#my hero acedemia fanfic
darkestcat23 · 9 months
ive been planning my fanfic out and im debating between two endings: 1. good 2. not so good hahaha please help a girlie out
if ya wanna read it and support that'd mean the world:
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disaster-writer · 3 months
Tear You Apart
Pairing: Dabi x Reader
Summary: Someone in the League of Villains has been drugging you and doing things to you, and you were going to find out who
Word Count: 6.5k
Rating: X 18+
Warnings: Dark fic, smut, noncon, dubcon, masochism, sadism, drugging, mentions of exhibitionism/vouyerism
Minors DNI
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There was a cockroach on your bedroom floor.
Your bedroom that was technically a small storage room with only a small futon and a lamp.
It was staring at you.
So you stared back, as your tired eyes tried to adjust to the blurry cockroach that sat no more than five inches from your face as you lay in bed.
You felt like you were hit by a truck.
The cockroach glowed in the sunlight that filtered into the room… you were lucky enough to end up with a window at least. Even if the moonlight never did reach far enough into the far corner of the room, leaving your imagination to run rampant in the middle of the night as to what lay within those shadows.
Though, you don’t think your imagination held a light to your reality now.
The room was spinning, you had to keep adjusting your eyes to the disgusting insect in front of you.
You pulled your bedsheet back ever so slightly, your arm broke through the cocoon of blankets you had wrapped yourself in. Slowly you reached your arm out, pointer finger outstretched, and neared the bug. 
You touched it.
Almost immediately the fucking thing scurried, flipped, and chirped over and over again, running rampant all over the floor. Until after what would be an angonizingly long two minutes for the insect, it died.
Each organ shut down one by one, its little body physically unable to function with the amount of pain a single stroke of your finger caused it.
You pulled your arm back into your cocoon and you stared at the dead cockroach.
You don’t remember taking off your gloves last night. That went for the hoodie you always wore to bed… that went for your pants… that went for your underwear.
You also don’t remember drinking anything last night.
But you were hungover.
Your head wouldn’t stop spinning, you felt like you were going to throw up, and everything just fucking hurt. But the general soreness from the hangover didn’t overshadow the burning, throbbing pain that came from between your legs.
Which meant it had happened again.
You felt your eyes watering, burning tears stinging at your tear ducts.
The first time you tried to chalk it up to falling into bad habits again.
Getting black out drunk was no stranger to you. It had always been easier to turn to the bottle than learn how to control your quirk. It dulled your senses, lessened the harm you could inflict, made you forget what it was to be an outcast of society.
It was safer for everyone that way.
But ever since the broker found you, selling you sweet visions of the future. A future you could help fight for by teaming up with the League of Villains. You had fallen hook, line, and sinker. You quit your vices.
But even if you had decided to drink the night away, that didn’t explain the blood and what you could only assume was dried cum that caked the inside of your thighs.
It was even on your face and in your hair.
That’s what had sent you reeling.
No man, woman, animal, or insect could touch you without immediately doubling over to writhe in pain.
So who the fuck managed to put their cock in you.
You had been so caught up in the how that you never stopped to think about the who until now.
You didn’t want to think of the only logical explanation.
One of your comrades was drugging you and raping you in the middle of the night and now that it’s happened twice, there’s no denying it. No more denying what was clearly in front of you no matter how fucking insane or impossible it should have been.
A choked sob clawed at your dry throat.
Joining this ragtag team of villains was the only thing that ever gave you a sense of purpose in your waste of a life. 
You had nothing.
A father that blamed you for your mother’s death. Telling you that all the unending pain you caused her was the reason she put that gun in her mouth. Out on the streets by fifteen, left to mug people with your quirk just to get by. Getting caught by heroes left and right left you with a criminal record. Alcohol had been your only sense of comfort.
You couldn’t leave the League. You can’t go back to that life.
You don’t know how long you laid in bed covered in those dried fluids and waiting for the world to stop spinning, all you knew was that the sun was setting by the time you forced yourself up and your bladder was fucking killing you.
You extracted your naked body from your cocoon, side stepping the dead roach to gather your clothes from last night that were scattered everywhere.
You pulled your thick black hoodie over your head and your black sweatpants up, hiding the blood and cum so that you could properly take care of it in the bathroom. 
You put your gloves on and pulled your hood up and left the room.
“She’s alive! No she isn’t!” Was the first thing that greeted you when you had left the bathroom.
”Hey Twice,” you mumbled, trudging past him and to the bar. You sat down.
Sitting hurt.
You barely looked around the room. You didn’t have to see to know that the entirety of the League was hanging out in that bar. These days it seemed you all were just sitting on your asses and twiddling your thumbs, waiting for the opportunity to make a move.
”Would you like a drink?”
You looked up tiredly to Kurogiri who stood behind the bar and shook your head, the amount of sugar in the mocktail you had Kurogiri make for you sometimes would probably make your pounding headache worse, “Water’s fine.”
You folded your arms on the bar counter and buried your face into them.
You didn’t want to be here with any of them right now but going back to your bedroom with those disgusting stains all over your futon also made you sick.
Either way you were trapped.
You didn’t mind the idle chatter from the others though. You could hear Mr. Compress and Spinner talking behind you in the booth. Twice was on the floor with Toga and from the sounds of it was playing around with his quirk and random items from the bar. Kurogiri talked to Shigaraki to your right of the counter and to your left was a normally brooding Dabi.
One of them had raped you.
You heard a ‘clink’ next to your folded arms, and found Kurogiri placing your water in front of you.
”Thanks,” you mumbled, grasping and raising the glass to your dry lips.
You gulped down the water quickly, draining the glass. You were so, extremely dehydrated.
Placing your glass down you looked to the side, only to find Shigaraki staring at you from behind ‘Father’s’ hand.
Shigaraki always fucking stared.
’The fucking virgin just wants to fuck you. Probably wants to see how long he’d last before you make his dick fall off’
That’s what Dabi had told you after watching you shift uncomfortably in your seat under his unwavering gaze your first night there.
You couldn’t deny he was suspect number 1 on your list.
You pulled the drawstrings of your hood, putting your head back down.
”Where were you this morning. We had a meeting.” 
Fuck— now he was talking to you.
”I had a rough morning,” is what you replied with, words muffled by the fabric of your hoodie.
Your heart beat picked up, beginning to hammer in your ribcage as you heard him stand up.
He was moving closer, sitting himself in the seat next to yours.
He had said nothing for a few long beats and the uncomfortable proximity of his body to yours made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
”Someone was in your room last night.”  
It felt like the air was knocked out of you. 
You slowly peered up at him through your hood, finding Shigaraki watching in sick satisfaction as if he just caught you red handed.
The accusation hung heavily in the air as you tried to find the words. Was he self admitting? Or did he see something? Did he know who it was?
But he continued before you could respond.
”You told us no one could touch you without your quirk activating but you’re fucking all night and missing meetings in the morning. You lied to us.”
“No—“ you blurted, perhaps slightly too loud. You leaned in closer, “I—I don’t— it’s not my fault,” you panicked, “I don’t know what’s happening— I would never lie to you about something like that, please. The League is all I have.”
He eyed you and the tears that brimmed in your eyes. His scrutinizing gaze unwavering from your face as he decided whether or not to believe your words. 
“Fine,” he muttered.
”Do… do you know who it was?” You asked softly, still not completely sure it still wasn’t him to begin with, but if it wasn’t and he did know…
”You don’t know?” He asked, suddenly starting to scratch at his neck.
”No.” you replied, quickly wiping a tear that fell.
He was about to say something when someone cut in.
”Would you just leave the crybaby alone.”
“I’m not a crybaby,” you muttered, finally leaning away from Shigaraki, barely sparing Dabi a glance. 
Shigaraki started scratching with his other hand now, which meant Kurogiri was near, ready to talk him down from whatever ledge he was currently walking on.
”Yeah, sure,” he remarked sarcastically.
You should just go back to your room. You don’t think you can handle talking to someone else that could possibly be violating you.
Unlike Shigaraki, Dabi barely spared you a glance and rarely talked to you. And although he seemed to be more mentally there than some of your other teammates, you wouldn’t put it past him to hurt you.
He still had a cock after all.
Kurogiri refilled your glass.
”Thanks,” you muttered again, taking a sip.
This was too much. Too suffocating. You needed to be alone even if that meant seeing those stains on your bed.
You stood back up, taking your water with you.
”I’m going back to bed.”
With that, you left the room ignoring the stares and the ‘boos’ that followed after you from Toga for leaving so early.
You’d work with them but for now, they couldn’t be your friends.
Not until you found out which of those fuckers had touched you.
You isolated yourself after that.
You went through the motions. You did what you were supposed to. You did the quirk training Shigaraki’s master required of you. You went to the meetings. You tried finding new recruits now and then.
But you stopped hanging out with the others and you only spoke to them if it had to do with business with the League.
Toga and Twice seemed to be the most broken up about it, you had been the closest with those two prior to everything.
But the more you were left with your own thoughts the more everyone became a suspect.
Even Toga. She was a shapeshifter and even if it was unlikely, the fact that she even had the ability to transform into the others set you on edge.
And what if Twice was making clones. You knew he didn’t make clones of himself but what if he made that one exception. Or what if he made a clone of one of the others without them knowing and the clone was the one that raped you and Twice killed it after so not even a real person attacked you and you’re just losing your mind in front of everyone and they have no clue as to why-
‘What if, What if, What if’
You were losing your fucking mind.
You weren’t really even sleeping at night, three hours at most. You were too scared someone was going to sneak in. Whoever it was was clearly somewhat resistant to your quirk and your only line of defense you ever relied on was useless.
But you also refused to leave. You had run from every one of your problems your entire life. You weren’t about to do that here. You needed this— a purpose for your life. Hope for a better future.
You needed a plan.
You needed to figure out who was hurting you. How they were drugging you. How they were touching you.
You had just as much of a right to be here as the rest of them and you weren’t going to be trapped in fear.
You just needed a plan.
Dabi sat at the end of the bar, off in his own little world, away from the others and their bonding. Away from their talks about nothing that wouldn’t matter in the end anyway. 
It had been another fucking useless day, just a bunch of “villains” sitting around and hanging out.
His own efforts have proven fruitless, everyone out there was trash and finding new recruits was becoming harder and harder to find with each day.
Cyan eyes glanced at the group, some holding careless smiles and laughing, others brooding in their own little minds as well.
They were all there except you.
You hadn’t around them much these days but slowly and surely you had been coming out of your room more and more again. 
It seemed like you were starting to let your guard down again.
But right now you were busy in that old warehouse the League found for you to quirk train. 
Your training in particular was a cruel affair that he’s had the privilege of sitting in on once or twice.
It was more torture than anything else. Trying to see just how much pain you could inflict on unwitting strangers that had been swept off the streets for that reason and that reason alone.
He couldn’t be sure if you enjoyed it or not. Your face always passive and indecipherable in those moments. But you’d do it anyway. You did whatever ‘ol crusty and his master asked of you.
It pissed him off how willingly you followed after that fucking virgin.
It also pissed him off seeing how much Shigaraki enjoyed that.
Dabi sighed, raising his glass to his lips and taking a swig of the drink.
You’d be back any minute now and you’d be tired, exhausted even.
Maybe you’d want to have a quick drink with the others before heading to bed.
His jaw tensed at the thought and he drained the rest of his glass.
Or maybe you’d go straight to hiding in your room again. Barely sparing a glance or a few words with anyone.
He may have overdone it last time. 
But the sight of you beneath him, his hands spreading your thighs wide open, watching his cock thrusting in and out of your tight little cunt— each barbell pierced into his cock disappearing and reappearing one by one while you babbled whatever came to your inebriated mind, tits jolting with every thrust— it was too much. And Fuck— the way it hurt, every nerve ending a live fucking wire—
”Hey guys,” you mumbled tiredly.
He didn’t even hear the door open.
The others greeted you as he watched you approach them in his peripherals. Some greetings more animated than others, in Toga’s and Twice’s case specifically.
”How was quirk training!?” Toga asked with a toothy grin.
”Fine,” you mumbled, taking a seat at the bar next to Compress.
”Would you like a drink?” Kurogiri asked per routine.
”Yeah, surprise me. Just no alcohol,” you nodded, making Toga cheer, happy to see you spending time with them again. “Don’t get too excited. ‘M not staying up for long, I have more quirk training tomorrow morning so I’m going to bed after this one.”
”Aw boo—,” she grumbled. “No fun.”
”Hey, how’s the gun feel by the way?” Spinner asked.
”Still getting the hang of it, but it feels good. Thanks again.”
”Yeah, no problem.”
The conversation shifted as Twice started telling stories of his more adventurous exploits when he was younger. And there was Shigaraki eye fucking you again.
Dabi watched from the corner of his eye as Kurogiri made your drink.
Weeks had passed since that last time he visited you. Kurogiri had made you only four drinks since then.
And Dabi watched patiently as he poured in each ingredient.
But it was tonight that he used the pineapple juice.
You were the only one in the League that drank the pineapple juice.
He watched him place the glass down in front of you. 
He watched you take a sip.
A grin pulled on the corners of his mouth.
From here on out all he needed to do was wait. And Dabi was nothing if not patient. He had to wait for you to finish the drink, wait to hear you tell everyone you were tired and going to bed, and finally wait as each and every member of the League turned in for the night.
Usually by the time he could sneak into your room you were peacefully asleep. Never expecting Dabi to rouse you from your sleep, surprise taking your features every time.
Tonight was no different.
Just like clockwork you were the first to retreat to your room for the night… but not before draining your glass.
Fuck— he was getting excited.
One by one, each of his comrades decided to call it a night.
First Shigaraki and Kurogiri, then Compress, then Toga, Twice, Spinner…
And that made one.
Dabi cleared his throat, choking back the excited giggle that threatened to escape and climbed to his feet.
It had been too fucking long since he’s been able to indulge like this. With not much else to do these days he had been left with his own imagination and hand for too long.
Like a moth to a flame he found himself at your door, silently pushing it open and slipping inside.
His eyes nearly glowed in the dimly lit room as they landed on your curled up figure, laid peacefully on your futon, fast asleep.
Moonlight was the only thing to illuminate the room.
His cock throbbed, it was painfully hard as it had been for almost an hour now, precum smearing his boxers no doubt.
He palmed himself through his pants as he walked towards your peaceful form, pretty face becoming clearer the closer he got and the more his eyes adjusted to the lighting.
Unceremoniously, he collapsed to the floor, sitting down in front of you, no more than five inches from you. He watched your chest rise and fall with each of your breaths.
Carefully, he picked up a lock of hair and tugged.
You stirred but were far too drugged to wake up from the action.
He dropped the lock, fingertips now reaching for your face— your cheekbone, gently brushing them along your warm skin.
His breath hitched, little electrical shocks started in his fingers and danced up the length of his arm.
”Fuck, got my fucking cock throbbing, crybaby” he panted huskily, “Time to open those pretty eyes of yours now,” he said, giving your shoulder a shake.
“Hmm,” you whined.
”Wake up,” he said again, a harder shake this time.
You blinked your eyes open just slightly, before shutting them again.
You gave a confused hum, “Dabi?” You mumbled.
”That’s right crybaby.”
”What’re—why,” you slurred together.
He pushed your shoulder back— you were so pliant that he was able to effortlessly maneuver you onto your back.
You continued to mumble, trying to make sense in your drug addled mind as to why Dabi was in your room. All the while he was climbing onto the mattress and spreading your thighs as he settled between them. He tugged you down slightly, hooking your legs over his hips and pressing his clothed cock against you.
”Miss me crybaby? I’ve sure missed you,” he grinned, grabbing your gloved hand in his own and guiding it towards the tent in his pants, “See.” He exhaled breathily, using your hand to grasp his cock.
You tried opening your eyes again, waking up a bit more.
”Wha’s happenin’” you murmured, fingers wiggling in his hold as you tried shifting beneath him.
He only hummed, saying nothing as he lifted your hand up. He grasped the middle finger of your glove and pulled.
And just like every other time, your eyes shot open.
”No,” you whined.
”Yes,” he hissed back, pulling your glove completely off and discarding it to the side.
”Can’t touch,” you pulled your hand back and he let you cradle it to your chest. Instead shrugging his jacket off and pulling his shirt off before tossing them with your glove.
”Yes you can,” he grabbed your wrist, placing your hand on his abdomen.
Specifically on the deep purple scars.
Pain radiated from the surface of skin you touched, deep into the tissue. A shockwave of hurt burst from the center of his body, outwards.
His head fell back as a guttural groan clawed its way from his throat.
He ground his cock into you as wave after wave of pain wracked his body.
It was then that your sobs reached his ears.
He dropped your hand but the pain lingered blissfully, though it was dull.
The first touch was always the best. 
He grinned as he gazed at your tear stricken face.
”Let’s get you out of this,” he said, tugging your hoodie up.
You struggled but were too weak to stop him, every muscle in your body relaxed from the drugs.
You babbled nonsense, he didn’t even bother to try to make sense of what you were saying, just like every time before. Besides, the blood rushing in his ears was distracting anyway. 
You had no bra on, making his fingers move to the button of your jeans, fumbling with it as he eyed your tits heaving up and down with each of your breaths. He finally yanked them off your legs, along with your panties.
“Why are— does it hurt?” You continued to mumble, “How.”
“Hah—“ A laugh escaped Dabi. Tonight you seemed more concerned about hurting him rather than him stripping you down naked and getting ready to fuck you. “Wanna remember how good I can make you feel?” He asked, fingers now finding your wet cunt, stroking between your folds. That familiar, irresistible pain resumed in his hand as he pet you.
You gasped and wriggled, trying to move up the bed and get away, but the new grip on your hip prevented you from doing so.
Dabi’s head was reeling, pain and pleasure clouded his mind.
You were the only fucking girl that set his nerves ablaze in such a way. If it wasn’t for his vengeance set in a different, higher place he thinks he would never leave the bedroom with you.
Two fingers pressed into your cunt and slid in, making you squeal.
”Dabi no—“ you sobbed, continuing to wriggle in vain. “Why—“
“Shh,” he hushed, “Don’t think, just feel,” his thumb found your clit and rubbed tight little circles into it.
”Stop— I never— I’mma virgin.“
He barked out another laugh.
”You haven’t been a virgin for over a month now crybaby.”
You whimpered and cried, turning your head into your pillow as your voice became higher and higher pitched the longer this went on.
His free hand stroked your body, feeling the curve of your hips and the dip in your waist before gripping your breast. He then dived for the other, latching his lips around your nipple, pain sparking in his lips and tongue and the parts of his chest that brushed against you.
He continued to suck and tug on your nipples as his other hand continued to work you between your legs.
”Why, why, why—“ you cried, “Dabi why.”
”Because you’re mine you fucking idiot— now cum already.” He growled against your breast.
Your back arched as if his voice held any actual authority, and you came. Tears streaking your face with each spasm of your cunt.
When you came back down to earth you were a shivering, sniveling mess.
”See,” he sighed, “That wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
You sniffled, keeping your eyes squeezed shut.
”None of that,” he pulled the hand from between your legs and cupped your face, fingers digging into your cheeks as he smeared your fluids against your face. “No pretending you’re somewhere else. Open your eyes.” You blinked them open slowly, “Good.” He hummed, smacking your cheek lightly and sitting back up.
The pain you inflicted had finally turned into a duller thrum throughout his body. 
Meaning he had to fuck you now for his next fix.
He sucked your sticky wetness from his fingers before undoing his belt then his jeans.
He pulled his cock out, the feeling of it brushing against you making you inch away.
”See that baby?” He grunted, tilting his head back as he stroked his cock and cupped his balls, “You’ve got me so fucking pent up. Makin’ me wait almost an entire month.” He looked back down to you, eyeing you up like an animal. “Ready for my cock crybaby~” he taunted.
The words had fresh tears spilling down your cheeks.
”I’ll take that as a yes.”
He tugged you down by the hips, cock nestling between your folds. He gasped out and jolted at the sensation in his cock. 
There was no separation of the pain and pleasure you inflicted on him. It was one. Indivisible. 
And so much better than anyone else could ever offer.
He gripped his cock and lined it up at your entrance, heart beating rapidly against his ribcage.
His breathing came out hard and laborious, chest rising and falling dramatically as he psyched himself up to push into you.
That initial thrust would have him cumming. It did every time.
Fingers bit into your hips.
“1…” he growled, “2…” he shut his eyes.
”3.” Said the voice behind his ear.
Dabi’s eyes snapped open in time to see the bullet lodge itself between your eyes.
Your dead body turned to sludge, melting beneath him.
His ears rang as the unmistakable feel of a barrel of a gun pressed itself against the back of his head.
You held the gun, standing over Dabi’s kneeling figure.
As the ringing died in both yours and Dabi’s ears, the deafening silence became louder.
Bile crawled up the back of your throat as you looked over his shoulder.
His cock was still hard.
You cocked the gun, the little ‘click’ shattering the silence.
He sighed, shoulders slumping as he pushed his head back, leaning into the gun’s barrel.
”Maybe…” his raspy voice started, “I underestimated you.”
”I could kill you,” you replied coolly, “I should kill you.”
”But you won’t. I’m a pretty big player in all this League of Villains shit and you know that,” he started turning slowly, looking over his shoulder, bathing his profile in a bluish moonlight and illuminating the sick grin he wore, “So what exactly’s the plan then? Huh, crybaby?”
He was taunting you.
You set your jaw tightly and genuinely thought about pulling the trigger.
The nickname made you sick. You thought he was just being an asshole to you in the bar a few weeks ago when he called you that… you wouldn’t have thought it was a twisted little nickname he gave you after assaulting you.
”I want to talk.”
He scoffed, turning around, gazing up at you as he sat leisurely on your futon. He didn’t even bother to tuck his cock back into his pants. “I didn’t come in here to talk.”
”But that’s exactly what’s going to happen asshole or I’m going to tell Shigaraki—“
”He already knows crybaby. He watched.”
You faltered, face completely falling, “He- he what?”
Dabi grinned maliciously at you, “I let him watch last time, especially since you were such a good girl for me the first time I stopped by, taking my cock so well. I figured since he has such a hard time keeping his eyes off you then I’d really give him something to look at.”
“So,” you began shakily, “When he was interrogating me at the bar for missing that meeting—“
”Oh he knew why. He had been jerkin’ it to you the entire night.”
Fuck— tears were starting to collect in your tear ducts.
You blinked quickly in an attempt to hold them back.
You were just so fucking weak. How was it that you found yourself in progressively worse situations your entire life.
Joining these guys was supposed to mean something.
”Why,” you swallowed, gun shaking in your hand, “I thought we were supposed to be teammates.”
”I’d argue that we’re more than that now,” the words felt sinister, making you grow sicker by the second, “Do you want to know what the first thing I thought when the broker introduced you?”
You stayed silent, you didn’t want to play into this little game of his.
”I thought ‘now what cruel motherfucker would make someone that looked like you but wasn’t allowed to be touched’? But then,” he leaned back on his hands, nearly presenting his cock to you, “Once I was balls deep in that tight little virgin cunt, and you were shaking and crying in my arms I realized that you were made for me. I am the only man in this world that can fuck you. Your cunt belongs to me.”
Shit, shit, shit
”Don’t feel too bad though. This isn’t a one way street. I’ve never had pussy that’s made me fucking shake before, and that’s all you crybaby. You’re the only one that can offer me the kind of pain and pleasure that makes me forget about every crappy thing in my life.”
He was getting in your fucking head. 
“You’re insane.” You muttered hoarsely, throat suddenly dry, gun shaking even more in your hands.
”Well, what sane man would want you?”
You don’t know what possessed you, the weeks of anxiety? All the pent up anger he had caused?
Whatever it was, it didn’t matter. You threw the gun across your little room and lunged at Dabi.
He wanted to feel pain? Then you’d show him what actual pain feels like. 
Your inebriated body couldn’t access the full potential of your quirk.
And you hadn’t been quirk training for nothing.
You tackled him to the futon and landed in the muddy remnants of your clone, straddling his waist as you placed both your palms against his bare chest.
Dabi’s hand flew to your wrists as… as a groan left his throat. It wasn’t a scream or a wail, it wasn’t what you expected. And the pinch in his eyebrows was anything but anguish.
His palms were hot but he wasn’t using his quirk to push you away.
You had seen and heard looks of agony and suffering on people more than you’d care to admit, but this was not that.
You pushed against his chest harder, against the deep purple scars and seams of his body, digging your fingers into the stapled flesh and drawing blood.
”Fuck— that’s different,” he groaned out, “Why’s it different.”
”Why aren’t you in more pain,” you snapped, “I’ve made grown men kill themselves after only brushing against my arm just to end their suffering. What the fuck is wrong with you!” You screamed into his face.
He only moaned in response.
Which was when you had realized he had reached down when you weren’t paying attention. He reached between the gap where you had either leg on either side of his body and was fisting his cock. He was jerking himself off while you were hurting him.
A disillusioned laugh escaped your throat, broken and choppy.
This was absurd.
This went against everything you believed about your quirk while growing up.
That your entire identity surrounded the fact that you inflicted pain and everyone and anything would always see you as the villain because of that. You were meant to be avoided and feared, never wanted or desired.
You were losing your goddamned mind.
”You’re a fucking freak,” you suddenly laughed louder at the realization, watching him drag his fist over his cock, the metal barbells of his Jacob’s ladder glinting in the moonlight. “You walk around here all tough and moody, acting like you’re better than everyone else but you’re just as fucking crazy as the rest of them.”
“You’re just as sick,” he choked out with a laugh of his own, “Watching me playing with your clone. You listened to her cry and beg me to stop and you just watched.”
”Shut up,” you hissed. You knew it was wrong, you had promised her you’d stop him before he touched her inappropriately, but when he started you couldn’t bring yourself to end things. 
A twisted part of you wanted to watch and it made you fucking sick.
Just as what you did next made you sick.
You reached down between your legs and grabbed his cock yourself, pushing his own hand away.
He threw his head back, letting out an even louder groan. You could tell this one hurt more than the hand on his chest and it made you smile knowing he was in pain no matter how much pleasure he got from it.
You started jerking him off yourself, listening to his heaving grunts and groans with every stroke of your hand. You paid no mind to the piercings in his cock, if he liked the pain then he could deal with any snagging.
He started tugging on your shirt, pushing it up higher. His hands pawing at your body until one reached your bra, pushing it up to grab your tits.
Your mind felt like it was splitting. You didn’t want him to touch you but you didn’t want to stop him.
But the nail in the coffin was when he tangled a hand in the back of your hair and tugged you down.
He was kissing you.
He tasted like burnt flesh and cigarettes.
His tongue forced itself past your lips and brushed against your own in broad strokes.
You didn’t pull away, you only kissed him back with equal fervor, biting his lips and letting him stick his tongue as far back into your mouth as he wanted to.
You moaned into the kiss, a moan that had been swallowed by his mouth, sending a flutter of excitement in the pit of your stomach.
He broke the kiss. Glowing cyan eyes boring into yours, “Ride me crybaby.”
You sat up, pulling your hoodie over your head and quickly undoing your bra, throwing them to the side as Dabi pulled at your pants.
You smacked his hands away, standing up to work them down your legs yourself before landing on top of him again.
He hissed at the pain as you touched him with a newly exposed body.
You ignored him, grabbing his cock and lining it up at your entrance. You sunk down slowly, adjusting to the size and the feeling of the piercings entering you.
But it wasn’t fast enough for Dabi because he was grabbing at your hips and pulling you down forcefully onto his cock.
You shook and cried out from the pain, collapsing against his chest as you sucked in breath after breath.
But Dabi shook harder from underneath you, pained moans of your name leaving his lips. You watched in curiosity, ignoring your own throbbing pain from between your legs as he started panting, body going slack.
You started laughing, you were pretty sure the fucking freak just came, ”Did you just—?” 
”It’ll get hard again, just start fucking moving,” he grunted, grabbing at your hips.
So you did.
You had no idea what your were doing so you just did whatever felt good, and grinding your clit against his pubic hair felt really good.
The feeling of his cock getting hard inside you again made you dig your fingers into his stapled flesh once more, drawing more blood.
”Shit— ride me better,” he hissed.
”I don’t know how—“
“Shut up,” he spat, holding your hips in a bruising grip as he bent his knees to get some leverage and began to thrust into you from underneath.
“Oh fuck,” you gasped. You had never felt anything like this before.
The next second he was slipping his arms around your back and switching your positions, slipping out of you but you had barely any time to process it as he slammed back into you as he was now hunched over your body.
You yelped at the brutal pace he set, hips pounding against yours. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass and every piercing dragging in and out of you.
Your high pitched, breathy moans mixed with his own deeply pained and pleasured grunts. The sounds of flesh slapping against flesh and all the lewd wet noises that came with every thrust made you blush deeply.
Next he was yanking your leg up, hooking it over his elbow, allowing him to reach deeper inside you.
You threw your head back, “There,” you breathed out.
You were getting close and Dabi could tell by the clenching and unclenching of your cunt. He snaked a hand down and found your clit, rubbing tight circles into it.
“Cum crybaby, show me this cunt belongs to me.”
You fucking hated that nickname. And you hated his entitlement.
You wrapped your hands around his throat, listening to those pained noises that were starting to make your head spin.
He fucked into you even harder.
Everything went white. 
You were cumming and then he was cumming, the two of you shaking in each others arms.
He had slid out with a hiss, collapsing beside you, careful not to touch you.
You stared up at your ceiling, listening to his pants. You turned to look at him.
He really was shaking. 
You reached over and touched his chest, grinning at the now truly pained reaction you got.
He activated his quirk making you hiss and pull away, cradling your now burned hand to your chest.
It was quiet for a few beats.
”Why are you able to touch me?” You finally asked.
”The doctor that put me back together said my pain receptors are fucked.”
”Oh,” that actually… made a lot of sense.
You looked back to him again. Eyeing his profile, following the slope of his nose and the subtle pout of his mouth. You looked at his scars, how the deep purple skin was being held together to his healthy skin by staples. You stared at the swollen seams where the skin was connected.
You were beginning to think he had it wrong.
He was actually made for you.
Tear You Apart Prequel (Dabi x Reader x Shigaraki)
Deleted Scene
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dark-mnjiro · 2 years
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Touch of Divine Rush
A Collab Masterlist
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a collection of stories where one is touched by a divine being whatever chaos, blessing, or curses that may bring.
@dark-mnjiro - orpheus!yuuta x eurydice!afabreader
@knchins - dionysus!bachira x reader
@izunias - fallen angel!reader x human!itoshi rin
@ryndicate - narcissus!michael kaiser x reader
@lou-struck - bakugou katsuki x reader - pygmalion and galatea retelling
@i-am-tiny-sun - chigiri x reader :: the pursuit of diarmuid and gráinne retelling
@meggsngrits - artist!yuuji x fairy!reader :: leanan sidhe retelling
@yakshasslut - eros!chifuyu x reader :: based on eros and psyche myth
@the-fishing-basket - nemisis!dabi x reader
@chiffiorra - perseus!isagi x andromeda!reader
@chiffiorra - hades!hanma x persephone!reader
@kaidabakugou / @dynamy-tears - forest god vidar!bakugou x elf freader
@noelledleapier orpheus!nikko x eurydice!reader
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stories will be added/linked as they are completed - masterlist is subject to change depending on writers ability to complete work for collab. please remember if you are unable to complete - just contact me. i totally understand and will also try to work with you in regards to this!
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Katsuki Bakugo x GN!Reader (Confession or Mess)
Okay so, this is not the best thing I've ever written, but I've been wanting to write a fic for Mr Explosion Murder for AGES and it's finally done!
Thank you @mystikalini for giving me a shove to get this done, hopefully I'll be happier with the next one...hint hint.
To say that (Y/N) and Katsuki's friendship is a peaceful one would be an absolute lie. Nothing about the bombshell blonde is peaceful, and (Y/N) is equal parts calming and catalyst.
It had always been that way, even back in the UA days when Kirishima had been downright worried about Bakugo's social skills, or lack thereof.
If not for the Bakusquad, would Katsuki even have a friend group? Kiri and Mina had pretty much adopted the angry pomeranian, but to the rest of the world he was a downright scary force of nature.
His worried were thrown out the window, by (Y/N)'s arrival on the hero scene.
The same age and with a quirk to stop Katsuki in his tracks, (Y/N) hadn't shied off Bakugo's rough edges and soon became a part of the blonde's life after graduation.
(Y/N) lives life toeing a line between poking the blonde, and backing him up, half the time one would think they'd just pissed him off, but Katsuki always stops short of boiling point and soon they're back to calmly judging other people together.
He shares food with (Y/N), denies ever cooking for them even though he's not fooling anyone. (Y/N) makes him playlists and tries to make him laugh with the names and random themes of them all, it works, somehow.
Most importantly, it's comfortable, so why...why does he want it to change?
It happened slowly at first, a flutter in his chest, warmth in his face whenever they laughed just right because of him, but then it came all at once, and there's no mistaking this feeling.
Katsuki's in love, and it's killing him.
Soon it will be ten years that (Y/N) has been in his life, they've seen him climb the hero charts into this three way dance with his former classmates, and never fail to know exactly what to say when Deku or Shoto inevitably dethrone him.
They've seen him at his best, backed him up at his worst, and knocked him down a peg when he's being an asshole.
They're perfect, just like this, so why...why have they caught him staring in the agency four times this week? Why does he want to watch them come in from a successful mission just so he can watch their hips sway with that special kind of swagger, why-why is he in love with them?
It's driving him nuts, for the month he's known it's slowly become impossible to ignore until it comes out, as usual, in the worst way possible.
Being snappy is nothing new for him, usually when there's something on his mind, so the glower did nothing to lesson (Y/N)'s smile.
'Hey! Did you see the group chat? Movie night at Mina's. You're coming, right?'
'M fuckin' busy.' He grumbled, glaring at his computer screen as if he could burn a hole in it.
'We're always fuckin' busy,' (Y/N) chuckled, undeterred as they perched on the edge of his desk comfortable.
With his scowl lowered, he watched the fabric of their costume shift as the plushness of their thigh settled against the hard edge of his desk.
Such a ridiculous thing to notice, an entirely non platonic thing, and it lights a fuse behind his eyes.
With those crimson orbs lowered, (Y/N) doesn't get to see the warning lights. Why would they look for them, it's Bakugo, those explosions are never aimed at them.
'She's on about this new horror movie that came out, but I honestly can't think of anything worse than being scared shitless on purpose so if she keeps pushing I'm hidin' behind your ass.'
That's right, (Y/N) hates horror movies, the other time Kaminari made them watch one they'd tucked in so tight to Katsuki's side the blonde couldn't move an inch for most of the movie.
The thought of that closeness, that level of comfort and trust, the little whimpers they let out every time something loud happened on screen-
His hands slammed down on the desk, and the firecracking pops were the only warning (Y/N) had to get clear as the temperature in his office suddenly spiked ten degrees.
'Back off!' He demanded. 'I can't do this shit anymore! You're such an attention whore!'
The words came flying, senseless, meaningless to his mind. It's a special kind of panic that takes hold of him when he realises what he's done.
(Y/N)'s heard him say some shit, they've been on the receiving end of countless playful insults, said in his growling tone but never meant to bite.
This...that wasn't a joke.
They've jumped clear and put his desk between them, their eyes clear and calm, as if assessing a threat in the field, but he's not to be fooled, he knows there's hurt there.
He hurt them, stupidly, needlessly.
'I...guess I'll tell Kiri you're not coming.'
No, no that isn't right, there's no fight, resignation, defeat, pain, but no fight, and as they turn and leave him to his petulant internal rambling he can barely spur himself to stand.
This is stupid, his feelings are stupid. He's not an idiot, he understands them and knows he's not thinking straight when they're around anymore.
He thought he could hold it in, wait for it to blow over like some internal storm of clusterfuck, but that's not working, and now he's hurt (Y/N) over it.
Resolved to do the only other thing he could think to do, he threw himself to his feet, and made a plan.
If he's gonna confess, that it's gonna be the best damn confession anyone's ever seen goddamnit!
(Y/N) may well be a social butterfly on the day-to-day, but alone time feels incredible after a taxing day of patrols.
Their home is quiet, safe, a place to unwind alone, play music and just drift.
Or at least, it would be, if their mind weren't ever wandering to his words, that tone, the times (Y/N)'s found him staring across the room...
(Y/N) found themselves absently fidgeting on the sofa, staring off into nothing as they turned their thoughts over and over again in their head. Maybe he'd figured out the crush? They thought they'd hidden it well enough but...maybe relying on him so much had been the wrong move.
Then again, Katsuki does rely on them just as much. He trusts (Y/N), it feels dirty to lie.
The doorbell is a shrill sound, snapping them clear out of their thoughts like a splash of cold water, heard even past the background music they'd put on.
'Who the fuck-?'
'Oi, open the damn door!'
'Ah, Bakugo.'
Here for a late night mission? Had something gone wrong?
Something involving...flowers?
The roses are the first thing they saw as they pulled open the door, a dozen red blooms spreading that delightful scent around the porch as Bakugo practically death gripped them at his side.
'Uh...Bakugo?' (Y/N) blinked, then blinked again to make sure they weren't dreaming because they could have sworn that Katsuki Bakugo is standing on their doorstep in a damned suit, looking like the best thing ever born.
The deep breath he took had broad shoulders shifting under the tailored material of the suit, painting delicious lines of his figure as he forced himself to relax and hold out the bouquet.
'Take it, it's my apology.'
His tone is softer than (Y/N)'s used to as they ease the delightfully scented bouquet to their chest, unable to resist the urge to smile.
'They're beautiful, thank you.'
The heart can't take it, it feels three sizes too big for their chest, and it's not about to get any better.
'Don't thank me, I was an ass. Figured I could handle it without you noticing, but I guess that ain't happenin'.'
(Y/N) blinked owlishly. His eyes are on them now, and there's something in those maroon depths that they don't recognise. There's warmth there, softness, directed at...
'Bakugo, handle what?'
He smiled then, the slightest curl to his lips, a softness that almost feels alien, contradicted by his tone.
'I outta get you fired! What kinda detective doesn't notice their best friend's got the hots for 'em?'
The words sat at the front of their mind until they sank in, and all hell broke loose.
'Excuse the fuck outta me?! You coulda told me you raging assho-!'
(Y/N) never got to finish, never even noticed the roses fall, replaced with the smell of his cologne, and the softness of his lips against theirs.
His hands fall, big and warm, wrapped around their frame, cradling their body to his as he kissed the breath from their lungs.
(Y/N) melted, practically purring as every fibre of their being screamed: finally!
'If I knew you kissed like that, I would have told you sooner.'
'You're an ass.'
'I'm honest, and you love me.'
'Fuck, I really do.'
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Noctambulant (a bakudeku fanfic) Chapter Eleven: Why?
-TW: mentions of attempted suicided
Bakugou was silent for a bit. "Kachan please, if I'm reason for why your acting weird just come out and say it!" izuku tried to take his hand but just went right through. Bakugou wasn't sure how to respond, he knew what he wanted to say but wasn't sure how to say it. things were just to complicated to him now. something overall changed inside him, and yet it felt like he cant come to to grips with that. Bakugou took a breathe "No. it's not you.."
"then what is it?"
"..." he stayed quiet for a bit
"..kachan, i want to help but.. i cant if you wont let me"
"there you go again, i dont need sympathy from you.. " he mutter softly to himself "not after every i did."
Bakugou then got up and started walking away. izuku made many attempts to stop him but every time he just walked through him. "nerd. your wasting your time. I'm not talking."
izuku then looked directly at him with a expression of genuine worry "Kachan please!.. tell me."
"why not!"
at this point they were getting louder and louder until..
"Oh my god, cant you think of anybody besides yourself-"
"Well that's i can think about when all you ever were was nice to me and i treated you like dirt to the point where you almost killed yourself because i was so stupid!" he yelled stopping ounce he realized what he said then started breaking down "why are you doing this to me. i have been nothing but terrible to you.. and yet.. your still here.. why?"
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sweatsnervously47 · 16 days
AO3 having top 100 pairing stats makes me giggle XD
Maybe I gotta watch Teen Wolf now XD
Untamed made the top 100!
I’m surprised Star Trek wasn’t higher!
Who is writing so much Tonk Stark/Pepper Pots fanfic?????
Maybe I gotta watch My Hero Acedemia XD
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dynamightgod · 2 years
Yandere Katsuki is something else.
He's definitely one that you don't see coming. He'll observe you from afar, analyzing your every movement, the faces you make, the jokes you laugh at and the things that make you angry. He's like that damn Deku. Analyzing everything about you.
He doesn't realize it's an obsession at first. And then he tries to ignore it. He's only interested because you're competition. There's no way that he's interested in you romantically.
He doesn't realize he has a problem until he's standing outside the showers, your dirty underwear in his hand.
But it's also like a starting shot and he gives himself permission to fall into his desires.
He starts actively stalking you then. You're still oblivious. The only thing you comment on is how he seems to always be near you during class or training. He's suddenly sitting beside you or offering to train you.
He doesn't say much. He corrects you occasionally and you can't tell but he's going soft on you. He just wants to spend time with you.
This goes on for a couple weeks and he's fine. You're fine. Everything is fine.
Except it isn't fine. You're suffocating and Katsuki so drowning.
Training isn't enough. He wants you to hang out with him after class.
Sitting together in class isn't enough. You need to eat lunch with him.
Why do you want to hang out with Deku? He's way cooler. Don't you think so?
You finally reach your breaking point. You wanted to go to the mall with Tsu and Jirou and Bakugou was having a fit. You put your hands up and gently shoved against his chest, telling him that whatever this was between you, you wanted a break from it.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Who did you think you were?
He was Bakugou Katsuki. The Bakugou Katsuki.
And you rejected him for them?
No. He didn't think so.
You don't see his teeth clench or hear the growl rumble from his chest as you leave. You don't realize as you head out to see your friends that you won't be seeing them again any time soon.
Because no one said no to Katsuki Bakugou.
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Machu pichu
(From this fic!) One of my all time faves. Few fics can always make me laugh, but that series is one of them.
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Someone: You can't just kin every depressed and emotionally unstable fictional person in the world!
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dontfrickwithmyfood · 3 years
If any of y’all know any good Iida-centric fanfics please send them my way 🥺 my boy doesn’t get enough love
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darkestcat23 · 9 months
read my fanfic on ao3. it's about a girl assassin (dawn) who gets entangled with the league (dabi), the yakuza (overhaul), and the heroes (hawks).
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kuri-fic-recs · 4 years
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A note to the authors: Originally, I was slashing out the usernames, but some of the blogs I had on this list deactivated, so I realized maybe some people aren’t getting the recognition they should be. I just want to say, if you’re on this list, it’s because I thoroughly enjoyed what you wrote! Keep doing what you’re doing, and even if you feel discouraged about your writing sometimes, just know, there are people such as myself who still read your content and enjoy it, even without you realizing!! 
find me here: KPOP BLOG -> @chinguwritings​ ANIME BLOG -> @4kominato​
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♕ = good writing ψ = fic has one of my kinks ♡ = I like the person in the fic ☆ = good story plot [H] = headcanon (M) = mature/smut
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Boku no Hero Academia
Kaminari Denki ❅  Quarantined with Kaminari (M) ψ - @trafalgar-temptress​
Todoroki Shouto ❅  Libido (M) ♕☆ - @todosweetheart​
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Daiya no Ace
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Kozume Kenma ❅  Voyeurant (M) ψ - @hornime​
Goshiki Tsutomu ❅  Necking ♡ - @devilsamu​
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Inumaki Toge ❅  Unsafe Words (M) ☆ - @ratmonky
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Kuroko no Basket
Akashi Seijuro ❅  [H] Pregnancy ☆ - @shoichee​
Imayoshi Shoichi ❅  [H] Pregnancy ♡ - @shoichee​ ❅  [H] Masturbation Tendencies (M) ψ - @terriblesportsimagines​​
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Obey Me!
Reactions ❅  Catching MC Masturbating in their Bed (M) ψ - @thehouseoflamentation​​
Satan ❅  Moonlight ☆ - @xnerdiebirdiex​​
Belphegor ❅  Let’s Sleep Together (M) ♡ - @insomniousluci​​
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Eren Jaeger ❅  Ride Me (M) ψ - @titanicsimp​
Levi Ackerman ❅  Power Trip (M) ♡ - @xxsmokeyy​
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Sk8 the Infinity
Kyan Reki ❅  It’s So Brand New, Babe (M) ☆ - @amimimi​
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Tokyo Revengers
Haitani Rindou ❅  “Oh My!” (M) ☆ - @bajifuyutorabb​
Hanemiya Kazutora ❅  Being Needy (M) ♡ - @kazuwhora​​
Kisaki Tetta ❅   My Hero (M) ψ - @yuichi-ro​
Kokonoi Hajime ​ ❅   Footjob (M)  ψ - @yuichi-ro​​​
Sano Manjiro (Mikey) ❅  Being Needy (M) ♡ - @kazuwhora​
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Prompt Compilation
I have waaaay too many different pages of prompts, so I'm putting them all here so for future reference, if you request a prompt, this is the number system I'll be referencing.
Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm figuring it out as I go!
1)“My hair is better than yours.”
2)“All I need is a kitten and a glass of warm milk.” “For the kitten?” “No, for me you dipstick.”
3)“Did you just kiss me?”
4)“Did you see that?” “Um…” “The correct answer is no, you didn’t.”
5)“Why are you so red? All I said was “I love you” in Portuguese.”
6)“How come we always end up calling each other when we can’t sleep?”
7)“Bite me.” “Kiss me.”
8)“I vote to make today a pyjama day!”
9)“The day you make me/him/her laugh is the day whales walk on land.”
10)“Stop stealing my clothes.” “No.”
11)“Is that the best you can do?”
12)“You have no idea who I am do you?”
13)“You’re built like the love child of mount Everest and a silverback gorilla, and I’m the weird one?!”
14)“Stop it, your face is doing that thing again.”
15)“I’m gonna do the thing.” “Don’t do the thing. Please don’t do the thing.”
16) "I know I said "Dude" was gender neutral, but that doesn't mean you get to call me dude five minutes after your dick was down my throat."
17)"You're the first one who's ever kept up with me." "Hell of a way to call me horny."
18)"Have you no shame?" "Nope, none. Now get over here and fuck me. Or let me fuck you, I'm not picky."
19)"You've gotta choose one or the other!" "Why? Both are awesome!"
20)"He'll hear us!" "Let him."
21)"Sharing is caring."
22)"I said, sit."
23)"I don't need to be jealous. He's/She's/Your mine."
24) "I'll teach him how to make you feel good."
25) "Goddamn you're good at that."
26) "Now this, this is a view I could get used to."
27) "Don't look at me like that, you'll bite off more than you can chew."
28) "Oh baby, you might just be more than I can handle... I like it."
29) "Try me, lil'lady/pretty boy."
30) "Want me to do that again?"
31)‘I reject your reality and substitute my own!’ ‘I don’t think that’s how reality works.’
32)‘why isn’t there a welcome mat on your doorstep?’ ‘Because I’m not a liar.’
33)‘I am neither caffeinated nor drunk, do you really want to have this conversation right now?’ ‘No ma’am/sir.’
34)‘You need sleep.’ ‘Why? We all die anyway!’
35)‘I’ll be damned, shit went wrong and it wasn’t even slightly my fault!’ ‘The day is young.’
36)‘You can be a real ass sometimes you know that?’ ‘You should hear the things I don’t say.’
37) ‘Fuck you.’
‘Mmm, fuck me.’
38)‘I got you, I always got you.’ ‘But who’s got you?’
39) ‘I love you!’ ‘You have terrible taste.
40) ‘Don’t treat the person I love like that! You rip yourself apart and expect me to watch?! I’ll put you back together as many times as you need me too, but you need to stop being the one ripping out the stitches.’
41) Watcha doin’? ‘Did you know all three of the e’s in “Mercedez” are pronounced differently?’
42) I love you too much to protect you from this.
43) What's your least favourite animal? 'People.' (Based on an actual conversation with a student)
44) Even if you’re faking it, even if it’s a lie, just this once, kiss me like you mean it. 
45) Sit still and let me fix you, you gorgeous mess. 
46) You’ve got to have a guardian angel. Yeah? Well, that bitch drinks. 
47) A thought has occurred to me: fuck this. 
48) Ey, why do we give the important jobs to the guy who’s only brain cell is competing for second place? 
49) For someone who claims not to like guys, you care an awful lot about where other people put their dicks.  
50) You are going to let me go. I'm not asking any more.
51) I want to go home! No amount of begging is going to get you back to a place that doesn't exist anymore!
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lliblo · 3 years
BN16 Catazawa
There are quite a few fics that have Aizawa Shouta turning into a cat with the shenanigans that follow. But what about a cat turning into Aizawa? Instead he was born as a quirked animal and was later adopted by Inko Midoryia. After sometime with the family he was hit by a wayward quirk during a villain attack. Now he’s a cat stuck as a human teenager. 
-EraserMic? -Aizawa helps train Izuku?  -Aizawa only refers to Nezu as mouse? 
Here’s a fun little twist on the human to cat trope. Stories like this have so much potential and I didn’t get to touch on even half of what I wanted too in my own fic. 
My Fic
Link: AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/37329889/chapters/93147667
Being born without a name and only a cardboard box for shelter might have been worrying to some. That is if it weren't for the simple fact that he was a cat. As a quirked animal he smelt funny and in the rough world of survival of the fittest that was a good way to lose your primary caretaker before you’ve reached an age to fend for yourself.
Luckily, Aizawa Shouta found a new mother in the form of Midoriya Inko.
He vowed to dedicate himself to the mother that offered him unconditionally love and protection, something he would later need again as his life changed when he was hit by a wayward quirk turning him into a human teenager.
Follow Shouta’s life, both cat and human, as he stitches together his own little family that he’d not only die for, but kill for. Unfortunately dealing with the legal system sounds like a major inconvenience. So out of courtesy for the humans it’s something he’ll try to refrain from.
Rules for Use:
Feel free to expand or alter if this inspires you!
Repost a link to your fic on this post (I wanna read it!!)
Give proper credit and link this post in the fic itself (Pretty please?)
Return To: LlibLo’s Fan Fiction Prompt Index
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shotos-kettle · 4 years
Winters love (M)
Word count: 2,692
Inspired by Neptunecw and Flightofbats tiktok 
Written while listening to the song below ♡
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UA wasn't known for its cold wintery days, unlike other times of the year it was mostly sunny even if just a tad bit on the chilly side. The staff did its best to make sure the campus stayed pretty warm but ever since the villain attacks started up their central heating system had been on the fritz, some days it was blazing hot in the winter, and other days it was freezing cold. So they made sure all students knew to keep a jacket in their lockers just in case. However, some of the students continued to forget about their heating system issues, completely disregarding things as they sat in classes shivering, Ochako Uraraka being one of them.
Her foot tapped against the bar of the chair in front of her,  her skin covered in goosebumps as she tried desperately to pay attention to what Aizawa sensei was teaching them, but it proved to be harder than she imagined. Normally the cold wouldn't affect her as much but it had snowed the night before she knew Bakugou was most likely irritated with her constant tapping and she was thankful he hadn't turned around and yelled at her yet. Of course it was safe to say that he was passed out cold against his notebook so she was at least safe for a little while.
Halfway through their lesson Bakugou lifted his head, causing Uraraka to freeze completely as he turned around to look at her. "Pink cheeks stop shakin the damn chair I'm tryin to sleep here." She blinked as he looked her over for a moment before grunting with a roll of his eyes. He reached down into his back and pulled out a large black and orange hoodie,  tossing it over onto her desk. "Next time bring a jacket kay?" He grumbled as he turned back around to return to his nap, a yawn leaving his lips.
Uraraka stared at the jacket that laid over her work, eyes wide as she glanced around the classroom, Denki and Kirishima were both staring at her with wide eyes, making a gesture with their hands as if to tell her to just put it on and don't argue.  "T-thanks.." She whispered softly as she slipped her arms into the much too large hoodie that almost swallowed her whole, immediately being overwhelmed by the scent of Bakugou. Caramel and vanilla… it consumed her as she zipped the hoodie up and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to keep herself from floating off her seat from pure embarrassment.  
He had been fairly nice to her and it flustered her beyond her own beliefs,  sure she got flustered around Deku but that's just because it's Deku… Bakugou being nice to her was unheard of so it truly affected her in ways she really didn't want it to and for the rest of their lecture her mind was a misty place.
Once class was over she tapped Bakugou's shoulder, clearing her throat softly as he turned to face her, shaking his head. "Dont." He said quickly as he got up and nodded to Kirishima, yelling something about sparring in the training grounds, she watched as the two of them headed out of the classroom. "Woah what was that about?"  She looked over at Mina and shrugged, gathering her things as she stood, the hoodie coming to rest just above her knees. "I'm not sure… Bakugou being nice is strange, but I guess he didn't realize he woke up earlier and let me borrow this." Her hands smoothed over the front of the soft material.
"I don't know Ura… He's not one to just forget things he does half asleep." Mina laughed as she shook her head, draping her arm around Uraraka's shoulders. "But damn it does smell nice though doesn't it? I wonder what cologne he uses that smells this good." This pulled a chuckle from the rosy cheeked female, shaking her head softly. She knew it wasn't Cologne, she had been close enough to Bakugou during training to know that this was all him, and it really didn't bother her.  "I don't know, but I'll have to return it soon. Maybe I'll sneak into his room and leave it. But hey, you wanna go shopping?? I heard there are some sales going on at the mall!" Mina just grinned at the girl and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the classroom, passing Bakugou and Kirishima who were standing just outside the classroom.
"So when are you gonna tell her?" The red headed male asked as he watched the two girls run down the hall. He turned to look at Bakugou, snorting as he waved his hand in front of the usually grumpy male. "Yo, earth to Katsuki, come on man stop staring you're gonna burn your notes again."  This snapped Bakugou back out of his trance, dropping the smouldering notebook in the process. "Shit! Damn it i gotta stop doing that!" He groaned, stomping on the notebook to smother the fire that had started around the edges of the cover. "I don't know shitty hair, maybe I'll never tell her. I don't want to distract her from hero training.."
"Or do you not want to get rejected? Come on dude it's obvious she likes you! And you have to admit… She does look fine as hell wearing your hoodie." Kirishima nudged Bakugou's shoulder, his words resulted in a solid punch to the jaw. "Shut the hell up, don't talk like that about her." He knew Kirishima was right but what the hell was he thinking? Talking about her like that especially in front of everyone. "Lets just go spar. I need to get my head out of the clouds, i couldnt sleep last night because stupid Deku and Denki were watching movies all night in Deku's room. God, I wish they would just have a regular sleep schedule like everyone else." He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he made his way towards the exit.
One month had passed since He had lent his jacket out to Uraraka, and they hadn't seen much of each other since she was deep into her work study at this point so he hadn't had the chance to ask her about getting his hoodie back. However, the students who had work studies had been given a few days off so he figured now was a better time than any. As he walked into the door he looked around, spotting a tuft of red hair disappearing into the kitchen. "Hey, shitty hair, you seen pink cheeks?" He called out, Kirishima poked his head around the corner and nodded, pointing over to the stairs. "Her room." Bakugou nodded and headed up the stairs, taking two at a time as usual.
Heading down the hall he noticed her door was cracked slightly, he took a deep breath as he stood there in front of it for a moment before lifting his hand to knock, the door swinging open slightly. "Hey pink cheeks, do you still have my jacket-?" His words faltered as he saw her curled up in the little loveseat seat she had placed in the corner of her room, dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and his hoodie. Fuck, she was so cute. How could someone who was so smart and loud at the same time be so fucking beautiful even after going through hell. He bit his lip as he slipped inside, closing the door behind him as a small smile graced his lips. He quietly made his way over to her and lifted her into his arms, a sigh leaving him as he moved her over to her bed. "You shouldn't sleep like that, you'll get back problems…" he whispered, more to himself than to her since he knew she wouldn't hear him anyway.
As he went to cover her up so he could leave her to sleep a hand wrapped around his wrist, sleepy eyes peering up at him while he leaned over her. "Katsuki?.." Fuck, he had woken her up. His jaw went slack as he tried to find something to say, which he couldn't at the moment, because the look in her eyes was something he wasn't used to seeing directed towards him. "I'm sorry, I meant to return it… i just got so busy." She spoke softly, sitting up in bed as she held onto his wrist, her free hand rubbing at her eyes and once she looked up at him again she froze. Their noses just barely touching as they looked back at one another.
For a few moments the two of them just sat there, staring into each other's eyes before Bakugou made the first move. He closed the space between their lips, kissing her gently as he reached out to cup her cheek, thumb stroking over her rosy cheeks. Her eyes widening as she was slowly pushed back onto her bed, Bakugou moving to hover over her as their lips parted. "K-Katsuki… What are you doing?" Her words were breathless, and he knew she hadn't expected to be kissed, he just couldn't help it when she had that look in her eyes. His thumb traced over her bottom lip as he sighed heavily. "Sorry…"
As he moved to get off the bed she reached out and pulled him back down, this time wrapping her legs around his waist as she kissed him, her fingers tangling into his messy blonde locks. She had been waiting for so long to take this type of chance with him and she had never even dreamed that he would be the one to make the first move. He was always so aggravated with everyone, and after everything that had happened she was afraid he had closed himself off completely. The kiss had proved her wrong and she was going to take that leap of faith and she wasn't going to look back.
Bakugou tilted his head into the kiss, shifting around slightly so he could move into a position where he wouldn't crush her with his weight,  his heart was pounding and the amount of adrenaline running through him was starting to cause him to sweat. A small groan left his throat when she bit down on his bottom lip, the slight pain pulling him back to the real world for a minute. He pulled back and stared down at her, licking his lips. "Okay, one.. the door isn't locked. And two.. how long?" He asked, knowing that she knew exactly what he meant by how long. He watched the rosiness of her cheeks spread to her ears. As she looked away shyly. "Since the training camp."
She pushed at his shoulders, pushing him towards the headboard so she could get up and move to lock her door. When she turned back to face him she smiled softly, flicking the lights off so they were only bathed in the light of the evening sun. "Doors locked now…" A smirk formed on the blonde's lips as he watched her saunter back over, his hands reaching out to rest on her hips while she crawled onto his lap, their lips coming together in another kiss that was filled with so much desire that it sent shivers down his spine. As her fingers ran down his chest he slowly slipped his hands down the back of her shorts, grabbing two handfuls of those luscious globes that always had him so distracted when she fought.
A moan left Uraraka's lips, her head tipping back as she tugged at his hair gently. The lips that were occupying her own now traced down along the expanse of her throat, the hands on her hips guided her to grind down against him. Her eyes widened as she left his erection pressing up against her, nails digging into his scalp when he bit down on her shoulder after leaving a dark hickey to blossom on her pale skin. She quickly unbuttoned his shirt so she could push it off his shoulders and toss it on the floor. Her hips lifted slightly so she could scoot back, leaning down to leave a trail of kisses down the center of his chest. His eyes never left hers as she slowly pulled his sweats down, nearly drooling as she took his cock into her mouth.
There was a knock on the door as his cock hit the back of her throat, his eyes widened as his hand gripped her hair tight, a finger lifted to his lips to keep her quiet. "I don't care who it is but go away!" He yelled, picking up the nearest thing, being a book so he could chuck it at the door. There was a squeak from the other side before he heard footsteps retreat. He looked back down at Uraraka who had his cock deep into the back of her throat, a look in her eyes that told him he needed to prepare himself. Which he wasn't able to do quick enough as she swallowed around his length, "holy fuck a-ahh." His head thunked back against the headboard as she pulled off of him slowly.
"Mmh.. Katsuki~" Uraraka licked a slow stripe against the underside of his length, watching his eyes nearly roll back just from the feeling. "Please.. I want you to be my first." She whispered, placing a gentle kiss to the head of his length. He nodded and shifted, watching her as she wiggled out of her shorts, tossing them somewhere in the room. She turned so she was on her hands and knees, then as Bakugou positioned himself behind her her chest dropped down against the sheets, her back arching to show him the damp spot that had formed on her panties.  
Oh gods he was going to love tearing that ass up, he had dreamed about this moment for so many nights and now the one thing he had lusted after for so long was right in front of him. "Gods your ass is amazing Ochako.." He whispered as he spread her cheeks, thumb dipping under the hem of her panties to pull them aside. If he didn't have as much self control as he normally did he would be drooling, she was barren, no hair in sight and just the most delicious shade of pink. He moved forwards on his knees, one hand moving to press against the curve of her spine as he pressed into her and as that deliciously tight heat wrapped around his cock he knew that was it. This girl was going to be his, from this moment on she belonged to him and he belonged to her, if anyone tried to hurt her he would kill them.
"You're mine, you got that Pink cheeks?" He grunted out as he snapped his hips forward, penetrating deep within her core, the head bottoming out against her cervix. He only gained a nod in return, but as he rolled his hips in a teasingly slow manner she got the hint. "Y-Yes Katsuki~" She mewled as the feeling of him deep inside, hips pressing back against his as a hard slap resonated around them, her ass stinging as she let out a lewd moan. "That's a good girl~" he had purred, he fucking purred. His words dripped sex and his hands simmered against her skin as they fell into a passionate push and pull of want, need and hunger.
The air between them would never be the same after tonight and he knew he was never getting his hoodie back, not that he even wanted it back in the first place. It looked too good on her, hell maybe he would give her some more of his clothes for her to wear when it was just the two of them. Though the inevitable chaos in the morning barely graced his mind as his eyes held steady on the sweet jiggle of her ass as he pounded her into the mattress, bed knocking against the wall without a care as they lost themselves in each other's bliss.
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ziezie13 · 4 years
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