#music structure
diet-cokette · 11 months
does any music geek know what its called where the song doesn't really have a bridge but just immedeatly with little to no pause goes into that last incredibly hurtful verse with more passion and oomf because it kills me every time
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lookninjas · 3 months
Pick a song from a bad description! You do not have to recognize any of the songs to vote (although tbh I feel like this is one of my most obvious ones -- there is an actual song title in one of the choices). Just go from the vibes. Pick whichever is funniest to you, or matches your current situation, or whatever makes a random bad song description appeal to you.
At the end of the week, I will take the poll results and use them to arrange the songs in a playlist, from the song with the lowest amount of votes to the song with the highest amount of votes. If you would like to hear the playlist, leave a comment or put it in the tags of your reblog, and I will tag you when the playlist goes up. And if you really can't wait to know what a song is, send me an ask and I will answer it.
And please reblog the poll! 'Cause this is as close as I can come to sending you guys a mixtape, so if you share it with your followers and they share it with their followers it's like we're all getting a mixtape, and that's fun. So let's keep the mixtapes moving.
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hellsite-proteins · 3 months
the opening number in the hit musical hamilton
learning about the american revolution in high school was actually just my teacher and a few specific classmates playing or singing various songs from the hit musical hamilton.
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
ew. this is such a long structure (over 200 kDa) and yet it could barely pull together 6 alpha helices. the loops are long and terrible, with more cis bonds. none of this is cohesive, and there are gaps and pores throughout the structure. furthermore, none of this is predicted with any significant confidence, and so its probably incredibly disordered. more than anything, this protein seems best suited to binding to random things it comes across and causing chaos. i don't even want to imagine what sort of reactions this may try and get involved with, or what a mess it could make inside a cell. this looks worse than a parasite, and thermodynamics wants to see it shot on sight.
predicted protein structure:
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roychewtoy · 1 year
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
If you love the plot of the musical “Newsies” but wish it was less serious, didn’t have a happy ending, was set in a fictional dystopia instead of New York in 1899, had more murder in it, and was about a drought, then boy do I have the musical for you.
And on the flip side, if you love the plot of the musical “Urinetown” but wish it was less comedic, didn’t have a sad ending, was set in New York in 1899 instead of a fictional dystopia, had less murder in it, and was about newspapers, then boy do I also have the musical for you.
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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aruinedthing · 4 months
season 1 louis telling his family he dipped from the opera cause he was bored and got hungry & then lestat afterwards calling him on acting like he didn't enjoy the opera when he very much did; season 2 louis telling armand he doesn't want to come to the theatre because he had enough of that back in the states... 35 years and still lying about the theatre to hide how much he loves lestat huh
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garadinervi · 5 months
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(the best of) New Order – Puzzle, 1994 [promotional puzzle made for the release of (the best of) New Order (1994)] [Karma Bookstore, New York, NY]
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gavramous · 3 months
i know ghost's actor said that ghost listens to fucking classical music of all genres (idk, maybe i'm just not cool enough to understand), but in my heart of hearts he's a grunge/metalhead who has a weird relationship with being a grunge/metalhead.
there's periods of time which can last for weeks (but usually last for months) where he doesn't listen to his music at all, because the sound remind him too much of who he was and what he went through. the thought of trying to find new music to listen to seems like an irritating task, though; a task that would only leave him frustrated with himself for letting this be an issue in the first place. of course, he does understand why it is an issue: it's association. he, on his bad days, has trouble disconnecting the music from his father. but it's also music that he likes, and on his good days enjoys listening to. these oscillating moods irritate him to no end, and he doesn't see a clear conclusion for them.
- - -
ghosts and gaz are in the kitchen, sharing each other's company and the last dregs of communal sugar in their tea, and they're talking about music. gaz is explaining what makes him so passionate. it turns out to be because of his father and his zeal for music of all genres. he explains how there was always music on in his house growing up; they always had a cd or a vinyl or a casette playing, and it was always something new, something unlike what they had listened to the week before.
ghost listens intently to gaz. he enjoys hearing about his normal childhood and his positive relationship with music. he enjoys hearing about his not perfect (in gaz's words), but loving family. he asks gaz what the weirdest album his father got obsessed with was, what genres his siblings enjoyed, gaz's favourite song, and gaz answers all his questions happily.
eventually, gaz asks ghost about his relationship with music, and it's ghost's turn to open up and sour the good conversation.
ghost explains that it can be a bit... tense sometimes. his father had a huge impact on his taste, and unfortunately that means some of the time he has trouble listening to his music without sordid feelings arising. ghost tells gaz how he's unwilling to try and find anything different, as it would just overwhelm him, so he makes do. he tacks it off with "it's just music. not the end of the world." that is, in his humble opinion, an acceptably casual (but also not too undermining) way of ending his answer.
apparently not to gaz. he looks at ghost seriously for a beat, then says, "i could always recommend you some music."
ghost thinks on this for a bit. where's the harm? gaz has good music taste. the worst that could happen is a deflated ego on gaz's part if ghost happens to not enjoy his recommendations. gaz might take that as a challenge, though, and spend a lot more effort trying to find something ghost enjoys. the thought of gaz putting in so much effort for him bothers ghost, but ghost also knows that gaz wouldn't offer to do something he doesn't want to do. gaz would probably also get a huge kick out of reccomending something to ghost that he'd end up liking.
"why not," ghost says.
gaz's face lights up, and he asks, "what type of music do you wan't to try out?"
ghost furrows his brow. he hadn't thought about it in that much depth. he just knows that sometimes he wants out. he guesses that something soft would suffice. something he can put on and not have to fight to listen to; something that carries him. but not something too light and airy. something that's grounded. he tells this to gaz, slightly embarrassed with his wording, but gaz tells him that's a perfect description, and he already has an album in mind for ghost to check out. gaz sends him a text with the album linked and says he will look for some other recommendations for him. ghost thanks him, and their conversation continues, and eventually moves onto something else.
- - -
it's a week later that ghost finally has time to sit down and do nothing for more than 5 minutes. he's relaxing in his room, and he remembers the link for the album gaz sent him. the message is still sitting unseen in his inbox, and he decides that there's no better time to give it a listen.
he grabs his shitty earphones from his desk and lays on his bed, opening up the album and starting it.
it starts off slow, but it's strong and sure of itself. it's flowy, and if he's honest, ghost can't really tell when one song ends and another starts. the lyrics are there in random intervals, and they're much softer than the sound of the music itself, but the voice that sings them is strong. it's obvious the focus is on the instrumental, and ghost apprciates that. it allows him to relax fully.
this is exactly what he has wanted.
he listens to the whole album and lays there after it finishes. he sends gaz a text, thanking him and letting him know it's a wonderful recommendation.
ghost still enjoys the music he's grown up with. but gaz has helped him more than he can know. he has helped give him options for the days he struggles with, and that means so much to ghost.
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your dad is in pearl jam? or did I understand wrongly
loool no i wish, my dad is not that cool. i was just calling them dad rock because despite it not quite being the consensus “dad rock” genre, it’s the year 2024 and whenever i tell people i follow pearl jam around they’re like “oh, my parents liked them in the 90s, they’re still alive?”
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alluralater · 2 months
“mmm garden flower, pay attention. the good thing about not knowin you anymore— means everybody that you don’t like, i get to like. [drums lead in] i’ll be in bed with your ex, havin great sex— while you’re missin me”
silly track that i will probably never finish but it's pretty cute. i'm the type to more enjoy instrumentals than lyrics so this is just me talking and freestyling some silly intros <3 this is not nsfw!!! just something cute that i made while incredibly insanely high during a 12 hour night last april lmfao
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theprinceandthewitch · 6 months
Tbh... I don't think TOH should get a pass for it's shoddy plot just because some of the stuff that happens within the plot invokes an emotional response in people.
First of all, people react to concepts with varying degrees of emotional intensity based on what they like and/or their life experiences. Secondly, you can still create resonate moments with a good plot lmao.
There is no reason TOH should get a pass for making Belos a non threat for most of Season 1 just because people think x, y, z moment is wholesome or whatever.
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tunguszka20 · 5 days
One does not simply drink water while watching "EPIC the musical cast out of context" videos
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tragedycoded · 1 month
the loop may be ended...
... but there was demand for a playlist, and the old one sucked.
While the 1872-73 timeline is mostly marked by power ballads (it's a love story) the rest of the songs are either straight-up d̷͍̼̒̍o̸̮͝ơ̵̻m̷͎̂ ̷̨̑̎m̵̦̮͝e̶̺͕̍̓ṱ̴̈̽a̸͖̎̍l̶̩̈́̂ or they're some flavor of experimental/noise/atmospheric black metal. Or they're strategically placed video game soundtracks that make me burst into tears bc I'm ridiculous, but prob sound out of place to an emotionally stable individual.
Anyway they match up with the chapter order until you get to "Litany of Desire," which covers chapters 10 + 11. After that it's [chapter number] -1.
Body Void and Xiu Xiu were thrown in for the somatic sound effect. I had to be careful which "meant to make you feel weird" songs I included; I may think it's funny to listen to ultra-low frequency tones high off my ass until I trigger my occipital neuralgia and puke, but that's a personal choice.
Rambling about the individual songs in Act 1 under the cut. Anyway. Tagging the DMLS folks, plus @astramachina and @sableglass and @words-after-midnight bc MUSIC.
@leahnardo-da-veggie @the-golden-comet @cowboybrunch @finickyfelix
@lychhiker-writes @wyked-ao3 @saturnine-saturneight
@gioiaalbanoart @davycoquette @zackprincebooks @jev-urisk
1) "The Bad Luck That Saved You From Something Worse": You hear that noise at the beginning? I hate it. It feels like feelers inside my skull. That's the feeling of restarting at the beginning of a time loop--something shitty happened and I have no clue what I was doing or what I'm supposed to do next. #hofercore
2) "The Parasite" - the first time I heard this song, Sullivan and Royston popped into my head.
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Then Royston started bitching me out because it wasn't his fault they were here and Sullivan wasn't dead and they weren't supposed to be here and behbehbehbehbeh.
3) "No One Like You": Not just a '80s song because Jamie is a millennial. No no. There's a reason I put this as The Song for the beginning of the bar fight loop (there are loops within loops bc I love myself. Twine loves this too.)
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Each time they go it gets harder bc Sullivan keeps forgetting everything lol.
4) "High Plains Eulogy": This is the first Royston POV chapter and he has eyeballs. He realizes he's fucked up. IDK if he realizes there was literally nothing he could do to get here any sooner. (I'm willing to give him this much: Sullivan being pissed off and avoiding returning his letters fucks the run every single time it happens.) This is the first of many "Royston is a visual learner" chapters.
5) "Psalm III - Olam Teshuvah": You hear the dripping and screaming in the beginning? I think I'm being clever and warning you what's going to happen with Martin, who is just standing there in a catatonic stupor.
6) "Ace of Spades": This was, at the time, the most ridiculous thing I'd ever written. It is 100% Royston's fault the shootout happened in the first place, let alone escalated to the degree that Sullivan couldn't reel it in. Sullivan would have compared it to bullriding, if he'd "ever partaken in such a foolish activity."
7) "Ashen Era": Johnson and White are explaining the tree to Sullivan. I'm warning you about the tree with this song.
8) "This One Has No Heart": I mean… [gestures at Martin; gestures at Royston] … they're both fucked.
9) "Hysteria":
Director's Commentary moment, are you ready?
In the prologue, Hofer's ears start ringing. This is because there was a previous run where he caught a bullet in the neck and fucking died. (Tinnitus is a warning you're about to do the same stupid shit that got you killed previously. Sullivan doesn't really get that bc he keeps finding new exciting ways to die.)
When Hofer got shot in the neck, that restarted the loop--Sullivan dies in that cabin if Hofer doesn't treat his leg. So as far as Royston was concerned, he was just in the train, shot full of the Delilah Special, and now he's opening his eyes and Sullivan is fine and he doesn't know if Sullivan remembers/hates him/etc. and he can't fly out of bed all dramatic like he wants to bc he literally has no control over his skeletal muscles (thanks, hemlock and whatever else Delilah hit him with.)
If anyone has any interest in seeing an entire post like this a) you're crazy and b) I would be more than happy to do one with more effort/spoilers.
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notdrjekyll · 9 months
The Bear and Fleabag are sister shows in my mind. The girls who get it, get it
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 month
btw pleeeaase please please listen to media club plus. hxh fans can you hear me…... they are doing a close read of the whole 2011 show, they’re in the beginning of caa right now and it’s. it’s good.
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