#missing jamie and dani <\3
obisamya · 1 year
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what do you mean ted lasso wasn’t about the two aces the whole time DANI ROJAS & JAMIE TARTT
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aveys6 · 1 year
watched 3.06 for the 3rd time today.
it's so beautiful to see the characters you love having so much fun.
it's what you wish to see in every show; what people are like when they dont have to put so much effort in pushing the plot of their life forward.
starting to believe that every little thing,
is gonna be alright :)
heres a roll of my favorite moments
in no particular order of scenes or admiration
* dani trying and failing to keep his tulip request anonymous
* isaac's impassioned speech in the lobby
* feathers in everyone's hair
* the couple retreating in horror at the state of the lobby
* the staff watching the pillow fight so amused :)
* trent being asked for tourist-y input and giving a nerdy answer (that the team still appreciated!)
* rebecca dancing with boat man in that beautiful dress, hair down, barefoot
* the whole confrontation between trent and colin. beautiful beautiful beautiful
* trent's cunty animal print shoes
* colin freaking out over vanilla vodka actually being served LMFAO
* phil dunster's voice acting was incredible! i keep watching his scenes with brett, especially the "windmills are real, man. what are you talking about?" AND "fucking hell roy. do you know how to tie your own laces?"
* jamie sobering up when roy told him to stop being a dick
* "put your feet on the pedals. PUT YOUR FEET ON THE PEDALS"
* roy's breathing exercises
* "i'm gonna fucking kill you"
* "i can't turn the other way"
* roy and jamie apologizing to each other
* rebecca and beard duet
* sam pretending to cough out feathers on the bus
* moe being a nerd
* ted's whole trip scene. nick mohammed dressed as a cowboy. him being served his favorite barbecue sauce. TSA. the triangle animations. all of it incredible
* triangles. tri-angles. TRY angles. TRY ANGELS
* ted's van gogh doodle
* total football already existing
* dud batch
* jamie and roy biking away together
* higgins performing bass
* charlie hiscock's acting is incredible
* will being invited for a threesome
* colin touching trent's arm on the bus
* trent being underdressed finally and smiling!!!
* the shot of keeley's ad for amsterdam quickly changing to the shot of ted's nearly empty shroom tea
* beard's excessive skin care routine
* "don't tell jan. where's ted?"
* trent just appearing behind colin
* colin's speech :(
* keeley seeing the aurora borealis :)
* colin and trent sitting on the gay monument
* "is everything okay at home?"
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simplyender · 2 years
good god ive missed the Richmond Himbos so much
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gay4elliew · 1 year
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it’s fall season
it’s sapphics never win season.
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benedictscanvas · 1 year
stop looking at me like that - roy kent x reader
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pairing: roy kent x reader
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of language, of course, and some very slight allusions to smut
a/n: and we're right back with a roy version! i didn't intend to write both, but the lovely @ironmanmagnetfridge sent in an ask to try a roy version of 'saved you a seat' and i couldn't refuse. i loved writing this, so thank you endlessly for the request and my ask box is currently very open for more roy or jamie requests in particular! <3
“We saw a windmill!” Jamie announces loudly, to which the whole coach cheers, yourself included. It was nice to see him so happy as he bounded down the aisle high-fiving everyone in sight. Roy may have sounded as grumpy as ever when he’d boarded the coach moments beforehand, but when he sank into the seat next to you near the back, you could definitely see the hint of a smirk on his face that he’d never admit to.
“Good night?” you asked him teasingly, only to hear him growl as he turned to you.
“Thought I said not to fucking ask?”
“I’m not asking, I’m inferring,” you hummed, undeterred by the attitude you’d become so used to, “You don’t have to confirm or deny anything. I’m glad you had a good time.” “You’re very fucking presumptuous, has anyone ever told you that?”
“You have. Many times,” you supply, grinning up at him and grateful for the fondness in the eye roll that you just managed to catch, “You like windmills?”
He doesn’t speak for a moment, and when he does, his voice is even lower, gruffer than before somehow.
“Fucking love ‘em.”
You nod, satisfied, and settle back into your seat to watch the boys fool about. They manage to get a song going, and you join in quietly albeit happily. When the same song dissolves into a chant that Dani seems to be leading in Spanish, you bow out and instead pull out your laptop to catch up on the vital emails you knew you’d missed during your time abroad.
“Do you ever stop fucking working?”
“Hey, you chose this seat,” you reminded him, still unsure why he’d chosen to sit next to you when there were a few empty seats he’d passed on the way. The thought made you a little too nervous to dwell on it though, “You should have known better than to sit next to the workaholic.”
“If I hadn’t sat here, I couldn’t do this,” he said simply, gently taking your laptop from your lap despite your protests and attempts to snatch it back. He held it over his head to the seat behind him and Rebecca caught on quick, taking it from him without a word. You pouted at him, then turned to glare at her through the gap between your seats.
“Rebecca! You know preventing the director of your charity foundation from working is probably a pretty shit idea?”
“I literally brought you with us for you to take a mandatory break,” she said firmly, “So fucking take it!”
She muttered something about you being a nuisance then went back into the dreamy trance she’d been in since she entered the coach, your laptop safely tucked away behind her. You sat back in your seat with an exaggerated huff.
“Being childish won’t help anything,” Roy reminded you, although he was definitely teasing you now if the light in his eyes was any indicator. You turned your glare on him, but soon relented, sinking back into your seat.
“You’re a bastard,” you say instead of replying.
“Yes, and…?”
You hesitate. He’s so annoying when he’s right. You’ve always hated him for it, particularly how effortlessly attractive he looked when he was gloating.
“And thank you. Happy now, you prick?”
“Very happy. Now we can talk on a coach journey like civilised fucking people rather than you having your fucking head buried in work every second.”
That one hit more of a nerve. Funnily enough, Roy had also found the seat next to yours on the coach from Richmond to Amsterdam, but you really had been preoccupied by your laptop then. Possibly the only time you’d spoken to him was to ask to squeeze by to get to the shitty bus bathroom. You had the decency to look embarrassed.
“I wasn’t the best seatmate last time, was I?” you said, “I am sorry about that, actually. When I’m planning these school visits, they often get a little all-consuming.”
“Don’t fucking apologise for all the fucking good work you do. Christ, that would make me a proper bastard. I saw some of the stuff you were doing on our way out and it’s important. Doesn’t mean you can’t take a fucking break, you know?”
You so want to take his obvious compliment in a cool, effortless way but you can already feel yourself getting hot.
“You were spying on my work?”
“Course I was. It’s a boring fucking bus and my seatmate wasn’t fucking talking to me,” he said, although this time he nudged you gently to let you know he wasn’t really annoyed, “I meant to say, put me down for the next school visit, will you? I know you’ve probably got enough, but…”
He doesn’t finish his sentence. You’re always surprised by how often Roy wants to be involved in what you do, but you shouldn’t be. He’s such a thoroughly good man wrapped up an unsuspecting exterior. You hadn’t asked him because he’d done the last four visits, but maybe you should have.
“I would put your name down, but some prick stole my laptop,” you said, teasing him this time. You finally managed to get a smile out of him, however brief, as he shook his head at you, “I’m kidding. Thank you. I should have asked, but I didn’t want to bother you. I’ll make sure you know about them from now on.” “Good,” he confirmed, a single nod of his head, and then a few moments later - “You don’t fucking bother me by the way.”
“Not even when I’m trying to work on my mandatory holiday?” you joke, and he just grunts, so you’re forced to continue more sincerely even though it isn’t in your nature, “I’m guessing that might be why you chose to sit with me yet again even though I proved to be shit last time. Tell me if not, or I’ll end up being flattered.”
Yes, you loved bantering back and forth with Roy, but there was some hidden truth, some vulnerability behind your words. You were desperate to know why Roy had chosen to sit with you not once but twice, when he had plenty of people on this coach that he was close to. The two of you had become firm friends, you liked to think, over the past year or so, but there was a spot next to Isaac he could have taken, or with Ted, Beard and Rebecca at the very back. Part of you needed to hear what exactly had driven him to sit next to you, so you could eliminate the tiny hope at the back of your mind that maybe he thought about you as much as you thought about him.
“I don’t fucking know,” he started, but you knew him well enough to know that was his typical response when he was trying to work out what to say, “You’re…you know. We’re…fuck.”
And he stopped there. For some reason, you were speaking before you thought about it.
“We’re fucking, did you just say? Could’ve let me know.”
You didn’t know what made you say it, but the way Roy’s eyes almost bugged out of his head, you decided it was worth whatever awkwardness it might create in him. You burst out laughing at his expression, biting your lip to try to curtail it but not succeeding. At your reaction, he seemed to calm a little, and there was even a little huff that sounded almost like a laugh from him.
“You’re fucking awful, you are. I was trying to say something fucking nice about you and you fucking ruined it.”
He was kidding, but you could tell he also wasn’t. Matching his energy, you leaned in to him and gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
“No, don’t let me ruin it! Go on, say it anyway,” you almost begged, wondering if any of this was working or if he’d get up and walk away from you to another seat any minute. You vaguely realised how vigorously your heart was beating, “Say it!”
“Fucking hell, fine! Stop looking at me like that,” he insisted lowly, and you made a point of schooling your face into a serious expression, “Sometimes, you’re…fun to fucking be around, I guess. I like being wi- around you.”
You caught his slip. He liked being with you. If you ran away with what that one might mean, you might not recover. 
“High praise. I like being around you too. You know that’s a normal thing to say to your friends, right? It shouldn’t be quite that hard.” “Yeah, yeah, you’re fucking great at all this emotional stuff though aren’t you? You run a fucking charity, Y/N. Some of us have to…work at it.”
He was being serious, so you turned down the teasing. If he was willing to work on being a bit more emotional with you, you’d do anything to keep that going. He’d also just complimented you again and you hadn’t complimented him back once, which wouldn’t do at all.
“Yeah, I know. You’re actually fucking killing in that department recently, and you know it, so give yourself some credit,” you insist, watching a shadow of surprise cross his face. He nods, but you get the feeling he’s still trying to convince himself.
“Got you to fucking thank for that. You’re a good influence. On fucking all of us.”
“You keep saying all these nice things about me, Kent, and I’m going to be really fucking flattered,” you say, trying to downplay the impact you might have had on him, on the team, “You know it’s that cowboy back there doing the real heavy lifting.”
“Yeah, he’s fucking insufferable with it, isn’t he?” Roy agreed, “But me specifically then. The last year or so, I’ve been fucking better, and Ted’s been here three years.”
He wasn’t lying. He had been getting better and better with his emotions, with talking to people, with ensuring the people in his life that mattered knew just how much they mattered. This was about the third time in a month that Roy had suddenly gone a spree of complimenting you, and although it made you significantly uncomfortable, you couldn’t pretend you weren’t over the moon about it.
“You’ve made me more assertive, I think. So let’s call it even.”
“No?” you questioned.
“No. You were fucking assertive before, you’re just trying to fucking deflect,” he said firmly, in the typical Roy Kent brand of caring in an angry tone, “I”m thanking you, so just fucking say you’re welcome and we can stop talking about this.”
You hesitated, but finally got up the courage to reach over and squeeze his hand as you replied.
“You’re welcome, then.”
You didn’t let your hand linger, no matter how much you wanted to, bringing it back into your lap and trying to ignore the sparks that slid across your fingers and flickered in the pit of your stomach. You watched Roy’s hand flex where you’d just held it, but he was staring straight ahead.
There were a few tension-filled moments of silence before he spoke up again, still staring at the seat in front of him like he was scared to look at you.
“Would you like to go to dinner when we get back?” he asked, in a voice that sounded like he had rehearsed the syllables. Your heart rate spiked, but you forced it to come back to earth again. He could just be anticipating how hungry he’ll be when you’re back, wanting some friendly company for the evening.
“Uh, sure, I love dinner,” you say, then want to smack yourself for how stupid that sounded, “What do you fancy?”
He growls, looking like he’s about to tear his hair out and you wonder what you’ve said wrong.
“You, alright? I fucking fancy you.”
You pause. Staring at him while he refuses to look at you. Your voice comes out breathy and disbelieving.
“For dinner?”
“No, I don’t want you for-” he growls and punches the seat in front of him, hard. Colin yelps but then starts a train of it, punching the seat in front of him with a laugh until it travels all the way down the bus. You would giggle if you weren’t worried about the man beside you. He takes a deep breath, then speaks:
“I’m inviting you to dinner because I like you. The dinner is the least fucking important thing in this scenario. I can’t have another fucking conversation with you where I’m fucking hinting every two seconds that I like you, and you’re sat there just looking at me like you do, fucking oblivious. It’s fine if you don’t want to, but I do. Want to. And want you.”
You stare at him in delighted shock. Yes, Rebecca had told you that the man wanted to ‘shag the bloody daylights out of you’ and that you should ‘just look at the way he looks at you, for fuck’s sake’, but you’d never believed her. And even if you could wrap your mind around Roy being attracted to you, you could never have predicted him actually wanting to take you for dinner. It made him infinitely more attractive as you stared up at him.
“I’m done now,” he said, voice a little strangled, “Your fucking turn. Please.”
“Yes,” you said, taking a leaf out of his book. You were elated when he finally looked at you, confused. He was breathing like he’d just run a marathon.
“Yes to dinner. And to the rest of it,” you grin and have never appreciated one of his rare grins more when it’s fully focused on you. Still, there’s no way you can leave this as a serious moment alone, so you put on your best Roy Kent voice and narrow your eyes, “I fucking fancy you too.”
He actually laughs, a proper one, shaking his head as he chuckles. You join him in it, of course, ignoring the shocked look that Jamie was giving you from a few seats ahead at the sound of Roy’s laugh. When you’d finished laughing, not knowing what to do with yourself, you punch his arm lightly. It’s giddy and genuine.
You think he’ll punch you back, but instead he grabs your fist and maneuvres your hands until your fingers are intertwined and your hands rest on the seat between the two of you. It only makes your grin wider, and you know you’re staring at him again even though he’s back to refusing to look at you. You think it’s because he’s trying to hide his smile, but you can see it. It’s all you can see.
“Stop fucking looking at me like that,” he says gruffly and you laugh as you turn to stare out of the window instead, grinning out at the landscape whizzing by. 
Roy squeezes your hand. You squeeze back.
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
how about a Jamie x reader fic when they go away to Amsterdam they sit together on bus and they wake up cuddling and then there’s an issue w hotel booking and there’s a one bed trope and they end up waking up cuddled together and then they admit feelings and reader goes to game with a tartt jersey on <3
I’ve been thinking about this forever, and I’m terribly sorry it took so long!! I do enjoy being an adult, but I’m at a point in life where I don’t have much free time and if I do, I use it to sleep😂
I really miss the days when Ted Lasso was still airing and the x reader tags had new content every day. I feel like that one meme of Thanos when he’s like “Fine. I’ll do it myself.” Shoutout to all y’all who are still here and reading my stuff! Love you!!
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smile at me
It’s straight-up fucked. It really, really is. But also maybe it’s good, as Keeley pointed out, because not having a boyfriend anymore means you can focus on yourself?
Or something. 
Of course he had to break up with you right before leaving for Amsterdam. Hell, he broke up with you because you were leaving for Amsterdam. 
“I don’t want you going to another country with a bunch of other guys,” he had said. “It’s them or me.”
“It’s literally my job,” you told him. 
Apparently, that didn’t matter. 
But what-fucking-ever, you’re at Keeley’s waiting for a car to take you to the airport, and she’s promised to make sure you don’t think about your stupid ex even once. 
It’s times like these you wish Ted were still here with a spot-on pun and some dad-type advice. All you ever get from Beard is a weird anecdote and a vaguely threatening look. 
Keeley chatters on for the entirety of the ride to the airport, through customs, and all the way to the lounge. 
“You’re gonna get loads of great content for the socials, babe. Candids, action shots, behind-the-scenes. Friendlies are fucking amazing!”
Last time Richmond were in Amsterdam, they had lost horribly. They’re hoping to make up for it this time around. 
The plane is full of Greyhounds, both footballers and coaches alike, with Rebecca at the very front. Keeley plops done in the seat next to her as Dani waves at you from the middle. 
“I saved you a seat!” he calls. You smile as Sam takes your bag to put it in the overhead. “Thanks, Dani. You excited?”
Dani grins. “I think this time I am ready to see a whole field of tulips!”
You laugh as the lads roll their eyes. Jamie leans across the aisle toward you and says, “Oi, what’s the twat doing while you’re away?” 
You press your lips into a thin line. “Not a clue.”
He raises an eyebrow and says, “You break up with him?”
“He broke up with me.”
Jamie twists his face into a scoff. “And you wonder why I call him the fucking twat. Prick. Bet it was so he could finally fuck his coworker.”
You shrug. Jamie’s never liked your boyfriend. It’s not like you were together long, only a few months. And sure, he was a little bit of a twat, but sue you. You had a special place in your heart for pricks with a heart of gold, only he didn’t even have a heart at all. 
“You should date someone better,” Jamie continues. 
You glare at him and retort, “Oh yeah, because it’s just that easy. You got some one in mind?”
Jamie gives you his most angelic look and says, “What about me?” which makes half the plane dissolve into laughter, yourself included. 
“Cheers, Jamie,” you say as you wipe your eyes. “I needed that.”
A strange look crosses his face, but it’s quickly replaced by his usual cocky expression. “Anytime, love,” he replies as you turn to start a conversation with Dani. 
As much as you’d like that, Jamie would never date you. His joke stings a little but you brush it off. Maybe you’ll find another twat in Amsterdam to distract yourself from the fact that you’re half in love with Jamie Tartt.
“I’m sorry, we don’t have a booking under you name,” the hotel concierge says.
You tap your nails to your wrist. “Are you positive? I’m with AFC Richmond, they should’ve had one.”
The concierge taps on his computer for a moment before shaking his head. “No, I’m afraid we don’t have anything. And all of our rooms are booked this weekend. Might I recommend the hotel down the road?”
Damn it. There’s no way this is happening. Everyone else has gotten to their rooms without a hitch and here you are, alone in the lobby as you pull out your phone to call Keeley. There’s no way this is fucking happening. 
“Everything alright?” asks a voice behind you, and you jump. 
“They don’t have a room for me, and they’re fully booked,” you explain. 
Jamie looks at the concierge, who shrugs apologetically, then back to you. He asks, “Why don’t you share with me?” and you frown. 
“I thought you were rooming with Declan,” you say. 
Jamie lifts a shoulder. “Yeah, but he switched with Richard because O’Brien fucking snores and he don’t give a shit.”
You say, “So you’re with Richard, then,” and he shakes his head. 
“Nah, Richard’s with Jan.”
“I thought Dani was with Jan,” you say. These fucking footballers. What’s the point in having set rooms if they’re just going to switch it all up.
“Dani is with Jan,” Jamie says patiently, as if this all the most obvious thing in the world. “But Dani’s a cuddler, so he’s probably going to fucking end up with, I don’t know, Isaac or someone. Which means I get a room all to meself.”
“Right,” you say slowly. “Alright, I can do that. As long as you don’t mind.”
Jamie winks. “Sharing a room with a pretty girl for four days? Ain’t a problem, love.”
You laugh and follow him to the elevator.
It feels a bit like playing with fire, agreeing to room with Jamie. Especially since you’re freshly single and definitely open to a rebound. But there will be two beds and a lot of space and anyway, you’ll be busy with the match and social media, respectively. 
Except as soon as you walk through the door, you realize there’s a tiny little hitch.
“There’s one bed,” you blurt out, so surprised you’re unable to filter your words. Jamie blushes a little bit as he says, “Yeah, um, Cockburn and I hate sleeping alone, so we asked for one. He grew up sharing a bed with his brothers and I just fucking hate being alone. I can sleep on the couch if you want.”
“No,” you say firmly, “you need good rest. It’s not a problem.”
It’s not a problem. 
Or at least it wouldn’t have been if Isaac had been a shittier captain. 
But as it is he’s great, so he’s got the whole team going out to dinner at a pre-determined location complete with a dress code of no t-shirts and apparently you count as part of the team, so you have to go too. You’re in your massive bathroom trying to curl your disgusting travel hair when Jamie walks in wearing one of those white hotel bathrobes.
He asks, “You mind if I’m in here?” so you shake your head, struck temporarily mute by his bare clavicle. Fucking hell, you feel like a repressed Victorian woman. 
Jamie says, “Mint,” and goes about his alarmingly detailed skincare routine. You’re pretty sure you’re done with your hair so you crane your neck in an attempt to check the back. 
“Missed a spot,” Jamie says. “Want me to get it for you?”
You shoot him a dubious look but hand him the curler. He runs a hand through your hair, picking up the offending strand and it’s all you can do not to shiver. 
“Mum taught me,” he explains and you nod ever so slightly, not wanting him to accidentally burn your neck. Jamie says, “All good,” and runs his whole hand through your hair this time, making the curls bounce. 
You choke out, “Thanks,” and hurriedly put away your things, desperate to leave before Jamie can pick up on the fact that you can barely handle being in the same room as him, and that you have great concerns about what the night will bring. 
“You look fucking hot,” is the first thing Rebecca says when you meet her in the lobby. Keeley looks mildly offended that Rebecca took the words out of her mouth, but she just laughs and taps your arm. 
“Gonna break a few hearts tonight, yeah?” she grins.
You’re not sure about that, especially since dinner turns out to be a very domestic affair. It’s loud, sure, but it’s definitely toned down since it’s a pre-match celebration instead of a post-match one. You’re with Sam, Keeley, and Roy with Jamie far, far away. You push all thoughts of him from your brain only for memories of your ex to surface. You frown. 
“The fuck’s wrong with you?” Roy says and for a moment, you think he’s talking to you. But he’s actually talking to Jamie who has moved from his place across the restaurant to right behind your chair. 
“Fuck off grandad,” Jamie says good-naturedly. “Wanted to tell this one that some of the lads are going out dancing after this. Not too late,” he hastily adds at Roy’s burning scowl, “just for two hours and we’re only allowed one drink.”
You’re pretty sure that’s a bit more liberal than Roy likes, but he nods his head slightly so he must be in a good mood.
“So, you coming?” Jamie asks and before you can reply Sam and Keeley chorus, “Yes she is.”
You give Keeley a Look before turning back to Jamie. “Guess I am,” you reply.
The smile Jamie gives you does more to make your head spin than any amount of alcohol you’ve had in your lifetime.
Jamie has taken it upon himself to wipe that frown off your face. He might have been watching you over dinner and that might have been why he chose that exact moment to invite you out, but he’ll never fucking admit it to anyone except Sam. And Keeley. And maybe Cockburn when it was the off-season and they were a little tipsy. (But not drunk, never drunk.) 
So yeah, sue him if he’s spinning you around on the crowded dance floor just because it makes you laugh. It’s not his fault that he’s been wildly in love with you since the day Higgins hired you. It’s not his fault that you’re easy to be around and have the most beautiful smile he’s seen in his life. 
And fuck, it certainly isn’t his fault you can’t see in yourself what others do. Why you settled for a piece of shit like your ex, he’ll never know. But he’ll be damned if he doesn’t do his best to show you how special you are. He knows you’ll never feel the same about him, but maybe he can help you level up your standards. Maybe if you’re with someone good, it’ll hurt less that it’s not him. 
So he lets you hold his hand for the entirety of the two hours that the team is out and doesn’t say a word when you don’t let go in the cab back to the hotel. 
You’ve gotten that closed-off look in your eyes again, the one that means you’re thinking about your ex, so Jamie knocks his shoulder into yours and asks why he can’t have the password to the team’s Instagram account, which is a sure fire way to get you to lecture him on irresponsibility and aesthetics and the best way to get your eyes to come back to life.
Honestly, it’s easier to fall asleep than you might have expected. It’s a big bed and you’re fucking tired. 
You just didn’t expect to wake up in the middle of the night crying, but it’s always fucking like this when you go through a breakup. You go to sleep fine and wake up sad, so you do your best not to wake up Jamie except you’ve both ended up entangled in each other’s arms, so he can feel you shaking. 
“Hey,” Jamie says in a soft voice, “You’re okay, love.”
You half expect him to push you away once he realizes you’re so close, but he only pulls you closer and presses a kiss to your forehead. Maybe it’s because you’re both half-asleep, but it feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
You sigh and settle into him, drifting off in a matter of moments. 
You wake up to a pair of blue eyes watching you. 
“How you feeling?” Jamie asks, voice gravelly with sleep. 
You just blink at him. It’s hard to form coherent sentences within the first ten seconds of waking up, and even harder with the memory of Jamie’s arms around you last night. 
Wait. Not just the memory. The present reality because neither of you have moved. 
Jamie misinterprets your silence and begins to extricate his arms.
“Sorry,” he says, “I’m not to trying to like, cross and fucking boundary or something. Should’ve left you alone.”
You’re still not awake enough to talk so you grab him to stop him from moving away. He gives you a questioning look so you say, “I wouldn’t have agreed to share a bed if I thought you were a creep.”
Jamie grins. “So like, if Jan had offered to share a room you’d’ve said no.”
You wrinkle your nose as you say, “Jan’s not a creep.”
“He’s the fucking worst,” Jamie grumbles, “And anyway, can we not talk about Jan fucking Maas this early in the morning?”
“Sure,” you say, “let’s talk about something else.”
Despite your comment, you both lapse into silence. You’re enraptured by Jamie’s blue eyes. You’ve never been able to study them this close before, and you want to take this opportunity to memorize every fleck of green. 
Jamie seems to have a similar thought, except his gaze flicks to your lips. 
“I have morning breath,” you tell him and he says, “Real men don’t give a shit, babe,” before leaning forward.
It’s softer than you’d expected, sweeter. 
It’s also strange to think that you’re making out with Jamie in bed, and that he’s the one who initiated it.
The thought is so absurd that you giggle, mid-kiss. Jamie breaks away and says, “Oi, there’s no way that was a shit kiss.”
“No,” you say between giggles, “it’s just weird that we’re doing this. Like, how are we supposed to look each other in the eye after?”
Jamie moves so he can look at you better, and you roll from your side to your back. “What do you mean?” he asks.
“Oh come on, we share a room and a bed, we kiss because I have all these sad feelings and you’re feeling a lot of emotions about the match, and then we have to work together after. It’s silly.”
Jamie cocks his head. “That’s what you think is happening?”
“Yes?” you say. None of this is going how it’s supposed to. “What do you think is happening?”
“I like you,” he says, and there is absolutely no mistaking his meaning. 
“Oh,” you reply in a small voice. “Since when?”
“Since before you started dating the twat. When Higgins introduced ya to the team.”
“That’s a fucking long time ago!” you exclaim. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
Jamie rubs his face. “Yeah, ‘cept you showed up to work tellin’ everyone how you started dating the twat. And I ain’t a home wrecker.”
You groan. “Fuuuck. I literally only dated him to try to get over you.”
Jamie shoots up. “What?!”
“Yeah,” you say, “I’ve been like a little bit in love with you ever since you winked at me during that first promo I did.”
Jamie blows out a breath. “Okay. Think that’s enough talking. C’mere. We’re making out proper, like, then we’re going to breakfast.”
You grin as you climb onto his lap. 
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the-bi-library · 8 months
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Happy February! Here are bisexual books out in February!
Books listed:
An Education in Malice by S.T. Gibson Mewing by Chloe Spencer Hannah Tate, Beyond Repair by Laura Piper Lee The Friendship Study by Ruby Barrett You Had Me at Merlot by Melissa Brayden Sunbringer (Fallen Gods, #2) by Hannah Kaner Signals Volume 2 by Nika (can be read online on Tapas too) A Vicious Game (The Halfling Saga, #3) by Melissa Blair Breaks Volume 1 by Emma Vieceli, Malin Rydén Mortgage of Convenience by Dani McLean Letters to Her Love by Katherine Grant Projections by S.E. Porter Truthfully, Yours by Caden Armstrong Rupture in Total Eclipse (Sun & Moon Duet Book 2) by Sem Thornwood It's Ours to Write by Blanche Maze The Tainted Cup (Shadow of the Leviathan, #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett Big Date Energy by Bethany Rutter Tune Me Up (Bisexual Sing Team Book 3) by Renée Dahlia Snowed In With Summer by Tiana Warner Witch Boyfriend Wanted by Colette Rivera The Girl, the Ring, & the Baseball Bat by Camille Gomera-Tavarez King Cheer (Arden High) by Molly Horton Booth, Stephanie Kate Strohm, Jamie Green Prove It by Stephanie Hoyt Falling For You by Mariah Ankenman Disciples of Chaos (Seven Faceless Saints, #2) by M.K. Lobb Wine Ghost Goes to Hell by Sage Coffey In Plain Sight: A Summit Springs Novel by Siobhan Muir Who We Are in Real Life by Victoria Koops Fathomfolk (Drowned World, #1) by Eliza Chan The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton
Please me know if I missed any books 💖
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iwritefandomimagines · 9 months
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pairing: jamie tartt x reader
description: last time you saw jamie tartt, he’d laughed off your confession of feelings. now it’s new year’s eve, you’re at a richmond party, and he looks so fucking good in a suit.
warnings: swearing, bit of angst, bit of fluff, alcohol consumption, light sex references but no smut
author’s note: eeeek happy new year’s eve and happy new year for tomorrow all !!! sending lots of love n good vibes <3
You couldn’t even believe it yourself that you had agreed to attend the New Year’s Eve party that Dani had decided to host.
Sure, you loved any opportunity to hang out with the men you’d grown close to in your time working with the club, but given the way things went the last time you saw a certain Mr Jamie Tartt… You were regretting your agreement to come immensely.
Even worse, the last time you’d seen him was also at a squad event where one too many shots had been to blame for your actions, and you feared this would be repeated.
You’d stupidly let your guard down when he was flirting with you nonchalantly again, and confessed that you had feelings for him.
He’d laughed it off — assuming that alcohol and clouded your judgement instead of just instilling you with the boldness you needed to be honest.
Since then, you’d avoided him like the plague and turned down all of Keeley’s invitations to places you knew he’d be.
Given that you were only working with the club on a temporary basis anyway, avoiding him had been relatively easy.
But now here you were, because you had no other plans anyway and Keeley insisted that you couldn’t avoid Richmond forever — even if she didn’t know the real reason for it and believed you’d just been busy.
“Oh my God Y/N, you look well fit!” Keeley screamed when she saw you, eyes flitting over your frame before she yanked you into a tight hug, “I’ve missed you, babe!”
“I’ve missed you too,” you hummed, trying to quell the anxiety bubbling in your stomach as you felt all eyes on you, “Sorry I’ve not been around. Lots going on.”
“Too busy for us now, yeah?” Jamie sidled up to your side, a smirk on his face that you couldn’t quite tell the root cause of. Was he just pissing about or was he trying to be snide?
When you looked over at him, you felt your heart race even faster at the sight of him in a gorgeous, well-fitted, and frankly uncharacteristically smart goddamn suit.
Somehow, it made him look even more incredible than usual and only made the feelings you’d fought to deny since you last saw him become impossible to ignore.
You bit your lip, looking down for a minute and not catching the way his eyes scanned over you hungrily.
Your dress was certainly doing wonders for your figure, and he’d have been an idiot not to appreciate it, “Kiddin’, love. You look stunning. We’ve missed ya.”
You nodded for a moment, taken aback by his compliment even though they’d never been rare when you were around him more often, “Uh— thanks, Jamie. You still scrub up well, too. I’ve missed you all.”
Jamie’s smile softened now, reaching out his arm to link it with yours, “Wanna go get a drink, milady?l
You caught Keeley widening her eyes at him with a grin, as if encouraging him.
Oh fuck — did she know what had happened? Were they all laughing behind your back?
“I, uh, yeah sure,” you obliged, almost melting back into being comfortable with him like you used to, “Guess it is nearly midnight, I should probably catch up.”
And catch up you did — champagne glass after champagne glass being knocked back, while you tried your hardest to pretend that Jamie’s hand lingering on the base of your back every once in a while wasn’t driving you crazy.
It also didn’t help that there was a woman hanging around who you didn’t know — a woman who seemed very fond of Jamie, and spent much of her evening gracing him with lingering touches of her own.
He never complained, just smiled and continued about his evening like it was only natural that he was getting female attention.
Well, you supposed, it was.
It was somewhat nice to feel back to normal, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that everyone else was in the loop about something you weren’t.
It was five minutes to midnight now, and you decided that it was best you excused yourself for the countdown and got a little fresh air.
You were overwhelmed by suddenly being back around the Richmond squad — one man in particular — and weren’t sure you could stomach seeing Jamie’s inevitable new year’s kiss with a girl whose name you’d not even bothered to ask.
“What’re ya doing out here, love?”
God, try as you might, you would never get over the sound of him calling you love.
He was stood just behind you, the warmth of his breath fanning over your neck in the winter chill, “‘S nearly midnight.”
“I know,” was all you could muster up as you turned to face him, eyes avoiding meeting his as you took your bottom lip between your teeth.
His eyebrows furrowed as he watched how shy you were, and his hands left his pockets to tilt your chin up to look at him.
“All that time you spent away from us was ‘cos of me, wasn’t it?” his voice was quiet, almost inaudible, but it made your heart race all the same.
You gulped, “I was embarrassed. Didn’t want to see you again and be ridiculed.”
“Ridiculed? Y/N, I wasn’t gonna ridicule ya,” he shook his head, “I shut you down ‘cos I’m trying to be better. Been working on meself and I didn’t want you to do anything you’d regret with me.”
You’d met this Jamie before — this sincere, gentle, kind Jamie who was reserved only for those he held dearest. But it still startled you to hear him tell you all of this.
“I just—,”
“I wanted to kiss you, love, honest,” when did he get so close all of a sudden? “Just didn’t want you to hate me in the morning, or take back what you’d said or nothing.”
You swallowed thickly, “Jamie, I told you I liked you. I didn’t just throw myself at you and say I wanted to fuck you, or-or— anything like that. I was putting my heart out there and you just—you just laughed it off.”
“You were drunk, babe,” he sighed, “I didn’t know if you’d mean it all in the mornin’, that’s all.”
“Well, I did. Although more regretfully, after that.”
His eyes were sad now, almost glassy, as he watched you carefully to see what you’d do or say next.
You stepped back, your own eyes brimming with tears as your back met the fence of Dani’s balcony.
“I never meant to hurt ya, Y/N,” Jamie whispered, once again stepping closer, “I like you too, I just left you alone ‘cos I had some shit to get sorted before I could be good enough for you. ‘Nd I’ve been really trying.”
You finally gave in to the desire to make eye contact again, and felt your whole body crumble at the sound of his words, “You were always good enough, Jamie. I just— I thought I just wasn’t enough for you.”
He scoffed, his hand returning to your chin and his fingers caressing your cheekbones, “You’re too good for me, Y/N. Too good even for Jamie fucking Tartt.”
You let out a giggle at that, followed by a small sob, “What’re you saying here, Jamie?”
He looked down at his watch, “What I’m sayin’ is, it’s 15 seconds to midnight and I’d like to be your new year’s kiss. And, like, not to get ahead of meself… But I’d like to keep kissing you after that. Like, a lot.”
You nodded profusely, wiping away your few stray tears as you heard your friends calling out the final countdown inside, “3, 2, 1!”
He pulled you in close by your face, lips meeting yours with a furious passion as your arms enveloped the back of his neck.
It was everything you could have ever wanted… Even if you did feel fucking ridiculous for never just talking to him about it sooner.
“Happy new year, love,” Jamie smiled into the kiss.
You matched his smile, pulling back for a moment, “Happy new year, Tartt.”
You were silent for a moment as you just gazed at each other longingly, before a realisation hit you, “What about that girl in there, though? She was all over you.”
“Babe, I’m Jamie Tartt,” he shrugged, smiling smugly, “Just ‘cos the girls love me, doesn’t mean me mind hasn’t been focused on one girl in particular, even if she didn’t want to see me.”
“Oi, I wanted to see you, I was just scared to,” you stuck your tongue out as he grinned, “I’m so glad I came tonight.”
“Me fuckin’ too,” he licked his lips, “And in that dress… God, if you could see inside me head right now.”
“Down, boy,” you joked, fully conscious of the fluttering in your own stomach now, “If you’re good, you can take it off me later, yeah?”
Your lips met again hungrily now, your body pressed against the fence as you heard a round of whooping and clapping from your friends who’d found their way to the balcony now.
“A happy fucking new year indeed,” Roy showed the slightest hint of a smile as you and Jamie pulled apart again, blushing crimson, and interlocked your hands.
“Fucking finally.”
ok so i may have rushed to get this finish so i could post on nye — sorry if the ending is shit but i hope you enjoyed! pleaaase feel free to request more jamie if you’d like, obsessed again so i’d love that. meanwhile, here’s my masterlist!
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whimsical-roasting · 1 year
You reblogged that Sam gifs post and it reminded me of that headcanon i have of being Sam’s friend but you’re feisty and take no one’s shit. Like he’s always takes the high road and you’re like when they go low i go lowER. I would fight that Akufo dude for him no questions asked.
hi wifey <3 you are absolutely right!! i fucking love that idea of Sam having a bestie who'd throw hands for him.. it's on sight all the time.
special thanks to @sokkigarden for bouncing ideas off me, love you bby. okay, i wanna write about being friends w the AFC Richmond boys more, so if yall have ANY thoughts on being friends with ANY of the lads then send me requests on it so we can DISCUSS
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he's such a wholesome and loyal friend... a breath of fresh air yknow?? Dani is more of that 'unconditional sunshine' energy, but Sam is positive whilst still keeping it real w you
and sooo you're hella loyal to him too. well, you're loyal to everyone you care about. you'd take a bullet for them, no questions asked, but probs a lot of cussing involved (same, but i'll come back to this)
sharing an airpod each if yall go out on a walk or join the team on a bus ride - if you're dating jamie then he NEEDS you next to him on the ride back, probs uses your shoulder to sleep on and has an arm around your waist so you can't leave, but that's a diff post ahahaha
having a shared spotify playlist that you both keep adding music too...the vibes are all over the place. "Y/N, I was trying to jam out to J.Cole, and then Adele came on??" "Oh yea, I was sad bout something earlier"
blanket forts and microwaveable caramel popcorn for when he's missing home
playing as him in FIFA when you're with the lads and yellin "YEA THATS MY BESTIE" every time you score as him
pinching his earlobes like his dad would for good luck on the days of a big match/when he's really nervous
since opening OLA'S, you join him when he attends small business owner conventions, but that's mainly to try the free food
since i'm vegetarian, telling him that his menu looks great but you can only stick to sumn like the jollof rice.. so next month when he invites you over to his restaurant for a catchup dinner there's a whole new lil section for vegetarian dishes on the menu (or whatever dietary inclusivr thingy etc.)
warning Sam about Afuko because "a man simply doesn't feed you pasta and lobster and send you a stack without something in mind" and him being like ??? what and you groan, "did you watch the tiktoks I sent you??"
hearing about how the Afuko rejection went and Sam only focusses on "he called me medium talent??" and you're SEETHING
you're like "what the living F U C K" and he's like "oh hey Y/N, don't worry, I know I am not medium talent" and you're like "what? no, shut up, obviously not, but that's not the POINT here. how did that ASSHOLE have the audacity to speak to you like that?!!"
you're searching up flights to Nigeria and opening a google map from the airport to Afuko's business residence or something, and Sam is like, "seriously, forget that guy. bullet dodged." and you're angrily muttering about how Afuko's gonna have to dodge the bazooka you're gonna smuggle onto the plane
"We cannot be best friends if you end up in jail because you tried to smuggle a bazooka onto the plane." "I just wanna talk to him...with a bazooka." "No." "Pleas-" "No."
telling Sam you might be getting feelings for Jamie and being nervous he'd be mad because of their relationship in S1, but you promise he's changed, and Sam is like, I know
wearing the Obisanya jersey and the rest of the boys are like 'hey why don't you ever support our merch' so like every match you're switching out jerseys before texting a pic to the groupchat
running into that Francis guy who's Afuko's right-hand man and "accidentally" stepping on his foot real hard like OOPS
giving him updates on your love life and vice versa. "Y/N, please tell me this one is not a loser." "Um, Sam, shut up; you know my rizz only seems to work on losers??" "hey, Jamie told me that telling a woman my favourite movie is Ratatouille is a bad idea... is it?" "just bake her a lasagna or something and say that's how you learnt to cook." "I am not doing that." "dammit, I thought we'd get lasagna for dinner"
doing random tiktok trends or challenges - the baking one where one person is blind, one is deaf, and one is mute, but they all gotta work together to bake a cake!! sam (tape around his mouth) x you (blindfolded) x jamie (loud ass headphones on)
jamie: pass the FOOKIN sugah!! *back turned to yall as he stirs the mix*
you: WHAT. WHERE. *randomly smacking shit, picking up the salt and dropping it on the counter and onto a spoon*
sam: mmmhnph! *waving his hands in your face like NO but you can't see*
you: *turning to jamie with a spoonful, which he probs tastes absentmindedly whilst stirring* OI TASTE THIS
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codename-adler · 4 months
AftG AUs I NEED : An Open Invitation to All Writers
sharing ideas i’ve toyed with for so long but i’m beginning to accept i prolly won’t ever write, thus i’m taking a chance some of these will bewitch someone out there body and soul, and i’ll be able to scratch the itch a little… the more the merrier after all !
The Last of Us : either a romantic version of Joel & Ellie’s dynamic (obv. with the ages adjusted) /OR/ episode 3 AU 🥲 [any ship] {EDIT: i KNOW it’s been done already once, twice, but i *need* more! not just with Andreil! let’s be explorers of possibilities, cmon!!}
Detroit: Become Human : this one i’m really only thinking of Andreil, with either as android and the other as human… i don’t necessarily see them conforming to a specific plot line from the game, i think the android/human dynamic is interesting enough and fits them perfectly, but go off i guess !
Brokeback Mountain : i don’t really need to explain this one do i? happy ending vs. canon character death, that is the true question… [any ship]
Titanic : it’s got so many options and tropes, it’s like a buffet for fic writers ! could be used as setting only, or follow Jack & Rose’s tragic (or not!) love story. [any ship]
The Haunting of Bly Manor : Jamie & Dani haunt me still. great opportunity for Renison, Lailalvarez or Kathea, or perhaps a gender swap on mlm ship? or not, leave them boys as is. haunt me, it’s all i ask. [any ship]
BBC Johnlock : don’t shoot the messenger alright? sorry for the ptsd flashbacks btw. i just think their dynamic and crime/detective AU are great opportunities. i’m personally partial to Jeanaaron for this one, as they were my og idea bc the similarities are??? amazing??? Sherlock!Jean & Watson!Aaron, and the Reichenbach Fall??? so neat. but really, [any ship]
The Maze Runner : Thominewt // Kandreil !?!?!? it’s right there! [any ship] tho.
SKAM : ofc Robbe & Sander from WtFock are physically the perfect Andreil which leads to a great adaptation opportunity here, but Élu from SkamFr are also a great blueprint for a Kevaaron story. honestly any S3 Skam + [any ship]
Dune : listen, i don’t have all the answers. idk how that would even work. but surely you can figure smth out ! [any ship]
Inception : i love the movie. i love hans zimmer. i love Arthur x Eames. NORA SAKAVIC LOVES ARTHUR x EAMES. they’ve got such Andreil vibes, but so do Jerejean, even Renison. and the Foxes as dream crew??? so perf it’s insane. give me and Miss Sakavic what we really want. [any ship]
The Fault in Our Stars : 🥲 [any ship]
CA: The Winter Soldier / Civil War : so it’s kind of like an amnesia AU, but more angsty bc Stucky dynamic. Andreil’s the perfect fit, but who knows who else… [any ship]
Jujutsu Kaisen : 🥲🥲 [any ship.s]
Attack on Titan : 🥲🥲🥲 endless, endless paths… to pain ! [any ship.s]
How I Live Now : is that too niche? or too boring? 🤷‍♀️ (also let’s leave out the cousin thingy…) [any ship]
Red, White & Royal Blue : duh. (but not so duh, apparently, since i’ve yet to read it !!!) [any ship]
The Old Guard : oh the possibilities… Yusuf & Niccolo my loves… nobody be doing it like them, nobody. absolutely one of the most movie ever… top 10 of mine for sure. ugh, gosh ! foxes as Immortals?? the action, the mystery, the soulmates?? please i’m begging. [any ship]
that's what i'm letting go of for now... if anything inspires you, please tag me in your works so i can indulge in and appreciate what you've come up with!!
Love, Adler xx
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
Jamie’s afraid of making a big deal out of being hurt after everything that happened in season 1 - he doesn’t want everyone to think he’s being a prick again. But then one day either in season 2 or 3 he actually is genuinely hurt badly (the reason is up to you) but doesn’t tell anyone and shows up to practice anyway. It’s bad enough that he collapses on the field and that’s when everyone finds out.
I could have made this so much easier on myself and literally just written the conversation at the end. As it is, I started hating this about a third of the way through.
I hope that's just hyper-criticism of my own work and that this is still an enjoyable request fill.
It wasn’t like he’d done it on purpose.
A lack of sleep, a dark hallway, and a half-forgotten set of steps had all converged into a little tumble in the middle of the night. That was all.
A bruised side. A knock on the head. No big deal.
That’s what Jamie had told himself as he’d inspected the damage in the mirror. He would be fine. He could put his kit on at home and wear a beanie to cover up the dark smudge of skin at his temple.
No one would notice. No one needed to know. It would be fine. Hardly the first time he’d pushed through an injury to stay in the game, was it?
He didn’t need to miss training. He didn’t need to turn up at Nelson Road and tell Ted he couldn’t play. Just the thought of trying to do so sent a thrill of unease through Jamie that he wasn’t keen to examine too closely.
So he took some ibuprofen, slowly and stiffly got changed into his Richmond gear, and called a taxi to get himself to the training ground late enough that no one had time to question his appearance.
(Driving was out of the question. He could admit that.)
Roy all but sneered at him when he stumbled in - that wasn’t anything to write home about, though. He caught a few looks from the others and had to wave Dani off on their way out to the pitch but, otherwise, Jamie was able to keep his head down and not draw attention to himself.
Drills were awful. Just stretching out his legs had him biting his tongue against making any pained sounds. When they started lunging, the hot-sick pain in his side necessitated swallowing down bile.
Sprints weren’t the worst, though Isaac definitely noticed he wasn’t starting from a crouch as he normally would. Then Nate had them doing a coordination exercise, hopping sideways and throwing balls between each other.
Lifting his arms was bad enough. Then each hop jolted Jamie’s whole body and made his head throb.
He managed, somehow, but Jamie wasn’t sure how much more he could take. He was being slow and clumsy. He was being useless. Fuck.
Panting, sweating, and trying not to throw up, he hovered at the back of the group and prayed no one called him out. No such luck. 
“You alright, mate?” Colin had sidled over while Ted called out their scrimmage teams. He was speaking quietly, which Jamie appreciated, but frowned at him with an unusual level of seriousness. Shit.
“Course I am.” Jamie forced himself to straighten up and smile. It felt wrong on his face. Too many teeth. “Just got a stitch. Didn’t drink enough.”
Colin looked doubtful, like he was about to question him further, but Jamie pushed forward to accept his yellow vest from Beard and positioned himself as far away from the Welshman as he could.
He was careful to stay in the formation they were practising, though. No sense in fucking up training for everyone more than he already had.
Roy hollered “WHISTLE!” from the side of the pitch and everyone lurched into action. Running around wasn’t so bad and Jamie soon lost himself in the game, following the movement of the ball and players with a preternatural instinct, ignoring any pain as the inconvenient distraction it was.
The few times the ball came his way, he took control of it as if by second nature, barely having to tell his feet what to do as he passed to Dani, then to Sam ten minutes later.
He was being a good teammate. He was playing like he was supposed to. And then he heard someone shout his name.
Jamie didn't need to look around to know that the ball would be sailing through the air towards him. He didn't need to deliberate about what to do. He would catch the ball on his chest and send it to Sam again before Richard could make it close enough to tackle. It was the only option to get it in the net.
He didn't need to think about it. He just did it.
And his sore, battered ribs only crossed his mind when he jumped up and twisted mid-air.
The yelp of pain was completely involuntary and Jamie would have been horrendously embarrassed by it if he hadn’t immediately crumpled into a heap on the pitch.
Something had grinded in his torso. It fucking hurt. It felt wrong.
He distantly registered the sound of an actual whistle over the rushing white noise in his ears as he lay gasping on the damp grass. A hand grasped his arm and Jamie realised Richard had skidded to his knees beside him, ball forgotten.
“Jamie? What’s wrong?” More hands were on him, trying to turn him over, but the slight pull sent another wave of sick pain through his side and he keened, curling up further to stave off the harm. “Merde, get the medics.”
“Colin’s already gone.” That was Isaac, a lot closer than he’d been less than five minutes ago, defending the box on the other end of the pitch. “He’ll need a stretcher if we can’t move him ourselves.”
“Fuck.” The notion of needing to be carried out of training brought Jamie back to himself. “I don’t need… Fuck it. I’m fine.”
“No, you are not.” Sam was standing over him as well, Jamie realised as he tried to force himself up to his knees at least. Most of the team were looming around, actually, and Ted broke through their little huddle right as a spike in pain brought up the vomit Jamie had been desperately holding back all morning.
“Hoo boy.” An American accent could really cut through the crowd, apparently, since Jamie had no problem hearing that low exclamation over twenty or so sounds of disgust.
Someone stopped him from pitching forward into his own sick and Jamie finally, limply, accepted help back upright onto his own shaky legs. Ted’s hands were one of the several pairs supporting him and Jamie could feel the humiliation and shame rising up in his gut like another bout of nausea.
“Sorry, coach,” he mumbled, even as he let Isaac put a secure arm around his waist. Sam tried to prop up his other side but Jamie shied away with an apologetic shake of the head. “Ribs. Don’t- Can’t lift me arm right now.”
He silently begged the younger player to understand, to not take it as yet another personal slight. Because Sam Obisanya was a much better person than Jamie would ever be, he only took a firm hold of Jamie’s elbow instead, face belying nothing but concern.
“Okay, folks, let’s give him some room.” Ted shooed gently at everyone not currently vital to keeping Jamie vertical. “You fellas got a good hold of him? We can get a stretcher out here, tout sweet.”
“Don’t want a fucking stretcher. I can walk.” Jamie bit out, choosing not to acknowledge how heavily he was still leaning on Isaac and Sam.
“Well, son, I’m not all too keen on taking your word for that right now.”
Ted’s tone didn’t change at all from the pleasant, practical way he’d just addressed the others. He didn’t raise his voice even a little. Jamie still felt the admonishment like a physical blow and hung his head with a wince.
“We’ve got him,” Sam spoke up. “Treatment room, right?”
They made an awkward threesome, hobbling off the pitch behind Ted and down the tunnel. Colin jogged out to meet them with a medic in tow and (surprise, surprise) Roy peeled off from the other coaches to join the entourage hustling Jamie towards the now-not-haunted medical suite.
Settled uncomfortably on the edge of the reclining bed, with a hovering audience whose eyes he couldn’t meet if he tried, Jamie numbly answered the medic’s questions about his pain level and location. He allowed her to gently remove his hat and examine the bruise underneath, went through the concussion tests without complaint, and was even honest about when he’d last eaten or drank anything.
When she pulled up his shirt, there was more than one sympathetic wince around the room. A quick look down confirmed that the bruise, though still quite small, had deepened in colour since he’d last poked at it and his skin looked oddly swollen around the area.
Even the barest methodical prodding with careful fingers made Jamie flinch and hiss through his teeth. The medic (Jennifer, Jamie vaguely recalled) hummed thoughtfully.
“Two are definitely broken. You’ll need to stay off the pitch for a few weeks, at least.”
The prognosis tightened Jamie’s throat like a hand was clamped around his neck. 
“Weeks? Nah, fuck that,” he choked out. “I were playing fine until I took the chest ball. I can still score.”
“Are you actually thick?” Roy demanded, loud and angry as per usual. There was something wild in his expression as he stepped closer to the bed. “How fucking stupid do you have to be to try and play with broken fucking ribs.”
“Fuck off, you won’t even coach me,” Jamie snarled at him, all attempts at mending bridges forgotten in the wake of pain and frustration. “Don’t act like it matters if I play hurt or not. I’ve done it plenty times before.”
“Alright, alright!” Ted cut in between them before Roy could retort with whatever words had conjured up that twisted, outraged look on his face. Nothing good, Jamie was sure.
“Roy, why don’t you take five, okay? In fact, let’s clear the room. Y’all got things to do, I’ll stick with Jamie while the good doc here gets him set up with what he needs.”
Even with Ted partially blocking his view, Jamie could see Roy was about to argue. Surprisingly, it was Isaac’s hand on his shoulder that seemed to take the wind out of his sails.
“Fuck! Fine!” He shrugged the hand off and pointed damningly at Jamie’s face. “But you’re not putting a toe out on the grass until I say so, you bloody fuckwit.”
With that, Roy stormed out of the room, sending the door bouncing off the wall with the force of his exit. Jamie’s teammates followed much more sedately, all with looks back over their shoulders and quiet murmurs Jamie couldn’t discern.
“Here.” He jumped slightly when maybe-Jennifer reappeared at his side with a bundle of items. “Drink this and take two paracetamol. Hold the ice pack to your side for twenty minutes. If the swelling hasn’t gone down, I’ll send you home with a few extras, okay?”
“Thank you kindly, doc,” Ted answered for him. “I’ll make sure he stays put for a bit.”
“Not a doctor,” she corrected mildly but gave Ted a smile and nod. “I’ll need you to sign an incident report and there’s some insurance paperwork to go through. I’ll go get the ball rolling on that and check in later.”
Jamie didn’t really like the way they were talking around him, rather than to him. He liked the idea of being alone with Ted after having caused a scene and an extra load of work for him even less. Still, he couldn’t think of any reason for the medic to stay and just watched her walk away, gently closing the door in her wake.
“You should probably do as she says,” Ted said softly after a moment of quiet, indicating the bottle of water and packet of tablets. “Doesn’t strike me as the ‘take it or leave it’ kind of advice. Rarely is, from those of the medical persuasion, even if they don’t have a fancy title.”
Moving like he was underwater, braced for the other shoe to drop, Jamie silently went through the motions of taking the painkillers. He tried not to move in any way that would agitate his injury but his hands were still shaking by the time he reached for the ice pack.
“Oh, here, let me…” Ted stepped in closer, his own hands outstretched, and Jamie flinched violently. The sudden jolt caused his abused ribs to make themselves known all over again and a small shout fell from his mouth unbidden.
“Alright, okay, no touching, got that memo, loud and clear,” Ted rambled on while Jamie waited for his vision to clear from the haze of pain. When it did, he noticed his coach frozen in place, hands still hovering in midair and significantly less threatening than moments before.
“Sorry,” he croaked, embarrassment and discomfort robbing his voice. “Didn’t mean… I’m sorry.”
“Now, hey, no. That one’s on me.” Ted glanced around and pulled up a chair to sit near Jamie’s knees. “How’s about you get that ice where it needs to be and you and I have a little heart-to-heart, that sound okay?”
Jamie nodded and gingerly wrapped the frozen pouch in the towel provided before applying it to his side. The relief was almost immediate and he felt his shoulders relax from the tense position he hadn’t even registered amongst everything else.
Ted clearly noticed too, since he smiled up at Jamie. There was still a furrow between his eyebrows, though.
“Ain’t it great when stuff helps the way it’s supposed to?” he started and Jamie tried not to let the dread of what was coming show on his face. “You know, when you’re sure that, in theory, something should do you good but you’re not quite bought into the reality yet? It’s a damn good feeling when the bet pays off.
“Course, sometimes it goes the other way. The thing that’s supposed to help you doesn’t do anything at all. Or, hell, it just makes everything worse…”
“I’m sorry,” Jamie blurted out again in a panic. “I weren’t trying to do that. I swear, I know I’m not supposed to mess up training or nothing. I… I…”
“Whoa, whoa, Jamie!” Ted’s smile had dropped clean off his face. “I think we’ve got some wires all muddled up here, somewhere. I’m not fishing for an apology. Matter of fact, I’m kind of wriggling on the end of the hook, myself.”
Jamie really, honestly tried to wrap his head around that one. He failed. “What?”
“I’m sorry, Jamie,” Ted told him firmly. “We all knew something wasn’t right with you out there today and let you play on through anyway. That’s no bueno. If you can’t rely on your coach to help you out when you need it, well, then, that’s not a sign of a very good coach, is it?”
Jamie stared at him, dumbfounded. “But… I didn’t tell you I were hurt.”
“There is that,” Ted agreed easily, nodding and settling back in his chair. “And I’d sure like to hear how you got knocked around so good in the whole twelve hours you were out of our sight. Any particular reason you didn’t share that with the class this morning?”
“I…” The hand that wasn’t holding the ice pack to Jamie’s ribs started picking at the disposable paper sheet on the bed. “I fell. Down the stairs at me house. Last night. I. It didn’t hurt too bad, I thought.”
Ted hummed. “Well, you see? Accident like that, it ain’t anybody’s fault. And you felt okay after?”
The excuse hung there so temptingly that Jamie was almost inclined to think they were back to mind games. He could tell Ted that he’d been sore, but fine, up until he got out on the pitch. But that would be just another lie, wouldn’t it? And all lying had done for him today was drag more and more people into his shit.
So, instead of agreeing like he so desperately wanted to do, he shook his head slowly.
“No, no I weren’t okay.” He swallowed and looked down at his shoes, dangling just shy of the floor. “Couldn’t even drive myself in, could I? But I thought being here and acting normal was better than… better than saying I couldn’t train today. More important.”
“Oh. Now, that’s another thing to chalk up in the ‘no bueno’ category, I’m sorry to say.” Ted’s voice had softened again but Jamie couldn’t bring himself to look up. “Jamie, if you’re hurting, ever, practice or no, I’d really rather you say so. Nothing’s more important than that.”
“Team is,” Jamie objected quietly. “Being here is. I don’t got anywhere to get sent back to now, do I?”
That sullen admission hung in the air. Jamie heard Ted suck in a breath.
“Okay. Alright. Could you do me a favour and try to lift that handsome as all heck face of yours up, just a smidge? I’m getting the feeling eye contact is going to be real important here.”
With very few options of avoidance available to him, Jamie forced himself to meet Ted’s gaze. His expression bore a startling resemblance to Roy’s wild-eyed reaction before, which did nothing to set Jamie’s mind at ease.
“Jamie, when you turned up to practice last season and said you weren’t going to train, I assumed you were mad because I benched you. That sound about right?”
The player nodded, ready for the familiar prickle of shame that clawed through his chest at the memory.
“So you weren’t actually hurt? Or did I get that wrong?”
Jamie shook his head this time, then clarified: “Were being a prick.”
“Alright, that’s fine. Water under the bridge.” Ted scrubbed a hand over his face, looking relieved for some bizarre reason. “Can we agree, though, that there’s a difference between someone pretending to be hurt, for whatever reason, and someone actually being badly injured? That a middle ground we can settle on?”
“Yeah…” Jamie agreed cautiously.
“Outstanding.” Ted took a deep breath. “So, let’s just take a little hop, skip and jump from there to how things might’ve played out a little differently today than they did last year?”
“Oh.” Jamie blinked a few times, processing. Slotting that bit of logic into the missing gaps of the day. “You’re not angry at me for missing training?”
Ted’s face broke back into a genuine, if tired, smile. “No, sir, I am not angry at you for that. Or for any other reason, while we’re on the subject. I am… mighty disappointed that you didn’t feel like you could come to me, or even call when you took your little tumble. But I think maybe we can both agree to do a little better next time, how about that?”
He held out his hand for a shake - his left, in deference to Jamie’s occupied right. That small concession alone was enough for Jamie to wordlessly grasp Ted’s palm with his own in a firm hold.
“Alright. I’ll try.”
“I know, Jamie,” Ted assured him. “That’s all any of us can do.”
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Guide to Penalty Box: Sissy Lore, Character Relationships, Bits, History
i reread all of penalty box so you don’t have to! this post is mainly for my benefit, but also for anyone new to the series <3
General Masterlist — 22-23 Season — 23-24 Season
Basic Things About Her:
She is NOT legally a Hughes! She grew up with them and they took her in when they moved to Michigan for Jack when he went to USNTDP. They call her their sister, she calls them her brothers, and calls Jim and Ellen mom and dad
Her birth parents were neglectful and mentally abusive. She often stayed at the Hughes house even in elementary school. They put a bed in their game room for her before the move where she got her own room
She is an event planner and has her own business!
Very, very obsessed with The Hunger Games series
She will quote it, reference it, and force everyone to watch it any chance she gets
She's a runner when she's drunk!
The whole group has air tags they use for parties because of this, and even then someone is normally physically attached to her
A story of her running away is in Cruel Weather (Part Two)
She '146' tattooed on her wrist. The 1 is for Trevor, the 4 is for Quinn and Luke, and the 6 is for Jack (and later, Jamie)
She'll joke around with Jack if he gets her on her nerves that the 6 is only for Jamie now
She has the date she moved in with the Hughes's on her collar bone in Roman numerals
She's a sleepy girl! Can't get ahold of her? She's most likely sleeping
She has many sons. Most of the UMich team 101 is a fatherless child, but some have fathers!
Fatherless children: Dylan, Mark, Adam, Luca, Seamus, and Rutger (Fathered children are listed under their father)
She's a bitter! Everyone is used to it, but any time it happens for the first time with someone new, someone has to explain that it's her little deranged way of showing love. Ethan will stick his arm out if she bites Luke (or anyone) to demand love
She goes under people's shirts when she's overwhelmed with emotions. When she does it, you know she trusts you
Sissy & Co are big fans of game nights and she is very, very competitive! They have monthly game nights in whatever way can
Every teammate, on all the teams, adore her and she loves them so much
She gives the teams (mainly the Ducks, obviously) good bags after each game! The more she learns at each player, the more personal the bags
She calls Troy and Dani Terry mom and dad, and she also calls Shatty mom
She's a huge Dallas Stars fan! Her favorite is Robo, and she always (with slim exceptions like if Quinn and Trevor etc play each other) flies to see any of her friends play against them.
She will drop everything if anyone, anyone needs her
She's terrified of storms
She's picky about who gets to call her Sissy and will fight over it.
Sissy exceptions: Dylan because he's known her so long, Cole gets a once a month pass, and Spencer Knight can anytime
Gives creative insults and has no filter
She's a Pink Whitney girly
She has weekly face times with Petey and Matty
She's so clumsy. Extremely so. She is frequently bruised because of it
She's really touchy and will cuddle and fall asleep on anyone
She's a Slytherin
She keeps scrapbooks! For literally anything and everything!
She loves poetry, and frequently uses Atticus poems
Random Lore:
She will leave at any given moment and tell no one. And not just to go out, she'll hop on a plane to see any of her boys. She won't even tell the person she's coming to see. She'll just show up. None of this out of spite, she's just forgetful
Once, she missed Quinn and spontaneously got on a plane to go see him while Trevor was gone without telling anyone. Not Trevor, not Quinn, no one. There was a big freak out. (This was not the first time)
She rented a minivan out of spite during the 2023 development camp so that she could take some of the Ducks boys out after it to get them know them better (it did not take long for the under 20s to call her mom)
In high school, she made her own NTDP hoodie with Jack's, Trevor's, Cole's, and Alex's numbers on the back and wore it every game
She'll occasionally give out gold star stickers (she's basically pavloving them) and once Jack annoyed her and she took his back
She gets her boys a trophy for their first goals of the season
There's a yearly tradition where the day before training camp begins for everyone, Sissy and the Hughes boys (and whoever wants to join) get together to work out together. Sissy is forced to participate but she does not do it for long before she taps out
Brock calls her Princess Hughes and she calls him her Blonde Princess
Frequent Gags:
She gives, and receives, penalties of various minutes for random things. It started from the Shoulder Check Showcase where Trevor did not get a tripping penalty (when he def should have)
Putting someone on probation
Telling someone they aren't friends/sons/etc for a random amount of minutes
Teasing between anyone is done if a "big" word is used. College dropout jokes are made
Random hashtags
Sap is said a lot. At any given opportunity. No one can stay serious for long. Also Simp, but less frequently
"Who's Sissy's least favorite Hughes" "Quinn" (this a gag with random commenters)
Various contracts will be mentioned. Mainly the Best Friend Contract and the Princess Treaty. I have no real explanations or full components of said contracts
Trevor protesting not being able to call her Sissy
Any mentions about high school or senior year. It's all a mystery. It is frequently said that she was crazier.
Most common insult is human dildo
She'll occasionally create the comment section herself and tell the boys to say nice things or specific things
What Jerseys She Wears:
Ducks: She rotates between Trevor's and Jamie's
Ducks vs Canucks: Trevor, Quinn, and Jamie have to play air hockey to decide. If there's no time before, they play iMessage games
Ducks/Canucks vs Habs/Kings: Trevor's or Quinn's
Devils vs Canucks/Ducks: Quinn's or Trevor's
Devils vs. Habs/Kings: Jack and Luke play rock, paper, scissors
Habs vs Kings: Alex and Cole play iMessage games
Panthers vs Anyone: Matty and Spencer play rock, paper, scissors when Spencer is playing. Otherwise, she wears Matty's (except for Canucks and Ducks)
Anyone vs Stars: Jason Robertson's (Robo)
Nicknames: Z-Baby, Sweet Boy
He had a crush on Sissy since the moment her saw her
First Date: March 16, 2018 (Junior Year)
They also say their first real kiss was that day, since the other two were practically forced by their friends
Officially Dating: March 22, 2018
First time they said I love you: July 18, 2018
Engagement Date: April 14, 2023
They'll cuddle in any way possible (post on gen. masterlist)
Sissy will "train" with him. And by train I mean she's more like his personal cheerleader, but she'll do some things with him on a lower level
Big PDA couple
They'll sleep anywhere when they're drunk. Counters, tables, closets, horizontally on the bed, anywhere. It phases no one anymore
Sissy will take any and all of his clothes, so all of their clothes are mixed together in their closet. She'll steal clothes from anybody, so sometimes he's accidentally put on someone else's hoodie with their perspective team on it
There's a tradition on his birthday where everyone (that can be there) has a sleepover in the living room. They make a giant fort and watch movies and it's pure chaos
They have matching tattoos of otters on their hands so that when they hold hands, it looks like the otters are
They call each other sweet girl and sweet boy
He kisses her to wake her up. She calls it "Disney Princess style"
Leo is their first and only adopted son
More headcanons are listed on the general masterlist!
Nicknames: Quinny Baby, Quinny, Huggy, Quinnjamin
He's not only her big brother, but he's also Sissy's best friend in the entire world
They have a Best Friend Contract
There is a rule that everyone knows that they do not let go of each other until they're both ready. No one else is allowed to touch her, and no one can take her away from him. Not even Trevor
Her going under shirts started with him (blurb: here)
Her and Quinn's son is Cole McWard! (blurb: here)
Trevor asked him for permission before he asked Sissy out. He's officiating their wedding, so it's like it has come full circle. (Fic: here)
She cries every time he leaves, especially after games when she barely gets to see him
He is a professional "Sissy catcher" because she will stand on surfaces that are not meant for standing on
He's the one that bought her Robo jersey
She gave him a "Best Big Brother In The Universe" trophy when they were kids and he still has it
He has a list of random things Sissy says when she's lovey clingy drunk
They officially became best friends when she was in 4th grade
Before Trevor, she had a boyfriend in freshman year. The breakup was hard for her because it was her first one, so Quinn drove down from UMich to be with her for a couple of days
She’ll call him anything under the sun, but she often uses Quintin when she’s upset or in pain (sometimes randomly). She used it a lot in middle school
Nicknames: Jacky Boy, Soulmate, Howdy Rowdy, Twin
She met everyone through him. They were in kindergarten together and were thrilled to live near each other
They have the same birthday (hence twins)
Jack often jokes he's older than her because he was born 4 hours and 36 minutes before her
They tend to make bets. Everyone had an "intervention" to stop them and limit to Ducks vs Canucks games, but they do not listen
They spontaneously went to Vegas in the peak of the bets starting. Only Trevor knew.
They have a special connection. They know what the other is saying with just a look. They call it "Hugheslepathy"
Sons: Luke and Ethan (He's her first officially adopted son)
Luke is a son because he accidentally called Sissy mom during the one month her and Jack dated (they decided it was too weird and broke up) (it was before the move)
She gives him a painted puck every year on their birthday, and he gives her a charm for her charm bracelet. When he knows it's full, he gets her a new one. (Full imagine: Sweet Sixteen)
She's changing her middle name to Rowden after her and Trevor get married to match him
They will wrestle each other, but he's always careful to make sure she doesn't hit her head on anything with how clumsy she is
They are THE unhinged duo
Sissy cried and slept in Jack's bed for weeks after Quinn left for USNTDP
Nicknames: Lukey Moosey, Moose, her son
He was the one that first called her Sissy
She's very protective of him and always feels the need to stay strong around him. When they were younger, she'd hold it together if she was upset or hurt in front of him. She also did it in the hospital after the car crash.
Just like with Quinn, if he needs her physical touch, she doesn't let go until he's ready. It's just a rarity.
Cute childhood Luke story in his Debut post!
Luke walked in on Sissy and Trevor making out during the spring break they first got together. He had a talk with Trevor alone warning him not to hurt his sister, despite him being so young at the time
Nicknames: Jamie Baby, Ex Husband
Him and Sissy are very close and very supportive of each other
When he got hurt, she left the stands to be with him. She stayed home from games while with him to take care of him when it was the roughest
They used to be "husband and wife" and she calls him her favorite ex-husband
They had silicone rings and everything
They used to joke that Trevor was their kid (he hated it) until they got engaged
It took him a while to fully warm up to her because he's so quiet, but they easily became as close as she is to the other guys when he did
When Sissy and Trevor fall asleep on the couch, he'll carry her up to bed and then wake up Trevor so he can go to bed himself
When he learned why she goes under people's shirts, she made sure to tell her that it was okay for her to do it to him
He sat on the floor and held her hand while she did an online interview to work an important event because she was anxious about it
It was her idea for Jamie to move in with her and Trevor
Nicknames: Coley Woley
Known as Best Friend Number Two (fic: here)
She'll call him Best Friend Number One to mess with Quinn sometimes
Sissy's man of honor for the wedding
Has a once a month pass to call her Sissy
They've kissed, but it was more of as a joke. Full story on the Engagement post
Sissy, Cole, and Alex have a yearly "Best Friend's Weekend" with no boyfriends/girlfriends or brothers. It started in high school
In high school, Sissy would often go to Cole and Alex's room to smoke, vent, etc
Him and Alex 100% knew Sissy liked Trevor before she really knew herself
Sissy is the nicest to him at all times. He hardly gets the aggressive but loving teasing and belittling (also out of love)
Just she like was there for Jamie, she flew out to see Cole and help out after his surgery in the 22-23 season
Nicknames: Turc, Turcs, Lexi
Her main smoking partner after high school (especially since he lives so close)
He stole her bong and will not give it back
Sissy, Alex, and Cole have weekly movie nights where they facetime and use watch parties
Once when she fell asleep on him, Quinn threatened him to not move even though he had to pee until Alex was "about to pee on her"
He calls her Girly Hughes
Matthew Tkachuk
Nicknames: My Rat, Matty Ratty, Matty, Rathew (rare)
Sissy had the biggest crush on him in middle and high school and talked about him all of the time
She'll often joke to Trevor that she'll him for Matty when he's on her nerves (lovingly)
She begged Quinn to invite him to her sixteenth birthday party and she got so excited she fell over the couch (fic: here)
He calls her Little Mouse (occasionally sissy)
They have adopted Mackie as their son! It happened when the team went to Universal Studios (Oct. 4, 2023) when Sissy flew out to them without telling anyone (again)
She facetimed him angry when she found out through twitter he played with a broken sternum (and also cried. she's a crier)
She flew out there after and yelled at Brady in person
Spencer Knight
Note: he has not been in the series until the summer before and preseason of 23-24
Nickname: Spency
He had a big part in the egging on for Trevor and Sissy to have their first kiss at a party (full story: Knight in Shining Armor)
He has Sissy pass, and it's not limited. There's not really an explanation for it, but he wasn't as close in the group like the others, so she let him as a way for them to be closer
She was THRILLED when he got drafted to the Panthers, and called him when Matty got traded saying that he was going to love "Her Rat"
She flew to Boston without telling anyone for his first game during Trevor’s rookie year. That’s what started her thing of randomly going to see someone without telling anybody
Hughes Childhood/HS Things
When Quinn first went to USNTDP, they all would have facetime sleepovers. Quinn built his own fort in his dorm, and Jack, Luke, and Sissy built their own. This is still done today, but anyone can be involved
Forts are a big thing for them. They built a fort at any given opportunity (and still do)
They have a yearly "Brothers Weekend" with Sissy where it's just them four
Quinn walked her to class in elementary school. He always made sure her hair was how she wanted before he left to his own class
He gave her hoodie when he left while she was in middle school so he was still "walking her to class"
There's a yearly twister game at the Lake House every summer and has been since they first started spending summers together
"Hugheslepathy" isn't just for Jack and Sissy, theirs is just the strongest. They can all practically read each other's minds
Quinn officiated a wedding between Sissy and a poster of Finnick Odair. Everyone was forced to attend. Luke was the flower boy.
more will be added as the series develops!
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curvingsunsets · 1 year
If your requests are open still, would you be willing to write a little something for Jamie taking care of a sick reader - I feel like at the beginning of the relationship he’s very “pls be sick somewhere else” but as time goes on he’s such a caretaker
I ADORE your characterization of Jamie so even if you don’t end up writing this (I know how life enjoys making things difficult), then just think of this as a love letter to your writing <3
a little blurb for the boy!! Hope you like it :)
The sound of pounding on your door was the first thing to wake you up that day. The alarm you’d set “magically” never went off, causing you to sleep in way later than you should’ve. You slug yourself out of bed, the feeling of sleep never really leaving your head. Making your way to your front door, you almost wince at how loud and persistent the banging on your door was.
The annoyance was interrupted as you swung the door open, a concerned Jamie revealed to be on the other side. You couldn’t get a single word out before he was flooding you with questions.
“What’s goin’ on? Why haven’t you answered my texts? Why are you soaking wet?”
The last question made you raise your brow. “I’m no-“ the gravel in your voice taking you aback. “I’m not soaking wet. Just woke up in a sweat is all.”
You watch as Jamie takes a very large step backwards, the hood of his sweatshirt now covering his mouth and nose. “Are you sick? Don’t get me sick! We can cancel our date just don’t get me sick!”
“I’m not si-“ you’re cut off by a sneeze. A moment of silence rings between the two of you before you catch his arm, urging him not to go back to his car. “Please stay! I’ve missed you and the thought of lying in my bed alone all day is my worst nightmare right now.”
“We’ve got a game soon! I can’t get sick!”
“You gave a game in three days, Jam! Please stay with me. I’ll let you pick the movie.”
He makes eye contact with you, easily succumbing to your request when he sees your puppy dog eyes. “Right, I‘ll stay. And i love you, but don’t you dare come any closer to me,” he extends his left arm, keeping you as far away as he can while following you inside.
The two of you made refuge on the couch, Jamie glued to the opposite end and stealing glances at you from across the room.
“It’s not that bad, you meanie,” you teased.
“Babe,” he started, “my body is a temple. I can’t risk even the slightest bit of illness or i’ll throw off the entire game. You really want Dani to make the winning goal?”
You groaned, falling back into the pillows of the couch. “I couldn’t even get a little kiss?”
He nearly jumped off the couch. “And let you poison my immune system?!”
You sighed, missing the affection your boyfriend would usually shower you in. “Could we at least hold hands?” you pout, extending your palm towards him.
That he couldn’t say no to, and rubbing soothing circles into your knuckles.
Time went on, and whatever it was that was slightly bothering you in the morning only got worse. Your voice was almost entirely gone, and you were simultaneously sweating buckets and shivering. The two of you were laid out on the couch after he went out to get some soup.
He came back, fully anticipating to keep away, but when he saw your sleepy face he changed his mind. He looked down at you, bundled up in your fluffiest blanket, a tissue in your sleepy hand. You hadn’t even realized he had come back you were so easily drifting off.
He put the soup down on the coffee table and sat down on the couch next to you. “C’mere, love,” he mumbled, pulling your head into his lap.
You barely knew what was happening since you were so sleepy. Once Jamie started playing with your hair, though, you were out like a light. Your slowed breathing was what made him pause the TV and look down at you with adoration. “If you get me sick, you’ll never hear the end of it,” he placed a sweet kiss to your temple.
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Making a post to keep all my @whumptober stuff together. All of this is subject to change (okay I guess some of it not all lol). I’ll add links as I post each day. Still working on ideas for the blank slots. The rest are at least WIP stages and some are done ✔️
Feel free to share any prompts or ideas of what you’d want to see! Esp on the blank days.
Jamie gets a concussion falling out of a tree trying to save Dauphine the cat.
Jamie is sick and Dani takes care of him.
Ted helps Rebecca through a migraine.
Jamie is injured during the decoy play (Part 1/2)*
Jamie and the team are caught in an earthquake while spending a night out. (Part 1/2)
Jamie finds out the real reason for his father’s sobriety (Fuck Jamie’s Dad)
Jamie is jumped in an alleyway. Sam takes care of him.
Part 2/2 of Jamie is injured during an earthquake.
Jamie is injured during that first rough practice when he returned to the team, hides it and doesn’t handle it well when it’s discovered.
Jamie breaks his phone hiking.
Jamie has a nightmare at an away match and Declan comforts him.
Mom City introspective.
Roy gets an appendicitis.
Jamie, Isaac and a few others take a boat trip that almost takes a turn for the worse.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 1/3)
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so he doesn’t lose more ground to Zava (Part 2/3)
Jamie sprains his neck attempting a trick on a playground to impress Phoebe.
Ted steps in when he sees Jamie with his Dad in the season finale but when Jamie goes back to Manchester that night his father isn’t happy at being interrupted.
Jamie hides an injury post first West Ham match so be doesn't lose more ground to Zava (Part 3/3)
Jamie has a minor slip down the stairs and thinks he’ll miss celebrating his birthday. (Happy Birthday Jamie Tartt 🥳)
Jamie doesn't show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (as requested by @vigilanteavengerqueen and part 1/3)
Jamie & Roy are in a car accident. (Part 1/3)
Jamie is injured during the decoy play. (Part 2/2)
Roy hadn’t meant to hit him, he really hadn’t.*
Jamie doesn’t show up for training in 1x06 after James paid him a visit after he was pulled from the match (Part 3/3)*
The car had come from nowhere and disappeared just as quickly.*
Jamie has his tonsils out.*
A look at Roy Kent and his sister’s relationship from her marriage through her divorce, the first Uncle’s Day and his retirement.
Roy reflects on the end of his career and Richmond’s relegation.*
Keeley faints from overworking and Roy & Jamie are there to take care of her thanks for the request!
in the morning i’m bulletproof chapter 8/epilogue aka Rupert Mannion takes Jamie out before the final game of the season.
* means I used an alternative prompt so could be moved around
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moonflowerlesbians · 4 months
hey :)! do you have any personal favorite canon-compliant fics? ill take any form truly but multi-chapter recs would be super cool <3
hi! sorry it took me a couple days to answer. admittedly, it's been a little while since I've read bly fic, so I polled a couple people to see what they said and looked back at my bookmarks and went through the tag for fics and authors I remember are great :)
we universally recommend Afterglow by sigmalied, which is probably one of the best fics in the fandom period. sig's writing is stunning, to say the least. you might also check out Teallach!
I'm a fan of anything by tigerlo, but beloved, bereft, bereaved is canon-compliant and fantastic. it fills in the blanks.
shame on everyone (involved) by andawaywego (another terrific author I'd highly recommend) is short and sweet from Hannah's POV and looks at dani and jamie getting together.
this one's a little angstier (as bly canon-compliant fics tend to be because. yeah.) souvenirs you never lose by novel_concept26 is excellent. novel never misses 10/10 would also recommend anything else by them. bonus: who am i (that i should get to hold you)
summer's gone and i'm alone (i get the feeling that you’re somewhere close) by goldenslumbersfanfiction is a terrific multichap dani character study that gets me every time.
I Don't Know About The Lake (But Every Time You Say My Name You Make Ripples In Me) by Iamasortofvillain is a multichap and this author has several canon-compliant multichaps or longer fics to take a look at!
shameful bonus: whimsy in the weeds is one I actually wrote lol. but it's canon complaint and expands on jamie's backstory.
I hope these are enough to get you started!
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
In a couple of interviews, Phil said that Jamie in season 3 is not a different person, he's simply making better choices. And I agree so much.
"together, we got me" is such a Jamie thing that he could have said back in season 1 as well. Jamie is confident and cocky, but in s3 he's making better choices because he's not fuelled by anger and spite anymore. But he's still Jamie. So when people say "do you think he regrets the time he was a prick?" I'm like no??? He still has his prick moments, because Roy is right, at his core that's who he is. He's cocky, blunt, and absolutely hilarious.
Does he regret hurting people? Of course. Does he lose sleep over it? No. Guilt can make you stuck. If you're stuck, you can't make things better. And he wants everyone in his life to feel better.
The main difference is that s3 Jamie doesn't want to hurt people anymore, because he himself is not hurting anymore. He's found a support system, and he wants to give back the same energy and support the people he cares about.
S1 Jamie would have never wanted to be "in the center", he would have wanted to be right up front, in Dani's place. But s1 Jamie was fuelled by anger and the need to dominate. S3 Jamie isn't angry anymore, and he understood that the best way to dominate a game is to be in the center and direct everyone else like a conductor. He switched from wanting to dominate other players to wanting to dominate the game. He matured. But he's still Jamie.
And the fact that Roy of all people saw this so clearly and sees it as a good thing has me going feral 👹
So sorry I missed this one before!
I maintain that season one Jamie was deep in his 'why are you booing me I'm right' phase. What he learned was to not act like such a dick about it.
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