#monster love stories
netherworldpost · 1 year
I Wanted to Make Cookies
The mermaid thought to herself: 'This is why there is sunlight. To see this face, the shape of this body. This is why there are flowers, to make you smile.'
"What are you staring at?" the dryad teased as she took the cookies from the oven.
Flour puffed her hair, painted her small horns. Her eyes are the summer of spring's gayest prim promise, the softness of her pale green flesh adorned with ribbons of tiny wrinkles, laugh lines.
The mermaid sat at the counter, head propped up by her hands, her tail swishing idly in the pale blue bubble of water serving as her chair.
And she thought to herself: 'Your lips seal the greatest gift and to kiss them is to know the taste of love itself.'
"What?!" the dryad asked indignant with amusement now. "I wanted to make cookies! I'll be late out the door, but I'll have cookies to bring with me," she added, slyly, a thief, a librarian ordering an extra copy of a new release so you'll be first in line to get it.
A conspirator, highest level. A partner in every crime. Yours. With you, always, against the world.
The dryad set the cookies down on the counter, turned around to face her wife, just in time for the mermaid to leap across the counter and kiss her.
The couple tumbled to the ground, laughing.
The mermaid kissed her wife again
and again
and again
and nuzzled her face into her wife's neck
and kissed her wife's neck
and again
and again
kissed her wife's lips
and again.
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clhellisen · 2 years
Prompt word - Deceit
Decided to use todays nanonano prompt to work on the book I'm revising, fleshing out a scene a little. LOL, ‘fleshing’.
‘I’ll teach the imago control.’
Aleks started. He’d been aware Ilea had woken, but hadn’t expected them to speak. Had half-forgotten they were even there. He could think only about the chasm waiting for him, the fall into a fiery pit as soon as the last of the silver pins were destroyed.
‘In a matter of hours?’ Lani raised an eyebrow. ‘I’d like to see you try, monster.’
‘You underestimate him.’ Ilea stood to face their enemy.
‘I know him as well as you do,’ Lani said. ‘Better, perhaps, because I was never a thing he thought he owned. And I’m human. You’re a thing from hell.’
‘Humans and monsters are not so different,’ Ilea said. ‘Once you skin them and tear out their hearts. I will train him.’
‘Hi, still here, in the room, existing,’ Aleks said.
Lani ignored him. ‘You do that,’ she said. ‘Those silver pins will be gone by morning, and by that stage…’ She shrugged. ‘What’s left of your husband won’t be very pretty. Or very comfortable, I imagine.’
‘You don’t understand how he works.’
Lani smiled thinly. ‘And you think you do. There are reasons the Kerchevals did this to him, and whatever deceit or trickery they used to contain,’ she waved one hand at him, ‘whatever’s going on here, it’s no longer holding.’
Ilea stared, silent.
‘Once those pins go, you may not like what is released.’
In the face of Ilea’s continued silence, Lani seemed to deflate almost imperceptibly, her perfect mask firmly in place. She flicked her head, as though dismissing Ilea. ‘Be as brutal as you like, monster. I don’t particularly care how messy it gets in here.’
He might as well not exist, Aleks thought. Both talking as though he was a lump of clay they could reshape into whatever they thought would make a useful container. At least Ilea had the grace to feel…guilty, he supposed. Guilt and a vicious edge of anticipation. Fuck.
His life was rapidly going further down the shitter.
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monstersflashlight · 5 days
Commission for @lynnistired Hope you like it! <3
Request: Were-rabbit x human I'm in love with your were-rabbit stuff and I want you to have full creative freedom!
Date a were-rabbit they said...
Were-rabbit x fem!human || rut, oral sex, lowkey CNC, dirty talk, praise kink
When you started dating your were-rabbit boyfriend everything was peachy. He was the cutest and most adorable guy you’ve ever met. His fur was extra soft, and his long fluffy ears fluttered adorably every time he got flustered. You fell for him fast. And he fell for you hard. You two were in love, and everything was wonderful.
The first time you two fucked you were surprised by his stamina, he made you cum three times before he got to his own release. You were on cloud nine about it. He was a gentle lover and it was overall a fun experience. But little by little he started showing more of himself, more of his never-ending stamina, more of his dominant tendencies. A part of you was awoken.
You didn’t know that about yourself. You didn’t know you liked to be called a good girl until he said it and you came. You didn’t know you had a thing for dominant guys until your adorably were-rabbit boyfriend turned into a sex crazed dom. And good Goddess if it didn’t make you hot for him. At first it was a bit of praise kink, a bit of spanking and a lot of ordering around. You ate that up. He made you feel naughty and desired and so fucking aroused you lost your mind to it.
But even then, even after having crazy sex, dominant sex, kinky sex… Nothing prepared you for the first time he had a rut.
You arrive home early, Wednesday are slow days. He’s nowhere to be seen, but you guess he’s still at work. You send him a quick text telling him to get some supplies from the store. He answers telling you he can’t, he has a problem and would be home soon. You start texting him frantically, worried sick about him. He says nothing, just sends some cryptic emojis and leaves it at that.
“Honey, I’m here. You need to run,” his voice is frantic and has an edge to it that you can’t identify. He looks you up and down and his ears stand up, twitching at every breath you take. Your heart starts beating fast.
“What do you mean?” You ask, looking at him worriedly.
He breathes deeply and slowly says: “I’m entering my rut and you need to be out of here.” You look at him confused, not really knowing were-rabbits had a rut. You thought that was a thing only werewolves had.
“Wha- why?” You try not to sound too hurt, but you don’t succeed.
“I- I don’t know if I would be able to control it, I don’t want to hurt you. Please, go. Go stay with your friend, I’ll call you when it’s over.” His voice is pleading and you want to give in, but you love him, you two can get through it together.
“No. I’ll stay,” you tell him, stubborn. You don’t tell him you are a getting turned on by the idea of him not being able to control himself around you. “I can take it. I can take you.”
His eyes are filled with heat and worry. “Are you sure? It’s going to be very intense,” he warns.
You don’t think about it too hard before you are nodding. “Yeah. I’m sure.” He tries to argue but you don’t let him, pulling your shirt and sports bra over your head in a second, exposing your breast. His gaze zeroes on them instantly, his ears twitch some more as your heartbeat speeds.
“Take your clothes off and wait for me on the bed. I need to calm down a bit before I do something I’ll regret.” The danger in his voice makes your pussy tingle. He smells the air and grunts, pointing to the room as he turns around to stop staring at your tits.
You ran all the way there and you aren’t even on the bed when his arms go around your middle and he pulls you against his furry chest. He wastes no time, pinching and rolling your nipples as you try to get your panties down your legs. You are almost done when he pushed you on the bed and jumps over you.
“I love you,” he says, but there’s an edge to it. You whimper, your pussy getting wetter by the second, his rough paws touching your face softly. It lasts just a second before his eyes turn dark and you know there’s nothing adorable about him anymore.
He positions himself over your chest and pulls on your hair, making you arch your neck to the right angle. His erection is right there, hitting you on the cheek as he takes it in his hand. He passes it around your face, marking you with his precum as he tells you how pretty you look under him. You preen at his praise, smiling up at him.
“Open your mouth for me.” You comply immediately, pushing your tongue out and looking up at him with your softest eyes. He growls at you and pushes his dick inside your mouth. As soon as he’s all the way in, you groan and he pulls harder on your hair.
Game’s on.
He fucks your mouth at the speed of light, his hips moving so fast you are lost in the hypnotizing movement as you feel his cock slide in and out of your throat so fast you lost sense of anything around you. He stops every once in a while and lets you breathe, but it’s not nearly enough. “I wish you could see yourself right now, lips wrapped around my shaft, tears rolling down… You look beautiful.” Your brain is fuzzy by the time he cums down your throat. You think he’s going to stop, but he keeps fucking in and out of your open mouth as you choke lightly on him.
His cum tastes bitter in the back of your throat, but you barely register it before he’s coming again. “You look perfect like that. Open for me, dripping wet. Your mouth feels so good,” he praises. You groan around his shaft when he leans back and forces your legs open, slapping your pussy with his whole hand and making your eyes roll back into your skull. “That’s it. So wet for me, so needy. Yes. Good girl.” You groan around his shaft, his words turning you on even more. “I’m going to fuck you so many times you won’t know where my dick ends and your pussy begins. Do you want that?” He doesn’t let you answer, pushing his dick all the way down your throat again. “Of course you do. You are a naughty girl for me.” You groan around his erection, he keeps fucking your mouth restlessly, drool and tears mix on your face as he takes his pleasure out of you, his hand softly massaging your clit. It’s not nearly enough.
He comes down your throat again. “You took a few loads already, such a good girl for me.” He pulls out and you miss him already, your brain fuzzy with arousal. “I’m going to use your tight pussy now, do you want that?” You try to nod, but he grabs your hair again. “I don’t care. I’m going to fuck your wet hole either way and you are going to love it, aren’t you?” You whimper as he chuckles. He never acted so cruelly around you, but god goddess if it’s not doing it for you.
He moves as fast as lightning, pulling you up the bed and positioning his still hard dick over your opening. “Don’t forget to scream my name.” That’s the only warning you get before he’s fucking you faster and harder than a machine. Like the rabbit he is.
He cums so fast you can’t even process it. But he keeps going. That happens so many times you lost count of how many times he comes and you come. It’s like a never ending orgasm for both of you. It’s so good and so intense you start to lose your mind a little bit.
You don’t know how much time passes before your pussy feels overused, oversensitive. You can’t take it no more. “Stop, please, stop. I can’t…” You try to beg, tell him to stop, even use your mouth again if he wants to, but you need a breather. You need him to stop fucking your poor abused pussy. You feel so full with his come and so completely used, the pain and pleasure mix completely at every one of his thrusts.
He looks down at you and wipes away your tears with his thumbs, a tender gesture even though he doesn’t stop. “One more, baby, just one more.” You aren’t sure you can comply, you can’t even move anymore.
“I- I can’t,” you cry, so spent already. He keeps fucking in and out of you, coming every few minutes and filling you with a new load. His cum gushes around his shaft, there’s probably a mess under you, but he doesn’t seem to be thinking of stopping anytime soon.
“Yes, yes you can. You are doing so good for me.” You cry out his name as you come once more and look at him pleadingly to stop.
But he lied.
He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t stop for what feels like days but probably are just a dozen hours. You pass out at times, you cum so much you think you are going to die from it. But he keeps going. Fucking rabbit stamina.
Date a were-rabbit they say. He would be cute they say… But they don’t tell you about the frantic fucking. Or the nerve-rending stamina. Or the rut. Nobody tells you about their rut. And good Goddess you suffer from it… But you’d offer yourself to spend it with him again and again and again…
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lomlompurim · 6 months
respost separated from the og post bc I really liked this silly little thing I made
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And a little extra of my own
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little binghe has a goal in this life and it only gets worse once he mets sqq, no one dares to threaten his position as sqq's future wife, he literally was born to be his spouse!!
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ok, i know it’s not may any more, but could we please have more mer au. ghost preferably, i just want to shake him around in a bag like that one little girl from finding nemo.
hands you a carnival prize plastic bag with a goldfish-sized mer Ghost inside. feed him twice a day. plastic shipwreck not included. he might look lonely but don't let him convince you to put your fingers in the bowl :)
take the first half of this thing too:
36 / 1k / shark mer Ghost tolerating remora mer reader
Ghost doesn’t look back at you as you swim meekly after him. You have to whip your smaller tail twice as fast just to keep up, and you're getting winded already. He makes it look so easy to glide through the water.
"What now?" he mutters.
"Nothing. I didn't say anything."
“You’re thinking it.”
"I was just--" A huge yawn overtakes your reply. You sink in the water for a moment, scrunching your eyes closed, before huffing and darting after him again. "--Just going this way, too."
He knows you've been following behind him since dusk. You should’ve given up some time ago, but you never learn. He slows imperceptibly, just long enough for your catatonic ass to catch up, and then veers to the side so that you--rubbing your eyes with sleep--bump into him. You rest your hand against his tail instinctively and stick to him with the suction pads on your palm.
Satisfied having you in tow, he speeds back up. "You’re not a very good liar, sweetheart."
You mumble under your breath and hand-climb up his back until you're nestled between his shoulder blades instead.
Lazy little thing. Pain in his ass.
Despite grumbling, he does nothing to dislodge you from your spot. You seem to be having a difficult day, and he’s primed to make it worse. You’re the perfect target. When he has the energy--like now, at night--bullying you is his small pleasure of choice.
Then again, he can feel the way you’re pressing up against him, small and clingy and cute as hell. It takes all his willpower not to roll over and stow you against his chest instead.
You remain blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil. You’re more concerned about the emptiness in your stomach.
"You're going hunting, right?" you mumble against his shoulder.
 “Trying to,” he says.
You’ve been tagging along on hunts for days, but you haven’t managed to snag any good scraps in a long while. But maybe tonight, when it’s just you and Ghost. "Mkay."
He keeps waiting for you to get in the way and then pout when he inevitably brushes you off. Instead, you’re silent. It’s bugging him.
Then, scanning the coral, he catches sight of a perfectly tasty-looking snapper. He puts your attitude out of his mind and instead tenses up to begin his hunt. You’re with him, so why worry. Watch and learn.
You peer past his shoulder curiously to see him work. His back muscles tense and shift as his eyes track every one of the fish’s movements. Then he bolts forward faster than the fish can dart away. It whips around in reflexive panic right as he snatches it in one fluid movement.
You watch over his shoulder as he kills it with a practical snap of the spine and begins to disassemble the creature piece by piece, eating the flesh and letting the bones and fins fall to the ocean floor below.
His focus is intense: attention trained on the task, his fingers work as precisely to strip flesh from bone as his jaw works on shredding the pieces of snapper he tears off into his mouth. The muscles in his shoulders ripple beneath your coiled-up body. As always, he moves with efficiency and a certain brutal grace, never wasting a single movement. It's the lethal behavior of a predator, yes, but falling into the repetitive, methodical habit seems to satisfy him.
You unfasten yourself from his back while he's absorbed in his task. The bones and bits of uneaten flesh sinking to seafloor have your interest. You swim after them.
“Don’t go far,” he warns after you. He’s not worried. There’s nowhere you could venture out here that he couldn’t find you within minutes.
You collect the scraps and eat what you can--mostly skin and fins, and they leave you feeling almost as hungry, but you're used to it. Ghost needs the food more than you do, anyway. You glide lazily over the sea floor to comb the sand with your fingers in hopes of finding another snack. Maybe a snail. A crab if you're lucky.
The search leads you to the edge of a long sandbar. It’s about a thousand minnow-lengths at its widest, and there are various shells and bits of debris scattered across the surface. You start to prowl the sandy floor for food, fingers stirring up soft sand into the water.
Ghost’s voice calls out somewhere behind you, but your exhausted brain isn't as reactive as it should be. If you could just find one or two more bites to eat, you think. You tug what looks like a crab carapace out of the sand, but it's just a strawberry-colored plastic bottle. You keep searching. Keep finding nothing of value. You come across a pile of barnacles, shards of coral, small rocks, a stray fishing lure you gnaw on just to be sure...
But no, nothing worth eating.
Your stomach rumbles again. You’re too tired and unfocused. Your movements are slow and clumsy, your senses dulled. You barely hear a sound until a hand comes down on your tail from behind and grabs you.
You jerk and dart away in surprise.
Your movement wrenches a sound from Ghost--a gruff huff of annoyance as he lunges after you. You're fast, but not fast enough. He catches your tail again immediately, dragging you back into his control.
"Idiot," he scolds. "I told you not to go far. If I had been a predator, you'd be dead meat right now."
You relax into his grip instantly. "Oh. Yeah."
He looks at you in that unamused way that says of course I was right. He looks you over with a critical eye. Your eyes are half-open and your muscles are slack. You must be exhausted.
He turns and heads for home with you still in hand. "Right, then."
You see what's happening and wriggle in his grip, hunger gnawing at you again. "Wait, aren't you hunting?"
"No." He's quick and harsh with his response. He doesn't appreciate unnecessary questions. "You're going home. Hunting can wait."
[part 1] / part 2
more mer au / more Ghost / masterlist tag
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I just want a grumpy werewolf to look over to me and immediately start wagging his tail. I would melt if that happened.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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He was just being a silly little guy!
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yandere-writer-momo · 9 months
🦇New Profile Pin🦇
Welcome to my Domain of Debauchery
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Hi, I’m Momo. I am a writer for a fantasy yandere blog. My request blog is only open for original work now, it’s not longer for fandom (once in a blue moon I will dabble).
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What you can request: anything. There are no rules because it’s all original work now. For Baki, my rules are simply no incest or Noncon.
This is a fantasy/ horror/ Yandere blog now so I now have creative freedom without worrying about keeping a character ‘in character.’ They can be as insane as anyone wants.
But I still will be writing Baki fanfics/ head canons. (Love my muscular men +Kozue)
If there is a specific original character you have in your head that you’d like to come to life, just let me know. I’ll do my best to make it 🖤
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Please Buy Me a Coffee? 🖤
Master list:
Original Work:
Insatiable 🌶️
The Sponser
Love Me More
Pinky Promise (Part 1)
Baki Short Stories (Not Yandere):
A Hug (Jack)
Eat (Retsu)
Don’t Push It (Jack)
A Piece of Me (Shiba Chiharu)
Oppai (Katsumi)
Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Mine (Hanayama and Kizaki) 🌶️
Family (Katsumi and Jack)
Him & Him (Katsumi and Retsu) 🌶️
Later (Yujiro)
Pet (Baki) 🌶️
Hold on (Baki)
Extra Eyes (Baki and Hanayama) 🌶️
I’m Here Now (Katsumi)
Promise (Part 1) (Katsumi and Katou)
Promise (Final Part) (Katsumi and Katou)
Katsumi Yandere fluff (Katsumi)
The Edge (Hanayama) 🌶️
Loco (Jun)
Fantasies (Katou)
Training (Katou) 🌶️
All Bark, No Bite (Katou) 🌶️
More (Katsumi)
A Miracle (Katsumi)
Wake Up (Jack)
Awake (Jack and Hanayama)
Three’s A Crowd But Four’s A Party (Pickle)
Belonging (Jack) 🌶️
Fate (Jun)
Baby With My Baby (Katsumi) 🌶️
The Spectator (Hector and Katsumi) 🌶️
Change of Fate (Retsu)
A Game of Cat and Mouse (Hanayama)
Rent-a-girlfriend (Harem)
Courtship (Pickle)
Saccharine Kisses (Matsumoto Kozue)
My Beloved Best Friend (Hector Doyle)
Paparazzi (Hanayama Kaoru)
Covet (Hanayama and Katsumi)
Longing (Part 1) (Katsumi) 🌶️
Longing (Final) (Katsumi) 🌶️
Delusion (Baki)
Destiny (Hanayama)
Genderbend Baki
Bambi, Jackie, and Kaori 🌶️
Head Canon
Suzuna (Sukune)
Bambi 🌶️
Taste (Kaori)
Juliana and Oliva
Sonia and Gaia
Humdah Ali Jr
Violet Kisses (Kasumi and Jackie)
Violet Kisses (2) (Kasumi, Jackie, & Kaori)
Violet Kisses (Final) (Jackie, Kasumi, & Kaori) 🌶️
Monster Baki
Haunted (Retsu) 🌶️
Little Mate (Katsumi) 🌶️
The Dragon’s Bride (Prelude) (Hanayama)
The Dragon’s Bride (Hanayama and Jack)
The Corpse Husband (Katsumi)
Harpy Hanayama
Moth Man Pickle
Merman Pickle
Merman Pickle (Part 2)
Merman Baki
How Deep is Your Love (Jun and Katsumi)
Merman Hanayama
Werewolf Jack
Lamb to the Slaughter (Jack)
Lost and Found (Part 1) (Jun and Oliva)
Wonderland AU:
Down the Rabbit Hole (Harem)
Tea Party (Retsu)
The Red Knight (Hanayama)
Yandere Baki Book:
Heart Shaped Wound (novel)
Baki Kinktober 2023:
Day 1: Hector Doyle 🌶️
Day 2: Shinogi Kureha 🌶️
Day 3: Katsumi Orochi 🌶️
Day 4: Doppo Orochi 🌶️
Day 5: Gaia & Sikorsky 🌶️
Day 6: Jack Hanma 🌶️
Day 7: Baki Hanma 🌶️
Day 8: Kaioh Retsu 🌶️
Day 9: Biscuit Oliva 🌶️
Day 10: Katsumi Orochi (lime)
Day 11: Kiyosumi Katou 🌶️
Day 12: Biscuit Oliva 🌶️
Day 13: Hanayama Kaoru 🌶️
Day 14: Nomi no Sukune the 2nd 🌶️
Day 15: Yujiro Hanma 🌶️
Day 16: Pickle 🌶️
Day 17: Hanayama Kaoru 🌶️
Day 18: Izou Motobe 🌶️
Day 19: Pickle & Jack 🌶️🌶️
Day 20: Jun Guevara
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mossymandibles · 8 months
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Did some more art of Sleipnir while finally watching Lake Mungo.
Also fixed the brightness on those other two so maybe they’re a little easier to see now.
They will stomp you with their fancy little gossamer hooves.
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bananafire11 · 6 months
More godzilla minus one doodles (ft. Legendary)
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bonkalore · 6 months
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Let's be honest: this kind of content is the reason most people have followed me for. Domestic size difference is the good shit tho~ <3
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whereserpentswalk · 15 days
Your girlfriend came back from the dead "wrong", or at least that's what everyone says. She died quickly and slowly, far too young, and for a reason that would not have happened if the world was a better place. You were both going to the same college, she was majoring in film studies while you were majoring in necromancy, you lived in the same apartment together for so long. When you chose to bring her back you had to deal with faeries, and gods few people dare to pray to, but you got her back. Not because you deserved to have her but because she deserved to live.
She isn't what she used to be. Her face looks plasticish and embalmed, and because you didn't have that much skin to work with she's permanently sown into her clothing, that fancy outfit that was always her favorite. You didn't know it at the time but the spell gave her sharp teeth, and black eyes, and a desire for raw meat. It's not the body you would have given her if you had better ways of working. But your happy she's here. Your happy she's alive.
She's considered to have been revived wrong. You don't see it that way, the spells worked as well as they did. She's considered low functioning undead, creatures that are almost always thought of as entirely inhuman. She's considered a failure because she's not able to function like a human would, she doesn't move like a human, can't go out during daylight, acts erratically, is afraid a lot of the time. She's considered a failure because she can't work or go to school like she used to, even though she's alive that's not enough for most people. People are afraid she'll start going out at night and start attacking people on your block, she won't, even she's afraid of that but she doesn't need you to control her, she just has some very scary thoughts and abilities.
People sometimes say she's your experiment, or your pet, or like your daughter. She's not, she's still your girlfriend, you still love her and want to be with her. You comfort her when she's scared. You sing to her, and tell her about your day when you get home, and sit on the couch watching movies with her. You hold her to keep her warm because of how much having a cold body seems to upset her, and she'll push her face into your breasts, and touch you in ways someone touches their girlfriend.
Her parents act like she's fully gone. Calling her a mockery of her old self. Some higher functioning undead that you know have even called her an insult. And even a lot of people you know are so focused on the idea of her getting better. But you don't love her so that she can get better, you love her because it is a gift to love her, whatever form she may take.
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rev-tone · 7 months
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read pluto
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sparkdoesart · 3 days
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tlcartist · 9 months
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The beheading of Cazador
Closeups and background info below 👇
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This is a classic painting study based off of Judith slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi, 1614–18. In the story, Judith, a beautiful widow, is able to enter the tent of Holofernes because of his desire for her. Holofernes was an Assyrian general who was about to destroy Judith's home, the city of Bethulia. Overcome with drink, he passes out and is decapitated by Judith.
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What if I kissed a werewolf on top of there head? Just a little smooch as a treat.
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