#miscommunication is my fic weakness
beltiel · 1 year
I'll Keep You (My Fuzzy Little Secret)
Errant plotbunny that won’t leave me alone and might/maybe/potentially get turned into an actual fic...
AOS!Jim's time on Tarsus triggers a dormant gene in his genetic make-up. Cue True Alpha, Werewolf Jim.
Yeah. I went there. (I came to Star Trek after five years obsessing over Teen Wolf, please for to forgive 🙏)
Getting thru the academy without Jim getting found out is responsible for a majority of Bones (scarce) gray hairs. I'm thinking a five plus one fic where Spock almost finds out multiple times, and one time where he either knows and uses it to their advantage, or finds the eff out.
1.) Lake Day for Puppies- Bones and Jim head to a local lake to relax after finals and Jim takes the rare opportunity to stretch his four legs. Amanda is there walking the park and has gotten some bad news; Jim dog shakes and gets her all wet and interrupts the call she's on with her son. An aggrieved Bones drags Jim away, tho not before professor Spock notes the unusual size of the 'dog' and his piercing blue eyes over the vid call.
2.) After they've finished with the Narada and are heading back to earth/vulcan sans warp core (I refuse to let Vulcan be destroyed in my head canons. You can't just take the single most interesting culture that Trek introduces and get it gone, JJ.) and Spock realizes that Jim's taken a hell of a beating. A beating he really doesn't seem to be showing signs of at all. There's 'having a best friend with a dermal regenerator on quick use' and then there's 'conveniently don't have broken ribs/tentacle burns/frostbite/ busted wrist anymore'. It's not til a recovering Pike tells him firmly to be a 'good boy' and 'go lie down' that Jim does take any rest. (Obvs dadmiral Pike is in the know)
3.) Angsty one. Turns out Scotty is totally in the know. He's from a small pack back in Aberdeen. Drunk on a shore leave at one point (Scotty's stash of wolfsbane 'shine ftw), Jim bemoans his loneliness and Scotty asks about his mate- most 'wolves have met theirs by his age. Jim laments that his mate is actually his True Mate, but… they're already as good as married. (Spuhura for a beat here, sorry) Scotty weasels out of Jim that it IS someone on the enterprise tho. When they get back to the ship, Spock is there to berate the Captain, Bones tells him to shove off, and Scotty drags Bones to their end of the officers deck while a *very* handsy Kirk is escorted back to his quarters by Spock. There's a lot of scent marking going on. When Spock mentions that he will be returning to Uhuras quarters after this, Jim full on whines at him.
4.) The enterprise is sent to a planet that ONLY Jim and Bones are allowed to beam down to. Upon discussion with Pike, Jim argues to bring Scotty and an ensign from the sciences department (who's also a 'wolf, tho younger). Turns out the planet is pack full (ha) of werewolves and humans and they don't really want to join the federation, but star fleet (not in the know) has given Jim a chance to change their minds. Jim spends the week stretching his four legs and reveling in a 'wolf culture that he's never known. Bones soaks up information like a sponge, finally having someone to talk to about the medical aspects of having a best friend who's a werewolf. Scotty makes friends over his wolfsbane 'shine recipe. Ensign Danvers meets her mate and decides to resign her commission to stay planet side. Everything pretty fine and dandy, by the 3rd day the locals even let the Enterprise send down their science team to do some local science-y things. The local Alpha invites Jim 'and his 2nd' to a run with them that evening. Spock overhears Jim accept, and arrives at the appointed place (ha) late due to a science hold up; only to find that Jim is there with Bones and was not, apparently, expecting Spock. Jim is shirtless and flushed with exhilaration, having just come back from a 'lap around the lake' (unlikely, the lake is 10 miles around, Spock isn't THAT late)(except if you're a 'wolf, that wouldn't take very long at ALL) and Jim is hanging all over Bones, punch drunk on adrenaline and happy, but he snaps to when he sees Spock. Bones is his second in Jim's pack- the local Alpha can smell/tell that Spock doesn't truly belong to Jim (yet). Negotiations break down a bit when Spock alludes to the captains penchant for going dangerous places with/doing dangerous things. He is, after all, surrounded by a group of the locals wearing their four legs. Jim does damage control- Danvers helps, since she's now mated to the alphas son. 
5.) Bones gets away to do some camping, Spock goes looking for Jim who's beamed down to join Bones last second in an attempt to get away from Uhura and Spock celebrating their anniversary or whatever. Jim's clothes are at Bones campsite, but Jim isn't, and Spock is (livid) confused, but the verbal sparring is cut short when a local predator pack approaches the campsite. They growl menacingly and Spock shoves Bones behind him- only to hear a far more menacing and wet snarl erupt from the tree cover behind them. Curiously, McCoy actually *relaxes* and is flooded with relief (touch telepathy, plz n thnx) by the sound. The creatures however, are not, and they turn tail and run. Jim shows up shortly thereafter, wrapped in a towel, apparently back from a 'washing up'. (He left the enterprise an hour ago, why didn't he just use the sonics? Spock ponders)
6.) Spock gets a new incense. One of the ingredients is a variant of wolfsbane that gets Jim high as balls and his control starts to slip on the bridge. Like catnip. Bones has to quarantine the bridge and holler at Spock about not checking things first. 
7.) Obligatory, stranded in a cave on an ice planet and Spock is freezing to death/delirious. His fever dreams of snuggling up to Ichaya are just fever dreams, tho, pay no mind to the blonde wolf fur clinging to his away science blues…
8.) Yes, this is more than 5. Oops.
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thinkingofausername · 3 months
Mutual Misunderstanding (Astarion x Tav)
Summary: Tav has doubts after sleeping with Astarion and leaves him to wake up alone. He draws the worst conclusion.
A/N: This was my first attempt at writing a fanfic and MAN do I have even more respect for fic writers than I already did. This is based on a request/prompt of mine that I posted some time ago.
CW: mention of sex, insecurity, mental health issues, PTSD, mention of noncon, mention of vomiting, bad coping mechanisms, miscommunication, it all ends well though
Tav woke up with the bright heat of the morning sun on their face. They rubbed their eyes and stretched with a pleased sigh before looking at their surrounding. When their gaze fell on Astarion, something in them tightened their chest and pulled the corners of their lips into a small, giddy smile.
For a person doomed to have the sun as his enemy, he looked divine in its glow. His soft curls looked even whiter than usual, his face uncommonly peaceful. No smirk, no snark, just his features, so soft and off guard it caused a fondness to bloom in their chest.
His shirtless chest rose and fell calmly, though he needn't take any breaths at all. Some phantom need, or habit, perhaps. Though his skin was like marble, practically golden in the light, it arose no heat within them. They simply found him beautiful.
They recalled the previous night like a warm, panting, thrilling rush of glimpses. Though filled with passion led by quite an experienced person, they found themselves seeing it as quite... genuine. Astarion knew they haven't had many experiences in the sheets and that they found themselves at a loss at what to do. He gently took the reigns and they had felt genuine safety and care.
Like the sudden feeling of grass beneath their naked back as grogginess gives way for clarity, some overthinking, insecure voice reared its head and paved the way for regret.
All the caresses felt smooth as silk, how many others felt them? All the whispers and rumbles of his voice toyed with their heartbeats, how many others can recall that? All the promises of pleasure and consent reassured them, how many others have had their doubts quelled in such ways?
All that had felt so true and blissful was rapidly becoming nauseating. With all the countless "dances" of his, how can one know spontaneous steps from practiced ones? How could they be sure they were pleasurable enough, appealing enough, exciting enough? They felt a new chapter turning for the two of them, a genuine and loyal one. Now they weren't sure of anything. Now they felt foolish, naïve, played. Gods forgive them, they cared for Astarion so much, but that damned elven, bastardly, precious vampire had them feeling like a cheap one-night-stand. They couldn't blame him but they couldn't think either.
As quickly and quietly as possible, they got dressed and rushed back towards the camp.
When Astarion woke up, he turned on his side towards Tav's smell which still lingered and reached out. His eyes sprang open as his hand met only air and ground. It took him a second to gather himself, remember where he was and what he had been doing. He couldn't even think of the fact he had slept without a nightmare in gods know how long, or that last night was a rarity during which he was fully and gladly present. Any good feelings got thrust into the background as an all too familiar one washed over him.
He couldn't even tell if it was his voice or Cazador's ringing in his head. "You were weak. You put your guard down. You enjoyed yourself. You are a fool. You are a dirty, cheap body to be gripped and groped and thrown away. You are a temporary pleasure with no face and no voice."
If he had a mortal body, he surely would've vomited.
A too complicated clashing of reasonings overwhelmed him. "They used you, but of course they did. Why are you even surprised? You approached them for your own gain, why would you expect a transaction to turn into anything real? Just swallow your trivial feelings and move on." And yet on the other hand - he had felt it was becoming real. It never should've, he never planned for it, but it happened. He subconsciously gave it a chance and look where it got him. Feeling like a naïve fool.
He got dressed, doing it mechanically through memories of filth, bruises, a ringing in his ears and a painful and shameful throbbing between his legs. He walked back to camp, readying his charm on the way.
When he approached them in camp, it felt like a play. Like last night was an episode and they were now back on track.
"Hello, darling", he purred, "Was the walk here terribly difficult? I imagine after last night's... performance, your legs would be quite shaky."
"I'm... fine."
"Well... that's good to hear. We wouldn't want our precious leader experiencing any unwanted effects after sleeping with the nasty, suspicious vampire, now would we?"
Something felt so terribly wrong and regretful. They found no humor in his smirk, no charm in his expertly seductive voice. They just saw... hurt. Poorly disguised at that.
"Wait, Star, I feel like there's a misunderstanding here. Can we just-"
"Oh, so it's 'Star' now, is it? See that's funny, I thought nicknames and other such mushy things were reserved for couples, not late night trysts. But what would I know, after all I have bedded many a person but not one have I greeted in the morning, so don't take my word for anything."
It felt like everything was falling apart with no prior warning, like last night was a crucial moment and they missed out on some defining que.
"Astarion, can we please talk? Something's gone wrong here."
"Whatever do you mean, darling? Nothing's wrong. We had fun last night, lots of fun I might add, and now it is the next day, simple as that. There's nothing to talk about. Now, let's leave this dramatic business behind us and move on, shall we?"
"Astarion, I-"
"Darling, I think we've used our mouths more than enough last night, let's give them a break, yes?"
As he sauntered off, the sinking feeling rattled. In a matter of hours, it seems whatever they had built has managed to fall apart and put them back at the start.
Astarion had quite a talent for ignoring a person while giving them attention. It was the most ironic, painful thing they had witnessed in a long while. He responded, but they felt it would've hurt less if he had stayed quiet. He kept charming, and they yearned for every uncovered softness they had managed to receive from him.
Whenever they attempted to talk to him, either another companion needed them, or Astarion went on a hunt, or they needed to get moving. A few days passed when they got desperate.
"Astarion, we have to talk."
That was it, he thought. He was finally getting thrown away. He tried pretending everything was fine, but he knew that couldn't be the case. They had tasted the only valuable thing about him and they needed nothing else from him.
"Hello, my sweet." His voice almost shook. Gods, he can feel his throat getting tighter. "Do you need something?"
They were still struggling to understand what exactly happened between them, but all they knew at the moment was that Astarion seemed strangely nervous. Afraid, even.
"Easy, Star. I really just want to clear some things up."
"Well... did something happen?"
"Something did, I would just like to know what."
"Whatever could you mean, darling? Things have been perfectly fine."
"Star, please. There's been enough of this. We've been growing more and more distant after a night when we were closer than ever, it really doesn't make sense."
"Darling, if we were to get any closer than we were that night, we would become conjoined", he said with a strained chuckle.
"Okay...", they sighed, "I know that whatever we did some nights ago was a dance very familiar to you and so it likely meant nothing special to you, but it did to me. I'm sorry if I have managed to ruin things between us, but I just couldn't digest the thought of it meaning so little when it felt like so much."
"Oh no, no, no. Wait a gods damned minute, darling. I feel you might have mixed up our lines somehow. 'Likely meant nothing to me'? You're the one who was conveniently absent the following morning, or has the worm messed with my memory?"
He seemed shocked, a bit angry and against all his effort and hesitation, hopeful.
"I...", they huffed a sigh of realization with a small, self-deprecating smile. "It seems I misread your intentions. I'm sorry, Star, I really never meant to hurt you."
His relief was very apparent.
"It's alright, my sweet. I might've also, perhaps, let my dark thoughts get the better of me. It seems old habits truly do die hard. But just to be sure - that night... did mean something, to the both of us?"
"It certainly seems so."
"Well. That is good to know. I'm not sure where this leaves us though."
"Me neither. I've never really done things like this before."
"Reassuring news, truly. I was about to start feeling a bit... lacking, in the area."
"Then we can lack together."
"That doesn't sound so bad", he said with a chuckle and a softness in his eyes they had missed so much.
"Then let's raise an imaginary toast to figuring things out", they said with their hand raised as if holding a glass.
"You're positively ridiculous, my sweet. But yes", he said raising his own "glass", "and also to not leaving me to wake up alone on the dirt as if I had been robbed and knocked unconscious."
"That too. I really am sorry, Star."
"Oh, it's quite alright. Just don't do it again."
"Pinky promise?"
"Now you're overdoing it."
They chuckled as they finally felt the heaviness in the air between them dissipate.
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sweetwolfcupcake · 17 days
Rainy Days
Secret Garden
Yandere John Wick X Plus Size Reader
Warning: Implied fatphobia, self-loathing, obsessive behaviour, mild dub-con angst and smut
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GIF by @scarlettspectra
This is a random drabble. My first plus-size reader fic, kindly excuse the errors or any miscommunication, I do not have the intention to offend anyone.
Even if you love rainy days, sometimes the term is a metaphor for your mood. It's maybe a perfectly sunny day, but you feel awful. You feel awful about yourself, awful about your life, your accomplishments. Every unsavoury aspect of you simply jumps into your face and smears your psyche.
You wish you weren't the way you look, the way you think, the way you speak. You wish, on such gloomy days, that you weren't you. You know better than to let those thoughts get to you. You know that your mind can be mean sometimes. But there are those days when you are squeezing your pudgy stomach and looking down at it with hateful eyes, even if that is the very place John had kissed you so reverently a few nights ago, and a hundred times before that--worshipping every inch of you.
These are the days when you simply drown. Let these thoughts consume you. Despite knowing the truth, you begin to question things, and mull over all the wrong indications and instances. John chose you and you chose John, despite the odds, you both chose each other. And yet you wonder if he is better off without you, if he only 'settled' for you.
These are the days when you end up ignoring all his messages, never being able to pick up his calls. You simply stare at the phone screen with uncertainty that you hate.
But you often forget-
John Wick doesn't like to be ignored.
You see, despite what you think, he has his fears, he has so little to fear but the ones he has are so deep that the oceans can shake. And he fears, losing you above all.
Back from work, the apartment is empty and plunged into darkness, as it is supposed to be. You walk in, the clouds still over your mind, the slumped shoulders and downcast eyes while you remain in your head, not really paying attention to anything. That is why you are startled when he emerges from the darkness of your bedroom, greeting you with silence and a piercing stare that makes you weak on your knees.
“John, you scared me!” 
“You have been avoiding me.” Straight to the point. That only shows how concerned and desperate he is, but you do not see it. 
You see nothing of the storm brewing.
“I haven’t…” The words die in your mouth when you look up at him, really look up.
“You did not pick up my calls or reply to my texts. You are in fact, ignoring me.”
“John, I’m not ignoring you.” 
You sigh out and move past him towards your bedroom, not because you want to, but because you must. 
You feel the tears at the corner of your eyes and it embarrasses you. He is so beautiful, and ethereal, and you do not want him to see you like this and realise that you come with way more baggage than he might have anticipated. The clouds grumble and darken over your mind, ready to weep and all you can do is to curl yourself back in your shell.
“Look at me.” 
Of course, he is right behind you like a stubborn shadow that only grows in the dark. 
“Is something bothering you? Is someone troubling you? That manager—”
“It’s not the manager…It’s no one.” You sigh and try to turn your chin away, but his grasp remains firm. 
He wants you to look at him so he can drown in those pretty eyes. Only if he realises how beautiful his eyes are, especially when the sunlight hits them just right. Even if not under the sun, they are soulful, deep swirls of enigma and melancholy in them. In those eyes, you find a dark abyss somewhere, a fire simply resting before it erupts with volcanic fury, reducing everything in its way into ashes.
You try in vain to turn your head away, to prevent him from reading you and baring your soul as he does so effortlessly. Any other day, you would have let him do that, any other day, you would know better than to fight him on it. But it is not ‘any other day’. It is a rainy day for you. And the storm within you keeps you from seeing the ones swirling in John’s eyes. And each attempt of yours to pull away, and keep a distance only makes the storm brew stronger and deeper and faster until it is ready to erupt.
“Do not look away from me” He is upon you in a blink.
Lips over your lips, hands roaming, squeezing in places you hatefully stare at. As if John can read your thoughts, he picks you up when his mouth leaves yours. 
“Bad thoughts baby?”
You want to look away, the anger and the fear have now come up with claws of guilt gnawing at your chest. But how can you? How can you look away from the eyes that look at you as if you have given him the whole world on a silver platter?
“Just a rainy day, John.” You admit at last. 
It is impossible to lie, it is impossible to look away, you are a willing prisoner of his arms and his haunting eyes. 
“Do you know, every time I look at you, I wonder how I got to be the you love out of billions? Every moment that has led me to you is the moment I would do anything for. My life is wrapped in moments with you. You are all that matters. And you doubt the miracle that has created you and led me to you?”
You are left speechless. Even if it is a thunderstorm ranging within you, you cannot bring yourself to think of anything other than the man who has you raised against the wall with his big hands digging into the meat of your thighs. 
It’s a delicious feeling.
And maybe he likes the feeling too.
Oh boy, only if you knew.
John is partly relieved, and partly mad at how little you can decipher the depth and intensity of his love for you. He is mad for you. Utterly, completely mad. He feels empty if he is not touching you and every time he paws at your beautiful soft, plump body, he feels like a sculptor exploring a masterpiece only he gets to touch and experience. John thinks he can spend a lifetime, measuring and experiencing your body, experiencing you—physically, emotionally, spiritually.
Only you.
People say that he was born to kill. People are wrong–what do they know of him anyway? John knows that he was born to love you, worship you, fill his every sense to the brim with your essence, and pour himself into you—fusing his soul with yours as your bodies merge.
It is the bedroom where he is the most vulnerable with you. It is the bedroom where he lets out the darkness that has consumed his soul, where he allows you to see how truly sharp his teeth are, and how lethal his claws are. He can tear into you bite you and shred you into pieces—instead, he kisses you softly, like you are the most delicate and the most delicious offering he has ever received—an unexpected gift from the universe that has eternally been cruel to him. 
And yet, here you are letting some silly thoughts and doubts consume you. You? The one he has his eyes twinkling for? You, the woman he ravishes and worships in equal measures of a beast and a devotee?
He ignores your whines and squirms to get away and your attempts to hide from him as he pins you down—big hands, corded muscles and a body made to hunt down. You are his most beloved prey. His lips take yours—it’s not a kiss, not the way he puts his lips on yours and lets his tongue explore your mouth like he has found treasure in a cave. It is like he first claims your lips with his, before moving to your throat, biting into your soft, plump skin, taking your full cheeks into his mouth. 
Oh, he has always wanted to devour you. Bite and gobble you up before burping out like he has had the last meal of his life.
You are just so cute, and so magnetic. With eyes that electrify his soul, lips that form a cloud in his chest, fog his mind and simply send him floating. With a skin so soft, he is torn between biting on it hard and then licking it clean, and kissing it with tenderness only reserved for you, his sweet angel. With a body made to be mapped out and pleasured, kissed, caressed and grabbed.
John is baffled at how oblivious you are to your own power—bringing him to his knees without even moving a finger—are you some ancient demi-goddess? A result of something divine meeting with something earthly? Or is it a cosmic miracle that you saved a monster like him from eternal damnation?
He takes time with your body, each curve, each scar, each spot, every pudgy part and roll is burned in his mind, due to the times he had grabbed and squeezed them to his heart's content like he wanted to the moment he saw you for the first time (no, he just wanted to engulf you in a protective hug and never let go, this was inappropriate afterthought). He knows where to caress, how much to press, where to kiss and where to suck. He relishes devouring you thoroughly—-that is why he is so sow, but firm, tender but so hungry.
John thinks he is always hungry for you—each moment, every day, he longs for you. 
His teeth graze your skin, lips and tongue and trace your body—purple and red blossoms bloom from your neck to your stomach. He cannot bring into words how much he loves to squish, kiss and suck on it. Your attempts to escape his exploring hands and hungry mouth return with a vengeance, but they only earn a dark, throaty chuckle from John. 
“Give it up, doll, you are not going anywhere until you see yourself how I see you. How dare you think anything less of yourself?”
Your vision swims at how good it all feels yet how conflicted you are with the storm still raging within you. But for now, all you can do is take what he gives you, he forces it down your throat like a life-saving medicine. You feel his saliva all over you—your lips, chin, cheeks, breasts and stomach. It should feel nasty.
But if anything, it fills you with an odd, toe-curling thrill. Seeing a man like him, one to be always in control, losing it, for you fills you with a sense of power you never thought you could enjoy. Yet here it is-- fusion—a heady cocktail of vulnerability and power getting you drunk on it.
 His fingers can wrap around your neck so easily and squeeze while you lay under him, and you could do nothing but give up. But his fingers simply rest over your throat, sliding sensually, never squeezing, simply holding—holding you down, grounding you, being your anchor in the storm.
His hand slides down to your thigh, and it feels like he has marked your soul with his essence. Maybe he already has, he is simply retracing them, something precious, like a treasure, a code only he can see. It is not surprising yet it startles you when he goes down on his knees, pinning your knees to the edge of the bed, settling snug between your spread thighs like he is home. His thick fingers dig into your skin as he gives your plump thighs appreciative squeezes.
John feels like he is home indeed like he is home with his most desirable servings laid out for him. Indeed, you are spread out in front of him, dripping like nectar of beauty and love from a sacred cave—offering him salvation. Who is he to deny it? 
John leans further and takes your clit into his mouth, sucking it, slow but deep, making you yelp as you try to squirm around, to get away from the sensation he knows is overwhelming you. But he does not let go, he savours every moment, every drop, every quiver as he keeps his lips wrapped until you are gushing and swollen. Then he licks—one long, firm lick tracing your slit, pushing your swollen nether lips open as the tip of his tongue teases your inner folds. 
John Wick knows your body like the back of his hand, the difference is, that he is much, much more careful, reverent and loving to your body than he ever would be to anything in himself. That is something you, and only you can pull off, protecting him from his demons as he protects you from yours—-even if it means he has to snatch you away from that storm.
Your surrender comes the moment his tongue pushes past your puffy lips. Your hands go straight for his hair, fingers disappearing and rising like dolphins in his mane before gripping the luscious hair when his tongue curls. It is like you have been soared high, and now soaring higher, and higher with each flick and curl of his deft tongue until you fall, crashing. The rawness of your throat tells that you have screamed. All that is left to feel is the breathlessness as the pleasure comes in waves, weakening with each crash, but it lingers.
You are dazed and dizzy, only whining when you feel and hear his thick finger sliding in, slow but firm, curling just right to make you see divinity. Your eyes finally roll back and tears roll from the corner as you let yourself go with the waves, soaked, overwhelmed and feeling the intense heat bursting from your abdomen into every little vein and capillary
John might be a ranging wildfire to the rest, but he is the hearth to you, and you are his home. You come again, in tears, mewling and as his lips find their way back to your clit while he adds another finger into your womanhood. It is a sweet torment, slow, delicious but leading you,  never letting you slip away until you have gulped down all that he has to give you and are full to the brim, glowing, swaying, floating into the highest of clouds.
When he is away, you are left aching for him, wanting more, wanting all of him, no other thought crosses your mind but him and him being inside you.
“Shh, I’ve got you.” 
There is no edge or even aggression, it’s simple, sweet John. The way he is usually to you when he is not feeling any threat of you leaving him. It’s funny to you—how he fears that you will leave him one day (or maybe try to).
It has always been you, who, for the longest time, had thought that once John realised how much better he deserved and could have, he would leave. It was you, who, in the first months of your relationship was convinced that he simply settled for you. Why would he go for someone who does not look like the women posing for the top magazines and fashion brands? Especially when he was often surrounded by such women? They would claw at each other to have a hair of him, and yet he sees none of them, spares no glance anywhere. He simply walked up to you and pulled you into his arms, and he has held you ever since. And you have snuggled into his inviting warmth. 
Eventually, though, you have come to realise that his arms, never loosened—they are just as tight, slowly suffocating you when you as much as try to squirm and pull away. They become much tighter when he feels the threat of you slipping away. But you are not going anywhere. There is no place to go, hide or run to anyway. Where will you go? Why will you go? 
You whimper and moan out his name endlessly as the final wave crashes, with his slow, deliberate and deep thrusts. Your one leg is thrown over his shoulder while his eyes remain locked on you, the tip of his dangling locks tickle your skin, sweat, essence and shared heat blanket both of you. He stays inside you for a while before you feel him pulling out with a squelch that makes you cover your reddened face with your hands.
“Hey, no more hiding, come here.”
 John huffs, taking your cute little hands off your face and peppering butterfly kisses all over it—tracing every mark, every bump—everything that is you is beautiful to him. You are beautiful to him, and he hopes that one day, you will see yourself through his eyes. You are his. His moon, his sun, his universe—that’s what you are. You are in his every thought, in his every action. You are the one he sees when he closes his eyes, the first name that comes to him when he wakes up, and the last before he finds sleep. 
Hell would have to freeze before he ever lets you go. The universe can try and tear you away from him like it always has torn away the people he has ever loved, and the universe will have to watch him burn the world and then, himself. 
“No more dark thoughts, hmm?”
John’s voice is sweet so deliciously deep, comforting as it floats into you. You blink slowly, realising that the storm has passed and you did not even realise that until now. Suddenly, being close to him is all that makes sense. You snuggle closer to him, feeling his damp skin rubbing against yours.
You know it is not the end, you know the cycle can begin anytime—maybe tomorrow, maybe a week later, even months later—the rainy days will return. But for now, the clouds have passed, and it’s warm all over again.
For now, you can sleep in peace, because you know that you will heal every time until the clouds can weep no more.
Dedicated to all the beautiful girls who at times feel weighted down by expectations, who may feel they are not good enough, or worth it, but the truth is far from that. They will always be worth it, they make the world a better place.
@treedaddymcpuffpuff and @johnwickb1tsch
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
fic rec friday 15
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
We Don't Know How This Could End (let's hope it won't have to) by @buoyantsaturn
"I’m not married, I thought you were married!” “You’re the one wearing a ring!” “Well, so are you!” followed by: relationship fluff, divorce jokes, and of course, a(n un)healthy dose of miscommunication
OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED OBSESSED. secret relationship has ALWAYS been my everything and love at first sight plus married plus literally everything. i’m. gonna lose it. this fic was so ROMCOM but in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY, like there were stakes and angst but it was still lighthearted? somehow? like i KNEW it was gonna end well bc i had SO MUCH faith in them. like the best possible romcoms. i adore this fic always
2. could this be love at first sight? (oh wait, I said that before) by @buoyantsaturn
Nico sighed, unable to believe what was actually about to come out of his mouth. “Will you come with me to a friend’s wedding?” “Like...as your date?” 
THE RINGPOP THING WAS SO ROMANTIC 😭😭 truly this fic made me SWOON. every good amazing lovely incredible trope at once i ADORED. secret relationship especially my fucking BELOVED, but FAKE RELATIONSHIP to SECRET RELATIONSHIP??? I WENT INSANE??? cj as per usual u ATE. also i know this isn’t the focus but if i was piper i would have gone BALLISTIC 💀 "why is everyone talking about your relationship at my wedding" yeah me personally i would have blown up LMFAO
3. I'll Be There For You by @buoyantsaturn
remember that one part in FRIENDS where ross gets married and monica sleeps with chandler because she's lonely, and then they do a really bad job of keeping their relationship a secret? that's this fic, except it's solangelo
is this one similar in vibes to fic rec #2? yes. do i care at all? no. i could (and have done) sit in front of CJs fics and just scroll & keep scrolling. never misses. this was so FUN and i LAUGHED and POOR LEO. what a good time
4. Will Happen, Happening, Happened by @buoyantsaturn
“Nico!” Will’s voice came from behind him, followed by the slamming of a door. “Nico, I figured it out!” Will ran toward him, grabbing his arms and dragging him down once he got close enough, and pressed their lips together. “All I had to do was-- Annabeth! How long have you been standing there?” “I knew it!” Annabeth exclaimed. “No, wait, uh--” Will shoved Nico away suddenly. “This isn’t what it looks like?” (Or: 5 times their relationship gets found out and 1 time it didn't)
adventure time au!!! hell yeah!!! and yeah at this point i realise i was indeed scrolling thru the secret relationship tag in buoyantsaturn's works page when i was making these bookmarks. whatever. i have Moods. secret relationship and 5+1 are literally my fave tropes of all time, okay, i loved this, it was funny and camp and honestly what more do you need
5. Knight In Shining Armor by @buoyantsaturn
“The knights will need to keep a close eye on these travelers for the duration of their stay. You, however, Sir William, must keep close watch on the Prince." "Of course, Your Highness," Will said.
the my lord to my love pipeline…..but my knight remaining constant……oh i’m weak in the knees. royal aus will ALWAYS kill be and they are one thousand billion trillion times better when one of them is a knight it is ICONIC. ICONIC i say. and another secret relationship fic sue me i hope yall are int he mood lmfao
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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steddieunderdogfics · 8 months
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This week's writer spotlight feature is: @lexirosewrites! They have forty-four Stranger Things and forty-three Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson works on archive of our own!!
An anonymous nominator recommends the following works by lexirosewrites:
24-Hour Diner
On Thin Ice
And the Sun will Rise
Bandaids for the Heart
Waking Up In Vegas
A/B/O isn't for everyone, but Lexi writes it in a way that it IS. I've always been a fan of the trope, but Lexi writes A/B/O in a way that expands beyond the basics. They've expanded their universes to play with common A/B/O themes in ways I've never seen -- each one feels fresh and exciting. And yes, they're popular in their own right, but they have so many hidden gems!! I just adore them and the work they've done beyond the tropes and tags. They put so much work into their stories and building their community, pushing through all the fandom bullshit to bring joy to their bubble of fandom. They're easily my go-to author rec for anyone getting into steddie and/or A/B/O and they deserve all of the love!! And if you're seeing this Lexi, thank you for continuing to create and share your beautiful ideas with us. ♥ - anonymous
Below the cut, @lexirosewrites answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I love the chemistry that Steve and Eddie have. They’re two people who make no sense together and yet they make so much sense together? They have a good mix of parental issues and they’re on opposite sides of the social spectrum, which makes for a lot of fun exploring their relationship.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics. They’re my true weakness in life.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love to write about mutual pining. I enjoy making it clear that both parties are pining and suffering under the delusion that their feelings are unrequited.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
This is such a hard question. I don’t read as much as I used to, but the one I reread the most is “Consummate Professional” by Eddywow for sure. It’s just a cute fic and the smut is A+ as well!
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve worked through most of my favorite tropes at this point, but I’m excitedly planning a timeloop fic set in the omegaverse.
What is your writing process like?
It’s a bit of a mess, truthfully. I start with unorganized bullet points to brainstorm things I think will happen in the fic and slowly arrange that into a real plot with actual events and not just some loose threads of a story. Then, I just go chapter by chapter to put them in order and make changes as necessary after that.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I write omegaverse fics almost exclusively. Which I’d say probably qualifies as a quirk! I also just have a habit of writing recurring themes in many of my works. For the most part, they all have angst, lots of pining and miscommunication, and a perfectly cozy happy ending with a big bow on it.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
Oh, I hate waiting. The moment a chapter or fic is done and someone has at least skimmed it over for big issues, it gets formatted and posted. The only times I wait are for events like the Big Bang or a gift for someone’s birthday!
Which fic are you most proud of?
“Bandaids for the Heart” is the work closest to my heart because I’m a nurse and I got to use my love for nursing to write about my job and craft a whole story out of it. I’m very proud of how it turned out and the fact that I finished it despite some personal challenges along the way.
How did you get the idea for 24-Hour Diner?
I actually got an ask on tumblr with the prompt that inspired me to write it!
When writing 24-Hour Diner, what was something you didn’t expect?
I actually have a longer Mafia AU fic and I was worried they’d end up being too similar, but I enjoyed finding little ways to distinguish it as its own fic.
What inspired On Thin Ice?
I love to ice skate and a friend in my discord server was gushing about HexieWrites’ “Carve Your Name Into My Chest,” which made me want to explore my figure skating background.
What was your favorite part to write from On Thin Ice?
There’s a scene where Steve gets injured and Eddie has to carry him off the rink. Every story has at least one “that’s the scene I really want to write!” and that was the one for this fic. I love some good hurt/comfort!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
That’s so hard to narrow down, but I’d have to say that it’s a scene from my fic “Bad Beat,” where Steddie are at prom and Eddie pulls out a granola bar from his tux pocket because he knows Steve likes them… even as Steve is fully planning on pranking him for a bet. It’s a heartbreaking scene and I think about it a lot.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’ve got lots of upcoming fics, but I can’t share most of the titles yet since they’re gifts! However, I have a The Greatest Showman inspired fic called “A Million Dreams” that’s getting posted in early January!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I’m honestly so grateful to have the support that I do for how niche most of my fics are. Most people in the Steddie community have been incredibly kind to me and I really appreciate it, even if omegaverse isn’t their cup of tea. I’m just here to have fun and make new friends!
Thank you to our author, @lexirosewrites, and our nominator! See more of @lexirosewrites' work featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer's Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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tinytennisskirt · 1 month
summarizing my favourite fics that I've written so maybe if you haven't read them, you find reason to. Not in any specific order.
More Than Anything- Art Donaldson
I love this one a lot personally. It was a request and although I had to stretch to make ends meet, I am a huge fan of friends to lovers. I love childhood best friend! Art so much. He's a cutie. But thats what this is, childhood best friends to lovers but the platonic doesn't change. It just alters. The miscommunication, the misunderstanding of Patrick's words to reader are hurtful and they change things but Art fixes it and brings it all back together? I was already in love. It's worse. A kiss ending with a HUG ending is a weakness for sure.
Cottage Culture- Art Donaldson
It's an Art fic but it definitely doesn't lack Patrick. I love the dynamic I wrote for reader and the boys- its very established that they are long time friends and are very comfortable with each other. There's a lot of casual touching which means a lot to me. I love it. But Art who has feelings ugh love him for it. It's that thing with the trio where the connection between reader and Art is just a little bit more intimate in the ways that matter. Just a hint, but it makes so much difference. Plus a kiss in the water? Need. This fic takes place at a cottage away from the world and takes place over the course of a few days, so there's so many instances of attraction and so many POVS. It's also very summery so if you're feeling like a cottage getaway with your two fav challengers boys, this is perfect.
Let It Linger- Art Donaldson
I think I'm probably most proud of this fic. It took forever to write and I actually gave up twice, but it got completed. It's like an AU of the movie itself, but it bounces back and forth like a tennis ball on a court from Art's time at MRTA to post-canon divorced! Art who is searching for his old best friend at their 15 year high school reunion. I really really love this one because it's very friendship and yearning oriented. How close reader and Art get to being together before they fall out and into no contact for fifteen years but he sees her again and talking to her again feels like no time has passed? Finding out that fifteen years ago, reader liked him too? I really like writing super non-romantic romantic scenes like the simple things and the simple conversations between reader and Art that are so specifically somehow intimate though they're trying to make it feel like it's not. It's friends to lovers but in a way that isn't exactly satisfied. It's honestly so fucking good, I loveeee this one.
Sweetheart- Patrick Zweig
an AU where Patrick is a girl dad is just the perfect universe. He's a single dad in a cluttered house with an absolute angel genius of a daughter and reader is considerably younger than him. She's twenty, he's nearing forty. It's not inherently romantic at first, it's just banter, but he's soooo dirty. He can't help but think about her in a way that isn't exactly holy. And she's got some semi-innocent crush on him. He goes on dates but every night he comes home and has his little bits of banter with her and things get increasingly harder to manage over time. He might actually like her which is crazy, but I never specifically wrote that he does like her in any way that isn't sexual because I wanted the reader to kind of be in the not-knowing because why would anyone expect his character in this to be ACTUALLY into the twenty-year-old babysitter? This one is a smut and it's honestly really tasty and rough, but the ending is what is supposed to get you like 'ah, I see. feelings.'
Best Friend Patrick Zweig who is Totally Not In Love With You
This was my second headcanons list and I somehow ended up giving it a plot, so it's not just headcanons. It's a list of things Patrick does as your best friend who has feelings for you. The list format is loose, it's a headcanon and then it's like... written dialogue underneath the headcanon to explain it so it's more engaging. I really enjoyed tapping into my autism like 'yeah, he'd do that'. It's got all the good stuff like some jealousy, some quiet yearning, He's repressing his feelings which I love because it's so him. He and reader have a good dynamic and it's NOT ONLY x reader but it's also NOT ONLY headcanons. It's a good mix!!!
Those Three Words- Patrick Zweig
I'm honestly a little unreasonably obsessed with this one. It was such a small but well-written request I just HAD TO make it extra. I honestly never really plan out the way my fics go other than knowing the basics. But the aspects are always just as I go. Patrick going from a player to set on ONE girl for the first time in his life is wild and crazy and he likes her and gets her number but they're friends for months before they start dating. Reader becomes one of his best friends and it's lovely and fun and he's so into her. Surprisingly so. Like even takes him by surprise but it's so fun to write Patrick who is actually IN LOVE for the first time WHAT SO CRAZY. I love domestic life kinds of romance and yeah he says I love you so soon, but he means it. And he gets a bit of a monologue and it's funny and he's soft with her which I love and adore.
Just some behind the scenes thoughts. All fics are linked at their titles! Also just a sly little reminder that I LOVEEEEE comments. Your thoughts and feedback mean the world to me. Also, requests are open always <3333
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 6 months
Jooooo!!! Hiya!!!! Can i request solomon + tell no lie? I just think this prompt kinda suits him lmao. Lots of love!! 🫶🫶🫶
Solomon - Tell No Lie
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Solomon x GN! reader
Prompt: It’s impossible to lie to your soulmate.
AN: Hi Ven!!! Much love to you as well!! 💜 Sorry for the delay, but anyways this is kind of a silly fic based on a thought I had of Solomon sometime ago, and thought it worked well with the prompt...or at least I hope it did 😅 I really hope you enjoy it! Thank you for being patient and take care of yourself!!
Warnings: Solomon referring to reader as dear, darling, and beautiful, Solomon being Solomon shenanigans (I promise!), slight miscommunication but nothing angsty, established soulmate connection/relationship
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Another stressful day babysitting the Avatars of Sin, you can hardly wait to go back to Cocytus Hall where it’s significantly more peaceful and quiet…as long as Solomon hasn’t snuck into the kitchen while you were away. 
You have your D.D.D. up to your ear as you wait for the sorcerer to pick up, wanting to let him know you’re on your way and that Lucifer is escorting you this evening. You hear the faint shut of the door behind you as Lucifer joins you out under the front awning, staying quiet as he notices your ear-to-phone stance. 
The phone goes to the last ring, and you don’t think Solomon’s going to pick up – which is odd because normally he picks up in less than two if it’s you – but he does at the last second, sounding as carefree as ever. 
“Ah, hello, my dear. Ready to come back home?” 
“Yeah, though Lucifer offered to walk me back,” you reply, giving Lucifer a quick appreciative grin, which he returns as he waits patiently beside you, “we’re just leaving now.” 
The sorcerer hums softly. “I see. I’ve…had something come up, so that works out perfectly then.” You pick up his nervous tone with ease and know automatically something’s troubling him.
“...Is everything okay?” You know that a question like that is his weakness. Really…any and all of your questions are his weakness. They’re inescapable, unavoidable, and you like that you can use that to your advantage often. 
He answers a hair too quickly, probably hoping you won’t interrogate him further, while still being truthful. “Yeah! Yes. Everything is great, I think.” 
“Uh-huh… So, what is this “something,” Solomon?” 
There’s a delay in the answering this time. You can almost even hear him trying to physically restrain himself from saying anything, but it’s no use. He cannot lie to you – not that he likes to anyway, but there are things better left unsaid sometimes. 
Solomon sighs into the phone as the truth pushes past his lips, “I have a kid...” 
To say you are dumbfounded is an understatement. You’re silent for longer than is comfortable, blinking slowly and unable to formulate any questions. Once you gather yourself, you fill your lungs as you try to grapple with what he just said. 
“I’m sorry… What?!” The alarm in your voice is quite apparent, causing Lucifer to glance over in worry, wondering if he should get involved or not. 
On the other side of the line, there’s some crashing sounds and light scolding from Solomon that’s hard to make out. It seems he’s holding the phone away from him. He soon brings the phone back to his ear with words coming out in a rushed flurry. 
“I need to go, I’ll see you when you get back home!” Before you even get the chance, the sorcerer hangs up on you, and you’re left just as clueless as you started. You pocket your phone, your body tense and thoughts nervous for what you’re about to go home to. 
Lucifer picks up on this as the both of you start your way towards the iron-wrought gate. “Is everything alright?” 
You sigh in response, shaking your head as you try to sort out the conversation in your head. “Honestly…I have no idea.” 
Due to how shocked and concerned you are, with millions of questions buzzing in your head, the walk to Cocytus Hall is silent. You also feel your heart in the pit of your stomach as you wonder what this means for Solomon and yourself. Lucifer doesn’t prod you any further, which you’re thankful for because what are you supposed to tell him? 
Once you arrive, you thank Lucifer for escorting you before heading directly inside to see for yourself just what the hell is happening. 
The first thing you notice upon entering is the odd smell wafting throughout the hall. It doesn’t smell anything like the chemical warfare Solomon cooks up in the kitchen with its distinct odor, so that’s at least a relief. You venture further in, making your way to the common room to see if the sorcerer is there. 
Your foot crosses the threshold, but pauses mid-step as your eyes land on something black and fuzzy laying on the couch. 
“What the-” you start, but you recognize the sound of footsteps approaching from behind and you quickly glance over your shoulder to see Solomon with a little metal bowl filled with water. His eyes are trained on the bowl, simultaneously lost in his thoughts while making sure not to spill any, so when you clear your throat to get his attention, his head snaps up instantly.
He plasters on a cheerful smile which reaches his eyes upon seeing you home. “Welcome home, darling.” 
You say nothing, now standing with your arms crossed as you stare at him with a blank expression as if waiting for him to explain why there is a baby goat sitting on the couch. Solomon lets out a sheepish chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck, indicating that he knows you know now.
“What do you think? He’s cute, no?” 
“He’s cute, alright…” you pause, taking a peek at the little thing which is staring back at you in curiosity. You turn back to Solomon. “Is this the “kid” you mentioned earlier?” 
A beat of silence passes between you two before he replies, “...yes.” 
Your brows knit together so hard you might just start knitting a sweater with them. “Solomon, why didn’t you just tell me it was a baby goat? Wouldn’t that have been, oh I don’t know, simpler? I thought something else was going on!”
His eyes dart from yours to the bowl in his hands, feeling a bit ashamed of himself for worrying you so much. “I suppose so, but I didn’t lie to you. He is technically a kid.” 
The sound of tiny hooves clicking against the wood floor draws your attention back to the goat, who trots its way over to the two of you, looking almost expectantly at Solomon. He smiles softly as he crouches down to set the bowl of water before the small creature. 
“Here you go, little guy.” The goat sniffs at the bowl, inspecting it, before tentatively lapping at the cool, fresh water within. Solomon reaches a hand out and gently strokes its fuzzy back, gazing at it fondly. It seems the two have already bonded. You almost can’t be mad with how cute this scene is to you. 
A little smile tugs at your lips as you start again. “Where did he come from?” 
Solomon glances back up to you. “Would you believe me if I told you I honestly just found him wandering around down here in the street?”  
“I kinda have to. You can’t lie to me.” 
He chuckles in response. “Indeed I cannot. Though, you can’t lie to me either, my beautiful soulmate.” 
“Hey, you can’t just throw some sweet words my way and think you can get away with this. You really had me spooked earlier,” a faint chuckle weaves its way through your words, finding this whole thing ridiculous. Still, you can’t deny how flattered you are, because you know it’s the truth. 
He truly does see you that way. 
“I know, I know. Flattery will get me nowhere… But you can’t blame a guy for trying,” he says as he shrugs with a hint of a smirk. “Anyways, I plan on looking into some notable farms in the human realm and contacting them to see if any of them are interested in taking him. He can’t stay here, unfortunately, as this wouldn’t be a sustainable life for him. But for now, he’s ours.” Solomon stands to full height and snakes his arms around your waist. 
You grin as your hands come up to rest along his shoulders. “Ours?” 
Solomon chuckles softly with a nod. “Yes,” he pauses for a moment, glancing down at the little goat who looks back up at him and “mehs” at him loudly. “I’ll think I’ll even let you name him.” 
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galeorderbride · 3 months
Burn in my Skin
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I call this primordial filth.
Honestly idk what this is lol. I was in my feelings and horny for Oathbreaker Knight. No more Dark Souls ambiance for me.
Inspired by a NSFW audio you can listen to here. The audio is NOT about Oathbreaker Knight, just gave me this brainrot. 
Pairing: Oathbreaker Knight x F!Tav
Words: 5.5k
18+ MDNI: shameless smut, dom!oathbreaker/sub!tav, consensual possession, sex via possession, religious imagery, light allusion to war and violence.
*Mind the tags! While this isn't dark enough to be dead dove, this fic involves dark themes.
Full fic under the cut, or you can read it on ao3 here.
Summary: Tav knows the Oathbreaker Knight has been watching her. Tonight, she will find out exactly why.
It started as a mistake. Some complication, perhaps driven by the influence of the tadpole, that summoned the Oathbreaker for Nightwarden Minthara. Unbeknownst to him that she’d been killed at the Grove raid along with the rest of the goblin’s leaders. Tav wondered how such a miscommunication could occur with rulings beyond the physical realm, causing her to lament the true, dangerous power of illithid tadpoles in the hours after the knight departed. There was nothing Tav or any of her companions could do, taking the issue in stride just as they had with everything else. 
This couldn’t be let go, as Tav noticed stirrings in the dark of night two days after the Oathbreaker visited. Brought together by a glow of burning orange, so faint it could only be noticed by one seeking it out. Or one right next to it. 
Fiery light flickered across the canvas of her tent, nights upon nights of the aura’s presence. Tav began to wait up, anticipate the faded torchlight greeting her like a ghost in the corner of a dusty room. Whatever possessed such a glow grew more confident with each, passing evening. Closer, nearer, approaching until a figure could be pieced together through the fabric. Large, ornate armour cut in the intricate carve of an undead warrior. Enflamed iron emanating from his broad silhouette, so still and rigid, Tav wondered if she wasn’t dreaming of a fragmented picture. Nothing more than a memory stuck in time. 
No. He was there. Blurred against the blackened midnight and the thick tent. Tav stayed in her bedroll, lying flat as she watched him outstretch a plated hand, shadows stretching across the sky of illuminated cloth, shading the weak, wooden bearings that held her shelter up. He didn’t touch, just reached toward a pursuance unmet. Her heart froze in her chest, filled to the brim with suspense, unable to beat. Sweat lined her palms, covered by the thin quilt that masked her body from the walled off eye of the Oathbreaker. Had he been watching her this whole time? Did the heat of his immortal fires burn hot enough to radiate into her, or was she simply boiling with uncertainty, roused by confusion and desire. 
Tav became paralyzed, awaiting the next step with baited breath—if there would be one. Would he just sit there like he had for several days? The creeping closer, each night representing a new step towards his curiosity, had to have an end. He had a choice, between remaining walled off, sheltered under the safety of a dividing line where he could not falter. Or, step across the precipice, collapse into the temptation of a mortal sensation he had not felt in lifetimes. Minutes passed, Tav staring at him, wondering if he knew she was awake. In those moments, her stomach burned with a yearning to know. To hear him speak in that gravelly, brimstone voice what he wanted with her. But, she also craved to stay the same, to not break the attractive immersion of being observed. Watched. 
Did he have the power to see through the tent? Even if she couldn’t?
Dark lust began to tickle between her bare legs, peering out from the quilt, bending upward as the fabric fell to her core. Tav stretched her arms above her head, forcing the exhaustion from her body, replacing it with sensual awareness of her own skin. Maybe she should’ve been offended, terrified of his presence scanning her in the dead of night, when the others were too asleep to notice. Afraid of the reality that he could do whatever he wanted, in a tunnel fit for only them. Fear did exist, breathless tension of being at the mercy of someone else, but she embraced it. Enjoyed it. Remembering the strong curvature of preternatural shoulders wrapped in rusted, bloodstained armour. Perilous sword held between gloved hands, ones that commanded competency, obedience, attention. And, of course, the voice. How could a man so faceless become so addicting to look at? 
For the first time in what felt like an hour, Tav released a heavy, wanton breath. Nearly a moan with the whistle of her voice floating along the wave of humid oxygen. If he could see her, she would put on a show for him. Implicitly decipher what exactly it was that he wanted. No paladins needed oath renewing, he had no reason to be present, and yet he was committed to standing by her tent from the moment the moon rose.
Tav pushed the quilt to the side, leaving her slightly cold as her blush pink nightdress did little to warm her. Her legs brushed against each other, motioning across the bedroll in a seductive exploration of limbs. The most intimate parts of her remained hidden, knees locked together in a salacious bend, her torso still flat on the ground. She didn’t wish to move, but she did find her voice. 
“Can you see me from out there, Oathbreaker ?” She asked, letting her voice trail at the end in a lusty sigh. 
Several seconds passed, hesitation becoming a palpable tension between Tav and the shadow behind her tent. So much push and pull, these mortal games were. Constant side stepping around the unsaid fantasy.  There was a frustration to it, but so too was it irresistible. A mockery of the idea that an undead heart could still stir. That the impossibility of his form made room for yearning the physical. For the knight, he’d considered such sentiments a relic of the past, until he saw the fearless, little adventurer, eyes never leaving him even when he’d instilled fear in the rest. And now, she spoke to him, invited him in for the ‘more’ he’d wanted for days. The very force that kept him returning to her pointless, paladin-free camp. 
“I see what I wish to see,” he finally said, each word like an ironclad chain to her wrists. 
“Has watching me from afar been enough?” She asked. 
“Soul and form were vanquished from me long ago. If they were still intact right now, they would be in pitiful agony,” he replied. 
Tav’s eyes followed the glowing form, armour gently clanging with the friction of plate-to-plate. Not too loud, he handled the weight well, as if the steel upon him was forged into his body. Light floated across the fabric, ending in a metallic hand pulling back the tent flap, slowly peeling the entrance to the side. So, painfully, slow. Tav bit her bottom lip, muscles twitching with a newfound impatience. She lifted her body, sitting cross-legged, unable to sit still. Breath hitching with each step he took into her quarters. 
He towered over her, standing in front of the bedroll. Tall, mighty and domineering, the jagged helmet lowered, as if to face Tav from where she sat. Amber flame warmed the vicinity, dancing in the air between stoic and passionate. Two halves, staring at each other, burdened by a polarising force drawing them back and forth, never quite reaching. Fascination embroiled her mind, eyes glazed above, observing the ominous beauty of the Oathbreaker. Something about him was unsettling, deeply threatening to the point of innate fear. An uncanny product of being not-quite-human, but rather the remnant of a man once living. Once committing sin, drawing eager breath in the decision to either rend or caress flesh. 
Tav was nearly a supplicant, moving to her knees but keeping her head raised toward him. “You are war incarnate. Aren’t you?” 
“Do not get up,” he demanded, sinking into her question but disregarding an answer as he revelled in her obedience. Any movement to stand ceased at the husky sound of his voice. 
He had total command, and the unscratchable itch within him grew in voracity. Watching, talking, even tasting and touching would not suffice. As doe-eyed desire pooled from her, ethereal face beckoning him closer, he knew what he wanted. To consume her very being, have her reach the absolute zenith of pleasure-pain, past the mortal threshold. For that, she needed to lend him her soul—just for the night. He’d return it to her…maybe. 
Tav’s breath shook, giving away her vulnerability with the snap of a finger. She said, “What do you want of me, exactly?” 
“It is not what I want of you, but what you want of me,” he said, stalwart in place as if no being existed within the armour. 
He continued, “Ages have come and gone since I’ve had a proper body. Left only with the purpose of guiding oath broken paladins to redemption…or retribution. One, single task given for an eternity as recompense for the deeds I committed in life. Until you peered from the water’s edge of your camp, unafraid of my terror. You watched me, and you could not see it, but I watched you. Abandoned everything to keep watching. Such a debauched distraction, having what I lacked even in mortality. Little temptress, with your supple flesh, beautiful skin, walking like an angel leading me to paradise. Do you like what I’m saying to you?” 
Excitement bubbled between her legs, leaning on her palms as she let her knees spread a little further. A ghostliness permeated his voice, guiding her into a strange, addictive arousal. Dancing on the precipice of unpredictability, unaware of what he wanted to do and how he intended to do it. Rushes of heat, both from his aura and the titillation of is intimate words, infected her veins, burning the underside of her skin. She wished he’d speak to her all night, whisper sinful musings unthinkable to a mortal mind. 
One of her straps fell down her shoulder, bearing more untouched flesh like a blooming flower petal after a storm. A tightening feeling within him, familiar but distant, a fragmented memory of having a body. None such as wondrous as hers, though, even in the long gone prime of his soldierly youth. No bludgeoning hurricane, no lust-laden priestess, no charge to bloody battle ever compared to her. He wanted her confirmation, and then, he wanted her primal nakedness. 
“Yes, please, I like it. Give me even more,” she replied. 
Oathbreaker took two, small steps closer. Enough to bring his armoured hand to her face, cold metal dragging along her skin from jaw to chin, stopping to lift her head even higher to see him. Sharp edges threatened to cut with each stride, sending shivers down her straightened spine. Tav bore down on her knees even more, torso sinking forward as she let the neckline of her dress fell haphazard around her chest. Breathing heavy with desire, the mounds of her breasts tried to escape the confines of fabric, hardening nipples tickling against the cloth. He could see them poking out, rising with the touch of his armoured glove along silken, bare skin. 
“What I have for you goes beyond the simplicity of skin on skin. I do not have a body to match yours, no heartbeat to fall asleep to. Let me take you elsewhere, meld my essence into your flesh. Bring you to the brink of agony and ecstasy. I promise, with every ounce of existence that clings to my broken form, to give you rapture so divine a cock could never compare,” he said, keeping her chin up with his index finger, “Will you give yourself to me, little temptress?” 
Each time he ended a sentence, his voice couldn’t contain that guttural crescendo. Breeding feral lust within her with every tongue clicking consonant. She couldn’t quite tell what he meant by ‘melding essence’, but for the first time since the nautiloid, she didn’t question a thing. Wanting only to see the extent of his capabilities, reach the edge of unreal pleasure. Delving deep into the arcane subconscious of his primordial nature. 
Taking a chance to bring him into the mortal plane one, last time, Tav slid her tongue against the cool surface of his gloved hand. Tasting the forged metal like blood from a sliced lip. The knight wasn’t the type to play games, however, grasping her jaw tighter, jerking her slightly forward. Near enough to his waist to face his codpiece, imagining a thick, throbbing cock aching to be sucked. Not tonight, though, she’d have something more than that. 
“Answer me, sweet girl. I’ve razed entire towns to the ash for a less desired word. Tell me,” he ordered, growling at her in his already gruff voice. Music to Tav’s ears, feeling herself wetter than she ever imagined herself capable. 
“Yes! Yes, I’ll give myself to you. Tell me what to do, I want to know what you feel like inside me,” she said, words soaked in decadent arousal.  
A raspy, subtly maniacal laugh escaped him, a sound that Tav didn’t expect him to ever make. As if she signed her soul over to him. Maybe she did. At his beck and call forever more once she’d agreed, no turning back now. In far too deep to say no, and never wanting to. If he were to become the harbinger of every sensation from torture to euphoria, so be it. Oathbreaker made her spellbound, her fixation over him so quick and obsessive that she wondered if he used some otherworldly magic to lure her into his embrace. 
“Keep your hand in mine, I’m going to take you somewhere. Somewhere private, away from the crowded turmoil of this camp. I’d be very surprised if you weren’t loud,” he said. With his passion came intimidation, a rare forcefulness carried only in the beings beyond the physical world. Transcending boundaries mortals like Tav could never dream to touch. Not without his guidance. 
Holding onto his wrists with both hands, warm wind began to breeze through Tav’s hair, dotting gooseflesh on her bare skin. The environment around her began to dissolve, sparking and burning as if grinding across a searing anvil. A weightlessness captured her body, thrown high speed against the fastest current imaginable, closing her eyes with a calm sense of trust blooming within her. Whatever lie ahead, a careful voice inside her promised exultation, to be unmade and reformed again. 
Soft, cotton sheets met with Tav’s skin as the movement slowed to a halt. Oathbreaker placed her in the middle of a candlelit temple, surrounded by sandstone columns and wrought iron chandeliers. Who the temple belonged to was unknown, as Tav didn’t realise he’d formed the room in an image she’d find beautiful. Summoning a bed in the very centre, draping her in comfort and decadence before he dominated over her entire being. Anticipation broke her patience, what little she had of it, as she practically writhed on the mattress, wishing for his touch so unfairly kept from her. Oathbreaker remained stoic, composure invincible next to the little temptress he’d fallen so heavily for. If anyone would compromise his restraint, it would be her, but not yet. 
“So eager for me, and we haven’t even begun. You are an impatient little temptress. You don’t even know what this will feel like. Radiating lust, oh my beautiful dove, I’ll be savouring this,” He said, pacing around her on the bed, circling her like prey. 
He returned to the foot of the bed, glowing eyes of alien flame gently waving out of the helmet. Transformed from burning orange to an excited, assertive red. Tav examined him at length, no solid mass between the crevices of plate, replaced by the same fire that flowed everywhere else. Without a body, how would he merge the two of them? 
She didn’t have much time to think before he was throwing commands at her again. 
“I want you naked, sweet girl. Then lie on your back, so I can see what will soon be mine,” he said, watching carefully as she began. 
All she had was a nightgown, easily slipped off with one swift gesture. Her naked flesh exposed before him as she slowly rested her back on the downy sheets, comforted by the feather pillow under her. Nervousness dotted her movements, lying with her arms at her head, fingers playing with loose strands of hair. Legs closed, bent upward as she felt her ankles rub together. Cool air soothed the rushed heat within, charged with trepidation over being nude in front of him. How he might feel to see her bare for the first time. 
Little did she know, a part of him reached a boiling point. Something akin to butterflies in the stomach, shocking Oathbreaker with razor thin accuracy, leaving him confused over where such a feeling could take root. A sliver of hope that, perhaps, his heart had not decayed into oblivion. 
“Beautiful. Known to me already since the moment I saw you. I’ve watched you undress, before you noticed me lurking. Seen parts of you in such teasing flashes, but never meant for my gaze. Now, I want to see you open for me , split your legs. Let me see your pretty, little cunt,” he ordered.  
Under the firelight of the chandelier above her, Tav slowly parted her anxious legs. Feeling fatty skin from her thighs separate as a tickling chill kissed the surface of her pussy. Wet, glistening to the point of madness, and swollen beyond belief from such a lack of stimulation. She feared for her own sanity if he didn’t touch her in some way soon. Running her hands across her hips, so tempted to touch herself, yet stopping because he didn’t ask her to. Thinking back to when she licked his finger, the discipline of being pulled forward; she grew hotter thinking about what he’d do if she played with her clit before he could. 
But she’d done something right, as a sharp, predatory growl emanated from the Oathbreaker, a light echo from the armour. Watching as he hooked his armoured hands around the iron posters of the bed, grabbing so tight the metal creaked with a threat to shatter like frosted glass. More flames began to slowly wade out of him, like soothing vapour from an incense burner, bright with supernatural fervency. 
“When are you going to touch me, Oathbreaker? Am I to be sprawled naked for you until the end of time?” She asked. 
“If I want you to, yes. Imagine it, tied to this bed for an eternity, laying blissfully bare. Awaiting my return so I can bask in the beauty of you. My one, little connection to reality. Touched only when I decide to ruin you, piece by piece,” he said, musing as if he was telling himself the story rather than Tav, until he continued: “But I’m merciful, especially with a darling thing like you. Stay very still, and we can begin.” 
Tav breathed out a liberating sigh, letting her muscles relax against the soft fabric, fingers stretching across the silhouette of her naked body. Relieved to finally know what he had in store for her, prepared to beg for his mercy if she had to. 
He just wanted to look at her, flood his senses with the elements of mortality, experiencing all he’d tried to forget. That’s why he spent days observing her, drawn to every part of her as the image of what he remembered existence to be. Many mortals crossed his path, paladins seeking to rebuild their broken oaths, or do away with them entirely. The result mattered little, as did they to him. Simply the conduits for which his eternal purpose sought refuge. She wasn’t even a paladin, no sworn fealty or divine crusade, a mortal more meaningless than the ones he guided. And yet he could not stop. Engrossed in a lecherous bubbling within him, wrapping his enflamed spirit in a sensation so captivating he swore it was human . Making him claw at skin he did not have, scream out the beats of a nonexistent heart. 
And now, she lied before him, naked and eager for him. Him. Everything, everything for him. Arms outstretched above her head, presenting to him the rise and fall of perfect breasts, nipples pointed with excitement. Smooth skin running down the flesh of her thighs and rear, thick and warm blood—alive. Lively whimpers escaping lush lips as her fingers trailed around her aching cunt, the pulsating excitement of her core almost an injustice to him. For the first time in a long, long time, he was infuriated that he couldn’t touch her. Not the way a human could, anyway. What he could do was possess her, entrench himself in her body, pleasure her from soul to bone. 
“You are horrible, painful perfection. I am so limited in the ways of showing you how you make me feel. But I am going to consume you, dear. Ripple every, single fibre of myself into your body. Slipping inside from each opening of your purified flesh, until I am within your nerves, your veins, your skin. Taking you as mine, and soon, whatever you feel, will be me. Fear is normal, in fact, encouraged. I will not harm you, but to feel your entire being tightening around me will be nothing short of bliss. Let me warn you, that the start may hurt just a little, much like the first time a cock thrust into you. But this ache will be much shorter, and I will vow to take you into an unmatched rapture,” he explained. 
Tav was resplendent, glimmering with golden desire as her body lay under the warmth of a hundred candles. Oathbreaker moved to the side of the bed, so close she could play with the fabric wrap around his armoured waist, wondering if he felt anything when she ran her hands across the metal between his legs. 
No sound came from him, but little currents of fiery red flowed from his plate, travelling around her body like the tips of delicate thorns on the stem of a rose. Electrified tingles climbed up her skin, light burning heating the surface of her body as more and more enflamed current flowed from the armour. The entire bed was awash in his primordial essence, floating above the fabric as the waves transformed into a calm turquoise, wrapping her in a tidal sea of curious intrigue. They produced a similar sensation to fingertips, brushing across with a gentle caress. Hands were localised, centred around a single area, but not the Oathbreaker, his energy emboldening every part of her, from the nape of her neck, the path from ankle to calf, and the peaks of her hardened nipples. Rapturous moans sang out of her throat, dancing on the precipice between the touch of someone and the ethereal sting of a magical breeze. 
In her ears, she made out the sound of heavy breathing. Not from her, but the weighted, combative sighs of a herculean man; the mortality of the Oathbreaker borne from each doctrinal purr of his voice. Knowing she could hear him as he invaded her body made the experience even better, undone by the feeling that he was both inside her and next to her. 
“Do you feel me on your skin, little temptress? Turning your form into a husk fit just for me,” he said, noise emanating from inside her ears rather than the armour, each word coming from an epicentre within her very being formerly untouched. His voice echoed more, as if he had become a faint dream in the back of her memory. Letting the flames of his essence wrap around her limbs, twisting across arms and legs, swimming across her chest. He was relishing in this, she could sense it, claiming ownership of every inch. 
Oathbreaker continued, unable to ignore the mad pleasure of talking her through the scorching of her earth. “Kiss me, sweet mortal.” 
An azure stream floated up to her chin, dancing around her opening lips in a flirtatious waltz before slowly sinking into her mouth. Tav gasped, wind taken from her very lungs as the warm current tingled like ice and fire, imitating a tongue slipping inside. Crawling from the corners of her lips, all the way to the back of her throat, capturing each pore and sinking in, a faint glow shimmering against her cheeks. Tav couldn’t help but point her toes in ecstasy, an indescribable heaven found in his extraordinary kiss. 
Once the first tide of Oathbreaker’s essence travelled down her mouth, Tav felt the source of that complex weightlessness. All control of her body ceased, muscles no longer her own as his invisible force guided her limbs where he wanted. Her toes loosening as limbs disconnected from brain, her legs lifting up to her stomach, bent and spread. Those preternatural vibrations of aquamarine going right to the destination she’d wanted him for what felt like hours. Circling around her pussy in a hurricane formation, grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves at the very centre. Energy throbbed around her, creating the sensation of wet friction against her clit, so vivid yet a translucent vision occupying her most vulnerable spot. She could not grind or buck her hips, couldn’t move her fingers to rub alongside the currents, all she had was to bask in the strange pleasure of being brought to climax by a phantasmal vitality. 
“Do you feel that? Using every ounce of my energy to make you cum for me? Yes, pet, that’s me. Although you cannot see, you can hear and you can feel ,” he said, ending the sentence in a primal, mischievous whisper. “Sweet, sweet cunt, I can taste you from the inside. Moving deeper into you. Let go, love, ready your little hole for more of me.” 
Hearing him gave little time to spare before a blooming, unearthly orgasm buzzed through her entire body, pushed forward by the hellfire of the Oathbreaker gloriously warming her insides. Tav cried out during, a strained moan high enough to be a squeak in some parts, so shocked by the incredible sensation of his sex. Sweat beading down her back, arching over the covers in unshakeable pleasure, suspended under his control. The entire time, she could hear him laughing in every corner of her ears, violent clicking in each chuckle like an incubus harnessing his victim. 
Tav yelped out loud when his current of flame sunk inside of her cunt, nothing but ethereal air yet creating a sensation of stretching. Sharp, stinging tingles seared inside her, true to his word when he mentioned there’d be some pain. But the agony melded with the ecstasy, an orgasmic combination that reddened her cheeks over how much she enjoyed the sensations together. Cold ache faded, conquered by the increased formation of flaming waves around her, sculpting into almost a body on top of her. Remnants of shoulders, the large, arched back of a mighty soldier, the thrusting of a burning cock inside of her. The figure ebbing and flowing, never fully materialising before dissolving once again into a burst of ephemeral energy. She craved to reach out, touch the river consuming her body, but still, she was paralyzed by his sensual invasion. Focused on the alluring choir of his fantastical moans in her skull. 
“Oh, I love drowning in you. Taking over every part of you until you scream, scream over and over for mercy that I will not give. No, no, no mercy for you are mine now, pet. I will visit you nightly and take you like this until I find a way to keep you in my realm forever. Would you like that, little temptress? Do you want to be mine?” He mused, the gnarling shift of his voice so deep in her ears that she swore she felt the moistened breath of him dotting her lobe. 
The entire time, rough, passionate stretching vibrated her soaked cunt. A puddle of her wetness pooling onto the blanket, a primordial cock made from hellfire thrusting into her. Real or not, his possession made everything authentic, drenching her in unequivocal magic accessed only by powerful beings such as him. Perhaps she was really lying there like a limp corpse, nothing but stale air existing around her, but in her mind’s eye, she was in paradise. And nothing else in the world could compare to the threading of blood, to bone, to marrow controlled by another. Ready to submit to any carnal desire he craved as the impatient heartbeat of another orgasm began to creep within her nerves. 
He hadn’t taken over her voice on purpose, hell bent on hearing the vocal contract to give herself to him. When she did speak, pride emulsified his death ridden soul, if one was generous enough to call it that. Invited to massacre her love of the living domain and become transfixed with his, for he would make sure she was endlessly addicted. Swear a new oath of fealty to suspending her in a garden of mystical, feverish pleasure. This feeling had so long been absent from him that it became brand new, willing to do the impossible to keep himself tattooed to her form. 
“Oh, Gods above, yes! Make me yours, take me, please! I c-can’t stand it…I’m gonna…” She cried out. 
Oathbreaker’s breath shook, a sharp, rigid inhale like a dry crack of a throat. Animalistic, primitive, containing a bone snapping, beguiling carnage that brought Tav to another explosive climax. Blood curdling from the base of her stomach, rushing up to her mouth to end in a mangling howl. Her muscles thrashed under his hold, trying and failing to break free from his powerful spell, far too embedded within her to be so easily removed. And he was positively ecstatic, driven insane by the flood of ecstasy caused by him inside his little conduit. She was at her most beautiful this way, collapsing upon herself as she twitched from her release. 
“Such a well behaved supplicant,” he said, “I hope that was enough for you, my most enticing mortal. It is my turn, and you are so small, my entire release will flood through the entirety of you. Set you aflame from the very core of your soul, but it will not hurt, I promise. Burn with my seed, little darling, take me in.” 
Hot, infernal heat tore across her body, as if she was reborn in fire. Oathbreaker’s virile, echoing moans rumbled within, each syllable coating her ear in demonic clicks of an invisible tongue. Sweat dripped from the back of her neck, down her arms, even her feet, enduring the heat of ghostly flame annihilate all corporeal essence. But he was right, nothing burned or scarred, caught in the embers of domination, leaving nothing but the aching glee of being totally, completely possessed. No deceptions, no going back on promises, only the solid reality that he wanted her, desired her. 
A divine hush radiated the vicinity, Tav’s body lulled away from the flames and back into the coolness of midnight air. Shivering at the caress of Oathbreaker’s spirit exiting, leaving her a buttery, melted mess on the mattress. Tranquillity enveloped her more than ever before, his flame breaking her to pieces, only to heal her into something more flawless. Never in her life had she felt so…beautiful. Or, perhaps, cohesive. Every mismatched piece of her puzzled together with detailed intricacy. 
Oathbreaker returned to the armour, the currents that once occupied her body brought into the impenetrable iron. Remaining on the side of the bed, he outstretched a gloved hand to move perspired strands of hair away from her forehead. Tender despite the harsh surface of metal against her skin. 
“It took until now to realise I’d not had a reminder of what ecstasy feels like. Not for centuries, maybe even more. How perplexing that a mortal like yourself, not even touched with the divine, can have such an effect. Did I please you? Did I live up to your…expectations?” He said. 
When asking her questions, he never said them as if he was truly uncertain. Rather, the confident drawl of his razor sharp accent didn’t need to validate what he already knew. He had pleased her, because he had been her. Merging his being with hers and feeling every, single sensation needling her body. No, there wasn’t a shred of insecurity. He wanted her to confirm his own open secret. 
Tav could hardly muster words, exhausted and reeling with a futile attempt to understand what kind of magic coursed through her. “It was…amazing.” 
He chuckled again, that same tone of deceptive villainy. Demonstrating a capability to be entirely destructive, yet choosing something else. 
“Good, now sleep. When you wake, you will be back in your tent. Sorry to say that you will likely feel melancholic, as if rising in a world of black and white. But do not worry your pretty head about it, for I will return. Night after night after night, you will see me approaching. Only next time, I will not ask to come in. I simply will.”
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knoxic · 11 months
A kiss may ruin a human life.
Oscar Wilde
-Masterlist- part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
wc: 2,7k
warnings: sexual tension (?), mentions of death and kidnappings, reader has adhd, horny aaron, miscommunication again. pls let me know if there's more!
a/n: the story changed a bit but it will go back to the first plot eventually! is just that i had a few more ideas and decided to add them here instead of writing another fic. part 3 is aaron's pov so we'll get back to the angst of part 1. no use of y/n.
a/n²: did i make it seem like reader is gender neutral?
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Nothing but the sounds of your breaths could be heard in the room.
A room that now felt cold and dark, if it was uncomfortable before, now it was unbearable. None of you spoke, you were still waiting for him to say something and he was too shocked to form any coherent sentence.
"If you're not going to say anything-"
"No- i just, don't know where to start." his voice was low, quiet and unsure.
"Start from," you paused, trying to decide what you wanted to know more, "Sunday morning."
"What?" was he playing dumb?
"We got this case on sunday morning, that was when you started acting weird." please Hotch...
"Oh," he still didn't know what to do, but whatever he did now would change your relationship anyway, so, he should probably tell you the truth. "It's because, i- i knew we would have to share a room," he paused to find words that explained what he was feeling but you took it another way.
"What is so wrong about being around me that always gets you like this?" your voice broke a little, and you hated yourself for showing weakness.
"There's nothing wrong!" that came out louder than he intended and he saw the way you flinched, "sorry, but i need you to understand, there is nothing wrong about you. Please just stay quiet so i can finish this?" he pleaded and those usually frowned eyebrows were now raised, his eyes were pleading.
There was a pause, he was gathering his thoughts and giving you both time to calm down.
"From the moment i heard we would be staying together, i knew i would have to get a hold of myself, as a unit chief i couldn't just let go like i wanted to... like i want to," what?
"I love spending time with you, more than i should and it scares me. I thought that if i didn't get too close i would be fine and it worked, until we shared a room for the first time," he sighed, "You were so sweet and caring and it surprised me," that sounded more like a question "i expected that but i didn't expect to... like it so much."
"Wait." he glared at you.
When you remained quiet he started speaking again "Ever since you came to my office, i knew i was in trouble." he sighed and shook his head, "When Strauss told me about you i was ready to treat you just like any other agent who came to my unit, but when i saw you... I didn't know what it was about you that kept pulling me in but i didn't want it to stop, being around you healed a part of me that i wasn't aware was bleeding. The way you treated me, with no judgement for what I've done... you treated me like everybody else and still made me feel special... i let myself be fooled by hope, of... what we could be."
At this point you were speechless, Hotch has never said so much and your mind was still processing what he implied.
"I know it's wrong, i am your superior, fuck, I'm your boss, the one you should look up to, the one who should take care of you and here i am being the creepy guy." he laughed but there was no humor behind it. "I am so sorry i made you uncomfortable, it was never my intention to let my feelings come forward. If you want to file a complaint against me, i understand."
"Hotch... no." it came as a whisper, you coughed and tried again, "No, but, i still don't know what it means..." fuck, I'm dumb. "Feelings?"
"Feelings. For you."
"Like, romantic feelings?"
"Yes? i mean, if they were harmless i wouldn't have to tell you," with his usual frown back he looked at you unsure, as if you were discussing an unsub's methodology.
"Oh..." harmless? why would it be harmless? him having feelings for you was all you wanted!... file a complaint?
"That is... what i wanted for as long as I've known you." you looked at him not sure what to expect but he kept eye contact, you could see the moment he understood what you meant.
He did not look relieved.
"Fuck." he whispered and threw his head back, rubbing his eyes roughly with the pad of his fingers. "What do we do now?"
"I don't know, but from the way you're acting i take it you don't want to do anything..." it hurt to realize he did not want to do something, deep down you knew it wasn't so simple but at the moment you couldn't really think past the possible heartbreak.
"It's not like that."
"It seems exactly like that..."
"I'm just not sure we should act on it, i am not good for you." He raised his voice and turned so he was sitting with his feet touching the floor.
"So we should just pretend this conversation didn't happen?" you said while pushing the blankets and mirroring his position, except his legs were covered by plain black pants. Your grey shorts that barely showed underneath your oversized shirt did not help your fake confidence.
Your question was met with silence.
"Maybe." Yes.
Careful to not let him see how disappointed you were, you kept his gaze, looking just as tough as him.
Under your stare, his resolve almost slipped until you got up, the same way you did after finishing an interrogation. The way you seemed so sure of yourself almost got him believing that what he said didn't affect you. That same sound of your bag opening is what snapped him out of his trance.
"What are you doing?"
"I'll spend the night with Emily." your voice was low and steady. The walls you built up to protect yourself from things that could hurt you coming back up strongly, walls that you used to hide your emotions when you didn't want people to know how you were feeling and my god did they work. He hated to be met with a emotionless expression when you turned to grab something from your bed-
"You don't have to..."
"Yes i do." again, low and steady. "I'll sleep there tonight and tomorrow I'll book another room."
He didn't know what to say, that was the best thing to do but you being away meant he wouldn't get to hear you breathing...
"We only have a few hours before we need to go back to work, you should let Emily sleep." trying to make you feel guilty didn't seem to work as you kept gathering your things. He was getting anxious now and when you passed him to pick up your phone from the bedside table he pulled the device out of your hand. "Stay. it's too late for you to be walking around the hotel." he was hoping that if he used his work voice maybe you'd listen.
"Give it back."
He was towering over you and the feeling he felt before came back, if you kept looking at him like that, he would break.
He couldn't afford to break.
So he left you standing there, walking to the bathroom with your phone in hand. You stood like that even after he slammed the door, shocked he had really just taken your phone just like your parents did when you were a teenager. After the shock passed you almost laughed at how insane this was, did he really think that this would stop you?
He knew it didn't stop you but he hoped it would. He had taken your phone but it's not like you needed it if you were going to stay with Emily. Looking at himself in the mirror, the eyes he was met with did not seem like him, for the first time in a while he did not know what to do. When he went inside he didn't even know what he was thinking exactly, only knew that he wanted to get away from you as fast as possible without making you leave the room. Looking around, his eyes fell to the same towel he used earlier that now was folded beside the sink, in his rush to take a shower he didn't think much about where to put it but he was sure he hadn't folded it.
You don't remember hearing the lock, if he didn't lock the door you could just go in and get your phone back, even the idea of fighting again seemed appealing, maybe if you fought with him some more your feelings would dissipate...
A shower always helped him take his mind off of things but right now he could barely move without being reminded of your presence. The towel you folded because he had thrown it somewhere carelessly and you knew he would want to shower again before work, your own towel and dirty clothes that laid together on the floor, the liquid soap you used that normally would be kept in a corner with your skin care products but that now was right beside his shampoo, you were also desperate for sleep and yet you made up time to fold his towel... yeah a shower wouldn't hurt.
Hearing the water running somehow duplicated your want to go inside, finding yourself right in front of the door with your hand on the handle when-
"Fuck!" a whispered scream, muffled by the water yet distinct enough for you to understand.
If you were to go in, you would have to be prepared to face him... the door would make noise and there was a chance that maybe the curtain was not closed enough and he would see you coming in, if you were to go in... it would have to be now.
This is definitely not what he planned to do, the initial idea was to take a shower to clean his head from any thoughts of you, not to fill it it more thoughts... definitely not these kind of thoughts. Now he was hard and even more frustrated.
Both his hands were on the wall, his head resting on it while he contemplated what to do, touching himself while thinking of you when you were at the other side of the door right after a fight felt dirty. When his left hand started slipping down a couple knocks echoed followed by your voice, no longer the voice that made him feel small.
"Hotch? can i come in?" he should tell you no, what if you somehow managed to see the evidence of his perverted thoughts?
"Yes." yes please, come in, come see for yourself that I'm just as worst as those guys on the street that you held yourself back from punching.
You were right. The door made a loud noise that made you cringe, looking at the mirror you were met with the damp white curtain, the fact that he was standing naked behind it right now was enough to make you forget why you were here in the first place, a loud buzzing made you remember. Walking quickly to where he had put your phone, right above his towel, picking it up you were met with a call from Rossi and 3 new messages.
"Dave is calling." you figured Aaron had also heard the phone buzzing. "Hello?"
"You're awake!"
"Uhm, yeah..." weird.
"Good, is Aaron with you?" come on Dave, you know he is.
"Yes he is." you were facing the mirror and saw when Aaron reached a hand up to pull the curtain back before letting go, apparently he remembered you were there and he couldn't just get out, especially given his current state...
"Great, i called him 3 times and he didn't pick up" there was a pause, "Thought that was unusual, he usually picks up in the first ring..." he was talking in a suggestive tone but, he often used it when talking about Aaron.
"Oh, he's taking a shower..." no, no, no you shouldn't have said that! he can probably hear the shower running-
"At 3am?" he laughed, "Weird guy, but well, tell him boy genius found something that could help the profile, we're heading back to the station right now."
"Okay, I'll let him know."
Guess you weren't sleeping tonight, at least Aaron did, having a sleep deprived guy driving you wouldn't be good.
"What did he want?" you didn't realize you hadn't said anything after the call ended, snapping your head up you were met with Aaron watching you from behind the curtain, his hair was damp and he looked flushed.
"Spence found something, they're heading back to the station now." he nodded, his wet hair shaking and a few droplets of water falling down his face, it looked obscene really. "Anything else?"
"He said he called you and found strange that you didn't answer," you were avoiding looking at him now but still saw in your peripheral vision when he nodded while humming.
There was a moment of awkwardness until you realized you could just leave, so you did just that.
"Wait!" he called out before you could fully step out of the room, "Can you hand me the towel?"
You didn't answer but still went back inside to grab it, the fabric felt soft and comforting unlike his wet and cold hand when it accidentally touched your fingers.
"Wait for me? I'll be out quick."
"I don't-"
"Sure." you sighed.
Closing the door behind yourself felt more relieving than catching an unsub... okay, that was an overstatement but the feeling was there. Not knowing how long it would take for him to be out but aware he only had the clothes he was wearing to bed in the bathroom, you tried to change as fast as you could, having Aaron seeing even more skin would be too embarrassing.
You had done a good work earlier picking up your clothes, all of them were stuffed inside your go bag and you could see a white button up, white tank top and the black pants you wore today sticking out, it would have to do. Deciding to take one step at a time you pulled the shorts down, your shirt was big enough to cover your ass if Aaron suddenly opened the door, thankfully, it did not happen. Taking your shirt off felt a bit too risky, just having the cool air of the room hit your bare back and chest would make you shiver, if Aaron saw it you would be left shaking. Pants buttoned and shirt left for later you picked up your sneakers, boots were too much for a time you were supposed to be sleeping, just as you were finishing tying them the loud noise of the door opening and heavy footsteps filled the room.
"Ready?" he seemed out of breath, you hadn't looked up yet but you were sitting in your bed and he had to walk in front of you to get to his. When he did, you could see the black pants pooling around his feet.
"Not yet."
Picking the shirt and tank top you had throw a little further on the bed you risked a glance in his direction, bare shoulders, pale enough you could make out the outline of where his hand were gripping a second before, his tense muscles were aching even more now, having to interact with you and pretend to not have almost jerked off to the thought of you minutes ago had only made it worse.
Hearing your bed creaking he looked back, he supposed you were walking to the bathroom to change your shirt, oh what he would do to have you change right in front of him... fuck, not again!
Adjusting his pants, again, he tried to focus on the case.
Women around 20-25 were being kidnapped, found dead 3 days later. The case was pretty much like any other but the city decided to not cooperate, the team was stressed and it doubled when another woman went missing yesterday, one of the police officers knew her family and almost started a fistfight with Derek when we took a break, not pleased with the fact that we weren't machines and actually needed to take breaks eventually.
"Now i am." you were back, he hadn't even realized he continued moving while thinking.
"Good. Let's get going."
Now with the work mask put on, both were ready to act like no words were exchanged tonight.
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a/n³: i read this like 3 times and i still don't trust my work lol, I'll try to find a beta reader so i can post faster.
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oflights · 2 months
I just found Glory today and I love it so so much I’m obsessed!!!! I’ve always found that the authors I love the most also have excellent taste so do you have any bloodweave recs for me to devour while I pine away for a new chapter?
hi! ahh i'm so happy to hear this! thank you so much, i'm incredibly pleased you're enjoying Glory. 💕
recs!!! i definitely have recs *cracks knuckles*
disclaimer: a lot of these are bookmarked from when i was still shy and just reading and getting into this pairing on my own and very New (though i am still very New, to be fair) and basically i need to get better about commenting lol. but i rec these wholeheartedly! and also obviously these are just my opinions, i am still reading lots but haven't read everything.
these are all complete; i might do a separate post with wips i'm following if there's any interest!
in absolutely no order, and below the read more for length:
The Fourth Ring by Vamillepudding; this is the first fic i immediately sent to all of my friends and forced them to read because i loved it so much. inspirational, hilarious, beautiful. no tadpoles AU, my beloved
We're Here and It's Now by houseofthestars; one of my favorite bloodweave authors, i recommend basically all of houseofthestars' fics but this one is a fave. mind the tags/kinks but ahhhh. this is also my absolute favorite descriptions of a beautiful post-game underdark life for them, it's so perfect. one of my favorite gale voices, too, he is everything to me
Might Just Make It by lavvyan; another favorite author of mine!! this is an absolutely adorable and heart-wrenching little AU that was one of my major "oh" moments for these two. love it
Corner of Sail Street and Sea Lion by lavvyan; again, lavvyan, truly a fave!! this is such a fun, frantic post-game fic where astarion races to waterdeep to rescue gale from a calamity. i simply love when astarion is forced to confront the fact that he cares UGH like he's kicking and screaming and stamping his feet about it but he cares, damn it! it's so good
Weakness Coming On by bloodweaving; one of my fave in-game fics; it's just so incredibly plausible and hilarious. astarion absolutely tortures gale in this because he just cannot deal with how much he likes him and that is just. yes exactly perfect, no notes
you might love me to death by tuffgreg; this in-game dynamic is incredible and complex and delicious. amazing use of the act 2 backdrop, aka my favorite act.
Dysfunction by nematode; god i could read 100k more words of this version of them! the exploration of these sex dynamics is sooo good. they are just perfect here, i adore this fic.
embracing the sun by vannral; reccing all of vannral's bw fics but this one has my heart. it's gorgeous and funny and so sweet. also shadowheart is my secret second fave companion and the use of her in vannral's fics is always wonderful.
if my heart stops beating, we'll bleed the same way by AgentBuzzkill; angsty hurt gale is an obvious fave of mine but the astarion in this fic is who really kills me; i have so many feelings about him immediately post-cazador and the weight of what he has to deal with, and this makes it so much heavier
Bliss and Ignorance by ultranerdyandiknowit; i'm still drafting a comment for this fic because i love it so much. heed the warnings and tags but please give this one a read. it's gorgeous and heartbreaking and the miscommunication just makes so much sense. again, act 2 is my favorite part of the game and this leans into act 2 gale so well and i love it so much
wow okay i will be shutting up now 🙈
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gali-la · 2 months
I've been so busy lately I've been neglecting the good fics of AO3. In the spirit of getting back into it, I'm gonna make a list (or recommendation list) of the fics I read and like over the course of the month!
Disclaimer—these are not One Piece specific, despite the majority of this blog being so. 'Tis whatever strikes my fancy
(tagging the authors whose blogs i know/can find because i need you all to know i love you sm. feel free to yell at me)
Bad Hair Day by Aerle [2.9k, One Piece]
Ratings: General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Thatch/Izou Additional Tags: Hairdresser au Summary: When Thatch is about to close his hair salon early because of the heat, a last minute and rather desperate customer shows up. Notes: Absolutely adorable fic!! from a favor for a near-stranger to sweet small talk and conniving matchmaker friends... this one has so much packed into a cute little one shot. Absolutely recommend!!
go ahead and bite off more than you can chew by gendervapor ( @gendervapor14 ) [1.1k, One Piece]
Ratings: Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Charlotte Katakuri/Donquixote Rosinante Additional Tags: Romance, first kiss, insecurity, domestic fluff, established relationshipSummary: "You—you hardly know what I am, what I look like. And you think I’m planning to wed you? I couldn’t." Notes: Sweetest thing on the planet written by the sweetest person on the planet (ya im a little biased. fite me). The delicious insecurity and subsequent reassurance all topped of with a first kiss!! this fic will forever have my heart and soul <3
OP Rare Pair Week Day 5 - Season by ArgelTal ( @chaoticargeltal ) [1.3k, One Piece]
Ratings: General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Akainu | Sakazuki/Ryokugyu | Aramaki Additional Tags: Admirals polycule, cute, fluff, domestic fluff, fluff and humor, one-sided crush, pre-relationship Summary: Day 5 of the One Piece Rare Pair Week, prompt: Season. Aramaki hates winter. The cold is terrible on his plant body and the sun is too weak. But then he finds a new sun in Sakazuki. Notes: Absolutely adorbsss I love the dynamic between all the admirals. I'm normally not a marines fan, but this fic could just about make me one XD
Those freckles are misleading by Lerya ( @lerya-fanfic ) [1.4k, One Piece]
Ratings: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Marco/Ace Additional Tags: miscommunication, mutual pining, modern au Summary: Marco couldn't deal with this, he had only just started teaching history at Grand Line University, there was no way he was putting all of that on the line because he student was flirting with him. He's less than stellar sex life can't be the reason why he'd dare to do this. The 'student' in question is hot though, but still not worth his job. Notes: A lot of this fic was me just laughing at Marco, poor guy. Thank god Izou comes to the rescue—I'm pretty sure Marco wasn't gonna survive much longer. Ends with a sweet date and a night spent together!! Absolutely worth reading
challenge by starbitz ( @j1rouz ) [1.3k, One Piece]
Ratings: General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship(s): Zoro/Luffy Additional Tags: feelings realization, first kiss, roronoa zoro and vinsmoke sanji bickering, roronoa zoro-centric, slice of life, fluff, canon compliant Summary: "You don’t have a romantic bone in your big, dumb body,” Sanji quips, giving Zoro a hearty shove. Notes: One of my favorite zolu dynamics—captain and his first mate being silly and dumb together. This fic totally captures that in the best was possible <3 beginning to show up sanji and ending so sweetly
for what it's worth by de_winter [6.8k, One Piece]
Ratings: Teen and up audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Thatch/Izou Additional Tags: modern au, getting together, friends to lovers, mutual pining, cabin fic, first kiss, Summary: A year since they’d seen each other in person, and Izou had once again forgotten how good Thatch looked. An impossible feat, now that he once again laid eyes on those shoulders. With each passing year, Thatch seemed to look better and better, and his sweaters seemed to be getting smaller and smaller at the same rate. Notes: One of my fav Thatch/Izou fics. the way theyre both so in love with each other... GOD its fucking delicious
Observe When I Am Dead by Augment [8.3k, One Piece]
Ratings: Mature, creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationship(s): Zoro/Luffy Additional Tags: angst, thriller bark fallout Summary: Kuma offers Zoro a slightly different deal. Notes: god the PAIN with this one. absolutely recommended read 10/10 zoro's devotion and silence—god it hurts and tastes so GOOD
pay you in love without returns by wishbone [3k, House M.D.]
Ratings: Teen and up audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Greg House/James Wilson Additional Tags: gift giving, friends to lovers, lack of communication, joke proposal is treated seriously, marriage proposal, relationship advice, wedding rings, angst with a happy ending Summary: When Wilson tells House how much he spent on the Hammond organ he gifts him, House makes a mistake that will reveal their feelings for each other. Notes: Poor wilson—though to be fair, they're both idiots in this one, and i wouldn't have it any other way. if you want some feels and some happy endings with a dose of oh god that hurt you're dumbasses, this is the fic for you!
honest with you by astrange_one [8.8k, My Hero Academia]
Ratings: Teen and up audiences, Creator chose not to use archive warnings Relationship(s): Yamada Hizashi/Aizawa Shouta Additional Tags: fluff and angst, hurt/comfort, mutual pining Summary: Hizashi doesn't want to be a burden to anyone, but he forgets that things are different now compared to back when he was in foster care. Because if there's one thing he's perfected over the years, it's keeping his problems to himself. He's used to it, after all. It's just that Shota doesn't like it when he does that. Notes: this is angsty as HELL. Total Mic whump (yum) with a happy ending. delicious
Eye of the Beholder by Heronfem [6.8k, My Hero Academia]
Ratings: mature, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: Falling in love, idiots in love, didn't know they were dating, oblivious, humor, romance, first kiss Summary: “I’m just saying,” Mina says, propping her chin in her hand and pouting, “it’s unfair. It’s totally unfair. We were all fools and our punishment is too extreme to be borne. The gods are making us pay.” Bakugou cracks an eye open from where he’s sprawled out with his head in Kirishima’s lap. It’s a nice day, closing in on the end of summer during their third year of school, and the heat is fully upon them. “What the fuck are you talking about?” “That,” she huffs, and points. “Oh,” Bakugou says wryly. “That.” --- Or, Sero gets hot over summer break and Todoroki gets his man (though not without a few bumps along the way) Notes: the obliviousness is STRONG with this one. Paired with Todoroki's not-quite-perfect understanding of social cues, this is *chefs kiss*
Shovel Talk by nirejseki [1.7k, The Flash]
Ratings: not rated, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Additional Tags: canon divergence Summary: Barry warned him that people might try to give Len the shovel talk, now that Barry had decided to bring his and Len's year-old relationship into the light. Len never said he was going to be nice about letting them. Notes: Len is a little shit and I love him for it. he also doesn't take shit from anyone. it's fantastic.
Everybody else is second best by barrylen [3.8k, The Flash]
Ratings: teen and up audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Additional Tags: fix-it, light angst, fluff Summary: Barry couldn't stop sneaking glances at Leo and Ray. Leo had a plan, of course. Notes: I'm a sucker for fix-its. thats it. i cant stand the fact that they killed len off and every fix there is ill swallow it whole
Mr. Blue Sky by BeauregardsTaxicab ( @beauregardstaxicab ) [269k, The Flash]
Ratings: Teen and up audiences, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Additional Tags: canon divergence, humor, friendship, angst with a happy ending Summary: Shortly after Barry is struck by lightning, Iris discovers that not only does he have a secret boyfriend, but that boyfriend is Leonard Snart, a notorious thief. She learns to trust him, however, as they both begin looking into Dr. Wells for Barry's sake. Over the nine months that Barry's asleep, their team grows and they discover more frightening details about the man who was currently keeping Barry alive. Together, they have to figure out the whole truth and make a plan to keep Barry safe before Dr. Wells catches onto them, or there will be no stopping him... Notes: I read this entire thing in a week. maybe less. (and finished it this morning!!) i am INSANE over the coldflash dynamic in this one. It's so good, so sweet, they're so in love and i want to cry. the plot is FANTASTIC i was hanging on every word. I can't explain how much i loved this—every single twist, every single moment of agony and happiness, there was no tearing me away from this. It is worth every single one of the 21 chapters and the 268,722 words within them. 1000/10. im never recovering. i need to leave five hundred comments once i regain brain function
Mantra by goldsaffron [4.9k, One Piece]
Ratings: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Relationship(s): Silvers Rayleigh/Gol D. Roger Additional Tags: observation haki, kenbunshoku, pre-canon, getting together, sharing a bed, strangers to lovers, domestic bliss Summary: Rayleigh and Roger meet, and Rayleigh promptly develops telepathy. At least, that's what it seems like, because Rayleigh swears he can sense Roger's emotions. Affection, jealousy, desire--but is Rayleigh just imagining it? There's no way Roger wants him like that... right? Alternatively, how Roger and Rayleigh discovered kenbunshoku haki and fell in love along the way Notes: the TENSION between these two. goldsaffron is one of my favorite Roger/Ray authors, and this one SHOWS IT. the build up and series of events to lead up to the final wall breaking down and both of them giving in... absolutely love this fic. i think ive read it like, three times in the past couple of days
you heat me like a filament by priestkink [6k, Spider-man: Spider-Verse]
Ratings: explicit, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Miguel O'Hara/Peter B. Parker Additional Tags: Body worship, body image, blow jobs, intercrural sex, fantasizing, established relationship Summary: Peter thinks Miguel is unfairly, distractingly hot. Miguel shows Peter that he is, too. Notes: Body appreciation but in the "I'm so obsessed with you how DARE you think you're anything but perfect and exactly what i want" my favorite vintage. regular revisit
shallow then halo by xarvel [1.9k, Spider-man: Spider-Verse]
Ratings: explicit, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Miguel O'Hara/Peter B. Parker Additional Tags: Trans Miguel O'Hara, Trans Peter Parker, established relationship, use of AFAB terms Summary: Peter trembles above him, both hands on Miguel’s chest as he moves, and if Miguel could drown in this, he would. “There you are,” he murmurs, and Peter huffs out a laugh, turning to kiss the inside of Miguel’s wrist. Notes: toe-curling smut with a smattering of sweet dirty talk. nothing better than fucking three orgasms out of yours boyfriend and then losing your own mind (with love)
just for show by arxaris ( @arxaris ) [1k, My Hero Academia]
Ratings: explicit, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto Additional Tags: PWP, fake/pretend relationship, getting together Summary: “Shouto,” he gasped, vaguely wondering when they had switched to using given names all the time, instead of just in public. “Wh-what are we - oh, fuck - what are we doing?” “Fucking,” Todoroki panted. “Specifically, I’m riding you.” Sero huffed a laugh that turned into a moan. “Not what I-I meant, baby,” he replied, and suddenly he was distracted again, trying and failing to remember when exactly pet names had been brought into private, too. Just like this, it had sort of just happened. Notes: TASTY AS HELL. i love seroroki pissing off endeavor, and I love them getting together over it even more
We Keep Rockin' by orphan_account [1.7k, The Flash]
Ratings: explicit, no archive warnings apply Relationship(s): Barry Allen/Leonard Snart Additional Tags: jealous len, possessive len Summary: They'd been in this situation before, Barry pressed against the nearest surface, Cold fucking into him with a rhythm that was anything but gentle. Yet despite the rough and hot and heavy movements of their typical exchanges, Barry couldn't help but feel like there was an underlying rage to Snart’s thrusts tonight. Notes: the possessiveness, the jealousy—perfect and delicious. I love this fic so much.
if you made it to here, thanks for sticking around!! go give love to all of these wonderful authors, and I will see you on the next fifteenth o7
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timeofjuly · 5 months
Soulmates in Wishbone, or how I think the soulmate trope would shape the culture of a Swapfell Underground.
Disclaimer: worldbuilding is not one of my strengths lol, so take this more as rambly what-if speculation than anything concrete. If I end up contradicting any of this in the fic, shhh no I didn't.
@blurry-palmetto wanted to hear more about soulmates in my swapfell soulmate au fic Wishbone, so instead of replying to their comment like a normal person, here’s a whole long ass post below the cut!
Here’s a recap of what we know about how soulmates work in the fic:
The soulmate bond is solidified by physical touch.
Soulmates share HP, LV, and EXP.
Soulmates can share physical sensation.
Soulmates can access each other’s thoughts, feelings, and Intent.
They can share their own of all of the above with their soulmate.
They can also prevent their soulmate from accessing these things.
Both of the above are learned skills that require effort to execute. Without knowing how to be intentional with the bond, you just kinda end up transmitting everything to your soulmate all day long.
Soulmates are unable to FIGHT each other.
The death of one soulmate results in the death of the other(s).
Extended time away from your soulmate(s) results in soulmate sickness. For Papyrus, this manifested as feelings of itchiness, restlessness, insomnia, palpable anxiety. Increased physical distance between him and the reader worsened these symptoms.
Soulmates are a strictly monster thing: all monsters have a soulmate, and those soulmates can be other monsters, or they can be humans. There are no human/human soulmate bonds. Two humans can be soulmates with the same monster, though.
Any number of people can be soulmates in many different configurations. In Wishbone, the reader is in a wishbone, V-shaped bond with Sans and Papyrus, where they’re the middle bit and the brothers branch off from them.
Before the events of the first chapter of Wishbone, there were no mage/monster soulmate bonds.
Nobody has ever survived an attempt to break a soulmate bond.
For Wishbone, it was important to have two differing cultural views on soulmates because I wanted there to be a huge disparity between how Sans and Papyrus approach the bond compared to the reader. This choice was made for a few reasons, but mostly for maximum angst potential lmao (the driving force behind most Wishbone related decisions). I wanted the soulmate phenomenon to be deeply respected and revered by the monsters, a cultural tenet akin to children wearing stripes and respect for the monarch. A Big Deal, basically. This is juxtaposed with the reader’s disdain and ignorance - they have no idea how any of this works because soulmates weren't a Thing before the barrier broke, and they don’t really care to know, because the bond is nothing but a Big Problem they plan on rectifying. Yay to miscommunication and misunderstanding!
Now, for the monsters to feel that reverence, there has to be some advantage to having a soulmate Underground, right? Particularly in the cut-throat environment of Swapfell (or any Fellverse in general) - if this was just another glaring weakness ready to be exploited, everyone would do their best to avoid meeting their soulmate.
This brings us to:
Soulmates in a Fell Underground; what’s so good about having a soulmate, anyway?
First off, let’s talk about the downsides.
The biggest one is if your soulmate dies, that’s it for you too. You share HP and if you’re both drained, you’re dust. No second chances. This is obviously a massive, easily exploited weakness, and one that I think would’ve shaped the way soulmates cohabitate and interact with each other. I mention in the second chapter of Wishbone that typically the weaker monster(s) will move in with the stronger; this is one of those things that would’ve arisen to protect against this weakness. I think collars would exist for a similar reason in this universe.
Soulmate sickness. An issue if you’re separated from your soulmate, but it would’ve been much rarer Underground. In terms of sheer physical space available, it’d be pretty hard to get physically far enough to cause major issues, and like Papyrus says in Wishbone, soulmates don’t try to avoid each other. The situation in the fic is practically unprecedented.
For the stronger monster, you’re now responsible to ensure the survival of someone(s) weaker than you. Kinda hard to just look out for number one now. You’ve got a whole other person/group of people to keep safe and happy. That's a lot of pressure!
For the weaker monster, you might now find yourself the target of someone seeking to hurt your stronger soulmate(s).
All of that really sucks. There’s gotta be some pretty good benefits to offset all of those downsides.
And there are!
You get to share HP, EXP, LV. We’ve touched on the negatives, but there’s a huge advantage to this too. Not everyone’s bound to a soulmate. In a fight with an unbound person vs a bound one, the bound one theoretically has access to double the power.
Having a soulmate gives you a built-in ally, someone you can trust to have your back. They’ll always have your best interests at heart, because their interests are yours. Underground, this would’ve been an advantage to have over your unbound counterparts who can’t really trust their allies fully.
There’s also all the stuff Papyrus said when he was telling the Second Mage about the origin/purpose of soulmates. Monster souls are composed of love, hope, and compassion, and they inherently seek connection with others. He explains that soulmates have existed for as long as monsters can remember, as a way for souls to find individuals who can fulfill their need for hope, trust, love, and compassion. In an Underground where finding this with others was scarce, this is a big bonus. (As a side note, I think this adds a new layer to Sans’ glove wearing. The gloves actively prevent him from touching others and finding a soulmate. For a tactically minded person who is very aware of the strategic bonus of a soulmate, it says a lot that he's purposely passing up on all of those benefits.)
And that’s just all the purely practical stuff. Finding your soulmate(s) is highly romanticised. A bright spot in the otherwise bleak Underground. The stuff of fairytales - literally, Sans talks about telling those stories to Papyrus in chapter 2. There’s a reason Papyrus is so excited to be a soulmate (note that he’s not fussed about who that soulmate actually is).
Okay, but now the barrier’s broken and everyone’s above ground. Now what?
Great question, hypothetical person!
Firstly: a whole lotta monsters find their soulmates in humans. Remember how monsters can have soulmates in monsters and/or humans? This means that lots of monsters Underground were unable to meet their human, above ground soulmates. Now that they're free, this changes. This is a mostly good thing for the monsters, but I'm sure that a lot of humans in pre-existing relationships now had to grapple with the fact that they're now telepathically bound to their literal soulmate after accidentally brushing hands at the grocery store.
In the wider context of human society, I think there’d be mixed reactions, but what’s more shocking, monsters having soulmates or the mere existence of monsters in the first place? I think by the time everyone gets over the monster thing, the whole monster soulmate thing would be a lot less crazy in comparison.
In the context of mage society - before Wishbone, this just wasn’t an issue, because everyone thought that monsters can’t have mage soulmates. We’re now dealing with the fallout from realising that isn’t the case in the fic.
Where does this leave us?
A fun angsty playground to play around in, full of pits and spikes and traps, in my opinion! There’s so much cultural stuff that the reader insert in Wishbone just doesn’t get. Rules and norms and expectations that they know nothing about and can't really learn on their own, because so much of this knowledge is passed down through oral storytelling.
This is just another issue the characters need to contend with - they aren’t on equal footing for a million reasons, and one of those reasons is that they all know and believe different things about the bond and nobody is communicating about any of it. Well, Papyrus tried, but was shut down immediately. Which makes sense - he tried because he wants to have a proper, close bond with the reader, the kind he's wanted his whole life, and the reader shut it down because they have no interest in any of that. Not to mention round-the-clock glove wearing Sans, who has some pre-existing Issues with the idea of having a soulmate altogether.
But like Papyrus said, the supposed purpose of the bond is to help people get their fix of love, hope, and compassion, things that all three of them need if they ever want to be truly happy. In particular; Papyrus is desperate to be loved, and also doesn’t love himself; Sans has put so much space between himself and compassion as a protective measure over the years that it’s almost completely foreign to him, both feeling it for others (note that the Second Mage invokes reluctant compassion in him almost immediately, despite how much he hates them) and accepting it from those who care about him; and the reader, someone so focussed on building a better future for others, is completely without hope on a personal level because they see no future for themselves in the wake of the loss of their twin.
So, in theory, this whole soulmate thing could be good for all of them. I guess we'll just have to see if that's the case in practice.
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cecropiacrown · 3 months
hii, for the writer asks (if ur still taking them <3):
❌ and 🤡 ?
thank you!! 💗
Aw, thanks for the ask, Star! <3 ❌ What's a trope you will never write? I won't write the whole "I was dared to ask you out and so I'm pretending to like you but now I've fallen in love with you" trope The miscommunication and betrayal when the other person finds out just makes me so sad 😭😭😭 🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh? In chapter 4 of my long fengqing fic there's a scene where Feng Xin has bought Mu Qing breakfast and Mu Qing is incredibly frazzled by it. Feng Xin's reply made me laugh too much when I was writing it. _____________ “Stop spending money on me.” 
It’s a weak argument and doesn’t fully encapsulate all the complicated things Mu Qing is feeling right now, but it’s the best retort he has. “Oh. Um… No?” _____________ Thank you again for the ask! <3
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bilbosmom-belladonna · 9 months
Can I also ask about Big Gay Roadtrip and Wax On, Wax Off? :D
Of course! Always happy to talk more about writing!
Big Gay Roadtrip is actually a Stranger Things Steddie fic, which has been sitting in my WIP folder for several months now. I opened it to answer this and was surprised to find I had actually started writing it, who knew! 😝 Briefly, Eddie joins Steve, Robin, and Vickie on their monthly "big gay roadtrip" to Indianapolis to visit a gay nightclub there and live life to their small-town-queer-teen-in-the-80s fullest. Miscommunication and shenanigans ensue! Anyway, here is a snippet:
It was endless. It was exhausting. He had never been a loner, per se, but this was on another level. He was seeing these people practically every day, it was absurd.  But he kept saying yes, because the kids were persistent and Robin was merciless and Nancy lifted her eyebrow at him and Steve would get this puppy dog look in his eyes. Eddie was a weak man and he knew it. Plus there was something inside him—something that he thought he had squashed a long time ago—that thrilled at being included.  Maybe Nancy Reagan was right about peer pressure, the bitch.
Wax On, Wax Off, as you might have guessed, is another WIP for @waxerboilmonth! The mustache puns prompt didn't make it through voting, so I am shoehorning this one into the non-sexual intimacy prompt instead 😂 No snippet yet, but the premise is: Boil has an incident while trying to wax his mustache. He goes to Waxer for help, thinking he knows all about waxing because that's how he got his name. Spoiler alert: that is not how Waxer got his name. But he thinks Boil is pretty cute so he's going to try and help anyway!
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kandisheek · 2 months
SERIES: Days of Our Lives by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony Rating: E Words: 17,605 Tags: Canon Divergence, Identity Porn, Married Life
Reasons why I love it: Soooo, technically this series doesn't meet my criteria of having three finished works in it already, but I love it so much that I'm reccing it anyway. (And my inside sources tell me there is more to come, so it totally counts ;D) This verse has so many things that I love - Steve being an absolute simp for his wife, Toni schooling Steve on his understanding of 'the ladies', fantastic smut and lovely character development. You definitely don't want to miss this one!
This series consists of:
Met You on a Monday
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony Rating: G Words: 10,296 Tags: Miscommunication, Getting Together, Identity Reveal
Summary: The Chitauri invade on a Monday, the same day that Steve meets Iron Man for the first time, and then Toni Stark--and then everything he thinks he knows about both of them goes right out the window.
Reasons why I love it: I really, really love the way Steve is portrayed here. I have an immense weak spot for Steve becoming a fumbling puppy when faced with a beautiful woman, and this fic is no exception. The miscommunication is delicious, and made even more so by how much Toni is enjoying wrapping Steve around her little finger. This fic is incredible, and I hope you give it a shot for yourself!
Tuesdays are for Pegging
Pairing: Steve/fem!Tony Rating: E Words: 7,309 Tags: Marathon Sex, Multiple Orgasms, Pegging
Summary: It might be just another random Tuesday, but all Steve wants is to get fucked into the mattress by Toni--she always knows what he needs, and this time is no different.
Reasons why I love it: Okay, listen. There are a lot of things I love about genderbent Stony. Many, many things. But one of my absolute favorites is fem!Toni domming the absolute fuck out of Steve. And this fic is a prime example of that. It's fantastic from start to finish, so hot you'll need a fan, and ends with the exact kind of schmoop that I'm looking for in a married couple smut fic. Tens across the board! I really hope you check this one out, because it deserves all the love in the world!
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Like magnets
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Pairings: Eddie Munson x Fem!plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Hello there. Welcome back. This is just a one shot I had on my brain. Something a little smutty. I hope you like it. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Feel free to comment/reblog. I am always open for suggestions on any fic I write. Okay let's give it a go. Love ya byyyyyeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures used are from a Google search. So a credit to the original posters.
Word count: 5,600+
Warnings: 18+ no minors please. Alcohol use, sexual situations, language, slight angst, light hurt/comfort, miscommunication and not proof read.
Summary: What a handsome stranger Eddie Munson is. Is it a bad thing to want him in ways you are scared to say out loud? Only time will tell.
It was weird how things started with Eddie Munson. But weird was what you needed.
Being in a new town, with zero family or friends was nerve wreaking. Still, you needed the change.
You were always a free spirit. Or at least tried to be. Trying new foods and exploring. Going on little excursions to waterfalls or experiencing the hidden gems across America was the best way to spend a life.
However, it was time to settle down and find a job.
To be honest, you never even heard of Hawkins. But somehow you found yourself there.
You had been in this cute small town for a good two months now. You had started work as a waitress at Benny's a month prior. Sure, it wasn't something you planned on doing forever. But the tips were really good.
Moving on to the night you met a handsome stranger.
You were invited out for drinks with a couple of coworkers. With no plans other than watching a movie, you went.
You drove to this tiny bar in the middle of nowhere around 10pm. You rummaged the back seat for something other than your uniform to wear. But to no avail. You gave up after a few minutes and sprayed yourself with body spray. You applied some watermelon lip gloss and unraveled your hair.
" It will have to do." You said before heading in.
It was pretty dark inside and there was a live band setting up. Not really paying attention to the guys on stage you searched for your coworkers. When you saw them you waved and went over.
You were two drinks in when the band started playing Hysteria by Def Leppard.
You gasped. " Oh my God! I love Def Leppard."
And for the first time you actually looked at the stage. Your eyes immediately locked with the lead guitarist. He. 👏Was. 👏Magnificent. Quite literally taking your breath away. So much so that you averted your gaze to see if it was you he was actually looking at. When you looked back he was grinning and still staring. With the sudden nervousness and shyness filling you, you turned around.
Calm down. Calm down.
It was then you had decided to stop drinking. You need an hour to sober up so you could drive home. You also needed to step outside and cool down. Because you had already started sweating buckets. He made you feel hot as hell.
Deanna, one of your coworkers went outside to smoke. So you followed her.
About 15 odd minutes later you were back in the bar and the band was breaking down.
A little disappointed in not seeing the guy with the pretty brown eyes. You sighed and went to the ladies room.
When you came out the guy from earlier was coming out of the men's room. He had a fresh sweat free shirt on and his hair was free from the bun you saw earlier.
He didn't say a word. He didn't need to. Instead he just stopped and grinned. Giving you a wink then looked away.
That's all he needed to do in order to have you back in the ladies room. With the door locked.
He had your ass at the edge of the sink. Fucking a thick 7 inches in you.
You didn't do shit like this. But this guy made you weak and made your core ache.
Heavy breathing, soft moans and grunts filled the air. He felt good. Maybe too good. Either way, he gave you one of the best orgasms you've had in a very long time.
You left the bar that night with a disbelief of what you did. But also with the biggest smile.
Next time you saw the guy was at the grocery store.
You quickly turned and apologized. " Oh crap! I-I'm so sorry."
You were shopping for dinner about two weeks after the hook up, when you rounded the corner into another aisle. You froze when you saw him. He was reaching for something on the top shelf. This caused his shirt to ride up a little. You caught a glimpse of his happy trail.
Feeling a bit flustered, you started backing away. Walking right into another customer.
Trying to fight the urge to look up, you lost. And of course this handsome man was staring at you. Then he did it. He smiled and winked.
Next thing you knew, you were face down ass up in the back of a van.
He had been pounding into you for a good 5 minutes before you were close.
What was it about this guy that made you cum so fast? Was it the bedroom eyes? Was it the way he touched you? Or was it the way his cock fit you so perfectly? Honestly, the guy knew how to perform. He wasn't too gentle. But also not brutal. Overall, he was flawless. Everything about him screamed to your core. Making you so happy to see him again.
He came right after you did. Both panting in satisfaction next to each other.
" I'm Eddie by the way."
You avoided his eyes as much as possible. Now feeling the embarrassment of not introducing yourself. Truthfully, it didn't seem necessary when it was supposed to be a one and done type of thing. But then it happened again. Which wasn't a terrible thing. It was just awkward now.
It was a dick thing to do. However, you were very awkward in social situations. Therefore you climbed out of the van and headed to your car.
So you quickly got up and put on your bottoms. Giving him a fake little smile. " It's uhh nice to meet you…ummm I need to go. Thanks. I-I had a wonderful time."
You felt like a piece of shit for not saying your name. And prayed that you never saw him again.
That wasn't the case though.
You saw him again during a late shift at Benny's. A group of people came in and sat in your section. You went for drink orders when one said that they were still waiting for two more.
After a couple of minutes you went back and saw the final members. One was this handsome guy with feathery light brown hair. The other was him. You froze for a second when you saw that he was already staring at you. But you took a deep breath and put on a smile.
You opened your order pad. " Hey guys. What can I get you to drink?"
You didn't look at him. But you could feel his eyes and his smile on you.
" Alright, are we ready to order or do you guys need a few more minutes?"
" Uhhh I think we're ready." Said one kid with curly hair.
When it was his turn you finally looked at him. "And what can I get you?"
He put down the menu and gave you a big ass grin. Making all his laugh lines show. " What would the lady recommend?"
You cleared your throat and looked away. Feeling yourself blush. " Umm well…it's not on the menu. But Benny makes this like cowboy burger for me sometimes. It's a quarter pounder patty with cheese and 4 slices of bacon. Topped with onion rings and homemade barbecue sauce. If you want to go the extra mile, I would suggest getting a side of jalapenos and waffle fries…it goes straight to my thighs but it's yum."
You looked back at him and saw that his eyes fell to your thighs. Then slowly went back up to meet yours.
You know exactly what he was thinking. His smirk said it all. And secretly, you wanted the same thing. For him to be between them again.
" That sounds good..." He said looking at your name tagged then back to you. "Y/n... I'll have that. Your way please."
You gulped and nodded.
A few others ordered the same thing after that. You went to put in their order and took a breather. This guy shouldn't have affected you like this. But he did. Something about him drew you in. And now he knew your name. He said so seductively that he had you weak again.
I wonder what it would sound like when he moans it.
You shook the need to jump his bones and went to start drinks. While making a shake you heard your name being called. You turned and he was standing by the counter.
God I can't with him.
You put on a small smile. " Hi. Umm what can I do for you?"
" I uhh I just wanted to say that ummm well…" he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. " I'm really happy to see you again."
Your eyes got a little bigger and your cheeks felt hot. Really?
" It's nice to see you too…umm about the other day…I'm sorry for not introducing myself. It was rude of-"
He let out a small chuckle. " Hey don't worry about it. I know that uhhh it was…a little weird."
You bit your lip and nodded. After that it was quiet for a minute.
" So how about we start over." He said, holding out his hand. " I'm Eddie Munson."
You felt yourself blush. " I'm y/n y/l. It's nice to meet you."
You guys shook hands.
" Well I'll let you get back to it."
You smiled at him again. But when he didn't let go of your hand, you knew what would happen tonight. And who were you to say no to an orgasm? Especially when Eddie was the one to give it to you.
Later that night while you and Benny closed up, you noticed there were still a few cars in the parking lot. You headed to yours and saw Eddie talking to his friend with the feathery hair. Your eyes locked and he winked at you.
You laughed to yourself and got into the car. Reaching for the passenger side lock. A minute later Eddie climbed in.
" Hey."
" Hey."
You both had silly grins on your face as you drove to his place.
How was it that you lived here for about three months and never noticed him? Especially since you guys lived in the same place. Your trailer was on the other side of the lot. But still. He wasn't that far from you.
Soon you found yourself being led to his room.
" It's not much but it's home."
You sat on the bed and looked around the room. It was most definitely a guys room. " I like it. It's bigger than mine."
He took off his jacket and sat next to you. " You live in a small apartment?"
" A small trailer." You answered.
" Wait, you live here too? How long?"
You moved your eyes to him then to your lap. " about three months."
" Huh…small world."
You smiled a little. " Really small."
" Well I'm glad it is." He smirked. "Do you want a beer or something?"
You looked at him. " A beer sounds great. Umm may I use your bathroom?"
" Yeah. First door on the left."
Once you were in the bathroom you quickly went pee and made sure you didn't smell all sweaty. Then you sprayed some body spray on your chest, butt and between your legs. While fanning yourself a little, you thought of a way to move things along.
When you walked out Eddie was putting on music. He must have thought the same thing you were thinking because his shirt was off and he was in sweatpants now.
This was the first time you've seen him without a shirt. And God was he perfect. Not too skinny and not too muscular.
He turned around and looked you up and down. Surprised to see you in just a shirt. You went to him and pushed him down onto the bed. After, you started kissing his jaw all the way down to his little happy trail. Then as you gently palmed his growing length you looked up. He was staring again. Only this time he was giving you his bedroom eyes.
You stood up and licked your lips. " Take those off."
He immediately went to push his bottoms. Once they were off you got comfy in his lap. Slowly rubbing your sex's together. Spreading your slick all over his shaft.
One of his hands went to take off your shirt after a few swirls of your hips. You abruptly stopped and grabbed it.
He got it instantly and put his hand back on your hip.
You shook your head and continued rocking your hips. Soon after, he put on a condom and you guided him in.
He held tight while you rocked back and forth. Swiveling your hips faster and faster to reach that high.
Once you did though you didn't stop. You were being extra selfish and needed another.
Who knew if you guys would hook up again? Going back to self pleasure wasn't looking too good right now. And you wanted him to put all previous orgasms to shame.
Oh boy did he. At one point you were flat on your stomach while he thrusted the ever living fuck out of you. Hitting your cervix at the right angle. Causing you to cry out his name over and over until all you could do was whimper and gasp.
You lost count of how many times you came. But you were more than certain that he came at least 3 times.
You woke the next morning completely exhausted and sore. But the night before was worth it.
You sighed softly and opened your eyes. Not expecting to see that you were still in Eddie's trailer. You looked around and found a clock.
Damn it!
You quietly slipped out of bed and tipped toed around trying to find your clothes. Then you heard him groan.
" Mmmmorning beautiful."
"Umm morning. Uhh sorry I-i tried to be quiet."
" It's cool…"
You heard him shuffle around a bit and felt his hands on your hips. Pulling you back into bed.
If you weren't going to be late for work, you would have spent the whole day there. But you couldn't. So you put a hand on his chest.
" S-sorry. I'm supposed to open today."
Eddie sighed and let you go. You finished putting on your shoes and looked at him.
" Umm I'll see you later okay?"
He didn't say anything but nodded.
Right before you left you went to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips without thinking. When you turned around you froze.
You then heard him chuckle. " I'll see you soon babes."
Your eyes widened as you waved him goodbye.
The whole drive to work you were freaking out. First off, you woke up in his bed. Second, that was the first actually kiss you two shared and it was shit. Thirdly, he called you babes. Like as in his girl. It was cute. Very cute. But it was way too early to put labels on it.
The next few days you took the time your body needed to heal. You treated yourself to a spa day at home on a day off.
You were almost finished with your Mani Pedi when there was a knock on the door.
Yes! Pizza.
Instead of the pizza guy though it was Eddie.
" Hey beautiful."
" H-hi. Umm."
He grinned. " Sorry to drop in. I uhh wanted to see if you were hungry."
You pressed your lips together.
" I-I mean if you're not busy."
You smiled at his nervousness. It was absolutely adorable that he got flustered.
" I actually ordered a pizza. But if you want you could join me. I was just about to play a movie."
He sighed in relief. " I don't want to impose."
You laughed and motioned him to come in.
" Excuse me for a sec."
He nodded.
While hurrying down the hall you caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror. You had your hair wrapped up in a towel and acne cream all over your face. You could've died from embarrassment. But that was a problem for another time.
You came back out moments later and found Eddie paying the pizza guy. You immediately went for your purse.
"No. No." He said putting the pie down and pulling your hand out of your bag.
" Eddie-"
" Don't worry, beautiful. It's the least I can do for interrupting your day off."
"Are you sure? I-"
He put a hand on your back and pulled you closer to him.
"I'm sure babes."
You blushed and looked down.
How are you this damn sexy?
The night you planned turned out way better than you thought. Eddie was not only amazing in bed. But he was actually funny and sweet. Though nothing happened that night, you enjoyed the time you spent getting to know him better.
He left you wanting more and with a kiss on the cheek.
Things didn't progress in the way you wanted them to. It had been two months since you met Eddie. And it seemed like he was into you. However, it also seemed like it was just sex.
You were running errands a week after the surprise visit when you saw him working.
You needed a new air filter for your car and went to the body shop he worked at.
You sneaked around so that he wouldn't see you. You didn't want him to think you were stalking him. So you quickly bought the filter and started for your car.
" Where are you going in such a hurry? Must be super important if you're not gonna say hi?"
You turned around and put on a small smile. " H-hey. Sorry. I didn't want to bother you while you're working."
Eddie shook his head. " You could never bother me, beautiful."
He then came over and gave you a nice warm hug. Making everything in you go haywire. His smell was intoxicating and his body felt incredible against you.
When he pulled away you were already missing his arms.
" Whatcha got there?" He asked, pointing at the bag in your hands.
You shook off your need for him and showed him the air filter.
" I can put that in for you." He offered.
" Oh no. I can do it."
He then grabbed the bag and grinned. " I'm just gonna put in some paperwork and I'll do it."
You could have argued. But did you want to? Of course not. You would pretty much do anything to be near him.
So you waited patiently for him. It was about 15 minutes later when he asked you to pull the car into the garage. Once you did he closed the door.
" My boss is leaving early…"
You bit your lip knowing what that meant.
Again you found yourself under him. Only this time you were in the backseat of your car, with your leg perched up on the seat. He was going so deep that your legs were trembling. And like all the times before, it wasn't long before you were cumming.
When you guys were done he just laid down on you.
" Uhhh so…about that air filter…"
You giggled a little. " If this is what you do in addition to changing it. I'll be in twice a week."
He raised his head and grinned at you. " It's a date."
A little after, you guys left. Eddie wanted to come by later. So you hurried home to shower and shave. Hoping to finally have your body nice and hairless for once. Everytime you guys hooked up you were never expecting to hook up. This time though, you were going to be ready.
You made some spaghetti and put on The Golden Girls. When Eddie came you practically ran to the door.
" Hey beautiful."
" Hi."
You guys are and snuggled on the couch for a bit. Laughing so much at that banter on the screen. Then out of nowhere Eddie's hand that was rubbing your arm, went under your shirt. Your body instantly tensed up. When he noticed he pulled his hand out.
" Are you okay?"
You sat up and moved to the other side of the couch. " Y-yeah. I'm fine."
Eddie reached for the remote to mute the show. " I'm…I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
You couldn't look at him. You knew if you did, you would probably cry.
" N-no. It's not you…I…umm."
He slid over and grabbed your hand. You took a minute before explaining your insecurities about your not so flat tummy and how you hate your boobs.
" I think you're insane."
Your brows pinched together while you looked at him.
Then he smiled sweetly at you. " You're ridiculously beautiful…and very very sexy."
You scoffed and looked down at your guys hands. Fingers now intertwined. " You haven't seen me completely naked."
Eddie was quick to reply. " And I look forward to the day you let me."
That wasn't a response you were prepared for. And though you were skeptical that would ever happen, a vacation in Florida would change things.
It had been five months since the sexual relationship you had with Eddie started.
Was it ever going to be more? You weren't getting any younger. And a committed relationship sounded very good.
In order to see where Eddie's head was at, you had invited him and a mini vacation to the Key West.
The trip started out amazing. The first night you guys had dinner and slept away the jet lag. The second day was spent on a beach and exploring.
On the third and final night things took a step in the right direction.
You guys had gone to the hotel after a night out dancing.
You had just changed and was moisturizing when Eddie stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers. He must have seen you blushing because he immediately crawled on the bed and started kissing your neck. His arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer to him.
You softly sighed feeling him suck a light bruise. When he pulled away he looked so beautiful. Eyes all big and lips slightly moistened. He was phenomenal.
With his free hand he lightly massaged your breast. Then hovered lower. Heading for you panties. But before he did he looked at you. Silently asking for permission. He had never done that before and you liked him so much more for it.
" Eddie, before you do that…maybe you could take off my shirt?"
He licked his lips before answering. " Are you sure?"
With a small gulp you nodded.
Once your shirt was off you laid down and lifted your knees. You also closed your eyes so that you wouldn't catch his look of disgust in his. But what he said changed how you felt.
" Sh-shit." He sighed. "Sooo sexy baby."
You met his gaze and saw the desire in his eyes. No one has ever looked at you like that. Especially not someone as good looking as Eddie.
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him. So you raised your hand and with your index finger you did a come here motion.
He smirked and laid between your legs. Face hovering over yours. One of your hands wrapped in his curls and the other held on to his neck. He leaned in and you lifted. If you could explain this kiss, you would describe it as soft and sweet, but yet full of passion. Everything you could imagine and more.
Suddenly he pushed up against your core. Causing you to mewle into his mouth. Right after, the next kiss turned into straight desperation. Both were desperate for each other. Both needed to feel one another.
It was only seconds after that his mouth moved from yours down to your chin. He went lower and lower until he reached your tummy.
You screwed your eyes shut and gripped the sheets. While trying to relax, you felt Eddie kiss all over your stomach. You got anxious again and sucked in a little.
He looked up. " You okay?"
You let out a shuddered. "Uh-huh."
He wasn't convinced by your answer. "I'll stop."
You lifted your head and shook it. "N-no…please don't. I-I want this…I want you."
He nodded but instead of going back to kissing, he took off your panties and kneeled between your thighs.
" All of you is beautiful. And I want to show you how sexy I think you are."
You tugged at your bottom lip and watched him put on a condom. He climbed on top and guided his rock hard cock up and down your folds.
He looked up at you. " Never been this hard for anyone else."
He shook his head and kissed you. "Ugh. I swear I can't get enough of you."
He started pushing in and though it felt good, feeling his bare belly on yours made you tense up.
" Shush. It's okay. It's all okay. Let me in." He said just above a whisper. Then kissed you until you relaxed.
"That's it. God that's it."
Eddie dragged his cock in and out of you so slowly. It had your skin raised.
You came pretty quickly, but as soon as you did he lifted both of your knees towards your chest. You held onto them while he got to his knees again. He looked you up and down. Settling on your cunt.
" Jesus I swear." He groaned. " I gotta-"
He moved down a little and hunched over. His face only centimeters away from core. You then felt his tongue and heard him hiss.
"Mmmm fuck! Oh sh-...sooo good." He praised.
Once he cleaned you up a bit, he raised back up and grabbed his dick. Slapping it on your very exposed pussy. He then guided himself inside. This time he held the back of your thigh with one hand and rubbing circles on your clit with the other. All the while slamming into you. The hard clap of his thighs hitting your ass bounced off the walls. Along with his grunts and your panting.
You could feel your legs and tummy jiggling, but you didn't care. All you could focus on was how incredible he was making you feel.
And with a loud cry and heavy groan, you and he came together.
You let go of your legs and Eddie slumped down on you. Cursing at how good it was.
You were so tired that you had actually fallen asleep with him still in you. That was until you recoiled at the sensitivity when he pulled out.
" Sorry baby."
You hummed and turned to your side. You heard him sigh and rustle a bit before feeling his arm around your waist. Suddenly, he pulled you closer and snuggled behind you.
You smiled to yourself then fell back asleep
In the morning you woke up before him. Feeling extra happy, you went to go get some breakfast for both of you. When you came back Eddie was sitting in bed watching cartoons.
" Hey! I thought you bailed on me again."
You held up coffee and a paper bag filled with breakfast sandwiches and hash browns. "Sorry. Thought you might want breakfast in bed."
He gave you a breath taking smile and held up his arms for you.
You put down the stuff and took off your shoes before going to him. He kissed you deeply and if his stomach hadn't growled, the kissing would have turned into morning sex. Which wasn't a bad idea. But you guys needed to eat and pack.
While you guys ate, Eddie asked you something you were not prepared for.
" Y/n? Ummm since we're going back to the real world…I kinda want to know where you and I stand."
With a mouth full of croissant you looked at him. "Uhhh." You covered your mouth so he wouldn't be grossed out. " What do you think?"
He looked at his coffee cup and shrugged. "I umm we're just having fun. Right?"
You felt a stab you in your heart. How does someone respond to that? Then you thought about last night. Maybe you were too much. Maybe now that he saw all of you, he didn't want you like you wanted him.
You mentally shook away the hurt and faked a smile. " Y-yeah. Totally."
You couldn't even finish your food after that. So you sat there until he was done and started packing.
The whole way home you pretend to be fine. Deep down though you wanted to cry and tell him the truth. To tell him that you sorry for being big.
When you finally got home he tried to give you a kiss but you moved and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
" I'll call you." You said before going inside.
Eddie felt like shit. That wasn't what he meant. He didn't think you guys were having "fun" anymore. To him it felt like something real had started.
When he took off your shirt, that meant you were ready to be vulnerable with him. That you were ready to take the next step in the relationship. At least that's what he thought. However, once he said the wrong thing, it was like you didn't want a relationship. And that hurt his feelings.
Two weeks had gone by and you hadn't spoken to him. Now that he knew where you lived, you spent as much time as you could not being there.
You felt ashamed of yourself. Embarrassed for developing feelings for a guy who was supposed to be a one night stand. And even more so towards the fact that you let him see you. It had been so long since you let someone see you like that. Now the thing you had with Eddie was over because of it.
You tried talking yourself into moving forward. Though your feelings didn't change for Eddie, you had to try.
By the third week since Florida, you went on a date. It wasn't a big deal or anything. It went okay. Well, okay as first dates go. He was no Eddie though.
When he pulled up to your place, he walked you to the door. You knew what he wanted. But when he leaned in for a kiss you turned your face. He ended up getting your cheek.
He smiled. " Let's do this again soon okay?"
" I'll uhhh I'll call you."
He gave you a hug and you watched him drive away.
" Ouch! Poor guy. He got the 'I'll call you' too."
You looked over and saw Eddie coming towards you.
" H-hey. Are you stalking me now?"
He chuckled. " Maybe. Or maybe I just wanted to see how your date went."
You pressed your lips together and shrugged. "It was nice."
Eddie smirked to himself. " But?"
" But nothing. It was a nice date."
You sighed and went to sit on the steps. He squatted in front of you.
" Can I ask you something?"
You met his eyes and nodded.
" Why didn't you call me?"
"Well ummm." You started then looked away. "I guess I made a mistake. I assumed something. But I know now. I get that I'm not most people's cup of tea. And rejection hurts but I'll get over it."
Eddie jerked his head back. Confused as hell. "What? Who's rejecting you?"
You gulped and looked back at him. " It doesn't matter."
He stood up when you did. Grabbing your hand before you could walk away.
"I didn't reject you. If that's what you think."
You sighed. " Just having fun."
He then let go and put his hands in his pockets. " I-I see."
You gave him a thin lip smile.
" Look y/n. I know how it sounded. But I promise you. That wasn't what-"
"Eddie it's fine. You don't have to explain yourself. It's cool."
He shook his head. " But it's not cool…not talking to you and not seeing you isn't cool."
There was this awkward pause before you had to say something to break the tension.
" Eddie, if you want to be friends then that's fine. But I have to say…I uhh I have feelings for you and I'm gonna need some time-"
" I have feelings for you too."
You pressed your lips again. Only this time it was to stop you from saying something stupid.
Eddie noticed you weren't expecting that and he felt dumb for not saying it sooner.
" I've been feeling this way for a while…when we were in the Keys I wanted to see if you might want more than what we were doing. But it came out wrong. And I'm so sorry that I made you feel rejected. I never meant to hurt you."
You stepped closer to him and cupped his cheek. " Yeah. I would love to go out with you. On one condition."
He climbed a couple of steps to face you. Bodies only inches apart. " I umm I know you just got back from a date. But-"
He smiled. "Anything. I'll do anything."
You stepped even closer so that your bodies were touching. " Stay with me tonight."
His smile turned into a smirk. " I would love to. But uhh I gotta tell you something." He leaned in so that your lips were almost touching. " I'm a virgin."
" Oh my god." You said while playfully pushing away.
He chuckled and pulled you back to him. Giving you a quick kiss before reaching to open the door for you.
" After you beautiful."
You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went in.
Sure you didn't know if it was gonna work out between you and him. But right now you were excited. And you were gonna try and keep him for as long as you could. Little did you know though, Eddie had already planned out your guy's future. He planned on keeping you too.
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