#muse fandom
anaaxiety · 1 month
This is one of the most iconic things Muse (specifically Matt) has done lmao, never tell Muse to mime
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madamemiz · 8 months
sad: falling out of a hyperfixation
tragic: watching your beloved friends and mutuals fall out of the hyperfixation while you're still in it
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blood-starved-beast · 1 month
love how the only naked tiddy jiggle fanservice we get in Dunmeshi is when Falin is a large quadrupedal chimera monster. Ryoko Kui is not beating the Monsterfucker allegations and will continue to not beat the Monsterfucker allegations.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 4 months
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~Celestial Muse~
Protect your sketchbook from prying eyes.
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elexuscal · 11 months
the longer i stay in fandom, the longer i think a huge amount of bad takes and discourse come from an... abundance of identifying with a character
to be clear, i don't think it's bad to identify with a character. far from it! i think that's part of what makes fiction so powerful.
and it's only logical people often attach to a blorbo because they're just like me, for real. a person will see some element of themselves-- their race, their gender, their sexuality, their hobbies, their family life, their specific flavour of neurodivergence-- and something just resonates. it gives them a way to explore and name this important part of themselves, a part they maybe didn't even know existed before it.
and everything is well and good until some split between them and the character shows up
because of course, no character, except an explicit self-insert written by yourself, will ever be a perfect 1:1 for your own experiences. so sooner or later-- maybe in canon, maybe in a fanwork-- your blorbo diverges from your lived experience in a huge way.
I think this is why shipping culture in particular gets so toxic. While it is by no means the only way to indulge with shipping, a significant portion is 'if i was in that character's shoes, i would choose X'. the fight becomes for your own self-identity.
but this gets expanded in other ways. a character who is revealed to be black when the majority of the fandom had just assumed they were white. or revealed to be queer, or maybe the 'wrong' flavour of queer. or fuck, even some more innocuous part of their backstory, one that's nonetheless so meaningful for SOMEONE, but now it feels like the story is saying, fuck you, we're doing something else
i don't know. i just feel acknowledging this perceived-attack-on-identity helps me understand why people react it what seems to be such outsized way to canon and fanworks alike.
at the same time, i think it's a really important thing to check in yourself.
it's nice, to see a character who you identify with. who resonates with for being like you. but it's also nice to acknowledge and appreciate the way characters are not like you at All. how great it is to get insight into this totally different lived experience. and to muse on how wonderful that recognition might be for someone who does have that background.
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flordeamatista · 8 months
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Nick Fowler ♡ Sebastian Stan
The 355 ♡ (2022)
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melanthaeunomia · 2 months
Don’t you just love writing a 16 paragraph fanfic but cant even write a 3 paragraph essay for a school topic
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
Y'all liked raincoat chibi!DCA, well it's been snowing a lot in my neighbourhood recently, which means it's time for...
Winter coat chibi!DCA
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greatdenimbeast · 2 months
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Diamond castle au- introducing: Sonic, Muse of Dance, Comedy and Poetry
Sonic’s the only Muse that became one against his will (lets be honest, Sonic would never choose to become an immortal deity)
Mortal sonic:
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He was a nomad, travelling wherever the wind took him. He loved seeing and learning about the different cultures and traditions he came across, and along the way he became quite the dancer, having learned from different places how they dance and adding parts of it to his own style
But at some point he became a ring fighter
I imagine that he caught the eye of Apollo during a sports competition but im not too sure about the specific details yet tho lol
Sonic definitely didn’t wanna be a muse and was grouchy about the whole situation but decided to try to make the best of it, and after a while he begrudgingly admitted that it wasn’t so bad, specially when he starts a rivalry with the muse of history and things start to get more interesting
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casanovasadmiral · 1 month
I saw that you did a couple of the Captors! Do you have any HCs for what Mituna would look like possibly? ~ 🐝
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Naturally that was the next plan of action, so i did them all together for ease! (and since i drew sollux on paper) <3
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hexitca-art · 2 months
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Messy doodle of Nero lol Just some pose practice and also to do quick sketches rather than spend two hours on some piece (which yea good practice also but I wanna do quick fun sketches also ToT)
Downloaded some new brushes/patterns for CSP so I've been playing around with those~ and also playing with light/dark values (mostly so it's not just a empty sketch) so fun~
Reference under read more:
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 months
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~Celestial Muse~
inspired by an AU idea I had a while ways back called "Celestial Muse" where an art student initially visits the Pizzaplex for sketch assignments and ends up meeting the DCA. Sun and Moon share a body in this one.
It is very self-indulgent qwq
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trisshawkeye · 6 months
I think the dichotomy between Mechs fans who primarily knew them as a live cabaret act with added kayfabe and those who primarily know them through their albums and recordings is so funny
There are some wonderful artists out there having loads of fun giving Jonny d'Ville creature ears and a tail and generally being creative with appearances and characteristics
And then there's me, a fandom old grinch, sat shaking my head in the corner going, "Jonny d'Ville doesn't have a tail, I'd know, I've met him"
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siriuslygay1981 · 6 months
James- Draw me like one of ur French girls
*Bats his eyelashes with a grin*
Regulus- You're an idiot
*James grinning as regulus yanks James's collar, pulling him into a kiss. James pulls regulus closer by the hips*
Regulus-Take ur clothes off
James- Wha-what?!?
*Regulus backs up and takes his sketchbook out*
Regulus- You asked, so deal with it. Take em off.
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timethehobo · 25 days
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Been a while since I last played with this pen brush. Zevlor be my model.
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creepst-crypt · 29 days
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My muse was a monster
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