#my dutch anon
Makhy my friend!! Congratulations with the AS Roma win my dear 🤗🤗. Big hugs from your Ajax anon
Hfjfgjgjgj thank you babe! Part of me felt we did it for you guys too but also sorry about the coefficient. *hugs you tight( wish us luck!!!
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vicsy · 3 months
maxiel, divorce
somewhat inspired by the latest vlog Daniel posted
When Lando asked, it was nothing but a dumb joke.
"So, who's gonna get Martjin in the divorce?"
Daniel laughed it off, then, and lobbed a padel ball at him. Lando flipped him off, squawking, I'm on your fucking team, mate. On the other side of the court, Martjin patted Max on the back, giving Daniel a faux dirty look. Max said something to him, probably in Dutch, probably devising a convoluted strategy that had no way of actually working. Their net game sucked major balls.
"Alrighty, whoever loses this game admits that Baku was his fault!" Daniel said, awfully cheerful for someone who's been baking in the sun for an hour and a half, but he got that open, full body laugh out of Max.
The win followed by the skin of their teeth, at the cost of Lando's scraped knee and twenty minutes of continuous complaining. Max sulked all the way back to the villa. Daniel pinched the skin over his ribs when it was just the two of them in the spacious room overlooking the sea.
"Aw, you're still such a sore loser," Daniel cooed and it earned him a jab in the midsection, courtesy of Max's custom padel racket. "You wound me, Maximus!"
"And you know what you are?" next thing, Daniel was flat on his back, landing on the bed with the most undignified sound. Max climbed on top, straddling his hips. He jabbed a finger into Daniel's chest. "Je bent mijn alles."
"That's too long just to call me an asshole," Daniel pointed out, a smartass in his own right. He was mostly interested in getting Max out of that horrendous Red Bull polo so he could lick a stripe down from the hollow of Max's throat and press his tongue to Max's puffy nipples.
"I said that you are worse than a sore loser, Daniel."
"Hm. Think someone's using my language skills against me," Daniel pretended to ponder this idea, running his palms up and down Max's thighs. He looked so beautiful in the low lamplight; softer in a way that made Daniel think of home. Gezelligheid. "Say it again?"
Max did, giggling with exasperation, and Daniel repeated after him, horribly butchering the whole phrase over and over again, until Max got sick of it and kissed the mispronounced syllables off his lips. Talking was overrated anyway.
Next time, it's Daniel who says it, no trace of humor coloring his voice.
"Sure, whatever, I'll fucking leave," he shrugs Martjin's hand off his shoulder and dusts the look of pity off his thousand dollar getup. "Guess Max is getting you in the divorce after all, yeah?"
Daniel didn't have the habit to half-ass anything. In the disastrous fallout, he went full scorched-earth and Max answered him tenfold. They took everybody down with them. Standing in the crowded club in Saint-Tropez three months into the aftermath, Martjin lodged in between like the final barricade on the battlefield, Daniel lets his pride choke him.
He doesn't have to possess some exceptional lip reading skills to distinguish Max saying dickhead and coward, gesturing wildly, three top buttons of the white, linen shirt he's wearing unbuttoned, exposing reddish, sunburnt skin. Next to him Lando looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Good, Daniel prefers him as far as possible, maybe somewhere on the ocean floor.
"Daniel, come on," Martjin pleads. The music blaring in the club drowns out most of what he says. Daniel watches his lips move and hears static in his ears. "I'm not taking sides."
But he does. Daniel really could only blame himself but he'd rather eat his racing shoes than shoulder it all by himself. Max was all in, too. He proved it when he went all out.
There was a gaping hole in Daniel's chest and he couldn't tell if the blood on Max's hands was his or if it belonged to the two of them.
"'Course, mate," Daniel lifts his arms up in mock surrender. Each word on his tongue leaves an acid burn. He grabs Martjin by the elbow and gets into his face, manic idea hanging over his head like a guillotine. "Hey, so. For old times sake, can I ask you something? No biggie."
Martjin makes a face but nods. Daniel gets close to his ear and straight up yells that weird, Dutch phrase Max told him a lifetime ago, in a room of a villa that saw them untainted. It never sat right with him. He's sure the pronunciation is royally fucked up but Martjin's stunned reaction tips off an alarm in Daniel's brain.
"Max told you that?"
Out of the corner of his eye, Daniel sees Lando thrust a gin and tonic into Max's hands only to have the glass pushed back, spilling liquid on the floor. Daniel whole body twitches.
"Does it meant that I'm a sore loser or was Max fucking with me?" he asks, straight to the point.
Martjin glances at Max over his shoulder, then turns back around, mouth pulled into a thin line.
"It means," he says, hesitantly. Daniel isn't even paying attention to him anymore, not really. His eyes are glued to Max just standing out there — too close and too far — his lovely lips parted on something unspoken, shoulders tense like he's squaring off for a fight and the look of distress all over his face. Daniel feels sick with it. He wants out. "In Dutch, uh. What Max said, it means–"
Daniel's patient runs dry.
"Fucking, what?"
"You're my everything."
Send me a ship/character(s) and a one word prompt and I will write a 5 sentence fic about it.
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sweetsndreams · 5 months
A young woman with glasses and pigtails greets the baker with a small smile "Evening, Charlotte. How's Business?" - 📘(Ava)
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🍪: "Oh Ava! It's wonderful to see you again! Everything has been going swell on my side dear!"
- Charlotte gave a kind smile before turning to Ava and offering the tray of freshly made cookies
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🍪: "Oh- before I forget; Would you like one? This batch of cookies are fresh out of the oven!"
((Part 1))
((part 2))
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f1-stuff · 1 year
They definitely met up in southern France/Monaco but Charles forgot he couldn’t say they actually were in the same place 🫢👀
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My thoughts EXACTLY
It's giving 'sharl, we went over this five minutes ago. You were in France and I was in Mallorca, okay? That's the story we're going with.'
And then, the two of them disassociate for a moment directly afterwards, like 'did we just fuck that up? yes, yes we did.'
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outlaw-apologist · 2 years
The Gang as Fathers (RDR2)
This was an anon request :D Characters: Arthur, Hosea, Dutch, Charles, Sean, Kieran, and Micah TW: Micah’s contains graphic/violent themes Requests are always welcome~ feel free to request anything hehe AO3 link here ___  Arthur - He always pretends to be stern with his child but gives in almost immediately. “You can’t have candy before bed….” He puts on his best mean face that only lasts a few seconds. “Fine, just one piece.” - His baby will learn how to ride a horse before learning how to walk. Arthur will hold his child while caring for the horses or will cradle them in his lap during trail rides. - “I heard a little alcohol was good for babies. Makes ‘em sleep better.” He’ll stick his pinkie finger in some whiskey and will let the baby suck on it to calm down, but only during fitful crying or when his baby won’t sleep.
- As his child grows older he’ll try hard to give them a good education. Not city folk education, but enough to know about the world. There’ve been many times Arthur wished he had gone to school as a kid. - When his child draws for the first time Arthur is SO proud! He shows EVERYONE and keeps the drawing tucked safely in his journal for many many years to come. It doesn’t matter how old his baby gets, he keeps every drawing no matter what. - If Arthur had a daughter I think he would try harder to learn more about women’s rights. He might even visit the protesting lady in Saint Denis and ask her a few questions. He’s seen how the world treats women and he wants to raise a strong woman of his own who will always believe in herself and love herself no matter what. - Also- Daddy daughter dates!!! He would go to all the nice little cafe’s and bakeries with his daughter or would take her on special little picnics. - Camping trips!!!! Every weekend Arthur is packing his kiddo(s) up to go camping. He doesn’t like fishing but he’ll take his kids forging and teach them how to live off the land. When they’re bigger Arthur teaches them how to hunt small animals, like squirrels, with a bow and arrow. At night he cooks dinner over an open fire and sings trail riding songs or tells stories of his days as an outlaw. - If his child ever goes through a tween or teen phase of hating him Arthur WILL cry himself to sleep every. damn. night. wondering what he did wrong. Even if he knows it’s just how kids are at times, it really hurts his feelings. That self loathing part of him mixed with old family wounds never leaves him. - Sorry to any wife or husband of Arthur’s out there – but Arthur would save his child before all else in ANY dangerous circumstance. He’ll save his spouse next but the kid(s) come first. - “When you’re older I’ll give you my hat. It was my daddy’s hat, and now it’s your daddy’s hat. One day it’ll be your hat.” “Hey! Stop playing with my hat!” “Di’ju take my hat to school?  Don’t do it again.” - Even if his children are around people he trusts he will still watch them like a hawk, almost afraid someone will snatch them away. - He really hates being away from his children so he sends letters about his great adventures to them until he can return. - Arthur really doesn’t want his children walking in his footsteps, BUT he does wish they could experience true adventure and freedom. Because of this he’ll plan elaborate activities. Sometimes he creates treasure maps and will take his children riding around the state to find a ‘hidden treasure’ Arthur himself buried. - When his child turns 13 he’ll take them out to find a wild horse of their choosing, then he’d teach them how to tame the horse as a right of passage. It’s an amazing bonding experience between the both of them, and he thinks horses are special animals. Growing up with your horse is a must. - “Seriously gimme my hat!” -- Hosea - Hosea’s always secretly wanted a little one of his own. It doesn’t matter if he has a daughter or a son, that baby will be in his arms 24/7 - Literally wants to raise his child as a mini him – in the most positive way possible. - Bedtime stories were chapter books and his children learn how to read fairly early-on in their childhood. - Every few years Hosea gifts his child a new fishing pole that matches how big they’ve grown. Fishing is very important to him and he makes a point to have a special spot where he camps with his kids and fishes for days. Playing in the rocks and trees, hiding in the fields around the camp when not catching fish. Instead of campfire stories he reads books out loud or retells old memories he finds amusing. - “I want you to understand, the outlaw life is not for everyone.” Hosea is torn. He doesn’t want his children to become outlaws like him… However there’s a part of him he can’t deny where he wishes his child would be there with him no matter where he was. If his child became an outlaw he wouldn’t fully protest it. He’d feel guilty, I think, but he doesn’t want to be away from his kid(s). -That being said, his kid is raised with the Van-Der-Linde gang. Whenever Dutch or Susan tries to parent his child Hosea will always stand up to them. He puts a lot of emphasis on Arthur and John to protect his babies; mostly because he views Arthur and John as his children too, so they should act like good brothers. - He would LOVE taking his kids out to see plays or to the circus whenever the circus is in town. He’ll take them to films too though he prefers the performing arts (theater) first. However, he loves exposing his children to any and all types of art. If his child ever expresses an interest in acting or writing he’d swell with pride and do anything to support them. - Hosea is a smart man. He know he’s living on borrowed time. Making it to your 50’s as an outlaw was no minor feat. There’s money no one knows about, not even Dutch. Money that can set his children for life. He makes sure to bury it carefully and made arrangements for his child to receive a map of its whereabouts in case of his death. - “And that is ursa major and ursa minor.” Star gazing with papa Hosea! - He is firm but empathetic. Hosea will uphold any punishments that he thinks fits the crime. However, he’s never spanked or laid a hand on his kids. He’s more interested in life lessons. If he catches his child stealing then he’ll force them to donate something of theirs to the poor, ect. - If his baby is sick he’ll stay up all night by their bedside checking their fever and making sure they’re okay. He refuses to leave their side and won’t sleep until he knows his baby is okay. - Hosea’s biggest fear is losing his child.   He’s big on teaching his kid safety from a young age, even if that means using a knife or a gun. - For their 18th birthday he’ll gift his child a very beautifully engraved pistol. The engraving will be a quote or a saying that is personal to him and that child. Something with meaning only they would understand. - Even if his child is a full grown adult, Hosea will come read with them at bedtime. It’s something that makes him feel loved and cherished and he hopes his child feels the same way. - You cannot convince me this man would not put on a play with his children. He encourages the gang to act excited or amazed while watching. He’ll shoot a glare at Dutch whenever Dutch acts a little too excited. --- Dutch - Let’s be honest, Hosea raises any and all of Dutch’s children. - No kid friendly books, his children learn how to read philosophy like men. -Will completely destroy his children in any and all board games. He’ll never let them win no matter how young they are. If his kid starts crying he’ll say something snarky like “Aww go cry to mommy/papa Hosea.” - He is definitely the fun parent though. (At least in his opinion). His 10 year old is robbing trains. He’ll rob a candy store too for shits and giggles, just so his little one thinks he’s cool. - He really does love when his child sits on his knee or rides on his shoulders. It makes his heart swell with happiness. - I don’t think Dutch really knows what to do with children. He just treats them as tiny adults. - He will ALWAYS introduce his children with pride. Because of that there’s this… unspoken pressure for his children to always be at their best. They always need to be well articulated or ready for action. Otherwise there might be a dreaded “I thought I taught you better.” speech. - Dutch really did try hard to make sure his children grew up smart and capable. However, if that ever turns them against him or if they question him he immediately gets upset/angry. - His children will grow up calling him daddy and Hosea papa. Dutch might try to correct them a few times. “It’s uncle Hosea-” But he gives up rather quickly. - Dutch does mean well. He tries to take his children on special or fun outings. Unfortunately it always ends up about him or the mood is ruined with a long philosophical rant/speech. - He is not a completely useless father though. If his child is hurt he’s the first one there to scoop them up and console them. He would bandage them up and kiss their boo-boo’s better…. Up until near the end when the gang starts splitting apart. Around this time it seems as if he’s not fully present and so it doesn’t register to him that his child is hurt or injured. He starts to see it as their own personal problem no matter what age they might be. - His children are brought up seeing him as this wise, smart, powerful figure. They view him more as a savior than a loving parent. Basically they’re brought up to view Dutch the same way as the rest of the gang sees him. He provides shelter, clothes, food, and safety. He is the reason they have a free life. And because of this I do think they would have a lot of love for their father, but, they’ll never feel like they’re good enough. - If anyone ever touched a hair on his child’s head… Without fail they’ll end up filled with bullet holes or burnt to a crisp. He’s not great at showing his love but his children are his everything. ----- Charles - Charles is the type of parent that loves his children SO much he doesn’t even need to say a word. His love is always shown through his actions. He’ll gently sweep their hair out of their face or he’ll rub their back. When they’re little kids Charles will always press a little kiss to the top of their heads. - He doesn’t give in as easy as Arthur does. No candy before bed. Eat your dinner before dessert, drink more water, don’t go off alone, ect. He’s never mean about it. Charles tries to make sure his children are as healthy and well looked after as possible. - What if he’s not here one day? What if his past catches up with him or something bad happens? This is always in the back of Charles’ mind. Because of this he teaches his children how to be self sufficient from a young age. He makes a game out of cleaning up and chores become a family activity. He tries to keep it fun for them since they’re still kids. - Children are the future in Charles’ eyes. He teaches his kids everything he knows. They’re taken on hunting trips and out forging or fishing. Charles teaches them how to make bows and arrows. He’ll tell stories about his mother or his experiences. Most of all he teaches his children respect. Respect for nature and all of the animals they may meet. - When Charles’ child is an infant or a baby he will ALWAYS be holding them. Doesn’t matter what he’s doing, that baby will be on his back or in his arms. He LOVES holding his children. It helps ground him and reminds him they’re really his and life can be good. - He won’t admit it but he loves dressing his children up. He likes to make or buy clothing and accessories he thinks would suit them. During winter his favorite part of the day is bundling them up in their coats and scarves. Charles thinks they look adorable toddling off to play in the snow. - HE WOULD BE SUCH A GOOD GIRL DAD! Charles goes out of his way to learn different hairstyles so he can do his daughter’s hair different every day. I think he’d make jewelry for his daughters and would always be singing with them or playing with them. Charles would be very protective yet respectful. He’d still teach his daughters how to track and hunt, ect. - Charles carries pictures of his children everywhere he goes. On the rare occasion he’s drunk he takes out the pictures to show everyone like “Look at my babies!” - He would be that annoying parent who’s children becomes their personality. He doesn’t talk much but if he’s with someone he’s friends with he’ll casually work his children into all of his small comments. “I need to get some fresh meat for my family.” “My children would love it here.” “I would never let a man like that around my children.” - Charles would totally call his child ‘baby’. “Hi baby!!!” “What do you need baby?” “Oh no, don’t cry baby.” He wouldn’t do it in public but in private???? He is soooo unbearably loving and mushy with his kids. It doesn’t matter how old they are, that’s his baby. - Charles didn’t really have parents while growing up. He wants to show his children as much love, kindness, and compassion as possible. The world is cold and cruel. If he can be the light and warmth for his kids then he’ll do it. - When his children grow up, if they decide to pursue goals/dreams Charles doesn’t fully understand, he will go out of his way to educate himself on that topic just to show them support. -Charles is one of those parents that really don’t want their children to move away from him. If they chose to he’ll respect their wishes but you bet that man will be crying DAILY because he misses his kids. - For the same reasons, Charles can’t be away from his kids more than two days without feeling heartbroken. - Charles would honestly do so well as a single father if he ever becomes one. - He’s a huge fan of gentle parenting. He keeps his voice calm and talks his children through anger/sadness with patience. It’s important for him that his children feel seen and heard. - Charles is the type of father that’ll beat the SHIT out of anyone who messes with his baby. - He’ll play dress-up with his kids. If his children want him to be a princes… he’ll be a mf princess! ------ Sean - God… Sean as a father? The house will be burnt down immediately the first time he watches his kid(s) alone. - He’s the fun parent. He’s also the unsafe parent. He really doesn’t see anything wrong with bringing his 3yo with him on a robbery. “They had a blast, it was great!” - Let’s be real, Sean is more of a friend to his child than an actual parent. He’ll never reinforce any rules. He’s always down to clown. He’ll be your best buddy but he won’t help you with your homework. - It’s fine to give kids alcohol sometimes in his eyes. “Go on, you can have a sip of my beer. It’ll put some hair on your chest.” - If his child isn’t as bubbly or loud as him he’ll be a bit disappointed. If his child matches his energy he’ll be 10x worse. They’ll be working off of the same brain-cell. - Sean loves to dress his children up to look like him. He thinks it’s hilarious. He even calls his baby ‘Baby MacGuire’. “Hello there baby MacGuire.” “D’ju have a good day today little baby MacGuire?” “This is my wee baby MacGuire.” - He has dropped his baby on the head, probably more than once. He felt really bad about it. - He will make his kids do the “two children in a trench coat” thing to rob a store. He literally pisses himself laughing when it actually works. - Half of the gang will end up raising his child while he pops in sometimes to have fun outings with them. -Is he a good parent? Fuck no. But his children will LOVE him and I think they’ll always have a good relationship with him. - Sean has tried to get John to teach his kids how to swim. He doesn’t understand John can’t swim…. - He never forgets a birthday because he loves eating sweets with his kiddos but he WILL forget every other important event. ------ Kieran - I think Kieran would be a really good father! He’d never raise his voice. His punishments are very light, yet he’d make sure his children would know what they did wasn’t right. - He’s not great at socializing with his children, but he LOVES to listen to them. It fills him with so much happiness when his children confide in him. He doesn’t always know what to say but he’ll be there whenever they need him. - If he has a baby he’ll be so afraid of making any noises while the baby is sleeping. If he’s holding his baby as they sleep, Kieran refuses to move in case it wakes them. - He writes the names of his children on the tags of their clothes so they don’t get lost. - Kieran is a doormat for any teenage children. He hates disappointing or upsetting his child, so if he has a teenager who tests his boundaries that teen will win every time. - However, I think his children would love him more than anything. Even if they did do bad things to Kieran I think they’d feel guilty and wouldn’t do it again. - Piggy backing off of that – The best ‘punishment’ Kieran could give his kids is disappointment. If daddy Kieran is disappointed in you then you KNOW you fucked up. Because of this his children end up pretty well behaved. - All Duffy’s grow up around horses. He loves bringing his kids to the stables. Letting them pet and brush the horses. He holds them up so they can feed the horses treats. - He likes fishing even if he isn’t the greatest at it. He’ll take his children fishing or would let them work on arts and crafts while he fishes. - While most kids walk home from school, Kieran always waits outside for his kiddos so he can walk with them. - He always wishes his children “sweet dreams” before going to bed. Every. Single. Night. He’s never missed a night EVER. - I think Kieran would take his children to visit Ireland. Maybe to see his father’s extended family. - Holidays are very special in the Duffy household. Even if Kieran and his kids have to hand-make decorations he’ll do it! Anything to make their childhood special. - He takes special walks with his kids. During the autumn he’ll make his children catch a falling leaf each before they can go home. He hopes it helps them feel the magic of childhood. - Kieran is terrified his children would be orphaned like he was. Because of this he works long hours when he can. He saves up a decent chunk of money and hides it. Only his children know where it’s at and understand it’s only for emergencies. ------ Micah - God forbid Micah ever has a daughter. There is a chance he would decide to raise her as a boy BUT I honestly think he’d either kill her, make her a dumpster baby, or would pawn the child off on someone else. In the even that the child is raised by someone else Micah would probably visit once every six months and probably stick around until that child is old enough to ‘work’ for him. - If he had a son tho…. Micah Bell the IV. - He’s a very cold father. Nothing his child does will ever be good enough for him. Because of that his child would probably try to win his favor until they’re old enough to realize they’ll never have it. - “One day this empire of mine will be yours.” and he owns NOTHING! - Micah definitely has shaken his baby. He probably spanks them or whips them with a belt whenever they’re bad. - His children grow up to take care of him and do things for him. They do all the chores. If Micah needs a beer one of them always has to go get it. - If one of his children ever becomes attached to an animal (cat, dog, horse) he would shoot that animal dead to teach them a lesson. And that lesson is to ‘not be soft’ and ‘attachments are useless’. - He doesn’t do anything to take care of them. Child rearing is a woman’s job. Micah makes the money. He comes home expecting a hot meal then he fucks off. His children are probably relieved that he’s gone so much. - Once his oldest is in their late teens Micah would gift them one of his guns. He doesn’t love anything more than those guns so it’s symbolic of how much he does care for his child. Micah can’t love normally, nor does he know how to show it. His oldest will understand the weight of the gesture and it may even make that child feel indebted to him. - He’s the very old fashioned type that thinks he automatically should have respect from his children. - If no one is willing to take care of his children, every night would be “fend for yourself night” in the Bell household. He’d never lift a finger to cook for or take care of them.
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eirianerisdar · 1 month
I was hoping that when Daniel didn't come back after his broken wrist as soon as he possibly could that it was a turning point with this bullshit, but nope. No such luck! Right back to endangering themselves and everyone else on the track--cannot believe they don't have truly independent doctors who can pull them from races when this sort of thing is happening.
Honestly it’s a culture problem. The drivers are pressured to suffer through symptoms until it visibly affects performance. Medical treatment is given with the expectation they return to the track at the earliest possible moment, which with musculoskeletal problems often comes down to a subjective decision by the driver. No driver wants to miss a race for fear of jeapoardising the championship or even their seat. It’s a toxic cycle.
I’m glad Daniel got given the time he needed to properly heal from his 7-piece-comminuted fracture last year. Oscar shouldn’t have had to suffer in silence for three races before he felt it was bad enough to bring it up.
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youngdutchishot · 2 months
what would vandermatthews do if the other got held hostage💔
(so srry to any asks I forgot I had them in my inbox )
Considering what Dutch went and did for Jackie when the Braithwaites kidnapped the BOI? I'd assume he would.. act out something similar to that mission(? ). Hosea followed him there too, and if it's Dutch that got captured, he'd do the same in my opinion.
If you want specifics. Murde!!. Gosh, so much bloodshed, and I take no criticism.. If that was how he'd react with Jack( taking into account that pretty much the entirety of the gang seems to really care about him —> excluding a few creeps). Then yes, speaking for Dutch, he'd make a scene if it were Hosea. Which I'm also going off of Hosea's death in Saint Denis and how responsive he was toward that. If Hosea's life is at risk, he'd go, no questions asked. But obviously in his own way unless it were, say, The O'Driscolls, then that's guns blazing.
Now- Hosea? He's a conman, clearly strategic in his own right, and under certain circumstances will most definitely crack. Do I think he'd falter or do things a little differently if Dutch were taken as a hostage? Yeah, maybe.. maybe a lil.. maybe in my own fantasy of them... He wouldn't begin with anger. He'd end it with anger. Think about it, really, he's regularly got to act, to pretend, that means if any emotions he has aren't necessarily fit for the situation, he has to push them down or control them healthily(and even then bottling shit up is not-so-great ). So, him snapping last second, maybe at the worst yet best time, and committing the most sinful acts just to save Dutch — and make CERTAIN they leave alive sounds about right!!
TDLR: they'd kill for one another and get them home safely bcs who the hell wouldn't when you've known someone for twenty years../pos
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woman-with-no-name · 9 months
I just read your work about Micah Bell and f!reader (https://www.tumblr.com/woman-with-no-name/688871883244011520/micah-bell-x-freader-title-possible) and I really liked it. It's written just wonderful and so exciting. Will there ever be a continuation of this work? 🥺
Well, my dear dear anon, there is a next chapter which I didn't post on here but only on Ao3 because of one simple reason - on Ao3 I at least got some comments. Here, I only got 6 reblogs and 98 likes. Likes as if this is Instagram. And I know i'm not the only one with this problem, it's just that I felt like there's no audience for it so I got demotivated (and i'm going/ was going through some stuff irl so I didn't feel like it). I'm gonna post it here as an answer to your ask :) JUST BE WARNED - It sucks, I tried, but i was in a really bad place irl and I didn't want to dissapoint some ppl on Ao3, so I tried to at least post something insted of nothing. It's not as good/detailed/thought through as the first chapter, it's more of a fill in. But I would like to try again, I still like, and will like RDR2, and Dutch and Micah. So who knows? Maybe i'll make a chapter 3 one day. Anyways, Thanks for reaching out.
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Micah Bell x f!reader
Title: “Possible Benefits” Chapter 2
A/N: This is kinda short and filled with mistakes, but I really wanted to write it so here we are.
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none, Micah being a prick, but a lovable one. Joking around.
Summary: The morning after...
Story under the cut!
"Hoooly hell..." You open your eyes, the morning sun blinding you. "My head is pounding..." You say to yourself, voice raspy from the cold air. Something rumbles underneath your head. It was soft, but awfully loud. "What the hell..." You slowly lift up your aching body, and toss the empty beer bottle you were still holding on to. You realize the rumbling was coming from Micah snoring form under you. Blindly drunk, You must have fallen asleep on top of the first possible thing you could use as a pillow, and that turned out to be Micah's stomach. He was the closest thing after he passed out drunk on his back like a goddamn amateur. You take a mental note to remind him of that later. Still tasting the alcohol on your tongue, its sticky consistency making you sick, you decide that it's time you get up and go get some water.
Besides tasting the alcohol, you think about the thing that happened between you two yesterday. Maybe you were both just horny and drunk, and that was it, or maybe it was just friends finding some comfort in each other, or something else entirely. You close your eyes and decide not to think about it. Not now, at least. What you do know is that you liked it. Having his hands all over you felt nice, he felt nice, warm and sturdy. Last night, things didn't go any further than making out, and you were fine with that. "We are just friends. So what if I think he's kinda hot. Fuck it. He's not the only one i think about like that. No big deal." You say to yourself and finally stand up.
The world around you spins a bit but quickly you come back to your senses. You gently kick Micah's leg with your boot. He mumbles something that sounds close to "Shit, I fucking fell asleep..." "Yeah, someone should have kept watch..." You say, eyeing the horizon. "But I fucked up too, so we are even. And we didn't get jumped during the night so I guess we just got lucky" "I would have heard them anyway" He says, still rubbing his eyes. "Suuure thing, cowboy." You smirk. He rolls his eyes at you. "I'm gonna go get some water." You head out to you horse to see if there's some left in your flask. Rumaging thorough your possessions you glance at Micah slowly getting up. After adjusting the front of his pants he finally gets up to one knee. He runs his fingers though his hair and fixes his hat on. He's only wearing his red shirt and black pants with boots on the outside. "What're you looking at?" He says in your direction, looking at you under his hat, the edge of his mouth pulled into a smile. "Only that hammer in your pants" covering your mouth you laugh out loud at the sight of his morning wood stretching the front of his pants. He raises his hands up in defeat. "You were sleeping so close to it, lil' Mikey must have sensed it." "Oh shut up, and put that thing away." You take a sip of water and turn around. "Then stop staring..." "I'm not." Your eyes drop. You close them immediately and sigh. He claps his hands together as he laughs at you. "You weren't such a prude yesterday cowpoke.." He finally stands up to put his coat on. "I'm not a prude and I sure as hell ain't no peeping Tom!" You point your finger at him. "I ain't saying that." He runs his palm from his left shoulder down, straightening the coat sleeve and dusting away any dirt. "I'm just saying that-" he licks his teeth before continuing. "Girly, if you want it, you can get it." He casually states before walking away, turning his back at you and swaying from one foot to the other, probably grinning to himself. You rise your eyebrow at him and scoff. " Aaand the cocky son of a bitch is back, come on Mikey, gather your things." You only hear him snickering in the distance. After you have put away all of your things, put on your jacket and hat, you climb onto your horse. Slowly you get tired of waiting for Micah to come back from wherever he has disappeared to. You counted yesterday's score at least five times before you finally decided to yell out for him. "Come on now, we gotta go back to camp. You gotta tell Dutch about our big score last night ..." "You tell him cowpoke" He finally shows up coming from behind a tree, buttoning his pants up. "Why me? You are the one who likes to brag the most." "Told ya honey..." He grabs Baylock's reigns as he climbs on. "I like watching you squirm. Hiya!" You curse under your breath as you watch him ride off. _______________________
"Who's there?" You hear Charles yell out as you approach camp. "Hao." Micah smirks as he goes past him. "Just us." You casually add as you slow down your horse. You hitch your horse next to Micah's and tell him you'll catch up with him after you get something to eat. "Gimme an hour. I'm exhausted." "Alright doll. " He puts his hand on your shoulder, and only after you welcome it with a smile, he moves to caress your cheek. "Don't take too long." "Sure." You grin as you pat his hand and walk away. You could feel him watching you.
_______________________ It doesn't take long after you sit down to "enjoy" Pearson's stew that Arthur joins you on the log across the campfire. You greet him with a small smile and continue eating. "You know..." He started. "You should be more aware of the company you keep." "What do you mean Morgan?" You stop chewing what was supposedly rabbit meat. "I'm just saying... that man ain't right. He never was right. You know that. He ain't nothing but a lowlife." "Do I pick your friends... King Arthur?" You point your spoon at him. "Ain't we all "lowlives"? "But not like that. You gotta listen to me.." he raises his hands. "Go find some damsel in distress Morgan, you're boring me." You grab a spoonful of the magic stew and continue eating. Without looking at the man, you hear him stand up and walk away.
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superintendent-b · 1 year
your art is so cool can you draw dutch flipping me off (if not thats okay this is mostly just a funny)
Sure thing, c'mere Anon!
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detentiontrack · 3 months
that’s so cool! can you speak dutch?
Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands! Al ben ik niet zo goed. Ik kan het beter begrijpen en lezen dan dat ik het kan spreken.
English translation: I speak a bit of Dutch! I am not very good though. I can understand it and read it better than I can speak it.
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heavenlymorals · 4 months
Its nuts how you post so many retrospect posts that show you know the game quite well and yet you insist on spelling Van Der Linde wrong in all of them. LOL
Lmfao I just realized that right now 💀 that's so embarrassing 😭
Funny enough, I always looked at van der Linde and van dir Linde and picked the latter cuz it felt right- in my defense I'm a dumbass-
But hey, I'm glad you're reading my retrospectives, it makes it all worthwhile ❤️
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
Royal Residences of the Continental Royals for the anon that asked <3 part 1 because this turned out longer than expected 
in this episode: Belgians, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian
Royal Palace of Brussels: the King’s administrative residence and main workplace
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Palace of Laeken: official residence of King Philippe and his family
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Ciergnon Castle: summer residence of the family
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Belvédère Castle: residence of King Albert II and Queen Paola 
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Villa Schonenberg in Stuyvenberg Estate: residence of Princess Astrid (Philippe’s sister) 
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Villa Clémentine in Tervuren: residence of Prince Laurent (Philippe’s brother) 
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Fenffe Castle: technically owned by Albert and Paola, used to be a weekend house but they rent it out to some rich restaurant owners??
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Philippe and Mathilde also bought a property in Île d'Yeu, France but not much is known other than they had some issues with building permits for a special structure for their bodyguards
Amalienborg Palace: divided into four compounds; Frederik VIII's Palace is the official residence of Crown Prince Frederik and his family; Christian IX's Palace is the winter residence of Queen Margrethe II
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Fredensborg Palace: spring and autumn residence of the Queen, the Crown Princely Family lives in the Chancellery House 
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Marselisborg Palace: summer residence of the Queen
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Gråsten Palace: second summer residence of the family 
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Château de Cayx: another summer residence, this one in France and bought by Prince Henrik and Queen Margrethe in 1974
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Bad Berleburg Castle: residence of Princess Benedikte (Margrethe’s sister)  
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Schackenborg Castle: former home of Prince Joachim and his family 
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Royal Palace Amsterdam: for official functions
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Noordeinde Palace: houses the offices of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima
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Huis ten Bosch: official residence of King Willem-Alexander and his family
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Soestdijk Palace: former home of Queen Juliana; currently unused and open to the public 
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Villa Eikenhorst: used to be the official residence of King Willem-Alexander and his family
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Het Loo House: home of Princess Margriet and her husband; on the grounds of Het Loo Palace 
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Drakesteijn: official residence of Queen Beatrix (tell me this doesn’t look like a playhouse) 
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Villa Rocco dei Dragoni: private state bought by Queen Beatrix in Italy
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Villa in Kradini, Greece:
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Royal Palace of Oslo: official residence of King Haakon V
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Bygdoy Royal Farm: official summer residence of the King and Queen
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Oscarshall: summer residence of the family 
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Stiftsgarden: King’s official residence in Trondheim 
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Gamlehaugen: King’s official residence in Bergen 
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Ledaal: King’s official residence in Stavanger 
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Skaugum: official residence of the Crown Princely Family 
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The Royal Lodge: privately owned by the King
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Royal Mountain Chalet: privately owned by the King 
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Magero: privately owned by the King and Queen
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sweetsndreams · 4 months
"Oh,absolutely, you know I can't say no to your cookies."
Ava's hands gingerly take two of them, then she glances behind Charlotte.
"Oh? Is that Francis? I don't want to interrupt you if you're getting a delivery." -📘
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🍪: "Oh Ava, you're so swe-- Wait- Francis is here?"
- The petite, ebony-haired woman looked behind her - the plate of fresh cookies still in her hand as she made eye contact with the now nervous milkman.
🥛: "A-ah, yes-- Good evening Miss Charlotte, Miss Ava."
- Francis cleared his throat; throwing a bit of a side eye to the librarian who basically made his presence known before adjusting his bowtie and approaching the two women, lifting up the milk crate for the confused baker to take.
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🥛: "Here is your shipment for the day"
- Sheepishly, Charlotte does - putting the plate of cookies on the nearby table to free up her hands. Her gaze filled with confusion as the short, plush woman looked up to the milkman who was breaking out in a slight sweat. Perhaps he was tired from his delivery route?
🍪: "Ah, Dear you--"
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🥛: "My apologies ladies, but I can't stay to chat - I have many more deliveries to make. I hope you two have a good day"
- Those were his final words to them as he walked away. Nervously lowering his hat to cover his ever growing flustered face as he walked over to his van, got in and drove off.
🍪: " But . . . I already got my milk shipment earlier this morning though . . . "
Bonus Image:
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((Poor Francis - you did this @n-anon))
((Part 1 here))
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hel7l7 · 8 months
i have an active eating disorder and am fighting CSA trauma in therapy for the first time in my life and your art helps me feel less isolated and alone. thank you for sharing your pain, strength, and awesome creations <3
Hi love, I wish you all the strength and love in this hard journey. You're so brave for working on these issues.
Your message in turn made me feel less alone as well. So thank you very much for that.
Take care <3
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abstract-hellbender · 5 months
you're calling dutch jewish bc he has dark hair and a hooked nose?? 😭😭
LOLL thats not what i said 😿😿
I never said Dutch was jewish, I'm saying he shares a lot of features that have historically been tied with jewish / antisemitic stereotypes for CENTURIES. I'm saying that so so many people, whether conscious or (more likely) unconscious, take in these traits and the fact that he occasionally talks about money and then start attaching things like blood libel, calling him a snake or greedy, cannibalism, to him when they don't do that with any other character. Nobody says Miss Grimshaw is greedy when she asks for you to donate. It's ALWAYS Dutch.
I'm saying that people should think about why they give theories like that the time of day for certain characters above others. I want people to take a second and think things over since people especially don't realise a lot of stuff is antisemitic. Dutch doesn't have to be jewish to have antisemitic attitudes directed at him.
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j00stkl31n · 3 months
Whats the average height innthe netherlands tho, is he considered tall or average there since Netherlands have the tallest people😭
I’m not really sure? Imma google it real fast to get the answer lmao
THE AVERAGE IS AROUND 6FEET/182.9CM WTF DO YOU MEAN NETHERLANDS EXPLAIN!!!!! Our average height for guys is 5’9 😭😭😭😭
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