#my precious fruit cake
ichore · 1 month
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synopsis: a starving journalist, the iudex of fontaine and reader, the most talented soprano of teyvat all attend a ball at the opera epiclese where one scandal follows another as a storm does not allow anyone to leave.
tags, warnings: heavy drugs (aphrodisiac, ecstasy), involuntary drug consumption, neuvillette x afab!reader, reader is a talented singer, reader is secretly a water creature as old as Neuvi, MONSTER FUCKING, Neuvillette's takes reader in semi dragon form, journalist is a pos, cunnilingus, p -> v, unprotected, oh the consequences
wc: est 3.3k
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It begins with a tear rolling down on the porcelain skin of the Iudex of Fontaine's full cheek.
As you stand tall all alone on the platform of the Opera Epiclese, not a shred of whisper or mumble leaves the people of the water nation - it's only your voice that vibrates in between their bodies, it crawls at the high walls and crimson drapes and threatens to never leave. You've sung these songs many times across all of Teyvat; you're considered an Honored Guest wherever you decided to set foot. But your heart belongs to Fontaine, and such is evident in the way your gaze lingers on its people ahead of you.
Then, as if it's supposed to be part of your show, as the last note of your last song bubbles in your throat, a clash of thunders shakes the building.
The Melusines are quick on their short legs to inform everyone to stay inside, and whereas there's no need to worry, it would be best if everyone waited in the Opera Epiclese until the storm ended. Curses and hisses rumble across the people meanwhile the Iudex of Fontaine leaves his seat and his noiseless steps carry him to his office. It's only you who notices how his shoulders rise and fall in the familiar motion of weeping, how his cloth napkin soaks in the tears that escape him despite his greatest effort to soothe himself. 
“If it's fine with everyone,” you begin with your voice exhausted and slightly croak from your show. “I have enough cakes and fruits to invite everyone for a spontaneous little ball to spend the time. I'm sure my colleagues would love to entertain you with their music, as well.”
The storm is almost like a gift to you: finally you don't have to worry about wasting all the precious food that people gift you. Usually you give the majority away for the poor, but because finding such families takes time, a good amount still spoils. Such kindness in your heart is the second reason Teyvat adores you, and that same tenderness makes you rush after the Iudex with your dress held a bit higher in your fists so you don't trip.
“Excuse me?” you hear a nervous male voice call out to you, and you reluctantly stop in your tracks to offer a smile to the journalist standing ahead of you. He's skinny, too skinny to be healthy, you think. His hair crown is already fading from the top of his head, the lilac bruise of exhaustion rests under his eyes, but you suppose that he cannot be more than thirty.
“I'm happy to give you an interview later. I'm rather busy with something right now, I hope you don't mind.” you say.
“No, not at all. I just wanted to give you this.” He pulls out a heart-shaped, crimson silk wrapped box from under his arm. Chocolate, more food, great. “I know what you're thinking, but this is the Iudex's favorite and the filling is the finest Valberry jam from Mondstadt. It's very hard to get a box of these nowadays.”
“Oh, my,” you fill your heart sink at the thought of the trouble this poor man went through just to please you, and the furrow of your brow lets him know that you're sold before you take away the box. “I can't thank you enough. Is it okay with you if I share it with the Iudex? You mentioned it's also his favorite.”
“Well, yes, of course. Please enjoy. But I suppose you're in a hurry, so I shall leave you to it.” he bows as he takes your free, white silk cloaked hand and presses your knuckles against his chapped lips. “It was a pleasure meeting you. You're just as beautiful and kind as the rumors say so.”
“Thank you, once again.” you bob a quick curtsy to him before leaving him behind. He watches the white, lacy patterns on the bottom of your turquoise dress wash against the floor as you continue your hurried steps to one Melusine to another to find Monsieur Neuvillette. A smirk deepens at the side of his mouth as he watches you open the box and eat the first piece of chocolate while you wait to be let into his office, and he's already thinking about just how many good pictures he's going to take of you and the Iudex.
A shiver runs across your spine, gooseflesh blooms on your skin when you finally stand ahead of Neuvillette. He's facing his high windows, taking in the view of the year's most brutal storm: trees are bending and breaking, the wind carries away the flowers of the streets and he notices some personal possessions fly across the asphalt. As the Iudex, he's already thinking about how to fix this mess. But as Neuvillette, he can't stop his body from shaking.
“Apologies for leaving without a word. Your show was most exquisite … it touched my soul in ways I cannot find the words to describe.” The tremble in his voice is enough for you to understand the waves of emotions that wash through him.
“Don't worry, Monsieur. Knowing my music has these effects on such a great man like yourself is a compliment on its own. I will remember it for the rest of my life with pride.” Despite him having his back facing you, you can see on the reflection of the window that his usually bright gaze is darker and they're fixated on your form. You offer a slight curtsy, and you swear it's only a long second that you close your eyes for, yet when you lift your chin, he's standing closer to you with his face ahead of yours. He's so close, you can smell the lavender oil the Melusines treat his luscious hair with and the sea salt that they use to wash his clothes.
“And proud is what you should be,” he begins. “It's been a long time since I've felt such an emotional turmoil. Yet, I don't think the language you sing in is familiar to me.”
“It's a dead language,” you nod. Your fingers begin to play with the material of your dress at your sides. “My mother taught it to me when I was little. I know phrases and words, but I can't tell you where the language is from or who used it.”
“No one else speaks this language, yet you manage to touch all of Teyvat with it. You're a real talent, and it's been my pleasure to have you visit our nation.” 
“Oh, it's been a pleasure more of mine, really.” You flash your pearly white teeth at him in a smile, and you swear that at the same second, from his window, you can see the storm lose its vigor and turn into a windless pour of rain. “I just wanted to check upon you, and share this box of chocolate with you at the same time if it's fine with you. A kind gentleman gave this to me saying that this is your favorite.”
“Strange, I can't recall ever seeing, let alone tasting such a dessert from Mondstadt.” He hums against the side of his index finger while musing. In the back of your mind, you already know that someone would lie about such a thing, but a strange, hurricane-like sensation washes across you as you stare at the man towering right ahead of you. The distinct color of his eyes, the ivory color of his healthy locks, the perfect pale skin are all calling to you for a touch, and you press your thighs together as your liquid desire begins to swell in between your folds. “How was it?”
“I'm sorry, what was the question?” you shake your head and laugh a little to be able to tear your stare away from him. The heat is already rising to your head, painting your cheeks rosy with a deep blush.
“I can see you already ate one. Was it to your liking?” the vibrations of his voice are more apparent, you realize, and it pains you that you can't swallow them in a kiss right now.
“Yes, Monsieur. I think it's quite nice. Has a little bit of a strange aftertaste, but otherwise it's delicious. The Valberry jam filling is extraordinary. ”
“Please, call me Neuvillette,” he returns your smile as he takes one of heart shaped chocolates into his mouth before he motions towards the couch, insisting that you sit down while he places the box on his table. “It's delicious indeed. I suppose I can trust your judgment when it comes to sweets in the future.”
“Thank you, Neuvillette.” You whisper. Sweat already begins to pearl at your hairline and on your nape by the time he takes off his cloak and his weight sinks into the couch so painfully close to you, you can feel his thigh brush against yours through your dress. 
“If it isn't too much to ask,” he begins. “Can you tell me what the story is behind your last song?”
“Well… it's a love story. A tragic one.” his colors appear brighter and clearer with each passing second, his icy appearance calling to you for a release from this burning that consumes you within. You can't look him in the eyes anymore, you realize while watching your fingers get lost in the vibrant color of your skirt. “It's about two lovers who were washed apart by the Archons and the primordial sea, never to see each other again, forced to spend their entire lives yearning for the other. But one day, they meet, but one doesn't remember the other anymore.”
“Sounds Fontanian,” Neuvillette muses as he loosens the knot on his scarf, revealing his swan-like neck to you. “Apologies, it's awfully hot in here today.”
“No worries,” you offer a smile, but the first sweat drop already begins to roll down on your temple and in your thoughts, you're mumbling thousands of curses at how tight your corset is. Yet, you do not find yourself wishing for air, but yearning to steal it from Neuvillette’s lungs. “My mother was from Fontaine, so it does make sense that the language originated from somewhere here.”
“Makes it even stranger that I can't recall hearing it before, however - ” 
“Neuvillette …I,” you cut into his words, hesitating to continue your words, but you're certain that you're edging closer and closer to fainting if you don't get some air soon. “It's very unethical of me to ask you, but would you be so kind as to loosen my corset for me a little?”
“Of course,” and the moment you touch his reached out hand to help you stand up, you wish you could tell him that it doesn't matter anymore and that you just need to go outside. But the rain is still pouring and the haze on your mind refuses to leave. The touch of his fingers are ever so delicate and delicious as they open the back of your dress to get to your corset. Your neck tilts and a sigh leaves your lips as the pressure on your ribs eases, and in your moment of relief, you don't notice Neuvillette's halt in his movements.
The sight of the crook of your neck invites him in for a kiss as his arms circle around your waist under your dress - at first, his touches are unsure, but as a satisfied hum leaves you, his arms tighten around you and his kisses travel from your neck to your jaw. Your eyelashes flutter when your gaze meets his, as if to give him permission to his begging eyes, that yes, he can very much kiss you. His lips feel like the sweetest sea foam: so delightful and gentle, and you can finally feel your lungs be filled with his being. You push your dress down, making it pool around your feet while Neuvillette's hands brush up on your belly to reach the front of your corset before pushing it off you and letting it fall on the dress. 
“You're so beautiful,” he whispers, and you feel his cock twitch against your ass as he begins to fondle your breasts. He swallows every whimper that escapes your lips when he takes each of your nipples in between his fingers, playing a rough game with them. “I adore your voice, the noises you make. The thought of making you sing in pleasure for me is driving me mad. Please, let me make you mine.”
“I'm yours, all yours,” you're ready to beg for more, but as if he can read your thoughts, he lays you across the couch before he frees you of your panties, panty hoes and shoes. For a brief second, you can hear a clicking sound from the distance, but the desire entirely engulf you both that you don't notice the barely open entrance door and the journalist with his camera. If this all wasn't for him being able to put bread on his table, he would've admitted that there is something magical about the way Neuvillette's tongue finds all the right spots in your cunt. It really does make a sensational picture: the Iudex of Fontaine devouring Teyvat's most famous soprano like his life depends on it.
But for Neuvillette, that feeling is as real as your hands holding onto his ivory hair. For a while, he wondered what got into him, but his words to you were true and the sounds that escape you makes him throw away every logical reasoning as to why he shouldn't suck on your clit or push his tongue so deep into you that it makes you cry out. 
“Right there, hng, please -” his eyes that were fixated on you the whole time now roll back as he feels the gush of your ecstasy pour into his mouth. He can't help, but get rid of his own clothes in fast but drunken movements, and he's ready to get back on top of you before something feral awakens in him. It's the glowing of his irises that you notice first between your thighs, then you swear that you can see his tongue stretch and part into two at its tip while his suddenly longer nails rake across your sides. This time, he's eating at you with primal hunger while one of his grip finds his growing cock and strokes it in the same fast rhythm his tongue dances inside you. You scream, you squirm, but it only makes him become all the more fast and rough as his upper lip rubs against your clit.
“What the fuck,” the journalist mumbles under his breath, his eyes widening in terror as Neuvillette's lower body grows navy blue scales, a forked tail emerges from the end of his spine and his dick is becoming dark and enormous enough that seemingly only the tip would be enough to fill you up. With shaky hands, he takes a picture.
“So it is you, hng, fuck-” you try to tell Neuvillette as another, but more powerful climax numbs your mind. Your heart flutters at the man standing ahead of you, and your love is the only thing that helps you think straight. “I've been looking for you my whole life, Hydro Dragon, my love.” 
“You're not terrified…” Neuvillette notes, his chest sinking with a sigh of relief before he questions what you said to him. It's an animalistic instinct that makes him kneel between your legs, rubbing his entire length across your folds to coat it in the mixture of his spit and your sticky juices. A whimper leaves your lips each time his thick head threatens to push into your entrance. “You're not human either, are you?”
“No,” you say simply as green scales begin to form on your thighs where Neuvillette is stroking you before they disappear again. Fighting your lavender haze of lingering orgasm, you sit up to take his tip in your palm to rub it for him as you continue. “I'm a siren. So don't worry, I can take this.”
“The song…” his brows furrow as you position his cock against your pussy, and begin to push yourself against it. It's painfully slow: he can feel every crook and cany of your insides, the blood in your veins welcoming him, the very wetness and warmth of you swallowing him so eagerly until his balls meet your ass. He shudders.
“It's about us, my love. You forgot about me.” You moan as you feel your insides adjust to his size. No matter how many human lovers you took over the millennium, no one and nothing ever compares to Neuvillette.
“Forgive me,” his lizard-like tongue dances along with yours as he wraps his arms around you and lifts you up into the air. Your legs wrap around his waist, your arms hold him in a sweaty embrace as he begins to slowly pull you up and down on the length of his cock. “Forgive me.”
“It was never your fault, hng, please go faster.” you beg of him as you look down at the sight of the two of you. His legs are of a dragon, his black claws digging at the wooden floor to hold himself in place as he begins to pick up the pace.
“I remember this,” he whispers as he loses himself in the feeling of you wraps around his entire being: your sound, your smell, your eyes. He remembers it all now, and his thrusts become rougher as if he feels angry at all the years you didn't spend together. Not only did they take you from him, they didn't even leave the memory of you. Tears begin to pour from his eyes as he kisses you again, his arms tighten around you and his thrusts become sloppy, but the clenching of your orgasm pushes him over his own pinnacle and he paints your walls white with his seed.
“Don't cry, my love,” you stroke his hair while his tears fall on your collarbone after he gently places you on the couch and he lays on top of you, his body slowly transforming back to human. “We found each other, that's all that matters.”
“What about you? Your loneliness? Your fright?” his voice shakes, and you can hear another powerful wind jerk at the buildings outside.
“I've always known we'd find our way back to each other. When I was lonely, I always recalled nights like this or when you were crying because of a song about a fish family when my parents invited you over to their coral palace. I've always remembered the kindness of your heart, and I carried it with me as my companion.” you comfort him and a smile tugs at your lips as the gray clouds begin to part on the sky, and the sunlight seeps through. You think about asking Neuvillette if he wants to check on the guests, but you find him with his eyes closed and deep in a slumber.
As you are trapped beneath him and you can't hear music anymore, you suppose that everyone else already left and you can also rest.
Until you hear the click sound of a camera.
“Needless to say, you're fired,” the Chief Editor of Steambird doesn't even bother to open the envelope that contains the erotic pictures of Neuvillette and you before she tears it into shreds. “Drugging the Iudex AND a Teyvat famous star? What were you even thinking? Hell, I even doubt you were thinking at all.”
“But…” the journalist begins, but the Editor holds up her hand to halt his words.
“You're to leave this company effective immediately. And if I were you, I'd be crawling on my knees to Monsieur Neuvillette for an apology and a huge thank you for not having you executed for treason.”
And with two boxes of worthless papers and without a penny in his pocket, the only mortal who knows your love story and your true being becomes your enemy.
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kurishiri · 4 months
THE CHARA CAFE × Ikemen Villains menu translation
(src) this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties. You can click on the image for better quality. Please reblog, not respost!
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which ones would you order? ✨✨
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To my precious robin and from the self-righteous king, a most sinful love: a frozen strawberry drink (William)
strawberry ice cream
strawberry sauce
whipped cream
I encaged the scenery I saw with you inside this glass: a blue ocean drink (Elbert)
blue raspberry syrup
lemon water
lemon slice
gold leaf
Drink this if ya want. I ain’t drinkin’ it though: a ruthless butterfly pea soda (Jude)
butterfly pea syrup
carbonated water
lemon syrup
violet jelly
I want your greatest happiness: a berry tea of happiness (Ellis)
berry tea
blackcurrant jam
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For you, the sinful one who wandered into a den of evil: the death god’s hot chocolate (Victor)
whipped cream
coffee sauce
Blooming in the dark night, a violet cream soda
purple melon syrup
vanilla ice cream
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
I swear a most sinful love to you on this wedding mocktail
pink grapefruit syrup
peach cheese
carbonated water
edible flower
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“So that you, the one I love, may smile, I cast a magic spell on this”: the Cheshire Cat’s fresh fruit salad (Liam)
salad mix
smoked salmon
diced nuts
lemon dressing
black pepper
edible flower
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
“Nothing like meat for a reward, don’t you agree, lil lady?”: the egoist’s roast beef plate (Roger)
roast beef
rock salt
baby leaves
mini tomatoes
camembert cheese
steak sauce
The Crown members’ favorite! The head chef’s special tomato sauce pasta
tomato sauce
consommé soup
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“Hey, wanna split this half and half with me?”: a chocolate mint parfait of the Lying Fox’s charm (Harrison)
mint jelly
chocolate corn flakes
whipped cream
mint chocolate ice cream
chocolate sauce
“Aha! It’s my creation, as someone with a steel stomach”: a special scone set made by Alfons
vanilla ice cream
blue raspberry syrup
whipped cream
silver dragee
A vow to fall deeper into your sinful love: a wedding berry cake set
berry cake
whipped cream
cotton candy
rock salt
wafer cake with bean jam (monaka)
Dessert of the robin on a moment’s break: a fresh fruit cocktail
orange (mandarin)
yellow peach
three-colored agar agar
heart-shaped gummy
popping candy
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if you order something from the food or dessert menu, you’ll be gifted a 2L photocard (top), and if you order a drink, you get a coaster (bottom).
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Being Karasuno’s Manager
🧁🍩Miss Manager loves to Bake 🍪 🍰
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Karasuno featuring Seijoh x female! manager (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: pure fluff
AN: This is probably the cutest anon request ever 🥹
Let me just say this
Kageyama might be “king of the court” but YN is “Queen of Karasuno” 👸
Honestly these boys absolutely worship you
Literally, they act as if they don’t have three managers
They literally will lay down in a puddle of mud while you step on them
Will do the above 👆 for any of their three managers
But you, you my love are super special to our boys
Why you ask?
Well it’s because you provide them with nutrients to survive 😌
That’s right, your love of baking and the fine art of culinary creations only helps you out with our beloved crows
You’ve learned to cater to all their needs
Filling recipes with top tier ingredients for success
Things like fruits, nuts, and even sneaking some veggies in there
Like zucchini bread or carrot cake
Listen, even if it’s in a desert, it still counts as a fruit or veggie
I don’t want to hear “tHe SuGaR cAnCeLs It OuT”
Because like these boys need the sugar to run and jump all over the place ok 🤚🏻
You bake almost daily as a form of stress release and therapy
Please you need it with the team you manage 🙄
And you always bring in the treats for the boys!
And they ALWAYS eat them up
“These are fantastic Yn what are they called?” Hinata asks
“They are Fudgy Pumpkin Brownie bites! It’s a new recipe!” You exclaim as Kageyama and Noya go in for thirds
“You fit a whole pumpkin in here Yn?!?” Hinata : D
You 👉🏻😐
“I think she means that there is pumpkin in the recipe not one per bite,” Ennoshita explains
I never claimed they were smart Yn
Anyways, you are always there to help our precious boys fill their bellies
You are in charge of snacks for games and practice, often finding joy in everything you do
So when the prelims for the road to spring nationals start, you are busy whipping up some goodies
You bake the entire weekend before, preparing for every possible scenario
Protein muffins for in between matches
Chocolate chip cookies for after they win matches
You even prepare some of your famous Strawberry shortcake cookies just incase the boys happen to lose
Not that we think they will, don’t get me wrong but it’s always nice to be prepared
Anyways, the prelims start and Karasuno dominates
Like, did we really thinking they wouldn’t 💅
Anyways, tensions run high as the boys go into their match with Seijoh
You remember the first time they fought against Seijoh and how the loss crushed them
But fueled up on your high-protein muffins, these boys are ready to kick butt!
And kick butt they do!
They beat Seijoh and prepare to meet Shiratorizawa in the finals
After the game, you notice how upset Seijoh is after their loss
You knew this was the third years last tournament and seeing them cry hurt
You thought about if it was your boys
And with that, there was only one thing left to do
So you pulled out a piece of paper and wrote a little note and stuck it in the box of cookies
As your team was preparing to leave, you grabbed your box of Strawberry Shortcake cookies and ran over to Seijoh
Karasuno rn 👉🏻👀
“Excuse me?” You said as the entire Seijoh team turned around and looked at you
“You guys played an excellent game and you deserve these,” you said handing Seijoh your expertly wrapped cookies
Oikawa accepted, saying nothing
Please you left him speechless
Too bad Kunimi’s too sad to even record this moment 😭
You smile and wave as you run back to your team
Meanwhile, back the gym the Seijoh boys are extremely sad
“Hey what did that manager from Karasuno give you Oikawa?” Kindaichi asked as Oikawa reached for the box
He reached for it, opening it as the note slipped out
Iwa picked the note up and began reading it
It read “Thank you for playing your hardest! You deserve these. Xoxo YN, Karasuno’s Manager”
“It’s cookies,” Oikawa said as he began to pass them around and Iwa showed Oiks the note
Oikawa rn 👉🏻😐🥺😭
Please the entire Seijoh team is eating your cookies and crying Yn 😩
The next few days go by
You are in the gym taking notes when a teacher comes to get you
“Excuse me?”
“Yes,” Takeda asks
“Umm there is a team of boys at the front gate here to see Yn,” the teacher says
Karasuno 👉🏻 a team…. OF BOYS 😐😑
Tanaka and Noya 👉🏻 FOR YN?!?? 😡🤬
“Oh my ok!” You say, getting up and walking towards the gates of Karasuno
Tanaka, Noya, Kags and Hinata are ready to go
It takes the entire rest of the team to hold them back 🙄
“WHAT IF THEY KIDNAP YN??” Noya shouts
“They literally showed up at the front of school in broad daylight, like that’s gonna happen,” Suga say, rolling his eyes
“Someone has never watched dateline before,” Tanaka adds
Of course, you ignore them and head for the gates
As you approach, you see the white track suits
You 👉🏻😐😳
“Umm hi,” you say as the boys of Seijoh all look at you
“Team!” Oikawa shouts and they all scream
You rn 👉🏻😐😳🥹
“You are so welcome! Thank you for coming!” You say smiling and going to hug them
You hug Iwa first and boy is he stiff 😅
It’s safe to say the entire Seijoh team is now in love with you Yn 🥰
“Omg is Oikawa crying?” Kageyama says, shoving Hinata out of the way as they watch around the corner.
“Hey watch it butthole!” Hinata shouts as he pushed Kageyama out of the way.
“I’d cry too if YN hugged me,” Noya added as Tanaka nodded.
“You guys are about to have something to cry about if you don’t get your butts back to the gym RIGHT NOW!” Daichi shouted, looming over them as the boys all turned and ran back to the gym.
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silentcryracha · 1 year
Our Precious (H. Hyunjin)‗ ❍
Pairings : Hyunjin x f reader
Genre/warnings : babies involved so if you don't care just skip, nothing at all, just teeth rotting fluff (maybe a teeny tiny bit suggestive at some point but that's it), the other members make a guest appearance, a couple of them also have children (and are mentioned to have partners), Non idol AU I think? No jobs are specified tho
Summary : Yours and your husband's little ball of sunshine turns one year old! The Hwang household prepares to host an intimate birthday party for your precious one ♡︎
Word count : 4.1 k
A/n : This can be read as a standalone, but I highly recommend checking out Baby Fever and Whenever she wants for full context. Also wanted to add that this will be the last part of this small (and absolutely unplanned) series, and it's all thanks to you guys and your kind feedbacks ♡︎ ily
ps: There could be errors. Do NOT repost on other socials. Leave feedback if you feel like it, otherwise enjoy! ♡︎
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You hummed quietly to yourself as you prepared breakfast. Today was a special day for your little family, so you made sure to prepare an equally sweet meal to match the mood. Pancakes and freshly cut fruit for the adults, and a tiny cake pop and strawberry milk for your little one.
You heard some steps behind you, quick but light at the same time. You turned your head to look back over your shoulder, and saw your husband coming towards you with excited eyes. You smiled at him.
"Darling, she's awake!" he whisper-exclaimed, making you chuckle. You turned back to the pancakes that were still cooking on the pan, giving them a flip. Suddenly you felt Hyunjin's arms embracing you from behind, his chest pressed to your back, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"Do you need any help?" he asked, pressing a sweet kiss to your hair. You finally added to the small mountain the last remaining pancakes, just in time. You turned around, his arms still caging you in between his body and the kitchen counter. You pressed your lips to his for a sweet and gentle kiss.
"Nope, everything is ready. If you take the cake pop from the fridge, we can go get her." you smiled at him and he smiled back, brightly, his eyes squeezing and his dimples showing. You were so glad that your daughter took after her father, in so many things, including his cute dimples.
He pecked your lips again one last time before going quickly to retreat the pink treat. Of course for your little party you would've had a normal cake too, but this was just a little surprise for breakfast.
Hyunjin held up the cake pop with one hand, the other intertwined with yours. He shot you a quick smile before leading you both to your baby's room. It was still dark, so you went to open the curtains a little, to let the natural light come in, but not too abruptly.
"Good morning, my princess!" He said with a gentle tone. He leaned down, looking into the crib. You joined him, smiling at the baby girl that was still laying on her back, but her big eyes were open and observing you.
She smiled around her pacifier, making you both chuckle at her cuteness. You both had the same idea, as you each reached out to touch her gently with your hands. He caressed her dark hair, instead you reached out for her puffy cheek, caressing it gently with your knuckles.
"Good morning" you repeated, your voice warm, "Did my favorite girl sleep well? I bet she did, look at those hair." you giggled, making her giggle too. Hyunjin handed you the cake pop, to then carefully wrap his hands around his daughter's little body, bringing her against his chest.
"Look what mommy has! It's your favorite, sweetheart!" he pointed at you excitedly, making a bit of a baby voice. The baby made a noise that could be interpreted as excited and happy, and went as far to try to reach for the little cake pop with her hand.
"Happy birthday, my sweet girl" you chuckled, kissing her head before finally giving her the stick. She spit out the pacifier without a care in the world, but Hyunjin caught it, laughing.
"That's right, my love! You turn one today! You're already a big girl.." his tone started out excited and then quickly faded into sadness. He was about to tear up, but you quickly shifted the mood again, not wanting to be a crying mess at eight in the morning.
"Wow, one year? That's so special! We have to celebrate, don't we, daddy?" you talked as the three of you walked back to the kitchen. He gasped comically, distracting the baby girl from munching on her cake for a second.
"Surely we do! All your uncles, aunts, and friends will be here to celebrate you today, just like a little queen!" he explained, mostly concentrating on exaggerating his expressions to keep her entertained, since she of course she couldn't truly understand him.
He carefully placed her in the baby chair, tying around her neck a little bib. In the meantime, you had already put your own breakfast on the table, while you picked up from the counter the baby bottle filled with strawberry milk. You made a funny expression as you handed her the drink, which she grasped in her little hand, sacrificing the cake pop in a second.
Hyunjin chuckled, picking it up and promptly transferring it to a smaller plate, cutting it into small pieces. He placed it back in front of her so she could've reached them easily. Then he sat at the table, right next to her.
"A little queen that will also be dressed as one! With your own first hanbok" you said, happily, clapping your hands gently.
Both you and Hyunjin went absolutely nuts when you went shopping a while back and found one. It was supposed to be a normal baby clothes shopping session, but you couldn't help yourselves and had to buy it.
The little bodice was in white, while the skirt was in a pastel baby pink. The sleeves also had some pastel details on them, it was beautiful. Of course, you also bought the little shoes and accessories to go with it.
Once you were sure that the little girl was settled, you also sat down, sitting opposite Hyunjin. He made sure to keep and eye on her and help her eat or drink, if she needed to. The few times that you tried to reach out, he stopped you and encouraged you to finish your breakfast comfortably.
"So, how many people are we having over today in total?" he asked, cleaning the side of the baby's mouth with her cloth gently. You swallowed a bite, reaching out for your juice as you answered.
"It should be around fifteen, excluding us. Then we have dinner with yours and mine, tomorrow." you reminded him. You both decided to make a separate event with your families, since you really didn't plan on accommodating too many people. Nor could, since you lived in a nice apartment, but not that big.
And besides, you knew that your little one would've been passed around like a doll from one grandparent, to uncles, to cousins, great-grandparents and so on. She was the first grandchild in your family, so they were all over her, of course.
You finished your meal a little earlier than your husband, since he spent half of the time caring for the baby. So as soon as you were done you cleaned up your dishes and went back to the table, leaning in to kiss his head, saying to not worry. He smiled and thanked you.
"When are the guys coming over?" you asked him, referring to his friends that he had managed to corrupt to come help set up the party decorations. How though, you had no idea. That way between the guys and your husband.
"Around one pm, so everything should be ready by five. Or they'll pay the consequences." he smirked, humorous. You laughed, shaking your head.
"You're not going to tell me what you said to get them to do this, are you?" he shook his head, chewing the last bite of his meal. He was smiling too, which made his cheeks look chubby and cute.
"Don't worry, they would've done it anyway. They love you, both." he responded, getting up to place his dirty dishes in the sink. That made you smile sweetly, your heart warm.
"I'm sorry Changbin and Seungmin can't make it" you commented. The first one had a family event and the second one was away for a job, Hyunjin told you the they texted him.
"It's okay, they promised to visit as soon as they can. Besides, you know how well Binnie's kids get along with our little princess." he gave the baby girl a smile, while she looked up at him with big eyes and a confused expression that made you both chuckle.
"Oh yes. She's quite the friendly girl, if I do say so myself." you joked, of course referring to the fact that being her mother, it would've been hard for you to see any flaws anyway. He nodded in agreement, smiling fondly as he washed the dishes.
"She's very loved and I think she feels it. Isn't that amazing?" he responded, looking back as you picked the baby up. You smiled widely, your gaze going from her to him.
"For sure. She is also totally obsessed with you, too. I could almost count the times that she cried in your arms on one hand." that made him blush, shaking his head with the cutest expression on his face.
"That's not true, she's just a good baby in general. We were very lucky." you rolled your eyes, barely hiding a humorous smile.
"Oh shut it, Hyune. It's okay, she's a daddy's girl. Just accept it." the teasing clear in your voice. You walked up to him, still holding the little girl in your arms as you titlted your chin up slightly. He smiled a little giving you a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Besides, I'm obsessed with you too, so I get her." you winked, mking him look at you with a sly smile.
"Now say bye to daddy, we're taking a bath" you picked her little hand up and gently made her wave at him. Hyunjin opened his mouth in a funny expression, also waving at her sweetly with one of his hands that were still wet.
The rest of the morning went on pretty smoothly. The three of you had lunch and then after a couple of hours Jisung, Felix and Jeongin arrived. They were the ones that 'offered' (they were bribed by Hyunjin why lie) to help, and already came over with all the necessary decorations and food.
Your friend also came over early to help, without her own kids and husband which would've come later with the other guests. You were thankful for her, as she was the only one who actually properly knew how to care for a baby except you and Hyunjin.
But to be honest, in the end you all kind of ended up taking turns between looking after your daughter, setting up the decorations, preparing the food and even sitting down for a couple of minutes once in a while.
"Jisung, you're slacking. Keep this damn tray straight or I'll kick your ass" your friend threatened, as she was trying to set up some sweets on a large porcelain tray. The other guys couldn't help but snicker as he whined in protest.
"What do you think? This is heavy as fuck-" Hyunjin called him to attention with an 'aish'.
"Don't swear in front of my daughter, you animal." his tone was clearly ironic, only wanting to further tease his friend. The man rolled his eyes, clearing his throat comically loud.
"I'm sorry, sweetcheeks. Please don't take uncle Hannie as an example." he puted at her, which made the baby laugh in Jeongin's arms, which was currently bouncing her around gently.
You smiled, thinking that she must really like Jisung, as every time that he interacts with her she's suddenly laughing or smiling. Which was even funnier if you think that he really doesn't have that much experience with babies, but his warmth and energy apparently had a lot of success among all your friends' kids.
"Here, let me help." you stepped away from the big table, which you and Felix were setting up, to go and hold up the tray along with Jisung. He sighed and thanked you with a smile, making both your friend and Hyunjin roll their eyes.
"Your wife is way nicer than you, Hwang Hyunjin." he called out from over his shoulder, making sure that he saw him winking at you. "And way prettier"
You giggled, both at him being funny and at the way Hyunjin immediately got closer and planted a kiss on your lips. Probably a little rougher than he needed to, but of course that was the point.
Your friend finally finished to place the sweets on the tray, so now it just needed to be brought to the table.
"I wonder what would your partner say about you flirting with other people's wives. Oh, right, you still gotta find them" He joked, winking at him in return. Your husband made sure to slap his hand on Jisung's shoulder, making him shift a little.
"Hyunjin!" you and your friend both exclaimed. Your tone was to admonish him in a humorous way, but your friend, who had just spend five minutes placing in cookies and other sweets in a perfect pile over that heavy tray, wanted to absolutely kill him for almost ruining her work.
"Ah, ah, ah, so funny. Your daughter thinks I'm funnier, anyway" he stuck his tongue out childishly, gaining a glare from Hyunjin that was definitely more personal. You bit the inside of your cheek to not laugh as you both finally placed down the porcelain tray on the large table.
"To be fair, she does seem to like you a lot." you responded, ruffling his hair slightly. You went back to the couch, where Jeongin had sat down, to take her back in your arms.
"Well, she doesn't have to laugh constantly to show that she loves me. I'd be kind of concerned, to be honest." he dropped the deflated balloon that he was holding as soon as he saw you two approaching, a scrunched up smile on his face as he looked at his daughter.
"Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that story. I'm going to become her favorite uncle, mark my words."
"You're gonna have a whole lot of competition, I fear." Felix chimed in, gaining an approving noise from Jeongin.
Almost as to rub salt in the wound, she chuckled looking at Jisung directly. He looked back, making wide eyes and placing a hand on his heart with an overly dramatic shocked face.
"I don't think so!"
The six of you finished setting everything up on time, but they still sent you and Hyunjin to prepare yourselves a little earlier, telling you not to worry.
So you thanked them and went to get ready quickly, both yourselves and your little girl. You dressed her up with her Hanbok, and of course it fit her perfectly. You restrained yourselves from taking a millions pics, because you knew that by the end of the day you would've had way too many.
By the time that you went back outside, a couple more people had arrived already. Among them, was your friend's husband and her two kids, her three year old boy and her half-two year old girl.
"Hello, where is my little fellow footballer?" Hyunjin said, bowing down a bit to hug the boy who run straight into his arms.
The little girl was very shy, on the other hand, and hid a little behind her dad's hand. You said hi to both to your friend's husband and his son, to the side to acknowledge the girl, who smiled shyly.
Her mother gently placed a hand on her back, pushing her towards you. You opened your arms to her and she awkwardly walked to you, allowing you to embrace her. Hyunjin shifted his attention from the boy and tried to give his sister a small smile and a wave of his hand. She surprisingly blushed and reciprocated the wave, in a more subtle way.
After that you went to say hi to Minho and Chan that arrived together, but the first was alone while the second brought his own son, while apologizing for his wife and other kids missing the party since they had the flu.
"Oh, I'm sorry Chan. It must be seasonal!" you responded, hugging him, and then Minho who smiled both at you and Hyunjin.
"Whatever it is, it's a mess." he sighed while his son, who was just about four years old, clung to his arm like a little monkey. You laughed a little, sending him an empathetic smile.
"Where is the birthday girl?" Minho asked, still holding in his hands a little package with a ribbon on it. You and Hyunjin exchanged a look, confused on which one of your friends was holding her last. You quickly found out that it was Felix, which was holding up a cookie to her face while she tasted it uncertainly. Han was holding up a glass, probably arguing with him, while Jeongin did his best to take pics.
"Right there, with one of her numerous uncles." you responded, nudging your head in their direction. Hyunjin chuckled, hugging you from behind as he looked over his friends babysitting his daughter.
After about two hours everyone arrived. Everything was going smoothly, the food was good, the kids were playing and the adults were having nice conversation.
That was enough of a success for both you and Hyunjin, so after a while you decided to officially cut a little cake that you had made in a pastry.
Everyone sang happy birthday to your little girl, showering her with love and compliments. You definitely patted yourselves on the back to the amount of compliments that her outfit got. Of course, you had no doubts, but it was still nice to hear your little one get some many compliments.
You sat down with her in your arms as Hyunjin sat next to you and unwrapped the gifts, making sure to show them to her, or straight up giving them to her if they were toys. You received baby clothes, baby shoes, a few accessories, some toys, other baby supplies, and some other things, all very well appreciated.
Early in the evening, around eight pm, the guests gradually started leaving. A couple of the guys asked if they could help clean up, but you kindly refused and said not to worry because neither you or Hyunjin would've lifted a finger before tomorrow anyway.
By nine pm the house was empty again, and you were genuinely exhausted. The baby had already eaten and fallen asleep, which you were very much grateful for.
In fact, you were almost about to fall asleep too, on the couch. You sat down for a minute to send out some thankful texts to both the people that came to the party and the ones who didn't but still sent a gift or even wished your daughter a happy birthday, and suddenly the phone was on your chest and you were holding your head up with your arm.
You didn't even hear Hyunjin coming back from the baby's room, when you felt his hand on yours, so you opened your eyes halfway. He was smiling sweetly at you, a little amused.
"Why don't we get ready for bed, mh? What do you think, my love?" you gave him a lopsided smile and nodded with your eyes closed. He chuckled as he helped you get up, and then wrapped his arm around your waist, turning the living room's lights off on the way.
You reached your bedroom and you instantly started to undress yourself, kicking off your heels, then zipping your dress off and making it pool around your feet without a care in the world.
"Uh-" you heard your husband say, almost in disbelief, as you simply plopped on the bed, planting your face into the pillow to hide from the light, even though dim.
"My love, at least take off your make up. You're gonna regret this tomorrow, and then blame me for not making you take it off." he laughed nervously, sitting on the edge of the bed next to you.
"Then I'll just be bitter." you responded, your voice muffled by the pillow. He chuckled again, caressing his hand up and down your naked back.
"I'll do it for you. Just sit up a little for me, okay?" he was about to get up but you unexpectedly took his hand, dragging him down to give him a kiss. He tensed up from the surprise but quickly melted into your lips, cupping one hand to the side of your face, while the other was still on your naked back.
The kiss was slow and sweet, but he stopped it before it could get somewhere else. His thumb caressed your cheekbone, while his dark and kind eyes stared into yours. A small smirk appeared on his lips.
"Weren't you about to fall asleep two minutes ago?" he teased. You scoffed, jokingly, falling back on the bed on your back.
"I can be sleepy, cuddly and horny all at once. Multitasking is a thing, Hwang Hyunjin." you replied, your tone still hushed and tired, but with a hint of humor. He laughed, shaking his head and getting up towards the bedroom's bathroom.
"Let's settle for sleepy and cuddly for tonight, how about that?" he called out, before coming back with some make up remover and a damp cloth. You smiled up at him as you propped yourself up with your elbows, you head tilted to the side as you looked up at him with love.
"Did I get you riled up, Hwang Hyunjin?" you teased, as you let your wonderful husband gently clean up your face for you. The side of his mouth went up in a smile and his hand worked.
"With your pretty ass and boobs on display like that, on my own marital bed, and with you kissing me like that?" he replied, shaking his head. "Of course you would rile me up. But I know better than you right now, so we'll have to take a raincheck on that bit, okay?" he planted a kiss on your forehead when he was done.
He walked back to the bathroom with all the materials, and came back a couple of seconds later with his pj's pants on, but t shirt in his hand, which made him shirtless. In the meantime you had found enough strength to slip on your nightgown and then went under the covers.
"Now, who's trying to get riled up who?" you teased, making him look up at you with a ironic look on his face. Much to your displeasure he did end up putting on the shirt, to join you under the covers.
"You gave me a whole lingerie peek while rolling in bed and a make out session, and I still controlled myself. You see me shirtless for a second and you're already hot and bothered?" he raised and eyebrow teasingly, as he wrapped one arm around your waist to bring you closer to his chest.
"You'd make me horny with or without clothes on, Hwang Hyunjin." your eyes closed as you lay your head on his chest, wrapping your arm around his torso. You felt his chuckle vibrate through his body.
"What's with the full government name?" he asked, amused. His long and slender fingers started to gently play with your hair. You smiled lazily against his chest.
"Nothing. I just like to mess with you." you hugged him even tighter, nuzzling your cheek on him, enjoying the softness of his shirt. You waited a couple of seconds for a response, but when you didn't get any you looked up at him, thinking that he feel asleep.
But he didn't. He was still awake, just silently staring down at you with so much love in his eyes that almost made your heart shrink.
"You know that I love you more than anything in this world, right?" he murmured, his hand coming up to caress your cheek. You instinctively leaned into his touch.
"You were already the biggest gift that I've ever received in my whole life, until you gave me an even bigger one. And now I have so much love, so much adoration in my heart, that sometimes I can't handle it. I don't know what I did to deserve you, to deserve our precious angel." Your eyes got glossy with tears, with a couple spilling from the corners. Hyunjin caught them with his fingers, smiling sweetly.
"You deserve everything. You deserve me, you deserve her, and all that's good in this world. Because you're a good man, A good husband, a good father, friend, son. And I will never stop loving you. Your daughter will grow to love you just as much. Okay, Hwang Hyunjin?" you placed your hand on his heart. He bit the inside of his cheek and looked up for a second, pushing back the emotion.
Then he nodded, stretching out his arm to turn of the bedside lamp's light, just to hug you again tightly.
"I love you. Sleep well, my love." he whispered in your hair, kissing your head one last time.
"You too, my darling. I love you." your hand still on his heart, feeling both his heartbeat and the rhythm of his deep breaths that lulled you to sleep. There was no other place in the whole universe that you'd rather be.
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forager-m · 4 months
Songbird [Drabble]
Ship: Dr Ratio/Aventurine (レイチュリ)
Premise: Dr Ratio and Aventurine have been cohabiting after the events of Penacony. The arrangment brings many delightful discoveries; including that Aventurine likes singing to himself while doing chores.
[Aventurine sings to himself. Ratio can't help but to join him.]
His morning goes like this:
He wakes to the opal sky, as the sun draws its golden chariot across the clouds. From outside, the birds song reaches him faintly, and the whir of civilization slowly stirs; machinery, vehicles, people, all coming to life as he is. His mind awakens first, even as his eyes stay heavy and closed, bursting with plans and reminders of the day ahead: he has to brush his teeth, fix his hair, do his morning workout, get started on breakfast, feed the cat cakes, grade papers, and then...
And then he opens his eyes, turns, and then he wastes the morning staring at the way Aventurine's hair flows and spills over the sheets like a golden waterfall; all soft curls and precious locks. He's nestled in Veritas' arms and stretched luxuriously in the warmth of their home like a spoiled pet. His resting face peers over the blankets, while the rest of him is covered - leaving only suggestions of subtle curves and warm flesh.
The cats awaken and begin scratching at the door. The sun has finished its descent, and it slowly pours in through the windows. Then, finally, Aventurine makes a soft little noise, opening his eyes. Blinking once, twice. He leans into Ratio's touch, then yawns. Veritas watches, appreciatively, as Aventurine rises from the sheets. The blankets pool around his waist and thighs. He looks like Aphrodite emerging from the sea; the birth of beauty itself.
"See something you like?"
The noise strangled out of his throat was a mix of a cough and a scoff.
"Mmm... so mean, won't you indulge me a little?"
He sits on his thighs and stretches his arms above his head. Ratio notes the new softness padding his belly. A sign of good health and recovery, one part of him says. The other half says something along the lines of that will feel nice in my hands before he violently cuts it off.
"Any more indulgence and not a single productive thing will be done today, Gambler."
Aventurine laughs. His voice is as clear as water running over a spring.
"Ooh, so scary! Don't threaten me with a good time, I know all sorts of indulgences that could keep us preoccupied, doctor~"
Aventurine pecks his cheek loudly, before wiggling out of the sheets and making a run for the kitchen, his giggles echoing behind him.
Ratio holds his head in his hands for a while, trying to will away any strange urges; violent or otherwise.
After a while, a waft of eggs and coffee fills the air. Ratio quickly goes through his morning routine, and by the time he's done, Aventurine is still preparing the food. As usual, he's prepared Ratio's portion first - a much bigger plate packed with scrambled eggs, toast, and a salad consisting of lettuce, tomatoes, and the leftover dressing that they've kept in the fridge. A cup of coffee's already there - sweetened with just a bit of stevia, just the way Ratio prefers it.
Aventurine is a surprisingly competent cook. Sure, he needs to pull up a recipe from his phone, but needing a bit of guidance doesn't detract from one's excellence. Having the freedom to cook what he wants also seems to improve his appetite, something Ratio is pleased to see.
He takes just a brief moment of appreciation; to appreciate the breakfast spread, of course, and certainly not the way that apron is tied perfectly around that slim waist, before he takes out the fruit and seeds from the fridge. Cat cakes, while sharing the name of domestic cats, do not have the same diet as them. Ratio calls out for them, and soon enough, three little cat cakes meow and sprint towards him with all the power in their tiny little paws.
"Make a wish into the well..."
"That's all you have to do..."
"And if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true..."
Ratio feels his breath come short.
This, too, is something he's used to Aventurine doing. But he's not really used to it yet.
Aventurine loves music. Sometimes Ratio watches him as he sways to some soft tune known only to himself, dancing barefoot in their living room. He likes singing to his plants, because even after everything, Aventurine still had so much love to give, and taking care of his 'babies' made him so very happy. He likes to strum his guitar and come up with songs about anything or nothing at all. Once, Ratio caught him singing sweet silly nonsense to their cats, which he recorded and uses as leverage against the gambler whenever he could.
This was a boy made for laughter, song, and dance. Ratio wants to rage at the world for all that's been done to him.
"I'm wishing,"
"For the one I love."
"To find me -"
His voice is so lovely. There has never been a sweeter thing.
"I'm hoping,"
"And I'm dreaming of -"
"The nice things..."
"He'll say!"
Aventurine hums under his breath. Pretty little 'la la la la la's fluttering like bird wings. Quietly, Veritas walks to him, until his hands find his waist and Aventurine's body is plush against his own. He rests his chin on Aventurine's head, and can't help but to echo his song bird's melody.
"Im wishing, "
"... Im wishing..."
"For the one I love -"
"To find me -"
"To find me,"
Sorry this is so self indulgent.
The song is I'm Wishing" from Snow White
I think both Ratio and Aventurine are amazing singers. Just imagine the soft duets they could do.
Also yes they deserve to be soft so. They are soft. And married. (They just dont realise it yet.)
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bedoballoons · 1 year
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Freminets birthday~༺}
A/n: Oh my gosh he's so freaking cute!! Happy birthday Freminet!! This is all super fluffy and sweet!
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You couldn't help but giggle after you had opened the door, the sight of Freminet and his siblings carrying a medium sized cake box all together like it was a precious diamond so silly to you and yet still completely in character for them, "Hello you three! Come on in, the table is all clear. Oh and happy birthday Freminet!" The second he was no longer holding the cake you gave him a big hug, smiling happily while his face turned a sweet cherry red.
"Thank you..." His heart was racing faster than a bunnies and if he was being truthful, just your hug could be considered birthday gift enough. "Sorry...to show up unannounced. I just wanted to share some cake with you...it's a very beautiful cake and I thought you'd want to see it." He pulled away slowly, internally panicking when his eyes met yours...and also completely forgetting he was going to show you the cake.
"Ahem..." Lyney chuckled at his brother's shyness and opened the box for you to see, it was perfect for Freminet! Decorated with fruits and dallops of whip cream, it looked like the ocean, no wonder he loved it so much, "Oh my gosh, that's a gorgeous cake! It looks to good to eat..." The siblings nodded, all of you looking at the cake before Lynette finally went and got a serving knife...
After the cake had been cut you all enjoyed a nice slice and it was just as delicious as it was beautiful! Super sweet and creamy! Of course any awkwardness soon faded away, replaced with tellings of past birthdays and laughter, your home warm and inviting. In fact you'd gotten so caught up in the chatter you didn't even realize it had gotten dark outside until Freminet gently touched your hand and asked if you'd like to go for a walk along the beach with him.
It was pretty cold outside, the ocean breeze chilling you as you walked hand in hand with the birthday boy. It was a feeling like no other...so stress relieving to just listen to the waves as they crashed into the sand and seeing the moon reflect on the surface of the water.
"This...has been my best birthday so far."
You took your attention off the view, looking at Freminet who's cheeks and nose were red from the cold...or blush, either way he looked adorable, "Then let's make sure every birthday is like this one...only better." You placed a little kiss on his cheek and for once in his life, he wouldn't like to be anywhere else...not even underwater, he just wanted to be with you in that moment. As long as you'd let him.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Happy birthday*⁠.⁠✧
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thejournallo · 4 months
Explain the basic: Offerings
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
Offering to deities and entities in general is a practice found in many cultures and religions around the world. Every deity or entity that you make an offering for has its own symbol. For example, Apollo is the god of the sun; music, art, and poetry; writing something or singing for him can be offerings. 
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There are many religions that take on the act of offering as a sign of respect and devotion to that specific religion. Here are some examples:
Hinduism: Offerings (puja) often include fruits, flowers, incense, and food, placed before images of deities in temples or home altars.
Buddhism: Offerings may include candles, incense, flowers, and food, placed before statues of the Buddha and bodhisattvas.
Christianity: Candles, bread, and wine are common offerings, especially in the context of the Eucharist.
Shinto: Offerings of rice, sake, and other food items are made at shrines to honor kami (spirits or gods).
Paganism and Wicca: Offerings might include seasonal fruits, flowers, wine, and personal tokens, placed on altars dedicated to specific deities or nature spirits.
All these religions have common practices that we can see and see over time; all of those are not rules but more something you can do or not do. (Especially because no one has the same opportunities.)
Altars: A dedicated space where offerings are made. This can be a simple shelf at home or an elaborate structure in a temple.
Purity: Many traditions emphasize the importance of purity in the offerings, meaning they should be clean and handled with respect.
Timing: Offerings are often made at specific times, such as during festivals, holy days, or particular phases of the moon.
Intention: The mindset and intention behind the offering are crucial. It should be given with respect, devotion, and a pure heart.
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These offerings can take various forms, each carrying its own significance and purpose. Here's an overview of the different types of offerings and the common practices associated with them:
Types of Offerings
Food and Drink:
Fruits, grains, and vegetables: Often used in offerings to symbolize abundance and gratitude.
Cooked meals: Specific dishes that are favored by the deity or entity.
Drinks: This can include water, wine, milk, or other beverages. In some traditions, alcoholic drinks like mead or sake are common.
Sweets and desserts: Cakes, candies, or other sweet treats, especially those that are traditional or culturally significant.
Flowers and Plants:
Fresh flowers: Often chosen for their beauty and fragrance. Certain flowers are associated with specific deities.
Herbs:: Sacred or medicinal herbs may be offered for their symbolic properties.
Incense and Aromatics:
incense: Burned to create a fragrant smoke that is believed to please the deities.
Essential oils: Used for anointing or in diffusers to create a sacred atmosphere.
Candles and Lights:
Candles: Lit to symbolize light, purity, and the presence of the divine.
Oil lamps: Used in many traditions, often with ghee or olive oil.
Objects and Symbols:
Statues or images: Placed on altars as representations of the deity or entity.
Jewelry or precious items: Offered as a sign of respect and devotion.
Money and Valuables:
Coins or currency: Offered in temples or shrines, sometimes used to support the upkeep of the place of worship.
Jewelry or precious items: Given as a form of sacrifice or in seeking favor.
Actions and Devotions:
Prayers and chants: Recited to honor the deity or entity.
Songs and music: Played or sung as a form of praise.
Dance: Performed in some cultures as an offering of movement and energy.
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Offering to deities and entities is a deeply personal and culturally rich practice. It serves as a way to connect with the divine, show gratitude, seek blessings, and maintain a reciprocal relationship with the spiritual world. The specific items and practices may vary, but the underlying principles of respect, devotion, and intention remain consistent across different traditions.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
The Bake Sale
Husband!Din Djarin x GN!Reader
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Summary: When Grogu brings news of an upcoming Bake Sale hosted by the little school he attends between missions with the New Republic on Nevarro, his father enthusiastically throws himself into baking the the sweetest treats to impress his classmates. Din's devotion to the task makes you feel like there is a third person in your marriage as he constantly asks for your opinions on recipe combinations. Still, you are nevertheless charmed by his determination. Ultimately, while the fruits of his labour are delicious, you soon discover that Din Djarin's love is the sweetest treat of them all…
Word Count:  3.8k ✯ Rating:  General ✯ Content Warnings: One suggestive line, but apart from that, fluff (and cakes) so sweet they might rot your teeth! ✯ Author's Note: Took me like a month, but I finally got around to finishing this fluffy little baking oneshot inspired by a conversation I had with the lovely @suresnips about Din being a chaotic but enthusiastic baker! This one is also dedicated to you, Senna. Thank you for all of your help on TBOBW, much appreciated! Anyway it was a DELIGHT to imagine Din doing something so sweet and soft, now that he finally has his own home. I would love to explore more of this in the future! I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
✯ My Masterlist ✯ Read on AO3 ✯
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Din Djarin is a man who throws himself into any task with every atom of his being. Your riduur’s determination is never more apparent than when said task is for the benefit of someone he loves.
You have been privileged enough to observe Din’s love language firsthand and experienced how his love is all-encompassing, absolute and unconditional without suffocating. You know that if Din truly cares about someone, he will stop at nothing, no matter how tall the task, to improve their lives and ensure their happiness, even if the task demands everything of him for only a fractional improvement in their lives in return. 
That fact is particularly evident when it comes to his son.
Since their first meeting on Arvala-7, Din has been wrapped around each of Grogu’s tiny green talons. The hulking Mandalorian would do anything to ensure his boy’s contentment. 
Lately, that pursuit of Grogu’s happiness involves an activity utterly alien to Din—baking. 
Training his son in the ways of being a Mandalorian is important to Din. A task he has thrown himself into with the absolute devotion it requires. 
However, it is also important to Din that Grogu mixes with other children and learns how others view the galaxy. Din has told you on numerous occasions that he wants Grogu to be the best Mandalorian possible. 
Yet, even more than being a great warrior, it is more important to Din that he brings his son up to have a well-rounded perspective. 
After all, Din would never want Grogu to swear the Creed when he is old enough because it was the only path his father ever showed him. Din is determined to ensure that Grogu wants to be Mandalorian. 
Din is also in the unique position of raising a child who is actually older than him. As such, Din is not blind to the fact that Grogu’s lifespan will be far longer than his. There will come a time when Grogu has to fend for himself. Din wants to ensure that his boy is well prepared for that eventuality. He wants to ensure Grogu is well prepared for the multitude of fates and destinies which possibly await him throughout the galaxy.
That is precisely why Din insists on sending Grogu to the local school on Nevarro whenever there is a gap between their missions with the New Republic. It allows Grogu to be around other children, while also granting you and Din the opportunity to spend some precious time alone together. 
For the few hours that Grogu spends at school each day, you and Din enjoy time together without a mischievous toddler running around and causing mischief. 
However, as soon as Grogu returns from school, Din’s attention is fully turned towards his boy. You love watching Din as he dutifully helps Grogu with whatever projects or homework he brings home from the small school which Grogu attends whenever there is a gap in the steady stream of jobs that flow in from the New Republic. 
You are eager to see how Din is progressing with the task you left him in the middle of when you departed the small cabin you share near the lava flats to pick Grogu up from the repurposed Cantina in the centre of town. 
Din had been busy weighing out the ingredients to make Uj’alayi or Uj cakes, a Mandalorian delicacy that Grogu will take for his school’s Bake Sale. You are eager to see his progress when you arrive home. 
Nothing could have prepared you for the sight that greets you in the cabin’s small kitchen when you return home, however.
You and Grogu can barely stifle your giggles as you notice how the shine of Din’s gleaming beskar armour has been dulled drastically by the flour that, somehow, Din has managed to cake himself in from head to toe. 
“Oh, hi there, you two!” Din exclaims, slightly flustered at your presence, “Wasn’t expecting to see you back so soon!”
“Patu!” Grogu chirps from your arms and nods towards the chronometer on the wall above the stove. 
You smirk at the child’s sassiness, a trait he has learned well from his father. 
“Sorry, pal, I must have lost track of time,” Din apologetically shrugs. 
It is not the first time that Din has unintentionally let time get away from him. Baking the perfect Uj cake for Grogu’s upcoming Bake Sale has consumed Din’s every waking thought for the past few days. You and the little boy who brought home the assignment have served as Din’s tasters, checking each combination of ingredients until he settles on one that he is happy with. 
A few hours later, after dinner, it is a role you find yourself fulfilling once again. 
Usually, you and Din would spend quality time with Grogu, either inside or outside the cabin; mainly in an attempt to wear him out so he settles in his bunk without much fuss.
Tonight, however, as evening descends across Nevarro, you are alone with the tiniest member of Clan Mudhorn. Din has once again excused himself to the kitchen, mumbling something about how he needs to get the combination of nuts and dried fruits just right so that the sticky batter is not overwhelmed and weighed down by the fillings.
You would never have considered Din to be a baker when you first met him. You would certainly never have imagined he would throw himself into the pastime with as much enthusiasm as he has. 
Grogu’s task has seemingly reawakened the passion for baking that had lay dormant for some time. He told you it reminded him of his childhood, and you had learned that food played an integral role in Mandalorian culture. 
Despite his imposing demeanour, you have been privileged to see Din’s softer side evident beneath his armour. As you grew closer to him, you learned that he not only enjoyed baking and cooking but also tended to the assortment of plants he was cultivating in the fertile volcanic Nevarrian soil on his tract of land. 
Your husband is a man of multitudes, and Din continues to surprise you each day. 
As he does, once again, when he stands in the cabin's doorway and softly calls your name. His familiar deep voice travels through the warm Nevarrian evening towards the spot by the pond where you have crouched next to Grogu, who is enjoying his favourite pastime, levitating frogs. 
“I’ll be right back, pal. I think your father wants me to be a test subject for his latest creation,” you say as you playfully roll your eyes at Grogu, who responds with a giggle. 
You cannot help but smile as you return to the cabin, amused by Din’s determination to create the perfect Uj cake. Despite how endearing it is, you cannot help but be somewhat relieved the Bake Sale is tomorrow. If only because you fear the toll it is taking on your husband’s sanity. And his bank balance. 
Even though he is one of the New Republic’s most valuable employees with the wage to match, you fear you may have to take on debt to keep up with Din’s supply of ingredients. 
You hold your breath as you enter the cabin, mentally preparing yourself for the sight you that will greet you after Din’s latest attempt at baking. 
Fortunately, the kitchen is mostly clean. 
The same cannot be said of the man who occupies it. 
Din’s mouth is smeared with batter from his creations. His dark hair, which curls slightly at the ends, is stood up in every direction as though he has been furiously running his hands through his hair in an attempt to calm himself down. Your gaze travels down his body. You notice that he has changed into comfortable cotton clothes. It is an outfit you know is supposed to be cream-coloured, but in reality, Din's garments are stained with various shades of brown from the Uj cake batter.
You cannot stop and gawp at him any longer as Din motions for you to come closer to him. A giggle escapes from somewhere in your chest. You are so endeared by his determination to perfect the recipe. 
“Try this, cyar’ika,” Din rasps as he holds the wooden spoon covered in a dark, lumpy batter towards your lips. 
Din watches as you lick the batter from the spoon he is holding. You savour the sweet flavours as they dance across your tongue, forming your opinions with a thoughtful expression. When you look at Din again, you see his eyes momentarily darkened with an emotion you might even consider lust. It marks the first time he has allowed himself to think of anything except crafting the perfect Uj’alayi for the past few days. 
Before the moment can continue, Grogu chirps from behind the two of you. In response, you and Din hurriedly jump apart as though you have been caught in a compromising position rather than the entirely innocent gesture of tasting the batter. 
The child whines unimpressed at the sight of his buirs dedicating more attention to the Uj cakes than towards him. To keep him happy, you scoop Grogu up into your arms and take him to the fresher for a bath before you put him down to sleep. 
With Grogu finally tucked up between a mountain of plushies, you wander through the narrow hallway of the cabin in the direction of the kitchen. Unsurprisingly, Din is still hunched over the countertop, working on the Uj’alayi. 
“Din, it’s getting late,” you sigh, gesturing towards the chronometer, much like Grogu had hours before. 
“Just one more batch!” Din pleads, turning towards you with a frenzied look across his features. 
You shake your head and let out an exasperated sigh, simultaneously amused and concerned by his antics. Din throws himself into everything with nothing less than one hundred per cent devotion, so you know better than to fight him on this matter.
Slipping beneath the blankets on your own is a lonely, miserable experience. You are used to it when Din is away, of course. But it is a strange sensation to know he is here in the cabin, and yet he is unable to be here with you. 
Too devoted to baking to cuddle you.
You sigh forlornly at the emptiness next to you, a stark reminder of Din’s absence. Hoping that sleep, instead, will cocoon you in its warm embrace…
The other half of the bunk is still empty and ice cold to the touch when your eyelids flutter open sometime later. When you reach out to feel for him, the frigidity of the bunk beneath your fingertips makes it obvious that Din has not joined you. His absence is confirmed when your eyes finally focus and recognise the light streaming in from the hallway outside.
Din is still up in the kitchen. You groan, far too comfortable and warm to truly want to leave. Still, the buckethead’s well-being is somehow more important than your own.
You pad down the hallway towards the kitchen, groggily rubbing your eyes as you go. As expected, Din is still furiously mixing the batter.
“Din, have you seen the time?” you ask exasperatedly. Despite the late hour, Din is determined to perfect the recipe ahead of the Bake Sale. 
“I have to get it perfect,” he mutters, shaking his head in exasperation as he looms over the mixing bowl. 
“Darling, you look exhausted,” you whisper against Din’s neck as you wrap your hands around his waist, looking concernedly at the dark bags underneath his eyes as you pepper kisses along his neck. 
It might be a shameless attempt to seduce him. At least it would get him into your bunk. Still, Din is too hyper-focused on baking to acknowledge your advances.
“I’m fine,” he huffs, continuing to mix the batter, “Go back to sleep.”
You shake your head and retreat, knowing when you are not wanted. You know that Din will make it up to you and apologise once the Bake Sale is over. Although if he offers to bake you something to make up for his behaviour over the past few days, you may resort to using one of his weapons against him… 
You drift off for the second time, fantasising about which blaster from his armoury you would turn your hand to first…
When the alarm sounds next to your bed the next morning you thrust a clumsy hand towards the buttons to turn it off. You immediately notice that you are, once again, alone.
Din is nowhere to be seen.
It is a miracle that he hasn’t burned the cabin down.
Before waking Grogu up, you decide to see what kind of condition his silly buir is in. The rage that burns in your belly is extinguished the second you make it to the kitchen and lay eyes upon the adorable sight before you.
The golden light streaming in through the windows illuminates the entire room, where Din is slumped over the kitchen table, surrounded by plates piled high with Uj cakes. You shake your head and smile at him, not wanting to wake him just yet.
You busy yourself by getting Grogu up and ready for school, which is easier said than done, considering how lazy the child can be at times. 
When you return to the kitchen, you place a soft kiss on Din’s forehead. He stirs slightly, warm brown eyes flecked with honey in the sunlight and as thick with sleep as Uj’alayi batter. 
“Come on, sleepyhead,” you grin when Din finally focuses on you, “We need to leave for the Bake Sale in a few minutes.”
While Din dashes to the fresher and hurriedly pulls his beskar’gam on, you carefully pack up the Uj cakes. Grogu watches you, doing his best impression of a Porg as he looks up at you with pleading eyes, desperate for a taste of the sweet snack.
“You can have one later, Grogu,” you tell him, tone firm. 
You ignore Grogu’s whines as Din reappears, fully armoured and ready for the Bake Sale. Enthusiastic, despite how little he has slept.
The enthusiasm gives way to darker emotions when you and Din finally make it to the town centre of Nevarro.
As you begin setting up your stall, it appears that the other parents at Grogu’s school have not taken the assignment as seriously as your household. Most of them, it transpires, have used self-rising mixtures to hastily contribute to the Bake Sale. A fact that disappoints you as you watch them setting up their respective stalls, ready for the children to take over shortly.
Only Din had taken the task seriously, a fact that fills you with pride rather than embarrassment. How lucky are you to have someone as dedicated and driven as your riduur?
Despite how much more impressive your wares are than other stalls, the flow of customers is slow at first. Not helped by the fact that every unfortunate soul who comes to examine the Uj’alayi gets a lecture on their origins from an overly enthusiastic, sleep-deprived Mandalorian. 
When Grogu and his classmates appear to take over from their parents, you and Din make yourselves scarce. It is their Bake Sale, after all. 
You are intent on enjoying the rest of the fair; by exploring the stalls, sampling the food and playing traditional games which have been set up by the children.
You begin wandering through the fair, appreciating the effort that has gone into each stall. The children deserve a better school building and you have no doubt the fair will raise enough money to move them out of the former cantina.
But, when you do not feel the presence of your riduur at your side, you halt in your tracks and look around for him as panic sets in. 
Being the only Mandalorian on Nevarro, Din is not difficult to spot. You discover him pacing up and down, arms behind his back and helmet tilted in the direction of the stall. Although you cannot see his face, you are fairly certain that anxiety lingers behind the blackness of his T-visor. 
“Din, why don’t we go and enjoy some of the other stalls?” you plead, hoping that Din will relax and enjoy what should have been a fun event. 
Din shakes his head, “Can’t,” he murmurs. 
“Standing and watching them is not going to make them sell any quicker,” you huff, growing increasingly exasperated by his antics.
“You go on, I’ll catch up to you,” Din murmurs as he waves you away absentmindedly.
“Please, Din,” you beg, reaching out to take his gloved hand in yours, forcing him to look at you, “You’ve been so preoccupied with those kriffing Uj’alayi, it’s like you’ve been having an affair! Now that they’re finally out of your hands, can’t we please spend some time together?” you plead, hating how desperate you sound.
Din stands there motionless for a few seconds. Your breath catches in your throat as you notice him clenching and unclenching his fists at his sides, a mannerism of his that you have come to understand is a sign of anxiety. Your heart drops as you realise you have upset him.
“Of course, cyare,” Din finally breathes, clearly conciliatory and not annoyed as you had feared, “I'm sorry for neglecting you. Let's go."
Din follows you without hesitation.
You are ecstatic at finally having a chance to enjoy the delights of the fair. So much effort has been put into organising such an event by the people of Nevarro, and you are happy to support them.
The Mandalorian by your side seems less awed by the assortment of stalls, however. The various traditional games and food are tricky for Din to enjoy from behind his helmet.
There is one stall you suspect he may succeed at, however. 
Your eyes lock onto a high striker, a familiar game synonymous with fairs. You stand back, watching a man cockily sidle up towards the stall. After exchanging credits, he picks up a heavy mallet and nods towards the woman who accompanies him. You think you sense him straining under the weight slightly. Especially when he draws it back to strike the base of a tower with a heavy mallet.
The puck rises pathetically, not even managing a third of the tower's height. Yet, if struck with enough force, the puck would strike a bell and the competitor wins a prize.
You do not doubt that Din could win. 
“Din, why don’t you have a go?” you nod in the direction of the high striker.
Din looks towards the stall, as the man who just attempted it murmurs something about how they are rigged. You aren’t so sure, convinced that your hulking Mandalorian could win you a prize.
“Sure,” Din shrugs, clearly not fazed by such a challenge.
Unlike the cockiness of the previous contender, Din approaches the stall with his usual calm, understated confidence. You enjoy watching him swagger towards the man, getting a kick out of the fact he is all yours. 
After exchanging credits, Din picks up the mallet without a hint of strain, nodding towards you as he raises it above his head. Sure enough, when he brings it back down in one smooth movement and strikes the base of the tower, the puck seamlessly rises to the top and strikes the bell. Announcing Din’s victory to the entire fair with a ding, to which he receives a smattering of applause.
“Congratulations!” the stall owner chirps, “Which prize would you like?”
The man gestures towards a collection of brightly coloured plushies in various shapes and sizes. Your eyes roam across them, stunned by the collection. 
“I want that one,” Din nods without hesitation, pointing towards a bright green frog plushie. 
You smile, knowing precisely who that is for. Grogu can barely sleep in his cot as it is, but you have no doubt he will find room. Especially for a frog. 
Yet, Din is unable to bask in the glory of his victory for much longer. A familiar booming voice behind you soon causes both of you to turn around.
“Mando!” High Magistrate Greef Karga exclaims, “I hear your Uj’alayi went down a treat. Perhaps if your job with the New Republic does not work out, a future as a baker lies ahead of you,” the kindly old man chuckles as he brings a hand to clasp Din’s vambrace in greeting.
“Seriously?!” Din questions, clearly taken aback by the apparent success of his Uj’alayi. 
“All sold out! Before I even got a chance, can you believe that?” Greef smirks, “Perhaps you’ll have to bake me some?”
You cannot help the way your entire body tenses up at the thought of your kitchen once again being overtaken by Din baking. Still, as Greef disappears into the crowd, those thoughts are far from your mind as Din laces his fingers with yours. 
Now he has confirmation that the Uj’alayi were a hit, perhaps your husband will finally return to you.
As you stroll through the remainder of the stalls together, the sweet treats that Din had been so preoccupied with are far from your mind. The sweetest thing is being in his presence, proudly strolling around the Bake Sale and being unable to stop the feeling of pride that spreads through your chest at the knowledge this man is yours.
No matter how many passersby stare at him admiringly, Din Djarin’s heart belongs only to you. 
Later that evening, the two of you are standing in your kitchen back at your cabin long after the sun has set. Din is clearly in a pensive mood as you work together, drying the last of the plates which you used for the Bake Sale. 
“Cyare, I’m sorry for being so focused on making the Uj Cakes that you felt neglected,“ Din offers apologetically.
“It’s okay, Din,” you smile, “Thank you for apologising.”
“I was thinking,” Din pauses, raising a single eyebrow cheekily at you, “That I could bake you a cake to make up for it.”
“Din Djarin, you better sleep with one eye open tonight or so help me Maker, I will help myself to your arsenal!”
“I’d like to see you try,” Din smirks smugly, as he snakes his arms around your waist and brings his lips to yours. 
The sound of your laughter carries throughout the cabin, all the way to Grogu in his room. Cuddled up to his new froggy friend, with his little belly full of Uj cakes, he is blissfully unaware of the strain his school’s Bake Sale placed upon his parents’ marriage.
Follow @thefrogdalorianfics for updates on my latest fics!
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maremartinelli · 6 months
Sirius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Y/n has a busy week due to her work as head girl and her boyfriend gives her a little surprise to make her relax.
Words: 800+
Warnings: Mention of music, cuteness, couple in love and very much in love.
Author: English is not my first language, I apologize if I get any spelling or typing errors. Second, I know that the song mentioned probably didn't exist in 1970 and some broken, But I like her so much that I need to put her here. And finally, have fun reading!!
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Head girl's job was really difficult.
In addition to monitoring at night, helping the first year students with their subjects, making weekly reports and organizing the common room every night, there were also boring meetings that took place every Tuesday and Thursday and took up at least two hours of the precious night.
Y/n loved the position, but lately the work has been too big and is taking a lot out of her.
Not that Remus didn't help her with matters, but she wanted everything to go impeccably. What was causing the girl's energy to run out quickly.
At the moment, Y/n was walking up the stairs to her dorm so tired that if she closed her eyes for 1 second she would fall asleep right there.
As she slowly opened the door to the dormitory she shared with Lily and Marlene, she could see that it was empty. She deduced that Lily was with James and the other boys in their dorm and Marlene had sneaked into Dorcas' room. Which she did a lot of in the last few days.
Y/n laughed lightly, imagining Marlene and walked to her bed, which had an object on top of her pillow that was delicately exposed on top of the sheets.
"Oh, let's see what's here" She whispers to herself and walks over to take a closer look.
She smiles when she finds a small bouquet of red roses and a note from her boyfriend.
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The smile widens when she finishes reading the message he had.
She and Sirius had been in a relationship for 2 and a half years and he never stopped being romantic. The dark-haired boy's favorite act of love was certainly gifts and quality time.
Even though she's tired, she takes a quick shower and puts on some warmer clothes to go meet Sirius.
The weather in Scotland was starting to cool down and the night wind was colder than at other times of the year.
As soon as she grabs the denim jacket she had stolen from Sirius, she leaves the dorm and walks towards the astronomy tower in silent steps. The curfew had already rung and so all students were supposed to be in their dorms and at most in the common room. Which was not the case for the couple.
Upon arriving at the staircase that led to the top of the tower, Y/n hugs her coat tighter and asks for Sirius.
"Siri love, are you there?!" She says as soon as she reaches the last step of the staircase and sees a tall silhouette with long hair facing away from her.
"Hey! I'm here, my love" he turns around and then meets his girlfriend.
He approaches his girl with a charming and passionate smile on his lips.
"Babe, what's all this?!" Y/n exclaims as she looks around and feels Sirius wrapping his arms around her waist.
"I made a little surprise for my love. I know how tired she is and how hard it is to be our head girl." He smiles and then places a passionate kiss on the girl's cheek, leaving only one arm around her and guiding her to the small picnic he had made on the tower's balcony. "Did you like it?"
On the floor was a burgundy tablecloth laid out with several small portions of food. Cake, cookies, pie, sandwiches and double pieces of some fruits. Not to mention a liter of wine with two glasses, which he probably stole from a teacher or entered Filch's room.
"Do I like it? I loved it" Y/n looks at everything with a charm in her eyes, while Sirius looked at her.
With that, Making Love Out Of Nothing At All started playing on the record player that Black had taken upstairs too.
"Oh my God!!" Y/n turns to see where the music was coming from, a smile on her face. "It's my favorite!!"
"I know" Sirius looks lovingly at his girlfriend and a passionate smile on his face. "Grant me a dance, prefect?!" He puts one arm behind him and extends his other hand in front of his girlfriend.
Y/n smiles, looking into her lover's eyes and nodding.
"Absolutely, my love" She takes Sirius' hand and he leads her to the middle of the tower, placing both his hands on her waist, while Y/n puts both her arms around the boy's neck.
"And I know just where to touch you..." Sirius sings in a low tone, while resting his forehead against hers.
"And I know just what to prove..." Y/n sings a part and smiles, closing her eyes.
As the music played, the two moved to the rhythm of the melody and whispered excerpts of the song to each other.
Every time I see you, all the rays of the sun are
Streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes
Like a spotlight
"I love you to no end, my sweet girl," Sirius whispers in her ear.
She smiles shyly and leans into him.
"I love you, my sweet boy" she smiles and seals their lips with a kiss with a lot of feeling and shared love.
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Author: I was a writing tutor for a few months when I was in high school, and seriously, it's stressful. Lucky you get some extracurricular hours.🙏🏽🫂
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cocteaucherry · 8 months
posting things from the drafts <3
gojo x gn!culinary arts reader
cw- inaccurate depictions of culinary school, gojo being a fiend,
Gojo was ecstatic you wanted to go try going back to school, he preferred you wanting to go in a less dangerous field anyways (even though you’ve expressed multiple times you could hold your own) He was just nervous anytime you were sent on dangerous missions, blowing up your phone every five minutes.
You had sat down with him expressing every option and each field you could go into, bouncing from math to science you ultimately decided on Culinary Arts. Satoru decided selfishly that was the best thing he ever did in his life.
Each day when you came back from classes a new sweet treat appeared in your hands, your first week you bought home half a fruit tart. You were very self conscious since your instructor insulted your knife skills when it came to the fruits.
Satoru didn’t care though, the next morning you woke up to find only crumbs left in the container. The second week you had learned to make caramel and various candies, every time you left your precious sweets unattended your not so precious boyfriend mauled them down.
“Satoru! Did you seriously eat the rest of my caramel candies?” You asked obviously knowing the answer, “ermm.. no! What are these candies you speak of?” He yelled from the bedroom as you stared down at your empty container, “Gojo, be serious!” You heard the bed creak and all of a sudden your 6’3 boyfriend was standing in front of you with the expression of a kicked puppy.
“Hey! What’s with the “Gojo” treatment?” He whined leaning against the counter, his arms crossed across his chest, “You'll return to Satoru status once you admit your crimes.” You deadpanned crossing your arms, “okay so hypothetically- what if I HYPOTHETICALLY ate them.” “Then im-“ you were interrupted by his finger being placed on your lips, “WHAT if it was some sort of candy stealing curse? That’d be a shame!” He feigned raising his hand to his forehead.
“Yeah you’re not getting that status back.” You sighed walking away hearing him try to plead with you.
His sweet thief addiction only intensified when you had to practice at home, you were instructed to make a two tier marble cake with the design your instructor gave sounds easy? Not when Satoru’s off of work.
“Please baby! Pleaseeeee?” You glanced down annoyingly at the sight before you, on both knees- bright blue eyes peering up and you and snow white hair almost fell over them. You groaned looking away continuing your work to whisk the frosting, “you already licked the bowl AND spindles clean, how have you not crashed yet?” You grabbed the palette knife slabbing a glob of icing on the first layer.
“I’m just a boy and you’re breaking my dreams!” He whined, clasping his hand in a prayer stance, “you’re a twenty eight year old man, and one of the strongest people in the world.. sounds to me you’re alright,” you swear you could see hearts in his eyes, “So you do think I’m the strongest?~” he said in a songy tone.
“Everyone does!” You exclaimed, turning your head away from the icing to check your phone, when you swung your head back your boyfriend was missing and so was the spoon in the frosting bowl, peeping down you could see a large empty hole where the stolen frosting was.
“Toruuu come on!!!” You yelled running down the hall to find him and your stolen spoon.
(id love some more ideass, my ask box is open id greatly appreciate it <33
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grandisknight · 2 months
thinking thoughts / headcanons for xavier’s birthday (10/16)
i do realize his birthday is still a couple months away, but i’ve been thinking about ways his first bday story could go so don’t mind me yapping
+ will edit at a later time, not beta read lol
+ mostly fluff, they’re in love basically
(1) a date in the stars
- starry sound card audio inspired my initial thought (spoiler: he’s in space and leaving a voice message diary for MC, ends with him saying he misses her)
- for his birthday they go to an observatory to admire the stars since they frequently star gaze together anyhow, mc thinks it would be a fun way to integrate their interests and celebrate his special day
- xavier talks about stars and constellations, showing off his profound knowledge in astrology
- he gets quiet at one point when looking at a vast map of the constellations and stars, recognizing where philos once was and if he calculated just enough, he could spot uluru and his gaze softens for a brief moment
- MC decides to give him his gift then, it’s a small box wrapped in a neat bow and inside is a singular star tassel
- she shows her bag and points out how she has one too, so they’re matching; bonus points in that she made them herself (similar to his 3rd annecdote)
- they go outside for air and the cool night sky greets them with a shooting star, she tells him to make a wish especially since it’s his birthday
- he makes an earnest confession while holding her hands and looking only at her, with a sea of stars protecting their heads
- also need him to mention uluru like my life depends on it that planet is so precious to me
- bonus: xavier tells her the moon is beautiful tonight (iykyk) and kissing under the moonlight
(2) party for two, homemade cake for me and you
- similar to how we made a cake in-game for rafayel’s bday ^^
- MC wants to bake xavier a homemade cake!! and tries to be very sneaky about it, not-so-subtlety texting him about cake flavors and what he likes (tbh he’s not really that picky)
- but she remembers he’s been caring for some strawberries out on his terrace alongside other plants
- so she invites him to go strawberry picking (she’ll use them in the cake!) and they have a cute moment, talking about which ones are the best to pick and he offers her one to eat
- a week later, his birthday comes and she surprises him at her apartment under the guise of needing help with something
- streamers and celebration decoration everywhere and her homemade cake plated nicely on a platter
- spoiler alert: he knew what she was up to this whole time, but played along because he adores her regardless
- they eat the cake together but get distracted… (vaguely gestures towards spice here hehe)
- alternatively: this entire scenario but with cherries and making a cherry tart (bc his favorite fruits are cherries) (and we all know how well that went the first time) (wink)
but overall, the greatest gift he could ever receive is mc and time spent with her since to him, time can be a fleeting thing and he’s simultaneously had so much yet not enough left at the same time 🙏^_^
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f1gments · 2 years
Road with a Seaview - Hayakawa Aki
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lil birthday fic for number 1 Aki fan, @meownotgood 💋 💙thank you for responding to my crazy Aki fantasies with your own. I literally wrote this out of my ass lmao so forgive me if it’s not as good. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
content warning: nsfw - smut | vaginal penetration
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Your eyes flutter at the morning sun that streams into the room, the golden light gracing your figure entwined in the sheets.
Warm lips press against your cheek along with the warm breath that lingers as cold fingers gently stroke your face.
Aki whispers out your name, causing you to emit a quiet hum from his touch, stirring you awake. He's kneeling beside the bed with the corners of his lips slightly quirked up.
"Good morning." is murmured in a deep and honeyed tone.
You greet him back with a large and sleepy smile on your lips, before Aki gently pulls you by the wrist with a c'mere, there's something I wanna show you, making you raise an eyebrow curiously but you follow him to where he leads you in the living room.
The aroma of coffee and mouth watering breakfast food hits your senses, and to your surprise there's an array of bacon, eggs, waffles, fruits and freshly whipped cream with an adorably decorated cake on the small coffee table where you usually have your meals.
A few pastel coloured balloons and streamers decorate the walls with Denji and Power who stand there with large grins on their faces and party hats on their heads.
"Happy Birthday!" they say in unison.
You turn to look at Aki as your smile widens. "Did you do all of this while I was asleep?"
He nods silently, cheeks dusting with rose petal pink. "I-I wanted to do something special for you since it's your special day after all." he coughs.
"Hey asshole, give us some credit too, we helped with decorating the cake!" Denji chides.
Power shakes a fist at him, yelling about how humans are nothing but selfish beings that take things as their own without giving credit.
"The only thing you two did do was almost burn down the apartment when I specifically told you not to come in the kitchen." He snapped with a scowl.
"And have many times do I have to remind you about your manners?!" he shouts, making them mumble incoherently under their breaths. You're sure one of these days Aki's bound to get high blood pressure from the amount of shouting he does with them.
You can only laugh at the scene in front of you and reach to give Aki a tight hug. You then lean forward to peck him on the cheek. "Thank you, Aki. This really means a lot to me."
Denji mutters agross at the display of affection before telling the both of you to hurry up and blow out the candles because he's starving.
After breakfast, Aki's standing in the doorway dressed in a casual attire that's all black with his hair down. You think he looks attractive in anything he wears, but you think you like him better like this. He tells you to get dressed.
"Where are we going?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.
"It's a surprise."
The scent of fresh and salty water fills your senses along with the cool sea breeze that surrounds the both of you. You stand in your baby blue sundress, watching as the waves gently crash onto the shore, a couple seagulls circling the cloudy sky.
Calloused fingertips caress your hand that's entwined in his, as Aki gazes at you softly, admiring the way the wind blows through your hair and the delicate sunlight kisses the skin of your rosy cheeks.
It's just the two of you on the short getaway at the beach in his hometown, where Aki decides to have you all for himself. No one else around to ruin these precious moments with you.
A few minutes later, Aki decides to take you for an afternoon drive along the coastline of a small seaside town in the area. One hand rests on your thigh while the other stays fixed on the steering wheel. Earlier he constantly apologized for not preparing something more fancier or of your taste but with an elated grin you shake your head, you assure him that there was nothing that made you happier than being able to spend your special day like this.
You know that today is also the same day that the Gun devil appeared. So you appreciate how much Aki has put thought and effort into celebrating your special day despite the sadness and grief that it brings for him. He never forgets to visit his family's grave on this day and since you've become a part of his life, you usually go with him. 
Love is made from the pressing of swollen lips and the swirl of tongues while a low groan is buried in your neck. It's the slow languid roll of hips in the backseat while your dress is bunched up to your waist and your panties slid to the side as two strong hands grab your waist to thrust deep into you. Thankfully, the windows are heavily tinted to prevent the both of you getting caught by anyone outside. Not that you were parked in an area with many people around.
There's no sound better to Aki than the blissful moans of pleasure you let out that go an octave higher every time he hits the right spot.
He has your dress and lacy bra pulled down to your chest and begins to mark your body with shades of lilac and carnation as his mouth travels from your neck, down to your chest and the curve of your breasts.
His mouth then move to delicately nip at your earlobe, with a gently murmuring, ‘this feel good?
It's the way your eyes are rolled back from how he has you in your favorite position in the backseat - Legs up on his shoulder as he's pushing his hips deeper up into you.
His eyes never leave your figure, back arched and lips chanting his name over and over again like a prayer. A breathy right there, has him hitting the same spot non stop and when a gentle hand reaches to steady itself on his chest while you're looking up at him all teary eyed, has Aki fighting back the urge to cum right then and there because you never looked more beautiful under him like this.
Aki thinks if he were to die right now, he wouldn't mind. You have him wrapped around your finger and he wonders if you realize that. Not when you're desperately clinging onto him - or when the tight walls of your cunt has him drowning in pleasure like this.
Blue eyes that hold a mixture of love and lust look down upon you, his pace never faltering. Aki loves you in many ways - at any time of any day. But he thinks he loves you the most when he's buried deep inside you, eliciting the prettiest gasps and moans from you.
"I love you." he chokes out as his hips stutter and give one hard thrust before he's releasing his white hot liquid into you, to lay on top of you, careful to putting his weight on his arms so he doesn't crush you. He doesn't care to use protection this time because he doesn't want to deal with the hassle of cleaning the seats later on. 
Aki catches his breath, fingers moving to brush aside the strands of hair that cover your face that radiates in the afterglow. You smile weakly at him, cupping his cheeks to bring your lips to his. 
"Happy Birthday." He murmurs, before he deepens the kiss.
You decide that there is no better birthday present than the one before you. It comes in the form of a person who's heart is as wide as the ocean in front of you, if not even bigger. You get the privilege to see every soft and vulnerable part of him. The one where no one else does.
And you couldn't ask for anything more in the world.  
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shammers86 · 6 months
There so much I haven’t fully processed yet about tonight’s episode. First off, Ryan has taken control of the Buddie ship and I’m here for it. Letting him out of PR jail was one of the best things that ABC has done.
One thing I thought about are Buck and Eddie’s (and Christopher’s) safe places. We knew from last season that Buck’s safe place is Eddie’s house. He went there to escape everyone coming over. Well tonight, it was shown that Buck is indeed Eddie’s safe space. He was gone for 12 hours presumably with Buck at his loft. He ran from Marisol and went straight to Buck. And Christopher’s safe space is of course Buck.
The entire Marisol bit had me screaming because it actually made a lot of fanon canon. Like the Catholicism, the fact Shannon got pregnant and they were pressured into marrying. That Eddie is trying to fill the mother void in Chris’ life. And even though Marisol moved in, Eddie legit went “On second thought, no.” Yeah she is gone soon. The nun thing was just the frosting on top of this fruit cake. But also this was indeed tremendous growth for Eddie but he still has a shit load to work out before he and Buck even think about getting together
Buck is such a disaster bi it’s not even funny. Even if he didn’t put a label to his sexuality, bi probably fits. His coming out scene with Maddie (ally Buck really?) was equally funny and heartwarming. She was indeed the supportive siblings (like I have been for mine). Absolute perfection.
The Eddie and Buck loft scene. The soft tones, Buck’s blue sweater. Eddie trying to ignore his phone. The fact that Maddie and Eddie are the two people he wanted to come out to most is indeed telling. My honest opinion? He wanted Eddie to know first but he just couldn’t get it out. Anyways, the way Buck held him breath. Eddie processed the news and never broke eye contact with Buck. As Ryan said, there is no competition for Buck. He loves him either way.
I like Tommy. I love the high school crush Buck has with Tommy and I do like he was willing to give our precious golden retriever another chance. It’s cute and I think it will help Buck really dig deep and realize who Eddie is to him.
The HenRen storyline. It was unexpected and heart warming. They are giving that poor little girl a chance at being loved again and I’m here for it. I also love how grown up Denny is and how much he wants a siblings.
Lastly, the bachelor party is gonna be epic. It’s full of Buddie promo, Maddie finding Chimney and somehow I think Buck and Eddie got drunk married.
With that, I’m going to sleep.
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thebowynntradition · 5 months
The 7 Sacred Offerings
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Within the faith of the Bowynn tradition it is said that the gods ask for only 7 basic types of offering. These seven became the staple of offerings and are called "Tau Numa Abennes", literally The Seven Offerings. The list is as follows
Flowers, Plants, Flora and Foliage. (cut, potted, wreath, garlands)
Uncooked foods. (Fruits, honey, veggies, nuts, grains, herbs,)
Cooked foods. (Meats, cakes,)
The light of a Candle
Libations of all sorts (Anything liquid from water to brews)
Votive offerings and objects (clay, wax, cloth, wood figures. Objects)
There is technically and 8th form which is personal self, often meaning cuts of hair, nails and drops of blood. These are only used to bless and bind with a sacred religious tool and even then, very minimally. The gods otherwise abhor the sacrifice of life and the disrespect of the body. "Your body be a gift from us immortals, defile it not but instead keep it clean and pure.)
Once a year on New Years {Then Ohenn} a great complete set of all 7 offerings is displayed on Altars and is offered to the gods.
During the Holiday of "Kodex Tor" it is costumery to burn what is called a "Tsa'heka" of incense, which is 'bundle of 100 incense sticks." Sometimes a myst will off a Tsa'heka to the gods when casting a particularly powerful spell that is in dire need.
Unlike Wiccans, the gods of the Bowynn do NOT have any one set of particular offerings they require. That is to say there is no need to attribute only certain scents, colors and food to a particular god or goddess. they will accept any offering if given with all respect and love.
As to why offerings are gifted to the Bowynn gods, it's out of love and respect. For they have given some of the greatest gifts to mankind, its only right to give a gift in return. Brea, the goddess of the earth speaks very clear in this when she replied ...
"For all this that I have given on to you, for the life you live, the air you breath and that land you walk on, the light the lets you see the beauty of the day and the night that lets you sleep, would not you give the same to me? Gift to me a stone, a cutting a grass, a plate of your meal, light, waft of smoke. Kind comes in kind my beloved children and in circle again. Give what you can in love and hurt nothing that I have life to. Give to us, your beloved parents, and in kind we will give to you."
As to the "post offering" or to say what happens after offerings are gifted. the goddess Abbennaea clarifies this in her own words.
"Precious child, fret not because that which you offered is still on the plate. For you see, I take not that which you give to us in the mortal world but instead I take its divine essence, its spirit and love that you have given. And I bring it to those of us who you have offered it to. In turn, we the immortals, turn your gifts into that which is good for all, mortal and immortal alike. Only the scented herbs that you burn for us, we receive directly, as it rises and flies to our presence. Then within the turning of a full day and night, dispose of the mortal husk of your offering into a pit in the earth, into the waves of the sea, the waft of the wind or that is most befitting of such a gracious gift. And take heart knowing your gift has pleased us."
So, in a word, the gods take the divine essence of your gifts to them and after 24 hours you may dispose of the food or plants in a respectable manner, as best one can.
With this, we close with the basic outline of the Bowynn faith. Posts beyond this point will deal with the Holidays that the Bowynn celebrate and the Gods themselves in detail.
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theladyofbloodshed · 2 years
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Be Consumed By The Flame - Chapter 3
Thick wedges of sunlight seeped through the gaps in the busy buildings of Velaris as they returned to the city. It was cooler than the weather Nesta had enjoyed for the last two days. The skin beneath Nesta’s eyes was tinged pink and pulled tight from a morning spent in the Dawn Court followed by a day in the Summer Court. Lucien had taken her there after breakfast and they had enjoyed a day spent wading in the shallows of the ocean, feasting on sea food – which wasn’t as bad as she thought – and marvelling at Lucien catching fish with his bare hands to show off. He’d caught brightly coloured fish to show her, before letting them go again back into the waves. The waters of the Summer Court had been so crisp and clear that they were able to stand still in the shallows and fish could be seen darting near their legs in a colourful shoal.
While her own skin tingled from the kiss of the sun, Lucien’s had simply turned golden. Both of them had enjoyed strong alcohol that had been disguised with fruit juice on the beach until they had become giggly and flushed in the afternoon. They had lamented their miserable existences together, taking comfort in the fact their lives were equally abysmal. There was a sort of camaraderie in shared misery. At the first signs of sunset, Nesta conceded that she ought to return despite not really wanting to. She hadn’t missed Cassian. They rarely spent time alone anymore. Now she was shiny and healed, he did not need to ensure she didn’t fuck her way through Velaris. He could devote his time to his precious circle of friends.  
Holding onto Lucien for support, they wove through the gleaming streets of the city. Already, Nesta missed the constant roll of the ocean against the shore, the towering palm trees, and the dusting of sand on the streets. The return to Velaris brought with it a sense of dread that she knew should not accompany her arrival home.
‘Are you ready to do battle, my lady?’
Nesta couldn’t help but snort. Her mind was scrambled from a day in the sun along with lots of strong smelling alcohol. ‘You take on Azriel and Mor. I’ll handle the others.’
‘Even the baby?’
‘Isn’t it disturbing that Feyre is closer in age to her son than her ancient mate?’
‘Your mate is ancient.’
‘Everybody is. Surprised you haven’t turned to dust.’
Lucien made a scorned noise. ‘I will you have know, Nesta Archeron, that I am barely two centuries old.’
She swiped at his arm. ‘Practically a baby yourself despite the fact you groan when you have to stand up.’
‘That’s not old age,’ he said, grinning at her. ‘I’m just lazy.’
Nesta gave him another swat. ‘Stop making me smile. My face hurts.’
She pressed her cool hands against her glowing cheeks, trying to flatten the smile and stop the ache from the skin being pulled taut when it already felt like it was stretched too tightly over the bones.
‘What a positively wicked thing to say. It is my personal mission to make you snort with laughter each time I see you now.’
Elain did not realise how lucky she was to have a male who was so brilliant, so uplifting, waiting for her to notice him. Lucien had made her laugh often during their two days together. He was a silver-tongued prankster who waited until Nesta’s mouth was filled with liquid before he cracked a joke so that she’d spit it out down her lap. He had even made her suck in a breath at a comment so she’d began choking on a chunk of battered squid and Lucien had needed to slap her on the back amidst his laughter.
Lucien held up a hand and Nesta staggered into him. They stood before a glass window. It was the bakery that they had visited a few days earlier. It was readying itself to close for the night, but there were still a few items that would be thrown away lingering in the window.
‘No. I couldn’t eat another bite. All you’ve done today is feed me.’
Lucien paid her words no heed as he peered around the doorway into the shop. ‘My lovely friend here will have the carrot cake and if that’s a macaron, then she will have that too.’
‘I will not. I’m too full.’
‘Ignore her. She’s drunk. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.’
The bakery owner gave a laugh as she boxed up the items for Lucien.
‘I don’t want them.’
‘You will want them later. I know you already.’
When they arrived to the river estate, the conversation amongst the inner circle dried up. The weight of their gazes pressed upon Nesta. She could already see the disapproval seeping from Mor’s thin lips and Rhysand’s tense jaw.
Cassian’s eyes raked over her, assessing for injury, then he announced, ‘You are drunk.’
‘Well spotted,’ she snorted.
Beside her, Lucien pressed his lips together to keep from laughing – and she had to do the same. This shouldn’t have been a funny situation, so Nesta fought valiantly against the urge to burst into giggles once more. She could not look to Lucien. He would make her crack.
‘You know she’s not supposed to drink, Vanserra. What the fuck are you thinking?’
‘I explicitly told Cassian that I did not want Nesta to leave. Worse, you tricked Az into helping.’
The shadowsinger stood in the doorway with Elain peering over his arm to look at them with a pinched expression.
Lucien gave an uncaring shrug. ‘I hadn’t known Nesta was a prisoner who could not make decisions for herself.’
‘She’s not,’ Feyre said quickly.
‘Oh good, because you were not very happy when Tam wouldn’t let you leave the manor, so I’d hate for the same to be inflicted upon your elder sister. She’s already living in a house that she cannot escape from though, so I am a little uncertain on what constitutes a prisoner in the Night Court.’
‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’
If Rhysand did not have his son slumbering his arms, Nesta was sure that he would have stood after uttering those words. Nesta did not like his tone. He gave Lucien the same repulsed look that he had used on her the first time that they had met, condemning him to a life in Rhysand’s disapproval list.
‘Don’t speak to him like that,’ Nesta retorted.  ‘A high lord should have more neutrality when it comes to his court. You’re all ruled by your hearts. My apologies, emissary, for the lack of manners within this court. Feel free to return to the mortal lands.’
She gave Lucien a stern nod that tried to convey to him that she could manage this lot and he didn’t need to be in the firing line any longer. Lucien had never truly been trusted by them, so she could understand exactly why he would be leaving his post. After one day in the Dawn Court, even she might contemplate a life there.
Lucien departed without fanfare. He pressed the box of cake into her hand after giving her a soft smile.
Nesta could feel their judgements of her scraping at her skin. She was a bad person. She had hurt Cassian’s feelings. Lucien had hurt Feyre’s too so by default, it was Nesta’s fault. The arguments were building on their tongues, but before Nesta could be pelted by them, she turned on her heels. ‘Well, I have ten thousand stairs to climb. Farewell.’
Lucien was a fool whose tongue always landed him in trouble. This time, he dreaded that it had landed Nesta in trouble too. He could not help the remark about Tamlin from leaking out. Feyre was blind if she could not see the parallels to her own situation. He had known that Nesta had had her struggles with alcohol after the war, but it was not uncommon for others to numb pain that way. The inner circle never held events without alcohol also being a guest. He had known she was not supposed to have it. If that had been the case then they were insensitive to be drinking around her. But Nesta had not been a shaking, desperate wreck who had clawed at alcohol as a crutch while they languished on the beach. Lucien had been the one to suggest it. She’d sipped her drink slowly and decided that she had drank enough before she was too inebriated. Despite everything, Nesta was capable of making her own decisions too. The Night Court did not know what was best for her.
His knee bounced as he tried to read a report from his contact in the Summer Court. Lucien’s mind was unable to forget Nesta Archeron. He worried for her. It was different to the way that he had worried for her sister in Spring; Feyre was unable to follow simple instructions designed to keep her safe in a world of faeries. It was also not the same worry he had for Elain. Lucien had worried for her thin frame and hollow eyes. Now, she was whole again, but content to hide. The worry that he had for Nesta was because she would stand her ground and bleed to prove a point. The thought of her having to weather the Night Court’s scorn – or face Cassian in an argument – because nothing she could do was right, infuriated Lucien.
What could he do?
Even if he returned to Velaris now, she might have already been sequestered into the House of Wind, with no hope of reaching her to ensure that she was well unless he could brave a dizzying ten thousand stairs.
And after he handed in his notice? What then? He wouldn’t be able to see her again.  
He had made his peace with an unwanted mating bond. He would not burden Elain with his presence any longer. But maybe he needed to burden the Night Court with it to be a lifeline to Nesta.
‘Will you stop shaking your fucking leg?’ Jurian let out something like a snarl. ‘The whole table is wobbling.’
‘Sorry. I’m distracted.’
‘And drunk.’
‘I’ve sobered somewhat.’ Lucien scrubbed at his face, fingers snagging on the ribbon of scar tissue ruining his face. ‘I have a feeling I have made a monumental mistake.’
He shared details of the last two days with Jurian along with his worries that he might have put Nesta in an unfortunate position due to his attempts at lifting her mood. She had reminded him too much of his mother to leave her alone. In a strange sort of atonement for his life, Lucien had reasoned that because he could not help his mother, helping Nesta carried an equal weight. Although he hoped Cassian was not a male like Beron, Lucien had seen the general’s temper, had seen the way he spoke down to Nesta or preferred other people’s company to that of his mate. These small things might have been insignificant, but over time, they would erode her just as they had to his mother.
‘Bring her here if you’re so concerned.’
Lucien’s eyes canvassed the room, from the cracks in the off-white paint of the ceiling to the faded paper peeling from the wall. The chair that Jurian sat in creaked with every movement, the window frame was rotting, and one strong wind might blow the roof off. He could offer her nothing beyond basic safety.
‘She’s mated besides. I can’t steal her.’
‘Who says you’ll steal her? I’d be glad to leave the insufferable righteousness of the Night Court. I spent fifty years trapped with Rhysand, remember? I’ve seen his cock more than I’ve seen my own.’
Vassa, transformed for the evening, strode into the room. She took the seat beside Lucien on the couch then tucked her feet beneath her legs. ‘Whose cock are you discussing today?’
‘You make it sound like a regular thing,’ frowned Lucien.
‘It is for him,’ she replied, inclining her red head towards Jurian on the other side of the room.
He made a noise of protest. ‘No. I said Graysen engages with a pissing contest every time we meet. It wasn’t specifically about his cock.’
Ugh, Graysen. The male that Elain harboured feelings for. Lucien could not understand it. He was one of the dullest people he had the misfortunate in meeting. The male lacked ambition, expected everything to be passed to him by his father’s work, his voice was monotonous, and quite frankly he was rather plain on the eye. Still, that might have been better than a metal eye and a face full of scars on an exiled fae.
Despite the bickering that went on between his two friends that evening, Lucien’s mind was elsewhere. Beyond worrying for Nesta, he could not shake the thought of her cheerful laughter that had reminded him of sunlight. It was so glorious, so unexpected as she tossed her head back and squeezed her eyes shut. Nor could he let go of that wit that he struggled to keep pace with. They had volleyed words back and forth, the conversation more stimulating and engaging than any he had had for some time.
More than anything, Lucien looked forward to seeing Nesta again.
‘Don’t be ridiculous.’
Cassian’s hand clamped around her wrist, pulling her to him in the darkened front garden.
‘It’s ten thousand steps. I’ll fly you up.’
Before Nesta could speak, he’d hauled her roughly against him then pushed off from the stone. Her breath caught in her throat as they flew upwards, the cold air whipping her cheeks, the altitude unbalancing her.
She was unsteady when he put her down on the roof, so Nesta staggered a step forwards, colliding with Cassian’s chest.
‘You see? You’re in no fit state to walk straight, let alone go upstairs.’
‘I am fine,’ she bit out.
Cassian followed her across the roof and into the house. Both of them were warriors with neither knowing when to yield. Nesta already knew that there would be a fight that night.
‘I’ll have Lucien for letting you drink.’
Nesta pushed out a breath. ‘Lucien didn’t let me do anything because he isn’t my keeper, Cassian. I decided to enjoy a few drinks on the beach because I was having a good time. Mor constantly has a glass of wine in her hand and that is fine. You drink every time we visit them. Why can’t I enjoy a few drinks to unwind? I had a lovely time with Lucien, by the way – thank you so much for asking.’
‘Oh yeah. I’m sure you had a great time with another male. Did you fuck him?’
The question absolutely blindsided Nesta. It took her a moment to even process it. She blinked at him. ‘I beg your pardon?’
A slight blush crept up Cassian’s neck but he held her stare. ‘You heard me.’
She turned away from him to begin unpacking her bag – although she wished she could escape somewhere else. Somewhere far away. ‘Unbelievable,’ she muttered under her breath. ‘I will not even dignify you with an answer.’
‘You made a habit of it before.’
Those words were worse than a slap. Cassian knew she hated that part of her history. She had told him once that she wished she had never ventured down that path, had saved her maidenhead for him because he loved her, rather than bouncing from male to male, sometimes two males a night, in her pursuit of drowning out the hatred for herself.
She was too stunned to even speak.
Nesta continued unpacking as she forced away the prickling of tears that were a common occurrence in this relationship.
A hand brushed down her arm. ‘I’m sorry. That was out of line.’
‘Leave me alone.’
‘Nes,’ he continued, trying to link his fingers with hers.
‘Leave me alone.’
Her voice was hard and raw, leaving no room for negotiation. To his credit, Cassian did leave her alone. Faintly, she made out the boom of his powerful wings. Soon, her ears would be burning as he would likely spin a tail about her being cruel, not opening her legs for him after her absence, and not answering his questions about a dalliance with Lucien. If Nesta had said anything similar then she would be hung from the rafters. She was tired of constantly being pecked by them all for not being the female they decided that she ought to be.
She wished she had some plates to break. Lucien had been right when he said she had a lot to be angry about. Life had never been fair to her. Nesta was not Feyre; she could not air out all of the horrible things her mother and grandmama had done to her to make everybody feel sorry for her. It was bad enough that there had been witnesses to what happened with the Cauldron – yet even then, Elain’s experience was somehow made to be worse than Nesta’s. Feyre’s trauma at being unable to help was more important than Nesta actually going through it.
Her bag hit the ground with a bang as she tossed it there.
Feyre had forbidden her from marrying Tomas Mandray. She wondered whether her sister ought to have extended that advice to Cassian too. What did he offer her except heartache? A mating bond did not equal perfection. It provided strong offspring, nothing more.
Tears dropped onto her cheeks as Nesta tried to keep busy in the bedroom by tidying away Cassian’s messes. She could not stop the echoing voices in her head that she always tried to banish.
Not good enough. Embarrassed of your past. Second place to Mor. Shackled to me.
When her tears blurred her vision enough to make her stop, Nesta perched on the edge of the bed with her face in her hands. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t the life she wanted. She did not want to be with a male who made her feel as if she did not deserve him, like he was doing her a favour by being with her. There was always something she did wrong, always a reason to be blamed for something. She had survived the Blood Rite that she had been forced into, but it was her fault that the Illyrians were angry. She had given up her powers to save Feyre and Nyx, but now she was defenceless when they might have needed her skill one day. She had accepted Cassian’s bond, but had been warned to be good to him.
Nesta had not stolen from the Cauldron and killed the King of Hybern to sit here and cry over a male. She was made of steel and flame, made for more than this.
In a sudden burst of passion, she re-packed her bag, ensuring that she could lift it easily onto her back without Lucien carrying it for her as he had in the Dawn Court. Hurriedly, Nesta scrawled a note to Cassian then aimed for the stairwell.
You have done this once before, she told herself. Anger had accompanied her then too, giving her feet wings.
It was better if she did not count the steps. She forced herself to go on for as long as she could before resting a while in one of the landings. It allowed her the chance to steady her heart beat. Nesta pressed her cheek to the cold wall to cool it then she was on her feet again, ready to tackle the next chunk.  On. On. On. Throughout her marching, Nesta was her own support, telling herself that she deserved better, deserved more, deserved a future that filled her with joy. On. On. On.
When her legs began to tremble, Nesta did not force them to keep going. She took a rest again. There was nothing wrong with resting. The corners of her mouth ticked up as she peeled back the lid of the box containing her baked goods. Lucien had been right. She did need them. Needed that sugar to bolster her on the final way. Her tongue traced through the thick layer of icing. She wished she had a cup of tea to wash it down.
On. Nesta went on. Her fingers brushed against a wooden door that felt damp from the cold. A surge of pride built in her chest as she realised that she had managed the stairs for a second time. Her muscles might have been burning and she’d be in agony in the morning, but Nesta had done it.
Her hood was pulled up over her golden hair and pointed ears. A few streets were still busy with revellers enjoying drinks and as she passed the Boar’s Head, Nesta faintly made out the sounds of instruments seeping from the open doors. It was tempting to go inside to bask in the atmosphere that she had once coveted but it would be the first place that Cassian would think to look for her. No, Nesta had to be smart. If she headed towards the south-westerly portion of Velaris, that was where traders were permitted to enter the city. There were roads that led through the mountains towards the Day Court or there was even a quiet port where ships could rest a while. Either of those was a better option than staying here with a male who could always find fault in her.
Sleep had not come. Lucien tossed and turned until the sun came out, worrying over Nesta. He had gotten her in trouble then left her to fend for herself. It was wrong. Lucien had pondered and puzzled on a way to get a message to her – a way that she could let him know that she wasn’t in trouble. Then, the most obvious thought struck him and he’d wished he had thought of it earlier. He would return to Velaris and claim that he had thought that he had left an item in the bedroom of the House of Wind. It gave him a chance to enter the house, to see Nesta with his own eyes.
Lucien waited in the lounge of the crumbling manor until it was an acceptable time to call upon Feyre and Rhys. In his head, Lucien tried to sweep away his worries. Nesta was likely asleep still in the arms of her mate. They had spent a night apart for the first time in months, both had likely jumped at the chance of seeing each other again. He hoped all of his worries were foolish.
When Lucien winnowed onto the lawn of the high lord’s river front estate, the shadowsinger strode from the house followed by Morrigan. She shot him a look. ‘Where is she, Vanserra?’
A crease pressed between his brows. ‘You’ll have to run that by me again.’
‘Nesta,’ supplied Azriel.
A shiver ran down his spine.
The female had nowhere else to go. She’d told him that enough times.
‘Did you check in Windhaven with Emerie?’
‘Obviously,’ seethed Mor. ‘She is not hiding in the library either. She got out of the House of Wind.’
‘Careful, Morrigan. When you speak that way, it really does sound as if Nesta is your prisoner.’
Throwing her hands in the air, Mor stalked past him, saying she didn’t have time for Autumn Court males. It left him alone on the grass with Azriel. Memories of the Winter Solstice resurfaced. Lucien had been unsettled that night too. He had risen from the bed to retrieve a glass of water. Careful not to wake anybody, he had moved like a fox through the house then heard Rhysand berating Azriel for kissing Elain.
‘Where is she, Lucien?’
‘I am unsure why everybody is of the opinion that I should know that.’
‘You took her off the other day.’
Lucien held out his hands. ‘I left her here yesterday. I’ve only come back today because I believe I left a report on the desk up at the house.’
The lie had fallen off of his tongue smoothly, rousing no suspicion.
The shadowsinger scratched the back of his neck. The early morning summer sun was swallowed by his broad wings. ‘Nesta can’t have gone far.’
‘I’ll help you look.’  
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ghostbusterssaidwhat · 4 months
Ray: (about Egon) (angry) “It’s nice to know that my little rum cake, my precious baby, doesn’t get any love when he’s acting like a fruit loop!”
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