#monster hunter fanfiction
Fandom - RWBY | Monster Hunter
Rating - Teen
Title - Trial of the Huntress
Tags - Action/Adventure, Suspense, Humor, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary - A simple change. The God of Darkness didn't like his creations, so the Grimm were destroyed alongside humanity. Something new took their place when he and his Brother forged stronger creatures. More intelligent and cohesive with life, but a held distrust for humanity. Now Remnant had to deal with the consequences. Concept Idea
Ship - To Be Decided
Fanfiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14228862/1/Trials-of-the-Huntress
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Day 2: Cry
another fanfic written with @robocatfan and my Monster Hunter Ocs, set in the Monster Hunter Universe.
TW for being lost  in the snow, 
Things had been going from bad to worse. First, there had been too many large monsters roaming the mountainside. With dwindling supplies and fewer options, the band of researchers decided to seek safety in the snow capped highlands.
Derick wished they’d just turned back.
He was one of three hunters traveling with the scientists. Of those three, only one actually had actually worked as a hunter for more than five years, and none of them had even seen snow. He’d hoped that the scientists had some idea what they were doing.
They did not. He figured that out just as quickly.  Around the second time the Wagon got caught in the snow, and the scientists started bickering about tire chains. By now, it was impossible to turn back. The cliffs were too steep and icy from this side. All they could do was keep going forward.
By day eight, they were almost completely out of supplies.
There wasn’t much discussion. The most experienced hunter would stay behind to defend the researchers. The others would separate, gathering whatever they could carry. Food, medicinal herbs, fishing supplies: anything and everything.
The cold was worse than Derick thought. It ripped though his armor, and he was starting to have trouble walking. His hands were stiff, and it took effort to pluck the different plants he saw along the way. Not that he had even found much: just some herbs and hot peppers.
Technically, the peppers were actually useful when it came to enduring the bitter cold. Someone must have been farming them nearby, and the peppers spread to the surrounding wilderness. Or maybe they traveled here thanks to a passing bird.  
While he didn’t have the materials to make them more palatable, he wasn’t sure how much choice he had. Besides, it would just be two peppers, he could probably handle that.
He could not handle that.
It felt like he tried to drink molten steel. He started coughing, and tears started pouring from his eyes. They wouldn’t stop. He was muttering curses to himself, as he fell beside a tree.
Time lost all meaning behind the pain. All he could do was sob to himself, regretting his decisions. At least regret was something he could focus on: he didn’t want to think about how he might freeze out here. How his failure might doom the others. At least if he was alone-
“Excuse me?”
He looked at the unfamiliar voice. A gunner was standing in the snow, weapon drawn.
“are.. ..are you crying? …did a Tigrex get you?”
He couldn’t respond. The woman took a moment to examine him. “Okay, you’re still in one piece, os its not a Tigrex-“
“Ate-Ate pepper…”
She started laughing. Hard. “What?! How—how?! No, how did you even-“
After a few moments, she pulled him up to his feet. She bit back her laughter. “I’m sorry! I’ve NEVER seen anyone eat a hot pepper before!”
“Not funny.”
“It's not. You must be desperate.Yeah this armor’s paper thin- This a solo quest, or-?”
“W-Researchers. Stranded near the lake.”
The other looked grim. “Understood. Don’t speak” s
She shoved a potion in his hands. “My village is nearby. We’ll bring you there first, and I’ll send a rescue party for the rest of your group. If a hunter’s willing to eat a pepper, then I don’t want to think about what they’re considering.”
“The Tigrex?” It was hard to make himself talk.
“Well, the Popo were acting weird. Thought there was one nearby: but it could have just been you. I’ll fight it if we see it. You just consider this a successful quest and follow me.”
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
Vampire!Kurapika keeps you nearby at all times. His hand always find its way to your hip, pulling you ever closer.
You’re so warm, so soft and he just can’t get enough. All he wants to do is curl up in your arms and sleep with you forever…
He knows that isn’t possible, so he makes due with keeping you so close it’s almost suffocating. Being with Kurapika means understanding his severe separation anxiety.
To Kurapika, you are like the very air he breathes, and when you’re gone he feels like he’s choking.
In his long, lonely existence, you are the only thing that has truly made life worth living.
He keeps you pressed against the wall, his teeth sinking into your neck as he fucks into you like a beast. Usually Kurapika is so gentle, but he’s just desperate for you tonight.
“I love you… my darling, you’re everything to me���”
Just for a moment, he feels only bliss, so warm and soft and fuzzy… you make him feel like he’s floating on air.
And as the two of you come down from your respective highs, he can only softly lap at the bite mark he left, sending you an apologetic look.
“Sorry… are you alright?”
You smile, gently nuzzling against him.
“I am, as long as I’m with you.”
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kyynas · 4 months
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Two sides of the coin [OC]
📖 Livro: Two sides of the coin
✍️Autor(a) : kyynas_ (wappad) / kyynas (Spirit Fanfiction)
📍 Disponível: Wattpad e Spirit Fanfiction
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lizz-crimson · 1 year
MK Characters Intro Banter With Monster Hunter Reader!
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In this scenario the Reader is a monster hunter from the Monster Hunter game franchise! I love, love, love MH, and I also love, love, love, MK! So why not bring them together!? Reader is gender neutral and is simply called 'hunter' in these.
Tags/warnings: Language, talk of violence (against people and animal-like monsters), Monster Hunter termanology and references, Reader is a funny monster hunting badass!
Characters: Liu Kang, Scorpion, Raiden, Johnny Cage.
Part 2 Part 3
Liu Kang
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You: "Y'know, I hunt dragons for a living."
Lui Kang: "Is that a threat, hunter?"
You: "Just a friendly heads up."
Liu Kang: "What are those blades made of?"
You: "My dual blades? These are made from the parts of Rathalos and Rathian I've hunted."
Liu Kang: "They are pulsing with both flame and poison..."
Liu Kang: "My dragon fire does not effect you nearly as much as others."
You: "These talismans aren't for show, Liu."
Liu Kang: "Let's see if I can't knock them off!"
You: "I'd love to see you get into a kick-off with a Seregios."
Liu Kang: "A Seregios? Another monster of yours?"
You: "Just imagine a golden parrot with knives for feathers. ...They also kick really hard."
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You: "Never thought I'd meet someone as angry as an Odogaron."
Scorpion: "My rage cannot ever be sated."
You: "I can't imagine how hard that is.."
Scorpion: "Have a taste of hellfire!"
You: "Please no, I've already hunted a Magnemalo today.. "
Scorpion: "I will prove a much bigger challenge."
You: "It feels odd fighting you."
Scorpion: "How so, hunter?"
You: "I only ever fight monsters. I feel I may go too hard on you."
Scorpion: "That longsword is impressive."
You: "Thanks! It's made from that Teostra you saw me hunting earlier!"
Scorpion: "You mean to tell me you successfully slayed that creature?!"
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Raiden: "What are these Elder Dragons you speak of?"
You: "They are the scientifically unexplainable monsters that roam my world. I have fought and slain many."
Raiden: "Impressive. We could use your skills in defending Earthrealm."
You: "A Zinogre would be a good companion for you, Raiden."
Raiden: "I have no interest in pets."
You: "Not even a dragon dog with natural thunder abilities?"
Raiden: "I must admit, you are hard to strike with my lightening."
You: "I had to get good at dodging thunder attacks when a Kirin went berserk back home."
Raiden: "Your world has made you versatile indeed."
You: "Raiden, help me test out my new weapon!"
Raiden: "Are you welding an axe or a sword and shield?"
You: "Both, baby!"
Johnny Cage
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Johnny Cage: "Damn, you take hits like a tank!"
You: "Armor and food, Johnny. Armor and food."
Johnny Cage: "What are those cats feeding you!?"
You: "Ready to face the music, Johnny?"
Johnny Cage: "Wait, you mean that's not a hammer?!"
You: "I'm gonna play the Ninja Mime theme while bludgeoning you to the pavement!"
You: "No Johnny, you cannot pet the monster I captured."
Johnny Cage: "Why not? It's just a big turkey!"
You: "A Kulu-Ya-Ku is stronger than it looks!"
Johnny Cage: "You beat that poor thing to death!"
You: "Unfortunately, that Pukei-Pukei became to aggressive near my village. I had no choice."
Johnny Cage: "Well pookie-pookie didn't know what hit her.."
Hope ya liked these! I keep saying I'm gonna post write stuff here but never do lol
Here's the monsters mentioned in these interactions for those curious! I put them in a lil collage in the order that they were mentioned!
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 4 - Monsters
@wolfstarmicrofic July 4, word count 979
They were cornered. Before them were an array of pitchforks, knives, various pointed weapons and torches. Sirius wrapped his arms protectively around Remus.
“Get away from him! He hasn’t done anything!” Sirius bellowed at them. The answering cacophony of shouting voices was so overwhelming that Sirius held Remus closer, using his hand to cover the ear that wasn’t pressed against his chest. He used his remaining hand to cover his own ears as best he could. 
The swarm of people pressed in on them, forcing them further into the corner of two houses. “Please, just let us go!” He begged them. Remus was shaking in his arms, he was so scared. Sirius was terrified, but he had to keep a cool head if they were going to get out of this. 
A shot rang out behind the mob and they all turned to see what was happening. Sirius used those precious seconds to escape. He hauled Remus to his feet and half dragged, half carried him out of a tiny gap that had opened up. He ran with him into the forest. 
He didn’t dare look back. He’d heard them yelling moments after they were in the cover of the trees, having realised they’d disappeared. “Come on sweetheart, just a little further,” Sirius urged Remus. Remus’s feet kept stumbling, slowing them down. He’d barely transformed back. He needed rest. But right now, that was the last thing they could afford. “Come on, Remus, keep going. You have to keep going!” Sirius was panting with the effort of helping Remus. 
“Just leave me, Sirius, you escape. I’m just slowing you down. Leave me,” Remus wheezed as he begged Sirius to carry on without him. 
“NO!” Sirius roared at him in disbelief. “If you think for one second that I’d let those monsters have you just because it’s getting a bit difficult, then you have another thing coming!” He stopped for a second and yanked Remus up onto his back before he set off at a slightly faster pace. 
He soon tired. Remus was almost a dead weight on his back and the tree roots were becoming hazardous. They just had to get a bit further, then they'd be safe. The sounds of the mob had lessened as they spread out to search for them. He could hear the braying of hounds as they tried to track them. Unlucky for their pursuers, Sirius and Remus had been all over these woods, so it would be near impossible for the dogs to follow the correct scent. Plus, with what Sirius had planned, he hoped they’d lose the trail altogether.
He pushed on. He was so close he could almost taste it. The final few trees gave way to a wide river. He carefully dropped Remus on the bank and went to drag the little raft he’d made out of the undergrowth where he'd carefully hidden it days ago when the people in the village had started getting antsy before the full moon. He should have moved them on as soon as they started stirring. But he’d shrugged it off, because how would they know? He still couldn’t figure out how they’d figured out how to capture Remus in his wolf form. 
He got the raft into the water, driving the steak attached to the rope into the ground so it didn’t float away. He helped Remus onto the raft and went back for his pack. He pulled out a thick blanket and tossed it over Remus’s shaking form. He pulled the steak from the soft ground and waded out into the icy water, scrambling to get onto the raft. 
He sat down heavily on it and picked up the oar he’d fashioned from a broken branch, ready to steer them when needed. He breathed a sigh of relief once they got out into the middle of the fast-moving river. They should be able to travel further than the villagers could be bothered to chase them and then he could find somewhere warm for Remus to recover. They’d have to find somewhere new for the next full moon, but at least they had a month to sort that out. 
They were coming up to a bend in the river that would take them away from the forest. He tentatively put the branch in the water and began to turn the raft. Slowly it rotated. They were almost upon it when a figure strode out of the tree line, walking right up to the bank. Fenrir Greyback held up a rifle to his shoulder and took aim. 
The crack rang out through the trees, sounding louder than it was. The round blew above his head, missing by inches. Sirius grabbed Remus and rolled them both off the raft. He held Remus tightly around the waist and grabbed the rope. 
The powerful current kept dragging them under as they rushed to the river bend. The rifle shot rang out again. The round plunking into the water to their left. Sirius prayed they’d get out of this alive. 
Another huge drag from the current and they were being carried away from Fenrir. The rifle sounded again but the shot landed behind them somewhere. Sirius chanced a look and saw Fernir lower his weapon. They were moving away too fast for him to chase.
With his remaining strength, he shoved Remus out of the water, then followed him. They both lay flat on their backs panting. No wonder the villagers had known more than they should about werewolves. Fenrir would have told them everything he knew just so he could finally capture Remus after hunting him since he was a teen. They would have to tread carefully for a while now. It had been over a year since Fenrir had been able to track them down, but Sirius wasn’t scared. They were good at disappearing after all.  
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artificial-absinthe · 3 months
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Gravemaker and Predaking relentlessly chase and shoot Sunder.
From TFP Mercy| The Reformed Predator Storyline| Playable Story Game w Sunder Final Boss by @emperor-kumquat
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marionette-j2x · 2 years
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Spoilers!!! from the latest chapter of the fanfic: "Bride of the Monster Duke". @kammieceleek
And also the designs for Willow's campaign attire:
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mjolnirswriststrap · 6 months
Silver Bullet
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Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Helmut Zemo x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,670 Masterlist
Summary: The best night of the year, Halloween, turns into a night you just want to forget. PART 1/4.
Warnings: werewolves, cheating, backstabbing best friend, Zemo is a whore, truly.
Red cloaks filled the crowd. This years Halloween parade theme being Dracula. Rob Zombie blared through speakers anchored to lampposts. You and your friends all wore matching costumes, collectively going as the wives of Dracula. It was a good excuse to wear the hottest outfits you could find. Most people paled their skin with white face paint, and molded little pieces of wax to their teeth.
Not you, you wore basically nothing for your costume. Each friend had a different color of fabric, that was loosely draped and cinched around your body. The best way to describe it would be a Greek toga, instead of linen it’s sheer silk, leaving nothing to the imagination. You all wore the same gold collar, a dragon etched on the front; curtesy of the blue bride, Miranda’s, 3D printer.
You didn’t plan on staying, you all agreed to be a part of the parade, once that was over, you were all headed to Zemo’s annual Halloween masquerade. You don’t think he particularly liked having hundreds of people flooding his property every year. But having the biggest house in town was a blessing and a curse. He hosted most festivities for your rather large population of teens and young adults.
You had a fascination with the bachelor. He inherited the mansion, land and money from his grandfather, skipping over his father completely. His family was prominent in the community, both of his parents having a chair at city hall. They volunteered at the food bank and donated to every shelter. Any sane person would think they deserved the money in a way. So why Zemo?
You made it to the party late, everyone leaving the house for the back yard. Zemo had the trees lighted and a dance floor built, always prepared for a celebration. Your friends ditched you as soon as you all got drinks, saying they were going to find their boyfriends. Leaving you to explore the surrounding woods alone.
You nearly drop your red solo cup when you see Zemo pressing Miranda against a tree, practically swallowing each others faces. Tears of betrayal sting your cheeks. She knew you had a crush on him, and she has a boyfriend anyways. You stalk away in anger, losing the trail but not caring. You found a tree far enough from the party that no one would hear your sobs.
You downed the cup filled halfway with vodka, a drop of orange juice for flavor. It dried your tears quickly, leaving your whole body warm. “Stupid.” You say, standing up and brushing the leaves off your dress. “Stupid for liking Zemo.”. You agreed whole heartedly with that. “Stupid for thinking Miranda was my friend.” That’s what hurt the most.
In the midst of your self hate you failed to notice a looming figure. “You’re not stupid.” You jolt, throwing the plastic cup in the direction of the stranger. “Sorry, you scared me.” You giggle, when you see it’s just a guy from the party wearing a phantom of the opera mask.
“It’s okay.” He reaches down and picks up the liter. “Gotta keep our forests clean.” He waves the red in the air. You give him a dry laugh. Men are scary and being alone in the woods with a stranger was causing every alarm in your brain to siren. But the vodka numbed your sense of fear.
“I should get going.” You say, turning and trying to step around the tree. Before you could, the stranger steps closer. “Should you?” He says deeply. He’s close enough now that you can see his piercing blue eyes behind the mask. They render you speechless, the way the moonlight shone off them, put you in a trance. You shake your head, too focused to verbally answer him.
“See, you’re not so stupid after all.” He teases. You have no reaction. His words didn’t fill you with pride or embarrassment. Your veins filled with the distinct warmth of feeling safe. You don’t know where it came from, your body was irrationally reacting to him. You should be shaking with fear and trying to get back to the party, not calmly standing here waiting for something to happen.
It felt like you were locked inside a body that wasn’t yours. It was being controlled by some outside force. You let him reach for you, never flinching away. Your body produced goosebumps where his fingertips grazed your skin. “You’re so beautiful. I’d hate to ruin that.” You nod your head, not even thinking of a single way he could ruin your beauty. Your mind was blank, you couldn’t even say thank you.
“Promise me you won’t resist, once it happens.” You knew nothing of what he spoke, but again you feel your neck bow to him, nodding in agreement. The masked man looks up at the moon, reveling in its fullness. “Are you prepared for no return?” You agree with a nod, now you know you were fully possessed by something. His words should send you running, but a small voice in the back of your head says you would never.
He steps closer again, grabbing fistfuls of your gown, cinched at your waist. “You have to say it. Say I have permission.” His voice was desperate and darker than before. You try to find the words but the influence he had on you was slowly fading, the way he started pressing you against the tree brought you back to your senses. He holds your hips in place as he nuzzles his face into your neck, taking a long deep breath.
The stubble on his chin tickled you and you had to remind yourself yet again that this is a masked stranger in the woods. Even though your senses were coming back, the way his hands lit a fire inside of you was enough to make you not care. That fire pooled lower and lower the closer he got to you. He smelled like a mix of musk and pine. You couldn’t tell if it was him or the trees surrounding you. But it made your mouth water, filling you with a want to taste his skin, just to be sure.
He raises his hand to cradle your cheek, “Please.”. He caught your eyes again, boring into them with an assured look. He focuses on your lips “Just say the words.”.
“I give you permission.” You say them without thinking of the consequences. He sealed your fate by closing the gap between your faces. Pressing his lips to yours. You moved your lips in sync with his, using your free will to wrap your arms around his neck. Before it could go any further the man disappeared. You felt him pull away, when your eyes opened to see why, he was already gone. You searched the surrounding woods with your eyes, there was no sign of him.
You grab your head, wondering if you drunkenly hallucinated. The moisture on your mouth and in your underwear was foolproof evidence that it really just happened. But you still began to question its validity.
You hear a twig snap somewhere near you, in hopes that it was the magnetic stranger you followed it, rounding an old fallen tree you spot a black dog. It was rather large in stature, must be a purebred if it’s that big. You knew an expensive dog wouldn’t be wandering the woods collarless. And you couldn’t remember if Zemo ever mentioned having any pets.
You stepped closer, never fearing animals. You loved dogs, you had a few of your own at your parents house. “Here boy.” You kneel down, reaching out your hand. It finally gives you its attention. Immediately showing his sharp canines, snarling loudly. “Oop.” You stand up and slowly back away, knowing the signs of an agitated dog.
When your view of it is blocked by the tree you turn around and sprint away. Not wanting to receive a rabies shot on Halloween night. You see the lighted trees nearing. That’s when you heard it, rhythmic thumbing coming from behind you. When you turn around you let out a scream, the dog is already pouncing on you, knocking you to the ground. You tray to scramble away. You see people’s feet running towards your screams.
The dog latches its mouth onto your leg, when you try to rip it away it only sinks its teeth deeper. You see Zemo come to your aid with a pool cleaner net, swinging it at the dog. “Get away.” He shouts, he ends up cracking the dog on top of his head with the plastic pole. It yelped, causing your leg to fall out of his mouth. He ran for cover, disappearing into the woods. Zemo drops to his knees beside you, shedding his jacket to wrap it around your bleeding leg.
“Are you okay?” Your eyes full with tears, embarrassment was an understatement. You didn’t want to face Zemo or Miranda. You didn’t want to see all the party goers pity filled faces either. You stood up, sucking a breath between your teeth at the pain. You limped past everyone giving eachother confused glances. Ignoring Zemo and Miranda’s fake concern.
You called your dad, sitting on the curb infront of the house. He rushed you to urgent care, spending the rest of the night with you in the waiting room. You were fine in the morning, a shot and a round of antibiotics set you on your way to recovering. You took ibuprofen for the pain. You called off of work for the rest of the week, needing to stay off your feet.
When you returned the next Monday, your boss told you there was a new bus boy. You waited tables all day before you finally saw him. Clocking in and disappearing to wash dishes. He was cute, dark brown hair and light stubble. He didn’t introduce himself to you or Mary, the other waitress, odd. But you had a feeling the little diner would grow on him eventually.
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I posted chapter 4 of my pokemon/Monster Hunter fanfiction, that was written alongside @robocatfan
I also suggest to read the trigger warnings for this fanfic. I’ve attempted to tag for safety, and while I don’t intend to describe things like injuries in graphic detail, people have different tolerances for stuff like that. 
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kybercrystals94 · 8 months
Hide and Seek and Training
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 9 | Prompt 9: Bees
Rated: T | Words: 2496 | Summary: Training with Omega goes awry when bees become involved. [Character Focus: Tech, Omega, Hunter, Wrecker, Echo]
“I love this game,” Wrecker whispers loudly to Omega, interrupting Hunter for the third time.
Tech adjusts his goggles irritably. “This isn’t a game, Wrecker. This is training.”
“If it’s training, then why is it fun?”
“I think all training is fun!” Omega pipes up happily.
Hunter sighs. “Can we just get through the instructions before we decide what’s fun and what’s not? Please?”
Echo chuckles from his perch on the Marauder’s ramp. “Kids, listen to your dad!” he calls out.
“Maker help me,” Hunter mutters. He takes a breath and starts again. “Alright. Omega, Wrecker, and Tech…you three, separately, are going to find places in the woods to lay low. Make sure to cover your tracks. After ten minutes, we’re going to see how long it takes me to find you.”
“And the last one found, wins!” Wrecker practically shouts.
Another sigh. “Sure,” Hunter agrees reluctantly.
“This sounds a lot like hide and seek,” Omega comments, smiling brightly up at Wrecker.
“The strategies are similar,” Tech admits, “however, this is a survival simulation.”
Wrecker laughs. “Can we start, Sarge?”
“Get out of here,” Hunter says, waving them off with a grin.
Wrecker and Omega are off like blaster shots, tearing into the forest like their very lives depend on it. Hunter can hear them crashing through the undergrowth even after they’ve disappeared from sight. At this rate, he won’t have to use his enhancements at all to pick up their trail.
Tech takes a much more tactical approach, starting the timer on his chrono and heading out in the opposite direction of his far more enthusiastic siblings. He is absolutely going to give Hunter a run for his credits.
Hunter ambles over to Echo and sits down next to his cyborg brother, glancing at his own chrono to keep track of the time.
“Who are you going after first?” Echo asks.
Hunter chuckles. “How upset do you think Tech would be if I made him lose to Wrecker?”
“You’d better start sleeping with one eye open if you go that route,” Echo muses.
“Well, then, I guess I’ll just play it by ear and see what happens,” Hunter decides, leaning back on his elbows, ready to enjoy the peace and quiet these ten minutes will indulge him.
Omega stops suddenly, turning to look back at where she came from. She can’t see the Marauder through the trees anymore. Perfect. Glancing around, she kneels and touches the cool, damp earth with her fingertips. Hunter will be able to track her to this point easily. Just as she planned. It will make it much more fun when she disappears like a ghost.
With little effort, Omega clambers up the nearest tree, the toes of her boots finding quick purchase in the gnarled bark, and her fingers easily curling around protruding knots. She makes it to the first branch in seconds, and straddles it for a moment to plan her next move. The neighboring tree has a branch nearly touching hers, so she stands and edges her way toward it. A small jump later, and she claims the adjacent tree.
A few minutes lates, Omega is more than half a dozen trees away from where she started. Hunter will begin his search soon. She might have the advantage of him going after her more experienced brothers first; however, she can also imagine him coming after her first, if only to make sure she is safe. Therefore, she needs to get herself out of sight as quickly as possible, just in case.
Omega begins to climb higher, where the leaves and branches become denser. She smiles to herself, wondering if Hunter will be surprised at how well she has done. Her training is finally paying off.
She is so distracted by her joyous thoughts that she doesn’t notice the humm of agitated buzzing just to her left as she settles comfortably onto a thick branch, peering down through the soft leaves.
After a few minutes of quiet, Omega feels the sensation of legs on the back of her neck. She stiffens, resisting the urgent impulse to reach up and slap away the unknown creature. If she threatens it, whatever it is might sting or bite. She prays it has wings and will just fly away on its own. Then the sensation tickles down to the collar of her shirt.
No, no, no, Omega thinks desperately, not down my shirt!
She catches movement on her arm out the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she sees an insect, brightly colored, winged, and armed with a stinger. Omega releases a shuddering breath when she sees another join its friend on her sleeved arm, and another flying lazily past her face.
She notices the buzzing now.
Slowly, Omega looks back at where the branch she sits on meets the tree. Tucked into the crook, a muddy looking structure is swarming with the colorful insects. Bees, Omega’s memory supplies frantically.
She needs to get down from here.
Tech has found the perfect hiding place when his comm pings. Internalizing a sigh of frustration, he glances down at the source code. Crosshair’s old source code…Omega’s current source code. He answers immediately. “Omega?”
“Tech,” Omega’s voice is strained and hushed. She sounds terrified. “I need help. I don’t know what to do!”
“Alright. First, we must remain calm. Tell me exactly what is wrong and where you are,” Tech says, keeping his own voice temperate. He pulls out his data pad and begins the trace on Omega’s beacon.
Omega’s voice quakes, and Tech thinks she might be crying. “I’m–in a tree…and there’s bees? A lot of bees, and they are everywhere! They have stingers, and I’m afraid they’ll sting me if I move.”
Not an unreasonable fear to have under the circumstances. Tech climbs down from his hiding place and begins to follow the beacon at a brisk pace. He plans to briefly research the type of insects Omega has encountered during his trek. It might be vital to her safe extraction from the situation. “Can you describe what these ‘bees’ look like? Do you see their domicile?”
“Uhm,” Omega’s voice wobbles through distractedly, “Yeah. They’re colorful…red and blue and orange and yellow with black stripes. And they have a hive that looks like it’s made out of mud…maybe?”
Tech types in the brief description and pulls up an article on the species. Polychromatic Wasps. His eyes drift over the information briefly. “Alright, Miss Omega, I am enroute to your location now. It seems that this particular species of wasp - or bee - will not attack unless they feel threatened. My recommendation is that you remain perfectly stationary until I arrive.”
“I’m scared,” Omega admits weakly.
Tech hesitates. “I understand. We will have you out of this situation in short order, and you will be fine. I promise.”
“Okay,” Omega says. A slight strengthening in her tone suggests that she believes him.
Hunter is surprised when he hears Tech’s familiar tread coming toward him, and is even more surprised at the speed at which his brother is moving. He comes into view a moment later, not even glancing up from his data pad as he approaches Hunter. “Omega is in distress. We must get to her location immediately.”
Tact and gentle verbal blows are not among Tech’s enhancements. Hunter’s heart rate accelerates to what feels like an inhuman speed. “What? Where is she?” he demands, falling into hurried step next to Tech.
“I’ve got her location locked,” Tech tells him. “She says that she came across a wasp nest when she climbed a tree. She is unharmed at present, just frightened.”
Hunter at first questions why Omega would comm Tech before any of her other brothers, especially brothers that might be closer to her aid. It dawns on him that Omega – always resourceful – would have called Tech first in order for him to provide her the information she would need until rescue came. She knows how to utilize her brothers’ strengths, and for that, he is incredibly proud of her.
“Here,” Tech says, stopping at the base of a tree. He looks up. “Omega?” he calls out.
A small voice calls back from the depths of the leaves and branches. “I’m here, Tech. They haven’t stung me.”
“Excellent!” Tech calls back. He starts to remove his pack.
“I can go,” Hunter says, already putting his hands to the trunk to find his first grips.
Tech shakes his head, dropping his pack to the ground and nudging Hunter aside. “I am far better suited to the task…and I’ll need you down here to catch her when I drop her down.”
“Wait, what?” Hunter asks in alarm, but Tech is already climbing.
Omega almost bursts into tears of relief when Tech appears through the leaves and branches. But she holds them back with a painful swallow, keenly aware that she now has at least a dozen bees crawling over her person, with dozens more flying about, perturbed about their motionless intruder.
Tech climbs the rest of the way up onto the branch, bracing himself so that he is facing Omega. “I have a plan,” he says immediately.
Omega gives the tiniest nod. “Okay.”
“It seems that the wasps are becoming agitated, probably due to the presence of your scent in their territory,” Tech continues. “That is why we are going to remove you from the situation rather abruptly.”
“I am going to drop you down from the tree, and Hunter is going to catch you. That is the fastest way.”
“Am I going to get stung?” Omega asks. “They’re all over me!”
Tech moves closer, slowly. “I can see that. Unfortunately, there is the possibility that any or all of us will be stung. While it is painful and not ideal, it is not deadly. Clones are not allergic to bee or wasp stings.”
Omega knows Tech means to be encouraging; however, just the idea of being stung renews her impulse to cry. She sniffs, willing herself to be brave. After all, she got herself into this mess, and her brothers are bravely getting her out, at the risk of being stung themselves.
Taking a deep, fortifying breath, Omega says, “Okay, tell me what I need to do.”
Hunter hates that the canopy of leaves is shielding his siblings from view, although he can hear Omega and Tech talking in hushed tones — which means, he supposes, that they are okay for the moment. If she hadn’t happened to come across a wasp nest doing it, Hunter would be very impressed with Omega’s hiding place. Obviously, though, they still needed to work on her spatial awareness…
His comm crackles to life. “Hunter, I am going to be lowering Omega through the branches, and on the count of three, I will release her. Are you ready to catch her?”
Instead of speaking through his comm, Hunter calls up, “I’m ready!”
“I should note,” Tech adds, as an obvious afterthought, “there is a high likelihood that you and Omega will be stung. I was not able to get many off of her without angering the hive.”
Hunter grits his teeth. He would rather none of them got stung, especially Omega; however, a sting or two is better than the alternative. “Got it,” he calls up.
There is rustling, and then Omega’s boots appear, immediately followed by her legs, torso and head. She is dangling by her arms, both hands clinging tightly to Tech’s forearm. Hunter can see the multicolored wasps crawling against the muted fabric of her clothes. There must be about a dozen of the things. He hopes most of them fly away the moment she drops.
As if they’d be so lucky.
Hunter shifts his stance, readying himself.
Omega’s eyes meet his for a moment, and he sees the tears glistening on her eyelashes.
“We got this, Omega,” he says encouragingly, hoping his expression doesn’t appear as frantic as the blood pounding in his ears.
She nods and looks up again at Tech, who is still invisible to Hunter. “I’m ready.”
Tech says over comms, “One…two…three!”
Omega drops then. It is only a split second between watching her fall and catching her, but it stretches for hours, especially when Omega lets out a squeak of terror at the brief free fall. Hunter catches Omega under her arms and places her on the ground. Using his gloved hands, he swats away the wasps that cling to her. Most of them fly away, but a couple decide to fight back against the assault.
Hunter feels a couple of stings immediately on his exposed wrists, and one just under his right ear. He is more focused on Omega, who seems to have been stung on the back of her neck and hands.
Tech drops down from the tree a moment later. “I suggest we run,” he says as the sound of enraged wasps buzz louder.
Hunter scoops Omega up and runs.
Tech hates being fussed over but Echo is relentless. So he tries to hold as still as possible as Echo analyzes each sting to be sure they are healing properly, and dabbing bacta ointment over the wounds.
“Are you about finished?” he asks with a hiss after Echo accidentally prods a wound a little too hard.
“You are making this harder than it needs to be,” Echo says without a hint of remorse as he pokes at the next sting.
Tech rolls his eyes, but allows Echo to finish his checks without further complaint. At long last, Echo leaves Tech alone to do as he pleases, which is to sit in his rack with his data pad and try not to irritate his minor injuries.
He isn’t left alone for long.
Tech looks up to see Omega standing at the foot of his bunk.
“Are you doing alright, Omega?” he asks her, noticing the swollen welts on her hands and neck from her own stings. They don’t look red or irritated, which is excellent.
Omega nods, wincing slightly at the movement. “I’m okay. I just wanted to thank you…for helping me…and I’m sorry you got stung more than any of us.”
Tech smiles. “No thanks are necessary. I was more than happy to assist.”
Omega smiles back, but it doesn’t reach her usually bright eyes.
“Also, I meant to tell you,” Tech continues offhandedly, “that had the wasps not been involved, I am quite confident you would have won the training exercise.”
This catches Omega’s attention. She stands a little straighter. “Really?”
“Absolutely,” Tech says. “I was hoping you might share with me your strategy. It could prove to be a valuable resource in the future.”
Omega looks absolutely delighted. “Sure! Are you going to write a report about it?”
“I’ve already started.”
At that, the little girl in their care practically radiates light as she rushes to his side to give him all the details.
✨Let me know if you’d like to be a part of my taglist!✨
Taglist: @followthepurrgil @isthereanechoinhere96 @amorfista @mooncommlink @arctrooper69 @nagyanna424 @merkitty49
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pumpkinnsoda · 6 months
First chunk from new fic I’m doing, Monster Hunter Felix and Werewolf Oliver:
“Felix, it’s two in the fucking AM, why are you—“
“Hey Farls! So, quick question—and it’s kinda urgent you reply—um, how do you treat a sick dog?”
“What? Felix you don’t even have a dog. Who’s dog do you have?!”
“That doesn’t matter. But like, vet? Or if it was, say, a werewolf, who was, um, stabbed? How would you go about that?”
“Felix. What did you do?”
“Thanks for your help, Farleigh. I gotta go now—talk to you later!”
“Felix, wait! Fe—“
Felix hangs up and looks over at the whimpering mess in the corner of the abandoned house he decided to hide in for the night.
It was an accident, truly. Well, he did mean to stab whatever jumped at him from the rafters, he didn’t mean to hurt the sad little guy now twitching in the corner. Through a small sliver of moonlight, his brown hair and blue, teary eyes are illuminated. The only reason Felix knows he’s a werewolf is because a huge fucking dog decended down from the ceiling to eat him and now the boy in the corner has the same knife wound Felix inflected on it’s arm.
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savzo · 1 year
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I was totally too late to submit my fanart for the awesome fic “ Bride of the Monster Duke” it was honestly such an amazing story all thanks to @kammieceleek and @blunderstorm …you can read it here!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/39451467/chapters/112067986 😊 I hope you like this little piece. Background of course isnt mine.
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lizz-crimson · 1 year
MK Characters Intro Banter With Monster Hunter Reader! [Part 2]
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Hey hey! So wow yall liked the first one so imma give you folks another! Same as last time, gender neutral reader referred to as 'hunter'.
Tags/warnings: Language, monster hunter terminology and references, reader is slightly unhinged.
Characters: Kung Lao, Cassie Cage, Sub Zero, Kitana.
Part 1 Part 3
Kung Lao
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You: "What's your hat made out of?"
Kung Lao: A secret Shaolin blend passed down for generations."
You: "Cool. Mines made out of monster guts!"
Kung Lao: "Why do you eat so much?"
You: *Pats your stomach* "For strength and stamina."
Kung Lao: "Don't come crying when you barf it all up."
You: "Your hat versus my gunlance?"
Kung Lao: "I'm sorry, your what now?"
You: "Exactly what I said! Prepare yourself, Hat Trick!"
Kung Lao: "What was that monster called again? The panther-dragon thing."
You: "A Nargacuga."
Kung Lao: "Think you could give me its wing blades?"
Cassie Cage
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Cassie Cage: "Whoever wins gives the other uppies."
You: "Why do I feel like you're gonna loose on purpose?"
Cassie Cage: "Oh please, it's not like you'll have trouble picking me up anyway!"
Cassie Cage: "Hammer time!"
You: "Exactly."
Cassie Cage: "Please PLEASE put that thing away!"
You: "Nice armor, Cassie!"
Cassie Cage: "Thanks, yours is badass too!"
You: "Wanna trade fashion tips?"
You: "C'mon, I'm more than ready to fight!"
Cassie Cage: "That fucking tyrannosaurus had you in its mouth like ten minutes ago!"
You: "It was an Anjanath. It happens."
Sub Zero
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Sub Zero: "So you are the monster hunter I've heard so much about?"
You: "Indeed I am!"
Sub Zero: "Come. See how you do against somebody your own size."
You: "Fought a Goss Harag that looked just like you back in my novice hunts."
Sub Zero: "I do not appreciate your 'complement'."
You: "And that Goss Harag didn't appreciate my switch axe."
You: "Say Sub Zero, what do you think of my bracelet?"
Sub Zero: "I do not have an eye for jewelry."
You: "You will once the ice resistance kicks in."
Sub Zero: "You have no scars despite your battles."
You: "Uh, thanks? Your scar is nice..?"
Sub Zero: "I intend to give you your first."
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Kitana: "That sword is much to large for you."
You: "Not its not! See, I can pick it up just fine."
Kitana: "..Perhaps I could hire you to help with some bothersome Outworld fauna."
You: "Sorry I'm late for our match Kitana.."
Kitana: "Considering the beast you were fighting, you have good reason."
You: "Yeah.. Tobi-Kadachi really like to show up outta nowhere."
You: "How much does Outworld ore go for?"
Kitana: "A pretty penny. More than you'd have on your person, I'm sure."
You: "Don't be so sure, Miss Kahn. I've got zenny falling out of my walls."
Kitana: "What is the feline behind you doing?"
You: "Oh that's my palico! He carries explosives for me!"
Kitana: "Your versatility continues to impress."
Here yall go! Hope you enjoyed these! I have some stories in the works as well!
And here are the monsters again in collage form again
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 month
Vee Week Day 3
Prompt: Not A Monster
Part of the Vee Week fandom event (aka Veek) organized by @vee-week
Fandom: The Owl House Rating: Teen Language: English Status: Complete Oneshot Words: 1 170 Warnings: Fantasy/Fictional Setting Racism, Non-Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Blood and Injury
Relationships: Vee & Hunter
Relevant Characters: Vee, Hunter
Additional Tags: Vee & Hunter are Siblings... kinda
Summary One of the nice things about the Demon Realm was that Vee could spend some time as herself without people screaming or running in fear.
Or so she thought.
Good thing Hunter was there.
Excerpt ”Are you okay?” he asked, examining her like she was a wounded solider. ”Hey, take it easy, ” he said, now slightly softer. ”Breathe in… breathe out… breathe in… breathe out…” he instructed her. Willow had taught her that once, but it was hard to do when her heart was pounding in her ears and the only thought on her mind was to hide. Hunter’s palisman, Waffles, jumped off his shoulder and tried his best to help cheer Vee up, gently picking away tears on her cheek.
Hunter continued to guide her through the breathing exercise while he gently looked over her. Bit by bit she did calm down, her breathing returning to normal and her heart beating at its regular pace.
”They hurt you, did they?” Hunter asked.
Vee shook her head.
”N-no… he raised his hand and I got afraid and ran.”
”Good…” Hunter mumbled. ”I might’ve just killed them if they hurt you.”
He sounded like he meant it.
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shalotttower · 9 months
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⛪ Far Cry 5:
Bound - It's been two months since you ended up in a bunker with Joseph Seed. Yandere!Joseph Seed Headcanons (General) Beneath The Skin - John discovers a soulmate in one of his faithful after her indoctrination. A Heart Deceived - AU where soulmates share the same marking and Jacob doesn't have to brand you any further.
📖 Death Note:
The Unknown Variable (L x Reader) - Special was never your brand. Now the weight of it is simply too heavy. A Natural Benefit (L x Reader) - L wants to try something new, you want to be left alone. So an offer is on the table, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement after all. Equations (L x Reader) - A short snippet of Reader and L moving places. Probably can be counted as imagine. Acclimatization (L x Reader) - Post-captivity, Reader struggles with the aftermath of L.
🔪 Slashers:
Darling, Darling - The way he cradles you to his chest is almost reverent, like you are something precious. Bubba delivers a lesson after you tried to run away. Sweetcheeks (Billy Lenz x Reader) - You've been getting these odd calls for several months now. Pholcus phalangioides (Asa Emory x Reader) - There's a spider in your bathroom, it lives under the mirror cabinet and you a) don't want to kill it, and b) are too scared to touch it, so now you can either keep giving it one side eye after another, or ask your neighbour for help.
✨ Hunter x Hunter:
Permanence - A simple evening at an art gallery turns into a daring decision to slip away from Chrollo's grasp. Fragile Things - Sometimes Chrollo really wishes you were more demanding of him. A Spoonful of Sugar (Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader) - Sweet? Cute? What you really are is deadly. Fractalize (part 1, part 2, Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader) - Lack of hope creates a strange kind of numbness. The Devil Is a Gentleman (Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader) - You wake up in the middle of the night with a headache. Chrollo Lucilfer x Reader Imagine - You died and became a ghost. Now you can’t leave Chrollo, but at least there’s satisfaction in taunting him. A Shoe Made for Walking - A tiny imagine of Chrollo taking you shopping.
🍄 Resident Evil Village:
The Art of Disappearing (Lady Dimitrescu x Reader) - Lady Dimitrescu enjoys wine; you enjoy living. You pray to god those don't overlap.
🎨 Original works:
Cultivating Flowers - Marquis is a man of many interests, including gardening. Specifically, his new roses.
To Make a Home Out of Bones (Ren x Reader) - You were free. Free for real, and you couldn't believe that, staring at the open door. And then, by some twisted scenario, decided to keep him. It's tragic, really.
🍽️ Hannibal:
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