#my inspo was fantasy assassins
bame-the-3d · 9 months
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What are we thinking about my strawberry blond Moxxie redesign?
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mirabritart · 5 months
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"A Song of Ice and Fire" sounds like it could be a magical girl anime c'mon let's be real
Individuals below the cut!
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maikry · 15 days
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🩸⛓️ Marius Damery ⛓️🩸
Original Character created by Mai.
Featured in original short story “Nightmare” written by Mai.
Also check us out on:
FICTIONPRESS: @maikrywrites
PINTEREST: @maikrywrites
ROYALROAD: @maikrywrites
INSTA: @mai.kry
TIKTOK: @mai.kry
WATTPAD: @maikrywrites
We’d love to have you! ✨
Check out our website for world lore and more! ✨💕
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galacticsabc · 2 years
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some butterfly themed assassins.
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tozettastone · 5 months
Ah, I'm sure I've said this before, but for a fantasy writer, writing bankers as big-nosed greedy nonhumans always seems like such a missed opportunity. I'm glad it mostly seems to be a product of the long 20th century.
One could just as easily take one's banking inspo from the larger-than-life Medici family with all its wild dramas (assassinations! four popes! slow underminings of the republic! Savonarola may or may not have refused Lorenzo de'Medici the last rites!) and intrigues.
The Medici family were very Catholic and the way of making money in charging interest on loans was a sin (usury), which delivers one the easy potential for a much more complex relationship with greed than "well... we like gold." This also complicated their relationship with all the religious art and buildings and stuff they commissioned. (It's okay to commit sins, if you can donate them away.)
Your bankers could be cutthroat "apolitical" "first citizens" with boatloads of money who give to the poor (while creating the poor) and produce enormous numbers of of iconic artworks to uplift the local religion and embrace public life as gentlefolk.
They could be clicking their tongues and shaking their heads and saying, "Oh, I can't help that! Aren't we all just private citizens under popular government?" while half the government is related to them and the other half owes them favours.
Even if one's story isn't about these guys, it would be great fun to have them swanning about in the background. Definitely if I'm ever writing my own old school fantasy story that's the inspiration I want to draw from.
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misguidedghostie · 3 months
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❀ hello beautiful people of writeblr!
i’ve been lurking in this little corner of the internet for a while now, so I figured it was about time to introduce myself.
my name is kayli (she/her) but you can call me kay or ghostie! this is actually a side blog, so i follow from @bookishfreedom (and you can also find me on instagram at @bookishfreedom !)
❀ what i write
I write a little bit of everything, although most often fantasy and romance, and i always have multiple WIPs floating around. I’m really good at starting things, but not so good at finishing them… so I’m working on keeping one focus at a time
most of what i write is original work, but i used to be pretty into writing fanfic, and it’s something i’d like to get back into, if only a little. just as a low-pressure way to keep the creative juices flowing
❀ why I’m here
i’ve been writing for fun since i was old enough to hold a pencil, but i haven’t always been good at making writing a priority. i figure if I’m ever going to achieve my dream of someday being traditionally published, that needs to change
this blog will probably be a mix of things - writing excerpts, inspo, and whatever else writing related I come across :) hoping it’ll help keep me accountable, as well as being a fun way to track my writing journey.
and most importantly, I’d really love to make some writing friends 💖 so come say hi in the notes, i’d love to find lots more writers to follow and chat with. (i’ve never done them but consider me a tag game -friendly blog!!)
❀ my current (primary) wips
project birdsong - wlw romantasy (drafting)
• witch hunter x witch, enemies to lovers
• elemental magic
• lesbian mc & bi love interest
project red hood - low fantasy (outlining)
• loosely a little red riding hood retelling
• feminine rage, burn down the world vibes
• bi assassin FMC
❀ misc fun facts about me
I’m 24, bi, and recently diagnosed audhd
I’m a software engineer by day, and by night i have far too many hobbies fighting for my attention (incl but not limited to: reading, painting, video games, hiking…)
in college i minored in both german and creative writing (because i am an indecisive bitch at heart)
I don’t have any pets of my own, but at any given moment I am almost certainly fostering at least one animal!
❀ if anyone read all of that
you have earned my undying love and devotion. let’s be friends? 🥹 my dms are always open if you ever need someone to rant about writing with
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juls-writes · 2 years
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juls-writes' writeblr re-intro!
hello! I'm juls! I'm doing a writeblr re-intro because since I was last active on here, I have a small handful of new wips, and there's new people following me, so this is my way of saying hello! nice to meet you!
i'm 29, use she/her and he/him pronouns (completely interchangeably!), and live in canada's pacific northwest. I moved here in 2022 to go back to uni, where I'm double majoring in english and writing. aside from my fantasy novel projects, I also write poetry.
tag games and asks are always welcome! although I used to run a taglist, I'm afraid I found it tough to keep up with so I won't be running those any longer. each of my projects has a page linked on my blog (and will be linked ahead, here) with following links to excerpts and aesthetics.
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celestial wip / the stars and the spaces between them
"It’s not a shortcoming to be romantic. To love and be loved. I think the immortal view of it can get muddied and diluted, after a while. And it can be beautiful to take love for granted, in a way. But the urgency and immediacy of the human experience has always been more attractive to me.”
stars are falling from the sky, and as it grows darker with every passing night, more celestial mages disappear. even the Celestials themselves, the constellation gods, are on the wanted lists. celestial mage June finds herself persuaded - along with her childhood friend, Theo - by Sagittarius, and a mysterious talking raven, to join the fight and go searching for other trapped Celestials to join forces.
☄ wip page
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bastards wip / delano
"Sounds like you had a good thing and let it get away. Really Yeranos, what's the worst that could have happened from taking him at his word?" "Execution."
Yeranos, world-renown sorcerer and ex-academy professor, dutifully follows his prophecy and assassinates the king. Even though he knows he has to die for what he's done, self-preservation wins out for better or worse and he evades capture - at least until bounty hunter extraordinaire Delano, Yeranos' ex-best friend, is hired to hunt him down.
✉ wip page
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flower wip / the flower trawlers
"Someone once said that the tech – technology – on this ship had taken over the wood itself, and that’s why it seems alive. Is that it? Or is it magic?" "Magic, science. What's the difference? If Dorothy’s alive thanks to wires running through every plank and mast, that’s magic enough for me."
In a flooded future, Marietta dreams of working on the massive Flower Trawlers ship, creating intricate bouquets for clients and traveling the seas. When she finally gets the opportunity to leave her floating house and join them, she meets Jun, her competition, and her bunkmate, Ren. Even though work is a dream at first, over time Marietta learns to stop and smell the roses; and in the underbelly of the ship, something is rotting.
❀ wip page
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thank you to anyone that's read all of this! I always try to follow writeblrs back - if you followed me and I haven't followed you, feel free to shoot me a message letting me know. (this wip intro heavily inspired by @sentfromwolves, thank u for the inspo ❤)
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sodaliteskull · 29 days
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The Starcrossed Cycle: Media Influences
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Got inspired by the meta dump @byjillianmaria did (which you can find over here), and wanted to do one for the Starcrossed Cycle!
(I go into more depth about how they influenced me below the cut, because I love getting in the weeds with this shit!)
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Borderlands & Sunset Overdrive - A neon, hyperpop veneer over top a dystopia caused by corporate greed, these were the main inspirations for the world that Iradurel grew up in
Saints Row & Borderlands - Violent settings with little to no regard for the sanctity of life, these were inspirations for the life that Iradurel led before being put on ice
The Addams Family - A family that stands in direct opposition to the norms of their society, they were a big inspiration for Iradurel's parentage, the Kortellako family
Panty and Stocking with Garter Belt & Saints Row - Panty from PaSwGB and the Boss from SR were big inspirations for Iradurel's character
God Eater & RWBY & Horizon - Settings where monsters with no end plague the world were something that really tickled my pickle, so I made up my own with the Opiri
Dragon Age & God Eater - If there's going to be monsters, then there are going to need to be monster hunters to fight them. May as well give them powers to do so, but watch out! Those powers have a price! These two are the biggest influences on the Opiri Slayers
RWBY - And if you have monster hunters, then you need a place to show them the ropes, and this was the series that inspired me to make a dedicated school for the Opiri Slayers
Critical Role & Dimension 20 (specifically Fantasy High) - I really enjoy the differing takes on what Gods are in these two: either outside forces that have come to the world of their choice and shape it according to their whims (CR) or endemic to the world but shaped by their followers (FH)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem & Babylon 5 & Mass Effect & Critical Role - Eldritch horrors causing problems for mortals that they view as little more than ants, another inspo for how deities work in this setting
Babylon 5 & the Legend of Zelda - A repeating cycle of conflict perpetuated by a single malevolent force is something that really gets my motor revving, so I yoinked that for Marenkes' history
Sailor Moon & the Legend of Zelda - The reincarnation aspect from these to tie into the cyclical aspect of the above bullet point was just a natural fit. I gotta have that miracle romance!
Dragon Riders of Pern - The concept of dragon riders is sick as hell, and ones that are psychically bonded to their mounts? Fuckin' awesome, my dudes! Everything else that McCaffrey thought was necessary to add to that equation? Big Yikes! But my desire to have the draconic Eidolons does stem from this series
Assassin's Creed & Final Fantasy XIII & Tales of Symphonia - Settings where the world is older than anyone realizes, and problems from the past (caused by a group of individuals with godlike abilities) are coming to bite the present in the ass were concepts that really excited me! Bonus points to ToS for inspiring a pretty big piece of the physical world of Marenkes!
Mass Effect & Horizon - Ryla is very much in the vein of a Commander Shepard (doing a full Paragon run, naturally) and Aloy type person
Dragon Age & Mass Effect - People being able to use magic because of a natural element in the world is definitely inspired by DA's lyrium and how biotics can use their abilities thanks to eezo from ME
Horizon & Assassin's Creed - The modern world is built on the bones of a far more technologically advanced society that was completely wiped out due to hubris preventing a solution being thought up to a preventable situation, that's the kind of juiciness I wanted for my setting!
Mass Effect & Eternal Darkness & Babylon 5 - The path to victory has been paved with so many sacrificed lives, but it is only thanks to those sacrifices that success will be possible. I fucking LOVE plots like this!
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worldofthraeia · 2 months
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Writeblr Re-intro
Hello! My name is Bird, I've been active on writeblr for about a year so I figured a re-intro was in order. :3
About me!
Bisexual, She/her
Fantasy romance writer
Also an artist!
Former D&D player. (current dice hoarder.)
I have a corn snake named Calypso. :3
Fav video games: Hollow Knight, Superliminal, Journey, Ori and the Blind Forest...
Asks and Tag games are always open!!
My main blog is @/silverbird.
What's Thraeia?
Thraeia is a medieval fantasy world that I created when I was 16, in 2021 I started overhauling the world into what it is now. I'm ever expanding and adding to it with each new story I tell. I'll leave some links to stuff if you want to learn more! :3
The Deities
The Races/Species
The Continents & Kingdoms
Or search the tag #thraeiabuilding on my blog for all the worldbuilding!
Current WIPs
Though I have 8 wips total I'm just working on these 3 at the moment!
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Lady of Birchgrove
~10k words - 1st draft -
Welcome to the world of Thraeia. Silvia wakes with no memories of herself, no recollection of how she came to be lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room. She certainly does not know the girl beside her, unconscious and wounded, who risked her life to save Silvia. The difficult task of remembering herself falls onto her shoulders. Though it physically pains her at times it is a job she must complete, not just for the people who claim to love her, but also the entire town depending on her. For she is a Lady, charged with the well being of the town, Birchgrove. With the help of her family and old dairy entries from her past self, it almost seems doable. But the the magic that has been inflicted upon her is mysterious and unknown, and the caster is still out there somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to finish what they started.
Read more here!🍃
Tags: #CoT: Lady of Birchgrove, #CoT: LoB
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~47k words - 1st/2nd draft - 18+ strong language, violence, suggestive scenes
It had to be fate. As a cub Quirina was taken from the mountains of Brariheba and was sold to Xiren Sharpe, leader of an assassin's guild. The once spirited child became the guild's best against her will, her agile Feli body aiding her. After one mission she meets Romone, a stupidly confident Feli in the service of Morys Elethron, who promises her a safe place at Elethron House. The chance meeting has her realizing she's tired of belonging to someone else, that maybe she can make a difference. A frantic escape later and she's greeted warmly by Romone, finally a safe place for her. Though the horrible things she had done under Xiren do not vanish, they dominate her time at Elethron House. When her shadow threatens to drag her back to her cold cell, Quirina fights harder for the opportunity to lead a normal life and the possibility of falling in love than she's ever had before.
Read more here! ⚔
Tags: #CoT: Reclaim
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Cramming for Magic Class
Webcomic - 3 eps sketched/ 19 outlined
A new school year is about to start at Lilium University of Magic. Zephyrine, who recently moved in with their cousin and her friend, is simply breezing through life. At least until they meet Soulaetia, a high-born magic prodigy with some very poor study habits. When they happen to cross paths, they change each others' lives in ways neither expected.
Read more here!📚
Tags: #CoT: Cramming for Magic Class, #CoT: CfMC
Other Tags
My art: #Bird draws
Characters: Chr: [insert name]
Worldbuilding: #thraeiabuilding
Inspiration: #inspo (paired with a character or region tag)
Funny writing memes: #writer humor
Other writeblrs: #other writers
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kaatiba · 2 years
first there was the pen…
hello, i’m sumayyah and this blog is where i share my writing and admire other writers' works. i have an author site and an ao3 account. i provide free alpha/beta editing on a case-by-case basis. i love asks, to be tagged in games and content, and making things.
my published original projects are...
• the peacock, the crown, and the river, a fable on how the peacock earned his colours, saved his home, and discovered he was more than just his beauty. [available to read for free!] • a net of stars, woven, a collection of (mostly) greco-roman myth retellings • the queen, the lion, and the rings, wherein susan pevensie finds two rings, the wood between the worlds, Aslan, and herself again. • october odds, a collection of flash fiction inspired by the 2019 prompts from @fictober-event
my main projects are…
• legends of mourra, a muslim themed fantasy epic feat. a kidnapped prince, a rescue mission, djinn, and lingering legends ⤷  content • inspo
• oracle, an isekai meets alice in wonderland retelling, feat. an oracle who isn’t, an assassin, and a hero turned villain ⤷  content • inspo
• glitch, a sci-fi urban fantasy feat. a cyborg bodyguard, a shapeshifter body double, a rich-kid runaway, and a burgeoning rebellion ⤷  content • inspo
• rivener, a dystopian fantasy feat. a former commando, a wolf-shifter, and the militia hunting them both. [a completed novella being rewritten as of 2024] ⤷ content • inspo  
you may see reference to other projects, such as…
• reaper, a ghost story about a psychopomp who falls in love with a spirit, feat. a lich king, amnesia, and interdimensional rifts ⤷  content • inspo • revamped vignettes, a collection of stories feat. a female werewolf, a fratboy vampire, a debonair dwarf, a recalcitrant selkie, a shy orc, a grubby cryptid of an elf, and all their misadventures ⤷  content • inspo • bo & eve, a retelling of beauty and the beast feat. eve, who insists the curse suits her perfectly and bo, who thinks eve's monstrous face is far less terrible than her beastly heart. ⤷ inspo
• the minotaur, a retelling in which pasiphaë rescues her son from his cruel fate ⤷  content
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highladyjane · 5 months
When did you pick up your first sjm book?
And what made you join the sjm fandom?
Errmmm... So I think this is going to be another unnecessarily long answer 😅
I picked up my first SJM book which was "The Assassin's Blade" sometime in the summer of 2014. I think it had just come out so it was very visible in the fantasy aisle of the book store I'd trudged into... And the title and cover and synopsis intrigued me enough so I bought it... 🤷🏻‍♀️I had no idea about the reading orders back then, but it said it was a prequel book so I read it first lol. I loved it instantly and had a crush on Sam Cortland and was really holding out for him, and then that book BROKE MY HEART. It was the first book I'd picked up that wasn't related to school and I was so tired of analysing books for grades instead of just reading for fun, so that experience made me not pick up a book again for a VERY long while after that. After some time though, I picked up Throne of Glass and followed the rest of the series; and LOVED it all because Aelin was very much like the ultimate heroine I'd always fantasized about since I was a little girl lol... and then I picked up the ACOTAR series sometime in early 2019 after finishing KoA, and continued to follow SJM's book releases. But by then I was just a "casual reader" and I never became active in the fandom (I wasn't even aware there was such an active one at the time) because life and my own real life love story got in the way, and I'm the only introvert and actual reader among my friends so I have no one to discuss the books with anyway.
Cue last year, when I finally got my man to start reading so I could discuss books I had nobody else to discuss with 😆 And I decided to re-read ahead of him. When I was on ACOFAS, I was reminded of the giddiness I felt about the Az and Elain scenes, and searched for "Azriel + Elain Archeron" on Pinterest (Yup, I was an Elriel before I even knew there were other alternatives lol). And a load of Gw*nriel ALSO pops up and I'm completely confused and thought a new ACOTAR book had been released and I'd completely missed it. I searched more into it, found Azriel's BC, and was ready to get my heart broken once again, thinking that's where all the inspo came from, but just got even more confused and frustrated about all the Gw*nriel I saw and read 'cause it still didn't entirely make any sense to me. Then that search led me to an Elriel fanfic which then led me to tumblr, and I finally found people who made me feel like I wasn't lost in some sort of a fever dream and decided to reactivate my tumblr again and the rest is history.
And that my dear, is How I Joined the SJM Fandom. 😆
Thank you for the fun Ask 😊
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findyourrp · 6 months
🕊 hello everyone! 23f, an experienced advanced literate | novella writer, and desperately craving a fantasy - historical roleplay. i’m not picky with the setting and i am certainly open to many—i’m very fond of history and i’m knowledgable in various parts of the world, so shoot your ideas! i’d actually be somewhat glad if we didn’t set the story in a standard medieval-european setting. i’m not opposed to it (if it’s done creatively enough), but it’s rather overdone in my opinion. i would like to draw inspo elsewhere and explore something different. even better if it is a unique concoction of our own making hehe. as for the prompt itself, here are the details:-
in a land torn by political unrest, muse A is a convicted murderer who happens to look identical to the queen of the realm. when all revolts and attempts to overthrow the ruler fail, she is ordered to impersonate the muse B’s wife and assassinate him, whilst the real queen is secretly taken away for her own safety. 
this is just a bare frame that i had in mind so nothing’s set in stone; details are def open to change and i can’t wait to hear your ideas! does he already know? has he known the entire time and never said a thing because he grew infatuated with her? or will he find out later? does it take a dark turn? let’s plot together!! open to vampires, faeries, etc. so our characters don’t necessarily need to be human. please be enthusiastic and contribute to the plot , i just wanna gush about our oc’s and the story itself. bring me the headcanons, the worldbuilding, tiktoks, tropes, pinterest boards, playlists—you name it. 
mxf pairing preferred, in which i write f. i prefer to write muse A. 
dead dove and dark themes [such as elements of dub/noncon, toxic/unhealthy dynamics, obsession - yandere, etc.] are all heavily welcomed and encouraged!! please don't just be like 'yes im interested' if i message you; give me a little intro of yourself as a writer, and i might even request a writing sample to make sure we're compatible. like if you’re interested and I’ll reach out! 🫶
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storkmuffin · 2 years
My Fics in AO3 posting order.  They are all Riverdale.
Cake and Coat:  Jugpea, absolutely not canon compliant.
With You In My Pocket:  Jugpea, animal shifter AU, PG Fluffy fluff
Concrete Oasis:  Jugpea.  What really happened BTS at the musical Heathers. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
The Minotaur: Jugpea.  Crackfic - Sweet Pea wears a big minotaur mask and Jughead is hot for him.  No reason. Just ‘cuz. (inspo: @mothmanchronicler)
The Hardest Hue to Hold:  Jugpea. Giving Sweet Pea a better send off than canon.  Jughead is not nice in this one and the ending is bittersweet. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi )
Whole Life Trying:  Jugpea, cowritten with @viknikisbae and @juggiespea , spinoff from the peanut toss heard around the world (in S5). Happy ending, kinda! (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
Liminal (aka Bunker Jughead Is Fun To F*ck): Reghead. It does what it says on the tin. (first reader/ workshop member: @taratantsi)
The Shining Forest - On Going Fic! Fantasy AU Jugpea. Assassin Sweet Pea and Lost Prince Jughead meet in the forest.
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livingprophecy · 2 years
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@feywrote​​  asked:      ‘    i  deserve  to  hurt.    i  deserve  to  bleed.    ’  teagan  to  muran  rip  bestie      /      growling  suggestions.
          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓  𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  were  brutal  assassins,  and  muran  knows  this  —  she  even  read  about  them  in  her  books  when  she  was  younger,  a  scholar  taking  in  every  bit  of  knowledge  she  could  without  ever  once  stepping  into  the  real  world.      (until  now,  of  course).      still,  a  life  killing  targets  who  all  seemed  to  deserve  it  one  way  or  another  didn’t  seem  like  a  reason  to  whisper  the  words  silent  thorn  had,  voice  as  quiet  as  her  footsteps.  it  hurts  the  mage’s  heart  to  hear  her  speak  like  this,  and  within  an  instant,  she  is  kneeling  next  to  the  seated  woman,  leaving  the  men  on  the  other  side  of  the  campfire  they’d  set  up  for  the  night.      “for  what  mistakes?  what  could  possibly  damn  you  that  way?”      it’s  not  curiosity  that  leads  to  her  asking,  but  instead  A  DEEP  SENSE  OF  UNDERSTANDING;      she  still  blames  herself  for  the  death  of  her  parents,  for  her  twin’s  comatose  state  that  she  hadn’t  spoken  a  word  of  out  loud  yet.  but  she’s  forcing  herself  forward,  and  if  she  bleeds,  it’s  not  about  deserving.  the  people  who  really  deserved  it  were  the  cultists  and  gods  that  kept  the  magic  she  needed  away  from  her.  she  puts  a  hand  up  quickly,  shaking  her  head,  soft  but  sad  laugh  passing  her  lips.      “don’t  answer  me.  there  isn’t  anything.  whatever  weighs  on  your  soul,  you  don’t  have  to  carry  it  like  this.”      there  was  purpose  behind  each  knife  thrown,  each  throat  slit,  that  much  muran  could  tell.  it’s  the  same  purpose  that  takes  ahold  of  her  when  she  casts  her  magic  too:      they  are  working  off  SOME  KIND  OF  SIN,  something  they  couldn’t  talk  about.  biting  her  lip,  the  mage  carefully  reaches  out,  placing  her  hand  on  the  assassin’s  knee,  gentle  but  ready  to  pull  back  at  the  first  sign  of  discomfort.      “you’re  not  alone  anymore,  you  know.  baryson,  shasek,  they’re  —  less  in  tune  with  this  sort  of  thing.”      tone  softer  now,  she  manages  a  smile  once  again,  more  hopeful  than  she’s  felt  in  awhile.  and  she  can’t  help  but  laugh  at  herself.      “not  that  i  have  any  idea  what  i’m  doing  either.”      javri  was  always  the  one  who  knew  how  people  worked,  whereas  muran  knew  how  things  worked.  but  she’s  trying,  and  someone  has  to  fill  his  place,  even  if  the  party  doesn’t  know  her  twin.  allowing  herself  to  become  more  serious  again,  she  nods  once,  holding  eye  contact.      “but  you  can  talk  to  me,  teagan.”      she’d  given  muran  her  name  as  a  show  of  FAITH  AND  TRUST  —  now,  she  would  use  it  to  show  teagan  that  she  saw  her,  her  pain,  everything.      (she  wouldn’t  disappear,  not  while  flames  lit  muran’s  path).
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catb-fics · 4 years
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🌺 Masterlist 🌸
All my fic updates will be posted on my writing blog: @your-divine-ribs
Please bear with me whilst I update my masterlist and start the long process of uploading all my fics! A lot of links won’t be working yet. Feb 2024
Most of my fics are NSFW so please bear that in mind // ✨ = smut // 🌸 = fluff // 🌧️ = angst
Requests are tentatively open but l can’t promise I’ll definitely be able to fulfil them, however I'm happy to discuss fic ideas anytime!
These stories are works of fiction. They are not, in any way, intended to reflect reality. The stories and characters are purely fantasies originating from the mind of the author. The versions of real-life people that appear are fictional portrayals and do not reflect the real people or their actions in any way.
Catfish and the Bottlemen
Imagines/One-shots Masterlist
Catfish and the Bottlemen imagines/one-shots and headcanons ✨🌸🌧️
Can he do what I do you for you? Your boyfriend’s best friend Van is just too hard to resist (ongoing) ✨🌸🌧️
Y/N gets more than she bargains for when she seduces her gorgeous Professors. Van McCann/Johnny Bond/Alex Turner. Student/Professor AU (ongoing) ✨
The Devil Next Door
Van’s your new next door neighbour who you love to hate. Enemies to lovers (ongoing) ✨🌸
I’m With the Band (CATB/Sam)
Spoilt little rich girl Arabella gets sent to stay with her cousin Larry for the summer. Her expectations of a tedious few months in the quiet seaside town of Llandudno soon take a more interesting turn when she's whisked off on tour with Larry's best mate's band, Catfish and the Bottlemen (ongoing) ✨🌸
Ice Cold
He was all sharp edges with a brooding darkness that set your pulse racing. His blue eyes fathomless pools. It was like looking into a void. Ice Cold // He was a cold-hearted assassin. She was trained to take him down (AU) (ongoing) ✨
Most people have guardian angels. Eve Turner has a guardian demon. He deals with things in a much more violent fashion, but it sure is a hell of a lot more effective (AU) (ongoing) ✨
The Christmas Wish
Single Dad Van’s children only have one special wish for Christmas (ongoing) 🌸
All of Your Children
You and Van become parents (ongoing) 🌸
Dad Van Masterlist
A collection of imagines and headcanons of Van as a dad 🌸
Playing Hard to Get
You strike up an unconventional relationship with Van whilst working at his parents’ B&B one summer (completed) ✨
All The Mixed Feelings
When Abby comes out of a toxic relationship the last thing she needs is more complication in her life. But a chance meeting at a party takes her life on many twists and turns in the search for love (completed) 🌸🌧️
Kinktober 2023 Writing Challenge
A collection of smutty imagines featuring my characters ✨
Character Headcanons
A collection of headcanons and NSFW Alphabets for the characters in my stories ✨🌸🌧️
SFW Alphabet
A collection of fluffy mini-fics and headcanons 🌸
Sam Fender Fics
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martelldoran · 4 years
12 and 49 for the fanfic asks 😚
Dready! How are ya? 
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
Heh. Heh. Alright, out of the two? Break their hearts. I like angst okay. I like exploring darker, less cheery emotions. Whether I succeed in that endeavour, well, I’ll leave that up to my readers. 😂
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
A little bit of everywhere tbh. I don’t read as much as I used to but I do still take inspiration from what I read. i’ve taken inspo from music and poetry and films. Hell, today I was playing some Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in preparation for Valhalla coming out and I was debating whether I could make some kind of fantasy style/Odyssey/Skyrim mashup type fic. I have Mythical Creatures as a Stucky bingo square and I’ve been debating what to do with it since i got my card. What’s another video game au seeing as I want to do some kind of Fallout 4 inspired fic down the line too. 
I mean, there’s also life. I’ve definitely taken inspo from things that’ve happened in my life before too. 
Thank you sweetness! Hope this satisfied your curiosity! 😁😁
Fanfic asks anyone?
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