#minor swiss
hookerpeach · 2 years
Darkness & Light Part 2
Mountain Ghoul Fic | Unedited, Unbeta'd and subject to change at any time|
“What.” It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. Leah stared at the sibling who had informed her that she would no longer be on duty in the Vaults, instead, Leah was to report to the garden. 
The sibling shuffled nervously before he began his explanation. “Well, Papa noticed that the gardens had become overgrown. . . And we already have so many other siblings down here already. I apologize, if you’d like me to I can find someone to-“
Leah cut him off. “No, I’m sorry, I’ll go.” She relented. She had loved working in the quiet hidden place that was the lower levels of the Abbey, but whatever the clergy needed, she would do. “I am sorry for snapping at you.” She amended. 
The sibling nodded silently, accepting her apology before Leah turned and began her walk through the Abbey to the garden in the courtyard. 
When she arrived the ground was still covered with morning dew and a chilly breeze softly blew her robes and veil, she looked around the stone courtyard, noticing just how overgrown the foliage had become. 
Thick vines wrapped around the trellises and Leah had a hard time telling what was supposed to be there and what wasn’t. But she got to work, parting the foliage that had grown into one another, and finding half dead flowers beneath them. Leah huffed, standing to her feet to go look for gardening supplies.
She remembered a shed at the back edge of the abbey, near the woods that she had been shown her first week, vaguely remembering seeing shovels and gloves inside. Leah found them all with ease and returned to the courtyard, hauling the little shovels and rakes in her arms. Once she returned though, she was no longer alone. 
The same demon she had encountered several days before stood, admiring a plant that Leah didn’t know the name of. The sun shone on his antlers and she noticed the plain tunic-like shirt and gray pants he wore, much different from the uniform he and the other ghouls had worn when they had arrived home. He turned to Leah and smiled, not like the feral one he had when they had first met, but still mischievous. 
Leah decided to approach him cautiously, nodding her head politely by way of greeting. She tried to not show the fear she felt in the pit of her stomach as she sat the rest of the tools down and began using a pair of shears to cut away the vines from the flowers. Her back was turned away from the drummer, but she still felt his eyes on her as she worked. 
“No gloves?” He asked. 
“No.” Leah answered quietly. 
“Your hands will get dirty.” 
Leah turned to look at him, he had moved so quietly she did not realize he was standing over her, now. Her heart beat hard in her chest, she ignored everything in her that screamed, “run”. 
“I. . .” She tried to think of the right words. “I like the feeling of the dirt in my hands.” She admitted, the demon’s eyebrows raised in surprise and his mouth opened to say something, but Leah continued. “My family lived near the woods and my siblings and I would play in the dirt.” 
The Ghoul nodded and was quiet for a moment, Leah turned back to her task as he started to talk again. Crouching next to her. “I came to apologize to you, parva soror. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
Leah pulled up what she thought was a large weed. The sound of the roots ripping from the earth filled the silence between them. She tossed the weed to the side and reached for another. “I wasn’t scared.” She lied. 
“You gave me a fake name.” He said pointedly. 
She swallowed, pulling up another weed. “I was told that if I gave you my name you could summon me.” Leah turned to him again, noticing the long, black tail that came to a point behind his long legs swishing back and forth. Not looking at him for so long caused her to forget that he wasn’t human. “I don’t want…” she shook her head. “I don’t want to be anything like that, I just want to live here and help.” She avoided looking into Mountain’s eyes. “If you are looking for anything like that -.”
“No one will touch you unless you want them to.” He promised. His green, glowing eyes bore into her. 
Leah nodded, turning back to her work. They were quiet for a beat again before she spoke.  “Do Ghouls have names?” 
The demon huffed a laugh. “We are Nameless Ghouls.” But he thought for a moment and Leah looked over to him, meeting the green light that was his eyes. “But,” he continued, looking Leah over. “My siblings call me Mountain.” 
Leah gave him a once over, he did look like a creature from the mountains. She let her own huffed laugh, causing Mountain to tilt his head to the side. His lips were still turned up into a grin. “What?” He asked. His mood shifted and he seemed… pleased. 
Leah hid her smile behind the back of her dirty hand. “I just thought…” she sighed and shook her head and went back to pulling out the weeds. The smile remained on her face. “I thought that it would be something, you know… more…demonic?” She gestured vaguely with her hands. “But maybe that’s just silly.” 
Mountain let his head fall back in a loud laugh, his fangs poked out from beneath his lips. “You were expecting something more like,” and he said something that sounded like a growl and a hiss, something that Leah doubted she could replicate if she tried. “No, we are nameless, but people give us nicknames and they kind of stick.” He shrugged. “Speaking of names. . .” Leah cringed, remembering the lie she had told him days before. “Should I call you sister Leah or Rosa?” 
“You promise not to summon me?” Leah raised an eyebrow at the Ghoul who put a clawed hand over his chest and held up two fingers with his other hand in a promise. She laughed. “My name is Leah.” 
“Leeah.” He said experimentally, groaning as he stood up. “I have to go, but I will see you again, parva soror.” He smiled at her over his shoulder, and left, leaving Leah to finish her work in silence. 
It didn’t take long for Leah to notice a pattern. Though she had successfully gaslit herself into thinking there was no pattern by the time the fifth day rolled around. She suspected that the demon - Mountain - had something to do with the way the weeds seemed to regrow every other day. It didn’t matter how much time and effort she had put into it, the task never seemed to end. 
There was also the fact that every afternoon Mountain would be waiting for Leah somewhere in the courtyard. She suspected he came when she was out with Jas. He didn’t stay for long, usually asking Leah a few innocent questions and leaving. 
But on the seventh day, Leah finally confronted him. 
He was laying in the middle of the grassy garden, his hands folded behind his head, basking in the sun like a cat. 
“He seems happy to be back.” Jas nodded to the Ghoul. “I’m surprised he’s letting you tend to it.” 
Leah watched Mountain for a second before what Jas said struck her. “What?” She turned to her new friend. 
Jas shrugged. “He took over the gardens after he was summoned, it’s kind of his thing.” 
Leah felt her stomach churn. She had been foolish for thinking that a demon was just playing nice, he was probably just trying to warm her up to him before he did - whatever it was he wanted. She remembered the way he looked at her after he licked the small paper cut, the predatory way he stood over her. 
“Have there. . . Have there ever been any virgins in the ministry?” Leah asked Jas a little too fast. 
Jas whipped her head from looking at Mountain and her hazel eyes met with Leah’s. “Why?”
Leah stiffened at her friend’s tone. “I heard a rumor.” She shrugged. 
“If there were any virgins,” Jas started carefully. “Then they would be in danger.” Her voice was a whisper. “The ghouls, we love them but they are demons… do you have something to tell me?”
Leah shook her head “no” a mask of innocence on her face. “I just wondered, because this is so different to the church I grew up in.” She shrugged. 
Jas studied Leah for a moment. Her face was unreadable. “Alright.” She finally said and turned, saying goodbye to Leah as she left to report to her duties for the day. 
Once Jas was out of sight Leah marched over to where Mountain was waiting for her in the courtyard. His mouth quirked up into a mischievous smile when he opened one green eye and saw Leah coming towards him. She tried to not let her step falter as she got closer, tried to keep the mask of indifference on her face as she neared the Ghoul, but the way he looked at her - like he was happy to see her, she wasn’t used to such a thing. 
“Parva soror.” He purred in greeting. 
Leah shuffled. “Why.” She finally said, staring down at the Ghoul. 
He leaned forward, his eyes filled with confusion and concern. “Why. . .?” He raised an eyebrow at her, extending the question. 
Leah gestured to the garden, to him and she felt as if she would explode if she actually said anything. “I -.” Her voice wobbled and Mountain stood up quickly, towering over Leah once again. “I know you are why the weeds keep coming back.” She finally confronted him. “I am not stupid.” She added with a whisper. 
“Let’s go somewhere private.” He urged, reaching out to grab Leah's Shoulders, but she moved away from him. 
“You said-.” She started, but a sob caught in her throat. 
“Leah.” The Ghoul’s voice was rough. Her dark brown eyes met with Mountain’s and he looked just as serious as he had when he promised her no one would touch her. He shook his head. “Tell me why you are angry.” He said evenly. 
Leah swallowed, looking around to make sure they were alone. “Are you regrowing them? The weeds?” 
Mountain sighed and Leah assumed he whispered a curse in his native tongue as he looked down to the grass and spat. His eyes were on her again when he began his explanation. 
“We ghouls,” he paused, flexing his clawed hands. “We may be able to appear, think and act human.” Mountain avoided Leah’s gaze, thinking as he spoke. “We are soulless, we have… instincts. And some of us are better at handling those instincts than others.” He looked Leah over, taking a step closer to her. “The day we came home and I smelled you.” The Ghoul shook his head. “I could have drained your blood in an instant.” 
Leah shuddered at the picture he painted in her head. 
“My siblings, especially two of them, are not as good at controlling themselves as I am.” Mountain continued. “I didn’t intend to deceive you. I just wanted-.” Mountain threw his hands up into the air in frustration. “I wanted to keep you safe.” He was standing over Leah again and put his hand on her shoulder. “Did they even tell you, what we do to humans like you?”
Leah’s face was cold despite the heat that crept up her neck. She shook her head in answer. “They don’t know. You’re the only one.”
The Ghoul’s eyes were wide open. “Leah -.” He whispered.
“I know.” She cut him off. “I know I shouldn’t be here, but my family -.” Tears filled her eyes again and she stared at the ground. She wasn’t sure if it was the anger or embarrassment she felt building up inside her gut, but she felt sick, sick in the thought that she thought she had found the one place she thought she could be happy, away from the fundamentalist church where she had been taught that she was nothing more than a walking incubator, where they had taught her the only thing of value she had brought to the world was between her legs. 
Mountain’s voice pulled her from the wave of trauma, fear and guilt she felt. “Leah.” He said softly again and she found herself staring at him. “You are right where you need to be. As long as I am here, no one will touch you. I swear.” 
A tear escaped Leah’s eye and she bit her lip before a thunderous voice called from within the abbey. 
The ghoul in question said the same curse he had said before and his spaded tail flicked violently from behind. He shoved Leah behind him, shielding her from whoever was calling for him.
“Playing with the nuns again, brother?” 
Another ghoul, this one with eyes of burning orange fire appeared behind Mountain and Leah. He wasn’t nearly as tall as Mountain, but he still stood a head taller than her. His horns came out of his forehead, much like the devils she had seen in pictures as a child. His dark brown hair was coiled into small curls atop his head. He ducked down so that his face was right in front of Leah’s, as if he were inspecting her. Mountain ushered Leah behind him again, turning to face his sibling. 
“Swiss.” The taller Ghoul greeted with a nod, his serious tone making the shorter ones s smile grow wider. “What is it?” 
“I just wanted to see why you’ve been late to practice all week.” Swiss shrugged innocently, but his smile was pure mischief. His orange eyes shifted to Leah. “And I must agree, she’s a lovely distraction.” 
Leah felt the rumble from Mountain as he growled at his brother, his spaded tail whipped left and right. “Leave.”
“Fraterculus.” Swiss gasped and raised his eyebrows, putting a palm on his chest. “You wound me.” Buthe shook his head and was back to fun and games“Come, Papa calls us.” His face was serious when he looked behind Mountain to Leah again. “You can join us, Decoris.” Swiss winked. 
Mountain growled again and the smaller ghoul rolled his orange eyes but still addressed Leah when he spoke; “The earth demons are so territorial.” 
Leah laughed, their exchange reminded her of her own siblings. Mountain became rigid and Swiss’ smile grew wider. 
“Won’t you join us?” Swiss held out a clawed hand to Leah, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at her. “We don’t bite, unless you like that.” He winked again, fangs flashing.  
Leah bit back another laugh, but shook her head. “I am afraid I have to tend to the garden.” She motioned to the weeds. “But thank you.” 
Swiss looked back to Mountain, raising his eyebrows again. Mountain didn’t move for a second before he turned back to Leah. The green light in his eyes had dimmed and he huffed, folding his arms.
“I apologize for my brother’s behavior.” He said pointedly, earning a loud “Hey!” From said brother. “Find me if you need anything.” He smiled, but it didn’t show in his eyes. He turned back to Swiss, nodded and they both disappeared in a cloud of ash and brimstone.
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pulsingvoid · 1 month
rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead is lgbt theatre/literature the same way swiss army man is lgbt cinema in that it is blatantly textually about two men in love whose identities are so entwined they may as well be one man. what's gayer than that. and why does everyone always forget about them. when i say these stories are my favorite lgbt fiction i'm not being all wink wink nudge nudge. it's in the text
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zhombiez · 3 months
minor rhrn spoilers :3
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brain rot is taking over my life, i’ve listened to the future is foreign so many times drawing this
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mxsinizter · 1 year
Dash of Dew in Mountain's shirt making his big guys go a little feral <3
Mature; 562 words
"Hey, handsome." Dewdrop smirked at Aether's words as he snaked his arms around the larger ghoul who appeared before him, setting his hands on Dew's waist.
Dewdrop purred a soft greeting in return, pulling Aether in for a kiss. The ghoul gladly received it, adding a bonus squeeze to Dew's ass before gently pulling away. "I just cut some apples if you'd like some?"
Aether made his way towards the counter where a tray with apple slices sat, glaring at Mountain who popped two into his mouth. Mountain gave him a thumbs up and a smile, cheeks filled. Their attention was snatched back by Dew as the fire ghoul yawned loudly, rubbing at his eyelids.
Dewdrop stretched up onto his tippy toes as his arms reached as high up as they could with a small arch of his back, a purring sound of content leaving his chest as he did. Mountain, and likely the others as well, was fully prepared to enthusiastically say, "big stretch" but that was when he saw it. Instead, a loud, possessive growl made its way into his throat. Aether and Swiss looked between the two until they realized what Mountain's eyes were glued to, eyes beginning to glow just as brightly as the earth ghoul's.
The little ghoul was wearing one of Mountain's old shirts and apparently, nothing beneath. The shirt rising with the stretch revealed the head of his little soft cock just barely peeking out from behind the hem. Pink head glistening with the slightest hint of arousal where it hung heavy against his balls. Dew dropped his arms as he looked worriedly at the three towering ghouls.
For a moment, the world stopped as Dewdrop looked between them, feeling the sudden wave of primal desire crash against his small frame. His cock throbbed with need, twitching against his balls. Even with his arms down, the shirt stayed scrunched up, the hem clinging to his wetness. "Wha-?"
His question dissipated into the thick air as Mountain lurched away from the counter, going straight for the small ghoul, Swiss and Aether following. The fire ghoul flinched as Mountain growled, a long arm pushing Aether away and snapping his teeth dangerously close to Swiss' neck who tried to sneak past him.
Dewdrop felt like a little lamb praying for his own downfall as three predators fought to do him the honors.
In a flash, Dewdrop's view of Swiss and Aether was blocked by Mountain whose arms wrapped tightly around him, pulling Dew flush against his chest. Dewdrop melted into his grip as violent sounds from the three ghouls continued to fill his ears. The rumble of Mountain's chest against him was wonderful.
"Mount'n, please." Dewdrop's voice was already slurred as he spoke against the earth ghoul's collarbone, cock hardening against the other's thigh. Aether and Swiss quieted, reluctantly accepting the claim. With an unexpected gentleness, Mountain lifted him, wrapping Dew's legs around his waist.
Feeling the soft cloth of Mountain's newer shirt against his cockhead, Dewdrop couldn't help humping against the earth ghoul's tummy, staining it with pre. He giggled as he heard Swiss' whiny chirps to let him join and Aether's frustrated mumbles about his apple slices.
Mountain ignored them as he rushed to his room, quickly locking the door behind him. Any scent of the other two on Dewdrop would be disappearing in no time.
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gorie-talks-a-lot · 8 months
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I have the most intense brain rot for this ghoul.
Was just imagining Swiss's heat hitting mid tour, some hapless fan throws her undies on stage and he sees an opportunity...
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yesokayiknow · 6 months
cannot believe that in 2007 the eighth doctor adventures writers just decided to put toxic yuri in their show. they did that for me
#not me going insane over 2 minor recurring villains#but literally what the fuck is going on with the headhunter and karen#what if an amoral assassin and a normal office worker decided to become partners on a whim & now they time travel and commit crimes together#like what?????#the headhunter could not give less of a shit about other people and doesn't think karen is useful at all and yet just keeps her around#and karen's like yeah she hates my guts and also she makes me kill people. it's a laugh though can't complain#and i'm just meant to be normal about that?????? huh???????#also the way they both just flirt with lucie every time they see her is so funny#karen's like hey babe!!!! how are you!!!! do you want to join us!!!! while holding a knife to lucie's neck shdjshs#while the headhunter's like ah lucie miller the thorn in my side [saves her life] this means nothing [saves her life] you disgust me [saves-#doctor who#big finish#i've finished s3!!!! whoop!!!!#my thoughts are why does lucie miller keep getting turned evil and can it keep happening bc it's hot. who said that#my only issue with this format is that it's very adventure based. which yeah it's called the 8th doctor adventures#but i wish there was more breathing room for lucie. the doctor keeps being all sad (fair his life is awful) but lucie's going Through It#and never gets a chance to really process anything#also the retroactive continuity errors make me laugh#'i'm 900 years old' no the fuck you're not! you still have the time war yet buddy!#i like to think they're just signs of 8's swiss cheese memory#i hope there's books set in this era. i'm sure nobody will be able to tell me bc they gave up 20 tags ago agdkhsjshsjs
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 2 years
Headcanons for the current ghouls' full names:
• Swisstopher A Ghoul (Swiss)
• Dewdrop Sodomizer Ghoul (Dew)
• Rainington Ghoul III (Rain)
• Sir Mountain Ghoul (Mountain)
• Aetherson Ghoulington IV (Aether)
• Dame Cumulus Ghoul (Cumulus)
• Lady Cirrus Ghoul (Cirrus)
• Sunshine Stratus Ghoul (Sunshine)
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I was tagged in @lemonpepperseed’s post, and now I have to do this lol
18+ Below the Cut
A list of slutty things I want to do with Mountain and Swiss because they live rent free in my head
I wouldn’t mind wearing this man’s hand as a necklace
I feel like he’d be more of a gentle lover
Unless he needs to get some pent up frustrations out
Then this man FUCKS
He could full on throw his drumstick at my head and I’d say thank you
This man could tell me to do anything and I’d do it
This man could pound me like he hits drums
He F U C K S
Tie me up and play me like your guitar
A smoke session with him would be amazing
This man could do so many things to me and I’d say do it again
His hand would also make a nice necklace
He could spit on me and I’d say thank you
For the love of Satan, is this man FERAL
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intertexts · 9 months
they call me the migraine haver. On account of all the fucking migraines i have. -_-
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rhianna · 6 months
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English: Ace of Swords from the 1JJ tarot deck.Datebetween 1831 and 1838Sourcehttps://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/19/ea/8b/19ea8b95b7fccbc70cc9a604941d4838.jpgAuthorJohann Georg Rauch  (1789–1851) 
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urluch-in-dla-nebia · 2 years
The winds are blowing strong today, so here's The Voice of Switzerland contestant Zoe Beretta's take on vent frecc
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vogelmeister · 8 months
anyways i saw a video of non dutch people pronouncing dutch names and im proud to announce that two of my characters and one of my coworker's names are there
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mxsinizter · 1 year
It's dangerous out there, here, take a sprinkle of Mountain trying to survive being used by Swiss and Zephyr <3
379 wc; Implied transmasc Swiss, they/them Zephyr
Floating. His mind was floating and hazy. His jaw flaring with a familiar and delicious pain. His chest stuttering as breathing becomes increasingly difficult.
Mountain's in a state of bliss, overwhelmed with every graze along his body. Hyperaware of the two above him yet lost in their movements, their scents.
His eyes had been squeezed shut for a while now. The warmth on his cock and the tug on his horns becoming too much. Not enough. 
The scent of Swiss' slick is suffocating him. Drowning him as he struggles to lap it all up. Consume. Can't let it go to waste. The smell of blood melds with the multi ghoul's sickly sweet scent as Mountain's claws dig a bit too far into Swiss' thighs. He'll worry about kissing them better later.
His hips struggle to move under Zephyr's hold - the air ghoul holding him down as they fuck themself onto his twitching cock. He can feel their weeping cock bouncing onto his belly, his happy trail soaking with their precum. He craves a taste. To savor it. Let it mix with the the flavor of Swiss' slick on his tongue. Let it drip from his split tongue, down his chest, to his cock. 
His mind leaves his body as the pressure around his cock becomes too much. Sensitive. His body won't stop spasming from extreme pleasure. His head pounds as Swiss' thighs clench at the sides of his face, fuzzy thigh hair against his cheeks. Mountain is sure Swiss will crack his horns if he keeps yanking at them as he is while grinding down on his face. His tummy quivers as Zephyr lightly runs sharp claws down his ribs and belly, a blow of warm air following the touch.
Their pretty toy. That's what he is. Zephyr made sure Swiss continued to remind him. Here to serve. Nothing more. He exists for their use. He lives to please, and please he shall. 
He's not sure how much longer he’ll last, or the other two if their painful grasps is anything to go by, but the moment feels endless as he continues to fall apart under their touch.
Tears flow down his face and into his sweaty hair as Swiss grants him a moment to breathe. He whimpers at the lost.
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marshmallowsqoosh · 1 year
[Ghost (Band) | Pro Memoria (3/10)]
Fandom: Ghost (Band) Title (also AO3 link): Pro Memoria Rating: Mature CW: Canon Character Death, Depictions of (Magical) Violence Lesser Warnings: headcanon, not beta read, terzo’s the youngest because the canon timeline makes no sense, terzo and copia are friend-shaped, ghouls are hellsent beings and have magick, Special and Mountain are BFFs, Era 3 and 4 are BFFs, author uses Sodo not Dew, uh… stuff.
Summary: Ghouls are dragged back to Hell when their summoner dies, if they aren’t released first. For most, it’s a painless experience. For most, they simply slip into a peaceful, eternal sleep, as their summoner ages and passes on, themself. Some are sudden, but still painless. And some… some are a bit more drawn out and not quite so painless. ♥ aka Terzo died from the embalming, not the injection, and his Ghouls got to experience it in their own ways.
extras. Chapter Specific Warnings: (canon) Character Death, heavy headcanon regarding Ghoul relationships and abilities/powers, passive(-ish?) death Status (and AO3 link!): [3 / 10] Word Count: ~3k
Previous Chapters: [Prologue] [Special]
Even with Terzo "retired", Cowbell's day doesn't… actually change that much.
He still helps around the ministry—paperwork, mostly—and, most importantly, he helps ease in the new laity members by being the bridge to help them learn about the Ghouls. It's definitely an easier bridge to cross with Special helping him like he's supposed to… but, he also knows it's wholly and entirely useless to try directing the older Ghoul's attention to anything without Terzo's assistance and with the Cardinal returning… well, no one has bothered trying to get Special to focus on anything for probably the past week. Terzo made sure to give him space and opportunities to run his energy down so he wasn't on the verge of combusting and getting any of them in trouble; but, otherwise, he just paced, listlessly, in the lobby and around the outside perimeter, waiting. … And occasionally being a thorn in Omega or Secondo's routines when Terzo wasn't there to stop him.
The day of, Cowbell doesn't bother keeping track of the time. He has a full schedule—a new group to officially welcome into the congregation. Not that they treated those that didn't know any less than those that did; but, it was always a good day when he got to share the truth and he loves watching the understanding light up in human faces. It doesn't get old, even decades later.
There's always the moment of doubt and disbelief. That brief moment before he removes his mask—an alteration made to his contract when he upgraded to Era 4's mask and uniform, specifically for these reasons—and shakes his head a few times as his horns resume their full size and his ears twitch, pleased to be unglamoured and he simply smiles at the small group, carefully setting his mask on the desk of the lobby with a polite tip of his head. The Ghoul at the computer returns the gesture with barely a passing glance; an unspoken understanding he would return for the mask after the tour wrapped up.
He turns his attention back to his small group, smiling pleasantly as he gestures to himself and the secretary.
"Ghouls are a very carefully guarded secret among the church. That you've stayed with us for so long and wish to join our ranks more intimately means we are permitted to enlighten you to our existence. To those on the outside and even some within the church walls, we are simply anonymous beings, meant to aid Papa and others who spread our most wondrous Dark Father's teachings. It also means that we are able to assist you; and, those that wish to further their journeys could be entrusted a Ghoul of their own one day—"
There's always… questions.
Some that were angry about being lied to; many who didn't quite understand a Ghoul's purpose; and almost all of them confused by why a church openly in support of devils would be worried about concealing dealings with said devils. Questions he's normally all too happy to answer and has every intention to, today… until Rain nearly trips over himself running by and barely keeps himself from falling when he decides at the last minute he'd rather hide around Cowbell and the desk.
"This is your new introductory class?"
"Well, yes, I'd just finished—"
"None of you saw me."
Before he can ask for further input the Water Ghoul pulls a deep breath and his form immediately liquifies and vanishes. Cowbell just blinks and turns his attention to calming the excited commotion the show of magick causes… and soon realises exactly what's happened when the Era 2 Water Ghoul skids to a halt a few feet away.
"Ah. Water, wonderful to see you. Would you like to join the tour?"
Being only one of the two left from Secondo's run as Papa, Water's been… surprisingly more social over the years. Still wary and cagey with most humans; but, a little more open to trying. Though, it doesn't seem to be holding true for today as the Ghoul hisses and recoils when the attention turns on him. "I'll… pass, thank you. Did Rain come this way?"
"Oh, are they back? Have you checked the rehearsal rooms? Era Three was up there, I reckon he went to say hello, yes?"
"... Don't suppose you'll be telling me which rehearsal room?"
Cowbell laughs and shrugs, "Haven't a clue which one! You'll find them sooner or later. Or perhaps Air will know. Era Two was with your Papa and Era Three is helping in the guest lobby on the second floor."
For a moment, he worries that won't be enough—Water's attention still zeroed in on the small gathering of humans… but, he soon loses interest and offers a polite tip of his head, giving himself a bit more distance from the group before he darts for the stairs. Behind him, Rain finally releases the breath he was holding, coughing as his form solidifies again and he shakes off to rid himself of some of the droplets that cling to his skin, "Oh… oh, Leviathan have mercy… how does Water hold his concentration for so long?"
Cowbell laughs and gives him a series of solid, but still gentle, pats on the back when he dissolves into coughing. He also uses the opportunity to turn his attention back to the small class he has.
"As you can see, Ghouls serve many purposes. Due to our nature of being summoned from the voids and shadows of Hell, we are bound to physical matter through elemental association. Rain, here, is a Water Ghoul. His powers reflect as such and, while each Ghoul has different… specialties, shall we call them, almost every Water Ghoul can make themselves intangible by becoming more liquid and, with enough practice, do so well enough that they can refract the light around them to temporarily become invisible. … Allow me to assure you that while he is coughing, we don't inherently need to breathe. The reflex comes from human observations! The need to remain quiet and perfectly still, so that when concentration is broken it mimics being out of breath. Fascinating, isn't it?"
He makes another gesture back towards Rain and more towards the desk, as well. "It still works best in low light situations, unless they have an Air Ghoul to help them manipulate reflection, as well. Which, is why you will note he hid behind objects, so as to hide his own shadow."
"I'm—so glad—I could be a demonstration, Bell." Rain finally regains his composure and groans a little. "Do you think he went for Era Three or to find one of the Air Ghouls?"
"More than likely he went to find his fellow Era Two Ghoul. You should be safe to speak to Era Three."
"You're the best, Bell. And… a very fond welcome, siblings." Rain tips his head to the small group before offering a more polite bow to excuse himself. Cowbell watches him run for the elevator, until his attention gets drawn back to the humans.
"You're all… magick, then? You, too?"
"I am. My powers are nowhere near so impressive as Rain's or even my own group. Refinement of my abilities was simply never a requirement and my focuses were occupied elsewhere. That said, any Ghoul is a formidable force and, depending on their summoner, a very powerful last resort." He makes a gesture to be followed, allowing his tail to unwind from his waist and swish behind him; mostly to enjoy the murmurs from the group behind him. "I should clarify, of course, that we are well aware our existence—even among the church—can be… unsettling to people. It's why we wait to fully introduce ourselves. We have had many members leave because of us; we are transparent with this information to assure you that you are, by no means, obligated to stay, if we make you uncomfortable."
"Aren't you worried about people telling the world about you?" One of the members asks; the others all murmur to show they'd been thinking the same and Cowbell simply smiles over his shoulder.
"Not in the least. There are plenty of people on the outside that know we exist. Many that would do us and our summoners harm and those that maintain the balance between ourselves and aforementioned opposing forces. Divine churches are very… well, let's just say the crusades didn't end quite so long ago as people assume. Not fully."
He turns his attention back to their destination, pushing open the doors to the nave they use for the committed congregation and standing aside to allow the humans to enter first. He pauses, briefly, as he follows them in, his left hand coming up to press gently at his neck.
It feels like… a small pinch? His vision swims for a moment and he simply squeezes his eyes shut, clearing his throat to regain himself. "As—oh, excuse me—?"
It's been years since his voice cracked. He clears his throat again, carefully, trying to move past the sudden pressure. He manages to swallow it after a moment and shakes off a little to regain himself, "Most sincere apologies. … Now, where was I… oh! Yes, as I was saying. There are many people outside of the church that are aware of us.While it is in our best interests to play nice with one another, there have been… instances. That you will learn of, should you choose to pursue such knowledge within our ranks."
"If people know, why wait to tell new members?"
Cowbell actually laughs at that and gestures to himself, "If you had seen me like this when you were brought into the safety of our walls, would you have felt safe?" An awkward murmur fills the room. His smile softens in an attempt to hide the anxiety building in his core as his vision starts to blur again. "We hide as a courtesy, not in deceit. We wish for your safety, just as we do for all members of the church.Once you've familiarized yourself with the nave to your satisfaction, we'll be moving on to the commons and community kitchen. One of the others will show you to your new room assignments, if you are one of the members that reside in the ministry."
The tour is almost over, then he can go lie down. Maybe he's just tired…? He should check on Terzo, too—
He jumps when screaming suddenly comes from outside of the nave. He only checks for a moment to make sure the humans are all together—an easy cluster to protect, if need be—and tries to offer a reassuring smile before he hurries back to the nave doors, leaning out and trying to get the attention of literally anyone for answers.
The horrible sensation in his neck is back and something cold starts to settle in his core.
"Bell! Oh, I'm so glad to see you—did any of the others come this way?"
His vision is going again and the voice sounds far away but he manages to find it and just stares at Swiss, uncertainly. "I—I saw Rain a while ago—? Swiss, wait—!" He nearly falls trying to catch the other Ghoul. As it is, it's only catching Swiss' arm that keeps him upright. "I have a group with me. Most of the humans should be evacuating to panic rooms on various floors… will you see to them please?"
He can tell the Multi Ghoul is… confused, to say the least—perhaps a bit scared—but Cowbell just smiles and carefully rights himself when he gets a nervous, affirmative nod.
"Thank you… siblings, be quick now. Swiss is going to take you somewhere safe so this can be dealt with swiftly, alright? If I had to wager… I would guess some Fire Ghouls perhaps combusted on the ground floor or in the kitchens again. Everything will be alright."
It's an effort to stay standing, to keep smiling. To stay as calm as possible so that the humans are even a little bit less afraid of the uncertainty. It's getting harder to hear; but, he's… fairly confident of when he can't hear Swiss ushering the small group away anymore and finally turns back into the nave, blindly groping for the doors to push them shut behind him. He nearly trips—multiple times—until he finally hits the steps and does.
It doesn't hurt as much as he expects—he's fallen on stairs before, skinned his knees and palms and scared his summoner half to death, back when he wasn't aware Ghouls could heal quickly or even be hurt, for that matter… the memory makes him smile and distracts him from how heavy his body feels. How much effort it takes to push up to his elbows and then his hands and finally to sitting on his knees. He feels the foreign, phantom throb of a pulse in his chest, feels his sigil trying to light up, desperately trying to reach out for help, even as he resists the urge invoke Orobas.
Instead, he settles on his knees and lets his head bow, hands clasped tight around his Grucifix as he struggles to regulate his breathing. He doesn't even register the tremble on his lips until he's pressed them to his knuckles, desperately muttering a quiet prayer to stay calm.
Everything still sounds far away. Then it's… quiet. Completely quiet. He almost fears his hearing's gone completely, until his ears twitch to the sound shuffle of cautious footsteps and he tries to look back over his shoulder, each breath shallow and shaken and terrified.
He can't see. Where he could make out blurry shapes and colours before, he truly can't see now.
"Who—Swiss? Is that you?" His throat feels tight. Flooded. Like he's swallowed too much at once because one of the others ran into his back. He can't clear it, can't even try to. It makes his voice strain, makes it harder to assess his volume.
"I—yeah, it's me—Bell, what's wrong, your…" The words trail off and Cowbell offers an unsteady laugh to try denying how scared he is.
"Quintessence is… such a damning association, isn't it?" He turns back to facing the nave. Even when he can't see, he's been here so many times. He just needs to feel the steps out to figure out where exactly he is and settles again, hands coming up to grip his Grucifix once more. "Join me? I… I don't want to be alone for this."
"O-oh—of—yeah, of course." He more feels than hears or see Swiss sit next to him. A sudden presence to his left that isn't quite as heavy as he feels. Not as safe as being close to Omega or Terzo or any of his other band mates; but, comforting as he feels the weight spreading through him.
"Did I ever… tell you how I got my name…?" He's not sure he's speaking or if he's just trying to. He feels Swiss' tail coil around his and he laughs, hands clasping tighter until he feels the edges of his Grucifix cutting into his palms. It still doesn't hurt and all he can do is laugh to cover the sob building in his throat. "It was a silly thing… I was so curious about Special choosing his own name and I hadn't told Papa mine, yet… I found an old cowbell down in the forges. A curious toy—I got in… so much trouble running through the ministry with it—" He nearly collapses across Swiss as something thick begins to push through his void and makes him sway off balance. Some… kind of liquid? His jaw is starting to feel tighter, a sting on his lips, dripping from his mouth as he realises his void's beginning to give out. It's an effort to sit up on his own but he doesn't want to make this even worse for Swiss by melting on him.
"I… apologise…"
"I-it's okay—a… a toy, then…?"
The story is a comforting distraction, even as he lets himself lie out on the steps of the nave, desperately holding onto his Grucifix, wishing he had his mask to cling to as well. Silly material trinkets that he wants nothing more than to cling to in hopes he'll keep the memories and identity attached to them.
"Sister Imperator caught me before I could find Papa… to ask what it was… oh, she was furious when she took it…. He got it back for me. It became a game… one that followed his Ascension. One Imperator never found humour in. I… am his clarity… and the kindling of ambition waiting to burn brightly…"
He doesn't feel the steps anymore. He's not sure he's still holding his Grucifix. He's not sure he can be heard.
Awareness hits him—sudden and sharp—and he nearly chokes on the intake of breath. He rubs, desperately, at his eyes as the terrified sob finally escapes his lips.
"Bell—? Oh… oh, no…"
His hearing is back, too. When he finally manages to focus his vision, it's… dark. Embers of light flitter in the stillness around them, but that isn't what pulls his attention. He wishes it was the familiarity of being back in Hell; wishes it was a comfort more than fear. He meets Primo's eye first. Then Secondo's. Era Two's Air and Water Ghouls, huddled close together, close to their summoner. He finally finds Earth at Primo's shoulder and he feels… cold.
He looks between the brothers, unable to stop the terrified stuttering that leaves his void. "If… if you're here… but… I am, too…"
Which means… Terzo—?
Air getting thrown out of the void around them, a broken scream torn from his throat the second he manages to pull together—echoing and shrill, enough to make most of them recover; Era Two's Air Ghoul kneels to pull him into a hug, shushing him and trying to absorb some of the piercing vibrations into his own void… his presence just seems to confirm it.
Something's happened—is happening to Terzo. But if it's only the two of them, so far… he has to believe Omega or Special can do something about… whatever it is.
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The sequel to my book Persephone Minor, Persephone, Buried just went up! Six new chapters every Saturday until the bitter end. Happy new year to everyone, unless you don't read the book, in which case, just have an ..... ok new year. You want forlorn, morally questionable Aether? You want a lot of Swiss? You want him and Cirrus sitting in a tree? K-I-S-S-I-N-G?  You want a *Papa III type* doing the most? Be happy, sad, horny, whatever other feelings there are that I don't know about... and read the book.
How many times can you die? How many new beginnings, how many endings? How many opportunities do you get to start again? In the wake of Persephone's second death and second life, concerns of the Third Place grow nightly. After enlisting three dangerous murderers from the Other Side of Hell to join the castle's thinning army, the Cardinal takes charge of what over the horizon looks more and more like a budding war. Upstairs in Greece, T and Denis, still haunted by the ghost they spend every summer with, prepare for their own new beginning. Yet again, Andy swings rapidly between trying to play his roll in Persephone's story, and taking the main stage in his own. Some believe there is no newness left in the world, some believe there can be nothing new without great loss, some believe every day is something new entirely - there is only one thing everyone can agree on together. There is just no way to tell the truth anymore.
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Lois Lane is not a bad driver. Lois Lane is an excellent driver. Lois Lane could arguably be a stunt driver. She's chased down the slipperiest leads and pulled crazy maneuvers in parking garages and pulled the drawbridge-turned-ramp stunt to get her story when the situation has called for it. She has grabbed the wheel of a humvee from the backseat when an IED turned both her MP driver escort and his partner to swiss cheese and she successfully navigated through a suddenly-turned-warzone to the American embassy while having a minor concussion herself. She's definitely a better driver than Clark, who, between frequently second-guessing other drivers, having to reconcile super-senses with operating a respectable used hybrid volvo sedan, and never going above the speed limit, basically drives like an old lady. But Lois drives like fucking Lupin III and it scares the shit out of both Clark and Jimmy.
Clark: *regularly breaks the sound barrier, has to be hyper-conscious of speed to make sure he doesn't injure anyone he's carrying or make them pass out from G-Force, is literally invulnerable*
Clark when he's in a car and Lois is driving:
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