#monster imagine dragons
Marvel AU - Monster (or coward?)
Timeline: During The Battle of New York, but what if Sylvie and Loki invaded New York together?
Characters: Liane Felton, Loki Laufeyson, Sylvie Laufeydottir
Features: Ethan Lensherr, Rochelle Romanoff-Felton and some characters from Liane's past
IB: Monster by Imagine Dragons, Avengers (2012)
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'Ever since I could remember
Everything inside of me
Just wanted to fit in,'
"We need to get out of here, this building isn't stable!"
"Funny, I was about to say that about your mental state!" Ethan joked, holding back debris as Liane ran for safety. The battle of New York was raging as heroes ran left and right trying to get STARK staff members away from the tower in a hurry.
"You're cute. Come on, I don't wanna drag you out from underneath rubble."
"Go, I'll hold it off until everyone's safe."
Liane nodded and ran towards the exit but as she ran through what she thought was the door to outside she found herself inside a box that seemed to be made of pure gold. When she turned around the door was gone and she was entirely surrounded by walls of gold, from floor to ceiling. Liane growled, her fists balled as her anger rose.
'If I told you what I was
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous
Would you be scared?'
"Dammit Loki or whatever, let me out!"
A dry chuckle echoed through the hollow space, clearly enjoying this.
"My my, Miss Felton. You forget yourself. That's hardly the way a polite young lady would address her father..."
Liane turned to follow the sound and saw her father before her, standing in her family home with her, her surroundings now resembling her family's dining hall. She knew it was magic but she could hear the ticking grandfather clock on the floor, she could feel the heat from the roaring fire, she could smell the sharp scent of the lillies on the dining table and the hairs on her neck stood straight up as she heard the unmistakable voice.
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"Come on little lady, say you're sorry and give me a smile."
"I won't fall for your tricks! That's not my father!"
"How dare you, you insolent girl!" Her father snarled, leaning in to hit her, booze on his breath.
"I'm not scared of you, your stupid magic can't hurt me, you're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to hurt me, Dumb and Dumber."
'I get the feeling just because
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
That this problem lies in me.'
The image of her father melted away and suddenly she was in her childhood bedroom and the scent of nail polish hung in the air as someone approached her, someone looming over her by miles. Then she saw his eyes and his wicked grin and felt her heart race. It was Quentin. She felt so much younger in his gaze, so much smaller and so naive. It stung her eyes seeing him like that before her, as if she'd never even left.
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"Little Sister...myself and the boys want to play a little game and we need a damsel in distress."
"You're a liar, you always were!"
"What? We simply want to rescue the pretty princess but you will have to get in the boat and let us tie you up. But don't worry! We'll rescue you. Eventually."
"Rot in hell, Quentin!"
"Have it your way..."
Liane's eyes stung with tears as her eyes changed colour.
"Stop it, stop it Quent!"
"Awwww baby's crying! Look at the baby crying!"
'Can I clear my conscience
If I'm different from the rest
Do I have to run and hide?'
The illusions faded as she was transported back into the box.
"Now there's the Felton I was told about..."
"You could do so much if you weren't so pathetic and predictable all the time..."
"Who ever heard of a hero that can burn you alive?"
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"You can both shut up! I changed! But you...you never will."
"Shame. We were really getting somewhere for a minute there. Shall we?"
"Go on then."
The room melted away all over again and now Liane saw a place she'd tried to forget. A room she wished she'd never entered. Seeing a face she never wanted to see again. And hearing that voice that haunted her days and nights ever since she put him away.
'I never said that I want this
This burden came to me
And it's made it's home inside,'
"Guten tag, frauline...."
"Awww no pet name this time? Aw you are shaking like a leaf. Would you like my coat?"
"You stay away from me!"
"But why? You knew this was happening, und you never said no to it before. You befriended those girls, you bought them the drinks, you made them your friends all happy, and you let me take them away..."
"I was drunk! You always made sure of that, you filthy monster!"
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"Nein! Nein, I am not the only monster here. You were, how you say, complicit in the crimes? You could have said no. You could have said you wanted no part in my plans. But you were just so desperate to be loved and adored that you turned a blind eye! All those innocent, naive girls! The blood of those girls is ON YOUR HANDS ALONE! You, are the true monster, Frauline."
'A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger.'
Every wall started to reflect just Liane's reflection back at her but each one was different. Her childhood, her teens, her eyes bright purple in all of them, each reflection whispering the same word over and over again as the word started to ring in her head like a death toll.
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"ENOUGH!" Liane screamed as the room was consumed by flames, the reflections all melting and the illusions shifting in a jarring fashion from Edmund Zola, to Quentin, to Milton and then back to Loki, who was grinning from ear to ear.
"We finally broke her...told you it was easy."
"You were right, turns out if one's heart is so blackened and bruised, then it won't be tricky to turn it darker."
"I'm not a monster!"
"Oh really? Monsters are born from anger, pain and hatred. Monsters act without thought. Monsters are ruthless. And what does that make you? A monster? Or a coward?"
"I'll take coward over monster any day, and for the record I was tricked!"
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The two Lokis laughed, holding their stomachs as tears rolled down their cheeks as if Liane had just told the funniest joke.
"Were you now? So you lashing out at your father, was because of a trick?"
"You hurting your brothers, that was the fault of a trick?"
"You turning on Edmund and testifying against him, all because you were tricked? No my dear sweet monster, you knew exactly what you were doing. That rage, your fire, you deliberately took that rage and damaged them.
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"Scarring your father's face, burning your brother's hair, and don't forget that scar running down Eddie's chest, right over his heart. That was all you. That was the monster. And it's getting stronger. But the longer you hide it with this...hero act? It'll get murderous. It will hurt people you care about. That boy you like? Your precious cousin? Your new friends who just started to trust you? They'll all be ashes on the ground. And you'll be painted as a villain. Just like us."
Loki and Sylvie approached, as Liane looked up at them, tears in her eyes as Loki grabbed her chin harshly.
"Shhhh it's alright little Mutant, it's very simple. Either wait until your actions destroy everyone you love, or give in to us and follow the future rulers of Asgard."
"We could make your our little princess. Put a pretty crown on your golden curls. Keep you in a lovely little box where you won't hurt anyone back on Asgard. And all you'll have to do is just prance about and play dress up, ride on your very own pegasus, we'll make you your own boyfriend or girlfriend to play with, all day long. Or....you and your precious little team die. Either by your hands, or ours. Your choice, Princess."
Liane looked around her and saw her team through the confines of the box she was trapped in. All of them fighting tooth and nail to take out aliens and get the people to safety. All things she would have scoffed at a year ago. She saw Ethan, doing everything he can to help the citizens get away. Rochelle, fighting aliens left and right even as she's injured. Her team doing whatever it takes to save the world. They were better off without her.
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'I'm only a man with a candle to guide me
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me,'
Liane hung her head and looked up at the Lokis, resigned to her fate.
"Do what you like. But don't hurt my friends. Lock me up, tease me, play with me, whatever. But you don't touch them. Please." There was shame in her eyes but Liane had decided she was better off a coward than a monster. Loki nodded his approval.
"Glad you came to your senses, Little Princess. They didn't need you anyway. Sylvie?"
Sylvie wrapped chains around Liane's neck and wrists, leading her to a portal as a voice rang out, beyond the box, from the outside. Liane was barely paying attention when it hit her ears. And a smile spread on her face as it repeated. And she could see outside the box his big green eyes, his dark hair and the concern and worry in his face as he shouted across the battlefield. Ethan was calling to her.
"Silly boy, come on pet, we've built a cage just for you."
"I beg your pardon?"
"I said, shame. Cause your pet just remembered what freedom tastes like!"
The entire box was set ablaze as Lianes eyes glowed, her chains sizzling to dust as she approached the two Mischief deities.
"Turns out I can be both. I can be the daughter of a sleazy businessman and a hero. The sister of a disgusting politician and an Avenger. The ex fiancée of the leader of HYDRA, and the girl about to kick. Your sorry. Asses!"
The box crumbled away to nothing as Liane approached the two co-conspirators with fury in her eyes, her fists aflame.
"You'd better keep fighting cause I'm gonna make damn sure you go back where you came from AND YOU NEVER COME BACK!" Liane roared as airborne fire seemed to burst from her lungs and out of her mouth, sitting the pair ablaze as they disappeared in a poof of magic.
As she managed to find her bearings a hand reached and squeezed hers tightly. It was Rochelle's, and her bright blue cousin was smiling.
"Let's end this fight."
And the two fighting Feltons rushed back into the fray, a new sense of courage now fostered in Liane's bruised and blackened heart, slowly starting to rise to reflect on her face. Maybe the past wouldn't define her forever. And just maybe, she would get through this and move on. But not today. That battle was for another time, in another place. Probably in a doctors office somewhere. Monster, coward, hero was starting to sound pretty good from where Liane was standing.
Hope you enjoyed!
Tagging: @gcthvile @jackiequick @blueboirick @meiramel @cherrysft @askstevella @ask-missparker @ask-starrk @therealdaydreamstark @thechoooooosenone @wizzzardofoz @finlayholmes @ethan-lensherr @marvelsfavoriteuncle @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @missstrawbs2001
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Mundane Terry’s Theme Song (for @avaveevo)
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bunnis-monsters · 1 month
Yandere!Dragon Hybrid that protects his pregnant mate with violence, ready to tear apart anyone that comes close to where they’re nesting.
He’s keeping you on his bulging cock to keep both of you warm as the snow rages on outside.
Soft purrs leave his throat, his claws running over your swollen belly as his scarlet eyes stare down at you with utter adoration. Cumming inside is the only option for him! You have to be claimed after all!
The decorations in the cave are a bit unsettling, but you get used to the human skulls and bones of unknown origin eventually.
Besides that, it’s quite beautiful, with jewels and gold glittering all around, he’s quite proud when you take notice of his hoard, and adores to ravish you when you’re wearing some of the treasure he’s collected!
Only the finest silk and softest blankets are used to build your nest, along with fabrics he’s cum all over! After all, his scent should soothe you, he’s your mate!
Defending you and keeping you safe are his top priorities. He’ll bring home his kills like a house cat bringing you a mouse, confused on why you cry and scream when he drops a mauled human in front of you.
He worked so hard to protect you, don’t you love him? Aren’t you proud? It hurts his feelings a little… but he once heard from a human that happy wife equals a happy life, so he spoils you to make up for it.
Pampering you comes at a close second on his list of priorities.
Your belly is so swollen with his child that eventually, walking becomes hard! He does everything for you. Hunting, cooking, bathing you, it’s all to show his love and utter devotion to you, his everything.
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Dragon boyfriend who hoards you like his most precious gem. He insists on you wearing only jewlery around him. You dance for him naked as he jerks off, sitting on a throne. He makes you crawl to him, kneeling in front of your monster king. He slowly pushes your head down and you blow him like the eager filthy woman you are. Ravishing every single one of his dick's scales. He cums all over your torso, painting your tits and all the necklaces he made you wear. He gets hard instantly, bending you down and rutting into your pussy until you are crying for mercy, just to fuck you again as he collars your throat, claws extended. His precious little human.
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yandere-writer-momo · 3 months
Yandere Head Canons:
Sacrificial Bride
Yandere Dragon Shifter x Princess Reader
TW: Yandere behavior, manipulation, Somniaphilia (suggested), delusional yandede, complacency, etc.
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Feroc the Ferocious was the kind of dragon who would bring any silly knight to their knees. The kind of dragon that inspired legends and stories to be written in books. The kind of dragon that was larger than any castle human like could ever dream to build. The kind of dragon that could decimate a kingdom with a single breath of his fiery flames if he was angered… the dragon that your own people sacrificed you, the princess, to in order to save themselves from his wrath.
And so they bound you up and threw you before him. Your own father on his knees as he begged the great dragon for mercy in exchange for his own flesh and blood… the kingdom’s most prized beauty in exchange for peace. An offer Feroc quickly accepted before the king could utter another word!
Dragons collected beautiful treasures! Dragons hoarded their treasure in caves and abandoned castles fad from prying eyes… and unbeknownst to you, Feroc found you to be rhetorical most beautiful
For dragons, a sacrificial spouse was an ancient tradition and this was the first time he’d been offered such a perfect bride! How could he refuse you? Especially when your own people begged him so prettily? Would you beg for him just as beautifully one day?
And so you were scooped up in his ginormous talons and carried away in the sky to a lone tower deep in the mountains. Your new home… your home with Feroc.
You could recall how scared of him you used to be. You’d heard from many people of how this giant scaled beast before you was a man eater. Of how he swallowed many knights in his time… yet this dragon seemed so shy from your experience so far. Skittish even.
Feroc often brought you various jewelry and fine silks from his daily raids. There wasn’t a day that went by that he didn’t bring you a gift of some kind. His molten eagerly studied your form despite his persistent silence. Feroc’s company disturbed you as much as it comforted you.
It took a month for him to speak to you. His accent was heavy from the olden tongue he spoke but he knew the same language you spoke. His voice was booming and low, it could easily strike terror in others… but for some reason, his voice calmed you. Perhaps loneliness has finally crept its fangs into your heart? You weren’t sure…
Feroc would bring you anything you wanted to eat. Within means, of course. He’d bring you delicacies he’d likely looted off some poor caravan if you said you wanted sweets. There was no extremes he wouldn’t go to for you, which was odd since he was a dragon who’s been around for hundred of years… why did Feroc have such an interest in a human princess?
One day, you had a nightmare of a man standing in the corner of your room. Your scream in the night quickly alerted your guardian who peaked his large eye in your room in worry.
“Princess? What’s wrong?”
“I just had a nightmare… I thought there was a man in my room.” You wiped the sweat from your forehead while Feroc clicked his tongue.
“No man could ever scale his tower. I’m the only one who can enter. I’d never let anyone harm you.” The red and black dragon grumbled, his molten eyes glanced you once over. “Why? Do you… want a human companion?”
“I do get lonely sometimes.” You admitted to Feroc . His eyes now filled with hurt. “I do enjoy your company but… I miss being able to touch another human.”
Feroc didn’t understand your sentiment. He was a might dragon! The strongest of his kind! Feroc has proven himself to be the best of mates to you and yet you were still displeased? Was it because he was a dragon? Would you be happier if he showed you his other form?
“I’ll figure something out then… get some sleep.”
Feroc now snuck in your bedroom when you slept. He ghosted his clawed fingers over your oblivious form in wonder. His clawed fingers were too sharp, he’d have to dull them more… he didn’t want to cut up his pretty princess!
Feroc’s gentle touches progressed when he noticed how heavy of a sleeper you were. His desire to see what made you human drove him to insatiable heights. No area was left unexplored with his eyes. He needed to be perfect. Feroc had to be compatible with you. You and him were going to have young one day, after all! Feroc didn’t want to harm you in the process!
Feroc was able to mold his body into a perfect man. Once that was the perfect size for you, yet still immense so you’d know it was him. Feroc now stood at a massive seven feet tall rather than the hundred feet of his dragon form.
Yet there was a constant fear within him that you’d die of old age or of natural causes… Feroc knew humans were fragile creatures so he did what he had to. Feroc shared half of his heart with you while you slept. It was a simple spell and a painless procedure for you. One that would benefit the both do you in the long run!
If one of you died, the other would! You’d never age! You now shared a lifespan with him. Feroc couldn’t wait to tell you once the two of you made everything official!
It took another month for him to reveal this perfect form to you. Feroc had to let the excitement die down from sharing his heart with you so you didn’t freak out! Humans were such finicky creatures, after all! And he’d be an awful mate if he frightened you with a subject you had no knowledge on…
All you needed was to see this devilishly beautiful form of his and you’d be bewitched.
“Look at us… we’re so beautiful together.” Feroc whispered into the skin of your shoulder as he admired your reflection beside him. “I think I’ll find you more gold to decorate you with, my treasure.”
“Feroc, I don’t understand.” You jump when Feroc dragged his forked tongue across your exposed shoulder.
“You accepted all of my gifts and you’re the only one who suits me.” Feroc hissed his obsidian eyes flashed a bright gold. “Wouldn’t you rather be by my side than in my stomach?”
You gulped and obediently rested your head on his chest which made him purr in contentment. His muscular arms wrapped around yours as his wavy black hair tickled your skin.
“I’m joking, I’d never eat you.” Feroc smiled before he pressed a soft kiss to your cheek. “You’re my bride, after all.”
You didn’t need to know about how many knights he’s killed over the last few months for you. Feroc would take care of you until the day the both of you died. Every heinous act he’s ever committed over these last few months were all for his beautiful, blushing bride.
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monster royalty....hmmm.
Dragon who is a King/Queen uses not only their immense physical power but their political and monetary sway to pursue the human they desire.
Vampire count/countess throwing elaborate balls and parties just to catch a glimpse of their love then get's jealous when they're dancing with another.
Werewolf knight devoted to a human royal, a literal guard dog. they save the king in battle during a war and are gifted land and a title and now they can pursue their human romantically and keep them safe at their side where they belong.
Elf prince/ princess who is exiled for their use of black magic and comes back to burn their former homeland to the ground, and of course, steal away their beloved before they have a chance to be married off to someone else.
hmmm much to think about.
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shitpostingkats · 5 months
I wanna live in the yugioh world solely so I can watch the defucntland episode about Maximillion Pegasus.
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deunmiu-dessie · 3 months
royalty!reader who's on the run from their tyrannical uncle who is hell-bent on taking the throne for himself. royalty!reader who's the sole surviving royal descendant. royalty!reader who finds themselves without shelter as the unforgiving winter of the north looms closer. royalty!reader who's stranded in a big, dark cavern, struggling to stay warm. royalty!reader who delves deeper into the cave, unknowingly awakening a sinister creature lurking in the shadows. dragon!lover who's large in all aspects. dragon!lover who can't help but tease the royal by threatening to eat them. dragon!lover who sleeps atop mountains of gold. dragon!lover who always runs hot. dragon!lover who blows smoke into your face constantly. dragon!lover whose voice literally rattles your bones. dragon!lover who begrudgingly allows you to stay in the cave. dragon!lover who figures, he'll put your body to good use during the winter as payment. ˙ᵕ˙
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"you do not scare me, dragon."
with a quivering exhale, you feel the dragon's firm touch from behind, his warm lips caressing the sensitive skin of your neck. despite the cold draft in the spacious den, caspian burns with the intense, thick, molten fire that swells within his chest.
the aroma of smoke and the biting winter blizzard that howls just a few steps away permeate his scaly skin, a tantalizing combination that sets you aflame, igniting a fiery surge of warmth in the depths of your belly; leaving you intoxicated and dizzy under his searing touch. your nerves tighten like a coiled spring as his lips tantalizingly brush against the tender curve of your ear. "you should be scared."
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arcadechan · 6 months
You know what would be amazing in your style? Vampire sucking the blood of her maiden 👀💕
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ohhhh, when she gives you her neck for the first time...
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ryllen · 6 months
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eepy 🐲
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ryumimi & half dragon sebek AU
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Monster Mayhem: Donkeys & Dragons
Gender Neutral Reader x Malleus Draconia Word Count: 3.0k
Summary: In which your friends are idiots who think gallivanting around a haunted castle surrounded by lava is a great idea. And then there's a dragon.
ie. Or, I watched Shrek this afternoon and could not stop thinking about the memes of the Prefect being Donkey and Malleus as the Dragon.
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‘Treasure beyond your wildest dreams!’ Ace said.
‘Knowledge long since lost to time!’ Deuce corrected.
‘Yeah, okay, but what is it,’ you asked.
And neither of them had an answer.
Abandoned castles suspended over a sea of bubbling lava were not your preferred holiday destination. You’d told Ace this several times. You’d begged, pleaded, to please just be normal for once. But noooo. Both the snarky, ginger, bastard and the other half of his singular brain cell had apparently decided that suicide ala boiling rocks sounded like a perfectly lovely plan for your Saturday evening.
“I’m just saying,” you huffed as the rope bridge swung worryingly beneath your feet, “taverns are a thing. Faires. Market runs. Casual side quests that won’t wind up with us being flambeed alive.”
“But there’s treasure!” Ace complained, the muddled light off the lava below illuminating his pout in a way that made it look especially punchable. “I heard there’s this really awesome magical sword! Or maybe it was a shield or something—”
“Or something,” you grit out. “What if it’s a book, huh? You can’t even read.”
“We can try!” Deuce returned, a spark of that familiar determination zipping through his blue eyes.
“Or we can sell it,” Ace said, which was certainly the more likely option of the two.
One of the rickety, wooden, slats cracked beneath the low heel of your boot and tumbled down into the lava below. Maybe it hit the gurgling pool of death with a hiss, or a whump, or some other cool sound. But all you could hear was the ringing in your ears.
“Oh my god. I’m going to die.”
“I mean, maybe,” Ace shrugged. “But at least you’ll have a cool new sword propped up at your grave or something.”
You managed to make it all the way to the other side of the horrible death bridge without plummeting to your doom. Except now you were standing at the foot an equally horrifying castle. It was massive—grand on a scale that seemed entirely impossible for something constructed in the heart of a volcano. Its dozens of ebony spires clawed at the sky. The walls crawled with grey ivy and thickets of thorns so dense that you couldn’t see even the barest hint of brick beneath. It looked evil in the way that cursed tombs felt evil—eternal, and still, and oppressive. Like a creature in its own right rather than just an agglomeration of black stone.
Ace drew his sword and Deuce readied his axe. You sighed and plucked at the strings of your stupid fucking lute, and wished once more that you’d had the foresight all those moons ago to take the cushy internship position Lord Crewel had tried to offer you. But, no. You’d wanted to be an adventurer.
The massive double doors of the entrance swung open with an eerie groan. A pair of stern looking gargoyles stood guard as the three of you cautiously made your way into the castle. You swore you could feel their eyes following you—that you’d seen them flex jagged claws into their stone perches in an aborted attempt to dive after you.
The inside of the looming fortress was no more welcoming than out. Dark, emerald, stained glass windows lined the walls—smothering any of the warmer light from the volcano and tinting the entire hall a sickly green-grey. The stone floors and walls were elaborately carved with the faded stories of dynasties long since passed, but what had once surely been immaculate craftsmanship had shifted and cracked with age—crushing floors into tight slopes and littering already narrow walkways with heavy debris.
“We just have to find the tallest tower,” Ace hummed, swiping at a few dangling trails of thorns with the blunted edge of his blade. “And then the highest room in that.”
“The treasure is never in the highest room in the tallest tower,” you complained. “You just heard that in a drinking song once.”
“Is that true?” Deuce frowned, looking terribly betrayed.
“No way!” Ace snipped. “I told you! An old crone read my fortune in her bone dice, and she said to always check the highest room in the tallest tower! Because that’s where I’d find my greatest treasure!”
“Maybe the greatest treasure is the friends we’ve made along the way?” Deuce suggested helpfully.
So you split off from a grouchy Ace and dejected Deuce to try and find some stairs. Every room in this stupid castle was swimming in so many shadows that you could hardly tell right from left, let alone if there were any kinds of secret doors or passageways that may lead to an equally secret tower. The chamber you’d found yourself in now was gigantic, and each tentative step you took echoed discordantly through the ashy gloom. You kicked miserably at a loose rock and it skittered off into the darkness with a dull thunk. And then something… odd, began to happen. That darkness began to move—to rise and unfurl like a great set of wings on a beast. And—oh. Oh no.
“Would you look at that,” Ace whistled under his breath, neck craned all the way back as he squinted at what was most definitely the tallest of all the towers this creepy castle had to offer. “Guess what, nonbelievers. I found the—”
Whoosh went the great swathe of emerald fire as it exploded down the barren hallway and nipped at your heels. You dove out into the open courtyard just in time to avoid being roasted alive, and the gargantuan monster behind you let out a roar fit to shake the earth. A quick tuck-and-roll left you crouched behind a fallen pillar, and the dragon’s bright, green, glower turned on you and your garbage hiding spot with a rumbling snarl. Its rows of sharp, white, teeth closing just above your head—missing its mark by barely a hair’s width.
“Gotcha!” Deuce snarled, his armored fists dragging the dragon away by its tail. Or, well, tried to. Because the dragon was a hundred feet long at least, and your blue haired friend probably looked like nothing more than a pesky rat darting between its feet. It turned and snapped at him irritably, taking a great, big, step forward in a bid to get a firmer stance to attack. You threw yourself in the other direction to avoid being trampled.
“Go!” Ace called, charging in from the other side. “Quick!”
Because at the end of the day, they were still both your brave, tanky, warrior, friends. And you were just a very, very, squishy bard who really would not fare well against a particularly motivated goose, let alone a dragon. So you skidded through the rubble and onto your feet, and started to sprint back into the castle’s halls—hoping maybe you’d be able to find a bit more cover.
There was a great clatter, and both Ace and Deuce yelped. You looked back hurriedly to see the pair of them clutching onto the dragon’s tail for dear life as it whipped them back and forth through the ash and debris cluttering the ground. With one, final, great, sweep, the dragon pitched them into the air and sent them careening through the roof of that ‘tallest tower.’ You muttered a hasty incantation and the sparkling outlines of soft feathers danced along your fingers. You hoped you weren’t too far. You were probably too goddamn far. But you hummed frantically under your breath nonetheless and entreated your middling magic to give them a soft landing.
And then there was another wave of green hellfire raining down over your head and you turned and ran.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—
Even if you’d been a champion sprinter, there was little good it would have done you against a beast whose stride was longer than you were tall. You made it back into some hall or other, and into another cavernous room, and then you were pinned into a corner—the dragon looming over you like a vengeful wraith come to take its due.
It was gigantic. Probably the biggest creature you’d ever seen. And it was sleek—all lithe muscle and glossy rows of black scales that glittered oddly in the dull, grey, light. Its wings spread wide behind it, spanning the entirety of the vast chamber. They looked like the sort of wings that could stir up a hurricane. The curling horns atop its head seemed sharp enough to gore a man or twenty, and the purple crests lining its skull were tapered down flat in a way that reminded you a bit deliriously of a pissy cat pinning its ears back before it swatted at you.
Its lips curled back over pointed canines as it snarled at you, and you were showered in a swathe of hot sparks.
“Oh, what large teeth you have,” you squeaked, and when the dragon dipped closer to bellow into your face, your reeled back with a splutter. “I—I mean white, sparkling, teeth!” you rattled, nearly incoherent. The dragon’s snout twitched away, almost like you’d startled it. “I mean, I’m sure you hear this all the time from your food, but—wow! Just! Very lovely! Definitely the prettiest smile I’ll ever be eaten by!”
Slowly it lowered its great head, and you could see the neon glare from its narrowed eyes.
“Not that you have to eat me,” you added hurriedly, hoping to whatever Gods could hear you that your smart mouth could finally be useful for more than just talking circles around assholes in bars or weaseling your friends out of shitty contracts. “I’d very much like not to be eaten. But all the same, we did intrude in your home—and it’s definitely a very nice home—so I’d totally get it. And I guess if I did have to die today, knowing that my life would be in the hands of something so magnificent is certainly reassuring.”
The dragon seemed to preen a bit at that. You could see the sharp crests beneath its horns soften as tension bled from the beast’s posture. It ducked in close again, and this time you felt a sharp pull of air rush past your cheeks as it sniffed you. Its nostrils were the size your head—bigger even, maybe. You didn’t want to think about it, but the dry heat of its breath puffing into your face made the entire thing a bit hard to ignore.  
“Did I mention what a charming home you have?” you rambled on. “Very aesthetic. The gargoyles at the gate were a lovely touch.”
The dragon made a low, warbling, noise in its throat that wasn’t quite a growl, but wasn’t particularly… reassuring, either. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
It ducked away—not far, just enough to reach one of the large, carved, walls at the outskirts of the room. Its long neck slithered out before pausing pointedly over an archway. It took you a long moment to realize it was gesturing to something. Another gargoyle from the looks of things—this one almost entirely crumbled away under the strains of time. You could just barely make out the shape of its square jaw and taloned fingers.
You nodded so hard you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
“Yes! I see! Very beautiful! Such fine craftsmanship!”
The dragon cooed at you. Swear on your life and all the money in your back packet. An actual, honest to God, coo. Fuck, maybe you’d managed to charm your way out of imminent dismemberment and death after all.
It ambled closer once again, a curiosity lighting its eyes and warming those neon irises into something that was less poisonous-hell-fire and more mellow-evening-in-the-forest.
Amidst all the rippling waves of ebony scales, your eyes caught on the smallest smear of crimson. Just a touch of red—right along the spikes of its tail. Carefully, cautiously, slower than molasses, you stepped forward with your hands raised. You whispered a handful of familiar words under your breath and your palms glowed fuzzy and blue. Dragons were supposed to be inherently magical, right? So this one would certainly understand that the string of syllables you’d babbled out were good, and helpful, and not at all a provocation. The dragon was looking down at you with lidded eyes, its gaze a bit unfocused. You gulped.
“I’m sorry my friends messed with your tail,” you apologized, gingerly holding your fingers out to hover over the abrasions without actually touching. “They were just trying to protect me. If—if that makes it any better.” The minuscule wound began to knit itself back together neatly beneath the pulses of your magic. “I do tend to need a lot of protecting—I’m not much a warrior, if that wasn’t completely obvious by the everything about me—so I can’t really blame them for being a bit gung-ho about it.”
After a moment or two, the scratches had faded back into solid, matte, black and you drew back with a content hum.
“There! All fixed!” You gave your most winning smile. Please don’t eat me, your brain chanted on endless repeat. Please don’t eat me please don’t eat me please don’t eat me—
The dragon reared back and settled on its haunches with another heavy puff of sweltering breath. You could feel the heat of it prickling all the way up your arms. After a long, long, moment of silent consideration, the dragon leaned forward again and rumbled deep in its chest. When you only stood there, properly petrified, it huffed again and bumped its nose against your sternum, nearly toppling you over.
“I don’t—” you started, nervous. “I’m sorry. I don’t really get what you’re trying to say.”
With another sigh that sounded entirely too put upon, the dragon lowered its great head. The air itself seemed to grow heavy against your shoulders, and you could taste the cloying bitterness of strong magics on the back of your tongue. Black miasma oozed from beneath the dragon’s talons and melted along its scales. The caustic scent of ash and petrichor burned along your nostrils, and you had to pinch your eyes shut and cover your nose to keep from coughing. You managed to sneak a peek past your fingers just in time to watch the shadowed outline of the beast collapse. And out of that puddle of black goo emerged a man­. He was tall and lithe, just as the dragon had been, with glowing green eyes that were terribly familiar. They were framed with thick, dark, lashes and sat perfectly on a face that was nearly too handsome to be human (well, it really wasn’t human you supposed, so that little tidbit probably accounted for said inhuman beauty well enough). Recognizable eyes and stature or no, the curling horns atop his head would have sealed the deal plenty well enough on their own.
He shook off the shadows twining around his ankles with a lazy twist of the hand and then turned to you with a curious little hum.
And holy fuck Mister Dragon apparently had no sense of shame, or maybe just no qualms about social niceties and practicalities, because his human self was wearing about just as many clothes as his lizard form had been.
You squeezed your eyes shut with a squeak, and then double covered them with your hands for good measure.
A chuckle rolled through the air—as dark and pleasantly rich as the finest of chocolates. And then there was a clawed finger beneath your chin, tilting your head back, and back, and back until you were at least half-way sure it would probably be safe to open your eyes again without infringing on his decency.
“You are fascinating, Child of Man,” it—he—hummed, low in his throat. His thumb dragged down to hook beneath the curve of your jaw and support the finger tucked up under your chin. “And it’s been so, very, long since I’ve been fascinated by anything.”
“Uh,” you replied, like a perfectly functional human being.
The dragon’s lips curled up over his pointed teeth—still just as sharp and white as they had been when he’d been so much bigger and scalier.
“I think I’d like to keep you,” he said with a nod to himself, as casually as one may talk about picking up extra groceries from the market.
“Uh,” you said again.
“You did mention that you needed protecting,” he continued, tapping a clawed finger against his own chin. The small smile quirking his lips twisted into something smug. “And that is certainly something at which I would excel.”
Your head was swimming.
“I—I mean. I’m honored that you—that… you—” You couldn’t even think the words, let alone get them past your brain and out of your mouth. You cleared your throat and fought to keep your eyes level with his clavicle and nowhere else. “D-Don’t you think you’re moving a bit fast?” you laughed nervously. “I mean, I’m sure my friends will probably be on their way back down soon—and—I mean, we haven’t even introduced ourselves yet. I don’t even know your name.”
He blinked, slow and serpentine.
“Oh. I suppose you wouldn’t.” He canted his head to the side, long strands of that inky black hair of his spilling across his shoulder. An amused sort of grin worked its way along his mouth. “Dragons are not keen to give out our true names so readily, but you seem like a clever one. Tell me—what do you think I’m called then, hmm?”
You glanced up quickly at the horns atop his head and couldn’t help yourself.
He let out a bark of laughter that seemed to shake the walls.
“Oh,” he trilled, looking positively delighted. The hand not curled beneath your chin reached down to snag your own, and he brought your wrist up to his lips. You could feel the imprints of his canines against the soft skin there. “I’ll definitely be keeping you.”
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Super Shlorpian Yumyulack Details
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He has the power of fire-ice and can grow mega
His eyes and mouth turn lavender
He grows horns, giant bat wings and gets claws and monster fangs
He gets a more monstrous voice, like Korvo
His whole body turns black and gets a more muscular build
He only transforms at will but can't control his powers when he's feeling strong emotions
His clothes gets ripped apart into pieces during the transformation
If he uses his powers for too long, he’ll become exhausted and pass out
Only thing that calms him down is when family comforts and soothes him, mostly Korvo
fears that the boy he likes will reject him if he sees him like this
Meat makes him stronger
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bunnis-monsters · 1 month
Monster boyfriend that loves his chubby gf. Adores your fat tummy and pussy, can’t get enough!
He makes you feel so small, lifting you up and settling you on his cock as if you don’t weigh a thing. Rutting into your fat pussy, loving the squelching noises it makes as it gets all slick with arousal…
Your lover doesn’t love you despite your appearance, he loves your body and it makes him FERAL! Everything about you makes him horny.
Your love handles, plump belly, fat ass and thick, meaty thighs make his cock strain against his pants.
He can’t help but slip himself between your thighs, fucking them until they’re sticky with his cum! You’re just so cute, whining and begging him to actually fuck you… don’t worry, he can’t go without that perfect, warm fat pussy for too long! He’s got plenty of cum for your pretty kitty!
And he loves filling you with load after load, wanting to see your belly swell even further with his young <3
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 months
🧡🤍🩷 Lesbian Visibility Week Special 🧡🤍🩷
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Yandere Short Stories:
A Dragon’s Treasure
Yandere Lesbian Dragon x Shy Princess Reader
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The Emerald Calamity. The Green Inferno. The Jade Death. All of these titles belonged to a feared, emerald dragon by the name of Cahira. She was one of the few dragons that lived in the land and yet she didn’t often pillage villages to earn those titles. No. She only decimated kingdoms for their jewels… for her princess.
Cahira’s true interest lied in the happiness of princess (your name), a woman so beautiful that anyone could fall in love with a single glance? Cahira was instantly enthralled with the idea of the princess. How could a dragon resist the tales of such beauty? Cahira simply had to have her… dragons loved treasure after all.
Yet there was a rumor that really caught Cahira’s attention. Supposedly, the princess was in a scandalous relationship with her own maid… yet it ended up with the maid betraying the princess for money. This rumor made Cahira’s heart flutter since she was a sapphic too.
Cahira’s curiosity eventually got the best of her and she flew to (your name)’s kingdom to be sure. And when her golden eyes landed on the meek princess, Cahira was instantly captivated. Cahira had to have the princess! There was no ifs, ands, or buts about Cahira’s decision either. It was her way or death.
It was a year year ago today when Cahira had decided to steal the princess away. Before (your name) could be married off to some foreign royalty. Men couldn’t possibly take care of such a dazzling jewel. They would ruin (your name) because they wouldn’t be able to protect her properly! The princess didn’t deserve to be some concubine when she was queen material! (Your name) was a permanent prize to be attained, so Cahira was far better for her… at least that’s what the dragon told herself.
Cahira had went to the extremes to try to earn her beloved’s favor. Expensive jewels, extravagant meals, and the finest silks were always within her grasp. The finest for the finest, Cahira always insisted. Yet Cahira noticed how the princess would cower in her room. A fact that deeply upset the dragon.
So Cahira went to a witch for a magic necklace that would allow her to transform into a more humanoid form in exchange for a ton of gold. Maybe her beloved would like her more if she was able to touch her better?
And Cahira adored the blush on her princess’s face when she transformed for the first time. It seemed a voluptuous body made (your name) avert her gaze and turn into a tomato… a cute tomato of course! And Cahira couldn’t get enough of teasing her precious princess!
(Your name) was now an irreplaceable treasure that would be forever cherished by her enamored captor! A princess locked up in an inescapable tower in a giant forest far from civilization. A beautifully decorated cage with her gentle dragon! A cushy life perfect for a pampered princess.
A hero would be vacuous to even create a rescue attempt… no matter how much the princess desired freedom, she would never get away. For Cahira had her best interest in mind… and a dragon never loses sight of their treasure.
(Your name) whimpered when Cahira dragged a wet rag down her back while she sat in the large claw tub. Cahira’s voluptuous human form leaned against the edge of the tub, the dragon hummed a low melody to try to ease her beloved’s shyness.
Sharp talons delicately traced shapes on (your name)’s back as Cahira rinsed the suds off the princess’s delicate skin with the green rag. Cahira leaned forward to press a few kisses against the blushing flesh.
“You’re so lovely…” Cahira whispered in (your name)‘s ear, her hot breath made the smaller woman recoil in embarrassment. “You don’t need to hide yourself from me…”
(Your name) still held her arms over her chest, a shiver ran down her spine when Cahira’s golden eyes flicked over her bare body. Despite the two years they’ve been ‘together,’ the princess still wasn’t used to such brazen behavior. (Your name) was simply lucky the bubbles covered up a bit more of her dignity from this lustful beast.
“I’m still a lady…” (your name) squealed when Cahira playfully nipped her neck, a small red marking now on her nape. “Hey!”
“You’re such a prude.” Cahira stood up from the ledge of the tub. The gorgeous woman stretched her olive arms over her horned head and yawned to reveal her sharp fangs. “I’ll let you wash yourself up then. I simply just enjoy indulging my precious princess.”
Cahira then left the bathroom, her hips swayed behind her in a confident manner. Her emerald tail flicked the door shut behind her, finally leaving (your name) to her own devices.
The princess softly sighed and turned her gaze to the full body mirror across from the tub. There was no doubt Cahira pampered her. She was healthy and dressed in the finest silks (ones that were confiscated from traveling merchants).
Cahira often sung (your name)‘s praises during every interaction. The dragon often made every moment feel far too intimate to simply be a relationship between a captor and their victim… a fact which muddled the princess’s thoughts.
Cahira placed hot kisses on (your name)’s body whenever she could and she would loudly proclaim how she adored (your name) with every fiber in her being. She even stated that she’d burn down (your name)’s kingdom to keep the princess at her side forever. A statement the princess truly believed.
(Your name) just didn’t understand what Cahira saw in her… was she really as beautiful as she said?
(Your name) traced a thumb over her lips in thought. A blush enveloped her cheeks when she noticed all the love marks on her skin from Cahira. How naughty…
Cahira hummed while she waited for (your name) to come to bed. Her tail flicked back and forth like a cat, her golden gaze studied the bathroom door in thought. She wondered if her beloved would put on the emerald night slip she had gifted her? Cahira was really excited by the goods she acquired from the latest merchant. It is a shame she didn’t keep him alive, he seemed to have fantastic taste in clothing… oh well! Men are useless anyways.
Cahira perked up when (your name) shyly peaked her head from the doorway. Did her princess wish to remain hidden? How cute!
“C-Cahira, this dress is too… revealing.” (Your name) blushed when Cahira sprung to her feet. The dragon now face to face with the bashful princess.
“Let me see.” Cahira licked her lips when (your name)’s eyes became a bit teary. So cute! Cahira could just eat her…
Cahira pulled (your name)’s hand to try to encourage her to leave the bathroom’s threshold and what a sight to behold… her beloved looked so darling in emerald hues! The same shades of her scales… it was divine.
“You look so beautiful in emerald green.” Cahira pulled (your name) into a tight embrace, which made the princess squeal. “I need to view everything now.”
(Your name) was quickly guided to the bed and thrown onto the plush covers. The princess made an attempt to try to cover her cleavage with her arms, but Cahira easily smacked them away.
“I’m just looking. Don’t be so shy, it tempts me more.” Cahira chuckled at how terrified (your name)’s expression was. “You look so frightened… like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Cahira grasped (your name)’s hands in hers so she could press chaste kisses to her wrists. “I’ve taken on this form for you and I’ve done so much… I just want to admire you.”
(Your name) sniffled when Cahira bent down to press her lips against her teary cheeks. “I want to kiss you… to love you… yet you’re still so frightened of me.”
Cahira sighed before she pulled away to sit on the end of the bed. “I know it will take time, but you’re much safer here. You don’t have to marry some old, demented man or some promiscuous prince. You’d be my one and only.”
Cahira ran a hand through her curly, emerald hair with a sigh. Though her face wasn’t visible, there was no doubt that she had a hurt expression on her beautiful face. “I really like you… no. I love you.”
(Your name) sat up and frowned. Cahira wasn’t necessarily wrong about her statement. Despite being a princess, she had no interest in princes or kings of foreign lands. To be frank, she had planned to runaway with her maid before she found out her maid had deceived her…
Being vulnerable now made (your name) afraid… yet Cahira had never given her a reason to doubt her devotion. Even in grotesque displays, Cahira eliminated every knight and hero that tried to save her just to show (your name), that Cahira would never let anyone take her away… it made (your name)’s heart flutter and made her head spin in confusion.
The princess had never felt wanted like this before. She’s never been pampered and kissed on… Cahira’s affection was all consuming like the poisonous breath she breathed.
Cahira made loving (your name) seem as easy as it was to breathe. Perhaps she should cut Cahira some slack?
Cahira was shocked when she felt soft arms wrap around her body. Cahira’s golden eyes widened in shock when (your name) buried her face into the crock of Cahira’s neck. Her breath hitched at the heart warming sight.
“(Your name)? What are you-“ Cahira blushed when (your name) shyly pressed a kiss on her left cheek. The princess shyly glanced away.
“I… I like you too-“ (your name) was tackled into a hug as Cahira pressed her lips over and over the entirety of (your name)’s face.
“Love you. Love you. Love you.” Cahira replied between each affectionate peck. “We could get married? I could kidnap some human officiant. Or maybe an elven one if you don’t want human! Then I’ll eat him-“
(Your name) pushed her palms up and squished Cahira’s cheeks together in a way that made Cahira kind of look like a fish. A pout now on (your name)’s face.
“You really need to stop eating people.”
“I do it to protect my precious treasure.” Cahira gave her a grin. “I’d eliminate the entire human race for you if you asked that of me. Whatever you desire, I will obtain it for you, my precious princess.”
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werecreature-addicted · 8 months
Brain rotting under anon bc I'm a coward but dragon boyfriend who comes back to his hoard to go cuddle with his mate only to see them barely even half dressed, covered in gold and jewelry and just dancing around. Of course, you're the most precious thing there, but something abt the way the gold and rubies are sparkling off your neck, and the way the gold chains hanging off your hips and wrists is doing something to him man.
You, unaware of this new development ofc, turn and see your beloved partner back from god knows where, staring at you like you're a snack...🤭
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Dagon husband who leaves your side to go hunting. He hates being apart from you, but a dragon has to eat and his den is safe for you. He misses you the entire time he's gone but he eases his weary mind by imagining how happy you'll be when he gets home. You always praise him for being such a good hunter and being so strong. It made his bestial heart sing when you praised him.
when he does come back to the den he expects to find you curled up in bed, covered in the soft things you liked so much. Instead, you're in front of a gilded mirror, looking at yourself. and what a sight it is indeed. you're wearing nothing but gold jewelry. a necklace that drips down over your shoulder and chest, a gold belt inlaid with rubies, and dozens of gold bracelets that clink when you sway back and forth. You're in the process of picking between two gold crowns when you spot him in the mirror.
"what are you doing?" he asks, his voice low and thick with lust. his eyes trained on your body and the way the gold glimmers in the low fire light. You are the only other soul in the world allowed to touch his hoard beside him, but right at this moment, you look less like his mate and more like a part of that hoard, gods above it drives him crazy.
He doesn't even give you a chance to answer his question before he's on top of you, sliding his scaly cock against your entrance and growling a low possessive snarl. He hooks your ankles around his shoulder and only then does he realize that you're also wearing a gold anklet around your foot. It jingles as he thrusts into you.
"I'm going to breed you, gonna fill you with my brood," he groans as he pushes himself deeper and faster inside of you until he's spilling his hot cum into you.
"Such a pretty human," he praises, running his forked tongue over your body, tasting your sweat, and the precious metal on your skin.
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babaiii · 4 months
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what does he mean by this !?
anyways. do you ever think about how many animals sanji skins and guts? i think it’s an interesting contrast to him being careful around tiny creatures. i do think his mentality of never wasting food helps with say respect to the animals they eat, but still i wonder how he’d feel about it after he’s confronted with ‘turning heartless’ moment. oh to be killed by my rival who i know is soft hearted and respectful and strong enough to not make me suffer —
also here’s butcher sanji yay
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