#muffin does trades
thelocalmuffin · 8 months
I wrote a lovely one shot of lanamia for a trade for Treasuredonut! It's a meet cute fic with some self reflection from Mia. I hope you all enjoy!
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discount--dracula · 4 months
i can't stop getting german furbies
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moonstruckme · 4 days
hi lovely! could i pretty please get a blueberry muffin (part 2) with this fic:
thank you!! 🫶🫶
Thanks for requesting <3
part 1
cw: concussion, vomit mention, maybeee some d/s dynamics? in the soft sense though
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 812 words
You’ve forgotten your sandwich again. It stays suspended in the air, halfway between your mouth and your plate, while you stare at the coffee table like there’s a riddle in the scratches on the wood. 
“Sweetheart,” Sirius prompts you. You look over at him, lost, and he nods to your sandwich. “Are you full?” 
“Oh.” You shake your head. “No.” 
You take another bite and press your lips together hard as you chew. Sirius worries you might cry again. It’s been on and off tears since they nabbed you from Marlene’s and if your aim was to cut through Sirius’ anger about you going when you shouldn’t have, you’ve done it thoroughly. He feels like he’s being cleaved open with each one that rolls down your cheek. 
“Does the paracetamol feel like it’s working?” Remus asks you. 
You nod, swallowing. 
Remus repositions himself in the arm chair, propping his chin on his hand with a sigh. James stops midway between the bathroom and the sitting room, his hair wet from the shower. 
“Uh oh,” he says. “Are we talking?” 
“We’re talking,” Remus confirms. 
James makes a face but sits down. His knee immediately begins bouncing. 
As ready as Sirius was to tear into you earlier, he feels for you too. You look into your lap as you pull the sleeves of Remus’ jumper over your fingers, waiting for someone to start. 
“Dove,” Remus sounds exhausted with this already, “you knew why going to that party was a bad idea for you.” 
“Yeah,” you say quietly. 
“Then why did you?” 
You’re picking apart the knit of Remus’ sleeve. Sirius takes your hands in his, stopping you. Your eyes linger on them. “It’s Marlene’s birthday,” you say. “She’s my friend.” 
“She is your friend, angel,” James says gently. “Do you think she really would have cared if you’d missed her party if she knew how awful it was for you to be there?” 
You look like you’re chewing the inside of your lip. “It wasn’t awful.” 
“You got sick on the drive home,” Sirius reminds you. Okay, it’s possible he’s still a little angry. “Do you mean to tell me that was the result of you having a good time?” 
He immediately feels like shit when your expression twinges painfully. 
“I know you wanted to be there for Marlene,” Remus cuts in, “and to make her happy, but I don’t think it was worth making yourself miserable.” His voice is calm. Sirius doesn’t know how he does it; Remus was the most upset when they learned you’d gone to the party, but somehow he manages to keep his tone gentle, his expression kind as he talks you through the fallacies in your own reasoning. “You need to be more considerate of yourself, dove.” 
“You are a considerate person,” James says. “We love that about you, sweetheart. You’re kind, and you’re always thinking about everyone else, it’s just that sometimes you think about them too much. Marlene getting to see you at her party, versus you getting the rest you need to keep your concussion from getting worse…” He mimes a scale with his hands, making a face. “It’s not a very fair trade-off, yeah?” 
You nod but don’t speak. Your eyes are on your lap, and when Sirius dips his head to try and see you better, your lips are a harsh, tortured line. He squeezes your hands. 
“Yeah,” you say, your voice thin. 
Remus makes a soft sound, reaching for you. “Come here, babydove.” 
You join him in his chair and Sirius sees his boyfriend’s worry finally dissipating as he mushes brief, ardent kisses into your hair. James grins. 
“You’re alright,” Remus promises, voice muffled from how his lips are stuck to your head. He rubs up and down your back firmly while you hide your face in his chest. “We just want you to understand. So you don’t do it again.” 
“I know.” Your voice sounds fragmented, and it’s like ice picks through Sirius’ chest. “Sorry, it’s not you guys, I just—” You take a stilted breath. James moves to perch on the arm of Remus’ chair so he can squeeze your shoulder. “I just really don’t feel well.” 
“Oh, I know.” Remus rests his forehead on top of yours. “I’m sorry.” 
“Do you feel like you could be sick again, baby?” Sirius asks. When you shake your head, he stands. “Then let’s go to bed, yeah? Do you feel sufficiently lectured?” 
Your shoulders give a little shake, and though he already suspects it’s from laughter, James’ grin confirms it. 
“Do you want us to keep Remus away from you?” James teases, giving your shoulder another squeeze. “Would that make you feel better?” 
“Yes,” you say, while winding your arms around Remus’ waist. 
Remus doesn’t even feign offense. Only cups the back of your head and mushes another kiss into your hair.
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lipstickmarks · 7 months
Steven to the Rescue
Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!reader Category: Hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff Warnings: none Content: Hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff, kissing, making out in public, reader has a terrible horrible no good very bad week and steven is there for her, Steven’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch, reader getting princess treatment, reader is kinda corporate girlie coded, steven being smooth, steven can cook, steven might be slightly ooc bc he is my silly putty and i am bending him to my will
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Steven loved his job. He loved going into work everyday to consume any and all things related to egyptology. It’s what makes him able to withstand the abuse from Donna– which is lessened now that he’s been promoted to tour guide and she technically isn’t his supervisor anymore. But today, he simply does not want to go. 
He’s been watching you pace around his kitchen nervously for the past five minutes, checking your phone, watch, and laptop in quick succession. It had been… a less than stellar week for you.
Firstly, your job has been stressing you out by offloading duties onto you that weren’t in your job description because someone else had quit unexpectedly. Then, there was an error with your bank and your paycheck wasn’t deposited so you had to wait an extra 3 days to pay your bills. On top of it all, your phone service provider was having some sort of nationwide glitch so you barely had any service. 
Not only did you have twice the workload but you weren’t getting any of your work emails on time. Plus, you had to be in constant contact with the bank to sort out their issue. It’s why you’d come over to Steven’s flat before work, to use his internet and hopefully get a better signal. Plus, you two wanted to see each other. 
Steven had made some cranberry muffins and vegan egg bites for the two of you but your plate remained untouched while you paced around, waiting for a bar. 
“Love,” Steven murmured, reaching out to grab your elbow. You looked up from the laptop you were cradling in your arms and Steven nearly sighed out loud at the sight of your eyes. Beautiful, but so so tired. The universe has been running his favorite person ragged and it hurt him to see you so downtrodden by life. “You really should eat something before work.” 
You sighed and sat down your devices, trading them for a muffin. Steven cracked a smile at how your demeanor visibly changed once you took a bite. You always swore Steven put some kind of happy elixir into his food because it never failed to bring your spirits up. You gobbled up one muffin and reached for another. 
“Thank you for breakfast.” 
Steven leaned over and kissed the side of your forehead. 
“You’re welcome, darling. Hate to see you so out of sorts.” 
With you finally eating, Steven finished getting dressed. He had to go into work earlier than you did so he let you stay and finish doing what you needed to do. Before he left, he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a soft kiss. 
“I’m off then, darling. You’ll be okay here?” 
You gave him a reassuring nod as you swallowed a bite. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna finish up in a little bit. I have a feeling today is going to be better.” 
Steven beamed at you. He kissed you once, twice, three times and he knew if we went for a fourth, he’d cave and stay home with you. 
“Right, I’d better get going before I lose my job again.” But Steven made no move to leave. He was staring at you with that dreamy look, the one that had been perpetually fixed on his face ever since you two started dating two months ago. Steven was the perfect boyfriend. Gentle, thoughtful, and he adored you so much. 
“Go,” You told him. “I’ll be fine, really.” 
Steven gave you one last squeeze before walking out the door. 
Steven was finishing up a tour with a school field trip and he was buzzing from how well it went. Usually, preteens were their own unique breed of nasty– making inappropriate noises, laughing obnoxiously, and just generally being awful but a boy and girl had been asking tons of insightful questions, spurring Steven on and letting him flex his breadth of knowledge. And if there was any snark, the teacher shut it down expeditiously so Steven could continue. 
It was probably the best tour he’d given since he started working there. 
Plus, earlier in the morning, the curator had pulled him aside and said they were looking for someone to give virtual tours that they could record and post online. If he got it, it would mean a pay bump and more benefits. 
Things were finally going his way!
The group was just starting to shuffle off for lunch when Steven spotted you, standing off to the side of the museum entrance. His whole face broke out into a grin and his heart skipped a beat, but that elation faded when he saw your eyes. 
You had been crying. 
As soon as everyone was gone, Steven crossed the room to you. You both reached for each other. His hands fell to your hips and you clutched his bicep. 
“Love, what’s happened?” 
You tried to smile but your eyes were bloodshot and puffy. You were holding back tears and you looked like you were on the precipice of a complete breakdown. Like if someone pricked you with a sewing needle, you’d pop. 
When you spoke, it came out small and broken. 
“I tried to call you but my phone—” Your voice died on the word and Steven’s grip tightened around you. 
“I came to ask for a favor. My apartment… they called me while I was at work. A pipe burst.” Your lip quivered. “All my stuff is ruined.” 
Steven’s eyes widened. 
You nodded, fat tears spilling down your cheeks. 
“They said it’s gonna take three weeks to fix it.” You started wringing your hands nervously and took a steadying breath before you spoke again. “I was hoping I could stay with you.”
Steven’s answer is an immediate yes. 
“Absolutely, love. Anything you need.” 
He couldn’t stand it anymore and he pulled you into a tight hug. Your head fell lamely against his chest and he felt your tears soaking through his shirt but he didn’t mind. Not one bit. You peered up at him, face hot and flushed with tears.
“You’re sure it won’t be a problem? We haven’t been dating that long and I don’t want it to be…” You floundered, searching for the right word but Steven knew exactly what you meant. He caught your hand with his and brought it up to kiss the back of it. 
“It won’t be. It'll be like a slumber party, yeah? We’ll bake cookies and watch films. It’ll be fun.”
You nodded but Steven could tell you weren’t convinced. After the week you’d been having, what reason did you have to believe anything else was going to go right for you? You looked like you were a single moment away from shattering entirely. 
“Do you want to leave now? I can take the rest of the day off. I can find someone to cover my afternoon tours.” 
You shook your head and wiped your eyes.
“No. No, I have to go back to work. We have an important meeting.” You sniffed. Steven’s heart broke seeing you like this. You just looked so defeated. 
Steven thought hard for a moment. How could he make this better for you? How could he lighten your load? 
“How about this? I’ll pick you up after work. We’ll stop by your flat and get anything we need and then we’ll go back to mine, hm?” He brushed the falling hair out of your eyes. “We’ll get a takeaway, watch your favorite show, I’ll even let you braid my hair if you like.” 
You chuckled a bit. 
“Can we get dessert?” 
Steven kissed your forehead. 
“Anything you want, love.”
You nodded and a genuine smile returned to your face. 
“Alright, well I better get back. I’m on my lunch break and it’s gonna take me 15 minutes to get back across town.” 
Steven stopped you before you could leave.
“Darling, have you eaten lunch?” 
You looked sheepish when you shook your head. Steven wouldn’t be having that. Wordlessly, he laced your fingertips with his and lead you down to the employee lockers. He opened up his where the only contents were a book of Egyptology, his spare glasses, a Tawaret funko pop, his lunch box, and a picture of you taped to the inside. 
He pulled out his lunchbox and placed it in your arms.
“Steven, no.” You gasped. “I can’t take your lunch.” 
You took his lunch. 
No matter how much protesting you did, Steven insisted, waving off your concerns with a promise that he would get something from a food truck at lunch. He hailed a taxi for you before you could argue any further. 
“Steven, I don’t have cab fare.” You said with wide eyes as the taxi pulled up. “Remember? My bank–”
He pulled out his own wallet and handed the driver his bank card. 
“Can’t have my beautiful girlfriend going across town on public transport. Someone might steal you away from me.” 
You flushed. Your stomach was doing happy flips from feeling so taken care of. Steven took his card back from the driver and tucked it away. You were full on crying now as you wrapped your arms around him and weeped into his chest. 
“It’s alright, love.” He murmured in your ear. 
You pulled back to kiss him. It was eager and much too sloppy to do in broad daylight on the steps of his place of work but you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Thank you for going to all this trouble for me.” You mumbled as you pulled away. 
“It’s no trouble at all, love.” He opened up the cab food for you and didn’t shut it until you were inside. “I’ll pick you up at your office at the end of the day, okay?” 
You nodded and Steven leaned his head through the window to give you one last kiss. 
“Last chance to play hooky with me for the rest of the day?” 
You giggled and shook your head. 
“Tempting, but no. I’ve got to go be a grownup.” 
Steven smiled at you and mouthed a silent “okay.” He stepped back onto the curb and once the road was clear, your cab pulled out into the street. 
Once Steven was out of view, you opened up his lunchbox. He had a habit of overpacking in case he was stuck on the bus for a while and needed a snack, which came in handry because you were starving. You ate his sandwich, chips, soda, half a bag of grapes, and a cookie. 
At a red light, your driver turned back to you. 
“Your boyfriend is so sweet!” She swooned. 
“You don’t know the half of it.” You giggled. “This is his lunch.” 
She gasped.
“Shut up! That is so cute! Oh my gosh, you’re so lucky.” 
You grinned.
“Yeah. I am.” 
The rest of the afternoon went painfully slow for you.Thankfully, you got so busy with work that you temporarily forgot you were broke, without a phone, and temporarily homeless. 
When it was finally time to go, you headed toward the front desk, intending to use the landline to call Steven but when you stepped into the hall, he was already there. You had to do a double take at first because you thought you might have been dreaming or seeing things. But no, this was real life. 
Steven Grant, your nerdy, sweet, perfect boyfriend was chatting to your office receptionist with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. 
“I never realized the museum was free! I always thought it cost money, that’s why I haven’t brought my kids.” The receptionist said, embroiled in a conversation with Steven. 
“Loads of people think that, actually but yeah it’s free entry. It only costs money for tours. Though, if you’re bringing your little ones, I can’t recommend the tours enough. You get loads of extra information that just reading the pamphlets won’t give you. Not to toot my own horn but I give a pretty educational tour if I do say so myself.” Steven said with a relaxed smile. Ever since he’d been promoted to tour guide, he’s been so much more sure of himself. He’s still the goofy, sweet, bumbling nerd he always has been but the constant exposure to his passion has cushioned him in a cozy little bubble of Egyptology, vegan baking, and you. How could he not feel content? 
“I think I’ll take them next weekend.” The receptionist said as you arrived at the desk. “I’d like a tour with you as well.” She looked up from scribbling the museum information on a Post-It note and saw you. “Oh, here you are, darling! Does this sweet man belong to you?” 
Just as she asked, Steven held out the bouquet to you. Red roses, pink tulips, white calla lilies, and some hydrangeas to fill it out. 
“He does.” Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. You took the bouquet from Steven and smelled the flowers. Steven gently pulled your purse strap off of your shoulder and took his lunch box out of your hands, holding them both and holding his free hand out for you. 
“Are you ready, love? The cab’s waiting.” 
Do not cry. Do not cry in your place of work. Do not cry because your boyfriend is being so sweet and you’ve never felt this cared for in your life. 
To avoid your voice coming out high and squeaky, you nodded and took his outstretched hand. Bidding goodbye to the receptionist, he led you out the doors and into the cab, leading you home. 
It feels strange.
You’re not sure why. You’ve spent the night at Steven’s flat before, had dinner, read books, spent all night in his bed, but this felt different. 
You were standing in Steven’s bathroom, hair damp from your shower. The second you got back to his flat, you’d made a beeline to the shower, eager to scrub all of your misfortune off. And you felt so strange, so out of place. 
It was a little more intimate knowing that you’d be here for three entire weeks, which put a decent amount of pressure on a fairly new relationship. You and Steven would be seeing each other in undesirable states, have to give each other space, and somehow maintain the dynamic of your relationship despite these new circumstances. 
You unloaded the grocery bag of toiletries that you picked up from your flat on the way here. Thankfully your hygiene essentials and skincare weren’t damaged. The same couldn’t be said for your clothes, though. 
At least it was the weekend and you didn’t have to worry about outfits for work. You could just lounge around in the sweater and boxers Steven had given you, or nothing if you preferred. Steven certainly wouldn’t mind. 
“Love?” Steven’s voice came through the bathroom door. “The food just got here. I’ll queue up a movie for us.”
“Alright.” You called out. “Be out in a minute.”
“Take your time, darling.” 
What on Earth did you do to deserve that wonderful, wonderful man? 
After changing, you stepped out into the living room where Steven had arranged the takeout boxes, poured you a glass of wine, and queued up “Tangled” on the TV. 
“Steven…” You plopped down on the couch next to him. “We could’ve cooked, you didn’t have to order out for me. I don’t want you going to any trouble for me.” 
Steven looked at you with a glimmer in his eyes that only love could be the catalyst for. He took your chin between his fingers and angled your face to meet his lips in a sweet, slow kiss. 
“Darling, why would it be any trouble to care for you?” 
And just like that, as quickly as a match burns out, all of your anxieties and apprehension faded away. You didn’t feel out of place in Steven’s flat or mistreated by the universe. Here, in Steven’s arms, you only felt loved.
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daisydoesfanfics · 6 months
|Simple Things|
Neuvillette x fem!reader
Description: A domestic lifestyle is not something Neuvillette imagined himself to have, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
Genre: Romance & fluff
Warnings: None (lowercase intended)
the chief justice is a well-known figure, not only amongst those who live fontaine, but also internationally. he holds a reputation that he is quite proud of, especially since everyone sees him as an honest and reliable man. the name "neuvillette" never falls on deaf ears, instead turning heads rather quickly. neuvillette had always prioritized his job and his duty to protect his nation- nothing will change that. but that doesn't mean he does not have other desires or responsibilities.
because admist the quiet neighborhood, in the comfort of his home lives two people who hold a special place in the iudex's heart. his wife and his daughter, his two angels. he does everything in his power to come home at exactly 6:00 p.m. every night. the thought of seeing his beloved girls' smiles greeting him as he walks through the door is something he always looks forward to.
today is no different. he had finished his work early tonight and decided to surprise you and his daughter. he stopped by at the nearby cafe, picking up cinnamon rolls for you, a muffin for his little girl, and a slice of cake for himself. he pays for the sweets and bids the young girl at the counter a polite 'goodbye' as he exits the store and hurriedly walks home.
as he gets to the porch of your house, he reaches into his pocket, grabbing his keys and carefully unlocking the door. the moment he enters, the smell of dinner being made and the sound of laughter fills his senses. he smiles softly to himself as he hears his daughter's muffled voice. "honey, i'm home!" he calls out, walking over to the kitchen where he catches you singing a sweet tune to your daughter, her eyes sparkling up at you. neuvillette sneaks up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist as he presses a kiss on the side of your head. "hello, love." you turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a quick kiss. his smiles against your lips, his hands giving your waist a slight squeeze.
the moment was interrupted as your daughter lets out a loud sound of disgust, making the both of you laugh and pull away from each other. neuvillette lets go of his hold on you, walking over to the cheeky girl who sat on the kitchen counter. he effortlessly picked her up in his arms, giving her forehead a little peck. "fleur missed you a lot. she kept asking when you were coming home." you chuckled. "did she now?" he asked in a teasing tone. fleur nodded, giggling as she nuzzled her head into her father's chest. "i missed you too. both of you." neuvillette's voice was soft and tender, full of love. he turned to look at you, admiring the simple way you stirred the soup. something about the way you moved seemed so enchanting to him. you placed the ladle down, striding towards them. "i'm glad you're home." you whispered, staring into neuvillette's eyes. he moved fleur into his left arm, using his right to hold you by your shoulders, gently pulling you into an embrace.
no one saw this side of neuvillette. and he'd rather keep it that way. not because he was ashamed, but because only his family could make him feel this way. his life has been full of stress, hundreds of years of judgement. but when he's in your arms, everything seems to fade away. he never understood the way humans lived their lives. now he knows, and he also knows that there's no place he'd rather be than at home. he's aware of the fact that he'd outlive the both of you, eventually losing you both. so for now, as much as possible, he tries to live every minute to its fullest. and no matter how old he gets, his family will remain in his memories for eternity.
A/N: Hi, yes I'm still alive and thriving. I have no idea why the end became slightly angsty tbh. And this is a bit short but I'm just indulging in my current Neuvillette fixation. This was also not proofread so sorry about that. I missed writing so much honestly. Quick side note, idk if dragons can have children with humans but let's just say they can☺️
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callmecrazy4u2 · 4 months
Yandere! HSR & Genshin Guys x Fan! Reader: Wriothesely, Zhongli, Jing Yuan 'Bird' reader
When you are in love different sides of love show…but when you stop being lovestruck and give up how far will the guys go to get it back and make you theirs again….
Flirty! Reader x Yandere!Wriothesley- Bird & Dog- Humor smut fluff some yandere. Trying to Rizz up Wrio goes Wrong or right? 
Anxious Artist Readera! x Art Critic!Yandere! Zhongli- Coworkers-Bird & Snake- A Portrait of Morax: Phoenix & Dragon - workplace romance, courting, crush, yandere, manipulation
Shy! Baker- Bird & Lion- Jing Yuan - fav customer, manipulation, first crushes, fluff smut
Flirty! Reader x Yandere!Wriothesley: Trying to Rizz up Wrio goes Wrong or right? 
Synopisis: A flirty prisoner trades slang with the guard and prisoners secretly teasing the Wriothesly the prison warden. As they have a crush but too shy to act on so resort to flirting badly as a joke. However Wriothesley does get the slang one day and reader is sure to pay…..
Hey warden where you at? With those Muffins….
“Wriothesly why not Wrio slay bae ~”
Yo got he got the whole bakery 
“Buns in the back do slap"
“Oh a Joke show me then what you mean? Or am I not the dog of meriopoide or is it you?”- Wriothesly
Flirty! Reader x Yandere!Wriothesley
Trying to Rizz up Wrio goes Wrong or right? 
Synopisis: A flirty prisoner trades slang with the guard and prisoners secretly teasing the Wriothesly the prison warden. As they have a crush but too shy to act on so resort to flirting badly as a joke. However Wriothesley does get the slang one day and reader is sure to pay…..
Hey warden where you at? With those Muffins….
“Wriothesly why not Wrio slay bae ~”
Yo got he got the whole bakery 
“Buns in the back do slap” cleverly offered Reader delivering a tongue twister and a euphemism all in one. 
The laughter fell to quiet among the frozen fellow prisoners. A shadow hovering above readers head. Literally as the  shadow of the very person they were teasing was behind them
“Ahem and what are we doing here? Tapping a foot Wriothesly the prison warden questioned them with hands crossed looking intimidating though normally laid back…
“Making fun of your superior you do know I’m the warden right?” He continued with knit brows. 
“Um All in good fun my lord duke warden wriothesly” you stuttered. 
“I don’t mind some jokes I can take them but what do you mean by buns”
The rest had scattered cowards. 
“Um “ You might die from embarrassment 
“N-nothing sir”
“I guess this calls for interrogation then until you spit it out” he said Wriothesley  spinning his cuffs and clapping them on you to drag you off. 
Wriothesly blue eyes flash with hint of teeth predatorily looming over you in secluded hallway tp the staircase to the interrogation room you guessed. 
“This is  an abuse authority!” you protested stumbling behind him in the prison corridors 
“One last chance tell me me or…” he trailed off menacingly 
 Wriothesly pressed up against you in the corridor hallway. Unable to escape your were restrained cuffed to him and pressed up against the cold  wall. You were warmed only by his body heat. 
“They were all compliments”  you blurted out face burning eye squeezed shut in fear. 
Wriothesly was generally was tolerant with prisoners given the welfare meals and boxing games he’d play. Perhaps teasing him was too far and felt like he lost respect 
“Good job”  he pats your head with smile as you sink in relief but are pulled into the room to your dismay squeezing eye shut in fear.
“Now tell me the rest” Wriothesly’s hand guides you unwilling to what you thought was the interrogation room but instead his plush office. 
You blink in surprise and shock as he proffers a teacup to you 
“Sooo who stopping me from having someone over for tea? Wriothesly cocked his head a sly teasing smile he wasn’t serious was he?
He just wanted in on the gossip and for you to spill the tea. 
“No one— er you  that is you ….assets” you gulp  truth spilling out voice small with his feirce interested star like a dog wanting treats.
Wriothesly cocked his head like dog pricking up it’s ears amused to see you stumble to reiterate it as politely as possible 
He approached with a tired sigh. A hand cupping  around your to force you to look at him as he leaned in close enough to kiss to your mortified thoughts
“Oh do continue “ Wrio said going lower teasing as you realized he knew all along he was just teasing you!
Wrio held your arm up to his arm up to his own sitting beside you on the couch. Knees and arms touching as you were cuffed still by one arm. 
The warmth of his breath and his chest pressing to your back as you blushed. 
“This is what you wished right?” Wrio inquires as you Shake in anticipation fear as desire burns with humiliation. 
“Err it was joke “ you stammer embarrassed  and breathing heavily in shock unsure what would happen next or if you would want it or not.
Wrio grabbed gently but firmly and pushed you to fall face forward on his office couch “Time for interrogation then” he amusedly said as you sprawled hand and knees on the couch. 
“ Well,then play around with me a bit more hmmm?” A curious head tilt like a dog the eager blue of his eyes cutting into you. As Wrio pulled you up by the chin to look at him 
“Entertain me” Wrio hums assessing your eyes for lies. You crane your head  to look at him from where he  towering above you prepared to do god knows what what. Something Good or bad? 
“Show me what you want”  he says tipping your chin with boot as you like lip nervously to mirror you in anticipation.
“Or am I not the dog of meriopoide or is it you?”  Yandere Wrio mocked .
000 Cut where out should be smut lol 0000
So dive in …. And eat that bakery hun…. Lol 
Wrio Smut in a previous post for those thirsty for more~
you hesistate from there Wrios stops hand up
 “haha Just A Joke….just don’t let me hear other calling me that again” with a laugh and ruffle of you hair from you kneeling stepping away returning to his jokester self. 
“But nothing, about you doing it~” he says with a wink as you gape. 
Artist! X Yandere! Admirer! Zhongli : The Bird & The Snake
 If art was priceless 
What about the artist?- Zhongli/Morax/Rex Lapis 
Synopsis: A starving artist takes a job at the funeral parlor and finds inspiration for their first portrait, the god Morax when seeing their muse as funeral consultant coworker Zhongli.  
Unbeknownst, to Artist Reader, their coworker is the geo lord himself in disguise. Zhongli notices their art in an auction mostly landscapes of Liyue which he buy up and eventually finds the Morax portrait. 
The artist!reader rises to fame so tries to quit job at funeral parlor to pursue art, but Rex Lapis won’t let them break the contract so easily…..after finding out they are the artist they adore.
As for a contract….How about we make another one, dear artist?
You may look and draw as much you want dear. 
As long, as your eyes are mine alone- Rex Lapis 
Artist! Reader POV x Zhongli
The doodles in your planner and sketches of his figures hurriedly hidden before you knew it. His beauty undeniable in the dying light. 
Zhongli was well known as an art critic and while you’d love to receive a favorable opinion. 
A bad one would crush you and any hopes and dreams of being an artist. 
Zhongli was such a perfectionist you didn’t dare show him any of your art for fear of it being rejected. 
Especially, of the ones you did of him idly in your planner when you were enamored by his beauty….
You couldn’t even draw him properly. You were too embarrassed and as a person you needed his permission to draw him….but….Morax a god based on the statues was fair game not like you would ever meet him….
It just happened to be your artistic decision that he looked a little like your coworker….after all not that you ever same though uncanny similar build or so you fantasized. 
Not like you could see underneath his — you shook your head bit let fantasy run wild with a portrait of Morax instead
Still uncanny, they looked alike or was that just your silly crush?
Zhongli POV
A diligent worker but shy. Hu Tao’s antic salways seems to run off most employees. However, you were kind, calm and didn’t seem bothered by the director’s eccentricities. 
Solid as rock
Perhaps that was drew him to you. That and your graceful delicate movements rearranging papers or sketching out coffin ideas. 
Zhongli appreciated your refined sense of style and tasteful choices in decor.
Zhongli enjoyed the endless art discussions over lunch breaks that you seem to appreciate when others dropped off halfway through his monologuing. 
Zhongli was an admirer of your landscapes of Liyue. The mundane made beautiful through few precise strokes. 
Zhongli swelling with pride at what Liyue had become as encapsulated in the eyes of an artist and made into reality. 
Zhongli was connoisseur and a collecter. So he of course bought all your artwork no matter the cost. A bidding war began and well those he could not acquire he found a way he was a god after all…
 If art was priceless 
What about the artist?
“Why don’t you just kiss already” Hu Tao broke in to her glee and exasperation at your slow romance. A realization that broke Zhongli's resolve and shoes light that you were the artist he admired and one he liked.
After careful contemplation, Zhongli realizes he likes you and is just as stubborn as a rock when he resolves to court you. 
However the traditions Zhongli uses for dating are so ritualistic old and esoteric that you do not realize that is what he is doing but appreciate the gestures….
The frequent lunches and dinners to talk about work that are dates in disguise…
Zhongli gifting a knotted red charm with jade for luck in marriage. 
Zhongli insisting they exchanging a Phoenix hairpin exchange for a dragon handkerchief present around New Years. 
Zhongli finds ithe protight of moraz after you decide to sell the morax painting after consideration the buyer is willing pay alot . ENough you coudl retire and continue painting and pursue yoru but unease teh loss of painting what liklihood hoo perosn based off it would find it?
You owe this mystery buyer and art critic alot too as your painting have gain fame and critical acclaim due to thier eye.
so you trun in you resignation.
"You cannot go" Zhongli Firmly said.
"You see me, as I truly am after all , you can accept all may flaws and facets. And see the true me behind the disguise" he hummed mysteriously as Zhongli revealed the morax painting you drew
"wh-where did you get that?" you gasped embarrassed.
"Would you consider a new contract perhaps?" . Now looking at him stunned and frightened with new eyes. Zhongli your coworker and funeral consultant who you crushed on was Morax, the god of contract and you had just broken one....
He continued taking you chin carefully with his fingertip to stare with serpentine golden eyes.
A Phoenix in dragons trap more like a bird in snakes nest the coils constricting tighter slowly without notice until asphyxiated.
As for a contract….How about we make another one, dear artist?
You may look and draw as much you want dear. 
As long, as your eyes are mine alone- Rex Lapis 
Yandere! Zhongli POV x Artist! Reader: The bird & the Lion
Admirer! Baker! Reader x Yandere Jing Yuan
Cat & Bird Bakery
How sweet you are and the sweets you bake
It always warms my heart, Can I have taste?
You offered first after all. - Jing Yuan 
Synopsis: Yandere!Jingyuan a weathered war hero, finds respite in a quiet teashop where the baker is a fan of his and treats him on the house. He continued likening the baker to a shy bird flitting about tables to help as a people pleaser.
Jing Yuan POV
Jing Yuan is amused at how clumsy she gets with him around. His beauty distracted her to stare at him from the corner of her eye with an evident crush. He continues visiting the teahouse to ease her to his presence. Until one day he falls asleep past closing time….Reader gets a blanket but he’s awake and has been watching her the entire time….feigning tiredness to stay after hours…
“No need for that my dear I’m awake. I’ve been watching you the whole time” 
Jing Yuan, yawns a flash of lion's teeth and golden eye. Now a hungry lion fixed on the helpless bird...
“I’m tired from work today and home is far away….”
Jing Yuan, lazily slowly meaningfully catching your hand to his and pressing it to his cheek nuzzling it so you cannot escape. 
“Um  you should get some rest its err past closing time” awkward fumbling emabrrassed being so close and handling your hand. 
Jing Yuan blinked, slowly, lazily his hungry golden gaze freezing you in place and silencing your complaints before melting into a fervent pleading soft stare. 
“Do you have somewhere I could take a nap?”
There was no way you would refuse him right? 
Not the hero, the general of the loufu….
 The prey he had been eyeing all along. 
Slowly but surely he’d consume you in your entirety. 
His little bird. 
The Bird & The Dog lol more crack pair funny now relief
Concept idea
Because while reader is an obsessed fan have you ever heard never meet your heros? Fantasy is much different from reality….and in reality no one wants a yandere….
The stalker becomes the stalked sorta situation get what coming for em lol by time reader gets over the crush the crush reciprocates too late… 
this become softer more recipircl than i thought but slight possievive obseeseive yandere love tinge if not mutual
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radiansjort · 1 month
BEST PARTS OF 2024 OLYMPICS (as someone in the US)
all the buzz around the cardboard beds. idk why the whole idea is so funny 💀
lebron hoisting that flag like george washington crossing the delaware. him and coco were perfect picks for flag bearers fr
POMMEL HORSE GUY. mr clark kent who got picked for the men’s gymnastics team JUST FOR THAT ONE EVENT, showed up, served cunt, and ensured us their first men’s gym medal in 16 years. stephen nedoroscik you will forever be iconic. (the whole team really— i also love seeing fred richards’ parents reactions LMAO)
THE USA WOMENS RUGBY TEAM 🗣️ being down 5 with 7 seconds left to go COAST TO COAST TO SCORE AND WIN THE BRONZE FOR THE FIRST US WOMENS MEDAL IN RUGBY!!! also ilona maher you will forever be iconic. 
flavia saraiva falling in warmups and being like ok bet, slaps a band aid on her black eye and goes out to help brazil win their FIRST MEDAL IN WOMENS GYM OHHH YEAHHH
GUATEMALA EARNED THEIR SECOND MEDAL EVER 🔥🔥🔥‼️‼️GRACIAS JEAN PIERRE BROL CARDENAS 🗣️🗣️🇬🇹🇬🇹🇬🇹🥉LOS CHAPINES FTW ‼️(if it weren’t for the new bib number rule instead of a shootout we could’ve gotten higher but i digress 😔)
kim yeji’s AURA???!??? she came out there and shot with her hand in her pocket like she graduated from the university of servington, which she did, all while holding her daughters toy elephant 🥹
suni lee’s, simone biles’, and brody malone’s comeback stories were all so heartwarming to see, especially rebeca andrade’s coming back after THREE ACL TEARS?!!?
henrik christiansen (aka muffin guy) is literally so funny 😭🙏 bro actually has SO. MANY. tiktoks about the olympics village chocolate muffins and i give all credit to him for the fact we have the recipe now 😋
that turkish guy who just came out there in a t shirt and rawdogged the olympics 😭😭 imagine doing the shooting event with no eyewear, no ear covers, and just eyeballing it and winning SILVER??? bro is a hit man tryna not be suspicious by winning gold 🤨🤨
snoop dogg just chilling?? bro is participating in trials, trading pins, going to like every event and cheering, wearing FULL equestrian gear with martha stewart 😭? watching skateboarding finals w tony hawk? my guy is on the side quest of all side quests
katie ledecky my GOAT 🐐. i always love seeing her as the only swimmer on screen!! she lowkey has time to get out of the pool, do some interviews, get a snack, and come back to watch second place finish fr 
i do not usually watch cycling but i got so sad when remco evenepoel’s bike broke down BUT he had such a. huge lead he STILL MANAGED TO WIN GOLD!!! 🔥🔥
loving all the countries making history with their first medals!! julian alfred (st. lucia) and thea lafond (dominica) SHOWING UP FR!! also a lot of countries got their first medals in gymnastics specifically like kaylia neymour (algeria), carlos yulo (philippines), ángel barajas (colombia), etc. LIKE OKAYY THE GYMNASTS ARE NOT HERE TO PLAY
all the noah lyles haters been real quiet after he won gold in 100m 🤫🤫
the french pole vaulter who LOST because his peanits was too big. LIKE??!!?? sure you have a big wiener but at the cost of LOSING THE OLYMPCIS LMFAOOO
the women’s balance beam podium was so cute 😭😭 the two italians, alice d’amato and manila esposito, biting their medals together, and zhou yaqin from china looks over and does it too 🥹
armand duplantis hit the turkish hitman celly after breaking the pole vaulting wr AGAIN and winning gold 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 tuff. he actually built different cuz tell me why he’s broken the wr LIKE EIGHT TIMES IN A ROW???
bro the figure skaters from beijing 2022 FINALLY getting their medals like??? i really took two years for the IOC to investigate? okay. AT LEAST THEYRE FINALLY GETTING THE BAG H 🗣️🗣️
imane khelif getting a gold despite ALL THE SHIT BEING THROWN AT HER‼️ she faced all these brain dead critics yet came out to win it, and saying without her haters the win wouldn’t have been so satisfying??? QUEEN SHIT 👑👑
women’s soccer SLAYED SO HARD. like i’ve seen enough build the alyssa naeher statue. that shootout against sweden awakened that dawg in her and she LOCKED IN. 
men’s and women’s basketball wins over france 🔥 imagine being the host country and both ur basketball teams go to the gold medal match just TO LOSE TO THE SAME COUNTRY LLL
usa winning the most medals 🔥💪 they not like U.S. fr 
shoutout to that guy who tried to climb the eiffel tower without ropes at the closing ceremony 😔✊ arrested before he could achieve greatness 🕊️🕊️🕊️
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lafayette-paw-arts · 5 months
Stupid random poly vees headcanons
Vox loves chocolate chip eggo waffles and chocolate chip mini muffins, he refuses any other type of muffin and it's rare to see him eating any other type of waffle.
Velvette likes pancakes, doesn't really care what type of pancakes but she refuses to use Pearl Milling Company (formerly Aunt Jemima) syrup she'll only use an expensive type of "real syrup"
Valentino is extremely easy, ceral, waffles, pancakes, doesn't matter, give it.
Vox absolutely LOVES bacon, so when bacon is made most of it ends up on his plate, the others will take a few pieces for themselves but yeah, Vox gets the lions share.
Vox has weird tastes in video games and tends to just chase the serotonin. He has action games (not usually shooter style), story, exploration, sandbox, even farming sims (he likes Paleo Pines)
Velvette has a ton of games she just doesn't play them very often.
Valentino loves shooter style games and action games, he's not a huge fan of cozier games like farming sims or like animal crossing.
Vox had to put a heavy duty protector on Valentino's switch.
Voxtek has made the most durable gaming controllers in hell, why? because when Val gets pissed at a game he throws his controller and Vox got tired of buying new ones to replace it (or dealing with the whining that Val couldn't play games anymore until the controller was replaced) so the controllers they make are practically indestructible.
Vox loves spicy food but the others don't like it as much as he does, so when he's cooking for himself it's extremely spicy, but when he's cooking for the three of them it has to be "Val and Vel safe" levels of spice
Vox also loves salty food, chips, popcorn, even sea-salt chocolate, he loves it.
Vel has the biggest sweet tooth of the bunch, she loves the sugar cookies with the frosting and sprinkles on them and she also loves the two bite brownies.
Val is more jack of all trades with his food tastes, he's not super picky but he does love hot chicken wings tho.
Velvette will go out clubbing with Zeezi, they love to party the night away and drink a lot.
They love to scare any asshole guys or gals who are trying to be gross to others in the bars (they find it fun, Zeezi calls it "bitch hunting")
Valentino surprisingly enough hangs out with Carmilla sometimes, it's like a once in a blue moon thing, but they'll get together at an air soft range and will have a one on one battle (sometimes Carmilla's daughters join them)
Whoever wins gets bragging rights until the next time they meet up.
Vox spends time with Zestial, he will meet up with the elder overlord once a week for tea and they just talk and play chess.
The other Vees hate it because Vox always comes back talking like Zestial and it lasts for hours.
Sorry for the long wait for more but here you go! There are some weird ones for ya!
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juniefruit · 9 months
{ SKZ As Pirates }
Drabble 2 yay! I tried making one of those banner mood boards on canva, but idk how y'all actually make them :')
Word count: 812
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The captain!! To a stanger, he’s the intimidating, ruthless captain of Stray Kids. He puts on his persona in order to protect his crew, his lifestyle, everything he’s worked so hard for. He’ll be damned if one of his members is kidnapped, injured, or even worse, killed. But on the security of his ship, all of that is thrown off the plank. He makes sure that everyone is fed, clean, and healthy. He tries his best not to argue with the crew, and tries breaking up any fights that arise between them. He tries hiding his soft side, but oftentimes he finds himself staring fondly at his members when they have downtime. Overall, he’s a catch. 
Minho is in charge of weaponry. Although he has his moments that make Chan doubt why he trusted Minho with them in the first place. But, he does his job well, so it’s tolerated. He trains the crew on swordsmanship and handling a blade as well. Minho also does a great job making sure swords, spears, and daggers of all kinds are sharpened, and the ship cannons are clean. One minor inconvenience, though. Try not bother him too much while he’s looking over his swords, or you might just get one thrown at you. (He would never actually aim it directly at anyone. His precision is top-notch)
Changbin specializes in close-range or hand-to-hand combat. This man is an absolute unit. He’s the one to go to with any combat questions, as well as every crew member’s weekly training/sparring. Before joining Stray Kids, he fought daily to survive on the streets. During his own free time aboard the ship, he works out in his quarters or on the deck. He flexes his muscles after any type of physical activity lol. The rest of the crew is used to it at this point. 
Hyunjin is such a fashion icon, it only makes sense if he’s in charge of everyone’s garments. He knows alot about stitching and sewing, he can repair almost anything. He can tell just by looking at an article of clothing if it’s worn out or needs to be replaced soon, for fear of less protection. Whenever he repairs something with a needle and thread, he sometimes adds little flowers or patterns around it with the thread. He has sheets of various sewing patterns on his cabin walls, annotated with his own notes. 
Han maintains the ship. There’s no possible way he’d let the ship get run-down. It’s game over for any barnacle on the deck. Also, Han makes sure the ropes for the sails never get tangled up. The boys take turns cleaning the ship floorboards. Han just took it upon himself to make sure everything is organized and in order because of his perfectionism, which can turn into anxiety if it’s not dealt with. His guilty pleasure is deciding to watch the sunset creep below the open ocean. He leans over the railing, lost in thought. 
Felix oversees the ship’s food supply. He goes down into the storage room every day to take inventory. He also notes what needs to be restocked and bought once they reach land. The boys all take turns cooking and helping with meals and then cleaning up after themselves. Sometimes when there’s extra supplies, he’ll make some sweet treats like muffins or biscuits. It makes him feel proud of himself when he hears all the members praising his treats. 
Seungmin Is in charge of directions and geography. His quarters are filled to the brim with maps of lands near and far, and detailed directions of ocean currents. Seungmin is a smart boy who has always valued time spent quietly studying or reading. However, he is not shy by any means. He’s the one that helps chan navigate unknown waters and directions to new territories. His downtime is usually spent in his own quarters with a lamp by his side, inspecting a map for the hundredth time, figuring out distances and trade routes. His clever mind is well utilized. On the off-chance, you can catch him setting up pranks around the ship for the other members to stumble upon. 
Since Jeongin is the youngest, the crewmates (usually) go easy on him. They’re just pleased that he does his part aboard the ship. Whenever he’s around, his positive energy is infectious. Everyone is in a good mood when Jeongin is talking, or explaining the rules to a new card game he invented. (it will be forgotten about in a day). Surprisingly, Jeongin is good at haggling. In every new town, the crew sends him out to befriend the storekeepers. They don’t have a choice but give Jeongin what he’s asking for. The wide smile on Jeongin’s face when he walks back to the group with supplies and the leftover gold is priceless.
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thelocalmuffin · 1 year
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Hello I did a trade with @viohazardd
I am still figuring out CSP, but this piece really helped me figure out some useful tips. I hope you like it!
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 3 months
Orange Blossoms
Paring: Buck x reader
Word count: 6.6k
Notes: Going forward, Buck has consent. Like I just want to make that clear, he do be gettin a lil freaky in dis story but like, he does have consent and they do talk about it. I just did not write that. You know at least for now idk I might write in a lil bit who knows. But just so we’re all on da same page. Reader is just as freaky and adventurous as Buck
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Episode 8: Cant Fight the Moonlight
You kick Eddie from his own house. Okay not really but kind of. But Buck can’t exactly come over to your place? Bobby is there…Athena, May, Harry… that’s just like. A recipe for disaster 
So you beg Eddie to trade houses with you for a night, or rather Buck. And he agrees, after demanding you make him your “famous” blueberry muffins Bobby keeps talking about and you bake those first, setting them on the counter to cool as soon as possible 
“So? Are you nervous?” Eddie is leaning against the doorway watching you put on your makeup. You’re sat criss crossed on the sink and leaning into the mirror 
“Incredibly. What if he hates enchiladas? They’re not exactly a date food” 
“No, they’re a delicious, soul-filling food that should be eaten constantly” He walks over and hands you the brush you’re reaching for 
“Yes I made you extra, you can take them with you”
“Yessssss” he fist pumps and you roll your eyes, going back to putting on your makeup 
“He loves enchiladas by the way. And he’s gonna love your dress, which I know you’re also worried about”
You drop your makeup brush and spin around, “Oh god my dress! I forgot to iron it!!” He stops you at the door, turning you back around toward the sink 
“I did it for you, you seemed so frazzled I thought I’d take it off your plate” 
He helps you back up on the sink and you fake sniffle 
“Eddie you’re the bestest friend a girl could ask for” 
You’re busy fixing your hair when the doorbell rings. You squeal and toss the hairspray down 
“I’m not even dressed!!! Is he early?!” 
“About 10 minutes early yeah” Eddie looks at his watch as he pushes off the wall “I’ll go let him in” 
“Don’t let him back here!!” 
Eddie reassures you he’ll entertain Buck before leaving you to scramble and get your dress on. He checks that everything you have set up is ready one last time before he opens the door, Buck is standing there with flowers in his hands
“You good?” Eddie asks as he looks him over, he looks like he’s gonna pass out 
“Oh thank god you answered the door. Please I don’t know how to tie my tie and I figured I could get here early and ask you” 
Buck pulls him out of the house and to the side and Eddie stumbles after him 
“Okay, okay! I’ll help!” He takes the tie from Buck’s hand and starts to adjust it around his neck 
“You’re wearing a tie?” 
“Is it too much?? It’s too much isn’t it??” 
Eddie chokes him a little and he yelps “Hey!!”
“Thought it would distract you. You look great okay? The tie shows that you’re taking this seriously and you wanna look your best”
He finishes tying it up and tightens it around his neck 
“Not to mention she can pull it to lead you somewhere” He winks and Buck blushes deeply as he smoothes out his clothes. 
“Do I look okay?” He steps back, holding out his arms as he does a little spin and Eddie steps back too, looking at him 
“Will you take my advice if I give it to you??” 
Eddie steps forward now takes the back tie off and stuffs it in his own pocket. He unbuttons four of the buttons on Buck’s shirt and helps him roll the sleeves up. He tousles his hair a bit and straightens out his shirt once more 
“I feel slutty” He motions to the four buttons and Eddie nods 
“Good! You look slutty!!” Eddie sets his hands on his hips “You know, in a good way!” 
“You promise??” 
“I promise, that belt is working for your waist” 
Buck squeaks and shakes his hips excitedly “I know!! God, I was so proud in the mirror bro, bro, bro look how snatched I look!” 
“You do look pretty snatched” 
Eddie spins around and Buck blushes 
“Hey beautiful” 
“Hi” you giggle and step out of the house and he looks you up and down, sighing dreamily. Your dress is practically painted onto your body, it has a square neck and short sleeves 
“How do I look?” You do a little spin and then twist your ankle, too, showing off your booties 
“Y-you look stunning” he melts into Eddie as he stares at you and you blush, before reaching your hand out for him. He steps away from Eddie, taking your hand and kissing softly down your arm making you giggle 
“Hey! That tickles!” he hums happily and pulls you into him, kissing you senseless 
“You are soooo hot, especially with that choker,” he says, squeezing you tightly and you blush
“Why thank you, would you like to come in?” 
He gives you the biggest shit-eating grin and you punch him in the chest. Eddie holds his chest as he laughs and you roll your eyes 
“You guys are so childish!!” 
You stomp back into the house and Buck and Eddie follow after you
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“You know we’re supposed to be eating dinner,” You say as Buck’s hands slide down your sides and he kisses your neck
You’d taken the flowers from Buck and set them in a vase as Eddie got ready to leave. He whispered something to Buck and then came over and kissed your head, saying goodbye to both of you and he promised not to trash the loft. 
Buck followed you into the kitchen, wrapping his arms around your waist and asking if there was anything he could do to help 
“You can sprinkle the cheese over the enchiladas and put them in, they’ve just gotta warm up and then we can eat”
“Sounds good to me” He kissed your cheek before doing what you told him to and popping them in the oven. 
“So we’ve got about 15 minutes to kill what do you wan-“
You’re cut off by Buck cupping your face and pressing his lips to yours, he’s careful with your makeup, definitely enjoying all the extra hoops you went through for him 
“This okay?” He asks as you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back eagerly 
“Set a timer so the food doesn’t burn,” you say against his lips and he blindly reaches for his phone in his pocket while you keep kissing him. He chuckles and pulls away a little to look at the screen and you press your lips to his neck, over and over leaving your lipstick on him. He groans softly and stumbles backward, pulling you into the living room with him. 
He falls down onto the couch, reaching out for you and you hike up your dress a bit and climb into his lap. He sighs contentedly and goes right back to kissing you. His hands roam your body, feeling over your soft hips and holding your ass in his hands 
“You’re so perfect” he mumbles and you smirk, pulling away for a second to look at him. He looks absolutely blissed out, he’s got glittery kiss marks all over his neck and his lips are stained red. His eyes are softly lidded, he’s definitely drunk on you.
“You wanna take it up a notch?” He winks and pulls you down onto the couch, he lays on you, pressing his body down on you and you blush, tangling your fingers back in his hair
“You know we’re supposed to be eating dinner,” You say as Buck’s hands slide down your sides and he kisses your neck
“Alarm hasn’t gone off yet, I’ve still got time” 
You feel his hand slide over the soft inside of your thighs as he kisses you, wrapping his tongue around yours and dominating you immediately. His hand slides further and further until his fingers brush gently against your panties. 
“Wanna see how fast I can make you cum?” 
Your mouth drops open and you slap his shoulder
“Sooo… Is that a no?” He looks at you confused and you let your head fall back on the pillows 
“…How much time is left on the timer?” 
He fumbles for his phone on the coffee table and picks it up 
“Uhhh Eight minutes and 36 seconds” 
“Go crazy” 
Seven minutes and 56 seconds later you’re a panting mess on the couch whilst Buck proudly licks his fingers clean. He’s grinning from ear to ear as he watches you come back down to earth 
“Need help walking to the bathroom?” 
“I think I’ll manage” 
You stumble into the dining room 10 minutes later and Buck is sitting at the table with his hands clasped in front of him 
“Hey! I was supposed to set this up!”
Everything is laid out nicely and he even lit the two candles you’d brought out 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just wanted to help” He stands up, guides you over to your chair, and pulls it out for you
“I promise I haven’t tasted anything!! Even if I really really wanted to” 
He pushes you in and sits back in his own chair, folding his hands in his lap
“You can totally serve it though if you want to” 
“Are you sure you don’t want to!” You tease and he shrugs
“Of course I want to. But I’ll let you do it” 
He’s wriggling in his seat as he tries to just stay still and you raise a brow at him, before leaning over and grabbing his plate to serve him. He takes it eagerly from you and sets it down, putting his hands back in his lap 
“Alright, what gives?” You ask as you serve your own plate and set it down in front of you 
“What do you mean?” 
“You look like you’re about to skyrocket out of your seat. What’s going on?”
“You’re gonna think it’s stupid” He smiles sheepishly and you put your hand over his in his lap 
“Buck, unless you’re literally purposely being stupid I don’t think anything you do or feel is stupid okay? Trust me.”
“I do” he takes your hand and kisses your knuckles softly before taking a deep breath 
“I just… well I kinda didn’t eat today because I thought I was gonna throw up I was so nervous about having dinner with you and then I didn’t wanna eat anything because I wanted to be able to eat your food you know and then I was like oh god what if it sucks what if I have to lie so I kinda called Athena? And uh… I asked her if your cooking sucked and she said you were one of the best cooks she’s ever known and that I was lucky and then I took them out of the oven for you and oh god everything smells so good and I’m really just trying to control myself right now from devouring everything in sight” 
You blink slowly, taking in everything he said. It was all just one big, fast, sentence really. You turn back to the enchiladas pan and serve him three more on top of the four you gave him and he rubs his hands together excitedly 
“That good for now?” You smirk and he nods excitedly 
“Very, thank you. Can I please eat now?” 
You giggle and grab your fork “Knock yourself out” 
Buck eats like he hasn’t eaten in weeks, which is how you’ve recently learned, all firefighters eat. Especially one who hasn’t eaten all day. Eddie had advised you to make more than you normally would for two, maybe for four to six and he was right 
“So?” You ask as Buck starts on his third plate and he looks at you
“I literally never want to eat anything else for as long as I live” 
Buck is mostly quiet during dinner and it just cracks you up, after dinner he lazily helps you bring everything into the kitchen and starts to do the dishes as you put the food away 
“Hey I can do those” you pout and he scoffs
“Yeah no, you made this amazing food the least I can do is clean up for you” 
“But you’re a guest” you whine and tug at his shirt and he laughs 
“So are you, this is Eddie’s house” 
“So what I’m hearing is, we should be making Eddie do this” 
“Exactly! What a terrible host, making us do his dishes” Buck rinses the plate in his hands and you swipe it from him, taking the towel from his shoulder and drying it off 
“Really we should be leaving this whole mess for him” you agree and Buck chuckles, he turns to you and grabs your hips, lifting you onto the counter next to him and kissing your cheek 
“I guess we can help him out this one time” 
You blush and look at him as he washes out your glass pan for you 
“Yeah… I suppose so” 
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Who knew watching Buck do dishes would be so sexy… maybe it’s the way his arms flex when he turns things over, or maybe how big his hands are compared to the things he’s washing… you’re not really sure. But whatever it is, it sure is causing you to squirm 
“Do you have to go pee? Are you too tiny to get down from the counter?” Buck asks after he hands you another fork and your attention snaps back up to his eyes and not the way his hand goes in and out of the cup 
“What do you mean?” You ask and he rinses the cup 
“Well, you were drying that spoon for about three minutes. And you keep squeezing your thighs together. Do you need help with something?” 
Hell yes 
“Oh no!! No sorry I just kinda zoned out I guess” Your voice is a little high-pitched as you laugh it off and he narrows his eyes 
“Okay, yeah… sure” Oh he doesn’t believe you for a second 
He hands you the last cup and takes the second towel from the oven, drying his hands before he steps away from the sink 
“Well shit” 
The front of his shirt has a large wet patch on it and you giggle 
“Were you washing the dishes or yourself?” 
“Oh Hardy har har” He pokes your nose and you scrunch it up “I suppose I’ll just have to take it off”
“You’re gonna wha-“
Buck unbuttons the rest of his shirt and takes it off, shaking it out a little and hanging it from one of the cabinet doors. Your mouth falls open slowly at his back muscles, he turns back toward you and smiles 
“Like what you see bunny?” 
You turn on your heel, drop your towel onto the counter, and walk away 
“Nope! Don’t you dare bunny me right now” 
“Oh come on!! It was just a question!” 
You’re sitting across the couch from Buck with one leg crossed over the other watching a movie. He’d been giggly and teasing the entire time and you did your best to ignore him. 
“You know I’m gettin' kinda cold over here… all alone…” he pouts and you grab the throw blanket from the back of the couch and throw it at him 
He yelps and catches it with his face and you giggle a little. He balls it up and tosses it into the chair next to him 
“Awwww come on baby, please? I want cuddles” He’s pouting and sniffling as he crawls across the couch to you
“Back off” 
He keeps crawling over to you and you put your foot up on his chest to block him 
“Quit it!!” 
“No, I need you” He whimpers and your eyes widen “I need you so badly I’m so lonely baby” 
“You sound like the biggest fuck boy in the world” You toss your head back laughing and he moves your foot from his chest, putting your leg over his shoulder 
“Oh come on! I sound adorable!” 
“Do not!!! Try harder!!” You put your other foot up and he grins 
“You’ve got a thing for that huh?” 
“For what?” You ask, your cheeks blushing as he takes your other leg and puts it over his shoulder too
“When I cry for you… you like that don’t you?” 
You swallow thickly and look at him as he lays flat on the couch, he inches your dress up your thighs and you blink slowly 
“You like it when I beg for you… when I let you take charge…” 
You sit up fast and he pulls away, looking at you
“Do you like it?” You blurt out nervously and he smiles 
“Of course I do… if I didn’t I wouldn’t do it. Besides it’s nice, I always feel like I have to be on you know? Like I need to take care of everyone… it’s nice to just relax with you sometimes and you know… be taken care of” 
“What else do you like?” You ask and scoot forward now and his cheeks flush 
“I- I mean-“
“We don’t have to get crazy in-depth… that’ll come with time… but okay just tell me one thing you like” 
He thinks for a moment, flopping back on the couch and sighing 
“Somethingggg… that I like…” 
You climb into his lap and look down at him and he puts his hands on your hips 
“I like you” He blushes and you giggle “And I guess I like the way your pussy sucks my fingers in, makes me wanna stuff you full of my cock and see how much you can take… I know you definitely gave me a size kink baby doll”
Your cheeks flush deeply and he reaches up, rubbing your warm cheek with the back of his finger
“Wanna watch you ride me some time too, see if you can even fully sit on me”
“Is that a challenge?” You ask, tilting your head and he smirks 
“Maybe… tell me this… we kind of mess around constantly… Are you okay with that? I don’t want to seem shallow, you know? But I do have a very healthy sexual appetite and I just want to make sure we’re on the same page” 
“You wanna know if I match your freak huh?” You wriggle your eyebrows and he snickers, swatting your thigh 
“I like messing around just as much as you do,” you tell him while crawling forward on your hands and tilting your hips. He moans softly and slides his hands over your ass 
“Did you finish earlier?” You ask sweetly and he shakes his head 
“Oh no baby that was all about you”
“Well maybe it’s time for something to be all about you instead”
Buck holds your hands as you grind on him, your clit rubbing up and down his cock. He’d all but ripped off your panties and tossed them aside before messily shoving his pants down his hips. He was in way too much of a hurry after you slowly undid his belt, he could watch you do that over and over again. 
“What’s your favorite color?” He pants as you roll your hips
“What’s your favorite color” He’s mesmerized by the way your dress manages to keep the girls where they belong but he doesn’t think it’s going to last 
“Pink. What’s yours?” 
“Red… or maybe blue!! Aquamarine? I don’t know” 
He thrusts his hips up and you gasp loudly, he grins and does it again and you glare at him 
“Your turn”
“Fuck” you moan and his eyes roll back as he feels how wet you’re getting “Okay um… u-um… oh god- what’s a bad habit you have?” 
“Jesus-“ He can feel you teasing him with your entrance, just poking a bit and he has to fight to control himself and not flip you over and fuck you through the couch 
“U-uh, uhhh I’m kinda messy I guess? Fuck if I know I can barely think” he sits up quickly, knocking you backward and opening your legs up for him 
“If you were an ice cream flavor what would you be?” He grinds against you harder, his hips thrusting faster than your teasing pace and you brace your hand on his chest, you did say this was about him after all… 
“Ah! Oh god, Buck p-please please p-“
He covers your mouth for a minute and stops for a second, smacking your clit with his heavy cock and running it between your folds, giving you both a very much-needed minute to cool down. He teases your entrance, he can feel the way you’re clenching around nothing and he's dreaming of how it would feel if you were clenching around him
“Don’t you dare finish that damn sentence. Just answer the question” 
“That is so you” 
“Just the tip? You ask sweetly, your voice is so hot and needy
“If you think for one fucking second I’m going to be able to stop at just the tip” 
“Can you just try??” You huff as you prop yourself up on your elbows and he blinks rapidly at you 
“Miss Nash! Are you trying to compromise my virtue?!” 
You toss your head back laughing and he takes the opportunity to just slide the tip in 
“Oh…my-“ he watches you as he goes a bit further, with a level of control he had no idea he even had… but it’s worth it watching you take every inch he’s giving you, and it’s not very many
He stops and you immediately whine “P-please-“
“Nope, you said just the tip and I’ve already given you a little more than that” He’s barely keeping control of himself at this point, he eases himself back out and right back in 
“Ohhh… this is dangerous” he chuckles and you giggle with him, opening your legs more 
“Sooo so dangerous” you moan softly and he thrusts into you, it’s still just that little bit, but it’s enough right now for both of you, Buck however isn't sure if it'll continue to be enough in the future.
So much for that minute to cool down. 
“It’s your turn” 
“How big are you?” You purr and he smirks, rolling over your clit with his thumb as he just barely fucks you 
“Nine? Inches. I’m not sure” 
Your mouth drops open and he’s grinning like a madman
“I promise I’ll be gentle when we go all the way” 
His thrusts are short and quick and they’re driving you insane, you just want him inside you already. You go to wrap your legs around his hips and he stops you, pushing your knees up to your chest and pinning them in place. He pulls out and you whine, trying to reach for him and he pushes your hands away 
“Do you actually want our first time to be on Eddie’s couch? Because I’ll fuckin’ do it, don’t test me” he keeps your legs up and bends forward, dragging his tongue flat over your clit and you cry out, arching your back into his mouth. He moans around your clit as he makes out with your dripping pussy smothering himself and rubbing his nose against your clit 
“Where the hell did you learn to do this so well,” you say breathlessly, rubbing your hands in his hair and pushing his head down more he looks up at you, dipping his tongue inside you and groaning softly as he fucks you with his tongue. You watch him with wide eyes, as he stares into yours, writing nasty words with his tongue and sucking on your clit. His eyes roll back at the same time as yours and he chuckles when you squirm against him
He slides his fingers inside you, forgetting this was supposed to be about him, how could he think about himself when he’s got you laid out for him, legs spread, back arched. 
“Oh my god!” 
You finish on his tongue, again. This time accidentally squirting, he fucks you hard with his fingers, they plunge in and out of you quickly as he makes you cum twice in a row. If this was truly about him, he’d make you do it over and over until your body gave out and he got to fuck you while you lay there overstimulated and incoherent
That’s the dream 
But for now, he’ll take you like this, a babbling mess, that’s reaching for his cock to make him cum all over your pussy
Buck puts on Sleeping Beauty, your favorite Princess movie and lets you curl up into his lap, he strokes your hair softly, enjoying the way it feels under his palm, the soft curls make him think of other things that are soft
Patience was never one of his strong suits, but he would be for you. Just this once.
He watches you as you watch the movie, your eyes growing heavy, your body snuggling down into his.
“Such a pretty little thing”
He whispers softly, enjoying the way your cheeks turn pink as you roll your eyes at him
“Thank you”
“Know what’s even prettier?” He trails his fingers along your arm and you look up at him, smiling sleepily
“Your pussy”
“Evan Buckley!!”
His arm comes around your waist properly now and he pulls you into his lap. He puts his feet up on the coffee table and spreads your legs over his
“Prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen” he lifts the tshirt he put you in when you passed out and starts working your clit, massaging lazily, enjoying your soft little mewls as your ass grinds down onto his cock
“Next time I’m off baby girl, I’ll show you the meaning of stamina”
Eddie comes home after neither of you answer your phones, and he wasn’t worried at first but now he is a bit because he called a lot. 
He unlocks the door and peeks his head inside, the lights are off, and everything is clean… 
Oh god 
He walks slowly back to his bedroom, listening for any sort of movement from his bed. He cracks the door open and sticks his head inside with one eye closed. You’re curled up in a little ball next to Buck and you’re both passed out. You’re in one of Eddie’s T-shirts and Buck is in his basketball shorts 
Eddie approaches the bed, peeking into his trash can to see if there’s a condom or not and Buck stirs 
“Eddie? That you?” He mumbles sleepily and Eddie sets his keys down and takes his wallet from his pants 
“Yeah it’s me… what are you guys doing?” He asks hesitantly and Buck giggles before scooting over and pulling you closer to him, you sigh deeply, nuzzling your head into his chest and continuing snoring softly 
“It’s not what you think, she uh… fell asleep watching the movie and I put her in bed… got her all changed and everything. I texted Bobby from her phone to say she was sleeping over with both of us. Besides we did that on your couch”
“What did he say??” Eddie gags as he takes off his pants and shirt and tosses them to the chair in the corner of his room before crawling under the covers. He’s gonna have to burn his couch or bleach it. 
“I told him you gave her the guest room and that you and I were staying in here, even promised to lock the door” 
“That explains the very threatening text I received” he chuckles, resting his hands behind his head 
“You have a nice night?” 
“It was perfect Eddie. It really was… She’s just so beautiful, and so kind and interesting”
“Interesting huh?” Eddie climbs into bed, pulling the covers over himself and putting his hands behind his head
“Yeah! I made up this great game where…well okay it was just an easier way to get to know her let’s put it like that!”
Eddie makes a face and Buck grins widely at him, wriggling his eyebrows suggestively
“Why do I feel like this game is the reason I need to burn my couch”
“I have no idea what you mean”
Buck fawns all over you after that, excitedly telling Eddie every last detail, to the point he falls asleep telling him. Eddie smiles, tucking you both in and watching you snuggle deeper into Buck 
He’d never seen Buck so… content before. He’d been head over heels for girls before, but never like this… maybe he really was in love with you. 
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You decide to stay with them for some of today too, much to Bobby’s dismay but you assure him it’s just you three being stupid and hanging out. You’ve really become the three musketeers since you came here 
He still doesn’t like how much you hang out with them
Athena listens to his daily breakfast rants about how he loves those boys more than anything and he loves you even more than that but he’s just got this weird feeling in his gut that something is going on 
“You should really go to lunch with Bobby,” Eddie says as he sets up the karaoke machine, you’re cuddled in Buck’s lap playing on his phone 
“I know…I’ll text him later to see if he wants to” 
Buck takes his phone from you and you whine, reaching for it 
“No. Text him now” 
You pout, making your eyes as sweet and wide as you can and he crumbles, handing you back his phone 
“You are soooo easy” Eddie snatches the phone from your hands and hands you yours 
“Text him” 
“Hey!” Buck watches you text Bobby and shakes your shoulders 
“How come you listen to him!!” 
“Because I can’t kiss him into letting me have my way” 
“Gotta learn to say no buddy” Eddie hands him the mic and he sets you aside on the couch 
“Your moms gotta learn to say no”
He scrolls through the songs on his phone before picking one. He turns around to face the wall and Eddie rolls his eyes 
“Alright we’re going to lunch and I’m spending the afternoon with him!” You lock your phone and toss it aside 
“Where are you guys going?” 
“Olive Garden” 
“Bring us breadsticks,” Buck says as he hits play. 
Buck is the most dramatic man you’ve ever met in your life. He does a whole weird ballet jump as he spins around and starts singing 
“What did you do??” Eddie asks you as Buck sings into the microphone 
“I didn’t do shit” You laugh as he sings “That Should Be Me” by Justin Bieber. He’s giving it his all. This is karaoke, he doesn’t play okay. 
“Are you sure??” Eddie asks again and you cover your mouth trying to keep from laughing more as you fall into him, your body shaking. Buck is on his knees now, crawling to you and you wheeze, as he puts his hand on Eddie’s face and shoves him away. He goes rolling over and you fall back on the couch trying to breathe but nothing is coming out 
Buck finishes his song by laying out flat on the floor and scream-singing and you and Eddie lose it, there’s no damn reason for him to be like this but he just is and you both love him for it 
“So anyway it’s your turn,” Buck says, handing you the mic and you snatch it from his hands 
“Oh? I’m just supposed to go next after that??” 
“Well if you don’t think you can beat me…” he taunts you and you smirk wickedly 
“Oh it’s on, Buckley” 
You scroll through your phone for a minute before staring right at him and he raises an eyebrow. You queue up the song and stand in front of them, putting your hands on your hips. 
Peacock by Katy Perry does not start subtly. 
As soon as you point at Buck and start singing, his face immediately flushes a deep red and you grin evilly. Eddie’s mouth drops open and Buck slaps at him when he starts laughing
You shake your hips doing a little dance to the song and Buck hides his face in his hands 
“Jesus Christ Y/N” he laughs, as he blushes and you dig through the box, grabbing the second mic and tossing it to Eddie 
“No!! No, absolutely not!” Buck tries to yank it from him but he shoves him off, getting up and taking your hand and spinning you around. You and Eddie dance in sync, shaking your hips and doing little shimmies and Buck rolls over onto the couch, screaming into the pillow and curling into a ball  
“You got the finest architecture” Eddie sings and you wheeze into the mic as you try to keep singing 
“End of the rainbow-looking treasure” You fall to your knees and Eddie yanks the pillow from under Buck 
“Such a sight to see” 
You crawl over to Buck and climb onto him, sitting on his back 
“And it’s all for me”
You and Eddie finish the song together and Buck lies dead on the couch as you and Eddie laugh at him 
“I’m never doing karaoke again!!” His voice comes out muffled as he tries to smother himself in the couch cushion and you wiggle on him 
“Oh come on!! At least the song is true!!” 
“Oh my god” Eddie snorts and Buck groans louder 
“Oh come on! It is!!! I nearly passed out the first time you-“
Buck knocks you off of him and you crumple to the floor, he drags himself off the couch and covers your mouth as fast as he possibly can. Eddie’s mouth drops open and he stares at Buck 
“Bro! Bro?!?!!!” He gestures and Buck shakes his head 
“It’s not what you think!!!” 
“You fucked Bobby’s niece?!” 
“Hey!!! You know your rule!! It's, you know, not really sex if you don’t put it in!!!” 
You lick Buck’s hand and he yanks it away 
“Does just the tip count in that rule?” You ask Eddie and you don’t think his mouth could open any wider but it does. He slaps his hands on the side of his face and spins in a ridiculous circle making weird robot noises 
“I can’t even comprehend what the fuck you just asked me!!!” 
“Good! Let’s drop it!!” Buck says quickly and Eddie points two fingers at him 
“You didn’t tell me you put the fucking tip in!!! Did you!??-” He makes a weird jacking-off motion and you fall backward crying with laughter 
“I mean?!!!” 
Everyone is yelling at this point, he’s so sure his neighbors can hear it 
“You what?!?!!!” Eddie screams and Buck gets off the floor, tugging on his hair 
“I just kinda?!?!!! I- okay!! Okay!! It was just the tip and it wasn’t even that much okay like I just you know thrust in her a few times, teased her, and then pulled out!!”
“You came in me though, remember? When I was jacking you off-“
“This is so fucking graphic” Eddie mumbles 
“I put the tip back inside!! You called me your-“
“Cream pie slut!” 
Eddie just full-on screams at that, he pretends to faint on the couch and Buck goes running back to Eddie’s bedroom and locks himself in 
“He called you his what?!” Eddie can’t even yell anymore; he's sure he’s broken his throat at this point. He rolls off the couch and right onto you, smooshing you against the floor 
“Ow!! Hey!! Get your phat butt off of me!!” 
“P-h-a-t or F-a-t” Eddie asks 
“P-H” Bucks yells through the bedroom door and Eddie rolls off of you, snorting and giggling 
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Buck and Eddie drop you back off at Athena’s around one. You hug them both tightly, nuzzling into Buck a little more, and kiss their cheeks 
“I’ll see you guys later!” You hop out of the car and they both wave 
“Bye baby” Buck pouts and you pout back 
Eddie gets out and takes the front seat, ruffling your hair before he gets in “Go on before you idiots get caught. Bye sweet pea”
“Hey, honey!” Bobby is at the kitchen table with Harry as you walk in, you come down and kiss the top of his head and slap your hand on Harry’s head. He shoves your hand away and you snort 
“Hi Bobby, Harry” you bat your eyelashes “My bestest friend in the entire world” 
“Do you bother your boyfriend this much” he rolls his eyes and you freeze up, Bobby laughs and you back up a bit behind him and go digging in your mini backpack 
“She doesn’t have a boyfriend” Bobby smiles and pats his arm and Harry looks at you confused, you pull out $50 from your wallet and zip your lips 
“Oh… yeah I just wanted someone to remind her she’s forever alone,” He says quickly and Bobby laughs loudly 
“That’s not nice!” 
“You didn’t have to laugh that hard!” You slap his arm “I’m gonna go change and then we can go… Harry, I have that uh… deodorant you asked me to pick up. You wanna put it in your room? I don’t wanna go in there…” 
He gets up and you two race up to May’s bedroom. You slam the door shut and May shrieks. You shove the $50 in his hand and point a finger at him 
“Alright, start talking. How the heck did you know?!”
“How did he know what??” May asks as she shuts her notebook 
“Is it Buck or Eddie?” Harry crosses his arms over his chest “I’m like 90% sure it’s Buck” 
You groan loudly and flop down onto your bed 
“I knew it was him!!!” 
“How?!” You and May shout and then shush each other 
“I overheard Mom on the phone talking to Maddie, she asked if she’d seen much of Buck lately and she said no because he was spending all his time with some girl”
Your mouth drops open “Maddie doesn’t know?!” 
“I guess not, mom didn’t say anything”
“So how did you know??” May asks 
“I saw him sneaking out of our house one night” 
“You have him in here when I’m asleep?!” May launches her pencil at you and you put your pillow in the way 
“It doesn’t happen often!!! Most times we just go hide out in the bathroom! He can’t exactly spend the night”
“So you are dating Buck?” Harry asks and you try to suffocate yourself with your pillow 
“Sort of?? He’s… not my boyfriend. We’re waiting to make it official”
“And you haven’t told Bobby because??” 
“Because he would murder Buck and burn the body,” May says and you roll over, kicking your legs 
“Please, please, please. Don’t tell on us, okay? We’ll let him know when the time is right. But right now we’re still trying to become an us” 
“What do I get out of this,” He asks and you look at him 
“Your life?” 
“200 bucks”
“That’s highway robbery!!” You lunge at him and he dodges 
“It’s that or I tell him right now!!! Oh, Bobby!!!” He shouts and you run to your bag, grabbing another $50 
“You little-“ you mumble and put it in his hands, May sighs and grabs her money jar, pulling out two more $50s 
“You don’t-“ 
“If you think for one second he isn’t going to start blackmailing me too” 
“Ladies, I know absolutely nothing about anything” He does a little bow and you and May both throw him out 
“Hey? Everything okay?” Bobby peeks around the corner and all three of you stare at him 
“We’re good!!” You say and May and Harry nod along 
“Okay…. Sure…” Oh, he’s not buying it at all but he lets it go. “Hurry up and get changed sweetheart and we’ll go!” 
“Okay, Uncle Bobby!” You run back into the room and rummage through your half of the closet 
“Harry won’t say anything,” May says as she leans against the wall next to the closet 
“You think so?” You wriggle into a pair of high-waisted shorts, jumping to get into them and she laughs at you 
“Yes I think so, he may be a brat sometimes… but I trust him” You pull on a cute pink cropped tank top and change into your white sneakers 
“Alright, do I look cute enough to not be hiding a boyfriend??” You do a little spin and she giggles 
“You look adorable! Anddd you know who else would think that?” You tie your hair back with a white bow and May snaps a picture of you applying your lipgloss. You roll your eyes at her 
“Don’t you dare se-“ you look down at your phone as it starts ringing. 
“Hi Buck, Hi Eddie” 
Buck is driving as Eddie holds up the phone for them 
“Which Olive Garden are you going to?” Buck asks, looking over at you for a second, his cheeks flush and you smile 
“I’m not sure, whichever Bobby goes to I guess? I don’t exactly crazy know the area…” 
“It’s the one he always goes to, Buck,” May says and your mouth drops open at her betrayal 
“Stay just like that baby I’ll meet you there” he winks and Eddie starts hitting him as he laughs his ass off 
“Goodbye, dumbass!!” You say in a singsong voice as you hang up 
“What is he about to do” you sigh and May shrugs 
“No idea! But it’s probably going to get him in trouble” 
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P.S Imma edit this later Imma be so real its been a long week lmaoooo
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cellard0ors · 5 months
80’s Hackearney Drabble idea, comin’ in hot!
Snack Time at Hackett’s Quarry
- popsicles or soft serve ice cream maybe?
- maybe something more wholesome, like juicy watermelon slices that inevitably dribble down someone’s chin?
- do the campers and counsellors ever have to do their own baking, and if so, poor young Travis having to put up with various “bun in oven” and “buttered muffin” jokes from the others
Hell yes, sweet treats!
It's the second Saturday in June at Hackett's Summer Camp and apparently it's known as Sweet Saturday. Laura's informed that this is the day all the campers work on making sweet treats to trade with one another.
The treats don't have to be particularly difficult - just fun to put together. Laura's never considered herself much of a cook - hell, before this she wasn't even a very good waitress, aka the person who delivers the food - but luckily she gets the youngest campers.
The idea of using fruit juice to make easy popsicles via ice trays pleases them immensely and even Laura finds herself having fun as she helps the little kids carefully pour their chosen juice into the tray's little cups - sticking toothpicks in their centers.
As the evening rolls in the treats start being swapped and Laura can't help but feel a glow of pride as she sees the tiny popsicles floating around among the cookies, muffins, and slices of cake.
The cake really intrigues her, as it doesn't look like an ordinary cake, which she discovers is the truth when she's presented with a slice by Chris, "Here! Take some icebox cake!"
It's always beyond bizarre when Laura is faced with a young Chris. After all, he was - in many ways - the kick off for her woes in 2021. But now, in 1986, he's young and innocent and eager to please as he forces the small paper plate on her, "C'mon - join T and me. We've got a great spot!"
Laura gamely follows along, seeing Travis resting against a tall, thick tree near the dock. Travis is picking at his food, as if unsatisfied with it when he catches sight of her with his sibling.
His back goes ramrod straight even as he pushes his glasses by the bridge up his nose. He gives her that awkward (annoying) endearing (goofy) smile as he greets her with a quiet, "Uh, hey."
"Hey." Laura returns just as noncommittally even as Chris takes a seat next to Travis and beams, "Brought Laura over to snack with us. Hope that's okay."
Travis shoots Chris a look that Laura recognizes as a secret, brother-based look. While she doesn't have siblings of her own, Laura's been friends with, and seen enough, brothers and sisters shoot one another that look - the inside kind that only they understand, to get that that's what she's seeing.
However, if the look shot his way bothers him, Chris doesn't show it as he digs into his large collection of treats, chocolate melting all over his fingers as he breaks apart a cookie
Laura sits across from the brothers and watches with quiet amusement until Chris asks, "You have a favorite yet, Laura? These cookies from Nancy's group is my favorite so far."
"I haven't tried them yet."
"Oh! You gotta! Here!" Chris offers her half of the cookie he just tore into and she takes it, feeling a slight pang of guilt as she does so.
Jesus, she led the charge to kill this guy in the future and here he's giving her a cookie. Still, she pushes the thought aside and tries to act normal, biting into the treat and trying to enjoy it.
Chris nudges Travis and chuckles, "Don't worry! She has some of your cake too!"
Travis looks at her and Laura feels like she's chewing in the most unattractive way possible so she swallows a big hunk of what's left in her mouth and then coughs, clearing her throat as she holds up the paper plate Chris gave her.
Travis's lips squirm like he's fighting off a smile. Chris has no resistance, smiling widely, "It's our Grandma's recipe! Ma taught us!"
"She did, huh." Laura tries to keep the bitterness out of her voice. Mrs. Hackett is the last thing she wants to hear about when she's trying to enjoy something sweet.
"Yup! It's got vanilla pudding and graham crackers and whipped cream and-!"
"She doesn't need the ingredient list, bud." Travis grumbles and Chris rolls his eyes, "Whatever. You're just upset they didn't have watermelons this year."
Laura's eyebrows rise, "You like watermelons?"
Every time she learns something new about Travis it's always so... surprising. She can't say why, other than the fact that - as her jailor - he'd seemed so remote and distant. So cold. As if he didn't like anything past being a bastard.
But in this time - when he's young and open - she's slowly uncovered more and more about him and each thing seems more startling than the last.
"You bet he does! Sometimes we have spitting contests with the seeds!"
Travis looks appropriately mortified at this and Laura can't help the genuine laugh that escapes her. Clearly hoping to continue his entertaining streak, Chris rattles on, "You should see him go! His face gets all wet and sloppy and the juice dribbles down his chin from chowing down and he makes all these noises and-!"
"Shut it, doofus!" Travis hisses and he pushes hard at his brother's shoulder. Normally Laura might object, but Chris's innocent descriptions and the way Travis's face started to turn pink hints to something that makes her feel... peculiar.
Like she'd like to see Travis's face wet with the clear juice of the watermelon. His lips shiny...
Laura fans at herself and excuses it as an unexpected spike in the temperature, nevermind that the sun is setting. She takes a bite of the icebox cake and hums in approval. It is pretty good and Chris, over his momentary annoyance with Travis, smiles again, "You like it?!"
"Yeah." She confesses, feeling like it's a dirty secret, "I do."
"Good! He made it!" Chris boasts, pointing to Travis and Laura gets the sudden impression that the younger Hackett is attempting to play as a wingman.
Good lord.
Travis, for his part, just avoids her eyes and shakes his head, "It's nothing. Besides, I had help."
"That's me!" Chris crows, "I was in his group!"
"Yeah, yeah - you did okay, squirt." Travis ruffles his brother's hair and Laura can't help but grin. Much like the desserts they've been consuming, the Hackett brothers are a sweet pair.
So much so that it's a shame for her to know how things end. And how they end bittersweet.
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Things We Can't Change
Epilogue for Sweet Treats AU: by character | chronological | epilogues
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Warnings: these drabbles will include dark elements such as noncon, control, intimidation, and other stuff that may not be specified. Take this as you chance to scroll by.
Note: 👋
Please let me know what you think <3
You swirl the whisk around, wrist keeping a sharp and tenuous rotation as you hold the bowl steady. The rhythmic ting of the metal against the glass fills the kitchen and the silence of the large house. The place is static and surreal, just like the rest of your life. Ever since…
Don’t think. You won’t be alone tonight. Isn’t that something to look forward to? Is there anything left in this world you can be happy for? Maybe if you could feel anything but the flatline.
“My brother is not very happy,” Loki’s voice brings your head up as he strides coolly, “something about that little mouse and her attitude.”
“Oh…” you look back down, focusing on the batter’s consistency. Almost there. The burning in your tendons is almost enjoyable. To feel anything but dread. “Are they not coming then?”
“I never said that, darling,” Loki stops at the end of the marble island and rests his hand atop it
“Good, good,” you utter, “wouldn’t want this to go to waste.”
“Please, it will. No doubt my brother will leave crumbs littered across the floor like the animal he is.”
You look at him again and give a tight-lipped smile. He does this, makes you and offer but makes it feel like a favour asked. Was it not his suggestion to have Muffing come keep you company? Because he said it would cheer you up. That it would help you forget.
How could you forget what he did? You narrow your eyes and stare at him. Your wrist moves out of instinct and a loud clink keeps you from a full-blown glare. You look down. Fuck.
“Gosh,” you stop and drop the whisk to lean against the brim, “looks like I ruined them myself.” 
You sniff and turn away. You go to the other counter and pull close the tray of eggs. Start over. That’s the good part about baking, you can always try again. 
You separate the yolk into one bowl and the whites another. You flinch and break through the yellow with the shell as Loki snakes his arms around you from behind. You cringe as your whites are stained with the viscous slime. You suppress your disappointment and lower the shell as he nuzzles your neck.
“It is rather amusing to think of how you midgardians can find such joy in menial tasks,” he purrs, “on Asgard, we have servants who bake our bread.”
“Mmm,” you stiffen and rest your hand on the counter. “You must miss it.”
“I do, though Asgard never missed me,” he sways you with him, “we have some time… they are still upon the road…”
His hands slip down your sides and frame your hips. He pulls you against him, pressing his twitching crotch flush to your ass. You curl your fingers and swallow a shudder.
“I’ve egg on my hands,” you sidle free of him and grab a dishcloth, “and I promised Muffin strawberry meringues the next time she was in town.”
“Do you even know if she heard you? The creature seems rather oblivious.”
“She’s not stupid,” you argue but keep your tone from piquing, “she’s quiet, that’s all.”
“To think, my brother would make that his wife,” he approaches you again, penning you in before the sink, “none are so fortunate as me, are they?” He looms closely, leaning in until his nose brushes your forehead, “when I heard of those buffoons and their missing women… not me and my darling.” He touches the emerald at your throat, “I shall always keep her close.”
“My prince,” you murmur, “I wouldn’t…”
“I know you wouldn’t, darling, you are a prince’s wife now. You know your duties. You’ve proven to me that you could never let me down, yes?”
“Yes, my prince,” you reply. 
You hold back a tide of rage. You never would have said yes if you knew what it meant. If you knew what he would do. It wasn’t a fair trade. He is worth none of it but he is all you have left. Besides, he will never let you go and that fact sounds a lot more romantic than it truly is.
“My princess,” his hand crawls down your skirt, slowly tugging it up your thigh as he rubs his nose against yours, “the only promise I care for is that which you made to me.”
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mushyshroomz1 · 1 year
Part 2 with Mr kitty
You're welcome to stay in Mr. Kitty's home for as long as you want. Mainly because he doesn't plan to let you go, and you have no other items to trade for your freedom. It's not the worst level to be on, but it just makes you wish you were back at home with the family. You don't hate it here, really you're grateful to be cared for. You just hoped the tall entity would allow you to be alone. Every step you take, he'll be watching you. In the rooms, hallways, kitchen, and yes…in the bathroom. Groaning, you peeked from behind the shower curtains to see the entity standing In front of the mirror.
“Oh for goodness’ sake get out!” You shouted, tossing a bottle of shampoo at Mr. kitty. Who caught it and placed it on the bathroom counter. He seemed to be confused by your outburst yet left with hesitation. With a snort, you rinsed out the conditioner from your hair, grabbed a towel and got ready. That's when you noticed he left you a dress.
“It's not…ugly I guess.” You mumbled.
With a deep breath, you stepped out of the bathroom, seeing him sitting on the bed, hunched over with his hands gripping on a hello kitty plushie. When he heard the click of the door, the slender man rushed to you with excitement, circling you in awe. You were wearing a white dress he gave as a gift. You looked even better than he imagined. Absolutely breathtaking.
He took you by your hands, and pulled you to the kitchen for a classic tea party. As grown as he was, he just couldn't help himself. How often does he get to have company that he genuinely adores? Never. You're far more pleasant than his last visitors. Strangers love to stay and eat all the food in the fridge. Never washed their dishes. Tossing their dirty clothes on the floor. Took over the TV. Worse of all, they slept in HIS bed. How disrespectful can humans be? Mr. kitty didn't recall asking for a roommate. So, he sent them away. Cleaning after slobs like them makes his blood boil.
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“A…tea party?” You asked the tall figure that shook his hands in anticipation. Letting go, he pulled out a chair, beckoning you to come sit. Which you, of course, do. “Huh?” You glanced up as he gently patted your head. A sign of being good, you supposed. “Thank you Mr. Kitty.” He picked up a notebook and pen before sitting across from you, scribbling down something before turning the notebook around for you to read.
“Please darling, call me Kitty. I'm so happy you decided to join us. I was worried you would be far too annoyed with me.”
You looked from the notebook to him, seeing as he tilted his head, waiting for a response.
“Alright… Kitty. I'm honored to be invited. Thank you for the dress, it's comfy.”
After that, he flipped the page and began writing again. His large hands held such a small pink pen.
“You're quite welcome. If you don't mind me asking. Why were you upset with me?”
You picked up a blueberry muffin from your plate and sighed. “You violated my privacy and made me uncomfortable.”
Kitty clicked the pen a few times, seeming to be lost for words. He looked off with a hand over his cheek. Hanging his head low, he wrote carefully as you ate almost half the large blueberry muffin. Clearing your throat, you picked up your tea for a few sips, before scanning your peepers on the paragraph he wrote.
“I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried, is all. Not only that, but I wish for you to be safe in my presence. Darling, I want to make you happy, and if that means leaving you alone. That is perfectly fine. I will cut back and peer my presence away for a moment. I admit that it was rude of me to stare.”
You squint your eyes as you read and frown. “Thank you Kitty. Really, I'm glad we can come to an agreement. I never knew you were afraid to let me out of your sight. Is there a reason why?”
He nodded his head in a rather slow motion.
Apparently, he has an axe in his room for other entities that dare no clip in his territory. It doesn't happen often, really. It's one in a great moon, but possible. It all made sense why he watches over you. Fear. He's frightened he'd lose the one person he has in his life that's keeping him sane. He's still shy, but your presence sparked something within him. All his worries seem to wash away when you're near.
The tea party was a success! Kitty got to know your story. While you got to know some things about him. He's scared of dogs/ bugs. The favorite color is, of course, pink. Loves cute things. Has a family but moved to be alone. It turned into a game of 20 questions.
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vodkassassin · 2 months
bro i'm bored too so this is perfect (btw this is muffin from the spleenectomy server i just have a different tumblr name)
i recently took a break from banging tim drake around my brain like a tennis ball machine in a glass cage bc i was visiting family but now i am back home and back on my bullshit
IMAGINE: after reversing joker junior on tim, he gets amnesia and is taken in by harley, who at this point has realized that the whole situation with joker and junior was horrible. she's also not mentally stable enough to take care of a whole ass child, since she has no idea who this kid used to be before the brainwashing, so she calls in a couple favors and soon enough, tim is getting passed around in a weird custody arrangement by the whole gotham rogues gallery
meanwhile, bruce is shutting down from grief since he thinks that tim killed joker then himself. jason comes back to a broken father he honestly has no idea how to deal with. the green haze of the lazarus doesn't accept a batman who solemnly takes any accusation jason throws at him like he deserves it. the family heals slowly but surely, and eventually damian joins hearing stories about his predecessor, a kind and bright boy taken from them too soon
tim? is living it up with more parental figures than he can count on both hands, learning the tricks of the trade and finally letting his mastermind brain extend to areas he previously ignored. raising a child brought together the rogues in a way never seen before, and any genuine animosity between them has turned into rivalries at the worst. tim still retains his strong moral compass, and while he doesn't approve of his aunts' and uncles' illegal activities, he'll still bail them out after an attack gone wrong
eventually, whispers of his existence spread around to lower level goons and make their way to red hood's ear. something something the bats have to confront the fact that tim, even without his memories, seems happier and healthier surrounded by career criminals than he's ever been with them
and what does that mean about how they've treated him?
OUCHIE muffin you hurt me heart…. Do it again.
Jason meanwhile is like “damn y’all fucked up didnt you” bc he never met Tim. He’s also vaguely rougue-shaped at this point so he gets to enjoy spoiling his younger bro and rubbing it in his family’s faces.
Damian, who also never met a Tim before now, also gets along with him like a house on fire. They play murder-tag across the rooftops sometimes when he’s on patrol. No real murder, ofc, that’s just what they call it. Super safe dw.
Bruce and Dick are jealous as FUCK but they’re also too caught up in their grief and guilt complexes that they have yet to get over their bullshit about the entire thing
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hetaologist · 6 months
APH America "Ethnography" and Headcanons (SFW)
The United States of America, Alfred F. Jones, Mr. Stars and Stripes, 'Merica, Pretty Boy, um... or just simply America.
Here is a list of data I have gathered from this country and oh boy, what an interesting specimen we have here....
You will find this find this mythological creature at your local Walmart superstore during the evening hours on a weekday, sporting flannel loungewear pants (The plaid kind), a cotton t-shirt that definitely has been worn no less than two (2) times, Old Navy $1 flip flops, and a gray jacket.
When asked about his late night runs to the popular supermarket chain, his answer is just simply:
"There's nothing else to do and no where to go."
America's Cart Inventory for March 22nd:
One (1) package of "Mega Stuf Chocolate Oreos" for $5.97, One (1) 6-Pack of "Starbucks Frappuccino Chilled Coffee Drinks" in Caramel Flavor for $7.98, One (1) Family Sized Bag of "Flaming Hot Cheetos" for $5.94, One (1) "Furby Interactive Toy" for $39.19, and One (1) Stick of " Axe Apollo Men's Deodorant Stick" for $4.97. Total of purchase was $64.05 before tax.
When questioned about the "Furby Interactive Toy", he replies:
"Yeah dude, there's this thing I wanna make that's called a "Long Furby". Wanna come by my place and check it out?"
I agreed to the invination as it would give me a better look into his living space and lifestyle. He's very friendly person.
Living Space (Home):
Oh dear god, why did I agree to come here?
House is a what you would expect from a typical American college student such as:
"Saturdays Are For The Boys" banner flag, Marvel and DC posters, a very unsettling looking blue leather couch that looks like it has been through hell and back, random dumbbells and untouched exercise equipment, every game console from the 1972 "The Magnavox Odyssey" to the PS5, action figures from various popular TV shows and comics, an old KFC bucket with half eaten chicken on the coffee table and a shelf with a huge vinyl record and CD collection.
Conclusion: What a fucking gross nerd.
America offers a cold can of Coca-Cola, I accept it.
He shows me a very long light blue "Long Furby" from his collection, further proving how much of a dork he was.
When asked what kind of music he liked (in regards to his music collection), he replies:
"That's hard to answer, it changes every week. Because of my diverse music, I pretty much like everything. One week I could be listening to 1980's classic rock, 2000's techno-pop, Bluegrass Country, 1990's Hip Hop or anything. But, if I had to give you this week's favorite artist, it would have to be Taylor Swift and Doja Cat."
"Interesting..." I replied.
I have recorded enough data for today (the smell was bothering me) and left his home to do further extensive research.
America has a deep love for cars and trucks, he can be seen working on his vintage 1968 Dodge Charger R/T called 'Thunderbird' (an absolute speed demon that can reach at top speeds of muthafuckin' 156 mph), and his enormous 2019 Ford F-150 'Big John' that he loves to drive to world meetings because he is a total stud muffin showoff.
Oh yeah, he defiantly modded 'Big John' horns with airblasters. So when he parks his car and he sees other nations come out of their vehicles, he pounds on that horn and scares the living shit out of them.
He totally does 2 am donuts in the Thunderbird the front of Walmart parking lots with his brother Canada to freak him out.
Other than seeing him work on his cars while listening to "Waking Up in Vegas by Katy Perry" on the radio, he's in his room sorting out his action figure and comic book collection.
Damn, what what a geek.
He has an eBay account where he buys, trades and auctions his collection as his interests constantly change.
If you think him being a geek, dork and a nerd is gonna save him from getting a basic ass Stanley cup, you're wrong.
He has a navy blue one that he takes to meetings and he would get dirty looks from the other nations.
"Goddamn it America, you do not need that much coffee."
"Fuck you, you scone sucking twink. It's not coffee, it's the Panera Super Charged Lemonade mixed with Redbull."
"I beg your fucking pardon..."
He gave Canada a red one for his birthday that he also takes with him to meetings.
"Canada, mon ami~. That better not be that merde American drinks that makes your heart explode."
"No, it's Tim Hortons iced coffee."
"Well.. that's better than what America drinks..."
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