#my eyes do hurt something fierce tho
abcjxyzyeo · 3 months
Mr Brightside.
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summary; Ever since you joined the gaang, Zuko had kept his eye on you. Even tho he hasn't officially joined your team, he thought you were kind, sweet, and good looking. But unfortunately for him, his mind tormented him with thoughts of you and Sokka, assuming you two were a couple. When he finally joined, he tried to make a move but yet it only confirmed his fears. Until...
Pairing; Zuko x afab!Reader(romantic) , Sokka x afab!Reader(platonic)
AN; !!!!! first post !!!!! Kinda nervy writing this cuz it's my first time writing something but I been on my avatar shiiii so yk I gotta do what I gotta do !! Anyways yea this is like kinda sorta based on Mr. Brightside by The Killers but it's also like not ?? And again it's my first time writing so the plot and dialogue and everything abt it is def messy and possibly rushed but pshh enjoy !! And also not to be a lil spoiler but ofc Zuko and y/n get together in the end 😘😘😘
Warning; Angst(???), F!reader(mentioned !!), sex and sexual implications(???) idfk 😭😭😭
Zuko paced back and forth, unsure what to do. You were the only thing on his mind, it bothered him and he had to do something about it. But yet ever since that day when you two first met, Zuko couldn't let go of the fact you were probably Sokka's girl. But he couldn't let go of your kindness, you sat and cried next to his uncle that had just been struck with lightning. But obviously, his emotions getting the better of him, he shot fire at you and Katara. He watched as Sokka grabbed your hand and waist pulling you up and running away. But eventually when he had gathered all his courage(which took a while) and his strength he walked up to you.
Comin' out of my cage and I been doin' just fine Gotta, gotta be down because I want it all
"Hey y/n." he grimly uttered
"Zuko! Hey! Why so down? Did someone die?" you chuckled to yourself
"Uh n-no. I was just wond-"
Just when he was about to admit his feelings, here came the killer of all his courage. Strutting with intensifying ego. Sokka. With widened eyes, Zuko stared as Sokka scooped you up and twirled you around. Wrapping your beautiful arms around his neck and burying your head with them. Zuko looked down and saw his hands firmly carry you while holding your ass. A twinge of pain and jealousy struck his intestines hard and fierce.
"What's on your mind?" You said with immense joy in your voice, but yet not looking Zuko in the eyes. Your attention now only focused on Sokka staring into his dazzling eyes.
"Uh, can I talk to you.. alone." Staring dejectedly at Sokka, and he simply shrugs, setting y/n down and walking away.
Zuko can tell you are obviously annoyed, and it worries him. Maybe he isn't wrong and you and Sokka are a thing, his palms start to become slick with sweat and he lets out an exasperated sigh with a low flame following.
It started out with a kiss, how did it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
You watch as Zuko walks intensely closer, invading all your personal space. It wasn't a problem with you but it was definitely confusing. Zuko opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Letting out a groan of frustration, he made a quick fast move. Grabbing the back of your neck and the small of your back, pulling you in and landing his lips on yours. At first for one mere second you found yourself kissing him back for a second, but when you came to your senses you pushed him off. Zuko falling flat on his butt and looking up at you with hurt in his eyes.
"Zuko what the hell?" You yell trying to shake off the weird feeling in your gut
"Y/n I'm sorry!" He tries to yell while you turn and run towards Sokka, great, you just kissed some guys girlfriend, he thought. "Ugh, I can't believe how stupid I am!" pitiful tears welled up in his eyes before he violently wiped them before they could even think of spilling out of his delicate eyes, god that was embarrassing. He got up and threw himself in his tent to try and take a nap to even forget what he did.
Now I'm fallin' asleep and she's callin' a cab While he's havin' a smoke and she's takin' a drag Now they're goin' to bed and my stomach is sick And it's all in my head
Zuko throws the sheets off of him, sitting up in a cold sweat. He wipes the sweat off the back of his neck.
"Shit," he utters
He kept having weird dreams about you and Sokka, as if he was looking right at you two, having to watch a repeating nightmare of the girl of his dreams get taken by another guy. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes. Clutching his stomach that's tied in all forms of tight painful knots making his throat slick with spit. Maybe if he just thought of anything else he would have some form of nice sleep.
But she's touchin' his chest now He takes off her dress now Let me go And I just can't look, it's killin' me And takin' control
Zuko was having yet another horrid nightmare, but it felt all too real. He had left his tent and made his way to yours to apologize for stepping over lines. Weird noises, smells, and heats emitted from your tent though. He grabbed the curtain and pulled it up, horrified at the scene in front of him. A topless Sokka laid over you on the ground, he was carefully stripping you of all your clothes. You looking over and making straight eye contact with Zuko as Sokka slides himself in.
Zuko shoots his upper body up covering his eyes and yelling. Softly opening up his eyes he realizes it was all a bad dream. But oh God what if that's actually happening? He wipes the sweat off his forehead and swiftly got up and out of his tent in one motion.
Jealousy, turnin' saints into the sea Swimmin' through sick lullabies Chokin' on your alibis
Zukos eyes landed on Sokka watching you practice your earth bending. He slipped down into a spot next to Sokka and blissfully watched a girl he can never have. He looked at Sokka through his peripheral vision, that very familiar pinch of jealousy hitting close to home.
"You're a lucky guy," he uttered
That caught Sokka by surprise and he laughed
"Y/n, look how talented she is! And she's kind and pretty, and she's yours."
This caused Sokka to laugh even harder
"Lighten up Zuko! Y/n isn't my girlfriend, she's just a close friend of mine being Suki's sister and all. I see Suki a lot in Y/n and according to Azula with Suki in prison it's nice to still have a piece of her somewhere."
But it's just the price I pay Destiny is callin' me
This caused Zukos eyes to widen fiercely. Everything he had worried about simply drifted away, even if you had rejected him he still felt worlds better. A giant boulder sized relief fell of his shoulders.
Y/n saw Zuko and Sokka sitting together and waved to both the boys with a happy smile, walking up to them and nodding Sokka off. Leaving the earth bender and the fire bender alone. Before you could say anything Zuko shot up from the floor.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, I never meant to overstep any boundaries I just thought-"
He was cut off by the feeling of lips on his own
"You talk too much," you giggled "I'm sorry for brushing you off earlier I was just caught by surprise and I was nervous. But I do like you Zuko."
Zuko smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into yet another kiss.
"I like you too."
Open up my eager eyes 'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside
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avocado-writing · 3 months
*eats your words*
no but seriously, your writing has me kicking my feet when I’m supposed to be typing an essay 😞‼️ I was wondering if you could do some headcanons for the companions x monk! Tav who, when being confessed to, Tav responds with “it’ll pass”?
basically fleabag inspired 😍‼️ please and thank you! stay safe n warm 🔫
OH GOD HEARTBREAKING i tried to make it have a happy ending tho!!! enjoy! and I'm so glad that you enjoy my writing! (mild nsfw mentions)
writing as if you're saying this because you think you wouldn't be the best option for their future, one way or another, and want to try and soften the blow for them by replying like this. you only want them to be happy and you're scared it can't be with you.
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you cup his face, and the look in your eyes is so, so sad.
you think perhaps your simple nomadic lifestyle will not be enough for him. you love him, you do, but he needs someone more modern. more cosmopolitan.
when you tell him it will pass you see a myriad of expressions cross his face: sadness, confusion, anger... but finally, resolve.
he takes your hand in his, firmly.
"my heart. I know when things will pass, and when they won't. my love for you is not some trifle, a fashion to be abandoned like it would go out of style. I mean it. I can make my own decisions, and I have decided where I want to be. It's with you."
he reaches out to embrace you. you're surprised, but let him do it anyway, and you bury your face into his neck to hide your emotions.
maybe, just maybe, you were wrong.
you hold him tighter than ever that night.
you're worried he is too smart for you. that he will get bored of you, and the idea breaks your heart.
you tell him "it'll pass" when he confesses because you're scared.
seems actually offended that you'd tell him his love for you might be fleeting.
"there are things which will span the ages. stories, gods, heroes. my love for you is one of them. I do not confess that lightly. you are a beacon of hope in my life, love... and that will never fade."
goes on for some time afterwards about how committed he is and how much he loves you, until eventually you accept that he's not going anywhere.
bloody wizards, so good with their words...
fall asleep that night after having the most intimate lovemaking session, all about feeling each other's breath and heartbeats.
he is here to stay, forever.
wyll deserves someone amazing. someone who could handle his life if he became duke, and you're scared you'll let him down.
when you tell him 'it'll pass' he is hurt, and leaves the conversation for a moment. you think perhaps it is for the best. you don't need this to cause any more pain.
but later he comes to find you and asks if he can have a private moment. you find out he wasn't hiding from you but preparing: he has a little intimate picnic set up where you can sit and be alone.
when you're comfortable he tells you about how deep his love is, how fate has thrown you together.
"there is nothing about how i feel about you that could pass. nothing."
to prove his point, he slips to his knee, and that is when he proposes.
you're overcome with emotion. you have to accept how committed to you he is, and work out if you deserve something as fierce as his love.
there are tears in your eyes when you accept. you never think his love will pass again.
probably the hardest one to say this too. together, your future is so uncertain. it will be easier to break it off here rather than maim both of you.
gets angry. in fact, goes into a rage. tears up the surroundings, and for a moment you're taken aback--
but then she turns and she's sobbing, stuck at the midpoint between being apoplectic and brokenhearted.
"you don't get to decide that for me! you don't! you're the first person i've loved... I've touched... I've felt anything for, for a fucking decade! when i feel this, it doesn't fade! how dare you think about yourself like that? as if you're some sort of phase?"
eventually she calms down enough but bursts into tears instead. you go to hold her and she embraces you so tightly that the wind is knocked from your body.
"i love you. i won't leave you. don't leave me." her voice is tiny.
how could you ever say no? how could you ever doubt her?
when the two of you are in Avernus, you're reminded of this moment, and so glad she fought against it. you'd trade this away for nothing.
would she want someone like you? long term? she's so brave, so fierce. what if you're not good enough? what if your relationship develops only for you to let her down?
she gets angry too, but quieter.
is furious that you would question her affection.
"githyanki do not give their devotion lightly. the fact that you think my love for you could pass makes me wonder how well you know me."
it turns into an argument where you try and explain your side, and she's angry at you for thinking this way.
eventually it descends into angrily making out. some fierce lovemaking. her saying how much she loves you, possesses you, between every bite and kiss.
you lie in the afterglow. she says she will not leave, and pretty much tells you that you won't either. you agree, and tangle your hand with hers.
tries to hide how hurt she is.
yes, Shar is the lady of loss, but the idea of losing you... of not having you in her life? unthinkable.
you only tried to tell her it will pass so that, if she wishes to become a dark justiciar, she will have no lingering attachment to you after.
and yet...
it is blasphemy for her, but she refuses to let you go.
"no. i won't allow it. i can't believe this will fade between us. you are the most precious thing to me. stay."
you're weak for her, end up tumbling into bed, reconfirming your love for each other.
you never quite believe that this is forever until she changes her hair, embraces selune. then your heart is full of joy. and it is full of Shadowheart.
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moonstruckme · 5 months
Omg omg omg I love you writing so so so much!
I was wondering if you could do poly!marauders (or can be just Sirius x reader) where Sirius goes to a tattoo shop and gets a new tattoo and the reader just gets a piercing.
Just rlly cute fluff with Siri holding her hand and babying her for the rest of the day, even tho his procedure (that’s a scary word) is more painful than hers
Thank you love
Thank you sweetheart!!
cw: mention of needle
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 607 words
Sirius’ fingers are curled around the inside of your thigh while he drives with the other hand. He hasn’t let go of you for probably a couple of hours now, since you’d first gone into the tattoo shop. At first he’d let you pretend it was for him, holding your hand while the artist inked up the side of his ribs, but it became clear pretty soon after that his touch was your security blanket. You haven’t relinquished it since. 
“Feeling good, sunshine?” he asks, pulling up in front of your place. 
He’s being a little extra gentle with you, which doesn’t seem strictly fair. He’d sat through his whole session with little coddling, didn’t even complain about your bruising hold on his hand when it was your turn. Your eyes had watered something fierce as the needle went through your septum, and Sirius’ eyebrows had pulled together distressfully. He’d brought your hand to his lips, murmuring a You got it onto your knuckles. Meanwhile, his side had to be throbbing the entire time. 
“Mhm,” you reply, brightly as you can. 
“Yeah?” He turns toward you, smiling prettily. “You look good. It suits you, gorgeous.” 
He reaches for your face, and you flinch instinctively away, backing yourself up against the passenger door. Sirius’ eyebrows rise. 
“Sorry,” you laugh at yourself. “Sorry, I just got scared you were gonna touch it.” 
He cocks his head to the side, giving you a deadpan look. “I wasn’t,” he says. “Fuck, babe, give me a little credit. I’ve had piercings before. I just want a kiss.” 
He leans forward again, and again, you dodge. 
“Actually,” you squeak, “I’d feel a lot better if nothing got near my nose. For like, the next several days.” 
He blinks. “You serious?”
“No, that’s you,” you remind him. 
“Funny.” He narrows his eyes at you. “You’re really not going to let me kiss you for the next several days?” 
You shrink a bit under his gaze, the unflinching intensity of it overwhelming. He’s doing it on purpose, you know. But you won’t fold. You know how to get him back. 
You let the pressure that’s stayed stuck in the back of your throat grow, your eyes watering. “I don’t want it to hurt worse,” you say pitifully. 
Predictably, Sirius melts like ice cream on a summer day. “Aw, it still hurts, baby?” He reaches for your face, then, checking himself, detours to your shoulder. His thumb rubs at your clavicle. “Maybe we need to do a saline wash already, it could take out some of the sting.” 
You worry at your lip. You can see Sirius itching to pull it from between your teeth, but he restrains himself, settling for giving you a stern look until you stop. 
“I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” you admit. 
“I can do it for you,” he offers easily. “Oi, don’t look at me like that. I’m not a fucking newbie. I know what I’m doing.” 
“After,” you say tentatively, “can we put on a movie and lay for a while?” 
He grins, slipping his fingers from between your thighs to take your hand in his. He smooches your palm. “I’ve got nothing else going on today, sunshine. And I got us that ice cream for a reason.” 
You perk up, joy sparking to life in your chest. “We have ice cream?” 
“Oh, so that can come close to your face but I can’t?” 
“I’ll be very careful with my spoon,” you tell him gravely. 
“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes, pulling your arm closer to smudge a kiss onto the inside of your wrist. “I can improvise.”
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julianalvarez9 · 1 year
one nail drives out another / joão félix
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summary: it had all started as a mutual favour: you weren't over your ex, and neither was he. but the old saying one nail drives out another proves to be true. author's note: had this in the drafts for too long and just needed to get it out, even if i just couldn't finish it in a way that i liked :( hope it's still good tho.
warnings: smut with a plot. wc: 2.2k words
the deal was simple: he calls you when he feels alone, and you do too.
in reality, it's simpler to say that you call him to avoid calling your ex. this is what you said to yourself every time: it was for a good cause, really. anything to help you avoid the man who broke your heart several times. 
joão was one hundred percent better than that man could ever be, and you knew it was safer: at least, he wouldn’t break your heart. above every single adjective he could be described with, he was kind. and after knowing him for such a long time, you also were aware of how hard it was for him to let his past relationship go, no matter if he knew it wasn’t good for him, no matter how much she actually hurt him. he was in the same situation as you: heartbroken and on the verge of falling, again.
the kiss was heated, tongues meeting and battling each other for dominance, while letting you taste him. you still could feel the vodka on his lips, intoxicating, although you doubted if what was making your brain go into overdrive was the alcohol, or joao’s ragged breath. “i need to stop thinking about her for a second,” he pleaded, warm brown eyes normally turning a shade darker. he continued the trail of kisses, messy and wet over your neck. “please, help me”.
tonight, it was your turn to call joão.
you were about to call your ex, again, for the second time after six months, until you thought otherwise. it wasn't rocket science to understand that you were feeling alone. the flat in which you lived in now was the same one you once shared with your ex boyfriend, and sometimes, no matter how many hours you try to spend out of the four walls, you can't forget what happened. how it all went wrong, so suddenly. the doubts start to creep in when the sun sets, and you start doubting whether it maybe was your fault, after all. surely, nothing you could have ever done could excuse his cheating, but why weren't you enough?
[12:11] you said: are you awake?
[12:11] joão said: yeah
[12:11] joão said: i was just about to text you
[12:12] you said: mind if i come to your house?
[12:12] joão said: it would be my pleasure
it's been a few weeks since you've seen him, with the international break getting him away from you and his schedule just being crazy in general. and even though you were thankful for it, as a way of getting your feelings on check, you also found yourself missing him. which made everything worse. after almost four months, he knew you like the back of his hand. knew how to rile you, how to touch you, what you liked. you craved him in a way no other guy would fulfill. 
you had tried it.
you barely make it through the door before joao's planting his lips on yours fiercely. it's been too long, he thinks, while sinking his fingers hard onto your hips and backing you onto the main door, hard.
"you don't know how much i missed this," he says, and the warmth starts to seep into your bones, not only where you would expect it to when a pretty boy like him has his hands on you. the effect he has on you it's incredible, and you can only moan in response, legs almost giving up when he sinks a bit to grab the back of your thighs, signaling you to jump. you've got your legs clamped around his waist while he gets both of you into his bedroom.
he lays you onto the bed carefully, with him on top of you while the heavy makeout session continues. his hands roam your entire figure like he has forgotten the trace and wants to remember it. as if he could ever forget, he thinks to himself, before focusing right back into your taste. "do something, joão," you beg, your hands going to the top of his head and slightly tugging on his hair when he starts to trail down his kisses, wet lips tasting all the exposed skin he has available, before growing impatient and pulling the end of your shirt softly. although he's desperate to taste you, he remains calm, helping you take the clothes off before he proceeds to do the same.
he cups your heat through your underwear, and your hips bucked instinctively against his hand. he smirks, the little devil, when he feels how wet you are for him, even though your core remains clothed. you know it's been too long, and you're chasing this fix like he was the most addictive drug. "you're so wet, princesa, so needy. is this all for me?".
he wants to edge you, he wants to make you beg for him, but who's he kidding? joao's almost as desperate as you, not even being able to take off your undergarments fully, and instead, moving it to the side. he slides two fingers inside of you at once, your slick coating his fingers instantly as he feels you clenching around his digits. soon enough you're almost there and he notices, instead taking your fingers off your entrance and savoring your taste in his mouth, humming contently. he wants to feel you tightening around his length instead of his hand, and he hurries to extend the condom over his hard on.
your lips part when you feel his tip at your entrance, right where you need him most, and your fingers grab onto whatever skin he has close to you to remain grounded. his biceps are the ones suffering the attack of your nails on them, pleading him silently to, finally, make his way into you. he's slow at first, with you so tight after a few weeks apart from each other, and his eyes flutter shut, trying to maintain his composure until he bottoms out. you can't even think straight at this point, small whimpers leaving your mouth pleading him to move. joao finds the rhythm that has you moaning his name nonstop soon enough, like he always does, and you grab him by the nape of his neck to get him to kiss you and swallow your desperate noises.
“i won’t last long,” you warn, voice barely audible while your back arches away from the bed, creating a gap from the mattress. “go ahead,” joao encourages, keeping the pace that is driving you mad, and soon enough, you come undone under him. he helps you ride out your high, and thanks to how you’re clenching around him, he lets go too, not long after you. 
the air is tense once the moment has seemingly broken, both your staggered breaths, the only sounds heard through the four walls. joao knows he has to say something about the elephant in the room, but still, he doesn’t know how. you’re the first one to move, not sparing him a glance as you start to collect your things to leave, wanting to avoid the question repeating in your head. what the fuck are we?
"why do you never stay over?" he asks instead, resting his back over the bed frame. his hands pillowed under his head in a relaxed gesture, but he’s anything but calm while the question floats in the air. 
"what?" you call, not having heard his ask: you were too busy trying to find your underwear to pay attention to what the portuguese was saying. still, he continued. "it's like you run away from me every time,” he says, frowning at the thought. 
once he realizes that he won't be having an answer until you find what you're looking for, he focuses on your surroundings, scanning the poorly lit room until he finds your undergarments. they're dropped by his side of the bed, serving as a reminder of what had occurred between you two not too long ago. 
joão hooks the piece of lace cloth on his fingers, catching your attention, before you go and take them from him, slipping them on almost effortlessly. “is there a problem with me?".
now, with you not completely naked, you can answer him, although still refusing to dive into his warm brown eyes. "absolutely not”.
“and here you are, running away,” he laughs bitterly while getting up from the bed to grab his shirt. god bless, you think. the mere sight of him, laying on his bed, in just his black calvins was almost enough to get you back on the bed. but you can’t, you remind yourself. 
“i thought it was what you wanted, no?” you counteract. it’s like joao doesn't remember the talk you had before it all began. “part of the no feelings attached thing you talked about," you remind him, and he huffs annoyed, before going back to being seated on the edge of the bed, back towards you. 
you can see the marks your fingernails made on his tanned skin, still red from your doings. you’re tempted to bring it to his attention, maybe to avoid his teammates catching them tomorrow morning when he has to go back to training, but the words die on your throat.
he mutters lowly, gripping his hair like he’s about to pull some strands off. "you don't think we fucked it up already?”.
"what are you talking about?".
of course you know what he’s talking about. the deal made it clear that it was just sex: but you were friends first and foremost, and you couldn’t avoid your friend group, which you shared with him. you couldn’t avoid the questions they asked. who has you smiling so big lately, y/n? are you seeing anyone? no, of course not. i can present to you a friend, then. 
the mere thought of you with someone else made joao see red, and that's how he noticed something had changed, and that he had to do something about it before what he feared became a reality. he initially had said he had enough of relationships, and just didn't want the complications it brought. and after what he went through, it was safe to say his trust issues were at their worst. just like yours. that's why it was such a good deal at first: to get the benefits of a relationship without the problems of actually keeping one. 
“i missed you while i was away,” he begins, and your stomach turns when you hear what he has to say next. “you don’t see a problem?”. you want to say that you missed him too, but the question leaves you feeling uneasy. of course it’s a problem for him, you think. he has grown attached, like you have, but doesn’t want any of it.
“good thing that i’m leaving then, no?”.
joao's quick to stand on his feet and go over to where you are, almost turning the knob and exiting his bedroom. “stay. please," he begs, hand softly grazing your wrist to avoid you getting away from him. at this point, you're confused and hurt enough to start regretting even getting here in the first place. “you’re not making sense right now, you know, right? saying that this is a problem and then asking me to stay the night”.
 through your years being friends, you realized that joao wasn’t the best one at explaining his emotions with words. maybe, because the words weren’t truly his -having to find the words, in a language that wasn’t your own, sure made things more difficult than they needed to be-. "you and i not being together is the problem", he gets to say, almost like a last resource to get you looking at him again. "what about what you said before? that you're not ready for another relationship?".
it work in his favour, because the sentence previously muttered by joao as you turn to face him again. you’re looking into his eyes now, trying to find even an ounce of doubt that would make you leave again. you didn’t want to force him into being with you: you knew the risks when you accepted this fucking deal. you didn’t want him to feel trapped into a relationship he had never intended to start.
"i guess i'm ready when it's you,” joao smiles, softly caressing the skin of your cheek with his thumb. you feel yourself melt under him, his sweet touch and his thoughtful words. “i know you're not her. and i'm not him. but i get it if you-".
the kiss is needy, again, like it had been when you first arrived, but this time you are the one to initiate it. your hand found its way into his hair, and you pulled him impossible closer, hoping that this would clear up all his doubts without you having to say anything. of course you knew he wasn’t him. you had never dared to make the comparison, not even for a second. once the kiss is over, you rest your forehead against his, before softly whispering onto his lips. “we can take it slow. i just need you, nothing else”.
“whatever you need, princesa”.
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maximwtf · 4 months
Heyy, would you be interested in writing legolas x reader (f or gn) where reader is hopelessly in love with legolas but the love is unrequited. Reader never loses hope (doesn’t push it tho) and at the end legolas finds solace in reader but only because his “first choice” refused him/died/left (or something) and he chooses only after that the reader.
Sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
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Legolas x elven! reader
Words: 2530
Google Docs Pages: 4
Warnings: minor character death, kind of angsty, elf grief, cuddles but it’s sad, hair braiding
Opening: You find yourself falling for someone you’d been working alongside for hundreds of years. Though, you soon notice he seems to be interested in someone else. So no matter the attempts you make at getting closer to him, none of it works. He notices, but kindly lets you down. 
It’s only after a dreadful battle that you notice the elf he’d been interested in had fallen. Making you skip from second place to first, Legolas finding some solace in you. 
AN// Reader can be any gender! Hehe, I haven’t written for Legolas in a while, so hopefully I still got him somewhat figured out. Thank you for the request though, I had fun with this <3
I’m also closing requests for a while as I write out the older ones. They be suspecting arthritis. And no matter what this is, every joint in my body including my hands hurt so much, it takes me ages to write anything past 1k words. So hope yall don’t mind too much, I love writing the requests when I’m feeling out of ideas. Yall are much more creative, hehe <333
“Solace with a price.”
You’d tried to deny it, tried to tell yourself that there was no point in pursuing your feelings any further. It was clear as day that the man you’d laid your eyes on was after someone else, and you were in no way looking to get in between them. So you had tried multiple times to forget, to turn the other cheek. But what could you truly do when your mind had made a decision on its own. And it was persistent. 
You’d been a part of the guard for as long as you could remember, having wanted to join as soon as you could. So it had been the work that drew you in, having always been interested in weaponry and protecting the borders of the kingdom. It was only logical for you to want to join the guard. Though, it soon dawned on you that a lot of the jobs that required more movement were the patrols. Other than that, you’d be lucky to see anyone while on guard. Apparently the king wasn’t too fond of spilling the blood of his own. 
But he had a son. A son who wasn’t as afraid to fight as he was. But the prince wasn’t fierce either, not a killer. But he was a skilled archer who at some point started leading the patrols. You didn’t mind of course, having acknowledged his leadership skills quickly. And that had been all it was for the most part. You’d see him during the patrols, and other times he had more important business to attend to.
But as time went on, a crush began to form. You found yourself talking with him during the patrols and if you were lucky, after as well. He was very reasonable and well versed in a lot of subjects. Which gave the two of you much to talk about. And if not that, you found that fighting alongside him was fascinating. From your perspective, it felt like the two of you worked well as a team. Making the battles you from time to time faced during the patrols much easier. You found him a pleasure to be around, and sometimes caught yourself waiting to be able to talk to him. 
Though, a problem surfaced when you noticed him having his eyes on someone else. You knew he wasn’t one to bring his relations into conversations easily, especially when there were others around. But when he talked to you about this elf, it only confirmed your fears. And maybe it also pushed you over the edge just enough that you decided to come clean with your feelings. 
It was important for you to do this before he got any further with the elf he’s set his eyes on. Confessing any later would only make it all the more awkward, and if you never said anything you’d just feel even worse. So at the end, you didn’t see many ways out of the situation you’d gotten yourself into. 
So, after another patrol you bit down any hints of doubt in your mind and went for it. It took you a moment to find him, noticing that he’d left to tend to his other duties. You caught up with him in the hallway, near his father’s throne room. “Legolas!” You called out, slowing down to a walk as he turned back to look at you. He’d of course sensed your presence before you were even able to call out his name, but he always acted as if not. As if the call had been the first indicator of your form following him. “I had something…I wanted to talk to you about.” You cringed a little at the wording, but quickly faded the unpleased expression to a faint smile. 
Legolas had now fully come to a stop, eyes keenly on you as you closed in. “Go ahead”, he said in a calm tone. Somehow saying what you’d been planning so thoroughly, now that he was in front of you felt impossible. The sight of him standing in front of you, calm and collected, while your heart raced as your thoughts tried to form a comprehensible sentence. You could have sworn a flash of worry appeared in his face for a while, releasing it must have been for the amount of time it took you to finally speak up again. “I’m not certain if this is the best time nor the place to tell you this, so I apologise in advance.” You started, but to your ear it somehow now sounded like a formal report rather than a confession. The look the elf was giving you didn’t help, he seemed confused but curious to hear the rest. Though, he didn’t interrupt you. Allowing you to continue. “I fancy you. And I wanted to ask if…you felt the same.” You stuttered out the last part, feeling odd to leave it at the first statement. But now that you thought about it more, the last part sounded almost more like a plea. Mentally scowling at that, you waited for his response. 
Legolas looked a little troubled, but even that was hard to catch. You found that he was usually rather hard to read, the emotions on his face so faint that you really had to read into everything to catch how he was feeling. “Henion…” (I understand). Legolas said, voice a little quieter than before, though you assumed it was to not bring attention to the conversation. “But you must be aware of-” He began, but you stopped him. Not to be disrespectful, but you understood what he meant. “It is okay. I only wished to tell you…” You lied. Of course a part of you had hoped he’d somehow change his mind, choose you. But now it all felt awkward, regret brewing within you. But you also knew Legolas was nowhere near dumb enough to ignore that. “Walk with me?” He requested, seemingly having skipped over the previous topic. Not that you minded, not anymore. At least that’s what you swore to yourself. “Of course”, you nodded and followed him to the throne room. 
You’d sometimes tag along with him as he went to give a report to his father from the previous patrol. The king didn’t seem all too fond of the elves Legolas spent his time around. Though, you told yourself that he’d somewhat warmed up to you. That he wasn’t as harsh when it came to you tagging along with Legolas even after the patrols were done. Something about that gave you hope, even if it was false. 
You tried your best to keep your relationship with him as it was before, and he was making it easy as well. He’d talk to you like before during patrols and you’d still sometimes go with him to deliver any reports to his father after. It made you almost hope that you had another chance. That you had just confessed too early on, and that there was a chance after all. So keeping your hopes up, you kept talking to him. Sharing things about your life with him, and listening to whatever he had to say. 
But as time went on, you began to doubt if there was a chance at all. Legolas still seemed to view you as a close friend, if anything. He still had his eyes elsewhere, and each time you attempted to get closer to him he was able to kindly turn you down. So you didn’t push any further. Slowly trying to come to terms with the fact that this was never going to work out. 
But you still shared many things with him. The connection you had with him during battle was still there. And that’s what you put your trust on when a battle was announced, knowing you’d be sent there. 
But as you had expected, no battle was fought without the blood shed of your own kin. As the dust began to settle and the sounds of battle died down, you found yourself exhausted. Muscles so worn out you felt shaky. But even through that exhaustion you felt the need to find Legolas, having lost sight of him at the very end. The chaos around the area made it hard to make out anyone specifically, raising some worry within you. Maybe deep down you knew that he was okay, but not being able to find him as quickly as you would have hoped shook you a little. 
Your eyes landed on a small group of elves, some who had survived the battle with a smaller amount of injuries and a couple of healers. They’d all gathered around someone, and by the looks of it seemed desperate. A possibly fatal injury, you thought with a flash of sorrow and grief washing over you for a moment. The death of an immortal being, as pure as an elf, was never a pleasant sight. 
You raised your gaze, having paused for a moment to pay respect to whoever had fallen. Scanning the nearby area, you could spot who you believed to be Legolas. He’d strayed from the small group you’d just come across, form somehow slumped. You couldn’t see his expression clearly enough to tell what was going on, making you curious. 
You didn’t dare pass the group, staying near them as your eyes followed Legolas’ movements. This position allowed you to see the dreadful sight bestowed next to you. As the warriors began to make their way back to the kingdom, it gave you enough space to see who the healers were tending to. You recognized them, soon a more lost expression spreading across your face. Understanding why Legolas had seemed more distraught than you’d ever seen him before. Something so important to him had been lost that day. 
And from there began a confusing period of time. You could tell Legolas was defeated, down from the loss. And you were no stranger to the dangers of loss and what it could do to your kin. So it wasn’t unwarranted that you were worried about him, and had made it your mission to try and help him get back on his feet. 
And doing this also healed something in you as well. Perhaps you couldn’t court him, but helping him as a friend felt good as well. Like you had a purpose to fulfil by his side, even if not in the way you initially had hoped. 
This also meant you started spending more time with him. Publicly you could barely tell of the heartbreak he was going through, but it showed more when the two of you were alone. Which you found endearing, meaning he trusted you enough to talk to you about his thoughts. Though, during one of these talks he told you something that mixed up your whole view of the situation. 
“Would you still court me?” His calm voice asked. Your hands stopped braiding his hair, having to blink a couple of times before drawing in a breath. You felt Legolas tilt his head towards your’s, trying to find out why you’d gone so silent. Though, he didn’t say anything else, waiting for your response. Which you tried to form into something respectful. You wanted to tell him that this might have not been the best time to make decisions like this, but at the same time every other part of you wanted to say yes. “Yes, I think”, slipped out without even thinking. Something that resembled a smile appeared on the prince’s face, like he was relieved? “Then we shall make it official.” He said, something new in his tone but you could tell that this hadn’t magically removed the grief from his mind. Yet, he reached out for your hand and turned around to face you properly. He’d been between your legs, back towards you as you braided his hair, as had become tradition. You looked into his eyes, swallowing down the guilt that tried to overtake your mind. You’d gotten what you wanted, right?
Things moved so fast after. Or maybe they didn’t, you couldn’t tell. You’d been so shocked after that night that a feeling of numbness had spread across your whole being. What was even going on? The king had approved of the courting, which hadn’t come as a huge surprise to you. But even then, it all felt a little too unreal. And the guilt that had been brewing ever since he had confessed to you was going to boil over soon, you felt. But so the days kept passing, and this was now the reality you lived in. 
You were getting ready for bed, tidying up your hair so it would be easier to handle in the morning. Routines that somewhat kept you sane, keeping thoughts away from what had been going on. You’d watched Legolas go lay down already, beginning to wonder if you had started to slow down your routines on purpose for the amount of time they now took. Because there was still a part in you that wondered if you should have been helping him with the grief as a friend or as his partner? That, did Legolas choose you out of genuine interest or out of needing someone to just be there for him?
You shook your head, trying to swallow the hesitancy back down. No. Even if this was all wrong, you couldn't possibly leave him now. Not when someone he’d cared about had died, you didn’t want to put him through another heartbreak. This was what you had wanted, right?
While in your thoughts you had wandered to the bed, laid down and somehow automatically turned your back to Legolas. He might have been engulfed with bits of grief, but he wasn’t blind. If he saw the way you looked, he’d be able to tell how miserable you felt right then and there. You did still love him the same way as before, and this had been exactly what you’d asked for. But how could you enjoy something so precious, when it felt like you’d stolen the first place medal and sneaked your way out of the second place? And all of this was happening while you couldn’t tell Legolas of these feelings without hurting him, nor did you wish to leave him. You’d promised yourself that you’d help him now that he needed you the most. 
While engulfed in a state of self loathing and sadness, you felt the man scooch closer. His hand moved to your upper arm, as if to ask if he was allowed to be so close. He was, you wanted him to be. But you didn’t want to admit that to not feed the guilt. When you didn't reply, his arm moved itself over your waist to bring the both of you closer to each other. Taking the silence as a ‘yes’. But was there a way to enjoy closeness like this when you didn’t feel like it was meant for you. 
The edges of your eyes burned, but only a singular tear managed to escape. Racing its way down your face and disappearing into your pillowcase. At what cost had you gotten the ‘gi melin’ that felt like it echoed in the air as he said it. 
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Hangman would have seen you and Rooster hugging tho. Jealousy, jealousy?
For those who haven’t been following along—This is just a really fun series I’ve been concepting. The Masterlist is here.
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Oh for sure he did! And he wasn't going to not bring it up the second he had a chance to either. Jake Sersin had seen his wife in the arms of Bradley Bradshaw out the front of the Hard Deck. He’d seen a few seconds of what could only be described as a friendly encounter with an acquaintance. A nice acquaintance at that. But there was never any malice intention or underlying feelings. But what did Jake know? Only what he could see and what he saw was his wife in the arms of another man. Someone other than himself.
“You know I saw you and Hawk at the Hard Deck Bradshaw.” His muscles hurt but he’d never admit it. Up, down, up, down. Right on cue every time. “Care to explain why you’re all over my wife?” Rooster cast a shadow down over Hangman. His body eclipsed the sun that beamed down on his back. Smirking, Rooster couldn’t help but to chuckle. Did he smell jealousy? Perhaps.
“Picturing me thick as thieves with your ex-wife not sitting right with you Hangman?” Rooster teased as he watched Hangman doing his push ups after Maverick had got tone on him, Phoenix and Bob. Crouching down as he let his forearms rest on his thigh. “We were just having a chat, nothing more to it man.”
“What happened between you two anyway?” Bob, the Weapon Systems Officer is questioned between his staggered push ups. “Lieutenant Commander Seresin seems nice, don’t really know why she’d go for a guy as egotistical as you to begin with Bagman.”
“You’ll never be able to love me more than you love flying.” Scrambling around the house as you threw things into the open luggage bag. You’d been called for a last minute assignment. “You're reckless and careless, you act like you don’t have someone waiting for you to come home!” Jake had only just gotten home, his first air to air kill confirmed mere minutes after he’d set foot stateside. “I can’t take this anymore, I can’t breathe Jake! I can't—“ And it was safe to say you weren’t taking the news well at all.
“It’s my job! when you married me that was the deal! A package!” Jake Seresin was missing a vital point in your argument. He couldn’t understand why you were so upset. He was home, he was alive. But it was the thought of losing him to his own selfishness that had finally eaten away at you enough to break you.
“But it’s not just a job Hangman!” You never really used his call sign, so to hear you say it with such venom made his heart break. “It’s the way you do your job!! You fly like every last training session is your last! Every mission, every task is your last. Everyone says the same damn thing too! You don’t play well with others, you don’t fit on the goddamn team so why the hell should I expect them to risk their lives to save your sorry arse if something were to happen?”
“Y/n—baby.” It was hard to have a counter argument prepared when Jake didn’t think he’d done anything wrong to begin with. Trying to keep you from leaving, his hands on either side of your shoulders. “I’m here? I’m okay! What's the problem, love?”
“The problem Jake is that they wouldn’t!” Heavy, that’s what Jake would call the atmosphere around you. He’d remember the look of hopelessness in your eyes, the love that you had for him. Immense and fierce. You loved him so much it scared you to the point where you had to leave for your own sanity. “And suddenly it’ll just be me, and I’d rather it just be me on my own accord then for you to be taken away from me because you’ve burnt all your bridges to the point no one will want to save you!”
“We just needed some time apart, and haven't really found a way back yet.” Jake really did like to downplay what he unintentionally put you through. Simply because he wasn’t ready to stop being the best of the best. He knows that confirmed air to air kill was the final straw that broke you—he could have easily let it go, but he didn’t. Unnecessarily endangering himself for the thrill of the chase. “And she is a nice person—“ Huffing as he finished his push-ups, Jake groaned as he stood to his feet. Rooster doing the same, staring each other day. “Hug my wife like that again and I’ll break every goddamn bone in your body.”
“Ex wife—Hangman, she’s your ex wife.” Bradley snickered as he pushed his aviator sunglasses up the bridge of his nose with a wicked shit eating smirk. “Hawk can do whatever, and whoever she wants.” Without so much as a glint of hesitation Jake was shoving at Roosters chest. His nostrils flaring with every intent of beating to life out of Bradley Bradshaw for even insinuating such a concept. You were his fucking wife. His.
“Hey!! Hey—!” It was only when you had come out to ask Hondo when Pete would be finishing up that you saw the confrontation going down. Jogging over, you couldn't really move all that quickly with your dress shoes on. You preferred to wear your service uniform more often than not. The tan looked good and was rather comfortable all things considered. But as you raced towards where Jake and Bradley stood puffing their chest and flaring their nostrils like baboons? A small part of you wished you’d just taken Mavericks offer on a more comfortable flight suit. Some old baggy one from the back of his collection. “Hey! Knock it off!”
At the sound of your voice, the sweet sound of fire and grace, Jake's shoulders settled a little. His anger dissipated. Stepping back and away from rooster as you caught his attention, all of it. Approaching with a huff after running across the tarmac, you took a deep breath in, hands resting on your knees as you bent over dramatically. Heart rate higher then you would have liked it to have been.
“What the hell is going on? Huh?”
“Nothing Lieutenant Commander–” It wasn't hard to catch onto the tone Jake laced your title with. It had been the same way you had called him Lieutenant not a few hours prior. With a glare unmissable and a tight jaw clenched, you turned to Rooster who stood close by. Sending him a questioning look.
“Anything to add?” It wasn't something you took pleasure in, being authoritarian. You’d much rather just keep a low profile. But sometimes, pulling the rank card was the only thing you could do to get your point across, to remind people you were still a person to take seriously. “Lieutenant Bradshaw?”
“Not a word ma'am” Rooster played into it well, bouncing off Jake's ego a little too well. “We were just discussing independence, it seems as though some of us have forgotten that free will is a thing.” It did surprise you, not in the slightest bit. Of cause they were arguing over something stupid. It was always something stupid wasnt it.
“Rooster, why don't you take a walk.” You knew from your conversation with Hondo just minutes ago he was due to be up in the air in half an hour. “Cool off, clear your head or else Mav’s gonna send you packing.” You didn't give him a chance to respond as you turned on your heels, facing Hangman once again, eyes squinting as the sun beamed down, holding your hand up to shade your eyes. “Hangman–my office.”
“Yeah I think I’m good–” Shrugging you off Jake began to walk away, the group of stunned pilots, Phoenix, bob and Rooster all let their jaws slack a little at the confrontation unfolding. You may have been his ex wife but first and foremost in this moment you were his superior. To blatantly disrespect you like he did was unheard of behavior. Watching for a brief second as Jake pushed past you, his shoulder bumping into you as he did so.
“It wasn't a suggestion, Lieutenant!” Your voice strained as you raised it to something above what you were comfortable with. “My office, now!” Pausing his trajectory without so much as looking back, Jake changed the direction he was heading. Turning as he made his way to your office. Turning back to Rooster holding the bridge of your nose. “Don’t you have better things to be doing? I’m sure Lieutenant Kazanksy is around somewhere, go annoy her!”
Slouched in one of the arm chairs by your desk, Jake watched as you stepped through the threshold of your office. Anger evident on your face as you stuck your tongue against your cheek. Seething. Slamming the door behind you without even flinching. It was needless to say it was very out of the ordinary for you to lose your cool like this, you would consider yourself to be a pretty easy going, level headed person. But when it came to all things Jake Seresin? Level headedness was always the first thing to go flying out the window.
“I'm sorry–”
“Cut the shit!” It stung like venom. Sitting on the edge of your desk as you ripped in. “You don't ever get to treat me with such disrespect, of all people who I thought would’ve been okay with taking a direct order, it would be you. Mr only naval aviator on active duty with a confirmed air to air kill.”
“I'm still getting used to the idea of you being a Commander, I slipped up, Ma’am.” Jake paused for a moment as his eyes trailed your body, biting his bottom lip gently as he pictures what might be hidden under your uniform. “I promise it won't happen again.”
“You know, I really do wonder what will be your last lie.” huffing softly in defeat you let your demeanor change. Dropping the attitude you hated having. You weren't an authoritative figure, you were simply just you. “But if you promise, I guess I'll just have to take your word won't I?” Nodding, Jake stood from his place in the chair near your desk, stepping closer as you pushed yourself a little further back on top of your desk. “What were you and Rooster really fighting about?” with your legs hanging over the side, Jake slipped in easily, one of your knees on either side of his left leg.
“You.” It came out with no hesitation as Jake let his hands linger along your hips.
“Me? I haven't done anything?” Realistically you hadn't. “How am I the problem here?”
“Please–I saw you and Bradshaw out the front of the Hard Deck.” Hangman wasn't willing to admit a lot of things, but there was one thing for sure. He was a very jealous man.
“You mean you saw me interacting with a friend, Jake you can't be serious.” Jake's grip on your hips got a little tighter as you dismissed his jealousy. Clenching his jaw as he looked at the ground. “You know we aren't together right? If I wanted to see other people I very well could.”
“Are you?” Jake finally met your gaze, his eyes just slightly glazed with what you could only describe as the beginning of tears. “Are you seeing anyone?” It was a heavier question than he ever thought it would be. To ask his wife, the love of his life if she was seeing someone new. Someone else besides him. “Because if you are, I'll respect it, just–just dont lie to me, that's all I ask.” His actions weren’t matching his words. Jake's hands slowly worked their way up your body, finding their home against your cheeks as he cupped your face in his hands. Softly, ever so gently caressing your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “I'll wanna beat the ever living shit out of whoever gets to call you theirs but i'll respect your decision.” it made you chuckle, you couldn't help it. Deciding to just come clean, with honesty and your heart on your sleeve. Pulling out your dog tags that hid under your uniform. Your wedding band looped around the silver ball chain.
“I'm not seeing anyone you idiot, but i'm not seeing you either.” Jake couldn't hold back his smirk, pressing his lips against yours as he held you close to him in the palms of his hands. Your lips soft against his as he deepening the kiss with every passing second. Tongues dancing like they'd done this on an endless loop before. You’d missed this. This feeling. The feeling of being loved. Being needed. But as always, it was forever fleeting. “Jake–”
“I know I know–” With his eyes closed and his forehead resting against yours, Jake Seresin for a moment had you in his grasp again. “Professionalism in the workplace.” Pulling away with a sigh, Jake let his hands drop to your knees. “But off the clock, dinner?”
“You asked me last night.” Reminding Jake as he stood in front of you, straddling your leg. His eyes widening at your attitude, placing a hand over his heart as if you'd shot him.
“You said no last night?” Yeah, you did do that didnt you? Oh well.
“Oh and you expect me to say yes now that you know i'm single?” It struck another raw nerve, but in the best way it possible could have as Jake kissed you once again. This time with more lust, with more passion. Harder and more fierce than before his teeth clashed against yours and his hand slightly wrapped around your throat. With just enough pressure to have your core paulse. Fuck.
“Your aren't single, you're married. To me! And I'm asking my wife to have dinner with me which is a very normal and socially acceptable thing to do.” You let him squirm for a moment, watching through hooded eyes as you decided if it would be a good idea or not to have dinner together. Deciding maybe throwing a dog a bone once in a while would be a good thing, what could possibly go wrong?
Five hours, twenty minutes and forty five seconds. That’s how long Jake Seresin had left before he’d be able to confidently stand at your door and pick you up for dinner. Although the Hard Deck was nothing special and would most likely be full of naval men and women all grabbing a bite to eat and a few drinks after a day's work. It was still special because it was with you.
“Sir, if I may?” You weren't the type of person to interrupt, you took orders accordingly and spoke when you were spoken to. “I have a concept I’d like to address—while we’re all here?” Waiting for a moment, you couldn’t help but to think Admiral Beau was about to reprimand you for interrupting the debrief. The mission parameters were so important for the pilots to understand, who the hell did you think you were interrupting.
“Make it quick—“ With his arms crossed, you let a small sigh of relief escape as you nodded softly. Handing Pete Mitchell your clipboard as you worked with the interactive map that lit up before the TopGun graduates.
Jake sat a little straighter in his chair, chewing his gum with a stare that saw directly into your soul. This was odd? You weren’t normally one to step out of line like this. You followed protocol to the fucking letter. Crossed all the T’s and dotted all the i’s. For you to interrupt during the middle of a debrief? Un fucking heard off.
“I’ve been up all night thinking this could be done better.” Your eyes were still bloodshot from all the ways you’d tried to go about this at different angle. Settling on the one you were about to present. “But, if this is the carrier and this is the airbase, and this is the target point.” Drawing a line from points A B and C with your index finger. “I propose we have the pilots fly directly from point A being the carrier to point C being the target.”
“We need the super hornets to fly over the airbase in order to disarm the enemy. Missiles will be dropped from a higher altitude—“
“What if we used something else to dismantle the enemy’s airfield, sir.”
“I’m assuming you already have an idea, Lieutenant Commander?” Maverick answered with a smirk, enjoying this just a little too much. Anyone who could twist Admiral Beaus' knickers in a knot was considered a friend. He liked you—for someone well reserved and on the quiet side you had balls.
“Tomahawks Sir, we can launch them directly from the carrier a minute or so after initial take off—giving the team the advantage of time.”
“I’m sorry—what did you say you actually do?” Fanboy didn’t mean for it to sound rude, he was just genuinely intrigued. “I think I missed the part where everyone was told what your role was.” Looking his way with a soft gaze, you tried your best to puff your chest a little. Knowing you were pretty good at your job.
“I’m an analyst—“
“A bloody good one at that.” Admiral Beau approached you from his seat at the back of the room, looking at your drawn up proposal on the interactive board. “Damn, this is—this is genius, a million dollar idea but still, genius.”
Jake couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. You were brilliant in every sense of the word. For a meeting he’d forgotten just how intelligent you truly were, how you managed to make an incredibly hard job so easy. Staring as you softly swayed side to side, accepting the praise you received from your superiors. Melting inside when your eyes met his. The smile, beaming just for you, his heart beating with such love and admiration. Admiring you from his seat in the front.
“Damn— tomahawks huh?” Jake walked with you out towards the tarmac, his first run through with the new flight path set and ready for about twenty minutes' time. Bumping your hip, his way of flirting. Bumping him back—your way of flirting. “You really think that’ll work?”
“I think it’s the safest option, unnecessary diversion from what’s essentially a straight shot just doesn’t make sense to me—“ Pausing your explanation when you noticed Jake smirking to himself. “What?”
“Nothing nothing!” He chuckled. “I just, I could listen to you all day, honestly but—how about you tell me in full detail over dinner tonight.” Jake beamed as he started jogging away, turning to run backwards as he waited for you to reply. Rooster zipping past with his helmet in his hand. Catching up to where your ex husband, Hangman stood.
Feeling overly vulnerable. You hugged yourself gently. Watching as Jake sent you a wink.
“Dinner! I’ll pick you up at seven!” It made you swoon. Trying to hide your smile as you shouted after him.
Tags: @justanothermagicalsara @alexsisrebekah @stinkyjax @starkleila
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jukey · 1 year
hi there !!! I hope youre having a wonderful day today :) I saw your requests were open, so can i request a karasu tabito boyfriend hc? Ive been so obsessed with him lately:,(( (hes so cute.)
Please do take your time and dont rush <3 thank you!!
Blue Lock x Reader Headcanons
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Karasu x Reader Headcanons + scenario
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Karasu is always teasing and making playful jabs at you, often causing you to roll your eyes or playfully swat at him.
Despite his sharp tongue, Karasu is fiercely loyal and will defend you fiercely, even if it means getting into a bit of trouble.
Karasu loves to surprise you with random acts of kindness, like showing up at your doorstep with your favorite snacks or taking you out on a spontaneous adventure.
Karasu is always up for a good time and loves to have fun with you, whether it's playing pranks on each other or going on wild escapades together.
Karasu is a great listener and always lends an ear to his your problems, even if he sometimes gets a bit distracted or starts teasing you again.
Karasu and you have a shared love of mischief and often get into trouble together. You've been known to sneak into places you shouldn't be or pull elaborate pranks on your friends.
Karasu and you are always pushing each other out of your comfort zones, trying new things and encouraging each other to take risks.
Karasu is a hopeless romantic at heart, but he often hides it behind his mischievous exterior. He'll never admit it, but he secretly loves writing sappy love letters for you but always throws them out
Bonus: He jokingly calls you 'my bitch' so you started calling him 'my hoe' whenever people are around.
"Them! That couple over there," Karasu said, pointing at two people further down the street. This is the ideal date for him after all; pulling pranks on random people outside.
"You want to terrorise some lovebirds?" You replied with a chuckle.
"Ofcourse I do! Besides, there's no better couple than us," he replied wholeheartedly. Before you could say something he grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him.
"Now, let's go!" Next thing you knew you got pinned to the wall harshly.
"What the-"
"Hush, my kitten," he said all too dramatic. "It's us against the world," The embodiment of cringe-ness himself had whispered to you. Sweat dropping for a bit, you looked next to you to see the couple from earlier looking at the two of you with DREAD in their eyes. 'Oh god'
"My queen, my sugar plump fairy princess, my caramel covered green apple tart-"
"Karasu! They already left you can stop now," You sighed out.
"Aww, It wouldn't hurt to stay like this for a while tho,"
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thank you so much for requesting!!
karasu brainrot fr
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ultrone · 1 year
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𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐍 : 𝗳𝗹𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
n/a. really enjoyed writing the jealous amber headcanons, plus i’m pretty much obsessed with her rn so here y’all go :)
cw: fluff
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࣪˖𓂅 amber may be mean and cruel to most people, but when it comes to you, she's a total sweetheart. she'll go out of her way to make sure you feel loved and appreciated, even if it means putting herself in harms way. you're the only one who can make her drop her guard and show her vulnerable side.
࣪˖𓂅 when it comes to physical affection, amber can't get enough. she loves cuddling up to you, playing with your hair, and showering you with kisses and affectionate touches. she's always looking for an excuse to be close to you.
࣪˖𓂅 she's also fiercely loyal and protective of you. she's always there to lend a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on when you need it, even if it means putting her own needs aside.
࣪˖𓂅 whenever there's a party or social gathering, amber's eyes are always on you, constantly checking on you to make sure you're having a good time. swooping in and stealing you away for some drunk, sloppy kisses in a dark corner every chance she gets.
࣪˖𓂅 when you're at school, amber loves to sneak away with you in between classes to make out in the bathroom. it's a risky move, but it's totally worth it for the rush of being together in secret.
࣪˖𓂅 even though she can be very possessive at times, amber knows that you need your space. so, she'll try her best to give you the time and freedom you need to pursue your own interests and hobbies, even tho it's hard for her due to her possessive tendencies.
࣪˖𓂅 amber's protective instincts are always on high alert when it comes to you. if anyone ever tries to mess with you or hurt you in any way, she'll be the first to jump to your defense, and you know better than anyone else how violent and aggressive she can get.
࣪˖𓂅 pda is not something amber shies away from. she'll happily hold your hand, cuddle with you on the couch, and steal kisses whenever she can, regardless of who's watching. she also sees this as an opportunity to show everyone who you belong to.
࣪˖𓂅 amber may not be the most conventional girlfriend, but she's always exciting and unpredictable. whether you're out on a date or just hanging out at home, there's never a dull moment with her around.
࣪˖𓂅 amber loves listening to music with you and introducing you to new bands and artists. she'll make you mixtapes or playlists and you'll listen to them together on the way to school or while hanging out at home.
࣪˖𓂅 amber loves to shower you with gifts, especially ones that she's made herself. she'll spend hours crafting something special and unique just for you, whether it's a piece of jewelry, a scrapbook of your favorite memories together, or a playlist of songs that remind her of you. she puts a lot of thought and effort into every present she gives you. seeing you happy and excited over her gifts brings her immense joy and satisfaction, and she's always on the lookout for new ways to surprise you and show her love.
࣪˖𓂅 she often does this to make up for her possessive tendencies. she knows that her jealousy can be overwhelming at times, and she worries about pushing you away. so, she'll go out of her way to make you feel loved and appreciated, showering you with attention and affection in an effort to show you just how much you mean to her.
࣪˖𓂅 amber loves taking you on spontaneous late-night drives, just the two of you, with no particular destination in mind. you'll often find yourselves talking about anything and everything, or just enjoying the comfortable silence. and when the drive ends, she'll often park in a secluded spot where you can cuddle up together under the stars.
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please do not translate, copy and paste, or repost my work anywhere. likes, comments, and re-blogs are always appreciated tho <33
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
this watershed moment between nie mingjue and meng yao is from cql, obviously, but imo it highlights the fundamental conflict between these two characters in all versions of the canon:
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i am once again re-reading the entirety of the empathy flashback chapters because once i start, i just can't stop! there's just too much important information overflowing from this sequence of events! and considering this is the only lens through which we are able to look back at jin guangyao's past as meng yao--and considering how much that lens hates him at this point in canon--so much of what is presented to us as objective fact has to be examined more critically.
so, it bears repeating: all of this is nie mingjue's resentment-addled fierce corpse's recollection of events at least fourteen years in the past, communicated to the reader through two additional filters--empathy, and wei wuxian himself.
Meng Yao had probably carefully worked out how to avoid the vital areas. With both caution and composure, he pulled the sword out of his stomach, producing a string of small, bloody splashes, and pressed the wound—this was all he did to treat it. Nie MingJue, on the other hand, still remained in the posture that he used when trying to help Meng Yao. Half-kneeling with his head raised, their eyes met.
i mean. sure, i guess? this is related to an ask currently hanging out in my inbox that i haven't been able to answer yet (there are so many asks), but i think we really ought to consider just what a life-threatening gamble this was regardless. also painful! it is painful to stab yourself, and then to mash your hand against an open wound to stop the bleeding! why would anyone choose to do something like this unless they felt they had no other choice?
Nie MingJue didn’t say anything. Meng Yao didn’t say anything either. He sheathed his sword, bowed toward Nie MingJue, and sprinted away without looking back.
i've read a few posts criticizing meng yao in this moment either implying or flat out stating that if he can bow and sprint away, he clearly couldn't have been that injured. leaving aside that nie mingjue is perfectly capable of recognizing a serious injury when he sees one, wei wuxian also sees the blood splashing onto meng yao's body and clothes as he withdraws the sword from himself. so, he's hurt. he has seriously injured himself. that he still forces himself to bow before fleeing does seem significant to me. what else could he possibly have said? what would nie mingjue have wanted to hear him say anyway?
He had just acknowledged his mistake and agreed to receiving his punishment before feigning suicide and setting up a trap. Now, he was already long gone. It was probably Nie MingJue’s first time seeing such a shameless person, especially one that had just been the trusted aide whom he promoted himself.
i could live the rest of my life in this sentence (exaggeration. but only slightly), there is so much going on here--first, that wei wuxian feels confident enough in his understanding and interpretation of nie mingjue via empathy to presume that this is nie mingjue's first exposure to such 'shameless' behaviour, because let's be real, how can he possibly know that? like leaving aside the fact that he is the older brother of the jianghu's most dedicated and shameless drama queen, he's been a sect leader for years at this point. beyond that, he is a sect leader during a time of war. mingjue-xiong has seen some shit, ok? i think it is specifically because this supposed shamelessness comes from someone that he himself trusted and promoted, as wei wuxian next points out, that he is so furious.
this part is key, for me, because it emphasizes not the shamelessness (is it tho?) of meng yao's trickery, but that such trickery could be carried out by someone that nie mingjue himself had invested with such trust. he doesn't just feel betrayed by meng yao, though of course that is part of it. his pride has been injured. which makes sense, given the next part of the text:
For this, he flew into a terrible rage, being especially fierce during the Wen Sect’s battles. Even when Lan XiChen had the time to assist Langya, a few days later, his anger hadn’t died down one bit. As soon as he came, Lan XiChen laughed, “MingJue-xiong, what a temper you seem to be in. Where is Meng Yao? Why does he not come and douse your flames?”
i'm not sure i actually want to know what a 'terrible rage' from nie mingjue looks like given what we already know about his brutality on the battlefield. like... this is after he has decapitated wen ruohan's son, wen xu, and made a brutal display of his head and remains to send a message to qishan. meng yao's betrayal has triggered truly unprecedented levels of rage and fury from nie mingjue, something that was already escalating due to his focused cultivation with the sabre, but it results in a man who absolutely cannot handle hearing meng yao's name.
Nie MingJue, “Don’t mention such a person!”
see? (mingjue-xiong don't snap at lan xichen like that 🥺)
Without any exaggeration, he told Lan XiChen of how Meng Yao killed and planned to blame someone else, then feigned death and ran away. After he heard the story, Lan XiChen was also surprised, “How could this be? Maybe there was a misunderstanding?”
Nie MingJue, “I caught him right on the spot. What misunderstandings could there be?”
Lan XiChen thought for a moment, “Judging from his words, the person whom he killed had definitely done wrong. However, he should not have taken his life either. We are in harsh times, so it is quite difficult to determine who was at fault. I wonder where he is now.”
Nie MingJue spoke in a harsh tone, “He should hope that I don’t catch him. If I do, I’ll offer him as sacrifice to my saber!”
(where's a good theresalottounpackhere.gif when you need one)
first: "without any exaggeration" is doing quite a lot of narrative work! even if we accept that what nie mingjue recounts to lan xichen broadly conforms to what wei wuxian witnessed via empathy, what wei wuxian witnessed in the first place was still nie mingjue's recollection of the events as they transpired. wei wuxian did not witness these events himself with his own eyes. sure, i trust that nie mingjue is telling the truth when he shares this information with lan xichen, but he cannot be an objective source of information for wei wuxian--and i think it is significant that wei wuxian doesn't clock this.
second: i think this is why there is an understandable impulse to respond to lan xichen's circumspection with 'hey what the fuck??' when he says 'maybe there was a misunderstanding.' because we are right in the moment alongside wei wuxian, who does not recognize his own bias. and so we end up like, what do you mean, lan xichen! nie mingjue caught meng yao red-handed! wei wuxian-via-empathy told us so! how could we misunderstand any of this when wei wuxian confirmed for us that nie mingjue did not exaggerate any of his explanation?
but lan xichen's thoughtfulness and his instinct to pause, to seek out additional clarification and understanding, are perfectly rational responses given the circumstances, and ideally what he says is something any equally rational person would say in his position. two people he has invested with a great deal of his trust and esteem are at significantly crossed purposes, and he only has one half of the story. lan xichen obviously trusts that nie mingjue is telling him the truth as he recalls it; he just understands, as wei wuxian clearly cannot, that his understanding of this situation is incomplete until he hears the other half of the story from meng yao himself.
However, as though his words turned into a prophecy, during the next few years, it was almost as if Meng Yao had suddenly disappeared, as if he had sunk like a rock into the ocean. No trace of him was left.
Now, Nie MingJue loathed him in the same manner that he had once valued him. Whenever the name was mentioned, he put on an angered face, expressing things hard to explain in speech. When he was certain that no information could be found, he refused to discuss Meng Yao with another person ever again.
i'll wrap this post up shortly because i've already written much more than i initially intended, but i just want to highlight that literal years pass between their confrontation on the langya front and their bloody reunion in nightless city. that is a long time for nie mingjue to spend "loathing [Meng Yao] in the same manner that he had once valued him"--plenty of time for resentment brought on by his sabre cultivation technique to thoroughly sink its claws into his judgment, and his wounded pride.
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wolfs-writing-den · 27 days
Snippet #1 - Aftermath
Obi-Wan and Dragon!Anakin escape, with the main casualty being Anakin’s arm. This is the late-night, unedited, rambling edition of a conversation that comes later- after the reveal that Dragon!Anakin is In Fact Vader The Sith.
Dw tho. I’m sure things go fine later. Mace is gonna be thrilled.
•Snippet Below!•
“Vader… your arm needs treatment. This ship’s kit barely has a decent strip of bacta, you need professional medical treatment-“
“Then drop me off at the next spaceport, and go home, Obi-wan.”
The Jedi seemed torn, and at that he could only growl through clenched teeth. The room swayed, another flash of pain left him almost breathless, clouding his senses and adding to the fog coating his thoughts.
Obi-Wan was shaking his head. Why was Obi-Wan shaking his head?
“I’m not going to abandon you.”
“Why not?!”
“Because you are injured! Severely!”
“That has never stopped anyone before!” Anakin’s growl turned thunderous, eyes flashing sickly golden-yellow. Obi-Wan faltered, before setting his jaw and staring back just as fiercely.
“Jedi do not just discard their allies- their friends- so easily.”
“Good, because I am neither-“ Anakin hissed, irritation and pain fueling his ire against this stubborn, stupid old man. “- I am a Monster, Jedi Knight. Worse even- a Sith Monster.” He spat, teeth sharpening into fangs even as a white-hot pounding in his bones warned against any further shift.
“I don't need your mercy or your help.”
The sad look he got from Obi-Wan in response only stoked the flames. With a bitter curse he moved to stand- only to try and brace himself with his missing hand. A guttural cry ripped from his throat as the roughly-bandaged remains of his forearm failed him, sending him to the floor in a rather inelegant heap.
Or well- he would’ve ended up there had Obi-Wan not caught him. He fell limp against the Jedi, his remaining hand clutching the other’s robes as he let himself be guided down to their knees. The gentleness and care that Obi-Wan took startled him, so abruptly different from his usual existence. It felt utterly surreal, like this was all merely a fever dream.
“No monster would’ve saved my young padawan like you did- no sith would’ve taken the care to ensure safe escape for all those slaves at the camp.”
“…” Anakin shivered, falling into the warmth of the Jedi holding him up, breathing ragged and broken. His arm burned, his senses felt muddled- the force was muted in a way it never had been before and instinctively, he knew it was associated with the loss of his arm. It would never be the same again.
“I- I am no friend of the Jedi.” His voice felt hoarse, and his words lost their bite. He was pretty sure he’d reopened something and was bleeding all over Obi-Wan. “You and Ahsoka don’t count. You’re both crazy.”
He got a quiet chuckle at that.
“But I’m serious. What do you think will happen when you bring me back to that fancy temple of yours on Coruscant?”
“You’ll get medical treatment, and proper care afterwards. You have valuable information- a deal could be struck for your safety. A sort of witness protection.”
Anakin could only blink up at the man owlishly, his sheer naivety astounding. “Obi-Wan…. I’ll be put in suppressing cuffs and thrown in the brig. They’ll torture whatever information they want out of me and then kill me if they know what’s good for them.”
Even before he was done talking, the other’s head was shaking ‘no’. Again. Damn him.
“Please- trust me. If you can’t trust the Jedi, trust in me. I won’t let your wounds go untreated- you lost your arm saving us, Vader. If you don’t get treatment now you may lose your life-“ his voice cracked, and to Anakin’s flagging consciousness, the emotion over something so trivial made absolutely no sense.
But… Obi-Wan believed it. The truth of his promise chimed out into the force, even muted as it was. He was so, so tired…..
“Fine.” He huffed, “do as you see fit.” Black spots flitted in and out of his vision- making his head hurt something fierce. He thought he may have heard his name being called as his eyes slid shut and he slumped against the warmth at his side- but he was unconscious again before it could matter.
Obi-wan was left holding his new charge- hoping desperately that he wasn’t making some horrible, horrible mistake.
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fluffypotatey · 6 months
Hcs about shadowpeach reconnecting?
i like to think of it being very slow. to me, shadowpeach is the slowest of all slow burns both when they’re developing a relationship and trying to reconnect.
while i am a sucker for shadowpeach fluff and them being all clingy and cuddley, i still don’t think the two would even get that close for some time (and i mean some time).
lemme see if i can do a little rundown (i fucking lied) of my idea of a shadowpeach reconnection post-s4:
after the scroll and after their battle with the Brotherhood, both are in an agreement of a truce. as in, both acknowledged that neither of them wish to really fight or stay upset with the other because both understand that they never really could
so there’s a truce, a renewed exchange of peaches, that informs the other that while nothing will ever be like before….maybe that’s for the best, maybe they deserve something different and new between them
it doesn’t immediately take away from all their hurt feelings and pettiness. Wukong’s teasing will never hit the same and Macky’s guard is still at full defense
MK will still find them arguing up to the sky about something as trivial as which path leads to which waterfall and “shut up and just follow me, you idiot, this mountain has been my home for over a millennia”
but there are baby steps in the right direction (Pigsy would call it the “babiest of steps” but nobody asked him)
it takes them a year to come to terms that their petty arguing is just petty to be petty (tho they hold out a little longer because neither want to admit that to each other because it could meaning losing the game. what game? neither are exactly sure of what)
but it’s after both take the time to really refrain from that itch to bitch that both actually have a chance to talk with some substance (there may have been an external force that led to this conversation; a curse trapping them in a void space, being separated from the group so it’s just them two, the works)
but then that arguing loses its teeth and resembles something like banter. Wukong and Macky never truly did banter much in the past. not like this. it’s a little freeing. to be able to push and pull against each other without any reserve or need to
and this was their relationship for quite some time after. no physical hugs or touches like Wukong was privy to before or that Macky used to indulge in. you had the occasional glance here and there but not enough for the other to notice (everyone else, of course, noticed)
ironically, it’s Macky who initiates their first hug in ages.
Wukong, over the years, has slowly been building up to it with shoulder bumps, a light punch in the shoulder, and sometimes a bump to the hip.
when asked, Wukong would explain that he’s a physically affectionate guy but knows Mac has his limits and does his best to respect that as much as he can
on his own tho, Wukong personally feels like those touches are the most he will ever be granted to give. that is, until after a fierce battle, skirmish, whatever new daring thing that almost costs the Monkie Kid team, Macky actually pulls Wukong in for a hug
it’s nothing big or grand. well, nothing big for anymore normal since it’s a very short side hug, but it was something big for the both of them.
suffice to say, that was enough permission for Wukong to initiate more physical affection towards Macky
neither of them are really ready to put anything that they’re doing to name. makes it more definite and breakable
hell, they don’t even acknowledge that they’re past the point of tolerable acquaintances until a couple years later
but yeah, a shadowpeach reconnection, in my eyes, will takes years (centuries even) to truly rekindle their relationship. like i said, it’s a slow burn and one both want to tread carefully even if it’s agonizing to watch from the outside (see MK and friends)
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steelycunt · 2 years
hii 1st one for the siken mini fic thing (if ur still doing it)
hi bab! of course! feel like this got away from me sorry in advance xx three cheers for james pov tho!!
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They’re standing in the little kitchenette, all three of them, and James is making them tea. They’ll have to take it black, he tells them, because they haven’t got any milk in: Sirius hasn’t been shopping for twelve days. In fact, he adds, they’ll have to settle for coffee—there are no teabags, either.
Rain dribbling against the window. A thin, sticky quiet, stretched out like chewing gum. Here is Sirius leaning against the fridge, arms folded over his chest, and there is Remus in the doorway. James stirs a teaspoon clockwise, counter-clockwise, in zigzags, wonders if he ought to leave them to it.
“It would’ve been nice for you to let us know that you’d be getting back today,” says Sirius. “I never know when you’re supposed to be coming home. If you’re supposed to be coming home. Three weeks is a long time to not hear anything.”
His voice is deliberate, stiffened by some voluntary rigor mortis; it’s jarring against his bloodshot eyes, against the tell-tale tremor in his hands and James’ memory of turning up to the flat two nights ago and finding him in a drunken, inconsolable heap on the floor outside the bathroom, clad in boxers and Remus’ dirty, sweat-drenched t-shirt.
(The last three weeks have gone like this: Sirius, denouncing Remus as the traitor in a snarl of cigarette smoke. Sirius, weeping into the side of James’ neck, convinced Remus is lying dead, half-buried in a forest somewhere—where is he? Oh god, my Moony, where is he?)
Remus sways on his feet, scratches at the stubble marring his chin, jaw, cheeks. Dirt beneath his fingernails, dried blood gone rusty at his nose and streaked down the side of his head—he looks as though he’s being held upright by a yardstick tied to his spine, like the slouching plants in James’ mother’s garden. James wants, so fiercely, to hug him. The bastard.
“It all happened really quickly. I only got the instructions a few hours ago—got told I could come back. I didn’t know that they were going to—didn’t want to hang around to send a Patronus ahead,” Remus explains, sheepish. “I’m sorry. Really short notice, all of it was. I just wanted to get back. They don’t tell me anything either.”
The sentiment slides feebly off of Sirius. “Right,” he says, stepping towards him; James accidentally drops the teaspoon against the side of one of the mugs and for a split-second they both turn to look at him as it clinks.
And then Sirius is pressing his palm to Remus’ chest, over his heart, like a makeshift stethoscope. They watch each other for a very long time, and the longer they stay like that the more James feels himself turning to dust motes, to wallpaper. The more ruined everything becomes.
The palm curls into a fist. Briefly, James thinks Sirius could hit him. Something flutters across Remus’ face, moth-like, that suggests he thinks the same thing. They both would’ve appreciated a copy of the script.
“Are you hurt?” Sirius demands.
Remus’ smile, knocked crooked. Familiar. “I’m not sure. I don’t think so, not terribly. But I need—do need to sit down.”
Sirius nods, reaches around wordlessly to tug the rucksack off Remus’ shoulder. It’s at this point that James opens his mouth, and is distressed to find he no longer has anything to say. His friends share a strange, skittish devotion that can be rather frightening, sometimes. It seems to be eating itself. He finds it rather hard to think of it as love.
Three mugs of black coffee, steaming on the kitchen counter. Three dark, round pits. Sirius and Remus disappearing into the bathroom, hand in hand, and leaving James to stare into them.
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KotLC one shot
*deep inhale* I’m back people! I actually wrote part of this fic as an assessment for my English class lol. I added a lot more flourishes (and I mean a lot, this used to be one sheet of A4) and actually ended it properly! I’ll put it on ao3 at some point but I do not have an account! Once my request goes thorough, i’ll put it on there :). It’s a mix of Sophie ANGST (we love our angsty girl tho!) and some sokeefe fluff :3 (he is soo protective of her, it’s adorable). It’s also Sophie’s POV (first person) fyi :) Anyway, enjoy!!
We were in flames. Again. I could almost hear fintans cruel laugh as he leaped away. The never seen Crystal he and Ruy used was still here somewhere but it would have to wait. I turned to the flames again. And that’s when they hit. Flashbacks of Oblivimyre, San Diego, Verdi and I in the Everblaze and pain. So, so much pain. Old burns reawakened and I screamed, unable to stop myself from returning to that place. Black obscured my vision and my panic flared higher. The tiny coherent part of my brain was thankful that I refused to let Dex come with us. The harsh memory of burns climbing my arms felt like new even though Mr Forkle had done so much to repair them. For all I knew, they could be real and I could have been engulfed by the roaring orange fire. Another scream fell from my lips and I thrashed, trying to rid myself of bonds that hadn’t touched me for months.
A soft, blue breeze streaked across my consciousness but it wasn’t enough. The shade of blue was almost exactly the same as Fintan’s trademark, balefire and it only racked by body with more panic, pain and fear. More blue breezes ran across my mind, this time tempered with green and building to a gale pulling me together. It wasn’t a destructive hurricane, but a mending one, pulling me together and finally clearing my vision from the blackness. My frantic screams eased as did my trashing although I still trembled fiercely, fighting to keep the monster inside at bay. I cursed myself for letting Flori stay at home before remembering that Grady and Edaline would be left unprotected should she have left.
Tears ran through my eyelashes, coming thick and fast as the monster replayed more terrifying scenes from my past. Eternalia falling, Oblivimyre again but this time when we found Kenric missing, Oralie, Forkle’s death and Keefe running away. That’s what hurt most. 
‘He left you’ the voice in my head whispered ‘He left you and didn’t care that you nearly shattered. He only pretends to care to take advantage of you.’
More sobs shuddered through me and the teal breezes could only do so much. Everything was a blur, but why could I not feel rough, painful asphalt beneath me? Now I was a little more focussed, my head began to clear and I could hear something. A name. My name. 
‘Foster. Foster. FOSTER. FOSTER. FOSTER PLEASE. PLEASE SOPHIE. Sophie snap out of it, please. SOPHIE! FOSTER! LADY FOS-BOSS! Foster come on, wake up!’
I could feel shaking hands now, holding me. One on my back, one clutching my ungloved hand. At last, my eyes cleared properly and I could see. Keefe leaned over me, worry and fear distorting his features as he cradled me. He somehow still managed to look amazing, even while terrified and panicked. 
‘Keefe?’ I whispered hoarsely. 
‘Sophie. Thank the stars. I thought-‘ his voice broke. ‘I thought I lost you again.’ He sounded so scared and almost heartbroken. ‘Never mind. I knew it was a mistake letting you come here with- with him. Come on, I’m taking you back to Havenfield.’ Keefe sounded angry now. Protective. He started to pull me properly into his arms, as if he knew I was too weak to support myself. 
‘No. Keefe, stop. I’m not going back home yet. I have to help. There could be humans here, I have to save them. The never seen don’t get to kill people just because I can’t handle a bit of fire like a weak little girl.’ I protested weakly but the determination in my words was there. 
Keefe’s jaw locked. ‘You are in no shape to go rushing around saving people. Now, I don’t know what just happened but I do know that it was their fault. I didn’t know whether you would snap out of it, Sophie! You were thrashing around with your eyes wide open and screaming. It was all I could do to keep you from falling and hurting yourself more. And don’t say that you’re fine. I’m an empath, remember. I can feel everything you’re feeling right now and there were a few minutes where I didn’t know whether the panic and guilt would consume you. Let me help you for once. I’m trying to keep you safe and NOT SHATTERED’ he shouted the last words and I could see the regret in his eyes as I flinched. 
‘They don’t get to control me, Keefe. I can take care of my own sanity. I know my limits.’ I was stronger now, the breezes he was still sending me helped too. He was right though, I was still shaking badly and I likely needed medical attention based on the pain I could feel blossoming in my arm and head. Either way, pain or no pain, I was still conscious so I was still able to help in some way. 
‘Foster, you can’t keep doing this to yourself. You’ve been working yourself to the ground these past few weeks and I can tell you haven’t been sleeping either.’ He was right, of course. The nightmares had been unbearable and anytime I tried to sleep they always woke me within the hour. My dark circles definitely were in a league of their own despite the makeup I had been applying to cover them and not worry anybody. Keefe could always tell. 
‘And the way you just looked away from me confirms it. Sophie, please, you need to rest. You need Elwin. I’m guessing you’ve been avoiding him so that he wouldn’t notice how little you’ve been sleeping? I know it’s hard but please, you have to take care of yourself before you can save everyone else. And before you say anything, Marella is trying to contain the flames now and Fitz hailed Alden. He should be here any second with quicksnuff (?) and frissyn. The humans will be safe. You need Elwin’ he repeated. I hadn’t noticed before but fear was laced through his words. Keefe was scared. But for what? And then it clicked. He was scared of losing me. That made me feel even worse, I hated people worrying because of me. 
I hid behind my hair, embarrassed. 
‘No. I have to stay, make sure that we didn’t miss anything. I’m not letting innocent humans  be in danger because of me. And I thought you would understand, Keefe, I can’t let them control me like this! I can’t be just a defenceless little moonlark who collapses every time she sees fire.’ I replied, aware of how insufferably stubborn I was being. 
Keefe sighed mixed with an annoyed growl in the back of his throat. He did know, though. So he helped me back up to my feet and held me close, tenderly kissing my forehead. ‘I’m taking you straight to the healing centre after this, my stubborn Lady Fos-Boss.’
This time, I sighed ‘Fine, Lord Hunkyhair.’
Keefe cracked a smile at that. It was small, but enough. Strength suddenly coursed through me and my knees buckled slightly. Keefe curled his arm around my waist and looked around to see who was responsible. 
‘Don’t worry, it’s just Fitz. He’s sending me a bit of energy.’ I said to calm him. 
Keefe nodded. 
I heard running footfalls behind me and I turned, throwing stars already in hand, half expecting to find another member of the never seen or a rouge ogre. 
Fitz smirked as he slowed to stand by us. 
‘Did I miss the Sokeefe snuggle fest?’ He teased. 
It relaxed me to see him joke about me and Keefe. 
‘Aww, do you feel left out Fitzy? Come here, I’ll give you a cuddle,’ Keefe replied, leaning towards him but not letting go of my hand. 
Fitz laughed and took a step back ‘Noo way loverboy! Dad will be here in a minute, he’s trying to find a crystal where we are. Sophie, I’m guessing you have quicksnuf?’
I handed him the cube that I’d forced Dex to make me after our last disastrous training session. Thank goodness for Sandor’s quick thinking. 
Fitz’s smile faded as he noticed something on my arm. ‘Uhh, what happened?’ He said, gesturing to my right arm. 
‘What do you mea-‘ I glanced over at my arm and saw a bruise the size of my face covering my forearm. ‘Whoa. Keefe, I think I get why you were freaking out now.’ 
Fitz scrunched his brow ‘Why was Keefe freaking out? He never freaks out?’ 
Keefe raised his eyebrows and glanced quickly at me. 
‘Oh. I’ll ask later.’ Fitz mumbled. ‘Anyway, Marella is trying her best but the fire won’t obey her and she doesn’t know why.’
I cursed. ‘Of COURSE he thought of everything. Ughh! Fitz, throw the cube, would you?’
He nodded and hurled the box right into the middle of the inferno. 
Powder exploded everywhere and a disgruntled screech sounded from the flames. 
All three of us winced as Marella shouted ‘YOU COULD HAVE WARNED ME IDIOTS!’ 
‘Sorry!’ I called back. It wasn’t all bad though, the raging flames were finally calming. 
‘Thank god the quicksnuff worked’ I whispered, leaning against Keefe. 
‘And now, we are going to Elwin.’ He said, gently pulling me closer and planting a kiss on my forehead. 
‘Ughh fiiiiiine’ I groaned, but I didn’t move this time. 
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
Most important question: has Mevolent ever said the Big Words. Has he ever directly told Nef, "I love you."
Yes, he did. It's not that rare for him actually.
He mostly says it when he did something to upset Nef and needs him to forgive him. "You know I love you, Nefarian." followed by a lil kiss on the cheek or forehead. A few wayward ILU's whenever Nef is especially cute or fierce in battle tend to escape him too the latter is followed by dragging Nef somewhere private ;P get yourself a snek that can do both
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He also calls him "my love", "beloved" or "my beloved pet" or any variation of that when he's feeling tender or while comforting Nef.
But Nef says it more often and he was totally the one that said "I love you" first tho. While drunk and instantly regretting it when Mev's answer was "Oh.". Mev saved it by just making out with him and making Nef forget his reaction. He's lucky Nef is easily distracted.
Even in the present whenever Nef tells him he loves him, usually followed by "I'm worried about you", Mev tends to answer with "I know.". Nef learned to not be offended by that bc Mev is just being Mev again.
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I think I'm being emotional about that bc Mev telling Nef he owns him is his more sincere version of I-Love-You. After all, what is true love if not mutual ownership, giving yourself completely to your lover.
Nef gave his body and soul to Mev and promised him eternity. He laid his very self bare to Mev with all his weaknesses and flaws, the ugly and the bad. After all, Mev won't be happy with any less than everything. In turn, while not being quite as open, Nef is the one that knows Mev the best. He has known him the longest, and has a good idea of what he went through in the Unnamed's service, he is the one he shares his concerns and doubts with while having to act confident and all-knowing in front of everyone else. He's the one he laughs and jokes with, Nef is one of very few people that actually gets his humour. Nef is the only person that makes him feel human and sees him as more than just their messiah figure or, in the case of the Sanctuaries, the devil.
Eventho he would never admit it Nef own his heart as much as he owns Nef. He always had a soft spot for him; despite all, he still yearns for things to be the way they used to. What an odd sensation it is to miss the war during peace times, yet the world made more sense back then. He cannot bring himself to kill Nef, even if he's more than deserving of such a punishment, and he still wants him back in one way or another. Spending centuries together leaves no one unaffected, not even one such as Mevolent.
Mev viewed what they have as one of a kind, something special. So seeing anyone else (Creed or especially the Unnamed) own Nef feels like a complete violation of their bond, however, damaged it might be. Think, giving someone a wedding ring just for them to give it to their new lover after breaking up, but worse. That's probably why I'm obsessing over Nef being owned (by another); bc of the delicious heartbreak it causes Mev, a man that isn't easily hurt.
Little does Mev know that they never truly owned Nef. He was just deceiving them for his own benefit. Despite himself, despite a remarkably bad break-up and telling himself that he doesn't love Mev anymore, Nef finds himself wishing he could tell him that when he sees the hurt in Mev's eyes.
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kokorodachidanii · 2 years
Untitled Running with Scissors Oneshot (I ship it, I can’t help it)
For @mewnikitty
(this goes with my hc that Wild Card has both ;); small warning for a brief childbirth scene, nothing graphic tho)
It was still pretty hard to believe.
Not only had Clipper and Wild Card shared their first time, something the wolf hoped they would never ever do, Wild Card had even gotten knocked up-- and with triplets, no less!!
It could be any day now! ... Though technically there was still another month before they were due. And even then, Brainz had said that it could still be another week or two after that if it ended up being a late delivery.
... And Clipper sure hoped he could be a good dad.
“... Cliiiiiippeeeeeeeeeeeerrr...” Clipper groaned as he slowly sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly as his boyfriend was moaning pitifully.
“Grop Wild Card it’s too early.”
“Go to sleeeeep.”
“Clipper... Clips... Clippy...”
“Whaaat!?” Clipper whined, not realizing what was about to happen.
“Y-Y’know...” Wild Card grimaced. Even more pain rippled through his midsection.
Clipper blinked. “... Cinnamon*...?”
“Y’knoooo-- AH!” He turned away from his beau and held his stomach, wincing in pain.
“No, I don’t know.”
“I-I-- AAH!!”
Still not initially understanding, Clipper was just about to go back to sleep, not interested in playing charades at two in the morning, but then...
“Oh...?” It wasn’t until Clipper saw the rather large puddle on the bed did the realization of what Wild Card was complaining about hit him like a meteor shower. “... Ohhhhh.”
“Geeeeeeet General Outraaaaaaaaaage...!!”
Having once had a family of his own, General Outrage was no stranger to childbirth. With a determined expression, he cautiously approached his teammate who was in labor. With a fierce but alert look in his eyes, the leader...
... collapsed on the spot*.
Brainz facepalmed. Looks like he’s on his own now... “... Well, it seems that you’re just about fully dilated. It shouldn’t take long now.”
“G-Guess you’re gonna be an uncle sooner than ya thought, huh Brainz? P-Powdered Parsni-- AH! OW! OWWWW!!”
“Are you okay?”
“I’ve got you, kiddo.” Brainz rubbed his teammate’s head. “You’ve just gotta put up with this a little longer.”
“I WANT CLIPPY!!!!!!!!!!” Wild Card howled as if he was being tortured. It sure as grop felt like he was...!
Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a newborn crying filled the room. Having an extra set of arms, Brainz was easily able to calm the infant and wrap it in a blue blanket.
“You’re doing great so far,” he told the new “mother”. “The second one should be coming out any minute now.”
A few more minutes of further pushing and, sure enough, Wild Card soon delivered the second triplet, then the third.
“... Alright Wild Card, you’re all set. Congrats. You and Clipper now have a healthy set of trip-- QUADRUPLETS!?” At the realization that Wild Card was still pushing, Brainz’s eyebrows raised in shock so high that his shades went up with them! “THERE’S FOUR...!?”
To the poindexter’s further surprise, it soon turned out that there were not, in fact, just four.
There were eight.
This whole time, Clipper had been pacing restlessly outside Brainz’s door. He glanced up as the nerd opened it up. “He’s fine now. You can--”
For a second, Clipper couldn’t seem to breathe. “D-Did they faint...?”
The poindexter nodded. “Outrage did, but I think Wild Card just fell asleep.”
Clipper pulled Wild Card in close. Smiling in his sleep, the bug nuzzled his big guy roughly. It kinda hurt, but Clipper knew better.
Eventually the wolf looked up, seeing Brainz holding two bundles in each arm. “Congratulations, Clipper. Let me be the first to say that you and Wild Card have given birth to a healthy set of, not just triplets, but octuplets.”
Clipper just couldn’t stop staring at them. Their babies. His babies. I’m a dad now... was his last thought before he fell forward, losing consciousness himself.
*time skip bc I just want this to be over already*
It was hard to believe, but one of the Insurgent Generals finally had kids.
And which Insurgent had become a father, you ask? The completely unpredictable Wild Card.
... So did Clipper the walking wire cutter.
The little butterfly-like** clown snored softly, surrounded by four little red wolf pups and four even tinier caterpillars. Only six hours old, little Quicksilver, Atilla, Trapper, Bumble, Kane, Delphi, Pickles, and Klaxie, born in that exact order, are the most perfect children Clipper and Wild Card could ever have. Tomorrow, the Insurgents’ longtime frenemy Mitzi Ditzy, who had just turned nine in fairy years, will be visiting to meet the octuplets. Clipper can hardly stand the wait... but looking down at his adorkable lover and their brand-new precious lil’ litter, he feels like he can do anything. Even wait for tomorrow.
“... How are you two doing?” Brainz came over and set a tray with a glass of juice and some sausages down on the bedside table as General Outrage hadn’t regained consciousness just yet. “How’re your new lil’ bundles of joy?” He couldn’t help but smile as he reached his hand down to softly pet Trapper (the only one who had cried when anyone other than Brainz held him). Clipper smiled at the kids, then up at Brainz.
“They’re all really adorable... but we should probably get some rest. I’m not the only one who’s flarpin’ exhausted,” Clipper chuckled as Wild Card was still out cold. After all, he gave birth at 2:00 AM, and it was only 8 now.
“I can watch them,” offered Brainz. Normally he was pretty awkward with kids, but these eight were something special. “You two deserve some time alone together.”
All Clipper could do was laugh-- Brainz did have a point! “Alright, alright... But after we get some shuteye we’re gonna spend some time with our new kiddos, got it?”
Brainz nodded as he picked up all eight newborns with ease. Once it was just the two adults on the bed, Wild Card crawled over to Clipper in his sleep, and snuggled into the wolf’s side. Clipper’s never seen the nerd as paternal before, but the genuine happiness in Brainz’s voice as he coos at his new nephews and nieces is pretty much unbounded.
“... and I just know your father feels just the same~! Right Clipper?”
“... Clipper?”
Clipper wrapped his arm around Wild Card, already in a deep sleep. Brainz simply smiled.
“... Sleep tight, lovebirds.”
*A cute pet name I came up with on the spot.
**You know someone is truly manly when he passes out at the mere thought of childbirth.
***He metamorphosed :)
Okay okay okay. For those wondering:
Quicksilver (wolf boi #1) is the headstrong leader who inherited his dad’s scissor mastery
Atilla (wolf gal #1) becomes absolutely butch thanks to Outrage’s (who once had a wife and child himself before Dominator) teachings
Trapper (caterpillar boi #1) becomes a genius thanks to Brainz (who’s otherwise not very good with kids) but ends up joining the “let’s make fun of Butthead for being a total nerd” wagon
Bumble (caterpillar gal #1) is basically Wednesday Addams in caterpillar form
Kane (wolf boi #2) is just a chill dude
Delphi (wolf gal #2) is a total tsundere
Pickles (caterpillar boi #2) is a shy boi
Klaxie (caterpillar gal #2) inherited her “mom”’s complete unpredictability
Also WC only called for Outrage
He likes Outrage better than Brainz
But we all know he loves Clipper the most
Therefore he loves Brainz the least
So sad
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violetbmuse · 5 months
December 25th, 2023.
First official post in the channel, as it's been sitting here a while.
I've no clue what it's for, or who may eventually lay eyes upon the Wyrd I wryte.
I listen. I'm where I'm led. Doing as I'm shown withIN to do.
This pic was snapped tonight, while trying to get a shot of the left side of my face. It's torn to shit with some kind of creeping hive rash. Parasites?
Mega dosed my smoothie with almonds, as a precaution.
Most likely though, it's because one of my feline familiars, Freedom, had gone missing for a few days.
He's a burly, intact Tom Cat who lives feral among my brood here in Oz.
Black as Nyte 🐈‍⬛ to the naked eye, yet quite Violet 💜 in actual hue while under direct sunlight. A purple cat. Meow.
I still whisper sweet nuthins in his scarred up ear, like when he was a wee kitten. Remind him he's a panther. Daily.
He chooses a hard life, alone, feral.
And it's rough out there. This man has had some hard ass whoopings I've had to tend.
Wintertime, with his belly always full of squirrel or a random bird, this bastard IS damn near the size of a fer real panther now.
He's beautiful. Dynamic. Tender. Fierce.
When my cheek became irritated, inflamed, with the burning so intense, I wasn't sure what my message could be. If it was for me. Turn the other cheek?
All manifestations withIN the mater body ARE for my observation and interpretation to interface with. This is how Source code communicates itself to me.
I pondered all the metaphysical implications for this fiery left cheek.
After Freedom rolled in, three days he'd been gone, I see it may have been me helping him process something he'd been dealing with out in the woods.
I heard his meows in the aether about 10 minutes before he wandered into the yard.
I went to the door & called. No answer.
After 10 min, he DID show up at the door.
My heart sunk. I felt the waves of tears coming in hot. He was hurting. Bad.
He came in to the living area further, and the dogs went to him immediately.
He let themcome close. He needed help.
They tended him full on, removing 2 deeply imbedded porcupine quills from their brother's cheek. It spurted when the big one loosed.
He also had a long gash, and some other holes from where he'd plucked other quills out while away.
He was trembling as they doctored him.
I wrote as I watched. Did what I could but was told promptly to mynd my f'ing biz. They had it in hand. Tyvm.
I could write volumes of the nuances of how they did the Wyrk. How we always do the Wyrk for, and with one another.
You can see a small scab over from my mouth. 3 primary wounds on my cheek, all together. Same as Freedom. 💕
He curled up, kneaded my mama belly flesh a while, then fell deeply asleep, surrounded by 3 dogs who find him to be as amazing as I do.
Protected and free from that agony, he slept for hours. Healing.
My face will be my face regardless.
Freedom's too. Panthers we are.
That smile, this pic tho, is for Freedom tonight. He's hOMe. 🎁
Together we reMain, this Dark Wing 🦇 Bat Cat and Eye.
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