#my 2 girlfriends who smoke weed
eucchabe · 9 months
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bringing you a WIP <3
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cheebuss · 9 months
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Steam 20th anniversary rewired my brain chemistry
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ch4rrykisses · 2 months
frat!boyfriend rafe head cannons
- frat!boyfriend rafe who always wears polo shirts, most of what his whole closet consisted of until you came in. but now polo shirts consist of about half of your own closet too, even have their own designated space, despite your efforts to get him to change it up a bit
- frat!boyfriend rafe who always loves to brag about your guys’ sex lived to the other guys like the little perverted fuck he is, loves seeing their reactions. “s’always on me man, beggin’ for my dick n shit 24/7. tellin’ ya right now.”
-frat!boyfriend rafe who, most of his time is now spent with you. drinking, smoking weed and doing cocaine with you always attached to his hip, showing off his cute lil innocent girlfriend. never lets you touch any of it
-frat!boyfriend rafe who takes you to parties, brags about you, gets a few drinks in you and soon enough you’re all over him, “damn sweetheart, s’all it takes huh? couple’a shots ‘nd a little bit of flashin’ you ‘round and you’re all needy?”
-frat!boyfriend rafe who always uses photos that you send in your skimpy little outfits to jerk off, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he stares at your pink pouty lips, glossed over, mini-skirt clinging to your hips and a peek of your pretty white thong showing. ends up making a mess over his own abs
-frat!boyfriend rafe who dials your number at nearly 2 am, voice breathy and raspy over the phone as he speaks to you, “shit baby, needt’a see that body in person. feel you wrapped ‘round my cock, huh?”
-frat!boyfriend rafe cameron who leaves you a mess, cum spilling out from your sopped hole, pooling on the bedsheets below your hips and effectively soiling them. not like he changes them often anyways
-frat!boyfriend rafe who makes sure all the other frat guys know you’re off limits, neck marked up as if you were a cheetah, little limp in your step. he walks down and stretches his limbs as if nothing, almost like he didn’t pound you into the mattress this early morning
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cry4mina · 2 months
(Chaeyoung x fem!reader)
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Word count: 4.1k
Summary: Best friends to ???
TW: weed, blood, sex, cheating, Sana?, mentions of Jihyo. I think that’s it.
A/N: hey hi hello! Happy Chae day (early edition!) pls enjoy! :)
*edit* my dumbass forgot to tag @nr1chaedickrider for the pics! 🖤
The couch is cold, leather against your face as you lay there numb, eyes freely releasing tears. Sniffling into the emptiness of your living room, reliving memories of you and your best friend’s last night of hanging out together.
“Chae! Let’s gooooo!” screaming from the edge of the sand. It’s 3 in the morning, humid as hell but she wanted to go to the beach. Her stress from her schedules made it hard for her to relax and you just wanted to see her smile.
God, her smile? She radiated diamonds when she giggled. Glowing and sparkling, refracting pure joy into everyone who saw it. It melted you instantly every time and she knew that.
Chaeyoung runs from your car, black sweatpants too big for her and your hoodie swallowing her whole, catching up to you and linking your arms together. Now she’s the one tugging you to the shoreline as you find your spot on the rundown lifeguard stand.
Studying the carvings of initials into the salt-soaked wood, taking your pocket knife out and getting to work on a new addition while Chae lights the joint carefully, taking a long drag and then passing it to you.
“Do you ever think about what the future holds?” exhaling the smoke as she stares into the waves from her seat on the rickety railing.
Joint hanging out of your mouth, looking up at her in awh, trying to actually hear what she just said. You were mesmerized by her, always.
“Y/n? You okay?” Glancing over to you with concern in her big brown eyes, knowing you had something to say and giving you the opportunity to speak your mind.
Panic flashes through you, pulling from the joint and then passing it back to her, trying to figure out what to say as she pokes you to tell her why you’ve been stuck in your own head.
“Yeah I’m okay.” melancholy laced in your words, continuing to carve a heart big enough to fit initials in, almost dissociating into the deepened grain of the wood. Imagining what life would be like with her as your girlfriend, you sigh heavily and she catches that too.
“You’ve been off for weeks…are you going to tell me what's up? I thought we told each other everything…” looking down at her hands and watching the smoke cascade off the joint before snuffing it out to relight later.
“Chae…” looking up at her again, immediately enthralled by her soft expression towards you. The care in her eyes visibly tracing your frame, waiting for you to let out what you’ve been holding in.
“I…like you.” immediately shutting your eyes and returning your attention to the carving trying to escape the discomfort of having just told your best friend of years that you had romantic feelings for her.
Through your peripherals you see her rotate to face you, expression dripping with grief, watching you chip away at the heart with your blade.
“Y/n…I’m kind of…seeing someone.”
Tear after tear falling from your eyes, face not even contorting at them anymore. The night you stopped speaking to Chaeyoung flashes in your mind at least three times a day, so the sting isn’t new but reliving that night definitely rubs salt into the wound.
It’s 2 in the morning when you decide it’s time to go to your favorite getaway location for the first time in about a month, wanting to create a new memory there by yourself so you can heal that part of you.
Rolling a joint for your adventure as you set off, trying to escape the sorrow of the wound that keeps reopening.
Arriving at the parking lot and parking in your usual spot, you sit for a second. Sniffling and ruminating in the disdain you were feeling for the crisp ocean air, taking in the changes to the setting around you.
Hedges still line the sides of the parking lot, a few palm trees sway in the breeze, beach roses consuming the foliage even more than before, blooming in the moonlight.
Stepping out of the car and walking over to the flowers, you smell the rich sweetness they give off and go to pick one for yourself, only to be pricked by the thorns immediately.
“Shit!” dropping the flower instantaneously, thorns sticking out of your finger. Pulling them out one by one under the moonlight, dripping blood onto the rose on the floor, staining it with the sanguine colored liquid.
Putting your finger in your mouth to ease the bleeding, you head towards the tranquility of the beach and the familiar place, the lifeguard shack, to be alone with your thoughts.
Climbing the slope and viewing the graffiti, more initials than before etched into the frame of the small shack that was raised off the ground to avoid the water.
The heart you chipped into the paint a month ago has someone’s initials in it that you didn’t put there…suspiciously, they’re your initials.
Perplexed by this, you try not to assume who added to your art installation as you light your joint, attempting to burn the ends evenly so it doesn’t canoe. Something you were never good at, that’s why Chae was always in charge of the weed.
Pulling on the joint as you stare into the sea and think about how much you miss her. The long silly conversations, the meaningful moments, the way she always got you a little snack when you were grumpy, her knowing your coffee order by heart, and it was understandable she did. She was your best friend.
Always showing you unconditional love, even through telling you about her new boyfriend, your memories slip back into the night you last spoke.
“Y/n…I’m kind of…seeing someone.” whispered to you through the waves, words causing a small wind within you, taking in the information that makes you nauseous.
Humidity sticks to every part of your skin, hiding the sweat from the rush of adrenaline when your hands start to shake. Seeing someone? Who? She hasn’t mentioned someone to you…
Spiraling at the thought of someone else taking that place in her life. Why hasn’t she mentioned her? Why wouldn’t she tell you about seeing someone? Weren’t you important to her?
“Y/n?…can you say something?” eyes shifting down at the floor. She knows what you’re going to say, just needing to hear it from your own lips before she assumes your next course of action.
“…I don’t have anything to say…” through soft tears you were hiding from her. They drip against your will, unable to hold them back when she gets up to hug you from behind. Hands on your stomach, cheek on your back and eyes closed, sniffling with you through the sadness.
“I don’t want to lose you…please say something…” the crack in her voice ruins you, reflecting the fracture she just chiseled into your heart.
“Who is it?” reverberates through your torso to her ears.
Chaeyoung can hear how shooken up you are, lungs quivering as you try to keep your breathing slow. She’s known for a while you felt this way, choosing to ignore it because she didn’t want you to vanish from her life because she wasn’t ready, only to assume you didn’t feel the same way now.
“I don’t think you truly want to hear about him…” replied coldly, still holding you tightly, unwilling to release you.
Heartbeat now racing at the pronoun she just laid out for you, realizing she was gripping you so tightly so you would run away from her.
“Him?! Chae I thought you we-” unhooking her from your body with some effort so you can face her, eyes drowning in your tears without your consent. You wipe the streams on your face, emotionally exhausted and sleep deprived.
She winces as you do. She knew this day was coming.
“Y/n, please just let me explain.” somewhat begging for you to hear her out, pulling on your sleeves and looking up at you, peering into your soul, framed in sadness.
“I’m happy for you…Can we leave?” flatly falls from your tongue.
“Y/n, please…” begging for another moment with you.
“Chae, I want to leave.”
It rings in your ears.
“Y/n please…”
Hearing it clear as day in your mind. You haven’t heard her voice since that night and thinking about it just pulls at your heart strings, playing the melody of regret for words unspoken.
Back against the front wall of the guard station, sliding down slowly until you were firmly seated on the ground. Pressing the filter of the joint to your lips and pulling a huge drag before you ash on the floorboards, watching the breeze sweep away the dust of gray and white.
Calm quiet waves and the weed comfort you through the ache of not having her around. Chest always swelling at the thought of her, wondering if she was happy, wondering if she remembered to eat that day…does he treat her right?
Sighing into the darkness, another pull, another ash, another gust as you sit in the depths of your emotions. Allowing your brain to take you through your thoughts of Chaeyoung without resistance.
“i was hoping you’d show up here eventually…Is this seat taken?” cuts through your mind's eye like a cleaver, startling you. Looking over to see a pair of familiar pajamas and an oversized hoodie, black hair flowing down from under the hood.
Those big brown puppy dog eyes glancing down at you, seeing your disheveled state, studying the faint tear streams down your cheeks and the small wet circular water marks on the floor beneath you. Pouting at you…Chae always hated to see you so sad. Especially because of the decision she made to date someone that wasn’t you.
Unsure of what to say, you just raised the joint up to her- extending an olive branch, a peace offering.
This made her absolutely beam at you, taking her place next to you and happily puffing away at the joint, giving a satisfied shimmy of the events currently taking place before plopping down next to you in the wooden floor.
Unable to contain yourself, you giggle as your body finally lets you relax. She was here, everything was going to be okay…right? Even with a false sense of security her presence gave you, you wished you could shake the feeling of missing her.
Exhaling quickly and turning to face you, making sure to make eye contact as she nudges your shoulder playfully.
“I missed you, dummy.” through the smallest smile you’ve ever seen, she was just too precious and you were completely wrapped around her finger.
“I missed you too…how are…things?” hesitantly questioning how her life was going, worried about the answer.
“Better now.” pulling the joint again before handing it back to you carefully. You wished she wouldn’t do that. Implying that you improve her life when you know who she’s calling every night before bed.
Shifting your focus to anything but what she just said, fixating on her hands, tracing over her finger tattoos with your eyes before grabbing the joint between your own fingers, lightly putting it out.
Feeling her energy was almost enough, the decompression of your muscles from just being near her was substantial enough to push the devastation away, even if it was temporary.
“How is he?” reluctantly flows through clenched teeth, oozing jealousy and spite.
“He’s…good.” tapping her fingers against her knees as she curls within herself, knowing you’re only asking because you feel obligated to. Knowing you’re hoping for a different answer.
Nodding your head and biting the inside of your cheek, fiddling with the ankle cuff if your joggers and trying to keep yourself seated. Discomfort sneaks in, thoughts of her being happy with someone else being a wave of nausea, imitating sea sickness as you wobble a little in the feeling.
The signs of your care for each other was always there, you were just too nervous to face her about them and she was anticipating you making the first move. There were plenty of moments to do so and you just couldn’t bring yourself to say anything sooner. Locked in your own fear, ruining your own chance.
“Can I ask you something?” Chae's curious eyes peeked up at you while resting her chin on her knees, a pout placed on her perfect lips.
“Yeah.” refusing eye contact out of a familiar fear, wondering if she was going to ask where you were or where you’d been.
“Why’d you stop taking my calls?” cheek now resting on her knees, you can see how she’s trying to calm her breathing through the difficult question. Never being one to ask them, hating confrontation but she had to know why you took so many steps back from her. She just need to hear you say it.
A deep breath, eyes shifting anywhere but on her. How were you supposed to tell her the truth?
“I…uhm…didn’t want to talk to you.” little lies through your clenched teeth, grinding away at your heart like sandpaper.
“Don’t lie to me.” Chae’s brows furrow as she lets out a little annoyed shriek. It’s hard not to giggle at her when she makes what she would call her “angy” face at you. It’s too cute to be considered “angy.”
“Fine.” Sighing heavily and turning to face her, hands roughly running down your face as you prepare to tell her what she definitely already knew. Swallowing roughly, deep breath, and go!
“I stopped talking to you because it’s hard to see someone else making you so happy…I wanted it to be me…and with how we are or I guess were, with each other I thought that’s what you wanted too.” attempting to not sniffle as the tears trickle down your cheeks again, stinging your eyes and adding to the salt on your face.
Feeling a warmth on your right side and the pressure of a head resting on your shoulder, you lean into Chae and continue to silently cry a little harder.
Tears staining her hoodie as they fall, a hand reaches around you and holds your waist, lightly scratching in an attempt to comfort you.
“You’re right, you know.” matter of factly uttered through the breeze of the early morning hours surrounding you.
“About what?” lifting your head to look at her while she elaborates on what she means.
“That is what I wanted…I just didn’t think you wanted to try because you never said anything or reacted when I dropped hints” nervously from her shaky lips while her own tears fell, her face now matching yours in the same sorrow.
“What? When did you drop hints?” confusion layered your words heavily, racking your brain for Chae’s attempts to show her feelings, completely oblivious to any hints she might’ve dropped along the way.
“Come on, don’t pretend like you don’t remember. I would always hold your hand, cling to you, cuddle with you…we even made out a few times over the years.” frustrated at your lack of knowledge, even though she never blatantly told you the level of what she was experiencing.
“Chae, we were young…I thought you were just an affectionate person or that it wasn’t serious. Like how Sana is?” a weak attempt to defend yourself from not making a move or telling her sooner.
“Sana likes you.” cold, flat tone, maybe a hint of jealousy uttered from her lips, body language shifting to show a little discomfort.
“What?!” complete shock consumes you, trying to take in the overwhelming amount of data you just received.
“Yeah, that’s why I never invited her to hang out with us after the first time…I didn’t want her to be that close to you” grief weighs her voice down to a whisper, the confession fresh even after years.
“Chae why would yo-” hands cupping your face almost immediately. She presses her lips on yours, tears mix into a painful spiral of what could’ve been between you.
Stiffening at the contact, you aren’t really sure what to do at the moment. Fighting to not lean into it, but not wanting to pull away either. She pulls away for a second to look at your face before placing one hand on your hip, pulling you into her, laying her lip on you again.
Not being able to help yourself after years of pining, you melt into it, quickly turning heated as she slides her tongue in your mouth. Her hands feel so comfortable on your skin, wrapping around your waist under your shirt, fidgeting with the hem of your pants laid on your hips.
Pulling away to press her forehead against yours, her hand descends down into your underwear before she whispers into your mouth.
“Is this okay?” eye contact is absolutely excruciating, completely drenching you in the dream you were living. Nodding your head aggressively and pulling her back into you for more.
The passionate make out session she started completely derailing into a full blown hook up, moaning into her while she’s gathering your wetness on her fingers to make small circles on your clit, eliciting more of the sweet sounds she wished she heard years ago.
There’s no way you’ll get caught here, it’s almost 3 am and the sounds of the sea will cover any noise you make so you allow yourself to be loud for her so she can see how badly you need her and how badly you want her.
Chae slides a finger into you, eliciting a gasp that she swallows whole. Curling her fingers up, you’re grinding into her palm and chasing the pleasure she knew she was giving you.
Breaking from the kiss, laying her lips down your cheek to your jaw and then to your neck. Biting down on your pulse point coaxing more whines from you.
“That’s right, baby, let me hear you,” softly spoken into your ear before she ran her teeth over your lobe, tugging at the skin, and resting her chin on your shoulder before whimpering when she felt your hand rubbing into her over her sweat pants.
Suddenly pulling her finger out and replacing it with two, she takes your hand and pushes it into her harder so you can feel how wet she is under her sweatpants.
“Can I..?” half moaned, clenching around her digits tightly, pressing into her so the seam of her sweats hits just the right spot.
“Not yet, gotta take care of you first” whined into your neck, still pumping her fingers deep into you at a steady rhythm, you thrust into her hands as you feel the knot tightening into your stomach.
“Fuck, chae…I’m gonna cum” hips sputtering, let out a string of obscenities and moans out, next to her ear.
Chae immediately removes her hands from you, kisses you and stands up, unable to look you in the eyes.
“I’m sorry.” walking away and down the slope of the life guard tower, leaving you to figure out your feelings and question everything that’s ever happened between the two of you and wondering why she would fuck you just to leave you here feeling unloved and unwanted.
“Do you think dinner will be weird?” Sana asks from the passenger seat of your car as you pull into the parking garage in front of Jihyo’s apartment building.
“I don’t think so. At least I hope it’s not. It’s been a while since I have seen her, so I can avoid her through conversation with everyone else.” putting the car into park and looking over at your lovely girlfriend of a few months.
Her eyes soften, she knows the details of what happened that night at the beach. Sana knows how detrimental that memory is to you, but it was Jihyo’s birthday and you were a good friend. You weren’t going to miss it because of Chaeyoung.
“Alright, Honey. But if you get uncomfortable, please let me know. I don’t want you to put your own mental health at risk for the sake of a small party, okay?” Placing her hand on your cheek to make sure you keep eye contact with her.
Putting your hand on hers, you move it over and kiss her palm lightly. She giggles at you, before leaning in to lay her lips on yours.
“Thank you, baby.” smiling at her after pulling away, getting out of the driver's side door and walking around the other side to open hers, offering your hand out for her to hold while she steps out of the car, intertwining her fingers with yours and squeezing softly.
“Oh my god! Y/n! It’s been so long!” Jihyo runs at you and envelopes you in a bear hug before giving you a once over, taking in how you’re glowing and happy.
“You look good!” knowing the last time she saw you was when a week or two after the beach incident. You didn’t have to tell her what happened for her to understand who it involved and why you were distraught.
“I’m so happy to see you and that smile of yours again. Thank you for dragging her out of the house, Sana.” giving a wink and then passing you off to the others, giving them a chance to greet you.
Everyone gave a similar reaction to seeing you as Jihyo, except the one person you expected to barely interact with. A small wave behind an even smaller smile.
“It’s good to see you.” eyes on the floor, hands awkwardly fiddling with themselves, feet shuffling and biting the inside of her cheek. Her anxious tells were showing in full force and you weren’t the only one to notice it.
Sana places her hand on your lower back, rubbing small circles to soothe you through this uncomfortable exchange.
“Good to see you too, Chae.” before stepping away to gather with the rest of the girls to start the birthday festivities, finding you and Sana’s seats next to each other with Chaeyoung placed at the complete opposite end of the table.
Stepping outside for a second to get some fresh air, being too full to even think about the discomfort of Chaeyoung being within such close proximity. You lean against the railing of the patio taking in the calmness of the night sky when the door opens behind you and closes softly.
Without even having to look, you already know who’s present behind you. A long sigh expels from your lungs, you know what’s coming.
“We broke up… I broke up with him…I’ve been trying to get into contact with you since the night after…the beach.” stated before you could even blink.
Finding a place next to you on the railing, she pulls out a joint and lights it before trying to hand it to you. Politely declining, she takes a few pulls and then speaks again.
“After that night…I couldn’t get you out of my head. Every time he touched me, I wished it was you.” Glancing to see what emotions were present on your face, finding stoicism where love used to be.
“I blocked you that night, Chae…can we not do th-” she pushes your shoulder to open up your stance and takes a step towards you, getting close to your face trying to initiate something more than she should.
Tilting her head lightly and leaning into you as you take a huge step back from her, you tell her the absolute truth.
“Chae, we can’t do this. More importantly, I don’t want to do this. You had the opportunity and you wasted it. You used me that night at the beach for your own selfish gain and then left me there…alone. Cheating on your boyfriend and ruining our friendship on the same night…I don’t want to date someone like you.” stern in your words as you relive the night in your mind, again and again. Still grieving the past.
“I thought the love we had was pure and I’m trying to keep that memory alive so please, don’t remind me of what you did.” Stepping towards the door, pulling it open as fast as possible. You needed to get away from her. Now.
“I’m sorry.” muffled by her tears and the creaking of the hinges as you try to run away when she grabs your wrist and places something in your hands, not bothering to look at it before leaving her outside.
Not wanting to show your emotions to Sana, you rush into the bathroom before she can see the state you’re in.
Closing the door behind you and flipping the bright fluorescent lights on, you look into your hand and see a dried up beach rose that’s stained with dark crimson. You stare at it as you remember the thorns, looking at the tip of your finger where the scars were from that night.
Into the garbage it went as quickly as you saw it. Splashing cold water on your face, arms locked, leaning on the chilled porcelain sink trying to collect yourself so you can be present for the rest of the party when you hear a knock at the door.
“Baby? Are you in there?” the sweet voice warms your heart, as you turn the knob and crack the door to let Sana in.
“Oh, honey” immediately grabbing you to hold you while you silently sob into her. Rubbing your back and telling you that you were safe but you couldn’t help but keep wishing it was Chaeyoung. Always wishing it was Chaeyoung .
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aanoia · 1 year
Poly!marauders x reader, James Potter x reader, Remus Lupin x reader, Sirius Black x reader
Summary; the marauders had known their girlfriend smoked to dissipate the pain from her abusive family. They just didn't know how bad it could, and would get
Words; 1,400+
Warnings; serious TW, mentions of abuse, toxic asf family, drug abuse, weed, alcohol, whiskey, underage drinking and smoking, substance abuse, self harm, cuts, abuse (ish?), depression (not mentioned but apparent), seriously bad mental health
If you are easily triggered I advise you do not read this as it covers very serious topics.
I will be making a part 2 with a happy ending, because they exist and you deserve one, no matter how deep you've dug yourself into a hole.
Pt. 2
If you are struggling with mental health issues and need help call or text 988 to get in touch with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. If you are struggling with substance abuse and or mental health and need help call 1-800-662-4357 to get on the phone with an employee of SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. If you are being abused or neglecting by family members or someone else and need help call 800-799-7233 to get on the phone with some from the National Domestic Violence Hotline.
If you need help please reach out. Whether it be to one of the resources above, a trusted adult or friend, or me. I cannot speak for others around you but I can for me and I am here for every single one of you. You can talk to me no matter how small, large, serious, "dumb" ("" bc no problem is actually dumb), no matter what. I will sit and listen to you for hours. Almost everything mentioned in this story are things I have experienced. Abuse. Self harm. Substance abuse (smoking and drinking). And pushing away the people who want to help. I understand and will listen. You matter, and you are loved. It will get better, I promise. You can take my word for it. I love all of you, no matter who you are, and I beg you to reach out of you need someone to help bare the weight the world has given you. I'm here for you, and I'm proud of you for being here today, no matter how hard to was.
You are not alone.
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When James, Sirius, and Remus first found out their girlfriend was a borderline stoner, they seemed fine with it for the most part. James was indifferent, believing she wasn’t consuming a dangerous amount. Sirius was impressed and baffled, he spent weeks trying to figure out how she snuck the drug into Hogwarts, which had a strict policy against the use of substances. Every once in a while Sirius even joined Y/n in a smoking session. Remus, however, seemed to be the only one who was slightly worried, he knew all about unhealthy coping mechanisms and how addictive they are, but he chose to trust his girlfriend and left it alone, something he felt very guilty about later on.
Everything changed after the summer before sixth year. The four had kept in frequent touch, mourning over the fact that they couldn’t find a time to get together. Mid August Y/n had stopped responding to letters sent by her boyfriends, which worried them immensely. And when she arrived at platform 9 ¾, looking sickly pale and high out of her mind, they knew something was wrong. 
Stubborn as usual, Y/n proclaimed she was fine. Having lied and said that this was her first time doing any illegal substances, which includes alcohol and other drugs, in weeks, and she was just enjoying it. Each of the boys had a pit in their stomach, their girlfriends usually cheerful aura completely gone, seeming to have faded over the summer.
Sirius was the first to notice the problem with your smoking. He took into account the changes in your stash when he would join you every once in a while, the amount you had from one session into another completely decimating your lie about only smoking once or twice a week. 
Remus was the one who noticed your drinking problem. He had invited you on a study date with just him, James and Sirius being busy with quidditch practice, and you had showed up late. He didn’t mind, knowing you weren’t the most punctual person, but what he did mind was the strong scent of alcohol you had attempted to cover up with a spell. It hadn’t worked.
Now, poor oblivious James was the one to uncover the self harm scars on his beautiful girlfriend's body. It had been a rare time where you had decided to hang out with the boy, as you had been pulling away from the three at an alarming rate. So, James decided to make the most of it, not knowing the next time this would happen. His way of making the most of it was laying down in bed, bodies pressed up against each other and your chest steadily rose and fell. He had fallen into a light sleep before he was woken up as you adjusted your position, throwing your arm out to the side. He looked at you with a tired smile, grateful for this moment as his gaze traveled up your arm. His smile fell as his heart dropped. When you had stretched your arm out the sleeves of your jumper had ridden up your wrist, revealing the angry red cuts protruding from your skin. James felt tears prick his eyes, not knowing what to do.
Today was a particularly rough day for Y/n. She had received a letter from her parents, informing her that they wish she was never their daughter, and that she would find some creative way to die to rid them of their burden of a disgraceful daughter. It was no exaggeration to say she was out of it. Anyone with any common sense could tell as she stumbled through the Great Hall, smelling greatly of whiskey and weed, and anyone with a good nose (Remus, due to his furry problem, and Sirius, due to his furry gift) could sense the metallic smell of blood coating her skin.
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake.” Remus mumbled, standing up from his spot at the table, James and Sirius looking up quizzically. “I’m over this. We need to talk to her. Now.” He said and the boys nodded, standing up with him and walking to the girl. Sirius gently touched her shoulder, leading her out as she made a face of disgust at his closeness, causing his heart to twang. 
She had been so mean lately, and it was slowly shattering the boys’ heart, however, it was affecting Sirius the most. He missed his girl. The one who always cheered him up and provided him bucket loads of support when he was thrown to the curb and disowned.
They carefully led the girl into the boys’ empty dorm, and the three were thankful Peter decided to eat breakfast this morning instead of sleeping in. Y/n sat on the bed, reaching into her cloak and pulling out a shiny silver flask.
Remus scoffed and grabbed the flask from her hands, “Fucking no, Y/n.”
Anger flashed across the girls face, “The fuck is your problem?” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
He waved the flask in front of her face angrily, “This shit is! And the weed! And, baby,” His voice softened. “We know you’ve been cutting. Why won’t you let us in?”
She scoffed and stood up, snatching the flask from the boys hand, “Because it’s my fucking mind and you guys have no right to pretend you deserve to know what’s going on in it.” It was Sirius’ turn to scoff and Y/n looked over with raised eyebrows. “What, got a problem, Black?” She asked again.
“Yeah, I’ve got a fucking problem. You’re being a bitch.” He said angrily.
“Excuse you? I’m being a bitch?” She took a step closer. “Says fucking you, Sirius. The only bitch here is you. With your endless manipulation and fucking lies!”
“Okay, you need to calm down.” Remus said before Sirius could speak.
The only sound that could be heard was Y/n’s loud laughter. It lasted a moment before abruptly stopping as she threw the flask down and neared Remus. 
She placed her hands on his chest, smoothing down a wrinkle, “You guys are the ones freaking out when I’m.” She pushed him back, his eyes widened. “Fucking.” Push. “Fine.” His back hit the wall and James, who had been silent the entire time finally stepped in between the two, anger covering his features.
“Back off. We have done nothing but love you! We don’t deserve this shit, Y/n. You don’t have to tell us everything but a simple fucking explanation is due! Even if you won’t give us that you have no right, no right, to lay your hands on us, and I will not put up with this bullshit.” He said and it was silent. The boys held their breaths, hoping James’ speech got through to the Y/n as her and James had a staring contest.
Y/n smirked, “Look at you. The little bitch finally comes out of his shell, and spews utter bullshit.” She said flatly, moving to grab her flask and her bag which she had previously set on the bed. She walked to the door and paused, “We’re over, by the way. I’m leaving your sorry asses.” And she walked out.
The moment the door shut James' body shook with silent sobs and Remus wrapped his arms around the boy, resting his head in between his shoulder blades. Sirius joined the hug, squeezing tightly as a few stray tears of his own left his eyes. 
The three stood there, hugging each other tightly as they cried in each other's arms. They had no choice now but to watch the girl they loved most slowly kill herself, for a reason unknown to them.
Unbeknownst to them, the girl slid down the backside of the door, hand covering her mouth to silence her sobs. She knew it was getting bad and she knew those boys cared about her and wanted to help and she fucking pushed them away, afraid they would turn out to be like her parents. Cruel and abusive. She regretted leaving the moment the door slammed shut, her mind immediately sobering up as she realized what she had done. She just lost the three most important people in her life, people who loved her, if they still could after her cruel words.  In that moment she realized the most terrifying thing. The thing that haunted her nightmares and fueled her addictions. In all her attempts to cut her parents from her life and forget about them. She had become them.
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pedgito · 2 years
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continuously updated ꙰ last updated: 12.19.2022
the * indicates smut, minors dni.
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(*) alone, in my mind (14k words)
(*) our little secret (1.7k words)
(*) rentals & records (11.4k words)
(*) reader gets hot & heavy with Eddie in his van (blurb)
(*) eddie begs reader about babies (1.1k words)
(*) eddie & his soft/sadistic girlfriend (1.9k words)
(*) shower sex shenanigans (2k words)
lovesick & touchstarved eddie (1.5k)
(*) eddie reacts to reader’s nipple piercings (tiny blurb)
(*) eddie’s flirty tutor, strip game
(*) spitting kink with eddie
(*) high sex with eddie
(*) take it slow (3k words)
mute!reader & eddie’s crush confessions (1.8k words)
(*) reader catches eddie masturbating (2.5k words)
(*) shy sub!eddie (2.4k words)
(*) break up sex with eddie [pt2] (2.6k words)
(*) eddie with a tongue piercing
(*) reader buys weed from eddie, has never smoked in the entire life (5k words)
(*) ghostface!eddie (15k words)
vamp!eddie x hunter!reader (4k words), (*) p2
eddie teasing reader over stuffed bear (2k words)
(*) eddie going down on reader in his throne chair (3k words)
(*) brat!reader and slight dom!eddie
(*) shy/quiet reader forcing herself to stay silent during sex
(*) manhandling and rough!eddie
eddie breaks into reader’s apartment on accident
(*) oral fixation/hand kink (5k words)
(*) reader edging eddie
eddie helping drunk reader on halloween
(*) dirty little secret (5.5k words)
(*) dacryphilia
(*) double trouble [munson twins] (8.3k words)
eddie taking dick pics for the reader to use (festive dick pics, part 2)
(*) squirting with eddie
eddie catches reader showering at his place
(*) dad!eddie x babysitter!reader (5.6k words)
(*) rockstar!eddie x clueless to who he is!reader
(*) eddie’s sex preferences
(*) stuckup!reader & gross!eddie hate fuck
reader commenting on eddie’s eyes (fluff)
(*) perv!/dom eddie and breath play on him
eddie in the short gym shorts (blurb)
reader buys eddie new clothes
neighbor!reader, eddie doesn’t notice her for years
(*) naughty shenanigans in a closet (cum sharing)
(*) eddie & reader / fluid bonding
(*) uncut!eddie
(*) mean!eddie mocking during sex
(*) friends to benefits turned lovers
(*) modern!eddie gets readers nudes by accident
(*) finished — don't hang up (p1, p2, p3)
(*) finished — forbidden fruit [professor!eddie] (p1, p2, p3, p4)
(*) ongoing — faking it [fake dating au] (p1)
(*) finished — camera shy [camboy!eddie] (p1, p2)
(*) ongoing — simple rules [single dad!eddie] (p1, p2)
reader convinces steve to adopt a cat (blurb)
(*) spin the bottle with reader gets complicated (3.6k words)
(*) oral fixation and messing around while high
(*) dick measuring contest
(*) hate fucking enjolras (traitor!reader)
(*) bestfriend!reader edging tom
(*) morning sex with tom
(*) soft dom!tom
(*) chambermaid!reader and paul (infidelity)
2K notes · View notes
tangerinesgf · 1 month
yooo, could you write for Thom Ryder (or whatever his name is ) someee maybe hurt/comfort stuff. Cause I love your writings!!!,💋🙏
Tom Ryder x GN!reader
Summary: Tom Ryder is an addict. But only the person closest to him knows that.
Tags/Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Some fluff, Paranoia, mentions of drugs and alcohol.
A/N: Yaaayy my first Tom Ryder fic!! Tysm for your request. I'm having so much fun writing for this man. I hope you like it. Also Tom Ryder is British right? Correct me if I'm wrong here pls, his accent was so confusing to me
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It was the night after Tom Ryder’s big movie premiere. Or well one of them. Another big blockbuster on his name, another couple million dollars in the bank and like every big occasion in Ryder’s life it called for a party. As his partner you have been to all the premiere's with him. From London to Paris and even Tokyo, all the way back to L.A. You were by his side through it all. The good and the bad. 
Tonight was all good. He just had a busy press tour behind him and was finally ready to unwind. He invited all of his friends and their friends to his house, or as he called it his ‘kingdom’. 
The first few hours you stuck to each other like glue, laughing dancing, ofcours a bit of flirting and kissing too. After a while you told him you were gonna go to the bathroom for a second and after some serious looks that told him that he couldn’t come with you.
When you came back Tom wasn’t in his usual spot anymore, but you didn’t really think anything of it. He was probably outside smoking weed or hanging around with his friends.
At some point during the evering you started to miss your boyfriend and started looking for him across the dancefloor, expecting to find him grinding with some random person he just met.
You’ve come to find his behaviour when high or drunk to be quite predictable. Whenever you found him dancing with another girl he’s quite genuinely confused, saying sorry over and over again, because he thought he was dancing with you. Though you couldn’t entirely blame him for it since he was high off his nuts and completely disoriented. Besides that, he was absolutely adorable while begging for your forgiveness.
Inside that asshole he protrayed himself to be was just an insecure little boy who didn’t get enough validation from his parents. 
So here you were searching his entire loft, shoving people aside left and right to find Ryder, which wasn’t nearly as easy as it appeared to be. His loft was huge with multiple bedrooms, bathrooms and just random rooms filled with whatever crazy thing Tom wanted to try this time.
As his girlfriend you were often at his place, which means you were there last week when he turned one of his rooms into a small makeshift jungle for his new Koala. You gave it 2 weeks max before animal protection would show up at his front door. 
His loft felt like an absolute madhouse everytime he held a party there, the music was deafening and the smell of weed and alcohol hung in the air. You were pretty sure Tom didn’t even know half of the people in his house right now. 
To your surprise he wasn’t shagging up with some random girl, in fact he was nowhere to be found at the party. Usually you’d stick by him during parties like this, especially when there were drugs involved. So when you couldn’t find him with his usual group of friends and he hadn’t come to find you, you knew something was wrong. 
You abandoned the party downstairs and went to find the actor upstairs where the guests weren’t allowed. The bedroom was empty, as was his second bedroom and the room he uses to practice his scenes (that particular room had a huge mirror).
“Tom? Love?” You call out in the hallway as you walk past all his movie posters. Then suddenly you stop in your tracks as you hear a voice coming from the bathroom, it sounds like Tom talking to someone, but there’s no other voice talking back. Like he’s all alone in there. 
Silently you walk over to the bathroom, the last thing you wanted to do was scare him right now. The door was open just a bit as you leaned beside it, looking through the little slit in the door. Tom was pacing the room back and forth like madman. You couldn’t exactly hear what he was saying because most of it came out hastily in a mumble. 
You decided to approach him carefully since you had no real perception of the state he was in right now. Ever so softly you knock on the bathroom door to announce your presence. At the sound Ryder’s head immediately snaps up in your direction, he looks like a deer caught in headlights with those wide eyes.
In a split second he grabs his hairbrush from the shelf above the sink and holds it in front of him like you would a knife. Ofcours you knew he wouldn’t get very far with that, but right now you just wanted to make him feel comfortable so you hold your hands up in the air to show him you mean no harm.
“Tom..” You say softly as you take a step closer to him. The beads of sweat on his forehead become apparent to you as do his frantic eyes which are constantly scanning every part of the room for threats. 
His movements are erratic as he holds the brush out in front of him and you wonder if he even reconizes you as his partner at this moment. “Stay back- I know why you’re here… I know it. Where are your friends, hm?” He raises his eyebrow at you, skeptical of your intentions. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” A frown appears on your face as he starts ranting nonsense. You were well aware of Ryder’s drug problem, but you really hated seeing him like this. The poor guy was really in a miserable state.
It had all started quite innocent, just one joint to take the edge off before a press tour or a premiere, you even did it with him sometimes. Then at parties he started to dance on the edge of safe and dangerous. Taking more and more different kinds of drugs with the excuse of ‘just experimenting’. 
In the last couple of weeks you’ve found him throwing up in the bathroom, pale as a ghost more than once. You’ve tried to offer advice but he never wants to hear it. He’s Tom Ryder. He can do whatever he wants. 
“Don’t pretend you don’t know. You came all the way up here to get me alone, right? So there’d be no witnesses when you kill me.” The brush is shaking in his hands and his words are quick, full of distrust towards you.
You can tell it’s bad this time. You’ve never seen him so paranoide before and it’s seriously concerning. Lately one or two hits just aren’t enough for him anymore, it’s like he’s trying to numb himself. From what you wouldn’t know, he’s not exactly open about his flaws and weaknesses. That’s vulnerability and that’s bad. 
“No I’m not-” You step closer, but he cuts you off by throwing the brush in your direction which you just barely manage to dodge. You look at him with wide eyes and before he can grab the bar of soap from the sink to throw that as well you rush over to him to grab his wrists.
“Tom, listen to me- fuck..” You mutter as he struggles against you, trying to push you off him. 
“What do you want from me?!” Ryder shouts desperately. Even after doing all those movies and action scenes he has really no idea how to fight, so most of his attempts to fight you off go nowhere. 
“It’s me, Tom. No one is trying to kill you!” You yell as you finally manage to remove the bar of soap from his hands. You quickly reach your hands up to cup his face. With closed eyes you take some deep breaths to slow down your heart rate. You weren’t exactly sober either, so you took a moment to steady yourself before looking back at him.
It wasn’t that you didn’t understand where the paranoia came from, ofcours you did. Tom Ryder is the most famous actor in the world, everyone who didn’t want to be with him, wanted to be him. Let’s just say that both of you have experienced first hand how far some people are willing to go for celebrities. 
Yet when sober Tom didn’t seem necessarily concerned about it, more annoyed or angry when another fan tried to touch or attack him. And don’t get it wrong, Tom loves the attention and validation, but he doesn’t exactly want those crazies near him.
“Hey, hey look at me, yeah? Look at me.” Your voice is demanding and his eyes immediately snap back towards yours. His sunglasses do a poor job of hiding his wide blown, red eyes. 
“You’re okay.” You gently stroke his cheek with your thumb to try and calm him down like you’ve done countless times before. “You’re okay..” You repeat in a softer tone, a small smile spread across your lips.  
“Baby?” He whispers quietly. His eyes have softened and you can feel the man you love coming back to you. 
“Mhm..” You hum softly. “No one’s going to kill you, I promise.” 
You notice Tom’s eyes starting to water a little as he realizes everything is okay and that you’re with him to keep him safe. He holds his head down in shame.  “I’m sorry..” His voice barely comes out as a whisper as he leans forwards and buries his face in your chest. 
You wrap one arm around him, the other gently stroking his messy blonde hair to comfort him. He’s always had a weak spot for you when you played with his hair. 
“And I’m sorry I tried to hit you with my hairbrush.” He mumbles again.
“I know, love..” You whisper back as you hold him close. Then without warning Tom starts sobbing into your chest, it sounds broken and helpless. Every single thought inside his head just spilt over, unable to keep it in anymore, yet also unable to actually talk about it. 
You pull him into a tight hug, leaning his head on your shoulder as you rub his back. You’ve never seen him this vulnerable before and while it felt a little bit weird, it also felt good that he trusted you enough to let himself be vulnerable with you.
For now you'd just hold him, let him air his heart as long as he needs to. You can both work on your issues later. In this moment being in the comfort of each other's arms is enough.
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A/N: I'm a firm believer that Tom Ryder swings both ways, but cannot hold a normal stable relationship to save his life. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this and please if you have any Tom Ryder requests send them in.
I don't have a Taglist for Tom Ryder fanfics yet, so if you wanna be on it lemme know.
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aita for playing my music/turning up my tv insanely loud in response to my neighbors?
this may be a bit venty. i'm sorry. i've been dealing with this for 5 years
i (23) live in a 3-tiered apartment complex where i'm in the middle, with an upstairs and downstairs neighbour. they both suck for different reasons, but this is mostly focused on my upstairs neighbour, who is a (hobbyist) dj. he's from the caribbean (which is a reason i don't want to get the landlord involved who is very racist), constantly plays deafeningly loud music with thumping beats that he shouts over into a mic. this is a near daily thing where i usually have to end up banging on the ceiling or yelling at him through it to turn it down because it shakes my entire apartment and scares my cats. i've tried talking to both him and his girlfriend multiple times over the five years i've lived here and neither of them care enough to stop. they also have monthly parties where they cram 15 people into their apartment and he djs the entire time until 1 am. these people are in their 30's or 40's btw, way too old to act like this. i'd move but this is the only affordable apartment for me in town, it's walking distance to my work, and it's crazy cheap for what it is, about $500 usd for a full 2 bedroom apartment, so despite being miserable here i can't afford to go anywhere else. at this point whenever he starts blaring music (which starts sometimes as early as 8 am as soon as his gf leaves for work) i turn on my own music so loud it hurts my ears (making sure my cats aren't in the room ofc) and he usually gets the idea after a bit and turns his down. i also play my music very loudly even if he hasn't been noisy that day, just because i feel like it and he's done it enough that i'm just generally pissed about it all the time. admittedly i also do this to bother my downstairs neighbour too who is a 60-something year old asshole who constantly berates me over tiny things, threatens to call the cops on me for many reasons including my cats keeping him awake, running my dishwasher too early in the morning, and parking in my driveway too close to his window. also, once my upstairs neighbour put burning coals from his fireplace into a plastic garbage bin and put it right next to the WOODEN stairs to his balcony and nearly caught the complex on fire. when i noticed this and went out to the stairway to yell that there was a fire in the garbage bin my downstairs neighbour came out and got mad at me for yelling and waking him up over a fucking fire, if you want to know how unreasonable both these assholes are. my downstairs neighbour also smokes indoors, making the entire complex and outside smell like cig smoke and weed which makes me sick bc i have bad lungs. my room is right above his as well so it sometimes seeps in through the vents forcing me to sleep in the living room. i've also tried talking to him multiple times and he doesn't give a shit and he's friends with the landlord so he never gets in trouble for any of this. he is also super racist and has called my upstairs neighbour the n word
both of my neighbors hate me so i don't care if anything i do bothers them i just wanna know if the music in response to my neighbours being shitty is an asshole move lol
What are these acronyms?
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Luke Hughes x Crossed Girlfriend (Sophie) As promised, the Luke x crossed girlfriend I promised before my midterms ended!
"LuLuuuu!" A sing-song voice is what greets the youngest two of three Hughes brothers, both freshly home from a week on the road.
"What is that- is that pot?" Jack is the one to question, his brows furrowed in confusion as he turns to his little brother. "Since when does your girlfriend smoke pot?"
"She only does socially," Is Luke's awkward answer, scratching at the back of his neck. "Like, when she's drinking with her girls."
"Are you not Lukey? Are you Jacky then?" Her softer voice calls, bringing a smile to Luke's face that makes Jack want to hurl.
"It's me Baby," Luke calls back, slipping out of his shoes and dropping his bag on top. "Just getting back."
His body follows the familiar path to the living room, used to the little routine that he and Sophie follow after every game she can't attend.
No matter how much fight he puts up, she's always sitting on the sofa waiting for him. Whether she's awake or not, now that's usually another story.
Tonight though she's wide awake, and by the looks of it, has been busy.
"Did you have a good night Soph?" Jack's teasing joins the couple as Luke squats in front of his girlfriend, tucking her stray hair behind her ear.
"Yes!" She yells out, only earning a shush from her boy. "The girls and I went to a party on campus! I hadn't been in a while, though," She continues, pausing in thought, "I think I had too much."
"Too much of what, Baby?"
"You have pretty curls," Is her distracted response, running her hand through the curls on his head and choosing one to fixate on.
"Baby," Luke is trying again, taking her hands into his own in an attempt to limit distractions. "What did you have tonight that has you so giggly?"
"I had wine," She giggles, "That one with the red fruit on the label!"
"Your cranberry fruitscatto, yeah," Luke nods, knowing it's her favorite. "But did you have anything else?"
She's giggling again, pulling him in with his hoodie ties to be closer to him. "I may have had some weed."
"I can smell it in your hair," He can't help but chuckle, turning to his brother, who is still standing amused in the entry. "Can you keep an eye on her for minute so I can grab her different clothes and stuff?"
"You mean, can I babysit my future sister-in-law? Yeah, no problem," the older Hughes assures, dropping onto the couch and throwing his arm around said girl. "So, Soph, tell me about this party-"
And while Jack is giving her a hard time, Luke knows that he cares and he knows that his little adventure for supplies that will make the morning much easier for the three of them.
And uncomfortable Sophie always leads to an uncomfortable Jack.
And an overwhelmed Luke.
Soph doesn't go out, she considers going out to be sitting with the other girlfriends and wives at Devils games, but whenever she does, she makes it easy for him.
A black and white Devil's sweatshirt (his sweatshirt) and her matching polka dot pajama pants sit neatly folded on her side of the bed, her make-up wipes on top.
He knows exactly where she keeps the aspirin, right in the same first aid bin as her Midol and the bandaids.
Luke can hear her giggles from whatever story Jack is telling, probably another one from their childhoods, but he knows they can go over stories in the morning. Right now she needs sleep.
"Jack, can you herd her in here for me?"
It takes a moment, as expected, but soon enough Jack's goofy smiling is in the doorway, an equally goofy smile on his glitter-covered girlfriend, a clear sign her dress had probably been shedding all over the apartment.
"Delivery, one crossed Sophie ready to order," Jack jokes, physically handing the girl over as she giggles.
"I'm not a pizza," She can't stop the giggles now, and Luke is positive this the most inebriated he's seen her in their 2 years of dating.
"No, you're not, you're my pretty girl and we need to get into pjs so we can go to bed," Luke answers, taking her into his arms and plopping her on the bed.
His gaze floats to his brother, no words passed between but it's written in Jack's smile what he's thinking.
This girl really will be his sister-in-law one day.
"I'll get her some water while you two change up," Jack offers, pulling the door shut before Luke can even thank him.
And he's gone.
"Pj time?"
"Pj time," Luke confirms, pulling her into a standing position. "Can I take this off?"
"You'll get glitter on you!" Is Sophie's protest, being barely able to finish the thought before giggling.
"Baby please? You'll be so much comfier."
But this time, she nods.
"Baby, a verbal yes, please."
"Yes, you can help me with pj time," She nods with a giddy smile, already trying to wiggle out of her dress.
His hands slide down her sides slowly, making her wiggle even more intensely as the dress flows down with his fingers.
"Okay, now your-" And he was about to say bra, but she beat him to it, unclipping her bra in what must be record time for someone in her state and leaving her in just her panties. "Well, that helps with our progress."
It continues like that, his soft encouragements and hands helping her with her every move. The drag of the sweatshirt over her head, the pull of her pajama bottoms up her legs and over her hips.
To the cool makeup wipes washing away everything from the night.
Just in time for the knocks on the door signaling Jack's return. "I have her water!"
"Come on in, J!"
"You boys are too good to me," Sophie mumbles out, smiling sleepily.
"It's just cause you're lovable, Kid," Jack is saying in a joking manner, although he hands her her water, other hand occupying a mug. "I brought her tea too. I know that's helped her in the past."
"Thank you, Jacky," Is her smiley reply, taking the water first and the pill that is now being handed over from her boyfriend.
"To pussy and gunpowder. Live by one, die by the other....and love the smell of both!" Down goes both the pills and the water, going down like a shot while both boys stare in shock.
"Who taught you that shot call?"
"The girls!"
"I need to spend more time with these girls," Is Jack's cheeky response, earning Luke's eye roll.
He knows these girls. They'd eat Jack alive.
"I'm going to get her into bed, we'll see you in the morning," Is the youngers excuse to kid his brother out, but Soph is already curling under the covers, arms reaching out desperately for her curly haired boy.
And Luke concedes, crawling in and pulling her tightly into his chest.
All Jack can do is smile, shaking his head at the couple and turning off the lights.
"I'll see you two tomorrow."
"We love you Jacky!"
And he can't help but chuckle.
"I love you both too, Sunshine."
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not-alien-girl-v · 8 months
Caramel (Ross Macdonald)
warning: language, reference to the inseam incident that i will never elaborate more on but love to reference over and over again
note: continues in this fluffy lil mini series that sorta starts here. i think i might continue this into a little mini series because i like this dynamic and i think i need more of y/n and ross in this universe. if you want to, you can imagine all the ross one shots i write all exist in the same universe cuz that’s what i do.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
it’s been 2 days since ross forcefully entered came to check in on you at your shared apartment with violet. you’re still on your period, so of course, you’re still finding it difficult to look ross in the eye without succumbing to your wildest dreams, so instead you made plans that are essentially a huge turn-off for you: hanging out with his friends.
“do i do eyeliner for this? is this, like, an eyeliner occasion?” violet questions while pretending she’s not as frantic as she truly is. she sits on the bathroom counter, having knocked over a few things on her climb up but you decided not to pester her about it.
“it really depends on who you plan on talking to.” you are sitting in the empty bathtub, fully clothed and a throw pillow hugged to your stomach. the bathroom door is closed and violet forgot to put on music so both your voices fill up the room, slightly echoing with enough enunciation.
“give me a run through again?” she pleads. you���ve done it twice, so you assume this last time is the last time but for real this time.
“first there’s adam, he has a girlfriend so he doesn’t care. then there’s george-“
“that’s the other big one, right? the blond?”
“we’ll he’s not actually blond, it’s just bleached. and very fried too. so if you’re into a man with a thicker head of hair, then you’d want to go for matty. but he comes with his own things to think about.”
“i’m skipping ahead, sorry. so george, he’s very nice, very sweet guy, he is the other big one, he’s 6’4. smokes a lot of weed, like a lot. aside from his occasional forgetfulness from that, he’s very kind, very polite and respectful, very much a feminist. and he loves dogs.”
“well, i’m more of a cat person.”
“and you’re out of luck there. all his friends are dog people. you’ll have to adjust. anyways, then there’s matty. he’s like the ‘wattpad bad boy’ of the friend group, i think he got voted most likely to be a mafia boss and purchase a girl named ‘y/n’ from her junkie mother.”
“can you maybe like tell me something relevant about him?”
“that is relevant. he’s a little shorter, curly hair, a lot of tattoos, i mean, they all do. i think george might have the most, actually. he’s a bit of a dick at times and i know he means well or he’s mean in a comedic manner but more than often he just gets on my nerves and i know you have a much shorter temper than i do.”
“so you’re saying i should try to talk to george more.”
“i’m saying you should be careful. men are unpredictable and weird. and gross. you heard about the inseam incident, didn’t you?”
she visibly shudders. “god, how could i forget? fucking grotesque…”
she turns back to meet her own reflection in the mirror, staring blankly, but soon realizes how easily you dodged her original question. “wait, so eyeliner or no eyeliner?”
you give her a long, studying look. “eyeliner.”
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
you hold the door open for violet, always feeling like a gentleman to her damsel whenever she’s around. the inside of the boys’ house is much warmer than outside, and it feels like home, if home was a set temperature.
matty and george bicker over something in front of the tv, a case of dvds, maybe. adam is balls deep in conversation with his girlfriend, carly, while he pets allen, george’s matty’s dog. ross is in the kitchen grabbing a soda and a beer when he turns around at the noise of the door being opened.
“there’s my girl!” he exclaims, seemingly tipsy before the party has even begun. he drops both beverages on the kitchen island and circles around to give violet a brief side hug and you a much more substantial one. he squishes you in so tight you feel your ribs crack and splinter under the weight of it and he’s warm like a home should be. “good to see you, violet, you ready to meet my mates? they’ve been giddy about your arrival all day.”
“fuck off, we have not!” matty hollers over his shoulder and while his head is turned, george swiftly sticks a dvd of his own choice into the player and stands up, fleeing from the scene of the crime. he dusts his hands off on his jeans and reaches out to help his friend off the floor.
once matty realizes what has been done, his jaw drops in offense, and pettily, pushes g’s hands away and reluctantly stands up on his own. he stretches his arms up high and his back and elbows crack in the process. you’re much more used to his antics than violet, so you know he’s only doing this action to make the bottom of his t-shirt ride up, revealing his happy trail and his sexy tattoos.
this isn’t just some weird head-canon you have for him, you’ve actually heard him admit to this trick before when attempting to woo a woman.
ross leads the two of you over to the three men loitering the living room. “violet, this is adam,” adam doesn’t stand as the dog is in his lap, but he gives a humble wave that suffices, “matty,” violet doesn’t need to be pointed to who matty is. he stands and smiles widely and wraps violet in a hug.
“bold,” you mutter. matty flips you off behind violet’s back. you roll your eyes but he doesn’t catch it.
george approaches then, exuding a strange energy you’d never seen before. not from him at least. “and i’m george,” he extends a hand for a firm handshake, and when you watch violet agree to it, you can see him squeeze her hand just a smidge too tight.
they both are so weird. why can’t they just act normal around your friend?
“why are you two acting like freaks?” ross speaks the words right from your mouth and you feel a strong sense of adoration for him the way he can just simply share a thought of yours.
“no reason. anyway, we’re watching 'monster house,'" george dismisses and fetches the beer ross had been in the process of grabbing for him. while in the kitchen, he grabs two more sodas, holding both the cans perfectly in one large hand and you wonder what it must be like to possess such an ability.
ross drops down onto one end of the large couch, leaning into the arm of it and matty gets comfortable on a single arm chair, not leaving much opportunity to sit near violet and you start observing the weird male hierarchy that is already set in place when a new female is introduced to the ecosystem. were they like when you first met them all? you never bothered to ask, it never happened across your mind.
george returns with the sodas and hands one to you and one to violet, ever the gentleman, and sits down on the other side of the largest couch in the room.
“hey, wasn’t that coke supposed to be mine?” ross complains.
“there’s only two left. and y/n and violet are guests, so if y/n would like to share with you, that’s on her.”
ross sticks his tongue out at george’s back when he turns to fuss with the remote. you join the men on the couch, sitting a distance from ross and he immediately pulls you closer than close, you’re basically on his lap at this point. you’re confused at this sudden pda but then you notice it gives violet enough room to squeeze in right next to george on the couch. stupid unspoken male hierarchy rules.
you hand the soda to ross, not even having to ask or say anything at all, he knows it’s his official boyfriend duty to crack it open for you. he does exactly that, stealing a sip of it before handing it back. you squint at him.
you are sly when you side eye violet and george, completely eavesdropping on their gentle conversation but acting like you’re caught up in your own with your boyfriend. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say ross was listening in as well. you’re so in sync with him.
“i moved here after high school, my family is back in california,” you hear violet inform him and george looks all too interested.
“that explains the accent. it’s not everyday you hear an american, especially around here. why didn’t you go somewhere cooler like london?”
“y/n and i used to live there but then she started studying here so we made the move together. and sorry about the whole accent. it sounds a little silly compared to you guys, i know.”
“it’s not silly at all. i’ve actually always found it quite sexy, the american speak.”
it would sound like a load of bullshit if it were coming from anyone else but george is always so sincere in every word he says, you decide to leave them be for now.
you turn back to the man next to you. “can i kiss you?”
he scrunches his eyebrows, “since when do you need to ask?”
“i’m wearing lipstick. it’s gonna get on you. it might be… i don’t know… embarrassing.”
“why would it be embarrassing to have visible proof i just kissed a girl?”
“so that’s a yes, then?”
“kiss me any time. i love your lipstick. get it all over me if you want to.”
you decide to take that as a challenge and use both your hands to hold him down still, kissing every inch of his face that isn’t covered by the dark, coarse hair of his beard.
it takes him by surprise, so he sits still in shock for a few moments, letting you make a complete mess on his face, before finally retaliating, grabbing your face this time and kissing you properly.
“ew, get a room,” you didn’t even notice matty in the corner on the chair, now wrapped up in a thick blanket and pile driving a bowl of popcorn completely solo, looking like a young girl menstruating for the very first time.
ross wraps his arms around you, cradling you protectively into his neck. “mind your business, dickwad. watch the movie.” you mumble something into ross’s neck and he lets you loose so you can speak up. “what’s that?”
“douche canoe.”
he cackles in laughter, “yeah, you’re a douche canoe.”
matty rolls his eyes and you’re more than content with his irritation, so you finally give it a rest and cuddle back into ross, enjoying his warmth since matty stole both of the couch blankets.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @indierockgirrl @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @americanangel @butyou-callmewhenyourebored
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sunsuns-babie · 4 months
If I Get My Way {K.SUNOO x F!READER}
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2 HOT 4 U
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Y/n Marsh: Sophomore @/Decelis Uni, Music Education Major (Studying to be Composer or Producer later), Anti-Romantic, Doesn’t want to date again because of her ex, Taylor Swift fan, Kind of jaded more so towards people that aren’t her inner circle, friends with Lee Heeseung and Jang Wonyoung
Anton Lee: Sophomore @/Decelis Uni, Graphic Design Major (chose it for fun), Rich as fuck, Spoils his friends with his riches after bullying them (lovingly) for being poor, Just here for the vibes, Acts like he hates everyone in their circle but wouldn’t actually trade them for anyone else… even if they’re annoying, Wannabe cowboy
Ning Yizhuo: Junior @/Decelis Uni, Game Design Major (Studying to be a video game developer), Delulu, Fangirl for the Uni’s top male figure skater Park Sunghoon, Publicly declares her love for him, Fights the voices in her head that tell her to be crazy (and loses), Realistically she’s more tame she’s just a mega Sunghoon fangirl online
Jennifer Huh aka Yunjin: Junior @/Decelis Uni, Music Major (Studying to help her with her aspirations of being an artist), Beefing with Beomgyu 25/8 over Y/n, Likes Girls (Generation), Hates Men (secretly likes only the ones in her friend group), BIG Taylor Swift fan, Had a crush on Y/n at one point in time
Stephen Yoon aka Keeho: Junior @/Decelis Uni, Computer Engineering Major (who knew he was smart), Horniest motherfucker to ever exist, Acts like a manwhore but actually doesn’t sleep around, His hand is his best friend, Flirty when he wants to be, Smokes Weed
Karina Yu aka Jimin: Senior @/Decelis Uni, Music Education Major (Studying more towards being a choreographer rather than producer like Y/n), MOTHER in both ways, Hottest Girl on campus, Has fanboys and a fan club, Takes care of the group, Y/n’s roommate, Cooks for everyone, Tutors local kids and people on campus for money
Hwang Yeji: Senior @/Decelis Uni, Dance Major (Studying so she can teach others how to dance and maybe open up her own school), Dating Shin Ryujin, Sort of friends but not that close to Sunoo’s group of friends because of her girlfriend, The most mentally sane next to Karina, Works at a cat cafe
Choi Beomgyu: Junior @/HYBE Uni, Music Education Major (Studying to help him produce his own music and become an artist), He’s very much gay and into men but is Y/n’s biggest simp, Everyone thinks he might be bi with how much he loves Y/n, He himself doesn’t even know if he’s joking anymore about being in love with her or if he actually is…, A crackhead metaphorically he’s actually scared of drugs
Choi Yeonjun: Senior @/HYBE Uni, Fashion Design Major (has a passion for fashion), Acts like a manwhore and is one, sleeps around on his campus, doesn’t want an actual relationship just wants a good fuck, Smokes weed with Keeho, Always knows about parties happening at both HYBE & Decelis
Choi Soobin: Senior @/HYBE Uni, Early Childhood Education Major (he’s a softie cutie pie who loves kids), Y/n’s ex boyfriend, doesn’t like social media but has accounts for Y/n, #1 Hater of Y/n’s Ex after him, Clingy towards Y/n, Awkward & Nerdy but oh so cute, Has a secret girlfriend that only Yeonjun & Y/n know about, Is a tutor for elementary school kids
masterlist | profiles (2)
IN WHICH: Kim Seonwoo aka Sunoo is a Sophomore at Decelis University and has a crush on the pretty Music Education Major Y/n Marsh. Seems like a match made in heaven since he’s also a Music Education Major and has had a crush on her since Freshman year when he met her at orientation… well sort of. He’s a little delusional about her but that’s okay, right? When finally given the opportunity to get to know her and potentially date her some weird things start happening that Sunoo doesn’t quite understand… which leads to the postponement of his grand plan to confess his feelings for Y/n. At the end of the day does he get the girl or does he miss out and think of what could’ve been?
ALSO IN WHICH: Sunoo and Y/n’s friends also have their own storylines and side quest relationships happening simultaneously with theirs.
A/N: There’s probably spelling errors somewhere in this post but I tried to catch & fix most of them.
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bibiwrld · 8 months
Nerdy Loser Anakin Skywalker!— Jealous! pt. 1
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Pairing: Nerdy loser Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Content warning: Fluff, angst, cursing, slight jealousy, cheating???
Sydnee trudged out of her last lecture for the day, one strap of her backpack slung over her shoulder as she walked all the way to the other side of the campus to meet Chloe, Lilian, Sydnee's roommate, and Dakota, a girl from the the basketball team, who were smoking a joint and waiting for her by the tennis court.
"Waddup?" She dapped up Dakota, taking the joint from her.
"Tired as shit." Dakota replied.
Sydnee leaned against the fence like the others, watching June and some guy play a tennis match, it sounded more like a grunting match.
"I feel you." She took a long drag from the joint, the familiar warm feeling spreading around her chest. Slowly releasing the smoke, she passed the joint to Chloe.
"Where's your little boyfriend today?" Lilian teased, leaning over to look at Sydnee.
Sydnee was in the middle of fixing her two afro puffs. "I don't know what the hell you’re talking about.
Chloe chuckled, taking a small pull of the joint and passed it off to Lilian. "He totally has a crush on you, it’s so obvious. He slipped up and called you his girlfriend when I hung out at his place the other day.”
She tensed up, a wave of guilt rushing over her. “We’re just friends.”
"Didn't you suck his dick?" Dakota asked with a raised brow.
Jesus, did everyone know about that night? Can’t tell Chloe anything.
Sydnee paused her movements. "It was one time."
They all giggled, swarming around her.
"Oh God, get off." Sydnee laughed.
They got off her and went back to their positions on the fence.
Lilian gave Dakota the joint. “And you fucked him too.”
Sydnee ran both hands over her face, remembering that intimate moment.
“So you’re fuck buddies—” Dakota tried piecing it together.
“Who like each other.” Lilian and Chloe finished, followed by a laugh.
"I'm just not ready for a relationship, you know?" She crossed her arms.
"Well, you should tell Anakin that." Chloe said, looking straight ahead. "He's coming over here right now."
That caught her off guard. "What?" She looked in the direction Chloe was staring in. There he was, walking around the court to the group of girls.
“What are you so afraid of?” Lilian asked softly. “If you like each other, it should work, Syd.”
Sydnee didn’t answer, but it was on the tip of her tongue.
The rotation finally made it back to Sydnee. The joint rested between her index and middle fingers, taking a small pull before Anakin was by them.
"Hi." He waved at the 2 girls, with a scrunched up nose because of the smell of the weed.
Lilian and Dakota waved back with broad smiles.
He looked at Chloe, smiling. “Hi Chloe.”
“Hi second favorite cousin.” She smiled.
He playfully rolled his eyes then finally set them on Sydnee. "H-Hey."
Chloe, Lilian and Dakota could see his imaginary tail just wagging at the sight of Sydnee, it was so cute.
Smoke escaped Sydnee's lips as she smiled widely. She couldn't control herself. "Hey pretty boy.”
His pearly whites were on display as he smiled at her words. "I was headed back to my place and I happened to see you here..do you want to come with me?"
The three girls stared at the pair, waiting for an answer from Sydnee.
"Yeah." She licked her lips.
His smile widened at her response. "Okay. Uh, see you guys."
"Bbbbyyyyeeee!" They waved and dragged out in a high pitched voice.
Sydnee shook her head and passed off the joint to Lilian before walking off. "Bye ladies.”
Anakin and Sydnee walked through the campus to locate his car.
"Where were you coming from?" She asked, rubbing her right eye.
"The library. I had a tutoring session with Nina Enriquez, she's struggling in Quantum Physics." He answered.
Her brows knitted together, visualizing the Filipina with curtain bangs, who was in her Quantum Physics class, and actually top of the class, leaving Sydnee in second.
That was odd of her to need a tutor for that class when she was doing just fine.
She hummed to herself, trying not to think about it too much.
He unlocked the car and opened the door for her.
"Such a gentleman." She smirked, entering his car.
He smiled back and closed the door.
Before going to his place, they made a stop and got lunch as they were both hungry. Now at his apartment, they just finished chowing down on some Chinese food. They both sat in his room, Anakin reading a new book and Sydney staring into the distance.
"Is something bothering you, Syd?" Anakin frowned, looking over at Sydnee who was deep in thought. He bookmarked the page and closed his book, giving her his full attention.
She blinked then averted her gaze to him. "Uh, just thinking. You said Nina wanted help in Quantum Physics?"
She doesn't know why she kept thinking about it.
"Yeah, you know her?"
"Yes and she's a damn liar." Her brows arched.
She knew exactly what Nina was doing.
"Liar?" Anakin was completely lost. "Why do you say that?"
"She's in my Quantum Physics class, she's top of the class, she doesn't need help." She screwed up her face.
"Then why would she ask for my help?" Anakin wasn't getting it at all.
She hated how oblivious he was to this. "She likes you, Anakin!"
He blinked. "Oh." It made sense, as she would bring him little snacks and compliment him every second she got.
"Is that all you have to say?" She was starting to get a little pissed off, why was she feeling like this?
She couldn't be jealo— never, not that.
"Are you mad?" He frowned.
"Of course not." She crossed her arms.
"You seem..pretty mad." He rose his brows at her.
"Whatever." She looked away.
"I'll..confront her about it a-and stop tutoring her, if that makes you feel better." He inched closer, trying to get through to her.
That somehow made her feel less upset.
"Okay." She turned to him and uncrossed her arms.
"Sydnee." His eyes were dead set on her lips.
Her eyes trailed to his lips. "Yeah, Anakin?”
"I wouldn't want to do anything to upset you like that, I swear." His lips loomed over hers, whispering to her. "I don’t like her, I like you."
Anakin kissed her, nothing too sloppy, but it was deep. Sydnee was melting into his hands, his strong veiny hands held the back of her head gently.
She moaned into the kiss, slowly laying back onto the bed, then she caught herself. "Mmnnnoo." She pulled away from the heated kiss.
"Wh-what's wrong?" He heaved, searching her face desperately for answers. "Did- did I do something wrong?"
She stared at her lap, not wanting to look at him. "No, Anakin."
"Do you no-not…like m-me?" His voice trembled.
"No, Anakin." She slowly closed her eyes.
"Then this is okay...r-right?" He put a finger up under her chin, lifting her head to face him.
She avoided his gaze. "Anakin…I-I can't do this. I like you, I really do, but I can’t keep fucking you and knowing you want something serious. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship." Oh how she felt like shit. She felt like she was stabbing him in the heart.
He was silent for a moment. "That's okay. We like each other a-and I think that's enough." He played with his hair. "I like what we have, I can wait."
This might've been the first time a guy was understanding to her.
Her eyes began to gloss over and Anakin quickly noticed, internally panicking, but he didn’t let it get to him as he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on top of hers.
“H-hey, no, n-no don’t cry.” He soothed her, rubbing circles on her back. “It’s okay, y-you’re okay.”
That made her tears flow down even harder, her sobs muffled by his chest. She said something, but he didn’t quite catch it.
“W-what?” He pulled back to look at her. Her long lashes were a wet mess and her eyes were a light shade of pink. Was it crazy to think she looked pretty even when she cried?
“I got cheated on a few times…by someone I thought I could trust, that’s why I’m so hesitant about getting into a relationship.” She confessed. “I haven’t been serious about a guy in forever.”
His thumbs pressed into her face, wiping away her tears. “I understand. We can go at any pace you want to.”
Her arms wrapped around him. “Th-thank you, Anakin.”
He mumbled something, but she didn’t hear him properly.
“What did you say, Ani?” She placed her head on his chest.
“I said that guy’s a fucking idiot.” He cursed.
That surprised her, she’s never heard him curse outside of sex.
“S-sorry.” He apologized cutely.
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MAN I LOVE UR WRITING I NEED MORE JIMMY MCGILL NOWWW!!!!! that’s unhinged im so sorry
anyways if ur still taking requests i beg u to write smthn abt Goodman helping a client (client is transmasc and tatted and pieced as fuck (me)) with weed possession and he wins the case cus he’s Saul Goodman obviously. after they celebrate with a joint and they have some nasty high sex. like imagining Saul coughing on a joint and being like “damn kid this shit’s strong.. let’s fuck” makes me shensudbwjwbs 🙏🙏
anyways have a good day/night man, congrats on graduating!!! :))
HIIIII im also tatted and pierced so this is personal 2 me 😌🖤 kinda took the piercing idea and ran with it teehee
didn’t wanna describe any specific tattoos but i included some piercing mentions (nipples, septum, tongue, vch for plot relevance >:3c)
this is also way longer than a usual drabble so plbbbbbt
warning: intox kink (weed), light degradation
anatomical terms: clit/dick/cock, pussy, hole
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“In light of this new evidence, the court has decided to drop all charges against the defendant.”
Slam dunk. Saul did it again. He’d managed to convince the judge that the cop who arrested you for marijuana possession had conducted an illegal search. He got you off. You were grateful that you wouldn’t have this looming over your head for the rest of your life. So grateful, in fact, that you hugged him as soon as you two stepped out of the courtroom.
“Ah, don’t mention it, kid. Least I could do for you.” He smiled and patted your back. He’d actually taken quite a liking to you while working on your case. You reminded him of his Slippin’ Jimmy days back in Chicago. A naïve 20-something with an affinity for pot and a less than stellar relationship with the law. He hoped he could steer you on the right path, and maybe have some fun with you too. “Say, you’re actually my last client for today. You wanna grab some food with me or something? Maybe Peter Parker’s girlfriend could join us.”
You snorted. Mary Jane. That was your code for inviting each other to smoke, which ironically you'd done frequently while working on your case. You pushed yourself off his chest and smiled up at him. “Sure. I’d like that.”
You two sat in the parking lot of Los Pollos Hermanos hotboxing his luxury car, passing a joint back and forth with greasy fingers. You took a bite of your sandwich, and a glob of chipotle mayo fell onto your nice, clean dress shirt.
"Aw, man." You groaned, before remembering you didn't need to impress anyone anymore. You shrugged, "Eh, whatever," and untied your tie, no doubt getting chicken grease all over the fabric. Then, you unbuttoned and untucked your ruined shirt, wiped the mayo off with a napkin, and tossed it behind you, leaving you in a tank top undershirt with your arm tattoos exposed. "God, I hate wearing long sleeves. I don't know how you can wear full suits in weather like this. Feel like I'm suffocating."
"You get used to it." Saul laughed and cranked the A/C for you. "I just wasn't sure if the judge would appreciate your ink as much as I do. Wanted to make sure you had the 'perfect little darling' look, y'know? Some people are close-minded like that. Least you don't have to anymore." He passed you the joint. His eyes trailed up your forearms to your chest, where he saw two barbells poking through your shirt. "Woah, hey! You got your high beams on! I'm surprised you didn't set off the metal detector with those!"
You had no idea what he was talking about, "Huh?", until your eyes followed his and you looked down. "Oh! Oh yeah, I figured I wouldn't have to take those ones out."
"Well, they look good on you. Not a lot of dudes can pull them off." Saul took a sip of his drink, ice sloshing as he put it down in the cup holder. "How many piercings you got, anyway?"
You ran through your list nonchalantly. “Not counting the ones on my ears, I have four. Septum, tongue, both nipples, and-“ You stopped yourself short and froze. The other piercing was a VCH. Vertical clit hood. If you told him that, you’d be outing yourself. You decided the best move was to say nothing else. He was a smart guy. Let him figure it out.
And he did. “Oh, ho! Naughty boy! You got a Prince Albert or something?" He elbowed you. "Chicks must be ALL over you."
You grimaced, hoping it looked like a nervous smile. "Not exactly..."
"Hm. Tell you what." Saul lit the joint, hit it, and passed it to you. "I'll buy you an eighth if you show me."
You nearly dropped the joint on your leg when he said that. "What?! Are you serious?!"
"Dead serious! I wanna know if I'm missing out! Maybe I should get one." You anxiously took a puff as he spoke with confidence. Confidence that was unwarranted; he had no clue what he was getting into. "Look, I got a guy and his stuff is the shit. It'll be worth it, I promise. You just whip it out, lemme see, put it back, and I'll hook you up. Hell, I'll even knock some off the money you owe me."
You did the cost benefit analysis in your head. Free weed plus less debt to your lawyer, and all you have to do is show him your pussy? Would it really be so bad? He really wasn't the judgmental type. He'd definitely ogle, but surely he'd understand. You sighed. "Okay. I'll do it." You took one more hit of the joint and passed it to him before you unbuckled your belt. "Just so you know, though, it's probably not what you're expecting."
Saul scoffed. "Kid, I've seen a lot of crazy things in my day. Unless your dick has a radio antenna sticking out of it or something, I think I can handle it."
You ignored his sass and worked on undressing yourself. You slid your pants off, and crossed your legs so he wouldn't see the lack of bulge in your underwear. Then, you looked over at him. "Ready?"
"Ready." He answered smugly.
You uncrossed your legs and tugged your underwear down. Your clothes pooled around your ankles, and you kicked your shoes off to free yourself. Now for the reveal. You turned your body to face him, scooted forwards, and opened your legs, hooking one behind the driver's seat, and the other propped on the dashboard. You spread your lips and showed him your, rather unconventional, dick piercing. The metal barbell stared him right in the face, and he stared back, mouth agape.
"Oh my god..."
You could see the gears turning in his head. His eyes flicked back and forth from your junk, to your face, and then back to your junk. For a man who loved the sound of his own voice, it was rare for him to be left truly speechless, but you'd done it. It was honestly quite the confidence boost.
You smirked. "Well? Is it everything you hoped for?"
"Yeah... Yeah it is..." He answered breathlessly. His mind was screaming at him not to fuck this up.
"Got anything to say? Any questions, comments, or-"
Saul butted in the middle of your sentence. Apparently, he did have something important to say. "Can I touch it?" He blurted out.
You knew exactly where this was going, and you were gonna enjoy the ride. "Sure, go for it." You took the joint and the lighter from him, leaving his hands free to explore.
Saul leaned over and brushed his hand against your skin, not fully making contact with the piercing just yet, essentially just rubbing his fingers up your slit. He was taking his time. He was warming you up. "This is... This is incredible. God, you're... you're really something else kid."
You took a hit of the joint and sighed on the exhale. From his gentle touch and praise to the haze of the weed, you were plenty warm already. Once he thought the same, he pressed his thumb against the barbell and flicked it up. Your whole body jolted and you gasped. "Ah!"
"You alright?" He asked, not pulling his hand away. He kept it firmly in position, ready to strike again.
"Y-Yeah, just-" He did it again, "Ngh... just be careful it's-" and again, "ah... it's sensitive..." and again.
He chuckled. "I can tell. Is that why you got it? You like the extra stimulation?"
"Mhm..." You nodded.
"Heh... slut." He pressed his thumb down hard and rubbed you in quick circles. "Keep smoking. I'm gonna have fun with you."
"O-Okayyy..." You whimpered and lit the joint while he teased you, watching him with wanting eyes as you climbed higher and higher. The smoke left your body and carried a sigh of pleasure out with it.
Keeping his thumb on your cock, he scooped his other fingers down and prodded at your hole. "Aw, look at you. You're already wet for me? That's precious." He slipped two inside without resistance, cooing to you as he pumped them in and out, savoring your pathetic whines and tremors. "Oh, now that's a good boy. C'mon, take another hit."
You took another drag, and while your lungs were full of smoke, he shot his fingers up against your g-spot. You moaned for half a second before choking on your hit. You coughed and waved the smoke out of your face, scrambling for some semblance of composure. "You dick! You did that on purp-ohhh..."
Saul kept working his hand, laughing at how easy it was to shut you up. "Yeah. Yeah, I did, but don't act like you don't love it." He leaned in and kissed your cheek before whispering right to you, making sure you could hear him over your own body. "Hear that? Hear how wet you are for me? That's how I know you love it. Whore." He tilted your face towards him and caught you in a kiss. You let his tongue invade your mouth and take what he wanted, a trail of spit connected you two as he broke off. "You like getting filled up, huh, boy?"
Your voice was a high-pitched, desperate whine. "Y-Yes..."
"Yeah? I bet you like getting fucked in your tight little pussy, too, is that right? You like it when a big, strong, man puts his cock in you and uses you like a cheap sex doll?"
Another slam dunk. He was right on the money. "Yes! Yes! Oh, fuck, yes!"
He flashed a sinister grin. "Good boy." He pulled his hand out of you and went for his own belt. He yanked his pants down, showing off a noteworthy tent in his boxers. You didn't get much of a look before those were off too, but the sight of what was underneath was far better. "Gimme the joint." He demanded as he stroked his cock in preparation.
You'd do anything he said. You handed him the joint and the lighter without a second thought.
"Good boy." He took a hit and blew the smoke in your direction. "So," He took a second to cough, "what you're gonna do is you're gonna sit on my cock and bounce that pretty little ass of yours on it. You think you can do that?"
There were no words left in your mind. You were an animal, acting purely on instinct. He gave the order, and immediately you climbed into his lap, bumping into the steering wheel a few times as you tried to situate yourself. Saul offered no assistance, he just continued with the joint. Fortunately, you managed to get into position without help, and you sunk down onto his cock.
"Oh! Oh my-Mmph!"
He used your wide open mouth as an opportunity to shotgun you. He blew the smoke into you and let it fill the parts of your body that he couldn't reach. You gripped his shoulders and squeezed him like you were trying to pop him. When he pulled back, you dropped your head onto his shoulder and whined.
"There we go. You feel so good, baby boy." He kissed your head and rubbed your back, comforting you as you settled into him. "Now," He yanked you up by your hair to look him in the eyes.
"Hold on tight. Cause I'm gonna take you for a ride..."
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atrustfulplace · 3 months
i just went to see dune 2 with my dad, i have never seen dune 1. these are my thoughts on a movie i had absolutely no context for:
-why does it open with them napping in a desert
-creepy mom just has convos with a fetus it’s so funny
-speaking of creepy mom she was wild like “start with the most afraid” girl what???? i know your starting a cult but you could at least be slightly normal about it
- she feels freudian to me
-the bug people are lead by drax from guardians of the galaxy
-i love the blue worm juice that gives you blue eyes and hallucinations.
-zendaya is way to good for this dude oh my god. when he like talks about marrying creepy rapist girl (who i will get to, i have thoughts) infront of zendaya and everyone she knows. timothy would not need to dual the bald serial killer. i would have gutted his ass so fast if he had done that to me
-i wish she was allowed to say fuck so she could curse someone out. i saw it in her eyes she wanted to tell creepy mom to go fuck herself so bad
-tim is so funny because like he goes from “i will not be a cult leader mom! your embarrassing me!!” to “fuck yeah i’m a cult leader “ so fast
-ok so creepy rapist girl. genuinely what is up with her. she’s like a princess (i think??) and she’s besties with weird nuns. she also drugs a guy to have sex with him to get pregnant. so like she’s evil get fucked. i feel like they wanted me to like her but she shouldn’t have raped someone then.
-also there was a box that this dude had to stick his hand into??? does the box hurt him???
-ok so victim of rapist lady is so funny
-he’s literally the “you would like any man if he was white” meme
-he is genuinely awful but he is also so funny. he has three weed smoking girlfriends, who are also act like snakes and do cannibalism (cannibalism kept auto correct to cannabis, it must be a sign)
-i don’t think he has teeth
-he has this fight with timothy, which he seems like way to into, and only becomes more into it when he finds out tim is his cousin
-like dead ass this guy wanted to fuck his cousin so bad
-“your planet used to be called … dune” I LAUGHED OUT LOUD the desert plannet??? called dune??? how creative
-the existence of worms people ride leads to the horrifying yet intriguing thought of worm girls instead of horse girls
-slug man is also funny, like girl why are you submerged in tar all the time
-magic sparkly sand there. why does it sparkle? why does anyone care about it? why did i agree to see this movie without seeing the first? all unanswerable questions.
overall i did enjoy the movie. the music and visuals fucked, but also i understood basically none of it. please explain to me what was actually happening
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aanoia · 9 months
𝖆𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
These are works of Fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination, coincidence or used in a fictitious manner.
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『 m a r a u d e r s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Love From the Other Side]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, Love From the Other Side by Fallout Boy
warning(s): blood, death, death eaters, voldemort in the flesh, yk, not good ending
↠ [London Boy]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, London Boy by Taylor Swift
warning(s): nothing
↠ [Mine]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, Mine by Taylor Swift
warning(s): death? idek
↠ [Broken One]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Broken One by RaeLynn
warning(s): divorce (if you need to talk, reach out. this is something I know personally so I'd love to be someone you can trust about it.)
↠ [arms]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, arms by Christina Perri
warning(s): Sirius :)
↠ [Cold]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, I hate making these.
warning(s): ptsd, flashbacks, trauma, yk, the usual with our boy Sirius
↠ [Horribly Right]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, after seeing Sirius being slapped by his mother, you decide to pull a prank that's outcome goes horribly... right?
warning(s): abuse, getting disowned
↠ [Like you hold the world in your hands, and the stars in your eyes]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, none (once a pt. 2 is posted this will be moved to the series section)
warning(s): none really, just cursing
↠ ["Just Friends"]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, truth or dare leads to drunken confessions leads to sweet kisses
warning(s): alcohol, mentions of weed
↠ [Lover]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, Lover by Taylor Swift
warning(s): none I don't think
↠ [Pancakes for Dinner]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Pancakes for Dinner my Lizzie McAlpine
warning(s): heavy anxiety omg, plane crash-ish?
↠ [Timeless]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, Timeless by Taylor Swift
warning(s): none
↠ [Possibility]
summary/prompt: Sirius Black x reader, loosely inspired by Possibility by Likke Li
warning(s): heartbreak. not a happy ending ish. not proofread
- 𝚜 𝚎 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 -
↠ [Adele; 19 as fics]
summary/prompt: it's own mini masterlist, the songs from her first album as fics
warning(s): different for each fic
↠ [Dying pt.1] [Definitely (Dying) pt.2]
summary/prompt: poly!marauders x reader, the marauders had known their girlfriend smoked to dissipate the pain from her abusive family. They just didn't know how bad it could, and would get
summary/prompt pt.2: poly!marauders x reader, a failed attempt and a year later, y/n is finally okay
warning(s): serious TW, mentions of abuse, toxic asf family, drug abuse, weed, alcohol, whiskey, underage drinking and smoking, substance abuse, self harm, cuts, abuse (ish?), depression (not mentioned but apparent), seriously bad mental health
↠ [I Don't Know Who You're Talking About] [You (pt.2)]
summary/prompt: Remus Lupin x reader, after everyone they loved was gone, they needed each other but he was too scared (i'm not very good at these)
summary/prompt pt.2: after twelve years, she meets him again
warning(s): angst, blood, sad, murder, the usual
↠ [No pt.1] [Yes (No) pt.2]
summary/prompt: James Potter x reader, James won't give up until he gets a yes
summary/prompt pt.2: James Potter x reader, James finally gets a yes and makes sure you don't regret it
warning(s): James is lowkey and pushover and I'm pretty sure asking someone to go out over and over again is harassment so that too
↠ [a christmas advent calendar]
summary/prompt: mini masterlist, just 25 days of Christmas (my birthday!)
warning(s): different for each fic
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『 h a r r y p o t t e r 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Can't Help but Love You]
summary/prompt: preferance, Draco Malfoy x reader, Matteo Riddle x reader, request
warning(s): none
- 𝚜 𝚎 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 -
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『 s i x o f c r o w s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Always By Your Side]
summary/prompt: Kaz Brekker x reader, Saturn by Sleeping At Last
warning(s): slightly ooc Kaz, death, mentions of sickness, blood, could be an interpretation of suicide if you look at the end closely
↠ [Crazy]
summary/prompt: Kaz Brekker x reader, Trouble by Valerie Broussard, the enemy of your enemy is your friend... unless they are also your enemy
warning(s): blood?, knives, uhhhh violence lmfao, enemies to lovers
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『 a v a t a r (2 0 0 9)』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [It's okay, baby]
summary/prompt: Tsu'tey x reader, Tsu'tey has a nightmare
warning(s): blood, death
- 𝚜 𝚎 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 -
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『 h a m i l t o n 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [All I Need is You]
summary/prompt: Daveed Diggs x reader, after a suicide attempt you're empty yet Daveed never left your side. What happens when you drag him down with you?
warning(s): suicide, self harm, bandages, sadness ig
↠ [Pretty in the Moonlight]
summary/prompt: Thomas Jefferson x reader, just missing your boyfriend and him missing you (this won't turn to black for some reason LMFAO)
warning(s): broken glass, cheesy Thomas
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『 o u t e r b a n k s 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [I can't lose my girl]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, JJ finds his girlfriend in a horrifying state after wanting to spend the night with her
warning(s): suicide, OD, foaming at the mouth
↠ [You cut?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, JJ walks in on reader doing something that breaks his heart
warning(s): TW self harm, blood, cuts, broken glass
↠ [Live For You?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, reader is fresh out of the mental hospital
warning(s): huge TW, suicide, self harm, mental hospital, mentions of alcohol and weed
↠ [How Well Do We Know Each Other (interview)]
summary/prompt: OBX cast x reader, Rudy Pankow x reader, the obx cast gets put to the test on how well they know their coworkers (again it won't turn black)
warning(s): drug mention, not proofread
↠ [Believe]
summary/prompt: John B Routledge x reader, your ex treasure hunting partner is your future romantic partners dad
warning(s): SPOILERS SEASON 3! swearing, mention of gun, suggestion of rape (nothing explicit, not even the word), burns, Rafe Cameron
↠ [Touron]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, going on vacation isn't so bad when a certain blondie comes into your life
warning(s): underage drinking, underae smoking, swearing, gun, topper
↠ [Snow?]
summary/prompt: JJ Maybank x reader, the Outer Banks becomes a winter wonderland
warning(s): swearing
- 𝚜 𝚎 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 -
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『 m a r v e l 』
- 𝚘 𝚗 𝚎 𝚜 𝚑 𝚘 𝚝 𝚜 -
↠ [Reunions and Goodbyes]
summary/prompt: Peter Quill x reader, after your best friend disappeared you made a name for yourself with the help of the Avengers, what happens when you accidently find said best friend again? But in space?
warning(s): death 😋, not proofread
- 𝚜 𝚎 𝚛 𝚒 𝚎 𝚜 -
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(masterlist template by @hyunnows, text dividers by @cafekitsune)
other medias and fandoms
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taraljc · 1 month
Somehow despite having watched The Gentlemen all the way through and enjoying it tremendously and thinking about it non-stop for 2 days it only occurred to me just now that the whole reason Eddie is made Duke instead of Freddy is almost certainly because the Duke and Duchess knew that Eddie would be able to handle Susie. And I do kind of love how the whole family embraces their new enterprise in positive ways that will probably lengthen Freddy's life by several decades because instead of doing so many lines of coke his heart is going to explode, he is now smoking every new strain of ganja that Jimmy comes up with.
I really genuinely wanted Freddy to die a horrible death in the first episode, and then by the end of it I was like ok Fredward, you can stay.
Speaking of ridiculous posh people, the three posh siblings calling each other increasingly bizarre pet names is so hilarious in part because Jack and Susan are such normal non-gangster names. And all the way through the way that Susie alternates calling people by their chosen diminutive versus full name when she's cross (she is the one to call Jimmy 'James' that one time she found out that he was in fact telling his new girlfriend where her super secret apartment was).
Anyway I have been thinking about a wish list of what I would like to see if The Gentleman gets another series and I think mostly it is this:
Terence Stamp.
Geoff taking over training Jack and him and Charly getting on like a house on, which would result in the use of 'my sister and your brother' in two very different contexts.
Freddy takes over Henry Collins' club, and ends up in a very stable threesome with Tamsin and Gabrielle's cheeky bestie.
Johnston tells Bobby Glass where the money Keith nicked is stashed, and that becomes a whole big thing.
Every time we see Susie at home, it's a different home. she has given up her penthouse and is moving from place to place after the whole mess with Henry Collins.
More JP, and especially his cousin riding that horse possibly permanently seeing as how we saw JP on one of those gigantic draft horses so clearly they have the means and the knowledge to keep it.
Sabrina and Geoff come clean to the boys about Charly and possibly Geoff moving into the manor, or Sabrina moving into the cottage which would involve a lot of hilarity given his menagerie.
at least one episode about the network of servants who actually know everything about everything because rich people treat their staff like furniture and sales sorts of things in front of them and there's no way Lawrence doesn't know absolutely everything that's going on at all times.
The return of the Gospel, whom Bobby Glass paid off with £8 mil and the promise of a segment of his business in exchange for never touching a hair on Edward or Fredward's heads.
Collins' accountant Thick Rick moving in with Tibsy at the newly renovated and gangster-free Faringbourne, and quietly and efficiently reorganising the entire back end of the operation so that the money laundering is all done in house rather than via preferred vendors who go insane on social media now and then.
One of Eddie's exes who is entirely less flexible (morally speaking) than the princess is now at the head of the Europol task force currently investigating Susie Glass' weed operation.
We find out why Blanket is named Blanket
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