#moon knight x avengers!reader
bensolosbluesaber · 2 years
Someone Like You: Part 1 (Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley x Avengers f!reader)
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Summary: When Moon Knight is captured, there is only one Avenger with the right powers to save them. You. Marc might hate you, but when his life is on the line that no longer matters. ~3,100 words
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Adventure I guess idk
Pairings: Primarily Marc Spector x f!reader, Jake Lockley x f!reader, Steven Grant x f!reader
Warnings: DID mentions and lots of them, canon typical violence, blood and injuries, Marc calls reader a bitch and they fight but in a we’re both superheroes way, generally Marc is an ass for this part so proceed with caution, mentions of childhood trauma/abuse, disassociation and nightmares
A/N: I represented DID in this fic in a way similar to the show, or at least that was my intention. Please understand this is fictionalized and dramatized, but also please tell me if there are errors. Look, this was supposed to be more plotty, but I just wanted to get to the hurt/comfort part and didn’t feel like writing a big action sequence, so the plot isn’t that complicated. Also Nat is alive for this, and Bruce, Buck, and Sam all make an appearance:)
Part 2: Coming Soon
“We need you. Now!”
Natasha’s face is flushed and her eyes wide. She’s flustered. 
Natasha Romanoff is never flustered, and that is the first sign that something is well and truly wrong. Sign two? That she is asking for you now when you had just used your powers yesterday. You are already exhausted, overexerted, utterly drained. Today is supposed to be a time to recharge.
But Natasha is so uncharacteristically panicked that you roll off the couch to your feet and stumble after her without a second thought.
“It’s Moon Knight,” she explains as you hurry down the hallway.
“You found him? Them?” You correct yourself quickly.
Marc, Steven, and Jake had been missing for days. They did that frequently, just disappeared off on some mission for Khonshu. But Steven always checked in with the Avengers sooner rather than later. He hadn’t this time, and that worried the team, apparently with good reason.
“Sort of.” Nat stops outside of a closed door and turns to you. Her lips are pressed together with displeasure. “It’s not fair to ask you this, but-“
“Oh,” you exhale slowly.
The pieces finally come together.
“You’re the only one with the skills to do it.”
You curse under your breath. Not only are you exhausted, but you and the Moon Knight system have a long-running… well it wasn’t exactly hatred, but you certainly weren’t friends.
For no apparent reason, all three alters avoided you like the plague. Your best guess is that they learned about your particular power set and wanted to stay far away it. Most people did, which was ridiculous because you had complete control of your powers and no desire to use them on your coworkers anyway. And frankly it stung. You had privately harbored a small crush on the handsome trio from the first time you met Marc, a crush that was clearly not returned.
All that was inconsequential now. Would they be pissed about this invasion? They certainly would, but at least they would be alive.
You can tell it’s Marc fronting by the tension carried in his forehead. His eyes dart around wildly as he slumps against a wall and slides to the ground. Obviously, he is in the midst of making his own escape even as you are attempting an extraction.
“Marc!” You hurry to his side and kneel down.
His deep brown eyes finally focus on you. He blinks once, then twice. The softness you saw for just a moment is replaced with an icy darkness.
“The fuck are you doing here?” He growls, slurs really.
The man has to be drugged out of his mind. His eyes can’t focus on you for more than a second.
“Where’s Steven?” His voice lowers as he looks behind you and began whipping his head back and forth violently. “Where’s Steven? Steven!”
His deep voice, heavy with that Chicago accent, cracks over the name of his alter. “I’ll help you find him, Marc,” you reassure gently and hold out a hand. The rules here are different, so even though you have no idea how you are going to find Steven Grant, you are trying to be reassuring.
Marc stares at the offered hand blankly.
“Jake?” He whispers. “I can’t hear Jake. I can’t hear Jake! I can’t… I… Steven? Jake?”
You reach for him and grasp his forearms, guiding him to a standing position. He stumbles into you.
“I’m getting you out of here, Marc. Come on.”
“No!” His voice is suddenly clear, and he shoves you backwards. The push sends you stumbling into a wall with a heavy thud. “Not without them!”
The impact actually hurts. You are so overtaxed that you are experiencing pain in an environment where you should have total control. This is bad. This is really bad.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Marc’s is becoming more lucid, his eyes filling with rage as he realizes what is happening. He rounds on you with an accusing finger extended. “I know where I am, and I don’t want you here!”
His finger jabs your shoulder painfully, and any pity you might have felt disappears. You grab his wrist, and start to lock out his arm. He’s wise to the technique and tries kicking your leg out from beneath you. You side step easily, but his fist finds your nose and throws you off balance.
Pain shoots through the back of your head as it smacks against ceramic tile floor.
Something warm is on your face. You raise a hand to touch it, and when you pull your hand back your fingers are stained crimson. Blood. This has never happened before. You’re starting to have serious doubts about this mission.
“Get out of my fucking head!” Marc stands over you and shouts, but you hardly hear him. You are solely focused on the sticky red stain on your hands. You are bleeding. You shift your gaze to Marc. Blood. Marc.
“Shit,” you curse.
You look around, taking in the elaborate hallway structure with doors on either side. You’d walked through a dozen hallways just like this one to find Marc. The organization of the space is masterful, unlike any you had ever seen. People could live here. People do live here. Kind of. Then it hits you, a realization that should have been clear from the beginning.
The blood and pain has nothing to do with your strength. Even weakened you would have control enough to keep yourself from injury. No, this isn’t about the strength of your mind at all. It’s about the strength of theirs.
Natasha, Sam, Bucky, and Bruce hold vigil around the bed where the Moon Knight system lays unconscious. Nat smooths a hand over your upper back. Your eyes are shut and shifting rapidly under your eyelids. You sit straight backed beside the unconscious man with your palm pressed to his forehead and fingers tangling in his dark curls.
“How did this even happen?” Sam demands. “Isn’t the bird thing supposed to keep him safe?”
A chilly wind whips through the room.
“I think he’s listening,” Bruce mutters. “And I think he did his best. Some other god did this. Khonshu defeated him, but not in time to keep this from happening.”
“How do you know this? Can you talk to the bird thing?” Sam asks, purposefully goading Khonshu.
“Thor can.”
A heavy silence settles over the room.
“She just mind-walked yesterday,” Bucky growls and stands so he can pace out his nervous energy. “And this mind is hardly a simple one. She’s going to come out a disaster…” he trails off.
If she comes out at all. That’s what he was going to say, but he doesn’t want to so much as speak the terrible words into existence.
But you hadn’t even hesitated to take the dive, to walk into the mind of Marc, Steven, and Jake even knowing it could kill you.
Marc is still staring down at you while you lay back on the ground, and there is no denying that he is intimidating. He’s dressed in jeans and a dark shirt, the same outfit he always wears in the real world. That fascinates you, but there’s no time to unpack what it means right now.
“Marc,” you say his name softly. “Nat sent me here to wake you up. You’ve been unconscious for days. Kate and Clint only just found you a few hours-“
“I don’t want you here.”
“Do you think I enjoy this, Spector?” There is no anger in your voice as you stand, putting a few feet between the angry man and yourself. You are resigned to his hatred. “You think it’s fun popping into people’s heads? I’m more than aware of how violating it is, but you have to come out of this and soon, and we didn’t see a better option. So please just let me wake you up and you can go back to hating me.”
Marc surveys you for a long moment. He rolls his wrist and pops his neck.
“Just get out,” he snarls. “I‘ll find Steven and Jake and we’ll get out ourselves.”
He’ll find them? The questions sticks in your mind for a moment before annoyance takes priority over the curiosity. You aren’t going to just ‘get out.’
You are opening your mouth to say as much when a heavy body slams into you from the side, tackling you to the floor so hard it knocks the breath from your lungs. You’re so banged up. These injuries better not be on your physical body too.
A deep voice above you is spewing curses in Spanish and shouting something at Marc. Your ears ring too loud to hear whoever this newcomer is.
“Let’s go, hermosa.” The man on top of you stands and drags you to your feet. “Run!”
And you do. You don’t even question who this other person is or why you’re running. You simply take off in a sprint after him. The newcomer wears a jacket and a flat cap, but that’s all you can make out. That and you have finally realized where you are. Well, you knew where you were the whole time, but now you are realizing just what exactly it is.
A psychiatric ward. But not the clean, modern type. It is the horrific, decrepit, horror-movie type. Brick walls that are crumbling, smeared with a dark liquid you assume is blood. Dimly lit hallways. Water dripping from pipes and pooling dangerously on the tile floor. This is their mind?
Marc grabs your arm and yanks you into a room. He slams the door shut behind you and immediately rounds on the stranger.
“What the fuck Jake!”
Jake? You know that name. Jake Lockley. He is the alter none of the Avengers have met, just heard of. It’s the same body and the same face as he turns to you. But his expression is less emotional than Marc’s. Where Marc is all rage, Jake seems to possess a more muted curiosity about your presence. He blinks at you, then turns to Marc.
“Whoever trapped us here Khonshu took care of. But the dangers they planted in the headspace are still very real,” Jake explains as he peeks out of the small, dirty window to check the halls for danger.
“Quite the academic you are,” Marc remarks dryly and crosses his arms.
“Steven is just a few hallways away. He can explain this all much better.” Jake pulls off his hat to run a hand through his curls.
“Steven’s okay?” Marc’s voice is the softest you have ever heard. “He’s safe?”
“Safe enough and waiting for us. Then we can figure out how to wake ourself up.” Jake glances at you. “You’re the mind reader girl.”
You scoff. “I call it mind walking, but sure, I’m the mind reader girl.”
“Oh you pedantic bitch,” Marc snaps, and the word stings. Even Jake seems shocked at the venom in Marc’s tone. “Sorry we used the wrong term while you invade our mind. Is there really a fucking difference?”
He doesn’t want an answer, but you want to give one.
“Yes, you dense ass!” You wish you could think of a better insult. “Mind walking literally knocks me out. My consciousness doesn’t just touch yours and pick up some things, it’s inside of yours. Your mind is all around me. I can access just about any part of someone’s mind when I mind walk, even parts they don’t know about.”
“And you wonder why no one wants to be around you.”
Somehow that’s worse than being called a bitch. Embarrassingly, you find yourself blinking back tears. You still remember the days you thought you could befriend him, when you had liked him. You think that in the past-tense as if that crush is long past. It isn’t.
“Be nice,” Jake mutters as he finally shakes off his stunned look.
“You know,” Marc starts, clearly ignoring Jake. “You can go. We’ll be back to the real world in no time. We don’t need you meddling around with our head.”
You don’t have to explain that though, because before you can gather your thoughts Jake interrupts, “Stay. I think we’ll need your powers.”
As much as you want to go you can’t. That’s the problem with entering the unconscious mind - it’s nearly impossible to get out without bringing the other person with you. If you were at full strength it might be doable. But not now. Now your fate is tied to Moon Knight.
“We don’t-“ Marc starts.
Jake shoots him a look and puts his hat back on.
“Better to be safe. I think the hallway’s clear. Let’s get Steven and fix this.”
You follow Jake, Marc not far behind. Your trio moves silently but quickly as Jake leads you into another dingy room.
“Steven!” Marc pushes past you and falls to his knees beside Steven. This alter you had met briefly on one occasion. He had been nicer than Marc, but he still kept you at arm’s length.
Right now blood drips from a gash across Steven’s forehead, matting his messy curls to his head. He wears a loose patterned button down shirt and a jacket with light colored pants. You look over at Jake in his dark jacket with an intricately embroidered collar, white dress shirt, and flat cap. Marc, as you had noticed earlier, is wearing his usual attire. Which means this must be how Jake and Steven would dress when they front.
From a strictly academic perspective, it was fascinating. You’d never mind walked into someone with such a complex psychological condition. Each alter had a physical form in their headspace, and it seemed to be like an elaborately structured home for the three alters. Most minds were just a space, some more organized and complicated than others, but certainly none as incredible as this.
“What happened?” Marc’s question interrupts your thoughts.
“Hecca priests,” Steven murmurs in that rich British accent. “Some version of them at least. It’s Set, the sun god. He trapped us in our own mind, messed with it.”
“But this isn’t our headspace,” Marc protests.
It is unnerving to stand in a room with three men who both look the same and entirely different. Steven looks exhausted; he’s definitely hurt. Marc is hunched over, his back to you, but you hear worry in his voice. Jake’s hands are tucked in his pockets while he leans against a wall and tries to act like he isn’t staring at you.
You try to follow the conversation. Jake strolls over to whisper an explanation.
“Normally we’re in a mental ward, but clean and white with rooms of memories and no monsters. It’s rather relaxing.”
“It is our headspace though,” Steven answers Marc. “Just twisted by a vengeful god. Wonder who got us involved with those again?”
He fixes Marc with a pointed and amused glare.
“Using our own headspace as a prison,” Marc ponders the explanation and ignores Steven’s snide comment. “It is smart.”
Steven’s unfocused gaze catches on you then.
“You’re here?”
Marc whips his gaze around to you too like he’d forgotten your presence.
There’s something accusing in his eyes. No, maybe it’s not accusing. Distrustful. Does he think you are going to hurt Steven? Or does he not want them to be seen so vulnerable?
“Yes,” you answer simply. There really is nothing else to say.
“Good. Because I think we need you to wake us up.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Marc jumps in, shooting you a look that clearly says to keep quiet. “When we died, we got out fine on our own.”
Steven laughs. “Mate, Osiris loved our little heart to heart and brought us back to life. This is totally different.”
“Well for one, we aren’t dead.” It’s Jake’s turn to argue with Marc.
“I can wake you up now, I think,” you offer.
“Alright-“ Steven starts to accept.
“Fuck off!” Marc interrupts.
That’s it. You have had it with his attitude.
“What did I do to you?” You demand, advancing on Marc who stands to face you and squares his shoulders. “I’m trying to help you! I’m your teammate! I’ve never been anything but kind while you quite literally pretend I don’t exist. Last week, I tried to talk to you at dinner, and you acted like you couldn’t hear me. When I walk into a room you leave. So what is it, Spector? My powers? They are completely under control. I just want you to not die today, so let me fucking help!”
“I don’t need you!” Marc closes the space between your bodies. “You are- you-“ He sputters.
“Marc doesn’t want someone like you seeing inside our head,” Steven jumps in much to Marc’s chagrin.
“Shut up, Steven.”
“Someone like me?”
“Someone kind, sweet. A potential love interest.”
“Shut up, Steven!” Marc bites out again
“Well it’s true ‘innit?”
A potential what??
“Not that this isn’t fun and well overdue, but the longer we’re trapped here, the harder it will be to get back.” Jake is the voice of reason for once.
He’s right. There’s a time to unpack Marc’s psyche, and it, ironically, is not right now.
“Let’s vote,” Steven wipes a drip of blood from his brow. “All in favor of letting her help.” 
Jake and Steven raise their hands. Then slowly, miraculously, Marc raises his too.
“Unanimous. Brilliant! What do we do?”
In a lesser mind, you would have merely snapped your fingers, maybe literally, and woken both of you up easily. That isn’t going to work here. Their mind is complicated already, made even more so by a third party holding it hostage. Plus you are, as your trembling legs remind you, exhausted.
You crouch down beside Steven and take his hand then reach for Jake’s. He takes it and grasps Marc’s hand who completes the circle.
“Think about waking up in the morning,” you say quietly as you shut your eyes and channel the last dredges of your strength even as you draw on theirs. “What do you do? What’s your alarm sound like? Think about pulling the covers back. Think about opening your eyes to the morning sun. Think about the best parts of being alive, the things you feel - really feel - when you have the body, the parts of the world that are most real. The crunch of waffles. The smell of rain.” You are talking to yourself now. Or maybe thinking. It’s hard to tell the difference between mind and reality. Maybe there is no difference.
A warm mug of tea. The soft fur of a cat. Soft white wrappings. The smell of new books. Old books. Light falling across a museum exhibit. Fluffy pillows soft beneath your head. The quiet crunch of leather gloves folding around a steering wheel. Desert sands.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake-
You jerk forward off the chair, catching yourself weakly against the mattress before any of the Avengers can get to you. Bucky slides down to the floor beside you.
“Are you okay?” He demands urgently, and the worry is prominent in his voice.
“Yeah,” you rasp and use Bucky to pull yourself up.
“He’s waking up too.” Nat breathes an audible sigh of relief.
You don’t want to see Marc. Or Steven or Jake. And the after effects of mind walking are coming. Marc didn’t develop DID from a happy childhood, which means things are about to get bad for you.
You assure Bucky and Sam that you are alright, that you want to be alone this time, and hurry out of the room, barely making it to your room as pain flares in your skull. You crumple onto your bed and don’t even have time to cover yourself in blankets before it begins.
A/N: Part 2 will be so angsty and fluffy and wonderful. It is written and just needs edited, so it will be out soon!​
EDIT: Part 2
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
Moon boys when you’re on your period!
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pairing(s) gn!reader x steven grant, gn!reader x marc spector
warnings just fluff and comfort. mentions of everything a period entails.
a/n i didn’t write for Jake purely because i don’t know spanish and it’s 2am, this took a lot longer than i thought it would and it would take even more time to translate words into spanish to write his pov, BUT if you do want me to do a jake pov let me know and i will! when you know- it’s not the middle of the night :)
Steven was awoken by you stirring in your sleep, he leaned over to check the time on his phone, 4:14am. He didn’t want to wake you, knowing full well someone shaking you awake when you’re having a nightmare is not a pleasant experience nor does it make it any less scary.
He decided to take a gentle approach, without touching you he just started saying your name in a gentle tone.
“Y/n wake up love, it’s me, steven.” He saw your eyes stirring and continued to softly speak. “Love, you’re okay, you’re safe” Your eyes fluttered open “Steven?” He gently caressed your arm “I think you were having a nightmare” You looked perplexed, as if you didn’t recall a nightmare. “I don’t think I- OW, UGH” You started wincing all of a sudden, Steven’s eyebrow raised “Y/N? What’s wrong?!” A trace of concern in his voice.
“CRAMPS” You screeched out while balling yourself into a fetal position and taking deep breathes, “I must of been stirring because o- of my cramps” You were squeezing your eyes shut in sheer pain. “I’ll get your water bottle!” Steven rushed to get to the kitchen, but before he swiftly got out of bed he made sure to give you a kiss on your temple. He kept looking back at you while he waited for the kettle to boil, making sure you were okay despite the tremendous pain he knew you were in. Steven wished he could take it away, he’d rather have cramps then see you like this.
Steven quickly filled the bottle, wrapped a tea towel around it and made sure to grab two painkillers and some water on his way back. “Here you go, my darling” He spoke with the upmost sympathy as he placed the water bottle on your abdomen. “Thank you, my perfect boy” You replied and watched a tint of red takeover his face. “Sit up a bit for me, yeah?” You obliged and sat up as best you could while not inducing anymore pain, Steven handed you the tablets and you plopped them in your mouth. He held the glass up to your lips for you as you downed them then ever so gently pressed a loving and soft kiss that said “I’ve got you”.
Steven climbed back into bed and rubbed your back for about 45 minutes as you both waited for the meds and heat pack to kick in, and for the pain to subside. He heard your deep breathes turn into content sighs and took that as a sign that the pain was gone or at least mostly to a point where it was bearable. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss to your shoulder blade, “I love you my darling, Y/n” And with that, he too drifted off into a peaceful sleep, still of course keeping an ear out for you, his person.
Marc was out getting a few food bits in, he’d left you on the sofa where you were reading a book. He wasn’t out ten minutes before he received s text. Can you buy me some pads pls? Off he went to the sanitary towel isle, little did he know just how many options there were. Between all the different brands, sizes, wings or no wings, he was out of his depth.
Which kind do you need, baby? He sent back to you, and within a few seconds you responded with a brand name and size, making his job a whole lot easier. He decided to cut his shopping trip short knowing you’d need these ASAP.
Marc arrived home and walked in to see you that you were nowhere to be seen, “IN HERE!” He followed the sound of your voice to find you in the bathroom. He handed off the pads and decided to surprise you, while you cleaned yourself up in which he had noticed you decided to go for a shower. Marc made you a hot water bottle, a cup of tea and was currently making you a plate of your favourite treats. He set them on a tray on the bed just as you stepped out the bathroom.
“Baby, how are you feeling?” His eyes showed how deeply he meant that, wanting to do everything he could to make you feel comfortable. “My cramps aren’t too bad yet, I have a little headache coming on and am craving sugar.” He could tell you were trying to downplay it, not wanting him to be too worried about you, he could see through you though.
“Oh Marc this is perfect!” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, “I was just about to say I feel like today is a bed day” You smiled, his favourite smile. He helped you settle into the bed, making sure your pillows were fluffed to your liking and set the tray over your lap and the water bottle on your abdomen. As he went to sit on the sofa you called after him “Baby? Can you stay with me? I just want to be with you” He didn’t hesitate a second and was next to you, feeding you grapes quite literally.
After a few minutes he noticed you tearing up “Marc, my sweet, perfect, most handsome boyfriend. What did I do to deserve you?” By this point tears started streaming down your cheeks. “You’re just so perfect, always making sure I feel loved and seen, listening to me ramble about things I know you don’t care about or when I come home from work and I’m in a bad mood you give me my space and don’t question it if I snap at you. I really don’t deserve you” You were in hysterics. Marc looked at you, upset that you’d ever question if you deserved him. Of course you did, you were the most amazing person he’d ever met, the most accepting, loving, caring person. You made sure him and his alters felt safe and if he was having a nightmare you were there to pull him out of it and calm him down.
He kissed your tear stained cheeks, no words spoken but the actions spoke louder, telling you that you did deserve him. Nothing was going to change that. He wrapped his arms around you and you tucked your head into his neck, after a couple minutes you’d seemed to calm down but he still held you, not letting go. Not until you wanted him to. Another 10 minutes passed and you still hadn’t peeled away, and that’s when he noticed you were asleep. Your eyelashes resting softly and your mouth parted. He kissed the top of your head and held you and never let go.
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oneofstarkskids · 3 months
don't leave
pairings: steven grant x reader
genre: angst
summary: steven doesn't know how much longer he can keep his secret. and you're getting impatient.
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you show up at his apartment just a bit past ten. he called and so here you were.
the locks clicked one by one before he swung open the door with a sad smile on his face. he knew you were upset.
you didn't get a chance to say anything at first. all you noticed was the large bruise on his nose, "jesus, steven what happened?"
he rambled on. lying.
you shook your head, not falling for it.
"where have you been?"
"I've been a bit busy," he said quietly.
"it's been four days!" you shouted.
the two of you fought. you never fought.
steven said in frustration, "i know. i know, but there's been quite a bit going on and it's not easy to explain over the tele."
you scoffed, "then explain it now."
there was a long pause.
"i can't..." he sighed.
you gave him a tight smile as tears pooled in your eyes, "thought so."
you started to grab your bag and steven began panicking.
he quickly rushed over to you to stop you from leaving.
"please don't go. i love you so much, you know that," he said softly.
you felt warm, fresh tears roll down your cheeks and quickly wiped them away, "do i? because you're always off disappearing and then not only do you not have a good excuse, but you have literally no excuse at all. and steven..."
you felt your voice catch.
"i don't think i can do it anymore."
his face contorted into the most pained expression. you could tell that your words cut deep and it broke your heart, but it didn't make them any less true.
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some-1writes · 4 months
when will people stop writing so much smut 😭 like all i want is to read cute fluffy things, and all that shows up is smut 😭😭
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Marc: *in a fight with some random person and getting beat* Y/N HELP ME-
Y/N: *ordering food online* Are you in the mood for Italian or Chinese? What do you want?
Marc: You know what I want more than anything right now?
Y/N: Ooh, what?
Marc: *whispers* Come closer
Y/N: *goes closer and whispers* What?
Marc: *getting punched in the face* SOME FUCKING HELP-
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
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I need Moon Knight season 2 like I need air
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Love, Lunacy, Time
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summary: In a startling twist of fate, you find yourself awakening not in your bedroom at the Avengers compound, but alongside the Moon Knight boys in the 1950s in a sitcom-like setting of the town of Westview. The shock intensifies as you realize that, somehow, you and the Moon Knight boys are married to each other, despite never having crossed paths before.
pairing: Moonknight x afab!ScarletWitch!reader
warning: 18+ content, Eventual smut, Unprotected sex, Violence, Blood, Age-Gap, Kidnapping, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, a sprinkle of Angst, Strangers to Married, Flirting, Scarlet Witch!reader, Chaos Magic, Not an accurate representation of D.I.D.
001. — Lost in Time's Embrace — [You find yourself preparing for a peaceful night's sleep in the familiar confines of the Avengers compound. However, your world is turned upside down when they wake up in the 1950s, alongside a man who oozes Chaos.]
002. — Unfamiliar Familiar Faces — [As the front door swings open, you are greeted by faces that stir a sense of recognition deep within you. Yet, something about their demeanor feels off, their behavior slightly peculiar. It's as if they are familiar, but not quite themselves.]
☼ Please note that I do not wish to have my work translated or published on any third-party reading websites. I claim the rights to my work.
☼ Where I don’t have any rights to the characters, many ideas and OC are my own creation. Please respect that.
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
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How Marvel characters would celebrate Festa Junina with their s/o
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synopsis: How would the Marvel characters react to a traditional brazilian winter solstice festival.
Festa Junina is a brazilian winter solstice festivals. It's a celebration of São João's birth, but it's way more than just a religious thing. You can be atheist, you can be jew: YOU WILL CELEBRATE SÃO JOÃO. These festivities are marked by hot food, such as hominy and corn, bonfires, dances, tournaments, declarations of love and a deeply passion for our diverse culture. It's a date (and yes, the whole month is filled with festivities, depending on the state in can go on for all winter) that brings families together, people of all ages.
warnings: brazilian!reader. pure fluff.
glossary: menino bonzinho = good boy (imagine someone squeezing a little child's cheeks, that's it. it's not flirty or anything, it's purely babyfication).
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Steven Grant
• It probably was Steven idea. Of course you wanted to celebrate, but you thought Steven would be overwhelmed by... well, everything. So many people, voices, songs, colors, fires. And you'd know him: Steven would eat raw pork miling instead of telling you that you might have made a mistake.
• But when he insisted, you showed him how brazilians celebrate winter. Steven read a lot about it, curious to understand more about your country history and be able to understand something so substantial to you as a part of a different living culture, so he knew what to expect. But he still got surprised.
• Steven just couldn't understand the amount of prepare that was necessary to make a festival like that. Everyone wearing tradicional clothes, dots painted on their faces, knowing all the choreos for a lot of genres of music. Steven couldn't understand the lyrics, but he did felt them. You told him everyone knows them because every school make their own festival, which made his jaw drop.
• Steven didn't stop questioning about how it all originated. You told him everything you knew, since the history of cangaceiros until how some of it's songs were created, and it still wasn't enough for him. Maybe Steven Grant found another history obsession. Maybe.
Natasha Romanoff
• That woman would totally, a thousand percent sure, dressed up. Striped dresses, flower crowns, low-heeled dancing shoes. Let's be honest: she's probably already been to Brasil. Given the serum and who Natasha used to work for, perhaps she bears some responsibility for starting the military coup. So, yes, Natasha know whats happening.
• She'll join in the square dance, and she'll make sure you go dressed as a bride. It doesn't matter if they've already decided who the bride and groom will be, you're going to be the bride. Partly because Natasha wants you to have fun, but that's more about her competitiveness than anything else.
• Speaking of competitiveness, Nat would definitely spend a considerable amount of money on tokens for the water pistol stalls. Be prepared to carry a few teddy bears around for the rest of the night, Nat will be sure to get the biggest ones. Everything for you!
Marc Spector
• He definitely won't like the noise. Everything is in excess. But when you guide Marc to the fire, with roasted corn and the whisper of embers, he will enjoy the night much more. And Marc will have a lot of fun. He isn't used to public bonfires with snacks other than marshmallows. Marc ate about fifteen different types of corn before fearing passing out from eating so much.
• He thought it would be weird because it's a catholic festival. You explained to him that no one actually cared about it: it was about culture, not a religion. It was a festival that your country gave another meanings. So, yes, the name is from a catholic saint, but it's way more than just that. When he was there and understood it barely had any religion references, he got way more comfortable.
• Marc will be a flirty mess. It's a romantic setting. The cold forces people to stay together, dances are made for couples, even competitions ask for counterparts. He don't get a word from what those musics are about, but the still slow dance by the campfire.
• If Marc was alone, he would want to come home as soon as he couldn't eat any more. But he wasn't. Watching you smile, spending money on stalls whose games you couldn't win, was why he stayed there. It was nice to see you like that. Marc could live forever in that moment.
Wanda Maximoff
• On the previous night, Wanda will watch every movie that is somehow correlated to the festival. Turma da Mônica's specials, Lisbela e o Prisioneiro, Gonzaga: De Pai Para Filho. Get ready for a long movie marathon.
• She's ready to understand the vibe. Pinterest boards, playlists, make-up tutorials: Wanda won't be on a festa junina, she will drown herself on that holiday. It's somehow what you do on Thanksgiving Day. Watch a lot of movies and try to recreat the feeling you'd imagine everyone is feeling.
• Because of the movies, she got that it wasn't enterely a religion thing like she had imagined. So she felt more comfortable to interact with things.
• Wanda will participate in the raffles, get happy to win a set of tupperware, and will join the old people playing bingo. She will win, but it won't be a fair game.
• She'll try to share a candy apple, but when the caramel starts sticking to Wanda's hair... not for her. She needs to have her hands clean. More for you.
• That man is a golden retrivier. The kind of person to won a participation prize and shout "Yes! That's right, I'm here!". Different than the others on that list, Thor wouldn't try to blend in. Asgardian god, wearing armor and holding mjolnir, casually walking on a neighborhood party.
• He would compete in the apple tanks and pool drop. At first no one would want to compete with him, but as soon as a kid started playing with him everyone realized that Thor was just a nice guy. "Menino bonzinho", you heard some old lady calling him. "Menino bonzinho."
• Another one who would win every plush possible for you. The difference is that he wouldn't focus on the best ones: he would play until he got them all. What you're going to do the most that night is go to the car to store the new batch in the trunk.
• Honestly, he'll look more happy to be there than you. Once the night was over, Thor would hold you close and promise to take you to the Asgard holidays. They will be way different, but with almost the same amount of food and way more alcohol.
Jake Lockley
• You thought Steven wouldn't like, Marc got overwhelmed, so when it was time to take Jake to a party you were absolute sure he would hate. Less because of the amount of information, but more because of how many people would be there.
• London is... cold. Obviously it's cold, but it's distant. People don't seem to want to interact with others. To see others as humans. And Brasil is about social interactions. Is about extended families, where even if half of the relatives hate each other no one fails to show up for Sunday dinner. It's about making friends with bus conductors. About seeing something weird on the street and sharing a look with those walking next to you. You will never see each other again nor have exchanged words before, but when the path separates you will say goodbye.
• Living in Brazil is all about caring for others, and you don't think that Jake would enjoy living in such an environment. Jake is the protector, the shield of the system, the one that will act when the others don't have courage to do so. So, yeah, you bet he wouldn't feel comfortable on a place that includes so much mundane interaction.
• Wrong! At first he seemed a little uncomfortable, but when you asked him to dance... Jake is a good dancer. Another surprise. Jake knows Spanish, which means he could more or less understand what was being said around him. You thought he would be worrying about everything, but Jake seem comfortable there.
• It was fun to be there with him. Maybe because he's latino (which still confuses me how the system is american, british an latino at the same time... I just pretend to understand), you felt like you were sharing something deeper with him. It just hits different.
GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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lizzie-is-here · 1 year
lonely is a man without love
part iv- the hunt
“the moon in me finds the sky in you” - dikshasuman
summary: you and steven do a little bit of grave robbing. oh yeah, marc’s there too.
wordcount: 3.6k
warnings: language, violence, red room talk, idk
a/n: yall i’m so sorry i dropped off the planet for a bit 💀 there’s been a lot going on like i’m in a situationship now w a friend from high school who moved to my college this semester, i finished my finals early, i see taylor swift tomorrow, i’m back home, but ANYWAY i hope y’all enjoy and pls forgive me ik it’s been 3 weeks 😭 love y’all
taglist: @thefictionalgemini @ravenz-hope @undiscl0sed-d3sir3s @iateall-yourcookies @disregardedplant @sunflowers-4 @yellowumbrelllaaaa @bagsy-not-it @local-mr-frog @thescarletredwitch @jupitersmoon167 @creamecafe @stevenknightmarc @theluciansystem @kingtwhiddleston @spider-biter @mxltifxnd0m @sgt-morgan @no-dont-be-suspicious @onzayhe @namorslit @i-cant-write-for-shit @vainillasmil157 @doublevirgogirl
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Hijacking a car is the easiest part.
Driving with a pounding headache isn’t that bad either.
On the other hand, watching Marc fling off his shirt is very hard.
“How did Harrow know those things about me?” you ask, averting your eyes back to the road. “He saw right through me.”
“He’s just trying to mess with you. You know, he’s trying to get in your mind,” Marc says. “No, don’t let him do that. He’s got this idea that he can see the ‘true nature’ of people or some baloney like that.”
He starts putting on a new shirt, and you can’t help but feel a little disappointed as he continues. “If that were true, I don’t think he’d have a bunch of homicidal maniacs as his disciples, would he?”
You tap the steering wheel. “But he knew.”
Marc’s face twists with sympathy. “I know.” He raises a hand to pat your shoulder, but he thinks twice and sets it on the headrest instead. “But he’s just manipulating you. Weaponizing your past.”
You glance at his hand.
“… You can touch me, you know?” It comes out a bit awkward, but meaningful nonetheless.
He gives you a small smile and rests it on your shoulder, a light chill going up your body. You didn’t receive a friendly touch in your life until the Red Room fell, and the first time Nat hugged you after a team dinner you had sobbed your heart out.
It had become your love language, in a way. You may be picky with who touches you, but every passing graze means the world.
And the weight of his hand grounding you feels nice. So you sniffle a bit before nodding sharply.
“Thank you.” Marc doesn’t take his hand back. You don’t want him to. “What did he tell you? I kind of zoned out.”
He shrugs and begins working a knot in your shoulder. “Nothing much. ‘You’re unlovable’ and ‘You’re a monster’. It’s all the same with him.”
You can hear the underlying hurt in his tone, but don’t bring it up.
After a few seconds, you pipe up, hoping to lighten the mood.
“Have I told you about the time I jumped off the collapsing sky base for the Red Room without a parachute?”
Pulling off into some sand dunes, you drive across the sandy terrain in hopes of finding a place to put this tattered cloth together.
Under the light from the headlights, you and Marc lay out the fabric on the hood of the car and start trying to piece it together.
“Try that,” he says, passing you a triangle.
Working in tandem, you make little progress. It’s like a puzzle with no directions. It’s frustrating to come to so many dead ends, and it’s starting to grate on Marc.
“I’m not getting any whole constellations, it’s just little pieces and fragments.” He slams his hands on the car and walks to the side.
“Marc,” you begin cautiously. “I think we may need Steven. I know you don’t want to, but he understands all of this. We need to give him a shot or we’ll be out here all night.”
Suddenly atop the car, Khonshu chuckles. “I summon the gods, you summon the worm. He won’t return the body.”
“Why do you feel the need to do that?” you grumble, heart rate slowing after the bird practically jumpscared you.
Marc grabs the side mirror before ripping it off and gathering the strips of cloth.
“What is it with you and mirrors?” you ask.
He pauses his irritated work and points to the broken mirror.
“I see Steven in reflections. Figure he’ll be happy about this.” He holds up the cloth.
Sighing, he walks away. “Alright,” he says. “Go ahead. You’re in.”
You can see the change before you hear the British accent.
Steven crouches down in the sand, ripping tape and assembling the scraps faster than you or Marc ever could have. You step closer, unsure of how he feels about you. You did lie about your job to him.
“Steven?” you ask, sitting down next to him. He looks up, momentarily taken aback. He stares for a bit, different from Marc’s half-lidded gaze. His eyes are wide, taking in every detail.
Well, every detail of you. But you don’t know that.
“Egyptians invented modern navigation,” he explains. “There’s not a lot of landmarks in the desert. So, they came up with a way to get about using the sun and stars. It’s bloody genius, innit?”
He holds up his work. A star.
You carefully take it, marveling at the cohesive map.
“Oh, woah, that’s amazing.” Steven blushes a bit at your words, but it goes unseen in the dark. “What do we do with it?”
“Well, I’m not sure, but if… Oh wait, hang on a minute.” He holds it up to the light. “You see that? You see those little pinpricks there? That’s a constellation.”
You nod. “Orion. We should be able to triangulate the stars into coordinates, right? Let me scan it.” With your phone, you pass over the star, letting it pick up the image.
“Well, um, actually… Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.” That much is revealed when nothing turns up. “Yeah, you see, Senfu marked that tomb, like 2,00 years ago. And stars drift over time. Not much as far as stars go, but it could mean the difference between us searching miles away from where we’re supposed to be looking.”
You pick up his insinuation. “So unless we know what the sky looked like on that date…”
“We’re buggered,” Steven finishes.
The god appears ahead of you, a warning before he speaks. “I remember that night. I remember every night.”
When he makes no movement, you and Steven begrudgingly head up the dune to meet him.
“I can turn back the night sky, but it will come at a cost.”
“Doesn’t it always,” you sigh.
He nods to Steven. “I cannot do it alone. Steven, when the gods imprison me, tell Marc to free me.”
Steven is wrapped in the same suit from before a few seconds later, eyes glowing. As the god raises his hand, he begins swiping it through the air. Steven mimics Khonshu’s motions, and before long, you gasp aloud.
The sky is spinning, whirling past as trails of stars blur together. The moon is little but glowing white dots, rapidly switching phases.
You’ve never seen something so beautiful.
“This is the night,” Khonshu says as the spinning stops, freezing the spiraling constellations on the night you were looking for.
“This is surprisingly painful,” Steven shouts.
You hurry to grab your phone, scanning the stars.
“I know, I’m sorry! But it’s working,” you call.
Khonshu collapses to his knees as Steven says, “I can feel my energy leaving me.” The head cover disappears as he loses control of the night sky. He reaches up again, holding it long enough for you to finish scanning.
“I got it! 29 degrees north, 25 east.” Steven collapses, and you tuck your phone away to hold him.
He crawls to you, coughing and trying to control his racing breaths. You help him stand, but it doesn’t do much. He faints as soon as you let go, falling face-first on the sand.
“Steven!” you shout.
“Hey, Steven?” No response. “Marc? Come on, idiots. Where are you? Marc, come on.”
You keep trying until you give up and start dragging the poor man across the sand, but it doesn’t last for long.
Headlights blind you as a car speeds toward the two of you. Shortly followed by gunfire.
“Shit, why do you have to be so heavy?” you grunt. “Oh my god, fine.” Reaching the top, you toss the body over the hill rather unceremoniously, racing down and hopping in the car.
The other car circles you as you duck down, grabbing any weapons you can find. The men step out and start inspecting Steven/Marc, and you take the opportunity to sneak out.
Striking up a flare, the red glow immediately catches their attention.
You hear them yelling before they make a sharp turn and start shooting again. You drop the flare and run around the other side, readying another.
Just as the truck pulls to a stop by the van, you run out, tossing the flaming signal onto the top of the bed, where there was plenty of ammunition just waiting to be exploded. It doesn’t take long for the fuse to spark.
It’s safe to say that you receive a small firework show, and both bodies tumble out with no sign of getting back up anytime soon. If at all.
When you turn around, you immediately shriek.
Steven stares back at you, now completely fine and a bit confused.
“…What?” he asks.
You shove him lightly. “Don’t scare me like that, Иисус Христос [Jesus Christ]. I could’ve thrown a flare at you.”
Steven meekly apologizes and your anger dissipates, so you wave to the car.
“C’mon. We’d better get going if we’re going to catch up to Harrow.”
By the time you’re almost at the tomb, the sun has begun to rise.
“We can’t lose more time,” you grumble finally, breaking the silence. “Harrow must be headed back to this tomb.”
You bite your lip, weighing your words on your tongue. “Listen, if he’s there, we’ll need Marc.”
“No,” Steven says.
You blink. “No?”
He shakes his head. “No. See, the thing is, we made a deal, Marc and I, that when he was done with Khonshu, he would disappear for good.”
Steven glances to the mirror where you figure Marc is yelling at him.
‘But that deal didn’t involve you getting (Y/N) and us killed. That’s not gonna fly with me.’
“You made a deal?” you ask, unaware of the words of the other alter. “That he would just, never come back? Never eat, sleep, live? I understand this is a complicated situation, but both of you belong in your body equally. Besides, that would mean he would also completely disappear from my life.” You add the last bit much quieter.
“What do you mean?”
You hesitate, gripping the wheel. “Yeah, well, the guy’s kinda grown on me. Both of you have.”
‘Steven, you’re gonna make her upset, stop. Give me the body.’
“Even if he would want to ‘lone wolf’ this whole thing,” you continue, waving your hand. “I’ve been there before, and I’m not going to let you dive into a suicide mission alone.”
Ignoring the frustrated man in the mirror, Steven nods. “Yep, it’s just you and me, and the open road.” You brake hard, stifling your amusement as he jolts forward.
“We’re gonna go on foot,” you say, more of an order than a suggestion. He agrees readily, and both of you trek through the narrow path to your destination.
The shadows are a welcome relief from the heat, yet every sound has you tense. Every bit of movement could be a sniper. Every crevice could hide a hitman.
“There.” You point down to a camp. “It looks like they’re already inside, so we need to find another way to beat them to- What’s its name?”
“Uh, Ammit. She eats dead people’s souls.”
“Great. Let’s check the camp.”
Steven heads into a tent, rifling through the belongings. It’s going well, at least until a glass table reflects Marc instead of himself.
‘You look scared.’
“I’m not.”
‘You should be.’ Marc gives a wry grin that’s barely visible on the glass. ‘Without Khonshu, there’s no more suit, no more healing, no more power.’
Steven shines a flashlight directly into his eyes and blinks away the dancing spots. “Yeah, and no more you. I thought. It’s what you said, innit? But believing anything that comes out of your mouth just shows what a plonker I am.”
‘Look, I wish I could just disappear, I really do. But unfortunately, I’m still here. If you’re gonna go through with this, you gotta be smart.’ Marc hesitates a bit. ‘For (Y/N)’s sake. I’ve been in situations like this before.’
Steven shrugs. “So have I. It’s the same body, innit? It’s in there somewhere. Muscle memory and all that.” Marc rolls his eyes from the desk.
‘Yeah, I’m not sure it works that way. Just-’
“Oh, whatever,” Steven huffs, cutting him off.
‘I’m here,’ Marc calls, voice permanently in Steven’s head, even as he tries to walk away. ‘You’re not alone.’
“I know I’m not alone! I know I’m bloody not alone, I’ve got (Y/N). She’s got my back.”
Marc’s snide response shocks both of them. ‘Oh, are you in love?’ he calls. ‘You’re gonna get all of us killed.’
“And you don’t love her?” Steven snaps back, stomping down his flustered-ness to prod at the other man. “Look, I appreciate your concern, mate, I really do. But we’ve got it from here.”
As he eagerly hurries out of the tent, Marc yells from a mirror.
‘If you touch her, I swear to you, Steven. I swear, I’ll throw us off a cliff!’
Meanwhile, searching the camp, you freeze when something catches your eye. A bloodied tool, but not something modern. It’s old as fuck, from what you can tell. But the blood is fresh. Like someone stole this from the tomb and stabbed the nearest person with little regard to the trail they’d leave.
Blood covers the nearby crates. Only more reason to get out of the open.
Charging up your Widow Bites, you head to the entry point where Steven is waiting. You quickly start putting on his harness, trying to ignore how close you are by constantly glancing over your shoulder.
“I have to say, I feel like I’ve been waiting for this my whole life,” he excitedly whispers. “The adventure, I mean.” Not surprising. His love for Egyptology makes this basically the most dangerous yet exciting field study ever.
You smile. “Yeah. We want what we’ve never had.” Tightening the buckles, you can’t help but notice his breath ghosting over your cheek. “You know, family, freedom. Relationships…”
There’s a moment of connection. Your eyes meet and you don’t look away.
He’d be really easy to kiss. You know he would be. And a part of you really wants to. But not right now.
You cough a bit and look away, grabbing some gloves as you clip his harness on the rope.
“I will go down first,” you manage, voice quieter than usual. “Before I belay.”
“Yeah, of course,” Steven says. “What’s belay?”
You chuckle and wordlessly drop, reaching the bottom with little issue. What you don’t see is Marc summoning enough control to punch Steven directly in the face, partially for almost kissing you and partially for not doing it.
Underground, the oppressive heat finally relents and you let out a puff of air.
Grabbing your flashlight, you scan the room and run a finger along the dirt atop the sphinx hidden in the dark.
Before you know it, you’ve traced the signature hourglass of the Red Room.
“Shit,” you whisper. Before you can focus on it for too long, shouting from behind you causes you to whip around.
Steven tumbles down the entrance, falling flat on his back with a grunt. You help him up, dusting him off a bit.
“There you go,” you chuckle.
He blushes a bit. “I kinda wish you hadn’t seen that.” You shrug, smiling.
He glances up, eyes widening. “Oh, wow, look at you…” It’s your turn to blush now, almost giggling at the feeling in your chest before you notice that he’s looking at the sphinx, not you.
“Oh, yeah. They really are… gorgeous, aren’t they?” You’re staring at Steven as you speak. “They’re just, they’ve been standing guard for centuries.”
He nods excitedly. “Right! Look, I just- If they sprang to life right now and asked me a riddle for passage, I’d be thrilled. I’d shit myself,” he adds, “but I’d be thrilled.”
“Did… did you do this?” Steven asks, pointing to the hourglass drawing.
Reluctantly, you nod.
“Force of habit… the… The Red Room protocol was to leave the emblem wherever we went. A subtle reminder that Dreykov’s power went beyond borders.” You gesture to the symbol. “A reminder that he was all-powerful.”
You chuckle ruefully, pointing to the symbol. “Even without the pheromone lock, without his agents, he’s still controlling me.”
Steven notices the way you’re voice has quieted, how your usually-relaxed posture has slumped in on itself.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispers, as if the stone sphinx can hear him.
In an instant, you’re brushing it off.
“Yeah. No, it’s fine, really,” you say, confident once more and hurriedly striding down the dark hallway.
The path twists and turns, disorienting you until you freeze in a small room.
“It’s a maze,” you huff.
Steven can’t help his quip. “It’s a-maze-ing.”
“No,” you snort before pointing around. “Like, there are six paths.”
The man behind you starts muttering to himself as you scan the room. A familiar smell lingers in the air, one you would know anywhere, even if it is hidden by the smell of sand and dust.
A few bullet shells lie in the sand.
“What were they shooting at?” you whisper. No one else should be here except Harrow’s dig team.
Steven begins tracing on the center table, much like you had. When you notice a shape forming, you step closer to inspect it.
“This whole structure is the Eye of Horus,” he says. “Look at that. It’s the royal symbol, protection in the afterlife.”
You nod, keeping up with the research you’d done. “But, the resources needed…” The epiphany hits you. “Ammit’s final avatar was a pharaoh.”
“Woah, a bloody pharaoh,” Steven gasps.
“So, do you think this is a map?” you ask, not wanting to disturb the drawing.
“Right. The Eye of Horus is also the eye of the mind, yeah? Representing the six senses, six points. The eyebrow denotes thoughts. Pupil, sight, obviously.”
He continues pointing about the shape. “This point here is, uh, hearing. Smell, touch. And this long line ending in a spiral, is the tongue.”
“An avatar would be Ammit’s voice,” you mutter.
Both of you turn to the corresponding tunnel at once, heading down it together. It ends in an open room, still very musty smelling but less claustrophobic than the previous areas.
You explore for only a few seconds before Steven’s gagging.
“Oh my- Oh my god, is that fresh blood?” he manages. “Isn’t that little chunks of meaty bits?”
You nod in affirmation, really hoping he doesn’t hurl. That’s when you notice canopic jars, very full of organs and coated in very fresh blood. It hasn’t even crusted.
Another bloodied tool lies on the operating table.
You’d read about doctors and sorcerers buried with a pharaoh to protect him from intruders, but this? Checking down the exit hallway, you only see a thick trail of blood.
“Okay, okay,” you hiss, glancing up to the secondary level. “Steven, there might be a way out up there, go check.”
He clambers up with a bit of help from you, wood creaking and echoing around the stone walls.
“So, according to the ancient texts, Ammit should be bound to an ushabti, a little stone statue thingy.” You let him geek out a bit before gunfire stops your heart right in its tracks.
“Harrow,” you say, just loud enough for Steven to hear.
“What are they shooting at?”
You don’t have time to respond when a sickening clicking sound comes from right outside the door.
“Hide. Hide,” Steven calls.
With nowhere to go, you duck down by the table.
The clicking grows ever closer until you spot something, mangled and grotesque, tossing a barely-alive digger onto the stone surface.
The stabbing and squelching sound that follows is enough for you to know that some more jars are about to be filled.
In all honesty, you’ve heard worse, so you silently exhale and try to stay as still as possible.
That plan gets shot the moment you shift and bump a jar.
Wincing, you silently shift away from the table, steadying your breathing as the clicking grows more aggressive. From Steven’s hiding spot, a loud creak rises up and the creature -whatever is it is- jumps atop the table to search for the source of the sound.
You can hear it start climbing the wall, fighting to get to Steven. And that just won’t do.
With a click of a button, you fire off an electrical blast from your gauntlets. It stuns the mummified man, who falls to the table.
Steven shouts with a force you’ve never heard from him and topples a shelf, effectively crushing it.
“I squished it. I squished it,” he whispers.
“Yes,” you say, forcing an encouraging tone. “You definitely squished it, now come on.”
He clambers down the ledge with no semblance of grace, and you take his hand, rushing through the hallway to want you hope will be your destination.
As you’re stepping across shattered stones, a grin finally forms on your face.
This is it. The walls are lined with hieroglyphs, gilded statues line the chamber.
And a sarcophagus lies in the center, water surrounding it.
“Oh, my days,” Steven whispers. “First ones in. Tomb fit for a pharaoh. Thutmose II, Nefertiti, it’s gotta be one of the big ones.”
You point to the sarcophagus, eyes narrowing.
“Those aren’t hieroglyphs. That’s…”
You speak at the same time. “Macedonian.”
He mutters to himself, inspecting the writing. Thoughts spilling out as his mouth races to keep up with his mind.
“I think we’re looking at the long-lost tomb of Alexander the Great,” he concludes. You understand why he’s excited, but a part of you also knows that now is not the time. Not when you’re in a time crunch.
Setting your hands on the lid, you nod for Steven to join you.
“Everything inside me is, like, screaming not to open this thing,” he says nervously.
“Well, it’s either us or Harrow. Your pick.” You know it’s a bit unfair, but it works.
He sets his hands by yours, bracing himself.
You raise a brow. “You ready?”
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moiravim · 2 years
Master list
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Key: 🌧️-angst, 🎀-parental, 🌻-fluff
The sacrifice. Bucky Barnes x Yn Zombie Apocalypse AU Story. 10 chapters. Completed. 🌻🌧️
I Miss When We First Met. Draco x YN Potter. Enemies to lovers, love triangle, slow burn. Completed🌧️🌻
Marvel Oneshots
Truth. Loki x yn. enemies to lovers 🌧️🌻
Support. Dad Tony 🌻🎀
Ily3000. Dad Tony comfort 🌻🌧️🎀
Assistance. teen yn sh comfort w/tony stark 🎀🌧️🌻
Let it out. Bucky hurt/comfort 🌧️🌻
Forevermore. Dad Loki🎀🌻
Rainy Nights. Fem Loki x reader 🌻
Widow friends. Platonic Yelena x yn🌻
Moon dad's meet yn🎀🌻
Moon dad's part 2 🎀🌻
Hot Coffee. Wanda x GN!yn 🌻
Date night Drama. Dad tony, romantic Bucky. 🌻🎀
Sick Mornings. Dad Clint Barton x GN!yn 🌻🎀
Mob!Dad!Bucky x teen!YN🎀🌻
Unbearable. F!Loki x GN!YN sh comfort 🎀🌧️
Sick Nights. Kate Bishop x YN 🌻🎀
Runaway. Dad tony, brother Peter x teen!yn🎀🌻🌧️
Home. Dad!Stucky x overwhelmed YN 🌧️🌻🎀
Giving the avengers pride flags!!Pride month fluff🌻🏳️‍🌈
Star Wars One-shots
Din Djarin x teen!GN!yn🎀🌻🌧️ part 2
Harry Potter one-shots/HC
Draco x Male Reader HC 🌻🏳️‍🌈
FTM!Regulus HC hurt/comfort jegulus🌧️🌻🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Rosekiller headcanons🌻🏳️‍🌈
Dad Wolfstar/brother Harry Headcannons GN!yn🌻🎀
Dating James Potter Headcannons🌻
Platonic Ominis, Sebastian, Anne x GN!yn🌧️🌻
Sebastian/Ominis x Yn dating HC 🌻
Seb and Omi depression comfort🌧️🌻
Blonde hair. Draco's sister🌧️🌻🎀
Other One-shots
Basil Stitt "lightning face" x GN!teen!YN🎀🌻🌧️
Marvel characters react
Marvel men react to you being upset 🌧️🌻
React to you being overwhelmed 🌧️🌻
React to you coming out🌻🏳️‍🌈
Marvel characters as your parents🎀🌻
Going to vormir with you🌧️
React to you getting sick🌧️🌻
React to you on your period 🌻
Falling asleep on them🌻
Proposing to you🌻
Taking you on a date🌻
React to you passing out🌧️🌻
Matching Marvel pfps
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deadqueerboys · 2 years
Steven: Some people might say that hanging out with an assassin can be bad for your health..
M/n: ...
Steven: Not me, of course, I think your relationship with Marc and Jake is beautiful.
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lavender-at-heart · 1 month
Mᴀʀᴠᴇʟ Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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Sᴛᴇᴠᴇ Rᴏɢᴇʀs
Lᴏɢᴀɴ Hᴏᴡʟᴇᴛᴛ
Cʜᴀʀʟᴇs Xᴀᴠɪᴇʀ
Tʜᴇ Mᴏᴏɴᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ Bʀᴏs
Hᴀɴᴋ Mᴄᴏʏ
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brnesblogposts · 7 months
Moon boys rescuing reader from a spider (drabble)
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warnings: arachnophobia
characters: steven grant x reader, marc spector x reader
“FUCK, NO.” Steven heard you shriek in the bedroom from his place on the sofa and was instantly alerted. He ran to the bedroom so fast he almost tripped “darling?! are you alright?” concern overtook his voice, “SP- SPIDER” You were crying and shaking, you had a massive phobia of the 8 legged creatures.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright,” Steven tried calming you down “deep breathes, okay?” He saw you following his instructions as you stood on the bed frantic. “Now, where is it?” He spoke softly, hoping it would keep you calm, you pointed him in the direction of the laundry basket.
Steven cautiously approached, he himself was not too fond of spiders but he would do anything for you, “JESUS-“ You had forgotten to inform Steven of the size of this spider. “Love, this isn’t for me, i’m gonna let Marc front to catch it, yeah? i’ll be back in a minute”
“Hey, baby” Marc turned to see you clinging on to the headboard of the bed for dear life, “DON’T LOSE IT MARC” You yelled at him. “Don’t you worry! Mr tough guy is here, Steven is a wimp” Hey. It’s bloody big, okay? My fear is completely rational, alright? Marc just laughed at his alter in the reflection of the bedroom mirror.
He lifted the hamper and the spider tried scampering away, “MARC” You were crying harder which only made him want to catch and release this thing faster. He cupped his hands and caught it “I’ve got it, Baby” He had turned to show you he did, “GET IT OUT OF HERE, I DON’T WANT TO SEE IT” He obeyed and released it out of the bedroom window, swiftly shutting it so it wouldn’t get back in. “It’s gone” He saw your shoulders begin to relax and you sat on the bed with a huff.
Marc approached you and kissed you on the forehead “You’re safe now, it’s not gonna hurt you. Nobody and nothing hurts my Y/N” With that he kissed your lips and handed over control back to Steven. “You were so brave, darling. So proud of you,” he kissed your temple “It’s a good thing we have Marc, innit?” he chuckled to himself. Knowing you, you’d be dialling 999 for a spider Marc spoke, Steven ignored him and took you in his arms.
“You boys are my heroes,” Marc fronted for a second “Steven didn’t even do anything?! He was cowardly” With that Steven was back in control, “He is such an arse” Steven rolled his eyes. You smiled, a smile that shone with love. Your boys, your heroes. You cuddled into Steven and that’s where you lay for the next couple hours.
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oneofstarkskids · 6 months
you'll never lose me
steven grant x reader
summary: steven is having a hard time falling asleep because he's afraid of thunderstorms.
notes: very fluffy, but what did you expect ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
*not my gif*
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the light patter of the rain had a way of lulling you to sleep, but for steven it was just a sign of impending distress.
you hadn't even realized it was a problem for him until the first boom of the rolling thunder shook the entire flat.
he flinched at the loud noise and gripped onto you, jolting you awake.
"steven, baby, what's wrong?" you asked as you reached for his hand on your shoulder. "nothing, love. everything's alright. sorry to wake you," he responded with an ever so slight quiver in his voice.
but then the sky roared again, and steven's grip on your shoulder began to hurt. you sat up and reached for the light. with the room lit, you could see that steven's eyes were squeezed closed.
you leaned down to embrace him, "aww, you never told me you were scared of storms." steven opened his eyes and tried, mostly failed, to act perfectly fine.
"i'm not!" he said in offense. "that's ridiculous. there's no sense in being afraid of a little water."
you gave him a sad smile, "steven, it's okay to be afraid. i'm afraid of lots of things."
steven rolled his eyes, "yeah right." you made a bewildered expression. how could he think you were fearless? "it's true! i'm afraid of insects, heights, and most of all...i'm afraid of losing you."
now all of his attention was on you, "darling, you'll never lose me."
you shrugged, "but you can't promise that, because nothing in life is guaranteed." steven pulled you close to his chest, "well as long as it's within my power, i will always be right here by your side."
he kissed you on the cheek, making you scrunch your nose up. and in that moment, with you laying on top of him and tracing patterns on his chest with your fingers, he realized that there was nothing to be afraid of.
by the time the storm had passed, steven had already fallen asleep. you looked up at his pretty face and smiled for a moment before turning out the light and taking your place back in his arms.
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bored-mumma · 2 years
The Transfer - Steven Grant X Reader
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Summary: Working at the British Museums has its upsides. Not today though. Thanks to lack of staff, you would have to pull a shift in a different gift-shop with co-workers you didn’t know.
Words: 2497
Warnings: None except not beta read.
Notes: This was originally a different story entirely, but my brain decided we wanted a first meeting fic. Maybe a chapter two to this but not too sure.
Nervousness was not a strong enough word to describe how you were feeling this morning. You picked at your nails as you sat on the underground, barely paying attention to what stop you were at as you thought about everything that could possibly go wrong today. You worked at the British Museum in the Greece and Rome department, which sounds fancy, but you just worked in the gift shop, selling things that had nothing to do with Greece or Rome. But you loved it for the most part, doing things like talking to the tour guides about the exhibit and chatting to the customers. Although being a ‘gift-shoppist’ wasn’t your career goal, you felt like it was a good steppingstone to becoming a tour guide as well. It was a passion of yours that you always rambled on about so the thought of actually being paid to drag people around and talk about your interests sounds bloody amazing to you.
Today though, you were being transferred to a different shop at the museum. Apparently, the manager at the Egyptology department wasn’t the nicest person to exist and a few staff members had quit meaning the other departments had to send down a few spares. And today was finally your turn.
You knew nothing at all about Egyptology and you certainly did not want to spend much time around Donna. You had crossed her path once or twice in the staff room but never had the pleasure of talking to her. Though the way she spoke to some other people definitely made you steer clear each time you saw her. You didn’t know anyone else at that shop either and you weren’t really the most confident person when meeting new people. Spending a day in an exhibit about stuff you don’t have much interest in, surrounded by people you didn’t know and being bossed about by Donna did not sound like a fun away to spend your Friday. It was just one day though… you could survive for one day, right?
Putting up your umbrella, you left the station and started the five-minute walk to the museum. Greeting JB (Who barely looked up from his phone when he replied), your body automatically made its way to the Greece and Rome exhibit, and you had to mentally steer yourself in the other direction. A tight smile made its way onto your lips as you saw Donna standing behind the till, a sour look on her face as she checked her watch.
“Morning Donna!” You tried to sound all cheery, but it came out sounding extremely fake. Donna looked up at you, chewing her gum and staring for a moment as if to think about why you’re stood in front of her.
“Stevens late again. You’ll be by yourself for a bit.” She slid a basket of keyrings and postcards towards you and a smaller box with price tags on it. “Start with these. We’re pretty far behind so need you to work fast today.” Looking at her watch again and rolling her eyes, Donna made her way to the storage rooms, leaving you to dump your bag under the desk and try to figure out which price tags went on which object. Thankfully it was pretty simple work.
The next hour went by pretty quickly. You served a couple of customers, giving them your classic sales techniques that your manager taught you to try and shift some of the older stock. Some of the customers asked you questions, and you managed to direct them towards tour guides so you didn’t have to try and think of the right answer – something you definitely couldn’t do. Thankfully though, you were saved when someone asked you whose tomb was on the front of one of the postcards. You looked between the woman and the card, racking your brain for the answer but before you could, a male voice answered for you.
“The golden mask of Tutankhamun. Not a tomb, the tomb is the burial area. Like the grave.” You looked over and saw who your colleague for the day must be. Donna did say his name earlier though you couldn’t remember it. Stanley maybe?  He quickly shoved his bag by yours under the desk and continue to talk to the customer about the golden mask and you were thankful there was finally someone else there to take the questions. You gave him a quick look over as you started to tidy up the teddies some kids had messed up. He looked absolutely shattered – dark circles around his sunken eyes, clothes a little dishevelled and his hair looked like he ran his hands through it rather than a brush. He seemed nice though. The way he seemed to happily answer some customers questions, smiling as he did so, made you thankful you’ll be working with someone who seemed pretty welcoming.
“How many times have I told you, you’re not the bloody tour guide, Stevie.” Donna snapped when the customers finally walked away.
“Steven, actually. Steven.” He pointed to his name badge as he pinned it to his shirt. Ah so he has a name. You kept your head down as you didn’t want any remarks from Donna aimed at yourself.
“No, you’re bloody useless unless you’re doing what you’re paid to do.” She picked up a basket and slid it towards Steven. “Which is to sell these to children.”
“Got it.” He replied, taking the basket towards him and flipping through the products. Donna rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving you and Steven alone.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You said, smiling towards Steven. He almost jumped, forgetting there was someone working with him today. He looked over at you with wide eyes before they settled to a nice smile.
“Steven.” He held his hand out for you to shake. You opened your mouth to start a friendly conversation when a lady came over wearing a tour guide badge. You busied yourself as they spoke, saying something about a date that sounded like Steven didn’t even know he had. His excited look faded when Donna came along again, teasing about what he would eat on the date. You tried not to snigger when Steven made a sarcastic remark back. You were honestly just trying to blend into the background, just wanting to get the day done and finished so you can get back to working with your friends on Monday.
The rest of the morning went by pretty quickly. You and Steven spoke to each other a little, but things were a bit awkward. He wasn’t a big talker by the looks of things except when you admitted you didn’t know a lot about Egyptology. Oh my god, did he talk your ear off then. You had to admit, you enjoyed when he lectured you about the mummification process and he was definitely someone you were grateful to work with. At mid-day, Donna took over the shop before sending you and Steven down to the storage rooms to do some inventory. She ushered you both away, saying you could have your lunch as you worked down there. Working through your lunch wasn’t exactly something you wanted to do but part of you was happy to be chilling with Steven. You were sure you were going to get some more lectures whilst down there and you had to admit, you were kind of looking forward to it.
“Like, I don’t want to slag off marketing, but the posters only have seven Gods when the Ennead had nine.” Steven pointed to the posters, naming all seven Gods present and then telling you which two were missing. You nodded along slowly as you scanned the sweets in front of you, honestly having no idea what he was talking about but enjoying listening to him none-the-less. “I told Donna about it… Don’t think she was very interested.” He gave a nervous chuckle. Steven was in the corner of the room, still holding up the poster of the Ennead, looking at it with an unimpressed look. Before you could reply, he quickly turned around to look at you, eyebrows furrowed as if in thought. “Sorry!” He said quickly.
“For what?” You tilted your head, honestly confused.
“I’ve been talking your ear off and not actually helping.” Steven grabbed a box of hippo teddies (which he had previously informed you was the Goddess Taweret) and stood next to you as he began to scan. “Just tell me to be quiet whenever I talk too much. I get carried away sometimes.” He laughed. He was right, he had been talking your ear off the entire thirty minutes you had already been down here, and he hadn’t scanned a single thing yet. His lunch was also sat in his bag, still untouched. But you weren’t complaining.
“No, no don’t apologise. It's interesting actually. I have the same reaction when talking about Greek myths and Gods.” You stopped scanning and looked up at Steven who was standing next to you at the table, which was a little small making your arms brush against each other sometimes. “You make something I’m not overly interested sound pretty fascinating.” You smirked when you saw a little blush creep on his face as his eyes met yours. “But If you could tell me more about it whilst we actually did our work, that would be great.”
“Maybe I could work a day in your department, and you can talk my ear off.” He said with a lopsided smile. You don’t know why but the thought of spending another day with Steven made you ridiculously happy. He was unusual to say the least. Your usual colleagues were all extremely professional but were obviously there just for the job, not for the passion. Steven on the other hand radiated love for what he spoke about. You had to admit, at first, he wasn’t anything special to look at but the more time you spent with him and the more comfortable you both became around each other, the better looking he got.
“We should hurry up. Don’t really fancy getting chewed out again.” You ignored his suggestion of coming to work with you and continued to scan some items. You had loads left and Donna said you only had an hour to do it in. A comfortable silence enveloped you both for a little while as you worked. It was crazy how at ease you felt in his space. He was a calming presence. “How come you work in the gift shop anyway? If you know so much about all this,” You gestured vaguely to the stuff in the room. “And you clearly love it. Why are you stuck with me behind a desk?” Steven stopped what he was doing and looked around the room as if to give himself a second to think of how to explain the answer. You watched as his face dropped slightly before he looked back to you.
“Donna just says no.” He shrugs a little, giving no other reasons and goes back to work. Ah, touchy subject to talk about, you noted.
“You coming, Steven?” You asked, slinging your bag on your shoulder as you both closed up shop for the day. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were kind of gutted. You had really enjoyed your day and it was all thanks to the awkward man stood in front of you. You two hit it off pretty well and by the time the shop closed, you would consider him more of a friend than a co-worker. “Some of us staff are going to the Kings Head for a drink.” You offered, not sure if Steven was invited since he initially gave you a confused look.
“Oh.” He grabbed his bag as he started to follow you towards the museum exit. “No, probably not. I have to phone my mum, feed my goldfish…” He trailed off as in lost in thought. You wanted to tell him how you thought that was the sweetest answer he could have given but you bit your tongue. The walk to the exit was short and as you both said goodnight to J.B, Steven correcting him when J.B called him Scottie, you weren’t really sure how to say goodnight. You both stood outside for a moment, your brain going a mile a minute on trying to find something to say but Steven beat you to it. “Well… See you around.” He said with a smile. You returned the gesture and said your goodnights before starting to head towards the pub. You had barely walked a couple meters before you heard Steven call after you again. “Actually, Y/N!” You turned to see him walking your way, his hands tucked into his sleeves as he picked the threads off the ends. “If I was stop by your shop on Monday at around lunch time…” He trailed off again, eyes bouncing between looking at his hands and looking at you. Your breath caught in your throat as you realised, he must have enjoyed your company just as much as you enjoyed his.
“I’ll be there.” You tried to not let the smile on your face grow too big as you answered. He was endearing, you had to admit. Not the usual guy you would go for in the slightest but there was just something about him. Although, you weren’t sure if it was a ‘I liked our day and think of you as a good friend now and maybe we can start hanging out more at work’ type lunch or ‘I think you’re attractive and I want to see more of you and maybe later, ask you out on a proper date’ type lunch but either way, you were excited.
“Oh!” Stevens picking at the threads got worse but at least he was solely looking at you now. “I’ll see you Monday then. Laters, gators.” He waved a goodbye to you again and once again; you returned the gesture. Once you were safely facing the opposite direction, you allowed the grin on your face to widen, your heart literally skipping a beat. You felt a bit silly feeling like this, but you couldn’t help it if you tried. That was, until you remembered the conversation you had overheard him have earlier… About the date at the steakhouse with the beautiful tour guide. A date… Ok, so maybe it was just a friend thing then. The smile on your face fell quickly as a knotting feeling started in your stomach. You were far too gutted to only be friends with a man you’ve known for literally 8 hours.
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neytirisheaven · 11 months
[ ↷ m. masterlist ]
[ ❏   legend   , ]
✿   fluff     !    ☁︎   angst    !    ★   smut     !
♥︎   personal favorite     !    ✓   complete     !
ᝰ   currently writing     !
❛ steve rogers ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  give me reasons we should be complete:
( slow dancing in the dark,   joji )
IN WHICH you don't believe that you and steve should to be together, especially when he has a framed photo of peggy in his bedroom
ᝰ  |  so can i call you tonight?:
( can i call you tonight?,   dayglow )
IN WHICH you meet a man at a bar, and you hit it off, not knowing he's an avenger
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ pietro maximoff ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  baby, i just wanna be yours:
( i wanna be yours,   arctic monkeys )
IN WHICH pietro keeps pushing you away despite your obvious reciprocated feelings for him
ᝰ  |  i see how you look at my sister:
( first burn,   shoba narayan, arianna afsar, julia harriman, lexi lawson, rachelle ann go )
IN WHICH your sister is the one that gains all of pietro's attention, even when it's obvious that her heart belongs to the one closest to him
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ moon knight/marc spector ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  why'd you only ever call me when you're high?:
( why'd you only call me when you're high?,   arctic monkeys )
IN WHICH it's been years since you and marc have last seen each other—you left each other on the worst possible terms—and he's suddenly calling you at three in the morning
ᝰ  |  anywhere, babe, is like paris in the rain when i'm with you:
( paris in the rain,   lauv )
IN WHICH you're spending a rainy day afternoon with the love of your life
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
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