#mischief twins
puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 225
Klarion is EXCITED. He's absolutely DELIGHTED even, unable to sit still as he flits from place to place. His baby cousin! Is! Visiting! Which OBVIOUSLY means he, as the older one, must make sure the main places are still standing so he can show his itty bitty baby cousin EVERYTHING! After all, he's never gotten to be the older one! He's always been the youngest in the family! But now he has an itty bitty toddler cousin- form recently shifted to match- to teach the ways of Chaos to! He's so EXCITED!
The League and heroes on the other hand, are Very concerned about Why the Witch Boy has been spotted in practically every major city in the US in the last few days. What is he planning?!
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westcanaan82 · 19 days
Mischief never looked better 😏
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mkarchin713 · 10 months
DPxGF Prompt 1
Ellie was just minding her own business flying through rural Oregon and checking out the weird tourist traps and spending Vlad’s money on cheesy knickknacks to send to her favorite cheesehead.
She had been trying to figure out where her next tourist was when she flew into … something. Whatever it was she couldn’t go through it, even intangibly. She tried everything she could think of, flying over it, flying under it, blasting through it. Nothing worked.
Ellie sighed. Looks like she was going to be stuck in Gravity Falls, Oregon for a while.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
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the “well you see i said that precisely to piss you the fuck off” duo 👍
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
I Will Always See You - Fred Weasley x Reader
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Prompt: nothing…I just love Fred Weasley J.K did him dirty if you ask me…my poor baby. 😭
Warnings: smut, if you squint praise kink and begging kink.
Thank you to @lets-imagine-fanfics my beta for editing this thought I'm sure as an avid Fred Weasley fan she likely had no problem! 😂
You walked down the hall, your arms wrapped around your books as you silently made your way back to the Gryffindor common room. You were thinking about your Herbology homework listing off things you needed or would have to do when your felt a gust of wind at either side of you.  
Your eyes immediately spotted the Weasley twins running so fast, the only reason you knew it was them was because of their vibrantly orange hair, you rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to shout at them but before you could, they skid to a stop and glanced behind them towards you. 
“Boys no running in the halls.” You huffed as they gave you matching smirks. 
“Oh, if it isn’t our favourite head girl.” Fred grinned mischievously as they began walking next to you. 
“Don’t think because you compliment me, Fred Weasley, that I’ll forget that you were running in the halls.” You scoff as you held your head up. 
“I’m not Fred I’m George.” He stated with a frown on his face. 
You rolled your eyes and turned to the real George looking him up and down before giving him a smirk. He flushed a little under your scrutinising gaze but said nothing to give away their game. 
“Nope, that’s definitely George.” You stated as you pat Georges flushed cheek before turning to Fred who glared down at you suspiciously. 
“And you are most definitely Fred.” You chuckled as you pat his chest as he continued to glare at you. 
You stride ahead of them with a satisfied smirk on your face as you quickly forget about your homework in favour of thinking about Fred. You’d be lying if you said the twins weren’t handsome but Fred for some reason held way more of your attention. George was sweeter, slightly more shy than Fred and he also had a mole on the side of his neck while at Fred had two scars on his face that were barely noticeable. 
Fred was always more confident and always the one to instigate their pranks and mischief. It’s another reason you had a giant crush on Fred, not that anyone knew that with how you would constantly reprimand him for ignoring the rules. 
You liked to keep to yourself for most part but you enjoyed hanging out with Harry and his friends even though you were in the Weasley twins year. You shook the thoughts of Fred to the back of your mind as you finally arrived at the portrait to the Gryffindor common room.  
You giggled at something Hermione said to Ron as you nibbled on some toast with jam on it. Harry rolled his eyes at the pair about to reprimand his friends, however he was instantly interrupted when the Weasley twins slid into the small spaces at either side of you.  
Your eyes flickered between both twins before noting they had their homemade sweaters from Molly. The only thing that wasn’t right was that Fred was wearing George’s and George was wearing Freds. You frowned a little but figured they must’ve done it by accident. 
“Fred, mum said you need to send her a letter. Said she hasn’t heard from you in a few days.” Ron muttered to George making you roll your eyes a little however instead of Fred piping up George did and suddenly you realised their game.  
“I will tonight.” George answered making you literally bang your head off of the table, narrowly avoiding your plate.  
“What on earth are you doing?” Hermione snorted making you look up at them with a glare firmly in place. 
“Ron, how can you not tell your brothers apart?” You laughed making him frown a little. 
“There literally wearing their tops.” Ron snorted making you roll your eyes. 
“That’s Fred.” You said pointing at the twin wearing the sweater with the G.   
“How?” Fred exclaimed with a deep frown on his face, making you roll your eyes once again. 
“Because I can. Why, pray tell, does it bother you so much?” You asked him seriously making him puff out his cheeks in a childish manner. 
“Even our own mum gets confused sometimes, I don’t see how you can tell better than literally anyone.” Fred stated uneasily as his two brothers nodded in agreement. 
“I’m sure someone else in this room can too.” You huffed with a small smile making them glance at one another. 
“No. Even Ang almost kissed Fred last week.” George snorted making you visibly cringe a little before giving them a sympathetic smile. 
You giggle a little as Hermione says something about Fred being a bigger arsehole making everyone burst out laughing. The rest of the day went by without anyone mentioning the fact that you could tell them apart better than anyone. 
That was until you arrived at your bedroom to find Ginny and Hermione waiting there with raised brows and inquisitive looks. You frowned at the girls, silently asking why they were in your room. 
“So which one is it?” Ginny asked with a subtle smirk on her lips. 
“What on earth are you two talking about?” You snorted as you put your books on the bedside table next to your bed. 
“Which twin do you fancy?” Hermione asked confidently making your eyes widen a little. 
“W-What makes you think I fancy Fred or George?” You stuttered, heat slowly creeping up your face until you felt like steam was coming out your ears. 
“Fred.” Ginny and Hermione say at the same time, looking father proud of themselves. 
“I do-what I mean is that I- Fine, I fancy Fred!” You had tried to get out of it but honestly, you’d been dying to tell someone since you first started crushing on him in your 3rd year. 
“Oh my Merlin, that feels amazing to get off my chest! God, I fancy the bloody pants off him! He’s so tall, handsome, funny, confident, did I say handsome? Then he’s got these eyes that are just so expressive. I can always tell when he’s about to do something that’ll get him in trouble because he gets these little creases at the corner of his gorgeous eyes, when he tries to keep the smile off his face. There was one time I accidentally saw him without hi-” 
“Too much information!” Ginny yelled making you flush bright red. 
“S-Sorry.” You whispered softly making her shake her head at you. 
“How long has this been going on?” Hermione laughed as she raised her brows at you. 
“3rd year.” You whispered avoiding all eye contact. 
“That’s since my 1st year! I’m in my 5th year!” Hermione exclaimed like it was something you didn’t already know. 
“I’m aware 4 years…god that’s so pathetic.” You sighed heavily as you flopped onto your bed face first. 
“It’s not that bad.” She tries but you just lift your head to glare at her. 
“Being a 17 year old girl who never kissed a guy let alone dated one isn’t embarrassing at all.” You laughed sarcastically as you flipped you head back down screaming into the pillow. 
“You haven’t had your first kiss?” Ginny exclaimed making you roll over onto your back, staring at the ceiling with a pout. 
“I know, even Ron has had his!” You whined loudly making the girls pout down at you sympathetically. 
“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Ginny asks with a raised brow making the sit up to look at her like she’d grown another head. 
“Have you lost the plot, Ginny? Did your crush on Harry turn your head to mush?” You asked seriously making her face turn the same colour as her hair. 
“She’s not wrong you know? You’re a beautiful, smart and kind young woman! Why shouldn’t you be the one to ask him out?” Hermione exclaimed happily making you raise a brow at her. 
“Oh yes and how is Ronald?” You deadpanned making her turn bright red too. 
“Yes, well that boy is about as slow as a sloth at times! I’m working on it.” She stated seriously holding her head high. 
“Just tell him how you feel.” Ginny says calmly as her face begins to return to her pale skin tone. 
“I’ll think about it.” You answered honestly making them roll their eyes playfully. 
You girls spent the rest of the night gossiping and giggling knowing tomorrow was a weekend and you wouldn’t have to be up for classes. You all eventually passed out on your double bed laughing at something on Hermione’s muggle phone. 
When you woke up the girls were gone and you realised, they had probably gotten dressed and gone to breakfast. You dragged yourself out of bed and began your normal morning routine until you finally stood in front of your mirror freshly washed and dried, hair in two French plaits and your makeup simple, with subtle goldish eyeshadow, a spell to make you lashes appear longer and fuller and some nude lipstick. 
You decided you’d be a little more daring with your outfit today and slid on your custom Gryffindor sports bra along with your high waisted denim skirt and your plain white Nike trainers that Hermione had bought you last year from muggle London. You threw on your oversized white knitted cardigan, you may be feeling more daring than usual but no jacket with this outfit choice didn’t feel in your comfort zone. Before adding the last touched with your rings, triple chain necklace and your Gryffindor bucket hat over your braids. The outfit was kind of sporty but in a cute way. 
 When you finally arrived, a few students were staring as you entered the hall but you ignored it as you made your way to where the others were sat. You plopped down right in the middle of the twins who were staring at your attire rather openly. You shot them both glares before you began putting food on your plate.  
“Well, hello there. Where have you been hiding those legs, darling?” George exclaimed in a flirtatious way that had you frowning at him. 
“I’m telling Angie.” You smirked at George making him go wide eyed.  
“I really thought that was gonna work.” George huffed with a childish pout on his lips.  
“Sorry, boys, you won’t catch me out.” You giggled as you looked over to Fred who was still staring silently. 
You caught his eyes, staring into them with a hint a seductiveness and mischief. You fluttered you lashes at him not saying anything as his cheek tinged with a slight pink hue. He instantly looked away as if to hide his face behind his hair, ignoring the look George gave him as he tried to jump into another conversation.  
You took it as a win. 
Once you'd all finished breakfast you wandered back to the common room and made yourself comfortable on the couches around the fire. Everyone began talking amongst themselves about different things as you began telling Ginny about something that had happened the day before the twins interrupted everyone in the group.  
“Okay, so we’ve decided we’re gonna challenge Y/N to a guess ‘which twin’ special edition!” George announced making everyone including you, roll their eyes in exasperation.  
 “Are you guys seriously still stuck on this?” You groaned making them nod in unison with each other.  
“Fine let's just get this over with.” You huffed as you stood up in front of them. 
“First round, we’re gonna wear the same thing and only have our faces visible. Second round you’ll have to tell us apart by sound and finally by touch!” Fred announced making your eyes widen at the prospect.  
“Hey, I never said I could do it without looking!” You complained making them smirk like they’d won. 
“But I’ll try.” You added through gritted teeth.  
“Hermione, film this poppycock on your muggle phone. This is gonna be bloody brilliant.” Ron snorted as Hermione nodded in agreement.  
The twins ran upstairs as quickly as they could only gone for a few minutes before they came down n black jeans and a black turtle neck. You rolled your eyes before glancing at the others as if they would help stop this madness, however, they looked at you expectantly only making you groan in frustration.  
“Ron you’re their brother you can tell them apart, right?” You snorted as he looked at you with a fearful gaze as if scared to answer.  
“Can no one?” You added glancing at Harry, Ginny and Hermione. 
They all shook their head as you glanced at the boys, immediately spotting which was Fred even though they’d switched themselves around when you had been looking at the others. You rolled your eyes and patted Freds chest with a smile on your face.  
“Fred.” You muttered making everyone gape at you including the twins.  
“Here’s a blindfold.” Hermione laughed as she waited for Fred to tie that around your eyes.  
You wouldn’t likely be able to do the last two things but you’d give it your best shot just to shut the boys up. You could feel the boys breathes brushing across your ears as they leant down to talk into your ear. 
“Can you tell who-” 
“-Is who.” They both muttered finishing each other's sentence.  
“Say my name.” You asked calmly making them chuckle at the side of you.  
“Y/N.” You couldn’t quite tell to be honest but the second the other twin spoke you knew. 
“Y/N.” Fred whispered against your ear; his voice wasn’t as deep as Georges however it sounded more soothing to your ears.  
“This is Fred.” You grinned as you gripped the front of Fred turtle neck.  
Everyone went silent so you went to take you mask off but Fred hand came up to stop you as there was the sound of moving around. You stood still and allowed them to move where they wanted before you felt someone touch your arm making you jump a little.  
“Okay, its Hermione I’m gonna guide you to one of the boys and you go from there.” She chuckled as she walked you a few feet before lifting your hand so it was on top of one of the twin's head.  
You instantly brought your hand down straight to where you knew Fred’s scar would be but it wasn’t there so you smirked to yourself but continued to drag your hand down to cup his cheek. As he nuzzled into your hand you pulled back a slapped his cheek lightly before standing back and giggling to yourself.  
“I thought I told you I’d tell Angie if you kept flirting, Georgie.” You snickered as you took off your blindfold. 
“That is amazing! How did you do it?” Ron exclaimed excitedly as he began clapping and jumping up and down.  
“I don’t know to be honest, I thought I would have failed both blindfolded challenges at least.” You giggled as you glanced at the twins who still looked beyond shocked.  
Fred looked at you curiously, his eyes narrowed a little as if he was thinking about something when suddenly he stepped up and was in front of you with his arms crossed. You gave him a soft smile that made his posture drop a little but he still remained suspicious. 
“There’s got to be some sort of tell.” Fred asked seriously making you frown. He seemed beyond upset about the fact that no matter what, you could spot him a mile away even next to his brother. 
“Fine shall I list everything?” You scoffed in annoyance but he nodded like that was obvious. 
“You have a small scar on your eyebrow, you also have a slightly rounder face. Not much but it’s there. You have a tiny scar on your nose. And you have abs. Where as George doesn-” 
“How on earth do you know that?” Ron shouted making your face turn bright red. 
“There was an incident last year at Christmas…” You mumbled shyly making Fred smirk down at you. 
“Hey! I kind of have abs!” George shouts with a pout on his face. 
“Can we move on?” You huffed softly making everyone nod in agreement. 
“Your voice is slightly softer than George. You’re also more confident when you talk.” You added your last points. 
“There’s are all points on how you can tell it’s Fred! What about me?” George scoffed making you puff out your cheeks in all hope that your face didn’t turn a deeper shade of red. 
“You have a mole on your neck.” You supplied nervously making everyone roll their lips to stop from smiling or commenting. 
“Aww I didn’t know you paid so much attention, darling.” Fred teased as he slung his arm around you, lowering himself so he was at your eye level. 
“I-I don’t.” You stuttered as you glanced at Hermione who found the whole things hilarious. 
“Doesn’t sound that way. Hmm, maybe we should go upstairs and find more differences.” Fred joked, wiggling his eyebrows at you making you turn so red you could practically feel your cheeks glowing. 
You budge Fred away and slapped his arm a few times like his mother did when he was misbehaving. He faked a pained expression as he burst out laughing as you began chasing after him with your hat, slapping him with it as the others laughed at you. 
“You, Fred Weasley, are a bloody menace.” You snapped as you went to sit on the couch next to Harry. 
“You love me really.” He chuckled as he threw himself down next to you on the couch. 
“In your dreams Weasley.” You snorted sarcastically causing him to grin from ear to ear. 
“Oh, you do plenty of things in my dreams, love.” He flirted making your eyes widen. 
“Ew. Get a room.” Ron faked gagged as Hermione nudged him and told him to shut it. 
You spent the rest of the morning hanging out with the twins. The younger kids had long since ran off claiming they had places to be and eventually so did George saying he had a date with Angie leaving you and Fred alone on the common room. 
“Let’s play truth or dare.” Fred announced making you roll your eyes. 
“There’s not enough people for that to be fun, and you know it.” You snorted as he pondered your words for a second. 
“Okay, Hermione taught me one called two truths and a lie. You say three things, two have to be the truth, the other has to be a lie. I have to guess which one.” Fred supplies making you contemplate it for a second before giving him a nod telling him you agreed.   
“Okay. I am failing herbology, I hate peas and I love your tiny little skirt.” He stated his last one making you turn a lovely shade of red, as you hit his chest playfully. 
“You like peas. So hating them is a lie. Pervert.” You huffed before thinking of yours. 
“I hate spring, I slept with a Slytherin once and I always carry sweets with me.” You almost laughed when you told the lie, but you held it in as you stared at him. He seemed to stiffen a little when you said you’d slept with a Slytherin but said nothing as he seemed to think about it. 
“The sweets one is a lie.” He guessed making you gape at him. 
You dug your hand into your pocket which had an extendable charm on him before dragging out a wrapped up sweet showing it to him with a smirk. He gasped at you before laughing a little and staring at you with inquisitive eyes. 
“So which was the lie?” He asked softly making you grin. 
“If you didn’t guess, you don’t get to know.” You chuckled humorously. 
“That’s no fair!” He complained loudly making you giggle. 
“Do you really think I’d sleep with a Slytherin?” You laughed making him shrug. 
“I don’t know who you do in your spare time.” He snorted making you flush a little as you looked away hoping that would be the end on that conversation. 
“Okay, your turn.” You muttered awkwardly as he seemed to think about it. 
“I love snow, I have purple boxers on and I had a dirty dream last night.” He smirked as he said the last one making you roll your lips to hold your smile back. 
“Pervert. The dreams a lie although that’s a guess because how would I know what colour your underwear is.” You laughed making him grin from ear to ear as he flashed you his purple boxers.  
“I told you love. You do plenty of things in my dreams.” Fred teased as he threw his arms around you on the couch, his lips hovering near your ear. 
“I have never kissed someone. I went on a date with Oliver and I fancy you.” You confidently stated a smirk on your face as his eyes widened. 
“I mean you don’t fancy me so that has to be the lie. But I also don’t believe you’ve never had your first kiss so…I don’t know.” Fred grumbled as he stared off in deep thought. 
Just then Oliver walked into the common room and Fred looked at him with wide eyes before you could stop him he shouted at Oliver. 
“Did you go on a date with Y/N?” He asked making Oliver frown as you slapped your hand over you face in embarrassment. 
“No, did ya want to go on a date, darling?” He chuckled softly his accent making it sound much smoother than you’d imagined. You let out a giggle as Fred seemed to be calculating something when suddenly his jumped up from his seat. 
“You can’t have her she’s mine.” Fred grumbled as he pulled you up from the couch and began dragging you up to the boys dorm straight into his room before shutting the door. 
His words were echoing in your head as he began pacing back and forth in front of you. I’m his? Did he mean that? Obviously your not ‘his’, you’re not even dating but for some reason you didn’t care. Just having him call you his was amazing. 
“So you’ve never dated Oliver?” He confirmed making you nod silently. 
“Which means you like me and you haven’t had your first kiss?” He questioned again but this time you made no move to nod just averted you eyes from him shyly. 
Suddenly you were pinned to his bedroom door, his left hand pressed flat against the door while the other one lifting your head so you’d look at him. You stared into gorgeous brown eyes, it was like they were hypnotising you. Your breathing hitched in your chest as you tried not to lean into his touch. 
“Answer me, love.” He demanded softly as his eyes flickered to your lips. 
“Well, I g-guess there’s no use denying it now. Yes, I like you and no I have never been kissed or anything like that.” You answered truthfully making his pupils blow up swallowing the brown colour that was there. 
“Can I claim your first kiss, pretty girl?” He whispered as he dipped down brushing his nose against yours. 
“Please.” You sighed desperately, his breath fanning against your lips. 
There were no more words exchanged as his lips pressed against yours. You gasped at the electric feeling of his lips massaging your own. He was taking it slow, but you could feel his desperation as his hand that was flat against the door clenched as if he was holding himself back.  
Your arms reached up and wrapped around his neck as you pulled him against you. His fingers left your chin and wrapped around your waist as he got as close as he could whilst tilting his head to one side to deepen the kiss. His tongue swiped against your lower lip, begging for entrance which you gave him.  
Despite it being your first kiss, you followed his movements easily as if you’d been doing this your whole life. His tongue tangling with yours as his hand dug into your denim covered hip before it cautiously slid around your love handles until his hand slid into your back pocket, squeezing your ass a little. You moaned into his mouth at the feeling causing him to pull away and look down at you with hooded eyes. 
“Can’t be making sexy little noises like that, love.” Fred groaned as his head fell against your collar bone. 
“Sorry, Freddie.” You whispered shyly as you let your hands fall from around his neck.  
“I would really like if you would be my girlfriend?” He chuckled softly as he stood up straight, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I would very much love to be your girlfriend, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest.  
The next few weeks went by quickly and everything kind of fell into place. You and Fred spend all your spare time together, you had even stayed the night in his room one time. So, when you woke up at almost 8am you decided to sneak into Freds room hoping he wouldn’t mind a few cuddles before breakfast. 
You didn’t bother changing out of the oversized Gryffindor sweater that was Fred’s as you jogged out your room towards the boy's dorm. When you got to his door you quietly opened the door hoping not to wake him only to find Fred sat up, naked with his cock in his hand.  
You instantly flushed but instead of covering your eyes you let yourself admire him. Your eyes flittering from his eyes to his lip slowly down until you reached his hardened member. You were embarrassed but you couldn’t take your eyes away for some reason. Your thighs clenching together as you felt yourself growing wet. 
“Enjoying the view, love?” He groaned as he pumped his hand over his cock a few times.  
“Can I touch you, Freddie?” You asked bravely his eyes widening a little as you approached the bed chewing on your bottom lip. 
“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.” He chuckled as he pulled you onto the bed kissing the spot just behind your ear.  
You had a feeling when you asked to touch him, he thought you were going to give him a simple hand job however, what Fred didn’t know about you was you had a serious oral fixation so when you pushed away from him and leant down to lick the tip of his cock he jolted in shock as he gripped the sheets beneath him.   
“You don’t have t-” 
“Do you know why I have to carry sweets around with me?” You asked softly making him frown a little as he shook his head.  
“I have an oral fixation.” You giggled making him groan a little.  
“Then be a good girl and open your mouth, baby.” Fred growled as he ran his thumb against your lower lip.  
You complied with his request swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him in your mouth. You couldn’t explain why but the feeling of his long-hardened member in your mouth caused you to groan as you tried to clench your thighs again, stroking attempting to get any kind of friction. You sucked on him like he was one of the lolly's you carried with you, savouring the slight salty taste at the head of his tip.  
He must've been doing this for a while before you got here because he seemed ready to burst already and you'd barely done anything. You slid him further down your throat until you felt your nose touching his pubic bone. He moaned your name rather desperately as he took in the sight of you deep throating his cock.  
“Fuck, I'm gonna finish, love.” He groaned as he tried to pull out your mouth but you pushed back down and began deep throating him whilst your hand reached up to massage his balls.  
He finally let out a string of curses as he came down your throat watching intensely as he watched you swallow every drop, even licking him clean once you'd pulled away.  He stared down at you in a mix of amazement and lust as he pulled you upwards until you were hovering over his chest. You barely had chance to be embarrassed when he sunk down the bed lower and pulled your panties to the side, his tongue instantly licking a stripe up your wet slit.  
You moaned in desperation as you lifted the quidditch shirt so you could see him buried in your pussy. He gazed up at you darkly as he began licking and sucking at your swollen bundle of nerves. You whimpered as his fingers dug into your ass cheeks making you grind down onto his tongue, the whole thing was embarrassing but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
He paused to help you tug off your panties before getting back into the same position, his tongue immediately getting to work again. 
“Come on, sweet girl, use my tongue to get you off.” He pleaded before he continuously flickered his tongue over your clit.  
“Fuck, Freddie.” You moaned loudly as you began thrusting against his tongue chasing the orgasm that was quickly building.  
He kept still as he watched you unfold above him. You grabbed his hand and began sucking on two of his fingers which had him groaning beneath you as your thrusts became untimed, your orgasm finally ripping through you. You released his fingers and screamed his name as you finally climaxed against his tongue clenching against nothing. 
Fred rolled over, flipping you on to your back, his face still between your thighs until he crawled upwards, his lips brushing against your neck leaving kisses and bites wherever his lips touched. 
“Do you want to?” He trailed off but you knew what he meant and you nodded your head as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him up for a kiss. 
“Need you, Freddie.” You moaned as you thrust up grinding your wet heat over his erection.  
“So needy aren’t you, baby?” He teased darkly as he gripped your hip with one hand and used the other to guide his member to your entrance.  
He pushed his tip inside, stretching you out, as he slowly pushed more of himself inside. It didn’t overly hurt until he finally broke through your barrier but that may be to do with the fact that you had done nothing but touch yourself whenever you were alone. Your thoughts constantly consumed by Fred. 
You whimpered a little as he finally pushed all the way in. You could feel him touching every inch of you the pain faded faster than it came, causing you to grind against him wanting him to move. He groaned against your neck as he started thrusting your tight heat fluttering around him. 
“You feel so tight, princess.” He growled as he pushed himself up with his arms, staring into your eyes as you clenched around him at the sound of the new nickname he’d just called you. Such a royal and flowery title sounded so dirty but so right the way he said it. 
“Well, that’s a development isn’t it, princess.” He chuckled darkly as he gripped your left ankle flipping your leg to meet you other one in a foetal position, before he manhandled you onto your stomach before pulling your ass up so you were face down ass up. 
It shouldn’t be that hot to be manhandled. 
He began thrusting inside of you slowly but deeply as you got used to the new position. You moaned with almost every thrust of his hips, his hand slid from your hips to your ass cheeks, squeezing them harshly. The feeling of his hands on your ass had you moaning out his name loudly.  
What happened next shocked you a little but more than anything it turned you on so much. His hand came down across your ass causing you to let out a small squeak of surprise before your pussy clenched around him tightly. 
“I’m finding out all sorts of dirty little kinks you have, princess.” Fred mocked huskily as he bent over to press kisses on your spine, making you shiver; his thrusts turning torturously slow. 
“No fair, wanna know your kinks.” You pout cutely over your shoulder making him smirk a little, at least until you flutter your lashes. 
“Please.” As you muttered that tiny word, Fred’s smug face dropped into a dark lustful gaze as you felt him pulse against your walls. 
“Is that one, Freddie? Hmm like it when I beg.” You teased as you pushed back to meet his slow thrusts causing him to go so deep your saw stars. 
“Please, need you to fuck me with your big cock, Freddie. P-Please.” You moaned as you clenched around him. 
“You beg so pretty, princess.” He growled against your back as his hand slid under you wrapping around your throat. 
He lifted you both to an upright kneeling position, his hand resting loosely against your neck while his other wound down to start massaging your clit as he began fucking you harshly. The new speed causing your eyes to roll back as you threw your head back against his collar bone and turn to look at him as you felt your orgasm building up once again. 
“I’m so close, baby.” He moaned huskily into your ear before pressing a sweet kiss to your temple. 
“Gonna cum inside me, Freddie?” You moaned with a filthy grin on your face making him growl against your cheek as his hand gripped your throat harder. 
“Cum slut too, baby?” He whispered with a harsh dominance that had you gasping in a silent scream. 
His fingers sped up on your clit as his thrust grew faster and faster as you whimpered against his neck. He began leaving hickeys on your neck as his hand gripped your hip as he began ramming into you like an animal. 
“That’s it, princess, take it like a good girl.” He growled against your skin as his hands kept drawing soft but fast circles on your clit. 
“I’m cummin’, Fred.” You moaned loudly as you grind into his fingers. 
“Cum all over my cock, baby.” He whispered filthily in your ear making your orgasm rip through you, your sight became blurred and floaty as you zoned out for a second, thankfully you came back to, just in time to see Fred brows furrowed, biting his lip as he came inside you. 
You stayed for a few minutes, using each other’s bodies to prop you up as you both recovered. When he finally looked down at you, you met his eyes and smiled up at him with a soft gaze. 
“If it wasn’t obvious, that was amazing.” You giggled lazily making him chuckle. 
“Yes it was.” He agreed as he finally pulled out.  
You cleaned yourself up a little with wipes he gave you before coming back into bed with Fred and curling up together. Both of you drifting off rather quickly. 
Years later... 
You could feel Fred’s naked chest against your back, so you spun around and snuggled into his naked chest but something felt off. That wasn’t Fred.  
“George, what are you doing in mine and Fred’s bed?” You grumbled as you looked up at him with tired eyes. 
“For the love of Merlin!” Fred exclaimed from somewhere outside the bedroom.  
He came into the room with the tiny version of him tottering behind him. You smiled at the sight rolling over and picked up your little girl from the floor. 
“I thought for sure you’d not recognise me if you were half asleep.” He grumbled with a pout. 
“Even our daughter can’t tell!” He huffed making you laugh a little. 
“She’s 3.” You deadpanned as George slid his T-shirt back on. 
“We’ve been together 7 years, 4 of which we were married. Let it go, baby.” You chuckled as you stroked your daughters curly ginger hair away from her face. 
“Maybe.” He snorted as he flopped on the bed as George muttered something about coffee, leaving the room. 
“I love you, Fred Weasley.” You giggled as you bent down to peck his lips. 
“I love you too, Y/N Weasley.” He replied with a smug smirk on his face.    
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woovia · 4 months
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“what’s life without a bit of mischief?”
to the marauders, who taught me that you can be loved and special even if you're different💛
to my Freddie and Georgie, who makes me smile with my heart my ginger boys🧡
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fauvester · 2 years
how do garak and bashir feel about being grandparents?, also since theres a third elim (3lim) ((if i read tht right,,,,)
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garak and bashirs parenting styles are reversed for grandparenting. julian's a total sap for his grandkids, taking them on trips and buying them elaborate educational toys. garak is the reserved victorian grandfather smoking a pipe in the study talking about The Old Days and ordering them around (especially in the garden, his knees aren't what they used to be.)
Bashir is still annoyed at the passage of time seeing fit to give his children (who, in his mind, are still kids) children of their own. Rude!
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POV: Both Mikeys chose violence at the @somerandomdudelmao height reveal while the “Responsible Brothers” (-Papa Rapha, RIP, who’s having Tiny Tello Flashbacks) chill at a comfy 7ft something.
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justplainmels · 2 years
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1.06 | Cold Lazarus
science twins 🤓
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my domino twins playlist
source: @spotify-official
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twinsoftriumph · 11 months
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crab journey 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀
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cute-lil-girl · 6 months
Happy Birthday To The Twins...
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hiddenbysuccubi · 9 months
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I was sleeping on the bear when I should have been sleeping WITH the bear.
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((Starter for @goatfated ))
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Little goatt, little goatt, are you lost?
Little goatt, little goat, do you hear the beating of little leathery wings?
Little goatt, little goatt, do you feel eyes upon you?
Little goatt, little goatt, welcome to Hell.
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
WAIT, don't answer the other ask. I didn't notice I didn't paste other parts of the story.
So, Twins of Mischief au, fully pasted
Casita had been planning this for weeks now, well…they’ve been wanting a child of their own since Isabela was born but they figured now was the time to do it. Her favorite child of the madrigal grandchildren is Mirabel. Sure, they love the others too, but Mirabel had that spark, that kindness, and that spunk they didn’t have. 
The candle, Casita’s Papa, told Casi that Mirabel was not getting a gift because she was the next candle holder. Casita thought that was fine but…was he going to let Alma know this somehow? The candle said Alma should Automatically now, “she’s a smart woman after all.”
Time skip to after Mirabel’s ceremony…yeah Alma is a “smart woman” alright. 
Casi couldn’t understand why Mirabel was being treated this way, she didn’t ask to be the candle holder. The girl went from being loved, to getting affection and care, to be neglected and ignored. That darn candle didn’t make things any better “things will become clear in time,” they said. “They have to just see how special she is,” they said. 
It’s been a year and things have taken a turn for the worst for the poor girl. Her whole family doesn’t have time for her anymore sense Alma piled on more work for them to do to “re-earn the miracle.” 
The only person who is there for her is Bruno but that man can only do so much. For some reason people still want visions from him, so there are times he has to put her out because of that. The visions aren’t long but those visions just remind Mirabel that she doesn’t have a gift. The people coming by and giving odd looks doesn’t help. 
So Casi took matters into their own hands, they remembered how Camilo and Mirabel used to call each other ‘twins’...so why not give her an actual twin? Mirabel doesn’t have to be alone anymore and Casi gets her own child. Now today, on Mirabel’s 6th birthday things will become a little bit better and…mischievous! 
Casi did all this behind her papa’s..back? Wick?...She didn’t let her papa know what they were doing. Yeah she may get scolded about it but she doesn’t care, by technicality Casita is 44 years old just like her siblings. 
Mirabel sitting alone in her room today, Julieta baked her a cake but unfortunately couldn’t be there at the moment. It was only the afternoon and Mira knows she can’t be there. But she just hoped her mama or…anyone would be there.
Tio Bruno and her father were but they understood that she wanted to be alone today. And they are both very aware of the surprise she’ll be getting, and they need to decorate for the new member of the family AND Mirabel. 
She didn’t finish her cake, she didn’t have the energy for it. So Mira just laid down on her bed, scrunched into a ball, and cried. Why didn’t she get a gift? Is she not that important? Did she not deserve it? 
These questions ran through her little head as the tears ran down her cheeks. Her door swung open and the ceremony clock was pushed in and began ringing. Mirabel turned over and sat up, she thought this was some cruel joke Casita was pulling. 
“Cas..Casi…what are you doing?” Mirabel whined, covering her ears and looked away from the clock as more tears fell down. Her bed jumped and jostled enough for her to get off, Casita then moved her out of the room and closed the door. 
Her door shined brightly, she had to cover her eyes to not get blinded. The shine left and there’s writing on the door. “Mirabel and Miguel” was etched on the door and there stood Mirabel and a boy. The door had to be a little bigger to fit both of them on it but the door was beautiful nonetheless. 
Mirabel read the writing on the door and examined the boy holding her hand in the drawing. 
“Miguel?” Mirabel said in confusion, the door then opened and what-who stood there was the boy in question. 
Miguel POV
“Mirabel!!!” I lept onto my melliza and squeezed her tightly. Mama had told me so much about her. 
“Mama had told me so much about you!!” I cheered. “This is so great, we can do so much cool stuff now, we can draw, we can paint together, we…we can do whatever we want now” 
I look at her and she’s…not smiling. Why isn’t she smiling? Is she not happy? Did I do something wrong?
“What?” she asked, she looks rather shocked and…scared? Oh no, did I scare her? 
“I’m…I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you…I was just so happy to see you, you're my melliza…aren’t you?” I ask, mama told me that she’s my twin but…I’m not so sure anymore. 
“Yeah…mama made me so we can play together…do you want to play?” 
Mirabel looked to the..right? Left? I can’t tell my left from my right. I can see she thinks for a moment and then looks at me. 
Huh? Wait, she's hugging me? Oh she’s hugging me! She must understand now! I hug her back and…is she crying. 
“I’m…ok….I’m much better now” Mirabel says, I hear her hiccup and feel her hug me tighter. Why is she sad? She says she feels better but it doesn’t sound like it. 
“You said mama made you?” she asks me
“Si.mama,” I point up to mama to show her
Mirabel connects the dots and realizes Casita made him, they made him just for her? Her own twin brother? 
“Do you have a gift?” she asks, kind of hoping he says no. 
“Nope, I have no gift just like you but that’s ok though that just means we’re more special then everybody else” he says puffing out his chest proudly. 
Huh, she’s never thought about it like that. Sure her parents and tio bruno have said it a lot but it never really registered. 
“I’m special?” Mirabel said out loud, she didn’t realize that until he replied
“Yeah..why wouldn’t you be?” He asks with concern in his expression. 
Before Mirabel gets to answer, Tio Bruno and Agustin walk up to them and intervene in the conversation. 
“Hey…um wow…you are real…Mirabel’s little twin huh?” Bruno taps on Casita’s railing, earning a response with the tiles clicking around them. 
‘Well of course, I’ve always wanted a child and Mirabel needed someone…and camilo used to be her quote on quote “twin”, it’s a win-win situation isn’t it?’Casita said by clicking the tiles. 
‘And sense it’s her birthday I-’ 
“*Gaaaaaasp* I forgot it’s your birthday I…well um…I don’t have any presents but I can sing you happy birthday if you want!” Miguel volunteered, before Mirabel could say anything he started singing an out of tune “happy birthday” to her. It was horrible but it made Mirabel, Bruno, and Casita giggle a bit. 
“Hey it’s your birthday too little man” Bruno chimed in after the…performance. 
“I know but I don’t want to take her attention away” Miguel replies
“um..It’s I can share a birthday with you” Mirabel tells him, she grabs his hand and leads him downstairs. 
“Come on, I think mama made us a birthday cake!” 
“*Gasp* you made a cake mama?” Miguel asks, looking around for Casita to answer. This was going to get confusing very quickly. 
“um…never mind I hope you like Aborrajado” 
Bruno followed the two downstairs and smiled once he noticed Mirabel looking around at the decorations in the kitchen and on some of the walls. Once in the kitchen he helped the two into the chairs and cut two slices of cake for both of them. Miguel cut into it with a fork and ate what was on it, once he tasted it it’s like his eyes should have shown fireworks going off in them. 
“This is so good!” the boy beamed, the cake in his mouth made him sound a little weird but it was cute. 
‘Mijo I know you're excited but don’t talk with your mouth full, swallow first’ 
Miguel swallowed his food and apologized but went on to tell her how good the cake was. 
“Thanks for making it mama” He said as he stuffed more cake into his mouth. 
‘Aye olvidé explicar esto, I didn’t make it mijo Mirabel’s mama did, you call her tia julieta’ 
“Oooooh ok…why isn’t she here?” Miguel asked and looked around for her. 
The air became tense, Mirabel didn’t feel like explaining because she was now reminded of why her mother isn’t home. Tio Bruno wasn’t sure if he was the one to be explaining it and neither was Casita. It was up to Agustin to tell the reason 
“Well hijo tia julieta is very busy with helping the town but she’ll be back later” He explained with a soft voice
“Then why is prima luisa or prima isabela here? Or primo milo or prima lolo? Or tia pepa and tio felix? Don’t they care?” Miguel asked, clearly not liking what he’s being told and what he’s realizing, 
“....they do, they just have a really demanding day but they’ll be here, I promise” Agustin replied, hoping what he’s saying is getting through to the boy. He kind of wondered why they weren’t here, couldn’t Alma give them a day off on her birthday? On any of their birthdays? 
“Hmmm ok…me and Mira can have fun until then, come on Mira let’s have fun” the boy smiled, getting off his chair and grabbing Mira’s hand. 
“What do you want to do today?” Miguel asked
Mirabel truly didn’t know how to answer that question, she didn’t plan to do anything today. Then she thought more…before and on Camilo’s birthday, he played pranks on everyone in the family. He spared her but she wasn’t sure if that was out of pity or because he didn’t want to be around her. Nonetheless it was funny, it was harmless pranks but they were funny nonetheless. 
And she deserves payback for ignoring her for a YEAR and for not being here on her birthday. 
“How about we do some pranks?” Mirabel asked with a mischievous grin. 
“What’s a prank” Miguel asked
‘Oh no’ Casita thought to herself, Camilo was bad enough they didn’t need three pranksters in the family. 
“A prank is like playing a funny trick on someone, my primo milo does it all the time” she explained
“Ooooh ok let’s do that!” he agreed
“What do you have in mind mija?” Agustin asked
“Where did he come from?” Alma asked, cupping the boys face in every direction to see if he was real
“Casita made him,” Mirabel replied
‘Si he’s me baby’ casita added
“Why does he look like her?” Camilo asked, looking a little upset as he crossed his arms. 
‘Well I figured Mirabel needed someone to relate to and I always wanted a child, the twin part was because I thought it would be adorable’ she said, she didn’t want to tell the real reason why because Camilo and Miguel would be upset at the response. 
“Does he have a gift?” Alma asked, Casita blew a raspberry with the curtains in the kitchens at the question. 
‘No, no he does not. He doesn’t need one just like Mirabel.’ 
“That means I and Mirbal are more special” Miguel added
Casita wasn’t sure as to why the candle wasn’t saying anything but they figured he’ll start talking later. 
“You knew about this, Agustin? Bruno?” Alma asked, her tone stern
“Si…mama but since it was Mirabel’s birthday um-”
“We let it be a surprise for her,” Agustin interrupted, noticing Bruno was getting scared. 
“Casita, you should have consulted me first on this!” Alma censured 
‘Consulted you? Alma whether you acknowledge this or not I am 44 YEARS OLD I do as I please, did you need pepa or julieta to consult with you when they had their children?’ 
“They have a point mama, I’ve never really thought about it but..it’s true, she was born on the exact day we were, she aged just like us” Bruno added, realizing more and more how he and his sisters aren’t triplets, their quadruplets, with casita being one of them. 
Everybody, sans alma, nodded at that realization. 
“Well…*sigh* I guess I’ll have to make an announcement tomorrow” Alma accepted, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers. 
‘I don’t see the need for it but fine’ 
“You don’t see…Casita you brought a child into this world without telling anyone…if I don’t tell the village what happened rumors are going to spread once the boy is seen around” Alma told off. 
“...Well today is the twins' birthday. Can we not have this discussion tomorrow?” Agustin asked, trying to cut the thick ice in the room. 
“Very well” Alma agreed
Everyone was chatting about their day, mostly Casita, julieta, Agustin, Mirabel, and Miguel were the ones talking. The rest of the family was only listening. 
“What did you two do all day?” Julie asked 
Neither twin, Agustin, or Bruno could say what they were doing all day. It was a surprise for each of them, well everyone besides luisa and Julieta. 
“We…” Miguel started..looking at his co-father and tio for an answer. 
“We made some paintings and some others ones for the family” Mirabel answered, some of what she said was true. 
“Oh..ok” Julieta replied, not expecting that answer. She felt the boy was hiding something but didn’t want to assume the worst of the boy, he just got here after all. 
“We left them in your rooms” She added, which is also true. 
“So…where are the gifts?” Miguel asked, trying to change the subject and he really wondered where they were since he didn’t see anything that looked gift related in their rooms. 
“G…gifts?” Julieta covered her mouth, realizing that she only made Mirabel a cake. Which is a gift in itself but..still. 
The dining room fell silent, not one gift from any of them. Bruno and Agustin had already given theres, Agustin gave her a new dress that he made and Bruno gave her a necklace with a heart that had the letter M on it. Even Alma looked guilty, she didn’t want to show it but she didn’t. Miguel didn’t understand, It’s her birthday isn’t it? He gets that it’s his birthday too now but it was her’s first for half the day before he got here. 
“....you didn’t get her gifts?” Miguel finally realized it, they don’t care about her birthday…
“Why didn’t you get her any gifts?” the boy was getting angry now, if anyone deserves a gift on their birthday it’s Mirabel, so why doesn’t she have any? 
“It’s ok Miguel, I don’t mind” Mirabel comforted, putting her hand on his shoulder. 
“No it’s not ok, you deserve every gift in the world, why doesn’t she have any gifts?” the boy barked, dolores wincing for the sudden intrusion on her ears. 
“We forgot, We didn’t mean to” Dolores said, covering her ears
“.....how do you forget a birthday?” Miguel asked, he seemed more sad then angry but that rage was still there. 
The remainder of dinner was quiet and,,,rainy. After everyone was finished eating everyone went to their room and got a special surprise. 
Pepa got water dumped on her head, Isabela got slime all over her, Dolores got pie in the face, Felix got a (fake)spider under the covers, Alma's slippers were glued to the floor, and camilo got toothpaste with invisible ink. 
“CAMILOOOOOOO” rang through the house 
Casita, Bruno, Agustin, Julieta, Mirabel, and Miguel never laughed so hard in their lives, this is Miguel's first day living but you get it. 
‘Kids go check out your room before the witch Alma gets you’ 
The twins go over to the nursery, Casi opens the door for them and waits for Mirabel’s reaction. The girl steps into her room and sees…well she can’t really describe it. It was like a jungle but different. The walls and cushion-like furniture looked fuzzy and were various different colors. The trees and vines looked as if they were made of yarn and fluffy wool. Colorful paper mâché butterflies flutter about the place. Everything looks so cozy and warm. 
What they're room looks like
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(It's kind of like a fusion of this
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and this
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You could see there was something below the sitting area and the beds, but you had to get closer to see it. 
“Tia Casi…you did this?” Mirabel asked, a lump in her throat showed itself as she tried to swallow quickly. Tears began to stream down her face once more. 
‘I think our darling candle did it, you should thank him!’ 
Outside the room the candle sparked and flickered when it was mentioned
‘They say it’s a little present for everything that has happened, hija, happy birthday.’
It took a moment for Mirabel to really process what she was seeing right now. Thick tears ran down her cheeks ever so slowly but quickly. She got down on her knees and cried, Miguel running over to give her a tight hug.
“Don’t cry mira, maybe the candle can give you a new room” Miguel consoled
“*sniff* no…this one is perfect, I love it so much I’m so happy” mirabel smiled as tears ran down her face
“Then why are you crying”
Mirabel got off her knees and held Miguel's hand in hers, “this is better then what I could have ever wanted. I just cry a lot but I’m happy believe me” 
Mira let go of Miguel's hand and began to look around the new room, below everything was like the in the picture books she had. But instead of the water being a pink color the water was blue with rainbow swirls in it. 
(Kind of like this
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Mixed with this
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Mirabel took the stairs to get down to it, Miguel following close behind. Mira picks up some of the water in her hand and pushes it up into the air. She does it again and again until she ends up getting in the water and starting a splash fight with her new twin brother. 
After a few minutes of that the two get tired and Casi notices this
‘Alright you too, get cleaned up, brush your teeth, and get to bed. It’s almost passed your bedtime’ 
“But mama we’re not tired” said the very sleepy Miguel
‘NOW, don’t make me tell you again’ 
“Fine” the twins said in unison
‘Aw acting like twins already’ 
After they get cleaned up, they go up to their own respective beds. They were very far apart, Miguel’s bed being somewhat on the other side of the room. He didn’t like it but coincidentally his bed moved over to hers. The beds were extremely comfy, soft, and warm like a mothers hug. 
‘Good night you two, I’ll be sleeping as well since I brought a child into this world so if you need anything please talk to your parents Mibelita, same for you miguelito, go ask her parents or tio bruno. Happy birthday to you both’
“Good night, Tia Casi”
“Good night mami!” 
‘Good night, Nino’s, sweet dreams’
HOT DIGGITY DOG THEY'RE FINALLY HAPPY❓❗❓❗ I ain't gone hold you I prefer there dawgs 😭 so radical. Let them be happy, let the family be nice. Shoutout to Casita, she really gave Mirabel a friend (not me tho. Me and my twin always beefing 💀)
As for the pranks. ME? Personally...I would never let that slide 🤨 but that's just me tho
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jazzstarrlight · 1 year
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A Few Full-Sleeve Tattoo Designs
2 versions of an eeveelution sleeve tattoo, and 1 twin snake Loki sleeve tattoo. I guess if people want these as real tattoos you can use em, but if you do, tag me in the post! It would be SO cool to see them finished. Enjoy!
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