#must be full of mosquitoes
miss-floral-thief · 7 months
Finally have some potatoes
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bluedosjaykewon · 24 days
🥹✨Enhypen as Dads✨🥹
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Fluffy, only lots and lots of suggar
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Making everyone very sad (I know we would all like to see Heeseung being a “girl dad”, I would love it too) but I see Hee being father of two boys (about 3 or 4 years apart)
I honestly think he would be so happy with that since he grew up with his brother too so he wants to provide a childhood as cool as his children was
He is 100% the type of father "don't tell your mother"
"Don't tell your mother we drank soda at dawn"
"Don't tell your mother we stayed up playing video games until 4 in the morning"
"Don't tell your mother I took you to Burger King after school"
Etc etc
I also can see you scolding your son and he saying "hey honey but he didn't do anything wrong" and you just look at him and automatically he turns around and says “VERY BAD KID THIS IS VERY VERY BAD”
What can he do???? He's the good cop
I think Hee would be the kind of father who would be very supportive of his children, especially if they want to pursue a career in music, but I think he would be very wise to tell his children that it's a very exhausting life and full of very complicated obstacles
His oldest son is definitely his best friend (he lives to make this boy feel proud of him)
His youngest son is his baby
As Heeseung is the youngest children in his family I think he sees himself in his baby boy so is that the reason why he’s always very emotional about the youngest
He wants to be the cool and laid-back father to his youngest son while he wants to be the loyal friend of his oldest
I can really imagine him taking his oldest son for a drive at night to clear his head
Speaking of cars, these 3 always go on a fishing trip every month IT'S A TRADITION
His youngest son doesn't like fishing that much but he loves spending time with his father and brother so he goes anyway🥹
His children always come back covered in mosquito bites because Heeseung always forgets his insect repellent home, but they come back smiling and happy so it doesn't matter.
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Ok, let's go
Jay is a couple father, DOES EVERYONE AGREE?????
He has an older daughter, who he raised with all the love, affection, care and protection and will always take care of her because she is his princess.
And he has a younger son that is his best bro forever (maybe 6 years between the children?)
I imagine that his daughter must have been so jealous of her brother when he was born
I can see them at 16 and 10 years old, having a Disney Chanel sibling dynamic, who live to make each other's lives hell, are fighting 100% of the time but deep down love each other deeply
He and his youngest son are quite a duo
They have a garage band together🥹🫶🏼
Jay taught him to play guitar but the boy's passion is the drums
I imagine that he is much closer to his older daughter, but he doesn't know how to deal very well with his daughter growing up and no longer depending on him.
So he spends all the time he can with his youngest because when the youngest grows up it's over for him
Jay loves to keep his kids entertained so he would be up for anything
“Daddy, are we going to the Taylor Swift concert?”
“Sure, my love.”
“Daddy, can we go to the skate park?”
“We’ll leave in a few minutes, okay? Just let daddy finish this first”
Btw, he supports everything his children want to do
I swear his children have already taken every course and private lesson that exists on the earth
Jay will enroll them in and out of anything they want
Because he wants his children to be happy and he grew up with a family that gave him so much support that I believe he will do the same
Btw, the family tradition is take the childrens to see baseball games
In fact, Jay had a huge existential crisis when his daughter started not wanting to go to the games🥹
He started remembering her when she was little with a t-shirt and a cap that was too big for her, sitting on his shoulders and watching the game🥹🥹🥹🥹
Poor man, he collapsed
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I imagine him being such a calm and relaxed father, you know?
I think he would be such a relaxed father.
His relationship with his children is based on trust, affection and love 100% of the time.
I don't think he smothers his children or wants to be with them 100% of the time.
Of course he is a present father, but I think he respects his children's time a lot.
But let’s go, he has 3 children.
2 older boys and a younger girl (about 2 years apart from each child?)
Oh, how this man was in heaven when these children were born.
Jake loves being a father, I think he considers it his favorite profession.
And he is simply so delicate with his children, his tone of voice is always soft and loving, he touches them as if they were made of porcelain.
He loves taking them to the park, riding his bike with them and stopping for ice cream afterwards, or taking them to the pool, spending the whole day at the water park and then stopping at the McDonald’s🥹🥹🥹🥹
God, he loves his little 4-year-old girl, he’s an idiot for her (she gets whatever she wants, he’s her personal butler)
You see him walking around with weird hairstyles and stickers on his face quite often (he’s a regular at the 4pm tea party with his daughter and her bunny every Wednesday)
But he’s so incredibly in love with his 8 and 6-year-old boys
I can imagine them playing with lots of Hot Wheels tracks lol (and Jake taking it so seriously)
They build a lot of Lego together too, God, his kids have BOXES AND BOXES of Lego of every possible and imaginable type
He’s the kind of father who dances with his daughter dressed as a prince and gives her flowers so she gets used to receiving love early on so he doesn’t worry about future relationships
At the same time, he’s an example of such a good man for your children
Your children are so in love with your relationship🥹♥️
I imagine the 3 of you being so close, they are brothers who truly love each other unconditionally because the only reference they have is love, love and more love♥️😭
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Two girls
He has two girls who are about 3 years apart from each other
His oldest is like “🎀✨💕DADDYS GIRL💕✨🎀” and his youngest is more like “💋✨⛸️DADDYS GIRL⛸️✨💋” if you can understand me
Like the oldest is more “Daddy, can I use your card??? I need a new dress” and the youngest is more “Dad, I told you! You don’t have to buy me anything”
He is absolutely in love with them to an extreme level
They are his world, after they were born nothing else matters more to him than the happiness of his two little girls
like really
He can’t be able to sleep if he knows that your girls are on a party or on a date
He just CAN’T
And you’re like “babe, cmon, let’s rest a little” and he will be like “I can’t sleep, y/d must call anytime”
Something he miss when the girls are little babies…
When they were little they cried for him to put them to sleep and sing to them😭♥️
And now his princess wanna buy short skirts and dance all night😭💔
His youngest really like to skating so they do it together sometimes
These two girls are the pinnacle of what a doting and protective father can do with a girl
But like I said he is protective
The day you came to him saying he was so cute like your oldest daughter had a boyfriend in kindergarten….
He went to the school to have a serious talk with a 5-year-old boy and his parents
Even today, more than 10 years later, he still has a grudge against the poor child who just held his little girl's hand
I can imagine your daughter going to say that she has something important to talk about and him saying "did you find out you're a lesbian and are you going to get rid of that idiot?😃"
and your daughter saying "no daddy" and he would reply with "are you absolutely sure you're not a lesbian?😃"
You think Jay would spoil his children but nothing is as good for the economy as Park Sunghoon, his daughters and his black card at the mall
You know that scene from Beverly Hills where the father asks what his daughter is wearing and she answers "Calvin Clain"
They have this energy
He takes them and picks them up from everywhere because he doesn't like his princesses to walk around alone and he doesn't want boys bringing home
Nothing in the world would break his heart more than seeing his daughters cry. He always makes a point of buying their favorite foods, giving them a cuddle and leaving a kiss on their heads when they are crying.
Now if it is because of some boy... God have mercy and may he not find out the address of that boy
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He has two girls too, but they are twins.
He is over the moon with them.
Do you agree with me that they would wear matching outfits????😭😭😭😭
He knows ALL the Disney princess songs
He would be his daughters' best friend 100%. He gives his daughters a lot of space to talk to him about absolutely anything and everything, he is always very present and aware of everything that happens in the lives of his little gems.
One of them is really extroverted and shining just like him and the other is like “omg you two are making me feel embarrassed please stop”
But he is also very protective of them.
Not like Sunghoon, of course.
Dad Sunoo is like a mother lioness, he protects his children tooth and nail no matter what.
If this man finds out that one of his daughters is being bullied at school... I feel so sorry for the principal of that institution because he will DESTROY her.
He also watches a lot of movies with his daughters, when he gets home from work and his girls have already come home from school, it's always the perfect time to order food and watch Korean dramas together
He would always be available for serious, intimate, or everyday conversations
I think he would be such an attentive father🥹🥹🥹 but at the same time he would have no patience at all
He seems to me like the kind of father who when his kid makes a fuss he leaves the child on the floor of the store crying, walks away and pretends he doesn't know her
I imagine him being very truly with his daughters too, like "are you going out like that? With those clothes???? No, you can't change that, it's not good, you're dressing like Sponge Bob"
He would be their safe place too
I can see him comforting them when they were crying about something, like them lying on his lap while he caresses them and says "it's okay, love, it'll pass, I already have your age too, it'll pass"
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He has a son, a little boy
You are thinking about having another one, but he is always analyzing how you have such a comfortable life with only one child and that a second child would require you to give up some privileges, etc.
Obviously he would be up for more children if you wanted, he catches himself thinking about another baby often, but he always brings up this conversation at some point
But anyway, your little boy is around 5/6 years old????
I feel like Won is in a limbo between “being the cool dad” and “being the example of a responsible man that his son needs”
He demands a lot of himself as a father
whenever he gets home and sees that his son is already in bed sleeping and he didn't get him “good night kisses” he feels terrible😔😔😔 (I think you will have to reassure him several times a day that he is doing an excellent job)
I can imagine him like this:
“What's up, son? Boys' day today, huh? Let's go to the park, the movies, and then have ribs for dinner, what do you think????”
“What's up, buddy? How was school today?”
Like that type of kids that say “MY DAD IS MY SUPERHERO” is really cute
Doesn’t help the fact that this kid has his father kitty bubble tea eyes😭✨
But he’s really shy when he’s not with you or Jungwon, like, your two are his best friends.
Jungwon is such a fun father🥹
Even if he comes home feeling sad, limping, anemic, fragile and inconsistent, he will take time to play with your son and this will charge his energy 100%.
Just like Jake, Won is the kind of father who lets his son do whatever he wants with him.
His son will stick stickers on his face, draw a mustache and a goatee with a marker, etc., etc., and he will stand there laughing at how cute his son is.
He loves taking naps with your son (he even went through a difficult time when your son stopped being afraid of sleeping alone and asked to sleep with you every night).
I think he would be such a responsible father. He would know how to say no to his child when necessary and would teach that there is a time and place for everything and that we should be polite and patient. 🥹♥️
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Just like Won, I imagine that Kiki has 2 father skins: the fun-child father with a 4-year-old mentality and the extremely mature father who is aware of his activities as a father.
He fluctuates a lot between these two.
He is extremely responsible when it comes to his children, he can handle any situation on his own without any problems.
Btw, I can see him having a family just like his own (two girls and a middle boy🥹). They are like 10, 8 and 5 years old. 🥹🥹🥹
He and the older ones do so much messy together that I swear to God I don't know how your house is still standing.
They play a lot of running games until Kiki stops and says "Aaaaaah daddy's back isn't the same anymore."
Like I said, his older ones brought out his fun and agitated side, but his youngest is so calm and sweet that he can't be the childish father with her, he just wants to protect her from everything
(he also joins the team of daddys who let their little daughter do whatever she wants with him) this girl is almost always riding on her father's shoulders😭♥️
He is the biggest fan of his children, he is there for everything his children want to do
I can see his children so interested in his “idol” career and always with stars in their eyes when they see videos of enhypen's performances
But unlike Heeseung, I think Riki would be reluctant to let his children enter the world of stardom, especially young ones like him, I think he wouldn't want his children to go through as much as he did and he would be far away and imposing to do something...
His favorite pastime is taking his children to Disney, I swear to God they are at Tokyo Disney almost every weekend
I like to think he likes to hold his two oldest ones by the feet while his youngest is on his back and playing mechanical bull AJAKAKAKAKAKA
His kids feel so comfortable talking to him (he's not a very jealous dad either)
I also think that there’s moments that Riki just stops, look at his kids and says “wow” like “they’re real, I made them”
And I think he’s the “what your mom thinks about that?” Type of dad, like “bro, you know that mommy is the leader of this family go ask her”
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fortheloveoffanfic · 17 days
Hozier x fem!reader
Author's note: loosely based off Suki Waterhouse's Moves. It was also supposed to be SMUT, but apparently that wasn't meant to be.
Author's note 2: y'all I meant to post this earlier but got distracted.
Summary: Y/n has had feelings for Andrew for a while now, and she's pretty sure he feels the same. Can one night change everything?
Warnings: unrequited love, but also, more requited than not.
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She likes him – maybe its a little more than like, at this point. She adores the colour of his eyes, the way they’re green when its bright out, but then when they meet at dimly lit pubs or he hangs around late at night and neither of them bothers to turn on an overhead light, they’re this dark, hazel hue. She is thrilled by his laugh – not the polite courtesy chuckle he spares when someone tells a joke that isn’t even funny – she means that full bodied sound that erupts from his throat when they’re watching that one episode of that one show, the way he rocks backwards a little and rests his hand over his chest. And there’s something about the way he says her name too, that makes Y/n giddy inside, especially when she picks up his call late at night, while he’s on tour and the rest of the band is asleep but he can’t seem to keep his eyes shut without her voice being the last thing he hears before doing it.
Andrew told her that once;
"I don't think I could sleep if I tried....I need to talk to you first. Hear your voice so I can just...."
"Just what?"
He paused, hesitating, "nothing, I just like the way you sound. That's all."
Y/n could have sworn that it would have been the call that changed everything. She'd held her breath until around two am, when he finally yawned and said he was going to try to get some sleep.
He must feel the same, Y/n determined shortly after that. Because friends don’t sling their long arms around your shoulders, or kiss your forehead right after pulling you against them.
Friends don’t have moments where their lips get so close to the other’s that it won’t expend any real effort to make them to touch.
Andrew was the one to pull away that night and apologize profusely before blaming it on the liquor. She’s never told him, but she wishes he hadn’t. She thinks about it so painfully often that she swears the memory is burning a hole into her heart – the ache of what could've been, but isn’t.
Y/n is thinking about it tonight. They’re sitting on Andrew's back porch, a bottle of wine shared between them. The backyard is illuminated by the light over the wide, glass door that separates his kitchen from the deck, and the blue hued, inground lights that give the pool that sits between his house and the foliage bordering the woods a glacial glow. Off in the distance, she can hear crickets and the occasional rustle of some other, nocturnal creature moving through the trees.
The mood would be entirely romantic if it weren’t for the smell of barbeque and booze clinging to the thick, humid air. It's why they’re outside; its unusually warm and sticky for an Irish October, but Andrew has informed her its becoming typical for this time of the year. He also said that being outside helps, but Y/n thinks that was just an excuse for them to sit outside in hopes that the fresh air would sober them up.
But she doesn’t particularly mind – even if she’s been bitten by a couple mosquitoes.
Everyone else is long gone, and he'd asked her to stay back for a few more drinks while she helped him cram leftovers into his fridge. Its not unusual for her to be the only one left at his place – or vise versa – so Y/n is used to being alone in Andrew’s presence. In fact, she thinks she prefers when its just the pair of them, occupying a quiet space saying nothing but whatever pops into their somewhat inebriated minds;
“I read this poem that made me think of you.”
“I bought you a jacket, but I forgot to pack it.”
“Have you read that book I told you about?”
“Would you read this thing I wrote?” He asks after a couple hours of them going around in circles of menial chatter. Of late, everything Andrew writes is about her, and while he’s thought of telling her that more times than he can count, he can't seem to force the words out of his mouth. It isn’t even that he’s intimidated by her – that would be far too uncomplicated for an overthinker of his caliber. No.
He could never be intimidated by Y/n anyway; he’s known her for too long, too well. She’s the person that puts him most at ease; his heart doesn’t quicken when she touches his arm the way she’s touching it now as she says, “Of course, I’d love to.” In fact, the tick in his chest slows when she does that, he isn't nervous or worried or anything, he's just…. happy. And though her hands are usually so cold, Andrew swears there’s a tingle permeating the thin fabric of his grey Henley when she touches him.
Their eyes meet as Y/n promises to read what he’s written and she finds herself drawing in a shallow breath. There’s something else on the barest top of her liquor-stained tongue, but its refusing to break past her lips;
“I’ll read anything you write. I’d do anything for you, really.”
“Great, great,” Andrew beams suddenly, straightening his back before standing with purpose. “I’m gonna get it, wait here.” He doesn’t wait for Y/n to respond, not even with a nod, before disappearing into the house.
While he’s gone, Y/n tops off those sleek, stemless wine glasses with the remainder of the chilled Sauvignon Blanc and takes a sip of hers, hoping it’ll help combat the sticky heat that’s surrounding the property. She knows she probably shouldn't have anymore; her head is already fuzzy and there’s that tell tale film over her eyes. The one that makes lights stretch out like shooting stars and makes you feel like you're walking through a dream. Andrew must not be any better either, because he stumbled over all too familiar steps on his way back into the house.
“Got it,” he announces as he returns to the patio, raising the notebook over the head in triumph. Andrew is less than graceful when he retires next to her again, dropping the book into her lap. After a lengthy sip of his wine, he leans back onto his elbows. “It's the last thing in there,” his cheeks heat up, the dusty red colour creeping up his cheeks, towards his ears.
He’s a funny sort of drunk; chatty and able to make a joke of literally anything. He’s flirty too, yet somehow retaining his usual reserve. When they venture to pubs, he’ll flirt his way right into a one night stand without even realizing it, and then slink back to her side, rattling off an excuse involving the words, “ehm, well, she isn’t really my type.”
“Yeah? What is your type?” She’d ask, eyes challenging him.
He’ll look at her for a bit longer than usual, squirting his eyes a little as his waning smile fades completely. “Doesn’t matter,” he’ll eventually say dismissively, covering his words with a swing of his drink before changing the topic.
“Its not finished yet,” he mumbles as Y/n finds the page.
“It looks finished,” Y/n frowns, looking down at the way he’s signed the bottom of the page, the way he usually does after scrawling out the final words.
Andrew shakes his head, “ehm, I mean….the idea. I’m not done with the idea.”
“Oh.” They lapse into easy silence when she starts reading, meticulously scanning every line, barely restraining herself from ghosting her thumb over his hurried, untidy penmanship. Y/n can feel Andrew’s eyes on her as she reads. He's still laid back and propped on one elbow as he steadily sips his wine while she tries to get her hazy mind to comprehend everything on the page.
Its a love song or a profession – or she’s pretty fucking drunk and has lost all ability to to comprehend words.
No, its definitely a confession. A beautifully written one. Of course everything he writes is always much akin to poetry; but with this, every word is strung together like tiny bulbs in a reel of fairy lights. Each one in perfect harmony with the other. They’re carefully chosen, as if just one were missing its entire, delicate balance would be pitched into uncertainty.
“Andrew….” He sits up, draining the last of his wine as she lifts her head from the page.
“Is it bad? The worst fuckin’ thing I’ve ever written?” He chuckles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he flashes her a lopsided smile.
“It's beautiful,” Y/n rasps, suddenly feeling like the air’s been knocked from her chest, or like she’s been running too fast. There’s something besides the night’s oppressive heat surrounding them, something fragile and precious. Part of her wants to say something else, she can see on his face that he’s aching for more, but Y/n is absolutely terrified that if she does, it’ll be the wrong thing and the moment will be shattered into a million little pieces, scattered across the forests behind his house by an unexpected breeze, the way it happened on a night all too similar to this one.
“But?” Andrew is the one that dares to speak, the word uttered softly and with the weight of reproach clinging to its single syllable.
God, what if he’s ruined everything? What if the reason he’s never been able to tell Y/n the way he feels is because a morsel deep within him knows she doesn’t return his feelings. Andrew doesn’t even know if she’s interested in a relationship – or anything adjacent – right now, she doesn’t talk about going on dates and or fancying anyone.
What if the reason she never talks about other men is because she’s somehow gathered how he feels and is trying to protect him from the hurt? That would be awfully cruel, but he supposes it's the kindest thing she can do without ruining their friendship.
“But….” Right before her, in a matter of seconds, a dozen emotions cross Andrew's face and Y/n realizes that, if she’d been in front of a mirror the night he told her he likes hearing her voice before he goes to sleep, this is what she might have seen reflected in it. That cautious hope, with a bit of fear sprinkled in.
Upon realizing that there's no ‘perfect’ thing to say, Y/n hastily leans forward and rests her lips on his, in a chaste, close-mouthed kiss. He’s shocked at first, she can feel it in the way he stiffens. But after another couple breaths spent like that, Andrew wraps an arm around her, flattening his palm on the center of her back. As he relaxes, Y/n deepens the kiss, deserting the book in her lap to cup his face. His beard tickles the inside of her hands, just like she’s always imagined it would, and his tongue and lips are sweet with the wine’s fruity notes.
When they break, faces only inches apart, Andrew lets out a shaking breath while Y/n holds onto hers. “God….I don’t think I would’ve ever done that,” he admits, shoulders rising and falling with deep, heavy breaths.
Sometimes he wishes he had her courage, but most times, he’s glad its hers.
A hint of a smile tugs at her kiss-swollen lips. “I know,” she laughs softly, the sound airy and musical.
Her eyes are twinkling, like two stars plucked from right over the vast bed of darkness hung over their heads. Andrew is certain that no two stars have ever shone brighter, so its fitting that they belong to her – the most dazzling person he knows. Setting his glass down, he lifts his free hand to her cheek, rough pad of his thumb tracing her lips. “I’ve been thinking about it for a damn long time,” he admits. It's hard for him to put a definite number to it, it might as well have been very soon after they met.
“Me too,” Y/n rests her hand over his wrist, offering it an affectionate squeeze.
“I think…..” he trails off, struggling to keep a firm grip on his thoughts. His imagination is running a little wild right now; his mind is already churning out thoughts of his future as it changes shape. It's funny to him how one thing can change everything else.
One kiss, and he swears he’s seeing the rest of his life. Holding it.
“Sshh, we don’t have to talk about it tonight,” Y/n whispers. Talking complicates – they’ve been talking for too damn long anyway, and knowing Andrew, his brain is already three weeks ahead of him. Its sweet actually, because every plan she’s made for her future has been built around him, and now suddenly, he’s doing the same thing. “Lets just….”
“Just what?”
“Do this,” in an instant, Y/n closes the space between them again and seals her lips over Andrew’s. That time, he responds immediately, pulling her against him until the only thing left for her to do is slide her leg over his thighs and shuffle into his lap, pressing her chest to his and draping one arm over his shoulder while she keeps her other against his cheek. The way his beard scratches the area around her mouth makes her smile, and she thinks its something she'll get used to quickly.
All of it is so close to being as commonplace his arm slung around her shoulders and the sound of his voice coming through her phone while there’s a timezone and entire ocean between them. The way his mouth moves against hers, the heat of his hands as they hold onto her waist, the sound of his voice as he says;
“I’m glad you stayed.”
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harryspet · 7 months
I love rafe x reader x jj!
I had a similar idea to the previous anon, an AU where reader is Barry’s sister and in between Barry and Rafe’s schemes, Rafe and reader get friendly. And Barry tries to keep reader out of their business so she’s pretty sheltered and depends on them. And JJ is already dealing drugs with Rafe so he gets close to reader as well. And Barry gets arrested for selling drugs (or maybe Rafe and JJ framed him) and reader has no where else to go but to them! They take full advantage claiming Barry made lots of enemies (somewhat true) and reader must stay with them and never leave their side (not true) to be safe.
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[warnings] dark!jj x reader x dark!rafe, reader is barry's sister, little editing 18+ READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
a/n: i started writing this idea out, enjoy :):)
word count: 1.4k
When the Chateau came into view, your blistering feet thanked you. Your legs were exposed, your white nightgown only covered half your thighs, and the underbrush from the forest had scraped your skin horribly. You’d never actually visited here, and Barry would have never allowed you, but an hour ago, he’d forced you to leave the house. 
Heart practically beating outside of your chest, you climbed up the porch, your cowboy boots stepping over empty bottles of beer. You knocked on the screen door, probably a little bit too softly, but you had no idea who was going to open the door, “Y/N?” You jumped, your head snapping to the side to find JJ Maybank lying down on an old couch. He takes off the hat that was resting over his eyes, tosses it to the side, and sits up. “What? What are you doing here?”
Your body was already shaking, and your voice started to do the same, “I-I don’t have anywhere–” You wrapped your arms around your body, holding yourself tightly, “I-I d-don’t–”
JJ, shirtless and wearing khaki shorts, crossed the porch, placing a hand on your lower back, “Hey, it’s okay,” He whispered, his tone not able to hide his concern, “Something happened to Barry?” 
You nodded, knowing your voice would just shake if you answered verbally.
“Come inside. The place is empty. John B. has been MIA for a couple of days,” JJ explains, opening the door before smoothly guiding you inside the Chateau. It’s eerily quiet, but you welcome the peaceful sound, finding it much better than the sound of Barry shouting and police sirens blaring, “Come sit, I’ll get you a glass of water.”
He moves a pile of what looks like maps, letters, and a stack of cash before patting the couch cushion. You sit down, still holding yourself to calm your nerves, and watch as he rushes off to grab a glass from the kitchen. You were appreciative – God, he had no idea how thankful you were. 
“You mind if I ask what has you hiking through the swamp this late at night?” He handed you the glass, kneeling in front of you as he began to examine your legs, “You’re lucky the mosquitos didn’t eat you all the way up, kid”
Shakily, you took a sip from the glass, “The cops, uhm, they were coming. H-He told me to go a-and …usually he tells me he’ll be back in a few days. But he was getting … he was getting all his guns out and i-it didn’t seem like … I-I just k-kept–” 
JJ’s eyes were fixed on you, his lips pressed into a thin line as he listened carefully, “Hey, I know you’re scared …I’ve been in your position so many times with my Dad. And I always ran to the Chateau too.” 
You nodded, tears beginning to fall. Gently, JJ grabbed your face, brushing the tears away with his thumb, “You’re going to be okay. I’m right here, you’re not alone.”
“What will-” You hiccupped, “What will I do?”
You couldn’t survive on your own with a tenth-grade education and your ten-dollar-an-hour coffee shop job. You were always a good kid, but you were never book smart, and Barry didn’t force you to go to school after you started flunking your classes. He’s happily taken care of you for your entire life, your parents hadn’t been in the picture since you were five and Barry was ten. You’d never gotten in trouble like Barry had, and he’d made sure of that, never involving you in his business. 
Befriending JJ was a consequence of Barry’s business, but JJ never involved you in dealing drugs either. He was someone to talk to, and he’d always come by Sunset Coffee after the morning rush and ask how your day was going. 
“Let me make a call. Maybe Rafe will have more information about what’s going down, I know he helped him with a huge shipment the other day. We’ll figure this out.”
You thought it was a good idea instantly. “T-Thank you, JJ.”
“Yeah, no problem, kid.” His smile made you forget, for a small moment, your world was crashing down. 
Rafe was around even more than JJ. He could be nice when he wanted to, although you preferred him when he wasn’t acting erratically or getting into screaming matches with your brother. Besides that, you couldn’t even count how many times he drove you home from work and kept you from having an eight-mile bike ride. 
It wasn’t long after you’d finished the glass of water, and JJ had started to clean the dripping blood from your legs, that a truck rolled into the grassy front lawn of the Chateau, “That’s Rafe,” JJ said, although it had only been about ten minutes since he hung up the phone, “He said he’d drive by your place, see what’s up.”
You stood instantly, and JJ followed after you as you rushed out of the front door. Rafe was climbing out of his truck when you rushed towards him, “Did you see anything?” Your pitch was raised, fear laced in your tone. That same concern you noted in JJ’s features, unexpectedly, you saw in Rafe. 
A sigh left his lips, and nervous fingers ran through his light brown hair. “I didn’t see him; they must’ve already taken him down to the station. There were at least five Kildare officers, and I saw a few special agents, too. They were grabbing stuff from the house.”
You felt yourself sink at the information just as you felt JJ’s hand on your back again. Your hand found its way to your heart, and you checked to make sure your heart wouldn’t explode out of your chest: “I-I want to see him. Maybe I can talk to him, and he can … he can tell me what’s going on.”
“They won’t let you see him yet,” Rafe added quickly. 
“It’s also one in the morning,” JJ spoke softly from behind you. 
“It wouldn’t be a good move, princess,” Rafe said, his tone soft but somehow still sharp, “The police would just take the opportunity to try and question you about whatever they’re charging him with. They’ll try to break you down and threaten you with jail time. It won’t be worth it. It’s not what Barry would want.”
“What happened?” You shook your head, not believing that was real, “H-He would’ve warned me i-if–”
“You’re right. He would’ve warned you if he knew, so he didn’t know,” Rafe started, “I warned him that these guys he was dealing with were no good. He thought he was some kind of big-shot, dealing with those cartel guys.”
“What?” You gaped, looking back and forth between the two men. You stepped away, but Rafe caught your wrist. 
“I’m sorry you’re hearing this from us, not him,” Rafe apologized.
“He was starting to make a lot of enemies …” His voice trailed off like the words were painful for him to stay, “The Kook is telling the truth.”
“We’ll look after you,” Rafe said. 
“Yeah, until this all blows over. It’s gonna take a minute. We gotta, you know, assess the situation. The same guys that ratted him out might be looking for you too. And there are probably people who aren’t happy that the shit they were going to buy off of him is now in police custody.” 
“Y-You’re saying people might want to hurt m-me,” You stuttered out, JJ taking your other arm in his hand. Not only was your brother gone for who knows how long, your life was in danger. You found yourself leaning into their touch, letting them keep you balanced so you didn’t collapse. 
Rafe interrupted JJ. 
“We’re saying we’re going to look after you until all this blows over. We’ve both had our ups and downs with him, but he’s had our backs more than once. We owe it to him.”
“I can’t ask you to–”
This time JJ interrupted you, “Trust us. Let us take care of you, Y/N.”
It was a perfect storm, both of them coming together to save you. You didn’t have the time to ponder how exactly it happened, you only cared whether your brother would be okay, I don’t have anything–”
“We’ll spend the night here. You should get some rest. When you wake up, we’ll go to Tannyhill. Everything you need, we'll take care of it,” Rafe assured you, and JJ seemed to believe it was a good plan too.
“Yeah, come on, kid. Let's tuck you in.” Neither of them were making requests, but honestly, you didn’t want to make any decisions of your own. 
Together, your two protectors led you back to the Chateau. 
feel free to send smutty thoughts/ideas for this pairing or anything else rafe x reader x jj!
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dewsgremlin · 9 days
hungry Phantom x fishy Rain
Sorry, I'm so obsessed with that hc (just as obsessed as Phantom is with eating Rain)
Before he was summoned, Phantom had never seen a water ghoul.
Fish, yes.
But a ghoul with gills, small fins and scales? No.
Perhaps it was due to the general stress and fear caused by the summoning that Phantom's brain immediately linked the first water ghoul he saw with a familiar image.
Fish. And fish were food. So Phantom quickly concluded that the water ghoul must also be food - ghoul or not.
And from this realization on, Phantom didn't miss an opportunity to sink his fangs into Rain's light blue skin. The slight saltwater smell that Rain gave off made the saliva run in his mouth. And when Rain's bluish gills occasionally fluttered slightly, Phantom would love nothing more than to nibble on them.
One time, Rain was so distracted while playing a video game that he didn't notice Phantom sneaking into his room. And when Rain's demon tail started to whip back and forth excitedly while he was concentrating and the little fish tassels twitched, Phantom couldn't control himself and pounced on it. Weeks later, Phantom still dreamed of the full-bodied, strong taste of the fin on his tongue, mixed with Rain's warm and salty blood.
No wonder, then, that the water ghoul hissed at him whenever Phantom approached him in the days following the incident.
By now, Phantom had realized that he couldn't just bite Rain, even if he wanted to. And Rain allowed him to snuggle up to him in return. Sometimes Phantom was even allowed to lick his light blue skin. Phantom loved these moments when all the ghouls watched a film together and he lay snuggled up to Rain under a blanket and could run his tongue over Rain's neck, gills and small, shiny scales. He noticed how Rain's body tensed up every time, expecting the younger ghoul to snap because it was no longer enough for him to lick the salty sea water off Rain's skin and inhale his smell of petrichor. But Phantom held back.
Most of the time. Because sometimes it just happened that a fang dug a little harder into his skin, which caused Rain to smack Phantom away like an annoying mosquito.
But one innocent look from Phantom's violet eyes was enough and Rain let the other ghoul snuggle up to him again and bury his face in the waterghoul's neck.
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thirteenducks · 10 months
rest for the weary
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(neuvillette x fem!reader) [sfw]
༻❁༺ content: fem!reader (reader is referred to as 'girl'), no established relationship
༻❁༺ word count: ~1.9k
༻❁༺ tags: sickfic? sort of?, mild hurt/comfort, gentle and tender Neuvillette, being overworked, fainting, neuvillette is sexy in a paramedic kind of way, crimes against gloves, almost-crimes against pastries, "you will be taken care of So Help Me" neuvillette, very self indulgent, can you tell i'm a college student
༻❁༺ author’s note: blame my mutuals for putting talk about neuvillette being gentlemanly and kind on my twitter feed. this is their fault and also the four glasses of sangria i drank before i wrote this
Neuvillette would like to believe he understands human behavior quite well by now. What he does not understand is their tendency to be self-sacrificial to the point of exhaustion. When your stress reaches a fever pitch, he steps in.
You don’t remember if it was the fatigue or the hunger that you noticed first. Both have been on the fringes of your consciousness since you left your bed early this morning. Right now, they’re kept at bay only by a lingering headache that worsens as you step out into the clear day.
The beautiful azure of the morning sky above. The flocks of pigeons that dapple the steps of the Palais Mermonia like sunlight through leaves. The hum of the Court of Fontaine as coffee sales begin for the morning. All are lost on you as you forge ahead, feet barely clearing the cobblestone below them.
The papers on your desk, stacked high and demanding attention, are all that your bleary eyes register at the moment. Anything else is secondary.
As much as your conscience would contend it, your current predicament isn’t entirely your fault. Sure, you had procrastinated a bit when the pile of records was first assigned to you, and maybe hadn’t chipped away at it the way you could’ve if you planned ahead. 
For a gestionnaire, though, it’s also just that time of year when the clouds pour rain daily and the opera house sees a never-ending rotation of cases.
So if that means some sacrifices on your side are required, you’re willing to make them for the good of the Court. You’re certainly not the only one, either. The circles under the Chief Justice’s eyes always grow darker during the rainy season; you hope he’s taking better care of himself than you are.
Once you’ve gotten rid of this batch of paperwork, you’ll be free to rest for a while, you tell yourself. You can take a break. Maybe you could walk to that cafe down the street with the nice cashier and get yourself breakfast, if the rain isn't too bad by midmorning.
Your knees waver under you as you carry the precarious stack of records to the threshold of your office. On second thought, maybe you should ask if they offer delivery.
The low murmur of a familiar voice, a pleasant bass melody, reaches you as you step out into the plush carpet of the hallway. It floats through your dizzy head like syrup.
Good. You won’t have to walk far to give these to Neuvillette, then. You’re not sure your feet would carry you all the way to his office anyway, and you’d rather not field any uncomfortable questions about your health from such an esteemed man. 
Assuming what you hope is a pleasant expression, you approach the Iudex and Sedene as he bends at the waist to inspect a bump on her antler. 
There’s a very becoming look of concern on his face, you notice. It must be nice to be the focus of such care.
The unfazed voice of a Melusine comes from somewhere below you: “I promise it’s just a mosquito bite, Monsieur. I must’ve stood around the docks for too long this morning.” 
“Even so... I would administer some anti-inflammatory soon, Sedene. Please don’t neglect your health,” he chides as he pats her head affectionately.
Neuvillette rises again to his full height, catching your eye as you draw near to him.
A fetching smile upturns the corners of his mouth. He greets you with a stately nod, holding out his right hand for your stack of records. Your gaze flits to his other hand, currently engaged by an apple turnover.
Ah. A gift from a Melusine, no doubt. You hope he enjoys it, even if a part of your brain wants you to snatch it for yourself.
If Neuvillette catches the way your eyes linger on his breakfast, he doesn’t mention it. What he does is quirk his head to the left in a silent question as he continues to stand with his hand outstretched.
Oh, archons. How long have you been standing in front of him with a blank look on your face? Too long to be appropriate, certainly.
Clearing your throat and forcing a smile, you take a step forward to hand off your pile of papers to him. Only, instead of making contact with the floor of the hallway, your shoe falls into thin air as your other knee buckles and your back falls towards the carpet.
As your consciousness slips, you feel a cool hand snake around your waist.
Your head goes limp, bouncing a bit with the impact until the pastry drops to the carpet and Neuvillette’s other gloved hand comes to cradle the back of your neck.
He’s caught you. He wishes you were awake to instruct him what to do next.
He lowers you to the ground softly, brow creased with worry. Sedene stands next to him with a similar expression, holding the turnover she saved as it fell. 
“Sedene. Bring me a pillow from the sofa in my office, please. Quickly.”
The Melusine salutes and she darts off. His eyes never leave your face as he kneels, large frame bent over you protectively.
Releasing your waist, he brings a hand up to his teeth and tugs off the glove in a smooth motion before resting his bare fingers against your forehead. A curse in a tongue unknown to all but him breaks the quiet air and his brows knit together. Humans and their damned self-sacrificial nature.
Sedene returns holding a cushion. He eases it under your head with care, ensuring your neck is supported before he retracts the hand underneath.
There in the Palais hallway, the Iudex of Fontaine strips himself of his judge’s coat, uncaring of decorum at the moment. Gentle hands graze your bare skin as he wraps the garment around your shoulders. Were you conscious, you would feel the softness of the silk lining against your cheek and the scent of the ocean it carries with it.
He knows from his extensive observations of human behavior that you’ve probably only collapsed from fatigue, not sickness. And yet… and yet he cannot keep himself from stroking your forehead, cool fingertips resting there as he meditates.
Another moment passes before he makes up his mind. Your body rises from the carpeted hallway floor into strong arms, seldom-seen muscles flexing under his white undershirt. 
The change in altitude brings you halfway out of your daze. Through hazy vision, you catch the sight of pale skin moving above you. His slit eyes meet yours and you don't manage more than a small sound of confusion before you’re pulled back under by sleep.
With a brief nod to Sedene, Neuvillette carries you to his office in a few quick strides. The door slides shut behind him.
Your hands unconsciously tug on his lapels and you curl your body closer to the warmth of his chest, making his ears burn.
Every time he thinks he understands your species, something like this happens. 
He had certainly noticed your energy waning over the last few days, but he worried about the propriety of mentioning such a thing to you. Would you resent him for asking about something so personal? Should he send someone closer to you to step in before you hurt yourself?
In the end, he had settled for bringing you breakfast from a nearby cafe. He glances at the turnover, now sitting innocently on his coffee table courtesy of Sedene. It taunts him.
The silence in his office is deafening as Neuvillette lays you carefully on the sofa next to his desk. He runs through the list of human vitals in his head.
You’re breathing quite deeply. Your pulse is healthy and strong as his fingers press against the side of your throat. The color in your face is returning to its normal shade. Surely all you lack is a good meal, which he can certainly provide, and some rest. 
Then why do his hands shake as he pours tea into a cup on the table before you?
Why can he not keep his eyes from you as you sleep, chest rising and falling in a gentle rhythm? 
Why does he find it impossible to return to the paperwork that calls his name just a few feet away?
A clap of thunder shakes the building.
He doesn’t realize how long his eyes have been trained on yours until you’re staring back at him through lowered lids, awakened by the noise.
It takes about a half second for you to remember the circumstances of a few minutes prior and gasp, sitting up with a speed that makes Neuvillette reach towards you in concern. His coat falls from where it was draped across you and you stare at it, unblinking. 
Your gaze flits to Neuvillette, bare to the wrist. He watches silently as you register the sofa you’re laid upon and the lavish office around you.
The Chief Justice makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat when you rush to stand up, face burning. Your head spins - whether from fatigue or embarrassment, you’re not sure. A million apologies threaten to spill from your mouth at once.
With your head bowed and your feet unsteady below you, you don’t see the hand rising to your face until a cool sensation spreads over your flushed forehead. The surprise of it shuts you up immediately. When you do dare to raise your eyes, you hardly trust what you see in front of you.
There is no anger in the face of the Iudex, in the downturned curve of his mouth or the crease of his brow. Only tender concern presents itself as he addresses you.
“You appear to be feverish. Please, sit back down. I won’t have you fainting again if I can help it.” He removes his hand from your skin, leaving behind a burning sensation that you can't attribute to a fever.
“Mon- Monsieur?”
He tuts, raising the cup of tea to your hand and folding it into your grasp. “Drink, please,” he murmurs, face etched with care. 
You blink a few times, sipping the drink as if compelled by magic. It's sweeter than you’re expecting.
“Good girl.” 
You nearly choke on it.
If possible, Neuvillette looks even more distressed by your sudden coughing fit. “You’re far redder than when you awoke. The fever reducer in this blend should help with that, but in the meantime, please take some of this…”
The minutes pass quietly. Periodically, Neuvillette instructs you in a gentle tone to drink your tea or eat a bit of pastry. He absolutely forbids you to stand after the second time you attempt to excuse yourself.
When he's been assured that you're comfortable, he speaks again.
“May I ask why you believe those papers you were attempting to bring me were worth working yourself to exhaustion over?” 
His words are authoritative, but his voice carries such softness that you can’t help but be honest with him.
“I’m so very sorry, Monsieur. It won’t happen again. I’ve just had a lot on my plate this week.”
Neuvillette's violet eyes are melancholy as they meet yours. “Of course. It’s a busy time of year for us all,” he says, shifting his gaze to the steady rain outside. “I do hope you know, however, that I would far rather your work be late than your health to fail on my account.”
You duck your head. “...I understand, Monsieur.”
The man’s stately expression fades into something unreadable at that.
“...Please, call me Neuvillette.”
You were unaware that his voice, so commanding in the courtroom, could sound so tender directed at you.
Your gaze darts up from the floor. The Iudex is not meeting your eyes. His are fixed instead on the light drizzle pattering the windowpane. A faint swathe of color decorates his lofty cheekbones.
As you smile and nod your head, pronouncing his name with a few words of thanks, the morning sun streams into the room behind you.
It’s getting to be quite the lovely day outside.
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eleonoraalbright · 4 months
The Mystery of Mistletoe
Pairing: Peter Pan x fem!reader
Summary: You find yourself underneath a mistletoe with Pan. Unfortunately for you, when you rush off in a hurry it leaves Peter with an insatiable desire to know why you are afraid of the small plant.
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You hummed a merry tune while your hand brushed over the bushes’ green leaves to find edible berries. The dazzling sun hung high in the cloudless blue sky, causing beads of sweat to roll down your forehead.
You wiped them away and continued your work. It was a great pity that berry picking had to be done during the hot afternoon. The cool mornings were too full to add this chore to the busy schedule, and the evening sun would trick your eyes into picking the wrong, poisonous berries.
Your two consolations were that three out of the four baskets were filled, and you had help with the task. Peter Pan himself labored alongside you in the humid jungle. You were very grateful for his aid though you couldn’t fathom why he did it.
Surely, as Neverland’s ruler, he had better things to do than this. You wouldn’t voice this question aloud, lest he decide to quit the drudgery. Pan straightened out from hunching over the greenery and arched backwards, a satisfying pop emitting from the stretch.
“Let's take a quick break,” he suggested. Even though you had half a basket left and a break would prolong your time out here, you agreed. You and Pan sat on a log to rest. You brought out your waterskin and took a much-needed drink.
The cool water soothed your parched throat. You would have taken another long swig, but Pan held out his hand for a turn. You handed it to him for he must have been as thirsty as you were. He tipped the water skin and gulped down the refreshing liquid.
A trickle of water escaped his mouth and ran down the side of his chin. You had half a mind to catch the single drop with your finger and lick it. Not one bit of water should go to waste, should it? You shook your head to clear your muddled thoughts. It wouldn’t be a good idea to do that.
Annoying insects buzzed around your head, adding to the discomfort. A mosquito landed on your arm and you slapped it off. Had you been thinking, you might have worn a long-sleeved coat to ward off the blood-sucking bugs, but the notion had seemed like lunacy in the oppressive heat.
Your options were being drenched in buckets of sweat or covered in small, red bites. You had chosen the bites. Now it seemed the wrong one to pick; the following nights would be spent scratching your arms, legs, and neck to relieve the itchiness. Pan let out a sigh and scooched closer to you on the log where it was partly in the shade. He tossed the empty waterskin to the ground.
“Do you think you could assign some other Lost Boys to berry picking tomorrow?” If you had to endure yet another day in the muggy forest, you would scream. Well, that was a lie. You were too tired to scream, the most you would be able to muster would be a grumble.
“I don’t think anyone will do any chores tomorrow. We’ll all need a respite from this blistering heat. Tomorrow we’ll go down to the river. It’s been a while since we’ve played any river games anyhow.”
“Oh, that sounds amazing.” You imagined splashing in the water, your whole body cooling off from diving down and swimming. You would have a breath holding contest with Qian, Devin, and Darragh.
Last time Qian had won, but you had been practicing. Maybe everyone would participate in the game Marco Polo you had introduced to them. They had loved it previously, a little too much.
Bjarki had gotten a bit too invested in the game and gave one of the smaller boys, Andres, a black eye and knocked out his tooth while trying to catch him. The scuffle had turned to a full out war which led to three boys getting concussions and almost drowning underwater.
No lasting harm had been done as they had been rescued and resuscitated. The group could also play sharks and squids which was similar to the game of sharks and mermaids you used to play at the pool, but with more violence.
Pan interrupted your thoughts by mumbling, “I wish we were able to eat mistletoe. It looks delicious.” You followed his gaze upwards and saw the plant dangling from a branch above you both. All drowsiness and lethargy disappeared from your mind as you hurled yourself off the log, tumbled to the ground, and scrambled farther away from the red berries.
Peter was surprised by your actions. He glanced at the plant again to see if anything was wrong with it to have caused such a reaction. Nothing was. It seemed to be a regular old mistletoe. He said with slight amusement coloring his voice, “You seem more terrified of that plant than the dreamshade.”
“And for good reason!” You blurted out. You were confused by Pan’s words. Wasn’t it obvious why you wouldn’t want to be caught under a mistletoe with him? It then occurred to you that, of course, he wouldn’t be aware of the implications and traditions from your world.
He wasn’t from it, so why should he? You breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, dusting yourself off. You laughed, “My mistake, Pan. The heat must be getting to me. I’m not acting like myself.” You grabbed two baskets and began dragging them away.
“Well, I think we have enough provisions. I’ll get these and see you back at camp.” Thankfully, Pan allowed you to leave. You didn't know whether your face burned from embarrassment or from the sweltering temperature. Instinct made you leap from him, but to be honest, kissing Pan might not have been the worst scenario to find yourself in.
You doubted that would happen even if you did explain the custom to him. Doubtless, he would think you were making it up in a poor flirting attempt and mock you. It was better for him to think you batty for a fear of a mistletoe plant or going delirious in the stifling atmosphere.
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Peter plucked the plant from its place off the branch and inspected it. He had thought perhaps there had been an enormous beetle or arachnid in its leaves. Just as he thought, there was nothing outright alarming about the humble flora.
Heat had not been an issue for you before, so why would it be now? No, Pan was quite sure your peculiar behavior was because of the mistletoe. The question was what exactly. It seemed like some tests were needed to find out. Was it the whole thing or only parts of it that scared you? Peter Pan was determined to find out.
A day later, the sun was setting in the west, bathing the clear sky in a multitude of blazing colors. An array of pinks and purples washed over the blue and tinged the horizon edges with orange. The Lost Boys were chattering and laughing as they prepared their crude makeshift beds for tonight. A few tents were pitched up.
There weren’t enough to go around for all the boys due to an unfortunate mishap regarding a not-properly-put-out-fire and high winds, meaning the boys had to take turns in sleeping in them. Luckily for Pan, tonight was your turn to sleep directly underneath the stars. He watched from a good distance as you made your pallet ready.
You managed to take another blanket from an older boy and gave it to a younger one who had been complaining about being cold. You went to fluff up your flat pillow when you spotted the small gift Pan had left on the mat. Teleporting closer, Pan lurked in the nearby bushes to witness firsthand your reaction.
He saw you bend down and pick up the bunch of mistletoe berries he left scattered there. You brought them to eye level and stared at them hard as if unsure what they were. Recognition flashed in your eyes and Peter noticed with delight your head swivel this way and that, looking for the person who did this.
Well, that got an interesting reaction out of you. However, to his disappointment, you tossed the red berries into the fire and went off to bed. He was hoping for a bigger outburst from you. He had even speculated you might try to switch sleeping pads with someone else from fear that more berries would appear.
But no, you had been quite commonsensical. On the other hand, there had been that little panicked moment when you realized what the unwanted gift was. Intrigued by your reaction, Pan decided more testing was needed.
The temperature had cooled down considerably the following morning when Peter sent you on a ‘special’ mission. He assigned you the task to find a particular carrot which could force whoever ate it to dance an entire day and night.
The root was on Neverland’s southern side and grew in the rocky area between the forest and the beach. He told you it was identifiable by its bright, sparkly pink leaves. This was complete balderdash needless to say; Pan only wanted you in that region because he had a certain surprise in store.
He tracked your location and became more excited as you approached the destination. Hiding behind a large boulder, Pan spied as you trudged out of the forest and came into view. Your expression morphed into one of great confusion.
Spread out for what looked like the whole beach were leaves. You stepped onto the green mass and grabbed a leaf, tracing its spiky edges. You let it fall to the ground, placed your hands on your hips, and gazed upwards. As far as he could tell, you were very bewildered at the strange situation.
Pan waited with eagerness for you to throw a fit of some sorts or at least run away from the mistletoe leaves. Again, to his disappointment and ever-growing bafflement, you did not. Instead, you plodded along, kicking your feet through the leaves. Evidently, you were still on your quest to get the imaginary root. Pan cursed.
How thick-headed could you be? Did you not see that it was a trick? Pan left. He would let you waste all morning, afternoon, and evening searching for the stupid carrot. It served you right for being such an enigma; worrying about mistletoe one day and not caring about it the next.
Pan sulked. He sat on a log on the camp’s outskirts, fiddling with a crown made of mistletoe in his hands. This was preposterous. Why should he care whether or not you were afraid of the parasitic plant? In an instant, he answered himself: because it would be funny if you had a mistletoe phobia. What was different regarding the circumstances? It couldn’t be the presence of people.
He was there the first time and the Lost Boys had been there the second time, but you had thought you were alone in the last instance. Your first reaction was big while the other two weren’t. Peter held up the leafy crown to study it.
Should he try to recreate the situation to see if the same thing happened? He was so deep in his pondering that he didn’t notice when a Lost Boy came up to him until the youngster spoke.
“Hiya, Pan. Me and some boys made another tent outta the animal hide and we’re wonderin’ if–” He stopped and gawked at the plant his master was holding. “Say, ya got yourself some mistletoe! Neato! Ya gunna use it tah kiss some mermaids? Sure as heck wouldn’t mind smoochin’ those setta fish lips! Ya should–”
Seizing on the peculiar words, Pan leaped to his feet and clutched the boy's shoulders. “What do you mean by ‘use it to kiss some mermaids’?” Did this flora have a secret magical ability he was unaware of? Could this have any connection to your dislike of it? Would it have anything to do with why you flung yourself away from it and threw the berries in the fire?
The scared boy gasped, “If t-two people are under a mistlet-toe, they have tah kiss. It’s tra–tradition.” Pan released the boy. It all made sense now! Patting the boy on the back, he set off to one of his tree houses on the island. He had much to plan and prepare!
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You plopped down at the Lost boys’ campsite. Your bones ached and hunger gnawed at your insides. All day was squandered looking for that carrot. You foraged high and low for that thing and had nothing to show for it, not even a sparkly, pink leaf.
You were beginning to wonder whether it existed or if the expedition was a mean joke played for fun. If that was the case, then it wasn’t a very good joke.
If it was real, you would be in hot water with Peter Pan for not finding it. Why would he want a carrot that made you dance? Your tiring questions were forgotten when Felix marched to the spot where you were sitting.
As usual, he spared no time on pleasantries. No, how are you? Do you want some food? Where have you been? To your annoyance, he stated, “Pan wants to see you at trumpet vine tree house.”
You huffed in displeasure, “Why?”
“I don’t know why. He wants you there now.” Felix gave you a stern look which clearly said, If you don’t get up of your own accord, I will drag you there myself.
You groaned. Pan’s word was law. Any protest against his commands would not end pretty for you. You complied with the order and made your way to the trumpet vine treehouse. The place got its name from the vines curling along its trunk and branches, beautiful reddish-yellow flowers bloomed to add a lovely fragrance in the air.
It was about a fifteen-minute walk away. Why did Pan want to see you and in a private setting to boot? Did he want the enchanted carrot? How angry would he get when he found out you didn’t retrieve it?
Should you pretend to have eaten it and dance for twenty-four hours. No, that was a dumb idea. Oh well, you would just have to tell the truth. You arrived and began to climb up the rope ladder.
You poked your head through the opening in the floor and your jaw dropped. On the ceiling, hanging above you, were dozens of mistletoe plants. What the hell was going on with mistletoe! Two days ago, had been the starting incident, then it was the berries on your pillow, then a whole beach full of them!
You didn’t notice Pan was in the room before he spoke, “Something the matter?” You had difficulty in forming a sentence. He pulled you up the rest of the way into the treehouse. He looked pleased with himself and rather smug. “Surely you’re not afraid of a little mistletoe, are you?”
“No, no, no! It’s– it’s fine. I wasn’t expecting it though. Nothing to be afraid of with mistletoe after all.” You prayed he wouldn’t be able to detect your lies.
He held onto your wrists and pulled you closer. “Oh? So, you’re not scared of anything we might have to do underneath it?”
“You know…” You admitted, defeated. “How did you find out?”
He smiled in a self-satisfied fashion. “I have my ways. It took a little bit of careful observing, a couple of tests, and a sprinkle of luck. But it was well worth it. Although it is an odd custom to be sure. What other eccentric traditions did you have back in the Land Without Magic?” He stroked your cheek with his thumb which trailed down your neck. His other hand grasped your waist.
Your attempt to answer was blocked by another query. He quirked an eyebrow up and leaned in further to ask, “Don’t you think that for all the grueling work I put in to understand your old world’s ceremonies and rules that I should be rewarded for my effort?”
Hmm, he did have a point. Giving him a small prize for all the work he endured couldn’t be that bad. Grinning, you performed the exact act that you had avoided doing not forty-eight hours prior. The kiss was sweet and simple and you pulled back three seconds later. 
“I would have preferred a kiss on the forehead, but that wasn’t too bad either.” He chuckled at your shocked and hurt face. “That was a mere jest, love. The kiss was near perfect. Much too short of my liking however.” He took a step to the right, bringing you with him. “That’s fine because we are under a different mistletoe and have plenty more to practice under.”
He was right as he always was. Evening faded into night and you and Peter were still in the treehouse practicing.
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tmblrcolouredpaper · 2 months
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TicTacToe, Kitty
Mundane shenanigans with Yeonjun who just returned from tour.
literal sleeping together; kisses and cuddles and licks; crying; love confessions; showering together; acts of service; playful teasing; sharing clothes; clingy Yeonjun; nudity
wc: ~2500
'You're home early', you yawn as you turn around, extending an arm to where the matress dips.
'I hurried', Yeonjun chuckles and pulls your sleepy figure against him.
He smells like lotion, and his hair leaves damp spot on the pillow he moves you towards to. Not only must he have hurried to get home earlier than scheduled, but he also flowed through his evening routine. You didn't even hear him.
When you are so close that you are almost laying on top of him, he reaches over to push your pillow away, turning it downwards and tucks it against you. The light preasure on you back, warmed from your slumber, and Yeonjun's body directly on your front cradles you comfortably.
The hot summer air doesn't halt in front of the approaching darkness, and the recent nights were rather sleepless as you fought mosquitoes and your overheating body instead of resting. Other than Yeonjun, you relied on a blanket even during the warmest times of the year. Other than you, he relies on your cuddles. He argues that the rare time he has with you needs to be handled with maximized quality, and for him, literally feeling your presence on him is an important part. At least when he is joining you in bed, he wants one strong hug before proceeding to fall asleep.
'Comfy?', he asks in his soft, deep voice that itself can put you at ease in any situation.
He came up with ways to substitute the blanket during the night when it is only detrimental to your well-being. What you crave is some sort of calming pressure, so whenever Yeonjun finds you struggling to sleep, he builds a pillow wall around you in which you can cuddle into with your full body. You didn't tell him yet, but the best remedy is always his hand spread out flat on you.
'Yes, comfy', you assure and swing one leg over his hips, pinning him down with your thigh, and he instinctively slides his hand under it to secure you in your position.
Just like you get to find great comfort in Yeonjun's palm on your stomach, feeling his wamth with every breath, he enjoys your legs somewhat intertwined with his frame. Either he pushes his thigh between your legs when you lie on your side facing him, or yours copies the position of a seat belt. He always holds you by your hip, falling asleep while his squeezes of your love handles become lighter the more his consciousness drifts away.
'You smell good', you mumble into his chest and press your lips against his skin. It makes him chuckle every time. He responds with a lucrative caress of your back.
'I used your shampoo', he giggles and rolls fully onto his back.
You protest in a grumble, disliking your fence moving and opening the possibility of nothingness weighting against you.
'Lie on top', Yeonjun whispers, well aware of how much his movement could ruin your established comfort.
Clumsily and drunk on sleepiness, you crawl halfway on top of him and collapse against him with your arms sprawled around him, your head on his chest, your stomach pressing into his while your legs remain on your side of the mattess.
His breath is in synch with yours, and as you breathe in, you fill his lower belly press into yours. Simultaneously, you make it your task to get Yeonjun to sleep as much as possible, and for that, you have to commit to lulling him in. Hou let your thumb wander over his cheek, back and forth slowly but steadily, and his raspy sighs signify that it's working.
You become sleepy enough to drift off as well, but suddenly, an unpleasant buzzing sounds right next to your ear, and you panic. Your wild wave with your hand causes Yeonjun to get back to being properly awake.
'Mosquito?', he asks, and you nod, head between his chest and his palm as he shields you from any disturbance.
He pulls the pillow closer again and lets it drop partly on top of you, his palm gently resting on your exposed ear.
'It can't get through now', he promises and kisses the crown of your head before dropping back against his own pillow.
His hand is warm in your head, and his fingertips cradle your head perfectly, his thumb tenderly rubbing over the side of your neck. You mimic his movement with you holding onto your his shoulder.
'I wanna spend every night with you like this', he sighs and yawns.
You aren't left with enough energy to speak, so you hum in a whiny agreement.
'So tired?', he asks and sounds surprised, his fingertip rushing over your skin a bit slower.
You only tap onto his shoulder in a silent 'yes', and then you're gone.
Yeonjun observes your breathing for some time, entering a meditative state as he apitches between focusing on your quiet sounds and then the way you feel against him, identifying every single spot where your bodies are joint by touch. Soon, he falls asleep himself, not registering when you wake up before him, but automatically rolling over to hug you and keep you in his closest of close proximity when you move away a bit to stretch.
'I wanna take a shower', you sleepily mumble into his shoulder.
His front radiates his dreamy warmth and lulls you into the softness of the morning. You have time. There's no need to hurry. Therefore, you decide to let your body slump against Yeonjun, giving into whatever it feels like doing. That happens to be entering the state of being half asleep, vaguely dreaming yet conscious of your surroundings. Yeonjun's low grumbles and sighs make you want to answer with the same sounds, so you start mirroring him.
It's all fun and games until he lets out a delicious, longstretched moan. You giggle before your vocal cords are able to catch onto the initially intended sound. Yeonjun repeats the moan, snuggling against you so that his lips are pressing right onto your ear. His fingers on your waist start moving. The ticklish sensation only reduces your accessible actions to laughter, and soon enough, you find yourself pinned onto the matress with Yeonjun on top of you, altering between ticking your skin with his fingers and his lips.
'You don't need to shower', he whines, giving you a break to catch onto your breath or at least to the degree that his bodyweight on top of you allows and that is fortunately more than being tickled condones.
'No? What if I want to?' ,you ask, intuitively running your fingers through his hair as he burries his face in the crock of hour neck.
'I'll clean you', he muffles against you, and a soft wetness appears under your ear.
Goosebumps creep over your thighs and arms, and you involuntarily grip Yeonjun's hair. The urge to hold onto something to not collapse from the surprising sensation is intense.
'Yeonju- jun', you stutter, a tremble in your voice, 'We're not cats'.
He adds two more licks over the full length of your neck and then lifts himself up, face appearing mere millimetres in front of yours.
'So what?', he asks challenging and leans down to tap the tip of his tongue against your bottom lip.
It's an odd act, yet it makes you smile. His playfulness always has this sense of comfortability. As much as he is aware of social connotations, for him, they initially don't matter. He doesn't cause any harm. He just lives according to his personal curiosity. If that means cuddling includes some experimental links of your skin, then be it. You pulling him against you, leaning I to his alternative touches with a happy sigh, is definitely the nonverbal agreement that Yeonjun peripherally looks out for during every of his moves.
'Do you wish you were a cat?', youa ask in a chuckle, because you can feel his tongue move along your lips while speaking. Yeonjun tries to keep his tongue on you, literally fishing for contact.
With a final proper kiss, he plopps back down, moulding against you with his head, utilising the junction of you and the bed.
'Would you be a cat, too?', he asks and kneads the skin of your waist, pressing his palm into you and lightly flexing and bending his fingers like those of a cat's paw.
You think for a mere moment, then answer: 'No, but I'd let you take naps on my lap and feed you'.
'Sounds like I'm already your cat', he laughs, and the soft air blow feels as good as hearing him happy does.
For a while, you just remain tangled together, sporadic whispers not louder than the hue of the distand wind that secretly makes its way though the open window reinforces the sentiment of connection.
'You're pretty', he let's out, eyes hooded in a dreamy gaze that you are sure of being generated by his sleepiness.
You take it in silently, nontheless answering in a smile that immediately appears on his lips only mere seconds later.
'Damn, that smile', you hush and let your fingertips wander over his lips to memorize his the shape of his happiness, every curve, every bump, every dry patch of skin as well as his tongue that he just needs to poke out to tease you.
When you pull back to place your hand on his waist, you feel like going for a swim. So you jump. Your eyes meet his, and you alter between focusing on his brown ones and the refection of yours. He barely blinks. When he does, the wave of his eyelashes clears the sea. After a while, you co fortably drown. There are tears forming in the corner of his eyes, and in a choking breath, he pulls you against him, his hand on the back of your head to cradle you into his neck away from his gaze.
'I love you', he says, and you gently push against his chest, his heartbeat strong and fast against your palm.
His cheeks are full of tears when he obeys your wish for some distance between your bodies, and the hint of fear in his eyes breaks your heart. Quickly, you push yourself up and crash your lips on his, taking away his fear of rejection, the isolation of being left alone with his emotions, and he sighs into your mouth, relieved.
The miniscule space between you is used to catch onto your breaths, but you stick your tongue out and lick over his tips when his eyes look hazed, his mind probably both full and empty at the same time. You giggle at his obvious shock and let him tackle you into the matress, his voice sounding in a mixture of horse laughter and sob, his body confused of the appropriate function according to the abundance of emotions.
'Stop, stop!', you squeal, exhausted before you even left the bed.
'I really need to shower now', you laugh.
Yeonjun sits up and releases his grip on you, smiling down on your messy hair and scrunched up shirt. You give him a long kiss, leaning into his frame to cuddle for two more minutes to get used to being in a vertical position. Then you wander to the bathroom.
The hot water fogges up the glass of the shower door. On the floor are still wet spots from Yeonjun's nightly shower. You only hear the door open and close and roll your eyes. Of course, he can't wait. It's like his patience is out of the window when he returns from tour. All the mundane information he got from you during calls needs to be experienced in person now. He knows he can't catch up on time with you, and you keep assuring him that he wouldn't have to, but surely his intentions are clear when a change of environment happens. He wouldn't miss out on you when you both have time being at home together and enjoying each other's presence. Not even a shower could come in between him and shared quality time.
The warm water runs over your back, and you swing your body from side to side to bring some dynamic into the awkward procedure of cleansing your skin.
He hurries inside the stall, still only dressed in his boxershorts, and closes the door to keep the warm air in. Two lines appear on the glass. Yeonjun is forming a peace sign and lets his index and middle finger glide over the surface. He draws a grid and puts a cross into one square. Tic Tac Toe. You choose to place a circle into the middle, and after a view more moves, you win. He grins and proceeds to draw another grid.
Automatically, you wash your hair and rins out the shampoo, Yeonjun waiting for you to be ready to add circles. You end the shower with winning two and losing three times. While you wrink out your hair, Yeinjun already steps out and spreads your towel. He embraces you in a practical hug during which he wraps the fabric around you.
'I love you', you beam, the joy of having him join your daily life so playfully and with the ease of his consistent support giving you a sense of luxury throughout the simplest activities such as falling asleep or taking a shower.
'I love you, too', he replies right away, giving your forhead a kiss before he secures the towel around you and walks off to his closet.
You can observe him through the open door. He inspects his clothes and hums a to you unfamiliar melodie. Maybe it's one of the unreleased songs he's supposed to keep a secret.
'Have you been wearing my clothes?', he asks loudly.
'They are not in the same places I left them', he adds and returns with a bunch of shirts and jeans shorts.
'You're a cat. You don't need clothes anyway', you argue, because at this point, he should be used to the fact that his closet is as much yours as the other way around.
'So I'm supposed to run around naked? You would like that, huh?', he grumbles, ironically standing almost completely naked in front of you.
'At least learn how to combine pieces. The outfits I saw you wearing during our video calls were a mess', he comments and hands you an outfit.
'Gotta stay on brand', you joke and dry your skin, proceeding to get dressed.
Yeonjun watches you and tenderly hugs you once you are in his clothes.
'You are my mess. Not everyone needs to be able to know you as easily as you let me know you', he mumbles and hands you the rest of the clothes he brought.
'What?', you ask, confused to what to to, questioning if he wants you tidy up after him now.
'I picked your outfit, you pick mine', he explains.
'I thought I pick bad outfits?'
'Practice makes progress'.
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Yev's Mosquito Bite
“Dad, Ian; You guys should really go on a date sometime,” were the first words Yev said to them when he came home from school on a nice, breezy afternoon. “It’s been way too long since you’ve had some time to yourselves.” 
Ian shared a glance of amusement with his husband. Yev didn’t give two shits about them having alone time, he was usually complaining about them being too openly affectionate in front of him. “Oh, yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Yev dropped his backpack on the floor, only to pick it back up with a sheepish smile when Mickey shot him a look. He draped it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs. “I mean, when was the last time you guys just had a night or-” he shrugged, taking on a tone that was far from nonchalantly, “afternoon out?” 
“You know,” Ian feigned a thoughtful voice, “now that you mention it, it has been a while.” Yev nodded eagerly. “I could always take the day off sometime soon. We could stay here all day.” 
Mickey smirked when Yev deflated. He grabbed Ian by his belt loops, gently pulling him closer. “I like the way you think, Gallagher. Hit the shower with me later?” 
“Fuck yeah,” Ian grinned, widening when Yev groaned loudly. 
“God, you guys are gross.” 
“Why do you want us out of the house, Yev?” Ian got straight to the point, one hand reaching back to thread his fingers through Mickey’s hair. It was a little longer nowadays, not quite the same length when he broke out of prison but close. 
“No reason,” Yev muttered. 
“No reason?” Mickey repeated, arching his brow. “Kid, if you’re planning on drinking, you’d better do it with us here.” 
Yev rolled his eyes. “Your beer sucks ass. You can keep it.” 
“Fuck you,” Mickey said with no heat. “You got shitty taste just like your mother.” 
“Mick,” Ian nudged him. 
“What? Don’t tell me you’re gonna start defending Mother Russia now.” 
“You shouldn’t talk about her like that,” Ian said calmly, taking an onion to start chopping for dinner. 
“Eh, it’s okay,” Yev shrugged again. “She says worse about Dad.” 
This had Mickey narrowing his eyes. “The fuck does she say about me?” 
Yev just gave his father a smirk of his own, and it looked just like Mickey’s, no doubt that he was his son. 
“Stop getting off track,” Ian scolded them both. He then addressed his son. “You wanna tell us why you’re trying to get rid of us?” 
“Not really,” Yev turned to grab a soda from the fridge, giving both of his fathers a full view of the two hickies on the side of his neck. 
Mickey snickered. “I think I know why.” 
Even Ian couldn’t hide the grin that spread over his face. “Is there someone you’re not telling us about, Yev?” 
Yev had gone very still. “No,” he mumbled. 
In other circumstances, Ian would be against trying to embarrass his child, remembering from experience how uncomfortable it could be to have someone in your business like that. Whoever had given it to him was obviously his first crush and if he wanted to keep communication between all three of them open and honest, he should let it rest. 
But after all the shit Yev gave him and Mickey, this was much deserved payback. 
“Yeah?” Mickey said slyly, “that why you got a couple of hickeys?” 
Ian had never seen Yev go so red before. Completely embarrassed, he cleared his throat, ducking his head, looking like he desperately wanted the floor to swallow him whole. “I’m going to my room.” 
“Oh, no way, Little Man,” Mickey yanked him by the back of his shirt.
“You’re gonna stay here.” 
“Why?” Yev whined. “They’re not even hickeys!” 
He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. 
“Oh, they ain’t, huh?” Mickey snorted. 
“They’re mosquito bites, Dad.” 
“Oh, really?” Mickey said sarcastically. He brushed a finger over the spots, making Yev flinch. “Must have got you pretty good then.” 
“Must be really biting this time of year,” Ian remarked. 
Yev’s lips pressed together. “Yeah...” 
“That’s weird because I don’t remember you having any bites this morning,” Ian continued. 
“Must have happened when I was walking back,” Yev said quickly. 
Ian felt the laughter in his chest, threatening to come out. He managed to hold himself together, nodding like he believed the shit that was coming out of his mouth.  Mickey looked seconds away from calling him out on the bullshit too, but Ian just laid a hand on his lower back, his silent way of telling him to wait. 
“You should put a warm compress on those,” Ian advised. “It’ll help with the blood flow.” 
“Okay,” Yev grabbed his backpack, still holding his soda in his hand and made a beeline for his bedroom. 
“He thinks we’re fucking stupid,” Mickey chuckled. “How long you think it’ll be before we see whoever left ‘em?” 
Ian looped an arm around his husband’s shoulders. “I don’t know. Think we should go easy on him when he introduces us?” 
“Fuck no,” Mickey said and they both laughed. 
As it turns out, they would be introduced to the girl in question a couple of days later when Yev brought her home to work on a project together. 
“This is Emily,” their son said, fidgeting slightly. “Those are my dads; Mickey and Ian.” 
“It’s nice to meet you both,” Emily said politely. 
“You too,” Ian smiled warmly. 
“Yeah,” Mickey said with a nod. “So, you and the kid have a project together?” 
“Yes,” Emily said. “It’s for our history class. We’re supposed to take an event that happened and discuss the consequences of it.” 
“You can go ahead to my room,” Yev said hurriedly, probably to save himself from Ian or Mickey saying anything else. “It’s at the end of the hall. I’ll get us a drink.” 
“Okay,” Emily gave him and Mickey one last smile before going back there.  
Ian leaned against the countertop, watching Yev grab a couple cans of soda. “She’s pretty.” 
“Please don’t,” Yev cringed. 
“Ay, you like this girl?” Mickey asked. 
Yev’s cheeks flushed. “I don’t want to talk about this.” 
“That’s a yes,” Mickey and Ian said simultaneously. 
“Can we not?” 
“I think we should have Emily stay for dinner,” Ian said to his husband. “Get to know her a little better.” 
“No!” Yev said in horror. 
“Sure. I think Lana sent over some of his baby pictures over.” 
“We have a whole album,” Ian reminded him. 
“Oh my God-” 
Mickey nodded seriously, barely keeping a straight face as is. “You remember that one year he wore a tiger costume for Halloween and refused to take it off?” 
“That was pretty damn cute,” Ian chuckled. He meant that too. Yev had gone around trying to roar at everybody to scare them for at least two weeks after Halloween ended. 
“Bet Emily would like it,” Mickey teased. 
“Dad!” Yev whisper-yelled, a mixture of disbelief and equal parts irritation. He looked at Ian for help, but he was trying to quell his laughter so he was useless. “I fucking hate you both.” 
“Ay, watch your fucking language,” Mickey hit him lightly upside the head. 
“I’m going to room,” Yev said, aiming a glare at both of them. 
He started to walk, with Ian giving his husband a wink, calling for his son to wait. 
“Is your window open?” Ian said. 
“Yeah...” Yev said, agitatedly. “Why?”  
Ian threw him a bottle that he caught. 
“Bug spray,” he read off the title in bewilderment. “What the hell is this for?” 
“You know, for the mosquitoes,” Ian said calmly. Him and Mickey dissolved into loud laughter after that. 
“Ugh,” Yev snapped, looking like he wanted to throw the bottle at them. “I hope your dicks stay limp.” 
He stomped to his room after that, while his fathers tried to catch their breath. 
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vampiricgf · 2 months
g. satoru ; in the house of hunger
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vampire satoru x f!reader | this fic was completed as part of the @ficsforgaza wip sponsorship ty for donating to Palestinian gfm's and helping people in need in Gaza! to learn more or get involved please check out their blog & read through their pinned post
warnings: dark content/dddne, violence, blood, gore, ooc satoru, yandere, psychological torment, obsession, mention of bathing and dressing an unconscious reader, masturbation, he's an unhinged little creep, heavily inspired by classic vampire lit n victorian aesthetics but unspecified time period/place
wc: 2k+
really living up to the username with this one :3 also leaving room for a pt 2 maybe idk nyeways ty for reading!
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Human life was so fleeting. To most of his kind humans were no better than livestock, and often treated as such. To Satoru it was a waste, humans were brimming with something so delectable, something every vampire fundamentally lacked: potential.
Vampires are rendered frozen at the moment of death, fundamentally deprived of all that was and all that could have been. It's a never ending state of boredom, of stagnation. Of forgetting.
He doesn't ever recall his own turning, not anymore. He's been alive for so long, in a manner of speaking, that the steady march of continuation outside his walls is of no consequence to him. It is an eternal source of frustration though, being nothing more than the mosquito encased in amber.
And perhaps that's what led him to you in the beginning.
Creatures like him are naturally drawn to battlefields, the veritable feast table laid by mans most brutal hands. The rich scent of churned earth, blood twinged iron, and the acrid aftertaste of human sweat and fear. Nothing more delicious on all the earth, the sweetest bouquet for the senses.
The first appearance he'd made had been in the aftermath of one such feast, a showcase of cruelty. The sounds of distant, drunken revelry nearly drowned out the hoarse cries of those succumbing to their wounds. It had been a quaint village previously, full of simple people living simple lives. One he enjoyed observing on occasion. But like most villages it was vulnerable to bands of raiders, would be pirates, or those who just wanted to take advantage and indulge in bloodshed.
As fine leather boots squished in the burgundy tinted mud his nose wrinkled. A waste.
Smog from still smoldering fires hung in the air, would have burned the back of his throat had he been a breathing man. Amongst the burnt skeletal remains of wooden structures and scarred earth there was a figure, prone in the mud.
A girl.
For all his painful forgetting he could never forget the way you looked then. Not pitiful, no, despite your obvious injuries you gazed at the sky almost stubbornly. Even as he took that first deep inhale and traced the unique scent of you like a thread, knelt down at the top of your head, bending to look down at you you hadn't winced away or screamed. If anything you looked furious, full of anger and malice.
Had you the strength he was sure you would have snapped your jaws at him like a beast.
It was delightful.
All too often when a human is faced with such a moment of mortality their first instinct is to give up, accept fate. Only when one can push past it and refuse, that's when a human is most admirable to him. Most alluring. Brimming with potential.
"You still have your spite, huh?" He glanced between you and a pair of the obviously responsible raiders who'd wandered close in their drunkenness, far enough from the others in the distance. "Good, you'll need it."
"Fuck off."
It was so shocking it made him burst out into laughter. Even though it was clear speech was painful for you, the two words wheezing out of your throat and past what must have been a pool of blood hanging thickly in your esophagus, you had forced them out anyway.
Despite the fog of blood loss it was obvious you knew him for what he was. It was impressive though not surprising, superstition and legend were as common as baked bread in villages. A mother or grandmother likely told you some version of the story: an eerily beautiful stranger comes to a vulnerable person just on the precipice of death, offering salvation. Eagerly they accept, without realizing they've shackled themselves to a demon, sacrificed their immortal soul and earned damnation for the trouble.
"Aren't you in pain?" He already knew the answer.
In between rasping breaths he awaited your answer, the sky opened up above you and small droplets of water splattered against your skin, making the blood swirl in marble like designs as it seleuced into the ground. The scent of you was beyond tantalizing.
"Not anymore." You offered, and it concerned him how glassy your eyes were.
"I can help you, you know. Save you. All you have to do is ask."
Stubborn silence descended and quickly his frustration grew. Were you dense? Did you not realize what was being offered to you? Not just a reprieve from this pain, but from all pain. Forevermore. And instantaneous revenge. Oh how he would enjoy watching a thing like you rip and tear into those who only moments ago had laid waste to your entire life. That sort of human hatred was also unique and captivating to witness.
What sort of losses had you accumulated? A father? A mother? Siblings? He could feel his pointed canines catch against his bottom lip as a smiled down at you. Contrary to human belief, a horse can be led to water and made to drink if it's been deprived of enough.
"What about your loved ones? Your home? Will you lay in the mud like a slaughtered deer? Will you shame them like this?"
Again you had no answer and again his anger only rose in response.
To hell with it, obviously he'd grossly misjudged you but that didn't mean he would let you languish here. If they discovered you were still alive it was all too obvious what would come for you and it would be far less kind than himself.
So as your eyes rolled he heaved you into his arms. It had been a long while since he'd held anything, anyone. Even longer since a living creature was carried from a battlefield in his arms and up the long, winding path towards a very distant and long forgotten manor. He can't say for certain what came over him, but he has always had the poor habit of playing with his food.
In the weeks that followed his irritation only mounted. You staunchly refused anything to do with him, his very presence, only accepting the trays of food left at your door when he wasn't around to witness it and returning them in the same fashion. He could hear you at night, weeping like a child for everything you lost. It left a bitter taste in his mouth, left him lashing out night after night.
Those numbskull bandits had also picked what was once a fertile hunting ground clean, forcing him to venture further than he would've liked to for a meal but there was nothing to be done about it. Your home remained a charred ruin. It's people nothing but fodder for bloat flies and carrion birds before the bones started moldering in the ground. Just the way of things for fragile creatures.
Sometimes he'd pluck a finger bone or a piece of vertebrae to bring back for you, making sure sinew was still attached, to leave outside the room you'd resolutely locked yourself in. Cruel maybe but really can you blame him when you've been so dead set on behaving as frustratingly as possible? On biting the hand attempting to feed you?
Even if he hadn't laid eyes on you in days, even if you kept yourself locked away until you withered and died, you would be the only thing exempt from his curse of forgetting. How your hair looked soaked in blood and mud. How your eyes had shined but not with tears. How your lips had peeled back to reveal bloody, blunted teeth in a gruesome snarl.
It was perfection.
Almost as perfect as when he'd bathed your unconscious form of its grime, laid you so gently in the steaming water, lovingly tended your wounds and dressing you in the finest slip that was still tucked away in the wardrobe. He'd wanted to take you right then, not waste any time with the game of ask and response but there was no fighting his stubborn need for it to be your choice. You have to say yes to him. All he allowed himself was a longing lick up the side of your neck, stifled moans at just the way your skin tasted.
Tonight was different though as the recollection drifted through his mind. In the absolute stillness he could almost swear the taste of you lingered on his tongue, wafted through the air just like it had weeks ago. With a will of its own one hand began stroking himself through his pants, groaning at the combination of sensations.
He was sure if he could feel temperature shifts it would've been quite balmy all of a sudden inside the bedchamber as he undid the suffocating confines of his clothes, thick cock springing free and throbbing at the thought of how good your warm, human hands would feel grasping around him.
Would you be shy? Gazing up from half lidded eyes as if to ask for guidance? Or would that defiance shine through again, taking him in hand and smearing precum over his flushed pink tip with your thumb and oozing self assurance? His own fingers were sticky with pre-release as he gave shallow thrusts into his fist.
He's sure his name would sound like the sweetest note coming from your lips before you would take him into your mouth, cheeks hollowing and the corners of your lips tightening as you strain around his girth. Your tongue would be heavenly against the underside of his cock. Would you let him bury his hands in your hair, hold you still while he fucked your mouth in a brutal pace? Would you cry and gag around him?
His own ragged groans bounce off the icy stone walls, his unoccupied hand twisting against the bedsheets as his eyes squeezed shut even tighter and he could feel his abdominal muscles flexing with the need for release, his jaw nearly vibrating with the urge to clamp down on your jugular and take selfish gulps of you.
What makes him unravel entirely is wondering how it would feel to sink inside you, feel your slick warm walls part to accept him like a most welcome visitor. He'd lavish that pretty human pussy, rub sticky little hearts against your clit just to hear you squeal and make your hips buck. Keep you sat on his throbbing cock while he lapped at your neck, sucking on the skin to encourage the puncture wounds not to close so soon.
As his own hips stuttered and his head flung back against the pillows he couldn't help the one thought that circled around and around in his mind, like an ouroboros swallowing itself: he would certainly die if he never felt your touch. Would absolutely die without getting to taste you, feel you, claim you.
It was feverish, feeling it descending on him like some phantom tormentor as cum stained the surface of his loose undershirt and he could feel himself softening in his own now loose grasp. With a whimper his teeth caught his bottom lip between them, eyes staring unblinking at the canopy above the bed.
It doesn't matter how or when but you're going to choose him. You have to choose him.
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Sapphic Webtoon Masterlist
One day I thought that maybe it should exist a list with all the sapphic stories of webtoon since is so hard to find.
today I decided to make this list
you can also comment stories that are not listed here!
Sapphic = woman loving woman. although this name means any queer woman (e.g. lesbians, pansexuals, etc.), in this list will only have the ones where the main couple are two woman (or one is not a man).
Last updated: January 23th, 2024
please check up the reblogs to see when the last time was updated if you see this on a reblog!
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Not So Shoujo Love Story (comedy, in progress)
Romance-super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it'll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect love story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival….for Rei's heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!
Nevermore (supernatural, in progress);
There is nothing definitive about life after death, except the involuntary enrollment at the mysterious Nevermore Academy. Now Lenore and Annabel Lee must begin their curriculum to recover the memories of their tragic demise. Between the Dean's macabre demeanor and the tell-tale dangers of Final Exams, both girls must learn to rely on one another and their newly acquired ghost forms, or Spectres, to not only graduate from the academy… but to earn a second chance at life.
Night Owls & Summer Skies (romance, completed);
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
Realta (fantasy, in progress);
When the world was new, the twelve star signs descended to bless humanity with magic according to their date of birth. Fourteen worthy people, called the “Realta,” were given a star from each Sign that allowed them to receive prophecies of the future called “horoscopes” and summon great power to defeat the Fae: beings that tormented humanity. However, much has changed since Elowen was a child. Magic is illegal, the Fae are getting stronger, and the Realta have been forgotten…until our Virgo meets a certain Capricorn.
Muted (supernatural, completed);
On the full moon of her 21st year, the young witch, Camille Severin, is expected to perform the traditional ritual to summon forth a winged demon for her families success and prosperity. But when the ritual goes wrong, it reveals the terrifying truths about herself and the secrets that threaten to tear her family apart.
Mage & Demon Queen (comedy, completed;
Adventurers seek to take the demon queen’s head, but a love-struck young female mage wishes to take her hand. Join us won’t you, for this bawdy tale of love and persistence set inside a real-life RPG.
REVEAL OUT! (romance, will return);
Eeden thought she'd missed out on life: her art career is a disaster, her landlord kicked her out, and worst of all, she's never even had a girlfriend! But life takes a turn when a chance encounter with an old crush sends her back in time. Now she's 18 again and starting college, with a chance to get everything right. Armed with a plan and a crush, Eeden knows exactly how to create the life full of joy she deserves: make it bold, make it beautiful, and most of all, make it gay!!
High Class Homos (comedy, in progress);
Princess Sapphia of Mytilene is not into princes. So, when her parents start putting the heat on her to get hitched, she enlists the help of her equally gay best friend, Prince August of Phthia. But will these two royals be able to pull off a convincing sham marriage? More importantly, will Sapphia ever land a date with the castle maids? Follow these high class homos as they navigate life, love, and (occasionally) their actual jobs.
Finding Wonderland (fantasy, completed);
In Wonderland, Alex is the Ace. When tasked with hunting down the nefarious Black Knave and his scourge of Nightmares, Alex begins to have visions of another world beyond: our world. In reality, Alex is a normal teen who has been placed in a dangerous simulation to draw out a scientist’s lost son. And time is quickly running out.
Aerial Magic (fantasy, completed);
The daily life of an apprentice witch.
Always Human (romance, completed);
This is a story about nanobots, genetic engineering, and two girls falling in love. No matter how technology changes us, we'll always be human.
Savior (fantasy, completed);
Wohn Ku is a vampire that needs human blood to survive. As a tenderhearted child, she led a tortured existence until a girl named Seyeon willingly became her steady blood source. Seyeon stood by Wohn throughout their school years, defending her from bullies. Fast forward to the present where they move in together ahead of their freshman year of college. Seyeon remains fiercely protective of her friend, but Wohn is ready for a fresh start. When a devoutly religious sophomore girl named Juyi showers her with kindness, Wohn emerges from her shell only to realize that Juyi had once been her father’s kidnapping victim, a potential blood source she had refused to bite. Juyi grows closer to Wohn without remembering the incident, fueling jealousy in Seyeon. Will Juyi prove to be a savior washing away Wohn’s guilt, or will she ruin a vampire’s dream of redemption?
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My Dragon Girlfriend (romance/slice of life, in progress);
Christy is saved from a bad date by a dragon girl and introduced to world of magical creatures while falling in love with her savior.
Susuhara Is A Demon (slice of life/romance, in progress);
After a perfect girl encounters an infamous delinquent, her life is thrusted into a whirlwind of chaos! Strap in for a ride jam-packed with terribly embarrassing flirting techniques, kick-ass delinquents and existential dread by the buttload! Nothing could possibly go wrong in this perfectly imperfect love story.
Fatal Kiss (romance/supernatural, in progress);
What would you do if your crush was a monster?
The Pirate and The Princess (romance/historic, in progress);
Princess Kirianna has been raised for two purposes; marriage and succession. As a dutiful, intelligent, and optimistic girl, she came to terms with her fate long ago, and simply longs to be content. The last thing she expected was to be pulled into a life of piracy, by a woman in disguise who has a strange grudge against Kirianna's father, and a secret of her own to hide…. Captain is given male pronouns by me until her name drop in Chapter 10!
Eldritch Darling (supernatural/comedy, in progress);
What if we kissed and we were both girls? And one of us was an oblivious human and the other was a dark eldritch abomination creature from beyond the stars??
Deep Sea (romance/fantasy, in progress);
Atarah is convinced : she is not cut out to be a princess. And when her father tells her that the time has come for her to get married, the world of the young princess crumbles: her heart dreams of adventure, and not of an arranged marriage! It is therefore at the worst of times that Atarah meets Robin, a pirate with questionable morals and a tumultuous past. But where will this crazy encounter lead her heart?
The Siren's Light (romance/fantasy, in progress);
I was sinking, the darkness was slowly surrounding me. The depth of the sea was pulling me lower and lower, I could no longer see the moonlight that glowed from above. But, Who was this silver-haired beautiful creature with an alluring voice swimming towards me? "You are a beautiful one." Her voice was so clear and soothing. And before I knew it, She kissed me. Who was this creature you asked? A siren. A flirtatious, annoying siren that changed my life forever. Author: @roseyluv143 (wattpad)
In My Heart (romance/drama, in progress);
Sasaki Mari is a typical delinquent troublemaker whose only goal is to get a boyfriend, but due to her reputation as bully and low grades, all the boys reject her. Then she decides to change her style, and asks for help from the student with the best grades in the class.
My Devotion to You (romance/drama, in progress);
For the past five years, Catalina has spent all-nighters studying and acing exams to become number the one student and prove her place in the academy. Unfortunately, no matter how much she tried…she has been stuck as number two…all because of Valeria Graham. Valerie is tired and does not expect this year to be much different. She will maintain her Top Student title just like her family expects her to. It would be like any other year…right? And so, their final year begins.
My Cat is a Wizard (fantasy/romance, in progress);
Caitlyn is a just an ordinary, struggling student in her final year of university… Or so she thinks. After having her heart broken yet again, her cat suddenly becomes human. She must now juggle the difficulties of school, work, and all the twists and turns life keeps throwing at her: like her cat/roommate being a wizard. Can Cait still fall in love while magic slowly takes over her world?
Honey and Venom (romance/heartwarming; in progress);
An ancient Roman goddess is reunited with her priestess 2000 in the future, but she doesn't remember her! The closer they grow, the more secrets their shared past reveals, all while an ancient adversary lurks in the shadows.
Greta the Red Wolf (supernatural/action, in progress);
An injured wolf pup and an abandoned baby appear at the doorstep of a couple’s home near the woods. The couple decides to take them in, but little did they know that the wolf was actually a werewolf, and the baby a vampire! Despite their shocked human parents, Greta the werewolf and Vincent the vampire had a blissful upbringing. However, as Greta and Vincent grow older, their quiet, peaceful lives are threatened as they discover the secret world of witches, vampires, and werewolves.
RAINBOW! (slice of life/romance, in progress);
Overly imaginative teenager Boo Meadows has always escaped her daily grind by living with her head in the clouds-- for better or worse. But when she meets the girl of her daydreams, it may finally be time to face reality.
Winter Before Spring (drama/romance, in progress);
Hana has recently just fallen in love with her best friend, who just happens to be a girl. After a confrontation with her best friend, Hana accidentally blurts out and confesses her true feelings. Fearing that she would be rejected, her friend accepts her feelings graciously and they start dating. Is this a dream? Hana, overwhelmed with happiness as her wish came true- is suddenly struck down, her world crashing down as she finds out the nasty truth about her best friend.
The Hideout (romance/drama, hiatus);
Nadia is a 18 year old teenage girl that’s finishing high school and working part-time on her aunts coffee shop named “The Hideout” Nadia also happens to not be very lucky when it comes to the love department and that, mixed with overworking herself, has taken a toll on her quite heavily recently. Reading direction is left to right
The Grand Priestess (fantasy/action, hiatus);
Verashana, a powerful sorceress, delves into the past after an incident separates her from her lover, hoping to learn more about the tragedy that occurred. Her hidden memories resurface, and she unlocks a world that she didn't know she was a part of. Now, she must find out where it all started, and where it all went wrong.
Love, Lila (romance/drama, hiatus);
A one-sided love & rivalry between an aspiring ballerina and an artist. Irene comes from a strict and close-minded household which is against her pursuing a career in arts, as a result of her upbringing she became cold, insecure, and distrustful. Then she met Lila, a perfect girl who has everything and is everything Irene wishes to become. But as she gets to know Lila better, she discovers that her privileged upbringing actually hides a traumatic family secret.
Facing the Sun (sci-fi/drama, in progress);
Fear. Grief. Trauma. Guilt. Love, all seen through the eyes of a dysfunctional android prototype well past her estimated lifespan.
I LIKE MY BEST-FRIEND (drama, ongoing);
(since I'm on phone, I'm gonna put this one later)
Unleashed (romance, ongoing);
(since I'm on phone, I'm gonna put this one later)
Pick Me!! (romance, ongoing);
Lotus and the Dandelion (fantasy, ongoing);
The Greenhouse (drama, ongoing);
I want to be your wife! (drama, completed);
Warm Spring Rain (romance; ongoing);
What's A Soulmate (heart-warming; ongoing);
5 More Minutes (romance, ongoing);
Slice of Life (heart-warming, ongoing);
Our Secret (drama, ongoing);
Don't Look at the Sky (fantasy, ongoing);
Somebody to you (romance, ongoing);
402 notes · View notes
honeyjars-sims · 2 months
3.23 Making an Impression
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Part 1 of 2
It’s the day of my hike with Lucy and Lacey. I somehow manage to convince a few other coworkers to come with us even though a lot of us aren’t particularly athletic. Robi, Clara, Quinn, and Lilly are joining us and I’m feeling pretty good about my plan to help Lucy make friends.
While we’re waiting for Lucy and her brother to show up, Lilly shows off her hiking fit. She always has the craziest outfits and they’re usually themed, which is fun.
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Today she’s wearing a fishing hat with fabric fish attached to the brim. As Lilly poses for us, Lacey swats at them and they swirl around each other like they’re in a chase. “What’s with the fishing hat?” Lacey asks her.
Lilly starts untangling the fish. “It’s the most outdoorsy thing I own,” she explains. “I thought it really completed the outfit.”
“I think it’s cute,” Clara tells her. “No one said you had to be practical.”
“I don’t think Lilly could be practical if she tried,” Robi laughs.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!”
“I meant it as one!”
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“I think that’s Lucy,” Quinn says, looking toward the entrance to the trails. She abruptly slaps herself on the neck, which makes all of us stare at her in confusion. “Mosquito,” she explains, her face flushing red. “They always eat me up.”
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Lucy and her crew approach us. A guy I assume is her brother is with her; he looks like the stereotypical Tartosan with his jet black hair and I can see a family resemblance. There's another girl with them, which is great because if there's one thing this trip is lacking, it's female energy.
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Lucy introduces them as her brother Paul and his best friend Danica.
Once the introductions are done, we all start making our way up the hiking trail.
“What do you two do?” Clara asks Paul and Danica.
“We’re both students at Foxbury,” Danica answers. “We’re in undergrad now, but I want to be a Psychologist and Paul’s going to be a doctor.”
“Wow, that’s really cool!” Clara replies.
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“What kind of doctor do you want to be, Paul?” inquires Lacey.
“I’m not sure yet,” Paul admits. “I want to wait until I’ve done a few clinical rotations in med school before I settle on anything.”
“That’s really wise,” Lilly says, sounding impressed.
All of the girls make their way towards Paul as soon as they hear the word "doctor." They start talking to him about his bright future.
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Wow, Paul, it’s so cool that you got a full ride scholarship!
You must be really smart!
I love when guys have a strong work ethic!
I hate to admit that I start feeling a bit irritated. A few weeks ago they all gushed over me when they saw my drawing, but now it doesn’t seem as impressive.
We come to a cliff that Lucy informs us is a popular climbing spot. “If you feel confident in your climbing skills you can go up this way. Otherwise the trail takes you to the top,” she explains.
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“I think I’ll climb up,” Paul says confidently. The girls look at him in admiration. I can practically see the hearts forming in their eyes.
I don’t know what possesses me to do it, but I blurt out, “Yeah, me, too.”
As soon as we begin to scale the rocks, I realize I made a big mistake. Why would I think climbing was a good idea? I don’t have any experience and Paul is clearly in better shape. Of course, he reaches the top of the wall with no problem and I’m left struggling halfway up. All I can think about is how badly I need a cigarette.
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“Johnny, do you want to just climb back down?” Lacey calls up, with more concern in her voice than I feel comfortable acknowledging.
“No, I’m good,” I lie. It takes what seems like forever for me to get near the top. Every passing second just fills me with more embarrassment.
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As I approach the top of the cliff, I see Paul crouch down at the edge and reach his hand out. “Need some help?” he offers.
No, nope, not going to happen! I scream internally, but then I start to lose my footing. Faced with the possibility of this horrible moment being my last one on earth and forever cementing me in everyone's memories as The Dumbass Who Fell Off a Mountain Trying to Impress Girls, I see no better option than to take Paul’s hand. I feel defeated, but at least I still have the rest of my life ahead of me to try and save face.
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“I have a lot of climbing experience,” Paul tells me once I’m secure at the top of the cliff.
“No problem, I was just trying to be funny.” Liar! Now that the moment is over and done with, I realize I’m more embarrassed by trying to engage in some sort of macho competition for the girls’ attention than I am in my lack of skill. It’s not the sort of thing I usually do.
“Oh, okay,” Paul responds. He doesn’t sound convinced but at least he doesn’t call me out.
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“Are you okay?” Lacey asks me once we catch up with the others.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I tell her. Just a bruised ego is all.
“We’re almost to the top!” Lucy exclaims. We round the corner and Lucy guides us to the edge. “Be careful,” she warns, and I ignore that she’s looking right at me when she says it.
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Cautiously, I peek down over the edge. I’m surprised at how much of the city I can see. It doesn’t seem like we went that high up, but laid out below us are hundreds of buildings and trees that seem surreal in their tininess. “Cool,” is all I can manage to say.
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“I can see the studio!” Lilly points below, and the rest of us look excitedly at the building we spend 5 days a week in. It’s funny how something we see everyday seems so much more impressive when it’s viewed it from a different angle.
“There’s where the food truck parks!” Clara shouts and we all turn our heads like we’ve discovered a hidden treasure.
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“Great, now I want tacos,” I joke, and I feel the embrace of laughter surrounding me. Maybe the day won’t be a total waste.
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kangmoon27 · 1 year
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Pairing: King/brother Jungkook × slave/older sister YN.
Summary: In past life he's your lover but what will happen if at the present time he became your brother. Will you still be able to love him?
Growing up you really hate it when your little brother keeps on annoying you, well likewise tho. He also hates it when you do that to him but one thing for sure is that your bond with each other made your relationship strong.
Jungkook is a sweet, childish, fun yet so protective. He never wanted to see tears coming from your eyes, he hate it. When he saw you crying on your both mother's funeral he promised himself that it will be the last time he will see tears from your eyes.
He took good care of you, even tho you're the older between the two of you, he's always the strongest one while you're the fridge. He love you a lot that you couldn't even imagine.
He's such a sweet brother, a sweet brother that will make sure his older sister is always safe and sound. You love him too, so much. Even tho you aren't as strong as he is, to have courage to protect him, you will still do everything and anything for him. That's how siblings are for right.
It all changes, you started growing apart for him after one mistake, just one mistake and everything just thrown.
"Cause you we're never mine!!" Screaming at the top of your lungs while crying in full of tears. You love him, you surely do but it couldn't be.
"Look at me, I'm nothing like you!!." Pointing at yourself, you dropped your knees on the dirty ground as you cried you heart out.
"You don't know how much it hurts loving someone from different world. I'm a slave that serves you my prince, not a woman who's supposedly be inlove with you. But I love you" The man step forward. He couldn't just watch his woman crying in pain that he created.
He wanted to hug her, kiss her to stop her from crying, wipe her tears but something is holding him back. As he stepped forward wanting to claim the woman he loves in his embrace he was stopped by himself.
Closing his open palm and turn his head around. Closing his eyes tight while his right hand hardly gripped on his sword placed the right side of his hips.
"You're right, you're a slave that will never reaches the level to become my woman. So you're right. I wasn't yours, never gonna be yours. This confession of your is worthless. You better wake up from your dream slave."
Wake up from your dream. You woke up from your dream only to find yourself crying in bed of tears. Your brother walks in and saw you crying while sitting in bed, without waisting a second, he immediately run towards you and asked.
"Noona what happened? Why are you crying again?" As soon as he asked that you turn your head on him while staring directly to his eyes with teary eyes and with that'        you saw him. You saw him in him, you saw your man in him.
While Jungkook was about to wipe your tears, you pushed him making him fell on the ground, as his back meet the floor. You just look at him and immediately walked away leaving him.
Soon the little boy tried in tears. He knows he's the reason why you had an accident but it's never his intention, he could never hurt you. But what happened just happened.
"You pushed him? Girl that so rude!! He's still your brother, come on Yn. That was an accident. You don't think your lovely Jungkook would do something like that to you right!! Mostly him!! He won't even let a mosquito bite you!! Then he would plan to grown you?!." You've been being scolded for almost half an hour not but your attention is not on it. Not even on this universe or should I say in this present time.
"Have you find the history book of the Jardons? Mostly their lasted king?" You look at your friend but she just shook her head.
"You know it's really hard to find it, everyone must forget about it!! Jardon is just a small land, there's no much about it believe me."
"Noo!! There's a lot about there that I need to know!!" You suddenly raised your voice without you knowing.
"Okay okay relax girl, you don't need to shout. Don't worry I'll ask my friend to search for it again."
You open the door and walk in only to find your little brother sleeping on the couch. You examine his face and while looking at him you found yourself crying after feeling a strike of pain straightly hit your heart.
You felt sorry for him. You feel like you betrayed him or something and you regret it. But why? Why are you feeling like this.
The little boy Opened his eyes and saw you standing there with looking at him. Before he could even notice you immediately wipe your tears and started walking away but he's fast enough to grab your hand and turn you around.
"Noona tomorrow is my birthday remember. I'll be turning 18, can be go out tomorrow just the two of us?." Jungkook had a high hope that you would agree cause you always does but his smile immediately dropped when you said.
"For what? So that you can plan to k!ll me again? No I don't want to." Pushing his hand as you walked upstairs. He couldn't believe what you just said. How could you accused him for something you didn't and would never do. You're his older sister and he loves you so much more than anything. He never thought one mistake can broke you two apart.
Honestly you don't know why you hate Jungkook. Maybe because all the memories you keep on recalling is him hurting you from the past. But that's the past now.
It's your past life right? It's not the same like now. He's your brother I'm this present time, your lovely brother but how come you just couldn't help yourself but to hate him.
You're being selfish and you don't know why.
It's the Prince 18th birthday. It's almost time for him to pick a woman to marry. A perfect bride that will be by his side while rulling the whole kingdom.
Staring at himself in the mirror. He knew any seconds from now he will be crown as the king of Jordan and will be needing a woman by him side to be his queen that is why every princesses from different countries were invited but the eyes of the Prince is only settled for someone.
While fixing his layered shirt he saw your reflection through the mirror while wiping the floor. He couldn't take his eyes of you, he could imagine you waring a white pale gown ready to marry him but it would be impossible.
You saw a shining black shoe Infront of you and you knew exactly who it was. You bow at him while you landed your head to the floor as a sign of respect to the next king.
Slowly standing from the ground thinking your present is annoying the king after your confess last night, you remain your head on low while waking backwards.
The prince was hurt by it. He only wanted to be close next to his woman but you're the one who's distancing from him. "I didn't order you to stop cleaning lady Yn."
All you could do is to gulp hard. Closing your eyes at the same time forgetting about your dignity you open your mouth but couldn't say a word. No words came out, bitting your lip hard trying to hold your tears. You just bow at him several times before walking to the corner of his room far away from him and started cleaning the floor again.
He you you're avoiding him after what happened last night and he could blame you for it except, he keeps on blaming himself for being coward and not fighting for you. He chooses to be stuck in this castle where he will rule the world without you rather than just being happy with you while having a simple life. It's you against everyone who's life depends on him.
It hurts for him not to have the woman he loves but for the sake of his people he's willing for give up his happiness even tho it means giving you up. Hiding the shiney ring from his pocket while staring at you silently. He closed his eyes and shook his head. His decision is final, he already give up on you.
While brushing the ground you heard the door if the room closes. You stoped and turn to look around only to find yourself empty inside the room but except yourself.
Just as you're about to stand up the bells started ringing same as the trumpets busting. Your knees weakened. It happened, he's the king now, your chance of being with the man that you love decreases. Falling on to your knees as you watch yourself crying for your broken heart.
It's Jungkook 18th birthday. You woke up early expecting him to be sleeping but to your surprise he's already gone, you search for your brother all day long but you failed to find him. Even after that day ended he's still no where to be found.
Soon a knock on the main door grab your attention. It's already 1am and you saw your brother walking in after you open the door.
"You've been out all day!! Where were you?!" He just looked at you and get up while trying to walk away from you but you immediately stoped him.
"Jungkook are you even listen?! I'm talking to you don't you dare disrespect me I'm still your sister!!"
You couldn't believe him, you already shouted at him but yet he's just staring at you. Till he pulled you into a tight hug and started crying on your shoulder.
"Are you still mad at me Noona, you knew I wouldn't do such a thing to you like that." You were taken aback but immediately hug him. He's your brother after all. It hurts you seeing him like this all because you believe those stupid dream of yours.
And even if they're true you shouldn't hate Jungkook cause now it's a different time and different purpose. You're his sister and you won't let him down.
He's married. The king is married and it's not you who owns him, he's right. He will never be yours.
He loves to make you suffer, suffering you for keeping you close to him. Like so close. He official positioned you to be his personal servant. The one who dressed him, bath him. Almost everything.
But for him, it's not about making you suffer, it's about still keeping you from himself. You might call it suffering but for him it's his happiness that even though he's married and become the king he could still be next to his beloved woman.
You're standing I front of him, fixing his layered shirt while all he did was to stare at you. He has already memorized every inch of you. Mostly the movement of your lips, you bite your lips when you're nervous, you lic your lips when you're scared, you dig bite your tongue when when you're in pain to stop yourself from crying. He already knew all about you.
Or maybe not all. Not your life outside his kingdom.
He caresses your cheek while smiling at you, you got startled and immediately pushed his hand away, he found it cute when you do that "you look so beautiful lady Yn".
Your eyes meet his and found him smiling so beautiful at you but with mo time you turn your head down at him and bow. "You're all dressed, I'll take my leave now your highness."
You repeatedly bow at him while Jungkook just chuckles. He loves seeing you nervous around him knowing that he still has effect on you but his beautiful smiled dropped when he saw what's on your finger.
"A ring? Where did you got that ring?" He stepped forward trying to look at it but you immediately hide it and he didn't like what you did. Poking his inner cheek and walked towards you. Pulling your hand and it's confirmed it's a ring.
"A engagement ring?" The king asked.
"To whom?"
He saw you biting your lips while digging your nails through your skin. You're nervous. You keep your head low, but he wanted to see you, he wanted you to tell him that it's just a misunderstanding and you will not be marrying someone else.
He gripped on your chin making you face him. "It's not real right? Tell me it's not a engagement ring, it's just a mistake right? A misunderstanding right?."
You shook your head while crying, you tried pushing his hand but his gripped tighten more.
"Why are you shaking your head? Why are you not answering?! Why are you not saying no?!!".
"I-Im getting married your high."
With your low voice you manage to tell him the truth. He was stunned, he couldn't move his feet, his eyes just locked on you. This is his greatest fear, Losing you.
He thought by keeping you close to him would make your love for him grow farther but he was wrong, it only keeps you away from him.
"You're not." He said.
You gulp as you bow at him.
"I'll be leaving the castle next week before my wedding your highness."
You look at him one more time before taking you leave.
As soon as the door closed the king lost his temper and throw everything on the ground. He thought he could keep you for himself for life time now that he's the king but he's wrong.
Was his marriage the problem? Is that's why you left him for someone else?."
You're been gone for 2 days now and the king feels like losing his mind if he didn't take a glance on you even just a day. He's hiding behind the trees while watching the heart breaking scene Infront of him.
You laughing while having fun with a man. You look so happy having this kind of life. The man chase you from behind and once he capture you he started tickling you.
This is exactly how he imagine a life with you but seems like it's too late. He didn't choose you, he chooses his people not you and he had to accept it, but he just couldn't.
With a heavy heart Jungkook turn his head and left. His heart couldn't take it anymore it's too much pain.
You heard about the divorce of the king and the queen and at the same time the monarch's problem issues. It's starting to dropped. People doesn't want Jungkook to be their king anymore after the issues about divorce.
You came back to the castle to see what's happening and when you saw it, it's already burning in fire. Turned out the country that the queen's belong started a war between the Jardons after their divorced. They burned the castle while the whole land is under attached.
You reach inside trying to find him till you finally saw him. He's in your cabin, your old cabin that you used to stay when your still working here.
He's not not even moving a bit, he just sit there holding your dress. Your heart broke into pieces. You know it's already him even if you will try looking for someone new.
"Your highness, the kingdom is burning, we must leave."
He slowly turned his head on you. A flash of smile appears between his lips. "My greatest mistake is not divorcing her and destroying my kingdom but it is choosing my people who's life depends on me and letting someone else steal my woman. Losing you is my greatest regret."
He hugged your dress while he begging to sob.
"I-it's supposed to me my wedding day your highness" He look up to you while you broke in tears and run to him, hugging him tight while he did the same.
The temperature of the room started getting hotter than earlier but you seems to not care. Jungkook took your hand and put on the ring he hides for years.
"If both of us die here then let's make a promise to be us again in our next life." You said while kissing his forehead.
As the kingdom continually burn down a big pale of wood landed on both of you.
Jungkook is looking at your painted poster that he did it himself when he's still part of monarchy. A beautiful smile appeared on his lips.
"After 3 years my love I can finally be with you, wait for me and I'll be there right next to you."
As the former king of Jardon Jeon Jungkook survived when the kingdom was set on fire the new king ex'cuted him, but for Jungkook it's not a punishment but a gift cause finally get can be with her while completing his promise for her that he will not take his own life but waited for it's his own time.
You woke up and open your eyes. You saw tears coming out from his eyes while he's asleep. You wipe his tears making him open his eyes slowly.
"What happened kook? Are you okay? Did you had a dream?" You asked your brother who's laying next to you.
He immediately hugged you " Lady Yn d'ed 3 years after King Jungkook and you are three years older than me Noona do you think we're their reincarnation?."
His question made you stoped. He dreamed about them too. But you don't know how what to do. Should you say yes or no? You're not even sure.
Did their sorry ended like that or there's more? More to discover about them?.
"That's just a bad dream, it's not true, it's not true Jungkook."
But that's not where it ends...
King Jungkook made a promise before his d'ath that he won't stop until it's finally you and him. It's not just one time but a several more past life of different time that you still haven't succeed to finally be together. Will that be on this current time? But how? He's your brother.
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ofthecaravel · 6 months
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Heaven In Time
Chapter 1: Thoroughfare
Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Summary: Danny, en route to California to find love, picked up small town runaway Sam on a Texas thoroughfare and has been on the road ever since. While Sam adjusts to life as himself, Danny's wondering if he's found love without even leaving the South.
Tags: Religious trauma, mentions of homophobia, Anxiety, very sweet little crushes, idk all very soft when its not Tense
Words: 5.4k
A/N: HEAVILYYYYYY inspired by Thoroughfare by Ethel Cain, even borrowed a lyric here and there. Any and all credit to my beloved Hayden. First chapter of ??? maybe 4?? but I haven't decided. There's going to be more mention of Sam's questionable Southern Baptist Christian upbringing in those and I understand that may not be everyone's cup of tea so feel free to scroll if that may be upsetting for you.
“Do you think we’re gonna get arrested?”
Over the gentle splash of the thin, chlorinated water, Sam heard Danny’s long sigh. Usually he laughed at all of Sam’s misplaced little comments and queries, but sometimes he just sighed. Sam knew he didn’t mean anything harsh by it, but it definitely didn’t feel good. 
“Not if you don’t say anything,” Danny answered plainly. A smile ghosted his tired face as he rotated to face Sam, who stared back as he awkwardly bobbed with his long hair trailing behind him like a veil. After however many dusty miles and state lines they’d crossed, it always felt good when they had a motel to crash at instead of the cramped cabin of Danny’s pickup. And it felt twice as good when the motel had a pool, especially when it was nice and late at night and there was no one else around. Sam wasn’t much of a swimmer, but he was happy to tread water and watch Danny float. His broad chest would peek just over the surface of the water and his eyes would close while his dark curls moved like the fingers of lazy clouds. 
Yeah, Sam was happy to watch that. 
“It doesn’t feel right,” Sam murmured, watching his fingers flex anxiously under the water in the refracted view the harsh fluorescents provided. With the country sky full of nothing but mosquitoes and the occasional whistling breeze, the yellowing pool lights were the only thing illuminating them. Sam felt suddenly self conscious thinking of how washed out he must look in this rare moment where he was the one being watched. He turned to the side, only offering Danny his profile. 
“They won’t know the credit card ain’t mine until we’re in Arizona,” Danny insisted in a hushed voice. “And even then, I didn’t give the desk my real name. We’re golden if you can keep that mouth of yours shut. Can you do that for me, cowboy?”
“Sure I can.” Sam bristled, but knew Danny’s request was justified. Ever since Danny had taken pity on him and picked him up on that thoroughfare back in Texas, Sam never seemed to be able to do the right thing. He had gotten as far as he had in an attempt to remove himself from the suppressing influence of his uber religious hometown, but so far it seemed like he was still dragging it along with him. It was an embarrassing first impression to leave on someone as great as Danny was turning out to be, but he hadn’t left Sam behind yet, so Sam figured he must have some redeeming qualities that kept him around.
“Atta boy,” Danny smiled, his eyes closing as he lolled his head back and drew in a deep breath of the cool night air. “Christ alive, I needed this. How long do you think we drove today?”
“5 hours?” Sam guessed, thinking back on the day. “Felt longer ‘cause of the sun.”
“Damn that sun,” Danny cursed. “Burned the hell out of my nose, too.”
“We can get lotion or something at the next gas station,” Sam offered. Truthfully, he found the ruddy blush on Danny’s nose and freckled cheeks extremely flattering, but he knew it had to hurt. Growing up in Alabama, Sam knew a thing or two about sunburn.
“With what money?” Danny laughed humorlessly, sighing again and running a hand over his face. “Although at this point, I’d be willing to skip a dinner to get my hands on some lotion. Mm. Not that I don’t appreciate your presence, but...” 
Sam blinked blankly, feeling an implication pass him by like they often did. He didn’t say anything in return and sank a little further into the pool, trying not to feel even more stupid than he already did. Being tired certainly wasn’t helping, but he was really starting to feel the weight of all of his graceless actions from the past week pile on him as they swam in silence. Hopefully Danny would want to head up to their room soon and Sam could just try again the next day.  
Danny noticed Sam’s silence and opened his heavy eyes to observe him with a worried look. Sam’s neck was craned and the sharp point of his nose grazed the water as he continued to stare into the palms of his submerged hands. He was halfway to prayer by the looks of it, and Danny guessed that probably wasn’t too far from the truth. It was a state of mind Sam never really seemed to leave. Danny remembered the scandalized look on Sam’s face when they’d shared their first diner meal together and Danny had picked his fork right up and gotten to work when the waitress had brought their plates. Now he knew to wait and let Sam save them with a quick round of grace before eating. Sam had never asked for his hand to hold when doing it, but somewhere between the Texas border and New Mexico, Danny had offered it up and they’d been doing it that way ever since. It sure made it a hell of a lot more tolerable for Danny to wait for Sam’s long winded recitations with his slender hand in Danny’s. He really didn’t mind too much, especially after he’d begun collecting little glimpses of the seemingly excruciating evangelical life that Sam had left behind in Alabama. Danny didn’t pry, but there was a lot about Sam that he didn’t know. He watched Sam lit up in the pale, shifting luminance coming from the pool and realized with a strange, absent pang that he wanted to know. Maybe all of it, actually.
“Not a star in the sky,” Danny commented dreamily, tilting his neck back to stare at the pitch black sky after another long minute of staring at Sam left him feeling flushed. “It was always easy to pick ‘em out when I was on the farm, but I really have to squint when I’m in cities sometimes. It’s a crying shame.”
“We had to have all the lights out in town at a certain time so I always got to see the stars,” Sam replied in a small voice. “My brothers were always looking for Castor and Pollux, but we got lost after finding Orion every single time. Always forgot whether to look up or down or west or what.”
Sam smiled at the memory, remembering watching his older brothers bicker in whispers in front of the window while pressing fingers to the glass and eventually calling Sam in for help. Their parents fell asleep fast and heavy, so nights were usually when he and his siblings really got to be themselves. Sam found himself tired during the days almost all the time, but he’d carried his drooping eyelids with a bounce in his step. Even on the rare instances when he dozed off during study or services, he’d take a ruler to the knuckles with a smile. 
“I’ve always been partial to Orion,” Danny agreed, searching it out as he said it. “Probably because it’s easy to find and I’m a simple man when it comes to stuff like that.”
“You’re plenty smart,” Sam complimented. He finally lifted his head from his gloomy stance, his ear resting on his shoulder as he turned his smile on Danny. “Especially with maps. We’d be halfway to Argentina if I were the one navigating.”
“I wouldn’t mind that at all,” Danny laughed. “We can go there after we find love in California, how about that?”
“Perfect,” Sam complied, feeling a familiar sour rush of adrenaline when reminded of their end goal. It was ignorant to feel shocked over and over when he thought about it, especially considering that talk of Danny’s unknown Californian love were some of the first words Danny had ever said to him. Danny had pulled up next to Sam on the side of the road in his beat up pick up truck, told him not to run, and asked if he wanted to go see the West with him.
“‘Cause love’s out there,” Daniel had explained after Sam had hopped right in. “And I can’t leave it be.”
And Sam had agreed. Out of luck to spend and no more energy in his body to spend on walking, it was the perfect escape. It still was. It’s just that the more time he shared with Danny, the more he disliked the thought of Danny sharing time with anyone other than him. Sam was suddenly very sure he was greedy and selfish and wicked, and he made plans to pray on it after Danny had gone to sleep.
“Smart,” Danny echoed with an airy laugh, finally lifting his hair from the water and shaking his head slightly. “I don’t know about all that. If this were a movie, I’m pretty sure I’d be the muscle of the operation.”
“I guess that’d make sense. How much can you lift?” 
Danny gave Sam a mischievous look and shrugged, hoping the smirk creeping onto his face didn’t give away his plans for what he’d do next.
“Not sure,” Danny answered coolly. “How much do you weigh?”
Before Sam could respond, Danny rushed forward as fast as the water allowed and grabbed Sam around the waist, boosting him up with a noisy splash. Sam shrieked initially, but it gave way to a surprised laugh, every nerve alight with buzzing heat as Danny lifted him up. Danny could only manage to keep him up for another few moments before buckling at the knee from the close contact, allowing Sam a little time to plug his nose before Danny dunked him under.
Sam met the shifting blur of the pale water and felt a jarring, overwhelming peace as the water swallowed all sound and sensation and he began to sink to the bottom. For a second, he thought he might like to stay there forever, just floating and free from everything he didn’t understand about what was happening to him, what had already happened. What he wanted to happen. 
Sam didn’t even feel the sizzle of his lungs begging for air until he opened his eyes best he could and saw the blur of what was waiting for him up above.        
Now, Sam had obviously been far too young for him to remember his baptism, but as he brought himself back to consciousness and pushed himself out of the water and into Danny’s arms, he imagined it was a similar experience. Without really thinking, his arms went around Danny’s neck and he breathed in a great, shuddering gasp, desperately filling his chest with air as Danny’s arms reflexively wrapped around him and kept Sam pinned to his chest as he coughed.
“Fuck, Sam, did you forget to breathe?” Danny whispered urgently, resisting the urge to shout and wake the other motel patrons. “I mean, pardon my French, but you scared the shit out of me for a second there!”
“Sorry,” Sam choked out as he began to control his breathing and let it give way to an embarrassed laugh. “I got distracted for a minute.”
“Yeah, I’d definitely say you were coming up on a minute!” Danny sputtered, patting Sam’s back in a last ditch effort to knock any water loose. “I’ve never seen anyone go that long underwater. Good lord. You sure you’re okay?”
“I’m okay, I promise,” Sam insisted, leaning back to flash Danny a sincere look of assurance. Curiously, he didn’t feel the need to unlock his arms from behind Danny’s neck when doing so. In the same way, Danny didn’t feel the need to release his grip on Sam, keeping their bare chests flush as Sam comically mimicked drawing in deep breaths and releasing them to demonstrate his capability.
“Fine, fine, I believe you,” Danny relented, despite the anxiety still fluttering in his chest. “Just don’t scare me like that again. I get nervous enough when you’re out of my sight, and now you’re telling me I gotta worry about you when you’re right in front of me? Phew.” 
“What do you mean you get nervous when I’m out of your sight?” Sam laughed, his dark brow crinkling inquisitively as his stomach gave a little flip. 
“Just worried you’ll get to wandering,” Danny replied with faux nonchalance. “Don’t want some lawless vagabond picking you off the street.”
“Ain’t that what you did?” 
Danny tossed his head back and let out a loud laugh, knowing he needed to be much quieter than he was but doing nothing to rectify it. Sam burst into a round of hushed giggles and attempted to put his hands over Danny’s mouth as he shushed him theatrically. They goodnaturedly tussled  for a minute before Danny finally let Sam go, pushing him back and looking away with a nervous laugh still running its course in his chest.
“I got enough law in me to keep an eye on you,” Danny continued on, flicking his wrist lightly to splash Sam. “Can’t have you leaving me to drive the rest of the way on my own.”
“Well, I only ever leave if there’s not much worth staying for,” Sam muttered. It wasn’t entirely true when considering the importance of what he’d left behind in favor of hitchhiking aimlessly in pressing Texan heat, namely his family. He felt guilty saying it, but Danny took his words with pillow softness. His laugh melted into a shy smile that fell on Sam like a kiss on the forehead. 
“Lucky me, I suppose,” Danny smiled, punching Sam gently on the shoulder. “I’ll do my best to make the rest of the trip worth staying for.”
“You won’t have to try too hard,” Sam replied sincerely. “I’m having a lot of fun so far.”
“Yeah?” Danny questioned with an amused arch of his eyebrow. “You’re having fun coughing up dust in the passenger seat of a beat up truck that doesn’t work half the time? You’re having fun having to share flat, suspiciously stained motel beds with some sorry hick you met two weeks ago?”
“Well, when you put it that way, it sounds terrible,” Sam laughed. “But it is fun. It’s the in-between stuff that’s fun.” 
“Like what?” Danny prodded, giving Sam another playful little splash. 
He asked without any real pressure, but there was a big part of Danny that really needed to know if he was making this spontaneous road trip a good time for Sam. It seemed a little ridiculous to some extent considering that when Danny set off, he wasn’t expecting any kind of lingering company in the slightest. At the end of the day, Sam was a borderline neurotic runaway that Danny had taken a chance on after some strange gut feeling had told him to take a left and not a right while driving aimlessly. But at the same time, Danny was really starting to like him. It both confused and warmed him.
“I don’t know!” Sam sputtered. “It’s always fun to look through gas stations for stupid knick knacks. That mood ring keychain was pretty cool, you have to admit.” 
Danny only laughed in response. The tacky keychain had pretty obviously been for kids, but with the way Sam’s eyes had lit up when he pressed his thumb to the heat reactive surface, Danny had found that fact the least important part of the equation.
“It’s fun when the diner menus have stupid names for the sandwiches,” Sam continued, feeling increasingly more embarrassed talking about himself. “And I definitely have fun when I get to listen to my station on the radio.”
“And you can continue to have that fun in half hour intervals,” Danny asserted, trying not to roll his eyes while recalling Sam’s beloved church music station. “Anything else?”
“Hmm. This is pretty fun,” Sam answered with a quick, impish shrug. “Even though you tried to drown me.”
“Hey!” Danny scoffed while Sam sailed into another round of delighted giggles. “I’ll show you drowning!”
Danny reached out and they wrassled again, a flurry of arms and bickering laughter as Danny pretended to try and dunk Sam under the water. Once again, Sam’s arms went around Danny’s neck as they struggled, and once again he made no move to remove them when Danny slowed. However, this time around, when Sam felt the careless adrenaline fueling him with a whisper of unknown courage, he seized it and gave Danny a quick kiss on the cheek. It was no more than 2 seconds of his lips on Danny’s slightly stubbled skin, but it struck Danny like a slap to the face. Sam released his grip on him and gave him a good natured smile. 
“Seriously, this is so fun,” Sam insisted. “But we’ll never sleep if we keep being rowdy. Bed?”
“Good thinking,” Danny replied a little too quickly, successfully fighting a quiver in his voice and letting out a silent, choked sigh when Sam turned his back on him and started making his way to the edge of the pool. Facing away from Danny allowed Sam a moment to let his innocent, grateful gesture sink in. He began to panic slightly, rushing out a hurried mental prayer that Danny hadn’t taken it the wrong way. Sam almost turned to apologize, but decided it would be more awkward if he did, instead electing to haul himself out of the pool and grab his towel as if nothing out of the ordinary was raging inside his head.
Meanwhile, Danny definitely wasn’t taking it the wrong way. But he was taking it in a very surprising way. Feeling sudden and immense guilt, he realized that he was really going to have to book it to the hook where his towel hung in order to cover the “reaction” he was having to Sam’s little kiss. Thankfully, he was able to make it without Sam seeing. Danny felt grateful for his Southern charm when Sam finally did turn his doe eyed smile back on him and Danny was able to steer their conversation in a new direction as they walked to their room and he kept his towel tightly wound around his waist.
But neither one of them really recovered from it. Something so small and instantaneous weighed heavily in the back of their minds as they went about their separate nighttime routines and turned away from each other when Danny turned the light off. 
After an infuriating hour of staring up at the flaking ceiling and listening to the muffled whistle of a keening wind outside the window, Sam finally heard Danny begin to snuffle and sigh, signifying sleep. He released a pent up sigh and rubbed a hand over his eyes as he tried to manifest sleep. A few hours prior he had been nearly nodding off at dinner, but now that he was alone in the inviting dark with Danny, it was hard to keep his eyes closed. Usually he whispered himself to sleep with psalms that lulled him into a fuzzy, dreamless void, but it felt wrong to do so with the imagery pervading his mind. None of it was graphic, simply a replay of how it felt to float in Danny’s arms. And how safe he felt with Danny’s hand on his back. How the feeling of his mouth on Danny’s cheek made him wonder how it would feel if it were the other way. How it would’ve felt if Danny had picked that moment to turn slightly, causing Sam to catch his lips instead of his stubble. 
It was shameful, but Sam felt himself tensing and carefully guiding each muscle so that he could turn over to lay on his side facing Danny’s back. Unable to lay alone with his thoughts any longer, he decided that the sight of the body next to him would be enough to quell the uncomfortable desire in his chest that was beginning to frighten him slightly. However, he was startled to find that Danny had turned over at some point as well. Sam’s heart flitted and jabbed at him from his ribcage as he took in the sight of Danny’s cheek pressed to the pillow, his mouth ever so slightly ajar as he drew in deep breaths. He was laying on his chest, and Sam fought the urge to trace the swells of muscles in his arms as they came to cross underneath the pillow beneath his head. There was a needling, demanding pull in Sam’s stomach now, one that yanked and strained the longer Sam took in the sight of Danny’s placid, perfect face in the spectral moonlight. It puppeteered him to slide a trembling hand up and delicately cup Danny’s freckled cheek. Sam felt as though he was doing something exceedingly terrible when his thumb traced a gentle journey over Danny’s skin that still buzzed with heat from his light burn. Danny drew in a big breath and released it through his nose, stern eyebrows knitting slightly in a dream as Sam screamed at himself in his head to move his hand, flip back over, and just go to sleep. Yet it seemed like such an insurmountable task now that he’d felt Danny’s breath on his wrist. Worse, it reminded Sam of the proximity of Danny’s lips to his own, only inches away and closer even to his fingers. Sam’s mind raced as he became obsessed with possibility. 
His dreams were quickly dashed in a moment of blinding, white hot panic as Danny sniffed and stirred, stretching his arms slightly as his eyelids fluttered. Even with Danny rousing, Sam couldn’t find the strength to move his hand. He kept it resting with soft pressure on Danny’s cheek as he panicked about whether or not to feign sleep. All the while, Danny blinked fully and his eyes came into focus. Sam settled for a fake, heavy lidded gaze, doing his own round of “half asleep” blinking as Danny studied his expression. Danny let out an amused huff through his nose and his arm facing Sam loudly disturbed the sheets as it lifted from under the pillow and his hand clumsily tapped against Sam’s own on his face. 
“You’re dreaming, Sam,” Danny mumbled, his voice low and grumbling as he fought to speak without falling asleep again. “Go to sleep.”
“Not dreaming,” Sam whispered tiredly. He watched as Danny’s hand stretched and rested fully over his own, Danny’s fingers curling a little as his eyes closed again and he began to doze. 
It was such a little thing, but that pull inside of Sam snapped. There was something overwhelming him, and in his exhausted, newly freed state of mind, he saw no other option but to succumb. For the first time, when he felt the compulsion to pray for his salvation, he ignored it outright.  
Shifting forward, Sam used his hand on Danny’s face as leverage to gently pull himself forward and press his lips to Danny’s. He did so with no real pressure, simply lingering as long as Danny would allow him to and trapping a shivering breath inside his lungs as his eyes closed at the relief. He fully expected Danny to spit and push him off the bed, leaving him right then and there to hop in his truck and find California all on his own like he was supposed to. His fingers pressed into Danny’s skin at the thought, holding on to him as long as he could before this impulse came back to bite him in what he was sure would be seconds.  
Instead, he was met with the ginger push of Danny’s lips meeting him halfway. It only lasted for a couple of seconds, and Sam could taste the lingering whisper of mint toothpaste on his breath behind the numbing warmth of his tongue, which did no more but tap momentarily at Sam’s closed lips. When Danny’s lips unstuck from his, Danny barely pulled away to speak, giving Sam the luxury of their close proximity for longer than he ever could have dreamed of. 
“Now you’re just getting my hopes up,” Danny breathed with a laugh that lasted only a fraction of a second and seemed more like a punch of air from his chest.
Not really understanding what Danny meant, Sam flew into another panic. He could no longer feign a sleepy stare and blinked rapidly with restless nerves waking him up all the way. His heart pounded in his ears and he prayed his hand wouldn’t prickle with sweat from the dread beginning to course through him. All at once, he could hear a chorus of a hundred voices from back home reminding him of the great, divine consequence of what he was doing. 
“Sorry,” Sam apologized, his eyes immediately prickling with anxious tears. “I just…”
“I just don’t want you waking up tomorrow and feeling all…you know, guilty or whatever ‘cause of something you did half asleep,” Danny murmured. He cursed his moral compass pointing him to true north, even in this miraculous circumstance when the dial seemed to be spun on its axis entirely.  
“I’m awake,” Sam argued in a whisper. “That’s why I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that with you sleeping, that’s-”
“I was awake, too,” Danny replied simply. “I mean, when...”
An infuriating, tense minute passed between the two of them. There was much to be said, and also nothing at all. Too little time had passed in each other’s company to have any kind of profound feeling to confess, and yet there was a confounding magnetism that left them staring into the other’s eyes with heavy breath and rattling hearts. Danny’s hand eventually fell from where it had lain over Sam’s, but before Sam’s heart could sting with hurt at the loss, he felt Danny’s arm adjust to wrap around his waist and pull him closer. With this motion, their lips connected again, and Sam breathed in sharply through his nose as he attempted to fall into the rhythm of this disarming, second ever kiss. The matchbox capacity of the motel room and the sleeping world beyond its cracked windows were swallowed up by the fervor of Danny’s shuddering breath and the heat rolling off his skin. Sam heard the chastising chorus in the back of his conscience begin to sing again when Danny’s hand on his lower back tightened its grip. His heart hammered thinking about roaring hellfire and scores of taunting devils, but when Danny carefully rolled Sam onto his back and Sam opened his eyes, he saw only an angel.
“This sure is a step up from your little gesture in the pool,” Danny acknowledged, caging Sam in with an arm at his side and another by his head. 
“I was only saying thank you,” Sam muttered sheepishly, struggling to speak with his throat so dry and his muscles so alive with flickering reactions he fought to suppress.
“What are you saying now?”
Sam fell silent. He had no experiences to draw on or words in his vocabulary to place what he felt about Danny. Kind, gracious, handsome Danny, hovering over him with the patience he doled out time and time again when lesser men would have rolled their eyes and drove off.
“I think…” Sam started, fighting to sort his scattered, uninformed feelings. “I’m still saying thank you.”
Unexpectedly, Danny’s eyes flickered with apprehension. Sam’s eyebrows knit with confusion when Danny leaned back to straddle Sam’s hips, suddenly wearing a somber expression. Sam’s bottom lip quaked and pouted as he hurriedly propped himself up on his elbows.
“What?” Sam blurted. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, fuck, I fucked it all up, didn’t I?”
“I just really hope you don’t feel like you have to…do anything for me just ‘cause I’m giving you a ride,” Danny said earnestly. “I’d be really sore if you thought of me that way. I don’t expect a single thing from you.”
Sam’s heart gave a deep, aching clench as Danny’s words sank in. He felt his eyes nearly welling with tears again as he watched Danny look down at his hands in his lap before flicking his eyes up to Sam, probing him for a response. 
“No,” Sam replied firmly, pushing off the bed to sit straight and stare up properly into Danny’s eyes. “No, no, that’s not it at all. I would never. Never ever. You should know that, Danny, come on. I, it’s just…”
He trailed off again, blushing with embarrassment as the words finally came to him, plain and true. 
“I just like you is all,” Sam admitted, thankful for the shade of night to conceal the flush he knew was painting his face pink. “I’m sorry.”
“You keep apologizing when you got nothing to apologize for,” Danny accused quietly. His hands were close to shaking as he tried to calm himself down, but it was hard not to shiver at Sam’s confession.
“Sorry. Product of my upbringing, I guess.”
“Well, I got a bone to pick with a lot of things about your upbringing, if I’m being perfectly honest.”
“Me too,” Sam whispered truthfully. 
Danny studied Sam’s face with that familiar worried look he found himself sporting every day now, taking a minute to smooth Sam’s hair back and get lost in his dark, doll-like gaze. 
“I know it wasn’t part of the plan,” Sam went on with a small, shameful voice. 
Danny let out an airy, one note laugh through his nose and rolled his eyes, finally plucking up the courage to cup Sam’s cheek as Sam had done to him. 
“I’m not even sure what ‘the plan’ is anymore,” Danny sighed, finding it difficult to look anywhere but Sam’s rosy frown. “I know what I said, but I think deep down all I really wanted to do was go. California just seemed like the best place to start.”
“So…” Sam coaxed, unable to stop himself from tilting his chin into Danny’s grip. “When will you know where you’re going?”
“Now that I’ve met you, Sam? I think I know where I’m headed.”
Before Sam could bring up any matters of direction, of Danny’s supposed destined Californian love, or of what was to become of them as a them, Danny kissed Sam for a third time. Nothing special, nothing mind blowing. Yet with it, Sam felt every saying about the magic number, three strikes, and the Holy Trinity itself fade in comparison. And when Danny laid him down again, Sam swore he could see the stars.
The next morning, Sam sat in the passenger seat of the truck with his head hanging out the window, chestnut hair spilling behind him in the wind as the bare fields and pale blue sky rolled on by. With his shirt unbuttoned to remedy the heatwave, anyone would’ve been able to see the small, tender bruises lining his collarbone and marching down his chest. Beside him, Danny kept one eye firmly on the empty road and the other on his passenger. On a whim, he took a hand off the wheel to fiddle with the radio, adept fingers spinning the knob until a choral worship song came crackling over the waves. Sam turned his head at the music and made a fond sound, shoving Danny’s shoulder with a light push and settling back into his seat. However, after a minute of listening, Sam found himself reaching to change the station. He settled on a rock station blasting a song dripping with bass and drums, nodding his head along to it curiously as Danny shot him an incredulous smile. 
“I fear I’ve corrupted you,” Danny laughed, reaching out to muss Sam’s hair.
“Good,” Sam hummed. “I needed it.”
“Yeah, you did. Just remember you promised not to go running off on me. And no bar fights. And before you ask, tattoos are a solid maybe.”
Sam laughed, pressing up against the headrest as he kicked his boots up on the dashboard and allowed himself to recline. For a moment, it crossed his mind that this might be one of the first times in his life he felt truly comfortable. It also crossed his mind that Danny’s persistent worry of Sam running off into the night was becoming increasingly more ridiculous. As he looked at the man driving next to him, who was miraculously unaware of the midday sun setting his curls and perfect side profile alight, Sam knew with confidence there was nowhere else he’d rather be. 
Chapter 2!
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talulajones-stories · 1 month
Klonnie Week - First Kiss
Southern Louisiana only has two seasons. Summer and Almost Summer. Summer lasts nine months of the year with a reprieve from the sweltering heat lasting only three months. Almost Summer, that cool part of the year consisting of December, January and February, is when the temperature drops down dramatically to the tepid seventies and people come out their shaded rooms and from under their ceiling fans to engage with one another without fear of heatstroke to picnic and visit their neighbors and sleep on their screened-in porches.
In the middle of September all of this is a distant fantasy.
Mosquitoes bite at the back of Bonnie's legs and the fleshy part of her arms, and she listens to cicadas string a symphony, an ode to heat, and looks out over the entire back yard of the Farmhouse, where Klaus has brought her, and everything is green, green, green. Technicolor green. Green everywhere. Even the pond where Klaus has begun her tutelage and is telling her to walk across is green.
"You can't be serious," Bonnie says, turning up her lip, because even though Klaus may call this grassy hole in the ground a pond, from where she stands on the rickety wooden landing, she can't see the bottom.
"We begin with the basics," he declared, stopping abruptly. "Concentration is key. You'll accomplish nothing if your mind is scattered.," He smirks, "Now come on with it, Bonnie. Walk across the pond." He states annoyed with her reluctance.
He leaves her without the encouragement he had shown her previously when it came time for her to display her magic and she feels a little slighted and insecure despite all the growth she had achieved for herself on her own last night.
Pulling at the laces of her boots, she tosses them to the side, bracing herself at the edge of the water in the clothes he picked up out of the nearest Walmart. Acid wash shorts and a thin t-shirt with the slogan, "Girls Rule, Boys Drool" in bright pink across her bra-less breast.
You’ve set a man on fire, Bonnie, you can do this. You can do this, she repeats in a loop while chiding herself for the childish want she has for Klaus to come over and hold her hand.
He yells at her not to take all day.
She closes her eyes, one-foot hovering over the water when he bellows from the opposite side of the pond, and she sinks.  Straight to the bottom, water filling her nostrils and over her head.
She flails about, splashing around, she kicks and kicks, and a white hand darts in her watery vision, and grabs her by the collar.
She gasps. Sputtering water and turning to her savior.  
He had jumped in, swimming them both to the bank, “We must add swimming lessons to your training,” He says, as they both trudge through the mud to the high dry grass.
She's annoyed and angry. 
"You knew I couldn’t do it." Soaked, she wrings out her hair, her shirt clinging to her breasts and taut stomach, her shorts, damp and dirtied from sitting on the ground next to him. "I can’t walk on water."
Klaus lies back on his elbows, casually picking at the grass while admiring the way her clothes cling to her. “That was the Nazarene, love. I want you to levitate over the water.”
She eyes him, noticing his red mouth curled into a smirk. “Levitate, huh?” she says, glancing back at the pond.
“Connect to your magic.” He urges, taking a blade of grass to gently stroke her arm. 
She looks down at him, remembering how the night before she had bodied her would-be kidnappers. “Those men were trying to kill me, I was scared and full of rage, is that where my magic lies?” 
He sits up, cavalier in his response, “It was the strongest emotion for you to tap into then, but it’s not the only source,” Klaus explains, his voice softening, his mischievous mouth tender in describing, “A witch’s magic has three access points.” He places a finger gently at her temple. “Her mind,” he says, trailing his hand down to the center of her chest, “her heart,” and then, with a sly grin and a raised eyebrow, his eyes lower suggestively, “and from the very source of life itself.”
She likes the way he looks in this moment, his face close to hers, his strong brow relaxed and smooth. It's as if being here with her is the only thing that matters, and she feels warmth spread inside her that has nothing to do with the sun. Without warning, she kisses him—a quick press of her lips to his, a smile almost dancing across her mouth as she does it, knowing she has caught him off guard.
The suddenness startles Klaus; there’s an imperceptible flinch that he quickly recovers from, a glint of surprise and something more in his eyes. Her smile deepens against his lips, and he kisses her back—less playful, more hungry. She responds with a soft moan as his tongue slides into her mouth, his hands pulling at her waist, urging her closer, until she’s almost beneath him.
Needing to catch her breath, Bonnie pulls away slightly, still close enough his lips brush hers. “Okay, I’m ready to levitate over water,” she smiles, determined.
Klaus laughs softly, his voice a low rumble. “I’ll be here to pull you out if you drown again, love.”
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mysticstronomy · 6 months
Wednesday, March 13th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Earth is the sixth planet from the edge of the solar system, meaning we're none too near this cold and inhospitable frontier. But we've sent out various spacecraft over the years, so do we have any idea what the edge of the solar system looks like?
The answer is yes, but it's a work in progress. One of the latest developments, a 3D map of the solar system's edge that took 13 years to create, revealed a few more secrets about this mysterious boundary, called the outer heliosphere.
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The outer heliosphere marks the region of space where the solar wind, or the stream of charged particles emitted from the sun, is "deflected and draped back" by the interstellar radiation that permeates the empty space beyond the solar system, said Dan Reisenfeld, a space science researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and head of the team that conducted the research on the 3D map. In other words, solar wind and interstellar particles meet and form a boundary at the far reaches of the solar system.
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Earthlings first got a glimpse of the solar system's outer edge in 2012, when Voyager I, a NASA spacecraft that launched in 1977, crossed into interstellar space, according to NASA. Voyager 2 was not far behind, repeating the feat in 2018. Equipped with golden records full of Bach, Louis Armstrong and humpback whale songs, in addition to their scientific instruments, Voyagers 1 and 2 reported a sudden dropoff in solar particles and a substantial increase in galactic radiation when they left the solar system, according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology.
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The new 3D map reveals even more about the heliosphere. The inner layer — where the sun and its planets are nestled — is roughly spherical and is thought to extend roughly 90 astronomical units (AU) in all directions. (One AU is the average distance between Earth and the sun, about 93 million miles, or 150 million kilometers.) The outer layer is much less symmetrical. In one direction — that in which the ever-moving sun plows through the space in front of it, encountering cosmic radiation — the outer heliosphere extends about 110 AU, but in the opposite direction, it's much longer, at least 350 AU, according to Reisenfeld.
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That lack of symmetry comes from the sun's movement through the Milky Way, as it experiences friction with the galactic radiation in front of it and clears out a space in its wake. "There's a lot of plasma [charged particles] in the interstellar medium, and… the inner heliosphere, which is pretty round, is an obstacle in this stream of plasma which is flowing past it," Reisenfeld told Live Science. "It has the same effect as water going around a rock in a stream," with a rush of water crashing into the rock in front and a sheltered calm behind it.
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Measurements for the 3D map were gathered using the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX), which was launched in 2008 and is "the size of a bus tire," according to NASA. It's pronounced "like the animal," Reisenfeld said, referring to the ibex mountain goats known for their gravity-defying treks up alpine cliffs. But the animal that IBEX really takes after is the bat.
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Many bats hunt insects, such as mosquitoes, by emitting a pulse of sound and using the time delay of the echo to figure out the distance to their prey. Likewise, IBEX detects solar-wind particles that have bounced back from the edges of the solar system, allowing Reisenfeld and his colleagues to determine the distances involved by measuring how long their round trip took.
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"The sun will send out a pulse … and then we passively wait for a return signal from the outer heliosphere, and we use that time delay to determine where the outer heliosphere must be," Reisenfeld explained.
As the sun circles the outer rim of the Milky Way, the solar wind keeps cosmic radiation at bay, forming a protective bubble. This is good for us, since "that radiation can damage spacecraft and it can be a health hazard for astronauts," Reisenfeld said.
Originally published on www.livescience.com
(Saturday, March 16th, 2024)
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