#my poor lord elrond
thranduilswifesblog · 2 years
Elrond : they asked me how I managed Imladris so easily
Elrond : the secret is, I dont. I have no control over them whatsoever
Elrond : Earlier, Elladan called my name and when I showed up to see what's going on, Glorfindel shots me on the throat with a nerf gun
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radjerda · 1 year
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Elflings don’t need to know about balrogs, Glorfindel
             Continuous version of the comic is under the cut:
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vamprlestat · 3 months
thinking a lot about isildur today
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shirefantasies · 24 days
Hello! Could u do the fellowship with a shy/introverted character? Tyty
I chose to do shy!reader hope thats ok hehe~
How The Fellowship of the Ring Treat You When You’re Shy
✧ Aragorn has been around just about every manner of folk; from that and years in nature he has developed a keen sense of others. Thus he recognizes that you don’t particularly favor attention at once and honors that.
✧ For example, you are clearly cold one night, but the way your feet shift toward Gandalf and your eyes dart as you toss and turn suggest discomfort addressing the wizard. Thus, Aragorn approaches him for you to ask for the spare blanket, draping it over you with a kind smile. The look in your eyes of gratitude and awe brings a modest flush of joy to the ranger’s heart and expression.
✧ Aragorn, too, enjoys taking some time to himself, so you find each other sharing watches in easy silence, just watching the stars together.
✧ When he sees a particular look in your eyes, though, a certain unease or exhaustion swimming therein, Aragorn reaches over, gently taking your hand and bringing a shy smile to your lips.
✧ You are the first person he seeks after danger strikes, calling your name or asking where you are until you are accounted for, when you see his body and expression finally relax again.
✧ His demeanor complements yours, neither of you loud contributors to conversation or even the first to speak at all. As a result he tends to stick by you and you by him, sharing looks like conversation.
✧ The others find this a bit disconcerting, sure. “Look, there they go again! They’re doing it! What secrets are you filling the poor soul’s head with now, pointy-ear?” Then you and Legolas are smiling to each other, suppressing laughter at the dwarf Gimli’s outburst; you notice Aragorn doing the same. Perhaps you do fit in with this group after all.
✧ Legolas finds himself seeking to bolster your confidence, offering compliments wherever he can. “You did not tell me you could shoot! I daresay you have some skill with my bow!” He looks at you with pride and maybe something else glowing in his eyes and his smile, especially at the way you smile down toward your feet, unsure what to say.
✧ It is actually Legolas who speaks up for you when others doubt you, telling them that just because you are shy does not mean you lack bravery.
✧ The flush of bashfulness you feel across your face only increases when Legolas adopts his habit of running a soothing hand up and down your back when you get embarrassed.
✧ “So this is the one Lord Elrond insisted on joining the journey! What secrets might you be hiding?” The other man, not the one dubbed Isildur’s heir but the man of Gondor, Boromir, had taken to teasing you and you weren’t sure how you felt. On the one hand, you liked his looks and he was the most welcoming in a sense, but on the other you were used to avoiding attention, so what were you to say to him?
✧ Sparring is his icebreaker, the proverbial olive branch that ends up connecting you both even as it brings up his old jokes. Combat skills, after all, being the lord of Rivendell’s deciding factor in your rounding out the fellowship to ten. The first time your instincts kicked in and you had Boromir pinned to the ground with great haste, he burst into laughter, saying that he has found your secret and now there is no hiding from him!
✧ No hiding in other senses as well, for he will take a seat by your side at night, asking if you have any memories of your home you’d like to share. Some nights you do not wish to speak, asking instead to hear of Gondor, and you know Boromir is happy to oblige, though his brother seems to be the only family member he wishes to speak of.
✧ The boldest among the fellowship, if Boromir catches your downward glances he will reach over and tilt your chin up, telling you not to hide your fair gaze away.
✧ Similarly, he takes up the habit of pushing back your hair or tucking it behind your ear if it is long enough as well as lowering your hood, little gestures to grant him sight of the face you try to hide once more.
✧ Unbeknownst to you, the fellowship’s resident dwarf has taken it upon himself to bring you cheer again, seeing your quiet and withdrawn demeanor and mistaking it for melancholy. He is at your side at once telling you funny stories and smiling proud as if he’s won a golden trophy when he makes you laugh!
✧ Misguided attempts at making you feel appreciated occur at times, like the time he told everyone to stop what they were doing and look at you, for you had something to say, causing you to shrink back and flush in surprise.
✧ Once he realizes that your troubles are nothing to do with sadness or feeling like an outsider, Gimli instead takes you under his wing to bring your confidence back up! “This game is an old dwarven favorite. I think you will do great at it- indeed, you might be the only worthy competition in this whole lot! Come on, then!”
✧ He pulls out a stone from some fold of his outfit one day. “You see this? This reminds me of you,” he says, holding up the round, dark rock, “you must think it just an ordinary piece of stone, no?” At that, you nod, for is it not? Indeed it isn’t, for the moment your head moves he throws it against the rock he stands upon and cracks it in two, revealing a hollow of beautiful glistening crystals inside. “Well, then you would be mistaken, for there is far more than meets the eye! That is what I like about you, you know. I hope you do, too.”
✧ As if that didn’t have enough heat creeping to your face, from that night in Gimli pitches his bedroll right next to yours and folds himself up right by you quite protectively.
✧ Frodo can be shy, too, so when you are faced with each other it is all bashful smiles and stolen glances!
✧ The best companion for a companionable silence, Frodo will sit by your side without any interruptions, the sound of breathing and the warm touch of his arm brushing against yours all the sensation you need to lighten the weights upon you.
✧ Studious as he is, Frodo does find himself asking you questions fairly often though, questions about the meanings of songs he catches you singing for example. Warmth rising to your cheeks, you first reply admitting your lack of awareness anyone could hear you. “Don’t worry, it is quite nice to hear song again,” Frodo tells you with a smile.
✧ Gets annoyed with any of the others if they try to push you to speak or do things you are not comfortable with, reminding them that you are ten, are you not, and anyone else could do it. You can’t help smiling even as you hide your face because you have never seen Frodo like this.
✧ You muse aloud about the ring one day, what little it might do or say to someone who prefers to keep hidden, but Frodo shuts down such talk immediately. “I will not have your heart changed for anything,” he tells you, head falling to your shoulder, “especially not on my account.”
✧ “Are the others getting to you? Don’t be afraid to tell them to bugger off.” This comment, delivered with a cheeky smile, makes you laugh, not expecting a bit of fire in the sweet hobbit who had introduced himself right away. He doesn’t mind that you keep to yourself, though.
✧ It’s just that sometimes he doesn’t let you. It’s healthier to have the company anyway, you know, such is just difficult for you to seek for yourself. Sam makes it easy in that way, always ending up where you are with a smile and an offer of food or water.
✧ “Mr. Bilbo always told me grand stories when I couldn’t say much- would you like to hear one of them? It’s my favorite!” “Of course I would, Sam. I would like that very much.”
✧ Sam stands in front of you in every fight, sometimes even extending an arm across you as if daring your possible enemy to even try. Every single time it warms your heart to see the determination in his eyes, even if you can fight for yourself.
✧ “You’re like a sunflower. Once you turn round to face the sun, everyone can see how lovely that smile is!”
✧ "Hello," the hobbit pops up in your line of vision, having sidled over to where you sat, "I don't believe we've met. Only saw you the once. At the council. My name is Meriadoc Brandybuck. Merry for short. What's your name?" It is a marvel to you how easily conversation comes to Merry. With a small smile, you introduce yourself, nervously running a hand over your hair. "That's a nice name. Don't be so afraid, all right? Lord Elrond believed in you. Quite an honor, that. And we'll all be right here with you."
✧ Always asking for your say, if you are alright with him keeping you company or sitting at your side until the day you tell him there is no need, he is always welcome.
✧ He notices the way you tend to fidget nervously, hands wringing or twisting the end of your sleeve, so one day he presents you with a little string of beads. “In case your hands ever want company,” he explains, blue eyes earnest as ever, “they’re from the Shire.” As if the gift was not meaningful enough as it was! You forget your shyness just long enough to wrap your arms around him, and when you pull away the wide, dreamy smile on his face makes the gesture well worth it.
✧ Tells you all the best stories of Shire mischief, teasing that had you been there, one look from those eyes of yours would have gotten you out of trouble!
✧ You’re the first one Merry looks to when a song starts up, but he seems to think better of it after extending his hand, asking if you’re be alright with a dance.
✧ Discrimination is not in Pippin's vocabulary, so when he sees you hanging back from the rest of the fellowship, he simply approaches you so you know you're included, too!
✧ From that moment on, Pippin becomes your comfort person. Always sitting by your side at the fire, no one else. The only one you’ll speak to when you are upset.
✧ Looks down at the ground too when you get really shy, thinking there’s something there before he realizes a little late.
✧ Whenever he and Merry get to singing, Pippin will offer you his hand, inviting you to dance and smiling at your reluctant but pleased face. If you are too shy to dance with others watching, then Pippin will simply take up his song only to find you later when there are no others, and no matter the terrain take you in his arms for a proper whirl...and maybe something slower, too.
✧ Feeds you first whenever it is his turn to pass out meals, sneaking you a little extra because he knows you will not be comfortable asking for more. Always dishes you up with a wink because of it!
Taglist: @lokilover476 @fuckyoumakeart @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 | Message/Reply/Ask to join 🥰
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camille-lachenille · 1 month
Day 5: Tears Unnumbered
A letter from the private archives of Lord Elrond of Rivendell, now kept in the Royal Archives of Arnor.
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My d[e]ar[es]t R[uk]o (name uncertain), I have high hopes for the battle to come so tr[y] [n]ot to fret too much (I know it […] like asking A[rie]n not to rise [b]ut try for me.) Here is a token of my [word illegible] to keep you safe (?). With [word illegilble], Fin[no]
Despite the obvious damage, this letter dated to the second half of the First Age is remarkably preserved from time thanks to countless layers of Elven enchantments. All the damage seems to have been inflicted during the lifetime of the person who received this letter (Elf Ruko), probably due to poor conditions of storage. The spots and smudges let the historians think they may be tears, for the paper shows no other sign of water damage, and some words are worn out by what may be frequent touch.
We may make the educated guess that this letter was re-read by the elf called Ruko after the battle as they mourned their friend Finno and was an object of high personal value. The historians of the First Age agree that the battle mentioned in this letter is likely to be the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the battles of Tears Unnumbered, as it fits in the timeframe this letter is dated from.
Despite its briefness, this letter is a precious and rare testimony of a close friendship between two soldiers, showing that, despite the state of semi-constant war of the First Age, there was an efficient messenger service between the Elven strongholds.
We know not how this letter ended in the keeping of Lord Elrond of Rivendell, nor why he put such care in its preservation, but this is one of the last written primary sources we have from the First Age and we can only be grateful it survived to this day to offer us a brief glimpse of two unknown, long dead Elves.
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fantasyworld4ever · 10 months
I would like to uno reverse and ask how the elves (yep, all the LOTR/hobbit elves you write for) would react to their s/o keeping them warm, whether it be with a blanket, an extra cloak, or even magically radiating warmth.
Istg this poor guy will survive the cold for you
You don’t realize it’s cold but when you look over at Elrond he’s quite literally shivering from cold
You quickly deduce that the poor ellon has stayed out simply because you were
You chuckle fondly, finding it sweet as you drape a coat/blanket over him and he blinks at you in surprise
He tries to protest but you glare at him and he shuts up
No, just no. 
This man will refuse to take your coat
Anyway, he wouldn't even be out in the cold
If he finds it cold, there is no way he’s letting you go out
Dude does not get cold
Have you seen him running through those snowy places?
Yeah, he's too jumpy to be cold
He will politely reject your coat if you ask though
This poor sweet innocent baby 😭
He won’t wait for you to offer it, he’s gonna just grab it then apologize as he wraps himself in it
Literally freezing
He’ll be okay, he snuggles against you for extra warmth
Dude patrols borders, he’s used to it
May actually fall asleep standing up in the cold
You just wrap the blanket around him and he’ll stir slightly
Poor bby, he’s so tired
He’ll hold you tight, swaddling you in the blanket too
He will snatch your blanket quicker than you can say his name
He’ll apologize but he aint sorry at all
He is COLD.
Let him have the damn blanket xD
Sweet bby
He won’t say anything even if the air is a bit chilly
He’ll do his best to hide it but you soon realize just how cold he is
“Thank you, meleth.” He’ll smile at you as you drape the blanket over his shoulders but insists you both share it
“My lady/lord, it’s cold” He’ll comment on the chilliness of the air as you stroll through the garden
No matter how many times you tell him to call you your name he will insist on using your title in public
When you give him your coat he looks surprised and tries to protest but soon gives in, wrapping it around himself
“Thank you, meleth…” He’ll whisper, his ears red
{Thanks for the request and hope it lives up to your expectations! Apologies for the wait. And as always, my inbox is open!}
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amethysttribble · 1 year
“He resembles Princess Luthien greatly,” Oropher said and Celeborn stiffened on instinct.
He side-eyed his kinsman, bracing for the impact of whatever came next. Oropher never made idle comments. Oropher epecially never made idle comments to him, not without the direct intention of starting a fight.
Celeborn hoped this wasn’t intended to be a fight. He’d promised Gil-galad, and more importantly, Galadriel, that they wouldn’t so much as bicker tonight. They were supposed to stand next to one another in solidarity and pretend like the High Council of Lindon wasn’t fracturing at the seams and about to fall apart, the direct consequence of Oropher’s words and desires and pride.
But right now, Oropher at least wasn’t speaking of their king- ‘I don’t remember choosing him, do you think you speak for all of us?’- but of the one standing next to him on the ballroom dais. Of perhaps the one person whose name and presence between them was just as, if not more, incendiary than Gil-galad’s. Poor Elrond.
“He does,” Celeborn replied mildly, biting his tongue before he could ask why Oropher was bringing this up now. It wasn’t like he’d never seen the young lord- no longer a boy, not a child by any race’s measure, though it was hard to remember- before. It wasn’t like they all didn’t meet and talk often enough.
“More than either Elwing or Earendil. Or her.”
And, ah. There it was.
“True enough,” Celeborn said, and he wasn’t sure if Oropher wanted him to agree or not, but he wasn’t going to lie.
Elrond took greatly after dear Aunt Luthien. In some lights it was slightly nerve wracking.
Oropher crossed his arms rather than reply immediately, his face closed off. Not stony or hard like at council meetings, but his thoughts and feelings were far away from any observer. He actually looked like the lord they pretended he was, rather than the rogue marchwarden he actually was; regal. When Oropher looked like that he reminded Celeborn of Galathil.
He looked away.
“I think, in the details though, they are more present. His cheeks, for example-“
“And it’s funny,” Oropher said, and he even huffed a very sad laugh, trying and failing to make it sound like he actually was joking. The two of them hadn’t shared a joke since… since.
Celeborn certainly wasn’t laughing. He closed his eyes and swallowed his annoyance at being interrupted. He knew Oropher did it on purpose, perpetually the preteen at his brother’s table delighting in ribald and shock.
And there were his words to consider.
“El-Elwing didn’t really take after Luthien very much.”
She didn’t. She’d taken after the person whose presence hung between Oropher and Celeborn like the unlight of Ungoliant, sucking the air out of the room. Which was a horrible legacy for someone they both loved so much, but grief did strange things to already strained relationships.
“I keep asking myself if there’s something about Earendil I’m forgetting.” Oropher was rambling now, highly uncharacteristic. Celeborn drew in a long breath and re-centered himself in anticipation for wherever this was headed. “Has Galadriel said anything about a resemblance to anyone in her family?”
Celeborn raised an eyebrow, but Oropher wouldn’t look at him. His eyes were locked somewhere past Elrond’s head. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed.
But Oropher acknowledging Galadriel’s family, Earendil’s family willingly?
Oropher had always seemed to operate under some purposeful mental dissonance, wherein he forced himself to think of Galadriel as some Telerin princess who had mystically made her way across the sea alone and by sheer force of will. And Earendil? He might as well have been prince to some lost, entirely independent Elven kingdom- not Sindar, not Laiquendi, certainly not Noldor- for how Oropher acted, for the most part.
He’d slipped in an argument about Gil-galad once when he shouted that, ‘Earendil was the only Noldo I would have ever had for my king and he’s gone!’
“She’s never made any special mention of a resemblance,” Celeborn said carefully. He didn’t want to call attention to the… mannerisms picked up from certain half-cousins that Galadriel had noticed. That wasn’t a resemblance, after all. “Why?”
“No particular reason,” he said, though it was becoming clear that there was a very particular reason, “just, many remark that his brother took after Earendil and I never saw it, so I-“
“I always thought Elros more so resembled Dior.”
Oropher’s head snapped over to finally look at him. He nodded, slow and low, not even slightly upset at being interrupted.
“Yes, I thought the same,” he said. “Funny that. Identical twins, but it’s in the- the bearing. Who they take after. Luthien and Dior.”
Celeborn fought off the shudder that threatened the shake him, to make him crack and crumble under the weight of the thing between him and Oropher that would never go away. He actually looked Oropher in the eye, and in that faraway gaze, this time he saw the same weakness.
“How much have you had to drink this evening?” Celeborn asked.
Oropher shrugged casually, with one shoulder, and that was plenty of answer. Surely he couldn’t be as drunk as either the time Celeborn found his and his friends deep into Galathil’s liquor cabinet or the night they drank themselves into a state in Sirion after… after. Still.
“That’s very unbecoming.”
“You see it though, right?” Oropher said, voice still uncharacteristically even, but when they met eyes…
He was such a weepy drunk.
“Elwing and Earendil’s boys, they carry themselves well,” he said, voice bitter as could be. “Beautiful, kind, clever, magnetic, the both of them. Princess Luthien’s wildness is in Elrond, and Dior’s wonder at the world is in Elros. They stand so tall. And, yes, you’re right, Elwing and Earendil are there in the margins, but there’s also- also them. And so much space is taken up, our- Lothig is eaten whole.”
Hearing Nimloth’s childhood nickname come out of Oropher’s mouth was like being stabbed. There was no more air. Just like that, Celeborn was drowning.
“You should be proud,” he hissed back, trying to keep his head above water. “That is a fine legacy to resemble, our princess, our king. We loved them as well. At least, I did.”
Oropher wasn’t listening. He never did.
“Do you think any of these people-“ he swept his arm out to gesture at the entire room, the entirety of Lindon’s court; Noldor, Sindar, Nandor, Men and Dwarves in the margins, and one peredhil. “-care that they killed her?”
“Don’t put that on him,” Celeborn snapped quietly, “he doesn’t owe you grief for someone he never knew-“
“I don’t care what Elrond feels, I can’t even look at him,” Oropher spat out, every word sounding pained, and there was torment in his whisper quiet voice.
That whisper, more than anything, tipped Celeborn off to the fact that this conversation wasn’t just one of their drunken spats about trading blame.
“I would have raised that boy like we raised his mother and your brother raised me,” Oropher said, “but that didn’t happen, and I can’t look at him. He looks like Luthien. His brother looks like Dior. And that’s a wonderful thing for everyone else in this room, isn’t it? That’s hope. The beautiful king taken too soon reborn and the Nightengale who stole her happy ending walking among us, and that’s such a lovely end to this tale for them. But what about for us, Celeborn?”
For Celeborn? Celeborn was shaking with the effort it was taking to keep his breathing even. Galadriel touched the edge of his fea to ask if he was okay. He gently pushed her away.
Oropher was right about one thing, this was about their family; about Doriath and Menegorth and being the last two members of Thingol’s inner court on this shore.
Eru Iluvatar, how did it end up being them? Just a pair of hot-headed youths with the weight an entire dead kingdom on their shoulders.
“Gondolin and Nargothrond are gone too,” he replied, the words dull even to his ears. “Hithlum and Dorthonion, half of Ossiriand, and even Himlad and Thargelion. It’s about building something new for all of us. Hope is not a bad thing.”
“It’s different for us.”
Yes. It was. Because Doriath and Sirion need not have fallen like that, and the monsters who took their homes and their loved ones from them weren’t even defeated. They faded, sad and pathetic and allowed to escape by everyone and everything but their prize, and there was no catharsis in that.
And in this kingdom they spoke Sindarin, but they took a Noldorin king who ruled through Noldorin traditions- with a few of Cirdan’s lessons thrown in there- in a city built by Noldorin hands. After his death, Thingol had lost his war of cultural influence. Badly.
“No one here remembers her but us, Celeborn,” Oropher urged. “They remember our heroes and our most tantalizing tragedies, but they don’t remember her. They don’t see her. She’s just one more dead wife and mother, if they get that far, but not a cousin, a niece-“
“Enough, Oropher.”
“-an astrologist, a troublemaker, a queen, a girl who was so scared of being outshined-“
“Oropher!” Celeborn snapped, more harshly than he meant to. It made Oropher stop long enough that he could put a hand on his shoulder, though.
“Oropher, you’re weeping.”
He blinked harshly, then brought up a hand to wipe at his cheek. When he pulled away, Celeborn could see how wet the palm was. Oropher glared at the remnant of his tears like they’d personally offended him.
He muttered, half to himself, “Surely you can’t keep living like this. Ignoring what was done to us because it’s awkward and inconvenient for the new age they’re building.”
Could he? Celeborn didn’t know. He was trying. Galadriel was trying; she had as many wounds as him she was trying to swallow for the sake of something new and bright. But it was hard. Lindon made Celeborn feel old, somehow. But with Oropher he was always just a boy again, strutting around Menegroth, trying to make his place, being too loud and too proud and too sure of himself.
Perhaps that was part of why they couldn’t stop fighting. Always just boys when together. And those boys, they had a few things in common.
Doriath, Galathil, and Nimloth were in Oropher. And when Oropher looked at him, those same things were in Celeborn. There was no place for those things in this new world.
Because Doriath, Galathil, and Nimloth were forever gone on this shore. Oropher needed to realize that. Not matter how much it fucking hurt.
“Go to bed, Oropher,” Celeborn told him softly. “You’re drunk and emotional. You’ll embarrass your son. He’s one of those young people looking for something new. Something hopeful.”
And when they looked back towards Gil-galad’s dais and the youths surrounding him, there was Thranduil, charming smile on his face, making Elrond toss his head back and laugh. If anyone took after Nimloth, it was him; her mother and Oropher’s had been identical twins.
Celeborn’s hand was suddenly colder and hanging in the air. He turned back to the kid who showed up one day and took so much of his older brother’s attention and who he’d never forgiven for that small slight. Oropher was composed and looking like Galathil once more.
“I hate that you’re right,” he whispered. “And he probably needs me to be better than this. But I can’t be better here.”
And he left.
The next week, Oropher would formally announce his intention to travel east and settle there, alongside anyone who would join him. Celeborn, to the surprise of every other council member but Galadriel, raised no objection. Very briefly, the thought crossed his mind to join Oropher.
But that desire faded quickly. The envy didn’t, though, not for many, many years.
Not until the day he planted a little silver tree in Lothlorien.
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kat651 · 5 months
imagine: finding out lindir is highly ticklish and using it to your advantage.
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Lindir sighed and collapsed in a couch. You went over and sat next to him. “You ok?”
He let his head fall in your shoulder. “I’m exhausted.”
You smiled and gently wrapped your arm around him. He’d been courting you for about a month now and you were slowly testing boundaries, not wanting to push him to far. 
You slowly rubbed up and down his side and suddenly he flinched, back arching. 
You looked at him with worry. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?”
You knelt before him, slowly lifting his shirt so you could see his side. “You flinched, let me see…” you saw no cut or bruise so you slowly ran your hand along his side again and he twitched again. 
“Lindir…” you whispered, gently pressing. He let out a sound. “What? Did that hurt?” You asked, fingers spreading out across his side. 
“No it just…” he made a face. “That tickles!”
“What? This?” You rolled your fingers over his side and he squealed. 
“Y/N!!!” He said as he burst into laughter. “Stahahahp!” He begged as he laughed. 
You ticked him until his ears began to redder and he clutched his sides. 
“There, you’re in a better mood now, mr. grumpy face.”
He shook his head. “Why are you so annoying?”
“Yes! Annoying!”
“You take that back.”
Lindir shook his head. “No.”
You sighed and shrugged. “Then you leave me on choice…” you attacked his sides again and he shrieked.
Lord Elrond heard his assistant’s destress and ran to see what was the matter. 
Lindir was in his back, laying on the couch as he begged for mercy. “Ok ok I take it back! Please staaap!!!” He noticed lord Elrond and turned red from embarrassment before calling out. “My lord! Help me!” 
Elrond smiled. “Oh yes, I’ll help…” he came over and lean to you. “Yah know… I think his feet may be a better target…”
Lindir screeched. “How dare you!!!” He gasped shocked that lord Elrond would ensue in the shenanigans. 
You positioned yourself so Linder couldn’t move and began to tickle his feet. 
“Y/nnnn!!! Can’t… breathe…”
You ignored him. 
Elrond spoke up. “Ok, I think that’s enough, his face is red as a tomato.”
You stoped and stood, leaving an exhausted, slightly sweaty Lindir to try and catch his breath. “Y-y/n…”
“Now my side hurts…”
You burst into laughter. “My poor sweet lindir! What am I gonna do with you? Do you need me to pamper you with kisses and get you some tea as I sing you a song?”
He smiled, eyes still closed. “That actually sounds nice…”
Elrond shook his head. “Lindir, you’ve the rest of the day off…”
Once lord Elrond was gone you knelt next to the couch and immediately began to cover him in kisses. 
He chuckled slightly from the feeling it left and pretty soon he grabbed you and pulled you in for a kiss on the lips. “Thank you, y/n…”
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sotwk · 3 days
Hey i found your page by accident and i can definitely say that it was one of the best accidents i have ever had, because i love thranduil and his fans...but i like the book version of him more, but still Lee did a great job to make this charecter alive in my opinion.
Now imagine what Thranduil might have felt when he heard that his only son went into suicidal mission to save the world...
I have seen many hcs and memes Elrond telling him this and Thranduil going apeshit and all protecfive dad mode because of his green leaf. Poor Elrond!
By the way your blog is amazing and as a writer i am telling you that your fics are good as well!
Stay healthy and well!💕
What a happy accident that you found my blog, and I'm so glad to have you here, and that you like what you see! <3
It's funny that you mention that popular headcanon regarding Thranduil's reaction to Legolas's joining the Fellowship, under Elrond's watch. In the SotWK AU, Thranduil and Elrond do have a strong bond of friendship, which developed originally from Elrond's kinship with Elvenqueen Maereth. But there were certainly periods of time when the two elf-lords' relationship was challenged and strained; one major disagreement in particular, involving Thranduil's son Turhir, led to them not speaking at all for almost two centuries.
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So definitely, when Thranduil finds out that Elrond was once again involved in risking the life of his last remaining son, he was far from pleased. However, Thranduil is also greatly wise, and by then had learned to respect and trust in Legolas's judgement, regardless of how he felt about Elrond's hand in the matter. So his reaction to the news was probably not that extreme. Besides, by the time Legolas had gone off on his quest with the Fellowship, Thranduil had his own serious problems to deal with!
Thank you for your sweet message and for sharing your thoughts; I hope you are well too! :)
I apologize for the delay in this response; I want you to know I have been reading your message repeatedly since I've received it, and it has brought me so much joy. Thank you and bless you for your kindness!
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witchthewriter · 8 months
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𝑳𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
Okay, I've finished watching all of the Lord of the Rings movies - without interruption or being on my phone. So I gotta say - Frodo is a bit of a bitch.
| 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐞
This Hobbit was constantly by Frodo's side. Unfailing in his loyalty. If it wasn't for Mr Gamgee, the ring wouldn't have been destroyed?! He kept Frodo going, and even though "he couldn't carry the ring," he said, "okay bet, i'll carry you then." AND THREW FRODO OVER HIS SHOULDER AND KEPT GOING.
Now, maybe I wouldn't be as ticked off, if the other characters' gave Sam the same respect as Frodo. When Gandalf swooped in the eagles, and brought to safety, everyone went into Frodo's room. And poor Sam was left behind, standing at the door, watching on as everyone showed their love to Frodo.
| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭
Okay, so there are 3 main female characters. Throughout the whole series.
Arwen (love interest of Aragorn, yes she did save Frodo and brought him to safety).
Galadriel (who spoke for like 10 minutes throughout the whole series? Married.)
Eowyn (Who falls in love with Aragorn, even though she wants to fight for her kingdom and her family. But she still had to fall in love with someone ... and if she couldn't have Aragorn, then she had Faramir). So she did fight in the first battle, but where was she when the army went to the Black Gates??
I think this is why it's taken me so long to get through the whole trilogy because there weren't any female characters I could relate to. Who actively helped against the antagonist.
| 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐲 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐱𝐲
I'm going to say it with my whole chest, I think Gandalf the Grey is sexy. But when he became ... what, the white wizard? He became less sexy. HOWEVER, where was his magic? Did I miss a major plot point? Because why was Arwen dying? And why was there a big eye, where was the actual physical villain? (If anyone wants to answer these questions, please(!) do so).
| 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 … 𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬?
Because why were there only Legolas and Gimli there to help? Elrond snuck into Rohan's camp and told Aragorn of the orcs on corsairs coming, and gave him the sword. But why couldn't other Elves and Dwarfs help the Men? Because even if it wasn't their war to fight, they would still be in deep shit if Sauron won?
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hey remember elrond didn’t want the young hobbits to go with the fellowship and gandalf was like nahh let them come and then??? it turned out to be necessary for Boromir’s salvation-- 
“Poor Boromir! I could not see what happened to him. It was a sore trial for such a man: a warrior and a lord of men. Galadriel told me that he was in peril. But he escaped in the end. I am glad. It was not in vain that the young hobbits came with us, if only for Boromir’s sake.” 
like would he have confessed and received the absolution for trying to take the ring had he not been dying? that he made up for his sins in the only way he could be defending the weak who could not defend themselves and giving his life for them? 
(also maybe i’m extrapolating the kiss of absolution but it makes me cry and i think the Conquering is not just the many orc he slaughtered but overcoming the Ring even though he did succumb to it --- and it’s from a King and Healer so--
“I tried to take the Ring from Frodo,” he said. “I am sorry. I have paid” ..... “Farewell, Aragorn! Go to Minis Tirith and save my people. I have failed” “No!” said Aragorn, taking his hand and kissing his brow. “You have not failed. You have conquered. Few have gained such a victory. Be at peace! Minis Tirith shall not fall.” Boromir smiled
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Winter colds: Ada Lord Elrond x sick elfling reader (male and female).
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Age: 6 reader Chan/Kun is Elronds youngest child and He/She catches a cold while playing in the snow with the twins.
Ion nin-my son.
Iel nin-my daughter.
Nethig-little sister.
Honeg-little brother.
Reader Kun version:
You rolled a small ball of snow for your snow hobbit while your brothers threw snowballs at each other.
Your father was away to Mirkwood and left your brothers in charge of you for five weeks.
After you finished making the body of your snow Hobbit you began gathering sticks for the arms and hair and stones for the eyes, mouth and buttons then you made the feet out of snow with sticks for the feet hair.
Happy with your work you admired the snow Hobbit “Great job Honneg.” Elladan said patting your head of Blond hair making you beam up at him until you began sneezing then coughing alerting your eldest brother Elrohir “What’s wrong little one?” He asked gently picking you up and feeling your forehead “By the stars you’re burning up.” He said taking you back to the palace with Elladan in toe, when you three reached the healers they looked you over “He just needs plenty of bed rest.” The healer said giving you a brew that will slow down the fever.
After taking the bitter tasting elixir you buried your head in your brother’s shoulder as you let out a cough “Poor Y/N.” He said patting your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck “Let’s get you to bed and have the cooks make you soup.” Elladan said.
In your room You’re changed into a nightshirt and placed in your bed by your big brother “Get some sleep Honneg.” Elrohir said placing a wet towel on your forehead and gently stroking your hair “When is Ada coming home?” You asked coughing a bit “He’ll be home-“ Elrohir didn’t get to finish as the door swung open to reveal to his surprise your father “Adar? I thought you wouldn’t be home in two weeks.” Your oldest brother said “The meeting ended earlier than expected so I got to come home early. And I heard that Y/N caught a cold.” He said walking over to your bedside and gently placing a hand on your warm forehead “We were just playing in the snow.” You said coughing “I know Ion nin. But you must stay inside until you’re better.” He said gently patting your back until the door opened once again “I got the soup! Oh Adar, you’re home early.” Elladan said walking over and sitting the bowl on your nightstand that your father took and gently spoon feed you “Did you take him to the healers?” Elrond asked the twins making sure the soup was cooled down “Aye! Adar.” Elrohir said standing by the taller but younger twin.
After you finished eating your soup Elrond tucked you in then he and your brothers walked out of your bedroom.
In his study Elrond examined the twins to make sure they didn’t catch colds “No playing in the snow for a while, there is supposed to be a blizzard tonight and I want one of you to stay with your brother, in his room incase his fever goes high.” He said making preparations for the blizzard.
That night there was indeed a blizzard over Rivendell, Elladan stayed with you that night but before bed you had to take a bath and your sheets needed to be changed.
When your father learned about your fever decreasing he decided to stay with you that night and brew another elixir for your fever “My poor elfling.” He said replacing the wet towel and crawled into bed with you.
2 weeks later:
You slowly started feeling better but you’re nose was still stuffy and you still had to stay inside but with your father’s skills in healing your cold slowly started to go down more with help from the elixir and some rest.
King Thranduil and Prince Legolas came to Rivendell for a meeting and Legolas brought you a box of sweets from Mirkwood “Welcome Mellon nin.” Elrond said greeting the Mirkwood royals “Thank you Elrond.” Thranduil said “Where’s Y/N and the twins?” Legolas asked “Their in Y/N’s room. Y/N caught a bad cold playing in the snow.” Your father said “Can I see them?” The prince asked “Of course, I’m sure Y/N would love to see you Legolas.” Your father said leading the royals to your bedroom.
Elrond slowly opened the door to see you sitting on your bed listening to the twins telling you what happened on patrol along with a funny prank they pulled with Legolas when they were elflings “Tomato soup ran down his hair and into his armor.” They said laughing with you having a look of admiration in your eyes “Then what happened?” You asked clutching your stuffed Oliphant “We got our backsides heated up and had to do the dishes for 3 weeks.” Legolas said walking into the room “Legolas.” You said excitedly as he walked to your bedside and gave you the box of sweets “Thank you Leggy.” You said excitedly “You’re welcome little warrior.” He said happy to see that you’re doing better as you shared the sweets “Here is the young Lords lunch My lord.” A maid said bringing in your lunch “Thank you Jade.” Your father said as the she elf brought you your lunch that consisted of vegetable soup and juice.
After Jade left the room you began eating and you heard more stories before falling asleep after eating all of your food.
Reader Chan version:
You rolled a small ball of snow for your snow hobbit while your brothers threw snowballs at each other.
Your father was away to Mirkwood and left your brothers in charge of you for five weeks.
After you finished making the body of your snow Hobbit you began gathering sticks for the arms and hair and stones for the eyes, mouth and buttons then you made the feet out of snow with sticks for the feet hair.
Happy with your work you admired the snow Hobbit “Great job Nethig.” Elladan said patting your head of Blond hair making you beam up at him until you began sneezing then coughing alerting your eldest brother Elrohir “What’s wrong little one?” He asked gently picking you up and feeling your forehead “By the stars you’re burning up.” He said taking you back to the palace with Elladan in toe, when you three reached the healers they looked you over “She just needs plenty of bed rest.” The healer said giving you a brew that will slow down the fever.
After taking the bitter tasting elixir you buried your head in your brother’s shoulder as you let out a cough “Poor Y/N.” He said patting your back as you wrapped your arms around his neck “Let’s get you to bed and have the cooks make you soup.” Elladan said.
In your room you’re changed into a nightgown and placed in your bed by your big brother “Get some sleep Nethig.” Elrohir said placing a wet towel on your forehead and gently stroking your hair “When is Ada coming home?” You asked coughing a bit “He’ll be home-“ Elrohir didn’t get to finish as the door swung open to reveal to his surprise your father “Adar? I thought you wouldn’t be home in two weeks.” Your oldest brother said “The meeting ended earlier than expected so I got to come home early. And I heard that Y/N caught a cold.” He said walking over to your bedside and gently placing a hand on your warm forehead “We were just playing in the snow.” You said coughing “I know Iel nin. But you must stay inside until you’re better.” He said gently patting your back until the door opened once again “I got the soup! Oh Adar, you’re home early.” Elladan said walking over and sitting the bowl on your nightstand that your father took and gently spoon feed you “Did you take her to the healers?” Elrond asked the twins making sure the soup was cooled down “Aye! Adar.” Elrohir said standing by the taller but younger twin.
After you finished eating your soup Elrond tucked you in then he and your brothers walked out of your bedroom.
In his study Elrond examined the twins to make sure they didn’t catch colds “No playing in the snow for a while, there is supposed to be a blizzard tonight and I want one of you to stay with your sister, in her room incase her fever goes high.” He said making preparations for the blizzard.
That night there was indeed a blizzard over Rivendell, Elladan stayed with you that night but before bed you had to take a bath and your sheets needed to be changed.
When your father learned about your fever decreasing he decided to stay with you that night and brew another elixir for your fever “My poor elfling.” He said replacing the wet towel and crawled into bed with you.
2 weeks later:
You slowly started feeling better but you’re nose was still stuffy and you still had to stay inside but with your father’s skills in healing your cold slowly started to go down more with help from the elixir and some rest.
King Thranduil and Prince Legolas came to Rivendell for a meeting and Legolas brought you a box of sweets from Mirkwood “Welcome Mellon nin.” Elrond said greeting the Mirkwood royals “Thank you Elrond.” Thranduil said “Where’s Y/N and the twins?” Legolas asked “Their in Y/N’s room. Y/N caught a bad cold playing in the snow.” Your father said “Can I see them?” The prince asked “Of course, I’m sure She’ll love to see you Legolas.” Your father said leading the royals to your bedroom.
Elrond slowly opened the door to see you sitting on your bed listening to the twins telling you what happened on patrol along with a funny prank they pulled with Legolas when they were elflings “Tomato soup ran down his hair and into his armor.” They said laughing with you having a look of admiration in your eyes “Then what happened?” You asked clutching your stuffed Oliphant “We got our backsides heated up and had to do the dishes for 3 weeks.” Legolas said walking into the room “Legolas.” You said excitedly as he walked to your bedside and gave you the box of sweets “Thank you Leggy.” You said excitedly “You’re welcome little warrior.” He said happy to see that you’re doing better as you shared the sweets “Here is the young Lady’s lunch My lord.” A maid said bringing in your lunch “Thank you Jade.” (You can change it if it’s your name) Your father said as the she elf brought you your lunch that consisted of vegetable soup and juice.
After Jade left the room you began eating and you heard more stories before falling asleep after eating all your food.
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tamurilofrivendell · 1 year
Light In The Dark | Frodo x Reader
Pairing: Frodo/Fem. Reader Summary: You and Frodo are snuggling together, and Frodo suddenly rolls over and wraps his arms around you in his sleep. Requested by @fandomsarefamily1966​​ Content: Just fluff really.
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Rivendell was truly beautiful and the skills and hospitality of Lord Elrond were welcome indeed. With the danger of the attack at Weathertop safely behind you, everyone's fears had been assuaged and you could all get some much needed rest and relief from your travels. You had done your share of exploring already, amazed by the beauty of this secret haven. The elves of Imladris were very welcoming - even gifting you, a stranger, with some of the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen once you'd gotten out of your dirty travel gear - and you felt like you could easily be at home here. However, you were still slightly distracted by thoughts of your friends, especially Frodo, who had only that very day agreed to take the ring onwards to Mordor instead of leaving the task to another and heading home.
Lord Elrond had decided that the so called Fellowship of the Ring would stay in Rivendell a while longer before embarking upon their quest. A little more information about Sauron was needed before departing was an option, and there were maps to read over and plans to make. You were content enough to stay here forever, and Frodo had all but begged you to remain behind, but you would not hear of it. You would not leave your friends to throw themselves headlong into danger alone.
Frodo was recovering well but you had overheard that his wound would not fully heal and he would bear the scars of it for the rest of his life. He didn't deserve all of this, poor sweet Frodo, and you wished there was some way that you could help him.
That night, you found that you could not sleep and so you took to walking the halls, gazing at the grand paintings on the walls and looking out over the gorgeous views. Still, you were restless, and you soon found your way to the room Frodo was staying in, hesitating briefly before lifting your hand and knocking gently on the wooden door. The silence stretched for a second too long and you supposed that he had already fallen asleep so you turned to take your leave.
"Come in!" You heard suddenly from the other side of the door.
Turning back, your fingers grasped the handle and you pushed the door open, peering inside with a soft smile. Frodo was sitting up under the covers of the bed, Bilbo's book open in his lap, gaze glued to the pages. When he looked up at you, his face broke into a smile.
"I thought you would be asleep by now!" He exclaimed.
You wrung your hands and shrugged a little sheepishly. "For some reason, I cannot find much rest tonight."
Frodo's smile faded, his features morphing into a gentle frown. He closed Bilbo's book and set it off to the side, reaching a hand out and patting the empty space of the bed beside him. "What is it that troubles you?" He asked, watching as you moved over and clambered up onto the large bed beside him.
"I don't really know." You admitted, shrugging. "My mind simply does not seem to want to shut off."
"Well." Frodo said. "You will stay here with me. Two is much better than one, after all. Even if you do not wish to talk." His smile returned, softer. "We can lie in simple silence if you wish."
You smiled back at him, nodding. "Only if you do not mind. You seemed very interested in Bilbo's book, I would not wish to keep you from it."
Frodo waved off your worry, shaking his head. "Believe me, I know that story front and back by now." He chuckled. "And I have already read the book... I was just looking through it a second time. He's very proud of it." His smile turned fond as he thought of his uncle. "As he should be."
You talked with Frodo for a while longer, about home and about the others and about Rivendell. Though, before long your discussion became more serious as you talked about the journey that lay behind you and also the other, much bigger journey, the one that lay ahead.
Eventually the two of you lapsed into a comfortable silence, Frodo finally lying down with his head on the pillow and you beside him on the other side. He'd been right - two was better than one - and you were feeling a lot more settled.
A few more minutes passed and you heard Frodo eventually drift off to sleep, the melody of his breathing a telltale sound, the back of his curly head to you as dreams finally took him. You smiled to yourself as you let your own eyes drift shut, though sleep would still not come. He needed it more than you did anyway.
You weren't sure how long you lay there, listening to the sound of Frodo's gentle breathing and the twittering of some night-time birds out on the balcony, before you became aware of movement.
At first you thought that Frodo had woken up but when you opened your eyes, squinting at him through the dim light of the moon streaming in through the window, it became apparent that he hadn't. His eyes were still closed and his breathing was still slow and deep. That wasn't what you really focused on though, you were far more fixed upon the fact that, as he had rolled over in his slumber and snuggled a little closer to you, his arm had seemed to seek you out. He'd wrapped it around you and you were now quite caught in his languid embrace... not that you minded.
Frodo slept on, a content look on fair features, as you gazed at his face in the moonlight. You could feel the warmth of his body and the rise and fall of his chest, the protective, comforting feeling of his arm. With a small smile, you nestled a little closer, and let your eyes close once more.
Sleep finally found you then, and you could not recall a time you had slept more soundly.
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Galadriel in the Rings of Power, part 3: Women's stories don't matter
This post continues my analysis of Galadriel as she is portrayed in the Amazon series The Rings of Power - and why I think it is so very bad. Part 1 focused on the the portrayal of her being a warrior, and the many problems it creates for her character and possibly even for LOTR, whereas part 2 argued that what is supposed to be war trauma is actually just an awful personality.
Part 1 x Part 2
This post will examine the rather misogynistic implications of the show's changes to Galadriel's story.
I will post my arguments in a few different posts, because that should make the whole much more readable. I will use the tags #anti rop and #anti rings of power for the benefit of those who may want to filter my posts.
If you like Amazon Rings of Power, I have no issue with that; I only take issue with how a character I've loved for over a decade is portrayed in this show.
3. By erasing Melian and Celebrían from Galadriel's story, the show undermines meaningful relationships between women and implies that women's stories are not worth telling unless their occupation fits masculine ideals. 
Common criticism of Tolkien is the lack of female characters in his legendarium (although there are many very compelling female characters in The Silmarillion, including Galadriel). But Amazon has actually one-upped him in this by erasing meaningful relationships Galadriel has with her mentor and her daughter. As stated in part 1 of this series, Melian's absence from Galadriel's life creates problems for The Lord of the Rings because without Melian, she doesn't have the experience and skills she needs to have in order to help the Fellowship (and ultimately contribute to the success of the quest to destroy the Ring). Needless to say, it's problematic to undermine skills, art and crafts that are specifically linked to feminine sphere, especially when this is done so that a character fits masculine ideals.
All ROP!Galadriel's relationships are with and about men: her dead (but living in Valinor) brother, her grudging subordinates, some kind of friendship between her and Elrond although there seems to be a lack of mutual respect, the manipulative and ultimately very detrimental nonsense with Halbrand/Sauron, and Gil-galad who appears to view her as a problem to be solved, not an asset. She has no female friends and her relationship with Míriel is ambivalent at best. (Can you imagine the interactions Galadriel might have had with Dísa, though? It's a tantalising thought. It could have also been used as a way to establish why Galadriel is so respectful of Gimli.)
As stated before, at this point of her story, Galadriel should be married and mother to a grown daughter. There is some variation about the timeline, thanks to Tolkien's shifting ideas about Galadriel's history, but it is safe to say that her marriage to Celeborn and Celebrían's birth took place in the early centuries of the Second Age. In part 1, I also argued that in the show's timeline, the time she would have had with Celeborn would not have been enough to marry, especially if he was actually lost in the wars of the First Age. I find it very poor writing that the show fixates on the few lines about Galadriel's athletic feats, but then ignores Tolkien's fairly clear writing on how Elves did not marry or have children when they were preoccupied with war.
Be that as it may, ROP does allow Galadriel to be married (however briefly), but not a parent. The absence of Celebrían leads me to believe that she is born at some later time during the show - and the cynic in me is convinced that the show will use motherhood as a solution to Galadriel's issues, enabling her transformation into the powerful Elven queen - as if becoming a mother is a fulfillment of woman's story, not a part of it. But even if children are supposedly a woman's higher calling, masculine traits and occupations are still more important and more compelling. Hence the part of Galadriel's story that involves motherhood is delayed to a much later time, so that she may run around Middle-earth, swinging a sword and pursuing a revenge fantasy (which, of course, ultimately fails, at least in the sense that she does not get to personally bring down Sauron). 
If you ask me, it's a particularly bad move to change a woman's story so that she is presented as an action hero and her womanhood and parenthood are a resolution of her life, not the intrinsic part of it. 
4. ROP!Galadriel's motives and agenda are not about herself, but about men. 
In The Silmarillion, it is shown that Galadriel is proud and ambitious, and wants to rule her own realm in Middle-earth. She wants to try her skills outside the safety of Valinor and build something of her own. After the War of Wrath, she refuses the pardon of Valar and remains in Middle-earth, because she is still proud: she believes that if she returns to the Blessed Lands, it would be as a shamed Exile who does not even have the permission to dwell in Aman proper but in Tol Eressëa. However, in Middle-earth she is still mighty and powerful, respected by both Elves and Men. She still wants to be an active participant in the events of Middle-earth and shape the course of the future. Her ambition and pride are not yet spent: she won't take "the second best" in the Undying Lands, when she can still stand at the top of the food chain in Middle-earth. 
There is also the version that Galadriel is actively banned from returning to Valinor as a leader of the rebellion. Later on Tolkien's thinking of her story changes further and Galadriel's desire to sail for Middle-earth is unrelated to the unrest of Noldor and she is not presented as a rebel leader. This late version, I think, is not as compelling and does contradict The Lord of the Rings. FOTR appears to derive from the version where there's a ban against Galadriel's return into the West, where she now yearns to go back after millenia of exile. But when she rejects the Ring and the temptation of becoming a terrible dark queen in her own right, she "passes the test", she will diminish and go into the West. In other words, she finally rejects her own pride and ambition. Moreover, this refusal and the crucial help she gives to the Fellowship are said to be the reason she is allowed to sail in the end of ROTK. 
All the same, no matter what version by Tolkien you look at, in canon Galadriel is the mistress of her own fate and her ambitions, and her flaws and her overcoming them are her own. Galadriel's story is about Galadriel. 
It has been extensively argued and shown in other posts criticising the show how Galadriel's agency is thrown out of the window so that all she does in ROP is obsess about men - to the point where her big moment in FOTR and the refusal of the Ring (supposedly, the reason she is granted leave to return to Valinor) is not about her own pride and ambition, but about Sauron. So I won't go into that in this post. But I will say this much: in LOTR, it is  made clear that the victory over Sauron is still a defeat for the Elves. Much that was magical and wondrous will pass with him and the time for the Dominion of Men begins. Lothlórien will fade away. In helping the Fellowship of the Ring Galadriel essentially sacrifices her own ambition and influence over the matter and fates of Arda. But with ROP's portrayal, this aspect of Galadriel's fight against Sauron is lost.
Furthermore, it is apparently because of her that Sauron resumes to his evil ways. The show changes Galadriel  from being one of Sauron's chief enemies and her opposing him even when he was still seemingly fair and helpful, to the situation where she cannot recognise him for what he is and is responsible for his return - and for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and uncountable suffering that will result from it. 
I expect I don't need to explain why this is bad.
It is also very unclear to me what she expected to do once she found Sauron. Fights between Elves and Maiar in the form of Balrogs are notoriously fatal, and Sauron must be even stronger than a Balrog, considering he is Morgoth's first lieutenant. Is ROP!Galadriel trying to go down in a blaze of (vain)glory? As the final scene of the first season between her and Sauron shows, she is and always was hopelessly outmatched and she doesn't seem to have any plan except to just stab him. Are you telling me that she spent a millenia hunting for him without any idea about his abilities and how to respond to them, and how to bring him down?
What I gather from all this is that for ROP, and for the people who created the show, women's stories, friendship between women, and women's ambitions don't matter. Or, it was thought that the only way Galadriel would be interesting to the TV audience is as an action hero. This could also be because the creative team responsible for ROP simply can't write a good script.
Surely, it's nice to see women in diverse roles, being warriors and protectors and guardians. But it's also important to see how these roles tie to masculine ideals, and that if you discard a woman's already existing story so that she can fulfill this particular role, then your take is not particularly empowering anymore.
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luna-redamancy · 2 years
I also have a simple request for a moment where you just want something simple, a female reader amongst the elves, but she has glasses, what happens? That's up to you😊
I'm so sorry it took me so long to get this posted! Here you go, lovey! I chose to do it with Elrond and Lindir, as if she was living in Rivendell:
“What is that?” Lindir’s voice was curious, not judgemental as you approached, adjusting your tunic as you just got off horseback before you came to visit. 
“What’s what?” You paused, looking at your attire. Sure, you had quite a few dirt splotches on your pants, and maybe your tunic was a little well worn- 
“On your face, is it jewelry?” Elrond inquired, knowing what his advisor was truly asking. 
“My face?” You then recalled the delicate wire frames that sat upon the bridge of your nose. You made a noise of realization before a soft laugh escaped you. “It is an accessory, yes, but it allows me to see better.” You explained, taking off the pair of glasses.
“You have a vision impairment?” Lindir asked, carefully taking the frames from you and holding them up in the light to get a better view. 
“Well, a few years ago I was assisting a friend in arranging her pantry, and well,” You remembered the day vividly, how the iron fell on your head and how for the rest of the day your head hurt, and your vision was skewed. Ever since then, you have needed glasses to see correctly. 
You could manage to get around just fine without them, with a little eye strain you were able to read and write and go about your daily life. So, when you accidentally sat on them after finishing your nighttime bathing routine, you never bothered to get them replaced until you left to visit family. 
“I’ve never seen you with such a device,” Elrond commented, his father like nature oozing through his tone as he raised a brow at you. “I’ve heard of the ailments that befall humans when their eyesight is impaired. Dizziness, headaches, strained eyes, swollen eyes,” He ranted off the symptoms as you sheepishly rubbed the back of your neck. 
“I should wear them during the day, yes, but it’s truly only really troublesome when it’s dark out.”
“Hm,” Elrond side-eyed you before holding his hand out to Lindir to be passed the wire frames. 
“Very delicate,” He murmured, “We must send our doctors to (Y/n)’s homeland,” Elrond decided. While poor eyesight didn’t affect elves, it did affect humans. The House of Lord Elrond was a refuge to many, humans included. It would only be fitting that they had all the medical services they needed…As well as the adorable woman who worked with the Lord himself on the daily. 
Forever Tag: @lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection @ladylouoflothlorien​ @ten-tenya-iida ​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass @wilhelmyna @tigereyesf​ @aspookybunny @keijibum @moony-artnstuff @sirkekselord @guardianofrivendell @fluffymadamina @izbelross @fandomhoe101 @acahope311 @kitkatd7 @mooseetx @themerriweathermage @elvish-sky @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @laurfilijames @frequentlychangingfandoms@cameronsails @linasofia @starryeyedrogue @shethereadinghobbit @beenovel @onlystarshere @fckmini @spidergirla5 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @myselfandfantasy @strange-old-worlds @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @broken-ghost @mbruben-stein @tschrist1 @hai-kbai
The Elves: @eunoiaastralwings
Elrond and Lindir: @moony-artnstuff @iwenttomordor @sadndnboii-reads
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camille-lachenille · 3 months
Seven sentences game
I was tagged by @thescrapwitch to share the last 7 sentences I wrote.
He was about to knock at Elrond’s door when a frantic librarian apprentice ran into the hallways, panting and calling. “Highness, Highness! The Head librarian needs you, lord Elrond is pulling all the books out of their shelves and refuses to stop! Please make him stop!”
The poor girl looked so frazzled by the whole situation that Gil-Galad had to bit back his instinct to laugh. Of course Elrond would bury himself in the library during his free time on a beautiful spring day instead of enjoying the blooming gardens and the breeze.
“Thank you, I was looking for my Herald. You can tell to the head librarian I am coming.”
It’s 8 sentences but I didn’t want to cut in the middle of Gil-Galad’s dialogue.
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