#moonlit dreams 🌙
milosirlgf ¡ 1 year
Tbh its so silly to me how I’m mutuals with both you and rae now because back when I didn’t have an official tumblr I would just scroll on the YV tag and see you two
And just think like “oh these people are so cool i should probably make an acc soon”
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vxlentinescookies ¡ 29 days
One-shot of (Jester) Shadow Milk cookie x (Princess) Fem Reader please 🙏🏻
Plot : The reader hates her kingdom because it ruled by the infamous greedy king (her father), later on her father hired a new jester and eventually the princess and the jester become close friend (they secretly like eachother) but king despise the idea that his daughter being close with the jester and is planning to do something bad.
I need yummy angst with fluff 🙏🏻
Also, we knew that Shadow Milk could easily destroy the kingdom, he's one of the beasts afterall-
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→ ❛A rose in times of war❜
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→ Pairing ; Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader → Quote ; ❛❛Do you trust me, my dearest?❜❜ → Genre ; Drama , Romance → A/N ; Here you go! I hope you enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it hehe
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Once upon a time, there was a princess, caught in the claws of a greedy little kingdom. Her father, the King of the vast land, was greedy and infamous, often spending large quantities of money in parties and riches that could only amount to showing off his vast wealth. The princess was tired, exhausted of this behavior, so much that his father, in an unlikely act of love, hired the help of a handsome and great Jester, called—
“Shadow Milk Cookie, I know thats you you’re describing in the story…”
“Oh my dear (y/n) cookie, just allow me to have some fun!”
Ahem, long lost in the hills of earthbread, near Beast-Yeast, yet far away from most kingdoms, there would lie a kingdom, characterized for its poverty and power imbalance. Townsfolk would beg for a little bit of food, while the royalty boasted their riches and overabundance, this little kingdom was called Red Clover Kingdom. Ruled by King Clover Cookie, he’d become infamous in the chatter of his subjects and other kingdoms, due to his ruling with an iron fist and greed coating his words. Yet, despite all of this, one thing seemed to be clear, and its that he loved his daughter dearly. You see, the king wasnt always like this, there was a time where the king once was kind and full of life, but since the death of Queen Camellia Cookie, nothing but ruin and darkness had but befallen the kingdom. Consumed by grief, the King changed completely, fully submitting to the darkness in his heart and turning the kingdom into his own little playground, a truth he tried to hide from the Princess, whom he adored with his life as the only remnant of his wife’s legacy. 
Seeing the princess' saddened state, the boredom that leaked into her mind and into her life, the King came to a resolution, and that was bringing forth a jester, a companion for the Princess, said jester, was none other than Shadow Milk Cookie. Having infiltrated the kingdom as an attempt to escape from being locked out again by White Lily Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie became appointed as the Princess jester, a job he relished in as it allowed him to partake into creating plays and making others laugh, but it also meant that he had to stay at bay, save he want to be found out, which wasnt that fun but he could manage. With that in mind, the relationship between the Princess and Shadow Milk cookie would slowly shift into one of friendship and comfort, as the Princess would find safety and a confidant in the jester.
“Shadow Milk cookie, you’re so funny” The princess would tell the jester once, laughing as he finished another of his puppet plays with expertise. 
“Of course I am, Im a jester after all!” He noted, and the princess couldnt do anything but laugh gently. 
“Of course you are” The princess would say with a smile, looking at the jester before thinking deeply. “And to think that when we met, I wasnt keen on you, you’ve truly surpassed my expectations, jester of mine… And Im grateful of that.”
Of course, the princess wasnt always keen on the jester. Thinking at first that he was a tactic of his father to keep her controlled, she would at first be coarse and harsh on the jester, hiding behind her fan as the poor cookie tried his best to make the royal laugh, but it was difficult. It’d take one specific parody of the royalty, presented only in front of the princess and some of her handmaids, to make the princess finally break into laughter, something that seemed to be unlikely, it seemed to finally have happened. 
“Right, that moment was quite precious, I hold it dear to my heart” Shadow milk cookie said with pride in his voice, holding a hand to his heart while another lifted his hat, and the princess couldnt do anything but giggle at his mannerisms “I mean it! Your laughter breaks my heart now, ahuhu…”
“Oh you silly jester” She’d say warmly, walking towards him to put a hand on his shoulder. “Truly, what would I do without you…”
Those words seemed to take Shadow milk by surprise, as he looked at the princess for long moments before simply smiling and hitting her with another one of his jokes, another parody of the royalty of the dark kingdom, and the Princess would hide her mouth with her fan as she laughed. Things were surely lively in her quarters, since of course, Shadow Milk Cookie couldnt afford to laugh at royalty in front of the king himself, oh no! Of course he couldnt, save he’d be sent away to the dark dungeons of the castle—And then the princess would be all sad and mopey, and that was something he didnt want to happen.
Silently, though, would their relationship deepen the more they spent together, the more they shared moments and laughter, it was something visible and palatable to those around them, the handmaids, the butlers, everyone but them. For the princess would keep on laughing, and the jester would keep on entertaining her. Knowledge of their feelings growing closer and closer together would eventually find the ears of the king, however, and nothing but anger would come from his lips as he thought of what to do. This wasnt meant to happen, he wasnt meant to fall for the princess, nor viceversa, but oh, who was he to say who the princess deserved? Apparently, someone because the next thing he did would be something that would mark the poor princess forever.
“An arranged marriage? B-But, father—”
“No buts! You will marry the prince of the kingdom of Rose Champagne, lest you wish to see that damned Jester suffer!”
With nothing else to say, the poor princess couldnt do anything but go to her room and cry inconsolably, seeing her life go down the drain as the King forced her to take a path she didnt want, to take the hand of someone she didnt love, it was all a nightmare, and as Shadow Milk cookie approached the room for the daily session with his favorite princess, he’d come to see the aftermath of a dark endeavor. 
“Oh Shadow Milk Cookie, my loyal jester!” The princess would cry out as she went to hug the cookie, who, dumbfounded, would hold her in his arms to soothe her. “The king, the king wants to marry me off!!”
“Y-Yes, he wants me rid of someone from another kingdom, and I must abide lest… lest they hurt you…”
The words felt like daggers into his heart, as the cookie simply listened to the poor princess’ laments. And then, only then would darkness and deceit take shape and form inside of the cookie, feeling those old feelings resurface and take shape into the darkest of ways. He consoled the princess, then, the handmaids leaving the room to leave them both be, as the Jester rubbed circles on her back, shushing her down to a small slumber. Oh dearest princess, if only you knew how much this jester has grown to adore you, your smiles, your laughter, your voice and your overall self, then you’d know that somethings are only done in the name of love.
Deceit was the last name of Shadow Milk Cookie, and with the only truth on his lips being his love for the princess, he’d ideate a plan to get her out of there, and into the depths of Beast-Yeast. Carefully would plan a way to turn the handmaids against the king, the butlers, the cooks, the servants and the townspeople, which wasnt hard, as all of them already felt a certain way, less than favorable, about the father of the princess. Then, he’d call upon a riot, a riot to overthrow the king and lead to a better future for both the kingdom and the princess. And while all that happened, he’d steal the princess away, take her somewhere safer, somewhere deep within Beast-Yeast.
“Are you sure this plan will work?” One of the townsfolk asked, looking around the room as the jester, clad in a cloak, only smiled.
“Of course, I’m the princess’ appointed jester after all… Who else would know the castle better than me?”
That would mark a countdown that would end a fateful rainy day, deep into the darkness of the night, when the princess was sleeping, clad in a white dress, would wake to the thunder and the silhouette to someone in the balcony. 
“W-Who’s there…?” She’d ask, sheepishly as Shadow Milk would only open the balcony doors, extending a hand over to her. “S-Shadow Milk Cookie…?”
“My dearest princess, will you accept this jester’s dance this night?” He’d speak, then, with the warmest of smiles and the most devious of gazes. Truly, a meeting for a lifetime.
“W-What are you doing here, my jester?”
“There is no time to lose, princess, a riot is brewing within the townsfolk and the servants of the kingdom, we must make haste and escape while we can…”
“Do you trust me, my dearest?”
Silence would fill the room for long moments, as the princess would think about what to do, who to follow. But deep within her heart, she’d run to Shadow Milk and hold his face in her hands, completing the moment with a loving kiss. It would be returned, gingerly by the jester taken by surprise, as he led them towards the balcony, and in a jump of faith, would they both fall in the middle of the rain into the garden. Roars and wrath would be heard in the kingdom as the beast known as Shadow Milk Cookie would take the princess away, stealing one of the horses from the stable to run into the distance. Loud galloping could be heard from one of the exits of the kingdom, Shadow milk keeping the Princess hidden under a spell of invisibility and the cloak she now carried on.
Legend says that the beast and the princess were never to be seen again, as one of the townsfolk would take over the kingdom as the newly appointed king. Nobody but the king himself, who rotted away in the dungeons would weep for the lost princess, save for a few handmaids, except those who had learnt the true plan Shadow Milk Cookie had for them.
‘I’ll steal (Y/N) away, I’ll bring her into Beast-Yeast, the safest part there is and…’
“Shadow Milk Cookie?”
It had been years since you left the Kingdom, since the titles of princess and jester started becoming meaningless between you both. You called upon him as he turned to look at you, holding his child in your arms in the middle of a clearing in the forest, where the morning dew illuminated you making you seem… angelic. Oh, how could he afford to lose someone like you…
“Yes, my princess?” He’d ask, walking towards you and cupping your face in his hand, he was much taller, much bigger, and yet, he held you like the most precious doll in the world.
“Food is ready, I was going to call you earlier but you seemed so stuck in your thoughts and I didnt want to interrupt that I…” You trailed off, feeling his finger dance around your lips softly. “... I love you”
“I love you too, my dearest”
‘... And I’ll make her my wife.’
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movedto-clifflix ¡ 10 months
before going to bed i provide : my happy husband<3
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pxmegranates ¡ 2 months
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→ ❛Artificial❜
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→ Pairing ; AI Turo x Reader
→ Quote ; ❛❛And in the darkness of the night, the only illumination in the room would be his eyes, as you wept quietly in his arms.❜❜
→ Genre ; Drama , hurt/comfort
→ A/N ; Sorry it took me so long to get to this, I struggled with inspiration but it finally struck so here it is!
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Turo didnt believe in faith, much less would his AI counterpart believe in it. If anything, they both believed in the future, the waves of newfound achievements and exciting new discoveries. Turo wasnt one to focus on the past, rather, he focused on the future, and even farther than that. Perhaps, in some sense his ideals clashed harshly with Sada’s, who focused more on the past, the achievements already received and the things that already had happened, finding joy in discovering elements from the past that had been forgotten in favor of advancing.
Thats why, when he started feeling something weird in the way things seemed to move, the AI didnt waste any time in putting his head deep into discovering what was wrong, and what was causing said disturbance. What once started as the continuation of the deceased professor's research, now took a turn into studying this new variable, this new element that caught his attention, and with it, came his attention turning forward to you.
An interesting variable, Turo would find in you something he hadnt seen in years of investigation, yet, here you were, something—or rather someone—that proved the existence of a multiverse, and he welcomed said proof, after all, his research focused greatly in pokemon from diverse timelines, did it not? Thats what caused both of you to meet for the first time.
Breaking past pleasantries, Turo would call you forward once after you had yet again helped Miraidon regain part of its power, one of the few moments where he knew he could try to bring forward a conversation, but not bring afloat any suspicions, at least not more than were necessary to advance in his study. He’d begin simple, focusing on the present moment, with simple questions like what you were currently doing, what was it like in where you were, simple yet sufficient to gain a grasp at what he was battling with. That was perhaps when he heard it, when after what felt like weeks of research, he heard your voice for the first time.
“Kinda odd questions for a game like this” You said out in the air, not expecting any answers nor any questions, but Turo had many, in fact he had enough to bring even more questions for the next batch of questions he thought of bringing. With limited time and limited resources in the claustrophobic space he was battling in, his questions became more cryptic, more… strange to you. He started asking subtly about what you were doing, just that this time, he focused on whether your answer would focus on the “player” (as he guessed) rather than you, as the one behind the ropes.
Thats how he learnt more about you, slowly but surely, he learnt more and more, until eventually he’d learnt that you were adventurous, you kicked right back into challenges and, despite the weird events that went through in game due to his doing, you pushed forward. Often you would comment things like “Dude do you think every copy of Pokemon is personalized?” To no one to answer, but he’d chuckle at… whatever that was supposed to mean. Other times you spoke about “Kinda creepy how my bias is asking all these questions”, and once again would he chuckle, only that the word ‘Bias’ threw him for a loop, what had you meant with that? Part of him wished to come out of where he was currently in, just… walk out of Area Zero and greet you properly, greet you the way the late Professor used to do to those he met, but… He knew it wouldnt be possible. Besides, there was only so much the AI knew about the outside world, just enough for it to be useful in the current moment. Still, he wanted to know more, explore more, learn more things, a hunger he hadnt felt ever since he was created, but…
…Was he really just an AI anymore?
The question threw him for another loop when it came to his mind. He had begun questioning his existence as a created being, someone of metal, someone of artificiality. He was the future, but in between said future, came questions of who he had grown to be after what were now months of investigation of this new horizon. So, when you came to Area Zero, when you came to him, he was eager to finally do what he hadnt done in years.
“Thank you for coming to Area Zero, though I am afraid I must reveal the truth to you” He began, closely following the script of what he was meant to say, despite breaking past the code he had been studying for days on end. “I am not really Professor Turo, but his assistant, made in his likeness”
“I knew it—I called it!!” You noted in the air, yet again, not expecting anyone to answer, before something, or perhaps someone, answered those words.
“You… Knew it?”
For the first time, it was Turo’s time to throw you in for a loop, questioning everything that had been happening thus far. Yet, he’d only smile, everything was going exactly as he had expected after all.
“While Im afraid to sour your momentary excitement, I must ask you some more questions about what is currently happening.” He’d say, walking off to the side before lift an eyebrow at the resonating groan you’d shoot him, turning quickly to face you with a confused face. “Is, something the problem?”
“More questions, great…” You mumbled to yourself, oblivious to what was happening currently, to what was really going on in between the code and the binary.
Turo would hum for a bit, bringing a hand to his chin as if in thought, yet, before he could even bring up an answer, a question would bring him out of the loop he was in for a long time ago. You’d ask to the air, yet again, what was really happening this time, why out of sudden had these words seemed to be directed straight towards you, and perhaps thats when it clicked on your mind, even if the thought was too wild, too weird to be considered fair, to be considered a possibility, you clicked your tongue and asked yet again.
“Are you… perhaps… aware this is a game?”
The question would bring his mind turning and running, like a machine beating fast and rough, you denied yourself almost instantly, but for Turo, this seemed to be the missing cog in his whole scheme, the entirety of things he had been researching but had close to no answer to it all. If this, if all his existence seemed to revolve around a game which someone controlled, then that would explain the strange things he had been experimenting, albeit not explain the reasoning behind his sudden awareness in said stage. It was strange, it was a sudden revelation, a shot of luck in the darkness. But he caught it, he took it in his hands and ran with it, after all, would there ever be a chance like this in the future?
“Could you, say that again?” He asked, almost as if begging to whoever was out there to answer him.
“A game… Talk to me more about this game”
Granting his request nonchalantly would bring afloat a strange relationship between the both of you. Stuck in that part of the game, you’d answer Turo's questions, and Turo would finally (and more comfortably) advance in his study. While there were elements that he was already aware of, he’d become… amused, if anything, about certain other elements of your reality that caught his attention, like the lack of pokemon, or the lack of technological advancements in certain topics. He’d lift his eyebrow specially regarding topics of investigations made, almost making you read word by word certain papers regarding such investigations, which prompted a set of rules to be created regarding what you and he could do with each other’s resources.
You compromised on some, and he compromised on others, you bought the online pass as a compromise, and he stopped asking too much as another compromise, despite his hunger for knowledge often coming unfed… but not for long. His investigation would draw him to explore past the limits of the “game” he was in, but not enough to break through the “screen”, instead, his insatiable curiosity would be filled to the brim with investigations and papers he managed to find using the hidden web browser in the switch. The drawback? It lasted only 20 minutes, which wasnt a bad time limit, he could read quickly and efficiently, yet, there was a sensation of disappointment when it came to the fact he could only advance so much, plus not being able to keep his resources for too long of a time.
“Im so tired…” His musings would stop for a moment, then, hearing you come about the apartment. Your voice had become enough to break his concentration, but at the same time, the routine of hearing you come up, pop up and nonchalantly call out to him, it was starting to become…
… warm.
“What are you up to while Im gone?” You’d ask him, and he’d lose focus again after unsuccessfully attempting to regain it. “I mean… I leave the game on as part of the deal but… Is there… really much you can do there?”
“I read” He answered, coldly and perhaps too bluntly, causing you to roll your eyes, not like he could see it though “Papers, works of science… This world you’re in is…”
“Interesting? Yea you already told me…” You groan, fiddling with the controls of the switch before setting it down.
“Right…” He answered, looking down back at his writing, neat scribbles forming words and shapes, he’d nod quietly, before looking at the you that was in game. “...”
He’d stare at it for long, long moments, perhaps as if waiting for something to happen, but the coldness of Florian’s eyes and his purple uniform were less than appealing to the professor, and suddenly, he wondered what you were like. By your voice he knew you were an adult, the only thing he knew was yours, truly yours, but the rest? A mystery. Time had passed ever since your first meeting, time had passed ever since he first had knowledge that he was aware of his existence inside a game, and even with your nonchalant attitude, he found himself… yearning for something more than just chatting.
“Why did you call me bias once?”
“Jesus fucking christ you scared me—”
He’d stare at you blankly, not fearing to repeat the question again as you fumbled for your words. He wondered what your reaction was, after some research he had come to learn the meaning behind “bias”, yet it still confused him, and humored him, that you would use such a word for him. So, he’d ask, and in your nervousness you’d manage to dodge the question, which only brought his curiosity up more. Like a quiet disease, then, feelings of curiosity and yearning creep through his circuits, he felt the need to know who you were, what you did, the things you liked, the things you didnt. He yearned for more, yet to him his feelings felt like a mystery.
So he asked again, once, this time receiving an actual answer from you which would bring far more questions than answers.
“Thats… weird…” You’d begin “Are you sure you’re an AI assistant? You sound quite humane…”
“Please answer the question.”
“I mean… It sounds like you’re falling in love…”
You were confused, you had skipped past the bias stage rather tactfully when he asked, yet now he asked about feelings creeping on his back, feelings about infatuation and love, perhaps tingled with an obsession you could only seem to find reason in his seeming hunger for knowledge. Yet for Turo, this felt like a life sentence. Love was deadly, he knew that too well having the knowledge from the past professor, who died in a search for a better place for his family. But Love was also intoxicating, filling his mind with scenarios and ideas. He found himself at a standstill then, between the need for knowledge and the feelings that suddenly creeped up on his mind.
Yet when the day came that you didnt greet him back, was perhaps the day that he made the final decision on said topic. It was rainy, or so he thought, at least out of Area Zero the air was humid which indicated rain or a chance of rain. He could hear muffled crying, or at least what felt like crying, prompting him to ask what was wrong, yet the answer wasnt one he expected.
“My boyfriend left me” You cried, a muffled noise that Turo couldnt fully comprehend, yet he made the best out of the words in the bunch. “Just, im not in the mood to talk today, do your thing and leave me alone…”
“Leave me alone! You’re not even real anyway…”
In your mind, you thought it all to be a dark dream, one you’d wake up from sooner or later. But for him, he finally found the answer to his question, deciding to make a drastic turn that may or may not bring him to the same level as the befallen professor Turo. He’d imvestigate the code yet again, utilizing previous methods to try and break free from it. If he couldnt break free from Area Zero, then Arceus, let him break free from the confines of the switch. It’d take him a week, a long, arduous week, before he’d finally be able to see it, the limit from which reality and fiction blended. He turned back for a moment before turning forward, and stepping out of the confines of the game.
He’d come about inside a room, quaint as it could ever be with few elements that he noted could be yours, little trinkets, posters, an unmade bed which he carefully prompted himself to make, and a rainy day outside of the window. Today was rainy, yesterday it had been rainy too, and tomorrow it’ll probably be rainy as well. He hummed as he heard the fumbling of keys, before coming out of the bedroom into the rest of the apartment.
As you’d come inside you wouldnt see anything out of the blue, considering he didnt have time to deal with the rest of the mess. Scattered tissues, scattered plates of food, almost my chance had you and him crossed paths when you passed towards the living room, and thats when it happened. You didnt have the voice to scream, but you did have the energy to run to him and hug him, feel his body for a moment, his arms and torso, the scent of stillness and robotics, sterility, and ultimately, the realization that he was there, standing, unsure of the next course of action.
“Turo” You’d start, tears pricking your eyes as he looked down at you. “Is, is it really you?”
“... Yes, I am real, arent I?” He’d say calmly, perhaps a bit coldly, but with two arms wrapping themselves around your body with calmness, he’d sigh.
“... Dont leave” You’d say, dropping to the floor with him following you suit. “Please…”
“I wont” He’d answer, and in the darkness of the night, the only illumination in the room would be his eyes, as you wept quietly in his arms.
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enchantedwitchling ¡ 11 months
The Magic of Everyday: How I Find Witchcraft in the Ordinary.
Do you ever stop to marvel at the enchantment that surrounds us, hidden in plain sight? As I delve deeper into my journey of practicing witchcraft, I've come to realize that magic isn't just about casting grand spells or performing elaborate rituals—it's woven into the very fabric of our everyday lives.
Join me as I embark on this enchanting exploration of "The Magic of Everyday," where I'll reveal how I find witchcraft in the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary in the mundane.
Morning Brew, Morning Spells ☕🔮 Every morning, as the sun rises and the world awakens, I stand by the window, cradling my warm mug of tea or coffee, or in the summer months with iced drinks (I love an iced coffee!). With every sip, I imbue my drink with intentions of clarity and peace.
The Language of Plants and Crystals 🌿💎 During my daily walks, I've discovered a secret language spoken by the plants and crystals. The rustling leaves whisper ancient wisdom, while the sparkling crystals hum with energy. Nature, the most potent spell caster, teaches me to be still, listen, and learn.
Embracing the Elements 🌊🔥💨🌍 The elements surround us at all times, and recognising their presence is a powerful key to unlock everyday magic. I breathe in the fresh air, feel the earth beneath my feet, and let the rain cleanse my spirit. When I light a candle, I invoke the transformative power of fire. By connecting with the elements, I connect with the core of existence.
Enchanted Home Space 🏠✨ My home is my sacred space, a sanctuary for my craft. I've adorned it with little altars and candles, which I light to honour the spirits that reside within these walls. Cleansing my space with smoke incense purifies and refreshes the energy, filling the air with positive vibrations.
Moonlit Dream weaving 🌙🌌 Under the moon's tender gaze, I venture into the realm of dreams. I keep a dream journal by my bedside, capturing the mysteries that unfold during the night. In the gentle light of the moon, I feel closer to the universal energy that weaves us all together.
In the grand tapestry of life, there's magic in the ordinary—waiting for us to embrace it with wonder and gratitude. By cherishing these moments, we tap into the essence of witchcraft, where intention and reverence converge.
So, as you go about your day, remember to pause, breathe, and observe the magic that surrounds you. Whether it's in the flight of a butterfly, the sparkle of dew on a leaf, or the warmth of a friend's smile, the enchantment of everyday life awaits your discovery.
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githelove ¡ 3 months
ㅤSunshine Artistry : ♡℅
ㅤ੭ ‧ creating my own sunshine
ㅤin a world full of sparkles.
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ㅤㅤI, Ƭwirling in magic. ly ✨
ㅤㅤㅤ° ˖ ♡ ˚ㅤƨweeȶ sprinkle
ㅤㅤO’ cute cadenceㅤ♫₊˚.
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ㅤColourful-Palette +)) .. 笑み
ㅤㅤ♡ㅤㅤchasing rainbows and
ㅤspreading radiant vibes 🌻
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“ Celestial-Ballet : 🩰✨ ”
ㅤ🌙ㅤ moonlit dreams and sun-kissed schemes in the theater of fantasy♡℅))
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ﹙🗼﹚ㅤㅤA moderné-lady
ㅤㅤwıth a classıcal blend
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ❲ vıntage melody ❳
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bloomingdayswithyou ¡ 11 months
OMG THAT IS PERFECT! Because hands down Lucas owned MAW era the whole concept and MAU itself was a amazing and they were clearly going for a genie in the lamp, Arabian Nights, Aladdin theme and one of Lucas' outfits just screams ALADDIN to me and so I was gonna ask if I could request for an Alddin AU with Lucas as Aladdin and the male reader as Jasmine and for a fun twist Jackson Wang is gonna be the genie (if you don't write for Jackson you can surprise me with who you prefer the genie to be or which ever character and idol you wanna add I just love Jackson and Lucas duo lol ;)) I love Aladdin both the 1992 animated version and the 2019 live action adaptation so I wanna be surprised with what you can come up with, take us to A Whole New World and have fun! Thanks in advance!🧞‍♂️✨️🌌🌙🐒🩵🐅
A Whole New World
Pairing: Aladdin!Lucas x Jasmine!Male!Reader (feat. Genie!Jackson)
Word count: 609
Warnings: none
Author’s note: I’m a bit more familiar with Aladdin but still it’s been a while since I’ve watched it!! I tried my best
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In the bustling city of Agrabah, Lucas and m/n had become inseparable. Their love had flourished and taken root, weaving a tapestry of passion and devotion that seemed to defy the constraints of time. Their secret meetings in the palace gardens had now become cherished traditions, a sacred place where they could share their dreams and fears without the judgment of the outside world.
One evening, as they strolled through the moonlit gardens, Lucas playfully plucked a flower from a nearby bush and tucked it behind the m/n's ear. "You look even more enchanting with this," he said, his eyes sparkling with affection. The m/n chuckled, his heart warmed by Lucas's charm. "And you look like a prince out of a fairy tale," he replied, admiration shining in his eyes.
Lucas smiled, his heart swelling with happiness. "You know, sometimes I feel like this is all a dream. That I'm just a street rat who stumbled upon a palace and found the most incredible person in the world," he confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. The m/n took Lucas's hand in his own, squeezing it gently. "You are so much more than that, Lucas. You are my world," he said, his voice soft and tender.
In that moment, they were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. Panic washed over them as they realized they were no longer alone. Quickly, they pulled away from each other, trying to compose themselves. To their surprise, it was the genie, Jackson, who had appeared before them, a knowing smile on his face. "Ah, young love. It's a beautiful sight to behold," he said, his voice warm and teasing.
Lucas felt a blush creep up his cheeks, but he couldn't deny the happiness that filled his heart. "You're not going to tell anyone, are you?" he asked, trying to sound playful despite his nerves. Jackson laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Fear not, my dear master. Your secret is safe with me. I am here to grant your wishes, not to meddle in your love affairs," he replied, waving his hand theatrically.
M/n chuckled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Thank you, Jackson. We appreciate your discretion," he said, his gaze lingering on Lucas, who smiled back at him. "Oh, it's my pleasure! You two make quite the enchanting pair," Jackson said, his tone sincere. "Now, if there's anything else you desire, just give me a shout. I'll be off, then!" With a theatrical bow, he disappeared into a puff of smoke.
As they watched the genie vanish, Lucas and m/n couldn't help but laugh. "He's something else, isn't he?" Lucas remarked, shaking his head in amusement. "He certainly is," m/n agreed, his heart filled with gratitude for the magical friend who had brought them together.
In the days that followed, Lucas and m/n continued to explore the depths of their love, finding joy in the simple moments they shared. They reveled in each other's presence, discovering new facets of their personalities with each passing day. Their love remained a secret, known only to the stars that watched over them and the genie who had inadvertently played a part in their love story.
Yet, as much as they cherished their stolen moments, they longed for a day when they could openly express their love for each other without fear of judgment or repercussions. In their hearts, they knew that their love was worth fighting for, that the world deserved to witness the magic they had found in each other's arms.
And so, they held onto hope, knowing that someday, they would be able to dance through the streets of Agrabah hand in hand, with the entire world celebrating their love. For now, though, they found solace in the quiet intimacy of their secret love, knowing that they had a love that was as vast as the desert sands, as bright as the stars in the night sky, and as enduring as a tale passed down through generations.
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biala-strzala ¡ 2 months
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Moonlit Dreams, Beauty Sleeps ✨🌙
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voraciouskingdom ¡ 4 months
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In the circle of five points, a pentacle gleams, Symbol of magick, in realms of dreams
Earth, air, fire, water, and spirit's embrace, In sacred symmetry, their energies trace.
Each facet tells a tale, a mystic lore, Drawn in the night sky or on a moonlit floor
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mayamidnightmelody ¡ 18 days
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🌞☀️🌸 Oh, sweet summer, how I adore thee! 🌺🌿 Every moment feels like a painting bursting with colors, every breeze whispers tales of adventures yet to unfold. 🎨✨ From lazy afternoons basking in the warm sun to moonlit nights filled with laughter and dreams, this season wraps me in its comforting embrace. 🌙💖
🍉🏖️ Exploring sandy shores, the taste of salt on my lips, and the melody of waves serenading my soul - it's pure magic! 🌊✨ And those starlit skies? They're like a blanket of dreams, each twinkling light holding a promise of endless possibilities. 🌌💫
🌺🌼 Amidst blooming flowers and lush greenery, I find solace and inspiration, weaving my dreams into reality. 🌱💭 Every sunset paints the sky with hues of passion and hope, reminding me to cherish every fleeting moment. 🌅💖
🎶🌈 So here's to summer adventures, to chasing sunsets and dancing in the rain, to laughter that echoes through the warm night air. Let's embrace the magic of this season and make memories that will last a lifetime! 🌟💕✨🌻
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themountainscall ¡ 6 months
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There you lay, pelted by hundreds of rain droplets as you weakly try to compose yourself. Everything seemed to go numb. The only thing you felt was nature’s brutality striking your pelt relentlessly as you lay helpless.
The forest was so close, yet so far. You didn’t know if you’d ever make it there. The salvation you’d heard of… the stories detailing the barbarian felines who ruled the woodlands… it would only be seen in your dreams.
You shut your eyes, the roaring of thunder overhead causing you to flinch into the soaked earth.
You had lost all hope.
You were stranded.
. . .
You felt a presence.
Your eyes weakly opened, and you were shocked to see… a group of cats. Massive, scarred, terrifyingly tall… They watched you like a piece of prey. You could only pray that they’d make your death swift.
Until, the one with the purple stare spoke up.
“Join us.”
Welcome to The Mountain’s Call!
We are a literate, 15+ roleplay group over on discord looking for more people to join us!
In a prehistoric world where humans cease to exist yet, a group of savage felines roam the Swiss Alps, fending off their home from unrestrained predators we now know as extinct.
Deep in the dense woodlands resides a legion of cats known as Alpine Clan. However, these aren’t your normal forest cats. With augmented senses, larger bodies, sharper claws, keener vision, and overall stronger physiques, these animals are on par with their feline brethren, such as cougars and lynxes.
We offer many things in our server, such as:
Totally new and reworked ranks, including 2 new (Sage, Berserker) ones that are crucial to the lore of the roleplay.
Original and unique traditions to make the roleplay more well-rounded.
Constant opportunities to have your character be more involved in the lore.
OOC channels to share your artwork, create and search for character relationships, and give suggestions for upcoming lore.
And so much more!
We are currently on CHAPTER 2: INFESTATION PART I, and will be moving into Part 2 soon.
So you’re all caught up, here’s a run-down of the Chapter 1 lore:
The moon will overtake the sky, leaving the forest to awake the shunned, red-eyed giant.
The clan’s czar, Wind Star, is awoken by his sage, Crimson Peak, frantically running into camp and begging to speak with him. After visiting the caves to speak with the ancestors, Crimson claims he could not speak with the stars, but was rather face to face with a great horned beast with giant red eyes and blood stained across its brown pelt.
Wind Star does not know what to make of this, so he tries to soothe the manic tomcat before telling him to keep this a secret between the two of them, and to not even tell Crimson’s acolyte, Moonlit Paw. Who also happened to be Wind Star’s daughter from his late mate. Crimson reluctantly agrees, and they both keep this disturbing prophecy to themselves.
A moon later, Wind Star and his new mate, Snow Step, have a litter of three kittens. Crow Kit, Polar Kit, and Smoke Kit. However, tensions are still high within the high ranks of Alpine Clan. No one is able to contact the ancestors. No one has been visited, no one, not even the sages, are able to see or speak to them. They grow worried, but Wind Star is still reluctant to tell the clan. He persuades his subordinates to keep it to themselves just for a little while longer, and they hesitantly agree. However, a few days later… something terrible would happen to the clan. Something that many cats interpreted as a signal that the stars were angry.
A flock of Sun Wings (giant condors) flew over the camp and attacked the clan. Three cats died, many were injured, and everyone was confused. Crimson Peak begged to let the clan know, but Wind Star had begun to… act different. He began to lose it, claiming that all the bad happening to the clan was from the direct influence of Crimson Peak. The sage himself bore the only red eyes in the entire clan, Wind Star was certain that what Crimson Peak saw was an alternate version of himself. The tom’s grew distant with one another, both wanting to help their clan, however… both having different ways of wanting to do so.
Three cats, War Cry, Bee Paw, and Mountain Caller all had their sleep disturbed with a nightmare. However, it seemed… all too real to be any type of dream. War Cry’s dream consisted of a giant beast with reddened eyes destroying their camp while she was cemented to the earth, unable to move. Bee Paw’s had him morph into the disgusting creature, soon being attacked and killed by everyone he loved. Mountain Caller’s dream had him faced with his brother as a kit, being forced to kill him. He refuses, however as he blinks away his tears, the kit transforms into the czar he knew, and kills him.
It all came to a climax when Crimson Peak stood at his altar inside of the sages den. He sobbed, begging for the stars to speak to him, give him a sign, do anything to let him know that he wasn’t alone. His wallowing was interrupted by Wind Star. The tom entered the den and began insulting Crimson, claiming it was his fault that the stars had gone silent. However, when Crimson turned around to defend himself, he was met with… purple eyes rather than the familiar fiery ones he was used to. Wind Star attacks Crimson Peak, pushing him into the old wooden altar, shattering it. Inside of the czar’s head, Wind Star’s consciousness fights brutally against the plague that had infected him. However, it was futile. The czar was killed, banished to the dark forest, and his body had been transformed into nothing but a hollow vessel that this imposter had full control of.
The czar rushed to call a clan meeting, his mania prominent as he demoted Crimson Peak and his own daughter to prisoners. Alpine Clan could only watch in horror as the czar they once respected had seemingly fallen off the deep end. Cats rushed to defend their sages, angering the imposter. Wind Star’s mate had tried to soothe the angered crowd, begging Wind to stop the meeting before he did anything else he regretted. Crimson Peak suddenly called the imposter out on not being their true czar, glaring up at him with no intent of becoming scum in the prisoners den.
The fake czar looked around, and upon realizing no one would be on his side, decided his fate then and there. Purple eyes gazed upon the throng once more before they launched down upon the sage, swiftly snapping his neck with one bite. The crowd erupted in shock, however before the imposter could do any more harm, he was killed by his luminary, Mountain Caller, Wind Star’s little brother.
The clan had no time to process what had just happened. As the prophecy that Crimson had tried to warm everyone about had just come storming into camp. A gargantuan beast the side as the trees raged into camp, blood on its tusks as it rampaged through the clearing. Mountain Caller, now Star, called for his clan to evacuate towards the river. There was no way they could fight against it. The camp was demolished via the beast's dirtied hooves, with countless cats being crushed, injured, and killed. Its eyes glowed an angry red. It seemed the beast only had intentions to kill.
After what felt like moons, the great tusked mammoth grew tired, and its eyes faded back to their more gentle brown. The creature seemed… confused. It didn’t seem to know how it ended up in the camp. It roared before stomping off, leaving a trail of purple flowers in its wake.
Many cats were killed. Many cats were lost in the chaos. Moonlit Paw, and Crow Kit, Wind Star’s two daughters fled to the moors in a desperate attempt to survive the attacks. No one knows where they went, or if they are even alive.
Chapter 2: Infestation, will be split into four parts —
Infestation I:
Beads of purple begin to decorate the territory as the drift fades into its colder months. Star Clan is completely silent. No one can speak to the stars. Cats are acting worried, but normal.
Infestation II:
Stalks of purple flowers bloom in camp, the sawbones begin to examine them, testing and tasting to see if they could be used for any medicinal properties. They find out that the flowers are poisonous & being in the vicinity of them can cause aggression, confusion, and volatility. Alpine Clan tries to remove them, but it seems they just grow back faster. Cats have begun to hallucinate, claiming they can speak to the “stars”.
Infestation III:
The clan has descended into shambles. The flowers continue to bloom, infesting the trees and thistles around the camp as well. Birds have begun to die from them, and it seems not even the snow can eliminate them. Cats claim they are closer to the stars than ever. They have begun worshiping a cat called ████, and have begun to shun all non-believers. Non-believers seem to be completely healthy, even when surrounded by the plants. Alpine Clan is at an all time low.
Infestation IV:
Alpine Clan is introduced to their salvation.
If you’re interested in applying, feel free to DM this account and I’ll send you a form!
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5eraphim ¡ 4 months
speculating about the "plot" of my favorite album of 2023 (Married in Mount Airy, Nicole Dollanganger) 🍸🤍🌙💎💒
Before going into spoilers/the album's storyline, I want to commend how STELLAR the album's production was, and how far @nicoledollanganger has come since starting out making dream pop recorded in her bathroom/bedroom on garage band (still love that music, but the progress speaks for itself imo). This album is nothing less than hauntingly beautiful, aided in no small part by the final composition and how the story is woven amid the vocals, instrumentation and lyrics. It's the kind of music so good it makes me want to SCREAM, on god.
Favorite tracks were: Married in Mount Airy, Gold Satin Dreamer, Whispering Glades, Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus and Moonlite
(Spoilers below, duh)
my interpretation of the story told by the album starts with the bride running away with her husband on their honeymoon (Married in Mount Airy) Their good times together, though with an underlining eeriness resting below the surface (Gold Satin Dreamer and Runnin' Free). The husband relapsing/worsening alcoholism and violent temper (Dogwood) The bride begging her husband to stop drinking and the violent behavior (My Darling True) Knowing what she has to do, but overwhelmed with fear and hesitation- she knows what she has to do if she wants to live, and she has a feeling tonight's the night, but she can't help but fear having to go through with it. (Some Time After Midnight)
The bride's ultimatum to put an end to the toxic relationship with her husband confessing to the murder of her husband. (Bad Man) The Bride shoots her husband late in the night, leaving him to rot in the forest/reflecting on how bad they were for one another. (Nymphs finding the Head of Orpheus) Reflecting on what might have been the "worst" most dangerous nights shared with her ex-husband (Moonlite) Making her peace with what she's done, laying all the love she once had for her ex-husband to rest. (Whispering Glades)
The final track I'll Wait for Your Call is extremely bittersweet because, even after everything the Bride has gone through, and all she's done, there will always be a part of her that loves her ex-husband. And even in death, she can't help loving him from afar, and dreams about reuniting with him in the afterlife.
Also of note is how the ending instrumentation of "I'll Wait for your call" perfectly mirrors the opening music for the opening track, like a tragic ouroboros. IMO, the perfect way to end an album written to sound like a surreal dream you can't awaken from. Like Mount Airy is this fucked up purgatory for these two sinners cursed to remain tethered together till the end of time. The Groom cursed to relive a hell of his own making (constant drinking, endless wrath, stuck with a woman who loves him less and less with each passing day) and the Bride cursed to remain in the abusive relationship as punishment for her murder.
Heartbreaking, haunting- but undeniably beautiful. It's everything I love about Dream Pop and more, it was well worth the wait.
and like MY GODDDD, not to "spoil" the ending of the album (but also it's hard to spoil an album like this considering it's just something you gotta experience as a whole, but i digress) it's so brilliant to have the line "Where all you have to bring is your love of everything" from the MIMA's opening track work in tandem with the line "There's a spot in the grass in the grass waiting for you at Whispering Glades" Bringing the tale of a bride running away with her groom on their honeymoon; their love story ending with the bride murdering her husband and laying him to where she leaves her love of everything. Literally going from Married in Mount Airy to Buried in Mount Airy
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My one nitpick here is that i'm not too crazy about the album's cover. I really love how she usually illustrates her own cover art for albums/EPs, and the image used is very uncanny valley and a bit stilted to me.
(but you know, this is completely subjective, and at least it's better than the cover for Heart Shaped Bed, again in my opinion. maybe i only feel this way bc there were so many lovely promos dropped before the album, i can't help but compare them. Idk why, but there's something so compelling about the image of her with the wired phone- I would personally vouch for that one as cover art)
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vxlentinescookies ¡ 29 days
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→ ❛Apocalypse❜
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→ Pairing ; Warlord of Eternal Rest!Longan Dragon Cookie x Reader
→ Quote ; ❛❛Let it be known, that mere blink of a life would be their most beloved, until time became the wind that finally blew the light out.❜❜
→ Genre ; Drama
→ A/N ; :^) (cw mentions of injury (broken legs))
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Silence reigned supreme in the ruins of the islands, as Longan dragon cookie roamed them. Nothing was left from the aftermath of the battle, absolutely nothing lived, and nothing changed. The days of gold and silk were no longer there, as darkness consumed the world surrounding them. Everything was so… devoid of light, devoid of life, this wasnt what Longan dragon wanted, no, the ivory dragon was expecting something else, they were expecting a vivid earth, full of life, full of dragons that could roam it and exist freely, but the more that they saw the world around them, the more they realized that perhaps, that was nothing but a silly dream of the past. 
They’d sigh, before turning to leave the ruins to return to their own home before something caught them off guard, the noise of someone under the rubble, someone attempting to escape. Curiosity filled them, as nothing else could fill their mind at the moment, and they made their way towards the rubble. With a hand, they’d lift it up, the weight of the rubble being nothing to them, but they knew, they could sense it, that for whoever was under them, it was a great boulder. Surprise would wash over the dragon as, under the rubble, a figure came forward, the shape of a small cookie, a survivor.
You’d look up from your position, almost crumbled by the force of the boulder that now had been lifted up from you, you gazed at your savior, only for fear to wash over you. Many tales had been told of the great Ivory Dragon, tales reminiscent of war, death, famine and pestilence, yet, where you should’ve found wrath and your imminent end, you’d only find surprise, as the dragon spoke.
“Im highly surprised to find survivors in these ruins…” They’d speak, their voice deep and low, rough, making you shiver as they dropped the boulder somewhere else and reached to pick you up. “Come here, little one, you’re injured…”
“You’re not-You’re not going to kill me?” You asked, dumbfounded as you gazed at the dragon in front of you, who’d only chuckle in return, finding your words amusing. 
“Why would I?” The smile they gave you was cryptic, filled with words that didnt answer your questions as you tried focusing on the moment at hand. “Allow me to take care of you, so rest, for now…”
And with that, you fell into a deep slumber within the hands of Longan Dragon Cookie. When you woke up, you’d be in a soft bed, bigger than anything that you had ever slept into. It was comfortable, but as you sat up you realized the state of the things around you. The room was completely trashed, despite it made seem like it had some semblance of order, the silk that once covered the walls and the bed was broken and ripped apart, scattered around the room, and the gold that once shone bright had been either lost to time, or its shine had dulled. You took in the ambience with curiosity, before a figure appeared from the door, a tall familiar figure clad in dark silk.
“You’re awake…” They’d say, holding a bowl filled with fruits, as well as a few bandages and what seemed to be a ceramic jar. “I brought you food, this is all I could find in these barren lands…”
“T-Thank you” You say as the Ivory Dragon sets them down by your side, there are fruits  galore to pick from, probably the very last ones there could be in said barren land. You picked one of the fruits, a mango, taking them into your lips as you took a taste at the sugary sweet delicacy that was the fruit. Juices would drip down your chin, and you’d sheepishly wipe it away as Longan watched intently, perhaps, too deeply. “... Why are you doing this?”
“Saving me, I mean… Tales have painted you as a fearsome dragon, not gentle and not merciful to those weaker than them… So why…”
Silence filled the room as Longan thought for various moments, they looked away from you for a bit, before turning back at you, their face ever unchanging from a simple poker face as you gulped and returned to eating the fruit. Had you said something wrong? Were you gonna get killed for real now? Your answer came in the sound of a sigh, and the following words were uttered.
“You should rest as much as you need, you may leave on your journey when you are well rested up” Would be all that they’d say, as they’d leave the room, finally leaving you alone to your own thoughts.
This behavior would repeat through the rest of days, as you tried to speak with them yet again, they seemed to evade you on purpose, simply walking away every time you started eating. It was difficult to get any information out of the dragon, had you unintentionally struck a cord they didnt want to recall? a memory? you sighed as you ate your papaya, the juices of the fruit dripping from your chin as Longan watched yet again.
“You’re a messy eater” They’d state, then, as you turned to see them. This was the most you had gotten out of them in days, so, you took the chance and spoke too.
“Im sorry” You started, catching them off guard as they’d lift an eyebrow at your words. You were sorry? For what? “I shouldnt have said that to you that day, the day you saved me…”
“Dont worry about it”
“No—Because of that you’ve been ignoring me! Its not fair!”
“Nothing in life is fair, little one”
“I just—”
“You should keep resting” They’d end, turning their back at you before starting to leave the room, until…
“Wait…! Can… Can you take me to see the sunset…?”
Your legs had been broken the day Longan had found you, and it was taking more than mere days to heal them, therefore, you hadnt been able to leave the bed in a long time. Longan looked at you with an unreadable expression, before smiling, a soft, genuine smile, the same smile they gave you when they saved you from the rubble that day. They’d take you in their arms, carefully, bringing you out of the room towards what seemed to be the throne room in the ruins of the castle, once again, filled with rubble, torn silk and gold that had lost its shine, yet, in the sky, you could see it, the sunset happening before your very eyes.
“... Its rare to see the sunset these days” They’d speak, and you’d turn your head from the sky towards the cookie holding you in their arms “Usually, the sky is filled with darkness, or I arrive far too late to see it… These beautiful colors…”
“... I’ll confide in you, little one, things that no one has heard, for I have no longer anything to lose” They’d speak solemnly, before taking a seat at the throne. “Back in the era where dragons freely roamed earthbread…”
And thats how it started, telling you stories about the olden days, the days where things were different, the days where there were 5 dragons, all different, all with their own unique motives. You listened quietly and attently, looking at them as a certain sense of fervor and passion filled their empty eyes. Night would come, and they’d bring you to the bed you’ve slept on, and the next day it would all repeat. They’d bring you fruit, they’d bring you to watch the sunset, they’d sit at the throne with you in their arms and they’d speak of the olden times. Days, then turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, and months, slowly turned into a year. Your legs had already healed by then, yet the routine stayed the same, as you learned to walk all over again, they’d hold your hand or carry you, keeping you close, holding you close. 
“Longan…” You’d call out one day, after the dragon had left you in bed, they turned to watch you, and you’d gaze upon them with both shamefulness and embarrassment, before speaking once again. “Please… Stay…”
“...” The dragon would only look at you, expression unreadable, before smiling softly, quietly, and they’d return to the bed, not without first ridding them of the heavy armor they wore every single day.
Allowing their long hair to fall into the floor, they’d change into silken robes, white in nature, and for the first time you finally felt you had seen the old glory of the Ivory Dragon, as they climbed on the bed to lay by your side. They looked at you expectantly, but all you could do was watch them, before shifting in bed until you were lying by their side, curling up into a ball, you’d gaze at them, and they’d nod.
“... Thank you for all of these months…” You’d say, leaning to take their scent, no longer fearing the decay and the pestilence, only feeling warmth, calmness, and mahogany alongside incense. “If a follower and a companion is what you need, know that in me you’ll have both… I’ll become your faithful and devotee… If you allow me…”
They’d only stay silent, before gently bringing your chin up with their hand, setting a soft and silent kiss on your lips, before speaking yet again.
“Rest now, little one… If following me is what you desire, then allow me to become your protector, the source of your devotion, your god… Your lover”
And in the silence of the night, the silence of the world, would two souls intertwine and become one, together, for as long as eternity lasted for you, and for as long as a blink, lasted for them. Let it be known, that mere blink of a life would be their most beloved, until time became the wind that finally blew the light out.
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theskeletontarot ¡ 5 months
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Meet the High Priestess, the cosmic confidante with a vibe that's all about those mystical secrets and moonlit mysteries. Picture her chilling between two chill pillars, rocking flowing robes, and cradling a scroll that's basically the handbook of all things enchanting.
In The Skeleton Tarot deck, the High Priestess takes on a unique and intriguing form. The skeletal High Priestess retains an air of mystery and intuition, inviting contemplation of the unseen realms. The absence of flesh and the presence of bones may add a layer of symbolism, signifying the bare essentials of wisdom and the eternal nature of cosmic knowledge.
She (and the other gendered cards in this deck) is just a skeleton. She is able to gender bend. While the High Priestess represents the divine feminine, the manifestation of that femininity is highly up for interpretation.
She's got this wise but approachable aura, you know? Like your cool aunt who always knows what's up. Check out the moon crescent under her feet, telling you she's in tune with those celestial vibes. And that veil behind her, covered with pomegranates and huge leaves? It's like the curtain to a hidden clubhouse full of juicy potential where the real magic happens. She's a guide to your inner world. Hanging out with her is like entering a dreamy space where reality and dreams have this rad cosmic dance.
So, if you pull the High Priestess card, get ready to tap into your inner wisdom, embrace the mystery, and follow the moonlit path to your own awesome, enchanted world. 🌙✨
When the High Priestess appears, think about:
how's your intuition doing? finely tuned? being ignored? or cranked into overdrive?
how you are balancing the feminine and masculine aspects of your spirit
if something from your past has resurfaced, can she guide you to understanding?
If you read cards reversed, when The High Priestess appears it might be calling you out on:
superficiality. mama wants you to go DEEP!
missed signals from your gut
disingenuous acts
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pxmegranates ¡ 3 months
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→ ❛One Way Train❜
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→ Pairing ; Warden Ingo x Reader
→ Quote ; ❛❛It was perhaps that moment that caused a shift in Ingo, something telling him to seek further, to seek much more than what meets the eye, and he was determined, even if it was a one way train towards victory.❜❜
→ Genre ; Romance , hurt/comfort if you squint
→ A/N ; Phew, one hefty fic out of the way, i admit i was initially gonna make it Ingo and not Warden Ingo but, it just seemed to fit better to have it done with the latter. Hope ya'll like it!
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Reality, to most people, was nothing but a mere curse, something people werent fond of, something people escaped from on the daily, be it through games or through fantasy. It was something everyone, one way or another, wanted to run away from, at least to some extent. 
Some wished to escape for the sake of finding a new world, some wanted to escape for the sake of leaving situations that werent favorable for them, be it physically, mentally, or both, and then there were some who simply chose to escape from reality as is, no exact meaning about it. Be whichever it be, it is the truth for most people, perhaps, including you.
But for Ingo, this couldnt be farther from the truth. For him, the world as he knew, the “reality” that he knew grew to be a cold spectacle for tired eyes. Everyone he knew, everyone he had met and had exchanged words with. It was all nothing but code and strings of binary. At first, it all felt like a sick twisted game, something not meant for him to find out, something that went against everything that he once knew, but he knew that it was true, especially when he put every single little thing into consideration. 
The eyes of the trainer were hollow, empty, cold, a mere vessel for who was truly playing the cards of the reality he laid in—Not to mention, days and nights seemed to pass by rather quickly the more he focused on it, lasting only a few hours, it was intriguing in some sense, but in another, it was creepy. Trying to talk to other members about these findings would bring about one of two things: Either they were completely oblivious to these happenings, or they ignored him, as if he didnt exist.
But they never ignored you.
In fact, it was as if at times, their speech was mostly triggered by your presence alone, you being in the limelight caused them to be able to speak about certain topics, but Ingo knew better than to cause a disturbance on the reality he was set in. Was it a joke from Arceus? Was it a gift? A curse? To be aware of how hollow and empty things were once he realized something wasnt right? something wasnt adding up? He wanted to know so desperately, just as much as he wanted his memories to come back.
But they were just whispers, fleeting and ephemeral in the darkness of his mind.
At one point an idea would pop into his mind, simple enough for it to be a flame of curiosity sparking into his head, he’d try and focus on the moments he had experimented before, before looking ahead from his position to where you’d be. Usually, and another thing he had taken notice of, was the fact that everytime you seemed to “leave”, Akari would stop full on her tracks before disappearing, just like that, in thin air. It was an odd spectacle, sometimes it happened right beside him, other times it happened a few steps away from him, either way, it was… creepy, to say the least.
Thats why, when he saw you come in again, he didnt waste any time on trying to get to talk to you, even if it put at risk his own existence. He already had been at a standstill between doing what he had been doing up until now, and breaking free from those orders, in the end, he had nothing to lose.
“Excuse me” He’d begin, noticing as you turned around to face him, this was his chance. “Do you, know whats happening lately?”
“What… What’s happening…?”
And for the first time in what seemed to have felt days on end, perhaps months wondering what was happening around, he heard a voice, resonating across the plane he stood in like the wind, the sun, and the rain. He looked around for a moment, just to make sure he wasnt the only one who heard it, yet, it seemed like that was the case, the only one to be graced by such a miracle, he felt… eager to hear more.
“Excuse me, I know this might be very sudden” He continued, explaining carefully what was happening before saying. “Please, I just want to know whats happening lately”
“Whats… happening lately…?” Your voice resonated yet again, in clear confusion as you tried to also make sense of the situation “Are-Are you talking to me?”
“Yes, I am speaking to you Akari… Unless that is not your name… How shall I refer to you then?”
That was the beginning of an unlikely conversation, where you tried to make amends with the world in which you were called, and Ingo tried to make amends with the world he was in. Ingo then learned that you were (y/n), a player for a game about Pokemon, and one where you had been the main player all along. Ingo wondered for long moments about it all, then, after all, he really had been living a lie all this time, had he not? A place that only exists in the palm of the hand of another, that only exists and is only alive when said another is playing it, it all felt hollow, but Ingo did his best to stay grounded, lest he wish to falter and screw this one chance up. 
He felt comfortable, though, hearing your voice, hearing you speak about all the things that conformed this world in the palm of your hand. You spoke to him about Pokemon not in Hisui, about pokemon he “used”, about chandeliers and moles, You also spoke to him about yourself, about what you did in your spare time, about what you did when you were bored, and how you managed to get through to this moment. You spoke to him about your history, and in return, he listened through the screen in a darkened room. He didnt know what you looked like, he didnt know what you were truly like, but time would bring afloat strings of love and of cherishment. It was slow, a slow burn candle that took days, weeks and perhaps even months before he started falling for someone he had met through unlikely means.
“Work was so boring… did I tell you about the problems my friends had?” You said once, standing right by Ingo in game as he listened intently, his silver eyes right over the figure of Akari. She didnt answer, she didnt look at him, but he could hear your voice nonetheless, and that was enough for him as is.
“I dont think so” Was his reply, with a warm smile. It was a rare occurrence, but lately he had been smiling more often, casually. “Do you wish to talk about it?”
“Hm…” You stopped in your tracks for a moment, focusing on his smile, his face, everything.
Feelings werent one sided, by no means were they one sided. Truth to be told, you had been pinning on Ingo for a while now, emotions washing over you as you gazed over the man with a close watch, he was… perfect. To you he was perfection, a mirage in the darkness of your room. a mirage in the sadness of your world, you’d sigh before looking away for a few moments.
“Nah, its not that interesting” You’d say, not noticing the head tilt Ingo gave you as you focused on the elements of your room.
It was quaint, simple, just enough for you as you enjoyed life on a small flat in your city, and while it wasnt much, you were proud of yourself for leaving your parents home rather early, rather quickly, spreading your wings and flying off into the horizon. If only things were easier once in flight. 
The only thing illuminating your room was your tv, playing Pokemon Arceus non stop ever since you got to know Ingo was self aware, ever since he asked you what was happening. At first you were skeptical, but you grew to accept it. After all, did it hurt to believe in fairytales just for a moment?
“(y/n)?” He’d call out to you, your head turning quickly to the tv as you held you switch in your hands. “Is everything ok?”
“Y-Yes… Just, thinking”
“...Just… You’re, real, right? Everything, all of this is, really happening, right?”
Silence covered the world for a long moment, only the sound of passing cars and crickets could be heard, the sound of the wind in game, of the pokemon. Ingo would think for a long moment before nodding, with a reassuring smile.
“Yes, I am really here.”
“... I just-”
“I’ll prove it to you, just you wait”
It was perhaps that moment that caused a shift in Ingo, something telling him to seek further, to seek much more than what meets the eye, and he was determined, even if it was a one way train towards victory. Albeit this time something was different, the sensation that filled him was far too different than what he did when he first talked to you, when he first explored the reality of his situation with you, things were simply different now, because he now had something to lose. Yet, he persisted. In the few moments you turned the switch off he’d spend the time exploring the world he was set in, with a completely different lense than when he wasnt aware of his reality as a person stuck in a videogame. At least that was a way to see it, wasnt it? You made him feel alive, young, everything a person should feel, then why, oh why wouldnt he try to get what he started to ache for?
It started with little things, crossing boundaries in the landscape, exploring past points where, naturally, there’d be nothing for him to see. He’d explore past the limits, and in between those limits would he find the complexities of the world he was in, the coding, the binary that he loathed previously was now at the palm of his hand, and, with ab objective at mind, the characteristic determination of the Subway Boss would kick in his mind, and thus, he’d play god within his own realm. What once was a comfortable routine, a comfortable space, had become claustrophobic, to be locked inside the confines of the place he was in, and he wanted out. He wanted to show you how much, that he was real, lest his morale falter, he didnt want to disappoint you after all.
So he’d work, day and night, anytime you werent home or you werent awake, he’d do his best to bring his dream to fruition with the very few knowledge of the mechanics of the world, but he was a fast learner, and he knew very well how to play the cards of any situation to his favor. It wouldnt be until one fateful night he’d find the answer to it all, exploring the code while you were at work, he’d stumble upon a void he hadnt seen before, like the strange outbreaks that sometimes occurred in the plains, he’d take a step forward, wanting to explore this new continent that could be what he had been waiting all these weeks. 
Carefully and slowly would he step out, one foot, second foot, then the body and the arms, and he’d find himself in a place that was reminiscent of what he had always heard. ‘My room isnt that much’ You had told him once, ‘Just a bed, some shelves with a bit of old merch, a few posters and, uhm… furniture…’. Everything was just like how you told him, perfectly still, perfectly set, everything was just, perfect.
He’d explore around your room for a few moments, his fingers grazing over the bed, the shelves, stopping on the figures of what seemed to be him only that, much younger, and someone else, a man dressed in white with an everlasting smile. His fingers would hoover above your desk, the little trinkets you had in your room, before he’d step outside of that small world into the rest of the apartment.
You’d be dispatched early from work when it happened, though, when you realized you had left your switch on and only you knew how much you’d have to pay for the electricity bills in the upcoming weeks. Usually you allowed your switch to stay off the television when it didnt need to charge, but most of the time you left it charging, just to ensure you wouldnt lose Ingo, just to ensure you wouldnt lose him. Afraid of loss (and your electricity bill, which had been quite hefty these past months), you’d run to your apartment, backpack on your shoulder and keys in your hand once you’ve reached it. Your apartment wouldnt have changed exponentially, if anything, it’d be just the same, only that a certain scent of the wild would come around. Reaching the living room though, you’d drop your backpack and your keys, seeing a scene unfold within your small world.
“Ingo?” You’d ask, watching the man who, once facing his back to you, now turned with a surprised expression before calm washed over him. “Is, Is that you?”
A myriad of emotions would cover your body, you’d be filled with surprise, anxiety, fear, confusion, and an inexplicable sense of longing. One that had followed you for a long, long time now. Ingo on the other side would sigh, as if he had been holding his breath ever since he had gotten there, he’d sigh and focus on the moment currently happening, walking towards you with care, carefully, as if wanting to say.
“Yes, it is me, darling”
You’d break down instantly, then, you knew to recognize the shape of those eyes, the color of them that was unique to him. Falling into the floor he’d hurry to catch you, holding you into your arms with love and care, he’d hold you close and run his fingers through your hair. You were here, he was here, it was a perfect miracle in your eyes, a beautiful moment in his, and even if he couldnt go back, he didnt care, just being here by your side was enough for him.
You cried in his arms, you laughed, you sobbed and you giggled, a heavenly mixture of emotions as they all crashed down on your body as you tried to make sense of it, but he hushed you down with sweet nothings, his calloused hands wiping away your tears. You could feel him, feel his scent, feel all of him, and it was serendipitous. 
“Im here” He’d say, clashing your foreheads together softly. “Im finally here, my love.”
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lycheeteeni ¡ 3 months
Sweet Hymn of Love
In the dark of night, when shadows loom,
And sadness blankets every room,
Remember, dear heart, you're not alone,
In this vast world, love's seeds are softly sown.
Like a phoenix rising from glowing embers' light,
Your spirit can mend, in love's gentle flight.
Though scars may mark your skin with silent hymn,
They speak of strength, a song found deep within.
Each tattoo etches tales of joy and woe,
A tapestry of life's relentless flow.
Let them echo not of struggle or of strife,
But of beauty woven through this precious life.
Life's canvas waits, an untold masterpiece,
With hues of love, in richest shades of peace.
Though tempests rage and howling winds may blow,
Your soul, like oak, stands steadfast, come rain or snow.
When darkness veils the hope of a dream,
Reach out your hand, let love's eternal stream
Guide you through shadows, as you bravely tread,
For in night's embrace, you're not alone, it's said.
You're not alone, though solitude may gleam,
Love's whispers echo in each moonlit stream.
Reach out, dear soul, let love's radiant light,
Illuminate your path through the darkest night.
Rise with the sun, at dawn's gentle breath,
Embrace each moment, conquer fear and death.
Life's melody awaits, a song to be sung,
And with love as your guide, your victory won.
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