared a thought, though, drilling the regret and shame into their minds. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
(Part 2)
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babygirlgalitzine · 3 years
i’d love you to love me (ao3)
it starts out with a pact. neither of them will date, until they can both find people to date. except, they don't expect to be honouring that years later, and when jay starts to fall in love with lola, he realises that it's time for ben to date someone too. in the most chaotic way possible.
or, a vague 10 things i hate about you au.
It’s a miserable day. The sky is an unrelentingly dark grey shade, cascading for miles and miles with no end in sight. The rain has been pouring down all day, and the wind mixes with it, causing the rain to hit against windows, creating a rattling sound all over. It’s that horrible misty spray that means Ben can’t even see that far in front of him, though he knows his way around Walford that well now that he really doesn’t have to look to see where he’s going. Jay’s walking out in front of him, a breaking leather ball at his feet, scraping along the wet pavement with an awful sounding scratch.
“It’s freezing!” Ben shouts over the rain, and he watches in awe somewhat, as raindrops fall onto his eyelashes, tiny little droplets clinging on for dear life. It’s true, it is freezing. The torrential rain bounces up off of the pavement and clings to his socks, climbing up onto his grey school trousers and staining them darker and darker as time goes by. There’s not a single part of him that isn’t shivering and wet, but he and Jay have a routine now, one that happens regardless of the weather.
The school’s over bell will ring out just after three, a shrieking tinny noise, one that’s surely going to be imprinted on everyone’s brain for years to come. Ben will stand next to the doors at the side of school, and then Jay will follow moments later, catching up with him. It goes unspoken, because this routine has been going on for so long without ever changing, that they’ll walk home together, strolling into a corner shop and getting as many sweets as possible, before going to their local park and staying there until they have to go home for whatever reason.
“Oh come on!” Jay turns his entire body and starts to walk backwards, the wind blowing his hood down within seconds and he scrambles to put it back up, though it’s in vain. “Are you telling me you want to go back home already? Because I know for certain you have science homework to do, and so does your mum.”
Ben looks to the ground, watching the raindrops splashing into the puddles and breaking into even tinier pieces before falling back down again. It’s almost relaxing to watch it, or it would be, if his hands weren’t currently frozen completely numb. “My mum’s got science work to do, has she?” He asks cheekily, but he knows Jay’s right. Jay’s always right. He knows that the second he walks through his door, he’s going to have to spend the rest of the evening doing his work for tomorrow, and he couldn’t think of anything worse than that, so staying at the park in the pouring rain wins yet again.
He manages to look up in time to see Jay roll his eyes, and he kicks his ball back towards Ben as they walk in the direction of the park. “You need a new ball, mate.” Ben comments, picking it up and throwing it back at Jay. He regrets picking it up, because the ball’s been collecting that much water as Jay kicked at it all the way home that it’s sopping wet and heavy.
“I know.” Jay replies, and they turn into the park. Ben’s got nowhere to sit, his usual place on the swing is collecting a puddle of muddy water underneath so the idea of sitting there doesn’t even cross his mind. Instead, he sits on the small brick wall, resting on the very edges of his coat to try and minimise how sopping wet his trousers are going to be when he eventually stands up. He realises that it probably won’t do anything sufficiently, and he’s going to be cold and wet regardless. There’s a silence that grows between them for a moment or two, but that’s normal. Jay kicks the ball against the wall that Ben’s sitting on and they both watch as chips of the bricks start to crumble away and swirl away in a stream of a puddle that runs downhill. “What happened in science today?” Jay asks, breaking the comfortable silence.
Ben huffs out a laugh, more sarcastic than anything else, because he’s been waiting all day for Jay to ask him, or at least, since the class directly before lunch. “Nothing.” He says, and then he looks down the road and sees cars driving slowly, headlights on full beam.
Jay nods slowly. “Right. So you’ve spent all day in a mood, for nothing? Makes a whole lot of sense that does, Ben.” He pauses. “I’m your brother. You’re supposed to tell me everything.”
Brother. It’s such a simple word. Of course, biologically, they aren’t brothers, but in every other sense of the word they are. They’ve been inseparable from the day they first met.
“I overheard Connor and Sarah talking.” Ben says, and he already he knows he sounds stupid for even being remotely bothered about this. “Saying that nobody would ever want to be with you, because I’m here scaring them off.”
“And you’re bothered about that?” Jay lets out a soft chuckle, resting his foot on the top of the ball. “Mate, I couldn’t care less about getting with anyone right now. Tell you what though, I wouldn’t be interested in anyone unless they wanted to be around you too. We’re a package deal, you and me.”
Ben looks up and rolls his eyes. “That supposed to be making me feel better, is it?” He laughs.
“If you were anyone else I’d be hurt by that.” Jay comments and kicks the ball a final time against the wall, so hard that Ben feels the wall shake slightly underneath him, and even more of the brick crumbles to the ground.
The rain doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon, and they’re both starting to get far too cold and hungry and wet. The grey sky does seem to be getting darker though, and that’s probably a sign for it both getting later, and the weather getting worse.
“How about we make a pact?” Jay asks, though it’s clear that he doesn’t think of the implication of his words before he speaks, if the shock on his own face is anything to go by. The wind blows down his hood once again as it whistles and swirls around them, causing ripples in the puddles.
“What pact?” Ben asks, getting to his feet and swinging his bag across his body.
Jay shrugs as he tries to think. “How about, we don’t date anyone, until we’ve both found people to date.”
It’s completely and utterly ridiculous, and they’re both well aware of that fact. But they’re also both just a few weeks away from turning sixteen years old and if they’re being completely honest, neither of them have anything better to do with their time.
There’s a silence between them for a moment as Ben tries to take in Jay’s words and then slowly but surely, he nods. “Yeah.” Ben whispers out, and he can barely hear his own voice above the deluge of rain, with heavy and harsh droplets falling around them. “Go on then.”
So that’s it. Ben agrees to the pact, and from that day on, it becomes Ben and Jay’s rule.
Neither of them would date anyone, until they both found someone to date.
It’s just that, the pact was never supposed to last as long as it has.
It’s over two years later, and Ben and Jay are still in Walford. They’re probably always going to be stuck in Walford really - they know far too many people who have tried to get out into the world, only to come back not long after. They’re both still just as inseparable, and again, that’s something that is probably never going to change. The pact is still there, it’s still something that they talk about occasionally, laughing at how ridiculous it is, and yet, it still stands, though not through a lack of trying.
Nobody has really shown Ben much interest over the last two years, besides the occasional man at a party or a club, but nothing long standing. Perhaps it’s because he still lives in Walford, around so many of the people he’s known his entire life. In such a small place, everyone knows everyone and knows everything about everyone. It’s not exactly the best place in the world to be finding a partner, even less to find a gay man.
Or it could be because of the fact that Ben's got this wall surrounding him, built up so high, guarding him and protecting him from any hurt that could possibly come his way. Probably both, really. But still, nobody has ever met Ben and shown an interest in wanting to break down his wall. Ever. The story was the same for Jay as well. Nobody ever showed an interest in him, but because everyone already knew about the pact. That was, until Lola came into his life.
They’re sitting in the Queen Vic, at a circular table right in the far corner of the room. They can see almost everyone else in the building, all at their own tables or standing against the bar, chatting away and laughing. There’s even people playing darts, walking to and from the board, doing the maths in their head. In their own little space, they’re sitting at a wobbly table of three: Ben, Jay and Lola.
It’s not unusual for the three of them to be sitting together, though it probably looks unconventional from the outside looking in, especially given the fact that Jay’s got one hand outstretched, holding onto the back of Lola’s chair protectively. Ben’s definitely more than aware that he looks like a spare part, a third wheel. He knows it too. But Lola was the one to invite him along for a few drinks, though they all know she’s got an ulterior motive. She knows about the pact now. It didn’t take long for her to find out, really. From the moment her and Jay started to get close, he told her about it, and although she laughed at first because really, it is a ridiculous pact to have, she’s now taking it upon herself to make sure the pact ends, once and for all.
Lola’s got her phone in her hand, scrolling through it with a smile on her face. She keeps looking up at Jay and nodding her head silently, looking at him expectantly and then, when he shakes his head, she continues scrolling.
“Really good conversation guys, thanks for this.” Ben jokingly states, rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go to The Albert after this?” Lola asks, sipping on her vodka and orange.
Ben glares at Jay, knowing that Jay’s told Lola about how he’s refusing to go in there after last time. “More than sure.” He says, draining the last of his beer. “Another?” He tries to stand up, but Lola’s too quick for him, dropping her phone onto the table harshly and reaching out and grabbing his hand.
“It was one idiot, Ben.” She says warmly. “Don’t let that ruin your experience.”
He smiles tightly, but he doesn’t want to hear it. He mutters something about going to the toilet, because he doesn’t want to hear about how his first time in a gay bar was ruined by some idiot starting a fight outside, throwing about homophobic slurs and punching anyone he could get his hands onto, including Ben. He takes his time in the bathroom, throwing some water on his face in an attempt to calm himself down, and when he feels better, he rejoins Jay and Lola.
“Sorry.” He says sincerely, sitting back down at the table.
Jay shrugs his shoulders. “It’s fine mate. But Lo’s right, you know? You’re young and you’re single. You should be doing what everyone our age does and go out. Don’t let one prick stop you from wanting to do that. You deserve to be able to go to whatever bar you want to go to.”
“I know.” Ben says, smiling. “Just give me time, yeah? And then we can all go out together.”
Lola perks up at that, because she’s been begging and pleading to go to a gay bar for months now, ever since The Albert first opened it’s doors. “I could easily set you up with someone you know?” Lola says absentmindedly. “You just give me your word, and I’ll find someone.”
Ben huffs out a laugh at that, and his eyes flicker up to Jay, just in time to catch him rolling his eyes at Ben’s reaction. “Know every gay man in the area, do ya?” He chuckles, but at least it’s a genuinely happy laugh. He likes Lola, he really does. Jay really went and found someone that fit perfectly within their dynamic, and he loves him for that, because nothing would be more awkward than Ben not liking Jay’s girlfriend, or her not liking Ben. But Ben can see that Jay really likes Lola - really likes her - and they’re so good for each other. It’s obvious to see.
“That’d be impossible.” She berates, rolling her eyes. “But I definitely know a few!”
She’s looking at Ben with those puppy dog eyes and Jay’s chuckling under his breath because he knows that Ben’s going to break any second now. “Oh my God!” She practically squeals. “We could go on double dates too!”
Ben’s eyes go wide at that, and Jay just about covers up the splutter of his pint behind a cough, but Ben sees right through him.
Lola looks at Jay, practically begging him for his help to get Ben onside. “Look Ben mate, I love you, yeah? We’re not asking you to marry the next person who walks through the door, but at least try. Just go on a few dates, find out what you like. You never know.”
Ben knows he’s being stupid. He knows that now’s the time he should probably try and go on a few dates here and there, and make an attempt at letting his wall come down and try to be happy. He knows that. It’s still scary though. Terrifying, in fact. He looks between Jay and Lola, and gives in, sighing. “Fine.” He exhales, and he barely has a chance to breathe before Lola’s practically leaping over the table to hug him half to death, squealing right in his ear.
When Lola finally peels herself off of Ben, and he rubs his face in hands, Lola speaks giddily. “I’ve got the perfect person, his name is Callum.”
This is happening.
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Wake up sleepy head
Scorbus prompt from @abi-the-gay (sorry if I missed any details). Albus sneaks off to Malfoy Manor after a nightmare, and he and Scorpius get caught by Draco walking in on them asleep together the next morning.
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A flash of green light exploded in front of Albus’s eyes, and her face... her face grinned right back at him.
She was holding something, no... someone. Her arms were wrapped around a blonde boy, long fingers creeping towards his neck, like vines. Scorpius. She had Scorpius. Albus tried to scream, to yell, to call out Scorpius’s name, but no sound came out. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t stop her from pulling out her wand and pressing it to Scorpius’s temple. Albus looked into the boy’s grey eyes, desperate and pleading. And all he could do was watch.
“Avada Kedavra!” Another flash of green light bursting into his bedroom as Albus suddenly lay awake, panting, sweating, terrified.
Scorpius. Where was Scorpius? Everything Albus had seen had felt so real, so vivid. His stomach dropped as he had the sudden, awful thought: what if it was real?
He sat up in bed, his mind running at a mile an hour. He had to see Scorpius. Now. Sending a letter would take too long. He wanted to see his... he wanted to see Scorpius.
It was still late, dark out. Everyone was fast asleep. No one would notice if he snuck downstairs and used the floo network to visit Malfoy Manor.
Albus didn’t risk turning the lights on; he knew his house like the back of his hand, so he managed to reach the living room fireplace with little mishap. Albus took a handful of floo powder from the pot beside the stokers. The fire had long since died out, but the coals were still hot enough for the powder to work.
“Malfoy Manor!” Albus instructed, as loudly as he could without alerting the rest of the house, which still left his voice barely above a whisper. He hoped he wouldn’t get splinched on the way there.
Green flames erupted around him, and he had to close his eyes; too reminiscent of his nightmare. Of Delphi. Of Scorpius.
Before he knew it, he was thrown out the other side of the floo network, regaining his balance on the polished floor of Malfoy Manor. It was dark. Quiet. Was that a good sign? Or a bad sign? Albus wasn’t sure whether he wanted to find out or not.
But he had to. He couldn’t leave without making sure Scorpius was alright.
And that’s when he suddenly realised: he had no idea where Scorpius’s bedroom was. And it was a big house. He could be searching all night.
Albus began on the next floor up, up the large, winding staircase. The first few rooms were rather sparse, uninhabited, and one of them- which made Albus hold his breath upon entering- was Draco’s room. Albus closed the door behind him as silently as he could.
He stood for a moment and pondered his next move, soon spotting a door at the far end of the hallway. As he drew nearer, he noticed some sort of trinket hanging from the doorknob, a kind of lucky charm perhaps. Scorpius was relatively superstitious. This must have been his room.
Albus slowly opened the door, his heart beating faster in trepidation at what he might find. As his eyes adjusted, he saw a figure underneath the covers of a bed, in the middle of the room.
“Scorpius?” Called Albus in a whisper. “Scorp!”
The figure moved, turned around, and switched on the oil lamp beside his bed. The light illuminated the faces of the two boys, and Albus was so relieved to see Scorpius alive and well- if a little perplexed- that he almost started shaking. Scorpius noticed his slightly panicked disposition.
“Albus, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?” Scorpius was clearly concerned, and Albus felt bad for waking him up. Of course it was just a dream, you idiot.
“I’m sorry, I just... I just had to make sure you were okay.”
“Another nightmare?” Albus nodded. Scorpius moved over and opened up the covers.
“Do you want to stay?” He asked, and Albus gladly accepted, thankful that Scorpius didn’t ask anymore questions, such as how he had got there or what the nightmare was about. He simply let Albus snuggle up beside him and settle into his arms, exhaustion washing over both of them.
“I can read if you want?” Scorpius suggested, a murmur in Albus’s ear.
“That would be nice.” Scorpius reached over Albus to pick up a book from his bedside table.
“It’s a muggle book,” Scorpius explained. “Rose sent it to me a few weeks ago. I’m already halfway through, but I’ll start again from the beginning.” Albus tried to listen, really he did, but as soon as Scorpius started speaking, his soft, calm voice meeting Albus’s ear, Albus immediately felt his eyes start to close.
“This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald,” began Scorpius, and within moments, Albus was fast asleep.
The following morning, Draco was sat at the dining table in his dressing gown, sipping his morning coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. He was about to check on Scorpius, thinking it odd that his son wasn’t up yet. Scorpius was usually awake way before him, a morning person through and through.
Draco finished his coffee, folded up the newspaper, and began his ascent up the flight of stairs towards Scorpius’s room. Reaching Scorpius’s door, he knocked lightly, receiving no reply. Draco was starting to get worried now, so he allowed himself to enter.
His son wasn’t alone.
Scorpius opened his eyes as he entered, and froze. He tried to nudge awake the sleeping figure beside him.
“Al. Albus, wake up,” he whispered frantically. Albus? Thought Draco. Albus Potter? Albus groaned lightly, and mumbled something inaudible. Never had Draco felt so awkward in his life, and he coughed nervously, finally alerting the boy beside Scorpius.
Albus turned around- and Draco could see that it was indeed Albus Potter- and immediately turned back, facing away from Draco and burying his face in Scorpius’s chest, muttering something about not being able to deal with anything today.
“Dad, I can explain...” Scorpius began, but Draco interjected.
“How about I leave you two for a moment and you can explain downstairs.” Scorpius nodded gratefully, and Draco left the two in peace, heading back to the dining room and trying to process what he’d just seen.
Ten minutes later, and two fifteen year old boys were sitting awkwardly in front of Draco, both of them avoiding eye contact with him.
“So...” Draco began. “Are you two...?” He sort of gestured between the two of them, hoping they’d fill in the blanks.
“We’re together,” confirmed Scorpius.
“Right...” Draco didn’t know how to feel. He wanted to be supportive of his son of course, but a Potter and a Malfoy? Who would have thought it? It would certainly take some time to wrap his head around the idea.
“So that means you’re...”
“Gay?” Draco nodded. “Yeah, I am...” Scorpius finally made eye contact with his father, and Draco noted how terrified he looked.
“Alright. That’s fine, Scorp. I love you no matter what.” Scorpius looked at him disbelievingly, which sent a pang of hurt through Draco’s chest.
“Really?” He asked, hopefully.
“Of course! You’re my son, and I’m proud of you.” Scorpius smiled at him, clearly relieved.
“So how did you two... how did you two become a thing?”
“Oh, um...” Albus coughed nervously.
“Well, it was after the whole Delphi thing,” began Scorpius. “You see we... we had a lot of nightmares, and we would calm each other down.” Scorpius fiddled with his sleeves.
“Is that why Albus was here?” Prompted Draco. They both nodded in unison.
“Yeah, and we’d read to each other,” Albus continued. “Stuff that Rose would get from the library and lend to Scorpius.”
“And I suppose it just went from there. Started out as platonic, and... became romantic.”
“So you both knew you liked each other?” Draco knew he was being too personal, but this was the first time Scorpius had ever really opened up to him, and he didn’t want to waste the opportunity.
“I liked Scorpius, because he was nice to me, especially when I’d fallen out with dad.”
“And I saw Albus shirtless once, and I just knew-” Albus snorted, immediately stifling a laugh. Scorpius too was holding in a smile. Draco just raised his eyebrows, letting the two have their own inside joke, before continuing.
“Well, you both have my blessing,” Draco concluded. “Thank you for telling me Scorpius. Even if you didn’t have much of a choice.” Scorpius nodded in acknowledgement. “And, Albus. I take it your parents don’t know where you are?” Albus suddenly remembered what time it was, and his eyes widened.
“No, you’re right. I need to get back.”
“I’ll see you off,” said Scorpius. They all stood up. Albus left the room to return to the fireplace in the living room, leaving Scorpius and Draco alone for a moment.
“Your mother would be proud too, you know,” said Draco, his voice softer than before. Scorpius looked at him, grey eyes meeting grey. Draco hadn’t even noticed that they were almost the same height now. How had that happened?
“You really think so?”
“Of course. All she wanted was for you to be happy. And I take it you are?” Scorpius nodded.
“I am. Really.”
“Then she would be proud.” Scorpius smiled, paused for a second, and then closed the gap between them. For a few moments, they hugged in silence. Unfamiliar, but nice. Draco was glad to have his son back.
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olivemac · 3 years
1300 miles | chapter four | b.b.
Summary | Bucky Barnes is adjusting to civilian life, living in Brooklyn, visiting Sam in Delacroix when he can, and trying to figure out what he wants. When he meets Jo Landry, the tattooed lead singer of a New Orleans-based band, he thinks he might have found the answer. Too bad they live 1300 miles apart.
Time Frame | post-TFATWS
Pairing | Bucky Barnes x fem!oc
Rating | explicit
Warnings | mentions of combat-related injuries, alcohol use, tattoos/body piercings, coarse language, gay male character, bisexual female character, recreational/medicinal drug use (weed), pet names (doll, pretty girl, Sarge), smut [f/m, mutual masturbation, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), PIV, slight dom!Bucky, praise kink, very slight somnophilia], minor angst, and all the romance tropes/fluff because I'm a sucker for it; more warnings to come; 18+ ONLY, minors DNI
Tags | @mrs--barnes
Citation | Vernon, Justin, Dessner, Aaron, Mitchell, Anaïs. “Latter Days.” How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last? Jagjaguwar/37do3d, 2021.
A/N | This only took 800 years to finish. Sorry for the wait. Hope it’s worth it. Xoxo
A/N, pt. 2 | Made some very minor edits to the previous chapters – nothing that changes storyline, etc.
series master list | AO3 link | full master list
🎶 1300 miles playlist 🎶
previous chapter
After breakfast, Bucky returns the borrowed motorcycle to Sam and grabs his backpack from Sarah's house. Sam only badgers him about if for a few minutes.
"So, you're abandoning us for Jo?" he asks Bucky teasingly.
Bucky grunts in reply. "It's not like that," he says.
“I get it,” Sam shrugs. “After eighty years, you’re finally getting some.” Bucky glares at him. “Just remember, bros before hoes,” Sam concludes, laughing and clapping Bucky on the back. Then he adds, "Don't tell Jo I said that."
Bucky's been debating how much he should reveal when he finally says, "I really like her, Sam."
Sam smiles. "Good," he says. "You deserve someone who makes you happy."
Bucky returns the smile.
"Come on," Sam says, "I've got errands to run in town. I'll drop you back at Jo's place." Bucky tosses his backpack into the bed of Sam's truck as Sam tells him, "Just remember, we promised AJ and Cass we'd take 'em out on the boat on Saturday morning."
"I'll be there," Bucky says.
Bucky stays with Jo for the next two days, wearing sweats during the day while he lounges in her apartment – something he isn't used to, just lounging – and sitting alone at the end of the bar at night, watching her serve drinks with Danny.
They're inseparable for those 48 hours. There's an impending deadline – a sense that they need to fit everything they can into the next few days before Bucky returns to New York.
He slips out of her bedroom Thursday morning, still smiling from the night before, to find her practicing yoga in her living room. Bucky stops and leans against the wall to watch Jo move from one pose to the next, his eyes lingering on her hips and backside. When she moves into downward dog, she spots him from between her legs.
“Morning,” Jo says, sinking deeper into the pose and working to keep her feet flat against the mat. She notices the smirk on Bucky’s face. “Enjoying the view?” she asks.
His smirk only grows. "I am."
She walks her hands across the mat to meet her feet and stands. Before she can turn around, Bucky is behind her, his front pressed against her back and his hands on her hips.
"Best part of the twenty-first century," he says, "is skimpier clothing." His thumbs rub upward across the soft skin of her exposed belly until they're moving beneath the band of her sports bra.
Jo laughs and turns in his arms. "Not the medical or technological advancements?"
"Nope," Bucky says, "definitely this." He pops the band of her sports bra with his thumbs, then pulls her even closer, one hand sliding down her back.
"Breakfast?" she asks.
Bucky hums. "I'd rather eat something else," he says with a smirk, leaning down to press a kiss against her neck.
Jo laughs loudly. "No," she exclaims, "you can't expect sex after you say something so cringeworthy."
Regardless, she lets Bucky lower her to her yoga mat and hover over her prone body.
"You were saying?" he smirks against her lips before kissing her.
Jo hums and snakes her arms around Bucky's neck, pulling him closer. His lips move across her jaw and collarbone down to the tops of her breasts. Bucky pushes her sports bra up carefully to reveal her breasts before taking a nipple between his teeth. Jo scratches her short nails across his scalp and holds him to her chest. He worries his tongue over the hard peak and around the barbell ends on each side of her nipple.
“Bucky,” Jo sighs, arching her back.
Bucky smiles against the skin of her stomach as he kisses lower. He likes hearing his name on her lips. After not having control of himself for so long, he likes that he has this small amount of power over someone else, this ability to make Jo fall apart so easily.
He peels her leggings and underwear down and off before lowering his face between her thighs. He blows warm air across her cunt, making her tremble.
"Open your legs a little more," Bucky says, pressing his large hands against the inside of her thighs. "Good girl," he praises as her legs fall further apart. Jo sighs again as Bucky looks up at her. "You're beautiful like this, doll," he says. Then he licks a thick stripe across her folds.
Jo keens and her back arches off the mat. His tongue meets her clit as his hands grip her thighs, holding her open. Jo reaches down and cords her fingers through his thick hair, pulling slightly. Bucky moans against her cunt and continues to circle his tongue across her clit before sucking it between his lips. Jo rocks her hips against Bucky's face, and he reaches up to take her hips in his hands and guide her movements. She pulls his hair again, harder this time, and Bucky grunts. He alternates his movements against her clit until she's coming hard against his face.
"Bucky," Jo moans, her mouth falling open.
Bucky pulls back and slides up her body. When he kisses her, she can taste herself on his lips. She snakes her hand into his hair and holds him close against her mouth, kissing him deeper.
"Favorite meal," Bucky smirks when they finally break apart.
"That's it," Jo says, laughing and pushing at his shoulders, "leave. Get out. Go." She points to the door.
Bucky laughs. "You wouldn't," he says, with mock hurt in his voice, as his fingers tickle against her sides.
Jo squeals and squirms against his onslaught. "Fine, fine," she shrieks, laughing, "you can stay! But no more of that!"
"What? No more of this?" Bucky laughs. He rolls onto his back, pulling Jo on top of him to straddle his face, and rips another two orgasms from her before he finally releases her, helps her redress, and follows her to the kitchen to start breakfast.
In the late afternoon, before the bar is set to open, Jo takes her guitar out onto the balcony to practice. After a while, Bucky sets down the book he was reading and joins her. He watches cars and pedestrians pass below them on the street while Jo plays a song with a sleepy pace and melancholy lyrics on lost innocence. Bucky thinks it sounds pretty in Jo's soft tone.
Stacked yourself against the odds
Talking back to an act of God
You and your clever mouth
You were laughing when the lights went out
When Jo finishes and sets her guitar aside, Bucky pulls her chair closer to his and leans in to kiss her, cupping both her cheeks softly in his hands.
"What was that for?" she asks, smiling.
Bucky shakes his head, then says, "Sam said you had a record deal."
"So, you and Sam were talking about me, were you?" she teases.
Bucky looks sheepish, but Jo just smiles.
“Yeah, I had a record deal. Years ago. In Nashville. Then Danny got hurt, and we didn’t know for a while if he was going to make it or have long-term complications or what. So, I came home. He got better. We bought the bar. I still get to do what I love, and I get to be with the people I love,” she shrugs.
Bucky can sense a "but" coming.
“But…Danny blames himself for me not following my dreams. When the truth is, even if he hadn’t gotten hurt, I would have come home. I had an ex tell me once that I'm only happy when I'm failing." She rolls her eyes.
"And now?" Bucky asks.
“I’m just waiting to fuck this up,” she whispers.
Bucky snorts. "If anyone is going to fuck this up, it'll be me, doll," he replies. "I'm a 107-year-old ex-assassin who can barely use a smart phone and hasn't dated in eighty years."
Jo cocks her head to the side and says, "We could fuck this up to together?"
Bucky smiles. "Deal." Then he kisses her, his hand cupping the back of her head and his tongue sweeping into her mouth.
When things are slow at the bar on Thursday night, Jo grabs her guitar and plays an acoustic set for the small crowd of regulars. Bucky watches from his seat at the end of the bar top, nursing his beer. The thought that this is somehow all too good to be true, that he doesn't deserve Jo or any of this, creeps back into his mind. He takes another sip of beer and clenches his vibranium fist, willing the thought away. By the time Jo's eyes sweep the bar to meet his, the thought is gone.
He follows her up to her apartment after closing time, and when the door is locked behind them, he pushes her up against it, his arms on either side of her head, caging her in. He takes a moment to admire her, her green eyes shining with a mixture of amusement and lust. He leans down and nudges his nose against hers, his breath soft against her lips.
“You gonna be good for me, doll?” he whispers.
Jo nods.
“Say it,” Bucky says, his voice dark.
“Gonna be so good for you, Buck,” Jo whispers.
Bucky smashes his lips against hers, rough and demanding. Jo moans into Bucky's mouth. His kiss is all teeth and tongue, and his hands wander to her hips and down to her thighs to lift her into his arms. He doesn't stop kissing her until he has her on her bed.
Bucky presses hot kisses against Jo's neck, then tugs her faded Nirvana t-shirt up and over her head. The rest of their clothes follow quicky until they're both naked. Bucky kisses between the valley of her breasts and licks at the tattoo beneath her sternum before taking one nipple into his mouth. His flesh hand comes up to pluck at the other nipple, and Jo cries out. Bucky pulls his mouth from her breast with an obscene pop and scratches the stubble of his cheek across her tender flesh.
Jo's hands thread through Bucky's hair, and she tugs him back up to her mouth for a kiss.
"Thought you were gonna be good," Bucky mumbles against her mouth. Jo whines. She can feel him smirking.
His hand comes up to graze against her cheek, and he kisses her softly, taking his time now. He's demanding, but gentle, and Jo feels as if every inch of her heated skin is on fire. But she wants more.
"You can be rough with me, Sarge," she whispers.
"Yeah? You like it rough?" Bucky flips Jo over onto her stomach. "On your knees," he growls, pulling her hips up.
When she's on her knees in front of him, he uses his flesh hand to push her chest further into the mattress. His vibranium hand holds her hips in place as he slides into her without warning. Jo gasps and shudders.
“You look so good taking my cock like this,” Bucky praises. His grip on her hip tightens as he guides her back and forth over his cock before holding her still and slamming into her, setting a swift pace. Jo keens and her walls flutter around him.
"Harder," she gasps.
"What do you say?" Bucky warns through gritted teeth. His right hand moves upward to tangle into her hair, wrenching her head backwards.
Jo whines, "Please."
When he pulls himself almost completely from her body, then slams back in, Jo's eyes roll to the back of her head, and she sobs. She's consumed by the feel of him.
Bucky leans across Jo's back and whispers in her ear, “You’re doing so good, pretty girl.” His right hand slips down beneath her body to toy with her clit. "Fuck, you're so wet."
Jo cries out, and her body shakes. Bucky feels the way she tightens around him.
“I got you," he whispers against her ear, "I got you.” His soft tone clashes with his rough movements and makes Jo’s head spin.
Jo comes with a cry of his name, and it sends Bucky over the edge. His vibranium hand whirs as it clenches her hip, holding her still as he spills inside her with a low groan. He falls onto his side, pulling Jo with him and holding her tightly.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asks, his voice soft.
“Not at all,” Jo replies, squeezing his hand.
He presses gentle kisses against her shoulder until she slides from the bed to clean up. Then he slips into a dreamless sleep.
Jo wakes Bucky up Friday morning with soft kisses across his jaw.
"Hmph," Bucky grunts, not ready to open his eyes.
"Danny and I are going for a run," Jo says. "Do you want to join us?"
Bucky cracks one eye open to look at her. "Why?"
"Because I like you, and I like spending time with you," she says, rolling her eyes.
The corner of Bucky's lip pulls up and he opens his other eye. "No," he says, "why are you going for a run?"
"Not everyone has the metabolism and stamina of a super soldier, Sarge," she says, poking him in the ribs. “Some of us need the exercise.”
"What's in it for me?" he asks.
Jo rolls her eyes again before answering. "You can run behind me and stare at my ass in tight leggings."
Bucky hums and slides his vibranium hand down Jo's back to cup her left buttock.
“How long do we have until this run?” he asks, letting his other hand trail up and down Jo’s right side.
“Half an hour,” she answers.
“Good,” Bucky says, rolling her onto her back and hovering over her as Jo laughs.
They end up being a few minutes late to meet Danny.
When they finally emerge from Jo’s apartment, Danny is standing at the bottom of the stairs with Greta. Jo reaches out and scratches the dog behind the ears.
“Morning,” Jo greets Danny.
Danny yawns before responding, “It is indeed.”
“Late night?” Jo asks.
Bucky doesn’t hear Danny’s response. He’s too caught up watching Greta sniff his vibranium hand. When she seems satisfied with her inspection, Bucky strokes the top of her head. There was a dog at the small farm where he stayed in Wakanda, and it was nice to have the company at night when his brain wouldn’t shut off and he kept reliving everything he had done as the Winter Soldier. He wonders if maybe he should get a dog. Or maybe a cat.
“Hey,” he hears Jo say from beside him.
He turns his head to find her watching him curiously.
“Where’d you go?” she asks. “Looked like you were stuck in your head.”
Bucky shakes his head and give her a reassuring smile. “I’m here,” he replies.
“Good,” Danny says, turning toward the door, “Because we’re not gonna take it easy on you on this run, Barnes.”
Bucky sees Jo roll her eyes and smirk behind Danny’s back.
“Oh yeah?” Bucky says. “How far are we running?”
Danny’s smirk mirrors Jo’s. “On Fridays, we run until we're hungry, and then we stop for beignets,” he says.
And that’s just what they do. They run three miles in the park before heading to a local cafe. Jo grabs a table for them on the patio while Danny pops inside to order after insisting on paying; Bucky joins him to help him carry their orders. Outside, Greta laps water from the cafe’s outdoor dog bowl, then curls up at Jo’s feet and waits for Danny to come back.
When Bucky and Danny join Jo at the table, their arms laden with plates of beignets and fruit and coffees in to-go cups, Bucky sits as close to Jo as he can. She's wearing an olive-colored sports bra and matching leggings, and she shivers in the cool early morning air. Bucky hesitates before shrugging out of his hoodie and handing it to her. Jo's smile and the sight of her dwarfed by his sweatshirt is worth exposing his arm in public.
Bucky's phone vibrates from the pocket of the hoodie Jo is now wearing. She pulls it out and hands it to him. It's a text from Sam: "Don't forget about Saturday morning."
Bucky responds, assuring Sam he'll be there, and sets his phone on the table next to his plate. Jo glances down and snorts.
"Why is Sam your phone background?" she laughs.
Bucky purses his lips. "He thought it was funny. And I haven't gotten around to changing it. I'm good with tech when it comes to covert missions, not," he holds the phone up, "this."
Jo laughs again and takes the phone from his hand. She holds it in front of his face to activate the facial recognition, and then opens the camera app and takes a picture of the two of them.
Danny reaches across the table for the phone. "Here," he says, and their breakfast shifts into a photoshoot that leaves them all in stitches from laughing so hard at their own antics. Even Greta gets pulled into some photos. At one point, Jo pulls a piece of hair from her ponytail across her upper lip like a mustache, and, for some unknown reason, Bucky suddenly thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.
He probably has a hundred photos on his phone now, just from breakfast. He watches as Jo scrolls through them, and when he sees one of her laughing with her head thrown back, he says, "That one." Jo smiles and shows him how to set it as his background. Bucky takes his phone from her and looks at the picture again. It's perfect.
They're almost done with breakfast, and Bucky has forgotten about his bare arm when a teenage boy approaches their table.
"Hey man," the boy says to Bucky, "You're Sergeant Barnes, right? You work with Captain America? That's so cool, man," he says, barely taking a breath. His excited energy reminds Bucky of Peter Parker. "That shit with the Flag Smashers in New York," the kid continues, "that was crazy. You're, like, a real hero, man."
He moves closer to Bucky to snap a selfie, then holds his fist out, and Bucky knocks his own fist against it, hesitantly.
"Thanks," Bucky mumbles, not used to the praise.
"Tell Captain America it's cool he looks like me," the boy says, pointing to his skin, before heading inside the cafe.
Jo just smiles at Bucky, watching the blush creep down his neck, but Danny says, "You should start charging for pictures." Jo rolls her eyes, and Danny laughs. Bucky can see the similarities between the two of them, and for a moment, he misses his own sister.
"Ready to head out?" Danny asks, breaking Bucky from his thoughts.
"Yeah," Bucky says, standing, "yeah."
When they're two blocks from the bar, Jo slows down.
“My legs are sore. Carry me?” she pleads jokingly, and before she can argue that she was only kidding, Bucky's bending down in front of her and pulling her onto his back, guiding her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Jo laughs.
"You're going to spoil her," Danny says, but Bucky just smiles.
Inside her apartment, Jo pulls off Bucky's hoodie and returns it to him.
"Looked better on you," he says and kisses her gently. "I need to head back to Sarah's," Bucky continues. "Sam and I promised AJ and Cass we'd take them out on the boat tomorrow morning, bright and early."
"I'll drive you," Jo responds, and she's grabbing her keys before he can protest.
Bucky returns to the bar on Saturday night with Sam in tow. Jo's band is playing, and the smile she gives him from the stage when he enters the bar makes up for Sam's constant teasing throughout the day. He likes watching her like this. She’s free, uninhibited, beautiful. Too good for me, he thinks. The thought has been creeping in more and more lately.
Later that night, after Sam has left and the bar has closed, Bucky lets Jo lead him up the stairs to her apartment and into her bedroom.
"Let me take care of you," she whispers, running her fingers beneath his t-shirt. Bucky nods and allows her to strip his clothes off before he helps her out of her own. Jo maps each scar on his body with her fingers and her mouth, and Bucky's heart swells at her tenderness.
She pushes him backward onto the bed and tries to take his cock in her mouth, but Bucky stops her. He's not ready to give up that control just yet, worried he won't be able to stop himself from being too rough with her. When she straddles his hips and sinks down on his cock, he holds her hips with his hands and guides her movements. He guides her own fingers to her clit and watches as she falls apart above him before flipping her onto her back and driving back into her. When he comes, it's with a shout of Jo's name, and he drops his head against her shoulder, panting.
As he holds her while she sleeps, the thought he's been having – that he doesn't deserve this – returns, and Bucky lays awake brooding.
When Jo wakes on Sunday morning, Bucky is gone.
next chapter - coming soon
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Jolly Sailor Bold
Pairing: Pirate!Peter Parker X Mermaid!Reader
Summary: Pirates once ruled the seas, and they’re wanting that power back. All that stands in the way are Mermaids and Sirens. For all of history the two have been slaughtering each other with no remorse. So what is it about you that’s so intriguing to Peter? And why do you, in turn, find yourself wanting to protect the sailor?
Warnings: Language, Old Language, Slow burn, Angst, Pirates, Violence, 
Word Count: 6.5K
A/n: So plot twist I’ve already worked 40 hours this week so I’m a little behind with my writing but you guys can have this while I finish up some other things. Happy Ficmas!!! 
Peter Parker IS AGED UP IN THIS 
Inspired by ‘Prates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ and FreeForm’s ‘Siren’
“Upon one summer's morning I carefully did stray Down by the Walls of Wapping Where I met a sailor gay”
‘Beneath the surface of the water, past the line of the reef, lies a danger beyond any man’s comprehension. A danger concealed by soft skin, enticing eyes, and a melody that lulls sailors and pulls them from their ships to the depths of the ocean. The creatures, beautiful in appearance, roam the depths of the seas, living in deeper oceanic waters during the times of tired men, when the victim count is lower.
Female as they appear, deadly as they are, enchanting as they sound, they are often confused with their close relatives. But Mermaids be far worse than the Siren’s they’re confused with.
Upon a glance they seem similar, side by side the naked eye may not be able to tell them apart. But the one thing that separates these creatures is the undeniable bloodlust that Sirens feel, contorting their once beautiful faces to a hideous mask that never leaves. The hunger whenever they smell human blood. While mermaids are more equipped to handle the hunger, better at concealing it, the sirens show no shame in claiming men, in giving in to their animalistic desires and draining the life of a helpless sailor.
Mermaids appear a more peaceful creature, although deadly. Hardly capable of refusing the smell of fresh blood, they only seem serene on the outside. Below the surface lies teeth sharper than sharks, a voice that can command and compel the strongest minds, and a strong body that is capable of destroying a thousand ships.
Sailors beware, Pirates be warned, for the mermaids are ruthless. Heaven forbid ye ever fall into their path for they will grant no mercy. Pray a Siren finds you and ends you quickly, for her looks will be none too pleasing, but a mermaid will distract and drain, her eyes alight with desire, as she deludes yer weak-willed mind. So swords high, guns aimed, and never look at a dame in the water, for that will be yer undoing!’
“I see you’re trying to scare my new crew member, Buck!” A blond-haired man slaps the brunet’s shoulder, smiling warmly at the young man he was talking to. “Who might you be sailor?”
The boy looks down timidly. “P-Peter. Peter Parker,” he says quietly. “Well Parker, I’m Captain Rogers, this is my first mate Bucky. We’re happy to have you aboard!” Peter nods enthusiastically and gets up from the stairs leading to the forecastle.
“Well kid, go make yourself useful. And remember what I said. If you see a woman in the water, do not look at her. You find someone who’s good with a gun and shove Seaweed into your ears. Don’t let her sing. If she sings you’re done for.” The boy swallows hard and nods again, watching as Bucky walks away and takes the helm.
He leans over the thick wooden side beams and looks out across the water, his eyes scanning for anything unusual. A sudden pat on his back startles him and he whips around, clutching his chest. “Woah, calm down Parker. It’s just me,” Ned says softly, looking around then leaning against the side beams as Peter was.
“So, how’s it feel to be a real sailor? I mean we’re basically pirates now.” Peter snorts and looks out across the water again. “I feel like Pirate is a term used by those who fear people who go and get what they want. We may be Pirates, but it’s not like we’re bad people,” Peter says softly. Ned nods, looking around with a smile on his face. “You know Captain Rogers’ first mate Bucky? He was telling me about the dangers of the sea. Mermaids and Sirens. Do you... do you believe in any of that stuff?” He asks.
Ned looks over at his friend and shrugs. “I mean, we hardly know anything about what’s under the water. There’s probably something.” Peter bites his bottom lip and shakes his head no.
“I’ve heard stories you know,” he begins, “of people who survived attacks, saying they remember beautiful voices and enchanting looks. I think it could be true. I just hope we don’t come across anything like that.”
Ned shrugs then walks away, finding something to keep himself busy as they sail to deeper waters.
“Okay lads! We’ve made it out to sea! First night always ends in celebration so celebrate we will! Take what you can!” Captain Rogers calls loudly. “Give nothing back!” Bucky calls just as loud. “All of you now. Take what you can!” Rogers repeats. “Give nothing back!” The crew shouts, throwing their hats into the air and clinking their bottles of booze together as they celebrate. Peter chuckles as Ned downs a whole bottle of rum, not envying the headache he’ll surely have the next day.
He looks out across the dark water, tired after a long day at sea. He sighs and shakes his head as he thinks back to the tale Bucky told him earlier, chuckling lightly at how ridiculous it seems now. He turns away from the water, freezing in his tracks halfway through the turn. He slowly turns back and catches sight of something bobbing in the water a short distance from the ship. His eyes widen and he leans forwards, inspecting the object as it moves closer slowly.
The object stops and Peter nearly screams as it turns and dives into the water, an iridescent tail flashing above the surface for a moment. Peter glances at the bottle of alcohol in his hand and shakes his head, hurrying away from the side of the ship and down to the crew’s quarters to try and sleep off whatever alcohol is making him hallucinate.
The water brushes up against the ship, rocking it from side to side gently. You watch curiously as the humans cheer and drink from aboard. A young man breaks off from the group and leans over the railing, looking out across the water. You raise your head up a bit and watch him closely, your eyes widening as you make out his face.
He has curly brown hair, and light skin; his cheeks are flushed from the alcohol and his eyes are... you can’t exactly make out what colour they are. Letting your instincts pull you, you slowly move forwards, watching the man as he starts to turn away.
He suddenly stops and turns back to look directly at you. You move closer still and watch as he nearly subconsciously leans forwards. A high-pitched call gets your attention and you stop then dive under the water, desperate to find your sister, the person calling you, and tell her of your findings.
She calls out for you again and you reply, your voice deeper than hers, resonating throughout the sea and echoing off of rocks and reefs. Cutting through the water effortlessly, you spin towards the cavern the two of you share. You pull yourself up and break the surface of the little air bubble-esque cave. “Where were you?” She asks as soon as you’re inside, her voice a high keening call.
“I was exploring. I found something... someone.” She raises her eyebrows and wrings out her long raven hair. “Who? There are no mermen for miles around here. They recognize this as our area. It isn’t a siren, is it?”
You roll your eyes and shake your head no. “I didn’t meet anyone. I found people, Ariadné. Humans! They’re on a ship. I think they’re pirates.” She frowns and shakes her head. “You do know that pirates killed mom and dad, right? They should all be killed for what they did.” You sigh and lower yourself into the water again, leaning your head onto your arms.
“Not all pirates deserve to suffer for what a few did. Blackbeard and his crew were punished for their doings. We got our revenge. What more could you want?” She sighs and mimics your position. “I want them all gone. It’s enough that we don’t eat them, but they all deserve to suffer as we did. As our pod did.”
“Ariadné, what would mother say, hearing you talk with such hatred? She raised us better than this. She raised us different than the others. We have more compassion in our hearts than they do. We mustn’t lose sight of that. I understand the hurt, but we were raised to protect the humans. When our brand is on a ship, other pods of Mermaids and Sirens know not to hurt them.” Your older sister scoffs and shakes her head. 
“Our parents died because the Pirates were afraid!” You flinch away from her and she sighs. “I did not mean to frighten you. I’m just scared for you. If I lost you as well... I don’t know what I would do.” You smile gently at her and nod, leaning your head onto your arms again. “I don’t believe he saw me. I’m careful, Ariadné, I promise.” She sighs and nods once, wanting the little argument to be over with.
As your sister drifts off to sleep, your mind travels to the sailor who may have seen you earlier in the night. A pulling in your gut shoves an idea into your mind. A terribly dangerous idea that spikes your curiosity.
You glance over at your sister and, after making sure she’s sound asleep, you venture out of the cavern and swim quickly to the warmer waters closer to the surface.
Slowing as you see the large shadow of a ship, you carefully raise your head above the surface, looking around then up to the deck, trying to find the man from before. You look around carefully, smiling as you see him leaning against the railing again. He looks out across the water, his wrists crossed over each other. You tilt your head to the side curiously and swim slightly forwards.
"What're you doing up at this hour?" A voice calls from behind him. He turns and you watch as a man comes up beside him. “I... felt like I needed to come here. The water... does it ever call you?” The other man takes a deep breath then nods.
“Quite often. It’s why I do what I do. I love the water, I can’t be away from it. It’s my home now. And it can be yours too, if you’d like.” The brown-haired boy who you’ve been watching smiles.
“I’d like that, thank you, Captain.” You watch as the taller blond man pats the other man’s shoulder. “You’re a good kid, Peter. Don’t let Bucky’s tails of the sea scare you. You’re safe.” The Captain walks away, leaving Peter alone.
You risk moving closer, wanting the see more of his beautiful face. He sighs and looks at his hand before tossing something into the water not far from your head. You reach out and grab the object, frowning in confusion. It’s a very smooth rock, bright red.
You look up at him and carefully toss the rock back at him, smiling as it lands right past him, clanking on the deck.
He spins quickly and stares at the rock in disbelief before grabbing it and inspecting it. He looks out to the water, his eyes finding you again.
“You again?” He asks in a whisper. You slowly swim forwards and raise your shoulders out of the water. “Am I hallucinating? Are you... real?”
You stifle a giggle as he battles with himself. He glances down at the rock in his hand then back up to you, an idea popping into his head. He tosses the rock at you and you catch it before it hits your head.
“You are Peter,” you state, tossing to rock back to him. He freezes at the sound of your voice, the rock hitting him in the chest then falling onto the railing.
“You-you can talk. Your voice is... wow.” You smile brilliantly up at him and he slowly steps back. “I need... where’s Bucky. Oh, Gods, I need to find Bucky.” He shoves his fingers in his ears and runs away from the side, the rock tumbling into the water. You frown and grab it then swim back to the cavern where your older sister is sleeping.
“Dude, slow down! What happened?” Ned asks from the empty crew’s quarters. Peter looks around then grans Ned’s hand. “I saw a flipping... woman. In the water. She talked to me. I threw a rock at her and she caught it and threw it back. She... I... I swear- Ned, don’t look at me like that! I’m not crazy!” Ned holds his hands up in surrender. “I never said you were. I just... I think maybe the saltwater is getting to your brain a little bit.” Peter scoffs and turns away from his friend.
“I know what I saw. What I heard. She’s out there.” Ned nods slowly, “okay, then why didn't she eat you? Why didn’t she sing? You said she spoke to you but didn't sing. That doesn’t sound like mermaid behaviour.” Peter furrows his brows. “Maybe she... maybe she isn’t like the others. Maybe she’s different. Doesn’t hurt men.” Ned scoffs incredulously, shaking his head no.
“I can’t believe I’m friends with a lunatic. You know, people like you are where all those bad rumours about Pirates and Sailors come from.” Peter sighs and gets up, walking away from his friend and back up to the main deck to look in the water again, desperate to find any proof that he actually saw a woman... a mermaid. That he heard one.
‘You are Peter.’ It replays in his mind over and over, the melodic yet somewhat deep voice that has been haunting him ever since it happened.
Peter takes a deep breath and walks towards the helm, finding Bucky right where he thought he’d be.
“You alright Sailor? You look like you’ve seen a sea witch,” Bucky says while patting Peter on that back. Peter looks up at the man with a weak smile. “Mister Bucky, Sir... do you actually believe in Mermaids and Sirens? Or was that just you trying to scare me?” Bucky sighs and looks around for a moment before rolling up his sleeve.
“It’s how I lost my arm. Why I’ve been so apprehensive on these waters. Not far from here... a storm was brewing. We briefly lost control and a few of us fell overboard. I was one of them.” Peter waits patiently for Bucky to continue.
“They were waiting, rocking the ship with their tails. They were mermaids. Their beauty... was unparalleled. The most beautiful creatures I’ve ever seen in my life. One of them grabbed me, dragged me under the water while singing one of her bloody songs. I broke free, hardly, but as soon as I was above the water she grabbed my arm and pulled me back under, her sharp teeth locked onto my shoulder and she ripped my arm clean from my body.”
Peter stares at the metal arm in shock and slight awe. “Steve, the Captain he is, shot nearly all of them. He helped me up and we made berth in Tortuga. I got this arm and when we got back on the sea... Steve and I made a vow to kill any single one of these creatures. We lost a lot of men that day. We refuse to let anyone else get killed because of those horrible beasts.” 
Peter nods slowly then looks out to the water. “And it ain’t like Mermaids and Sirens just stick to specific waters. They live all over. Migrate with the tides or stay where they are. They live all over the world. Nowhere will be safe until they’re all gone.”
“Genocide,” Peter whispers to himself, fearing for the life of the mermaid he only met yesterday.
“Are all of them... bad like that?” Bucky shrugs, pulling his sleeve back down. “I don’t wait long enough to find out. As soon as I see a woman who ain’t drowning in these waters so far from shore, I shoot first.”
The colour drains from Peter’s face and he shakes his head trying to get rid of the strange feeling of dread that’s suddenly filling him.
“Why?” Peter looks up quickly, a forced smile on his face. “No... no reason. I was just wondering after the whole story the other day. I just want to know what to do in case I come across something so... heinous.” Bucky nods and grabs a pistol out of one of the many holsters on his body.
“Here. Keep this with you. You ever see a woman out there, don’t let her open her mouth. Shoot her and shoot her fast.” Peter slowly nods, accepting the gun and looking at it carefully. “Now go on. I’m sure there’s something else you can do. We make Berth in Nassau in a few days to gather supplies.” Peter walks to the helm stairs but pauses at the top of them. “What kind of supplies?” Bucky grins, “we’re off to find something special."
You watch the ship from afar, holding the red rock tightly in your right hand as you think of Peter. A hiss from behind you gets your attention and you spin quickly, relaxing as you see who it is. The Siren lets out a high pitched cry, asking what you’re doing. You reply in the same tongue.
“A boy on the ship,” you begin in a keen, “he is interesting.” She shakes her head and grabs onto your arm, her scaly face scrunched up with fear and mistrust. “He saw me yesterday and he did not hurt me.” She shakes her head again and pulls you under the water, swimming quickly away from the surface with you right behind her. “Ryn! Ryn wait! Where are you goin?” You ask. She halts just underneath a deep-sea reef, her hands coming up to her face.
“Does Ariadné know that you’ve been sneaking around near humans? Pirates none the less? She’ll kill you herself if she finds out!” You sigh wistfully and roll your eyes. 
“You do not understand. He... he is different.” She scoffs. “You don’t even know him. He is a pirate. If any of them see you you’ll be dead in moments. You know that.” You look down and nod slowly. She cups your cheeks and lifts your head, smiling with her pointed teeth. “C’mon. Let’s go find something big to catch. I’m in the mood for a challenge.”
She pulls you forwards, swimming quickly while calling out, listening for any echoes or replies to clue her into the whereabouts of a large fish, preferable a swordfish or young shark. 
She suddenly perks up, the stabilizing wings on the sides of her tail flattening against her tail then shooting straight out as the gills on her neck move swiftly, taking in oxygenated water and disagreeing with everything else. She speeds off in the direction of the hunt and you follow, moving ahead of her as you catch the scent of a young adult great white shark. Your tail forces the water away from you, pushing you forwards.
Ryn comes up beside you and glances over at you, her sharp teeth bared and her once white eyes now fully purple with the promise of a meal. You slow down as you see the shark, your enhanced eyes finding it a few miles away. “Let’s have some fun,” Ryn says while swimming directly at the shark. You smile and swim after her, chasing her as she chases the shark.
It’s terrified. You can smell it. It turns around after a few more minutes of chase and you grin at the challenge it’s presenting. It snaps its jaws at Ryn and she squeals, moving out of the way as the fifteen-foot great white shark swims after her. You jump in, grabbing the shark’s dorsal fin and digging your nails into its side. It turns it’s head as much as it can and tries to snap at you. Ryn uses its distracted state and bites into its neck, tearing out a chunk of meat. You quickly do the same, catching some of its gills. It slowly stops struggling, bleeding out. You take another bite out of it, taking your time and eating the shark with Ryn.
“Save some for your sister. She hasn’t hunted today. She could use some food.” You nod and look around, hearing the calls of nearby Mermaids and Sirens as they smell the shark carcass.
“We should go before we need to fight for our catch,” you say, ripping a large chunk of meat off of the shark and swimming away from it as the calls get closer. Ryn grabs a chunk and swims after you, giggling happily.
“You’re back. I thought for sure you would’ve gone with the humans by now,” your sister says sarcastically, a relieved smile on her face. You nod and offer her the shark chunk. She smiles and takes it from you graciously. “Have you heard?” Ryn asks after a moment of silence. You look over at her with a frown, hoping she’s not going to tell your sister about the whole Pirate fiasco.
“I hear Pirates are going to Nassau to stock up then they’re going to find a kind of ancient treasure. Knowing them it’s probably a dead end.” You nod your agreement and sigh, thinking about the brown-eyed pirate boy. 
“I hear with the moon coming they may not make it. The Sirens want them and they’re not stopping this time,” Ariadné muses around a mouthful of shark. You frown at her, “we must brand the boat then. Protect the sailors.” Ariadné and Ryn both look at you as if you’ve grown a second head.
“Why would we do that? They go out of their way to find us and kill us. Let them be claimed by the Sirens,” your sister says carelessly. You slap your tail against the water and glare at her.
“That is not how we were raised! We aren’t careless creatures. We are not ruthless hunters! We help. Protect! You forget about that,” your voice trails off and you look at the two expectantly.
“Nothing. So that’s just it?! You leave them to be killed?” They both slowly nod. “Not me. I will not. I cannot.” With that you turn and swim out of the cavern quickly, your eyes hurting. Your sister and Ryn call out for you, their cries echoing in the deep sea. You roll your eyes and search for the old cave where your parents raised you.
“The full moon is coming. The sea has been too quiet these past few days. I fear the worst,” Steve says to his first mate. Bucky sighs and looks around the Captain’s quarters. “Tonight, isn’t it?” He asks, remembering the strange conversation he had with Peter a few days ago. 
“Yes. As the sun sets I fear we won’t live till morning.” Steve stands up and walks to the door. “Do not alert the men except those who know the dangers that lurk in these waters. We will need someone on watch tonight. I’ll take aft, you take astern. Find someone for Starboard and Port. Leave no section unmanned.” Bucky nods, knowing the first person he’ll get to watch.
“Parker, I have a task for you.” The young man looks up from his book as Bucky walks to the helm stairs. “Yes sir?” The metal-armed man sighs and looks around.
“Tonight is the full moon. The most dangerous time of the month. I would like you to be in charge of watching the starboard side of the ship tonight. You see anything, you shoot it then report to me. Understood?” Peter nods his head frantically, stuffing his book under the stairs and getting up.
“The winds are in our favour tonight. We should reach Nassau by dusk tomorrow,” Bucky says while walking away to take his own post. Peter leans over the rail and stares into the water, looking for any sign of anything resembling the woman he saw a few nights prior.
You carefully press the shell against the back bottom of the ship, burning your family’s brand into it. A shrill cry from behind you nearly makes you drop the shell. You look over your shoulder and bare your teeth, hissing at the Siren behind you. 
She balls her fists and cries again, clearly frustrated with your claim on the ship. You hiss again and move away from the ship, claiming your space further. She reluctantly turns and swims away, crying out every now and then to let other Siren’s know of the change in plans.
You’re suddenly thrust away from the ship, sharp nails raking down through the brand. You hiss at the person, recoiling as you see who it is. “I told you to leave the Pirates alone!” Your older sister snarls, her voice still melodic. 
The Siren stops and looks back, intrigued by whatever’s happening. “And I told you that I will not!” Your voice is threatening. “I can’t believe you. These people have taken everything from you. Your mother and father. Some of your friends. I will not have you defend them!” She grabs your arms and you wail loudly as her nails dig into your skin.
The Siren circles back to the ship and is quick to scratch the brand fully off. “No!” You thrust your elbow back and catch your sister in the ribs. She falls back and watches you in shock as you swim quickly to the Siren, grabbing her hair and slamming her head against the ship. She cries out and holds her heard, snarling at you. You dig your nails into her throat, slicing one of her gills. She shoves herself away from you and swims away quickly, clutching her neck.
“You are a fool!” Your sister exclaims. You turn to her and bare your teeth. “I will not have you ruining my chances of saving innocent men!” She chuckles and looks at the ship. watches as it rocks in the waves.
“How do you know they’re innocent? How do you know that they do not slaughter us and our sisters? You don't! Do not go and defend people when you do not know their actions!” You shove her shoulders again. “And do not go and kill people without knowing their actions! If you do it makes you no better than them!” She stares you down then looks up, watching as the ship sways some more.
“I will not go out of my way to defend people who have killed my family. If you wish to that is your choice. But if you get hurt do not come crying to me.” She turns and swims away from you, shunning you from what’s left of your family. You cry softly, high pitched and sad, but your sister doesn’t so much as flinch. You look down for a moment, saddened by the fact that you’ve lost the remainder of your family.
Peter looks out across the water, darkened by the fallen sun but lit up by the stars and full moon. All throughout the night, he’s been hearing light calls that sound similar to whales and he’s kept his gun high.
A rock suddenly hits his chest lightly, surprising him. He looks around the ship but upon finding no one, shrugs and looks back at the rock, his eyebrows jumping almost off of his face. The exact same red rock that he lost in the water a few nights before is lying right on the rail in front of him. He looks out into the water, searching for you.
Little does he know that you’re just below the surface, your eyes on the gun in his hand.
He glances at the rock again and carefully picks it up, placing the gun down and tossing the rock back into the water. You raise your head out and catch the rock, smiling gently as Peter looks at you. “It’s you,” he whispers, recognizing you. He glances up at the moon as Bucky’s words bounce around in his head then grabs the gun, aiming it at you.
The smile falls from your face and you watch as Peter seems to fight an internal battle. You look down at the rock in your hand then back up at Peter, holding the rock up for him to see. He opens his hand and you toss the rock to him. He holds it in his hand carefully then looks at you, noticing how you’re staring at the gun. He gently sets it down and offers you the rock again.
You catch it and swim forwards a bit, keeping your senses on high alert for any hostile movement from under the water or above.
He glances over his shoulder, noticing the man keeping watch on the port side is fast asleep and Bucky and Steve are nowhere to be found. He looks back at you, surprised to see you so much closer.
“Are you going to hurt us?” He finds himself asking the question before he can think. You’re surprised by him directly talking to you. “I don’t hurt,” you reply. Peter nods, entranced by your voice.
“Do you have a name?” You smile up at him, lifting your shoulders out of the water. “Yes. I am (Y/n).” He tests the name and grins. “I-I’m Peter.” You giggle lightly, the sound dazing Peter.
“I know,” you whisper. He blushes and looks over his shoulder. “If you’re not going to hurt us... why are you here?” You look down at the water for a moment then back up to him. “Because I am intrigued. You are humans. I have never... met a human.” Peter nods slowly, trying to understand why you’d want to meet a human.
“Well, look you can’t be up here. The others aren’t like me. They see you and they won’t wait for you to explain. They’ll kill you in cold blood.” You tilt your head to the side.
“But not you?”
He shakes his head ‘no’ and smiles lightly. “Not me. I haven’t been raised like them. Your kind hasn’t given me any reason to want to hate you.” You find yourself in awe of his spirit. “You need to go though. If anyone sees you... you’ll be in trouble.” You swim back a bit then look up into his eyes. “Will I see you again?” You ask desperately.
He looks over his shoulder, his eyes widening as he sees Bucky emerge from the Captain’s quarters. “Peter?” You ask. He looks back at you then at the rock in his hand. “We make port in Nassau by tomorrow night. I’ll walk along the beach and find a doc. Leave the rock somewhere you can go and I’ll find you.” He tosses the rock to you and you catch it, ducking under the water and swimming away quickly.
“Parker? Is there something there?” Bucky asks, jogging to his side quickly. Peter looks at the man and shakes his head no. “I... I just thought I saw something. I threw a rock at it and it was nothing though. Can... is there any way I’d be able to switch shifts? I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. I need to get some sleep.” Bucky pats his shoulder and nods.
“You go get some shuteye, I’ll take over for you.” The young man glances across the water again then heads away from the rail and below deck to the crew’s quarters.
“Alright, everyone. Make quick work of rowing to shore. We don’t want to be in the deeper waters for longer than we must,” Steve says, taking the first of a few longboats.
“I’ll... I’ll catch up. I want to gather my thoughts,” Peter says as the second last boat goes. “You’re alright rowing by yourself?” Bucky asks from inside the longboat. Peter nods, needing time to himself. Bucky nods and rows away with the boat full of people, leaving Peter to himself.
After a few moments he lowers the longboat then jumps in, grabbing the oars and slowly rowing towards the shore.
“Peter,” you whisper while breaking the surface right beside him. “Jesus!” He tosses the oar half a foot away from him and nearly tips the boat over in his state of fright. “I am sorry. I did not mean to scare.” 
He looks at you then does a double-take, your beauty so much more enchanting in the daylight. “(Y/n)...” You rest your arms on the side of the boat and look up at him. “Yes, Peter?” He simply stares at you, taking in your form for the first time up close, enjoying your strangely accented voice.
Your eyes are a striking shade of (y/e/c), brilliant and bright. Your skin, smooth and (s/c) is covered in iridescent scales. The scales are light on your face, only on your jawline and by your hairline, not covering your face. On your neck, they gradually get more concentrated and underneath your collarbones, they cover you like a skin-tight suit.
Peter slowly leans forwards, his eyes moving down past the edge of the boat and into the clear water where your tail would be. “Peter?” His eyes snap back up to your face and he backs up a bit. “You’re out... It’s bright outside. Someone could see you.” You look around then back up to him. “I have never been this close to a human before,” You whisper, raising a hand off of the boat and slowly extending it towards him.
“Can I touch?” He looks at the webbing between your scaly fingers and the stabilizing wings on your forearm then nods, looking to your eyes as you run your fingers over his shirt, feeling the fabric carefully. “It is soft,” you whisper after a moment, looking back up to his eyes. He nods then looks towards the dock. “I need to go to shore. They’ll be waiting.” You frown and pull your hand back.
“We’re staying here for a few days. Then we’ll be back on the water.” You nod your understanding and bite your bottom lip. You slowly move away from the boat and head swim backwards. 
“Bye Bye Peter.” You turn around. “Wait! Will I see you again?” He asks. You smile to yourself and raise one of your hands out of the water. “I leave the rock where I will be.” He smiles and watches as you submerge yourself, your tail flicking above the water as you swim away.
“Tonight, good men, we splurge! Find a dame, a woman. Let yourselves go! We leave in a few days so enjoy yourselves!” Steve cries, his arm around a brown-haired woman with a British accent. Bucky is with a different brown-haired woman, this one voluptuous. “Don’t expect to see us around anytime soon either,” Bucky adds while kissing the woman.
Peter turns away and walks out of the bar and down to the beach, sitting in the sand as the moon shines down brightly, a warm breeze blowing through his curly brown hair. He looks down either side of the beach, stopping as his eyes rest on a pair of legs on the dry sand. He follows the legs and stops on the face, his heart stuttering. 
He runs through the sand, probably looking ridiculous, and slows when he nears you. 
You’re lying on the sand, unconscious and naked. 
He pulls his sweater off and drapes it over your body before carefully shaking your arm. “(Y/n)?” Your breathing is heavy and it concerns him a bit, the concert getting shoved away as you slowly open your eyes.
“Peter?” You ask softly, pushing yourself up onto your forearms. The sweater falls off of your skin and Peter blushes, pick it up and draping it over your shoulders. “How... how do you have legs?” He asks, his fingers hovering over them for a moment before he pulls his hand back. “Mermaid can be human out of water.” He nods and looks around.
“You stay here. I’m gonna go grab you some clothes. Then we’ll... take it from there, okay?” You nod your head yes and watch him with wide eyes as he stands up and walks away from the beach. You look down at your own legs and wiggle your toes, giggling a little at the feel of it. You dig your feet into the sand and throw your head back laughing at the tickling feeling of the sand between your toes.
Peter hears your tinkling laugh and can’t help but smile, wondering what’s causing it. He grabs some clothes from a store with no one watching and hurries back to you.
“Here, I got you some pants that looked your size and I figured you could keep my sweater.” You look up at him with a smile on your face. “Peter is kind. Why?” He hands you the clothes and shrugs, “because (Y/n) is kind.” Your eyes soften and you look away, down to the clothes. 
“Can Peter help (Y/n)? Please?” Peter nods and takes the pants from your hands, straightening them then gently taking one of your ankles and putting it through the leg hole. He does the same on the other leg then takes your hands and brings them to his shoulders.
“I’m going to stand up with you. Hold onto me.” You nod and let him pull you to a standing position. His hands grab the waistband of the comfortably tight pants and he pulls them up all the way, a fiery blush staining his cheeks the entire time. His fingers rest on your waist for a moment before he pulls them away to help you into the sweater. 
As soon as it’s on properly you grab his hand and look at it closely, your eyes flashing to his as you rest your hand against his. He stays perfectly still as you bring your other hand to his chest, his shirt unbuttoned and open. Your hand rests on his bare skin, tracing over the crisp lines of his muscles.
“Peter is soft,” you whisper, your fingers trailing down lightly below his bellybutton, following the line of hair until you get to his pants. “Yeah, my skin is soft. So is yours.” 
You smile, “(y/n) is soft too?” He chuckles and brings his hand up to your face, his fingers lightly tracing your cheek and down your neck. “Yes. (Y/n) is very soft.” You close your eyes as Peter’s hands move down your neck. He pulls away only to grab your waist, his fingers pressing into the soft skin under the sweater. 
“So soft,” he mutters. You sigh and slowly open your eyes. “Will Peter tell (Y/n) about humans?” You ask quietly, looking up into his soft brown eyes. “Uh... sure. W-What do you wanna know?” You bring your hands to his shoulders and usher him down to the sand. “Everything.”
Peter lies down on the sand with you beside him, your hands in his as he tells you everything you want to know.
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