#my dad is still older than him so technically it’s not horrible
wherenymphsroam · 1 year
I need someone older (the way I want leon kennedy is a threat to my feminism)
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mynameisnotsoda · 7 months
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Technically Corvid is still a part of an au, i really like everyone's designs so i guess its just like a weird little au that are also kinda ocs?? Idk. Im still tagging it as the animatronicfication au and using the other ccs names but im completely separating wilbur from Corvid.
The one that probably changed the most is simp LMAO i just went back to his old design that was inspired by Luna (@starrixle's transfem simpbur turned oc) and Spencer is such a fitting name in my mind i literally can not imagine him with a different name *bwomp*
Also I'm working on refs for the other characters associated with the respective critters! I wanna finish them all and dump them into one post and I'll link it here when I'm done.
Before we go into individual characters i want to say that this is absolutely Minecraft. Like. The world is built off of Minecraft lore yk !!!! The overworld will still be called the overworld but it's basically just earth, with more magic and humanoid species! Along with supernatural creatures and cryptids n stuff :D also with more advanced tech considering Corvid exists pFF
Spencer for the most part kinda was like he is in canon or whatever. She used to lean more towards incel ideology because she was REALLY insecure and uncomfortable with herself for the longest time. Despite that, Spencer and Adrianne (egirl) started dating when they were 17, his unhealthy obsession with her was only fueled by her unhealthy attachment to him. They needed each other and it wasn't good for either of them. Spencer had developed horrible separation anxiety which only made things worse. Over time Adrianne became suffocated by his constant neediness, overwhelming insecurity, short temper and lack of contribution to household chores. It pained her to leave, but things needed to change. It wasn't until the breakup that Spencer met Shepard, who was his first irl friend in a long time. They met when they were around 22/23, at first Spencer just used Shepard as a distraction from Adrianne, especially since he was surprised that they wanted to even be his friend in the first place. But after a while he genuinely started to enjoy their company, plus they offered him really good advice and helped him through a gender/sexuality crisis. Eventually they became partners! Maybe not romantically, as they're both aromantic, but life partners nonetheless.
OH and i did make Spencer white/Salvadoran. Her mom is the first generation from immigrant parents while her dad is British; And her dad's younger brother is Adam's dad! He's also an ex-christian, he left due to religious trauma and moved to America to escape his family hA
Spencer's also a no sabo kid LMAO (he knows some words/phrases but other than that he cant speak Spanish to save his life)
ALSO ALSO. Oh my god i could talk about Spence all day LMAO but i made him a werewolf !!!! Hes SOO jealous of Adam because she wanted the cat genes but instead got bitten and turned into a werewolf as a teenager. She's done a pretty good job at hiding it from her family so Shepard's the only one who knows.
I already dumped everything about Adam into that other post, so I don't really have much else to add. HOWEVER !! Him and Spence are cousins now :3 Adam doesn't get to meet Spencer in person until he moves to America with Charlie & co, but he does follow her socials with his secret accounts that his parents don't know about. The only reason they know they're cousins is because Spencer's dad told her so and she reached out! Much to the dismay of Adam's parents but they've secretly kept in touch online.
Keith's pretty much stayed the same apart from a slight design revamp. Although I've made him a little older since originally i made him look young. But then I decided hes a dad so i started drawing him older for the asks pFF he also has a hooked nose now! In case it's not obvious. Keith got married to Jean VERY young, they were maybe 17/18 in human years. It was an arranged marriage and their only goal was to have an heir to the throne. Well they did, they had two kids, the eldest being a boy named Lune and the youngest being a girl named Sunny, who's the would be heir. Until Jean took both the kids and left. It was completely unprompted and left everyone in the kingdom confused, especially Keith. Sure, they had a loveless marriage and maybe he was insufferable at times, but he wanted to make it work if not for the kids then for the kingdom! But its been almost a year since she left, he's lost hope in ever finding her. Keith desperately wants his kids back, not because Sunny is the rightful heir— though that is part of it—but he loves them both dearly. He misses them the most.
Wilfred has pretty much stayed the same as well! I did give him a grey tshirt and darker hair to further distance his design from wilbur though. Hes just as unhinged and immoral as he used to be !!!! Nothing has changed aside from appearance actually.
Tobi also pretty much stayed the same except for its now got an orange jumper and lighter brown hair pFF although i do now have a story for him! Tobi was found by Alejandro in a storage auction, he managed to sell a lot of pretty valuable things from there but Tobi stood out, obviously, so he kept it. Alejandro is a travel vlogger and lives in an RV with his friends: Tomas, Philip and Charles. His friends just call him Alex. Anyway, they go from town to town trying local food, visiting tourists traps and vlogging the journey! While doing that they also try to find out how to get Tobi's memories back and possibly turn him human again, if they even can. So far they haven't had much luck but maybe one day...
Corvid was created as the backup singer and lead guitarist of the first all animatronic band! Brought to you by Beloved Entertainment! The other members include lead singer Ranboo Beloved, keytarist Tommy Raccoon, and bassist James Tomcat. Located in Ranboo's Mega Pizzaplex, the only location in the world (so far). Corvid adopts a showman personality while on stage, hes charismatic and such a heartthrob, very popular with the ladies. Off stage he's very calm and soft spoken, he's rather shy but still manages to be a flirt and a tease. Lightly poking fun at his bandmates, coworkers and even guests at times. He's definitely a fan favorite for a reason!
This was so fun to write and i cant wait to share more !!!! Stay tuned !!!!!!
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winters8child · 8 days
It´s been a long, long time
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Chapter 88
"Happy Birthday!" Sam and I screamed in unison as Steve blew out the candles on his cake. We sat on the porch, fireworks bursting in vibrant colors above us, lighting up the night sky. It was the Fourth of July, and the whole town was celebrating. Yet, despite the festive atmosphere, the weight of that night a week ago lingered in the back of my mind, something we still hadn't discussed.
I handed Steve the birthday present I’d had Sam pick up—a small party was the least we could do. The gift was wrapped in blue paper with white stars, fitting for him, I thought. Steve unwrapped it carefully, taking his time not to rip the paper. When he finally saw what was inside, his face lit up with a smile.
"Art supplies," I said with a shrug, "I figured, you know, with all the free time..."
Before I could finish, Steve pulled me into a tight hug, grinning ear to ear. "Thank you," he murmured, his breath warm against my neck as we reluctantly pulled apart again.
"Now make way for my horrible present," Sam declared, handing Steve a big red box with a bright blue ribbon tied around it.
Steve grinned. "It can't be that bad," he said, pulling the ribbon loose and peeking inside. He chuckled as he pulled out a massive container of protein powder.
"Thanks, Sam," Steve said with a smile, patting him on the shoulder. "It's definitely useful."
I eyed the huge container and laughed. "Captain America flavored? What’s that supposed to taste like?" I teased, looking at Sam with a smirk.
Sam shot back with a grin. "Freedom and hard work."
We all laughed, then sat down to eat cake, watching the fireworks burst in bright colors above us. The night felt warm and festive, but soon Sam had gone to bed, leaving Steve and me alone by the pier. Our feet dangled in the water as the last of the fireworks fizzled out, and the heat of the day finally softened into something more bearable. Glowworms flickered over the lake, adding a quiet magic to the scene.
Sitting shoulder to shoulder, our hands almost touched, the silence between us comfortable but full of unspoken thoughts. I glanced at him, breaking it with a smirk. "So, how do you feel? Older? Wiser?" I teased, giving him a playful nudge with my shoulder.
Steve smiled, his gaze fixed on the water. "I don’t even know how old I am anymore. Technically, I’m 97, but I guess I’m also 31," he said with a shrug, still watching the gentle ripples in the lake.
"Well, you don’t look a day over 25," I replied with a grin. "Not a wrinkle or a single grey hair in sight."
He chuckled softly. "Not that you know of. I thought growing a beard would make me look rugged—dangerous even—but I think I just look like somebody’s dad."
"I think you look great," I said, and despite the dim light, I could see a blush creeping onto his cheeks. There was something about the way the glowworms danced around us and the soft, fading fireworks that made the moment feel more intimate than usual.
I tried to push away the thoughts that followed, not letting my mind wander to the idea of him as a dad—of us sitting here with the sounds of laughing children playing around us. It was a dangerous line of thinking, one I wasn’t sure I was ready for.
"You do?" Steve's voice cut through my thoughts, and his eyebrows raised in surprise.
I nodded, smiling softly. "Yeah, I do."
There was a pause, the sound of the water lapping gently against the pier filling the space between us. Steve turned his head slightly, giving me a look that felt weighted with something deeper.
"I wanted to apologize," Steve suddenly said, breaking the silence. His voice wavered slightly as he spoke, and I turned to face him. "For what happened when you woke up... I should’ve pulled away, but..." He hesitated, his gaze dropping to the water before continuing. "You were so beautiful... the way you slept so peacefully in my arms... it did something to me."
His voice shook with uncertainty, and I could hear the genuine struggle in his words. The confession hung between us, making my heart race. It was the first time he’d addressed that night, and now, sitting so close to him, the memory of it felt all too real again.
"Steve..." I began, unsure of what to say, feeling the weight of his emotions.
"It won't happen again, I promise," Steve said, lifting his hands in an apologetic gesture.
I swallowed hard, my heart pounding in my chest as the air between us thickened. I opened my mouth to say something, but the words got stuck. The truth was tangled somewhere deep inside me, confusing and hard to admit.
Maybe I did want it to happen again. Maybe I longed to feel close to him, but I was only brave enough to cross that line in my sleep. I wasn’t sure if I could handle what came next if we let those walls fall while we were both awake.
I told myself it was wrong. That we’d both end up hurt again, just like before. The close quarters, the shared days and nights—it made everything feel so intimate, but it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Of course, things were good right now, because they had to be. There was nowhere else to go, no way to avoid each other.
I kept coming up with reasons why this would end in disaster, why nothing had truly changed. But as those thoughts spiraled in my mind, something deeper broke through, something raw and unspoken.
"Don't promise that," I whispered, surprising myself as much as him.
Our eyes locked, the unspoken words thickening the air around us. Neither of us moved as if daring each other to cross that fragile line, knowing we were already on the edge of something that couldn't be undone.
Just as we leaned in, the gap between us barely a breath, a crack of thunder split the sky. Rain poured down in thick, heavy sheets, soaking us instantly. We jolted apart, startled, and then just stared at each other for a moment, already drenched, our clothes clinging to our skin.
Steve’s hair fell into his eyes, and instead of the tension between us, there was a sudden burst of laughter. He tilted his head back, laughing at the storm, the intensity of the moment gone in a flash. I couldn't help but laugh too, the ridiculousness of it all sinking in.
Without a word, we jumped up and dashed toward the cabin, our feet splashing through the puddles forming on the ground. He grabbed my hand, and I held on tight, running together through the rain, laughing like we had just outrun the storm itself.
We stood on the porch, the rain pounding on the canopy above us, watching as lightning tore through the sky. The air between us crackled, much like the storm overhead. I glanced down at our still-entwined hands, my breath hitching as I saw the longing in his eyes. The fire was unmistakable, his gaze intense, and droplets of rain fell from his damp hair, making my heart race uncontrollably.
Both of us started to speak, but words didn’t matter anymore. The tension snapped like the thunder around us, and our lips collided in a fervent kiss. His hands tangled in my wet hair, pulling me closer, while I gripped his soaked shirt, desperate to close the distance between us. Every inch of space, every unspoken word, disappeared in that moment. The world outside was chaos, but right then, we were the only thing that existed.
We broke apart, our breaths coming in ragged gasps as we searched each other's eyes for some indication that this might not be the best idea. Instead, all we found was a deep, burning longing. Without hesitation, our lips met again, and he lifted me by my thighs, my arms wrapping tightly around his neck for support.
He fumbled with the front door, still holding me securely with one arm. When we finally managed to get inside, we stumbled our way to our room, closing the door behind us with a click. Our wet clothes clung to us, but we were too eager to remove them, our movements quick and urgent. We kissed passionately between each piece of clothing we shed, each discarded item falling to the floor as we explored each other's skin, driven by an uncontainable desire.
There was no room for hesitation or gentle touches. We were both driven by an intense urgency, our hands grasping and exploring each other with a fervor that left no space for tenderness. Steve's lips and tongue worked skillfully along the sensitive spots on my neck, his kisses leaving behind marks that would be reminders of our fervent night.
His fingers moved between my folds, each touch making me gasp and whimper. Just as I felt myself on the edge of breaking, he pushed inside me with a deep, strained grunt. His grip on my thigh was firm, while his other hand clung to the headboard of the bed, anchoring himself as we moved together in a frantic, heated rhythm.
Our moans and whimpers were swallowed by the storm raging outside, echoing the raw intensity of our connection. I clung to the sheets as he moved within me with a relentless rhythm, his breath hot and uneven against my neck. Amidst the chaos, his voice broke through, husky and fervent, whispering, "I love you so much," between gasps and moans, each word punctuated by the force of his movements.
His whimpers mingled with his fervent confession of love, contrasted sharply with his aggressive thrusts and the firm grip he had on my thigh. The combination of his intensity and vulnerability drove me to the edge, and I came undone beneath him. As he shuddered on top of me, his grip tightened further, his movements becoming erratic before he finally spent himself, collapsing against me in the aftermath.
He gradually kissed and nuzzled my collarbone and jaw, his eyes clouded with a mixture of lust and affection. As he looked up at me, his expression tender and satisfied, I whispered softly, "I love you too," a smile gracing my lips.
Next Chapter
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lady-jane-asher · 28 days
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Lovely Jane Asher, Peter Asher and Alan Freeman at home during an interview. March 27th, 1964. From Getty images and 1960s Music website for the article in high quality.
(The stars confide in him )
HEART TO HEART with the most envied girl in the world. 
Every evening after school is out, two young girls stand for hours on the corner of London’s fashionable Wimpole Street. One is tall, the other tiny. Many an evening on my way home from the BBC I've noticed them and wondered: Who are they? What are they waiting for? Over the weekend I found myself keeping the same vigil—this time at my own front door. For it was then I discovered I was waiting for the same people as those young fans. If you're still guessing, pop-pickers, the answer is ... Jane Asher and her brother Peter. Jane's an actress, not a singer, but she's one of the most important trendsetters in and around the world of pop. Pin-sharp grey suit . . .beacon-bright red hair. . . cheeky freckles . . . a cool kooky sense of humour. That's Jane.
Those kids on the corner spend their time hoping for a glimpse of Jane with her steady swain, Beatle Paul McCartney, and Peter. 
Helping: The Asher twosome are a rarity in our business. A brother and sister with different careers but helping each other to stardom. The coffee was already perking as they came through the door. But Jane smilingly shook her head at my cream cakes. Not that I blame her— that figure of hers is worth watching. Shrewd commonsense is typical of Jane and Peter Asher. Their father is a doctor, their mother а musician. Neither of them has been carried away by their success in show business. "Jane's always been interested in music,' Peter said.
"She plays flute and guitar. So we can both help and criticise each other in a friendly way." Peter, at 20, is two years older than Jane. He has the same flaming red hair, but his quiet manner contrasts with her bouncy enthusiasm. Peter and Gordon (that's Gordon Waller, his school chum and partner) took over the Beatles’ No. 1 chart-spot with that first disc.  But what few fans know is that after making that record Peter was faced with the toughest choice of his life— sticking to show business or going back to his studies at London University.
Proudly: "His brain is much better than average," Jane said, looking proudly at him across her coffee-cup. "Oh, come on," her brother grinned. "Honestly, though, it's a drag when people come up to you and say, ‘Aren’t you wasting your education playing pop?’ "This life is part of my education. Okay, I was studying for a degree in philosophy. It sounds horribly crummy if I say university has helped me to think-but I'm not sure it's much good to me when I'm playing one-night stands." Peter and Jane were luckier than most. They avoided the usual drawing-room showdown with father and mother when they announced they were going to be entertainers. "Dad would have liked us both to be doctors," Jane said. "But he didn't mind when we didn't take it up. Mother is a composer and she teaches as well. "She feels the pop life is a bit funny. But she gets annoyed when some of her pupils go snobby and think they’re very hip by saying pop is terrible”. Peter nodded. "Jazz knocks her out with its technical proficiency, particularly when I introduce her to Bob Cooper and things like that.” At learned Westminster School, however, the biggest obstacle in the path of Peter and Gordon was a big iron gate. Gordon was a boarder, Peter a day student. The afternoon was getting muggy, so I got. up and put some cool music on the hi-fi. Jane closed her eyes and relaxed while Peter told me another of the ironies which seem to crop up in his life.
Singing: "Well," said Peter, "we started singing and playing guitar together. At that time Gordon was a big Elvis devotee. He sang like him and even looked like him. "We used to play at concerts in school. We even went in for the chamber music competition once with a Shadows-type group." But life outside beckoned with a glitter. There was money to be made—if only Gordon could get out at night. Kerb-crawling like a Chicago gangster, Peter would drive up to the school gate at ten o'clock every night and Gordon would climb over. "Gordon used to be pretty bushed after working all night and often it was quite a climb for him. One night he hurt his foot badly on one of the iron spikes and we had to pack it in for a bit." Then they landed a stint at a favourite rendezvous of London showbiz folk, the Pickwick Club. "We'd just left school and we were very nervous," Peter said. "We were twanging away when we noticed there was this man who wasn't just hearing us. He was actually listening to us. “We said he must be somebody important because he was so shiny. He had this marvellous shining suit and he looked very big-time. So we played all the good songs we knew, and he bought us a drink and asked if we'd made a record." The shining man was Norman Newell, maker of myriad disc hits by Shirley Bassey, Danny Williams, Alma Cogan and Matt Monro. “A week later we made a test record. We sang two or three folksongs. He said, 'Great—very good sound’.  And there and then he gave us a five-year contract." The hi-fi slid to a stop and Jane opened her eyes. "Mmm," she murmured, stretching luxuriously. "It's nice to have a day off, Alan.” 
Praise: I knew how she felt. Take it from me, pop-pickers, the atmosphere of a recording studio is like an ice-cream parlour compared with the heat and hammering of a film set. And Jane had plenty of that while she was making "The Masque Of The Red Death," which brought her such praise from critics in the States. She was tickled to hear that I'd just finished a film part myself in “Doctor Terror’s house of horrors”. There are no records or microphones or white shirts or washing machines or disc-jockeys. I had a ball. But for Jane, the cinema and the theatre are not just a breakaway, as they are for me. For her, they’re her whole life. "I've never been really satisfied with anything I've done," she said. "I don't think anybody should be. "We've been acting on and off since I was five and Peter was seven. We did six or seven 'Robin Hood' episodes on television together, and in 1956 Peter was one of the boy actors of the year." I asked Jane her great ambitions. "In the theatre," she said, “to play Shakespeare. I was offered two years at Stratford but it would have meant leaving so many things that mattered to me-friends ... and everything." She didn't go deeper, but I'm sure I know what she meant. "My life is not in pop but I'm constantly surrounded by it," she said. "For one thing, people always want me to make a record. "I'd only make one if I were an outstanding singer, really remarkable. But since I'm not, I don't want to do it. "If I did, and the record did get anywhere, people would say it was only because I was Peter's sister. Or because .. She didn't finish it. She didn't have to. "What do you want for yourself, personally ?" I asked. 
Marriage: "The same as every other single girl, Alan. To eventually get married and have children. Nothing unusual." Jane is very proud of her progress with classical guitar, but she blushed when Peter said with brotherly bluntness: "She's just like me. You don’t practise enough, do you?’  The Beatles have a great German buddy-Klaus whom they met in Hamburg. He lives over here now, and boy! can he handle the old strings. “Have you heard Klaus play?” I said. "Oh, I think he's absolutely terrific," she said. "Except ...?" "Except what?" I goaded. "Except he won't practise enough. I met him the other night and Klaus told me so himself. Never mind, I'll keep at it. Maybe one day I'll get into the Top Ten with my guitar. "But it certainly won't be as a singer. Or because I spend my time with successful people." She winked affectionately at Peter.
Sunshine: I glanced out at the roof garden. The sun was coming out again. I put a new disc on the hi-fi... Alan Deane and his Problems. Peter listened carefully, head on one side. One day, if he gives up starring and turns recording boss for other performers, I bet we'll get some pretty striking sounds. Peter’s a perfectionist. The Problems didn't quite measure up to his demands. "They're not getting quite the right effect with that harmonica. "Instead of getting lovely bent, muddy sounds they're using a chromatic-one of those with the plunger on. The way I'd do it ..." and he launched into a brilliant technical analysis of the disc. To the many guitarists among you, pop-pickers, here's a Beatles tip I picked up from Peter. "A lot of people think you need all this Futurama equipment on a guitar to get these great twangy effects at the end of a number. "You can get it by just pressing down the string with practically anything metal. It gives a marvellous gee-doinnngg! "In fact, one of the best notes the Beatles ever played in a record, they got by using a cigarette lighter on the strings. It was the handiest bit of steel they could find at the time." Jane looked at her watch— a flat, thin, man's model on a wide strap. This is still a very chic fashion in The Village, as the Asher's home territory of Marylebone is called. "I'm sorry, Alan. We ve got to be going. It's been great talking."
Waiting: On the way down I asked Peter and Jane about those two kids who stand waiting near their house. Peter blanched. "Them? I don't understand them at all. Sometimes we've been doing shows out of town and I'd notice them in the audience. "We'd leave at the end and drive home directly. And they'd be there at the house before us. I don’t know how they do it”.  As they waved goodbye from their car window I recalled one of the nicest things Peter had said during the whole afternoon. "What the Beatles have done for pop music is mainly by being such interesting people and being themselves." I felt exactly that about Peter and Jane Asher. 
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
How do you think Quaritch, the Sully’s & the scientists would react to Spiders new name?
I cannot believe that Norm and Max wouldn’t be upset a bit. I mean they came up with Spider’s name.
Also, what would Tonowari’s family have for nicknames for Spider? I think they would use nicknames to show they care for Spider, but also because of some of the reactions (negative) that others to when Spider’s family would use his Metkayina name.
I think that it would be less of a hostile situation and more just... touchy.
I think spider getting adopted by ronal and tonowari forces everyone to face how horribly they treated spider, so having his name change, for him to be given an actual name is kinda like the icing on the cake.
I think its less that they're angry more ashamed and taunted by the change.
max and norm (norm canonically according to the comics was a adoptive dad to na'vi kids) have to face that fact they couldn't all spider by his given name or give him his own na'vi name, instead they referred to him as a bug. spider will always be spider in their minds, not h'i'tsyil, so they tend to call him that more often, and I think spider would start to dislike that. I think it would be a sorta like they can't see spider as anything else than the little kid who ran around their lab, and not a metkayina person, not as hi'i'tsyil. it makes spider uncomfortable cause that isn't who he is anymore and he needs people to accept that.
I think the sully's would be similar, jake and neytiri feel like they lost even more of him, since they probably had some hand in the name. the kids only knew their brother as spider, as some human, so its a lot of change. I think tuk and kiri would take it the best, kiri always wants the best for spider and tuk is young and just wants her big brother back so I think she would hope taking his name with stride would make him change his mind and come back to the sully's (cause I can never let myself escape angst)
I think in time they can all get over themselves and their hangups, but its tense at first.
as for nicknames;
ronal calls him her little miracle/gift, no doubt in my mind. tonowari also uses the name, but personally calls him little warrior.
tsireya and ao'nung have a million nicknames for him, most of them are taunts/jokes (and same with spider and them, cause kids are idiots). but I think their go to is hi'ti (pronounced hee-tey) and little brother (he's technically older, but he's still the baby of the family).
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albentelisa · 1 year
Hi! Here's an interesting ask. What if Jim was Douxie's younger brother but still falls for Claire?
Oh, I actually have a fic draft with that premise in my notes though I don't know if or when I may post that one. So, I guess, I'll just share some of my notes.
So, in that AU, Douxie and Jim are half-brothers (they have the same mother who is the daughter of the Casperan family head). They are two years apart, with Douxie being the older one. Douxie is supposed to be an heir - he was born from the arranged marriage between his mother and a talented wizard from another powerful magic clan. Casperan family was once powerful but currently is in decline. The arranged marriage was an attempt to revive the former glory.
As for Jim, he is born out of an affair between his mother and a Camelot knight. This birth seemingly ruins everything for Casperan's family. Douxie's dad leaves as he is greatly insulted. The mother dies soon after giving birth to Jim, leaving both boys in the care of their aunt and grandfather.
Jim is greatly despised in the family. They refuse to give him a magical name, giving him a regular one James. While no one attempts to get rid of him actively, the family keeps sending him into dangerous places to gather ingredients for potions hoping that Jim won't return. Jim befriends Blinky during one of those outings.
Jim seemingly possesses no magic (yet another reason why his family cannot stand him), but Douxie doesn't fare that much better. He was supposed to be a rare prodigy and the hope of the Casperan family, yet he is nowhere close to the expectations. Besides, he likes music and wandering way more than studying under his grandfather's tutelage.
Technically, Douxie and Jim trust only each other in their family, feeling no familial attachment to anyone else (well, Douxie also has his familiar Archie, but that's it).
Jim's magic manifests out of nowhere when he is 9. Unfortunately for him, his magic is shadowmancy (it's blue and black in color, BTW!) and the Casperan family tolerates that one even less than Merlin.
They decide to kill Jim, but Douxie and Archie save him and the three of them run away and settle in Camelot (because of Arthur's purges, the Casperan family has no connections there).
After some time Douxie discovers some unexplained oddity about his brother - Jim has stopped aging both physically and mentally (think of a Peter Pan-like situation). It's the result of Jim's trauma.
Even though they are only two years apart as time passes and Douxie keeps growing, it starts to look like their age difference is bigger.
Jim has a horrible opinion about all wizards except Douxie (he believes his brother is a rare exception and everyone else is a horrible person). He likes knights instead - well, the concept of a knight, who is a noble protector and a true hero, and their aesthetics.
Douxie meets Merlin when he is 16, and around the same time, Jim meets Morgana (his magic goes out of control and she senses him). Morgana is extremely happy to meet another shadowmancer and proposes Jim to become her apprentice. It's the first time someone treats Jim's magic as a good thing (even Douxie, while not calling shadow magic evil, avoids discussing it).
So, Douxie and Jim end as apprentices of Merlin and Morgana respectfully. Merlin is furious about Morgana's decision, he believes she isn't ready to teach anyone and most likely will only set Jim on the wrong path. Morgana simply doesn't care about her master's opinion.
Morgana's support makes Jim start growing again and he also starts to understand that there are more good people among wizards than he thought before. Jim's shadow magic is slightly different than Morgana's - he exceeds in conjuring different stuff from shadows and because of his admiration of knights he can easily summon and maintain an armor and sword made of shadows. Merlin is both horrified and enraged when he discovers it and claims that something like that is too dangerous. Morgana simply believes that Merlin is jealous as doing something like that without external conduits is a rare skill.
When Morgana changes sides, it's another low blow for Jim (as Morgana was a true mother figure for him). Not to mention that Merlin is pretty much deadset on sealing Jim as well before he grows up to become as dangerous as his master. Only Douxie's pleas make him change the plan, but Jim is put under non-stop surveillance from the Camelot knights with some wizards always ready to seal him if something goes wrong.
All of that is obviously no good for Jim's mental health and his time stops once again. Douxie tries his best to heal his brother's psyche but Jim seemingly needs something he can't give him. There are centuries of roaming with no change.
James Lake is Douxie and Jim's latest caretaker from Camelot knights (they keep existing as an organization) and he is a bit more flexible than his predecessors (well, and actually not that devoted to the case). That's why Douxie manages to talk him into trying to play the true family (as he hopes that if Jim has some normal life it may help him).
Douxie and Jim both take the de-aging potion and pose as James's small sons. Eventually, James meets Barbara and they marry. It is serious for Barbara (and she also gets attached to boys fast), but for James, it's just a passing infatuation. He falls in love with someone else and abandons Barbara. Douxie and Jim insist on staying though and James sees it as an opportunity to get rid of an annoying responsibility. Douxie is supposed to report to headquarters about the development, but he ends up faking reports to get some freedom.
Douxie's plan actually succeeds. Jim has Barbara and Toby now, and Jim finally actually gets into living through the teen years.
In this AU, Jim isn't the Trollhunter. Barbara takes over this role and Jim is forced to actively use his shadowmancy to protect her (as she is another mother figure for him and he'll do anything to protect her).
As for Claire in this AU, Morgana plans to use her as a vessel, so Jim is eventually forced into picking between his beloved master and the girl he loves. Obviously, he picks Claire. This entire situation helps him to get a full grip of his magic at last.
Some other stuff this AU features:
part-Akiridon Toby (both Toby and Jim discover each other's secret simultaneously - and it's awkward),
changeling Steve (and he's also Draal's younger brother),
space mercenary Darci (which leads to some problems when she starts dating Toby),
Mary's family are devoted servants of the Arcane Order and she initially is a spy,
Eli is extra sensitive and being surrounded by so many people who feels 'odd' to him drives him crazy
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that-darn-clown · 3 months
okay, sad ask now.
Henry and William's childhoods!! (plus how they met each other)
grew up in a Very rural town in Utah (not Hurricane). like we're talking most people are farmers and there probably isn't more than 100-200 people living here. considering the time period (late 30's-early 40's), makes sense.
this poor guy's bio dad sucked. like he was horrible.
has an older sister named Jen :] (< canonical to the books, i'm sure)
he had only a few stuffed animals growing up: Teddy (bear, obviously), Theodore (rabbit), Dawn (chicken; technically a rooster but Henry didn't give a fuck), and Cooper (fox; fell apart often because it was the oldest of all the toys).
those lil guys would become his inspiration to make the OG Freddy's Gang.
he shipped Teddy and Theodore together, despite growing up heavily religious. he'd just check around to make sure no one was watching them and then he'd go "hehe now Kiss :3"
well. time for a bit of Projection. so like. Henry's Transmasc. now uh while doing some research because i remembered that there are some things that can cause facial hair (or "abnormal hair growth," as some sites call it where women grow hair on places where they either aren't supposed grow much/noticeable hair or any hair at all) in women. did some research, might have PCOS but with more...milder symptoms? idk because some of the symptoms/signs aren't things that i deal with personally. but the hair and the acne stuff matches up and we'll leave it there for now. but anyway, so there's that: Henry starting growing some facial hair (coincidentally a few months before realizing that. he May not be a girl, actually), and because he thought it was cool and because well he's already kind of a social outcast anyway so why not am i right? he decided to keep it.
dad got thrown in jail for fighting and almost killing someone in a bar fight, and his mom remarried. stepdad was much better :]
got his interest in mechanics and robotics from old sci-fi movies and having to fix stuff like his bike and some of the electricity and wiring in the house (mostly 'cause it Sucked).
time for college came around, and well...his stepdad knew some people who were willing to help with his transition as much as they could in like the 50's-60's. got his boy some top surgery, what technically would count as a "fake ID" (Henry and his stepdad would call it an "updated ID," though. which in a way they aren't wrong about), and then sent him off to college!
he 100% gives off the vibes of going down the "weird "girl" who later discovered they weren't a girl at all" to "goofy but Very autistic father" pipeline. i accept no criticism on this, he just Does.
yes he is a furry. Fredbear is in fact his fursona.
hoo fucking BOY did this guy's parents SUCK.
like if you ever wonder why Rewrite!William's Like That as an adult, you've just got to look at his childhood.
his parents were distant and neglectful At Best, and physically + verbally abusive At Worst.
unfortunately for him, something that certainly didn't help matters was that He Was Autistic As Hell. sensory issues, couldn't understand social cues to save his life (still can't, tbh), and just in general was...odd.
some would've called him "eccentric," maybe. had an odd interest in rabbits, in drawing. he was always rather quiet, staring in an almost unnerving way at the walls or just on someone by accident. but mention anything he enjoyed, and he'd talk your ear off.
despite all of this, he was well-loved by teachers. charming lil guy, y'know? not exactly popular with most of the other kids, though...but effectively a Teacher's Pet, pretty much. not that he minded much, either; "If they can tell me something I haven't already heard from my parents, maybe I'll start listening." (< something that concerned the Fuck out of his art teacher once, fun fact!)
used to cry a lot as a kid; got him bullied often :(
parents were rich, and he had a lot of siblings (three sisters and two brothers; loved each other but acted rather distant :().
after a lot of begging from Will, on his 6th birthday, his parents got him a pet rabbit (mostly because they wanted him to shut the fuck up about it) that he named "O'Hare" (familiar sounding name, ain't it?).
and God, did that kid love that rabbit. took the best care of him he could. played with him with whatever spare time he had. he adored O'Hare.
of course...William never had the best luck as a child. when he was eight years old, a couple of friends of one of his older brothers had come over to hang out. they had found William drawing while talking to O'Hare, decided to mess around a bit, and...well, they were a bit too rough with the rabbit, we'll put it that way.
despite his brother getting rightfully pissed at those two for y'know. Killing His Brother's Pet Rabbit, even if it was technically an accident, and trying to comfort his brother, William is inconsolable.
of course, not that his parents understand that this isn't something William's just going to get over in a few days; they're just pissed off and annoyed that their son won't stop crying (to give an example, something his father said, "It's just a stupid rabbit, William! Now stop your whining and bitching!").
of course, William never really got over it that quickly. he practically closed himself off, escaping into doing art to ignore his grief and give himself something to distract himself. and he starts drawing his dead bunny as a new character: this time, as an actual hare. and anthropomorphic. look, William had been watching old Disney cartoons and Looney Tunes, also as a way of comforting himself. and maybe he got inspired a bit...maybe a way to immortalize his old rabbit. heck, who knows, maybe he could become an animator and rival Walt himself!
or, maybe, as he starts drawing and thinking more and more...a way to become his old rabbit? (< aka William is a furry. and a therian. maybe even ockin? well uh....if it works as a coping mechanism, then it works, i guess?)
at least...until his family discovered his sketchbook. and decided that the Best Course Of Action is to send their clearly grieving son to a BOARDING SCHOOL. when he was NINE.
and we ain't talking about a "teachers are kinda strict and you're expected to keep your grades up" boarding school. we're talking a "you will get your ass beat for something as small as accidentally dropping your PENCIL" boarding school.
because their other option is probably taking him to a psychiatrist and having to deal with the public humiliation that having an openly mentally ill family member at that time would cause (which gee guys, I WONDER WHOSE FAULT THAT IS?? I WONDER WHY YOUR SON HAS ISSUES??).
so they send him off, and uh. that goes as well as you'd expect: the letters are practically constant, talking about William's ever-worsening behavior problems. at first, he just clammed up and kept to himself, and anytime it came to corporal punishment, they mention that he hardly ever flinches. then...it got worse. he'd have breakdowns, usually at bedtime, and it would wake other students up. he'd get violent with bullies, not even caring for the consequences. he was always closed off, only ever happy during an art class. even stranger, despite the behavior problems...his grades never suffered. they don't understand it.
eventually, when he's fifteen, they send him home. they decided "yep. we're not dealing with him on the Teenager Hormones. he's Y'all's problem again." (< ignore that this is taking place in England)
his behavior problems? never get any better while he's still at home: his emotions are volatile now. he's sad? everyone in the damn house is gonna hear it from his bedroom. he's angry? hope no one was attached to that glass cup he was holding, because it's broken now.
the family just decides to move over to America (i'd say maybe either Virginia or NY. don't ask why, those are the vibes i'm getting), because i think they're starting to realize They Fucked Up Somewhere and decided maybe a change of scenery would help William. It Really Didn't, But They Tried.
when he turns 18, they just buy him a car, give him a bunch of money, and send him off into the world; "Go to college. Or don't. We don't really care what you do at this point, we just don't want you here."
he just scoffs and decides that he'll go away. far away for college, somewhere where his family isn't breathing down his neck and he can just be himself, and just try things out. see what sticks.
not really like he wants to stay here, anyway.
(this man is also Not cis. probably some flavor of nonbinary. or even some form of rabbit/hare xenogender, purely 'cause it would fit. he'd like it/its pronouns and neopronouns, i'd think)
and now, fucking finally:
they both only really found out that they'd been assigned as roommates when Henry finally arrived at the room. it was. an awkward first couple of hours.
they found out that they had pretty similar schedules, and a lot of the same classes, and. Well, Ain't That Convenient!
William goes back to being his old eccentric self, a rather dramatic man. he and Henry both took a drama class, but for different reasons (William because he could just be himself and Henry so that he could come out of his shell a bit).
they both found out about each other's fursonas and expected the other to go "ew cringe" but. they both found it pretty cool! (it definitely made Will happy, considering he'd been called a weirdo for that his entire life)
then pretty shortly after that they looked at the fact that they both had some. creative ideas with those fursonas and other characters, and while William originally went with the "let's make an animated cartoon show! :D" (which, keep in mind, was his original childhood plan), Henry thought about the fact that they were both in some mechanics/robotics classes and went "actually, I have a better idea-" and that's how the idea for Freddy's/Fredbear's was originally born :]
Henry came out as trans to William and his (at the time) girlfriend, Claire, because he had decided to keep his flannel unbuttoned and Claire saw his top surgery scars. after a couple of minutes of nearly choking on water (because Henry literally decided to start his explanation with "Oh, these are from where I got my breasts cut off-" and it caught Will so off guard), William basically went "HOLY SHIT, THAT'S SO COOL????"
also, final fun fact: these two Have explored each other's bodies before. in college. it's how Henry discovered he was pan and how Will discovered he was bi. just a fun fact for you :]
and there we go!! finally done :] gotta go eat now see ya later bestie enjoy these
AAAHH being like "aw my poor bois :[" and then stumbling upon They Have Explored Each Other's Bodies is maybe the best experience of my life lmaooo. I really like them being early furries. The internet comes out and they join a furry chat room and are like "holy shit chat are you seeing this" (if they had just stayed normal and not. Ya know. Done murder by then)
But yeah ough. My sillies...
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monstrousproductions · 7 months
[warning: transphobia, specifically from parents. seriously. take care of yourself i mean it.]
hiya dad, it was my 17th birthday today (technically yesterday, since it's past midnight, but i digress). i'm writing in cause it kinda sucked and most of the other adults who i'm out to (and are supportive) are my teachers and i don't really want to bare my heart over school email. i came out as trans (ftm) to my family a skosh over 2 years ago, and my parents still haven't accepted it. they're the sort that think that trans people exist, but *you* (that is, i) can't possibly be one of them. my mom's been trying to use fully neutral language and avoid using any names, which is... technically better than misgendering me, i suppose. my dad told me i was "full of shit" when i came out and has no hesitation about deadnaming me since them. there's lots of very sad specific anecdotes about the various responses they've had to me trying to assert that i'm a guy, but this is gonna be pretty long as is, so just take my word for it. i also came out to my older brother at the same time, and he's been hesitant, but willing to try about it.
all of us were busy during the day today, but we were going to open presents tonight, and my mom made a birthday cake for us to have afterwards. the first half of that went okay, though my dad was fully sullen--this isn't unusual; there's a whole lot else going on with my dad but getting into it would require a laundry list of warnings. anyway, after the presents my mom said that she wanted to consult me about decorating tomorrow's cake (i'm hanging out with some friends and will be having a larger cake due to the number of people). however, this was apparently a subtle way to get me out of earshot of my dad, since my mom wanted to know what i wanted to do about singing "happy birthday," since singing it with my actual name would send my dad "over the edge" (to be clear, this was almost certainly an accurate assessment). the options were to either a) sing happy birthday with 1. my actual name (horrible social repercussions for days if not weeks) 2. my dead name (i don't like being a doormat) or 3. a childhood nickname (which, while theoretically better than option 2, still implies that there's something wrong with my actual name), or to b) skip having cake as a family and not sing.
i chose b, for reasons obvious--my brother was also the only one who was hungry for cake, so it hopefully didn't seem weird. my mom said that it was my choice, but she wanted to sing me happy birthday and would use whichever name i picked, even if she didn't do it with the rest of the family. i agreed to this, and my mom said that she'd tell my older brother where i was (my brother and i are fairly close, and he's in college and usually living on-campus, so i was supportive of this). our conversation had gone on for long enough at that point that my dad and brother were having a full conversation, so i went up to my room to do homework that's due tonight. my brother came up a little later with cake (he says that cutting into a fresh birthday cake that wasn't his felt like thieving, which was sweet--all puns intended--of him), and we had cake before he needed to head back to campus. i started on my assignments, and after a bit my mom came in. i asked if she wanted to sing happy birthday then, and she said that she didn't think she'd be able to get the words out bc she'd be crying too much. rn i think she's on a walk or something.
that's pretty much the whole saga. as i said, i'm hanging out with some of my friends tomorrow, and i'm out to them (and tbh most of them are queer and/or trans) so that should be good, and my mom said that she'll sing the version with my actual name (though she didn't phrase it like that) with them, which will be a first. i'm not physically unsafe, and my parents would be fine if i weren't trans (like, in most regards they're good parents, they're just bad at not being transphobic). but i've also had a really shitty birthday and i didn't even get to be sung happy birthday with my actual name, and i'm really tired of getting hurt.
i'm not exactly sure if i have a question or not. i think most of the decisions i'll really want a second opinion on are gonna start being made when i turn 18 and can medically and legally transition, and right now i'm mostly waiting and trying to take care of myself as best as i can. still, if you have any sage advice i'll certainly take it. anyway, my name's Julian and if you could wish me a happy, albeit belated, birthday i'd really appreciate it.
Oh, kiddo! This sounds really, really tough xxxx
First of all, thank you for having the consideration to add a content warning - I appreciate, it not just for myself but for everyone else on the blog.
I wouldn't usually weigh in on people's personal problems (at least, the ones that aren't about ghosts and ghouls...) because it can be hard to maintain healthy boundaries around this stuff - at the end of the day, I am still a stranger on the internet!
As such, my first piece of dadly advice for you is to talk about this with people who know you and love you and who can support you in a more direct, ongoing way.
That said, of course I can wish you a very, very happy birthday, lovely Julian! I'm sorry the day itself was a bit shit, and I hope your friends can help you celebrate the way you'd like to. I had a pretty remarkably shitty 16th birthday, and can certainly sympathise.
Obviously I can't weigh in on any of the big decisions in your future (taps the 'stranger on the internet' sign again 😅) but I hope it's some reassurance to know that adulthood is on the horizon. As you get older, you'll be better placed to advocate for your own autonomy and to set and maintain the boundaries that make sense to you.
Until then, taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do. It's hard, and it sucks, but you're worth every ounce of love and care you can give yourself. Stick with it, sweet Julian, and here's to a happier year ahead! 💕
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carriehobbs · 3 months
I saw you tagged Ellery Wiseman on that poem and am dropping into your inbox to ask for anything you'd like to share about your Button!! (Do you have more than one? Who do they romance? How is their relationship with Nick?) -wayhavenots
omg pd tysm for asking!! 💕💕 there is absolutely nothing in the world i love more than having an excuse to talk about my ocs
i (with some rare exceptions) am the kind of if player that makes a new oc for every romance route i play, so i actually have 5 buttons 🫣 (technically 6, rip elliot wiseman who was from my very first mind blind playthrough, when i just wanted to see if i liked the game. you were very depressed and never became a fully-realized button, but your sacrifice is remembered and your name is retired out of respect). i have a page with very, very brief details on my buttons (and also my detectives for wayhaven) and links to their tags here, but if you use tumblr mobile you've probably never had the opportunity to see it.
this got so very, very long, so the rest is under the cut
my 5 buttons are: ella, ellie, elle, ellis, and ellery (can you guess what naming convention i lifted from the game's default names? lol). what's universally true for all 5 of them (though with some nuance, they all have slightly different feelings about their relationships) is that they're as close as they can be with their parents (because i like john and hope as characters and i find "i really love these people but our relationship became incredibly complicated and we now have to find ways to reconcile our disappointment/anger/etc. with our love for them" to be really compelling. i love mess) and with nick (because i'm a middle child and i accidentally projected my feelings about my siblings (and especially my older sister) onto the button&nick relationship. i physically can't be mean to nick because i cried for about 45 minutes the first time i read the end of chapter 3/chapter 4 and for the first time really considered my sister's mortality, and that changes you).
for a (not really that brief, whoops) rundown of my buttons' whole deals:
ella: equally humorous and confident, very high insightful stat, romancing ambrose. she's independent, intelligent, ambitious, loyal, great at compartmentalizing, and, quite frankly, arrogant. she can be really abrasive sometimes (while she can be a kind and compassionate person, most people don't get to see that side of her and so she can come off as really rather unpleasant - think that know-it-all kid in your class that everyone kind of hates). ella naturally is rather funny/confident/intelligent/etc., but i think, after the incident with hope, she ended up amplifying these inherent traits of hers and making them into a sort of armour that keeps her safe, but also isolates her. i think she's afraid of showing weakness and i think she feels this subconscious need to prove to everyone (including herself) that she's capable. her relationship with nick is the worst out of all of my buttons (but is still incredibly high, think 160/170-ish approval), mainly because she and nick clash the most. she's very independent and knows what she wants and will pursue it (even if it's a boyfriend her brother doesn't like or a career her parents don't want for her) no matter what anyone else thinks, and nick can be a little hover-y (though this improves over the events of the game). she does really love nick (and does actually care about his approval, even if it won't stop her from doing things she knows he won't like), even if she finds him kind of annoying sometimes. she views the incident with hope as a horrible accident that wasn't anyone's fault, and i think she sees better than my other buttons how everyone in the family was affected by the fallout. fun fact: several years post-game, she and ambrose have identical twin girls (ella jokes that she wanted two kids so she and ambrose had twins because "we're efficient". they have girls because ambrose is a girl dad. i am not accepting notes) that share a birthday with nick (because i need ambrose to be forced to participate in a large yearly party that at least partially involves celebrating nick. do you know how many years nick rented a bouncy castle and then proceeded to bounce on the bouncy castle with the girls? it's every year until they decided they're too cool for it. nick's heart broke that day)
eleanor/ellie: more humorous than confident (with confident stat increasing through the game), but has a decent morbid stat too, very high insightful stat, romancing grayson. ellie fulfills my need in every if game/rpg i play to have at least one character who is so, so nice to everyone (my detective alina fulfills this need in wayhaven). she's kind, considerate, forgiving, has a strong sense of morals (except at work, where she's very expedient), and tends to blame herself when things go wrong. she really feels just unbearably guilty about most things: the incident with hope (if she'd acted differently, if she'd been different, etc., maybe it wouldn't have happened), nick's accident in chapter 3, nick having to take care of her through high school... she really struggled after the incident with hope because she needed nick and depended on him so much, but then hated herself for how much she needed him and feeling like she ruined his life (she did project this onto gray when he started hanging around, which is why she didn't like him at first, but over time she realized it wasn't his fault and moved on. and then she got goopy feelings for him). she's not blind to nick's faults, but she adores him (200 approval easily). i think a lot of her growth over the course of the game comes from learning to trust herself and to believe in herself. fun fact: she once made a joke to gray after they started dating (in front of nick and sally too 😬) without thinking about how there'd be "no kids or dog until we have a house". it was way too early in the relationship to be making a joke about having kids or a house. they didn't even live together yet. she's still a little mortified that she said that
elle: confident, very high insightful stat, romancing kent. i love elle because she's kind of relentlessly forward-thinking. she doesn't really dwell on the past except to figure out how to improve the future. she believes strongly that it's what someone does that matters. she's my button who's the most interested in trying to get herself into the npo program. like ella, i think she views the incident with hope as a horrible accident that isn't really anyone's fault, and i think she really makes an effort not to dwell on it or assign blame for what happened. she also has terminal foot-in-mouth disease (talking about bondage with kent in front of your brother, best friend, and instructor after revealing that you'll probably get tortured together, anyone?), which is the bane of her existence. while i think all my buttons struggled with some agoraphobia post-the incident with hope, i think elle really struggled with it: she loves dogs and used to volunteer at an animal shelter, but had to stop because she couldn't handle being outside of her home without sally or nick (she could go to school if she spent the entire day with sally, and then would go straight home) and it took several months for her to feel like she could go places without one or both of them again. once she was able to leave her home independently, she started volunteering at the animal shelter again, and is still there. fun fact: post-game and further into their relationship, she ends up accidentally moving in with kent. it starts by just spending a lot of time at his place because it's so close to nick's (i think a lot of her and kent's dates just involve hanging out together), then more and more of her stuff migrates over, until one day she realizes she's been there for two weeks and all of her clothes are in kent's laundry. she formally moves in after that. she's also my button who's most likely to elope!
ellis: humorous-morbid (slightly more morbid than humorous), tentatively more innovative than insightful (i keep swapping the stats), romancing sally. he's "just some guy" (affectionate) to me, if "just some guy" had gallows' humour. he's been kind of desperately in love with sally since he was 13 and figured out what love was. ellis is the kind of person who looks fine on the surface but really isn't. whereas elle doesn't dwell on the incident with hope because she wants to move forward with her life and not have this one event define her, ellis doesn't dwell on it because doing so will wreck him. he was the closest with hope growing up, since they shared a sense of humour and he felt that she really understood him, and it profoundly hurt when she started to pull away as he got older. he trusted her more than anyone growing up and it hurts a lot now to think about how the people he relies on most now are nick and sally instead. he's not as forward about the guilt he feels and how it affects him as ellie or ellery are, but it's still there. he's also very close with nick and really admires him: nick is ellis's model for what it means to "be a man" (more so than john, but i don't think ellis is really aware of this). ellis also views gray as a sort of quasi-older brother figure and is actually more likely to ask gray for relationship or life advice than nick (mainly because he'd feel a little awkward talking to nick about stuff like relationship advice - also look at nick's relationship track record, gray's probably the safer bet). fun fact: ellis is either the same height as nick or one inch shorter than nick (i can never remember), so if they're out together and the topic of height comes up, he tells people that he's at least two inches shorter than he actually is. this is because nick will lie about his height to make himself taller if given the chance, so ellis gets there first and forces nick to be 5ft9 for an evening (nick hates this).
ellery: humorous, higher insightful stat than interpersonal stat, romancing (m!)glitch. she's such a smartass. she's all jokes and has a quip ready for any situation, but, like ella, i think these are inherent characteristics of hers that get amplified as a defense mechanism. i think it's in chapter 1 of the demo that there's the line that says it's better to have people laughing with you than at you, and that really fits ellery. ellery blames herself for really everything to do with hope and nick, but if she brushes it off with a joke she can pretend to be fine (she's incredibly not - her guilt defines a lot of her relationships with other people and how she views herself). she's also incredibly devoted to her family (to the point where she can't listen to someone criticize them professionally because like. that's her dad. this sometimes causes issues in her and glitch's relationship, because glitch is unafraid to criticize unity when appropriate, but they figure out how to manage it over time). speaking of glitch: she is such a loverrrrrrr 💕💕💕 they really are intolerable together because they're that couple that's just all over each other. everyone around them hopes they'll tone it down after the honeymoon stage ends but they do not 💕 i imagine them moving in together incredibly quickly too. i don't know the exact timeline of the game so far, but even this early on, ellery knows that he's it for her. ellery makes me think the most about what it would actually be like to not only grow up with people who are able to hear your every thought but to never live with someone who can't read your mind. i always imagine ellery as being very comfortable communicating telepathically when she chooses to (she almost got held back from preschool because she didn't speak until she was 3/4 - not because she had speech or language delays, but because why would she speak out loud when she could communicate telepathically? eventually telepathic communication had to be (temporarily) banned in the house to get ellery to speak verbally, and once she did the ban was lifted). telepathic communication also means an entirely different way of communicating between people: visual jokes, jokes where the comedy isn't in the punchline but in the way the joke is constructed before it's been told, being able to rely on the person you're talking to picking up subtleties from your thoughts if you're having trouble expressing yourself in words, etc. and glitch is the first person she's ever lived with who can't read her mind (sometimes she'll be in another room half way through a conversation with glitch in her head and she'll ask him for his opinion on something she thought, only for him to have to remind her that he cannot hear her. luckily glitch finds this funny when it happens and lightly ribs her about it). she gets incredibly frustrated with herself sometimes because she doesn't know how to explain to him how much he means to her or how much she loves him. she tries, but she never feels like it really encompasses the depth of the feeling (it's the one time she wishes he was a ment, so he could hear it). fun fact: about a year into their relationship, ellery wrote glitch a really bad love poem to try and express her feelings for glitch in a way that's meaningful to him. glitch loved it and insisted that it was beautiful, but she thinks it's amateur and is kind of embarrassed about it because he quotes actual love poetry to her all the time. this poem does actually exist because i wrote it to try and get in her head space and figure out what she'd say, and it's mid at best (i am not a poet)
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idioticsky · 10 months
Shhh I have yet to figure out everything, but I'm getting there-
Buuuuuuut, I will give some basic info if you wish my dear friend Cherry :]
Oldest out of him and his brothers (17)
Florida softshell turtle
The technical team leader, but Leo just says everything that he says but louder (he doesn't really care too much tho-)
Still got his low empathy from rise
Still the tech genius of the team, spends most of his time in the lab
5'9 (tallest he'll get is like 5'11)
Still uses his Bō staff
Really hasn't been the same after the "incident"
Second oldest (16)
Painted turtle
The team parent, he's trying to keep everyone together and stop Leo and Raph from fighting 24/7. The one making sure Donnie gets some food most days since he never leaves his lab
Draws and cooks to help relax after a long day
ADHD baby
5'5 (tallest he'll get is like 5'9-5'10)
Still got his nunchucks
Doesn't like to think about the incident
Middle child and twin with Raph (both 13, will explain the middle child bit in a sec after I get done with Raph)
Still a Red-eared slider
Still the face man and "team leader" but bro's just a goof who tries to show off to every cute guy or girl he gets the chance to talk with (he's a horrible flirt)
team medic as well since I love the idea of him being all jokes then serious when someone gets injured pretty bad
5'6 (tallest he'll get is like 6'3)
Also got ADHD baby
Still got his katanas
Really too young to remember the incident other than bits and pieces
Middle child (13)
Green sea turtle
Really nice and kind to people who aren't family, but he can be a menace to his fam
Likes to cook with Mikey and take care of his pet cat that his little sister promptly names Snickers cuz the cat constantly made the sound when they found them
Loose canon on missions sometimes
ADD boy
He got both his tonfa and sai
With Leo on barely remembering the incident
Now, explaining the middle child nonsense. I have an oc that I made a bit ago names Amelia (named after Amelia Earhart since I really liek the history with her), she's the turtles baby sister. Do I have a drawing of her? No- no I don't. Will I have one at some point? No idea man, anyway info time for her
Youngest (8)
Cape dwarf gecko/common dwarf gecko
Really sweet and loves to tinker with things, she'll soon become the mechanic and works on anything that Donnie doesn't have time for (*cough cough* turtle tank *cough cough*)
About 2'5 (so smoll, tallest she'll get is about 5'5)
She'll learn hand-to-hand combat when she's older, like boxing and stuff
Girl got a NASTY right hook
She was a baby when the incident happened
Now, this little incident that happened is the reason we don't got info for Splinter. What happened was Donnie and Mikey were out grabbing some groceries and were followed home by Bishop and his crew. They had gotten a few reports of turtle kids roaming around and needed to check it out. Needless to say, Splinter was captured and killed that night, but at least she (yes in this iteration she's their mom and not their dad) got her children out safe. They've been living in their new lair ever since.
But yeah! This is the basics! Hope you like em Cherry! :D
(Don't mind me also writing headcanons for Danny and Leo that I'll post later)
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svampira · 7 months
15 e 16 per elias e 1 e 3 per eden
Miao hi green🙏
ask game
Already answered 15 and 16 so im gonna pick 16 and 17👍
What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
Mhhh rich ppl family drama lore. He has 3 older sibilings who are 20/25 years older than him from a different mother, and one younger brother (he's named something ridiculous like. Wynd) who's 15 years younger than him. His dad left his first wife for a 23 year old swedish model (his mom), married her, then left his mom for a 25 y/o influencer when he was almost 60🤢. He was a horrible neglectful father to his first 3 children and a great dad to Elias (and Wynd😭) and he dies around a year after Elias is embraced. His dad 100% believed he had been murdered meanwhile his mom is still completely in denial (and technically right).
Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? 
I really don't know I think that if I don't like something I'm just gonna change it🗿 the main things I've changed about Elias is that he's a lot less evil and one dimensional than he was when he started out, he's still violent and an asshole but he now officially has feelings and doesn't kill random people for no reason👍 the other thing is that his amnesia used to be a result of trauma + his humanity dropping, and I've changed it to his sire slowly erasing all his memories while he was still alive.
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Eden very much started off as a. Ken to brooklyn so a lot about his design was just based off of hers. He kind of started off as the boyfriend she was gaslighting mercilessly (by trying to convince him she wasn't real) so. Reverse fight club was the first thing i considered for him.
How did you choose their name? 
I just picked something I thought sounded nice😭 he's also the only decent dude out of all my ocs so giving him a heavenly name felt fitting^^
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umbrellacam · 1 year
Ask Game
oh shoot I didn't get a notif for this - thanks so much for the tag @silverwhittlingknife! ♥♥♥
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
I don't have many proper WIPs that exist in files rather than just inside my head hghkldfs, but okay:
Baby!Tim meets Dick again (and again)
Tim is Jason's half-brother
the isekai AU
Tim wakes up from a coma and learns he was never Robin
Tim + villains = unhappy Dick
and also the separate game where you post an excerpt from one of your wips, so this is from 'Baby!Tim meets Dick again (and again)'
for context, Tim is 6 and Dick is 13 in this, and a few months before this scene, they 'met' again for the second time and had a memorable conversation. So this is technically their third coincidental meeting, at a museum that Tim is visiting with his parents.
“N-no, I’m fine,” Tim stammered, scrubbing at his face hastily. He couldn’t let Dick Grayson see him crying about something so silly! “I just, um. I lost my Mommy and Dad.” “You - what?” Dick Grayson said, and his voice was so strange that Tim risked a glance up at him. The taut, pale concern on the older boy’s face made Tim freeze up in instant horror. Oh no oh no oh no, so stupid! “I MEAN,” Tim shrilled, clawing his fingers into his cargo shorts in distress, “I dunno know where they went! That’s all! They’re fine! I think.” They just forgot me. I sat down, I told them ‘I need to sit down’, and they kept walking. They left me behind. Despite himself, he could feel his face reddening, tears starting to well back up. He looked down and wiped at his eyes again, sniffling as quiet as he could manage. “Oh!” he heard Dick say, sounding both relieved and sheepish. “You lost them - of course.” Dick kept talking, bright and determined, something about calling the front desk. Or going to the front desk? But his voice faded out somehow in Tim’s exhaustion. Tim pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around them and ducking down to hide his dumb leaky face. He was so tired he would rather die than move, even for Dick Grayson. And you were supposed to stay put when you were lost, right? That was good, because he ached to just lie down right here on the dirty floor and take a nap. But even more than that, he wanted to not be crying in front of Dick Grayson about having perfectly alive parents who just weren’t here right now, the moment he wanted them, like some sort of needy baby. He wanted to have not upset Dick Grayson by reminding him of the most horrible day of his life - for the second time - like some sort of - of - bad memory charm – “M’sorry, Dick,” he mumbled, rubbing his forehead too-hard against his knee. The pressure was somehow grounding against the awful tumbling knot in his chest. In his stomach? Somewhere unpleasant. Dick paused, mid-sentence. “Huh? For getting lost? Oh buddy, it happens to the best of us, believe you me.” Tim shrugged, an awkward roll of his shoulders while still curled up. “Ummmm. No? For um. For saying it like that. I know what it made you think.” “Oh. Oh, hey, hey…” Gentle fingers touched his hair, and Tim went still as a mouse. “No. You don’t have anything to be sorry for, Timmy. I’m the dummy who… Nevermind.” Dick laughed quietly. It was somehow just as good a laugh as the bright, bouncing one he’d given at the circus, before everything, even if it was a little sad. His fingers carded quick and light through Tim’s neatly combed hair - once, twice - enough to mess it up thoroughly before dropping down to settle on his back. “Don’t worry, Timmy. I’ll help you find your Mom and Dad. It’ll be okay, I promise.” His voice was so warm and steady; so was his hand on Tim’s back. And the horrible seething tangle in Tim’s stomach loosened, just like magic.
tagging (but only if you want to play, or have any WIPs for that matter!) @zahri-melitor, @alternis and anyone else who wants to play! I'm not entirely sure who else may be a writer who hasn't already been tagged for this by someone else🤔
edit: oop, just kidding, kept scrolling through my dash and I see you were tagged already Zahri! this is what I get for stepping away from tumblr for a week plus lol
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wetbloodworm · 2 years
i made some family trees for my rescueverse kids using this website! just some of them, like tolys has two brothers but that's the extent of that tree that i've got sorted out w/ no other interesting familial connections to other characters.
edit: the order of the pics gets fucked up on my blog, sorry about that! put '[pic #]' under reach space one of the pics is supposed to be among the text
you have to have a person selected so there's a bold-outlined person in each of these screenshots, which is either done at random or to show the maximum amount of people. also i manually made the nonbinary characters' blocks purple BUT the website does allow for nonbinary family members! those blocks are just white and i thought that was boring. grayed out names indicate deceased family members, thicker lines connecting couples indicate an existing relationship while thinner lines indicate exes.
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[pic one]
starting off with the kotovs! this is the only one containing named grandparents because Lubov is at her base loosely inspired by 1P nyo general winter, so she gets to be there. technically all my russian grandfathers are named at least b/c i've got everyone's patronymics sorted out but god that would've gotten messy.
i tried to keep siblings in order of age but that didn't always work out. maxim IS older than konstantin, but yevgeny is older than asya. there was an option to add birthdays so i'm not sure if that would've shuffled things around but i didn't have the patience for that so it's FINE.
i'm not fully set on zhana and tanya being only children, though they are right now. i've thought about sergey having more cousins on his mom's side of the family before but hm. i don't know.
this tree also gets totally fucked in fallen au because of what i've done to asya's parent situation. here's the fallen au family tree below
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[pic two]
why did i do this to myself. like i love asya's story in fallen and how she has to work on healing her personal relationship with being a changeling but god why did i do this to myself. had to edit this in CSP to get the full tree to show.
debated over making yevgeny maxim's son still in this au or making him [bio dad]'s son; i've drawn him as a changeling before but like is that really a good enough reason to scooch him around. really there's no good reason for any of this, and asya hasn't addressed having a half-brother in fallen, so i finally decided to leave him on the changeling side of the family. THEN i debated making asya and yevgeny full siblings instead of half siblings but. no. i've fucked up things enough as it is.
no idea what sergey's family's surname is in fallen. it can't be kotov/kotova because that'd make no sense. maybe i just make it lebedev/lebedeva and just make it so zhana kept [bio dad]'s surname. i don't know. i don't know!
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[pic three]
ANYWAY the orlovskys! the lighter line connecting ivan to the belyakovs indicates they're his foster parents, with the rest of that family not showing in this screen. i tried to edit the two trees together but i don't think it was super clear. ivan had a lot of foster families but the belyakovs were the ones he was the closest to, so it felt important to include them in his tree. avdotya and kseniya had some foster families as well, of course, but i haven't thought on them much beyond the fact that the kids didn't stay connected with any of them.
i wanted to include the bryants, another family crucial to ivan's development/backstory, but they only let you add a secondary set of parents, no more. alas. the bryants actually adopt him in at least one AU (doctor horrible au) so i feel bad not having them on here but alas!!
alyona and nikolay being only children is canon, and both of their parents predeceased them. the orlovsky kids didn't have any living relatives after the house fire, aside from each other.
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[pic four]
and then the belyakovs! again, they had several foster kids over the years, but ivan's the only one that reconnected later on in life and stuck around after that, so he gets to be in the tree. he's got complicated feelings about considering himself part of this family tbh but he's ON THE TREE.
idk if klara and ilya are only children, so there might be cousins out there i haven't sorted out. if i do come up with them i'll update this post, but for now it's just them. my parents have three siblings each and i've got uhhh i think. eleven cousins i think? so these trees seem way too small compared to my frame of reference. which is why i'm overthinking the aunts/uncles thing a bit. it's fine. it's fine
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[pic five]
finally, the o'lorcains! and the gibsons i guess. lyle has a surname now.
considered marking eamon as deceased but i think he's only dead in gta au. as a kindness to cian i'm making the decision that eamon's only dead in gta au.
it's an in-joke in this family that after madigan and erin, it's just all boys all the way down. madigan has four sons, erin has one son, shea has two sons. they thought grant broke the streak at first but then lyle came out and order was restored.
lyle is technically cian's first cousin once removed but cian just refers to him as his nephew. i think that's not uncommon for that familial connection? doesn't matter, that's his nephew.
i think flynn might also be married but i know he doesn't have any kids yet so i'm not too pressed to name his spouse. eamon's a mystery to me.
cian's tree can also get fucked up a bit depending on the AU, since there are AUs where arthur is his brother. i don't know how that works out with [gestures at tree] all this but oh well.
okay i stayed up too late doing this, goodnight
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collecting-stories · 3 years
Jolly Rancher - JJ Maybank
Request: Hey! Do you think you could do an imagine where the reader is Sarah’s twin and all the pogues are at a party or on the boat and her blood sugar drops really low (she has type one diabetes) and her pump keeps beeping. She is mid passing out, not feeling good and rafe has her Insulin so little bit of big brother rafe worried about his little sister and JJ and her not being together yet but he was super worried about her (like all of the pogues tbh). Thanks xxxx I really love your writing 🥺 every time you post something it makes my day
A/N: I did moderate research for this because the only person I actually know with diabetes is a cousin I don’t speak to. 
Outer Banks Masterlist
✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
In hindsight, taking the Druthers out in the bay for a party after sunset wasn’t exactly the best idea you and Sarah had ever come up with. And yeah, technically, taking the boat out would have been totally fine and acceptable but none of you had considered bringing anything but alcohol with you. Six pogues (two honorary) on a yacht in the middle of the bay with just alcohol and weed. It was a bad combination in any version of the world but especially in this one, where you’d been pregaming white claw because you were finally, finally, gonna tell JJ how you felt about him.
The crush had been a saga ongoing since you had first discovered JJ Maybank, which coincided with discovering that boys, while terrible, were incredibly attractive. And sometimes...not too terrible. John B had started working for your family the summer before highschool and at the same time JJ started to pop up. Around the Druthers when John B was cleaning the boat, in a neighbor’s yard mowing the grass or cleaning the pool. And then at the Island Club. By then you’d started hanging out with Kiara and her friends and JJ wasn’t just some cute guy who was friends with John B.  
“Honey,” Kiara laughed, reaching for the can of Naturdays in your hand, “I think you need to slow down.”  
“I’m fine.” You promised, knee jerking rapidly as you gulped the rest of the drink down before Kiara could take it from you.  
You weren’t a heavy drinker. The last time you’d gotten drunk was in ninth grade, at a house party on the cut with Kiara. You’d guzzled down one too many Pabst trying to act cool in front of JJ and had ended up in the hospital in diabetic shock. Once everyone was sure you weren’t going to die, your father had laid into you about how irresponsible you were and how you had acted like a child. It was embarrassing, mostly because you were still saddled to a hospital bed and your friends were standing in the hallway, well within ear shot of Ward.  
After that, you stayed away from anything more than two drinks at a party and you always kept your insulin with you. Except, apparently, for tonight. You’d gotten yourself worked up over confessing your feelings to JJ and the possibility of rejection that you were well on the way to drunk. And your insulin was in your backpack, in Rafe’s truck.  
“You’re not fine.” Kiara laughed, “you’re like, buzzing.”
“Buzzing,” you offered her a dopey smile as you leaned forward, whirling your pointer finger around as you made buzzing noises and tried to poke her.  
“What the hell?” She swatted your hand away, “are you sure you’re okay?”
The commotion was enough to get Sarah’s attention and she turned away from John B to look over at the two of you. “You’re like vibrating babe,” Sarah said, “you’re really jittery.”
“Fine, I’m fine...I’m all good.” You promised, bracing your hand on Sarah’s shoulder as you went to stand up. You missed your footing, tripping over the air and hitting the deck before either Kiara or Sarah could catch you.  
“Oh my god!” Kiara got down on her knees next to you and helped you sit up, leaning partially against her. She pushed your shirt up so that she could check your pump and noticed realized it had been going off. “Hey, do you have like...something to boost her blood sugar? I think it’s dropping really low, I can’t really read this?”
“It’s definitely low.” You replied, hands shaking as you checked your pump, “yeah...too much...too much alcohol.”
“Where’s your insulin?” Sarah asked, crouching down so she could try to meet your eyes, “hey, look at me, where’s your insulin?”  
You hummed, a little too long before finally looking at Sarah, “uh, Rafe’s...shit, Rafe’s truck.”
“Are you kidding me? Fuck!” Sarah cursed, getting up to grab her phone so she could call him, “John B, can you take us back?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he nodded, heading for the ladder.  
“Here!” JJ pushed through Pope and Kiara, spilling the contents of his backpack onto the deck beside you. Amongst a change of clothes, some pilfered pens, his wallet, house keys, weed, a stick of deodorant, and a travel toothbrush, was a bag of jolly ranchers. He grabbed a green one out and unwrapped it, holding it out to you, “here, it’ll make you feel better.”
“You have a bag of jolly ranchers in your backpack?” Kiara asked incredulously.
“Of course,” JJ replied, “if her sugar drops she said one jolly rancher usually does the trick.”  
It was a stupid thing to smile about, especially since you were currently using Kiara to hold yourself up and sucking on green apple jolly rancher, but you couldn’t help it. You had mentioned that ages ago, the first time you went out with the pogues after your drunken night turned ER visit, as you sat on the dock next to JJ. You had doubted he’d even cared and been embarrassed afterward for just rambling on about yourself but he remembered.
“You remembered,” you said as JJ sat beside you, letting you lean on his shoulder as the yacht headed back to the dock.  
Sarah had gotten a hold of Rafe quicker than she expected. He was already talking when he answered the phone, telling her that he was on the way back from Topper’s. According to Rafe he turned his truck immediately, that was what he told you later, when you were feeling more like yourself again. That he’d realized your backpack was still sitting on the passenger seat and he did a u-turn right there in the middle of the street. You weren’t sure that was totally true, your older brother’s pension for dramatics and your family’s obsession with treating you like a baby.  
Usually, it felt stifling but right now you were feeling pretty shitty about yourself. The jolly rancher did exactly what it was supposed to, boosting your blood sugar enough that you were beginning to feel better.  
“What were thinking?” Rafe called the minute he boarded the Druthers, “you know alcohol makes your blood sugar drop!”
“I know, I know!” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. You’d moved from the floor to the couch, JJ leaving your side the minute your brother ran up the jetty. “I’m not a kid Rafe,” you muttered, grabbing your backpack from him.
“Really? Cause you left your bag in my truck and you’re out here drinking your ass off.” He snapped.  
“She’s okay,” Sarah urged.
“What if she wasn’t?”
“I am! And I’m right here!” You huffed, “Rafe, thank you and I know you were worried but I’m okay.”  
Rafe sighed, running a hand through his hair, “I’m not trying to be dad here...but you can’t take risks like that, you know better.”  
“I’m fine!” You slung your backpack over your shoulder and pushed passed Rafe, climbing down the ladder to the jetty. You’d apologize later, for now you were irritable and embarrassed and you just wanted to be back in your room, locked in where no one could see you and remind you how horrible this entire night was. The only decent thing that had happened was JJ but the more you let yourself psychoanalyze everything that happened the more you were positive that the pogues just saw you as a kid too. Like you couldn’t take care of yourself. Like you hadn’t been for the last ten years, since you were diagnosed.  
The Druthers said docked but you couldn’t tell from your bedroom window if everyone had gone home or if they were still hanging out and partying. You thought about texting Sarah but she would just tell you to come back down to the dock and stop pouting in your bedroom. You did your usual checks, to make sure your blood sugar had gone back up, and changed into comfier clothes. Even scrubbing off your makeup...you’d let this shitty feeling die before you saw anyone again.  
Or at least, that was the plan. As you were sitting in bed though, a knock at your window startled you. Not just a tap but a full-on knock. You climbed out of bed and went to the window, laughing when you saw JJ standing on the small balcony off your room.  
“What are you doing here?” You mouthed, reaching for the lock so you could open the window.
He pointed to his ear and then shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t hear you.”
You rolled your eyes as you pushed the window open and sat on the sill, “What are you doing here JJ?” You were trying your best to calm your racing heart, the last thing you needed was to go into cardiac arrest in front of him too.
“You left the party.”
“Not exactly in a partying mood...I was being stupid tonight.”
He sat down on the windowsill beside you, facing out toward the backyard but turning to look at you, “hey, I’m stupid every night.”
“You know what I mean,” you laughed, “I’m so careful...I haven’t had a night that bad in a long time.”
“Why weren’t you? Careful, tonight, I mean.” He asked.  
“It’s stupid.” You put your hands on your knees and looked away from him. You’d hyped yourself up to crashing lows and now he wanted you to tell him why? “You should go back to the party.”
“Not really in the mood...can you believe it?” He laughed like it was nothing but you could hear the heaviness in his voice.
“It’s not your fault...I just meant. If you’re up here, I don’t really feel like hanging out down there.”
You bit down on your bottom lip and looked over at him, feeling just the slightest catch in your throat. For a second you thought this night was going to get even worse and you’d throw up...but instead you just started talking, words falling out with no control, “I pregamed with Sarah before we even got on the Druthers cause I told her I was gonna tell you tonight that I liked you but I was so nervous that you would tell me you didn’t wanna date me so I just kept drinking...” you said. You realized a moment later what the implication was, “not that its on you that my sugars dropped...or like, not that you have to say you like me just cause I almost passed out.”
“What if I do like you though?”  
“You do?” You asked, shifting more toward him, “seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously...why do you think I came all the way up here? Or carry around jolly ranchers? I like you...I’d do anything for you.” He replied.  
You couldn’t stop the smile on your face as you leaned closer to him, “oh well, now it’s definitely your fault.”  
He laughed, “let me make it up to you.”  
You nodded, standing up and climbing back through the window before holding your hand out for him. JJ was quick to his feet, taking your hand and pushing the window closed as he followed you further into your room.  
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stealforreal · 3 years
Future kids - Todoroki Shoto I
Todoroki meets his children from the future. Part 2 is up now you can find it on my tumblr masters list. Or click [here]
Todoroki Shoto x F! Reader
Warnings: none
Todoroki was understandably confused. One moment he was eating his cold soba in peace and quiet, the next a little girl came barreling into him. Clinging onto his pant leg for dear life, tears streaming down her chubby cheeks. Todoroki tensed, even if he was coming out of his shell, dealing with a little child while not having complete control over his flames terrified him. What if he ended up hurting her, when he wanted to help? He refused to be like his father. hurting small children.
A small tug on his leg brought him out of his thoughts, and back to the reality that a young girl probably no older than 6 was clinging to him. He could feel his pants getting wetter by the minute, drenched in the redheaded little princess’ tears. Kneeling down to her height, he put a hand on her head and pattet it gently. It was the only form of comfort he could think of would be appropriate. “ Hey snowflake, where's your parents?” Todoroki asked the little girl, making her look up at the stranger whom she was clinging to. A small gasp escaped her lips, as she began to sob harder and cling to him even more if that was even possible. “ I-Im so so sorry daddy *sniff* I can’t find Ren” Todoroki stiffened. Daddy? He wasn’t a dad, not yet anyways. But that didn’t matter when he was comforting a young girl, so he would play along for the time being. Besides he felt drawn to the little snowflake, maybe it was the fact that she was comfortable enough to seek comfort from him. Maybe it was the fact that she looked like him, with beautiful heterochromia eyes, one classic Todoroki cerulean blue and one e/c.
“ Take a deep breath, little snowflake. Can you tell me what year it is?” His usual monotone tone, took on a softer note talking to the girl. He was kneeling at her height, rubbing small circles on her small back, while she clung to his shirt, sobbing in his chest. She looked up at him with her big mismatched doe eyes brimming with tears “ Its 20xx” okay weird that is 15 years in the future, Shoto wasn’t stupid this was probably the work of a quirk. He then proceeded to ask her if she was indeed hit by a quirk.
She told him that apparently her and her twin brother Ren, were playing with some of their friends at a park. But when they were playing tag one of their friends got their quirk, and the twins got separated. When Reina, as she told him her name was, woke up and couldn’t find her twin brother Ren she began to panic. Then she began looking for him, but then she recognized the dual colored hair and ran to him.
In between her telling the story and sniffling quitely, Shoto had picked her up. While she was calming down in his arms, he began making his way back to the campus grounds. Mr.Aizawa would hopefully know what to do, and maybe they would find Ren on the way. It broke his heart to hear her sniffle, his little snowflake crying was heart wrenching. Even if she technically wasn’t born yet, she was still his little snowflake and he would protect her no matter the cost. He was so possessive of his little girl already and he had only met her 1 hour ago, he promised himself then and there that he would be a better father than Endeavor ever was.
Her sniffles and sobs stopped, and her trembling figure relaxed in his hold. He could feel the little one's gaze on him, and he turned his head to her tilting his head a bit to ask what was wrong. “ Why do you look so young, daddy? '' She asked with the little innocent voice of an angel, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at her question. “ Well my little snowflake, right now I’m 16 and you haven’t exactly been born yet. I’m guessing your friend's quirk is something along the lines of time travel” he patiently explained to her, she nodded her head along as if she understood him. And if she inherited his intelligence, she just might have understood what he just told her completely.
The walk back to the dorms were filled with idle chatter, Shoto asking Reina about his future and how he was as a father. To which she exclaimed with a bright toothless smile ‘Daddys the best daddy in the whole world’ and he was so relieved that he wasn’t a horrible father like his own was to him. He ended up stopping for a minute so Shoto could pepper her with small soft kisses all over her cute slightly chubby cheeks. Her squeals of excitement warmed his heart, and a soft smile made its way on his face.
To onlookers they looked like a cute set of siblings, and small aw’s and so cute were heard in the background. But inside their little bubble, nothing could burst Shoto’s happiness at knowing he wouldn’t repeat his fathers mistakes. The long walk back to the dorms felt a lot shorter with his little snowflake talking his ear off. It was adorable really, she stumbled over a few words every once and awhile. She told him all about her and Ren’s adventures, how they accidentally froze their teacher when Ren got his quirk, and how he had to come and free the teacher.
Shoto was inexplicably happy that Ren got his quirk from his mothers side. But one thing caught his attention was the mention of their mother. He realized that Reina not once had mentioned her name, and as much as Shoto would hate to admit it he was beyond curious as to who he would ultimately spend his life with. A big part of him hoped that it was you, since he had finally found out what the fuzzy feeling he had around you was. Yep Todoroki Shoto was utterly and completely enamored by you, your personality was sweet and you would do anything for family and friends. Alongside Midoriya you were his best friend, and he was in love with you.
The closer to the dorms the two Todorokis came, the more his curiosity nagged him to ask his daughter who her mother was. When he could see the height alliance building a little longer down the road, his curiosity won. “ Snowflake, you never told me your mom's name. '' Reina brightened when he asked about his future wife, a big tell that his little girl adored her mother as much as she adored her father. '' Silly daddy, mom's name is Todoroki y/n of course, ``she said giggling. A bright smile adorned his handsome features as Todoroki stepped into the dorm's living room with Reina still in his arms with her head on his shoulder.
Class 1-A consecutively looked towards the door when it opened. They were trying to calm down the child that was crying on their sofa, who also happened to look suspiciously like their dual haired classmate. The young boy had dual colored hair and cerulean blue eyes, his hair was half white and half y/h/c. The child was obviously confused and scared, and had only stopped wailing when Kaminari short circuited. But alas he was still sobbing and the class was almost out of ideas. He had been asking about his parents, and calling for a person named Reina.
There in the door stood a smiling Todoroki, holy damn was the world ending. But what also caught their attention was the little redhead in his arms hugging him, the little girl's voice reached them and their jaws dropped. “ Daddy, is this the place you and mommy met?” It was such an innocent question, but 1-A was in a frenzy, so much so that they didn’t notice the little boy springing up from the couch and dashing toward Todoroki and the girl. They only came back to earth when a small happy “Daddy” was heard.
Todoroki was about to answer Reina’s question, when he heard the little cry “Daddy”. He turned his head towards the sound and so did Reina, she began bouncing in Shoto’s arms. “ Ren '' She shouted, making Shoto bend down and extend his arm that wasn’t holding Reina. Ren launched himself into Shoto’s chest, and Reina began hugging her twin brother as much as she could in their fathers embrace. “ Don’t worry my little snowflake, daddy’s got you” He whispered softly, calming Ren immediately. The rest of the class stood gobsmacked, daddy?
“Now my little snowflakes, let's go find Mr. Aizawa, so you can go home” Shoto’s arms were full, his little boy on one arm and his little girl on his other arm. How is he supposed to open the door? “ Midoriya, would you come with me to open the door?” Shoto’s tone was monotone as always, but slightly softer in the presence of his children. Midoriya simply nodded dumbfounded, nobody said a word. What were they supposed to say, with all the daddy claims, and seeing the children in the arms of their classmate confirmed it. They looked like the spitting image of the dreamy heterochromia boy, but with some tweaks. There were the y/h/c and the girls one e/c eye, that obviously must’ve come from their mothers side.
On the way to the teacher dormitories, the twins talked excitedly with each other, while Shoto explained the situation to Midoriya. Midoriya felt like he had seen the features on the twins that certainly didn’t come from Todoroki’s side, but with how much they looked like their father it was nearly mission impossible.
Coincidentally on her way to Mr. Aizawa as well, you spotted the tuft of green hair and tufts of red and white hair. Hm, must be on their way to Mr.Aizawa as well you thought. Jogging up to them, you poked Midoriya’s shoulder. Even if you were in class 1-B, you had a pretty good friendship with the cute green haired cinnamon roll. Your quirks were similar in a sense, since yours was a boost of strength as well. Not nearly as strong as Midoriya’s, but still. That is why you were training partners, and through him you had met his friend circle. It wasn’t an unusual sight to see Midoriya and Todoroki together.
But when they turned to you, you were left flabbergasted by the two cuties in Todoroki’s arms. Before the boys could react, Ren began squirming chanting ‘mommy’. Shoto sat him and Reina down, because she too began squirming once they caught sight of you. The two children that were previously in Todoroki’s arms, now tackled you in a hug. “Daddy look, we found mommy” they said in unison. Two children around 6 years old launching at you, could make even the best of them fall on their butts. Which was exactly what happened, they were squeezing you as tight as their small forms would allow.
Choosing to ignore the small ‘mommy and daddy’ comment, you carefully scooped them up in your arms. The look that Shoto gave you was enough to go along with this little charade, he looked at the three of you like you were his entire world. His eyes were shining with happiness, and his lips quirked up in a small smile. Lightly bouncing the ecstatic but sleepy children in your arms, you turned your attention to the two males before you. “ You wouldn’t happen to need Mr.Aizawa as well, would you?” You raised a knowing eyebrow. The two boys nodded, and you began walking again towards the teachers dormitory. You sent Todoroki a small pointed glare, silently commanding him to explain the situation.
The walk to the teachers lounge felt shorter than usual, since your attention was occupied. Todoroki explained his theory that a quirk sent the twins to the past, and that the two of you were their parents. As crazy as that sounded it made so much sense, and looking at the children you would lie if you said you didn’t see the resemblance. Midoriya explained how Ren was crying before Todoroki arrived, and how confused they were when they heard the little boy yelling ‘daddy’. Ren was probably the most scared, since he didn’t recognize anyone in his panicked state. Besides, most of the students probably look a lot different in the future, so it's kind of a miracle that the twins recognized you. Shoto will always be pretty easy to recognize, with his distinct hair, eyes and the showstopping scar. It complimented the handsome teen next to you so well, no wonder he was one of UAs top heartthrobs. Stopping for a second, you just realize something. If the twins in your arms are you and Todoroki's, then that means that you ended up scoring the half-n-half quirk user. Nothing could wipe the shiteating grin that made its way on your face, eliciting concerned and curious glances from the males beside you.
Mr.Aizawa had his fair share of strange situations. He had been teaching at UA for some time, and student’s quirks weren’t always a walk in the park. Never had he ended up in a situation quite like this though, he had to rub his eyes twice to make sure it was real. In front of him were 2 out of Class-1A’s trouble makers and one of his favorite students from Class-1B, they had two small children with them. Easily recognized as twins, and they looked like the half - n- half troublemakers children.
This was going to be a long night.
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alisonsfics · 3 years
scare you away
pairing: steve rogers x reader
summary: steve rogers has always been someone you looked up to. you always ignored your romantic feelings for him because he was much older than you. when he starts ignoring you, you realize you can’t hide your feelings anymore. (requested by anon)
word count: 1.6k
warnings: significant age gap, swearing
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You walked into the kitchen, still only barely awake. You were greeted by Steve, who was chopping up an apple for breakfast. “Someone’s tired” he said, smirking as he looked over at you. You just leaned into his side, too tired to hold yourself up.
He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You were so small in comparison to the muscular super soldier. You felt the butterflies appear in your stomach, just like they always did when Steve was around.
It was a stupid crush. He was old enough to be your dad even if you ignored the fact that he was technically over a hundred years old. You knew that he probably thought of you as just a kid.
What you didn’t know about was the huge crush Steve had on you. It made him feel horrible and creepy. You were so young and innocent, and he was an old man lusting over you. He was raised in a time where it was taboo to marry someone that was more than five years younger/older than you, but there he was: in love with a nineteen year old.
“Do you want to spar after breakfast?” He suggested, really only desperate for any excuse to see you. You slowly nodded your head. Your sleepiness was visible to the eye, from your half-open eyes to how you were practically moving in slow motion.
Steve couldn’t help but chuckle and point towards the coffee machine. “I made coffee. It might wake you up” he said, amused as he watched your eyes light up.
You quickly walked over to the cabinet and reached for a coffee mug. You struggled to reach, even on your tiptoes. “Here you go, sweetheart” Steve said, easily grabbing it and handing it to you.
Once the coffee had passed your lips, you felt ready for the day. He handed you a bowl of apple slices. “Is this where you give me a lecture about how important breakfast is?” You teased, gladly accepting the bowl.
A small grin slipped onto his lips. To him, you were the human form of perfection. He loved hearing you giggle or watching you get excited. All of your silly jokes managed to put a smile on the old man’s face.
“I still hate that they made me do those dumb high school videos. They just made me seem like an old man” he said. You loved to tease him about those videos. It was a nice little inside joke that the two of you had.
You both ate together in quiet silence. Once you finished, you jumped down off your stool. “I’ll take care of your dishes” Steve volunteered, already taking them from you. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself.
“Thanks. I’ll go get changed and meet you in the training room?” You suggested. He nodded in agreement, giving you a peck on the top of your head. You froze, shocked by the sudden action. He quickly apologized and bashfully looked down at the ground.
You felt the heat radiating off your cheeks as you walked back to your room.
Steve had always been a mentor to you, and you both were normally pretty affectionate. It wasn’t out of the normal for you two to be cuddling and watching a movie on a Friday night. There were sometimes when things would get a bit too affectionate, whether it was a kiss on the forehead or holding hands.
He always left you with a fluttering feeling and a schoolgirl smile on your face.
You grabbed a sports bra and some leggings out of your dresser and got changed. After throwing your hair into a ponytail, you headed down to the training room. You didn’t normally opt for a sports bra, but all of your athletic tank tops were dirty. So, you threw a light jacket over your sports bra.
You saw Steve through the giant glass windows. He was already lifting some weights. You opened the door, and he looked up to meet your eyes. He greeted you with a small smile.
When he turned around to set down his weights, you took the opportunity to admire his back muscles. You set down your workout bag and unzipped your jacket, throwing it on top of your bag.
Steve turned around to face you, and you saw his eyes go wide. You noticed his eyes roll down your body. Then, he forced himself to look up at your face. “I—ummm. I’m sorry” he mumbled over his words.
His cheeks were on fire as his face became bright red. He didn’t know where to look, so he settled for the floor. He was too ashamed to look into your eyes, but couldn’t stare at your body anymore.
“Actually...I can’t—I mean, I have to go,” his words were rushed and frantic. He didn’t even pick up his bag before quickly jogging out of the door. You were left all alone.
You looked back at where he had just stood, feeling nothing but confusion. You didn’t even know what to think. He hadn’t said much of anything before running out the door.
You slung your bag over your shoulder and went back to your room. You set your stuff back on your bed and heard people talking outside your door. You peeked out the door and saw Steve talking to Tony, Nat, Wanda, and Sam, who were all sitting on the couch.
You kept your door only cracked open, so they couldn’t see you. “Oh come on. Just tell her how you feel. It’s better than running around avoiding her” Natasha told him. Steve put his head in his hands. He had no idea what to do.
“She probably knows anyway. You aren’t exactly the most subtle. You two and your little movie nights” Sam said, chuckling. You wondered if Steve liked you and that’s what they were talking about. “You knew about that?” Steve’s cheeks became an even darker shade of red.
You could hear Wanda and Natasha whispering to each other about how cute you both looked when you were cuddling. You could feel your heart racing.
Did Steve really like you?
“Come on, Cap. How do you feel about her? Do you love her?” Tony asked, aiming for a serious answer.
The room was quiet for a moment. You thought they could hear your heart pounding as it rang in your ears. You stepped into the room, so you could hear better. They all saw you, but didn’t make any gesture so Steve wouldn’t know.
“Of course I’m in love in her. I think about her all the time. How could I not? She's the sweetest person I’ve ever met, and I love being around her. I love how she giggles when she tells jokes, and how she gets flustered when anyone compliments her. But at the end of the day, I am so much older than she is. She’d probably think I’m a creepy old man if she knew how I felt. She definitely doesn’t feel the same way, so what the fuck am I supposed to do?” He asked, running his hand through his blonde hair.
You couldn’t form the words to respond.
“Steve?” your voice sounded weak and vulnerable. He spun around and met your eyes. You saw the panic wash through him. “Oh shit” he mumbled to himself.
You could only think of one thing to say. “Is all of that true?” You asked him, still having a hard time believing. He nodded, but hung his head in shame.
“We’ll give you both a minute” Wanda said, before they all exited the room. You walked closer to Steve, but he still couldn’t look you in the eye. “Look at me” you said, softly.
His big blue eyes met yours, and you could see all of his worry. “So do you think I’m creepy yet?” His voice broke. You let your fingers slip through his, interlacing your hands. His eyes darted to your hands.
“I don’t think you’re creepy. I think you’re kind of cute” you said, bashfully. He tilted his head towards the side, confused by your words.
You watched his eyes glance down at your lips. “Can you just kiss me already?” You practically begged him. He chuckled before slipping his arms around your waist. He leaned in and slowly connected your lips.
He hesitantly pressed his lips against yours. Your grinned as you noticed his nervousness. You slid your tongue against his bottom lip, encouraging him.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, toying with the ends of his hair. You both pulled away as you heard whistling. You looked over your shoulder and saw Sam watching you both.
“Come on, let’s go” Steve said, taking your hand and pulling you towards your room.
Sam wolf whistled again at the both of you. “Ignore him” Steve whispered in your ear, before closing the door behind you.
You laid down on your bed and pulled him down with you. “How about we watch a movie?” You suggested, running your fingers through his hair.
He nodded his head before adjusting himself on the bed. He sat with his back against the headboard, and let you sit in between his legs with your back against his chest.
You ran your fingers up and down his legs beside you as you started the movie. He pressed a kiss to your temple.
“So why did you run out of the training room this morning?” You asked, glancing back at him. He chuckled to himself before answering you. “The sight of you in that sports bra. I felt like a creep ogling at you. I knew I couldn’t stop myself. I didn’t want to freak you out” he told you, scratching the back of your neck.
You felt the heat rush to your cheeks. “I wish you would’ve told me that. I was having a hard time not staring you, Mr. Muscles” you teased, leaning into his touch.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @bookfrog242 @buckys-doll17 @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @sunwardsss @studentville-struggles @impossibleapricotlampbat @infjkiki @weirdfishy @lickmymelaninn @hailey-a-s @andreasworlsboring101 @glassesandthunderthighs @holding-on-to-my-youth @fanofalltheficsx @lukes-orange-beanie @golden-hoax @mostly-marvel-musings @madisondelstan @spookyparadisesheep @n3ssm0nique @i-wish-i-knew-what-i-was @hyacinthhotch @ashwarren32 @who-the-hell-is-sebastianstan
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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