#monoma neito oneshot
h-haunted · 4 months
magic kisses
my hero academia
neito monoma x reader
gender neutral
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haven’t touched mha in like three years but my best friend shared this with me so obviously i had to do it!
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You were no stranger to the nurse’s office at UA. Being in class 1A was no walk in the park. You were stuck with the best young heroes of your generation- plus that one green-haired kid who won’t stop attracting villains' attention- and it was certainly a challenge.
Cradling your freshly broken arm and dragging your feet, you slowly made your way to Recovery Girl’s office. A heavy sigh slipped past your lips, illustrating your exhaustion. You had been paired up with Katsuki for training. Long story short, he didn’t even pretend to go easy on you. No surprise there, he was far too competitive for that.
You practically stumbled into the room, your legs feeling like jello underneath your weight. You couldn’t even mumble a greeting before you collapsed down into a chair.
“My my, what happened to you?”
You knew that voice.
Despite your fatigue, your eyes snapped open.
Neito Monoma, asshole of class 1B. You two had been at each other’s throats ever since you met.
Sensing your annoyance before you even opened your mouth, Neito laughed and poked your forehead. “Don’t look so happy to see me.”
“Where’s recovery girl?” You manage to ask, raising your eyebrow.
“She had to step out for a while, I’m here to take her place while she’s gone. Just had to copy her quirk,” the blonde shrugs, leaning back against the wall, “Not the most ideal situation, but whatever. I’m the right guy for the job and I figured I’d do something nice for once. C’mon, let me see your arm.”
You immediately turn away from him, pulling your arm back. You wince as you do so, the pain practically shooting up your spine. Neito covers his mouth and tries his hardest not to laugh, earning himself a sharp glare from you. “If you just let me do it, it’ll stop hurting.”
“No thanks, I’d rather die.”
“Hey, if you insist. I won’t complain.”
“What? You said it first, not me. That’ll take forever to heal, and Recovery Girl won’t be very happy that you refused help.”
After a moment of hesitation, you hold out your mangled forearm. “Yikes, you got your ass kicked, huh? Thought you 1A idiots were supposed to be strong.” Neito quips. You shoot him a glare, and he laughs. “Alright, alright. Calm down, feisty.” He gently places his hand on your wrist and leans down, pressing a tender kiss to your skin. The butterflies that flutter through your stomach startle you, your cheeks heating up at the contact. You can feel your bone beginning to fuse back together as he backs away, watching your reaction. After a few seconds, you flex your arm and move it around. Good as new. Huh.
“Hm? You seem a little red. Coming down with a fever, are we?” He teases, savoring the way you avert your gaze and mumble ‘shut up’. He runs the tips of his fingers down your freshly healed forearm and it feels like lightning.
You rip your arm away, shooting him yet another glare. He flicks your forehead, rolling his eyes. “Your face will be stuck like that if you don’t stop.”
“And if you don’t stop rolling your eyes, they might get stuck in the back of your head.” You retort through a small yawn, covering your mouth with your hand. Neito looked at you, his eyebrow raised.
“Hm. Someone’s tired.”
“Shut up.”
“What? I just pointed it out. Side effect of the quirk.” Neito laughed, his voice as smooth as honey. “I can’t send you back to class like that. Just relax, you can take a nap here if you need to.”
“That’s oddly nice of you-”
“No promises I won’t draw on your face while you’re out though.”
“There it is.” You roll your eyes, leaning back against the wall. Neito grabs a pillow and offers it to you. “I’m not going to take a nap.”
“You don’t have to. Just get comfortable.” Neito rolled his eyes in return, sitting down next to you. You hesitantly grabbed the pillow, placing it behind your head. It wasn’t any more comfortable than just leaning against the wall, but you were too exhausted to complain.
“Seriously though. I’ll stay here with you if you want to take a nap.” He hums. You open your mouth to protest, but it’s cut off by yet another yawn. Okay, maybe that nap wasn’t a bad idea.
When you wake up, the first thing you notice is that your head is resting on something- or rather, someone. It’s Neito’s shoulder. You shoot up, startling him.
“Woah, hey, what’s the matter???” He asks in pure confusion, looking at you now. You wince, very quickly realizing that there must’ve been a cut or something on your face because holy fuck it stings after resting on it. He notices your momentary discomfort, and it causes him to frown. It’s a burn, from Katsuki’s quirk.
“I can… heal that too.” Neito mumbles. It’s not anything terrible, it would heal on its own with no scarring. Your breath catches in your throat at the thought, but it doesn’t take you very long to nod. He leans forward and plants his lips on your cheek, letting them linger for a moment. The familiar tingly sensation bubbles up beneath your skin, the subtle ache from the injury fading away.
“What… time is it?” You ask, trying to quickly change the subject.
“Three. You were only out for like an hour.”
“Oh…” You look away. You suddenly remember his earlier threat and pull out your phone, using the selfie camera to examine your skin. He didn’t draw on your face after all.
“Oh come on.” Neito can’t help but laugh at how worried you were about it. “I told you I wasn’t going to do it.”
“Give me one good reason why I should trust you.”
“...Because I wouldn’t ruin such a pretty face with marker.” He winks, and you feel your face heating up again. “What? I just fixed your face.” He reaches out to brush his fingertips across your cheek. “Any other injuries I should take care of?” He jokes with a teasing smirk.
“Oh. Well...I think I… uh… split my lip.” You mumble before you can stop yourself. He looks momentarily flustered and his eyes meet yours for a moment before they flicker down to your soft lips. You open your mouth to speak. Apologize, take back what you said because oh my god that was cringe.
Then his mouth is on yours, kissing you with a gentle passion as his hands find your cheeks.
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strwberryblast · 1 month
hey kitten… licks lips… i’m requesting 😝
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 | Monoma x Fem!Reader
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It was no surprise to anyone that Monoma had a strong dislike for Class 1-A, regularly belittling and taunting them out of spite. You were particularly aware of this, as he seemed to target you the most, often making you his prime victim whenever you were around.
You were certain he had it out for you, but what you didn’t realize was that Monoma actually fallen for you. He thought that by provoking you and drawing your attention, he might get you to notice him in return. After all, any attention, even if it was negative, was still attention in his eyes.
Monoma’s relentless taunting had become a daily routine. As a short-tempered girl, you often fought back against Monoma, resulting in frequent clashes that needed to be separated by Kendo. Despite your best efforts to ignore him, you found it nearly impossible. You wanted nothing more than to wipe that taunting smirk off his face, though he found your face adorable during these exchanges when you’d cross your arms and furrow your brows at him, with an annoyed look etched on your face.
"Haha, why do you look so mad?" Monoma would tease, poking at you with a grin that only seemed to infuriate you more.
You’d groan and shoot him a look of frustration. "Why do you look like that?" you’d retort snarkily, causing him to laugh even harder.
The dynamic between you and Monoma was anything but ordinary. His provocations, though seemingly rooted in rivalry, masked his true feelings for you. Each snide comment and each mocking laugh was, in his twisted way, a way to draw you in. He had hoped that by irritating you, he would get you to notice him more, perhaps even to care about him in some way.
It was a frustrating cycle. Every day, you found yourself caught between your desire to ignore him and the irresistible urge to engage with his provocations. His taunts seemed to hit a nerve, making it all the more difficult to remain indifferent. Kendo, who often found herself playing the role of peacemaker, would regularly step in to defuse the tension between you two, often consisting of her knocking Monoma, apologizing before dragging him away.
Despite the antagonistic interactions, there was an undeniable undercurrent to your exchanges. The way Monoma would focus intently on your reactions, the way he seemed to derive a certain satisfaction from your every response—it completely infuriated you, but part of you found joy in these exchanges, finding the bicker amusing.
As the weeks passed, Monoma’s behavior became more nuanced. While he still taunted you, there was a noticeable shift in his approach. His comments, though still sharp, carried a hint of something else—something that was less about aggravation and more about trying to get under your skin in a way that felt oddly personal.
The more you interacted with him, the more you began to see glimpses of the person behind the mask of hostility. It wasn’t that his behavior became entirely friendly or accommodating, but there was a certain awkward sincerity that started to emerge. He would occasionally offer a begrudging compliment or make an effort to engage with you in a way that was less about confrontation and more about connection.
One afternoon, after another of his usual jabs, Monoma found himself alone, reflecting on his behavior. He had observed you from a distance, noting the way you carried yourself with a resilience that both impressed and frustrated him. It struck him then how much he admired your strength and determination. This realization made him question whether his method of drawing attention was really the best approach.
In a rare moment of introspection, Monoma decided he needed to try a different tactic. He approached you, not with the usual barrage of insults but with a more genuine attempt at conversation. His compliment, though awkwardly phrased, was sincere. “You did well today,” he said, his tone lacking its usual edge.
You were taken aback by the change. It wasn’t the typical antagonism you had come to expect from him. You looked at him with a puzzled expression, trying to reconcile the shift in his demeanor with the usual dynamic between you.
“What did you do to Monoma?” you asked with a smirk, raising an eyebrow and adopting a mock-serious tone. “Did you get a personality transplant or something?”
Monoma blinked at you, clearly caught off guard by your question. He gave you a confused look, as if trying to process whether you were joking or genuinely concerned. “Uh, no? I’m still me. Why do you ask?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his reaction. “Well, it’s just… you’re acting all nice and stuff. Did someone put a spell on you or are you secretly a nice guy now?”
Monoma’s eyes widened slightly, and he scratched his head, looking genuinely puzzled. “I promise, no spells involved. Maybe I just figured out that being less of a jerk might be a good idea.”
You laughed outright at his attempt to explain himself. “Wow, is this a new Monoma era? Should I prepare for world domination or just get used to the idea of you being less insufferable?”
Monoma smirked, letting his teasing behavior peek through. “Hey, don’t get used to it. I might just go back to being a pain in the ass if you start enjoying it too much.”
You shook your head, still smiling. “I’ll take the nice Monoma while I can. It’s a refreshing change of pace.”
Monoma’s smirk softened into a genuine smile. “Good to know. I guess I’ll keep this up then—at least for a little while.”
please read request rules before requesting ! :)
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helloescapist · 1 year
To Me
Word Count: 2037
Setting: reader pairing, Neito Monoma x gn!reader (oni, kijo quirk), SFW
Content Warning(s): none 🪄
Summary: your horns have always been a sore topic for you, and during one of Neito's many (onesided) spats with Class 1-A, he is met with the reality that, he really doesn't know how to help.
A/N: really, this isn't very good, but oh the well! Just a small trial-run short.
[not my art, credit goes to the artist!]
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It was the distinct flick of his wrists, pointer fingers flexed from both of his left and right hands. The curl of the remainder fingers, pressed against his ears, fingers upright. The knowing glare Bakugo directed at you.
The classes had been gathered for a joint activity. One which was intended to be conducted under both instructors from U.A. Although it wasn’t as though Kan-sensei was known for his objective stance when the two classes were to compete, often times his favoritism rang clear even at moments in which subtilty was required. In his desire to encourage his students, fairness often escaped his enthusiasm. Today was such day, his boisterous nature far too distracted with expressing how far as a Class 1-B had advanced since Aizawa-sensei had last observed you. The prides of instructor leaving him completely ignorant to his smaller body double; Monoma had started the gathering off assembly of classes off on a rather audacious note. Not that any of your classmates were surprised, Kendo looked especially exasperated to the blonde’s antics. Tired from having stayed up late studying, her movements were slow, taking longer than normal to process that once again, the quirk impersonator had thrown down the gauntlet between classes without so much as consideration for those he had looped into the confrontation. His scorn drawing the attention of both classes despite the conversations that had otherwise been enjoyable. Yanagi who had been enjoying her counterparts in 1-A, Shoji and Koda, had her face drawn, eyes blank and focused, witnessing a moment she would express as his stupidity at work. Monoma’s abrasive behaviors had drawn Awase away from Yaoyorzu, still unwilling to admit how excited he had been to see her once again. Determined to dodge any unnecessary teasing from his peers, or tipping off his growing affections. Tsunotori and Hagakure who had been giggling amongst themselves, had silenced their jovial conversation. The growing unease evident on their faces, the oblivious rage that Monoma inspired within Class 1-A’s number one trigger-happy time bomb was apparent. The agitation was rolling in waves potent enough to set off a buried weight pressure explosive. The Copycat user had drawn obvious, blistering annoyance from the emitter. The veins in his forehead beginning to pop as his eyes widened. Bakugo’s seething beginning to boil over. Monoma’s insistence to continue spatting insults despite Kaibara’s insistence to cease fire. The boy’s cautionary reminders falling on deaf ears, far too delighted in Bakugo’s growing temper. The nervous tilt of Kirishima’s hands, beckoning his friend to remain calm, and dismiss the obvious instigator, was as useless as that of Kaibara’s.
                The explosive nature of the quirk user Monoma had set his sights on, the easy target he always prayed upon, reminiscent of the school sports festival. That day despite having placed first, Bakugo was practically foaming at the mouth, snapping his teeth a lot like h was in this moment, but this time directed at Monoma. The realization had drawn you forward, nervously forcing a smile and doing your best to distract your classmate. For all of your time together, you were familiar with Neito’s mannerism, outside of his interactions with Class 1-A. His overall nature was in fact, laid back, and playful, but every time he was gifted the opportunity to wreck havoc with the other class, his impulsive nature override his senses. Drew out his competitive, and argumentative side, and in truth, apart of you were well aware that it was a strategy ploy he had utilized. Sure, in the event Bakugo’s temper bested him, a brief moment of physical contact would be all Neito needed to utilize it in the sparring match to come, but with how far he had pushed this time, you were worried he may not make it to the one-on-one.
                “M-Monoma,” you gently probed. Attempting to use a softer voice as not to draw Bakugo’s ire. The shift of periwinkle blue eyes. Piercing, and gravitating towards your frame, captivating your silhouette. The draw of his eyebrow, over confident. Cocky in the way his smirk met his lips, the plaster of a false smile. One intended to be reassuring that he was in fact not biting off more than he could chew—did the exact opposite. The small twitch of the forced expression, drawing your eyebrows forward, doing your best to talk him down from the edge, and that’s when you saw it.
                Bakugo’s annoyance, only slightly cooled by Kirishima’s assurance had drove him to childish gestures behind Monoma’s back. Sticking his tongue out, tugging at his eyelid. The immature display of dissatisfaction almost comical, until his eyes had met with your won. The scowl drawn, as quick as his reflex. His fingers meeting at the top of his forehead. Oni.
                Distant memories dropped your shoulders. The taunt, while absolutely ridiculous had drawn forth echoes of a past you had wished would leave you. Dipped in to your cache of information, and left the tremble of your lip. Eyes averted to the ground as you did your best to train your expression. A forced smile that had been well practiced throughout your childhood, all too aware of the faint breeze of hydrangea blooms following your reaction. Quick to mumble an excuse to leave the classroom, expressed that you had forgotten a crucial part of your hero costume in the classroom, and ensured Kan-sensei you would return as quickly as possible—you were a valuable role in stomping Class 1-A’s reputation into the ground, reminded you of the drills you would run if you skipped the skirmish, but for once, you did not care.
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All he could hear was Kendo yelling in his ear, the telling sting at the nap of his neck. The bitterness ebbing at his mind, the tug of his collar. His periwinkle eyes blurry from the direct hit, the small ebb of a burn festering near his cheek where he had barely managed to dodge. Able to make out the slightest of outlines, but was unable to determine what noise was eliciting from the obvious rabid porcupine. Bakugo thrashed about, still sending off a number of curses flaring, drenched in smoke. Aizawa-sensei having suspended his quirk, Kirishima and Izuku doing his best to qualm his aggression. A flurry of movements that met the ringing in his ears, a light burn marred to the opposite cheek of his own, only adding to Bakugo’s rage. Neito understood the position he had placed himself in, Kan-sensei at Aizawa-sensei’s side, looking less than pleased.  The distinct lecture of his classmate as she dragged him from the classroom. The first opportunity Kan-sensei would seize would be eventful; the drills he would run, the potential smack here and there. He suspected Kan-sensei may ebb him into an offense match one derived of improving his lacking skills, only slightly enjoying the opportunity to smack him around, or he would willingly place Kendo on a one on one with him. She certainly had no qualms with tossing him around a bit. His classmates would be exasperated with his display, and you… you would probably be disappointed when you found out. In fact, he suspected you would even avoid him for a bit, the last time one of his comments had strayed too far, you had opted for lunches with Kodai in seclusion.
                But he had seen your response. The quiver of your lip, the dip of your eyes; the smallest twitch of your eyebrows and wiggle of your nose. The grit of your teeth as you forced back tears, coercing a smile in place. Well trained, strained at that. He had noticed it a few times, when your overall smile and tender temperament would sway. Overall, you were one of the most optimistic students in their class, soft in your approaches. The softest of smiles, a little quiet at times sure, but in small moments when you thought no one was watching, he had noticed the worry in your eyes. The way you would avert your gaze. The tug of your sleeves before securing the drawstrings of your hoodie. The way your class had taken a patrol excursion with the intent on working on their interactions with civilians, you had expressed obvious discomfort. Forced a smile and continued the lesson until you had noticed a small child drop their stuff animal. Quick to respond, and return the well loved item back to its owner, the obvious startle of the child had shocked the both of you. Dropped the little one’s toy, backing away as quickly as you could. Monoma had attempted to sooth the child, reassure that you were one of the good guys, but you would only apologize to both the child and the parent for disrupting their day. A forced smile, and refusing to acknowledge any questions Neito had pressed. Not that he had pushed much. Knew that he shouldn’t. The first day of school, you had attempted to wear a cap in class. Dismayed by Kan-sensei’s disapproval, reminding you of the school dress code of conduct. You had trembled through introductions, fidgeting with your bangs to better high the small nubs at the height of your brow. Your obvious horror when you were suggested as a potential candidate for the U.A. School Festival’s beauty pageant. The red of your face, shamed wide eyes, and quick to shield your face between fingers—no, you hadn’t attempted to safe guard your appearance. Rather the small blossom of cornets at your brow. Your firm stance on Kendo being the only applicant for Class 1-B’s submission. Then, there was the day he had caught you in the morning classroom.
                The stillness of the room, quiet with the lack of students. The early hours since moving into the dorms had left you unsettled, all of your class had noticed it, but had come to the understanding that approaching you directly often made you skittish, and shifted the mood of the group. So, they had elected to give you space, time to come around. To adjust to whatever burden you had been carrying, even if it was difficult. That morning, Kan-sensei had sentenced him to arriving early, annoyed that his grades had dipped. Deep cleaning the erasers after having ran a few miles should put him into place. it did not. Neito had not considered that anyone else would have been awake at that unholy hour. Let alone find you, sitting at your desk. The light of day flittering through the small windows, the nervous settle of your bag. The meticulous tuck of your papers, aligning everything well, and when you hadn’t realized he was there. The slump of your back, the mirror betwee two fingers. Sad eyes that appraised your reflection, shuffled your bangs to and fro, the scowl deepening on you face before placing the mirror reflections side down. Your fingers, clasping your eyes, leaned forward. The small quiver of your shoulders as you willed yourself to breathe. To paint upon the smile that had greeted him every day.
                No, as far as Neito was concerned, regardless of the punishment that would come his way, or the disapproval he would be met with, he had little remorse for his actions. In fact, he had a bit of gratification despite the lecture Kendo was issuing. His fighting style was never one for blatant offense, especially a head on approach, and with Bakugo’s rage dulling his senses, Neito had managed a slight of hand. One quick enough to equip the other student’s quirk, and land a direct hit, although it did come at the cost of the snarling psycho’s adept ability to rebound. My face hurts, he thought to himself as his footsteps echoed down the hallway.  Kendo had rightfully exiled him, her last remark leaving more of a sear than Bakugo’s blow. In all the times she had laid into him, whether verbally, or even on the times he had physically put him in his place, nothing had ever stung as much as her observation. The blatant way she had bridged the subject, the pointed look. Her words still resting against him. If you had cared about {YN] you would have followed her. He had let his own temper get the btter of him, set himself in a mock villain match off with the rabid hedgehog, and essentially marked himself for an ass kicking later…
                And had left you alone.
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Nestled between the small touch of storage cabinets near the costume storage, you had drawn your knees up to your chest. Attempted to catch the tears that betrayed your inner world. Whispered the realities of a past of hurtful remarks. Intended or not. The days you had spent in your childhood, desperately wanting a friend. Someone to play with, your peers quick to avoid your interactions. Your appearance the recollection of demons in fairytales. The small nubs that rested at your brow, quick to elicit unease regardless of how you had smiled, or how gently you had approached potential play mates. As though you were truly the bringer of plagues, the Harvenger of death such as the oni in fairytales. The days of clear avoidance, nervousness as though you may curse their existence; other days spent with lunchroom food smeared across your face. Rice crumpled to your hair, students demanding you leave their school. Others that taunted, demanded to know if even the smallest infringement upon their day was a result of a kijo’s curse. Your please and cries falling upon deaf ears, unwilling to listen to reason. The day when your quirk had fully activated, drawing to more than just your outward appearance. You had unintentionally flipped a swing set; you had just wanted to play. Even if it was by yourself, it had never been your intention to leave the equipment in ruin, nor to terrify the other small children. Their screams echoed in your ear as though you were little more than a feral dog.
                You had stopped going to the playground that day.
                Had forced a smile.
                But today, all you could do was cry, press your eyes into yoru knees, unable to fully conceal your appearance. The stupid points of your horns unwilling to nestle against your knees. The rough sob of your tears rolling off, shamed by your own appearance. You understood—it’s not that Bakugo had specifically targeted you. His harm was directed really towards any extra, but… it hurt. To be the oni freak. To be the Kijo who’s being was curse. A plague to others.
This is where he had found you. Coiled up under the guise of searching for a part for your hero costume. A ridiculous excuse, your outfit had little bells and whistles, more revealing of your will to go unnoticed than anything else. How had Kan-sensei made it to the top instructor all these years? The obvious heave of your chest, collapsed over long, untrained hair. The tender soft of your cheeks, as you wiped at your eyes. Too embarrassed to even admit to yourself the ache of your heart. The quiver of your closed eyes as your fingers brushed against one of your horns, as if testing whether they were still attached or not. Did you think you were a moose? The crushing reality that they had remained in place eliciting a soft murmur of a stifled wail. Alone, or at least you had concluded you were. Allowing yourself to slip from the seams, the smile falling from your lips at the time alone. You always did this. Fell apart when no one was looking. TH touch of small light at your hair, the gentle regard you had for others, even unwilling to burden your classmates despite how your heart ached. Despite how desperately you wished to grasp onto someone’s hands.
                How was it, you had ended up like this?
                Why didn’t you take someone’s hand?
                The distant memories, the rejection he had endured in his formative years. His quirk, a villain. No, Neito understood how you had found yourself in this state. Your existence far gentler than his own. Unwilling to bite back at the hands that offended you, forcing a smile rather than reveal your contempt. No, no he suspected that you didn’t even have a touch of scorn within your bones. So different than himself. Thoughtful. Gentle. Kind. The melancholy that nabbed at his heart, longed to hold the hand that you desperately denied reaching out. Too ease your tears, to sooth your worries. He.. He didn’t really know how. The Phantom Thief was comfortable with touch, with casual teasing and encounters, but... but that wasn’t who you were. Yet, he could not stop the brush of his hand against the strands of your hair. Could not fight the smile, the soft regard as his knees bent to meet your own. His left hand soothing the strands of distress. Impulsively stroking you despite the obvious shock of his appearance. Allowed your quirk to manifest between his brow, a mirror image of the horns that you so desperately attempted to hide. Forced a smile, quivered your arms. Attempted to deceive him. Something in your eye, how silly. Of course, there was something in your eyes, tears. Regardless of the way you fretted against him, never willing yourself to smack his hand away, he continued. Soothed out strand. Reassuringly hummed as though he were consoling a small child—in some ways, he was. But whether it was his inner child or yours he did not know, but he did not stop. Didn’t desire to.
                He didn’t understand. In all truth, to me, he had the touch of melancholy ebbed across his features. The telling smile that tugged at his lips, sincere and affectionate. Not wanting to relinquish the moment, you’re... He thought quietly. His eyes smolder, and appraising your reactions. Ensuring that he did not press to far, did not stray into a touch you did not like. Remained petting your hair, easing your burdens. Unsure of how to approach you. Unsure of how to tuck away the tears that threatened to spill once more. Unsure of how to tell you, to tell you…
You're everything.
                 If only for a moment to reassure you that you were not alone in the world. That he would hold your hand.
Should you ever want him to.
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midnighmoonligh · 9 months
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Y/N ;; 16 ;; AMAB ;; They/Them ;; Little
Neito Monomo ;; 16 ;; He/Him ;; CG
⚠Content Warnings⚠
Anti-agere & Bullying.
Plot Summary
Y/N was feeling unwell all day, so going to the dorms early with permission to rest you allowed yourself to be little. You thought the building was empty when Monomo came across you in the kitchen filling your bottle. He doesn't support regression and bullies you. In reality, he's just projecting.
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Age Regression was the only way Y/n has been able to cope with the stress of everything happening in UA. Everything only seemed to get more stressful after you had moved into the dorms. You could see why the dorms were needed, but you found yourself regressing more often than ever now that you were away from home. Because of this, you ended up getting in trouble with class 1-b's homeroom teacher. Sekijiro had been understanding when you came clean about the headspace, but did scold you for not speaking up about it sooner. Since the discussion, you had been allowed to step out of class when your regression got to be too much.
Today, was another moment of this. Y/N had been in class when suddenly a topic of conversation another student brought up triggered the comforting headspace. You tried your best to pay attention and fight the headspace, but after about ten minutes you couldn't do it anymore. Quietly, you got up and left the room. The classroom seemed to busy speaking with the teacher to notice you slippiny away. You took your bag and began to head back to the dorms. Little did you know, you were being followed.
As soon as you stepped into the building, you had already felt little. You rubbed your tummy before making your way to the common room's kitchen. Since no one was really in the building, you figured you could at least make sure to get something to eat. Thankfully, you didn't regression quite as young as you has thought you would. You happily shuffled your way to the kitchen, setting your bag down on the floor as you looked around for something you could make in your current headspace of about eight. You ended up making a peanut butter sandwich with honey then grabbing some chips for it. Then Y/N grabbed their bottle from their bag, washing it out before filling it up with water, since that seemed to be all that was left.
" What's with the baby bottle, " you heard being spoken as you tightened the lid.
Out of reaction, you jumped out of surprise before dropping the bottle. The bottle rolled off the counter and onto the floor. This, naturally, upset you. You regressed into a younger headspace and tears filled your eyes. You hated being startled.
" What are you, a big baby? " the voice spat out.
You tried to contain yourself as you curiously looked over to see who owned the voice. Much to your bad luck, it had been none other than Neito Monomo. Everyone in class 1-b was so irritated by him. He was always showing off and trying to act like he's better than everyone. You watched helplessly as he picked the bottle up and threw it away.
" This is why you leave class so much? To act like a baby all day while we have to work hard? " he added.
Honestly, that had been the last straw for you. You broke down into pure sobs and sank to the floor. The floor was so cold and you felt so uncomfortable in your uniform. Even so you felt like you couldn't do anything but cry as he berated you. Monomo on the other hand was shocked to see how things escalated. He didn't think you'd actually cry like a baby on the floor. He watched you hiccup between your sobs and rub at her face to clear the tears away. Now he felt suck as to what to do. What should he even do?
" Hey uh-" he awkwardly cut into your crying. It was the only sound in the entire room, but you didn't answer. You just cried and cried. " Jesus, I didn't think you'd literally cry like a baby on the floor, " he spit out harshly, which really only made you cry harder.
For an entire ten minutes he awkwardly watched to cry. He thought that maybe he could wait until it ended, but it didn't. It didn't end. Another ten minutes went by and you were still crying on the floor. What was he even supposed to do at this point? Since you were distracted, Monomo went through your bag. You didn't really notice since by now you were curled up on the floor. However, your attention was quickly grabbed when a pacifier bounced off your forehead. You were silent for a couple minutes (much to his relief) before reaching out and popping the pacifier into your mouth. You hiccuped quietly around the pacifier that soothed you.
Monomo now sat on the floor across the kitchen, more next to the door way into it. He watched you curiously, now finding his bullying turning into curiosity. He couldn't figure out why you acted this way. Was this normal? Was the teacher even aware of this? He shuffled through your bag more, taking things out and tossing them all over. Each time an object hit the floor you flinched, mostly because the sound was loud. Monomo tossed books, papers, things to write with, everything out on the floor. He found a small stuffie you took everywhere you travel and tossed it into the floor. That one made you wince- your poor stuffie. When the bag was empty be finally found your regression journal at the bottom.
It was a cute notebook you took pride in. It took forever for you to set it up. Out of an attempt to get it away from him, you reach out and babble away to get the notebook back. Monomo raised an eyebrow before opening the book up. He looked through it all. You tried to crawl over but instead you fell onto your tummy. You whimpered in pain and curled up your side instead. As he read the book, things slowly made sense. Some pages talked about regression, even vented about things. By the time he got to the last filled in page he sort of sat there.
" Oh, " he mumbled as he stared at you. Though, he still never felt sure about things. What was he even supposed to say to you? He inhaled slowly and tossed the book onto the floor.
Monomo didn't really want to deal with this sort of thing, nor did he know how to. So, the 16-year-old slowly picked himself off the floor. He dramatically kicked your bag across the floor before taking his leave, leaving you abandoned on the floor with a hurt tummy. He literally went to class, not even speaking much of a word to you. There was a lot on his mind, honestly. He didn't know what to think. The whole rest of the day he was strangely quite for him. He avoided you a lot, even after months passed.
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m1khailingf · 4 months
Some monoshin fic I wrote
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Theres another but it’s too long so have the twitter link
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iwasthewind · 1 year
I have like 2 questions lol
Do you have any childhood Monoma hcs
What in the ever loving toast crunch is a "Spiral Cat"?
Anon, two hours after you sent this ask, I had half my answers typed out. A plethora of hcs. I giggled to myself as I tapped away. There was a wine glass filled with cranberry juice in my hand. (That was a lie. It was a normal glass with guava juice.) I was happily sniggering and wondering how I'd explain what a Spiral Cat is (is the name not explanation enough? It's a Spiral Cat/j) when something truly dreadful occurred- someone called my name.
I looked up, smiling, my phone in my hands. "I got you a new candle!" They said. I gasped, delighted.
I cleared the tab.
I procrastinated after that, sorry agsjsjsnsk. Anyway, here you go!
Monoma was one of those kids who tried to act really grown up and it came off as just alarming and/or funny sometimes. He tried to use big words and sometimes either didn't know what they meant, or butchered them- you can guess how that turned out 💀. It's a habit that he didn't really grow out of.
I feel like Monoma really clung on to things that had little value to others.
He wouldn't let his parents discard dying plants, torn clothes, chipped vases or the like. "The plants can get better! The vase looks okay when you turn it this way! I can wear this shirt when I play in the sand!"
He'd get so distressed when they tried to argue that they'd relent every time.
As a result, current Monoma's room back home is completely cluttered with old things. The number of cupboards and drawers is ever increasing, but he refuses to part with any of it.
A handkerchief belonging to a friend-turned-bully. A broken fountain pen that used to belong to someone who was a friend before she moved away. Old notebooks filled with silly drawings and stories. His (now deceased) cat's old collar and toys that he refuses to let the current one use. A half painted vase. A stained friendship band.
Monoma had trouble retaining friends. He 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 them easily enough, but it was difficult to connect with him and they'd usually find someone they got along with better and slowly leave.
As a result, he got along well enough with everyone, but there were no actual, close friends in the picture and nobody to defend him when he really needed someone to. It got a little lonely sometimes. Until it didn't, because-
"It's just bread! Moron!"
A cat. 𝘛𝘩𝘦 Cat. It was an ugly tabby with claws and teeth that were too long, and fur that was too matted and dirty, and a hiss that was far louder than any he'd ever heard before. Everything about it was "too much-" her eyes were too dark, too cruel, she was too plain, too aggresive-
Cats scared Monoma, but for this one he felt nothing but pity.
"I got you bread, Tsundere. What- stop with the face. It's bread. B-R-E-A-D."
He didn't quite understand what trauma was, but he figured it looked something like this.
He never really managed to domesticate Tsundere, and even though he gave in to his parents' wishes and agreed to gymnastics and french lessons, he wasn't allowed to bring the cat into the house unless it rained or snowed.
The cat didn't care about such trivial human boundaries. It was their fault- why leave the windows open?
Tsundere, at this point, was too used to being called Tsundere and refused to respond to any other names.
She hated being touched too much and really was a Tsundere, but when Monoma was sick- it really wasn't too bad- she panicked, was inconsolable and remained pressed against his side, purring and trying to make him feel better. She did not make a move to eat for hours, not until Monoma forced her.
She died two years later (she was old) and it was Monoma's turn to be inconsolable.
Is this how you write hcs I've never actually done this before
Moving on
Monoma watched a lot of Ghibli movies when he was very smol, so most of them flew over his head
He really loved the aesthetic, though
He wanted to dress up as Howl for Halloween, but where could you find a Howl costume for a seven year old? Perhaps if you tried-
His grandmother cackled and dressed him up as Calcifer. He still has the costume.
I honestly feel like his parents were physically very present, but emotionally quite absent in his life. They were also overwhelmingly pragmatic sometimes.
"Consider it, Neito. It may never work out. You cannot become a hero with your quirk."
They never really taught him to socialize, or to differentiate between right and wrong. He had to navigate those waters largely on his own.
As a result, some relationships (platonic or otherwise) were pleasant, some were painful and some were just bland. All of them were learning experiences, though.
He has ADHD. He doesn't know it. His middle school teachers brought it up to his parents, who dismissed it with a flick of the wrist and "it's alright, he can manage."
He couldn't manage. An older Monoma with a diagnosis and medication was royally pissed when he found out they already knew.
"You could have told me! Do you think it was easy?! Do you know how many breakdowns I've had? The difficulties I ran into at school? The issues I've had with my self worth? Of course it's easy for you, but it was 𝘯𝘰𝘵 so for me!"
He loved sweet things with a burning passion
He read the first few chapters of Coraline when he was younger, and only touched the book again when he read it with Reiko in UA.
He accidentally ran headfirst into the world of fanfiction at ten, looked over the edge, underestimated the drop and jumped without a parachute.
He has AO3 (he loves it), Quotev (it's good), Deviantart(rarely uses it), Tumblr (meh, sometimes good) and Wattpad ("why do children keep coming here? I hate this").
Reads fanfiction (and writes it as well) but has a tendency to discontinue or have really long hiatuses
Setsuna keeps harping on and on about a wonderful fanfiction that the author discontinued. Monoma who forgot to update it one time and consequently forgot it existed:
She wasn't pleased when she found out
Oh shoot you wanted childhood hcs
What has this turned into
I'm so sorry I'm vv distracted rn but I feel like I need to post this already (it's been way too long ahzjakksk)
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bakutreats · 7 months
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convenience store. bakugou katsuki x gn!reader
BAKUTREATS .ᐟ navi. bnha m.list. bakugou 'atfy' m.list.
synopsis .ᐟ your long-time boyfriend pushed aside every effort you've done to keep your relationship afloat, including the birthday party you threw for him. luckily for you, your spiky, blond haired friend was there to take care of you.
content .ᐟ angsty? fluff kinda, monoma neito, toxic relationship, can read bakugou and reader as either friendly or romantic, ooc bakugou? meaner monoma? or maybe it's just the same lmao, this is kinda self-indulgent teehee, some swearing (bakugou)
word count .ᐟ 1,574
tag list .ᐟ open! ask and you shall receive ^^
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It’s Neito’s birthday party, and you planned everything perfectly—even though your boyfriend was... well, he wasn’t as helpful as you’d wanted him to be, but that’s okay! You can work with this; you can give him the best birthday party ever!
Maybe then he’ll appreciate you again.
. . . Unfortunately, he didn’t.
"No, you guys can't throw beer in that vase—" you say as you swiftly grab the vase from Neito's drunk friends and smile nervously. "Wait, be careful, that's fragile—" you say, immediately putting the vase down somewhere safe to go and grab the heart-shaped ceramic bowl, hugging it close to your chest as you laugh awkwardly. You spot Neito by a window, making you sigh in relief. You rush towards him, the heart-shaped bowl still in your arms and close to your chest.
"Neito—could you ask your friends to please be a bit more careful?" The man in front of you scoffed and rolled his eyes, his attention on anything but you.
"You know how my friends are; stop being such a nanny," he snorts, unfolding his arms on his chest.
"You were the one who threw this party, so put up with it. I didn't ask for you to do this, and I didn't ask for you to host the damn thing," he seethed, eyebrows furrowed and eyes wide.
You felt yourself grow weak.
The heart-shaped ceramic bowl in your hands fell from your grasp, shattering on the floor. The music was too loud for anyone to notice. Neito scrunched his face in contempt before pushing past you, leaving you alone.
On the day of his party, you managed all of the guests, while the birthday boy partied to his heart’s content. When you finally got some alone time with him to ask for some help in controlling the rowdy crowd, he brushed you off and told you that it was your fault, that he didn’t ask for this party, and that he didn’t want you to host the "damn thing".
You walked outside, on the verge of tears. You didn't even try to clean up the shattered bowl on the floor. You look up, blinking rapidly, your hands balled into fists, and your nails digging into your skin in an attempt to keep you distracted enough so you don't cry. You were hurting, but you couldn't even let it all out because of the guilt and shame that you always carried inside you, because in your head, everything's your fault. But with how many times he's been like this with you, so cruel and cold and. . . angry. You let it go because you were too afraid to lose him. Because you've built something good with him for years, you were afraid to lose that history.
But was it really worth it? Was it worth it to just be pushed aside every single time with no hesitation, no matter what you do? Whether it be a small gesture like making sure his ramen always had that specific type of seasoning or this big gesture of throwing him a party, was nothing ever enough for him?
You bite your bottom lip hard, trying to keep in the screams and wails you want to let out after long years of being treated as if you were dirt on his shoulder. You were already on edge, but what he said. . .
"You were the one who threw this party, so put up with it. I didn't ask for you to do this, and I didn't ask for you to host the damn thing."
He broke your heart like it was nothing. The same way the bowl broke into pieces. Funny, because that bowl was the first gift Neito gave you since the start of your relationship.
It hurts.
"Why the hell're ya outside?"
You look up and see blond, spiky hair and scarlet eyes staring at you confusedly. You couldn't stop it anymore; you couldn't stop the painful lump in your throat, you couldn't stop the tears from streaming down your face, and you couldn't even keep yourself standing anymore, falling on your knees as you sob in your hands. Bakugou's eyes widen, and he immediately rushes over to you, crouching down to your level.
"Woah, woah—what happened?" he asks gently.
"Can—can we go someplace else. . . please."
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"Ya should've kicked his face—"
The man sighed, a scowl on his face as he looked away and grumbled. You sighed before chuckling, taking a sip from the drink Bakugou bought for you. Before arriving here, Bakugou helped you get into his car a few moments after you told him you wanted to get away. He drove to a nearby convenience store, something he's always done since the both of you were in college.
You knew the blond since your childhood, playing along with him and Midoriya. When he slowly grew up to be someone. . . who you didn't like all too much; you distanced yourself from him. It was in high school when you saw him change bit by bit. From an aggressive, arrogant prick to someone who, well, is still sort of a prick but more mellowed out. You grew close once again in your last year of high school after he pretty much saved your face from a painful blow from a stray volleyball.
You felt a flick to your forehead; you clicked your tongue and furrowed your brows, glaring at the man smirking in front of you with his arms folded together in front of his chest. "Zoning out as usual," he remarks. You shake your head, your lips forming into a straight line as your grip on the drink gets tighter. Negative thoughts clouded your mind, overwhelming you like before. You chugged down your drink, exhaling sharply.
"Why haven't you. . . broken up with him?" he asks, brows furrowed, his eyes staring at the ground. His words were slow, as if he were trying to be gentle and trying to squeeze the words out of his throat. You both stayed silent after that.
"I didn't want to lose everything I built with him."
Bakugou snapped his head back up to face you, looking at you incredulously. His mouth opened but closed a moment later, his lips in a straight line as he put his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. You look away in shame, staring at a random lamp post.
"He was everything to me. We were perfect before; he was sweeter, more caring. . . more loving. Then he got. . . used to it—to me? I don't know. I tried everything I could to make sure this relationship stayed afloat. I genuinely didn't want any of this to be all for nothing. But. . . I only just realized it now that. . . I was the only one trying to salvage this relationship. He probably just. . . decided to give up and let me handle things, I guess.
"I think I already knew deep in my heart, ever since the time where he accidentally broke one of my favorite mugs, and instead of apologizing and telling me he'd fix it or buy something or whatever, he just—he just stood there and stared at me for a moment before telling me to 'go clean it up'.
"That was the first time of many, many times where I let him walk all over me. That birthday party will be the last."
You notice a hint of a smile on Bakugou's lips.
The two of you sit in silence, staring at each other. It was comforting, you think. There were never any moments where the silence between the two of you was awkward or filled with tension. Bakugou Katsuki, no matter how loud and arrogant, never exudes the same aura Monoma Neito does. You never really thought about it until now, because back then, you used to think that Monoma and Bakugou had some similar traits: being pretty arrogant and very loud. You even thought that maybe they'd get along fairly well, so it was to your surprise when you tried to hang out with the both of them one time that they absolutely disliked each other.
But now, after everything that's happened, you come to the understanding that they are quite different from one another.
"Remember the first time you met Neito? You scrunched up your face like you were disgusted, and he did the same. But you didn't tell me to break it off with him; why's that?" you ask, your voice small.
"What the hell was I supposed to defend my shit with? I don't think ya'd listen to me if I just immediately told you to break it off with him, 'specially since, at the time. . . you two were doing well.
"The first time I did tell ya to get the fuck away from him was when ya told me about the 'mug accident'."
You smile sadly. "And I didn't listen."
Sadness took over, and you felt the lump in your throat as waves of gloom washed over you. "I wish I did," you whisper quietly. "So that I didn't have to let this play out for as long as it did."
"Why the hell're ya blamin' yerself? 's not even yer fault that he's an asshole."
"Just this once—" Bakugou says, staring at you with eyes that look as if he were. . . pleading with you. "—give yerself some slack."
You stare at him softly before chuckling. "Okay."
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all rights reserved © BAKUTREATS. all fanfics belong to me. do not repost or claim my content as yours. do not recommend on any other platforms any of the works seen here.
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julsvu · 6 months
heyy u take reqs for mha, right? if so, can i request for a monoma x gen neutral reader? reader's in class 1A and is close with all their classmates, but is secretly dating monoma. it's basically the trope 'enemies in public, but lovers in private' but class 1A and class 1B end up finding out about their relationship and lose their minds LMAO
gn! reader
💬: tysm for requesting!! this was so fun to write HSSIDI hope you enjoy !! <33
📒: crack fic kind of??, swearing, written in 2nd pov, monoma is the leader of the sassy man apocalypse, headcanons + a oneshot under the cut :>
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being neito monoma's secret lover hcs
during the school festival, neito literally suggested for his class to do a plot where two people would play as secret lovers from different kingdoms that hated each other (he was projecting TEWW MUCH)
one time class 1B was playing truth or dare and he got asked if he was single or not, and this mf said: "my partner goes to a different school! 🙄🙄🙄" bc he couldn't think of any other lie
obviously, everyone poked fun at him
"monoma, y'know being single isn't embarrassing, right..?"
"you can tell us the truth, y'know.."
i feel like kendo probably suspected it at one point
since she saw the way monoma kept investigating your classmates about the villain attacks (as a way of finding out if you're okay or not)
and because his insults towards you was like..so much more detailed compared to your other classmates?? like bro knew EVERY little detail about you, even the details that no one in class 1A knew
she brushed it off though, cause you and neito always argued — there was no way, right? (yes, there was a way)
he claims that class 1A "shines" too much because of you (as a way of hiding the fact that you're the one who he actually pays attention to)
when he approaches class 1A to make fun of them, he actually does it so he can see you (when he sees that you aren't with them, he just scoffs after insulting them, and walks away) (born from the sassy man apocalypse)
your classmates.. i think some of them def knew that you were dating someone, but NOBODY could predict the fact that you'd be dating neito, class 1A's biggest hater, some of your classmates were like "🤨 is this a betrayal or.." 😭😭 goes the same for class 1B, because as said earlier, his insults toward you were so much more..detailed, they thought he hated you more than the others ☠️☠️
they found out when they caught you both dancing together during a U.A high school party
"MY JAW.. WHERE'S MY JAW?" - denki when he found out (one second away from going into his "yay mode")
and u have mina in the corner saying that it's like one of those dramatic secret relationship fanfics (which in this case, it is)
for as long as neito monoma remembered, his heart was full of you. almost like the honey of a beehive, slowly overflowing and dropping to the floor. although, he swears that you're sweeter than honey itself. or, at least, that's how it felt. it started with small, short glances, secret hangouts at a small cafe, texting every day, training with each other, bittersweet confessions, and secret good-luck kisses.
but, for as long as class 1B and class 1A (excluding you) knew, neito and you were enemies, rivals, foes, maybe even nemeses. there was only so much your schoolmates could know, though. U.A's rigid course aided you and your boyfriend in keeping your relationship under warp, people failed to notice the longing stare the blond boy would hold whenever he saw you training with what he described to be "tetsutetsu's twin" from class 1A, the slight tone of pride whenever you'd counter an insult of his with your own words, acting like it wasn't your love language reserved for only each other; sneaking away from your respective dorms to meet each other in the ungodly hours of the night, exchanging sweetened words.
you waited on the bus with your classmates, the vehicle bustling with excited conversations; mina and the girls fangirling over each other's outfits, kaminari asking the "are we there yet?" question every five minutes, iida struggling to keep your classmates quiet, and so on. as you fixed your appearance slightly, you checked the time on your watch, reading that it was now 8:00 PM. however, a certain blond texted you, interrupting your moment of silence.
"darling, we have arrived at the venue. where are you?" monoma texts, with a stunning picture of the venue sent under his text. the dim fairy lights hung around the place, the food table with a chocolate fountain and appetizers, and the chandelier that would highlight the bodies of the people dancing.
just as you finished reading his message, you heard your homeroom teacher state that you guys had arrived. almost immediately, everyone cheered, giggling, and rushed out of the bus, exploring the venue after a few reminders from Mr. Aizawa to not get lost, and to behave. you dusted off your clothing, as you looked around for your boyfriend, neito, before you finally messaged him back.
"i'm at the entrance, neito," and not even five minutes later, you heard the only voice that could make your chest feel warm. neito's.
"hey, pretty," you greet, sending him an awkward wink.
he scoffs, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. "hello yourself, sweetheart."
"shall we dance?" he asks, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. you give him a nod, as well as a chuckle. he had the tendency to make things as "theatrical" as possible. you were reminded of the time when you guys reenacted an old classical dance on a random rooftop, with no one else around.
a few moments later, the U.A high school party was in full swing, the pulsating beat of the music reverberating through the crowded gymnasium. amidst the sea of bodies, you and your blond boyfriend were drowning in the rhythm, dancing together in the dim atmosphere.
however, the dim atmosphere wasn't enough to hide you and your boyfriend, as well as your secret relationship.
kaminari spat out his drink from a few meters away. he, and mina were hanging out in the food table. "is that (name) and monoma?! the guy that hates us all?!" his jaw drops right after his statement, as he nudged the pink-haired girl beside him. the girl's eyes widen, before she squeals happily, "it's like a forbidden romance! eek!"
in the other side, there was tetsutetsu and kirishima. "yo, that's monoma/(name), your classmate!" they said to each other at the same time, and same speed.
you and neito exchanged a knowing glance, overhearing your classmates' reactions.
"monoma, did you force (name) to dance with you?!" kendo exclaimed, looking at her classmate with furrowed brows, and holding empathy for you. your laugh started off as small snickers, and then to a full-blown laugh, as you fell to your knees, giggling and holding your stomach. in the background was your boyfriend explaining, waving his hands as if to defend himself.
"you and monoma?" mina asks with a grin, behind her, were your classmates, who stopped to hear your answer. flies were about to fly into their mouths, at this rate.
"me and monoma," you replied, chuckling at the whole ordeal.
the situation made the night more entertaining than ever.
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© 2024 JULSVU. all rights reserved. please don't plagiarize, translate, put in other websites or copy my work without permission. ty!
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panpanicatmha · 4 months
!!Fics For Gaza!!
Hi all! My dear friend rin ( @socalledsomethingorother ) sent me a link about a blog on here that is using fic writing as a way to raise money for families in need in Gaza.
I will be accepting customized My Hero Academia fic prompt requests in exchange for proof of at least a $1 donation to one of the families displayed on https://gazafunds.com/.
My rate will be $1 for 125 words. The more you donate, the more words the prompt will get (ex. if you send proof of a $5 donation, I will write a 625-word drabble/oneshot for your specified prompt).
In terms of guidelines of what I will be accepting in requests, I will need the following:
relationships/characters you want to be included
the specified prompt/topic you want written (prompt must be less than 200 words)
specific details/headcanons you would like included
In terms of what I do not accept/will not write:
NSFW prompts (beyond suggestive jokes/implied sexual themes).
Adult/minor and/or incest ships.
Any character bashing prompts that aren't the following characters: Tomura Shigaraki, All For One, Hisashi Midoriya, Endeavor, Monoma Neito.
Romantic Izuku x Ochako (platonic is completely fine).
Canon x OC, OC x OC, x reader, x Y/N, or self-inserts
Of course, I will also NOT be accepting any prompts that are insensitive towards the atrocious war crimes happening in the genocide in Palestine.
Beyond that, I am more than happy to discuss specifics. Please feel free to send proof of donations to my ask box and/or DMs!
Again, this is in partnership with @ficsforgaza , whose blog I definitely suggest you check out! I strongly urge for all my fellow writer mutuals (and reader mutuals) to join this cause.
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lizzy06 · 1 month
Monoma Neito x Reader Fics Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
Fake-Dating Trope with Monoma Neito ✨✨by @dira333 /Fogfire(oneshot, fake dating, teaspoon of angst but happy ending)Monoma isn't the best at pretending. But he's good at showing off. [COMPLETED]
Soapsuds✨ by MajesticianWaffle (oneshot, fluff, humor)Reader throws Monoma outside a window and really, it all snowballs from there.[COMPLETED]
pretentious✨ by quirkfics(oneshot, kinda enemies to lovers, end is smutty)There had to be thousands of other people sporting the same thing, but as far as you know, you’re the only one whose ever been openly mocked by a pro hero for wearing it. In front of a live newscaster, no less.[COMPLETED]
It's Just a Kiss ✨by @amaiwrites (oneshot, fluff) Monoma… is broke. That is, until, he starts working part time in Recovery Girl’s office by copying her quirk. It’s all going well until a certain someone shows up with injuries that need to be healed… <apparently pt.2 of this is gonna come out soon>[COMPLETED]
Flustered by orphan_account (oneshot, fluff, suggestive ending) Monoma can't take what he dishes out when it comes to compliments from his love.[COMPLETED]
For Once ✨by im_cal (oneshot, fluff) For once, I thought what was it in you that I liked? [COMPLETED]
You Brat ✨by @knifeewifee (oneshot, soulmate au, fluff) The first words your soulmate say's to you are tattooed on your skin.[COMPLETED]
Choices by @bnhascribbles (oneshot, kinda sad for some reason)In some lifetimes, there are deals you can’t pass on. [COMPLETED]
Coffee Shop Spite by kuronekoqueen (oneshot, enemies to lovers, coffee shop au, co-workers, smut)Without fail, Neito Monoma always seemed to know the correct buttons to push irritate the life out of you. What happens when you finally reach your breaking point with him?[COMPLETED]
Hallow's Eve ✨by liquid_dreams (naga prince! neito, detailed smut, fluff) 'Hey, wanna host this year's Halloween party? Mina's appartment flooded, so she can't host after all.' (-or where you summon a naga prince)[COMPLETED]
Picnic ✨by tater_tati(oneshot, fluff)Monoma + cute picnic date.[COMPLETED]
at your door by fictionpls (oneshot, enemies to lovers, fluff, hurt/comfort, established relationship) monoma shows up at your doorstep battered and beat; you let him into your warm home and begrudgingly help him back to health.[COMPLETED]
Of Rivals & Summer Love by Veles (mortedeveles)(rivals to friends to lovers, idiots in lover, fluff, humor, normal high school au) Monoma Neito and you had always been rivals, nothing more, and nothing less. However, with the prospect of a memorable school summer trip coming up, friendship and romance in the air, and teenage drama weaving through crowd, your relationship with the blonde begins to change in an unimaginable direction.[COMPLETED]
Pretty Much Like the Kazoo Kid by CmlSan (oneshot, rivals to locers, fluff, mutual pinning)Monoma sucks at flirting. So do you.[COMPLETED]
Something You Never Knew✨ by @jinkicake (oneshot, friends to lovers, slight angst)You wished someone loved you the way you love Monoma.[COMPLETED]
Kami✨ by im_cal(oneshot, historical au, angst)Beautiful moments do not seem to always last.
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lilacgaby · 17 days
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(main masterlist / navigation )
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✬(ft. bakugo, todoroki, kirishima, midoriya, tamaki, shinsou, denki)
☆彡(rated: (f) fluff, (a) angst, (h) humor)
✪ミ(types: (*)series, (blank) oneshot/drabble)
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- bakugo katsuki
*truth bomb! (f,h)
in which a lovesick girl is hit by a truth telling quirk that lasts 7 days.
*serenity (f)
in which a longtime fanboy meets his anime crush in his world.
entranced (f)
through all stages of his life, katsuki was entranced with you.
save me
katsuki has always saved you, his princess.
you've been asleep all this time, who knew a barbarian would be the one to awaken you?
death is inevitable, but why you?
summary: each boy has to live through their horrors, the horror of losing you.
fairy tale.
summary: katsuki's life had been flipped onto its head, who knew some pixie dust was all he needed?
iced out.
"he'll need an ice pack when i'm done with him."
fantasy au's:
dragonking!bkg 2
dragonking!bkg x tinkerbell!reader
barbarian!bakugo 2 3 4
prohero! au:
prohero!bkg 2 3
interview but he's down bad 2
preschool!teacher reader
domestic au:
4:25 a.m
family errand running
interview with his daughter
6:21 a.m
mini you.
random drabbles:
mini me
katsuki thinks it's cute how you adopt his habits, calling you his mini-me.
he's a scaredy-cat.
is he proposing or...?
back kissing him</3
physical touch
only shy to him
-todoroki shoto
*marry me! (f)
in which a royal prince and a witch get married to dethrone the king.
death is inevitable, but why you?
summary: each boy has to live through their horrors, the horror of losing you.
random drabbles:
is he proposing or...?
-tamaki amajiki
random drabbles:
shy!reader 2
sfw alphabet
period comfort
-kirishima eijiro
lucky me.
you always seemed to attract bad luck, yet you think your life might be turning around as you reconnect with light itself.
random drabbles:
is he proposing or...?
-midoriya izuku
death is inevitable, but why you?
summary: each boy has to live through their horrors, the horror of losing you.
random drabbles:
is he proposing or..?
-denki kaminari
random drabbles:
is he proposing or...?
-neito monoma
random drabbles:
-hitoshi shinsou
i'll love you, even from afar.
random drabbles:
period comfort
-touya todoroki (dabi)
better 4 u
summary: touya didn't deserve you, he knew there was someone out there better for you.
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©lilacgaby // do not copy, rewrite, or translate any of my work on any platform
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rueclfer · 5 days
☽ requests masterlist ☾
main masterlist
thanks for requesting + reading <3
izuku midoriya
study dates // smau
katsuki bakugou
rockstar boyfriend // hc housemates // moodboard + hc sharing a wall in the dorms // smau ego death part one // smau ego death part two // smau girl's night // smau one hit wonder // smau
shouto todoroki
depollute me // smau send me your location // smau
eijiro kirishima
bitches can't say excuse me // smau don't scroll up // smau me next // smau fake dating // smau red means i love you // smau
sero hanta
living next door // smau
tenya iida
do our best // smau call it fate // smau
shinsou hitoshi
getting ready // smau so, coffee? // smau light it for me // smau change your life // smau
neito monoma
band for band // smau
mirio togata
crushing // hc
shouta aizawa
on patrol // smau night shift // smau
hawks/keigo takami
putting in overtime // smau
dabi/touya todoroki
pull me through // fic open up the door // fic sweat it out // oneshot satanic panic // oneshot drunk n' nasty // smau suns out, (b/g)uns out // smau jealous jealous jealous boy // smau fuck off fido // smau owe me one // smau love to me // smau greened out // smau work and pleasure // smau in the next lifetime // smau doin' time // smau fuck around and find out // smau
tomura shigaraki/tenko shimura
meet cute part one // smau meet cute part two // smau + oneshot
toga himiko
pretty girl(s) // smau
multi characters
it should've been me // smau (eijiro kirishima, katsuki bakugou, denki kaminari) i can be omw // smau (shinsou hitoshi, eijiro kirishima) take care of yourself // smau (sero hanta, shinsou hitoshi, denki kaminari) she's busy // smau (dabi, hawks, tomura shigaraki)
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strwberryblast · 1 month
Hi! Can you do a Monoma x reader, scented candle date that turns into a bath bomb date, which then turns into a shared bath time date?
otherwise, you can do a DIY pottery date if that sounds too complicated.
𝐂𝐎𝐙𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐓𝐇 | Monoma x GN!Reader
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You and Monoma had been looking forward to this date for days, and tonight was finally the night. As you opened the door, Monoma greeted you with his usual grin. Before he could say a word, you wrapped him in a warm hug.
“Hi, baby!” you exclaimed, squeezing him tightly.
Monoma chuckled, his arms enveloping you in return. He held a bag of goodies in one hand, which he gently placed on the floor as he hugged you. “Hey there,” he said, his voice warm.
You stepped back, letting go of him but still beaming with excitement. “Come on in!” you said, leading him inside.
The soft glow of scented candles illuminated the room, their delicate fragrances of lavender and vanilla filling the air. The candles cast a gentle light that danced across the walls.
Monoma looked around, his smile widening. “Wow, this place looks amazing. Did all this for little ole’ me?” He fluttered his eyelashes jokingly, causing you to laugh.
“I wanted to create a relaxing evening for us,” you replied with a grin. “And I ordered your favorite!” You held up a bag from his favorite takeout place. Monoma’s eyes lit up, and he leaned in to kiss you on the forehead, murmuring a heartfelt “Thank you.”
As you guided him to the dining table, Monoma said, “Thank you, honey. You’re very sweet for setting this all up.”
You both settled into your seats and enjoyed the meal, the candlelight creating a warm, intimate glow. The soft fragrances of the candles complemented the delicious food, making the entire evening feel special. You talked and laughed, finally savoring each other's company after a long period of separation.
After dinner, Monoma grabbed his bag of goodies with a mischievous grin on his face. You tilted your head, raising an eyebrow. “What’s this?” you asked, walking closer.
“I thought we could have some fun with these!” he said, pulling out a collection of colorful bath bombs from his bag. The vibrant hues and enticing scents of the bath bombs caught your attention, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his playful excitement.
You both moved to the bathroom, where you had already set the stage with more candles and a cozy atmosphere. The candles flickered gently, casting a warm, calming light around the room. You started filling the tub with warm water while Monoma eagerly unwrapped the bath bombs, displaying them like treasures.
“Ready for some bath bomb magic?” Monoma asked with a grin, dropping a bright blue bath bomb into the tub. It fizzed and dissolved, releasing a burst of blue and a soothing ocean scent.
You giggled as you picked a bath bomb with a pastel swirl and tossed it into the water. “Let’s put this one in too!”
Each bath bomb created a different explosion of color and fragrance, turning the tub into a swirling, colorful spectacle. The water shimmered with shades of pink, purple, and blue, while the room filled with an array of delightful scents. You and Monoma took turns choosing and dropping the bath bombs, laughing as each new one created its own unique show.
When the tub was ready, you both carefully stepped into the warm water. The bath was just the right temperature, and the water was soothing against your skin. Monoma settled in behind you, and you both let out contented sighs as you relaxed.
As you both soaked, the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow over you two. Monoma wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer. “This is perfect,” he murmured, his voice soft and sincere.
You leaned your head on his chest, enjoying the close contact. “I’m glad you think so. I wanted tonight to be special.”
The bath became a playful and intimate space where you both could unwind. Monoma started a gentle water fight, splashing a little water towards you with a mischievous grin. You responded with a splash of your own, and soon you were both laughing and playfully dodging each other’s splashes.
Amidst the laughter, you both took time to simply enjoy the warmth and tranquility of the bath. You talked about your day, your dreams, and even reminisced about funny moments from the past. Monoma’s relaxed smile and occasional playful antics made the experience even more enjoyable.
At one point, Monoma grabbed a bath toy—a small rubber ducky you had floating nearby—and pretended it was a tiny pirate ship. You laughed as he made the ducky “sail” across the tub, narrating its adventures in a humorous voice.
As the water started to cool, you both reluctantly began to wind down. The playful energy gave way to a quiet, contented calm. Monoma squeezed your hand gently, and you both shared a tender smile, appreciating the closeness and the simple joy of the evening.
After drying off and wrapping yourselves in fluffy towels, Monoma pulled you into a gentle hug. “Tonight was perfect,” he said, his voice filled with warmth.
You smiled up at him, feeling happy and content. “I think so too.”
The night had been filled with playful fun and intimate moments, making it a date neither of you would soon forget. As you both prepared to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening together, you felt a deep sense of relaxation and happiness. A perfect day with a perfect boy—what more could you wish for?
please read request rules before requesting ! :)
back to masterlist
I'm sorry I was interrupted this wrong!! if this is like horribly wrong let me know and I can try and rewrite it
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avatarchic · 6 months
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works in progress !
updated: 2024/04/03 note all content tags and blurbs are not finalized and may appear different in published works ; fics are not posted in any particular order
bold = current focus
(?) = undecided content tag
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started works
BURNED INTO OUR SKIN zuko x reader, soulmate!au, sfw, oneshot When you turn sixteen, and your soul mark burns itself into your skin, you're proven just how strong fate can be.
HOMEWRECKER gojo satoru x reader x geto suguru, university!au, nsfw, oneshot After your landlord kicks you out, you have nowhere to go, so your best friends invite you to stay with them. When you said yes, you didn't expect to become a third wheel.
BRING ME TO THE PACIFIC shinso hitoshi x reader, pacific rim!au, sfw, oneshot Years after losing your brother to a Kaiju, you're brought back to pilot an old Jaeger as a last-ditch attempt to save the world.
BABY'S BREATH miya atsumu x reader, hanahaki!au, sfw, oneshot Miya Atsumu is the biggest idiot you've ever met. He irritates you to no end—simply being in the same room with him is enough to raise your temper. Why, then, does your breath catch whenever you see him?
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accepted requests / upcoming [ FULL ]
SERVING THE SULTAN [TBD] aizawa shota x male!reader, aladdin!au, nsfw, oneshot
UNUSUAL COMBINATIONS [TBD] bakugo katsuki, tamaki amijiki, todoroki shoto, yo shindo, monoma neito, kaminari denki x reader (paired), nsfw, headcanons
MINE, ALL MINE [TBD] bakugo katsuki x kirishima eijiro x kaminari denki x midoriya izuku x todoroki shoto x reader, nsfw, oneshot
ROCKSTAR [TBD] karasuno x reader (separately), sfw, headcanons
OFFER [TBD] kenma kozume, sakusa kiyoomi, suna rintaro x reader (separately), nsfw, headcanons
LESSONS [TBD] gojo satoru x reader x nanami kento, nsfw, oneshot
LITTLE WHITE LIES [TBD] monoma neito, kirishima eijiro, todoroki shoto x reader (separately), nsfw(?), headcanons
PLAYTHING [TBD] kaminari denki, kirishima eijiro, ida tenya, sero hanta, shinso hitoshi x male!reader (separately), nsfw, headcanons
APPLE OF MY EYE [TBD] akaashi keiji, kenma kozume, kita shinsuke, oikawa toru, miya atsumu, miya osamu x reader (separately), sfw, headcanons
SHARING IS CARING [TBD] todoroki shoto x reader x bakugo katsuki, nsfw(?), oneshot
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©AVATARCHIC please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello, I wanted to know if there is a way to write a Monoma x reader shy oneshot that is in classe 1-C and that Monoma has a crush on she (she would be very shy with people from other classes)
[ Alright here we go. This was actually way longer, but I didn't want to make a super long one-shot. So that being the case, there will be a part two to this as soon as I finish writing it. But I hope you enjoy part one. ]
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A sigh left your lips as you flipped to the next page of the Encyclopedia of Heroes, continuing to search for information for your project. Some may say that being a General Studies student is boring. Although Yuuei was known for its Hero Course, the school itself was elite.
Regardless of what department you were placed in, the education you received was top-notch. Of course, most would argue that the hero and support department students got off easy considering the academic projects they were assigned were few and far between.
The project you were assigned was to pick a concept within hero studies and present it to the class. The concept you chose was to compare characteristics between pro heroes and current student heroes. You were hoping to find out which traits truly make a hero shine.
Granted this required you to narrow your selection of heroes down. While you could interview the former number-one hero, considering he was a teacher at Yuuei, your shy nature worked against you. Outside of the General Studies Department, you hardly spoke to anyone.
Whether this was due to social anxiety or not was unknown. However, you had long since learned to accept your shyness even if it got in the way of completing simple tasks. Sighing, you closed the encyclopedia and rose from the table, placing your hand on your forehead.
You looked around the library. There were a few other students present, either sitting down at one of the provided computers or talking to one another. You glanced down at the table. In addition to the encyclopedia, there were several papers scattered across it, each filled with notes referring to your project.
“Maybe I should…take a break…” you muttered to yourself. You looked toward the exit, debating getting a snack from the vending machine. You latched onto your lip and curled your hands into the bottom of your shirt as your stomach twisted with familiar anxiety.
Then again, did you really want to leave? What if someone tried to talk to you at the vending machine and you froze up? You groaned and pressed your hands against your face. ‘Calm down,’ you tried taking a deep breath, blissfully unaware of the peeping eyes watching your every move.
Those eyes belonged to Neito Monoma. Yes, anyone, apart from those so-called “heroes” in Class A, would feel honored to be the target of his affection. In fact, he first saw you in this library months ago. You had your face buried in a book and he was standing nearby when another general studies student approached you.
Of course, he wanted to eavesdrop and get some juicy gossip. This was because it was always interesting to hear what was taking place in other departments. But when you lowered that book from your face, he felt his heart soar.
To hide such beauty was surely a crime. Of course, you weren’t as beautiful as him but a perfect fit, nonetheless. He decided right then and there, you would be his. He had carefully calculated his moves, waiting for the right moment to slip in.
This was because he had long since learned how shy you were around others. It was quite endearing, but he might be able to help you with that once you two got closer. After all, he was going to be a famous hero and needed a confident, competent partner by his side.
“You can…you can do this,” you hesitated to move, believing that several eyes were watching you. In reality, everyone was minding their own business. You slowly placed one foot in front of the other, and before you knew it, you scurried out of the library with your head down.
Neito chuckled as he watched you leave. “How amusing,” he said, looking at the table you were sitting at. “Hm,” he perched his lips and glanced over the cover of the encyclopedia, curiously opening, and flipping through the first few pages although he found it quite boring, and yet jealousy filled him.
He closed it with force and firmly pressed his palm against it. Why would you waste your precious time reading about other heroes when he was your one and only hero? Even if you didn’t know it yet, his perfection did not pass you by...did it?
He grumbled before noticing the piles of notes underneath the encyclopedia. “Oh, what did my shy darling write? Surely, she is more intelligent than those Class A students!” he declared, bluntly ignoring anyone who heard him as he moved the book and gently compiled your notes into a neat stack.
He scanned over the first page, jealous that you spent so much time analyzing other heroes instead of him. He huffed and read through the second note which was piled with thoughts on the various characteristics found in famous heroes and some scribbled thoughts regarding hero students' characteristics.
He frowned, going through the pile until he threw it back onto the table. “How dare she write such admiration for other heroes!” he hissed, clenching his fists together. He wanted to be the only one on your mind. He could prove to you that he was the only hero worth your time and-oh wait!
Yes! That was it, how brilliant of him! He would simply offer to be a part of your project. From what he could gather you were quite eager to learn about hero students, and what better one to analyze than him!? Yes, the temptation to join your project was overwhelming.
If you were truly dedicated to it, there was no reason you’d say no and so he waited for you to return. Your heart was beating fast as you jogged past the entrance of the library, and hunched over, pressing your hands against your knees.
One of them clenched the snack you got from the vending machine. Despite your anxiety continuing to escalate you accomplished your small goal and the reward was delicious onigiri. A bit plain in terms of a snack, but it suited you well and would be filling until you left for the day.
You took a deep breath and leaned back up as your heart thumped in your chest. You looked at the onigiri in your hand and smiled, unwrapping it as you walked back to your table. You took one satisfying bite, enjoying the salty taste dancing across your tongue.
However, this small moment of joy came to a staggering halt when you saw someone sitting at your table and stopped in your tracks. His hair was the first thing you noticed, as it looked silky and was the fairest blond color you had ever seen.
His eyes stood out next. They were piercing periwinkle and had a hungry or predatorial appearance. His skin looked fair and smooth, and his lips curled into a smirk that sent a violent tremble through your body. “Ah, Y/n,” he said, slowly standing from the chair.
“It’s quite a pleasure to be face to face with you, although I’m certain the pleasure is all yours for gazing at my glorious face. You know many girls speak of its beauty,” he said, chuckling as he pressed a hand to his cheek.
“H-huh?” Your jaw hung open and the partially chewed onigiri fell to the floor. “My, my, one shouldn’t make a mess although your pretty little mouth is likely more appetizing than that onigiri you’re holding,” he purred, rounding the table with hungry eyes still fixated on you.
Your first instinct was to back away, despite your cheeks turning red as if the sun itself had come down and burned you. How did he know your name? Had he been waiting for you to return, and if so why!? He continued walking forward until he was a foot away from you.
His smirk made you tremble and subconsciously hold your breath. “Although I have little interest in the matters of others. After all, if it doesn’t involve me, it’s of little importance. But I couldn’t help but notice the project you were working on,” he stated, gesturing to the table.
“You’re a rather messy one, that’s quite unfitting for a student of such beauty,” he said. Despite your reddened cheeks, you drew your bottom lip into your mouth and glanced away. How could he be so mean, and yet sound so sincere?
His smirk faded and his eyes glossed over as if he were under someone's spell when he noticed you weren’t looking at him. Well, this wouldn’t do. You cried out when he stepped forward, and grasped your chin, making you look at him.
Your eyes were wide and trembling with what he assumed was fear. But you couldn't be afraid of him, right? No, it was just your shy nature. ‘Why is he touching me!?’ You frantically thought, completely disregarding his compliment concerning your beauty.
Your lips trembled in an effort to speak, and yet only a pathetic squeak came out. He chuckled at the sound of it and leaned close. Your heart raced because you weren’t used to others being this physically close to you, especially someone whose name you didn't know.
Despite your rational mind telling you to turn your tail and run, your body wouldn’t listen. This boy, this fellow student, paralyzed you without trying. “Tell me, why are you wasting your time with such trivial heroes when the only one you need to focus your project on is right before you?”
A lump formed in your throat, and you swallowed heavily, your fear turning into confusion. ‘Wait…is he a hero student?’ You could barely recall if you had seen him passing through the hallway, then again you walked with your head down most of the time.
You also had very little interest in watching the Sports Festival, let alone participating in school festivals. “U-um…” you tried to speak again, and again the words failed to form. Neito tilted his head, his facial features enveloped with concern but as silence filled the air, he smirked.
“Ah, speechless in front of me. That’s quite understandable,” he commented, and you couldn’t help but tremble in disgust. Was this guy obsessed with himself? “I’ll make this easy for you then,” he said, finally removing his hand from your chin and smirking again as he saw the color of your cheeks.
So red and luscious. It looked wonderful on you. “I will be a part of your project,” he stated, knowing he was demanding instead of asking. Your eyes widened and you stepped back, wanting to ask him ‘what?’ but not having the courage to form the words. Your face said enough, and Neito chuckled.
“Yes, I know it’s quite a shock,” he said, pressing a hand to his chest. “I'd be a worthwhile contribution, don't you think?” You almost suspected he was asking because he knew you were too shy to answer. Which in a sense was kind of cruel. Then again, even if you somehow responded you assumed he'd keep talking.
“I can even showcase the versatility of my Copy quirk, surely that would convince you that I, Neito Monoma, your Phantom Thief can emulate the abilities of various heroes plus more!” he declared, bluntly ignoring anyone who turned their head in his direction.
Your face was now dripping with sweat, and you weren't sure if that was from your shyness or the fact you were angry at the moment. He approached you, now wearing a smile that looked too sweet and sickening. “Hmm, what do you say?” he asked. “Don’t you agree I’d make a wonderful contribution to your project?”
You glanced away and latched onto your bottom lip which trembled. ‘Well…maybe this is my chance to study a hero student like I wanted, maybe the data I collect from him would be valuable. I could find out why he's so enthusiastic and determined.’
Although your stomach twisted at the thought of spending time with him, and the realization that at some point you'd need to ask him personal questions to determine why certain characteristics he displayed were stronger or weaker than pro heroes made your mouth go dry.
You grumbled before releasing your lip and looking at him. You didn’t say anything, just nodded, and Neito grinned like a madman. “Wonderful!” he said, throwing his hands in the air before brushing past you, purposely rubbing his shoulder against yours.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, same time, same place.” You tried to take a breath when he walked away, but he stopped short and walked up to you again. Your back was facing him, and you cried out when he grasped your hand that was still gripping onto the now squished onigiri.
Your jaw hung open when you turned your head. Soft squeaks came when he locked eyes with you and bit into your snack. You watched his pink tongue come out, collecting any pieces of leftover rice that stuck to his lips before he chewed and swallowed.
“Ta-ta,” he said, waving you goodbye as he walked away, and you could only stare in horror at the bite he had taken. Well…that was a waste of a good snack. The next day, you resented your agreement to allow Neito to be the focus of your project.
You hated knowing that you agreed only because you were a people pleaser and too shy or lacking the voice to express yourself. Then again, he seemed so persistent that even if you said no, he would continue to push until he got his way.
“Yes, I’m quite sure all you pathetic heroes in Class A are in despair that I have been selected to be part of Y/n’s project! Surely it will highlight the various reasons I remain above the heroes that make up your sorry excuse of a class,” he stated bluntly as he stood in the Class A doorway.
Tsuyu spoke first, “Wow, Monoma. That’s some interesting news.” Katsuki clenched his jaw. “Tch, why the hell do we care about something so damn meaningless!?” he shouted, shoving Neito out of the way who chuckled in response.
“Hm, that’s about the answer I’d expect from a delinquent like you,” he replied with a smirk. “Of course, that’s to be expected from one who couldn’t even pass the provisional licensing exam.” Katsuki’s body stiffened, but before he could say anything Eijirou spoke up.
“Jeez, cool it, man! What’s your problem!?” Neito narrowed his eyes. He had a history with the red-headed fool. Seemed they’d always be on opposite ends. “I don’t believe a thing is wrong with me,” he stated before turning his back on Eijirou and the rest of Class A.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m due to meet Y/n at the library.” Eijirou curled his lips, watching Neito walk away in slight disgust before turning to Tsuyu. “Isn’t Y/n someone in general studies?” he asked, and she shrugged.
“Ribbit, I think so. But they don’t talk much to anyone outside of their class,” she replied and Eijirou's eyebrows knit together. If that were the case, how could Neito have convinced you to be part of whatever project you were working on?
Your anxiety was high as you waited for him to appear. Your feet bounced against the carpeted floor below you, and breathing exercises weren’t your friend at the moment. You curled your hands on the table and your eyes focused on the single notebook on it.
You were hoping you wouldn’t have too much to talk about because Neito already showed a variety of characteristics that contrasted pro heroes. Either way, you needed to document as much information as possible if you wanted your project to thrive.
You closed your eyes, taking another much-needed breath before nervously tapping the tip of your pencil against the notebook, but this didn’t ease the knots in your stomach. ‘Why did it have to be him though?’ At times like this, you wondered if fate was being cruel or challenging you to overcome the obstacle of your shy nature.
You tried to redirect your thoughts and opened your notebook, although your hand was trembling. You decided to write an introduction regarding your project and the subject you’d be studying, Neito Monoma. “Hm,” you paused and tapped the pencil against your lips. What did he say his quirk was?
You thought for a moment before scribbling down ‘Copy?’ With any luck you’d find out more about his quirk as this progressed. However, if you were being honest, you wanted this to end as soon as possible. You sighed and laid the pencil onto the notebook.
You stared blankly at the lined pages until approaching footsteps made you raise your head. Your throat tightened when you saw the smirk on Neito’s face and those eyes held that same intimidating gaze as before.
“Hello dear Y/n,” he said, pressing one hand against his chest. Your breathing turned heavy, your face dusted over red, and his greeting was met with silence. “Oh, still shy I see,” he said, brushing a hand through his hair.
“How adorably you,” he commented, causing your already abnormal heart rate to skyrocket. “Mm…” You clasped your hands together in your lap and leaned forward, your mind urging you to return his greeting. However, as the seconds passed, awkwardness consumed you.
The weight of his stare didn’t help, but you felt relief when he took a seat. What could you say to him? How could you get through this project?! He smiled and took a moment to admire how devilishly delicious you looked with those reddened cheeks before glancing down and noticing your open notebook.
“Oh, and what do we have here?” he asked, reaching over to grab it. You gasped and leaned across the table to get your notebook back. In response, Neito leaned back and held the notebook away from you. A hungry glance flashed in his eyes when you looked at him.
You trembled and immediately scrambled back only to collide with your chair, causing it to fall to the floor along with you. You could feel the stares on you and a few people approached, making your already reddened face deepen.
You could only stare at the carpet trying to fight back the awkwardness while simultaneously wishing the floor would swallow you whole. “Hey there!” a cheerful voice said, breaking through the silence and darkness that clouded your mind at that moment.
You lifted your head to see a tall and muscular boy, who you quickly assumed was a third-year student. He had blue eyes and a round button-like nose. His blond hair was spiked up in the front and looked short around the back.
He smiled and extended his hand to you. “Need a hand? Heh, get it? Hand!?” he exclaimed excitedly, making your eyebrows knit. “Excuse me!” Neito snapped, standing between you and the third-year student. “How dare you attempt to lay a hand on Y/n,” he growled, curling his hands into fists by his sides.
Your eyes widened, amazed that he didn't care about the attention turned on him. Then again, given his personality, he probably thrived on it. “Huh?” He blinked. “Oh hey, you’re one of those first-year students, Monoma, right?”
“Nice to meet you, I'm Mirio Togata!” he said, now extending the hand he had held out to you to Neito instead. However, he only received the boy’s angry glare in return and watched as he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you close. You trembled at his touch, but he seemed to ignore this at the moment.
Mirio blinked, taking in the image of the two of you. “Oh, heh sorry did I interrupt something?” he asked, scratching the side of his head. Your heart was racing so fast you weren’t sure if you were nervous or having a heart attack.
Neito holding you so close was new and though you wanted to push him away, your shy nature prevented you from acting. Neito narrowed his eyes and turned his head, ignoring Mirio. You flinched when his hair brushed against your head, and he locked his eyes with yours.
You could feel his hot breath against your face when he spoke. “Oh, my dear, Y/n are you alright? Don’t pay any mind to the upperclassmen who rudely interrupted our study session,” he said, using his other hand to wave Mirio away.
“Hm?” Mirio tilted his head in response before chuckling. “Heh, well okay!” he smiled. “Have a good session!” he said walking away. Neito snarled and removed his arm from around you only when he was sure that Mirio had actually left.
“Now that the interruption is over, perhaps we can do something else,” he said, reaching down to grab your hands, which once again caused your face to grow red. You wanted to ask, ‘Like what?’ but like before, your words were frozen in your throat, and you glanced away as he helped you stand up.
“Notes are quite dull and boring,” he said, moving closer to the table to grab your notebook. “It would be far more interesting to watch me in action. After all, I did promise I’d let you see my quirk, did I not?” he said. You cried out when he tossed your notebook at you which you barely caught.
He smirked, “Wouldn’t it be a privilege to watch one as beautiful as I? You can still take notes if you wish,” he said before approaching. You squeaked when he grasped your chin, guiding your head up to look at him. “As long as you keep those pretty eyes on me.”
He was tempted to lean over and kiss your reddened cheeks but decided against it for now. “Do hurry and gather your things,” he said, turning away from you. “Huh?” You glanced between him and the table with your arms pressed against your chest.
However, when Neito tapped his foot against the floor, you rushed to pick your backpack up. You shoved the notebook inside and threw the strap over your shoulder. You followed him out of the library with your hands curled into the bottom of your shirt and your eyes focused on the floor. You felt pathetic following him like a lost puppy.
You lifted your head only to focus it back on the floor when you passed another student in the hallway. You latched onto your bottom lip again wondering why you agreed to this. You cried out when you stumbled into Neito, who you hadn’t realized had stopped walking.
Your eyes widened when you realized you were now pressed against his back. You looked up, groaning when Neito looked at you from over his shoulder. Once again that rush of heat coursed through your cheeks and you immediately backed away, folded your hands in front of you, and bowed.
You would say sorry, but you could only imagine the ridicule that would get you. He chuckled, “Oh dear, Y/n I do enjoy you bowing although if you bowed at my feet that would be more satisfying.” You knit your eyebrows.
Yeah…there was definitely something wrong with Neito. You slowly leaned back up, feeling the heat cool and your cheeks return to normal. “Um…” you frowned and looked around, noticing that you were now standing in front of the Class-1A door. What were you doing in the hero department?
Neito noticed the confused look on your face and chuckled again. “I will be right back,” he stated, walking up to the door before knocking. You drew your bottom lip into your mouth, slightly concerned when you heard a grouchy and raspy voice respond, “Come in.”
Neito turned to look at you again before entering the room. You were slightly nervous and wondered what he could be doing but tried not to lose yourself in anxiety. You closed your eyes as you leaned against the row of lockers and took a deep breath.
You ran through the different scenarios that could happen when Neito finally showed you his quirk. You had never seen any of the hero students' training sessions and it was impossible to tell if they had mastered their quirks or were still rough around the edges.
Although Neito seemed confident enough that even if he was still training his quirk, he’d find some excuse to act as though it were superior to everyone else. You took a deep breath and sighed as you placed one foot against one of the lockers behind you.
In a way, you envied him. If you had a fraction of his self-confidence, maybe you wouldn’t be so awkward. Then again, Neito seemed to like you for some odd reason. Or at least that's what you could gather from his flirtation and insistence on being a part of your project.
What did he see in you? Obviously, something you couldn’t. You looked up when the door opened, and Neito proudly stepped out with a large grin across his face. Your eyes widened, and your stomach twisted into knots just thinking about the various reasons why that smile was on his face.
“Ah, dear Y/n, I’m quite happy to see that you are still here. I would say sorry for making you wait but you’ll soon find out that the wait was worth it,” he declared, once again showing his confidence as well as stubborn nature. You frowned, glancing away from him.
You folded your hands against your chest and felt your lips tremble before parting them. “Wh-” The question faded along with your courage and Neito’s eyes widened, surprised that you had even attempted to talk to him.
He stepped closer, making your heart race. Out of instinct, you tried to step back only to remember you were leaning against the lockers. He placed his hands behind his back, smiling at you like a happy predator eager to bite into its prey.
“How adorable, are you trying to ask why?” he questioned before patting you on the head, making you squeak involuntarily, and your cheeks turn rosy. “Um…” you swallowed hard, looking away from him although that didn’t tame your embarrassment.
With some regret you nodded, making Neito’s grin heighten. He extended the hand he had just used to pat your head out in front of you. “Take my hand,” he said, “and I’ll show you the answer.” Your heart pounded so hard it echoed in your ears. Why was he of all people offering you his hand?
“Mm…” you latched onto your bottom lip and laid your hand in his. Possessively, he curled his fingers around your hand and that was concerning. So was the way he pulled you down the hallway and toward Ground Gamma.
This was an unfamiliar experience for you given that general studies students weren’t permitted on training grounds reserved for hero or support department students. You tried pulling your hand away from Neito's, afraid of standing where you were not permitted to.
Unfortunately, his grip was like iron, and it was highly unlikely that you’d break free. The sound of your footsteps echoed through Ground Gamma. You looked down, realizing that the floor was made of metal and that the rest of the area was open.
Why did the hero students train here? You hadn’t realized you were still holding Neito’s hand when he stopped in the middle of the training ground until he tightened his grip which caused you to snap back to reality.
“Yes, I know it’s quite memorizing here, isn't it?” he replied, once again smiling at you. “Oh u-um…” you tried to speak but nodded your head like before. “Oh, I’m so glad you agree!” he declared, letting go of your hand before spinning around.
The sound of his laughter bounced off the walls, creating an eerie effect that made you tremble. But it ended just as quickly as it started, and he turned to look at you. “Now, I promised you a demonstration of my quirk. But I’d like you to use yours on me first.”
Your eyes widened at his request. “W-what?” you replied before clasping your hands over your mouth, realizing that was the first actual word you had spoken around him. His expression dropped and instead, a look of curiosity enveloped his face, followed by a smirk.
“My, am I breaking through that shell of yours already?” he said, pressing a triumphant hand against his chest. “Well, what more could one expect from someone as amazing as I?” he said. Seriously, where did all his confidence come from?
“Now then, I requested that you use your quirk on me, and don’t worry about any consequences. Mr. Aizawa has granted us both permission to be here,” he said, before spreading his arms out. “Don’t hold back,” he instructed.
While you weren’t sure how truthful he was being, you were reminded that your project depended on this interaction. You frowned, hesitant to go through with it but Neito would more than likely keep persisting until you were driven nuts.
Although you already knew you'd hold back, when you tried to use your quirk, you couldn’t. “Huh?” Your eyes widened and you looked at your hands, startled that something was wrong with your body. However, you lifted your head when you heard Neito laugh.
You trembled when you saw that his eyes were now glowing yellow, and his hair was floating upward as if gravity itself had broken. “See!?” he said with a smirk as he pointed at himself. “This is my quirk, isn’t it marvelous!?” he declared.
“Erasure is quite amazing and all I had to do was touch Mr. Aizawa to copy his quirk,” he explained and took pride in your mesmerized look. It was rather adorable to see those eyes widen as you took him in, and those adorable lips fall open.
“I’m flattered you’re so amazed,” he stated before his hair fell flat against his head again. “Heh…” you glanced down, trying to fight the blush dusting your cheeks a perfect rosy red. You should really be writing all this down, you swallowed and hesitantly slipped your bag off your shoulders.
Unzipping it, you took your notebook out. You lowered yourself onto the cool metal floor and scribbled down a few notes. Of course, Neito didn’t like that you weren’t paying attention to him and crossed his arms in a huff. “Y/n,” he said but got no response from you and leaned over, waving his hand in front of your face.
“Are you listening to me? While I’m happy to see that you are writing about my marvelous quirk, I do require your attention,” he stated, making you pause and look at him. “Finally,” he commented, crossing his arms, and looking displeased.
“Um…” you opened your mouth to speak but shake your head, too embarrassed to ask him personal questions yet. But this was your project and you needed to ask him about his quirk. Just one little thing! It wouldn’t kill you, would it!?
“Y-your…q…q-quirk…” you managed to say and watched his eyes light up as if hearing your voice was the sweetest melody and he was so proud that you spoke up! “L…l-limitations?” Your heart beat so fast and your face felt on fire.
He blinked in response, and the silence between you was suffocating. Your hands clenched around your notebook. Had you said the wrong thing? Damn it. You looked down as if staring at the floor would be beneficial but looked back up when Neito knelt in front of you.
“Oh, dear, Y/n. Do you truly believe my quirk has limitations?” he asked once again making your stomach twist. “I…e-every quirk…” Your words trailed off, fading into the air causing him to frown. “I suppose every hero has their weaknesses,” he said with a grumble.
“I’m afraid that I’m limited to holding four quirks at once and can only use them for a limited amount of time,” he'd go into detail but didn’t feel like it was the time and hated talking about his weaknesses. It reminded him of the reason why he wanted to become a hero in the first place.
To prove them wrong. To prove he could be someone and while he loved the idea of fame and fortune, in this moment, all he cared about was having your attention. He seemed to have chipped away at your hard shell, even if only slightly today.
Perhaps he shouldn’t push his luck further. “Well do have fun writing down what you experienced here today. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” he said, walking past you. “Hm!?” you turned on the floor, watching him walk away in a panic.
Should you stay where you were? What if you couldn’t find your way back? You latched onto your lip, wanting to tell him to stop but not having the courage to. You jolted up and ran toward him, not entirely thinking about what consequences it would bring.
He paused and turned around when he heard your frantic steps and for a moment, grew concerned when he saw you running to him. He involuntarily shouted when you tripped over something, which almost seemed impossible given the structure of Ground Gamma.
But perhaps you tripped over your own feet in your frantic hurry. Either way, the feeling of your body colliding with his was blissful and though he tried his hardest to stop you from both falling, he found this to be impossible. Instead, he wrapped his arms around you out of instinct and took the brunt of the impact when you fell to the floor.
You felt his body tremble underneath yours and opened your eyes to realize that you cradled against his chest which caused your face to turn red. You placed your hands against his chest and pushed yourself up, feeling him grunt in reply.
“S-sorry!” you squeaked out before looking for your notebook which was lying on the ground a little way from where you and Neito were. You looked back, seeing him open his eyes only to find that you were now sitting on top of him.
Silence filled the space between you. He raised one hand out to you only to flinch when a raspy, tired voice filled the air. “Alright, Ground Gamma is closed,” Shota announced as irritated as ever before he lifted his head and stopped suddenly.
He blinked, concerned about why Neito was lying on the floor and you on top of him, but judging by those two sets of wide eyes looking back at him, he might have walked in on something that happened at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
“Mr. Aizawa!” Neito said immediately sitting up and causing you to fall back again. This caused him to grab onto your wrist to prevent you from hitting the floor. You grasped his hand and steadied yourself. Your cheeks burned and you felt slightly faint.
‘Damn it! Why do I get into these situations!?’ You frantically got up, deciding that saying nothing and running away was a better option than explaining yourself. “Y/n?” Neito asked, his voice quiet as he watched you grab your notebook before running past Shota.
Yeah, you said earlier that you were worried you wouldn’t be able to find your way back, but maybe getting lost wouldn’t be so terrible. You clenched your notebook against your chest as you ran. Your thoughts were a jumbled mess.
However, you could always write down everything you learned about Neito later today and maybe even write down some questions you wanted to ask him. There had to be more limitations to his quirk, and there had to be a reason why he wanted to become a hero.
It wasn’t because he was stuck up or thought he was better than everyone else even though he portrayed himself that way. But when you tripped, the way he wrapped his arms around you to keep you safe said something about him. He had a genuine care for keeping others safe.
Maybe he'd even take the brunt of any injury if it meant others remained unharmed. But isn’t that what heroes are supposed to do!? If that were true then why did that moment, that single moment change your perspective on Neito? Was he truly an arrogant man or was there more to him than meets the eye?
[ Second Part ]
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crowborn666-writes · 2 years
Hi hi! Angsty oneshot in which (gn) reader receives texts and other such "evidence" of Monoma cheating on them, and since they were beginning to grow a little distant due to work they believe it? You could make it end with fluff or angst, whichever you prefer- although fluff would be nice <333
I hope you're having a good day or night!
(Ohohohoh angst you say? Yes sir/ma’am. Hope I did alright, never written for Monoma before!)
Neito Monoma x Reader
Genre: Angst to Fluff, Romantic
Summary: You find evidence of Monoma cheating on you, or do you?
Yet another text appeared on your phone, from Kendo again. She had been texting you frequently lately, sending you headlines of Neito supposedly out and about with a girl.
This time the text showed a picture of Neito, out by a coffee shop with the same girl from the headlines, along with a message from Kendo about how she has suspicions.
You chewed your lip, Neito had been away for longer hours lately…
Maybe he was…?
The click of the door lock caught your attention, Neito entering your home with a heavy sigh, his duffel bag plopped down by where you kept your shoes.
“Hello love.” He spoke warmly, smile faltering when he saw your expression. “What’s wrong?”
You glanced from him to your phone, frowning before holding it out. “Kendo has… sent me some texts… and I’m… worried…”
You saw something flicker in Neito’s eyes. “Kendo?”
He took your phone from your outstretched hand, reading through the texts she had sent you.
“This little—!” Neito turned away from the offending text conversation with a huff, his other hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Do you believe her?”
“Well…” your voice cracked with emotion, “you’ve been gone for longer hours… and you have been a big distant at home lately too…”
Neito sighed and run his hand through his hair, setting your phone down on the table. “Kendo’s liked me since UA days. I imagine she’s trying to break us apart. As for me being gone longer hours, there’s been more crime lately, but the press isn’t covering all of it so that’s why you haven’t heard much. And you know paparazzi, creating rumors and such, the girl in the headlines and pictures is a lesbian, love.”
You fell silent, nodding along slowly.
“As for being distant, I have no excuse, I should be spending time with you and I haven’t. And for that I’m sorry.” He took your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. “I’ll make it up to you and I promise you I only want you.”
“You promise?”
“With my whole heart. And if I’m lying you can personally rip it out of me.”
You burst into tears then, relief and admonishment filling you. An apology was on your tongue before Neito was pulling you into a kiss, wiping away your tears.
He breathed little “it’s okay”’s to your lips, wrapping you up in his arms. Your phone buzzed on the table, and Neito only held you tighter, pouring more of his love into your kiss.
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