#misfits line
himbeaux-on-ice · 2 years
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i'd like to thank @tapedsleeves for clipping Martin Fehervary getting jumped by an angry chihuahua Jonathan Marchessault after hitting one of Marchy's husbands Reilly Smith the other night, so that i could make this frame-by-frame gif of the moment Fehervary realizes he's made a very serious mistake
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misfits dividers
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ᐳ ᐳ please refer to my pinned post under "my edits" for divider rules ᐸ ᐸ
requested by anon
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ghost--queer · 19 days
Gonna have an unpopular opinion rq but y’all can not like/want another mismag season and that is valid but it’s wild to say that under the guise of wanting H/rry P/tter to die out and not giving it any more attention etc when mismag is literally HP satire that doesn’t give ms black mold transphobia any money
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but stuff that was as insanely popular as HP doesn’t just die out this quickly and mismag is a chance to take that insanely popular structure and tropes and play in that space without giving attention and money to the transphobe
Idk I think there are valid reasons to dislike mismag or if u just wanted something other than it to get a s2 and that’s fine!!! You dont have to engage in anything even tangentially HP related if u don’t want to but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently problematic
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Boudicca: I thought you were collecting your things. Now you’re causing power outages in my school.
Sam: 😒 Did y’all pay the bill? We don’t know it was him.
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sleepyhouse2art · 10 days
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"here's to your life, roslyn. i hope it goes on forever."
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setteidreams · 1 year
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Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha (94 sheets) is now available in the settei section.
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herowithbadpublicity · 7 months
Hal: Why do we always have to get involved? Can't we just do normal stuff that normal people do, like go for brunch?
Tom: What the heck is brunch?
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The South has Florida, the Midwest has Ohio, the West has Arizona, and the Northeast has New Hampshire which leads me to ask in the name of equality and justice...
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qismet · 2 months
seiko is so million dollar baby core …
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 3 months
Misfits, 3 and 4 for the ask game!
3: What's your favorite line of narration?
That was a surprisingly difficult question, and I had to go read Misfits again to decide. (On account of not remembering everything I've written.)
I might change my mind later, but my favorite line of narration is:
It felt like holding Spark for the first time and wondering if spiders could be defective too.
4: What's your favorite line of dialogue?
Honestly, I don't know if this really counts as dialogue, but it is my favorite.
“I’ll stop you! It’s Emmet time,” I, Emmet, said and Emmeted all over everyone.
Well, that whole section is easily the funniest thing in Misfits. It's hard to pick just one line.
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sakura-code · 11 months
So this is coming from random reading of stories where characters have anxiety disorder, stating that sometime a character could have discomfort in physical contact,( not much of a touchy person) so that my random/weird/Baka question this time
In the Misfit AU, how does Yuma feel about physical contact, is he still ok being touch, or with all the experiments he endured with his forte( involves hand holding) it effects him somehow,that also can explain him wearing gloves,or he still hold hands but hides and tries to tolerate the discomfort for the people and mostly for investigations?
I already answered just now, but I can elaborate more about his hand scars and gloves and such.
Yeah, he would be uncomfortable with hand-holding due to the scars he have gotten from the experiments and the recent trauma he developed from working as a Peacekeeper. He is still healing them at the time since the beat-up he got from the Peacekeepers made the healing harder for him. And he would wear bandages, which he then cover with gloves in order to protect them from anymore injuries while he heals.
Second, Yuma would be more reluctant to use his Coalescence due to his trauma from the experiments, and not having a full grasp in knowing how to use them. Especially since using Coalescence has to have physical hand contact, which is even more out of his comfort zone. But he would swallow that discomfort for his teammates, clients, and the investigations. Though while the detectives would respect that, they would take note not to push his boundary too much and check on him before, during, and afterwards.
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somanyants · 2 years
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First of all, VALID. This is exactly how I talk/think about Iruma at all times. Girl, you get it.
MORE IMPORTANTLY THOUGH, she brings up an incredible point which I had never considered before. Yes, we all know Iruma is the One Cinnamon Bon To Rule Them All™️ but he is also an archer. A LONGBOW archer. I don’t know about y’all but I have had the sublime pleasure of being aquatinted with a guy who practiced traditional Japanese archery and believe me, I have never objectified a man harder in my life. Chima is onto something. Our perfect boy may look like a twig but he is quite possibly hiding some of the finest Traps and Delts the netherworld has ever seen.
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grim-faux · 4 months
At long last! Finally we got our next chapter of Thin Therapy published!!!
This chapter features CoH Thin Dad being proud parent, TTT Mono being super confused, and a character exclusive to Pale Case regretting life choices. All is well, as CoH Mono is there to make sure everyone is taken care of.
Please take the time to explore the links in the Authors Note and check out some of the stories written by our authors and comment.
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endawn · 5 months
i think a lot of vampires end up losing themselves to their hunger and animalistic instincts; becoming feral. but they are quickly dealt with. by both hunters and other vampires. they make themselves easy targets by drawing attention and no longer having the ability to think critically or strategize. they can be lured out into the sun just by dangling a bit of blood in their face. other vampires consider them weak and are, therefore, deserving of being purged ( mind you, they’ll also attack other vampires. they attack indiscriminately, really ). a sentiment mol..ag upholds: the weak must be punished by the strong. punishment mostly being death. if one cannot withstand the nature of his blood and retain their mind, then they are undeserving of it. many vampires end up employing this ideology whether they acknowledge or worship their progenitor. it also helps to keep attention away from vampiric kind and keeps the struggle for resources minimal. lone vampires, by this logic, are also dealt with. as for pax? he considers feral vampires also deserving of destruction. yet, with a slightly different line of thought and attitude: he pities them, above all. mourns the person they once were. there’s a deep sorrow and he gets no joy from it but considers it a necessity. they are a threat to mortals. if not dealt with, they would consume and consume and consume unchecked. as for other vampires: he has a measured indifference leaning towards distrust and wariness.
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tapedsleeves · 7 months
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fic here
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
(purify our misfit ways tag | AO3)
Technically speaking, Eddie’s not actually allowed to know any of the stuff he knows about what went down at Starcourt. Robin isn’t even totally sure how much he does know at this point; both she and Steve have completely and without discussion disregarded all the NDAs they’d been strong-armed into signing, when it comes to Eddie, but it’s not like they’ve sat him down and walked him through the night beat-by-beat. 
She hasn’t told Eddie that Steve knows about her, now. She’s not sure why. There’s no one reason that she can point to, she just doesn’t feel ready to have a real conversation about it.
It’s not like Robin to avoid conversations. She’s usually the kind of person who’ll march right up and confront anyone about anything, as soon as she gets the idea in her head. She’s never really understood why other people don’t do that more, honestly—it normally drives her up the wall when people talk around issues and dodge questions.
This is different. It’s not because she’s scared. It just feels too big, like something she can’t see the edge of, looming all the way up to the sky. Every time she starts to think about it, her mind kind of skitters away. She has to think around it, which is getting pretty annoying, actually.
Lately, a lot of things have been feeling really big. She’s so tired of feeling like she’s got all these massive secrets inside her, Russians and monsters and sketchy government agencies and—and the Tammy Thompson thing. It’s gotten so that she doesn’t even feel like she can breathe unless she’s with Steve or Eddie.
She’d thought it was impossible to talk to her parents before, but now she just stares at them across the dinner table and feels like a completely different species. She’s pretty sure kids aren’t supposed to know huge complicated things about the world that their parents don’t, because how would anyone deal with it? How is anyone supposed to live under the roof of people who can walk around not knowing about what’s out there in the dark?
It’s not that she’s scared, she just can’t get herself to believe they know what’s best for her anymore. This isn’t some stupid teenage rebellion, she’s signed official government documents that prove she knows more than they do about what goes on in Hawkins.
So it makes sense, how she only really feels okay when she’s around the two people who know all the things she has to remember not to let slip around everyone else. There’s a line around their little three-person pack, an us-and-them kind of line, and now she finally understands why all the high schoolers she knows are so obsessed with being in cliques: being part of an incontrovertible us means it doesn’t matter how many other groups you’re not in, because you know who your people are. You’ve got a steady place to stand in the world, when you’re part of an us.
She’d briefly considered feeling bad about dragging Eddie into all of this, but it’s not like they’d really had any other option. She swears Eddie can read minds sometimes, with the way he just looks at her and knows what she’s feeling. There’s no way she’d have been able to keep something like this from him for long, and if it just so happened that telling him would give her another safe harbor in Hawkins, so much the better.
Robin lies to her parents all the time now. She never used to, but she never had a good reason to before. But she knows that no matter how much they like to talk about their wild times in the sixties, they would never in a million years let her sleep in Eddie’s bed like she’s been doing lately. She just sneaks out as soon as she hears their bedroom door click shut and bikes over; by now, Eddie knows to expect her. He’s usually up anyway, and when he’s not, he’ll leave the door unlocked so she can come right in and shove at his shoulder until he wakes up enough to move over so she can get under the blanket with him.
She doesn’t go to Steve. For one thing, his parents are around a lot more than Eddie’s uncle is; for another, Steve’s house is much farther than Forest Hills, and Robin doesn’t love the idea of biking for like an hour in the middle of the night. Not now that she knows about what’s out there. She’s not scared, she’s just being practical.
Steve finds out about it when Eddie swings by to visit them at Family Video for the first time. It’s their third shift there ever, and Robin’s already bored out of her mind. It’s not like it takes an abundance of intellect or effort to shelve returns and dust the shelves.
Not that she’s complaining, at all, because this job is a pretty big step up from Scoops—no uniform, just a vest, and no food safety protocols to follow. Plus, they get to put a movie on in the background, even if Steve’s taste is totally pedestrian. She’s working on getting him to appreciate more of her favorites, but it’s been an uphill climb. To be fair, most of her efforts have revolved around pointing out how hot the actresses are. It’s not very subtle.
Robin’s contemplating whether she can sell him on Les Demoiselles de Rochefort when the bell above the door jangles, and Eddie saunters in.
“M’lord, m’lady,” he says, bowing deeply. The one other customer in the store, some little old lady, gives him a withering side-eye. Eddie’s so embarrassing sometimes. She doesn’t bother hiding her fond grin as she leans her elbows on the counter.
“Welcome to Family Video,” she sings out. “Can we interest you in some of our very finest John Hughes films?”
Eddie clutches at his chest, faking a swoon. “You always know the way to my heart, Buckley. But, uh, I just wanted to swing by and let you know that Wayne’ll be in tonight. Just in case.”
“In case of what?” Steve butts in, looking confused.
Eddie looks a little panicked, and Robin really needs to find a way to tell him that Steve already knows about her.
“Um,” says Eddie. “In case…there’s…”
Robin sighs and rescues him. It feels wrong to lie to Steve anyway; it feels like violating the sanctity of their little circle. “Sometimes I spend the night at Eddie’s. It’s just easier than being around my parents, with all the…” She waves her hand, meaning all the nightmares come to life in Hawkins.
“Oh,” says Steve. He’s still frowning. “Wait, doesn’t Eddie live in the trailer park? Is that safe?”
Robin shrugs. “Safe as anywhere, I guess.”
“Okay, but…” Steve glances at Robin. “Is that…the best idea?”
She stares at him, confused. He stares back.
Eddie hauls himself up to sit cross-legged on the counter, glancing between them.
“You’re not supposed to do that,” Steve says, but Robin’s pretty sure he’s just saying it on autopilot. They’re both intimately familiar with how Eddie will scale pretty much any available structure whenever he gets even a little bit bored.
Eddie tilts his head, regarding Steve. “You know it’s not like…she’s not spending the night, spending the night, you know? It’s just trauma stuff, Harrington.” He pauses. “You’re welcome anytime, too,” he says. His voice is quiet, not teasing. Honest and unadorned, in a way Robin’s only ever heard him get with the two of them.
Eddie’s been treating both of them a little gingerly ever since Starcourt. Robin doesn’t mind it as much as she’d have guessed; she has to pretend like nothing reality-shattering ever happened to her at Starcourt Mall with everyone else, but Eddie knows better. If that means he acts like they’re skittish baby bunnies sometimes, she doesn’t mind too much.
Steve never seems to know what to do with himself whenever it happens, though. Like now: he looks at Eddie and then looks away immediately, crossing his arms and uncrossing them again.
Steve never seems to know what to do with himself whenever it happens, though. Like now: he looks at Eddie and then looks away immediately, crossing his arms and uncrossing them again.
“I’m good,” Steve says. “Don’t worry about it, man.”
“Okay. Offer stands.” Eddie hops down from the counter. “Probably not tonight, though. Like I said, Wayne’s home, and I doubt you’re as good at wriggling through windows as Robin is.”
“Uh, are we talking about the same Robin Buckley here? The one who can’t walk halfway across the store without knocking over at least two display racks?” Steve snorts.
“Excuse you, I am not the one who dumped the entire contents of the cash register on the floor yesterday!” Robin says, offended.
“That’s not—I just pushed the wrong button! The latch must’ve been broken! Anyway, that’s different. I’m saying, I could totally get through any window way better than you can, because I’m, like, athletic and stuff. I’ve got moves.”
“Sure you do, Steve.” Eddie smirks, glancing over at Robin. “A thousand pardons; I stand corrected. Long as you can make it through the window, you’re welcome to come by my humble abode any day you like.”
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